ref: b7105fe0662b57689f629ac768dd084f8a1589a4
parent: 8b160d1ea14a47f3e7da4c2484e7d1a8afcb7dd0
author: cinap_lenrek <[email protected]>
date: Thu Apr 4 11:25:10 EDT 2019
xen: remove obsolete TSTKTOP constant
--- a/sys/src/9/xen/mem.h
+++ b/sys/src/9/xen/mem.h
@@ -58,8 +58,6 @@
#define KTZERO 0x80010000 /* first address in kernel text */
#define USTKTOP (KZERO-BY2PG) /* byte just beyond user stack */
#define USTKSIZE (16*1024*1024) /* size of user stack */
-#define TSTKTOP (USTKTOP-USTKSIZE) /* end of new stack in sysexec */
-#define TSTKSIZ 100
* known x86 segments (in GDT) and their selectors