ref: be7f3fb5e44b3f282a26fa7c6dd50a08677ae069
parent: 9af11534511370520f3fa03224ac5d367a97908d
author: cinap_lenrek <[email protected]>
date: Sun Sep 10 18:35:23 EDT 2017
rename pcf kernel to pc, remove pcf, pccpuf, pccpu64 kernels, update documentation there isnt much of a point in keep maintaining separate kernel configurations for terminal and cpu kernels as the role can be switched with service=cpu boot parameter. to make stuff cosistent, we will just have one "pc" kernel and one "pc64" kernel configuration now.
--- a/rc/bin/inst/bootsetup
+++ b/rc/bin/inst/bootsetup
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
export 9fat
if(! test -f /tmp/plan9.ini) {
- bootfile=9pcf
+ bootfile=9pc
echo 'bootfile='^$bootfile
echo 'bootargs=local!'^$fs' '$"fsflags
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
logprog mount -c /srv/dos /n/9fat $9fat
- logprog rm -f /n/9fat/^(9bootfat plan9.ini 9pcf)
+ logprog rm -f /n/9fat/^(9bootfat plan9.ini 9pc)
logprog cp /n/newfs/386/9bootfat /n/9fat/9bootfat
# make file continous on disk
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
logprog cp /tmp/plan9.ini /n/9fat/plan9.ini
# copy kernel
- logprog cp /n/newfs/386/9pcf /n/9fat/9pcf
+ logprog cp /n/newfs/386/9pc /n/9fat/9pc
# copy efi bootloader
logprog mkdir -p /n/9fat/efi/boot
--- a/sys/lib/dist/cfg/plan9.ini
+++ b/sys/lib/dist/cfg/plan9.ini
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
--- a/sys/lib/dist/ndb/local.complicated
+++ b/sys/lib/dist/ndb/local.complicated
@@ -100,11 +100,11 @@
ip= ether=0010dc724074 sys=fs
- bootf=/386/9pcfs
+ bootf=/386/9pc
ip= ether=0010dc724075 sys=auth
- bootf=/386/9pccpu
+ bootf=/386/9pc
ip= ether=0010dc724076 sys=term
--- a/sys/man/4/tftpfs
+++ b/sys/man/4/tftpfs
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
-echo reboot /n/tftp/386/9pcf. >/dev/reboot
+echo reboot /n/tftp/386/9pc. >/dev/reboot
.B /sys/src/cmd/ip/tftpfs.c
--- a/sys/man/8/booting
+++ b/sys/man/8/booting
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
On a PC, the
.IR 9boot (8)
program is used to load the kernel
-.B /386/9pcf
+.B /386/9pc
into memory.
Once the kernel is booted, it behaves like the others.
@@ -32,8 +32,10 @@
The Plan 9 CPU servers are multi-user, so they do not request a user name
when booting.
.SS PC CPU Server
-Proceed as for the PC terminal, but load
-.B /386/9pccpuf .
+Proceed as for the PC terminal, but have
+.B service=cpu
+set in
+.IR plan9.ini (8).
.SS SGI Challenge multiprocessor CPU Server
The Challenge ROM monitor can boot from the Ethernet.
To boot from the Ethernet, type
--- a/sys/man/8/plan9.ini
+++ b/sys/man/8/plan9.ini
@@ -949,7 +949,7 @@
serial0=type=generic port=0x3E8 irq=5
--- a/sys/man/8/prep
+++ b/sys/man/8/prep
@@ -737,7 +737,7 @@
disk/fdisk -baw /dev/sdC0/data
disk/prep -bw -a^(9fat nvram fscache fsworm other swap) /dev/sdC0/plan9
disk/format -b /386/pbs -d -r 2 /dev/sdC0/9fat \e
- /386/9bootfat /386/9pcf /tmp/plan9.ini
+ /386/9bootfat /386/9pc /tmp/plan9.ini
--- a/sys/src/9/pc/mkfile
+++ b/sys/src/9/pc/mkfile
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
-CONFLIST=pcf pccpuf
-CRAPLIST=pc pccpu pccd pcflop
+CONFLIST=pc pcf pccpuf
#EXTRACOPIES=lookout boundary # copy to these servers on install
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/src/9/pc/pc
@@ -1,0 +1,157 @@
+# pcf - pc terminal with local disk
+ root
+ cons
+ arch
+ pnp pci
+ env
+ pipe
+ proc
+ mnt
+ srv
+ shr
+ dup
+ rtc
+ ssl
+ tls
+ cap
+ kprof
+ fs
+ ether netif
+ ip arp chandial ip ipv6 ipaux iproute netlog nullmedium pktmedium ptclbsum386 inferno
+ draw screen vga vgax swcursor
+ mouse mouse
+ kbd
+ vga
+ sd
+ floppy dma
+ aoe
+ lpt
+ audio dma
+ pccard
+ i82365 cis
+ uart
+ usb
+ segment
+ vmx
+ segdesc
+ devpccard
+ devi82365
+ cputemp
+ apm apmjump
+ ether2000 ether8390
+ ether2114x pci
+ ether589 etherelnk3
+ ether79c970 pci
+ ether8003 ether8390
+ ether8139 pci
+ ether8169 pci ethermii
+# should be obsoleted by igbe
+# ether82543gc pci
+ ether82557 pci
+ ether82563 pci
+ ether82598 pci
+ ether83815 pci
+ etherbcm pci
+ etherdp83820 pci
+ etherec2t ether8390
+ etherelnk3 pci
+ etherga620 pci
+ etherigbe pci ethermii
+ ethervgbe pci ethermii
+ ethervt6102 pci ethermii
+ ethervt6105m pci ethermii
+ ethersink
+ ethersmc devi82365 cis
+ etheryuk pci
+ etherwavelan wavelan devi82365 cis pci
+ etheriwl pci wifi
+ etherwpi pci wifi
+ etherrt2860 pci wifi
+ ethervirtio pci
+ ethermedium
+ pcmciamodem
+ netdevmedium
+ loopbackmedium
+ usbuhci
+ usbohci
+ usbehci usbehcipc
+ usbxhci pci
+ audiosb16 dma
+ audioac97 audioac97mix
+ audiohda
+ archacpi mp apic squidboy ec
+ archmp mp apic squidboy
+ mtrr
+ sdaoe
+ sdide pci sdscsi
+ sd53c8xx pci sdscsi
+ sdmylex pci sdscsi
+ sdiahci pci sdscsi led
+ sdodin pci sdscsi led
+ sdvirtio pci sdscsi
+ sdmmc pci pmmc
+ sdnvme pci
+ sdloop
+ uarti8250
+ uartisa
+ uartpci pci
+ vga3dfx +cur
+ vgaark2000pv +cur
+ vgabt485 =cur
+ vgaclgd542x +cur
+ vgaclgd546x +cur
+ vgact65545 +cur
+ vgacyber938x +cur
+ vgaet4000 +cur
+ vgageode +cur
+ vgahiqvideo +cur
+ vgai81x +cur
+ vgaigfx +cur
+ vgamach64xx +cur
+ vgamga2164w +cur
+ vgamga4xx +cur
+ vganeomagic +cur
+ vganvidia +cur
+ vgaradeon +cur
+ vgargb524 =cur
+ vgas3 +cur vgasavage
+ vgat2r4 +cur
+ vgatvp3020 =cur
+ vgatvp3026 =cur
+ vgavesa
+ vgavmware +cur
+ tcp
+ udp
+ rudp
+ ipifc
+ icmp
+ icmp6
+ gre
+ ipmux
+ esp
+ il
+ int cpuserver = 0;
+ /$objtype/bin/paqfs
+ /$objtype/bin/auth/factotum
+ bootfs.paq
+ boot
--- a/sys/src/9/pc/pccpuf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +1,0 @@
-# pccpuf - pc cpu server with local disk
- root
- cons
- arch
- pnp pci
- env
- pipe
- proc
- mnt
- srv
- shr
- dup
- rtc
- ssl
- tls
- bridge log
- sdp thwack unthwack
- cap
- kprof
- fs
- ether netif
- ip arp chandial ip ipv6 ipaux iproute netlog nullmedium pktmedium ptclbsum386 inferno
- draw screen vga vgax swcursor
- mouse mouse
- kbd
- vga
- sd
- audio dma
- floppy dma
- aoe
- uart
- usb
- segdesc
- devpccard
- devi82365
- cputemp
- apm apmjump
- ether2000 ether8390
- ether2114x pci
- ether589 etherelnk3
- ether79c970 pci
- ether8003 ether8390
- ether8139 pci
- ether8169 pci ethermii
- ether82543gc pci
- ether82563 pci
- ether82557 pci
- ether82598 pci
- ether83815 pci
- etherdp83820 pci
- etherbcm pci
- etherec2t ether8390
- etherelnk3 pci
- etherga620 pci
- etherigbe pci ethermii
- ethervgbe pci ethermii
- ethervt6102 pci ethermii
- ethervt6105m pci ethermii
-# etherm10g pci
- ethersink
- ethersmc devi82365 cis
- etheryuk pci
- etherwavelan wavelan devi82365 cis pci
- etheriwl pci wifi
- etherwpi pci wifi
- etherrt2860 pci wifi
- ethervirtio pci
- ethermedium
- netdevmedium
- loopbackmedium
- usbuhci
- usbohci
- usbehci usbehcipc
- audiosb16 dma
- audioac97 audioac97mix
- audiohda
- archacpi mp apic squidboy
- archmp mp apic squidboy
- mtrr
- ec
- uarti8250
- uartisa
- uartpci pci
- sdaoe
- sdide pci sdscsi
- sd53c8xx pci sdscsi
- sdmylex pci sdscsi
- sdiahci pci sdscsi led
- sdodin pci sdscsi led
- sdvirtio pci sdscsi
- sdmmc pci pmmc
- sdnvme pci
- sdloop
- vga3dfx +cur
- vgaark2000pv +cur
- vgabt485 =cur
- vgaclgd542x +cur
- vgaclgd546x +cur
- vgact65545 +cur
- vgacyber938x +cur
- vgaet4000 +cur
- vgageode +cur
- vgahiqvideo +cur
- vgai81x +cur
- vgaigfx +cur
- vgamach64xx +cur
- vgamga2164w +cur
- vgamga4xx +cur
- vganeomagic +cur
- vganvidia +cur
- vgaradeon +cur
- vgargb524 =cur
- vgas3 +cur vgasavage
- vgat2r4 +cur
- vgatvp3020 =cur
- vgatvp3026 =cur
- vgavesa
- vgavmware +cur
- tcp
- udp
- ipifc
- icmp
- icmp6
- gre
- ipmux
- esp
- rudp
- il
- int cpuserver = 1;
- /$objtype/bin/paqfs
- /$objtype/bin/auth/factotum
- bootfs.paq
- boot
--- a/sys/src/9/pc/pcf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +1,0 @@
-# pcf - pc terminal with local disk
- root
- cons
- arch
- pnp pci
- env
- pipe
- proc
- mnt
- srv
- shr
- dup
- rtc
- ssl
- tls
- cap
- kprof
- fs
- ether netif
- ip arp chandial ip ipv6 ipaux iproute netlog nullmedium pktmedium ptclbsum386 inferno
- draw screen vga vgax swcursor
- mouse mouse
- kbd
- vga
- sd
- floppy dma
- aoe
- lpt
- audio dma
- pccard
- i82365 cis
- uart
- usb
- segment
- vmx
- segdesc
- devpccard
- devi82365
- cputemp
- apm apmjump
- ether2000 ether8390
- ether2114x pci
- ether589 etherelnk3
- ether79c970 pci
- ether8003 ether8390
- ether8139 pci
- ether8169 pci ethermii
-# should be obsoleted by igbe
-# ether82543gc pci
- ether82557 pci
- ether82563 pci
- ether82598 pci
- ether83815 pci
- etherbcm pci
- etherdp83820 pci
- etherec2t ether8390
- etherelnk3 pci
- etherga620 pci
- etherigbe pci ethermii
- ethervgbe pci ethermii
- ethervt6102 pci ethermii
- ethervt6105m pci ethermii
- ethersink
- ethersmc devi82365 cis
- etheryuk pci
- etherwavelan wavelan devi82365 cis pci
- etheriwl pci wifi
- etherwpi pci wifi
- etherrt2860 pci wifi
- ethervirtio pci
- ethermedium
- pcmciamodem
- netdevmedium
- loopbackmedium
- usbuhci
- usbohci
- usbehci usbehcipc
- usbxhci pci
- audiosb16 dma
- audioac97 audioac97mix
- audiohda
- archacpi mp apic squidboy ec
- archmp mp apic squidboy
- mtrr
- sdaoe
- sdide pci sdscsi
- sd53c8xx pci sdscsi
- sdmylex pci sdscsi
- sdiahci pci sdscsi led
- sdodin pci sdscsi led
- sdvirtio pci sdscsi
- sdmmc pci pmmc
- sdnvme pci
- sdloop
- uarti8250
- uartisa
- uartpci pci
- vga3dfx +cur
- vgaark2000pv +cur
- vgabt485 =cur
- vgaclgd542x +cur
- vgaclgd546x +cur
- vgact65545 +cur
- vgacyber938x +cur
- vgaet4000 +cur
- vgageode +cur
- vgahiqvideo +cur
- vgai81x +cur
- vgaigfx +cur
- vgamach64xx +cur
- vgamga2164w +cur
- vgamga4xx +cur
- vganeomagic +cur
- vganvidia +cur
- vgaradeon +cur
- vgargb524 =cur
- vgas3 +cur vgasavage
- vgat2r4 +cur
- vgatvp3020 =cur
- vgatvp3026 =cur
- vgavesa
- vgavmware +cur
- tcp
- udp
- rudp
- ipifc
- icmp
- icmp6
- gre
- ipmux
- esp
- il
- int cpuserver = 0;
- /$objtype/bin/paqfs
- /$objtype/bin/auth/factotum
- bootfs.paq
- boot
--- a/sys/src/9/pc64/pccpu64
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +1,0 @@
-# pcf - pc terminal with local disk
- root
- cons
- arch
- pnp pci
- env
- pipe
- proc
- mnt
- srv
- shr
- dup
- rtc
- ssl
- tls
- cap
- kprof
- fs
- ether netif
- ip arp chandial ip ipv6 ipaux iproute netlog ethermedium nullmedium pktmedium inferno
- draw screen vga vgax swcursor
- mouse mouse
- kbd
- vga
- sd
-# floppy dma
- aoe
-# lpt
- audio dma
-# pccard
-# i82365 cis
- uart
- usb
-# devpccard
-# devi82365
-# cputemp
-# ether2000 ether8390
-# ether2114x pci
-# ether589 etherelnk3
- ether79c970 pci
-# ether8003 ether8390
- ether8139 pci
-# ether8169 pci ethermii
-# should be obsoleted by igbe
-# ether82543gc pci
-# ether82557 pci
- ether82563 pci
-# ether82598 pci
-# ether83815 pci
- etherbcm pci
-# etherdp83820 pci
-# etherec2t ether8390
-# etherelnk3 pci
-# etherga620 pci
- etherigbe pci ethermii
-# ethervgbe pci ethermii
-# ethervt6102 pci ethermii
-# ethervt6105m pci ethermii
-# ethersink
-# ethersmc devi82365 cis
-# etheryuk pci
-# etherwavelan wavelan devi82365 cis pci
- etheriwl pci wifi
-# etherrt2860 pci wifi
- ethervirtio pci
- ethermedium
-# pcmciamodem
- netdevmedium
- loopbackmedium
- usbuhci
-# usbohci
- usbehci usbehcipc
-# audiosb16 dma
-# audioac97 audioac97mix
- audiohda
- archacpi mp apic squidboy ec
- archmp mp apic squidboy
- mtrr
- sdaoe
- sdide pci sdscsi
-# sd53c8xx pci sdscsi
-# sdmylex pci sdscsi
- sdiahci pci sdscsi led
-# sdodin pci sdscsi led
- sdvirtio pci sdscsi
- sdmmc pci pmmc
- sdloop
- uarti8250
-# uartisa
-# uartpci pci
-# vga3dfx +cur
-# vgaark2000pv +cur
-# vgabt485 =cur
-# vgaclgd542x +cur
-# vgaclgd546x +cur
-# vgact65545 +cur
-# vgacyber938x +cur
-# vgaet4000 +cur
-# vgageode +cur
-# vgahiqvideo +cur
-# vgai81x +cur
-# vgamach64xx +cur
-# vgamga2164w +cur
-# vgamga4xx +cur
-# vganeomagic +cur
-# vganvidia +cur
-# vgaradeon +cur
-# vgargb524 =cur
-# vgas3 +cur vgasavage
-# vgat2r4 +cur
-# vgatvp3020 =cur
-# vgatvp3026 =cur
- vgavesa
-# vgavmware +cur
- tcp
- udp
- rudp
- ipifc
- icmp
- icmp6
- gre
- ipmux
- esp
- il
- int cpuserver = 1;
- /$objtype/bin/paqfs
- /$objtype/bin/auth/factotum
- bootfs.paq
- boot
--- a/sys/src/boot/efi/mkfile
+++ b/sys/src/boot/efi/mkfile
@@ -79,8 +79,8 @@
mkdir tmp/386
cp efiboot.fat tmp/386
cp /386/9bootiso tmp/386
- cp /386/9pcf tmp/386
- echo 'bootfile=/386/9pcf' >tmp/cfg/plan9.ini
+ cp /386/9pc tmp/386
+ echo 'bootfile=/386/9pc' >tmp/cfg/plan9.ini
disk/mk9660 -B 386/9bootiso -E 386/efiboot.fat -p <{echo +} -s tmp $target
rm -r tmp
@@ -95,8 +95,8 @@
mkdir /n/esp/efi/boot
cp bootia32.efi /n/esp/efi/boot
cp bootx64.efi /n/esp/efi/boot
- cp /386/9pcf /n/esp
- echo 'bootfile=9pcf' >/n/esp/plan9.ini
+ cp /386/9pc /n/esp
+ echo 'bootfile=9pc' >/n/esp/plan9.ini
unmount /n/esp
rm /srv/$s
--- a/sys/src/boot/pc/mkfile
+++ b/sys/src/boot/pc/mkfile
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
mkdir tmp/386
mkdir tmp/cfg
cp 9bootiso tmp/386
- cp /386/9pcf tmp/386
+ cp /386/9pc tmp/386
cp /sys/lib/dist/cfg/plan9.ini tmp/cfg/plan9.ini
echo wait >>tmp/cfg/plan9.ini
disk/mk9660 -B 386/9bootiso -p <{echo +} -s tmp $target
@@ -86,8 +86,8 @@
mkdir tmp
cp test.iso 9bootfat tmp
mkdir tmp/386
- cp /386/9pcf tmp/386
- echo 'bootfile=/386/9pcf' >tmp/plan9.ini
+ cp /386/9pc tmp/386
+ echo 'bootfile=/386/9pc' >tmp/plan9.ini
dd -if /dev/zero -of $target -bs 512 -count 32768
disk/partfs -m /n/$target $target