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ref: 9a553462646b5941e1b6e681ce22afa286e77375
parent: 3dc64de2e4b5293506af9d693b7d139fb88b549b
author: cinap_lenrek <[email protected]>
date: Tue Nov 29 16:11:48 EST 2016

devmouse: various bugfixes, simplify

the assumption of only one producer ((abs)moustratrack()) is not true
for external mouse events from /dev/mousein, so protect the mouse state
and queue with ilock().

get rid of mousecreate(), just use devcreate().

reset cursor when all instances of /dev/mouse and /dev/cursor got closed,
instead of also considering /dev/mousectl. the reason is that kbdfs keeps
the mousectl file open. so exiting a program that has the cursor changed
will properly reset the cursor to arrow.

don't access user buffer while holding cursor spinlock! the memory access
can fault. theres also no lock needed there, we'r just copying *from* the
cursor memory.

fix use of strtol(), p will always be set, check for end of string.

keep pointer coordinates onscreen (off by one).

make lastms() function to get the last millisecond delta of last
call for resynchronization.

fix msg[3] buffer overflow in m5mouseputc().

get rid of mouseshifted logic, it is not used.

--- a/sys/src/9/port/devmouse.c
+++ b/sys/src/9/port/devmouse.c
@@ -33,11 +33,11 @@
+	int	inbuttons;	/* buttons from /dev/mousein */
 	int	redraw;		/* update cursor on screen */
 	Rendez	redrawr;	/* wait for cursor screen updates */
 	ulong	lastcounter;	/* value when /dev/mouse read */
-	ulong	lastresize;
-	ulong	resize;
+	int	resize;		/* generate resize event */
 	Rendez	r;
 	int	open;
@@ -44,9 +44,8 @@
 	int	acceleration;
 	int	maxacc;
 	Mousestate	queue[16];	/* circular buffer of click events */
-	int	ri;		/* read index into queue */
-	int	wi;		/* write index into queue */
-	uchar	qfull;		/* queue is full */
+	ulong	ri;		/* read index into queue */
+	ulong	wi;		/* write index into queue */
@@ -69,9 +68,7 @@
 Mouseinfo	mouse;
 Cursorinfo	cursor;
-int		mouseshifted;
 Cursor		curs;
-int		mouseinbuttons;
 void	Cursortocursor(Cursor*);
 int	mousechanged(void*);
@@ -164,16 +161,11 @@
 static Walkqid*
 mousewalk(Chan *c, Chan *nc, char **name, int nname)
-	Walkqid *wq;
 	 * We use devgen() and not mousedevgen() here
 	 * see "Ugly problem" in dev.c/devwalk()
-	wq = devwalk(c, nc, name, nname, mousedir, nelem(mousedir), devgen);
-	if(wq != nil && wq->clone != c && wq->clone != nil && (wq->clone->qid.type&QTDIR)==0)
-		incref(&mouse);
-	return wq;
+	return devwalk(c, nc, name, nname, mousedir, nelem(mousedir), devgen);
 static int
@@ -193,17 +185,6 @@
 		if(omode != OREAD)
-	case Qmouse:
-		lock(&mouse);
-		if({
-			unlock(&mouse);
-			error(Einuse);
-		}
- = 1;
-		mouse.ref++;
-		mouse.lastresize = mouse.resize;
-		unlock(&mouse);
-		break;
 	case Qmousein:
@@ -211,7 +192,13 @@
 		if(c->aux == nil)
-	default:
+	case Qmouse:
+		if(tas(& != 0)
+			error(Einuse);
+		mouse.lastcounter = mouse.counter;
+		mouse.resize = 0;
+		/* wet floor */
+	case Qcursor:
 	c->mode = mode;
@@ -220,34 +207,23 @@
 	return c;
-static Chan*
-mousecreate(Chan*, char*, int, ulong)
-	if(!conf.monitor)
-		error(Egreg);
-	error(Eperm);
-	return 0;
 static void
 mouseclose(Chan *c)
-	if((c->qid.type&QTDIR)==0 && (c->flag&COPEN)){
-		lock(&mouse);
-		if(c->qid.path == Qmouse)
- = 0;
-		else if(c->qid.path == Qmousein){
-			unlock(&mouse);
-			mouseinbuttons &= ~((Mousestate*)c->aux)->buttons;
-			free(c->aux);	/* Mousestate */
-			c->aux = nil;
+	if((c->qid.type&QTDIR)!=0 || (c->flag&COPEN)==0)
+		return;
+	switch((ulong)c->qid.path){
+	case Qmousein:
+		mouse.inbuttons &= ~((Mousestate*)c->aux)->buttons;
+		free(c->aux);	/* Mousestate */
+		c->aux = nil;
+		return;
+	case Qmouse:
+ = 0;
+		/* wet floor */
+	case Qcursor:
+		if(decref(&mouse) != 0)
-		}
-		if(--mouse.ref != 0){
-			unlock(&mouse);
-			return;
-		}
-		unlock(&mouse);
 		curs = arrow;
@@ -277,40 +253,23 @@
 		if(n < 2*4+2*2*16)
 		n = 2*4+2*2*16;
-		lock(&cursor);
 		BPLONG(p+0, curs.offset.x);
 		BPLONG(p+4, curs.offset.y);
 		memmove(p+8, curs.clr, 2*16);
 		memmove(p+40, curs.set, 2*16);
-		unlock(&cursor);
 		return n;
 	case Qmouse:
 		while(mousechanged(0) == 0)
 			sleep(&mouse.r, mousechanged, 0);
-		mouse.qfull = 0;
 		mousetime = seconds();
-		/*
-		 * No lock of the indices is necessary here, because ri is only
-		 * updated by us, and there is only one mouse reader
-		 * at a time.  I suppose that more than one process
-		 * could try to read the fd at one time, but such behavior
-		 * is degenerate and already violates the calling
-		 * conventions for sleep above.
-		 */
-		if(mouse.ri != mouse.wi) {
-			m = mouse.queue[mouse.ri];
-			if(++mouse.ri == nelem(mouse.queue))
-				mouse.ri = 0;
-		} else {
-			while(!canlock(&cursor))
-				tsleep(&up->sleep, return0, 0, TK2MS(1));
+		ilock(&mouse);
+		if(mouse.ri != mouse.wi)
+			m = mouse.queue[mouse.ri++ % nelem(mouse.queue)];
+		else
 			m = mouse.Mousestate;
-			unlock(&cursor);
-		}
+		iunlock(&mouse);
 		b = buttonmap[m.buttons&7];
 		/* put buttons 4 and 5 back in */
@@ -321,16 +280,16 @@
 			else if (b == 16)
 				b = 8;
 		sprint(buf, "m%11d %11d %11d %11lud ",
-			m.xy.x, m.xy.y,
-			b,
-			m.msec);
+			m.xy.x, m.xy.y, b, m.msec);
 		mouse.lastcounter = m.counter;
-		if(n > 1+4*12)
-			n = 1+4*12;
-		if(mouse.lastresize != mouse.resize){
-			mouse.lastresize = mouse.resize;
+		if(mouse.resize){
+			mouse.resize = 0;
 			buf[0] = 'r';
+		if(n > 1+4*12)
+			n = 1+4*12;
 		memmove(va, buf, n);
 		return n;
@@ -459,7 +418,7 @@
 			n = sizeof buf -1;
 		memmove(buf, va, n);
 		buf[n] = 0;
-		p = 0;
 		pt.x = strtol(buf+1, &p, 0);
 		if(*p == 0)
@@ -467,7 +426,7 @@
 		if(*p == 0)
 		b = strtol(p, &p, 0);
-		msec = strtol(p, &p, 0);
+		msec = strtol(p, 0, 0);
 		if(msec == 0)
 			msec = TK2MS(MACHP(0)->ticks);
@@ -480,7 +439,7 @@
 		m->msec = msec;
 		b ^= m->buttons;
 		m->buttons ^= b;
-		mouseinbuttons = (m->buttons & b) | (mouseinbuttons & ~b);
+		mouse.inbuttons = (m->buttons & b) | (mouse.inbuttons & ~b);
 		b = mouse.buttons & ~b;
 		/* include wheel */
@@ -498,15 +457,12 @@
 			n = sizeof buf -1;
 		memmove(buf, va, n);
 		buf[n] = 0;
-		p = 0;
-		pt.x = strtoul(buf+1, &p, 0);
-		if(p == 0)
+		pt.x = strtol(buf+1, &p, 0);
+		if(*p == 0)
-		pt.y = strtoul(p, 0, 0);
-		if(gscreen != nil && ptinrect(pt, gscreen->r)){
-			mouse.xy = pt;
-			mousetrack(0, 0, mouse.buttons, TK2MS(MACHP(0)->ticks));
-		}
+		pt.y = strtol(p, 0, 0);
+		absmousetrack(pt.x, pt.y, mouse.buttons, TK2MS(MACHP(0)->ticks));
 		return n;
@@ -525,7 +481,7 @@
-	mousecreate,
+	devcreate,
@@ -631,36 +587,46 @@
 	if(x < gscreen->clipr.min.x)
 		x = gscreen->clipr.min.x;
 	if(x >= gscreen->clipr.max.x)
-		x = gscreen->clipr.max.x;
+		x = gscreen->clipr.max.x-1;
 	if(y < gscreen->clipr.min.y)
 		y = gscreen->clipr.min.y;
 	if(y >= gscreen->clipr.max.y)
-		y = gscreen->clipr.max.y;
+		y = gscreen->clipr.max.y-1;
-	b |= mouseinbuttons;
-	lastb = mouse.buttons;
+	ilock(&mouse);
 	mouse.xy = Pt(x, y);
+	lastb = mouse.buttons;
+	b |= mouse.inbuttons;
 	mouse.buttons = b;
-	mouse.counter++;
 	mouse.msec = msec;
+	mouse.counter++;
-	 * if the queue fills, we discard the entire queue and don't
-	 * queue any more events until a reader polls the mouse.
+	 * if the queue fills, don't queue any more events until a
+	 * reader polls the mouse.
-	if(!mouse.qfull && lastb != b) {	/* add to ring */
-		mouse.queue[mouse.wi] = mouse.Mousestate;
-		if(++mouse.wi == nelem(mouse.queue))
-			mouse.wi = 0;
-		if(mouse.wi == mouse.ri)
-			mouse.qfull = 1;
-	}
+	if(b != lastb && (mouse.wi-mouse.ri) < nelem(mouse.queue))
+		mouse.queue[mouse.wi++ % nelem(mouse.queue)] = mouse.Mousestate;
+	iunlock(&mouse);
+static ulong
+	static ulong lasttick;
+	ulong t, d;
+	t = MACHP(0)->ticks;
+	d = t - lasttick;
+	lasttick = t;
+	return TK2MS(d);
  *  microsoft 3 button, 7 bit bytes
@@ -680,16 +646,11 @@
 	static uchar b[] = { 0, 4, 1, 5, 0, 2, 1, 3 };
 	short x;
 	int dx, dy, newbuttons;
-	static ulong lasttick;
-	ulong m;
-	/* Resynchronize in stream with timing. */
-	m = MACHP(0)->ticks;
-	if(TK2SEC(m - lasttick) > 2)
+	if(lastms() > 500)
 		nb = 0;
-	lasttick = m;
-	if(nb==0){
+	if(nb == 3){
+		nb = 0;
 		 * an extra byte comes for middle button motion.
 		 * only two possible values for the extra byte.
@@ -704,8 +665,7 @@
 	msg[nb] = c;
 	if(++nb == 3){
-		nb = 0;
-		newbuttons = middle | b[(msg[0]>>4)&3 | (mouseshifted ? 4 : 0)];
+		newbuttons = middle | b[(msg[0]>>4)&3];
 		x = (msg[0]&0x3)<<14;
 		dx = (x>>8) | msg[1];
 		x = (msg[0]&0xc)<<12;
@@ -732,30 +692,24 @@
 m5mouseputc(Queue*, int c)
-	static uchar msg[3];
+	static uchar msg[4];
 	static int nb;
-	static ulong lasttick;
-	ulong m;
-	/* Resynchronize in stream with timing. */
-	m = MACHP(0)->ticks;
-	if(TK2SEC(m - lasttick) > 2)
+	if(lastms() > 500)
 		nb = 0;
-	lasttick = m;
-	msg[nb++] = c & 0x7f;
-	if (nb == 4) {
+	msg[nb] = c & 0x7f;
+	if(++nb == 4){
+		nb = 0;
 		schar dx,dy,newbuttons;
 		dx = msg[1] | (msg[0] & 0x3) << 6;
 		dy = msg[2] | (msg[0] & 0xc) << 4;
 		newbuttons =
-			(msg[0] & 0x10) >> (mouseshifted ? 3 : 2)
+			(msg[0] & 0x10) >> 2
 			| (msg[0] & 0x20) >> 5
 			| ( msg[3] == 0x10 ? 0x02 :
 			    msg[3] == 0x0f ? ScrollUp :
 			    msg[3] == 0x01 ? ScrollDown : 0 );
 		mousetrack(dx, dy, newbuttons, TK2MS(MACHP(0)->ticks));
-		nb = 0;
 	return 0;
@@ -772,26 +726,18 @@
 	static int nb;
 	static uchar b[] = {0, 4, 2, 6, 1, 5, 3, 7, 0, 2, 2, 6, 1, 3, 3, 7};
 	int dx, dy, newbuttons;
-	static ulong lasttick;
-	ulong m;
-	/* Resynchronize in stream with timing. */
-	m = MACHP(0)->ticks;
-	if(TK2SEC(m - lasttick) > 2)
+	if(lastms() > 500 || (c&0xF0) == 0x80)
 		nb = 0;
-	lasttick = m;
-	if((c&0xF0) == 0x80)
-		nb=0;
 	msg[nb] = c;
 	if(c & 0x80)
 		msg[nb] |= ~0xFF;	/* sign extend */
 	if(++nb == 5){
-		newbuttons = b[((msg[0]&7)^7) | (mouseshifted ? 8 : 0)];
+		nb = 0;
+		newbuttons = b[((msg[0]&7)^7)];
 		dx = msg[1]+msg[3];
 		dy = -(msg[2]+msg[4]);
 		mousetrack(dx, dy, newbuttons, TK2MS(MACHP(0)->ticks));
-		nb = 0;
 	return 0;
@@ -799,8 +745,7 @@
-	return mouse.lastcounter != mouse.counter ||
-		mouse.lastresize != mouse.resize;
+	return mouse.lastcounter != mouse.counter || mouse.resize != 0;
@@ -825,7 +770,7 @@
-	mouse.resize++;
+	mouse.resize = 1;