ref: 986886f2b8ab4a7e1b3d66e99934d8fdab537be9
parent: f7703d6971383c39f981f5676a4e28a6371c3997
author: cinap_lenrek <[email protected]>
date: Wed May 4 12:11:48 EDT 2016
retire the dec alpha port
--- a/alpha/include/ape/float.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +1,0 @@
-#ifndef __FLOAT
-#define __FLOAT
-/* IEEE, default rounding */
-#define FLT_ROUNDS 1
-#define FLT_RADIX 2
-#define FLT_DIG 6
-#define FLT_EPSILON 1.19209290e-07
-#define FLT_MANT_DIG 24
-#define FLT_MAX 3.40282347e+38
-#define FLT_MAX_10_EXP 38
-#define FLT_MAX_EXP 128
-#define FLT_MIN 1.17549435e-38
-#define FLT_MIN_10_EXP -37
-#define FLT_MIN_EXP -125
-#define DBL_DIG 15
-#define DBL_EPSILON 2.2204460492503131e-16
-#define DBL_MANT_DIG 53
-#define DBL_MAX 1.797693134862315708145e+308
-#define DBL_MAX_10_EXP 308
-#define DBL_MAX_EXP 1024
-#define DBL_MIN 2.225073858507201383090233e-308
-#define DBL_MIN_10_EXP -307
-#define DBL_MIN_EXP -1021
-#define LDBL_MIN_10_EXP DBL_MIN_10_EXP
-#define LDBL_MAX_10_EXP DBL_MAX_10_EXP
-typedef union FPdbleword FPdbleword;
-union FPdbleword
- double x;
- struct { /* little endian */
- long lo;
- long hi;
- };
-/* define stuff needed for floating conversion */
-#define IEEE_8087 1
-#define Sudden_Underflow 1
-#ifdef _PLAN9_SOURCE
-#define FPINEX (1<<30)
-#define FPOVFL (1<<19)
-#define FPUNFL ((1<<29)|(1<<28))
-#define FPZDIV (1<<18)
-#define FPINVAL (1<<17)
-#define FPRNR (2<<26)
-#define FPRZ (0<<26)
-#define FPRPINF (3<<26)
-#define FPRNINF (1<<26)
-#define FPRMASK (3<<26)
-#define FPPEXT 0
-#define FPPSGL 0
-#define FPPDBL 0
-#define FPPMASK 0
-/* FSR */
-#define FPAINEX (1<<24)
-#define FPAUNFL (1<<23)
-#define FPAOVFL (1<<22)
-#define FPAZDIV (1<<21)
-#define FPAINVAL (1<<20)
-#endif /* __FLOAT */
--- a/alpha/include/ape/math.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +1,0 @@
-#ifndef __MATH
-#define __MATH
-#pragma lib "/$M/lib/ape/libap.a"
-/* a HUGE_VAL appropriate for IEEE double-precision */
-/* the correct value, 1.797693134862316e+308, causes a ken overflow */
-#define HUGE_VAL 1.79769313486231e+308
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-extern double acos(double);
-extern double asin(double);
-extern double atan(double);
-extern double atan2(double, double);
-extern double cos(double);
-extern double sin(double);
-extern double tan(double);
-extern double cosh(double);
-extern double sinh(double);
-extern double tanh(double);
-extern double exp(double);
-extern double frexp(double, int *);
-extern double ldexp(double, int);
-extern double log(double);
-extern double log10(double);
-extern double modf(double, double *);
-extern double pow(double, double);
-extern double sqrt(double);
-extern double ceil(double);
-extern double fabs(double);
-extern double floor(double);
-extern double fmod(double, double);
-extern double NaN(void);
-extern int isNaN(double);
-extern double Inf(int);
-extern int isInf(double, int);
-/* does >> treat left operand as unsigned ? */
-#define Unsigned_Shifts 1
-#define M_E 2.7182818284590452354 /* e */
-#define M_LOG2E 1.4426950408889634074 /* log 2e */
-#define M_LOG10E 0.43429448190325182765 /* log 10e */
-#define M_LN2 0.69314718055994530942 /* log e2 */
-#define M_LN10 2.30258509299404568402 /* log e10 */
-#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 /* pi */
-#define M_PI_2 1.57079632679489661923 /* pi/2 */
-#define M_PI_4 0.78539816339744830962 /* pi/4 */
-#define M_1_PI 0.31830988618379067154 /* 1/pi */
-#define M_2_PI 0.63661977236758134308 /* 2/pi */
-#define M_2_SQRTPI 1.12837916709551257390 /* 2/sqrt(pi) */
-#define M_SQRT2 1.41421356237309504880 /* sqrt(2) */
-#define M_SQRT1_2 0.70710678118654752440 /* 1/sqrt(2) */
-extern double hypot(double, double);
-extern double erf(double);
-extern double erfc(double);
-extern double j0(double);
-extern double y0(double);
-extern double j1(double);
-extern double y1(double);
-extern double jn(int, double);
-extern double yn(int, double);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#define isnan(x) isNaN(x)
-#define isinf(x) isInf(x)
-#endif /* __MATH */
--- a/alpha/include/ape/stdarg.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +1,0 @@
-#ifndef __STDARG
-#define __STDARG
-typedef char *va_list;
-#define va_start(list, start) list = (char *)(&(start)+1)
-#define va_end(list)
-#define va_arg(list, mode)\
- (sizeof(mode)==1?\
- ((mode*)(list += 4))[-1]:\
- sizeof(mode)==2?\
- ((mode*)(list += 4))[-1]:\
- sizeof(mode)>4?\
- ((mode*)(list = (char*)((long)(list+7) & ~7) + sizeof(mode)))[-1]:\
- ((mode*)(list += sizeof(mode)))[-1])
-#endif /* __STDARG */
--- a/alpha/include/ape/ureg.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +1,0 @@
-#ifndef __UREG_H
-#define __UREG_H
-#if !defined(_PLAN9_SOURCE)
- This header file is an extension to ANSI/POSIX
-struct Ureg
- /* l.s saves 31 64-bit values: */
- unsigned long long type;
- unsigned long long a0;
- unsigned long long a1;
- unsigned long long a2;
- unsigned long long r0;
- unsigned long long r1;
- unsigned long long r2;
- unsigned long long r3;
- unsigned long long r4;
- unsigned long long r5;
- unsigned long long r6;
- unsigned long long r7;
- unsigned long long r8;
- unsigned long long r9;
- unsigned long long r10;
- unsigned long long r11;
- unsigned long long r12;
- unsigned long long r13;
- unsigned long long r14;
- unsigned long long r15;
- unsigned long long r19;
- unsigned long long r20;
- unsigned long long r21;
- unsigned long long r22;
- unsigned long long r23;
- unsigned long long r24;
- unsigned long long r25;
- unsigned long long r26;
- unsigned long long r27;
- unsigned long long r28;
- union {
- unsigned long long r30;
- unsigned long long usp;
- unsigned long long sp;
- };
- /* OSF/1 PALcode frame: */
- unsigned long long status; /* PS */
- unsigned long long pc;
- unsigned long long r29; /* GP */
- unsigned long long r16; /* a0 */
- unsigned long long r17; /* a1 */
- unsigned long long r18; /* a2 */
--- a/alpha/include/u.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +1,0 @@
-#define nil ((void*)0)
-typedef unsigned short ushort;
-typedef unsigned char uchar;
-typedef unsigned long ulong;
-typedef unsigned int uint;
-typedef signed char schar;
-typedef long long vlong;
-typedef unsigned long long uvlong;
-typedef long intptr;
-typedef unsigned long uintptr;
-typedef unsigned long usize;
-typedef uint Rune;
-typedef union FPdbleword FPdbleword;
-typedef long jmp_buf[2];
-#define JMPBUFSP 0
-#define JMPBUFPC 1
-#define JMPBUFDPC 0
-typedef unsigned int mpdigit; /* for /sys/include/mp.h */
-typedef unsigned char u8int;
-typedef unsigned short u16int;
-typedef unsigned int u32int;
-typedef unsigned long long u64int;
-/* FCR */
-#define FPINEX (1<<30)
-#define FPOVFL (1<<19)
-#define FPUNFL ((1<<29)|(1<<28))
-#define FPZDIV (1<<18)
-#define FPINVAL (1<<17)
-#define FPRNR (2<<26)
-#define FPRZ (0<<26)
-#define FPRPINF (3<<26)
-#define FPRNINF (1<<26)
-#define FPRMASK (3<<26)
-#define FPPEXT 0
-#define FPPSGL 0
-#define FPPDBL 0
-#define FPPMASK 0
-/* FSR */
-#define FPAINEX (1<<24)
-#define FPAUNFL (1<<23)
-#define FPAOVFL (1<<22)
-#define FPAZDIV (1<<21)
-#define FPAINVAL (1<<20)
-union FPdbleword
- double x;
- struct { /* little endian */
- ulong lo;
- ulong hi;
- };
-/* stdarg */
-typedef char* va_list;
-#define va_start(list, start) list =\
- (sizeof(start) < 4?\
- (char*)((int*)&(start)+1):\
- (char*)(&(start)+1))
-#define va_end(list)\
- USED(list)
-#define va_arg(list, mode)\
- ((sizeof(mode) == 1)?\
- ((list += 4), (mode*)list)[-4]:\
- (sizeof(mode) == 2)?\
- ((list += 4), (mode*)list)[-2]:\
- sizeof(mode)>4?\
- ((mode*)(list = (char*)((uintptr)(list+7) & ~7) + sizeof(mode)))[-1]:\
- ((list += sizeof(mode)), (mode*)list)[-1])
--- a/alpha/include/ureg.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +1,0 @@
-struct Ureg
- /* l.s saves 31 64-bit values: */
- uvlong type;
- uvlong a0;
- uvlong a1;
- uvlong a2;
- uvlong r0;
- uvlong r1;
- uvlong r2;
- uvlong r3;
- uvlong r4;
- uvlong r5;
- uvlong r6;
- uvlong r7;
- uvlong r8;
- uvlong r9;
- uvlong r10;
- uvlong r11;
- uvlong r12;
- uvlong r13;
- uvlong r14;
- uvlong r15;
- uvlong r19;
- uvlong r20;
- uvlong r21;
- uvlong r22;
- uvlong r23;
- uvlong r24;
- uvlong r25;
- uvlong r26;
- uvlong r27;
- uvlong r28;
- union {
- uvlong r30;
- uvlong usp;
- uvlong sp;
- };
- /* OSF/1 PALcode frame: */
- uvlong status; /* PS */
- uvlong pc;
- uvlong r29; /* GP */
- uvlong r16; /* a0 */
- uvlong r17; /* a1 */
- uvlong r18; /* a2 */
--- a/alpha/mkfile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +1,0 @@
--- a/sys/include/a.out.h
+++ b/sys/include/a.out.h
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
#define E_MAGIC _MAGIC(0, 20) /* arm */
#define Q_MAGIC _MAGIC(0, 21) /* powerpc */
#define N_MAGIC _MAGIC(0, 22) /* mips 4000 LE */
-#define L_MAGIC _MAGIC(0, 23) /* dec alpha */
+#define L_MAGIC _MAGIC(0, 23) /* dec alpha (retired) */
#define P_MAGIC _MAGIC(0, 24) /* mips 3000 LE */
#define U_MAGIC _MAGIC(0, 25) /* sparc64 */
#define S_MAGIC _MAGIC(HDR_MAGIC, 26) /* amd64 */
--- a/sys/lib/acid/alpha
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,205 +1,0 @@
-// Alpha support
-defn acidinit() // Called after all the init modules are loaded
- bplist = {};
- bpfmt = 'X';
- srcpath = {
- "./",
- "/sys/src/libc/port/",
- "/sys/src/libc/9sys/",
- "/sys/src/libc/alpha/"
- };
- srcfiles = {}; // list of loaded files
- srctext = {}; // the text of the files
-defn stk() // trace
- _stk(*PC, *SP, linkreg(0), 0);
-defn lstk() // trace with locals
- _stk(*PC, *SP, linkreg(0), 1);
-defn gpr() // print general purpose registers
- print("R0\t", *R0, "\n");
- print("R1\t", *R1, " R2\t", *R2, " R3\t", *R3, "\n");
- print("R4\t", *R4, " R5\t", *R5, " R6\t", *R6, "\n");
- print("R7\t", *R7, " R8\t", *R8, " R9\t", *R9, "\n");
- print("R10\t", *R10, " R11\t", *R11, " R12\t", *R12, "\n");
- print("R13\t", *R13, " R14\t", *R14, " R15\t", *R15, "\n");
- print("R16\t", *R16, " R17\t", *R17, " R18\t", *R18, "\n");
- print("R19\t", *R19, " R20\t", *R20, " R21\t", *R21, "\n");
- print("R22\t", *R22, " R23\t", *R23, " R24\t", *R24, "\n");
- print("R25\t", *R25, " R26\t", *R26, " R27\t", *R27, "\n");
- print("R28\t", *R28, " R29\t", *R29, " R30\t", *SP\Y, "\n");
-defn fpr()
- print("F0\t", *fmt(F0, 'G'), "\tF1\t", *fmt(F1, 'G'), "\n");
- print("F2\t", *fmt(F2, 'G'), "\tF3\t", *fmt(F3, 'G'), "\n");
- print("F4\t", *fmt(F4, 'G'), "\tF5\t", *fmt(F5, 'G'), "\n");
- print("F6\t", *fmt(F6, 'G'), "\tF7\t", *fmt(F7, 'G'), "\n");
- print("F8\t", *fmt(F8, 'G'), "\tF9\t", *fmt(F9, 'G'), "\n");
- print("F10\t", *fmt(F10, 'G'), "\tF11\t", *fmt(F11, 'G'), "\n");
- print("F12\t", *fmt(F12, 'G'), "\tF13\t", *fmt(F13, 'G'), "\n");
- print("F14\t", *fmt(F14, 'G'), "\tF15\t", *fmt(F15, 'G'), "\n");
- print("F16\t", *fmt(F16, 'G'), "\tF17\t", *fmt(F17, 'G'), "\n");
- print("F18\t", *fmt(F18, 'G'), "\tF19\t", *fmt(F19, 'G'), "\n");
- print("F20\t", *fmt(F20, 'G'), "\tF21\t", *fmt(F21, 'G'), "\n");
- print("F22\t", *fmt(F22, 'G'), "\tF23\t", *fmt(F23, 'G'), "\n");
- print("F24\t", *fmt(F24, 'G'), "\tF25\t", *fmt(F25, 'G'), "\n");
- print("F26\t", *fmt(F26, 'G'), "\tF27\t", *fmt(F27, 'G'), "\n");
- print("F28\t", *fmt(F28, 'G'), "\tF29\t", *fmt(F29, 'G'), "\n");
- print("F30\t", *fmt(F30, 'G'), "\tF31\t", *fmt(F31, 'G'), "\n");
-defn spr() // print special processor registers
- local pc, link, cause;
- pc = *PC;
- print("PC\t", pc, " ", fmt(pc, 'a'), " ");
- pfl(pc);
- link = *R26;
- print("SP\t", *SP, "\tLINK\t", link, " ", fmt(link, 'a'), " ");
- pfl(link);
- cause = *TYPE;
- print("STATUS\t", *STATUS, "\tTYPE\t", cause, " ", reason(cause), "\n");
- print("A0\t", *A0, " A1\t", *A1, " A2\t", *A2, "\n");
-defn regs() // print all registers
- spr();
- gpr();
-defn pstop(pid)
- local l, pc;
- pc = *PC;
- print(pid,": ", reason(*TYPE), "\t");
- print(fmt(pc, 'a'), "\t", fmt(pc, 'i'), "\n");
- if notes then {
- if notes[0] != "sys: breakpoint" then {
- print("Notes pending:\n");
- l = notes;
- while l do {
- print("\t", head l, "\n");
- l = tail l;
- }
- }
- }
-sizeofUreg = 296;
-aggr Ureg
- 'W' 0 type;
- 'W' 8 a0;
- 'W' 16 a1;
- 'W' 24 a2;
- 'W' 32 r0;
- 'W' 40 r1;
- 'W' 48 r2;
- 'W' 56 r3;
- 'W' 64 r4;
- 'W' 72 r5;
- 'W' 80 r6;
- 'W' 88 r7;
- 'W' 96 r8;
- 'W' 104 r9;
- 'W' 112 r10;
- 'W' 120 r11;
- 'W' 128 r12;
- 'W' 136 r13;
- 'W' 144 r14;
- 'W' 152 r15;
- 'W' 160 r19;
- 'W' 168 r20;
- 'W' 176 r21;
- 'W' 184 r22;
- 'W' 192 r23;
- 'W' 200 r24;
- 'W' 208 r25;
- 'W' 216 r26;
- 'W' 224 r27;
- 'W' 232 r28;
- {
- 'W' 240 r30;
- 'W' 240 usp;
- 'W' 240 sp;
- };
- 'W' 248 status;
- 'W' 256 pc;
- 'W' 264 r29;
- 'W' 272 r16;
- 'W' 280 r17;
- 'W' 288 r18;
-Ureg(addr) {
- complex Ureg addr;
- print(" type ", addr.type, "\n");
- print(" a0 ", addr.a0, "\n");
- print(" a1 ", addr.a1, "\n");
- print(" a2 ", addr.a2, "\n");
- print(" r0 ", addr.r0, "\n");
- print(" r1 ", addr.r1, "\n");
- print(" r2 ", addr.r2, "\n");
- print(" r3 ", addr.r3, "\n");
- print(" r4 ", addr.r4, "\n");
- print(" r5 ", addr.r5, "\n");
- print(" r6 ", addr.r6, "\n");
- print(" r7 ", addr.r7, "\n");
- print(" r8 ", addr.r8, "\n");
- print(" r9 ", addr.r9, "\n");
- print(" r10 ", addr.r10, "\n");
- print(" r11 ", addr.r11, "\n");
- print(" r12 ", addr.r12, "\n");
- print(" r13 ", addr.r13, "\n");
- print(" r14 ", addr.r14, "\n");
- print(" r15 ", addr.r15, "\n");
- print(" r19 ", addr.r19, "\n");
- print(" r20 ", addr.r20, "\n");
- print(" r21 ", addr.r21, "\n");
- print(" r22 ", addr.r22, "\n");
- print(" r23 ", addr.r23, "\n");
- print(" r24 ", addr.r24, "\n");
- print(" r25 ", addr.r25, "\n");
- print(" r26 ", addr.r26, "\n");
- print(" r27 ", addr.r27, "\n");
- print(" r28 ", addr.r28, "\n");
- print("_12_ {\n");
- _12_(addr+240);
- print("}\n");
- print(" status ", addr.status, "\n");
- print(" pc ", addr.pc, "\n");
- print(" r29 ", addr.r29, "\n");
- print(" r16 ", addr.r16, "\n");
- print(" r17 ", addr.r17, "\n");
- print(" r18 ", addr.r18, "\n");
-defn linkreg(addr)
- complex Ureg addr;
- return addr.r26\X;
--- a/sys/lib/acid/kernel
+++ b/sys/lib/acid/kernel
@@ -434,10 +434,6 @@
if (objtype == "mips" || objtype == "mips2") then {
kdir = "ch";
- if objtype == "alpha" then {
- map({"*data", KZERO, 0xffffffff, KZERO});
- kdir = "alpha";
- }
--- a/sys/lib/acid/syscall
+++ b/sys/lib/acid/syscall
@@ -160,8 +160,6 @@
return { code(*(*PC-4) & 0xffff), code(*SP+4), code(*R1) };
if objtype == "arm" then
return { code(*(*PC-4) & 0xffff), code(*SP+4), code(*R0) }; // untested
- if objtype == "alpha" then
- return { code(*(*PC-4) & 0xffff), code(*SP+4), code(*R0) }; // untested
defn trapoffset() {
@@ -171,7 +169,6 @@
if objtype == "mips" then return 8;
if objtype == "mips2" then return 8;
if objtype == "arm" then return 8; // untested
- if objtype == "alpha" then return 8; // untested
defn trapreason() {
@@ -181,7 +178,6 @@
if objtype == "mips" then return reason(*CAUSE);
if objtype == "mips2" then return reason(*CAUSE);
if objtype == "arm" then return "unknown trap"; // untested
- if objtype == "alpha" then return reason(cause); // untested
--- a/sys/lib/acid/thread
+++ b/sys/lib/acid/thread
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
defn labstk(l)
- _stk(labpc(l), labsp(l), 0, 0);
+ _stk(labpc(l), labsp(l), 0, 1);
defn lablstk(l)
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@
ign = stkignore;
stkignore = {
- "^/sys/src/libc/(386|arm|alpha|sparc|power|mips)/"
+ "^/sys/src/libc/(386|arm|sparc|power|mips)/"
Tq = (Tqueue)P.threads;
@@ -315,7 +315,7 @@
if T.state == Running then{
- stk();
+ lstk();
} else {
--- a/sys/lib/acid/trump
+++ b/sys/lib/acid/trump
@@ -116,11 +116,11 @@
defn trumpretval() {
- if objtype=="386" then
+ if objtype=="386" || objtype=="amd64" then
return *AX;
if objtype=="mips" then
return *R1;
- if objtype=="power" || objtype=="alpha" then
+ if objtype=="power" || objtype=="arm" then
return *R0;
--- a/sys/lib/acid/truss
+++ b/sys/lib/acid/truss
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@
// translate to ape system calls if we have an ape binary
if _addressof("_EXITS") != 0 then
pattern = trussapecalls[match(pattern, trusscalls)];
- if regexp("(seek|_SEEK)", pattern) && (objtype=="amd64" || objtype == "power64" || objtype == "alpha") then
+ if regexp("(seek|_SEEK)", pattern) && (objtype=="amd64" || objtype == "power64") then
pattern = "_" + pattern;
return _addressof(pattern);
--- a/sys/src/9/alphapc/apc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +1,0 @@
- root
- cons
- arch
- pnp pci
- env
- pipe
- proc
- mnt
- srv
- dup
-# rtc
- ssl
- cap
- kprof
-# loopback
- ether netif
- ip arp chandial inferno ip ipv6 ipaux iproute netlog nullmedium pktmedium ptclbsum
- draw screen vga vgax
- mouse mouse
- vga
- sd
- floppy dma
- audio dma
- uart
- ether2114x pci
- ethermedium
- arch164
- sdata pci sdscsi
-# sd53c8xx pci sdscsi
- uarti8250
- vgargb524 =cur
- vgas3 +cur
- vgas3 +cur vgasavage
- vgatvp3026 =cur
- tcp
- udp
- ipifc
- icmp
- icmp6
- int cpuserver = 0;
- /$objtype/bin/paqfs
- /$objtype/bin/auth/factotum
- bootfs.paq
- boot
--- a/sys/src/9/alphapc/apccpu
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +1,0 @@
- root
- cons
- arch
- pnp pci
- env
- pipe
- proc
- mnt
- srv
- dup
-# rtc
- ssl
- cap
- kprof
-# loopback
- ether netif
- ip arp chandial ip ipv6 ipaux iproute netlog nullmedium pktmedium ptclbsum inferno
- sd
- floppy dma
- audio dma
- uart
- ether2114x pci
- ethermedium
- loopbackmedium
- arch164
- sdata pci sdscsi
-# sd53c8xx pci sdscsi
- uarti8250
- tcp
- udp
- ipifc
- icmp
- icmp6
- gre
- ipmux
- int cpuserver = 1;
- /$objtype/bin/paqfs
- /$objtype/bin/auth/factotum
- bootfs.paq
- boot
--- a/sys/src/9/alphapc/arch164.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,363 +1,0 @@
- * EB164 and similar
- * CPU: 21164
- * Core Logic: 21172 CIA or 21174 PYXIS
- */
-#include "u.h"
-#include "../port/lib.h"
-#include "mem.h"
-#include "dat.h"
-#include "fns.h"
-#include "io.h"
-static ulong *core;
-static ulong *wind;
-static ulong windsave[16];
-static ulong coresave[1];
-ulong iobase0;
-ulong iobase1;
-#define iobase(p) (iobase0+(p))
-static int
- return 0; /* bug! */
-static uvlong* sgmap;
-static void
- ulong pa;
- uvlong *pte;
- sgmap = xspanalloc(BY2PG, BY2PG, 0);
- memset(sgmap, 0, BY2PG);
- /*
- * Prepare scatter-gather map for 0-8MB.
- */
- pte = sgmap;
- for(pa = 0; pa < 8*1024*1024; pa += BY2PG)
- *pte++ = ((pa>>PGSHIFT)<<1)|1;
- /*
- * Set up a map for ISA DMA accesses to physical memory.
- * Addresses presented by an ISA device between ISAWINDOW
- * and ISAWINDOW+8MB will be translated to between 0 and
- * 0+8MB of physical memory.
- */
- wind[0x400/4] = ISAWINDOW|2|1; /* window base */
- wind[0x440/4] = 0x00700000; /* window mask */
- wind[0x480/4] = PADDR(sgmap)>>2; /* <33:10> of sg map */
- wind[0x100/4] = 3; /* invalidate tlb cache */
-static void *
-kmapio(ulong space, ulong offset, int size)
- return kmapv(((uvlong)space<<32LL)|offset, size);
-static void
- int i;
- core = kmapio(0x87, 0x40000000, 0x10000);
- wind = kmapio(0x87, 0x60000000, 0x1000);
- iobase0 = (ulong)kmapio(0x89, 0, 0x20000);
- /* hae_io = core[0x440/4];
- iobase1 = (ulong)kmapio(0x89, hae_io, 0x10000); */
- /* save critical parts of hardware memory mapping */
- for (i = 4; i < 8; i++) {
- windsave[4*(i-4)+0] = wind[(i*0x100+0x00)/4];
- windsave[4*(i-4)+1] = wind[(i*0x100+0x40)/4];
- windsave[4*(i-4)+2] = wind[(i*0x100+0x80)/4];
- }
- coresave[0] = core[0x140/4];
- /* disable windows */
- wind[0x400/4] = 0;
- wind[0x500/4] = 0;
- wind[0x600/4] = 0;
- wind[0x700/4] = 0;
- sginit();
- /*
- * Set up a map for PCI DMA accesses to physical memory.
- * Addresses presented by a PCI device between PCIWINDOW
- * and PCIWINDOW+1GB will be translated to between 0 and
- * 0+1GB of physical memory.
- */
- wind[0x500/4] = PCIWINDOW|1;
- wind[0x540/4] = 0x3ff00000;
- wind[0x580/4] = 0;
- /* clear error state */
- core[0x8200/4] = 0x7ff;
- /* set config: byte/word enable, no monster window, etc. */
- core[0x140/4] = 0x21;
- /* turn off mcheck on master abort. now we can probe PCI space. */
- core[0x8280/4] &= ~(1<<7);
- /* set up interrupts. */
- i8259init();
- cserve(52, 4); /* enable SIO interrupt */
- print("cia error 0x%luX\n", core[0x8200/4]);
-static void
- print("cpu%d: CIA revision %ld; cnfg %lux cntrl %lux\n",
- 0, /* BUG */
- core[0x80/4] & 0x7f, core[0x140/4], core[0x100/4]);
- print("cpu%d: HAE_IO %lux\n", 0, core[0x440/4]);
- print("\n");
-static void
- int i;
- for (i = 4; i < 8; i++) {
- wind[(i*0x100+0x00)/4] = windsave[4*(i-4)+0];
- wind[(i*0x100+0x40)/4] = windsave[4*(i-4)+1];
- wind[(i*0x100+0x80)/4] = windsave[4*(i-4)+2];
- }
- core[0x140/4] = coresave[0];
-/* for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- if (i != 4)
- cserve(53, i); /* disable interrupts */
-static Lock pcicfgl;
-static ulong pcimap[256];
-static void*
-pcicfg2117x(int tbdf, int rno)
- int space, bus;
- ulong base;
- bus = BUSBNO(tbdf);
- lock(&pcicfgl);
- base = pcimap[bus];
- if (base == 0) {
- if(bus)
- space = 0x8B;
- else
- space = 0x8A;
- pcimap[bus] = base = (ulong)kmapio(space, MKBUS(0, bus, 0, 0), (1<<16));
- }
- unlock(&pcicfgl);
- return (void*)(base + BUSDF(tbdf) + rno);
-static void*
-pcimem2117x(int addr, int len)
- return kmapio(0x88, addr, len);
-static int
-intrenable164(Vctl *v)
- int vec, irq;
- irq = v->irq;
- if(irq > MaxIrqPIC) {
- print("intrenable: irq %d out of range\n", v->irq);
- return -1;
- }
- if(BUSTYPE(v->tbdf) == BusPCI) {
- vec = irq+VectorPCI;
- cserve(52, irq);
- }
- else {
- vec = irq+VectorPIC;
- if(i8259enable(irq, v->tbdf, v) == -1)
- return -1;
- }
- return vec;
- * I have a function pointer in PCArch for every one of these, because on
- * some Alphas we have to use sparse mode, but on others we can use
- * MOVB et al. Additionally, the PC164 documentation threatened us
- * with the lie that the SIO is in region B, but everything else in region A.
- * This turned out not to be the case. Given the cost of this solution, it
- * may be better just to use sparse mode for I/O space on all platforms.
- */
-inb2117x(int port)
- mb();
- return *(uchar*)(iobase(port));
-ins2117x(int port)
- mb();
- return *(ushort*)(iobase(port));
-inl2117x(int port)
- mb();
- return *(ulong*)(iobase(port));
-outb2117x(int port, int val)
- mb();
- *(uchar*)(iobase(port)) = val;
- mb();
-outs2117x(int port, ushort val)
- mb();
- *(ushort*)(iobase(port)) = val;
- mb();
-outl2117x(int port, ulong val)
- mb();
- *(ulong*)(iobase(port)) = val;
- mb();
-insb2117x(int port, void *buf, int len)
- int i;
- uchar *p, *q;
- p = (uchar*)iobase(port);
- q = buf;
- for(i = 0; i < len; i++){
- mb();
- *q++ = *p;
- }
-inss2117x(int port, void *buf, int len)
- int i;
- ushort *p, *q;
- p = (ushort*)iobase(port);
- q = buf;
- for(i = 0; i < len; i++){
- mb();
- *q++ = *p;
- }
-insl2117x(int port, void *buf, int len)
- int i;
- ulong *p, *q;
- p = (ulong*)iobase(port);
- q = buf;
- for(i = 0; i < len; i++){
- mb();
- *q++ = *p;
- }
-outsb2117x(int port, void *buf, int len)
- int i;
- uchar *p, *q;
- p = (uchar*)iobase(port);
- q = buf;
- for(i = 0; i < len; i++){
- mb();
- *p = *q++;
- }
-outss2117x(int port, void *buf, int len)
- int i;
- ushort *p, *q;
- p = (ushort*)iobase(port);
- q = buf;
- for(i = 0; i < len; i++){
- mb();
- *p = *q++;
- }
-outsl2117x(int port, void *buf, int len)
- int i;
- ulong *p, *q;
- p = (ulong*)iobase(port);
- q = buf;
- for(i = 0; i < len; i++){
- mb();
- *p = *q++;
- }
-PCArch arch164 = {
- "EB164",
- ident,
- coreinit,
- corehello,
- coredetach,
- pcicfg2117x,
- pcimem2117x,
- intrenable164,
- nil,
- nil,
- inb2117x,
- ins2117x,
- inl2117x,
- outb2117x,
- outs2117x,
- outl2117x,
- insb2117x,
- inss2117x,
- insl2117x,
- outsb2117x,
- outss2117x,
- outsl2117x,
--- a/sys/src/9/alphapc/audio.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +1,0 @@
- Bufsize = 16*1024, /* 92 ms each */
- Nbuf = 16, /* 1.5 seconds total */
- Dma = 5,
- IrqAUDIO = 5,
- SBswab = 0,
-#define seteisadma(a, b) dmainit(a, Bufsize);
-#define CACHELINESZ 128
-#define UNCACHED(type, v) (type*)((ulong)(v))
-#define dcflush(a, b)
-#define Int0vec
-#define setvec(v, f, a) intrenable(v, f, a, BUSUNKNOWN, "audio")
--- a/sys/src/9/alphapc/axp.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +1,0 @@
-typedef struct Hwrpb Hwrpb;
-typedef struct Hwcpu Hwcpu;
-typedef struct Hwdsr Hwdsr;
-struct Hwrpb
- uvlong phys;
- uvlong sign;
- uvlong rev;
- uvlong size;
- uvlong cpu0;
- uvlong by2pg;
- uvlong pabits;
- uvlong maxasn;
- char ssn[16];
- uvlong systype;
- uvlong sysvar;
- uvlong sysrev;
- uvlong ifreq;
- uvlong cfreq;
- uvlong vptb;
- uvlong resv;
- uvlong tbhint;
- uvlong ncpu;
- uvlong cpulen;
- uvlong cpuoff;
- uvlong nctb;
- uvlong ctblen;
- uvlong ctboff;
- uvlong ccrboff;
- uvlong memoff;
- uvlong confoff;
- uvlong fruoff;
- uvlong termsaveva;
- uvlong termsavex;
- uvlong termrestva;
- uvlong termrestx;
- uvlong termresetva;
- uvlong termresetx;
- uvlong sysresv;
- uvlong hardresv;
- uvlong csum;
- uvlong rxrdymsk;
- uvlong txrdymsk;
- uvlong dsroff; /* rev 6 or higher */
-extern Hwrpb* hwrpb;
-struct Hwcpu
- uvlong hwpcb[16];
- uvlong state;
- uvlong palmainlen;
- uvlong palscratchlen;
- uvlong palmainpa;
- uvlong palscratchpa;
- uvlong palrev;
- uvlong cputype;
- uvlong cpuvar;
- uvlong cpurev;
- uvlong serial[2];
- /* more crap ... */
-struct Hwdsr
- vlong smm;
- uvlong lurtoff;
- uvlong sysnameoff;
--- a/sys/src/9/alphapc/cga.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +1,0 @@
-#include "u.h"
-#include "../port/lib.h"
-#include "mem.h"
-#include "dat.h"
-#include "fns.h"
-#include "../port/error.h"
-#include "io.h"
-enum {
- Width = 160,
- Height = 25,
- Attr = 0x4f, /* white on blue */
-static ulong cgabase;
-#define CGASCREENBASE ((uchar*)cgabase)
-static int cgapos;
-static int screeninitdone;
-static Lock cgascreenlock;
-static uchar
-cgaregr(int index)
- outb(0x3D4, index);
- return inb(0x3D4+1) & 0xFF;
-static void
-cgaregw(int index, int data)
- outb(0x3D4, index);
- outb(0x3D4+1, data);
-static void
- cgaregw(0x0E, (cgapos/2>>8) & 0xFF);
- cgaregw(0x0F, cgapos/2 & 0xFF);
- CGASCREENBASE[cgapos+1] = Attr;
-static void
-cgascreenputc(int c)
- int i;
- if(c == '\n'){
- cgapos = cgapos/Width;
- cgapos = (cgapos+1)*Width;
- }
- else if(c == '\t'){
- i = 8 - ((cgapos/2)&7);
- while(i-->0)
- cgascreenputc(' ');
- }
- else if(c == '\b'){
- if(cgapos >= 2)
- cgapos -= 2;
- cgascreenputc(' ');
- cgapos -= 2;
- }
- else{
- CGASCREENBASE[cgapos++] = c;
- CGASCREENBASE[cgapos++] = Attr;
- }
- if(cgapos >= Width*Height){
- memmove(CGASCREENBASE, &CGASCREENBASE[Width], Width*(Height-1));
- for (i = Width*(Height-1); i < Width*Height;) {
- CGASCREENBASE[i++] = 0x20;
- CGASCREENBASE[i++] = Attr;
- }
- cgapos = Width*(Height-1);
- }
- movecursor();
- cgabase = (ulong)arch->pcimem(0xB8000, 0x8000);
- cgapos = cgaregr(0x0E)<<8;
- cgapos |= cgaregr(0x0F);
- cgapos *= 2;
- screeninitdone = 1;
-static void
-cgascreenputs(char* s, int n)
- if(!screeninitdone)
- return;
- if(!islo()){
- /*
- * Don't deadlock trying to
- * print in an interrupt.
- */
- if(!canlock(&cgascreenlock))
- return;
- }
- else
- lock(&cgascreenlock);
- while(n-- > 0)
- cgascreenputc(*s++);
- unlock(&cgascreenlock);
-void (*screenputs)(char*, int) = cgascreenputs;
--- a/sys/src/9/alphapc/clock.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +1,0 @@
-#include "u.h"
-#include "../port/lib.h"
-#include "mem.h"
-#include "dat.h"
-#include "fns.h"
-#include "io.h"
-#include "axp.h"
-#include "ureg.h"
- ulong pcc;
- vlong delta;
- pcc = rpcc(nil) & 0xFFFFFFFF;
- if(m->cpuhz == 0){
- /*
- * pcclast is needed to detect wraparound of
- * the cycle timer which is only 32-bits.
- * m->cpuhz is set from the info passed from
- * the firmware.
- * This could be in clockinit if can
- * guarantee no wraparound between then and now.
- *
- * All the clock stuff needs work.
- */
- m->cpuhz = hwrpb->cfreq;
- m->pcclast = pcc;
- }
- delta = pcc - m->pcclast;
- if(delta < 0)
- delta += 0x100000000LL;
- m->pcclast = pcc;
- m->fastclock += delta;
- return MACHP(0)->fastclock;
-fastticks(uvlong* hz)
- uvlong ticks;
- int x;
- x = splhi();
- ticks = cycletimer();
- splx(x);
- if(hz)
- *hz = m->cpuhz;
- return ticks;
- return fastticks2us(cycletimer());
- * performance measurement ticks. must be low overhead.
- * doesn't have to count over a second.
- */
- return rpcc(nil);
-microdelay(int us)
- uvlong eot;
- eot = fastticks(nil) + (m->cpuhz/1000000)*us;
- while(fastticks(nil) < eot)
- ;
-delay(int millisecs)
- microdelay(millisecs*1000);
-clock(Ureg *ureg)
- static int count;
- cycletimer();
- /* HZ == 100, timer == 1024Hz. error < 1ms */
- count += 100;
- if (count < 1024)
- return;
- count -= 1024;
- timerintr(ureg, 0);
--- a/sys/src/9/alphapc/cycintr.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +1,0 @@
-#include "u.h"
-#include "../port/lib.h"
-#include "mem.h"
-#include "dat.h"
-#include "fns.h"
-#include "io.h"
- return 0;
-timeradd(Timer *)
-timerdel(Timer *)
--- a/sys/src/9/alphapc/dat.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,265 +1,0 @@
-typedef struct Conf Conf;
-typedef struct Confmem Confmem;
-typedef struct FPsave FPsave;
-typedef struct ISAConf ISAConf;
-typedef struct Label Label;
-typedef struct Lock Lock;
-typedef struct Mach Mach;
-typedef struct Notsave Notsave;
-typedef struct Page Page;
-typedef struct PCArch PCArch;
-typedef struct PCB PCB;
-typedef struct Pcidev Pcidev;
-typedef struct PMMU PMMU;
-typedef struct Proc Proc;
-typedef struct Sys Sys;
-typedef struct Ureg Ureg;
-typedef struct Vctl Vctl;
-typedef vlong Tval;
-#define MAXSYSARG 6 /* for mount(fd, mpt, flag, arg, srv) */
- * parameters for sysproc.c
- */
- * machine dependent definitions used by ../port/dat.h
- */
-struct Lock
- ulong key; /* semaphore (non-zero = locked) */
- ulong sr;
- ulong pc;
- Proc *p;
- Mach *m;
- ulong pid;
- ushort isilock;
-struct Label
- ulong sp;
- ulong pc;
- * Proc.fpstate
- */
- /* floating point states */
- FPinit,
- FPactive,
- FPinactive,
- /* bit or'd with the state */
- FPillegal= 0x100,
-struct FPsave
- long fpreg[2*32];
- long dummy; /* lower bits of FPCR, useless */
- long fpstatus;
-struct Confmem
- ulong base;
- ulong npage;
- ulong kbase;
- ulong klimit;
-struct Conf
- ulong nmach; /* processors */
- ulong nproc; /* processes */
- Confmem mem[2];
- ulong npage; /* total physical pages of memory */
- ulong upages; /* user page pool */
- ulong nimage; /* number of page cache image headers */
- ulong nswap; /* number of swap pages */
- int nswppo; /* max # of pageouts per segment pass */
- ulong copymode; /* 0 is copy on write, 1 is copy on reference */
- int monitor; /* has display? */
- ulong ialloc; /* bytes available for interrupt time allocation */
- ulong pipeqsize; /* size in bytes of pipe queues */
- * mmu goo in the Proc structure
- */
-struct PMMU
- Page *mmutop; /* 1st level table */
- Page *mmulvl2; /* 2nd level table */
- Page *mmufree; /* unused page table pages */
- Page *mmuused; /* used page table pages, except for mmustk */
- * things saved in the Proc structure during a notify
- */
-struct Notsave
- ulong UNUSED;
-#include "../port/portdat.h"
- * machine dependent definitions not used by ../port/dat.h
- */
- * Fake kmap
- */
-typedef void KMap;
-#define VA(k) ((ulong)(k))
-#define kmap(p) (KMap*)((p)->pa|KZERO)
-#define kunmap(k)
- * Process Control Block, used by PALcode
- */
-struct PCB {
- uvlong ksp;
- uvlong usp;
- uvlong ptbr;
- ulong asn;
- ulong pcc;
- uvlong unique;
- ulong fen;
- ulong dummy;
- uvlong rsrv1;
- uvlong rsrv2;
-struct Mach
- int machno; /* physical id of processor */
- ulong splpc; /* pc that called splhi() */
- Proc *proc; /* current process on this processor */
- /* ordering from here on irrelevant */
- ulong ticks; /* of the clock since boot time */
- Label sched; /* scheduler wakeup */
- Lock alarmlock; /* access to alarm list */
- void *alarm; /* alarms bound to this clock */
- int inclockintr;
- Proc* readied; /* for runproc */
- ulong schedticks; /* next forced context switch */
- vlong cpuhz; /* hwrpb->cfreq */
- uvlong cyclefreq; /* Frequency of user readable cycle counter */
- ulong pcclast;
- uvlong fastclock;
- Perf perf; /* performance counters */
- int tlbfault; /* only used by devproc; no access to tlb */
- int tlbpurge; /* ... */
- int pfault;
- int cs;
- int syscall;
- int load;
- int intr;
- int flushmmu; /* make current proc flush it's mmu state */
- int ilockdepth;
- ulong spuriousintr;
- int lastintr;
- PCB;
- /* MUST BE LAST */
- int stack[1];
- Lock;
- char machs[MAXMACH];
- int exiting;
- * Implementation-dependant functions (outside of Alpha architecture proper).
- * Called PCArch because that's what mkdevc calls it (for the PC).
- */
-struct PCArch
- char* id;
- int (*ident)(void);
- void (*coreinit)(void); /* set up core logic, PCI mappings etc */
- void (*corehello)(void); /* identify core logic to user */
- void (*coredetach)(void); /* restore core logic before return to console */
- void *(*pcicfg)(int, int); /* map and point to PCI cfg space */
- void *(*pcimem)(int, int); /* map and point to PCI memory space */
- int (*intrenable)(Vctl*);
- int (*intrvecno)(int);
- int (*intrdisable)(int);
- int (*_inb)(int);
- ushort (*_ins)(int);
- ulong (*_inl)(int);
- void (*_outb)(int, int);
- void (*_outs)(int, ushort);
- void (*_outl)(int, ulong);
- void (*_insb)(int, void*, int);
- void (*_inss)(int, void*, int);
- void (*_insl)(int, void*, int);
- void (*_outsb)(int, void*, int);
- void (*_outss)(int, void*, int);
- void (*_outsl)(int, void*, int);
- * a parsed plan9.ini line
- */
-#define NISAOPT 8
-struct ISAConf {
- char *type;
- ulong port;
- int irq;
- ulong dma;
- ulong mem;
- ulong size;
- ulong freq;
- int nopt;
- char *opt[NISAOPT];
-extern PCArch *arch;
-#define MACHP(n) ((Mach *)((int)&mach0+n*BY2PG))
-extern Mach mach0;
-extern register Mach *m;
-extern register Proc *up;
- * hardware info about a device
- */
-typedef struct {
- ulong port;
- int size;
-} Devport;
-struct DevConf
- ulong intnum; /* interrupt number */
- char *type; /* card type, malloced */
- int nports; /* Number of ports */
- Devport *ports; /* The ports themselves */
-extern FPsave initfp;
--- a/sys/src/9/alphapc/devarch.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,533 +1,0 @@
-#include "u.h"
-#include "../port/lib.h"
-#include "mem.h"
-#include "dat.h"
-#include "fns.h"
-#include "io.h"
-#include "../port/error.h"
-#include "axp.h"
-typedef struct IOMap IOMap;
-struct IOMap
- IOMap *next;
- char tag[13];
- ulong start;
- ulong end;
-static struct
- Lock;
- IOMap *m;
- IOMap *free;
- IOMap maps[32]; // some initial free maps
- QLock ql; // lock for reading map
-} iomap;
-enum {
- Qdir = 0,
- Qioalloc = 1,
- Qiob,
- Qiow,
- Qiol,
- Qbase,
- Qmax = 16,
-typedef long Rdwrfn(Chan*, void*, long, vlong);
-static Rdwrfn *readfn[Qmax];
-static Rdwrfn *writefn[Qmax];
-static Dirtab archdir[] = {
- ".", { Qdir, 0, QTDIR }, 0, 0555,
- "ioalloc", { Qioalloc, 0 }, 0, 0444,
- "iob", { Qiob, 0 }, 0, 0660,
- "iow", { Qiow, 0 }, 0, 0660,
- "iol", { Qiol, 0 }, 0, 0660,
-Lock archwlock; /* the lock is only for changing archdir */
-int narchdir = Qbase;
-int (*_pcmspecial)(char *, ISAConf *);
-void (*_pcmspecialclose)(int);
- * Add a file to the #P listing. Once added, you can't delete it.
- * You can't add a file with the same name as one already there,
- * and you get a pointer to the Dirtab entry so you can do things
- * like change the Qid version. Changing the Qid path is disallowed.
- */
-addarchfile(char *name, int perm, Rdwrfn *rdfn, Rdwrfn *wrfn)
- int i;
- Dirtab d;
- Dirtab *dp;
- memset(&d, 0, sizeof d);
- strcpy(, name);
- d.perm = perm;
- lock(&archwlock);
- if(narchdir >= Qmax){
- unlock(&archwlock);
- return nil;
- }
- for(i=0; i<narchdir; i++)
- if(strcmp(archdir[i].name, name) == 0){
- unlock(&archwlock);
- return nil;
- }
- d.qid.path = narchdir;
- archdir[narchdir] = d;
- readfn[narchdir] = rdfn;
- writefn[narchdir] = wrfn;
- dp = &archdir[narchdir++];
- unlock(&archwlock);
- return dp;
- int i;
- for(i = 0; i < nelem(iomap.maps)-1; i++)
- iomap.maps[i].next = &iomap.maps[i+1];
- iomap.maps[i].next = nil;
- = iomap.maps;
- // a dummy entry at 2^17
- ioalloc(0x20000, 1, 0, "dummy");
-// alloc some io port space and remember who it was
-// alloced to. if port < 0, find a free region.
-ioalloc(int port, int size, int align, char *tag)
- IOMap *m, **l;
- int i;
- lock(&iomap);
- if(port < 0){
- // find a free port above 0x400 and below 0x1000
- port = 0x400;
- for(l = &iomap.m; *l; l = &(*l)->next){
- m = *l;
- i = m->start - port;
- if(i > size)
- break;
- if(align > 0)
- port = ((port+align-1)/align)*align;
- else
- port = m->end;
- }
- if(*l == nil){
- unlock(&iomap);
- return -1;
- }
- } else {
- // see if the space clashes with previously allocated ports
- for(l = &iomap.m; *l; l = &(*l)->next){
- m = *l;
- if(m->end <= port)
- continue;
- if(m->start >= port+size)
- break;
- unlock(&iomap);
- return -1;
- }
- }
- m =;
- if(m == nil){
- print("ioalloc: out of maps");
- unlock(&iomap);
- return port;
- }
- = m->next;
- m->next = *l;
- m->start = port;
- m->end = port + size;
- strncpy(m->tag, tag, sizeof(m->tag));
- m->tag[sizeof(m->tag)-1] = 0;
- *l = m;
- archdir[0].qid.vers++;
- unlock(&iomap);
- return m->start;
-iofree(int port)
- IOMap *m, **l;
- lock(&iomap);
- for(l = &iomap.m; *l; l = &(*l)->next){
- if((*l)->start == port){
- m = *l;
- *l = m->next;
- m->next =;
- = m;
- break;
- }
- if((*l)->start > port)
- break;
- }
- archdir[0].qid.vers++;
- unlock(&iomap);
-iounused(int start, int end)
- IOMap *m;
- for(m = iomap.m; m; m = m->next){
- if(start >= m->start && start < m->end
- || start <= m->start && end > m->start)
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
-static void
-checkport(int start, int end)
- /* standard vga regs are OK */
- if(start >= 0x2b0 && end <= 0x2df+1)
- return;
- if(start >= 0x3c0 && end <= 0x3da+1)
- return;
- if(iounused(start, end))
- return;
- error(Eperm);
-static Chan*
-archattach(char* spec)
- return devattach('P', spec);
-archwalk(Chan* c, Chan *nc, char** name, int nname)
- return devwalk(c, nc, name, nname, archdir, narchdir, devgen);
-static int
-archstat(Chan* c, uchar* dp, int n)
- return devstat(c, dp, n, archdir, narchdir, devgen);
-static Chan*
-archopen(Chan* c, int omode)
- return devopen(c, omode, archdir, nelem(archdir), devgen);
-static void
- Linelen= 31,
-static long
-archread(Chan *c, void *a, long n, vlong offset)
- char buf[Linelen+1], *p;
- int port;
- ushort *sp;
- ulong *lp;
- IOMap *m;
- Rdwrfn *fn;
- switch((ulong)c->qid.path){
- case Qdir:
- return devdirread(c, a, n, archdir, nelem(archdir), devgen);
- case Qiob:
- port = offset;
- checkport(offset, offset+n);
- for(p = a; port < offset+n; port++)
- *p++ = inb(port);
- return n;
- case Qiow:
- if((n & 0x01) || (offset & 0x01))
- error(Ebadarg);
- checkport(offset, offset+n+1);
- n /= 2;
- sp = a;
- for(port = offset; port < offset+n; port += 2)
- *sp++ = ins(port);
- return n*2;
- case Qiol:
- if((n & 0x03) || (offset & 0x03))
- error(Ebadarg);
- checkport(offset, offset+n+3);
- n /= 4;
- lp = a;
- for(port = offset; port < offset+n; port += 4)
- *lp++ = inl(port);
- return n*4;
- case Qioalloc:
- break;
- default:
- if(c->qid.path < narchdir && (fn = readfn[c->qid.path]))
- return fn(c, a, n, offset);
- error(Eperm);
- break;
- }
- offset = offset/Linelen;
- n = n/Linelen;
- p = a;
- lock(&iomap);
- for(m = iomap.m; n > 0 && m != nil; m = m->next){
- if(offset-- > 0)
- continue;
- if(strcmp(m->tag, "dummy") == 0)
- break;
- sprint(buf, "%8lux %8lux %-12.12s\n", m->start, m->end-1, m->tag);
- memmove(p, buf, Linelen);
- p += Linelen;
- n--;
- }
- unlock(&iomap);
- return p - (char*)a;
-static long
-archwrite(Chan *c, void *a, long n, vlong offset)
- char *p;
- int port;
- ushort *sp;
- ulong *lp;
- Rdwrfn *fn;
- switch((ulong)c->qid.path){
- case Qiob:
- p = a;
- checkport(offset, offset+n);
- for(port = offset; port < offset+n; port++)
- outb(port, *p++);
- return n;
- case Qiow:
- if((n & 01) || (offset & 01))
- error(Ebadarg);
- checkport(offset, offset+n+1);
- n /= 2;
- sp = a;
- for(port = offset; port < offset+n; port += 2)
- outs(port, *sp++);
- return n*2;
- case Qiol:
- if((n & 0x03) || (offset & 0x03))
- error(Ebadarg);
- checkport(offset, offset+n+3);
- n /= 4;
- lp = a;
- for(port = offset; port < offset+n; port += 4)
- outl(port, *lp++);
- return n*4;
- default:
- if(c->qid.path < narchdir && (fn = writefn[c->qid.path]))
- return fn(c, a, n, offset);
- error(Eperm);
- break;
- }
- return 0;
-Dev archdevtab = {
- 'P',
- "arch",
- devreset,
- devinit,
- devshutdown,
- archattach,
- archwalk,
- archstat,
- archopen,
- devcreate,
- archclose,
- archread,
- devbread,
- archwrite,
- devbwrite,
- devremove,
- devwstat,
-PCArch* arch;
-extern PCArch* knownarch[];
-PCArch archgeneric = {
- "generic", /* id */
- 0, /* ident */
- 0, /* coreinit */
- 0, /* coredetach */
-static char *sysnames[] =
-[1] "Alpha Demo. Unit",
-[2] "DEC 4000; Cobra",
-[3] "DEC 7000; Ruby",
-[4] "DEC 3000/500; Flamingo family (TC)",
-[6] "DEC 2000/300; Jensen (EISA/ISA)",
-[7] "DEC 3000/300; Pelican (TC)",
-[8] "Avalon A12; Avalon Multicomputer",
-[9] "DEC 2100/A500; Sable",
-[10] "DEC APXVME/64; AXPvme (VME?)",
-[11] "DEC AXPPCI/33; NoName (PCI/ISA)",
-[12] "DEC 21000; TurboLaser (PCI/EISA)",
-[13] "DEC 2100/A50; Avanti (PCI/ISA)",
-[14] "DEC MUSTANG; Mustang",
-[15] "DEC KN20AA; kn20aa (PCI/EISA)",
-[17] "DEC 1000; Mikasa (PCI/ISA?)",
-[19] "EB66; EB66 (PCI/ISA?)", // DEC?
-[20] "EB64P; EB64+ (PCI/ISA?)", // DEC?
-[21] "Alphabook1; Alphabook",
-[22] "DEC 4100; Rawhide (PCI/EISA)",
-[23] "DEC EV45/PBP; Lego",
-[24] "DEC 2100A/A500; Lynx",
-[26] "DEC AlphaPC 164", // only supported one: "EB164 (PCI/ISA)"
-[27] "DEC 1000A; Noritake",
-[28] "DEC AlphaVME/224; Cortex",
-[30] "DEC 550; Miata (PCI/ISA)",
-[32] "DEC EV56/PBP; Takara",
-[33] "DEC AlphaVME/320; Yukon (VME?)",
-[34] "DEC 6600; MonetGoldrush",
-// 200 and up is Alpha Processor Inc. machines
-// [201] "API UP1000; Nautilus",
-static char *cpunames[] =
-[1] "EV3",
-[2] "EV4: 21064",
-[3] "Simulation",
-[4] "LCA4: 2106[68]",
-[5] "EV5: 21164",
-[6] "EV45: 21064A",
-[7] "21164A", /* only supported one: EV56 */
-[8] "EV6: 21264",
-[9] "PCA256: 21164PC",
- int i, maj, min;
- Hwcpu *cpu;
- Hwdsr *dsr;
- char *s;
- print("\n");
- if (hwrpb->rev >= 6) {
- dsr = (Hwdsr*)((ulong)hwrpb + hwrpb->dsroff);
- s = (char*)dsr + dsr->sysnameoff + 8;
- print("%s\n", s);
- }
- else {
- s = "<unknown>";
- if (hwrpb->systype < nelem(sysnames))
- s = sysnames[hwrpb->systype];
- print("%s (%llux, %llux, %llux)\n", s, hwrpb->systype, hwrpb->sysvar, hwrpb->sysrev);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < hwrpb->ncpu; i++) {
- cpu = (Hwcpu*) ((ulong)hwrpb + hwrpb->cpuoff + i*hwrpb->cpulen);
- s = "<unknown>";
- maj = (ulong)cpu->cputype;
- min = (ulong)(cpu->cputype>>32);
- if (maj < nelem(cpunames))
- s = cpunames[maj];
- print("cpu%d: %s-%d (%d.%d, %llux, %llux)\n",
- i, s, min, maj, min, cpu->cpuvar, cpu->cpurev);
- }
- print("\n");
-static long
-cputyperead(Chan*, void *a, long n, vlong offset)
- char str[32], *cputype;
- ulong mhz, maj;
- Hwcpu *cpu;
- mhz = (m->cpuhz+999999)/1000000;
- cpu = (Hwcpu*) ((ulong)hwrpb + hwrpb->cpuoff); /* NB CPU 0 */
- cputype = "unknown";
- maj = (ulong)cpu->cputype;
- if (maj < nelem(cpunames))
- cputype = cpunames[maj];
- snprint(str, sizeof(str), "%s %lud\n", cputype, mhz);
- return readstr(offset, a, n, str);
- PCArch **p;
- arch = 0;
- for(p = knownarch; *p; p++){
- if((*p)->ident && (*p)->ident() == 0){
- arch = *p;
- break;
- }
- }
- if(arch == 0)
- arch = &archgeneric;
- addarchfile("cputype", 0444, cputyperead, nil);
-pcmspecial(char *idstr, ISAConf *isa)
- return (_pcmspecial != nil)? _pcmspecial(idstr, isa): -1;
-pcmspecialclose(int a)
- if (_pcmspecialclose != nil)
- _pcmspecialclose(a);
--- a/sys/src/9/alphapc/devvga.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,407 +1,0 @@
- * VGA controller
- */
-#include "u.h"
-#include "../port/lib.h"
-#include "mem.h"
-#include "dat.h"
-#include "fns.h"
-#include "io.h"
-#include "../port/error.h"
-#define Image IMAGE
-#include <draw.h>
-#include <memdraw.h>
-#include <cursor.h>
-#include "screen.h"
-extern uchar *vgabios;
-enum {
- Qdir,
- Qvgactl,
- Qvgabios,
-static Dirtab vgadir[] = {
- ".", { Qdir, 0, QTDIR }, 0, 0550,
- "vgactl", { Qvgactl, 0 }, 0, 0660,
- "vgabios", { Qvgabios, 0 }, 0x10000, 0440,
-static void
- /* reserve the 'standard' vga registers */
- if(ioalloc(0x2b0, 0x2df-0x2b0+1, 0, "vga") < 0)
- panic("vga ports already allocated");
- if(ioalloc(0x3c0, 0x3da-0x3c0+1, 0, "vga") < 0)
- panic("vga ports already allocated");
- conf.monitor = 1;
-static Chan*
-vgaattach(char* spec)
- if(*spec && strcmp(spec, "0"))
- error(Eio);
- return devattach('v', spec);
-vgawalk(Chan* c, Chan *nc, char** name, int nname)
- return devwalk(c, nc, name, nname, vgadir, nelem(vgadir), devgen);
-static int
-vgastat(Chan* c, uchar* dp, int n)
- return devstat(c, dp, n, vgadir, nelem(vgadir), devgen);
-static Chan*
-vgaopen(Chan* c, int omode)
- return devopen(c, omode, vgadir, nelem(vgadir), devgen);
-static void
-static void
-checkport(int start, int end)
- /* standard vga regs are OK */
- if(start >= 0x2b0 && end <= 0x2df+1)
- return;
- if(start >= 0x3c0 && end <= 0x3da+1)
- return;
- if(iounused(start, end))
- return;
- error(Eperm);
-static long
-vgaread(Chan* c, void* a, long n, vlong off)
- int len;
- char *p, *s;
- VGAscr *scr;
- ulong offset = off;
- char chbuf[30];
- switch((ulong)c->qid.path){
- case Qdir:
- return devdirread(c, a, n, vgadir, nelem(vgadir), devgen);
- case Qvgactl:
- scr = &vgascreen[0];
- p = malloc(READSTR);
- if(waserror()){
- free(p);
- nexterror();
- }
- len = 0;
- if(scr->dev)
- s = scr->dev->name;
- else
- s = "cga";
- len += snprint(p+len, READSTR-len, "type %s\n", s);
- if(scr->gscreen) {
- len += snprint(p+len, READSTR-len, "size %dx%dx%d %s\n",
- scr->gscreen->r.max.x, scr->gscreen->r.max.y,
- scr->gscreen->depth, chantostr(chbuf, scr->gscreen->chan));
- if(Dx(scr->gscreen->r) != Dx(physgscreenr)
- || Dy(scr->gscreen->r) != Dy(physgscreenr))
- len += snprint(p+len, READSTR-len, "actualsize %dx%d\n",
- physgscreenr.max.x, physgscreenr.max.y);
- }
- len += snprint(p+len, READSTR-len, "blanktime %lud\n", blanktime);
- len += snprint(p+len, READSTR-len, "hwaccel %s\n", hwaccel ? "on" : "off");
- len += snprint(p+len, READSTR-len, "hwblank %s\n", hwblank ? "on" : "off");
- snprint(p+len, READSTR-len, "addr 0x%lux\n", scr->paddr);
- n = readstr(offset, a, n, p);
- poperror();
- free(p);
- return n;
- case Qvgabios:
- if(vgabios == nil)
- error(Egreg);
- if(offset&0x80000000)
- offset &= ~0x800E0000;
- if(offset+n > 0x10000)
- n = 0x10000-offset;
- if(n < 0)
- return 0;
- memmove(a, vgabios+offset, n);
- return n;
- default:
- error(Egreg);
- break;
- }
- return 0;
-static char Ebusy[] = "vga already configured";
-static void
-vgactl(char* a)
- int align, i, n, size, x, y, z;
- char *chanstr, *field[6], *p;
- ulong chan;
- VGAscr *scr;
- extern VGAdev *vgadev[];
- extern VGAcur *vgacur[];
- Rectangle r;
- n = tokenize(a, field, nelem(field));
- if(n < 1)
- error(Ebadarg);
- scr = &vgascreen[0];
- if(strcmp(field[0], "hwgc") == 0){
- if(n < 2)
- error(Ebadarg);
- if(strcmp(field[1], "off") == 0){
- lock(&cursor);
- if(scr->cur){
- if(scr->cur->disable)
- scr->cur->disable(scr);
- scr->cur = nil;
- }
- unlock(&cursor);
- return;
- }
- for(i = 0; vgacur[i]; i++){
- if(strcmp(field[1], vgacur[i]->name))
- continue;
- lock(&cursor);
- if(scr->cur && scr->cur->disable)
- scr->cur->disable(scr);
- scr->cur = vgacur[i];
- if(scr->cur->enable)
- scr->cur->enable(scr);
- unlock(&cursor);
- return;
- }
- }
- else if(strcmp(field[0], "type") == 0){
- if(n < 2)
- error(Ebadarg);
- for(i = 0; vgadev[i]; i++){
- if(strcmp(field[1], vgadev[i]->name))
- continue;
- if(scr->dev && scr->dev->disable)
- scr->dev->disable(scr);
- scr->dev = vgadev[i];
- if(scr->dev->enable)
- scr->dev->enable(scr);
- return;
- }
- }
- else if(strcmp(field[0], "size") == 0){
- if(n < 3)
- error(Ebadarg);
- if(drawhasclients())
- error(Ebusy);
- x = strtoul(field[1], &p, 0);
- if(x == 0 || x > 2048)
- error(Ebadarg);
- if(*p)
- p++;
- y = strtoul(p, &p, 0);
- if(y == 0 || y > 2048)
- error(Ebadarg);
- if(*p)
- p++;
- z = strtoul(p, &p, 0);
- chanstr = field[2];
- if((chan = strtochan(chanstr)) == 0)
- error("bad channel");
- if(chantodepth(chan) != z)
- error("depth, channel do not match");
- cursoroff(1);
- deletescreenimage();
- if(screensize(x, y, z, chan))
- error(Egreg);
- vgascreenwin(scr);
- cursoron(1);
- return;
- }
- else if(strcmp(field[0], "actualsize") == 0){
- if(scr->gscreen == nil)
- error("set the screen size first");
- if(n < 2)
- error(Ebadarg);
- x = strtoul(field[1], &p, 0);
- if(x == 0 || x > 2048)
- error(Ebadarg);
- if(*p)
- p++;
- y = strtoul(p, nil, 0);
- if(y == 0 || y > 2048)
- error(Ebadarg);
- if(x > scr->gscreen->r.max.x || y > scr->gscreen->r.max.y)
- error("physical screen bigger than virtual");
- r = Rect(0,0,x,y);
- if(!eqrect(r, scr->gscreen->r)){
- if(scr->cur == nil || scr->cur->doespanning == 0)
- error("virtual screen not supported");
- }
- physgscreenr = r;
- return;
- }
- else if(strcmp(field[0], "palettedepth") == 0){
- if(n < 2)
- error(Ebadarg);
- x = strtoul(field[1], &p, 0);
- if(x != 8 && x != 6)
- error(Ebadarg);
- scr->palettedepth = x;
- return;
- }
- else if(strcmp(field[0], "drawinit") == 0){
- if(scr && scr->dev && scr->dev->drawinit)
- scr->dev->drawinit(scr);
- return;
- }
- else if(strcmp(field[0], "linear") == 0){
- if(n < 2)
- error(Ebadarg);
- size = strtoul(field[1], 0, 0);
- if(n < 3)
- align = 0;
- else
- align = strtoul(field[2], 0, 0);
- if(screenaperture(size, align))
- error("not enough free address space");
- return;
- }
-/* else if(strcmp(field[0], "memset") == 0){
- if(n < 4)
- error(Ebadarg);
- memset((void*)strtoul(field[1], 0, 0), atoi(field[2]), atoi(field[3]));
- return;
- }
- else if(strcmp(field[0], "blank") == 0){
- if(n < 1)
- error(Ebadarg);
- drawblankscreen(1);
- return;
- }
- else if(strcmp(field[0], "blanktime") == 0){
- if(n < 2)
- error(Ebadarg);
- blanktime = strtoul(field[1], 0, 0);
- return;
- }
- else if(strcmp(field[0], "hwaccel") == 0){
- if(n < 2)
- error(Ebadarg);
- if(strcmp(field[1], "on") == 0)
- hwaccel = 1;
- else if(strcmp(field[1], "off") == 0)
- hwaccel = 0;
- return;
- }
- else if(strcmp(field[0], "hwblank") == 0){
- if(n < 2)
- error(Ebadarg);
- if(strcmp(field[1], "on") == 0)
- hwblank = 1;
- else if(strcmp(field[1], "off") == 0)
- hwblank = 0;
- return;
- }
- error(Ebadarg);
-static long
-vgawrite(Chan* c, void* a, long n, vlong off)
- char *p;
- ulong offset = off;
- switch((ulong)c->qid.path){
- case Qdir:
- error(Eperm);
- case Qvgactl:
- if(offset || n >= READSTR)
- error(Ebadarg);
- p = malloc(READSTR);
- if(waserror()){
- free(p);
- nexterror();
- }
- memmove(p, a, n);
- p[n] = 0;
- vgactl(p);
- poperror();
- free(p);
- return n;
- default:
- error(Egreg);
- break;
- }
- return 0;
-Dev vgadevtab = {
- 'v',
- "vga",
- vgareset,
- devinit,
- devshutdown,
- vgaattach,
- vgawalk,
- vgastat,
- vgaopen,
- devcreate,
- vgaclose,
- vgaread,
- devbread,
- vgawrite,
- devbwrite,
- devremove,
- devwstat,
--- a/sys/src/9/alphapc/dma.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,331 +1,0 @@
-#include "u.h"
-#include "../port/lib.h"
-#include "mem.h"
-#include "dat.h"
-#include "fns.h"
-#include "io.h"
-typedef struct DMAport DMAport;
-typedef struct DMA DMA;
-typedef struct DMAxfer DMAxfer;
- * state of a dma transfer
- */
-struct DMAxfer
- ulong bpa; /* bounce buffer physical address */
- void* bva; /* bounce buffer virtual address */
- int blen; /* bounce buffer length */
- void* va; /* virtual address destination/src */
- long len; /* bytes to be transferred */
- int isread;
- * the dma controllers. the first half of this structure specifies
- * the I/O ports used by the DMA controllers.
- */
-struct DMAport
- uchar addr[4]; /* current address (4 channels) */
- uchar count[4]; /* current count (4 channels) */
- uchar page[4]; /* page registers (4 channels) */
- uchar cmd; /* command status register */
- uchar req; /* request registers */
- uchar sbm; /* single bit mask register */
- uchar mode; /* mode register */
- uchar cbp; /* clear byte pointer */
- uchar mc; /* master clear */
- uchar cmask; /* clear mask register */
- uchar wam; /* write all mask register bit */
-struct DMA
- DMAport;
- int shift;
- Lock;
- DMAxfer x[4];
-DMA dma[2] = {
- { 0x00, 0x02, 0x04, 0x06,
- 0x01, 0x03, 0x05, 0x07,
- 0x87, 0x83, 0x81, 0x82,
- 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f,
- 0 },
- { 0xc0, 0xc4, 0xc8, 0xcc,
- 0xc2, 0xc6, 0xca, 0xce,
- 0x8f, 0x8b, 0x89, 0x8a,
- 0xd0, 0xd2, 0xd4, 0xd6, 0xd8, 0xda, 0xdc, 0xde,
- 1 },
-extern int i8237dma;
-static void* i8237bva[2];
-static int i8237used;
- * DMA must be in the first 16MB. This gets called early by the
- * initialisation routines of any devices which require DMA to ensure
- * the allocated bounce buffers are below the 16MB limit.
- */
- void* bva;
- if(i8237dma <= 0)
- return;
- if(i8237dma > 2)
- i8237dma = 2;
- bva = xspanalloc(64*1024*i8237dma, BY2PG, 64*1024);
- if(bva == nil || PADDR(bva)+64*1024*i8237dma > 16*MB){
- /*
- * This will panic with the current
- * implementation of xspanalloc().
- if(bva != nil)
- xfree(bva);
- */
- return;
- }
- i8237bva[0] = bva;
- if(i8237dma == 2)
- i8237bva[1] = ((uchar*)i8237bva[0])+64*1024;
-static void
-dmastatus(DMA *dp, int chan, char c)
- int a, l, s;
- ilock(dp);
- outb(dp->cbp, 0);
- a = inb(dp->addr[chan]);
- a |= inb(dp->addr[chan])<<8;
- a |= inb(dp->page[chan])<<16;
- a |= inb(0x400|dp->page[chan])<<24;
- outb(dp->cbp, 0);
- l = inb(dp->count[chan]);
- l |= inb(dp->count[chan])<<8;
- s = inb(dp->cmd);
- iunlock(dp);
- print("%c: addr %uX len %uX stat %uX\n", c, a, l, s);
-dmainit(int chan, int maxtransfer)
- DMA *dp;
- DMAxfer *xp;
- static int once;
- if(once == 0){
- if(ioalloc(0x00, 0x10, 0, "dma") < 0
- || ioalloc(0x80, 0x10, 0, "dma") < 0
- || ioalloc(0xd0, 0x10, 0, "dma") < 0)
- panic("dmainit");
- outb(dma[0].mc, 0);
- outb(dma[1].mc, 0);
- outb(dma[0].cmask, 0);
- outb(dma[1].cmask, 0);
- outb(dma[1].mode, 0xC0);
- once = 1;
- }
- if(maxtransfer > 64*1024)
- maxtransfer = 64*1024;
- dp = &dma[(chan>>2)&1];
- chan = chan & 3;
- xp = &dp->x[chan];
- if(xp->bva != nil){
- if(xp->blen < maxtransfer)
- return 1;
- return 0;
- }
-//dmastatus(dp, chan, 'I');
- if(i8237used >= i8237dma || i8237bva[i8237used] == nil){
- print("no i8237 DMA bounce buffer < 16MB\n");
- return 1;
- }
- xp->bva = i8237bva[i8237used++];
- xp->bpa = PADDR(xp->bva);
- xp->blen = maxtransfer;
- xp->len = 0;
- xp->isread = 0;
- return 0;
-xdmastatus(int chan)
- DMA *dp;
- dp = &dma[(chan>>2)&1];
- chan = chan & 3;
- dmastatus(dp, chan, 'X');
- * setup a dma transfer. if the destination is not in kernel
- * memory, allocate a page for the transfer.
- *
- * we assume BIOS has set up the command register before we
- * are booted.
- *
- * return the updated transfer length (we can't transfer across 64k
- * boundaries)
- */
-dmasetup(int chan, void *va, long len, int isread)
- DMA *dp;
- ulong pa;
- uchar mode;
- DMAxfer *xp;
- dp = &dma[(chan>>2)&1];
- chan = chan & 3;
- xp = &dp->x[chan];
-//print("va%lux+", va);
-#define tryPCI
-#ifndef PCIWADDR
-#define PCIWADDR(va) PADDR(va)
-#endif /* PCIWADDR */
-#ifdef notdef
- /*
- * if this isn't kernel memory or crossing 64k boundary or above 16 meg
- * use the bounce buffer.
- */
- pa = PADDR(va);
- if((((ulong)va)&0xF0000000) != KZERO
- || (pa&0xFFFF0000) != ((pa+len)&0xFFFF0000)
- || pa >= 16*MB) {
- if(xp->bva == nil)
- return -1;
- if(len > xp->blen)
- len = xp->blen;
- if(!isread)
- memmove(xp->bva, va, len);
- xp->va = va;
- xp->len = len;
- xp->isread = isread;
- pa = xp->bpa;
- }
- else
- xp->len = 0;
-#endif /* notdef */
-#ifdef tryISA
- pa = ISAWADDR(va);
-#endif /* tryISA */
-#ifdef tryPCI
- pa = PCIWADDR(va);
- if((((ulong)va)&0xF0000000) != KZERO){
- if(xp->bva == nil)
- return -1;
- if(len > xp->blen)
- len = xp->blen;
- if(!isread)
- memmove(xp->bva, va, len);
- xp->va = va;
- xp->len = len;
- xp->isread = isread;
- pa = PCIWADDR(xp->bva);
- }
- else
- xp->len = 0;
-#endif /* tryPCI */
- /*
- * this setup must be atomic
- */
- mode = (isread ? 0x44 : 0x48) | chan;
- ilock(dp);
- outb(dp->cbp, 0); /* set count & address to their first byte */
- outb(dp->mode, mode); /* single mode dma (give CPU a chance at mem) */
- outb(dp->addr[chan], pa>>dp->shift); /* set address */
- outb(dp->addr[chan], pa>>(8+dp->shift));
- outb(dp->page[chan], pa>>16);
-#ifdef tryPCI
- outb(0x400|dp->page[chan], pa>>24);
-#endif /* tryPCI */
- outb(dp->cbp, 0); /* set count & address to their first byte */
- outb(dp->count[chan], (len>>dp->shift)-1); /* set count */
- outb(dp->count[chan], ((len>>dp->shift)-1)>>8);
- outb(dp->sbm, chan); /* enable the channel */
- iunlock(dp);
-//dmastatus(dp, chan, 'S');
- return len;
-dmadone(int chan)
- DMA *dp;
- dp = &dma[(chan>>2)&1];
- chan = chan & 3;
- return inb(dp->cmd) & (1<<chan);
- * this must be called after a dma has been completed.
- *
- * if a page has been allocated for the dma,
- * copy the data into the actual destination
- * and free the page.
- */
-dmaend(int chan)
- DMA *dp;
- DMAxfer *xp;
- dp = &dma[(chan>>2)&1];
- chan = chan & 3;
-//dmastatus(dp, chan, 'E');
- /*
- * disable the channel
- */
- ilock(dp);
- outb(dp->sbm, 4|chan);
- iunlock(dp);
- xp = &dp->x[chan];
- if(xp->len == 0 || !xp->isread)
- return;
- /*
- * copy out of temporary page
- */
- memmove(xp->va, xp->bva, xp->len);
- xp->len = 0;
-dmacount(int chan)
- int retval;
- DMA *dp;
- dp = &dma[(chan>>2)&1];
- outb(dp->cbp, 0);
- retval = inb(dp->count[chan]);
- retval |= inb(dp->count[chan]) << 8;
- return((retval<<dp->shift)+1);
- */
--- a/sys/src/9/alphapc/etherif.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +1,0 @@
-enum {
- MaxEther = 24,
- Ntypes = 8,
-typedef struct Ether Ether;
-struct Ether {
- ISAConf; /* hardware info */
- int ctlrno;
- int tbdf; /* type+busno+devno+funcno */
- int minmtu;
- int maxmtu;
- uchar ea[Eaddrlen];
- void (*attach)(Ether*); /* filled in by reset routine */
- void (*detach)(Ether*); /* NEW, from ../pc */
- void (*transmit)(Ether*);
- void (*interrupt)(Ureg*, void*);
- long (*ifstat)(Ether*, void*, long, ulong);
- long (*ctl)(Ether*, void*, long); /* custom ctl messages */
-/* START NEW, from ../pc */
- void (*power)(Ether*, int); /* power on/off */
- void (*shutdown)(Ether*); /* shutdown hardware before reboot */
-/* END NEW */
- void *ctlr;
- Queue* oq;
- Netif;
-extern Block* etheriq(Ether*, Block*, int);
-extern void addethercard(char*, int(*)(Ether*));
-extern ulong ethercrc(uchar*, int);
-extern int parseether(uchar*, char*);
-#define NEXT(x, l) (((x)+1)%(l))
-#define PREV(x, l) (((x) == 0) ? (l)-1: (x)-1)
-#define HOWMANY(x, y) (((x)+((y)-1))/(y))
-#define ROUNDUP(x, y) (HOWMANY((x), (y))*(y))
--- a/sys/src/9/alphapc/faultalpha.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +1,0 @@
-#include "u.h"
-#include "../port/lib.h"
-#include "mem.h"
-#include "dat.h"
-#include "fns.h"
-#include "ureg.h"
-#include "../port/error.h"
- * find out fault address and type of access.
- * Call common fault handler.
- */
-faultalpha(Ureg *ur)
- ulong addr, cause;
- int read, user;
- char buf[ERRMAX];
- uvlong x;
- x = ur->a0&0xffffffff80000000LL;
- if (x != 0LL && x != 0xffffffff80000000LL)
- iprint("faultalpha bad addr %llux pc %llux\n", ur->a0, ur->pc);
- addr = (ulong)ur->a0;
- cause = (ulong)ur->a2;
- addr &= ~(BY2PG-1);
- read = (cause !=1);
- user = (ulong)ur->status&UMODE;
-/* print("fault %s pc=0x%lux addr=0x%lux 0x%lux\n",
- read? (cause != 0) ? "ifetch" : "read" : "write", (ulong)ur->pc, addr, (ulong)ur->a1); /**/
- if(fault(addr, read) == 0)
- return;
- if(user){
- sprint(buf, "sys: trap: fault %s addr=0x%lux",
- read? (cause != 0) ? "ifetch" : "read" : "write", (ulong)ur->a0);
- postnote(up, 1, buf, NDebug);
- return;
- }
- iprint("kernel %s vaddr=0x%lux\n", read? (cause != 0) ? "ifetch" : "read" : "write", (ulong)ur->a0);
- if(0)
- mmudump();
- dumpregs(ur);
- _dumpstack(ur);
- exit(1);
- * called in sysfile.c
- */
-evenaddr(ulong addr)
- if(addr & 3){
- postnote(up, 1, "sys: odd address", NDebug);
- error(Ebadarg);
- }
--- a/sys/src/9/alphapc/fdc37c93x.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +1,0 @@
-#include "u.h"
-#include "../port/lib.h"
-#include "mem.h"
-#include "dat.h"
-#include "fns.h"
-#include "io.h"
- * SMC FDC37C93x Plug and Play Compatible Ultra I/O Controller.
- */
-enum { /* I/O Ports */
- Config = 0x370, /* could also be 0x3F0 */
- Index = 0,
- Data = 1,
-static int fddregs[] = {
- 0x30,
- 0x60, 0x61,
- 0x70,
- 0x74,
- 0xF0,
- 0xF1,
- 0xF2,
- 0xF4,
- 0xF5,
- 0,
-#define OUTB(p, d) outb(p, d); microdelay(10);
- int config, i, x;
- config = Config;
- OUTB(config, 0x55);
- OUTB(config, 0x55);
- OUTB(config+Index, 0x20);
- x = inb(config+Data);
- print("fdc37c93x: Device ID 0x%2.2uX\n", x);
- OUTB(config+Index, 0x22);
- x = inb(config+Data);
- print("fdc37c93x: Power/Control 0x%2.2uX\n", x);
- OUTB(config+Index, 0x07);
- OUTB(config+Data, 0);
- for(i = 0; fddregs[i]; i++){
- OUTB(config+Index, fddregs[i]);
- x = inb(config+Data);
- print("FDD%2.2uX: 0x%2.2uX\n", fddregs[i], x);
- }
- OUTB(config+Index, 0x70);
- OUTB(config+Data, 0x06);
- OUTB(config+Index, 0x74);
- OUTB(config+Data, 0x02);
- OUTB(config+Index, 0x30);
- OUTB(config+Data, 0x01);
- OUTB(config, 0xAA);
--- a/sys/src/9/alphapc/floppy.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +1,0 @@
-typedef struct FController FController;
-typedef struct FDrive FDrive;
-typedef struct FType FType;
-static void floppyintr(Ureg*);
-static int floppyon(FDrive*);
-static void floppyoff(FDrive*);
-static void floppysetdef(FDrive*);
- * a floppy drive
- */
-struct FDrive
- FType *t; /* floppy type */
- int dt; /* drive type */
- int dev;
- ulong lasttouched; /* time last touched */
- int cyl; /* current arm position */
- int confused; /* needs to be recalibrated */
- int vers;
- int maxtries; /* max read attempts before Eio */
- int tcyl; /* target cylinder */
- int thead; /* target head */
- int tsec; /* target sector */
- long len; /* size of xfer */
- uchar *cache; /* track cache */
- int ccyl;
- int chead;
- Rendez r; /* waiting here for motor to spin up */
- * controller for 4 floppys
- */
-struct FController
- QLock; /* exclusive access to the contoller */
- int ndrive;
- FDrive *d; /* the floppy drives */
- FDrive *selected;
- int rate; /* current rate selected */
- uchar cmd[14]; /* command */
- int ncmd; /* # command bytes */
- uchar stat[14]; /* command status */
- int nstat; /* # status bytes */
- int confused; /* controler needs to be reset */
- Rendez r; /* wait here for command termination */
- int motor; /* bit mask of spinning disks */
- Rendez kr; /* for motor watcher */
- * floppy types (all MFM encoding)
- */
-struct FType
- char *name;
- int dt; /* compatible drive type */
- int bytes; /* bytes/sector */
- int sectors; /* sectors/track */
- int heads; /* number of heads */
- int steps; /* steps per cylinder */
- int tracks; /* tracks/disk */
- int gpl; /* intersector gap length for read/write */
- int fgpl; /* intersector gap length for format */
- int rate; /* rate code */
- /*
- * these depend on previous entries and are set filled in
- * by floppyinit
- */
- int bcode; /* coded version of bytes for the controller */
- long cap; /* drive capacity in bytes */
- long tsize; /* track size in bytes */
-/* bits in the registers */
- /* status registers a & b */
- Psra= 0x3f0,
- Psrb= 0x3f1,
- /* digital output register */
- Pdor= 0x3f2,
- Fintena= 0x8, /* enable floppy interrupt */
- Fena= 0x4, /* 0 == reset controller */
- /* main status register */
- Pmsr= 0x3f4,
- Fready= 0x80, /* ready to be touched */
- Ffrom= 0x40, /* data from controller */
- Ffloppybusy= 0x10, /* operation not over */
- /* data register */
- Pfdata= 0x3f5,
- Frecal= 0x07, /* recalibrate cmd */
- Fseek= 0x0f, /* seek cmd */
- Fsense= 0x08, /* sense cmd */
- Fread= 0x66, /* read cmd */
- Freadid= 0x4a, /* read track id */
- Fspec= 0x03, /* set hold times */
- Fwrite= 0x45, /* write cmd */
- Fformat= 0x4d, /* format cmd */
- Fmulti= 0x80, /* or'd with Fread or Fwrite for multi-head */
- Fdumpreg= 0x0e, /* dump internal registers */
- /* digital input register */
- Pdir= 0x3F7, /* disk changed port (read only) */
- Pdsr= 0x3F7, /* data rate select port (write only) */
- Fchange= 0x80, /* disk has changed */
- /* status 0 byte */
- Drivemask= 3<<0,
- Seekend= 1<<5,
- Codemask= (3<<6)|(3<<3),
- Cmdexec= 1<<6,
- /* status 1 byte */
- Overrun= 0x10,
-static void
-pcfloppyintr(Ureg *ur, void *a)
- USED(a);
- floppyintr(ur);
-floppysetup0(FController *fl)
- fl->ndrive = 0;
- if(ioalloc(Psra, 6, 0, "floppy") < 0)
- return;
- if(ioalloc(Pdir, 1, 0, "floppy") < 0){
- iofree(Psra);
- return;
- }
- fl->ndrive = 1;
-floppysetup1(FController *fl)
- if(fl->ndrive > 0){
- fl->d[0].dt = 4;
- floppysetdef(&fl->d[0]);
- }
- if(fl->ndrive > 1){
- fl->d[1].dt = 4;
- floppysetdef(&fl->d[1]);
- }
- intrenable(IrqFLOPPY, pcfloppyintr, fl, BUSUNKNOWN, "floppy");
- * eject disk
- */
-floppyeject(FDrive *dp)
- floppyon(dp);
- dp->vers++;
- floppyoff(dp);
-floppyexec(char *a, long b, int c)
- USED(a, b, c);
- return b;
--- a/sys/src/9/alphapc/fns.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +1,0 @@
-#include "../port/portfns.h"
-Dirtab* addarchfile(char*, int, long(*)(Chan*,void*,long,vlong), long(*)(Chan*,void*,long,vlong));
-void archinit(void);
-void arginit(void);
-void arith(void);
-ulong cankaddr(ulong);
-void clock(Ureg*);
-void clockinit(void);
-void clockintrsched(void);
-#define coherence mb
-int cistrcmp(char*, char*);
-int cistrncmp(char*, char*, int);
-int cmpswap(long*, long, long);
-void cpuidprint(void);
-void cserve(ulong, ulong);
-#define cycles(x) do{}while(0)
-void timeradd(Timer *);
-void timerdel(Timer *);
-int dmacount(int);
-int dmadone(int);
-void dmaend(int);
-int dmainit(int, int);
-long dmasetup(int, void*, long, int);
-void _dumpstack(Ureg *);
-void evenaddr(ulong);
-void fataltrap(Ureg *, char *);
-void fault0(void);
-void faultalpha(Ureg*);
-ulong fcr31(void);
-void firmware(void);
-void fpenab(int);
-void fptrap(Ureg*);
-int getcfields(char*, char**, int, char*);
-char *getconf(char*);
-int havetimer(void);
-int i8042auxcmd(int);
-void i8042auxenable(void (*)(int, int));
-void i8042reset(void);
-void i8250console(void);
-void i8250mouse(char*, int(*)(Queue*,int), int);
-void i8250setmouseputc(char*, int (*)(Queue*, int));
-void i8259init(void);
-int i8259enable(int, int, Vctl*);
-#define idlehands() /* nothing to do in the runproc */
-void icflush(void);
-void illegal0(void);
-void intr0(void);
-void intrenable(int, void (*)(Ureg*, void*), void*, int, char*);
-int intrdisable(int, void (*)(Ureg *, void *), void*, int, char*);
-int ioalloc(int, int, int, char*);
-void iofree(int);
-void ioinit(void);
-int iounused(int, int);
-int irqallocread(char*, long, vlong);
-int isaconfig(char*, int, ISAConf*);
-#define kexit(a)
-#define kmapinval()
-void *kmapv(uvlong, int);
-int kprint(char*, ...);
-void links(void);
-void mb(void);
-void memholes(void);
-ulong meminit(void);
-void mmudump(void);
-void mmuinit(void);
-void mmupark(void);
-#define mtrr(a, b, c)
-ulong pcibarsize(Pcidev*, int);
-int pcicfgr8(Pcidev*, int);
-int pcicfgr16(Pcidev*, int);
-int pcicfgr32(Pcidev*, int);
-void pcicfgw8(Pcidev*, int, int);
-void pcicfgw16(Pcidev*, int, int);
-void pcicfgw32(Pcidev*, int, int);
-void pciclrbme(Pcidev*);
-void pcihinv(Pcidev*);
-Pcidev* pcimatch(Pcidev*, int, int);
-Pcidev* pcimatchtbdf(int);
-void pcireset(void);
-void pcisetbme(Pcidev*);
-int pcmspecial(char*, ISAConf*);
-int (*_pcmspecial)(char *, ISAConf *);
-void pcmspecialclose(int);
-void (*_pcmspecialclose)(int);
-void prflush(void);
-void printinit(void);
-#define procrestore(p)
-void procsave(Proc*);
-void procsetup(Proc*);
-void procfork(Proc*);
-void restfpregs(FPsave*);
-uvlong rpcc(uvlong*);
-void screeninit(void);
-void (*screenputs)(char*, int);
-void setpcb(PCB *);
-PCB *swpctx(PCB *);
-void syscall0(void);
-int tas(ulong*);
-void tlbflush(int, ulong);
-void touser(void*);
-void trapinit(void);
-void unaligned(void);
-ulong upaalloc(int, int);
-void upafree(ulong, int);
-#define userureg(ur) ((ur)->status & UMODE)
-void* vmap(ulong, int);
-void wrent(int, void*);
-void wrvptptr(uvlong);
-void vunmap(void*, int);
-#define waserror() (up->nerrlab++, setlabel(&up->errlab[up->nerrlab-1]))
-#define KADDR(a) ((void*)((ulong)(a)|KZERO))
-#define PADDR(a) ((ulong)(a)&~KZERO)
-#define inb(p) (arch->_inb)(p)
-#define ins(p) (arch->_ins)(p)
-#define inl(p) (arch->_inl)(p)
-#define outb(p, x) (arch->_outb)((p), (x))
-#define outs(p, x) (arch->_outs)((p), (x))
-#define outl(p, x) (arch->_outl)((p), (x))
-#define insb(p, buf, len) (arch->_insb)((p), (buf), (len))
-#define inss(p, buf, len) (arch->_inss)((p), (buf), (len))
-#define insl(p, buf, len) (arch->_insl)((p), (buf), (len))
-#define outsb(p, buf, len) (arch->_outsb)((p), (buf), (len))
-#define outss(p, buf, len) (arch->_outss)((p), (buf), (len))
-#define outsl(p, buf, len) (arch->_outsl)((p), (buf), (len))
--- a/sys/src/9/alphapc/fptrap.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +1,0 @@
-#include "u.h"
-#include "../port/lib.h"
-#include "mem.h"
-#include "dat.h"
-#include "fns.h"
-#include "ureg.h"
-#include "io.h"
-#include "../port/error.h"
-char *fpcause[] =
- "invalid operation",
- "division by zero",
- "overflow",
- "underflow",
- "inexact operation",
- "integer overflow",
-char *fpexcname(Ureg*, ulong, char*);
-fptrap(Ureg *ur)
- char buf[ERRMAX];
- int i;
- ulong reason;
- ur->pc &= ~2;
- reason = (ulong)ur->a0;
- for (i = 1; i < 6; i++)
- if (reason & (1<<i)) {
- sprint(buf, "fp: %s", fpcause[i-1]);
- goto found;
- }
- sprint(buf, "fp: code 0x%lux", reason);
- fataltrap(ur, buf);
-fpexcname(Ureg *ur, ulong fcr31, char *buf)
- USED(ur, fcr31, buf);
- return buf;
--- a/sys/src/9/alphapc/i8259.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +1,0 @@
-#include "u.h"
-#include "../port/lib.h"
-#include "mem.h"
-#include "dat.h"
-#include "fns.h"
-#include "io.h"
- * 8259 interrupt controllers
- */
- Int0ctl= 0x20, /* control port (ICW1, OCW2, OCW3) */
- Int0aux= 0x21, /* everything else (ICW2, ICW3, ICW4, OCW1) */
- Int1ctl= 0xA0, /* control port */
- Int1aux= 0xA1, /* everything else (ICW2, ICW3, ICW4, OCW1) */
- Icw1= 0x10, /* select bit in ctl register */
- Ocw2= 0x00,
- Ocw3= 0x08,
- EOI= 0x20, /* non-specific end of interrupt */
- Elcr1= 0x4D0, /* Edge/Level Triggered Register */
- Elcr2= 0x4D1,
-static int int0mask; /* interrupts enabled for first 8259 */
-static int int1mask; /* interrupts enabled for second 8259 */
-int elcr; /* mask of level-triggered interrupts */
- int /*elcr1, */ x;
- ioalloc(Int0ctl, 2, 0, "i8259.0");
- ioalloc(Int1ctl, 2, 0, "i8259.1");
- int0mask = 0xFF;
- int1mask = 0xFF;
- /*
- * Set up the first 8259 interrupt processor.
- * Make 8259 interrupts start at CPU vector Int0vec.
- * Set the 8259 as master with edge triggered
- * input with fully nested interrupts.
- */
- outb(Int0ctl, (1<<4)|(0<<3)|(1<<0)); /* ICW1 - master, edge triggered,
- ICW4 will be sent */
- outb(Int0aux, VectorPIC); /* ICW2 - interrupt vector offset */
- outb(Int0aux, 0x04); /* ICW3 - have slave on level 2 */
- outb(Int0aux, 0x01); /* ICW4 - 8086 mode, not buffered */
- /*
- * Set up the second 8259 interrupt processor.
- * Make 8259 interrupts start at CPU vector VectorPIC+8.
- * Set the 8259 as slave with edge triggered
- * input with fully nested interrupts.
- */
- outb(Int1ctl, (1<<4)|(0<<3)|(1<<0)); /* ICW1 - master, edge triggered,
- ICW4 will be sent */
- outb(Int1aux, VectorPIC+8); /* ICW2 - interrupt vector offset */
- outb(Int1aux, 0x02); /* ICW3 - I am a slave on level 2 */
- outb(Int1aux, 0x01); /* ICW4 - 8086 mode, not buffered */
- outb(Int1aux, int1mask);
- /*
- * pass #2 8259 interrupts to #1
- */
- int0mask &= ~0x04;
- outb(Int0aux, int0mask);
- /*
- * Set Ocw3 to return the ISR when ctl read.
- * After initialisation status read is set to IRR.
- * Read IRR first to possibly deassert an outstanding
- * interrupt.
- */
- x = inb(Int0ctl); USED(x);
- outb(Int0ctl, Ocw3|0x03);
- x = inb(Int1ctl); USED(x);
- outb(Int1ctl, Ocw3|0x03);
- /*
- * Check for Edge/Level register.
- * This check may not work for all chipsets.
- */
-/* elcr1 = inb(Elcr1);
- outb(Elcr1, 0);
- if(inb(Elcr1) == 0){
- outb(Elcr1, 0x20);
- if(inb(Elcr1) == 0x20)
- elcr = (inb(Elcr2)<<8)|elcr1;
- }
- outb(Elcr1, elcr1);
- if(elcr)
- iprint("ELCR: %4.4uX\n", elcr);
-i8259isr(int v)
- int isr;
- /*
- * tell the 8259 that we're done with the
- * highest level interrupt (interrupts are still
- * off at this point)
- */
- isr = 0;
- if(v >= VectorPIC && v <= MaxVectorPIC){
- isr = inb(Int0ctl);
- outb(Int0ctl, EOI);
- if(v >= VectorPIC+8){
- isr |= inb(Int1ctl)<<8;
- outb(Int1ctl, EOI);
- }
- }
- return isr & (1<<(v-VectorPIC));
-i8259enable(int v, int, Vctl* vctl)
- if(v > MaxIrqPIC){
- print("i8259enable: vector %d out of range\n", v);
- return -1;
- }
- /*
- * enable corresponding interrupt in 8259
- */
- if(v < 8){
- int0mask &= ~(1<<v);
- outb(Int0aux, int0mask);
- }
- else{
- int1mask &= ~(1<<(v-8));
- outb(Int1aux, int1mask);
- }
- if(elcr & (1<<v))
- vctl->eoi = i8259isr;
- else
- vctl->isr = i8259isr;
- vctl->isintr = 1;
- return v;
--- a/sys/src/9/alphapc/initcode
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +1,0 @@
-#include "/sys/src/libc/9syscall/sys.h"
- * we pass in the argument of the exec parameters as 0(FP)
- */
-TEXT main(SB),$16
- MOVQ $setSB(SB), R29
- MOVQ $boot(SB), R0
- ADDQ $24, R30, R1 /* get a pointer to 0(FP) */
- MOVL R0, 8(R30)
- MOVL R1, 12(R30)
- JSR exec(SB)
- MOVQ $(1<<4), R0
- MOVL R0, 8(R30)
- CALL_PAL $0x83
- CALL_PAL $0x83
- CALL_PAL $0x83
- ADDL $1, R1
- MOVQ $0, R0 /* print r1 */
- CALL_PAL $0x83
- MOVQ $100000000, R2
- SUBQ $1, R2
- BNE R2, foo
- MOVQ $1000, R0
- MOVL R0, 8(R30)
- CALL_PAL $0x83
- JMP again
-TEXT exec(SB), $0
- CALL_PAL $0x83
-DATA boot+0(SB)/5,$"/boot"
-DATA boot+5(SB)/5,$"/boot"
-DATA bootv+0(SB)/4,$boot+6(SB)
-GLOBL boot+0(SB),$11
-GLOBL bootv+0(SB),$8
--- a/sys/src/9/alphapc/io.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,176 +1,0 @@
-enum {
- IrqCLOCK = 0,
- IrqKBD = 1,
- IrqUART1 = 3,
- IrqUART0 = 4,
- IrqPCMCIA = 5,
- IrqFLOPPY = 6,
- IrqLPT = 7,
- IrqIRQ7 = 7,
- IrqAUX = 12, /* PS/2 port */
- IrqIRQ13 = 13, /* coprocessor on 386 */
- IrqATA0 = 14,
- IrqATA1 = 15,
- MaxIrqPIC = 15,
- VectorPIC = 64,
- MaxVectorPIC = VectorPIC+MaxIrqPIC,
- VectorPCI = 16, /* PCI bus (PLD) */
-typedef struct Vctl {
- Vctl* next; /* handlers on this vector */
- char name[KNAMELEN]; /* of driver */
- int isintr; /* interrupt or fault/trap */
- int irq;
- int tbdf;
- int (*isr)(int); /* get isr bit for this irq */
- int (*eoi)(int); /* eoi */
- void (*f)(Ureg*, void*); /* handler to call */
- void* a; /* argument to call it with */
-} Vctl;
-enum {
- BusCBUS = 0, /* Corollary CBUS */
- BusCBUSII, /* Corollary CBUS II */
- BusEISA, /* Extended ISA */
- BusFUTURE, /* IEEE Futurebus */
- BusINTERN, /* Internal bus */
- BusISA, /* Industry Standard Architecture */
- BusMBI, /* Multibus I */
- BusMBII, /* Multibus II */
- BusMCA, /* Micro Channel Architecture */
- BusMPI, /* MPI */
- BusMPSA, /* MPSA */
- BusNUBUS, /* Apple Macintosh NuBus */
- BusPCI, /* Peripheral Component Interconnect */
- BusPCMCIA, /* PC Memory Card International Association */
- BusTC, /* DEC TurboChannel */
- BusVL, /* VESA Local bus */
- BusVME, /* VMEbus */
- BusXPRESS, /* Express System Bus */
-#define MKBUS(t,b,d,f) (((t)<<24)|(((b)&0xFF)<<16)|(((d)&0x1F)<<11)|(((f)&0x07)<<8))
-#define BUSFNO(tbdf) (((tbdf)>>8)&0x07)
-#define BUSDNO(tbdf) (((tbdf)>>11)&0x1F)
-#define BUSBNO(tbdf) (((tbdf)>>16)&0xFF)
-#define BUSTYPE(tbdf) ((tbdf)>>24)
-#define BUSDF(tbdf) ((tbdf)&0x000FF00)
-#define BUSBDF(tbdf) ((tbdf)&0x0FFFF00)
-#define BUSUNKNOWN (-1)
-enum {
- MaxEISA = 16,
- EISAconfig = 0xC80,
- * PCI support code.
- */
-enum { /* type 0 and type 1 pre-defined header */
- PciVID = 0x00, /* vendor ID */
- PciDID = 0x02, /* device ID */
- PciPCR = 0x04, /* command */
- PciPSR = 0x06, /* status */
- PciRID = 0x08, /* revision ID */
- PciCCRp = 0x09, /* programming interface class code */
- PciCCRu = 0x0A, /* sub-class code */
- PciCCRb = 0x0B, /* base class code */
- PciCLS = 0x0C, /* cache line size */
- PciLTR = 0x0D, /* latency timer */
- PciHDT = 0x0E, /* header type */
- PciBST = 0x0F, /* BIST */
- PciBAR0 = 0x10, /* base address */
- PciBAR1 = 0x14,
- PciROM = 0x30,
- PciINTL = 0x3C, /* interrupt line */
- PciINTP = 0x3D, /* interrupt pin */
-enum { /* type 0 pre-defined header */
- PciCIS = 0x28, /* cardbus CIS pointer */
- PciSVID = 0x2C, /* subsystem vendor ID */
- PciSID = 0x2E, /* subsystem ID */
- PciEBAR0 = 0x30, /* xpansion ROM base address */
- PciMGNT = 0x3E, /* burst period length */
- PciMLT = 0x3F, /* maximum latency between bursts */
-enum { /* type 1 pre-defined header */
- PciPBN = 0x18, /* primary bus number */
- PciSBN = 0x19, /* secondary bus number */
- PciUBN = 0x1A, /* subordinate bus number */
- PciSLTR = 0x1B, /* secondary latency timer */
- PciIBR = 0x1C, /* I/O base */
- PciILR = 0x1D, /* I/O limit */
- PciSPSR = 0x1E, /* secondary status */
- PciMBR = 0x20, /* memory base */
- PciMLR = 0x22, /* memory limit */
- PciPMBR = 0x24, /* prefetchable memory base */
- PciPMLR = 0x26, /* prefetchable memory limit */
- PciPUBR = 0x28, /* prefetchable base upper 32 bits */
- PciPULR = 0x2C, /* prefetchable limit upper 32 bits */
- PciIUBR = 0x30, /* I/O base upper 16 bits */
- PciIULR = 0x32, /* I/O limit upper 16 bits */
- PciEBAR1 = 0x28, /* expansion ROM base address */
- PciBCR = 0x3E, /* bridge control register */
-typedef struct Pcidev Pcidev;
-typedef struct Pcidev {
- int tbdf; /* type+bus+device+function */
- ushort vid; /* vendor ID */
- ushort did; /* device ID */
- ushort pcr;
- uchar rid;
- uchar ccrp;
- uchar ccru;
- uchar ccrb;
- uchar cls;
- uchar ltr;
- struct {
- ulong bar; /* base address */
- int size;
- } mem[6];
- uchar intl; /* interrupt line */
- Pcidev* list;
- Pcidev* link; /* next device on this bno */
- Pcidev* bridge; /* down a bus */
- struct {
- ulong bar;
- int size;
- } ioa, mema;
- int pmrb; /* power management register block */
-#define PCIWINDOW 0x40000000
-#define ISAWINDOW 0x00800000
- * PCMCIA support code.
- */
- * Map between ISA memory space and PCMCIA card memory space.
- */
-struct PCMmap {
- ulong ca; /* card address */
- ulong cea; /* card end address */
- ulong isa; /* ISA address */
- int len; /* length of the ISA area */
- int attr; /* attribute memory */
- int ref;
--- a/sys/src/9/alphapc/l.s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,438 +1,0 @@
-#include "mem.h"
-#include "osf1pal.h"
-#define SP R30
-#define HI_IPL 6 /* use 7 to disable mchecks */
-TEXT _main(SB), $-8
- MOVQ $setSB(SB), R29
- MOVQ R29, R16
- CALL_PAL $PALwrkgp
- MOVQ $mach0(SB), R(MACH)
- MOVQ $(BY2PG-8)(R(MACH)), R30
- MOVQ R31, 0(R(MACH))
- MOVQ $edata(SB), R1
- MOVQ $end(SB), R2
- MOVQ R31, (R1)
- ADDQ $8, R1
- CMPUGT R1, R2, R3
- BEQ R3, clrbss
- MOVL R0, bootconf(SB) /* passed in from boot loader */
- MOVQ $1, R16
- CALL_PAL $PALwrfen
- MOVQ initfpcr(SB), R1 /* MOVQ $0x2800800000000000, R1 */
- MOVQ R1, (R30)
- MOVT (R30), F1
- MOVT $0.5, F28
- ADDT F28, F28, F29
- ADDT F29, F29, F30
- MOVT F31, F1
- MOVT F31, F2
- MOVT F31, F3
- MOVT F31, F4
- MOVT F31, F5
- MOVT F31, F6
- MOVT F31, F7
- MOVT F31, F8
- MOVT F31, F9
- MOVT F31, F10
- MOVT F31, F11
- MOVT F31, F12
- MOVT F31, F13
- MOVT F31, F14
- MOVT F31, F15
- MOVT F31, F16
- MOVT F31, F17
- MOVT F31, F18
- MOVT F31, F19
- MOVT F31, F20
- MOVT F31, F21
- MOVT F31, F22
- MOVT F31, F23
- MOVT F31, F24
- MOVT F31, F25
- MOVT F31, F26
- MOVT F31, F27
- JSR main(SB)
- MOVQ $_divq(SB), R31 /* touch _divq etc.; doesn't need to execute */
- MOVQ $_divl(SB), R31 /* touch _divl etc.; doesn't need to execute */
-TEXT setpcb(SB), $-8
- MOVQ R30, (R0)
- AND $0x7FFFFFFF, R0, R16 /* make address physical */
- CALL_PAL $PALswpctx
-GLOBL init_ptbr(SB), $8
-TEXT firmware(SB), $-8
-TEXT xxfirmware(SB), $-8
-TEXT splhi(SB), $0
- MOVL R26, 4(R(MACH)) /* save PC in m->splpc */
- CALL_PAL $PALswpipl
-TEXT spllo(SB), $0
- MOVQ R31, R16
- CALL_PAL $PALswpipl
-TEXT splx(SB), $0
- MOVL R26, 4(R(MACH)) /* save PC in m->splpc */
-TEXT splxpc(SB), $0 /* for iunlock */
- MOVQ R0, R16
- CALL_PAL $PALswpipl
-TEXT spldone(SB), $0
-TEXT islo(SB), $0
- AND $IPL, R0
-TEXT mb(SB), $-8
- MB
-TEXT icflush(SB), $-8
-TEXT tlbflush(SB), $-8
- MOVQ R0, R16
- MOVL 4(FP), R17
-TEXT swpctx(SB), $-8
- MOVQ R0, R16
- AND $0x7FFFFFFF, R16 /* make address physical */
- CALL_PAL $PALswpctx
-TEXT wrent(SB), $-8
- MOVQ R0, R17
- MOVL 4(FP), R16
- CALL_PAL $PALwrent
-TEXT wrvptptr(SB), $-8
- MOVQ R0, R16
- CALL_PAL $PALwrvptptr
-TEXT cserve(SB), $-8
- MOVQ R0, R16
- MOVL 4(FP), R17
- CALL_PAL $PALcserve
-TEXT setlabel(SB), $-8
- MOVL R30, 0(R0)
- MOVL R26, 4(R0)
- MOVQ $0, R0
-TEXT gotolabel(SB), $-8
- MOVL 0(R0), R30
- MOVL 4(R0), R26
- MOVQ $1, R0
-TEXT tas(SB), $-8
- MOVQ R0, R1 /* l */
- MOVLL (R1), R0 /* l->key */
- BNE R0, tas2
- MOVQ $1, R2
- MOVLC R2, (R1) /* l->key = 1 */
- BEQ R2, tas1 /* write failed, try again? */
-TEXT cmpswap(SB), $-8
- MOVQ R0, R1 /* p */
- MOVL old+4(FP), R2
- MOVL new+8(FP), R3
- MOVLL (R1), R0
- CMPEQ R0, R2, R4
- BEQ R4, fail /* if R0 != [sic] R2, goto fail */
- MOVQ R3, R0
- MOVLC R0, (R1)
- MOVL $0, R0
-TEXT fpenab(SB), $-8
- MOVQ R0, R16
- CALL_PAL $PALwrfen
-TEXT rpcc(SB), $0
- MOVL R0, R1
- MOVL $0, R0
- WORD $0x6000C000 /* RPCC R0 */
- BEQ R1, _ret
- MOVQ R0, (R1)
- * Exception handlers. The stack frame looks like this:
- *
- * R30+0: (unused) link reg storage (R26) (32 bits)
- * R30+4: padding for alignment (32 bits)
- * R30+8: trap()'s first arg storage (R0) (32 bits -- type Ureg*)
- * R30+12: padding for alignment (32 bits)
- * R30+16: first 31 fields of Ureg, saved here (31*64 bits)
- * R30+264: other 6 fields of Ureg, saved by PALcode (6*64 bits)
- * R30+312: previous value of KSP before trap
- */
-TEXT arith(SB), $-8
- SUBQ $(4*BY2WD+31*BY2V), R30
- MOVQ R0, (4*BY2WD+4*BY2V)(R30)
- MOVQ $1, R0
- JMP trapcommon
-TEXT illegal0(SB), $-8
- SUBQ $(4*BY2WD+31*BY2V), R30
- MOVQ R0, (4*BY2WD+4*BY2V)(R30)
- MOVQ $2, R0
- JMP trapcommon
-TEXT fault0(SB), $-8
- SUBQ $(4*BY2WD+31*BY2V), R30
- MOVQ R0, (4*BY2WD+4*BY2V)(R30)
- MOVQ $4, R0
- JMP trapcommon
-TEXT unaligned(SB), $-8
- SUBQ $(4*BY2WD+31*BY2V), R30
- MOVQ R0, (4*BY2WD+4*BY2V)(R30)
- MOVQ $6, R0
- JMP trapcommon
-TEXT intr0(SB), $-8
- SUBQ $(4*BY2WD+31*BY2V), R30
- MOVQ R0, (4*BY2WD+4*BY2V)(R30)
- MOVQ $3, R0
- MOVQ R0, (4*BY2WD+0*BY2V)(R30)
- MOVQ R16, (4*BY2WD+1*BY2V)(R30)
- MOVQ R17, (4*BY2WD+2*BY2V)(R30)
- MOVQ R18, (4*BY2WD+3*BY2V)(R30)
- /* R0 already saved, (4*BY2WD+4*BY2V)(R30) */
- MOVQ R1, (4*BY2WD+5*BY2V)(R30)
- MOVQ R2, (4*BY2WD+6*BY2V)(R30)
- MOVQ R3, (4*BY2WD+7*BY2V)(R30)
- MOVQ R4, (4*BY2WD+8*BY2V)(R30)
- MOVQ R5, (4*BY2WD+9*BY2V)(R30)
- MOVQ R6, (4*BY2WD+10*BY2V)(R30)
- MOVQ R7, (4*BY2WD+11*BY2V)(R30)
- MOVQ R8, (4*BY2WD+12*BY2V)(R30)
- MOVQ R9, (4*BY2WD+13*BY2V)(R30)
- MOVQ R10, (4*BY2WD+14*BY2V)(R30)
- MOVQ R11, (4*BY2WD+15*BY2V)(R30)
- MOVQ R12, (4*BY2WD+16*BY2V)(R30)
- MOVQ R13, (4*BY2WD+17*BY2V)(R30)
- MOVQ R14, (4*BY2WD+18*BY2V)(R30)
- MOVQ R15, (4*BY2WD+19*BY2V)(R30)
- MOVQ R19, (4*BY2WD+20*BY2V)(R30)
- MOVQ R20, (4*BY2WD+21*BY2V)(R30)
- MOVQ R21, (4*BY2WD+22*BY2V)(R30)
- MOVQ R22, (4*BY2WD+23*BY2V)(R30)
- MOVQ R23, (4*BY2WD+24*BY2V)(R30)
- MOVQ R24, (4*BY2WD+25*BY2V)(R30)
- MOVQ R25, (4*BY2WD+26*BY2V)(R30)
- MOVQ R26, (4*BY2WD+27*BY2V)(R30)
- MOVQ R27, (4*BY2WD+28*BY2V)(R30)
- MOVQ R28, (4*BY2WD+29*BY2V)(R30)
- CALL_PAL $PALswpipl
- CALL_PAL $PALrdusp
- MOVQ R0, (4*BY2WD+30*BY2V)(R30) /* save USP */
- MOVQ $mach0(SB), R(MACH)
- MOVQ $(4*BY2WD)(R30), R0
- JSR trap(SB)
- MOVQ (4*BY2WD+30*BY2V)(R30), R16 /* USP */
- CALL_PAL $PALwrusp /* ... */
- MOVQ (4*BY2WD+4*BY2V)(R30), R0
- MOVQ (4*BY2WD+5*BY2V)(R30), R1
- MOVQ (4*BY2WD+6*BY2V)(R30), R2
- MOVQ (4*BY2WD+7*BY2V)(R30), R3
- MOVQ (4*BY2WD+8*BY2V)(R30), R4
- MOVQ (4*BY2WD+9*BY2V)(R30), R5
- MOVQ (4*BY2WD+10*BY2V)(R30), R6
- MOVQ (4*BY2WD+11*BY2V)(R30), R7
- MOVQ (4*BY2WD+12*BY2V)(R30), R8
- MOVQ (4*BY2WD+13*BY2V)(R30), R9
- MOVQ (4*BY2WD+14*BY2V)(R30), R10
- MOVQ (4*BY2WD+15*BY2V)(R30), R11
- MOVQ (4*BY2WD+16*BY2V)(R30), R12
- MOVQ (4*BY2WD+17*BY2V)(R30), R13
- MOVQ (4*BY2WD+18*BY2V)(R30), R14
- MOVQ (4*BY2WD+19*BY2V)(R30), R15
- MOVQ (4*BY2WD+20*BY2V)(R30), R19
- MOVQ (4*BY2WD+21*BY2V)(R30), R20
- MOVQ (4*BY2WD+22*BY2V)(R30), R21
- MOVQ (4*BY2WD+23*BY2V)(R30), R22
- MOVQ (4*BY2WD+24*BY2V)(R30), R23
- MOVQ (4*BY2WD+25*BY2V)(R30), R24
- MOVQ (4*BY2WD+26*BY2V)(R30), R25
- MOVQ (4*BY2WD+27*BY2V)(R30), R26
- MOVQ (4*BY2WD+28*BY2V)(R30), R27
- MOVQ (4*BY2WD+29*BY2V)(R30), R28
- /* USP already restored from (4*BY2WD+30*BY2V)(R30) */
- ADDQ $(4*BY2WD+31*BY2V), R30
-TEXT forkret(SB), $0
- MOVQ R31, R0 /* Fake out system call return */
- JMP systrapret
-TEXT syscall0(SB), $-8
- SUBQ $(4*BY2WD+31*BY2V), R30
- MOVQ R0, (4*BY2WD+4*BY2V)(R30) /* save scallnr in R0 */
- CALL_PAL $PALswpipl
- MOVQ $mach0(SB), R(MACH)
- CALL_PAL $PALrdusp
- MOVQ R0, (4*BY2WD+30*BY2V)(R30) /* save USP */
- MOVQ R26, (4*BY2WD+27*BY2V)(R30) /* save last return address */
- MOVQ $(4*BY2WD)(R30), R0 /* pass address of Ureg */
- JSR syscall(SB)
- MOVQ (4*BY2WD+30*BY2V)(R30), R16 /* USP */
- CALL_PAL $PALwrusp /* consider doing this in execregs... */
- MOVQ (4*BY2WD+27*BY2V)(R30), R26 /* restore last return address */
- ADDQ $(4*BY2WD+31*BY2V), R30
- CALL_PAL $PALretsys
- * Take first processor into user mode
- * - argument is stack pointer to user
- */
-TEXT touser(SB), $-8
- MOVQ R0, R16
- CALL_PAL $PALwrusp /* set USP to value passed */
- SUBQ $(6*BY2V), R30 /* create frame for retsys */
- MOVQ $(UTZERO+32), R26 /* header appears in text */
- MOVQ R26, (1*BY2V)(R30) /* PC -- only reg that matters */
- CALL_PAL $PALretsys
-TEXT rfnote(SB), $0
- SUBL $(2*BY2WD), R0, SP
- JMP trapret
-TEXT savefpregs(SB), $-8
- MOVT F0, 0x00(R0)
- MOVT F1, 0x08(R0)
- MOVT F2, 0x10(R0)
- MOVT F3, 0x18(R0)
- MOVT F4, 0x20(R0)
- MOVT F5, 0x28(R0)
- MOVT F6, 0x30(R0)
- MOVT F7, 0x38(R0)
- MOVT F8, 0x40(R0)
- MOVT F9, 0x48(R0)
- MOVT F10, 0x50(R0)
- MOVT F11, 0x58(R0)
- MOVT F12, 0x60(R0)
- MOVT F13, 0x68(R0)
- MOVT F14, 0x70(R0)
- MOVT F15, 0x78(R0)
- MOVT F16, 0x80(R0)
- MOVT F17, 0x88(R0)
- MOVT F18, 0x90(R0)
- MOVT F19, 0x98(R0)
- MOVT F20, 0xA0(R0)
- MOVT F21, 0xA8(R0)
- MOVT F22, 0xB0(R0)
- MOVT F23, 0xB8(R0)
- MOVT F24, 0xC0(R0)
- MOVT F25, 0xC8(R0)
- MOVT F26, 0xD0(R0)
- MOVT F27, 0xD8(R0)
- MOVT F28, 0xE0(R0)
- MOVT F29, 0xE8(R0)
- MOVT F30, 0xF0(R0)
- MOVT F31, 0xF8(R0)
- MOVT F0, 0x100(R0)
- MOVQ $0, R16
- CALL_PAL $PALwrfen /* disable */
-TEXT restfpregs(SB), $-8
- MOVQ $1, R16
- CALL_PAL $PALwrfen /* enable */
- MOVT 0x100(R0), F0
- MOVT 0x00(R0), F0
- MOVT 0x08(R0), F1
- MOVT 0x10(R0), F2
- MOVT 0x18(R0), F3
- MOVT 0x20(R0), F4
- MOVT 0x28(R0), F5
- MOVT 0x30(R0), F6
- MOVT 0x38(R0), F7
- MOVT 0x40(R0), F8
- MOVT 0x48(R0), F9
- MOVT 0x50(R0), F10
- MOVT 0x58(R0), F11
- MOVT 0x60(R0), F12
- MOVT 0x68(R0), F13
- MOVT 0x70(R0), F14
- MOVT 0x78(R0), F15
- MOVT 0x80(R0), F16
- MOVT 0x88(R0), F17
- MOVT 0x90(R0), F18
- MOVT 0x98(R0), F19
- MOVT 0xA0(R0), F20
- MOVT 0xA8(R0), F21
- MOVT 0xB0(R0), F22
- MOVT 0xB8(R0), F23
- MOVT 0xC0(R0), F24
- MOVT 0xC8(R0), F25
- MOVT 0xD0(R0), F26
- MOVT 0xD8(R0), F27
- MOVT 0xE0(R0), F28
- MOVT 0xE8(R0), F29
- MOVT 0xF0(R0), F30
- MOVT 0xF8(R0), F31
--- a/sys/src/9/alphapc/main.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,604 +1,0 @@
-#include "u.h"
-#include "../port/lib.h"
-#include "mem.h"
-#include "dat.h"
-#include "fns.h"
-#include "io.h"
-#include "init.h"
-#include "pool.h"
-#include "/sys/src/boot/alphapc/conf.h"
-#include "axp.h"
-char argbuf[128]; /* arguments passed to initcode and /boot */
-Hwrpb *hwrpb;
-Bootconf *bootconf;
-Conf conf;
-FPsave initfp;
-uvlong initfpcr = (1LL<62)|(1LL<61)|(1LL<60)|(2LL<<58)|(1LL<48);
-char bootargs[BOOTARGSLEN];
-char *confname[MAXCONF];
-char *confval[MAXCONF];
-int nconf;
-static void
- long i, n;
- char *cp, *line[MAXCONF], *p, *q;
- cp = bootargs;
- strncpy(cp, bootconf->bootargs, BOOTARGSLEN);
- cp[BOOTARGSLEN-1] = 0;
- /* can't print in this routine, see below in main() */
- /*
- * Strip out '\r', change '\t' -> ' '.
- */
- p = cp;
- for(q = cp; *q; q++){
- if(*q == '\r')
- continue;
- if(*q == '\t')
- *q = ' ';
- *p++ = *q;
- }
- *p = 0;
- n = getfields(cp, line, MAXCONF, 1, "\n");
- for(i = 0; i < n; i++){
- if(*line[i] == '#')
- continue;
- cp = strchr(line[i], '=');
- if(cp == nil)
- continue;
- *cp++ = '\0';
- confname[nconf] = line[i];
- confval[nconf] = cp;
- nconf++;
- }
-/* debugging only */
-static void
- int i;
- print("dumpopts: found /alpha/conf options at %#p\n",
- bootconf->bootargs);
- for(i = 0; i < nconf; i++)
- print("dumpopts: read %s=%s\n", confname[i], confval[i]);
-extern void (*i8237alloc)(void);
- hwrpb = (Hwrpb*)0x10000000;
- hwrpb = (Hwrpb*)(KZERO|hwrpb->phys);
- arginit();
- machinit();
- options();
- ioinit();
- clockinit();
- confinit();
- archinit();
- xinit();
- memholes();
- if(i8237alloc != nil)
- i8237alloc();
- mmuinit();
- if(arch->coreinit)
- arch->coreinit();
- trapinit();
- screeninit();
- printinit();
- /* it's now safe to print */
- /* dumpopts(); /* DEBUG */
- i8250console();
- quotefmtinstall();
- print("\nPlan 9\n");
- cpuidprint();
- if(arch->corehello)
- arch->corehello();
- procinit0();
- initseg();
- timersinit();
- links();
- chandevreset();
- pageinit();
- swapinit();
- savefpregs(&initfp);
-initfp.fpstatus = 0x68028000;
- userinit();
- schedinit();
-/* cpu->state bits */
-enum {
- Cpubootinprog = 1, /* boot in progress */
- Cpucanrestart = 2, /* restart possible */
- Cpuavail = 4, /* processor available */
- Cpuexists = 8, /* processor present */
- Cpuuserhalted = 0x10, /* user halted */
- Cpuctxtokay = 0x20, /* context valid */
- Cpupalokay = 0x40, /* PALcode valid */
- Cpupalmemokay = 0x80, /* PALcode memory valid */
- Cpupalloaded = 0x100, /* PALcode loaded */
- Cpuhaltmask = 0xff0000, /* halt request mask */
- Cpuhaltdflt = 0,
- Cpuhaltsaveexit = 0x10000,
- Cpuhaltcoldboot = 0x20000,
- Cpuhaltwarmboot = 0x30000,
- Cpuhaltstayhalted = 0x40000,
- Cpumustbezero = 0xffffffffff000000ULL, /* 24:63 -- must be zero */
- * initialize a processor's mach structure. each processor does this
- * for itself.
- */
- int n;
- Hwcpu *cpu;
- icflush();
- n = m->machno;
- memset(m, 0, sizeof(Mach));
- m->machno = n;
- active.exiting = 0;
- active.machs[0] = 1;
- cpu = (Hwcpu*) ((ulong)hwrpb + hwrpb->cpuoff + n*hwrpb->cpulen);
- cpu->state &= ~Cpubootinprog;
- if (0)
- cpu->state |= Cpuhaltstayhalted;
- int i;
- char buf[2*KNAMELEN];
- up->nerrlab = 0;
- spllo();
- /*
- * These are o.k. because rootinit is null.
- * Then early kproc's will have a root and dot.
- */
- up->slash = namec("#/", Atodir, 0, 0);
- pathclose(up->slash->path);
- up->slash->path = newpath("/");
- up->dot = cclone(up->slash);
- chandevinit();
- if(!waserror()){
- snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "alpha %s alphapc", conffile);
- ksetenv("terminal", buf, 0);
- ksetenv("cputype", "alpha", 0);
- if(cpuserver)
- ksetenv("service", "cpu", 0);
- else
- ksetenv("service", "terminal", 0);
- for(i = 0; i < nconf; i++)
- if(confname[i]){
- if(confname[i][0] != '*')
- ksetenv(confname[i], confval[i], 0);
- ksetenv(confname[i], confval[i], 1);
- }
- poperror();
- }
- kproc("alarm", alarmkproc, 0);
- touser((uchar*)(USTKTOP - sizeof(argbuf)));
- Proc *p;
- Segment *s;
- KMap *k;
- char **av;
- Page *pg;
- p = newproc();
- p->pgrp = newpgrp();
- p->egrp = smalloc(sizeof(Egrp));
- p->egrp->ref = 1;
- p->fgrp = dupfgrp(nil);
- p->rgrp = newrgrp();
- p->procmode = 0640;
- kstrdup(&eve, "");
- kstrdup(&p->text, "*init*");
- kstrdup(&p->user, eve);
- procsetup(p);
- /*
- * Kernel Stack
- */
- p->sched.pc = (ulong)init0;
- p->sched.sp = (ulong)p->kstack+KSTACK-MAXSYSARG*BY2WD;
- /*
- * User Stack, pass input arguments to boot process
- */
- p->seg[SSEG] = s;
- pg = newpage(1, 0, USTKTOP-BY2PG);
- segpage(s, pg);
- k = kmap(pg);
- for(av = (char**)argbuf; *av; av++)
- *av += (USTKTOP - sizeof(argbuf)) - (ulong)argbuf;
- memmove((uchar*)VA(k) + BY2PG - sizeof(argbuf), argbuf, sizeof argbuf);
- kunmap(k);
- /*
- * Text
- */
- s = newseg(SG_TEXT, UTZERO, 1);
- s->flushme++;
- p->seg[TSEG] = s;
- pg = newpage(1, 0, UTZERO);
- pg->txtflush = ~0;
- segpage(s, pg);
- k = kmap(s->map[0]->pages[0]);
- memmove((uchar*)VA(k), initcode, sizeof initcode);
- kunmap(k);
- ready(p);
-procsetup(Proc *p)
- p->fpstate = FPinit;
- fpenab(0);
-procfork(Proc *)
-procsave(Proc *p)
- if(p->fpstate == FPactive){
- if(p->state == Moribund)
- fpenab(0);
- else
- savefpregs(&up->fpsave);
- p->fpstate = FPinactive;
- }
- /*
- * Switch to the prototype page tables for this processor.
- * While this processor is in the scheduler, the process could run
- * on another processor and exit, returning the page tables to
- * the free list where they could be reallocated and overwritten.
- * When this processor eventually has to get an entry from the
- * trashed page tables it will crash.
- */
- mmupark();
-setupboot(int halt)
- int n = 0; // cpu id of primary cpu, not just m->machno
- Hwcpu *cpu = (Hwcpu*)((ulong)hwrpb + hwrpb->cpuoff + n*hwrpb->cpulen);
- cpu->state &= ~(Cpucanrestart | Cpuhaltmask);
- cpu->state |= (halt? Cpuhaltstayhalted: Cpuhaltwarmboot);
-reboot(void *, void *, ulong)
- cpushutdown();
- splhi();
- if(arch->coredetach)
- arch->coredetach();
- setupboot(1); // set up to halt
- for (;;)
- firmware();
- ulong ktop, kpages;
- Bank *b, *eb;
- extern void _main(void);
- int userpcnt;
- char *p;
- if(p = getconf("*kernelpercent"))
- userpcnt = 100 - strtol(p, 0, 0);
- else
- userpcnt = 0;
- /*
- * The console firmware divides memory into 1 or more banks.
- * FInd the bank with the kernel in it.
- */
- b = bootconf->bank;
- eb = b+bootconf->nbank;
- ktop = PGROUND((ulong)end);
- ktop = PADDR(ktop);
- while(b < eb) {
- if(b->min < ktop && ktop < b->max)
- break;
- b++;
- }
- if(b == eb)
- panic("confinit");
- /*
- * Split the bank of memory into 2 banks to fool the allocator into
- * allocating low memory pages from bank 0 for any peripherals
- * which only have a 24bit address counter.
- */
- conf.mem[0].npage = (8*1024*1024)/BY2PG;
- conf.mem[0].base = 0;
- conf.mem[1].npage = (b->max-8*1024*1024)/BY2PG;
- conf.mem[1].base = 8*1024*1024;
- conf.npage = conf.mem[0].npage+conf.mem[1].npage;
- conf.upages = (conf.npage*70)/100;
- conf.mem[0].npage -= ktop/BY2PG;
- conf.mem[0].base += ktop;
- conf.ialloc = ((conf.npage-conf.upages)/2)*BY2PG;
- /*
- * Fix up the bank we found to be the remnant, below the kernel.
- * This, and the other banks, will be passed to xhole() later.
- * BUG: conf.upages needs to be adjusted, but how? In practice,
- * we only have 1 bank, and the remnant is small.
- */
- b->max = (uvlong)_main & ~(BY2PG-1);
- conf.nmach = 1;
- conf.nproc = 100 + ((conf.npage*BY2PG)/MB)*5;
- if(cpuserver)
- conf.nproc *= 3;
- if(conf.nproc > 2000)
- conf.nproc = 2000;
- conf.nimage = 200;
- conf.nswap = conf.nproc*80;
- conf.nswppo = 4096;
- conf.copymode = 0; /* copy on write */
- if(cpuserver) {
- if(userpcnt < 10)
- userpcnt = 70;
- kpages = conf.npage - (conf.npage*userpcnt)/100;
- /*
- * Hack for the big boys. Only good while physmem < 4GB.
- * Give the kernel a max. of 16MB + enough to allocate the
- * page pool.
- * This is an overestimate as conf.upages < conf.npages.
- * The patch of nimage is a band-aid, scanning the whole
- * page list in imagereclaim just takes too long.
- */
- if(kpages > (16*MB + conf.npage*sizeof(Page))/BY2PG){
- kpages = (16*MB + conf.npage*sizeof(Page))/BY2PG;
- conf.nimage = 2000;
- kpages += (conf.nproc*KSTACK)/BY2PG;
- }
- } else {
- if(userpcnt < 10) {
- if(conf.npage*BY2PG < 16*MB)
- userpcnt = 40;
- else
- userpcnt = 60;
- }
- kpages = conf.npage - (conf.npage*userpcnt)/100;
- /*
- * Make sure terminals with low memory get at least
- * 4MB on the first Image chunk allocation.
- */
- if(conf.npage*BY2PG < 16*MB)
- imagmem->minarena = 4*1024*1024;
- }
- conf.upages = conf.npage - kpages;
- conf.ialloc = (kpages/2)*BY2PG;
- /*
- * Guess how much is taken by the large permanent
- * datastructures. Mntcache and Mntrpc are not accounted for.
- */
- kpages *= BY2PG;
- kpages -= conf.upages*sizeof(Page)
- + conf.nproc*sizeof(Proc)
- + conf.nimage*sizeof(Image)
- + conf.nswap
- + conf.nswppo*sizeof(Page*);
- mainmem->maxsize = kpages;
- if(!cpuserver){
- /*
- * give terminals lots of image memory, too; the dynamic
- * allocation will balance the load properly, hopefully.
- * be careful with 32-bit overflow.
- */
- imagmem->maxsize = kpages;
- }
-// conf.monitor = 1; /* BUG */
- Bank *b, *eb;
- b = bootconf->bank;
- eb = b+bootconf->nbank;
- while(b < eb) {
- if(b->min < (1LL<<32) && b->max < (1LL<<32))
- xhole(b->min, b->max-b->min);
- b++;
- }
-char *sp;
-char *
-pusharg(char *p)
- int n;
- n = strlen(p)+1;
- sp -= n;
- memmove(sp, p, n);
- return sp;
- char **av;
- av = (char**)argbuf;
- sp = argbuf + sizeof(argbuf);
- *av++ = pusharg("boot");
- *av = 0;
-char *
-getconf(char *name)
- int n;
- for(n = 0; n < nconf; n++)
- if(cistrcmp(confname[n], name) == 0) {
- return confval[n];
- }
- return 0;
-isaconfig(char *class, int ctlrno, ISAConf *isa)
- char cc[32], *p;
- int i, n;
- snprint(cc, sizeof cc, "%s%d", class, ctlrno);
- for(n = 0; n < nconf; n++){
- if(cistrcmp(confname[n], cc) != 0)
- continue;
- isa->nopt = tokenize(confval[n], isa->opt, NISAOPT);
- for(i = 0; i < isa->nopt; i++){
- p = isa->opt[i];
- if(cistrncmp(p, "type=", 5) == 0)
- isa->type = p + 5;
- else if(cistrncmp(p, "port=", 5) == 0)
- isa->port = strtoul(p+5, &p, 0);
- else if(cistrncmp(p, "irq=", 4) == 0)
- isa->irq = strtoul(p+4, &p, 0);
- else if(cistrncmp(p, "dma=", 4) == 0)
- isa->dma = strtoul(p+4, &p, 0);
- else if(cistrncmp(p, "mem=", 4) == 0)
- isa->mem = strtoul(p+4, &p, 0);
- else if(cistrncmp(p, "size=", 5) == 0)
- isa->size = strtoul(p+5, &p, 0);
- else if(cistrncmp(p, "freq=", 5) == 0)
- isa->freq = strtoul(p+5, &p, 0);
- }
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
-cistrcmp(char *a, char *b)
- int ac, bc;
- for(;;){
- ac = *a++;
- bc = *b++;
- if(ac >= 'A' && ac <= 'Z')
- ac = 'a' + (ac - 'A');
- if(bc >= 'A' && bc <= 'Z')
- bc = 'a' + (bc - 'A');
- ac -= bc;
- if(ac)
- return ac;
- if(bc == 0)
- break;
- }
- return 0;
-cistrncmp(char *a, char *b, int n)
- unsigned ac, bc;
- while(n > 0){
- ac = *a++;
- bc = *b++;
- n--;
- if(ac >= 'A' && ac <= 'Z')
- ac = 'a' + (ac - 'A');
- if(bc >= 'A' && bc <= 'Z')
- bc = 'a' + (bc - 'A');
- ac -= bc;
- if(ac)
- return ac;
- if(bc == 0)
- break;
- }
- return 0;
-getcfields(char* lp, char** fields, int n, char* sep)
- int i;
- for(i = 0; lp && *lp && i < n; i++){
- while(*lp && strchr(sep, *lp) != 0)
- *lp++ = 0;
- if(*lp == 0)
- break;
- fields[i] = lp;
- while(*lp && strchr(sep, *lp) == 0){
- if(*lp == '\\' && *(lp+1) == '\n')
- *lp++ = ' ';
- lp++;
- }
- }
- return i;
--- a/sys/src/9/alphapc/mem.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +1,0 @@
- * Memory and machine-specific definitions. Used in C and assembler.
- */
- * Sizes
- */
-#define BI2BY 8 /* bits per byte */
-#define BI2WD 32 /* bits per word */
-#define BY2WD 4 /* bytes per word */
-#define BY2V 8 /* bytes per vlong */
-#define BY2PG 8192 /* bytes per page */
-#define WD2PG (BY2PG/BY2WD) /* words per page */
-#define PGSHIFT 13 /* log(BY2PG) */
-#define ROUND(s, sz) (((s)+((sz)-1))&~((sz)-1))
-#define PGROUND(s) ROUND(s, BY2PG)
-#define BLOCKALIGN 8
-#define BY2PTE 8 /* bytes per pte entry */
-#define PTE2PG (BY2PG/BY2PTE) /* pte entries per page */
-#define MAXMACH 1 /* max # cpus system can run */
-#define KSTACK 4096 /* Size of kernel stack */
- * Time
- */
-#define HZ 100 /* clock frequency */
-#define MS2HZ (1000/HZ)
-#define TK2SEC(t) ((t)/HZ) /* ticks to seconds */
- * Magic registers
- */
-#define MACH 15 /* R15 is m-> */
-#define USER 14 /* R14 is up-> */
- * Fundamental addresses
- */
- * MMU
- *
- * A PTE is 64 bits, but a ulong is 32! Hence we encode
- * the PTEs specially for fault.c, and decode them in putmmu().
- * This means that we can only map the first 2G of physical
- * space via putmmu() - ie only physical memory, not devices.
- */
-#define PTEVALID 0x3301
-#define PTEKVALID 0x1101
-#define PTEASM 0x0010
-#define PTEGH(s) ((s)<<5)
-#define PTEWRITE 0
-#define PTERONLY 0x4
-#define PTEUNCACHED 0
-#define PPN(n) (((n)>>PGSHIFT)<<14)
-#define FIXPTE(x) ((((uvlong)(x)>>14)<<32)|((x) & 0x3fff))
-#define PTEPFN(pa) (((uvlong)(pa)>>PGSHIFT)<<32)
-#define NCOLOR 1
-#define getpgcolor(a) 0
-#define PTEMAPMEM (1024*1024)
-#define SEGMAPSIZE 512
-#define SSEGMAPSIZE 16
- * Address spaces
- */
-#define UZERO 0 /* base of user address space */
-#define UTZERO (UZERO+BY2PG) /* first address in user text */
-#define KZERO 0x80000000 /* base of kernel address space */
-#define KTZERO (KZERO+0x400000) /* first address in kernel text */
-#define USTKTOP KZERO /* byte just beyond user stack */
-#define USTKSIZE (4*1024*1024) /* size of user stack */
- * Processor Status (as returned by rdps)
- */
-#define UMODE 0x8
-#define IPL 0x7
-#define isphys(x) (((ulong)x&KZERO)!=0)
--- a/sys/src/9/alphapc/memmove.s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,197 +1,0 @@
-#define QUAD 8
-#define ALIGN 64
-#define BLOCK 64
-TEXT memmove(SB), $0
- MOVL from+4(FP), R7
- MOVL n+8(FP), R10
- MOVQ R0, R6
- CMPUGE R7, R0, R5
- BNE R5, _forward
- MOVQ R6, R8 /* end to address */
- ADDL R10, R6, R6 /* to+n */
- ADDL R10, R7, R7 /* from+n */
- CMPUGE $ALIGN, R10, R1 /* need at least ALIGN bytes */
- BNE R1, _b1tail
- AND $(ALIGN-1), R6, R1
- BEQ R1, _baligned
- MOVBU -1(R7), R2
- ADDL $-1, R6, R6
- MOVB R2, (R6)
- ADDL $-1, R7, R7
- JMP _balign
- AND $(QUAD-1), R7, R1 /* is the source quad-aligned */
- BNE R1, _bunaligned
- ADDL $(BLOCK-1), R8, R9
- CMPUGE R9, R6, R1
- BNE R1, _b8tail
- MOVQ -64(R7), R22
- MOVQ -56(R7), R23
- MOVQ -48(R7), R24
- MOVQ -40(R7), R25
- MOVQ -32(R7), R2
- MOVQ -24(R7), R3
- MOVQ -16(R7), R4
- MOVQ -8(R7), R5
- SUBL $64, R6, R6
- SUBL $64, R7, R7
- MOVQ R22, (R6)
- MOVQ R23, 8(R6)
- MOVQ R24, 16(R6)
- MOVQ R25, 24(R6)
- MOVQ R2, 32(R6)
- MOVQ R3, 40(R6)
- MOVQ R4, 48(R6)
- MOVQ R5, 56(R6)
- JMP _bblock
- ADDL $(QUAD-1), R8, R9
- CMPUGE R9, R6, R1
- BNE R1, _b1tail
- MOVQ -8(R7), R2
- SUBL $8, R6
- MOVQ R2, (R6)
- SUBL $8, R7
- JMP _b8block
- CMPUGE R8, R6, R1
- BNE R1, _ret
- MOVBU -1(R7), R2
- SUBL $1, R6, R6
- MOVB R2, (R6)
- SUBL $1, R7, R7
- JMP _b1tail
- ADDL $(16-1), R8, R9
- CMPUGE R9, R6, R1
- BNE R1, _b1tail
- MOVQU -16(R7), R4
- MOVQU -8(R7), R3
- MOVQU (R7), R2
- SUBL $16, R6
- EXTQH R7, R2, R2
- EXTQL R7, R3, R5
- OR R5, R2, R11
- EXTQH R7, R3, R3
- EXTQL R7, R4, R4
- OR R3, R4, R13
- MOVQ R11, 8(R6)
- MOVQ R13, (R6)
- SUBL $16, R7
- JMP _bu8block
- ADDL R10, R6, R8 /* end to address */
- CMPUGE $ALIGN, R10, R1 /* need at least ALIGN bytes */
- BNE R1, _f1tail
- AND $(ALIGN-1), R6, R1
- BEQ R1, _faligned
- MOVBU (R7), R2
- ADDL $1, R6, R6
- ADDL $1, R7, R7
- MOVB R2, -1(R6)
- JMP _falign
- AND $(QUAD-1), R7, R1 /* is the source quad-aligned */
- BNE R1, _funaligned
- SUBL $(BLOCK-1), R8, R9
- CMPUGT R9, R6, R1
- BEQ R1, _f8tail
- MOVQ (R7), R2
- MOVQ 8(R7), R3
- MOVQ 16(R7), R4
- MOVQ 24(R7), R5
- MOVQ 32(R7), R22
- MOVQ 40(R7), R23
- MOVQ 48(R7), R24
- MOVQ 56(R7), R25
- ADDL $64, R6, R6
- ADDL $64, R7, R7
- MOVQ R2, -64(R6)
- MOVQ R3, -56(R6)
- MOVQ R4, -48(R6)
- MOVQ R5, -40(R6)
- MOVQ R22, -32(R6)
- MOVQ R23, -24(R6)
- MOVQ R24, -16(R6)
- MOVQ R25, -8(R6)
- JMP _fblock
- SUBL $(QUAD-1), R8, R9
- CMPUGT R9, R6, R1
- BEQ R1, _f1tail
- MOVQ (R7), R2
- ADDL $8, R6
- ADDL $8, R7
- MOVQ R2, -8(R6)
- JMP _f8block
- CMPUGT R8, R6, R1
- BEQ R1, _fret
- MOVBU (R7), R2
- ADDL $1, R6, R6
- ADDL $1, R7, R7
- MOVB R2, -1(R6)
- JMP _f1tail
- SUBL $(16-1), R8, R9
- CMPUGT R9, R6, R1
- BEQ R1, _f1tail
- MOVQU (R7), R2
- MOVQU 8(R7), R3
- MOVQU 16(R7), R4
- EXTQL R7, R2, R2
- EXTQH R7, R3, R5
- OR R5, R2, R11
- EXTQL R7, R3, R3
- MOVQ R11, (R6)
- EXTQH R7, R4, R4
- OR R3, R4, R11
- MOVQ R11, 8(R6)
- ADDL $16, R6
- ADDL $16, R7
- JMP _fu8block
--- a/sys/src/9/alphapc/memset.s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +1,0 @@
-TEXT memset(SB), $0
- MOVL R0, R6
- MOVBU data+4(FP), R2
- MOVL n+8(FP), R10
- ADDL R10, R0, R8
- CMPUGE $8, R10, R1 /* need at least 8 bytes */
- BNE R1, _1loop
- SLLQ $8, R2, R1 /* replicate the byte */
- OR R1, R2
- SLLQ $16, R2, R1
- OR R1, R2
- SLLQ $32, R2, R1
- OR R1, R2
- AND $(8-1), R6, R1
- BEQ R1, _aligned
- MOVB R2, (R6)
- ADDL $1, R6, R6
- JMP _align
- SUBL $(64-1), R8, R9 /* end pointer minus slop */
- CMPUGT R9, R6, R1
- BEQ R1, _8tail
- MOVQ R2, (R6)
- MOVQ R2, 8(R6)
- MOVQ R2, 16(R6)
- MOVQ R2, 24(R6)
- MOVQ R2, 32(R6)
- MOVQ R2, 40(R6)
- MOVQ R2, 48(R6)
- MOVQ R2, 56(R6)
- ADDL $64, R6, R6
- JMP _64loop
- SUBL $(8-1), R8, R9
- CMPUGT R9, R6, R1
- BEQ R1, _1loop
- MOVQ R2, (R6)
- ADDL $8, R6
- JMP _8loop
- CMPUGT R8, R6, R1
- BEQ R1, _ret
- MOVB R2, (R6)
- ADDL $1, R6
- JMP _1loop
--- a/sys/src/9/alphapc/mkfile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +1,0 @@
-CONFLIST=apc apccpu
-DEVS=`{rc ../port/mkdevlist $CONF}
- alarm.$O\
- alloc.$O\
- allocb.$O\
- auth.$O\
- cache.$O\
- chan.$O\
- dev.$O\
- fault.$O\
- log.$O\
- edf.$O\
- mul64fract.$O\
- page.$O\
- parse.$O\
- pgrp.$O\
- portclock.$O\
- print.$O\
- proc.$O\
- qio.$O\
- qlock.$O\
- rdb.$O\
- rebootcmd.$O\
- segment.$O\
- swap.$O\
- sysfile.$O\
- sysproc.$O\
- taslock.$O\
- tod.$O\
- xalloc.$O\
- random.$O\
- l.$O\
- cga.$O\
- clock.$O\
- faultalpha.$O\
- fdc37c93x.$O\
- fptrap.$O\
- i8259.$O\
- main.$O\
- mmu.$O\
- trap.$O\
- $CONF.root.$O\
- $CONF.rootc.$O\
- $DEVS\
- $PORT\
- /$objtype/lib/libmemlayer.a\
- /$objtype/lib/libmemdraw.a\
- /$objtype/lib/libdraw.a\
- /$objtype/lib/libip.a\
- /$objtype/lib/libc.a\
- /$objtype/lib/libsec.a\
-ETHER=`{echo devether.c ether*.c | sed 's/\.c/.'$O'/g'}
-VGA=`{echo devvga.c screen.c vga*.c | sed 's/\.c/.'$O'/g'}
-SDEV=`{echo devsd.c sd*.c | sed 's/\.c/.'$O'/g'}
-loadaddr = 0x80400020
- $CC $CFLAGS '-DKERNDATE='`{date -n} $CONF.c
- $LD -o $target -H3 -R8 -T$loadaddr -l $OBJ $CONF.$O $LIB
- size $target
-install:V: $p$CONF
- cp $p$CONF /$objtype/$p$CONF
-<|../port/mkbootrules $CONF
-init.h: initcode /sys/src/libc/9syscall/sys.h
- $AS initcode
- $LD -l -s -R8 -o init.out initcode.$O -lc
- {echo 'uchar initcode[]={'
- xd -r -1x init.out |
- sed -e 's/^[0-9a-f]+ //' -e 's/ ([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])/0x\1,/g'
- echo '};'} > init.h
-clock.$O: /$objtype/include/ureg.h axp.h
-devarch.$O: axp.h
-faultalpha.$O: /$objtype/include/ureg.h
-fptrap.$O: /$objtype/include/ureg.h
-l.$O: osf1pal.h
-main.$O: /$objtype/include/ureg.h errstr.h init.h
-mmu.$O: /sys/src/boot/alphapc/conf.h
-sd53c8xx.$O: /$objtype/include/ureg.h ../port/sd.h sd53c8xx.i
-trap.$O: /$objtype/include/ureg.h ../port/error.h ../port/systab.h
-sd53c8xx.i: ../pc/sd53c8xx.n
- aux/na $prereq > $target
- $CC -a -w -I. ../port/qio.c>acid
--- a/sys/src/9/alphapc/mmu.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,299 +1,0 @@
-#include "u.h"
-#include "../port/lib.h"
-#include "mem.h"
-#include "dat.h"
-#include "fns.h"
-#include "/sys/src/boot/alphapc/conf.h"
-static uvlong origlvl1; /* physical address */
-static uvlong klvl2; /* physical, as created by boot loader */
-static uchar *nextio; /* next virtual address to be allocated by kmapv */
-extern Bootconf *bootconf;
-#define LVL2OFF(v) ((((long)(v))>>(2*PGSHIFT-3))&(PTE2PG-1))
-#define LVL3OFF(v) ((((long)(v))>>(PGSHIFT))&(PTE2PG-1))
-static void
-setptb(ulong pa)
- m->ptbr = (uvlong)pa>>PGSHIFT;
- swpctx(m);
- uvlong *plvl2;
- /* set PCB to new one in mach structure before stomping on old one */
- m->usp = 0;
- m->fen = 1;
- m->ptbr = bootconf->pcb->ptbr;
- origlvl1 = (m->ptbr << PGSHIFT);
- setpcb(m);
- plvl2 = (uvlong*) (KZERO|origlvl1|(BY2PG-8));
- klvl2 = (*plvl2 >> 32)<<PGSHIFT;
- nextio = (uchar*) (KZERO|bootconf->maxphys);
-static void
-mmuptefree(Proc* proc)
- uvlong *lvl2;
- Page **last, *page;
- if(proc->mmutop && proc->mmuused){
- lvl2 = (uvlong*)proc->mmulvl2->va;
- last = &proc->mmuused;
- for(page = *last; page; page = page->next){
- lvl2[page->daddr] = 0;
- last = &page->next;
- }
- *last = proc->mmufree;
- proc->mmufree = proc->mmuused;
- proc->mmuused = 0;
- }
-mmuswitch(Proc *proc)
- if(proc->newtlb){
- mmuptefree(proc);
- proc->newtlb = 0;
- }
- /* tell processor about new page table and flush cached entries */
- if(proc->mmutop == 0)
- setptb(origlvl1);
- else
- setptb(proc->mmutop->pa);
- tlbflush(-1, 0);
- icflush();
-/* point to protoype page map */
- setptb(origlvl1);
- icflush();
- * give all page table pages back to the free pool. This is called in sched()
- * with palloc locked.
- */
-mmurelease(Proc *proc)
- Page *page, *next;
- mmupark();
- mmuptefree(proc);
- proc->mmuused = 0;
- if(proc->mmutop) {
- proc->mmutop->next = proc->mmufree;
- proc->mmufree = proc->mmutop;
- proc->mmutop = 0;
- }
- if(proc->mmulvl2) {
- proc->mmulvl2->next = proc->mmufree;
- proc->mmufree = proc->mmulvl2;
- proc->mmulvl2 = 0;
- }
- for(page = proc->mmufree; page; page = next){
- next = page->next;
- if(--page->ref)
- panic("mmurelease: page->ref %d\n", page->ref);
- pagechainhead(page);
- }
- if(proc->mmufree)
- pagechaindone();
- proc->mmufree = 0;
- Page *top, *lvl2;
- uvlong *ppte;
- top = newpage(1, 0, 0);
- top->va = VA(kmap(top));
- lvl2 = newpage(1, 0, 0);
- lvl2->va = VA(kmap(lvl2));
- ppte = (uvlong *)top->va;
- ppte[0] = PTEPFN(lvl2->pa) | PTEKVALID;
- ppte[PTE2PG-2] = PTEPFN(top->pa) | PTEKVALID;
- ppte[PTE2PG-1] = PTEPFN(klvl2) | PTEKVALID;
- up->mmutop = top;
- up->mmulvl2 = lvl2;
- setptb(top->pa);
- tlbflush(-1, 0);
- icflush();
-putmmu(uintptr va, uintptr pa, Page *pg)
- int lvl2off;
- uvlong *lvl2, *pt;
- int s;
- if(up->mmutop == 0)
- mmunewtop();
- lvl2 = (uvlong*)up->mmulvl2->va;
- lvl2off = LVL2OFF(va);
- /*
- * if bottom level page table missing, allocate one
- * and point the top level page at it.
- */
- s = splhi();
- if(lvl2[lvl2off] == 0){
- if(up->mmufree == 0){
- spllo();
- pg = newpage(1, 0, 0);
- pg->va = VA(kmap(pg));
- splhi();
- } else {
- pg = up->mmufree;
- up->mmufree = pg->next;
- memset((void*)pg->va, 0, BY2PG);
- }
- lvl2[lvl2off] = PTEPFN(pg->pa) | PTEVALID;
- pg->daddr = lvl2off;
- pg->next = up->mmuused;
- up->mmuused = pg;
- }
- /*
- * put in new mmu entry
- */
- pt = (uvlong*)(((lvl2[lvl2off] >> 32)<<PGSHIFT)|KZERO);
- pt[LVL3OFF(va)] = FIXPTE(pa);
- /* flush cached mmu entries */
- tlbflush(3, va);
- icflush();
- splx(s);
-void *
-kmapv(uvlong pa, int size)
- void *va, *new;
- int lvl2off, i, npage, offset;
- uvlong *lvl2, *pt;
- offset = pa&(BY2PG-1);
- npage = ((size+offset+BY2PG-1)>>PGSHIFT);
- va = nextio+offset;
- lvl2 = (uvlong*)(KZERO|klvl2);
- for (i = 0; i < npage; i++) {
- lvl2off = LVL2OFF(nextio);
- if (lvl2[lvl2off] == 0) {
- new = xspanalloc(BY2PG, BY2PG, 0);
- memset(new, 0, BY2PG);
- lvl2[lvl2off] = PTEPFN(PADDR(new)) | PTEKVALID | PTEASM;
- }
- pt = (uvlong*)(((lvl2[lvl2off] >> 32)<<PGSHIFT)|KZERO);
- pt[LVL3OFF(nextio)] = PTEPFN(pa) | PTEKVALID | PTEASM;
- nextio += BY2PG;
- pa += BY2PG;
- }
- return va;
- int s;
- s = splhi();
- up->newtlb = 1;
- mmuswitch(up);
- splx(s);
-vmap(ulong pa, int size)
- void *va;
- /*
- * Viability hack. Only for PCI framebuffers.
- */
- if(pa == 0)
- return 0;
- va = kmapv(((uvlong)0x88<<32LL)|pa, size);
- if(va == nil)
- return 0;
- return (void*)va;
-vunmap(void*, int)
- print("vunmap: virtual mapping not freed\n");
- Page *top, *lvl2;
- iprint("ptbr %lux up %#p\n", (ulong)m->ptbr, up);
- if(up) {
- top = up->mmutop;
- if(top != nil)
- iprint("top %lux top[N-1] %llux\n", top->va, ((uvlong *)top->va)[PTE2PG-1]);
- lvl2 = up->mmulvl2;
- if(lvl2 != nil)
- iprint("lvl2 %lux\n", lvl2->va);
- }
-upaalloc(int, int)
- return 0;
-upafree(ulong, int)
-checkmmu(uintptr, uintptr)
-countpagerefs(ulong*, int)
- * Return the number of bytes that can be accessed via KADDR(pa).
- * If pa is not a valid argument to KADDR, return 0.
- */
-cankaddr(ulong pa)
- ulong kzero;
- kzero = -KZERO;
- if(pa >= kzero)
- return 0;
- return kzero - pa;
--- a/sys/src/9/alphapc/osf1pal.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +1,0 @@
- * OSF/1 PALcode instructions, in numerical order.
- * Values are from Digital EBSDK and FreeBSD/Alpha.
- */
-/* Privilaged PAL functions */
-#define PALhalt 0x00 /* required per Alpha architecture */
-#define PALcflush 0x01
-#define PALdraina 0x02 /* required per Alpha architecture */
- * ... 0x03 to 0x08 ?
- */
-#define PALcserve 0x09
-#define PALswppal 0x0a
- * ... 0x0b to 0x0c ?
- */
-#define PALwripir 0x0d
- * ... 0x0e to 0x0f ?
- */
-#define PALrdmces 0x10
-#define PALwrmces 0x11
- * ... 0x12 to 0x2a ?
- */
-#define PALwrfen 0x2b
- /* 0x2c OSF/1 ? */
-#define PALwrvptptr 0x2d
- * ... 0x2e to 0x2f ?
- */
-#define PALswpctx 0x30
-#define PALwrval 0x31
-#define PALrdval 0x32
-#define PALtbi 0x33
-#define PALwrent 0x34
-#define PALswpipl 0x35
-#define PALrdps 0x36
-#define PALwrkgp 0x37
-#define PALwrusp 0x38
-#define PALwrperfmon 0x39
-#define PALrdusp 0x3a
- /* 0x3b OSF/1 ? */
-#define PALwhami 0x3c
-#define PALretsys 0x3d
-#define PALwtint 0x3e
-#define PALrti 0x3f
-/* Unprivileged PAL functions */
-#define PALbpt 0x80
-#define PALbugchk 0x81
-#define PALcallsys 0x83
-#define PALimb 0x86 /* required per Alpha architecture */
- * ... 0x89 to 0x91 ?
- */
-#define PALurti 0x92
- * ... 0x93 to 0x9d ?
- */
-#define PALrdunique 0x9e
-#define PALwrunique 0x9f
- * ... 0xa0 to 0xa9 ?
- */
-#define PALgentrap 0xaa
- * ... 0xab to 0xac ?
- */
-#define PALdbgstop 0xad
-#define PALclrfen 0xae
- * ... 0xaf to 0xbd ?
- */
-#define PALnphalt 0xbe
-#define PALcopypal 0xbf
--- a/sys/src/9/alphapc/pci.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,412 +1,0 @@
- * PCI support code.
- * To do:
- * initialise bridge mappings if the PCI BIOS didn't.
- */
-#include "u.h"
-#include "../port/lib.h"
-#include "mem.h"
-#include "dat.h"
-#include "fns.h"
-#include "io.h"
-#include "../port/error.h"
-enum {
- MaxFNO = 7,
- MaxUBN = 255,
-{ /* command register */
- IOen = (1<<0),
- MEMen = (1<<1),
- MASen = (1<<2),
- MemWrInv = (1<<4),
- PErrEn = (1<<6),
- SErrEn = (1<<8),
-static Lock pcicfglock;
-static Lock pcicfginitlock;
-static int pcicfgmode = -1;
-static int pcimaxdno;
-static Pcidev* pciroot;
-static Pcidev* pcilist;
-static Pcidev* pcitail;
-static int pcicfgrw32(int, int, int, int);
-uchar *vgabios;
-static int
-pciscan(int bno, Pcidev** list)
- ulong v;
- Pcidev *p, *head, *tail;
- int dno, fno, i, hdt, l, maxfno, maxubn, rno, sbn, tbdf, ubn;
- maxubn = bno;
- head = nil;
- tail = nil;
- for(dno = 0; dno <= pcimaxdno; dno++){
- maxfno = 0;
- for(fno = 0; fno <= maxfno; fno++){
- /*
- * For this possible device, form the
- * bus+device+function triplet needed to address it
- * and try to read the vendor and device ID.
- * If successful, allocate a device struct and
- * start to fill it in with some useful information
- * from the device's configuration space.
- */
- tbdf = MKBUS(BusPCI, bno, dno, fno);
- l = pcicfgrw32(tbdf, PciVID, 0, 1);
- if(l == 0xFFFFFFFF || l == 0)
- continue;
-/* optional safety checks:
- if(l == pcicfgrw32(tbdf, PciPCR, 0, 1))
- continue;
- if(l != pcicfgrw32(tbdf, PciVID, 0, 1))
- continue;
- if(l == pcicfgrw32(tbdf, PciPCR, 0, 1))
- continue;
- p = malloc(sizeof(*p));
- p->tbdf = tbdf;
- p->vid = l;
- p->did = l>>16;
- if(pcilist != nil)
- pcitail->list = p;
- else
- pcilist = p;
- pcitail = p;
- p->rid = pcicfgr8(p, PciRID);
- p->ccrp = pcicfgr8(p, PciCCRp);
- p->ccru = pcicfgr8(p, PciCCRu);
- p->ccrb = pcicfgr8(p, PciCCRb);
- p->pcr = pcicfgr32(p, PciPCR);
- p->intl = pcicfgr8(p, PciINTL);
- /*
- * If the device is a multi-function device adjust the
- * loop count so all possible functions are checked.
- */
- hdt = pcicfgr8(p, PciHDT);
- if(hdt & 0x80)
- maxfno = MaxFNO;
- /*
- * If appropriate, read the base address registers
- * and work out the sizes.
- */
- switch(p->ccrb){
- case 0x03: /* display controller */
- if(vgabios == nil) {
- v = pcicfgr32(p, PciROM);
- pcicfgw32(p, PciROM, v|1); /* enable decode */
- vgabios = kmapv(((uvlong)0x88<<32LL)|(v&~0xffff), 0x10000);
- // print("VGA BIOS %lux -> %lux\n", v, vgabios);
- }
- /* fall through */
- case 0x01: /* mass storage controller */
- case 0x02: /* network controller */
- case 0x04: /* multimedia device */
- case 0x07: /* simple communication controllers */
- case 0x08: /* base system peripherals */
- case 0x09: /* input devices */
- case 0x0A: /* docking stations */
- case 0x0B: /* processors */
- case 0x0C: /* serial bus controllers */
- if((hdt & 0x7F) != 0)
- break;
- rno = PciBAR0 - 4;
- for(i = 0; i < nelem(p->mem); i++){
- rno += 4;
- p->mem[i].bar = pcicfgr32(p, rno);
- pcicfgw32(p, rno, -1);
- v = pcicfgr32(p, rno);
- pcicfgw32(p, rno, p->mem[i].bar);
- p->mem[i].size = -(v & ~0xF);
- }
- break;
- case 0x00:
- case 0x05: /* memory controller */
- case 0x06: /* bridge device */
- default:
- break;
- }
- if(head != nil)
- tail->link = p;
- else
- head = p;
- tail = p;
- }
- }
- *list = head;
- for(p = head; p != nil; p = p->link){
- /*
- * Find PCI-PCI bridges and recursively descend the tree.
- */
- if(p->ccrb != 0x06 || p->ccru != 0x04)
- continue;
- /*
- * If the secondary or subordinate bus number is not initialised
- * try to do what the PCI BIOS should have done and fill in the
- * numbers as the tree is descended. On the way down the subordinate
- * bus number is set to the maximum as it's not known how many
- * buses are behind this one; the final value is set on the way
- * back up.
- */
- sbn = pcicfgr8(p, PciSBN);
- ubn = pcicfgr8(p, PciUBN);
- if(sbn == 0 || ubn == 0){
- sbn = maxubn+1;
- /*
- * Make sure memory, I/O and master enables are off,
- * set the primary, secondary and subordinate bus numbers
- * and clear the secondary status before attempting to
- * scan the secondary bus.
- *
- * Initialisation of the bridge should be done here.
- */
- pcicfgw32(p, PciPCR, 0xFFFF0000);
- l = (MaxUBN<<16)|(sbn<<8)|bno;
- pcicfgw32(p, PciPBN, l);
- pcicfgw16(p, PciSPSR, 0xFFFF);
- maxubn = pciscan(sbn, &p->bridge);
- l = (maxubn<<16)|(sbn<<8)|bno;
- pcicfgw32(p, PciPBN, l);
- }
- else{
- maxubn = ubn;
- pciscan(sbn, &p->bridge);
- }
- }
- return maxubn;
-static void
- char *p;
- lock(&pcicfginitlock);
- if(pcicfgmode == -1){
- pcicfgmode = 0;
- pcimaxdno = 15; /* was 20; what is correct value??? */
- if(p = getconf("*pcimaxdno"))
- pcimaxdno = strtoul(p, 0, 0);
- pciscan(0, &pciroot);
- }
- unlock(&pcicfginitlock);
-static int
-pcicfgrw8(int tbdf, int rno, int data, int read)
- int x;
- uchar *p;
- if(pcicfgmode == -1)
- pcicfginit();
- x = -1;
- if(BUSDNO(tbdf) > pcimaxdno)
- return x;
- p = (uchar*)arch->pcicfg(tbdf, rno);
- if(read)
- x = *p;
- else
- *p = data;
- return x;
-pcicfgr8(Pcidev* pcidev, int rno)
- return pcicfgrw8(pcidev->tbdf, rno, 0, 1);
-pcicfgw8(Pcidev* pcidev, int rno, int data)
- pcicfgrw8(pcidev->tbdf, rno, data, 0);
-static int
-pcicfgrw16(int tbdf, int rno, int data, int read)
- int x;
- ushort *p;
- if(pcicfgmode == -1)
- pcicfginit();
- x = -1;
- if(BUSDNO(tbdf) > pcimaxdno)
- return x;
- p = (ushort*)arch->pcicfg(tbdf, rno);
- if(read)
- x = *p;
- else
- *p = data;
- return x;
-pcicfgr16(Pcidev* pcidev, int rno)
- return pcicfgrw16(pcidev->tbdf, rno, 0, 1);
-pcicfgw16(Pcidev* pcidev, int rno, int data)
- pcicfgrw16(pcidev->tbdf, rno, data, 0);
-static int
-pcicfgrw32(int tbdf, int rno, int data, int read)
- int x;
- ulong *p;
- if(pcicfgmode == -1)
- pcicfginit();
- x = -1;
- if(BUSDNO(tbdf) > pcimaxdno)
- return x;
- p = (ulong*)arch->pcicfg(tbdf, rno);
- if(read)
- x = *p;
- else
- *p = data;
- return x;
-pcicfgr32(Pcidev* pcidev, int rno)
- return pcicfgrw32(pcidev->tbdf, rno, 0, 1);
-pcicfgw32(Pcidev* pcidev, int rno, int data)
- pcicfgrw32(pcidev->tbdf, rno, data, 0);
-pcimatch(Pcidev* prev, int vid, int did)
- if(pcicfgmode == -1)
- pcicfginit();
- if(prev == nil)
- prev = pcilist;
- else
- prev = prev->list;
- while(prev != nil) {
- if((vid == 0 || prev->vid == vid)
- && (did == 0 || prev->did == did))
- break;
- prev = prev->list;
- }
- return prev;
-pcimatchtbdf(int tbdf)
- Pcidev *pcidev;
- if(pcicfgmode == -1)
- pcicfginit();
- for(pcidev = pcilist; pcidev != nil; pcidev = pcidev->list) {
- if(pcidev->tbdf == tbdf)
- break;
- }
- return pcidev;
-pcihinv(Pcidev* p)
- int i;
- Pcidev *t;
- if(pcicfgmode == -1)
- pcicfginit();
- if(p == nil) {
- p = pciroot;
- print("bus dev type vid did intl memory\n");
- }
- for(t = p; t != nil; t = t->link) {
- print("%d %2d/%d %.2ux %.2ux %.2ux %.4ux %.4ux %2d ",
- BUSBNO(t->tbdf), BUSDNO(t->tbdf), BUSFNO(t->tbdf),
- t->ccrb, t->ccru, t->ccrp, t->vid, t->did, t->intl);
- for(i = 0; i < nelem(p->mem); i++) {
- if(t->mem[i].size == 0)
- continue;
- print("%d:%.8lux %d ", i,
- t->mem[i].bar, t->mem[i].size);
- }
- print("\n");
- }
- while(p != nil) {
- if(p->bridge != nil)
- pcihinv(p->bridge);
- p = p->link;
- }
- Pcidev *p;
- int pcr;
- if(pcicfgmode == -1)
- pcicfginit();
- for(p = pcilist; p != nil; p = p->list){
- pcr = pcicfgr16(p, PciPSR);
- pcicfgw16(p, PciPSR, pcr & ~0x04);
- }
-pcisetbme(Pcidev* p)
- int pcr;
- pcr = pcicfgr16(p, PciPCR);
- pcr |= MASen;
- pcicfgw16(p, PciPCR, pcr);
-pciclrbme(Pcidev* p)
- int pcr;
- pcr = pcicfgr16(p, PciPCR);
- pcr &= ~MASen;
- pcicfgw16(p, PciPCR, pcr);
--- a/sys/src/9/alphapc/screen.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +1,0 @@
-typedef struct Cursor Cursor;
-typedef struct Cursorinfo Cursorinfo;
-struct Cursorinfo {
- Cursor;
- Lock;
-/* devmouse.c */
-extern void mousetrack(int, int, int, int);
-extern void absmousetrack(int, int, int, int);
-extern Point mousexy(void);
-extern void mouseaccelerate(int);
-extern int m3mouseputc(Queue*, int);
-extern int m5mouseputc(Queue*, int);
-extern int mouseputc(Queue*, int);
-extern Cursorinfo cursor;
-extern Cursor arrow;
- * Generic VGA registers.
- */
-enum {
- MiscW = 0x03C2, /* Miscellaneous Output (W) */
- MiscR = 0x03CC, /* Miscellaneous Output (R) */
- Status0 = 0x03C2, /* Input status 0 (R) */
- Status1 = 0x03DA, /* Input Status 1 (R) */
- FeatureR = 0x03CA, /* Feature Control (R) */
- FeatureW = 0x03DA, /* Feature Control (W) */
- Seqx = 0x03C4, /* Sequencer Index, Data at Seqx+1 */
- Crtx = 0x03D4, /* CRT Controller Index, Data at Crtx+1 */
- Grx = 0x03CE, /* Graphics Controller Index, Data at Grx+1 */
- Attrx = 0x03C0, /* Attribute Controller Index and Data */
- PaddrW = 0x03C8, /* Palette Address Register, write */
- Pdata = 0x03C9, /* Palette Data Register */
- Pixmask = 0x03C6, /* Pixel Mask Register */
- PaddrR = 0x03C7, /* Palette Address Register, read */
- Pstatus = 0x03C7, /* DAC Status (RO) */
- Pcolours = 256, /* Palette */
- Pred = 0,
- Pgreen = 1,
- Pblue = 2,
- Pblack = 0x00,
- Pwhite = 0xFF,
-#define VGAMEM() PADDR(arch->pcimem(0xA0000, 1<<16))
-#define vgai(port) inb(port)
-#define vgao(port, data) outb(port, data)
-extern int vgaxi(long, uchar);
-extern int vgaxo(long, uchar, uchar);
- */
-typedef struct VGAdev VGAdev;
-typedef struct VGAcur VGAcur;
-typedef struct VGAscr VGAscr;
-struct VGAdev {
- char* name;
- void (*enable)(VGAscr*);
- void (*disable)(VGAscr*);
- void (*page)(VGAscr*, int);
- void (*linear)(VGAscr*, int, int);
- void (*drawinit)(VGAscr*);
- int (*fill)(VGAscr*, Rectangle, ulong);
- void (*flush)(VGAscr*, Rectangle);
-struct VGAcur {
- char* name;
- void (*enable)(VGAscr*);
- void (*disable)(VGAscr*);
- void (*load)(VGAscr*, Cursor*);
- int (*move)(VGAscr*, Point);
- int doespanning;
- */
-struct VGAscr {
- Lock devlock;
- VGAdev* dev;
- Pcidev* pci;
- VGAcur* cur;
- ulong storage;
- Cursor;
- int useflush;
- ulong paddr; /* frame buffer */
- void* vaddr;
- int apsize;
- ulong io; /* device specific registers */
- ulong *mmio;
- ulong colormap[Pcolours][3];
- int palettedepth;
- Memimage* gscreen;
- Memdata* gscreendata;
- Memsubfont* memdefont;
- int (*fill)(VGAscr*, Rectangle, ulong);
- int (*scroll)(VGAscr*, Rectangle, Rectangle);
- void (*blank)(VGAscr*, int);
- ulong id; /* internal identifier for driver use */
-extern VGAscr vgascreen[];
-enum {
- Backgnd = 0, /* black */
-/* mouse.c */
-extern void mousectl(Cmdbuf*);
-/* screen.c */
-extern int hwaccel; /* use hw acceleration; default on */
-extern int hwblank; /* use hw blanking; default on */
-extern void addvgaseg(char*, ulong, ulong);
-extern uchar* attachscreen(Rectangle*, ulong*, int*, int*, int*);
-extern void flushmemscreen(Rectangle);
-extern int cursoron(int);
-extern void cursoroff(int);
-extern void setcursor(Cursor*);
-extern int screensize(int, int, int, ulong);
-extern int screenaperture(int, int);
-extern Rectangle physgscreenr; /* actual monitor size */
-extern void blankscreen(int);
-extern VGAcur swcursor;
-extern void swcursorinit(void);
-extern void swcursorhide(void);
-extern void swcursoravoid(Rectangle);
-extern void swcursorunhide(void);
-/* devdraw.c */
-extern void deletescreenimage(void);
-extern int drawhasclients(void);
-extern ulong blanktime;
-extern QLock drawlock;
-/* vga.c */
-extern void vgascreenwin(VGAscr*);
-extern void vgaimageinit(ulong);
-extern void vgalinearpciid(VGAscr*, int, int);
-extern void vgalinearpci(VGAscr*);
-extern void vgalinearaddr(VGAscr*, ulong, int);
-extern void drawblankscreen(int);
-extern void vgablank(VGAscr*, int);
-extern Lock vgascreenlock;
-#define ishwimage(i) (vgascreen[0].gscreendata && (i)->data->bdata == vgascreen[0].gscreendata->bdata)
--- a/sys/src/9/alphapc/sd53c8xx.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2261 +1,0 @@
- * NCR/Symbios/LSI Logic 53c8xx driver for Plan 9
- * Nigel Roles ([email protected])
- *
- * 27/5/02 Fixed problems with transfers >= 256 * 512
- *
- * 13/3/01 Fixed microcode to support targets > 7
- *
- * 01/12/00 Removed previous comments. Fixed a small problem in
- * mismatch recovery for targets with synchronous offsets of >=16
- * connected to >=875s. Thanks, Jean.
- *
- * Known problems
- *
- * Read/write mismatch recovery may fail on 53c1010s. Really need to get a manual.
- */
-#define MAXTARGET 16 /* can be 8 or 16 */
-#include "u.h"
-#include "../port/lib.h"
-#include "mem.h"
-#include "dat.h"
-#include "fns.h"
-#include "io.h"
-#include "../port/sd.h"
-extern SDifc sd53c8xxifc;
-/* Portable configuration macros */
-//#define BOOTDEBUG
-//#define ASYNC_ONLY
-//#define INTERNAL_SCLK
-//#define ALWAYS_DO_WDTR
-#define WMR_DEBUG
-/* CPU specific macros */
-#define PRINTPREFIX "sd53c8xx: "
-#define KPRINT oprint
-#define IPRINT intrprint
-#define DEBUG(n) 1
-#define IFLUSH() iflush()
-static int idebug = 1;
-#define KPRINT if(0) iprint
-#define IPRINT if(idebug) iprint
-#define DEBUG(n) (0)
-#define IFLUSH()
-#endif /* BOOTDEBUG */
-/* General */
-#ifndef DMASEG
-#define DMASEG(x) PCIWADDR(x)
-#define legetl(x) (*(ulong*)(x))
-#define lesetl(x,v) (*(ulong*)(x) = (v))
-#define swabl(a,b,c)
-#endif /*DMASEG */
-#define KPTR(x) ((x) == 0 ? 0 : DMASEG_TO_KADDR(x))
-#define MEGA 1000000L
-#define SCLK (33 * MEGA)
-#define SCLK (40 * MEGA)
-#endif /* INTERNAL_SCLK */
-#define X_MSG 1
-#define X_MSG_SDTR 1
-#define X_MSG_WDTR 3
-struct na_patch {
- unsigned lwoff;
- unsigned char type;
-typedef struct Ncr {
- uchar scntl0; /* 00 */
- uchar scntl1;
- uchar scntl2;
- uchar scntl3;
- uchar scid; /* 04 */
- uchar sxfer;
- uchar sdid;
- uchar gpreg;
- uchar sfbr; /* 08 */
- uchar socl;
- uchar ssid;
- uchar sbcl;
- uchar dstat; /* 0c */
- uchar sstat0;
- uchar sstat1;
- uchar sstat2;
- uchar dsa[4]; /* 10 */
- uchar istat; /* 14 */
- uchar istatpad[3];
- uchar ctest0; /* 18 */
- uchar ctest1;
- uchar ctest2;
- uchar ctest3;
- uchar temp[4]; /* 1c */
- uchar dfifo; /* 20 */
- uchar ctest4;
- uchar ctest5;
- uchar ctest6;
- uchar dbc[3]; /* 24 */
- uchar dcmd; /* 27 */
- uchar dnad[4]; /* 28 */
- uchar dsp[4]; /* 2c */
- uchar dsps[4]; /* 30 */
- uchar scratcha[4]; /* 34 */
- uchar dmode; /* 38 */
- uchar dien;
- uchar dwt;
- uchar dcntl;
- uchar adder[4]; /* 3c */
- uchar sien0; /* 40 */
- uchar sien1;
- uchar sist0;
- uchar sist1;
- uchar slpar; /* 44 */
- uchar slparpad0;
- uchar macntl;
- uchar gpcntl;
- uchar stime0; /* 48 */
- uchar stime1;
- uchar respid;
- uchar respidpad0;
- uchar stest0; /* 4c */
- uchar stest1;
- uchar stest2;
- uchar stest3;
- uchar sidl; /* 50 */
- uchar sidlpad[3];
- uchar sodl; /* 54 */
- uchar sodlpad[3];
- uchar sbdl; /* 58 */
- uchar sbdlpad[3];
- uchar scratchb[4]; /* 5c */
-} Ncr;
-typedef struct Movedata {
- uchar dbc[4];
- uchar pa[4];
-} Movedata;
-typedef enum NegoState {
- NeitherDone, WideInit, WideResponse, WideDone,
- SyncInit, SyncResponse, BothDone
-} NegoState;
-typedef enum State {
- Allocated, Queued, Active, Done
-} State;
-typedef struct Dsa {
- uchar stateb;
- uchar result;
- uchar dmablks;
- uchar flag; /* setbyte(state,3,...) */
- union {
- ulong dmancr; /* For block transfer: NCR order (little-endian) */
- uchar dmaaddr[4];
- };
- uchar target; /* Target */
- uchar pad0[3];
- uchar lun; /* Logical Unit Number */
- uchar pad1[3];
- uchar scntl3;
- uchar sxfer;
- uchar pad2[2];
- uchar next[4]; /* chaining for SCRIPT (NCR byte order) */
- struct Dsa *freechain; /* chaining for freelist */
- Rendez;
- uchar scsi_id_buf[4];
- Movedata msg_out_buf;
- Movedata cmd_buf;
- Movedata data_buf;
- Movedata status_buf;
- uchar msg_out[10]; /* enough to include SDTR */
- uchar status;
- int p9status;
- uchar parityerror;
-} Dsa;
-typedef enum Feature {
- BigFifo = 1, /* 536 byte fifo */
- BurstOpCodeFetch = 2, /* burst fetch opcodes */
- Prefetch = 4, /* prefetch 8 longwords */
- LocalRAM = 8, /* 4K longwords of local RAM */
- Differential = 16, /* Differential support */
- Wide = 32, /* Wide capable */
- Ultra = 64, /* Ultra capable */
- ClockDouble = 128, /* Has clock doubler */
- ClockQuad = 256, /* Has clock quadrupler (same as Ultra2) */
- Ultra2 = 256,
-} Feature;
-typedef enum Burst {
- Burst2 = 0,
- Burst4 = 1,
- Burst8 = 2,
- Burst16 = 3,
- Burst32 = 4,
- Burst64 = 5,
- Burst128 = 6
-} Burst;
-typedef struct Variant {
- ushort did;
- uchar maxrid; /* maximum allowed revision ID */
- char *name;
- Burst burst; /* codings for max burst */
- uchar maxsyncoff; /* max synchronous offset */
- uchar registers; /* number of 32 bit registers */
- unsigned feature;
-} Variant;
-static unsigned char cf2[] = { 6, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16 };
-#define NULTRA2SCF (sizeof(cf2)/sizeof(cf2[0]))
-#define NSCF (NULTRASCF - 1)
-typedef struct Controller {
- Lock;
- struct {
- uchar scntl3;
- uchar stest2;
- } bios;
- uchar synctab[NULTRA2SCF - 1][8];/* table of legal tpfs */
- NegoState s[MAXTARGET];
- uchar scntl3[MAXTARGET];
- uchar sxfer[MAXTARGET];
- uchar cap[MAXTARGET]; /* capabilities byte from Identify */
- ushort capvalid; /* bit per target for validity of cap[] */
- ushort wide; /* bit per target set if wide negotiated */
- ulong sclk; /* clock speed of controller */
- uchar clockmult; /* set by synctabinit */
- uchar ccf; /* CCF bits */
- uchar tpf; /* best tpf value for this controller */
- uchar feature; /* requested features */
- int running; /* is the script processor running? */
- int ssm; /* single step mode */
- Ncr *n; /* pointer to registers */
- Variant *v; /* pointer to variant type */
- ulong *script; /* where the real script is */
- ulong scriptpa; /* where the real script is */
- Pcidev* pcidev;
- SDev* sdev;
- struct {
- Lock;
- uchar head[4]; /* head of free list (NCR byte order) */
- Dsa *freechain;
- } dsalist;
- QLock q[MAXTARGET]; /* queues for each target */
-} Controller;
-#define SYNCOFFMASK(c) (((c)->v->maxsyncoff * 2) - 1)
-#define SSIDMASK(c) (((c)->v->feature & Wide) ? 15 : 7)
-/* ISTAT */
-enum { Abrt = 0x80, Srst = 0x40, Sigp = 0x20, Sem = 0x10, Con = 0x08, Intf = 0x04, Sip = 0x02, Dip = 0x01 };
-/* DSTAT */
-enum { Dfe = 0x80, Mdpe = 0x40, Bf = 0x20, Abrted = 0x10, Ssi = 0x08, Sir = 0x04, Iid = 0x01 };
-/* SSTAT */
-enum { DataOut, DataIn, Cmd, Status, ReservedOut, ReservedIn, MessageOut, MessageIn };
-static void setmovedata(Movedata*, ulong, ulong);
-static void advancedata(Movedata*, long);
-static int bios_set_differential(Controller *c);
-static char *phase[] = {
- "data out", "data in", "command", "status",
- "reserved out", "reserved in", "message out", "message in"
-#define DEBUGSIZE 10240
-char debugbuf[DEBUGSIZE];
-char *debuglast;
-static void
-intrprint(char *format, ...)
- if (debuglast == 0)
- debuglast = debugbuf;
- debuglast = vseprint(debuglast, debugbuf + (DEBUGSIZE - 1), format, (&format + 1));
-static void
- int s;
- char *endp;
- s = splhi();
- if (debuglast == 0)
- debuglast = debugbuf;
- if (debuglast == debugbuf) {
- splx(s);
- return;
- }
- endp = debuglast;
- splx(s);
- screenputs(debugbuf, endp - debugbuf);
- s = splhi();
- memmove(debugbuf, endp, debuglast - endp);
- debuglast -= endp - debugbuf;
- splx(s);
-static void
-oprint(char *format, ...)
- int s;
- iflush();
- s = splhi();
- if (debuglast == 0)
- debuglast = debugbuf;
- debuglast = vseprint(debuglast, debugbuf + (DEBUGSIZE - 1), format, (&format + 1));
- splx(s);
- iflush();
-#include "sd53c8xx.i"
- * We used to use a linked list of Dsas with nil as the terminator,
- * but occasionally the 896 card seems not to notice that the 0
- * is really a 0, and then it tries to reference the Dsa at address 0.
- * To address this, we use a sentinel dsa that links back to itself
- * and has state A_STATE_END. If the card takes an iteration or
- * two to notice that the state says A_STATE_END, that's no big
- * deal. Clearly this isn't the right approach, but I'm just
- * stumped. Even with this, we occasionally get prints about
- * "WSR set", usually with about the same frequency that the
- * card used to walk past 0.
- */
-static Dsa *dsaend;
-static Dsa*
-dsaallocnew(Controller *c)
- Dsa *d;
- /* c->dsalist must be ilocked */
- d = xalloc(sizeof *d);
- lesetl(d->next, legetl(c->dsalist.head));
- lesetl(&d->stateb, A_STATE_FREE);
- coherence();
- lesetl(c->dsalist.head, DMASEG(d));
- coherence();
- return d;
-static Dsa *
-dsaalloc(Controller *c, int target, int lun)
- Dsa *d;
- ilock(&c->dsalist);
- if ((d = c->dsalist.freechain) != 0) {
- if (DEBUG(1))
- IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: reused dsa %lux\n", target, lun, (ulong)d);
- } else {
- d = dsaallocnew(c);
- if (DEBUG(1))
- IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: allocated dsa %lux\n", target, lun, (ulong)d);
- }
- c->dsalist.freechain = d->freechain;
- lesetl(&d->stateb, A_STATE_ALLOCATED);
- iunlock(&c->dsalist);
- d->target = target;
- d->lun = lun;
- return d;
-static void
-dsafree(Controller *c, Dsa *d)
- ilock(&c->dsalist);
- d->freechain = c->dsalist.freechain;
- c->dsalist.freechain = d;
- lesetl(&d->stateb, A_STATE_FREE);
- iunlock(&c->dsalist);
-static void
-dsadump(Controller *c)
- Dsa *d;
- u32int *a;
- iprint("dsa controller list: c=%p head=%.8lux\n", c, legetl(c->dsalist.head));
- for(d=KPTR(legetl(c->dsalist.head)); d != dsaend; d=KPTR(legetl(d->next))){
- if(d == (void*)-1){
- iprint("\t dsa %p\n", d);
- break;
- }
- a = (u32int*)d;
- iprint("\tdsa %p %.8ux %.8ux %.8ux %.8ux %.8ux %.8ux\n", a, a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4], a[5]);
- }
- a = KPTR(c->scriptpa+E_dsa_addr);
- iprint("dsa_addr: %.8ux %.8ux %.8ux %.8ux %.8ux\n",
- a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4]);
- a = KPTR(c->scriptpa+E_issue_addr);
- iprint("issue_addr: %.8ux %.8ux %.8ux %.8ux %.8ux\n",
- a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4]);
- a = KPTR(c->scriptpa+E_issue_test_begin);
- e = KPTR(c->scriptpa+E_issue_test_end);
- iprint("issue_test code (at offset %.8ux):\n", E_issue_test_begin);
- i = 0;
- for(; a<e; a++){
- iprint(" %.8ux", *a);
- if(++i%8 == 0)
- iprint("\n");
- }
- if(i%8)
- iprint("\n");
-static Dsa *
-dsafind(Controller *c, uchar target, uchar lun, uchar state)
- Dsa *d;
- for (d = KPTR(legetl(c->dsalist.head)); d != dsaend; d = KPTR(legetl(d->next))) {
- if (d->target != 0xff && d->target != target)
- continue;
- if (lun != 0xff && d->lun != lun)
- continue;
- if (state != 0xff && d->stateb != state)
- continue;
- break;
- }
- return d;
-static void
-dumpncrregs(Controller *c, int intr)
- int i;
- Ncr *n = c->n;
- int depth = c->v->registers / 4;
- if (intr) {
- IPRINT("sa = %.8lux\n", c->scriptpa);
- }
- else {
- KPRINT("sa = %.8lux\n", c->scriptpa);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < depth; i++) {
- int j;
- for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
- int k = j * depth + i;
- uchar *p;
- /* display little-endian to make 32-bit values readable */
- p = (uchar*)n+k*4;
- if (intr) {
- IPRINT(" %.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x %.2x %.2x", p[3], p[2], p[1], p[0], k * 4, (k * 4) + 0x80);
- }
- else {
- KPRINT(" %.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x %.2x %.2x", p[3], p[2], p[1], p[0], k * 4, (k * 4) + 0x80);
- }
- USED(p);
- }
- if (intr) {
- IPRINT("\n");
- }
- else {
- KPRINT("\n");
- }
- }
-static int
-chooserate(Controller *c, int tpf, int *scfp, int *xferpp)
- /* find lowest entry >= tpf */
- int besttpf = 1000;
- int bestscfi = 0;
- int bestxferp = 0;
- int scf, xferp;
- int maxscf;
- if (c->v->feature & Ultra2)
- maxscf = NULTRA2SCF;
- else if (c->v->feature & Ultra)
- maxscf = NULTRASCF;
- else
- maxscf = NSCF;
- /*
- * search large clock factors first since this should
- * result in more reliable transfers
- */
- for (scf = maxscf; scf >= 1; scf--) {
- for (xferp = 0; xferp < 8; xferp++) {
- unsigned char v = c->synctab[scf - 1][xferp];
- if (v == 0)
- continue;
- if (v >= tpf && v < besttpf) {
- besttpf = v;
- bestscfi = scf;
- bestxferp = xferp;
- }
- }
- }
- if (besttpf == 1000)
- return 0;
- if (scfp)
- *scfp = bestscfi;
- if (xferpp)
- *xferpp = bestxferp;
- return besttpf;
-static void
-synctabinit(Controller *c)
- int scf;
- unsigned long scsilimit;
- int xferp;
- unsigned long cr, sr;
- int tpf;
- int fast;
- int maxscf;
- if (c->v->feature & Ultra2)
- maxscf = NULTRA2SCF;
- else if (c->v->feature & Ultra)
- maxscf = NULTRASCF;
- else
- maxscf = NSCF;
- /*
- * for chips with no clock doubler, but Ultra capable (e.g. 860, or interestingly the
- * first spin of the 875), assume 80MHz
- * otherwise use the internal (33 Mhz) or external (40MHz) default
- */
- if ((c->v->feature & Ultra) != 0 && (c->v->feature & (ClockDouble | ClockQuad)) == 0)
- else
- c->sclk = SCLK;
- /*
- * otherwise, if the chip is Ultra capable, but has a slow(ish) clock,
- * invoke the doubler
- */
- if (SCLK <= 40000000) {
- if (c->v->feature & ClockDouble) {
- c->sclk *= 2;
- c->clockmult = 1;
- }
- else if (c->v->feature & ClockQuad) {
- c->sclk *= 4;
- c->clockmult = 1;
- }
- else
- c->clockmult = 0;
- }
- else
- c->clockmult = 0;
- /* derive CCF from sclk */
- /* woebetide anyone with SCLK < 16.7 or > 80MHz */
- if (c->sclk <= 25 * MEGA)
- c->ccf = 1;
- else if (c->sclk <= 3750000)
- c->ccf = 2;
- else if (c->sclk <= 50 * MEGA)
- c->ccf = 3;
- else if (c->sclk <= 75 * MEGA)
- c->ccf = 4;
- else if ((c->v->feature & ClockDouble) && c->sclk <= 80 * MEGA)
- c->ccf = 5;
- else if ((c->v->feature & ClockQuad) && c->sclk <= 120 * MEGA)
- c->ccf = 6;
- else if ((c->v->feature & ClockQuad) && c->sclk <= 160 * MEGA)
- c->ccf = 7;
- for (scf = 1; scf < maxscf; scf++) {
- /* check for legal core rate */
- /* round up so we run slower for safety */
- cr = (c->sclk * 2 + cf2[scf] - 1) / cf2[scf];
- if (cr <= MAXSYNCCORERATE) {
- scsilimit = MAXSYNCSCSIRATE;
- fast = 0;
- }
- else if (cr <= MAXFASTSYNCCORERATE) {
- fast = 1;
- }
- else if ((c->v->feature & Ultra) && cr <= MAXULTRASYNCCORERATE) {
- fast = 2;
- }
- else if ((c->v->feature & Ultra2) && cr <= MAXULTRA2SYNCCORERATE) {
- fast = 3;
- }
- else
- continue;
- for (xferp = 11; xferp >= 4; xferp--) {
- int ok;
- int tp;
- /* calculate scsi rate - round up again */
- /* start from sclk for accuracy */
- int totaldivide = xferp * cf2[scf];
- sr = (c->sclk * 2 + totaldivide - 1) / totaldivide;
- if (sr > scsilimit)
- break;
- /*
- * now work out transfer period
- * round down now so that period is pessimistic
- */
- tp = (MEGA * 1000) / sr;
- /*
- * bounds check it
- */
- if (tp < 25 || tp > 255 * 4)
- continue;
- /*
- * spot stupid special case for Ultra or Ultra2
- * while working out factor
- */
- if (tp == 25)
- tpf = 10;
- else if (tp == 50)
- tpf = 12;
- else if (tp < 52)
- continue;
- else
- tpf = tp / 4;
- /*
- * now check tpf looks sensible
- * given core rate
- */
- switch (fast) {
- case 0:
- /* scf must be ccf for SCSI 1 */
- ok = tpf >= 50 && scf == c->ccf;
- break;
- case 1:
- ok = tpf >= 25 && tpf < 50;
- break;
- case 2:
- /*
- * must use xferp of 4, or 5 at a pinch
- * for an Ultra transfer
- */
- ok = xferp <= 5 && tpf >= 12 && tpf < 25;
- break;
- case 3:
- ok = xferp == 4 && (tpf == 10 || tpf == 11);
- break;
- default:
- ok = 0;
- }
- if (!ok)
- continue;
- c->synctab[scf - 1][xferp - 4] = tpf;
- }
- }
-#ifndef NO_ULTRA2
- if (c->v->feature & Ultra2)
- tpf = 10;
- else
- if (c->v->feature & Ultra)
- tpf = 12;
- else
- tpf = 25;
- for (; tpf < 256; tpf++) {
- if (chooserate(c, tpf, &scf, &xferp) == tpf) {
- unsigned tp = tpf == 10 ? 25 : (tpf == 12 ? 50 : tpf * 4);
- unsigned long khz = (MEGA + tp - 1) / (tp);
- KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "tpf=%d scf=%d.%.1d xferp=%d mhz=%ld.%.3ld\n",
- tpf, cf2[scf] / 2, (cf2[scf] & 1) ? 5 : 0,
- xferp + 4, khz / 1000, khz % 1000);
- USED(khz);
- if (c->tpf == 0)
- c->tpf = tpf; /* note lowest value for controller */
- }
- }
-static void
-synctodsa(Dsa *dsa, Controller *c)
- KPRINT("synctodsa(dsa=%lux, target=%d, scntl3=%.2lx sxfer=%.2x)\n",
- dsa, dsa->target, c->scntl3[dsa->target], c->sxfer[dsa->target]);
- dsa->scntl3 = c->scntl3[dsa->target];
- dsa->sxfer = c->sxfer[dsa->target];
-static void
-setsync(Dsa *dsa, Controller *c, int target, uchar ultra, uchar scf, uchar xferp, uchar reqack)
- c->scntl3[target] =
- (c->scntl3[target] & 0x08) | (((scf << 4) | c->ccf | (ultra << 7)) & ~0x08);
- c->sxfer[target] = (xferp << 5) | reqack;
- c->s[target] = BothDone;
- if (dsa) {
- synctodsa(dsa, c);
- c->n->scntl3 = c->scntl3[target];
- c->n->sxfer = c->sxfer[target];
- }
-static void
-setasync(Dsa *dsa, Controller *c, int target)
- setsync(dsa, c, target, 0, c->ccf, 0, 0);
-static void
-setwide(Dsa *dsa, Controller *c, int target, uchar wide)
- c->scntl3[target] = wide ? (1 << 3) : 0;
- setasync(dsa, c, target);
- c->s[target] = WideDone;
-static int
-buildsdtrmsg(uchar *buf, uchar tpf, uchar offset)
- *buf++ = X_MSG;
- *buf++ = 3;
- *buf++ = X_MSG_SDTR;
- *buf++ = tpf;
- *buf = offset;
- return 5;
-static int
-buildwdtrmsg(uchar *buf, uchar expo)
- *buf++ = X_MSG;
- *buf++ = 2;
- *buf++ = X_MSG_WDTR;
- *buf = expo;
- return 4;
-static void
-start(Controller *c, long entry)
- ulong p;
- if (c->running)
- panic(PRINTPREFIX "start called while running");
- c->running = 1;
- p = c->scriptpa + entry;
- lesetl(c->n->dsp, p);
- coherence();
- if (c->ssm)
- c->n->dcntl |= 0x4; /* start DMA in SSI mode */
-static void
-ncrcontinue(Controller *c)
- if (c->running)
- panic(PRINTPREFIX "ncrcontinue called while running");
- /* set the start DMA bit to continue execution */
- c->running = 1;
- coherence();
- c->n->dcntl |= 0x4;
-static void
-softreset(Controller *c)
- Ncr *n = c->n;
- n->istat = Srst; /* software reset */
- n->istat = 0;
- /* general initialisation */
- n->scid = (1 << 6) | 7; /* respond to reselect, ID 7 */
- n->respid = 1 << 7; /* response ID = 7 */
- n->stest1 = 0x80; /* disable external scsi clock */
- n->stest1 = 0x00;
- n->stime0 = 0xdd; /* about 0.5 second timeout on each device */
- n->scntl0 |= 0x8; /* Enable parity checking */
- /* continued setup */
- n->sien0 = 0x8f;
- n->sien1 = 0x04;
- n->dien = 0x7d;
- n->stest3 = 0x80; /* TolerANT enable */
- c->running = 0;
- if (c->v->feature & BigFifo)
- n->ctest5 = (1 << 5);
- n->dmode = c->v->burst << 6; /* set burst length bits */
- if (c->v->burst & 4)
- n->ctest5 |= (1 << 2); /* including overflow into ctest5 bit 2 */
- if (c->v->feature & Prefetch)
- n->dcntl |= (1 << 5); /* prefetch enable */
- else if (c->v->feature & BurstOpCodeFetch)
- n->dmode |= (1 << 1); /* burst opcode fetch */
- if (c->v->feature & Differential) {
- /* chip capable */
- if ((c->feature & Differential) || bios_set_differential(c)) {
- /* user enabled, or some evidence bios set differential */
- if (n->sstat2 & (1 << 2))
- print(PRINTPREFIX "can't go differential; wrong cable\n");
- else {
- n->stest2 = (1 << 5);
- print(PRINTPREFIX "differential mode set\n");
- }
- }
- }
- if (c->clockmult) {
- n->stest1 |= (1 << 3); /* power up doubler */
- delay(2);
- n->stest3 |= (1 << 5); /* stop clock */
- n->stest1 |= (1 << 2); /* enable doubler */
- n->stest3 &= ~(1 << 5); /* start clock */
- /* pray */
- }
-static void
-msgsm(Dsa *dsa, Controller *c, int msg, int *cont, int *wakeme)
- uchar histpf, hisreqack;
- int tpf;
- int scf, xferp;
- int len;
- Ncr *n = c->n;
- switch (c->s[dsa->target]) {
- case SyncInit:
- switch (msg) {
- case A_SIR_MSG_SDTR:
- /* reply to my SDTR */
- histpf = n->scratcha[2];
- hisreqack = n->scratcha[3];
- KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d: SDTN response %d %d\n",
- dsa->target, histpf, hisreqack);
- if (hisreqack == 0)
- setasync(dsa, c, dsa->target);
- else {
- /* hisreqack should be <= c->v->maxsyncoff */
- tpf = chooserate(c, histpf, &scf, &xferp);
- KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d: SDTN: using %d %d\n",
- dsa->target, tpf, hisreqack);
- setsync(dsa, c, dsa->target, tpf < 25, scf, xferp, hisreqack);
- }
- *cont = -2;
- return;
- /* target ignored ATN for message after IDENTIFY - not SCSI-II */
- KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d: illegal phase switch after ID message - SCSI-1 device?\n", dsa->target);
- KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d: SDTN: async\n", dsa->target);
- setasync(dsa, c, dsa->target);
- *cont = E_to_decisions;
- return;
- /* rejection of my SDTR */
- KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d: SDTN: rejected SDTR\n", dsa->target);
- //async:
- KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d: SDTN: async\n", dsa->target);
- setasync(dsa, c, dsa->target);
- *cont = -2;
- return;
- }
- break;
- case WideInit:
- switch (msg) {
- case A_SIR_MSG_WDTR:
- /* reply to my WDTR */
- KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d: WDTN: response %d\n",
- dsa->target, n->scratcha[2]);
- setwide(dsa, c, dsa->target, n->scratcha[2]);
- *cont = -2;
- return;
- /* target ignored ATN for message after IDENTIFY - not SCSI-II */
- KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d: illegal phase switch after ID message - SCSI-1 device?\n", dsa->target);
- setwide(dsa, c, dsa->target, 0);
- *cont = E_to_decisions;
- return;
- /* rejection of my SDTR */
- KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d: WDTN: rejected WDTR\n", dsa->target);
- setwide(dsa, c, dsa->target, 0);
- *cont = -2;
- return;
- }
- break;
- case NeitherDone:
- case WideDone:
- case BothDone:
- switch (msg) {
- case A_SIR_MSG_WDTR: {
- uchar hiswide, mywide;
- hiswide = n->scratcha[2];
- mywide = (c->v->feature & Wide) != 0;
- KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d: WDTN: target init %d\n",
- dsa->target, hiswide);
- if (hiswide < mywide)
- mywide = hiswide;
- KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d: WDTN: responding %d\n",
- dsa->target, mywide);
- setwide(dsa, c, dsa->target, mywide);
- len = buildwdtrmsg(dsa->msg_out, mywide);
- setmovedata(&dsa->msg_out_buf, DMASEG(dsa->msg_out), len);
- *cont = E_response;
- c->s[dsa->target] = WideResponse;
- return;
- }
- case A_SIR_MSG_SDTR:
-#ifdef ASYNC_ONLY
- *cont = E_reject;
- return;
- /* target decides to renegotiate */
- histpf = n->scratcha[2];
- hisreqack = n->scratcha[3];
- KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d: SDTN: target init %d %d\n",
- dsa->target, histpf, hisreqack);
- if (hisreqack == 0) {
- /* he wants asynchronous */
- setasync(dsa, c, dsa->target);
- tpf = 0;
- }
- else {
- /* he wants synchronous */
- tpf = chooserate(c, histpf, &scf, &xferp);
- if (hisreqack > c->v->maxsyncoff)
- hisreqack = c->v->maxsyncoff;
- KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d: using %d %d\n",
- dsa->target, tpf, hisreqack);
- setsync(dsa, c, dsa->target, tpf < 25, scf, xferp, hisreqack);
- }
- /* build my SDTR message */
- len = buildsdtrmsg(dsa->msg_out, tpf, hisreqack);
- setmovedata(&dsa->msg_out_buf, DMASEG(dsa->msg_out), len);
- *cont = E_response;
- c->s[dsa->target] = SyncResponse;
- return;
- }
- break;
- case WideResponse:
- switch (msg) {
- c->s[dsa->target] = WideDone;
- KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d: WDTN: response accepted\n", dsa->target);
- *cont = -2;
- return;
- setwide(dsa, c, dsa->target, 0);
- KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d: WDTN: response REJECTed\n", dsa->target);
- *cont = -2;
- return;
- }
- break;
- case SyncResponse:
- switch (msg) {
- c->s[dsa->target] = BothDone;
- KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d: SDTN: response accepted (%s)\n",
- dsa->target, phase[n->sstat1 & 7]);
- *cont = -2;
- return; /* chf */
- setasync(dsa, c, dsa->target);
- KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d: SDTN: response REJECTed\n", dsa->target);
- *cont = -2;
- return;
- }
- break;
- }
- KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d: msgsm: state %d msg %d\n",
- dsa->target, c->s[dsa->target], msg);
- *wakeme = 1;
- return;
-static void
-calcblockdma(Dsa *d, ulong base, ulong count)
- ulong blocks;
- if (DEBUG(3))
- blocks = 0;
- else {
- blocks = count / A_BSIZE;
- if (blocks > 255)
- blocks = 255;
- }
- d->dmablks = blocks;
- d->dmaaddr[0] = base;
- d->dmaaddr[1] = base >> 8;
- d->dmaaddr[2] = base >> 16;
- d->dmaaddr[3] = base >> 24;
- setmovedata(&d->data_buf, base + blocks * A_BSIZE, count - blocks * A_BSIZE);
- d->flag = legetl(d->data_buf.dbc) == 0;
-static ulong
-read_mismatch_recover(Controller *c, Ncr *n, Dsa *dsa)
- ulong dbc;
- uchar dfifo = n->dfifo;
- int inchip;
- dbc = (n->dbc[2]<<16)|(n->dbc[1]<<8)|n->dbc[0];
- if (n->ctest5 & (1 << 5))
- inchip = ((dfifo | ((n->ctest5 & 3) << 8)) - (dbc & 0x3ff)) & 0x3ff;
- else
- inchip = ((dfifo & 0x7f) - (dbc & 0x7f)) & 0x7f;
- if (inchip) {
- IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: read_mismatch_recover: DMA FIFO = %d\n",
- dsa->target, dsa->lun, inchip);
- }
- if (n->sxfer & SYNCOFFMASK(c)) {
- /* SCSI FIFO */
- uchar fifo = n->sstat1 >> 4;
- if (c->v->maxsyncoff > 8)
- fifo |= (n->sstat2 & (1 << 4));
- if (fifo) {
- inchip += fifo;
- IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: read_mismatch_recover: SCSI FIFO = %d\n",
- dsa->target, dsa->lun, fifo);
- }
- }
- else {
- if (n->sstat0 & (1 << 7)) {
- inchip++;
- IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: read_mismatch_recover: SIDL full\n",
- dsa->target, dsa->lun);
- }
- if (n->sstat2 & (1 << 7)) {
- inchip++;
- IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: read_mismatch_recover: SIDL msb full\n",
- dsa->target, dsa->lun);
- }
- }
- USED(inchip);
- return dbc;
-static ulong
-write_mismatch_recover(Controller *c, Ncr *n, Dsa *dsa)
- ulong dbc;
- uchar dfifo = n->dfifo;
- int inchip;
- dbc = (n->dbc[2]<<16)|(n->dbc[1]<<8)|n->dbc[0];
- USED(dsa);
- if (n->ctest5 & (1 << 5))
- inchip = ((dfifo | ((n->ctest5 & 3) << 8)) - (dbc & 0x3ff)) & 0x3ff;
- else
- inchip = ((dfifo & 0x7f) - (dbc & 0x7f)) & 0x7f;
-#ifdef WMR_DEBUG
- if (inchip) {
- IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: write_mismatch_recover: DMA FIFO = %d\n",
- dsa->target, dsa->lun, inchip);
- }
- if (n->sstat0 & (1 << 5)) {
- inchip++;
-#ifdef WMR_DEBUG
- IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: write_mismatch_recover: SODL full\n", dsa->target, dsa->lun);
- }
- if (n->sstat2 & (1 << 5)) {
- inchip++;
-#ifdef WMR_DEBUG
- IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: write_mismatch_recover: SODL msb full\n", dsa->target, dsa->lun);
- }
- if (n->sxfer & SYNCOFFMASK(c)) {
- /* synchronous SODR */
- if (n->sstat0 & (1 << 6)) {
- inchip++;
-#ifdef WMR_DEBUG
- IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: write_mismatch_recover: SODR full\n",
- dsa->target, dsa->lun);
- }
- if (n->sstat2 & (1 << 6)) {
- inchip++;
-#ifdef WMR_DEBUG
- IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: write_mismatch_recover: SODR msb full\n",
- dsa->target, dsa->lun);
- }
- }
- /* clear the dma fifo */
- n->ctest3 |= (1 << 2);
- /* wait till done */
- while ((n->dstat & Dfe) == 0)
- ;
- return dbc + inchip;
-static void
-sd53c8xxinterrupt(Ureg *ur, void *a)
- uchar istat;
- ushort sist;
- uchar dstat;
- int wakeme = 0;
- int cont = -1;
- Dsa *dsa;
- ulong dsapa;
- Controller *c = a;
- Ncr *n = c->n;
- USED(ur);
- if (DEBUG(1)) {
- }
- ilock(c);
- istat = n->istat;
- if (istat & Intf) {
- Dsa *d;
- int wokesomething = 0;
- if (DEBUG(1)) {
- }
- n->istat = Intf;
- /* search for structures in A_STATE_DONE */
- for (d = KPTR(legetl(c->dsalist.head)); d != dsaend; d = KPTR(legetl(d->next))) {
- if (d->stateb == A_STATE_DONE) {
- d->p9status = d->status;
- if (DEBUG(1)) {
- IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "waking up dsa %lux\n", (ulong)d);
- }
- wakeup(d);
- wokesomething = 1;
- }
- }
- if (!wokesomething) {
- IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "nothing to wake up\n");
- }
- }
- if ((istat & (Sip | Dip)) == 0) {
- if (DEBUG(1)) {
- IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "int end %x\n", istat);
- }
- iunlock(c);
- return;
- }
- sist = (n->sist1<<8)|n->sist0; /* BUG? can two-byte read be inconsistent? */
- dstat = n->dstat;
- dsapa = legetl(n->dsa);
- /*
- * Can't compute dsa until we know that dsapa is valid.
- */
- if(dsapa < -KZERO)
- dsa = (Dsa*)DMASEG_TO_KADDR(dsapa);
- else{
- dsa = nil;
- /*
- * happens at startup on some cards but we
- * don't actually deref dsa because none of the
- * flags we are about are set.
- * still, print in case that changes and we're
- * about to dereference nil.
- */
- iprint("sd53c8xxinterrupt: dsa=%.8lux istat=%ux sist=%ux dstat=%ux\n", dsapa, istat, sist, dstat);
- }
- c->running = 0;
- if (istat & Sip) {
- if (DEBUG(1)) {
- IPRINT("sist = %.4x\n", sist);
- }
- if (sist & 0x80) {
- ulong addr;
- ulong sa;
- ulong dbc;
- ulong tbc;
- int dmablks;
- ulong dmaaddr;
- addr = legetl(n->dsp);
- sa = addr - c->scriptpa;
- if (DEBUG(1) || DEBUG(2)) {
- IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: Phase Mismatch sa=%.8lux\n",
- dsa->target, dsa->lun, sa);
- }
- /*
- * now recover
- */
- if (sa == E_data_in_mismatch) {
- /*
- * though this is a failure in the residue, there may have been blocks
- * as well. if so, dmablks will not have been zeroed, since the state
- * was not saved by the microcode.
- */
- dbc = read_mismatch_recover(c, n, dsa);
- tbc = legetl(dsa->data_buf.dbc) - dbc;
- dsa->dmablks = 0;
- n->scratcha[2] = 0;
- advancedata(&dsa->data_buf, tbc);
- if (DEBUG(1) || DEBUG(2)) {
- IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: transferred = %ld residue = %ld\n",
- dsa->target, dsa->lun, tbc, legetl(dsa->data_buf.dbc));
- }
- cont = E_data_mismatch_recover;
- }
- else if (sa == E_data_in_block_mismatch) {
- dbc = read_mismatch_recover(c, n, dsa);
- tbc = A_BSIZE - dbc;
- /* recover current state from registers */
- dmablks = n->scratcha[2];
- dmaaddr = legetl(n->scratchb);
- /* we have got to dmaaddr + tbc */
- /* we have dmablks * A_BSIZE - tbc + residue left to do */
- /* so remaining transfer is */
- IPRINT("in_block_mismatch: dmaaddr = 0x%lux tbc=%lud dmablks=%d\n",
- dmaaddr, tbc, dmablks);
- calcblockdma(dsa, dmaaddr + tbc,
- dmablks * A_BSIZE - tbc + legetl(dsa->data_buf.dbc));
- /* copy changes into scratch registers */
- IPRINT("recalc: dmablks %d dmaaddr 0x%lx pa 0x%lx dbc %ld\n",
- dsa->dmablks, legetl(dsa->dmaaddr),
- legetl(dsa->, legetl(dsa->data_buf.dbc));
- n->scratcha[2] = dsa->dmablks;
- lesetl(n->scratchb, dsa->dmancr);
- cont = E_data_block_mismatch_recover;
- }
- else if (sa == E_data_out_mismatch) {
- dbc = write_mismatch_recover(c, n, dsa);
- tbc = legetl(dsa->data_buf.dbc) - dbc;
- dsa->dmablks = 0;
- n->scratcha[2] = 0;
- advancedata(&dsa->data_buf, tbc);
- if (DEBUG(1) || DEBUG(2)) {
- IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: transferred = %ld residue = %ld\n",
- dsa->target, dsa->lun, tbc, legetl(dsa->data_buf.dbc));
- }
- cont = E_data_mismatch_recover;
- }
- else if (sa == E_data_out_block_mismatch) {
- dbc = write_mismatch_recover(c, n, dsa);
- tbc = legetl(dsa->data_buf.dbc) - dbc;
- /* recover current state from registers */
- dmablks = n->scratcha[2];
- dmaaddr = legetl(n->scratchb);
- /* we have got to dmaaddr + tbc */
- /* we have dmablks blocks - tbc + residue left to do */
- /* so remaining transfer is */
- IPRINT("out_block_mismatch: dmaaddr = %lux tbc=%lud dmablks=%d\n",
- dmaaddr, tbc, dmablks);
- calcblockdma(dsa, dmaaddr + tbc,
- dmablks * A_BSIZE - tbc + legetl(dsa->data_buf.dbc));
- /* copy changes into scratch registers */
- n->scratcha[2] = dsa->dmablks;
- lesetl(n->scratchb, dsa->dmancr);
- cont = E_data_block_mismatch_recover;
- }
- else if (sa == E_id_out_mismatch) {
- /*
- * target switched phases while attention held during
- * message out. The possibilities are:
- * 1. It didn't like the last message. This is indicated
- * by the new phase being message_in. Use script to recover
- *
- * 2. It's not SCSI-II compliant. The new phase will be other
- * than message_in. We should also indicate that the device
- * is asynchronous, if it's the SDTR that got ignored
- *
- * For now, if the phase switch is not to message_in, and
- * and it happens after IDENTIFY and before SDTR, we
- * notify the negotiation state machine.
- */
- ulong lim = legetl(dsa->msg_out_buf.dbc);
- uchar p = n->sstat1 & 7;
- dbc = write_mismatch_recover(c, n, dsa);
- tbc = lim - dbc;
- IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: msg_out_mismatch: %lud/%lud sent, phase %s\n",
- dsa->target, dsa->lun, tbc, lim, phase[p]);
- if (p != MessageIn && tbc == 1) {
- msgsm(dsa, c, A_SIR_EV_PHASE_SWITCH_AFTER_ID, &cont, &wakeme);
- }
- else
- cont = E_id_out_mismatch_recover;
- }
- else if (sa == E_cmd_out_mismatch) {
- /*
- * probably the command count is longer than the device wants ...
- */
- ulong lim = legetl(dsa->cmd_buf.dbc);
- uchar p = n->sstat1 & 7;
- dbc = write_mismatch_recover(c, n, dsa);
- tbc = lim - dbc;
- IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: cmd_out_mismatch: %lud/%lud sent, phase %s\n",
- dsa->target, dsa->lun, tbc, lim, phase[p]);
- USED(p, tbc);
- cont = E_to_decisions;
- }
- else {
- IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: ma sa=%.8lux wanted=%s got=%s\n",
- dsa->target, dsa->lun, sa,
- phase[n->dcmd & 7],
- phase[n->sstat1 & 7]);
- dumpncrregs(c, 1);
- dsa->p9status = SDeio; /* chf */
- wakeme = 1;
- }
- }
- /*else*/ if (sist & 0x400) {
- if (DEBUG(0)) {
- IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d Sto\n", dsa->target, dsa->lun);
- }
- dsa->p9status = SDtimeout;
- dsa->stateb = A_STATE_DONE;
- coherence();
- softreset(c);
- cont = E_issue_check;
- wakeme = 1;
- }
- if (sist & 0x1) {
- IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: parity error\n", dsa->target, dsa->lun);
- dsa->parityerror = 1;
- }
- if (sist & 0x4) {
- IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: unexpected disconnect\n",
- dsa->target, dsa->lun);
- dumpncrregs(c, 1);
- //wakeme = 1;
- dsa->p9status = SDeio;
- }
- }
- if (istat & Dip) {
- if (DEBUG(1)) {
- IPRINT("dstat = %.2x\n", dstat);
- }
- /*else*/ if (dstat & Ssi) {
- ulong w = legetl(n->dsp) - c->scriptpa;
- IPRINT("[%lux]", w);
- USED(w);
- cont = -2; /* restart */
- }
- if (dstat & Sir) {
- switch (legetl(n->dsps)) {
- dsa->p9status = dsa->status;
- wakeme = 1;
- break;
- case A_SIR_MSG_SDTR:
- case A_SIR_MSG_WDTR:
- msgsm(dsa, c, legetl(n->dsps), &cont, &wakeme);
- break;
- /* back up one in the data transfer */
- IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: ignore wide residue %d, WSR = %d\n",
- dsa->target, dsa->lun, n->scratcha[1], n->scntl2 & 1);
- if (dsa->flag == 2) {
- IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: transfer over; residue ignored\n",
- dsa->target, dsa->lun);
- }
- else {
- calcblockdma(dsa, legetl(dsa->dmaaddr) - 1,
- dsa->dmablks * A_BSIZE + legetl(dsa->data_buf.dbc) + 1);
- }
- cont = -2;
- break;
- IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d: not msg_in after reselect (%s)",
- n->ssid & SSIDMASK(c), phase[n->sstat1 & 7]);
- dsa = dsafind(c, n->ssid & SSIDMASK(c), -1, A_STATE_DISCONNECTED);
- dumpncrregs(c, 1);
- wakeme = 1;
- break;
- IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX ": load_state dsa=%p\n", dsa);
- if (dsa == (void*)KZERO || dsa == (void*)-1) {
- dsadump(c);
- dumpncrregs(c, 1);
- panic("bad dsa in load_state");
- }
- cont = -2;
- break;
- IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: msg_in %d\n",
- dsa->target, dsa->lun, n->sfbr);
- cont = -2;
- break;
- IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: disconnect:", dsa->target, dsa->lun);
- goto dsadump;
- IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: status\n", dsa->target, dsa->lun);
- cont = -2;
- break;
- IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: commands\n", dsa->target, dsa->lun);
- cont = -2;
- break;
- IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: data in a %lx b %lx\n",
- dsa->target, dsa->lun, legetl(n->scratcha), legetl(n->scratchb));
- cont = -2;
- break;
- IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: block data in: a2 %x b %lx\n",
- dsa->target, dsa->lun, n->scratcha[2], legetl(n->scratchb));
- cont = -2;
- break;
- IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: data out\n", dsa->target, dsa->lun);
- cont = -2;
- break;
- IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: dump\n", dsa->target, dsa->lun);
- dumpncrregs(c, 1);
- cont = -2;
- break;
- IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: dump2:", dsa->target, dsa->lun);
- IPRINT(" sa %lux", legetl(n->dsp) - c->scriptpa);
- IPRINT(" dsa %lux", legetl(n->dsa));
- IPRINT(" sfbr %ux", n->sfbr);
- IPRINT(" a %lux", legetl(n->scratcha));
- IPRINT(" b %lux", legetl(n->scratchb));
- IPRINT(" ssid %ux", n->ssid);
- IPRINT("\n");
- cont = -2;
- break;
- IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "wait reselect\n");
- cont = -2;
- break;
- IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "reselect: ssid %.2x sfbr %.2x at %ld\n",
- n->ssid, n->sfbr, TK2MS(m->ticks));
- cont = -2;
- break;
- IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: issue dsa=%p end=%p:", dsa->target, dsa->lun, dsa, dsaend);
- dsadump:
- IPRINT(" tgt=%d", dsa->target);
- IPRINT(" time=%ld", TK2MS(m->ticks));
- IPRINT("\n");
- cont = -2;
- break;
- IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "issue check\n");
- cont = -2;
- break;
- IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "responded to SIGP\n");
- cont = -2;
- break;
- ulong *dsp = c->script + (legetl(n->dsp)-c->scriptpa)/4;
- int x;
- IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "code at %lux", dsp - c->script);
- for (x = 0; x < 6; x++) {
- IPRINT(" %.8lux", dsp[x]);
- }
- IPRINT("\n");
- USED(dsp);
- cont = -2;
- break;
- }
- IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: WSR set\n", dsa->target, dsa->lun);
- cont = -2;
- break;
- IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: scntl=%.2x sxfer=%.2x\n",
- dsa->target, dsa->lun, n->scntl3, n->sxfer);
- cont = -2;
- break;
- if (DEBUG(2)) {
- IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: reselected during select\n",
- dsa->target, dsa->lun);
- }
- cont = -2;
- break;
- case A_error_reselected: /* dsa isn't valid here */
- iprint(PRINTPREFIX "reselection error\n");
- dumpncrregs(c, 1);
- for (dsa = KPTR(legetl(c->dsalist.head)); dsa != dsaend; dsa = KPTR(legetl(dsa->next))) {
- IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "dsa target %d lun %d state %d\n", dsa->target, dsa->lun, dsa->stateb);
- }
- break;
- default:
- IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: script error %ld\n",
- dsa->target, dsa->lun, legetl(n->dsps));
- dumpncrregs(c, 1);
- wakeme = 1;
- }
- }
- /*else*/ if (dstat & Iid) {
- int i, target, lun;
- ulong addr, dbc, *v;
- addr = legetl(n->dsp);
- if(dsa){
- target = dsa->target;
- lun = dsa->lun;
- }else{
- target = -1;
- lun = -1;
- }
- dbc = (n->dbc[2]<<16)|(n->dbc[1]<<8)|n->dbc[0];
- // if(dsa == nil)
- idebug++;
- IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: Iid pa=%.8lux sa=%.8lux dbc=%lux\n",
- target, lun,
- addr, addr - c->scriptpa, dbc);
- addr = (ulong)c->script + addr - c->scriptpa;
- addr -= 64;
- addr &= ~63;
- v = (ulong*)addr;
- for(i=0; i<8; i++){
- IPRINT("%.8lux: %.8lux %.8lux %.8lux %.8lux\n",
- addr, v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3]);
- addr += 4*4;
- v += 4;
- }
- USED(addr, dbc);
- if(dsa == nil){
- dsadump(c);
- dumpncrregs(c, 1);
- panic("bad dsa");
- }
- dsa->p9status = SDeio;
- wakeme = 1;
- }
- /*else*/ if (dstat & Bf) {
- IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: Bus Fault\n", dsa->target, dsa->lun);
- dumpncrregs(c, 1);
- dsa->p9status = SDeio;
- wakeme = 1;
- }
- }
- if (cont == -2)
- ncrcontinue(c);
- else if (cont >= 0)
- start(c, cont);
- if (wakeme){
- if(dsa->p9status == SDnostatus)
- dsa->p9status = SDeio;
- wakeup(dsa);
- }
- iunlock(c);
- if (DEBUG(1)) {
- IPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "int end 1\n");
- }
-static int
-done(void *arg)
- return ((Dsa *)arg)->p9status != SDnostatus;
-static void
-setmovedata(Movedata *d, ulong pa, ulong bc)
- d->pa[0] = pa;
- d->pa[1] = pa>>8;
- d->pa[2] = pa>>16;
- d->pa[3] = pa>>24;
- d->dbc[0] = bc;
- d->dbc[1] = bc>>8;
- d->dbc[2] = bc>>16;
- d->dbc[3] = bc>>24;
-static void
-advancedata(Movedata *d, long v)
- lesetl(d->pa, legetl(d->pa) + v);
- lesetl(d->dbc, legetl(d->dbc) - v);
-static void
-dumpwritedata(uchar *data, int datalen)
- int i;
- uchar *bp;
- if (!DEBUG(0)){
- USED(data, datalen);
- return;
- }
- if (datalen) {
- for (i = 0, bp = data; i < 50 && i < datalen; i++, bp++) {
- KPRINT("%.2ux", *bp);
- }
- if (i < datalen) {
- KPRINT("...");
- }
- KPRINT("\n");
- }
-static void
-dumpreaddata(uchar *data, int datalen)
- int i;
- uchar *bp;
- if (!DEBUG(0)){
- USED(data, datalen);
- return;
- }
- if (datalen) {
- for (i = 0, bp = data; i < 50 && i < datalen; i++, bp++) {
- KPRINT("%.2ux", *bp);
- }
- if (i < datalen) {
- KPRINT("...");
- }
- KPRINT("\n");
- }
-static void
-busreset(Controller *c)
- int x, ntarget;
- /* bus reset */
- c->n->scntl1 |= (1 << 3);
- delay(500);
- c->n->scntl1 &= ~(1 << 3);
- if(!(c->v->feature & Wide))
- ntarget = 8;
- else
- ntarget = MAXTARGET;
- for (x = 0; x < ntarget; x++) {
- setwide(0, c, x, 0);
-#ifndef ASYNC_ONLY
- c->s[x] = NeitherDone;
- }
- c->capvalid = 0;
-static void
-reset(Controller *c)
- /* should wakeup all pending tasks */
- softreset(c);
- busreset(c);
-static int
-sd53c8xxrio(SDreq* r)
- Dsa *d;
- uchar *bp;
- Controller *c;
- uchar target_expo, my_expo;
- int bc, check, i, status, target;
- if((target = r->unit->subno) == 0x07)
- return r->status = SDtimeout; /* assign */
- c = r->unit->dev->ctlr;
- check = 0;
- d = dsaalloc(c, target, r->lun);
- qlock(&c->q[target]); /* obtain access to target */
- /* load the transfer control stuff */
- d->scsi_id_buf[0] = 0;
- d->scsi_id_buf[1] = c->sxfer[target];
- d->scsi_id_buf[2] = target;
- d->scsi_id_buf[3] = c->scntl3[target];
- synctodsa(d, c);
- bc = 0;
- d->msg_out[bc] = 0x80 | r->lun;
- d->msg_out[bc] |= (1 << 6);
- bc++;
- /* work out what to do about negotiation */
- switch (c->s[target]) {
- default:
- KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d: strange nego state %d\n", target, c->s[target]);
- c->s[target] = NeitherDone;
- /* fall through */
- case NeitherDone:
- if ((c->capvalid & (1 << target)) == 0)
- break;
- target_expo = (c->cap[target] >> 5) & 3;
- my_expo = (c->v->feature & Wide) != 0;
- if (target_expo < my_expo)
- my_expo = target_expo;
- bc += buildwdtrmsg(d->msg_out + bc, my_expo);
- KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d: WDTN: initiating expo %d\n", target, my_expo);
- c->s[target] = WideInit;
- break;
- if (my_expo) {
- bc += buildwdtrmsg(d->msg_out + bc, (c->v->feature & Wide) ? 1 : 0);
- KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d: WDTN: initiating expo %d\n", target, my_expo);
- c->s[target] = WideInit;
- break;
- }
- KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d: WDTN: narrow\n", target);
- /* fall through */
- case WideDone:
- if (c->cap[target] & (1 << 4)) {
- KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d: SDTN: initiating %d %d\n", target, c->tpf, c->v->maxsyncoff);
- bc += buildsdtrmsg(d->msg_out + bc, c->tpf, c->v->maxsyncoff);
- c->s[target] = SyncInit;
- break;
- }
- KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d: SDTN: async only\n", target);
- c->s[target] = BothDone;
- break;
- case BothDone:
- break;
- }
- setmovedata(&d->msg_out_buf, DMASEG(d->msg_out), bc);
- setmovedata(&d->cmd_buf, DMASEG(r->cmd), r->clen);
- calcblockdma(d, r->data ? DMASEG(r->data) : 0, r->dlen);
- if (DEBUG(0)) {
- KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: exec: ", target, r->lun);
- for (bp = r->cmd; bp < &r->cmd[r->clen]; bp++) {
- KPRINT("%.2ux", *bp);
- }
- KPRINT("\n");
- if (!r->write) {
- KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: exec: limit=(%d)%ld\n",
- target, r->lun, d->dmablks, legetl(d->data_buf.dbc));
- }
- else
- dumpwritedata(r->data, r->dlen);
- }
- setmovedata(&d->status_buf, DMASEG(&d->status), 1);
- d->p9status = SDnostatus;
- d->parityerror = 0;
- coherence();
- d->stateb = A_STATE_ISSUE; /* start operation */
- coherence();
- ilock(c);
- if (c->ssm)
- c->n->dcntl |= 0x10; /* single step */
- if (c->running) {
- c->n->istat = Sigp;
- }
- else {
- start(c, E_issue_check);
- }
- iunlock(c);
- while(waserror())
- ;
- tsleep(d, done, d, 600 * 1000);
- poperror();
- if (!done(d)) {
- KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: exec: Timed out\n", target, r->lun);
- dumpncrregs(c, 0);
- dsafree(c, d);
- reset(c);
- qunlock(&c->q[target]);
- r->status = SDtimeout;
- return r->status = SDtimeout; /* assign */
- }
- if((status = d->p9status) == SDeio)
- c->s[target] = NeitherDone;
- if (d->parityerror) {
- status = SDeio;
- }
- /*
- * adjust datalen
- */
- r->rlen = r->dlen;
- if (DEBUG(0)) {
- KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: exec: before rlen adjust: dmablks %d flag %d dbc %lud\n",
- target, r->lun, d->dmablks, d->flag, legetl(d->data_buf.dbc));
- }
- r->rlen = r->dlen;
- if (d->flag != 2) {
- r->rlen -= d->dmablks * A_BSIZE;
- r->rlen -= legetl(d->data_buf.dbc);
- }
- if(!r->write)
- dumpreaddata(r->data, r->rlen);
- if (DEBUG(0)) {
- KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d/%d: exec: p9status=%d status %d rlen %ld\n",
- target, r->lun, d->p9status, status, r->rlen);
- }
- /*
- * spot the identify
- */
- if ((c->capvalid & (1 << target)) == 0
- && (status == SDok || status == SDcheck)
- && r->cmd[0] == 0x12 && r->dlen >= 8) {
- c->capvalid |= 1 << target;
- bp = r->data;
- c->cap[target] = bp[7];
- KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d: capabilities %.2x\n", target, bp[7]);
- }
- if(!check && status == SDcheck && !(r->flags & SDnosense)){
- check = 1;
- r->write = 0;
- memset(r->cmd, 0, sizeof(r->cmd));
- r->cmd[0] = 0x03;
- r->cmd[1] = r->lun<<5;
- r->cmd[4] = sizeof(r->sense)-1;
- r->clen = 6;
- r->data = r->sense;
- r->dlen = sizeof(r->sense)-1;
- /*
- * Clear out the microcode state
- * so the Dsa can be re-used.
- */
- lesetl(&d->stateb, A_STATE_ALLOCATED);
- coherence();
- goto docheck;
- }
- qunlock(&c->q[target]);
- dsafree(c, d);
- if(status == SDok && check){
- status = SDcheck;
- r->flags |= SDvalidsense;
- }
- if(DEBUG(0))
- KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d: r flags %8.8uX status %d rlen %ld\n",
- target, r->flags, status, r->rlen);
- if(r->flags & SDvalidsense){
- if(!DEBUG(0))
- KPRINT(PRINTPREFIX "%d: r flags %8.8uX status %d rlen %ld\n",
- target, r->flags, status, r->rlen);
- for(i = 0; i < r->rlen; i++)
- KPRINT(" %2.2uX", r->sense[i]);
- KPRINT("\n");
- }
- return r->status = status;
-#define vpt ((ulong*)VPT)
-#define VPTX(va) (((ulong)(va))>>12)
-static void
-cribbios(Controller *c)
- c->bios.scntl3 = c->n->scntl3;
- c->bios.stest2 = c->n->stest2;
- print(PRINTPREFIX "bios scntl3(%.2x) stest2(%.2x)\n", c->bios.scntl3, c->bios.stest2);
-static int
-bios_set_differential(Controller *c)
- /* Concept lifted from FreeBSD - thanks Gerard */
- /* basically, if clock conversion factors are set, then there is
- * evidence the bios had a go at the chip, and if so, it would
- * have set the differential enable bit in stest2
- */
- return (c->bios.scntl3 & 7) != 0 && (c->bios.stest2 & 0x20) != 0;
-#define NCR_VID 0x1000
-#define NCR_810_DID 0x0001
-#define NCR_820_DID 0x0002 /* don't know enough about this one to support it */
-#define NCR_825_DID 0x0003
-#define NCR_815_DID 0x0004
-#define SYM_810AP_DID 0x0005
-#define SYM_860_DID 0x0006
-#define SYM_896_DID 0x000b
-#define SYM_895_DID 0x000c
-#define SYM_885_DID 0x000d /* ditto */
-#define SYM_875_DID 0x000f /* ditto */
-#define SYM_1010_DID 0x0020
-#define SYM_1011_DID 0x0021
-#define SYM_875J_DID 0x008f
-static Variant variant[] = {
-{ NCR_810_DID, 0x0f, "NCR53C810", Burst16, 8, 24, 0 },
-{ NCR_810_DID, 0x1f, "SYM53C810ALV", Burst16, 8, 24, Prefetch },
-{ NCR_810_DID, 0xff, "SYM53C810A", Burst16, 8, 24, Prefetch },
-{ SYM_810AP_DID, 0xff, "SYM53C810AP", Burst16, 8, 24, Prefetch },
-{ NCR_815_DID, 0xff, "NCR53C815", Burst16, 8, 24, BurstOpCodeFetch },
-{ NCR_825_DID, 0x0f, "NCR53C825", Burst16, 8, 24, Wide|BurstOpCodeFetch|Differential },
-{ NCR_825_DID, 0xff, "SYM53C825A", Burst128, 16, 24, Prefetch|LocalRAM|BigFifo|Differential|Wide },
-{ SYM_860_DID, 0x0f, "SYM53C860", Burst16, 8, 24, Prefetch|Ultra },
-{ SYM_860_DID, 0xff, "SYM53C860LV", Burst16, 8, 24, Prefetch|Ultra },
-{ SYM_875_DID, 0x01, "SYM53C875r1", Burst128, 16, 24, Prefetch|LocalRAM|BigFifo|Differential|Wide|Ultra },
-{ SYM_875_DID, 0xff, "SYM53C875", Burst128, 16, 24, Prefetch|LocalRAM|BigFifo|Differential|Wide|Ultra|ClockDouble },
-{ SYM_875J_DID, 0xff, "SYM53C875j", Burst128, 16, 24, Prefetch|LocalRAM|BigFifo|Differential|Wide|Ultra|ClockDouble },
-{ SYM_885_DID, 0xff, "SYM53C885", Burst128, 16, 24, Prefetch|LocalRAM|BigFifo|Wide|Ultra|ClockDouble },
-{ SYM_895_DID, 0xff, "SYM53C895", Burst128, 16, 24, Prefetch|LocalRAM|BigFifo|Wide|Ultra|Ultra2 },
-{ SYM_896_DID, 0xff, "SYM53C896", Burst128, 16, 64, Prefetch|LocalRAM|BigFifo|Wide|Ultra|Ultra2 },
-{ SYM_1010_DID, 0xff, "SYM53C1010", Burst128, 16, 64, Prefetch|LocalRAM|BigFifo|Wide|Ultra|Ultra2 },
-{ SYM_1011_DID, 0xff, "SYM53C1010", Burst128, 16, 64, Prefetch|LocalRAM|BigFifo|Wide|Ultra|Ultra2 },
-static int
-xfunc(Controller *c, enum na_external x, unsigned long *v)
- switch (x)
- {
- case X_scsi_id_buf:
- *v = offsetof(Dsa, scsi_id_buf[0]); return 1;
- case X_msg_out_buf:
- *v = offsetof(Dsa, msg_out_buf); return 1;
- case X_cmd_buf:
- *v = offsetof(Dsa, cmd_buf); return 1;
- case X_data_buf:
- *v = offsetof(Dsa, data_buf); return 1;
- case X_status_buf:
- *v = offsetof(Dsa, status_buf); return 1;
- case X_dsa_head:
- *v = DMASEG(&c->dsalist.head[0]); return 1;
- case X_ssid_mask:
- *v = SSIDMASK(c); return 1;
- default:
- print("xfunc: can't find external %d\n", x);
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
-static int
-na_fixup(Controller *c, ulong pa_reg,
- struct na_patch *patch, int patches,
- int (*externval)(Controller*, int, ulong*))
- int p;
- int v;
- ulong *script, pa_script;
- unsigned long lw, lv;
- script = c->script;
- pa_script = c->scriptpa;
- for (p = 0; p < patches; p++) {
- switch (patch[p].type) {
- case 1:
- /* script relative */
- script[patch[p].lwoff] += pa_script;
- break;
- case 2:
- /* register i/o relative */
- script[patch[p].lwoff] += pa_reg;
- break;
- case 3:
- /* data external */
- lw = script[patch[p].lwoff];
- v = (lw >> 8) & 0xff;
- if (!(*externval)(c, v, &lv))
- return 0;
- v = lv & 0xff;
- script[patch[p].lwoff] = (lw & 0xffff00ffL) | (v << 8);
- break;
- case 4:
- /* 32 bit external */
- lw = script[patch[p].lwoff];
- if (!(*externval)(c, lw, &lv))
- return 0;
- script[patch[p].lwoff] = lv;
- break;
- case 5:
- /* 24 bit external */
- lw = script[patch[p].lwoff];
- if (!(*externval)(c, lw & 0xffffff, &lv))
- return 0;
- script[patch[p].lwoff] = (lw & 0xff000000L) | (lv & 0xffffffL);
- break;
- }
- }
- return 1;
-static SDev*
- char *cp;
- Pcidev *p;
- Variant *v;
- int ba, nctlr;
- void *scriptma;
- Controller *ctlr;
- SDev *sdev, *head, *tail;
- ulong regpa, *script, scriptpa;
- void *regva, *scriptva;
- if(cp = getconf("*maxsd53c8xx"))
- nctlr = strtoul(cp, 0, 0);
- else
- nctlr = 32;
- p = nil;
- head = tail = nil;
- while((p = pcimatch(p, NCR_VID, 0)) != nil && nctlr > 0){
- for(v = variant; v < &variant[nelem(variant)]; v++){
- if(p->did == v->did && p->rid <= v->maxrid)
- break;
- }
- if(v >= &variant[nelem(variant)]) {
- print("no match\n");
- continue;
- }
- print(PRINTPREFIX "%s rev. 0x%2.2x intr=%d command=%4.4uX\n",
- v->name, p->rid, p->intl, p->pcr);
- regpa = p->mem[1].bar;
- ba = 2;
- if(regpa & 0x04){
- if(p->mem[2].bar)
- continue;
- ba++;
- }
- if(regpa == 0)
- print("regpa 0\n");
- regpa &= ~0xF;
- regva = vmap(regpa, p->mem[1].size);
- if(regva == 0)
- continue;
- script = nil;
- scriptpa = 0;
- scriptva = nil;
- scriptma = nil;
- if((v->feature & LocalRAM) && sizeof(na_script) <= 4096){
- scriptpa = p->mem[ba].bar;
- if((scriptpa & 0x04) && p->mem[ba+1].bar){
- vunmap(regva, p->mem[1].size);
- continue;
- }
- scriptpa &= ~0x0F;
- scriptva = vmap(scriptpa, p->mem[ba].size);
- if(scriptva)
- script = scriptva;
- }
- if(scriptpa == 0){
- /*
- * Either the map failed, or this chip does not have
- * local RAM. It will need a copy of the microcode.
- */
- scriptma = malloc(sizeof(na_script));
- if(scriptma == nil){
- vunmap(regva, p->mem[1].size);
- continue;
- }
- scriptpa = DMASEG(scriptma);
- script = scriptma;
- }
- ctlr = malloc(sizeof(Controller));
- sdev = malloc(sizeof(SDev));
- if(ctlr == nil || sdev == nil){
- if(ctlr)
- free(ctlr);
- if(sdev)
- free(sdev);
- if(scriptma)
- free(scriptma);
- else if(scriptva)
- vunmap(scriptva, p->mem[ba].size);
- if(regva)
- vunmap(regva, p->mem[1].size);
- continue;
- }
- if(dsaend == nil)
- dsaend = xalloc(sizeof *dsaend);
- lesetl(&dsaend->stateb, A_STATE_END);
- // lesetl(dsaend->next, DMASEG(dsaend));
- coherence();
- lesetl(ctlr->dsalist.head, DMASEG(dsaend));
- coherence();
- ctlr->dsalist.freechain = 0;
- ctlr->n = regva;
- ctlr->v = v;
- ctlr->script = script;
- memmove(ctlr->script, na_script, sizeof(na_script));
- /*
- * Because we don't yet have an abstraction for the
- * addresses as seen from the controller side (and on
- * the 386 it doesn't matter), the following three lines
- * are different between the 386 and alpha copies of
- * this driver.
- */
- USED(scriptpa);
- ctlr->scriptpa = p->mem[ba].bar & ~0x0F;
- if(!na_fixup(ctlr, p->mem[1].bar & ~0x0F, na_patches, NA_PATCHES, xfunc)){
- print("script fixup failed\n");
- goto buggery;
- }
- swabl(ctlr->script, ctlr->script, sizeof(na_script));
- ctlr->pcidev = p;
- sdev->ifc = &sd53c8xxifc;
- sdev->ctlr = ctlr;
- sdev->idno = '0';
- if(!(v->feature & Wide))
- sdev->nunit = 8;
- else
- sdev->nunit = MAXTARGET;
- ctlr->sdev = sdev;
- if(head != nil)
- tail->next = sdev;
- else
- head = sdev;
- tail = sdev;
- nctlr--;
- }
- return head;
-static int
-sd53c8xxenable(SDev* sdev)
- Pcidev *pcidev;
- Controller *ctlr;
- char name[32];
- ctlr = sdev->ctlr;
- pcidev = ctlr->pcidev;
- pcisetbme(pcidev);
- ilock(ctlr);
- synctabinit(ctlr);
- cribbios(ctlr);
- reset(ctlr);
- snprint(name, sizeof(name), "%s (%s)", sdev->name, sdev->ifc->name);
- intrenable(pcidev->intl, sd53c8xxinterrupt, ctlr, pcidev->tbdf, name);
- iunlock(ctlr);
- return 1;
-SDifc sd53c8xxifc = {
- "53c8xx", /* name */
- sd53c8xxpnp, /* pnp */
- nil, /* legacy */
- sd53c8xxenable, /* enable */
- nil, /* disable */
- scsiverify, /* verify */
- scsionline, /* online */
- sd53c8xxrio, /* rio */
- nil, /* rctl */
- nil, /* wctl */
- scsibio, /* bio */
- nil, /* probe */
- nil, /* clear */
- nil, /* stat */
--- a/sys/src/9/alphapc/sio.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +1,0 @@
-#include "u.h"
-#include "../port/lib.h"
-#include "mem.h"
-#include "dat.h"
-#include "fns.h"
-#include "io.h"
- * 82378ZB Saturn-I/O (SIO) PCI-to-ISA Bus Bridge.
- */
-static Pcidev* siodev;
- if(siodev == nil && (siodev = pcimatch(nil, 0x8086, 0x0484)) == nil)
- return;
--- a/sys/src/9/alphapc/trap.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,902 +1,0 @@
-#include "u.h"
-#include "../port/lib.h"
-#include "mem.h"
-#include "dat.h"
-#include "fns.h"
-#include "ureg.h"
-#include "io.h"
-#include "../port/error.h"
-void noted(Ureg*, Ureg**, ulong);
-void rfnote(Ureg**);
-void kernfault(Ureg*, int);
-void illegal(Ureg *);
-void fen(Ureg *);
-char *regname[]={
- "type", "a0", "a1",
- "a2", "R0", "R1",
- "R2", "R3", "R4",
- "R5", "R6", "R7",
- "R8", "R9", "R10",
- "R11", "R12", "R13",
- "R14", "R15", "R19",
- "R20", "R21", "R22",
- "R23", "R24", "R25",
- "R26", "R27", "R28",
- "R30", "status", "PC",
- "R29", "R16", "R17",
- "R18",
-static Lock vctllock;
-static Vctl *vctl[256];
-intrenable(int irq, void (*f)(Ureg*, void*), void* a, int tbdf, char *name)
- int vno;
- Vctl *v;
- if(f == nil){
- print("intrenable: nil handler for %d, tbdf 0x%uX for %s\n",
- irq, tbdf, name);
- return;
- }
- v = xalloc(sizeof(Vctl));
- v->isintr = 1;
- v->irq = irq;
- v->tbdf = tbdf;
- v->f = f;
- v->a = a;
- strncpy(v->name, name, KNAMELEN-1);
- v->name[KNAMELEN-1] = 0;
- ilock(&vctllock);
- vno = arch->intrenable(v);
- if(vno == -1){
- iunlock(&vctllock);
- print("intrenable: couldn't enable irq %d, tbdf 0x%uX for %s\n",
- irq, tbdf, v->name);
- xfree(v);
- return;
- }
- if(vctl[vno]){
- if(vctl[vno]->isr != v->isr || vctl[vno]->eoi != v->eoi)
- panic("intrenable: handler: %s %s %#p %#p %#p %#p",
- vctl[vno]->name, v->name,
- vctl[vno]->isr, v->isr, vctl[vno]->eoi, v->eoi);
- v->next = vctl[vno];
- }
- vctl[vno] = v;
- iunlock(&vctllock);
-intrdisable(int irq, void (*f)(Ureg *, void *), void *a, int tbdf, char *name)
- Vctl **pv, *v;
- int vno;
- /*
- * For now, none of this will work with the APIC code,
- * there is no mapping between irq and vector as the IRQ
- * is pretty meaningless.
- */
- if(arch->intrvecno == nil)
- return -1;
- vno = arch->intrvecno(irq);
- ilock(&vctllock);
- for(pv = &vctl[vno]; *pv != nil; pv = &((*pv)->next)){
- if((*pv)->irq != irq)
- continue;
- if((*pv)->tbdf != tbdf)
- continue;
- if((*pv)->f != f)
- continue;
- if((*pv)->a != a)
- continue;
- if(strcmp((*pv)->name, name) != 0)
- continue;
- break;
- }
- assert(*pv != nil);
- v = *pv;
- *pv = (*pv)->next; /* Link out the entry */
- if (vctl[vno] == nil && arch->intrdisable != nil)
- arch->intrdisable(irq);
- iunlock(&vctllock);
- xfree(v);
- return 0;
-irqallocread(char *buf, long n, vlong offset)
- int vno;
- Vctl *v;
- long oldn;
- char str[11+1+KNAMELEN+1], *p;
- int m;
- if(n < 0 || offset < 0)
- error(Ebadarg);
- oldn = n;
- for(vno=0; vno<nelem(vctl); vno++){
- for(v=vctl[vno]; v; v=v->next){
- m = snprint(str, sizeof str, "%11d %11d %.*s\n", vno, v->irq, KNAMELEN, v->name);
- if(m <= offset) /* if do not want this, skip entry */
- offset -= m;
- else{
- /* skip offset bytes */
- m -= offset;
- p = str+offset;
- offset = 0;
- /* write at most max(n,m) bytes */
- if(m > n)
- m = n;
- memmove(buf, p, m);
- n -= m;
- buf += m;
- if(n == 0)
- return oldn;
- }
- }
- }
- return oldn - n;
-typedef struct Mcheck Mcheck;
-struct Mcheck
- ulong len;
- ulong inprogress;
- ulong procoff;
- ulong sysoff;
- ulong code;
-static char *
-smcheck(ulong code)
- switch (code) {
- case 0x80: return "tag parity error";
- case 0x82: return "tag control parity error";
- case 0x84: return "generic hard error";
- case 0x86: return "correctable ECC error";
- case 0x88: return "uncorrectable ECC error";
- case 0x8a: return "OS-specific PAL bugcheck";
- case 0x90: return "callsys in kernel mode";
- case 0x96: return "i-cache read retryable error";
- case 0x98: return "processor detected hard error";
- case 0x203: return "system detected uncorrectable ECC error";
- case 0x205: return "parity error detected by CIA";
- case 0x207: return "non-existent memory error";
- case 0x209: return "PCI SERR detected";
- case 0x20b: return "PCI data parity error detected";
- case 0x20d: return "PCI address parity error detected";
- case 0x20f: return "PCI master abort error";
- case 0x211: return "PCI target abort error";
- case 0x213: return "scatter/gather PTE invalid error";
- case 0x215: return "flash ROM write error";
- case 0x217: return "IOA timeout detected";
- case 0x219: return "IOCHK#, EISA add-in board parity or other catastrophic error";
- case 0x21b: return "EISA fail-safe timer timeout";
- case 0x21d: return "EISA bus time-out";
- case 0x21f: return "EISA software generated NMI";
- case 0x221: return "unexpected ev5 IRQ[3] interrupt";
- default: return "unknown mcheck";
- }
-mcheck(Ureg *ur, void *x)
- Mcheck *m;
- uvlong *data;
- int i, col;
- m = x;
- data = x;
- iprint("panic: Machine Check @%#p: %s (%lux) len %lud\n",
- m, smcheck(m->code), m->code, m->len);
- iprint("proc offset %lux sys offset %lux\n", m->procoff, m->sysoff);
- for (i = 0, col = 0; i < m->len/8; i++) {
- iprint("%.3x: %.16llux%s", 8*i, data[i], (col == 2) ? "\n" : " ");
- if (col++ == 2)
- col = 0;
- }
- if(col != 2)
- print("\n");
- print("\n");
- dumpregs(ur);
- prflush();
- firmware();
-intr(Ureg *ur)
- int i, vno;
- Vctl *ctl, *v;
- Mach *mach;
- vno = (ulong)ur->a1>>4;
- vno -= 0x80;
- if(vno < nelem(vctl) && (ctl = vctl[vno])){
- if(ctl->isintr){
- m->intr++;
- if(vno >= VectorPIC && vno <= MaxVectorPIC)
- m->lastintr = vno-VectorPIC;
- }
- if(ctl->isr)
- ctl->isr(vno);
- for(v = ctl; v != nil; v = v->next) {
- if(v->f)
- v->f(ur, v->a);
- }
- if(ctl->eoi)
- ctl->eoi(vno);
- if(ctl->isintr && up)
- preempted();
- }
- else if(vno >= VectorPIC && vno <= MaxVectorPIC){
- /*
- * An unknown interrupt.
- * Check for a default IRQ7. This can happen when
- * the IRQ input goes away before the acknowledge.
- * In this case, a 'default IRQ7' is generated, but
- * the corresponding bit in the ISR isn't set.
- * In fact, just ignore all such interrupts.
- */
- iprint("cpu%d: spurious interrupt %d, last %d",
- m->machno, vno-VectorPIC, m->lastintr);
- for(i = 0; i < MAXMACH; i++){
- if(active.machs[i] == 0)
- continue;
- mach = MACHP(i);
- if(m->machno == mach->machno)
- continue;
- iprint(": cpu%d: last %d", mach->machno, mach->lastintr);
- }
- iprint("\n");
- m->spuriousintr++;
- return;
- }
- else{
- dumpregs(ur);
- print("unknown intr: %d\n", vno); /* */
- }
-trap(Ureg *ur)
- char buf[ERRMAX];
- int clockintr, user, x;
- user = ur->status&UMODE;
- if(user){
- up = m->proc;
- up->dbgreg = ur;
- }
- clockintr = 0;
- switch ((int)ur->type) {
- case 1: /* arith */
- fptrap(ur);
- break;
- case 2: /* bad instr or FEN */
- illegal(ur);
- break;
- case 3: /* intr */
- m->intr++;
- switch ((int)ur->a0) {
- case 0: /* interprocessor */
- panic("interprocessor intr");
- break;
- case 1: /* clock */
- clockintr = 1;
- clock(ur);
- break;
- case 2: /* machine check */
- mcheck(ur, (void*)(KZERO|(ulong)ur->a2));
- break;
- case 3: /* device */
- intr(ur);
- break;
- case 4: /* perf counter */
- panic("perf count");
- break;
- default:
- panic("bad intr");
- break;
- }
- break;
- case 4: /* memory fault */
- if(up == 0)
- kernfault(ur, (ulong)ur->a1);
- x = up->insyscall;
- up->insyscall = 1;
- spllo();
- faultalpha(ur);
- up->insyscall = x;
- break;
- case 6: /* alignment fault */
- ur->pc -= 4;
- sprint(buf, "trap: unaligned addr 0x%lux", (ulong)ur->a0);
- fataltrap(ur, buf);
- break;
- default: /* cannot happen */
- panic("bad trap type %d", (int)ur->type);
- break;
- }
- splhi();
- /* delaysched set because we held a lock or because our quantum ended */
- if(up && up->delaysched && clockintr){
- sched();
- splhi();
- }
- if(user){
- if(up->procctl || up->nnote)
- notify(ur);
- kexit(ur);
- }
- splhi();
- wrent(0, intr0);
- wrent(1, arith);
- wrent(2, fault0);
- wrent(3, illegal0);
- wrent(4, unaligned);
- wrent(5, syscall0);
-fataltrap(Ureg *ur, char *reason)
- char buf[ERRMAX];
- if(ur->status&UMODE) {
- spllo();
- sprint(buf, "sys: %s", reason);
- postnote(up, 1, buf, NDebug);
- return;
- }
- print("kernel %s pc=%lux\n", reason, (ulong)ur->pc);
- dumpregs(ur);
- dumpstack();
- if(m->machno == 0)
- spllo();
- exit(1);
-kernfault(Ureg *ur, int code)
- Label l;
- char *s;
- splhi();
- if (code == 0)
- s = "read";
- else if (code == 1)
- s = "write";
- else
- s = "ifetch";
- print("panic: kfault %s VA=0x%lux\n", s, (ulong)ur->a0);
- print("u=%#p status=0x%lux pc=0x%lux sp=0x%lux\n",
- up, (ulong)ur->status, (ulong)ur->pc, (ulong)ur->sp);
- dumpregs(ur);
- l.sp = ur->sp;
- l.pc = ur->pc;
- dumpstack();
- exit(1);
-dumpregs(Ureg *ur)
- int i, col;
- uvlong *l;
- if(up)
- print("registers for %s %ld\n", up->text, up->pid);
- else
- print("registers for kernel\n");
- l = &ur->type;
- col = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < sizeof regname/sizeof(char*); i++, l++) {
- print("%-7s%.16llux%s", regname[i], *l, col == 2 ? "\n" : " ");
- if (col++ == 2)
- col = 0;
- }
- print("\n");
- * Fill in enough of Ureg to get a stack trace, and call a function.
- * Used by debugging interface rdb.
- */
-static void
-getpcsp(ulong *pc, ulong *sp)
- *pc = getcallerpc(&pc);
- *sp = (ulong)&pc-8;
-callwithureg(void (*fn)(Ureg*))
- Ureg ureg;
- getpcsp((ulong*)&ureg.pc, (ulong*)&ureg.sp);
- ureg.r26 = getcallerpc(&fn);
- fn(&ureg);
-_dumpstack(Ureg *ureg)
- ulong l, sl, el, v, i, instr, op;
- extern ulong etext;
- l=(ulong)&l;
- if(l&4)
- l += 4;
- if(up == 0){
- el = (ulong)m+BY2PG;
- sl = el-KSTACK;
- }
- else{
- sl = (ulong)up->kstack;
- el = sl + KSTACK;
- }
- if(l > el || l < sl){
- el = (ulong)m+BY2PG;
- sl = el-KSTACK;
- }
- if(l > el || l < sl)
- return;
- print("ktrace /kernel/path %.8lux %.8lux %.8lux\n", (ulong)ureg->pc, (ulong)ureg->sp, (ulong)ureg->r26);
- i = 0;
- for(; l<el; l+=8){
- v = *(ulong*)l - 4;
- if(KTZERO < v && v < (ulong)&etext && (v&3) == 0){
- /*
- * Check for JSR/BSR
- */
- instr = *(ulong*)v;
- op = (instr>>26);
- if(op == 26 || op == 52){
- print("%lux=%lux ", l, v);
- i++;
- }
- }
- if(i == 4){
- i = 0;
- print("\n");
- }
- }
- if(i)
- print("\n");
- callwithureg(_dumpstack);
-notify(Ureg *ur)
- int l;
- ulong sp;
- Note *n;
- if(up->procctl)
- procctl();
- if(up->nnote == 0)
- return 0;
- if(up->fpstate == FPactive){
- savefpregs(&up->fpsave);
- up->fpstate = FPinactive;
- }
- up->fpstate |= FPillegal;
- spllo();
- qlock(&up->debug);
- up->notepending = 0;
- n = &up->note[0];
- if(strncmp(n->msg, "sys:", 4) == 0) {
- l = strlen(n->msg);
- if(l > ERRMAX-15) /* " pc=0x12345678\0" */
- l = ERRMAX-15;
- sprint(n->msg+l, " pc=0x%lux", (ulong)ur->pc);
- }
- if(n->flag != NUser && (up->notified || up->notify==0)) {
- qunlock(&up->debug);
- if(n->flag == NDebug)
- pprint("suicide: %s\n", n->msg);
- pexit(n->msg, n->flag!=NDebug);
- }
- if(up->notified) {
- qunlock(&up->debug);
- splhi();
- return 0;
- }
- if(!up->notify) {
- qunlock(&up->debug);
- pexit(n->msg, n->flag!=NDebug);
- }
- sp = ur->usp & ~(BY2V-1);
- sp -= sizeof(Ureg);
- if(!okaddr((uintptr)up->notify, BY2WD, 0)
- || !okaddr(sp-ERRMAX-6*BY2WD, sizeof(Ureg)+ERRMAX-6*BY2WD, 1)) {
- qunlock(&up->debug);
- pprint("suicide: bad address or sp in notify\n");
- pexit("Suicide", 0);
- }
- memmove((Ureg*)sp, ur, sizeof(Ureg));
- *(Ureg**)(sp-BY2WD) = up->ureg; /* word under Ureg is old up->ureg */
- up->ureg = (void*)sp;
- sp -= 2*BY2WD+ERRMAX;
- memmove((char*)sp, up->note[0].msg, ERRMAX);
- sp -= 4*BY2WD;
- *(ulong*)(sp+3*BY2WD) = sp+4*BY2WD; /* arg 2 is string */
- ur->r0 = (ulong)up->ureg; /* arg 1 (R0) is ureg* */
- *(ulong*)(sp+2*BY2WD) = (ulong)up->ureg; /* arg 1 0(FP) is ureg* */
- *(ulong*)(sp+0*BY2WD) = 0; /* arg 0 is pc */
- ur->usp = sp;
- ur->pc = (ulong)up->notify;
- up->notified = 1;
- up->nnote--;
- memmove(&up->lastnote, &up->note[0], sizeof(Note));
- memmove(&up->note[0], &up->note[1], up->nnote*sizeof(Note));
- qunlock(&up->debug);
- splhi();
- return 1;
- * Check that status is OK to return from note.
- */
-validstatus(ulong kstatus, ulong ustatus)
- if((kstatus & 7) != (ustatus & 7))
- return 0;
- if((ustatus&UMODE) != UMODE)
- return 0;
- return 1;
- * Return user to state before notify()
- */
-noted(Ureg *kur, Ureg **urp, ulong arg0)
- Ureg *nur;
- ulong oureg, sp;
- qlock(&up->debug);
- if(arg0!=NRSTR && !up->notified) {
- qunlock(&up->debug);
- pprint("call to noted() when not notified\n");
- pexit("Suicide", 0);
- }
- up->notified = 0;
- up->fpstate &= ~FPillegal;
- nur = up->ureg;
- oureg = (ulong)nur;
- if((oureg & (BY2V-1))
- || !okaddr(oureg-BY2WD, BY2WD+sizeof(Ureg), 0)){
- qunlock(&up->debug);
- pprint("bad ureg in noted or call to noted() when not notified\n");
- pexit("Suicide", 0);
- }
- if(!validstatus(kur->status, nur->status)) {
- qunlock(&up->debug);
- pprint("bad noted ureg status %lux\n", (ulong)nur->status);
- pexit("Suicide", 0);
- }
- memmove(*urp, up->ureg, sizeof(Ureg));
- switch(arg0) {
- case NCONT:
- case NRSTR:
- if(!okaddr(nur->pc, BY2WD, 0) || !okaddr(nur->usp, BY2WD, 0)){
- qunlock(&up->debug);
- pprint("suicide: trap in noted\n");
- pexit("Suicide", 0);
- }
- up->ureg = (Ureg*)(*(ulong*)(oureg-BY2WD));
- qunlock(&up->debug);
- splhi();
- rfnote(urp);
- break;
- case NSAVE:
- if(!okaddr(nur->pc, BY2WD, 0) || !okaddr(nur->usp, BY2WD, 0)){
- qunlock(&up->debug);
- pprint("suicide: trap in noted\n");
- pexit("Suicide", 0);
- }
- qunlock(&up->debug);
- sp = oureg-4*BY2WD-ERRMAX;
- splhi();
- (*urp)->sp = sp;
- ((ulong*)sp)[1] = oureg; /* arg 1 0(FP) is ureg* */
- ((ulong*)sp)[0] = 0; /* arg 0 is pc */
- (*urp)->r0 = oureg; /* arg 1 is ureg* */
- rfnote(urp);
- break;
- default:
- up->lastnote.flag = NDebug;
- /* fall through */
- case NDFLT:
- qunlock(&up->debug);
- if(up->lastnote.flag == NDebug)
- pprint("suicide: %s\n", up->lastnote.msg);
- pexit(up->lastnote.msg, up->lastnote.flag!=NDebug);
- }
-#include "../port/systab.h"
-syscall(Ureg *aur)
- int i;
- char *e;
- long ret;
- ulong sp;
- Ureg *ur;
- ulong scallnr;
- m->syscall++;
- up = m->proc;
- up->insyscall = 1;
- ur = aur;
- up->pc = ur->pc;
- up->dbgreg = aur;
- ur->type = 5; /* for debugging */
- scallnr = ur->r0;
- up->scallnr = ur->r0;
- spllo();
- sp = ur->sp;
- up->nerrlab = 0;
- ret = -1;
- if(!waserror()) {
- if(scallnr >= nsyscall || systab[scallnr] == nil){
- pprint("bad sys call %d pc %lux\n", up->scallnr, (ulong)ur->pc);
- postnote(up, 1, "sys: bad sys call", NDebug);
- error(Ebadarg);
- }
- if(sp & (BY2WD-1)){ /* XXX too weak? */
- pprint("odd sp in sys call pc %lux sp %lux\n",
- (ulong)ur->pc, (ulong)ur->sp);
- postnote(up, 1, "sys: odd stack", NDebug);
- error(Ebadarg);
- }
- if(sp<(USTKTOP-BY2PG) || sp>(USTKTOP-sizeof(Sargs)))
- validaddr(sp, sizeof(Sargs), 0);
- up->s = *((Sargs*)(sp+2*BY2WD));
- up->psstate = sysctab[scallnr];
- ret = systab[scallnr]((va_list)up->s.args);
- poperror();
- }else{
- /* failure: save the error buffer for errstr */
- e = up->syserrstr;
- up->syserrstr = up->errstr;
- up->errstr = e;
- }
- if(up->nerrlab){
- print("bad errstack [%uld]: %d extra\n", scallnr, up->nerrlab);
- for(i = 0; i < NERR; i++)
- print("sp=%lux pc=%lux\n",
- up->errlab[i].sp, up->errlab[i].pc);
- panic("error stack");
- }
- up->nerrlab = 0;
- up->psstate = 0;
- up->insyscall = 0;
- if(scallnr == NOTED) /* ugly hack */
- noted(ur, &aur, *(ulong*)(sp+2*BY2WD)); /* doesn't return */
- if(scallnr!=RFORK && (up->procctl || up->nnote)){
- ur->r0 = ret; /* load up for noted() */
- if(notify(ur))
- return ur->r0;
- }
- return ret;
-forkchild(Proc *p, Ureg *ur)
- Ureg *cur;
- p->sched.sp = (ulong)p->kstack+KSTACK-(4*BY2WD+sizeof(Ureg));
- p->sched.pc = (ulong)forkret;
- cur = (Ureg*)(p->sched.sp+4*BY2WD);
- memmove(cur, ur, sizeof(Ureg));
- /* Things from bottom of syscall we never got to execute */
- p->psstate = 0;
- p->insyscall = 0;
- spllo();
- up->kpfun(up->kparg);
- pexit("kproc exiting", 0);
-kprocchild(Proc *p, void (*func)(void*), void *arg)
- p->sched.pc = (ulong)linkproc;
- p->sched.sp = (ulong)p->kstack+KSTACK;
- p->kpfun = func;
- p->kparg = arg;
-execregs(uintptr entry, ulong ssize, ulong nargs)
- Ureg *ur;
- ulong *sp;
- sp = (ulong*)(USTKTOP - ssize);
- *--sp = nargs;
- ur = (Ureg*)up->dbgreg;
- ur->usp = (ulong)sp;
- ur->pc = entry;
- return USTKTOP-BY2WD; /* address of user-level clock */
- Ureg *ur;
- ur = (Ureg*)up->dbgreg;
- return ur->pc;
-/* This routine must save the values of registers the user is not permitted to write
- * from devproc and then restore the saved values before returning
- */
-setregisters(Ureg *xp, char *pureg, char *uva, int n)
- ulong status;
- status = xp->status;
- memmove(pureg, uva, n);
- xp->status = status;
-/* Give enough context in the ureg to produce a kernel stack for
- * a sleeping process
- */
-setkernur(Ureg *xp, Proc *p)
- xp->pc = p->sched.pc;
- xp->sp = p->sched.sp;
- xp->r26 = (ulong)sched;
-dbgpc(Proc *p)
- Ureg *ur;
- ur = p->dbgreg;
- if(ur == 0)
- return 0;
- return ur->pc;
-illegal(Ureg *ur)
- switch ((int)ur->a0) {
- case 0: /* breakpoint */
- ur->pc -= 4;
- fataltrap(ur, "breakpoint");
- break;
- case 1: /* bugchk */
- fataltrap(ur, "trap: bugchk");
- break;
- case 2: /* gentrap */
- fataltrap(ur, "trap: gentrap");
- break;
- case 3: /* FEN */
- fen(ur);
- break;
- case 4: /* opDEC */
- fataltrap(ur, "trap: illegal instruction");
- break;
- default:
- panic("illegal illegal %d", (int)ur->a0);
- break;
- }
-fen(Ureg *ur)
- if(up){
- switch(up->fpstate){
- case FPinit:
- restfpregs(&initfp);
- up->fpstate = FPactive;
-//print("EI=%lux+", initfp.fpstatus);
- return;
- case FPinactive:
- restfpregs(&up->fpsave);
- up->fpstate = FPactive;
-//print("EIA=%lux+", up->fpsave.fpstatus);
- return;
- }
- }
- fataltrap(ur, "trap: floating enable"); /* should never happen */
--- a/sys/src/9/mkfile
+++ b/sys/src/9/mkfile
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
- alphapc\
--- a/sys/src/ape/lib/9/alpha/getcallerpc.s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +1,0 @@
-TEXT getcallerpc(SB), $-8
- MOVL 0(SP), R0
--- a/sys/src/ape/lib/9/alpha/getfcr.s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +1,0 @@
-#define EXCB WORD $0x60000400 /* until 7a/7l catch up */
-TEXT getfsr(SB), $8
- MOVT F0, tmp-8(SP)
- MOVL tmp-4(SP), R1
- MOVQ $0x01e00000, R2
- AND R2, R1, R0
-TEXT setfsr(SB), $8
- MOVQ $0x01e00000, R2
- MOVT F0, tmp-8(SP)
- MOVL tmp-4(SP), R1
- ANDNOT R2, R1, R3
- AND R2, R0, R4
- OR R3, R4, R5
- MOVL R5, tmp-4(SP)
- MOVT tmp-8(SP), F0
-TEXT getfcr(SB), $8
- MOVT F0, tmp-8(SP)
- MOVL tmp-4(SP), R1
- MOVQ $0x700c0000, R2
- AND R2, R1, R0
- XOR R2, R0
-TEXT setfcr(SB), $8
- MOVQ $0x700c0000, R2
- XOR R2, R0
- MOVT F0, tmp-8(SP)
- MOVL tmp-4(SP), R1
- ANDNOT R2, R1, R3
- AND R2, R0, R4
- OR R3, R4, R5
- MOVL R5, tmp-4(SP)
- MOVT tmp-8(SP), F0
--- a/sys/src/ape/lib/ap/alpha/_seek.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +1,0 @@
-extern long __SEEK(long long*, int, long long, int);
-long long
-_SEEK(int fd, long long o, int p)
- long long l;
- if(__SEEK(&l, fd, o, p) < 0)
- l = -1;
- return l;
--- a/sys/src/ape/lib/ap/alpha/cycles.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +1,0 @@
-_cycles(unsigned long long *u)
- *u = 0;
--- a/sys/src/ape/lib/ap/alpha/divl.s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,189 +1,0 @@
- * ulong
- * _udiv(ulong num, ulong den)
- * {
- * int i;
- * ulong quo;
- *
- * if(den == 0)
- * *(ulong*)-1 = 0;
- * quo = num;
- * if(quo > 1<<(32-1))
- * quo = 1<<(32-1);
- * for(i=0; den<quo; i++)
- * den <<= 1;
- * quo = 0;
- * for(; i>=0; i--) {
- * quo <<= 1;
- * if(num >= den) {
- * num -= den;
- * quo |= 1;
- * }
- * den >>= 1;
- * }
- * return quo::num;
- * }
- */
-#define NOPROF 1
- * calling sequence:
- * num: 8(R30)
- * den: 12(R30)
- * returns
- * quo: 8(R30)
- * rem: 12(R30)
- */
-TEXT _udivmodl(SB), NOPROF, $-8
- MOVQ $-1, R11
- SLLQ $31, R11 /* (1<<31) in canonical form */
- MOVL 8(R30), R23 /* numerator */
- MOVL 12(R30), R10 /* denominator */
- BNE R10, udm20
- MOVQ R31, -1(R31) /* fault -- divide by zero; todo: use gentrap? */
- MOVQ R23, R12
- BGE R12, udm34
- MOVQ R11, R12
- MOVQ R31, R11
- CMPUGE R10, R12, R24
- BNE R24, udm54
- SLLL $1, R10
- ADDQ $1, R11
- JMP udm38
- MOVQ R31, R12
- BLT R11, udm8c
- SLLL $1, R12
- CMPUGE R23, R10, R24
- BEQ R24, udm7c
- SUBL R10, R23
- OR $1, R12
- SRLL $1, R10
- SUBQ $1, R11
- JMP udm58
- MOVL R12, 8(R30) /* quotient */
- MOVL R23, 12(R30) /* remainder */
- * save working registers
- * and bring in num/den parameters
- */
-TEXT _unsargl(SB), NOPROF, $-8
- MOVQ R10, 24(R30)
- MOVQ R11, 32(R30)
- MOVQ R12, 40(R30)
- MOVQ R23, 48(R30)
- MOVQ R24, 56(R30)
- MOVL R27, 8(R30)
- MOVL 72(R30), R27
- MOVL R27, 12(R30)
- * save working registers
- * and bring in absolute value
- * of num/den parameters
- */
-TEXT _absargl(SB), NOPROF, $-8
- MOVQ R10, 24(R30)
- MOVQ R11, 32(R30)
- MOVQ R12, 40(R30)
- MOVQ R23, 48(R30)
- MOVQ R24, 56(R30)
- MOVL R27, 64(R30)
- BGE R27, ab1
- SUBL R27, R31, R27
- MOVL R27, 8(R30) /* numerator */
- MOVL 72(R30), R27
- BGE R27, ab2
- SUBL R27, R31, R27
- MOVL R27, 12(R30) /* denominator */
- * restore registers and
- * return to original caller
- * answer is in R27
- */
-TEXT _retargl(SB), NOPROF, $-8
- MOVQ 24(R30), R10
- MOVQ 32(R30), R11
- MOVQ 40(R30), R12
- MOVQ 48(R30), R23
- MOVQ 56(R30), R24
- MOVL 0(R30), R26
- ADDQ $64, R30
- RET /* back to main sequence */
-TEXT _divl(SB), NOPROF, $-8
- SUBQ $64, R30 /* 5 reg save, 2 parameters, link */
- MOVL R26, 0(R30)
- JSR _absargl(SB)
- JSR _udivmodl(SB)
- MOVL 8(R30), R27
- MOVL 64(R30), R10 /* clean up the sign */
- MOVL 72(R30), R11
- XOR R11, R10
- BGE R10, div1
- SUBL R27, R31, R27
- JSR _retargl(SB)
- RET /* not executed */
-TEXT _divlu(SB), NOPROF, $-8
- SUBQ $64, R30 /* 5 reg save, 2 parameters, link */
- MOVL R26, 0(R30)
- JSR _unsargl(SB)
- JSR _udivmodl(SB)
- MOVL 8(R30), R27
- JSR _retargl(SB)
- RET /* not executed */
-TEXT _modl(SB), NOPROF, $-8
- SUBQ $64, R30 /* 5 reg save, 2 parameters, link */
- MOVL R26, 0(R30)
- JSR _absargl(SB)
- JSR _udivmodl(SB)
- MOVL 12(R30), R27
- MOVL 64(R30), R10 /* clean up the sign */
- BGE R10, div2
- SUBL R27, R31, R27
- JSR _retargl(SB)
- RET /* not executed */
-TEXT _modlu(SB), NOPROF, $-8
- SUBQ $64, R30 /* 5 reg save, 2 parameters, link */
- MOVL R26, 0(R30)
- JSR _unsargl(SB)
- JSR _udivmodl(SB)
- MOVL 12(R30), R27
- JSR _retargl(SB)
- RET /* not executed */
--- a/sys/src/ape/lib/ap/alpha/divq.s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +1,0 @@
- * uvlong
- * _udiv(uvlong num, uvlong den)
- * {
- * int i;
- * uvlong quo;
- *
- * if(den == 0)
- * *(ulong*)-1 = 0;
- * quo = num;
- * if(quo > 1<<(64-1))
- * quo = 1<<(64-1);
- * for(i=0; den<quo; i++)
- * den <<= 1;
- * quo = 0;
- * for(; i>=0; i--) {
- * quo <<= 1;
- * if(num >= den) {
- * num -= den;
- * quo |= 1;
- * }
- * den >>= 1;
- * }
- * return quo::num;
- * }
- */
-#define NOPROF 1
- * calling sequence:
- * num: 8(R30)
- * den: 16(R30)
- * returns
- * quo: 8(R30)
- * rem: 16(R30)
- */
-TEXT _udivmodq(SB), NOPROF, $-8
- MOVQ $1, R11
- SLLQ $63, R11
- MOVQ 8(R30), R23 /* numerator */
- MOVQ 16(R30), R10 /* denominator */
- BNE R10, udm20
- MOVQ R31, -1(R31) /* fault -- divide by zero; todo: use gentrap? */
- MOVQ R23, R12
- BGE R12, udm34
- MOVQ R11, R12
- MOVQ R31, R11
- CMPUGE R10, R12, R24
- BNE R24, udm54
- SLLQ $1, R10
- ADDQ $1, R11
- JMP udm38
- MOVQ R31, R12
- BLT R11, udm8c
- SLLQ $1, R12
- CMPUGE R23, R10, R24
- BEQ R24, udm7c
- SUBQ R10, R23
- OR $1, R12
- SRLQ $1, R10
- SUBQ $1, R11
- JMP udm58
- MOVQ R12, 8(R30) /* quotient */
- MOVQ R23, 16(R30) /* remainder */
- * save working registers
- * and bring in num/den parameters
- */
-TEXT _unsargq(SB), NOPROF, $-8
- MOVQ R10, 24(R30)
- MOVQ R11, 32(R30)
- MOVQ R12, 40(R30)
- MOVQ R23, 48(R30)
- MOVQ R24, 56(R30)
- MOVQ R27, 8(R30)
- MOVQ 72(R30), R27
- MOVQ R27, 16(R30)
-MOVQ (R30), R10 /* debug */
- * save working registers
- * and bring in absolute value
- * of num/den parameters
- */
-TEXT _absargq(SB), NOPROF, $-8
- MOVQ R10, 24(R30)
- MOVQ R11, 32(R30)
- MOVQ R12, 40(R30)
- MOVQ R23, 48(R30)
- MOVQ R24, 56(R30)
- MOVQ R27, 64(R30)
- BGE R27, ab1
- SUBQ R27, R31, R27
- MOVQ R27, 8(R30) /* numerator */
- MOVQ 72(R30), R27
- BGE R27, ab2
- SUBQ R27, R31, R27
- MOVQ R27, 16(R30) /* denominator */
-MOVQ (R30), R10 /* debug */
- * restore registers and
- * return to original caller
- * answer is in R27
- */
-TEXT _retargq(SB), NOPROF, $-8
- MOVQ 24(R30), R10
- MOVQ 32(R30), R11
- MOVQ 40(R30), R12
- MOVQ 48(R30), R23
- MOVQ 56(R30), R24
- MOVL 0(R30), R26
- ADDQ $64, R30
- RET /* back to main sequence */
-TEXT _divq(SB), NOPROF, $-8
- SUBQ $64, R30 /* 5 reg save, 2 parameters, link */
- MOVQ R26, 0(R30)
- JSR _absargq(SB)
- JSR _udivmodq(SB)
- MOVQ 8(R30), R27
- MOVQ 64(R30), R10 /* clean up the sign */
- MOVQ 72(R30), R11
- XOR R11, R10
- BGE R10, div1
- SUBQ R27, R31, R27
- JSR _retargq(SB)
- RET /* not executed */
-TEXT _divqu(SB), NOPROF, $-8
- SUBQ $64, R30 /* 5 reg save, 2 parameters, link */
- MOVQ R26, 0(R30)
- JSR _unsargq(SB)
- JSR _udivmodq(SB)
- MOVQ 8(R30), R27
- JSR _retargq(SB)
- RET /* not executed */
-TEXT _modq(SB), NOPROF, $-8
- SUBQ $64, R30 /* 5 reg save, 2 parameters, link */
- MOVQ R26, 0(R30)
- JSR _absargq(SB)
- JSR _udivmodq(SB)
- MOVQ 16(R30), R27
- MOVQ 64(R30), R10 /* clean up the sign */
- BGE R10, div2
- SUBQ R27, R31, R27
- JSR _retargq(SB)
- RET /* not executed */
-TEXT _modqu(SB), NOPROF, $-8
- SUBQ $64, R30 /* 5 reg save, 2 parameters, link */
- MOVQ R26, 0(R30)
- JSR _unsargq(SB)
- JSR _udivmodq(SB)
- MOVQ 16(R30), R27
- JSR _retargq(SB)
- RET /* not executed */
--- a/sys/src/ape/lib/ap/alpha/getfcr.s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +1,0 @@
-TEXT getfsr(SB), $8
- MOVT F0, tmp-8(SP)
- MOVL tmp-4(SP), R0
-TEXT setfsr(SB), $8
- SLLQ $32, R0
- MOVQ R0, tmp-8(SP)
- MOVT tmp-8(SP), F0
-TEXT getfcr(SB), $8
- MOVT F0, tmp-8(SP)
- MOVL tmp-4(SP), R0
-TEXT setfcr(SB), $8
- SLLQ $32, R0
- MOVQ R0, tmp-8(SP)
- MOVT tmp-8(SP), F0
--- a/sys/src/ape/lib/ap/alpha/lock.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +1,0 @@
-#include "../plan9/sys9.h"
-#include <lock.h>
-int tas(int*);
-lock(Lock *lk)
- while(tas(&lk->val))
- _SLEEP(0);
-canlock(Lock *lk)
- if(tas(&lk->val))
- return 0;
- return 1;
-unlock(Lock *lk)
- lk->val = 0;
--- a/sys/src/ape/lib/ap/alpha/main9.s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +1,0 @@
-#define NPRIVATES 16
-GLOBL _tos(SB), $4
-GLOBL _errnoloc(SB), $4
-GLOBL _plan9err(SB), $4
-GLOBL _privates(SB), $4
-GLOBL _nprivates(SB), $4
-TEXT _main(SB), 1, $(20+4+128+NPRIVATES*4)
- MOVQ $setSB(SB), R29
- /* _tos = arg */
- MOVL R0, _tos(SB)
- MOVL $20(R30), R1
- MOVL R1, _errnoloc(SB)
- ADDL $4, R1
- MOVL R1, _plan9err(SB)
- ADDL $128, R1
- MOVL R1, _privates(SB)
- MOVL R1, _nprivates(SB)
- JSR _envsetup(SB)
- /* main(argc, argv, environ); */
- MOVL inargc-4(FP), R0
- MOVL $inargv+0(FP), R1
- MOVL environ(SB), R2
- MOVL R0, 8(R30)
- MOVL R1, 12(R30)
- MOVL R2, 16(R30)
- JSR main(SB)
- MOVL R0, 8(R30)
- JSR exit(SB)
- MOVQ $_divq(SB), R31 /* force loading of divq */
- MOVQ $_divl(SB), R31 /* force loading of divl */
- JMP loop
--- a/sys/src/ape/lib/ap/alpha/main9p.s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +1,0 @@
-#define NPRIVATES 16
-GLOBL _tos(SB), $4
-GLOBL _errnoloc(SB), $4
-GLOBL _plan9err(SB), $4
-GLOBL _privates(SB), $4
-GLOBL _nprivates(SB), $4
-TEXT _mainp(SB), 1, $(20+4+128+NPRIVATES*4)
- MOVQ $setSB(SB), R29
- /* _tos = arg */
- MOVL R0, _tos(SB)
- MOVL $20(R30), R1
- MOVL R1, _errnoloc(SB)
- ADDL $4, R1
- MOVL R1, _plan9err(SB)
- ADDL $128, R1
- MOVL R1, _privates(SB)
- MOVL R1, _nprivates(SB)
- /* _profmain(); */
- JSR _profmain(SB)
- /* _tos->prof.pp = _tos->; */
- MOVL _tos+0(SB), R1
- MOVL 4(R1), R2
- MOVL R2, 0(R1)
- JSR _envsetup(SB)
- /* main(argc, argv, environ); */
- MOVL inargc-4(FP), R0
- MOVL $inargv+0(FP), R1
- MOVL environ(SB), R2
- MOVL R0, 8(R30)
- MOVL R1, 12(R30)
- MOVL R2, 16(R30)
- JSR main(SB)
- MOVL R0, 8(R30)
- JSR exit(SB)
- MOVQ $_divq(SB), R31 /* force loading of divq */
- MOVQ $_divl(SB), R31 /* force loading of divl */
- MOVQ $_profin(SB), R31 /* force loading of profile */
- JMP loop
-TEXT _saveret(SB), 1, $0
-TEXT _savearg(SB), 1, $0
-TEXT _callpc(SB), 1, $0
- MOVL argp-8(FP), R0
--- a/sys/src/ape/lib/ap/alpha/memcpy.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +1,0 @@
-#include <string.h>
-memcpy(void *a1, const void *a2, size_t n)
- return memmove(a1, a2, n);
--- a/sys/src/ape/lib/ap/alpha/memmove.s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,197 +1,0 @@
-#define QUAD 8
-#define ALIGN 64
-#define BLOCK 64
-TEXT memmove(SB), $0
- MOVL from+4(FP), R7
- MOVL n+8(FP), R10
- MOVQ R0, R6
- CMPUGE R7, R0, R5
- BNE R5, _forward
- MOVQ R6, R8 /* end to address */
- ADDL R10, R6, R6 /* to+n */
- ADDL R10, R7, R7 /* from+n */
- CMPUGE $ALIGN, R10, R1 /* need at least ALIGN bytes */
- BNE R1, _b1tail
- AND $(ALIGN-1), R6, R1
- BEQ R1, _baligned
- MOVBU -1(R7), R2
- ADDL $-1, R6, R6
- MOVB R2, (R6)
- ADDL $-1, R7, R7
- JMP _balign
- AND $(QUAD-1), R7, R1 /* is the source quad-aligned */
- BNE R1, _bunaligned
- ADDL $(BLOCK-1), R8, R9
- CMPUGE R9, R6, R1
- BNE R1, _b8tail
- MOVQ -64(R7), R22
- MOVQ -56(R7), R23
- MOVQ -48(R7), R24
- MOVQ -40(R7), R25
- MOVQ -32(R7), R2
- MOVQ -24(R7), R3
- MOVQ -16(R7), R4
- MOVQ -8(R7), R5
- SUBL $64, R6, R6
- SUBL $64, R7, R7
- MOVQ R22, (R6)
- MOVQ R23, 8(R6)
- MOVQ R24, 16(R6)
- MOVQ R25, 24(R6)
- MOVQ R2, 32(R6)
- MOVQ R3, 40(R6)
- MOVQ R4, 48(R6)
- MOVQ R5, 56(R6)
- JMP _bblock
- ADDL $(QUAD-1), R8, R9
- CMPUGE R9, R6, R1
- BNE R1, _b1tail
- MOVQ -8(R7), R2
- SUBL $8, R6
- MOVQ R2, (R6)
- SUBL $8, R7
- JMP _b8block
- CMPUGE R8, R6, R1
- BNE R1, _ret
- MOVBU -1(R7), R2
- SUBL $1, R6, R6
- MOVB R2, (R6)
- SUBL $1, R7, R7
- JMP _b1tail
- ADDL $(16-1), R8, R9
- CMPUGE R9, R6, R1
- BNE R1, _b1tail
- MOVQU -16(R7), R4
- MOVQU -8(R7), R3
- MOVQU (R7), R2
- SUBL $16, R6
- EXTQH R7, R2, R2
- EXTQL R7, R3, R5
- OR R5, R2, R11
- EXTQH R7, R3, R3
- EXTQL R7, R4, R4
- OR R3, R4, R13
- MOVQ R11, 8(R6)
- MOVQ R13, (R6)
- SUBL $16, R7
- JMP _bu8block
- ADDL R10, R6, R8 /* end to address */
- CMPUGE $ALIGN, R10, R1 /* need at least ALIGN bytes */
- BNE R1, _f1tail
- AND $(ALIGN-1), R6, R1
- BEQ R1, _faligned
- MOVBU (R7), R2
- ADDL $1, R6, R6
- ADDL $1, R7, R7
- MOVB R2, -1(R6)
- JMP _falign
- AND $(QUAD-1), R7, R1 /* is the source quad-aligned */
- BNE R1, _funaligned
- SUBL $(BLOCK-1), R8, R9
- CMPUGT R9, R6, R1
- BEQ R1, _f8tail
- MOVQ (R7), R2
- MOVQ 8(R7), R3
- MOVQ 16(R7), R4
- MOVQ 24(R7), R5
- MOVQ 32(R7), R22
- MOVQ 40(R7), R23
- MOVQ 48(R7), R24
- MOVQ 56(R7), R25
- ADDL $64, R6, R6
- ADDL $64, R7, R7
- MOVQ R2, -64(R6)
- MOVQ R3, -56(R6)
- MOVQ R4, -48(R6)
- MOVQ R5, -40(R6)
- MOVQ R22, -32(R6)
- MOVQ R23, -24(R6)
- MOVQ R24, -16(R6)
- MOVQ R25, -8(R6)
- JMP _fblock
- SUBL $(QUAD-1), R8, R9
- CMPUGT R9, R6, R1
- BEQ R1, _f1tail
- MOVQ (R7), R2
- ADDL $8, R6
- ADDL $8, R7
- MOVQ R2, -8(R6)
- JMP _f8block
- CMPUGT R8, R6, R1
- BEQ R1, _fret
- MOVBU (R7), R2
- ADDL $1, R6, R6
- ADDL $1, R7, R7
- MOVB R2, -1(R6)
- JMP _f1tail
- SUBL $(16-1), R8, R9
- CMPUGT R9, R6, R1
- BEQ R1, _f1tail
- MOVQU (R7), R2
- MOVQU 8(R7), R3
- MOVQU 16(R7), R4
- EXTQL R7, R2, R2
- EXTQH R7, R3, R5
- OR R5, R2, R11
- EXTQL R7, R3, R3
- MOVQ R11, (R6)
- EXTQH R7, R4, R4
- OR R3, R4, R11
- MOVQ R11, 8(R6)
- ADDL $16, R6
- ADDL $16, R7
- JMP _fu8block
--- a/sys/src/ape/lib/ap/alpha/memset.s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +1,0 @@
-TEXT memset(SB), $0
- MOVL R0, R6
- MOVBU data+4(FP), R2
- MOVL n+8(FP), R10
- ADDL R10, R0, R8
- CMPUGE $8, R10, R1 /* need at least 8 bytes */
- BNE R1, _1loop
- SLLQ $8, R2, R1 /* replicate the byte */
- OR R1, R2
- SLLQ $16, R2, R1
- OR R1, R2
- SLLQ $32, R2, R1
- OR R1, R2
- AND $(8-1), R6, R1
- BEQ R1, _aligned
- MOVB R2, (R6)
- ADDL $1, R6, R6
- JMP _align
- SUBL $(64-1), R8, R9 /* end pointer minus slop */
- CMPUGT R9, R6, R1
- BEQ R1, _8tail
- MOVQ R2, (R6)
- MOVQ R2, 8(R6)
- MOVQ R2, 16(R6)
- MOVQ R2, 24(R6)
- MOVQ R2, 32(R6)
- MOVQ R2, 40(R6)
- MOVQ R2, 48(R6)
- MOVQ R2, 56(R6)
- ADDL $64, R6, R6
- JMP _64loop
- SUBL $(8-1), R8, R9
- CMPUGT R9, R6, R1
- BEQ R1, _1loop
- MOVQ R2, (R6)
- ADDL $8, R6
- JMP _8loop
- CMPUGT R8, R6, R1
- BEQ R1, _ret
- MOVB R2, (R6)
- ADDL $1, R6
- JMP _1loop
--- a/sys/src/ape/lib/ap/alpha/mkfile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +1,0 @@
- _seek.$O\
- cycles.$O\
- divl.$O\
- divq.$O\
- getfcr.$O\
- lock.$O\
- main9.$O\
- main9p.$O\
- memcpy.$O\
- memmove.$O\
- memset.$O\
- notetramp.$O\
- setjmp.$O\
- tas.$O\
--- a/sys/src/ape/lib/ap/alpha/notetramp.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +1,0 @@
-#include "../plan9/lib.h"
-#include "../plan9/sys9.h"
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <setjmp.h>
-/* A stack to hold pcs when signals nest */
-#define MAXSIGSTACK 20
-typedef struct Pcstack Pcstack;
-static struct Pcstack {
- int sig;
- void (*hdlr)(int, char*, Ureg*);
- unsigned long restorepc;
- Ureg *u;
-} pcstack[MAXSIGSTACK];
-static int nstack = 0;
-static void notecont(Ureg*, char*);
-_notetramp(int sig, void (*hdlr)(int, char*, Ureg*), Ureg *u)
- Pcstack *p;
- if(nstack >= MAXSIGSTACK)
- _NOTED(1); /* nesting too deep; just do system default */
- p = &pcstack[nstack];
- p->restorepc = u->pc;
- p->sig = sig;
- p->hdlr = hdlr;
- p->u = u;
- nstack++;
- u->pc = (unsigned long) notecont;
- _NOTED(2); /* NSAVE: clear note but hold state */
-static void
-notecont(Ureg *u, char *s)
- Pcstack *p;
- void(*f)(int, char*, Ureg*);
- p = &pcstack[nstack-1];
- f = p->hdlr;
- u->pc = p->restorepc;
- nstack--;
- (*f)(p->sig, s, u);
- _NOTED(3); /* NRSTR */
-#define JMPBUFPC 1
-#define JMPBUFSP 0
-extern sigset_t _psigblocked;
-siglongjmp(sigjmp_buf j, int ret)
- struct Ureg *u;
- if(j[0])
- _psigblocked = j[1];
- if(nstack == 0 || pcstack[nstack-1].u->sp > j[2+JMPBUFSP])
- longjmp(j+2, ret);
- u = pcstack[nstack-1].u;
- nstack--;
- u->r0 = ret;
- if(ret == 0)
- u->r0 = 1;
- u->pc = j[2+JMPBUFPC];
- u->sp = j[2+JMPBUFSP];
- _NOTED(3); /* NRSTR */
--- a/sys/src/ape/lib/ap/alpha/setjmp.s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +1,0 @@
-TEXT setjmp(SB), 1, $-8
- MOVL R30, (R0)
- MOVL R26, 4(R0)
- MOVQ $0, R0
-TEXT sigsetjmp(SB), 1, $-8
- MOVL savemask+4(FP), R3
- MOVL R3, 0(R0)
- MOVL $_psigblocked(SB), R3
- MOVL R3, 4(R0)
- MOVL R30, 8(R0)
- MOVL R26, 12(R0)
- MOVQ $0, R0
-TEXT longjmp(SB), 1, $-8
- MOVL r+4(FP), R3
- BNE R3, ok /* ansi: "longjmp(0) => longjmp(1)" */
- MOVQ $1, R3 /* bless their pointed heads */
-ok: MOVL (R0), R30
- MOVL 4(R0), R26
- MOVL R3, R0
--- a/sys/src/ape/lib/ap/alpha/tas.s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +1,0 @@
-TEXT tas(SB), $-8
- MOVQ R0, R1 /* l */
- MOVLL (R1), R0 /* l->key */
- BNE R0, tas2
- MOVQ $1, R2
- MOVLC R2, (R1) /* l->key = 1 */
- BEQ R2, tas1 /* write failed, try again? */
--- a/sys/src/ape/lib/mp/alpha/mkfile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +1,0 @@
- /sys/include/ape/mp.h\
- ../../../../libmp/port/dat.h
--- a/sys/src/ape/lib/sec/alpha/mkfile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +1,0 @@
-%.$O: /sys/src/libsec/$objtype/%.s
- $AS $AFLAGS /sys/src/libsec/$objtype/$stem.s
--- a/sys/src/boot/alphapc/bootp.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,556 +1,0 @@
-#include "u.h"
-#include "lib.h"
-#include "mem.h"
-#include "dat.h"
-#include "fns.h"
-#include "ip.h"
-uchar broadcast[Eaddrlen] = {
- 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
-static ushort tftpport = 5000;
-static int Id = 1;
-static Netaddr myaddr;
-static Netaddr server;
-typedef struct {
- uchar header[4];
- uchar data[Segsize];
-} Tftp;
-static Tftp tftpb;
-etherrxpkt(int ctlrno, Etherpkt *pkt, int timo)
- int n;
- for (;;) {
- n = devread(ctlrno, (uchar*)pkt, sizeof(*pkt), 0);
- if (n >= 0)
- return n;
- if (timo-- < 0)
- return -1;
- }
-ethertxpkt(int ctlrno, Etherpkt *pkt, int len, int timo)
- USED(timo);
- return devwrite(ctlrno, (uchar*)pkt, len, 0);
-static void
-hnputs(uchar *ptr, ushort val)
- ptr[0] = val>>8;
- ptr[1] = val;
-static void
-hnputl(uchar *ptr, ulong val)
- ptr[0] = val>>24;
- ptr[1] = val>>16;
- ptr[2] = val>>8;
- ptr[3] = val;
-static ulong
-nhgetl(uchar *ptr)
- return ((ptr[0]<<24) | (ptr[1]<<16) | (ptr[2]<<8) | ptr[3]);
-static ushort
-nhgets(uchar *ptr)
- return ((ptr[0]<<8) | ptr[1]);
-static short endian = 1;
-static char* aendian = (char*)&endian;
-#define LITTLE *aendian
-static ushort
-ptcl_csum(void *a, int len)
- uchar *addr;
- ulong t1, t2;
- ulong losum, hisum, mdsum, x;
- addr = a;
- losum = 0;
- hisum = 0;
- mdsum = 0;
- x = 0;
- if((ulong)addr & 1) {
- if(len) {
- hisum += addr[0];
- len--;
- addr++;
- }
- x = 1;
- }
- while(len >= 16) {
- t1 = *(ushort*)(addr+0);
- t2 = *(ushort*)(addr+2); mdsum += t1;
- t1 = *(ushort*)(addr+4); mdsum += t2;
- t2 = *(ushort*)(addr+6); mdsum += t1;
- t1 = *(ushort*)(addr+8); mdsum += t2;
- t2 = *(ushort*)(addr+10); mdsum += t1;
- t1 = *(ushort*)(addr+12); mdsum += t2;
- t2 = *(ushort*)(addr+14); mdsum += t1;
- mdsum += t2;
- len -= 16;
- addr += 16;
- }
- while(len >= 2) {
- mdsum += *(ushort*)addr;
- len -= 2;
- addr += 2;
- }
- if(x) {
- if(len)
- losum += addr[0];
- if(LITTLE)
- losum += mdsum;
- else
- hisum += mdsum;
- } else {
- if(len)
- hisum += addr[0];
- if(LITTLE)
- hisum += mdsum;
- else
- losum += mdsum;
- }
- losum += hisum >> 8;
- losum += (hisum & 0xff) << 8;
- while(hisum = losum>>16)
- losum = hisum + (losum & 0xffff);
- return ~losum;
-static ushort
-ip_csum(uchar *addr)
- int len;
- ulong sum = 0;
- len = (addr[0]&0xf)<<2;
- while(len > 0) {
- sum += addr[0]<<8 | addr[1] ;
- len -= 2;
- addr += 2;
- }
- sum = (sum & 0xffff) + (sum >> 16);
- sum = (sum & 0xffff) + (sum >> 16);
- return (sum^0xffff);
-static void
-udpsend(int ctlrno, Netaddr *a, void *data, int dlen)
- Udphdr *uh;
- Etherhdr *ip;
- Etherpkt pkt;
- int len, ptcllen;
- uh = (Udphdr*)&pkt;
- memset(uh, 0, sizeof(Etherpkt));
- memmove(uh->udpcksum+sizeof(uh->udpcksum), data, dlen);
- /*
- * UDP portion
- */
- ptcllen = dlen + (UDP_HDRSIZE-UDP_PHDRSIZE);
- uh->ttl = 0;
- uh->udpproto = IP_UDPPROTO;
- uh->frag[0] = 0;
- uh->frag[1] = 0;
- hnputs(uh->udpplen, ptcllen);
- hnputl(uh->udpsrc, myaddr.ip);
- hnputs(uh->udpsport, myaddr.port);
- hnputl(uh->udpdst, a->ip);
- hnputs(uh->udpdport, a->port);
- hnputs(uh->udplen, ptcllen);
- uh->udpcksum[0] = 0;
- uh->udpcksum[1] = 0;
- dlen = (dlen+1)&~1;
- hnputs(uh->udpcksum, ptcl_csum(&uh->ttl, dlen+UDP_HDRSIZE));
- /*
- * IP portion
- */
- ip = (Etherhdr*)&pkt;
- len = UDP_EHSIZE+UDP_HDRSIZE+dlen; /* non-descriptive names */
- ip->vihl = IP_VER|IP_HLEN;
- ip->tos = 0;
- ip->ttl = 255;
- hnputs(ip->length, len-ETHER_HDR);
- hnputs(ip->id, Id++);
- ip->frag[0] = 0;
- ip->frag[1] = 0;
- ip->cksum[0] = 0;
- ip->cksum[1] = 0;
- hnputs(ip->cksum, ip_csum(&ip->vihl));
- /*
- * Ethernet MAC portion
- */
- hnputs(ip->type, ET_IP);
- memmove(ip->d, a->ea, sizeof(ip->d));
- ethertxpkt(ctlrno, &pkt, len, Timeout);
-static void
-nak(int ctlrno, Netaddr *a, int code, char *msg, int report)
- int n;
- char buf[128];
- buf[0] = 0;
- buf[1] = Tftp_ERROR;
- buf[2] = 0;
- buf[3] = code;
- strcpy(buf+4, msg);
- n = strlen(msg) + 4 + 1;
- udpsend(ctlrno, a, buf, n);
- if(report)
- print("\ntftp: error(%d): %s\n", code, msg);
-static int
-udprecv(int ctlrno, Netaddr *a, void *data, int dlen)
- int n, len;
- ushort csm;
- Udphdr *h;
- ulong addr, timo;
- Etherpkt pkt;
- static int rxactive;
- if(rxactive == 0)
- timo = 1000;
- else
- timo = Timeout;
- timo += msec();
- while(timo > msec()){
- n = etherrxpkt(ctlrno, &pkt, timo-msec());
- if(n <= 0)
- continue;
- h = (Udphdr*)&pkt;
- if(nhgets(h->type) != ET_IP)
- continue;
- if(ip_csum(&h->vihl)) {
- print("ip chksum error\n");
- continue;
- }
- if(h->vihl != (IP_VER|IP_HLEN)) {
- print("ip bad vers/hlen\n");
- continue;
- }
- if(h->udpproto != IP_UDPPROTO)
- continue;
- h->ttl = 0;
- len = nhgets(h->udplen);
- hnputs(h->udpplen, len);
- if(nhgets(h->udpcksum)) {
- csm = ptcl_csum(&h->ttl, len+UDP_PHDRSIZE);
- if(csm != 0) {
- print("udp chksum error csum #%4lux len %d\n", csm, n);
- break;
- }
- }
- if(a->port != 0 && nhgets(h->udpsport) != a->port)
- continue;
- if(myaddr.port != 0 && nhgets(h->udpdport) != myaddr.port)
- continue;
- addr = nhgetl(h->udpsrc);
- if(a->ip != Bcastip && addr != a->ip)
- continue;
- if(len > dlen) {
- print("udp: packet too big\n");
- continue;
- }
- memmove(data, h->udpcksum+sizeof(h->udpcksum), len);
- a->ip = addr;
- a->port = nhgets(h->udpsport);
- memmove(a->ea, pkt.s, sizeof(a->ea));
- rxactive = 1;
- return len;
- }
- return 0;
-static int tftpblockno;
-static int
-tftpopen(int ctlrno, Netaddr *a, char *name, Tftp *tftp)
- int i, len, rlen;
- char buf[Segsize+2];
- buf[0] = 0;
- buf[1] = Tftp_READ;
- len = sprint(buf+2, "%s", name) + 2;
- len += sprint(buf+len+1, "octet") + 2;
- for(i = 0; i < 5; i++){
- udpsend(ctlrno, a, buf, len);
- a->port = 0;
- if((rlen = udprecv(ctlrno, a, tftp, sizeof(Tftp))) < sizeof(tftp->header))
- continue;
- switch((tftp->header[0]<<8)|tftp->header[1]){
- case Tftp_ERROR:
- print("tftpopen: error (%d): %s\n",
- (tftp->header[2]<<8)|tftp->header[3], tftp->data);
- return -1;
- case Tftp_DATA:
- tftpblockno = 1;
- len = (tftp->header[2]<<8)|tftp->header[3];
- if(len != tftpblockno){
- print("tftpopen: block error: %d\n", len);
- nak(ctlrno, a, 1, "block error", 0);
- return -1;
- }
- return rlen-sizeof(tftp->header);
- }
- }
- print("tftpopen: failed to connect to server\n");
- return -1;
-static int
-tftpread(int ctlrno, Netaddr *a, Tftp *tftp, int dlen)
- int blockno, len;
- uchar buf[4];
- buf[0] = 0;
- buf[1] = Tftp_ACK;
- buf[2] = tftpblockno>>8;
- buf[3] = tftpblockno;
- tftpblockno++;
- dlen += sizeof(tftp->header);
- udpsend(ctlrno, a, buf, sizeof(buf));
- if((len = udprecv(ctlrno, a, tftp, dlen)) != dlen){
- print("tftpread: %d != %d\n", len, dlen);
- nak(ctlrno, a, 2, "short read", 0);
- }
- blockno = (tftp->header[2]<<8)|tftp->header[3];
- if(blockno != tftpblockno){
- print("tftpread: block error: %d, expected %d\n", blockno, tftpblockno);
- if(blockno == tftpblockno-1)
- goto buggery;
- nak(ctlrno, a, 1, "block error", 0);
- return -1;
- }
- return len-sizeof(tftp->header);
-// #define BOOT_MAGIC L_MAGIC
-#define BOOT_MAGIC 0x0700e0c3
-getether(char *dev, uchar *ea)
- int i;
- char *p;
- p = dev;
- for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
- p = strchr(p, ' ');
- if (p == 0)
- panic("no ether addr");
- p++;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
- ea[i] = strtoul(p, &p, 16);
- if (*p != (i == 5 ? ' ' : '-'))
- panic("bad ether addr");
- p++;
- }
-static char inibuf[BOOTARGSLEN];
-bootp(char *dev)
- Bootp req, rep;
- int i, fd, dlen, segsize, text, data, bss, total;
- uchar *addr, *p, ea[6];
- char *cp;
- ulong entry;
- Exec *exec;
- char *filename, confname[32];
- getether(dev, ea);
- fd = devopen(dev);
- if (fd < 0)
- panic("bootp devopen");
- memset(&req, 0, sizeof(req));
- req.op = Bootrequest;
- req.htype = 1; /* ethernet */
- req.hlen = Eaddrlen; /* ethernet */
- memmove(req.chaddr, ea, Eaddrlen);
- myaddr.ip = 0;
- myaddr.port = BPportsrc;
- memmove(myaddr.ea, ea, Eaddrlen);
- for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
- server.ip = Bcastip;
- server.port = BPportdst;
- memmove(server.ea, broadcast, sizeof(server.ea));
- udpsend(fd, &server, &req, sizeof(req));
- if(udprecv(fd, &server, &rep, sizeof(rep)) <= 0)
- continue;
- if(memcmp(req.chaddr, rep.chaddr, Eaddrlen))
- continue;
- if(rep.htype != 1 || rep.hlen != Eaddrlen)
- continue;
- break;
- }
- if(i >= 10) {
- print("bootp timed out\n");
- return -1;
- }
- sprint(confname, "/alpha/conf/%d.%d.%d.%d",
- rep.yiaddr[0],
- rep.yiaddr[1],
- rep.yiaddr[2],
- rep.yiaddr[3]);
- if(rep.sname[0] != '\0')
- print("%s ", rep.sname);
- print("(%d.%d.%d.%d!%d): %s...",
- rep.siaddr[0],
- rep.siaddr[1],
- rep.siaddr[2],
- rep.siaddr[3],
- server.port,
- confname);
- myaddr.ip = nhgetl(rep.yiaddr);
- myaddr.port = tftpport++;
- server.ip = nhgetl(rep.siaddr);
- server.port = TFTPport;
- if((dlen = tftpopen(fd, &server, confname, &tftpb)) < 0)
- return -1;
- cp = inibuf;
- while(dlen > 0) {
- if(cp-inibuf+dlen > BOOTARGSLEN)
- panic("conf too large");
- memmove(cp,, dlen);
- cp += dlen;
- if(dlen != Segsize)
- break;
- if((dlen = tftpread(fd, &server, &tftpb, sizeof( < 0)
- return -1;
- }
- *cp = 0;
- setconf(inibuf);
- filename = "/alpha/9apc";
- cp = getconf("bootfile");
- if(cp != nil)
- filename = cp;
- print("%s\n", filename);
- myaddr.port = tftpport++;
- server.port = TFTPport;
- if((dlen = tftpopen(fd, &server, filename, &tftpb)) < 0)
- return -1;
- exec = (Exec*)(;
- if(dlen < sizeof(Exec) || GLLONG(exec->magic) != BOOT_MAGIC){
- nak(fd, &server, 0, "bad magic number", 1);
- return -1;
- }
- text = GLLONG(exec->text);
- data = GLLONG(exec->data);
- bss = GLLONG(exec->bss);
- total = text+data+bss;
- entry = GLLONG(exec->entry);
- if (!validrgn(entry, entry+total))
- panic("memory range not available: %lux-%lux\n", entry, entry+total);
- print("%d", text);
- addr = (uchar*)entry;
- p =;
- dlen -= sizeof(Exec);
- segsize = text;
- for(;;){
- if(dlen == 0){
- if((dlen = tftpread(fd, &server, &tftpb, sizeof( < 0)
- return -1;
- p =;
- }
- if(segsize <= dlen)
- i = segsize;
- else
- i = dlen;
- memmove(addr, p, i);
- addr += i;
- p += i;
- segsize -= i;
- dlen -= i;
- if(segsize <= 0){
- if(data == 0)
- break;
- print("+%d", data);
- segsize = data;
- data = 0;
-// addr = (uchar*)pground((uvlong)addr);
- }
- }
- nak(fd, &server, 3, "ok", 0); /* tftpclose */
- print("+%d=%d\n", bss, total);
- print("entry: 0x%lux\n", entry);
- kexec(entry);
- return 0;
--- a/sys/src/boot/alphapc/conf.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +1,0 @@
-#include "u.h"
-#include "mem.h"
-#include "dat.h"
-#include "fns.h"
-#include "lib.h"
-static char *confname[MAXCONF];
-static char *confval[MAXCONF];
-static int nconf;
-static char bootargs[BOOTARGSLEN];
-getconf(char *name)
- int i;
- for(i = 0; i < nconf; i++)
- if(strcmp(confname[i], name) == 0)
- return confval[i];
- return 0;
-setconf(char *buf)
- char *cp, *line[MAXCONF];
- int i, n;
- /*
- * Keep a pristine copy.
- * Should change this to pass the parsed strings
- * to the booted programme instead of the raw
- * string, then it only gets done once.
- */
- strcpy(bootargs, buf);
- /* print("boot: stashing /alpha/conf boot args at 0x%lux\n",
- bootargs); /* DEBUG */
- conf.bootargs = bootargs;
- n = getcfields(buf, line, MAXCONF, "\n");
- for(i = 0; i < n; i++){
- if(*line[i] == '#')
- continue;
- cp = strchr(line[i], '=');
- if(cp == nil)
- continue;
- *cp++ = 0;
- if(cp - line[i] >= NAMELEN+1)
- *(line[i]+NAMELEN-1) = 0;
- confname[nconf] = line[i];
- confval[nconf] = cp;
- nconf++;
- }
-getcfields(char* lp, char** fields, int n, char* sep)
- int i;
- for(i = 0; lp && *lp && i < n; i++){
- while(*lp && strchr(sep, *lp) != 0)
- *lp++ = 0;
- if(*lp == 0)
- break;
- fields[i] = lp;
- while(*lp && strchr(sep, *lp) == 0){
- if(*lp == '\\' && *(lp+1) == '\n')
- *lp++ = ' ';
- lp++;
- }
- }
- return i;
--- a/sys/src/boot/alphapc/conf.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +1,0 @@
-typedef struct Bank Bank;
-typedef struct Bootconf Bootconf;
-struct Bootconf
- int nbank;
- Bank *bank;
- PCB *pcb;
- uvlong maxphys;
- char *bootargs;
-struct Bank
- uvlong min;
- uvlong max;
-#define BOOTARGSLEN (4096)
-#define MAXCONF 32
--- a/sys/src/boot/alphapc/cons.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,243 +1,0 @@
-#include "u.h"
-#include "mem.h"
-#include "dat.h"
-#include "fns.h"
-#include "lib.h"
-enum {
- /* prom operations */
- Promop_getc = 1,
- Promop_puts = 2,
- Promop_open = 0x10,
- Promop_close = 0x11,
- Promop_read = 0x13,
- Promop_write = 0x14,
- Promop_getenv = 0x22,
- /* environment variable indices for getenv */
- /* auto_action might be 1; it looks that way. */
- Promenv_booted_dev = 4,
- Promenv_booted_file = 6,
- Promenv_booted_osflags = 8,
- Promenv_tty_dev = 0xf,
-Hwrpb *hwrpb;
-static uvlong dispatchf;
-static ulong clk2ms;
- Procdesc *p;
- Hwcrb *crb;
- Hwdsr *dsr;
- char *s;
- hwrpb = (Hwrpb*)0x10000000;
- crb = (Hwcrb*)((ulong)hwrpb + hwrpb->crboff);
- p = (Procdesc*)(crb->dispatchva);
- dispatchf = p->addr;
- clk2ms = hwrpb->cfreq/1000;
- print("\nAlpha Plan 9 secondary boot\n");
- if (hwrpb->rev >= 6) {
- dsr = (Hwdsr*)((ulong)hwrpb + hwrpb->dsroff);
- s = (char*)dsr + dsr->sysnameoff + 8;
- print("%s\n", s);
- }
-dispatch(uvlong r16, uvlong r17, uvlong r18, uvlong r19, uvlong r20)
- return gendispatch(dispatchf, r16, r17, r18, r19, r20);
-devopen(char *s)
- vlong ret;
- int n;
- n = strlen(s);
- ret = dispatch(0x10, (uvlong)s, n, 0, 0);
- if (ret < 0)
- return -1;
- return (int) ret;
-devclose(int fd)
- vlong ret;
- ret = dispatch(0x11, fd, 0, 0, 0);
- if (ret < 0)
- return -1;
- return 0;
-devread(int fd, uchar *buf, int len, int blkno)
- vlong ret;
- ret = dispatch(0x13, fd, len, (uvlong)buf, blkno);
- if (ret < 0)
- return -1;
- return (int) ret;
-devwrite(int fd, uchar *buf, int len, int blkno)
- vlong ret;
- ret = dispatch(0x14, fd, len, (uvlong)buf, blkno);
- if (ret < 0)
- return -1;
- return (int) ret;
- int id, n;
- static char buf[256];
- /* old upper bound was 0x100, which blows up on my 164LX. 50 works. */
- for (id = 1; id < 50; id++) {
- n = dispatch(Promop_getenv, id, (uvlong)buf, sizeof(buf)-1, 0);
- if (n == 0)
- continue;
- if (n < 0) {
- print("dispatch failed at id %d\n", id);
- break;
- }
- buf[n] = 0;
- print("env[0x%x]: %s\n", id, buf);
- }
-char *
-getenv(char *name)
- int id, n;
- static char buf[256];
- if (strcmp(name, "booted_dev") == 0)
- id = Promenv_booted_dev;
- else
- return 0;
- n = dispatch(Promop_getenv, id, (uvlong)buf, sizeof(buf), 0);
- if (n < 0)
- return 0;
- buf[n] = 0;
- return buf;
-putstrn0(char *s, int n)
- uvlong ret;
- int cnt;
- for (;;) {
- ret = dispatch(2, 0, (uvlong)s, n, 0);
- cnt = (int) ret;
- s += cnt;
- n -= cnt;
- if (n <= 0)
- break;
- }
-putstrn(char *s, int n)
- char *p;
- for (;;) {
- if (n == 0)
- return;
- p = memchr(s, '\n', n);
- if (p == 0) {
- putstrn0(s, n);
- return;
- }
- putstrn0(s, p-s);
- putstrn0("\r\n", 2);
- n -= p-s+1;
- s = p+1;
- }
-snprint(char *s, int n, char *fmt, ...)
- va_list arg;
- va_start(arg, fmt);
- n = doprint(s, s+n, fmt, arg) - s;
- va_end(arg);
- return n;
-sprint(char *s, char *fmt, ...)
- int n;
- va_list arg;
- va_start(arg, fmt);
- n = doprint(s, s+PRINTSIZE, fmt, arg) - s;
- va_end(arg);
- return n;
-print(char *fmt, ...)
- int n;
- va_list arg;
- char buf[PRINTSIZE];
- va_start(arg, fmt);
- n = doprint(buf, buf+sizeof(buf), fmt, arg) - buf;
- va_end(arg);
- putstrn(buf, n);
- return n;
-panic(char *fmt, ...)
- int n;
- va_list arg;
- char buf[PRINTSIZE];
- strcpy(buf, "panic: ");
- va_start(arg, fmt);
- n = doprint(buf+strlen(buf), buf+sizeof(buf), fmt, arg) - buf;
- va_end(arg);
- buf[n] = '\n';
- putstrn(buf, n+1);
- firmware();
- static ulong last, wrap;
- ulong cnt;
- cnt = pcc_cnt();
- if (cnt < last)
- wrap++;
- last = cnt;
- return (((uvlong)wrap << 32) + cnt)/clk2ms;
--- a/sys/src/boot/alphapc/dat.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +1,0 @@
-typedef struct Hwrpb Hwrpb;
-typedef struct Hwcpu Hwcpu;
-typedef struct Hwcrb Hwcrb;
-typedef struct Hwdsr Hwdsr;
-typedef struct Procdesc Procdesc;
-typedef struct Memdsc Memdsc;
-typedef struct Memclust Memclust;
-typedef struct PCB PCB;
-struct Hwrpb
- uvlong phys;
- uvlong sign;
- uvlong rev;
- uvlong size;
- uvlong cpu0;
- uvlong by2pg;
- uvlong pabits;
- uvlong maxasn;
- char ssn[16];
- uvlong systype;
- uvlong sysvar;
- uvlong sysrev;
- uvlong ifreq;
- uvlong cfreq;
- uvlong vptb;
- uvlong resv;
- uvlong tbhint;
- uvlong ncpu;
- uvlong cpulen;
- uvlong cpuoff;
- uvlong nctb;
- uvlong ctblen;
- uvlong ctboff;
- uvlong crboff;
- uvlong memoff;
- uvlong confoff;
- uvlong fruoff;
- uvlong termsaveva;
- uvlong termsavex;
- uvlong termrestva;
- uvlong termrestx;
- uvlong termresetva;
- uvlong termresetx;
- uvlong sysresv;
- uvlong hardresv;
- uvlong csum;
- uvlong rxrdymsk;
- uvlong txrdymsk;
- uvlong dsroff; /* rev 6 or higher */
-extern Hwrpb* hwrpb;
-struct Hwcpu
- uvlong hwpcb[16];
- uvlong state;
- uvlong palmainlen;
- uvlong palscratchlen;
- uvlong palmainpa;
- uvlong palscratchpa;
- uvlong palrev;
- uvlong cputype;
- uvlong cpuvar;
- uvlong cpurev;
- uvlong serial[2];
- /* more crap ... */
-struct Hwdsr
- vlong smm;
- uvlong lurtoff;
- uvlong sysnameoff;
-struct Hwcrb
- uvlong dispatchva;
- uvlong dispatchpa;
- uvlong fixupva;
- uvlong fixuppa;
- /* more, uninteresting crud */
-struct Procdesc
- uvlong bollocks;
- uvlong addr;
-struct Memclust
- uvlong pfn;
- uvlong npages;
- uvlong ntest;
- uvlong vabitm;
- uvlong pabitm;
- uvlong csumbitm;
- uvlong usage;
-struct Memdsc
- uvlong csum;
- uvlong opt;
- uvlong nclust;
- Memclust clust[1];
- PRINTSIZE = 256,
- MB = (1024*1024),
-#define L_MAGIC ((((4*23)+0)*23)+7)
-typedef struct Exec Exec;
-struct Exec
- uchar magic[4]; /* magic number */
- uchar text[4]; /* size of text segment */
- uchar data[4]; /* size of initialized data */
- uchar bss[4]; /* size of uninitialized data */
- uchar syms[4]; /* size of symbol table */
- uchar entry[4]; /* entry point */
- uchar spsz[4]; /* size of sp/pc offset table */
- uchar pcsz[4]; /* size of pc/line number table */
-enum {
- Eaddrlen = 6,
- ETHERMINTU = 60, /* minimum transmit size */
- ETHERMAXTU = 1514, /* maximum transmit size */
- ETHERHDRSIZE = 14, /* size of an ethernet header */
- MaxEther = 2,
-typedef struct {
- uchar d[Eaddrlen];
- uchar s[Eaddrlen];
- uchar type[2];
- uchar data[1500];
- uchar crc[4];
-} Etherpkt;
- * Process Control Block, used by OSF/1 PALcode when we switch to it
- */
-struct PCB {
- uvlong ksp;
- uvlong usp;
- uvlong ptbr;
- ulong asn;
- ulong pcc;
- uvlong unique;
- ulong fen;
- ulong dummy;
- uvlong rsrv1;
- uvlong rsrv2;
-#include "conf.h"
-extern Bootconf conf;
--- a/sys/src/boot/alphapc/exec.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +1,0 @@
-#include "u.h"
-#include "mem.h"
-#include "dat.h"
-#include "fns.h"
-#include "lib.h"
-uchar pcbpage[64*1024+sizeof(PCB)];
-PCB *pcb;
-void (*kentry)(Bootconf*);
- (*kentry)(&conf);
-kexec(ulong entry)
- uvlong pcbb, paltype;
- pcb = (PCB*)(((ulong)pcbpage+0xffff) & ~0xffff); /* page align, even on 64K page Alphas */
- memset(pcb, 0, sizeof(PCB));
- pcb->ksp = (uvlong)&entry;
- pcb->ptbr = getptbr();
- pcb->fen = 1;
- conf.pcb = pcb;
- pcbb = paddr((uvlong)pcb);
- kentry = (void(*)(Bootconf*))entry;
- paltype = 2; /* OSF/1 please */
- switch (swppal(paltype, (uvlong)gokernel, pcbb, hwrpb->vptb, pcb->ksp)) {
- case 1:
- panic("unknown PALcode variant");
- case 2:
- panic("PALcode variant not loaded");
- default:
- panic("weird return status from swppal");
- }
--- a/sys/src/boot/alphapc/fns.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +1,0 @@
-uvlong allocate(int);
-int bootp(char*);
-void consinit(void);
-int devopen(char*);
-int devclose(int);
-int devread(int, uchar*, int, int);
-int devwrite(int, uchar*, int, int);
-uvlong dispatch(uvlong, uvlong, uvlong, uvlong, uvlong);
-void dumpenv(void);
-void firmware(void);
-uvlong gendispatch(uvlong, uvlong, uvlong, uvlong, uvlong, uvlong);
-int getcfields(char*, char**, int, char*);
-char* getconf(char*);
-char* getenv(char*);
-uvlong getptbr(void);
-void kexec(ulong);
-uvlong ldqp(uvlong);
-void meminit(void);
-void mmuinit(void);
-ulong msec(void);
-uvlong rdv(uvlong);
-uvlong paddr(uvlong);
-void panic(char *, ...);
-ulong pcc_cnt(void);
-uvlong pground(uvlong);
-void putstrn(char *, int);
-void setconf(char*);
-void stqp(uvlong, uvlong);
-int swppal(uvlong, uvlong, uvlong, uvlong, uvlong);
-void tlbflush(void);
-int validrgn(ulong, ulong);
-void wrv(uvlong, uvlong);
-#define GSHORT(p) (((p)[1]<<8)|(p)[0])
-#define GLONG(p) ((GSHORT(p+2)<<16)|GSHORT(p))
-#define GLSHORT(p) (((p)[0]<<8)|(p)[1])
-#define GLLONG(p) ((GLSHORT(p)<<16)|GLSHORT(p+2))
--- a/sys/src/boot/alphapc/ip.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +1,0 @@
-typedef struct Udphdr Udphdr;
-struct Udphdr
- uchar d[6]; /* Ethernet destination */
- uchar s[6]; /* Ethernet source */
- uchar type[2]; /* Ethernet packet type */
- uchar vihl; /* Version and header length */
- uchar tos; /* Type of service */
- uchar length[2]; /* packet length */
- uchar id[2]; /* Identification */
- uchar frag[2]; /* Fragment information */
- /* Udp pseudo ip really starts here */
- uchar ttl;
- uchar udpproto; /* Protocol */
- uchar udpplen[2]; /* Header plus data length */
- uchar udpsrc[4]; /* Ip source */
- uchar udpdst[4]; /* Ip destination */
- uchar udpsport[2]; /* Source port */
- uchar udpdport[2]; /* Destination port */
- uchar udplen[2]; /* data length */
- uchar udpcksum[2]; /* Checksum */
-typedef struct Etherhdr Etherhdr;
-struct Etherhdr
- uchar d[6];
- uchar s[6];
- uchar type[2];
- /* Now we have the ip fields */
- uchar vihl; /* Version and header length */
- uchar tos; /* Type of service */
- uchar length[2]; /* packet length */
- uchar id[2]; /* Identification */
- uchar frag[2]; /* Fragment information */
- uchar ttl; /* Time to live */
- uchar proto; /* Protocol */
- uchar cksum[2]; /* Header checksum */
- uchar src[4]; /* Ip source */
- uchar dst[4]; /* Ip destination */
- IP_VER = 0x40,
- IP_HLEN = 0x05,
- UDP_EHSIZE = 22,
- ETHER_HDR = 14,
- ET_IP = 0x800,
- Bcastip = 0xffffffff,
- BPportsrc = 68,
- BPportdst = 67,
- TFTPport = 69,
- Timeout = 5000, /* milliseconds */
- Bootrequest = 1,
- Bootreply = 2,
- Tftp_READ = 1,
- Tftp_WRITE = 2,
- Tftp_DATA = 3,
- Tftp_ACK = 4,
- Tftp_ERROR = 5,
- Segsize = 512,
- TFTPSZ = Segsize+10,
-typedef struct Bootp Bootp;
-struct Bootp
- uchar op; /* opcode */
- uchar htype; /* hardware type */
- uchar hlen; /* hardware address len */
- uchar hops; /* hops */
- uchar xid[4]; /* a random number */
- uchar secs[2]; /* elapsed snce client started booting */
- uchar pad[2];
- uchar ciaddr[4]; /* client IP address (client tells server) */
- uchar yiaddr[4]; /* client IP address (server tells client) */
- uchar siaddr[4]; /* server IP address */
- uchar giaddr[4]; /* gateway IP address */
- uchar chaddr[16]; /* client hardware address */
- char sname[64]; /* server host name (optional) */
- char file[128]; /* boot file name */
- char vend[128]; /* vendor-specific goo */
-typedef struct Netaddr Netaddr;
-struct Netaddr
- ulong ip;
- ushort port;
- char ea[Eaddrlen];
--- a/sys/src/boot/alphapc/l.s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +1,0 @@
-#include "mem.h"
-#include "vmspal.h"
-#define SP R30
-TEXT _main(SB), $-8
- MOVQ $setSB(SB), R29
- MOVQ $edata(SB), R1
- MOVQ $end(SB), R2
- MOVQ R31, (R1)
- ADDQ $8, R1
- CMPUGT R1, R2, R3
- BEQ R3, loop2
- JSR main(SB)
-TEXT firmware(SB), $-8
- MOVQ $_divq(SB), R31 /* touch _divq etc.; doesn't need to execute */
- MOVQ $_divl(SB), R31 /* touch _divl etc.; doesn't need to execute */
-TEXT mb(SB), $-8
- MB
-TEXT icflush(SB), $-8
-TEXT tlbflush(SB), $-8
- CALL_PAL $PALmtpr_tbia
-TEXT gendispatch(SB), $-8
- MOVQ 8(FP), R16
- MOVQ 16(FP), R17
- MOVQ 24(FP), R18
- MOVQ 32(FP), R19
- MOVQ 40(FP), R20
- MOVQ R26, R1
- JSR (R0)
- MOVQ R1, R26
- RET /* 7a bug: should be RET (R1) */
-TEXT rdv(SB), $-8
- MOVQ (R0), R0
-TEXT wrv(SB), $-8
- MOVQ 8(FP), R1
- MOVQ R1, (R0)
-TEXT ipl(SB), $-8
- CALL_PAL $PALmfpr_ipl
-TEXT mces(SB), $-8
- CALL_PAL $PALmfpr_mces
-TEXT setipl(SB), $-8
- MOVQ R0, R16
- CALL_PAL $PALmtpr_ipl
-TEXT setmces(SB), $-8
- MOVQ R0, R16
- CALL_PAL $PALmtpr_mces
-TEXT ldqp(SB), $-8
- MOVQ R0, R16
-TEXT stqp(SB), $-8
- MOVQ R0, R16
- MOVQ 8(FP), R17
-TEXT getptbr(SB), $-8
- CALL_PAL $PALmfpr_ptbr
-TEXT swppal(SB), $-8
- MOVQ R0, R16 /* which PALcode */
- MOVQ 8(FP), R17 /* new PC */
- MOVQ 16(FP), R18 /* PCBB (physical) */
- MOVQ 24(FP), R19 /* VPTB */
- MOVQ 32(FP), R20 /* new KSP */
- CALL_PAL $PALswppal
-TEXT pcc_cnt(SB), $-8
- MOVL R1, R0
--- a/sys/src/boot/alphapc/lib.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +1,0 @@
- * functions (possibly) linked in, complete, from libc.
- */
- * mem routines
- */
-extern void *memccpy(void*, void*, int, long);
-extern void *memset(void*, int, long);
-extern int memcmp(void*, void*, long);
-extern void *memmove(void*, void*, long);
-extern void *memchr(void*, int, long);
- * string routines
- */
-extern char *strcat(char*, char*);
-extern char *strchr(char*, char);
-extern int strcmp(char*, char*);
-extern char *strcpy(char*, char*);
-extern char *strncat(char*, char*, long);
-extern char *strncpy(char*, char*, long);
-extern int strncmp(char*, char*, long);
-extern long strlen(char*);
-extern int atoi(char*);
- UTFmax = 3, /* maximum bytes per rune */
- Runesync = 0x80, /* cannot represent part of a UTF sequence */
- Runeself = 0x80, /* rune and UTF sequences are the same (<) */
- Runeerror = 0x80, /* decoding error in UTF */
- * rune routines
- */
-extern int runetochar(char*, Rune*);
-extern int chartorune(Rune*, char*);
-extern char* utfrune(char*, long);
-extern int utflen(char*);
-extern int abs(int);
- * print routines
- */
- char* out; /* pointer to next output */
- char* eout; /* pointer to end */
- int f1;
- int f2;
- int f3;
- int chr;
-} Fconv;
-extern void strconv(char*, Fconv*);
-extern int numbconv(va_list*, Fconv*);
-extern char *doprint(char*, char*, char*, va_list);
-extern int fmtinstall(int, int (*)(va_list*, Fconv*));
-extern int sprint(char*, char*, ...);
-extern int snprint(char*, int, char*, ...);
-extern int print(char*, ...);
- * one-of-a-kind
- */
-extern long strtol(char*, char**, int);
-extern ulong strtoul(char*, char**, int);
-extern vlong strtovl(char*, char**, int);
-extern char etext[];
-extern char edata[];
-extern char end[];
- * Syscall data structures
- */
-#define MORDER 0x0003 /* mask for bits defining order of mounting */
-#define MREPL 0x0000 /* mount replaces object */
-#define MBEFORE 0x0001 /* mount goes before others in union directory */
-#define MAFTER 0x0002 /* mount goes after others in union directory */
-#define MCREATE 0x0004 /* permit creation in mounted directory */
-#define MRECOV 0x0008 /* perform recovery if mount channel is lost */
-#define MCACHE 0x0010 /* cache some data */
-#define MMASK 0x001F /* all bits on */
-#define OREAD 0 /* open for read */
-#define OWRITE 1 /* write */
-#define ORDWR 2 /* read and write */
-#define OEXEC 3 /* execute, == read but check execute permission */
-#define OTRUNC 16 /* or'ed in (except for exec), truncate file first */
-#define OCEXEC 32 /* or'ed in, close on exec */
-#define ORCLOSE 64 /* or'ed in, remove on close */
-#define NCONT 0 /* continue after note */
-#define NDFLT 1 /* terminate after note */
-#define NSAVE 2 /* clear note but hold state */
-#define NRSTR 3 /* restore saved state */
-typedef struct Qid Qid;
-typedef struct Dir Dir;
-typedef struct Waitmsg Waitmsg;
-#define ERRLEN 64
-#define DIRLEN 116
-#define NAMELEN 28
-struct Qid
- ulong path;
- ulong vers;
-struct Dir
- char name[NAMELEN];
- char uid[NAMELEN];
- char gid[NAMELEN];
- Qid qid;
- ulong mode;
- long atime;
- long mtime;
- Length;
- short type;
- short dev;
-struct Waitmsg
- char pid[12]; /* of loved one */
- char time[3*12]; /* of loved one and descendants */
- char msg[ERRLEN];
--- a/sys/src/boot/alphapc/main.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +1,0 @@
-#include "u.h"
-#include "mem.h"
-#include "dat.h"
-#include "fns.h"
-#include "lib.h"
-Bootconf conf;
- char *dev;
- consinit();
- meminit();
- mmuinit();
- dev = getenv("booted_dev");
- if (dev == 0)
- panic("get dev name");
- if (strncmp(dev, "BOOTP", 5) == 0)
- bootp(dev);
- else
- print("boot device %s not supported\n", dev);
--- a/sys/src/boot/alphapc/mem.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +1,0 @@
- * Memory and machine-specific definitions. Used in C and assembler.
- */
-#define BI2BY 8 /* bits per byte */
-#define BI2WD 32 /* bits per word */
-#define BY2WD 4 /* bytes per word */
-#define BY2V 8 /* bytes per vlong */
-#define KZERO 0x80000000
-#define PTEVALID 0xff01
-#define PTEKVALID 0x1101
-#define PTEASM 0x0010
-#define PTEGH(s) ((s)<<5)
--- a/sys/src/boot/alphapc/memory.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +1,0 @@
-#include "u.h"
-#include "mem.h"
-#include "dat.h"
-#include "fns.h"
-#include "lib.h"
-static int debug;
-enum {
- Maxbank = 2,
-Bank bank[Maxbank];
-int nbank;
- Memdsc *mem;
- Memclust *c;
- int i;
- uvlong npage, p0, p1;
- extern ulong _main[], edata[];
- mem = (Memdsc*)((ulong)hwrpb + hwrpb->memoff);
- if (debug)
- print("\nnumber of clusters: %lld\n", mem->nclust);
- npage = 0;
- conf.maxphys = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < mem->nclust; i++) {
- c = &mem->clust[i];
- p0 = c->pfn*hwrpb->by2pg;
- p1 = (c->pfn+c->npages)*hwrpb->by2pg;
- if (debug) {
- print("clust%d: %llux-%llux, tested %llud/%llud vabitm %llux usage %llux\n",
- i, p0, p1, c->ntest, c->npages, c->vabitm, c->usage);
- if (c->vabitm)
- print("\tfirst 64 pages: %llux\n", *(uvlong*)c->vabitm);
- }
- npage += c->npages;
- if (p1 > conf.maxphys)
- conf.maxphys = p1;
- switch ((ulong)c->usage&3) {
- case 0:
- if (nbank >= Maxbank) {
- print("increase Maxbank; lost %lldMB\n", c->npages*hwrpb->by2pg/MB);
- break;
- }
- bank[nbank].min = p0;
- bank[nbank].max = p1;
- nbank++;
- break;
- case 2:
- print("nvram skipped\n");
- break;
- }
- }
- if (debug)
- print("\n");
- print("Memory size: %lludMB\n", npage*hwrpb->by2pg/MB);
- print("\n");
- /* kernel virtual space = 2G. leave room for kmapio */
- if (conf.maxphys > 1024*MB) {
- print("meminit: too much physical memory; only first gigabyte mapped\n\n");
- conf.maxphys = 1024*MB;
- }
- conf.nbank = nbank;
- = bank;
-validrgn(ulong min, ulong max)
- int i;
- min &= ~KZERO;
- max &= ~KZERO;
- for (i = 0; i < nbank; i++)
- if (bank[i].min <= min && max <= bank[i].max)
- return 1;
- return 0;
-allocate(int pages)
- uvlong top, len;
- int from, i;
- top = 0;
- len = pages*hwrpb->by2pg;
- from = -1;
- for (i = 0; i < nbank; i++)
- if (bank[i].max - bank[i].min >= len && bank[i].max > top) {
- top = bank[i].max;
- from = i;
- }
- if (from < 0)
- return 0;
- bank[from].max -= len;
-[from].max = bank[from].max;
- for (i = 0; i < len>>3; i++)
- stqp(bank[from].max+8*i, 0);
- return bank[from].max;
--- a/sys/src/boot/alphapc/mkfile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +1,0 @@
- l.$O\
- main.$O\
- conf.$O\
- cons.$O\
- exec.$O\
- bootp.$O\
- memory.$O\
- mmu.$O\
- print.$O\
- u.h\
- mem.h\
- conf.h\
- dat.h\
- fns.h\
- lib.h\
- ip.h\
-loadaddr = 0x20000020
- $LD -o $target -l -R8 -H3 -T$loadaddr $prereq -lc
-install:V: $TARGET
- cp $TARGET /$objtype
-clean nuke:V:
- rm -f *.$O $TARGET
-%.$O: %.s
- $AS $stem.s
-%.$O: %.c
- $CC $CFLAGS $stem.c
-%.$O: $HFILES
--- a/sys/src/boot/alphapc/mmu.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +1,0 @@
-#include "u.h"
-#include "mem.h"
-#include "dat.h"
-#include "fns.h"
-#include "lib.h"
-static int debug;
-static uvlong by2pg; /* hwrpb->by2pg */
-static uvlong pte2pg; /* by2pg/8 */
-static uvlong pgmask; /* by2pg-1 */
-static uvlong ptemask; /* pte2pg-1 */
-static uvlong pgshift; /* log2(by2pg) */
-static uvlong pteshift; /* log2(pte2pg) = pgshift - 3 */
-#define L1(va) (((uvlong)(va)>>3*pteshift+3) & (pte2pg-1))
-#define L2(va) (((uvlong)(va)>>2*pteshift+3) & (pte2pg-1))
-#define L3(va) (((uvlong)(va)>>pgshift) & (pte2pg-1))
-#define OFF(va) (((uvlong)(va)) & (by2pg-1))
-#define V1(l1) (((vlong)l1<<(64-pteshift)) >> 64-(3*pteshift+3))
-#define V2(l2) (((uvlong)l2<<(64-pteshift)) >> 64-(2*pteshift+3))
-#define V3(l3) (((uvlong)l3<<(64-pteshift)) >> 64-pgshift)
-#define VA(l1, l2, l3, off) (V1(l1) | V2(l2) | V3(l3) | (off))
-static int
-log2(uvlong x)
- int i;
- if ((x & (x-1)) == 0)
- for (i = 0; i < 64; i++)
- if (x & (1<<i))
- return i;
- panic("log2: %llux", x);
- return -1;
- int i;
- uvlong npage, nlvl2, nlvl3;
- uvlong l1p, l2p, lvl2, lvl3;
- extern ulong _main[], edata[];
- /* map entire physical memory at KZERO */
- by2pg = hwrpb->by2pg;
- pte2pg = (by2pg >> 3);
- pgmask = by2pg-1;
- ptemask = pte2pg-1;
- pgshift = log2(by2pg);
- pteshift = pgshift-3;
- l1p = (1LL<<3*pteshift+3)|(1LL<<2*pteshift+3)|(1LL<<pgshift);
- if (rdv(l1p+8*(pte2pg-1)) != 0 || rdv(l1p+8*(pte2pg-2)) != 0)
- panic("KZERO lvl1 already mapped");
- npage = (conf.maxphys+pgmask)>>pgshift;
- nlvl3 = (npage+ptemask)>>pteshift;
- nlvl2 = (nlvl3+ptemask)>>pteshift;
- if (nlvl2 > 1)
- panic("meminit: nlvl2"); /* cannot happen, due to virtual space limitation */
- if (debug)
- print("nlvl1 %llud nlvl2 %llud nlvl3 %llud npage %llud\n", 1LL, nlvl2, nlvl3, npage);
- lvl2 = allocate(nlvl2+nlvl3);
- lvl3 = lvl2 + nlvl2*by2pg;
- wrv(l1p+8*(pte2pg-2), rdv(l1p+8)|PTEASM);
- wrv(l1p+8*(pte2pg-1), (lvl2<<(32-pgshift)) | PTEKVALID | PTEASM);
- l2p = (1LL<<3*pteshift+3)|(1LL<<2*pteshift+3)|((vlong)KZERO >> 2*pteshift)&((1LL<<2*pteshift+3)-1);
- for (i = 0; i < nlvl3; i++)
- stqp(lvl2+(l2p&(by2pg-1))+8*i, ((lvl3+i*by2pg)<<(32-pgshift)) | PTEKVALID | PTEASM);
- for (i = 0; i < npage; i++)
- stqp(lvl3+8*i, ((uvlong)i<<32) | PTEKVALID | PTEASM);
- tlbflush();
- if (debug)
- print("\n");
-paddr(uvlong va)
- uvlong ptbr, x, pte;
- ptbr = getptbr();
- pte = ldqp((ptbr<<pgshift)+8*L1(va));
- return 0;
- x = ((pte>>32)<<pgshift);
- pte = ldqp(x+8*L2(va));
- return 0;
- x = ((pte>>32)<<pgshift);
- pte = ldqp(x+8*L3(va));
- return 0;
- x = ((pte>>32)<<pgshift);
- return x;
-pground(uvlong x)
- return (x+pgmask) & ~pgmask;
--- a/sys/src/boot/alphapc/print.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,575 +1,0 @@
-#include "u.h"
-#include "lib.h"
- SIZE = 1024,
- IDIGIT = 30,
- MAXCONV = 40,
- FDIGIT = 30,
- FDEFLT = 6,
- NONE = -1000,
- MAXFMT = 512,
- FPLUS = 1<<0,
- FMINUS = 1<<1,
- FSHARP = 1<<2,
- FLONG = 1<<3,
- FSHORT = 1<<4,
- FUNSIGN = 1<<5,
- FVLONG = 1<<6,
-int printcol;
-static int convcount;
-static char fmtindex[MAXFMT];
-static int noconv(va_list*, Fconv*);
-static int flags(va_list*, Fconv*);
-static int cconv(va_list*, Fconv*);
-static int sconv(va_list*, Fconv*);
-static int percent(va_list*, Fconv*);
-int numbconv(va_list*, Fconv*);
-int (*fmtconv[MAXCONV])(va_list*, Fconv*) =
- noconv
- int cc;
- cc = 0;
- fmtconv[cc] = noconv;
- cc++;
- fmtconv[cc] = flags;
- fmtindex['+'] = cc;
- fmtindex['-'] = cc;
- fmtindex['#'] = cc;
- fmtindex['h'] = cc;
- fmtindex['l'] = cc;
- fmtindex['u'] = cc;
- cc++;
- fmtconv[cc] = numbconv;
- fmtindex['d'] = cc;
- fmtindex['o'] = cc;
- fmtindex['x'] = cc;
- fmtindex['X'] = cc;
- cc++;
- fmtconv[cc] = cconv;
- fmtindex['c'] = cc;
- fmtindex['C'] = cc;
- cc++;
- fmtconv[cc] = sconv;
- fmtindex['s'] = cc;
- fmtindex['S'] = cc;
- cc++;
- fmtconv[cc] = percent;
- fmtindex['%'] = cc;
- cc++;
- convcount = cc;
-fmtinstall(int c, int (*f)(va_list*, Fconv*))
- if(convcount == 0)
- initfmt();
- if(c < 0 || c >= MAXFMT)
- return -1;
- if(convcount >= MAXCONV)
- return -1;
- fmtconv[convcount] = f;
- fmtindex[c] = convcount;
- convcount++;
- return 0;
-doprint(char *s, char *es, char *fmt, va_list argp)
- int n, c;
- Rune rune;
- Fconv local;
- local.out = s;
- local.eout = es-UTFmax-1;
- c = *fmt & 0xff;
- if(c >= Runeself) {
- n = chartorune(&rune, fmt);
- fmt += n;
- c = rune;
- } else
- fmt++;
- switch(c) {
- case 0:
- *local.out = 0;
- return local.out;
- default:
- printcol++;
- goto common;
- case '\n':
- printcol = 0;
- goto common;
- case '\t':
- printcol = (printcol+8) & ~7;
- goto common;
- common:
- if(local.out < local.eout)
- if(c >= Runeself) {
- rune = c;
- n = runetochar(local.out, &rune);
- local.out += n;
- } else
- *local.out++ = c;
- goto loop;
- case '%':
- break;
- }
- local.f1 = NONE;
- local.f2 = NONE;
- local.f3 = 0;
- /*
- * read one of the following
- * 1. number, => f1, f2 in order.
- * 2. '*' same as number (from args)
- * 3. '.' ignored (separates numbers)
- * 4. flag => f3
- * 5. verb and terminate
- */
- c = *fmt & 0xff;
- if(c >= Runeself) {
- n = chartorune(&rune, fmt);
- fmt += n;
- c = rune;
- } else
- fmt++;
- if(c == 0) {
- fmt--;
- goto loop;
- }
- if(c == '.') {
- if(local.f1 == NONE)
- local.f1 = 0;
- local.f2 = 0;
- goto l0;
- }
- if((c >= '1' && c <= '9') ||
- (c == '0' && local.f1 != NONE)) { /* '0' is a digit for f2 */
- n = 0;
- while(c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
- n = n*10 + c-'0';
- c = *fmt++;
- }
- if(local.f1 == NONE)
- local.f1 = n;
- else
- local.f2 = n;
- goto l1;
- }
- if(c == '*') {
- n = va_arg(argp, int);
- if(local.f1 == NONE)
- local.f1 = n;
- else
- local.f2 = n;
- goto l0;
- }
- n = 0;
- if(c >= 0 && c < MAXFMT)
- n = fmtindex[c];
- local.chr = c;
- n = (*fmtconv[n])(&argp, &local);
- if(n < 0) {
- local.f3 |= -n;
- goto l0;
- }
- goto loop;
-numbconv(va_list *arg, Fconv *fp)
- char s[IDIGIT];
- int i, f, n, b, ucase;
- short h;
- long v;
- vlong vl;
- SET(v);
- SET(vl);
- ucase = 0;
- b = fp->chr;
- switch(fp->chr) {
- case 'u':
- fp->f3 |= FUNSIGN;
- case 'd':
- b = 10;
- break;
- case 'o':
- b = 8;
- break;
- case 'X':
- ucase = 1;
- case 'x':
- b = 16;
- break;
- }
- f = 0;
- switch(fp->f3 & (FVLONG|FLONG|FSHORT|FUNSIGN)) {
- vl = va_arg(*arg, vlong);
- break;
- vl = va_arg(*arg, uvlong);
- break;
- case FLONG:
- v = va_arg(*arg, long);
- break;
- v = va_arg(*arg, ulong);
- break;
- case FSHORT:
- h = va_arg(*arg, int);
- v = h;
- break;
- h = va_arg(*arg, int);
- v = (ushort)h;
- break;
- default:
- v = va_arg(*arg, int);
- break;
- case FUNSIGN:
- v = va_arg(*arg, unsigned);
- break;
- }
- if(fp->f3 & FVLONG) {
- if(!(fp->f3 & FUNSIGN) && vl < 0) {
- vl = -vl;
- f = 1;
- }
- } else {
- if(!(fp->f3 & FUNSIGN) && v < 0) {
- v = -v;
- f = 1;
- }
- }
- s[IDIGIT-1] = 0;
- for(i = IDIGIT-2;; i--) {
- if(fp->f3 & FVLONG)
- n = (uvlong)vl % b;
- else
- n = (ulong)v % b;
- n += '0';
- if(n > '9') {
- n += 'a' - ('9'+1);
- if(ucase)
- n += 'A'-'a';
- }
- s[i] = n;
- if(i < 2)
- break;
- if(fp->f3 & FVLONG)
- vl = (uvlong)vl / b;
- else
- v = (ulong)v / b;
- if(fp->f2 != NONE && i >= IDIGIT-fp->f2)
- continue;
- if(fp->f3 & FVLONG) {
- if(vl <= 0)
- break;
- continue;
- }
- if(v <= 0)
- break;
- }
- if(fp->f3 & FSHARP) {
- if(b == 8 && s[i] != '0')
- s[--i] = '0';
- if(b == 16) {
- if(ucase)
- s[--i] = 'X';
- else
- s[--i] = 'x';
- s[--i] = '0';
- }
- }
- if(f)
- s[--i] = '-';
- fp->f2 = NONE;
- strconv(s+i, fp);
- return 0;
-Strconv(Rune *s, Fconv *fp)
- int n, c, i;
- Rune rune;
- if(fp->f3 & FMINUS)
- fp->f1 = -fp->f1;
- n = 0;
- if(fp->f1 != NONE && fp->f1 >= 0) {
- for(; s[n]; n++)
- ;
- while(n < fp->f1) {
- if(fp->out < fp->eout)
- *fp->out++ = ' ';
- printcol++;
- n++;
- }
- }
- for(;;) {
- c = *s++;
- if(c == 0)
- break;
- n++;
- if(fp->f2 == NONE || fp->f2 > 0) {
- if(fp->out < fp->eout)
- if(c >= Runeself) {
- rune = c;
- i = runetochar(fp->out, &rune);
- fp->out += i;
- } else
- *fp->out++ = c;
- if(fp->f2 != NONE)
- fp->f2--;
- switch(c) {
- default:
- printcol++;
- break;
- case '\n':
- printcol = 0;
- break;
- case '\t':
- printcol = (printcol+8) & ~7;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if(fp->f1 != NONE && fp->f1 < 0) {
- fp->f1 = -fp->f1;
- while(n < fp->f1) {
- if(fp->out < fp->eout)
- *fp->out++ = ' ';
- printcol++;
- n++;
- }
- }
-strconv(char *s, Fconv *fp)
- int n, c, i;
- Rune rune;
- if(fp->f3 & FMINUS)
- fp->f1 = -fp->f1;
- n = 0;
- if(fp->f1 != NONE && fp->f1 >= 0) {
- n = utflen(s);
- while(n < fp->f1) {
- if(fp->out < fp->eout)
- *fp->out++ = ' ';
- printcol++;
- n++;
- }
- }
- for(;;) {
- c = *s & 0xff;
- if(c >= Runeself) {
- i = chartorune(&rune, s);
- s += i;
- c = rune;
- } else
- s++;
- if(c == 0)
- break;
- n++;
- if(fp->f2 == NONE || fp->f2 > 0) {
- if(fp->out < fp->eout)
- if(c >= Runeself) {
- rune = c;
- i = runetochar(fp->out, &rune);
- fp->out += i;
- } else
- *fp->out++ = c;
- if(fp->f2 != NONE)
- fp->f2--;
- switch(c) {
- default:
- printcol++;
- break;
- case '\n':
- printcol = 0;
- break;
- case '\t':
- printcol = (printcol+8) & ~7;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if(fp->f1 != NONE && fp->f1 < 0) {
- fp->f1 = -fp->f1;
- while(n < fp->f1) {
- if(fp->out < fp->eout)
- *fp->out++ = ' ';
- printcol++;
- n++;
- }
- }
-noconv(va_list *arg, Fconv *fp)
- int n;
- char s[10];
- if(convcount == 0) {
- initfmt();
- n = 0;
- if(fp->chr >= 0 && fp->chr < MAXFMT)
- n = fmtindex[fp->chr];
- return (*fmtconv[n])(arg, fp);
- }
- s[0] = '*';
- s[1] = fp->chr;
- s[2] = '*';
- s[3] = 0;
- fp->f1 = 0;
- fp->f2 = NONE;
- fp->f3 = 0;
- strconv(s, fp);
- return 0;
-cconv(va_list *arg, Fconv *fp)
- char s[10];
- Rune rune;
- rune = va_arg(*arg, int);
- if(fp->chr == 'c')
- rune &= 0xff;
- s[runetochar(s, &rune)] = 0;
- fp->f2 = NONE;
- strconv(s, fp);
- return 0;
-sconv(va_list *arg, Fconv *fp)
- char *s;
- Rune *r;
- if(fp->chr == 's') {
- s = va_arg(*arg, char*);
- if(s == 0)
- s = "<null>";
- strconv(s, fp);
- } else {
- r = va_arg(*arg, Rune*);
- if(r == 0)
- r = L"<null>";
- Strconv(r, fp);
- }
- return 0;
-percent(va_list *arg, Fconv *fp)
- USED(arg);
- if(fp->out < fp->eout)
- *fp->out++ = '%';
- printcol++;
- return 0;
-flags(va_list *arg, Fconv *fp)
- int f;
- USED(arg);
- f = 0;
- switch(fp->chr) {
- case '+':
- f = FPLUS;
- break;
- case '-':
- f = FMINUS;
- break;
- case '#':
- f = FSHARP;
- break;
- case 'h':
- f = FSHORT;
- break;
- case 'l':
- f = FLONG;
- if(fp->f3 & FLONG)
- f = FVLONG;
- break;
- case 'u':
- f = FUNSIGN;
- break;
- }
- return -f;
--- a/sys/src/boot/alphapc/u.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +1,0 @@
-#define nil ((void*)0)
-typedef unsigned short ushort;
-typedef unsigned char uchar;
-typedef signed char schar;
-typedef unsigned long ulong;
-typedef unsigned int uint;
-typedef long long vlong;
-typedef unsigned long long uvlong;
-typedef union Length Length;
-typedef ushort Rune;
-union Length
- vlong length;
-/* stdarg */
-typedef char* va_list;
-#define va_start(list, start) list = (char*)(&(start)+1)
-#define va_end(list)
-#define va_arg(list, mode)\
- (sizeof(mode)==1?\
- ((mode*)(list += 4))[-1]:\
- sizeof(mode)==2?\
- ((mode*)(list += 4))[-1]:\
- sizeof(mode)>4?\
- ((mode*)(list = (char*)((long)(list+7) & ~7) + sizeof(mode)))[-1]:\
- ((mode*)(list += sizeof(mode)))[-1])
--- a/sys/src/boot/alphapc/vmspal.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +1,0 @@
- * VMS PALcode instructions, in numerical order.
- */
-#define PALhalt 0x00 /* required per Alpha architecture */
-#define PALcflush 0x01
-#define PALdraina 0x02 /* required per Alpha architecture */
-#define PALldqp 0x03
-#define PALstqp 0x04
-#define PALswpctx 0x05
-#define PALmfpr_asn 0x06
-#define PALmtpr_asten 0x07
-#define PALmtpr_astsr 0x08
-#define PALcserve 0x09
-#define PALswppal 0x0a
-#define PALmfpr_fen 0x0b
-#define PALmtpr_fen 0x0c
-#define PALmtpr_ipir 0x0d
-#define PALmfpr_ipl 0x0e
-#define PALmtpr_ipl 0x0f
-#define PALmfpr_mces 0x10
-#define PALmtpr_mces 0x11
-#define PALmfpr_pcbb 0x12
-#define PALmfpr_prbr 0x13
-#define PALmtpr_prbr 0x14
-#define PALmfpr_ptbr 0x15
-#define PALmfpr_scbb 0x16
-#define PALmtpr_scbb 0x17
-#define PALmtpr_sirr 0x18
-#define PALmfpr_sisr 0x19
-#define PALmfpr_tbchk 0x1a
-#define PALmtpr_tbia 0x1b
-#define PALmtpr_tbiap 0x1c
-#define PALmtpr_tbis 0x1d
-#define PALmfpr_esp 0x1e
-#define PALmtpr_esp 0x1f
-#define PALmfpr_ssp 0x20
-#define PALmtpr_ssp 0x21
-#define PALmfpr_usp 0x22
-#define PALmtpr_usp 0x23
-#define PALmtpr_tbisd 0x24
-#define PALmtpr_tbisi 0x25
-#define PALmfpr_asten 0x26
-#define PALmfpr_astsr 0x27
- /* where is instruction 0x28 ? */
-#define PALmfpr_vptb 0x29
-#define PALmtpr_vptb 0x2a
-#define PALmtpr_perfmon 0x2b
- /* where is instruction 0x2c ? */
- /* where is instruction 0x2d ? */
-#define PALmtpr_datfx 0x2e
- * ... 0x2f to 0x3e ??
- */
-#define PALmfpr_whami 0x3f
- * ... 0x40 to 0x7f ??
- */
-#define PALbpt 0x80
-#define PALbugchk 0x81
-#define PALchime 0x82
-#define PALchmk 0x83
-#define PALchms 0x84
-#define PALchmu 0x85
-#define PALimb 0x86 /* required per Alpha architecture */
-#define PALinsqhil 0x87
-#define PALinsqtil 0x88
-#define PALinsqhiq 0x89
-#define PALinsqtiq 0x8a
-#define PALinsquel 0x8b
-#define PALinsqueq 0x8c
-#define PALinsqueld 0x8d /* INSQUEL/D */
-#define PALinsqueqd 0x8e /* INSQUEQ/D */
-#define PALprober 0x8f
-#define PALprobew 0x90
-#define PALrd_ps 0x91
-#define PALrei 0x92
-#define PALremqhil 0x93
-#define PALremqtil 0x94
-#define PALremqhiq 0x95
-#define PALremqtiq 0x96
-#define PALremquel 0x97
-#define PALremqueq 0x98
-#define PALremqueld 0x99 /* REMQUEL/D */
-#define PALremqueqd 0x9a /* REMQUEQ/D */
-#define PALswasten 0x9b
-#define PALwr_ps_sw 0x9c
-#define PALrscc 0x9d
-#define PALread_unq 0x9e
-#define PALwrite_unq 0x9f
-#define PALamovrr 0xa0
-#define PALamovrm 0xa1
-#define PALinsqhilr 0xa2
-#define PALinsqtilr 0xa3
-#define PALinsqhiqr 0xa4
-#define PALinsqtiqr 0xa5
-#define PALremqhilr 0xa6
-#define PALremqtilr 0xa7
-#define PALremqhiqr 0xa8
-#define PALremqtiqr 0xa9
-#define PALgentrap 0xaa
--- a/sys/src/boot/mkfile
+++ b/sys/src/boot/mkfile
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
- alphapc\
+ efi\
+ zynq\
for(i in $ARCH)@{
--- a/sys/src/cmd/7a/a.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +1,0 @@
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <bio.h>
-#include "../7c/7.out.h"
-#ifndef EXTERN
-#define EXTERN extern
-#define MAXALIGN 7
-typedef struct Sym Sym;
-typedef struct Ref Ref;
-typedef struct Gen Gen;
-typedef struct Io Io;
-typedef struct Hist Hist;
-#define FPCHIP 1
-#define NSYMB 500
-#define BUFSIZ 8192
-#define HISTSZ 20
-#define NINCLUDE 10
-#define NHUNK 10000
-#define EOF (-1)
-#define IGN (-2)
-#define GETC() ((--fi.c < 0)? filbuf(): *fi.p++ & 0xff)
-#define NHASH 503
-#define STRINGSZ 200
-#define NMACRO 10
-#define ALLOC(lhs, type)\
- while(nhunk < sizeof(type))\
- gethunk();\
- lhs = (type*)hunk;\
- nhunk -= sizeof(type);\
- hunk += sizeof(type);
-#define ALLOCN(lhs, len, n)\
- if(lhs+len != hunk || nhunk < n) {\
- while(nhunk <= len)\
- gethunk();\
- memmove(hunk, lhs, len);\
- lhs = hunk;\
- hunk += len;\
- nhunk -= len;\
- }\
- hunk += n;\
- nhunk -= n;
-struct Sym
- Sym* link;
- Ref* ref;
- char* macro;
- vlong value;
- long dummy_pad;
- ushort type;
- char *name;
- char sym;
-#define S ((Sym*)0)
-struct Ref
- int class;
- char* p;
- int c;
-} fi;
-struct Io
- Io* link;
- char b[BUFSIZ];
- char* p;
- short c;
- short f;
-#define I ((Io*)0)
- Sym* sym;
- short type;
-} h[NSYM];
-struct Gen
- Sym* sym;
- vlong offset;
- long dummy_pad;
- short type;
- short reg;
- short name;
- double dval;
- char sval[8];
-struct Hist
- Hist* link;
- char* name;
- long line;
- vlong offset;
-#define H ((Hist*)0)
-char debug[256];
-Sym* hash[NHASH];
-char* Dlist[30];
-int nDlist;
-Hist* ehist;
-int newflag;
-Hist* hist;
-char* hunk;
-char* include[NINCLUDE];
-Io* iofree;
-Io* ionext;
-Io* iostack;
-long lineno;
-int nerrors;
-long nhunk;
-int ninclude;
-Gen nullgen;
-char* outfile;
-int pass;
-char* pathname;
-vlong pc;
-int peekc;
-int sym;
-char symb[NSYMB];
-int thechar;
-char* thestring;
-long thunk;
-Biobuf obuf;
-void errorexit(void);
-void pushio(void);
-void newio(void);
-void newfile(char*, int);
-Sym* slookup(char*);
-Sym* lookup(void);
-void syminit(Sym*);
-long yylex(void);
-int getc(void);
-int getnsc(void);
-void unget(int);
-int escchar(int);
-void cinit(void);
-void pinit(char*);
-void cclean(void);
-int isreg(Gen*);
-void outcode(int, Gen*, int, Gen*);
-void zname(char*, int, int);
-void zaddr(Gen*, int);
-void ieeedtod(Ieee*, double);
-int filbuf(void);
-Sym* getsym(void);
-void domacro(void);
-void macund(void);
-void macdef(void);
-void macexpand(Sym*, char*);
-void macinc(void);
-void maclin(void);
-void macprag(void);
-void macif(int);
-void macend(void);
-void outhist(void);
-void dodefine(char*);
-void prfile(long);
-void linehist(char*, int);
-void gethunk(void);
-void yyerror(char*, ...);
-int yyparse(void);
-void setinclude(char*);
-int assemble(char*);
- * system-dependent stuff from ../cc/compat.c
- */
-enum /* keep in synch with ../cc/cc.h */
- Plan9 = 1<<0,
- Unix = 1<<1,
- Windows = 1<<2,
-int mywait(int*);
-int mycreat(char*, int);
-int systemtype(int);
-int pathchar(void);
-char* mygetwd(char*, int);
-int myexec(char*, char*[]);
-int mydup(int, int);
-int myfork(void);
-int mypipe(int*);
-void* mysbrk(ulong);
--- a/sys/src/cmd/7a/a.y
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,537 +1,0 @@
-#include "a.h"
- Sym *sym;
- vlong lval;
- double dval;
- char sval[8];
- Gen gen;
-%left '|'
-%left '^'
-%left '&'
-%left '<' '>'
-%left '+' '-'
-%left '*' '/' '%'
-%token <dval> LFCONST
-%token <sval> LSCONST
-%token <sym> LNAME LLAB LVAR
-%type <lval> con expr pointer offset sreg
-%type <gen> gen vgen lgen vlgen flgen rel reg freg preg fcreg
-%type <gen> imm ximm ireg name oreg imr nireg fgen pcc
-| prog line
- LLAB ':'
- {
- if($1->value != pc)
- yyerror("redeclaration of %s", $1->name);
- $1->value = pc;
- }
- line
-| LNAME ':'
- {
- $1->type = LLAB;
- $1->value = pc;
- }
- line
-| LNAME '=' expr ';'
- {
- $1->type = LVAR;
- $1->value = $3;
- }
-| LVAR '=' expr ';'
- {
- if($1->value != $3)
- yyerror("redeclaration of %s", $1->name);
- $1->value = $3;
- }
-| ';'
-| inst ';'
-| error ';'
- * Integer operates
- */
- LTYPE1 imr ',' sreg ',' reg
- {
- outcode($1, &$2, $4, &$6);
- }
-| LTYPE1 imr ',' reg
- {
- outcode($1, &$2, NREG, &$4);
- }
- * floating-type
- */
-| LTYPE2 freg ',' freg
- {
- outcode($1, &$2, NREG, &$4);
- }
-| LTYPE3 freg ',' freg
- {
- outcode($1, &$2, NREG, &$4);
- }
-| LTYPE3 freg ',' LFREG ',' freg
- {
- outcode($1, &$2, $4, &$6);
- }
- * MOVQ
- */
-| LTYPE4 vlgen ',' vgen
- {
- if(!isreg(&$2) && !isreg(&$4))
- print("one side must be register\n");
- outcode($1, &$2, NREG, &$4);
- }
- * integer LOAD/STORE, but not MOVQ
- */
-| LTYPE5 lgen ',' gen
- {
- if(!isreg(&$2) && !isreg(&$4))
- print("one side must be register\n");
- outcode($1, &$2, NREG, &$4);
- }
- * integer LOAD/STORE (only)
- */
-| LTYPE6 oreg ',' reg
- {
- outcode($1, &$2, NREG, &$4);
- }
-| LTYPEK reg ',' oreg
- {
- outcode($1, &$2, NREG, &$4);
- }
- * floating LOAD/STORE
- */
-| LTYPE7 flgen ',' fgen
- {
- if(!isreg(&$2) && !isreg(&$4))
- print("one side must be register\n");
- outcode($1, &$2, NREG, &$4);
- }
- */
-| LTYPE8 comma rel
- {
- outcode($1, &nullgen, NREG, &$3);
- }
-| LTYPE8 comma nireg
- {
- outcode($1, &nullgen, NREG, &$3);
- }
-| LTYPE8 sreg ',' nireg
- {
- outcode($1, &nullgen, $2, &$4);
- }
-| LTYPE9 comma
- {
- outcode($1, &nullgen, NREG, &nullgen);
- }
- * integer conditional branches
- */
-| LTYPEA gen ',' rel
- {
- if(!isreg(&$2))
- print("left side must be register\n");
- outcode($1, &$2, NREG, &$4);
- }
- * floating conditional branches
- */
-| LTYPEB fgen ',' rel
- {
- if(!isreg(&$2))
- print("left side must be register\n");
- outcode($1, &$2, NREG, &$4);
- }
- */
-| LTYPEC comma
- {
- outcode($1, &nullgen, NREG, &nullgen);
- }
- */
-| LTYPED ireg comma
- {
- outcode($1, &$2, NREG, &nullgen);
- }
- * Call-pal
- */
-| LTYPEE imm
- {
- outcode($1, &$2, NREG, &nullgen);
- }
- */
-| LTYPEF name ',' imm
- {
- outcode($1, &$2, NREG, &$4);
- }
-| LTYPEF name ',' con ',' imm
- {
- outcode($1, &$2, $4, &$6);
- }
- * DATA
- */
-| LTYPEG name '/' con ',' ximm
- {
- outcode($1, &$2, $4, &$6);
- }
- * word
- */
-| LTYPEH comma ximm
- {
- outcode($1, &nullgen, NREG, &$3);
- }
- * NOP
- */
-| LTYPEI comma
- {
- outcode($1, &nullgen, NREG, &nullgen);
- }
-| LTYPEI ',' vgen
- {
- outcode($1, &nullgen, NREG, &$3);
- }
-| LTYPEI vgen comma
- {
- outcode($1, &$2, NREG, &nullgen);
- }
-| ','
- con '(' LPC ')'
- {
- $$ = nullgen;
- $$.type = D_BRANCH;
- $$.offset = $1 + pc;
- }
-| LNAME offset
- {
- $$ = nullgen;
- if(pass == 2)
- yyerror("undefined label: %s", $1->name);
- $$.type = D_BRANCH;
- $$.sym = $1;
- $$.offset = $2;
- }
-| LLAB offset
- {
- $$ = nullgen;
- $$.type = D_BRANCH;
- $$.sym = $1;
- $$.offset = $1->value + $2;
- }
- lgen
-| preg
-| pcc
- gen
-| preg
- gen
-| ximm
- fgen
-| ximm
- gen
-| freg
-| fcreg
- {
- $$ = nullgen;
- $$.type = D_PREG;
- $$.reg = $1;
- }
-| LP '(' con ')'
- {
- $$ = nullgen;
- $$.type = D_PREG;
- $$.reg = $1+$3;
- }
- {
- $$ = nullgen;
- $$.type = D_FCREG;
- $$.reg = $1;
- }
- {
- $$ = nullgen;
- $$.type = D_FREG;
- $$.reg = $1;
- }
-| LF '(' con ')'
- {
- $$ = nullgen;
- $$.type = D_FREG;
- $$.reg = $3;
- }
- {
- $$ = nullgen;
- $$.type = D_PCC;
- $$.reg = $1;
- }
-ximm: '$' con
- {
- $$ = nullgen;
- $$.type = D_CONST;
- $$.offset = $2;
- }
-| '$' oreg
- {
- $$ = $2;
- $$.type = D_CONST;
- }
-| '$' LSCONST
- {
- $$ = nullgen;
- $$.type = D_SCONST;
- memcpy($$.sval, $2, sizeof($$.sval));
- }
-| '$' LFCONST
- {
- $$ = nullgen;
- $$.type = D_FCONST;
- $$.dval = $2;
- }
-| '$' '-' LFCONST
- {
- $$ = nullgen;
- $$.type = D_FCONST;
- $$.dval = -$3;
- }
- ireg
-| name
- {
- $$ = $1;
- if($ != D_EXTERN && $ != D_STATIC) {
- }
- }
- '(' sreg ')'
- {
- $$ = nullgen;
- $$.type = D_OREG;
- $$.reg = $2;
- $$.offset = 0;
- }
- reg
-| con
- {
- $$ = nullgen;
- $$.type = D_OREG;
- $$.offset = $1;
- }
-| oreg
- name
-| name '(' sreg ')'
- {
- $$ = $1;
- $$.type = D_OREG;
- $$.reg = $3;
- }
-| '(' sreg ')'
- {
- $$ = nullgen;
- $$.type = D_OREG;
- $$.reg = $2;
- $$.offset = 0;
- }
-| con '(' sreg ')'
- {
- $$ = nullgen;
- $$.type = D_OREG;
- $$.reg = $3;
- $$.offset = $1;
- }
- reg
-| imm
-imm: '$' con
- {
- $$ = nullgen;
- $$.type = D_CONST;
- $$.offset = $2;
- }
- sreg
- {
- $$ = nullgen;
- $$.type = D_REG;
- $$.reg = $1;
- }
-| LR '(' con ')'
- {
- if($$ < 0 || $$ >= NREG)
- print("register value out of range\n");
- $$ = $3;
- }
- con '(' pointer ')'
- {
- $$ = nullgen;
- $$.type = D_OREG;
- $$.name = $3;
- $$.sym = S;
- $$.offset = $1;
- }
-| LNAME offset '(' pointer ')'
- {
- $$ = nullgen;
- $$.type = D_OREG;
- $$.name = $4;
- $$.sym = $1;
- $$.offset = $2;
- }
-| LNAME '<' '>' offset '(' LSB ')'
- {
- $$ = nullgen;
- $$.type = D_OREG;
- $$.name = D_STATIC;
- $$.sym = $1;
- $$.offset = $4;
- }
- {
- $$ = 0;
- }
-| '+' con
- {
- $$ = $2;
- }
-| '-' con
- {
- $$ = -$2;
- }
-| LSP
-| LFP
- {
- $$ = $1->value;
- }
-| '-' con
- {
- $$ = -$2;
- }
-| '+' con
- {
- $$ = $2;
- }
-| '~' con
- {
- $$ = ~$2;
- }
-| '(' expr ')'
- {
- $$ = $2;
- }
- con
-| expr '+' expr
- {
- $$ = $1 + $3;
- }
-| expr '-' expr
- {
- $$ = $1 - $3;
- }
-| expr '*' expr
- {
- $$ = $1 * $3;
- }
-| expr '/' expr
- {
- $$ = $1 / $3;
- }
-| expr '%' expr
- {
- $$ = $1 % $3;
- }
-| expr '<' '<' expr
- {
- $$ = $1 << $4;
- }
-| expr '>' '>' expr
- {
- $$ = $1 >> $4;
- }
-| expr '&' expr
- {
- $$ = $1 & $3;
- }
-| expr '^' expr
- {
- $$ = $1 ^ $3;
- }
-| expr '|' expr
- {
- $$ = $1 | $3;
- }
--- a/sys/src/cmd/7a/lex.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,694 +1,0 @@
-#include <ctype.h>
-#define EXTERN
-#include "a.h"
-#include ""
-main(int argc, char *argv[])
- char ofile[100], incfile[20], *p;
- int nout, nproc, status, i, c, of;
- thechar = '7'; /* of 9 */
- thestring = "alpha";
- memset(debug, 0, sizeof(debug));
- cinit();
- outfile = 0;
- include[ninclude++] = ".";
- default:
- c = ARGC();
- if(c >= 0 || c < sizeof(debug))
- debug[c] = 1;
- break;
- case 'o':
- outfile = ARGF();
- break;
- case 'D':
- p = ARGF();
- if(p)
- Dlist[nDlist++] = p;
- break;
- case 'I':
- p = ARGF();
- if(p)
- include[ninclude++] = p;
- break;
- if(*argv == 0) {
- print("usage: %ca [-options] file.s\n", thechar);
- errorexit();
- }
- nproc = 3;
- if(p = getenv("NPROC"))
- nproc = atol(p);
- if(argc > 1) {
- c = 0;
- nout = 0;
- for(;;) {
- while(nout < nproc && argc > 0) {
- i = fork();
- if(i < 0) {
- i = mywait(&status);
- if(i < 0)
- errorexit();
- if(status)
- c++;
- nout--;
- continue;
- }
- if(i == 0) {
- print("%s:\n", *argv);
- goto child;
- }
- nout++;
- argc--;
- argv++;
- }
- i = mywait(&status);
- if(i < 0) {
- if(c)
- errorexit();
- exits(0);
- }
- if(status)
- c++;
- nout--;
- }
- }
- strecpy(ofile, ofile+sizeof ofile, *argv);
- if(p = strrchr(ofile, '/')) {
- include[0] = ofile;
- *p++ = 0;
- } else
- p = ofile;
- if(outfile == 0) {
- outfile = p;
- if(p = strrchr(outfile, '.'))
- if(p[1] == 's' && p[2] == 0)
- p[0] = 0;
- p = strrchr(outfile, 0);
- p[0] = '.';
- p[1] = thechar;
- p[2] = 0;
- }
- if(0) {
- strcpy(incfile, "/usr/%include");
- p = strrchr(incfile, '%');
- if(p)
- *p = thechar;
- } else {
- strcpy(incfile, "/");
- strcat(incfile, thestring);
- strcat(incfile, "/include");
- }
- include[ninclude++] = incfile;
- if(p = getenv("INCLUDE"))
- include[ninclude-1] = p; /* */
- of = mycreat(outfile, 0664);
- if(of < 0) {
- yyerror("%ca: cannot create %s", thechar, outfile);
- errorexit();
- }
- Binit(&obuf, of, OWRITE);
- pass = 1;
- pinit(*argv);
- for(i=0; i<nDlist; i++)
- dodefine(Dlist[i]);
- yyparse();
- if(nerrors) {
- cclean();
- errorexit();
- }
- pass = 2;
- outhist();
- pinit(*argv);
- for(i=0; i<nDlist; i++)
- dodefine(Dlist[i]);
- yyparse();
- cclean();
- if(nerrors)
- errorexit();
- exits(0);
- char *name;
- ushort type;
- ushort value;
-} itab[] =
- "SP", LSP, D_AUTO,
- "R", LR, 0,
- "R0", LREG, 0,
- "R1", LREG, 1,
- "R2", LREG, 2,
- "R3", LREG, 3,
- "R4", LREG, 4,
- "R5", LREG, 5,
- "R6", LREG, 6,
- "R7", LREG, 7,
- "R8", LREG, 8,
- "R9", LREG, 9,
- "R10", LREG, 10,
- "R11", LREG, 11,
- "R12", LREG, 12,
- "R13", LREG, 13,
- "R14", LREG, 14,
- "R15", LREG, 15,
- "R16", LREG, 16,
- "R17", LREG, 17,
- "R18", LREG, 18,
- "R19", LREG, 19,
- "R20", LREG, 20,
- "R21", LREG, 21,
- "R22", LREG, 22,
- "R23", LREG, 23,
- "R24", LREG, 24,
- "R25", LREG, 25,
- "R26", LREG, 26,
- "R27", LREG, 27,
- "R28", LREG, 28,
- "R29", LREG, 29,
- "R30", LREG, 30,
- "R31", LREG, 31,
- "P", LP, 0,
- "I", LP, 32,
- "A", LP, 64,
- "IA", LP, 96,
- "T", LP, 128,
- "IT", LP, 32+128,
- "AT", LP, 64+128,
- "IAT", LP, 96+128,
- "T0", LPREG, 0+128,
- "T1", LPREG, 1+128,
- "T2", LPREG, 2+128,
- "T3", LPREG, 3+128,
- "T4", LPREG, 4+128,
- "T5", LPREG, 5+128,
- "T6", LPREG, 6+128,
- "T7", LPREG, 7+128,
- "T8", LPREG, 8+128,
- "T9", LPREG, 9+128,
- "T10", LPREG, 10+128,
- "T11", LPREG, 11+128,
- "T12", LPREG, 12+128,
- "T13", LPREG, 13+128,
- "T14", LPREG, 14+128,
- "T15", LPREG, 15+128,
- "T16", LPREG, 16+128,
- "T17", LPREG, 17+128,
- "T18", LPREG, 18+128,
- "T19", LPREG, 19+128,
- "T20", LPREG, 20+128,
- "T21", LPREG, 21+128,
- "T22", LPREG, 22+128,
- "T23", LPREG, 23+128,
- "T24", LPREG, 24+128,
- "T25", LPREG, 25+128,
- "T26", LPREG, 26+128,
- "T27", LPREG, 27+128,
- "T28", LPREG, 28+128,
- "T29", LPREG, 29+128,
- "T30", LPREG, 30+128,
- "T31", LPREG, 31+128,
- "F", LF, 0,
- "F0", LFREG, 0,
- "F1", LFREG, 1,
- "F2", LFREG, 2,
- "F3", LFREG, 3,
- "F4", LFREG, 4,
- "F5", LFREG, 5,
- "F6", LFREG, 6,
- "F7", LFREG, 7,
- "F8", LFREG, 8,
- "F9", LFREG, 9,
- "F10", LFREG, 10,
- "F11", LFREG, 11,
- "F12", LFREG, 12,
- "F13", LFREG, 13,
- "F14", LFREG, 14,
- "F15", LFREG, 15,
- "F16", LFREG, 16,
- "F17", LFREG, 17,
- "F18", LFREG, 18,
- "F19", LFREG, 19,
- "F20", LFREG, 20,
- "F21", LFREG, 21,
- "F22", LFREG, 22,
- "F23", LFREG, 23,
- "F24", LFREG, 24,
- "F25", LFREG, 25,
- "F26", LFREG, 26,
- "F27", LFREG, 27,
- "F28", LFREG, 28,
- "F29", LFREG, 29,
- "F30", LFREG, 30,
- "F31", LFREG, 31,
- "FPCR", LFPCR, 0,
- "PCC", LPCC, 0,
- /* 1: integer operates */
- "OR", LTYPE1, AOR,
- /* 2: floating operates with 2 operands */
- /* 3: floating operates with 2 or 3 operands */
- /* 4: integer load/store and reg->reg (incl special regs) */
- /* 5: integer load/store and reg->reg */
- /* 6: integer load/store (only) */
- /* 7: floating load/store and reg->reg */
- /* 8,9: jumps */
- /* A: integer conditional branches */
- /* B: floating conditional branches */
- /* C-J: miscellaneous */
- 0
- Sym *s;
- int i;
- nullgen.sym = S;
- nullgen.offset = 0;
- nullgen.type = D_NONE;
- = D_NONE;
- nullgen.reg = NREG;
- if(FPCHIP)
- nullgen.dval = 0;
- for(i=0; i<sizeof(nullgen.sval); i++)
- nullgen.sval[i] = 0;
- nerrors = 0;
- iostack = I;
- iofree = I;
- peekc = IGN;
- nhunk = 0;
- for(i=0; i<NHASH; i++)
- hash[i] = S;
- for(i=0; itab[i].name; i++) {
- s = slookup(itab[i].name);
- s->type = itab[i].type;
- s->value = itab[i].value;
- }
- ALLOCN(pathname, 0, 100);
- if(getwd(pathname, 99) == 0) {
- ALLOCN(pathname, 100, 900);
- if(getwd(pathname, 999) == 0)
- strcpy(pathname, "/???");
- }
-syminit(Sym *s)
- s->type = LNAME;
- s->value = 0;
-isreg(Gen *g)
- USED(g);
- return 1;
- outcode(AEND, &nullgen, NREG, &nullgen);
- Bflush(&obuf);
-zname(char *n, int t, int s)
- Bputc(&obuf, ANAME);
- Bputc(&obuf, t); /* type */
- Bputc(&obuf, s); /* sym */
- while(*n) {
- Bputc(&obuf, *n);
- n++;
- }
- Bputc(&obuf, 0);
-zaddr(Gen *a, int s)
- vlong l;
- int i;
- char *n;
- Ieee e;
- Bputc(&obuf, a->type);
- Bputc(&obuf, a->reg);
- Bputc(&obuf, s);
- Bputc(&obuf, a->name);
- switch(a->type) {
- default:
- print("unknown type %d\n", a->type);
- exits("arg");
- case D_NONE:
- case D_REG:
- case D_FREG:
- case D_PREG:
- case D_FCREG:
- case D_PCC:
- break;
- case D_OREG:
- case D_CONST:
- case D_BRANCH:
- l = a->offset;
- Bputc(&obuf, l);
- Bputc(&obuf, l>>8);
- Bputc(&obuf, l>>16);
- Bputc(&obuf, l>>24);
- Bputc(&obuf, l>>32);
- Bputc(&obuf, l>>40);
- Bputc(&obuf, l>>48);
- Bputc(&obuf, l>>56);
- break;
- case D_SCONST:
- n = a->sval;
- for(i=0; i<NSNAME; i++) {
- Bputc(&obuf, *n);
- n++;
- }
- break;
- case D_FCONST:
- ieeedtod(&e, a->dval);
- Bputc(&obuf, e.l);
- Bputc(&obuf, e.l>>8);
- Bputc(&obuf, e.l>>16);
- Bputc(&obuf, e.l>>24);
- Bputc(&obuf, e.h);
- Bputc(&obuf, e.h>>8);
- Bputc(&obuf, e.h>>16);
- Bputc(&obuf, e.h>>24);
- break;
- }
-outcode(int a, Gen *g1, int reg, Gen *g2)
- int sf, st, t;
- Sym *s;
- if(pass == 1)
- goto out;
- sf = 0;
- s = g1->sym;
- while(s != S) {
- sf = s->sym;
- if(sf < 0 || sf >= NSYM)
- sf = 0;
- t = g1->name;
- if(h[sf].type == t)
- if(h[sf].sym == s)
- break;
- zname(s->name, t, sym);
- s->sym = sym;
- h[sym].sym = s;
- h[sym].type = t;
- sf = sym;
- sym++;
- if(sym >= NSYM)
- sym = 1;
- break;
- }
- st = 0;
- s = g2->sym;
- while(s != S) {
- st = s->sym;
- if(st < 0 || st >= NSYM)
- st = 0;
- t = g2->name;
- if(h[st].type == t)
- if(h[st].sym == s)
- break;
- zname(s->name, t, sym);
- s->sym = sym;
- h[sym].sym = s;
- h[sym].type = t;
- st = sym;
- sym++;
- if(sym >= NSYM)
- sym = 1;
- if(st == sf)
- goto jackpot;
- break;
- }
- Bputc(&obuf, a);
- Bputc(&obuf, reg);
- Bputc(&obuf, lineno);
- Bputc(&obuf, lineno>>8);
- Bputc(&obuf, lineno>>16);
- Bputc(&obuf, lineno>>24);
- zaddr(g1, sf);
- zaddr(g2, st);
- if(a != AGLOBL && a != ADATA)
- pc++;
- Gen g;
- Hist *h;
- char *p, *q, *op;
- int n;
- g = nullgen;
- for(h = hist; h != H; h = h->link) {
- p = h->name;
- op = 0;
- if(p && p[0] != '/' && h->offset == 0 && pathname && pathname[0] == '/') {
- op = p;
- p = pathname;
- }
- while(p) {
- q = strchr(p, '/');
- if(q) {
- n = q-p;
- if(n == 0)
- n = 1; /* leading "/" */
- q++;
- } else {
- n = strlen(p);
- q = 0;
- }
- if(n) {
- Bputc(&obuf, ANAME);
- Bputc(&obuf, D_FILE); /* type */
- Bputc(&obuf, 1); /* sym */
- Bputc(&obuf, '<');
- Bwrite(&obuf, p, n);
- Bputc(&obuf, 0);
- }
- p = q;
- if(p == 0 && op) {
- p = op;
- op = 0;
- }
- }
- g.offset = h->offset;
- Bputc(&obuf, AHISTORY);
- Bputc(&obuf, 0);
- Bputc(&obuf, h->line);
- Bputc(&obuf, h->line>>8);
- Bputc(&obuf, h->line>>16);
- Bputc(&obuf, h->line>>24);
- zaddr(&nullgen, 0);
- zaddr(&g, 0);
- }
-#include "../cc/lexbody"
-#include "../cc/macbody"
-#include "../cc/compat"
--- a/sys/src/cmd/7a/mkfile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +1,0 @@
- lex.$O\
- ../7c/7.out.h\
- a.h\
-< /sys/src/cmd/mkone
-YFLAGS=-D1 -d
-lex.$O: ../cc/macbody ../cc/lexbody
--- a/sys/src/cmd/7c/7.out.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,265 +1,0 @@
-#define NSNAME 8
-#define NSYM 50
-#define NREG 32
-#define NOPROF (1<<0)
-#define DUPOK (1<<1)
- REGRET = 0, /* return register and first temp, grows++ */
- REGARG = 0, /* first arg passed in */
- REGEXT = 15, /* first external register, grows-- */
- REGLINK = 26, /* subroutine linkage */
- REGTMP = 27, /* used by the loader */
- REGTMP2 = 28, /* used by the loader */
- REGSB = 29, /* static pointer */
- REGSP = 30, /* stack pointer */
- REGZERO = 31, /* always zero */
- FREGRET = 0,
- FREGEXT = 27, /* first external register */
- FREGHALF = 28, /* double */
- FREGONE = 29, /* double */
- FREGTWO = 30, /* double */
- FREGZERO = 31, /* both float and double */
-enum as
- AOR,
- ABR,
- AMB,
-/* type/name */
- D_GOK = 0,
-/* name */
-/* type */
- D_REG,
- D_PCC,
- D_FILE1,
- * this is the ranlib header
- */
-#define SYMDEF "__.SYMDEF"
- * this is the simulated IEEE floating point
- */
-typedef struct ieee Ieee;
-struct ieee
- long l; /* contains ls-man 0xffffffff */
- long h; /* contains sign 0x80000000
- exp 0x7ff00000
- ms-man 0x000fffff */
--- a/sys/src/cmd/7c/cgen.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1067 +1,0 @@
-#include "gc.h"
-cgen(Node *n, Node *nn)
- Node *l, *r;
- Prog *p1;
- Node nod, nod1, nod2, nod3, nod4;
- int o;
- long v, curs;
- if(debug['g']) {
- prtree(nn, "cgen lhs");
- prtree(n, "cgen");
- }
- if(n == Z || n->type == T)
- return;
- if(typesu[n->type->etype]) {
- sugen(n, nn, n->type->width);
- return;
- }
- l = n->left;
- r = n->right;
- o = n->op;
- if(n->addable >= INDEXED) {
- if(nn == Z) {
- switch(o) {
- default:
- nullwarn(Z, Z);
- break;
- case OINDEX:
- nullwarn(l, r);
- break;
- }
- return;
- }
- gmove(n, nn);
- return;
- }
- curs = cursafe;
- if(n->complex >= FNX)
- if(l->complex >= FNX)
- if(r != Z && r->complex >= FNX)
- switch(o) {
- default:
- regret(&nod, r);
- cgen(r, &nod);
- regsalloc(&nod1, r);
- gopcode(OAS, &nod, Z, &nod1);
- regfree(&nod);
- nod = *n;
- nod.right = &nod1;
- cgen(&nod, nn);
- return;
- case OFUNC:
- case OCOMMA:
- case OANDAND:
- case OOROR:
- case OCOND:
- case ODOT:
- break;
- }
- switch(o) {
- default:
- diag(n, "unknown op in cgen: %O", o);
- break;
- case OAS:
- if(l->op == OBIT)
- goto bitas;
- if(l->addable >= INDEXED && l->complex < FNX) {
- if(nn != Z || r->addable < INDEXED) {
- regalloc(&nod, r, nn);
- cgen(r, &nod);
- gmove(&nod, l);
- regfree(&nod);
- } else
- gmove(r, l);
- break;
- }
- if(l->complex >= r->complex) {
- reglcgen(&nod1, l, Z);
- if(r->addable >= INDEXED) {
- gmove(r, &nod1);
- if(nn != Z)
- gmove(r, nn);
- regfree(&nod1);
- break;
- }
- regalloc(&nod, r, nn);
- cgen(r, &nod);
- } else {
- regalloc(&nod, r, nn);
- cgen(r, &nod);
- reglcgen(&nod1, l, Z);
- }
- gmove(&nod, &nod1);
- regfree(&nod);
- regfree(&nod1);
- break;
- bitas:
- n = l->left;
- regalloc(&nod, r, nn);
- if(l->complex >= r->complex) {
- reglcgen(&nod1, n, Z);
- cgen(r, &nod);
- } else {
- cgen(r, &nod);
- reglcgen(&nod1, n, Z);
- }
- regalloc(&nod2, n, Z);
- gopcode(OAS, &nod1, Z, &nod2);
- bitstore(l, &nod, &nod1, &nod2, nn);
- break;
- case OBIT:
- if(nn == Z) {
- nullwarn(l, Z);
- break;
- }
- bitload(n, &nod, Z, Z, nn);
- gopcode(OAS, &nod, Z, nn);
- regfree(&nod);
- break;
- case OADD:
- case OSUB:
- case OAND:
- case OOR:
- case OXOR:
- case OLSHR:
- case OASHL:
- case OASHR:
- case OLDIV:
- case OLMOD:
- case ODIV:
- case OMOD:
- case OMUL:
- case OLMUL:
- /*
- * immediate operands
- */
- if(nn != Z)
- if(r->op == OCONST)
- if(!typefd[n->type->etype]) {
- cgen(l, nn);
- if(r->vconst == 0)
- if(o != OAND)
- break;
- if(nn != Z)
- gopcode(o, r, Z, nn);
- break;
- }
- if(nn == Z) {
- nullwarn(l, r);
- break;
- }
-/* if(o == OMUL || o == OLMUL) {
- if(mulcon(n, nn))
- break;
- } */
- if(l->complex >= r->complex) {
- regalloc(&nod, l, nn);
- cgen(l, &nod);
- regalloc(&nod1, l, Z); /* note: l used for type, so shifts work! */
- cgen(r, &nod1);
- gopcode(o, &nod1, Z, &nod);
- } else {
- regalloc(&nod, l, nn); /* note: l used for type, so shifts work! */
- cgen(r, &nod);
- regalloc(&nod1, l, Z);
- cgen(l, &nod1);
- gopcode(o, &nod, &nod1, &nod);
- }
- gopcode(OAS, &nod, Z, nn);
- regfree(&nod);
- regfree(&nod1);
- break;
- case OASLSHR:
- case OASASHL:
- case OASASHR:
- case OASAND:
- case OASADD:
- case OASSUB:
- case OASXOR:
- case OASOR:
- case OASLDIV:
- case OASLMOD:
- case OASDIV:
- case OASMOD:
- case OASLMUL:
- case OASMUL:
- if(l->op == OBIT)
- goto asbitop;
- if(r->op == OCONST)
- if(!typefd[r->type->etype])
- if(!typefd[n->type->etype]) {
- if(l->addable < INDEXED)
- reglcgen(&nod2, l, Z);
- else
- nod2 = *l;
- regalloc(&nod, l, nn); /* note: l used for type, so shifts work! */
- gopcode(OAS, &nod2, Z, &nod);
- gopcode(o, r, Z, &nod);
- gopcode(OAS, &nod, Z, &nod2);
- regfree(&nod);
- if(l->addable < INDEXED)
- regfree(&nod2);
- break;
- }
- if(l->complex >= r->complex) {
- if(l->addable < INDEXED)
- reglcgen(&nod2, l, Z);
- else
- nod2 = *l;
- regalloc(&nod1, r, Z);
- cgen(r, &nod1);
- } else {
- regalloc(&nod1, r, Z);
- cgen(r, &nod1);
- if(l->addable < INDEXED)
- reglcgen(&nod2, l, Z);
- else
- nod2 = *l;
- }
- regalloc(&nod, n, nn);
- gmove(&nod2, &nod);
- if(nod1.type->etype != nod.type->etype){
- regalloc(&nod3, &nod, Z);
- gmove(&nod1, &nod3);
- regfree(&nod1);
- nod1 = nod3;
- }
- gopcode(o, &nod1, Z, &nod);
- gmove(&nod, &nod2);
- if(nn != Z)
- gopcode(OAS, &nod, Z, nn);
- regfree(&nod);
- regfree(&nod1);
- if(l->addable < INDEXED)
- regfree(&nod2);
- break;
- asbitop:
- regalloc(&nod4, n, nn);
- if(l->complex >= r->complex) {
- bitload(l, &nod, &nod1, &nod2, &nod4);
- regalloc(&nod3, r, Z);
- cgen(r, &nod3);
- } else {
- regalloc(&nod3, r, Z);
- cgen(r, &nod3);
- bitload(l, &nod, &nod1, &nod2, &nod4);
- }
- gmove(&nod, &nod4);
- gopcode(o, &nod3, Z, &nod4);
- regfree(&nod3);
- gmove(&nod4, &nod);
- regfree(&nod4);
- bitstore(l, &nod, &nod1, &nod2, nn);
- break;
- case OADDR:
- if(nn == Z) {
- nullwarn(l, Z);
- break;
- }
- lcgen(l, nn);
- break;
- case OFUNC:
- if(l->complex >= FNX) {
- if(l->op != OIND)
- diag(n, "bad function call");
- regret(&nod, l->left);
- cgen(l->left, &nod);
- regsalloc(&nod1, l->left);
- gopcode(OAS, &nod, Z, &nod1);
- regfree(&nod);
- nod = *n;
- nod.left = &nod2;
- nod2 = *l;
- nod2.left = &nod1;
- nod2.complex = 1;
- cgen(&nod, nn);
- return;
- }
- if(REGARG != NREG)
- o = reg[REGARG];
- gargs(r, &nod, &nod1);
- if(l->addable < INDEXED) {
- reglcgen(&nod, l, Z);
- gopcode(OFUNC, Z, Z, &nod);
- regfree(&nod);
- } else
- gopcode(OFUNC, Z, Z, l);
- if(REGARG != NREG)
- if(o != reg[REGARG])
- reg[REGARG]--;
- if(nn != Z) {
- regret(&nod, n);
- gopcode(OAS, &nod, Z, nn);
- regfree(&nod);
- }
- break;
- case OIND:
- if(nn == Z) {
- nullwarn(l, Z);
- break;
- }
- regialloc(&nod, n, nn);
- r = l;
- while(r->op == OADD)
- r = r->right;
- if(sconst(r)) {
- v = r->vconst;
- r->vconst = 0;
- cgen(l, &nod);
- nod.xoffset += v;
- r->vconst = v;
- } else
- cgen(l, &nod);
- regind(&nod, n);
- gopcode(OAS, &nod, Z, nn);
- regfree(&nod);
- break;
- case OEQ:
- case ONE:
- case OLE:
- case OLT:
- case OGE:
- case OGT:
- case OLO:
- case OLS:
- case OHI:
- case OHS:
- if(nn == Z) {
- nullwarn(l, r);
- break;
- }
- boolgen(n, 1, nn);
- break;
- case OANDAND:
- case OOROR:
- boolgen(n, 1, nn);
- if(nn == Z)
- patch(p, pc);
- break;
- case ONOT:
- if(nn == Z) {
- nullwarn(l, Z);
- break;
- }
- boolgen(n, 1, nn);
- break;
- case OCOMMA:
- cgen(l, Z);
- cgen(r, nn);
- break;
- case OCAST:
- if(nn == Z) {
- nullwarn(l, Z);
- break;
- }
- /*
- * convert from types l->n->nn
- */
- if(nocast(l->type, n->type)) {
- if(nocast(n->type, nn->type)) {
- cgen(l, nn);
- break;
- }
- }
- regalloc(&nod, l, nn);
- cgen(l, &nod);
- regalloc(&nod1, n, &nod);
- gopcode(OAS, &nod, Z, &nod1);
- gopcode(OAS, &nod1, Z, nn);
- regfree(&nod1);
- regfree(&nod);
- break;
- case ODOT:
- sugen(l, nodrat, l->type->width);
- if(nn != Z) {
- warn(n, "non-interruptable temporary");
- nod = *nodrat;
- if(!r || r->op != OCONST) {
- diag(n, "DOT and no offset");
- break;
- }
- nod.xoffset += (long)r->vconst;
- nod.type = n->type;
- cgen(&nod, nn);
- }
- break;
- case OCOND:
- bcgen(l, 1);
- p1 = p;
- cgen(r->left, nn);
- gbranch(OGOTO);
- patch(p1, pc);
- p1 = p;
- cgen(r->right, nn);
- patch(p1, pc);
- break;
- case OPOSTINC:
- case OPOSTDEC:
- v = 1;
- if(l->type->etype == TIND)
- v = l->type->link->width;
- if(o == OPOSTDEC)
- v = -v;
- if(l->op == OBIT)
- goto bitinc;
- if(nn == Z)
- goto pre;
- if(l->addable < INDEXED)
- reglcgen(&nod2, l, Z);
- else
- nod2 = *l;
- regalloc(&nod, l, nn);
- gopcode(OAS, &nod2, Z, &nod);
- regalloc(&nod1, l, Z);
- if(typefd[l->type->etype]) {
- regalloc(&nod3, l, Z);
- if(v < 0) {
- gopcode(OAS, nodfconst(-v), Z, &nod3);
- gopcode(OSUB, &nod3, &nod, &nod1);
- } else {
- gopcode(OAS, nodfconst(v), Z, &nod3);
- gopcode(OADD, &nod3, &nod, &nod1);
- }
- regfree(&nod3);
- } else
- gopcode(OADD, nodconst(v), &nod, &nod1);
- gopcode(OAS, &nod1, Z, &nod2);
- regfree(&nod);
- regfree(&nod1);
- if(l->addable < INDEXED)
- regfree(&nod2);
- break;
- case OPREINC:
- case OPREDEC:
- v = 1;
- if(l->type->etype == TIND)
- v = l->type->link->width;
- if(o == OPREDEC)
- v = -v;
- if(l->op == OBIT)
- goto bitinc;
- pre:
- if(l->addable < INDEXED)
- reglcgen(&nod2, l, Z);
- else
- nod2 = *l;
- regalloc(&nod, l, nn);
- gopcode(OAS, &nod2, Z, &nod);
- if(typefd[l->type->etype]) {
- regalloc(&nod3, l, Z);
- if(v < 0) {
- gopcode(OAS, nodfconst(-v), Z, &nod3);
- gopcode(OSUB, &nod3, Z, &nod);
- } else {
- gopcode(OAS, nodfconst(v), Z, &nod3);
- gopcode(OADD, &nod3, Z, &nod);
- }
- regfree(&nod3);
- } else
- gopcode(OADD, nodconst(v), Z, &nod);
- gopcode(OAS, &nod, Z, &nod2);
- if(nn && l->op == ONAME) /* in x=++i, emit USED(i) */
- gins(ANOP, l, Z);
- regfree(&nod);
- if(l->addable < INDEXED)
- regfree(&nod2);
- break;
- bitinc:
- if(nn != Z && (o == OPOSTINC || o == OPOSTDEC)) {
- bitload(l, &nod, &nod1, &nod2, Z);
- gopcode(OAS, &nod, Z, nn);
- gopcode(OADD, nodconst(v), Z, &nod);
- bitstore(l, &nod, &nod1, &nod2, Z);
- break;
- }
- bitload(l, &nod, &nod1, &nod2, nn);
- gopcode(OADD, nodconst(v), Z, &nod);
- bitstore(l, &nod, &nod1, &nod2, nn);
- break;
- }
- cursafe = curs;
- return;
-reglcgen(Node *t, Node *n, Node *nn)
- Node *r;
- long v;
- regialloc(t, n, nn);
- if(n->op == OIND) {
- r = n->left;
- while(r->op == OADD)
- r = r->right;
- if(sconst(r)) {
- v = r->vconst;
- r->vconst = 0;
- lcgen(n, t);
- t->xoffset += v;
- r->vconst = v;
- regind(t, n);
- return;
- }
- }
- lcgen(n, t);
- regind(t, n);
-lcgen(Node *n, Node *nn)
- Prog *p1;
- Node nod;
- if(debug['g']) {
- prtree(nn, "lcgen lhs");
- prtree(n, "lcgen");
- }
- if(n == Z || n->type == T)
- return;
- if(nn == Z) {
- nn = &nod;
- regalloc(&nod, n, Z);
- }
- switch(n->op) {
- default:
- if(n->addable < INDEXED) {
- diag(n, "unknown op in lcgen: %O", n->op);
- break;
- }
- nod = *n;
- nod.op = OADDR;
- nod.left = n;
- nod.right = Z;
- nod.type = types[TIND];
- gopcode(OAS, &nod, Z, nn);
- break;
- case OCOMMA:
- cgen(n->left, n->left);
- lcgen(n->right, nn);
- break;
- case OIND:
- cgen(n->left, nn);
- break;
- case OCOND:
- bcgen(n->left, 1);
- p1 = p;
- lcgen(n->right->left, nn);
- gbranch(OGOTO);
- patch(p1, pc);
- p1 = p;
- lcgen(n->right->right, nn);
- patch(p1, pc);
- break;
- }
-bcgen(Node *n, int true)
- if(n->type == T)
- gbranch(OGOTO);
- else
- boolgen(n, true, Z);
-boolgen(Node *n, int true, Node *nn)
- int o;
- Prog *p1, *p2;
- Node *l, *r, nod, nod1;
- long curs;
- if(debug['g']) {
- prtree(nn, "boolgen lhs");
- prtree(n, "boolgen");
- }
- curs = cursafe;
- l = n->left;
- r = n->right;
- switch(n->op) {
- default:
- regalloc(&nod, n, nn);
- cgen(n, &nod);
- o = ONE;
- if(true)
- o = comrel[relindex(o)];
- if(typefd[n->type->etype]) {
- nodreg(&nod1, n, NREG+FREGZERO);
- gopcode(o, &nod, Z, &nod1);
- } else
- gopcode(o, &nod, Z, nodconst(0));
- regfree(&nod);
- goto com;
- case OCONST:
- o = vconst(n);
- if(!true)
- o = !o;
- gbranch(OGOTO);
- if(o) {
- p1 = p;
- gbranch(OGOTO);
- patch(p1, pc);
- }
- goto com;
- case OCOMMA:
- cgen(l, Z);
- boolgen(r, true, nn);
- break;
- case ONOT:
- boolgen(l, !true, nn);
- break;
- case OCOND:
- bcgen(l, 1);
- p1 = p;
- bcgen(r->left, true);
- p2 = p;
- gbranch(OGOTO);
- patch(p1, pc);
- p1 = p;
- bcgen(r->right, !true);
- patch(p2, pc);
- p2 = p;
- gbranch(OGOTO);
- patch(p1, pc);
- patch(p2, pc);
- goto com;
- case OANDAND:
- if(!true)
- goto caseor;
- caseand:
- bcgen(l, true);
- p1 = p;
- bcgen(r, !true);
- p2 = p;
- patch(p1, pc);
- gbranch(OGOTO);
- patch(p2, pc);
- goto com;
- case OOROR:
- if(!true)
- goto caseand;
- caseor:
- bcgen(l, !true);
- p1 = p;
- bcgen(r, !true);
- p2 = p;
- gbranch(OGOTO);
- patch(p1, pc);
- patch(p2, pc);
- goto com;
- case OEQ:
- case ONE:
- case OLE:
- case OLT:
- case OGE:
- case OGT:
- case OHI:
- case OHS:
- case OLO:
- case OLS:
- o = n->op;
- if(true)
- o = comrel[relindex(o)];
- if(l->complex >= FNX && r->complex >= FNX) {
- regret(&nod, r);
- cgen(r, &nod);
- regsalloc(&nod1, r);
- gopcode(OAS, &nod, Z, &nod1);
- regfree(&nod);
- nod = *n;
- nod.right = &nod1;
- boolgen(&nod, true, nn);
- break;
- }
- if(bconst(r)) {
- regalloc(&nod, l, nn);
- cgen(l, &nod);
- gopcode(o, &nod, Z, r);
- regfree(&nod);
- goto com;
- }
- if(l->complex >= r->complex) {
- regalloc(&nod1, l, nn);
- cgen(l, &nod1);
- regalloc(&nod, r, Z);
- cgen(r, &nod);
- } else {
- regalloc(&nod, r, nn);
- cgen(r, &nod);
- regalloc(&nod1, l, Z);
- cgen(l, &nod1);
- }
- gopcode(o, &nod1, Z, &nod);
- regfree(&nod);
- regfree(&nod1);
- com:
- if(nn != Z) {
- p1 = p;
- gopcode(OAS, nodconst(1), Z, nn);
- gbranch(OGOTO);
- p2 = p;
- patch(p1, pc);
- gopcode(OAS, nodconst(0), Z, nn);
- patch(p2, pc);
- }
- break;
- }
- cursafe = curs;
-sugen(Node *n, Node *nn, long w)
- Prog *p1;
- Node nod0, nod1, nod2, nod3, nod4, *l, *r;
- Type *t;
- long pc1;
- int i, m, c;
- if(n == Z || n->type == T)
- return;
- if(debug['g']) {
- prtree(nn, "sugen lhs");
- prtree(n, "sugen");
- }
- if(nn == nodrat)
- if(w > nrathole)
- nrathole = w;
- switch(n->op) {
- case OIND:
- if(nn == Z) {
- nullwarn(n->left, Z);
- break;
- }
- default:
- goto copy;
- case ODOT:
- l = n->left;
- sugen(l, nodrat, l->type->width);
- if(nn != Z) {
- warn(n, "non-interruptable temporary");
- nod1 = *nodrat;
- r = n->right;
- if(!r || r->op != OCONST) {
- diag(n, "DOT and no offset");
- break;
- }
- nod1.xoffset += (long)r->vconst;
- nod1.type = n->type;
- sugen(&nod1, nn, w);
- }
- break;
- case OSTRUCT:
- /*
- * rewrite so lhs has no fn call
- */
- if(nn != Z && nn->complex >= FNX) {
- nod1 = *n;
- nod1.type = typ(TIND, n->type);
- regret(&nod2, &nod1);
- lcgen(nn, &nod2);
- regsalloc(&nod0, &nod1);
- gopcode(OAS, &nod2, Z, &nod0);
- regfree(&nod2);
- nod1 = *n;
- nod1.op = OIND;
- nod1.left = &nod0;
- nod1.right = Z;
- nod1.complex = 1;
- sugen(n, &nod1, w);
- return;
- }
- r = n->left;
- for(t = n->type->link; t != T; t = t->down) {
- l = r;
- if(r->op == OLIST) {
- l = r->left;
- r = r->right;
- }
- if(nn == Z) {
- cgen(l, nn);
- continue;
- }
- /*
- * hand craft *(&nn + o) = l
- */
- nod0 = znode;
- nod0.op = OAS;
- nod0.type = t;
- nod0.left = &nod1;
- nod0.right = l;
- nod1 = znode;
- nod1.op = OIND;
- nod1.type = t;
- nod1.left = &nod2;
- nod2 = znode;
- nod2.op = OADD;
- nod2.type = typ(TIND, t);
- nod2.left = &nod3;
- nod2.right = &nod4;
- nod3 = znode;
- nod3.op = OADDR;
- nod3.type = nod2.type;
- nod3.left = nn;
- nod4 = znode;
- nod4.op = OCONST;
- nod4.type = nod2.type;
- nod4.vconst = t->offset;
- ccom(&nod0);
- acom(&nod0);
- xcom(&nod0);
- nod0.addable = 0;
- /* prtree(&nod0, "hand craft"); /* */
- cgen(&nod0, Z);
- }
- break;
- case OAS:
- if(nn == Z) {
- if(n->addable < INDEXED)
- sugen(n->right, n->left, w);
- break;
- }
- sugen(n->right, nodrat, w);
- warn(n, "non-interruptable temporary");
- sugen(nodrat, n->left, w);
- sugen(nodrat, nn, w);
- break;
- case OFUNC:
- if(nn == Z) {
- sugen(n, nodrat, w);
- break;
- }
- if(nn->op != OIND) {
- nn = new1(OADDR, nn, Z);
- nn->type = types[TIND];
- nn->addable = 0;
- } else
- nn = nn->left;
- n = new(OFUNC, n->left, new(OLIST, nn, n->right));
- n->type = types[TVOID];
- n->left->type = types[TVOID];
- cgen(n, Z);
- break;
- case OCOND:
- bcgen(n->left, 1);
- p1 = p;
- sugen(n->right->left, nn, w);
- gbranch(OGOTO);
- patch(p1, pc);
- p1 = p;
- sugen(n->right->right, nn, w);
- patch(p1, pc);
- break;
- case OCOMMA:
- cgen(n->left, Z);
- sugen(n->right, nn, w);
- break;
- }
- return;
- if(nn == Z)
- return;
- if(n->complex >= FNX && nn->complex >= FNX) {
- t = nn->type;
- nn->type = types[TLONG];
- regialloc(&nod1, nn, Z);
- lcgen(nn, &nod1);
- regsalloc(&nod2, nn);
- nn->type = t;
- gopcode(OAS, &nod1, Z, &nod2);
- regfree(&nod1);
- nod2.type = typ(TIND, t);
- nod1 = nod2;
- nod1.op = OIND;
- nod1.left = &nod2;
- nod1.right = Z;
- nod1.complex = 1;
- nod1.type = t;
- sugen(n, &nod1, w);
- return;
- }
- if(n->complex > nn->complex) {
- t = n->type;
- n->type = types[TLONG];
- reglcgen(&nod1, n, Z);
- n->type = t;
- t = nn->type;
- nn->type = types[TLONG];
- reglcgen(&nod2, nn, Z);
- nn->type = t;
- } else {
- t = nn->type;
- nn->type = types[TLONG];
- reglcgen(&nod2, nn, Z);
- nn->type = t;
- t = n->type;
- n->type = types[TLONG];
- reglcgen(&nod1, n, Z);
- n->type = t;
- }
- w /= SZ_LONG;
- if(w <= 5) {
- layout(&nod1, &nod2, w, 0, Z);
- goto out;
- }
- /*
- * minimize space for unrolling loop
- * 3,4,5 times. (6 or more is never minimum)
- * if small structure, try 2 also.
- */
- c = 0; /* set */
- m = 100;
- i = 3;
- if(w <= 15)
- i = 2;
- for(; i<=5; i++)
- if(i + w%i <= m) {
- c = i;
- m = c + w%c;
- }
- regalloc(&nod3, ®node, Z);
- layout(&nod1, &nod2, w%c, w/c, &nod3);
- pc1 = pc;
- layout(&nod1, &nod2, c, 0, Z);
- gopcode(OSUB, nodconst(1), Z, &nod3);
- nod1.op = OREGISTER;
- gopcode(OADD, nodconst(c*SZ_LONG), Z, &nod1);
- nod2.op = OREGISTER;
- gopcode(OADD, nodconst(c*SZ_LONG), Z, &nod2);
- gopcode(OGT, &nod3, Z, nodconst(0));
- patch(p, pc1);
- regfree(&nod3);
- regfree(&nod1);
- regfree(&nod2);
-layout(Node *f, Node *t, int c, int cv, Node *cn)
- Node t1, t2;
- while(c > 3) {
- layout(f, t, 2, 0, Z);
- c -= 2;
- }
- regalloc(&t1, ®node, Z);
- regalloc(&t2, ®node, Z);
- if(c > 0) {
- gopcode(OAS, f, Z, &t1);
- f->xoffset += SZ_LONG;
- }
- if(cn != Z)
- gopcode(OAS, nodconst(cv), Z, cn);
- if(c > 1) {
- gopcode(OAS, f, Z, &t2);
- f->xoffset += SZ_LONG;
- }
- if(c > 0) {
- gopcode(OAS, &t1, Z, t);
- t->xoffset += SZ_LONG;
- }
- if(c > 2) {
- gopcode(OAS, f, Z, &t1);
- f->xoffset += SZ_LONG;
- }
- if(c > 1) {
- gopcode(OAS, &t2, Z, t);
- t->xoffset += SZ_LONG;
- }
- if(c > 2) {
- gopcode(OAS, &t1, Z, t);
- t->xoffset += SZ_LONG;
- }
- regfree(&t1);
- regfree(&t2);
--- a/sys/src/cmd/7c/enam.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +1,0 @@
-char* anames[] =
- "XXX",
- "GOK",
- "TEXT",
- "DATA",
- "GLOBL",
- "NAME",
- "WORD",
- "NOP",
- "MOVL",
- "MOVLU",
- "MOVQ",
- "MOVQU",
- "MOVS",
- "MOVT",
- "MOVB",
- "MOVBU",
- "MOVW",
- "MOVWU",
- "MOVA",
- "MOVAH",
- "MOVLL",
- "MOVQL",
- "MOVLC",
- "MOVQC",
- "MOVQP",
- "MOVLP",
- "ADDL",
- "ADDLV",
- "ADDQ",
- "ADDQV",
- "S4ADDL",
- "S4ADDQ",
- "S8ADDL",
- "S8ADDQ",
- "S4SUBL",
- "S4SUBQ",
- "S8SUBL",
- "S8SUBQ",
- "SUBL",
- "SUBLV",
- "SUBQ",
- "SUBQV",
- "CMPEQ",
- "CMPGT",
- "CMPGE",
- "AND",
- "OR",
- "ORNOT",
- "XOR",
- "MULL",
- "MULQ",
- "MULLV",
- "MULQV",
- "UMULH",
- "DIVQ",
- "MODQ",
- "DIVQU",
- "MODQU",
- "DIVL",
- "MODL",
- "DIVLU",
- "MODLU",
- "SLLQ",
- "SRLQ",
- "SRAQ",
- "SLLL",
- "SRLL",
- "SRAL",
- "EXTBL",
- "EXTWL",
- "EXTLL",
- "EXTQL",
- "EXTWH",
- "EXTLH",
- "EXTQH",
- "INSBL",
- "INSWL",
- "INSLL",
- "INSQL",
- "INSWH",
- "INSLH",
- "INSQH",
- "MSKBL",
- "MSKWL",
- "MSKLL",
- "MSKQL",
- "MSKWH",
- "MSKLH",
- "MSKQH",
- "ZAP",
- "JMP",
- "JSR",
- "RET",
- "BR",
- "BSR",
- "BEQ",
- "BNE",
- "BLT",
- "BGE",
- "BLE",
- "BGT",
- "BLBC",
- "BLBS",
- "FBEQ",
- "FBNE",
- "FBLT",
- "FBGE",
- "FBLE",
- "FBGT",
- "TRAPB",
- "MB",
- "FETCH",
- "RPCC",
- "CPYS",
- "CPYSN",
- "CPYSE",
- "CVTLQ",
- "CVTQL",
- "ADDS",
- "ADDT",
- "CVTQS",
- "CVTQT",
- "CVTTS",
- "CVTTQ",
- "DIVS",
- "DIVT",
- "MULS",
- "MULT",
- "SUBS",
- "SUBT",
- "REI",
- "END",
- "DYNT",
- "INIT",
- "LAST",
--- a/sys/src/cmd/7c/gc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,343 +1,0 @@
-#include "../cc/cc.h"
-#include "../7c/7.out.h"
- * 7c/alpha
- * DEC Alpha
- */
-#define SZ_CHAR 1
-#define SZ_SHORT 2
-#define SZ_INT 4
-#define SZ_LONG 4
-#define SZ_IND 4
-#define SZ_FLOAT 4
-#define SZ_VLONG 8
-#define SZ_DOUBLE 8
-#define FNX 100
-typedef struct Adr Adr;
-typedef struct Prog Prog;
-typedef struct Case Case;
-typedef struct C1 C1;
-typedef struct Multab Multab;
-typedef struct Hintab Hintab;
-typedef struct Bits Bits;
-typedef struct Var Var;
-typedef struct Reg Reg;
-typedef struct Rgn Rgn;
-struct Adr
- union
- {
- vlong offset;
- double dval;
- char sval[NSNAME];
- Ieee ieee;
- };
- Sym* sym;
- char type;
- char reg;
- char name;
- char etype;
-#define A ((Adr*)0)
-#define INDEXED 9
-struct Prog
- Adr from;
- Adr to;
- Prog* link;
- long lineno;
- uchar as;
- char reg;
-#define P ((Prog*)0)
-struct Case
- Case* link;
- vlong val;
- long label;
- char def;
- char isv;
-#define C ((Case*)0)
-struct C1
- vlong val;
- long label;
-struct Multab
- long val;
- char code[20];
-struct Hintab
- ushort val;
- char hint[10];
-struct Var
- vlong offset;
- Sym* sym;
- char name;
- char etype;
-struct Reg
- long pc;
- long rpo; /* reverse post ordering */
- Bits set;
- Bits use1;
- Bits use2;
- Bits refbehind;
- Bits refahead;
- Bits calbehind;
- Bits calahead;
- Bits regdiff;
- Bits act;
- long regu;
- long loop; /* could be shorter */
- union
- {
- Reg* log5;
- long active;
- };
- Reg* p1;
- Reg* p2;
- Reg* p2link;
- Reg* s1;
- Reg* s2;
- Reg* link;
- Prog* prog;
-#define R ((Reg*)0)
-#define NRGN 600
-struct Rgn
- Reg* enter;
- short cost;
- short varno;
- short regno;
-EXTERN long breakpc;
-EXTERN long nbreak;
-EXTERN Case* cases;
-EXTERN Node constnode;
-EXTERN Node fconstnode;
-EXTERN long continpc;
-EXTERN long curarg;
-EXTERN long cursafe;
-EXTERN Prog* firstp;
-EXTERN Prog* lastp;
-EXTERN long maxargsafe;
-EXTERN int mnstring;
-EXTERN Multab multab[20];
-EXTERN int hintabsize;
-EXTERN Node* nodrat;
-EXTERN Node* nodret;
-EXTERN Node* nodsafe;
-EXTERN long nrathole;
-EXTERN long nstring;
-EXTERN Prog* p;
-EXTERN long pc;
-EXTERN Node regnode;
-EXTERN char string[NSNAME];
-EXTERN Sym* symrathole;
-EXTERN Node znode;
-EXTERN Prog zprog;
-EXTERN char reg[NREG+NREG];
-EXTERN long exregoffset;
-EXTERN long exfregoffset;
-#define BLOAD(r) band(bnot(r->refbehind), r->refahead)
-#define BSTORE(r) band(bnot(r->calbehind), r->calahead)
-#define LOAD(r) (~r->refbehind.b[z] & r->refahead.b[z])
-#define STORE(r) (~r->calbehind.b[z] & r->calahead.b[z])
-#define bset(a,n) ((a).b[(n)/32]&(1L<<(n)%32))
-#define CLOAD 4
-#define CREF 5
-#define CINF 1000
-#define LOOP 3
-EXTERN Rgn region[NRGN];
-EXTERN Rgn* rgp;
-EXTERN int nregion;
-EXTERN int nvar;
-EXTERN Bits externs;
-EXTERN Bits params;
-EXTERN Bits consts;
-EXTERN Bits addrs;
-EXTERN Bits zbits;
-EXTERN long regbits;
-EXTERN long exregbits;
-EXTERN int change;
-EXTERN int suppress;
-EXTERN Reg* firstr;
-EXTERN Reg* lastr;
-EXTERN Reg zreg;
-EXTERN Reg* freer;
-EXTERN Var var[NVAR];
-EXTERN long* idom;
-EXTERN Reg** rpo2r;
-EXTERN long maxnr;
-extern char* anames[];
-extern Hintab hintab[];
- * sgen.c
- */
-void codgen(Node*, Node*);
-void gen(Node*);
-void usedset(Node*, int);
-void noretval(int);
-void xcom(Node*);
-int bcomplex(Node*, Node*);
- * cgen.c
- */
-void cgen(Node*, Node*);
-void reglcgen(Node*, Node*, Node*);
-void lcgen(Node*, Node*);
-void bcgen(Node*, int);
-void boolgen(Node*, int, Node*);
-void sugen(Node*, Node*, long);
-void layout(Node*, Node*, int, int, Node*);
- * txt.c
- */
-void ginit(void);
-void gclean(void);
-void nextpc(void);
-void gargs(Node*, Node*, Node*);
-void garg1(Node*, Node*, Node*, int, Node**);
-Node* nodconst(long);
-Node* nod32const(vlong);
-Node* nodfconst(double);
-void nodreg(Node*, Node*, int);
-void regret(Node*, Node*);
-void regalloc(Node*, Node*, Node*);
-void regfree(Node*);
-void regialloc(Node*, Node*, Node*);
-void regsalloc(Node*, Node*);
-void regaalloc1(Node*, Node*);
-void regaalloc(Node*, Node*);
-void regind(Node*, Node*);
-void gprep(Node*, Node*);
-void raddr(Node*, Prog*);
-void naddr(Node*, Adr*);
-void gmove(Node*, Node*);
-void gins(int a, Node*, Node*);
-void gopcode(int, Node*, Node*, Node*);
-int samaddr(Node*, Node*);
-void gbranch(int);
-void patch(Prog*, long);
-int bconst(Node*);
-int sconst(Node*);
-int bval(vlong);
-int sval(long);
-void gpseudo(int, Sym*, Node*);
- * swt.c
- */
-int swcmp(void*, void*);
-void doswit(Node*);
-void swit1(C1*, int, long, Node*);
-void swit2(C1*, int, long, Node*, Node*);
-void casf(void);
-void bitload(Node*, Node*, Node*, Node*, Node*);
-void bitstore(Node*, Node*, Node*, Node*, Node*);
-long outstring(char*, long);
-int vlog(Node*);
-int mulcon(Node*, Node*);
-Multab* mulcon0(long);
-void nullwarn(Node*, Node*);
-void sextern(Sym*, Node*, long, long);
-void gextern(Sym*, Node*, long, long);
-void outcode(void);
-void ieeedtod(Ieee*, double);
- * list
- */
-void listinit(void);
-int Pconv(Fmt*);
-int Aconv(Fmt*);
-int Dconv(Fmt*);
-int Sconv(Fmt*);
-int Nconv(Fmt*);
-int Bconv(Fmt*);
- * reg.c
- */
-Reg* rega(void);
-int rcmp(void*, void*);
-void regopt(Prog*);
-void addmove(Reg*, int, int, int);
-Bits mkvar(Adr*, int);
-void prop(Reg*, Bits, Bits);
-void loopit(Reg*, long);
-void synch(Reg*, Bits);
-ulong allreg(ulong, Rgn*);
-void paint1(Reg*, int);
-ulong paint2(Reg*, int);
-void paint3(Reg*, int, long, int);
-void addreg(Adr*, int);
- * peep.c
- */
-void peep(void);
-void excise(Reg*);
-Reg* uniqp(Reg*);
-Reg* uniqs(Reg*);
-int regtyp(Adr*);
-int regzer(Adr*);
-int anyvar(Adr*);
-int subprop(Reg*);
-int copyprop(Reg*);
-int copy1(Adr*, Adr*, Reg*, int);
-int copyu(Prog*, Adr*, Adr*);
-int copyas(Adr*, Adr*);
-int copyau(Adr*, Adr*);
-int copyau1(Prog*, Adr*);
-int copysub(Adr*, Adr*, Adr*, int);
-int copysub1(Prog*, Adr*, Adr*, int);
-long RtoB(int);
-long FtoB(int);
-int BtoR(long);
-int BtoF(long);
-#pragma varargck type "A" int
-#pragma varargck type "B" Bits
-#pragma varargck type "D" Adr*
-#pragma varargck type "N" Adr*
-#pragma varargck type "P" Prog*
-#pragma varargck type "S" char*
--- a/sys/src/cmd/7c/list.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,231 +1,0 @@
-#define EXTERN
-#include "gc.h"
- fmtinstall('A', Aconv);
- fmtinstall('P', Pconv);
- fmtinstall('S', Sconv);
- fmtinstall('N', Nconv);
- fmtinstall('B', Bconv);
- fmtinstall('D', Dconv);
-Bconv(Fmt *fp)
- char str[STRINGSZ], ss[STRINGSZ], *s;
- Bits bits;
- int i;
- memset(str, 0, sizeof str);
- bits = va_arg(fp->args, Bits);
- while(bany(&bits)) {
- i = bnum(bits);
- if(str[0])
- strncat(str, " ", sizeof str - 1);
- if(var[i].sym == S) {
- snprint(ss, sizeof ss, "$%lld", var[i].offset);
- s = ss;
- } else
- s = var[i].sym->name;
- strncat(str, s, sizeof str - 1);
- bits.b[i/32] &= ~(1L << (i%32));
- }
- return fmtstrcpy(fp, str);
-Pconv(Fmt *fp)
- char str[STRINGSZ];
- Prog *p;
- int a;
- p = va_arg(fp->args, Prog*);
- a = p->as;
- if(a == ADATA)
- snprint(str, sizeof str, " %A %D/%d,%D", a, &p->from, p->reg, &p->to);
- else
- if(p->as == ATEXT)
- snprint(str, sizeof str, " %A %D,%d,%D", a, &p->from, p->reg, &p->to);
- else
- if(p->reg == NREG)
- snprint(str, sizeof str, " %A %D,%D", a, &p->from, &p->to);
- else
- if(p->from.type != D_FREG)
- snprint(str, sizeof str, " %A %D,R%d,%D", a, &p->from, p->reg, &p->to);
- else
- snprint(str, sizeof str, " %A %D,F%d,%D", a, &p->from, p->reg, &p->to);
- return fmtstrcpy(fp, str);
-Aconv(Fmt *fp)
- char *s;
- int a;
- a = va_arg(fp->args, int);
- s = "???";
- if(a >= AXXX && a < ALAST)
- s = anames[a];
- return fmtstrcpy(fp, s);
-Dconv(Fmt *fp)
- char str[STRINGSZ];
- Adr *a;
- a = va_arg(fp->args, Adr*);
- switch(a->type) {
- default:
- snprint(str, sizeof str, "GOK-type(%d)", a->type);
- break;
- case D_NONE:
- str[0] = 0;
- if(a->name != D_NONE || a->reg != NREG || a->sym != S)
- snprint(str, sizeof str, "%N(R%d)(NONE)", a, a->reg);
- break;
- case D_CONST:
- if(a->reg != NREG)
- snprint(str, sizeof str, "$%N(R%d)", a, a->reg);
- else
- snprint(str, sizeof str, "$%N", a);
- break;
- case D_OREG:
- if(a->reg != NREG)
- snprint(str, sizeof str, "%N(R%d)", a, a->reg);
- else
- snprint(str, sizeof str, "%N", a);
- break;
- case D_REG:
- snprint(str, sizeof str, "R%d", a->reg);
- if(a->name != D_NONE || a->sym != S)
- snprint(str, sizeof str, "%N(R%d)(REG)", a, a->reg);
- break;
- case D_FREG:
- snprint(str, sizeof str, "F%d", a->reg);
- if(a->name != D_NONE || a->sym != S)
- snprint(str, sizeof str, "%N(R%d)(REG)", a, a->reg);
- break;
- case D_FCREG:
- snprint(str, sizeof str, "FPCR");
- if(a->reg != 0 || a->name != D_NONE || a->sym != S)
- snprint(str, sizeof str, "%N(FPCR%d)(REG)", a, a->reg);
- break;
- case D_BRANCH:
- snprint(str, sizeof str, "%lld(PC)", a->offset-pc);
- break;
- case D_FCONST:
- snprint(str, sizeof str, "$%.17e", a->dval);
- break;
- case D_SCONST:
- snprint(str, sizeof str, "$\"%S\"", a->sval);
- break;
- }
- return fmtstrcpy(fp, str);
-Sconv(Fmt *fp)
- int i, c;
- char str[STRINGSZ], *p, *a;
- a = va_arg(fp->args, char*);
- p = str;
- for(i=0; i<NSNAME; i++) {
- c = a[i] & 0xff;
- if(c >= 'a' && c <= 'z' ||
- c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z' ||
- c >= '0' && c <= '9' ||
- c == ' ' || c == '%') {
- *p++ = c;
- continue;
- }
- *p++ = '\\';
- switch(c) {
- case 0:
- *p++ = 'z';
- continue;
- case '\\':
- case '"':
- *p++ = c;
- continue;
- case '\n':
- *p++ = 'n';
- continue;
- case '\t':
- *p++ = 't';
- continue;
- case '\r':
- *p++ = 'r';
- continue;
- case '\f':
- *p++ = 'f';
- continue;
- }
- *p++ = (c>>6) + '0';
- *p++ = ((c>>3) & 7) + '0';
- *p++ = (c & 7) + '0';
- }
- *p = 0;
- return fmtstrcpy(fp, str);
-Nconv(Fmt *fp)
- char str[STRINGSZ];
- Adr *a;
- Sym *s;
- a = va_arg(fp->args, Adr*);
- s = a->sym;
- if(s == S) {
- snprint(str, sizeof str, "%lld", a->offset);
- goto out;
- }
- switch(a->name) {
- default:
- snprint(str, sizeof str, "GOK-name(%d)", a->name);
- break;
- case D_NONE:
- snprint(str, sizeof str, "%lld", a->offset);
- break;
- case D_EXTERN:
- snprint(str, sizeof str, "%s+%lld(SB)", s->name, a->offset);
- break;
- case D_STATIC:
- snprint(str, sizeof str, "%s<>+%lld(SB)", s->name, a->offset);
- break;
- case D_AUTO:
- snprint(str, sizeof str, "%s-%lld(SP)", s->name, -a->offset);
- break;
- case D_PARAM:
- snprint(str, sizeof str, "%s+%lld(FP)", s->name, a->offset);
- break;
- }
- return fmtstrcpy(fp, str);
--- a/sys/src/cmd/7c/machcap.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +1,0 @@
-#include "gc.h"
-machcap(Node *n)
- if(n == Z) /* test */
- return 1;
- return 0;
--- a/sys/src/cmd/7c/mkenam
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +1,0 @@
-ed - ../7c/7.out.h <<'!'
-v/^ A/d
-,s/^ A/ "/
-g/ .*$/s///
-char* anames[] =
-w enam.c
--- a/sys/src/cmd/7c/mkfile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +1,0 @@
- cgen.$O\
- enam.$O\
- list.$O\
- machcap.$O\
- peep.$O\
- pgen.$O\
- pswt.$O\
- reg.$O\
- sgen.$O\
- swt.$O\
- txt.$O\
- mul.$O\
- gc.h\
- 7.out.h\
- ../cc/cc.h\
- cd ../cc
- mk install
- mk clean
-%.$O: ../cc/%.c
- $CC $CFLAGS ../cc/$stem.c
-t:V: $O.out
- $O.out -S t
- $LD -o t.out t.$O
- t.out
--- a/sys/src/cmd/7c/mul.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,608 +1,0 @@
-#include "gc.h"
- * code sequences for multiply by constant.
- * [a-l][0-3]
- * lsl $(A-'a'),r0,r1
- * [+][0-7]
- * add r0,r1,r2
- * [-][0-7]
- * sub r0,r1,r2
- */
-static int multabp;
-static long mulval;
-static char* mulcp;
-static long valmax;
-static int shmax;
-static int docode(char *hp, char *cp, int r0, int r1);
-static int gen1(int len);
-static int gen2(int len, long r1);
-static int gen3(int len, long r0, long r1, int flag);
- SR1 = 1<<0, /* r1 has been shifted */
- SR0 = 1<<1, /* r0 has been shifted */
- UR1 = 1<<2, /* r1 has not been used */
- UR0 = 1<<3, /* r0 has not been used */
-mulcon0(long v)
- int a1, a2, g;
- Multab *m, *m1;
- char hint[10];
- if(v < 0)
- v = -v;
- /*
- * look in cache
- */
- m = multab;
- for(g=0; g<nelem(multab); g++) {
- if(m->val == v) {
- if(m->code[0] == 0)
- return 0;
- return m;
- }
- m++;
- }
- /*
- * select a spot in cache to overwrite
- */
- multabp++;
- if(multabp < 0 || multabp >= nelem(multab))
- multabp = 0;
- m = multab+multabp;
- m->val = v;
- mulval = v;
- /*
- * look in execption hint table
- */
- a1 = 0;
- a2 = hintabsize;
- for(;;) {
- if(a1 >= a2)
- goto no;
- g = (a2 + a1)/2;
- if(v < hintab[g].val) {
- a2 = g;
- continue;
- }
- if(v > hintab[g].val) {
- a1 = g+1;
- continue;
- }
- break;
- }
- if(docode(hintab[g].hint, m->code, 1, 0))
- return m;
- print("multiply table failure %ld\n", v);
- m->code[0] = 0;
- return 0;
- /*
- * try to search
- */
- hint[0] = 0;
- for(g=1; g<=6; g++) {
- if(g >= 6 && v >= 65535)
- break;
- mulcp = hint+g;
- *mulcp = 0;
- if(gen1(g)) {
- if(docode(hint, m->code, 1, 0))
- return m;
- print("multiply table failure %ld\n", v);
- break;
- }
- }
- /*
- * try a recur followed by a shift
- */
- g = 0;
- while(!(v & 1)) {
- g++;
- v >>= 1;
- }
- if(g) {
- m1 = mulcon0(v);
- if(m1) {
- strcpy(m->code, m1->code);
- sprint(strchr(m->code, 0), "%c0", g+'a');
- return m;
- }
- }
- m->code[0] = 0;
- return 0;
-static int
-docode(char *hp, char *cp, int r0, int r1)
- int c, i;
- c = *hp++;
- *cp = c;
- cp += 2;
- switch(c) {
- default:
- c -= 'a';
- if(c < 1 || c >= 30)
- break;
- for(i=0; i<4; i++) {
- switch(i) {
- case 0:
- if(docode(hp, cp, r0<<c, r1))
- goto out;
- break;
- case 1:
- if(docode(hp, cp, r1<<c, r1))
- goto out;
- break;
- case 2:
- if(docode(hp, cp, r0, r0<<c))
- goto out;
- break;
- case 3:
- if(docode(hp, cp, r0, r1<<c))
- goto out;
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- case '+':
- for(i=0; i<8; i++) {
- cp[-1] = i+'0';
- switch(i) {
- case 1:
- if(docode(hp, cp, r0+r1, r1))
- goto out;
- break;
- case 5:
- if(docode(hp, cp, r0, r0+r1))
- goto out;
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- case '-':
- for(i=0; i<8; i++) {
- cp[-1] = i+'0';
- switch(i) {
- case 1:
- if(docode(hp, cp, r0-r1, r1))
- goto out;
- break;
- case 2:
- if(docode(hp, cp, r1-r0, r1))
- goto out;
- break;
- case 5:
- if(docode(hp, cp, r0, r0-r1))
- goto out;
- break;
- case 6:
- if(docode(hp, cp, r0, r1-r0))
- goto out;
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- case 0:
- if(r0 == mulval)
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- cp[-1] = i+'0';
- return 1;
-static int
-gen1(int len)
- int i;
- for(shmax=1; shmax<30; shmax++) {
- valmax = 1<<shmax;
- if(valmax >= mulval)
- break;
- }
- if(mulval == 1)
- return 1;
- len--;
- for(i=1; i<=shmax; i++)
- if(gen2(len, 1<<i)) {
- *--mulcp = 'a'+i;
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
-static int
-gen2(int len, long r1)
- int i;
- if(len <= 0) {
- if(r1 == mulval)
- return 1;
- return 0;
- }
- len--;
- if(len == 0)
- goto calcr0;
- if(gen3(len, r1, r1+1, UR1)) {
- i = '+';
- goto out;
- }
- if(gen3(len, r1-1, r1, UR0)) {
- i = '-';
- goto out;
- }
- if(gen3(len, 1, r1+1, UR1)) {
- i = '+';
- goto out;
- }
- if(gen3(len, 1, r1-1, UR1)) {
- i = '-';
- goto out;
- }
- return 0;
- if(mulval == r1+1) {
- i = '+';
- goto out;
- }
- if(mulval == r1-1) {
- i = '-';
- goto out;
- }
- return 0;
- *--mulcp = i;
- return 1;
-static int
-gen3(int len, long r0, long r1, int flag)
- int i, f1, f2;
- long x;
- if(r0 <= 0 ||
- r0 >= r1 ||
- r1 > valmax)
- return 0;
- len--;
- if(len == 0)
- goto calcr0;
- if(!(flag & UR1)) {
- f1 = UR1|SR1;
- for(i=1; i<=shmax; i++) {
- x = r0<<i;
- if(x > valmax)
- break;
- if(gen3(len, r0, x, f1)) {
- i += 'a';
- goto out;
- }
- }
- }
- if(!(flag & UR0)) {
- f1 = UR1|SR1;
- for(i=1; i<=shmax; i++) {
- x = r1<<i;
- if(x > valmax)
- break;
- if(gen3(len, r1, x, f1)) {
- i += 'a';
- goto out;
- }
- }
- }
- if(!(flag & SR1)) {
- f1 = UR1|SR1|(flag&UR0);
- for(i=1; i<=shmax; i++) {
- x = r1<<i;
- if(x > valmax)
- break;
- if(gen3(len, r0, x, f1)) {
- i += 'a';
- goto out;
- }
- }
- }
- if(!(flag & SR0)) {
- f1 = UR0|SR0|(flag&(SR1|UR1));
- f2 = UR1|SR1;
- if(flag & UR1)
- f2 |= UR0;
- if(flag & SR1)
- f2 |= SR0;
- for(i=1; i<=shmax; i++) {
- x = r0<<i;
- if(x > valmax)
- break;
- if(x > r1) {
- if(gen3(len, r1, x, f2)) {
- i += 'a';
- goto out;
- }
- } else
- if(gen3(len, x, r1, f1)) {
- i += 'a';
- goto out;
- }
- }
- }
- x = r1+r0;
- if(gen3(len, r0, x, UR1)) {
- i = '+';
- goto out;
- }
- if(gen3(len, r1, x, UR1)) {
- i = '+';
- goto out;
- }
- x = r1-r0;
- if(gen3(len, x, r1, UR0)) {
- i = '-';
- goto out;
- }
- if(x > r0) {
- if(gen3(len, r0, x, UR1)) {
- i = '-';
- goto out;
- }
- } else
- if(gen3(len, x, r0, UR0)) {
- i = '-';
- goto out;
- }
- return 0;
- f1 = flag & (UR0|UR1);
- if(f1 == UR1) {
- for(i=1; i<=shmax; i++) {
- x = r1<<i;
- if(x >= mulval) {
- if(x == mulval) {
- i += 'a';
- goto out;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if(mulval == r1+r0) {
- i = '+';
- goto out;
- }
- if(mulval == r1-r0) {
- i = '-';
- goto out;
- }
- return 0;
- *--mulcp = i;
- return 1;
- * hint table has numbers that
- * the search algorithm fails on.
- * <1000:
- * all numbers
- * <5000:
- * ÷ by 5
- * <10000:
- * ÷ by 50
- * <65536:
- * ÷ by 250
- */
-Hintab hintab[] =
- 683, "b++d+e+",
- 687, "b+e++e-",
- 691, "b++d+e+",
- 731, "b++d+e+",
- 811, "b++d+i+",
- 821, "b++e+e+",
- 843, "b+d++e+",
- 851, "b+f-+e-",
- 853, "b++e+e+",
- 877, "c++++g-",
- 933, "b+c++g-",
- 981, "c-+e-d+",
- 1375, "b+c+b+h-",
- 1675, "d+b++h+",
- 2425, "c++f-e+",
- 2675, "c+d++f-",
- 2750, "b+d-b+h-",
- 2775, "c-+g-e-",
- 3125, "b++e+g+",
- 3275, "b+c+g+e+",
- 3350, "c++++i+",
- 3475, "c-+e-f-",
- 3525, "c-+d+g-",
- 3625, "c-+e-j+",
- 3675, "b+d+d+e+",
- 3725, "b+d-+h+",
- 3925, "b+d+f-d-",
- 4275, "b+g++e+",
- 4325, "b+h-+d+",
- 4425, "b+b+g-j-",
- 4525, "b+d-d+f+",
- 4675, "c++d-g+",
- 4775, "b+d+b+g-",
- 4825, "c+c-+i-",
- 4850, "c++++i-",
- 4925, "b++e-g-",
- 4975, "c+f++e-",
- 5500, "b+g-c+d+",
- 6700, "d+b++i+",
- 9700, "d++++j-",
- 11000, "b+f-c-h-",
- 11750, "b+d+g+j-",
- 12500, "b+c+e-k+",
- 13250, "b+d+e-f+",
- 13750, "b+h-c-d+",
- 14250, "b+g-c+e-",
- 14500, "c+f+j-d-",
- 14750, "d-g--f+",
- 16750, "b+e-d-n+",
- 17750, "c+h-b+e+",
- 18250, "d+b+h-d+",
- 18750, "b+g-++f+",
- 19250, "b+e+b+h+",
- 19750, "b++h--f-",
- 20250, "b+e-l-c+",
- 20750, "c++bi+e-",
- 21250, "b+i+l+c+",
- 22000, "b+e+d-g-",
- 22250, "b+d-h+k-",
- 22750, "b+d-e-g+",
- 23250, "b+c+h+e-",
- 23500, "b+g-c-g-",
- 23750, "b+g-b+h-",
- 24250, "c++g+m-",
- 24750, "b+e+e+j-",
- 25000, "b++dh+g+",
- 25250, "b+e+d-g-",
- 25750, "b+e+b+j+",
- 26250, "b+h+c+e+",
- 26500, "b+h+c+g+",
- 26750, "b+d+e+g-",
- 27250, "b+e+e+f+",
- 27500, "c-i-c-d+",
- 27750, "b+bd++j+",
- 28250, "d-d-++i-",
- 28500, "c+c-h-e-",
- 29000, "b+g-d-f+",
- 29500, "c+h+++e-",
- 29750, "b+g+f-c+",
- 30250, "b+f-g-c+",
- 33500, "c-f-d-n+",
- 33750, "b+d-b+j-",
- 34250, "c+e+++i+",
- 35250, "e+b+d+k+",
- 35500, "c+e+d-g-",
- 35750, "c+i-++e+",
- 36250, "b+bh-d+e+",
- 36500, "c+c-h-e-",
- 36750, "d+e--i+",
- 37250, "b+g+g+b+",
- 37500, "b+h-b+f+",
- 37750, "c+be++j-",
- 38500, "b+e+b+i+",
- 38750, "d+i-b+d+",
- 39250, "b+g-l-+d+",
- 39500, "b+g-c+g-",
- 39750, "b+bh-c+f-",
- 40250, "b+bf+d+g-",
- 40500, "b+g-c+g+",
- 40750, "c+b+i-e+",
- 41250, "d++bf+h+",
- 41500, "b+j+c+d-",
- 41750, "c+f+b+h-",
- 42500, "c+h++g+",
- 42750, "b+g+d-f-",
- 43250, "b+l-e+d-",
- 43750, "c+bd+h+f-",
- 44000, "b+f+g-d-",
- 44250, "b+d-g--f+",
- 44500, "c+e+c+h+",
- 44750, "b+e+d-h-",
- 45250, "b++g+j-g+",
- 45500, "c+d+e-g+",
- 45750, "b+d-h-e-",
- 46250, "c+bd++j+",
- 46500, "b+d-c-j-",
- 46750, "e-e-b+g-",
- 47000, "b+c+d-j-",
- 47250, "b+e+e-g-",
- 47500, "b+g-c-h-",
- 47750, "b+f-c+h-",
- 48250, "d--h+n-",
- 48500, "b+c-g+m-",
- 48750, "b+e+e-g+",
- 49500, "c-f+e+j-",
- 49750, "c+c+g++f-",
- 50000, "b+e+e+k+",
- 50250, "b++i++g+",
- 50500, "c+g+f-i+",
- 50750, "b+e+d+k-",
- 51500, "b+i+c-f+",
- 51750, "b+bd+g-e-",
- 52250, "b+d+g-j+",
- 52500, "c+c+f+g+",
- 52750, "b+c+e+i+",
- 53000, "b+i+c+g+",
- 53500, "c+g+g-n+",
- 53750, "b+j+d-c+",
- 54250, "b+d-g-j-",
- 54500, "c-f+e+f+",
- 54750, "b+f-+c+g+",
- 55000, "b+g-d-g-",
- 55250, "b+e+e+g+",
- 55500, "b+cd++j+",
- 55750, "b+bh-d-f-",
- 56250, "c+d-b+j-",
- 56500, "c+d+c+i+",
- 56750, "b+e+d++h-",
- 57000, "b+d+g-f+",
- 57250, "b+f-m+d-",
- 57750, "b+i+c+e-",
- 58000, "b+e+d+h+",
- 58250, "c+b+g+g+",
- 58750, "d-e-j--e+",
- 59000, "d-i-+e+",
- 59250, "e--h-m+",
- 59500, "c+c-h+f-",
- 59750, "b+bh-e+i-",
- 60250, "b+bh-e-e-",
- 60500, "c+c-g-g-",
- 60750, "b+e-l-e-",
- 61250, "b+g-g-c+",
- 61750, "b+g-c+g+",
- 62250, "f--+c-i-",
- 62750, "e+f--+g+",
- 64750, "b+f+d+p-",
-int hintabsize = nelem(hintab);
--- a/sys/src/cmd/7c/peep.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,759 +1,0 @@
-#include "gc.h"
- Reg *r, *r1, *r2;
- Prog *p, *p1;
- int t;
- * complete R structure
- */
- t = 0;
- for(r=firstr; r!=R; r=r1) {
- r1 = r->link;
- if(r1 == R)
- break;
- p = r->prog->link;
- while(p != r1->prog)
- switch(p->as) {
- default:
- r2 = rega();
- r->link = r2;
- r2->link = r1;
- r2->prog = p;
- r2->p1 = r;
- r->s1 = r2;
- r2->s1 = r1;
- r1->p1 = r2;
- r = r2;
- t++;
- case ADATA:
- case AGLOBL:
- case ANAME:
- p = p->link;
- }
- }
- t = 0;
- for(r=firstr; r!=R; r=r->link) {
- p = r->prog;
- if(p->as == AMOVQ || /*p->as == AMOVL ||*/ p->as == AMOVS || p->as == AMOVT)
- if(regtyp(&p->to)) {
- if(regtyp(&p->from))
- if(p->from.type == p->to.type) {
- if(copyprop(r)) {
- excise(r);
- t++;
- } else
- if(subprop(r) && copyprop(r)) {
- excise(r);
- t++;
- }
- }
- if(regzer(&p->from))
- if(p->to.type == D_REG) {
- p->from.type = D_REG;
- p->from.reg = REGZERO;
- if(copyprop(r)) {
- excise(r);
- t++;
- } else
- if(subprop(r) && copyprop(r)) {
- excise(r);
- t++;
- }
- }
- }
-/* if(p->as == AMOVL)
- if(regtyp(&p->to)) {
- if(regzer(&p->from))
- if(p->to.type == D_REG) {
- p->from.type = D_REG;
- p->from.reg = REGZERO;
- if(copyprop(r)) {
- excise(r);
- t++;
- } else
- if(subprop(r) && copyprop(r)) {
- excise(r);
- t++;
- }
- }
- } */
- }
- if(t)
- goto loop1;
- /*
- * look for MOVB x,R; MOVB R,R
- */
- for(r=firstr; r!=R; r=r->link) {
- p = r->prog;
- switch(p->as) {
- default:
- continue;
- case AMOVW:
- case AMOVWU:
- case AMOVB:
- case AMOVBU:
- if(p->to.type != D_REG)
- continue;
- break;
- }
- r1 = r->link;
- if(r1 == R)
- continue;
- p1 = r1->prog;
- if(p1->as != p->as)
- continue;
- if(p1->from.type != D_REG || p1->from.reg != p->to.reg)
- continue;
- if(p1->to.type != D_REG || p1->to.reg != p->to.reg)
- continue;
- excise(r1);
- }
-excise(Reg *r)
- Prog *p;
- p = r->prog;
- p->as = ANOP;
- p->from = zprog.from;
- p->to =;
- p->reg = zprog.reg; /**/
-uniqp(Reg *r)
- Reg *r1;
- r1 = r->p1;
- if(r1 == R) {
- r1 = r->p2;
- if(r1 == R || r1->p2link != R)
- return R;
- } else
- if(r->p2 != R)
- return R;
- return r1;
-uniqs(Reg *r)
- Reg *r1;
- r1 = r->s1;
- if(r1 == R) {
- r1 = r->s2;
- if(r1 == R)
- return R;
- } else
- if(r->s2 != R)
- return R;
- return r1;
-regzer(Adr *a)
- if(a->type == D_CONST)
- if(a->sym == S)
- if(a->offset == 0)
- return 1;
- if(a->type == D_REG)
- if(a->reg == REGZERO)
- return 1;
- return 0;
-regtyp(Adr *a)
- if(a->type == D_REG) {
- if(a->reg != REGZERO)
- return 1;
- return 0;
- }
- if(a->type == D_FREG)
- return 1;
- return 0;
- * the idea is to substitute
- * one register for another
- * from one MOV to another
- * MOV a, R0
- * ADD b, R0 / no use of R1
- * MOV R0, R1
- * would be converted to
- * MOV a, R1
- * ADD b, R1
- * MOV R1, R0
- * hopefully, then the former or latter MOV
- * will be eliminated by copy propagation.
- */
-subprop(Reg *r0)
- Prog *p;
- Adr *v1, *v2;
- Reg *r;
- int t;
- p = r0->prog;
- v1 = &p->from;
- if(!regtyp(v1))
- return 0;
- v2 = &p->to;
- if(!regtyp(v2))
- return 0;
- for(r=uniqp(r0); r!=R; r=uniqp(r)) {
- if(uniqs(r) == R)
- break;
- p = r->prog;
- switch(p->as) {
- case AJSR:
- return 0;
- case AADDQ:
- case ASUBQ:
- case AADDL:
- case ASUBL:
- case ASLLQ:
- case ASRLQ:
- case ASRAQ:
- case ASLLL:
- case ASRLL:
- case ASRAL:
- case AOR:
- case AAND:
- case AXOR:
- case AMULQ:
- case ADIVQ:
- case ADIVQU:
- case AMODQ:
- case AMODQU:
- case ADIVL:
- case ADIVLU:
- case AMODL:
- case AMODLU:
- case ACMPEQ:
- case ACMPGT:
- case ACMPGE:
- case ACMPUGT:
- case ACMPUGE:
- case ACMPBLE:
- case AMULL:
- case AUMULH:
- case AADDT:
- case AADDS:
- case ASUBT:
- case ASUBS:
- case AMULT:
- case AMULS:
- case ADIVT:
- case ADIVS:
- case ACMPTEQ:
- case ACMPTGT:
- case ACMPTGE:
- if(p->to.type == v1->type)
- if(p->to.reg == v1->reg) {
- if(p->reg == NREG)
- p->reg = p->to.reg;
- goto gotit;
- }
- break;
- case AMOVS:
- case AMOVT:
- case AMOVQ:
- case ACVTQT:
- case ACVTTQ:
- if(p->to.type == v1->type)
- if(p->to.reg == v1->reg)
- goto gotit;
- break;
- }
- if(copyau(&p->from, v2) ||
- copyau1(p, v2) ||
- copyau(&p->to, v2))
- break;
- if(copysub(&p->from, v1, v2, 0) ||
- copysub1(p, v1, v2, 0) ||
- copysub(&p->to, v1, v2, 0))
- break;
- }
- return 0;
- copysub(&p->to, v1, v2, 1);
- if(debug['P']) {
- print("gotit: %D->%D\n%P", v1, v2, r->prog);
- if(p->from.type == v2->type)
- print(" excise");
- print("\n");
- }
- for(r=uniqs(r); r!=r0; r=uniqs(r)) {
- p = r->prog;
- copysub(&p->from, v1, v2, 1);
- copysub1(p, v1, v2, 1);
- copysub(&p->to, v1, v2, 1);
- if(debug['P'])
- print("%P\n", r->prog);
- }
- t = v1->reg;
- v1->reg = v2->reg;
- v2->reg = t;
- if(debug['P'])
- print("%P last\n", r->prog);
- return 1;
- * The idea is to remove redundant copies.
- * v1->v2 F=0
- * (use v2 s/v2/v1/)*
- * set v1 F=1
- * use v2 return fail
- * -----------------
- * v1->v2 F=0
- * (use v2 s/v2/v1/)*
- * set v1 F=1
- * set v2 return success
- */
-copyprop(Reg *r0)
- Prog *p;
- Adr *v1, *v2;
- Reg *r;
- p = r0->prog;
- v1 = &p->from;
- v2 = &p->to;
- if(copyas(v1, v2))
- return 1;
- for(r=firstr; r!=R; r=r->link)
- r->active = 0;
- return copy1(v1, v2, r0->s1, 0);
-copy1(Adr *v1, Adr *v2, Reg *r, int f)
- int t;
- Prog *p;
- if(r->active) {
- if(debug['P'])
- print("act set; return 1\n");
- return 1;
- }
- r->active = 1;
- if(debug['P'])
- print("copy %D->%D f=%d\n", v1, v2, f);
- for(; r != R; r = r->s1) {
- p = r->prog;
- if(debug['P'])
- print("%P", p);
- if(!f && uniqp(r) == R) {
- f = 1;
- if(debug['P'])
- print("; merge; f=%d", f);
- }
- t = copyu(p, v2, A);
- switch(t) {
- case 2: /* rar, cant split */
- if(debug['P'])
- print("; %Drar; return 0\n", v2);
- return 0;
- case 3: /* set */
- if(debug['P'])
- print("; %Dset; return 1\n", v2);
- return 1;
- case 1: /* used, substitute */
- case 4: /* use and set */
- if(f) {
- if(!debug['P'])
- return 0;
- if(t == 4)
- print("; %Dused+set and f=%d; return 0\n", v2, f);
- else
- print("; %Dused and f=%d; return 0\n", v2, f);
- return 0;
- }
- if(copyu(p, v2, v1)) {
- if(debug['P'])
- print("; sub fail; return 0\n");
- return 0;
- }
- if(debug['P'])
- print("; sub%D/%D", v2, v1);
- if(t == 4) {
- if(debug['P'])
- print("; %Dused+set; return 1\n", v2);
- return 1;
- }
- break;
- }
- if(!f) {
- t = copyu(p, v1, A);
- if(!f && (t == 2 || t == 3 || t == 4)) {
- f = 1;
- if(debug['P'])
- print("; %Dset and !f; f=%d", v1, f);
- }
- }
- if(debug['P'])
- print("\n");
- if(r->s2)
- if(!copy1(v1, v2, r->s2, f))
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
- * return
- * 1 if v only used (and substitute),
- * 2 if read-alter-rewrite
- * 3 if set
- * 4 if set and used
- * 0 otherwise (not touched)
- */
-copyu(Prog *p, Adr *v, Adr *s)
- switch(p->as) {
- default:
- if(debug['P'])
- print(" (???)");
- diag(Z, "copyu: unknown op %P", p);
- return 2;
- case ANOP: /* read, write */
- case AMOVQ:
- case AMOVL:
- case AMOVLU:
- case AMOVW:
- case AMOVWU:
- case AMOVB:
- case AMOVBU:
- case AMOVS:
- case AMOVT:
- case ACVTTQ:
- case ACVTQT:
- case ACVTQS:
- case ACVTTS:
- if(s != A) {
- if(copysub(&p->from, v, s, 1))
- return 1;
- if(!copyas(&p->to, v))
- if(copysub(&p->to, v, s, 1))
- return 1;
- return 0;
- }
- if(copyas(&p->to, v)) {
- if(copyau(&p->from, v))
- return 4;
- return 3;
- }
- if(copyau(&p->from, v))
- return 1;
- if(copyau(&p->to, v))
- return 1;
- return 0;
- case AADDQ: /* read read write */
- case ASUBQ:
- case AADDL:
- case ASUBL:
- case ACMPEQ:
- case ACMPGT:
- case ACMPGE:
- case ACMPUGT:
- case ACMPUGE:
- case ACMPBLE:
- case ASLLQ:
- case ASRLQ:
- case ASRAQ:
- case ASLLL:
- case ASRLL:
- case ASRAL:
- case AOR:
- case AAND:
- case AXOR:
- case AMULQ:
- case AMULL:
- case AUMULH:
- case ADIVQ:
- case ADIVQU:
- case AMODQ:
- case AMODQU:
- case ADIVL:
- case ADIVLU:
- case AMODL:
- case AMODLU:
- case AADDS:
- case AADDT:
- case ASUBS:
- case ASUBT:
- case AMULS:
- case AMULT:
- case ADIVS:
- case ADIVT:
- case ACMPTEQ:
- case ACMPTGT:
- case ACMPTGE:
- if(s != A) {
- if(copysub(&p->from, v, s, 1))
- return 1;
- if(copysub1(p, v, s, 1))
- return 1;
- if(!copyas(&p->to, v))
- if(copysub(&p->to, v, s, 1))
- return 1;
- return 0;
- }
- if(copyas(&p->to, v)) {
- if(p->reg == NREG)
- p->reg = p->to.reg;
- if(copyau(&p->from, v))
- return 4;
- if(copyau1(p, v))
- return 4;
- return 3;
- }
- if(copyau(&p->from, v))
- return 1;
- if(copyau1(p, v))
- return 1;
- if(copyau(&p->to, v))
- return 1;
- return 0;
- case ABEQ: /* read */
- case ABNE:
- case ABLT:
- case ABGE:
- case ABLE:
- case ABGT:
- case ABLBC:
- case ABLBS:
- case AFBEQ:
- case AFBNE:
- case AFBLT:
- case AFBGE:
- case AFBLE:
- case AFBGT:
- if(s != A)
- return copysub(&p->from, v, s, 1);
- if(copyau(&p->from, v))
- return 1;
- return 0;
-#ifdef NOPE
- case ???: /* read read */
- if(s != A) {
- if(copysub(&p->from, v, s, 1))
- return 1;
- return copysub(&p->to, v, s, 1);
- }
- if(copyau(&p->from, v))
- return 1;
- if(copyau(&p->to, v))
- return 1;
- break;
- case AJMP: /* funny */
- if(s != A) {
- if(copysub(&p->to, v, s, 1))
- return 1;
- return 0;
- }
- if(copyau(&p->to, v))
- return 1;
- return 0;
- case ARET: /* funny */
- if(v->type == D_REG)
- if(v->reg == REGRET)
- return 2;
- if(v->type == D_FREG)
- if(v->reg == FREGRET)
- return 2;
- case AJSR: /* funny */
- if(v->type == D_REG) {
- if(v->reg <= REGEXT && v->reg > exregoffset)
- return 2;
- if(REGARG != NREG && v->reg == REGARG)
- return 2;
- }
- if(v->type == D_FREG)
- if(v->reg <= FREGEXT && v->reg > exfregoffset)
- return 2;
- if(s != A) {
- if(copysub(&p->to, v, s, 1))
- return 1;
- return 0;
- }
- if(copyau(&p->to, v))
- return 4;
- return 3;
- case ATEXT: /* funny */
- if(v->type == D_REG)
- if(v->reg == REGARG)
- return 3;
- return 0;
- }
-a2type(Prog *p)
- switch(p->as) {
- case AADDQ:
- case ASUBQ:
- case ASLLQ:
- case ASRLQ:
- case ASRAQ:
- case ASLLL:
- case ASRLL:
- case ASRAL:
- case AOR:
- case AAND:
- case AXOR:
- case AMULQ:
- case ADIVQ:
- case ADIVQU:
- case AMODQ:
- case AMODQU:
- case ADIVL:
- case ADIVLU:
- case AMODL:
- case AMODLU:
- case AADDL:
- case ASUBL:
- case AEXTLL:
- case ACMPEQ:
- case ACMPGT:
- case ACMPGE:
- case ACMPUGT:
- case ACMPUGE:
- case ACMPBLE:
- case AMULL:
- case AUMULH:
- return D_REG;
- case AADDS:
- case AADDT:
- case ASUBS:
- case ASUBT:
- case AMULS:
- case AMULT:
- case ADIVS:
- case ADIVT:
- case ACMPTEQ:
- case ACMPTGT:
- case ACMPTGE:
- case ACVTTQ:
- case ACVTQT:
- return D_FREG;
- }
- return D_NONE;
- * direct reference,
- * could be set/use depending on
- * semantics
- */
-copyas(Adr *a, Adr *v)
- if(regtyp(v))
- if(a->type == v->type)
- if(a->reg == v->reg)
- return 1;
- return 0;
- * either direct or indirect
- */
-copyau(Adr *a, Adr *v)
- if(copyas(a, v))
- return 1;
- if(v->type == D_REG)
- if(a->type == D_OREG)
- if(v->reg == a->reg)
- return 1;
- return 0;
-copyau1(Prog *p, Adr *v)
- if(regtyp(v))
- if(p->from.type == v->type || p->to.type == v->type)
- if(p->reg == v->reg) {
- if(a2type(p) != v->type)
- print("botch a2type %P\n", p);
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- * substitute s for v in a
- * return failure to substitute
- */
-copysub(Adr *a, Adr *v, Adr *s, int f)
- if(f)
- if(copyau(a, v))
- a->reg = s->reg;
- return 0;
-copysub1(Prog *p1, Adr *v, Adr *s, int f)
- if(f)
- if(copyau1(p1, v))
- p1->reg = s->reg;
- return 0;
--- a/sys/src/cmd/7c/reg.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1164 +1,0 @@
-#include "gc.h"
-void addsplits(void);
- Reg *r;
- r = freer;
- if(r == R) {
- r = alloc(sizeof(*r));
- } else
- freer = r->link;
- *r = zreg;
- return r;
-rcmp(void *a1, void *a2)
- Rgn *p1, *p2;
- int c1, c2;
- p1 = a1;
- p2 = a2;
- c1 = p2->cost;
- c2 = p1->cost;
- if(c1 -= c2)
- return c1;
- return p2->varno - p1->varno;
-regopt(Prog *p)
- Reg *r, *r1, *r2;
- Prog *p1;
- int i, z;
- long initpc, val, npc;
- ulong vreg;
- Bits bit;
- struct
- {
- long m;
- long c;
- Reg* p;
- } log5[6], *lp;
- firstr = R;
- lastr = R;
- nvar = 0;
- regbits = 0;
- for(z=0; z<BITS; z++) {
- externs.b[z] = 0;
- params.b[z] = 0;
- consts.b[z] = 0;
- addrs.b[z] = 0;
- }
- /*
- * pass 1
- * build aux data structure
- * allocate pcs
- * find use and set of variables
- */
- val = 5L * 5L * 5L * 5L * 5L;
- lp = log5;
- for(i=0; i<5; i++) {
- lp->m = val;
- lp->c = 0;
- lp->p = R;
- val /= 5L;
- lp++;
- }
- val = 0;
- for(; p != P; p = p->link) {
- switch(p->as) {
- case ADATA:
- case AGLOBL:
- case ANAME:
- continue;
- }
- r = rega();
- if(firstr == R) {
- firstr = r;
- lastr = r;
- } else {
- lastr->link = r;
- r->p1 = lastr;
- lastr->s1 = r;
- lastr = r;
- }
- r->prog = p;
- r->pc = val;
- val++;
- lp = log5;
- for(i=0; i<5; i++) {
- lp->c--;
- if(lp->c <= 0) {
- lp->c = lp->m;
- if(lp->p != R)
- lp->p->log5 = r;
- lp->p = r;
- (lp+1)->c = 0;
- break;
- }
- lp++;
- }
- r1 = r->p1;
- if(r1 != R)
- switch(r1->prog->as) {
- case ARET:
- case AJMP:
- case AREI:
- r->p1 = R;
- r1->s1 = R;
- }
- /*
- * left side always read
- */
- bit = mkvar(&p->from, p->as==AMOVQ || p->as==AMOVL);
- for(z=0; z<BITS; z++)
- r->use1.b[z] |= bit.b[z];
- /*
- * right side depends on opcode
- */
- bit = mkvar(&p->to, 0);
- if(bany(&bit))
- switch(p->as) {
- default:
- diag(Z, "reg: unknown asop: %ud", p->as);
- break;
- /*
- * right side write
- */
- case ANOP:
- case AMOVB:
- case AMOVBU:
- case AMOVW:
- case AMOVWU:
- case AMOVL:
- case AMOVQ:
- case AMOVS:
- case AMOVT:
- for(z=0; z<BITS; z++)
- r->set.b[z] |= bit.b[z];
- break;
- /*
- * funny
- */
- case AJSR:
- for(z=0; z<BITS; z++)
- addrs.b[z] |= bit.b[z];
- break;
- }
- }
- if(firstr == R)
- return;
- initpc = pc - val;
- npc = val;
- /*
- * pass 2
- * turn branch references to pointers
- * build back pointers
- */
- for(r = firstr; r != R; r = r->link) {
- p = r->prog;
- if(p->to.type == D_BRANCH) {
- val = p->to.offset - initpc;
- r1 = firstr;
- while(r1 != R) {
- r2 = r1->log5;
- if(r2 != R && val >= r2->pc) {
- r1 = r2;
- continue;
- }
- if(r1->pc == val)
- break;
- r1 = r1->link;
- }
- if(r1 == R) {
- nearln = p->lineno;
- diag(Z, "ref not found\n%P", p);
- continue;
- }
- if(r1 == r) {
- nearln = p->lineno;
- diag(Z, "ref to self\n%P", p);
- continue;
- }
- r->s2 = r1;
- r->p2link = r1->p2;
- r1->p2 = r;
- }
- }
- if(debug['R']) {
- p = firstr->prog;
- print("\n%L %D\n", p->lineno, &p->from);
- }
- /*
- * pass 2.5
- * find looping structure
- */
- for(r = firstr; r != R; r = r->link)
- r->active = 0;
- change = 0;
- loopit(firstr, npc);
- /*
- * pass 3
- * iterate propagating usage
- * back until flow graph is complete
- */
- change = 0;
- for(r = firstr; r != R; r = r->link)
- r->active = 0;
- for(r = firstr; r != R; r = r->link)
- if(r->prog->as == ARET)
- prop(r, zbits, zbits);
- /* pick up unreachable code */
- i = 0;
- for(r = firstr; r != R; r = r1) {
- r1 = r->link;
- if(r1 && r1->active && !r->active) {
- prop(r, zbits, zbits);
- i = 1;
- }
- }
- if(i)
- goto loop11;
- if(change)
- goto loop1;
- /*
- * pass 4
- * iterate propagating register/variable synchrony
- * forward until graph is complete
- */
- change = 0;
- for(r = firstr; r != R; r = r->link)
- r->active = 0;
- synch(firstr, zbits);
- if(change)
- goto loop2;
- addsplits();
- if(debug['R'] && debug['v']) {
- print("\nprop structure:\n");
- for(r = firstr; r != R; r = r->link) {
- print("%ld:%P", r->loop, r->prog);
- for(z=0; z<BITS; z++)
- bit.b[z] = r->set.b[z] |
- r->refahead.b[z] | r->calahead.b[z] |
- r->refbehind.b[z] | r->calbehind.b[z] |
- r->use1.b[z] | r->use2.b[z];
- if(bany(&bit)) {
- print("\t");
- if(bany(&r->use1))
- print(" u1=%B", r->use1);
- if(bany(&r->use2))
- print(" u2=%B", r->use2);
- if(bany(&r->set))
- print(" st=%B", r->set);
- if(bany(&r->refahead))
- print(" ra=%B", r->refahead);
- if(bany(&r->calahead))
- print(" ca=%B", r->calahead);
- if(bany(&r->refbehind))
- print(" rb=%B", r->refbehind);
- if(bany(&r->calbehind))
- print(" cb=%B", r->calbehind);
- }
- print("\n");
- }
- }
- /*
- * pass 5
- * isolate regions
- * calculate costs (paint1)
- */
- r = firstr;
- if(r) {
- for(z=0; z<BITS; z++)
- bit.b[z] = (r->refahead.b[z] | r->calahead.b[z]) &
- ~(externs.b[z] | params.b[z] | addrs.b[z] | consts.b[z]);
- if(bany(&bit)) {
- nearln = r->prog->lineno;
- warn(Z, "used and not set: %B", bit);
- if(debug['R'] && !debug['w'])
- print("used and not set: %B\n", bit);
- }
- }
- for(r = firstr; r != R; r = r->link)
- r->act = zbits;
- rgp = region;
- nregion = 0;
- for(r = firstr; r != R; r = r->link) {
- for(z=0; z<BITS; z++)
- bit.b[z] = r->set.b[z] &
- ~(r->refahead.b[z] | r->calahead.b[z] | addrs.b[z]);
- if(bany(&bit)) {
- nearln = r->prog->lineno;
- warn(Z, "set and not used: %B", bit);
- if(debug['R'])
- print("set and not used: %B\n", bit);
- excise(r);
- }
- for(z=0; z<BITS; z++)
- bit.b[z] = LOAD(r) & ~(r->act.b[z] | addrs.b[z]);
- while(bany(&bit)) {
- i = bnum(bit);
- rgp->enter = r;
- rgp->varno = i;
- change = 0;
- if(debug['R'] && debug['v'])
- print("\n");
- paint1(r, i);
- bit.b[i/32] &= ~(1L<<(i%32));
- if(change <= 0) {
- if(debug['R'])
- print("%L $%d: %B\n",
- r->prog->lineno, change, blsh(i));
- continue;
- }
- rgp->cost = change;
- nregion++;
- if(nregion >= NRGN) {
- warn(Z, "too many regions");
- goto brk;
- }
- rgp++;
- }
- }
- qsort(region, nregion, sizeof(region[0]), rcmp);
- /*
- * pass 6
- * determine used registers (paint2)
- * replace code (paint3)
- */
- rgp = region;
- for(i=0; i<nregion; i++) {
- bit = blsh(rgp->varno);
- vreg = paint2(rgp->enter, rgp->varno);
- vreg = allreg(vreg, rgp);
- if(debug['R']) {
- if(rgp->regno >= NREG)
- print("%L $%d F%d: %B\n",
- rgp->enter->prog->lineno,
- rgp->cost,
- rgp->regno-NREG,
- bit);
- else
- print("%L $%d R%d: %B\n",
- rgp->enter->prog->lineno,
- rgp->cost,
- rgp->regno,
- bit);
- }
- if(rgp->regno != 0)
- paint3(rgp->enter, rgp->varno, vreg, rgp->regno);
- rgp++;
- }
- /*
- * pass 7
- * peep-hole on basic block
- */
- if(!debug['R'] || debug['P'])
- peep();
- /*
- * pass 8
- * recalculate pc
- */
- val = initpc;
- for(r = firstr; r != R; r = r1) {
- r->pc = val;
- p = r->prog;
- p1 = P;
- r1 = r->link;
- if(r1 != R)
- p1 = r1->prog;
- for(; p != p1; p = p->link) {
- switch(p->as) {
- default:
- val++;
- break;
- case ANOP:
- case ADATA:
- case AGLOBL:
- case ANAME:
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- pc = val;
- /*
- * fix up branches
- */
- if(debug['R'])
- if(bany(&addrs))
- print("addrs: %B\n", addrs);
- r1 = 0; /* set */
- for(r = firstr; r != R; r = r->link) {
- p = r->prog;
- if(p->to.type == D_BRANCH)
- p->to.offset = r->s2->pc;
- r1 = r;
- }
- /*
- * last pass
- * eliminate nops
- * free aux structures
- */
- for(p = firstr->prog; p != P; p = p->link){
- while(p->link && p->link->as == ANOP)
- p->link = p->link->link;
- }
- if(r1 != R) {
- r1->link = freer;
- freer = firstr;
- }
- Reg *r, *r1;
- int z, i;
- Bits bit;
- for(r = firstr; r != R; r = r->link) {
- if(r->loop > 1)
- continue;
- if(r->prog->as == AJSR)
- continue;
- for(r1 = r->p2; r1 != R; r1 = r1->p2link) {
- if(r1->loop <= 1)
- continue;
- for(z=0; z<BITS; z++)
- bit.b[z] = r1->calbehind.b[z] &
- (r->refahead.b[z] | r->use1.b[z] | r->use2.b[z]) &
- ~(r->calahead.b[z] & addrs.b[z]);
- while(bany(&bit)) {
- i = bnum(bit);
- bit.b[i/32] &= ~(1L << (i%32));
- }
- }
- }
- * add mov b,rn
- * just after r
- */
-addmove(Reg *r, int bn, int rn, int f)
- Prog *p, *p1;
- Adr *a;
- Var *v;
- p1 = alloc(sizeof(*p1));
- *p1 = zprog;
- p = r->prog;
- p1->link = p->link;
- p->link = p1;
- p1->lineno = p->lineno;
- v = var + bn;
- a = &p1->to;
- a->sym = v->sym;
- a->name = v->name;
- a->offset = v->offset;
- a->etype = v->etype;
- a->type = D_OREG;
- if(a->etype == TARRAY || a->sym == S)
- a->type = D_CONST;
- p1->as = AMOVL;
- if(v->etype == TCHAR || v->etype == TUCHAR) /* TODO: optimise locals? */
- p1->as = AMOVB;
- if(v->etype == TSHORT || v->etype == TUSHORT)
- p1->as = AMOVW;
- if(v->etype == TVLONG || v->etype == TUVLONG)
- p1->as = AMOVQ;
- if(v->etype == TFLOAT)
- p1->as = AMOVS;
- if(v->etype == TDOUBLE)
- p1->as = AMOVT;
- p1->from.type = D_REG;
- p1->from.reg = rn;
- if(rn >= NREG) {
- p1->from.type = D_FREG;
- p1->from.reg = rn-NREG;
- }
- if(!f) {
- p1->from = *a;
- *a = zprog.from;
- a->type = D_REG;
- a->reg = rn;
- if(rn >= NREG) {
- a->type = D_FREG;
- a->reg = rn-NREG;
- }
- if(v->etype == TUCHAR)
- p1->as = AMOVBU;
- if(v->etype == TUSHORT)
- p1->as = AMOVWU;
- }
- if(debug['R'])
- print("%P\t.a%P\n", p, p1);
-mkvar(Adr *a, int docon)
- Var *v;
- int i, t, n, et, z;
- vlong o;
- Bits bit;
- Sym *s;
- t = a->type;
- if(t == D_REG && a->reg != NREG)
- regbits |= RtoB(a->reg);
- if(t == D_FREG && a->reg != NREG)
- regbits |= FtoB(a->reg);
- s = a->sym;
- o = a->offset;
- et = a->etype;
- if(s == S) {
- if(t != D_CONST || !docon || a->reg != NREG)
- goto none;
- et = TLONG;
- if (o > 0x7FFFFFFFLL || o < -0x80000000LL)
- et = TVLONG;
- }
- if(t == D_CONST) {
- if(s == S && sval(o))
- goto none;
- }
- n = a->name;
- v = var;
- for(i=0; i<nvar; i++) {
- if(s == v->sym)
- if(n == v->name)
- if(o == v->offset)
- goto out;
- v++;
- }
- if(s)
- if(s->name[0] == '.')
- goto none;
- if(nvar >= NVAR) {
- if(debug['w'] > 1 && s)
- warn(Z, "variable not optimized: %s", s->name);
- goto none;
- }
- i = nvar;
- nvar++;
- v = &var[i];
- v->sym = s;
- v->offset = o;
- v->etype = et;
- v->name = n;
- if(debug['R'])
- print("bit=%2d et=%2d %D\n", i, et, a);
- bit = blsh(i);
- if(n == D_EXTERN || n == D_STATIC)
- for(z=0; z<BITS; z++)
- externs.b[z] |= bit.b[z];
- if(n == D_PARAM)
- for(z=0; z<BITS; z++)
- params.b[z] |= bit.b[z];
- if(v->etype != et || (!typechlpfd[et] && !typev[et])) /* funny punning? */
- for(z=0; z<BITS; z++)
- addrs.b[z] |= bit.b[z];
- if(t == D_CONST) {
- if(s == S) {
- for(z=0; z<BITS; z++)
- consts.b[z] |= bit.b[z];
- return bit;
- }
- if(et != TARRAY)
- for(z=0; z<BITS; z++)
- addrs.b[z] |= bit.b[z];
- for(z=0; z<BITS; z++)
- params.b[z] |= bit.b[z];
- return bit;
- }
- if(t == D_OREG)
- return bit;
- return zbits;
-prop(Reg *r, Bits ref, Bits cal)
- Reg *r1, *r2;
- int z;
- for(r1 = r; r1 != R; r1 = r1->p1) {
- for(z=0; z<BITS; z++) {
- ref.b[z] |= r1->refahead.b[z];
- if(ref.b[z] != r1->refahead.b[z]) {
- r1->refahead.b[z] = ref.b[z];
- change++;
- }
- cal.b[z] |= r1->calahead.b[z];
- if(cal.b[z] != r1->calahead.b[z]) {
- r1->calahead.b[z] = cal.b[z];
- change++;
- }
- }
- switch(r1->prog->as) {
- case AJSR:
- for(z=0; z<BITS; z++) {
- cal.b[z] |= ref.b[z] | externs.b[z];
- ref.b[z] = 0;
- }
- break;
- case ATEXT:
- for(z=0; z<BITS; z++) {
- cal.b[z] = 0;
- ref.b[z] = 0;
- }
- break;
- case ARET:
- for(z=0; z<BITS; z++) {
- cal.b[z] = externs.b[z];
- ref.b[z] = 0;
- }
- }
- for(z=0; z<BITS; z++) {
- ref.b[z] = (ref.b[z] & ~r1->set.b[z]) |
- r1->use1.b[z] | r1->use2.b[z];
- cal.b[z] &= ~(r1->set.b[z] | r1->use1.b[z] | r1->use2.b[z]);
- r1->refbehind.b[z] = ref.b[z];
- r1->calbehind.b[z] = cal.b[z];
- }
- if(r1->active)
- break;
- r1->active = 1;
- }
- for(; r != r1; r = r->p1)
- for(r2 = r->p2; r2 != R; r2 = r2->p2link)
- prop(r2, r->refbehind, r->calbehind);
- * find looping structure
- *
- * 1) find reverse postordering
- * 2) find approximate dominators,
- * the actual dominators if the flow graph is reducible
- * otherwise, dominators plus some other non-dominators.
- * See Matthew S. Hecht and Jeffrey D. Ullman,
- * "Analysis of a Simple Algorithm for Global Data Flow Problems",
- * Conf. Record of ACM Symp. on Principles of Prog. Langs, Boston, Massachusetts,
- * Oct. 1-3, 1973, pp. 207-217.
- * 3) find all nodes with a predecessor dominated by the current node.
- * such a node is a loop head.
- * recursively, all preds with a greater rpo number are in the loop
- */
-postorder(Reg *r, Reg **rpo2r, long n)
- Reg *r1;
- r->rpo = 1;
- r1 = r->s1;
- if(r1 && !r1->rpo)
- n = postorder(r1, rpo2r, n);
- r1 = r->s2;
- if(r1 && !r1->rpo)
- n = postorder(r1, rpo2r, n);
- rpo2r[n] = r;
- n++;
- return n;
-rpolca(long *idom, long rpo1, long rpo2)
- long t;
- if(rpo1 == -1)
- return rpo2;
- while(rpo1 != rpo2){
- if(rpo1 > rpo2){
- t = rpo2;
- rpo2 = rpo1;
- rpo1 = t;
- }
- while(rpo1 < rpo2){
- t = idom[rpo2];
- if(t >= rpo2)
- fatal(Z, "bad idom");
- rpo2 = t;
- }
- }
- return rpo1;
-doms(long *idom, long r, long s)
- while(s > r)
- s = idom[s];
- return s == r;
-loophead(long *idom, Reg *r)
- long src;
- src = r->rpo;
- if(r->p1 != R && doms(idom, src, r->p1->rpo))
- return 1;
- for(r = r->p2; r != R; r = r->p2link)
- if(doms(idom, src, r->rpo))
- return 1;
- return 0;
-loopmark(Reg **rpo2r, long head, Reg *r)
- if(r->rpo < head || r->active == head)
- return;
- r->active = head;
- r->loop += LOOP;
- if(r->p1 != R)
- loopmark(rpo2r, head, r->p1);
- for(r = r->p2; r != R; r = r->p2link)
- loopmark(rpo2r, head, r);
-loopit(Reg *r, long nr)
- Reg *r1;
- long i, d, me;
- if(nr > maxnr) {
- rpo2r = alloc(nr * sizeof(Reg*));
- idom = alloc(nr * sizeof(long));
- maxnr = nr;
- }
- d = postorder(r, rpo2r, 0);
- if(d > nr)
- fatal(Z, "too many reg nodes");
- nr = d;
- for(i = 0; i < nr / 2; i++){
- r1 = rpo2r[i];
- rpo2r[i] = rpo2r[nr - 1 - i];
- rpo2r[nr - 1 - i] = r1;
- }
- for(i = 0; i < nr; i++)
- rpo2r[i]->rpo = i;
- idom[0] = 0;
- for(i = 0; i < nr; i++){
- r1 = rpo2r[i];
- me = r1->rpo;
- d = -1;
- if(r1->p1 != R && r1->p1->rpo < me)
- d = r1->p1->rpo;
- for(r1 = r1->p2; r1 != nil; r1 = r1->p2link)
- if(r1->rpo < me)
- d = rpolca(idom, d, r1->rpo);
- idom[i] = d;
- }
- for(i = 0; i < nr; i++){
- r1 = rpo2r[i];
- r1->loop++;
- if(r1->p2 != R && loophead(idom, r1))
- loopmark(rpo2r, i, r1);
- }
-synch(Reg *r, Bits dif)
- Reg *r1;
- int z;
- for(r1 = r; r1 != R; r1 = r1->s1) {
- for(z=0; z<BITS; z++) {
- dif.b[z] = (dif.b[z] &
- ~(~r1->refbehind.b[z] & r1->refahead.b[z])) |
- r1->set.b[z] | r1->regdiff.b[z];
- if(dif.b[z] != r1->regdiff.b[z]) {
- r1->regdiff.b[z] = dif.b[z];
- change++;
- }
- }
- if(r1->active)
- break;
- r1->active = 1;
- for(z=0; z<BITS; z++)
- dif.b[z] &= ~(~r1->calbehind.b[z] & r1->calahead.b[z]);
- if(r1->s2 != R)
- synch(r1->s2, dif);
- }
-allreg(ulong b, Rgn *r)
- Var *v;
- int i;
- v = var + r->varno;
- r->regno = 0;
- switch(v->etype) {
- default:
- diag(Z, "unknown etype %d/%d", bitno(b), v->etype);
- break;
- case TCHAR:
- case TUCHAR:
- case TSHORT:
- case TUSHORT:
- case TINT:
- case TUINT:
- case TLONG:
- case TULONG:
- case TVLONG:
- case TUVLONG:
- case TIND:
- case TARRAY:
- i = BtoR(~b);
- if(i && r->cost >= 0) {
- r->regno = i;
- return RtoB(i);
- }
- break;
- case TDOUBLE:
- case TFLOAT:
- i = BtoF(~b);
- if(i && r->cost >= 0) {
- r->regno = i+NREG;
- return FtoB(i);
- }
- break;
- }
- return 0;
-paint1(Reg *r, int bn)
- Reg *r1;
- Prog *p;
- int z;
- ulong bb;
- z = bn/32;
- bb = 1L<<(bn%32);
- if(r->act.b[z] & bb)
- return;
- for(;;) {
- if(!(r->refbehind.b[z] & bb))
- break;
- r1 = r->p1;
- if(r1 == R)
- break;
- if(!(r1->refahead.b[z] & bb))
- break;
- if(r1->act.b[z] & bb)
- break;
- r = r1;
- }
- if(LOAD(r) & ~(r->set.b[z] & ~(r->use1.b[z]|r->use2.b[z])) & bb) {
- change -= CLOAD * r->loop;
- if(debug['R'] && debug['v'])
- print("%ld%P\tld %B $%d\n", r->loop,
- r->prog, blsh(bn), change);
- }
- for(;;) {
- r->act.b[z] |= bb;
- p = r->prog;
- if(r->use1.b[z] & bb) {
- change += CREF * r->loop;
- if(debug['R'] && debug['v'])
- print("%ld%P\tu1 %B $%d\n", r->loop,
- p, blsh(bn), change);
- }
- if((r->use2.b[z]|r->set.b[z]) & bb) {
- change += CREF * r->loop;
- if(debug['R'] && debug['v'])
- print("%ld%P\tu2 %B $%d\n", r->loop,
- p, blsh(bn), change);
- }
- if(STORE(r) & r->regdiff.b[z] & bb) {
- change -= CLOAD * r->loop;
- if(debug['R'] && debug['v'])
- print("%ld%P\tst %B $%d\n", r->loop,
- p, blsh(bn), change);
- }
- if(r->refbehind.b[z] & bb)
- for(r1 = r->p2; r1 != R; r1 = r1->p2link)
- if(r1->refahead.b[z] & bb)
- paint1(r1, bn);
- if(!(r->refahead.b[z] & bb))
- break;
- r1 = r->s2;
- if(r1 != R)
- if(r1->refbehind.b[z] & bb)
- paint1(r1, bn);
- r = r->s1;
- if(r == R)
- break;
- if(r->act.b[z] & bb)
- break;
- if(!(r->refbehind.b[z] & bb))
- break;
- }
-paint2(Reg *r, int bn)
- Reg *r1;
- int z;
- ulong bb, vreg;
- z = bn/32;
- bb = 1L << (bn%32);
- vreg = regbits;
- if(!(r->act.b[z] & bb))
- return vreg;
- for(;;) {
- if(!(r->refbehind.b[z] & bb))
- break;
- r1 = r->p1;
- if(r1 == R)
- break;
- if(!(r1->refahead.b[z] & bb))
- break;
- if(!(r1->act.b[z] & bb))
- break;
- r = r1;
- }
- for(;;) {
- r->act.b[z] &= ~bb;
- vreg |= r->regu;
- if(r->refbehind.b[z] & bb)
- for(r1 = r->p2; r1 != R; r1 = r1->p2link)
- if(r1->refahead.b[z] & bb)
- vreg |= paint2(r1, bn);
- if(!(r->refahead.b[z] & bb))
- break;
- r1 = r->s2;
- if(r1 != R)
- if(r1->refbehind.b[z] & bb)
- vreg |= paint2(r1, bn);
- r = r->s1;
- if(r == R)
- break;
- if(!(r->act.b[z] & bb))
- break;
- if(!(r->refbehind.b[z] & bb))
- break;
- }
- return vreg;
-paint3(Reg *r, int bn, long rb, int rn)
- Reg *r1;
- Prog *p;
- int z;
- ulong bb;
- z = bn/32;
- bb = 1L << (bn%32);
- if(r->act.b[z] & bb)
- return;
- for(;;) {
- if(!(r->refbehind.b[z] & bb))
- break;
- r1 = r->p1;
- if(r1 == R)
- break;
- if(!(r1->refahead.b[z] & bb))
- break;
- if(r1->act.b[z] & bb)
- break;
- r = r1;
- }
- if(LOAD(r) & ~(r->set.b[z] & ~(r->use1.b[z]|r->use2.b[z])) & bb)
- addmove(r, bn, rn, 0);
- for(;;) {
- r->act.b[z] |= bb;
- p = r->prog;
- if(r->use1.b[z] & bb) {
- if(debug['R'])
- print("%P", p);
- addreg(&p->from, rn);
- if(p->as == AMOVL && typechlp[var[bn].etype])
- p->as = AMOVQ;
- if(debug['R'])
- print("\t.c%P\n", p);
- }
- if((r->use2.b[z]|r->set.b[z]) & bb) {
- if(debug['R'])
- print("%P", p);
- addreg(&p->to, rn);
- if(p->as == AMOVL && typechlp[var[bn].etype])
- p->as = AMOVQ;
- if(debug['R'])
- print("\t.c%P\n", p);
- }
- if(STORE(r) & r->regdiff.b[z] & bb)
- addmove(r, bn, rn, 1);
- r->regu |= rb;
- if(r->refbehind.b[z] & bb)
- for(r1 = r->p2; r1 != R; r1 = r1->p2link)
- if(r1->refahead.b[z] & bb)
- paint3(r1, bn, rb, rn);
- if(!(r->refahead.b[z] & bb))
- break;
- r1 = r->s2;
- if(r1 != R)
- if(r1->refbehind.b[z] & bb)
- paint3(r1, bn, rb, rn);
- r = r->s1;
- if(r == R)
- break;
- if(r->act.b[z] & bb)
- break;
- if(!(r->refbehind.b[z] & bb))
- break;
- }
-addreg(Adr *a, int rn)
- a->sym = 0;
- a->name = D_NONE;
- a->type = D_REG;
- a->reg = rn;
- if(rn >= NREG) {
- a->type = D_FREG;
- a->reg = rn-NREG;
- }
- * bit reg
- * 0 R2
- * 1 R3
- * ... ...
- * 10 R12
- * 11 R16
- * ... ...
- * 19 R24
- * 20 R25
- */
-RtoB(int r)
- if(r >= 2 && r <= 12)
- return 1L << (r-2);
- if(r >= 16 && r <= 25)
- return 1L << (r-5);
- return 0;
-BtoR(long b)
- int r;
- b &= 0x001fffffL;
- if(b == 0)
- return 0;
- r = bitno(b) + 2;
- if (r >= 13)
- r += 3;
- return r;
- * bit reg
- * 21 F1
- * 22 F2
- * ... ...
- * 31 F11
- */
-FtoB(int f)
- if(f < 1 || f > 11)
- return 0;
- return 1L << (f + 20);
-BtoF(long b)
- b &= 0xffe00000L;
- if(b == 0)
- return 0;
- return bitno(b) - 20;
--- a/sys/src/cmd/7c/sgen.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,235 +1,0 @@
-#include "gc.h"
-noretval(int n)
- if(n & 1) {
- gins(ANOP, Z, Z);
- p->to.type = D_REG;
- p->to.reg = REGRET;
- }
- if(n & 2) {
- gins(ANOP, Z, Z);
- p->to.type = D_FREG;
- p->to.reg = FREGRET;
- }
- * calculate addressability as follows
- * CONST ==> 20 $value
- * NAME ==> 10 name
- * REGISTER ==> 11 register
- * INDREG ==> 12 *[(reg)+offset]
- * &10 ==> 2 $name
- * ADD(2, 20) ==> 2 $name+offset
- * ADD(3, 20) ==> 3 $(reg)+offset
- * &12 ==> 3 $(reg)+offset
- * *11 ==> 11 ??
- * *2 ==> 10 name
- * *3 ==> 12 *(reg)+offset
- * calculate complexity (number of registers)
- */
-xcom(Node *n)
- Node *l, *r;
- int t;
- if(n == Z)
- return;
- l = n->left;
- r = n->right;
- n->addable = 0;
- n->complex = 0;
- switch(n->op) {
- case OCONST:
- n->addable = 20;
- return;
- n->addable = 11;
- return;
- case OINDREG:
- n->addable = 12;
- return;
- case ONAME:
- n->addable = 10;
- return;
- case OADDR:
- xcom(l);
- if(l->addable == 10)
- n->addable = 2;
- if(l->addable == 12)
- n->addable = 3;
- break;
- case OIND:
- xcom(l);
- if(l->addable == 11)
- n->addable = 12;
- if(l->addable == 3)
- n->addable = 12;
- if(l->addable == 2)
- n->addable = 10;
- break;
- case OADD:
- xcom(l);
- xcom(r);
- if(l->addable == 20) {
- if(r->addable == 2)
- n->addable = 2;
- if(r->addable == 3)
- n->addable = 3;
- }
- if(r->addable == 20) {
- if(l->addable == 2)
- n->addable = 2;
- if(l->addable == 3)
- n->addable = 3;
- }
- break;
- case OASLMUL:
- case OASMUL:
- xcom(l);
- xcom(r);
- t = vlog(r);
- if(t >= 0) {
- n->op = OASASHL;
- r->vconst = t;
- r->type = types[TINT];
- }
- break;
- case OMUL:
- case OLMUL:
- xcom(l);
- xcom(r);
- t = vlog(r);
- if(t >= 0) {
- n->op = OASHL;
- r->vconst = t;
- r->type = types[TINT];
- }
- t = vlog(l);
- if(t >= 0) {
- n->op = OASHL;
- n->left = r;
- n->right = l;
- r = l;
- l = n->left;
- r->vconst = t;
- r->type = types[TINT];
- }
- break;
- case OASLDIV:
- xcom(l);
- xcom(r);
- t = vlog(r);
- if(t >= 0) {
- n->op = OASLSHR;
- r->vconst = t;
- r->type = types[TINT];
- }
- break;
- case OLDIV:
- xcom(l);
- xcom(r);
- t = vlog(r);
- if(t >= 0) {
- n->op = OLSHR;
- r->vconst = t;
- r->type = types[TINT];
- }
- break;
- case OASLMOD:
- xcom(l);
- xcom(r);
- t = vlog(r);
- if(t >= 0) {
- n->op = OASAND;
- r->vconst--;
- }
- break;
- case OLMOD:
- xcom(l);
- xcom(r);
- t = vlog(r);
- if(t >= 0) {
- n->op = OAND;
- r->vconst--;
- }
- break;
- default:
- if(l != Z)
- xcom(l);
- if(r != Z)
- xcom(r);
- break;
- }
- if(n->addable >= 10)
- return;
- if(l != Z)
- n->complex = l->complex;
- if(r != Z) {
- if(r->complex == n->complex)
- n->complex = r->complex+1;
- else
- if(r->complex > n->complex)
- n->complex = r->complex;
- }
- if(n->complex == 0)
- n->complex++;
- switch(n->op) {
- case OFUNC:
- n->complex = FNX;
- break;
- case OEQ:
- case ONE:
- case OLE:
- case OLT:
- case OGE:
- case OGT:
- case OHI:
- case OHS:
- case OLO:
- case OLS:
- /*
- * immediate operators, make const on right
- */
- if(l->op == OCONST) {
- n->left = r;
- n->right = l;
- n->op = invrel[relindex(n->op)];
- }
- break;
- case OADD:
- case OXOR:
- case OAND:
- case OOR:
- /*
- * immediate operators, make const on right
- */
- if(l->op == OCONST) {
- n->left = r;
- n->right = l;
- }
- break;
- }
--- a/sys/src/cmd/7c/swt.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,578 +1,0 @@
-#include "gc.h"
-swit1(C1 *q, int nc, long def, Node *n)
- Node tn;
- regalloc(&tn, ®node, Z);
- swit2(q, nc, def, n, &tn);
- regfree(&tn);
-swit2(C1 *q, int nc, long def, Node *n, Node *tn)
- C1 *r;
- int i;
- Prog *sp;
- if(nc < 5) {
- for(i=0; i<nc; i++) {
- if(debug['W'])
- print("case = %.8llux\n", q->val);
- if(bval(q->val)) {
- gopcode(OEQ, n, Z, nodconst(q->val));
- } else {
- gopcode(OSUB, nodconst(q->val), n, tn);
- gopcode(OEQ, tn, Z, nodconst(0));
- }
- patch(p, q->label);
- q++;
- }
- gbranch(OGOTO);
- patch(p, def);
- return;
- }
- i = nc / 2;
- r = q+i;
- if(bval(r->val)) {
- gopcode(OGE, n, Z, nodconst(r->val));
- sp = p;
- swit2(q, i, def, n, tn);
- patch(sp, pc);
- swit2(r, nc-i, def, n, tn);
- } else {
- gopcode(OSUB, nodconst(r->val), n, tn);
- gopcode(OGE, tn, Z, nodconst(0));
- sp = p;
- swit2(q, i, def, n, tn);
- patch(sp, pc);
- swit2(r, nc-i, def, n, tn);
- }
-/* if(debug['W'])
- print("case > %.8llux\n", r->val);
- gmove(nodconst(r->val), tn);
- gopcode(OLT, tn, n, Z);
- sp = p;
- gopcode(OEQ, n, tn, Z);
- patch(p, r->label);
- swit2(q, i, def, n, tn);
- if(debug['W'])
- print("case < %.8llux\n", r->val);
- patch(sp, pc);
- swit2(r+1, nc-i-1, def, n, tn); */
-bitload(Node *b, Node *n1, Node *n2, Node *n3, Node *nn)
- int sh;
- long v;
- Node *l;
- /*
- * n1 gets adjusted/masked value
- * n2 gets address of cell
- * n3 gets contents of cell
- */
- l = b->left;
- if(n2 != Z) {
- regalloc(n1, l, nn);
- reglcgen(n2, l, Z);
- regalloc(n3, l, Z);
- gopcode(OAS, n2, Z, n3);
- gopcode(OAS, n3, Z, n1);
- } else {
- regalloc(n1, l, nn);
- cgen(l, n1);
- }
- if(b->type->shift == 0 && typeu[b->type->etype]) {
- v = ~0 + (1L << b->type->nbits);
- gopcode(OAND, nodconst(v), Z, n1);
- } else {
- sh = 32 - b->type->shift - b->type->nbits;
- if(sh > 0)
- gopcode(OASHL, nodconst(sh), Z, n1);
- sh += b->type->shift;
- if(sh > 0)
- if(typeu[b->type->etype])
- gopcode(OLSHR, nodconst(sh), Z, n1);
- else
- gopcode(OASHR, nodconst(sh), Z, n1);
- }
-bitstore(Node *b, Node *n1, Node *n2, Node *n3, Node *nn)
- long v;
- Node nod, *l;
- int sh;
- /*
- * n1 has adjusted/masked value
- * n2 has address of cell
- * n3 has contents of cell
- */
- l = b->left;
- regalloc(&nod, l, Z);
- v = ~0 + (1L << b->type->nbits);
- gopcode(OAND, nodconst(v), Z, n1);
- gopcode(OAS, n1, Z, &nod);
- if(nn != Z)
- gopcode(OAS, n1, Z, nn);
- sh = b->type->shift;
- if(sh > 0)
- gopcode(OASHL, nodconst(sh), Z, &nod);
- v <<= sh;
- gopcode(OAND, nodconst(~v), Z, n3);
- gopcode(OOR, n3, Z, &nod);
- gopcode(OAS, &nod, Z, n2);
- regfree(&nod);
- regfree(n1);
- regfree(n2);
- regfree(n3);
-outstring(char *s, long n)
- long r;
- if(suppress)
- return nstring;
- r = nstring;
- while(n) {
- string[mnstring] = *s++;
- mnstring++;
- nstring++;
- if(mnstring >= NSNAME) {
- gpseudo(ADATA, symstring, nodconst(0L));
- p->from.offset += nstring - NSNAME;
- p->reg = NSNAME;
- p->to.type = D_SCONST;
- memmove(p->to.sval, string, NSNAME);
- mnstring = 0;
- }
- n--;
- }
- return r;
-mulcon(Node *n, Node *nn)
- Node *l, *r, nod1, nod2;
- Multab *m;
- long v;
- int o;
- char code[sizeof(m->code)+2], *p;
- if(typefd[n->type->etype])
- return 0;
- l = n->left;
- r = n->right;
- if(l->op == OCONST) {
- l = r;
- r = n->left;
- }
- if(r->op != OCONST)
- return 0;
- v = convvtox(r->vconst, n->type->etype);
- if(v != r->vconst) {
- if(debug['M'])
- print("%L multiply conv: %lld\n", n->lineno, r->vconst);
- return 0;
- }
- m = mulcon0(v);
- if(!m) {
- if(debug['M'])
- print("%L multiply table: %lld\n", n->lineno, r->vconst);
- return 0;
- }
- if(debug['M'] && debug['v'])
- print("%L multiply: %ld\n", n->lineno, v);
- memmove(code, m->code, sizeof(m->code));
- code[sizeof(m->code)] = 0;
- p = code;
- if(p[1] == 'i')
- p += 2;
- regalloc(&nod1, n, nn);
- cgen(l, &nod1);
- if(v < 0)
- gopcode(OSUB, &nod1, nodconst(0), &nod1);
- regalloc(&nod2, n, Z);
- switch(*p) {
- case 0:
- regfree(&nod2);
- gopcode(OAS, &nod1, Z, nn);
- regfree(&nod1);
- return 1;
- case '+':
- o = OADD;
- goto addsub;
- case '-':
- o = OSUB;
- addsub: /* number is r,n,l */
- v = p[1] - '0';
- r = &nod1;
- if(v&4)
- r = &nod2;
- n = &nod1;
- if(v&2)
- n = &nod2;
- l = &nod1;
- if(v&1)
- l = &nod2;
- gopcode(o, l, n, r);
- break;
- default: /* op is shiftcount, number is r,l */
- v = p[1] - '0';
- r = &nod1;
- if(v&2)
- r = &nod2;
- l = &nod1;
- if(v&1)
- l = &nod2;
- v = *p - 'a';
- if(v < 0 || v >= 32) {
- diag(n, "mulcon unknown op: %c%c", p[0], p[1]);
- break;
- }
- gopcode(OASHL, nodconst(v), l, r);
- break;
- }
- p += 2;
- goto loop;
-sextern(Sym *s, Node *a, long o, long w)
- long e, lw;
- for(e=0; e<w; e+=NSNAME) {
- lw = NSNAME;
- if(w-e < lw)
- lw = w-e;
- gpseudo(ADATA, s, nodconst(0));
- p->from.offset += o+e;
- p->reg = lw;
- p->to.type = D_SCONST;
- memmove(p->to.sval, a->cstring+e, lw);
- }
-gextern(Sym *s, Node *a, long o, long w)
- gpseudo(ADATA, s, a);
- p->from.offset += o;
- p->reg = w;
- if(p->to.type == D_OREG)
- p->to.type = D_CONST;
-void zname(Biobuf*, char*, int, int);
-char* zaddr(char*, Adr*, int);
-void zwrite(Biobuf*, Prog*, int, int);
-void outhist(Biobuf*);
-zwrite(Biobuf *b, Prog *p, int sf, int st)
- char bf[100], *bp;
- bf[0] = p->as;
- bf[1] = p->reg;
- bf[2] = p->lineno;
- bf[3] = p->lineno>>8;
- bf[4] = p->lineno>>16;
- bf[5] = p->lineno>>24;
- bp = zaddr(bf+6, &p->from, sf);
- bp = zaddr(bp, &p->to, st);
- Bwrite(b, bf, bp-bf);
- struct { Sym *sym; short type; } h[NSYM];
- Prog *p;
- Sym *s;
- int sf, st, t, sym;
- if(debug['S']) {
- for(p = firstp; p != P; p = p->link)
- if(p->as != ADATA && p->as != AGLOBL)
- pc--;
- for(p = firstp; p != P; p = p->link) {
- print("%P\n", p);
- if(p->as != ADATA && p->as != AGLOBL)
- pc++;
- }
- }
- outhist(&outbuf);
- for(sym=0; sym<NSYM; sym++) {
- h[sym].sym = S;
- h[sym].type = 0;
- }
- sym = 1;
- for(p = firstp; p != P; p = p->link) {
- jackpot:
- sf = 0;
- s = p->from.sym;
- while(s != S) {
- sf = s->sym;
- if(sf < 0 || sf >= NSYM)
- sf = 0;
- t = p->;
- if(h[sf].type == t)
- if(h[sf].sym == s)
- break;
- zname(&outbuf, s->name, t, sym);
- s->sym = sym;
- h[sym].sym = s;
- h[sym].type = t;
- sf = sym;
- sym++;
- if(sym >= NSYM)
- sym = 1;
- break;
- }
- st = 0;
- s = p->to.sym;
- while(s != S) {
- st = s->sym;
- if(st < 0 || st >= NSYM)
- st = 0;
- t = p->;
- if(h[st].type == t)
- if(h[st].sym == s)
- break;
- zname(&outbuf, s->name, t, sym);
- s->sym = sym;
- h[sym].sym = s;
- h[sym].type = t;
- st = sym;
- sym++;
- if(sym >= NSYM)
- sym = 1;
- if(st == sf)
- goto jackpot;
- break;
- }
- zwrite(&outbuf, p, sf, st);
- }
- firstp = P;
- lastp = P;
-outhist(Biobuf *b)
- Hist *h;
- char *p, *q, *op;
- Prog pg;
- int n;
- pg = zprog;
- for(h = hist; h != H; h = h->link) {
- p = h->name;
- op = 0;
- if(p && p[0] != '/' && h->offset == 0 && pathname && pathname[0] == '/') {
- op = p;
- p = pathname;
- }
- while(p) {
- q = utfrune(p, '/');
- if(q) {
- n = q-p;
- if(n == 0)
- n = 1; /* leading "/" */
- q++;
- } else {
- n = strlen(p);
- q = 0;
- }
- if(n) {
- Bputc(b, ANAME);
- Bputc(b, D_FILE);
- Bputc(b, 1);
- Bputc(b, '<');
- Bwrite(b, p, n);
- Bputc(b, 0);
- }
- p = q;
- if(p == 0 && op) {
- p = op;
- op = 0;
- }
- }
- pg.lineno = h->line;
- =;
- = h->offset;
- if(h->offset)
- = D_CONST;
- zwrite(b, &pg, 0, 0);
- }
-zname(Biobuf *b, char *n, int t, int s)
- char bf[3];
- bf[0] = ANAME;
- bf[1] = t; /* type */
- bf[2] = s; /* sym */
- Bwrite(b, bf, 3);
- Bwrite(b, n, strlen(n)+1);
-zaddr(char *bp, Adr *a, int s)
- long l;
- vlong v;
- Ieee e;
- bp[0] = a->type;
- bp[1] = a->reg;
- bp[2] = s;
- bp[3] = a->name;
- bp += 4;
- switch(a->type) {
- default:
- diag(Z, "unknown type %d in zaddr", a->type);
- case D_NONE:
- case D_REG:
- case D_FREG:
- case D_FCREG:
- break;
- case D_OREG:
- case D_CONST:
- case D_BRANCH:
- v = a->offset;
- bp[0] = v;
- bp[1] = v>>8;
- bp[2] = v>>16;
- bp[3] = v>>24;
- bp[4] = v>>32;
- bp[5] = v>>40;
- bp[6] = v>>48;
- bp[7] = v>>56;
- bp += 8;
- break;
- case D_SCONST:
- memmove(bp, a->sval, NSNAME);
- bp += NSNAME;
- break;
- case D_FCONST:
- ieeedtod(&e, a->dval);
- l = e.l;
- bp[0] = l;
- bp[1] = l>>8;
- bp[2] = l>>16;
- bp[3] = l>>24;
- bp += 4;
- l = e.h;
- bp[0] = l;
- bp[1] = l>>8;
- bp[2] = l>>16;
- bp[3] = l>>24;
- bp += 4;
- break;
- }
- return bp;
-align(long i, Type *t, int op)
- long o;
- Type *v;
- int w;
- o = i;
- w = 1;
- switch(op) {
- default:
- diag(Z, "unknown align opcode %d", op);
- break;
- case Asu2: /* padding at end of a struct */
- w = SZ_VLONG;
- if(packflg)
- w = packflg;
- break;
- case Ael1: /* initial allign of struct element */
- for(v=t; v->etype==TARRAY; v=v->link)
- ;
- w = ewidth[v->etype];
- if(w <= 0 || w >= SZ_VLONG)
- w = SZ_VLONG;
- if(packflg)
- w = packflg;
- break;
- case Ael2: /* width of a struct element */
- o += t->width;
- break;
- case Aarg0: /* initial passbyptr argument in arg list */
- if(typesu[t->etype]) {
- o = align(o, types[TIND], Aarg1);
- o = align(o, types[TIND], Aarg2);
- }
- break;
- case Aarg1: /* initial allign of parameter */
- w = ewidth[t->etype];
- if(w <= 0 || w >= SZ_VLONG) {
- w = SZ_VLONG;
- break;
- }
- w = 1; /* little endian no adjustment */
- break;
- case Aarg2: /* width of a parameter */
- o += t->width;
- w = SZ_LONG;
- break;
- case Aaut3: /* total allign of automatic */
- o = align(o, t, Ael1);
- o = align(o, t, Ael2);
- break;
- }
- o = round(o, w);
- if(debug['A'])
- print("align %s %ld %T = %ld\n", bnames[op], i, t, o);
- return o;
-maxround(long max, long v)
- v += SZ_VLONG-1;
- if(v > max)
- max = round(v, SZ_VLONG);
- return max;
--- a/sys/src/cmd/7c/txt.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1306 +1,0 @@
-#include "gc.h"
- Type *t;
- thechar = '7';
- thestring = "alpha";
- exregoffset = REGEXT;
- exfregoffset = FREGEXT;
- listinit();
- nstring = 0;
- mnstring = 0;
- nrathole = 0;
- pc = 0;
- breakpc = -1;
- continpc = -1;
- cases = C;
- firstp = P;
- lastp = P;
- tfield = types[TLONG];
- typeword = typechlvp;
- typecmplx = typesu;
- = P;
- = AGOK;
- zprog.reg = NREG;
- zprog.from.type = D_NONE;
- = D_NONE;
- zprog.from.reg = NREG;
- = zprog.from;
- regnode.op = OREGISTER;
- regnode.class = CEXREG;
- regnode.reg = REGTMP;
- regnode.complex = 0;
- regnode.addable = 11;
- regnode.type = types[TLONG];
- constnode.op = OCONST;
- constnode.class = CXXX;
- constnode.complex = 0;
- constnode.addable = 20;
- constnode.type = types[TLONG];
- fconstnode.op = OCONST;
- fconstnode.class = CXXX;
- fconstnode.complex = 0;
- fconstnode.addable = 20;
- fconstnode.type = types[TDOUBLE];
- nodsafe = new(ONAME, Z, Z);
- nodsafe->sym = slookup(".safe");
- nodsafe->type = types[TINT];
- nodsafe->etype = types[TINT]->etype;
- nodsafe->class = CAUTO;
- complex(nodsafe);
- t = typ(TARRAY, types[TCHAR]);
- symrathole = slookup(".rathole");
- symrathole->class = CGLOBL;
- symrathole->type = t;
- nodrat = new(ONAME, Z, Z);
- nodrat->sym = symrathole;
- nodrat->type = types[TIND];
- nodrat->etype = TVOID;
- nodrat->class = CGLOBL;
- complex(nodrat);
- nodrat->type = t;
- nodret = new(ONAME, Z, Z);
- nodret->sym = slookup(".ret");
- nodret->type = types[TIND];
- nodret->etype = TIND;
- nodret->class = CPARAM;
- nodret = new(OIND, nodret, Z);
- complex(nodret);
- memset(reg, 0, sizeof(reg));
- reg[REGZERO] = 1;
- int i;
- Sym *s;
- for(i=0; i<NREG; i++)
- if(i != REGZERO)
- if(reg[i])
- diag(Z, "reg %d left allocated", i);
- for(i=NREG; i<NREG+NREG; i+=2)
- if(reg[i])
- diag(Z, "freg %d left allocated", i-NREG);
- while(mnstring)
- outstring("", 1L);
- symstring->type->width = nstring;
- symrathole->type->width = nrathole;
- for(i=0; i<NHASH; i++)
- for(s = hash[i]; s != S; s = s->link) {
- if(s->type == T)
- continue;
- if(s->type->width == 0)
- continue;
- if(s->class != CGLOBL && s->class != CSTATIC)
- continue;
- if(s->type == types[TENUM])
- continue;
- gpseudo(AGLOBL, s, nodconst(s->type->width));
- }
- nextpc();
- p->as = AEND;
- outcode();
- p = alloc(sizeof(*p));
- *p = zprog;
- p->lineno = nearln;
- pc++;
- if(firstp == P) {
- firstp = p;
- lastp = p;
- return;
- }
- lastp->link = p;
- lastp = p;
-gargs(Node *n, Node *tn1, Node *tn2)
- long regs;
- Node fnxargs[20], *fnxp;
- regs = cursafe;
- fnxp = fnxargs;
- garg1(n, tn1, tn2, 0, &fnxp); /* compile fns to temps */
- curarg = 0;
- fnxp = fnxargs;
- garg1(n, tn1, tn2, 1, &fnxp); /* compile normal args and temps */
- cursafe = regs;
-garg1(Node *n, Node *tn1, Node *tn2, int f, Node **fnxp)
- Node nod;
- if(n == Z)
- return;
- if(n->op == OLIST) {
- garg1(n->left, tn1, tn2, f, fnxp);
- garg1(n->right, tn1, tn2, f, fnxp);
- return;
- }
- if(f == 0) {
- if(n->complex >= FNX) {
- regsalloc(*fnxp, n);
- nod = znode;
- nod.op = OAS;
- nod.left = *fnxp;
- nod.right = n;
- nod.type = n->type;
- cgen(&nod, Z);
- (*fnxp)++;
- }
- return;
- }
- if(typesu[n->type->etype]) {
- regaalloc(tn2, n);
- if(n->complex >= FNX) {
- sugen(*fnxp, tn2, n->type->width);
- (*fnxp)++;
- } else
- sugen(n, tn2, n->type->width);
- return;
- }
- if(REGARG != NREG && curarg == 0 &&
- (typechlp[n->type->etype] || typev[n->type->etype])) {
- regaalloc1(tn1, n);
- if(n->complex >= FNX) {
- cgen(*fnxp, tn1);
- (*fnxp)++;
- } else
- cgen(n, tn1);
- return;
- }
- if(vconst(n) == 0) {
- regaalloc(tn2, n);
- gopcode(OAS, n, Z, tn2);
- return;
- }
- regalloc(tn1, n, Z);
- if(n->complex >= FNX) {
- cgen(*fnxp, tn1);
- (*fnxp)++;
- } else
- cgen(n, tn1);
- regaalloc(tn2, n);
- gopcode(OAS, tn1, Z, tn2);
- regfree(tn1);
-nodconst(long v)
- constnode.vconst = v;
- return &constnode;
-nodfconst(double d)
- fconstnode.fconst = d;
- return &fconstnode;
-nodreg(Node *n, Node *nn, int reg)
- *n = regnode;
- n->reg = reg;
- n->type = nn->type;
- n->lineno = nn->lineno;
-regret(Node *n, Node *nn)
- int r;
- r = REGRET;
- if(typefd[nn->type->etype])
- nodreg(n, nn, r);
- reg[r]++;
-regalloc(Node *n, Node *tn, Node *o)
- int i, j;
- static int lasti;
- switch(tn->type->etype) {
- case TCHAR:
- case TUCHAR:
- case TSHORT:
- case TUSHORT:
- case TINT:
- case TUINT:
- case TLONG:
- case TULONG:
- case TIND:
- case TVLONG:
- case TUVLONG:
- if(o != Z && o->op == OREGISTER) {
- i = o->reg;
- if(i >= 0 && i < NREG - 1)
- goto out;
- }
- j = lasti + REGRET+1;
- for(i=REGRET+1; i<NREG; i++) {
- if(j >= NREG)
- j = REGRET+1;
- if(reg[j] == 0) {
- i = j;
- goto out;
- }
- j++;
- }
- diag(tn, "out of fixed registers");
- goto err;
- case TFLOAT:
- case TDOUBLE:
- if(o != Z && o->op == OREGISTER) {
- i = o->reg;
- if(i >= NREG && i < NREG+NREG)
- goto out;
- }
- j = NREG + 12 + lasti;
- for(i=NREG; i<NREG+NREG; i++) {
- if(j >= NREG+NREG)
- j = NREG;
- if(reg[j] == 0) {
- i = j;
- goto out;
- }
- j++;
- }
- diag(tn, "out of float registers");
- goto err;
- }
- diag(tn, "unknown type in regalloc: %T", tn->type);
- i = -1;
- if(i >= 0)
- reg[i]++;
- lasti++;
- if(lasti >= 5)
- lasti = 0;
- nodreg(n, tn, i);
-regialloc(Node *n, Node *tn, Node *o)
- Node nod;
- nod = *tn;
- nod.type = types[TIND];
- regalloc(n, &nod, o);
-regfree(Node *n)
- int i;
- i = 0;
- if(n->op != OREGISTER && n->op != OINDREG)
- goto err;
- i = n->reg;
- if(i < 0 || i >= sizeof(reg))
- goto err;
- if(reg[i] <= 0)
- goto err;
- reg[i]--;
- return;
- diag(n, "error in regfree: %d op %O", i, n->op);
-regsalloc(Node *n, Node *nn)
- cursafe = align(cursafe, nn->type, Aaut3);
- maxargsafe = maxround(maxargsafe, cursafe+curarg);
- *n = *nodsafe;
- n->xoffset = -(stkoff + cursafe);
- n->type = nn->type;
- n->etype = nn->type->etype;
- n->lineno = nn->lineno;
-regaalloc1(Node *n, Node *nn)
- nodreg(n, nn, REGARG);
- reg[REGARG]++;
- curarg = align(curarg, nn->type, Aarg1);
- curarg = align(curarg, nn->type, Aarg2);
- maxargsafe = maxround(maxargsafe, cursafe+curarg);
-regaalloc(Node *n, Node *nn)
- curarg = align(curarg, nn->type, Aarg1);
- *n = *nn;
- n->op = OINDREG;
- n->reg = REGSP;
- n->xoffset = curarg + SZ_VLONG;
- n->complex = 0;
- n->addable = 20;
- curarg = align(curarg, nn->type, Aarg2);
- maxargsafe = maxround(maxargsafe, cursafe+curarg);
-regind(Node *n, Node *nn)
- if(n->op != OREGISTER) {
- diag(n, "regind not OREGISTER");
- return;
- }
- n->op = OINDREG;
- n->type = nn->type;
-raddr(Node *n, Prog *p)
- Adr a;
- naddr(n, &a);
- if(a.type == D_CONST && a.offset == 0) {
- a.type = D_REG;
- a.reg = 0;
- }
- if(a.type != D_REG && a.type != D_FREG) {
- if(n)
- diag(n, "bad in raddr: %O", n->op);
- else
- diag(n, "bad in raddr: <null>");
- p->reg = NREG;
- } else
- p->reg = a.reg;
-naddr(Node *n, Adr *a)
- vlong v;
- a->type = D_NONE;
- if(n == Z)
- return;
- switch(n->op) {
- default:
- bad:
- diag(n, "bad in naddr: %O", n->op);
- break;
- a->type = D_REG;
- a->sym = S;
- a->reg = n->reg;
- if(a->reg >= NREG) {
- a->type = D_FREG;
- a->reg -= NREG;
- }
- break;
- case OIND:
- naddr(n->left, a);
- if(a->type == D_REG) {
- a->type = D_OREG;
- break;
- }
- if(a->type == D_CONST) {
- a->type = D_OREG;
- break;
- }
- goto bad;
- case OINDREG:
- a->type = D_OREG;
- a->sym = S;
- a->offset = n->xoffset;
- a->reg = n->reg;
- break;
- case ONAME:
- a->etype = n->etype;
- a->type = D_OREG;
- a->name = D_STATIC;
- a->sym = n->sym;
- a->offset = n->xoffset;
- if(n->class == CSTATIC)
- break;
- if(n->class == CEXTERN || n->class == CGLOBL) {
- a->name = D_EXTERN;
- break;
- }
- if(n->class == CAUTO) {
- a->name = D_AUTO;
- break;
- }
- if(n->class == CPARAM) {
- a->name = D_PARAM;
- break;
- }
- goto bad;
- case OCONST:
- a->sym = S;
- a->reg = NREG;
- if(typefd[n->type->etype]) {
- a->type = D_FCONST;
- a->dval = n->fconst;
- } else if(typev[n->type->etype]) {
- a->type = D_CONST;
- a->offset = n->vconst;
- } else {
- a->type = D_CONST;
- a->offset = convvtox(n->vconst, TLONG); /* alpha arithmetic */
- }
- break;
- case OADDR:
- naddr(n->left, a);
- if(a->type == D_OREG) {
- a->type = D_CONST;
- break;
- }
- goto bad;
- case OADD:
- if(n->left->op == OCONST) {
- naddr(n->left, a);
- v = a->offset;
- naddr(n->right, a);
- } else {
- naddr(n->right, a);
- v = a->offset;
- naddr(n->left, a);
- }
- a->offset += v;
- break;
- }
-fop(int as, int f1, int f2, Node *t)
- Node nod1, nod2, nod3;
- nodreg(&nod1, t, NREG+f1);
- nodreg(&nod2, t, NREG+f2);
- regalloc(&nod3, t, t);
- gopcode(as, &nod1, &nod2, &nod3);
- gmove(&nod3, t);
- regfree(&nod3);
-gmove(Node *f, Node *t)
- int ft, tt, a;
- Node nod;
- double d;
- ft = f->type->etype;
- tt = t->type->etype;
- if(ft == TDOUBLE && f->op == OCONST) {
- d = f->fconst;
- if(d == 0.0) {
- goto ffreg;
- }
- if(d == 0.5) {
- goto ffreg;
- }
- if(d == 1.0) {
- a = FREGONE;
- goto ffreg;
- }
- if(d == 2.0) {
- a = FREGTWO;
- goto ffreg;
- }
- if(d == -.5) {
- return;
- }
- if(d == -1.0) {
- return;
- }
- if(d == -2.0) {
- return;
- }
- if(d == 1.5) {
- return;
- }
- if(d == 2.5) {
- return;
- }
- if(d == 3.0) {
- return;
- }
- }
- if(ft == TFLOAT && f->op == OCONST) {
- d = f->fconst;
- if(d == 0) {
- ffreg:
- nodreg(&nod, f, NREG+a);
- gmove(&nod, t);
- return;
- }
- }
- /*
- * a load --
- * put it into a register then
- * worry what to do with it.
- */
- if(f->op == ONAME || f->op == OINDREG || f->op == OIND) {
- switch(ft) {
- default:
- a = AMOVL;
- break;
- case TVLONG:
- case TUVLONG:
- /* todo: optimise freg case? */
- a = AMOVQ;
-#ifdef is_this_right
- if(typefd[tt]) {
- /* special case can load mem to Freg */
- regalloc(&nod, t, t);
- gins(AMOVL, f, &nod);
- a = ACVTQT;
- if(tt == TFLOAT)
- a = ACVTQS;
- gins(a, &nod, &nod);
- gmove(&nod, t);
- regfree(&nod);
- return;
- }
-#endif is_this_right
- break;
- case TFLOAT:
- a = AMOVS;
- break;
- case TDOUBLE:
- a = AMOVT;
- break;
- case TCHAR:
- a = AMOVB;
- break;
- case TUCHAR:
- a = AMOVBU;
- break;
- case TSHORT:
- a = AMOVW;
- break;
- case TUSHORT:
- a = AMOVWU;
- break;
- }
- if(typechlp[ft] && typeilp[tt])
- regalloc(&nod, t, t);
- else
- regalloc(&nod, f, t);
- gins(a, f, &nod);
- gmove(&nod, t);
- regfree(&nod);
- return;
- }
- /*
- * a store --
- * put it into a register then
- * store it.
- */
- if(t->op == ONAME || t->op == OINDREG || t->op == OIND) {
- switch(tt) {
- default:
- a = AMOVL;
- break;
- case TUCHAR:
- case TCHAR:
- a = AMOVB;
- break;
- case TUSHORT:
- case TSHORT:
- a = AMOVW;
- break;
- case TFLOAT:
- a = AMOVS;
- break;
- case TDOUBLE:
- a = AMOVT;
- break;
- case TVLONG:
- case TUVLONG:
- a = AMOVQ;
- break;
- }
- if(!typefd[ft] && vconst(f) == 0) {
- gins(a, f, t);
- return;
- }
- if(ft == tt)
- regalloc(&nod, t, f);
- else
- regalloc(&nod, t, Z);
- gmove(f, &nod);
- gins(a, &nod, t);
- regfree(&nod);
- return;
- }
- /*
- * type x type cross table
- */
- a = AGOK;
- switch(ft) {
- case TDOUBLE:
- case TFLOAT:
- switch(tt) {
- case TDOUBLE:
- a = AMOVT;
- break;
- case TFLOAT:
- a = ACVTTS;
- if(ft == TFLOAT)
- a = AMOVT;
- break;
- case TINT:
- case TUINT:
- case TLONG:
- case TULONG:
- case TUVLONG:
- case TVLONG:
- case TIND:
- case TSHORT:
- case TUSHORT:
- case TCHAR:
- case TUCHAR:
- /*warn(Z, "float to fix"); /**/
- regalloc(&nod, f, Z); /* should be type float */
- gins(ACVTTQ, f, &nod);
- gins(AMOVT, &nod, nodrat);
- regfree(&nod);
- gins(AMOVQ, nodrat, t);
- gmove(t, t);
- if(nrathole < SZ_VLONG)
- nrathole = SZ_VLONG;
- return;
- }
- break;
- case TVLONG:
- case TUVLONG:
- switch(tt) {
- case TDOUBLE:
- case TFLOAT:
- goto fxtofl;
- case TINT:
- case TUINT:
- case TLONG:
- case TULONG:
- case TIND:
- case TSHORT:
- case TUSHORT:
- case TCHAR:
- case TUCHAR:
- a = AMOVL;
- break;
- case TVLONG:
- case TUVLONG:
- a = AMOVQ;
- break;
- }
- break;
- case TINT:
- case TUINT:
- case TULONG:
- case TLONG:
- case TIND:
- switch(tt) {
- case TDOUBLE:
- case TFLOAT:
- goto fxtofl;
- case TVLONG:
- case TUVLONG:
- if (ft == TULONG || ft == TUINT) {
- a = AMOVLU;
- break;
- }
- case TINT:
- case TUINT:
- case TLONG:
- case TULONG:
- case TIND:
- case TSHORT:
- case TUSHORT:
- case TCHAR:
- case TUCHAR:
- a = AMOVQ;
- break;
- }
- break;
- case TSHORT:
- switch(tt) {
- case TDOUBLE:
- case TFLOAT:
- goto fxtofl;
- case TINT:
- case TUINT:
- case TULONG:
- case TLONG:
- case TVLONG:
- case TUVLONG:
- case TIND:
- a = AMOVW;
- break;
- case TSHORT:
- case TUSHORT:
- case TCHAR:
- case TUCHAR:
- a = AMOVQ;
- break;
- }
- break;
- case TUSHORT:
- switch(tt) {
- case TDOUBLE:
- case TFLOAT:
- goto fxtofl;
- case TINT:
- case TUINT:
- case TLONG:
- case TULONG:
- case TVLONG:
- case TUVLONG:
- case TIND:
- a = AMOVWU;
- break;
- case TSHORT:
- case TUSHORT:
- case TCHAR:
- case TUCHAR:
- a = AMOVQ;
- break;
- }
- break;
- case TCHAR:
- switch(tt) {
- case TDOUBLE:
- case TFLOAT:
- goto fxtofl;
- case TINT:
- case TUINT:
- case TLONG:
- case TULONG:
- case TVLONG:
- case TUVLONG:
- case TIND:
- case TSHORT:
- case TUSHORT:
- a = AMOVB;
- break;
- case TCHAR:
- case TUCHAR:
- a = AMOVQ;
- break;
- }
- break;
- case TUCHAR:
- switch(tt) {
- case TDOUBLE:
- case TFLOAT:
- fxtofl:
- /*warn(Z, "fix to float"); /**/
- regalloc(&nod, t, Z); /* should be type float */
- gins(AMOVQ, f, nodrat);
- gins(AMOVT, nodrat, &nod);
- a = ACVTQT;
- if(tt == TFLOAT)
- a = ACVTQS;
- gins(a, &nod, t);
- regfree(&nod);
- if(nrathole < SZ_VLONG)
- nrathole = SZ_VLONG;
- return;
- case TINT:
- case TUINT:
- case TLONG:
- case TULONG:
- case TVLONG:
- case TUVLONG:
- case TIND:
- case TSHORT:
- case TUSHORT:
- a = AMOVBU;
- break;
- case TCHAR:
- case TUCHAR:
- a = AMOVQ;
- break;
- }
- break;
- }
- if(a == AMOVQ || a == AMOVS || a == AMOVT)
- if(samaddr(f, t))
- return;
- gins(a, f, t);
-gins(int a, Node *f, Node *t)
- nextpc();
- p->as = a;
- if(f != Z)
- naddr(f, &p->from);
- if(t != Z)
- naddr(t, &p->to);
- if(debug['g'])
- print("%P\n", p);
-gopcode(int o, Node *f1, Node *f2, Node *t)
- int a, et;
- Adr ta;
- Node nod;
- et = TLONG;
- if(f1 != Z && f1->type != T) {
- if(f1->op == OCONST && t != Z && t->type != T)
- et = t->type->etype;
- else
- et = f1->type->etype;
- }
- a = AGOK;
- switch(o) {
- case OAS:
- gmove(f1, t);
- return;
- case OASADD:
- case OADD:
- a = AADDL;
- if(et == TFLOAT)
- a = AADDS;
- else
- if(et == TDOUBLE)
- a = AADDT;
- else
- if(et == TVLONG || et == TUVLONG)
- a = AADDQ;
- break;
- case OASSUB:
- case OSUB:
- a = ASUBL;
- if(et == TFLOAT)
- a = ASUBS;
- else
- if(et == TDOUBLE)
- a = ASUBT;
- else
- if(et == TVLONG || et == TUVLONG)
- a = ASUBQ;
- break;
- case OASOR:
- case OOR:
- a = AOR;
- break;
- case OASAND:
- case OAND:
- a = AAND;
- break;
- case OASXOR:
- case OXOR:
- a = AXOR;
- break;
- case OASLSHR:
- case OLSHR:
- a = ASRLL;
- if(et == TVLONG || et == TUVLONG)
- a = ASRLQ;
- break;
- case OASASHR:
- case OASHR:
- a = ASRAL;
- if(et == TVLONG || et == TUVLONG)
- a = ASRAQ;
- break;
- case OASASHL:
- case OASHL:
- a = ASLLL;
- if(et == TVLONG || et == TUVLONG)
- a = ASLLQ;
- break;
- case OFUNC:
- a = AJSR;
- break;
- case OASLMUL:
- case OLMUL:
- case OASMUL:
- case OMUL:
- a = AMULL;
- if(et == TFLOAT)
- a = AMULS;
- else
- if(et == TDOUBLE)
- a = AMULT;
- else
- if(et == TVLONG || et == TUVLONG)
- a = AMULQ;
- break;
- case OASDIV:
- case ODIV:
- a = ADIVL;
- if(et == TFLOAT)
- a = ADIVS;
- else
- if(et == TDOUBLE)
- a = ADIVT;
- else
- if(et == TVLONG || et == TUVLONG)
- a = ADIVQ;
- break;
- case OASMOD:
- case OMOD:
- a = AMODL;
- if(et == TVLONG || et == TUVLONG)
- a = AMODQ;
- break;
- case OASLMOD:
- case OLMOD:
- a = AMODLU;
- if(et == TVLONG || et == TUVLONG)
- a = AMODQU;
- break;
- case OASLDIV:
- case OLDIV:
- a = ADIVLU;
- if(et == TVLONG || et == TUVLONG)
- a = ADIVQU;
- break;
- case OEQ:
- case ONE:
- a = ACMPEQ;
- if(typefd[et])
- a = ACMPTEQ;
- else if (vconst(t) == 0) {
- a = (o == OEQ) ? ABEQ : ABNE;
- t = Z;
- break;
- }
- goto cmp;
- case OLT:
- case OGE:
- a = ACMPGT;
- if(typefd[et])
- a = ACMPTGT;
- else if (vconst(t) == 0) {
- a = (o == OLT) ? ABLT : ABGE;
- t = Z;
- break;
- }
- goto cmp;
- case OLE:
- case OGT:
- a = ACMPGE;
- if(typefd[et])
- a = ACMPTGE;
- else
- if(vconst(t) == 0) {
- a = (o == OLE)? ABLE: ABGT;
- t = Z;
- break;
- }
- goto cmp;
- case OLO:
- case OHS:
- a = ACMPUGT;
- goto cmp;
- case OLS:
- case OHI:
- a = ACMPUGE;
- goto cmp;
- cmp:
- nextpc();
- p->as = a;
- raddr(f1, p);
- naddr(t, &p->from);
- regalloc(&nod, t, Z);
- naddr(&nod, &p->to);
- if(debug['g'])
- print("%P\n", p);
- if(o == OEQ || o == OLT || o == OLE || o == OLO || o == OLS)
- a = typefd[et]? AFBNE: ABNE;
- else
- a = typefd[et]? AFBEQ: ABEQ;
- nextpc();
- p->as = a;
- naddr(&nod, &p->from);
- regfree(&nod);
- if(debug['g'])
- print("%P\n", p);
- return;
- }
- if(a == AGOK)
- diag(Z, "bad in gopcode %O", o);
- nextpc();
- p->as = a;
- if(f1 != Z)
- naddr(f1, &p->from);
- if(f2 != Z) {
- naddr(f2, &ta);
- p->reg = ta.reg;
- if(ta.type == D_CONST && ta.offset == 0)
- p->reg = REGZERO;
- }
- if(t != Z)
- naddr(t, &p->to);
- if(debug['g'])
- print("%P\n", p);
-samaddr(Node *f, Node *t)
- if(f->op != t->op)
- return 0;
- switch(f->op) {
- if(f->reg != t->reg)
- break;
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
-gbranch(int o)
- int a;
- a = AGOK;
- switch(o) {
- case ORETURN:
- a = ARET;
- break;
- case OGOTO:
- a = AJMP;
- break;
- }
- nextpc();
- if(a == AGOK) {
- diag(Z, "bad in gbranch %O", o);
- nextpc();
- }
- p->as = a;
-patch(Prog *op, long pc)
- op->to.offset = pc;
- op->to.type = D_BRANCH;
-gpseudo(int a, Sym *s, Node *n)
- nextpc();
- p->as = a;
- p->from.type = D_OREG;
- p->from.sym = s;
- if(a == ATEXT)
- p->reg = (profileflg ? 0 : NOPROF);
- p-> = D_EXTERN;
- if(s->class == CSTATIC)
- p-> = D_STATIC;
- naddr(n, &p->to);
- if(a == ADATA || a == AGLOBL)
- pc--;
-sconst(Node *n)
- vlong vv;
- if(n->op == OCONST) {
- if(!typefd[n->type->etype]) {
- vv = n->vconst;
- if(vv >= -32766LL && vv < 32766LL)
- return 1;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-sval(long v)
- if(v >= -32766L && v < 32766L)
- return 1;
- return 0;
-bval(vlong v)
- if(v >= 0LL && v < 256LL)
- return 1;
- return 0;
-bconst(Node *n)
- vlong vv;
- if(n->op == OCONST) {
- if(!typefd[n->type->etype]) {
- vv = n->vconst;
- if(vv >= 0LL && vv < 256LL)
- return 1;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-exreg(Type *t)
- long o;
- if(typechlp[t->etype]) {
- if(exregoffset <= 12)
- return 0;
- o = exregoffset;
- exregoffset--;
- return o;
- }
- if(typefd[t->etype]) {
- if(exfregoffset <= 19)
- return 0;
- o = exfregoffset + NREG;
- exfregoffset--;
- return o;
- }
- return 0;
-schar ewidth[NTYPE] =
- -1, /* [TXXX] */
- SZ_CHAR, /* [TCHAR] */
- SZ_CHAR, /* [TUCHAR] */
- SZ_SHORT, /* [TSHORT] */
- SZ_INT, /* [TINT] */
- SZ_INT, /* [TUINT] */
- SZ_LONG, /* [TLONG] */
- SZ_LONG, /* [TULONG] */
- SZ_VLONG, /* [TVLONG] */
- SZ_FLOAT, /* [TFLOAT] */
- SZ_IND, /* [TIND] */
- 0, /* [TFUNC] */
- -1, /* [TARRAY] */
- 0, /* [TVOID] */
- -1, /* [TSTRUCT] */
- -1, /* [TUNION] */
- SZ_INT, /* [TENUM] */
-long ncast[NTYPE] =
- 0, /* [TXXX] */
- BFLOAT, /* [TFLOAT] */
- 0, /* [TFUNC] */
- 0, /* [TARRAY] */
- 0, /* [TVOID] */
- BUNION, /* [TUNION] */
- 0, /* [TENUM] */
--- a/sys/src/cmd/7l/asm.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1220 +1,0 @@
-#include "l.h"
-#define LPUT(c)\
- {\
- cbp[0] = (c);\
- cbp[1] = (c)>>8;\
- cbp[2] = (c)>>16;\
- cbp[3] = (c)>>24;\
- cbp += 4;\
- cbc -= 4;\
- if(cbc <= 0)\
- cflush();\
- }
-#define CPUT(c)\
- {\
- cbp[0] = (c);\
- cbp++;\
- cbc--;\
- if(cbc <= 0)\
- cflush();\
- }
-#define VLPUT(c)\
- {\
- cbp[0] = (c);\
- cbp[1] = (c)>>8;\
- cbp[2] = (c)>>16;\
- cbp[3] = (c)>>24;\
- cbp[4] = (c)>>32;\
- cbp[5] = (c)>>40;\
- cbp[6] = (c)>>48;\
- cbp[7] = (c)>>56;\
- cbp += 8;\
- cbc -= 8;\
- if(cbc <= 0)\
- cflush();\
- }
-#define LPUTBE(c)\
- {\
- cbp[0] = (c)>>24;\
- cbp[1] = (c)>>16;\
- cbp[2] = (c)>>8;\
- cbp[3] = (c);\
- cbp += 4;\
- cbc -= 4;\
- if(cbc <= 0)\
- cflush();\
- }
- char *a;
- Sym *s;
- if(*a >= '0' && *a <= '9')
- return atolwhex(a);
- s = lookup(a, 0);
- if(s->type == 0)
- return INITTEXT;
- if(s->type != STEXT && s->type != SLEAF)
- diag("entry not text: %s", s->name);
- return s->value;
- Prog *p;
- vlong t;
- Optab *o;
- if(debug['v'])
- Bprint(&bso, "%5.2f asm\n", cputime());
- Bflush(&bso);
- seek(cout, HEADR, 0);
- pc = INITTEXT;
- for(p = firstp; p != P; p = p->link) {
- if(p->as == ATEXT) {
- curtext = p;
- autosize = p->to.offset + 8;
- }
- if(p->pc != pc) {
- diag("phase error %lux sb %lux",
- p->pc, pc);
- if(!debug['a'])
- prasm(curp);
- pc = p->pc;
- }
- if (p->as == AMOVQ || p->as == AMOVT) {
- if ((p->from.reg == REGSP) && (p->from.offset&7) != 0
- || (p->to.reg == REGSP) && (p->to.offset&7) != 0)
- diag("bad stack alignment: %P", p);
- if ((p->from.reg == REGSB) && (p->from.offset&7) != 0
- || (p->to.reg == REGSB) && (p->to.offset&7) != 0)
- diag("bad global alignment: %P", p);
- }
- curp = p;
- o = oplook(p); /* could probably avoid this call */
- if(asmout(p, o)) {
- p = p->link;
- pc += 4;
- }
- pc += o->size;
- }
- if(debug['a'])
- Bprint(&bso, "\n");
- Bflush(&bso);
- cflush();
- curtext = P;
- switch(HEADTYPE) {
- case 0:
- seek(cout, rnd(HEADR+textsize, 8192), 0);
- break;
- case 1:
- case 2:
- case 3:
- seek(cout, HEADR+textsize, 0);
- break;
- }
- for(t = 0; t < datsize; t += sizeof(buf)-100) {
- if(datsize-t > sizeof(buf)-100)
- datblk(t, sizeof(buf)-100);
- else
- datblk(t, datsize-t);
- }
- symsize = 0;
- lcsize = 0;
- if(!debug['s']) {
- if(debug['v'])
- Bprint(&bso, "%5.2f sym\n", cputime());
- Bflush(&bso);
- switch(HEADTYPE) {
- case 0:
- seek(cout, rnd(HEADR+textsize, 8192)+datsize, 0);
- break;
- case 2:
- case 1:
- case 3:
- seek(cout, HEADR+textsize+datsize, 0);
- break;
- }
- if(!debug['s'])
- asmsym();
- if(debug['v'])
- Bprint(&bso, "%5.2f pc\n", cputime());
- Bflush(&bso);
- if(!debug['s'])
- asmlc();
- cflush();
- }
- if(debug['v'])
- Bprint(&bso, "%5.2f header\n", cputime());
- Bflush(&bso);
- seek(cout, 0L, 0);
- switch(HEADTYPE) {
- case 0:
- lput(0x0183L); /* magic and sections */
- lput(0L); /* time and date */
- vlput(rnd(HEADR+textsize, 8192)+datsize);
- lput(symsize); /* nsyms */
- lput(0x50L|(7L<<16)); /* size of optional hdr and flags */
- lput(0413|(0x101L<<16)); /* magic and version */
- lput(-1); /* pad for alignment */
- vlput(rnd(HEADR+textsize, 8192)); /* sizes */
- vlput(datsize);
- vlput(bsssize);
- vlput(entryvalue()); /* va of entry */
- vlput(INITTEXT-HEADR); /* va of base of text */
- vlput(INITDAT); /* va of base of data */
- vlput(INITDAT+datsize); /* va of base of bss */
- lput(~0L); /* gp reg mask */
- /* dubious stuff starts here */
- lput(0L);
- lput(0L);
- lput(0L);
- lput(0L);
- lput(~0L); /* gp value ?? */
- break;
- case 1:
- lput(0x0183L); /* magic and sections */
- lput(0L); /* time and date */
- vlput(HEADR+textsize+datsize);
- lput(symsize); /* nsyms */
- lput(0x54L|(7L<<16)); /* size of optional hdr and flags */
- lput(0407|(0x101L<<16)); /* magic and version */
- lput(-1); /* pad for alignment */
- vlput(textsize); /* sizes */
- vlput(datsize);
- vlput(bsssize);
- vlput(entryvalue()); /* va of entry */
- vlput(INITTEXT); /* va of base of text */
- vlput(INITDAT); /* va of base of data */
- vlput(INITDAT+datsize); /* va of base of bss */
- lput(~0L); /* gp reg mask */
- /* dubious stuff starts here */
- lput(lcsize);
- lput(0L);
- lput(0L);
- lput(0L);
- lput(~0L); /* gp value ?? */
- lput(0L); /* complete mystery */
- break;
- case 2:
- lputbe(0x84b); /* magic */
- lputbe(textsize); /* sizes */
- lputbe(datsize);
- lputbe(bsssize);
- lputbe(symsize); /* nsyms */
- lputbe(entryvalue()); /* va of entry */
- lputbe(0L);
- lputbe(lcsize);
- break;
- case 3:
- /* ``headerless'' boot image -- magic no is a branch */
- lput(0xc3e00007); /* magic (branch) */
- lputbe(textsize); /* sizes */
- lputbe(datsize);
- lputbe(bsssize);
- lputbe(symsize); /* nsyms */
- lputbe(entryvalue()); /* va of entry */
- lputbe(0L);
- lputbe(lcsize);
- break;
- }
- cflush();
-lput(long l)
- LPUT(l);
-lputbe(long l)
- LPUTBE(l);
-vlput(vlong l)
- VLPUT(l);
- int n;
- n = sizeof(buf.cbuf) - cbc;
- if(n)
- write(cout, buf.cbuf, n);
- cbp = buf.cbuf;
- cbc = sizeof(buf.cbuf);
- Prog *p;
- Auto *a;
- Sym *s;
- int h;
- s = lookup("etext", 0);
- if(s->type == STEXT)
- putsymb(s->name, 'T', s->value, s->version);
- for(h=0; h<NHASH; h++)
- for(s=hash[h]; s!=S; s=s->link)
- switch(s->type) {
- case SCONST:
- putsymb(s->name, 'D', s->value, s->version);
- continue;
- case SDATA:
- putsymb(s->name, 'D', s->value+INITDAT, s->version);
- continue;
- case SBSS:
- putsymb(s->name, 'B', s->value+INITDAT, s->version);
- continue;
- case SFILE:
- putsymb(s->name, 'f', s->value, s->version);
- continue;
- }
- for(p=textp; p!=P; p=p->cond) {
- s = p->from.sym;
- if(s->type != STEXT && s->type != SLEAF)
- continue;
- /* filenames first */
- for(a=p->to.autom; a; a=a->link)
- if(a->type == D_FILE)
- putsymb(a->sym->name, 'z', a->offset, 0);
- else
- if(a->type == D_FILE1)
- putsymb(a->sym->name, 'Z', a->offset, 0);
- if(s->type == STEXT)
- putsymb(s->name, 'T', s->value, s->version);
- else
- putsymb(s->name, 'L', s->value, s->version);
- /* frame, auto and param after */
- putsymb(".frame", 'm', p->to.offset+8, 0);
- for(a=p->to.autom; a; a=a->link)
- if(a->type == D_AUTO)
- putsymb(a->sym->name, 'a', -a->offset, 0);
- else
- if(a->type == D_PARAM)
- putsymb(a->sym->name, 'p', a->offset, 0);
- }
- if(debug['v'] || debug['n'])
- Bprint(&bso, "symsize = %lud\n", symsize);
- Bflush(&bso);
-putsymb(char *s, int t, long v, int ver)
- int i, f;
- if(t == 'f')
- s++;
- LPUTBE(v);
- if(ver)
- t += 'a' - 'A';
- CPUT(t+0x80); /* 0x80 is variable length */
- if(t == 'Z' || t == 'z') {
- CPUT(s[0]);
- for(i=1; s[i] != 0 || s[i+1] != 0; i += 2) {
- CPUT(s[i]);
- CPUT(s[i+1]);
- }
- CPUT(0);
- CPUT(0);
- i++;
- }
- else {
- for(i=0; s[i]; i++)
- CPUT(s[i]);
- CPUT(0);
- }
- symsize += 4 + 1 + i + 1;
- if(debug['n']) {
- if(t == 'z' || t == 'Z') {
- Bprint(&bso, "%c %.8lux ", t, v);
- for(i=1; s[i] != 0 || s[i+1] != 0; i+=2) {
- f = ((s[i]&0xff) << 8) | (s[i+1]&0xff);
- Bprint(&bso, "/%x", f);
- }
- Bprint(&bso, "\n");
- return;
- }
- if(ver)
- Bprint(&bso, "%c %.8lux %s<%d>\n", t, v, s, ver);
- else
- Bprint(&bso, "%c %.8lux %s\n", t, v, s);
- }
-#define MINLC 4
- long oldpc, oldlc;
- Prog *p;
- long v, s;
- oldpc = INITTEXT;
- oldlc = 0;
- for(p = firstp; p != P; p = p->link) {
- if(p->line == oldlc || p->as == ATEXT || p->as == ANOP) {
- if(p->as == ATEXT)
- curtext = p;
- if(debug['L'])
- Bprint(&bso, "%6lux %P\n",
- p->pc, p);
- continue;
- }
- if(debug['L'])
- Bprint(&bso, "\t\t%6ld", lcsize);
- v = (p->pc - oldpc) / MINLC;
- while(v) {
- s = 127;
- if(v < 127)
- s = v;
- CPUT(s+128); /* 129-255 +pc */
- if(debug['L'])
- Bprint(&bso, " pc+%ld*%d(%ld)", s, MINLC, s+128);
- v -= s;
- lcsize++;
- }
- s = p->line - oldlc;
- oldlc = p->line;
- oldpc = p->pc + MINLC;
- if(s > 64 || s < -64) {
- CPUT(0); /* 0 vv +lc */
- CPUT(s>>24);
- CPUT(s>>16);
- CPUT(s>>8);
- CPUT(s);
- if(debug['L']) {
- if(s > 0)
- Bprint(&bso, " lc+%ld(%d,%ld)\n",
- s, 0, s);
- else
- Bprint(&bso, " lc%ld(%d,%ld)\n",
- s, 0, s);
- Bprint(&bso, "%6lux %P\n",
- p->pc, p);
- }
- lcsize += 5;
- continue;
- }
- if(s > 0) {
- CPUT(0+s); /* 1-64 +lc */
- if(debug['L']) {
- Bprint(&bso, " lc+%ld(%ld)\n", s, 0+s);
- Bprint(&bso, "%6lux %P\n",
- p->pc, p);
- }
- } else {
- CPUT(64-s); /* 65-128 -lc */
- if(debug['L']) {
- Bprint(&bso, " lc%ld(%ld)\n", s, 64-s);
- Bprint(&bso, "%6lux %P\n",
- p->pc, p);
- }
- }
- lcsize++;
- }
- while(lcsize & 1) {
- s = 129;
- CPUT(s);
- lcsize++;
- }
- if(debug['v'] || debug['L'])
- Bprint(&bso, "lcsize = %ld\n", lcsize);
- Bflush(&bso);
-datblk(long s, long n)
- Prog *p;
- char *cast;
- long l, fl, j, d;
- int i, c;
- memset(buf.dbuf, 0, n+100);
- for(p = datap; p != P; p = p->link) {
- curp = p;
- l = p->from.sym->value + p->from.offset - s;
- c = p->reg;
- i = 0;
- if(l < 0) {
- if(l+c <= 0)
- continue;
- while(l < 0) {
- l++;
- i++;
- }
- }
- if(l >= n)
- continue;
- if(p->as != AINIT && p->as != ADYNT) {
- for(j=l+(c-i)-1; j>=l; j--)
- if(buf.dbuf[j]) {
- print("%P\n", p);
- diag("multiple initialization");
- break;
- }
- }
- switch(p->to.type) {
- default:
- diag("unknown mode in initialization\n%P", p);
- break;
- case D_FCONST:
- switch(c) {
- default:
- case 4:
- fl = ieeedtof(p->;
- cast = (char*)&fl;
- for(; i<c; i++) {
- buf.dbuf[l] = cast[fnuxi8[i]];
- l++;
- }
- break;
- case 8:
- cast = (char*)p->;
- for(; i<c; i++) {
- buf.dbuf[l] = cast[fnuxi8[i]];
- l++;
- }
- break;
- }
- break;
- case D_SCONST:
- for(; i<c; i++) {
- buf.dbuf[l] = p->to.sval[i];
- l++;
- }
- break;
- case D_CONST:
- d = p->to.offset;
- if(p->to.sym) {
- if(p->to.sym->type == STEXT ||
- p->to.sym->type == SLEAF)
- d += p->to.sym->value;
- if(p->to.sym->type == SDATA)
- d += p->to.sym->value + INITDAT;
- if(p->to.sym->type == SBSS)
- d += p->to.sym->value + INITDAT;
- }
- cast = (char*)&d;
- switch(c) {
- default:
- diag("bad nuxi %d %d\n%P", c, i, curp);
- break;
- case 1:
- for(; i<c; i++) {
- buf.dbuf[l] = cast[inuxi1[i]];
- l++;
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- for(; i<c; i++) {
- buf.dbuf[l] = cast[inuxi2[i]];
- l++;
- }
- break;
- case 4:
- for(; i<c; i++) {
- buf.dbuf[l] = cast[inuxi4[i]];
- l++;
- }
- break;
- case 8:
- for(; i<4; i++) {
- buf.dbuf[l] = cast[inuxi4[i]];
- l++;
- }
- d = p->to.offset >> 32;
- for(; i<c; i++) {
- buf.dbuf[l] = cast[inuxi4[i-4]];
- l++;
- }
- break;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- write(cout, buf.dbuf, n);
-#define OP_RRR(op,r1,r2,r3)\
- (op|(((r1)&31L)<<16)|(((r2)&31L)<<21)|((r3)&31L))
-#define OP_IRR(op,i,r2,r3)\
- (op|(((i)&255L)<<13)|0x1000|(((r2)&31L)<<21)|((r3)&31L))
-#define OP_MEM(op,d,r1,r2)\
- (op|(((r1)&31L)<<16)|(((r2)&31L)<<21)|((d)&0xffff))
-#define OP_BR(op,d,r1)\
- (op|((d)&0x1fffff)|(((r1)&31L)<<21))
-asmout(Prog *p, Optab *o)
- long o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6;
- vlong v;
- int r, a;
- o1 = 0;
- o2 = 0;
- o3 = 0;
- o4 = 0;
- o5 = 0;
- o6 = 0;
- switch(o->type) {
- default:
- diag("unknown type %d", o->type);
- if(!debug['a'])
- prasm(p);
- break;
- case 0: /* pseudo ops */
- break;
- case 1: /* register-register moves */
- if(p->as == AMOVB || p->as == AMOVW) /* noop should rewrite */
- diag("forbidden SEX: %P", p);
- if(p->as == AMOVBU || p->as == AMOVWU) {
- v = 1;
- if (p->as == AMOVWU)
- v = 3;
- o1 = OP_IRR(opcode(AZAPNOT), v, p->from.reg, p->to.reg);
- }
- else {
- a = AOR;
- if(p->as == AMOVL)
- a = AADDL;
- if(p->as == AMOVLU)
- a = AEXTLL;
- o1 = OP_RRR(opcode(a), REGZERO, p->from.reg, p->to.reg);
- }
- break;
- case 2: /* <operate> r1,[r2],r3 */
- r = p->reg;
- if(r == NREG)
- r = p->to.reg;
- o1 = OP_RRR(opcode(p->as), p->from.reg, r, p->to.reg);
- break;
- case 3: /* <operate> $n,[r2],r3 */
- v = regoff(&p->from);
- r = p->reg;
- if(r == NREG)
- r = p->to.reg;
- o1 = OP_IRR(opcode(p->as), v, r, p->to.reg);
- break;
- case 4: /* beq r1,sbra */
- if(p->cond == P)
- v = -4 >> 2;
- else
- v = (p->cond->pc - pc-4) >> 2;
- o1 = OP_BR(opcode(p->as), v, p->from.reg);
- break;
- case 5: /* jmp [r1],0(r2) */
- r = p->reg;
- a = p->as;
- if(r == NREG) {
- r = o->param;
-/* if(a == AJMP && p->to.reg == REGLINK)
- a = ARET; /* this breaks the kernel -- maybe we need to clear prediction stack on each context switch... */
- }
- o1 = OP_MEM(opcode(a), 0, p->to.reg, r);
- break;
- case 6: /* movq $n,r1 and movq $soreg,r1 */
- r = p->from.reg;
- if(r == NREG)
- r = o->param;
- v = regoff(&p->from);
- o1 = OP_MEM(opcode(AMOVA), v, r, p->to.reg);
- break;
- case 7: /* movbu r1, r2 */
- v = 1;
- if (p->as == AMOVWU)
- v = 3;
- o1 = OP_IRR(opcode(AZAPNOT), v, p->from.reg, p->to.reg);
- break;
- case 8: /* mov r, soreg ==> stq o(r) */
- r = p->to.reg;
- if(r == NREG)
- r = o->param;
- v = regoff(&p->to);
- if (p->as == AMOVQ || p->as == AMOVT)
- if ((r == REGSP || r == REGSB) && (v&7) != 0)
- diag("bad alignment: %P", p);
- o1 = OP_MEM(opcode(p->as+AEND), v, r, p->from.reg);
- break;
- case 9: /* mov soreg, r ==> ldq o(r) */
- r = p->from.reg;
- if(r == NREG)
- r = o->param;
- v = regoff(&p->from);
- if (p->as == AMOVQ || p->as == AMOVT)
- if ((r == REGSP || r == REGSB) && (v&7) != 0)
- diag("bad alignment: %P", p);
- o1 = OP_MEM(opcode(p->as), v, r, p->to.reg);
- break;
- case 10: /* movb r1,r2 */
- v = 64 - 8;
- if (p->as == AMOVW)
- v = 64 - 16;
- o1 = OP_IRR(opcode(ASLLQ), v, p->from.reg, p->to.reg);
- o2 = OP_IRR(opcode(ASRAQ), v, p->to.reg, p->to.reg);
- break;
- case 11: /* jmp lbra */
- if(p->cond == P)
- v = -4 >> 2;
- else
- v = (p->cond->pc - pc-4) >> 2;
- a = ABR;
- r = REGZERO;
- if (p->as == AJSR) {
- a = ABSR;
- r = REGLINK;
- }
- o1 = OP_BR(opcode(a), v, r);
- break;
- case 12: /* addq $n,[r2],r3 ==> lda */
- v = regoff(&p->from);
- if (p->as == ASUBQ)
- v = -v;
- r = p->reg;
- if(r == NREG)
- r = p->to.reg;
- o1 = OP_MEM(opcode(AMOVA), v, r, p->to.reg);
- break;
- case 13: /* <op> $scon,[r2],r3 */
- v = regoff(&p->from);
- if(p->to.reg == REGTMP || p->reg == REGTMP)
- diag("cant synthesize large constant\n%P", p);
- r = p->reg;
- if(r == NREG)
- r = p->to.reg;
- o1 = OP_MEM(opcode(AMOVA), v, REGZERO, REGTMP);
- o2 = OP_RRR(opcode(p->as), REGTMP, r, p->to.reg);
- break;
- case 14: /* <op> $lcon,[r2],r3 */
- v = regoff(&p->from);
- if(v & 0x8000)
- v += 0x10000;
- if(p->to.reg == REGTMP || p->reg == REGTMP)
- diag("cant synthesize large constant\n%P", p);
- r = p->reg;
- if(r == NREG)
- r = p->to.reg;
- o1 = OP_MEM(opcode(AMOVA), v, REGZERO, REGTMP);
- o2 = OP_MEM(opcode(AMOVAH), v>>16, REGTMP, REGTMP);
- o3 = OP_RRR(opcode(p->as), REGTMP, r, p->to.reg);
- break;
- case 15: /* mov $lcon,r1 */
- v = regoff(&p->from);
- if(v & 0x8000)
- v += 0x10000;
- o1 = OP_MEM(opcode(AMOVA), v, o->param, REGTMP);
- o2 = OP_MEM(opcode(AMOVAH), v>>16, REGTMP, p->to.reg);
- break;
- case 16: /* mov $qcon,r1 */
- v = regoff(&p->from);
- if(v & 0x8000)
- v += 0x10000;
- if((v>>31)&1)
- v += (1LL<<32);
- if((v>>47)&1)
- v += (1LL<<48);
- o1 = OP_MEM(opcode(AMOVA), v>>32, o->param, REGTMP);
- o2 = OP_MEM(opcode(AMOVAH), v>>48, REGTMP, REGTMP);
- o3 = OP_IRR(opcode(ASLLQ), 32, REGTMP, REGTMP);
- o4 = OP_MEM(opcode(AMOVA), v, REGTMP, REGTMP);
- o5 = OP_MEM(opcode(AMOVAH), v>>16, REGTMP, p->to.reg);
- break;
- case 17: /* mov f1,f2 ==> fcpys f1,f1,f2 */
- o1 = OP_RRR(opcode(ACPYS), p->from.reg, p->from.reg, p->to.reg);
- break;
- case 18: /* call_pal imm */
- v = regoff(&p->from);
- o1 = OP_MEM(opcode(ACALL_PAL), v, 0, 0);
- break;
- case 19: /* mov r, loreg ==> ldah,stq */
- r = p->to.reg;
- if(r == NREG)
- r = o->param;
- v = regoff(&p->to);
- if (p->as == AMOVQ || p->as == AMOVT)
- if ((r == REGSP || r == REGSB) && (v&7) != 0)
- diag("bad alignment: %P", p);
- if(v & 0x8000)
- v += 0x10000;
- o1 = OP_MEM(opcode(AMOVAH), v>>16, r, REGTMP);
- o2 = OP_MEM(opcode(p->as+AEND), v, REGTMP, p->from.reg);
- break;
- case 20: /* mov loreg, r ==> ldah,ldq */
- r = p->from.reg;
- if(r == NREG)
- r = o->param;
- v = regoff(&p->from);
- if (p->as == AMOVQ || p->as == AMOVT)
- if ((r == REGSP || r == REGSB) && (v&7) != 0)
- diag("bad alignment: %P", p);
- if(v & 0x8000)
- v += 0x10000;
- o1 = OP_MEM(opcode(AMOVAH), v>>16, r, REGTMP);
- o2 = OP_MEM(opcode(p->as), v, REGTMP, p->to.reg);
- break;
-#ifdef NEVER
- case 21: /* mov r1,$qoreg */
- r = p->to.reg;
- if(r == NREG)
- r = o->param;
- v = regoff(&p->to);
- if(v & 0x8000)
- v += 0x10000;
- if((v>>31)&1)
- v += (1LL<<32);
- if((v>>47)&1)
- v += (1LL<<48);
- o1 = OP_MEM(opcode(AMOVA), v>>32, r, REGTMP);
- o2 = OP_MEM(opcode(AMOVAH), v>>48, REGTMP, REGTMP);
- o3 = OP_IRR(opcode(ASLLQ), 32, REGTMP, REGTMP);
- o4 = OP_MEM(opcode(AMOVAH), v>>16, REGTMP, REGTMP);
- o5 = OP_MEM(opcode(p->as+AEND), v, REGTMP, p->from.reg);
- break;
- case 22: /* mov $qoreg,r1 */
- r = p->from.reg;
- if(r == NREG)
- r = o->param;
- v = regoff(&p->from);
- if(v & 0x8000)
- v += 0x10000;
- if((v>>31)&1)
- v += (1LL<<32);
- if((v>>47)&1)
- v += (1LL<<48);
- o1 = OP_MEM(opcode(AMOVA), v>>32, r, REGTMP);
- o2 = OP_MEM(opcode(AMOVAH), v>>48, REGTMP, REGTMP);
- o3 = OP_IRR(opcode(ASLLQ), 32, REGTMP, REGTMP);
- o4 = OP_MEM(opcode(AMOVAH), v>>16, REGTMP, REGTMP);
- o5 = OP_MEM(opcode(p->as), v, REGTMP, p->to.reg);
- break;
- case 23: /* <op> $qcon,r1 */
- if(p->to.reg == REGTMP || p->reg == REGTMP)
- diag("cant synthesize large constant\n%P", p);
- v = regoff(&p->from);
- r = p->reg;
- if(r == NREG)
- r = p->to.reg;
- if(v & 0x8000)
- v += 0x10000;
- if((v>>31)&1)
- v += (1LL<<32);
- if((v>>47)&1)
- v += (1LL<<48);
- o1 = OP_MEM(opcode(AMOVA), v>>32, REGZERO, REGTMP);
- o2 = OP_MEM(opcode(AMOVAH), v>>48, REGTMP, REGTMP);
- o3 = OP_IRR(opcode(ASLLQ), 32, REGTMP, REGTMP);
- o4 = OP_MEM(opcode(AMOVA), v, REGTMP, REGTMP);
- o5 = OP_MEM(opcode(AMOVAH), v>>16, REGTMP, REGTMP);
- o6 = OP_RRR(opcode(p->as), REGTMP, r, p->to.reg);
- break;
- case 24: /* movq Fn, FPCR */
- r = p->from.reg;
- o1 = OP_RRR(opcode(AADDT+AEND), r, r, r);
- break;
- case 25: /* movq FPCR, Fn */
- r = p->to.reg;
- o1 = OP_RRR(opcode(AADDS+AEND), r, r, r);
- break;
- case 26: /* movq Rn, C_PREG */
- r = p->from.reg;
- o1 = OP_RRR(opcode(ASUBQ+AEND), r, r, 0) | p->to.reg & 255;
- break;
- case 27: /* movq C_PREG, Rn */
- r = p->to.reg;
- o1 = OP_RRR(opcode(AADDQ+AEND), r, r, 0) | p->from.reg & 255;
- break;
- case 28: /* cvttq r1,r3 */
- r = p->from.reg;
- o1 = OP_RRR(opcode(p->as), r, REGZERO, p->to.reg);
- break;
- case 29: /* movq pcc, rpcc -> Rn */
- o1 = OP_MEM(opcode(ARPCC), 0, REGZERO, p->to.reg);
- break;
- case 30: /* rei/mb/trapb */
- o1 = OP_MEM(opcode(p->as), 0, REGZERO, REGZERO);
- break;
- case 31: /* fetch (Rn) */
- o1 = OP_MEM(opcode(p->as), 0, REGZERO, p->from.reg);
- break;
- case 32: /* movqp r, soreg ==> stqp o(r) */
- r = p->to.reg;
- if(r == NREG)
- r = o->param;
- v = regoff(&p->to);
- if (v < -0x800 || v >= 0x800)
- diag("physical store out of range\n%P", p);
- v &= 0xfff;
- o1 = OP_MEM(opcode(p->as+AEND), v, r, p->from.reg);
- break;
- case 33: /* movqp soreg, r ==> ldqp o(r) */
- r = p->from.reg;
- if(r == NREG)
- r = o->param;
- v = regoff(&p->from);
- if (v < -0x800 || v >= 0x800)
- diag("physical load out of range\n%P", p);
- v &= 0xfff;
- o1 = OP_MEM(opcode(p->as), v, r, p->to.reg);
- break;
- case 34: /* <operate> $-n,[r2],r3 */
- v = regoff(&p->from);
- r = p->reg;
- if(r == NREG)
- r = p->to.reg;
- switch (a = p->as) {
- case AAND:
- a = AANDNOT;
- break;
- case AANDNOT:
- a = AAND;
- break;
- case AOR:
- a = AORNOT;
- break;
- case AORNOT:
- a = AOR;
- break;
- case AXOR:
- a = AXORNOT;
- break;
- case AXORNOT:
- a = AXOR;
- break;
- default:
- diag("bad in NCON case: %P", p);
- }
- v = ~v;
- o1 = OP_IRR(opcode(a), v, r, p->to.reg);
- break;
- case 40: /* word */
- o1 = regoff(&p->to);
- break;
- }
- switch(o->size) {
- default:
- if(debug['a'])
- Bprint(&bso, " %.8lux:\t\t%P\n", p->pc, p);
- break;
- case 4:
- if(debug['a'])
- Bprint(&bso, " %.8lux: %.8lux\t%P\n", p->pc, o1, p);
- LPUT(o1);
- break;
- case 8:
- if(debug['a'])
- Bprint(&bso, " %.8lux: %.8lux %.8lux %P\n", p->pc, o1, o2, p);
- LPUT(o1);
- LPUT(o2);
- break;
- case 12:
- if(debug['a'])
- Bprint(&bso, " %.8lux: %.8lux %.8lux %.8lux %P\n", p->pc, o1, o2, o3, p);
- LPUT(o1);
- LPUT(o2);
- LPUT(o3);
- break;
- case 16:
- if(debug['a'])
- Bprint(&bso, " %.8lux: %.8lux %.8lux %.8lux %.8lux %P\n",
- p->pc, o1, o2, o3, o4, p);
- LPUT(o1);
- LPUT(o2);
- LPUT(o3);
- LPUT(o4);
- break;
- case 20:
- if(debug['a'])
- Bprint(&bso, " %.8lux: %.8lux %.8lux %.8lux %.8lux %.8lux %P\n",
- p->pc, o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, p);
- LPUT(o1);
- LPUT(o2);
- LPUT(o3);
- LPUT(o4);
- LPUT(o5);
- break;
- case 24:
- if(debug['a'])
- Bprint(&bso, " %.8lux: %.8lux %.8lux %.8lux %.8lux %.8lux %.8lux %P\n",
- p->pc, o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6, p);
- LPUT(o1);
- LPUT(o2);
- LPUT(o3);
- LPUT(o4);
- LPUT(o5);
- LPUT(o6);
- break;
- }
- return 0;
-#define OP(x,y) (((x)<<26)|((y)<<5))
-#define FP(x) OP(22, (x)|0xc0) /* note: this sets round/trap modes (dynamic, software?). not used for cvtxx? */
-#define FP2(x) OP(22, (x) /*|0x080*/) /* note: this sets round/trap modes (chopped, software?). used for cvtxx? */
-#define FP3(x) OP(22, (x)|0x080) /* note: this sets round/trap modes (dynamic, software?). not used for cvtxx? */
-opcode(int a)
- switch (a) {
- /* loads */
- case AMOVB: /* misnomer; pretend it's ok for now */
- case AMOVBU: return OP(10, 0); /* v 3 */
- case AMOVW: /* misnomer; pretend it's ok for now */
- case AMOVWU: return OP(12, 0); /* v 3 */
- case AMOVL: return OP(40, 0);
- case AMOVQ: return OP(41, 0);
- case AMOVQU: return OP(11, 0);
- case AMOVS: return OP(34, 0);
- case AMOVT: return OP(35, 0);
- /* stores */
- case AMOVB+AEND: /* misnomer; pretend it's ok for now */
- case AMOVBU+AEND: return OP(14, 0); /* v 3 */
- case AMOVW+AEND: /* misnomer; pretend it's ok for now */
- case AMOVWU+AEND: return OP(13, 0); /* v 3 */
- case AMOVL+AEND: return OP(44, 0);
- case AMOVQ+AEND: return OP(45, 0);
- case AMOVQU+AEND: return OP(15, 0);
- case AMOVS+AEND: return OP(38, 0);
- case AMOVT+AEND: return OP(39, 0);
- /* physical */
- case AMOVLP+AEND: return OP(31, 0)|0x8000;
- case AMOVQP+AEND: return OP(31, 0)|0x9000;
- case AMOVLP: return OP(27, 0)|0x8000;
- case AMOVQP: return OP(27, 0)|0x9000;
- /* load address */
- case AMOVA: return OP(8, 0);
- case AMOVAH: return OP(9, 0);
- /* locking */
- case AMOVLL: return OP(42, 0); /* load locked */
- case AMOVQL: return OP(43, 0); /* load locked */
- case AMOVLC+AEND: return OP(46, 0); /* store cond */
- case AMOVQC+AEND: return OP(47, 0); /* store cond */
- case AADDL: return OP(16, 0);
- case AADDLV: return OP(16, 64);
- case AADDQ: return OP(16, 32);
- case AADDQV: return OP(16, 96);
- case AS4ADDL: return OP(16, 2);
- case AS4ADDQ: return OP(16, 34);
- case AS8ADDL: return OP(16, 18);
- case AS8ADDQ: return OP(16, 50);
- case AS4SUBL: return OP(16, 11);
- case AS4SUBQ: return OP(16, 43);
- case AS8SUBL: return OP(16, 27);
- case AS8SUBQ: return OP(16, 59);
- case ASUBL: return OP(16, 9);
- case ASUBLV: return OP(16, 73);
- case ASUBQ: return OP(16, 41);
- case ASUBQV: return OP(16, 105);
- case ACMPEQ: return OP(16, 45);
- case ACMPGT: return OP(16, 77);
- case ACMPGE: return OP(16, 109);
- case ACMPUGT: return OP(16, 29);
- case ACMPUGE: return OP(16, 61);
- case ACMPBLE: return OP(16, 15);
- case AAND: return OP(17, 0);
- case AANDNOT: return OP(17, 8);
- case AOR: return OP(17, 32);
- case AORNOT: return OP(17, 40);
- case AXOR: return OP(17, 64);
- case AXORNOT: return OP(17, 72);
- case ACMOVEQ: return OP(17, 36);
- case ACMOVNE: return OP(17, 38);
- case ACMOVLT: return OP(17, 68);
- case ACMOVGE: return OP(17, 70);
- case ACMOVLE: return OP(17, 100);
- case ACMOVGT: return OP(17, 102);
- case ACMOVLBS: return OP(17, 20);
- case ACMOVLBC: return OP(17, 22);
- case AMULL: return OP(19, 0);
- case AMULQ: return OP(19, 32);
- case AMULLV: return OP(19, 64);
- case AMULQV: return OP(19, 96);
- case AUMULH: return OP(19, 48);
- case ASLLQ: return OP(18, 57);
- case ASRLQ: return OP(18, 52);
- case ASRAQ: return OP(18, 60);
- case AEXTBL: return OP(18, 6);
- case AEXTWL: return OP(18, 22);
- case AEXTLL: return OP(18, 38);
- case AEXTQL: return OP(18, 54);
- case AEXTWH: return OP(18, 90);
- case AEXTLH: return OP(18, 106);
- case AEXTQH: return OP(18, 122);
- case AINSBL: return OP(18, 11);
- case AINSWL: return OP(18, 27);
- case AINSLL: return OP(18, 43);
- case AINSQL: return OP(18, 59);
- case AINSWH: return OP(18, 87);
- case AINSLH: return OP(18, 103);
- case AINSQH: return OP(18, 119);
- case AMSKBL: return OP(18, 2);
- case AMSKWL: return OP(18, 18);
- case AMSKLL: return OP(18, 34);
- case AMSKQL: return OP(18, 50);
- case AMSKWH: return OP(18, 82);
- case AMSKLH: return OP(18, 98);
- case AMSKQH: return OP(18, 114);
- case AZAP: return OP(18, 48);
- case AZAPNOT: return OP(18, 49);
- case AJMP: return OP(26, 0);
- case AJSR: return OP(26, 512);
- case ARET: return OP(26, 1024);
- case ABR: return OP(48, 0);
- case ABSR: return OP(52, 0);
- case ABEQ: return OP(57, 0);
- case ABNE: return OP(61, 0);
- case ABLT: return OP(58, 0);
- case ABGE: return OP(62, 0);
- case ABLE: return OP(59, 0);
- case ABGT: return OP(63, 0);
- case ABLBC: return OP(56, 0);
- case ABLBS: return OP(60, 0);
- case AFBEQ: return OP(49, 0);
- case AFBNE: return OP(53, 0);
- case AFBLT: return OP(50, 0);
- case AFBGE: return OP(54, 0);
- case AFBLE: return OP(51, 0);
- case AFBGT: return OP(55, 0);
- case ATRAPB: return OP(24, 0);
- case AMB: return OP(24, 0x200);
- case AFETCH: return OP(24, 0x400);
- case AFETCHM: return OP(24, 0x500);
- case ARPCC: return OP(24, 0x600);
- case ACPYS: return OP(23, 32);
- case ACPYSN: return OP(23, 33);
- case ACPYSE: return OP(23, 34);
- case AADDS+AEND: return OP(23, 37); /* MF_FPCR */
- case AADDT+AEND: return OP(23, 36); /* MT_FPCR */
- case ACVTLQ: return OP(23, 16);
- case ACVTQL: return OP(23, 48); /* XXX trap mode */
- case AFCMOVEQ: return OP(23, 42);
- case AFCMOVNE: return OP(23, 43);
- case AFCMOVLT: return OP(23, 44);
- case AFCMOVGE: return OP(23, 45);
- case AFCMOVLE: return OP(23, 46);
- case AFCMOVGT: return OP(23, 47);
- case AADDS: return FP(0);
- case AADDT: return FP(32);
- case ACMPTEQ: return FP3(37);
- case ACMPTGT: return FP3(38);
- case ACMPTGE: return FP3(39);
- case ACMPTUN: return FP3(36);
- case ACVTQS: return FP2(60);
- case ACVTQT: return FP2(62);
- case ACVTTS: return FP2(44);
- case ACVTTQ: return FP2(47);
- case ADIVS: return FP(3);
- case ADIVT: return FP(35);
- case AMULS: return FP(2);
- case AMULT: return FP(34);
- case ASUBS: return FP(1);
- case ASUBT: return FP(33);
- case ACALL_PAL: return 0;
- case AREI: return OP(30, 0x400); /* HW_REI */
- case AADDQ+AEND: return OP(25,0); /* HW_MFPR */
- case ASUBQ+AEND: return OP(29,0); /* HW_MTPR */
- }
- diag("bad op %A(%d)", a, a);
- return 0;
--- a/sys/src/cmd/7l/compat.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +1,0 @@
-#include "l.h"
- * fake malloc
- */
-malloc(ulong n)
- void *p;
- while(n & 7)
- n++;
- while(nhunk < n)
- gethunk();
- p = hunk;
- nhunk -= n;
- hunk += n;
- return p;
-free(void *p)
- USED(p);
-calloc(ulong m, ulong n)
- void *p;
- n *= m;
- p = malloc(n);
- memset(p, 0, n);
- return p;
-realloc(void *p, ulong n)
- fprint(2, "realloc(0x%p %ld) called\n", p, n);
- abort();
- return 0;
-mysbrk(ulong size)
- return sbrk(size);
-setmalloctag(void *v, uintptr pc)
- USED(v, pc);
--- a/sys/src/cmd/7l/l.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,316 +1,0 @@
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <bio.h>
-#include "../7c/7.out.h"
-typedef struct Adr Adr;
-typedef struct Sym Sym;
-typedef struct Autom Auto;
-typedef struct Prog Prog;
-typedef struct Optab Optab;
-typedef struct Oprang Oprang;
-typedef uchar Opcross[32][2][32];
-typedef struct Count Count;
-#define P ((Prog*)0)
-#define S ((Sym*)0)
-#define TNAME (curtext&&curtext->from.sym?curtext->from.sym->name:noname)
-struct Adr
- union
- {
- vlong offset;
- char* sval;
- Ieee* ieee;
- };
- union
- {
- Auto* autom;
- Sym* sym;
- };
- char type;
- char reg;
- char name;
- char class;
-struct Prog
- Adr from;
- Adr to;
- union
- {
- long regused;
- Prog* forwd;
- };
- Prog* cond;
- Prog* link;
- long pc;
- long line;
- uchar mark;
- uchar optab;
- uchar as;
- char reg;
-struct Sym
- char *name;
- short type;
- short version;
- short become;
- short frame;
- long value;
- Sym* link;
-struct Autom
- Sym* sym;
- Auto* link;
- long offset;
- short type;
-struct Optab
- uchar as;
- char a1;
- char a2;
- char a3;
- char type;
- char size;
- char param;
-struct Oprang
- Optab* start;
- Optab* stop;
-struct Count
- long count;
- long outof;
- STEXT = 1,
- C_NONE = 0,
- C_REG,
- C_PCC,
- C_GOK,
- NSCHED = 20,
-/* mark flags */
- FOLL = 1<<0,
- LABEL = 1<<1,
- LEAF = 1<<2,
- SYNC = 1<<3,
- BRANCH = 1<<4,
- LABEL2 = 1<<5,
- COMPARE = 1<<6,
- NOSCHED = 1<<7,
- BIG = 32760,
- STRINGSZ = 200,
- NHASH = 10007,
- NHUNK = 100000,
- MINSIZ = 64,
- NENT = 100,
- MAXIO = 8192,
- MAXHIST = 20, /* limit of path elements for history symbols */
- struct
- {
- uchar cbuf[MAXIO]; /* output buffer */
- uchar xbuf[MAXIO]; /* input buffer */
- };
- char dbuf[1];
-} buf;
-long HEADR; /* length of header */
-int HEADTYPE; /* type of header */
-long INITDAT; /* data location */
-long INITRND; /* data round above text location */
-long INITTEXT; /* text location */
-char* INITENTRY; /* entry point */
-long autosize;
-Biobuf bso;
-long bsssize;
-int cbc;
-uchar* cbp;
-int cout;
-Auto* curauto;
-Auto* curhist;
-Prog* curp;
-Prog* curtext;
-Prog* datap;
-long datsize;
-char debug[128];
-Prog* etextp;
-Prog* firstp;
-char fnuxi8[8];
-char* noname;
-Sym* hash[NHASH];
-Sym* histfrog[MAXHIST];
-int histfrogp;
-int histgen;
-char* library[50];
-char* libraryobj[50];
-int libraryp;
-int xrefresolv;
-char* hunk;
-char inuxi1[1];
-char inuxi2[2];
-char inuxi4[4];
-Prog* lastp;
-long lcsize;
-char literal[32];
-int nerrors;
-long nhunk;
-vlong offset;
-Opcross opcross[7];
-Oprang oprange[ALAST];
-char* outfile;
-long pc;
-Prog *prog_divq;
-Prog *prog_divqu;
-Prog *prog_modq;
-Prog *prog_modqu;
-Prog *prog_divl;
-Prog *prog_divlu;
-Prog *prog_modl;
-Prog *prog_modlu;
-uchar repop[ALAST];
-long symsize;
-Prog* textp;
-long textsize;
-long thunk;
-int version;
-char xcmp[32][32];
-Prog zprg;
-int dtype;
-extern char* anames[];
-extern Optab optab[];
-#pragma varargck type "A" int
-#pragma varargck type "A" uint
-#pragma varargck type "D" Adr*
-#pragma varargck type "N" Adr*
-#pragma varargck type "P" Prog*
-#pragma varargck type "S" char*
-#pragma varargck argpos diag 1
-int Aconv(Fmt*);
-int Dconv(Fmt*);
-int Nconv(Fmt*);
-int Pconv(Fmt*);
-int Sconv(Fmt*);
-int aclass(Adr*);
-void addhist(long, int);
-void addnop(Prog*);
-void append(Prog*, Prog*);
-void asmb(void);
-void asmlc(void);
-int asmout(Prog*, Optab*);
-void asmsym(void);
-long atolwhex(char*);
-Prog* brloop(Prog*);
-Biobuf bso;
-void buildop(void);
-void buildrep(int, int);
-void cflush(void);
-int cmp(int, int);
-int compound(Prog*);
-int conflict(long, long);
-double cputime(void);
-void datblk(long, long);
-int depend(long, long);
-void diag(char*, ...);
-Prog *divsubr(int);
-void dodata(void);
-void doprof1(void);
-void doprof2(void);
-long entryvalue(void);
-void errorexit(void);
-void exchange(Prog*);
-int find1(long, int);
-void follow(void);
-Prog *genXXX(Prog *, int, Adr*, int, Adr*);
-Prog *genRRR(Prog *, int, int, int, int);
-Prog *genIRR(Prog *, int, vlong, int, int);
-Prog *genstore(Prog *, int, int, vlong, int);
-Prog *genload(Prog *, int, vlong, int, int);
-Prog *genjmp(Prog *, int, vlong, int);
-void gethunk(void);
-void histtoauto(void);
-double ieeedtod(Ieee*);
-long ieeedtof(Ieee*);
-void initdiv(void);
-void ldobj(int, long, char*);
-void loadlib(void);
-void listinit(void);
-Sym* lookup(char*, int);
-void lput(long);
-void lputbe(long);
-void mkfwd(void);
-void* mysbrk(ulong);
-void names(void);
-void nocache(Prog*);
-void noops(void);
-void nuxiinit(void);
-void objfile(char*);
-int ocmp(void*, void*);
-long opcode(int);
-Optab* oplook(Prog*);
-void patch(void);
-void prasm(Prog*);
-void prepend(Prog*, Prog*);
-Prog* prg(void);
-int pseudo(Prog*);
-void putsymb(char*, int, long, int);
-vlong regoff(Adr*);
-long regused(Prog*);
-int relinv(int);
-long rnd(long, long);
-void sched(Prog*, Prog*);
-void span(void);
-void vlput(vlong);
-void undef(void);
-void xdefine(char*, int, long);
-void xfol(Prog*);
--- a/sys/src/cmd/7l/list.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,246 +1,0 @@
-#include "l.h"
- fmtinstall('A', Aconv);
- fmtinstall('D', Dconv);
- fmtinstall('P', Pconv);
- fmtinstall('S', Sconv);
- fmtinstall('N', Nconv);
-prasm(Prog *p)
- print("%P\n", p);
-Pconv(Fmt *fp)
- char str[STRINGSZ];
- Prog *p;
- int a;
- p = va_arg(fp->args, Prog*);
- curp = p;
- a = p->as;
- if(a == ADATA)
- snprint(str, sizeof str, "(%ld) %A %D/%d,%D",
- p->line, a, &p->from, p->reg, &p->to);
- else
- if(p->reg == NREG)
- snprint(str, sizeof str, "(%ld) %A %D,%D",
- p->line, a, &p->from, &p->to);
- else
- if(p->from.type != D_FREG)
- snprint(str, sizeof str, "(%ld) %A %D,R%d,%D",
- p->line, a, &p->from, p->reg, &p->to);
- else
- snprint(str, sizeof str, "(%ld) %A %D,F%d,%D",
- p->line, a, &p->from, p->reg, &p->to);
- return fmtstrcpy(fp, str);
-Aconv(Fmt *fp)
- char *s;
- int a;
- a = va_arg(fp->args, int);
- s = "???";
- if(a >= AXXX && a <= AEND)
- s = anames[a];
- return fmtstrcpy(fp, s);
-Dconv(Fmt *fp)
- char str[STRINGSZ];
- Adr *a;
- long v;
- a = va_arg(fp->args, Adr*);
- switch(a->type) {
- default:
- snprint(str, sizeof str, "GOK-type(%d)", a->type);
- break;
- case D_NONE:
- str[0] = 0;
- if(a->name != D_NONE || a->reg != NREG || a->sym != S)
- snprint(str, sizeof str, "%N(R%d)(NONE)", a, a->reg);
- break;
- case D_CONST:
- snprint(str, sizeof str, "$%N", a);
- if(a->reg != NREG)
- snprint(str, sizeof str, "%N(R%d)(CONST)", a, a->reg);
- break;
- case D_OREG:
- if(a->reg != NREG)
- snprint(str, sizeof str, "%N(R%d)", a, a->reg);
- else
- snprint(str, sizeof str, "%N", a);
- break;
- case D_REG:
- snprint(str, sizeof str, "R%d", a->reg);
- if(a->name != D_NONE || a->sym != S)
- snprint(str, sizeof str, "%N(R%d)(REG)", a, a->reg);
- break;
- case D_PREG:
- snprint(str, sizeof str, "P%d", a->reg & 255);
- if(a->name != D_NONE || a->sym != S)
- snprint(str, sizeof str, "%N(R%d)(PREG)", a, a->reg);
- break;
- case D_FREG:
- snprint(str, sizeof str, "F%d", a->reg);
- if(a->name != D_NONE || a->sym != S)
- snprint(str, sizeof str, "%N(R%d)(FREG)", a, a->reg);
- break;
- case D_FCREG:
- snprint(str, sizeof str, "FPCR");
- if(a->name != D_NONE || a->sym != S)
- snprint(str, sizeof str, "%N(R%d)(FCREG)", a, a->reg);
- break;
- case D_BRANCH: /* botch */
- if(curp->cond != P) {
- v = curp->cond->pc;
- if(v >= INITTEXT)
- if(a->sym != S)
- snprint(str, sizeof str, "%s+%.5lux(BRANCH)", a->sym->name, v);
- else
- snprint(str, sizeof str, "%.5lux(BRANCH)", v);
- } else
- if(a->sym != S)
- snprint(str, sizeof str, "%s+%lld(APC)", a->sym->name, a->offset);
- else
- snprint(str, sizeof str, "%lld(APC)", a->offset);
- break;
- case D_FCONST:
- snprint(str, sizeof str, "$%e", ieeedtod(a->ieee));
- break;
- case D_SCONST:
- snprint(str, sizeof str, "$\"%S\"", a->sval);
- break;
- }
- return fmtstrcpy(fp, str);
-Nconv(Fmt *fp)
- char str[STRINGSZ];
- Adr *a;
- Sym *s;
- a = va_arg(fp->args, Adr*);
- s = a->sym;
- if(s == S) {
- snprint(str, sizeof str, "%lld", a->offset);
- goto out;
- }
- switch(a->name) {
- default:
- snprint(str, sizeof str, "GOK-name(%d)", a->name);
- break;
- case D_NONE:
- snprint(str, sizeof str, "%lld", a->offset);
- break;
- case D_EXTERN:
- snprint(str, sizeof str, "%s+%lld(SB)", s->name, a->offset);
- break;
- case D_STATIC:
- snprint(str, sizeof str, "%s<>+%lld(SB)", s->name, a->offset);
- break;
- case D_AUTO:
- snprint(str, sizeof str, "%s-%lld(SP)", s->name, -a->offset);
- break;
- case D_PARAM:
- snprint(str, sizeof str, "%s+%lld(FP)", s->name, a->offset);
- break;
- }
- return fmtstrcpy(fp, str);
-Sconv(Fmt *fp)
- int i, c;
- char str[STRINGSZ], *p, *a;
- a = va_arg(fp->args, char*);
- p = str;
- for(i=0; i<sizeof(long); i++) {
- c = a[i] & 0xff;
- if(c >= 'a' && c <= 'z' ||
- c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z' ||
- c >= '0' && c <= '9' ||
- c == ' ' || c == '%') {
- *p++ = c;
- continue;
- }
- *p++ = '\\';
- switch(c) {
- case 0:
- *p++ = 'z';
- continue;
- case '\\':
- case '"':
- *p++ = c;
- continue;
- case '\n':
- *p++ = 'n';
- continue;
- case '\t':
- *p++ = 't';
- continue;
- }
- *p++ = (c>>6) + '0';
- *p++ = ((c>>3) & 7) + '0';
- *p++ = (c & 7) + '0';
- }
- *p = 0;
- return fmtstrcpy(fp, str);
-diag(char *fmt, ...)
- char buf[STRINGSZ], *tn;
- va_list arg;
- tn = "??none??";
- if(curtext != P && curtext->from.sym != S)
- tn = curtext->from.sym->name;
- va_start(arg, fmt);
- vseprint(buf, buf+sizeof(buf), fmt, arg);
- va_end(arg);
- print("%s: %s\n", tn, buf);
- nerrors++;
- if(nerrors > 10) {
- print("too many errors\n");
- errorexit();
- }
--- a/sys/src/cmd/7l/mkfile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +1,0 @@
- asm.$O\
- list.$O\
- noop.$O\
- obj.$O\
- optab.$O\
- pass.$O\
- sched.$O\
- span.$O\
- enam.$O\
- compat.$O\
- l.h\
- ../7c/7.out.h\
-enam.$O: ../7c/enam.c
- $CC $CFLAGS ../7c/enam.c
-x:V: $O.out
- $O.out -la -o/dev/null x.7
-test:V: $O.out
- rm -f xxx
- mv $O.out xxx
- ./xxx $OFILES
- cmp $O.out xxx
--- a/sys/src/cmd/7l/noop.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,947 +1,0 @@
-#include "l.h"
-Prog *divuconst(Prog *, uvlong, int, int, int);
-Prog *divconst(Prog *, vlong, int, int, int);
-Prog *modconst(Prog *, vlong, int, int, int);
-void excise(Prog *);
- Prog *p, *p1, *q, *q1, *q2;
- int o, curframe, curbecome, maxbecome, shift;
- /*
- * find leaf subroutines
- * become sizes
- * frame sizes
- * strip NOPs
- * expand RET and other macros
- * expand BECOME pseudo
- * use conditional moves where appropriate
- */
- if(debug['v'])
- Bprint(&bso, "%5.2f noops\n", cputime());
- Bflush(&bso);
- curframe = 0;
- curbecome = 0;
- maxbecome = 0;
- curtext = 0;
- q = P;
- for(p = firstp; p != P; p = p->link) {
- /* find out how much arg space is used in this TEXT */
- if(p->to.type == D_OREG && p->to.reg == REGSP)
- if(p->to.offset > curframe)
- curframe = p->to.offset;
- switch(p->as) {
- case ATEXT:
- if(curtext && curtext->from.sym) {
- curtext->from.sym->frame = curframe;
- curtext->from.sym->become = curbecome;
- if(curbecome > maxbecome)
- maxbecome = curbecome;
- }
- curframe = 0;
- curbecome = 0;
- p->mark |= LABEL|LEAF|SYNC;
- if(p->link)
- p->link->mark |= LABEL;
- curtext = p;
- break;
- /* don't mess with what we don't understand */
- case AWORD:
- case ACALL_PAL:
- /* etc. */
- p->mark |= LABEL;
- for(q1=p->link; q1 != P; q1 = q1->link) {
- q1->mark |= LABEL;
- if(q1->as != AXORNOT) /* used as NOP in PALcode */
- break;
- }
- break;
- case ARET:
- /* special form of RET is BECOME */
- if(p->from.type == D_CONST)
- if(p->from.offset > curbecome)
- curbecome = p->from.offset;
- if(p->link != P)
- p->link->mark |= LABEL;
- break;
- case ANOP:
- q1 = p->link;
- q->link = q1; /* q is non-nop */
- q1->mark |= p->mark;
- continue;
- case AJSR:
- if(curtext != P)
- curtext->mark &= ~LEAF;
- case ABEQ:
- case ABNE:
- case ABGE:
- case ABGT:
- case ABLE:
- case ABLT:
- case ABLBC:
- case ABLBS:
- case AFBEQ:
- case AFBNE:
- case AFBGE:
- case AFBGT:
- case AFBLE:
- case AFBLT:
- case AJMP:
- p->mark |= BRANCH;
- q1 = p->cond;
- if(q1 != P) {
- while(q1->as == ANOP) {
- q1 = q1->link;
- p->cond = q1;
- }
- if(!(q1->mark & LEAF)) {
- if (q1->mark & LABEL)
- q1->mark |= LABEL2;
- else
- q1->mark |= LABEL;
- }
- } else
- p->mark |= LABEL;
- q1 = p->link;
- if(q1 != P) {
- if (q1->mark & LABEL)
- q1->mark |= LABEL2;
- else
- q1->mark |= LABEL;
- }
- else
- p->mark |= LABEL; /* ??? */
- break;
- case ADIVQ:
- case ADIVQU:
- case AMODQ:
- case AMODQU:
- case ADIVL:
- case ADIVLU:
- case AMODL:
- case AMODLU:
- if(p->from.type == D_CONST /*&& !debug['d']*/)
- continue;
- if(prog_divq == P)
- initdiv();
- if(curtext != P)
- curtext->mark &= ~LEAF;
- break;
- }
- q = p;
- }
- if(curtext && curtext->from.sym) {
- curtext->from.sym->frame = curframe;
- curtext->from.sym->become = curbecome;
- if(curbecome > maxbecome)
- maxbecome = curbecome;
- }
- if(debug['b'])
- print("max become = %d\n", maxbecome);
- xdefine("ALEFbecome", STEXT, maxbecome);
- curtext = 0;
- for(p = firstp; p != P; p = p->link) {
- switch(p->as) {
- case ATEXT:
- curtext = p;
- break;
- case AJSR:
- if(curtext != P && curtext->from.sym != S && curtext->to.offset >= 0) {
- o = maxbecome - curtext->from.sym->frame;
- if(o <= 0)
- break;
- /* calling a become or calling a variable */
- if(p->to.sym == S || p->to.sym->become) {
- curtext->to.offset += o;
- if(debug['b']) {
- curp = p;
- print("%D calling %D increase %d\n",
- &curtext->from, &p->to, o);
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- for(p = firstp; p != P; p = p->link) {
- o = p->as;
- switch(o) {
- case ATEXT:
- curtext = p;
- autosize = p->to.offset + 8;
- if(autosize <= 8)
- if(curtext->mark & LEAF) {
- p->to.offset = -8;
- autosize = 0;
- }
- if (autosize & 4)
- autosize += 4;
- q = p;
- if(autosize)
- q = genIRR(p, ASUBQ, autosize, NREG, REGSP);
- else if(!(curtext->mark & LEAF)) {
- if(debug['v'])
- Bprint(&bso, "save suppressed in: %s\n",
- curtext->from.sym->name);
- Bflush(&bso);
- curtext->mark |= LEAF;
- }
- if(curtext->mark & LEAF) {
- if(curtext->from.sym)
- curtext->from.sym->type = SLEAF;
- break;
- }
- genstore(q, AMOVL, REGLINK, 0LL, REGSP);
- break;
- case ARET:
- nocache(p);
- if(p->from.type == D_CONST)
- goto become;
- if(curtext->mark & LEAF) {
- if(!autosize) {
- p->as = AJMP;
- p->from = zprg.from;
- p->to.type = D_OREG;
- p->to.offset = 0;
- p->to.reg = REGLINK;
- break;
- }
- p->as = AADDQ;
- p->from.type = D_CONST;
- p->from.offset = autosize;
- p->to.type = D_REG;
- p->to.reg = REGSP;
- q = prg();
- q->as = AJMP;
- q->line = p->line;
- q->to.type = D_OREG;
- q->to.offset = 0;
- q->to.reg = REGLINK;
- q->mark |= BRANCH;
- q->link = p->link;
- p->link = q;
- break;
- }
- p->as = AMOVL;
- p->from.type = D_OREG;
- p->from.offset = 0;
- p->from.reg = REGSP;
- p->to.type = D_REG;
- p->to.reg = REGLINK;
- q = p;
- if(autosize)
- q = genIRR(p, AADDQ, autosize, NREG, REGSP);
- q1 = prg();
- q1->as = AJMP;
- q1->line = p->line;
- q1->to.type = D_OREG;
- q1->to.offset = 0;
- q1->to.reg = REGLINK;
- q1->mark |= BRANCH;
- q1->link = q->link;
- q->link = q1;
- break;
- become:
- if(curtext->mark & LEAF) {
- q = prg();
- q->line = p->line;
- q->as = AJMP;
- q->from = zprg.from;
- q->to = p->to;
- q->cond = p->cond;
- q->link = p->link;
- q->mark |= BRANCH;
- p->link = q;
- p->as = AADDQ;
- p->from = zprg.from;
- p->from.type = D_CONST;
- p->from.offset = autosize;
- p->to =;
- p->to.type = D_REG;
- p->to.reg = REGSP;
- break;
- }
- q = prg();
- q->line = p->line;
- q->as = AJMP;
- q->from = zprg.from;
- q->to = p->to;
- q->cond = p->cond;
- q->link = p->link;
- q->mark |= BRANCH;
- p->link = q;
- q = genIRR(p, AADDQ, autosize, NREG, REGSP);
- p->as = AMOVL;
- p->from = zprg.from;
- p->from.type = D_OREG;
- p->from.offset = 0;
- p->from.reg = REGSP;
- p->to =;
- p->to.type = D_REG;
- p->to.reg = REGLINK;
- break;
- /* All I wanted was a MOVB... */
- case AMOVB:
- case AMOVW:
- /* rewrite sign extend; could use v3 extension in asmout case 1 */
- if (p->to.type == D_REG) {
- nocache(p);
- shift = (p->as == AMOVB) ? (64-8) : (64-16);
- if (p->from.type == D_REG) {
- p->as = ASLLQ;
- p->reg = p->from.reg;
- p->from.type = D_CONST;
- p->from.offset = shift;
- q = genIRR(p, ASRAQ, shift, p->to.reg, p->to.reg);
- break;
- }
- else {
- p->as = (p->as == AMOVB) ? AMOVBU : AMOVWU;
- q = genIRR(p, ASLLQ, shift, p->to.reg, p->to.reg);
- q = genIRR(q, ASRAQ, shift, p->to.reg, p->to.reg);
- }
- }
- /* fall through... */
- case AMOVBU:
- case AMOVWU:
- if(!debug['x'])
- break; /* use BWX extension */
- o = p->as;
- nocache(p);
- if (p->from.type == D_OREG) {
- if (p->to.type != D_REG)
- break;
- p->as = AMOVQU;
- q = genXXX(p, AEXTBL, &p->to, REGTMP2, &p->to);
- if (o == AMOVW || o == AMOVWU)
- q->as = AEXTWL;
- p->to.reg = REGTMP2;
- if ((p->from.offset & 7) != 0 || aclass(&p->from) != C_SOREG) {
- q1 = genXXX(p, AMOVA, &p->from, NREG, &q->to);
- q1->from.offset &= 7;
- q->from = q->to;
- }
- else
- q->from.reg = p->from.reg;
- if (o == AMOVB || o == AMOVW)
- genXXX(q, o, &q->to, NREG, &q->to);
- }
- else if (p->to.type == D_OREG) {
- if (aclass(&p->from) == C_ZCON) {
- p->from.type = D_REG;
- p->from.reg = REGZERO;
- }
- else if (p->from.type != D_REG)
- break;
- p->as = AMOVQU;
- q = genRRR(p, AMSKBL, p->to.reg, REGTMP2, REGTMP2);
- q1 = genRRR(q, AINSBL, p->to.reg, p->from.reg, REGTMP);
- if (o == AMOVW || o == AMOVWU) {
- q->as = AMSKWL;
- q1->as = AINSWL;
- }
- q2 = genXXX(q1, AOR, &q->to, REGTMP, &q->to);
- genXXX(q2, AMOVQU, &q->to, NREG, &p->to);
- p->from = p->to;
- p->to = q->to;
- if ((p->from.offset & 7) != 0 || aclass(&p->from) != C_SOREG) {
- q->from.reg = REGTMP;
- q1->from.reg = REGTMP;
- q = genXXX(p, AMOVA, &p->from, NREG, &q->from);
- q->from.offset &= 7;
- }
- }
- break;
- case ASLLL:
- p->as = ASLLQ;
- p = genXXX(p, AADDL, &p->to, REGZERO, &p->to);
- break;
- case ASRLL:
- if (p->to.type != D_REG) {
- diag("illegal dest type in %P", p);
- break;
- }
- if (p->reg == NREG)
- p->reg = p->to.reg;
- q = genXXX(p, ASRLQ, &p->from, REGTMP, &p->to);
- p->as = AZAP;
- p->from.type = D_CONST;
- p->from.offset = 0xf0;
- p->to.reg = REGTMP;
- p = q;
- p = genXXX(p, AADDL, &p->to, REGZERO, &p->to);
- break;
- case ASRAL:
- p->as = ASRAQ;
- break;
- case ADIVQ:
- case ADIVQU:
- case AMODQ:
- case AMODQU:
- case ADIVL:
- case ADIVLU:
- case AMODL:
- case AMODLU:
- /* if (debug['d'])
- print("%P\n", p); */
- if(p->to.type != D_REG)
- break;
- /*if(debug['d'] && p->from.type == D_CONST) {
- q = genRRR(p, p->as, REGTMP, p->reg, p->to.reg);
- p->as = AMOVQ;
- p->reg = NREG;
- p->to.reg = REGTMP;
- p = q;
- }*/
- if(p->from.type == D_CONST) {
- if (p->reg == NREG)
- p->reg = p->to.reg;
- switch (p->as) {
- case ADIVQ:
- q = divconst(p, p->from.offset, p->reg, p->to.reg, 64);
- break;
- case ADIVQU:
- q = divuconst(p, p->from.offset, p->reg, p->to.reg, 64);
- break;
- case AMODQ:
- q = modconst(p, p->from.offset, p->reg, p->to.reg, 64);
- break;
- case AMODQU:
- q = divuconst(p, p->from.offset, p->reg, REGTMP2, 64);
- q = genIRR(q, AMULQ, p->from.offset, REGTMP2, REGTMP2);
- q = genRRR(q, ASUBQ, REGTMP2, p->reg, p->to.reg);
- break;
- case ADIVL:
- q = divconst(p, p->from.offset, p->reg, p->to.reg, 32);
- break;
- case ADIVLU:
- q = divuconst(p, p->from.offset, p->reg, p->to.reg, 32);
- break;
- case AMODL:
- q = modconst(p, p->from.offset, p->reg, p->to.reg, 32);
- break;
- case AMODLU:
- q = divuconst(p, p->from.offset, p->reg, REGTMP2, 32);
- q = genIRR(q, AMULQ, p->from.offset, REGTMP2, REGTMP2);
- q = genRRR(q, ASUBQ, REGTMP2, p->reg, p->to.reg);
- break;
- }
- excise(p);
- p = q;
- break;
- }
- if(p->from.type != D_REG){
- diag("bad instruction %P", p);
- break;
- }
- o = p->as;
- q = genIRR(p, ASUBQ, 16LL, NREG, REGSP);
- q = genstore(q, AMOVQ, p->from.reg, 8LL, REGSP);
- if (o == ADIVL || o == ADIVL || o == AMODL || o == AMODLU)
- q->as = AMOVL;
- q = genRRR(q, AMOVQ, p->reg, NREG, REGTMP);
- if (p->reg == NREG)
- q->from.reg = p->to.reg;
- /* CALL appropriate */
- q1 = prg();
- q1->link = q->link;
- q->link = q1;
- q1->as = AJSR;
- q1->line = p->line;
- q1->to.type = D_BRANCH;
- q1->cond = divsubr(o);
- q1->mark |= BRANCH;
- q = q1;
- q = genRRR(q, AMOVQ, REGTMP, NREG, p->to.reg);
- q = genIRR(q, AADDQ, 16LL, NREG, REGSP);
- excise(p);
- p = q;
- break;
- /* Attempt to replace {cond. branch, mov} with a cmov */
- /* XXX warning: this is all a bit experimental */
- case ABEQ:
- case ABNE:
- case ABGE:
- case ABGT:
- case ABLE:
- case ABLT:
- case ABLBC:
- case ABLBS:
- q = p->link;
- if (q == P)
- break;
- q1 = q->link;
- if (q1 != p->cond || q1 == P)
- break;
-/*print("%P\n", q); /* */
- if (q->to.type != D_REG)
- break;
- if (q->from.type != D_REG && (q->from.type != D_CONST || q-> != D_NONE))
- break;
- if (q->mark&LABEL2)
- break;
-/* print("%P\n", q); /* */
- if (q->as != AMOVQ) /* XXX can handle more than this! */
- break;
- q->as = (p->as^1) + ACMOVEQ-ABEQ; /* sleazy hack */
- q->reg = p->from.reg; /* XXX check CMOVx operand order! */
- excise(p); /* XXX p's LABEL? */
- if (!(q1->mark&LABEL2))
- q1->mark &= ~LABEL;
- break;
- case AFBEQ:
- case AFBNE:
- case AFBGE:
- case AFBGT:
- case AFBLE:
- case AFBLT:
- q = p->link;
- if (q == P)
- break;
- q1 = q->link;
- if (q1 != p->cond || q1 == P)
- break;
- if (q->from.type != D_FREG || q->to.type != D_FREG)
- break;
-/* print("%P\n", q); /* */
- if (q->mark&LABEL2)
- break;
- if (q->as != AMOVT) /* XXX can handle more than this! */
- break;
- q->as = (p->as^1) + AFCMOVEQ-AFBEQ; /* sleazy hack */
- q->reg = p->from.reg; /* XXX check CMOVx operand order! */
- excise(p); /* XXX p's LABEL? */
- if (!(q1->mark&LABEL2))
- q1->mark &= ~LABEL;
- break;
- }
- }
- curtext = P;
- q = P; /* p - 1 */
- q1 = firstp; /* top of block */
- o = 0; /* count of instructions */
- for(p = firstp; p != P; p = p1) {
- p1 = p->link;
- o++;
- if(p->mark & NOSCHED){
- if(q1 != p){
- sched(q1, q);
- }
- for(; p != P; p = p->link){
- if(!(p->mark & NOSCHED))
- break;
- q = p;
- }
- p1 = p;
- q1 = p;
- o = 0;
- continue;
- }
- if(p->mark & (LABEL|SYNC)) {
- if(q1 != p)
- sched(q1, q);
- q1 = p;
- o = 1;
- }
- if(p->mark & (BRANCH|SYNC)) {
- sched(q1, p);
- q1 = p1;
- o = 0;
- }
- if(o >= NSCHED) {
- sched(q1, p);
- q1 = p1;
- o = 0;
- }
- q = p;
- }
-nocache(Prog *p)
- p->optab = 0;
- p->from.class = 0;
- p->to.class = 0;
-/* XXX use of this may lose important LABEL flags, check that this isn't happening (or fix) */
-excise(Prog *p)
- Prog *q;
- q = p->link;
- *p = *q;
- Sym *s1, *s2, *s3, *s4, *s5, *s6, *s7, *s8;
- Prog *p;
- s1 = lookup("_divq", 0);
- s2 = lookup("_divqu", 0);
- s3 = lookup("_modq", 0);
- s4 = lookup("_modqu", 0);
- s5 = lookup("_divl", 0);
- s6 = lookup("_divlu", 0);
- s7 = lookup("_modl", 0);
- s8 = lookup("_modlu", 0);
- for(p = firstp; p != P; p = p->link)
- if(p->as == ATEXT) {
- if(p->from.sym == s1)
- prog_divq = p;
- if(p->from.sym == s2)
- prog_divqu = p;
- if(p->from.sym == s3)
- prog_modq = p;
- if(p->from.sym == s4)
- prog_modqu = p;
- if(p->from.sym == s5)
- prog_divl = p;
- if(p->from.sym == s6)
- prog_divlu = p;
- if(p->from.sym == s7)
- prog_modl = p;
- if(p->from.sym == s8)
- prog_modlu = p;
- }
- if(prog_divq == P) {
- diag("undefined: %s", s1->name);
- prog_divq = curtext;
- }
- if(prog_divqu == P) {
- diag("undefined: %s", s2->name);
- prog_divqu = curtext;
- }
- if(prog_modq == P) {
- diag("undefined: %s", s3->name);
- prog_modq = curtext;
- }
- if(prog_modqu == P) {
- diag("undefined: %s", s4->name);
- prog_modqu = curtext;
- }
- if(prog_divl == P) {
- diag("undefined: %s", s5->name);
- prog_divl = curtext;
- }
- if(prog_divlu == P) {
- diag("undefined: %s", s6->name);
- prog_divlu = curtext;
- }
- if(prog_modl == P) {
- diag("undefined: %s", s7->name);
- prog_modl = curtext;
- }
- if(prog_modlu == P) {
- diag("undefined: %s", s8->name);
- prog_modlu = curtext;
- }
-Prog *
-divsubr(int o)
- switch(o) {
- case ADIVQ:
- return prog_divq;
- case ADIVQU:
- return prog_divqu;
- case AMODQ:
- return prog_modq;
- case AMODQU:
- return prog_modqu;
- case ADIVL:
- return prog_divl;
- case ADIVLU:
- return prog_divlu;
- case AMODL:
- return prog_modl;
- case AMODLU:
- return prog_modlu;
- default:
- diag("bad op %A in divsubr", o);
- return prog_modlu;
- }
-divuconst(Prog *p, uvlong y, int num, int quot, int bits)
- int logy, i, shift;
- uvlong k, m, n, mult, tmp, msb;
- if(num == NREG)
- num = quot;
- if(y == 0) {
- diag("division by zero");
- return p;
- }
- if(y == 1)
- return genRRR(p, AMOVQ, num, NREG, quot);
- if(num == REGTMP || quot == REGTMP)
- diag("bad register in divuconst");
- tmp = y;
- for(logy = -1; tmp != 0; logy++)
- tmp >>= 1;
- msb = (1LL << (bits-1));
- if((y & (y-1)) == 0) /* power of 2 */
- return genIRR(p, ASRLQ, logy, num, quot);
- if(y > msb)
- return genIRR(p, ACMPUGE, y, num, quot);
- /* k = (-2^(bits+logy)) % y */
- m = msb/y;
- n = msb%y;
- if(debug['d'])
- Bprint(&bso, "divuconst: y=%lld msb=%lld m=%lld n=%lld\n",
- y, msb, m, n);
- for(i = 0; i <= logy; i++) {
- m *= 2LL;
- n *= 2LL;
- if(n > y) {
- m += 1LL;
- n -= y;
- }
- }
- if(debug['d'])
- Bprint(&bso, "divuconst: y=%lld msb=%lld m=%lld n=%lld\n",
- y, msb, m, n);
- k = y - n;
- if(k > (1LL << logy)) {
- mult = 2LL*m + 1LL;
- bits++;
- } else
- mult = m + 1LL;
- shift = bits + logy;
- if(debug['d'])
- Bprint(&bso, "divuconst: y=%lld mult=%lld shift=%d bits=%d k=%lld\n",
- y, mult, shift, bits, k);
- if(bits <= 32) {
- p = genIRR(p, AMOVQ, mult, NREG, REGTMP);
- p = genRRR(p, AEXTLL, REGZERO, num, quot);
- p = genRRR(p, AMULQ, REGTMP, quot, quot);
- p = genIRR(p, ASRLQ, shift, quot, quot);
- p = genRRR(p, AADDL, quot, REGZERO, quot);
- return p;
- }
- if(bits == 33) {
- if(shift < 64) {
- mult <<= (64-shift);
- shift = 64;
- }
- p = genIRR(p, AMOVQ, mult, NREG, REGTMP);
- p = genRRR(p, AEXTLL, REGZERO, num, quot);
- p = genRRR(p, AUMULH, REGTMP, quot, quot);
- if(shift != 64)
- p = genIRR(p, ASRLQ, shift-64, quot, quot);
- p = genRRR(p, AADDL, quot, REGZERO, quot);
- return p;
- }
- if(bits <= 64) {
- if(shift < 64) {
- mult <<= (64-shift);
- shift = 64;
- }
- p = genIRR(p, AMOVQ, mult, NREG, REGTMP);
- p = genRRR(p, AUMULH, REGTMP, num, quot);
- if(shift != 64)
- p = genIRR(p, ASRLQ, shift-64, quot, quot);
- return p;
- }
- p = genIRR(p, AMOVQ, mult, NREG, REGTMP);
- p = genRRR(p, AUMULH, REGTMP, num, REGTMP);
- p = genRRR(p, AADDQ, num, REGTMP, quot);
- p = genRRR(p, ACMPUGT, REGTMP, quot, REGTMP);
- p = genIRR(p, ASLLQ, 128-shift, REGTMP, REGTMP);
- p = genIRR(p, ASRLQ, shift-64, quot, quot);
- p = genRRR(p, AADDQ, REGTMP, quot, quot);
- return p;
-Prog *
-divconst(Prog *p, vlong y, int num, int quot, int bits)
- vlong yabs;
- Prog *q;
- yabs = y;
- if (y < 0)
- yabs = -y;
- q = genRRR(p, ASUBQ, num, REGZERO, REGTMP2);
- if (num != quot)
- q = genRRR(q, AMOVQ, num, NREG, quot);
- q = genRRR(q, ACMOVGT, REGTMP2, REGTMP2, quot);
- q = divuconst(q, yabs, quot, quot, bits-1);
- q = genRRR(q, ASUBQ, quot, REGZERO, REGTMP);
- q = genRRR(q, (y < 0)? ACMOVLT: ACMOVGT, REGTMP, REGTMP2, quot);
- return q;
-Prog *
-modconst(Prog *p, vlong y, int num, int quot, int bits)
- vlong yabs;
- Prog *q;
- yabs = y;
- if (y < 0)
- yabs = -y;
- q = genRRR(p, ASUBQ, num, REGZERO, REGTMP2);
- q = genRRR(q, ACMOVLT, num, REGTMP2, REGTMP2);
- q = divuconst(q, yabs, REGTMP2, REGTMP2, bits-1);
- q = genRRR(q, ACMOVLT, REGTMP, num, REGTMP2);
- q = genIRR(q, AMULQ, yabs, REGTMP2, REGTMP2);
- q = genRRR(q, ASUBQ, REGTMP2, num, quot);
- return q;
-Prog *
-genXXX(Prog *q, int op, Adr *from, int reg, Adr *to)
- Prog *p;
- p = prg();
- p->as = op;
- p->line = q->line;
- p->from = *from;
- p->to = *to;
- p->reg = reg;
- p->link = q->link;
- q->link = p;
- return p;
-Prog *
-genRRR(Prog *q, int op, int from, int reg, int to)
- Prog *p;
- p = prg();
- p->as = op;
- p->line = q->line;
- p->from.type = D_REG;
- p->from.reg = from;
- p->to.type = D_REG;
- p->to.reg = to;
- p->reg = reg;
- p->link = q->link;
- q->link = p;
- return p;
-Prog *
-genIRR(Prog *q, int op, vlong v, int reg, int to)
- Prog *p;
- p = prg();
- p->as = op;
- p->line = q->line;
- p->from.type = D_CONST;
- p->from.offset = v;
- p->to.type = D_REG;
- p->to.reg = to;
- p->reg = reg;
- p->link = q->link;
- q->link = p;
- return p;
-Prog *
-genstore(Prog *q, int op, int from, vlong offset, int to)
- Prog *p;
- p = prg();
- p->as = op;
- p->line = q->line;
- p->from.type = D_REG;
- p->from.reg = from;
- p->to.type = D_OREG;
- p->to.reg = to;
- p->to.offset = offset;
- p->reg = NREG;
- p->link = q->link;
- q->link = p;
- return p;
-Prog *
-genload(Prog *q, int op, vlong offset, int from, int to)
- Prog *p;
- p = prg();
- p->as = op;
- p->line = q->line;
- p->from.type = D_OREG;
- p->from.offset = offset;
- p->from.reg = from;
- p->to.type = D_REG;
- p->to.reg = to;
- p->reg = NREG;
- p->link = q->link;
- q->link = p;
- return p;
--- a/sys/src/cmd/7l/obj.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1350 +1,0 @@
-#include "l.h"
-#include <ar.h>
-#ifndef DEFAULT
-#define DEFAULT '9'
-char *noname = "<none>";
-char symname[] = SYMDEF;
-char thechar = '7';
-char *thestring = "alpha";
- * -H0 -T0x12000004C -D0x140000000 is abbrev unix
- * -H1 -T0x20000000 -R4 is bootp() format
- * -H2 -T8224 -R8192 is plan9 format
- */
-main(int argc, char *argv[])
- int c;
- char *a;
- Binit(&bso, 1, OWRITE);
- cout = -1;
- listinit();
- outfile = 0;
- nerrors = 0;
- curtext = P;
- HEADTYPE = -1;
- INITTEXT = -1;
- INITDAT = -1;
- INITRND = -1;
- default:
- c = ARGC();
- if(c >= 0 && c < sizeof(debug))
- debug[c]++;
- break;
- case 'o':
- outfile = ARGF();
- break;
- case 'E':
- a = ARGF();
- if(a)
- break;
- case 'T':
- a = ARGF();
- if(a)
- INITTEXT = atolwhex(a);
- break;
- case 'D':
- a = ARGF();
- if(a)
- INITDAT = atolwhex(a);
- break;
- case 'R':
- a = ARGF();
- if(a)
- INITRND = atolwhex(a);
- break;
- case 'H':
- a = ARGF();
- if(a)
- HEADTYPE = atolwhex(a);
- /* do something about setting INITTEXT */
- break;
- USED(argc);
- if(*argv == 0) {
- diag("usage: 7l [-options] objects");
- errorexit();
- }
- if(!debug['9'] && !debug['B'] && !debug['U'])
- debug[DEFAULT] = 1;
- if(HEADTYPE == -1) {
- if(debug['U'])
- if(debug['B'])
- if(debug['9'])
- }
- switch(HEADTYPE) {
- default:
- diag("unknown -H option");
- errorexit();
- case 0: /* unix simple */
- HEADR = 32L+80L;
- if(INITTEXT == -1)
- INITTEXT = 0x120000070LL; /* BUG */
- if(INITDAT == -1)
- INITDAT = 0x140000000LL; /* BUG */
- if(INITRND == -1)
- INITRND = 0;
- break;
- case 1: /* boot */
- HEADR = 32L+84L;
- if(INITTEXT == -1)
- INITTEXT = 0x20000074L;
- if(INITDAT == -1)
- INITDAT = 0;
- if(INITRND == -1)
- INITRND = 8;
- break;
- case 2: /* plan 9 */
- HEADR = 32L;
- if(INITTEXT == -1)
- INITTEXT = 8224;
- if(INITDAT == -1)
- INITDAT = 0;
- if(INITRND == -1)
- INITRND = 8192;
- break;
- case 3: /* ``headerless'' tftp boot -- uses branch as magic */
- HEADR = 32L;
- if(INITTEXT == -1)
- INITTEXT = 0x20000020L;
- if(INITDAT == -1)
- INITDAT = 0;
- if(INITRND == -1)
- INITRND = 8;
- break;
- }
- if(INITDAT != 0 && INITRND != 0)
- print("warning: -D0x%lux is ignored because of -R0x%lux\n",
- if(debug['v'])
- Bprint(&bso, "HEADER = -H0x%d -T0x%lux -D0x%lux -R0x%lux\n",
- Bflush(&bso);
- = AGOK;
- zprg.reg = NREG;
- = D_NONE;
- zprg.from.type = D_NONE;
- zprg.from.reg = NREG;
- = zprg.from;
- buildop();
- histgen = 0;
- textp = P;
- datap = P;
- pc = 0;
- dtype = 4;
- if(outfile == 0)
- outfile = "7.out";
- cout = create(outfile, 1, 0775);
- if(cout < 0) {
- diag("%s: cannot create", outfile);
- errorexit();
- }
- nuxiinit();
- version = 0;
- cbp = buf.cbuf;
- cbc = sizeof(buf.cbuf);
- firstp = prg();
- lastp = firstp;
- if(INITENTRY == 0) {
- INITENTRY = "_main";
- if(debug['p'])
- INITENTRY = "_mainp";
- if(!debug['l'])
- lookup(INITENTRY, 0)->type = SXREF;
- } else
- lookup(INITENTRY, 0)->type = SXREF;
- while(*argv)
- objfile(*argv++);
- if(!debug['l'])
- loadlib();
- firstp = firstp->link;
- if(firstp == P)
- goto out;
- patch();
- if(debug['p'])
- if(debug['1'])
- doprof1();
- else
- doprof2();
- follow();
- if(firstp == P)
- goto out;
- noops();
- dodata(); /* is before follow() on other arch */
- span();
- asmb();
- undef();
- if(debug['v']) {
- Bprint(&bso, "%5.2f cpu time\n", cputime());
- Bprint(&bso, "%ld memory used\n", thunk);
- Bprint(&bso, "%d sizeof adr\n", sizeof(Adr));
- Bprint(&bso, "%d sizeof prog\n", sizeof(Prog));
- }
- Bflush(&bso);
- errorexit();
- int i;
- long h;
- Sym *s;
- xrefresolv = 0;
- for(i=0; i<libraryp; i++) {
- if(debug['v'])
- Bprint(&bso, "%5.2f autolib: %s\n", cputime(), library[i]);
- objfile(library[i]);
- }
- if(xrefresolv)
- for(h=0; h<nelem(hash); h++)
- for(s = hash[h]; s != S; s = s->link)
- if(s->type == SXREF)
- goto loop;
- Bflush(&bso);
- if(nerrors) {
- if(cout >= 0)
- remove(outfile);
- exits("error");
- }
- exits(0);
-objfile(char *file)
- long off, esym, cnt, l;
- int f, work;
- Sym *s;
- char magbuf[SARMAG];
- char name[100], pname[150];
- struct ar_hdr arhdr;
- char *e, *start, *stop;
- if(file[0] == '-' && file[1] == 'l') {
- if(debug['9'])
- snprint(name, sizeof name, "/%s/lib/lib%s.a", thestring, file+2);
- else
- snprint(name, sizeof name, "/usr/%clib/lib%s.a", thechar, file+2);
- file = name;
- }
- if(debug['v'])
- Bprint(&bso, "%5.2f ldobj: %s\n", cputime(), file);
- Bflush(&bso);
- f = open(file, 0);
- if(f < 0) {
- diag("cannot open file: %s", file);
- errorexit();
- }
- l = read(f, magbuf, SARMAG);
- if(l != SARMAG || strncmp(magbuf, ARMAG, SARMAG)){
- /* load it as a regular file */
- l = seek(f, 0L, 2);
- seek(f, 0L, 0);
- ldobj(f, l, file);
- close(f);
- return;
- }
- if(debug['v'])
- Bprint(&bso, "%5.2f ldlib: %s\n", cputime(), file);
- l = read(f, &arhdr, SAR_HDR);
- if(l != SAR_HDR) {
- diag("%s: short read on archive file symbol header", file);
- goto out;
- }
- if(strncmp(, symname, strlen(symname))) {
- diag("%s: first entry not symbol header", file);
- goto out;
- }
- esym = SARMAG + SAR_HDR + atolwhex(arhdr.size);
- off = SARMAG + SAR_HDR;
- /*
- * just bang the whole symbol file into memory
- */
- seek(f, off, 0);
- cnt = esym - off;
- start = malloc(cnt + 10);
- cnt = read(f, start, cnt);
- if(cnt <= 0){
- close(f);
- return;
- }
- stop = &start[cnt];
- memset(stop, 0, 10);
- work = 1;
- while(work){
- if(debug['v'])
- Bprint(&bso, "%5.2f library pass: %s\n", cputime(), file);
- Bflush(&bso);
- work = 0;
- for(e = start; e < stop; e = strchr(e+5, 0) + 1) {
- s = lookup(e+5, 0);
- if(s->type != SXREF)
- continue;
- snprint(pname, sizeof pname, "%s(%s)", file, s->name);
- if(debug['v'])
- Bprint(&bso, "%5.2f library: %s\n", cputime(), pname);
- Bflush(&bso);
- l = e[1] & 0xff;
- l |= (e[2] & 0xff) << 8;
- l |= (e[3] & 0xff) << 16;
- l |= (e[4] & 0xff) << 24;
- seek(f, l, 0);
- l = read(f, &arhdr, SAR_HDR);
- if(l != SAR_HDR)
- goto bad;
- if(strncmp(arhdr.fmag, ARFMAG, sizeof(arhdr.fmag)))
- goto bad;
- l = atolwhex(arhdr.size);
- ldobj(f, l, pname);
- if(s->type == SXREF) {
- diag("%s: failed to load: %s", file, s->name);
- errorexit();
- }
- work = 1;
- xrefresolv = 1;
- }
- }
- return;
- diag("%s: bad or out of date archive", file);
- close(f);
-zaddr(uchar *p, Adr *a, Sym *h[])
- int i, c;
- vlong l;
- Sym *s;
- Auto *u;
- c = p[2];
- if(c < 0 || c > NSYM){
- print("sym out of range: %d\n", c);
- p[0] = ALAST+1;
- return 0;
- }
- a->type = p[0];
- a->reg = p[1];
- a->sym = h[p[2]];
- a->name = p[3];
- c = 4;
- if(a->reg < 0 || a->reg > NREG) {
- print("register out of range %d\n", a->reg);
- p[0] = ALAST+1;
- return 0; /* force real diagnostic */
- }
- switch(a->type) {
- default:
- print("unknown type %d\n", a->type);
- p[0] = ALAST+1;
- return 0; /* force real diagnostic */
- case D_NONE:
- case D_REG:
- case D_FREG:
- case D_PREG:
- case D_FCREG:
- case D_PCC:
- break;
- case D_BRANCH:
- case D_OREG:
- case D_CONST:
- a->offset = (uvlong)p[4] | ((uvlong)p[5]<<8L) |
- ((uvlong) p[6]<<16L) | ((uvlong) p[7]<<24L) |
- ((uvlong) p[8]<<32L) | ((uvlong) p[9]<<40L) |
- ((uvlong) p[10]<<48L) | ((uvlong) p[11]<<56L);
- c += 8;
- break;
- case D_SCONST:
- while(nhunk < NSNAME)
- gethunk();
- a->sval = (char*)hunk;
- nhunk -= NSNAME;
- hunk += NSNAME;
- memmove(a->sval, p+4, NSNAME);
- c += NSNAME;
- break;
- case D_FCONST:
- while(nhunk < sizeof(Ieee))
- gethunk();
- a->ieee = (Ieee*)hunk;
- nhunk -= sizeof(Ieee);
- hunk += sizeof(Ieee);
- a->ieee->l = p[4] | (p[5]<<8) |
- (p[6]<<16) | (p[7]<<24);
- a->ieee->h = p[8] | (p[9]<<8) |
- (p[10]<<16) | (p[11]<<24);
- c += 8;
- break;
- }
- s = a->sym;
- if(s == S)
- return c;
- i = a->name;
- if(i != D_AUTO && i != D_PARAM)
- return c;
- l = a->offset;
- for(u=curauto; u; u=u->link)
- if(u->sym == s)
- if(u->type == i) {
- if(u->offset > l)
- u->offset = l;
- return c;
- }
- while(nhunk < sizeof(Auto))
- gethunk();
- u = (Auto*)hunk;
- nhunk -= sizeof(Auto);
- hunk += sizeof(Auto);
- u->link = curauto;
- curauto = u;
- u->sym = s;
- u->offset = l;
- u->type = i;
- return c;
-addlib(char *obj)
- char name[1024], comp[256], *p;
- int i;
- if(histfrogp <= 0)
- return;
- if(histfrog[0]->name[1] == '/') {
- name[0] = 0;
- i = 1;
- } else
- if(histfrog[0]->name[1] == '.') {
- snprint(name, sizeof name, ".");
- i = 0;
- } else {
- if(debug['9'])
- snprint(name, sizeof name, "/%s/lib", thestring);
- else
- snprint(name, sizeof name, "/usr/%clib", thechar);
- i = 0;
- }
- for(; i<histfrogp; i++) {
- snprint(comp, sizeof comp, histfrog[i]->name+1);
- for(;;) {
- p = strstr(comp, "$O");
- if(p == 0)
- break;
- memmove(p+1, p+2, strlen(p+2)+1);
- p[0] = thechar;
- }
- for(;;) {
- p = strstr(comp, "$M");
- if(p == 0)
- break;
- if(strlen(comp)+strlen(thestring)-2+1 >= sizeof comp) {
- diag("library component too long");
- return;
- }
- memmove(p+strlen(thestring), p+2, strlen(p+2)+1);
- memmove(p, thestring, strlen(thestring));
- }
- if(strlen(name) + strlen(comp) + 3 >= sizeof(name)) {
- diag("library component too long");
- return;
- }
- strcat(name, "/");
- strcat(name, comp);
- }
- for(i=0; i<libraryp; i++)
- if(strcmp(name, library[i]) == 0)
- return;
- if(libraryp == nelem(library)){
- diag("too many autolibs; skipping %s", name);
- return;
- }
- p = malloc(strlen(name) + 1);
- strcpy(p, name);
- library[libraryp] = p;
- p = malloc(strlen(obj) + 1);
- strcpy(p, obj);
- libraryobj[libraryp] = p;
- libraryp++;
-addhist(long line, int type)
- Auto *u;
- Sym *s;
- int i, j, k;
- u = malloc(sizeof(Auto));
- s = malloc(sizeof(Sym));
- s->name = malloc(2*(histfrogp+1) + 1);
- u->sym = s;
- u->type = type;
- u->offset = line;
- u->link = curhist;
- curhist = u;
- j = 1;
- for(i=0; i<histfrogp; i++) {
- k = histfrog[i]->value;
- s->name[j+0] = k>>8;
- s->name[j+1] = k;
- j += 2;
- }
- Auto *l;
- while(l = curhist) {
- curhist = l->link;
- l->link = curauto;
- curauto = l;
- }
-collapsefrog(Sym *s)
- int i;
- /*
- * bad encoding of path components only allows
- * MAXHIST components. if there is an overflow,
- * first try to collapse xxx/..
- */
- for(i=1; i<histfrogp; i++)
- if(strcmp(histfrog[i]->name+1, "..") == 0) {
- memmove(histfrog+i-1, histfrog+i+1,
- (histfrogp-i-1)*sizeof(histfrog[0]));
- histfrogp--;
- goto out;
- }
- /*
- * next try to collapse .
- */
- for(i=0; i<histfrogp; i++)
- if(strcmp(histfrog[i]->name+1, ".") == 0) {
- memmove(histfrog+i, histfrog+i+1,
- (histfrogp-i-1)*sizeof(histfrog[0]));
- goto out;
- }
- /*
- * last chance, just truncate from front
- */
- memmove(histfrog+0, histfrog+1,
- (histfrogp-1)*sizeof(histfrog[0]));
- histfrog[histfrogp-1] = s;
-nopout(Prog *p)
- p->as = ANOP;
- p->from.type = D_NONE;
- p->to.type = D_NONE;
-readsome(int f, uchar *buf, uchar *good, uchar *stop, int max)
- int n;
- n = stop - good;
- memmove(buf, good, stop - good);
- stop = buf + n;
- n = MAXIO - n;
- if(n > max)
- n = max;
- n = read(f, stop, n);
- if(n <= 0)
- return 0;
- return stop + n;
-ldobj(int f, long c, char *pn)
- long ipc;
- Prog *p, *t;
- uchar *bloc, *bsize, *stop;
- Sym *h[NSYM], *s, *di;
- int v, o, r, skip;
- bsize = buf.xbuf;
- bloc = buf.xbuf;
- di = S;
- memset(h, 0, sizeof(h));
- version++;
- histfrogp = 0;
- ipc = pc;
- skip = 0;
- if(c <= 0)
- goto eof;
- r = bsize - bloc;
- if(r < 100 && r < c) { /* enough for largest prog */
- bsize = readsome(f, buf.xbuf, bloc, bsize, c);
- if(bsize == 0)
- goto eof;
- bloc = buf.xbuf;
- goto loop;
- }
- o = bloc[0]; /* as */
- if(o <= AXXX || o >= ALAST) {
- diag("%s: line %ld: opcode out of range %d", pn, pc-ipc, o);
- print(" probably not a .7 file\n");
- errorexit();
- }
- if(o == ANAME) {
- stop = memchr(&bloc[3], 0, bsize-&bloc[3]);
- if(stop == 0){
- bsize = readsome(f, buf.xbuf, bloc, bsize, c);
- if(bsize == 0)
- goto eof;
- bloc = buf.xbuf;
- stop = memchr(&bloc[3], 0, bsize-&bloc[3]);
- if(stop == 0){
- fprint(2, "%s: name too long\n", pn);
- errorexit();
- }
- }
- v = bloc[1]; /* type */
- o = bloc[2]; /* sym */
- bloc += 3;
- c -= 3;
- r = 0;
- if(v == D_STATIC)
- r = version;
- s = lookup((char*)bloc, r);
- c -= &stop[1] - bloc;
- bloc = stop + 1;
- if(debug['W'])
- print(" ANAME %s\n", s->name);
- h[o] = s;
- if((v == D_EXTERN || v == D_STATIC) && s->type == 0)
- s->type = SXREF;
- if(v == D_FILE) {
- if(s->type != SFILE) {
- histgen++;
- s->type = SFILE;
- s->value = histgen;
- }
- if(histfrogp < MAXHIST) {
- histfrog[histfrogp] = s;
- histfrogp++;
- } else
- collapsefrog(s);
- }
- goto loop;
- }
- if(nhunk < sizeof(Prog))
- gethunk();
- p = (Prog*)hunk;
- nhunk -= sizeof(Prog);
- hunk += sizeof(Prog);
- p->as = o;
- p->reg = bloc[1] & 0x7f;
- if(bloc[1] & 0x80)
- p->mark = NOSCHED;
- p->line = bloc[2] | (bloc[3]<<8) | (bloc[4]<<16) | (bloc[5]<<24);
- r = zaddr(bloc+6, &p->from, h) + 6;
- r += zaddr(bloc+r, &p->to, h);
- bloc += r;
- c -= r;
- if(p->reg < 0 || p->reg > NREG)
- diag("register out of range %d", p->reg);
- p->link = P;
- p->cond = P;
- if(debug['W'])
- print("%P\n", p);
- switch(o) {
- case AHISTORY:
- if(p->to.offset == -1) {
- addlib(pn);
- histfrogp = 0;
- goto loop;
- }
- addhist(p->line, D_FILE); /* 'z' */
- if(p->to.offset)
- addhist(p->to.offset, D_PREG); /* 'Z' */
- histfrogp = 0;
- goto loop;
- case AEND:
- histtoauto();
- if(curtext != P)
- curtext->to.autom = curauto;
- curauto = 0;
- curtext = P;
- if(c)
- goto newloop;
- return;
- case AGLOBL:
- s = p->from.sym;
- if(s == S) {
- diag("GLOBL must have a name\n%P", p);
- errorexit();
- }
- if(s->type == 0 || s->type == SXREF) {
- s->type = SBSS;
- s->value = 0;
- }
- if(s->type != SBSS) {
- diag("redefinition: %s\n%P", s->name, p);
- s->type = SBSS;
- s->value = 0;
- }
- if(p->to.offset > s->value)
- s->value = p->to.offset;
- break;
- case ADYNT:
- if(p->to.sym == S) {
- diag("DYNT without a sym\n%P", p);
- break;
- }
- di = p->to.sym;
- p->reg = 4;
- if(di->type == SXREF) {
- if(debug['z'])
- Bprint(&bso, "%P set to %d\n", p, dtype);
- di->type = SCONST;
- di->value = dtype;
- dtype += 4;
- }
- if(p->from.sym == S)
- break;
- p->from.offset = di->value;
- p->from.sym->type = SDATA;
- if(curtext == P) {
- diag("DYNT not in text: %P", p);
- break;
- }
- p->to.sym = curtext->from.sym;
- p->to.type = D_CONST;
- p->link = datap;
- datap = p;
- break;
- case AINIT:
- if(p->from.sym == S) {
- diag("INIT without a sym\n%P", p);
- break;
- }
- if(di == S) {
- diag("INIT without previous DYNT\n%P", p);
- break;
- }
- p->from.offset = di->value;
- p->from.sym->type = SDATA;
- p->link = datap;
- datap = p;
- break;
- case ADATA:
- if(p->from.sym == S) {
- diag("DATA without a sym\n%P", p);
- break;
- }
- p->link = datap;
- datap = p;
- break;
- case AGOK:
- diag("unknown opcode\n%P", p);
- p->pc = pc;
- pc++;
- break;
- case ATEXT:
- if(curtext != P) {
- histtoauto();
- curtext->to.autom = curauto;
- curauto = 0;
- }
- skip = 0;
- curtext = p;
- autosize = (p->to.offset+3L) & ~3L;
- if (autosize & 4)
- autosize += 4;
- p->to.offset = autosize;
- autosize += 8;
- s = p->from.sym;
- if(s == S) {
- diag("TEXT must have a name\n%P", p);
- errorexit();
- }
- if(s->type != 0 && s->type != SXREF) {
- if(p->reg & DUPOK) {
- skip = 1;
- goto casedef;
- }
- diag("redefinition: %s\n%P", s->name, p);
- }
- s->type = STEXT;
- s->value = pc;
- lastp->link = p;
- lastp = p;
- p->pc = pc;
- pc++;
- if(textp == P) {
- textp = p;
- etextp = p;
- goto loop;
- }
- etextp->cond = p;
- etextp = p;
- break;
- case AMOVS:
- if(skip)
- goto casedef;
- if(p->from.type == D_FCONST) {
- /* size sb 9 max */
- snprint(literal, sizeof literal, "$%lux", ieeedtof(p->;
- s = lookup(literal, 0);
- if(s->type == 0) {
- s->type = SBSS;
- s->value = 4;
- t = prg();
- t->as = ADATA;
- t->line = p->line;
- t->from.type = D_OREG;
- t->from.sym = s;
- t-> = D_EXTERN;
- t->reg = 4;
- t->to = p->from;
- t->link = datap;
- datap = t;
- }
- p->from.type = D_OREG;
- p->from.sym = s;
- p-> = D_EXTERN;
- p->from.offset = 0;
- }
- goto casedef;
- case AMOVT:
- if(skip)
- goto casedef;
- if(p->from.type == D_FCONST) {
- /* size sb 18 max */
- snprint(literal, sizeof literal, "$%lux.%lux",
- p->>l, p->>h);
- s = lookup(literal, 0);
- if(s->type == 0) {
- s->type = SBSS;
- s->value = 8;
- t = prg();
- t->as = ADATA;
- t->line = p->line;
- t->from.type = D_OREG;
- t->from.sym = s;
- t-> = D_EXTERN;
- t->reg = 8;
- t->to = p->from;
- t->link = datap;
- datap = t;
- }
- p->from.type = D_OREG;
- p->from.sym = s;
- p-> = D_EXTERN;
- p->from.offset = 0;
- }
- goto casedef;
- case AMOVQ:
- if(skip)
- goto casedef;
- if (p->from.type == D_FREG || p->to.type == D_FREG)
- p->as = AMOVT; /* stupid compiler optimiser kkludge */
- case AMOVL:
- case AMOVW:
- case AMOVB:
- /* BOTCH */
- if (p->from.type == D_CONST)
- if (p->from.offset == 0LL && p-> == D_NONE) {
- p->from.type = D_REG;
- p->from.reg = REGZERO;
- }
- goto casedef;
- default:
- casedef:
- if(skip)
- nopout(p);
- if(p->to.type == D_BRANCH)
- p->to.offset += ipc;
- lastp->link = p;
- lastp = p;
- p->pc = pc;
- pc++;
- break;
- }
- goto loop;
- diag("truncated object file: %s", pn);
-lookup(char *symb, int v)
- Sym *s;
- char *p;
- long h;
- int c0, l;
- h = v;
- for(p=symb; c0 = *p; p++)
- h = h+h+h + c0;
- l = (p - symb) + 1;
- if(h < 0)
- h = ~h;
- h %= NHASH;
- for(s = hash[h]; s != S; s = s->link)
- if(s->version == v)
- if(memcmp(s->name, symb, l) == 0)
- return s;
- while(nhunk < sizeof(Sym))
- gethunk();
- s = (Sym*)hunk;
- nhunk -= sizeof(Sym);
- hunk += sizeof(Sym);
- s->name = malloc(l);
- memmove(s->name, symb, l);
- s->link = hash[h];
- s->type = 0;
- s->version = v;
- s->value = 0;
- hash[h] = s;
- return s;
- Prog *p;
- while(nhunk < sizeof(Prog))
- gethunk();
- p = (Prog*)hunk;
- nhunk -= sizeof(Prog);
- hunk += sizeof(Prog);
- *p = zprg;
- return p;
- char *h;
- long nh;
- nh = NHUNK;
- if(thunk >= 5L*NHUNK) {
- nh = 5L*NHUNK;
- if(thunk >= 25L*NHUNK)
- nh = 25L*NHUNK;
- }
- h = mysbrk(nh);
- if(h == (char*)-1) {
- diag("out of memory");
- errorexit();
- }
- hunk = h;
- nhunk = nh;
- thunk += nh;
- Sym *s;
- long n;
- Prog *p, *q;
- if(debug['v'])
- Bprint(&bso, "%5.2f profile 1\n", cputime());
- Bflush(&bso);
- s = lookup("__mcount", 0);
- n = 1;
- for(p = firstp->link; p != P; p = p->link) {
- if(p->as == ATEXT) {
- q = prg();
- q->line = p->line;
- q->link = datap;
- datap = q;
- q->as = ADATA;
- q->from.type = D_OREG;
- q-> = D_EXTERN;
- q->from.offset = n*4;
- q->from.sym = s;
- q->reg = 4;
- q->to = p->from;
- q->to.type = D_CONST;
- q = prg();
- q->line = p->line;
- q->pc = p->pc;
- q->link = p->link;
- p->link = q;
- p = q;
- p->as = AMOVL;
- p->from.type = D_OREG;
- p-> = D_EXTERN;
- p->from.sym = s;
- p->from.offset = n*4 + 4;
- p->to.type = D_REG;
- p->to.reg = REGTMP;
- q = prg();
- q->line = p->line;
- q->pc = p->pc;
- q->link = p->link;
- p->link = q;
- p = q;
- p->as = AADDQ;
- p->from.type = D_CONST;
- p->from.offset = 1;
- p->to.type = D_REG;
- p->to.reg = REGTMP;
- q = prg();
- q->line = p->line;
- q->pc = p->pc;
- q->link = p->link;
- p->link = q;
- p = q;
- p->as = AMOVL;
- p->from.type = D_REG;
- p->from.reg = REGTMP;
- p->to.type = D_OREG;
- p-> = D_EXTERN;
- p->to.sym = s;
- p->to.offset = n*4 + 4;
- n += 2;
- continue;
- }
- }
- q = prg();
- q->line = 0;
- q->link = datap;
- datap = q;
- q->as = ADATA;
- q->from.type = D_OREG;
- q-> = D_EXTERN;
- q->from.sym = s;
- q->reg = 4;
- q->to.type = D_CONST;
- q->to.offset = n;
- s->type = SBSS;
- s->value = n*4;
- Sym *s2, *s4;
- Prog *p, *q, *q2, *ps2, *ps4;
- if(debug['v'])
- Bprint(&bso, "%5.2f profile 2\n", cputime());
- Bflush(&bso);
- if(debug['e']){
- s2 = lookup("_tracein", 0);
- s4 = lookup("_traceout", 0);
- }else{
- s2 = lookup("_profin", 0);
- s4 = lookup("_profout", 0);
- }
- if(s2->type != STEXT || s4->type != STEXT) {
- if(debug['e'])
- diag("_tracein/_traceout not defined %d %d", s2->type, s4->type);
- else
- diag("_profin/_profout not defined");
- return;
- }
- ps2 = P;
- ps4 = P;
- for(p = firstp; p != P; p = p->link) {
- if(p->as == ATEXT) {
- if(p->from.sym == s2) {
- ps2 = p;
- p->reg = 1;
- }
- if(p->from.sym == s4) {
- ps4 = p;
- p->reg = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- for(p = firstp; p != P; p = p->link) {
- if(p->as == ATEXT) {
- if(p->reg != NREG) {
- for(;;) {
- q = p->link;
- if(q == P)
- break;
- if(q->as == ATEXT)
- break;
- p = q;
- }
- continue;
- }
- /*
- * JSR profin, R2
- */
- q = prg();
- q->line = p->line;
- q->pc = p->pc;
- q->link = p->link;
- if(debug['e']){ /* embedded tracing */
- q2 = prg();
- p->link = q2;
- q2->link = q;
- q2->line = p->line;
- q2->pc = p->pc;
- q2->as = AJMP;
- q2->to.type = D_BRANCH;
- q2->to.sym = p->to.sym;
- q2->cond = q->link;
- }else
- p->link = q;
- p = q;
- p->as = AJSR;
- p->to.type = D_BRANCH;
- p->cond = ps2;
- p->to.sym = s2;
- continue;
- }
- if(p->as == ARET) {
- /*
- * JSR (default)
- */
- if(debug['e']){ /* embedded tracing */
- q = prg();
- q->line = p->line;
- q->pc = p->pc;
- q->link = p->link;
- p->link = q;
- p = q;
- }
- /*
- * JSR profout
- */
- p->as = AJSR;
- p->to.type = D_BRANCH;
- p->cond = ps4;
- p->to.sym = s4;
- /*
- * RET
- */
- q = prg();
- q->line = p->line;
- q->pc = p->pc;
- q->link = p->link;
- p->link = q;
- p = q;
- p->as = ARET;
- continue;
- }
- }
- int i, c;
- for(i=0; i<4; i++) {
- c = find1(0x04030201L, i+1);
- if(i <= 4)
- inuxi4[i] = c;
- if(i <= 2)
- inuxi2[i] = c;
- if(i <= 1)
- inuxi1[i] = c;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- c = find1(0x04030201L, i+1);
- fnuxi8[i] = c;
- fnuxi8[i+4] = c + sizeof(long);
- }
- if(debug['v']) {
- Bprint(&bso, "inuxi = ");
- for(i=0; i<1; i++)
- Bprint(&bso, "%d", inuxi1[i]);
- Bprint(&bso, " ");
- for(i=0; i<2; i++)
- Bprint(&bso, "%d", inuxi2[i]);
- Bprint(&bso, " ");
- for(i=0; i<4; i++)
- Bprint(&bso, "%d", inuxi4[i]);
- Bprint(&bso, " ");
- Bprint(&bso, "\nfnuxi = ");
- for(i=0; i<8; i++)
- Bprint(&bso, "%d", fnuxi8[i]);
- Bprint(&bso, "\n");
- }
- Bflush(&bso);
-find1(long l, int c)
- char *p;
- int i;
- p = (char*)&l;
- for(i=0; i<4; i++)
- if(*p++ == c)
- return i;
- return 0;
-ieeedtof(Ieee *ieee)
- int exp;
- long v;
- if(ieee->h == 0)
- return 0;
- exp = (ieee->h>>20) & ((1L<<11)-1L);
- exp -= (1L<<10) - 2L;
- v = (ieee->h & 0xfffffL) << 3;
- v |= (ieee->l >> 29) & 0x7L;
- if((ieee->l >> 28) & 1) {
- v++;
- if(v & 0x800000L) {
- v = (v & 0x7fffffL) >> 1;
- exp++;
- }
- }
- if(exp <= -126 || exp >= 130)
- diag("double fp to single fp overflow");
- v |= ((exp + 126) & 0xffL) << 23;
- v |= ieee->h & 0x80000000L;
- return v;
-ieeedtod(Ieee *ieee)
- Ieee e;
- double fr;
- int exp;
- if(ieee->h & (1L<<31)) {
- e.h = ieee->h & ~(1L<<31);
- e.l = ieee->l;
- return -ieeedtod(&e);
- }
- if(ieee->l == 0 && ieee->h == 0)
- return 0;
- fr = ieee->l & ((1L<<16)-1L);
- fr /= 1L<<16;
- fr += (ieee->l>>16) & ((1L<<16)-1L);
- fr /= 1L<<16;
- fr += (ieee->h & (1L<<20)-1L) | (1L<<20);
- fr /= 1L<<21;
- exp = (ieee->h>>20) & ((1L<<11)-1L);
- exp -= (1L<<10) - 2L;
- return ldexp(fr, exp);
--- a/sys/src/cmd/7l/optab.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +1,0 @@
-#include "l.h"
-#define X 99
-Optab optab[] =
- { ATEXT, C_LEXT, C_NONE, C_LCON, 0, 0, 0 },
- { ATEXT, C_LEXT, C_REG, C_LCON, 0, 0, 0 },
- { AMOVQ, C_REG, C_NONE, C_REG, 1, 4, 0 },
- { AMOVQ, C_REG, C_NONE, C_SEXT, 8, 4, REGSB },
- { AMOVQ, C_SEXT, C_NONE, C_REG, 9, 4, REGSB },
- { AMOVQ, C_REG, C_NONE, C_LEXT, 19, 8, REGSB },
- { AMOVQ, C_REG, C_NONE, C_LAUTO, 19, 8, REGSP },
- { AMOVQ, C_LEXT, C_NONE, C_REG, 20, 8, REGSB },
- { AMOVBU, C_REG, C_NONE, C_REG, 7, 4, 0 },
- { AMOVB, C_REG, C_NONE, C_REG, 10, 8, 0 },
- { AMOVT, C_FREG, C_NONE, C_FREG, 17, 4, 0 },
- { AMOVT, C_FREG, C_NONE, C_LEXT, 19, 8, REGSB },
- { AMOVT, C_LEXT, C_NONE, C_FREG, 20, 8, REGSB },
- { AADDQ, C_REG, C_REG, C_REG, 2, 4, 0 },
- { AADDL, C_REG, C_REG, C_REG, 2, 4, 0 },
- { AAND, C_REG, C_REG, C_REG, 2, 4, 0 },
- { AMULQ, C_REG, C_REG, C_REG, 2, 4, 0 },
- { AADDQ, C_REG, C_NONE, C_REG, 2, 4, 0 },
- { AADDL, C_REG, C_NONE, C_REG, 2, 4, 0 },
- { AAND, C_REG, C_NONE, C_REG, 2, 4, 0 },
- { AMULQ, C_REG, C_NONE, C_REG, 2, 4, 0 },
- { AADDQ, C_SCON, C_REG, C_REG, 12, 4, 0 },
- { AADDQ, C_SCON, C_NONE, C_REG, 12, 4, 0 },
- { AADDL, C_BCON, C_REG, C_REG, 3, 4, 0 },
- { AAND, C_BCON, C_REG, C_REG, 3, 4, 0 },
- { AMULQ, C_BCON, C_REG, C_REG, 3, 4, 0 },
- { AADDL, C_BCON, C_NONE, C_REG, 3, 4, 0 },
- { AAND, C_BCON, C_NONE, C_REG, 3, 4, 0 },
- { AMULQ, C_BCON, C_NONE, C_REG, 3, 4, 0 },
-/* { AADDL, C_NCON, C_REG, C_REG, 34, 4, 0 }, */
- { AAND, C_NCON, C_REG, C_REG, 34, 4, 0 },
-/* { AADDL, C_NCON, C_NONE, C_REG, 34, 4, 0 }, */
- { AAND, C_NCON, C_NONE, C_REG, 34, 4, 0 },
- { AADDL, C_SCON, C_REG, C_REG, 13, 8, 0 },
- { AAND, C_SCON, C_REG, C_REG, 13, 8, 0 },
- { AMULQ, C_SCON, C_REG, C_REG, 13, 8, 0 },
- { AADDL, C_SCON, C_NONE, C_REG, 13, 8, 0 },
- { AAND, C_SCON, C_NONE, C_REG, 13, 8, 0 },
- { AMULQ, C_SCON, C_NONE, C_REG, 13, 8, 0 },
- { AADDQ, C_LCON, C_REG, C_REG, 14,12, 0 },
- { AADDQ, C_LCON, C_NONE, C_REG, 14,12, 0 },
- { AADDL, C_LCON, C_REG, C_REG, 14,12, 0 },
- { AAND, C_LCON, C_REG, C_REG, 14,12, 0 },
- { AMULQ, C_LCON, C_REG, C_REG, 14,12, 0 },
- { AADDL, C_LCON, C_NONE, C_REG, 14,12, 0 },
- { AAND, C_LCON, C_NONE, C_REG, 14,12, 0 },
- { AMULQ, C_LCON, C_NONE, C_REG, 14,12, 0 },
- { AADDQ, C_QCON, C_REG, C_REG, 23,24, 0 },
- { AADDQ, C_QCON, C_NONE, C_REG, 23,24, 0 },
- { AADDL, C_QCON, C_REG, C_REG, 23,24, 0 },
- { AAND, C_QCON, C_REG, C_REG, 23,24, 0 },
- { AMULQ, C_QCON, C_REG, C_REG, 23,24, 0 },
- { AADDL, C_QCON, C_NONE, C_REG, 23,24, 0 },
- { AAND, C_QCON, C_NONE, C_REG, 23,24, 0 },
- { AMULQ, C_QCON, C_NONE, C_REG, 23,24, 0 },
- { AADDT, C_FREG, C_REG, C_FREG, 2, 4, 0 },
- { AADDT, C_FREG, C_NONE, C_FREG, 2, 4, 0 },
- { ACVTTQ, C_FREG, C_NONE, C_FREG, 28, 4, 0 },
- { ABEQ, C_REG, C_NONE, C_SBRA, 4, 4, 0 },
- { AFBEQ, C_FREG, C_NONE, C_SBRA, 4, 4, 0 },
- { AJMP, C_NONE, C_NONE, C_SBRA, 11, 4, 0 },
- { AJSR, C_NONE, C_NONE, C_SBRA, 11, 4, 0 },
- { ACALL_PAL, C_SCON, C_NONE, C_NONE, 18, 4, 0 },
- { AWORD, C_NONE, C_NONE, C_LCON, 40, 4, 0 },
- { AMOVT, C_FREG, C_NONE, C_FCREG, 24, 4, 0 },
- { AMOVT, C_FCREG,C_NONE, C_FREG, 25, 4, 0 },
- { AMOVQ, C_REG, C_NONE, C_PREG, 26, 4, 0 },
- { AMOVQ, C_PREG, C_NONE, C_REG, 27, 4, 0 },
- { AMOVQ, C_PCC, C_NONE, C_REG, 29, 4, 0 },
- { AREI, C_NONE, C_NONE, C_NONE, 30, 4, 0 },
- { AXXX, C_NONE, C_NONE, C_NONE, 0, 4, 0 },
--- a/sys/src/cmd/7l/pass.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,495 +1,0 @@
-#include "l.h"
- int i, t, size;
- Sym *s;
- Prog *p, *p1;
- long orig, orig1, v;
- vlong vv;
- if(debug['v'])
- Bprint(&bso, "%5.2f dodata\n", cputime());
- Bflush(&bso);
- for(p = datap; p != P; p = p->link) {
- s = p->from.sym;
- if(p->as == ADYNT || p->as == AINIT)
- s->value = dtype;
- if(s->type == SBSS)
- s->type = SDATA;
- if(s->type != SDATA)
- diag("initialize non-data (%d): %s\n%P",
- s->type, s->name, p);
- v = p->from.offset + p->reg;
- if(v > s->value)
- diag("initialize bounds (%ld): %s\n%P",
- s->value, s->name, p);
- }
- /*
- * pass 1
- * assign 'small' variables to data segment
- * (rational is that data segment is more easily
- * addressed through offset on REGSB)
- */
- orig = 0;
- for(i=0; i<NHASH; i++)
- for(s = hash[i]; s != S; s = s->link) {
- t = s->type;
- if(t != SDATA && t != SBSS)
- continue;
- v = s->value;
- if(v == 0) {
- diag("%s: no size", s->name);
- v = 1;
- }
- while(v & 3)
- v++;
- s->value = v;
- if(v > MINSIZ)
- continue;
- if (v >= 8)
- orig = rnd(orig, 8);
- s->value = orig;
- orig += v;
- s->type = SDATA1;
- }
- orig = rnd(orig, 8);
- orig1 = orig;
- /*
- * pass 2
- * assign 'data' variables to data segment
- */
- for(i=0; i<NHASH; i++)
- for(s = hash[i]; s != S; s = s->link) {
- t = s->type;
- if(t != SDATA) {
- if(t == SDATA1)
- s->type = SDATA;
- continue;
- }
- v = s->value;
- if (v >= 8)
- orig = rnd(orig, 8);
- s->value = orig;
- orig += v;
- s->type = SDATA1;
- }
- orig = rnd(orig, 8);
- datsize = orig;
- /*
- * pass 3
- * everything else to bss segment
- */
- for(i=0; i<NHASH; i++)
- for(s = hash[i]; s != S; s = s->link) {
- if(s->type != SBSS)
- continue;
- v = s->value;
- if (v >= 8)
- orig = rnd(orig, 8);
- s->value = orig;
- orig += v;
- }
- orig = rnd(orig, 8);
- bsssize = orig-datsize;
- /*
- * pass 4
- * add literals to all large values.
- * at this time:
- * small data is allocated DATA
- * large data is allocated DATA1
- * large bss is allocated BSS
- * the new literals are loaded between
- * small data and large data.
- */
- orig = 0;
- for(p = firstp; p != P; p = p->link) {
- if(p->as != AMOVQ)
- continue;
- if(p->from.type != D_CONST)
- continue;
- if(s = p->from.sym) {
- t = s->type;
- if(t != SDATA && t != SDATA1 && t != SBSS)
- continue;
- t = p->;
- if(t != D_EXTERN && t != D_STATIC)
- continue;
- v = s->value + p->from.offset;
- size = 4;
- if(v >= 0 && v <= 0xffff)
- continue;
- if(!strcmp(s->name, "setSB"))
- continue;
- /* size should be 19 max */
- if(strlen(s->name) >= 10) /* has loader address */
- snprint(literal, sizeof literal, "$%p.%llux", s, p->from.offset);
- else
- snprint(literal, sizeof literal, "$%s.%d.%llux", s->name, s->version, p->from.offset);
- } else {
- if(p-> != D_NONE)
- continue;
- if(p->from.reg != NREG)
- continue;
- vv = p->from.offset;
- if(vv >= -0x8000LL && vv <= 0x7fff)
- continue;
- if(!(vv & 0xffff))
- continue;
- size = 8;
- if (vv <= 0x7FFFFFFFLL && vv >= -0x80000000LL)
- size = 4;
- /* size should be 17 max */
- snprint(literal, sizeof literal, "$%llux", vv);
- }
- s = lookup(literal, 0);
- if(s->type == 0) {
- s->type = SDATA;
- orig = rnd(orig, size);
- s->value = orig1+orig;
- orig += size;
- p1 = prg();
- p1->line = p->line;
- p1->as = ADATA;
- p1->from.type = D_OREG;
- p1->from.sym = s;
- p1-> = D_EXTERN;
- p1->reg = size;
- p1->to = p->from;
- p1->link = datap;
- datap = p1;
- if(debug['C'])
- Bprint(&bso, "literal %P for %P\n", p1, p);
- }
- if(s->type != SDATA)
- diag("literal not data: %s", s->name);
- if (size == 4)
- p->as = AMOVL;
- p->from.type = D_OREG;
- p->from.sym = s;
- p-> = D_EXTERN;
- p->from.offset = 0;
- continue;
- }
- orig = rnd(orig, 8);
- /*
- * pass 5
- * re-adjust offsets
- */
- for(i=0; i<NHASH; i++)
- for(s = hash[i]; s != S; s = s->link) {
- t = s->type;
- if(t == SBSS) {
- s->value += orig;
- continue;
- }
- if(t == SDATA1) {
- s->type = SDATA;
- s->value += orig;
- continue;
- }
- }
- datsize += orig;
- if (debug['v'] || debug['z'])
- Bprint(&bso, "datsize = %lux, bsssize = %lux\n", datsize, bsssize);
- xdefine("setSB", SDATA, 0L+BIG);
- xdefine("bdata", SDATA, 0L);
- xdefine("edata", SDATA, datsize);
- xdefine("end", SBSS, datsize+bsssize);
- xdefine("etext", STEXT, 0L);
- int i;
- Sym *s;
- for(i=0; i<NHASH; i++)
- for(s = hash[i]; s != S; s = s->link)
- if(s->type == SXREF)
- diag("%s: not defined", s->name);
- if(debug['v'])
- Bprint(&bso, "%5.2f follow\n", cputime());
- Bflush(&bso);
- firstp = prg();
- lastp = firstp;
- xfol(textp);
- firstp = firstp->link;
- lastp->link = P;
-xfol(Prog *p)
- Prog *q, *r;
- int a, i;
- if(p == P)
- return;
- a = p->as;
- if(a == ATEXT)
- curtext = p;
- if(a == AJMP) {
- q = p->cond;
- if(q != P) {
- p->mark = FOLL;
- p = q;
- if(!(p->mark & FOLL))
- goto loop;
- }
- }
- if(p->mark & FOLL) {
- for(i=0,q=p; i<4; i++,q=q->link) {
- if(q == lastp)
- break;
- a = q->as;
- if(a == ANOP) {
- i--;
- continue;
- }
- if(a == AJMP || a == ARET || a == AREI)
- goto copy;
- if(!q->cond || (q->cond->mark&FOLL))
- continue;
- if(a != ABEQ && a != ABNE)
- continue;
- copy:
- for(;;) {
- r = prg();
- *r = *p;
- if(!(r->mark&FOLL))
- print("cant happen 1\n");
- r->mark = FOLL;
- if(p != q) {
- p = p->link;
- lastp->link = r;
- lastp = r;
- continue;
- }
- lastp->link = r;
- lastp = r;
- if(a == AJMP || a == ARET || a == AREI)
- return;
- r->as = ABNE;
- if(a == ABNE)
- r->as = ABEQ;
- r->cond = p->link;
- r->link = p->cond;
- if(!(r->link->mark&FOLL))
- xfol(r->link);
- if(!(r->cond->mark&FOLL))
- print("cant happen 2\n");
- return;
- }
- }
- a = AJMP;
- q = prg();
- q->as = a;
- q->line = p->line;
- q->to.type = D_BRANCH;
- q->to.offset = p->pc;
- q->cond = p;
- p = q;
- }
- p->mark = FOLL;
- lastp->link = p;
- lastp = p;
- if(a == AJMP || a == ARET || a == AREI)
- return;
- if(p->cond != P)
- if(a != AJSR && p->link != P) {
- xfol(p->link);
- p = p->cond;
- if(p == P || (p->mark&FOLL))
- return;
- goto loop;
- }
- p = p->link;
- goto loop;
- long c, vexit;
- Prog *p, *q;
- Sym *s;
- int a;
- if(debug['v'])
- Bprint(&bso, "%5.2f patch\n", cputime());
- Bflush(&bso);
- mkfwd();
- s = lookup("exit", 0);
- vexit = s->value;
- for(p = firstp; p != P; p = p->link) {
- a = p->as;
- if(a == ATEXT)
- curtext = p;
- if((a == AJSR || a == AJMP || a == ARET) &&
- p->to.type != D_BRANCH && p->to.sym != S) {
- s = p->to.sym;
- if(s->type != STEXT) {
- diag("undefined: %s\n%P", s->name, p);
- s->type = STEXT;
- s->value = vexit;
- }
- p->to.offset = s->value;
- p->to.type = D_BRANCH;
- }
- if(p->to.type != D_BRANCH)
- continue;
- c = p->to.offset;
- for(q = firstp; q != P;) {
- if(q->forwd != P)
- if(c >= q->forwd->pc) {
- q = q->forwd;
- continue;
- }
- if(c == q->pc)
- break;
- q = q->link;
- }
- if(q == P) {
- diag("branch out of range %ld\n%P", c, p);
- p->to.type = D_NONE;
- }
- p->cond = q;
- }
- for(p = firstp; p != P; p = p->link) {
- if(p->as == ATEXT)
- curtext = p;
- if(p->cond != P) {
- p->cond = brloop(p->cond);
- if(p->cond != P)
- if(p->to.type == D_BRANCH)
- p->to.offset = p->cond->pc;
- }
- }
-#define LOG 5
- Prog *p;
- long dwn[LOG], cnt[LOG], i;
- Prog *lst[LOG];
- for(i=0; i<LOG; i++) {
- if(i == 0)
- cnt[i] = 1; else
- cnt[i] = LOG * cnt[i-1];
- dwn[i] = 1;
- lst[i] = P;
- }
- i = 0;
- for(p = firstp; p != P; p = p->link) {
- if(p->as == ATEXT)
- curtext = p;
- i--;
- if(i < 0)
- i = LOG-1;
- p->forwd = P;
- dwn[i]--;
- if(dwn[i] <= 0) {
- dwn[i] = cnt[i];
- if(lst[i] != P)
- lst[i]->forwd = p;
- lst[i] = p;
- }
- }
-brloop(Prog *p)
- Prog *q;
- int c;
- for(c=0; p!=P;) {
- if(p->as != AJMP)
- return p;
- q = p->cond;
- if(q <= p) {
- c++;
- if(q == p || c > 50)
- break;
- }
- p = q;
- }
- return P;
-atolwhex(char *s)
- long n;
- int f;
- n = 0;
- f = 0;
- while(*s == ' ' || *s == '\t')
- s++;
- if(*s == '-' || *s == '+') {
- if(*s++ == '-')
- f = 1;
- while(*s == ' ' || *s == '\t')
- s++;
- }
- if(s[0]=='0' && s[1]){
- if(s[1]=='x' || s[1]=='X'){
- s += 2;
- for(;;){
- if(*s >= '0' && *s <= '9')
- n = n*16 + *s++ - '0';
- else if(*s >= 'a' && *s <= 'f')
- n = n*16 + *s++ - 'a' + 10;
- else if(*s >= 'A' && *s <= 'F')
- n = n*16 + *s++ - 'A' + 10;
- else
- break;
- }
- } else
- while(*s >= '0' && *s <= '7')
- n = n*8 + *s++ - '0';
- } else
- while(*s >= '0' && *s <= '9')
- n = n*10 + *s++ - '0';
- if(f)
- n = -n;
- return n;
-rnd(long v, long r)
- long c;
- if(r <= 0)
- return v;
- v += r - 1;
- c = v % r;
- if(c < 0)
- c += r;
- v -= c;
- return v;
--- a/sys/src/cmd/7l/sched.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +1,0 @@
-#include "l.h"
-sched(Prog *p0, Prog *p1)
-#ifdef CODSCHED
- Prog *p, *q, *t;
- int r, a;
- if(debug['X'])
- Bprint(&bso, "\n");
- if (p0 == P || p0 == p1)
- return;
- if(debug['X'])
- Bprint(&bso, "sched from %P to %P\n", p0, p1);
--- a/sys/src/cmd/7l/span.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,584 +1,0 @@
-#include "l.h"
- Prog *p;
- Sym *setext;
- Optab *o;
- int m;
- long c;
- if(debug['v'])
- Bprint(&bso, "%5.2f span\n", cputime());
- Bflush(&bso);
- for(p = firstp; p != P; p = p->link) {
- p->pc = c;
- o = oplook(p);
- m = o->size;
- if(m == 0) {
- if(p->as == ATEXT) {
- curtext = p;
- autosize = p->to.offset + 8;
- if(p->from.sym != S)
- p->from.sym->value = c;
- continue;
- }
- diag("zero-width instruction\n%P", p);
- continue;
- }
- c += m;
- }
- c = rnd(c, 8);
- setext = lookup("etext", 0);
- if(setext != S) {
- setext->value = c;
- textsize = c - INITTEXT;
- }
- INITDAT = rnd(c, INITRND);
- if(debug['v'])
- Bprint(&bso, "tsize = %lux\n", textsize);
- Bflush(&bso);
-xdefine(char *p, int t, long v)
- Sym *s;
- s = lookup(p, 0);
- if(s->type == 0 || s->type == SXREF) {
- s->type = t;
- s->value = v;
- }
-vlong /* BUG? */
-regoff(Adr *a)
- offset = 0;
- aclass(a);
- return offset;
- * note that we can't generate every 32 bit constant with MOVQA+MOVQAH, hence the
- * comparison with 0x7fff8000. offset >= this value gets incorrectly sign extended in
- * the 64 bit register.
- */
-aclass(Adr *a)
- Sym *s;
- int t;
- switch(a->type) {
- case D_NONE:
- return C_NONE;
- case D_REG:
- return C_REG;
- case D_FREG:
- return C_FREG;
- case D_FCREG:
- return C_FCREG;
- case D_PREG:
- return C_PREG;
- case D_PCC:
- return C_PCC;
- case D_OREG:
- switch(a->name) {
- case D_EXTERN:
- case D_STATIC:
- if(a->sym == 0) {
- print("null sym external\n");
- print("%D\n", a);
- return C_GOK;
- }
- t = a->sym->type;
- if(t == 0 || t == SXREF) {
- diag("undefined external: %s in %s",
- a->sym->name, TNAME);
- a->sym->type = SDATA;
- }
- offset = a->sym->value + a->offset - BIG;
- if(offset >= -BIG && offset < BIG)
- return C_SEXT;
- if (offset >= -0x80000000LL && offset < 0x7fff8000LL)
- return C_LEXT;
- badoff:
- diag("offset out of range: %#llux", offset);
- return C_GOK;
- case D_AUTO:
- offset = autosize + a->offset;
- if(offset >= -BIG && offset < BIG)
- return C_SAUTO;
- if (offset >= -0x80000000LL && offset < 0x7fff8000LL)
- return C_LAUTO;
- goto badoff;
- case D_PARAM:
- offset = autosize + a->offset + 8L;
- if(offset >= -BIG && offset < BIG)
- return C_SAUTO;
- if (offset >= -0x80000000LL && offset < 0x7fff8000LL)
- return C_LAUTO;
- goto badoff;
- case D_NONE:
- offset = a->offset;
- if(offset == 0)
- return C_ZOREG;
- if(offset >= -BIG && offset < BIG)
- return C_SOREG;
- if (offset >= -0x80000000LL && offset < 0x7fff8000LL)
- return C_LOREG;
- goto badoff;
- }
- return C_GOK;
- case D_CONST:
- switch(a->name) {
- case D_NONE:
- offset = a->offset;
- if(offset > 0) {
- if(offset <= 0xffLL)
- return C_BCON;
- if(offset <= 0x7fffLL)
- return C_SCON;
- if((offset & 0xffffLL) == 0 && offset <= 0x7fff0000LL)
- return C_UCON;
- if (offset < 0x7fff8000LL)
- return C_LCON;
- return C_QCON;
- }
- if(offset == 0)
- return C_ZCON;
- if(offset >= -0x100LL)
- return C_NCON;
- if(offset >= -0x8000LL)
- return C_SCON;
- if((offset & 0xffffLL) == 0 && offset >= -0x80000000LL)
- return C_UCON;
- if (offset >= -0x80000000LL)
- return C_LCON;
- return C_QCON;
- case D_EXTERN:
- case D_STATIC:
- s = a->sym;
- if(s == 0) {
- print("null sym const\n");
- print("%D\n", a);
- return C_GOK;
- }
- t = s->type;
- if(t == 0 || t == SXREF) {
- diag("undefined external: %s in %s",
- s->name, TNAME);
- s->type = SDATA;
- }
- if(s->type == STEXT || s->type == SLEAF) {
- offset = s->value + a->offset;
- return C_LCON;
- }
- offset = s->value + a->offset - BIG;
- if (offset == 0L) {
- offset = s->value + a->offset + INITDAT;
- return C_LCON; /* botch */
- }
- if(offset >= -BIG && offset < BIG && offset != 0L)
- return C_SECON;
- if (offset >= -0x80000000LL && offset < 0x7fff8000L && offset != 0LL /*&& offset >= -INITDAT*/)
- return C_LECON;
- /*offset = s->value + a->offset + INITDAT;*/
-/* if (offset >= -BIG && offset < BIG)
- return C_SCON;
- if (offset >= -0x80000000LL && offset < 0x7fff8000LL)
- return C_LCON; */
- goto badoff;
- /*return C_QCON;*/
- case D_AUTO:
- offset = autosize + a->offset;
- if(offset >= -BIG && offset < BIG)
- return C_SACON;
- if (offset >= -0x80000000LL && offset < 0x7fff8000LL)
- return C_LACON;
- goto badoff;
- case D_PARAM:
- offset = autosize + a->offset + 8L;
- if(offset >= -BIG && offset < BIG)
- return C_SACON;
- if (offset >= -0x80000000LL && offset < 0x7fff8000LL)
- return C_LACON;
- goto badoff;
- }
- return C_GOK;
- case D_BRANCH:
- return C_SBRA;
- }
- return C_GOK;
-oplook(Prog *p)
- int a1, a2, a3, r;
- char *c1, *c3;
- Optab *o, *e;
- a1 = p->optab;
- if(a1)
- return optab+(a1-1);
- a1 = p->from.class;
- if(a1 == 0) {
- a1 = aclass(&p->from) + 1;
- p->from.class = a1;
- }
- a1--;
- a3 = p->to.class;
- if(a3 == 0) {
- a3 = aclass(&p->to) + 1;
- p->to.class = a3;
- }
- a3--;
- a2 = C_NONE;
- if(p->reg != NREG)
- a2 = C_REG;
- r = p->as;
- o = oprange[r].start;
- if(o == 0) {
- a1 = opcross[repop[r]][a1][a2][a3];
- if(a1) {
- p->optab = a1+1;
- return optab+a1;
- }
- o = oprange[r].stop; /* just generate an error */
- }
- e = oprange[r].stop;
- c1 = xcmp[a1];
- c3 = xcmp[a3];
- for(; o<e; o++)
- if(o->a2 == a2)
- if(c1[o->a1])
- if(c3[o->a3]) {
- p->optab = (o-optab)+1;
- return o;
- }
- diag("illegal combination %A %d %d %d (opcross %d)",
- p->as, p->from.class-1, a2, a3, a1);
- if(!debug['a'])
- prasm(p);
- o = optab;
- p->optab = (o-optab)+1;
- return o;
-cmp(int a, int b)
- if(a == b)
- return 1;
- switch(a) {
- case C_QCON:
- if(b == C_ZCON || b == C_BCON || b == C_NCON || b == C_SCON || b == C_UCON || b == C_LCON)
- return 1;
- break;
- case C_LCON:
- if(b == C_ZCON || b == C_BCON || b == C_NCON || b == C_SCON || b == C_UCON)
- return 1;
- break;
- case C_UCON:
- if(b == C_ZCON)
- return 1;
- break;
- case C_SCON:
- if(b == C_ZCON || b == C_BCON || b == C_NCON)
- return 1;
- break;
- case C_BCON:
- if(b == C_ZCON)
- return 1;
- break;
- case C_LACON:
- if(b == C_SACON)
- return 1;
- break;
- case C_LBRA:
- if(b == C_SBRA)
- return 1;
- break;
- case C_LEXT:
- if(b == C_SEXT)
- return 1;
- break;
- case C_LAUTO:
- if(b == C_SAUTO)
- return 1;
- break;
- case C_REG:
-/* if(b == C_ZCON)
- return 1; */
- break;
- case C_LOREG:
- if(b == C_ZOREG || b == C_SOREG)
- return 1;
- break;
- case C_SOREG:
- if(b == C_ZOREG)
- return 1;
- break;
- }
- return 0;
-ocmp(void *a1, void *a2)
- Optab *p1, *p2;
- int n;
- p1 = a1;
- p2 = a2;
- n = p1->as - p2->as;
- if(n)
- return n;
- n = p1->a1 - p2->a1;
- if(n)
- return n;
- n = p1->a2 - p2->a2;
- if(n)
- return n;
- n = p1->a3 - p2->a3;
- if(n)
- return n;
- return 0;
- int i, n, r;
- for(i=0; i<32; i++)
- for(n=0; n<32; n++)
- xcmp[i][n] = cmp(n, i);
- for(n=0; optab[n].as != AXXX; n++)
- ;
- qsort(optab, n, sizeof(optab[0]), ocmp);
- for(i=0; i<n; i++) {
- r = optab[i].as;
- oprange[r].start = optab+i;
- while(optab[i].as == r)
- i++;
- oprange[r].stop = optab+i;
- i--;
- switch(r)
- {
- default:
- diag("unknown op in build: %A", r);
- errorexit();
- case AADDQ:
- oprange[AS4ADDQ] = oprange[r];
- oprange[AS8ADDQ] = oprange[r];
- oprange[ASUBQ] = oprange[r];
- oprange[AS4SUBQ] = oprange[r];
- oprange[AS8SUBQ] = oprange[r];
- break;
- case AADDL:
- oprange[AADDLV] = oprange[r];
- oprange[AS4ADDL] = oprange[r];
- oprange[AS8ADDL] = oprange[r];
- oprange[AADDQV] = oprange[r];
- oprange[ASUBQV] = oprange[r];
- oprange[ASUBL] = oprange[r];
- oprange[ASUBLV] = oprange[r];
- oprange[AS4SUBL] = oprange[r];
- oprange[AS8SUBL] = oprange[r];
- break;
- case AAND:
- oprange[AANDNOT] = oprange[r];
- oprange[AOR] = oprange[r];
- oprange[AORNOT] = oprange[r];
- oprange[AXOR] = oprange[r];
- oprange[AXORNOT] = oprange[r];
- break;
- case AMULQ:
- oprange[ACMPEQ] = oprange[r];
- oprange[ACMPGT] = oprange[r];
- oprange[ACMPGE] = oprange[r];
- oprange[ACMPUGT] = oprange[r];
- oprange[ACMPUGE] = oprange[r];
- oprange[ACMPBLE] = oprange[r];
- oprange[ACMOVEQ] = oprange[r];
- oprange[ACMOVNE] = oprange[r];
- oprange[ACMOVLT] = oprange[r];
- oprange[ACMOVGE] = oprange[r];
- oprange[ACMOVLE] = oprange[r];
- oprange[ACMOVGT] = oprange[r];
- oprange[ACMOVLBS] = oprange[r];
- oprange[ACMOVLBC] = oprange[r];
- oprange[AMULL] = oprange[r];
- oprange[AMULLV] = oprange[r];
- oprange[AMULQV] = oprange[r];
- oprange[AUMULH] = oprange[r];
- oprange[ASLLQ] = oprange[r];
- oprange[ASRLQ] = oprange[r];
- oprange[ASRAQ] = oprange[r];
- oprange[AEXTBL] = oprange[r];
- oprange[AEXTWL] = oprange[r];
- oprange[AEXTLL] = oprange[r];
- oprange[AEXTQL] = oprange[r];
- oprange[AEXTWH] = oprange[r];
- oprange[AEXTLH] = oprange[r];
- oprange[AEXTQH] = oprange[r];
- oprange[AINSBL] = oprange[r];
- oprange[AINSWL] = oprange[r];
- oprange[AINSLL] = oprange[r];
- oprange[AINSQL] = oprange[r];
- oprange[AINSWH] = oprange[r];
- oprange[AINSLH] = oprange[r];
- oprange[AINSQH] = oprange[r];
- oprange[AMSKBL] = oprange[r];
- oprange[AMSKWL] = oprange[r];
- oprange[AMSKLL] = oprange[r];
- oprange[AMSKQL] = oprange[r];
- oprange[AMSKWH] = oprange[r];
- oprange[AMSKLH] = oprange[r];
- oprange[AMSKQH] = oprange[r];
- oprange[AZAP] = oprange[r];
- oprange[AZAPNOT] = oprange[r];
- break;
- case ABEQ:
- oprange[ABNE] = oprange[r];
- oprange[ABGE] = oprange[r];
- oprange[ABLE] = oprange[r];
- oprange[ABGT] = oprange[r];
- oprange[ABLT] = oprange[r];
- break;
- case AFBEQ:
- oprange[AFBNE] = oprange[r];
- oprange[AFBGE] = oprange[r];
- oprange[AFBLE] = oprange[r];
- oprange[AFBGT] = oprange[r];
- oprange[AFBLT] = oprange[r];
- break;
- case AMOVQ:
- oprange[AMOVL] = oprange[r];
- oprange[AMOVLU] = oprange[r];
- oprange[AMOVQU] = oprange[r];
- oprange[AMOVA] = oprange[r];
- oprange[AMOVAH] = oprange[r];
- oprange[AMOVBU] = oprange[r];
- oprange[AMOVWU] = oprange[r];
- oprange[AMOVB] = oprange[r];
- oprange[AMOVW] = oprange[r];
- break;
- case AMOVT:
- oprange[AMOVS] = oprange[r];
- break;
- case AADDT:
- oprange[AADDS] = oprange[r];
- oprange[ACMPTEQ] = oprange[r];
- oprange[ACMPTGT] = oprange[r];
- oprange[ACMPTGE] = oprange[r];
- oprange[ACMPTUN] = oprange[r];
- oprange[ADIVS] = oprange[r];
- oprange[ADIVT] = oprange[r];
- oprange[AMULS] = oprange[r];
- oprange[AMULT] = oprange[r];
- oprange[ASUBS] = oprange[r];
- oprange[ASUBT] = oprange[r];
- oprange[ACPYS] = oprange[r];
- oprange[ACPYSN] = oprange[r];
- oprange[ACPYSE] = oprange[r];
- oprange[ACVTLQ] = oprange[r];
- oprange[ACVTQL] = oprange[r];
- oprange[AFCMOVEQ] = oprange[r];
- oprange[AFCMOVNE] = oprange[r];
- oprange[AFCMOVLT] = oprange[r];
- oprange[AFCMOVGE] = oprange[r];
- oprange[AFCMOVLE] = oprange[r];
- oprange[AFCMOVGT] = oprange[r];
- break;
- case ACVTTQ:
- oprange[ACVTQT] = oprange[r];
- oprange[ACVTTS] = oprange[r];
- oprange[ACVTQS] = oprange[r];
- break;
- case AJMP:
- case AJSR:
- break;
- case ACALL_PAL:
- break;
- case AMOVQL:
- oprange[AMOVLL] = oprange[r];
- break;
- case AMOVQC:
- oprange[AMOVLC] = oprange[r];
- break;
- case AMOVQP:
- oprange[AMOVLP] = oprange[r];
- break;
- case AREI:
- oprange[AMB] = oprange[r];
- oprange[ATRAPB] = oprange[r];
- break;
- case AFETCH:
- oprange[AFETCHM] = oprange[r];
- break;
- case AWORD:
- case ATEXT:
- break;
- }
- }
-buildrep(int x, int as)
- Opcross *p;
- Optab *e, *s, *o;
- int a1, a2, a3, n;
- if(C_NONE != 0 || C_REG != 1 || C_GOK >= 32 || x >= nelem(opcross)) {
- diag("assumptions fail in buildrep");
- errorexit();
- }
- repop[as] = x;
- p = (opcross + x);
- s = oprange[as].start;
- e = oprange[as].stop;
- for(o=e-1; o>=s; o--) {
- n = o-optab;
- for(a2=0; a2<2; a2++) {
- if(a2) {
- if(o->a2 == C_NONE)
- continue;
- } else
- if(o->a2 != C_NONE)
- continue;
- for(a1=0; a1<32; a1++) {
- if(!xcmp[a1][o->a1])
- continue;
- for(a3=0; a3<32; a3++)
- if(xcmp[a3][o->a3])
- (*p)[a1][a2][a3] = n;
- }
- }
- }
- oprange[as].start = 0;
--- a/sys/src/cmd/gs/alpha.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +1,0 @@
-/* Parameters derived from machine and compiler architecture */
- /* ---------------- Scalar alignments ---------------- */
- /* ---------------- Scalar sizes ---------------- */
-#define ARCH_SIZEOF_PTR 4
- /* ---------------- Unsigned max values ---------------- */
-#define ARCH_MAX_UCHAR ((unsigned char)0xff + (unsigned char)0)
-#define ARCH_MAX_USHORT ((unsigned short)0xffff + (unsigned short)0)
-#define ARCH_MAX_UINT ((unsigned int)~0 + (unsigned int)0)
-#define ARCH_MAX_ULONG ((unsigned long)~0L + (unsigned long)0)
- /* ---------------- Cache sizes ---------------- */
-#define ARCH_CACHE1_SIZE 65536
-#define ARCH_CACHE2_SIZE 131072
- /* ---------------- Miscellaneous ---------------- */
--- a/sys/src/cmd/gs/arch.h
+++ b/sys/src/cmd/gs/arch.h
@@ -8,8 +8,6 @@
#include "spim.h"
#elif Tpower
#include "mips.h"
-#elif Talpha
-#include "alpha.h"
#elif Tarm
#include "arm.h"
#elif Tamd64
--- a/sys/src/cmd/gs/default.alpha.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +1,0 @@
-/* Parameters derived from machine and compiler architecture */
- /* ---------------- Scalar alignments ---------------- */
- /* ---------------- Scalar sizes ---------------- */
-#define ARCH_SIZEOF_PTR 4
- /* ---------------- Unsigned max values ---------------- */
-#define ARCH_MAX_UCHAR ((unsigned char)0xff + (unsigned char)0)
-#define ARCH_MAX_USHORT ((unsigned short)0xffff + (unsigned short)0)
-#define ARCH_MAX_UINT ((unsigned int)~0 + (unsigned int)0)
-#define ARCH_MAX_ULONG ((unsigned long)~0L + (unsigned long)0)
- /* ---------------- Cache sizes ---------------- */
-#define ARCH_CACHE1_SIZE 65536
-#define ARCH_CACHE2_SIZE 131072
- /* ---------------- Miscellaneous ---------------- */
--- a/sys/src/cmd/pcc.c
+++ b/sys/src/cmd/pcc.c
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
{"68020", "2c", "2l", "2", "2.out"},
{"arm", "5c", "5l", "5", "5.out"},
{"amd64", "6c", "6l", "6", "6.out"},
- {"alpha", "7c", "7l", "7", "7.out"},
{"386", "8c", "8l", "8", "8.out"},
{"power64", "9c", "9l", "9", "9.out"},
{"sparc", "kc", "kl", "k", "k.out"},
--- a/sys/src/cmd/prof.c
+++ b/sys/src/cmd/prof.c
@@ -335,7 +335,6 @@
"386", "8.out",
"68020", "2.out",
- "alpha", "7.out",
"amd64", "6.out",
"arm", "5.out",
"mips", "v.out",
--- a/sys/src/cmd/python/pyconfig.h
+++ b/sys/src/cmd/python/pyconfig.h
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
typedef struct Threadarg Threadarg;
-#if defined(T386) || defined(Talpha) || defined(Tarm) || defined(Tpower) || defined(Tamd64) || defined(Tspim)
+#if defined(T386) || defined(Tarm) || defined(Tpower) || defined(Tamd64) || defined(Tspim)
#elif defined(Tmips) || defined(Tsparc)
--- a/sys/src/libc/alpha/_seek.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +1,0 @@
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-extern int _seek(vlong*, int, vlong, int);
-seek(int fd, vlong o, int p)
- vlong l;
- if(_seek(&l, fd, o, p) < 0)
- l = -1LL;
- return l;
--- a/sys/src/libc/alpha/argv0.s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +1,0 @@
-GLOBL argv0(SB), $4
-GLOBL _tos(SB), $4
-GLOBL _privates(SB), $4
-GLOBL _nprivates(SB), $4
--- a/sys/src/libc/alpha/atom.s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +1,0 @@
-TEXT ainc(SB),$-8 /* long ainc(long *); */
- MOVQ R0, R1 /* p */
- MOVLL (R1), R2 /* *p */
- ADDL $1, R2
- MOVQ R2, R0 /* copy to return */
- MOVLC R2, (R1) /* (*p)++ */
- BEQ R2, inc1 /* write failed, retry */
-TEXT adec(SB),$-8 /* long ainc(long *); */
- MOVQ R0, R1 /* p */
- MOVLL (R1), R2 /* *p */
- SUBL $1, R2
- MOVQ R2, R0 /* copy to return */
- MOVLC R2, (R1) /* (*p)++ */
- BEQ R2, dec1 /* write failed, retry */
-TEXT _xinc(SB), $-8
- MOVQ R0, R1 /* p */
- MOVLL (R1), R0 /* *p */
- ADDL $1, R0
- MOVLC R0, (R1) /* (*p)++ */
- BEQ R0, xinc1 /* write failed, retry */
-TEXT _xdec(SB), $-8
- MOVQ R0, R1 /* p */
- MOVLL (R1), R0 /* *p */
- SUBL $1, R0
- MOVQ R0, R2
- MOVLC R2, (R1) /* --(*p) */
- BEQ R2, xdec1 /* write failed, retry */
-TEXT cas(SB), $-8
-TEXT casp(SB), $-8
- MOVQ R0, R1 /* p */
- MOVL old+4(FP), R2
- MOVL new+8(FP), R3
- MOVLL (R1), R0
- CMPEQ R0, R2, R4
- BEQ R4, fail /* if R0 != [sic] R2, goto fail */
- MOVQ R3, R0
- MOVLC R0, (R1)
- MOVL $0, R0
-TEXT loadlink(SB), $-8
- MOVLL (R0), R0
-TEXT storecond(SB), $-8
- MOVW val+4(FP), R1
- MOVLC R1, (R0)
- BEQ R1, storecondfail /* write failed */
- MOVW $1, R0
- MOVW $0, R0
--- a/sys/src/libc/alpha/cycles.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +1,0 @@
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-void cycles(uvlong*u)
- *u = 0LL;
--- a/sys/src/libc/alpha/divl.s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,189 +1,0 @@
- * ulong
- * _udiv(ulong num, ulong den)
- * {
- * int i;
- * ulong quo;
- *
- * if(den == 0)
- * *(ulong*)-1 = 0;
- * quo = num;
- * if(quo > 1<<(32-1))
- * quo = 1<<(32-1);
- * for(i=0; den<quo; i++)
- * den <<= 1;
- * quo = 0;
- * for(; i>=0; i--) {
- * quo <<= 1;
- * if(num >= den) {
- * num -= den;
- * quo |= 1;
- * }
- * den >>= 1;
- * }
- * return quo::num;
- * }
- */
-#define NOPROF 1
- * calling sequence:
- * num: 8(R30)
- * den: 12(R30)
- * returns
- * quo: 8(R30)
- * rem: 12(R30)
- */
-TEXT _udivmodl(SB), NOPROF, $-8
- MOVQ $-1, R11
- SLLQ $31, R11 /* (1<<31) in canonical form */
- MOVL 8(R30), R23 /* numerator */
- MOVL 12(R30), R10 /* denominator */
- BNE R10, udm20
- MOVQ R31, -1(R31) /* fault -- divide by zero; todo: use gentrap? */
- MOVQ R23, R12
- BGE R12, udm34
- MOVQ R11, R12
- MOVQ R31, R11
- CMPUGE R10, R12, R24
- BNE R24, udm54
- SLLL $1, R10
- ADDQ $1, R11
- JMP udm38
- MOVQ R31, R12
- BLT R11, udm8c
- SLLL $1, R12
- CMPUGE R23, R10, R24
- BEQ R24, udm7c
- SUBL R10, R23
- OR $1, R12
- SRLL $1, R10
- SUBQ $1, R11
- JMP udm58
- MOVL R12, 8(R30) /* quotient */
- MOVL R23, 12(R30) /* remainder */
- * save working registers
- * and bring in num/den parameters
- */
-TEXT _unsargl(SB), NOPROF, $-8
- MOVQ R10, 24(R30)
- MOVQ R11, 32(R30)
- MOVQ R12, 40(R30)
- MOVQ R23, 48(R30)
- MOVQ R24, 56(R30)
- MOVL R27, 8(R30)
- MOVL 72(R30), R27
- MOVL R27, 12(R30)
- * save working registers
- * and bring in absolute value
- * of num/den parameters
- */
-TEXT _absargl(SB), NOPROF, $-8
- MOVQ R10, 24(R30)
- MOVQ R11, 32(R30)
- MOVQ R12, 40(R30)
- MOVQ R23, 48(R30)
- MOVQ R24, 56(R30)
- MOVL R27, 64(R30)
- BGE R27, ab1
- SUBL R27, R31, R27
- MOVL R27, 8(R30) /* numerator */
- MOVL 72(R30), R27
- BGE R27, ab2
- SUBL R27, R31, R27
- MOVL R27, 12(R30) /* denominator */
- * restore registers and
- * return to original caller
- * answer is in R27
- */
-TEXT _retargl(SB), NOPROF, $-8
- MOVQ 24(R30), R10
- MOVQ 32(R30), R11
- MOVQ 40(R30), R12
- MOVQ 48(R30), R23
- MOVQ 56(R30), R24
- MOVL 0(R30), R26
- ADDQ $64, R30
- RET /* back to main sequence */
-TEXT _divl(SB), NOPROF, $-8
- SUBQ $64, R30 /* 5 reg save, 2 parameters, link */
- MOVL R26, 0(R30)
- JSR _absargl(SB)
- JSR _udivmodl(SB)
- MOVL 8(R30), R27
- MOVL 64(R30), R10 /* clean up the sign */
- MOVL 72(R30), R11
- XOR R11, R10
- BGE R10, div1
- SUBL R27, R31, R27
- JSR _retargl(SB)
- RET /* not executed */
-TEXT _divlu(SB), NOPROF, $-8
- SUBQ $64, R30 /* 5 reg save, 2 parameters, link */
- MOVL R26, 0(R30)
- JSR _unsargl(SB)
- JSR _udivmodl(SB)
- MOVL 8(R30), R27
- JSR _retargl(SB)
- RET /* not executed */
-TEXT _modl(SB), NOPROF, $-8
- SUBQ $64, R30 /* 5 reg save, 2 parameters, link */
- MOVL R26, 0(R30)
- JSR _absargl(SB)
- JSR _udivmodl(SB)
- MOVL 12(R30), R27
- MOVL 64(R30), R10 /* clean up the sign */
- BGE R10, div2
- SUBL R27, R31, R27
- JSR _retargl(SB)
- RET /* not executed */
-TEXT _modlu(SB), NOPROF, $-8
- SUBQ $64, R30 /* 5 reg save, 2 parameters, link */
- MOVL R26, 0(R30)
- JSR _unsargl(SB)
- JSR _udivmodl(SB)
- MOVL 12(R30), R27
- JSR _retargl(SB)
- RET /* not executed */
--- a/sys/src/libc/alpha/divq.s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +1,0 @@
- * uvlong
- * _udiv(uvlong num, uvlong den)
- * {
- * int i;
- * uvlong quo;
- *
- * if(den == 0)
- * *(ulong*)-1 = 0;
- * quo = num;
- * if(quo > 1<<(64-1))
- * quo = 1<<(64-1);
- * for(i=0; den<quo; i++)
- * den <<= 1;
- * quo = 0;
- * for(; i>=0; i--) {
- * quo <<= 1;
- * if(num >= den) {
- * num -= den;
- * quo |= 1;
- * }
- * den >>= 1;
- * }
- * return quo::num;
- * }
- */
-#define NOPROF 1
- * calling sequence:
- * num: 8(R30)
- * den: 16(R30)
- * returns
- * quo: 8(R30)
- * rem: 16(R30)
- */
-TEXT _udivmodq(SB), NOPROF, $-8
- MOVQ $1, R11
- SLLQ $63, R11
- MOVQ 8(R30), R23 /* numerator */
- MOVQ 16(R30), R10 /* denominator */
- BNE R10, udm20
- MOVQ R31, -1(R31) /* fault -- divide by zero; todo: use gentrap? */
- MOVQ R23, R12
- BGE R12, udm34
- MOVQ R11, R12
- MOVQ R31, R11
- CMPUGE R10, R12, R24
- BNE R24, udm54
- SLLQ $1, R10
- ADDQ $1, R11
- JMP udm38
- MOVQ R31, R12
- BLT R11, udm8c
- SLLQ $1, R12
- CMPUGE R23, R10, R24
- BEQ R24, udm7c
- SUBQ R10, R23
- OR $1, R12
- SRLQ $1, R10
- SUBQ $1, R11
- JMP udm58
- MOVQ R12, 8(R30) /* quotient */
- MOVQ R23, 16(R30) /* remainder */
- * save working registers
- * and bring in num/den parameters
- */
-TEXT _unsargq(SB), NOPROF, $-8
- MOVQ R10, 24(R30)
- MOVQ R11, 32(R30)
- MOVQ R12, 40(R30)
- MOVQ R23, 48(R30)
- MOVQ R24, 56(R30)
- MOVQ R27, 8(R30)
- MOVQ 72(R30), R27
- MOVQ R27, 16(R30)
-MOVQ (R30), R10 /* debug */
- * save working registers
- * and bring in absolute value
- * of num/den parameters
- */
-TEXT _absargq(SB), NOPROF, $-8
- MOVQ R10, 24(R30)
- MOVQ R11, 32(R30)
- MOVQ R12, 40(R30)
- MOVQ R23, 48(R30)
- MOVQ R24, 56(R30)
- MOVQ R27, 64(R30)
- BGE R27, ab1
- SUBQ R27, R31, R27
- MOVQ R27, 8(R30) /* numerator */
- MOVQ 72(R30), R27
- BGE R27, ab2
- SUBQ R27, R31, R27
- MOVQ R27, 16(R30) /* denominator */
-MOVQ (R30), R10 /* debug */
- * restore registers and
- * return to original caller
- * answer is in R27
- */
-TEXT _retargq(SB), NOPROF, $-8
- MOVQ 24(R30), R10
- MOVQ 32(R30), R11
- MOVQ 40(R30), R12
- MOVQ 48(R30), R23
- MOVQ 56(R30), R24
- MOVL 0(R30), R26
- ADDQ $64, R30
- RET /* back to main sequence */
-TEXT _divq(SB), NOPROF, $-8
- SUBQ $64, R30 /* 5 reg save, 2 parameters, link */
- MOVQ R26, 0(R30)
- JSR _absargq(SB)
- JSR _udivmodq(SB)
- MOVQ 8(R30), R27
- MOVQ 64(R30), R10 /* clean up the sign */
- MOVQ 72(R30), R11
- XOR R11, R10
- BGE R10, div1
- SUBQ R27, R31, R27
- JSR _retargq(SB)
- RET /* not executed */
-TEXT _divqu(SB), NOPROF, $-8
- SUBQ $64, R30 /* 5 reg save, 2 parameters, link */
- MOVQ R26, 0(R30)
- JSR _unsargq(SB)
- JSR _udivmodq(SB)
- MOVQ 8(R30), R27
- JSR _retargq(SB)
- RET /* not executed */
-TEXT _modq(SB), NOPROF, $-8
- SUBQ $64, R30 /* 5 reg save, 2 parameters, link */
- MOVQ R26, 0(R30)
- JSR _absargq(SB)
- JSR _udivmodq(SB)
- MOVQ 16(R30), R27
- MOVQ 64(R30), R10 /* clean up the sign */
- BGE R10, div2
- SUBQ R27, R31, R27
- JSR _retargq(SB)
- RET /* not executed */
-TEXT _modqu(SB), NOPROF, $-8
- SUBQ $64, R30 /* 5 reg save, 2 parameters, link */
- MOVQ R26, 0(R30)
- JSR _unsargq(SB)
- JSR _udivmodq(SB)
- MOVQ 16(R30), R27
- JSR _retargq(SB)
- RET /* not executed */
--- a/sys/src/libc/alpha/getcallerpc.s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +1,0 @@
-TEXT getcallerpc(SB), $-8
- MOVL 0(SP), R0
--- a/sys/src/libc/alpha/getfcr.s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +1,0 @@
-#define EXCB WORD $0x60000400 /* until 7a/7l catch up */
-TEXT getfsr(SB), $8
- MOVT F0, tmp-8(SP)
- MOVL tmp-4(SP), R1
- MOVQ $0x01e00000, R2
- AND R2, R1, R0
-TEXT setfsr(SB), $8
- MOVQ $0x01e00000, R2
- MOVT F0, tmp-8(SP)
- MOVL tmp-4(SP), R1
- ANDNOT R2, R1, R3
- AND R2, R0, R4
- OR R3, R4, R5
- MOVL R5, tmp-4(SP)
- MOVT tmp-8(SP), F0
-TEXT getfcr(SB), $8
- MOVT F0, tmp-8(SP)
- MOVL tmp-4(SP), R1
- MOVQ $0x700c0000, R2
- AND R2, R1, R0
- XOR R2, R0
-TEXT setfcr(SB), $8
- MOVQ $0x700c0000, R2
- XOR R2, R0
- MOVT F0, tmp-8(SP)
- MOVL tmp-4(SP), R1
- ANDNOT R2, R1, R3
- AND R2, R0, R4
- OR R3, R4, R5
- MOVL R5, tmp-4(SP)
- MOVT tmp-8(SP), F0
--- a/sys/src/libc/alpha/main9.s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +1,0 @@
-#define NPRIVATES 16
-TEXT _main(SB), 1, $(16 + NPRIVATES*4)
- MOVQ $setSB(SB), R29
- MOVL R0, _tos(SB)
- MOVQ $p-64(SP),R1
- MOVL R1,_privates+0(SB)
- MOVQ $16,R1
- MOVL R1,_nprivates+0(SB)
- MOVL inargc-8(FP), R0
- MOVL $inargv-4(FP), R1
- MOVL R0, 8(R30)
- MOVL R1, 12(R30)
- JSR main(SB)
- MOVL $_exitstr<>(SB), R0
- MOVL R0, 8(R30)
- JSR exits(SB)
- MOVQ $_divq(SB), R31 /* force loading of divq */
- MOVQ $_divl(SB), R31 /* force loading of divl */
- JMP loop
-DATA _exitstr<>+0(SB)/4, $"main"
-GLOBL _exitstr<>+0(SB), $5
--- a/sys/src/libc/alpha/main9p.s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +1,0 @@
-#define NPRIVATES 16
-TEXT _mainp(SB), 1, $16
- MOVQ $setSB(SB), R29
- MOVL R0, _tos(SB)
- MOVQ $p-64(SP),R1
- MOVL R1,_privates+0(SB)
- MOVQ $16,R1
- MOVL R1,_nprivates+0(SB)
- JSR _profmain(SB)
- MOVL __prof+4(SB), R0
- MOVL R0, __prof+0(SB)
- MOVL inargc-4(FP), R0
- MOVL $inargv+0(FP), R1
- MOVL R0, 8(R30)
- MOVL R1, 12(R30)
- JSR main(SB)
- MOVQ $exits<>(SB), R0
- MOVL R0, 8(R30)
- JSR exits(SB)
- MOVQ $_divq(SB), R31 /* force loading of divq */
- MOVQ $_divl(SB), R31 /* force loading of divl */
- MOVQ $_profin(SB), R31 /* force loading of profile */
- JMP loop
-TEXT _saveret(SB), 1, $0
-TEXT _savearg(SB), 1, $0
-TEXT _callpc(SB), 1, $0
- MOVL argp-8(FP), R0
-DATA exits<>+0(SB)/4, $"main"
-GLOBL exits<>+0(SB), $5
--- a/sys/src/libc/alpha/memmove.s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +1,0 @@
-#define QUAD 8
-#define ALIGN 64
-#define BLOCK 64
-TEXT memmove(SB), $0
- MOVL from+4(FP), R7
- MOVL n+8(FP), R10
- MOVQ R0, R6
- CMPUGE R7, R0, R5
- BNE R5, _forward
- MOVQ R6, R8 /* end to address */
- ADDL R10, R6, R6 /* to+n */
- ADDL R10, R7, R7 /* from+n */
- CMPUGE $ALIGN, R10, R1 /* need at least ALIGN bytes */
- BNE R1, _b1tail
- AND $(ALIGN-1), R6, R1
- BEQ R1, _baligned
- MOVBU -1(R7), R2
- ADDL $-1, R6, R6
- MOVB R2, (R6)
- ADDL $-1, R7, R7
- JMP _balign
- AND $(QUAD-1), R7, R1 /* is the source quad-aligned */
- BNE R1, _bunaligned
- ADDL $(BLOCK-1), R8, R9
- CMPUGE R9, R6, R1
- BNE R1, _b8tail
- MOVQ -64(R7), R22
- MOVQ -56(R7), R23
- MOVQ -48(R7), R24
- MOVQ -40(R7), R25
- MOVQ -32(R7), R2
- MOVQ -24(R7), R3
- MOVQ -16(R7), R4
- MOVQ -8(R7), R5
- SUBL $64, R6, R6
- SUBL $64, R7, R7
- MOVQ R22, (R6)
- MOVQ R23, 8(R6)
- MOVQ R24, 16(R6)
- MOVQ R25, 24(R6)
- MOVQ R2, 32(R6)
- MOVQ R3, 40(R6)
- MOVQ R4, 48(R6)
- MOVQ R5, 56(R6)
- JMP _bblock
- ADDL $(QUAD-1), R8, R9
- CMPUGE R9, R6, R1
- BNE R1, _b1tail
- MOVQ -8(R7), R2
- SUBL $8, R6
- MOVQ R2, (R6)
- SUBL $8, R7
- JMP _b8block
- CMPUGE R8, R6, R1
- BNE R1, _ret
- MOVBU -1(R7), R2
- SUBL $1, R6, R6
- MOVB R2, (R6)
- SUBL $1, R7, R7
- JMP _b1tail
- ADDL $(16-1), R8, R9
- CMPUGE R9, R6, R1
- BNE R1, _b1tail
- MOVQU -16(R7), R4
- MOVQU -8(R7), R3
- MOVQU (R7), R2
- SUBL $16, R6
- EXTQH R7, R2, R2
- EXTQL R7, R3, R5
- OR R5, R2, R11
- EXTQH R7, R3, R3
- EXTQL R7, R4, R4
- OR R3, R4, R13
- MOVQ R11, 8(R6)
- MOVQ R13, (R6)
- SUBL $16, R7
- JMP _bu8block
- ADDL R10, R6, R8 /* end to address */
- CMPUGE $ALIGN, R10, R1 /* need at least ALIGN bytes */
- BNE R1, _f1tail
- AND $(ALIGN-1), R6, R1
- BEQ R1, _faligned
- MOVBU (R7), R2
- ADDL $1, R6, R6
- ADDL $1, R7, R7
- MOVB R2, -1(R6)
- JMP _falign
- AND $(QUAD-1), R7, R1 /* is the source quad-aligned */
- BNE R1, _funaligned
- SUBL $(BLOCK-1), R8, R9
- CMPUGT R9, R6, R1
- BEQ R1, _f8tail
- MOVQ (R7), R2
- MOVQ 8(R7), R3
- MOVQ 16(R7), R4
- MOVQ 24(R7), R5
- MOVQ 32(R7), R22
- MOVQ 40(R7), R23
- MOVQ 48(R7), R24
- MOVQ 56(R7), R25
- ADDL $64, R6, R6
- ADDL $64, R7, R7
- MOVQ R2, -64(R6)
- MOVQ R3, -56(R6)
- MOVQ R4, -48(R6)
- MOVQ R5, -40(R6)
- MOVQ R22, -32(R6)
- MOVQ R23, -24(R6)
- MOVQ R24, -16(R6)
- MOVQ R25, -8(R6)
- JMP _fblock
- SUBL $(QUAD-1), R8, R9
- CMPUGT R9, R6, R1
- BEQ R1, _f1tail
- MOVQ (R7), R2
- ADDL $8, R6
- ADDL $8, R7
- MOVQ R2, -8(R6)
- JMP _f8block
- CMPUGT R8, R6, R1
- BEQ R1, _fret
- MOVBU (R7), R2
- ADDL $1, R6, R6
- ADDL $1, R7, R7
- MOVB R2, -1(R6)
- JMP _f1tail
- SUBL $(16-1), R8, R9
- CMPUGT R9, R6, R1
- BEQ R1, _f1tail
- MOVQU (R7), R2
- MOVQU 8(R7), R3
- MOVQU 16(R7), R4
- EXTQL R7, R2, R2
- EXTQH R7, R3, R5
- OR R5, R2, R11
- EXTQL R7, R3, R3
- MOVQ R11, (R6)
- EXTQH R7, R4, R4
- OR R3, R4, R11
- MOVQ R11, 8(R6)
- ADDL $16, R6
- ADDL $16, R7
- JMP _fu8block
-TEXT memcpy(SB), $0
- JMP _memmove
--- a/sys/src/libc/alpha/memset.s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +1,0 @@
-TEXT memset(SB), $0
- MOVL R0, R6
- MOVBU data+4(FP), R2
- MOVL n+8(FP), R10
- ADDL R10, R0, R8
- CMPUGE $8, R10, R1 /* need at least 8 bytes */
- BNE R1, _1loop
- SLLQ $8, R2, R1 /* replicate the byte */
- OR R1, R2
- SLLQ $16, R2, R1
- OR R1, R2
- SLLQ $32, R2, R1
- OR R1, R2
- AND $(8-1), R6, R1
- BEQ R1, _aligned
- MOVB R2, (R6)
- ADDL $1, R6, R6
- JMP _align
- SUBL $(64-1), R8, R9 /* end pointer minus slop */
- CMPUGT R9, R6, R1
- BEQ R1, _8tail
- MOVQ R2, (R6)
- MOVQ R2, 8(R6)
- MOVQ R2, 16(R6)
- MOVQ R2, 24(R6)
- MOVQ R2, 32(R6)
- MOVQ R2, 40(R6)
- MOVQ R2, 48(R6)
- MOVQ R2, 56(R6)
- ADDL $64, R6, R6
- JMP _64loop
- SUBL $(8-1), R8, R9
- CMPUGT R9, R6, R1
- BEQ R1, _1loop
- MOVQ R2, (R6)
- ADDL $8, R6
- JMP _8loop
- CMPUGT R8, R6, R1
- BEQ R1, _ret
- MOVB R2, (R6)
- ADDL $1, R6
- JMP _1loop
--- a/sys/src/libc/alpha/mkfile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +1,0 @@
- argv0.s\
- atom.s\
- divl.s\
- divq.s\
- getcallerpc.s\
- getfcr.s\
- main9.s\
- main9p.s\
- memmove.s\
- memset.s\
- setjmp.s\
- tas.s
- _seek.c\
- cycles.c\
- notejmp.c\
-OFILES=${CFILES:%.c=%.$O} ${SFILES:%.s=%.$O}
--- a/sys/src/libc/alpha/notejmp.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +1,0 @@
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <ureg.h>
-notejmp(void *vr, jmp_buf j, int ret)
- struct Ureg *r = vr;
- r->r0 = ret;
- if(ret == 0)
- r->r0 = 1;
- r->pc = j[JMPBUFPC];
- r->sp = j[JMPBUFSP];
- noted(NCONT);
--- a/sys/src/libc/alpha/setjmp.s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +1,0 @@
-TEXT setjmp(SB), 1, $-8
- MOVL R30, (R0)
- MOVL R26, 4(R0)
- MOVQ $0, R0
-TEXT longjmp(SB), 1, $-8
- MOVL r+4(FP), R3
- BNE R3, ok /* ansi: "longjmp(0) => longjmp(1)" */
- MOVQ $1, R3 /* bless their pointed heads */
-ok: MOVL (R0), R30
- MOVL 4(R0), R26
- MOVL R3, R0
--- a/sys/src/libc/alpha/tas.s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +1,0 @@
-TEXT _tas(SB), $-8
- MOVQ R0, R1 /* l */
- MOVLL (R1), R0 /* l->key */
- BNE R0, tas2
- MOVQ $1, R2
- MOVLC R2, (R1) /* l->key = 1 */
- BEQ R2, tas1 /* write failed, try again? */
--- a/sys/src/libmach/7.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +1,0 @@
- * alpha definition
- */
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <bio.h>
-#include "/alpha/include/ureg.h"
-#include <mach.h>
-#define REGOFF(x) (ulong)(&((struct Ureg *) 0)->x)
-#define REGSIZE sizeof(struct Ureg)
-#define FPREGSIZE (8*33)
-#define SP REGOFF(sp)
-#define PC REGOFF(pc)
-#define FP_REG(x) (REGSIZE+8*(x))
-Reglist alphareglist[] = {
- {"STATUS", REGOFF(status), RINT|RRDONLY, 'W'},
- {"TYPE", REGOFF(type), RINT|RRDONLY, 'W'},
- {"A0", REGOFF(a0), RINT|RRDONLY, 'W'},
- {"A1", REGOFF(a1), RINT|RRDONLY, 'W'},
- {"A2", REGOFF(a2), RINT|RRDONLY, 'W'},
- {"PC", PC, RINT, 'X'},
- {"SP", SP, RINT, 'X'},
- {"R29", REGOFF(r29), RINT, 'W'},
- {"R28", REGOFF(r28), RINT, 'W'},
- {"R27", REGOFF(r27), RINT, 'W'},
- {"R26", REGOFF(r26), RINT, 'W'},
- {"R25", REGOFF(r25), RINT, 'W'},
- {"R24", REGOFF(r24), RINT, 'W'},
- {"R23", REGOFF(r23), RINT, 'W'},
- {"R22", REGOFF(r22), RINT, 'W'},
- {"R21", REGOFF(r21), RINT, 'W'},
- {"R20", REGOFF(r20), RINT, 'W'},
- {"R19", REGOFF(r19), RINT, 'W'},
- {"R18", REGOFF(r18), RINT, 'W'},
- {"R17", REGOFF(r17), RINT, 'W'},
- {"R16", REGOFF(r16), RINT, 'W'},
- {"R15", REGOFF(r15), RINT, 'W'},
- {"R14", REGOFF(r14), RINT, 'W'},
- {"R13", REGOFF(r13), RINT, 'W'},
- {"R12", REGOFF(r12), RINT, 'W'},
- {"R11", REGOFF(r11), RINT, 'W'},
- {"R10", REGOFF(r10), RINT, 'W'},
- {"R9", REGOFF(r9), RINT, 'W'},
- {"R8", REGOFF(r8), RINT, 'W'},
- {"R7", REGOFF(r7), RINT, 'W'},
- {"R6", REGOFF(r6), RINT, 'W'},
- {"R5", REGOFF(r5), RINT, 'W'},
- {"R4", REGOFF(r4), RINT, 'W'},
- {"R3", REGOFF(r3), RINT, 'W'},
- {"R2", REGOFF(r2), RINT, 'W'},
- {"R1", REGOFF(r1), RINT, 'W'},
- {"R0", REGOFF(r0), RINT, 'W'},
- {"F0", FP_REG(0), RFLT, 'F'},
- {"F1", FP_REG(1), RFLT, 'F'},
- {"F2", FP_REG(2), RFLT, 'F'},
- {"F3", FP_REG(3), RFLT, 'F'},
- {"F4", FP_REG(4), RFLT, 'F'},
- {"F5", FP_REG(5), RFLT, 'F'},
- {"F6", FP_REG(6), RFLT, 'F'},
- {"F7", FP_REG(7), RFLT, 'F'},
- {"F8", FP_REG(8), RFLT, 'F'},
- {"F9", FP_REG(9), RFLT, 'F'},
- {"F10", FP_REG(10), RFLT, 'F'},
- {"F11", FP_REG(11), RFLT, 'F'},
- {"F12", FP_REG(12), RFLT, 'F'},
- {"F13", FP_REG(13), RFLT, 'F'},
- {"F14", FP_REG(14), RFLT, 'F'},
- {"F15", FP_REG(15), RFLT, 'F'},
- {"F16", FP_REG(16), RFLT, 'F'},
- {"F17", FP_REG(17), RFLT, 'F'},
- {"F18", FP_REG(18), RFLT, 'F'},
- {"F19", FP_REG(19), RFLT, 'F'},
- {"F20", FP_REG(20), RFLT, 'F'},
- {"F21", FP_REG(21), RFLT, 'F'},
- {"F22", FP_REG(22), RFLT, 'F'},
- {"F23", FP_REG(23), RFLT, 'F'},
- {"F24", FP_REG(24), RFLT, 'F'},
- {"F25", FP_REG(25), RFLT, 'F'},
- {"F26", FP_REG(26), RFLT, 'F'},
- {"F27", FP_REG(27), RFLT, 'F'},
- {"F28", FP_REG(28), RFLT, 'F'},
- {"F29", FP_REG(29), RFLT, 'F'},
- {"F30", FP_REG(30), RFLT, 'F'},
- {"F31", FP_REG(31), RFLT, 'F'},
- {"FPCR", FP_REG(32), RFLT, 'W'},
- { 0 }
- /* the machine description */
-Mach malpha =
- "alpha",
- MALPHA, /* machine type */
- alphareglist, /* register set */
- REGSIZE, /* number of bytes in reg set */
- FPREGSIZE, /* number of bytes in fp reg set */
- "PC",
- "SP",
- "R29",
- "setSB", /* static base register name */
- 0, /* static base register value */
- 0x2000, /* page size */
- 0x80000000ULL, /* kernel base */
- 0xF0000000ULL, /* kernel text mask */
- 0x7FFFFFFFULL, /* user stack top */
- 4, /* quantization of pc */
- 4, /* szaddr */
- 8, /* szreg (not used?) */
- 4, /* szfloat */
- 8, /* szdouble */
--- a/sys/src/libmach/7db.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,925 +1,0 @@
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <bio.h>
-#include <mach.h>
- * Alpha-specific debugger interface
- */
-static char *alphaexcep(Map*, Rgetter);
-static int alphafoll(Map*, uvlong, Rgetter, uvlong*);
-static int alphainst(Map*, uvlong, char, char*, int);
-static int alphadas(Map*, uvlong, char*, int);
-static int alphainstlen(Map*, uvlong);
- * Debugger interface
- */
-Machdata alphamach =
- {0x80, 0, 0, 0}, /* break point */
- 4, /* break point size */
- leswab, /* short to local byte order */
- leswal, /* long to local byte order */
- leswav, /* vlong to local byte order */
- risctrace, /* C traceback */
- riscframe, /* Frame finder */
- alphaexcep, /* print exception */
- 0, /* breakpoint fixup */
- leieeesftos, /* single precision float printer */
- leieeedftos, /* double precisioin float printer */
- alphafoll, /* following addresses */
- alphainst, /* print instruction */
- alphadas, /* dissembler */
- alphainstlen, /* instruction size */
-static char *illegaltype[] = {
- "breakpoint",
- "bugchk",
- "gentrap",
- "fen",
- "illegal instruction",
-static char *
-alphaexcep(Map *map, Rgetter rget)
- ulong type, a0, a1;
- static char buf[256];
- type = (*rget)(map, "TYPE");
- a0 = (*rget)(map, "A0");
- a1 = (*rget)(map, "A1");
-/* a2 = (*rget)(map, "A2"); */
- switch (type) {
- case 1: /* arith */
- sprint(buf, "trap: arithmetic trap 0x%lux", a0);
- break;
- case 2: /* bad instr or FEN */
- if (a0 <= 4)
- return illegaltype[a0];
- else
- sprint(buf, "illegal instr trap, unknown type %lud", a0);
- break;
- case 3: /* intr */
- sprint(buf, "interrupt type %lud", a0);
- break;
- case 4: /* memory fault */
- sprint(buf, "fault %s addr=0x%lux", (a1&1)?"write":"read", a0);
- break;
- case 5: /* syscall() */
- return "system call";
- case 6: /* alignment fault */
- sprint(buf, "unaligned op 0x%lux addr 0x%lux", a1, a0);
- break;
- default: /* cannot happen */
- sprint(buf, "unknown exception type %lud", type);
- break;
- }
- return buf;
- /* alpha disassembler and related functions */
-static char FRAMENAME[] = ".frame";
-typedef struct {
- uvlong addr;
- uchar op; /* bits 31-26 */
- uchar ra; /* bits 25-21 */
- uchar rb; /* bits 20-16 */
- uchar rc; /* bits 4-0 */
- long mem; /* bits 15-0 */
- long branch; /* bits 20-0 */
- uchar function; /* bits 11-5 */
- uchar literal; /* bits 20-13 */
- uchar islit; /* bit 12 */
- uchar fpfn; /* bits 10-5 */
- uchar fpmode; /* bits 15-11 */
- long w0;
- long w1;
- int size; /* instruction size */
- char *curr; /* fill point in buffer */
- char *end; /* end of buffer */
- char *err; /* error message */
-} Instr;
-static Map *mymap;
-static int
-decode(uvlong pc, Instr *i)
- ulong w;
- if (get4(mymap, pc, &w) < 0) {
- werrstr("can't read instruction: %r");
- return -1;
- }
- i->addr = pc;
- i->size = 1;
- i->op = (w >> 26) & 0x3F;
- i->ra = (w >> 21) & 0x1F;
- i->rb = (w >> 16) & 0x1F;
- i->rc = w & 0x1F;
- i->function = (w >> 5) & 0x7F;
- i->mem = w & 0xFFFF;
- if (i->mem & 0x8000)
- i->mem -= 0x10000;
- i->branch = w & 0x1FFFFF;
- if (i->branch & 0x100000)
- i->branch -= 0x200000;
- i->function = (w >> 5) & 0x7F;
- i->literal = (w >> 13) & 0xFF;
- i->islit = (w >> 12) & 0x01;
- i->fpfn = (w >> 5) & 0x3F;
- i->fpmode = (w >> 11) & 0x1F;
- i->w0 = w;
- return 1;
-static int
-mkinstr(uvlong pc, Instr *i)
-/* Instr x; */
- if (decode(pc, i) < 0)
- return -1;
-#ifdef frommips
-/* we probably want to do something like this for alpha... */
- /*
- * if it's a LUI followed by an ORI,
- * it's an immediate load of a large constant.
- * fix the LUI immediate in any case.
- */
- if (i->op == 0x0F) {
- if (decode(pc+4, &x) < 0)
- return 0;
- i->immediate <<= 16;
- if (x.op == 0x0D && == x.rt && x.rt == i->rt) {
- i->immediate |= (x.immediate & 0xFFFF);
- i->w1 = x.w0;
- i->size++;
- return 1;
- }
- }
- return 1;
-#pragma varargck argpos bprint 2
-static void
-bprint(Instr *i, char *fmt, ...)
- va_list arg;
- va_start(arg, fmt);
- i->curr = vseprint(i->curr, i->end, fmt, arg);
- va_end(arg);
-typedef struct Opcode Opcode;
-struct Opcode {
- char *mnemonic;
- void (*f)(Opcode *, Instr *);
- char *ken;
-static void format(char *, Instr *, char *);
-static int
-plocal(Instr *i, char *m, char r, int store)
- int offset;
- char *reg;
- Symbol s;
- if (!findsym(i->addr, CTEXT, &s) || !findlocal(&s, FRAMENAME, &s))
- return 0;
- if (s.value > i->mem) {
- if(!getauto(&s, s.value-i->mem, CAUTO, &s))
- return 0;
- reg = "(SP)";
- offset = i->mem;
- } else {
- offset = i->mem-s.value-8;
- if (!getauto(&s, offset, CPARAM, &s))
- return 0;
- reg = "(FP)";
- }
- if (store)
- bprint(i, "%s\t%c%d,%s+%d%s", m, r, i->ra,, offset, reg);
- else
- bprint(i, "%s\t%s+%d%s,%c%d", m,, offset, reg, r, i->ra);
- return 1;
-static void
-_load(Opcode *o, Instr *i, char r)
- char *m;
- m = o->mnemonic;
- if (i->rb == 30 && plocal(i, m, r, 0))
- return;
- if (i->rb == 29 && mach->sb) {
- bprint(i, "%s\t", m);
- i->curr += symoff(i->curr, i->end-i->curr, i->mem+mach->sb, CANY);
- bprint(i, "(SB),%c%d", r, i->ra);
- return;
- }
- format(m, i, o->ken);
-static void
-load(Opcode *o, Instr *i)
- _load(o, i, 'R');
-static void
-loadf(Opcode *o, Instr *i)
- _load(o, i, 'F');
-static void
-_store(Opcode *o, Instr *i, char r)
- char *m;
- m = o->mnemonic;
- if (i->rb == 30 && plocal(i, m, r, 1))
- return;
- if (i->rb == 29 && mach->sb) {
- bprint(i, "%s\t%c%d,", m, r, i->ra);
- i->curr += symoff(i->curr, i->end-i->curr, i->mem+mach->sb, CANY);
- bprint(i, "(SB)");
- return;
- }
- format(o->mnemonic, i, o->ken);
-static void
-store(Opcode *o, Instr *i)
- _store(o, i, 'R');
-static void
-storef(Opcode *o, Instr *i)
- _store(o, i, 'F');
-static void
-misc(Opcode *o, Instr *i)
- char *f;
- USED(o);
- switch (i->mem&0xFFFF) {
- case 0x0000:
- f = "TRAPB";
- break;
- case 0x4000:
- f = "MB";
- break;
- case 0x8000:
- f = "FETCH\t0(R%b)";
- break;
- case 0xA000:
- f = "FETCH_M\t0(R%b)";
- break;
- case 0xC000:
- f = "RPCC\tR%a";
- break;
- case 0xE000:
- f = "RC\tR%a";
- break;
- case 0xF000:
- f = "RS\tR%a";
- break;
- default:
- f = "%w";
- }
- format(0, i, f);
-static char *jmpcode[4] = { "JMP", "JSR", "RET", "JSR_COROUTINE" };
-static void
-jmp(Opcode *o, Instr *i)
- int hint;
- char *m;
- USED(o);
- hint = (i->mem >> 14) & 3;
- m = jmpcode[hint];
- if (i->ra == 31) {
- if (hint == 2 && i->rb == 29)
- bprint(i, m);
- else
- format(m, i, "(R%b)");
- }
- else
- format(m, i, "R%a,(R%b)");
-static void
-br(Opcode *o, Instr *i)
- if (i->ra == 31)
- format(o->mnemonic, i, "%B");
- else
- format(o->mnemonic, i, o->ken);
-static void
-bsr(Opcode *o, Instr *i)
- if (i->ra == 26)
- format(o->mnemonic, i, "%B");
- else
- format(o->mnemonic, i, o->ken);
-static void
-mult(Opcode *o, Instr *i)
- char *m;
- switch (i->function) {
- case 0x00:
- m = "MULL";
- break;
- case 0x20:
- m = "MULQ";
- break;
- case 0x40:
- m = "MULL/V";
- break;
- case 0x60:
- m = "MULQ/V";
- break;
- case 0x30:
- m = "UMULH";
- break;
- default:
- format("???", i, "%w");
- return;
- }
- format(m, i, o->ken);
-static char alphaload[] = "%l,R%a";
-static char alphafload[] = "%l,F%a";
-static char alphastore[] = "R%a,%l";
-static char alphafstore[] = "F%a,%l";
-static char alphabranch[] = "R%a,%B";
-static char alphafbranch[] = "F%a,%B";
-static char alphaint[] = "%v,R%a,R%c";
-static char alphafp[] = "F%b,F%a,F%c";
-static char alphafp2[] = "F%b,F%c";
-static char alphaxxx[] = "%w";
-static Opcode opcodes[64] = {
- "PAL", 0, alphaxxx,
- "OPC01", 0, alphaxxx,
- "OPC02", 0, alphaxxx,
- "OPC03", 0, alphaxxx,
- "OPC04", 0, alphaxxx,
- "OPC05", 0, alphaxxx,
- "OPC06", 0, alphaxxx,
- "OPC07", 0, alphaxxx,
- "MOVQA", load, alphaload,
- "MOVQAH", load, alphaload,
- "MOVBU", load, alphaload, /* v 3 */
- "MOVQU", load, alphaload,
- "MOVWU", load, alphaload, /* v 3 */
- "MOVWU", store, alphastore, /* v 3 */
- "MOVBU", store, alphastore, /* v 3 */
- "MOVQU", store, alphastore,
- 0, 0, 0, /* int arith */
- 0, 0, 0, /* logical */
- 0, 0, 0, /* shift */
- 0, mult, alphaint,
- "OPC14", 0, alphaxxx,
- "vax", 0, alphafp, /* vax */
- 0, 0, 0, /* ieee */
- 0, 0, 0, /* fp */
- 0, misc, alphaxxx,
- "PAL19 [HW_MFPR]",0, alphaxxx,
- "JSR", jmp, 0,
- "PAL1B [HW_LD]",0, alphaxxx,
- "OPC1C", 0, alphaxxx,
- "PAL1D [HW_MTPR]",0, alphaxxx,
- "PAL1E [HW_REI]",0, alphaxxx,
- "PAL1F [HW_ST]",0, alphaxxx,
- "MOVF", loadf, alphafload,
- "MOVG", loadf, alphafload,
- "MOVS", loadf, alphafload,
- "MOVT", loadf, alphafload,
- "MOVF", storef, alphafstore,
- "MOVG", storef, alphafstore,
- "MOVS", storef, alphafstore,
- "MOVT", storef, alphafstore,
- "MOVL", load, alphaload,
- "MOVQ", load, alphaload,
- "MOVLL", load, alphaload,
- "MOVQL", load, alphaload,
- "MOVL", store, alphastore,
- "MOVQ", store, alphastore,
- "MOVLC", store, alphastore,
- "MOVQC", store, alphastore,
- "JMP", br, alphabranch,
- "FBEQ", 0, alphafbranch,
- "FBLT", 0, alphafbranch,
- "FBLE", 0, alphafbranch,
- "JSR", bsr, alphabranch,
- "FBNE", 0, alphafbranch,
- "FBGE", 0, alphafbranch,
- "FBGT", 0, alphafbranch,
- "BLBC", 0, alphafbranch,
- "BEQ", 0, alphabranch,
- "BLT", 0, alphabranch,
- "BLE", 0, alphabranch,
- "BLBS", 0, alphabranch,
- "BNE", 0, alphabranch,
- "BGE", 0, alphabranch,
- "BGT", 0, alphabranch,
-static Opcode fpopcodes[64] = {
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "CVTLQ", 0, alphafp2,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "CPYS", 0, alphafp,
- "CPYSN", 0, alphafp,
- "CPYSE", 0, alphafp,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "MOVT", 0, "FPCR,F%a",
- "MOVT", 0, "F%a,FPCR",
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "FCMOVEQ", 0, alphafp,
- "FCMOVNE", 0, alphafp,
- "FCMOVLT", 0, alphafp,
- "FCMOVGE", 0, alphafp,
- "FCMOVLE", 0, alphafp,
- "FCMOVGT", 0, alphafp,
- "CVTQL", 0, alphafp2,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
-static Opcode ieeeopcodes[64] = {
- "ADDS", 0, alphafp,
- "SUBS", 0, alphafp,
- "MULS", 0, alphafp,
- "DIVS", 0, alphafp,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "ADDT", 0, alphafp,
- "SUBT", 0, alphafp,
- "MULT", 0, alphafp,
- "DIVT", 0, alphafp,
- "CMPTUN", 0, alphafp,
- "CMPTEQ", 0, alphafp,
- "CMPTLT", 0, alphafp,
- "CMPTLE", 0, alphafp,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "CVTTS", 0, alphafp2,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "CVTTQ", 0, alphafp2,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "CVTQS", 0, alphafp2,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "CVTQT", 0, alphafp2,
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
-static uchar amap[128] = {
- [0x00] 1,
- [0x40] 2,
- [0x20] 3,
- [0x60] 4,
- [0x09] 5,
- [0x49] 6,
- [0x29] 7,
- [0x69] 8,
- [0x2D] 9,
- [0x4D] 10,
- [0x6D] 11,
- [0x1D] 12,
- [0x3D] 13,
- [0x0F] 14,
- [0x02] 15,
- [0x0B] 16,
- [0x12] 17,
- [0x1B] 18,
- [0x22] 19,
- [0x2B] 20,
- [0x32] 21,
- [0x3B] 22,
-static Opcode arithopcodes[64] = {
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "ADDL", 0, alphaint,
- "ADDL/V", 0, alphaint,
- "ADDQ", 0, alphaint,
- "ADDQ/V", 0, alphaint,
- "SUBL", 0, alphaint,
- "SUBL/V", 0, alphaint,
- "SUBQ", 0, alphaint,
- "SUBQ/V", 0, alphaint,
- "CMPEQ", 0, alphaint,
- "CMPLT", 0, alphaint,
- "CMPLE", 0, alphaint,
- "CMPULT", 0, alphaint,
- "CMPULE", 0, alphaint,
- "CMPBGE", 0, alphaint,
- "S4ADDL", 0, alphaint,
- "S4SUBL", 0, alphaint,
- "S8ADDL", 0, alphaint,
- "S8SUBL", 0, alphaint,
- "S4ADDQ", 0, alphaint,
- "S4SUBQ", 0, alphaint,
- "S8ADDQ", 0, alphaint,
- "S8SUBQ", 0, alphaint,
-static uchar lmap[128] = {
- [0x00] 1,
- [0x20] 2,
- [0x40] 3,
- [0x08] 4,
- [0x28] 5,
- [0x48] 6,
- [0x24] 7,
- [0x44] 8,
- [0x64] 9,
- [0x26] 7,
- [0x46] 8,
- [0x66] 9,
- [0x14] 10,
- [0x16] 11,
-static Opcode logicalopcodes[64] = {
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "AND", 0, alphaint,
- "OR", 0, alphaint,
- "XOR", 0, alphaint,
- "ANDNOT", 0, alphaint,
- "ORNOT", 0, alphaint,
- "XORNOT", 0, alphaint,
- "CMOVEQ", 0, alphaint,
- "CMOVLT", 0, alphaint,
- "CMOVLE", 0, alphaint,
- "CMOVNE", 0, alphaint,
- "CMOVGE", 0, alphaint,
- "CMOVGT", 0, alphaint,
- "CMOVLBS", 0, alphaint,
- "CMOVLBC", 0, alphaint,
-static uchar smap[128] = {
- [0x39] 1,
- [0x3C] 2,
- [0x34] 3,
- [0x06] 4,
- [0x16] 5,
- [0x26] 6,
- [0x36] 7,
- [0x5A] 8,
- [0x6A] 9,
- [0x7A] 10,
- [0x0B] 11,
- [0x1B] 12,
- [0x2B] 13,
- [0x3B] 14,
- [0x57] 15,
- [0x67] 16,
- [0x77] 17,
- [0x02] 18,
- [0x12] 19,
- [0x22] 20,
- [0x32] 21,
- [0x52] 22,
- [0x62] 23,
- [0x72] 24,
- [0x30] 25,
- [0x31] 26,
-static Opcode shiftopcodes[64] = {
- "???", 0, alphaxxx,
- "SLLQ", 0, alphaint,
- "SRAQ", 0, alphaint,
- "SRLQ", 0, alphaint,
- "EXTBL", 0, alphaint,
- "EXTWL", 0, alphaint,
- "EXTLL", 0, alphaint,
- "EXTQL", 0, alphaint,
- "EXTWH", 0, alphaint,
- "EXTLH", 0, alphaint,
- "EXTQH", 0, alphaint,
- "INSBL", 0, alphaint,
- "INSWL", 0, alphaint,
- "INSLL", 0, alphaint,
- "INSQL", 0, alphaint,
- "INSWH", 0, alphaint,
- "INSLH", 0, alphaint,
- "INSQH", 0, alphaint,
- "MSKBL", 0, alphaint,
- "MSKWL", 0, alphaint,
- "MSKLL", 0, alphaint,
- "MSKQL", 0, alphaint,
- "MSKWH", 0, alphaint,
- "MSKLH", 0, alphaint,
- "MSKQH", 0, alphaint,
- "ZAP", 0, alphaint,
- "ZAPNOT", 0, alphaint,
-static void
-format(char *mnemonic, Instr *i, char *f)
- if (mnemonic)
- format(0, i, mnemonic);
- if (f == 0)
- return;
- if (mnemonic)
- if (i->curr < i->end)
- *i->curr++ = '\t';
- for ( ; *f && i->curr < i->end; f++) {
- if (*f != '%') {
- *i->curr++ = *f;
- continue;
- }
- switch (*++f) {
- case 'a':
- bprint(i, "%d", i->ra);
- break;
- case 'b':
- bprint(i, "%d", i->rb);
- break;
- case 'c':
- bprint(i, "%d", i->rc);
- break;
- case 'v':
- if (i->islit)
- bprint(i, "$%ux", i->literal);
- else
- bprint(i, "R%d", i->rb);
- break;
- case 'l':
- bprint(i, "%lx(R%d)", i->mem, i->rb);
- break;
- case 'i':
- bprint(i, "$%lx", i->mem);
- break;
- case 'B':
- i->curr += symoff(i->curr, i->end-i->curr,
- (i->branch<<2)+i->addr+4, CANY);
- break;
- case 'w':
- bprint(i, "[%lux]", i->w0);
- break;
- case '\0':
- *i->curr++ = '%';
- return;
- default:
- bprint(i, "%%%c", *f);
- break;
- }
- }
- *i->curr = 0;
-static int
-printins(Map *map, uvlong pc, char *buf, int n)
- Instr i;
- Opcode *o;
- uchar op;
- i.curr = buf;
- i.end = buf+n-1;
- mymap = map;
- if (mkinstr(pc, &i) < 0)
- return -1;
- switch (i.op) {
- case 0x10: /* INTA */
- o = arithopcodes;
- op = amap[i.function];
- break;
- case 0x11: /* INTL */
- o = logicalopcodes;
- op = lmap[i.function];
- break;
- case 0x12: /* INTS */
- o = shiftopcodes;
- op = smap[i.function];
- break;
- case 0x16: /* FLTI */
- o = ieeeopcodes;
- op = i.fpfn;
- break;
- case 0x17: /* FLTL */
- o = fpopcodes;
- op = i.fpfn;
- break;
- default:
- o = opcodes;
- op = i.op;
- break;
- }
- if (o[op].f)
- (*o[op].f)(&o[op], &i);
- else
- format(o[op].mnemonic, &i, o[op].ken);
- return i.size*4;
-static int
-alphainst(Map *map, uvlong pc, char modifier, char *buf, int n)
- USED(modifier);
- return printins(map, pc, buf, n);
-static int
-alphadas(Map *map, uvlong pc, char *buf, int n)
- Instr i;
- i.curr = buf;
- i.end = buf+n;
- mymap = map;
- if (mkinstr(pc, &i) < 0)
- return -1;
- if (i.end-i.curr > 8)
- i.curr = _hexify(buf, i.w0, 7);
- if (i.size == 2 && i.end-i.curr > 9) {
- *i.curr++ = ' ';
- i.curr = _hexify(i.curr, i.w1, 7);
- }
- *i.curr = 0;
- return i.size*4;
-static int
-alphainstlen(Map *map, uvlong pc)
- Instr i;
- mymap = map;
- if (mkinstr(pc, &i) < 0)
- return -1;
- return i.size*4;
-static int
-alphafoll(Map *map, uvlong pc, Rgetter rget, uvlong *foll)
- char buf[8];
- Instr i;
- mymap = map;
- if (mkinstr(pc, &i) < 0)
- return -1;
- switch(i.op) {
- case 0x1A: /* JMP/JSR/RET */
- sprint(buf, "R%d", i.rb);
- foll[0] = (*rget)(map, buf);
- return 1;
- case 0x30: /* BR */
- case 0x34: /* BSR */
- foll[0] = pc+4 + (i.branch<<2);
- return 1;
- default:
- if (i.op > 0x30) { /* cond */
- foll[0] = pc+4;
- foll[1] = pc+4 + (i.branch<<2);
- return 2;
- }
- foll[0] = pc+i.size*4;
- return 1;
- }
--- a/sys/src/libmach/7obj.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +1,0 @@
- * 7obj.c - identify and parse an alpha object file
- */
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <bio.h>
-#include <mach.h>
-#include "7c/7.out.h"
-#include "obj.h"
-typedef struct Addr Addr;
-struct Addr
- char type;
- char sym;
- char name;
-static Addr addr(Biobuf*);
-static char type2char(int);
-static void skip(Biobuf*, int);
-_is7(char *s)
- return s[0] == ANAME /* ANAME */
- && s[1] == D_FILE /* type */
- && s[2] == 1 /* sym */
- && s[3] == '<'; /* name of file */
-_read7(Biobuf *bp, Prog *p)
- int as, n;
- Addr a;
- as = Bgetc(bp); /* as */
- if(as < 0)
- return 0;
- p->kind = aNone;
- p->sig = 0;
- if(as == ANAME || as == ASIGNAME){
- if(as == ASIGNAME){
- Bread(bp, &p->sig, 4);
- p->sig = leswal(p->sig);
- }
- p->kind = aName;
- p->type = type2char(Bgetc(bp)); /* type */
- p->sym = Bgetc(bp); /* sym */
- n = 0;
- for(;;) {
- as = Bgetc(bp);
- if(as < 0)
- return 0;
- n++;
- if(as == 0)
- break;
- }
- p->id = malloc(n);
- if(p->id == 0)
- return 0;
- Bseek(bp, -n, 1);
- if(Bread(bp, p->id, n) != n)
- return 0;
- return 1;
- }
- if(as == ATEXT)
- p->kind = aText;
- else if(as == AGLOBL)
- p->kind = aData;
- skip(bp, 5); /* reg(1), lineno(4) */
- a = addr(bp);
- addr(bp);
- if(a.type != D_OREG || != D_STATIC && != D_EXTERN)
- p->kind = aNone;
- p->sym = a.sym;
- return 1;
-static Addr
-addr(Biobuf *bp)
- Addr a;
- vlong off;
- a.type = Bgetc(bp); /* a.type */
- skip(bp,1); /* reg */
- a.sym = Bgetc(bp); /* sym index */
- = Bgetc(bp); /* sym type */
- switch(a.type){
- default:
- case D_NONE: case D_REG: case D_FREG: case D_PREG:
- case D_FCREG: case D_PCC:
- break;
- case D_OREG:
- case D_CONST:
- case D_BRANCH:
- off = (uvlong)Bgetc(bp);
- off |= (uvlong)Bgetc(bp) << 8;
- off |= (uvlong)Bgetc(bp) << 16;
- off |= (uvlong)Bgetc(bp) << 24;
- off |= (uvlong)Bgetc(bp) << 32;
- off |= (uvlong)Bgetc(bp) << 40;
- off |= (uvlong)Bgetc(bp) << 48;
- off |= (uvlong)Bgetc(bp) << 56;
- if(off < 0)
- off = -off;
- if(a.sym && ( ||
- _offset(a.sym, off);
- break;
- case D_SCONST:
- skip(bp, NSNAME);
- break;
- case D_FCONST:
- skip(bp, 8);
- break;
- }
- return a;
-static char
-type2char(int t)
- switch(t){
- case D_EXTERN: return 'U';
- case D_STATIC: return 'b';
- case D_AUTO: return 'a';
- case D_PARAM: return 'p';
- default: return UNKNOWN;
- }
-static void
-skip(Biobuf *bp, int n)
- while (n-- > 0)
- Bgetc(bp);
--- a/sys/src/libmach/mkfile
+++ b/sys/src/libmach/mkfile
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
- 7\
@@ -27,7 +26,6 @@
- 7db\
@@ -35,7 +33,6 @@
- 7obj\
@@ -59,7 +56,6 @@
2obj.$O: /sys/src/cmd/2c/2.out.h
5obj.$O: /sys/src/cmd/5c/5.out.h
6obj.$O: /sys/src/cmd/6c/6.out.h
-7obj.$O: /sys/src/cmd/7c/7.out.h
8obj.$O: /sys/src/cmd/8c/8.out.h
kobj.$O: /sys/src/cmd/kc/k.out.h
qobj.$O: /sys/src/cmd/qc/q.out.h
--- a/sys/src/libmp/alpha/mkfile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +1,0 @@
-HFILES=/$objtype/include/u.h /sys/include/mp.h ../port/dat.h
- mkfile\
--- a/sys/src/libsec/alpha/mkfile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +1,0 @@
--- a/sys/src/libthread/alpha.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +1,0 @@
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <thread.h>
-#include "threadimpl.h"
-/* first argument goes in a register and on the stack; avoid it */
-static void
-launcheralpha(int, void (*f)(void *arg), void *arg)
- (*f)(arg);
- threadexits(nil);
-_threadinitstack(Thread *t, void (*f)(void*), void *arg)
- ulong *tos;
- tos = (ulong*)&t->stk[t->stksize&~7];
- *--tos = 0; /* pad arguments to 8 bytes */
- *--tos = (ulong)arg;
- *--tos = (ulong)f;
- *--tos = 0; /* first arg */
- *--tos = 0; /* for alignment with... */
- *--tos = 0; /* ... place to store return PC */
- t->sched[JMPBUFPC] = (ulong)launcheralpha+JMPBUFDPC;
- t->sched[JMPBUFSP] = (ulong)tos;
--- a/sys/src/libthread/mkfile
+++ b/sys/src/libthread/mkfile
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@
- alpha.c\
--- a/sys/src/mkfile.proto
+++ b/sys/src/mkfile.proto
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
# common mkfile parameters shared by all architectures
-CPUS=spim arm amd64 alpha 386 power mips
+CPUS=spim arm amd64 386 power mips