ref: 7cf11db685832db42b6cbb33f9eca99db6ff4fcf
parent: 7b31d5e494815d76fa04c3631992d6eb5ea0b372
author: cinap_lenrek <[email protected]>
date: Tue Jan 19 07:50:33 EST 2016
libsec: add salsa20 stream cipher
--- a/sys/include/libsec.h
+++ b/sys/include/libsec.h
@@ -107,6 +107,34 @@
int ccpoly_decrypt(uchar *dat, ulong ndat, uchar *aad, ulong naad, uchar tag[16], Chachastate *cs);
+ * Salsa definitions
+ */
+ SalsaBsize= 64,
+ SalsaKeylen= 256/8,
+ SalsaIVlen= 64/8,
+ XSalsaIVlen= 192/8,
+typedef struct Salsastate Salsastate;
+struct Salsastate
+ u32int input[16];
+ u32int key[8];
+ int rounds;
+ int ivwords;
+void setupSalsastate(Salsastate*, uchar*, ulong, uchar*, ulong, int);
+void salsa_setiv(Salsastate*, uchar*);
+void salsa_setblock(Salsastate*, u64int);
+void salsa_encrypt(uchar*, ulong, Salsastate*);
+void salsa_encrypt2(uchar*, uchar*, ulong, Salsastate*);
+void hsalsa(uchar h[32], uchar *key, ulong keylen, uchar nonce[16], int rounds);
* DES definitions
--- a/sys/man/2/chacha
+++ b/sys/man/2/chacha
@@ -131,6 +131,7 @@
.IR elgamal (2),
.IR rc4 (2),
.IR rsa (2),
+.IR salsa (2),
.IR sechash (2),
.IR prime (2),
.IR rand (2)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/man/2/salsa
@@ -1,0 +1,102 @@
+setupSalsastate, salsa_setblock, salsa_setiv, salsa_encrypt, salsa_encrypt2, hsalsa
+\- salsa20 encryption
+.B #include <u.h>
+.B #include <libc.h>
+.B #include <libsec.h>
+void setupSalsastate(Salsastate *s, uchar key[], ulong keylen, uchar *iv, ulong ivlen, int rounds)
+void salsa_encrypt(uchar *data, ulong len, Salsastate *s)
+void salsa_encrypt2(uchar *src, uchar *dst, ulong len, Salsastate *s)
+void salsa_setblock(Salsastate *s, u64int blockno)
+void salsa_setiv(Salsastate *s, uchar *iv);
+void hsalsa(uchar h[32], uchar *key, ulong keylen, uchar nonce[16], int rounds);
+Salsa20 is a stream cipher designed by D J Berstein. It has an underlying block size of 64 bytes
+(named as constant
+.BR SalsaBsize ).
+It supports key sizes of 128 and 256-bit (recommended).
+.I SetupSalsastate
+takes a reference to a
+.B Salsastate
+structure, a
+.I key
+.I keylen
+bytes, which should normally be
+.BR SalsaKeylen (32),
+.I iv
+or nonce of
+.I ivlen
+bytes (can be
+.BR SalsaIVlen (8)
+.BR XSalsaIVlen (24)),
+set to all zeros if the
+.I iv
+argument is nil),
+and the number of
+.I rounds
+(set to the default of 20 if the argument is zero).
+.I Salsa_encrypt
+.I len
+bytes of
+.I buf
+in place using the
+.B Salsastate
+.IR s .
+.I Len
+can be any byte length.
+Encryption and decryption are the same operation given the same starting state
+.IR s .
+.I Salsa_encrypt2
+is similar, but encrypts
+.I len
+bytes of
+.I src
+.I dst
+without modifying
+.IR src .
+.I Salsa_setblock
+sets the Salsa block counter for the next encryption to
+.IR blockno ,
+allowing seeking in an encrypted stream.
+.I Salsa_setiv
+sets the the initialization vector (nonce) to
+.IR iv .
+.I Hsalsa
+is a key expansion function that takes a 128 or
+256-bit key and a 128-bit nonce and produces a new
+256-bit key.
+.B /sys/src/libsec/salsa.c
+.IR chacha (2)
--- a/sys/src/libsec/port/mkfile
+++ b/sys/src/libsec/port/mkfile
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
+ salsa.c\
genrandom.c prng.c fastrand.c nfastrand.c\
probably_prime.c smallprimetest.c genprime.c dsaprimes.c\
gensafeprime.c genstrongprime.c\
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/src/libsec/port/salsa.c
@@ -1,0 +1,320 @@
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
+#include <libsec.h>
+ Blockwords= SalsaBsize/sizeof(u32int)
+/* little-endian data order */
+#define GET4(p) ((((((p)[3]<<8) | (p)[2])<<8) | (p)[1])<<8 | (p)[0])
+#define PUT4(p, v) (((p)[0]=v), (v>>=8), ((p)[1]=v), (v>>=8), ((p)[2]=v), (v>>=8), ((p)[3]=v))
+#define ROTATE(v,c) (t = v, (u32int)(t << (c)) | (t >> (32 - (c))))
+#define ENCRYPT(s, x, y, d) {\
+ u32int v; \
+ uchar *sp, *dp; \
+ sp = (s); \
+ v = GET4(sp); \
+ v ^= (x)+(y); \
+ dp = (d); \
+ PUT4(dp, v); \
+static uchar sigma[16] = "expand 32-byte k";
+static uchar tau[16] = "expand 16-byte k";
+static void
+load(u32int *d, uchar *s, int nw)
+ int i;
+ for(i = 0; i < nw; i++, s+=4)
+ d[i] = GET4(s);
+setupSalsastate(Salsastate *s, uchar *key, ulong keylen, uchar *iv, ulong ivlen, int rounds)
+ if(keylen != 256/8 && keylen != 128/8)
+ sysfatal("invalid salsa key length");
+ if(ivlen != 64/8 && ivlen != 128/8 && ivlen != 192/8)
+ sysfatal("invalid salsa iv length");
+ if(rounds == 0)
+ rounds = 20;
+ s->rounds = rounds;
+ if(keylen == 256/8) { /* recommended */
+ load(&s->input[0], sigma+4*0, 1);
+ load(&s->input[1], key +16*0, 4);
+ load(&s->input[5], sigma+4*1, 1);
+ load(&s->input[10], sigma+4*2, 1);
+ load(&s->input[11], key +16*1, 4);
+ load(&s->input[15], sigma+4*3, 1);
+ }else{
+ load(&s->input[0], tau +4*0, 1);
+ load(&s->input[1], key, 4);
+ load(&s->input[5], tau +4*1, 1);
+ load(&s->input[10], tau +4*2, 1);
+ load(&s->input[11], key, 4);
+ load(&s->input[15], tau +4*3, 1);
+ }
+ s->key[0] = s->input[1];
+ s->key[1] = s->input[2];
+ s->key[2] = s->input[3];
+ s->key[3] = s->input[4];
+ s->key[4] = s->input[11];
+ s->key[5] = s->input[12];
+ s->key[6] = s->input[13];
+ s->key[7] = s->input[14];
+ s->ivwords = ivlen/4;
+ s->input[8] = 0;
+ s->input[9] = 0;
+ if(iv == nil){
+ s->input[6] = 0;
+ s->input[7] = 0;
+ }else
+ salsa_setiv(s, iv);
+static void
+hsalsablock(uchar h[32], Salsastate *s)
+ u32int x[Blockwords], t;
+ int i, rounds;
+ rounds = s->rounds;
+ x[0] = s->input[0];
+ x[1] = s->input[1];
+ x[2] = s->input[2];
+ x[3] = s->input[3];
+ x[4] = s->input[4];
+ x[5] = s->input[5];
+ x[6] = s->input[6];
+ x[7] = s->input[7];
+ x[8] = s->input[8];
+ x[9] = s->input[9];
+ x[10] = s->input[10];
+ x[11] = s->input[11];
+ x[12] = s->input[12];
+ x[13] = s->input[13];
+ x[14] = s->input[14];
+ x[15] = s->input[15];
+ for(i = rounds; i > 0; i -= 2) {
+ x[4] ^= ROTATE( x[0]+x[12], 7);
+ x[8] ^= ROTATE( x[4]+ x[0], 9);
+ x[12] ^= ROTATE( x[8]+ x[4],13);
+ x[0] ^= ROTATE(x[12]+ x[8],18);
+ x[9] ^= ROTATE( x[5]+ x[1], 7);
+ x[13] ^= ROTATE( x[9]+ x[5], 9);
+ x[1] ^= ROTATE(x[13]+ x[9],13);
+ x[5] ^= ROTATE( x[1]+x[13],18);
+ x[14] ^= ROTATE(x[10]+ x[6], 7);
+ x[2] ^= ROTATE(x[14]+x[10], 9);
+ x[6] ^= ROTATE( x[2]+x[14],13);
+ x[10] ^= ROTATE( x[6]+ x[2],18);
+ x[3] ^= ROTATE(x[15]+x[11], 7);
+ x[7] ^= ROTATE( x[3]+x[15], 9);
+ x[11] ^= ROTATE( x[7]+ x[3],13);
+ x[15] ^= ROTATE(x[11]+ x[7],18);
+ x[1] ^= ROTATE( x[0]+ x[3], 7);
+ x[2] ^= ROTATE( x[1]+ x[0], 9);
+ x[3] ^= ROTATE( x[2]+ x[1],13);
+ x[0] ^= ROTATE( x[3]+ x[2],18);
+ x[6] ^= ROTATE( x[5]+ x[4], 7);
+ x[7] ^= ROTATE( x[6]+ x[5], 9);
+ x[4] ^= ROTATE( x[7]+ x[6],13);
+ x[5] ^= ROTATE( x[4]+ x[7],18);
+ x[11] ^= ROTATE(x[10]+ x[9], 7);
+ x[8] ^= ROTATE(x[11]+x[10], 9);
+ x[9] ^= ROTATE( x[8]+x[11],13);
+ x[10] ^= ROTATE( x[9]+ x[8],18);
+ x[12] ^= ROTATE(x[15]+x[14], 7);
+ x[13] ^= ROTATE(x[12]+x[15], 9);
+ x[14] ^= ROTATE(x[13]+x[12],13);
+ x[15] ^= ROTATE(x[14]+x[13],18);
+ }
+ PUT4(h+0*4, x[0]);
+ PUT4(h+1*4, x[5]);
+ PUT4(h+2*4, x[10]);
+ PUT4(h+3*4, x[15]);
+ PUT4(h+4*4, x[6]);
+ PUT4(h+5*4, x[7]);
+ PUT4(h+6*4, x[8]);
+ PUT4(h+7*4, x[9]);
+salsa_setiv(Salsastate *s, uchar *iv)
+ if(s->ivwords == 128/32){
+ /* hsalsa 128-bit iv */
+ load(&s->input[6], iv, 4);
+ return;
+ }
+ if(s->ivwords == 192/32){
+ /* xsalsa with 192-bit iv */
+ u32int counter[2];
+ uchar h[32];
+ counter[0] = s->input[8];
+ counter[1] = s->input[9];
+ s->input[1] = s->key[0];
+ s->input[2] = s->key[1];
+ s->input[3] = s->key[2];
+ s->input[4] = s->key[3];
+ s->input[11] = s->key[4];
+ s->input[12] = s->key[5];
+ s->input[13] = s->key[6];
+ s->input[14] = s->key[7];
+ load(&s->input[6], iv, 4);
+ hsalsablock(h, s);
+ load(&s->input[1], h+16*0, 4);
+ load(&s->input[11], h+16*1, 4);
+ memset(h, 0, 32);
+ s->input[8] = counter[0];
+ s->input[9] = counter[1];
+ iv += 16;
+ }
+ /* 64-bit iv */
+ load(&s->input[6], iv, 2);
+salsa_setblock(Salsastate *s, u64int blockno)
+ s->input[8] = blockno;
+ s->input[9] = blockno>>32;
+static void
+encryptblock(Salsastate *s, uchar *src, uchar *dst)
+ u32int x[Blockwords], t;
+ int i, rounds;
+ rounds = s->rounds;
+ x[0] = s->input[0];
+ x[1] = s->input[1];
+ x[2] = s->input[2];
+ x[3] = s->input[3];
+ x[4] = s->input[4];
+ x[5] = s->input[5];
+ x[6] = s->input[6];
+ x[7] = s->input[7];
+ x[8] = s->input[8];
+ x[9] = s->input[9];
+ x[10] = s->input[10];
+ x[11] = s->input[11];
+ x[12] = s->input[12];
+ x[13] = s->input[13];
+ x[14] = s->input[14];
+ x[15] = s->input[15];
+ for(i = rounds; i > 0; i -= 2) {
+ x[4] ^= ROTATE( x[0]+x[12], 7);
+ x[8] ^= ROTATE( x[4]+ x[0], 9);
+ x[12] ^= ROTATE( x[8]+ x[4],13);
+ x[0] ^= ROTATE(x[12]+ x[8],18);
+ x[9] ^= ROTATE( x[5]+ x[1], 7);
+ x[13] ^= ROTATE( x[9]+ x[5], 9);
+ x[1] ^= ROTATE(x[13]+ x[9],13);
+ x[5] ^= ROTATE( x[1]+x[13],18);
+ x[14] ^= ROTATE(x[10]+ x[6], 7);
+ x[2] ^= ROTATE(x[14]+x[10], 9);
+ x[6] ^= ROTATE( x[2]+x[14],13);
+ x[10] ^= ROTATE( x[6]+ x[2],18);
+ x[3] ^= ROTATE(x[15]+x[11], 7);
+ x[7] ^= ROTATE( x[3]+x[15], 9);
+ x[11] ^= ROTATE( x[7]+ x[3],13);
+ x[15] ^= ROTATE(x[11]+ x[7],18);
+ x[1] ^= ROTATE( x[0]+ x[3], 7);
+ x[2] ^= ROTATE( x[1]+ x[0], 9);
+ x[3] ^= ROTATE( x[2]+ x[1],13);
+ x[0] ^= ROTATE( x[3]+ x[2],18);
+ x[6] ^= ROTATE( x[5]+ x[4], 7);
+ x[7] ^= ROTATE( x[6]+ x[5], 9);
+ x[4] ^= ROTATE( x[7]+ x[6],13);
+ x[5] ^= ROTATE( x[4]+ x[7],18);
+ x[11] ^= ROTATE(x[10]+ x[9], 7);
+ x[8] ^= ROTATE(x[11]+x[10], 9);
+ x[9] ^= ROTATE( x[8]+x[11],13);
+ x[10] ^= ROTATE( x[9]+ x[8],18);
+ x[12] ^= ROTATE(x[15]+x[14], 7);
+ x[13] ^= ROTATE(x[12]+x[15], 9);
+ x[14] ^= ROTATE(x[13]+x[12],13);
+ x[15] ^= ROTATE(x[14]+x[13],18);
+ }
+ ENCRYPT(src+0*4, x[0], s->input[0], dst+0*4);
+ ENCRYPT(src+1*4, x[1], s->input[1], dst+1*4);
+ ENCRYPT(src+2*4, x[2], s->input[2], dst+2*4);
+ ENCRYPT(src+3*4, x[3], s->input[3], dst+3*4);
+ ENCRYPT(src+4*4, x[4], s->input[4], dst+4*4);
+ ENCRYPT(src+5*4, x[5], s->input[5], dst+5*4);
+ ENCRYPT(src+6*4, x[6], s->input[6], dst+6*4);
+ ENCRYPT(src+7*4, x[7], s->input[7], dst+7*4);
+ ENCRYPT(src+8*4, x[8], s->input[8], dst+8*4);
+ ENCRYPT(src+9*4, x[9], s->input[9], dst+9*4);
+ ENCRYPT(src+10*4, x[10], s->input[10], dst+10*4);
+ ENCRYPT(src+11*4, x[11], s->input[11], dst+11*4);
+ ENCRYPT(src+12*4, x[12], s->input[12], dst+12*4);
+ ENCRYPT(src+13*4, x[13], s->input[13], dst+13*4);
+ ENCRYPT(src+14*4, x[14], s->input[14], dst+14*4);
+ ENCRYPT(src+15*4, x[15], s->input[15], dst+15*4);
+ for(i=0; i<nelem(x); i+=4){
+ ENCRYPT(src, x[i], s->input[i], dst);
+ ENCRYPT(src+4, x[i+1], s->input[i+1], dst+4);
+ ENCRYPT(src+8, x[i+2], s->input[i+2], dst+8);
+ ENCRYPT(src+12, x[i+3], s->input[i+3], dst+12);
+ src += 16;
+ dst += 16;
+ }
+ if(++s->input[8] == 0)
+ s->input[9]++;
+salsa_encrypt2(uchar *src, uchar *dst, ulong bytes, Salsastate *s)
+ uchar tmp[SalsaBsize];
+ for(; bytes >= SalsaBsize; bytes -= SalsaBsize){
+ encryptblock(s, src, dst);
+ src += SalsaBsize;
+ dst += SalsaBsize;
+ }
+ if(bytes > 0){
+ memmove(tmp, src, bytes);
+ encryptblock(s, tmp, tmp);
+ memmove(dst, tmp, bytes);
+ }
+salsa_encrypt(uchar *buf, ulong bytes, Salsastate *s)
+ salsa_encrypt2(buf, buf, bytes, s);
+hsalsa(uchar h[32], uchar *key, ulong keylen, uchar nonce[16], int rounds)
+ Salsastate s[1];
+ setupSalsastate(s, key, keylen, nonce, 16, rounds);
+ hsalsablock(h, s);
+ memset(s, 0, sizeof(s));