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ref: e4dc3f9bd8bec99b030535012b1546e5baae717b
parent: e5de0d457a42bd4f6e90f3b95a735b51330cc1b2
author: aiju <devnull@localhost>
date: Sat Feb 25 06:54:15 EST 2017

asaudit: check factotum key ; netaudit: mention asaudit

--- a/rc/bin/netaudit
+++ b/rc/bin/netaudit
@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@
 			echo '	someone is listening on port 567'
 			echo '	run auth/debug to test the auth server'
+		echo '	run auth/asaudit to verify auth server configuration'
--- a/sys/src/cmd/auth/asaudit.c
+++ b/sys/src/cmd/auth/asaudit.c
@@ -1,11 +1,15 @@
 #include <u.h>
 #include <libc.h>
 #include <bio.h>
+#include <mp.h>
+#include <libsec.h>
+#include <auth.h>
 #include <authsrv.h>
 #include <ndb.h>
-int havenvram;
+int havenvram, havekeyfs;
 Nvrsafe nvr;
+uchar keyfskey[AESKEYLEN];
 char eve[128];
 Ndb *db;
@@ -42,11 +46,11 @@
 	havenvram = 1;
-	print("found nvram key for user '%s@%s'\n", nvr.authid, nvr.authdom);
-	if(strcmp(eve, nvr.authid) != 0) print("nvram authid doesn't match hostowner %#q\n", eve);
+	print("GOOD: found nvram key for user '%s@%s'\n", nvr.authid, nvr.authdom);
+	if(strcmp(eve, nvr.authid) != 0) print("BAD: nvram authid doesn't match hostowner %#q\n", eve);
 	if(db != nil){
 		auth = ndbgetvalue(db, nil, "authdom", nvr.authdom, "auth", nil);
-		if(auth == nil) print("authdom %#q not found in ndb\n", nvr.authdom);
+		if(auth == nil) print("BAD: authdom %#q not found in ndb\n", nvr.authdom);
 			print("ndb says authdom %#q corresponds to auth server %#q\n", nvr.authdom, auth);
@@ -88,14 +92,143 @@
+	havekeyfs = 1;
+	memmove(keyfskey, aes, AESKEYLEN);
 	if(memcmp(nvr.aesmachkey, aes, AESKEYLEN) != 0)
-		print("key in keyfs does not match nvram\n");
+		print("BAD: key in keyfs does not match nvram\n");
-		print("key in keyfs matches nvram\n");
+		print("GOOD: key in keyfs matches nvram\n");
+	Biobuf *bp;
+	Attr *at, *ap;
+	char *l;
+	int proto, dom, user;
+	bp = Bopen("/mnt/factotum/ctl", OREAD);
+	if(bp == nil){
+		print("can't open /mnt/factotum/ctl: %r\n");
+		return 0;
+	}
+	proto = dom = user = 0;
+	while(l = Brdstr(bp, '\n', 1), l != nil){
+		if(strncmp(l, "key ", 4) != 0) continue;
+		at = _parseattr(l + 4);
+		free(l);
+		proto = dom = user = 0;
+		for(ap = at; ap != nil; ap = ap->next){
+			if(strcmp(ap->name, "proto") == 0 && strcmp(ap->val, "dp9ik") == 0)
+				proto++;
+			if(strcmp(ap->name, "dom") == 0 && strcmp(ap->val, nvr.authdom) == 0)
+				dom++;
+			if(strcmp(ap->name, "user") == 0 && strcmp(ap->val, nvr.authid) == 0)
+				user++;
+			if(strcmp(ap->name, "disabled") == 0){
+				proto = dom = user = 0;
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		_freeattr(at);
+		if(proto && dom && user)
+			break;
+	}
+	Bterm(bp);
+	if(!proto || !dom || !user){
+		print("can't test factotum key: no key for '%s@%s' in factotum\n", nvr.authdom, nvr.authid);
+		return 0;
+	}
+	return 1;
+trykey(int keyfs)
+	int fd, rc;
+	AuthRpc *rpc;
+	Authkey ak;
+	PAKpriv pr;
+	Ticketreq tr;
+	Ticket t;
+	Authenticator a;
+	char *s;
+	uchar chal[CHALLEN], paky[PAKYLEN];
+	char errbuf[ERRMAX];
+	char *source;
+	source = keyfs ? "keyfs" : "nvram";
+	fd = open("/mnt/factotum/rpc", ORDWR);
+	if(fd < 0){ print("open: %r\n"); return -1; }
+	print("trying %s key for %s@%s with factotum\n", source, nvr.authdom, nvr.authid);
+	rpc = auth_allocrpc(fd);
+	if(rpc == nil){ print("auth_allocrpc: %r\n"); return -1; }
+	s = smprint("proto=dp9ik dom=%s user=%s role=server", nvr.authdom, nvr.authid);
+	if(auth_rpc(rpc, "start", s, strlen(s)) != ARok){ print("auth_rpc start: %r\n"); goto err; } 
+	free(s);
+	genrandom(chal, CHALLEN);
+	if(auth_rpc(rpc, "write", chal, CHALLEN) != ARok){ print("BAD: auth_rpc write challenge: %r\n"); goto err; }
+	if(auth_rpc(rpc, "read", nil, 0) != ARok){ print("BAD: auth_rpc read ticket request: %r\n"); goto err; }
+	rc = convM2TR(rpc->arg, rpc->narg, &tr);
+	memset(&ak, 0, sizeof(ak));
+	memmove(ak.aes, nvr.aesmachkey, AESKEYLEN);
+	authpak_hash(&ak, nvr.authid);
+	authpak_new(&pr, &ak, paky, 0);
+	authpak_finish(&pr, &ak, (uchar *)rpc->arg + rc);
+	if(auth_rpc(rpc, "write", paky, PAKYLEN) != ARok){ print("BAD: auth_rpc write public key: %r\n"); goto err; }
+	t.num = AuthTs;	
+	memmove(t.chal, tr.chal, CHALLEN);
+	strcpy(t.cuid, nvr.authid);
+	strcpy(t.suid, nvr.authid);
+	genrandom(t.key, sizeof(t.key));
+	t.form = 1;
+	rc = convT2M(&t, tick, MAXTICKETLEN, &ak);
+	a.num = AuthAc;
+	memmove(a.chal, tr.chal, CHALLEN);
+	genrandom(a.rand, NONCELEN);
+	rc += convA2M(&a, tick+rc, MAXAUTHENTLEN, &t);
+	if(auth_rpc(rpc, "write", tick, rc) != ARok){
+		rerrstr(errbuf, sizeof(errbuf));
+		if(strcmp(errbuf, "auth server protocol botch") == 0)
+			print("BAD: factotum key doesn't seem to match %s (auth_rpc write ticket+authenticator: %r)\n", source);
+		else
+			print("BAD: auth_rpc write ticket+authenticator: %r\n");
+		goto err;
+	}
+	if(auth_rpc(rpc, "read", nil, 0) != ARok){ print("BAD: auth_rpc read authenticator: %r\n"); goto err; }
+	if(convM2A(rpc->arg, rpc->narg, &a, &t) <= 0) goto botch;
+	if(a.num != AuthAs || memcmp(a.chal, chal, CHALLEN) != 0) goto botch;
+	print("GOOD: key in factotum matches %s\n", source);
+	auth_freerpc(rpc);
+	close(fd);
+	return 0;
+	print("BAD: factotum: protocol botch\n");	
+	auth_freerpc(rpc);
+	close(fd);
+	return -1;
+	if(!havenvram || !checkkey()) return;
+	if(trykey(0) < 0 && havekeyfs && memcmp(keyfskey, nvr.aesmachkey, AESKEYLEN) != 0)
+		trykey(1);
@@ -103,4 +236,5 @@
+	factotum();