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ref: 962d9fc39970afac29395125132f94c8ada4284d
parent: c8ad87c4581ceee50ebd01168043e53fd69b548c
author: Marcus Huderle <[email protected]>
date: Mon Dec 23 18:16:20 EST 2013

Player spinning direction list for the teleporting away animation INCBIN.

--- a/main.asm
+++ b/main.asm
@@ -103448,7 +103448,7 @@
 	ld [$cd50], a
 	ld a, [$c104]
 	ld [$cd4f], a
-	ld hl, Unknown_70713 ; $4713
+	ld hl, PlayerSpinningFacingOrder ; $4713
 	ld de, $cd48
 	ld bc, $4
 	call CopyData
@@ -103461,8 +103461,10 @@
 	dec hl
-Unknown_70713: ; 70713 (1c:4713)
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$70713,$70717 - $70713
+PlayerSpinningFacingOrder: ; 70713 (1c:4713)
+; The order of the direction the player's sprite is facing when teleporting
+; away. Creates a spinning effect.
+	db $00, $08, $04, $0C ; down, left, up, right
 Func_70717: ; 70717 (1c:4717)
 	ld a, [hl]