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ref: 65e7657318a86b667fb6946486cd866ed215e761
parent: 1040a2ccfa5c3b089ee3c813329f16cf7144a8cd
author: IIMarckus <[email protected]>
date: Sun Apr 20 22:12:25 EDT 2014

Add labels and comments to the Fan Club.

--- a/main.asm
+++ b/main.asm
@@ -89037,9 +89037,10 @@
 FanClubScript: ; 59b70 (16:5b70)
 	jp EnableAutoTextBoxDrawing
-Func_59b73: ; 59b73 (16:5b73)
+; check if any bike paraphernalia in bag
 	ld a, [$d771]
-	bit 1, a
+	bit 1, a ; got bike voucher?
 	ret nz
 	ld b, BICYCLE
 	call IsItemInBag
@@ -89057,61 +89058,64 @@
 	dw FanClubText7
 	dw FanClubText8
-FanClubText1: ; 59b94 (16:5b94)
+; pikachu fan
 	db $08 ; asm
 	ld a, [$d771]
 	bit 7, a
-	jr nz, asm_67b22 ; 0x59b9a
-	ld hl, UnnamedText_59bb7
+	jr nz, .mineisbetter
+	ld hl, .normaltext
 	call PrintText
 	ld hl, $d771
 	set 6, [hl]
-	jr asm_64f01 ; 0x59ba7
-asm_67b22 ; 0x59ba9
-	ld hl, UnnamedText_59bbc
+	jr .done
+	ld hl, .bettertext
 	call PrintText
 	ld hl, $d771
 	res 7, [hl]
-asm_64f01 ; 0x59bb4
 	jp TextScriptEnd
-UnnamedText_59bb7: ; 59bb7 (16:5bb7)
-	TX_FAR _UnnamedText_59bb7
+	TX_FAR PikachuFanText
 	db "@"
-UnnamedText_59bbc: ; 59bbc (16:5bbc)
-	TX_FAR _UnnamedText_59bbc
+	TX_FAR PikachuFanBetterText
 	db "@"
-FanClubText2: ; 59bc1 (16:5bc1)
+; seel fan
 	db $08 ; asm
 	ld a, [$d771]
 	bit 6, a
-	jr nz, asm_5cd59 ; 0x59bc7
-	ld hl, UnnamedText_59be4
+	jr nz, .mineisbetter
+	ld hl, .normaltext
 	call PrintText
 	ld hl, $d771
 	set 7, [hl]
-	jr asm_59625 ; 0x59bd4
-asm_5cd59 ; 0x59bd6
-	ld hl, UnnamedText_59be9
+	jr .done
+	ld hl, .bettertext
 	call PrintText
 	ld hl, $d771
 	res 6, [hl]
-asm_59625 ; 0x59be1
 	jp TextScriptEnd
-UnnamedText_59be4: ; 59be4 (16:5be4)
-	TX_FAR _UnnamedText_59be4
+	TX_FAR SeelFanText
 	db "@"
-UnnamedText_59be9: ; 59be9 (16:5be9)
-	TX_FAR _UnnamedText_59be9
+	TX_FAR SeelFanBetterText
 	db "@"
-FanClubText3: ; 59bee (16:5bee)
+; pikachu
 	db $8
-	ld hl, UnnamedText_59c00
+	ld hl, .text
 	call PrintText
 	ld a, PIKACHU
 	call PlayCry
@@ -89118,13 +89122,14 @@
 	call WaitForSoundToFinish
 	jp TextScriptEnd
-UnnamedText_59c00: ; 59c00 (16:5c00)
-	TX_FAR _UnnamedText_59c00
+	TX_FAR FanClubPikachuText
 	db "@"
-FanClubText4: ; 59c05 (16:5c05)
+; seel
 	db $08 ; asm
-	ld hl, UnnamedText_59c17
+	ld hl, .text
 	call PrintText
 	ld a, SEEL
 	call PlayCry
@@ -89131,68 +89136,72 @@
 	call WaitForSoundToFinish
 	jp TextScriptEnd
-UnnamedText_59c17: ; 59c17 (16:5c17)
-	TX_FAR _UnnamedText_59c17
+	TX_FAR FanClubSeelText
 	db "@"
-FanClubText5: ; 59c1c (16:5c1c)
+; chair
 	db $08 ; asm
-	call Func_59b73
-	jr nz, asm_38bb3 ; 0x59c20
-	ld hl, UnnamedText_59c65
+	call FanClubBikeInBag
+	jr nz, .nothingleft
+	ld hl, .meetchairtext
 	call PrintText
 	call YesNoChoice
 	ld a, [$cc26]
 	and a
-	jr nz, asm_2c8d7 ; 0x59c2f
-	ld hl, UnnamedText_59c6a
+	jr nz, .nothanks
+	; tell the story
+	ld hl, .storytext
 	call PrintText
 	ld bc, (BIKE_VOUCHER << 8) | 1
 	call GiveItem
 	jr nc, .BagFull
-	ld hl, ReceivedBikeVoucherText
+	ld hl, .receivedvouchertext
 	call PrintText
 	ld hl, $d771
 	set 1, [hl]
-	jr asm_d3c26 ; 0x59c4a
+	jr .done
-	ld hl, UnnamedText_59c83
+	ld hl, .bagfulltext
 	call PrintText
-	jr asm_d3c26 ; 0x59c52
-asm_2c8d7 ; 0x59c54
-	ld hl, UnnamedText_59c79
+	jr .done
+	ld hl, .nostorytext
 	call PrintText
-	jr asm_d3c26 ; 0x59c5a
-asm_38bb3 ; 0x59c5c
-	ld hl, UnnamedText_59c7e
+	jr .done
+	ld hl, .finaltext
 	call PrintText
-asm_d3c26 ; 0x59c62
 	jp TextScriptEnd
-UnnamedText_59c65: ; 59c65 (16:5c65)
-	TX_FAR _UnnamedText_59c65
+	TX_FAR FanClubMeetChairText
 	db "@"
-UnnamedText_59c6a: ; 59c6a (16:5c6a)
-	TX_FAR _UnnamedText_59c6a
+	TX_FAR FanClubChairStoryText
 	db "@"
-ReceivedBikeVoucherText: ; 59c6f (16:5c6f)
-	TX_FAR _ReceivedBikeVoucherText ; 0x9a82e
+	TX_FAR ReceivedBikeVoucherText
 	db $11
-	TX_FAR _UnnamedText_59c74 ; 0x9a844
+	TX_FAR ExplainBikeVoucherText
 	db "@"
-UnnamedText_59c79: ; 59c79 (16:5c79)
-	TX_FAR _UnnamedText_59c79
+	TX_FAR FanClubNoStoryText
 	db "@"
-UnnamedText_59c7e: ; 59c7e (16:5c7e)
-	TX_FAR _UnnamedText_59c7e
+	TX_FAR FanClubChairFinalText
 	db "@"
-UnnamedText_59c83: ; 59c83 (16:5c83)
-	TX_FAR _UnnamedText_59c83
+	TX_FAR FanClubBagFullText
 	db "@"
 FanClubText6: ; 59c88 (16:5c88)
--- a/text/maps/fan_club.asm
+++ b/text/maps/fan_club.asm
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-_UnnamedText_59bb7:: ; 9a572 (26:6572)
 	text "Won't you admire"
 	line "my PIKACHU's"
 	cont "adorable tail?"
-_UnnamedText_59bbc:: ; 9a59e (26:659e)
 	text "Humph! My PIKACHU"
 	line "is twice as cute"
 	cont "as that one!"
-_UnnamedText_59be4:: ; 9a5cf (26:65cf)
 	text "I just love my"
 	line "SEEL!"
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 	line "hug it!"
-_UnnamedText_59be9:: ; 9a5ff (26:65ff)
 	text "Oh dear!"
 	para "My SEEL is far"
@@ -25,16 +25,16 @@
 	line "more attractive!"
-_UnnamedText_59c00:: ; 9a629 (26:6629)
 	text "PIKACHU: Chu!"
 	line "Pikachu!"
-_UnnamedText_59c17:: ; 9a641 (26:6641)
 	text "SEEL: Kyuoo!"
-_UnnamedText_59c65:: ; 9a64f (26:664f)
 	text "I chair the"
 	line "#MON Fan Club!"
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
 	cont "about my #MON?"
-_UnnamedText_59c6a:: ; 9a6e0 (26:66e0)
 	text "Good!"
 	line "Then listen up!"
@@ -82,13 +82,13 @@
 	cont "you to have this!"
-_ReceivedBikeVoucherText:: ; 9a82e (26:682e)
 	text $52, " received"
 	line "a @"
 	TX_RAM $cf4b
 	text "!@@"
-_UnnamedText_59c74:: ; 9a844 (26:6844)
 	db $0
 	para "Exchange that for"
 	line "a BICYCLE!"
@@ -104,13 +104,13 @@
 	line "cycling!"
-_UnnamedText_59c79:: ; 9a8c3 (26:68c3)
 	text "Oh. Come back"
 	line "when you want to"
 	cont "hear my story!"
-_UnnamedText_59c7e:: ; 9a8f2 (26:68f2)
 	text "Hello, ", $52, "!"
 	para "Did you come see"
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@
 	para "No? Too bad!"
-_UnnamedText_59c83:: ; 9a933 (26:6933)
 	text "Make room for"
 	line "this!"