ref: e864523eed3ac553c77b51baef735bfaf5812029
parent: c7bad8f0e57cca31bc7e7fa162b578b177f4ec37
author: cinap_lenrek <[email protected]>
date: Wed Sep 21 17:47:52 EDT 2016
ip(3): update description of /net/ipifc/*/status format
--- a/sys/man/3/ip
+++ b/sys/man/3/ip
@@ -330,12 +330,12 @@
Reading the interface's
.I status
-file returns information about the interface, one line for each
-local address on that interface. The first line
-has 9 white-space-separated fields: device, mtu, local address,
-mask, remote or network address, packets in, packets out, input errors,
-output errors. Each subsequent line contains all but the device and mtu.
+file returns information about the interface. The first line
+is composed of white-space-separated fields, the first two
+fields are: device and maxmtu. Subsequent lines list the
+ip addresses assigned to that inferface. The colums are:
+ip address, network mask, network address and valid/prefered
+life times in milliseconds. See
.I readipifc
.IR ip (2).