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ref: 18b911086631a1ba5b8db386b97da1a6bbe83b84
parent: e31bc9746dab3973c7cdff3fe24adee4c20fab19
author: Marc-Alexandre Espiaut <[email protected]>
date: Mon Jun 4 11:33:47 EDT 2018

Removing DOS code rt_swift.c

--- a/rott/rt_swift.c
+++ b/rott/rt_swift.c
@@ -37,359 +37,6 @@
 #include "memcheck.h"
-#ifdef DOS
-// SWIFT_Initialize ()
-// Test for presence of SWIFT extensions and SWIFT device.
-// Returns 1 (TRUE) if SWIFT features are available, 0 otherwise.
-// Remember to call SWIFT_Terminate() if SWIFT_Initialize succeeds!
-int SWIFT_Initialize (void)
-    SWIFT_StaticData sdBuf;
-    int fSwift = 0;
-    if (fActive)                     // SWIFT extensions already active
-    {
-#ifdef DEGUB
-        SoftError( "SWIFT_Initialize: Already active.\n");
-        SoftError( "SWIFT_Initialize: returns TRUE\n");
-        return (1);
-    }
-    nAttached = SWIFT_DEV_NONE;
-    if (_dos_getvect(0x33) == NULL)  // No mouse driver loaded
-    {
-#ifdef DBUG
-        SoftError( "SWIFT_Initialize: No mouse driver loaded.\n");
-        SoftError( "SWIFT_Initialize: returns FALSE\n");
-        return (0);
-    }
-    // Reset the mouse and driver
-    AX (regs) = 0;
-    int386( 0x33, &regs, &regs);
-    if (AX (regs) == 0)
-    {   // no mouse
-#ifdef DBUG
-        SoftError( "SWIFT_Initialize: No pointing device attached.\n");
-        SoftError( "SWIFT_Initialize: returns FALSE\n");
-        return (0);
-    }
-#ifdef DBUG
-    AX (regs) = 36;   // Get Mouse Information
-    BX (regs) = 0xffff;
-    CX (regs) = 0xffff;
-    DX (regs) = 0xffff;
-    int386 (0x33, &regs, &regs);
-    SoftError( "SWIFT_Initialize: driver version %d.%02d\n",,;
-    SoftError( "SWIFT_Initialize: %s mouse using IRQ %d\n",
-               ( ? "bus" :
-               ( ? "serial" :
-               ( ? "inport" :
-               ( ? "PS/2" :
-               "unknown",;
-    // allocate a DOS real-mode buffer
-    pdosmem = allocDOS(DOSMEMSIZE, &segment, &selector);
-    if (!pdosmem)
-    {
-#ifdef DBUG
-        SoftError( "SWIFT_Initialize: DOS Alloc failed!\n");
-        SoftError( "SWIFT_Initialize: returns FALSE\n");
-        return (0);
-    }
-// SWIFT device supported and attached
-    if (SWIFT_GetStaticDeviceInfo (&sdBuf))
-        fSwift = 1;
-    if (!fSwift)
-    {   // SWIFT functions not present
-#ifdef DBUG
-        SoftError( "SWIFT_Initialize: no SWIFT support in mouse driver.\n");
-    }
-    else if (sdBuf.deviceType == SWIFT_DEV_NONE)
-    {
-#ifdef DBUG
-        SoftError( "SWIFT_Initialize: no SWIFT device connected.\n");
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        nAttached = sdBuf.deviceType;
-#ifdef DBUG
-        SoftError( "SWIFT_Initialize: ");
-        switch (nAttached)
-        {
-        case SWIFT_DEV_CYBERMAN:
-            SoftError( "CyberMan %d.%02d connected.\n",
-                       sdBuf.majorVersion, sdBuf.minorVersion);
-            break;
-        default:
-            SoftError( "Unknown SWIFT device (type %d) connected.\n",
-                       nAttached);
-            break;
-        }
-        fActive = 1;
-    }
-    if (!fActive)
-    {   // activation of SWIFT module failed for some reason
-        if (pdosmem)
-        {   // if DOS buffer was allocated, free it
-            freeDOS(selector);
-            pdosmem = 0;
-        }
-    }
-#ifdef DBUG
-    SoftError( "SWIFT_Initialize: returns %s.\n", (fActive ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"));
-    return fActive;
-// SWIFT_Terminate ()
-// Free resources required for SWIFT support.  If SWIFT_Initialize has
-// not been called, or returned FALSE, this function does nothing.
-// SWIFT_Terminate should always be called at some time after a call to
-// SWIFT_Initialize has returned TRUE.
-void SWIFT_Terminate (void)
-#ifdef DBUG
-    SoftError( "SWIFT_Terminate called.\n");
-    if (fActive)
-    {
-        // free DOS buffer
-        if (pdosmem)
-        {
-            freeDOS(selector);
-            pdosmem = 0;
-        }
-        fActive = 0;
-    }
-// SWIFT_GetAttachedDevice ()
-// Returns the device-type code for the attached SWIFT device, if any.
-int SWIFT_GetAttachedDevice (void)
-    return (nAttached);
-// SWIFT_GetStaticDeviceInfo ()
-// Reads static device data.
-int SWIFT_GetStaticDeviceInfo (SWIFT_StaticData far *psd)
-    memset (&RMI, 0, sizeof (RMI));
- = 0x53C1;                       // SWIFT: Get Static Device Data
- = segment;                      // DOS buffer real-mode segment
-    RMI.dx = 0;                            //  "    "      "   "   offset
-    MouseInt (&RMI);                       // get data into DOS buffer
-    *psd = *(SWIFT_StaticData *)pdosmem;   // then copy into caller's buffer
-    return ( == 1);                  // return success
-// SWIFT_Get3DStatus ()
-// Read the current input state of the device.
-void SWIFT_Get3DStatus (SWIFT_3DStatus far *pstat)
-#ifdef DBUG
-    if (!fActive)
-    {
-        SoftError( "SWIFT_Get3DStatus: SWIFT module not active!\n");
-    }
-    memset (&RMI, 0, sizeof (RMI));
- = 0x5301;
- = segment;
-    RMI.dx = 0;
-    MouseInt(&RMI);
-    *pstat = *(SWIFT_3DStatus *)pdosmem;
-// SWIFT_TactileFeedback ()
-// Generates tactile feedback to user.
-// d   = duration of tactile burst, in milliseconds.
-// on  = motor on-time per cycle, in milliseconds.
-// off = motor off-time per cycle, in milliseconds.
-void SWIFT_TactileFeedback (int d, int on, int off)
-    // Use DPMI call 300h to issue mouse interrupt
-    memset (&RMI, 0, sizeof(RMI));
- = 0x5330;                    // SWIFT: Get Position & Buttons
-    RMI.bx = (on / 5) << 8 + (off / 5);
- = d / 40;
-    MouseInt (&RMI);
-#ifdef DBUG
-    SoftError( "SWIFT_TactileFeedback (dur=%d ms, on=%d ms, off=%d ms)\n",
-               d / 40 * 40, on/5*5, off/5*5);
-// SWIFT_GetDynamicDeviceData ()
-// Returns Dynamic Device Data word - see SDD_* above
-unsigned SWIFT_GetDynamicDeviceData (void)
-    memset (&RMI, 0, sizeof(RMI));
- = 0x53C2;                       // SWIFT: Get Dynamic Device Data
-    MouseInt (&RMI);
-    return ((unsigned);
-// MouseInt ()
-// Generate a call to the mouse driver (interrupt 33h) in real mode,
-// using the DPMI function 'Simulate Real-Mode Interrupt'.
-void MouseInt (struct rminfo *prmi)
-    memset (&sregs, 0, sizeof (sregs));
-    AX (regs) = 0x0300;                    // DPMI: simulate interrupt
-    BX (regs) = MOUSE_INT;
-    CX (regs) = 0;
-    DI (regs) = FP_OFF (prmi);
- = FP_SEG (prmi);
-    int386x( DPMI_INT, &regs, &regs, &sregs );
-// freeDOS ()
-// Release real-mode DOS memory block via DPMI
-void freeDOS (short sel)
-    AX(regs) = 0x0101;      // DPMI free DOS memory
-    DX(regs) = sel;
-    int386( DPMI_INT, &regs, &regs);
-// allocDOS ()
-// Allocate a real-mode DOS memory block via DPMI
-void far *allocDOS (unsigned nbytes, short *pseg, short *psel)
-    unsigned npara = (nbytes + 15) / 16;
-    void far *pprot;
-    pprot = NULL;
-    *pseg = 0;        // assume will fail
-    *psel = 0;
-    // DPMI call 100h allocates DOS memory
-    segread (&sregs);
-    AX (regs) = 0x0100;        // DPMI: Allocate DOS Memory
-    BX (regs) = npara;         // number of paragraphs to alloc
-    int386( DPMI_INT, &regs, &regs);
-    if (regs.w.cflag == 0)
-    {
-        *pseg = AX (regs);      // the real-mode segment
-        *psel = DX (regs);      // equivalent protected-mode selector
-        // pprot is the protected mode address of the same allocated block.
-        // The Rational extender maps the 1 MB physical DOS memory into
-        // the bottom of our virtual address space.
-        pprot = (void far *) ((unsigned)*pseg << 4);
-    }
-    return pprot;
 /* This isn't of much use in Linux. */
 int SWIFT_Initialize (void)
@@ -421,4 +68,3 @@
     return 0;