Add some functions that MoveSprite calls.
Expand some already‐referenced text.
And update the paths for the fossils…
Turns out the fossil pictures differ between Red/Green and Blue.
Fix Red/Green Alakazam frontpic. Pointed out by Chaos Rush.
Split large chunks of text into separate files, and improve Makefile.
Remove TX_NULL; it is obsoleted by db "@"
Fix (hopefully) unicode mis-behaviour.
Fix small encoding error (unicode).
Add pointers to items usage functions, main item usage handling function and pokeballs usage functions.
Add status ailments masks (FRZ, SLP).
These are coordinates on the tilemap.
Add a character for the numero sign.
Add characters for textbox borders to the array.
Add Pokedex number ↔ index number conversion functions.
Treat apostrophes specially, since they’re combining characters.
Add various data from the credits (graphics, displayed mons, text).
Add Japanese text entry and Pokédex entries.
Add é and fix a typo when converting text.
Add support for Unicode, and use it to put in ♀ and ♂.
Replace more byte values with text.
Use "@" for nulls. This makes fixed‐width text tables easier to read.
More text, and some new characters. Make $50 equal to "@".
Add some missing correspondencies to prepocessor's char table.
Don’t rebuild the character table every line.
Make use of the new text preprocesser to make text readable.
Add a text preprocessor, so that we can enter strings in db commands.
More animation code, and the sound data for attacks.
More uncommented animation code.
Add title screen monsters from Green and Blue as well.
Poké Ball animation code cleanup.
This has already been explained.
Add Pokémon that appear on the title screen.
Add random number generation functions.
Document the byte before a trainer’s AI pointer.
Minor clarifications in Pallet Town scripts.
Add constants for direction of connections.
Add variant pics from other versions.
Extract compressed pics into separate files.
Fill out the dictionary some more.
Add missing label in dictionary.
Fill out the dictionary some more.
Add attack type multipliers (thx Sawakita)
Partially fill out the dictionary.
It makes sense for widths to be in decimal.
First part of save file interpretation functions, thx Sawakita.
Basic attack animation functions.
Function that copies the attack data to memory.
Add attack characteristics data.
Use Unicode characters, because they look nicer
Use human-readable names instead of memory addresses.
Fade-in / fade-out functions (thx Sawakita)
Filled out Oak's speech a bit more.
Let's not call things sprites when they aren't.
Add the function that moves pics left in Oak's speech
This function waits for a Vblank to go by.
add in a function from Oak's speech
$0 is a valid tile in maps, even though $00 is the terminating byte.
Add evolutions / learned attacks. Thx Sawakita
Split compressed town map into a separate include, and give it a label
Add a makefile rule for redrle
Add redrle, a program to compress and decompress Town Map tilemaps
Add town map locations. Thanks once again to Sawakita.
pokered.gbc should depend on constants.asm
Add tileset headers (thx Sawakita)