ref: 7762afaf993396df6221d3e06a5c76eb63325d46
parent: 6e5476d420d5d3a73e478a28ed96e8425b7ba94c
author: yenatch <[email protected]>
date: Wed Jan 22 19:22:31 EST 2014
Split out route text
--- a/main.asm
+++ b/main.asm
@@ -118395,2899 +118395,41 @@
cont "#MON on my PC!"
-_Route1ViridianMartSampleText: ; 8d5bf (23:55bf)
- text "Hi! I work at a"
- line "#MON MART."
- para "It's a convenient"
- line "shop, so please"
- cont "visit us in"
- para "I know, I'll give"
- line "you a sample!"
- cont "Here you go!"
- prompt
-_UnnamedText_1cae8: ; 8d643 (23:5643)
- text $52, " got"
- line "@"
- TX_RAM $cf4b
- text "!@@"
-_UnnamedText_1caee: ; 8d652 (23:5652)
- text "We also carry"
- line "# BALLs for"
- cont "catching #MON!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_1caf3: ; 8d67c (23:567c)
- text "You have too much"
- line "stuff with you!"
- done
-_Route1Text2: ; 8d69f (23:569f)
- text "See those ledges"
- line "along the road?"
- para "It's a bit scary,"
- line "but you can jump"
- cont "from them."
- para "You can get back"
- line "to PALLET TOWN"
- cont "quicker that way."
- done
-_Route1Text3: ; 8d720 (23:5720)
- text "ROUTE 1"
- line "PALLET TOWN -"
- done
-_Route2Text3: ; 8d745 (23:5745)
- text "ROUTE 2"
- line "VIRIDIAN CITY -"
- cont "PEWTER CITY"
- done
-_Route2Text4: ; 8d76a (23:576a)
- text "DIGLETT's CAVE"
- done
-_Route3Text1: ; 8d779 (23:5779)
- text "Whew... I better"
- line "take a rest..."
- cont "Groan..."
- para "That tunnel from"
- line "CERULEAN takes a"
- cont "lot out of you!"
- done
-_Route3BattleText1: ; 8d7d5 (23:57d5)
- text "Hey! I met you in"
- done
-_Route3EndBattleText1: ; 8d7f9 (23:57f9)
- text "You"
- line "beat me again!"
- prompt
-_Route3AfterBattleText1: ; 8d80d (23:580d)
- text "There are other"
- line "kinds of #MON"
- cont "than those found"
- cont "in the forest!"
- done
-_Route3BattleText2: ; 8d84c (23:584c)
- text "Hi! I like shorts!"
- line "They're comfy and"
- cont "easy to wear!"
- done
-_Route3EndBattleText2: ; 8d87f (23:587f)
- text "I don't"
- line "believe it!"
- prompt
-_Route3AfterBattleText2: ; 8d893 (23:5893)
- text "Are you storing"
- line "your #MON on"
- cont "PC? Each BOX can"
- cont "hold 20 #MON!"
- done
-_Route3BattleText3: ; 8d8d0 (23:58d0)
- text "You looked at me,"
- line "didn't you?"
- done
-_Route3EndBattleText3: ; 8d8ee (23:58ee)
- text "You're"
- line "mean!"
- prompt
-_Route3AfterBattleText3: ; 8d8fb (23:58fb)
- text "Quit staring if"
- line "you don't want to"
- cont "fight!"
- done
-_Route3BattleText4: ; 8d924 (23:5924)
- text "Are you a trainer?"
- line "Let's fight!"
- done
-_Route3EndBattleText4: ; 8d944 (23:5944)
- text "If I"
- line "had new #MON I"
- cont "would've won!"
- prompt
-_Route3AfterBattleText4: ; 8d966 (23:5966)
- text "If a #MON BOX"
- line "on the PC gets"
- cont "full, just switch"
- cont "to another BOX!"
- done
-_Route3BattleText5: ; 8d9a6 (23:59a6)
- text "That look you"
- line "gave me, it's so"
- cont "intriguing!"
- done
-_Route3EndBattleText5: ; 8d9d1 (23:59d1)
- text "Be nice!"
- prompt
-_Route3AfterBattleText5: ; 8d9db (23:59db)
- text "Avoid fights by"
- line "not letting"
- cont "people see you!"
- done
-_Route3BattleText6: ; 8da08 (23:5a08)
- text "Hey! You're not"
- line "wearing shorts!"
- done
-_Route3EndBattleText6: ; 8da28 (23:5a28)
- text "Lost!"
- line "Lost! Lost!"
- prompt
-_Route3AfterBattleText6: ; 8da3b (23:5a3b)
- text "I always wear"
- line "shorts, even in"
- cont "winter!"
- done
-_Route3BattleText7: ; 8da62 (23:5a62)
- text "You can fight my"
- line "new #MON!"
- done
-_Route3EndBattleText7: ; 8da7e (23:5a7e)
- text "Done"
- line "like dinner!"
- prompt
-_Route3AfterBattleText7: ; 8da91 (23:5a91)
- text "Trained #MON"
- line "are stronger than"
- cont "the wild ones!"
- done
-_Route3BattleText8: ; 8dac0 (23:5ac0)
- text "Eek! Did you"
- line "touch me?"
- done
-_Route3EndBattleText8: ; 8dad8 (23:5ad8)
- text "That's it?"
- prompt
-_Route3AfterBattleText8: ; 8dae3 (23:5ae3)
- text "ROUTE 4 is at the"
- line "foot of MT.MOON."
- done
-_Route3Text10: ; 8db07 (23:5b07)
- text "ROUTE 3"
- line "MT.MOON AHEAD"
- done
-_Route4Text1: ; 8db1e (23:5b1e)
- text "Ouch! I tripped"
- line "over a rocky"
- cont "#MON, GEODUDE!"
- done
-_Route4BattleText1: ; 8db4b (23:5b4b)
- text "I came to get my"
- line "mushroom #MON!"
- done
-_Route4EndBattleText1: ; 8db6c (23:5b6c)
- text "Oh! My cute"
- line "mushroom #MON!"
- prompt
-_Route4AfterBattleText1: ; 8db88 (23:5b88)
- text "There might not"
- line "be any more"
- cont "mushrooms here."
- para "I think I got"
- line "them all."
- done
-_Route4Text5: ; 8dbcd (23:5bcd)
- text "MT.MOON"
- line "Tunnel Entrance"
- done
-_Route4Text6: ; 8dbe6 (23:5be6)
- text "ROUTE 4"
- line "MT.MOON -"
- done
-_Route5Text1: ; 8dc07 (23:5c07)
- line "CERULEAN CITY -"
- done
-_Route6BattleText1: ; 8dc38 (23:5c38)
- text "Who's there?"
- line "Quit listening in"
- cont "on us!"
- done
-_Route6EndBattleText1: ; 8dc5e (23:5c5e)
- text "I"
- line "just can't win!"
- prompt
-_Route6AfterBattleText1: ; 8dc70 (23:5c70)
- text "Whisper..."
- line "whisper..."
- done
-_Route6BattleText2: ; 8dc87 (23:5c87)
- text "Excuse me! This"
- line "is a private"
- cont "conversation!"
- done
-_Route6EndBattleText2: ; 8dcb3 (23:5cb3)
- text "Ugh!"
- line "I hate losing!"
- prompt
-_Route6BattleText3: ; 8dcc8 (23:5cc8)
- text "There aren't many"
- line "bugs out here."
- done
-_Route6EndBattleText3: ; 8dce9 (23:5ce9)
- text "No!"
- line "You're kidding!"
- prompt
-_Route6AfterBattleText3: ; 8dcfd (23:5cfd)
- text "I like bugs, so"
- line "I'm going back to"
- done
-_Route6BattleText4: ; 8dd30 (23:5d30)
- text "Huh? You want"
- line "to talk to me?"
- done
-_Route6EndBattleText4: ; 8dd4e (23:5d4e)
- text "I"
- line "didn't start it!"
- prompt
-_Route6AfterBattleText4: ; 8dd61 (23:5d61)
- text "I should carry"
- line "more #MON with"
- cont "me for safety."
- done
-_Route6BattleText5: ; 8dd8f (23:5d8f)
- text "Me? Well, OK."
- line "I'll play!"
- done
-_Route6EndBattleText5: ; 8dda8 (23:5da8)
- text "Just"
- line "didn't work!"
- prompt
-_Route6AfterBattleText5: ; 8ddba (23:5dba)
- text "I want to get"
- line "stronger! What's"
- cont "your secret?"
- done
-_Route6BattleText6: ; 8dde6 (23:5de6)
- text "I've never seen"
- line "you around!"
- cont "Are you good?"
- done
-_Route6EndBattleText6: ; 8de10 (23:5e10)
- text "You"
- line "are too good!"
- prompt
-_Route6AfterBattleText6: ; 8de23 (23:5e23)
- text "Are my #MON"
- line "weak? Or, am I"
- cont "just bad?"
- done
-_Route6Text7: ; 8de49 (23:5e49)
- line "CERULEAN CITY -"
- done
-_Route7Text1: ; 8de7a (23:5e7a)
- line "CELADON CITY -"
- done
-_Route8BattleText1: ; 8dea9 (23:5ea9)
- text "You look good at"
- line "#MON, but"
- cont "how's your chem?"
- done
-_Route8EndBattleText1: ; 8ded5 (23:5ed5)
- text "Ow!"
- line "Meltdown!"
- prompt
-_Route8AfterBattleText1: ; 8dee4 (23:5ee4)
- text "I am better at"
- line "school than this!"
- done
-_Route8BattleText2: ; 8df06 (23:5f06)
- text "All right! Let's"
- line "roll the dice!"
- done
-_Route8EndBattleText2: ; 8df26 (23:5f26)
- text "Drat!"
- line "Came up short!"
- prompt
-_Route8AfterBattleText2: ; 8df3c (23:5f3c)
- text "Lady Luck's not"
- line "with me today!"
- done
-_Route8BattleText3: ; 8df5b (23:5f5b)
- text "You need strategy"
- line "to win at this!"
- done
-_Route8EndBattleText3: ; 8df7e (23:5f7e)
- text "It's"
- line "not logical!"
- prompt
-_Route8AfterBattleText3: ; 8df90 (23:5f90)
- text "Go with GRIMER"
- line "first...and..."
- cont "...and...then..."
- done
-_Route8BattleText4: ; 8dfc0 (23:5fc0)
- text "I like NIDORAN, so"
- line "I collect them!"
- done
-_Route8EndBattleText4: ; 8dfe4 (23:5fe4)
- text "Why? Why??"
- prompt
-_Route8AfterBattleText4: ; 8dff0 (23:5ff0)
- text "When #MON grow"
- line "up they get ugly!"
- cont "They shouldn't"
- cont "evolve!"
- done
-_Route8BattleText5: ; 8e028 (23:6028)
- text "School is fun, but"
- line "so are #MON."
- done
-_Route8EndBattleText5: ; 8e049 (23:6049)
- text "I'll"
- line "stay with school."
- prompt
-_Route8AfterBattleText5: ; 8e060 (23:6060)
- text "We're stuck here"
- line "because of the"
- cont "gates at SAFFRON."
- done
-_Route8BattleText6: ; 8e092 (23:6092)
- text "MEOWTH is so cute,"
- line "meow, meow, meow!"
- done
-_Route8EndBattleText6: ; 8e0b8 (23:60b8)
- text "Meow!"
- prompt
-_Route8AfterBattleText6: ; 8e0bf (23:60bf)
- text "I think PIDGEY"
- line "and RATTATA"
- cont "are cute too!"
- done
-_Route8BattleText7: ; 8e0e9 (23:60e9)
- text "We must look"
- line "silly standing"
- cont "here like this!"
- done
-_Route8EndBattleText7: ; 8e116 (23:6116)
- text "Look what"
- line "you did!"
- prompt
-_Route8AfterBattleText7: ; 8e12a (23:612a)
- text "SAFFRON's gate"
- line "keeper won't let"
- cont "us through."
- cont "He's so mean!"
- done
-_Route8BattleText8: ; 8e162 (23:6162)
- text "I'm a rambling,"
- line "gambling dude!"
- done
-_Route8EndBattleText8: ; 8e181 (23:6181)
- text "Missed"
- line "the big score!"
- prompt
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_1.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_2.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_3.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_4.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_5.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_6.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_7.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_8.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_9.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_10.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_11_1.asm"
-_Route8AfterBattleText8: ; 8e198 (23:6198)
- text "Gambling and"
- line "#MON are like"
- cont "eating peanuts!"
- cont "Just can't stop!"
- done
-_Route8BattleText9: ; 8e1d4 (23:61d4)
- text "What's a cute,"
- line "round and fluffy"
- cont "#MON?"
- done
-_Route8EndBattleText9: ; 8e1fa (23:61fa)
- text "Stop!"
- para "Don't be so mean"
- line "to my CLEFAIRY!"
- prompt
-_Route8AfterBattleText9: ; 8e221 (23:6221)
- text "I heard that"
- line "CLEFAIRY evolves"
- cont "when it's exposed"
- cont "to a MOON STONE."
- done
-_Route8Text10: ; 8e262 (23:6262)
- line "CELADON CITY -"
- done
-_Route9BattleText1: ; 8e291 (23:6291)
- text "You have #MON"
- line "with you!"
- cont "You're mine!"
- done
-_Route9EndBattleText1: ; 8e2b6 (23:62b6)
- text "You"
- line "deceived me!"
- prompt
-_Route9AfterBattleText1: ; 8e2c8 (23:62c8)
- text "You need light to"
- line "get through that"
- cont "dark tunnel ahead."
- done
-_Route9BattleText2: ; 8e2ff (23:62ff)
- text "Who's that walking"
- line "with those good"
- cont "looking #MON?"
- done
-_Route9EndBattleText2: ; 8e330 (23:6330)
- text "Out"
- line "like a light!"
- prompt
-_Route9AfterBattleText2: ; 8e343 (23:6343)
- text "Keep walking!"
- done
-_Route9BattleText3: ; 8e352 (23:6352)
- text "I'm taking ROCK"
- line "TUNNEL to go to"
- cont "LAVENDER..."
- done
-_Route9EndBattleText3: ; 8e37e (23:637e)
- text "Can't"
- line "measure up!"
- prompt
-_Route9AfterBattleText3: ; 8e390 (23:6390)
- text "Are you off to"
- line "ROCK TUNNEL too?"
- done
-_Route9BattleText4: ; 8e3b1 (23:63b1)
- text "Don't you dare"
- line "condescend me!"
- done
-_Route9EndBattleText4: ; 8e3cf (23:63cf)
- text "No!"
- line "You're too much!"
- prompt
-_Route9AfterBattleText4: ; 8e3e4 (23:63e4)
- text "You're obviously"
- line "talented! Good"
- cont "luck to you!"
- done
-_Route9BattleText5: ; 8e411 (23:6411)
- text "Bwahaha!"
- line "Great! I was"
- cont "bored, eh!"
- done
-_Route9EndBattleText5: ; 8e433 (23:6433)
- text "Keep it"
- line "coming, eh!"
- para "Oh wait. I'm out"
- line "of #MON!"
- prompt
-_Route9AfterBattleText5: ; 8e461 (23:6461)
- text "You sure had guts"
- line "standing up to me"
- cont "there, eh?"
- done
-_Route9BattleText6: ; 8e491 (23:6491)
- text "Hahaha!"
- line "Aren't you a"
- cont "little toughie!"
- done
-_Route9EndBattleText6: ; 8e4b6 (23:64b6)
- text "What's"
- line "that?"
- prompt
-_Route9AfterBattleText6: ; 8e4c3 (23:64c3)
- text "Hahaha! Kids"
- line "should be tough!"
- done
-_Route9BattleText7: ; 8e4e2 (23:64e2)
- text "I got up early"
- line "every day to"
- cont "raise my #MON"
- cont "from cocoons!"
- done
-_Route9EndBattleText7: ; 8e51b (23:651b)
- text "WHAT?"
- para "What a total"
- line "waste of time!"
- prompt
-_Route9AfterBattleText7: ; 8e53e (23:653e)
- text "I have to collect"
- line "more than bugs to"
- cont "get stronger..."
- done
-_Route9BattleText8: ; 8e573 (23:6573)
- text "Hahahaha!"
- line "Come on, dude!"
- done
-_Route9EndBattleText8: ; 8e58d (23:658d)
- text "Hahahaha!"
- line "You beat me fair!"
- prompt
-_Route9AfterBattleText8: ; 8e5aa (23:65aa)
- text "Hahahaha!"
- line "Us hearty guys"
- cont "always laugh!"
- done
-_Route9BattleText9: ; 8e5d2 (23:65d2)
- text "Go, my super bug"
- line "#MON!"
- done
-_Route9EndBattleText9: ; 8e5ea (23:65ea)
- text "My"
- line "bugs..."
- prompt
-_Route9AfterBattleText9: ; 8e5f6 (23:65f6)
- text "If you don't like"
- line "bug #MON, you"
- cont "bug me!"
- done
-_Route9Text11: ; 8e61e (23:661e)
- text "ROUTE 9"
- cont "ROCK TUNNEL"
- done
-_Route10BattleText1: ; 8e642 (23:6642)
- text "Wow, are you a"
- line "#MANIAC too?"
- cont "Want to see my"
- cont "collection?"
- done
-_Route10EndBattleText1: ; 8e67a (23:667a)
- text "Humph."
- line "I'm not angry!"
- prompt
-_Route10AfterBattleText1: ; 8e690 (23:6690)
- text "I have more rare"
- line "#MON at home!"
- done
-_Route10BattleText2: ; 8e6b0 (23:66b0)
- text "Ha-hahah-ah-ha!"
- done
-_Route10EndBattleText2: ; 8e6c1 (23:66c1)
- text "Ha-haha!"
- line "Not laughing!"
- cont "Ha-hay fever!"
- cont "Haha-ha-choo!"
- prompt
-_Route10AfterBattleText2: ; 8e6f5 (23:66f5)
- text "Haha-ha-choo!"
- line "Ha-choo!"
- cont "Snort! Snivel!"
- done
-_Route10BattleText3: ; 8e71c (23:671c)
- text "Hi kid, want to"
- line "see my #MON?"
- done
-_Route10EndBattleText3: ; 8e73a (23:673a)
- text "Oh no!"
- line "My #MON!"
- prompt
-_Route10AfterBattleText3: ; 8e74b (23:674b)
- text "I don't like you"
- line "for beating me!"
- done
-_Route10BattleText4: ; 8e76c (23:676c)
- text "I've been to a"
- line "#MON GYM a few"
- cont "times. But, I"
- cont "lost each time."
- done
-_Route10EndBattleText4: ; 8e7a8 (23:67a8)
- text "Ohh!"
- line "Blew it again!"
- prompt
-_Route10AfterBattleText4: ; 8e7bd (23:67bd)
- text "I noticed some"
- line "#MANIACs"
- cont "prowling around."
- done
-_Route10BattleText5: ; 8e7e7 (23:67e7)
- text "Ah! This mountain"
- line "air is delicious!"
- done
-_Route10EndBattleText5: ; 8e80c (23:680c)
- text "That"
- line "cleared my head!"
- prompt
-_Route10AfterBattleText5: ; 8e823 (23:6823)
- text "I feel bloated on"
- line "mountain air!"
- done
-_Route10BattleText6: ; 8e844 (23:6844)
- text "I'm feeling a bit"
- line "faint from this"
- cont "tough hike."
- done
-_Route10EndBattleText6: ; 8e872 (23:6872)
- text "I'm"
- line "not up to it!"
- prompt
-_Route10AfterBattleText6: ; 8e884 (23:6884)
- text "The #MON here"
- line "are so chunky!"
- cont "There should be a"
- cont "pink one with a"
- cont "floral pattern!"
- done
-_Route10Text9: ; 8e8d4 (23:68d4)
-_Route10Text7: ; 8e8d4 (23:68d4)
- text "ROCK TUNNEL"
- done
-_Route10Text10: ; 8e8e1 (23:68e1)
- text "POWER PLANT"
- done
-_Route11BattleText1: ; 8e8ee (23:68ee)
- text "Win, lose or draw!"
- done
-_Route11EndBattleText1: ; 8e902 (23:6902)
- text "Atcha!"
- line "Didn't go my way!"
- prompt
-_Route11AfterBattleText1: ; 8e91b (23:691b)
- text "#MON is life!"
- line "And to live is to"
- cont "gamble!"
- done
-_Route11BattleText2: ; 8e944 (23:6944)
- text "Competition! I"
- line "can't get enough!"
- done
-_Route11EndBattleText2: ; 8e965 (23:6965)
- text "I had"
- line "a chance!"
- prompt
-_Route11AfterBattleText2: ; 8e976 (23:6976)
- text "You can't be a"
- line "coward in the"
- cont "world of #MON!"
- done
-_Route11BattleText3: ; 8e9a2 (23:69a2)
- text "Let's go, but"
- line "don't cheat!"
- done
-_Route11EndBattleText3: ; 8e9bc (23:69bc)
- text "Huh?"
- line "That's not right!"
- prompt
-_Route11AfterBattleText3: ; 8e9d3 (23:69d3)
- text "I did my best! I"
- line "have no regrets!"
- done
-_Route11BattleText4: ; 8e9f6 (23:69f6)
- text "Careful!"
- line "I'm laying down"
- cont "some cables!"
- done
-_Route11EndBattleText4: ; 8ea1c (23:6a1c)
- text "That"
- line "was electric!"
- prompt
-_Route11AfterBattleText4: ; 8ea30 (23:6a30)
- text "Spread the word"
- line "to save energy!"
- done
-_Route11BattleText5: ; 8ea51 (23:6a51)
- text "I just became a"
- line "trainer! But, I"
- cont "think I can win!"
- done
-_Route11EndBattleText5: ; 8ea83 (23:6a83)
- text "My"
- line "#MON couldn't!"
- prompt
-_Route11AfterBattleText5: ; 8ea95 (23:6a95)
- text "What do you want?"
- line "Leave me alone!"
- done
-_Route11BattleText6: ; 8eab8 (23:6ab8)
- text "Fwahaha! I have"
- line "never lost!"
- done
-_Route11EndBattleText6: ; 8ead5 (23:6ad5)
- text "My"
- line "first loss!"
- prompt
-_Route11AfterBattleText6: ; 8eae5 (23:6ae5)
- text "Luck of the draw!"
- line "Just luck!"
- done
-_Route11BattleText7: ; 8eb03 (23:6b03)
- text "I have never won"
- line "before..."
- done
-_Route11EndBattleText7: ; 8eb1f (23:6b1f)
- text "I saw"
- line "this coming..."
- prompt
-_Route11AfterBattleText7: ; 8eb35 (23:6b35)
- text "It's just luck."
- line "Luck of the draw."
- done
-_Route11BattleText8: ; 8eb57 (23:6b57)
- text "I'm the best in"
- line "my class!"
- done
-_Route11EndBattleText8: ; 8eb71 (23:6b71)
- text "Darn!"
- line "I need to make my"
- cont "#MON stronger!"
- prompt
-_Route11AfterBattleText8: ; 8eb99 (23:6b99)
- text "There's a fat"
- line "#MON that"
- cont "comes down from"
- cont "the mountains."
- para "It's strong if"
- line "you can get it."
- done
-_Route11BattleText9: ; 8ebee (23:6bee)
- text "Watch out for"
- line "live wires!"
- done
SECTION "bank24",ROMX,BANK[$24]
-_Route11EndBattleText9: ; 90000 (24:4000)
- text "Whoa!"
- line "You spark plug!"
- prompt
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_11_2.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_12.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_13.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_14.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_15.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_16.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_17.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_18.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_19.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_20.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_21.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_22.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_23.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_24_1.asm"
-_Route11AfterBattleText9: ; 90017 (24:4017)
- text "Well, better get"
- line "back to work."
- done
-_Route11BattleText10: ; 90037 (24:4037)
- text "My #MON should"
- line "be ready by now!"
- done
-_Route11EndBattleText10: ; 90058 (24:4058)
- text "Too"
- line "much, too young!"
- prompt
-_Route11AfterBattleText10: ; 9006e (24:406e)
- text "I better go find"
- line "stronger ones!"
- done
-_Route11Text11: ; 9008f (24:408f)
- text "DIGLETT's CAVE"
- done
-_Route12Text1: ; 9009e (24:409e)
- text "A sleeping #MON"
- line "blocks the way!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_596eb: ; 900bf (24:40bf)
- text "SNORLAX woke up!"
- para "It attacked in a"
- line "grumpy rage!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_596f0: ; 900ef (24:40ef)
- text "SNORLAX calmed"
- line "down! With a big"
- cont "yawn, it returned"
- cont "to the mountains!"
- done
-_Route12BattleText1: ; 90134 (24:4134)
- text "Yeah! I got a"
- line "bite, here!"
- done
-_Route12EndBattleText1: ; 9014f (24:414f)
- text "Tch!"
- line "Just a small fry!"
- prompt
-_Route12AfterBattleText1: ; 90167 (24:4167)
- text "Hang on! My line's"
- line "snagged!"
- done
-_Route12BattleText2: ; 90183 (24:4183)
- text "Be patient!"
- line "Fishing is a"
- cont "waiting game!"
- done
-_Route12EndBattleText2: ; 901ab (24:41ab)
- text "That"
- line "one got away!"
- prompt
-_Route12AfterBattleText2: ; 901bf (24:41bf)
- text "With a better ROD,"
- line "I could catch"
- cont "better #MON!"
- done
-_Route12BattleText3: ; 901ee (24:41ee)
- text "Have you found a"
- line "MOON STONE?"
- done
-_Route12EndBattleText3: ; 9020c (24:420c)
- text "Oww!"
- prompt
-_Route12AfterBattleText3: ; 90212 (24:4212)
- text "I could have made"
- line "my #MON evolve"
- cont "with MOON STONE!"
- done
-_Route12BattleText4: ; 90245 (24:4245)
- text "Electricity is my"
- line "specialty!"
- done
-_Route12EndBattleText4: ; 90263 (24:4263)
- text "Unplugged!"
- prompt
-_Route12AfterBattleText4: ; 9026f (24:426f)
- text "Water conducts"
- line "electricity, so"
- cont "you should zap"
- cont "sea #MON!"
- done
-_Route12BattleText5: ; 902a8 (24:42a8)
- text "The FISHING FOOL"
- line "vs. #MON KID!"
- done
-_Route12EndBattleText5: ; 902c8 (24:42c8)
- text "Too"
- line "much!"
- prompt
-_Route12AfterBattleText5: ; 902d3 (24:42d3)
- text "You beat me at"
- line "#MON, but I'm"
- cont "good at fishing!"
- done
-_Route12BattleText6: ; 90301 (24:4301)
- text "I'd rather be"
- line "working!"
- done
-_Route12EndBattleText6: ; 90318 (24:4318)
- text "It's"
- line "not easy..."
- prompt
-_Route12AfterBattleText6: ; 90329 (24:4329)
- text "It's all right."
- line "Losing doesn't"
- cont "bug me any more."
- done
-_Route12BattleText7: ; 90358 (24:4358)
- text "You never know"
- line "what you could"
- cont "catch!"
- done
-_Route12EndBattleText7: ; 9037e (24:437e)
- text "Lost"
- line "it!"
- prompt
-_Route12AfterBattleText7: ; 90388 (24:4388)
- text "I catch MAGIKARP"
- line "all the time, but"
- cont "they're so weak!"
- done
-_Route12Text11: ; 903bc (24:43bc)
- text "ROUTE 12 "
- line "North to LAVENDER"
- done
-_Route12Text12: ; 903d9 (24:43d9)
- done
-_Route13BattleText2: ; 903ed (24:43ed)
- text "My bird #MON"
- line "want to scrap!"
- done
-_Route13EndBattleText2: ; 9040a (24:440a)
- text "My"
- line "bird combo lost?"
- prompt
-_Route13AfterBattleText2: ; 9041f (24:441f)
- text "My #MON look"
- line "happy even though"
- cont "they lost."
- done
-_Route13BattleText3: ; 9044a (24:444a)
- text "I'm told I'm good"
- line "for a kid!"
- done
-_Route13EndBattleText3: ; 90466 (24:4466)
- text "Ohh!"
- line "I lost!"
- prompt
-_Route13AfterBattleText3: ; 90474 (24:4474)
- text "I want to become"
- line "a good trainer."
- cont "I'll train hard."
- done
-_Route13BattleText4: ; 904a6 (24:44a6)
- text "Wow! Your BADGEs"
- line "are too cool!"
- done
-_Route13EndBattleText4: ; 904c6 (24:44c6)
- text "Not"
- line "enough!"
- prompt
-_Route13AfterBattleText4: ; 904d3 (24:44d3)
- text "You got those"
- line "BADGEs from GYM"
- cont "LEADERs. I know!"
- done
-_Route13BattleText5: ; 90503 (24:4503)
- text "My cute #MON"
- line "wish to make your"
- cont "acquaintance."
- done
-_Route13EndBattleText5: ; 90531 (24:4531)
- text "Wow!"
- line "You totally won!"
- prompt
-_Route13AfterBattleText5: ; 90548 (24:4548)
- text "You have to make"
- line "#MON fight to"
- cont "toughen them up!"
- done
-_Route13BattleText6: ; 90579 (24:4579)
- text "I found CARBOS in"
- line "a cave once."
- done
-_Route13EndBattleText6: ; 90599 (24:4599)
- text "Just"
- line "messed up!"
- prompt
-_Route13AfterBattleText6: ; 905aa (24:45aa)
- text "CARBOS boosted"
- line "the SPEED of my"
- cont "#MON."
- done
-_Route13BattleText7: ; 905d0 (24:45d0)
- text "The wind's blowing"
- line "my way!"
- done
-_Route13EndBattleText7: ; 905eb (24:45eb)
- text "The"
- line "wind turned!"
- prompt
-_Route13AfterBattleText7: ; 905fd (24:45fd)
- text "I'm beat. I guess"
- line "I'll FLY home."
- done
-_Route13BattleText8: ; 9061d (24:461d)
- text "Sure, I'll play"
- line "with you!"
- done
-_Route13EndBattleText8: ; 90637 (24:4637)
- text "Oh!"
- line "You little brute!"
- prompt
-_Route13AfterBattleText8: ; 9064e (24:464e)
- text "I wonder which is"
- line "stronger, male or"
- cont "female #MON?"
- done
-_Route13BattleText9: ; 90680 (24:4680)
- text "Do you want to"
- line "#MON with me?"
- done
-_Route13EndBattleText9: ; 9069e (24:469e)
- text "It's over"
- line "already?"
- prompt
-_Route13AfterBattleText9: ; 906b1 (24:46b1)
- text "I don't know"
- line "anything about"
- cont "#MON. I just"
- cont "like cool ones!"
- done
-_Route13BattleText10: ; 906ea (24:46ea)
- text "What're you"
- line "lookin' at?"
- done
-_Route13EndBattleText10: ; 90702 (24:4702)
- text "Dang!"
- line "Stripped gears!"
- prompt
-_Route13AfterBattleText10: ; 90719 (24:4719)
- text "Get lost!"
- done
-_Route13BattleText11: ; 90724 (24:4724)
- text "I always go with"
- line "bird #MON!"
- done
-_Route13EndBattleText11: ; 90741 (24:4741)
- text "Out"
- line "of power!"
- prompt
-_Route13AfterBattleText11: ; 90750 (24:4750)
- text "I wish I could"
- line "fly like PIDGEY"
- cont "and PIDGEOTTO..."
- done
-_Route13Text11: ; 90781 (24:4781)
- para "Look to the left"
- line "of that post!"
- done
-_Route13Text12: ; 907ae (24:47ae)
- para "Use SELECT to"
- line "switch items in"
- cont "the ITEM window!"
- done
-_Route13Text13: ; 907eb (24:47eb)
- text "ROUTE 13"
- line "North to SILENCE"
- cont "BRIDGE"
- done
-_Route14BattleText1: ; 9080d (24:480d)
- text "You need to use"
- line "TMs to teach good"
- cont "moves to #MON!"
- done
-_Route14EndBattleText1: ; 9083f (24:483f)
- text "Not"
- line "good enough!"
- prompt
-_Route14AfterBattleText1: ; 90851 (24:4851)
- text "You have some HMs"
- line "right? #MON"
- cont "can't ever forget"
- cont "those moves."
- done
-_Route14BattleText2: ; 9088e (24:488e)
- text "My bird #MON"
- line "should be ready"
- cont "for battle."
- done
-_Route14EndBattleText2: ; 908b8 (24:48b8)
- text "Not"
- line "ready yet!"
- prompt
-_Route14AfterBattleText2: ; 908c8 (24:48c8)
- text "They need to learn"
- line "better moves."
- done
-_Route14BattleText3: ; 908ea (24:48ea)
- text "TMs are on sale"
- line "in CELADON!"
- cont "But, only a few"
- cont "people have HMs!"
- done
-_Route14EndBattleText3: ; 90928 (24:4928)
- text "Aww,"
- line "bummer!"
- prompt
-_Route14AfterBattleText3: ; 90936 (24:4936)
- text "Teach #MON"
- line "moves of the same"
- cont "element type for"
- cont "more power."
- done
-_Route14BattleText4: ; 90971 (24:4971)
- text "Have you taught"
- line "your bird #MON"
- cont "how to FLY?"
- done
-_Route14EndBattleText4: ; 9099d (24:499d)
- text "Shot"
- line "down in flames!"
- prompt
-_Route14AfterBattleText4: ; 909b3 (24:49b3)
- text "Bird #MON are"
- line "my true love!"
- done
-_Route14BattleText5: ; 909d0 (24:49d0)
- text "Have you heard of"
- line "the legendary"
- cont "#MON?"
- done
-_Route14EndBattleText5: ; 909f7 (24:49f7)
- text "Why?"
- line "Why'd I lose?"
- prompt
-_Route14AfterBattleText5: ; 90a0a (24:4a0a)
- text "The 3 legendary"
- line "#MON are all"
- cont "birds of prey."
- done
-_Route14BattleText6: ; 90a37 (24:4a37)
- text "I'm not into it,"
- line "but OK! Let's go!"
- done
-_Route14EndBattleText6: ; 90a59 (24:4a59)
- text "I"
- line "knew it!"
- prompt
-_Route14AfterBattleText6: ; 90a65 (24:4a65)
- text "Winning, losing,"
- line "it doesn't matter"
- cont "in the long run!"
- done
-_Route14BattleText7: ; 90a99 (24:4a99)
- text "C'mon, c'mon."
- line "Let's go, let's"
- cont "go, let's go!"
- done
-_Route14EndBattleText7: ; 90ac1 (24:4ac1)
- text "Arrg!"
- line "Lost! Get lost!"
- prompt
-_Route14AfterBattleText7: ; 90ad8 (24:4ad8)
- text "What, what, what?"
- line "What do you want?"
- done
-_Route14BattleText8: ; 90afd (24:4afd)
- text "Perfect! I need to"
- line "burn some time!"
- done
-_Route14EndBattleText8: ; 90b21 (24:4b21)
- text "What?"
- line "You!?"
- prompt
-_Route14AfterBattleText8: ; 90b2e (24:4b2e)
- text "Raising #MON"
- line "is a drag, man."
- done
-_Route14BattleText9: ; 90b4c (24:4b4c)
- text "We ride out here"
- line "because there's"
- cont "more room!"
- done
-_Route14EndBattleText9: ; 90b78 (24:4b78)
- text "Wipe out!"
- prompt
-_Route14AfterBattleText9: ; 90b83 (24:4b83)
- text "It's cool you"
- line "made your #MON"
- cont "so strong!"
- para "Might is right!"
- line "And you know it!"
- done
-_Route14BattleText10: ; 90bcc (24:4bcc)
- text "#MON fight?"
- line "Cool! Rumble!"
- done
-_Route14EndBattleText10: ; 90be7 (24:4be7)
- text "Blown"
- line "away!"
- prompt
-_Route14AfterBattleText10: ; 90bf4 (24:4bf4)
- text "You know who'd"
- line "win, you and me"
- cont "one on one!"
- done
-_Route14Text11: ; 90c1f (24:4c1f)
- text "ROUTE 14"
- line "West to FUCHSIA"
- cont "CITY"
- done
-_Route15BattleText1: ; 90c3e (24:4c3e)
- text "Let me try out the"
- line "#MON I just"
- cont "got in a trade!"
- done
-_Route15EndBattleText1: ; 90c6e (24:4c6e)
- text "Not"
- line "good enough!"
- prompt
-_Route15AfterBattleText1: ; 90c80 (24:4c80)
- text "You can't change"
- line "the nickname of"
- cont "any #MON you"
- cont "get in a trade."
- para "Only the Original"
- line "Trainer can."
- done
-_Route15BattleText2: ; 90cdd (24:4cdd)
- text "You look gentle,"
- line "so I think I can"
- cont "beat you!"
- done
-_Route15EndBattleText2: ; 90d0a (24:4d0a)
- text "No,"
- line "wrong!"
- prompt
-_Route15AfterBattleText2: ; 90d16 (24:4d16)
- text "I'm afraid of"
- line "BIKERs, they look"
- cont "so ugly and mean!"
- done
-_Route15BattleText3: ; 90d48 (24:4d48)
- text "When I whistle, I"
- line "can summon bird"
- cont "#MON!"
- done
-_Route15EndBattleText3: ; 90d71 (24:4d71)
- text "Ow!"
- line "That's tragic!"
- prompt
-_Route15AfterBattleText3: ; 90d84 (24:4d84)
- text "Maybe I'm not cut"
- line "out for battles."
- done
-_Route15BattleText4: ; 90da7 (24:4da7)
- text "Hmm? My birds are"
- line "shivering! You're"
- cont "good, aren't you?"
- done
-_Route15EndBattleText4: ; 90ddc (24:4ddc)
- text "Just"
- line "as I thought!"
- prompt
-_Route15AfterBattleText4: ; 90df0 (24:4df0)
- text "Did you know moves"
- line "like EARTHQUAKE"
- cont "don't have any"
- cont "effect on birds?"
- done
-_Route15BattleText5: ; 90e33 (24:4e33)
- text "Oh, you're a"
- line "little cutie!"
- done
-_Route15EndBattleText5: ; 90e4e (24:4e4e)
- text "You looked"
- line "so cute too!"
- prompt
-_Route15AfterBattleText5: ; 90e67 (24:4e67)
- text "I forgive you!"
- line "I can take it!"
- done
-_Route15BattleText6: ; 90e86 (24:4e86)
- text "I raise #MON"
- line "because I live"
- cont "alone!"
- done
-_Route15EndBattleText6: ; 90eaa (24:4eaa)
- text "I didn't"
- line "ask for this!"
- prompt
-_Route15AfterBattleText6: ; 90ec1 (24:4ec1)
- text "I just like going"
- line "home to be with"
- cont "my #MON!"
- done
-_Route15BattleText7: ; 90eed (24:4eed)
- text "Hey kid! C'mon!"
- line "I just got these!"
- done
-_Route15EndBattleText7: ; 90f0f (24:4f0f)
- text "Why"
- line "not?"
- prompt
-_Route15AfterBattleText7: ; 90f19 (24:4f19)
- text "You only live"
- line "once, so I live"
- cont "as an outlaw!"
- done
-_Route15BattleText8: ; 90f59 (24:4f59)
- text "Fork over all your"
- line "cash when you"
- cont "lose to me, kid!"
- done
-_Route15EndBattleText8: ; 90f8c (24:4f8c)
- text "That"
- line "can't be true!"
- prompt
-_Route15AfterBattleText8: ; 90fa0 (24:4fa0)
- text "I was just joking"
- line "about the money!"
- done
-_Route15BattleText9: ; 90fc4 (24:4fc4)
- text "What's cool?"
- line "Trading #MON!"
- done
-_Route15EndBattleText9: ; 90fdf (24:4fdf)
- text "I"
- line "said trade!"
- prompt
-_Route15AfterBattleText9: ; 90fee (24:4fee)
- text "I trade #MON"
- line "with my friends!"
- done
-_Route15BattleText10: ; 9100d (24:500d)
- text "Want to play with"
- line "my #MON?"
- done
-_Route15EndBattleText10: ; 91029 (24:5029)
- text "I was"
- line "too impatient!"
- prompt
-_Route15AfterBattleText10: ; 9103f (24:503f)
- text "I'll go train with"
- line "weaker people.@@"
-_Route15Text12: ; 91062 (24:5062)
- text "ROUTE 15"
- line "West to FUCHSIA"
- cont "CITY"
- done
-_Route16BattleText1: ; 91081 (24:5081)
- text "What do you want?"
- done
-_Route16EndBattleText1: ; 91094 (24:5094)
- text "Don't you"
- line "dare laugh!"
- prompt
-_Route16AfterBattleText1: ; 910aa (24:50aa)
- text "We like just"
- line "hanging here,"
- cont "what's it to you?"
- done
-_Route16BattleText2: ; 910d7 (24:50d7)
- text "Nice BIKE!"
- line "Hand it over!"
- done
-_Route16EndBattleText2: ; 910f1 (24:50f1)
- text "Knock"
- line "out!"
- prompt
-_Route16AfterBattleText2: ; 910fd (24:50fd)
- text "Forget it, who"
- line "needs your BIKE!"
- done
-_Route16BattleText3: ; 9111e (24:511e)
- text "Come out and play,"
- line "little mouse!"
- done
-_Route16EndBattleText3: ; 91140 (24:5140)
- text "You"
- line "little rat!"
- prompt
-_Route16AfterBattleText3: ; 91151 (24:5151)
- text "I hate losing!"
- line "Get away from me!"
- done
-_Route16BattleText4: ; 91173 (24:5173)
- text "Hey, you just"
- line "bumped me!"
- done
-_Route16EndBattleText4: ; 9118d (24:518d)
- text "Kaboom!"
- prompt
-_Route16AfterBattleText4: ; 91196 (24:5196)
- text "You can also get"
- line "to FUCHSIA from"
- cont "VERMILION using a"
- cont "coastal road."
- done
-_Route16BattleText5: ; 911d8 (24:51d8)
- text "I'm feeling"
- line "hungry and mean!"
- done
-_Route16EndBattleText5: ; 911f5 (24:51f5)
- text "Bad,"
- line "bad, bad!"
- prompt
-_Route16AfterBattleText5: ; 91205 (24:5205)
- text "I like my #MON"
- line "ferocious! They"
- cont "tear up enemies!"
- done
-_Route16BattleText6: ; 91236 (24:5236)
- text "Sure, I'll go!"
- done
-_Route16EndBattleText6: ; 91245 (24:5245)
- text "Don't make"
- line "me mad!"
- prompt
-_Route16AfterBattleText6: ; 91258 (24:5258)
- text "I like harassing"
- line "people with my"
- cont "vicious #MON!"
- done
-_Route16Text7: ; 91287 (24:5287)
- text "A sleeping #MON"
- line "blocks the way!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_59ab3: ; 912a8 (24:52a8)
- text "SNORLAX woke up!"
- para "It attacked in a"
- line "grumpy rage!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_59ab8: ; 912d8 (24:52d8)
- text "With a big yawn,"
- line "SNORLAX returned"
- cont "to the mountains!"
- done
-_Route16Text8: ; 9130d (24:530d)
- text "Enjoy the slope!"
- done
-_Route16Text9: ; 9132c (24:532c)
- text "ROUTE 16"
- line "CELADON CITY -"
- done
-_Route17BattleText1: ; 91352 (24:5352)
- text "There's no money"
- line "in fighting kids!"
- done
-_Route17EndBattleText1: ; 91375 (24:5375)
- text "Burned"
- line "out!"
- prompt
-_Route17AfterBattleText1: ; 91382 (24:5382)
- text "Good stuff is"
- line "lying around on"
- cont "CYCLING ROAD!"
- done
-_Route17BattleText2: ; 913af (24:53af)
- text "What do you want,"
- line "kiddo?"
- done
-_Route17EndBattleText2: ; 913c9 (24:53c9)
- text "Whoo!"
- prompt
-_Route17AfterBattleText2: ; 913d0 (24:53d0)
- text "I could belly-"
- line "bump you outta"
- cont "here!"
- done
-_Route17BattleText3: ; 913f5 (24:53f5)
- text "You heading to"
- line "FUCHSIA?"
- done
-_Route17EndBattleText3: ; 9140e (24:540e)
- text "Crash and"
- line "burn!"
- prompt
-_Route17AfterBattleText3: ; 9141f (24:541f)
- text "I love racing"
- line "downhill!"
- done
-_Route17BattleText4: ; 91438 (24:5438)
- text "We're BIKERs!"
- line "Highway stars!"
- done
-_Route17EndBattleText4: ; 91455 (24:5455)
- text "Smoked!"
- prompt
-_Route17AfterBattleText4: ; 9145e (24:545e)
- text "Are you looking"
- line "for adventure?"
- done
-_Route17BattleText5: ; 9147e (24:547e)
- text "Let VOLTORB"
- line "electrify you!"
- done
-_Route17EndBattleText5: ; 9149a (24:549a)
- text "Grounded"
- line "out!"
- prompt
-_Route17AfterBattleText5: ; 914a9 (24:54a9)
- text "I got my VOLTORB"
- line "at the abandoned"
- cont "POWER PLANT."
- done
-_Route17BattleText6: ; 914d9 (24:54d9)
- text "My #MON won't"
- line "evolve! Why?"
- done
-_Route17EndBattleText6: ; 914f4 (24:54f4)
- text "Why,"
- line "you!"
- prompt
-_Route17AfterBattleText6: ; 914ff (24:54ff)
- text "Maybe some #MON"
- line "need element"
- cont "STONEs to evolve."
- done
-_Route17BattleText7: ; 9152f (24:552f)
- text "I need a little"
- line "exercise!"
- done
-_Route17EndBattleText7: ; 9154a (24:554a)
- text "Whew!"
- line "Good workout!"
- prompt
-_Route17AfterBattleText7: ; 9155f (24:555f)
- text "I'm sure I lost"
- line "weight there!"
- done
-_Route17BattleText8: ; 9157d (24:557d)
- text "Be a rebel!"
- done
-_Route17EndBattleText8: ; 9158a (24:558a)
- text "Aaaargh!"
- prompt
-_Route17AfterBattleText8: ; 91594 (24:5594)
- text "Be ready to fight"
- line "for your beliefs!"
- done
-_Route17BattleText9: ; 915b9 (24:55b9)
- text "Nice BIKE!"
- line "How's it handle?"
- done
-_Route17EndBattleText9: ; 915d5 (24:55d5)
- text "Shoot!"
- prompt
-_Route17AfterBattleText9: ; 915dd (24:55dd)
- text "The slope makes"
- line "it hard to steer!"
- done
-_Route17BattleText10: ; 91600 (24:5600)
- text "Get lost kid!"
- line "I'm bushed!"
- done
-_Route17EndBattleText10: ; 9161a (24:561a)
- text "Are you"
- line "satisfied?"
- prompt
-_Route17AfterBattleText10: ; 9162e (24:562e)
- text "I need to catch"
- line "a few Zs!"
- done
-_Route17Text11: ; 91649 (24:5649)
- text "It's a notice!"
- para "Watch out for"
- line "discarded items!"
- done
-_Route17Text12: ; 91677 (24:5677)
- para "All #MON are"
- line "unique."
- para "Even #MON of"
- line "the same type and"
- cont "level grow at"
- cont "different rates."
- done
-_Route17Text13: ; 916d8 (24:56d8)
- para "Press the A or B"
- line "Button to stay in"
- cont "place while on a"
- cont "slope."
- done
-_Route17Text14: ; 91721 (24:5721)
- text "ROUTE 17"
- line "CELADON CITY -"
- done
-_Route17Text15: ; 91747 (24:5747)
- text "It's a notice!"
- para "Don't throw the"
- line "game, throw #"
- cont "BALLs instead!"
- done
-_Route17Text16: ; 91782 (24:5782)
- line "Slope ends here!"
- done
-_Route18BattleText1: ; 917a1 (24:57a1)
- text "I always check"
- line "every grassy area"
- cont "for new #MON."
- done
-_Route18EndBattleText1: ; 917d1 (24:57d1)
- text "Tch!"
- prompt
-_Route18AfterBattleText1: ; 917d7 (24:57d7)
- text "I wish I had a"
- line "BIKE!"
- done
-_Route18BattleText2: ; 917ed (24:57ed)
- text "Kurukkoo!"
- line "How do you like"
- cont "my bird call?"
- done
-_Route18EndBattleText2: ; 91816 (24:5816)
- text "I"
- line "had to bug you!"
- prompt
-_Route18AfterBattleText2: ; 91829 (24:5829)
- text "I also collect sea"
- line "#MON on"
- cont "weekends!"
- done
-_Route18BattleText3: ; 9184f (24:584f)
- text "This is my turf!"
- line "Get out of here!"
- done
-_Route18EndBattleText3: ; 91872 (24:5872)
- text "Darn!"
- prompt
-_Route18AfterBattleText3: ; 91879 (24:5879)
- text "This is my fave"
- line "#MON hunting"
- cont "area!"
- done
-_Route18Text4: ; 9189d (24:589d)
- text "ROUTE 18"
- line "CELADON CITY -"
- done
-_Route18Text5: ; 918c3 (24:58c3)
- line "No pedestrians"
- cont "permitted!"
- done
-_Route19BattleText1: ; 918eb (24:58eb)
- text "Have to warm up"
- line "before my swim!"
- done
-_Route19EndBattleText1: ; 9190c (24:590c)
- text "All"
- line "warmed up!"
- prompt
-_Route19AfterBattleText1: ; 9191c (24:591c)
- text "Thanks, kid! I'm"
- line "ready for a swim!"
- done
-_Route19BattleText2: ; 9193f (24:593f)
- text "Wait! You'll have"
- line "a heart attack!"
- done
-_Route19EndBattleText2: ; 91961 (24:5961)
- text "Ooh!"
- line "That's chilly!"
- prompt
-_Route19AfterBattleText2: ; 91975 (24:5975)
- text "Watch out for"
- line "TENTACOOL!"
- done
-_Route19BattleText3: ; 9198f (24:598f)
- text "I love swimming!"
- line "What about you?"
- done
-_Route19EndBattleText3: ; 919b1 (24:59b1)
- text "Belly"
- line "flop!"
- prompt
-_Route19AfterBattleText3: ; 919be (24:59be)
- text "I can beat #MON"
- line "at swimming!"
- done
-_Route19BattleText4: ; 919dc (24:59dc)
- text "What's beyond the"
- line "horizon?"
- done
-_Route19EndBattleText4: ; 919f7 (24:59f7)
- text "Glub!"
- prompt
-_Route19AfterBattleText4: ; 919fe (24:59fe)
- text "I see a couple of"
- line "islands!"
- done
-_Route19BattleText5: ; 91a1a (24:5a1a)
- text "I tried diving"
- line "for #MON, but"
- cont "it was a no go!"
- done
-_Route19EndBattleText5: ; 91a48 (24:5a48)
- text "Help!"
- prompt
-_Route19AfterBattleText5: ; 91a4f (24:5a4f)
- text "You have to fish"
- line "for sea #MON!"
- done
-_Route19BattleText6: ; 91a6f (24:5a6f)
- text "I look at the"
- line "sea to forget!"
- done
-_Route19EndBattleText6: ; 91a8d (24:5a8d)
- text "Ooh!"
- line "Traumatic!"
- prompt
-_Route19AfterBattleText6: ; 91a9e (24:5a9e)
- text "I'm looking at the"
- line "sea to forget!"
- done
-_Route19BattleText7: ; 91ac0 (24:5ac0)
- text "Oh, I just love"
- line "your ride! Can I"
- cont "have it if I win?"
- done
-_Route19EndBattleText7: ; 91af4 (24:5af4)
- text "Oh!"
- line "I lost!"
- prompt
-_Route19AfterBattleText7: ; 91b01 (24:5b01)
- text "It's still a long"
- line "way to go to"
- done
-_Route19BattleText8: ; 91b31 (24:5b31)
- text "Swimming's great!"
- line "Sunburns aren't!"
- done
-_Route19EndBattleText8: ; 91b53 (24:5b53)
- text "Shocker!"
- prompt
-_Route19AfterBattleText8: ; 91b5d (24:5b5d)
- text "My boy friend"
- line "wanted to swim to"
- done
-_Route19BattleText9: ; 91b8f (24:5b8f)
- text "These waters are"
- line "treacherous!"
- done
-_Route19EndBattleText9: ; 91bae (24:5bae)
- text "Ooh!"
- line "Dangerous!"
- prompt
-_Route19AfterBattleText9: ; 91bbf (24:5bbf)
- text "I got a cramp!"
- line "Glub, glub..."
- done
-_Route19BattleText10: ; 91bdd (24:5bdd)
- text "I swam here, but"
- line "I'm tired."
- done
-_Route19EndBattleText10: ; 91bf9 (24:5bf9)
- text "I'm"
- line "exhausted..."
- prompt
-_Route19AfterBattleText10: ; 91c0a (24:5c0a)
- text "LAPRAS is so big,"
- line "it must keep you"
- cont "dry on water."
- done
-_Route19Text11: ; 91c3c (24:5c3c)
- text "SEA ROUTE 19"
- line "FUCHSIA CITY -"
- done
-_Route20BattleText1: ; 91c69 (24:5c69)
- text "The water is"
- line "shallow here."
- done
-_Route20EndBattleText1: ; 91c85 (24:5c85)
- text "Splash!"
- prompt
-_Route20AfterBattleText1: ; 91c8e (24:5c8e)
- text "I wish I could"
- line "ride my #MON."
- done
-_Route20BattleText2: ; 91cac (24:5cac)
- text "SEAFOAM is a"
- line "quiet getaway!"
- done
-_Route20EndBattleText2: ; 91cc9 (24:5cc9)
- text "Quit it!"
- prompt
-_Route20AfterBattleText2: ; 91cd3 (24:5cd3)
- text "There's a huge"
- line "cavern underneath"
- cont "this island."
- done
-_Route20BattleText3: ; 91d01 (24:5d01)
- text "I love floating"
- line "with the fishes!"
- done
-_Route20EndBattleText3: ; 91d23 (24:5d23)
- text "Yowch!"
- prompt
-_Route20AfterBattleText3: ; 91d2b (24:5d2b)
- text "Want to float"
- line "with me?"
- done
-_Route20BattleText4: ; 91d43 (24:5d43)
- text "Are you on"
- line "vacation too?"
- done
-_Route20EndBattleText4: ; 91d5d (24:5d5d)
- text "No"
- line "mercy at all!"
- prompt
-_Route20AfterBattleText4: ; 91d6f (24:5d6f)
- text "SEAFOAM used to"
- line "be one island!"
- done
-_Route20BattleText5: ; 91d8f (24:5d8f)
- text "Check out my buff"
- line "physique!"
- done
-_Route20EndBattleText5: ; 91dac (24:5dac)
- text "Wimpy!"
- prompt
-_Route20AfterBattleText5: ; 91db4 (24:5db4)
- text "I should've been"
- line "buffing up my"
- cont "#MON, not me!"
- done
-_Route20BattleText6: ; 91de1 (24:5de1)
- text "Why are you"
- line "riding a #MON?"
- cont "Can't you swim?"
- done
-_Route20EndBattleText6: ; 91e0c (24:5e0c)
- text "Ouch!"
- line "Torpedoed!"
- prompt
-_Route20AfterBattleText6: ; 91e1e (24:5e1e)
- text "Riding a #MON"
- line "sure looks fun!"
- done
-_Route20BattleText7: ; 91e3d (24:5e3d)
- text "I rode my bird"
- line "#MON here!"
- done
-_Route20EndBattleText7: ; 91e58 (24:5e58)
- text "Oh"
- line "no!"
- prompt
-_Route20AfterBattleText7: ; 91e60 (24:5e60)
- text "My birds can't"
- line "FLY me back!"
- done
-_Route20BattleText8: ; 91e7c (24:5e7c)
- text "My boy friend gave"
- line "me big pearls!"
- done
-_Route20EndBattleText8: ; 91e9f (24:5e9f)
- text "Don't"
- line "touch my pearls!"
- prompt
-_Route20AfterBattleText8: ; 91eb6 (24:5eb6)
- text "Will my pearls"
- line "grow bigger"
- cont "inside CLOYSTER?"
- done
-_Route20BattleText9: ; 91ee3 (24:5ee3)
- text "I swam here from"
- done
-_Route20EndBattleText9: ; 91f06 (24:5f06)
- text "I'm"
- line "so disappointed!"
- prompt
-_Route20AfterBattleText9: ; 91f1b (24:5f1b)
- text "#MON have"
- line "taken over an"
- cont "abandoned mansion"
- cont "on CINNABAR!"
- done
-_Route20BattleText10: ; 91f53 (24:5f53)
- text "CINNABAR, in the"
- line "west, has a LAB"
- cont "for #MON."
- done
-_Route20EndBattleText10: ; 91f7f (24:5f7f)
- text "Wait!"
- prompt
-_Route20AfterBattleText10: ; 91f86 (24:5f86)
- text "CINNABAR is a "
- line "volcanic island!"
- done
-_Route20Text12: ; 91fa7 (24:5fa7)
-_Route20Text11: ; 91fa7 (24:5fa7)
- done
-_Route21BattleText1: ; 91fb8 (24:5fb8)
- text "You want to know"
- line "if the fish are"
- cont "biting?"
- done
-_Route21EndBattleText1: ; 91fe2 (24:5fe2)
- text "Dang!"
- prompt
-_Route21AfterBattleText1: ; 91fe9 (24:5fe9)
- text "I can't catch"
- line "anything good!"
- done
-_Route21BattleText2: ; 92006 (24:6006)
- text "I got a big haul!"
- line "Wanna go for it?"
- done
-_Route21EndBattleText2: ; 9202a (24:602a)
- text "Darn"
- line "MAGIKARP!"
- prompt
-_Route21AfterBattleText2: ; 9203a (24:603a)
- text "I seem to only"
- line "catch MAGIKARP!"
- done
-_Route21BattleText3: ; 9205a (24:605a)
- text "The sea cleanses"
- line "my body and soul!"
- done
-_Route21EndBattleText3: ; 9207e (24:607e)
- text "Ayah!"
- prompt
-_Route21AfterBattleText3: ; 92085 (24:6085)
- text "I like the"
- line "mountains too!"
- done
-_Route21BattleText4: ; 920a0 (24:60a0)
- text "What's wrong with"
- line "me swimming?"
- done
-_Route21EndBattleText4: ; 920bf (24:60bf)
- text "Cheap"
- line "shot!"
- prompt
-_Route21AfterBattleText4: ; 920cc (24:60cc)
- text "I look like what?"
- line "A studded inner"
- cont "tube? Get lost!"
- done
-_Route21BattleText5: ; 920ff (24:60ff)
- text "I caught all my"
- line "#MON at sea!"
- done
-_Route21EndBattleText5: ; 9211d (24:611d)
- text "Diver!!"
- line "Down!!"
- prompt
-_Route21AfterBattleText5: ; 9212d (24:612d)
- text "Where'd you catch"
- line "your #MON?"
- done
-_Route21BattleText6: ; 9214a (24:614a)
- text "Right now, I'm in"
- line "a triathlon meet!"
- done
-_Route21EndBattleText6: ; 9216e (24:616e)
- text "Pant..."
- line "pant...pant..."
- prompt
-_Route21AfterBattleText6: ; 92186 (24:6186)
- text "I'm beat!"
- line "But, I still have"
- cont "the bike race and"
- cont "marathon left!"
- done
-_Route21BattleText7: ; 921c3 (24:61c3)
- text "Ahh! Feel the sun"
- line "and the wind!"
- done
-_Route21EndBattleText7: ; 921e4 (24:61e4)
- text "Yow!"
- line "I lost!"
- prompt
-_Route21AfterBattleText7: ; 921f2 (24:61f2)
- text "I'm sunburnt to a"
- line "crisp!"
- done
-_Route21BattleText8: ; 9220b (24:620b)
- text "Hey, don't scare"
- line "away the fish!"
- done
-_Route21EndBattleText8: ; 9222b (24:622b)
- text "Sorry!"
- line "I didn't mean it!"
- prompt
-_Route21AfterBattleText8: ; 92244 (24:6244)
- text "I was just angry"
- line "that I couldn't"
- cont "catch anything."
- done
-_Route21BattleText9: ; 92275 (24:6275)
- text "Keep me company"
- line "'til I get a hit!"
- done
-_Route21EndBattleText9: ; 92297 (24:6297)
- text "That"
- line "burned some time."
- prompt
-_Route21AfterBattleText9: ; 922af (24:62af)
- text "Oh wait! I got a"
- line "bite! Yeah!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_511ad: ; 922cd (24:62cd)
- text $53, ": Hey!"
- line $52, "!"
- para "You're going to"
- line "#MON LEAGUE?"
- para "Forget it! You"
- line "probably don't"
- cont "have any BADGEs!"
- para "The guard won't"
- line "let you through!"
- para "By the way, did"
- line "your #MON"
- cont "get any stronger?"
- done
-_UnnamedText_511b2: ; 9236f (24:636f)
- text "I heard #MON"
- line "LEAGUE has many"
- cont "tough trainers!"
- para "I have to figure"
- line "out how to get"
- cont "past them!"
- para "You should quit"
- line "dawdling and get"
- cont "a move on!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_511b7: ; 923f4 (24:63f4)
- text "Awww!"
- line "You just lucked"
- cont "out!"
- prompt
-_UnnamedText_511bc: ; 92410 (24:6410)
- text $53, ": What?"
- line "Why do I have 2"
- cont "#MON?"
- para "You should catch"
- cont "some more too!"
- prompt
-_UnnamedText_511c1: ; 92450 (24:6450)
- text $53, ": What?"
- line $52, "! What a"
- cont "surprise to see"
- cont "you here!"
- para "So you're going to"
- line "#MON LEAGUE?"
- para "You collected all"
- line "the BADGEs too?"
- cont "That's cool!"
- para "Then I'll whip you"
- line $52, " as a"
- cont "warm up for"
- cont "#MON LEAGUE!"
- para "Come on!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_511c6: ; 92506 (24:6506)
- text "That loosened me"
- line "up! I'm ready for"
- cont "#MON LEAGUE!"
- para $52, ", you need"
- line "more practice!"
- para "But hey, you know"
- line "that! I'm out of"
- cont "here. Smell ya!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_511cb: ; 92583 (24:6583)
- text "What!?"
- para "I was just"
- line "careless!"
- prompt
-_UnnamedText_511d0: ; 925a0 (24:65a0)
- text $53, ": Hahaha!"
- line $52, "! That's"
- cont "your best? You're"
- cont "nowhere near as"
- cont "good as me, pal!"
- para "Go train some"
- line "more! You loser!"
- prompt
-_Route22Text3: ; 92606 (24:6606)
- text "#MON LEAGUE"
- line "Front Gate"
- done
-_VictoryRoadGuardText1: ; 9261e (24:661e)
- text "You can pass here"
- line "only if you have"
- cont "the @"
- TX_RAM $cd6d
- text "!"
- para "You don't have the"
- line "@"
- TX_RAM $cd6d
- text " yet!"
- para "You have to have"
- line "it to get to"
- cont "#MON LEAGUE!@@"
-_VictoryRoadGuardText2: ; 92696 (24:6696)
- text "You can pass here"
- line "only if you have"
- cont "the @"
- TX_RAM $cd6d
- text "!"
- para "Oh! That is the"
- line "@"
- TX_RAM $cd6d
- text "!@@"
-_UnnamedText_513a3: ; 926dd (24:66dd)
- db $0
- para "OK then! Please,"
- line "go right ahead!"
- done
-_Route23Text8: ; 92700 (24:6700)
- line "- #MON LEAGUE"
- done
-_UnnamedText_51510: ; 92721 (24:6721)
- text "Congratulations!"
- line "You beat our 5"
- cont "contest trainers!@@"
-_UnnamedText_51515: ; 92755 (24:6755)
- db $0
- para "You just earned a"
- line "fabulous prize!"
- prompt
-_UnnamedText_5151a: ; 92779 (24:6779)
- text $52, " received"
- line "a @"
- TX_RAM $cf4b
- text "!@@"
-_UnnamedText_51521: ; 9278f (24:678f)
- text "You don't have"
- line "any room!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_51526: ; 927a8 (24:67a8)
- text "By the way, would"
- line "you like to join"
- cont "TEAM ROCKET?"
- para "We're a group"
- line "dedicated to evil"
- cont "using #MON!"
- para "Want to join?"
- para "Are you sure?"
- para "Come on, join us!"
- para "I'm telling you"
- line "to join!"
- para "OK, you need"
- line "convincing!"
- para "I'll make you an"
- line "offer you can't"
- cont "refuse!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_5152b: ; 9288a (24:688a)
- text "Arrgh!"
- line "You are good!"
- prompt
-_UnnamedText_51530: ; 928a0 (24:68a0)
- text "With your ability,"
- line "you could become"
- cont "a top leader in"
- cont "TEAM ROCKET!"
- done
-_Route24BattleText1: ; 928e2 (24:68e2)
- text "I saw your feat"
- line "from the grass!"
- done
SECTION "bank25",ROMX,BANK[$25]
-_Route24EndBattleText1: ; 94000 (25:4000)
- text "I"
- line "thought not!"
- prompt
-_Route24AfterBattleText1: ; 94010 (25:4010)
- text "I hid because the"
- line "people on the"
- cont "bridge scared me!"
- done
-_Route24BattleText2: ; 94043 (25:4043)
- text "OK! I'm No. 5!"
- line "I'll stomp you!"
- done
-_Route24EndBattleText2: ; 94061 (25:4061)
- text "Whoa!"
- line "Too much!"
- prompt
-_Route24AfterBattleText2: ; 94072 (25:4072)
- text "I did my best, I"
- line "have no regrets!"
- done
-_Route24BattleText3: ; 94095 (25:4095)
- text "I'm No. 4!"
- line "Getting tired?"
- done
-_Route24EndBattleText3: ; 940af (25:40af)
- text "I lost"
- line "too!"
- prompt
-_Route24AfterBattleText3: ; 940bc (25:40bc)
- text "I did my best, so"
- line "I've no regrets!"
- done
-_Route24BattleText4: ; 940df (25:40df)
- text "Here's No. 3!"
- line "I won't be easy!"
- done
-_Route24EndBattleText4: ; 940fd (25:40fd)
- text "Ow!"
- line "Stomped flat!"
- prompt
-_Route24AfterBattleText4: ; 94110 (25:4110)
- text "I did my best, I"
- line "have no regrets!"
- done
-_Route24BattleText5: ; 94133 (25:4133)
- text "I'm second!"
- line "Now it's serious!"
- done
-_Route24EndBattleText5: ; 94150 (25:4150)
- text "How could I"
- line "lose?"
- prompt
-_Route24AfterBattleText5: ; 94163 (25:4163)
- text "I did my best, I"
- line "have no regrets!"
- done
-_Route24BattleText6: ; 94186 (25:4186)
- text "This is NUGGET"
- line "BRIDGE! Beat us 5"
- cont "trainers and win"
- cont "a fabulous prize!"
- para "Think you got"
- line "what it takes?"
- done
-_Route24EndBattleText6: ; 941e8 (25:41e8)
- text "Whoo!"
- line "Good stuff!"
- prompt
-_Route24AfterBattleText6: ; 941fb (25:41fb)
- text "I did my best, I"
- line "have no regrets!"
- done
-_Route25BattleText1: ; 9421e (25:421e)
- text "Local trainers"
- line "come here to"
- cont "practice!"
- done
-_Route25EndBattleText1: ; 94245 (25:4245)
- text "You're"
- line "decent."
- prompt
-_Route25AfterBattleText1: ; 94254 (25:4254)
- text "All #MON have"
- line "weaknesses. It's"
- cont "best to raise"
- cont "different kinds."
- done
-_Route25BattleText2: ; 94292 (25:4292)
- text "Dad took me to a"
- line "great party on"
- cont "S.S.ANNE at"
- done
-_Route25EndBattleText2: ; 942cf (25:42cf)
- text "I'm"
- line "not mad!"
- prompt
-_Route25AfterBattleText2: ; 942dc (25:42dc)
- text "On S.S.ANNE, I"
- line "saw trainers from"
- cont "around the world."
- done
-_Route25BattleText3: ; 94310 (25:4310)
- text "I'm a cool guy."
- line "I've got a girl"
- cont "friend!"
- done
-_Route25EndBattleText3: ; 94337 (25:4337)
- text "Aww,"
- line "darn..."
- prompt
-_Route25AfterBattleText3: ; 94345 (25:4345)
- text "Oh well. My girl"
- line "will cheer me up."
- done
-_Route25BattleText4: ; 94369 (25:4369)
- text "Hi! My boy"
- line "friend is cool!"
- done
-_Route25EndBattleText4: ; 94385 (25:4385)
- text "I was in"
- line "bad condition!"
- prompt
-_Route25AfterBattleText4: ; 9439e (25:439e)
- text "I wish my guy was"
- line "as good as you!"
- done
-_Route25BattleText5: ; 943c1 (25:43c1)
- text "I knew I had to"
- line "fight you!"
- done
-_Route25EndBattleText5: ; 943dd (25:43dd)
- text "I knew"
- line "I'd lose too!"
- prompt
-_Route25AfterBattleText5: ; 943f2 (25:43f2)
- text "If your #MON"
- line "gets confused or"
- cont "falls asleep,"
- cont "switch it!"
- done
-_Route25BattleText6: ; 9442a (25:442a)
- text "My friend has a"
- line "cute #MON."
- cont "I'm so jealous!"
- done
-_Route25EndBattleText6: ; 94455 (25:4455)
- text "I'm"
- line "not so jealous!"
- prompt
-_Route25AfterBattleText6: ; 94469 (25:4469)
- text "You came from MT."
- line "MOON? May I have"
- cont "a CLEFAIRY?"
- done
-_Route25BattleText7: ; 94499 (25:4499)
- text "I just got down"
- line "from MT.MOON,"
- cont "but I'm ready!"
- done
-_Route25EndBattleText7: ; 944c6 (25:44c6)
- text "You"
- line "worked hard!"
- prompt
-_Route25AfterBattleText7: ; 944d8 (25:44d8)
- text "Drat!"
- line "A ZUBAT bit me"
- cont "back in there."
- done
-_Route25BattleText8: ; 944fd (25:44fd)
- text "I'm off to see a"
- line "#MON collector"
- cont "at the cape!"
- done
-_Route25EndBattleText8: ; 9452a (25:452a)
- text "You"
- line "got me."
- prompt
-_Route25AfterBattleText8: ; 94537 (25:4537)
- text "The collector has"
- line "many rare kinds"
- cont "of #MON."
- done
-_Route25BattleText9: ; 94563 (25:4563)
- text "You're going to"
- line "see BILL? First,"
- cont "let's fight!"
- done
-_Route25EndBattleText9: ; 94590 (25:4590)
- text "You're"
- line "something."
- prompt
-_Route25AfterBattleText9: ; 945a2 (25:45a2)
- text "The trail below"
- line "is a shortcut to"
- done
-_Route25Text11: ; 945d3 (25:45d3)
- text "SEA COTTAGE"
- line "BILL lives here!"
- done
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_24_2.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/route_25.asm"
_FileDataDestroyedText: ; 945f1 (25:45f1)
text "The file data is"
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/route_1.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,50 @@
+_Route1ViridianMartSampleText: ; 8d5bf (23:55bf)
+ text "Hi! I work at a"
+ line "#MON MART."
+ para "It's a convenient"
+ line "shop, so please"
+ cont "visit us in"
+ para "I know, I'll give"
+ line "you a sample!"
+ cont "Here you go!"
+ prompt
+_UnnamedText_1cae8: ; 8d643 (23:5643)
+ text $52, " got"
+ line "@"
+ TX_RAM $cf4b
+ text "!@@"
+_UnnamedText_1caee: ; 8d652 (23:5652)
+ text "We also carry"
+ line "# BALLs for"
+ cont "catching #MON!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_1caf3: ; 8d67c (23:567c)
+ text "You have too much"
+ line "stuff with you!"
+ done
+_Route1Text2: ; 8d69f (23:569f)
+ text "See those ledges"
+ line "along the road?"
+ para "It's a bit scary,"
+ line "but you can jump"
+ cont "from them."
+ para "You can get back"
+ line "to PALLET TOWN"
+ cont "quicker that way."
+ done
+_Route1Text3: ; 8d720 (23:5720)
+ text "ROUTE 1"
+ line "PALLET TOWN -"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/route_10.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,110 @@
+_Route10BattleText1: ; 8e642 (23:6642)
+ text "Wow, are you a"
+ line "#MANIAC too?"
+ cont "Want to see my"
+ cont "collection?"
+ done
+_Route10EndBattleText1: ; 8e67a (23:667a)
+ text "Humph."
+ line "I'm not angry!"
+ prompt
+_Route10AfterBattleText1: ; 8e690 (23:6690)
+ text "I have more rare"
+ line "#MON at home!"
+ done
+_Route10BattleText2: ; 8e6b0 (23:66b0)
+ text "Ha-hahah-ah-ha!"
+ done
+_Route10EndBattleText2: ; 8e6c1 (23:66c1)
+ text "Ha-haha!"
+ line "Not laughing!"
+ cont "Ha-hay fever!"
+ cont "Haha-ha-choo!"
+ prompt
+_Route10AfterBattleText2: ; 8e6f5 (23:66f5)
+ text "Haha-ha-choo!"
+ line "Ha-choo!"
+ cont "Snort! Snivel!"
+ done
+_Route10BattleText3: ; 8e71c (23:671c)
+ text "Hi kid, want to"
+ line "see my #MON?"
+ done
+_Route10EndBattleText3: ; 8e73a (23:673a)
+ text "Oh no!"
+ line "My #MON!"
+ prompt
+_Route10AfterBattleText3: ; 8e74b (23:674b)
+ text "I don't like you"
+ line "for beating me!"
+ done
+_Route10BattleText4: ; 8e76c (23:676c)
+ text "I've been to a"
+ line "#MON GYM a few"
+ cont "times. But, I"
+ cont "lost each time."
+ done
+_Route10EndBattleText4: ; 8e7a8 (23:67a8)
+ text "Ohh!"
+ line "Blew it again!"
+ prompt
+_Route10AfterBattleText4: ; 8e7bd (23:67bd)
+ text "I noticed some"
+ line "#MANIACs"
+ cont "prowling around."
+ done
+_Route10BattleText5: ; 8e7e7 (23:67e7)
+ text "Ah! This mountain"
+ line "air is delicious!"
+ done
+_Route10EndBattleText5: ; 8e80c (23:680c)
+ text "That"
+ line "cleared my head!"
+ prompt
+_Route10AfterBattleText5: ; 8e823 (23:6823)
+ text "I feel bloated on"
+ line "mountain air!"
+ done
+_Route10BattleText6: ; 8e844 (23:6844)
+ text "I'm feeling a bit"
+ line "faint from this"
+ cont "tough hike."
+ done
+_Route10EndBattleText6: ; 8e872 (23:6872)
+ text "I'm"
+ line "not up to it!"
+ prompt
+_Route10AfterBattleText6: ; 8e884 (23:6884)
+ text "The #MON here"
+ line "are so chunky!"
+ cont "There should be a"
+ cont "pink one with a"
+ cont "floral pattern!"
+ done
+_Route10Text9: ; 8e8d4 (23:68d4)
+_Route10Text7: ; 8e8d4 (23:68d4)
+ text "ROCK TUNNEL"
+ done
+_Route10Text10: ; 8e8e1 (23:68e1)
+ text "POWER PLANT"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/route_11_1.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,135 @@
+_Route11BattleText1: ; 8e8ee (23:68ee)
+ text "Win, lose or draw!"
+ done
+_Route11EndBattleText1: ; 8e902 (23:6902)
+ text "Atcha!"
+ line "Didn't go my way!"
+ prompt
+_Route11AfterBattleText1: ; 8e91b (23:691b)
+ text "#MON is life!"
+ line "And to live is to"
+ cont "gamble!"
+ done
+_Route11BattleText2: ; 8e944 (23:6944)
+ text "Competition! I"
+ line "can't get enough!"
+ done
+_Route11EndBattleText2: ; 8e965 (23:6965)
+ text "I had"
+ line "a chance!"
+ prompt
+_Route11AfterBattleText2: ; 8e976 (23:6976)
+ text "You can't be a"
+ line "coward in the"
+ cont "world of #MON!"
+ done
+_Route11BattleText3: ; 8e9a2 (23:69a2)
+ text "Let's go, but"
+ line "don't cheat!"
+ done
+_Route11EndBattleText3: ; 8e9bc (23:69bc)
+ text "Huh?"
+ line "That's not right!"
+ prompt
+_Route11AfterBattleText3: ; 8e9d3 (23:69d3)
+ text "I did my best! I"
+ line "have no regrets!"
+ done
+_Route11BattleText4: ; 8e9f6 (23:69f6)
+ text "Careful!"
+ line "I'm laying down"
+ cont "some cables!"
+ done
+_Route11EndBattleText4: ; 8ea1c (23:6a1c)
+ text "That"
+ line "was electric!"
+ prompt
+_Route11AfterBattleText4: ; 8ea30 (23:6a30)
+ text "Spread the word"
+ line "to save energy!"
+ done
+_Route11BattleText5: ; 8ea51 (23:6a51)
+ text "I just became a"
+ line "trainer! But, I"
+ cont "think I can win!"
+ done
+_Route11EndBattleText5: ; 8ea83 (23:6a83)
+ text "My"
+ line "#MON couldn't!"
+ prompt
+_Route11AfterBattleText5: ; 8ea95 (23:6a95)
+ text "What do you want?"
+ line "Leave me alone!"
+ done
+_Route11BattleText6: ; 8eab8 (23:6ab8)
+ text "Fwahaha! I have"
+ line "never lost!"
+ done
+_Route11EndBattleText6: ; 8ead5 (23:6ad5)
+ text "My"
+ line "first loss!"
+ prompt
+_Route11AfterBattleText6: ; 8eae5 (23:6ae5)
+ text "Luck of the draw!"
+ line "Just luck!"
+ done
+_Route11BattleText7: ; 8eb03 (23:6b03)
+ text "I have never won"
+ line "before..."
+ done
+_Route11EndBattleText7: ; 8eb1f (23:6b1f)
+ text "I saw"
+ line "this coming..."
+ prompt
+_Route11AfterBattleText7: ; 8eb35 (23:6b35)
+ text "It's just luck."
+ line "Luck of the draw."
+ done
+_Route11BattleText8: ; 8eb57 (23:6b57)
+ text "I'm the best in"
+ line "my class!"
+ done
+_Route11EndBattleText8: ; 8eb71 (23:6b71)
+ text "Darn!"
+ line "I need to make my"
+ cont "#MON stronger!"
+ prompt
+_Route11AfterBattleText8: ; 8eb99 (23:6b99)
+ text "There's a fat"
+ line "#MON that"
+ cont "comes down from"
+ cont "the mountains."
+ para "It's strong if"
+ line "you can get it."
+ done
+_Route11BattleText9: ; 8ebee (23:6bee)
+ text "Watch out for"
+ line "live wires!"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/route_11_2.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,29 @@
+_Route11EndBattleText9: ; 90000 (24:4000)
+ text "Whoa!"
+ line "You spark plug!"
+ prompt
+_Route11AfterBattleText9: ; 90017 (24:4017)
+ text "Well, better get"
+ line "back to work."
+ done
+_Route11BattleText10: ; 90037 (24:4037)
+ text "My #MON should"
+ line "be ready by now!"
+ done
+_Route11EndBattleText10: ; 90058 (24:4058)
+ text "Too"
+ line "much, too young!"
+ prompt
+_Route11AfterBattleText10: ; 9006e (24:406e)
+ text "I better go find"
+ line "stronger ones!"
+ done
+_Route11Text11: ; 9008f (24:408f)
+ text "DIGLETT's CAVE"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/route_12.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,140 @@
+_Route12Text1: ; 9009e (24:409e)
+ text "A sleeping #MON"
+ line "blocks the way!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_596eb: ; 900bf (24:40bf)
+ text "SNORLAX woke up!"
+ para "It attacked in a"
+ line "grumpy rage!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_596f0: ; 900ef (24:40ef)
+ text "SNORLAX calmed"
+ line "down! With a big"
+ cont "yawn, it returned"
+ cont "to the mountains!"
+ done
+_Route12BattleText1: ; 90134 (24:4134)
+ text "Yeah! I got a"
+ line "bite, here!"
+ done
+_Route12EndBattleText1: ; 9014f (24:414f)
+ text "Tch!"
+ line "Just a small fry!"
+ prompt
+_Route12AfterBattleText1: ; 90167 (24:4167)
+ text "Hang on! My line's"
+ line "snagged!"
+ done
+_Route12BattleText2: ; 90183 (24:4183)
+ text "Be patient!"
+ line "Fishing is a"
+ cont "waiting game!"
+ done
+_Route12EndBattleText2: ; 901ab (24:41ab)
+ text "That"
+ line "one got away!"
+ prompt
+_Route12AfterBattleText2: ; 901bf (24:41bf)
+ text "With a better ROD,"
+ line "I could catch"
+ cont "better #MON!"
+ done
+_Route12BattleText3: ; 901ee (24:41ee)
+ text "Have you found a"
+ line "MOON STONE?"
+ done
+_Route12EndBattleText3: ; 9020c (24:420c)
+ text "Oww!"
+ prompt
+_Route12AfterBattleText3: ; 90212 (24:4212)
+ text "I could have made"
+ line "my #MON evolve"
+ cont "with MOON STONE!"
+ done
+_Route12BattleText4: ; 90245 (24:4245)
+ text "Electricity is my"
+ line "specialty!"
+ done
+_Route12EndBattleText4: ; 90263 (24:4263)
+ text "Unplugged!"
+ prompt
+_Route12AfterBattleText4: ; 9026f (24:426f)
+ text "Water conducts"
+ line "electricity, so"
+ cont "you should zap"
+ cont "sea #MON!"
+ done
+_Route12BattleText5: ; 902a8 (24:42a8)
+ text "The FISHING FOOL"
+ line "vs. #MON KID!"
+ done
+_Route12EndBattleText5: ; 902c8 (24:42c8)
+ text "Too"
+ line "much!"
+ prompt
+_Route12AfterBattleText5: ; 902d3 (24:42d3)
+ text "You beat me at"
+ line "#MON, but I'm"
+ cont "good at fishing!"
+ done
+_Route12BattleText6: ; 90301 (24:4301)
+ text "I'd rather be"
+ line "working!"
+ done
+_Route12EndBattleText6: ; 90318 (24:4318)
+ text "It's"
+ line "not easy..."
+ prompt
+_Route12AfterBattleText6: ; 90329 (24:4329)
+ text "It's all right."
+ line "Losing doesn't"
+ cont "bug me any more."
+ done
+_Route12BattleText7: ; 90358 (24:4358)
+ text "You never know"
+ line "what you could"
+ cont "catch!"
+ done
+_Route12EndBattleText7: ; 9037e (24:437e)
+ text "Lost"
+ line "it!"
+ prompt
+_Route12AfterBattleText7: ; 90388 (24:4388)
+ text "I catch MAGIKARP"
+ line "all the time, but"
+ cont "they're so weak!"
+ done
+_Route12Text11: ; 903bc (24:43bc)
+ text "ROUTE 12 "
+ line "North to LAVENDER"
+ done
+_Route12Text12: ; 903d9 (24:43d9)
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/route_13.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,180 @@
+_Route13BattleText2: ; 903ed (24:43ed)
+ text "My bird #MON"
+ line "want to scrap!"
+ done
+_Route13EndBattleText2: ; 9040a (24:440a)
+ text "My"
+ line "bird combo lost?"
+ prompt
+_Route13AfterBattleText2: ; 9041f (24:441f)
+ text "My #MON look"
+ line "happy even though"
+ cont "they lost."
+ done
+_Route13BattleText3: ; 9044a (24:444a)
+ text "I'm told I'm good"
+ line "for a kid!"
+ done
+_Route13EndBattleText3: ; 90466 (24:4466)
+ text "Ohh!"
+ line "I lost!"
+ prompt
+_Route13AfterBattleText3: ; 90474 (24:4474)
+ text "I want to become"
+ line "a good trainer."
+ cont "I'll train hard."
+ done
+_Route13BattleText4: ; 904a6 (24:44a6)
+ text "Wow! Your BADGEs"
+ line "are too cool!"
+ done
+_Route13EndBattleText4: ; 904c6 (24:44c6)
+ text "Not"
+ line "enough!"
+ prompt
+_Route13AfterBattleText4: ; 904d3 (24:44d3)
+ text "You got those"
+ line "BADGEs from GYM"
+ cont "LEADERs. I know!"
+ done
+_Route13BattleText5: ; 90503 (24:4503)
+ text "My cute #MON"
+ line "wish to make your"
+ cont "acquaintance."
+ done
+_Route13EndBattleText5: ; 90531 (24:4531)
+ text "Wow!"
+ line "You totally won!"
+ prompt
+_Route13AfterBattleText5: ; 90548 (24:4548)
+ text "You have to make"
+ line "#MON fight to"
+ cont "toughen them up!"
+ done
+_Route13BattleText6: ; 90579 (24:4579)
+ text "I found CARBOS in"
+ line "a cave once."
+ done
+_Route13EndBattleText6: ; 90599 (24:4599)
+ text "Just"
+ line "messed up!"
+ prompt
+_Route13AfterBattleText6: ; 905aa (24:45aa)
+ text "CARBOS boosted"
+ line "the SPEED of my"
+ cont "#MON."
+ done
+_Route13BattleText7: ; 905d0 (24:45d0)
+ text "The wind's blowing"
+ line "my way!"
+ done
+_Route13EndBattleText7: ; 905eb (24:45eb)
+ text "The"
+ line "wind turned!"
+ prompt
+_Route13AfterBattleText7: ; 905fd (24:45fd)
+ text "I'm beat. I guess"
+ line "I'll FLY home."
+ done
+_Route13BattleText8: ; 9061d (24:461d)
+ text "Sure, I'll play"
+ line "with you!"
+ done
+_Route13EndBattleText8: ; 90637 (24:4637)
+ text "Oh!"
+ line "You little brute!"
+ prompt
+_Route13AfterBattleText8: ; 9064e (24:464e)
+ text "I wonder which is"
+ line "stronger, male or"
+ cont "female #MON?"
+ done
+_Route13BattleText9: ; 90680 (24:4680)
+ text "Do you want to"
+ line "#MON with me?"
+ done
+_Route13EndBattleText9: ; 9069e (24:469e)
+ text "It's over"
+ line "already?"
+ prompt
+_Route13AfterBattleText9: ; 906b1 (24:46b1)
+ text "I don't know"
+ line "anything about"
+ cont "#MON. I just"
+ cont "like cool ones!"
+ done
+_Route13BattleText10: ; 906ea (24:46ea)
+ text "What're you"
+ line "lookin' at?"
+ done
+_Route13EndBattleText10: ; 90702 (24:4702)
+ text "Dang!"
+ line "Stripped gears!"
+ prompt
+_Route13AfterBattleText10: ; 90719 (24:4719)
+ text "Get lost!"
+ done
+_Route13BattleText11: ; 90724 (24:4724)
+ text "I always go with"
+ line "bird #MON!"
+ done
+_Route13EndBattleText11: ; 90741 (24:4741)
+ text "Out"
+ line "of power!"
+ prompt
+_Route13AfterBattleText11: ; 90750 (24:4750)
+ text "I wish I could"
+ line "fly like PIDGEY"
+ cont "and PIDGEOTTO..."
+ done
+_Route13Text11: ; 90781 (24:4781)
+ para "Look to the left"
+ line "of that post!"
+ done
+_Route13Text12: ; 907ae (24:47ae)
+ para "Use SELECT to"
+ line "switch items in"
+ cont "the ITEM window!"
+ done
+_Route13Text13: ; 907eb (24:47eb)
+ text "ROUTE 13"
+ line "North to SILENCE"
+ cont "BRIDGE"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/route_14.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,174 @@
+_Route14BattleText1: ; 9080d (24:480d)
+ text "You need to use"
+ line "TMs to teach good"
+ cont "moves to #MON!"
+ done
+_Route14EndBattleText1: ; 9083f (24:483f)
+ text "Not"
+ line "good enough!"
+ prompt
+_Route14AfterBattleText1: ; 90851 (24:4851)
+ text "You have some HMs"
+ line "right? #MON"
+ cont "can't ever forget"
+ cont "those moves."
+ done
+_Route14BattleText2: ; 9088e (24:488e)
+ text "My bird #MON"
+ line "should be ready"
+ cont "for battle."
+ done
+_Route14EndBattleText2: ; 908b8 (24:48b8)
+ text "Not"
+ line "ready yet!"
+ prompt
+_Route14AfterBattleText2: ; 908c8 (24:48c8)
+ text "They need to learn"
+ line "better moves."
+ done
+_Route14BattleText3: ; 908ea (24:48ea)
+ text "TMs are on sale"
+ line "in CELADON!"
+ cont "But, only a few"
+ cont "people have HMs!"
+ done
+_Route14EndBattleText3: ; 90928 (24:4928)
+ text "Aww,"
+ line "bummer!"
+ prompt
+_Route14AfterBattleText3: ; 90936 (24:4936)
+ text "Teach #MON"
+ line "moves of the same"
+ cont "element type for"
+ cont "more power."
+ done
+_Route14BattleText4: ; 90971 (24:4971)
+ text "Have you taught"
+ line "your bird #MON"
+ cont "how to FLY?"
+ done
+_Route14EndBattleText4: ; 9099d (24:499d)
+ text "Shot"
+ line "down in flames!"
+ prompt
+_Route14AfterBattleText4: ; 909b3 (24:49b3)
+ text "Bird #MON are"
+ line "my true love!"
+ done
+_Route14BattleText5: ; 909d0 (24:49d0)
+ text "Have you heard of"
+ line "the legendary"
+ cont "#MON?"
+ done
+_Route14EndBattleText5: ; 909f7 (24:49f7)
+ text "Why?"
+ line "Why'd I lose?"
+ prompt
+_Route14AfterBattleText5: ; 90a0a (24:4a0a)
+ text "The 3 legendary"
+ line "#MON are all"
+ cont "birds of prey."
+ done
+_Route14BattleText6: ; 90a37 (24:4a37)
+ text "I'm not into it,"
+ line "but OK! Let's go!"
+ done
+_Route14EndBattleText6: ; 90a59 (24:4a59)
+ text "I"
+ line "knew it!"
+ prompt
+_Route14AfterBattleText6: ; 90a65 (24:4a65)
+ text "Winning, losing,"
+ line "it doesn't matter"
+ cont "in the long run!"
+ done
+_Route14BattleText7: ; 90a99 (24:4a99)
+ text "C'mon, c'mon."
+ line "Let's go, let's"
+ cont "go, let's go!"
+ done
+_Route14EndBattleText7: ; 90ac1 (24:4ac1)
+ text "Arrg!"
+ line "Lost! Get lost!"
+ prompt
+_Route14AfterBattleText7: ; 90ad8 (24:4ad8)
+ text "What, what, what?"
+ line "What do you want?"
+ done
+_Route14BattleText8: ; 90afd (24:4afd)
+ text "Perfect! I need to"
+ line "burn some time!"
+ done
+_Route14EndBattleText8: ; 90b21 (24:4b21)
+ text "What?"
+ line "You!?"
+ prompt
+_Route14AfterBattleText8: ; 90b2e (24:4b2e)
+ text "Raising #MON"
+ line "is a drag, man."
+ done
+_Route14BattleText9: ; 90b4c (24:4b4c)
+ text "We ride out here"
+ line "because there's"
+ cont "more room!"
+ done
+_Route14EndBattleText9: ; 90b78 (24:4b78)
+ text "Wipe out!"
+ prompt
+_Route14AfterBattleText9: ; 90b83 (24:4b83)
+ text "It's cool you"
+ line "made your #MON"
+ cont "so strong!"
+ para "Might is right!"
+ line "And you know it!"
+ done
+_Route14BattleText10: ; 90bcc (24:4bcc)
+ text "#MON fight?"
+ line "Cool! Rumble!"
+ done
+_Route14EndBattleText10: ; 90be7 (24:4be7)
+ text "Blown"
+ line "away!"
+ prompt
+_Route14AfterBattleText10: ; 90bf4 (24:4bf4)
+ text "You know who'd"
+ line "win, you and me"
+ cont "one on one!"
+ done
+_Route14Text11: ; 90c1f (24:4c1f)
+ text "ROUTE 14"
+ line "West to FUCHSIA"
+ cont "CITY"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/route_15.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,172 @@
+_Route15BattleText1: ; 90c3e (24:4c3e)
+ text "Let me try out the"
+ line "#MON I just"
+ cont "got in a trade!"
+ done
+_Route15EndBattleText1: ; 90c6e (24:4c6e)
+ text "Not"
+ line "good enough!"
+ prompt
+_Route15AfterBattleText1: ; 90c80 (24:4c80)
+ text "You can't change"
+ line "the nickname of"
+ cont "any #MON you"
+ cont "get in a trade."
+ para "Only the Original"
+ line "Trainer can."
+ done
+_Route15BattleText2: ; 90cdd (24:4cdd)
+ text "You look gentle,"
+ line "so I think I can"
+ cont "beat you!"
+ done
+_Route15EndBattleText2: ; 90d0a (24:4d0a)
+ text "No,"
+ line "wrong!"
+ prompt
+_Route15AfterBattleText2: ; 90d16 (24:4d16)
+ text "I'm afraid of"
+ line "BIKERs, they look"
+ cont "so ugly and mean!"
+ done
+_Route15BattleText3: ; 90d48 (24:4d48)
+ text "When I whistle, I"
+ line "can summon bird"
+ cont "#MON!"
+ done
+_Route15EndBattleText3: ; 90d71 (24:4d71)
+ text "Ow!"
+ line "That's tragic!"
+ prompt
+_Route15AfterBattleText3: ; 90d84 (24:4d84)
+ text "Maybe I'm not cut"
+ line "out for battles."
+ done
+_Route15BattleText4: ; 90da7 (24:4da7)
+ text "Hmm? My birds are"
+ line "shivering! You're"
+ cont "good, aren't you?"
+ done
+_Route15EndBattleText4: ; 90ddc (24:4ddc)
+ text "Just"
+ line "as I thought!"
+ prompt
+_Route15AfterBattleText4: ; 90df0 (24:4df0)
+ text "Did you know moves"
+ line "like EARTHQUAKE"
+ cont "don't have any"
+ cont "effect on birds?"
+ done
+_Route15BattleText5: ; 90e33 (24:4e33)
+ text "Oh, you're a"
+ line "little cutie!"
+ done
+_Route15EndBattleText5: ; 90e4e (24:4e4e)
+ text "You looked"
+ line "so cute too!"
+ prompt
+_Route15AfterBattleText5: ; 90e67 (24:4e67)
+ text "I forgive you!"
+ line "I can take it!"
+ done
+_Route15BattleText6: ; 90e86 (24:4e86)
+ text "I raise #MON"
+ line "because I live"
+ cont "alone!"
+ done
+_Route15EndBattleText6: ; 90eaa (24:4eaa)
+ text "I didn't"
+ line "ask for this!"
+ prompt
+_Route15AfterBattleText6: ; 90ec1 (24:4ec1)
+ text "I just like going"
+ line "home to be with"
+ cont "my #MON!"
+ done
+_Route15BattleText7: ; 90eed (24:4eed)
+ text "Hey kid! C'mon!"
+ line "I just got these!"
+ done
+_Route15EndBattleText7: ; 90f0f (24:4f0f)
+ text "Why"
+ line "not?"
+ prompt
+_Route15AfterBattleText7: ; 90f19 (24:4f19)
+ text "You only live"
+ line "once, so I live"
+ cont "as an outlaw!"
+ done
+_Route15BattleText8: ; 90f59 (24:4f59)
+ text "Fork over all your"
+ line "cash when you"
+ cont "lose to me, kid!"
+ done
+_Route15EndBattleText8: ; 90f8c (24:4f8c)
+ text "That"
+ line "can't be true!"
+ prompt
+_Route15AfterBattleText8: ; 90fa0 (24:4fa0)
+ text "I was just joking"
+ line "about the money!"
+ done
+_Route15BattleText9: ; 90fc4 (24:4fc4)
+ text "What's cool?"
+ line "Trading #MON!"
+ done
+_Route15EndBattleText9: ; 90fdf (24:4fdf)
+ text "I"
+ line "said trade!"
+ prompt
+_Route15AfterBattleText9: ; 90fee (24:4fee)
+ text "I trade #MON"
+ line "with my friends!"
+ done
+_Route15BattleText10: ; 9100d (24:500d)
+ text "Want to play with"
+ line "my #MON?"
+ done
+_Route15EndBattleText10: ; 91029 (24:5029)
+ text "I was"
+ line "too impatient!"
+ prompt
+_Route15AfterBattleText10: ; 9103f (24:503f)
+ text "I'll go train with"
+ line "weaker people.@@"
+_Route15Text12: ; 91062 (24:5062)
+ text "ROUTE 15"
+ line "West to FUCHSIA"
+ cont "CITY"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/route_16.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,121 @@
+_Route16BattleText1: ; 91081 (24:5081)
+ text "What do you want?"
+ done
+_Route16EndBattleText1: ; 91094 (24:5094)
+ text "Don't you"
+ line "dare laugh!"
+ prompt
+_Route16AfterBattleText1: ; 910aa (24:50aa)
+ text "We like just"
+ line "hanging here,"
+ cont "what's it to you?"
+ done
+_Route16BattleText2: ; 910d7 (24:50d7)
+ text "Nice BIKE!"
+ line "Hand it over!"
+ done
+_Route16EndBattleText2: ; 910f1 (24:50f1)
+ text "Knock"
+ line "out!"
+ prompt
+_Route16AfterBattleText2: ; 910fd (24:50fd)
+ text "Forget it, who"
+ line "needs your BIKE!"
+ done
+_Route16BattleText3: ; 9111e (24:511e)
+ text "Come out and play,"
+ line "little mouse!"
+ done
+_Route16EndBattleText3: ; 91140 (24:5140)
+ text "You"
+ line "little rat!"
+ prompt
+_Route16AfterBattleText3: ; 91151 (24:5151)
+ text "I hate losing!"
+ line "Get away from me!"
+ done
+_Route16BattleText4: ; 91173 (24:5173)
+ text "Hey, you just"
+ line "bumped me!"
+ done
+_Route16EndBattleText4: ; 9118d (24:518d)
+ text "Kaboom!"
+ prompt
+_Route16AfterBattleText4: ; 91196 (24:5196)
+ text "You can also get"
+ line "to FUCHSIA from"
+ cont "VERMILION using a"
+ cont "coastal road."
+ done
+_Route16BattleText5: ; 911d8 (24:51d8)
+ text "I'm feeling"
+ line "hungry and mean!"
+ done
+_Route16EndBattleText5: ; 911f5 (24:51f5)
+ text "Bad,"
+ line "bad, bad!"
+ prompt
+_Route16AfterBattleText5: ; 91205 (24:5205)
+ text "I like my #MON"
+ line "ferocious! They"
+ cont "tear up enemies!"
+ done
+_Route16BattleText6: ; 91236 (24:5236)
+ text "Sure, I'll go!"
+ done
+_Route16EndBattleText6: ; 91245 (24:5245)
+ text "Don't make"
+ line "me mad!"
+ prompt
+_Route16AfterBattleText6: ; 91258 (24:5258)
+ text "I like harassing"
+ line "people with my"
+ cont "vicious #MON!"
+ done
+_Route16Text7: ; 91287 (24:5287)
+ text "A sleeping #MON"
+ line "blocks the way!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_59ab3: ; 912a8 (24:52a8)
+ text "SNORLAX woke up!"
+ para "It attacked in a"
+ line "grumpy rage!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_59ab8: ; 912d8 (24:52d8)
+ text "With a big yawn,"
+ line "SNORLAX returned"
+ cont "to the mountains!"
+ done
+_Route16Text8: ; 9130d (24:530d)
+ text "Enjoy the slope!"
+ done
+_Route16Text9: ; 9132c (24:532c)
+ text "ROUTE 16"
+ line "CELADON CITY -"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/route_17.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,196 @@
+_Route17BattleText1: ; 91352 (24:5352)
+ text "There's no money"
+ line "in fighting kids!"
+ done
+_Route17EndBattleText1: ; 91375 (24:5375)
+ text "Burned"
+ line "out!"
+ prompt
+_Route17AfterBattleText1: ; 91382 (24:5382)
+ text "Good stuff is"
+ line "lying around on"
+ cont "CYCLING ROAD!"
+ done
+_Route17BattleText2: ; 913af (24:53af)
+ text "What do you want,"
+ line "kiddo?"
+ done
+_Route17EndBattleText2: ; 913c9 (24:53c9)
+ text "Whoo!"
+ prompt
+_Route17AfterBattleText2: ; 913d0 (24:53d0)
+ text "I could belly-"
+ line "bump you outta"
+ cont "here!"
+ done
+_Route17BattleText3: ; 913f5 (24:53f5)
+ text "You heading to"
+ line "FUCHSIA?"
+ done
+_Route17EndBattleText3: ; 9140e (24:540e)
+ text "Crash and"
+ line "burn!"
+ prompt
+_Route17AfterBattleText3: ; 9141f (24:541f)
+ text "I love racing"
+ line "downhill!"
+ done
+_Route17BattleText4: ; 91438 (24:5438)
+ text "We're BIKERs!"
+ line "Highway stars!"
+ done
+_Route17EndBattleText4: ; 91455 (24:5455)
+ text "Smoked!"
+ prompt
+_Route17AfterBattleText4: ; 9145e (24:545e)
+ text "Are you looking"
+ line "for adventure?"
+ done
+_Route17BattleText5: ; 9147e (24:547e)
+ text "Let VOLTORB"
+ line "electrify you!"
+ done
+_Route17EndBattleText5: ; 9149a (24:549a)
+ text "Grounded"
+ line "out!"
+ prompt
+_Route17AfterBattleText5: ; 914a9 (24:54a9)
+ text "I got my VOLTORB"
+ line "at the abandoned"
+ cont "POWER PLANT."
+ done
+_Route17BattleText6: ; 914d9 (24:54d9)
+ text "My #MON won't"
+ line "evolve! Why?"
+ done
+_Route17EndBattleText6: ; 914f4 (24:54f4)
+ text "Why,"
+ line "you!"
+ prompt
+_Route17AfterBattleText6: ; 914ff (24:54ff)
+ text "Maybe some #MON"
+ line "need element"
+ cont "STONEs to evolve."
+ done
+_Route17BattleText7: ; 9152f (24:552f)
+ text "I need a little"
+ line "exercise!"
+ done
+_Route17EndBattleText7: ; 9154a (24:554a)
+ text "Whew!"
+ line "Good workout!"
+ prompt
+_Route17AfterBattleText7: ; 9155f (24:555f)
+ text "I'm sure I lost"
+ line "weight there!"
+ done
+_Route17BattleText8: ; 9157d (24:557d)
+ text "Be a rebel!"
+ done
+_Route17EndBattleText8: ; 9158a (24:558a)
+ text "Aaaargh!"
+ prompt
+_Route17AfterBattleText8: ; 91594 (24:5594)
+ text "Be ready to fight"
+ line "for your beliefs!"
+ done
+_Route17BattleText9: ; 915b9 (24:55b9)
+ text "Nice BIKE!"
+ line "How's it handle?"
+ done
+_Route17EndBattleText9: ; 915d5 (24:55d5)
+ text "Shoot!"
+ prompt
+_Route17AfterBattleText9: ; 915dd (24:55dd)
+ text "The slope makes"
+ line "it hard to steer!"
+ done
+_Route17BattleText10: ; 91600 (24:5600)
+ text "Get lost kid!"
+ line "I'm bushed!"
+ done
+_Route17EndBattleText10: ; 9161a (24:561a)
+ text "Are you"
+ line "satisfied?"
+ prompt
+_Route17AfterBattleText10: ; 9162e (24:562e)
+ text "I need to catch"
+ line "a few Zs!"
+ done
+_Route17Text11: ; 91649 (24:5649)
+ text "It's a notice!"
+ para "Watch out for"
+ line "discarded items!"
+ done
+_Route17Text12: ; 91677 (24:5677)
+ para "All #MON are"
+ line "unique."
+ para "Even #MON of"
+ line "the same type and"
+ cont "level grow at"
+ cont "different rates."
+ done
+_Route17Text13: ; 916d8 (24:56d8)
+ para "Press the A or B"
+ line "Button to stay in"
+ cont "place while on a"
+ cont "slope."
+ done
+_Route17Text14: ; 91721 (24:5721)
+ text "ROUTE 17"
+ line "CELADON CITY -"
+ done
+_Route17Text15: ; 91747 (24:5747)
+ text "It's a notice!"
+ para "Don't throw the"
+ line "game, throw #"
+ cont "BALLs instead!"
+ done
+_Route17Text16: ; 91782 (24:5782)
+ line "Slope ends here!"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/route_18.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,59 @@
+_Route18BattleText1: ; 917a1 (24:57a1)
+ text "I always check"
+ line "every grassy area"
+ cont "for new #MON."
+ done
+_Route18EndBattleText1: ; 917d1 (24:57d1)
+ text "Tch!"
+ prompt
+_Route18AfterBattleText1: ; 917d7 (24:57d7)
+ text "I wish I had a"
+ line "BIKE!"
+ done
+_Route18BattleText2: ; 917ed (24:57ed)
+ text "Kurukkoo!"
+ line "How do you like"
+ cont "my bird call?"
+ done
+_Route18EndBattleText2: ; 91816 (24:5816)
+ text "I"
+ line "had to bug you!"
+ prompt
+_Route18AfterBattleText2: ; 91829 (24:5829)
+ text "I also collect sea"
+ line "#MON on"
+ cont "weekends!"
+ done
+_Route18BattleText3: ; 9184f (24:584f)
+ text "This is my turf!"
+ line "Get out of here!"
+ done
+_Route18EndBattleText3: ; 91872 (24:5872)
+ text "Darn!"
+ prompt
+_Route18AfterBattleText3: ; 91879 (24:5879)
+ text "This is my fave"
+ line "#MON hunting"
+ cont "area!"
+ done
+_Route18Text4: ; 9189d (24:589d)
+ text "ROUTE 18"
+ line "CELADON CITY -"
+ done
+_Route18Text5: ; 918c3 (24:58c3)
+ line "No pedestrians"
+ cont "permitted!"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/route_19.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,158 @@
+_Route19BattleText1: ; 918eb (24:58eb)
+ text "Have to warm up"
+ line "before my swim!"
+ done
+_Route19EndBattleText1: ; 9190c (24:590c)
+ text "All"
+ line "warmed up!"
+ prompt
+_Route19AfterBattleText1: ; 9191c (24:591c)
+ text "Thanks, kid! I'm"
+ line "ready for a swim!"
+ done
+_Route19BattleText2: ; 9193f (24:593f)
+ text "Wait! You'll have"
+ line "a heart attack!"
+ done
+_Route19EndBattleText2: ; 91961 (24:5961)
+ text "Ooh!"
+ line "That's chilly!"
+ prompt
+_Route19AfterBattleText2: ; 91975 (24:5975)
+ text "Watch out for"
+ line "TENTACOOL!"
+ done
+_Route19BattleText3: ; 9198f (24:598f)
+ text "I love swimming!"
+ line "What about you?"
+ done
+_Route19EndBattleText3: ; 919b1 (24:59b1)
+ text "Belly"
+ line "flop!"
+ prompt
+_Route19AfterBattleText3: ; 919be (24:59be)
+ text "I can beat #MON"
+ line "at swimming!"
+ done
+_Route19BattleText4: ; 919dc (24:59dc)
+ text "What's beyond the"
+ line "horizon?"
+ done
+_Route19EndBattleText4: ; 919f7 (24:59f7)
+ text "Glub!"
+ prompt
+_Route19AfterBattleText4: ; 919fe (24:59fe)
+ text "I see a couple of"
+ line "islands!"
+ done
+_Route19BattleText5: ; 91a1a (24:5a1a)
+ text "I tried diving"
+ line "for #MON, but"
+ cont "it was a no go!"
+ done
+_Route19EndBattleText5: ; 91a48 (24:5a48)
+ text "Help!"
+ prompt
+_Route19AfterBattleText5: ; 91a4f (24:5a4f)
+ text "You have to fish"
+ line "for sea #MON!"
+ done
+_Route19BattleText6: ; 91a6f (24:5a6f)
+ text "I look at the"
+ line "sea to forget!"
+ done
+_Route19EndBattleText6: ; 91a8d (24:5a8d)
+ text "Ooh!"
+ line "Traumatic!"
+ prompt
+_Route19AfterBattleText6: ; 91a9e (24:5a9e)
+ text "I'm looking at the"
+ line "sea to forget!"
+ done
+_Route19BattleText7: ; 91ac0 (24:5ac0)
+ text "Oh, I just love"
+ line "your ride! Can I"
+ cont "have it if I win?"
+ done
+_Route19EndBattleText7: ; 91af4 (24:5af4)
+ text "Oh!"
+ line "I lost!"
+ prompt
+_Route19AfterBattleText7: ; 91b01 (24:5b01)
+ text "It's still a long"
+ line "way to go to"
+ done
+_Route19BattleText8: ; 91b31 (24:5b31)
+ text "Swimming's great!"
+ line "Sunburns aren't!"
+ done
+_Route19EndBattleText8: ; 91b53 (24:5b53)
+ text "Shocker!"
+ prompt
+_Route19AfterBattleText8: ; 91b5d (24:5b5d)
+ text "My boy friend"
+ line "wanted to swim to"
+ done
+_Route19BattleText9: ; 91b8f (24:5b8f)
+ text "These waters are"
+ line "treacherous!"
+ done
+_Route19EndBattleText9: ; 91bae (24:5bae)
+ text "Ooh!"
+ line "Dangerous!"
+ prompt
+_Route19AfterBattleText9: ; 91bbf (24:5bbf)
+ text "I got a cramp!"
+ line "Glub, glub..."
+ done
+_Route19BattleText10: ; 91bdd (24:5bdd)
+ text "I swam here, but"
+ line "I'm tired."
+ done
+_Route19EndBattleText10: ; 91bf9 (24:5bf9)
+ text "I'm"
+ line "exhausted..."
+ prompt
+_Route19AfterBattleText10: ; 91c0a (24:5c0a)
+ text "LAPRAS is so big,"
+ line "it must keep you"
+ cont "dry on water."
+ done
+_Route19Text11: ; 91c3c (24:5c3c)
+ text "SEA ROUTE 19"
+ line "FUCHSIA CITY -"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/route_2.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,10 @@
+_Route2Text3: ; 8d745 (23:5745)
+ text "ROUTE 2"
+ line "VIRIDIAN CITY -"
+ cont "PEWTER CITY"
+ done
+_Route2Text4: ; 8d76a (23:576a)
+ text "DIGLETT's CAVE"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/route_20.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,157 @@
+_Route20BattleText1: ; 91c69 (24:5c69)
+ text "The water is"
+ line "shallow here."
+ done
+_Route20EndBattleText1: ; 91c85 (24:5c85)
+ text "Splash!"
+ prompt
+_Route20AfterBattleText1: ; 91c8e (24:5c8e)
+ text "I wish I could"
+ line "ride my #MON."
+ done
+_Route20BattleText2: ; 91cac (24:5cac)
+ text "SEAFOAM is a"
+ line "quiet getaway!"
+ done
+_Route20EndBattleText2: ; 91cc9 (24:5cc9)
+ text "Quit it!"
+ prompt
+_Route20AfterBattleText2: ; 91cd3 (24:5cd3)
+ text "There's a huge"
+ line "cavern underneath"
+ cont "this island."
+ done
+_Route20BattleText3: ; 91d01 (24:5d01)
+ text "I love floating"
+ line "with the fishes!"
+ done
+_Route20EndBattleText3: ; 91d23 (24:5d23)
+ text "Yowch!"
+ prompt
+_Route20AfterBattleText3: ; 91d2b (24:5d2b)
+ text "Want to float"
+ line "with me?"
+ done
+_Route20BattleText4: ; 91d43 (24:5d43)
+ text "Are you on"
+ line "vacation too?"
+ done
+_Route20EndBattleText4: ; 91d5d (24:5d5d)
+ text "No"
+ line "mercy at all!"
+ prompt
+_Route20AfterBattleText4: ; 91d6f (24:5d6f)
+ text "SEAFOAM used to"
+ line "be one island!"
+ done
+_Route20BattleText5: ; 91d8f (24:5d8f)
+ text "Check out my buff"
+ line "physique!"
+ done
+_Route20EndBattleText5: ; 91dac (24:5dac)
+ text "Wimpy!"
+ prompt
+_Route20AfterBattleText5: ; 91db4 (24:5db4)
+ text "I should've been"
+ line "buffing up my"
+ cont "#MON, not me!"
+ done
+_Route20BattleText6: ; 91de1 (24:5de1)
+ text "Why are you"
+ line "riding a #MON?"
+ cont "Can't you swim?"
+ done
+_Route20EndBattleText6: ; 91e0c (24:5e0c)
+ text "Ouch!"
+ line "Torpedoed!"
+ prompt
+_Route20AfterBattleText6: ; 91e1e (24:5e1e)
+ text "Riding a #MON"
+ line "sure looks fun!"
+ done
+_Route20BattleText7: ; 91e3d (24:5e3d)
+ text "I rode my bird"
+ line "#MON here!"
+ done
+_Route20EndBattleText7: ; 91e58 (24:5e58)
+ text "Oh"
+ line "no!"
+ prompt
+_Route20AfterBattleText7: ; 91e60 (24:5e60)
+ text "My birds can't"
+ line "FLY me back!"
+ done
+_Route20BattleText8: ; 91e7c (24:5e7c)
+ text "My boy friend gave"
+ line "me big pearls!"
+ done
+_Route20EndBattleText8: ; 91e9f (24:5e9f)
+ text "Don't"
+ line "touch my pearls!"
+ prompt
+_Route20AfterBattleText8: ; 91eb6 (24:5eb6)
+ text "Will my pearls"
+ line "grow bigger"
+ cont "inside CLOYSTER?"
+ done
+_Route20BattleText9: ; 91ee3 (24:5ee3)
+ text "I swam here from"
+ done
+_Route20EndBattleText9: ; 91f06 (24:5f06)
+ text "I'm"
+ line "so disappointed!"
+ prompt
+_Route20AfterBattleText9: ; 91f1b (24:5f1b)
+ text "#MON have"
+ line "taken over an"
+ cont "abandoned mansion"
+ cont "on CINNABAR!"
+ done
+_Route20BattleText10: ; 91f53 (24:5f53)
+ text "CINNABAR, in the"
+ line "west, has a LAB"
+ cont "for #MON."
+ done
+_Route20EndBattleText10: ; 91f7f (24:5f7f)
+ text "Wait!"
+ prompt
+_Route20AfterBattleText10: ; 91f86 (24:5f86)
+ text "CINNABAR is a "
+ line "volcanic island!"
+ done
+_Route20Text12: ; 91fa7 (24:5fa7)
+_Route20Text11: ; 91fa7 (24:5fa7)
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/route_21.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,138 @@
+_Route21BattleText1: ; 91fb8 (24:5fb8)
+ text "You want to know"
+ line "if the fish are"
+ cont "biting?"
+ done
+_Route21EndBattleText1: ; 91fe2 (24:5fe2)
+ text "Dang!"
+ prompt
+_Route21AfterBattleText1: ; 91fe9 (24:5fe9)
+ text "I can't catch"
+ line "anything good!"
+ done
+_Route21BattleText2: ; 92006 (24:6006)
+ text "I got a big haul!"
+ line "Wanna go for it?"
+ done
+_Route21EndBattleText2: ; 9202a (24:602a)
+ text "Darn"
+ line "MAGIKARP!"
+ prompt
+_Route21AfterBattleText2: ; 9203a (24:603a)
+ text "I seem to only"
+ line "catch MAGIKARP!"
+ done
+_Route21BattleText3: ; 9205a (24:605a)
+ text "The sea cleanses"
+ line "my body and soul!"
+ done
+_Route21EndBattleText3: ; 9207e (24:607e)
+ text "Ayah!"
+ prompt
+_Route21AfterBattleText3: ; 92085 (24:6085)
+ text "I like the"
+ line "mountains too!"
+ done
+_Route21BattleText4: ; 920a0 (24:60a0)
+ text "What's wrong with"
+ line "me swimming?"
+ done
+_Route21EndBattleText4: ; 920bf (24:60bf)
+ text "Cheap"
+ line "shot!"
+ prompt
+_Route21AfterBattleText4: ; 920cc (24:60cc)
+ text "I look like what?"
+ line "A studded inner"
+ cont "tube? Get lost!"
+ done
+_Route21BattleText5: ; 920ff (24:60ff)
+ text "I caught all my"
+ line "#MON at sea!"
+ done
+_Route21EndBattleText5: ; 9211d (24:611d)
+ text "Diver!!"
+ line "Down!!"
+ prompt
+_Route21AfterBattleText5: ; 9212d (24:612d)
+ text "Where'd you catch"
+ line "your #MON?"
+ done
+_Route21BattleText6: ; 9214a (24:614a)
+ text "Right now, I'm in"
+ line "a triathlon meet!"
+ done
+_Route21EndBattleText6: ; 9216e (24:616e)
+ text "Pant..."
+ line "pant...pant..."
+ prompt
+_Route21AfterBattleText6: ; 92186 (24:6186)
+ text "I'm beat!"
+ line "But, I still have"
+ cont "the bike race and"
+ cont "marathon left!"
+ done
+_Route21BattleText7: ; 921c3 (24:61c3)
+ text "Ahh! Feel the sun"
+ line "and the wind!"
+ done
+_Route21EndBattleText7: ; 921e4 (24:61e4)
+ text "Yow!"
+ line "I lost!"
+ prompt
+_Route21AfterBattleText7: ; 921f2 (24:61f2)
+ text "I'm sunburnt to a"
+ line "crisp!"
+ done
+_Route21BattleText8: ; 9220b (24:620b)
+ text "Hey, don't scare"
+ line "away the fish!"
+ done
+_Route21EndBattleText8: ; 9222b (24:622b)
+ text "Sorry!"
+ line "I didn't mean it!"
+ prompt
+_Route21AfterBattleText8: ; 92244 (24:6244)
+ text "I was just angry"
+ line "that I couldn't"
+ cont "catch anything."
+ done
+_Route21BattleText9: ; 92275 (24:6275)
+ text "Keep me company"
+ line "'til I get a hit!"
+ done
+_Route21EndBattleText9: ; 92297 (24:6297)
+ text "That"
+ line "burned some time."
+ prompt
+_Route21AfterBattleText9: ; 922af (24:62af)
+ text "Oh wait! I got a"
+ line "bite! Yeah!"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/route_22.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,105 @@
+_UnnamedText_511ad: ; 922cd (24:62cd)
+ text $53, ": Hey!"
+ line $52, "!"
+ para "You're going to"
+ line "#MON LEAGUE?"
+ para "Forget it! You"
+ line "probably don't"
+ cont "have any BADGEs!"
+ para "The guard won't"
+ line "let you through!"
+ para "By the way, did"
+ line "your #MON"
+ cont "get any stronger?"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_511b2: ; 9236f (24:636f)
+ text "I heard #MON"
+ line "LEAGUE has many"
+ cont "tough trainers!"
+ para "I have to figure"
+ line "out how to get"
+ cont "past them!"
+ para "You should quit"
+ line "dawdling and get"
+ cont "a move on!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_511b7: ; 923f4 (24:63f4)
+ text "Awww!"
+ line "You just lucked"
+ cont "out!"
+ prompt
+_UnnamedText_511bc: ; 92410 (24:6410)
+ text $53, ": What?"
+ line "Why do I have 2"
+ cont "#MON?"
+ para "You should catch"
+ cont "some more too!"
+ prompt
+_UnnamedText_511c1: ; 92450 (24:6450)
+ text $53, ": What?"
+ line $52, "! What a"
+ cont "surprise to see"
+ cont "you here!"
+ para "So you're going to"
+ line "#MON LEAGUE?"
+ para "You collected all"
+ line "the BADGEs too?"
+ cont "That's cool!"
+ para "Then I'll whip you"
+ line $52, " as a"
+ cont "warm up for"
+ cont "#MON LEAGUE!"
+ para "Come on!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_511c6: ; 92506 (24:6506)
+ text "That loosened me"
+ line "up! I'm ready for"
+ cont "#MON LEAGUE!"
+ para $52, ", you need"
+ line "more practice!"
+ para "But hey, you know"
+ line "that! I'm out of"
+ cont "here. Smell ya!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_511cb: ; 92583 (24:6583)
+ text "What!?"
+ para "I was just"
+ line "careless!"
+ prompt
+_UnnamedText_511d0: ; 925a0 (24:65a0)
+ text $53, ": Hahaha!"
+ line $52, "! That's"
+ cont "your best? You're"
+ cont "nowhere near as"
+ cont "good as me, pal!"
+ para "Go train some"
+ line "more! You loser!"
+ prompt
+_Route22Text3: ; 92606 (24:6606)
+ text "#MON LEAGUE"
+ line "Front Gate"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/route_23.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,39 @@
+_VictoryRoadGuardText1: ; 9261e (24:661e)
+ text "You can pass here"
+ line "only if you have"
+ cont "the @"
+ TX_RAM $cd6d
+ text "!"
+ para "You don't have the"
+ line "@"
+ TX_RAM $cd6d
+ text " yet!"
+ para "You have to have"
+ line "it to get to"
+ cont "#MON LEAGUE!@@"
+_VictoryRoadGuardText2: ; 92696 (24:6696)
+ text "You can pass here"
+ line "only if you have"
+ cont "the @"
+ TX_RAM $cd6d
+ text "!"
+ para "Oh! That is the"
+ line "@"
+ TX_RAM $cd6d
+ text "!@@"
+_UnnamedText_513a3: ; 926dd (24:66dd)
+ db $0
+ para "OK then! Please,"
+ line "go right ahead!"
+ done
+_Route23Text8: ; 92700 (24:6700)
+ line "- #MON LEAGUE"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/route_24_1.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,65 @@
+_UnnamedText_51510: ; 92721 (24:6721)
+ text "Congratulations!"
+ line "You beat our 5"
+ cont "contest trainers!@@"
+_UnnamedText_51515: ; 92755 (24:6755)
+ db $0
+ para "You just earned a"
+ line "fabulous prize!"
+ prompt
+_UnnamedText_5151a: ; 92779 (24:6779)
+ text $52, " received"
+ line "a @"
+ TX_RAM $cf4b
+ text "!@@"
+_UnnamedText_51521: ; 9278f (24:678f)
+ text "You don't have"
+ line "any room!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_51526: ; 927a8 (24:67a8)
+ text "By the way, would"
+ line "you like to join"
+ cont "TEAM ROCKET?"
+ para "We're a group"
+ line "dedicated to evil"
+ cont "using #MON!"
+ para "Want to join?"
+ para "Are you sure?"
+ para "Come on, join us!"
+ para "I'm telling you"
+ line "to join!"
+ para "OK, you need"
+ line "convincing!"
+ para "I'll make you an"
+ line "offer you can't"
+ cont "refuse!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_5152b: ; 9288a (24:688a)
+ text "Arrgh!"
+ line "You are good!"
+ prompt
+_UnnamedText_51530: ; 928a0 (24:68a0)
+ text "With your ability,"
+ line "you could become"
+ cont "a top leader in"
+ cont "TEAM ROCKET!"
+ done
+_Route24BattleText1: ; 928e2 (24:68e2)
+ text "I saw your feat"
+ line "from the grass!"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/route_24_2.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,91 @@
+_Route24EndBattleText1: ; 94000 (25:4000)
+ text "I"
+ line "thought not!"
+ prompt
+_Route24AfterBattleText1: ; 94010 (25:4010)
+ text "I hid because the"
+ line "people on the"
+ cont "bridge scared me!"
+ done
+_Route24BattleText2: ; 94043 (25:4043)
+ text "OK! I'm No. 5!"
+ line "I'll stomp you!"
+ done
+_Route24EndBattleText2: ; 94061 (25:4061)
+ text "Whoa!"
+ line "Too much!"
+ prompt
+_Route24AfterBattleText2: ; 94072 (25:4072)
+ text "I did my best, I"
+ line "have no regrets!"
+ done
+_Route24BattleText3: ; 94095 (25:4095)
+ text "I'm No. 4!"
+ line "Getting tired?"
+ done
+_Route24EndBattleText3: ; 940af (25:40af)
+ text "I lost"
+ line "too!"
+ prompt
+_Route24AfterBattleText3: ; 940bc (25:40bc)
+ text "I did my best, so"
+ line "I've no regrets!"
+ done
+_Route24BattleText4: ; 940df (25:40df)
+ text "Here's No. 3!"
+ line "I won't be easy!"
+ done
+_Route24EndBattleText4: ; 940fd (25:40fd)
+ text "Ow!"
+ line "Stomped flat!"
+ prompt
+_Route24AfterBattleText4: ; 94110 (25:4110)
+ text "I did my best, I"
+ line "have no regrets!"
+ done
+_Route24BattleText5: ; 94133 (25:4133)
+ text "I'm second!"
+ line "Now it's serious!"
+ done
+_Route24EndBattleText5: ; 94150 (25:4150)
+ text "How could I"
+ line "lose?"
+ prompt
+_Route24AfterBattleText5: ; 94163 (25:4163)
+ text "I did my best, I"
+ line "have no regrets!"
+ done
+_Route24BattleText6: ; 94186 (25:4186)
+ text "This is NUGGET"
+ line "BRIDGE! Beat us 5"
+ cont "trainers and win"
+ cont "a fabulous prize!"
+ para "Think you got"
+ line "what it takes?"
+ done
+_Route24EndBattleText6: ; 941e8 (25:41e8)
+ text "Whoo!"
+ line "Good stuff!"
+ prompt
+_Route24AfterBattleText6: ; 941fb (25:41fb)
+ text "I did my best, I"
+ line "have no regrets!"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/route_25.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,157 @@
+_Route25BattleText1: ; 9421e (25:421e)
+ text "Local trainers"
+ line "come here to"
+ cont "practice!"
+ done
+_Route25EndBattleText1: ; 94245 (25:4245)
+ text "You're"
+ line "decent."
+ prompt
+_Route25AfterBattleText1: ; 94254 (25:4254)
+ text "All #MON have"
+ line "weaknesses. It's"
+ cont "best to raise"
+ cont "different kinds."
+ done
+_Route25BattleText2: ; 94292 (25:4292)
+ text "Dad took me to a"
+ line "great party on"
+ cont "S.S.ANNE at"
+ done
+_Route25EndBattleText2: ; 942cf (25:42cf)
+ text "I'm"
+ line "not mad!"
+ prompt
+_Route25AfterBattleText2: ; 942dc (25:42dc)
+ text "On S.S.ANNE, I"
+ line "saw trainers from"
+ cont "around the world."
+ done
+_Route25BattleText3: ; 94310 (25:4310)
+ text "I'm a cool guy."
+ line "I've got a girl"
+ cont "friend!"
+ done
+_Route25EndBattleText3: ; 94337 (25:4337)
+ text "Aww,"
+ line "darn..."
+ prompt
+_Route25AfterBattleText3: ; 94345 (25:4345)
+ text "Oh well. My girl"
+ line "will cheer me up."
+ done
+_Route25BattleText4: ; 94369 (25:4369)
+ text "Hi! My boy"
+ line "friend is cool!"
+ done
+_Route25EndBattleText4: ; 94385 (25:4385)
+ text "I was in"
+ line "bad condition!"
+ prompt
+_Route25AfterBattleText4: ; 9439e (25:439e)
+ text "I wish my guy was"
+ line "as good as you!"
+ done
+_Route25BattleText5: ; 943c1 (25:43c1)
+ text "I knew I had to"
+ line "fight you!"
+ done
+_Route25EndBattleText5: ; 943dd (25:43dd)
+ text "I knew"
+ line "I'd lose too!"
+ prompt
+_Route25AfterBattleText5: ; 943f2 (25:43f2)
+ text "If your #MON"
+ line "gets confused or"
+ cont "falls asleep,"
+ cont "switch it!"
+ done
+_Route25BattleText6: ; 9442a (25:442a)
+ text "My friend has a"
+ line "cute #MON."
+ cont "I'm so jealous!"
+ done
+_Route25EndBattleText6: ; 94455 (25:4455)
+ text "I'm"
+ line "not so jealous!"
+ prompt
+_Route25AfterBattleText6: ; 94469 (25:4469)
+ text "You came from MT."
+ line "MOON? May I have"
+ cont "a CLEFAIRY?"
+ done
+_Route25BattleText7: ; 94499 (25:4499)
+ text "I just got down"
+ line "from MT.MOON,"
+ cont "but I'm ready!"
+ done
+_Route25EndBattleText7: ; 944c6 (25:44c6)
+ text "You"
+ line "worked hard!"
+ prompt
+_Route25AfterBattleText7: ; 944d8 (25:44d8)
+ text "Drat!"
+ line "A ZUBAT bit me"
+ cont "back in there."
+ done
+_Route25BattleText8: ; 944fd (25:44fd)
+ text "I'm off to see a"
+ line "#MON collector"
+ cont "at the cape!"
+ done
+_Route25EndBattleText8: ; 9452a (25:452a)
+ text "You"
+ line "got me."
+ prompt
+_Route25AfterBattleText8: ; 94537 (25:4537)
+ text "The collector has"
+ line "many rare kinds"
+ cont "of #MON."
+ done
+_Route25BattleText9: ; 94563 (25:4563)
+ text "You're going to"
+ line "see BILL? First,"
+ cont "let's fight!"
+ done
+_Route25EndBattleText9: ; 94590 (25:4590)
+ text "You're"
+ line "something."
+ prompt
+_Route25AfterBattleText9: ; 945a2 (25:45a2)
+ text "The trail below"
+ line "is a shortcut to"
+ done
+_Route25Text11: ; 945d3 (25:45d3)
+ text "SEA COTTAGE"
+ line "BILL lives here!"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/route_3.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,146 @@
+_Route3Text1: ; 8d779 (23:5779)
+ text "Whew... I better"
+ line "take a rest..."
+ cont "Groan..."
+ para "That tunnel from"
+ line "CERULEAN takes a"
+ cont "lot out of you!"
+ done
+_Route3BattleText1: ; 8d7d5 (23:57d5)
+ text "Hey! I met you in"
+ done
+_Route3EndBattleText1: ; 8d7f9 (23:57f9)
+ text "You"
+ line "beat me again!"
+ prompt
+_Route3AfterBattleText1: ; 8d80d (23:580d)
+ text "There are other"
+ line "kinds of #MON"
+ cont "than those found"
+ cont "in the forest!"
+ done
+_Route3BattleText2: ; 8d84c (23:584c)
+ text "Hi! I like shorts!"
+ line "They're comfy and"
+ cont "easy to wear!"
+ done
+_Route3EndBattleText2: ; 8d87f (23:587f)
+ text "I don't"
+ line "believe it!"
+ prompt
+_Route3AfterBattleText2: ; 8d893 (23:5893)
+ text "Are you storing"
+ line "your #MON on"
+ cont "PC? Each BOX can"
+ cont "hold 20 #MON!"
+ done
+_Route3BattleText3: ; 8d8d0 (23:58d0)
+ text "You looked at me,"
+ line "didn't you?"
+ done
+_Route3EndBattleText3: ; 8d8ee (23:58ee)
+ text "You're"
+ line "mean!"
+ prompt
+_Route3AfterBattleText3: ; 8d8fb (23:58fb)
+ text "Quit staring if"
+ line "you don't want to"
+ cont "fight!"
+ done
+_Route3BattleText4: ; 8d924 (23:5924)
+ text "Are you a trainer?"
+ line "Let's fight!"
+ done
+_Route3EndBattleText4: ; 8d944 (23:5944)
+ text "If I"
+ line "had new #MON I"
+ cont "would've won!"
+ prompt
+_Route3AfterBattleText4: ; 8d966 (23:5966)
+ text "If a #MON BOX"
+ line "on the PC gets"
+ cont "full, just switch"
+ cont "to another BOX!"
+ done
+_Route3BattleText5: ; 8d9a6 (23:59a6)
+ text "That look you"
+ line "gave me, it's so"
+ cont "intriguing!"
+ done
+_Route3EndBattleText5: ; 8d9d1 (23:59d1)
+ text "Be nice!"
+ prompt
+_Route3AfterBattleText5: ; 8d9db (23:59db)
+ text "Avoid fights by"
+ line "not letting"
+ cont "people see you!"
+ done
+_Route3BattleText6: ; 8da08 (23:5a08)
+ text "Hey! You're not"
+ line "wearing shorts!"
+ done
+_Route3EndBattleText6: ; 8da28 (23:5a28)
+ text "Lost!"
+ line "Lost! Lost!"
+ prompt
+_Route3AfterBattleText6: ; 8da3b (23:5a3b)
+ text "I always wear"
+ line "shorts, even in"
+ cont "winter!"
+ done
+_Route3BattleText7: ; 8da62 (23:5a62)
+ text "You can fight my"
+ line "new #MON!"
+ done
+_Route3EndBattleText7: ; 8da7e (23:5a7e)
+ text "Done"
+ line "like dinner!"
+ prompt
+_Route3AfterBattleText7: ; 8da91 (23:5a91)
+ text "Trained #MON"
+ line "are stronger than"
+ cont "the wild ones!"
+ done
+_Route3BattleText8: ; 8dac0 (23:5ac0)
+ text "Eek! Did you"
+ line "touch me?"
+ done
+_Route3EndBattleText8: ; 8dad8 (23:5ad8)
+ text "That's it?"
+ prompt
+_Route3AfterBattleText8: ; 8dae3 (23:5ae3)
+ text "ROUTE 4 is at the"
+ line "foot of MT.MOON."
+ done
+_Route3Text10: ; 8db07 (23:5b07)
+ text "ROUTE 3"
+ line "MT.MOON AHEAD"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/route_4.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,36 @@
+_Route4Text1: ; 8db1e (23:5b1e)
+ text "Ouch! I tripped"
+ line "over a rocky"
+ cont "#MON, GEODUDE!"
+ done
+_Route4BattleText1: ; 8db4b (23:5b4b)
+ text "I came to get my"
+ line "mushroom #MON!"
+ done
+_Route4EndBattleText1: ; 8db6c (23:5b6c)
+ text "Oh! My cute"
+ line "mushroom #MON!"
+ prompt
+_Route4AfterBattleText1: ; 8db88 (23:5b88)
+ text "There might not"
+ line "be any more"
+ cont "mushrooms here."
+ para "I think I got"
+ line "them all."
+ done
+_Route4Text5: ; 8dbcd (23:5bcd)
+ text "MT.MOON"
+ line "Tunnel Entrance"
+ done
+_Route4Text6: ; 8dbe6 (23:5be6)
+ text "ROUTE 4"
+ line "MT.MOON -"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/route_5.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,6 @@
+_Route5Text1: ; 8dc07 (23:5c07)
+ line "CERULEAN CITY -"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/route_6.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,98 @@
+_Route6BattleText1: ; 8dc38 (23:5c38)
+ text "Who's there?"
+ line "Quit listening in"
+ cont "on us!"
+ done
+_Route6EndBattleText1: ; 8dc5e (23:5c5e)
+ text "I"
+ line "just can't win!"
+ prompt
+_Route6AfterBattleText1: ; 8dc70 (23:5c70)
+ text "Whisper..."
+ line "whisper..."
+ done
+_Route6BattleText2: ; 8dc87 (23:5c87)
+ text "Excuse me! This"
+ line "is a private"
+ cont "conversation!"
+ done
+_Route6EndBattleText2: ; 8dcb3 (23:5cb3)
+ text "Ugh!"
+ line "I hate losing!"
+ prompt
+_Route6BattleText3: ; 8dcc8 (23:5cc8)
+ text "There aren't many"
+ line "bugs out here."
+ done
+_Route6EndBattleText3: ; 8dce9 (23:5ce9)
+ text "No!"
+ line "You're kidding!"
+ prompt
+_Route6AfterBattleText3: ; 8dcfd (23:5cfd)
+ text "I like bugs, so"
+ line "I'm going back to"
+ done
+_Route6BattleText4: ; 8dd30 (23:5d30)
+ text "Huh? You want"
+ line "to talk to me?"
+ done
+_Route6EndBattleText4: ; 8dd4e (23:5d4e)
+ text "I"
+ line "didn't start it!"
+ prompt
+_Route6AfterBattleText4: ; 8dd61 (23:5d61)
+ text "I should carry"
+ line "more #MON with"
+ cont "me for safety."
+ done
+_Route6BattleText5: ; 8dd8f (23:5d8f)
+ text "Me? Well, OK."
+ line "I'll play!"
+ done
+_Route6EndBattleText5: ; 8dda8 (23:5da8)
+ text "Just"
+ line "didn't work!"
+ prompt
+_Route6AfterBattleText5: ; 8ddba (23:5dba)
+ text "I want to get"
+ line "stronger! What's"
+ cont "your secret?"
+ done
+_Route6BattleText6: ; 8dde6 (23:5de6)
+ text "I've never seen"
+ line "you around!"
+ cont "Are you good?"
+ done
+_Route6EndBattleText6: ; 8de10 (23:5e10)
+ text "You"
+ line "are too good!"
+ prompt
+_Route6AfterBattleText6: ; 8de23 (23:5e23)
+ text "Are my #MON"
+ line "weak? Or, am I"
+ cont "just bad?"
+ done
+_Route6Text7: ; 8de49 (23:5e49)
+ line "CERULEAN CITY -"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/route_7.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,6 @@
+_Route7Text1: ; 8de7a (23:5e7a)
+ line "CELADON CITY -"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/route_8.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,155 @@
+_Route8BattleText1: ; 8dea9 (23:5ea9)
+ text "You look good at"
+ line "#MON, but"
+ cont "how's your chem?"
+ done
+_Route8EndBattleText1: ; 8ded5 (23:5ed5)
+ text "Ow!"
+ line "Meltdown!"
+ prompt
+_Route8AfterBattleText1: ; 8dee4 (23:5ee4)
+ text "I am better at"
+ line "school than this!"
+ done
+_Route8BattleText2: ; 8df06 (23:5f06)
+ text "All right! Let's"
+ line "roll the dice!"
+ done
+_Route8EndBattleText2: ; 8df26 (23:5f26)
+ text "Drat!"
+ line "Came up short!"
+ prompt
+_Route8AfterBattleText2: ; 8df3c (23:5f3c)
+ text "Lady Luck's not"
+ line "with me today!"
+ done
+_Route8BattleText3: ; 8df5b (23:5f5b)
+ text "You need strategy"
+ line "to win at this!"
+ done
+_Route8EndBattleText3: ; 8df7e (23:5f7e)
+ text "It's"
+ line "not logical!"
+ prompt
+_Route8AfterBattleText3: ; 8df90 (23:5f90)
+ text "Go with GRIMER"
+ line "first...and..."
+ cont "...and...then..."
+ done
+_Route8BattleText4: ; 8dfc0 (23:5fc0)
+ text "I like NIDORAN, so"
+ line "I collect them!"
+ done
+_Route8EndBattleText4: ; 8dfe4 (23:5fe4)
+ text "Why? Why??"
+ prompt
+_Route8AfterBattleText4: ; 8dff0 (23:5ff0)
+ text "When #MON grow"
+ line "up they get ugly!"
+ cont "They shouldn't"
+ cont "evolve!"
+ done
+_Route8BattleText5: ; 8e028 (23:6028)
+ text "School is fun, but"
+ line "so are #MON."
+ done
+_Route8EndBattleText5: ; 8e049 (23:6049)
+ text "I'll"
+ line "stay with school."
+ prompt
+_Route8AfterBattleText5: ; 8e060 (23:6060)
+ text "We're stuck here"
+ line "because of the"
+ cont "gates at SAFFRON."
+ done
+_Route8BattleText6: ; 8e092 (23:6092)
+ text "MEOWTH is so cute,"
+ line "meow, meow, meow!"
+ done
+_Route8EndBattleText6: ; 8e0b8 (23:60b8)
+ text "Meow!"
+ prompt
+_Route8AfterBattleText6: ; 8e0bf (23:60bf)
+ text "I think PIDGEY"
+ line "and RATTATA"
+ cont "are cute too!"
+ done
+_Route8BattleText7: ; 8e0e9 (23:60e9)
+ text "We must look"
+ line "silly standing"
+ cont "here like this!"
+ done
+_Route8EndBattleText7: ; 8e116 (23:6116)
+ text "Look what"
+ line "you did!"
+ prompt
+_Route8AfterBattleText7: ; 8e12a (23:612a)
+ text "SAFFRON's gate"
+ line "keeper won't let"
+ cont "us through."
+ cont "He's so mean!"
+ done
+_Route8BattleText8: ; 8e162 (23:6162)
+ text "I'm a rambling,"
+ line "gambling dude!"
+ done
+_Route8EndBattleText8: ; 8e181 (23:6181)
+ text "Missed"
+ line "the big score!"
+ prompt
+_Route8AfterBattleText8: ; 8e198 (23:6198)
+ text "Gambling and"
+ line "#MON are like"
+ cont "eating peanuts!"
+ cont "Just can't stop!"
+ done
+_Route8BattleText9: ; 8e1d4 (23:61d4)
+ text "What's a cute,"
+ line "round and fluffy"
+ cont "#MON?"
+ done
+_Route8EndBattleText9: ; 8e1fa (23:61fa)
+ text "Stop!"
+ para "Don't be so mean"
+ line "to my CLEFAIRY!"
+ prompt
+_Route8AfterBattleText9: ; 8e221 (23:6221)
+ text "I heard that"
+ line "CLEFAIRY evolves"
+ cont "when it's exposed"
+ cont "to a MOON STONE."
+ done
+_Route8Text10: ; 8e262 (23:6262)
+ line "CELADON CITY -"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/route_9.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,158 @@
+_Route9BattleText1: ; 8e291 (23:6291)
+ text "You have #MON"
+ line "with you!"
+ cont "You're mine!"
+ done
+_Route9EndBattleText1: ; 8e2b6 (23:62b6)
+ text "You"
+ line "deceived me!"
+ prompt
+_Route9AfterBattleText1: ; 8e2c8 (23:62c8)
+ text "You need light to"
+ line "get through that"
+ cont "dark tunnel ahead."
+ done
+_Route9BattleText2: ; 8e2ff (23:62ff)
+ text "Who's that walking"
+ line "with those good"
+ cont "looking #MON?"
+ done
+_Route9EndBattleText2: ; 8e330 (23:6330)
+ text "Out"
+ line "like a light!"
+ prompt
+_Route9AfterBattleText2: ; 8e343 (23:6343)
+ text "Keep walking!"
+ done
+_Route9BattleText3: ; 8e352 (23:6352)
+ text "I'm taking ROCK"
+ line "TUNNEL to go to"
+ cont "LAVENDER..."
+ done
+_Route9EndBattleText3: ; 8e37e (23:637e)
+ text "Can't"
+ line "measure up!"
+ prompt
+_Route9AfterBattleText3: ; 8e390 (23:6390)
+ text "Are you off to"
+ line "ROCK TUNNEL too?"
+ done
+_Route9BattleText4: ; 8e3b1 (23:63b1)
+ text "Don't you dare"
+ line "condescend me!"
+ done
+_Route9EndBattleText4: ; 8e3cf (23:63cf)
+ text "No!"
+ line "You're too much!"
+ prompt
+_Route9AfterBattleText4: ; 8e3e4 (23:63e4)
+ text "You're obviously"
+ line "talented! Good"
+ cont "luck to you!"
+ done
+_Route9BattleText5: ; 8e411 (23:6411)
+ text "Bwahaha!"
+ line "Great! I was"
+ cont "bored, eh!"
+ done
+_Route9EndBattleText5: ; 8e433 (23:6433)
+ text "Keep it"
+ line "coming, eh!"
+ para "Oh wait. I'm out"
+ line "of #MON!"
+ prompt
+_Route9AfterBattleText5: ; 8e461 (23:6461)
+ text "You sure had guts"
+ line "standing up to me"
+ cont "there, eh?"
+ done
+_Route9BattleText6: ; 8e491 (23:6491)
+ text "Hahaha!"
+ line "Aren't you a"
+ cont "little toughie!"
+ done
+_Route9EndBattleText6: ; 8e4b6 (23:64b6)
+ text "What's"
+ line "that?"
+ prompt
+_Route9AfterBattleText6: ; 8e4c3 (23:64c3)
+ text "Hahaha! Kids"
+ line "should be tough!"
+ done
+_Route9BattleText7: ; 8e4e2 (23:64e2)
+ text "I got up early"
+ line "every day to"
+ cont "raise my #MON"
+ cont "from cocoons!"
+ done
+_Route9EndBattleText7: ; 8e51b (23:651b)
+ text "WHAT?"
+ para "What a total"
+ line "waste of time!"
+ prompt
+_Route9AfterBattleText7: ; 8e53e (23:653e)
+ text "I have to collect"
+ line "more than bugs to"
+ cont "get stronger..."
+ done
+_Route9BattleText8: ; 8e573 (23:6573)
+ text "Hahahaha!"
+ line "Come on, dude!"
+ done
+_Route9EndBattleText8: ; 8e58d (23:658d)
+ text "Hahahaha!"
+ line "You beat me fair!"
+ prompt
+_Route9AfterBattleText8: ; 8e5aa (23:65aa)
+ text "Hahahaha!"
+ line "Us hearty guys"
+ cont "always laugh!"
+ done
+_Route9BattleText9: ; 8e5d2 (23:65d2)
+ text "Go, my super bug"
+ line "#MON!"
+ done
+_Route9EndBattleText9: ; 8e5ea (23:65ea)
+ text "My"
+ line "bugs..."
+ prompt
+_Route9AfterBattleText9: ; 8e5f6 (23:65f6)
+ text "If you don't like"
+ line "bug #MON, you"
+ cont "bug me!"
+ done
+_Route9Text11: ; 8e61e (23:661e)
+ text "ROUTE 9"
+ cont "ROCK TUNNEL"
+ done