shithub: riscv

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ref: 89653dcc749a119ef2ee51b5e9812b7820951ec3
parent: 4a684fc627175ee27833d5fcc9569510fa04dfcd
author: cinap_lenrek <[email protected]>
date: Sun Nov 19 10:42:15 EST 2017

inst/mounthjfs: use /dev/swap instead of #c/swap to determine memory size (thanks aap)

--- a/rc/bin/inst/mounthjfs
+++ b/rc/bin/inst/mounthjfs
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 	export fs
-	mem=`{awk ' $2 == "pagesize" { p = $1 } $2 == "user" { split($1, a, "/"); print int((a[2] * p / 4 + 1048575) / 1048576)  } ' '#c'/swap}
+	mem=`{awk ' $2 == "pagesize" { p = $1 } $2 == "user" { split($1, a, "/"); print int((a[2] * p / 4 + 1048575) / 1048576)  } ' /dev/swap}
 	prompt -d $mem 'Size of RAM filesystem cache (MB)?'
 	fsflags=(-m $rd)
 	export fsflags