ref: 9fbd9e9a1f23ff3fe09eee2518dd752a6d2e132c
parent: fb559f1f4e0104bfc59350359a2fb82fbe88ebba
author: YamaArashi <[email protected]>
date: Thu Jul 16 18:08:34 EDT 2015
intro stuff
--- a/engine/gamefreak.asm
+++ b/engine/gamefreak.asm
@@ -28,67 +28,78 @@
call LoadShootingStarGraphics
ld a, (SFX_1f_67 - SFX_Headers_1f) / 3
call PlaySound
+; Move the big star down and left across the screen.
ld hl, wOAMBuffer
ld bc, $a004
push hl
push bc
- ld a, [hl]
- add $4
+ ld a, [hl] ; Y
+ add 4
ld [hli], a
- ld a, [hl]
- add $fc
+ ld a, [hl] ; X
+ add -4
ld [hli], a
inc hl
inc hl
dec c
- jr nz, .asm_70054
- ld c, $1
+ jr nz, .bigStarInnerLoop
+ ld c, 1
call CheckForUserInterruption
pop bc
pop hl
ret c
ld a, [hl]
- cp $50
- jr nz, .asm_70070
- jr .asm_70052
+ cp 80
+ jr nz, .next
+ jr .bigStarLoop
cp b
- jr nz, .asm_70052
+ jr nz, .bigStarLoop
+; Clear big star OAM.
ld hl, wOAMBuffer
- ld c, $4
- ld de, $4
- ld [hl], $a0
+ ld c, 4
+ ld de, 4
+ ld [hl], 160
add hl, de
dec c
- jr nz, .asm_7007b
- ld b, $3
+ jr nz, .clearOAMLoop
+; Make Gamefreak logo flash.
+ ld b, 3
ld hl, rOBP0
rrc [hl]
rrc [hl]
- ld c, $a
+ ld c, 10
call CheckForUserInterruption
ret c
dec b
- jr nz, .asm_70083
+ jr nz, .flashLogoLoop
+; Copy 24 instances of the small stars OAM data.
+; Note that their coordinates put them off-screen.
ld de, wOAMBuffer
- ld a, $18
+ ld a, 24
push af
- ld hl, OAMData_700ee
- ld bc, $4
+ ld hl, SmallStarsOAM
+ ld bc, 4
call CopyData
pop af
dec a
- jr nz, .asm_70098
+ jr nz, .initSmallStarsOAMLoop
+; Animate the small stars falling from the Gamefreak logo.
xor a
- ld [wWhichTrade], a
- ld hl, PointerTable_700f2
- ld c, $6
+ ld [wMoveDownSmallStarsOAMCount], a
+ ld hl, SmallStarsWaveCoordsPointerTable
+ ld c, 6
ld a, [hli]
ld e, a
ld a, [hli]
@@ -96,100 +107,109 @@
push bc
push hl
ld hl, wOAMBuffer + $50
- ld c, $4
+ ld c, 4
+.smallStarsInnerLoop ; introduce new wave of 4 small stars OAM entries
ld a, [de]
cp $ff
- jr z, .asm_700d5
- ld [hli], a
+ jr z, .next2
+ ld [hli], a ; Y
inc de
ld a, [de]
- ld [hli], a
+ ld [hli], a ; X
inc de
inc hl
inc hl
dec c
- jr nz, .asm_700ba
- ld a, [wWhichTrade]
- cp $18
- jr z, .asm_700d5
- add $6
- ld [wWhichTrade], a
- call Func_7011f
+ jr nz, .smallStarsInnerLoop
+ ld a, [wMoveDownSmallStarsOAMCount]
+ cp 24
+ jr z, .next2
+ add 6 ; should be 4, but the extra 2 aren't visible on screen
+ ld [wMoveDownSmallStarsOAMCount], a
+ call MoveDownSmallStars
push af
+; shift the existing OAM entries down to make room for the next wave
ld hl, wOAMBuffer + $10
ld de, wOAMBuffer
ld bc, $50
call CopyData
pop af
pop hl
pop bc
ret c
dec c
- jr nz, .asm_700af
+ jr nz, .smallStarsLoop
and a
-OAMData_700ee: ; 700ee (1c:40ee)
+SmallStarsOAM: ; 700ee (1c:40ee)
db $00,$00,$A2,$90
-PointerTable_700f2: ; 700f2 (1c:40f2)
- dw OAMData_700fe
- dw OAMData_70106
- dw OAMData_7010e
- dw OAMData_70116
- dw OAMData_7011e
- dw OAMData_7011e
+SmallStarsWaveCoordsPointerTable: ; 700f2 (1c:40f2)
+ dw SmallStarsWave1Coords
+ dw SmallStarsWave2Coords
+ dw SmallStarsWave3Coords
+ dw SmallStarsWave4Coords
+ dw SmallStarsEmptyWave
+ dw SmallStarsEmptyWave
-; each entry is only half of an OAM tile
-OAMData_700fe: ; 700fe (1c:40fe)
+; The stars that fall from the Gamefreak logo come in 4 waves of 4 OAM entries.
+; These arrays contain the Y and X coordinates of each OAM entry.
+SmallStarsWave1Coords: ; 700fe (1c:40fe)
db $68,$30
db $68,$40
db $68,$58
db $68,$78
-OAMData_70106: ; 70106 (1c:4106)
+SmallStarsWave2Coords: ; 70106 (1c:4106)
db $68,$38
db $68,$48
db $68,$60
db $68,$70
-OAMData_7010e: ; 7010e (1c:410e)
+SmallStarsWave3Coords: ; 7010e (1c:410e)
db $68,$34
db $68,$4C
db $68,$54
db $68,$64
-OAMData_70116: ; 70116 (1c:4116)
+SmallStarsWave4Coords: ; 70116 (1c:4116)
db $68,$3C
db $68,$5C
db $68,$6C
db $68,$74
-OAMData_7011e: ; 7011e (1c:411e)
+SmallStarsEmptyWave: ; 7011e (1c:411e)
db $FF
-Func_7011f: ; 7011f (1c:411f)
- ld b, $8
+MoveDownSmallStars: ; 7011f (1c:411f)
+ ld b, 8
ld hl, wOAMBuffer + $5c
- ld a, [wWhichTrade]
- ld de, $fffc
+ ld a, [wMoveDownSmallStarsOAMCount]
+ ld de, -4
ld c, a
- inc [hl]
+ inc [hl] ; Y
add hl, de
dec c
- jr nz, .asm_7012b
+ jr nz, .innerLoop
+; Toggle the palette so that the lower star in the small stars tile blinks in
+; and out.
ld a, [rOBP1]
- xor $a0
+ xor %10100000
ld [rOBP1], a
- ld c, $3
+ ld c, 3
call CheckForUserInterruption
ret c
dec b
- jr nz, .asm_70121
+ jr nz, .loop
GameFreakLogoOAMData: ; 70140 (1c:4140)
--- a/engine/intro.asm
+++ b/engine/intro.asm
@@ -22,16 +22,16 @@
ld [rOBP1], a
xor a
ld [hSCX], a
- ld b, $3
- call Func_4183f
+ ld b, $3 ; Gengar tiles
+ call IntroCopyTiles
ld a, 0
ld a, 80
ld bc, $606
- call Func_417c7
- ld de, $28ff
- call Func_4180e
+ call InitIntroNidorinoOAM
+ ld de, $28ff ; move Nidorino right by 80 pixels
+ call IntroMoveMon
ret c
; hip
@@ -66,11 +66,11 @@
; raise
ld b, $4
- call Func_4183f
+ call IntroCopyTiles
ld a, (SFX_1f_61 - SFX_Headers_1f) / 3
call PlaySound
- ld de, $401
- call Func_4180e
+ ld de, $401 ; move Gengar left by 8 pixels
+ call IntroMoveMon
ld c, $1e
call CheckForUserInterruption
ret c
@@ -77,11 +77,11 @@
; slash
ld b, $5
- call Func_4183f
+ call IntroCopyTiles
ld a, (SFX_1f_62 - SFX_Headers_1f) / 3
call PlaySound
- ld de, $800
- call Func_4180e
+ ld de, $800 ; move Gengar right by 16 pixels
+ call IntroMoveMon
; hip
ld a, (SFX_1f_5f - SFX_Headers_1f) / 3
call PlaySound
@@ -93,10 +93,10 @@
call CheckForUserInterruption
ret c
- ld de, $401
- call Func_4180e
+ ld de, $401 ; move Gengar left by 8 pixels
+ call IntroMoveMon
ld b, $3
- call Func_4183f
+ call IntroCopyTiles
ld c, $3c
call CheckForUserInterruption
ret c
@@ -142,8 +142,8 @@
ld a, [de]
push de
- ld c, $24
- call Func_417ae
+ ld c, 6 * 6
+ call UpdateIntroNidorinoOAM
ld c, 5
call DelayFrames
pop de
@@ -150,11 +150,11 @@
inc de
jr AnimateIntroNidorino
-Func_417ae: ; 417ae (10:57ae)
+UpdateIntroNidorinoOAM: ; 417ae (10:57ae)
ld hl, wOAMBuffer
ld a, [wd09f]
ld d, a
add [hl]
ld [hli], a
@@ -166,105 +166,111 @@
inc hl
inc d
dec c
- jr nz, .asm_417b5
+ jr nz, .loop
-Func_417c7: ; 417c7 (10:57c7)
+InitIntroNidorinoOAM: ; 417c7 (10:57c7)
ld hl, wOAMBuffer
- ld d, $0
+ ld d, 0
push bc
ld e, a
ld a, e
- add $8
+ add 8
ld e, a
- ld [hli], a
+ ld [hli], a ; Y
- ld [hli], a
+ ld [hli], a ; X
ld a, d
- ld [hli], a
+ ld [hli], a ; tile
ld a, $80
- ld [hli], a
+ ld [hli], a ; attributes
inc d
dec c
- jr nz, .asm_417d1
+ jr nz, .innerLoop
- add $8
+ add 8
pop bc
dec b
- jr nz, .asm_417cc
+ jr nz, .loop
-Func_417f0: ; 417f0 (10:57f0)
+IntroClearScreen: ; 417f0 (10:57f0)
ld hl, vBGMap1
ld bc, $240
- jr asm_417fe
+ jr IntroClearCommon
-Func_417f8: ; 417f8 (10:57f8)
+IntroClearMiddleOfScreen: ; 417f8 (10:57f8)
+; clear the area of the tile map between the black bars on the top and bottom
hlCoord 0, 4
- ld bc, $c8
-asm_417fe: ; 417fe (10:57fe)
+ ld bc, SCREEN_WIDTH * 10
+IntroClearCommon: ; 417fe (10:57fe)
ld [hl], $0
inc hl
dec bc
ld a, b
or c
- jr nz, asm_417fe
+ jr nz, IntroClearCommon
-Func_41807: ; 41807 (10:5807)
+IntroPlaceBlackTiles: ; 41807 (10:5807)
ld a, $1
ld [hli], a
dec c
- jr nz, .asm_41809
+ jr nz, .loop
-Func_4180e: ; 4180e (10:580e)
+IntroMoveMon: ; 4180e (10:580e)
+; d = number of times to move the mon (2 pixels each time)
+; e: $00 = move Gengar right, $01 = move Gengar left, $ff = move Nidorino right
ld a, e
cp $ff
- jr z, .asm_4181d
+ jr z, .moveNidorinoRight
cp $1
- jr z, .asm_4182d
+ jr z, .moveGengarLeft
+; move Gengar right
ld a, [hSCX]
dec a
dec a
- jr .asm_41831
+ jr .next
push de
- ld a, $2
+ ld a, 2
xor a
- ld c, $24
- call Func_417ae
+ ld c, 6 * 6
+ call UpdateIntroNidorinoOAM
pop de
ld a, [hSCX]
inc a
inc a
ld [hSCX], a
push de
- ld c, $2
+ ld c, 2
call CheckForUserInterruption
pop de
ret c
dec d
- jr nz, Func_4180e
+ jr nz, IntroMoveMon
-Func_4183f: ; 4183f (10:583f)
+IntroCopyTiles: ; 4183f (10:583f)
hlCoord 13, 7
CopyTileIDsFromList_ZeroBaseTileID: ; 41842 (10:5842)
- ld c, $0
+ ld c, 0
predef_jump CopyTileIDsFromList
-Func_41849: ; 41849 (10:5849)
+PlayMoveSoundB: ; 41849 (10:5849)
+; unused
predef GetMoveSoundB
ld a, b
jp PlaySound
@@ -303,7 +309,7 @@
call DisableLCD
xor a
- call Func_418e9
+ call IntroDrawBlackBars
call LoadIntroGraphics
call EnableLCD
ld hl, rLCDC
@@ -314,10 +320,10 @@
callba AnimateShootingStar
push af
pop af
- jr c, .asm_418d0
+ jr c, .next ; skip the delay if the user interrupted the animation
ld c, 40
call DelayFrames
ld a, BANK(Music_IntroBattle)
ld [wc0ef], a
ld [wc0f0], a
@@ -324,26 +330,27 @@
ld [wc0ee], a
call PlaySound
- call Func_417f8
+ call IntroClearMiddleOfScreen
call ClearSprites
jp Delay3
-Func_418e9: ; 418e9 (10:58e9)
- call Func_417f0
+IntroDrawBlackBars: ; 418e9 (10:58e9)
+; clear the screen and draw black bars on the top and bottom
+ call IntroClearScreen
hlCoord 0, 0
- ld c, $50
- call Func_41807
+ ld c, SCREEN_WIDTH * 4
+ call IntroPlaceBlackTiles
hlCoord 0, 14
- ld c, $50
- call Func_41807
+ ld c, SCREEN_WIDTH * 4
+ call IntroPlaceBlackTiles
ld hl, vBGMap1
ld c, $80
- call Func_41807
+ call IntroPlaceBlackTiles
ld hl, vBGMap1 + $1c0
ld c, $80
- jp Func_41807
+ jp IntroPlaceBlackTiles
-Func_4190c: ; 4190c (10:590c)
+EmptyFunc4: ; 4190c (10:590c)
IntroNidorinoAnimation0: ; 4190d (10:590d)
--- a/engine/overworld/npc_movement.asm
+++ b/engine/overworld/npc_movement.asm
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
jr .done
; The player is on the left tile of the northern path out of Pallet Town and
; Prof. Oak is below.
-; Prof. Oak is already on the right tile.
+; Prof. Oak is already where he needs to be.
ld a, $3
ld [wNPCMovementScriptFunctionNum], a
--- a/wram.asm
+++ b/wram.asm
@@ -634,6 +634,9 @@
ds 1
+wMoveDownSmallStarsOAMCount:: ; cd3d
+; the number of small stars OAM entries to move down
wChargeMoveNum:: ; cd3d
wCoordIndex:: ; cd3d