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ref: 336e605a1191efe1293333bac3b4f76d07b9f89b
parent: c20bab6fe09a9dea8d743017090b21edaa642ebf
author: cinap_lenrek <[email protected]>
date: Sat Jul 5 19:19:13 EDT 2014

support for huawei e220 g3 modem, cleanup nusb/serial

--- a/rc/bin/nusbrc
+++ b/rc/bin/nusbrc
@@ -26,6 +26,10 @@
 			# nusb/disk $id
 		case 010106
 			nusb/ptp $id
+		case *
+			# HUAWEI E220 modem
+			if(~ $2$3 12d11003)
+				nusb/serial $id
 	fn detach {
--- a/sys/src/cmd/nusb/disk/disk.c
+++ b/sys/src/cmd/nusb/disk/disk.c
@@ -1012,6 +1012,22 @@
+ * some devices like usb modems appear as mass storage
+ * for windows driver installation. switch mode here
+ * and exit if we detect one so the real driver can
+ * attach it.
+ */ 
+static void
+notreallyums(Dev *dev)
+	/* HUAWEI E220 */
+	if(dev->usb->vid == 0x12d1 && dev->usb->did == 0x1003){
+		usbcmd(dev, Rh2d|Rstd|Rdev, Rsetfeature, Fdevremotewakeup, 0x02, nil, 0);
+		exits("mode switch");
+	}
 static Srv diskfs = {
 	.attach = dattach,
 	.walk1 = dwalk,
@@ -1045,6 +1061,7 @@
 	dev = getdev(*argv);
 	if(dev == nil)
 		sysfatal("getdev: %r");
+	notreallyums(dev);
 	ums = dev->aux = emallocz(sizeof(Ums), 1);
 	ums->maxlun = -1;
 	dev->free = umsdevfree;
--- a/sys/src/cmd/nusb/serial/ftdi.c
+++ b/sys/src/cmd/nusb/serial/ftdi.c
@@ -6,9 +6,641 @@
 #include <9p.h>
 #include "usb.h"
 #include "serial.h"
-#include "ftdi.h"
+enum {
+	/* used by devices which don't provide their own Vid */
+	FTVid		= 0x0403,
+	FTSheevaVid	= 0x9E88,
+	FTSheevaDid	= 0x9E8F,
+	FTOpenRDUltDid	= 0x9E90,
+	FTSIODid	= 0x8372,	/* Product Id SIO appl'n of 8U100AX */
+	FT8U232AMDid	= 0x6001,	/* Similar device to SIO above */
+	FT8U232AMALTDid	= 0x6006,	/* FT's alternate Did for above*/
+	FT8U2232CDid	= 0x6010,	/* Dual channel device */
+	FTRELAISDid	= 0xFA10,	/* Relais device */
+	/* NF reader */
+	FTNFRICVid	= 0x0DCD,
+	FTNFRICDid	= 0x0001,
+	FTACTZWAVEDid	= 0xF2D0,		/* device */
+	/*
+	 * ACT Solutions HomePro ZWave interface
+	 *
+	 */
+	FTIRTRANSDid	= 0xFC60,
+	/*
+	 * TT-USB
+	 */
+	FTTTUSBDid	= 0xFF20,
+	/* iPlus device */
+	FTIPLUSDid	= 0xD070,
+	/* devices */
+	FTXF632Did = 0xFC08,	/* 632: 16x2 Character Display */
+	FTXF634Did = 0xFC09,	/* 634: 20x4 Character Display */
+	FTXF547Did = 0xFC0A,	/* 547: Two line Display */
+	FTXF633Did = 0xFC0B,	/* 633: 16x2 Character Display with Keys */
+	FTXF631Did = 0xFC0C,	/* 631: 20x2 Character Display */
+	FTXF635Did = 0xFC0D,	/* 635: 20x4 Character Display */
+	FTXF640Did = 0xFC0E,	/* 640: Two line Display */
+	FTXF642Did = 0xFC0F,	/* 642: Two line Display */
+	/*
+	 * Video Networks Limited / Homechoice in the UK
+	 * use an ftdi-based device for their 1Mb broadband
+	 */
+	FTVNHCPCUSBDDid	= 0xfe38,
+	/*
+	 * PCDJ use ftdi based dj-controllers
+	 * DAC-2 device
+	 */
+	FTPCDJDAC2Did = 0xFA88,
+	/*
+	 * Matrix Orbital LCD displays,
+	 * which are the FT232BM (similar to the 8U232AM)
+	 */
+	FTMTXORB0Did = 0xFA00,
+	FTMTXORB1Did = 0xFA01,
+	FTMTXORB2Did = 0xFA02,
+	FTMTXORB3Did = 0xFA03,
+	FTMTXORB4Did = 0xFA04,
+	FTMTXORB5Did = 0xFA05,
+	FTMTXORB6Did = 0xFA06,
+	/* Interbiometrics USB I/O Board */
+	INTERBIOMVid		= 0x1209,
+	/*
+	 * The following are the values for the Perle Systems
+	 * UltraPort USB serial converters
+	 */
+	/*
+	 * Sealevel SeaLINK+ adapters.
+	 */
+	SEALEVELVid = 0x0c52,
+	SEALEVEL2101Did = 0x2101,	/* SeaLINK+232 (2101/2105) */
+	SEALEVEL2102Did = 0x2102,	/* SeaLINK+485 (2102) */
+	SEALEVEL2103Did = 0x2103,	/* SeaLINK+232I (2103) */
+	SEALEVEL2104Did = 0x2104,	/* SeaLINK+485I (2104) */
+	SEALEVEL22011Did = 0x2211,	/* SeaPORT+2/232 (2201) Port 1 */
+	SEALEVEL22012Did = 0x2221,	/* SeaPORT+2/232 (2201) Port 2 */
+	SEALEVEL22021Did = 0x2212,	/* SeaPORT+2/485 (2202) Port 1 */
+	SEALEVEL22022Did = 0x2222,	/* SeaPORT+2/485 (2202) Port 2 */
+	SEALEVEL22031Did = 0x2213,	/* SeaPORT+2 (2203) Port 1 */
+	SEALEVEL22032Did = 0x2223,	/* SeaPORT+2 (2203) Port 2 */
+	SEALEVEL24011Did = 0x2411,	/* SeaPORT+4/232 (2401) Port 1 */
+	SEALEVEL24012Did = 0x2421,	/* SeaPORT+4/232 (2401) Port 2 */
+	SEALEVEL24013Did = 0x2431,	/* SeaPORT+4/232 (2401) Port 3 */
+	SEALEVEL24014Did = 0x2441,	/* SeaPORT+4/232 (2401) Port 4 */
+	SEALEVEL24021Did = 0x2412,	/* SeaPORT+4/485 (2402) Port 1 */
+	SEALEVEL24022Did = 0x2422,	/* SeaPORT+4/485 (2402) Port 2 */
+	SEALEVEL24023Did = 0x2432,	/* SeaPORT+4/485 (2402) Port 3 */
+	SEALEVEL24024Did = 0x2442,	/* SeaPORT+4/485 (2402) Port 4 */
+	SEALEVEL24031Did = 0x2413,	/* SeaPORT+4 (2403) Port 1 */
+	SEALEVEL24032Did = 0x2423,	/* SeaPORT+4 (2403) Port 2 */
+	SEALEVEL24033Did = 0x2433,	/* SeaPORT+4 (2403) Port 3 */
+	SEALEVEL24034Did = 0x2443,	/* SeaPORT+4 (2403) Port 4 */
+	SEALEVEL28011Did = 0x2811,	/* SeaLINK+8/232 (2801) Port 1 */
+	SEALEVEL28012Did = 0x2821,	/* SeaLINK+8/232 (2801) Port 2 */
+	SEALEVEL28013Did = 0x2831,	/* SeaLINK+8/232 (2801) Port 3 */
+	SEALEVEL28014Did = 0x2841,	/* SeaLINK+8/232 (2801) Port 4 */
+	SEALEVEL28015Did = 0x2851,	/* SeaLINK+8/232 (2801) Port 5 */
+	SEALEVEL28016Did = 0x2861,	/* SeaLINK+8/232 (2801) Port 6 */
+	SEALEVEL28017Did = 0x2871,	/* SeaLINK+8/232 (2801) Port 7 */
+	SEALEVEL28018Did = 0x2881,	/* SeaLINK+8/232 (2801) Port 8 */
+	SEALEVEL28021Did = 0x2812,	/* SeaLINK+8/485 (2802) Port 1 */
+	SEALEVEL28022Did = 0x2822,	/* SeaLINK+8/485 (2802) Port 2 */
+	SEALEVEL28023Did = 0x2832,	/* SeaLINK+8/485 (2802) Port 3 */
+	SEALEVEL28024Did = 0x2842,	/* SeaLINK+8/485 (2802) Port 4 */
+	SEALEVEL28025Did = 0x2852,	/* SeaLINK+8/485 (2802) Port 5 */
+	SEALEVEL28026Did = 0x2862,	/* SeaLINK+8/485 (2802) Port 6 */
+	SEALEVEL28027Did = 0x2872,	/* SeaLINK+8/485 (2802) Port 7 */
+	SEALEVEL28028Did = 0x2882,	/* SeaLINK+8/485 (2802) Port 8 */
+	SEALEVEL28031Did = 0x2813,	/* SeaLINK+8 (2803) Port 1 */
+	SEALEVEL28032Did = 0x2823,	/* SeaLINK+8 (2803) Port 2 */
+	SEALEVEL28033Did = 0x2833,	/* SeaLINK+8 (2803) Port 3 */
+	SEALEVEL28034Did = 0x2843,	/* SeaLINK+8 (2803) Port 4 */
+	SEALEVEL28035Did = 0x2853,	/* SeaLINK+8 (2803) Port 5 */
+	SEALEVEL28036Did = 0x2863,	/* SeaLINK+8 (2803) Port 6 */
+	SEALEVEL28037Did = 0x2873,	/* SeaLINK+8 (2803) Port 7 */
+	SEALEVEL28038Did = 0x2883,	/* SeaLINK+8 (2803) Port 8 */
+	/* KOBIL Vendor ID chipcard terminals */
+	KOBILVid	= 0x0d46,
+	KOBILCONVB1Did	= 0x2020,	/* KOBIL Konverter for B1 */
+	KOBILCONVKAANDid = 0x2021,	/* KOBILKonverter for KAAN */
+	/* Icom ID-1 digital transceiver */
+	ICOMID1Vid	= 0x0C26,
+	ICOMID1Did	= 0x0004,
+	FTASKRDR400Did	= 0xC991,	/* ASK RDR 400 series card reader */
+	FTDSS20Did	= 0xFC82,	/* DSS-20 Sync Station for Sony Ericsson P800 */
+	/*
+	 * Home Electronics ( USB gadgets
+	 */
+	FTHETIRA1Did	= 0xFA78,	/* Tira-1 IR transceiver */
+	/*
+	 * An infrared receiver and transmitter using the 8U232AM chip
+	 *
+	 */
+	FTUSBUIRTDid	= 0xF850,
+	FTELVUR100Did	= 0xFB58,	/* USB-RS232-Umsetzer (UR 100) */
+	FTELVUM100Did	= 0xFB5A,	/* USB-Modul UM 100 */
+	FTELVUO100Did	= 0xFB5B,	/* USB-Modul UO 100 */
+	FTELVALC8500Did	= 0xF06E,	/* ALC 8500 Expert */
+	FTELVCLI7000Did	= 0xFB59,	/* Computer-Light-Interface */
+	FTELVPPS7330Did	= 0xFB5C,	/* Processor-Power-Supply (PPS 7330) */
+	FTELVTFM100Did	= 0xFB5D,	/* Temperartur-Feuchte Messgeraet (TFM 100) */
+	FTELVUDF77Did	= 0xFB5E,	/* USB DCF Funkurh (UDF 77) */
+	FTELVUIO88Did	= 0xFB5F,	/* USB-I/O Interface (UIO 88) */
+	FTELVUAD8Did	= 0xF068,	/* USB-AD-Wandler (UAD 8) */
+	FTELVUDA7Did	= 0xF069,	/* USB-DA-Wandler (UDA 7) */
+	FTELVUSI2Did	= 0xF06A,	/* USB-Schrittmotoren-Interface (USI 2) */
+	FTELVT1100Did	= 0xF06B,	/* Thermometer (T 1100) */
+	FTELVPCD200Did	= 0xF06C,	/* PC-Datenlogger (PCD 200) */
+	FTELVULA200Did	= 0xF06D,	/* USB-LCD-Ansteuerung (ULA 200) */
+	FTELVFHZ1000PCDid= 0xF06F,	/* FHZ 1000 PC */
+	FTELVCSI8Did	= 0xE0F0,	/* Computer-Schalt-Interface (CSI 8) */
+	FTELVEM1000DLDid= 0xE0F1,	/* PC-Datenlogger fuer Energiemonitor (EM 1000 DL) */
+	FTELVPCK100Did	= 0xE0F2,	/* PC-Kabeltester (PCK 100) */
+	FTELVRFP500Did	= 0xE0F3,	/* HF-Leistungsmesser (RFP 500) */
+	FTELVFS20SIGDid	= 0xE0F4,	/* Signalgeber (FS 20 SIG) */
+	FTELVWS300PCDid	= 0xE0F6,	/* PC-Wetterstation (WS 300 PC) */
+	FTELVFHZ1300PCDid= 0xE0E8,	/* FHZ 1300 PC */
+	FTELVWS500Did	= 0xE0E9,	/* PC-Wetterstation (WS 500) */
+	/*
+	 * Definitions for ID TECH ( devices
+	 */
+	IDTECHVid	= 0x0ACD,	/* ID TECH Vendor ID */
+	IDTECHIDT1221UDid= 0x0300,	/* IDT1221U USB to RS-232 */
+	/*
+	 * Definitions for Omnidirectional Control Technology, Inc. devices
+	 */
+	OCTVid		= 0x0B39,	/* OCT vendor ID */
+	/*
+	 * Note: OCT US101 is also rebadged as Dick Smith Electronics
+	 * (NZ) XH6381, Dick Smith Electronics (Aus) XH6451, and SIIG
+	 * Inc. model US2308 hardware version 1.
+	 */
+	OCTUS101Did	= 0x0421,	/* OCT US101 USB to RS-232 */
+	/*
+	 *	infrared receiver for access control with IR tags
+	 */
+	FTPIEGROUPDid	= 0xF208,
+	/*
+	 * Definitions for Artemis astronomical USB based cameras
+	 *
+	 */
+	FTARTEMISDid	= 0xDF28,	/* All Artemis Cameras */
+	FTATIKATK16Did	= 0xDF30,	/* ATIK ATK-16 Grayscale Camera */
+	FTATIKATK16CDid = 0xDF32,	/* ATIK ATK-16C Colour Camera */
+	FTATIKATK16HRDid= 0xDF31,	/* ATIK ATK-16HR Grayscale */
+	FTATIKATK16HRCDid= 0xDF33,	/* ATIK ATK-16HRC Colour Camera */
+	/*
+	 * Protego products
+	 */
+	PROTEGOSPECIAL1	= 0xFC70,	/* special/unknown device */
+	PROTEGOR2X0	= 0xFC71,	/* R200-USB TRNG unit (R210, R220, and R230) */
+	PROTEGOSPECIAL3	= 0xFC72,	/* special/unknown device */
+	PROTEGOSPECIAL4	= 0xFC73,	/* special/unknown device */
+	/*
+	 * Gude Analog- und Digitalsysteme GmbH
+	 */
+	FTGUDEADSE808Did = 0xE808,
+	FTGUDEADSE809Did = 0xE809,
+	FTGUDEADSE80ADid = 0xE80A,
+	FTGUDEADSE80BDid = 0xE80B,
+	FTGUDEADSE80CDid = 0xE80C,
+	FTGUDEADSE80DDid = 0xE80D,
+	FTGUDEADSE80EDid = 0xE80E,
+	FTGUDEADSE80FDid = 0xE80F,
+	FTGUDEADSE888Did = 0xE888,	/* Expert ISDN Control USB */
+	FTGUDEADSE889Did = 0xE889,	/* USB RS-232 OptoBridge */
+	FTGUDEADSE88ADid = 0xE88A,
+	FTGUDEADSE88BDid = 0xE88B,
+	FTGUDEADSE88CDid = 0xE88C,
+	FTGUDEADSE88DDid = 0xE88D,
+	FTGUDEADSE88EDid = 0xE88E,
+	FTGUDEADSE88FDid = 0xE88F,
+	/*
+	 * Linx Technologies
+	 */
+	LINXSDMUSBQSSDid= 0xF448,	/* Linx SDM-USB-QS-S */
+	LINXMASTERDEVEL2Did= 0xF449,	/* Linx Master Development.0 */
+	LINXFUTURE0Did	= 0xF44A,	/* Linx future device */
+	LINXFUTURE1Did	= 0xF44B,	/* Linx future device */
+	LINXFUTURE2Did	= 0xF44C,	/* Linx future device */
+	/*
+	 * CCS Inc. ICDU/ICDU40 - the FT232BM used in a in-circuit-debugger
+	 * unit for PIC16's/PIC18's
+	 */
+	FTCCSICDU200Did	= 0xF9D0,
+	FTCCSICDU401Did	= 0xF9D1,
+	/* Inside Accesso contactless reader ( */
+	/*
+	 * Intrepid Control Systems (
+	 * ValueCAN and NeoVI
+	 */
+	INTREDidVid	= 0x093C,
+	INTREDidVALUECANDid= 0x0601,
+	INTREDidNEOVIDid= 0x0701,
+	/*
+	 * Falcom Wireless Communications GmbH
+	 */
+	FALCOMVid	= 0x0F94,
+	FALCOMTWISTDid	= 0x0001,	/* Falcom Twist USB GPRS modem */
+	FALCOMSAMBADid	= 0x0005,	/* Falcom Samba USB GPRS modem */
+	/*
+	 */
+	FTSUUNTOSPORTSDid= 0xF680,	/* Suunto Sports instrument */
+	/*
+	 * B&B Electronics
+	 */
+	BANDBVid	= 0x0856,	/* B&B Electronics Vendor ID */
+	BANDBUSOTL4Did	= 0xAC01,	/* USOTL4 Isolated RS-485 */
+	BANDBUSTL4Did	= 0xAC02,	/* USTL4 RS-485 Converter */
+	BANDBUSO9ML2Did	= 0xAC03,	/* USO9ML2 Isolated RS-232 */
+	/*
+	 * RM Michaelides CANview USB (
+	 * CAN fieldbus interface adapter
+	 */
+	FTRMCANVIEWDid	= 0xfd60,
+	/*
+	 * EVER Eco Pro UPS (
+	 */
+	EVERECOPROCDSDid = 0xe520,	/* RS-232 converter */
+	/*
+	 * 4N-GALAXY.DE PIDs for CAN-USB, USB-RS232, USB-RS422, USB-RS485,
+	 * USB-TTY activ, USB-TTY passiv. Some PIDs are used by several devices
+	 */
+	FT4NGALAXYDE0Did = 0x8372,
+	FT4NGALAXYDE1Did = 0xF3C0,
+	FT4NGALAXYDE2Did = 0xF3C1,
+	/*
+	 * Mobility Electronics products.
+	 */
+	MOBILITYVid	= 0x1342,
+	MOBILITYUSBSERIALDid= 0x0202,	/* EasiDock USB 200 serial */
+	/*
+	 * microHAM product IDs (
+	 */
+	FTMHAMKWDid	= 0xEEE8,	/* USB-KW interface */
+	FTMHAMYSDid	= 0xEEE9,	/* USB-YS interface */
+	FTMHAMY6Did	= 0xEEEA,	/* USB-Y6 interface */
+	FTMHAMY8Did	= 0xEEEB,	/* USB-Y8 interface */
+	FTMHAMICDid	= 0xEEEC,	/* USB-IC interface */
+	FTMHAMDB9Did	= 0xEEED,	/* USB-DB9 interface */
+	FTMHAMRS232Did	= 0xEEEE,	/* USB-RS232 interface */
+	FTMHAMY9Did	= 0xEEEF,	/* USB-Y9 interface */
+	/*
+	 * Active Robots product ids.
+	 */
+	FTACTIVEROBOTSDid	= 0xE548,	/* USB comms board */
+	/*
+	 * Xsens Technologies BV products (
+	 */
+	FTTERATRONIKVCPDid	= 0xEC88,	/* Teratronik device */
+	FTTERATRONIKD2XXDid	= 0xEC89,	/* Teratronik device */
+	/*
+	 * Evolution Robotics products (
+	 */
+	EVOLUTIONER1Did	= 0x0300,		/* ER1 Control Module */
+	/* Pyramid Computer GmbH */
+	FTPYRAMIDDid	= 0xE6C8,		/* Pyramid Appliance Display */
+	/*
+	 * Posiflex inc retail equipment (
+	 */
+	POSIFLEXVid	= 0x0d3a,
+	POSIFLEXPP7000Did= 0x0300,		/* PP-7000II thermal printer */
+	/*
+	 * Westrex International devices
+	 */
+	FTWESTREXMODEL777Did	= 0xDC00,	/* Model 777 */
+	FTWESTREXMODEL8900FDid	= 0xDC01,	/* Model 8900F */
+	/*
+	 * RR-CirKits LocoBuffer USB (
+	 */
+	FTRRCIRKITSLOCOBUFFERDid= 0xc7d0,	/* LocoBuffer USB */
+	FTECLOCOM1WIREDid	= 0xEA90,	/* COM to 1-Wire USB */
+	/*
+	 * Papouch products (
+	 */
+	PAPOUCHVid	= 0x5050,
+	PAPOUCHTMUDid	= 0x0400,		/* TMU USB Thermometer */
+	/*
+	 * ACG Identification Technologies GmbH products
+	 */
+	FTACGHFDUALDid	= 0xDD20,		/* HF Dual ISO Reader (RFID) */
+	/*
+	 * new high speed devices
+	 */
+	FT4232HDid	= 0x6011,		/* FTDI FT4232H based device */
+	/*
+	 * Amontec JTAGkey (
+	 */
+	AMONKEYDid	= 0xCFF8,
+/* Commands */
+enum {
+	FTRESET		= 0,		/* Reset the port */
+	FTSETMODEMCTRL,			/* Set the modem control register */
+	FTSETFLOWCTRL,			/* Set flow control register */
+	FTSETBAUDRATE,			/* Set baud rate */
+	FTSETDATA,			/* Set the parameters, parity */
+	FTGETMODEMSTATUS,		/* Retrieve current value of modem ctl */
+	FTSETEVENTCHAR,			/* Set the event character */
+	FTSETERRORCHAR,			/* Set the error character */
+	FTSETLATENCYTIMER,		/* Set the latency timer */
+	FTGETLATENCYTIMER,		/* Get the latency timer */
+	FTSETBITMODE,			/* Set bit mode */
+	FTGETPINS,			/* Read pins state */
+	FTGETE2READ	= 0x90,		/* Read address from 128-byte I2C EEPROM */
+	FTSETE2WRITE,			/* Write to address on 128-byte I2C EEPROM */
+	FTSETE2ERASE,			/* Erase address on 128-byte I2C EEPROM */
+/* Port Identifier Table, index for interfaces */
+enum {
+	PITDEFAULT = 0,		/* SIOA */
+	PITA,			/* SIOA jtag if there is one */
+enum {
+	Rftdireq = 1<<6,		/* bit for type of request */
+ * Commands Data size
+ * Sets have wLength = 0
+ * Gets have wValue = 0
+ */
+enum {
+ * bRequest: FTGETE2READ
+ * wIndex: Address of word to read
+ * Data: Will return a word (2 bytes) of data from E2Address
+ * Results put in the I2C 128 byte EEPROM string eeprom+(2*index)
+ */
+ * bRequest: FTSETE2WRITE
+ * wIndex: Address of word to read
+ * wValue: Value of the word
+ * Data: Will return a word (2 bytes) of data from E2Address
+ */
+ * bRequest: FTSETE2ERASE
+ * Erases the EEPROM
+ * wIndex: 0
+ */
+ * bRequest: FTRESET
+ * wValue: Ctl Val
+ * wIndex: Port
+ */
+enum {
+ * BmRequestType: SET
+ * wValue: BaudDivisor value - see below
+ * Bits 15 to 0 of the 17-bit divisor are placed in the request value.
+ * Bit 16 is placed in bit 0 of the request index.
+ */
+/* chip type */
+enum {
+	SIO		= 1,
+	FT8U232AM	= 2,
+	FT232BM		= 3,
+	FT2232C		= 4,
+	FTKINDR		= 5,
+	FT2232H		= 6,
+	FT4232H		= 7,
+enum {
+	 FTb300		= 0,
+	 FTb600		= 1,
+	 FTb1200	= 2,
+	 FTb2400	= 3,
+	 FTb4800	= 4,
+	 FTb9600	= 5,
+	 FTb19200	= 6,
+	 FTb38400	= 7,
+	 FTb57600	= 8,
+	 FTb115200	= 9,
+ * bRequest: FTSETDATA
+ * wValue: Data characteristics
+ *	bits 0-7 number of data bits
+ * wIndex: Port
+ */
+enum {
+	FTSETDATAParNONE	= 0 << 8,
+	FTSETDATAParODD		= 1 << 8,
+	FTSETDATAParEVEN	= 2 << 8,
+	FTSETDATAParMARK	= 3 << 8,
+	FTSETBREAK		= 1 << 14,
+ * wValue: ControlValue (see below)
+ * wIndex: Port
+ */
+ * wValue: Xoff/Xon
+ * wIndex: Protocol/Port - hIndex is protocol; lIndex is port
+ */
+enum {
+	FTRTSCTSHS	= 1 << 8,
+	FTDTRDSRHS	= 2 << 8,
+	FTXONXOFFHS	= 4 << 8,
+ * wIndex: Port
+ * wLength: 0
+ * Data: latency (on return)
+ */
+ * bRequest: FTSETBITMODE
+ * wIndex: Port
+ * either it is big bang mode, in which case
+ * wValue: 1 byte L is the big bang mode BIG*
+ *	or BM is
+ * wValue: 1 byte bitbang mode H, 1 byte bitmask for lines L
+ */
+enum {
+	BMSERIAL	= 0,		/* reset, turn off bit-bang mode */
+	BIGBMNORMAL	= 1,		/* normal bit-bang mode */
+	BIGBMSPI	= 2,		/* spi bit-bang mode */
+	BMABM		= 1<<8,		/* async mode */
+	BMMPSSE		= 2<<8,
+	BMSYNCBB	= 4<<8,		/* sync bit-bang -- 2232x and R-type */
+	BMMCU		= 8<<8,		/* MCU Host Bus -- 2232x */
+	BMOPTO		= 0x10<<8,	/* opto-isolated<<8, 2232x */
+	BMCBUS		= 0x20<<8,	/* CBUS pins of R-type chips */
+	BMSYNCFF	= 0x40<<8,	/* Single Channel Sync FIFO, 2232H only */
+ * wValue: Latency (milliseconds 1-255)
+ * wIndex: Port
+ */
+enum {
+ * BmRequestType: SET
+ * wValue: EventChar
+ * wIndex: Port
+ * 0-7 lower bits event char
+ * 8 enable
+ */
+enum {
+ * BmRequestType: SET
+ * wValue: Error Char
+ * wIndex: Port
+ * 0-7 lower bits event char
+ * 8 enable
+ */
+enum {
+ * BmRequestType: GET
+ * wIndex: Port
+ * wLength: 1
+ * Data: Status
+ */
+enum {
+	FTCTSMASK	= 0x10,
+	FTDSRMASK	= 0x20,
+	FTRIMASK	= 0x40,
+	FTRLSDMASK	= 0x80,
+enum {
+	/* byte 0 of in data hdr */
+	FTICTS	= 1 << 4,
+	FTIDSR	= 1 << 5,
+	FTIRI	= 1 << 6,
+	FTIRLSD	= 1 << 7,	/* receive line signal detect */
+	/* byte 1 of in data hdr */
+	FTIDR	= 1<<0,		/* data ready */
+	FTIOE	= 1<<1,		/* overrun error */
+	FTIPE	= 1<<2,		/* parity error */
+	FTIFE	= 1<<3,		/* framing error */
+	FTIBI	= 1<<4,		/* break interrupt */
+	FTITHRE	= 1<<5,		/* xmitter holding register */
+	FTITEMT	= 1<<6,		/* xmitter empty */
+	FTIFIFO	= 1<<7,		/* error in rcv fifo */
+	/* byte 0 of out data hdr len does not include byte 0 */
+	FTOPORT	= 0x80,		/* must be set */
  * BUG: This keeps growing, there has to be a better way, but without
  * devices to try it...  We can probably simply look for FTDI in the
  * string, or use regular expressions somehow.
@@ -206,6 +838,8 @@
 	{ 0,	0 },
+static Serialops ftops;
 enum {
 	Packsz		= 64,		/* default size */
 	Maxpacksz	= 512,
@@ -527,6 +1161,7 @@
 	ser->baudbase = baudbase;
 	ser->outhdrsz = outhdrsz;
 	ser->inhdrsz = 2;
+	ser->Serialops = ftops;
 	dsprint (2, "serial: detected type: %#x\n", ser->type);
@@ -541,11 +1176,7 @@
 		snprint(buf, sizeof buf, "vid %#06x did %#06x", ip->vid, ip->did);
 		dsprint(2, "serial: %s %s\n", buf, info);
 		if(strstr(info, buf) != nil){
-			if(ser != nil){
-				qlock(ser);
-				ftgettype(ser);
-				qunlock(ser);
-			}
+			ftgettype(ser);
 			return 0;
@@ -947,7 +1578,7 @@
 	return 0;
-Serialops ftops = {
+static Serialops ftops = {
 	.init		= ftinit,
 	.seteps		= ftseteps,
 	.setparam	= ftsetparam,
--- a/sys/src/cmd/nusb/serial/ftdi.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,636 +1,0 @@
-enum {
-	/* used by devices which don't provide their own Vid */
-	FTVid		= 0x0403,
-	FTSheevaVid	= 0x9E88,
-	FTSheevaDid	= 0x9E8F,
-	FTOpenRDUltDid	= 0x9E90,
-	FTSIODid	= 0x8372,	/* Product Id SIO appl'n of 8U100AX */
-	FT8U232AMDid	= 0x6001,	/* Similar device to SIO above */
-	FT8U232AMALTDid	= 0x6006,	/* FT's alternate Did for above*/
-	FT8U2232CDid	= 0x6010,	/* Dual channel device */
-	FTRELAISDid	= 0xFA10,	/* Relais device */
-	/* NF reader */
-	FTNFRICVid	= 0x0DCD,
-	FTNFRICDid	= 0x0001,
-	FTACTZWAVEDid	= 0xF2D0,		/* device */
-	/*
-	 * ACT Solutions HomePro ZWave interface
-	 *
-	 */
-	FTIRTRANSDid	= 0xFC60,
-	/*
-	 * TT-USB
-	 */
-	FTTTUSBDid	= 0xFF20,
-	/* iPlus device */
-	FTIPLUSDid	= 0xD070,
-	/* devices */
-	FTXF632Did = 0xFC08,	/* 632: 16x2 Character Display */
-	FTXF634Did = 0xFC09,	/* 634: 20x4 Character Display */
-	FTXF547Did = 0xFC0A,	/* 547: Two line Display */
-	FTXF633Did = 0xFC0B,	/* 633: 16x2 Character Display with Keys */
-	FTXF631Did = 0xFC0C,	/* 631: 20x2 Character Display */
-	FTXF635Did = 0xFC0D,	/* 635: 20x4 Character Display */
-	FTXF640Did = 0xFC0E,	/* 640: Two line Display */
-	FTXF642Did = 0xFC0F,	/* 642: Two line Display */
-	/*
-	 * Video Networks Limited / Homechoice in the UK
-	 * use an ftdi-based device for their 1Mb broadband
-	 */
-	FTVNHCPCUSBDDid	= 0xfe38,
-	/*
-	 * PCDJ use ftdi based dj-controllers
-	 * DAC-2 device
-	 */
-	FTPCDJDAC2Did = 0xFA88,
-	/*
-	 * Matrix Orbital LCD displays,
-	 * which are the FT232BM (similar to the 8U232AM)
-	 */
-	FTMTXORB0Did = 0xFA00,
-	FTMTXORB1Did = 0xFA01,
-	FTMTXORB2Did = 0xFA02,
-	FTMTXORB3Did = 0xFA03,
-	FTMTXORB4Did = 0xFA04,
-	FTMTXORB5Did = 0xFA05,
-	FTMTXORB6Did = 0xFA06,
-	/* Interbiometrics USB I/O Board */
-	INTERBIOMVid		= 0x1209,
-	/*
-	 * The following are the values for the Perle Systems
-	 * UltraPort USB serial converters
-	 */
-	/*
-	 * Sealevel SeaLINK+ adapters.
-	 */
-	SEALEVELVid = 0x0c52,
-	SEALEVEL2101Did = 0x2101,	/* SeaLINK+232 (2101/2105) */
-	SEALEVEL2102Did = 0x2102,	/* SeaLINK+485 (2102) */
-	SEALEVEL2103Did = 0x2103,	/* SeaLINK+232I (2103) */
-	SEALEVEL2104Did = 0x2104,	/* SeaLINK+485I (2104) */
-	SEALEVEL22011Did = 0x2211,	/* SeaPORT+2/232 (2201) Port 1 */
-	SEALEVEL22012Did = 0x2221,	/* SeaPORT+2/232 (2201) Port 2 */
-	SEALEVEL22021Did = 0x2212,	/* SeaPORT+2/485 (2202) Port 1 */
-	SEALEVEL22022Did = 0x2222,	/* SeaPORT+2/485 (2202) Port 2 */
-	SEALEVEL22031Did = 0x2213,	/* SeaPORT+2 (2203) Port 1 */
-	SEALEVEL22032Did = 0x2223,	/* SeaPORT+2 (2203) Port 2 */
-	SEALEVEL24011Did = 0x2411,	/* SeaPORT+4/232 (2401) Port 1 */
-	SEALEVEL24012Did = 0x2421,	/* SeaPORT+4/232 (2401) Port 2 */
-	SEALEVEL24013Did = 0x2431,	/* SeaPORT+4/232 (2401) Port 3 */
-	SEALEVEL24014Did = 0x2441,	/* SeaPORT+4/232 (2401) Port 4 */
-	SEALEVEL24021Did = 0x2412,	/* SeaPORT+4/485 (2402) Port 1 */
-	SEALEVEL24022Did = 0x2422,	/* SeaPORT+4/485 (2402) Port 2 */
-	SEALEVEL24023Did = 0x2432,	/* SeaPORT+4/485 (2402) Port 3 */
-	SEALEVEL24024Did = 0x2442,	/* SeaPORT+4/485 (2402) Port 4 */
-	SEALEVEL24031Did = 0x2413,	/* SeaPORT+4 (2403) Port 1 */
-	SEALEVEL24032Did = 0x2423,	/* SeaPORT+4 (2403) Port 2 */
-	SEALEVEL24033Did = 0x2433,	/* SeaPORT+4 (2403) Port 3 */
-	SEALEVEL24034Did = 0x2443,	/* SeaPORT+4 (2403) Port 4 */
-	SEALEVEL28011Did = 0x2811,	/* SeaLINK+8/232 (2801) Port 1 */
-	SEALEVEL28012Did = 0x2821,	/* SeaLINK+8/232 (2801) Port 2 */
-	SEALEVEL28013Did = 0x2831,	/* SeaLINK+8/232 (2801) Port 3 */
-	SEALEVEL28014Did = 0x2841,	/* SeaLINK+8/232 (2801) Port 4 */
-	SEALEVEL28015Did = 0x2851,	/* SeaLINK+8/232 (2801) Port 5 */
-	SEALEVEL28016Did = 0x2861,	/* SeaLINK+8/232 (2801) Port 6 */
-	SEALEVEL28017Did = 0x2871,	/* SeaLINK+8/232 (2801) Port 7 */
-	SEALEVEL28018Did = 0x2881,	/* SeaLINK+8/232 (2801) Port 8 */
-	SEALEVEL28021Did = 0x2812,	/* SeaLINK+8/485 (2802) Port 1 */
-	SEALEVEL28022Did = 0x2822,	/* SeaLINK+8/485 (2802) Port 2 */
-	SEALEVEL28023Did = 0x2832,	/* SeaLINK+8/485 (2802) Port 3 */
-	SEALEVEL28024Did = 0x2842,	/* SeaLINK+8/485 (2802) Port 4 */
-	SEALEVEL28025Did = 0x2852,	/* SeaLINK+8/485 (2802) Port 5 */
-	SEALEVEL28026Did = 0x2862,	/* SeaLINK+8/485 (2802) Port 6 */
-	SEALEVEL28027Did = 0x2872,	/* SeaLINK+8/485 (2802) Port 7 */
-	SEALEVEL28028Did = 0x2882,	/* SeaLINK+8/485 (2802) Port 8 */
-	SEALEVEL28031Did = 0x2813,	/* SeaLINK+8 (2803) Port 1 */
-	SEALEVEL28032Did = 0x2823,	/* SeaLINK+8 (2803) Port 2 */
-	SEALEVEL28033Did = 0x2833,	/* SeaLINK+8 (2803) Port 3 */
-	SEALEVEL28034Did = 0x2843,	/* SeaLINK+8 (2803) Port 4 */
-	SEALEVEL28035Did = 0x2853,	/* SeaLINK+8 (2803) Port 5 */
-	SEALEVEL28036Did = 0x2863,	/* SeaLINK+8 (2803) Port 6 */
-	SEALEVEL28037Did = 0x2873,	/* SeaLINK+8 (2803) Port 7 */
-	SEALEVEL28038Did = 0x2883,	/* SeaLINK+8 (2803) Port 8 */
-	/* KOBIL Vendor ID chipcard terminals */
-	KOBILVid	= 0x0d46,
-	KOBILCONVB1Did	= 0x2020,	/* KOBIL Konverter for B1 */
-	KOBILCONVKAANDid = 0x2021,	/* KOBILKonverter for KAAN */
-	/* Icom ID-1 digital transceiver */
-	ICOMID1Vid	= 0x0C26,
-	ICOMID1Did	= 0x0004,
-	FTASKRDR400Did	= 0xC991,	/* ASK RDR 400 series card reader */
-	FTDSS20Did	= 0xFC82,	/* DSS-20 Sync Station for Sony Ericsson P800 */
-	/*
-	 * Home Electronics ( USB gadgets
-	 */
-	FTHETIRA1Did	= 0xFA78,	/* Tira-1 IR transceiver */
-	/*
-	 * An infrared receiver and transmitter using the 8U232AM chip
-	 *
-	 */
-	FTUSBUIRTDid	= 0xF850,
-	FTELVUR100Did	= 0xFB58,	/* USB-RS232-Umsetzer (UR 100) */
-	FTELVUM100Did	= 0xFB5A,	/* USB-Modul UM 100 */
-	FTELVUO100Did	= 0xFB5B,	/* USB-Modul UO 100 */
-	FTELVALC8500Did	= 0xF06E,	/* ALC 8500 Expert */
-	FTELVCLI7000Did	= 0xFB59,	/* Computer-Light-Interface */
-	FTELVPPS7330Did	= 0xFB5C,	/* Processor-Power-Supply (PPS 7330) */
-	FTELVTFM100Did	= 0xFB5D,	/* Temperartur-Feuchte Messgeraet (TFM 100) */
-	FTELVUDF77Did	= 0xFB5E,	/* USB DCF Funkurh (UDF 77) */
-	FTELVUIO88Did	= 0xFB5F,	/* USB-I/O Interface (UIO 88) */
-	FTELVUAD8Did	= 0xF068,	/* USB-AD-Wandler (UAD 8) */
-	FTELVUDA7Did	= 0xF069,	/* USB-DA-Wandler (UDA 7) */
-	FTELVUSI2Did	= 0xF06A,	/* USB-Schrittmotoren-Interface (USI 2) */
-	FTELVT1100Did	= 0xF06B,	/* Thermometer (T 1100) */
-	FTELVPCD200Did	= 0xF06C,	/* PC-Datenlogger (PCD 200) */
-	FTELVULA200Did	= 0xF06D,	/* USB-LCD-Ansteuerung (ULA 200) */
-	FTELVFHZ1000PCDid= 0xF06F,	/* FHZ 1000 PC */
-	FTELVCSI8Did	= 0xE0F0,	/* Computer-Schalt-Interface (CSI 8) */
-	FTELVEM1000DLDid= 0xE0F1,	/* PC-Datenlogger fuer Energiemonitor (EM 1000 DL) */
-	FTELVPCK100Did	= 0xE0F2,	/* PC-Kabeltester (PCK 100) */
-	FTELVRFP500Did	= 0xE0F3,	/* HF-Leistungsmesser (RFP 500) */
-	FTELVFS20SIGDid	= 0xE0F4,	/* Signalgeber (FS 20 SIG) */
-	FTELVWS300PCDid	= 0xE0F6,	/* PC-Wetterstation (WS 300 PC) */
-	FTELVFHZ1300PCDid= 0xE0E8,	/* FHZ 1300 PC */
-	FTELVWS500Did	= 0xE0E9,	/* PC-Wetterstation (WS 500) */
-	/*
-	 * Definitions for ID TECH ( devices
-	 */
-	IDTECHVid	= 0x0ACD,	/* ID TECH Vendor ID */
-	IDTECHIDT1221UDid= 0x0300,	/* IDT1221U USB to RS-232 */
-	/*
-	 * Definitions for Omnidirectional Control Technology, Inc. devices
-	 */
-	OCTVid		= 0x0B39,	/* OCT vendor ID */
-	/*
-	 * Note: OCT US101 is also rebadged as Dick Smith Electronics
-	 * (NZ) XH6381, Dick Smith Electronics (Aus) XH6451, and SIIG
-	 * Inc. model US2308 hardware version 1.
-	 */
-	OCTUS101Did	= 0x0421,	/* OCT US101 USB to RS-232 */
-	/*
-	 *	infrared receiver for access control with IR tags
-	 */
-	FTPIEGROUPDid	= 0xF208,
-	/*
-	 * Definitions for Artemis astronomical USB based cameras
-	 *
-	 */
-	FTARTEMISDid	= 0xDF28,	/* All Artemis Cameras */
-	FTATIKATK16Did	= 0xDF30,	/* ATIK ATK-16 Grayscale Camera */
-	FTATIKATK16CDid = 0xDF32,	/* ATIK ATK-16C Colour Camera */
-	FTATIKATK16HRDid= 0xDF31,	/* ATIK ATK-16HR Grayscale */
-	FTATIKATK16HRCDid= 0xDF33,	/* ATIK ATK-16HRC Colour Camera */
-	/*
-	 * Protego products
-	 */
-	PROTEGOSPECIAL1	= 0xFC70,	/* special/unknown device */
-	PROTEGOR2X0	= 0xFC71,	/* R200-USB TRNG unit (R210, R220, and R230) */
-	PROTEGOSPECIAL3	= 0xFC72,	/* special/unknown device */
-	PROTEGOSPECIAL4	= 0xFC73,	/* special/unknown device */
-	/*
-	 * Gude Analog- und Digitalsysteme GmbH
-	 */
-	FTGUDEADSE808Did = 0xE808,
-	FTGUDEADSE809Did = 0xE809,
-	FTGUDEADSE80ADid = 0xE80A,
-	FTGUDEADSE80BDid = 0xE80B,
-	FTGUDEADSE80CDid = 0xE80C,
-	FTGUDEADSE80DDid = 0xE80D,
-	FTGUDEADSE80EDid = 0xE80E,
-	FTGUDEADSE80FDid = 0xE80F,
-	FTGUDEADSE888Did = 0xE888,	/* Expert ISDN Control USB */
-	FTGUDEADSE889Did = 0xE889,	/* USB RS-232 OptoBridge */
-	FTGUDEADSE88ADid = 0xE88A,
-	FTGUDEADSE88BDid = 0xE88B,
-	FTGUDEADSE88CDid = 0xE88C,
-	FTGUDEADSE88DDid = 0xE88D,
-	FTGUDEADSE88EDid = 0xE88E,
-	FTGUDEADSE88FDid = 0xE88F,
-	/*
-	 * Linx Technologies
-	 */
-	LINXSDMUSBQSSDid= 0xF448,	/* Linx SDM-USB-QS-S */
-	LINXMASTERDEVEL2Did= 0xF449,	/* Linx Master Development.0 */
-	LINXFUTURE0Did	= 0xF44A,	/* Linx future device */
-	LINXFUTURE1Did	= 0xF44B,	/* Linx future device */
-	LINXFUTURE2Did	= 0xF44C,	/* Linx future device */
-	/*
-	 * CCS Inc. ICDU/ICDU40 - the FT232BM used in a in-circuit-debugger
-	 * unit for PIC16's/PIC18's
-	 */
-	FTCCSICDU200Did	= 0xF9D0,
-	FTCCSICDU401Did	= 0xF9D1,
-	/* Inside Accesso contactless reader ( */
-	/*
-	 * Intrepid Control Systems (
-	 * ValueCAN and NeoVI
-	 */
-	INTREDidVid	= 0x093C,
-	INTREDidVALUECANDid= 0x0601,
-	INTREDidNEOVIDid= 0x0701,
-	/*
-	 * Falcom Wireless Communications GmbH
-	 */
-	FALCOMVid	= 0x0F94,
-	FALCOMTWISTDid	= 0x0001,	/* Falcom Twist USB GPRS modem */
-	FALCOMSAMBADid	= 0x0005,	/* Falcom Samba USB GPRS modem */
-	/*
-	 */
-	FTSUUNTOSPORTSDid= 0xF680,	/* Suunto Sports instrument */
-	/*
-	 * B&B Electronics
-	 */
-	BANDBVid	= 0x0856,	/* B&B Electronics Vendor ID */
-	BANDBUSOTL4Did	= 0xAC01,	/* USOTL4 Isolated RS-485 */
-	BANDBUSTL4Did	= 0xAC02,	/* USTL4 RS-485 Converter */
-	BANDBUSO9ML2Did	= 0xAC03,	/* USO9ML2 Isolated RS-232 */
-	/*
-	 * RM Michaelides CANview USB (
-	 * CAN fieldbus interface adapter
-	 */
-	FTRMCANVIEWDid	= 0xfd60,
-	/*
-	 * EVER Eco Pro UPS (
-	 */
-	EVERECOPROCDSDid = 0xe520,	/* RS-232 converter */
-	/*
-	 * 4N-GALAXY.DE PIDs for CAN-USB, USB-RS232, USB-RS422, USB-RS485,
-	 * USB-TTY activ, USB-TTY passiv. Some PIDs are used by several devices
-	 */
-	FT4NGALAXYDE0Did = 0x8372,
-	FT4NGALAXYDE1Did = 0xF3C0,
-	FT4NGALAXYDE2Did = 0xF3C1,
-	/*
-	 * Mobility Electronics products.
-	 */
-	MOBILITYVid	= 0x1342,
-	MOBILITYUSBSERIALDid= 0x0202,	/* EasiDock USB 200 serial */
-	/*
-	 * microHAM product IDs (
-	 */
-	FTMHAMKWDid	= 0xEEE8,	/* USB-KW interface */
-	FTMHAMYSDid	= 0xEEE9,	/* USB-YS interface */
-	FTMHAMY6Did	= 0xEEEA,	/* USB-Y6 interface */
-	FTMHAMY8Did	= 0xEEEB,	/* USB-Y8 interface */
-	FTMHAMICDid	= 0xEEEC,	/* USB-IC interface */
-	FTMHAMDB9Did	= 0xEEED,	/* USB-DB9 interface */
-	FTMHAMRS232Did	= 0xEEEE,	/* USB-RS232 interface */
-	FTMHAMY9Did	= 0xEEEF,	/* USB-Y9 interface */
-	/*
-	 * Active Robots product ids.
-	 */
-	FTACTIVEROBOTSDid	= 0xE548,	/* USB comms board */
-	/*
-	 * Xsens Technologies BV products (
-	 */
-	FTTERATRONIKVCPDid	= 0xEC88,	/* Teratronik device */
-	FTTERATRONIKD2XXDid	= 0xEC89,	/* Teratronik device */
-	/*
-	 * Evolution Robotics products (
-	 */
-	EVOLUTIONER1Did	= 0x0300,		/* ER1 Control Module */
-	/* Pyramid Computer GmbH */
-	FTPYRAMIDDid	= 0xE6C8,		/* Pyramid Appliance Display */
-	/*
-	 * Posiflex inc retail equipment (
-	 */
-	POSIFLEXVid	= 0x0d3a,
-	POSIFLEXPP7000Did= 0x0300,		/* PP-7000II thermal printer */
-	/*
-	 * Westrex International devices
-	 */
-	FTWESTREXMODEL777Did	= 0xDC00,	/* Model 777 */
-	FTWESTREXMODEL8900FDid	= 0xDC01,	/* Model 8900F */
-	/*
-	 * RR-CirKits LocoBuffer USB (
-	 */
-	FTRRCIRKITSLOCOBUFFERDid= 0xc7d0,	/* LocoBuffer USB */
-	FTECLOCOM1WIREDid	= 0xEA90,	/* COM to 1-Wire USB */
-	/*
-	 * Papouch products (
-	 */
-	PAPOUCHVid	= 0x5050,
-	PAPOUCHTMUDid	= 0x0400,		/* TMU USB Thermometer */
-	/*
-	 * ACG Identification Technologies GmbH products
-	 */
-	FTACGHFDUALDid	= 0xDD20,		/* HF Dual ISO Reader (RFID) */
-	/*
-	 * new high speed devices
-	 */
-	FT4232HDid	= 0x6011,		/* FTDI FT4232H based device */
-	/*
-	 * Amontec JTAGkey (
-	 */
-	AMONKEYDid	= 0xCFF8,
-/* Commands */
-enum {
-	FTRESET		= 0,		/* Reset the port */
-	FTSETMODEMCTRL,			/* Set the modem control register */
-	FTSETFLOWCTRL,			/* Set flow control register */
-	FTSETBAUDRATE,			/* Set baud rate */
-	FTSETDATA,			/* Set the parameters, parity */
-	FTGETMODEMSTATUS,		/* Retrieve current value of modem ctl */
-	FTSETEVENTCHAR,			/* Set the event character */
-	FTSETERRORCHAR,			/* Set the error character */
-	FTSETLATENCYTIMER,		/* Set the latency timer */
-	FTGETLATENCYTIMER,		/* Get the latency timer */
-	FTSETBITMODE,			/* Set bit mode */
-	FTGETPINS,			/* Read pins state */
-	FTGETE2READ	= 0x90,		/* Read address from 128-byte I2C EEPROM */
-	FTSETE2WRITE,			/* Write to address on 128-byte I2C EEPROM */
-	FTSETE2ERASE,			/* Erase address on 128-byte I2C EEPROM */
-/* Port Identifier Table, index for interfaces */
-enum {
-	PITDEFAULT = 0,		/* SIOA */
-	PITA,			/* SIOA jtag if there is one */
-enum {
-	Rftdireq = 1<<6,		/* bit for type of request */
- * Commands Data size
- * Sets have wLength = 0
- * Gets have wValue = 0
- */
-enum {
- * bRequest: FTGETE2READ
- * wIndex: Address of word to read
- * Data: Will return a word (2 bytes) of data from E2Address
- * Results put in the I2C 128 byte EEPROM string eeprom+(2*index)
- */
- * bRequest: FTSETE2WRITE
- * wIndex: Address of word to read
- * wValue: Value of the word
- * Data: Will return a word (2 bytes) of data from E2Address
- */
- * bRequest: FTSETE2ERASE
- * Erases the EEPROM
- * wIndex: 0
- */
- * bRequest: FTRESET
- * wValue: Ctl Val
- * wIndex: Port
- */
-enum {
- * BmRequestType: SET
- * wValue: BaudDivisor value - see below
- * Bits 15 to 0 of the 17-bit divisor are placed in the request value.
- * Bit 16 is placed in bit 0 of the request index.
- */
-/* chip type */
-enum {
-	SIO		= 1,
-	FT8U232AM	= 2,
-	FT232BM		= 3,
-	FT2232C		= 4,
-	FTKINDR		= 5,
-	FT2232H		= 6,
-	FT4232H		= 7,
-enum {
-	 FTb300		= 0,
-	 FTb600		= 1,
-	 FTb1200	= 2,
-	 FTb2400	= 3,
-	 FTb4800	= 4,
-	 FTb9600	= 5,
-	 FTb19200	= 6,
-	 FTb38400	= 7,
-	 FTb57600	= 8,
-	 FTb115200	= 9,
- * bRequest: FTSETDATA
- * wValue: Data characteristics
- *	bits 0-7 number of data bits
- * wIndex: Port
- */
-enum {
-	FTSETDATAParNONE	= 0 << 8,
-	FTSETDATAParODD		= 1 << 8,
-	FTSETDATAParEVEN	= 2 << 8,
-	FTSETDATAParMARK	= 3 << 8,
-	FTSETBREAK		= 1 << 14,
- * wValue: ControlValue (see below)
- * wIndex: Port
- */
- * wValue: Xoff/Xon
- * wIndex: Protocol/Port - hIndex is protocol; lIndex is port
- */
-enum {
-	FTRTSCTSHS	= 1 << 8,
-	FTDTRDSRHS	= 2 << 8,
-	FTXONXOFFHS	= 4 << 8,
- * wIndex: Port
- * wLength: 0
- * Data: latency (on return)
- */
- * bRequest: FTSETBITMODE
- * wIndex: Port
- * either it is big bang mode, in which case
- * wValue: 1 byte L is the big bang mode BIG*
- *	or BM is
- * wValue: 1 byte bitbang mode H, 1 byte bitmask for lines L
- */
-enum {
-	BMSERIAL	= 0,		/* reset, turn off bit-bang mode */
-	BIGBMNORMAL	= 1,		/* normal bit-bang mode */
-	BIGBMSPI	= 2,		/* spi bit-bang mode */
-	BMABM		= 1<<8,		/* async mode */
-	BMMPSSE		= 2<<8,
-	BMSYNCBB	= 4<<8,		/* sync bit-bang -- 2232x and R-type */
-	BMMCU		= 8<<8,		/* MCU Host Bus -- 2232x */
-	BMOPTO		= 0x10<<8,	/* opto-isolated<<8, 2232x */
-	BMCBUS		= 0x20<<8,	/* CBUS pins of R-type chips */
-	BMSYNCFF	= 0x40<<8,	/* Single Channel Sync FIFO, 2232H only */
- * wValue: Latency (milliseconds 1-255)
- * wIndex: Port
- */
-enum {
- * BmRequestType: SET
- * wValue: EventChar
- * wIndex: Port
- * 0-7 lower bits event char
- * 8 enable
- */
-enum {
- * BmRequestType: SET
- * wValue: Error Char
- * wIndex: Port
- * 0-7 lower bits event char
- * 8 enable
- */
-enum {
- * BmRequestType: GET
- * wIndex: Port
- * wLength: 1
- * Data: Status
- */
-enum {
-	FTCTSMASK	= 0x10,
-	FTDSRMASK	= 0x20,
-	FTRIMASK	= 0x40,
-	FTRLSDMASK	= 0x80,
-enum {
-	/* byte 0 of in data hdr */
-	FTICTS	= 1 << 4,
-	FTIDSR	= 1 << 5,
-	FTIRI	= 1 << 6,
-	FTIRLSD	= 1 << 7,	/* receive line signal detect */
-	/* byte 1 of in data hdr */
-	FTIDR	= 1<<0,		/* data ready */
-	FTIOE	= 1<<1,		/* overrun error */
-	FTIPE	= 1<<2,		/* parity error */
-	FTIFE	= 1<<3,		/* framing error */
-	FTIBI	= 1<<4,		/* break interrupt */
-	FTITHRE	= 1<<5,		/* xmitter holding register */
-	FTITEMT	= 1<<6,		/* xmitter empty */
-	FTIFIFO	= 1<<7,		/* error in rcv fifo */
-	/* byte 0 of out data hdr len does not include byte 0 */
-	FTOPORT	= 0x80,		/* must be set */
-extern Serialops ftops;
-int	ftmatch(Serial *ser, char *info);
--- a/sys/src/cmd/nusb/serial/mkfile
+++ b/sys/src/cmd/nusb/serial/mkfile
@@ -4,11 +4,7 @@
 OFILES=ftdi.$O serial.$O prolific.$O ucons.$O silabs.$O
-	ftdi.h\
-	prolific.h\
-	ucons.h\
-	silabs.h\
--- a/sys/src/cmd/nusb/serial/prolific.c
+++ b/sys/src/cmd/nusb/serial/prolific.c
@@ -5,8 +5,183 @@
 #include <9p.h>
 #include "usb.h"
 #include "serial.h"
-#include "prolific.h"
+enum {
+	/* flavours of the device */
+	TypeH,
+	TypeHX,
+	TypeUnk,
+	RevH		= 0x0202,
+	RevX		= 0x0300,
+	RevHX		= 0x0400,
+	Rev1		= 0x0001,
+	/* usbcmd parameters */
+	SetLineReq	= 0x20,
+	SetCtlReq	= 0x22,
+	BreakReq	= 0x23,
+	BreakOn		= 0xffff,
+	BreakOff	= 0x0000,
+	GetLineReq	= 0x21,
+	VendorWriteReq	= 0x01,		/* BUG: is this a standard request? */
+	VendorReadReq	= 0x01,
+	ParamReqSz	= 7,
+	VendorReqSz	= 10,
+	/* status read from interrupt endpoint */
+	DcdStatus	= 0x01,
+	DsrStatus	= 0x02,
+	BreakerrStatus	= 0x04,
+	RingStatus	= 0x08,
+	FrerrStatus	= 0x10,
+	ParerrStatus	= 0x20,
+	OvererrStatus	= 0x40,
+	CtsStatus	= 0x80,
+	DcrGet		= 0x80,
+	DcrSet		= 0x00,
+	Dcr0Idx		= 0x00,
+	Dcr0Init	= 0x0001,
+	Dcr0HwFcH	= 0x0040,
+	Dcr0HwFcX	= 0x0060,
+	Dcr1Idx		= 0x01,
+	Dcr1Init	= 0x0000,
+	Dcr1InitH	= 0x0080,
+	Dcr1InitX	= 0x0000,
+	Dcr2Idx		= 0x02,
+	Dcr2InitH	= 0x0024,
+	Dcr2InitX	= 0x0044,
+	PipeDSRst	= 0x08,
+	PipeUSRst	= 0x09,
+enum {
+	PL2303Vid	= 0x067b,
+	PL2303Did	= 0x2303,
+	PL2303DidRSAQ2	= 0x04bb,
+	PL2303DidDCU11	= 0x1234,
+	PL2303DidPHAROS	= 0xaaa0,
+	PL2303DidRSAQ3	= 0xaaa2,
+	PL2303DidALDIGA	= 0x0611,
+	PL2303DidMMX	= 0x0612,
+	PL2303DidGPRS	= 0x0609,
+	ATENVid		= 0x0557,
+	ATENVid2	= 0x0547,
+	ATENDid		= 0x2008,
+	IODATAVid	= 0x04bb,
+	IODATADid	= 0x0a03,
+	IODATADidRSAQ5	= 0x0a0e,
+	ELCOMVid	= 0x056e,
+	ELCOMDid	= 0x5003,
+	ELCOMDidUCSGT	= 0x5004,
+	ITEGNOVid	= 0x0eba,
+	ITEGNODid	= 0x1080,
+	ITEGNODid2080	= 0x2080,
+	MA620Vid	= 0x0df7,
+	MA620Did	= 0x0620,
+	RATOCVid	= 0x0584,
+	RATOCDid	= 0xb000,
+	TRIPPVid	= 0x2478,
+	TRIPPDid	= 0x2008,
+	RADIOSHACKVid	= 0x1453,
+	RADIOSHACKDid	= 0x4026,
+	DCU10Vid	= 0x0731,
+	DCU10Did	= 0x0528,
+	SITECOMVid	= 0x6189,
+	SITECOMDid	= 0x2068,
+	 /* Alcatel OT535/735 USB cable */
+	ALCATELVid	= 0x11f7,
+	ALCATELDid	= 0x02df,
+	/* Samsung I330 phone cradle */
+	SAMSUNGVid	= 0x04e8,
+	SAMSUNGDid	= 0x8001,
+	SIEMENSVid	= 0x11f5,
+	SIEMENSDidSX1	= 0x0001,
+	SIEMENSDidX65	= 0x0003,
+	SIEMENSDidX75	= 0x0004,
+	SIEMENSDidEF81	= 0x0005,
+	SYNTECHVid	= 0x0745,
+	SYNTECHDid	= 0x0001,
+	/* Nokia CA-42 Cable */
+	NOKIACA42Vid	= 0x078b,
+	NOKIACA42Did	= 0x1234,
+	/* CA-42 CLONE Cable chipset: Prolific Technology Inc */
+	CA42CA42Vid	= 0x10b5,
+	CA42CA42Did	= 0xac70,
+	SAGEMVid	= 0x079b,
+	SAGEMDid	= 0x0027,
+	/* Leadtek GPS 9531 (ID 0413:2101) */
+	LEADTEKVid	= 0x0413,
+	LEADTEK9531Did	= 0x2101,
+	 /* USB GSM cable from Speed Dragon Multimedia, Ltd */
+	SPEEDDRAGONVid	= 0x0e55,
+	SPEEDDRAGONDid	= 0x110b,
+	/* DATAPILOT Universal-2 Phone Cable */
+	BELKINVid	= 0x050d,
+	BELKINDid	= 0x0257,
+	/* Belkin "F5U257" Serial Adapter */
+	DATAPILOTU2Vid	= 0x0731,
+	DATAPILOTU2Did	= 0x2003,
+	ALCORVid	= 0x058F,
+	ALCORDid	= 0x9720,
+	/* Willcom WS002IN Data Driver (by NetIndex Inc.) */,
+	WS002INVid	= 0x11f6,
+	WS002INDid	= 0x2001,
+	/* Corega CG-USBRS232R Serial Adapter */,
+	COREGAVid	= 0x07aa,
+	COREGADid	= 0x002a,
+	/* Y.C. Cable U.S.A., Inc - USB to RS-232 */,
+	YCCABLEVid	= 0x05ad,
+	YCCABLEDid	= 0x0fba,
+	/* "Superial" USB - Serial */,
+	SUPERIALVid	= 0x5372,
+	SUPERIALDid	= 0x2303,
+	/* Hewlett-Packard LD220-HP POS Pole Display */,
+	HPVid		= 0x03f0,
+	HPLD220Did	= 0x3524,
 Cinfo plinfo[] = {
 	{ PL2303Vid,	PL2303Did },
 	{ PL2303Vid,	PL2303DidRSAQ2 },
@@ -53,8 +228,10 @@
 	{ 0,		0 },
+static Serialops plops;
-plmatch(char *info)
+plmatch(Serial *ser, char *info)
 	Cinfo *ip;
 	char buf[50];
@@ -63,8 +240,11 @@
 		snprint(buf, sizeof buf, "vid %#06x did %#06x",
 			ip->vid, ip->did);
 		dsprint(2, "serial: %s %s\n", buf, info);
-		if(strstr(info, buf) != nil)
+		if(strstr(info, buf) != nil){
+			ser->hasepintr = 1;
+			ser->Serialops = plops;
 			return 0;
+		}
 	return -1;
@@ -427,7 +607,7 @@
 	return 0;
-Serialops plops = {
+static Serialops plops = {
 	.init		= plinit,
 	.getparam	= plgetparam,
 	.setparam	= plsetparam,
--- a/sys/src/cmd/nusb/serial/prolific.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +1,0 @@
-enum {
-	/* flavours of the device */
-	TypeH,
-	TypeHX,
-	TypeUnk,
-	RevH		= 0x0202,
-	RevX		= 0x0300,
-	RevHX		= 0x0400,
-	Rev1		= 0x0001,
-	/* usbcmd parameters */
-	SetLineReq	= 0x20,
-	SetCtlReq	= 0x22,
-	BreakReq	= 0x23,
-	BreakOn		= 0xffff,
-	BreakOff	= 0x0000,
-	GetLineReq	= 0x21,
-	VendorWriteReq	= 0x01,		/* BUG: is this a standard request? */
-	VendorReadReq	= 0x01,
-	ParamReqSz	= 7,
-	VendorReqSz	= 10,
-	/* status read from interrupt endpoint */
-	DcdStatus	= 0x01,
-	DsrStatus	= 0x02,
-	BreakerrStatus	= 0x04,
-	RingStatus	= 0x08,
-	FrerrStatus	= 0x10,
-	ParerrStatus	= 0x20,
-	OvererrStatus	= 0x40,
-	CtsStatus	= 0x80,
-	DcrGet		= 0x80,
-	DcrSet		= 0x00,
-	Dcr0Idx		= 0x00,
-	Dcr0Init	= 0x0001,
-	Dcr0HwFcH	= 0x0040,
-	Dcr0HwFcX	= 0x0060,
-	Dcr1Idx		= 0x01,
-	Dcr1Init	= 0x0000,
-	Dcr1InitH	= 0x0080,
-	Dcr1InitX	= 0x0000,
-	Dcr2Idx		= 0x02,
-	Dcr2InitH	= 0x0024,
-	Dcr2InitX	= 0x0044,
-	PipeDSRst	= 0x08,
-	PipeUSRst	= 0x09,
-enum {
-	PL2303Vid	= 0x067b,
-	PL2303Did	= 0x2303,
-	PL2303DidRSAQ2	= 0x04bb,
-	PL2303DidDCU11	= 0x1234,
-	PL2303DidPHAROS	= 0xaaa0,
-	PL2303DidRSAQ3	= 0xaaa2,
-	PL2303DidALDIGA	= 0x0611,
-	PL2303DidMMX	= 0x0612,
-	PL2303DidGPRS	= 0x0609,
-	ATENVid		= 0x0557,
-	ATENVid2	= 0x0547,
-	ATENDid		= 0x2008,
-	IODATAVid	= 0x04bb,
-	IODATADid	= 0x0a03,
-	IODATADidRSAQ5	= 0x0a0e,
-	ELCOMVid	= 0x056e,
-	ELCOMDid	= 0x5003,
-	ELCOMDidUCSGT	= 0x5004,
-	ITEGNOVid	= 0x0eba,
-	ITEGNODid	= 0x1080,
-	ITEGNODid2080	= 0x2080,
-	MA620Vid	= 0x0df7,
-	MA620Did	= 0x0620,
-	RATOCVid	= 0x0584,
-	RATOCDid	= 0xb000,
-	TRIPPVid	= 0x2478,
-	TRIPPDid	= 0x2008,
-	RADIOSHACKVid	= 0x1453,
-	RADIOSHACKDid	= 0x4026,
-	DCU10Vid	= 0x0731,
-	DCU10Did	= 0x0528,
-	SITECOMVid	= 0x6189,
-	SITECOMDid	= 0x2068,
-	 /* Alcatel OT535/735 USB cable */
-	ALCATELVid	= 0x11f7,
-	ALCATELDid	= 0x02df,
-	/* Samsung I330 phone cradle */
-	SAMSUNGVid	= 0x04e8,
-	SAMSUNGDid	= 0x8001,
-	SIEMENSVid	= 0x11f5,
-	SIEMENSDidSX1	= 0x0001,
-	SIEMENSDidX65	= 0x0003,
-	SIEMENSDidX75	= 0x0004,
-	SIEMENSDidEF81	= 0x0005,
-	SYNTECHVid	= 0x0745,
-	SYNTECHDid	= 0x0001,
-	/* Nokia CA-42 Cable */
-	NOKIACA42Vid	= 0x078b,
-	NOKIACA42Did	= 0x1234,
-	/* CA-42 CLONE Cable chipset: Prolific Technology Inc */
-	CA42CA42Vid	= 0x10b5,
-	CA42CA42Did	= 0xac70,
-	SAGEMVid	= 0x079b,
-	SAGEMDid	= 0x0027,
-	/* Leadtek GPS 9531 (ID 0413:2101) */
-	LEADTEKVid	= 0x0413,
-	LEADTEK9531Did	= 0x2101,
-	 /* USB GSM cable from Speed Dragon Multimedia, Ltd */
-	SPEEDDRAGONVid	= 0x0e55,
-	SPEEDDRAGONDid	= 0x110b,
-	/* DATAPILOT Universal-2 Phone Cable */
-	BELKINVid	= 0x050d,
-	BELKINDid	= 0x0257,
-	/* Belkin "F5U257" Serial Adapter */
-	DATAPILOTU2Vid	= 0x0731,
-	DATAPILOTU2Did	= 0x2003,
-	ALCORVid	= 0x058F,
-	ALCORDid	= 0x9720,
-	/* Willcom WS002IN Data Driver (by NetIndex Inc.) */,
-	WS002INVid	= 0x11f6,
-	WS002INDid	= 0x2001,
-	/* Corega CG-USBRS232R Serial Adapter */,
-	COREGAVid	= 0x07aa,
-	COREGADid	= 0x002a,
-	/* Y.C. Cable U.S.A., Inc - USB to RS-232 */,
-	YCCABLEVid	= 0x05ad,
-	YCCABLEDid	= 0x0fba,
-	/* "Superial" USB - Serial */,
-	SUPERIALVid	= 0x5372,
-	SUPERIALDid	= 0x2303,
-	/* Hewlett-Packard LD220-HP POS Pole Display */,
-	HPVid		= 0x03f0,
-	HPLD220Did	= 0x3524,
-extern Serialops plops;
-int	plmatch(char *info);
--- a/sys/src/cmd/nusb/serial/serial.c
+++ b/sys/src/cmd/nusb/serial/serial.c
@@ -11,11 +11,9 @@
 #include <9p.h>
 #include "usb.h"
 #include "serial.h"
-#include "prolific.h"
-#include "ucons.h"
-#include "ftdi.h"
-#include "silabs.h"
 int serialdebug;
 static int sdebug;
@@ -666,7 +664,7 @@
 		devctl(p->epintr, "timeout 1000");
-	if(ser->seteps!= nil)
+	if(ser->seteps != nil)
 	if(p->epin == p->epout)
 		opendevdata(p->epin, ORDWR);
@@ -743,54 +741,24 @@
 static void
-serdevfree(void *a)
-	Serial *ser = a;
-	Serialport *p;
-	int i;
-	if(ser == nil)
-		return;
-	for(i = 0; i < ser->nifcs; i++){
-		p = &ser->p[i];
-		if(ser->hasepintr)
-			closedev(p->epintr);
-		closedev(p->epin);
-		closedev(p->epout);
-		p->epintr = p->epin = p->epout = nil;
-		if(p->w4data != nil)
-			chanfree(p->w4data);
-		if(p->gotdata != nil)
-			chanfree(p->gotdata);
-		if(p->readc)
-			chanfree(p->readc);
-	}
-	free(ser);
+	threadexitsall(nil);
 static Srv serialfs = {
 	.attach = dattach,
-	.walk1 =	dwalk,
+	.walk1 = dwalk,
 	.read =	dread,
 	.write=	dwrite,
 	.stat =	dstat,
+	.end = dend,
-static void
-	if(p->w4data != nil)
-		chanclose(p->w4data);
-	if(p->gotdata != nil)
-		chanclose(p->gotdata);
-	if(p->readc)
-		chanclose(p->readc);
+int ftmatch(Serial *ser, char *info);
+int plmatch(Serial *ser, char *info);
+int slmatch(Serial *ser, char *info);
+int uconsmatch(Serial *ser, char *info);
 threadmain(int argc, char* argv[])
@@ -803,6 +771,7 @@
 	case 'd':
+		usbdebug++;
@@ -818,31 +787,26 @@
 	ser->maxrtrans = ser->maxwtrans = sizeof ser->p[0].data;
 	ser->maxread = ser->maxwrite = sizeof ser->p[0].data;
 	ser->dev = dev;
-	dev->free = serdevfree;
 	ser->jtag = -1;
 	ser->nifcs = 1;
 	snprint(buf, sizeof buf, "vid %#06x did %#06x",
 		dev->usb->vid, dev->usb->did);
-	if(plmatch(buf) == 0){
-		ser->hasepintr = 1;
-		ser->Serialops = plops;
-	} else if(uconsmatch(buf) == 0)
-		ser->Serialops = uconsops;
-	else if(ftmatch(ser, buf) == 0)
-		ser->Serialops = ftops;
-	else if(slmatch(buf) == 0)
-		ser->Serialops = slops;
-	else {
+	/* probe all the drivers */
+	if(plmatch(ser, buf)
+	&& uconsmatch(ser, buf)
+	&& ftmatch(ser, buf)
+	&& slmatch(ser, buf))
 		sysfatal("no serial devices found");
-	}
 	for(i = 0; i < ser->nifcs; i++){
 		p = &ser->p[i];
+		p->baud = ~0;
 		p->interfc = i;
 		p->s = ser;
-		if(i == ser->jtag){
+		if(i == ser->jtag)
-		}
 		if(findendpoints(ser, i) < 0)
 			sysfatal("no endpoints found for ifc %d", i);
 		p->w4data  = chancreate(sizeof(ulong), 0);
@@ -863,7 +827,6 @@
 			snprint(p->name, sizeof p->name, "%s%s", p->isjtag ? "jtag" : "eiaU", dev->hname);
 			snprint(p->name, sizeof p->name, "%s%s.%d", p->isjtag ? "jtag" : "eiaU", dev->hname, i);
-		fprint(2, "%s...", p->name);
 		p->readrend.l = &p->readq;
 		p->readpid = proccreate(readproc, p, mainstacksize);
@@ -870,7 +833,6 @@
 		ports = realloc(ports, (nports + 1) * sizeof(Serialport*));
 		ports[nports++] = p;
 	if(nports == 0)
--- a/sys/src/cmd/nusb/serial/silabs.c
+++ b/sys/src/cmd/nusb/serial/silabs.c
@@ -5,14 +5,7 @@
 #include <9p.h>
 #include "usb.h"
 #include "serial.h"
-#include "silabs.h"
-static Cinfo slinfo[] = {
-	{ 0x10c4, 0xea60, },		/* CP210x */
-	{ 0x10c4, 0xea61, },		/* CP210x */
-	{ 0,	0, },
 enum {
 	Enable		= 0x00,
@@ -30,7 +23,15 @@
 		Stop2		= 0x0002,
-slmatch(char *info)
+static Cinfo slinfo[] = {
+	{ 0x10c4, 0xea60, },		/* CP210x */
+	{ 0x10c4, 0xea61, },		/* CP210x */
+	{ 0,	0, },
+static Serialops slops;
+slmatch(Serial *ser, char *info)
 	Cinfo *ip;
 	char buf[50];
@@ -38,8 +39,10 @@
 	for(ip = slinfo; ip->vid != 0; ip++){
 		snprint(buf, sizeof buf, "vid %#06x did %#06x",
 			ip->vid, ip->did);
-		if(strstr(info, buf) != nil)
+		if(strstr(info, buf) != nil){
+			ser->Serialops = slops;
 			return 0;
+		}
 	return -1;
@@ -138,7 +141,7 @@
 	return n;
-Serialops slops = {
+static Serialops slops = {
 	.init		= slinit,
 	.getparam	= slgetparam,
 	.setparam	= slsetparam,
--- a/sys/src/cmd/nusb/serial/silabs.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,0 @@
-extern Serialops slops;
-int slmatch(char *info);
--- a/sys/src/cmd/nusb/serial/ucons.c
+++ b/sys/src/cmd/nusb/serial/ucons.c
@@ -5,15 +5,23 @@
 #include <9p.h>
 #include "usb.h"
 #include "serial.h"
-#include "ucons.h"
+enum {
+	Net20DCVid	= 0x0525,	/* Ajays usb debug cable */
+	Net20DCDid	= 0x127a,
+	HuaweiVid	= 0x12d1,
+	HuaweiE220	= 0x1003,
 Cinfo uconsinfo[] = {
 	{ Net20DCVid,	Net20DCDid },
+	{ HuaweiVid,	HuaweiE220 },
 	{ 0,		0 },
-uconsmatch(char *info)
+uconsmatch(Serial *ser, char *info)
 	Cinfo *ip;
 	char buf[50];
@@ -22,27 +30,11 @@
 		snprint(buf, sizeof buf, "vid %#06x did %#06x",
 			ip->vid, ip->did);
 		dsprint(2, "serial: %s %s\n", buf, info);
-		if(strstr(info, buf) != nil)
+		if(strstr(info, buf) != nil){
+			if(ip->vid == HuaweiVid && ip->did == HuaweiE220)
+				ser->nifcs = 2;
 			return 0;
+		}
 	return -1;
-static int
-ucseteps(Serialport *p)
-	Serial *ser;
-	ser = p->s;
-	p->baud = ~0;	/* not real port */
-	ser->maxrtrans = ser->maxwtrans = 8;
-	devctl(p->epin,  "maxpkt 8");
-	devctl(p->epout, "maxpkt 8");
-	return 0;
-/* all nops */
-Serialops uconsops = {
-	.seteps = ucseteps,
--- a/sys/src/cmd/nusb/serial/ucons.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +1,0 @@
-enum {
-	Net20DCVid =	0x0525,	/* Ajays usb debug cable */
-	Net20DCDid =	0x127a,
-int	uconsmatch(char *info);
-extern Serialops uconsops;