shithub: riscv

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ref: 676ef0ca0be714c8734872c59cb1ddc69349f6ce
parent: 10b456ff446704f32aa2ee237c149244fbabd81d
author: cinap_lenrek <[email protected]>
date: Thu Jul 25 05:02:47 EDT 2019

bcm64: add gic interrupt controller driver for raspberry pi 4

--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/src/9/bcm64/gic.c
@@ -1,0 +1,295 @@
+#include "u.h"
+#include "../port/lib.h"
+#include "mem.h"
+#include "dat.h"
+#include "fns.h"
+#include "io.h"
+#include "ureg.h"
+#include "sysreg.h"
+#include "../port/error.h"
+enum {
+	GICD_CTLR	= 0x000/4,	/* RW, Distributor Control Register */
+	GICD_TYPER	= 0x004/4,	/* RO, Interrupt Controller Type */
+	GICD_IIDR	= 0x008/4,	/* RO, Distributor Implementer Identification Register */
+	GICD_IGROUPR0	= 0x080/4,	/* RW, Interrupt Group Registers (0x80-0xBC) */
+	GICD_ISENABLER0	= 0x100/4,	/* RW, Interrupt Set-Enable Registers (0x100-0x13C) */
+	GICD_ICENABLER0	= 0x180/4,	/* RW, Interrupt Clear-Enable Registers (0x180-0x1BC) */
+	GICD_ISPENDR0	= 0x200/4,	/* RW, Interrupt Set-Pending Registers (0x200-0x23C) */
+	GICD_ICPENDR0	= 0x280/4,	/* RW, Interrupt Clear-Pending Registers (0x280-0x2BC) */
+	GICD_ISACTIVER0	= 0x300/4,	/* RW, Interrupt Set-Active Registers (0x300-0x33C) */
+	GICD_ICACTIVER0 = 0x380/4,	/* RW, Interrupt Clear-Active Registers (0x380-0x3BC) */
+	GICD_IPRIORITYR0= 0x400/4,	/* RW, Interrupt Priority Registers (0x400-0x5FC) */
+	GICD_TARGETSR0	= 0x800/4,	/* RW, Interrupt Target Registers (0x800-0x9FC) */
+	GICD_ICFGR0	= 0xC00/4,	/* RW, Interrupt Configuration Registers (0xC00-0xC7C) */
+	GICD_ISR0	= 0xD00/4,
+	GICD_PPISR	= GICD_ISR0,	/* RO, Private Peripheral Interrupt Status Register */
+	GICD_SPISR0	= GICD_ISR0+1,	/* RO, Shared Peripheral Interrupt Status Register */
+	GICD_SGIR	= 0xF00/4,	/* WO, Software Generated Interrupt Register */
+	GICD_CPENDSGIR0	= 0xF10/4,	/* RW, SGI Clear-Pending Registers (0xF10-0xF1C) */
+	GICD_SPENDSGIR0	= 0xF20/4,	/* RW, SGI Set-Pending Registers (0xF20-0xF2C) */
+	GICD_PIDR4	= 0xFD0/4,	/* RO, Perpheral ID Registers */
+	GICD_PIDR5	= 0xFD4/4,
+	GICD_PIDR6	= 0xFD8/4,
+	GICD_PIDR7	= 0xFDC/4,
+	GICD_PIDR0	= 0xFE0/4,
+	GICD_PIDR1	= 0xFE4/4,
+	GICD_PIDR2	= 0xFE8/4,
+	GICD_PIDR3	= 0xFEC/4,
+	GICD_CIDR0	= 0xFF0/4,	/* RO, Component ID Registers */
+	GICD_CIDR1	= 0xFF4/4,
+	GICD_CIDR2	= 0xFF8/4,
+	GICD_CIDR3	= 0xFFC/4,
+	GICC_CTLR	= 0x000/4,	/* RW, CPU Interace Control Register */
+	GICC_PMR	= 0x004/4,	/* RW, Interrupt Priority Mask Register */
+	GICC_BPR	= 0x008/4,	/* RW, Binary Point Register */
+	GICC_IAR	= 0x00C/4,	/* RO, Interrupt Acknowledge Register */
+	GICC_EOIR	= 0x010/4,	/* WO, End of Interrupt Register */
+	GICC_RPR	= 0x014/4,	/* RO, Running Priority Register */
+	GICC_HPPIR	= 0x018/4,	/* RO, Highest Priority Pending Interrupt Register */
+	GICC_ABPR	= 0x01C/4,	/* RW, Aliased Binary Point Register */
+	GICC_AIAR	= 0x020/4,	/* RO, Aliased Interrupt Acknowledge Register */
+	GICC_AEOIR	= 0x024/4,	/* WO, Aliased End of Interrupt Register */
+	GICC_AHPPIR	= 0x028/4,	/* RO, Aliased Highest Priority Pending Interrupt Register */
+	GICC_APR0	= 0x0D0/4,	/* RW, Active Priority Register */
+	GICC_NSAPR0	= 0x0E0/4,	/* RW, Non-Secure Active Priority Register */
+	GICC_IIDR	= 0x0FC/4,	/* RO, CPU Interface Identification Register */
+	GICC_DIR	= 0x1000/4,	/* WO, Deactivate Interrupt Register */
+	GICH_HCR	= 0x000/4,	/* RW, Hypervisor Control Register */
+	GICH_VTR	= 0x004/4,	/* RO, VGIC Type Register */
+	GICH_VMCR	= 0x008/4,	/* RW, Virtual Machine Control Register */
+	GICH_MISR	= 0x010/4,	/* RO, Maintenance Interrupt Status Register */
+	GICH_EISR0	= 0x020/4,	/* RO, End of Interrupt Status Register */
+	GICH_ELSR0	= 0x030/4,	/* RO, Empty List Register Status Register */
+	GICH_APR0	= 0x0F0/4,	/* RW, Active Priority Register */
+	GICH_LR0	= 0x100/4,	/* RW, List Registers (0x100-0x10C) */
+	GICV_CTLR	= 0x000/4,	/* RW, Virtual Machine Control Register */
+	GICV_PMR	= 0x004/4,	/* RW, VM Priority Mask Register */
+	GICV_BPR	= 0x008/4,	/* RW, VM Binary Point Register */
+	GICV_IAR	= 0x00C/4,	/* RO, VM Interrupt Acknowledge Register */
+	GICV_EOIR	= 0x010/4,	/* WO, VM End of Interrupt Register */
+	GICV_RPR	= 0x014/4,	/* RO, VM Running Priority Register */
+	GICV_HPPIR	= 0x018/4,	/* RO, VM Highest Piority Pending Interrupt Register */
+	GICV_ABPR	= 0x01C/4,	/* RW, VM Aliased Binary Point Register */
+	GICV_AIAR	= 0x020/4,	/* RO, VM Aliased Interrupt Acknowledge Register */
+	GICV_AEOIR	= 0x024/4,	/* WO, VM Aliased End of Interrupt Register */
+	GICV_AHPPIR	= 0x028/4,	/* RO, VM Aliaed Highest Piority Pending Interrupt Register */
+	GICV_APR0	= 0x0D0/4,	/* RW, VM Active Priority Register */
+	GICV_IIDR	= 0x0FC/4,	/* RO, VM CPU Interface Identification Register */
+	GICV_DIR	= 0x1000/4,	/* WO, VM Deactivate Interrupt Register */
+typedef struct Vctl Vctl;
+struct Vctl {
+	Vctl	*next;
+	void	(*f)(Ureg*, void*);
+	void	*a;
+	int	irq;
+	u32int	intid;
+static Lock vctllock;
+static Vctl *vctl[MAXMACH][32], *vfiq;
+static u32int *cregs, *dregs;
+	if(cregs == nil || dregs == nil){
+		uintptr va, pa;
+		pa = sysrd(CBAR_EL1);
+		va = ARMLOCAL + (pa - soc.armlocal);
+		dregs = (u32int*)(va + 0x1000);
+		cregs = (u32int*)(va + 0x2000);
+	}
+	/* disable cpu interface */
+	cregs[GICC_CTLR] &= ~1;
+	coherence();
+	int i, n;
+	intrcpushutdown();
+	/* disable distributor */
+	dregs[GICD_CTLR] &= ~1;
+	coherence();
+	/* clear all interrupts */
+	n = ((dregs[GICD_TYPER] & 0x1F)+1) << 5;
+	for(i = 0; i < n; i += 32){
+		dregs[GICD_ISENABLER0 + (i/32)] = -1;
+		coherence();
+		dregs[GICD_ICENABLER0 + (i/32)] = -1;
+		coherence();
+	}
+	for(i = 0; i < n; i += 4){
+		dregs[GICD_IPRIORITYR0 + (i/4)] = 0;
+		dregs[GICD_TARGETSR0 + (i/4)] = 0;
+	}
+	for(i = 32; i < n; i += 16)
+		dregs[GICD_ICFGR0 + (i/16)] = 0;
+	coherence();
+ *  called by trap to handle irq interrupts.
+ *  returns true iff a clock interrupt, thus maybe reschedule.
+ */
+irq(Ureg* ureg)
+	Vctl *v;
+	int clockintr;
+	u32int intid;
+	m->intr++;
+	intid = cregs[GICC_IAR] & 0xFFFFFF;
+	if((intid & ~3) == 1020)
+		return 0; // spurious
+	clockintr = 0;
+	for(v = vctl[m->machno][intid%32]; v != nil; v = v->next)
+		if(v->intid == intid){
+			coherence();
+			v->f(ureg, v->a);
+			coherence();
+			if(v->irq == IRQclock || v->irq == IRQcntps || v->irq == IRQcntpns)
+				clockintr = 1;
+		}
+	coherence();
+	cregs[GICC_EOIR] = intid;
+	return clockintr;
+ * called direct from lexception.s to handle fiq interrupt.
+ */
+fiq(Ureg *ureg)
+	Vctl *v;
+	u32int intid;
+	m->intr++;
+	intid = cregs[GICC_IAR] & 0xFFFFFF;
+	if((intid & ~3) == 1020)
+		return;	// spurious
+	v = vfiq;
+	if(v != nil && v->intid == intid && m->machno == 0){
+		coherence();
+		v->f(ureg, v->a);
+		coherence();
+	}
+	cregs[GICC_EOIR] = intid;
+intrenable(int irq, void (*f)(Ureg*, void*), void *a, int tbdf, char*)
+	Vctl *v;
+	u32int intid;
+	int cpu, prio;
+	if(BUSTYPE(tbdf) == BusPCI){
+		pciintrenable(tbdf, f, a);
+		return;
+	}
+	if(tbdf != BUSUNKNOWN)
+		return;
+	cpu = 0;
+	prio = 0x80;
+	intid = irq;
+	switch(irq){
+	case IRQcntps:
+		intid = 16 + 13;
+		break;
+	case IRQcntpns:
+		intid = 16 + 14;
+		break;
+	case IRQmbox0:
+	case IRQmbox1:
+	case IRQmbox2:
+	case IRQmbox3:
+	case IRQlocaltmr:
+		print("irqenable: missing documentation for local irq %d\n", irq);
+		return;
+	default:
+		if(irq < IRQgic){
+			if(irq < 64)
+				intid += IRQgic-64;
+			else if(irq >= IRQbasic)
+				intid += IRQgic-64-32-8-IRQbasic;
+		}
+	}
+	if(intid < 32)
+		cpu = m->machno;
+	if((v = xalloc(sizeof(Vctl))) == nil)
+		panic("irqenable: no mem");
+	v->irq = irq;
+	v->intid = intid;
+	v->f = f;
+	v->a = a;
+	lock(&vctllock);
+	if(irq == IRQfiq){
+		vfiq = v;
+		prio = 0;
+	}else{
+		v->next = vctl[cpu][intid%32];
+		vctl[cpu][intid%32] = v;
+	}
+	/* enable cpu interface */
+	cregs[GICC_PMR] = 0xFF;
+	coherence();
+	cregs[GICC_CTLR] |= 1;
+	coherence();
+	cregs[GICC_EOIR] = intid;
+	/* enable distributor */
+	dregs[GICD_CTLR] |= 1;
+	coherence();
+	/* setup */
+	dregs[GICD_IPRIORITYR0 + (intid/4)] |= prio << ((intid%4) << 3);
+	dregs[GICD_TARGETSR0 + (intid/4)] |= (1<<cpu) << ((intid%4) << 3);
+	coherence();
+	/* turn on */
+	dregs[GICD_ISENABLER0 + (intid/32)] = 1 << (intid%32);
+	coherence();
+	unlock(&vctllock);
+intrdisable(int, void (*f)(Ureg*, void*), void *a, int tbdf, char*)
+	if(BUSTYPE(tbdf) == BusPCI){
+		pciintrdisable(tbdf, f, a);
+		return;
+	}
--- a/sys/src/9/bcm64/sysreg.h
+++ b/sys/src/9/bcm64/sysreg.h
@@ -1,6 +1,15 @@
 #define MIDR_EL1			SYSREG(3,0,0,0,0)
 #define MPIDR_EL1			SYSREG(3,0,0,0,5)
+#define ID_AA64AFR0_EL1			SYSREG(3,0,0,5,4)
+#define ID_AA64AFR1_EL1			SYSREG(3,0,0,5,5)
+#define ID_AA64DFR0_EL1			SYSREG(3,0,0,5,0)
+#define ID_AA64DFR1_EL1			SYSREG(3,0,0,5,1)
+#define ID_AA64ISAR0_EL1		SYSREG(3,0,0,6,0)
+#define ID_AA64ISAR1_EL1		SYSREG(3,0,0,6,1)
 #define ID_AA64MMFR0_EL1		SYSREG(3,0,0,7,0)
+#define ID_AA64MMFR1_EL1		SYSREG(3,0,0,7,1)
+#define ID_AA64PFR0_EL1			SYSREG(3,0,0,4,0)
+#define ID_AA64PFR1_EL1			SYSREG(3,0,0,4,1)
 #define SCTLR_EL1			SYSREG(3,0,1,0,0)
 #define CPACR_EL1			SYSREG(3,0,1,0,2)
 #define MAIR_EL1			SYSREG(3,0,10,2,0)
@@ -35,6 +44,7 @@
 #define ACTLR_EL2			SYSREG(3,4,1,0,1)
 #define CPUACTLR_EL1			SYSREG(3,1,15,2,0)
 #define CPUECTLR_EL1			SYSREG(3,1,15,2,1)
+#define CBAR_EL1			SYSREG(3,1,15,3,0)
 /* l.s redefines this for the assembler */
 #define SYSREG(op0,op1,Cn,Cm,op2)	((op0)<<19|(op1)<<16|(Cn)<<12|(Cm)<<8|(op2)<<5)