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ref: 6357ff0e7bb99bd238b26b6e9e570195f0d076b1
parent: aa2422b5eb68e41a129a13cc73a9774cac3405d9
author: cinap_lenrek <[email protected]>
date: Wed Dec 10 13:34:08 EST 2014

plan9.ini(8): remove factotumopts= (not implemented), add secstore=, clarify domain name use for fs= and auth=

--- a/sys/man/8/plan9.ini
+++ b/sys/man/8/plan9.ini
@@ -656,14 +656,6 @@
 with the
 .B -p
 option, so that it can be debugged.
-.SS \fLfactotumopts=\fIoptions\fP
-.IR boot (8)
-to start
-.I factotum
-with the given
-.IR options ,
-which must be a single word (i.e., contain no whitespace).
 .SS \fLcfs=\fIvalue\fP
 This gives the name of the file holding the disk partition
 for the cache file system,
@@ -679,11 +671,16 @@
 .B bootargs
 .BR cfs .
-.SS \fLfs=\fIa.b.c.d\fP
-.SS \fLauth=\fIa.b.c.d\fP
-These specify the IP address of the file and authentication server
+.SS \fLfs=\fIaddress\fP
+.SS \fLauth=\fIaddress\fP
+.SS \fLsecstore=\fIaddress\fP
+These specify the network address (IP or domain name)
+of the file, authentication and secstore server
 to use when mounting a network-provided root file system.
-They are used only if the addresses cannot be determined via DHCP.
+When not specified, then these settings are determined via DHCP.
+.B secstore
+is not specified, then the authentication server is used.
 .SS \fL*e820=\fItype \fB0x\fIstart \fB0x\fIend ...\fP
 This variable is automatically generated by the boot loader (see