ref: bcb251261dae3cd9ba423fc139c7db4433a1a802
parent: 2b2c6fefd311101c87845c8c498746dc74bd725f
author: YamaArashi <[email protected]>
date: Sat Jun 11 21:06:27 EDT 2016
sync tileset WRAM labels
--- a/engine/cable_club.asm
+++ b/engine/cable_club.asm
@@ -900,16 +900,16 @@
call CableClub_DoBattleOrTrade
ld hl, Club_GFX
ld a, h
- ld [wTileSetGFXPtr + 1], a
+ ld [wTilesetGfxPtr + 1], a
ld a, l
- ld [wTileSetGFXPtr], a
+ ld [wTilesetGfxPtr], a
ld a, Bank(Club_GFX)
- ld [wTileSetBank], a
+ ld [wTilesetBank], a
ld hl, Club_Coll
ld a, h
- ld [wTileSetCollisionPtr + 1], a
+ ld [wTilesetCollisionPtr + 1], a
ld a, l
- ld [wTileSetCollisionPtr], a
+ ld [wTilesetCollisionPtr], a
xor a
ld [wGrassRate], a
--- a/engine/items/items.asm
+++ b/engine/items/items.asm
@@ -695,7 +695,7 @@
ld hl,TilePairCollisionsWater
call CheckForTilePairCollisions
jr c,.cannotStopSurfing
- ld hl,wTileSetCollisionPtr ; pointer to list of passable tiles
+ ld hl,wTilesetCollisionPtr ; pointer to list of passable tiles
ld a,[hli]
ld h,[hl]
ld l,a ; hl now points to passable tiles
--- a/engine/overworld/movement.asm
+++ b/engine/overworld/movement.asm
@@ -589,9 +589,9 @@
and a
- ld a, [wTileSetCollisionPtr]
+ ld a, [wTilesetCollisionPtr]
ld l, a
- ld a, [wTileSetCollisionPtr+1]
+ ld a, [wTilesetCollisionPtr+1]
ld h, a
ld a, [hli]
--- a/home/overworld.asm
+++ b/home/overworld.asm
@@ -854,13 +854,13 @@
; load the tile pattern data of the current tileset into VRAM
- ld a,[wTileSetGFXPtr]
+ ld a,[wTilesetGfxPtr]
ld l,a
- ld a,[wTileSetGFXPtr + 1]
+ ld a,[wTilesetGfxPtr + 1]
ld h,a
ld de,vTileset
ld bc,$600
- ld a,[wTileSetBank]
+ ld a,[wTilesetBank]
jp FarCopyData2
; this loads the current maps complete tile map (which references blocks, not individual tiles) to C6E8
@@ -1100,7 +1100,7 @@
; check if the player is front of a counter in a pokemon center, pokemart, etc. and if so, extend the range at which he can talk to the NPC
predef GetTileAndCoordsInFrontOfPlayer ; get the tile in front of the player in c
- ld hl,wTileSetTalkingOverTiles ; list of tiles that extend talking range (counter tiles)
+ ld hl,wTilesetTalkingOverTiles ; list of tiles that extend talking range (counter tiles)
ld b,3
ld d,$20 ; talking range in pixels (long range)
@@ -1242,7 +1242,7 @@
predef GetTileAndCoordsInFrontOfPlayer ; get tile in front of player
ld a,[wTileInFrontOfPlayer] ; tile in front of player
ld c,a
- ld hl,wTileSetCollisionPtr ; pointer to list of passable tiles
+ ld hl,wTilesetCollisionPtr ; pointer to list of passable tiles
ld a,[hli]
ld h,[hl]
ld l,a ; hl now points to passable tiles
@@ -1354,7 +1354,7 @@
push af
- ld a,[wTileSetBank] ; tile data ROM bank
+ ld a,[wTilesetBank] ; tile data ROM bank
ld [MBC1RomBank],a ; switch to ROM bank that contains tile data
ld a,[wCurrentTileBlockMapViewPointer] ; address of upper left corner of current map view
@@ -1784,9 +1784,9 @@
; Input: c = tile block ID, hl = destination address
push hl
- ld a,[wTileSetBlocksPtr] ; pointer to tiles
+ ld a,[wTilesetBlocksPtr] ; pointer to tiles
ld l,a
- ld a,[wTileSetBlocksPtr + 1]
+ ld a,[wTilesetBlocksPtr + 1]
ld h,a
ld a,c
swap a
@@ -1915,7 +1915,7 @@
jr z,.noCollision ; keep surfing
; check if the [land] tile in front of the player is passable
- ld hl,wTileSetCollisionPtr ; pointer to list of passable tiles
+ ld hl,wTilesetCollisionPtr ; pointer to list of passable tiles
ld a,[hli]
ld h,[hl]
ld l,a
--- a/main.asm
+++ b/main.asm
@@ -2435,7 +2435,7 @@
call GetTileTwoStepsInFrontOfPlayer
- ld hl, wTileSetCollisionPtr
+ ld hl, wTilesetCollisionPtr
ld a, [hli]
ld h, [hl]
ld l, a
@@ -2665,7 +2665,7 @@
ld e, a
ld hl, Tilesets
add hl, de
- ld de, wTileSetBank
+ ld de, wTilesetBank
ld c, $b
ld a, [hli]
--- a/wram.asm
+++ b/wram.asm
@@ -2637,21 +2637,21 @@
; if the player is not moving, the last the direction in which the player moved
ds 1
-wTileSetBank:: ; d52b
+wTilesetBank:: ; d52b
ds 1
-wTileSetBlocksPtr:: ; d52c
+wTilesetBlocksPtr:: ; d52c
; maps blocks (4x4 tiles) to tiles
ds 2
-wTileSetGFXPtr:: ; d52e
+wTilesetGfxPtr:: ; d52e
ds 2
-wTileSetCollisionPtr:: ; d530
+wTilesetCollisionPtr:: ; d530
; list of all walkable tiles
ds 2
-wTileSetTalkingOverTiles:: ; d532
+wTilesetTalkingOverTiles:: ; d532
ds 3
wGrassTile:: ; d535