ref: 3b00f089ee363740bb53220b5679e0eab9586c6b
parent: b24ed2bfac81798221977ffed8980d2b4eeab199
author: 23hiro <[email protected]>
date: Wed May 15 16:24:39 EDT 2019
draw(3): memlorigin
--- a/sys/man/3/draw
+++ b/sys/man/3/draw
@@ -504,7 +504,7 @@
.IR r.min [2*4]
.IR scr [2*4]
-Position the window
+Position the window (layer)
.I id
so that its upper left corner is at the
@@ -512,8 +512,8 @@
on its screen.
Simultaneously change its internal (logical) coordinate system
so that the point
-.I log
-corresponds to the upper left corner of the window.
+.I r.min
+corresponds to the upper left corner of the window, see memlorigin(2).
.B O
.IR op [1]