ref: fa32624e79e1fb11f22de9461c50e0cb45a82350
parent: c5ab38099e2212a3ba42e27dbd76887987bfa0b2
author: Mr Wint <[email protected]>
date: Sun Mar 17 21:09:28 EDT 2013
* all Bankswitch command's destination addresses are labels now
--- a/main.asm
+++ b/main.asm
@@ -437,8 +437,8 @@
; down a ledge
; it also ends the jump when it's completed
HandleMidJump: ; 39E
- ld b,$1c
- ld hl,$487e
+ ld b, BANK(Func_7087e)
+ ld hl, Func_7087e
jp Bankswitch
; this is jumped to immediately after loading a save / starting a new game / loading a new map
@@ -446,8 +446,8 @@
ld a,$ff
ld [$cd6b],a
call LoadMapData ; load map data
- ld b,$03
- ld hl,$4335
+ ld b,BANK(Func_c335)
+ ld hl,Func_c335
call Bankswitch ; initialize some variables
ld hl,$d72c
bit 0,[hl]
@@ -465,8 +465,8 @@
and a,$18
jr z,.didNotFlyOrTeleportIn
res 3,[hl]
- ld b,$1c
- ld hl,$4510
+ ld b,BANK(Func_70510)
+ ld hl,Func_70510
call Bankswitch ; display fly/teleport in graphical effect
call UpdateSprites ; move sprites
@@ -494,8 +494,8 @@
and a
jp nz,.moveAhead ; if the player sprite has not yet completed the walking animation
call GetJoypadStateOverworld ; get joypad state (which is possibly simulated)
- ld b,$07
- ld hl,$6988
+ ld b, BANK(Func_1e988)
+ ld hl, Func_1e988
call Bankswitch
ld a,[$da46]
and a
@@ -699,8 +699,8 @@
ld a,[$d736]
bit 7,a
jr z,.noSpinning
- ld b,$11
- ld hl,$4fd7
+ ld b, BANK(Func_44fd7)
+ ld hl, Func_44fd7
call Bankswitch ; spin while moving
call UpdateSprites ; move sprites
@@ -738,8 +738,8 @@
ld a,[$d790]
bit 7,a ; in the safari zone?
jr z,.notSafariZone
- ld b,$07
- ld hl,$6997
+ ld b, BANK(Func_1e997)
+ ld hl, Func_1e997
call Bankswitch
ld a,[$da46]
and a
@@ -779,8 +779,8 @@
ld a,[W_CURMAP]
jp z,.noFaintCheck
- ld hl,$4a83
- ld b,$0f
+ ld hl, Func_3ca83
+ ld b, BANK(Func_3ca83)
call Bankswitch ; check if all the player's pokemon fainted
ld a,d
and a
@@ -806,8 +806,8 @@
ld a,[$d72e]
bit 4,a
jr nz,.noBattle
- ld b,$0f
- ld hl,$6f12
+ ld b, BANK(Func_3ef12)
+ ld hl, Func_3ef12
jp Bankswitch ; determines if a battle will occurr and runs the battle if so
and a
@@ -852,8 +852,8 @@
push bc
ld hl,$d736
set 2,[hl]
- ld b,$03
- ld hl,$449d
+ ld b, BANK(Func_c49d)
+ ld hl, Func_c49d
call Bankswitch ; check if the player sprite is standing on a "door" tile
pop bc
pop hl
@@ -951,8 +951,8 @@
jr z,.goBackOutside
; if not going back to the previous map
ld [W_CURMAP],a ; current map number
- ld b,$1c
- ld hl,$4787
+ ld b, BANK(Func_70787)
+ ld hl, Func_70787
call Bankswitch ; check if the warp was a Silph Co. teleporter
ld a,[$cd5b]
dec a
@@ -1179,17 +1179,17 @@
cp a,$17 ; Indigo Plateau tileset
jr z,.useFunction2
- ld hl,$43ff
+ ld hl,Func_c3ff
jr .doBankswitch
- ld hl,$444e
+ ld hl, Func_c44e
- ld b,$03
+ ld b, BANK(Func_c44e)
jp Bankswitch
MapEntryAfterBattle: ; 91F
- ld b,$03
- ld hl,$435f
+ ld b, BANK(Func_c35f)
+ ld hl, Func_c35f
call Bankswitch ; function that appears to disable warp testing after collisions if the player is standing on a warp
ld a,[$d35d]
and a
@@ -1243,8 +1243,8 @@
; function that calls a function to do fly away or teleport away graphics
DoFlyOrTeleportAwayGraphics: ; 98F
- ld b,$1c
- ld hl,$45ba
+ ld b, BANK(Func_705ba)
+ ld hl, Func_705ba
jp Bankswitch
; load sprite graphics based on whether the player is standing, biking, or surfing
@@ -1718,8 +1718,8 @@
call Predef ; get the tile in front of the player
push de
push bc
- ld b,$06
- ld hl,$6672
+ ld b, BANK(Func_1a672)
+ ld hl, Func_1a672
call Bankswitch ; check if the player is trying to jump a ledge
pop bc
pop de
@@ -2415,14 +2415,14 @@
push hl
push de
push bc
- ld b,$03
- ld hl,$7225
+ ld b, BANK(Func_f225)
+ ld hl, Func_f225
call Bankswitch ; check if the player is pushing a boulder
ld a,[$cd60]
bit 1,a ; is the player pushing a boulder?
jr z,.afterBoulderEffect
- ld b,$03
- ld hl,$72b5
+ ld b, BANK(Func_f2b5)
+ ld hl, Func_f2b5
call Bankswitch ; displays dust effect when pushing a boulder
pop bc
@@ -2474,8 +2474,8 @@
; function to load data from the map header
LoadMapHeader: ; 107C
- ld b,$03
- ld hl,$7113
+ ld b, BANK(Func_f113)
+ ld hl, Func_f113
call Bankswitch
ld [$d119],a
@@ -2725,8 +2725,8 @@
ld a,$19
call Predef ; load tileset data
- ld hl,$4eb8
- ld b,$03
+ ld hl, LoadWildData
+ ld b, BANK(LoadWildData)
call Bankswitch ; load wild pokemon data
pop hl ; restore hl from before going to the warp/sign/sprite data (this value was saved for seemingly no purpose)
ld a,[W_CURMAPHEIGHT] ; map height in 4x4 tile blocks
@@ -3208,8 +3208,8 @@
ld [$cf92],a
- ld b,$04
- ld hl,$7613
+ ld b, BANK(Func_13613)
+ ld hl, Func_13613
call Bankswitch
jr HandlePartyMenuInput
@@ -3218,10 +3218,10 @@
jr DrawPartyMenuCommon
RedrawPartyMenu: ; 14D9
- ld hl,$6ce3
+ ld hl, RedrawPartyMenu_
DrawPartyMenuCommon: ; 14DC
- ld b,$04
+ ld b, BANK(RedrawPartyMenu_)
jp Bankswitch
; prints a pokemon's status condition
@@ -5321,8 +5321,8 @@
call Func_7d177
- ld b,$06
- ld hl,$4dee
+ ld b, BANK(Func_18dee)
+ ld hl, Func_18dee
call Bankswitch ; keep track of time played
ld a,[$fff9]
and a
@@ -5676,8 +5676,8 @@
; no known jump sources (dead code?)
Func_226e: ; 226e (0:226e)
call Func_3719
- ld hl, $4c05
- ld b, $1
+ ld hl, Func_4c05
+ ld b, BANK(Func_4c05)
call Bankswitch
call Func_227f
jp Func_3725
@@ -6797,8 +6797,8 @@
push hl
push de
push bc
- ld b,$04
- ld hl,$7074
+ ld b, BANK(Func_13074)
+ ld hl, Func_13074
call Bankswitch ; update the graphics of the sprite the player is talking to (to face the right direction)
pop bc
pop de
@@ -6837,7 +6837,7 @@
jp z,FuncTX_PokemonCenterPC
cp a,$f5 ; Vending Machine
jr nz,.notVendingMachine
- ld b,$1d
+ ld b,BANK(Unknown_74ee0)
ld hl,Unknown_74ee0
call Bankswitch
jr AfterDisplayingTextID
@@ -6846,8 +6846,8 @@
jp z,FuncTX_SlotMachine
cp a,$f6 ; cable connection NPC in Pokemon Center
jr nz,.notSpecialCase
- ld hl,$71c5
- ld b,$01
+ ld hl, Unknown_71c5
+ ld b, BANK(Unknown_71c5)
call Bankswitch
jr AfterDisplayingTextID
@@ -6963,8 +6963,8 @@
jp AfterDisplayingTextID
DisplaySafariGameOverText: ; 2A90
- ld hl,$69ed
- ld b,$07
+ ld hl, Func_1e9ed
+ ld b, BANK(Func_1e9ed)
call Bankswitch
jp AfterDisplayingTextID
@@ -7011,8 +7011,8 @@
ld b,BANK(DrawStartMenu)
ld hl,DrawStartMenu
call Bankswitch
- ld b,$03
- ld hl,$452f
+ ld b, BANK(Func_c52f)
+ ld hl, Func_c52f
call Bankswitch ; print Safari Zone info, if in Safari Zone
call UpdateSprites ; move sprites
@@ -7888,8 +7888,8 @@
ChooseFlyDestination: ; 30A9
ld hl,$d72e
res 4,[hl]
- ld b,$1c
- ld hl,$4f90
+ ld b, BANK(Func_70f90)
+ ld hl, Func_70f90
jp Bankswitch
; causes the text box to close waithout waiting for a button press after displaying text
@@ -8525,8 +8525,8 @@
; known jump sources: 29a4 (0:29a4)
FuncTX_BillsPC: ; 346a (0:346a)
call Func_36f4
- ld b, $8
- ld hl, $54c2
+ ld b, BANK(Func_214c2)
+ ld hl, Func_214c2
jr bankswitchAndContinue
; 3474 (0:3474)
@@ -8541,8 +8541,8 @@
; known jump sources: 29a9 (0:29a9)
FuncTX_PokemonCenterPC: ; 347f (0:347f)
- ld b, $5
- ld hl, $7e2c
+ ld b, BANK(ActivatePC)
+ ld hl, ActivatePC
jr bankswitchAndContinue
; known jump sources: 190cf (6:50cf), 1981a (6:581a), 19845 (6:5845), 1a402 (6:6402), 1a6b7 (6:66b7), 1ca63 (7:4a63), 1cbb2 (7:4bb2), 1cc64 (7:4c64), 1d4b2 (7:54b2), 1e6ca (7:66ca), 49705 (12:5705), 498bd (12:58bd), 512e9 (14:52e9), 51402 (14:5402), 5a36d (16:636d), 5a51f (16:651f), 5c1ea (17:41ea), 748fe (1d:48fe), 752b1 (1d:52b1), 75f5a (1d:5f5a), 760ab (1d:60ab), 761d6 (1d:61d6), 76217 (1d:6217), 7632d (1d:632d), 7636e (1d:636e), 76484 (1d:6484), 764c5 (1d:64c5)
@@ -9368,8 +9368,8 @@
Multiply: ; 38AC
push hl
push bc
- ld hl,$7d41
- ld b,$0d
+ ld hl, Func_37d41
+ ld b, BANK(Func_37d41)
call Bankswitch
pop bc
pop hl
@@ -9468,8 +9468,8 @@
; [$cf95] == 0 specifies the party.
; [$cf95] != 0 specifies the current box.
RemovePokemon: ; 391F
- ld hl,$7b68
- ld b,$01
+ ld hl, Func_7b68
+ ld b, BANK(Func_7b68)
jp Bankswitch
AddPokemonToParty: ; 0x3927
@@ -9476,8 +9476,8 @@
push hl
push de
push bc
- ld b, $3 ; BANK(MyFunction)
- ld hl, $72e5 ; MyFunction
+ ld b, BANK(Func_f2e5) ; BANK(MyFunction)
+ ld hl, Func_f2e5 ; MyFunction
call Bankswitch
pop bc
pop de
@@ -9804,8 +9804,8 @@
ld a,[$d09b]
and a ; is it a pokemon selection menu?
jr z,.getJoypadState
- ld b,$1c
- ld hl,$56ff ; shake mini sprite of selected pokemon
+ ld b, BANK(Func_716ff)
+ ld hl, Func_716ff ; shake mini sprite of selected pokemon
call Bankswitch
pop hl
@@ -10465,8 +10465,8 @@
ld [$d127], a
xor a
ld [$cc49], a
- ld b, $13
- ld hl, $7da5
+ ld b, BANK(Func_4fda5)
+ ld hl, Func_4fda5
jp Bankswitch
GenRandom: ; 0x3e5c
@@ -11326,8 +11326,8 @@
jr z,.GetMonHeader
ld a,[$cf92]
ld e,a
- ld hl,$5c37
- ld b,$0e
+ ld hl, Func_39c37
+ ld b, BANK(Func_39c37)
call Bankswitch ; get pokemon ID
ld a,[$cf91]
@@ -15338,8 +15338,8 @@
ld [$cf93],a
ld a,$02
ld [$d11b],a
- ld hl,$5bd5
- ld b,$0e
+ ld hl, Func_39bd5
+ ld b, BANK(Func_39bd5)
call Bankswitch
and a
@@ -15418,8 +15418,8 @@
ld [$cf93],a
ld a,$03
ld [$d11b],a
- ld hl,$5bd5
- ld b,$0e
+ ld hl, Func_39bd5
+ ld b, BANK(Func_39bd5)
call Bankswitch
ld hl,PokemartBuyingGreetingText
call PrintText
@@ -15822,8 +15822,8 @@
ld [$c112], a ; make the nurse turn to face the machine
call Delay3
PREDEF HealPartyPredef
- ld b, $1c
- ld hl, $4433
+ ld b, BANK(Func_70433)
+ ld hl, Func_70433
call Bankswitch ; do the healing machine animation
xor a
ld [$cfc7], a
@@ -16125,8 +16125,8 @@
ld a, [$cc26]
and a
jr nz, .asm_728f ; 0x723e $4f
- ld hl, $7848
- ld b, $1c
+ ld hl, Func_73848
+ ld b, BANK(Func_73848)
call Bankswitch
call Func_3748
ld a, $b6
@@ -16183,8 +16183,8 @@
xor a
ld [hld], a
ld [hl], a
- ld hl, $5c0a
- ld b, $1
+ ld hl, Func_5c0a
+ ld b, BANK(Func_5c0a)
jp Bankswitch
; 0x72b3
@@ -18136,6 +18136,8 @@
INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$c422,$c42a - $c422
+Func_c422: ; 0xc422
ld a, [W_CURMAPHEIGHT] ; $d368
add a
dec a
@@ -18162,6 +18164,8 @@
+Func_c44e: ; 0xc44e
push hl
push de
push bc
@@ -23441,8 +23445,8 @@
call Func_3725 ;restore screenBuffer from Backup
ld hl,ItemUseText00
call PrintText
- ld hl,$583a
- ld b,$0f
+ ld hl, Function583A
+ ld b, BANK(Function583A)
call Bankswitch
ld b,$10
jp z,$5801
@@ -23687,8 +23691,8 @@
ld [$cf91],a
ld a,[$cff3]
ld [$d127],a
- ld hl,$6b01
- ld b,$0f
+ ld hl, Func_3eb01
+ ld b, BANK(Func_3eb01)
call Bankswitch
pop af
ld [$cf91],a
@@ -23816,8 +23820,8 @@
and a
jp nz,ItemUseNotTime
- ld b,$1c
- ld hl,$4e3e
+ ld b, BANK(Func_70e3e)
+ ld hl, Func_70e3e
jp Bankswitch ; display Town Map
ItemUseBicycle: ; 5977
@@ -23965,8 +23969,8 @@
ld a,$8e
call Func_3740 ; play sound
call Func_3748 ; wait for sound to end
- ld hl,$6d0e
- ld b,$0e
+ ld hl, Func_3ad0e
+ ld b, BANK(Func_3ad0e)
call Bankswitch ; try to evolve pokemon
ld a,[$d121]
and a
@@ -24534,8 +24538,8 @@
push hl
push de
ld d,a
- ld hl,$4f6a
- ld b,$16
+ ld hl, CalcExperience
+ ld b, BANK(CalcExperience)
call Bankswitch ; calculate experience for next level and store it at $ff96
pop de
pop hl
@@ -24595,8 +24599,8 @@
ld [$cc49],a ; load from player's party
call LoadMonData
ld d,$01
- ld hl,$6ae4
- ld b,$04
+ ld hl, PrintStatsBox
+ ld b, BANK(PrintStatsBox)
call Bankswitch ; display new stats text box
call Func_3865 ; wait for button press
xor a
@@ -24605,8 +24609,8 @@
call Predef ; learn level up move, if any
xor a
ld [$ccd4],a
- ld hl,$6d0e
- ld b,$0e
+ ld hl, Func_3ad0e
+ ld b, BANK(Func_3ad0e)
call Bankswitch ; evolve pokemon, if appropriate
ld a,$01
ld [$cfcb],a
@@ -24901,8 +24905,8 @@
call Delay3
xor a
ld [H_WHOSETURN],a ; set turn to player's turn
- ld b,$0f
- ld hl,$7428
+ ld b, BANK(Func_3f428)
+ ld hl, Func_3f428
call Bankswitch ; do stat increase move
pop hl
pop af
@@ -24983,8 +24987,8 @@
and a,$80
jr nz,.skipMusic
call Func_3748 ; wait for sound to end
- ld b,$08
- ld hl,$6306
+ ld b, BANK(Func_22306)
+ ld hl, Func_22306
call Bankswitch ; play in-battle pokeflute music
.musicWaitLoop ; wait for music to finish playing
ld a,[$c02c]
@@ -25139,8 +25143,8 @@
push af
push hl
ld [hl], 0
- ld b, $1C
- ld hl, $47B6
+ ld b, BANK(Func_707b6)
+ ld hl, Func_707b6
call Bankswitch
pop hl
pop af
@@ -25240,8 +25244,8 @@
call PrintText
xor a
ld [$cc2e],a
- ld hl,$5219
- ld b,$0f
+ ld hl, Func_3d219
+ ld b, BANK(Func_3d219)
call Bankswitch ; move selection menu
ld a,0
ld [$cc2e],a
@@ -25499,8 +25503,8 @@
call PrintText
jr .chooseMon
- ld hl,$7e18
- ld b,$0b
+ ld hl, Func_2fe18
+ ld b, BANK(Func_2fe18)
call Bankswitch ; check if the pokemon already knows the move
jr c,.chooseMon
ld a,$1b
@@ -28950,8 +28954,8 @@
ld de, $d0dc
ld bc, $0004
call CopyData
- ld hl, $5b87
- ld b, $e
+ ld hl, Func_39b87
+ ld b, BANK(Func_39b87)
call Bankswitch
FuncCoord 9,2
ld hl, Coord
@@ -29003,8 +29007,8 @@
ld a, b
ld [hl], a
push hl
- ld hl, $6677
- ld b, $3
+ ld hl, GetMaxPP
+ ld b, BANK(GetMaxPP)
call Bankswitch
pop hl
pop af
@@ -29100,8 +29104,8 @@
jr z, .asm_12ca7 ; 0x12c8b $1a ; If 100
inc a
ld d, a
- ld hl, $4f6a
- ld b, $16
+ ld hl, CalcExperience
+ ld b, BANK(CalcExperience)
call Bankswitch
ld hl, $cfa8
ld a, [$ff00+$98]
@@ -29167,8 +29171,8 @@
call ClearScreen
call UpdateSprites ; move sprites
- ld b,$1C
- ld hl,$5791
+ ld b, BANK(Func_71791)
+ ld hl, Func_71791
call Bankswitch ; load pokemon icon graphics
RedrawPartyMenu_: ; 6CE3
@@ -29176,8 +29180,8 @@
cp a,$04
jp z,.printMessage
call ErasePartyMenuCursors
- ld b,$1C
- ld hl,$5FB6
+ ld b, BANK(Func_71fb6)
+ ld hl, Func_71fb6
call Bankswitch ; loads some data to $cf2e
FuncCoord 3,0
ld hl,Coord
@@ -29199,8 +29203,8 @@
call GetPartyMonName
pop hl
call PlaceString ; print the pokemon's name
- ld b,$1C
- ld hl,$5868
+ ld b, BANK(Func_71868)
+ ld hl, Func_71868
call Bankswitch ; place the appropriate pokemon icon
ld a,[$FF8C] ; loop counter
ld [$CF92],a
@@ -29679,8 +29683,8 @@
bit 4,a ; does the player have the Soul Badge?
jp z,.newBadgeRequired
- ld b,$03
- ld hl,$4dc0
+ ld b, BANK(Func_cdc0)
+ ld hl, Func_cdc0
call Bankswitch
ld hl,$d728
bit 1,[hl]
@@ -32026,14 +32030,14 @@
ld hl, $7ba8 ;animation enabled: 0F:7BA8
ld b, $0f
jr z, .animationEnabled
- ld hl, $56e0 ;animation disabled: 1E:56E0
- ld b, $1e
+ ld hl, Func_796e0 ;animation disabled: 1E:56E0
+ ld b, BANK(Func_796e0)
call Bankswitch ;jump to routine depending on animation setting
ld hl, UnnamedText_17e1d ;"it created a substitute"
call PrintText
- ld hl, $4d5a
- ld b, $0f
+ ld hl, Func_3cd5a
+ ld b, BANK(Func_3cd5a)
jp Bankswitch
ld hl, UnnamedText_17e22 ;"x has a substitute"
@@ -32070,8 +32074,8 @@
call Func_3701 ;XXX: restore saved screen
call Delay3
- ld b, 8
- ld hl, $53C8
+ ld b, BANK(Func_213c8)
+ ld hl, Func_213c8
call Bankswitch
ld hl, $CD60
set 5, [hl]
@@ -32118,8 +32122,8 @@
call Func_3748 ;XXX: wait for sound to be done
ld hl, UnnamedText_17f32 ;accessed players pc
call PrintText
- ld b, 1
- ld hl, $78E6
+ ld b, BANK(Func_78e6)
+ ld hl, Func_78e6
call Bankswitch
jr ReloadMainMenu
@@ -32126,8 +32130,8 @@
ld a, $9B
call PlaySound ;XXX: play sound or stop music
call Func_3748 ;XXX: wait for sound to be done
- ld b, 7
- ld hl, $6915
+ ld b, BANK(Func_1e915)
+ ld hl, Func_1e915
call Bankswitch
jr ReloadMainMenu
@@ -32151,8 +32155,8 @@
ld hl, UnnamedText_17f28 ;accessed bill's pc
call PrintText
- ld b, 8
- ld hl, $54C2
+ ld b, BANK(Func_214c2)
+ ld hl, Func_214c2
call Bankswitch
xor a
@@ -33872,8 +33876,8 @@
ld a, $ff
ld [$c0ee], a
call PlaySound
- ld b, $2
- ld hl, $5b47
+ ld b, BANK(Func_9b47)
+ ld hl, Func_9b47
call Bankswitch
ld a, $1
ld [$ff00+$8c], a
@@ -37105,8 +37109,8 @@
ld a, $10
ld [$ff00+$8c], a
call DisplayTextID
- ld b, $2
- ld hl, $5b47
+ ld b, BANK(Func_9b47)
+ ld hl, Func_9b47
call Bankswitch
ld a, $1
ld [$ff00+$8c], a
@@ -37175,8 +37179,8 @@
ld a, $ff
ld [$c0ee], a
call PlaySound
- ld b, $2
- ld hl, $5b47
+ ld b, BANK(Func_9b47)
+ ld hl, Func_9b47
call Bankswitch
ld a, $15
ld [$ff00+$8c], a
@@ -37287,8 +37291,8 @@
ld a, $ff
ld [$c0ee], a
call PlaySound
- ld b, $2
- ld hl, $5b47
+ ld b, BANK(Func_9b47)
+ ld hl, Func_9b47
call Bankswitch
ld a, $1
ld [$ff00+$8c], a
@@ -38887,8 +38891,8 @@
jr nz, .asm_1daae ; 0x1da93 $19
ld hl, UnnamedText_1dac2
call PrintText
- ld b, $1
- ld hl, $655c
+ ld b, BANK(Func_655c)
+ ld hl, Func_655c
call Bankswitch
jr c, .asm_1daae ; 0x1daa3 $9
ld hl, UnnamedText_1dac7
@@ -39058,8 +39062,8 @@
ld c, $1f
ld a, $d6
call PlayMusic
- ld b, $1e
- ld hl, $5fc0
+ ld b, BANK(Func_79fc0)
+ ld hl, Func_79fc0
call Bankswitch
xor a
ld [$c102], a
@@ -41595,8 +41599,36 @@
ld [$cc2b], a
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$216e1,$2174b - $216e1
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$216e1,$2171b - $216e1
+Func_2171b: ; 0x2171b
+ ld hl, $d173
+ ld bc, $002c
+ jr .asm_21729 ; 0x21721 $6
+ ld hl, $da9e
+ ld bc, $0021
+ ld a, [$cf92]
+ call AddNTimes
+ ld b, $4
+ ld a, [hli]
+ push hl
+ push bc
+ ld hl, $5745
+ ld de, $0001
+ call IsInArray
+ pop bc
+ pop hl
+ ret c
+ dec b
+ jr nz, .asm_21731 ; 0x21741 $ee
+ and a
+ ret
+; 0x21745
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$21745,$2174b - $21745
; known jump sources: 215d4 (8:55d4), 21640 (8:5640)
Func_2174b: ; 2174b (8:574b)
ld hl, $c471
@@ -53066,8 +53098,8 @@
ld a,$AF
ld [hli],a
ld [hl],b
- ld hl,$7428
- ld b,$F
+ ld hl, Func_3f428
+ ld b, BANK(Func_3f428)
call Bankswitch
pop hl
pop af
@@ -56120,8 +56152,8 @@
bit 4, [hl]
push af
- ld hl, $5747
- ld b, $1e
+ ld hl, Func_79747
+ ld b, BANK(Func_79747)
call nz, Bankswitch
ld a, [W_OPTIONS] ; $d355
add a
@@ -56128,12 +56160,12 @@
ld hl, $7ba8
ld b, $f
jr nc, .asm_3baff
- ld hl, $5787
- ld b, $1e
+ ld hl, Func_79787
+ ld b, BANK(Func_79787)
call Bankswitch
- ld hl, $5771
- ld b, $1e
+ ld hl, Func_79771
+ ld b, BANK(Func_79771)
pop af
call nz, Bankswitch
pop bc
@@ -58626,11 +58658,11 @@
call Predef ; indirect jump to StatusScreen2 (12b57 (4:6b57))
ld a, [W_ENEMYBATTSTATUS2] ; $d068
bit 4, a
- ld hl, $56e0
+ ld hl, Func_796e0
jr nz, .asm_3d182
ld a, [$ccf3]
and a
- ld hl, $559f
+ ld hl, Func_7959f
jr nz, .asm_3d182
ld a, [$cfe5]
ld [$cf91], a
@@ -59403,8 +59435,8 @@
push af
bit 4,a
- ld hl,$5747
- ld b,$1E
+ ld hl,Func_79747
+ ld b,BANK(Func_79747)
call nz,Bankswitch
pop af
ld [$CC5B],a
@@ -59414,8 +59446,8 @@
call Func_3cd60
bit 4,a
- ld hl,$5771
- ld b,$1E
+ ld hl,Func_79771
+ ld b,BANK(Func_79771)
call nz,Bankswitch
jr .next4
@@ -59463,8 +59495,8 @@
call ApplyAttackToEnemyPokemon
call Func_3dc5c
- ld hl,$7B7B ; MyFunction
- ld b,$B ; BANK(MyFunction)
+ ld hl, DisplayEffectiveness ; MyFunction
+ ld b, BANK(DisplayEffectiveness) ; BANK(MyFunction)
call Bankswitch
ld a,1
ld [$CCF4],a
@@ -61150,8 +61182,8 @@
xor a,$01
- ld hl,$5747
- ld b,$1e ; animate the substitute breaking
+ ld hl, Func_79747
+ ld b, BANK(Func_79747) ; animate the substitute breaking
call Bankswitch ; substitute
; flip the turn back to the way it was
@@ -61914,8 +61946,8 @@
push af
ld a, [W_ENEMYBATTSTATUS2] ; $d068
bit 4, a
- ld hl, $5747
- ld b, $1e
+ ld hl, Func_79747
+ ld b, BANK(Func_79747)
call nz, Bankswitch
pop af
ld [$cc5b], a
@@ -61925,8 +61957,8 @@
call Func_3cdec
ld a, [W_ENEMYBATTSTATUS2] ; $d068
bit 4, a
- ld hl, $5771
- ld b, $1e
+ ld hl, Func_79771
+ ld b, BANK(Func_79771)
call nz, Bankswitch
jr asm_3e7ef
@@ -63757,8 +63789,8 @@
bit 4, [hl]
push af
push bc
- ld hl, $5747
- ld b, $1e
+ ld hl, Func_79747
+ ld b, BANK(Func_79747)
push de
call nz, Bankswitch
pop de
@@ -63770,8 +63802,8 @@
pop bc
ld a, $1
ld [bc], a
- ld hl, $5771
- ld b, $1e
+ ld hl, Func_79771
+ ld b, BANK(Func_79771)
pop af
call nz, Bankswitch
@@ -65051,8 +65083,8 @@
call GBPalWhiteOutWithDelay3
call ClearScreen
call UpdateSprites
- ld hl,$7840
- ld b,$05
+ ld hl, LoadPokedexTilePatterns
+ ld b, BANK(LoadPokedexTilePatterns)
call Bankswitch ; load pokedex tiles
; function to display pokedex data from inside the pokedex
@@ -68048,8 +68080,8 @@
call PrintText
pop hl
call PrintText
- ld b, $1F
- ld hl, $513B
+ ld b, BANK(Func_7d13b)
+ ld hl, Func_7d13b
call Bankswitch
jp Func_3865 ; wait for button press
@@ -73071,8 +73103,8 @@
TX_FAR _UnnamedText_487d5 ; 0x9d0ad
db $6
db $8
- ld hl, $66e2
- ld b, $15
+ ld hl, Func_566e2
+ ld b, BANK(Func_566e2)
call Bankswitch
ld a, $1
ld [$cc3c], a
@@ -77732,8 +77764,8 @@
ld a, $ff
ld [$c0ee], a
call PlaySound
- ld b, $2
- ld hl, $5b47
+ ld b, BANK(Func_9b47)
+ ld hl, Func_9b47
call Bankswitch
ld a, [$cf0d]
cp $1
@@ -84460,8 +84492,8 @@
pop af
ld hl, UnnamedText_56437
jp c, Unnamed_56409
- ld hl, Route9TrainerHeader5
- ld b, $8
+ ld hl, Func_2171b
+ ld b, BANK(Func_2171b)
call Bankswitch
ld hl, UnnamedText_5644a
jp c, Unnamed_56409
@@ -84908,8 +84940,91 @@
SilphCo8Blocks: ; 0x5666d 117
INCBIN "maps/silphco8.blk"
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$566e2,$567f9 - $566e2
+Func_566e2: ; 566e2 (15:66e2)
+ call Func_36f4
+ call GBPalWhiteOutWithDelay3
+ call ClearScreen
+ xor a
+ ld [$cfcb], a
+ ld hl, $d730
+ set 6, [hl]
+ call DisableLCD
+ ld hl, $7d88
+ ld de, $9700
+ ld bc, $0010
+ ld a, $b
+ call FarCopyData2
+ ld hl, $c3a0
+ ld bc, $1012
+ ld a, $27
+ call Predef
+ ld hl, $6784
+ ld c, $5
+ push bc
+ ld a, [hli]
+ ld e, a
+ ld a, [hli]
+ ld d, a
+ ld a, [hli]
+ push hl
+ ld h, [hl]
+ ld l, a
+ call PlaceString
+ pop hl
+ inc hl
+ pop bc
+ dec c
+ jr nz, .asm_56715 ; 0x56725 $ee
+ ld hl, $c3fa
+ ld de, $d158
+ call PlaceString
+ ld b, BANK(Func_44dd)
+ ld hl, Func_44dd
+ call Bankswitch
+ ld hl, $c301
+ ld bc, $8028
+ ld a, [hl]
+ add $21
+ ld [hli], a
+ inc hl
+ ld a, b
+ ld [hli], a
+ inc hl
+ dec c
+ jr nz, .asm_5673e ; 0x56747 $f5
+ call EnableLCD
+ ld b, BANK(Func_5ae6)
+ ld hl, Func_5ae6
+ call Bankswitch
+ ld b, $8
+ call GoPAL_SET
+ call Delay3
+ call GBPalNormal
+ ld a, $90
+ ld [$ff00+$48], a
+ call Func_3865
+ ld hl, $d730
+ res 6, [hl]
+ call GBPalWhiteOutWithDelay3
+ call Func_3dbe
+ call Delay3
+ jp GBPalNormal
+; 0x56777
+Func_56777: ; 56777 (15:6777)
+ ld hl, $d158
+ ld bc, $ff00
+ ld a, [hli]
+ cp $50
+ ret z
+ dec c
+ jr .asm_5677d ; 0x56782 $f9
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$56784,$567f9 - $56784
; known jump sources: 3303 (0:3303)
Func_567f9: ; 567f9 (15:67f9)
ld hl, $c100
@@ -89327,8 +89442,8 @@
ld [$d64b], a
ld a, $0
ld [$d719], a
- ld b, $1c
- ld hl, $7848
+ ld b, BANK(Func_73848)
+ ld hl, Func_73848
call Bankswitch
ld b, $5
@@ -93348,8 +93463,8 @@
ld a, $ff
ld [$c0ee], a
call PlaySound
- ld b, $2
- ld hl, $5b47
+ ld b, BANK(Func_9b47)
+ ld hl, Func_9b47
call Bankswitch
ld a, $2
ld [$d62b], a
@@ -95082,8 +95197,8 @@
ld a, $ff
ld [$c0ee], a
call PlaySound
- ld b, $2
- ld hl, $5b47
+ ld b, BANK(Func_9b47)
+ ld hl, Func_9b47
call Bankswitch
ld a, $3
ld [$d665], a
@@ -100144,13 +100259,13 @@
ld [$cc49],a
call AddPokemonToParty
call Func_71d19
- ld hl,$7d7d
- ld b,$5
+ ld hl, Func_17d7d
+ ld b, BANK(Func_17d7d)
call Bankswitch
call ClearScreen
call Func_71ca2
- ld b,$3
- ld hl,$6edc
+ ld b, BANK(Func_eedc)
+ ld hl, Func_eedc
call Bankswitch
and a
ld a,$3
@@ -105698,8 +105813,8 @@
GaryScript4: ; 0x75fe4
- ld b, $2
- ld hl, $5b81
+ ld b, BANK(Func_9b81)
+ ld hl, Func_9b81
call Bankswitch
ld a, $2
ld [$ff00+$8c], a
@@ -106513,8 +106628,8 @@
push bc
ld a, [$CD41]
ld [$CD3D], a
- ld b, $1C
- ld hl, $7B3F
+ ld b, BANK(Func_73b3f)
+ ld hl, Func_73b3f
call Bankswitch
call Unknown_765e5
pop bc
@@ -106594,8 +106709,8 @@
ld de, $CD42
ld bc, $0103
call PrintNumber
- ld b, $1C
- ld hl, $42F0
+ ld b, BANK(Func_702f0)
+ ld hl, Func_702f0
jp Bankswitch
HallOfFameNoText: ; 0x76670
@@ -108521,8 +108636,53 @@
ld bc, $31
jp CopyVideoData
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$79666,$79747 - $79666
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$79666,$796e0 - $79666
+Func_796e0: ; 0x796e0
+ ld hl, $c6e8
+ xor a
+ ld bc, $0310
+ call FillMemory
+ ld a, [$ff00+$f3]
+ and a
+ jr z, .asm_79715 ; 0x796ed $26
+ ld hl, $4780
+ ld de, $c808
+ call Func_7973f
+ ld hl, $4790
+ ld de, $c878
+ call Func_7973f
+ ld hl, $47a0
+ ld de, $c818
+ call Func_7973f
+ ld hl, $47b0
+ ld de, $c888
+ call Func_7973f
+ jr .asm_79739 ; 0x79713 $24
+ ld hl, $47c0
+ ld de, $c878
+ call Func_7973f
+ ld hl, $47d0
+ ld de, $c8e8
+ call Func_7973f
+ ld hl, $47e0
+ ld de, $c888
+ call Func_7973f
+ ld hl, $47f0
+ ld de, $c8f8
+ call Func_7973f
+ call Func_79652
+ jp Func_7939e
+; 0x7973f
+Func_7973f: ; 0x7973f
+ ld bc, $0010
+ ld a, $5
+ jp FarCopyData2
+; 0x79747
; known jump sources: 3e295 (f:6295)
Func_79747: ; 79747 (1e:5747)
ld a, [H_WHOSETURN] ; $FF00+$f3
@@ -108548,7 +108708,24 @@
call Func_79389
jp Func_7939e
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$79771,$79787 - $79771
+Func_79771: ; 0x79771
+ call Func_792af
+ call Func_796e0
+ jp Func_7939e
+; 0x7977a
+Func_7977a: ; 0x7977a
+ ld c, $5
+ push bc
+ call Func_79297
+ pop bc
+ dec c
+ jr nz, .asm_7977c ; 0x79782 $f8
+ jp Func_7939e
+; 0x79787
+Func_79787: ; 0x79787
ld a, [$cfe5]
ld [$ceea], a
ld a, [$d014]