ref: 99ed9623b59b4aa6aa27215785b05f17118f8855
parent: 2723c9fc775c6366011f6915d3ea1aab085a92fe
author: cinap_lenrek <[email protected]>
date: Tue Jun 20 18:28:30 EDT 2017
segment(3): document sticky segment type
--- a/sys/man/3/segment
+++ b/sys/man/3/segment
@@ -68,10 +68,19 @@
.I type
can be specified as
.B fixed
-to create a physically continuous segment with a fixed
-physical base address suitable for hardware DMA access.
-When the segment
-is attached using
+.BR sticky .
+Fixed segments are uncached and physically continuous
+with a fixed physical base address suitable for hardware
+DMA access.
+Sticky segments are like normal shared segments but
+preallocated at creation time and never swapped out.
+Only the hostower is allowed to create
+.B fixed
+.B sticky
.IR segattach,
the address and length arguments are ignored in the call;
they are defined only by the