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ref: 5048f24816e95fc38a708b967648deb86c62a689
parent: 6348ed24fedcae15cd4629bdcddea542d6c44712
parent: 362bba7642431d87371cb86c9442e7636fcd287b
author: Daniel Harding <[email protected]>
date: Wed Feb 5 12:59:01 EST 2020

Merge pull request #223 from pret/audio-macros

Audio macros

--- a/audio.asm
+++ b/audio.asm
@@ -23,25 +23,25 @@
 SECTION "Sound Effects 1", ROMX ; BANK $02
-INCLUDE "audio/sfx/snare1_1.asm"
-INCLUDE "audio/sfx/snare2_1.asm"
-INCLUDE "audio/sfx/snare3_1.asm"
-INCLUDE "audio/sfx/snare4_1.asm"
-INCLUDE "audio/sfx/snare5_1.asm"
-INCLUDE "audio/sfx/triangle1_1.asm"
-INCLUDE "audio/sfx/triangle2_1.asm"
-INCLUDE "audio/sfx/snare6_1.asm"
-INCLUDE "audio/sfx/snare7_1.asm"
-INCLUDE "audio/sfx/snare8_1.asm"
-INCLUDE "audio/sfx/snare9_1.asm"
-INCLUDE "audio/sfx/cymbal1_1.asm"
-INCLUDE "audio/sfx/cymbal2_1.asm"
-INCLUDE "audio/sfx/cymbal3_1.asm"
-INCLUDE "audio/sfx/muted_snare1_1.asm"
-INCLUDE "audio/sfx/triangle3_1.asm"
-INCLUDE "audio/sfx/muted_snare2_1.asm"
-INCLUDE "audio/sfx/muted_snare3_1.asm"
-INCLUDE "audio/sfx/muted_snare4_1.asm"
+INCLUDE "audio/sfx/noise_instrument01_1.asm"
+INCLUDE "audio/sfx/noise_instrument02_1.asm"
+INCLUDE "audio/sfx/noise_instrument03_1.asm"
+INCLUDE "audio/sfx/noise_instrument04_1.asm"
+INCLUDE "audio/sfx/noise_instrument05_1.asm"
+INCLUDE "audio/sfx/noise_instrument06_1.asm"
+INCLUDE "audio/sfx/noise_instrument07_1.asm"
+INCLUDE "audio/sfx/noise_instrument08_1.asm"
+INCLUDE "audio/sfx/noise_instrument09_1.asm"
+INCLUDE "audio/sfx/noise_instrument10_1.asm"
+INCLUDE "audio/sfx/noise_instrument11_1.asm"
+INCLUDE "audio/sfx/noise_instrument12_1.asm"
+INCLUDE "audio/sfx/noise_instrument13_1.asm"
+INCLUDE "audio/sfx/noise_instrument14_1.asm"
+INCLUDE "audio/sfx/noise_instrument15_1.asm"
+INCLUDE "audio/sfx/noise_instrument16_1.asm"
+INCLUDE "audio/sfx/noise_instrument17_1.asm"
+INCLUDE "audio/sfx/noise_instrument18_1.asm"
+INCLUDE "audio/sfx/noise_instrument19_1.asm"
 Audio1_WavePointers: INCLUDE "audio/wave_instruments.asm"
@@ -122,25 +122,25 @@
 SECTION "Sound Effects 2", ROMX ; BANK $08
-INCLUDE "audio/sfx/snare1_2.asm"
-INCLUDE "audio/sfx/snare2_2.asm"
-INCLUDE "audio/sfx/snare3_2.asm"
-INCLUDE "audio/sfx/snare4_2.asm"
-INCLUDE "audio/sfx/snare5_2.asm"
-INCLUDE "audio/sfx/triangle1_2.asm"
-INCLUDE "audio/sfx/triangle2_2.asm"
-INCLUDE "audio/sfx/snare6_2.asm"
-INCLUDE "audio/sfx/snare7_2.asm"
-INCLUDE "audio/sfx/snare8_2.asm"
-INCLUDE "audio/sfx/snare9_2.asm"
-INCLUDE "audio/sfx/cymbal1_2.asm"
-INCLUDE "audio/sfx/cymbal2_2.asm"
-INCLUDE "audio/sfx/cymbal3_2.asm"
-INCLUDE "audio/sfx/muted_snare1_2.asm"
-INCLUDE "audio/sfx/triangle3_2.asm"
-INCLUDE "audio/sfx/muted_snare2_2.asm"
-INCLUDE "audio/sfx/muted_snare3_2.asm"
-INCLUDE "audio/sfx/muted_snare4_2.asm"
+INCLUDE "audio/sfx/noise_instrument01_2.asm"
+INCLUDE "audio/sfx/noise_instrument02_2.asm"
+INCLUDE "audio/sfx/noise_instrument03_2.asm"
+INCLUDE "audio/sfx/noise_instrument04_2.asm"
+INCLUDE "audio/sfx/noise_instrument05_2.asm"
+INCLUDE "audio/sfx/noise_instrument06_2.asm"
+INCLUDE "audio/sfx/noise_instrument07_2.asm"
+INCLUDE "audio/sfx/noise_instrument08_2.asm"
+INCLUDE "audio/sfx/noise_instrument09_2.asm"
+INCLUDE "audio/sfx/noise_instrument10_2.asm"
+INCLUDE "audio/sfx/noise_instrument11_2.asm"
+INCLUDE "audio/sfx/noise_instrument12_2.asm"
+INCLUDE "audio/sfx/noise_instrument13_2.asm"
+INCLUDE "audio/sfx/noise_instrument14_2.asm"
+INCLUDE "audio/sfx/noise_instrument15_2.asm"
+INCLUDE "audio/sfx/noise_instrument16_2.asm"
+INCLUDE "audio/sfx/noise_instrument17_2.asm"
+INCLUDE "audio/sfx/noise_instrument18_2.asm"
+INCLUDE "audio/sfx/noise_instrument19_2.asm"
 Audio2_WavePointers: INCLUDE "audio/wave_instruments.asm"
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
 INCLUDE "audio/sfx/faint_thud.asm"
 INCLUDE "audio/sfx/run.asm"
 INCLUDE "audio/sfx/dex_page_added.asm"
-INCLUDE "audio/sfx/pokeflute_ch6.asm"
+INCLUDE "audio/sfx/pokeflute_ch7.asm"
 INCLUDE "audio/sfx/peck.asm"
 INCLUDE "audio/sfx/faint_fall.asm"
 INCLUDE "audio/sfx/battle_09.asm"
@@ -247,25 +247,25 @@
 SECTION "Sound Effects 3", ROMX ; BANK $1f
-INCLUDE "audio/sfx/snare1_3.asm"
-INCLUDE "audio/sfx/snare2_3.asm"
-INCLUDE "audio/sfx/snare3_3.asm"
-INCLUDE "audio/sfx/snare4_3.asm"
-INCLUDE "audio/sfx/snare5_3.asm"
-INCLUDE "audio/sfx/triangle1_3.asm"
-INCLUDE "audio/sfx/triangle2_3.asm"
-INCLUDE "audio/sfx/snare6_3.asm"
-INCLUDE "audio/sfx/snare7_3.asm"
-INCLUDE "audio/sfx/snare8_3.asm"
-INCLUDE "audio/sfx/snare9_3.asm"
-INCLUDE "audio/sfx/cymbal1_3.asm"
-INCLUDE "audio/sfx/cymbal2_3.asm"
-INCLUDE "audio/sfx/cymbal3_3.asm"
-INCLUDE "audio/sfx/muted_snare1_3.asm"
-INCLUDE "audio/sfx/triangle3_3.asm"
-INCLUDE "audio/sfx/muted_snare2_3.asm"
-INCLUDE "audio/sfx/muted_snare3_3.asm"
-INCLUDE "audio/sfx/muted_snare4_3.asm"
+INCLUDE "audio/sfx/noise_instrument01_3.asm"
+INCLUDE "audio/sfx/noise_instrument02_3.asm"
+INCLUDE "audio/sfx/noise_instrument03_3.asm"
+INCLUDE "audio/sfx/noise_instrument04_3.asm"
+INCLUDE "audio/sfx/noise_instrument05_3.asm"
+INCLUDE "audio/sfx/noise_instrument06_3.asm"
+INCLUDE "audio/sfx/noise_instrument07_3.asm"
+INCLUDE "audio/sfx/noise_instrument08_3.asm"
+INCLUDE "audio/sfx/noise_instrument09_3.asm"
+INCLUDE "audio/sfx/noise_instrument10_3.asm"
+INCLUDE "audio/sfx/noise_instrument11_3.asm"
+INCLUDE "audio/sfx/noise_instrument12_3.asm"
+INCLUDE "audio/sfx/noise_instrument13_3.asm"
+INCLUDE "audio/sfx/noise_instrument14_3.asm"
+INCLUDE "audio/sfx/noise_instrument15_3.asm"
+INCLUDE "audio/sfx/noise_instrument16_3.asm"
+INCLUDE "audio/sfx/noise_instrument17_3.asm"
+INCLUDE "audio/sfx/noise_instrument18_3.asm"
+INCLUDE "audio/sfx/noise_instrument19_3.asm"
 Audio3_WavePointers: INCLUDE "audio/wave_instruments.asm"
@@ -470,7 +470,7 @@
 	ld a, $86
-	ld [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch4], a ;disable sound channel?
+	ld [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch5], a ;disable sound channel?
 	ld a, [wLowHealthAlarm]
 	and $7f ;decrement alarm timer.
 	dec a
@@ -484,7 +484,7 @@
 	xor a
 	ld [wLowHealthAlarm], a  ;disable alarm
-	ld [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch4], a  ;re-enable sound channel?
+	ld [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch5], a  ;re-enable sound channel?
 	ld de, .toneDataSilence
 	jr .playTone
@@ -535,12 +535,12 @@
 	call PlaySoundWaitForCurrent
 	; then immediately overwrite the channel pointers
-	ld hl, wChannelCommandPointers + Ch4 * 2
-	ld de, SFX_08_PokeFlute_Ch4
+	ld hl, wChannelCommandPointers + Ch5 * 2
+	ld de, SFX_Pokeflute_Ch5
 	call Audio2_OverwriteChannelPointer
-	ld de, SFX_08_PokeFlute_Ch5
+	ld de, SFX_Pokeflute_Ch6
 	call Audio2_OverwriteChannelPointer
-	ld de, SFX_08_PokeFlute_Ch6
+	ld de, SFX_Pokeflute_Ch7
 	ld a, e
@@ -625,7 +625,7 @@
 SECTION "Music 2", ROMX ; BANK $08
-INCLUDE "audio/sfx/pokeflute_ch4_ch5.asm"
+INCLUDE "audio/sfx/pokeflute_ch5_ch6.asm"
 INCLUDE "audio/sfx/unused2_2.asm"
 INCLUDE "audio/music/gymleaderbattle.asm"
 INCLUDE "audio/music/trainerbattle.asm"
--- a/audio/engine_1.asm
+++ b/audio/engine_1.asm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 ; The first of three duplicated sound engines.
-	ld c, Ch0
+	ld c, Ch1
 	ld b, 0
 	ld hl, wChannelSoundIDs
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 	and a
 	jr z, .nextChannel
 	ld a, c
-	cp Ch4
+	cp Ch5
 	jr nc, .applyAffects ; if sfx channel
 	ld a, [wMuteAudioAndPauseMusic]
 	and a
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
 	ld a, c
 	inc c ; inc channel number
-	cp Ch7
+	cp Ch8
 	jr nz, .loop
@@ -46,9 +46,9 @@
 	dec a ; otherwise, decrease the delay timer
 	ld [hl], a
 	ld a, c
-	cp Ch4
+	cp Ch5
 	jr nc, .startChecks ; if a sfx channel
-	ld hl, wChannelSoundIDs + Ch4
+	ld hl, wChannelSoundIDs + Ch5
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
 	and a
@@ -57,25 +57,25 @@
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags1
 	add hl, bc
-	bit BIT_ROTATE_DUTY, [hl]
 	jr z, .checkForExecuteMusic
-	call Audio1_ApplyDutyCycle
+	call Audio1_ApplyDutyCyclePattern
 	ld b, 0
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags2
 	add hl, bc
-	jr nz, .checkForPitchBend
+	jr nz, .checkForPitchSlide
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags1
 	add hl, bc
 	bit BIT_NOISE_OR_SFX, [hl]
-	jr nz, .skipPitchBendVibrato
+	jr nz, .skipPitchSlideVibrato
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags1
 	add hl, bc
-	bit BIT_PITCH_BEND_ON, [hl]
+	bit BIT_PITCH_SLIDE_ON, [hl]
 	jr z, .checkVibratoDelay
-	jp Audio1_ApplyPitchBend
+	jp Audio1_ApplyPitchSlide
 	ld hl, wChannelVibratoDelayCounters
 	add hl, bc
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
 	and a ; check if delay is over
 	jr z, .checkForVibrato
 	dec [hl] ; otherwise, dec delay
 	ld hl, wChannelVibratoExtents
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@
 ; this routine executes all music commands that take up no time,
-; like tempo changes, duty changes etc. and doesn't return
+; like tempo changes, duty cycle changes etc. and doesn't return
 ; until the first note is reached
 ; reload the vibrato delay counter
@@ -155,23 +155,23 @@
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags1
 	add hl, bc
-	res BIT_PITCH_BEND_ON, [hl]
-	call Audio1_endchannel
+	res BIT_PITCH_SLIDE_ON, [hl]
+	call Audio1_sound_ret
 	call Audio1_GetNextMusicByte
 	ld d, a
-	cp $ff ; is this command an endchannel?
-	jp nz, Audio1_callchannel ; no
+	cp $ff ; is this command a sound_ret?
+	jp nz, Audio1_sound_call ; no
 	ld b, 0
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags1
 	add hl, bc
-	bit BIT_CHANNEL_CALL, [hl]
+	bit BIT_SOUND_CALL, [hl]
 	jr nz, .returnFromCall
 	ld a, c
-	cp Ch3
+	cp Ch4
 	jr nc, .noiseOrSfxChannel
 	jr .disableChannelOutput
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags2
 	add hl, bc
-	cp Ch6
+	cp Ch7
 	jr nz, .skipSfxChannel3
 ; restart hardware channel 3 (wave channel) output
 	ld a, $0
@@ -187,15 +187,15 @@
 	ld a, $80
 	ld [rNR30], a
-	jr nz, .asm_9222
+	jr nz, .dontDisable
 	ld a, [wDisableChannelOutputWhenSfxEnds]
 	and a
-	jr z, .asm_9222
+	jr z, .dontDisable
 	xor a
 	ld [wDisableChannelOutputWhenSfxEnds], a
 	jr .disableChannelOutput
-	jr .asm_9248
+	jr .afterDisable
 	res 1, [hl]
 	ld d, $0
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@
 	inc de
 	ld a, [de]
 	ld [hl], a ; loads channel address to return to
-	jp Audio1_endchannel
+	jp Audio1_sound_ret
 	ld hl, Audio1_HWChannelDisableMasks
 	add hl, bc
@@ -222,13 +222,13 @@
 	ld a, [rNR51]
 	and [hl]
 	ld [rNR51], a
-	ld a, [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch4]
+	ld a, [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch5]
-	jr nc, .asm_9251
+	jr nc, .maybeCry
 	jr .skipCry
-	ld a, [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch4]
+	ld a, [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch5]
 	jr z, .skipCry
 	jr c, .cry
@@ -235,11 +235,11 @@
 	jr .skipCry
 	ld a, c
-	cp Ch4
-	jr z, .asm_9265
+	cp Ch5
+	jr z, .skipRewind
 	call Audio1_GoBackOneCommandIfCry
 	ret c
 	ld a, [wSavedVolume]
 	ld [rNR50], a
 	xor a
@@ -250,9 +250,9 @@
 	ld [hl], b
-	cp $fd ; is this command a callchannel?
-	jp nz, Audio1_loopchannel ; no
+	cp $fd ; is this command a sound_call?
+	jp nz, Audio1_sound_loop ; no
 	call Audio1_GetNextMusicByte
 	push af
 	call Audio1_GetNextMusicByte
@@ -284,12 +284,12 @@
 	ld b, $0
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags1
 	add hl, bc
-	set BIT_CHANNEL_CALL, [hl] ; set the call flag
-	jp Audio1_endchannel
+	set BIT_SOUND_CALL, [hl] ; set the call flag
+	jp Audio1_sound_ret
-	cp $fe ; is this command a loopchannel?
-	jp nz, Audio1_notetype ; no
+	cp $fe ; is this command a sound_loop?
+	jp nz, Audio1_note_type ; no
 	call Audio1_GetNextMusicByte
 	ld e, a
 	and a
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@
 	ld [hl], a
 	call Audio1_GetNextMusicByte ; skip pointer
 	call Audio1_GetNextMusicByte
-	jp Audio1_endchannel
+	jp Audio1_sound_ret
 .loopAgain ; inc loop count
 	inc a
 	ld [hl], a
@@ -323,12 +323,12 @@
 	pop af
 	ld [hli], a
 	ld [hl], b
-	jp Audio1_endchannel
+	jp Audio1_sound_ret
 	and $f0
-	cp $d0 ; is this command a notetype?
-	jp nz, Audio1_toggleperfectpitch ; no
+	cp $d0 ; is this command a note_type?
+	jp nz, Audio1_toggle_perfect_pitch ; no
 	ld a, d
 	and $f
 	ld b, $0
@@ -336,14 +336,14 @@
 	add hl, bc
 	ld [hl], a ; store low nibble as speed
 	ld a, c
-	cp Ch3
+	cp Ch4
 	jr z, .noiseChannel ; noise channel has 0 params
 	call Audio1_GetNextMusicByte
 	ld d, a
 	ld a, c
-	cp Ch2
+	cp Ch3
 	jr z, .musicChannel3
-	cp Ch6
+	cp Ch7
 	jr nz, .skipChannel3
 	ld hl, wSfxWaveInstrument
 	jr .channel3
@@ -367,11 +367,11 @@
 	add hl, bc
 	ld [hl], d
-	jp Audio1_endchannel
+	jp Audio1_sound_ret
 	ld a, d
-	cp $e8 ; is this command a toggleperfectpitch?
+	cp $e8 ; is this command a toggle_perfect_pitch?
 	jr nz, Audio1_vibrato ; no
 	ld b, 0
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags1
@@ -379,11 +379,11 @@
 	ld a, [hl]
 	xor $1
 	ld [hl], a ; flip bit 0 of wChannelFlags1
-	jp Audio1_endchannel
+	jp Audio1_sound_ret
 	cp $ea ; is this command a vibrato?
-	jr nz, Audio1_pitchbend ; no
+	jr nz, Audio1_pitch_slide ; no
 	call Audio1_GetNextMusicByte
 	ld b, 0
 	ld hl, wChannelVibratoDelayCounters
@@ -427,14 +427,14 @@
 	or d
 	ld [hl], a
-	jp Audio1_endchannel
+	jp Audio1_sound_ret
-	cp $eb ; is this command a pitchbend?
-	jr nz, Audio1_duty ; no
+	cp $eb ; is this command a pitch_slide?
+	jr nz, Audio1_duty_cycle ; no
 	call Audio1_GetNextMusicByte
 	ld b, 0
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendLengthModifiers
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideLengthModifiers
 	add hl, bc
 	ld [hl], a
 	call Audio1_GetNextMusicByte
@@ -446,22 +446,22 @@
 	and $f
 	call Audio1_CalculateFrequency
 	ld b, 0
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendTargetFrequencyHighBytes
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideTargetFrequencyHighBytes
 	add hl, bc
 	ld [hl], d
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendTargetFrequencyLowBytes
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideTargetFrequencyLowBytes
 	add hl, bc
 	ld [hl], e
 	ld b, 0
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags1
 	add hl, bc
-	set BIT_PITCH_BEND_ON, [hl]
+	set BIT_PITCH_SLIDE_ON, [hl]
 	call Audio1_GetNextMusicByte
 	ld d, a
-	jp Audio1_notelength
+	jp Audio1_note_length
-	cp $ec ; is this command a duty?
+	cp $ec ; is this command a duty_cycle?
 	jr nz, Audio1_tempo ; no
 	call Audio1_GetNextMusicByte
@@ -468,16 +468,16 @@
 	and $c0
 	ld b, 0
-	ld hl, wChannelDuties
+	ld hl, wChannelDutyCycles
 	add hl, bc
-	ld [hl], a ; store duty
-	jp Audio1_endchannel
+	ld [hl], a ; store duty cycle
+	jp Audio1_sound_ret
 	cp $ed ; is this command a tempo?
-	jr nz, Audio1_stereopanning ; no
+	jr nz, Audio1_stereo_panning ; no
 	ld a, c
-	cp Ch4
+	cp Ch5
 	jr nc, .sfxChannel
 	call Audio1_GetNextMusicByte
 	ld [wMusicTempo], a ; store first param
@@ -500,19 +500,19 @@
 	ld [wChannelNoteDelayCountersFractionalPart + 6], a
 	ld [wChannelNoteDelayCountersFractionalPart + 7], a
-	jp Audio1_endchannel
+	jp Audio1_sound_ret
-	cp $ee ; is this command a stereopanning?
+	cp $ee ; is this command a stereo_panning?
 	jr nz, Audio1_unknownmusic0xef ; no
 	call Audio1_GetNextMusicByte
 	ld [wStereoPanning], a ; store panning
-	jp Audio1_endchannel
+	jp Audio1_sound_ret
 ; this appears to never be used
 	cp $ef ; is this command an unknownmusic0xef?
-	jr nz, Audio1_dutycycle ; no
+	jr nz, Audio1_duty_cycle_pattern ; no
 	call Audio1_GetNextMusicByte
 	push bc
 	call Audio1_PlaySound
@@ -520,50 +520,50 @@
 	ld a, [wDisableChannelOutputWhenSfxEnds]
 	and a
 	jr nz, .skip
-	ld a, [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch7]
+	ld a, [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch8]
 	ld [wDisableChannelOutputWhenSfxEnds], a
 	xor a
-	ld [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch7], a
+	ld [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch8], a
-	jp Audio1_endchannel
+	jp Audio1_sound_ret
-	cp $fc ; is this command a dutycycle?
+	cp $fc ; is this command a duty_cycle_pattern?
 	jr nz, Audio1_volume ; no
 	call Audio1_GetNextMusicByte
 	ld b, 0
+	ld hl, wChannelDutyCyclePatterns
+	add hl, bc
+	ld [hl], a ; store full pattern
+	and %11000000
 	ld hl, wChannelDutyCycles
 	add hl, bc
-	ld [hl], a ; store full cycle
-	and $c0
-	ld hl, wChannelDuties
-	add hl, bc
-	ld [hl], a ; store first duty
+	ld [hl], a ; store first duty cycle
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags1
 	add hl, bc
-	set BIT_ROTATE_DUTY, [hl]
-	jp Audio1_endchannel
+	jp Audio1_sound_ret
 	cp $f0 ; is this command a volume?
-	jr nz, Audio1_executemusic ; no
+	jr nz, Audio1_execute_music ; no
 	call Audio1_GetNextMusicByte
 	ld [rNR50], a ; store volume
-	jp Audio1_endchannel
+	jp Audio1_sound_ret
-	cp $f8 ; is this command an executemusic?
+	cp $f8 ; is this command an execute_music?
 	jr nz, Audio1_octave ; no
 	ld b, $0
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags2
 	add hl, bc
-	jp Audio1_endchannel
+	jp Audio1_sound_ret
 	and $f0
 	cp $e0 ; is this command an octave?
-	jr nz, Audio1_sfxnote ; no
+	jr nz, Audio1_sfx_note ; no
 	ld hl, wChannelOctaves
 	ld b, 0
 	add hl, bc
@@ -570,27 +570,27 @@
 	ld a, d
 	and $f
 	ld [hl], a ; store low nibble as octave
-	jp Audio1_endchannel
+	jp Audio1_sound_ret
-; sfxnote is either squarenote or noisenote depending on the channel
-	cp $20 ; is this command a sfxnote?
-	jr nz, Audio1_pitchenvelope
+; sfx_note is either square_note or noise_note depending on the channel
+	cp $20 ; is this command a sfx_note?
+	jr nz, Audio1_pitch_sweep
 	ld a, c
-	cp Ch3 ; is this a noise or sfx channel?
-	jr c, Audio1_pitchenvelope ; no
+	cp Ch4 ; is this a noise or sfx channel?
+	jr c, Audio1_pitch_sweep ; no
 	ld b, 0
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags2
 	add hl, bc
-	bit BIT_EXECUTE_MUSIC, [hl] ; is executemusic being used?
-	jr nz, Audio1_pitchenvelope ; yes
-	call Audio1_notelength
+	bit BIT_EXECUTE_MUSIC, [hl] ; is execute_music being used?
+	jr nz, Audio1_pitch_sweep ; yes
+	call Audio1_note_length
-; This code seems to do the same thing as what Audio1_ApplyDutyAndSoundLength
+; This code seems to do the same thing as what Audio1_ApplyDutyCycleAndSoundLength
 ; does below.
 	ld d, a
 	ld b, 0
-	ld hl, wChannelDuties
+	ld hl, wChannelDutyCycles
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
 	or d
@@ -607,7 +607,7 @@
 	call Audio1_GetNextMusicByte
 	ld e, a
 	ld a, c
-	cp Ch7
+	cp Ch8
 	ld a, 0
 	jr z, .skip
 ; Channels 1 through 3 have 2 registers that control frequency, but the noise
@@ -619,18 +619,18 @@
 	ld d, a
 	push de
-	call Audio1_ApplyDutyAndSoundLength
+	call Audio1_ApplyDutyCycleAndSoundLength
 	call Audio1_EnableChannelOutput
 	pop de
 	call Audio1_ApplyWavePatternAndFrequency
 	ld a, c
-	cp Ch4
+	cp Ch5
 	jr c, Audio1_note ; if not a sfx
 	ld a, d
-	cp $10 ; is this command a pitchenvelope?
+	cp $10 ; is this command a pitch_sweep?
 	jr nz, Audio1_note ; no
 	ld b, $0
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags2
@@ -639,17 +639,27 @@
 	jr nz, Audio1_note ; no
 	call Audio1_GetNextMusicByte
 	ld [rNR10], a
-	jp Audio1_endchannel
+	jp Audio1_sound_ret
 	ld a, c
-	cp Ch3
-	jr nz, Audio1_notelength ; if not noise channel
+	cp Ch4
+	jr nz, Audio1_note_length ; if not noise channel
 	ld a, d
 	and $f0
-	cp $b0 ; is this command a dnote?
-	jr z, Audio1_dnote
-	jr nc, Audio1_notelength ; no
+	cp $b0 ; is this command a drum_note?
+	jr z, .drum_note
+	jr nc, Audio1_note_length ; no
+	; this executes when on the noise channel and
+	; the command id is less than $b0
+	; in this case, the upper nybble is used as the noise instrument ($1-$a)
+	; and the lower nybble is the length minus 1 (0-15)
+	; however, this doesn't work for instrument #2 because the command id
+	; is captured by the noise_note command (command id $2x)
+	; this essentially acts like a drum_note command that is only 1 byte
+	; instead of 2 and can only be used with instruments 1 and 3 through 10
+	; this is unused by the game
 	swap a
 	ld b, a
 	ld a, d
@@ -658,26 +668,26 @@
 	ld a, b
 	push de
 	push bc
-	jr asm_94fd
+	jr .playDnote
 	ld a, d
 	and $f
 	push af
 	push bc
-	call Audio1_GetNextMusicByte ; get dnote instrument
+	call Audio1_GetNextMusicByte ; get drum_note instrument
 	ld d, a
 	ld a, [wDisableChannelOutputWhenSfxEnds]
 	and a
-	jr nz, .asm_9508
+	jr nz, .skipDnote
 	ld a, d
 	call Audio1_PlaySound
 	pop bc
 	pop de
 	ld a, d
 	push af
 	and $f
@@ -691,7 +701,7 @@
 	ld l, b
 	call Audio1_MultiplyAdd
 	ld a, c
-	cp Ch4
+	cp Ch5
 	jr nc, .sfxChannel
 	ld a, [wMusicTempo]
 	ld d, a
@@ -701,7 +711,7 @@
 	ld d, $1
 	ld e, $0
-	cp Ch7
+	cp Ch8
 	jr z, .skip ; if noise channel
 	call Audio1_SetSfxTempo
 	ld a, [wSfxTempo]
@@ -727,24 +737,24 @@
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags2
 	add hl, bc
-	jr nz, Audio1_notepitch
+	jr nz, Audio1_note_pitch
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags1
 	add hl, bc
 	bit BIT_NOISE_OR_SFX, [hl]
-	jr z, Audio1_notepitch
+	jr z, Audio1_note_pitch
 	pop hl
 	pop af
 	and $f0
 	cp $c0 ; compare to rest
 	jr nz, .notRest
 	ld a, c
-	cp Ch4
+	cp Ch5
 	jr nc, .next
 ; If this isn't an SFX channel, try the corresponding SFX channel.
-	ld hl, wChannelSoundIDs + Ch4
+	ld hl, wChannelSoundIDs + Ch5
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
 	and a
@@ -752,9 +762,9 @@
 	; fall through
 	ld a, c
-	cp Ch2
+	cp Ch3
 	jr z, .channel3
-	cp Ch6
+	cp Ch7
 	jr nz, .notChannel3
 	ld b, 0
@@ -784,16 +794,16 @@
 	ld b, 0
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags1
 	add hl, bc
-	bit BIT_PITCH_BEND_ON, [hl]
-	jr z, .skipPitchBend
-	call Audio1_InitPitchBendVars
+	bit BIT_PITCH_SLIDE_ON, [hl]
+	jr z, .skipPitchSlide
+	call Audio1_InitPitchSlideVars
 	push de
 	ld a, c
-	cp Ch4
+	cp Ch5
 	jr nc, .sfxChannel ; if sfx channel
 ; If this isn't an SFX channel, try the corresponding SFX channel.
-	ld hl, wChannelSoundIDs + Ch4
+	ld hl, wChannelSoundIDs + Ch5
 	ld d, 0
 	ld e, a
 	add hl, de
@@ -812,13 +822,13 @@
 	call Audio1_GetRegisterPointer
 	ld [hl], d
-	call Audio1_ApplyDutyAndSoundLength
+	call Audio1_ApplyDutyCycleAndSoundLength
 	call Audio1_EnableChannelOutput
 	pop de
 	ld b, $0
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags1
 	add hl, bc
-	bit BIT_PERFECT_PITCH, [hl] ; has toggleperfectpitch been used?
+	bit BIT_PERFECT_PITCH, [hl] ; has toggle_perfect_pitch been used?
 	jr z, .skipFrequencyInc
 	inc e                       ; if yes, increment the frequency by 1
 	jr nc, .skipFrequencyInc
@@ -838,12 +848,12 @@
 	or [hl] ; set this channel's bits
 	ld d, a
 	ld a, c
-	cp Ch7
+	cp Ch8
 	jr z, .noiseChannelOrNoSfx
-	cp Ch4
+	cp Ch5
 	jr nc, .skip ; if sfx channel
 ; If this isn't an SFX channel, try the corresponding SFX channel.
-	ld hl, wChannelSoundIDs + Ch4
+	ld hl, wChannelSoundIDs + Ch5
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
 	and a
@@ -867,21 +877,21 @@
 	ld [rNR51], a
 	ld b, 0
 	ld hl, wChannelNoteDelayCounters ; use the note delay as sound length
 	add hl, bc
 	ld d, [hl]
 	ld a, c
-	cp Ch2
+	cp Ch3
 	jr z, .skipDuty ; if music channel 3
-	cp Ch6
+	cp Ch7
 	jr z, .skipDuty ; if sfx channel 3
-; include duty (except on channel 3 which doesn't have it)
+; include duty cycle (except on channel 3 which doesn't have it)
 	ld a, d
 	and $3f
 	ld d, a
-	ld hl, wChannelDuties
+	ld hl, wChannelDutyCycles
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
 	or d
@@ -894,15 +904,15 @@
 	ld a, c
-	cp Ch2
+	cp Ch3
 	jr z, .channel3
-	cp Ch6
+	cp Ch7
 	jr nz, .notChannel3
 	; fall through
 	push de
 	ld de, wMusicWaveInstrument
-	cp Ch2
+	cp Ch3
 	jr z, .next
 	ld de, wSfxWaveInstrument
@@ -1006,7 +1016,7 @@
 ; Returns whether the currently playing audio is a cry in carry.
-	ld a, [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch4]
+	ld a, [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch5]
 	jr nc, .next
 	jr .no
@@ -1022,19 +1032,19 @@
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags1
 	add hl, bc
 	jp nz, .frequencyDecreasing
 ; frequency increasing
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendCurrentFrequencyLowBytes
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideCurrentFrequencyLowBytes
 	add hl, bc
 	ld e, [hl]
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendCurrentFrequencyHighBytes
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideCurrentFrequencyHighBytes
 	add hl, bc
 	ld d, [hl]
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendFrequencySteps
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideFrequencySteps
 	add hl, bc
 	ld l, [hl]
 	ld h, b
@@ -1041,10 +1051,10 @@
 	add hl, de
 	ld d, h
 	ld e, l
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendCurrentFrequencyFractionalPart
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideCurrentFrequencyFractionalPart
 	add hl, bc
 	push hl
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendFrequencyStepsFractionalPart
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideFrequencyStepsFractionalPart
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
 	pop hl
@@ -1056,13 +1066,13 @@
 	ld a, 0
 	adc d
 	ld d, a
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendTargetFrequencyHighBytes
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideTargetFrequencyHighBytes
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
 	cp d
 	jp c, .reachedTargetFrequency
 	jr nz, .applyUpdatedFrequency
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendTargetFrequencyLowBytes
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideTargetFrequencyLowBytes
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
 	cp e
@@ -1069,13 +1079,13 @@
 	jp c, .reachedTargetFrequency
 	jr .applyUpdatedFrequency
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendCurrentFrequencyLowBytes
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideCurrentFrequencyLowBytes
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendCurrentFrequencyHighBytes
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideCurrentFrequencyHighBytes
 	add hl, bc
 	ld d, [hl]
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendFrequencySteps
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideFrequencySteps
 	add hl, bc
 	ld e, [hl]
 	sub e
@@ -1083,7 +1093,7 @@
 	ld a, d
 	sbc b
 	ld d, a
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendFrequencyStepsFractionalPart
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideFrequencyStepsFractionalPart
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
 	add a
@@ -1094,22 +1104,22 @@
 	ld a, d
 	sbc b
 	ld d, a
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendTargetFrequencyHighBytes
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideTargetFrequencyHighBytes
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, d
 	cp [hl]
 	jr c, .reachedTargetFrequency
 	jr nz, .applyUpdatedFrequency
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendTargetFrequencyLowBytes
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideTargetFrequencyLowBytes
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, e
 	cp [hl]
 	jr c, .reachedTargetFrequency
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendCurrentFrequencyLowBytes
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideCurrentFrequencyLowBytes
 	add hl, bc
 	ld [hl], e
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendCurrentFrequencyHighBytes
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideCurrentFrequencyHighBytes
 	add hl, bc
 	ld [hl], d
@@ -1119,24 +1129,24 @@
 	ld [hl], d
-; Turn off pitch bend when the target frequency has been reached.
+; Turn off pitch slide when the target frequency has been reached.
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags1
 	add hl, bc
-	res BIT_PITCH_BEND_ON, [hl]
+	res BIT_PITCH_SLIDE_ON, [hl]
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendCurrentFrequencyHighBytes
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideCurrentFrequencyHighBytes
 	add hl, bc
 	ld [hl], d
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendCurrentFrequencyLowBytes
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideCurrentFrequencyLowBytes
 	add hl, bc
 	ld [hl], e
 	ld hl, wChannelNoteDelayCounters
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendLengthModifiers
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideLengthModifiers
 	add hl, bc
 	sub [hl]
 	jr nc, .next
@@ -1143,7 +1153,7 @@
 	ld a, 1
 	ld [hl], a
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendTargetFrequencyLowBytes
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideTargetFrequencyLowBytes
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, e
 	sub [hl]
@@ -1150,7 +1160,7 @@
 	ld e, a
 	ld a, d
 	sbc b
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendTargetFrequencyHighBytes
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideTargetFrequencyHighBytes
 	add hl, bc
 	sub [hl]
 	jr c, .targetFrequencyGreater
@@ -1158,18 +1168,18 @@
 	ld b, 0
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags1
 	add hl, bc
 	jr .next2
 ; If the target frequency is greater, subtract the current frequency from
 ; the target frequency to get the absolute difference.
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendCurrentFrequencyHighBytes
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideCurrentFrequencyHighBytes
 	add hl, bc
 	ld d, [hl]
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendCurrentFrequencyLowBytes
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideCurrentFrequencyLowBytes
 	add hl, bc
 	ld e, [hl]
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendTargetFrequencyLowBytes
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideTargetFrequencyLowBytes
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
 	sub e
@@ -1184,7 +1194,7 @@
 	sbc b
 	ld d, a
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendTargetFrequencyHighBytes
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideTargetFrequencyHighBytes
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
 	sub d
@@ -1192,10 +1202,10 @@
 	ld b, 0
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags1
 	add hl, bc
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendLengthModifiers
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideLengthModifiers
 	add hl, bc
 	inc b
@@ -1214,20 +1224,20 @@
 	add [hl]
 	ld d, b ; d = quotient + 1
 	ld b, 0
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendFrequencySteps
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideFrequencySteps
 	add hl, bc
 	ld [hl], d ; store quotient + 1
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendFrequencyStepsFractionalPart
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideFrequencyStepsFractionalPart
 	add hl, bc
 	ld [hl], a ; store remainder - dividend
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendCurrentFrequencyFractionalPart
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideCurrentFrequencyFractionalPart
 	add hl, bc
 	ld [hl], a ; store remainder - dividend
 	ld b, 0
-	ld hl, wChannelDutyCycles
+	ld hl, wChannelDutyCyclePatterns
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
@@ -1322,7 +1332,7 @@
 	ld [wSoundID], a
 	cp $ff
 	jp z, .stopAllAudio
+	cp MAX_SFX_ID_1
 	jp z, .playSfx
 	jp c, .playSfx
 	cp $fe
@@ -1346,10 +1356,10 @@
 	call .FillMem
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags1
 	call .FillMem
-	ld hl, wChannelDuties
-	call .FillMem
 	ld hl, wChannelDutyCycles
 	call .FillMem
+	ld hl, wChannelDutyCyclePatterns
+	call .FillMem
 	ld hl, wChannelVibratoDelayCounters
 	call .FillMem
 	ld hl, wChannelVibratoExtents
@@ -1362,21 +1372,21 @@
 	call .FillMem
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags2
 	call .FillMem
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendLengthModifiers
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideLengthModifiers
 	call .FillMem
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendFrequencySteps
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideFrequencySteps
 	call .FillMem
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendFrequencyStepsFractionalPart
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideFrequencyStepsFractionalPart
 	call .FillMem
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendCurrentFrequencyFractionalPart
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideCurrentFrequencyFractionalPart
 	call .FillMem
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendCurrentFrequencyHighBytes
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideCurrentFrequencyHighBytes
 	call .FillMem
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendCurrentFrequencyLowBytes
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideCurrentFrequencyLowBytes
 	call .FillMem
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendTargetFrequencyHighBytes
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideTargetFrequencyHighBytes
 	call .FillMem
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendTargetFrequencyLowBytes
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideTargetFrequencyLowBytes
 	call .FillMem
 	ld a, $1
 	ld hl, wChannelLoopCounters
@@ -1441,26 +1451,26 @@
 	add hl, de
 	ld a, [hl]
 	and a
-	jr z, .asm_99a3
+	jr z, .playChannel
 	ld a, e
-	cp $7
-	jr nz, .asm_999a
+	cp Ch8
+	jr nz, .notNoiseChannel
 	ld a, [wSoundID]
-	cp $14
-	jr nc, .asm_9993
+	jr nc, .notNoiseInstrument
 	ld a, [hl]
-	cp $14
-	jr z, .asm_99a3
-	jr c, .asm_99a3
+	jr z, .playChannel
+	jr c, .playChannel
 	ld a, [wSoundID]
 	cp [hl]
-	jr z, .asm_99a3
-	jr c, .asm_99a3
+	jr z, .playChannel
+	jr c, .playChannel
 	xor a
 	push de
 	ld h, d
@@ -1483,10 +1493,10 @@
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags1
 	add hl, de
 	ld [hl], a
-	ld hl, wChannelDuties
+	ld hl, wChannelDutyCycles
 	add hl, de
 	ld [hl], a
-	ld hl, wChannelDutyCycles
+	ld hl, wChannelDutyCyclePatterns
 	add hl, de
 	ld [hl], a
 	ld hl, wChannelVibratoDelayCounters
@@ -1504,28 +1514,28 @@
 	ld hl, wChannelVibratoDelayCounterReloadValues
 	add hl, de
 	ld [hl], a
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendLengthModifiers
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideLengthModifiers
 	add hl, de
 	ld [hl], a
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendFrequencySteps
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideFrequencySteps
 	add hl, de
 	ld [hl], a
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendFrequencyStepsFractionalPart
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideFrequencyStepsFractionalPart
 	add hl, de
 	ld [hl], a
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendCurrentFrequencyFractionalPart
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideCurrentFrequencyFractionalPart
 	add hl, de
 	ld [hl], a
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendCurrentFrequencyHighBytes
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideCurrentFrequencyHighBytes
 	add hl, de
 	ld [hl], a
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendCurrentFrequencyLowBytes
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideCurrentFrequencyLowBytes
 	add hl, de
 	ld [hl], a
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendTargetFrequencyHighBytes
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideTargetFrequencyHighBytes
 	add hl, de
 	ld [hl], a
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendTargetFrequencyLowBytes
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideTargetFrequencyLowBytes
 	add hl, de
 	ld [hl], a
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags2
@@ -1542,11 +1552,11 @@
 	add hl, de
 	ld [hl], a
 	ld a, e
-	cp Ch4
-	jr nz, .asm_9a2b
+	cp Ch5
+	jr nz, .skipSweepDisable
 	ld a, $8
 	ld [rNR10], a ; sweep off
 	ld a, c
 	and a
 	jp z, .playSoundCommon
@@ -1644,7 +1654,7 @@
 	ld a, [wSoundID]
 	ld [hl], a
 	pop af
-	cp Ch3
+	cp Ch4
 	jr c, .skipSettingFlag
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags1
 	add hl, bc
@@ -1667,9 +1677,9 @@
 	jr nz, .commandPointerLoop
 	ld a, [wSoundID]
-	jr nc, .asm_9aeb
+	jr nc, .maybeCry
 	jr .done
 	ld a, [wSoundID]
 	jr z, .done
@@ -1676,16 +1686,16 @@
 	jr c, .cry
 	jr .done
-	ld hl, wChannelSoundIDs + Ch4
+	ld hl, wChannelSoundIDs + Ch5
 	ld [hli], a
 	ld [hli], a
 	ld [hli], a
 	ld [hl], a
-	ld hl, wChannelCommandPointers + Ch6 * 2 ; sfx wave channel pointer
-	ld de, Audio1_CryEndchannel
+	ld hl, wChannelCommandPointers + Ch7 * 2 ; sfx wave channel pointer
+	ld de, Audio1_CryRet
 	ld [hl], e
 	inc hl
-	ld [hl], d ; overwrite pointer to point to endchannel
+	ld [hl], d ; overwrite pointer to point to sound_ret
 	ld a, [wSavedVolume]
 	and a
 	jr nz, .done
@@ -1696,8 +1706,8 @@
-	endchannel
+	sound_ret
 ; the low bytes of each HW channel's base address
@@ -1725,5 +1735,3 @@
 	dw $FB58 ; A_
 	dw $FB9B ; A#
 	dw $FBDA ; B_
--- a/audio/engine_2.asm
+++ b/audio/engine_2.asm
@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
 ; The second of three duplicated sound engines.
+; This copy has a few differences relating to battle sound effects
+; and the low health alarm that plays in battle
-	ld c, Ch0
+	ld c, Ch1
-	ld b, $0
+	ld b, 0
 	ld hl, wChannelSoundIDs
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
@@ -10,7 +12,7 @@
 	and a
 	jr z, .nextChannel
 	ld a, c
-	cp Ch4
+	cp Ch5
 	jr nc, .applyAffects ; if sfx channel
 	ld a, [wMuteAudioAndPauseMusic]
 	and a
@@ -19,7 +21,7 @@
 	jr nz, .nextChannel
 	set 7, a
 	ld [wMuteAudioAndPauseMusic], a
-	xor a
+	xor a ; disable all channels' output
 	ld [rNR51], a
 	ld [rNR30], a
 	ld a, $80
@@ -29,19 +31,13 @@
 	call Audio2_ApplyMusicAffects
 	ld a, c
-	inc c
-	cp Ch7
+	inc c ; inc channel number
+	cp Ch8
 	jr nz, .loop
 ; this routine checks flags for music effects currently applied
 ; to the channel and calls certain functions based on flags.
-; known flags for wChannelFlags1:
-;   0: toggleperfectpitch has been used
-;   1: call has been used
-;   3: a toggle used only by this routine for vibrato
-;   4: pitchbend flag
-;   6: dutycycle flag
 	ld b, $0
 	ld hl, wChannelNoteDelayCounters ; delay until next note
@@ -52,9 +48,9 @@
 	dec a ; otherwise, decrease the delay timer
 	ld [hl], a
 	ld a, c
-	cp Ch4
+	cp Ch5
 	jr nc, .startChecks ; if a sfx channel
-	ld hl, wChannelSoundIDs + Ch4
+	ld hl, wChannelSoundIDs + Ch5
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
 	and a
@@ -63,36 +59,36 @@
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags1
 	add hl, bc
-	bit 6, [hl] ; dutycycle
 	jr z, .checkForExecuteMusic
-	call Audio2_ApplyDutyCycle
+	call Audio2_ApplyDutyCyclePattern
-	ld b, $0
+	ld b, 0
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags2
 	add hl, bc
-	bit 0, [hl]
-	jr nz, .checkForPitchBend
+	jr nz, .checkForPitchSlide
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags1
 	add hl, bc
-	bit 2, [hl]
-	jr nz, .disablePitchBendVibrato
+	bit BIT_NOISE_OR_SFX, [hl]
+	jr nz, .skipPitchSlideVibrato
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags1
 	add hl, bc
-	bit 4, [hl] ; pitchbend
+	bit BIT_PITCH_SLIDE_ON, [hl]
 	jr z, .checkVibratoDelay
-	jp Audio2_ApplyPitchBend
+	jp Audio2_ApplyPitchSlide
-	ld hl, wChannelVibratoDelayCounters ; vibrato delay
+	ld hl, wChannelVibratoDelayCounters
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
 	and a ; check if delay is over
 	jr z, .checkForVibrato
 	dec [hl] ; otherwise, dec delay
-	ld hl, wChannelVibratoExtents ; vibrato rate
+	ld hl, wChannelVibratoExtents
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
 	and a
@@ -105,22 +101,24 @@
 	ld a, [hl]
 	and $f
 	and a
-	jr z, .vibratoAlreadyDone
-	dec [hl] ; apply vibrato pitch change
+	jr z, .applyVibrato
+	dec [hl] ; decrement counter
 	ld a, [hl]
 	swap [hl]
 	or [hl]
-	ld [hl], a ; reset the vibrato value and start again
+	ld [hl], a ; reload the counter
 	ld hl, wChannelFrequencyLowBytes
 	add hl, bc
 	ld e, [hl] ; get note pitch
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags1
 	add hl, bc
-	bit 3, [hl] ; this is the only code that sets/resets bit three so
-	jr z, .unset ; it continuously alternates which path it takes
-	res 3, [hl]
+; This is the only code that sets/resets the vibrato direction bit, so it
+; continuously alternates which path it takes.
+	jr z, .unset
 	ld a, d
 	and $f
 	ld d, a
@@ -127,11 +125,11 @@
 	ld a, e
 	sub d
 	jr nc, .noCarry
-	ld a, $0
+	ld a, 0
 	jr .done
-	set 3, [hl]
 	ld a, d
 	and $f0
 	swap a
@@ -140,15 +138,16 @@
 	ld a, $ff
 	ld d, a
-	ld b, $3
-	call Audio2_21ff7
+	call Audio2_GetRegisterPointer
 	ld [hl], d
 ; this routine executes all music commands that take up no time,
-; like tempo changes, duty changes etc. and doesn't return
+; like tempo changes, duty cycle changes etc. and doesn't return
 ; until the first note is reached
+; reload the vibrato delay counter
 	ld hl, wChannelVibratoDelayCounterReloadValues
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
@@ -155,55 +154,59 @@
 	ld hl, wChannelVibratoDelayCounters
 	add hl, bc
 	ld [hl], a
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags1
 	add hl, bc
-	res 4, [hl]
-	res 5, [hl]
+	res BIT_PITCH_SLIDE_ON, [hl]
+	; --- this section is only present in this copy of the sound engine
 	ld a, c
-	cp Ch4
+	cp Ch5
 	jr nz, .beginChecks
-	ld a, [wLowHealthAlarm] ;low health alarm enabled?
+	ld a, [wLowHealthAlarm] ; low health alarm enabled?
 	bit 7, a
 	ret nz
-	call Audio2_endchannel
+	; ---
+	call Audio2_sound_ret
 	call Audio2_GetNextMusicByte
 	ld d, a
-	cp $ff ; is this command an endchannel?
-	jp nz, Audio2_callchannel ; no
-	ld b, $0 ; yes
+	cp $ff ; is this command a sound_ret?
+	jp nz, Audio2_sound_call ; no
+	ld b, 0
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags1
 	add hl, bc
-	bit 1, [hl]
+	bit BIT_SOUND_CALL, [hl]
 	jr nz, .returnFromCall
 	ld a, c
-	cp Ch3
+	cp Ch4
 	jr nc, .noiseOrSfxChannel
-	jr .asm_219c0
+	jr .disableChannelOutput
-	res 2, [hl]
+	res BIT_NOISE_OR_SFX, [hl]
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags2
 	add hl, bc
-	res 0, [hl]
-	cp Ch6
-	jr nz, .notSfxChannel3
+	cp Ch7
+	jr nz, .skipSfxChannel3
+; restart hardware channel 3 (wave channel) output
 	ld a, $0
 	ld [rNR30], a
 	ld a, $80
 	ld [rNR30], a
-	jr nz, .asm_219a3
+	jr nz, .dontDisable
 	ld a, [wDisableChannelOutputWhenSfxEnds]
 	and a
-	jr z, .asm_219a3
+	jr z, .dontDisable
 	xor a
 	ld [wDisableChannelOutputWhenSfxEnds], a
-	jr .asm_219c0
-	jr .asm_219c9
+	jr .disableChannelOutput
+	jr .afterDisable
 	res 1, [hl]
 	ld d, $0
@@ -223,45 +226,45 @@
 	inc de
 	ld a, [de]
 	ld [hl], a ; loads channel address to return to
-	jp Audio2_endchannel
-	ld hl, Unknown_222de
+	jp Audio2_sound_ret
+	ld hl, Audio2_HWChannelDisableMasks
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [rNR51]
 	and [hl]
 	ld [rNR51], a
-	ld a, [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch4]
-	cp $14
-	jr nc, .asm_219d2
-	jr .asm_219ef
-	ld a, [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch4]
-	cp $86
-	jr z, .asm_219ef
-	jr c, .asm_219dd
-	jr .asm_219ef
+	ld a, [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch5]
+	jr nc, .maybeCry
+	jr .skipCry
+	ld a, [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch5]
+	jr z, .skipCry
+	jr c, .cry
+	jr .skipCry
 	ld a, c
-	cp Ch4
-	jr z, .asm_219e6
-	call Audio2_21e6d
+	cp Ch5
+	jr z, .skipRewind
+	call Audio2_GoBackOneCommandIfCry
 	ret c
 	ld a, [wSavedVolume]
 	ld [rNR50], a
 	xor a
 	ld [wSavedVolume], a
 	ld hl, wChannelSoundIDs
 	add hl, bc
 	ld [hl], b
-	cp $fd ; is this command a callchannel?
-	jp nz, Audio2_loopchannel ; no
-	call Audio2_GetNextMusicByte ; yes
+	cp $fd ; is this command a sound_call?
+	jp nz, Audio2_sound_loop ; no
+	call Audio2_GetNextMusicByte
 	push af
 	call Audio2_GetNextMusicByte
 	ld d, a
@@ -292,17 +295,17 @@
 	ld b, $0
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags1
 	add hl, bc
-	set 1, [hl] ; set the call flag
-	jp Audio2_endchannel
+	set BIT_SOUND_CALL, [hl] ; set the call flag
+	jp Audio2_sound_ret
-	cp $fe ; is this command a loopchannel?
-	jp nz, Audio2_notetype ; no
-	call Audio2_GetNextMusicByte ; yes
+	cp $fe ; is this command a sound_loop?
+	jp nz, Audio2_note_type ; no
+	call Audio2_GetNextMusicByte
 	ld e, a
 	and a
 	jr z, .infiniteLoop
-	ld b, $0
+	ld b, 0
 	ld hl, wChannelLoopCounters
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
@@ -312,7 +315,7 @@
 	ld [hl], a
 	call Audio2_GetNextMusicByte ; skip pointer
 	call Audio2_GetNextMusicByte
-	jp Audio2_endchannel
+	jp Audio2_sound_ret
 .loopAgain ; inc loop count
 	inc a
 	ld [hl], a
@@ -331,13 +334,13 @@
 	pop af
 	ld [hli], a
 	ld [hl], b
-	jp Audio2_endchannel
+	jp Audio2_sound_ret
 	and $f0
-	cp $d0 ; is this command a notetype?
-	jp nz, Audio2_toggleperfectpitch ; no
-	ld a, d ; yes
+	cp $d0 ; is this command a note_type?
+	jp nz, Audio2_toggle_perfect_pitch ; no
+	ld a, d
 	and $f
 	ld b, $0
 	ld hl, wChannelNoteSpeeds
@@ -344,23 +347,23 @@
 	add hl, bc
 	ld [hl], a ; store low nibble as speed
 	ld a, c
-	cp Ch3
+	cp Ch4
 	jr z, .noiseChannel ; noise channel has 0 params
 	call Audio2_GetNextMusicByte
 	ld d, a
 	ld a, c
-	cp Ch2
+	cp Ch3
 	jr z, .musicChannel3
-	cp Ch6
-	jr nz, .notChannel3
+	cp Ch7
+	jr nz, .skipChannel3
 	ld hl, wSfxWaveInstrument
-	jr .sfxChannel3
+	jr .channel3
 	ld hl, wMusicWaveInstrument
 	ld a, d
 	and $f
-	ld [hl], a ; store low nibble of param as duty
+	ld [hl], a ; store low nibble of param as wave instrument
 	ld a, d
 	and $30
 	sla a
@@ -369,31 +372,31 @@
 	; if channel 3, store high nibble as volume
 	; else, store volume (high nibble) and fade (low nibble)
-	ld b, $0
+	ld b, 0
 	ld hl, wChannelVolumes
 	add hl, bc
 	ld [hl], d
-	jp Audio2_endchannel
+	jp Audio2_sound_ret
 	ld a, d
-	cp $e8 ; is this command a toggleperfectpitch?
+	cp $e8 ; is this command a toggle_perfect_pitch?
 	jr nz, Audio2_vibrato ; no
-	ld b, $0 ; yes
+	ld b, 0
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags1
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
 	xor $1
 	ld [hl], a ; flip bit 0 of wChannelFlags1
-	jp Audio2_endchannel
+	jp Audio2_sound_ret
 	cp $ea ; is this command a vibrato?
-	jr nz, Audio2_pitchbend ; no
-	call Audio2_GetNextMusicByte ; yes
-	ld b, $0
+	jr nz, Audio2_pitch_slide ; no
+	call Audio2_GetNextMusicByte
+	ld b, 0
 	ld hl, wChannelVibratoDelayCounters
 	add hl, bc
 	ld [hl], a ; store delay
@@ -402,9 +405,16 @@
 	ld [hl], a ; store delay
 	call Audio2_GetNextMusicByte
 	ld d, a
+; The high nybble of the command byte is the extent of the vibrato.
+; Let n be the extent.
+; The upper nybble of the channel's byte in the wChannelVibratoExtents
+; array will store the extent above the note: (n / 2) + (n % 2).
+; The lower nybble will store the extent below the note: (n / 2).
+; These two values add to the total extent, n.
 	and $f0
 	swap a
-	ld b, $0
+	ld b, 0
 	ld hl, wChannelVibratoExtents
 	add hl, bc
 	srl a
@@ -412,7 +422,13 @@
 	adc b
 	swap a
 	or e
-	ld [hl], a ; store rate as both high and low nibbles
+	ld [hl], a
+; The low nybble of the command byte is the rate of the vibrato.
+; The high and low nybbles of the channel's byte in the wChannelVibratoRates
+; array are both initialised to this value because the high nybble is the
+; counter reload value and the low nybble is the counter itself, which should
+; start at its value upon reload.
 	ld a, d
 	and $f
 	ld d, a
@@ -420,17 +436,18 @@
 	add hl, bc
 	swap a
 	or d
-	ld [hl], a ; store depth as both high and low nibbles
-	jp Audio2_endchannel
+	ld [hl], a
-	cp $eb ; is this command a pitchbend?
-	jr nz, Audio2_duty ; no
-	call Audio2_GetNextMusicByte ; yes
-	ld b, $0
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendLengthModifiers
+	jp Audio2_sound_ret
+	cp $eb ; is this command a pitch_slide?
+	jr nz, Audio2_duty_cycle ; no
+	call Audio2_GetNextMusicByte
+	ld b, 0
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideLengthModifiers
 	add hl, bc
-	ld [hl], a ; store first param
+	ld [hl], a
 	call Audio2_GetNextMusicByte
 	ld d, a
 	and $f0
@@ -438,40 +455,40 @@
 	ld b, a
 	ld a, d
 	and $f
-	call Audio2_22017
-	ld b, $0
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendTargetFrequencyHighBytes
+	call Audio2_CalculateFrequency
+	ld b, 0
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideTargetFrequencyHighBytes
 	add hl, bc
-	ld [hl], d ; store unknown part of second param
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendTargetFrequencyLowBytes
+	ld [hl], d
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideTargetFrequencyLowBytes
 	add hl, bc
-	ld [hl], e ; store unknown part of second param
-	ld b, $0
+	ld [hl], e
+	ld b, 0
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags1
 	add hl, bc
-	set 4, [hl] ; set pitchbend flag
+	set BIT_PITCH_SLIDE_ON, [hl]
 	call Audio2_GetNextMusicByte
 	ld d, a
-	jp Audio2_notelength
+	jp Audio2_note_length
-	cp $ec ; is this command a duty?
+	cp $ec ; is this command a duty_cycle?
 	jr nz, Audio2_tempo ; no
-	call Audio2_GetNextMusicByte ; yes
+	call Audio2_GetNextMusicByte
 	and $c0
-	ld b, $0
-	ld hl, wChannelDuties
+	ld b, 0
+	ld hl, wChannelDutyCycles
 	add hl, bc
-	ld [hl], a ; store duty
-	jp Audio2_endchannel
+	ld [hl], a ; store duty cycle
+	jp Audio2_sound_ret
 	cp $ed ; is this command a tempo?
-	jr nz, Audio2_stereopanning ; no
-	ld a, c ; yes
-	cp Ch4
+	jr nz, Audio2_stereo_panning ; no
+	ld a, c
+	cp Ch5
 	jr nc, .sfxChannel
 	call Audio2_GetNextMusicByte
 	ld [wMusicTempo], a ; store first param
@@ -494,20 +511,20 @@
 	ld [wChannelNoteDelayCountersFractionalPart + 6], a
 	ld [wChannelNoteDelayCountersFractionalPart + 7], a
-	jp Audio2_endchannel
+	jp Audio2_sound_ret
-	cp $ee ; is this command a stereopanning?
+	cp $ee ; is this command a stereo_panning?
 	jr nz, Audio2_unknownmusic0xef ; no
-	call Audio2_GetNextMusicByte ; yes
+	call Audio2_GetNextMusicByte
 	ld [wStereoPanning], a ; store panning
-	jp Audio2_endchannel
+	jp Audio2_sound_ret
 ; this appears to never be used
 	cp $ef ; is this command an unknownmusic0xef?
-	jr nz, Audio2_dutycycle ; no
-	call Audio2_GetNextMusicByte ; yes
+	jr nz, Audio2_duty_cycle_pattern ; no
+	call Audio2_GetNextMusicByte
 	push bc
 	call Audio2_PlaySound
 	pop bc
@@ -514,129 +531,146 @@
 	ld a, [wDisableChannelOutputWhenSfxEnds]
 	and a
 	jr nz, .skip
-	ld a, [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch7]
+	ld a, [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch8]
 	ld [wDisableChannelOutputWhenSfxEnds], a
 	xor a
-	ld [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch7], a
+	ld [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch8], a
-	jp Audio2_endchannel
+	jp Audio2_sound_ret
-	cp $fc ; is this command a dutycycle?
+	cp $fc ; is this command a duty_cycle_pattern?
 	jr nz, Audio2_volume ; no
-	call Audio2_GetNextMusicByte ; yes
-	ld b, $0
+	call Audio2_GetNextMusicByte
+	ld b, 0
+	ld hl, wChannelDutyCyclePatterns
+	add hl, bc
+	ld [hl], a ; store full pattern
+	and %11000000
 	ld hl, wChannelDutyCycles
 	add hl, bc
-	ld [hl], a ; store full cycle
-	and $c0
-	ld hl, wChannelDuties
-	add hl, bc
-	ld [hl], a ; store first duty
+	ld [hl], a ; store first duty cycle
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags1
 	add hl, bc
-	set 6, [hl] ; set dutycycle flag
-	jp Audio2_endchannel
+	jp Audio2_sound_ret
 	cp $f0 ; is this command a volume?
-	jr nz, Audio2_executemusic ; no
-	call Audio2_GetNextMusicByte ; yes
+	jr nz, Audio2_execute_music ; no
+	call Audio2_GetNextMusicByte
 	ld [rNR50], a ; store volume
-	jp Audio2_endchannel
+	jp Audio2_sound_ret
-	cp $f8 ; is this command an executemusic?
+	cp $f8 ; is this command an execute_music?
 	jr nz, Audio2_octave ; no
-	ld b, $0 ; yes
+	ld b, $0
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags2
 	add hl, bc
-	set 0, [hl]
-	jp Audio2_endchannel
+	jp Audio2_sound_ret
 	and $f0
 	cp $e0 ; is this command an octave?
-	jr nz, Audio2_sfxnote ; no
-	ld hl, wChannelOctaves ; yes
-	ld b, $0
+	jr nz, Audio2_sfx_note ; no
+	ld hl, wChannelOctaves
+	ld b, 0
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, d
 	and $f
 	ld [hl], a ; store low nibble as octave
-	jp Audio2_endchannel
+	jp Audio2_sound_ret
-; sfxnote is either squarenote or noisenote depending on the channel
-	cp $20 ; is this command an sfxnote?
-	jr nz, Audio2_pitchenvelope ; no
+; sfx_note is either square_note or noise_note depending on the channel
+	cp $20 ; is this command a sfx_note?
+	jr nz, Audio2_pitch_sweep
 	ld a, c
-	cp Ch3 ; is this a noise or sfx channel?
-	jr c, Audio2_pitchenvelope ; no
-	ld b, $0
+	cp Ch4 ; is this a noise or sfx channel?
+	jr c, Audio2_pitch_sweep ; no
+	ld b, 0
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags2
 	add hl, bc
-	bit 0, [hl]
-	jr nz, Audio2_pitchenvelope ; no
-	call Audio2_notelength
+	bit BIT_EXECUTE_MUSIC, [hl] ; is execute_music being used?
+	jr nz, Audio2_pitch_sweep ; yes
+	call Audio2_note_length
+; This code seems to do the same thing as what Audio2_ApplyDutyCycleAndSoundLength
+; does below.
 	ld d, a
-	ld b, $0
-	ld hl, wChannelDuties
+	ld b, 0
+	ld hl, wChannelDutyCycles
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
 	or d
 	ld d, a
-	ld b, $1
-	call Audio2_21ff7
+	call Audio2_GetRegisterPointer
 	ld [hl], d
 	call Audio2_GetNextMusicByte
 	ld d, a
-	ld b, $2
-	call Audio2_21ff7
+	call Audio2_GetRegisterPointer
 	ld [hl], d
 	call Audio2_GetNextMusicByte
 	ld e, a
 	ld a, c
-	cp Ch7
-	ld a, $0
-	jr z, .sfxNoiseChannel ; only two params for noise channel
+	cp Ch8
+	ld a, 0
+	jr z, .skip
+; Channels 1 through 3 have 2 registers that control frequency, but the noise
+; channel a single register (the polynomial counter) that controls frequency,
+; so this command has one less byte on the noise channel.
 	push de
 	call Audio2_GetNextMusicByte
 	pop de
 	ld d, a
 	push de
-	call Audio2_21daa
-	call Audio2_21d79
+	call Audio2_ApplyDutyCycleAndSoundLength
+	call Audio2_EnableChannelOutput
 	pop de
-	call Audio2_21dcc
+	call Audio2_ApplyWavePatternAndFrequency
 	ld a, c
-	cp Ch4
+	cp Ch5
 	jr c, Audio2_note ; if not a sfx
 	ld a, d
-	cp $10 ; is this command a pitchenvelope?
+	cp $10 ; is this command a pitch_sweep?
 	jr nz, Audio2_note ; no
 	ld b, $0
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags2
 	add hl, bc
-	bit 0, [hl]
 	jr nz, Audio2_note ; no
-	call Audio2_GetNextMusicByte ; yes
+	call Audio2_GetNextMusicByte
 	ld [rNR10], a
-	jp Audio2_endchannel
+	jp Audio2_sound_ret
 	ld a, c
-	cp Ch3
-	jr nz, Audio2_notelength ; if not noise channel
+	cp Ch4
+	jr nz, Audio2_note_length ; if not noise channel
 	ld a, d
 	and $f0
-	cp $b0 ; is this command a dnote?
-	jr z, Audio2_dnote ; yes
-	jr nc, Audio2_notelength ; no
+	cp $b0 ; is this command a drum_note?
+	jr z, .drum_note
+	jr nc, Audio2_note_length ; no
+	; this executes when on the noise channel and
+	; the command id is less than $b0
+	; in this case, the upper nybble is used as the noise instrument ($1-$a)
+	; and the lower nybble is the length minus 1 (0-15)
+	; however, this doesn't work for instrument #2 because the command id
+	; is captured by the noise_note command (command id $2x)
+	; this essentially acts like a drum_note command that is only 1 byte
+	; instead of 2 and can only be used with instruments 1 and 3 through 10
+	; this is unused by the game
 	swap a
 	ld b, a
 	ld a, d
@@ -645,40 +679,40 @@
 	ld a, b
 	push de
 	push bc
-	jr asm_21c7e
+	jr .playDnote
 	ld a, d
 	and $f
 	push af
 	push bc
-	call Audio2_GetNextMusicByte ; get dnote instrument
+	call Audio2_GetNextMusicByte ; get drum_note instrument
 	ld d, a
 	ld a, [wDisableChannelOutputWhenSfxEnds]
 	and a
-	jr nz, .asm_21c89
+	jr nz, .skipDnote
 	ld a, d
 	call Audio2_PlaySound
 	pop bc
 	pop de
 	ld a, d
 	push af
 	and $f
 	inc a
-	ld b, $0
-	ld e, a ; store note length (in 16ths)
+	ld b, 0
+	ld e, a  ; store note length (in 16ths)
 	ld d, b
 	ld hl, wChannelNoteSpeeds
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
 	ld l, b
-	call Audio2_22006
+	call Audio2_MultiplyAdd
 	ld a, c
-	cp Ch4
+	cp Ch5
 	jr nc, .sfxChannel
 	ld a, [wMusicTempo]
 	ld d, a
@@ -688,22 +722,22 @@
 	ld d, $1
 	ld e, $0
-	cp Ch7
+	cp Ch8
 	jr z, .skip ; if noise channel
-	call Audio2_21e2f
+	call Audio2_SetSfxTempo
 	ld a, [wSfxTempo]
 	ld d, a
 	ld a, [wSfxTempo + 1]
 	ld e, a
-	ld a, l
-	ld b, $0
+	ld a, l ; a = note_length * note_speed
+	ld b, 0
 	ld hl, wChannelNoteDelayCountersFractionalPart
 	add hl, bc
 	ld l, [hl]
-	call Audio2_22006
+	call Audio2_MultiplyAdd
 	ld e, l
-	ld d, h
+	ld d, h ; de = note_delay_frac_part + (note_length * note_speed * tempo)
 	ld hl, wChannelNoteDelayCountersFractionalPart
 	add hl, bc
 	ld [hl], e
@@ -713,136 +747,141 @@
 	ld [hl], a
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags2
 	add hl, bc
-	bit 0, [hl]
-	jr nz, Audio2_notepitch
+	jr nz, Audio2_note_pitch
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags1
 	add hl, bc
-	bit 2, [hl]
-	jr z, Audio2_notepitch
+	bit BIT_NOISE_OR_SFX, [hl]
+	jr z, Audio2_note_pitch
 	pop hl
 	pop af
 	and $f0
 	cp $c0 ; compare to rest
 	jr nz, .notRest
 	ld a, c
-	cp Ch4
-	jr nc, .sfxChannel
-	ld hl, wChannelSoundIDs + Ch4
+	cp Ch5
+	jr nc, .next
+; If this isn't an SFX channel, try the corresponding SFX channel.
+	ld hl, wChannelSoundIDs + Ch5
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
 	and a
 	jr nz, .done
 	; fall through
 	ld a, c
-	cp Ch2
-	jr z, .musicChannel3
-	cp Ch6
-	jr nz, .notSfxChannel3
-	ld b, $0
-	ld hl, Unknown_222de
+	cp Ch3
+	jr z, .channel3
+	cp Ch7
+	jr nz, .notChannel3
+	ld b, 0
+	ld hl, Audio2_HWChannelDisableMasks
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [rNR51]
 	and [hl]
-	ld [rNR51], a
+	ld [rNR51], a ; disable hardware channel 3's output
 	jr .done
-	ld b, $2
-	call Audio2_21ff7
-	ld a, $8
+	call Audio2_GetRegisterPointer
+	ld a, $8 ; fade in sound
 	ld [hli], a
 	inc hl
-	ld a, $80
+	ld a, $80 ; restart sound
 	ld [hl], a
 	swap a
-	ld b, $0
+	ld b, 0
 	ld hl, wChannelOctaves
 	add hl, bc
 	ld b, [hl]
-	call Audio2_22017
-	ld b, $0
+	call Audio2_CalculateFrequency
+	ld b, 0
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags1
 	add hl, bc
-	bit 4, [hl]
-	jr z, .asm_21d39
-	call Audio2_21f4e
+	bit BIT_PITCH_SLIDE_ON, [hl]
+	jr z, .skipPitchSlide
+	call Audio2_InitPitchSlideVars
 	push de
 	ld a, c
-	cp Ch4
-	jr nc, .skip ; if sfx channel
-	ld hl, wChannelSoundIDs + Ch4
-	ld d, $0
+	cp Ch5
+	jr nc, .sfxChannel ; if sfx channel
+; If this isn't an SFX channel, try the corresponding SFX channel.
+	ld hl, wChannelSoundIDs + Ch5
+	ld d, 0
 	ld e, a
 	add hl, de
 	ld a, [hl]
 	and a
-	jr nz, .asm_21d4c
-	jr .skip
+	jr nz, .noSfx
+	jr .sfxChannel
 	pop de
-	ld b, $0
+	ld b, 0
 	ld hl, wChannelVolumes
 	add hl, bc
 	ld d, [hl]
-	ld b, $2
-	call Audio2_21ff7
+	call Audio2_GetRegisterPointer
 	ld [hl], d
-	call Audio2_21daa
-	call Audio2_21d79
+	call Audio2_ApplyDutyCycleAndSoundLength
+	call Audio2_EnableChannelOutput
 	pop de
 	ld b, $0
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags1
 	add hl, bc
-	bit 0, [hl]   ; has toggleperfectpitch been used?
-	jr z, .skip2
-	inc e         ; if yes, increment the pitch by 1
-	jr nc, .skip2
+	bit BIT_PERFECT_PITCH, [hl] ; has toggle_perfect_pitch been used?
+	jr z, .skipFrequencyInc
+	inc e                       ; if yes, increment the frequency by 1
+	jr nc, .skipFrequencyInc
 	inc d
 	ld hl, wChannelFrequencyLowBytes
 	add hl, bc
 	ld [hl], e
-	call Audio2_21dcc
+	call Audio2_ApplyWavePatternAndFrequency
-	ld b, $0
-	ld hl, Unknown_222e6
+	ld b, 0
+	ld hl, Audio2_HWChannelEnableMasks
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [rNR51]
-	or [hl]
+	or [hl] ; set this channel's bits
 	ld d, a
 	ld a, c
-	cp Ch7
-	jr z, .sfxNoiseChannel
-	cp Ch4
+	cp Ch8
+	jr z, .noiseChannelOrNoSfx
+	cp Ch5
 	jr nc, .skip ; if sfx channel
-	ld hl, wChannelSoundIDs + Ch4
+; If this isn't an SFX channel, try the corresponding SFX channel.
+	ld hl, wChannelSoundIDs + Ch5
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
 	and a
 	jr nz, .skip
+; If this is the SFX noise channel or a music channel whose corresponding
+; SFX channel is off, apply stereo panning.
 	ld a, [wStereoPanning]
-	ld hl, Unknown_222e6
+	ld hl, Audio2_HWChannelEnableMasks
 	add hl, bc
 	and [hl]
 	ld d, a
 	ld a, [rNR51]
-	ld hl, Unknown_222de
+	ld hl, Audio2_HWChannelDisableMasks
 	add hl, bc
-	and [hl]
-	or d
+	and [hl] ; reset this channel's output bits
+	or d ; set this channel's output bits that enabled in [wStereoPanning]
 	ld d, a
 	ld a, d
@@ -849,47 +888,48 @@
 	ld [rNR51], a
-	ld b, $0
-	ld hl, wChannelNoteDelayCounters
+	ld b, 0
+	ld hl, wChannelNoteDelayCounters ; use the note delay as sound length
 	add hl, bc
 	ld d, [hl]
 	ld a, c
-	cp Ch2
-	jr z, .channel3 ; if music channel 3
-	cp Ch6
-	jr z, .channel3 ; if sfx channel 3
+	cp Ch3
+	jr z, .skipDuty ; if music channel 3
+	cp Ch7
+	jr z, .skipDuty ; if sfx channel 3
+; include duty cycle (except on channel 3 which doesn't have it)
 	ld a, d
 	and $3f
 	ld d, a
-	ld hl, wChannelDuties
+	ld hl, wChannelDutyCycles
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
 	or d
 	ld d, a
-	ld b, $1
-	call Audio2_21ff7
+	call Audio2_GetRegisterPointer
 	ld [hl], d
 	ld a, c
-	cp Ch2
+	cp Ch3
 	jr z, .channel3
-	cp Ch6
-	jr nz, .notSfxChannel3
+	cp Ch7
+	jr nz, .notChannel3
 	; fall through
 	push de
 	ld de, wMusicWaveInstrument
-	cp Ch2
-	jr z, .musicChannel3
+	cp Ch3
+	jr z, .next
 	ld de, wSfxWaveInstrument
 	ld a, [de]
 	add a
-	ld d, $0
+	ld d, 0
 	ld e, a
 	ld hl, Audio2_WavePointers
 	add hl, de
@@ -896,9 +936,9 @@
 	ld e, [hl]
 	inc hl
 	ld d, [hl]
-	ld hl, $ff30
+	ld hl, $ff30 ; wave pattern RAM
 	ld b, $f
-	ld a, $0
+	ld a, $0 ; stop hardware channel 3
 	ld [rNR30], a
 	ld a, [de]
@@ -908,155 +948,166 @@
 	dec b
 	and a
 	jr nz, .loop
-	ld a, $80
+	ld a, $80 ; start hardware channel 3
 	ld [rNR30], a
 	pop de
 	ld a, d
-	or $80
-	and $c7
+	or $80 ; use counter mode (i.e. disable output when the counter reaches 0)
+	and $c7 ; zero the unused bits in the register
 	ld d, a
-	ld b, $3
-	call Audio2_21ff7
-	ld [hl], e
+	call Audio2_GetRegisterPointer
+	ld [hl], e ; store frequency low byte
 	inc hl
-	ld [hl], d
+	ld [hl], d ; store frequency high byte
+	; --- this section is only present in this copy of the sound engine
 	ld a, c
-	cp Ch4
+	cp Ch5
 	jr c, .musicChannel
-	call Audio2_21e56
+	call Audio2_ApplyFrequencyModifier
+	; ---
+; --- this section is only present in this copy of the sound engine
+; unused
 	ld a, c
-	cp Ch4
-	jr nz, .asm_21e2e
+	cp Ch5
+	jr nz, .skip
 	ld a, [wLowHealthAlarm]
 	bit 7, a
-	jr z, .asm_21e2e
+	jr z, .skip
 	xor a
 	ld [wFrequencyModifier], a
 	ld a, $80
 	ld [wTempoModifier], a
+; ---
-	call Audio2_21e8b
-	jr c, .asm_21e39
-	call Audio2_21e9f
-	jr nc, .asm_21e4c
-	ld d, $0
+	call Audio2_IsCry
+	jr c, .skipCryCheck
+	call Audio2_IsBattleSFX
+	jr nc, .notCry
+	ld d, 0
 	ld a, [wTempoModifier]
 	add $80
-	jr nc, .asm_21e43
+	jr nc, .next
 	inc d
 	ld [wSfxTempo + 1], a
 	ld a, d
 	ld [wSfxTempo], a
-	jr .asm_21e55
+	jr .done
 	xor a
 	ld [wSfxTempo + 1], a
 	ld a, $1
 	ld [wSfxTempo], a
-	call Audio2_21e8b
-	jr c, .asm_21e60
-	call Audio2_21e9f
-	jr nc, .asm_21e6c
+	call Audio2_IsCry
+	jr c, .skipCryCheck
+	call Audio2_IsBattleSFX
+	jr nc, .done
+; if playing a cry, add the cry's frequency modifier
 	ld a, [wFrequencyModifier]
 	add e
-	jr nc, .asm_21e67
+	jr nc, .noCarry
 	inc d
 	dec hl
 	ld e, a
 	ld [hl], e
 	inc hl
 	ld [hl], d
-	call Audio2_21e8b
-	jr nc, .asm_21e88
+	call Audio2_IsCry
+	jr nc, .done
 	ld hl, wChannelCommandPointers
 	ld e, c
-	ld d, $0
+	ld d, 0
 	sla e
 	rl d
 	add hl, de
 	ld a, [hl]
-	sub $1
+	sub 1
 	ld [hl], a
 	inc hl
 	ld a, [hl]
-	sbc $0
+	sbc 0
 	ld [hl], a
-	ld a, [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch4]
-	cp $14
-	jr nc, .asm_21e94
-	jr .asm_21e9a
-	cp $86
-	jr z, .asm_21e9a
-	jr c, .asm_21e9d
+; Returns whether the currently playing audio is a cry in carry.
+	ld a, [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch5]
+	jr nc, .next
+	jr .no
+	jr z, .no
+	jr c, .yes
-	ld a, [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch7]
+; --- this section is only present in this copy of the sound engine
+; Returns whether the currently playing audio is a cry in carry.
+	ld a, [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch8]
 	ld b, a
-	ld a, [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch4]
+	ld a, [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch5]
 	or b
-	cp $9d
-	jr nc, .asm_21ead
-	jr .asm_21eb3
-	cp $ea
-	jr z, .asm_21eb3
-	jr c, .asm_21eb6
+	jr nc, .next
+	jr .no
+	jr z, .no
+	jr c, .yes
+; ---
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags1
 	add hl, bc
-	bit 5, [hl]
-	jp nz, .asm_21eff
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendCurrentFrequencyLowBytes
+	jp nz, .frequencyDecreasing
+; frequency increasing
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideCurrentFrequencyLowBytes
 	add hl, bc
 	ld e, [hl]
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendCurrentFrequencyHighBytes
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideCurrentFrequencyHighBytes
 	add hl, bc
 	ld d, [hl]
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendFrequencySteps
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideFrequencySteps
 	add hl, bc
 	ld l, [hl]
 	ld h, b
@@ -1063,41 +1114,41 @@
 	add hl, de
 	ld d, h
 	ld e, l
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendCurrentFrequencyFractionalPart
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideCurrentFrequencyFractionalPart
 	add hl, bc
 	push hl
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendFrequencyStepsFractionalPart
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideFrequencyStepsFractionalPart
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
 	pop hl
 	add [hl]
 	ld [hl], a
-	ld a, $0
+	ld a, 0
 	adc e
 	ld e, a
-	ld a, $0
+	ld a, 0
 	adc d
 	ld d, a
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendTargetFrequencyHighBytes
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideTargetFrequencyHighBytes
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
 	cp d
-	jp c, .asm_21f45
-	jr nz, .asm_21f32
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendTargetFrequencyLowBytes
+	jp c, .reachedTargetFrequency
+	jr nz, .applyUpdatedFrequency
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideTargetFrequencyLowBytes
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
 	cp e
-	jp c, .asm_21f45
-	jr .asm_21f32
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendCurrentFrequencyLowBytes
+	jp c, .reachedTargetFrequency
+	jr .applyUpdatedFrequency
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideCurrentFrequencyLowBytes
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendCurrentFrequencyHighBytes
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideCurrentFrequencyHighBytes
 	add hl, bc
 	ld d, [hl]
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendFrequencySteps
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideFrequencySteps
 	add hl, bc
 	ld e, [hl]
 	sub e
@@ -1105,7 +1156,7 @@
 	ld a, d
 	sbc b
 	ld d, a
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendFrequencyStepsFractionalPart
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideFrequencyStepsFractionalPart
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
 	add a
@@ -1116,55 +1167,56 @@
 	ld a, d
 	sbc b
 	ld d, a
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendTargetFrequencyHighBytes
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideTargetFrequencyHighBytes
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, d
 	cp [hl]
-	jr c, .asm_21f45
-	jr nz, .asm_21f32
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendTargetFrequencyLowBytes
+	jr c, .reachedTargetFrequency
+	jr nz, .applyUpdatedFrequency
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideTargetFrequencyLowBytes
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, e
 	cp [hl]
-	jr c, .asm_21f45
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendCurrentFrequencyLowBytes
+	jr c, .reachedTargetFrequency
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideCurrentFrequencyLowBytes
 	add hl, bc
 	ld [hl], e
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendCurrentFrequencyHighBytes
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideCurrentFrequencyHighBytes
 	add hl, bc
 	ld [hl], d
-	ld b, $3
-	call Audio2_21ff7
+	call Audio2_GetRegisterPointer
 	ld a, e
 	ld [hli], a
 	ld [hl], d
+; Turn off pitch slide when the target frequency has been reached.
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags1
 	add hl, bc
-	res 4, [hl]
-	res 5, [hl]
+	res BIT_PITCH_SLIDE_ON, [hl]
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendCurrentFrequencyHighBytes
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideCurrentFrequencyHighBytes
 	add hl, bc
 	ld [hl], d
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendCurrentFrequencyLowBytes
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideCurrentFrequencyLowBytes
 	add hl, bc
 	ld [hl], e
 	ld hl, wChannelNoteDelayCounters
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendLengthModifiers
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideLengthModifiers
 	add hl, bc
 	sub [hl]
-	jr nc, .asm_21f66
-	ld a, $1
+	jr nc, .next
+	ld a, 1
 	ld [hl], a
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendTargetFrequencyLowBytes
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideTargetFrequencyLowBytes
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, e
 	sub [hl]
@@ -1171,74 +1223,84 @@
 	ld e, a
 	ld a, d
 	sbc b
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendTargetFrequencyHighBytes
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideTargetFrequencyHighBytes
 	add hl, bc
 	sub [hl]
-	jr c, .asm_21f82
+	jr c, .targetFrequencyGreater
 	ld d, a
-	ld b, $0
+	ld b, 0
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags1
 	add hl, bc
-	set 5, [hl]
-	jr .asm_21fa5
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendCurrentFrequencyHighBytes
+	jr .next2
+; If the target frequency is greater, subtract the current frequency from
+; the target frequency to get the absolute difference.
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideCurrentFrequencyHighBytes
 	add hl, bc
 	ld d, [hl]
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendCurrentFrequencyLowBytes
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideCurrentFrequencyLowBytes
 	add hl, bc
 	ld e, [hl]
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendTargetFrequencyLowBytes
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideTargetFrequencyLowBytes
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
 	sub e
 	ld e, a
+; Bug. Instead of borrowing from the high byte of the target frequency as it
+; should, it borrows from the high byte of the current frequency instead.
+; This means that the result will be 0x200 greater than it should be if the
+; low byte of the current frequency is greater than the low byte of the
+; target frequency.
 	ld a, d
 	sbc b
 	ld d, a
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendTargetFrequencyHighBytes
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideTargetFrequencyHighBytes
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
 	sub d
 	ld d, a
-	ld b, $0
+	ld b, 0
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags1
 	add hl, bc
-	res 5, [hl]
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendLengthModifiers
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideLengthModifiers
 	add hl, bc
 	inc b
 	ld a, e
 	sub [hl]
 	ld e, a
-	jr nc, .asm_21fa9
+	jr nc, .divideLoop
 	ld a, d
 	and a
-	jr z, .asm_21fb7
+	jr z, .doneDividing
 	dec a
 	ld d, a
-	jr .asm_21fa9
-	ld a, e
+	jr .divideLoop
+	ld a, e ; a = remainder - dividend
 	add [hl]
-	ld d, b
-	ld b, $0
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendFrequencySteps
+	ld d, b ; d = quotient + 1
+	ld b, 0
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideFrequencySteps
 	add hl, bc
-	ld [hl], d
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendFrequencyStepsFractionalPart
+	ld [hl], d ; store quotient + 1
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideFrequencyStepsFractionalPart
 	add hl, bc
-	ld [hl], a
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendCurrentFrequencyFractionalPart
+	ld [hl], a ; store remainder - dividend
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideCurrentFrequencyFractionalPart
 	add hl, bc
-	ld [hl], a
+	ld [hl], a ; store remainder - dividend
-	ld b, $0
-	ld hl, wChannelDutyCycles
+	ld b, 0
+	ld hl, wChannelDutyCyclePatterns
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
@@ -1246,8 +1308,8 @@
 	ld [hl], a
 	and $c0
 	ld d, a
-	ld b, $1
-	call Audio2_21ff7
+	call Audio2_GetRegisterPointer
 	ld a, [hl]
 	and $3f
 	or d
@@ -1255,7 +1317,7 @@
-	ld d, $0
+	ld d, 0
 	ld a, c
 	add a
 	ld e, a
@@ -1272,9 +1334,10 @@
 	ld [hl], d
+; hl = address of hardware sound register b for software channel c
 	ld a, c
-	ld hl, Unknown_222d6
+	ld hl, Audio2_HWChannelBaseAddresses
 	add l
 	jr nc, .noCarry
 	inc h
@@ -1286,13 +1349,14 @@
 	ld h, $ff
-	ld h, $0
+; hl = l + (a * de)
+	ld h, 0
 	srl a
-	jr nc, .noCarry
+	jr nc, .skipAdd
 	add hl, de
 	sla e
 	rl d
 	and a
@@ -1301,8 +1365,9 @@
-	ld h, $0
+; return the frequency for note a, octave b in de
+	ld h, 0
 	ld l, a
 	add hl, hl
 	ld d, h
@@ -1314,7 +1379,7 @@
 	ld d, [hl]
 	ld a, b
-	cp Ch7
+	cp 7
 	jr z, .done
 	sra d
 	rr e
@@ -1321,7 +1386,7 @@
 	inc a
 	jr .loop
-	ld a, $8
+	ld a, 8
 	add d
 	ld d, a
@@ -1329,14 +1394,15 @@
 	ld [wSoundID], a
 	cp $ff
-	jp z, Audio2_221f3
-	cp $e9
-	jp z, Audio2_2210d
-	jp c, Audio2_2210d
+	jp z, .stopAllAudio
+	cp MAX_SFX_ID_2
+	jp z, .playSfx
+	jp c, .playSfx
 	cp $fe
-	jr z, .asm_2204c
-	jp nc, Audio2_2210d
+	jr z, .playMusic
+	jp nc, .playSfx
 	xor a
 	ld [wUnusedC000], a
 	ld [wDisableChannelOutputWhenSfxEnds], a
@@ -1345,53 +1411,53 @@
 	ld [wSfxWaveInstrument], a
 	ld d, $8
 	ld hl, wChannelReturnAddresses
-	call FillAudioRAM2
+	call .FillMem
 	ld hl, wChannelCommandPointers
-	call FillAudioRAM2
+	call .FillMem
 	ld d, $4
 	ld hl, wChannelSoundIDs
-	call FillAudioRAM2
+	call .FillMem
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags1
-	call FillAudioRAM2
-	ld hl, wChannelDuties
-	call FillAudioRAM2
+	call .FillMem
 	ld hl, wChannelDutyCycles
-	call FillAudioRAM2
+	call .FillMem
+	ld hl, wChannelDutyCyclePatterns
+	call .FillMem
 	ld hl, wChannelVibratoDelayCounters
-	call FillAudioRAM2
+	call .FillMem
 	ld hl, wChannelVibratoExtents
-	call FillAudioRAM2
+	call .FillMem
 	ld hl, wChannelVibratoRates
-	call FillAudioRAM2
+	call .FillMem
 	ld hl, wChannelFrequencyLowBytes
-	call FillAudioRAM2
+	call .FillMem
 	ld hl, wChannelVibratoDelayCounterReloadValues
-	call FillAudioRAM2
+	call .FillMem
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags2
-	call FillAudioRAM2
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendLengthModifiers
-	call FillAudioRAM2
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendFrequencySteps
-	call FillAudioRAM2
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendFrequencyStepsFractionalPart
-	call FillAudioRAM2
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendCurrentFrequencyFractionalPart
-	call FillAudioRAM2
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendCurrentFrequencyHighBytes
-	call FillAudioRAM2
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendCurrentFrequencyLowBytes
-	call FillAudioRAM2
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendTargetFrequencyHighBytes
-	call FillAudioRAM2
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendTargetFrequencyLowBytes
-	call FillAudioRAM2
+	call .FillMem
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideLengthModifiers
+	call .FillMem
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideFrequencySteps
+	call .FillMem
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideFrequencyStepsFractionalPart
+	call .FillMem
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideCurrentFrequencyFractionalPart
+	call .FillMem
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideCurrentFrequencyHighBytes
+	call .FillMem
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideCurrentFrequencyLowBytes
+	call .FillMem
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideTargetFrequencyHighBytes
+	call .FillMem
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideTargetFrequencyLowBytes
+	call .FillMem
 	ld a, $1
 	ld hl, wChannelLoopCounters
-	call FillAudioRAM2
+	call .FillMem
 	ld hl, wChannelNoteDelayCounters
-	call FillAudioRAM2
+	call .FillMem
 	ld hl, wChannelNoteSpeeds
-	call FillAudioRAM2
+	call .FillMem
 	ld [wMusicTempo], a
 	ld a, $ff
 	ld [wStereoPanning], a
@@ -1399,7 +1465,7 @@
 	ld [rNR50], a
 	ld a, $8
 	ld [rNR10], a
-	ld a, $0
+	ld a, 0
 	ld [rNR51], a
 	xor a
 	ld [rNR30], a
@@ -1407,12 +1473,12 @@
 	ld [rNR30], a
 	ld a, $77
 	ld [rNR50], a
-	jp Audio2_2224e
+	jp .playSoundCommon
 	ld l, a
 	ld e, a
-	ld h, $0
+	ld h, 0
 	ld d, h
 	add hl, hl
 	add hl, de
@@ -1427,13 +1493,13 @@
 	ld c, a
 	ld d, c
 	ld a, c
 	add a
 	add c
 	ld c, a
-	ld b, $0
+	ld b, 0
 	ld a, [wSfxHeaderPointer]
 	ld h, a
 	ld a, [wSfxHeaderPointer + 1]
@@ -1442,32 +1508,32 @@
 	ld c, d
 	ld a, [hl]
 	and $f
-	ld e, a
-	ld d, $0
+	ld e, a ; software channel ID
+	ld d, 0
 	ld hl, wChannelSoundIDs
 	add hl, de
 	ld a, [hl]
 	and a
-	jr z, .asm_22162
+	jr z, .playChannel
 	ld a, e
-	cp $7
-	jr nz, .asm_22159
+	cp Ch8
+	jr nz, .notNoiseChannel
 	ld a, [wSoundID]
-	cp $14
-	jr nc, .asm_22152
+	jr nc, .notNoiseInstrument
 	ld a, [hl]
-	cp $14
-	jr z, .asm_22162
-	jr c, .asm_22162
+	jr z, .playChannel
+	jr c, .playChannel
 	ld a, [wSoundID]
 	cp [hl]
-	jr z, .asm_22162
-	jr c, .asm_22162
+	jr z, .playChannel
+	jr c, .playChannel
 	xor a
 	push de
 	ld h, d
@@ -1490,10 +1556,10 @@
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags1
 	add hl, de
 	ld [hl], a
-	ld hl, wChannelDuties
+	ld hl, wChannelDutyCycles
 	add hl, de
 	ld [hl], a
-	ld hl, wChannelDutyCycles
+	ld hl, wChannelDutyCyclePatterns
 	add hl, de
 	ld [hl], a
 	ld hl, wChannelVibratoDelayCounters
@@ -1511,28 +1577,28 @@
 	ld hl, wChannelVibratoDelayCounterReloadValues
 	add hl, de
 	ld [hl], a
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendLengthModifiers
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideLengthModifiers
 	add hl, de
 	ld [hl], a
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendFrequencySteps
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideFrequencySteps
 	add hl, de
 	ld [hl], a
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendFrequencyStepsFractionalPart
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideFrequencyStepsFractionalPart
 	add hl, de
 	ld [hl], a
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendCurrentFrequencyFractionalPart
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideCurrentFrequencyFractionalPart
 	add hl, de
 	ld [hl], a
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendCurrentFrequencyHighBytes
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideCurrentFrequencyHighBytes
 	add hl, de
 	ld [hl], a
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendCurrentFrequencyLowBytes
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideCurrentFrequencyLowBytes
 	add hl, de
 	ld [hl], a
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendTargetFrequencyHighBytes
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideTargetFrequencyHighBytes
 	add hl, de
 	ld [hl], a
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendTargetFrequencyLowBytes
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideTargetFrequencyLowBytes
 	add hl, de
 	ld [hl], a
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags2
@@ -1549,35 +1615,35 @@
 	add hl, de
 	ld [hl], a
 	ld a, e
-	cp $4
-	jr nz, .asm_221ea
+	cp Ch5
+	jr nz, .skipSweepDisable
 	ld a, $8
-	ld [rNR10], a
+	ld [rNR10], a ; sweep off
 	ld a, c
 	and a
-	jp z, Audio2_2224e
+	jp z, .playSoundCommon
 	dec c
-	jp .asm_22126
+	jp .sfxChannelLoop
 	ld a, $80
-	ld [rNR52], a
-	ld [rNR30], a
+	ld [rNR52], a ; sound hardware on
+	ld [rNR30], a ; wave playback on
 	xor a
-	ld [rNR51], a
-	ld [rNR32], a
+	ld [rNR51], a ; no sound output
+	ld [rNR32], a ; mute channel 3 (wave channel)
 	ld a, $8
-	ld [rNR10], a
-	ld [rNR12], a
-	ld [rNR22], a
-	ld [rNR42], a
+	ld [rNR10], a ; sweep off
+	ld [rNR12], a ; mute channel 1 (pulse channel 1)
+	ld [rNR22], a ; mute channel 2 (pulse channel 2)
+	ld [rNR42], a ; mute channel 4 (noise channel)
 	ld a, $40
-	ld [rNR14], a
+	ld [rNR14], a ; counter mode
 	ld [rNR24], a
 	ld [rNR44], a
 	ld a, $77
-	ld [rNR50], a
+	ld [rNR50], a ; full volume
 	xor a
 	ld [wUnusedC000], a
 	ld [wDisableChannelOutputWhenSfxEnds], a
@@ -1588,11 +1654,11 @@
 	ld [wSfxWaveInstrument], a
 	ld d, $a0
 	ld hl, wChannelCommandPointers
-	call FillAudioRAM2
+	call .FillMem
 	ld a, $1
 	ld d, $18
 	ld hl, wChannelNoteDelayCounters
-	call FillAudioRAM2
+	call .FillMem
 	ld [wMusicTempo], a
 	ld [wSfxTempo], a
 	ld a, $ff
@@ -1600,7 +1666,7 @@
 ; fills d bytes at hl with a
 	ld b, d
 	ld [hli], a
@@ -1608,11 +1674,11 @@
 	jr nz, .loop
 	ld a, [wSoundID]
 	ld l, a
 	ld e, a
-	ld h, $0
+	ld h, 0
 	ld d, h
 	add hl, hl
 	add hl, de
@@ -1632,19 +1698,19 @@
 	ld b, c
 	inc b
 	inc de
-	ld c, $0
+	ld c, 0
 	cp c
-	jr z, .asm_22278
+	jr z, .next
 	inc c
 	inc hl
 	inc hl
-	jr .asm_22270
+	jr .commandPointerLoop
 	push hl
 	push bc
 	push af
-	ld b, $0
+	ld b, 0
 	ld c, a
 	ld hl, wChannelSoundIDs
 	add hl, bc
@@ -1651,12 +1717,12 @@
 	ld a, [wSoundID]
 	ld [hl], a
 	pop af
-	cp $3
-	jr c, .asm_22291
+	cp Ch4
+	jr c, .skipSettingFlag
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags1
 	add hl, bc
-	set 2, [hl]
+	set BIT_NOISE_OR_SFX, [hl]
 	pop bc
 	pop hl
 	ld a, [de] ; get channel pointer
@@ -1671,52 +1737,53 @@
 	and a
 	ld a, [de]
 	inc de
-	jr nz, .asm_22270
+	jr nz, .commandPointerLoop
 	ld a, [wSoundID]
-	cp $14
-	jr nc, .asm_222aa
-	jr .asm_222d4
+	jr nc, .maybeCry
+	jr .done
 	ld a, [wSoundID]
-	cp $86
-	jr z, .asm_222d4
-	jr c, .asm_222b5
-	jr .asm_222d4
-	ld hl, wChannelSoundIDs + Ch4
+	jr z, .done
+	jr c, .cry
+	jr .done
+	ld hl, wChannelSoundIDs + Ch5
 	ld [hli], a
 	ld [hli], a
 	ld [hli], a
 	ld [hl], a
-	ld hl, wChannelCommandPointers + Ch6 * 2 ; sfx noise channel pointer
-	ld de, Noise2_endchannel
+	ld hl, wChannelCommandPointers + Ch7 * 2 ; sfx wave channel pointer
+	ld de, Audio2_CryRet
 	ld [hl], e
 	inc hl
-	ld [hl], d ; overwrite pointer to point to endchannel
+	ld [hl], d ; overwrite pointer to point to sound_ret
 	ld a, [wSavedVolume]
 	and a
-	jr nz, .asm_222d4
+	jr nz, .done
 	ld a, [rNR50]
 	ld [wSavedVolume], a
 	ld a, $77
-	ld [rNR50], a
+	ld [rNR50], a ; full volume
-	endchannel
+	sound_ret
-	db $10, $15, $1A, $1F ; channels 0-3
-	db $10, $15, $1A, $1F ; channels 4-7
+; the low bytes of each HW channel's base address
+	db HW_CH1_BASE, HW_CH2_BASE, HW_CH3_BASE, HW_CH4_BASE ; channels 0-3
+	db HW_CH1_BASE, HW_CH2_BASE, HW_CH3_BASE, HW_CH4_BASE ; channels 4-7
-	db $EE, $DD, $BB, $77 ; channels 0-3
-	db $EE, $DD, $BB, $77 ; channels 4-7
-	db $11, $22, $44, $88 ; channels 0-3
-	db $11, $22, $44, $88 ; channels 4-7
 	dw $F82C ; C_
@@ -1731,5 +1798,3 @@
 	dw $FB58 ; A_
 	dw $FB9B ; A#
 	dw $FBDA ; B_
--- a/audio/engine_3.asm
+++ b/audio/engine_3.asm
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 ; The third of three duplicated sound engines.
-	ld c, Ch0
+	ld c, Ch1
-	ld b, $0
+	ld b, 0
 	ld hl, wChannelSoundIDs
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 	and a
 	jr z, .nextChannel
 	ld a, c
-	cp Ch4
+	cp Ch5
 	jr nc, .applyAffects ; if sfx channel
 	ld a, [wMuteAudioAndPauseMusic]
 	and a
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 	jr nz, .nextChannel
 	set 7, a
 	ld [wMuteAudioAndPauseMusic], a
-	xor a
+	xor a ; disable all channels' output
 	ld [rNR51], a
 	ld [rNR30], a
 	ld a, $80
@@ -30,31 +30,25 @@
 	ld a, c
 	inc c ; inc channel number
-	cp Ch7
+	cp Ch8
 	jr nz, .loop
 ; this routine checks flags for music effects currently applied
 ; to the channel and calls certain functions based on flags.
-; known flags for wChannelFlags1:
-;   0: toggleperfectpitch has been used
-;   1: call has been used
-;   3: a toggle used only by this routine for vibrato
-;   4: pitchbend flag
-;   6: dutycycle flag
 	ld b, $0
 	ld hl, wChannelNoteDelayCounters ; delay until next note
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
-	cp $1 ; if delay is 1, play next note
+	cp $1 ; if the delay is 1, play next note
 	jp z, Audio3_PlayNextNote
 	dec a ; otherwise, decrease the delay timer
 	ld [hl], a
 	ld a, c
-	cp Ch4
+	cp Ch5
 	jr nc, .startChecks ; if a sfx channel
-	ld hl, wChannelSoundIDs + Ch4
+	ld hl, wChannelSoundIDs + Ch5
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
 	and a
@@ -63,36 +57,36 @@
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags1
 	add hl, bc
-	bit 6, [hl] ; dutycycle
 	jr z, .checkForExecuteMusic
-	call Audio3_ApplyDutyCycle
+	call Audio3_ApplyDutyCyclePattern
-	ld b, $0
+	ld b, 0
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags2
 	add hl, bc
-	bit 0, [hl]
-	jr nz, .checkForPitchBend
+	jr nz, .checkForPitchSlide
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags1
 	add hl, bc
-	bit 2, [hl]
-	jr nz, .disablePitchBendVibrato
+	bit BIT_NOISE_OR_SFX, [hl]
+	jr nz, .skipPitchSlideVibrato
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags1
 	add hl, bc
-	bit 4, [hl] ; pitchbend
+	bit BIT_PITCH_SLIDE_ON, [hl]
 	jr z, .checkVibratoDelay
-	jp Audio3_ApplyPitchBend
+	jp Audio3_ApplyPitchSlide
-	ld hl, wChannelVibratoDelayCounters ; vibrato delay
+	ld hl, wChannelVibratoDelayCounters
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
 	and a ; check if delay is over
 	jr z, .checkForVibrato
 	dec [hl] ; otherwise, dec delay
-	ld hl, wChannelVibratoExtents ; vibrato rate
+	ld hl, wChannelVibratoExtents
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
 	and a
@@ -105,22 +99,24 @@
 	ld a, [hl]
 	and $f
 	and a
-	jr z, .vibratoAlreadyDone
-	dec [hl] ; apply vibrato pitch change
+	jr z, .applyVibrato
+	dec [hl] ; decrement counter
 	ld a, [hl]
 	swap [hl]
 	or [hl]
-	ld [hl], a ; reset the vibrato value and start again
+	ld [hl], a ; reload the counter
 	ld hl, wChannelFrequencyLowBytes
 	add hl, bc
 	ld e, [hl] ; get note pitch
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags1
 	add hl, bc
-	bit 3, [hl] ; this is the only code that sets/resets bit three so
-	jr z, .unset ; it continuously alternates which path it takes
-	res 3, [hl]
+; This is the only code that sets/resets the vibrato direction bit, so it
+; continuously alternates which path it takes.
+	jr z, .unset
 	ld a, d
 	and $f
 	ld d, a
@@ -127,11 +123,11 @@
 	ld a, e
 	sub d
 	jr nc, .noCarry
-	ld a, $0
+	ld a, 0
 	jr .done
-	set 3, [hl]
 	ld a, d
 	and $f0
 	swap a
@@ -140,15 +136,16 @@
 	ld a, $ff
 	ld d, a
-	ld b, $3
-	call Audio3_7d8ac
+	call Audio3_GetRegisterPointer
 	ld [hl], d
 ; this routine executes all music commands that take up no time,
-; like tempo changes, duty changes etc. and doesn't return
+; like tempo changes, duty cycle changes etc. and doesn't return
 ; until the first note is reached
+; reload the vibrato delay counter
 	ld hl, wChannelVibratoDelayCounterReloadValues
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
@@ -155,48 +152,50 @@
 	ld hl, wChannelVibratoDelayCounters
 	add hl, bc
 	ld [hl], a
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags1
 	add hl, bc
-	res 4, [hl]
-	res 5, [hl]
-	call Audio3_endchannel
+	res BIT_PITCH_SLIDE_ON, [hl]
+	call Audio3_sound_ret
 	call Audio3_GetNextMusicByte
 	ld d, a
-	cp $ff ; is this command an endchannel?
-	jp nz, Audio3_callchannel ; no
-	ld b, $0 ; yes
+	cp $ff ; is this command a sound_ret?
+	jp nz, Audio3_sound_call ; no
+	ld b, 0
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags1
 	add hl, bc
-	bit 1, [hl]
+	bit BIT_SOUND_CALL, [hl]
 	jr nz, .returnFromCall
 	ld a, c
-	cp Ch3
+	cp Ch4
 	jr nc, .noiseOrSfxChannel
-	jr .asm_7d2b3
+	jr .disableChannelOutput
-	res 2, [hl]
+	res BIT_NOISE_OR_SFX, [hl]
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags2
 	add hl, bc
-	res 0, [hl]
-	cp Ch6
-	jr nz, .notSfxChannel3
+	cp Ch7
+	jr nz, .skipSfxChannel3
+; restart hardware channel 3 (wave channel) output
 	ld a, $0
 	ld [rNR30], a
 	ld a, $80
 	ld [rNR30], a
-	jr nz, .asm_7d296
+	jr nz, .dontDisable
 	ld a, [wDisableChannelOutputWhenSfxEnds]
 	and a
-	jr z, .asm_7d296
+	jr z, .dontDisable
 	xor a
 	ld [wDisableChannelOutputWhenSfxEnds], a
-	jr .asm_7d2b3
-	jr .asm_7d2bc
+	jr .disableChannelOutput
+	jr .afterDisable
 	res 1, [hl]
 	ld d, $0
@@ -216,45 +215,45 @@
 	inc de
 	ld a, [de]
 	ld [hl], a ; loads channel address to return to
-	jp Audio3_endchannel
-	ld hl, Unknown_7db93
+	jp Audio3_sound_ret
+	ld hl, Audio3_HWChannelDisableMasks
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [rNR51]
 	and [hl]
 	ld [rNR51], a
-	ld a, [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch4]
-	cp $14
-	jr nc, .asm_7d2c5
-	jr .asm_7d2e2
-	ld a, [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch4]
-	cp $86
-	jr z, .asm_7d2e2
-	jr c, .asm_7d2d0
-	jr .asm_7d2e2
+	ld a, [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch5]
+	jr nc, .maybeCry
+	jr .skipCry
+	ld a, [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch5]
+	jr z, .skipCry
+	jr c, .cry
+	jr .skipCry
 	ld a, c
-	cp Ch4
-	jr z, .asm_7d2d9
-	call Audio3_7d73b
+	cp Ch5
+	jr z, .skipRewind
+	call Audio3_GoBackOneCommandIfCry
 	ret c
 	ld a, [wSavedVolume]
 	ld [rNR50], a
 	xor a
 	ld [wSavedVolume], a
 	ld hl, wChannelSoundIDs
 	add hl, bc
 	ld [hl], b
-	cp $fd ; is this command a callchannel?
-	jp nz, Audio3_loopchannel ; no
-	call Audio3_GetNextMusicByte ; yes
+	cp $fd ; is this command a sound_call?
+	jp nz, Audio3_sound_loop ; no
+	call Audio3_GetNextMusicByte
 	push af
 	call Audio3_GetNextMusicByte
 	ld d, a
@@ -285,27 +284,27 @@
 	ld b, $0
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags1
 	add hl, bc
-	set 1, [hl] ; set the call flag
-	jp Audio3_endchannel
+	set BIT_SOUND_CALL, [hl] ; set the call flag
+	jp Audio3_sound_ret
-	cp $fe ; is this command a loopchannel?
-	jp nz, Audio3_notetype ; no
-	call Audio3_GetNextMusicByte ; yes
+	cp $fe ; is this command a sound_loop?
+	jp nz, Audio3_note_type ; no
+	call Audio3_GetNextMusicByte
 	ld e, a
 	and a
 	jr z, .infiniteLoop
-	ld b, $0
+	ld b, 0
 	ld hl, wChannelLoopCounters
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
 	cp e
 	jr nz, .loopAgain
-	ld a, $1 ; if no more loops to make
+	ld a, $1 ; if no more loops to make,
 	ld [hl], a
 	call Audio3_GetNextMusicByte ; skip pointer
 	call Audio3_GetNextMusicByte
-	jp Audio3_endchannel
+	jp Audio3_sound_ret
 .loopAgain ; inc loop count
 	inc a
 	ld [hl], a
@@ -324,13 +323,13 @@
 	pop af
 	ld [hli], a
 	ld [hl], b
-	jp Audio3_endchannel
+	jp Audio3_sound_ret
 	and $f0
-	cp $d0 ; is this command a notetype?
-	jp nz, Audio3_toggleperfectpitch ; no
-	ld a, d ; yes
+	cp $d0 ; is this command a note_type?
+	jp nz, Audio3_toggle_perfect_pitch ; no
+	ld a, d
 	and $f
 	ld b, $0
 	ld hl, wChannelNoteSpeeds
@@ -337,23 +336,23 @@
 	add hl, bc
 	ld [hl], a ; store low nibble as speed
 	ld a, c
-	cp Ch3
+	cp Ch4
 	jr z, .noiseChannel ; noise channel has 0 params
 	call Audio3_GetNextMusicByte
 	ld d, a
 	ld a, c
-	cp Ch2
+	cp Ch3
 	jr z, .musicChannel3
-	cp Ch6
-	jr nz, .notChannel3
+	cp Ch7
+	jr nz, .skipChannel3
 	ld hl, wSfxWaveInstrument
-	jr .sfxChannel3
+	jr .channel3
 	ld hl, wMusicWaveInstrument
 	ld a, d
 	and $f
-	ld [hl], a ; store low nibble of param as duty
+	ld [hl], a ; store low nibble of param as wave instrument
 	ld a, d
 	and $30
 	sla a
@@ -362,31 +361,31 @@
 	; if channel 3, store high nibble as volume
 	; else, store volume (high nibble) and fade (low nibble)
-	ld b, $0
+	ld b, 0
 	ld hl, wChannelVolumes
 	add hl, bc
 	ld [hl], d
-	jp Audio3_endchannel
+	jp Audio3_sound_ret
 	ld a, d
-	cp $e8 ; is this command a toggleperfectpitch?
+	cp $e8 ; is this command a toggle_perfect_pitch?
 	jr nz, Audio3_vibrato ; no
-	ld b, $0 ; yes
+	ld b, 0
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags1
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
 	xor $1
 	ld [hl], a ; flip bit 0 of wChannelFlags1
-	jp Audio3_endchannel
+	jp Audio3_sound_ret
 	cp $ea ; is this command a vibrato?
-	jr nz, Audio3_pitchbend ; no
-	call Audio3_GetNextMusicByte ; yes
-	ld b, $0
+	jr nz, Audio3_pitch_slide ; no
+	call Audio3_GetNextMusicByte
+	ld b, 0
 	ld hl, wChannelVibratoDelayCounters
 	add hl, bc
 	ld [hl], a ; store delay
@@ -395,9 +394,16 @@
 	ld [hl], a ; store delay
 	call Audio3_GetNextMusicByte
 	ld d, a
+; The high nybble of the command byte is the extent of the vibrato.
+; Let n be the extent.
+; The upper nybble of the channel's byte in the wChannelVibratoExtents
+; array will store the extent above the note: (n / 2) + (n % 2).
+; The lower nybble will store the extent below the note: (n / 2).
+; These two values add to the total extent, n.
 	and $f0
 	swap a
-	ld b, $0
+	ld b, 0
 	ld hl, wChannelVibratoExtents
 	add hl, bc
 	srl a
@@ -405,7 +411,13 @@
 	adc b
 	swap a
 	or e
-	ld [hl], a ; store rate as both high and low nibbles
+	ld [hl], a
+; The low nybble of the command byte is the rate of the vibrato.
+; The high and low nybbles of the channel's byte in the wChannelVibratoRates
+; array are both initialised to this value because the high nybble is the
+; counter reload value and the low nybble is the counter itself, which should
+; start at its value upon reload.
 	ld a, d
 	and $f
 	ld d, a
@@ -413,17 +425,18 @@
 	add hl, bc
 	swap a
 	or d
-	ld [hl], a ; store depth as both high and low nibbles
-	jp Audio3_endchannel
+	ld [hl], a
-	cp $eb ; is this command a pitchbend?
-	jr nz, Audio3_duty ; no
-	call Audio3_GetNextMusicByte ; yes
-	ld b, $0
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendLengthModifiers
+	jp Audio3_sound_ret
+	cp $eb ; is this command a pitch_slide?
+	jr nz, Audio3_duty_cycle ; no
+	call Audio3_GetNextMusicByte
+	ld b, 0
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideLengthModifiers
 	add hl, bc
-	ld [hl], a ; store first param
+	ld [hl], a
 	call Audio3_GetNextMusicByte
 	ld d, a
 	and $f0
@@ -431,40 +444,40 @@
 	ld b, a
 	ld a, d
 	and $f
-	call Audio3_7d8cc
-	ld b, $0
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendTargetFrequencyHighBytes
+	call Audio3_CalculateFrequency
+	ld b, 0
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideTargetFrequencyHighBytes
 	add hl, bc
-	ld [hl], d ; store unknown part of second param
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendTargetFrequencyLowBytes
+	ld [hl], d
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideTargetFrequencyLowBytes
 	add hl, bc
-	ld [hl], e ; store unknown part of second param
-	ld b, $0
+	ld [hl], e
+	ld b, 0
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags1
 	add hl, bc
-	set 4, [hl] ; set pitchbend flag
+	set BIT_PITCH_SLIDE_ON, [hl]
 	call Audio3_GetNextMusicByte
 	ld d, a
-	jp Audio3_notelength
+	jp Audio3_note_length
-	cp $ec ; is this command a duty?
+	cp $ec ; is this command a duty_cycle?
 	jr nz, Audio3_tempo ; no
-	call Audio3_GetNextMusicByte ; yes
+	call Audio3_GetNextMusicByte
 	and $c0
-	ld b, $0
-	ld hl, wChannelDuties
+	ld b, 0
+	ld hl, wChannelDutyCycles
 	add hl, bc
-	ld [hl], a ; store duty
-	jp Audio3_endchannel
+	ld [hl], a ; store duty cycle
+	jp Audio3_sound_ret
 	cp $ed ; is this command a tempo?
-	jr nz, Audio3_stereopanning ; no
-	ld a, c ; yes
-	cp Ch4
+	jr nz, Audio3_stereo_panning ; no
+	ld a, c
+	cp Ch5
 	jr nc, .sfxChannel
 	call Audio3_GetNextMusicByte
 	ld [wMusicTempo], a ; store first param
@@ -487,20 +500,20 @@
 	ld [wChannelNoteDelayCountersFractionalPart + 6], a
 	ld [wChannelNoteDelayCountersFractionalPart + 7], a
-	jp Audio3_endchannel
+	jp Audio3_sound_ret
-	cp $ee ; is this command a stereopanning?
+	cp $ee ; is this command a stereo_panning?
 	jr nz, Audio3_unknownmusic0xef ; no
-	call Audio3_GetNextMusicByte ; yes
+	call Audio3_GetNextMusicByte
 	ld [wStereoPanning], a ; store panning
-	jp Audio3_endchannel
+	jp Audio3_sound_ret
 ; this appears to never be used
 	cp $ef ; is this command an unknownmusic0xef?
-	jr nz, Audio3_dutycycle ; no
-	call Audio3_GetNextMusicByte ; yes
+	jr nz, Audio3_duty_cycle_pattern ; no
+	call Audio3_GetNextMusicByte
 	push bc
 	call Audio3_PlaySound
 	pop bc
@@ -507,129 +520,146 @@
 	ld a, [wDisableChannelOutputWhenSfxEnds]
 	and a
 	jr nz, .skip
-	ld a, [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch7]
+	ld a, [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch8]
 	ld [wDisableChannelOutputWhenSfxEnds], a
 	xor a
-	ld [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch7], a
+	ld [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch8], a
-	jp Audio3_endchannel
+	jp Audio3_sound_ret
-	cp $fc ; is this command a dutycycle?
+	cp $fc ; is this command a duty_cycle_pattern?
 	jr nz, Audio3_volume ; no
-	call Audio3_GetNextMusicByte ; yes
-	ld b, $0
+	call Audio3_GetNextMusicByte
+	ld b, 0
+	ld hl, wChannelDutyCyclePatterns
+	add hl, bc
+	ld [hl], a ; store full pattern
+	and %11000000
 	ld hl, wChannelDutyCycles
 	add hl, bc
-	ld [hl], a ; store full cycle
-	and $c0
-	ld hl, wChannelDuties
-	add hl, bc
-	ld [hl], a ; store first duty
+	ld [hl], a ; store first duty cycle
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags1
 	add hl, bc
-	set 6, [hl] ; set duty flag
-	jp Audio3_endchannel
+	jp Audio3_sound_ret
 	cp $f0 ; is this command a volume?
-	jr nz, Audio3_executemusic ; no
-	call Audio3_GetNextMusicByte ; yes
+	jr nz, Audio3_execute_music ; no
+	call Audio3_GetNextMusicByte
 	ld [rNR50], a ; store volume
-	jp Audio3_endchannel
+	jp Audio3_sound_ret
-	cp $f8 ; is this command an executemusic?
+	cp $f8 ; is this command an execute_music?
 	jr nz, Audio3_octave ; no
-	ld b, $0 ; yes
+	ld b, $0
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags2
 	add hl, bc
-	set 0, [hl]
-	jp Audio3_endchannel
+	jp Audio3_sound_ret
 	and $f0
 	cp $e0 ; is this command an octave?
-	jr nz, Audio3_sfxnote ; no
-	ld hl, wChannelOctaves ; yes
-	ld b, $0
+	jr nz, Audio3_sfx_note ; no
+	ld hl, wChannelOctaves
+	ld b, 0
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, d
 	and $f
 	ld [hl], a ; store low nibble as octave
-	jp Audio3_endchannel
+	jp Audio3_sound_ret
-; sfxnote is either squarenote or noisenote depending on the channel
-	cp $20 ; is this command an sfxnote?
-	jr nz, Audio3_pitchenvelope ; no
+; sfx_note is either square_note or noise_note depending on the channel
+	cp $20 ; is this command a sfx_note?
+	jr nz, Audio3_pitch_sweep
 	ld a, c
-	cp Ch3 ; is this a noise or sfx channel?
-	jr c, Audio3_pitchenvelope ; no
-	ld b, $0
+	cp Ch4 ; is this a noise or sfx channel?
+	jr c, Audio3_pitch_sweep ; no
+	ld b, 0
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags2
 	add hl, bc
-	bit 0, [hl]
-	jr nz, Audio3_pitchenvelope ; no
-	call Audio3_notelength ; yes
+	bit BIT_EXECUTE_MUSIC, [hl] ; is execute_music being used?
+	jr nz, Audio3_pitch_sweep ; yes
+	call Audio3_note_length
+; This code seems to do the same thing as what Audio3_ApplyDutyCycleAndSoundLength
+; does below.
 	ld d, a
-	ld b, $0
-	ld hl, wChannelDuties
+	ld b, 0
+	ld hl, wChannelDutyCycles
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
 	or d
 	ld d, a
-	ld b, $1
-	call Audio3_7d8ac
+	call Audio3_GetRegisterPointer
 	ld [hl], d
 	call Audio3_GetNextMusicByte
 	ld d, a
-	ld b, $2
-	call Audio3_7d8ac
+	call Audio3_GetRegisterPointer
 	ld [hl], d
 	call Audio3_GetNextMusicByte
 	ld e, a
 	ld a, c
-	cp Ch7
-	ld a, $0
-	jr z, .sfxNoiseChannel ; only two params for noise channel
+	cp Ch8
+	ld a, 0
+	jr z, .skip
+; Channels 1 through 3 have 2 registers that control frequency, but the noise
+; channel a single register (the polynomial counter) that controls frequency,
+; so this command has one less byte on the noise channel.
 	push de
 	call Audio3_GetNextMusicByte
 	pop de
 	ld d, a
 	push de
-	call Audio3_7d69d
-	call Audio3_7d66c
+	call Audio3_ApplyDutyCycleAndSoundLength
+	call Audio3_EnableChannelOutput
 	pop de
-	call Audio3_7d6bf
+	call Audio3_ApplyWavePatternAndFrequency
 	ld a, c
-	cp Ch4
+	cp Ch5
 	jr c, Audio3_note ; if not a sfx
 	ld a, d
-	cp $10 ; is this command an pitchenvelope?
+	cp $10 ; is this command a pitch_sweep?
 	jr nz, Audio3_note ; no
 	ld b, $0
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags2
 	add hl, bc
-	bit 0, [hl]
 	jr nz, Audio3_note ; no
-	call Audio3_GetNextMusicByte ; yes
+	call Audio3_GetNextMusicByte
 	ld [rNR10], a
-	jp Audio3_endchannel
+	jp Audio3_sound_ret
 	ld a, c
-	cp Ch3
-	jr nz, Audio3_notelength ; if not noise channel
+	cp Ch4
+	jr nz, Audio3_note_length ; if not noise channel
 	ld a, d
 	and $f0
-	cp $b0 ; is this command a dnote?
-	jr z, Audio3_dnote ; yes
-	jr nc, Audio3_notelength ; no
+	cp $b0 ; is this command a drum_note?
+	jr z, .drum_note
+	jr nc, Audio3_note_length ; no
+	; this executes when on the noise channel and
+	; the command id is less than $b0
+	; in this case, the upper nybble is used as the noise instrument ($1-$a)
+	; and the lower nybble is the length minus 1 (0-15)
+	; however, this doesn't work for instrument #2 because the command id
+	; is captured by the noise_note command (command id $2x)
+	; this essentially acts like a drum_note command that is only 1 byte
+	; instead of 2 and can only be used with instruments 1 and 3 through 10
+	; this is unused by the game
 	swap a
 	ld b, a
 	ld a, d
@@ -638,31 +668,31 @@
 	ld a, b
 	push de
 	push bc
-	jr asm_7d571
+	jr .playDnote
 	ld a, d
 	and $f
 	push af
 	push bc
-	call Audio3_GetNextMusicByte ; get dnote instrument
+	call Audio3_GetNextMusicByte ; get drum_note instrument
 	ld d, a
 	ld a, [wDisableChannelOutputWhenSfxEnds]
 	and a
-	jr nz, .asm_7d57c
+	jr nz, .skipDnote
 	ld a, d
 	call Audio3_PlaySound
 	pop bc
 	pop de
 	ld a, d
 	push af
 	and $f
 	inc a
-	ld b, $0
+	ld b, 0
 	ld e, a  ; store note length (in 16ths)
 	ld d, b
 	ld hl, wChannelNoteSpeeds
@@ -669,9 +699,9 @@
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
 	ld l, b
-	call Audio3_7d8bb
+	call Audio3_MultiplyAdd
 	ld a, c
-	cp Ch4
+	cp Ch5
 	jr nc, .sfxChannel
 	ld a, [wMusicTempo]
 	ld d, a
@@ -681,22 +711,22 @@
 	ld d, $1
 	ld e, $0
-	cp Ch7
+	cp Ch8
 	jr z, .skip ; if noise channel
-	call Audio3_7d707
+	call Audio3_SetSfxTempo
 	ld a, [wSfxTempo]
 	ld d, a
 	ld a, [wSfxTempo + 1]
 	ld e, a
-	ld a, l
-	ld b, $0
+	ld a, l ; a = note_length * note_speed
+	ld b, 0
 	ld hl, wChannelNoteDelayCountersFractionalPart
 	add hl, bc
 	ld l, [hl]
-	call Audio3_7d8bb
+	call Audio3_MultiplyAdd
 	ld e, l
-	ld d, h
+	ld d, h ; de = note_delay_frac_part + (note_length * note_speed * tempo)
 	ld hl, wChannelNoteDelayCountersFractionalPart
 	add hl, bc
 	ld [hl], e
@@ -706,136 +736,141 @@
 	ld [hl], a
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags2
 	add hl, bc
-	bit 0, [hl]
-	jr nz, Audio3_notepitch
+	jr nz, Audio3_note_pitch
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags1
 	add hl, bc
-	bit 2, [hl]
-	jr z, Audio3_notepitch
+	bit BIT_NOISE_OR_SFX, [hl]
+	jr z, Audio3_note_pitch
 	pop hl
 	pop af
 	and $f0
 	cp $c0 ; compare to rest
 	jr nz, .notRest
 	ld a, c
-	cp Ch4
-	jr nc, .sfxChannel
-	ld hl, wChannelSoundIDs + Ch4
+	cp Ch5
+	jr nc, .next
+; If this isn't an SFX channel, try the corresponding SFX channel.
+	ld hl, wChannelSoundIDs + Ch5
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
 	and a
-	jr nz, .quit
+	jr nz, .done
 	; fall through
 	ld a, c
-	cp Ch2
-	jr z, .musicChannel3
-	cp Ch6
-	jr nz, .notSfxChannel3
-	ld b, $0
-	ld hl, Unknown_7db93
+	cp Ch3
+	jr z, .channel3
+	cp Ch7
+	jr nz, .notChannel3
+	ld b, 0
+	ld hl, Audio3_HWChannelDisableMasks
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [rNR51]
 	and [hl]
-	ld [rNR51], a
-	jr .quit
-	ld b, $2
-	call Audio3_7d8ac
-	ld a, $8
+	ld [rNR51], a ; disable hardware channel 3's output
+	jr .done
+	call Audio3_GetRegisterPointer
+	ld a, $8 ; fade in sound
 	ld [hli], a
 	inc hl
-	ld a, $80
+	ld a, $80 ; restart sound
 	ld [hl], a
 	swap a
-	ld b, $0
+	ld b, 0
 	ld hl, wChannelOctaves
 	add hl, bc
 	ld b, [hl]
-	call Audio3_7d8cc
-	ld b, $0
+	call Audio3_CalculateFrequency
+	ld b, 0
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags1
 	add hl, bc
-	bit 4, [hl]
-	jr z, .asm_7d62c
-	call Audio3_7d803
+	bit BIT_PITCH_SLIDE_ON, [hl]
+	jr z, .skipPitchSlide
+	call Audio3_InitPitchSlideVars
 	push de
 	ld a, c
-	cp Ch4
-	jr nc, .skip ; if sfx Channel
-	ld hl, wChannelSoundIDs + Ch4
-	ld d, $0
+	cp Ch5
+	jr nc, .sfxChannel ; if sfx channel
+; If this isn't an SFX channel, try the corresponding SFX channel.
+	ld hl, wChannelSoundIDs + Ch5
+	ld d, 0
 	ld e, a
 	add hl, de
 	ld a, [hl]
 	and a
-	jr nz, .done
-	jr .skip
+	jr nz, .noSfx
+	jr .sfxChannel
 	pop de
-	ld b, $0
+	ld b, 0
 	ld hl, wChannelVolumes
 	add hl, bc
 	ld d, [hl]
-	ld b, $2
-	call Audio3_7d8ac
+	call Audio3_GetRegisterPointer
 	ld [hl], d
-	call Audio3_7d69d
-	call Audio3_7d66c
+	call Audio3_ApplyDutyCycleAndSoundLength
+	call Audio3_EnableChannelOutput
 	pop de
 	ld b, $0
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags1
 	add hl, bc
-	bit 0, [hl]   ; has toggleperfectpitch been used?
-	jr z, .skip2
-	inc e         ; if yes, increment the pitch by 1
-	jr nc, .skip2
+	bit BIT_PERFECT_PITCH, [hl] ; has toggle_perfect_pitch been used?
+	jr z, .skipFrequencyInc
+	inc e                       ; if yes, increment the frequency by 1
+	jr nc, .skipFrequencyInc
 	inc d
 	ld hl, wChannelFrequencyLowBytes
 	add hl, bc
 	ld [hl], e
-	call Audio3_7d6bf
+	call Audio3_ApplyWavePatternAndFrequency
-	ld b, $0
-	ld hl, Unknown_7db9b
+	ld b, 0
+	ld hl, Audio3_HWChannelEnableMasks
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [rNR51]
-	or [hl]
+	or [hl] ; set this channel's bits
 	ld d, a
 	ld a, c
-	cp Ch7
-	jr z, .sfxNoiseChannel
-	cp Ch4
+	cp Ch8
+	jr z, .noiseChannelOrNoSfx
+	cp Ch5
 	jr nc, .skip ; if sfx channel
-	ld hl, wChannelSoundIDs + Ch4
+; If this isn't an SFX channel, try the corresponding SFX channel.
+	ld hl, wChannelSoundIDs + Ch5
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
 	and a
 	jr nz, .skip
+; If this is the SFX noise channel or a music channel whose corresponding
+; SFX channel is off, apply stereo panning.
 	ld a, [wStereoPanning]
-	ld hl, Unknown_7db9b
+	ld hl, Audio3_HWChannelEnableMasks
 	add hl, bc
 	and [hl]
 	ld d, a
 	ld a, [rNR51]
-	ld hl, Unknown_7db93
+	ld hl, Audio3_HWChannelDisableMasks
 	add hl, bc
-	and [hl]
-	or d
+	and [hl] ; reset this channel's output bits
+	or d ; set this channel's output bits that enabled in [wStereoPanning]
 	ld d, a
 	ld a, d
@@ -842,47 +877,48 @@
 	ld [rNR51], a
-	ld b, $0
-	ld hl, wChannelNoteDelayCounters
+	ld b, 0
+	ld hl, wChannelNoteDelayCounters ; use the note delay as sound length
 	add hl, bc
 	ld d, [hl]
 	ld a, c
-	cp Ch2
-	jr z, .channel3 ; if music channel 3
-	cp Ch6
-	jr z, .channel3 ; if sfx channel 3
+	cp Ch3
+	jr z, .skipDuty ; if music channel 3
+	cp Ch7
+	jr z, .skipDuty ; if sfx channel 3
+; include duty cycle (except on channel 3 which doesn't have it)
 	ld a, d
 	and $3f
 	ld d, a
-	ld hl, wChannelDuties
+	ld hl, wChannelDutyCycles
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
 	or d
 	ld d, a
-	ld b, $1
-	call Audio3_7d8ac
+	call Audio3_GetRegisterPointer
 	ld [hl], d
 	ld a, c
-	cp Ch2
+	cp Ch3
 	jr z, .channel3
-	cp Ch6
-	jr nz, .notSfxChannel3
+	cp Ch7
+	jr nz, .notChannel3
 	; fall through
 	push de
 	ld de, wMusicWaveInstrument
-	cp Ch2
-	jr z, .musicChannel3
+	cp Ch3
+	jr z, .next
 	ld de, wSfxWaveInstrument
 	ld a, [de]
 	add a
-	ld d, $0
+	ld d, 0
 	ld e, a
 	ld hl, Audio3_WavePointers
 	add hl, de
@@ -889,9 +925,9 @@
 	ld e, [hl]
 	inc hl
 	ld d, [hl]
-	ld hl, $ff30
+	ld hl, $ff30 ; wave pattern RAM
 	ld b, $f
-	ld a, $0
+	ld a, $0 ; stop hardware channel 3
 	ld [rNR30], a
 	ld a, [de]
@@ -901,111 +937,114 @@
 	dec b
 	and a
 	jr nz, .loop
-	ld a, $80
+	ld a, $80 ; start hardware channel 3
 	ld [rNR30], a
 	pop de
 	ld a, d
-	or $80
-	and $c7
+	or $80 ; use counter mode (i.e. disable output when the counter reaches 0)
+	and $c7 ; zero the unused bits in the register
 	ld d, a
-	ld b, $3
-	call Audio3_7d8ac
-	ld [hl], e
+	call Audio3_GetRegisterPointer
+	ld [hl], e ; store frequency low byte
 	inc hl
-	ld [hl], d
-	call Audio3_7d729
+	ld [hl], d ; store frequency high byte
+	call Audio3_ApplyFrequencyModifier
-	call Audio3_7d759
-	jr nc, .asm_7d71f
-	ld d, $0
+	call Audio3_IsCry
+	jr nc, .notCry
+	ld d, 0
 	ld a, [wTempoModifier]
 	add $80
-	jr nc, .asm_7d716
+	jr nc, .next
 	inc d
 	ld [wSfxTempo + 1], a
 	ld a, d
 	ld [wSfxTempo], a
-	jr .asm_7d728
+	jr .done
 	xor a
 	ld [wSfxTempo + 1], a
 	ld a, $1
 	ld [wSfxTempo], a
-	call Audio3_7d759
-	jr nc, .asm_7d73a
+	call Audio3_IsCry
+	jr nc, .done
+; if playing a cry, add the cry's frequency modifier
 	ld a, [wFrequencyModifier]
 	add e
-	jr nc, .asm_7d735
+	jr nc, .noCarry
 	inc d
 	dec hl
 	ld e, a
 	ld [hl], e
 	inc hl
 	ld [hl], d
-	call Audio3_7d759
-	jr nc, .asm_7d756
+	call Audio3_IsCry
+	jr nc, .done
 	ld hl, wChannelCommandPointers
 	ld e, c
-	ld d, $0
+	ld d, 0
 	sla e
 	rl d
 	add hl, de
 	ld a, [hl]
-	sub $1
+	sub 1
 	ld [hl], a
 	inc hl
 	ld a, [hl]
-	sbc $0
+	sbc 0
 	ld [hl], a
-	ld a, [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch4]
-	cp $14
-	jr nc, .asm_7d762
-	jr .asm_7d768
-	cp $86
-	jr z, .asm_7d768
-	jr c, .asm_7d76b
+; Returns whether the currently playing audio is a cry in carry.
+	ld a, [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch5]
+	jr nc, .next
+	jr .no
+	jr z, .no
+	jr c, .yes
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags1
 	add hl, bc
-	bit 5, [hl]
-	jp nz, .asm_7d7b4
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendCurrentFrequencyLowBytes
+	jp nz, .frequencyDecreasing
+; frequency increasing
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideCurrentFrequencyLowBytes
 	add hl, bc
 	ld e, [hl]
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendCurrentFrequencyHighBytes
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideCurrentFrequencyHighBytes
 	add hl, bc
 	ld d, [hl]
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendFrequencySteps
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideFrequencySteps
 	add hl, bc
 	ld l, [hl]
 	ld h, b
@@ -1012,41 +1051,41 @@
 	add hl, de
 	ld d, h
 	ld e, l
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendCurrentFrequencyFractionalPart
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideCurrentFrequencyFractionalPart
 	add hl, bc
 	push hl
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendFrequencyStepsFractionalPart
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideFrequencyStepsFractionalPart
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
 	pop hl
 	add [hl]
 	ld [hl], a
-	ld a, $0
+	ld a, 0
 	adc e
 	ld e, a
-	ld a, $0
+	ld a, 0
 	adc d
 	ld d, a
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendTargetFrequencyHighBytes
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideTargetFrequencyHighBytes
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
 	cp d
-	jp c, .asm_7d7fa
-	jr nz, .asm_7d7e7
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendTargetFrequencyLowBytes
+	jp c, .reachedTargetFrequency
+	jr nz, .applyUpdatedFrequency
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideTargetFrequencyLowBytes
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
 	cp e
-	jp c, .asm_7d7fa
-	jr .asm_7d7e7
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendCurrentFrequencyLowBytes
+	jp c, .reachedTargetFrequency
+	jr .applyUpdatedFrequency
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideCurrentFrequencyLowBytes
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendCurrentFrequencyHighBytes
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideCurrentFrequencyHighBytes
 	add hl, bc
 	ld d, [hl]
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendFrequencySteps
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideFrequencySteps
 	add hl, bc
 	ld e, [hl]
 	sub e
@@ -1054,7 +1093,7 @@
 	ld a, d
 	sbc b
 	ld d, a
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendFrequencyStepsFractionalPart
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideFrequencyStepsFractionalPart
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
 	add a
@@ -1065,55 +1104,56 @@
 	ld a, d
 	sbc b
 	ld d, a
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendTargetFrequencyHighBytes
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideTargetFrequencyHighBytes
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, d
 	cp [hl]
-	jr c, .asm_7d7fa
-	jr nz, .asm_7d7e7
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendTargetFrequencyLowBytes
+	jr c, .reachedTargetFrequency
+	jr nz, .applyUpdatedFrequency
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideTargetFrequencyLowBytes
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, e
 	cp [hl]
-	jr c, .asm_7d7fa
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendCurrentFrequencyLowBytes
+	jr c, .reachedTargetFrequency
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideCurrentFrequencyLowBytes
 	add hl, bc
 	ld [hl], e
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendCurrentFrequencyHighBytes
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideCurrentFrequencyHighBytes
 	add hl, bc
 	ld [hl], d
-	ld b, $3
-	call Audio3_7d8ac
+	call Audio3_GetRegisterPointer
 	ld a, e
 	ld [hli], a
 	ld [hl], d
+; Turn off pitch slide when the target frequency has been reached.
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags1
 	add hl, bc
-	res 4, [hl]
-	res 5, [hl]
+	res BIT_PITCH_SLIDE_ON, [hl]
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendCurrentFrequencyHighBytes
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideCurrentFrequencyHighBytes
 	add hl, bc
 	ld [hl], d
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendCurrentFrequencyLowBytes
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideCurrentFrequencyLowBytes
 	add hl, bc
 	ld [hl], e
 	ld hl, wChannelNoteDelayCounters
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendLengthModifiers
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideLengthModifiers
 	add hl, bc
 	sub [hl]
-	jr nc, .asm_7d81b
-	ld a, $1
+	jr nc, .next
+	ld a, 1
 	ld [hl], a
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendTargetFrequencyLowBytes
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideTargetFrequencyLowBytes
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, e
 	sub [hl]
@@ -1120,74 +1160,84 @@
 	ld e, a
 	ld a, d
 	sbc b
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendTargetFrequencyHighBytes
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideTargetFrequencyHighBytes
 	add hl, bc
 	sub [hl]
-	jr c, .asm_7d837
+	jr c, .targetFrequencyGreater
 	ld d, a
-	ld b, $0
+	ld b, 0
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags1
 	add hl, bc
-	set 5, [hl]
-	jr .asm_7d85a
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendCurrentFrequencyHighBytes
+	jr .next2
+; If the target frequency is greater, subtract the current frequency from
+; the target frequency to get the absolute difference.
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideCurrentFrequencyHighBytes
 	add hl, bc
 	ld d, [hl]
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendCurrentFrequencyLowBytes
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideCurrentFrequencyLowBytes
 	add hl, bc
 	ld e, [hl]
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendTargetFrequencyLowBytes
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideTargetFrequencyLowBytes
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
 	sub e
 	ld e, a
+; Bug. Instead of borrowing from the high byte of the target frequency as it
+; should, it borrows from the high byte of the current frequency instead.
+; This means that the result will be 0x200 greater than it should be if the
+; low byte of the current frequency is greater than the low byte of the
+; target frequency.
 	ld a, d
 	sbc b
 	ld d, a
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendTargetFrequencyHighBytes
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideTargetFrequencyHighBytes
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
 	sub d
 	ld d, a
-	ld b, $0
+	ld b, 0
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags1
 	add hl, bc
-	res 5, [hl]
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendLengthModifiers
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideLengthModifiers
 	add hl, bc
 	inc b
 	ld a, e
 	sub [hl]
 	ld e, a
-	jr nc, .asm_7d85e
+	jr nc, .divideLoop
 	ld a, d
 	and a
-	jr z, .asm_7d86c
+	jr z, .doneDividing
 	dec a
 	ld d, a
-	jr .asm_7d85e
-	ld a, e
+	jr .divideLoop
+	ld a, e ; a = remainder - dividend
 	add [hl]
-	ld d, b
-	ld b, $0
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendFrequencySteps
+	ld d, b ; d = quotient + 1
+	ld b, 0
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideFrequencySteps
 	add hl, bc
-	ld [hl], d
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendFrequencyStepsFractionalPart
+	ld [hl], d ; store quotient + 1
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideFrequencyStepsFractionalPart
 	add hl, bc
-	ld [hl], a
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendCurrentFrequencyFractionalPart
+	ld [hl], a ; store remainder - dividend
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideCurrentFrequencyFractionalPart
 	add hl, bc
-	ld [hl], a
+	ld [hl], a ; store remainder - dividend
-	ld b, $0
-	ld hl, wChannelDutyCycles
+	ld b, 0
+	ld hl, wChannelDutyCyclePatterns
 	add hl, bc
 	ld a, [hl]
@@ -1195,8 +1245,8 @@
 	ld [hl], a
 	and $c0
 	ld d, a
-	ld b, $1
-	call Audio3_7d8ac
+	call Audio3_GetRegisterPointer
 	ld a, [hl]
 	and $3f
 	or d
@@ -1204,7 +1254,7 @@
-	ld d, $0
+	ld d, 0
 	ld a, c
 	add a
 	ld e, a
@@ -1221,9 +1271,10 @@
 	ld [hl], d
+; hl = address of hardware sound register b for software channel c
 	ld a, c
-	ld hl, Unknown_7db8b
+	ld hl, Audio3_HWChannelBaseAddresses
 	add l
 	jr nc, .noCarry
 	inc h
@@ -1235,13 +1286,14 @@
 	ld h, $ff
-	ld h, $0
+; hl = l + (a * de)
+	ld h, 0
 	srl a
-	jr nc, .noCarry
+	jr nc, .skipAdd
 	add hl, de
 	sla e
 	rl d
 	and a
@@ -1250,8 +1302,9 @@
-	ld h, $0
+; return the frequency for note a, octave b in de
+	ld h, 0
 	ld l, a
 	add hl, hl
 	ld d, h
@@ -1263,7 +1316,7 @@
 	ld d, [hl]
 	ld a, b
-	cp $7
+	cp 7
 	jr z, .done
 	sra d
 	rr e
@@ -1270,7 +1323,7 @@
 	inc a
 	jr .loop
-	ld a, $8
+	ld a, 8
 	add d
 	ld d, a
@@ -1278,14 +1331,15 @@
 	ld [wSoundID], a
 	cp $ff
-	jp z, Audio3_7daa8
-	cp $c2
-	jp z, Audio3_7d9c2
-	jp c, Audio3_7d9c2
+	jp z, .stopAllAudio
+	cp MAX_SFX_ID_3
+	jp z, .playSfx
+	jp c, .playSfx
 	cp $fe
-	jr z, .asm_7d901
-	jp nc, Audio3_7d9c2
+	jr z, .playMusic
+	jp nc, .playSfx
 	xor a
 	ld [wUnusedC000], a
 	ld [wDisableChannelOutputWhenSfxEnds], a
@@ -1294,53 +1348,53 @@
 	ld [wSfxWaveInstrument], a
 	ld d, $8
 	ld hl, wChannelReturnAddresses
-	call FillAudioRAM3
+	call .FillMem
 	ld hl, wChannelCommandPointers
-	call FillAudioRAM3
+	call .FillMem
 	ld d, $4
 	ld hl, wChannelSoundIDs
-	call FillAudioRAM3
+	call .FillMem
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags1
-	call FillAudioRAM3
-	ld hl, wChannelDuties
-	call FillAudioRAM3
+	call .FillMem
 	ld hl, wChannelDutyCycles
-	call FillAudioRAM3
+	call .FillMem
+	ld hl, wChannelDutyCyclePatterns
+	call .FillMem
 	ld hl, wChannelVibratoDelayCounters
-	call FillAudioRAM3
+	call .FillMem
 	ld hl, wChannelVibratoExtents
-	call FillAudioRAM3
+	call .FillMem
 	ld hl, wChannelVibratoRates
-	call FillAudioRAM3
+	call .FillMem
 	ld hl, wChannelFrequencyLowBytes
-	call FillAudioRAM3
+	call .FillMem
 	ld hl, wChannelVibratoDelayCounterReloadValues
-	call FillAudioRAM3
+	call .FillMem
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags2
-	call FillAudioRAM3
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendLengthModifiers
-	call FillAudioRAM3
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendFrequencySteps
-	call FillAudioRAM3
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendFrequencyStepsFractionalPart
-	call FillAudioRAM3
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendCurrentFrequencyFractionalPart
-	call FillAudioRAM3
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendCurrentFrequencyHighBytes
-	call FillAudioRAM3
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendCurrentFrequencyLowBytes
-	call FillAudioRAM3
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendTargetFrequencyHighBytes
-	call FillAudioRAM3
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendTargetFrequencyLowBytes
-	call FillAudioRAM3
+	call .FillMem
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideLengthModifiers
+	call .FillMem
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideFrequencySteps
+	call .FillMem
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideFrequencyStepsFractionalPart
+	call .FillMem
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideCurrentFrequencyFractionalPart
+	call .FillMem
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideCurrentFrequencyHighBytes
+	call .FillMem
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideCurrentFrequencyLowBytes
+	call .FillMem
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideTargetFrequencyHighBytes
+	call .FillMem
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideTargetFrequencyLowBytes
+	call .FillMem
 	ld a, $1
 	ld hl, wChannelLoopCounters
-	call FillAudioRAM3
+	call .FillMem
 	ld hl, wChannelNoteDelayCounters
-	call FillAudioRAM3
+	call .FillMem
 	ld hl, wChannelNoteSpeeds
-	call FillAudioRAM3
+	call .FillMem
 	ld [wMusicTempo], a
 	ld a, $ff
 	ld [wStereoPanning], a
@@ -1348,7 +1402,7 @@
 	ld [rNR50], a
 	ld a, $8
 	ld [rNR10], a
-	ld a, $0
+	ld a, 0
 	ld [rNR51], a
 	xor a
 	ld [rNR30], a
@@ -1356,12 +1410,12 @@
 	ld [rNR30], a
 	ld a, $77
 	ld [rNR50], a
-	jp Audio3_7db03
+	jp .playSoundCommon
 	ld l, a
 	ld e, a
-	ld h, $0
+	ld h, 0
 	ld d, h
 	add hl, hl
 	add hl, de
@@ -1376,13 +1430,13 @@
 	ld c, a
 	ld d, c
 	ld a, c
 	add a
 	add c
 	ld c, a
-	ld b, $0
+	ld b, 0
 	ld a, [wSfxHeaderPointer]
 	ld h, a
 	ld a, [wSfxHeaderPointer + 1]
@@ -1391,32 +1445,32 @@
 	ld c, d
 	ld a, [hl]
 	and $f
-	ld e, a
-	ld d, $0
+	ld e, a ; software channel ID
+	ld d, 0
 	ld hl, wChannelSoundIDs
 	add hl, de
 	ld a, [hl]
 	and a
-	jr z, .asm_7da17
+	jr z, .playChannel
 	ld a, e
-	cp $7
-	jr nz, .asm_7da0e
+	cp Ch8
+	jr nz, .notNoiseChannel
 	ld a, [wSoundID]
-	cp $14
-	jr nc, .asm_7da07
+	jr nc, .notNoiseInstrument
 	ld a, [hl]
-	cp $14
-	jr z, .asm_7da17
-	jr c, .asm_7da17
+	jr z, .playChannel
+	jr c, .playChannel
 	ld a, [wSoundID]
 	cp [hl]
-	jr z, .asm_7da17
-	jr c, .asm_7da17
+	jr z, .playChannel
+	jr c, .playChannel
 	xor a
 	push de
 	ld h, d
@@ -1439,10 +1493,10 @@
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags1
 	add hl, de
 	ld [hl], a
-	ld hl, wChannelDuties
+	ld hl, wChannelDutyCycles
 	add hl, de
 	ld [hl], a
-	ld hl, wChannelDutyCycles
+	ld hl, wChannelDutyCyclePatterns
 	add hl, de
 	ld [hl], a
 	ld hl, wChannelVibratoDelayCounters
@@ -1460,28 +1514,28 @@
 	ld hl, wChannelVibratoDelayCounterReloadValues
 	add hl, de
 	ld [hl], a
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendLengthModifiers
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideLengthModifiers
 	add hl, de
 	ld [hl], a
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendFrequencySteps
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideFrequencySteps
 	add hl, de
 	ld [hl], a
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendFrequencyStepsFractionalPart
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideFrequencyStepsFractionalPart
 	add hl, de
 	ld [hl], a
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendCurrentFrequencyFractionalPart
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideCurrentFrequencyFractionalPart
 	add hl, de
 	ld [hl], a
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendCurrentFrequencyHighBytes
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideCurrentFrequencyHighBytes
 	add hl, de
 	ld [hl], a
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendCurrentFrequencyLowBytes
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideCurrentFrequencyLowBytes
 	add hl, de
 	ld [hl], a
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendTargetFrequencyHighBytes
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideTargetFrequencyHighBytes
 	add hl, de
 	ld [hl], a
-	ld hl, wChannelPitchBendTargetFrequencyLowBytes
+	ld hl, wChannelPitchSlideTargetFrequencyLowBytes
 	add hl, de
 	ld [hl], a
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags2
@@ -1498,35 +1552,35 @@
 	add hl, de
 	ld [hl], a
 	ld a, e
-	cp $4
-	jr nz, .asm_7da9f
+	cp Ch5
+	jr nz, .skipSweepDisable
 	ld a, $8
-	ld [rNR10], a
+	ld [rNR10], a ; sweep off
 	ld a, c
 	and a
-	jp z, Audio3_7db03
+	jp z, .playSoundCommon
 	dec c
-	jp .asm_7d9db
+	jp .sfxChannelLoop
 	ld a, $80
-	ld [rNR52], a
-	ld [rNR30], a
+	ld [rNR52], a ; sound hardware on
+	ld [rNR30], a ; wave playback on
 	xor a
-	ld [rNR51], a
-	ld [rNR32], a
+	ld [rNR51], a ; no sound output
+	ld [rNR32], a ; mute channel 3 (wave channel)
 	ld a, $8
-	ld [rNR10], a
-	ld [rNR12], a
-	ld [rNR22], a
-	ld [rNR42], a
+	ld [rNR10], a ; sweep off
+	ld [rNR12], a ; mute channel 1 (pulse channel 1)
+	ld [rNR22], a ; mute channel 2 (pulse channel 2)
+	ld [rNR42], a ; mute channel 4 (noise channel)
 	ld a, $40
-	ld [rNR14], a
+	ld [rNR14], a ; counter mode
 	ld [rNR24], a
 	ld [rNR44], a
 	ld a, $77
-	ld [rNR50], a
+	ld [rNR50], a ; full volume
 	xor a
 	ld [wUnusedC000], a
 	ld [wDisableChannelOutputWhenSfxEnds], a
@@ -1537,11 +1591,11 @@
 	ld [wSfxWaveInstrument], a
 	ld d, $a0
 	ld hl, wChannelCommandPointers
-	call FillAudioRAM3
+	call .FillMem
 	ld a, $1
 	ld d, $18
 	ld hl, wChannelNoteDelayCounters
-	call FillAudioRAM3
+	call .FillMem
 	ld [wMusicTempo], a
 	ld [wSfxTempo], a
 	ld a, $ff
@@ -1549,7 +1603,7 @@
 ; fills d bytes at hl with a
 	ld b, d
 	ld [hli], a
@@ -1557,11 +1611,11 @@
 	jr nz, .loop
 	ld a, [wSoundID]
 	ld l, a
 	ld e, a
-	ld h, $0
+	ld h, 0
 	ld d, h
 	add hl, hl
 	add hl, de
@@ -1581,19 +1635,19 @@
 	ld b, c
 	inc b
 	inc de
-	ld c, $0
+	ld c, 0
 	cp c
-	jr z, .asm_7db2d
+	jr z, .next
 	inc c
 	inc hl
 	inc hl
-	jr .asm_7db25
+	jr .commandPointerLoop
 	push hl
 	push bc
 	push af
-	ld b, $0
+	ld b, 0
 	ld c, a
 	ld hl, wChannelSoundIDs
 	add hl, bc
@@ -1600,12 +1654,12 @@
 	ld a, [wSoundID]
 	ld [hl], a
 	pop af
-	cp $3
-	jr c, .asm_7db46
+	cp Ch4
+	jr c, .skipSettingFlag
 	ld hl, wChannelFlags1
 	add hl, bc
-	set 2, [hl]
+	set BIT_NOISE_OR_SFX, [hl]
 	pop bc
 	pop hl
 	ld a, [de] ; get channel pointer
@@ -1620,52 +1674,53 @@
 	and a
 	ld a, [de]
 	inc de
-	jr nz, .asm_7db25
+	jr nz, .commandPointerLoop
 	ld a, [wSoundID]
-	cp $14
-	jr nc, .asm_7db5f
-	jr .asm_7db89
+	jr nc, .maybeCry
+	jr .done
 	ld a, [wSoundID]
-	cp $86
-	jr z, .asm_7db89
-	jr c, .asm_7db6a
-	jr .asm_7db89
-	ld hl, wChannelSoundIDs + Ch4
+	jr z, .done
+	jr c, .cry
+	jr .done
+	ld hl, wChannelSoundIDs + Ch5
 	ld [hli], a
 	ld [hli], a
 	ld [hli], a
 	ld [hl], a
-	ld hl, wChannelCommandPointers + Ch6 * 2 ; sfx noise channel pointer
-	ld de, Noise3_endchannel
+	ld hl, wChannelCommandPointers + Ch7 * 2 ; sfx wave channel pointer
+	ld de, Audio3_CryRet
 	ld [hl], e
 	inc hl
-	ld [hl], d ; overwrite pointer to point to endchannel
+	ld [hl], d ; overwrite pointer to point to sound_ret
 	ld a, [wSavedVolume]
 	and a
-	jr nz, .asm_7db89
+	jr nz, .done
 	ld a, [rNR50]
 	ld [wSavedVolume], a
 	ld a, $77
-	ld [rNR50], a
+	ld [rNR50], a ; full volume
-	endchannel
+	sound_ret
-	db $10, $15, $1A, $1F ; channels 0-3
-	db $10, $15, $1A, $1F ; channels 4-7
+; the low bytes of each HW channel's base address
+	db HW_CH1_BASE, HW_CH2_BASE, HW_CH3_BASE, HW_CH4_BASE ; channels 0-3
+	db HW_CH1_BASE, HW_CH2_BASE, HW_CH3_BASE, HW_CH4_BASE ; channels 4-7
-	db $EE, $DD, $BB, $77 ; channels 0-3
-	db $EE, $DD, $BB, $77 ; channels 4-7
-	db $11, $22, $44, $88 ; channels 0-3
-	db $11, $22, $44, $88 ; channels 4-7
 	dw $F82C ; C_
@@ -1680,5 +1735,3 @@
 	dw $FB58 ; A_
 	dw $FB9B ; A#
 	dw $FBDA ; B_
--- a/audio/headers/musicheaders1.asm
+++ b/audio/headers/musicheaders1.asm
@@ -1,66 +1,66 @@
-	audio Music_PalletTown, Ch0, Ch1, Ch2
+	audio_header Music_PalletTown, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3
-	audio Music_Pokecenter, Ch0, Ch1, Ch2
+	audio_header Music_Pokecenter, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3
-	audio Music_Gym, Ch0, Ch1, Ch2
+	audio_header Music_Gym, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3
 ; Viridian City, Pewter City, Saffron City
-	audio Music_Cities1, Ch0, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3
+	audio_header Music_Cities1, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3, Ch4
 ; Cerulean City, Fuchsia City
-	audio Music_Cities2, Ch0, Ch1, Ch2
+	audio_header Music_Cities2, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3
-	audio Music_Celadon, Ch0, Ch1, Ch2
+	audio_header Music_Celadon, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3
-	audio Music_Cinnabar, Ch0, Ch1, Ch2
+	audio_header Music_Cinnabar, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3
-	audio Music_Vermilion, Ch0, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3
+	audio_header Music_Vermilion, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3, Ch4
-	audio Music_Lavender, Ch0, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3
+	audio_header Music_Lavender, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3, Ch4
-	audio Music_SSAnne, Ch0, Ch1, Ch2
+	audio_header Music_SSAnne, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3
-	audio Music_MeetProfOak, Ch0, Ch1, Ch2
+	audio_header Music_MeetProfOak, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3
-	audio Music_MeetRival, Ch0, Ch1, Ch2
+	audio_header Music_MeetRival, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3
-	audio Music_MuseumGuy, Ch0, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3
+	audio_header Music_MuseumGuy, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3, Ch4
-	audio Music_SafariZone, Ch0, Ch1, Ch2
+	audio_header Music_SafariZone, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3
-	audio Music_PkmnHealed, Ch0, Ch1, Ch2
+	audio_header Music_PkmnHealed, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3
 ; Routes 1 and 2
-	audio Music_Routes1, Ch0, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3
+	audio_header Music_Routes1, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3, Ch4
 ; Routes 24 and 25
-	audio Music_Routes2, Ch0, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3
+	audio_header Music_Routes2, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3, Ch4
 ; Routes 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22
-	audio Music_Routes3, Ch0, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3
+	audio_header Music_Routes3, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3, Ch4
 ; Routes 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
-	audio Music_Routes4, Ch0, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3
+	audio_header Music_Routes4, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3, Ch4
 ; Route 23, Indigo Plateau
-	audio Music_IndigoPlateau, Ch0, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3
+	audio_header Music_IndigoPlateau, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3, Ch4
--- a/audio/headers/musicheaders2.asm
+++ b/audio/headers/musicheaders2.asm
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
-	audio Music_GymLeaderBattle, Ch0, Ch1, Ch2
+	audio_header Music_GymLeaderBattle, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3
-	audio Music_TrainerBattle, Ch0, Ch1, Ch2
+	audio_header Music_TrainerBattle, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3
-	audio Music_WildBattle, Ch0, Ch1, Ch2
+	audio_header Music_WildBattle, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3
-	audio Music_FinalBattle, Ch0, Ch1, Ch2
+	audio_header Music_FinalBattle, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3
-	audio Music_DefeatedTrainer, Ch0, Ch1, Ch2
+	audio_header Music_DefeatedTrainer, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3
-	audio Music_DefeatedWildMon, Ch0, Ch1, Ch2
+	audio_header Music_DefeatedWildMon, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3
-	audio Music_DefeatedGymLeader, Ch0, Ch1, Ch2
+	audio_header Music_DefeatedGymLeader, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3
--- a/audio/headers/musicheaders3.asm
+++ b/audio/headers/musicheaders3.asm
@@ -1,56 +1,56 @@
-	audio Music_TitleScreen, Ch0, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3
+	audio_header Music_TitleScreen, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3, Ch4
-	audio Music_Credits, Ch0, Ch1, Ch2
+	audio_header Music_Credits, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3
-	audio Music_HallOfFame, Ch0, Ch1, Ch2
+	audio_header Music_HallOfFame, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3
-	audio Music_OaksLab, Ch0, Ch1, Ch2
+	audio_header Music_OaksLab, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3
-	audio Music_JigglypuffSong, Ch0, Ch1
+	audio_header Music_JigglypuffSong, Ch1, Ch2
-	audio Music_BikeRiding, Ch0, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3
+	audio_header Music_BikeRiding, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3, Ch4
-	audio Music_Surfing, Ch0, Ch1, Ch2
+	audio_header Music_Surfing, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3
-	audio Music_GameCorner, Ch0, Ch1, Ch2
+	audio_header Music_GameCorner, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3
-	audio Music_IntroBattle, Ch0, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3
+	audio_header Music_IntroBattle, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3, Ch4
 ; Power Plant, Cerulean Cave, Rocket HQ
-	audio Music_Dungeon1, Ch0, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3
+	audio_header Music_Dungeon1, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3, Ch4
 ; Viridian Forest, Seafoam Islands
-	audio Music_Dungeon2, Ch0, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3
+	audio_header Music_Dungeon2, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3, Ch4
 ; Mt. Moon, Rock Tunnel, Victory Road
-	audio Music_Dungeon3, Ch0, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3
+	audio_header Music_Dungeon3, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3, Ch4
-	audio Music_CinnabarMansion, Ch0, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3
+	audio_header Music_CinnabarMansion, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3, Ch4
-	audio Music_PokemonTower, Ch0, Ch1, Ch2
+	audio_header Music_PokemonTower, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3
-	audio Music_SilphCo, Ch0, Ch1, Ch2
+	audio_header Music_SilphCo, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3
-	audio Music_MeetEvilTrainer, Ch0, Ch1, Ch2
+	audio_header Music_MeetEvilTrainer, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3
-	audio Music_MeetFemaleTrainer, Ch0, Ch1, Ch2
+	audio_header Music_MeetFemaleTrainer, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3
-	audio Music_MeetMaleTrainer, Ch0, Ch1, Ch2
+	audio_header Music_MeetMaleTrainer, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3
--- a/audio/headers/sfxheaders1.asm
+++ b/audio/headers/sfxheaders1.asm
@@ -1,288 +1,288 @@
 	db $ff, $ff, $ff ; padding
-	audio SFX_Snare1_1, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Noise_Instrument01_1, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Snare2_1, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Noise_Instrument02_1, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Snare3_1, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Noise_Instrument03_1, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Snare4_1, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Noise_Instrument04_1, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Snare5_1, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Noise_Instrument05_1, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Triangle1_1, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Noise_Instrument06_1, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Triangle2_1, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Noise_Instrument07_1, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Snare6_1, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Noise_Instrument08_1, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Snare7_1, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Noise_Instrument09_1, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Snare8_1, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Noise_Instrument10_1, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Snare9_1, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Noise_Instrument11_1, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cymbal1_1, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Noise_Instrument12_1, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cymbal2_1, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Noise_Instrument13_1, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cymbal3_1, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Noise_Instrument14_1, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Muted_Snare1_1, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Noise_Instrument15_1, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Triangle3_1, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Noise_Instrument16_1, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Muted_Snare2_1, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Noise_Instrument17_1, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Muted_Snare3_1, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Noise_Instrument18_1, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Muted_Snare4_1, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Noise_Instrument19_1, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry00_1, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry00_1, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry01_1, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry01_1, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry02_1, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry02_1, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry03_1, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry03_1, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry04_1, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry04_1, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry05_1, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry05_1, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry06_1, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry06_1, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry07_1, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry07_1, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry08_1, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry08_1, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry09_1, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry09_1, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry0A_1, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry0A_1, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry0B_1, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry0B_1, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry0C_1, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry0C_1, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry0D_1, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry0D_1, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry0E_1, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry0E_1, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry0F_1, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry0F_1, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry10_1, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry10_1, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry11_1, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry11_1, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry12_1, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry12_1, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry13_1, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry13_1, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry14_1, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry14_1, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry15_1, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry15_1, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry16_1, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry16_1, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry17_1, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry17_1, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry18_1, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry18_1, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry19_1, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry19_1, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry1A_1, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry1A_1, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry1B_1, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry1B_1, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry1C_1, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry1C_1, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry1D_1, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry1D_1, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry1E_1, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry1E_1, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry1F_1, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry1F_1, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry20_1, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry20_1, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry21_1, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry21_1, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry22_1, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry22_1, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry23_1, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry23_1, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry24_1, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry24_1, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry25_1, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry25_1, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Get_Item1_1, Ch4, Ch5, Ch6
+	audio_header SFX_Get_Item1_1, Ch5, Ch6, Ch7
-	audio SFX_Get_Item2_1, Ch4, Ch5, Ch6
+	audio_header SFX_Get_Item2_1, Ch5, Ch6, Ch7
-	audio SFX_Tink_1, Ch4
+	audio_header SFX_Tink_1, Ch5
-	audio SFX_Heal_HP_1, Ch4
+	audio_header SFX_Heal_HP_1, Ch5
-	audio SFX_Heal_Ailment_1, Ch4
+	audio_header SFX_Heal_Ailment_1, Ch5
-	audio SFX_Start_Menu_1, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Start_Menu_1, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Press_AB_1, Ch4
+	audio_header SFX_Press_AB_1, Ch5
-	audio SFX_Pokedex_Rating_1, Ch4, Ch5, Ch6
+	audio_header SFX_Pokedex_Rating_1, Ch5, Ch6, Ch7
-	audio SFX_Get_Key_Item_1, Ch4, Ch5, Ch6
+	audio_header SFX_Get_Key_Item_1, Ch5, Ch6, Ch7
-	audio SFX_Poisoned_1, Ch4
+	audio_header SFX_Poisoned_1, Ch5
-	audio SFX_Trade_Machine_1, Ch4
+	audio_header SFX_Trade_Machine_1, Ch5
-	audio SFX_Turn_On_PC_1, Ch4
+	audio_header SFX_Turn_On_PC_1, Ch5
-	audio SFX_Turn_Off_PC_1, Ch4
+	audio_header SFX_Turn_Off_PC_1, Ch5
-	audio SFX_Enter_PC_1, Ch4
+	audio_header SFX_Enter_PC_1, Ch5
-	audio SFX_Shrink_1, Ch4
+	audio_header SFX_Shrink_1, Ch5
-	audio SFX_Switch_1, Ch4
+	audio_header SFX_Switch_1, Ch5
-	audio SFX_Healing_Machine_1, Ch4
+	audio_header SFX_Healing_Machine_1, Ch5
-	audio SFX_Teleport_Exit1_1, Ch4
+	audio_header SFX_Teleport_Exit1_1, Ch5
-	audio SFX_Teleport_Enter1_1, Ch4
+	audio_header SFX_Teleport_Enter1_1, Ch5
-	audio SFX_Teleport_Exit2_1, Ch4
+	audio_header SFX_Teleport_Exit2_1, Ch5
-	audio SFX_Ledge_1, Ch4
+	audio_header SFX_Ledge_1, Ch5
-	audio SFX_Teleport_Enter2_1, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Teleport_Enter2_1, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Fly_1, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Fly_1, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Denied_1, Ch4, Ch5
+	audio_header SFX_Denied_1, Ch5, Ch6
-	audio SFX_Arrow_Tiles_1, Ch4
+	audio_header SFX_Arrow_Tiles_1, Ch5
-	audio SFX_Push_Boulder_1, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Push_Boulder_1, Ch8
-	audio SFX_SS_Anne_Horn_1, Ch4, Ch5
+	audio_header SFX_SS_Anne_Horn_1, Ch5, Ch6
-	audio SFX_Withdraw_Deposit_1, Ch4
+	audio_header SFX_Withdraw_Deposit_1, Ch5
-	audio SFX_Cut_1, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cut_1, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Go_Inside_1, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Go_Inside_1, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Swap_1, Ch4, Ch5
+	audio_header SFX_Swap_1, Ch5, Ch6
-	audio SFX_59_1, Ch4, Ch5
+	audio_header SFX_59_1, Ch5, Ch6
-	audio SFX_Purchase_1, Ch4, Ch5
+	audio_header SFX_Purchase_1, Ch5, Ch6
-	audio SFX_Collision_1, Ch4
+	audio_header SFX_Collision_1, Ch5
-	audio SFX_Go_Outside_1, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Go_Outside_1, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Save_1, Ch4, Ch5
+	audio_header SFX_Save_1, Ch5, Ch6
-; the Pokeflute sound effect directly hijacks channel 2
+; the Pokeflute sound effect directly hijacks channel 3
-	audio SFX_Pokeflute, Ch2
+	audio_header SFX_Pokeflute, Ch3
-	audio SFX_Safari_Zone_PA, Ch4
+	audio_header SFX_Safari_Zone_PA, Ch5
--- a/audio/headers/sfxheaders2.asm
+++ b/audio/headers/sfxheaders2.asm
@@ -1,359 +1,359 @@
 	db $ff, $ff, $ff ; padding
-	audio SFX_Snare1_2, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Noise_Instrument01_2, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Snare2_2, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Noise_Instrument02_2, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Snare3_2, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Noise_Instrument03_2, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Snare4_2, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Noise_Instrument04_2, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Snare5_2, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Noise_Instrument05_2, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Triangle1_2, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Noise_Instrument06_2, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Triangle2_2, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Noise_Instrument07_2, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Snare6_2, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Noise_Instrument08_2, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Snare7_2, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Noise_Instrument09_2, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Snare8_2, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Noise_Instrument10_2, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Snare9_2, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Noise_Instrument11_2, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cymbal1_2, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Noise_Instrument12_2, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cymbal2_2, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Noise_Instrument13_2, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cymbal3_2, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Noise_Instrument14_2, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Muted_Snare1_2, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Noise_Instrument15_2, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Triangle3_2, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Noise_Instrument16_2, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Muted_Snare2_2, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Noise_Instrument17_2, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Muted_Snare3_2, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Noise_Instrument18_2, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Muted_Snare4_2, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Noise_Instrument19_2, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry00_2, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry00_2, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry01_2, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry01_2, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry02_2, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry02_2, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry03_2, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry03_2, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry04_2, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry04_2, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry05_2, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry05_2, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry06_2, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry06_2, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry07_2, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry07_2, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry08_2, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry08_2, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry09_2, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry09_2, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry0A_2, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry0A_2, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry0B_2, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry0B_2, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry0C_2, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry0C_2, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry0D_2, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry0D_2, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry0E_2, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry0E_2, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry0F_2, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry0F_2, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry10_2, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry10_2, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry11_2, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry11_2, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry12_2, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry12_2, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry13_2, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry13_2, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry14_2, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry14_2, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry15_2, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry15_2, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry16_2, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry16_2, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry17_2, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry17_2, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry18_2, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry18_2, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry19_2, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry19_2, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry1A_2, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry1A_2, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry1B_2, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry1B_2, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry1C_2, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry1C_2, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry1D_2, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry1D_2, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry1E_2, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry1E_2, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry1F_2, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry1F_2, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry20_2, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry20_2, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry21_2, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry21_2, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry22_2, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry22_2, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry23_2, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry23_2, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry24_2, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry24_2, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry25_2, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry25_2, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Level_Up, Ch4, Ch5, Ch6
+	audio_header SFX_Level_Up, Ch5, Ch6, Ch7
-	audio SFX_Get_Item2_2, Ch4, Ch5, Ch6
+	audio_header SFX_Get_Item2_2, Ch5, Ch6, Ch7
-	audio SFX_Tink_2, Ch4
+	audio_header SFX_Tink_2, Ch5
-	audio SFX_Heal_HP_2, Ch4
+	audio_header SFX_Heal_HP_2, Ch5
-	audio SFX_Heal_Ailment_2, Ch4
+	audio_header SFX_Heal_Ailment_2, Ch5
-	audio SFX_Start_Menu_2, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Start_Menu_2, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Press_AB_2, Ch4
+	audio_header SFX_Press_AB_2, Ch5
-	audio SFX_Ball_Toss, Ch4, Ch5
+	audio_header SFX_Ball_Toss, Ch5, Ch6
-	audio SFX_Ball_Poof, Ch4, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Ball_Poof, Ch5, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Faint_Thud, Ch4, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Faint_Thud, Ch5, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Run, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Run, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Dex_Page_Added, Ch4, Ch5
+	audio_header SFX_Dex_Page_Added, Ch5, Ch6
-	audio SFX_Caught_Mon, Ch4, Ch5, Ch6
+	audio_header SFX_Caught_Mon, Ch5, Ch6, Ch7
-	audio SFX_Peck, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Peck, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Faint_Fall, Ch4
+	audio_header SFX_Faint_Fall, Ch5
-	audio SFX_Battle_09, Ch4
+	audio_header SFX_Battle_09, Ch5
-	audio SFX_Pound, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Pound, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Battle_0B, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Battle_0B, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Battle_0C, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Battle_0C, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Battle_0D, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Battle_0D, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Battle_0E, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Battle_0E, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Battle_0F, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Battle_0F, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Damage, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Damage, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Not_Very_Effective, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Not_Very_Effective, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Battle_12, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Battle_12, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Battle_13, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Battle_13, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Battle_14, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Battle_14, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Vine_Whip, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Vine_Whip, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Battle_16, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Battle_16, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Battle_17, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Battle_17, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Battle_18, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Battle_18, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Battle_19, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Battle_19, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Super_Effective, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Super_Effective, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Battle_1B, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Battle_1B, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Battle_1C, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Battle_1C, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Doubleslap, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Doubleslap, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Battle_1E, Ch4, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Battle_1E, Ch5, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Horn_Drill, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Horn_Drill, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Battle_20, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Battle_20, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Battle_21, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Battle_21, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Battle_22, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Battle_22, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Battle_23, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Battle_23, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Battle_24, Ch4, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Battle_24, Ch5, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Battle_25, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Battle_25, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Battle_26, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Battle_26, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Battle_27, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Battle_27, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Battle_28, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Battle_28, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Battle_29, Ch4, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Battle_29, Ch5, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Battle_2A, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Battle_2A, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Battle_2B, Ch4, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Battle_2B, Ch5, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Battle_2C, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Battle_2C, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Psybeam, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Psybeam, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Battle_2E, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Battle_2E, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Battle_2F, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Battle_2F, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Psychic_M, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Psychic_M, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Battle_31, Ch4, Ch5
+	audio_header SFX_Battle_31, Ch5, Ch6
-	audio SFX_Battle_32, Ch4, Ch5
+	audio_header SFX_Battle_32, Ch5, Ch6
-	audio SFX_Battle_33, Ch4, Ch5
+	audio_header SFX_Battle_33, Ch5, Ch6
-	audio SFX_Battle_34, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Battle_34, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Battle_35, Ch4, Ch5
+	audio_header SFX_Battle_35, Ch5, Ch6
-	audio SFX_Battle_36, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Battle_36, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Silph_Scope, Ch4
+	audio_header SFX_Silph_Scope, Ch5
--- a/audio/headers/sfxheaders3.asm
+++ b/audio/headers/sfxheaders3.asm
@@ -1,311 +1,311 @@
 	db $ff, $ff, $ff ; padding
-	audio SFX_Snare1_3, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Noise_Instrument01_3, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Snare2_3, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Noise_Instrument02_3, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Snare3_3, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Noise_Instrument03_3, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Snare4_3, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Noise_Instrument04_3, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Snare5_3, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Noise_Instrument05_3, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Triangle1_3, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Noise_Instrument06_3, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Triangle2_3, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Noise_Instrument07_3, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Snare6_3, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Noise_Instrument08_3, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Snare7_3, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Noise_Instrument09_3, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Snare8_3, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Noise_Instrument10_3, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Snare9_3, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Noise_Instrument11_3, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cymbal1_3, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Noise_Instrument12_3, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cymbal2_3, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Noise_Instrument13_3, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cymbal3_3, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Noise_Instrument14_3, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Muted_Snare1_3, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Noise_Instrument15_3, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Triangle3_3, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Noise_Instrument16_3, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Muted_Snare2_3, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Noise_Instrument17_3, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Muted_Snare3_3, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Noise_Instrument18_3, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Muted_Snare4_3, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Noise_Instrument19_3, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry00_3, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry00_3, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry01_3, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry01_3, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry02_3, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry02_3, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry03_3, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry03_3, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry04_3, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry04_3, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry05_3, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry05_3, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry06_3, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry06_3, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry07_3, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry07_3, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry08_3, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry08_3, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry09_3, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry09_3, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry0A_3, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry0A_3, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry0B_3, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry0B_3, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry0C_3, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry0C_3, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry0D_3, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry0D_3, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry0E_3, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry0E_3, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry0F_3, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry0F_3, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry10_3, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry10_3, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry11_3, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry11_3, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry12_3, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry12_3, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry13_3, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry13_3, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry14_3, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry14_3, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry15_3, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry15_3, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry16_3, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry16_3, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry17_3, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry17_3, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry18_3, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry18_3, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry19_3, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry19_3, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry1A_3, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry1A_3, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry1B_3, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry1B_3, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry1C_3, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry1C_3, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry1D_3, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry1D_3, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry1E_3, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry1E_3, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry1F_3, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry1F_3, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry20_3, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry20_3, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry21_3, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry21_3, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry22_3, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry22_3, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry23_3, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry23_3, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry24_3, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry24_3, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Cry25_3, Ch4, Ch5, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cry25_3, Ch5, Ch6, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Get_Item1_3, Ch4, Ch5, Ch6
+	audio_header SFX_Get_Item1_3, Ch5, Ch6, Ch7
-	audio SFX_Get_Item2_3, Ch4, Ch5, Ch6
+	audio_header SFX_Get_Item2_3, Ch5, Ch6, Ch7
-	audio SFX_Tink_3, Ch4
+	audio_header SFX_Tink_3, Ch5
-	audio SFX_Heal_HP_3, Ch4
+	audio_header SFX_Heal_HP_3, Ch5
-	audio SFX_Heal_Ailment_3, Ch4
+	audio_header SFX_Heal_Ailment_3, Ch5
-	audio SFX_Start_Menu_3, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Start_Menu_3, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Press_AB_3, Ch4
+	audio_header SFX_Press_AB_3, Ch5
-	audio SFX_Pokedex_Rating_3, Ch4, Ch5, Ch6
+	audio_header SFX_Pokedex_Rating_3, Ch5, Ch6, Ch7
-	audio SFX_Get_Key_Item_3, Ch4, Ch5, Ch6
+	audio_header SFX_Get_Key_Item_3, Ch5, Ch6, Ch7
-	audio SFX_Poisoned_3, Ch4
+	audio_header SFX_Poisoned_3, Ch5
-	audio SFX_Trade_Machine_3, Ch4
+	audio_header SFX_Trade_Machine_3, Ch5
-	audio SFX_Turn_On_PC_3, Ch4
+	audio_header SFX_Turn_On_PC_3, Ch5
-	audio SFX_Turn_Off_PC_3, Ch4
+	audio_header SFX_Turn_Off_PC_3, Ch5
-	audio SFX_Enter_PC_3, Ch4
+	audio_header SFX_Enter_PC_3, Ch5
-	audio SFX_Shrink_3, Ch4
+	audio_header SFX_Shrink_3, Ch5
-	audio SFX_Switch_3, Ch4
+	audio_header SFX_Switch_3, Ch5
-	audio SFX_Healing_Machine_3, Ch4
+	audio_header SFX_Healing_Machine_3, Ch5
-	audio SFX_Teleport_Exit1_3, Ch4
+	audio_header SFX_Teleport_Exit1_3, Ch5
-	audio SFX_Teleport_Enter1_3, Ch4
+	audio_header SFX_Teleport_Enter1_3, Ch5
-	audio SFX_Teleport_Exit2_3, Ch4
+	audio_header SFX_Teleport_Exit2_3, Ch5
-	audio SFX_Ledge_3, Ch4
+	audio_header SFX_Ledge_3, Ch5
-	audio SFX_Teleport_Enter2_3, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Teleport_Enter2_3, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Fly_3, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Fly_3, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Denied_3, Ch4, Ch5
+	audio_header SFX_Denied_3, Ch5, Ch6
-	audio SFX_Arrow_Tiles_3, Ch4
+	audio_header SFX_Arrow_Tiles_3, Ch5
-	audio SFX_Push_Boulder_3, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Push_Boulder_3, Ch8
-	audio SFX_SS_Anne_Horn_3, Ch4, Ch5
+	audio_header SFX_SS_Anne_Horn_3, Ch5, Ch6
-	audio SFX_Withdraw_Deposit_3, Ch4
+	audio_header SFX_Withdraw_Deposit_3, Ch5
-	audio SFX_Cut_3, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Cut_3, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Go_Inside_3, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Go_Inside_3, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Swap_3, Ch4, Ch5
+	audio_header SFX_Swap_3, Ch5, Ch6
-	audio SFX_59_3, Ch4, Ch5
+	audio_header SFX_59_3, Ch5, Ch6
-	audio SFX_Purchase_3, Ch4, Ch5
+	audio_header SFX_Purchase_3, Ch5, Ch6
-	audio SFX_Collision_3, Ch4
+	audio_header SFX_Collision_3, Ch5
-	audio SFX_Go_Outside_3, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Go_Outside_3, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Save_3, Ch4, Ch5
+	audio_header SFX_Save_3, Ch5, Ch6
-	audio SFX_Intro_Lunge, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Intro_Lunge, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Intro_Hip, Ch4
+	audio_header SFX_Intro_Hip, Ch5
-	audio SFX_Intro_Hop, Ch4
+	audio_header SFX_Intro_Hop, Ch5
-	audio SFX_Intro_Raise, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Intro_Raise, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Intro_Crash, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Intro_Crash, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Intro_Whoosh, Ch7
+	audio_header SFX_Intro_Whoosh, Ch8
-	audio SFX_Slots_Stop_Wheel, Ch4
+	audio_header SFX_Slots_Stop_Wheel, Ch5
-	audio SFX_Slots_Reward, Ch4
+	audio_header SFX_Slots_Reward, Ch5
-	audio SFX_Slots_New_Spin, Ch4, Ch5
+	audio_header SFX_Slots_New_Spin, Ch5, Ch6
-	audio SFX_Shooting_Star, Ch4
+	audio_header SFX_Shooting_Star, Ch5
--- a/audio/music/bikeriding.asm
+++ b/audio/music/bikeriding.asm
@@ -1,704 +1,704 @@
 	tempo 144
 	volume 7, 7
-	duty 3
+	duty_cycle 3
 	vibrato 8, 1, 4
-	notetype 12, 11, 5
+	note_type 12, 11, 5
 	octave 3
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 4
-	D_ 4
-	E_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	F_ 4
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	F_ 4
-	D_ 4
+	note C_, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note E_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F_, 4
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note F_, 4
+	note D_, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F_ 4
-	D_ 4
-	E_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	notetype 12, 11, 6
-	F_ 10
-	notetype 12, 10, 6
-	F_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	G_ 10
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	F_ 6
-	toggleperfectpitch
-	notetype 12, 11, 3
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	D_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	F_ 2
-	E_ 1
-	F_ 1
-	toggleperfectpitch
-	notetype 12, 11, 5
-	G_ 6
-	G_ 6
-	A_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	G_ 6
-	notetype 12, 11, 4
-	G_ 2
-	F_ 4
-	notetype 12, 10, 4
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	notetype 12, 9, 3
+	note F_, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note E_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 6
+	note F_, 10
+	note_type 12, 10, 6
+	note F_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note G_, 10
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F_, 6
+	toggle_perfect_pitch
+	note_type 12, 11, 3
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note D_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F_, 2
+	note E_, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	toggle_perfect_pitch
+	note_type 12, 11, 5
+	note G_, 6
+	note G_, 6
+	note A_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note G_, 6
+	note_type 12, 11, 4
+	note G_, 2
+	note F_, 4
+	note_type 12, 10, 4
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note_type 12, 9, 3
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 4
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 4
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 1
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
-	C_ 4
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note C_, 4
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 4
+	note C_, 4
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
-	B_ 1
+	note A_, 2
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 4
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	D_ 4
+	note D_, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 4
+	note C_, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 4
-	C_ 1
-	D_ 1
+	note C_, 1
+	note D_, 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 4
-	C_ 4
-	notetype 12, 3, 13
-	C_ 4
-	notetype 12, 11, 4
-	F_ 6
-	G_ 4
-	F_ 1
-	G_ 1
-	F_ 4
-	E_ 6
-	F_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	D_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	notetype 12, 11, 5
+	note C_, 4
+	note_type 12, 3, -5
+	note C_, 4
+	note_type 12, 11, 4
+	note F_, 6
+	note G_, 4
+	note F_, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note F_, 4
+	note E_, 6
+	note F_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 5
 	octave 3
-	A_ 4
+	note A_, 4
 	octave 4
-	D_ 4
+	note D_, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 4
-	E_ 4
-	C_ 4
-	F_ 4
-	D_ 4
-	F# 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note C_, 4
+	note F_, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note F#, 4
 	vibrato 10, 2, 6
-	notetype 12, 8, 0
-	G_ 16
-	G_ 4
-	notetype 12, 8, 7
-	G_ 12
-	notetype 12, 11, 5
+	note_type 12, 8, 0
+	note G_, 16
+	note G_, 4
+	note_type 12, 8, 7
+	note G_, 12
+	note_type 12, 11, 5
 	vibrato 8, 1, 4
-	loopchannel 0, Music_BikeRiding_branch_7dbc9
+	sound_loop 0, Music_BikeRiding_branch_7dbc9
-	duty 2
+	duty_cycle 2
 	vibrato 6, 1, 5
-	notetype 12, 12, 3
+	note_type 12, 12, 3
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
-	E_ 4
-	F_ 4
-	G_ 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note F_, 4
+	note G_, 4
 	octave 5
-	C_ 4
+	note C_, 4
 	octave 4
-	B_ 6
-	A_ 1
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 10
-	F_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	A_ 2
+	note B_, 6
+	note A_, 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 10
+	note F_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 5
-	D_ 2
-	C_ 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 4
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 5
-	C_ 6
+	note C_, 6
 	octave 4
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 4
-	duty 3
-	notetype 12, 8, 4
-	A# 6
-	duty 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 5
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 4
+	duty_cycle 3
+	note_type 12, 8, 4
+	note A#, 6
+	duty_cycle 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 5
 	octave 5
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 4
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 5
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 4
-	A_ 10
+	note A_, 10
 	octave 5
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 4
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 5
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 4
-	G_ 10
-	notetype 12, 12, 3
+	note G_, 10
+	note_type 12, 12, 3
 	octave 5
-	C_ 4
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 4
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 4
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 5
-	C_ 2
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
-	D_ 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	D_ 10
-	D_ 1
-	C_ 1
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
+	note C_, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
+	note D_, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	note D_, 10
+	note D_, 1
+	note C_, 1
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
 	octave 4
-	B_ 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	B_ 12
-	notetype 12, 12, 4
-	F_ 6
-	F_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 6
-	E_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	G_ 4
-	A_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	G_ 4
-	F_ 2
-	E_ 6
-	notetype 6, 12, 2
-	F_ 1
-	G_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	B_ 1
-	notetype 12, 12, 3
+	note B_, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	note B_, 12
+	note_type 12, 12, 4
+	note F_, 6
+	note F_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 6
+	note E_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note G_, 4
+	note A_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G_, 4
+	note F_, 2
+	note E_, 6
+	note_type 6, 12, 2
+	note F_, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note_type 12, 12, 3
 	octave 5
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 4
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 5
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 4
-	B_ 4
-	A_ 4
-	G_ 2
-	A# 4
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 4
-	F_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	notetype 8, 12, 4
-	A_ 4
-	G_ 4
-	F_ 4
-	B_ 4
-	A_ 4
-	G_ 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note G_, 2
+	note A#, 4
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 4
+	note F_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note_type 8, 12, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note F_, 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note G_, 4
 	octave 5
-	C_ 4
+	note C_, 4
 	octave 4
-	B_ 4
-	A_ 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note A_, 4
 	octave 5
-	D_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	C_ 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	D_ 12
-	C_ 4
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
+	note D_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note C_, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	note D_, 12
+	note C_, 4
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
 	octave 4
-	B_ 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	B_ 12
-	notetype 12, 12, 3
-	loopchannel 0, Music_BikeRiding_branch_7dc75
+	note B_, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	note B_, 12
+	note_type 12, 12, 3
+	sound_loop 0, Music_BikeRiding_branch_7dc75
-	notetype 12, 1, 3
+	note_type 12, 1, 3
 	rest 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A# 1
+	note A#, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A# 1
+	note A#, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A# 1
+	note A#, 1
 	rest 1
-	A# 1
+	note A#, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
-	loopchannel 0, Music_BikeRiding_branch_7dd17
+	sound_loop 0, Music_BikeRiding_branch_7dd17
-	dspeed 12
+	drum_speed 12
 	rest 2
-	callchannel Music_BikeRiding_branch_7dea7
-	callchannel Music_BikeRiding_branch_7deb4
-	callchannel Music_BikeRiding_branch_7dea7
-	callchannel Music_BikeRiding_branch_7dec2
-	callchannel Music_BikeRiding_branch_7deb4
-	callchannel Music_BikeRiding_branch_7deb4
-	callchannel Music_BikeRiding_branch_7dea7
-	callchannel Music_BikeRiding_branch_7dea7
-	callchannel Music_BikeRiding_branch_7dea7
-	callchannel Music_BikeRiding_branch_7dea7
-	callchannel Music_BikeRiding_branch_7deb4
-	callchannel Music_BikeRiding_branch_7dea7
-	callchannel Music_BikeRiding_branch_7dec2
-	callchannel Music_BikeRiding_branch_7dea7
-	callchannel Music_BikeRiding_branch_7deb4
-	callchannel Music_BikeRiding_branch_7dea7
-	callchannel Music_BikeRiding_branch_7dea7
-	callchannel Music_BikeRiding_branch_7dea7
-	callchannel Music_BikeRiding_branch_7dea7
-	loopchannel 0, Music_BikeRiding_branch_7de6a
+	sound_call Music_BikeRiding_branch_7dea7
+	sound_call Music_BikeRiding_branch_7deb4
+	sound_call Music_BikeRiding_branch_7dea7
+	sound_call Music_BikeRiding_branch_7dec2
+	sound_call Music_BikeRiding_branch_7deb4
+	sound_call Music_BikeRiding_branch_7deb4
+	sound_call Music_BikeRiding_branch_7dea7
+	sound_call Music_BikeRiding_branch_7dea7
+	sound_call Music_BikeRiding_branch_7dea7
+	sound_call Music_BikeRiding_branch_7dea7
+	sound_call Music_BikeRiding_branch_7deb4
+	sound_call Music_BikeRiding_branch_7dea7
+	sound_call Music_BikeRiding_branch_7dec2
+	sound_call Music_BikeRiding_branch_7dea7
+	sound_call Music_BikeRiding_branch_7deb4
+	sound_call Music_BikeRiding_branch_7dea7
+	sound_call Music_BikeRiding_branch_7dea7
+	sound_call Music_BikeRiding_branch_7dea7
+	sound_call Music_BikeRiding_branch_7dea7
+	sound_loop 0, Music_BikeRiding_branch_7de6a
 	rest 2
-	triangle3 2
+	drum_note 16, 2
 	rest 2
-	triangle3 2
+	drum_note 16, 2
 	rest 2
-	triangle3 2
+	drum_note 16, 2
 	rest 2
-	triangle3 2
-	endchannel
+	drum_note 16, 2
+	sound_ret
 	rest 2
-	triangle3 2
+	drum_note 16, 2
 	rest 2
-	triangle3 2
+	drum_note 16, 2
 	rest 2
-	triangle3 2
-	triangle3 2
-	triangle3 2
-	endchannel
+	drum_note 16, 2
+	drum_note 16, 2
+	drum_note 16, 2
+	sound_ret
 	rest 2
-	triangle3 2
+	drum_note 16, 2
 	rest 2
-	triangle3 2
+	drum_note 16, 2
 	rest 2
-	triangle3 2
+	drum_note 16, 2
 	rest 2
-	triangle3 1
-	triangle3 1
-	endchannel
+	drum_note 16, 1
+	drum_note 16, 1
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/music/celadon.asm
+++ b/audio/music/celadon.asm
@@ -1,411 +1,411 @@
 	tempo 144
 	volume 7, 7
-	duty 3
-	toggleperfectpitch
-	notetype 12, 2, 15
+	duty_cycle 3
+	toggle_perfect_pitch
+	note_type 12, 2, -7
 	rest 8
 	octave 3
-	D_ 8
+	note D_, 8
-	duty 2
-	notetype 12, 11, 2
-	G_ 4
-	B_ 4
-	G_ 2
-	B_ 4
-	G_ 2
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	G_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	B_ 2
+	duty_cycle 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 2
+	note G_, 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note G_, 2
+	note B_, 4
+	note G_, 2
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 3
-	A_ 8
-	F# 4
-	A_ 4
-	F# 2
-	A_ 6
-	A_ 1
-	B_ 1
+	note A_, 8
+	note F#, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note F#, 2
+	note A_, 6
+	note A_, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 4
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	G_ 4
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note G_, 4
 	octave 4
-	G_ 4
+	note G_, 4
 	octave 3
-	G_ 4
-	B_ 4
-	G_ 2
-	B_ 4
-	G_ 2
-	E_ 1
-	F# 1
-	G_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	B_ 2
+	note G_, 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note G_, 2
+	note B_, 4
+	note G_, 2
+	note E_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 3
-	A_ 8
-	A_ 2
-	B_ 2
+	note A_, 8
+	note A_, 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G_ 2
-	F# 4
-	D_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	F# 1
-	G_ 1
-	A_ 8
-	notetype 12, 9, 4
-	B_ 8
-	G_ 4
-	D_ 4
-	G_ 4
-	A_ 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note F#, 4
+	note D_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note A_, 8
+	note_type 12, 9, 4
+	note B_, 8
+	note G_, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 8
-	A_ 8
-	F# 4
-	G_ 4
-	A_ 4
-	G_ 4
-	F# 4
-	A_ 4
-	B_ 8
-	G_ 4
-	D_ 4
-	G_ 4
-	A_ 2
+	note B_, 8
+	note A_, 8
+	note F#, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note B_, 8
+	note G_, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 8
-	A_ 8
-	F# 4
-	G_ 4
-	A_ 4
-	G_ 4
-	F# 4
-	A_ 4
-	loopchannel 0, Music_Celadon_branch_b6d4
+	note B_, 8
+	note A_, 8
+	note F#, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	sound_loop 0, Music_Celadon_branch_b6d4
-	duty 3
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
+	duty_cycle 3
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
 	octave 4
-	D_ 1
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	F# 1
-	E_ 1
-	F# 1
-	G_ 1
-	notetype 12, 10, 0
-	A_ 8
+	note D_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note_type 12, 10, 0
+	note A_, 8
-	duty 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
+	duty_cycle 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
 	octave 4
-	B_ 4
-	G_ 4
-	B_ 2
-	G_ 6
-	B_ 1
-	G_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note B_, 2
+	note G_, 6
+	note B_, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 5
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 4
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 8
-	A_ 4
-	F# 4
-	A_ 2
-	F# 6
-	A_ 1
-	G_ 1
-	F# 1
-	G_ 1
-	A_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	G_ 4
-	B_ 4
-	B_ 4
-	G_ 4
-	B_ 2
-	G_ 4
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 8
+	note A_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note A_, 2
+	note F#, 6
+	note A_, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note A_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note G_, 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note B_, 2
+	note G_, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	B_ 1
-	G_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 5
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 4
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 8
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G_ 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	C# 2
-	D_ 8
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 8
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note D_, 8
 	octave 5
-	D_ 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 4
+	note D_, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 4
 	octave 4
-	D_ 8
-	C_ 2
+	note D_, 8
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	E_ 4
-	F# 4
-	D_ 8
-	C_ 8
+	note E_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note D_, 8
+	note C_, 8
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
-	B_ 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 8
-	D_ 8
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 8
+	note D_, 8
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	E_ 4
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 8
-	C_ 8
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 8
-	loopchannel 0, Music_Celadon_branch_b74a
+	note E_, 4
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 8
+	note C_, 8
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 8
+	sound_loop 0, Music_Celadon_branch_b74a
-	notetype 12, 1, 3
+	note_type 12, 1, 3
 	rest 8
 	octave 5
-	D_ 1
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	F# 1
-	E_ 1
-	F# 1
-	G_ 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note G_, 1
 	octave 4
-	D_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	C# 2
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note D_, 2
 	rest 6
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	rest 4
-	F# 2
-	G_ 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 5
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 4
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 5
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 4
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 5
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 4
-	G_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 5
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	D_ 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 4
-	B_ 2
-	G_ 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 5
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 5
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 5
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 5
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 5
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 5
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	D_ 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 4
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 5
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 4
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 5
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 4
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 5
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 4
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 5
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 4
-	G_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 5
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	D_ 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 4
-	B_ 2
-	G_ 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 5
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 5
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 5
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 5
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 5
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 5
-	D_ 2
-	C_ 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 4
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	loopchannel 0, Music_Celadon_branch_b7c1
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	sound_loop 0, Music_Celadon_branch_b7c1
--- a/audio/music/cinnabar.asm
+++ b/audio/music/cinnabar.asm
@@ -1,354 +1,354 @@
 	tempo 144
 	volume 7, 7
-	duty 3
+	duty_cycle 3
 	vibrato 12, 3, 4
-	toggleperfectpitch
+	toggle_perfect_pitch
-	notetype 12, 11, 5
+	note_type 12, 11, 5
 	rest 4
 	octave 3
-	D_ 4
-	E_ 6
-	C# 2
-	notetype 12, 11, 1
-	D_ 4
-	notetype 12, 11, 5
-	B_ 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note E_, 6
+	note C#, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 1
+	note D_, 4
+	note_type 12, 11, 5
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 4
-	C_ 6
+	note C_, 6
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
-	notetype 12, 11, 1
-	B_ 4
-	notetype 12, 11, 5
-	G_ 4
-	F# 4
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	notetype 12, 11, 1
-	G_ 4
-	notetype 12, 11, 5
-	G_ 4
-	F# 4
-	E_ 4
-	D_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	F# 6
-	A_ 2
-	notetype 12, 11, 1
-	G_ 4
-	notetype 12, 11, 5
-	B_ 4
+	note A_, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 1
+	note B_, 4
+	note_type 12, 11, 5
+	note G_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 1
+	note G_, 4
+	note_type 12, 11, 5
+	note G_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note F#, 6
+	note A_, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 1
+	note G_, 4
+	note_type 12, 11, 5
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 4
-	C_ 6
+	note C_, 6
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
-	B_ 4
-	G_ 4
-	F# 3
-	E_ 1
-	F# 2
-	A_ 2
-	notetype 12, 10, 2
-	G_ 4
+	note A_, 2
+	note B_, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note F#, 3
+	note E_, 1
+	note F#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note_type 12, 10, 2
+	note G_, 4
 	octave 4
-	D_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	D_ 4
-	notetype 12, 7, 2
-	D_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	D_ 4
-	notetype 12, 10, 7
+	note D_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D_, 4
+	note_type 12, 7, 2
+	note D_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D_, 4
+	note_type 12, 10, 7
 	octave 3
-	B_ 6
-	G_ 2
-	E_ 8
+	note B_, 6
+	note G_, 2
+	note E_, 8
 	octave 4
-	C_ 6
+	note C_, 6
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
-	F# 8
+	note A_, 2
+	note F#, 8
 	octave 4
-	F# 6
-	D_ 2
+	note F#, 6
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G_ 8
-	F# 4
-	E_ 4
-	loopchannel 0, Music_Cinnabar_branch_b878
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G_, 8
+	note F#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	sound_loop 0, Music_Cinnabar_branch_b878
-	duty 3
+	duty_cycle 3
 	vibrato 10, 2, 3
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
 	octave 3
-	G_ 6
-	A_ 1
-	B_ 1
+	note G_, 6
+	note A_, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 4
-	C_ 6
-	D_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	notetype 12, 12, 1
-	D_ 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	G_ 4
-	A_ 6
-	G_ 1
-	F# 1
-	E_ 4
-	D_ 4
-	C_ 3
+	note C_, 6
+	note D_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note_type 12, 12, 1
+	note D_, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	note G_, 4
+	note A_, 6
+	note G_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note E_, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note C_, 3
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
-	D_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	notetype 12, 12, 1
-	D_ 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
+	note C_, 2
+	note D_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note_type 12, 12, 1
+	note D_, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
 	octave 3
-	B_ 8
-	A_ 4
-	G_ 6
-	A_ 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 8
+	note A_, 4
+	note G_, 6
+	note A_, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 4
-	C_ 6
-	D_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	notetype 12, 12, 1
-	D_ 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	G_ 4
-	A_ 6
-	G_ 1
-	F# 1
-	E_ 4
-	D_ 4
-	C_ 3
+	note C_, 6
+	note D_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note_type 12, 12, 1
+	note D_, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	note G_, 4
+	note A_, 6
+	note G_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note E_, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note C_, 3
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
-	D_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	notetype 12, 12, 1
-	D_ 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
+	note C_, 2
+	note D_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note_type 12, 12, 1
+	note D_, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
 	octave 3
-	A_ 4
-	G_ 4
-	F# 4
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
+	note A_, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
 	octave 4
-	D_ 6
+	note D_, 6
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
-	G_ 8
+	note B_, 2
+	note G_, 8
 	octave 4
-	E_ 6
-	C_ 2
+	note E_, 6
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 3
-	A_ 8
+	note A_, 8
 	octave 4
-	A_ 6
-	F# 2
-	D_ 2
-	C_ 2
+	note A_, 6
+	note F#, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 4
-	D_ 4
+	note D_, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 6
-	loopchannel 0, Music_Cinnabar_branch_b8d9
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 6
+	sound_loop 0, Music_Cinnabar_branch_b8d9
-	notetype 12, 1, 0
+	note_type 12, 1, 0
 	octave 4
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 3
-	B_ 2
-	G_ 1
-	G_ 1
-	A_ 1
+	note B_, 2
+	note G_, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 3
-	B_ 2
-	G_ 1
-	G_ 1
-	A_ 1
+	note B_, 2
+	note G_, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 3
-	B_ 2
-	G_ 1
-	G_ 1
-	A_ 1
+	note B_, 2
+	note G_, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 3
-	B_ 2
-	G_ 1
-	G_ 1
-	A_ 1
+	note B_, 2
+	note G_, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 4
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 3
-	B_ 2
-	G_ 1
-	G_ 1
-	A_ 1
+	note B_, 2
+	note G_, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 3
-	B_ 2
-	G_ 1
-	G_ 1
-	A_ 1
+	note B_, 2
+	note G_, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 3
-	B_ 2
-	G_ 1
-	G_ 1
-	A_ 1
+	note B_, 2
+	note G_, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 3
-	B_ 4
-	A_ 1
+	note B_, 4
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	C_ 4
+	note C_, 4
 	octave 4
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 3
 	octave 5
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 4
-	B_ 1
-	B_ 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 4
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 3
 	octave 5
-	E_ 2
-	C_ 1
-	C_ 1
-	C_ 1
+	note E_, 2
+	note C_, 1
+	note C_, 1
+	note C_, 1
 	rest 1
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 2
-	C_ 1
+	note E_, 2
+	note C_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 3
 	octave 5
-	A_ 2
-	F# 1
-	F# 1
-	D_ 1
+	note A_, 2
+	note F#, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 2
-	C_ 1
+	note D_, 2
+	note C_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 3
 	octave 5
-	D_ 2
-	C_ 1
-	C_ 1
+	note D_, 2
+	note C_, 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 4
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 5
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	rest 1
-	loopchannel 0, Music_Cinnabar_branch_b93f
+	sound_loop 0, Music_Cinnabar_branch_b93f
--- a/audio/music/cinnabarmansion.asm
+++ b/audio/music/cinnabarmansion.asm
@@ -1,150 +1,150 @@
 	tempo 144
 	volume 7, 7
 	vibrato 11, 2, 5
-	duty 2
+	duty_cycle 2
-	notetype 12, 6, 2
+	note_type 12, 6, 2
 	octave 5
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
 	octave 4
-	B_ 1
-	B_ 1
-	C_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note C_, 1
 	rest 2
 	octave 5
-	B_ 2
-	E_ 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 5
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 2
-	loopchannel 14, Music_CinnabarMansion_branch_7ed19
-	notetype 12, 10, 5
+	sound_loop 14, Music_CinnabarMansion_branch_7ed19
+	note_type 12, 10, 5
 	rest 16
 	rest 16
 	rest 15
 	octave 4
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 5
-	B_ 1
-	B_ 2
-	loopchannel 0, Music_CinnabarMansion_branch_7ed19
+	note B_, 1
+	note B_, 2
+	sound_loop 0, Music_CinnabarMansion_branch_7ed19
-	duty 2
-	toggleperfectpitch
+	duty_cycle 2
+	toggle_perfect_pitch
 	vibrato 10, 2, 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
 	rest 16
 	rest 16
-	loopchannel 4, Music_CinnabarMansion_branch_7ed48
+	sound_loop 4, Music_CinnabarMansion_branch_7ed48
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
-	callchannel Music_CinnabarMansion_branch_7ed6c
-	loopchannel 3, Music_CinnabarMansion_branch_7ed50
+	sound_call Music_CinnabarMansion_branch_7ed6c
+	sound_loop 3, Music_CinnabarMansion_branch_7ed50
 	octave 3
-	E_ 4
-	D# 4
-	B_ 4
-	A# 4
-	G_ 4
-	G# 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note A#, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note G#, 4
 	rest 4
-	A# 4
-	E_ 4
-	D# 4
-	B_ 4
-	A# 4
-	G_ 4
-	G# 4
-	G_ 4
-	D# 4
-	loopchannel 0, Music_CinnabarMansion_branch_7ed4e
+	note A#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note A#, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note G#, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	sound_loop 0, Music_CinnabarMansion_branch_7ed4e
 	octave 3
-	E_ 4
-	D# 4
-	B_ 4
-	A# 4
-	G_ 4
-	G# 4
-	A_ 4
-	A# 4
-	E_ 4
-	D# 4
-	B_ 4
-	A# 4
-	G_ 4
-	G# 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note A#, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note G#, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note A#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note A#, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note G#, 4
 	rest 4
-	A# 4
-	endchannel
+	note A#, 4
+	sound_ret
-	notetype 12, 1, 1
+	note_type 12, 1, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	rest 2
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	rest 2
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	rest 2
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	rest 2
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	rest 2
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	rest 2
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	rest 2
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	rest 2
 	octave 3
-	D# 2
+	note D#, 2
 	rest 2
-	D# 2
+	note D#, 2
 	rest 2
-	D# 2
+	note D#, 2
 	rest 2
-	D# 2
+	note D#, 2
 	rest 2
-	D# 2
+	note D#, 2
 	rest 2
-	D# 2
+	note D#, 2
 	rest 2
-	D# 2
+	note D#, 2
 	rest 2
-	loopchannel 8, Music_CinnabarMansion_branch_7ed80
-	E_ 16
-	D# 16
-	G_ 16
-	G# 8
-	D# 8
-	loopchannel 0, Music_CinnabarMansion_branch_7ed80
+	sound_loop 8, Music_CinnabarMansion_branch_7ed80
+	note E_, 16
+	note D#, 16
+	note G_, 16
+	note G#, 8
+	note D#, 8
+	sound_loop 0, Music_CinnabarMansion_branch_7ed80
-	dspeed 6
+	drum_speed 6
 	rest 16
 	rest 16
 	rest 16
@@ -151,22 +151,22 @@
 	rest 16
-	cymbal1 2
-	cymbal1 2
-	cymbal2 4
-	cymbal1 2
-	cymbal1 2
-	cymbal2 4
-	cymbal1 2
-	cymbal1 2
-	cymbal2 4
-	cymbal1 2
-	cymbal1 2
-	cymbal3 4
-	cymbal1 2
-	cymbal1 2
+	drum_note 12, 2
+	drum_note 12, 2
+	drum_note 13, 4
+	drum_note 12, 2
+	drum_note 12, 2
+	drum_note 13, 4
+	drum_note 12, 2
+	drum_note 12, 2
+	drum_note 13, 4
+	drum_note 12, 2
+	drum_note 12, 2
+	drum_note 14, 4
+	drum_note 12, 2
+	drum_note 12, 2
 	rest 2
 	rest 10
 	rest 8
-	cymbal3 8
-	loopchannel 0, Music_CinnabarMansion_branch_7edb5
+	drum_note 14, 8
+	sound_loop 0, Music_CinnabarMansion_branch_7edb5
--- a/audio/music/cities1.asm
+++ b/audio/music/cities1.asm
@@ -1,657 +1,657 @@
 	tempo 232
-	loopchannel 0, Music_Cities1_branch_aa79
+	sound_loop 0, Music_Cities1_branch_aa79
 	tempo 144
 	volume 7, 7
 	vibrato 8, 2, 4
-	duty 3
+	duty_cycle 3
-	notetype 12, 12, 5
+	note_type 12, 12, 5
 	octave 3
-	G# 4
-	F# 4
-	E_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	D# 2
-	E_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	D# 2
-	C# 4
-	D# 4
-	E_ 2
-	D# 4
-	C# 2
-	E_ 2
-	E_ 4
-	notetype 12, 10, 5
-	C# 4
+	note G#, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note E_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note C#, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note E_, 2
+	note D#, 4
+	note C#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note E_, 4
+	note_type 12, 10, 5
+	note C#, 4
 	octave 2
-	B_ 6
+	note B_, 6
 	octave 3
-	C# 2
-	C# 4
+	note C#, 2
+	note C#, 4
 	octave 2
-	B_ 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 5
-	callchannel Music_Cities1_branch_ab7d
+	note B_, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 5
+	sound_call Music_Cities1_branch_ab7d
 	octave 3
-	D# 6
-	E_ 2
+	note D#, 6
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 4
-	notetype 12, 10, 5
+	note B_, 4
+	note_type 12, 10, 5
 	octave 3
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 4
-	B_ 4
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	C# 2
-	D# 2
-	E_ 2
-	D# 2
-	C# 2
-	D# 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 5
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	E_ 4
-	F# 2
-	D# 2
-	E_ 4
-	D# 2
-	C# 4
-	D# 4
-	E_ 2
-	D# 2
-	C# 2
-	C# 2
-	E_ 2
-	E_ 4
-	notetype 12, 10, 5
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 5
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note E_, 4
+	note F#, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note E_, 4
+	note D#, 2
+	note C#, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note E_, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note E_, 4
+	note_type 12, 10, 5
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
-	B_ 6
+	note A_, 2
+	note B_, 6
 	octave 3
-	C# 2
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
-	B_ 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 5
-	callchannel Music_Cities1_branch_ab7d
+	note B_, 2
+	note B_, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 5
+	sound_call Music_Cities1_branch_ab7d
 	octave 3
-	D# 4
-	D# 2
-	E_ 2
+	note D#, 4
+	note D#, 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	C# 2
-	G# 2
-	E_ 4
+	note C#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 4
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
-	notetype 12, 10, 5
-	C# 4
+	note E_, 2
+	note_type 12, 10, 5
+	note C#, 4
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	D# 4
-	C# 2
-	E_ 4
-	notetype 12, 11, 3
-	callchannel Music_Cities1_branch_ab8a
-	A_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	A_ 4
-	F# 4
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
+	note D#, 4
+	note C#, 2
+	note E_, 4
+	note_type 12, 11, 3
+	sound_call Music_Cities1_branch_ab8a
+	note A_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note A_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 4
-	G# 2
+	note E_, 4
+	note G#, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	D# 2
-	E_ 2
-	D# 2
-	C# 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	C# 2
-	D# 2
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 4
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 4
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	C# 2
-	D# 2
-	loopchannel 2, Music_Cities1_branch_ab12
-	E_ 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	sound_loop 2, Music_Cities1_branch_ab12
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 3
-	E_ 4
+	note E_, 4
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	C# 2
-	G# 2
-	G# 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note G#, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	D# 2
+	note D#, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	callchannel Music_Cities1_branch_ab8a
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	A_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
+	sound_call Music_Cities1_branch_ab8a
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
-	C# 2
-	G# 2
-	C# 2
-	D# 2
-	B_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 4
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
-	D# 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 4
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note D#, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	D# 4
-	F# 2
-	D# 2
-	D# 2
-	F# 2
+	note D#, 4
+	note F#, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	D# 2
+	note D#, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	D# 2
-	notetype 12, 11, 6
-	F# 8
-	F# 4
-	D# 4
-	E_ 8
-	notetype 12, 8, 4
+	note D#, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 6
+	note F#, 8
+	note F#, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note E_, 8
+	note_type 12, 8, 4
 	octave 2
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	loopchannel 0, Music_Cities1_branch_aa80
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	sound_loop 0, Music_Cities1_branch_aa80
 	octave 3
-	F# 2
-	D# 4
-	E_ 2
-	D# 4
-	C# 4
+	note F#, 2
+	note D#, 4
+	note E_, 2
+	note D#, 4
+	note C#, 4
 	octave 2
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 3
-	C# 2
-	D# 2
-	C# 2
-	endchannel
+	note C#, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	sound_ret
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	C# 2
-	E_ 4
-	A_ 2
-	C# 2
-	E_ 2
-	endchannel
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note E_, 4
+	note A_, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	sound_ret
 	vibrato 5, 1, 5
-	callchannel Music_Cities1_branch_ac00
+	sound_call Music_Cities1_branch_ac00
 	octave 4
-	G# 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 4
-	E_ 6
-	notetype 12, 12, 5
-	duty 3
+	note G#, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 4
+	note E_, 6
+	note_type 12, 12, 5
+	duty_cycle 3
 	octave 3
-	C# 4
-	D# 4
-	E_ 6
-	F# 6
-	G# 4
-	callchannel Music_Cities1_branch_ac00
+	note C#, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note E_, 6
+	note F#, 6
+	note G#, 4
+	sound_call Music_Cities1_branch_ac00
 	octave 4
-	G# 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 4
-	E_ 14
-	duty 3
+	note G#, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 4
+	note E_, 14
+	duty_cycle 3
 	octave 3
-	E_ 6
-	F# 6
-	G# 4
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
-	duty 2
+	note E_, 6
+	note F#, 6
+	note G#, 4
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
+	duty_cycle 2
 	vibrato 8, 1, 7
 	octave 5
-	C# 12
+	note C#, 12
 	octave 4
-	A_ 4
+	note A_, 4
 	octave 5
-	E_ 8
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	D# 2
-	C# 2
+	note E_, 8
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 4
-	B_ 12
-	G# 4
-	B_ 16
-	F# 12
-	G# 2
-	A_ 2
-	B_ 4
-	A_ 4
-	G# 4
-	F# 4
-	G# 12
-	E_ 4
-	B_ 16
+	note B_, 12
+	note G#, 4
+	note B_, 16
+	note F#, 12
+	note G#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note B_, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note G#, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note G#, 12
+	note E_, 4
+	note B_, 16
 	octave 5
-	C# 12
-	D# 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 4
-	E_ 4
-	D# 4
-	C# 4
+	note C#, 12
+	note D#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note C#, 4
 	octave 4
-	B_ 12
+	note B_, 12
 	octave 5
-	C# 2
-	D# 2
-	C# 4
+	note C#, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note C#, 4
 	octave 4
-	B_ 4
-	A_ 4
-	G# 4
-	A_ 12
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note G#, 4
+	note A_, 12
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 5
-	C_ 2
-	C_ 4
+	note C_, 2
+	note C_, 4
 	octave 4
-	B_ 4
-	A_ 4
-	F# 4
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
-	A_ 8
+	note B_, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
+	note A_, 8
 	octave 5
-	C_ 8
+	note C_, 8
 	octave 4
-	B_ 14
-	notetype 12, 8, 4
-	G# 1
-	notetype 12, 10, 4
-	A_ 1
-	loopchannel 0, Music_Cities1_Ch1
+	note B_, 14
+	note_type 12, 8, 4
+	note G#, 1
+	note_type 12, 10, 4
+	note A_, 1
+	sound_loop 0, Music_Cities1_Ch2
-	duty 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 3
+	duty_cycle 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 3
 	octave 4
-	B_ 4
-	A_ 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 4
-	G# 10
-	notetype 12, 12, 3
-	G# 2
-	A_ 2
-	B_ 4
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	A_ 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 4
-	F# 10
-	notetype 12, 12, 5
-	duty 3
+	note B_, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 4
+	note G#, 10
+	note_type 12, 12, 3
+	note G#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note B_, 4
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 4
+	note F#, 10
+	note_type 12, 12, 5
+	duty_cycle 3
 	octave 3
-	E_ 4
-	D# 8
-	E_ 4
-	F# 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 3
-	duty 2
+	note E_, 4
+	note D#, 8
+	note E_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 3
+	duty_cycle 2
 	octave 4
-	A_ 4
-	G# 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 4
-	F# 10
-	notetype 12, 12, 3
-	F# 2
-	G# 2
-	A_ 4
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
-	endchannel
+	note A_, 4
+	note G#, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 4
+	note F#, 10
+	note_type 12, 12, 3
+	note F#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note A_, 4
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	sound_ret
-	notetype 12, 1, 1
-	toggleperfectpitch
+	note_type 12, 1, 1
+	toggle_perfect_pitch
 	vibrato 0, 0, 0
 	octave 4
-	callchannel Music_Cities1_branch_acc5
-	callchannel Music_Cities1_branch_acc5
-	callchannel Music_Cities1_branch_acce
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G# 2
+	sound_call Music_Cities1_branch_acc5
+	sound_call Music_Cities1_branch_acc5
+	sound_call Music_Cities1_branch_acce
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G#, 2
 	rest 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G# 2
-	callchannel Music_Cities1_branch_acc5
-	B_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G# 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	sound_call Music_Cities1_branch_acc5
+	note B_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G#, 2
 	rest 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G# 2
-	callchannel Music_Cities1_branch_acc5
-	callchannel Music_Cities1_branch_acce
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G# 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	sound_call Music_Cities1_branch_acc5
+	sound_call Music_Cities1_branch_acce
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G#, 2
 	rest 2
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
-	B_ 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note E_, 2
 	vibrato 8, 2, 5
-	A_ 8
-	E_ 8
-	A_ 8
-	F# 8
-	G# 8
-	E_ 8
-	G# 12
-	E_ 4
-	F# 2
-	F# 2
-	D# 2
-	E_ 4
-	F# 2
-	D# 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	F# 2
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
-	G# 2
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
+	note A_, 8
+	note E_, 8
+	note A_, 8
+	note F#, 8
+	note G#, 8
+	note E_, 8
+	note G#, 12
+	note E_, 4
+	note F#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note E_, 4
+	note F#, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
 	rest 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G# 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G#, 2
 	rest 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G# 2
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
-	A_ 8
-	E_ 8
-	A_ 8
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
-	G# 8
-	E_ 8
-	B_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	F# 4
-	G# 4
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note A_, 8
+	note E_, 8
+	note A_, 8
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G#, 8
+	note E_, 8
+	note B_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note G#, 4
 	rest 2
-	D# 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
 	rest 2
-	F# 2
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 4
-	G# 4
-	F# 2
-	D# 2
-	A_ 2
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 4
+	note G#, 4
+	note F#, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note F#, 2
 	rest 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G# 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G#, 2
 	rest 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 1
-	G# 1
-	E_ 1
-	F# 1
-	G# 4
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
-	loopchannel 0, Music_Cities1_branch_ac35
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note G#, 4
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	sound_loop 0, Music_Cities1_branch_ac35
 	rest 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G# 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G#, 2
 	rest 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G# 2
-	endchannel
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	sound_ret
-	A_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G# 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note A_, 2
 	rest 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
 	rest 2
-	F# 2
-	G# 2
-	A_ 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note A_, 2
 	rest 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
-	D# 2
-	D# 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
 	rest 2
-	D# 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
 	rest 2
-	D# 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
 	rest 2
-	D# 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	endchannel
+	note D#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	sound_ret
-	dspeed 12
-	callchannel Music_Cities1_branch_ad36
+	drum_speed 12
+	sound_call Music_Cities1_branch_ad36
-	callchannel Music_Cities1_branch_ad36
-	callchannel Music_Cities1_branch_ad45
-	callchannel Music_Cities1_branch_ad45
-	loopchannel 2, Music_Cities1_branch_acf3
-	callchannel Music_Cities1_branch_ad36
-	callchannel Music_Cities1_branch_ad5f
-	callchannel Music_Cities1_branch_ad52
-	triangle1 6
-	triangle1 6
-	triangle2 4
-	callchannel Music_Cities1_branch_ad6e
-	callchannel Music_Cities1_branch_ad5f
-	callchannel Music_Cities1_branch_ad52
-	callchannel Music_Cities1_branch_ad6e
-	callchannel Music_Cities1_branch_ad52
-	triangle1 6
-	triangle1 6
-	triangle2 2
-	triangle1 2
-	triangle1 6
-	triangle1 6
-	triangle1 4
-	triangle1 6
-	snare6 6
-	snare6 4
-	loopchannel 0, Music_Cities1_Ch3
+	sound_call Music_Cities1_branch_ad36
+	sound_call Music_Cities1_branch_ad45
+	sound_call Music_Cities1_branch_ad45
+	sound_loop 2, Music_Cities1_branch_acf3
+	sound_call Music_Cities1_branch_ad36
+	sound_call Music_Cities1_branch_ad5f
+	sound_call Music_Cities1_branch_ad52
+	drum_note 6, 6
+	drum_note 6, 6
+	drum_note 7, 4
+	sound_call Music_Cities1_branch_ad6e
+	sound_call Music_Cities1_branch_ad5f
+	sound_call Music_Cities1_branch_ad52
+	sound_call Music_Cities1_branch_ad6e
+	sound_call Music_Cities1_branch_ad52
+	drum_note 6, 6
+	drum_note 6, 6
+	drum_note 7, 2
+	drum_note 6, 2
+	drum_note 6, 6
+	drum_note 6, 6
+	drum_note 6, 4
+	drum_note 6, 6
+	drum_note 8, 6
+	drum_note 8, 4
+	sound_loop 0, Music_Cities1_Ch4
-	snare6 6
-	snare6 6
-	snare6 4
-	snare6 6
-	snare6 6
-	snare6 2
-	snare6 2
-	endchannel
+	drum_note 8, 6
+	drum_note 8, 6
+	drum_note 8, 4
+	drum_note 8, 6
+	drum_note 8, 6
+	drum_note 8, 2
+	drum_note 8, 2
+	sound_ret
-	snare6 6
-	snare6 6
-	snare6 4
-	snare6 6
-	snare6 6
-	snare6 4
-	endchannel
+	drum_note 8, 6
+	drum_note 8, 6
+	drum_note 8, 4
+	drum_note 8, 6
+	drum_note 8, 6
+	drum_note 8, 4
+	sound_ret
-	triangle1 6
-	triangle1 6
-	triangle2 4
-	triangle1 6
-	triangle1 6
-	triangle2 4
-	endchannel
+	drum_note 6, 6
+	drum_note 6, 6
+	drum_note 7, 4
+	drum_note 6, 6
+	drum_note 6, 6
+	drum_note 7, 4
+	sound_ret
-	triangle1 6
-	triangle1 6
-	triangle2 4
-	triangle1 6
-	triangle1 6
-	triangle2 2
-	triangle1 2
-	endchannel
+	drum_note 6, 6
+	drum_note 6, 6
+	drum_note 7, 4
+	drum_note 6, 6
+	drum_note 6, 6
+	drum_note 7, 2
+	drum_note 6, 2
+	sound_ret
-	triangle1 6
-	triangle1 6
-	triangle2 2
-	triangle2 2
-	endchannel
+	drum_note 6, 6
+	drum_note 6, 6
+	drum_note 7, 2
+	drum_note 7, 2
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/music/cities2.asm
+++ b/audio/music/cities2.asm
@@ -1,416 +1,416 @@
 	tempo 148
 	volume 7, 7
-	duty 3
+	duty_cycle 3
 	vibrato 8, 3, 2
-	toggleperfectpitch
-	notetype 12, 11, 6
+	toggle_perfect_pitch
+	note_type 12, 11, 6
 	rest 8
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
-	D# 2
-	C# 2
-	C_ 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 14
 	octave 3
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
-	D# 1
-	D_ 1
-	C# 4
+	note C#, 2
+	note D#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note C#, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 4
-	G# 8
-	E_ 8
-	A_ 4
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
-	G# 2
-	A_ 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 4
+	note G#, 8
+	note E_, 8
+	note A_, 4
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	rest 16
-	C# 4
+	note C#, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 1
-	D# 1
-	C# 4
+	note C#, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note C#, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 4
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
+	note B_, 4
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 3
-	G# 8
-	B_ 4
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
-	G# 2
-	A_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G# 2
+	note G#, 8
+	note B_, 4
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G#, 2
 	rest 2
 	octave 4
-	E_ 4
+	note E_, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 4
-	F# 2
-	G# 2
-	A_ 2
+	note B_, 4
+	note F#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note A_, 2
 	rest 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 4
-	D# 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note D#, 4
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	rest 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	rest 4
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	rest 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 16
 	rest 16
 	rest 14
-	E_ 16
-	F# 8
-	G# 4
-	F# 4
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 16
+	note F#, 8
+	note G#, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note E_, 2
 	rest 14
-	loopchannel 0, Music_Cities2_branch_b51a
+	sound_loop 0, Music_Cities2_branch_b51a
-	duty 3
+	duty_cycle 3
 	vibrato 8, 2, 3
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
 	octave 4
-	E_ 2
-	D# 2
-	C# 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
-	D# 2
-	E_ 6
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
-	duty 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note E_, 6
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
+	duty_cycle 2
 	octave 4
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
-	D# 2
-	E_ 1
-	F# 1
-	G# 1
-	A_ 1
+	note C#, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note E_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note A_, 1
-	notetype 12, 10, 6
-	G# 6
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
-	A_ 1
-	G# 1
-	notetype 12, 12, 4
-	F# 14
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
-	E_ 1
+	note_type 12, 10, 6
+	note G#, 6
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
+	note A_, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note_type 12, 12, 4
+	note F#, 14
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
+	note E_, 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
-	D# 2
-	E_ 1
-	F# 1
-	G# 1
-	A_ 1
-	notetype 12, 12, 4
-	G# 6
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
-	E_ 1
-	G# 1
-	notetype 12, 12, 5
-	B_ 14
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
-	E_ 1
+	note C#, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note E_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note_type 12, 12, 4
+	note G#, 6
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
+	note E_, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note_type 12, 12, 5
+	note B_, 14
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
+	note E_, 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
-	D# 2
-	E_ 1
-	F# 1
-	G# 1
-	A_ 1
-	notetype 12, 10, 6
-	G# 6
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
-	A_ 1
-	G# 1
-	notetype 12, 12, 4
-	F# 8
-	notetype 12, 10, 1
-	duty 1
+	note C#, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note E_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note_type 12, 10, 6
+	note G#, 6
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
+	note A_, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note_type 12, 12, 4
+	note F#, 8
+	note_type 12, 10, 1
+	duty_cycle 1
 	octave 3
-	G# 1
-	G# 1
-	G# 1
-	G# 1
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
-	duty 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
+	duty_cycle 2
 	octave 4
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
-	D# 2
-	E_ 1
-	F# 1
-	G# 1
-	A_ 1
-	notetype 12, 12, 4
-	G# 6
-	E_ 1
-	G# 1
-	notetype 12, 12, 6
-	B_ 8
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note E_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note_type 12, 12, 4
+	note G#, 6
+	note E_, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note_type 12, 12, 6
+	note B_, 8
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
+	note C#, 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 4
-	C# 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	G# 4
-	E_ 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
-	D# 1
-	C# 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
-	F# 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	B_ 4
-	F# 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	note G#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
+	note D#, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F#, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	note B_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
+	note C#, 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 4
-	C# 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 2
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
-	F# 1
-	G# 2
-	G# 1
-	A_ 1
-	G# 1
-	A_ 1
-	B_ 1
-	F# 1
-	D# 1
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 2
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note G#, 2
+	note G#, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note C#, 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 4
-	C# 1
-	D# 1
-	F# 1
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
-	B_ 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
+	note C#, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
+	note B_, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
 	octave 3
-	E_ 8
+	note E_, 8
 	octave 2
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 3
-	F# 4
-	G# 4
-	A_ 4
-	B_ 8
-	B_ 8
-	G# 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note G#, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note B_, 8
+	note B_, 8
+	note G#, 4
 	octave 4
-	D# 4
-	C# 4
-	D# 4
-	E_ 2
-	D# 2
-	C# 2
-	D# 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
-	E_ 6
-	E_ 1
+	note D#, 4
+	note C#, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note E_, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
+	note E_, 6
+	note E_, 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
-	D# 2
-	E_ 1
-	F# 1
-	G# 1
-	A_ 1
-	loopchannel 0, Music_Cities2_branch_b58b
+	note C#, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note E_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	sound_loop 0, Music_Cities2_branch_b58b
-	notetype 12, 1, 1
+	note_type 12, 1, 1
 	rest 16
 	octave 4
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
-	F# 2
-	A_ 2
-	F# 2
-	A_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
-	A_ 2
-	F# 2
-	A_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
-	A_ 2
-	F# 2
-	A_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
-	A_ 2
-	F# 2
-	A_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
 	rest 2
-	E_ 4
-	G# 4
-	F# 2
-	A_ 2
-	F# 2
+	note E_, 4
+	note G#, 4
+	note F#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note F#, 2
 	rest 2
-	F# 4
-	A_ 4
-	C# 2
+	note F#, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note C#, 2
 	rest 4
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	rest 4
-	G# 2
-	A_ 2
-	B_ 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 8
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
-	A_ 2
-	F# 2
-	A_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
-	A_ 2
-	F# 2
-	A_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	loopchannel 0, Music_Cities2_branch_b64c
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	sound_loop 0, Music_Cities2_branch_b64c
--- a/audio/music/credits.asm
+++ b/audio/music/credits.asm
@@ -1,820 +1,820 @@
 	tempo 140
 	volume 7, 7
-	duty 3
+	duty_cycle 3
 	vibrato 8, 3, 4
-	toggleperfectpitch
-	notetype 12, 11, 5
+	toggle_perfect_pitch
+	note_type 12, 11, 5
 	octave 4
-	E_ 6
+	note E_, 6
 	octave 3
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	octave 4
-	E_ 1
-	D_ 6
+	note E_, 1
+	note D_, 6
 	octave 3
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	octave 4
-	D_ 1
-	C# 6
+	note D_, 1
+	note C#, 6
 	octave 3
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	octave 4
-	C# 1
-	D_ 4
-	E_ 2
-	C# 1
-	E_ 1
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 4
+	note E_, 2
+	note C#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 3
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 3
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 3
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	F# 1
-	G_ 1
-	notetype 12, 11, 6
-	A_ 4
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 4
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	B_ 4
-	A_ 4
-	G_ 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	C# 6
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 4
-	C# 4
-	E_ 4
-	D_ 2
-	C# 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G_ 2
-	F# 2
-	A_ 4
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 4
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	B_ 4
-	A_ 4
-	G_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	F# 2
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 6
-	C# 2
-	A_ 4
-	C# 4
-	E_ 4
-	D_ 2
-	C# 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G_ 4
-	D_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	D_ 4
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G_ 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 6
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 4
-	F# 4
-	G_ 4
-	F# 4
-	E_ 4
-	D_ 4
-	G_ 4
-	D_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	B_ 2
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note_type 12, 11, 6
+	note A_, 4
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 4
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note B_, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note G_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C#, 6
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 4
+	note C#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note D_, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note A_, 4
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 4
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note B_, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note G_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 6
+	note C#, 2
+	note A_, 4
+	note C#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note D_, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G_, 4
+	note D_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note D_, 4
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 6
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note D_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	D_ 4
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G_ 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
-	E_ 6
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 4
-	F# 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	A_ 4
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note D_, 4
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
+	note E_, 6
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	note A_, 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 4
-	C# 4
-	D_ 4
+	note C#, 4
+	note D_, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	notetype 12, 9, 0
-	G_ 8
-	F# 8
-	E_ 8
-	D_ 8
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note_type 12, 9, 0
+	note G_, 8
+	note F#, 8
+	note E_, 8
+	note D_, 8
 	rest 16
 	rest 16
 	rest 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 6
-	E_ 6
-	D# 1
-	D_ 1
-	notetype 12, 10, 0
-	C# 8
-	notetype 12, 10, 7
-	C# 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 6
+	note E_, 6
+	note D#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note_type 12, 10, 0
+	note C#, 8
+	note_type 12, 10, 7
+	note C#, 8
 	rest 16
 	rest 16
 	rest 8
-	E_ 6
-	C# 1
-	E_ 1
-	notetype 12, 10, 0
-	A_ 8
-	notetype 12, 10, 7
-	A_ 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 6
-	G_ 6
-	D_ 4
-	G_ 2
-	B_ 4
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
-	G_ 8
-	F# 4
-	G# 4
-	notetype 12, 9, 0
-	A_ 8
-	F# 8
-	E_ 8
-	C# 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
-	D_ 8
-	C# 8
+	note E_, 6
+	note C#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note_type 12, 10, 0
+	note A_, 8
+	note_type 12, 10, 7
+	note A_, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 6
+	note G_, 6
+	note D_, 4
+	note G_, 2
+	note B_, 4
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
+	note G_, 8
+	note F#, 4
+	note G#, 4
+	note_type 12, 9, 0
+	note A_, 8
+	note F#, 8
+	note E_, 8
+	note C#, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
+	note D_, 8
+	note C#, 8
 	octave 2
-	B_ 8
+	note B_, 8
 	octave 3
-	D_ 8
-	notetype 12, 9, 0
-	E_ 8
-	D_ 8
-	F# 8
-	E_ 8
-	notetype 12, 10, 0
-	D_ 8
-	E_ 8
-	D_ 8
-	C_ 8
-	G_ 8
-	F_ 8
-	E_ 8
-	D_ 8
-	notetype 12, 10, 0
-	C# 6
-	notetype 12, 10, 7
-	C# 6
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
-	D_ 4
-	E_ 8
-	G_ 6
-	F# 1
-	F_ 1
-	notetype 12, 10, 0
-	E_ 6
-	notetype 12, 10, 7
-	E_ 6
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
-	D_ 4
-	notetype 12, 10, 0
-	C# 8
-	notetype 12, 10, 7
-	C# 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
-	E_ 6
-	D_ 2
-	G_ 4
-	F# 4
-	E_ 4
-	F# 4
-	E_ 4
-	D_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	D_ 4
-	C# 4
-	D_ 4
-	C# 4
-	C# 4
-	E_ 4
-	F# 4
-	notetype 12, 10, 0
-	E_ 6
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
-	D_ 2
-	G_ 4
-	F# 4
-	E_ 4
-	F# 4
-	A_ 4
-	B_ 4
-	notetype 12, 10, 0
+	note D_, 8
+	note_type 12, 9, 0
+	note E_, 8
+	note D_, 8
+	note F#, 8
+	note E_, 8
+	note_type 12, 10, 0
+	note D_, 8
+	note E_, 8
+	note D_, 8
+	note C_, 8
+	note G_, 8
+	note F_, 8
+	note E_, 8
+	note D_, 8
+	note_type 12, 10, 0
+	note C#, 6
+	note_type 12, 10, 7
+	note C#, 6
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
+	note D_, 4
+	note E_, 8
+	note G_, 6
+	note F#, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note_type 12, 10, 0
+	note E_, 6
+	note_type 12, 10, 7
+	note E_, 6
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
+	note D_, 4
+	note_type 12, 10, 0
+	note C#, 8
+	note_type 12, 10, 7
+	note C#, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
+	note E_, 6
+	note D_, 2
+	note G_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note C#, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note C#, 4
+	note C#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note_type 12, 10, 0
+	note E_, 6
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
+	note D_, 2
+	note G_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note_type 12, 10, 0
 	octave 4
-	C# 16
-	C# 8
-	notetype 12, 10, 7
-	C# 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 5
+	note C#, 16
+	note C#, 8
+	note_type 12, 10, 7
+	note C#, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 5
 	octave 3
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 3
-	A_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	notetype 12, 11, 1
-	A_ 8
-	endchannel
+	note A_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note_type 12, 11, 1
+	note A_, 8
+	sound_ret
-	duty 3
+	duty_cycle 3
 	vibrato 10, 2, 5
-	notetype 12, 12, 5
+	note_type 12, 12, 5
 	octave 4
-	A_ 6
-	E_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	G_ 6
-	D_ 1
-	G_ 1
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	F# 12
-	G# 2
-	E_ 1
-	G# 1
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
-	A_ 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 1
+	note A_, 6
+	note E_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note G_, 6
+	note D_, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	note F#, 12
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 1
 	octave 3
-	A_ 4
-	A_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 4
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 4
-	A_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 4
-	A_ 1
-	F# 1
-	A_ 1
-	B_ 1
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
+	note A_, 4
+	note A_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 4
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 4
+	note A_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 4
+	note A_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
 	octave 4
-	C# 6
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	E_ 4
-	C# 4
-	G_ 4
-	F# 4
-	E_ 4
-	D_ 4
-	C# 6
+	note C#, 6
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note E_, 4
+	note C#, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note C#, 6
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 4
-	E_ 8
+	note E_, 8
 	octave 3
-	A_ 6
-	E_ 2
+	note A_, 6
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 8
-	C# 6
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	E_ 4
-	C# 4
-	G_ 4
-	F# 4
-	E_ 4
-	D_ 4
-	C# 6
+	note C#, 8
+	note C#, 6
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note E_, 4
+	note C#, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note C#, 6
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 4
-	E_ 8
+	note E_, 8
 	octave 3
-	A_ 6
-	E_ 2
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
+	note A_, 6
+	note E_, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
 	octave 4
-	C# 8
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	D_ 6
+	note C#, 8
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	note D_, 6
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	G_ 8
+	note G_, 8
 	octave 3
-	G_ 6
-	D_ 2
-	B_ 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
+	note G_, 6
+	note D_, 2
+	note B_, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
 	octave 4
-	C# 6
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
-	C# 6
-	D_ 4
-	notetype 12, 10, 0
-	E_ 8
-	notetype 12, 10, 7
-	E_ 8
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	D_ 6
+	note C#, 6
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
+	note C#, 6
+	note D_, 4
+	note_type 12, 10, 0
+	note E_, 8
+	note_type 12, 10, 7
+	note E_, 8
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	note D_, 6
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	G_ 8
+	note G_, 8
 	octave 3
-	G_ 6
-	D_ 2
-	B_ 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
+	note G_, 6
+	note D_, 2
+	note B_, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
 	octave 4
-	E_ 7
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
-	E_ 7
-	notetype 12, 12, 3
-	E_ 1
-	G# 1
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
-	A_ 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
-	A_ 8
-	notetype 12, 12, 6
-	G_ 4
-	F# 4
-	E_ 4
-	D_ 4
-	notetype 12, 10, 0
-	C# 8
-	notetype 12, 10, 7
-	C# 8
-	notetype 12, 9, 0
+	note E_, 7
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
+	note E_, 7
+	note_type 12, 12, 3
+	note E_, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
+	note A_, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
+	note A_, 8
+	note_type 12, 12, 6
+	note G_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note_type 12, 10, 0
+	note C#, 8
+	note_type 12, 10, 7
+	note C#, 8
+	note_type 12, 9, 0
 	octave 3
-	A_ 8
-	notetype 12, 9, 7
-	A_ 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
-	E_ 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
-	E_ 8
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	D_ 8
-	G_ 6
-	F# 1
-	F_ 1
-	E_ 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
-	G_ 6
-	F# 1
-	F_ 1
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
-	E_ 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
-	E_ 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
-	D_ 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
-	D_ 8
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
+	note A_, 8
+	note_type 12, 9, 7
+	note A_, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
+	note E_, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
+	note E_, 8
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	note D_, 8
+	note G_, 6
+	note F#, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note E_, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
+	note G_, 6
+	note F#, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
+	note E_, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
+	note E_, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
+	note D_, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
+	note D_, 8
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
 	octave 2
-	B_ 8
+	note B_, 8
 	octave 3
-	F# 6
-	D_ 1
-	F# 1
-	E_ 8
-	B_ 6
-	G_ 1
-	B_ 1
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
+	note F#, 6
+	note D_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note E_, 8
+	note B_, 6
+	note G_, 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
 	octave 4
-	C# 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
-	C# 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
-	D_ 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
-	D_ 8
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
+	note C#, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
+	note C#, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
+	note D_, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
+	note D_, 8
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
 	octave 3
-	B_ 8
+	note B_, 8
 	octave 4
-	D_ 6
+	note D_, 6
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 4
-	D_ 1
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
-	C# 6
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
-	C# 6
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
+	note D_, 1
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
+	note C#, 6
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
+	note C#, 6
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
 	octave 3
-	B_ 4
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
-	A_ 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
-	A_ 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
-	F# 6
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
-	F# 6
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	G# 4
-	A_ 8
-	F# 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
-	G# 6
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
-	G# 6
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	A_ 4
-	B_ 8
-	G# 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
-	A_ 6
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
-	A_ 6
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
+	note A_, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
+	note A_, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
+	note F#, 6
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
+	note F#, 6
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	note G#, 4
+	note A_, 8
+	note F#, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
+	note G#, 6
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
+	note G#, 6
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	note A_, 4
+	note B_, 8
+	note G#, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
+	note A_, 6
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
+	note A_, 6
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 4
-	C_ 8
+	note C_, 8
 	octave 3
-	A_ 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
-	B_ 6
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
-	B_ 6
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
+	note A_, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
+	note B_, 6
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
+	note B_, 6
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
 	octave 4
-	C_ 4
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
-	D_ 8
+	note C_, 4
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
+	note D_, 8
 	octave 3
-	B_ 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
+	note B_, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
 	octave 4
-	C# 16
-	C# 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
-	C# 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
+	note C#, 16
+	note C#, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
+	note C#, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
 	octave 3
-	A_ 16
-	A_ 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
-	A_ 8
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	G_ 6
-	B_ 2
+	note A_, 16
+	note A_, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
+	note A_, 8
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	note G_, 6
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	D_ 8
+	note D_, 8
 	octave 3
-	B_ 6
+	note B_, 6
 	octave 4
-	D_ 2
-	G_ 6
-	F# 1
-	F_ 1
-	E_ 8
+	note D_, 2
+	note G_, 6
+	note F#, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note E_, 8
 	octave 3
-	G_ 6
-	F# 1
-	F_ 1
-	E_ 8
-	C# 4
-	D_ 4
-	G_ 6
-	B_ 2
+	note G_, 6
+	note F#, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note E_, 8
+	note C#, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note G_, 6
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	D_ 8
+	note D_, 8
 	octave 3
-	B_ 6
+	note B_, 6
 	octave 4
-	D_ 2
-	G_ 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
-	A_ 16
-	notetype 12, 10, 0
-	A_ 8
-	notetype 12, 10, 7
-	A_ 8
-	notetype 12, 12, 1
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 4
-	A_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	notetype 12, 12, 1
-	A_ 8
-	endchannel
+	note D_, 2
+	note G_, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
+	note A_, 16
+	note_type 12, 10, 0
+	note A_, 8
+	note_type 12, 10, 7
+	note A_, 8
+	note_type 12, 12, 1
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 4
+	note A_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note_type 12, 12, 1
+	note A_, 8
+	sound_ret
-	notetype 12, 1, 0
+	note_type 12, 1, 0
 	octave 5
-	C# 6
+	note C#, 6
 	octave 4
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	octave 5
-	C# 1
-	D_ 6
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 6
 	octave 4
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 5
-	D_ 1
-	F# 6
-	D_ 1
-	F# 1
-	A_ 4
-	G# 2
-	E_ 1
-	G# 1
-	A_ 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note F#, 6
+	note D_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note A_, 4
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 15
 	rest 16
-	callchannel Music_Credits_branch_7ffa4
-	callchannel Music_Credits_branch_7ffae
-	callchannel Music_Credits_branch_7ffa4
+	sound_call Music_Credits_branch_7ffa4
+	sound_call Music_Credits_branch_7ffae
+	sound_call Music_Credits_branch_7ffa4
 	octave 4
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	callchannel Music_Credits_branch_7ffa4
-	callchannel Music_Credits_branch_7ffae
-	callchannel Music_Credits_branch_7ffa4
-	callchannel Music_Credits_branch_7ffa4
-	callchannel Music_Credits_branch_7ffb8
-	callchannel Music_Credits_branch_7ffb8
-	callchannel Music_Credits_branch_7ffc1
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	sound_call Music_Credits_branch_7ffa4
+	sound_call Music_Credits_branch_7ffae
+	sound_call Music_Credits_branch_7ffa4
+	sound_call Music_Credits_branch_7ffa4
+	sound_call Music_Credits_branch_7ffb8
+	sound_call Music_Credits_branch_7ffb8
+	sound_call Music_Credits_branch_7ffc1
 	octave 4
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 5
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 4
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 5
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 4
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 5
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 4
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	callchannel Music_Credits_branch_7ffb8
-	callchannel Music_Credits_branch_7ffb8
-	callchannel Music_Credits_branch_7ffc1
-	callchannel Music_Credits_branch_7ffc1
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	sound_call Music_Credits_branch_7ffb8
+	sound_call Music_Credits_branch_7ffb8
+	sound_call Music_Credits_branch_7ffc1
+	sound_call Music_Credits_branch_7ffc1
 	octave 4
-	G_ 4
-	A_ 4
-	B_ 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 5
-	D_ 4
-	callchannel Music_Credits_branch_7ffa4
-	callchannel Music_Credits_branch_7ffa4
-	callchannel Music_Credits_branch_7ffa4
-	callchannel Music_Credits_branch_7ffa4
-	callchannel Music_Credits_branch_7ffa4
-	callchannel Music_Credits_branch_7ffa4
-	callchannel Music_Credits_branch_7ffae
-	callchannel Music_Credits_branch_7ffae
-	callchannel Music_Credits_branch_7ffa4
-	E_ 4
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 4
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	callchannel Music_Credits_branch_7ffae
-	callchannel Music_Credits_branch_7ffae
-	callchannel Music_Credits_branch_7ffa4
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	A_ 2
-	callchannel Music_Credits_branch_7ffd2
-	callchannel Music_Credits_branch_7ffd2
-	callchannel Music_Credits_branch_7ffdb
-	callchannel Music_Credits_branch_7ffdb
-	F_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	callchannel Music_Credits_branch_7ffb8
-	callchannel Music_Credits_branch_7ffb8
-	E_ 4
-	A_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	A_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	A_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	A_ 4
-	callchannel Music_Credits_branch_7ffa4
-	callchannel Music_Credits_branch_7ffa4
-	callchannel Music_Credits_branch_7ffe4
-	callchannel Music_Credits_branch_7ffe4
-	callchannel Music_Credits_branch_7ffa4
-	callchannel Music_Credits_branch_7ffa4
-	callchannel Music_Credits_branch_7ffb8
-	callchannel Music_Credits_branch_7ffb8
-	callchannel Music_Credits_branch_7ffed
-	callchannel Music_Credits_branch_7ffed
-	A_ 1
+	note D_, 4
+	sound_call Music_Credits_branch_7ffa4
+	sound_call Music_Credits_branch_7ffa4
+	sound_call Music_Credits_branch_7ffa4
+	sound_call Music_Credits_branch_7ffa4
+	sound_call Music_Credits_branch_7ffa4
+	sound_call Music_Credits_branch_7ffa4
+	sound_call Music_Credits_branch_7ffae
+	sound_call Music_Credits_branch_7ffae
+	sound_call Music_Credits_branch_7ffa4
+	note E_, 4
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 4
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	sound_call Music_Credits_branch_7ffae
+	sound_call Music_Credits_branch_7ffae
+	sound_call Music_Credits_branch_7ffa4
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	sound_call Music_Credits_branch_7ffd2
+	sound_call Music_Credits_branch_7ffd2
+	sound_call Music_Credits_branch_7ffdb
+	sound_call Music_Credits_branch_7ffdb
+	note F_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	sound_call Music_Credits_branch_7ffb8
+	sound_call Music_Credits_branch_7ffb8
+	note E_, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	sound_call Music_Credits_branch_7ffa4
+	sound_call Music_Credits_branch_7ffa4
+	sound_call Music_Credits_branch_7ffe4
+	sound_call Music_Credits_branch_7ffe4
+	sound_call Music_Credits_branch_7ffa4
+	sound_call Music_Credits_branch_7ffa4
+	sound_call Music_Credits_branch_7ffb8
+	sound_call Music_Credits_branch_7ffb8
+	sound_call Music_Credits_branch_7ffed
+	sound_call Music_Credits_branch_7ffed
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 3
-	A_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 7
-	endchannel
+	sound_ret
 	octave 4
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	endchannel
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	sound_ret
 	octave 4
-	D_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	endchannel
+	note D_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	sound_ret
-	G_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	endchannel
+	note G_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	sound_ret
 	octave 4
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 5
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 4
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 5
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 4
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 5
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 4
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 5
-	C# 2
-	endchannel
+	note C#, 2
+	sound_ret
-	D_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	endchannel
+	note D_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	sound_ret
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	endchannel
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	sound_ret
-	E_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	endchannel
+	note E_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	sound_ret
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 3
-	A_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 3
-	endchannel
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/music/defeatedgymleader.asm
+++ b/audio/music/defeatedgymleader.asm
@@ -1,607 +1,607 @@
 	tempo 112
 	volume 7, 7
-	duty 3
+	duty_cycle 3
 	vibrato 18, 3, 1
-	toggleperfectpitch
+	toggle_perfect_pitch
 	tempo 112
-	notetype 12, 10, 6
+	note_type 12, 10, 6
 	octave 4
-	D_ 6
+	note D_, 6
 	octave 3
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	octave 4
-	D_ 1
-	F# 6
-	D_ 1
-	F# 1
-	notetype 12, 10, 0
-	A_ 8
-	notetype 12, 10, 7
-	A_ 8
+	note D_, 1
+	note F#, 6
+	note D_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note_type 12, 10, 0
+	note A_, 8
+	note_type 12, 10, 7
+	note A_, 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 2
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	F# 4
-	G_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	E_ 4
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 4
-	D_ 4
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	F# 4
-	G_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	E_ 4
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	C# 2
-	notetype 12, 11, 1
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note F#, 4
+	note G_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note E_, 4
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note F#, 4
+	note G_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note E_, 4
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 2
+	note B_, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 2
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	F# 4
-	G_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	E_ 4
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 4
-	D_ 4
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	F# 4
-	G_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	E_ 4
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	C# 2
-	notetype 12, 11, 1
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note F#, 4
+	note G_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note E_, 4
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note F#, 4
+	note G_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note E_, 4
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 8
-	notetype 12, 9, 7
+	note B_, 8
+	note_type 12, 9, 7
 	octave 3
-	D_ 6
+	note D_, 6
 	octave 2
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	octave 3
-	D_ 1
-	F# 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
-	F# 6
-	E_ 1
-	F# 1
-	A_ 8
-	notetype 12, 9, 7
-	E_ 6
-	C# 1
-	E_ 1
-	G# 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
-	G# 6
-	E_ 1
-	G# 1
-	B_ 8
-	notetype 12, 9, 7
-	C# 6
+	note D_, 1
+	note F#, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
+	note F#, 6
+	note E_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note A_, 8
+	note_type 12, 9, 7
+	note E_, 6
+	note C#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note G#, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
+	note G#, 6
+	note E_, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note B_, 8
+	note_type 12, 9, 7
+	note C#, 6
 	octave 2
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	octave 3
-	C# 1
-	E_ 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
-	E_ 6
-	C# 1
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 4
-	G_ 4
-	notetype 12, 9, 0
-	F# 8
-	E_ 8
-	D_ 8
-	C# 8
-	notetype 12, 9, 7
-	D_ 6
+	note C#, 1
+	note E_, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
+	note E_, 6
+	note C#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note_type 12, 9, 0
+	note F#, 8
+	note E_, 8
+	note D_, 8
+	note C#, 8
+	note_type 12, 9, 7
+	note D_, 6
 	octave 2
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	octave 3
-	D_ 1
-	F# 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
-	F# 6
-	E_ 1
-	F# 1
-	A_ 8
-	notetype 12, 9, 7
-	E_ 6
-	C# 1
-	E_ 1
-	G# 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
-	G# 6
-	E_ 1
-	G# 1
-	B_ 8
-	notetype 12, 9, 7
-	C# 6
+	note D_, 1
+	note F#, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
+	note F#, 6
+	note E_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note A_, 8
+	note_type 12, 9, 7
+	note E_, 6
+	note C#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note G#, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
+	note G#, 6
+	note E_, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note B_, 8
+	note_type 12, 9, 7
+	note C#, 6
 	octave 2
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	octave 3
-	C# 1
-	E_ 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
-	E_ 6
-	C# 1
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 4
-	G_ 4
-	notetype 12, 9, 7
-	F# 6
-	E_ 1
-	F# 1
-	A_ 8
-	notetype 12, 10, 7
-	G_ 8
-	E_ 8
-	loopchannel 0, Music_DefeatedGymLeader_branch_23ccc
+	note C#, 1
+	note E_, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
+	note E_, 6
+	note C#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note_type 12, 9, 7
+	note F#, 6
+	note E_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note A_, 8
+	note_type 12, 10, 7
+	note G_, 8
+	note E_, 8
+	sound_loop 0, Music_DefeatedGymLeader_branch_23ccc
-	duty 2
+	duty_cycle 2
 	vibrato 24, 2, 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 4
 	octave 4
-	A_ 6
-	F# 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 6
+	note F#, 1
+	note A_, 1
 	octave 5
-	D_ 6
+	note D_, 6
 	octave 4
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	octave 5
-	D_ 1
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
-	F# 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
-	F# 8
+	note D_, 1
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
+	note F#, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
+	note F#, 8
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
 	octave 4
-	D_ 2
-	C# 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 4
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	F# 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 4
-	A_ 4
-	A_ 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 4
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
 	octave 4
-	D_ 2
-	C# 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 4
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	F# 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 1
-	D_ 6
-	notetype 6, 12, 2
-	G_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 4
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 1
+	note D_, 6
+	note_type 6, 12, 2
+	note G_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 4
-	C# 1
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
-	D_ 2
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 1
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 4
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	F# 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 4
-	A_ 4
-	A_ 3
-	notetype 6, 12, 2
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 4
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note A_, 3
+	note_type 6, 12, 2
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 4
-	C# 1
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
-	D_ 2
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 1
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 4
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	F# 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 1
-	D_ 8
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	A_ 6
-	F# 1
-	A_ 1
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 4
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 1
+	note D_, 8
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	note A_, 6
+	note F#, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
 	octave 4
-	D_ 8
-	notetype 12, 10, 0
-	D_ 8
-	notetype 12, 9, 7
-	D_ 8
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
+	note D_, 8
+	note_type 12, 10, 0
+	note D_, 8
+	note_type 12, 9, 7
+	note D_, 8
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
 	octave 3
-	B_ 6
-	G# 1
-	B_ 1
-	notetype 12, 8, 0
+	note B_, 6
+	note G#, 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note_type 12, 8, 0
 	octave 4
-	E_ 8
-	notetype 12, 10, 0
-	E_ 8
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	E_ 8
+	note E_, 8
+	note_type 12, 10, 0
+	note E_, 8
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	note E_, 8
 	octave 3
-	G_ 6
-	E_ 1
-	G_ 1
-	notetype 12, 6, 15
+	note G_, 6
+	note E_, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note_type 12, 6, -7
 	octave 4
-	C# 8
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	C# 8
-	F# 4
-	E_ 4
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
-	D_ 14
+	note C#, 8
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	note C#, 8
+	note F#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
+	note D_, 14
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
-	notetype 12, 10, 0
-	A_ 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
-	A_ 8
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	A_ 6
-	F# 1
-	A_ 1
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
+	note B_, 2
+	note_type 12, 10, 0
+	note A_, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
+	note A_, 8
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	note A_, 6
+	note F#, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
 	octave 4
-	D_ 8
-	notetype 12, 10, 0
-	D_ 8
-	notetype 12, 9, 7
-	D_ 8
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
+	note D_, 8
+	note_type 12, 10, 0
+	note D_, 8
+	note_type 12, 9, 7
+	note D_, 8
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
 	octave 3
-	B_ 6
-	G# 1
-	B_ 1
-	notetype 12, 4, 15
+	note B_, 6
+	note G#, 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note_type 12, 4, -7
 	octave 4
-	E_ 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
-	E_ 8
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	E_ 8
+	note E_, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
+	note E_, 8
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	note E_, 8
 	octave 3
-	G_ 6
-	E_ 1
-	G_ 1
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
+	note G_, 6
+	note E_, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
 	octave 4
-	C# 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
-	C# 8
+	note C#, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
+	note C#, 8
 	octave 3
-	A_ 4
+	note A_, 4
 	octave 4
-	C# 4
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
-	D_ 14
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 12
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
+	note C#, 4
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
+	note D_, 14
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 12
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
 	octave 3
-	G_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	B_ 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 4
-	C# 1
-	loopchannel 0, Music_DefeatedGymLeader_branch_23d84
+	note C#, 1
+	sound_loop 0, Music_DefeatedGymLeader_branch_23d84
-	notetype 12, 1, 0
+	note_type 12, 1, 0
 	vibrato 16, 1, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 6
-	D_ 1
-	F# 1
-	A_ 6
-	F# 1
-	A_ 1
+	note F#, 6
+	note D_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note A_, 6
+	note F#, 1
+	note A_, 1
 	octave 5
-	D_ 6
+	note D_, 6
 	octave 4
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	octave 5
-	D_ 1
-	F# 8
+	note D_, 1
+	note F#, 8
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 3
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 3
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 3
+	note F#, 3
 	rest 1
-	F# 3
+	note F#, 3
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 3
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 5
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 3
+	note G_, 3
 	rest 1
-	D_ 3
+	note D_, 3
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 7
-	D_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	D# 2
-	E_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	C# 2
-	A_ 2
-	C# 2
-	A_ 2
-	C# 2
-	A_ 2
-	C# 2
-	A_ 2
-	C# 2
-	A_ 2
-	C# 2
-	A_ 2
-	C# 2
-	A_ 2
-	C# 2
-	A_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	C# 2
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	D# 2
-	E_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	C# 2
-	A_ 2
-	C# 2
-	A_ 2
-	C# 2
-	A_ 2
-	C# 2
-	A_ 2
-	C# 2
-	A_ 2
-	C# 2
-	A_ 2
-	C# 2
-	A_ 2
-	C# 2
-	A_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	loopchannel 0, Music_DefeatedGymLeader_branch_23e65
+	note D_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	sound_loop 0, Music_DefeatedGymLeader_branch_23e65
--- a/audio/music/defeatedtrainer.asm
+++ b/audio/music/defeatedtrainer.asm
@@ -1,266 +1,266 @@
 	tempo 224
 	volume 7, 7
-	duty 2
-	toggleperfectpitch
+	duty_cycle 2
+	toggle_perfect_pitch
 	tempo 224
-	notetype 4, 10, 2
+	note_type 4, 10, 2
 	octave 4
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	tempo 224
-	notetype 4, 10, 2
-	D_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	D_ 2
+	note_type 4, 10, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 4
-	D_ 2
-	notetype 4, 11, 3
-	F# 12
-	duty 1
+	note D_, 2
+	note_type 4, 11, 3
+	note F#, 12
+	duty_cycle 1
 	tempo 224
-	notetype 4, 6, 3
+	note_type 4, 6, 3
 	octave 3
-	A_ 6
-	F# 3
-	A_ 3
-	B_ 6
-	G# 3
-	B_ 3
+	note A_, 6
+	note F#, 3
+	note A_, 3
+	note B_, 6
+	note G#, 3
+	note B_, 3
 	octave 4
-	C# 3
+	note C#, 3
 	octave 3
-	B_ 3
-	A_ 3
-	G_ 3
-	A_ 3
-	B_ 3
-	A_ 3
-	G_ 3
-	A_ 6
-	F# 3
-	A_ 3
-	B_ 6
-	G# 3
-	B_ 3
+	note B_, 3
+	note A_, 3
+	note G_, 3
+	note A_, 3
+	note B_, 3
+	note A_, 3
+	note G_, 3
+	note A_, 6
+	note F#, 3
+	note A_, 3
+	note B_, 6
+	note G#, 3
+	note B_, 3
 	octave 4
-	C# 3
-	D_ 3
-	E_ 3
-	F# 3
-	C# 3
+	note C#, 3
+	note D_, 3
+	note E_, 3
+	note F#, 3
+	note C#, 3
 	octave 3
-	B_ 3
-	A_ 3
+	note B_, 3
+	note A_, 3
 	octave 4
-	C# 3
+	note C#, 3
 	octave 3
-	A_ 6
-	F# 3
-	A_ 3
-	B_ 6
-	G# 3
-	B_ 3
+	note A_, 6
+	note F#, 3
+	note A_, 3
+	note B_, 6
+	note G#, 3
+	note B_, 3
 	octave 4
-	C_ 6
+	note C_, 6
 	octave 3
-	A_ 3
+	note A_, 3
 	octave 4
-	C_ 3
-	D_ 3
+	note C_, 3
+	note D_, 3
 	octave 3
-	B_ 3
+	note B_, 3
 	octave 4
-	D_ 6
-	C# 3
+	note D_, 6
+	note C#, 3
 	octave 3
-	B_ 3
-	A_ 3
-	G_ 3
-	F# 3
-	G_ 3
-	A_ 3
-	B_ 3
-	A_ 3
-	G_ 3
-	F# 3
-	E_ 3
-	F# 3
-	G_ 3
-	A_ 3
-	B_ 3
-	loopchannel 0, Music_DefeatedTrainer_branch_23a76
+	note B_, 3
+	note A_, 3
+	note G_, 3
+	note F#, 3
+	note G_, 3
+	note A_, 3
+	note B_, 3
+	note A_, 3
+	note G_, 3
+	note F#, 3
+	note E_, 3
+	note F#, 3
+	note G_, 3
+	note A_, 3
+	note B_, 3
+	sound_loop 0, Music_DefeatedTrainer_branch_23a76
-	duty 2
-	notetype 4, 12, 3
+	duty_cycle 2
+	note_type 4, 12, 3
 	octave 4
-	A_ 2
-	notetype 4, 12, 3
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	B_ 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note_type 4, 12, 3
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 5
-	C# 2
-	notetype 4, 12, 4
-	D_ 12
+	note C#, 2
+	note_type 4, 12, 4
+	note D_, 12
-	notetype 4, 8, 5
+	note_type 4, 8, 5
 	octave 4
-	D_ 6
+	note D_, 6
 	octave 3
-	A_ 3
+	note A_, 3
 	octave 4
-	D_ 3
-	E_ 6
+	note D_, 3
+	note E_, 6
 	octave 3
-	B_ 3
+	note B_, 3
 	octave 4
-	E_ 3
-	F# 3
-	G_ 3
-	A_ 6
-	E_ 3
-	F# 3
-	G_ 6
-	D_ 6
+	note E_, 3
+	note F#, 3
+	note G_, 3
+	note A_, 6
+	note E_, 3
+	note F#, 3
+	note G_, 6
+	note D_, 6
 	octave 3
-	A_ 3
+	note A_, 3
 	octave 4
-	D_ 3
-	E_ 6
+	note D_, 3
+	note E_, 6
 	octave 3
-	B_ 3
+	note B_, 3
 	octave 4
-	E_ 3
-	F# 3
-	G_ 3
-	A_ 6
-	F# 3
-	G_ 3
-	A_ 6
-	D_ 6
+	note E_, 3
+	note F#, 3
+	note G_, 3
+	note A_, 6
+	note F#, 3
+	note G_, 3
+	note A_, 6
+	note D_, 6
 	octave 3
-	A_ 3
+	note A_, 3
 	octave 4
-	D_ 3
-	E_ 6
+	note D_, 3
+	note E_, 6
 	octave 3
-	B_ 3
+	note B_, 3
 	octave 4
-	E_ 3
-	F_ 6
-	C_ 3
-	F_ 3
-	G_ 3
-	D_ 3
-	G_ 6
-	notetype 4, 7, 0
-	F# 12
-	notetype 4, 7, 7
-	F# 12
-	notetype 4, 6, 0
-	E_ 12
-	notetype 4, 6, 7
-	E_ 12
-	loopchannel 0, Music_DefeatedTrainer_branch_23ad2
+	note E_, 3
+	note F_, 6
+	note C_, 3
+	note F_, 3
+	note G_, 3
+	note D_, 3
+	note G_, 6
+	note_type 4, 7, 0
+	note F#, 12
+	note_type 4, 7, 7
+	note F#, 12
+	note_type 4, 6, 0
+	note E_, 12
+	note_type 4, 6, 7
+	note E_, 12
+	sound_loop 0, Music_DefeatedTrainer_branch_23ad2
-	notetype 4, 1, 0
+	note_type 4, 1, 0
 	octave 5
-	D_ 2
-	notetype 4, 1, 0
-	D_ 2
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note_type 4, 1, 0
+	note D_, 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 4
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	A_ 12
-	notetype 4, 2, 1
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note A_, 12
+	note_type 4, 2, 1
-	F# 3
+	note F#, 3
 	rest 3
-	F# 3
+	note F#, 3
 	rest 3
-	G# 3
+	note G#, 3
 	rest 3
-	G# 3
+	note G#, 3
 	rest 3
-	A_ 3
+	note A_, 3
 	rest 3
-	A_ 3
+	note A_, 3
 	rest 3
-	B_ 3
+	note B_, 3
 	rest 3
-	B_ 3
+	note B_, 3
 	rest 3
-	F# 3
+	note F#, 3
 	rest 3
-	F# 3
+	note F#, 3
 	rest 3
-	G# 3
+	note G#, 3
 	rest 3
-	G# 3
+	note G#, 3
 	rest 3
-	A_ 3
+	note A_, 3
 	rest 3
-	A_ 3
+	note A_, 3
 	rest 3
 	octave 5
-	C# 3
+	note C#, 3
 	rest 3
-	C# 3
+	note C#, 3
 	octave 4
-	A_ 3
-	F# 3
+	note A_, 3
+	note F#, 3
 	octave 5
-	D_ 3
+	note D_, 3
 	octave 4
-	F# 3
+	note F#, 3
 	rest 3
-	G# 3
+	note G#, 3
 	octave 5
-	E_ 3
+	note E_, 3
 	octave 4
-	G# 3
+	note G#, 3
 	rest 3
-	A_ 3
+	note A_, 3
 	octave 5
-	F_ 3
+	note F_, 3
 	octave 4
-	A_ 3
+	note A_, 3
 	rest 3
-	B_ 3
+	note B_, 3
 	octave 5
-	G_ 3
+	note G_, 3
 	octave 4
-	B_ 3
-	A# 3
-	A_ 3
+	note B_, 3
+	note A#, 3
+	note A_, 3
 	rest 3
-	A_ 3
+	note A_, 3
 	rest 3
-	A_ 3
+	note A_, 3
 	rest 3
-	A_ 3
+	note A_, 3
 	octave 5
-	C_ 3
-	C# 3
+	note C_, 3
+	note C#, 3
 	rest 3
-	C# 3
+	note C#, 3
 	rest 3
-	C# 3
+	note C#, 3
 	rest 3
-	C# 3
+	note C#, 3
 	octave 4
-	A_ 3
-	loopchannel 0, Music_DefeatedTrainer_branch_23b24
+	note A_, 3
+	sound_loop 0, Music_DefeatedTrainer_branch_23b24
--- a/audio/music/defeatedwildmon.asm
+++ b/audio/music/defeatedwildmon.asm
@@ -1,302 +1,302 @@
 	tempo 112
 	volume 7, 7
-	executemusic
-	duty 3
+	execute_music
+	duty_cycle 3
 	vibrato 6, 3, 4
-	toggleperfectpitch
+	toggle_perfect_pitch
 	tempo 112
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	G# 1
-	F# 1
-	E_ 12
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note E_, 12
-	notetype 12, 6, 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G# 2
-	G# 2
-	G# 4
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 4
-	G# 2
-	G# 2
-	G# 4
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G# 2
-	G# 2
-	G# 4
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 4
-	G# 8
-	F_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 4
-	A# 2
-	A# 2
-	A# 4
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 4
-	F_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 4
-	A# 2
-	A# 2
-	A# 4
-	A_ 8
-	loopchannel 0, Music_DefeatedWildMon_branch_23b8b
+	note_type 12, 6, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note G#, 4
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 4
+	note G#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note G#, 4
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note G#, 4
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 4
+	note G#, 8
+	note F_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 4
+	note A#, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note A#, 4
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 4
+	note F_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 4
+	note A#, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note A#, 4
+	note A_, 8
+	sound_loop 0, Music_DefeatedWildMon_branch_23b8b
-	executemusic
-	duty 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 3
+	execute_music
+	duty_cycle 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 3
 	octave 4
-	E_ 1
-	F# 1
-	G# 1
-	A_ 1
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	B_ 12
+	note E_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	note B_, 12
-	notetype 12, 8, 2
+	note_type 12, 8, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	A_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
-	C# 2
-	C# 4
+	note C#, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note C#, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	B_ 4
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	A_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note B_, 4
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
-	C# 2
-	C# 4
+	note C#, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note C#, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 8
+	note B_, 8
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 3
-	A# 2
-	A_ 2
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	C_ 4
-	D_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	D_ 4
-	C_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	C_ 4
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note C_, 4
+	note D_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note D_, 4
+	note C_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note C_, 4
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 3
-	A# 2
-	A_ 2
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	C_ 4
-	D_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	D_ 4
-	C_ 8
-	loopchannel 0, Music_DefeatedWildMon_branch_23bce
+	note C_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note C_, 4
+	note D_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note D_, 4
+	note C_, 8
+	sound_loop 0, Music_DefeatedWildMon_branch_23bce
-	executemusic
-	notetype 12, 2, 0
+	execute_music
+	note_type 12, 2, 0
 	octave 5
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 6
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 6
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 3
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 3
 	octave 4
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 3
 	octave 5
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 3
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 3
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 3
 	octave 5
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 3
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 3
 	octave 5
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 3
 	octave 4
-	D# 4
+	note D#, 4
 	octave 4
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 3
 	octave 5
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 3
 	octave 4
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 3
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 3
 	octave 5
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 3
 	octave 4
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 3
 	octave 5
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 3
 	octave 4
-	D# 4
-	loopchannel 0, Music_DefeatedWildMon_branch_23c21
+	note D#, 4
+	sound_loop 0, Music_DefeatedWildMon_branch_23c21
--- a/audio/music/dungeon1.asm
+++ b/audio/music/dungeon1.asm
@@ -1,675 +1,675 @@
 	tempo 144
 	volume 7, 7
-	duty 3
-	toggleperfectpitch
+	duty_cycle 3
+	toggle_perfect_pitch
 	vibrato 10, 1, 4
-	notetype 12, 4, 13
+	note_type 12, 4, -5
 	rest 8
-	stereopanning 237
+	stereo_panning %1110, %1101
 	octave 4
-	F# 8
-	stereopanning 255
+	note F#, 8
+	stereo_panning %1111, %1111
-	notetype 12, 11, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 2
 	octave 3
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon1_branch_7dfaa
-	loopchannel 3, Music_Dungeon1_branch_7dee8
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	B_ 1
-	A# 1
-	G_ 1
-	G# 1
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon1_branch_7dfaa
+	sound_loop 3, Music_Dungeon1_branch_7dee8
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	A# 1
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	B_ 1
-	A# 1
-	G_ 1
-	G# 1
-	A_ 1
-	A# 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note A#, 1
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon1_branch_7dfaa
-	loopchannel 4, Music_Dungeon1_branch_7deff
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon1_branch_7dfd5
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon1_branch_7dfaa
+	sound_loop 4, Music_Dungeon1_branch_7deff
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon1_branch_7dfd5
 	octave 3
-	G_ 1
-	F# 1
-	E_ 1
-	G_ 1
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon1_branch_7dfd5
+	note G_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon1_branch_7dfd5
 	octave 3
-	A_ 1
-	G_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon1_branch_7dfd5
+	note A_, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon1_branch_7dfd5
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	G_ 1
-	F# 1
-	notetype 12, 12, 3
-	G_ 4
-	F# 4
-	E_ 4
-	D# 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon1_branch_7dfc5
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note_type 12, 12, 3
+	note G_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon1_branch_7dfc5
 	octave 3
-	B_ 3
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon1_branch_7dfc5
-	C_ 3
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon1_branch_7dfc5
-	C# 3
-	notetype 12, 12, 3
+	note B_, 3
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon1_branch_7dfc5
+	note C_, 3
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon1_branch_7dfc5
+	note C#, 3
+	note_type 12, 12, 3
 	octave 3
-	G_ 4
-	F# 4
-	E_ 4
-	D# 4
-	E_ 4
-	D# 4
-	C_ 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note C_, 4
 	octave 2
-	B_ 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
-	B_ 1
-	A# 1
-	G_ 1
-	A# 1
-	B_ 1
-	A# 1
-	G_ 1
-	A# 1
+	note B_, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
+	note B_, 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note A#, 1
 	octave 3
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
-	G# 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 3
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
-	G# 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 3
-	C# 1
-	C_ 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 2
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	octave 3
-	C_ 1
-	C# 1
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 2
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	octave 3
-	C_ 1
-	D_ 1
-	C# 1
+	note C_, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note C#, 1
 	octave 2
-	A# 1
+	note A#, 1
 	octave 3
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note C#, 1
 	octave 2
-	A# 1
+	note A#, 1
 	octave 3
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 16
-	loopchannel 8, Music_Dungeon1_branch_7df6e
-	notetype 12, 12, 3
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon1_branch_7dfbb
-	B_ 2
-	G_ 2
+	sound_loop 8, Music_Dungeon1_branch_7df6e
+	note_type 12, 12, 3
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon1_branch_7dfbb
+	note B_, 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 3
-	C# 4
+	note C#, 4
 	octave 2
-	G_ 2
-	A_ 4
-	F# 2
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon1_branch_7dfbb
-	A# 2
-	G_ 2
-	B_ 4
-	G_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G_ 2
-	D# 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon1_branch_7dfc5
+	note G_, 2
+	note A_, 4
+	note F#, 2
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon1_branch_7dfbb
+	note A#, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note B_, 4
+	note G_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon1_branch_7dfc5
 	octave 3
-	B_ 3
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon1_branch_7dfc5
-	C_ 3
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon1_branch_7dfc5
-	C# 3
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
+	note B_, 3
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon1_branch_7dfc5
+	note C_, 3
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon1_branch_7dfc5
+	note C#, 3
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
 	octave 3
-	F# 8
-	D# 8
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon1_branch_7dfaa
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon1_branch_7dfaa
-	loopchannel 0, Music_Dungeon1_branch_7dee5
+	note F#, 8
+	note D#, 8
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon1_branch_7dfaa
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon1_branch_7dfaa
+	sound_loop 0, Music_Dungeon1_branch_7dee5
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	B_ 1
-	A# 1
-	G_ 1
-	G# 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	A# 1
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	B_ 1
-	A# 1
-	G_ 1
-	G# 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	A# 1
-	endchannel
+	note A#, 1
+	sound_ret
 	octave 2
-	G_ 2
-	A# 4
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note A#, 4
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 3
-	C# 4
+	note C#, 4
 	octave 2
-	G_ 2
-	A# 2
-	endchannel
+	note G_, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	sound_ret
 	octave 3
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	F_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	G_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	A# 1
-	E_ 1
-	B_ 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note E_, 1
 	octave 4
-	C_ 1
-	endchannel
+	note C_, 1
+	sound_ret
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 4
 	octave 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 3
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	endchannel
+	sound_ret
 	vibrato 11, 1, 5
-	duty 3
-	notetype 12, 0, 15
+	duty_cycle 3
+	note_type 12, 0, -7
 	octave 4
-	G# 8
-	notetype 12, 4, 13
+	note G#, 8
+	note_type 12, 4, -5
 	octave 5
-	D_ 8
+	note D_, 8
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e097
-	loopchannel 3, Music_Dungeon1_branch_7dfed
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e097
+	sound_loop 3, Music_Dungeon1_branch_7dfed
 	octave 2
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	B_ 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 3
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	rest 2
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	G_ 1
-	F_ 1
-	F# 1
-	G_ 1
-	D# 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note D#, 1
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e097
-	loopchannel 4, Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e006
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e097
+	sound_loop 4, Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e006
 	rest 2
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e0ab
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e0ab
 	octave 3
-	C_ 4
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e0ab
+	note C_, 4
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e0ab
 	octave 3
-	C# 4
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e0ab
+	note C#, 4
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e0ab
 	octave 3
-	D# 4
-	notetype 12, 13, 3
+	note D#, 4
+	note_type 12, 13, 3
 	octave 4
-	E_ 4
-	D# 4
-	C_ 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note C_, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 4
-	notetype 12, 13, 2
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e0b5
+	note B_, 4
+	note_type 12, 13, 2
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e0b5
 	octave 3
-	F# 4
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e0b5
+	note F#, 4
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e0b5
 	octave 3
-	G_ 4
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e0b5
+	note G_, 4
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e0b5
 	octave 3
-	A# 4
-	notetype 12, 13, 3
+	note A#, 4
+	note_type 12, 13, 3
 	octave 4
-	E_ 4
-	D# 4
-	C_ 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note C_, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 4
-	C_ 4
+	note C_, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 4
-	G_ 4
-	F# 2
-	notetype 12, 13, 6
-	E_ 8
-	F_ 8
-	F# 8
-	G_ 8
-	notetype 12, 13, 2
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e0ba
+	note B_, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note F#, 2
+	note_type 12, 13, 6
+	note E_, 8
+	note F_, 8
+	note F#, 8
+	note G_, 8
+	note_type 12, 13, 2
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e0ba
 	rest 10
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e0ba
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e0ba
 	rest 12
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e0ba
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e0ba
 	rest 12
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e0ba
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e0ba
 	rest 14
-	notetype 12, 13, 3
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e0cd
-	D# 4
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e0cd
-	D# 2
+	note_type 12, 13, 3
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e0cd
+	note D#, 4
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e0cd
+	note D#, 2
 	rest 2
-	notetype 12, 13, 2
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e0c0
+	note_type 12, 13, 2
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e0c0
 	rest 2
 	octave 3
-	F# 4
+	note F#, 4
 	octave 2
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	rest 1
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
-	C# 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 2
 	octave 3
-	G_ 4
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e0c0
+	note G_, 4
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e0c0
 	octave 3
-	A# 4
-	notetype 12, 13, 6
-	B_ 8
+	note A#, 4
+	note_type 12, 13, 6
+	note B_, 8
 	octave 4
-	D# 8
-	notetype 12, 13, 2
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e097
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e097
-	loopchannel 0, Music_Dungeon1_branch_7dfeb
+	note D#, 8
+	note_type 12, 13, 2
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e097
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e097
+	sound_loop 0, Music_Dungeon1_branch_7dfeb
 	octave 2
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	B_ 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 3
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	rest 2
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 3
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	rest 2
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
-	endchannel
+	note B_, 1
+	sound_ret
 	octave 2
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 2
 	octave 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 3
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 3
-	endchannel
+	sound_ret
 	octave 2
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 10
-	endchannel
+	sound_ret
 	octave 1
-	E_ 1
-	G_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	endchannel
+	note E_, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	sound_ret
 	octave 2
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
 	octave 4
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	C# 1
-	C_ 1
-	endchannel
+	note C#, 1
+	note C_, 1
+	sound_ret
 	octave 3
-	E_ 6
-	G_ 6
-	E_ 4
-	A_ 6
+	note E_, 6
+	note G_, 6
+	note E_, 4
+	note A_, 6
 	octave 4
-	C_ 6
+	note C_, 6
 	octave 3
-	B_ 4
-	G_ 6
-	A# 6
-	F# 4
-	E_ 6
-	F# 6
-	endchannel
+	note B_, 4
+	note G_, 6
+	note A#, 6
+	note F#, 4
+	note E_, 6
+	note F#, 6
+	sound_ret
-	notetype 12, 1, 1
+	note_type 12, 1, 1
 	vibrato 8, 2, 6
 	rest 14
 	octave 4
-	D_ 1
-	D# 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D#, 1
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e140
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e140
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e140
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e140
 	octave 5
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	rest 4
 	octave 3
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 3
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F# 4
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e154
+	note F#, 4
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e154
 	octave 4
-	G_ 4
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e154
+	note G_, 4
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e154
 	octave 4
-	A_ 4
-	B_ 4
-	A# 4
-	G_ 4
-	F# 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note A#, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note F#, 4
 	rest 6
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e177
-	B_ 4
-	A# 4
-	G_ 4
-	F# 4
-	G_ 4
-	F# 4
-	E_ 4
-	D# 4
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e15e
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e177
+	note B_, 4
+	note A#, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e15e
 	rest 12
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e15e
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e15e
 	rest 12
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e15e
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e15e
 	rest 10
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e15e
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e15e
 	rest 12
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e15e
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e15e
 	rest 12
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e15e
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e15e
 	rest 10
-	D_ 1
-	D# 1
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e164
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e164
-	E_ 2
+	note D_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e164
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e164
+	note E_, 2
 	rest 4
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e177
-	B_ 8
-	F# 6
-	D_ 1
-	D# 1
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e177
+	note B_, 8
+	note F#, 6
+	note D_, 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 16
 	rest 16
-	loopchannel 0, Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e0e5
+	sound_loop 0, Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e0e5
 	octave 5
-	E_ 4
-	B_ 4
-	A# 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note A#, 4
 	octave 6
-	D_ 4
-	C# 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note C#, 4
 	octave 5
-	G# 4
-	G_ 4
-	B_ 4
-	A# 4
-	E_ 4
-	D# 4
-	A_ 4
-	G# 4
-	E_ 4
-	F# 4
-	D# 4
-	endchannel
+	note G#, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note A#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note G#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	sound_ret
 	octave 6
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 4
 	octave 3
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 3
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	endchannel
+	sound_ret
 	octave 3
-	E_ 1
-	G_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	endchannel
+	note E_, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	sound_ret
-	E_ 4
-	B_ 4
-	A# 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note A#, 4
 	octave 4
-	D_ 4
-	C# 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note C#, 4
 	octave 3
-	G# 4
-	G_ 4
-	B_ 4
-	A# 4
-	E_ 4
-	D# 4
-	A_ 4
-	G# 4
-	E_ 4
-	F# 4
-	D# 4
-	endchannel
+	note G#, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note A#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note G#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	sound_ret
 	octave 4
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 3
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 4
+	note F#, 4
 	rest 6
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 3
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 4
+	note G_, 4
 	rest 6
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 3
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	A# 4
-	endchannel
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note A#, 4
+	sound_ret
-	dspeed 12
+	drum_speed 12
 	rest 14
-	cymbal1 1
-	cymbal1 1
+	drum_note 12, 1
+	drum_note 12, 1
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e1f1
-	loopchannel 3, Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e190
-	cymbal2 4
-	cymbal1 4
-	cymbal2 4
-	cymbal1 2
-	cymbal1 2
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e1f1
+	sound_loop 3, Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e190
+	drum_note 13, 4
+	drum_note 12, 4
+	drum_note 13, 4
+	drum_note 12, 2
+	drum_note 12, 2
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e1f1
-	loopchannel 3, Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e1a1
-	cymbal2 4
-	cymbal1 4
-	cymbal2 4
-	cymbal2 4
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e1f1
+	sound_loop 3, Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e1a1
+	drum_note 13, 4
+	drum_note 12, 4
+	drum_note 13, 4
+	drum_note 13, 4
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e1fa
-	loopchannel 3, Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e1b0
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e202
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e1fa
+	sound_loop 3, Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e1b0
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e202
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e1fa
-	loopchannel 3, Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e1ba
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e202
-	snare7 4
-	snare8 4
-	snare8 4
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e1fa
+	sound_loop 3, Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e1ba
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e202
+	drum_note 9, 4
+	drum_note 10, 4
+	drum_note 10, 4
 	rest 2
-	snare7 2
-	cymbal2 4
+	drum_note 9, 2
+	drum_note 13, 4
 	rest 16
-	loopchannel 13, Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e1cf
+	sound_loop 13, Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e1cf
 	rest 12
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e1fa
-	loopchannel 3, Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e1d5
-	cymbal1 4
-	cymbal1 4
-	cymbal1 4
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e1fa
+	sound_loop 3, Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e1d5
+	drum_note 12, 4
+	drum_note 12, 4
+	drum_note 12, 4
 	rest 2
-	cymbal1 1
-	cymbal1 1
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e1f1
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e1f1
-	loopchannel 0, Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e190
+	drum_note 12, 1
+	drum_note 12, 1
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e1f1
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e1f1
+	sound_loop 0, Music_Dungeon1_branch_7e190
-	cymbal2 4
-	cymbal1 4
-	cymbal2 4
-	cymbal1 4
-	endchannel
+	drum_note 13, 4
+	drum_note 12, 4
+	drum_note 13, 4
+	drum_note 12, 4
+	sound_ret
-	cymbal1 1
-	cymbal1 1
+	drum_note 12, 1
+	drum_note 12, 1
 	rest 10
-	cymbal3 4
-	endchannel
+	drum_note 14, 4
+	sound_ret
-	snare7 4
-	snare8 4
-	snare8 4
-	snare9 4
-	endchannel
+	drum_note 9, 4
+	drum_note 10, 4
+	drum_note 10, 4
+	drum_note 11, 4
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/music/dungeon2.asm
+++ b/audio/music/dungeon2.asm
@@ -1,64 +1,64 @@
 	tempo 144
 	volume 7, 7
-	duty 3
-	toggleperfectpitch
+	duty_cycle 3
+	toggle_perfect_pitch
 	vibrato 10, 1, 4
-	notetype 12, 11, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 2
 	octave 4
-	E_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	A# 4
-	A# 4
-	A# 4
-	A# 4
-	E_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	E_ 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note A#, 4
+	note A#, 4
+	note A#, 4
+	note A#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note E_, 4
 	octave 5
-	C# 4
-	C# 4
-	C# 4
-	C# 4
+	note C#, 4
+	note C#, 4
+	note C#, 4
+	note C#, 4
 	octave 3
-	E_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	A# 4
-	A# 4
-	A# 4
-	A# 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note A#, 4
+	note A#, 4
+	note A#, 4
+	note A#, 4
 	octave 2
-	G_ 2
-	A# 4
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note A#, 4
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 3
-	C# 4
+	note C#, 4
 	octave 2
-	G_ 2
-	A# 2
-	B_ 2
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 3
-	C# 4
+	note C#, 4
 	octave 2
-	G_ 2
-	A_ 4
-	F# 2
-	loopchannel 2, Music_Dungeon2_branch_7e892
-	notetype 12, 1, 15
+	note G_, 2
+	note A_, 4
+	note F#, 2
+	sound_loop 2, Music_Dungeon2_branch_7e892
+	note_type 12, 1, -7
 	octave 3
-	E_ 16
-	C_ 16
-	D_ 16
+	note E_, 16
+	note C_, 16
+	note D_, 16
 	octave 2
-	A# 16
+	note A#, 16
 	rest 16
 	rest 16
 	rest 16
@@ -67,251 +67,251 @@
 	rest 16
 	rest 16
 	rest 16
-	loopchannel 0, Music_Dungeon2_branch_7e892
+	sound_loop 0, Music_Dungeon2_branch_7e892
 	vibrato 11, 1, 5
-	duty 3
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
+	duty_cycle 3
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	C_ 4
-	C_ 4
-	C_ 4
-	C_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	C_ 4
-	C_ 4
-	C_ 4
-	C_ 4
-	B_ 4
-	B_ 4
-	B_ 4
-	B_ 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note C_, 4
+	note C_, 4
+	note C_, 4
+	note C_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note C_, 4
+	note C_, 4
+	note C_, 4
+	note C_, 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 4
-	F# 4
-	F# 4
-	F# 4
-	F# 4
-	D_ 4
-	D_ 4
-	D_ 4
-	D_ 4
-	G_ 4
-	G_ 4
-	G_ 4
-	F# 4
-	loopchannel 2, Music_Dungeon2_branch_7e8db
+	note F#, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	sound_loop 2, Music_Dungeon2_branch_7e8db
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	D# 2
-	E_ 2
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 5
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	rest 2
-	D# 2
+	note D#, 2
 	rest 2
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	rest 2
-	C# 2
-	C_ 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 4
-	E_ 2
-	G_ 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 3
-	A# 2
-	C# 2
-	A# 2
-	A_ 2
-	A# 2
-	G_ 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 5
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	rest 2
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	rest 2
-	F_ 2
+	note F_, 2
 	rest 2
-	E_ 2
-	D# 2
-	D_ 2
-	C# 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C#, 2
 	rest 16
 	rest 16
 	rest 16
 	rest 16
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	duty 1
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	duty_cycle 1
 	octave 4
-	E_ 16
-	D_ 16
-	C_ 16
-	D_ 16
-	loopchannel 0, Music_Dungeon2_branch_7e8db
+	note E_, 16
+	note D_, 16
+	note C_, 16
+	note D_, 16
+	sound_loop 0, Music_Dungeon2_branch_7e8db
-	notetype 12, 1, 3
+	note_type 12, 1, 3
 	vibrato 8, 2, 6
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon2_branch_7e9d1
-	loopchannel 16, Music_Dungeon2_branch_7e940
-	E_ 4
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon2_branch_7e9d1
+	sound_loop 16, Music_Dungeon2_branch_7e940
+	note E_, 4
 	rest 4
 	rest 4
-	E_ 4
-	C_ 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note C_, 4
 	rest 4
 	rest 4
-	C_ 4
-	D_ 4
+	note C_, 4
+	note D_, 4
 	rest 4
 	rest 4
-	D_ 4
+	note D_, 4
 	octave 3
-	A# 4
+	note A#, 4
 	rest 4
 	rest 4
-	A# 4
+	note A#, 4
 	octave 5
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	rest 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 2
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	rest 2
 	octave 6
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	rest 2
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	rest 2
 	octave 5
-	G# 2
+	note G#, 2
 	rest 2
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	rest 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 2
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	rest 2
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	rest 2
-	D# 2
+	note D#, 2
 	rest 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	rest 2
-	G# 2
+	note G#, 2
 	rest 2
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	rest 2
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	rest 2
-	D# 2
+	note D#, 2
 	rest 2
-	loopchannel 3, Music_Dungeon2_branch_7e958
+	sound_loop 3, Music_Dungeon2_branch_7e958
 	octave 4
-	E_ 4
-	B_ 4
-	A# 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note A#, 4
 	octave 5
-	D_ 4
-	C# 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note C#, 4
 	octave 4
-	G# 4
-	G_ 4
-	B_ 4
-	A# 4
-	E_ 4
-	D# 4
-	A_ 4
-	G# 4
-	E_ 4
-	F# 4
-	D# 4
+	note G#, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note A#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note G#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note D#, 4
 	octave 3
-	E_ 16
-	C_ 16
-	D_ 16
+	note E_, 16
+	note C_, 16
+	note D_, 16
 	octave 2
-	A# 16
+	note A#, 16
 	octave 3
-	E_ 16
-	F_ 16
-	G_ 16
+	note E_, 16
+	note F_, 16
+	note G_, 16
 	octave 3
-	B_ 16
+	note B_, 16
 	rest 16
 	rest 16
 	rest 16
 	rest 16
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon2_branch_7e9d1
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon2_branch_7e9d1
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon2_branch_7e9d1
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon2_branch_7e9d1
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon2_branch_7e9d1
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon2_branch_7e9d1
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon2_branch_7e9d1
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon2_branch_7e9d1
-	loopchannel 0, Music_Dungeon2_branch_7e940
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon2_branch_7e9d1
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon2_branch_7e9d1
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon2_branch_7e9d1
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon2_branch_7e9d1
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon2_branch_7e9d1
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon2_branch_7e9d1
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon2_branch_7e9d1
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon2_branch_7e9d1
+	sound_loop 0, Music_Dungeon2_branch_7e940
 	octave 2
-	G_ 2
-	A# 4
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note A#, 4
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 3
-	C# 4
+	note C#, 4
 	octave 2
-	G_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	A# 2
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 3
-	C# 4
+	note C#, 4
 	octave 2
-	G_ 2
-	A# 2
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note G_, 2
 	rest 2
-	endchannel
+	sound_ret
 	octave 4
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	rest 4
 	octave 3
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 3
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F# 4
-	endchannel
+	note F#, 4
+	sound_ret
-	dspeed 12
+	drum_speed 12
-	cymbal1 4
-	cymbal2 4
-	cymbal1 4
-	snare8 4
-	cymbal1 4
-	cymbal2 4
-	snare9 4
-	snare7 4
-	loopchannel 0, Music_Dungeon2_branch_7e9dd
+	drum_note 12, 4
+	drum_note 13, 4
+	drum_note 12, 4
+	drum_note 10, 4
+	drum_note 12, 4
+	drum_note 13, 4
+	drum_note 11, 4
+	drum_note 9, 4
+	sound_loop 0, Music_Dungeon2_branch_7e9dd
--- a/audio/music/dungeon3.asm
+++ b/audio/music/dungeon3.asm
@@ -1,432 +1,432 @@
 	tempo 160
 	volume 7, 7
-	duty 3
-	toggleperfectpitch
+	duty_cycle 3
+	toggle_perfect_pitch
 	vibrato 8, 1, 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 3
+	note_type 12, 12, 3
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon3_branch_7eab2
-	loopchannel 3, Music_Dungeon3_branch_7e9fe
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon3_branch_7eab2
+	sound_loop 3, Music_Dungeon3_branch_7e9fe
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	D# 2
-	G_ 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	D# 2
-	G_ 2
-	D# 2
-	E_ 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note E_, 2
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon3_branch_7eac1
-	loopchannel 4, Music_Dungeon3_branch_7ea11
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon3_branch_7eac1
+	sound_loop 4, Music_Dungeon3_branch_7ea11
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon3_branch_7eab2
-	loopchannel 4, Music_Dungeon3_branch_7ea18
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon3_branch_7eab2
+	sound_loop 4, Music_Dungeon3_branch_7ea18
 	octave 4
-	F_ 2
-	F_ 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note F_, 2
 	rest 2
-	F_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	D# 2
-	D# 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note D#, 2
 	rest 2
-	D# 2
-	D_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon3_branch_7eafc
+	note D#, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon3_branch_7eafc
 	octave 4
-	D_ 2
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note D_, 2
 	rest 2
-	D_ 2
-	D# 2
-	D# 2
-	E_ 2
-	E_ 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note E_, 2
 	rest 2
-	E_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	F_ 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note F_, 2
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon3_branch_7eace
-	loopchannel 4, Music_Dungeon3_branch_7ea3c
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon3_branch_7eace
+	sound_loop 4, Music_Dungeon3_branch_7ea3c
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon3_branch_7eadd
-	loopchannel 3, Music_Dungeon3_branch_7ea43
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon3_branch_7eadd
+	sound_loop 3, Music_Dungeon3_branch_7ea43
 	octave 3
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
-	F_ 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 3
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
-	F_ 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
-	F_ 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
-	F_ 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	F_ 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
-	F_ 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
-	F_ 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
-	F_ 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
-	F_ 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
-	F_ 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 3
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon3_branch_7eaea
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon3_branch_7eaea
+	note C_, 2
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon3_branch_7eaea
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon3_branch_7eaea
 	octave 3
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 3
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 3
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
 	rest 16
 	rest 8
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon3_branch_7eaf7
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon3_branch_7eaf7
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon3_branch_7eaf7
-	callchannel Music_Dungeon3_branch_7eaf7
-	D# 2
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon3_branch_7eaf7
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon3_branch_7eaf7
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon3_branch_7eaf7
+	sound_call Music_Dungeon3_branch_7eaf7
+	note D#, 2
 	rest 16
 	rest 16
-	loopchannel 0, Music_Dungeon3_branch_7e9fc
+	sound_loop 0, Music_Dungeon3_branch_7e9fc
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	D# 2
-	G_ 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	D# 2
-	G_ 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	D# 2
-	endchannel
+	note D#, 2
+	sound_ret
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	endchannel
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	sound_ret
 	octave 3
-	D# 2
+	note D#, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	G_ 2
-	D# 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note D#, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	G_ 2
-	D# 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note D#, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
-	endchannel
+	note B_, 2
+	sound_ret
-	A_ 2
-	F_ 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 3
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
-	F_ 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 3
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	endchannel
+	note A_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	sound_ret
 	octave 3
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 3
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
-	endchannel
+	note C_, 2
+	sound_ret
-	D# 2
-	G_ 2
-	D# 2
-	C# 6
-	endchannel
+	note D#, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note C#, 6
+	sound_ret
 	tempo 168
 	octave 1
-	A# 1
-	B_ 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 2
-	C_ 1
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
-	F_ 1
+	note C_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F_, 1
 	tempo 176
 	octave 1
-	A# 1
-	B_ 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 2
-	C_ 1
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
-	F_ 1
+	note C_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F_, 1
 	tempo 184
 	octave 1
-	A# 1
-	B_ 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 2
-	C_ 1
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
-	F_ 1
+	note C_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F_, 1
 	tempo 192
 	octave 1
-	A_ 1
-	A# 1
-	B_ 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 2
-	C_ 1
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
+	note C_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
 	tempo 200
 	octave 1
-	G# 1
-	A_ 1
-	A# 1
-	B_ 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 2
-	C_ 1
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	D# 1
+	note C_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D#, 1
 	tempo 208
 	octave 1
-	G_ 1
-	G# 1
-	A_ 1
-	A# 1
-	B_ 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 2
-	C_ 1
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
+	note C_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
 	tempo 216
 	octave 1
-	F# 1
-	G_ 1
-	G# 1
-	A_ 1
-	A# 1
-	B_ 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 2
-	C_ 1
-	C# 1
+	note C_, 1
+	note C#, 1
 	tempo 224
 	octave 1
-	F_ 1
-	F# 1
-	G_ 1
-	G# 1
-	A_ 1
-	A# 1
-	B_ 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 2
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	tempo 160
-	endchannel
+	sound_ret
 	vibrato 11, 1, 5
-	duty 3
+	duty_cycle 3
-	notetype 12, 13, 3
+	note_type 12, 13, 3
 	octave 4
-	D# 6
-	C# 6
+	note D#, 6
+	note C#, 6
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
-	D# 2
-	G_ 2
-	D# 2
-	C# 6
+	note C#, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note C#, 6
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
-	D# 2
-	G_ 2
-	D# 2
-	C# 6
+	note C#, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note C#, 6
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
-	A# 2
-	B_ 6
+	note B_, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note B_, 6
 	octave 4
-	C# 8
+	note C#, 8
 	rest 2
-	G# 6
-	F# 6
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G# 2
+	note G#, 6
+	note F#, 6
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G#, 2
 	octave 5
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 4
-	G# 2
-	F# 6
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G# 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 6
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G#, 2
 	octave 5
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 4
-	G# 2
-	F# 6
-	E_ 2
-	D# 2
-	E_ 6
-	F# 6
-	E_ 4
-	D# 6
-	C# 6
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 6
+	note E_, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note E_, 6
+	note F#, 6
+	note E_, 4
+	note D#, 6
+	note C#, 6
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
-	D# 2
-	G_ 2
-	D# 2
-	C# 6
+	note C#, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note C#, 6
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
-	D# 2
-	G_ 2
-	D# 2
-	C# 6
+	note C#, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note C#, 6
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
-	A# 2
-	B_ 6
+	note B_, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note B_, 6
 	octave 4
-	C# 8
+	note C#, 8
 	rest 2
-	G# 2
-	G# 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note G#, 2
 	rest 2
-	G# 2
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	A# 2
-	A# 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note A#, 2
 	rest 2
-	A# 2
-	B_ 2
-	B_ 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 8
 	rest 8
 	rest 8
@@ -436,179 +436,179 @@
 	rest 8
 	rest 8
 	octave 4
-	B_ 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 2
-	B_ 2
-	A# 2
-	A# 2
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
 	rest 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	G# 2
-	C# 8
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note C#, 8
 	rest 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 6
-	A# 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 6
+	note A#, 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	D# 2
-	G_ 2
-	D# 2
-	C# 6
+	note D#, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note C#, 6
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
-	D# 2
-	G_ 2
-	D# 2
-	C# 6
+	note C#, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note C#, 6
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
-	D# 6
-	G_ 6
+	note C#, 2
+	note D#, 6
+	note G_, 6
 	octave 3
-	G_ 8
+	note G_, 8
 	rest 2
-	F_ 6
-	E_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	A_ 2
+	note F_, 6
+	note E_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 6
-	F_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 6
+	note F_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 6
-	A_ 6
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 6
+	note A_, 6
 	octave 4
-	C# 6
-	G_ 8
+	note C#, 6
+	note G_, 8
 	rest 2
-	F_ 6
-	E_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	A_ 2
+	note F_, 6
+	note E_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 5
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 4
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 6
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 6
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 5
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 4
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 6
-	A_ 6
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 6
+	note A_, 6
 	octave 5
-	C# 6
+	note C#, 6
 	octave 4
-	F# 8
+	note F#, 8
 	rest 2
-	E_ 6
-	D# 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
+	note E_, 6
+	note D#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
 	octave 5
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 4
-	G# 2
-	F# 6
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G# 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 6
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G#, 2
 	octave 5
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 4
-	G# 2
-	F# 6
-	G# 6
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 6
+	note G#, 6
 	octave 5
-	C_ 6
+	note C_, 6
 	octave 3
-	D# 2
-	G_ 2
-	D# 2
-	C# 6
-	D# 2
-	G_ 2
-	D# 2
-	C# 6
+	note D#, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note C#, 6
+	note D#, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note C#, 6
 	octave 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
 	octave 3
-	C_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	C_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	C_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	C_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	C_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	C_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	C_ 2
-	D# 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note D#, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	D# 2
-	G_ 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	D# 2
-	G_ 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	D# 2
+	note D#, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	D# 2
-	G_ 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	D# 2
-	G_ 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	D# 2
-	loopchannel 0, Music_Dungeon3_branch_7eb6d
+	note D#, 2
+	sound_loop 0, Music_Dungeon3_branch_7eb6d
-	notetype 12, 1, 2
+	note_type 12, 1, 2
 	rest 16
 	rest 16
 	rest 16
@@ -621,71 +621,71 @@
 	rest 16
 	rest 16
 	rest 12
-	notetype 6, 1, 0
+	note_type 6, 1, 0
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 4
-	C_ 1
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
+	note C_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 2
-	C_ 1
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
-	F_ 1
+	note C_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 16
 	rest 16
 	rest 10
 	octave 5
-	E_ 8
+	note E_, 8
 	octave 4
-	B_ 8
+	note B_, 8
 	octave 5
-	D# 8
+	note D#, 8
 	octave 4
-	A# 8
+	note A#, 8
 	octave 5
-	D_ 8
+	note D_, 8
 	octave 4
-	A_ 8
+	note A_, 8
 	octave 5
-	C# 8
+	note C#, 8
 	octave 4
-	G# 8
+	note G#, 8
 	octave 5
-	C_ 8
+	note C_, 8
 	octave 4
-	G_ 8
-	B_ 8
-	F# 8
-	A# 8
-	F_ 8
-	A_ 8
-	E_ 8
+	note G_, 8
+	note B_, 8
+	note F#, 8
+	note A#, 8
+	note F_, 8
+	note A_, 8
+	note E_, 8
 	rest 16
 	rest 16
 	rest 8
-	F_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	D_ 1
-	C# 1
-	C_ 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note C_, 1
 	rest 2
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	D_ 1
-	C# 1
-	C_ 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 10
 	rest 16
-	notetype 12, 1, 0
+	note_type 12, 1, 0
 	rest 16
 	rest 16
 	rest 16
@@ -707,11 +707,11 @@
 	rest 16
 	rest 16
 	rest 10
-	loopchannel 0, Music_Dungeon3_Ch2
+	sound_loop 0, Music_Dungeon3_Ch3
-	dspeed 12
+	drum_speed 12
 	rest 16
 	rest 16
 	rest 16
@@ -753,4 +753,4 @@
 	rest 16
 	rest 16
 	rest 10
-	endchannel
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/music/finalbattle.asm
+++ b/audio/music/finalbattle.asm
@@ -1,1344 +1,1344 @@
 	tempo 112
 	volume 7, 7
-	duty 3
+	duty_cycle 3
 	vibrato 6, 3, 4
-	toggleperfectpitch
-	notetype 12, 11, 2
+	toggle_perfect_pitch
+	note_type 12, 11, 2
 	octave 3
-	F# 1
-	F_ 1
-	F# 1
-	G_ 1
-	F# 1
-	G_ 1
-	G# 1
-	G_ 1
-	notetype 12, 10, 2
-	G# 1
-	A_ 1
-	G# 1
-	A_ 1
-	A# 1
-	A_ 1
-	A# 1
-	B_ 1
-	notetype 12, 9, 2
-	A# 1
-	B_ 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note_type 12, 10, 2
+	note G#, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note_type 12, 9, 2
+	note A#, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 4
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 4
-	C_ 1
-	C# 1
-	C_ 1
-	C# 1
-	notetype 12, 8, 2
-	D_ 1
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	D# 1
-	D_ 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	notetype 12, 12, 1
+	note C_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note C_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note_type 12, 8, 2
+	note D_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note_type 12, 12, 1
 	octave 3
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 7
-	F_ 1
-	F_ 7
-	G_ 1
-	G_ 7
-	F_ 1
-	F_ 7
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 7
-	F_ 1
-	F_ 7
-	G_ 1
-	G_ 7
-	G# 1
-	G# 3
-	D# 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 1
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 3
-	notetype 12, 11, 3
-	E_ 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 1
-	F_ 1
-	F_ 3
-	notetype 12, 11, 3
-	F_ 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 1
-	G_ 1
-	G_ 3
-	notetype 12, 11, 3
-	G_ 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 1
-	F_ 1
-	F_ 3
-	notetype 12, 11, 3
-	F_ 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 1
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 3
-	notetype 12, 11, 3
-	E_ 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 1
-	F_ 1
-	F_ 3
-	notetype 12, 11, 3
-	F_ 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 1
-	G_ 1
-	G_ 3
-	notetype 12, 11, 3
-	G_ 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 1
-	G# 1
-	G# 3
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
-	D# 4
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 7
+	note F_, 1
+	note F_, 7
+	note G_, 1
+	note G_, 7
+	note F_, 1
+	note F_, 7
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 7
+	note F_, 1
+	note F_, 7
+	note G_, 1
+	note G_, 7
+	note G#, 1
+	note G#, 3
+	note D#, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 3
+	note_type 12, 11, 3
+	note E_, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note F_, 3
+	note_type 12, 11, 3
+	note F_, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note G_, 3
+	note_type 12, 11, 3
+	note G_, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note F_, 3
+	note_type 12, 11, 3
+	note F_, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 3
+	note_type 12, 11, 3
+	note E_, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note F_, 3
+	note_type 12, 11, 3
+	note F_, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note G_, 3
+	note_type 12, 11, 3
+	note G_, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note G#, 3
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
+	note D#, 4
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
 	octave 3
-	E_ 4
-	B_ 4
-	D# 4
-	A# 4
-	D_ 4
-	A_ 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note A#, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note A_, 4
 	octave 2
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 3
-	F# 4
-	F_ 4
-	F# 4
-	notetype 12, 11, 1
-	F# 2
-	F_ 1
-	F# 1
-	A_ 1
-	F# 2
-	F# 1
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
+	note F#, 4
+	note F_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note_type 12, 11, 1
+	note F#, 2
+	note F_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note F#, 2
+	note F#, 1
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
 	octave 2
-	B_ 6
-	notetype 12, 10, 0
+	note B_, 6
+	note_type 12, 10, 0
 	octave 3
-	D_ 6
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
-	F# 4
-	E_ 4
-	B_ 4
-	D# 4
-	A# 4
-	D_ 4
-	A_ 4
+	note D_, 6
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
+	note F#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note A#, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note A_, 4
 	octave 2
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 3
-	F# 4
-	F_ 4
-	F# 12
-	A# 4
-	notetype 12, 5, 14
-	B_ 12
-	notetype 12, 11, 2
-	E_ 3
-	E_ 3
-	E_ 2
-	E_ 1
-	F# 1
-	E_ 1
-	B_ 1
-	F# 1
-	E_ 1
-	F# 1
-	B_ 1
-	F# 1
-	E_ 1
-	F# 1
-	B_ 1
-	F# 1
-	E_ 1
-	F# 1
-	B_ 1
-	F# 1
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
-	E_ 1
-	F# 1
-	B_ 1
-	F# 1
-	notetype 12, 13, 2
-	E_ 1
-	F# 1
-	B_ 1
-	notetype 12, 12, 1
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 7
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 7
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 7
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 7
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 3
-	notetype 12, 11, 5
-	D_ 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 1
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 3
-	notetype 12, 11, 5
-	F_ 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 1
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 3
-	notetype 12, 11, 5
-	D_ 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 1
-	E_ 1
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
-	E_ 7
-	notetype 12, 12, 1
-	E_ 2
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	E_ 2
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	E_ 2
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	E_ 2
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 3
-	E_ 1
-	D_ 3
-	E_ 1
-	D_ 3
-	E_ 1
-	D_ 3
-	E_ 1
-	D_ 1
-	F_ 2
+	note F#, 4
+	note F_, 4
+	note F#, 12
+	note A#, 4
+	note_type 12, 5, -6
+	note B_, 12
+	note_type 12, 11, 2
+	note E_, 3
+	note E_, 3
+	note E_, 2
+	note E_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
+	note E_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note_type 12, 13, 2
+	note E_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note_type 12, 12, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 7
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 7
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 7
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 7
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 3
+	note_type 12, 11, 5
+	note D_, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 3
+	note_type 12, 11, 5
+	note F_, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 3
+	note_type 12, 11, 5
+	note D_, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
+	note E_, 7
+	note_type 12, 12, 1
+	note E_, 2
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note E_, 2
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note E_, 2
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note E_, 2
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 3
+	note E_, 1
+	note D_, 3
+	note E_, 1
+	note D_, 3
+	note E_, 1
+	note D_, 3
+	note E_, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
-	F_ 2
+	note B_, 1
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
-	F_ 2
+	note B_, 1
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
-	F_ 2
+	note B_, 1
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 3
-	F_ 1
-	E_ 3
-	F_ 1
-	E_ 3
-	F_ 1
-	E_ 3
-	F_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	F# 2
+	note B_, 3
+	note F_, 1
+	note E_, 3
+	note F_, 1
+	note E_, 3
+	note F_, 1
+	note E_, 3
+	note F_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 1
-	C_ 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 3
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 1
-	C_ 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 3
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 1
-	C_ 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 3
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 1
-	C_ 3
+	note C#, 1
+	note C_, 3
 	octave 3
-	F# 1
-	F_ 3
-	F# 1
-	F_ 3
-	F# 1
-	F_ 3
-	F# 1
-	F_ 3
-	F# 1
-	F_ 3
-	F# 1
-	F_ 3
-	F# 1
-	F_ 3
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
+	note F#, 1
+	note F_, 3
+	note F#, 1
+	note F_, 3
+	note F#, 1
+	note F_, 3
+	note F#, 1
+	note F_, 3
+	note F#, 1
+	note F_, 3
+	note F#, 1
+	note F_, 3
+	note F#, 1
+	note F_, 3
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
-	C# 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
-	C# 8
-	notetype 12, 10, 0
+	note C_, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
+	note C#, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
+	note C#, 8
+	note_type 12, 10, 0
 	octave 3
-	F# 8
-	F# 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
+	note F#, 8
+	note F#, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
 	octave 3
-	A_ 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
-	A_ 8
-	G_ 4
-	B_ 12
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
-	A_ 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
-	A_ 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
-	E_ 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
-	E_ 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
-	A# 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
-	A# 8
+	note A_, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
+	note A_, 8
+	note G_, 4
+	note B_, 12
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
+	note A_, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
+	note A_, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
+	note E_, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
+	note E_, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
+	note A#, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
+	note A#, 8
 	octave 4
-	F_ 8
+	note F_, 8
 	octave 3
-	A# 8
+	note A#, 8
 	octave 4
-	C# 4
-	E_ 12
+	note C#, 4
+	note E_, 12
 	octave 3
-	A_ 4
+	note A_, 4
 	octave 4
-	C# 12
-	notetype 12, 4, 0
-	callchannel Music_FinalBattle_branch_23710
-	callchannel Music_FinalBattle_branch_23710
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
+	note C#, 12
+	note_type 12, 4, 0
+	sound_call Music_FinalBattle_branch_23710
+	sound_call Music_FinalBattle_branch_23710
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
 	octave 3
-	E_ 4
-	B_ 4
-	D# 4
-	A# 4
-	D_ 4
-	A_ 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note A#, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note A_, 4
 	octave 2
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 3
-	F# 4
-	F_ 4
-	F# 12
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
-	A_ 8
-	G_ 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
-	E_ 4
-	B_ 4
-	D# 4
-	A# 4
-	D_ 4
-	A_ 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note F_, 4
+	note F#, 12
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
+	note A_, 8
+	note G_, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
+	note E_, 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note A#, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note A_, 4
 	octave 2
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 3
-	F# 4
-	F_ 4
-	F# 12
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
-	A_ 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
+	note F#, 4
+	note F_, 4
+	note F#, 12
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
+	note A_, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
 	octave 4
-	C_ 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
+	note C_, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
 	octave 3
-	B_ 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
-	B_ 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
+	note B_, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
+	note B_, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
 	octave 4
-	E_ 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
-	E_ 8
-	loopchannel 0, Music_FinalBattle_branch_23429
+	note E_, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
+	note E_, 8
+	sound_loop 0, Music_FinalBattle_branch_23429
-	duty 3
+	duty_cycle 3
 	vibrato 8, 2, 5
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
 	octave 5
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 4
-	G# 1
-	B_ 1
-	F# 1
-	A_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note G_, 1
 	octave 5
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 4
-	F_ 1
-	C# 1
-	E_ 1
-	C_ 1
-	D# 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note C_, 1
+	note D#, 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 4
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	octave 5
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 4
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 3
-	G# 1
-	B_ 1
-	F# 1
-	A# 1
-	F_ 1
-	A_ 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note A_, 1
 	octave 5
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 3
-	G# 1
-	D# 1
-	G_ 1
-	D_ 1
-	F_ 1
-	C# 1
-	E_ 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note E_, 1
 	octave 5
-	C_ 1
-	notetype 12, 12, 1
+	note C_, 1
+	note_type 12, 12, 1
 	octave 4
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 7
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 7
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 7
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 7
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 3
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 7
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 7
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 7
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 7
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 3
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
 	octave 5
-	E_ 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 1
+	note E_, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 1
 	octave 4
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 3
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 3
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
 	octave 5
-	E_ 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 1
+	note E_, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 1
 	octave 4
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 3
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 3
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
 	octave 5
-	E_ 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 1
+	note E_, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 1
 	octave 4
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 3
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
-	D# 4
-	callchannel Music_FinalBattle_branch_23704
-	callchannel Music_FinalBattle_branch_23704
-	callchannel Music_FinalBattle_branch_23704
-	callchannel Music_FinalBattle_branch_23704
-	callchannel Music_FinalBattle_branch_23704
-	callchannel Music_FinalBattle_branch_23704
-	callchannel Music_FinalBattle_branch_23704
-	notetype 12, 12, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 3
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
+	note D#, 4
+	sound_call Music_FinalBattle_branch_23704
+	sound_call Music_FinalBattle_branch_23704
+	sound_call Music_FinalBattle_branch_23704
+	sound_call Music_FinalBattle_branch_23704
+	sound_call Music_FinalBattle_branch_23704
+	sound_call Music_FinalBattle_branch_23704
+	sound_call Music_FinalBattle_branch_23704
+	note_type 12, 12, 1
 	octave 4
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 3
-	notetype 12, 4, 10
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 3
+	note_type 12, 4, -2
 	octave 3
-	G# 4
+	note G#, 4
-	notetype 12, 13, 7
+	note_type 12, 13, 7
 	octave 4
-	E_ 8
-	D# 8
-	D_ 8
+	note E_, 8
+	note D#, 8
+	note D_, 8
 	octave 3
-	B_ 8
-	notetype 12, 13, 7
-	A# 4
-	B_ 12
-	notetype 12, 11, 1
-	F_ 2
-	F# 3
-	A_ 1
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 1
+	note B_, 8
+	note_type 12, 13, 7
+	note A#, 4
+	note B_, 12
+	note_type 12, 11, 1
+	note F_, 2
+	note F#, 3
+	note A_, 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 1
 	octave 4
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 1
-	B_ 1
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	A# 1
-	notetype 12, 13, 7
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note_type 12, 13, 7
 	octave 4
-	E_ 8
-	D# 8
-	D_ 8
+	note E_, 8
+	note D#, 8
+	note D_, 8
 	octave 3
-	B_ 8
-	notetype 12, 13, 7
-	A# 4
-	B_ 12
+	note B_, 8
+	note_type 12, 13, 7
+	note A#, 4
+	note B_, 12
 	octave 4
-	D# 4
-	E_ 12
-	notetype 12, 10, 0
+	note D#, 4
+	note E_, 12
+	note_type 12, 10, 0
 	octave 3
-	B_ 8
+	note B_, 8
 	octave 4
-	D_ 8
-	F_ 8
-	D_ 8
-	notetype 12, 13, 1
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 3
-	notetype 12, 12, 4
+	note D_, 8
+	note F_, 8
+	note D_, 8
+	note_type 12, 13, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 3
+	note_type 12, 12, 4
 	octave 3
-	D_ 4
-	notetype 12, 13, 1
+	note D_, 4
+	note_type 12, 13, 1
 	octave 4
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 3
-	notetype 12, 12, 4
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 3
+	note_type 12, 12, 4
 	octave 3
-	F_ 4
-	notetype 12, 13, 1
+	note F_, 4
+	note_type 12, 13, 1
 	octave 4
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 3
-	notetype 12, 12, 4
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 3
+	note_type 12, 12, 4
 	octave 3
-	D_ 4
-	notetype 12, 13, 1
+	note D_, 4
+	note_type 12, 13, 1
 	octave 4
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	notetype 12, 12, 4
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note_type 12, 12, 4
 	octave 2
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 3
-	D_ 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
 	octave 4
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	D_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	F_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	D_ 1
-	F_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	F# 1
-	F_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
-	F# 1
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	F_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	D_ 1
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	notetype 12, 12, 4
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note_type 12, 12, 4
 	octave 2
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 3
-	D_ 2
-	notetype 12, 13, 7
+	note D_, 2
+	note_type 12, 13, 7
 	octave 4
-	E_ 4
-	F_ 2
-	F# 12
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
+	note E_, 4
+	note F_, 2
+	note F#, 12
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
-	B_ 4
-	B_ 2
-	B_ 4
-	B_ 2
-	notetype 12, 13, 7
+	note B_, 2
+	note B_, 4
+	note B_, 2
+	note B_, 4
+	note B_, 2
+	note_type 12, 13, 7
 	octave 4
-	F_ 4
-	F# 2
-	G_ 12
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
-	C_ 2
-	C_ 4
-	C_ 2
-	C_ 4
-	C_ 2
-	notetype 12, 13, 7
-	F# 4
-	G_ 2
-	G# 12
-	notetype 12, 8, 2
-	C# 2
-	C# 4
-	notetype 12, 10, 2
-	C# 2
-	C# 4
-	C# 4
-	notetype 12, 13, 2
-	C# 2
-	C# 4
-	notetype 12, 15, 2
-	C# 2
-	C# 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 4
-	E_ 1
-	F_ 1
-	notetype 12, 12, 0
-	F# 12
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	F# 4
-	notetype 12, 1, 15
+	note F_, 4
+	note F#, 2
+	note G_, 12
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note C_, 4
+	note C_, 2
+	note C_, 4
+	note C_, 2
+	note_type 12, 13, 7
+	note F#, 4
+	note G_, 2
+	note G#, 12
+	note_type 12, 8, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note C#, 4
+	note_type 12, 10, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note C#, 4
+	note C#, 4
+	note_type 12, 13, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note C#, 4
+	note_type 12, 15, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note C#, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 4
+	note E_, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note_type 12, 12, 0
+	note F#, 12
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	note F#, 4
+	note_type 12, 1, -7
 	octave 3
-	F# 8
-	notetype 12, 9, 0
-	F# 8
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
+	note F#, 8
+	note_type 12, 9, 0
+	note F#, 8
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
 	octave 4
-	C# 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 0
-	D_ 12
-	D_ 8
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	D_ 8
-	notetype 12, 12, 0
-	E_ 8
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	E_ 8
-	notetype 12, 12, 0
+	note C#, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 0
+	note D_, 12
+	note D_, 8
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	note D_, 8
+	note_type 12, 12, 0
+	note E_, 8
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	note E_, 8
+	note_type 12, 12, 0
 	octave 3
-	A_ 8
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	A_ 8
-	notetype 12, 12, 0
+	note A_, 8
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	note A_, 8
+	note_type 12, 12, 0
 	octave 4
-	F_ 8
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	F_ 8
+	note F_, 8
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	note F_, 8
 	octave 5
-	C_ 8
+	note C_, 8
 	octave 4
-	A# 8
-	notetype 12, 12, 0
-	A_ 16
-	A_ 8
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	A_ 8
-	notetype 12, 12, 5
-	callchannel Music_FinalBattle_branch_23710
-	notetype 12, 11, 1
-	callchannel Music_FinalBattle_branch_23710
-	notetype 12, 13, 7
+	note A#, 8
+	note_type 12, 12, 0
+	note A_, 16
+	note A_, 8
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	note A_, 8
+	note_type 12, 12, 5
+	sound_call Music_FinalBattle_branch_23710
+	note_type 12, 11, 1
+	sound_call Music_FinalBattle_branch_23710
+	note_type 12, 13, 7
 	octave 4
-	E_ 8
-	D# 8
-	D_ 8
+	note E_, 8
+	note D#, 8
+	note D_, 8
 	octave 3
-	B_ 8
-	A# 4
-	B_ 12
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
+	note B_, 8
+	note A#, 4
+	note B_, 12
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
 	octave 4
-	D_ 8
-	notetype 12, 4, 12
-	C_ 8
-	notetype 12, 13, 7
-	E_ 8
-	D# 8
-	D_ 8
+	note D_, 8
+	note_type 12, 4, -4
+	note C_, 8
+	note_type 12, 13, 7
+	note E_, 8
+	note D#, 8
+	note D_, 8
 	octave 3
-	B_ 8
-	A# 4
-	B_ 12
-	notetype 12, 5, 13
+	note B_, 8
+	note A#, 4
+	note B_, 12
+	note_type 12, 5, -5
 	octave 4
-	D_ 8
-	notetype 12, 12, 0
-	F_ 8
-	notetype 12, 12, 0
-	E_ 8
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	E_ 8
-	A# 4
-	B_ 12
-	loopchannel 0, Music_FinalBattle_branch_235e6
+	note D_, 8
+	note_type 12, 12, 0
+	note F_, 8
+	note_type 12, 12, 0
+	note E_, 8
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	note E_, 8
+	note A#, 4
+	note B_, 12
+	sound_loop 0, Music_FinalBattle_branch_235e6
 	octave 4
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	G_ 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note G_, 1
 	octave 5
-	C_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 4
-	G_ 1
-	F_ 1
-	endchannel
+	note G_, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	sound_ret
 	octave 4
-	D_ 2
-	C# 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
-	D_ 2
-	C# 2
-	F# 2
-	D_ 2
-	endchannel
+	note C#, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	sound_ret
-	notetype 12, 1, 1
+	note_type 12, 1, 1
 	octave 4
-	E_ 4
+	note E_, 4
 	octave 5
-	E_ 4
+	note E_, 4
 	octave 4
-	F_ 4
+	note F_, 4
 	octave 5
-	D# 4
+	note D#, 4
 	octave 4
-	G_ 4
+	note G_, 4
 	octave 5
-	D_ 4
+	note D_, 4
 	octave 4
-	G# 4
-	B_ 4
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
+	note G#, 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 6
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 6
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 6
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 2
-	D# 4
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
+	note D#, 4
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 2
-	B_ 4
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
+	note B_, 4
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 2
 	octave 5
-	C_ 4
+	note C_, 4
 	octave 4
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 2
 	octave 5
-	D_ 4
+	note D_, 4
 	octave 4
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
 	octave 5
-	C_ 4
+	note C_, 4
 	octave 4
-	A# 2
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
+	note A#, 2
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 2
-	B_ 4
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
+	note B_, 4
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 2
 	octave 5
-	C_ 4
+	note C_, 4
 	octave 4
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 2
 	octave 5
-	D_ 4
+	note D_, 4
 	octave 4
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
 	octave 5
-	C_ 4
-	D_ 2
+	note C_, 4
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 4
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 2
-	B_ 4
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
+	note B_, 4
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 2
 	octave 5
-	C_ 4
+	note C_, 4
 	octave 4
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 2
 	octave 5
-	D_ 4
+	note D_, 4
 	octave 4
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 2
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
-	G_ 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note G_, 1
 	octave 4
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	octave 3
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 4
-	D# 1
+	note F#, 4
+	note D#, 1
 	octave 3
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 2
 	octave 4
-	F_ 4
-	D_ 1
+	note F_, 4
+	note D_, 1
 	octave 3
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 2
 	octave 4
-	E_ 4
-	F# 1
+	note E_, 4
+	note F#, 1
 	octave 3
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 4
-	F_ 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note F_, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
-	E_ 1
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 1
 	octave 3
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 4
-	D# 1
+	note F#, 4
+	note D#, 1
 	octave 3
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 2
 	octave 4
-	F_ 4
-	D_ 1
+	note F_, 4
+	note D_, 1
 	octave 3
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 2
 	octave 4
-	E_ 4
-	F# 1
+	note E_, 4
+	note F#, 1
 	octave 3
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 4
-	F_ 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note F_, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
-	F# 1
-	E_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note E_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 2
-	D_ 4
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
+	note D_, 4
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 2
-	F_ 4
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
+	note F_, 4
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 2
-	D_ 4
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
+	note D_, 4
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 6
+	note B_, 6
 	octave 4
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 2
-	D_ 4
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
+	note D_, 4
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 2
-	F_ 4
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
+	note F_, 4
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 2
-	D_ 4
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
+	note D_, 4
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 6
+	note B_, 6
 	octave 4
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 5
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 4
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 5
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 4
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 5
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 4
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 5
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 4
-	E_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	B_ 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 5
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 4
-	B_ 2
-	F_ 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 5
-	D# 2
+	note D#, 2
 	octave 4
-	F_ 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 5
-	D# 2
+	note D#, 2
 	octave 4
-	F_ 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 5
-	D# 2
+	note D#, 2
 	octave 4
-	F_ 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 5
-	D# 2
+	note D#, 2
 	octave 4
-	F_ 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 5
-	C_ 2
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F_ 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 5
-	C_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 5
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 5
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 5
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 5
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 5
-	C# 2
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 5
-	C# 2
-	C# 2
-	E_ 2
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 5
-	C# 2
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 5
-	C# 2
-	C# 2
-	E_ 2
-	C# 2
-	callchannel Music_FinalBattle_branch_2395b
-	callchannel Music_FinalBattle_branch_2395b
+	note C#, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	sound_call Music_FinalBattle_branch_2395b
+	sound_call Music_FinalBattle_branch_2395b
 	octave 4
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 5
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 4
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 5
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 4
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 5
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 4
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 5
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 4
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 5
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 4
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 5
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 4
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 5
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 4
-	G_ 1
-	F# 1
-	G_ 1
-	G# 1
-	callchannel Music_FinalBattle_branch_2396c
-	callchannel Music_FinalBattle_branch_2396c
+	note G_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	sound_call Music_FinalBattle_branch_2396c
+	sound_call Music_FinalBattle_branch_2396c
 	octave 4
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 5
-	F_ 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 4
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 5
-	F_ 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 4
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 5
-	F_ 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 4
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 5
-	F_ 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 4
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 5
-	F_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	C# 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 4
-	A# 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 5
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 4
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 5
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 4
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 5
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 4
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 5
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 4
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 5
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 4
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 5
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 4
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 5
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 4
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	G_ 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 5
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 4
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 5
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 4
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 5
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 4
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 5
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 4
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 5
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 4
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 5
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 4
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 5
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 4
-	G_ 1
-	F# 1
-	G_ 1
-	G# 1
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G_ 2
-	F# 2
-	B_ 2
-	F# 2
-	B_ 2
-	F# 2
-	B_ 2
-	F# 2
-	B_ 2
-	F# 2
-	B_ 2
-	F# 2
-	B_ 2
-	F# 2
-	B_ 2
-	F# 2
-	D# 2
-	E_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G_ 2
-	F# 2
+	note G_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 5
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 5
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 5
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 5
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 5
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 5
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 5
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
-	F_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	B_ 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 5
-	E_ 4
+	note E_, 4
 	octave 4
-	E_ 2
-	B_ 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 5
-	D# 4
+	note D#, 4
 	octave 4
-	E_ 2
-	B_ 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 5
-	D_ 4
+	note D_, 4
 	octave 4
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	B_ 4
-	loopchannel 0, Music_FinalBattle_branch_2377d
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note B_, 4
+	sound_loop 0, Music_FinalBattle_branch_2377d
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 5
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 5
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 5
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 5
-	C# 2
-	endchannel
+	note C#, 2
+	sound_ret
 	octave 4
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 5
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 4
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 5
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 4
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 5
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 4
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 5
-	E_ 2
-	endchannel
+	note E_, 2
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/music/gamecorner.asm
+++ b/audio/music/gamecorner.asm
@@ -1,627 +1,627 @@
 	tempo 120
 	volume 7, 7
-	duty 3
+	duty_cycle 3
 	vibrato 12, 3, 4
-	toggleperfectpitch
-	notetype 12, 11, 5
+	toggle_perfect_pitch
+	note_type 12, 11, 5
 	octave 3
-	A_ 6
-	notetype 12, 11, 1
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	D# 2
-	C# 2
-	D# 16
+	note A_, 6
+	note_type 12, 11, 1
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note D#, 16
-	notetype 12, 11, 5
+	note_type 12, 11, 5
 	octave 3
-	C# 4
+	note C#, 4
 	octave 2
-	G# 4
+	note G#, 4
 	octave 3
-	E_ 4
+	note E_, 4
 	octave 2
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
-	G# 8
-	notetype 12, 10, 7
-	G# 2
-	A_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	notetype 12, 11, 5
-	G# 6
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	D# 2
-	E_ 2
-	notetype 12, 10, 7
-	F# 8
-	D# 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 5
-	D# 4
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 8
+	note_type 12, 10, 7
+	note G#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 5
+	note G#, 6
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note_type 12, 10, 7
+	note F#, 8
+	note D#, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 5
+	note D#, 4
 	octave 2
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 3
-	F# 4
-	D# 4
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
+	note F#, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
 	octave 4
-	E_ 2
-	D# 2
-	E_ 2
-	D# 6
-	C# 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D#, 6
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 3
-	D# 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G_ 2
-	G# 2
-	notetype 12, 9, 7
-	G# 1
-	G_ 1
-	G# 1
-	G_ 1
-	G# 2
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
-	F# 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 5
-	C# 4
+	note D#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note_type 12, 9, 7
+	note G#, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note G#, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
+	note F#, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 5
+	note C#, 4
 	octave 2
-	G# 4
+	note G#, 4
 	octave 3
-	E_ 4
+	note E_, 4
 	octave 2
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
-	G# 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
-	G# 2
-	A_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	G# 6
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	D# 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 8
-	notetype 12, 9, 7
-	D# 4
-	C# 4
-	notetype 12, 11, 5
-	D# 4
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
+	note G#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note G#, 6
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 8
+	note_type 12, 9, 7
+	note D#, 4
+	note C#, 4
+	note_type 12, 11, 5
+	note D#, 4
 	octave 2
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 3
-	F# 4
-	D# 4
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
-	F# 2
-	G# 2
-	A_ 2
-	B_ 4
-	A_ 4
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
-	E_ 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
+	note F#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note B_, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
+	note E_, 4
 	octave 2
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
-	E_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
+	note E_, 2
+	note E_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	C# 2
-	D_ 2
-	D# 10
+	note C#, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note D#, 10
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	C# 2
-	D# 2
-	E_ 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 5
+	note C#, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note E_, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 5
 	octave 4
-	D# 4
+	note D#, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 4
-	F# 4
-	D# 4
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
-	E_ 3
-	D# 1
-	notetype 12, 11, 2
-	C# 2
-	D# 2
-	E_ 10
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
+	note B_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
+	note E_, 3
+	note D#, 1
+	note_type 12, 11, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note E_, 10
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	C# 2
-	D_ 2
-	D# 10
+	note C#, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note D#, 10
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	C# 2
-	D# 2
-	E_ 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 5
+	note C#, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note E_, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 5
 	octave 4
-	D# 4
+	note D#, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 4
-	F# 4
-	A_ 4
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
-	G# 2
-	G# 1
-	G_ 1
-	G# 1
-	G_ 1
-	G# 1
-	G_ 1
-	G# 8
-	loopchannel 0, Music_GameCorner_branch_7e222
+	note B_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
+	note G#, 2
+	note G#, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note G#, 8
+	sound_loop 0, Music_GameCorner_branch_7e222
-	duty 2
+	duty_cycle 2
 	vibrato 10, 2, 3
-	notetype 12, 12, 6
+	note_type 12, 12, 6
 	octave 4
-	C# 6
-	notetype 12, 12, 1
+	note C#, 6
+	note_type 12, 12, 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	duty 3
-	B_ 1
-	A# 1
-	B_ 1
-	A# 1
-	B_ 1
-	A# 1
-	B_ 8
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	duty_cycle 3
+	note B_, 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note B_, 8
-	duty 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
+	duty_cycle 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
 	octave 3
-	E_ 4
+	note E_, 4
 	octave 2
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 3
-	G# 4
-	E_ 4
+	note G#, 4
+	note E_, 4
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 14
+	note B_, 14
 	octave 4
-	E_ 6
-	D# 2
-	C# 2
+	note E_, 6
+	note D#, 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	A_ 16
-	F# 4
-	D# 4
-	A_ 4
-	F# 4
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note A_, 16
+	note F#, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note F#, 4
 	octave 4
-	D# 2
-	C# 14
-	F# 6
-	E_ 2
-	D# 2
-	C# 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note C#, 14
+	note F#, 6
+	note E_, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
-	A# 2
-	B_ 16
-	E_ 4
+	note B_, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note B_, 16
+	note E_, 4
 	octave 2
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 3
-	G# 4
-	E_ 4
+	note G#, 4
+	note E_, 4
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 14
+	note B_, 14
 	octave 4
-	E_ 6
-	D# 2
-	C# 2
+	note E_, 6
+	note D#, 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	A_ 16
-	F# 4
-	D# 4
-	A_ 4
-	F# 4
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note A_, 16
+	note F#, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note F#, 4
 	octave 4
-	D# 2
-	C# 14
-	F# 6
-	E_ 2
-	D# 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G# 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 1
-	E_ 2
-	notetype 12, 10, 1
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
+	note D#, 2
+	note C#, 14
+	note F#, 6
+	note E_, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 1
+	note E_, 2
+	note_type 12, 10, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
-	D_ 2
-	D# 10
+	note C#, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note D#, 10
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
-	D# 2
-	E_ 10
+	note C#, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note E_, 10
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
-	D# 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 5
-	F# 4
-	D# 4
+	note C#, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 5
+	note F#, 4
+	note D#, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 4
-	A_ 4
-	G# 3
-	A_ 1
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
+	note A_, 4
+	note G#, 3
+	note A_, 1
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
-	D_ 2
-	D# 10
+	note C#, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note D#, 10
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
-	D# 2
-	E_ 10
+	note C#, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note E_, 10
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
-	D# 2
-	F# 4
-	D# 4
-	A_ 4
-	F# 4
-	B_ 16
-	loopchannel 0, Music_GameCorner_branch_7e2fa
+	note C#, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note F#, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note B_, 16
+	sound_loop 0, Music_GameCorner_branch_7e2fa
-	notetype 12, 1, 3
+	note_type 12, 1, 3
 	octave 5
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 5
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A# 1
+	note A#, 1
 	rest 1
-	A# 1
+	note A#, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 9
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
-	callchannel Music_GameCorner_branch_7e418
-	callchannel Music_GameCorner_branch_7e42d
-	callchannel Music_GameCorner_branch_7e442
-	callchannel Music_GameCorner_branch_7e457
-	callchannel Music_GameCorner_branch_7e46c
-	callchannel Music_GameCorner_branch_7e481
-	callchannel Music_GameCorner_branch_7e496
-	D# 1
+	sound_call Music_GameCorner_branch_7e418
+	sound_call Music_GameCorner_branch_7e42d
+	sound_call Music_GameCorner_branch_7e442
+	sound_call Music_GameCorner_branch_7e457
+	sound_call Music_GameCorner_branch_7e46c
+	sound_call Music_GameCorner_branch_7e481
+	sound_call Music_GameCorner_branch_7e496
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	callchannel Music_GameCorner_branch_7e418
-	callchannel Music_GameCorner_branch_7e42d
-	callchannel Music_GameCorner_branch_7e442
-	callchannel Music_GameCorner_branch_7e457
-	callchannel Music_GameCorner_branch_7e46c
-	callchannel Music_GameCorner_branch_7e481
-	callchannel Music_GameCorner_branch_7e496
-	E_ 1
+	sound_call Music_GameCorner_branch_7e418
+	sound_call Music_GameCorner_branch_7e42d
+	sound_call Music_GameCorner_branch_7e442
+	sound_call Music_GameCorner_branch_7e457
+	sound_call Music_GameCorner_branch_7e46c
+	sound_call Music_GameCorner_branch_7e481
+	sound_call Music_GameCorner_branch_7e496
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 3
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 3
 	octave 4
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	callchannel Music_GameCorner_branch_7e46c
-	callchannel Music_GameCorner_branch_7e418
-	callchannel Music_GameCorner_branch_7e4ab
-	E_ 1
+	sound_call Music_GameCorner_branch_7e46c
+	sound_call Music_GameCorner_branch_7e418
+	sound_call Music_GameCorner_branch_7e4ab
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	callchannel Music_GameCorner_branch_7e46c
-	callchannel Music_GameCorner_branch_7e418
-	callchannel Music_GameCorner_branch_7e4ab
-	callchannel Music_GameCorner_branch_7e42d
-	loopchannel 0, Music_GameCorner_branch_7e3a5
+	sound_call Music_GameCorner_branch_7e46c
+	sound_call Music_GameCorner_branch_7e418
+	sound_call Music_GameCorner_branch_7e4ab
+	sound_call Music_GameCorner_branch_7e42d
+	sound_loop 0, Music_GameCorner_branch_7e3a5
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	endchannel
+	sound_ret
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
-	endchannel
+	sound_ret
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	endchannel
+	sound_ret
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	endchannel
+	sound_ret
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	endchannel
+	sound_ret
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
-	endchannel
+	sound_ret
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	endchannel
+	sound_ret
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	endchannel
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/music/gym.asm
+++ b/audio/music/gym.asm
@@ -1,357 +1,357 @@
 	tempo 138
 	volume 7, 7
-	duty 3
+	duty_cycle 3
 	vibrato 8, 2, 2
-	toggleperfectpitch
-	notetype 12, 11, 5
+	toggle_perfect_pitch
+	note_type 12, 11, 5
 	octave 3
-	G_ 6
-	C_ 1
-	G_ 1
-	F_ 6
+	note G_, 6
+	note C_, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note F_, 6
 	octave 2
-	A# 1
+	note A#, 1
 	octave 3
-	F_ 1
-	E_ 6
+	note F_, 1
+	note E_, 6
 	octave 2
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	octave 3
-	E_ 1
-	F_ 4
-	G_ 4
+	note E_, 1
+	note F_, 4
+	note G_, 4
-	E_ 4
-	F_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	notetype 12, 11, 1
-	D_ 3
-	notetype 12, 11, 5
-	E_ 1
-	F_ 4
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	E_ 4
-	F_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	D_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	F_ 4
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	F_ 2
+	note E_, 4
+	note F_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 1
+	note D_, 3
+	note_type 12, 11, 5
+	note E_, 1
+	note F_, 4
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note E_, 4
+	note F_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note D_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F_, 4
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 4
+	note C_, 4
 	octave 3
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 3
-	A# 2
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	notetype 12, 11, 1
-	A# 3
-	notetype 12, 11, 5
-	F_ 1
-	F_ 4
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	F_ 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 1
+	note A#, 3
+	note_type 12, 11, 5
+	note F_, 1
+	note F_, 4
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 4
+	note C_, 4
 	octave 3
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 3
-	A# 2
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	D_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	F_ 4
-	A# 2
-	F_ 1
-	A# 1
+	note A#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note D_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F_, 4
+	note A#, 2
+	note F_, 1
+	note A#, 1
 	octave 4
-	D_ 4
+	note D_, 4
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	C_ 1
-	D_ 1
-	E_ 4
-	C_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	C_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	F_ 4
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	C_ 1
-	D_ 1
-	E_ 4
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	E_ 1
-	G_ 1
-	A# 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note C_, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note E_, 4
+	note C_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note C_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F_, 4
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note C_, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note E_, 4
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note E_, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 3
-	A# 2
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	loopchannel 0, Music_Gym_branch_bcd8
+	note A#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	sound_loop 0, Music_Gym_branch_bcd8
-	duty 3
+	duty_cycle 3
 	vibrato 10, 2, 5
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
 	octave 4
-	C_ 6
+	note C_, 6
 	octave 3
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	octave 4
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 3
-	A# 6
-	F_ 1
-	A# 1
-	notetype 12, 10, 0
-	A_ 12
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	B_ 4
+	note A#, 6
+	note F_, 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note_type 12, 10, 0
+	note A_, 12
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 4
-	C_ 12
+	note C_, 12
 	octave 3
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
-	D_ 3
+	note C_, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
+	note D_, 3
 	octave 3
-	A# 1
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	A# 12
+	note A#, 1
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	note A#, 12
 	octave 4
-	C_ 12
+	note C_, 12
 	octave 3
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 4
+	note C_, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 4
 	octave 3
-	A# 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	A# 1
+	note A#, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	note A#, 1
 	octave 4
-	C_ 1
-	D_ 12
-	E_ 12
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
-	F_ 3
-	D_ 1
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	D_ 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
-	A# 3
-	F_ 1
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	F_ 4
-	E_ 12
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	D_ 1
-	F_ 1
-	A# 12
+	note C_, 1
+	note D_, 12
+	note E_, 12
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
+	note F_, 3
+	note D_, 1
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	note D_, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
+	note A#, 3
+	note F_, 1
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	note F_, 4
+	note E_, 12
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note D_, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note A#, 12
 	octave 3
-	G_ 6
+	note G_, 6
 	octave 4
-	C_ 6
+	note C_, 6
 	octave 3
-	G_ 4
-	A# 4
-	A_ 4
-	G_ 4
-	F_ 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 3
-	E_ 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	E_ 1
-	F_ 1
-	G_ 6
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 4
+	note A#, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note F_, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 3
+	note E_, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	note E_, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note G_, 6
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 3
-	G_ 2
-	A# 4
-	A_ 4
-	G_ 4
-	C_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	G_ 6
+	note G_, 2
+	note A#, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note C_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note G_, 6
 	octave 4
-	C_ 6
+	note C_, 6
 	octave 3
-	G_ 4
-	A# 4
-	A_ 4
-	G_ 4
-	F_ 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 3
-	E_ 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	E_ 1
-	F_ 1
-	G_ 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 3
-	G_ 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	G_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	A# 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note A#, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note F_, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 3
+	note E_, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	note E_, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note G_, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 3
+	note G_, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	note G_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note A#, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 4
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	C_ 1
-	D_ 1
-	E_ 12
-	loopchannel 0, Music_Gym_branch_bd82
+	note C_, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	note C_, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note E_, 12
+	sound_loop 0, Music_Gym_branch_bd82
-	notetype 12, 1, 1
+	note_type 12, 1, 1
 	rest 16
 	rest 10
 	octave 4
-	G_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	D_ 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note D_, 2
-	callchannel Music_Gym_branch_be3b
-	callchannel Music_Gym_branch_be44
-	callchannel Music_Gym_branch_be3b
-	callchannel Music_Gym_branch_be44
-	callchannel Music_Gym_branch_be3b
-	callchannel Music_Gym_branch_be44
-	callchannel Music_Gym_branch_be3b
-	callchannel Music_Gym_branch_be44
-	callchannel Music_Gym_branch_be3b
-	callchannel Music_Gym_branch_be4d
-	callchannel Music_Gym_branch_be3b
-	callchannel Music_Gym_branch_be4d
-	callchannel Music_Gym_branch_be3b
-	callchannel Music_Gym_branch_be4d
-	callchannel Music_Gym_branch_be3b
-	F_ 2
-	A# 2
-	F_ 2
-	A# 2
-	F_ 2
-	A# 2
-	A_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	loopchannel 0, Music_Gym_branch_be02
+	sound_call Music_Gym_branch_be3b
+	sound_call Music_Gym_branch_be44
+	sound_call Music_Gym_branch_be3b
+	sound_call Music_Gym_branch_be44
+	sound_call Music_Gym_branch_be3b
+	sound_call Music_Gym_branch_be44
+	sound_call Music_Gym_branch_be3b
+	sound_call Music_Gym_branch_be44
+	sound_call Music_Gym_branch_be3b
+	sound_call Music_Gym_branch_be4d
+	sound_call Music_Gym_branch_be3b
+	sound_call Music_Gym_branch_be4d
+	sound_call Music_Gym_branch_be3b
+	sound_call Music_Gym_branch_be4d
+	sound_call Music_Gym_branch_be3b
+	note F_, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	sound_loop 0, Music_Gym_branch_be02
-	E_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	endchannel
+	note E_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	sound_ret
-	D_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	endchannel
+	note D_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	sound_ret
-	F_ 2
-	A# 2
-	F_ 2
-	A# 2
-	F_ 2
-	A# 2
-	F_ 2
-	A# 2
-	endchannel
+	note F_, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/music/gymleaderbattle.asm
+++ b/audio/music/gymleaderbattle.asm
@@ -1,1400 +1,1400 @@
 	tempo 104
 	volume 7, 7
-	duty 3
+	duty_cycle 3
 	vibrato 8, 3, 4
-	toggleperfectpitch
-	notetype 12, 11, 3
+	toggle_perfect_pitch
+	note_type 12, 11, 3
 	rest 6
 	octave 3
-	F# 1
-	F_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	F_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	D_ 1
-	D# 1
-	D_ 1
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	C# 1
-	C_ 1
-	C# 1
-	C_ 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note C_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 1
-	G# 1
-	A_ 1
-	A# 1
-	A_ 1
-	A# 1
-	B_ 1
-	A# 1
-	B_ 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 2
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 15
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 9
-	G_ 6
-	F# 1
+	note G_, 6
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 15
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 9
-	F_ 6
-	F# 1
+	note F_, 6
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 15
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 9
-	G_ 6
-	F# 1
+	note G_, 6
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 15
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 9
-	A_ 6
+	note A_, 6
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	octave 3
-	C# 1
-	F# 1
-	E_ 1
-	C# 1
-	F# 1
-	E_ 1
-	C# 1
-	F# 1
-	E_ 1
-	C# 1
-	F# 1
-	E_ 1
-	C# 1
-	F# 1
-	E_ 1
-	C# 1
-	F# 1
-	E_ 1
-	C# 1
-	F# 1
-	E_ 1
-	C# 1
-	F# 1
-	E_ 1
-	C# 1
-	F# 1
-	E_ 1
-	C# 1
-	F# 1
-	E_ 1
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note C#, 1
 	octave 2
-	E_ 1
-	A_ 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note A_, 1
 	octave 3
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 1
 	octave 3
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 1
 	octave 3
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 1
 	octave 3
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 1
 	octave 3
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 1
 	octave 3
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 1
 	octave 3
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 1
 	octave 3
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 1
 	octave 3
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 1
 	octave 3
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	F# 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note F#, 1
 	octave 3
-	C# 1
-	F# 1
-	E_ 1
-	C# 1
-	F# 1
-	E_ 1
-	C# 1
-	F# 1
-	E_ 1
-	C# 1
-	F# 1
-	E_ 1
-	C# 1
-	F# 1
-	E_ 1
-	C# 1
-	F# 1
-	E_ 1
-	C# 1
-	F# 1
-	E_ 1
-	C# 1
-	F# 1
-	E_ 1
-	C# 1
-	F# 1
-	E_ 1
-	C# 1
-	F# 1
-	E_ 1
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note C#, 1
 	octave 2
-	E_ 1
-	A_ 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note A_, 1
 	octave 3
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 1
 	octave 3
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 1
 	octave 3
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 1
 	octave 3
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 1
 	octave 3
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 1
 	octave 3
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 1
 	octave 3
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 1
 	octave 3
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 1
 	octave 3
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 1
 	octave 3
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 2
 	octave 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 2
-	D_ 4
+	note D_, 4
 	octave 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 2
-	E_ 4
+	note E_, 4
 	octave 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 2
-	D_ 4
+	note D_, 4
 	octave 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 2
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 2
-	D_ 4
+	note D_, 4
 	octave 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 2
-	E_ 4
+	note E_, 4
 	octave 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 2
-	D_ 4
+	note D_, 4
 	octave 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 2
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 1
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 2
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 3
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 3
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 3
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 3
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 3
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 3
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 3
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 3
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 3
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 3
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 16
 	octave 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 3
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 3
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 3
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 3
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 3
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 3
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 3
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 3
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 3
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 3
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 3
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 3
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 3
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 3
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	notetype 12, 11, 5
+	note_type 12, 11, 5
 	octave 3
-	C# 12
-	notetype 12, 11, 3
+	note C#, 12
+	note_type 12, 11, 3
 	octave 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	notetype 12, 11, 5
+	note_type 12, 11, 5
 	octave 3
-	A_ 12
-	notetype 12, 11, 3
-	D# 4
-	C# 4
-	D# 4
-	E_ 2
-	F# 4
+	note A_, 12
+	note_type 12, 11, 3
+	note D#, 4
+	note C#, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 4
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	C# 2
-	F# 2
-	B_ 2
-	F# 2
-	D# 2
-	F# 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	notetype 12, 11, 5
+	note_type 12, 11, 5
 	octave 3
-	A_ 12
-	notetype 12, 11, 3
-	C# 1
+	note A_, 12
+	note_type 12, 11, 3
+	note C#, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 3
-	C# 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
-	F# 1
-	A_ 1
-	G# 1
-	F# 1
-	E_ 1
-	F# 1
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	C# 1
-	notetype 12, 11, 5
-	D# 4
-	E_ 4
-	C# 2
-	D# 6
-	F# 4
-	E_ 2
-	D# 4
-	C# 6
+	note C#, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note_type 12, 11, 5
+	note D#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note C#, 2
+	note D#, 6
+	note F#, 4
+	note E_, 2
+	note D#, 4
+	note C#, 6
 	rest 16
 	rest 10
-	E_ 6
-	D# 4
-	E_ 4
-	C# 2
-	D# 6
-	E_ 4
-	D# 2
-	C# 4
+	note E_, 6
+	note D#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note C#, 2
+	note D#, 6
+	note E_, 4
+	note D#, 2
+	note C#, 4
 	octave 2
-	B_ 6
+	note B_, 6
 	octave 3
-	D# 4
-	E_ 4
-	C# 2
-	D# 6
-	F# 4
-	A_ 2
-	G# 4
-	E_ 6
-	loopchannel 0, Music_GymLeaderBattle_branch_223b0
+	note D#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note C#, 2
+	note D#, 6
+	note F#, 4
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 4
+	note E_, 6
+	sound_loop 0, Music_GymLeaderBattle_branch_223b0
-	duty 3
+	duty_cycle 3
 	vibrato 8, 2, 5
-	notetype 12, 12, 3
+	note_type 12, 12, 3
 	octave 4
-	F_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	D_ 1
-	D# 1
-	D_ 1
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	C# 1
-	C_ 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 5
-	F# 1
-	F_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	F_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	D_ 1
-	D# 1
-	D_ 1
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	C# 1
-	B_ 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 15
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 9
 	octave 4
-	C_ 6
+	note C_, 6
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 15
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 9
-	A# 6
+	note A#, 6
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 15
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 9
 	octave 4
-	C_ 6
+	note C_, 6
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 15
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 9
 	octave 4
-	C# 6
+	note C#, 6
-	notetype 12, 12, 5
-	D# 4
-	C# 4
-	D# 4
-	E_ 2
-	F# 4
-	E_ 4
-	D# 2
-	C# 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 5
+	note D#, 4
+	note C#, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note D#, 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
-	D# 2
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
-	duty 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
+	duty_cycle 2
 	octave 3
-	A_ 8
+	note A_, 8
 	octave 4
-	C# 8
-	E_ 8
-	C# 8
-	notetype 12, 12, 5
-	duty 3
-	D# 4
-	C# 4
-	D# 4
-	E_ 2
-	F# 4
-	E_ 4
-	D# 2
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 8
+	note E_, 8
+	note C#, 8
+	note_type 12, 12, 5
+	duty_cycle 3
+	note D#, 4
+	note C#, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note D#, 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
-	D# 2
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
-	duty 2
-	C# 8
+	note C#, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
+	duty_cycle 2
+	note C#, 8
 	octave 3
-	B_ 8
-	A_ 8
-	notetype 12, 12, 3
+	note B_, 8
+	note A_, 8
+	note_type 12, 12, 3
 	octave 4
-	E_ 4
-	E_ 2
-	C# 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 5
-	duty 3
+	note E_, 4
+	note E_, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 5
+	duty_cycle 3
 	octave 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 3
 	octave 3
-	D_ 1
-	C# 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note C#, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 3
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 4
-	E_ 1
-	D_ 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D_, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 3
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 4
-	F# 1
-	E_ 1
-	C# 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 2
-	E_ 1
-	C# 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
-	C# 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note C#, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 3
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 4
-	E_ 1
-	D_ 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D_, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 3
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 4
-	F# 1
-	E_ 1
-	C# 1
-	F# 1
-	E_ 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
 	octave 3
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 4
-	C_ 4
+	note C_, 4
 	octave 3
-	A_ 4
-	B_ 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 4
-	C_ 4
+	note C_, 4
 	octave 3
-	A_ 4
-	G_ 4
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
-	F# 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
-	F# 8
-	notetype 12, 12, 3
-	C_ 1
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	D_ 1
-	C# 1
-	C_ 1
+	note A_, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
+	note F#, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
+	note F#, 8
+	note_type 12, 12, 3
+	note C_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	G_ 1
-	F# 1
-	F_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	F_ 1
-	F# 1
-	G_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	B_ 1
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
 	octave 3
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 4
-	C_ 4
+	note C_, 4
 	octave 3
-	A_ 4
-	B_ 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 4
-	C_ 4
+	note C_, 4
 	octave 3
-	A_ 4
+	note A_, 4
 	octave 4
-	C_ 4
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
+	note C_, 4
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
 	octave 3
-	B_ 16
-	notetype 12, 3, 15
+	note B_, 16
+	note_type 12, 3, -7
 	octave 4
-	F# 16
-	notetype 12, 12, 3
-	duty 3
+	note F#, 16
+	note_type 12, 12, 3
+	duty_cycle 3
 	octave 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
 	octave 3
-	A_ 12
-	notetype 12, 12, 3
+	note A_, 12
+	note_type 12, 12, 3
 	octave 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
 	octave 4
-	C# 12
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
-	D# 16
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
-	D# 16
-	notetype 12, 12, 3
+	note C#, 12
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
+	note D#, 16
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
+	note D#, 16
+	note_type 12, 12, 3
 	octave 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
 	octave 4
-	C# 12
-	notetype 12, 12, 0
-	A_ 8
-	E_ 8
-	B_ 16
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	B_ 16
-	notetype 12, 12, 4
+	note C#, 12
+	note_type 12, 12, 0
+	note A_, 8
+	note E_, 8
+	note B_, 16
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	note B_, 16
+	note_type 12, 12, 4
 	octave 3
-	D# 4
-	E_ 4
-	C# 2
-	D# 6
-	F# 4
-	A_ 2
-	G# 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note C#, 2
+	note D#, 6
+	note F#, 4
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 4
 	rest 2
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 4
-	D# 1
-	F# 1
-	A# 1
-	notetype 12, 12, 0
-	B_ 16
-	F# 16
-	A_ 16
+	note D#, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note_type 12, 12, 0
+	note B_, 16
+	note F#, 16
+	note A_, 16
 	octave 5
-	C# 8
+	note C#, 8
 	rest 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 3
+	note_type 12, 12, 3
 	octave 4
-	A_ 6
-	loopchannel 0, Music_GymLeaderBattle_branch_225e0
+	note A_, 6
+	sound_loop 0, Music_GymLeaderBattle_branch_225e0
 	vibrato 0, 2, 0
-	notetype 12, 1, 3
+	note_type 12, 1, 3
 	rest 12
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 4
-	C_ 1
-	C# 1
-	C_ 1
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	D# 1
-	D_ 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
-	F_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	F_ 1
-	F# 1
-	F_ 1
-	F# 1
+	note C_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note C_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note F#, 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	C_ 6
+	note C_, 6
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F_ 6
+	note F_, 6
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	C_ 6
+	note C_, 6
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	C# 6
-	notetype 12, 1, 4
+	note C#, 6
+	note_type 12, 1, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 4
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 4
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 4
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 4
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 4
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 4
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 4
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 4
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 4
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 4
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 4
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 4
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 4
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 4
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 4
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 4
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	D_ 4
+	note D_, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	E_ 4
+	note E_, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	D_ 4
+	note D_, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	D_ 4
+	note D_, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	E_ 4
+	note E_, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	D_ 4
+	note D_, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 13
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 13
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 13
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 13
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 13
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 13
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 13
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 13
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	C# 12
+	note C#, 12
 	octave 3
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	E_ 12
-	D# 16
+	note E_, 12
+	note D#, 16
 	octave 3
-	B_ 16
-	A_ 1
+	note B_, 16
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	E_ 12
-	C# 8
-	E_ 8
+	note E_, 12
+	note C#, 8
+	note E_, 8
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	E_ 6
+	note E_, 6
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	G_ 6
+	note G_, 6
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 6
+	note C_, 6
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	G_ 6
-	loopchannel 0, Music_GymLeaderBattle_branch_227b1
+	note G_, 6
+	sound_loop 0, Music_GymLeaderBattle_branch_227b1
--- a/audio/music/halloffame.asm
+++ b/audio/music/halloffame.asm
@@ -1,96 +1,96 @@
 	tempo 112
 	volume 7, 7
-	duty 3
+	duty_cycle 3
 	vibrato 12, 2, 2
-	toggleperfectpitch
-	notetype 12, 11, 3
+	toggle_perfect_pitch
+	note_type 12, 11, 3
 	rest 16
 	rest 16
 	rest 16
 	rest 12
 	octave 3
-	D_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	F_ 1
-	F# 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note F#, 1
-	notetype 12, 8, 0
+	note_type 12, 8, 0
 	octave 4
-	C_ 16
-	E_ 16
-	F# 16
-	notetype 12, 6, 0
-	F_ 16
-	loopchannel 3, Music_HallOfFame_branch_7fbc5
+	note C_, 16
+	note E_, 16
+	note F#, 16
+	note_type 12, 6, 0
+	note F_, 16
+	sound_loop 3, Music_HallOfFame_branch_7fbc5
 	rest 16
 	rest 16
 	rest 16
 	rest 16
-	loopchannel 0, Music_HallOfFame_branch_7fbc5
+	sound_loop 0, Music_HallOfFame_branch_7fbc5
 	vibrato 8, 2, 5
-	duty 3
+	duty_cycle 3
-	notetype 12, 12, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 4
 	octave 3
-	G_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	A_ 10
-	G_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note A_, 10
+	note G_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 4
+	note C_, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 4
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	A_ 10
-	F_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	A# 4
-	A_ 4
-	F_ 2
-	loopchannel 0, Music_HallOfFame_branch_7fbdf
+	note B_, 4
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note A_, 10
+	note F_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note A#, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note F_, 2
+	sound_loop 0, Music_HallOfFame_branch_7fbdf
-	notetype 12, 1, 2
+	note_type 12, 1, 2
 	octave 4
-	D_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	loopchannel 12, Music_HallOfFame_branch_7fbfe
-	D_ 4
-	G_ 4
-	D_ 4
-	G_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	G_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	G_ 4
-	F# 4
-	A_ 4
-	F# 4
-	A_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	G_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	G_ 4
-	loopchannel 0, Music_HallOfFame_Ch2
+	note D_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	sound_loop 12, Music_HallOfFame_branch_7fbfe
+	note D_, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	sound_loop 0, Music_HallOfFame_Ch3
--- a/audio/music/indigoplateau.asm
+++ b/audio/music/indigoplateau.asm
@@ -1,321 +1,321 @@
 	tempo 132
 	volume 7, 7
-	duty 3
+	duty_cycle 3
 	vibrato 6, 3, 4
-	toggleperfectpitch
-	notetype 12, 11, 2
+	toggle_perfect_pitch
+	note_type 12, 11, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 8
-	A_ 8
-	A_ 8
-	A_ 4
-	notetype 12, 10, 4
-	A# 4
+	note A_, 8
+	note A_, 8
+	note A_, 8
+	note A_, 4
+	note_type 12, 10, 4
+	note A#, 4
-	callchannel Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a659
-	notetype 12, 11, 4
+	sound_call Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a659
+	note_type 12, 11, 4
 	octave 3
-	D_ 4
-	callchannel Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a659
-	notetype 12, 11, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	sound_call Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a659
+	note_type 12, 11, 4
 	octave 3
-	D# 4
-	callchannel Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a659
-	notetype 12, 11, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	sound_call Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a659
+	note_type 12, 11, 4
 	octave 3
-	D_ 4
-	callchannel Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a659
-	notetype 12, 10, 0
+	note D_, 4
+	sound_call Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a659
+	note_type 12, 10, 0
 	octave 2
-	A# 4
-	callchannel Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a659
-	notetype 12, 11, 4
+	note A#, 4
+	sound_call Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a659
+	note_type 12, 11, 4
 	octave 3
-	D_ 4
-	notetype 12, 13, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note_type 12, 13, 4
 	octave 3
-	A_ 4
-	A_ 4
-	A_ 4
-	A_ 4
-	A_ 4
-	A_ 4
-	A_ 4
-	notetype 12, 11, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note_type 12, 11, 4
 	octave 3
-	D# 4
-	notetype 12, 13, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note_type 12, 13, 4
 	octave 3
-	A# 4
-	A# 4
-	A# 4
-	A# 4
-	A# 4
-	A# 4
-	A# 4
-	notetype 12, 11, 4
+	note A#, 4
+	note A#, 4
+	note A#, 4
+	note A#, 4
+	note A#, 4
+	note A#, 4
+	note A#, 4
+	note_type 12, 11, 4
 	octave 3
-	F_ 2
-	notetype 12, 11, 4
+	note F_, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 4
 	octave 3
-	G_ 2
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
-	A_ 8
+	note G_, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
+	note A_, 8
 	octave 2
-	A_ 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
+	note A_, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
 	octave 3
-	F_ 8
-	notetype 12, 4, 14
+	note F_, 8
+	note_type 12, 4, -6
 	octave 2
-	A# 8
-	loopchannel 0, Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a605
+	note A#, 8
+	sound_loop 0, Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a605
-	notetype 12, 11, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 4
-	A_ 4
-	A_ 4
-	A_ 4
-	A_ 4
-	A_ 4
-	A_ 4
-	endchannel
+	note A_, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	sound_ret
-	duty 3
+	duty_cycle 3
 	vibrato 8, 2, 5
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
 	octave 3
-	D_ 8
-	D_ 8
-	D_ 8
-	D_ 4
-	notetype 12, 5, 10
-	D# 4
+	note D_, 8
+	note D_, 8
+	note D_, 8
+	note D_, 4
+	note_type 12, 5, -2
+	note D#, 4
-	callchannel Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a6af
-	notetype 12, 12, 5
-	A_ 4
-	callchannel Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a6af
-	notetype 12, 12, 5
-	A# 4
-	callchannel Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a6af
-	notetype 12, 12, 5
-	A_ 4
-	callchannel Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a6af
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	C# 4
-	callchannel Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a6af
-	notetype 12, 12, 5
-	A_ 4
-	callchannel Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a6af
-	notetype 12, 12, 5
-	A# 4
-	callchannel Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a6af
-	notetype 12, 12, 5
+	sound_call Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a6af
+	note_type 12, 12, 5
+	note A_, 4
+	sound_call Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a6af
+	note_type 12, 12, 5
+	note A#, 4
+	sound_call Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a6af
+	note_type 12, 12, 5
+	note A_, 4
+	sound_call Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a6af
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	note C#, 4
+	sound_call Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a6af
+	note_type 12, 12, 5
+	note A_, 4
+	sound_call Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a6af
+	note_type 12, 12, 5
+	note A#, 4
+	sound_call Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a6af
+	note_type 12, 12, 5
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
+	note C_, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
-	D_ 8
+	note C#, 2
+	note D_, 8
 	octave 3
-	D_ 8
+	note D_, 8
 	octave 4
-	C_ 8
-	notetype 12, 4, 13
+	note C_, 8
+	note_type 12, 4, -5
 	octave 4
-	D# 8
-	loopchannel 0, Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a673
+	note D#, 8
+	sound_loop 0, Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a673
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
 	octave 3
-	D_ 4
-	D_ 4
-	D_ 4
-	D_ 4
-	D_ 4
-	D_ 4
-	D_ 4
-	endchannel
+	note D_, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	sound_ret
-	notetype 12, 1, 0
+	note_type 12, 1, 0
 	octave 4
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	rest 6
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	rest 6
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	rest 6
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	rest 2
-	D# 4
+	note D#, 4
-	callchannel Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a6fe
-	callchannel Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a6fe
-	callchannel Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a6fe
-	D_ 2
+	sound_call Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a6fe
+	sound_call Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a6fe
+	sound_call Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a6fe
+	note D_, 2
 	rest 2
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	rest 2
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	rest 2
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	rest 2
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	rest 2
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	rest 2
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	rest 2
-	F# 4
-	callchannel Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a6fe
-	callchannel Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a6fe
-	D_ 2
+	note F#, 4
+	sound_call Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a6fe
+	sound_call Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a6fe
+	note D_, 2
 	rest 2
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	rest 2
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	rest 2
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	rest 2
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	rest 2
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	rest 2
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	rest 2
-	A# 1
+	note A#, 1
 	rest 1
-	A# 1
+	note A#, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 8
-	D_ 8
-	A# 8
-	D# 8
-	loopchannel 0, Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a6c6
+	note A_, 8
+	note D_, 8
+	note A#, 8
+	note D#, 8
+	sound_loop 0, Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a6c6
 	octave 4
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	rest 2
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	rest 2
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	rest 2
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	rest 2
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	rest 2
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	rest 2
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	rest 2
-	A_ 4
-	endchannel
+	note A_, 4
+	sound_ret
-	dspeed 6
-	mutedsnare2 16
-	mutedsnare2 16
-	mutedsnare2 16
-	mutedsnare2 8
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
+	drum_speed 6
+	drum_note 17, 16
+	drum_note 17, 16
+	drum_note 17, 16
+	drum_note 17, 8
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
-	callchannel Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a791
-	callchannel Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a77e
-	callchannel Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a791
-	callchannel Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a7a8
-	callchannel Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a791
-	callchannel Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a77e
-	callchannel Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a791
-	callchannel Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a7a8
-	callchannel Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a791
-	callchannel Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a77e
-	callchannel Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a791
-	callchannel Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a7a8
-	callchannel Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a77e
-	callchannel Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a7a8
-	mutedsnare2 16
-	mutedsnare2 8
-	mutedsnare3 8
-	mutedsnare2 16
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare2 1
-	mutedsnare2 1
-	mutedsnare2 1
-	mutedsnare2 1
-	loopchannel 0, Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a728
+	sound_call Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a791
+	sound_call Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a77e
+	sound_call Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a791
+	sound_call Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a7a8
+	sound_call Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a791
+	sound_call Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a77e
+	sound_call Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a791
+	sound_call Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a7a8
+	sound_call Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a791
+	sound_call Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a77e
+	sound_call Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a791
+	sound_call Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a7a8
+	sound_call Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a77e
+	sound_call Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a7a8
+	drum_note 17, 16
+	drum_note 17, 8
+	drum_note 18, 8
+	drum_note 17, 16
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 17, 1
+	drum_note 17, 1
+	drum_note 17, 1
+	drum_note 17, 1
+	sound_loop 0, Music_IndigoPlateau_branch_a728
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare3 4
-	mutedsnare4 4
-	mutedsnare3 4
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare3 4
-	mutedsnare4 4
-	mutedsnare4 2
-	mutedsnare3 2
-	endchannel
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 18, 4
+	drum_note 19, 4
+	drum_note 18, 4
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 18, 4
+	drum_note 19, 4
+	drum_note 19, 2
+	drum_note 18, 2
+	sound_ret
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare3 4
-	mutedsnare4 4
-	mutedsnare3 4
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare3 4
-	mutedsnare4 4
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	endchannel
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 18, 4
+	drum_note 19, 4
+	drum_note 18, 4
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 18, 4
+	drum_note 19, 4
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	sound_ret
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare3 4
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare3 4
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	endchannel
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 18, 4
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 18, 4
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/music/introbattle.asm
+++ b/audio/music/introbattle.asm
@@ -1,329 +1,329 @@
 	tempo 98
 	volume 7, 7
-	duty 3
+	duty_cycle 3
 	vibrato 6, 3, 4
-	toggleperfectpitch
-	notetype 12, 11, 1
+	toggle_perfect_pitch
+	note_type 12, 11, 1
 	rest 8
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	notetype 12, 11, 4
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 4
 	octave 3
-	D_ 4
-	notetype 12, 11, 1
+	note D_, 4
+	note_type 12, 11, 1
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	notetype 12, 11, 4
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 4
 	octave 3
-	D# 4
-	notetype 12, 11, 1
+	note D#, 4
+	note_type 12, 11, 1
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	notetype 12, 11, 4
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 4
 	octave 3
-	D_ 4
-	notetype 12, 11, 1
+	note D_, 4
+	note_type 12, 11, 1
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	notetype 12, 10, 0
-	A# 4
-	notetype 12, 11, 1
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	notetype 12, 11, 4
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note_type 12, 10, 0
+	note A#, 4
+	note_type 12, 11, 1
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 4
 	octave 3
-	D_ 4
-	notetype 12, 11, 1
+	note D_, 4
+	note_type 12, 11, 1
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	notetype 12, 2, 9
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note_type 12, 2, -1
 	octave 3
-	G_ 4
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
-	A_ 8
+	note G_, 4
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
+	note A_, 8
 	octave 2
-	A_ 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
+	note A_, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
 	octave 3
-	F_ 8
-	notetype 12, 4, 15
+	note F_, 8
+	note_type 12, 4, -7
 	octave 2
-	F_ 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 1
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	notetype 12, 11, 4
+	note F_, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 1
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 4
 	octave 3
-	D_ 4
-	notetype 12, 11, 1
+	note D_, 4
+	note_type 12, 11, 1
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	notetype 12, 11, 4
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 4
 	octave 3
-	D# 4
-	notetype 12, 11, 1
+	note D#, 4
+	note_type 12, 11, 1
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	notetype 12, 11, 4
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 4
 	octave 3
-	F_ 4
-	notetype 12, 11, 1
+	note F_, 4
+	note_type 12, 11, 1
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	notetype 12, 11, 4
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 4
 	octave 3
-	G_ 4
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
-	F# 16
-	notetype 12, 11, 1
+	note G_, 4
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
+	note F#, 16
+	note_type 12, 11, 1
 	octave 4
-	D_ 16
-	endchannel
+	note D_, 16
+	sound_ret
-	duty 3
+	duty_cycle 3
 	vibrato 8, 2, 5
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
 	rest 8
 	octave 3
-	D_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 5
-	A_ 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
-	D_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 5
-	A# 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
-	D_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 5
-	A_ 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
-	D_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
-	C# 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
-	D_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 5
-	A_ 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 5
+	note A_, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 5
+	note A#, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 5
+	note A_, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
+	note C#, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 5
+	note A_, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
 	octave 3
-	D_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
+	note D_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
 	octave 4
-	C# 4
-	D_ 8
+	note C#, 4
+	note D_, 8
 	octave 3
-	D_ 8
+	note D_, 8
 	octave 4
-	C_ 8
+	note C_, 8
 	octave 3
-	C_ 8
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
-	D_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 5
-	A_ 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
-	D_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 5
-	A# 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
-	D_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 5
+	note C_, 8
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 5
+	note A_, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 5
+	note A#, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 5
 	octave 4
-	C_ 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
+	note C_, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
 	octave 3
-	D_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 5
+	note D_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 5
 	octave 4
-	C# 4
-	notetype 12, 2, 15
-	D_ 16
-	notetype 12, 12, 1
+	note C#, 4
+	note_type 12, 2, -7
+	note D_, 16
+	note_type 12, 12, 1
 	octave 5
-	D_ 16
-	endchannel
+	note D_, 16
+	sound_ret
-	notetype 12, 1, 0
+	note_type 12, 1, 0
 	rest 8
 	octave 4
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 4
-	D_ 1
+	note A_, 4
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 4
-	D_ 1
+	note A_, 4
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 4
-	D_ 1
+	note A_, 4
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 4
-	D_ 1
+	note F#, 4
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 4
-	D_ 1
+	note A_, 4
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A# 4
-	A_ 8
-	D_ 8
-	A# 8
-	D_ 8
-	D_ 1
+	note A#, 4
+	note A_, 8
+	note D_, 8
+	note A#, 8
+	note D_, 8
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 4
-	D_ 1
+	note A_, 4
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 4
-	D_ 1
+	note A_, 4
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A# 4
-	D_ 1
+	note A#, 4
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A# 4
-	A_ 16
-	D_ 1
+	note A#, 4
+	note A_, 16
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 15
-	endchannel
+	sound_ret
-	dspeed 6
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare2 1
-	mutedsnare2 1
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare2 8
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare2 8
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare2 8
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare2 16
-	mutedsnare2 16
-	mutedsnare2 16
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare2 1
-	mutedsnare2 1
-	mutedsnare2 1
-	mutedsnare2 1
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare2 8
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare2 8
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare2 8
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare2 16
-	mutedsnare2 16
-	mutedsnare2 2
+	drum_speed 6
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 17, 1
+	drum_note 17, 1
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 17, 8
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 17, 8
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 17, 8
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 17, 16
+	drum_note 17, 16
+	drum_note 17, 16
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 17, 1
+	drum_note 17, 1
+	drum_note 17, 1
+	drum_note 17, 1
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 17, 8
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 17, 8
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 17, 8
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 17, 16
+	drum_note 17, 16
+	drum_note 17, 2
 	rest 16
 	rest 14
-	endchannel
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/music/jigglypuffsong.asm
+++ b/audio/music/jigglypuffsong.asm
@@ -1,40 +1,40 @@
 	tempo 144
 	volume 7, 7
 	vibrato 8, 2, 4
-	duty 2
-	dutycycle 165
-	toggleperfectpitch
-	notetype 13, 6, 7
+	duty_cycle 2
+	duty_cycle_pattern 2, 2, 1, 1
+	toggle_perfect_pitch
+	note_type 13, 6, 7
 	octave 4
-	E_ 8
-	notetype 12, 6, 7
-	B_ 2
-	G# 6
-	F# 8
-	G# 2
-	A_ 6
-	G# 8
-	F# 4
-	G# 4
-	E_ 10
-	endchannel
+	note E_, 8
+	note_type 12, 6, 7
+	note B_, 2
+	note G#, 6
+	note F#, 8
+	note G#, 2
+	note A_, 6
+	note G#, 8
+	note F#, 4
+	note G#, 4
+	note E_, 10
+	sound_ret
 	vibrato 5, 1, 5
-	duty 2
-	dutycycle 10
-	notetype 12, 10, 7
+	duty_cycle 2
+	duty_cycle_pattern 0, 0, 2, 2
+	note_type 12, 10, 7
 	octave 4
-	E_ 8
-	B_ 2
-	G# 6
-	F# 8
-	G# 2
-	A_ 6
-	G# 8
-	F# 4
-	G# 4
-	E_ 10
-	endchannel
+	note E_, 8
+	note B_, 2
+	note G#, 6
+	note F#, 8
+	note G#, 2
+	note A_, 6
+	note G#, 8
+	note F#, 4
+	note G#, 4
+	note E_, 10
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/music/lavender.asm
+++ b/audio/music/lavender.asm
@@ -1,193 +1,193 @@
 	tempo 152
 	volume 7, 7
-	duty 1
-	toggleperfectpitch
+	duty_cycle 1
+	toggle_perfect_pitch
 	vibrato 0, 8, 8
-	notetype 12, 8, 7
+	note_type 12, 8, 7
 	rest 16
 	rest 16
 	rest 16
 	rest 16
-	notetype 12, 10, 7
+	note_type 12, 10, 7
 	octave 3
-	G_ 8
-	G_ 8
-	E_ 8
-	E_ 8
-	G_ 4
-	F# 4
-	E_ 4
-	B_ 4
-	C# 8
-	C# 8
-	G_ 8
-	G_ 8
-	F# 8
-	F# 8
-	B_ 4
-	G_ 4
-	F# 4
-	B_ 4
+	note G_, 8
+	note G_, 8
+	note E_, 8
+	note E_, 8
+	note G_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note C#, 8
+	note C#, 8
+	note G_, 8
+	note G_, 8
+	note F#, 8
+	note F#, 8
+	note B_, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 4
-	C_ 8
-	C_ 8
+	note C_, 8
+	note C_, 8
 	octave 3
-	G_ 8
-	G_ 8
-	E_ 8
-	E_ 8
-	G_ 4
-	F# 4
-	E_ 4
-	B_ 4
-	C# 8
-	C# 8
-	G_ 8
-	G_ 8
-	F# 8
-	F# 8
-	B_ 4
-	G_ 4
-	F# 4
-	B_ 4
-	C_ 8
-	C_ 8
+	note G_, 8
+	note G_, 8
+	note E_, 8
+	note E_, 8
+	note G_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note C#, 8
+	note C#, 8
+	note G_, 8
+	note G_, 8
+	note F#, 8
+	note F#, 8
+	note B_, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note C_, 8
+	note C_, 8
 	rest 16
 	rest 16
 	rest 16
 	rest 16
-	loopchannel 0, Music_Lavender_branch_bb6b
+	sound_loop 0, Music_Lavender_branch_bb6b
 	vibrato 0, 3, 4
-	duty 3
-	notetype 12, 9, 1
+	duty_cycle 3
+	note_type 12, 9, 1
 	octave 5
-	C_ 4
-	G_ 4
-	B_ 4
-	F# 4
-	loopchannel 0, Music_Lavender_branch_bba5
+	note C_, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	sound_loop 0, Music_Lavender_branch_bba5
 	vibrato 4, 1, 1
-	notetype 12, 3, 5
+	note_type 12, 3, 5
 	rest 16
 	rest 16
 	rest 16
 	rest 16
-	notetype 12, 2, 5
+	note_type 12, 2, 5
 	octave 4
-	E_ 16
-	D_ 16
-	C_ 16
-	E_ 4
-	C_ 4
+	note E_, 16
+	note D_, 16
+	note C_, 16
+	note E_, 4
+	note C_, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 4
-	E_ 4
-	E_ 16
-	D_ 16
-	C_ 16
-	E_ 4
-	C_ 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note E_, 16
+	note D_, 16
+	note C_, 16
+	note E_, 4
+	note C_, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 4
-	E_ 4
-	E_ 16
-	D_ 16
-	C_ 16
-	E_ 4
-	C_ 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note E_, 16
+	note D_, 16
+	note C_, 16
+	note E_, 4
+	note C_, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 4
-	E_ 4
-	notetype 12, 3, 5
+	note E_, 4
+	note_type 12, 3, 5
 	octave 6
-	B_ 4
-	G_ 4
-	F# 4
-	B_ 4
-	notetype 12, 2, 5
-	B_ 4
-	G_ 4
-	F# 4
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note_type 12, 2, 5
+	note B_, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 7
-	B_ 4
-	G_ 4
-	F# 4
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 4
-	E_ 4
-	G_ 4
-	F# 4
-	B_ 4
-	E_ 16
-	D_ 16
-	C_ 16
-	E_ 4
-	C_ 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note E_, 16
+	note D_, 16
+	note C_, 16
+	note E_, 4
+	note C_, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 4
-	E_ 4
-	E_ 16
-	D_ 16
-	C_ 16
-	E_ 4
-	C_ 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note E_, 16
+	note D_, 16
+	note C_, 16
+	note E_, 4
+	note C_, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 4
-	E_ 4
-	E_ 16
-	D_ 16
-	C_ 16
-	E_ 4
-	C_ 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note E_, 16
+	note D_, 16
+	note C_, 16
+	note E_, 4
+	note C_, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 4
-	E_ 4
-	notetype 12, 2, 5
+	note E_, 4
+	note_type 12, 2, 5
 	octave 6
-	B_ 4
-	G_ 4
-	F# 4
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 7
-	B_ 4
-	G_ 4
-	F# 4
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 8
-	B_ 4
-	G_ 4
-	F# 4
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 4
-	E_ 4
-	G_ 4
-	F# 4
-	B_ 4
-	loopchannel 0, Music_Lavender_branch_bbb9
+	note E_, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note B_, 4
+	sound_loop 0, Music_Lavender_branch_bbb9
-	dspeed 12
+	drum_speed 12
 	rest 16
 	rest 16
 	rest 16
@@ -194,6 +194,6 @@
 	rest 16
-	triangle2 8
-	triangle2 8
-	loopchannel 0, Music_Lavender_branch_bc26
+	drum_note 7, 8
+	drum_note 7, 8
+	sound_loop 0, Music_Lavender_branch_bc26
--- a/audio/music/meeteviltrainer.asm
+++ b/audio/music/meeteviltrainer.asm
@@ -1,80 +1,80 @@
 	tempo 124
 	volume 7, 7
-	duty 2
-	toggleperfectpitch
-	notetype 12, 11, 1
+	duty_cycle 2
+	toggle_perfect_pitch
+	note_type 12, 11, 1
 	rest 4
 	octave 3
-	D_ 2
-	C# 2
-	notetype 12, 4, 15
-	D_ 4
+	note D_, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note_type 12, 4, -7
+	note D_, 4
-	notetype 12, 10, 1
-	D_ 4
-	D_ 4
-	D_ 4
-	notetype 12, 7, 0
-	D_ 4
-	loopchannel 0, Music_MeetEvilTrainer_branch_7f6ae
+	note_type 12, 10, 1
+	note D_, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note_type 12, 7, 0
+	note D_, 4
+	sound_loop 0, Music_MeetEvilTrainer_branch_7f6ae
-	duty 1
-	notetype 12, 11, 6
+	duty_cycle 1
+	note_type 12, 11, 6
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
-	A# 2
-	B_ 8
+	note B_, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note B_, 8
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
 	octave 4
-	D# 2
-	D_ 2
-	C# 2
-	C_ 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 4
-	B_ 4
-	B_ 4
-	B_ 4
-	B_ 4
-	notetype 12, 4, 15
-	A# 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
-	G_ 2
-	G# 2
-	A_ 2
-	A# 2
-	B_ 4
-	B_ 4
-	B_ 4
-	B_ 4
-	B_ 4
-	notetype 12, 3, 15
-	A# 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
-	loopchannel 0, Music_MeetEvilTrainer_branch_7f6c2
+	note B_, 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note_type 12, 4, -7
+	note A#, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note B_, 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note_type 12, 3, -7
+	note A#, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
+	sound_loop 0, Music_MeetEvilTrainer_branch_7f6c2
-	notetype 12, 1, 0
+	note_type 12, 1, 0
 	rest 8
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 3
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 3
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 3
-	A# 4
-	loopchannel 0, Music_MeetEvilTrainer_branch_7f6ee
+	note A#, 4
+	sound_loop 0, Music_MeetEvilTrainer_branch_7f6ee
--- a/audio/music/meetfemaletrainer.asm
+++ b/audio/music/meetfemaletrainer.asm
@@ -1,118 +1,118 @@
 	tempo 124
 	volume 7, 7
-	duty 1
-	toggleperfectpitch
-	notetype 12, 11, 2
+	duty_cycle 1
+	toggle_perfect_pitch
+	note_type 12, 11, 2
 	octave 3
-	G# 6
+	note G#, 6
 	octave 4
-	E_ 2
-	D# 2
-	C# 2
-	C_ 2
-	notetype 12, 8, 1
+	note E_, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note_type 12, 8, 1
 	octave 3
-	E_ 4
-	loopchannel 12, Music_MeetFemaleTrainer_branch_7f70c
-	E_ 4
+	note E_, 4
+	sound_loop 12, Music_MeetFemaleTrainer_branch_7f70c
+	note E_, 4
 	octave 2
-	B_ 4
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 3
-	E_ 4
-	loopchannel 0, Music_MeetFemaleTrainer_branch_7f70c
+	note E_, 4
+	sound_loop 0, Music_MeetFemaleTrainer_branch_7f70c
-	duty 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
+	duty_cycle 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
+	note B_, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
 	octave 4
-	B_ 12
+	note B_, 12
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 4
-	D# 4
-	E_ 4
-	D# 4
-	C# 2
-	C_ 2
+	note D#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note C#, 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	A_ 2
-	A# 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 4
-	C# 4
+	note C#, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 4
-	A_ 4
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	D# 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G# 2
-	A_ 2
-	loopchannel 0, Music_MeetFemaleTrainer_branch_7f726
+	note B_, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	sound_loop 0, Music_MeetFemaleTrainer_branch_7f726
-	notetype 12, 1, 0
+	note_type 12, 1, 0
 	rest 8
 	octave 5
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	callchannel Music_MeetFemaleTrainer_branch_7f770
-	G# 1
+	sound_call Music_MeetFemaleTrainer_branch_7f770
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 3
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 3
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 3
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 3
-	callchannel Music_MeetFemaleTrainer_branch_7f770
-	G# 1
+	sound_call Music_MeetFemaleTrainer_branch_7f770
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 3
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 3
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 3
-	loopchannel 0, Music_MeetFemaleTrainer_branch_7f756
+	sound_loop 0, Music_MeetFemaleTrainer_branch_7f756
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 3
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 3
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 3
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	endchannel
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/music/meetmaletrainer.asm
+++ b/audio/music/meetmaletrainer.asm
@@ -1,190 +1,190 @@
 	tempo 112
 	volume 7, 7
-	duty 3
+	duty_cycle 3
 	vibrato 20, 3, 3
-	toggleperfectpitch
-	notetype 12, 11, 4
+	toggle_perfect_pitch
+	note_type 12, 11, 4
 	octave 3
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
-	F_ 12
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F_, 12
 	rest 16
 	octave 3
-	B_ 4
-	A_ 4
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	D# 2
-	F# 4
-	E_ 6
-	F_ 2
-	F# 4
-	G_ 8
+	note B_, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note F#, 4
+	note E_, 6
+	note F_, 2
+	note F#, 4
+	note G_, 8
 	octave 4
-	D_ 8
-	E_ 16
-	loopchannel 0, Music_MeetMaleTrainer_branch_7f78f
+	note D_, 8
+	note E_, 16
+	sound_loop 0, Music_MeetMaleTrainer_branch_7f78f
-	duty 3
+	duty_cycle 3
 	vibrato 24, 2, 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 4
 	octave 4
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	D_ 1
-	C# 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note C#, 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 12
+	note B_, 12
 	rest 2
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 3
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 9
-	notetype 12, 12, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 4
 	octave 4
-	E_ 6
-	D# 6
-	C# 4
+	note E_, 6
+	note D#, 6
+	note C#, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
-	G# 2
-	A_ 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	F_ 16
-	notetype 12, 12, 5
+	note C#, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	note F_, 16
+	note_type 12, 12, 5
 	octave 3
-	F# 8
+	note F#, 8
 	octave 4
-	C# 8
-	loopchannel 0, Music_MeetMaleTrainer_branch_7f7b5
+	note C#, 8
+	sound_loop 0, Music_MeetMaleTrainer_branch_7f7b5
-	notetype 12, 1, 0
+	note_type 12, 1, 0
 	rest 6
 	octave 4
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 3
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
-	loopchannel 0, Music_MeetMaleTrainer_branch_7f7ea
+	sound_loop 0, Music_MeetMaleTrainer_branch_7f7ea
--- a/audio/music/meetprofoak.asm
+++ b/audio/music/meetprofoak.asm
@@ -1,423 +1,423 @@
 	tempo 112
 	volume 7, 7
-	duty 3
-	toggleperfectpitch
-	notetype 12, 11, 4
+	duty_cycle 3
+	toggle_perfect_pitch
+	note_type 12, 11, 4
 	octave 3
-	F# 1
-	B_ 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 4
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
-	F# 12
-	notetype 12, 10, 2
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F#, 12
+	note_type 12, 10, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 6
-	B_ 10
-	E_ 6
-	B_ 10
-	E_ 6
-	D# 4
-	F# 2
-	F# 4
-	E_ 6
-	D# 4
-	F# 2
-	F# 4
-	E_ 6
-	B_ 10
-	E_ 6
-	B_ 10
-	E_ 6
-	D# 4
-	F# 2
-	F# 4
-	E_ 6
-	D# 4
-	F# 2
-	F# 4
+	note E_, 6
+	note B_, 10
+	note E_, 6
+	note B_, 10
+	note E_, 6
+	note D#, 4
+	note F#, 2
+	note F#, 4
+	note E_, 6
+	note D#, 4
+	note F#, 2
+	note F#, 4
+	note E_, 6
+	note B_, 10
+	note E_, 6
+	note B_, 10
+	note E_, 6
+	note D#, 4
+	note F#, 2
+	note F#, 4
+	note E_, 6
+	note D#, 4
+	note F#, 2
+	note F#, 4
-	F# 6
-	E_ 4
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 4
-	F# 6
-	E_ 4
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 4
-	F# 6
-	E_ 4
-	G# 2
-	G# 4
-	F# 6
-	E_ 4
-	G# 2
-	G# 4
-	E_ 6
-	D# 4
-	F# 2
-	F# 4
-	E_ 6
-	D# 4
-	F# 2
-	F# 4
-	F# 6
-	E_ 4
-	G# 2
-	G# 4
-	F# 6
-	E_ 4
-	G# 2
-	G# 4
-	loopchannel 0, Music_MeetProfOak_branch_af85
+	note F#, 6
+	note E_, 4
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 4
+	note F#, 6
+	note E_, 4
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 4
+	note F#, 6
+	note E_, 4
+	note G#, 2
+	note G#, 4
+	note F#, 6
+	note E_, 4
+	note G#, 2
+	note G#, 4
+	note E_, 6
+	note D#, 4
+	note F#, 2
+	note F#, 4
+	note E_, 6
+	note D#, 4
+	note F#, 2
+	note F#, 4
+	note F#, 6
+	note E_, 4
+	note G#, 2
+	note G#, 4
+	note F#, 6
+	note E_, 4
+	note G#, 2
+	note G#, 4
+	sound_loop 0, Music_MeetProfOak_branch_af85
 	vibrato 8, 1, 1
-	duty 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 4
+	duty_cycle 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 4
-	D# 1
-	F# 1
-	A# 1
-	B_ 12
-	notetype 12, 11, 2
+	note D#, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note B_, 12
+	note_type 12, 11, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
-	D# 2
-	E_ 4
-	D# 2
-	C# 4
-	notetype 12, 6, 4
+	note C#, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note E_, 4
+	note D#, 2
+	note C#, 4
+	note_type 12, 6, 4
 	octave 4
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 5
-	C# 2
-	D# 2
-	E_ 4
-	D# 2
-	C# 4
-	notetype 12, 11, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note E_, 4
+	note D#, 2
+	note C#, 4
+	note_type 12, 11, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	A_ 4
-	B_ 2
-	B_ 4
-	notetype 12, 8, 1
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note A_, 4
+	note B_, 2
+	note B_, 4
+	note_type 12, 8, 1
 	octave 4
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	A_ 4
-	B_ 2
-	B_ 4
-	notetype 12, 11, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note A_, 4
+	note B_, 2
+	note B_, 4
+	note_type 12, 11, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
-	D# 2
-	E_ 4
-	D# 2
-	C# 4
-	notetype 12, 6, 4
+	note C#, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note E_, 4
+	note D#, 2
+	note C#, 4
+	note_type 12, 6, 4
 	octave 4
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 5
-	C# 2
-	D# 2
-	E_ 4
-	D# 2
-	C# 4
-	notetype 12, 11, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note E_, 4
+	note D#, 2
+	note C#, 4
+	note_type 12, 11, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	A_ 4
-	B_ 2
-	B_ 4
-	notetype 12, 8, 1
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note A_, 4
+	note B_, 2
+	note B_, 4
+	note_type 12, 8, 1
 	octave 4
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	A_ 4
-	B_ 2
-	B_ 4
-	notetype 12, 11, 5
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note A_, 4
+	note B_, 2
+	note B_, 4
+	note_type 12, 11, 5
 	octave 4
-	C# 6
+	note C#, 6
 	octave 3
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	octave 4
-	C# 1
-	E_ 6
-	C# 1
-	E_ 1
-	F# 4
-	E_ 4
-	D# 4
-	C# 4
+	note C#, 1
+	note E_, 6
+	note C#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note C#, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 6
-	G# 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 6
+	note G#, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 4
-	E_ 8
-	notetype 12, 6, 5
+	note E_, 8
+	note_type 12, 6, 5
 	octave 4
-	B_ 6
-	G# 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 6
+	note G#, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 5
-	E_ 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 5
+	note E_, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 5
 	octave 3
-	A_ 6
-	F# 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 6
+	note F#, 1
+	note A_, 1
 	octave 4
-	D# 8
-	E_ 4
-	D# 4
-	C# 4
-	C_ 4
+	note D#, 8
+	note E_, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note C#, 4
+	note C_, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 6
-	G# 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 6
+	note G#, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 4
-	E_ 6
+	note E_, 6
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 4
-	E_ 1
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
-	G# 16
-	loopchannel 0, Music_MeetProfOak_branch_b005
+	note E_, 1
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
+	note G#, 16
+	sound_loop 0, Music_MeetProfOak_branch_b005
-	notetype 12, 1, 2
+	note_type 12, 1, 2
 	rest 10
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 5
 	octave 5
-	E_ 4
+	note E_, 4
 	rest 6
 	octave 4
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 5
 	octave 5
-	E_ 4
+	note E_, 4
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
-	loopchannel 2, Music_MeetProfOak_branch_b0bc
+	sound_loop 2, Music_MeetProfOak_branch_b0bc
 	octave 4
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	loopchannel 2, Music_MeetProfOak_branch_b0d8
+	sound_loop 2, Music_MeetProfOak_branch_b0d8
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	loopchannel 2, Music_MeetProfOak_branch_b0ed
+	sound_loop 2, Music_MeetProfOak_branch_b0ed
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	loopchannel 2, Music_MeetProfOak_branch_b101
-	loopchannel 0, Music_MeetProfOak_branch_b0bc
+	sound_loop 2, Music_MeetProfOak_branch_b101
+	sound_loop 0, Music_MeetProfOak_branch_b0bc
--- a/audio/music/meetrival.asm
+++ b/audio/music/meetrival.asm
@@ -1,127 +1,127 @@
 	tempo 100
-	loopchannel 0, Music_MeetRival_branch_b123
+	sound_loop 0, Music_MeetRival_branch_b123
 	tempo 112
 	volume 7, 7
-	duty 3
+	duty_cycle 3
 	vibrato 6, 3, 4
-	toggleperfectpitch
-	notetype 12, 11, 3
+	toggle_perfect_pitch
+	note_type 12, 11, 3
 	octave 4
-	D_ 1
-	C# 1
-	C_ 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
-	A# 2
-	A_ 1
-	G# 1
-	G_ 1
-	F# 1
-	F_ 6
-	D_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A#, 2
+	note A_, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note F_, 6
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 3
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 5
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note A_, 2
-	B_ 4
-	A# 2
-	A_ 4
-	G_ 2
+	note B_, 4
+	note A#, 2
+	note A_, 4
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 4
-	D_ 2
+	note C_, 4
+	note D_, 2
 	rest 4
-	D_ 4
-	C# 2
-	C_ 2
+	note D_, 4
+	note C#, 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 4
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 4
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 4
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 4
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	rest 4
-	G_ 4
-	G_ 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	F# 2
+	note G_, 4
+	note G_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 4
-	D_ 2
-	F# 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 4
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 3
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 4
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	rest 2
 	octave 3
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 4
+	note C_, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
-	A# 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
-	F_ 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 3
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	D# 2
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 3
-	A# 2
-	G_ 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note G_, 2
 	rest 4
-	A# 4
+	note A#, 4
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 3
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
+	note C_, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
 	octave 3
-	G_ 4
-	D_ 2
-	F_ 6
-	F# 4
-	D_ 2
+	note G_, 4
+	note D_, 2
+	note F_, 6
+	note F#, 4
+	note D_, 2
 	rest 4
-	D_ 4
-	notetype 12, 11, 3
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	loopchannel 0, Music_MeetRival_branch_b140
+	note D_, 4
+	note_type 12, 11, 3
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	sound_loop 0, Music_MeetRival_branch_b140
 	tempo 100
-	loopchannel 0, Music_MeetRival_branch_b1a5
+	sound_loop 0, Music_MeetRival_branch_b1a5
 	tempo 112
@@ -128,269 +128,269 @@
 	volume 7, 7
-	duty 3
+	duty_cycle 3
 	vibrato 6, 3, 4
-	toggleperfectpitch
-	notetype 12, 11, 3
+	toggle_perfect_pitch
+	note_type 12, 11, 3
 	octave 3
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 3
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 5
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	loopchannel 0, Music_MeetRival_branch_b140
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	sound_loop 0, Music_MeetRival_branch_b140
-	duty 3
+	duty_cycle 3
 	vibrato 10, 2, 6
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
 	octave 4
-	B_ 1
-	A# 1
-	A_ 1
-	G# 1
-	G_ 2
-	F# 1
-	F_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	D_ 6
+	note B_, 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note G_, 2
+	note F#, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note D_, 6
 	octave 3
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 3
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 3
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	D_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	F# 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note F#, 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	G_ 4
-	D_ 2
-	F_ 6
-	F# 4
-	G_ 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	note G_, 4
+	note D_, 2
+	note F_, 6
+	note F#, 4
+	note G_, 2
 	rest 4
-	G_ 4
-	G_ 2
-	A# 2
-	B_ 2
+	note G_, 4
+	note G_, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 5
-	C_ 4
+	note C_, 4
 	octave 4
-	G_ 2
-	A# 6
-	B_ 4
+	note G_, 2
+	note A#, 6
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 5
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	rest 4
-	C_ 4
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 4
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 4
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 5
-	C_ 2
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
-	D_ 16
-	notetype 12, 11, 5
-	D_ 6
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	F_ 4
-	D_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
-	C_ 8
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	C_ 8
+	note C_, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
+	note D_, 16
+	note_type 12, 11, 5
+	note D_, 6
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	note F_, 4
+	note D_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
+	note C_, 8
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	note C_, 8
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	rest 4
-	A# 4
-	G_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
-	G_ 16
-	notetype 12, 11, 3
-	G_ 2
+	note A#, 4
+	note G_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
+	note G_, 16
+	note_type 12, 11, 3
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 3
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	rest 4
-	G_ 4
+	note G_, 4
 	octave 4
-	D_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	F# 2
-	loopchannel 0, Music_MeetRival_branch_b1d8
+	note D_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	sound_loop 0, Music_MeetRival_branch_b1d8
-	duty 3
+	duty_cycle 3
 	vibrato 10, 2, 6
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
 	octave 3
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 3
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 3
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	D_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	F# 2
-	loopchannel 0, Music_MeetRival_branch_b1d8
+	note D_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	sound_loop 0, Music_MeetRival_branch_b1d8
-	notetype 12, 1, 4
+	note_type 12, 1, 4
 	octave 5
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	rest 2
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	rest 2
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	rest 2
 	octave 4
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 2
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 3
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 3
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 5
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 4
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	rest 2
 	octave 5
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 4
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	rest 2
 	octave 5
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 4
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	rest 4
 	octave 5
-	D_ 4
+	note D_, 4
 	octave 4
-	G_ 2
-	A# 2
-	B_ 2
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 5
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 4
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	rest 2
 	octave 5
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 4
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	rest 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 5
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	rest 4
-	C_ 4
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 4
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 4
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	F# 2
-	A_ 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note A_, 2
 	rest 2
-	F# 2
-	A_ 2
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note F#, 2
 	rest 2
-	A_ 2
-	F# 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note A_, 2
 	rest 2
-	F# 2
-	A_ 2
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 5
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 4
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 5
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	rest 2
 	octave 4
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 5
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 4
-	E_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note E_, 2
 	rest 4
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 5
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 4
-	B_ 2
-	A# 2
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	A# 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note A#, 2
 	rest 2
-	G_ 2
-	A# 2
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note G_, 2
 	rest 2
-	A# 2
-	G_ 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 5
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 4
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	rest 2
 	octave 5
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 4
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	rest 2
 	octave 5
-	D_ 2
-	loopchannel 0, Music_MeetRival_branch_b24b
+	note D_, 2
+	sound_loop 0, Music_MeetRival_branch_b24b
-	notetype 12, 1, 4
+	note_type 12, 1, 4
 	octave 4
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 3
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 3
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	loopchannel 0, Music_MeetRival_branch_b24b
+	sound_loop 0, Music_MeetRival_branch_b24b
--- a/audio/music/museumguy.asm
+++ b/audio/music/museumguy.asm
@@ -1,268 +1,268 @@
 	tempo 128
 	volume 7, 7
-	duty 2
-	toggleperfectpitch
-	notetype 12, 11, 1
+	duty_cycle 2
+	toggle_perfect_pitch
+	note_type 12, 11, 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	D# 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D#, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 4
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 4
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 3
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
-	G# 1
-	B_ 10
-	callchannel Music_MuseumGuy_branch_ade7
-	callchannel Music_MuseumGuy_branch_adec
-	callchannel Music_MuseumGuy_branch_ade7
-	E_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	E_ 2
-	E_ 6
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note B_, 10
+	sound_call Music_MuseumGuy_branch_ade7
+	sound_call Music_MuseumGuy_branch_adec
+	sound_call Music_MuseumGuy_branch_ade7
+	note E_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note E_, 2
+	note E_, 6
-	callchannel Music_MuseumGuy_branch_ade7
-	callchannel Music_MuseumGuy_branch_adec
-	callchannel Music_MuseumGuy_branch_ade7
-	E_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	E_ 2
-	E_ 6
-	loopchannel 0, Music_MuseumGuy_branch_add6
+	sound_call Music_MuseumGuy_branch_ade7
+	sound_call Music_MuseumGuy_branch_adec
+	sound_call Music_MuseumGuy_branch_ade7
+	note E_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note E_, 2
+	note E_, 6
+	sound_loop 0, Music_MuseumGuy_branch_add6
-	E_ 2
-	E_ 6
-	F# 2
-	F# 6
-	endchannel
+	note E_, 2
+	note E_, 6
+	note F#, 2
+	note F#, 6
+	sound_ret
-	E_ 2
-	E_ 6
-	D_ 2
-	D_ 6
-	endchannel
+	note E_, 2
+	note E_, 6
+	note D_, 2
+	note D_, 6
+	sound_ret
-	duty 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 1
+	duty_cycle 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 1
 	octave 4
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	C# 2
-	D_ 2
-	C# 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	E_ 4
-	E_ 1
-	G# 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 4
+	note E_, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 4
-	D# 1
-	E_ 8
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 8
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
-	E_ 4
-	D_ 2
-	F# 2
-	A_ 4
+	note C#, 2
+	note E_, 4
+	note D_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note A_, 4
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
-	E_ 4
-	D_ 2
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note E_, 4
+	note D_, 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 4
-	A_ 2
+	note B_, 4
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
-	E_ 4
-	D_ 2
-	F# 2
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G# 2
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 4
+	note C#, 2
+	note E_, 4
+	note D_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 4
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
-	E_ 3
-	notetype 12, 8, 1
-	E_ 1
-	notetype 12, 12, 1
-	D_ 2
-	F# 2
-	A_ 3
-	notetype 12, 9, 1
-	A_ 1
-	notetype 12, 12, 1
+	note C#, 2
+	note E_, 3
+	note_type 12, 8, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note_type 12, 12, 1
+	note D_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note A_, 3
+	note_type 12, 9, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note_type 12, 12, 1
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
-	E_ 4
-	D_ 1
-	C# 1
-	C_ 1
+	note C#, 2
+	note E_, 4
+	note D_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
-	B_ 3
-	notetype 12, 10, 1
-	G# 1
-	notetype 12, 12, 1
-	A_ 2
+	note B_, 1
+	note B_, 3
+	note_type 12, 10, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note_type 12, 12, 1
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
-	E_ 3
-	notetype 12, 9, 1
-	E_ 1
-	notetype 12, 12, 1
-	D_ 2
-	F# 2
-	A_ 3
-	notetype 12, 8, 1
-	A_ 1
-	notetype 12, 12, 1
-	G# 2
-	E_ 1
-	notetype 12, 8, 1
-	E_ 1
-	notetype 12, 12, 1
-	F# 2
-	notetype 12, 8, 1
-	F# 1
-	notetype 12, 12, 1
-	G# 1
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 4
-	loopchannel 0, Music_MuseumGuy_branch_ae26
+	note C#, 2
+	note E_, 3
+	note_type 12, 9, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note_type 12, 12, 1
+	note D_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note A_, 3
+	note_type 12, 8, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note_type 12, 12, 1
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 1
+	note_type 12, 8, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note_type 12, 12, 1
+	note F#, 2
+	note_type 12, 8, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note_type 12, 12, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 4
+	sound_loop 0, Music_MuseumGuy_branch_ae26
-	notetype 12, 1, 0
+	note_type 12, 1, 0
 	rest 16
 	octave 4
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 3
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 3
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 9
-	callchannel Music_MuseumGuy_branch_aeb8
-	A_ 1
+	sound_call Music_MuseumGuy_branch_aeb8
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 5
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 5
-	callchannel Music_MuseumGuy_branch_aeb8
-	B_ 1
+	sound_call Music_MuseumGuy_branch_aeb8
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 3
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 3
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 3
-	callchannel Music_MuseumGuy_branch_aec1
+	sound_call Music_MuseumGuy_branch_aec1
 	rest 3
 	octave 6
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 3
-	callchannel Music_MuseumGuy_branch_aec1
+	sound_call Music_MuseumGuy_branch_aec1
 	rest 1
 	octave 6
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 3
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 3
-	loopchannel 0, Music_MuseumGuy_branch_ae8e
+	sound_loop 0, Music_MuseumGuy_branch_ae8e
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 5
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 5
-	endchannel
+	sound_ret
 	octave 6
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 3
 	octave 6
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
-	endchannel
+	note A_, 1
+	sound_ret
-	dspeed 12
+	drum_speed 12
 	rest 16
 	rest 16
 	rest 16
@@ -269,69 +269,69 @@
 	rest 16
 	rest 16
 	rest 14
-	dspeed 6
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
+	drum_speed 6
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare2 6
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare2 6
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare2 6
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare2 6
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare2 6
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	loopchannel 0, Music_MuseumGuy_branch_aee1
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 17, 6
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 17, 6
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 17, 6
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 17, 6
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 17, 6
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	sound_loop 0, Music_MuseumGuy_branch_aee1
--- a/audio/music/oakslab.asm
+++ b/audio/music/oakslab.asm
@@ -1,393 +1,393 @@
 	tempo 140
 	volume 7, 7
-	duty 3
+	duty_cycle 3
 	vibrato 16, 1, 2
-	toggleperfectpitch
-	notetype 12, 11, 3
+	toggle_perfect_pitch
+	note_type 12, 11, 3
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 3
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	F# 1
-	G# 1
-	A_ 1
-	B_ 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 4
-	C# 4
+	note C#, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 3
-	A_ 4
-	G# 2
-	A_ 2
-	B_ 1
+	note A_, 4
+	note G#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 3
-	A_ 6
-	G# 1
-	B_ 1
+	note A_, 6
+	note G#, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 4
-	C# 4
+	note C#, 4
 	octave 3
-	A_ 4
-	G# 2
-	A_ 2
-	F# 4
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G# 1
+	note A_, 4
+	note G#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note F#, 4
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 3
-	F# 8
-	E_ 4
-	A_ 6
-	E_ 1
-	A_ 1
+	note F#, 8
+	note E_, 4
+	note A_, 6
+	note E_, 1
+	note A_, 1
 	octave 4
-	D_ 8
-	C# 6
+	note D_, 8
+	note C#, 6
 	octave 3
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	octave 4
-	C# 1
-	E_ 8
-	D_ 4
-	C# 4
+	note C#, 1
+	note E_, 8
+	note D_, 4
+	note C#, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 4
-	A_ 4
-	G# 1
+	note B_, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 3
-	E_ 4
-	F# 4
-	G# 4
-	loopchannel 0, Music_OaksLab_branch_7eed0
+	note E_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note G#, 4
+	sound_loop 0, Music_OaksLab_branch_7eed0
-	duty 3
+	duty_cycle 3
 	vibrato 10, 2, 5
-	notetype 12, 12, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 4
 	octave 3
-	G# 1
-	A_ 1
-	B_ 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 4
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	F# 1
-	G# 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note G#, 1
-	A_ 6
-	G# 1
-	F# 1
-	E_ 6
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
-	F# 1
+	note A_, 6
+	note G#, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note E_, 6
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 3
-	E_ 8
-	E_ 4
-	F# 6
-	E_ 1
-	D_ 1
-	C# 6
+	note E_, 8
+	note E_, 4
+	note F#, 6
+	note E_, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note C#, 6
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 4
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 3
-	C# 8
-	C# 4
-	D_ 6
+	note C#, 8
+	note C#, 4
+	note D_, 6
 	octave 3
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	octave 4
-	D_ 1
-	F# 8
-	E_ 6
-	C# 1
-	E_ 1
-	A_ 8
-	G# 4
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	F# 4
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note F#, 8
+	note E_, 6
+	note C#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note A_, 8
+	note G#, 4
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 4
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	loopchannel 0, Music_OaksLab_branch_7ef16
+	sound_loop 0, Music_OaksLab_branch_7ef16
-	notetype 12, 1, 1
+	note_type 12, 1, 1
 	rest 2
 	octave 4
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 3
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 3
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 3
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 3
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 3
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 3
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 3
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 3
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 3
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 3
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 3
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 3
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 3
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 3
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 5
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 3
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 3
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 3
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 3
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 3
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 3
-	loopchannel 0, Music_OaksLab_branch_7ef5c
+	sound_loop 0, Music_OaksLab_branch_7ef5c
--- a/audio/music/pallettown.asm
+++ b/audio/music/pallettown.asm
@@ -1,314 +1,314 @@
 	tempo 160
 	volume 7, 7
-	duty 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 3
+	duty_cycle 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 3
 	octave 3
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
-	D_ 4
-	G_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note D_, 4
+	note G_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 4
-	G_ 2
+	note B_, 4
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 4
-	D_ 4
-	D_ 2
-	C_ 2
+	note D_, 4
+	note D_, 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 8
+	note C_, 8
 	rest 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	F# 2
-	B_ 4
+	note A_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
-	D_ 4
-	G_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note D_, 4
+	note G_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 4
-	G_ 2
+	note B_, 4
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 4
-	D_ 4
-	D_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 4
-	D_ 2
-	C_ 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note D_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 4
+	note D_, 2
+	note C_, 4
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
-	B_ 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 4
-	F# 4
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 4
+	note F#, 4
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 3
-	G_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 4
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
-	F# 2
-	A_ 2
-	notetype 12, 11, 3
-	B_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	G_ 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 3
+	note B_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 3
-	G_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 4
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
-	F# 2
-	A_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	D_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	D_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	loopchannel 0, Music_PalletTown_branch_a7ce
-	endchannel
+	note A_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	sound_loop 0, Music_PalletTown_branch_a7ce
+	sound_ret
-	duty 2
+	duty_cycle 2
-	notetype 12, 13, 3
+	note_type 12, 13, 3
 	octave 5
-	D_ 2
-	notetype 12, 10, 3
-	C_ 2
-	notetype 12, 13, 3
+	note D_, 2
+	note_type 12, 10, 3
+	note C_, 2
+	note_type 12, 13, 3
 	octave 4
-	B_ 2
-	notetype 12, 11, 3
-	A_ 2
-	notetype 12, 13, 3
+	note B_, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 3
+	note A_, 2
+	note_type 12, 13, 3
 	octave 5
-	G_ 2
-	notetype 12, 11, 3
-	E_ 2
-	notetype 12, 13, 3
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 6
+	note G_, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 3
+	note E_, 2
+	note_type 12, 13, 3
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 6
 	octave 4
-	B_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 5
-	C_ 10
+	note C_, 10
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
-	G_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	B_ 6
+	note F#, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note B_, 6
 	octave 5
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 4
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 8
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 8
 	octave 5
-	D_ 2
-	notetype 12, 10, 3
-	C_ 2
-	notetype 12, 13, 3
+	note D_, 2
+	note_type 12, 10, 3
+	note C_, 2
+	note_type 12, 13, 3
 	octave 4
-	B_ 2
-	notetype 12, 11, 3
+	note B_, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 3
 	octave 5
-	D_ 2
-	notetype 12, 13, 3
-	G_ 2
-	notetype 12, 10, 3
-	F# 2
-	notetype 12, 11, 3
-	F# 2
-	notetype 12, 13, 3
-	G_ 2
-	E_ 6
-	D_ 2
-	D_ 8
-	C_ 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note_type 12, 13, 3
+	note G_, 2
+	note_type 12, 10, 3
+	note F#, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 3
+	note F#, 2
+	note_type 12, 13, 3
+	note G_, 2
+	note E_, 6
+	note D_, 2
+	note D_, 8
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 4
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 5
-	D_ 2
-	C_ 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 4
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 10
-	G_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 10
+	note G_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 5
-	C_ 8
-	D_ 6
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 8
+	note D_, 6
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 4
-	B_ 8
+	note B_, 8
 	rest 2
-	G_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	B_ 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 5
-	C_ 4
-	C_ 4
-	D_ 6
-	C_ 1
-	D_ 1
+	note C_, 4
+	note C_, 4
+	note D_, 6
+	note C_, 1
+	note D_, 1
 	octave 4
-	B_ 8
+	note B_, 8
 	rest 2
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	A_ 8
-	E_ 4
-	B_ 4
-	A_ 8
-	G_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	F# 8
-	G_ 4
-	B_ 4
-	B_ 8
-	A_ 8
-	loopchannel 0, Music_PalletTown_branch_a861
-	endchannel
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note A_, 8
+	note E_, 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note A_, 8
+	note G_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note F#, 8
+	note G_, 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note B_, 8
+	note A_, 8
+	sound_loop 0, Music_PalletTown_branch_a861
+	sound_ret
 	vibrato 24, 2, 8
-	notetype 12, 1, 2
+	note_type 12, 1, 2
 	octave 4
-	G_ 6
-	E_ 6
-	F# 4
-	G_ 6
-	A_ 6
-	G_ 4
-	E_ 6
-	F# 6
-	E_ 4
-	G_ 6
-	E_ 6
-	D_ 4
-	G_ 6
-	E_ 6
-	F# 4
-	G_ 6
-	A_ 6
-	G_ 4
-	E_ 6
-	F# 6
-	A_ 4
-	G_ 6
-	E_ 6
-	D_ 4
-	C_ 8
-	D_ 8
-	G_ 8
-	E_ 4
-	D_ 4
-	C_ 8
-	D_ 8
-	G_ 8
-	A_ 4
-	G_ 4
-	E_ 8
-	A_ 8
-	E_ 8
-	G_ 8
-	F# 8
-	E_ 8
-	E_ 8
-	F# 8
-	loopchannel 0, Music_PalletTown_branch_a8e3
-	endchannel
+	note G_, 6
+	note E_, 6
+	note F#, 4
+	note G_, 6
+	note A_, 6
+	note G_, 4
+	note E_, 6
+	note F#, 6
+	note E_, 4
+	note G_, 6
+	note E_, 6
+	note D_, 4
+	note G_, 6
+	note E_, 6
+	note F#, 4
+	note G_, 6
+	note A_, 6
+	note G_, 4
+	note E_, 6
+	note F#, 6
+	note A_, 4
+	note G_, 6
+	note E_, 6
+	note D_, 4
+	note C_, 8
+	note D_, 8
+	note G_, 8
+	note E_, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note C_, 8
+	note D_, 8
+	note G_, 8
+	note A_, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note E_, 8
+	note A_, 8
+	note E_, 8
+	note G_, 8
+	note F#, 8
+	note E_, 8
+	note E_, 8
+	note F#, 8
+	sound_loop 0, Music_PalletTown_branch_a8e3
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/music/pkmnhealed.asm
+++ b/audio/music/pkmnhealed.asm
@@ -1,47 +1,47 @@
 	tempo 144
 	volume 7, 7
-	duty 2
-	toggleperfectpitch
-	notetype 12, 8, 1
+	duty_cycle 2
+	toggle_perfect_pitch
+	note_type 12, 8, 1
 	rest 2
-	pitchbend 0, 75
-	B_ 2
-	pitchbend 0, 84
-	B_ 2
-	pitchbend 0, 68
-	E_ 2
+	pitch_slide 1, 4, B_
+	note B_, 2
+	pitch_slide 1, 3, E_
+	note B_, 2
+	pitch_slide 1, 4, E_
+	note E_, 2
 	rest 4
-	pitchbend 0, 59
-	E_ 4
-	pitchbend 0, 75
-	B_ 4
-	endchannel
+	pitch_slide 1, 5, B_
+	note E_, 4
+	pitch_slide 1, 4, B_
+	note B_, 4
+	sound_ret
-	duty 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 3
+	duty_cycle 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 3
 	octave 4
-	B_ 4
-	B_ 4
-	B_ 2
-	G# 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note B_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 4
 	octave 5
-	E_ 8
-	endchannel
+	note E_, 8
+	sound_ret
-	notetype 12, 1, 0
+	note_type 12, 1, 0
 	octave 4
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	rest 2
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	rest 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	E_ 6
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 6
 	rest 2
-	endchannel
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/music/pokecenter.asm
+++ b/audio/music/pokecenter.asm
@@ -1,375 +1,375 @@
 	tempo 144
 	volume 7, 7
-	duty 3
+	duty_cycle 3
 	vibrato 10, 2, 2
-	toggleperfectpitch
+	toggle_perfect_pitch
-	notetype 12, 10, 3
+	note_type 12, 10, 3
 	octave 3
-	F# 2
-	F_ 2
-	F# 2
-	notetype 12, 11, 5
+	note F#, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 5
 	octave 4
-	D_ 4
-	C# 2
+	note D_, 4
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	notetype 12, 10, 3
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	notetype 12, 11, 5
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note_type 12, 10, 3
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 5
 	octave 4
-	C# 4
+	note C#, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	F# 2
-	A_ 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
-	D_ 2
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	notetype 12, 10, 3
-	F# 2
-	F_ 2
-	F# 2
-	notetype 12, 11, 5
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note_type 12, 10, 3
+	note F#, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 5
 	octave 4
-	D_ 4
-	C# 2
+	note D_, 4
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	notetype 12, 10, 3
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	notetype 12, 11, 5
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note_type 12, 10, 3
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 5
 	octave 4
-	C# 4
+	note C#, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 4
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 4
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 4
-	C# 2
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 8
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 4
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 4
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 4
+	note C#, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 8
 	octave 4
-	D_ 2
-	C# 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 4
-	A_ 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 4
+	note A_, 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	C# 4
+	note C#, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C#, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 4
-	G_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G_ 2
-	loopchannel 0, Music_Pokecenter_branch_be61
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 4
+	note G_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	sound_loop 0, Music_Pokecenter_branch_be61
 	vibrato 8, 2, 5
-	callchannel Music_Pokecenter_branch_bf4e
-	duty 3
-	notetype 12, 10, 5
+	sound_call Music_Pokecenter_branch_bf4e
+	duty_cycle 3
+	note_type 12, 10, 5
 	octave 3
-	A_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	callchannel Music_Pokecenter_branch_bf60
-	D_ 2
-	F# 6
-	duty 3
-	notetype 12, 10, 5
+	note A_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	sound_call Music_Pokecenter_branch_bf60
+	note D_, 2
+	note F#, 6
+	duty_cycle 3
+	note_type 12, 10, 5
 	octave 3
-	A_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	callchannel Music_Pokecenter_branch_bf4e
-	duty 3
-	notetype 12, 10, 5
+	note A_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	sound_call Music_Pokecenter_branch_bf4e
+	duty_cycle 3
+	note_type 12, 10, 5
 	octave 3
-	A_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	callchannel Music_Pokecenter_branch_bf60
-	D_ 8
-	duty 3
-	notetype 12, 10, 5
+	note A_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	sound_call Music_Pokecenter_branch_bf60
+	note D_, 8
+	duty_cycle 3
+	note_type 12, 10, 5
 	octave 3
-	D_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	duty 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 6
+	note D_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	duty_cycle 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 6
 	octave 4
-	F# 8
-	A_ 8
-	G_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 8
-	C# 8
-	E_ 8
-	F# 2
-	G_ 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 8
-	F# 8
-	A_ 8
-	G_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	B_ 8
-	A_ 4
-	G_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G_ 8
-	F# 2
-	G_ 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 8
-	loopchannel 0, Music_Pokecenter_branch_befc
+	note F#, 8
+	note A_, 8
+	note G_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 8
+	note C#, 8
+	note E_, 8
+	note F#, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 8
+	note F#, 8
+	note A_, 8
+	note G_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note B_, 8
+	note A_, 4
+	note G_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G_, 8
+	note F#, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 8
+	sound_loop 0, Music_Pokecenter_branch_befc
-	duty 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
+	duty_cycle 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
 	octave 4
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 4
-	D_ 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 3
-	A_ 4
-	G_ 4
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	C# 6
-	endchannel
+	note D_, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 3
+	note A_, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note C#, 6
+	sound_ret
-	duty 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
+	duty_cycle 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 3
-	F# 4
-	E_ 4
-	C# 2
-	endchannel
+	note C#, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 3
+	note F#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note C#, 2
+	sound_ret
-	notetype 12, 1, 0
+	note_type 12, 1, 0
 	octave 4
-	D_ 2
-	F# 2
-	D_ 2
-	F# 2
-	D_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G_ 2
-	F# 2
-	callchannel Music_Pokecenter_branch_bfd9
-	callchannel Music_Pokecenter_branch_bfe2
-	F# 2
-	A_ 2
-	F# 2
-	A_ 2
-	F# 2
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	F# 2
-	D_ 2
-	F# 2
-	D_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G_ 2
-	F# 2
-	callchannel Music_Pokecenter_branch_bfd9
-	callchannel Music_Pokecenter_branch_bfe2
-	D_ 2
-	F# 2
-	D_ 2
-	F# 2
-	D_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	callchannel Music_Pokecenter_branch_bfeb
-	G_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	F# 2
-	A_ 2
-	F# 2
-	A_ 2
-	F# 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	A_ 2
-	callchannel Music_Pokecenter_branch_bfeb
-	G_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	F# 2
-	A_ 2
-	F# 2
-	A_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G_ 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	loopchannel 0, Music_Pokecenter_branch_bf72
+	note D_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	sound_call Music_Pokecenter_branch_bfd9
+	sound_call Music_Pokecenter_branch_bfe2
+	note F#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	sound_call Music_Pokecenter_branch_bfd9
+	sound_call Music_Pokecenter_branch_bfe2
+	note D_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	sound_call Music_Pokecenter_branch_bfeb
+	note G_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	sound_call Music_Pokecenter_branch_bfeb
+	note G_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	sound_loop 0, Music_Pokecenter_branch_bf72
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	endchannel
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	sound_ret
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	endchannel
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	sound_ret
-	F# 2
-	A_ 2
-	F# 2
-	A_ 2
-	F# 2
-	A_ 2
-	F# 2
-	A_ 2
-	endchannel
+	note F#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/music/pokemontower.asm
+++ b/audio/music/pokemontower.asm
@@ -1,458 +1,458 @@
 	tempo 152
 	volume 7, 7
-	duty 3
-	toggleperfectpitch
+	duty_cycle 3
+	toggle_perfect_pitch
 	vibrato 12, 2, 3
-	notetype 12, 8, 0
+	note_type 12, 8, 0
 	rest 4
 	octave 4
-	B_ 12
+	note B_, 12
-	notetype 12, 11, 4
+	note_type 12, 11, 4
 	octave 4
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 7
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 7
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 7
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 7
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 7
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 7
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 7
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
-	G_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 5
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 7
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 7
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 7
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 7
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 7
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 7
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 7
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 7
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 7
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 7
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 7
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 7
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 7
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 7
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 7
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 7
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 7
 	octave 4
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	rest 7
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	rest 7
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 7
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 7
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	rest 7
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	rest 3
-	notetype 12, 8, 4
-	C_ 1
+	note_type 12, 8, 4
+	note C_, 1
 	rest 3
-	notetype 12, 11, 4
-	D_ 1
+	note_type 12, 11, 4
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 7
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 7
 	octave 3
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 7
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 7
-	notetype 12, 10, 7
-	B_ 8
-	B_ 8
+	note_type 12, 10, 7
+	note B_, 8
+	note B_, 8
 	octave 4
-	C_ 8
-	C_ 8
-	C# 8
-	C# 8
-	notetype 12, 10, 6
-	D_ 16
+	note C_, 8
+	note C_, 8
+	note C#, 8
+	note C#, 8
+	note_type 12, 10, 6
+	note D_, 16
 	rest 16
 	rest 16
 	rest 16
 	rest 16
-	notetype 12, 9, 2
-	B_ 4
+	note_type 12, 9, 2
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 5
-	E_ 4
-	D_ 4
-	C_ 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note C_, 4
 	octave 4
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 5
-	E_ 4
-	D_ 4
-	C_ 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note C_, 4
 	octave 4
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 5
-	E_ 4
-	D_ 4
-	C_ 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note C_, 4
 	octave 4
-	B_ 4
-	G_ 4
-	F# 4
-	E_ 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note E_, 4
 	octave 5
-	C_ 16
-	C_ 16
-	loopchannel 0, Music_PokemonTower_branch_7f05a
+	note C_, 16
+	note C_, 16
+	sound_loop 0, Music_PokemonTower_branch_7f05a
 	vibrato 20, 3, 4
-	duty 3
-	notetype 12, 10, 0
+	duty_cycle 3
+	note_type 12, 10, 0
 	octave 5
-	C_ 12
+	note C_, 12
 	octave 4
-	E_ 4
+	note E_, 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 1
+	note_type 12, 12, 1
 	octave 5
-	C_ 8
+	note C_, 8
 	octave 4
-	B_ 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 4
-	G_ 1
-	F# 1
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
-	G_ 8
+	note B_, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 4
+	note G_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
+	note G_, 8
 	octave 5
-	C_ 8
+	note C_, 8
 	octave 4
-	B_ 4
-	G_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	G_ 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note G_, 4
 	octave 5
-	C_ 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
-	C_ 8
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
+	note C_, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
+	note C_, 8
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
 	octave 4
-	G_ 1
-	F# 1
-	E_ 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	notetype 12, 9, 6
+	note_type 12, 9, 6
 	octave 3
-	G_ 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	G_ 4
-	B_ 4
-	G_ 4
-	B_ 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	note G_, 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 4
-	C_ 4
+	note C_, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 4
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
+	note B_, 4
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
 	octave 4
-	C_ 16
-	E_ 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
-	E_ 12
-	notetype 12, 12, 5
+	note C_, 16
+	note E_, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
+	note E_, 12
+	note_type 12, 12, 5
 	octave 5
-	C_ 4
+	note C_, 4
 	octave 4
-	B_ 4
-	G_ 4
-	B_ 4
-	G_ 4
-	F# 4
-	E_ 4
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
-	F# 12
-	G_ 4
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
-	F# 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
-	F# 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
-	B_ 4
-	G_ 4
-	F# 4
-	E_ 4
-	B_ 16
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
+	note B_, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
+	note F#, 12
+	note G_, 4
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
+	note F#, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
+	note F#, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
+	note B_, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note B_, 16
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
 	octave 5
-	C_ 4
+	note C_, 4
 	octave 4
-	G_ 4
-	F# 4
-	E_ 4
-	notetype 12, 9, 0
+	note G_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note_type 12, 9, 0
 	octave 5
-	C_ 16
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
-	D_ 4
+	note C_, 16
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
+	note D_, 4
 	octave 4
-	A_ 4
-	G# 4
-	F# 4
-	notetype 12, 2, 15
+	note A_, 4
+	note G#, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note_type 12, 2, -7
 	octave 5
-	D_ 16
-	notetype 12, 12, 0
-	E_ 4
+	note D_, 16
+	note_type 12, 12, 0
+	note E_, 4
 	octave 4
-	B_ 4
-	A_ 4
-	G_ 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note G_, 4
 	octave 5
-	F_ 4
-	C_ 4
+	note F_, 4
+	note C_, 4
 	octave 4
-	A# 4
-	G# 4
+	note A#, 4
+	note G#, 4
 	octave 5
-	F# 4
-	D_ 4
-	C_ 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note C_, 4
 	octave 4
-	A# 4
-	G# 4
-	F# 4
-	E_ 4
-	D_ 4
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
-	C_ 8
-	notetype 12, 9, 0
-	C_ 8
-	notetype 12, 8, 0
-	C_ 8
-	notetype 12, 7, 0
-	C_ 8
-	notetype 12, 6, 0
-	C_ 8
-	notetype 12, 6, 7
-	C_ 8
+	note A#, 4
+	note G#, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
+	note C_, 8
+	note_type 12, 9, 0
+	note C_, 8
+	note_type 12, 8, 0
+	note C_, 8
+	note_type 12, 7, 0
+	note C_, 8
+	note_type 12, 6, 0
+	note C_, 8
+	note_type 12, 6, 7
+	note C_, 8
 	rest 16
-	notetype 12, 10, 0
+	note_type 12, 10, 0
 	octave 5
-	G_ 16
+	note G_, 16
 	octave 6
-	C_ 16
+	note C_, 16
 	octave 5
-	B_ 8
-	G_ 8
-	E_ 8
-	G_ 8
+	note B_, 8
+	note G_, 8
+	note E_, 8
+	note G_, 8
 	octave 6
-	C_ 16
+	note C_, 16
 	vibrato 0, 3, 4
-	notetype 12, 10, 7
-	C_ 16
-	loopchannel 0, Music_PokemonTower_branch_7f0ee
+	note_type 12, 10, 7
+	note C_, 16
+	sound_loop 0, Music_PokemonTower_branch_7f0ee
 	vibrato 4, 1, 1
-	notetype 12, 1, 3
+	note_type 12, 1, 3
 	rest 8
 	octave 5
-	G_ 8
+	note G_, 8
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 7
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 7
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 7
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 3
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	F# 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 7
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 7
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 7
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 7
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
 	octave 4
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 5
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 7
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 7
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 7
 	octave 5
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	rest 7
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	rest 7
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	rest 7
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	rest 7
 	octave 4
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 7
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 7
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 7
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 7
 	octave 5
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	rest 7
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	rest 7
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	rest 7
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	rest 7
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 7
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 7
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 7
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 7
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 7
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 7
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 7
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 3
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 3
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 7
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 7
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 7
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 3
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 7
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 7
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 7
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 7
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 7
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 7
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 15
-	notetype 12, 1, 5
+	note_type 12, 1, 5
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 3
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 3
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 3
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 3
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 15
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 3
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 3
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 3
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 3
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 7
-	notetype 12, 1, 3
+	note_type 12, 1, 3
 	octave 6
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 15
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 15
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 15
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 15
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 15
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 7
 	octave 5
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
-	loopchannel 0, Music_PokemonTower_branch_7f1a2
+	sound_loop 0, Music_PokemonTower_branch_7f1a2
--- a/audio/music/routes1.asm
+++ b/audio/music/routes1.asm
@@ -1,404 +1,404 @@
 	tempo 152
 	volume 7, 7
 	vibrato 4, 2, 3
-	duty 2
-	toggleperfectpitch
+	duty_cycle 2
+	toggle_perfect_pitch
-	notetype 12, 10, 1
+	note_type 12, 10, 1
 	rest 4
 	octave 4
-	D_ 2
-	D_ 6
-	D_ 2
-	D_ 6
-	D_ 2
-	D_ 1
-	C# 1
+	note D_, 2
+	note D_, 6
+	note D_, 2
+	note D_, 6
+	note D_, 2
+	note D_, 1
+	note C#, 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 4
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 6
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 6
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
-	C# 6
-	C# 2
-	C# 4
+	note C#, 2
+	note C#, 6
+	note C#, 2
+	note C#, 4
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 4
+	note C#, 4
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 6
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 6
 	octave 4
-	D_ 2
-	D_ 6
-	D_ 2
-	D_ 6
-	D_ 2
-	D_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	D_ 1
-	C# 1
+	note D_, 2
+	note D_, 6
+	note D_, 2
+	note D_, 6
+	note D_, 2
+	note D_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note C#, 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 6
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 6
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
-	C# 6
+	note C#, 2
+	note C#, 6
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 4
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
-	notetype 12, 10, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note_type 12, 10, 2
 	octave 4
-	G_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	F# 2
-	notetype 12, 10, 1
+	note G_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note F#, 2
+	note_type 12, 10, 1
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 6
-	A_ 2
-	F# 2
-	A_ 4
-	B_ 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 6
+	note A_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note A_, 4
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 4
-	A_ 2
-	F# 2
-	A_ 4
-	G_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	C# 4
-	A_ 2
+	note B_, 4
+	note A_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note A_, 4
+	note G_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note C#, 4
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 4
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 3
-	A_ 4
-	B_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	B_ 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note B_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 4
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	C# 2
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	loopchannel 0, Music_Routes1_branch_9be9
-	endchannel
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	sound_loop 0, Music_Routes1_branch_9be9
+	sound_ret
-	duty 2
+	duty_cycle 2
-	notetype 12, 13, 1
-	callchannel Music_Routes1_branch_9c65
-	callchannel Music_Routes1_branch_9c78
-	callchannel Music_Routes1_branch_9c65
-	callchannel Music_Routes1_branch_9c8d
-	loopchannel 0, Music_Routes1_branch_9c53
+	note_type 12, 13, 1
+	sound_call Music_Routes1_branch_9c65
+	sound_call Music_Routes1_branch_9c78
+	sound_call Music_Routes1_branch_9c65
+	sound_call Music_Routes1_branch_9c8d
+	sound_loop 0, Music_Routes1_branch_9c53
 	octave 4
-	D_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	F# 2
-	F# 2
-	F# 2
-	D_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	F# 2
-	F# 2
-	F# 2
-	D_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	F# 2
-	F# 2
-	G_ 3
-	F# 1
-	E_ 6
-	endchannel
+	note D_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note D_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note D_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G_, 3
+	note F#, 1
+	note E_, 6
+	sound_ret
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	E_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	E_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	E_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 1
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	F# 1
-	D_ 4
-	F# 2
-	endchannel
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note E_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note E_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note E_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note D_, 4
+	note F#, 2
+	sound_ret
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	E_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note E_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
-	notetype 12, 13, 2
-	B_ 4
-	notetype 6, 13, 1
+	note C#, 2
+	note_type 12, 13, 2
+	note B_, 4
+	note_type 6, 13, 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 4
-	C# 1
-	notetype 12, 13, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note_type 12, 13, 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 1
 	octave 4
-	C# 1
-	D_ 6
-	notetype 12, 13, 2
-	F# 1
-	G_ 1
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	F# 2
-	D_ 2
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 6
+	note_type 12, 13, 2
+	note F#, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 5
-	D_ 2
-	C# 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 4
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 5
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 4
-	A_ 2
-	F# 2
-	D_ 3
-	F# 1
-	E_ 6
-	F# 1
-	G_ 1
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	F# 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note D_, 3
+	note F#, 1
+	note E_, 6
+	note F#, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 5
-	D_ 2
-	C# 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 4
-	B_ 3
-	G_ 1
-	A_ 2
+	note B_, 3
+	note G_, 1
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 5
-	D_ 2
-	C# 2
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	notetype 12, 13, 1
+	note D_, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note_type 12, 13, 1
 	octave 4
-	D_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	endchannel
-	endchannel
+	note D_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	sound_ret
+	sound_ret
 	vibrato 8, 2, 5
-	notetype 12, 1, 3
+	note_type 12, 1, 3
 	rest 2
 	octave 4
-	D_ 4
-	C# 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note C#, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 4
-	A_ 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note A_, 4
 	octave 4
-	D_ 4
+	note D_, 4
 	octave 3
-	A_ 4
-	B_ 4
-	A_ 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note A_, 4
 	octave 4
-	C# 4
+	note C#, 4
 	octave 3
-	A_ 4
-	B_ 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 4
-	C_ 4
-	C# 4
+	note C_, 4
+	note C#, 4
 	octave 3
-	A_ 4
+	note A_, 4
 	octave 4
-	D_ 4
+	note D_, 4
 	octave 3
-	A_ 4
+	note A_, 4
 	octave 4
-	D_ 4
-	C# 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note C#, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 4
-	A_ 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note A_, 4
 	octave 4
-	D_ 4
+	note D_, 4
 	octave 3
-	A_ 4
-	B_ 4
-	A_ 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note A_, 4
 	octave 4
-	C# 4
+	note C#, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 4
-	A_ 4
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 4
-	C# 4
+	note C#, 4
 	octave 3
-	A_ 4
+	note A_, 4
 	octave 4
-	D_ 4
+	note D_, 4
 	octave 3
-	A_ 4
+	note A_, 4
 	octave 4
-	D_ 8
+	note D_, 8
 	octave 3
-	G_ 8
-	A_ 8
+	note G_, 8
+	note A_, 8
 	octave 4
-	C# 8
-	D_ 8
+	note C#, 8
+	note D_, 8
 	octave 3
-	G_ 8
-	A_ 8
+	note G_, 8
+	note A_, 8
 	octave 4
-	D_ 6
-	loopchannel 0, Music_Routes1_branch_9cdd
-	endchannel
+	note D_, 6
+	sound_loop 0, Music_Routes1_branch_9cdd
+	sound_ret
-	dspeed 12
+	drum_speed 12
 	rest 4
-	mutedsnare1 2
+	drum_note 15, 2
 	rest 2
-	mutedsnare1 2
+	drum_note 15, 2
 	rest 2
-	mutedsnare1 2
+	drum_note 15, 2
 	rest 2
-	mutedsnare1 2
+	drum_note 15, 2
 	rest 2
-	mutedsnare1 2
+	drum_note 15, 2
 	rest 2
-	mutedsnare1 2
+	drum_note 15, 2
 	rest 2
-	mutedsnare1 2
-	mutedsnare1 2
+	drum_note 15, 2
+	drum_note 15, 2
 	rest 4
-	mutedsnare1 2
+	drum_note 15, 2
 	rest 2
-	mutedsnare1 2
+	drum_note 15, 2
 	rest 2
-	mutedsnare1 2
+	drum_note 15, 2
 	rest 2
-	mutedsnare1 2
+	drum_note 15, 2
 	rest 2
-	mutedsnare1 2
+	drum_note 15, 2
 	rest 2
-	mutedsnare1 2
-	mutedsnare1 2
-	mutedsnare1 2
-	mutedsnare1 2
+	drum_note 15, 2
+	drum_note 15, 2
+	drum_note 15, 2
+	drum_note 15, 2
 	rest 4
-	mutedsnare1 2
+	drum_note 15, 2
 	rest 2
-	mutedsnare1 2
+	drum_note 15, 2
 	rest 2
-	mutedsnare1 2
+	drum_note 15, 2
 	rest 2
-	mutedsnare1 2
+	drum_note 15, 2
 	rest 2
-	mutedsnare1 2
+	drum_note 15, 2
 	rest 2
-	mutedsnare1 2
+	drum_note 15, 2
 	rest 2
-	mutedsnare1 2
-	mutedsnare1 2
+	drum_note 15, 2
+	drum_note 15, 2
 	rest 4
-	mutedsnare1 2
+	drum_note 15, 2
 	rest 2
-	mutedsnare1 2
+	drum_note 15, 2
 	rest 2
-	mutedsnare1 2
+	drum_note 15, 2
 	rest 2
-	mutedsnare1 2
+	drum_note 15, 2
 	rest 2
-	mutedsnare1 2
+	drum_note 15, 2
 	rest 2
-	mutedsnare1 2
+	drum_note 15, 2
 	rest 2
-	mutedsnare1 2
-	mutedsnare1 2
-	mutedsnare1 2
+	drum_note 15, 2
+	drum_note 15, 2
+	drum_note 15, 2
 	rest 2
-	mutedsnare1 2
-	mutedsnare1 2
+	drum_note 15, 2
+	drum_note 15, 2
 	rest 4
-	mutedsnare1 2
-	mutedsnare1 2
-	mutedsnare1 2
+	drum_note 15, 2
+	drum_note 15, 2
+	drum_note 15, 2
 	rest 2
-	mutedsnare1 2
-	mutedsnare1 2
+	drum_note 15, 2
+	drum_note 15, 2
 	rest 4
-	mutedsnare1 2
-	mutedsnare1 2
-	mutedsnare1 2
+	drum_note 15, 2
+	drum_note 15, 2
+	drum_note 15, 2
 	rest 2
-	mutedsnare1 2
-	mutedsnare1 2
+	drum_note 15, 2
+	drum_note 15, 2
 	rest 4
-	mutedsnare1 2
-	mutedsnare1 2
-	mutedsnare1 2
+	drum_note 15, 2
+	drum_note 15, 2
+	drum_note 15, 2
 	rest 2
-	mutedsnare1 2
-	mutedsnare1 2
-	mutedsnare1 2
+	drum_note 15, 2
+	drum_note 15, 2
+	drum_note 15, 2
 	rest 2
-	mutedsnare1 2
-	mutedsnare1 2
-	loopchannel 0, Music_Routes1_Ch3
-	endchannel
+	drum_note 15, 2
+	drum_note 15, 2
+	sound_loop 0, Music_Routes1_Ch4
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/music/routes2.asm
+++ b/audio/music/routes2.asm
@@ -1,425 +1,425 @@
 	tempo 152
 	volume 7, 7
 	vibrato 9, 2, 5
-	duty 1
+	duty_cycle 1
-	notetype 12, 11, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 3
-	G# 6
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	D# 1
-	F# 1
-	E_ 2
+	note G#, 6
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D#, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 4
-	F# 4
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 4
+	note F#, 4
 	octave 2
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 3
-	G# 6
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	D# 1
-	F# 1
-	B_ 2
+	note G#, 6
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D#, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 4
-	B_ 4
-	notetype 8, 11, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note_type 8, 11, 2
 	octave 4
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 4
-	E_ 2
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 4
-	E_ 2
-	D# 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D#, 2
 	octave 3
-	G# 2
+	note G#, 2
 	octave 4
-	D# 2
-	D# 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note D#, 2
 	octave 3
-	G# 2
+	note G#, 2
 	octave 4
-	D# 2
-	C# 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 3
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 3
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
-	G# 2
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	F# 2
-	A_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G# 2
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	F# 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
-	D_ 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	D_ 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	D# 2
-	E_ 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	E_ 2
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	E_ 2
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	E_ 2
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	E_ 2
-	loopchannel 0, Music_Routes2_branch_9dc3
-	endchannel
+	note E_, 2
+	sound_loop 0, Music_Routes2_branch_9dc3
+	sound_ret
 	vibrato 8, 2, 6
-	duty 3
+	duty_cycle 3
-	notetype 12, 13, 4
+	note_type 12, 13, 4
 	octave 4
-	E_ 6
+	note E_, 6
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 4
-	E_ 1
-	F# 6
-	A_ 2
-	G# 3
-	E_ 1
-	F# 8
+	note E_, 1
+	note F#, 6
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 3
+	note E_, 1
+	note F#, 8
 	octave 3
-	D# 4
+	note D#, 4
 	octave 4
-	E_ 6
+	note E_, 6
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 4
-	E_ 1
-	F# 6
-	A_ 2
-	G# 3
-	E_ 1
-	B_ 8
+	note E_, 1
+	note F#, 6
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 3
+	note E_, 1
+	note B_, 8
 	octave 3
-	G# 4
+	note G#, 4
 	octave 5
-	C# 6
+	note C#, 6
 	octave 4
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	B_ 6
-	A_ 1
-	G# 1
-	A_ 6
-	G# 1
-	F# 1
-	G# 4
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	D_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	F# 8
-	A_ 4
-	G# 3
-	F# 1
-	E_ 8
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	D_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	F# 2
-	F# 1
-	G# 1
-	A_ 4
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note B_, 6
+	note A_, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note A_, 6
+	note G#, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note G#, 4
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note D_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F#, 8
+	note A_, 4
+	note G#, 3
+	note F#, 1
+	note E_, 8
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note D_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F#, 2
+	note F#, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note A_, 4
 	octave 5
-	C# 4
+	note C#, 4
 	octave 4
-	B_ 3
-	A_ 1
-	G# 8
+	note B_, 3
+	note A_, 1
+	note G#, 8
 	rest 4
-	loopchannel 0, Music_Routes2_branch_9e54
-	endchannel
+	sound_loop 0, Music_Routes2_branch_9e54
+	sound_ret
 	vibrato 9, 2, 8
-	notetype 12, 1, 1
+	note_type 12, 1, 1
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	rest 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 6
+	note B_, 6
 	octave 3
-	D_ 1
-	C# 1
-	D_ 2
-	D# 2
-	E_ 2
+	note D_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note E_, 2
 	rest 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 6
+	note B_, 6
 	octave 3
-	D_ 1
-	C# 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note C#, 1
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	C# 2
-	E_ 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note E_, 2
 	rest 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 6
+	note B_, 6
 	octave 3
-	D_ 1
-	C# 1
-	D_ 2
-	D# 2
-	E_ 2
+	note D_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note E_, 2
 	rest 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 3
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	D_ 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
 	rest 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	rest 2
 	octave 3
-	D# 2
+	note D#, 2
 	rest 2
 	octave 2
-	G# 2
+	note G#, 2
 	rest 2
 	octave 3
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	rest 2
 	octave 2
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	rest 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
 	rest 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	rest 2
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	rest 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	rest 2
-	G# 2
+	note G#, 2
 	rest 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 2
-	G# 2
+	note G#, 2
 	rest 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 2
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	rest 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	rest 2
 	octave 3
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	rest 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	rest 2
-	G# 2
+	note G#, 2
 	rest 2
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	rest 2
-	loopchannel 0, Music_Routes2_branch_9e9e
-	endchannel
+	sound_loop 0, Music_Routes2_branch_9e9e
+	sound_ret
-	dspeed 12
-	snare3 2
+	drum_speed 12
+	drum_note 3, 2
 	rest 2
-	snare3 1
+	drum_note 3, 1
 	rest 5
-	snare3 1
-	snare3 1
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 2
+	drum_note 3, 1
+	drum_note 3, 1
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
 	rest 2
-	dspeed 8
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 3
-	snare3 3
-	dspeed 12
-	snare3 1
+	drum_speed 8
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 3
+	drum_note 3, 3
+	drum_speed 12
+	drum_note 3, 1
 	rest 3
-	snare3 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
 	rest 2
-	snare3 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
 	rest 4
-	snare3 1
-	snare3 1
-	snare3 2
+	drum_note 3, 1
+	drum_note 3, 1
+	drum_note 3, 2
 	rest 2
-	snare3 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
 	rest 2
-	dspeed 8
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 3
-	snare3 3
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 3
+	drum_speed 8
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 3
+	drum_note 3, 3
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 3
 	rest 3
-	dspeed 12
-	snare3 1
+	drum_speed 12
+	drum_note 3, 1
 	rest 5
-	snare3 1
-	snare3 1
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 2
+	drum_note 3, 1
+	drum_note 3, 1
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
 	rest 2
-	dspeed 8
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 3
+	drum_speed 8
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 3
 	rest 3
-	dspeed 12
-	snare3 1
+	drum_speed 12
+	drum_note 3, 1
 	rest 3
-	snare3 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
 	rest 2
-	snare3 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
 	rest 4
-	snare3 1
-	snare3 1
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 2
+	drum_note 3, 1
+	drum_note 3, 1
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
 	rest 2
-	dspeed 8
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 3
+	drum_speed 8
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 3
 	rest 3
-	snare3 3
-	snare3 3
-	snare3 3
+	drum_note 3, 3
+	drum_note 3, 3
+	drum_note 3, 3
 	rest 3
-	dspeed 12
-	snare3 1
+	drum_speed 12
+	drum_note 3, 1
 	rest 5
-	snare3 1
-	snare3 1
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 2
+	drum_note 3, 1
+	drum_note 3, 1
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
 	rest 2
-	dspeed 8
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 3
+	drum_speed 8
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 3
 	rest 3
-	snare3 3
+	drum_note 3, 3
 	rest 3
-	loopchannel 0, Music_Routes2_Ch3
-	endchannel
+	sound_loop 0, Music_Routes2_Ch4
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/music/routes3.asm
+++ b/audio/music/routes3.asm
@@ -1,515 +1,515 @@
 	tempo 148
 	volume 7, 7
-	duty 3
+	duty_cycle 3
 	vibrato 6, 3, 4
-	toggleperfectpitch
-	notetype 12, 11, 5
+	toggle_perfect_pitch
+	note_type 12, 11, 5
 	octave 3
-	E_ 1
-	F# 1
-	G_ 6
-	F_ 1
-	G_ 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note G_, 6
+	note F_, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 16
 	rest 15
-	notetype 12, 11, 5
-	E_ 6
-	D_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	C_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	C_ 6
-	D_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	F_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	notetype 12, 10, 7
-	A# 8
-	F_ 8
-	D_ 8
-	F_ 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 5
-	E_ 6
-	D_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	C_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	C_ 6
-	D_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	F_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	notetype 12, 10, 7
-	A# 8
-	A# 8
-	D_ 8
-	F_ 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 5
-	E_ 4
-	E_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	G_ 4
-	F_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	B_ 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 5
+	note E_, 6
+	note D_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note C_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note C_, 6
+	note D_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note_type 12, 10, 7
+	note A#, 8
+	note F_, 8
+	note D_, 8
+	note F_, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 5
+	note E_, 6
+	note D_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note C_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note C_, 6
+	note D_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note_type 12, 10, 7
+	note A#, 8
+	note A#, 8
+	note D_, 8
+	note F_, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 5
+	note E_, 4
+	note E_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note G_, 4
+	note F_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 2
-	G_ 4
+	note G_, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 8
-	A_ 2
-	notetype 8, 12, 3
-	A_ 4
-	F_ 4
-	A_ 4
-	notetype 8, 4, 15
-	A_ 12
-	notetype 8, 9, 0
-	F_ 12
-	G_ 12
-	loopchannel 0, Music_Routes3_branch_9fc3
+	note B_, 8
+	note A_, 2
+	note_type 8, 12, 3
+	note A_, 4
+	note F_, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note_type 8, 4, -7
+	note A_, 12
+	note_type 8, 9, 0
+	note F_, 12
+	note G_, 12
+	sound_loop 0, Music_Routes3_branch_9fc3
 	vibrato 8, 2, 3
-	duty 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
+	duty_cycle 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
 	octave 3
-	G_ 1
-	A# 1
-	B_ 6
-	A_ 1
-	B_ 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note B_, 6
+	note A_, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 4
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	rest 15
 	rest 16
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	duty 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	duty_cycle 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 6
+	note C_, 6
 	octave 3
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	octave 4
-	C_ 1
-	E_ 10
+	note C_, 1
+	note E_, 10
 	octave 3
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	D_ 8
-	F_ 8
-	notetype 12, 12, 5
-	duty 3
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note D_, 8
+	note F_, 8
+	note_type 12, 12, 5
+	duty_cycle 3
 	octave 3
-	A# 8
-	A_ 8
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	duty 2
+	note A#, 8
+	note A_, 8
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	duty_cycle 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 6
+	note C_, 6
 	octave 3
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	octave 4
-	C_ 1
-	E_ 10
+	note C_, 1
+	note E_, 10
 	octave 3
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	D_ 8
-	F_ 8
-	notetype 12, 12, 5
-	duty 3
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note D_, 8
+	note F_, 8
+	note_type 12, 12, 5
+	duty_cycle 3
 	octave 3
-	A# 8
+	note A#, 8
 	octave 4
-	D_ 6
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	duty 2
-	C_ 1
-	D_ 1
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	C_ 8
+	note D_, 6
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	duty_cycle 2
+	note C_, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note C_, 8
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 4
-	C_ 1
-	D_ 2
+	note C_, 1
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 3
-	G_ 4
+	note G_, 4
 	octave 4
-	G_ 8
-	F_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	notetype 8, 13, 3
-	F_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	notetype 8, 12, 4
-	C_ 4
-	notetype 8, 12, 5
-	C_ 12
-	notetype 12, 10, 0
-	duty 3
+	note G_, 8
+	note F_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note_type 8, 13, 3
+	note F_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note_type 8, 12, 4
+	note C_, 4
+	note_type 8, 12, 5
+	note C_, 12
+	note_type 12, 10, 0
+	duty_cycle 3
 	octave 3
-	A_ 8
-	B_ 8
-	loopchannel 0, Music_Routes3_branch_a01a
+	note A_, 8
+	note B_, 8
+	sound_loop 0, Music_Routes3_branch_a01a
 	vibrato 4, 1, 0
-	notetype 6, 1, 2
+	note_type 6, 1, 2
 	octave 4
-	G_ 2
-	A# 2
-	B_ 8
-	A_ 8
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note B_, 8
+	note A_, 8
+	note G_, 2
 	rest 2
-	G_ 7
+	note G_, 7
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	rest 2
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	rest 2
-	G_ 8
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 8
+	note G_, 2
 	rest 2
-	G_ 7
+	note G_, 7
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	rest 2
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	rest 2
-	G_ 8
+	note G_, 8
-	notetype 12, 1, 2
-	E_ 1
+	note_type 12, 1, 2
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 4
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
+	note G_, 4
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 4
-	E_ 1
+	note G_, 4
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 4
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
+	note G_, 4
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	F_ 1
+	note G_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A# 4
-	F_ 1
-	F_ 1
-	F_ 1
+	note A#, 4
+	note F_, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A# 4
-	F_ 1
+	note A#, 4
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A# 4
-	F_ 1
-	F_ 1
-	F_ 1
+	note A#, 4
+	note F_, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A# 2
-	F_ 2
-	E_ 1
+	note A#, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 4
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
+	note G_, 4
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 4
-	E_ 1
+	note G_, 4
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 4
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
+	note G_, 4
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	F_ 1
+	note G_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A# 4
-	F_ 1
-	F_ 1
-	F_ 1
+	note A#, 4
+	note F_, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A# 4
-	F_ 1
+	note A#, 4
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A# 4
-	F_ 1
-	F_ 1
-	F_ 1
+	note A#, 4
+	note F_, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A# 2
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 1
+	note A#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	C_ 4
+	note C_, 4
 	octave 4
-	G_ 1
-	G_ 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	C_ 4
+	note C_, 4
 	octave 4
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	D_ 4
+	note D_, 4
 	octave 4
-	G_ 1
-	G_ 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	D_ 4
+	note D_, 4
 	octave 4
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	C_ 4
+	note C_, 4
 	octave 4
-	F_ 1
-	F_ 1
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	C_ 4
+	note C_, 4
 	octave 4
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 4
-	F_ 1
-	F_ 1
-	F_ 1
+	note A_, 4
+	note F_, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 4
-	loopchannel 0, Music_Routes3_branch_a0a3
+	note A_, 4
+	sound_loop 0, Music_Routes3_branch_a0a3
-	dspeed 6
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare2 8
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare2 12
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare3 2
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare2 12
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare3 2
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare3 4
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
+	drum_speed 6
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 17, 8
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 17, 12
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 18, 2
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 17, 12
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 18, 2
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 18, 4
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
-	mutedsnare2 12
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare3 2
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare2 12
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare2 8
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare2 12
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare3 2
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare2 10
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare2 12
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare4 2
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare2 12
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare2 8
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare2 12
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare2 10
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare2 12
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare2 8
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare2 12
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare2 12
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare2 10
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare2 12
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare2 8
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare2 12
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare2 8
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare2 12
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	loopchannel 0, Music_Routes3_branch_a17a
+	drum_note 17, 12
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 18, 2
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 17, 12
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 17, 8
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 17, 12
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 18, 2
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 17, 10
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 17, 12
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 19, 2
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 17, 12
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 17, 8
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 17, 12
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 17, 10
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 17, 12
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 17, 8
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 17, 12
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 17, 12
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 17, 10
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 17, 12
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 17, 8
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 17, 12
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 17, 8
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 17, 12
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	sound_loop 0, Music_Routes3_branch_a17a
--- a/audio/music/routes4.asm
+++ b/audio/music/routes4.asm
@@ -1,681 +1,681 @@
 	tempo 148
 	volume 7, 7
-	duty 3
+	duty_cycle 3
 	vibrato 10, 3, 4
-	toggleperfectpitch
-	notetype 12, 10, 2
+	toggle_perfect_pitch
+	note_type 12, 10, 2
 	octave 2
-	G# 4
-	G# 4
-	G# 4
-	notetype 12, 7, 15
-	G# 4
-	notetype 12, 10, 2
-	G# 4
-	G# 4
-	G# 4
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
-	B_ 1
+	note G#, 4
+	note G#, 4
+	note G#, 4
+	note_type 12, 7, -7
+	note G#, 4
+	note_type 12, 10, 2
+	note G#, 4
+	note G#, 4
+	note G#, 4
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 3
-	E_ 1
-	F# 1
-	B_ 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note B_, 1
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
-	B_ 6
-	E_ 2
-	E_ 4
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
+	note B_, 6
+	note E_, 2
+	note E_, 4
 	octave 4
-	E_ 4
-	D_ 4
-	C# 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note C#, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 4
-	A_ 4
-	notetype 12, 11, 1
-	G# 3
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
-	E_ 1
-	F# 12
-	E_ 8
-	D# 4
-	F# 4
-	B_ 6
-	E_ 2
-	E_ 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note_type 12, 11, 1
+	note G#, 3
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
+	note E_, 1
+	note F#, 12
+	note E_, 8
+	note D#, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note B_, 6
+	note E_, 2
+	note E_, 4
 	octave 4
-	E_ 4
-	D_ 4
-	C# 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note C#, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 4
-	C# 4
-	notetype 12, 11, 1
-	E_ 3
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
-	D# 1
-	E_ 12
+	note C#, 4
+	note_type 12, 11, 1
+	note E_, 3
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 12
 	octave 3
-	B_ 3
-	A_ 1
-	G# 8
+	note B_, 3
+	note A_, 1
+	note G#, 8
 	octave 4
-	E_ 4
+	note E_, 4
 	octave 3
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G# 2
-	A_ 2
-	B_ 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
-	D_ 2
-	D_ 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G# 2
-	A_ 2
-	B_ 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	D# 2
-	E_ 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G# 2
-	B_ 2
-	notetype 8, 11, 5
-	A_ 4
-	G# 4
-	F# 4
+	note B_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note_type 8, 11, 5
+	note A_, 4
+	note G#, 4
+	note F#, 4
 	octave 4
-	E_ 4
-	D# 4
-	C# 4
-	C# 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note C#, 4
+	note C#, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 4
-	A_ 4
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 4
-	C# 4
-	D# 4
+	note C#, 4
+	note D#, 4
 	octave 3
-	E_ 3
-	F# 3
-	G# 3
-	A_ 3
-	B_ 4
+	note E_, 3
+	note F#, 3
+	note G#, 3
+	note A_, 3
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 4
-	C# 4
-	D# 4
-	E_ 3
+	note C#, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note E_, 3
 	octave 3
-	B_ 3
-	G# 3
-	F# 3
-	E_ 3
-	F# 3
-	G# 3
-	A_ 3
-	loopchannel 0, Music_Routes4_branch_a28a
+	note B_, 3
+	note G#, 3
+	note F#, 3
+	note E_, 3
+	note F#, 3
+	note G#, 3
+	note A_, 3
+	sound_loop 0, Music_Routes4_branch_a28a
 	vibrato 12, 2, 4
-	duty 1
-	notetype 12, 9, 2
+	duty_cycle 1
+	note_type 12, 9, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 3
-	F# 1
-	notetype 12, 9, 0
-	E_ 12
-	notetype 12, 9, 2
+	note E_, 3
+	note F#, 1
+	note_type 12, 9, 0
+	note E_, 12
+	note_type 12, 9, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 3
+	note B_, 3
 	octave 3
-	C_ 1
-	notetype 12, 9, 0
+	note C_, 1
+	note_type 12, 9, 0
 	octave 2
-	B_ 8
-	duty 3
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
+	note B_, 8
+	duty_cycle 3
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
 	octave 3
-	E_ 1
-	F# 1
-	B_ 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 4
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	E_ 6
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	note E_, 6
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 2
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 4
-	B_ 4
-	A_ 4
-	G# 4
-	F# 4
-	F# 1
-	A_ 1
-	G# 1
-	F# 1
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
-	G# 3
-	E_ 1
-	notetype 12, 10, 0
+	note B_, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note G#, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note F#, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
+	note G#, 3
+	note E_, 1
+	note_type 12, 10, 0
 	octave 3
-	B_ 12
-	duty 0
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
+	note B_, 12
+	duty_cycle 0
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 3
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
+	note B_, 3
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
 	octave 3
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 8
+	note B_, 8
 	octave 3
-	D# 4
-	duty 3
+	note D#, 4
+	duty_cycle 3
 	octave 4
-	E_ 6
+	note E_, 6
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 2
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 4
-	B_ 4
-	A_ 4
-	G# 4
-	F# 4
-	A_ 1
+	note B_, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note G#, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note A_, 1
 	octave 5
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	octave 4
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
-	B_ 3
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	A_ 1
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
-	G# 6
-	notetype 12, 9, 0
-	G# 6
-	notetype 12, 7, 0
-	G# 6
-	notetype 12, 6, 15
-	G# 6
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	G# 4
-	notetype 8, 12, 3
-	A_ 4
-	G# 4
-	F# 4
-	notetype 8, 9, 0
-	F# 6
-	notetype 8, 7, 15
-	F# 6
-	duty 0
-	notetype 8, 9, 0
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
+	note B_, 3
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	note A_, 1
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
+	note G#, 6
+	note_type 12, 9, 0
+	note G#, 6
+	note_type 12, 7, 0
+	note G#, 6
+	note_type 12, 6, -7
+	note G#, 6
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	note G#, 4
+	note_type 8, 12, 3
+	note A_, 4
+	note G#, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note_type 8, 9, 0
+	note F#, 6
+	note_type 8, 7, -7
+	note F#, 6
+	duty_cycle 0
+	note_type 8, 9, 0
 	octave 3
-	F# 4
-	E_ 4
-	F# 4
-	A_ 6
-	duty 3
-	notetype 8, 12, 7
+	note F#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note A_, 6
+	duty_cycle 3
+	note_type 8, 12, 7
 	octave 4
-	F# 6
-	G# 4
-	F# 4
-	notetype 8, 12, 4
-	E_ 4
-	notetype 8, 10, 0
-	E_ 12
-	duty 0
-	notetype 8, 9, 0
+	note F#, 6
+	note G#, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note_type 8, 12, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note_type 8, 10, 0
+	note E_, 12
+	duty_cycle 0
+	note_type 8, 9, 0
 	octave 3
-	E_ 4
-	D# 4
-	E_ 4
-	G# 6
-	duty 3
-	notetype 8, 12, 7
+	note E_, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note G#, 6
+	duty_cycle 3
+	note_type 8, 12, 7
 	octave 4
-	E_ 6
-	F# 4
-	D# 4
+	note E_, 6
+	note F#, 4
+	note D#, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 4
-	notetype 8, 10, 0
+	note B_, 4
+	note_type 8, 10, 0
 	octave 4
-	B_ 16
-	notetype 8, 10, 7
-	B_ 8
-	notetype 8, 11, 0
-	A_ 6
-	notetype 8, 11, 7
-	A_ 6
-	notetype 12, 10, 7
-	G# 1
-	F# 1
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
-	E_ 12
-	notetype 12, 10, 0
-	E_ 8
-	notetype 12, 10, 7
-	E_ 10
-	loopchannel 0, Music_Routes4_branch_a325
+	note B_, 16
+	note_type 8, 10, 7
+	note B_, 8
+	note_type 8, 11, 0
+	note A_, 6
+	note_type 8, 11, 7
+	note A_, 6
+	note_type 12, 10, 7
+	note G#, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
+	note E_, 12
+	note_type 12, 10, 0
+	note E_, 8
+	note_type 12, 10, 7
+	note E_, 10
+	sound_loop 0, Music_Routes4_branch_a325
-	notetype 12, 1, 0
+	note_type 12, 1, 0
 	octave 4
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 3
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 3
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 3
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 3
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 3
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 3
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 3
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 3
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 3
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 3
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 3
-	F# 1
-	F# 1
-	F# 1
-	F# 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 3
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 3
-	G# 1
-	G# 1
-	G# 1
-	G# 1
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 3
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 3
-	G# 1
-	G# 1
-	G# 1
-	G# 1
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 3
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 3
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 3
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 3
-	F# 1
-	F# 1
-	F# 1
-	F# 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 3
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 3
-	B_ 1
-	B_ 1
-	B_ 1
-	B_ 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 3
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 3
-	F# 1
-	F# 1
-	F# 1
-	F# 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 3
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 3
-	D_ 1
-	D_ 1
-	D_ 1
-	D_ 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 3
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 3
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 3
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 3
-	G# 1
-	G# 1
-	G# 1
-	G# 1
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 3
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 3
-	F# 1
-	F# 1
-	F# 1
-	F# 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 3
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 3
-	B_ 1
-	B_ 1
-	B_ 1
-	B_ 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 3
-	G# 1
-	G# 1
-	G# 1
-	G# 1
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 3
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 3
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 3
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
-	loopchannel 0, Music_Routes4_branch_a3d7
+	sound_loop 0, Music_Routes4_branch_a3d7
-	dspeed 12
+	drum_speed 12
 	rest 16
 	rest 12
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare3 2
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare2 4
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare4 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare3 1
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	mutedsnare2 2
-	loopchannel 0, Music_Routes4_branch_a4a8
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 18, 2
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 17, 4
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 19, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 18, 1
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	drum_note 17, 2
+	sound_loop 0, Music_Routes4_branch_a4a8
--- a/audio/music/safarizone.asm
+++ b/audio/music/safarizone.asm
@@ -1,111 +1,111 @@
 	tempo 132
 	volume 7, 7
 	vibrato 6, 3, 4
-	toggleperfectpitch
-	duty 2
-	notetype 12, 9, 2
+	toggle_perfect_pitch
+	duty_cycle 2
+	note_type 12, 9, 2
 	octave 3
-	pitchbend 0, 73
-	C_ 1
-	pitchbend 0, 73
-	G_ 1
-	pitchbend 0, 73
-	C_ 1
-	pitchbend 0, 73
-	G_ 1
+	pitch_slide 1, 4, A_
+	note C_, 1
+	pitch_slide 1, 4, A_
+	note G_, 1
+	pitch_slide 1, 4, A_
+	note C_, 1
+	pitch_slide 1, 4, A_
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 4
-	duty 3
+	duty_cycle 3
-	callchannel Music_SafariZone_branch_bc5f
-	notetype 12, 10, 4
-	F# 4
-	callchannel Music_SafariZone_branch_bc5f
-	notetype 12, 10, 4
-	F# 4
-	loopchannel 0, Music_SafariZone_branch_bc4f
+	sound_call Music_SafariZone_branch_bc5f
+	note_type 12, 10, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	sound_call Music_SafariZone_branch_bc5f
+	note_type 12, 10, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	sound_loop 0, Music_SafariZone_branch_bc4f
-	notetype 12, 10, 2
+	note_type 12, 10, 2
 	octave 3
-	C_ 4
-	G_ 4
-	C_ 4
-	G_ 4
-	C_ 4
-	G_ 4
-	C_ 4
-	endchannel
+	note C_, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note C_, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note C_, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note C_, 4
+	sound_ret
-	duty 2
+	duty_cycle 2
 	vibrato 8, 2, 5
-	notetype 12, 10, 2
+	note_type 12, 10, 2
 	octave 4
-	G_ 1
-	D_ 1
-	G_ 1
-	D_ 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 4
-	duty 3
+	duty_cycle 3
-	callchannel Music_SafariZone_branch_bc89
-	notetype 12, 11, 5
-	A_ 4
-	callchannel Music_SafariZone_branch_bc89
-	notetype 12, 11, 5
-	B_ 4
-	loopchannel 0, Music_SafariZone_branch_bc79
+	sound_call Music_SafariZone_branch_bc89
+	note_type 12, 11, 5
+	note A_, 4
+	sound_call Music_SafariZone_branch_bc89
+	note_type 12, 11, 5
+	note B_, 4
+	sound_loop 0, Music_SafariZone_branch_bc79
-	notetype 12, 11, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 2
 	octave 3
-	G_ 4
-	D_ 4
-	G_ 4
-	D_ 4
-	G_ 4
-	D_ 4
-	G_ 4
-	endchannel
+	note G_, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	sound_ret
-	notetype 12, 1, 0
+	note_type 12, 1, 0
 	rest 8
-	callchannel Music_SafariZone_branch_bca5
+	sound_call Music_SafariZone_branch_bca5
 	octave 4
-	A_ 4
-	callchannel Music_SafariZone_branch_bca5
+	note A_, 4
+	sound_call Music_SafariZone_branch_bca5
 	octave 4
-	B_ 4
-	loopchannel 0, Music_SafariZone_branch_bc97
+	note B_, 4
+	sound_loop 0, Music_SafariZone_branch_bc97
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	rest 2
 	octave 4
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	rest 2
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	rest 2
 	octave 4
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	rest 2
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	rest 2
 	octave 4
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	rest 2
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	rest 2
-	endchannel
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/music/silphco.asm
+++ b/audio/music/silphco.asm
@@ -1,323 +1,323 @@
 	tempo 160
 	volume 7, 7
-	duty 3
-	toggleperfectpitch
+	duty_cycle 3
+	toggle_perfect_pitch
 	vibrato 8, 2, 2
-	notetype 6, 11, 3
+	note_type 6, 11, 3
 	octave 2
-	E_ 1
-	F# 1
-	G# 1
-	A# 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note A#, 1
 	octave 3
-	C_ 1
-	notetype 6, 10, 0
-	C_ 12
-	notetype 6, 11, 3
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 1
+	note_type 6, 10, 0
+	note C_, 12
+	note_type 6, 11, 3
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
-	A# 1
-	G# 1
-	F# 1
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 2
+	note B_, 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 2
 	rest 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 6
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 6
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 6
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 2
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	rest 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 6
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 6
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	rest 6
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 6
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 6
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 2
 	octave 3
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	rest 2
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	rest 6
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	rest 6
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	rest 6
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	rest 6
 	octave 2
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	rest 6
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 2
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	rest 10
-	E_ 1
-	F# 1
-	G# 1
-	A_ 1
-	notetype 6, 10, 0
-	B_ 12
-	notetype 6, 11, 3
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	G_ 1
-	F_ 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note_type 6, 10, 0
+	note B_, 12
+	note_type 6, 11, 3
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 11
-	F_ 1
-	G# 1
-	A# 1
-	B_ 1
-	notetype 6, 10, 0
+	note F_, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note_type 6, 10, 0
 	octave 3
-	C_ 12
-	notetype 6, 11, 3
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 12
+	note_type 6, 11, 3
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	G_ 1
-	F_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 11
-	F# 1
-	B_ 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 3
-	C_ 1
-	C# 1
-	notetype 6, 10, 0
-	D_ 12
-	notetype 6, 11, 3
-	D_ 1
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note_type 6, 10, 0
+	note D_, 12
+	note_type 6, 11, 3
+	note D_, 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 2
-	A# 1
-	G_ 1
-	F_ 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 11
-	F_ 1
-	G# 1
-	A# 1
-	B_ 1
-	notetype 6, 10, 0
+	note F_, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note_type 6, 10, 0
 	octave 3
-	C_ 12
-	notetype 6, 11, 3
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 12
+	note_type 6, 11, 3
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
-	G# 1
-	F_ 1
-	E_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 7
-	notetype 6, 8, 0
-	B_ 16
-	notetype 6, 11, 0
+	note_type 6, 8, 0
+	note B_, 16
+	note_type 6, 11, 0
 	octave 3
-	E_ 8
+	note E_, 8
 	tempo 124
-	notetype 6, 11, 3
+	note_type 6, 11, 3
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 10
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 10
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 6
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 16
 	rest 6
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	rest 6
-	B_ 2
-	A# 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
-	A# 2
-	B_ 2
-	A# 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
-	A# 2
-	B_ 2
-	A# 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
-	A# 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
-	A# 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
-	A# 2
-	B_ 2
-	A# 2
-	A_ 2
-	A# 2
-	B_ 2
-	A# 2
-	callchannel Music_SilphCo_branch_7f3f0
-	callchannel Music_SilphCo_branch_7f3f0
-	callchannel Music_SilphCo_branch_7f3f0
+	note B_, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	sound_call Music_SilphCo_branch_7f3f0
+	sound_call Music_SilphCo_branch_7f3f0
+	sound_call Music_SilphCo_branch_7f3f0
 	rest 4
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	rest 6
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	rest 6
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	rest 6
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 6
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 6
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 6
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 6
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	rest 6
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	rest 6
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	rest 6
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	rest 6
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	rest 6
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	rest 6
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	rest 6
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	rest 6
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	rest 6
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 6
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 6
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 6
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 6
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 6
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 6
 	octave 3
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	rest 6
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	rest 6
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 6
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 6
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 6
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 6
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 6
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 6
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	rest 6
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	rest 6
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 6
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 6
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 6
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 6
 	octave 4
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	rest 6
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	rest 6
-	D# 2
+	note D#, 2
 	rest 6
-	D# 2
+	note D#, 2
 	rest 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
-	A# 1
-	G# 1
-	F# 1
-	E_ 1
-	notetype 6, 6, 0
-	E_ 16
-	E_ 11
-	notetype 6, 11, 3
-	E_ 1
-	F# 1
-	G# 1
-	A# 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note_type 6, 6, 0
+	note E_, 16
+	note E_, 11
+	note_type 6, 11, 3
+	note E_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note A#, 1
 	octave 3
-	C_ 1
-	notetype 6, 3, 15
-	C_ 16
-	notetype 6, 10, 0
-	C_ 11
-	notetype 6, 9, 3
+	note C_, 1
+	note_type 6, 3, -7
+	note C_, 16
+	note_type 6, 10, 0
+	note C_, 11
+	note_type 6, 9, 3
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
-	A# 1
-	G# 1
-	F# 1
-	E_ 1
-	notetype 6, 3, 15
-	E_ 16
-	notetype 6, 9, 0
-	E_ 11
-	notetype 6, 11, 3
-	F_ 1
-	G_ 1
-	A# 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note_type 6, 3, -7
+	note E_, 16
+	note_type 6, 9, 0
+	note E_, 11
+	note_type 6, 11, 3
+	note F_, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note A#, 1
 	octave 3
-	C_ 1
-	D_ 1
-	notetype 6, 3, 15
-	D_ 16
-	notetype 6, 10, 7
-	D_ 11
+	note C_, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note_type 6, 3, -7
+	note D_, 16
+	note_type 6, 10, 7
+	note D_, 11
 	rest 4
 	rest 4
 	tempo 128
@@ -344,633 +344,633 @@
 	rest 4
 	tempo 160
 	rest 4
-	notetype 6, 4, 3
+	note_type 6, 4, 3
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 6
-	notetype 6, 6, 3
-	B_ 2
+	note_type 6, 6, 3
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 6
-	notetype 6, 8, 3
-	B_ 2
+	note_type 6, 8, 3
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 6
-	notetype 6, 5, 0
-	B_ 8
-	notetype 6, 11, 3
-	B_ 2
+	note_type 6, 5, 0
+	note B_, 8
+	note_type 6, 11, 3
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 6
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 6
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 6
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 2
-	loopchannel 0, Music_SilphCo_branch_7f26d
+	sound_loop 0, Music_SilphCo_branch_7f26d
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
-	A# 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
-	A# 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
-	A# 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
-	A# 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	C_ 2
-	endchannel
+	note C_, 2
+	sound_ret
 	vibrato 10, 3, 2
-	duty 3
-	notetype 6, 12, 3
+	duty_cycle 3
+	note_type 6, 12, 3
 	octave 3
-	E_ 1
-	F# 1
-	G# 1
-	A# 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note A#, 1
 	octave 4
-	C_ 1
-	notetype 6, 11, 0
-	C_ 12
-	notetype 6, 12, 3
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 1
+	note_type 6, 11, 0
+	note C_, 12
+	note_type 6, 12, 3
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
-	A# 1
-	G# 1
-	F# 1
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 2
+	note B_, 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 2
 	rest 2
 	octave 2
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	rest 6
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	rest 6
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	rest 6
-	G# 2
+	note G#, 2
 	rest 2
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	rest 2
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	rest 6
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	rest 6
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	rest 6
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	rest 6
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	rest 6
-	G# 2
+	note G#, 2
 	rest 2
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	rest 2
-	G# 2
+	note G#, 2
 	rest 6
-	G# 2
+	note G#, 2
 	rest 6
-	G# 2
+	note G#, 2
 	rest 6
-	G# 2
+	note G#, 2
 	rest 6
-	G# 2
+	note G#, 2
 	rest 6
-	G# 2
+	note G#, 2
 	rest 2
-	notetype 6, 11, 7
-	duty 2
+	note_type 6, 11, 7
+	duty_cycle 2
 	octave 4
-	E_ 8
-	D# 8
-	E_ 8
-	F_ 8
-	E_ 8
-	D# 8
-	D_ 8
-	D# 8
-	E_ 8
-	F_ 8
-	F# 8
-	G_ 8
-	G# 8
-	D# 8
-	D_ 8
-	D# 8
-	duty 3
-	notetype 6, 6, 15
-	E_ 16
-	notetype 6, 12, 0
-	B_ 16
-	notetype 6, 12, 4
+	note E_, 8
+	note D#, 8
+	note E_, 8
+	note F_, 8
+	note E_, 8
+	note D#, 8
+	note D_, 8
+	note D#, 8
+	note E_, 8
+	note F_, 8
+	note F#, 8
+	note G_, 8
+	note G#, 8
+	note D#, 8
+	note D_, 8
+	note D#, 8
+	duty_cycle 3
+	note_type 6, 6, -7
+	note E_, 16
+	note_type 6, 12, 0
+	note B_, 16
+	note_type 6, 12, 4
 	octave 3
-	E_ 4
-	D# 4
-	E_ 4
-	F_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	D# 4
-	D_ 4
-	D# 4
-	E_ 4
-	F_ 4
-	F# 4
-	G_ 4
-	G# 4
-	D# 4
-	D_ 4
-	D# 4
-	notetype 6, 12, 2
-	duty 1
+	note E_, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note F_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note F_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note G#, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note_type 6, 12, 2
+	duty_cycle 1
 	octave 4
-	E_ 4
-	D# 4
-	E_ 4
-	F_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	D# 4
-	D_ 4
-	D# 4
-	E_ 4
-	notetype 6, 12, 4
-	duty 3
+	note E_, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note F_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note_type 6, 12, 4
+	duty_cycle 3
 	octave 3
-	F_ 4
-	F# 4
-	G_ 4
-	G# 4
-	D# 4
-	D_ 4
-	D# 4
-	E_ 4
-	D# 4
-	E_ 4
-	notetype 6, 12, 0
-	F_ 8
-	notetype 6, 11, 7
-	F_ 8
-	notetype 6, 8, 10
-	F_ 4
-	notetype 6, 12, 4
-	duty 3
-	F_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	F_ 4
-	notetype 6, 10, 0
-	F# 8
-	notetype 6, 11, 0
-	F# 8
-	notetype 6, 9, 9
-	F# 4
-	notetype 6, 12, 4
-	F# 4
-	F_ 4
-	F# 4
-	notetype 6, 9, 0
-	G_ 12
-	notetype 6, 5, 9
-	G_ 8
-	notetype 6, 12, 4
-	G_ 4
-	F# 4
-	G_ 4
-	F# 4
-	F_ 4
-	F# 4
-	F_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	F_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	D# 4
-	D_ 4
-	C# 4
-	D_ 4
-	D# 4
-	D_ 4
-	notetype 6, 12, 2
-	duty 1
-	F_ 4
-	F# 4
-	G_ 4
-	G# 4
-	A_ 4
-	notetype 6, 11, 4
-	duty 3
-	D# 4
-	D_ 4
-	D# 4
-	notetype 6, 12, 2
-	duty 1
-	F_ 4
-	F# 4
-	G_ 4
-	G# 4
-	A# 4
-	notetype 6, 11, 4
-	duty 3
-	D# 4
-	D_ 4
-	D# 4
-	notetype 6, 12, 2
-	duty 1
-	F_ 4
-	F# 4
-	G_ 4
-	G# 4
-	B_ 4
-	notetype 6, 11, 4
-	duty 3
-	D# 4
-	D_ 4
-	D# 4
-	notetype 6, 12, 2
-	duty 1
-	F_ 4
-	F# 4
-	G_ 4
-	G# 4
+	note F_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note G#, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note_type 6, 12, 0
+	note F_, 8
+	note_type 6, 11, 7
+	note F_, 8
+	note_type 6, 8, -2
+	note F_, 4
+	note_type 6, 12, 4
+	duty_cycle 3
+	note F_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note F_, 4
+	note_type 6, 10, 0
+	note F#, 8
+	note_type 6, 11, 0
+	note F#, 8
+	note_type 6, 9, -1
+	note F#, 4
+	note_type 6, 12, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note F_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note_type 6, 9, 0
+	note G_, 12
+	note_type 6, 5, -1
+	note G_, 8
+	note_type 6, 12, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note F_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note F_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note F_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note C#, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note_type 6, 12, 2
+	duty_cycle 1
+	note F_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note G#, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note_type 6, 11, 4
+	duty_cycle 3
+	note D#, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note_type 6, 12, 2
+	duty_cycle 1
+	note F_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note G#, 4
+	note A#, 4
+	note_type 6, 11, 4
+	duty_cycle 3
+	note D#, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note_type 6, 12, 2
+	duty_cycle 1
+	note F_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note G#, 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note_type 6, 11, 4
+	duty_cycle 3
+	note D#, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note_type 6, 12, 2
+	duty_cycle 1
+	note F_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note G#, 4
 	octave 4
-	C_ 4
-	notetype 6, 11, 4
-	duty 3
+	note C_, 4
+	note_type 6, 11, 4
+	duty_cycle 3
 	octave 3
-	D# 4
-	D_ 4
-	D# 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note D#, 4
 	rest 4
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	rest 6
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	rest 6
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	rest 6
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	rest 2
-	duty 0
+	duty_cycle 0
 	octave 4
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	rest 2
-	G# 2
+	note G#, 2
 	rest 6
-	G# 2
+	note G#, 2
 	rest 6
-	G# 2
+	note G#, 2
 	rest 6
-	G# 2
+	note G#, 2
 	rest 6
-	duty 3
+	duty_cycle 3
 	octave 3
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	rest 6
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	rest 6
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	rest 6
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	rest 2
-	duty 0
+	duty_cycle 0
 	octave 4
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	rest 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 6
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 6
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 6
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 2
-	duty 3
+	duty_cycle 3
 	octave 3
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	rest 2
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	rest 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 2
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	rest 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 2
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	rest 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 2
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	rest 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	rest 2
 	octave 3
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	rest 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	rest 2
 	octave 3
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	rest 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	rest 2
 	octave 3
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	rest 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	rest 2
 	octave 3
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	rest 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 2
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	rest 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 2
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	rest 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 2
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	rest 2
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	rest 2
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	rest 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	rest 2
 	octave 3
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	rest 2
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	rest 2
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	rest 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 2
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	rest 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	rest 2
 	octave 3
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	rest 2
-	notetype 6, 8, 7
+	note_type 6, 8, 7
 	octave 5
-	E_ 4
-	D# 4
-	E_ 4
-	F_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	D# 4
-	D_ 4
-	D# 4
-	E_ 4
-	F_ 4
-	F# 4
-	G_ 4
-	G# 4
-	D# 4
-	D_ 4
-	D# 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note F_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note F_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note G#, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note D#, 4
 	rest 4
-	notetype 6, 4, 3
+	note_type 6, 4, 3
 	octave 2
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	rest 6
-	notetype 6, 6, 3
-	F# 2
+	note_type 6, 6, 3
+	note F#, 2
 	rest 6
-	notetype 6, 8, 3
-	G_ 2
+	note_type 6, 8, 3
+	note G_, 2
 	rest 6
-	notetype 6, 4, 15
-	G# 8
-	notetype 6, 11, 4
-	G_ 2
+	note_type 6, 4, -7
+	note G#, 8
+	note_type 6, 11, 4
+	note G_, 2
 	rest 6
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	rest 6
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	rest 6
-	G# 2
+	note G#, 2
 	rest 2
-	loopchannel 0, Music_SilphCo_branch_7f42e
+	sound_loop 0, Music_SilphCo_branch_7f42e
 	vibrato 8, 1, 1
-	notetype 12, 1, 1
+	note_type 12, 1, 1
 	rest 12
 	octave 5
-	E_ 4
-	D# 4
-	E_ 4
-	F_ 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note F_, 4
-	E_ 4
-	D# 4
-	D_ 4
-	D# 4
-	E_ 4
-	F_ 4
-	F# 4
-	G_ 4
-	G# 4
-	D# 4
-	D_ 4
-	D# 4
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note F_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note G#, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 3
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 3
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 3
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 3
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 3
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 3
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 3
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 3
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 3
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 3
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 3
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 3
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 3
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 3
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 3
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 3
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 5
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 5
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 3
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 11
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 3
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 5
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 5
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 3
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 11
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 3
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 3
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 3
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 3
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 3
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 3
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 3
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 3
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 3
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 3
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 3
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 3
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 3
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 3
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 3
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 3
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 3
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 3
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 8
-	F_ 8
-	D_ 8
-	F# 8
-	D_ 8
-	G_ 8
-	D_ 8
-	A_ 8
-	E_ 4
-	D# 4
-	E_ 4
-	F_ 4
+	note D_, 8
+	note F_, 8
+	note D_, 8
+	note F#, 8
+	note D_, 8
+	note G_, 8
+	note D_, 8
+	note A_, 8
+	note E_, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note F_, 4
 	octave 5
-	E_ 2
-	D# 2
-	E_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	D# 2
-	D_ 2
-	D# 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note D#, 2
 	octave 4
-	E_ 4
-	D# 4
-	E_ 4
-	F_ 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note F_, 4
 	octave 5
-	E_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G_ 2
-	G# 2
-	D# 2
-	D_ 2
-	D# 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note D#, 2
 	octave 6
-	E_ 4
-	D# 4
-	E_ 4
-	F_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	D# 4
-	D_ 4
-	D# 4
-	E_ 4
-	F_ 4
-	F# 4
-	G_ 4
-	G# 4
-	D# 4
-	D_ 4
-	D# 4
-	notetype 6, 1, 1
+	note E_, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note F_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note F_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note G#, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note_type 6, 1, 1
 	rest 4
 	rest 4
 	rest 4
@@ -987,14 +987,14 @@
 	rest 4
 	rest 4
 	rest 4
-	notetype 12, 1, 1
+	note_type 12, 1, 1
 	rest 4
 	rest 4
 	rest 4
 	rest 4
 	octave 5
-	E_ 4
-	D# 4
-	E_ 4
-	F_ 4
-	loopchannel 0, Music_SilphCo_branch_7f5c9
+	note E_, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note F_, 4
+	sound_loop 0, Music_SilphCo_branch_7f5c9
--- a/audio/music/ssanne.asm
+++ b/audio/music/ssanne.asm
@@ -1,338 +1,338 @@
 	tempo 128
 	volume 7, 7
-	duty 1
+	duty_cycle 1
 	vibrato 8, 3, 4
-	toggleperfectpitch
+	toggle_perfect_pitch
-	notetype 12, 10, 4
+	note_type 12, 10, 4
 	rest 12
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 4
-	D_ 4
-	C# 2
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note C#, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 2
 	rest 2
-	E_ 4
-	F# 2
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 4
-	F# 4
-	G# 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note F#, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note G#, 4
 	rest 4
-	E_ 4
-	G# 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note G#, 4
 	rest 4
-	C# 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 4
-	D_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	D_ 4
-	C# 2
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note C#, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 2
 	rest 2
-	E_ 4
-	F# 2
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 4
-	F# 4
-	G# 4
-	F# 4
-	E_ 4
-	F# 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note F#, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note G#, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note F#, 4
 	rest 4
-	C# 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 4
-	D_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	D_ 4
-	C# 2
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note C#, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 2
 	rest 2
-	E_ 4
-	F# 2
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 4
-	F# 4
-	G# 4
-	F# 8
-	G# 4
-	E_ 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note F#, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note G#, 4
+	note F#, 8
+	note G#, 4
+	note E_, 4
 	rest 4
-	E_ 4
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 4
 	rest 4
-	D_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	C# 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note C#, 4
 	rest 4
-	C# 4
-	D_ 2
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 4
+	note D_, 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 3
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 4
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 4
 	rest 4
-	A_ 4
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 4
 	rest 4
-	C# 4
-	G# 4
-	A_ 4
+	note C#, 4
+	note G#, 4
+	note A_, 4
 	rest 4
-	A_ 4
-	B_ 4
-	B_ 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note B_, 4
 	rest 4
 	octave 3
-	D_ 8
-	loopchannel 0, Music_SSAnne_branch_b3b2
+	note D_, 8
+	sound_loop 0, Music_SSAnne_branch_b3b2
-	duty 0
+	duty_cycle 0
 	vibrato 12, 2, 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 5
+	note_type 12, 12, 5
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 4
-	B_ 4
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 4
-	D_ 4
-	notetype 8, 12, 5
-	C# 2
-	D_ 2
-	C# 2
+	note D_, 4
+	note_type 8, 12, 5
+	note C#, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 3
-	A_ 3
-	B_ 6
-	G# 6
-	A_ 3
-	B_ 3
+	note B_, 3
+	note A_, 3
+	note B_, 6
+	note G#, 6
+	note A_, 3
+	note B_, 3
 	octave 4
-	C# 6
-	D_ 6
-	C# 3
+	note C#, 6
+	note D_, 6
+	note C#, 3
 	octave 3
-	B_ 3
+	note B_, 3
 	octave 4
-	E_ 6
-	D_ 3
-	C# 3
+	note E_, 6
+	note D_, 3
+	note C#, 3
 	octave 3
-	B_ 6
+	note B_, 6
 	octave 4
-	C# 3
+	note C#, 3
 	octave 3
-	B_ 3
-	A_ 3
-	E_ 3
-	A_ 6
-	B_ 6
+	note B_, 3
+	note A_, 3
+	note E_, 3
+	note A_, 6
+	note B_, 6
 	octave 4
-	D_ 6
-	C# 2
-	D_ 2
-	C# 2
+	note D_, 6
+	note C#, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 3
-	A_ 3
-	B_ 6
-	G# 6
-	A_ 3
-	B_ 3
+	note B_, 3
+	note A_, 3
+	note B_, 6
+	note G#, 6
+	note A_, 3
+	note B_, 3
 	octave 4
-	C# 6
-	D_ 6
-	C# 3
+	note C#, 6
+	note D_, 6
+	note C#, 3
 	octave 3
-	B_ 3
+	note B_, 3
 	octave 4
-	E_ 6
-	D_ 3
-	C# 3
+	note E_, 6
+	note D_, 3
+	note C#, 3
 	octave 3
-	B_ 12
-	A_ 3
-	E_ 3
-	A_ 6
-	B_ 6
+	note B_, 12
+	note A_, 3
+	note E_, 3
+	note A_, 6
+	note B_, 6
 	octave 4
-	D_ 6
-	C# 2
-	D_ 2
-	C# 2
+	note D_, 6
+	note C#, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 3
-	A_ 3
-	B_ 6
-	G# 6
-	A_ 3
-	B_ 3
+	note B_, 3
+	note A_, 3
+	note B_, 6
+	note G#, 6
+	note A_, 3
+	note B_, 3
 	octave 4
-	C# 6
-	D_ 6
-	C# 3
+	note C#, 6
+	note D_, 6
+	note C#, 3
 	octave 3
-	B_ 3
+	note B_, 3
 	octave 4
-	E_ 6
-	D_ 3
-	C# 3
+	note E_, 6
+	note D_, 3
+	note C#, 3
 	octave 3
-	B_ 12
+	note B_, 12
 	rest 3
 	octave 4
-	C# 3
+	note C#, 3
 	octave 3
-	B_ 3
+	note B_, 3
 	octave 4
-	C# 3
-	C# 3
-	D_ 3
-	C# 3
-	D_ 3
-	E_ 3
+	note C#, 3
+	note C#, 3
+	note D_, 3
+	note C#, 3
+	note D_, 3
+	note E_, 3
 	octave 3
-	B_ 3
-	G# 3
-	F# 3
-	E_ 3
-	F# 3
-	G# 3
-	B_ 3
+	note B_, 3
+	note G#, 3
+	note F#, 3
+	note E_, 3
+	note F#, 3
+	note G#, 3
+	note B_, 3
 	rest 3
-	A_ 3
-	G# 3
-	A_ 3
-	A_ 3
-	B_ 3
-	A_ 3
-	B_ 3
+	note A_, 3
+	note G#, 3
+	note A_, 3
+	note A_, 3
+	note B_, 3
+	note A_, 3
+	note B_, 3
 	octave 4
-	C# 3
+	note C#, 3
 	octave 3
-	G# 3
-	F# 3
-	E_ 3
-	E_ 3
-	F# 3
-	G# 3
-	B_ 3
+	note G#, 3
+	note F#, 3
+	note E_, 3
+	note E_, 3
+	note F#, 3
+	note G#, 3
+	note B_, 3
 	rest 3
-	F# 3
-	E_ 3
-	F# 3
-	F# 3
-	G# 3
-	F# 3
-	G# 3
-	A_ 3
-	E_ 3
-	C# 3
+	note F#, 3
+	note E_, 3
+	note F#, 3
+	note F#, 3
+	note G#, 3
+	note F#, 3
+	note G#, 3
+	note A_, 3
+	note E_, 3
+	note C#, 3
 	octave 2
-	B_ 3
-	A_ 3
-	B_ 3
+	note B_, 3
+	note A_, 3
+	note B_, 3
 	octave 3
-	C# 3
-	E_ 3
+	note C#, 3
+	note E_, 3
 	rest 3
-	F# 3
-	E_ 3
-	F# 3
-	F# 3
-	G# 3
-	A_ 3
-	B_ 3
+	note F#, 3
+	note E_, 3
+	note F#, 3
+	note F#, 3
+	note G#, 3
+	note A_, 3
+	note B_, 3
 	octave 4
-	C# 3
-	D_ 3
-	C# 3
+	note C#, 3
+	note D_, 3
+	note C#, 3
 	octave 3
-	B_ 3
+	note B_, 3
 	octave 4
-	E_ 3
-	D_ 3
-	C# 3
+	note E_, 3
+	note D_, 3
+	note C#, 3
 	octave 3
-	B_ 3
-	loopchannel 0, Music_SSAnne_branch_b41e
+	note B_, 3
+	sound_loop 0, Music_SSAnne_branch_b41e
-	notetype 12, 1, 3
+	note_type 12, 1, 3
 	rest 16
 	rest 12
 	octave 4
-	B_ 2
-	G# 2
-	A_ 8
-	F# 8
-	G# 4
+	note B_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note A_, 8
+	note F#, 8
+	note G#, 4
 	rest 4
-	B_ 8
-	A_ 8
-	B_ 8
-	A_ 8
-	G# 8
-	A_ 8
-	F# 8
-	G# 8
-	B_ 8
-	A_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	B_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	A_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	G# 4
-	E_ 4
-	A_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	F# 4
-	G_ 4
-	G# 4
-	A_ 4
+	note B_, 8
+	note A_, 8
+	note B_, 8
+	note A_, 8
+	note G#, 8
+	note A_, 8
+	note F#, 8
+	note G#, 8
+	note B_, 8
+	note A_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note G#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note G#, 4
+	note A_, 4
 	octave 5
-	D_ 8
-	C# 8
-	C# 8
+	note D_, 8
+	note C#, 8
+	note C#, 8
 	octave 4
-	B_ 8
-	B_ 8
-	A_ 8
-	A_ 8
-	G# 8
-	G# 8
-	F# 8
-	F# 8
-	E_ 8
-	E_ 8
-	F# 8
-	F# 8
-	G# 8
-	B_ 8
-	loopchannel 0, Music_SSAnne_Ch2
+	note B_, 8
+	note B_, 8
+	note A_, 8
+	note A_, 8
+	note G#, 8
+	note G#, 8
+	note F#, 8
+	note F#, 8
+	note E_, 8
+	note E_, 8
+	note F#, 8
+	note F#, 8
+	note G#, 8
+	note B_, 8
+	sound_loop 0, Music_SSAnne_Ch3
--- a/audio/music/surfing.asm
+++ b/audio/music/surfing.asm
@@ -1,335 +1,335 @@
 	tempo 160
 	volume 7, 7
-	duty 3
+	duty_cycle 3
 	vibrato 12, 3, 4
-	toggleperfectpitch
-	notetype 12, 11, 5
+	toggle_perfect_pitch
+	note_type 12, 11, 5
 	rest 6
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 3
-	F# 1
-	E_ 6
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 3
+	note F#, 1
+	note E_, 6
 	octave 3
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
-	G# 4
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G#, 4
-	notetype 12, 11, 2
-	E_ 2
-	E_ 4
-	E_ 2
-	E_ 4
-	D_ 2
-	D_ 4
-	D_ 2
-	D_ 4
-	D_ 2
-	D_ 4
-	notetype 12, 11, 1
-	F# 3
-	notetype 12, 11, 2
-	D_ 3
-	E_ 2
-	E_ 4
-	E_ 2
-	E_ 4
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 4
-	G# 2
-	G# 4
-	F# 2
-	F# 4
-	E_ 2
-	E_ 4
-	G# 2
-	G# 4
-	notetype 12, 11, 1
-	F# 3
-	notetype 12, 11, 2
-	G# 1
-	notetype 12, 11, 4
-	A_ 2
-	B_ 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note E_, 4
+	note E_, 2
+	note E_, 4
+	note D_, 2
+	note D_, 4
+	note D_, 2
+	note D_, 4
+	note D_, 2
+	note D_, 4
+	note_type 12, 11, 1
+	note F#, 3
+	note_type 12, 11, 2
+	note D_, 3
+	note E_, 2
+	note E_, 4
+	note E_, 2
+	note E_, 4
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 4
+	note G#, 2
+	note G#, 4
+	note F#, 2
+	note F#, 4
+	note E_, 2
+	note E_, 4
+	note G#, 2
+	note G#, 4
+	note_type 12, 11, 1
+	note F#, 3
+	note_type 12, 11, 2
+	note G#, 1
+	note_type 12, 11, 4
+	note A_, 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
-	C# 6
-	notetype 12, 11, 3
-	D_ 2
-	C# 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
+	note C#, 6
+	note_type 12, 11, 3
+	note D_, 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G# 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
-	G# 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
-	G# 2
-	A_ 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	D_ 2
-	C# 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G# 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	D_ 2
-	C# 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 4
-	loopchannel 0, Music_Surfing_branch_7fa30
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 4
+	sound_loop 0, Music_Surfing_branch_7fa30
-	duty 3
+	duty_cycle 3
 	vibrato 16, 2, 5
-	notetype 12, 12, 6
+	note_type 12, 12, 6
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
-	G# 3
-	F# 1
-	E_ 6
-	G# 6
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 3
+	note F#, 1
+	note E_, 6
+	note G#, 6
 	octave 4
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 6
+	note_type 12, 12, 6
 	octave 4
-	E_ 6
-	C# 5
-	E_ 1
-	D_ 6
+	note E_, 6
+	note C#, 5
+	note E_, 1
+	note D_, 6
 	octave 3
-	B_ 6
+	note B_, 6
 	octave 4
-	D_ 6
+	note D_, 6
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 1
+	note B_, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 1
 	octave 4
-	F# 3
-	notetype 12, 12, 6
-	D_ 1
-	E_ 6
-	C# 6
-	E_ 6
-	C# 5
-	E_ 1
-	F# 6
-	D_ 6
-	F# 6
-	E_ 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 1
-	F# 3
-	notetype 12, 12, 6
-	E_ 1
-	A_ 6
-	A_ 6
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 3
-	D_ 1
-	F# 6
-	E_ 2
-	F# 3
-	E_ 1
-	C# 6
-	D_ 2
-	C# 3
+	note F#, 3
+	note_type 12, 12, 6
+	note D_, 1
+	note E_, 6
+	note C#, 6
+	note E_, 6
+	note C#, 5
+	note E_, 1
+	note F#, 6
+	note D_, 6
+	note F#, 6
+	note E_, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 1
+	note F#, 3
+	note_type 12, 12, 6
+	note E_, 1
+	note A_, 6
+	note A_, 6
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 3
+	note D_, 1
+	note F#, 6
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 3
+	note E_, 1
+	note C#, 6
+	note D_, 2
+	note C#, 3
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 4
-	F# 6
-	E_ 2
-	D# 3
-	E_ 1
-	A_ 6
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 3
-	D_ 1
-	F# 6
-	E_ 2
-	F# 3
-	G# 1
-	A_ 6
-	G# 2
-	F# 3
-	E_ 1
-	G# 6
-	A_ 2
-	G# 3
-	A_ 1
+	note F#, 6
+	note E_, 2
+	note D#, 3
+	note E_, 1
+	note A_, 6
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 3
+	note D_, 1
+	note F#, 6
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 3
+	note G#, 1
+	note A_, 6
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 3
+	note E_, 1
+	note G#, 6
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 3
+	note A_, 1
 	octave 5
-	C# 6
-	loopchannel 0, Music_Surfing_branch_7faae
+	note C#, 6
+	sound_loop 0, Music_Surfing_branch_7faae
-	notetype 12, 1, 0
+	note_type 12, 1, 0
 	rest 12
 	octave 5
-	E_ 6
+	note E_, 6
 	octave 4
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G# 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G#, 2
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 4
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	G# 2
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	G# 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note G#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	G# 2
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 2
-	E_ 1
-	C# 2
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	C# 2
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
+	note E_, 1
+	note C#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	G# 2
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	G# 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note G#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	G# 2
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 2
-	E_ 1
-	C# 2
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	F# 2
-	F# 2
+	note E_, 1
+	note C#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	C# 2
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	G# 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note G#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	G# 2
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 4
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	F# 2
-	F# 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 4
-	F# 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	C# 2
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	G# 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note G#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	G# 2
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	C# 2
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	loopchannel 0, Music_Surfing_branch_7fb03
+	note G#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	sound_loop 0, Music_Surfing_branch_7fb03
--- a/audio/music/titlescreen.asm
+++ b/audio/music/titlescreen.asm
@@ -1,677 +1,677 @@
 	tempo 144
 	volume 7, 7
 	vibrato 9, 3, 4
-	duty 3
-	notetype 12, 12, 1
+	duty_cycle 3
+	note_type 12, 12, 1
 	octave 2
-	E_ 1
-	G_ 1
-	B_ 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 3
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	octave 2
-	G_ 4
-	G_ 6
-	G_ 1
-	G_ 1
-	G_ 4
-	G_ 4
-	G_ 4
-	notetype 8, 12, 1
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	F# 2
+	note G_, 4
+	note G_, 6
+	note G_, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note G_, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note_type 8, 12, 1
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note F#, 2
-	callchannel Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e541
-	callchannel Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e54a
-	callchannel Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e541
+	sound_call Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e541
+	sound_call Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e54a
+	sound_call Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e541
 	octave 3
-	C_ 8
-	notetype 8, 12, 6
-	E_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	C_ 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 6
+	note C_, 8
+	note_type 8, 12, 6
+	note E_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note C_, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 6
 	octave 2
-	B_ 8
-	notetype 8, 14, 7
+	note B_, 8
+	note_type 8, 14, 7
 	octave 3
-	F_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	C_ 4
-	notetype 12, 14, 7
-	D_ 10
-	notetype 12, 12, 6
+	note F_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note C_, 4
+	note_type 12, 14, 7
+	note D_, 10
+	note_type 12, 12, 6
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	C_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	callchannel Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e541
-	callchannel Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e54a
-	callchannel Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e541
-	C_ 6
-	C_ 6
-	E_ 4
-	D_ 6
-	F_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	D_ 4
-	G_ 2
-	G_ 6
-	A_ 4
-	F_ 2
-	A_ 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	sound_call Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e541
+	sound_call Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e54a
+	sound_call Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e541
+	note C_, 6
+	note C_, 6
+	note E_, 4
+	note D_, 6
+	note F_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note D_, 4
+	note G_, 2
+	note G_, 6
+	note A_, 4
+	note F_, 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 3
-	D_ 12
-	E_ 4
-	F_ 8
-	G_ 4
-	F_ 4
-	E_ 12
-	F_ 4
-	G_ 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 6
+	note D_, 12
+	note E_, 4
+	note F_, 8
+	note G_, 4
+	note F_, 4
+	note E_, 12
+	note F_, 4
+	note G_, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 6
 	octave 4
-	C_ 4
-	C# 4
-	callchannel Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e55c
-	notetype 8, 11, 4
+	note C_, 4
+	note C#, 4
+	sound_call Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e55c
+	note_type 8, 11, 4
 	octave 4
-	C_ 4
-	C_ 4
-	C# 4
-	callchannel Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e55c
-	notetype 8, 11, 2
+	note C_, 4
+	note C_, 4
+	note C#, 4
+	sound_call Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e55c
+	note_type 8, 11, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	C# 4
-	loopchannel 0, Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e4e2
+	note E_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note C#, 4
+	sound_loop 0, Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e4e2
-	notetype 12, 12, 6
+	note_type 12, 12, 6
 	octave 3
-	D_ 6
+	note D_, 6
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	D_ 8
-	endchannel
+	note D_, 8
+	sound_ret
-	C_ 6
-	F_ 6
-	C_ 4
-	D_ 8
-	notetype 12, 14, 7
-	F_ 6
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	D_ 8
-	notetype 8, 12, 6
-	C_ 4
+	note C_, 6
+	note F_, 6
+	note C_, 4
+	note D_, 8
+	note_type 12, 14, 7
+	note F_, 6
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note D_, 8
+	note_type 8, 12, 6
+	note C_, 4
 	octave 2
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 3
-	C_ 4
-	endchannel
+	note C_, 4
+	sound_ret
-	notetype 12, 12, 1
-	D_ 1
+	note_type 12, 12, 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 2
-	D_ 1
-	D_ 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
-	D_ 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
-	D_ 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
-	D_ 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
-	D_ 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
-	D_ 1
-	endchannel
+	note D_, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	sound_ret
 	vibrato 16, 4, 6
-	duty 1
-	notetype 12, 14, 1
+	duty_cycle 1
+	note_type 12, 14, 1
 	octave 2
-	G_ 1
-	B_ 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 3
-	D_ 1
-	F# 1
-	G_ 4
-	G_ 6
-	G_ 1
-	G_ 1
-	G_ 4
-	G_ 4
-	G_ 4
-	notetype 8, 14, 1
-	F_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	F# 2
+	note D_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note G_, 4
+	note G_, 6
+	note G_, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note G_, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note_type 8, 14, 1
+	note F_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note F#, 2
 	vibrato 16, 4, 6
-	callchannel Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e622
+	sound_call Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e622
 	octave 2
-	A_ 4
-	F_ 4
-	callchannel Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e62c
+	note A_, 4
+	note F_, 4
+	sound_call Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e62c
 	octave 2
-	A_ 8
-	B_ 16
-	callchannel Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e622
+	note A_, 8
+	note B_, 16
+	sound_call Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e622
 	octave 2
-	A_ 6
-	F_ 2
-	notetype 8, 14, 7
+	note A_, 6
+	note F_, 2
+	note_type 8, 14, 7
 	octave 4
-	C_ 4
+	note C_, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 4
-	C_ 4
-	notetype 12, 14, 7
-	D_ 8
-	notetype 12, 9, 5
+	note C_, 4
+	note_type 12, 14, 7
+	note D_, 8
+	note_type 12, 9, 5
 	octave 2
-	D_ 6
-	D_ 1
-	F# 1
-	G_ 16
-	callchannel Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e622
+	note D_, 6
+	note D_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note G_, 16
+	sound_call Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e622
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
-	F_ 6
-	callchannel Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e62c
+	note A_, 2
+	note F_, 6
+	sound_call Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e62c
 	octave 3
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 6
-	B_ 6
-	G_ 2
-	F_ 8
-	callchannel Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e622
-	notetype 8, 9, 5
+	note A_, 6
+	note B_, 6
+	note G_, 2
+	note F_, 8
+	sound_call Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e622
+	note_type 8, 9, 5
 	octave 2
-	G_ 4
-	F_ 5
-	A_ 3
-	notetype 8, 14, 6
+	note G_, 4
+	note F_, 5
+	note A_, 3
+	note_type 8, 14, 6
 	octave 4
-	F_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	F_ 4
-	notetype 12, 14, 7
-	G_ 6
-	A# 2
-	G_ 8
+	note F_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note F_, 4
+	note_type 12, 14, 7
+	note G_, 6
+	note A#, 2
+	note G_, 8
 	vibrato 16, 2, 6
-	duty 3
-	notetype 12, 0, 11
-	G_ 8
-	notetype 12, 14, 7
-	A_ 8
-	duty 1
-	notetype 12, 14, 7
-	A# 6
-	F_ 2
-	F_ 8
+	duty_cycle 3
+	note_type 12, 0, -3
+	note G_, 8
+	note_type 12, 14, 7
+	note A_, 8
+	duty_cycle 1
+	note_type 12, 14, 7
+	note A#, 6
+	note F_, 2
+	note F_, 8
 	octave 3
-	D_ 8
+	note D_, 8
 	octave 4
-	A# 4
-	B_ 4
+	note A#, 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 5
-	C_ 6
+	note C_, 6
 	octave 4
-	G_ 2
-	G_ 8
+	note G_, 2
+	note G_, 8
 	octave 3
-	E_ 8
-	notetype 12, 13, 7
+	note E_, 8
+	note_type 12, 13, 7
 	octave 5
-	C_ 4
-	C# 4
-	callchannel Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e636
+	note C_, 4
+	note C#, 4
+	sound_call Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e636
 	rest 3
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 3
-	D_ 1
-	notetype 8, 14, 5
+	note D_, 1
+	note_type 8, 14, 5
 	octave 5
-	C_ 4
-	C_ 4
-	C# 4
-	callchannel Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e636
-	D_ 1
+	note C_, 4
+	note C_, 4
+	note C#, 4
+	sound_call Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e636
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 2
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 3
-	D_ 1
-	notetype 8, 14, 3
+	note D_, 1
+	note_type 8, 14, 3
 	octave 5
-	C_ 4
-	C_ 4
+	note C_, 4
+	note C_, 4
 	octave 4
-	B_ 4
-	loopchannel 0, Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e594
+	note B_, 4
+	sound_loop 0, Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e594
-	notetype 12, 14, 7
+	note_type 12, 14, 7
 	octave 3
-	G_ 6
-	B_ 2
+	note G_, 6
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	D_ 8
-	notetype 12, 9, 5
-	endchannel
+	note D_, 8
+	note_type 12, 9, 5
+	sound_ret
-	notetype 12, 14, 7
+	note_type 12, 14, 7
 	octave 4
-	F_ 6
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	D_ 8
-	notetype 12, 9, 5
-	endchannel
+	note F_, 6
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note D_, 8
+	note_type 12, 9, 5
+	sound_ret
-	notetype 12, 14, 1
-	D_ 1
+	note_type 12, 14, 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 2
 	octave 4
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 3
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 3
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 3
-	D_ 1
-	endchannel
+	note D_, 1
+	sound_ret
-	notetype 12, 1, 0
+	note_type 12, 1, 0
 	octave 3
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 3
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 5
-	G_ 1
-	G_ 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 3
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 3
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 3
-	notetype 8, 1, 0
-	F_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	A_ 2
+	note_type 8, 1, 0
+	note F_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note A_, 2
-	callchannel Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e6c9
-	callchannel Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e6d0
+	sound_call Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e6c9
+	sound_call Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e6d0
-	callchannel Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e6c9
-	callchannel Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e6c9
-	callchannel Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e6c9
-	callchannel Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e6d0
-	loopchannel 3, Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e664
-	callchannel Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e6c9
-	G_ 6
-	D_ 3
-	A_ 6
-	F_ 3
-	A_ 3
-	F_ 3
-	callchannel Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e6d7
-	A# 3
-	F_ 3
-	callchannel Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e6d7
-	B_ 3
-	G_ 3
-	callchannel Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e6dc
+	sound_call Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e6c9
+	sound_call Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e6c9
+	sound_call Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e6c9
+	sound_call Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e6d0
+	sound_loop 3, Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e664
+	sound_call Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e6c9
+	note G_, 6
+	note D_, 3
+	note A_, 6
+	note F_, 3
+	note A_, 3
+	note F_, 3
+	sound_call Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e6d7
+	note A#, 3
+	note F_, 3
+	sound_call Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e6d7
+	note B_, 3
+	note G_, 3
+	sound_call Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e6dc
 	octave 4
-	C_ 3
+	note C_, 3
 	octave 3
-	G_ 3
-	callchannel Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e6dc
+	note G_, 3
+	sound_call Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e6dc
 	octave 4
-	C# 3
+	note C#, 3
 	octave 3
-	A_ 3
-	callchannel Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e6e5
+	note A_, 3
+	sound_call Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e6e5
 	octave 5
-	pitchbend 0, 66
-	D_ 4
+	pitch_slide 1, 4, D_
+	note D_, 4
 	rest 4
 	octave 6
-	pitchbend 0, 50
-	D_ 4
+	pitch_slide 1, 5, D_
+	note D_, 4
 	octave 5
-	pitchbend 0, 66
-	D_ 4
+	pitch_slide 1, 4, D_
+	note D_, 4
 	rest 2
-	notetype 8, 1, 0
+	note_type 8, 1, 0
 	octave 4
-	C_ 4
-	C_ 4
-	C# 4
-	callchannel Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e6e5
+	note C_, 4
+	note C_, 4
+	note C#, 4
+	sound_call Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e6e5
 	octave 6
-	pitchbend 0, 50
-	D_ 4
+	pitch_slide 1, 5, D_
+	note D_, 4
 	rest 4
 	octave 5
-	pitchbend 0, 66
-	D_ 4
+	pitch_slide 1, 4, D_
+	note D_, 4
 	rest 6
-	notetype 8, 1, 0
+	note_type 8, 1, 0
 	octave 4
-	C_ 4
-	C_ 4
+	note C_, 4
+	note C_, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 4
-	loopchannel 0, Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e65e
+	note B_, 4
+	sound_loop 0, Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e65e
-	G_ 6
-	D_ 3
-	G_ 6
-	D_ 3
-	G_ 3
-	D_ 3
-	endchannel
+	note G_, 6
+	note D_, 3
+	note G_, 6
+	note D_, 3
+	note G_, 3
+	note D_, 3
+	sound_ret
-	F_ 6
-	C_ 3
-	F_ 6
-	C_ 3
-	F_ 3
-	C_ 3
-	endchannel
+	note F_, 6
+	note C_, 3
+	note F_, 6
+	note C_, 3
+	note F_, 3
+	note C_, 3
+	sound_ret
-	A# 6
-	F_ 3
-	A# 6
-	F_ 3
-	endchannel
+	note A#, 6
+	note F_, 3
+	note A#, 6
+	note F_, 3
+	sound_ret
 	octave 4
-	C_ 6
+	note C_, 6
 	octave 3
-	G_ 3
+	note G_, 3
 	octave 4
-	C_ 6
+	note C_, 6
 	octave 3
-	G_ 3
-	endchannel
+	note G_, 3
+	sound_ret
-	notetype 12, 1, 0
+	note_type 12, 1, 0
 	octave 4
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 5
-	endchannel
+	sound_ret
-	dspeed 6
+	drum_speed 6
 	rest 4
-	snare3 1
-	snare3 1
-	snare4 1
-	snare4 1
-	dspeed 12
-	snare2 1
+	drum_note 3, 1
+	drum_note 3, 1
+	drum_note 4, 1
+	drum_note 4, 1
+	drum_speed 12
+	drum_note 2, 1
 	rest 3
-	snare2 1
+	drum_note 2, 1
 	rest 5
-	snare2 1
-	snare2 1
-	snare2 1
+	drum_note 2, 1
+	drum_note 2, 1
+	drum_note 2, 1
 	rest 3
-	snare2 1
+	drum_note 2, 1
 	rest 3
-	snare2 1
+	drum_note 2, 1
 	rest 3
-	dspeed 8
-	snare3 2
-	snare4 2
-	snare2 2
-	snare3 2
-	snare2 2
-	snare1 2
+	drum_speed 8
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 4, 2
+	drum_note 2, 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 2, 2
+	drum_note 1, 2
-	dspeed 12
-	snare2 1
+	drum_speed 12
+	drum_note 2, 1
 	rest 3
-	snare2 1
+	drum_note 2, 1
 	rest 5
-	snare2 1
-	snare2 1
-	snare3 1
+	drum_note 2, 1
+	drum_note 2, 1
+	drum_note 3, 1
 	rest 3
-	callchannel Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e834
-	callchannel Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e834
-	snare2 1
+	sound_call Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e834
+	sound_call Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e834
+	drum_note 2, 1
 	rest 3
-	snare2 1
+	drum_note 2, 1
 	rest 5
-	snare2 1
-	snare2 1
-	snare3 1
+	drum_note 2, 1
+	drum_note 2, 1
+	drum_note 3, 1
 	rest 1
-	snare3 1
-	snare2 1
-	callchannel Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e842
-	snare2 1
+	drum_note 3, 1
+	drum_note 2, 1
+	sound_call Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e842
+	drum_note 2, 1
 	rest 3
-	snare2 1
+	drum_note 2, 1
 	rest 5
-	snare2 1
-	snare3 1
-	snare2 1
+	drum_note 2, 1
+	drum_note 3, 1
+	drum_note 2, 1
 	rest 1
-	snare2 1
+	drum_note 2, 1
 	rest 1
-	callchannel Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e842
-	snare2 1
+	sound_call Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e842
+	drum_note 2, 1
 	rest 3
-	snare2 1
+	drum_note 2, 1
 	rest 5
-	snare2 1
-	snare3 1
-	snare2 1
+	drum_note 2, 1
+	drum_note 3, 1
+	drum_note 2, 1
 	rest 1
-	dspeed 6
-	snare3 1
-	snare3 1
-	snare4 1
-	snare4 1
-	dspeed 12
-	callchannel Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e834
-	callchannel Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e842
-	snare2 1
+	drum_speed 6
+	drum_note 3, 1
+	drum_note 3, 1
+	drum_note 4, 1
+	drum_note 4, 1
+	drum_speed 12
+	sound_call Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e834
+	sound_call Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e842
+	drum_note 2, 1
 	rest 3
-	snare2 1
+	drum_note 2, 1
 	rest 5
-	snare2 1
-	snare3 1
-	snare2 1
+	drum_note 2, 1
+	drum_note 3, 1
+	drum_note 2, 1
 	rest 3
-	snare2 1
+	drum_note 2, 1
 	rest 3
-	snare2 1
+	drum_note 2, 1
 	rest 5
-	snare3 1
-	snare2 1
-	snare2 1
+	drum_note 3, 1
+	drum_note 2, 1
+	drum_note 2, 1
 	rest 1
-	snare3 1
-	snare2 1
-	callchannel Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e834
-	callchannel Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e842
-	snare2 1
+	drum_note 3, 1
+	drum_note 2, 1
+	sound_call Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e834
+	sound_call Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e842
+	drum_note 2, 1
 	rest 3
-	snare2 1
+	drum_note 2, 1
 	rest 5
-	snare3 1
-	snare2 1
-	snare2 1
+	drum_note 3, 1
+	drum_note 2, 1
+	drum_note 2, 1
 	rest 1
-	snare4 1
-	snare3 1
-	snare2 1
+	drum_note 4, 1
+	drum_note 3, 1
+	drum_note 2, 1
 	rest 3
-	snare3 1
+	drum_note 3, 1
 	rest 5
-	snare2 1
-	snare4 1
-	snare2 1
+	drum_note 2, 1
+	drum_note 4, 1
+	drum_note 2, 1
 	rest 1
-	dspeed 6
-	snare3 1
-	snare3 1
-	snare4 1
-	snare4 1
-	dspeed 12
-	snare1 1
+	drum_speed 6
+	drum_note 3, 1
+	drum_note 3, 1
+	drum_note 4, 1
+	drum_note 4, 1
+	drum_speed 12
+	drum_note 1, 1
 	rest 3
-	snare2 1
+	drum_note 2, 1
 	rest 5
-	snare3 1
-	snare2 1
-	snare1 1
+	drum_note 3, 1
+	drum_note 2, 1
+	drum_note 1, 1
 	rest 3
-	snare2 1
+	drum_note 2, 1
 	rest 3
-	snare3 1
+	drum_note 3, 1
 	rest 5
-	snare3 1
-	snare2 1
-	snare3 1
+	drum_note 3, 1
+	drum_note 2, 1
+	drum_note 3, 1
 	rest 3
-	snare2 1
+	drum_note 2, 1
 	rest 3
-	snare3 1
+	drum_note 3, 1
 	rest 5
-	snare2 1
-	snare3 1
-	snare4 1
+	drum_note 2, 1
+	drum_note 3, 1
+	drum_note 4, 1
 	rest 1
-	snare3 1
-	snare2 1
-	snare2 1
+	drum_note 3, 1
+	drum_note 2, 1
+	drum_note 2, 1
 	rest 3
-	snare3 1
+	drum_note 3, 1
 	rest 5
-	snare2 1
-	snare3 1
-	snare2 1
+	drum_note 2, 1
+	drum_note 3, 1
+	drum_note 2, 1
 	rest 3
-	snare5 1
+	drum_note 5, 1
 	rest 5
-	snare2 1
+	drum_note 2, 1
 	rest 3
-	snare3 1
-	snare2 1
-	snare1 1
+	drum_note 3, 1
+	drum_note 2, 1
+	drum_note 1, 1
 	rest 5
-	snare2 1
-	snare3 1
-	snare2 1
+	drum_note 2, 1
+	drum_note 3, 1
+	drum_note 2, 1
 	rest 1
-	snare1 1
+	drum_note 1, 1
 	rest 1
-	dspeed 8
-	snare2 4
-	snare3 4
-	snare1 4
-	dspeed 12
-	snare5 1
+	drum_speed 8
+	drum_note 2, 4
+	drum_note 3, 4
+	drum_note 1, 4
+	drum_speed 12
+	drum_note 5, 1
 	rest 5
-	snare2 1
+	drum_note 2, 1
 	rest 3
-	snare3 1
-	snare2 1
-	snare3 1
+	drum_note 3, 1
+	drum_note 2, 1
+	drum_note 3, 1
 	rest 5
-	snare2 1
-	snare3 1
-	snare1 1
+	drum_note 2, 1
+	drum_note 3, 1
+	drum_note 1, 1
 	rest 1
-	snare3 1
-	snare2 1
-	dspeed 8
-	snare2 4
-	snare3 4
-	snare2 4
-	loopchannel 0, Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e716
+	drum_note 3, 1
+	drum_note 2, 1
+	drum_speed 8
+	drum_note 2, 4
+	drum_note 3, 4
+	drum_note 2, 4
+	sound_loop 0, Music_TitleScreen_branch_7e716
-	snare2 1
+	drum_note 2, 1
 	rest 3
-	snare2 1
+	drum_note 2, 1
 	rest 5
-	snare2 1
-	snare3 1
-	snare2 1
+	drum_note 2, 1
+	drum_note 3, 1
+	drum_note 2, 1
 	rest 3
-	endchannel
+	sound_ret
-	snare2 1
+	drum_note 2, 1
 	rest 3
-	snare2 1
+	drum_note 2, 1
 	rest 5
-	snare3 1
-	snare2 1
-	snare2 1
+	drum_note 3, 1
+	drum_note 2, 1
+	drum_note 2, 1
 	rest 3
-	endchannel
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/music/trainerbattle.asm
+++ b/audio/music/trainerbattle.asm
@@ -1,1857 +1,1857 @@
 	tempo 112
 	volume 7, 7
-	duty 3
+	duty_cycle 3
 	vibrato 6, 3, 4
-	toggleperfectpitch
-	notetype 12, 11, 2
+	toggle_perfect_pitch
+	note_type 12, 11, 2
 	rest 8
 	octave 3
-	F_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	F_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	D_ 1
-	D# 1
-	D_ 1
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	C# 1
-	C_ 1
-	C# 1
-	C_ 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note C_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 3
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
-	A# 1
-	B_ 1
-	A# 1
-	A_ 1
-	A# 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note A#, 1
 	octave 3
-	D_ 6
-	E_ 6
-	F_ 4
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 4
-	F_ 6
-	C_ 4
-	D_ 6
-	E_ 6
-	F_ 4
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 4
-	F_ 6
-	C_ 2
-	C# 2
-	D_ 6
-	E_ 6
-	F_ 4
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 4
-	F_ 6
-	C_ 4
-	D_ 6
-	E_ 6
-	F_ 4
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 4
-	F_ 6
-	C_ 2
-	C# 2
+	note D_, 6
+	note E_, 6
+	note F_, 4
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 4
+	note F_, 6
+	note C_, 4
+	note D_, 6
+	note E_, 6
+	note F_, 4
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 4
+	note F_, 6
+	note C_, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note D_, 6
+	note E_, 6
+	note F_, 4
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 4
+	note F_, 6
+	note C_, 4
+	note D_, 6
+	note E_, 6
+	note F_, 4
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 4
+	note F_, 6
+	note C_, 2
+	note C#, 2
-	notetype 12, 11, 5
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 4
-	C# 2
-	D_ 4
+	note_type 12, 11, 5
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 4
+	note C#, 2
+	note D_, 4
 	octave 2
-	B_ 4
-	F# 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note F#, 4
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 4
-	C# 2
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	F_ 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 2
-	C_ 1
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	D_ 1
-	C_ 1
-	C_ 1
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
-	F_ 1
-	F# 1
-	G_ 1
-	G# 1
-	G_ 1
-	F# 1
-	F_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	D_ 1
-	C_ 1
-	notetype 12, 11, 5
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 4
-	C# 2
-	D_ 4
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 4
+	note C#, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F_, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 2
+	note C_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note C_, 1
+	note C_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note C_, 1
+	note_type 12, 11, 5
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 4
+	note C#, 2
+	note D_, 4
 	octave 2
-	B_ 4
-	F# 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note F#, 4
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 4
-	C# 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 4
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	C# 2
-	notetype 12, 10, 7
-	D_ 8
-	C# 8
+	note C#, 2
+	note_type 12, 10, 7
+	note D_, 8
+	note C#, 8
 	octave 2
-	B_ 8
+	note B_, 8
 	octave 3
-	C# 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 5
-	D_ 2
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 5
+	note D_, 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 2
 	rest 2
 	octave 3
-	D_ 2
-	C# 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 2
 	rest 2
 	octave 3
-	D_ 2
-	C# 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	C# 2
-	E_ 4
+	note C#, 2
+	note E_, 4
 	octave 2
-	G_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	B_ 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 3
-	C# 1
-	D_ 4
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 4
 	octave 2
-	F# 1
-	G_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	B_ 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 3
-	C# 4
+	note C#, 4
 	octave 2
-	G_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	B_ 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 3
-	C# 1
-	D_ 4
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 4
 	octave 2
-	F# 1
-	G_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	B_ 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 3
-	D_ 2
-	C# 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 2
 	rest 2
 	octave 3
-	D_ 2
-	C# 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	G_ 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 3
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	A_ 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note A_, 2
 	rest 2
-	A_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	F# 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 3
-	C_ 1
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
-	F_ 1
-	F# 1
-	G_ 1
-	G# 1
-	A_ 1
-	A# 1
-	B_ 1
+	note C_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 4
-	C_ 1
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	D# 1
-	D_ 1
-	C# 1
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
-	A# 1
-	A_ 1
-	G# 1
-	G_ 1
-	F# 1
-	F_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	D_ 1
-	C# 1
-	C_ 1
-	C_ 1
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
-	F_ 1
-	F# 1
-	G_ 1
-	G# 1
-	A_ 1
-	A# 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note C_, 1
+	note C_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 4
-	C_ 1
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	D_ 1
-	C# 1
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
-	A# 1
-	A_ 1
-	G# 1
-	G_ 1
-	F# 1
-	F_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	D_ 1
-	C# 1
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
-	F_ 1
-	F# 1
-	G_ 1
-	G# 1
-	A_ 1
-	A# 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 4
-	C_ 1
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
-	F_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	D_ 1
-	C# 1
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
-	A# 1
-	A_ 1
-	G# 1
-	G_ 1
-	F# 1
-	F_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	D_ 1
-	D_ 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
-	F_ 1
-	F# 1
-	G_ 1
-	G# 1
-	A_ 1
-	A# 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 4
-	C_ 1
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
-	F_ 1
-	F# 1
-	F_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	D_ 1
-	C# 1
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
-	A# 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 4
-	C_ 1
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
-	F_ 1
+	note C_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F_, 1
 	octave 3
-	A_ 4
+	note A_, 4
 	octave 4
-	D_ 4
+	note D_, 4
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
-	D_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	F# 1
-	G_ 1
-	G# 1
-	A# 1
-	B_ 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note D_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 3
-	G_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	A_ 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
-	D_ 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note D_, 2
 	rest 2
 	octave 3
-	A_ 4
+	note A_, 4
 	octave 4
-	C_ 4
-	D_ 2
+	note C_, 4
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 3
-	F_ 1
-	G_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	B_ 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 4
-	C_ 1
-	D_ 1
-	E_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	E_ 2
+	note C_, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note E_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
-	C_ 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
-	C_ 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
-	C_ 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
-	C_ 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
-	C_ 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	C_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 3
-	F_ 2
-	D_ 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 3
-	F_ 2
-	D_ 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 3
-	F_ 2
-	D_ 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 3
-	F_ 2
-	D_ 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 3
-	D_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	C_ 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
-	C_ 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
-	C_ 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
-	C_ 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
-	C_ 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	C_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 3
-	F_ 2
-	D_ 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 3
-	F_ 2
-	D_ 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 3
-	F_ 2
-	D_ 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 3
-	F_ 2
-	D_ 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 3
-	D_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	D_ 16
-	C_ 16
+	note D_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note D_, 16
+	note C_, 16
 	octave 2
-	A# 16
-	G_ 12
+	note A#, 16
+	note G_, 12
 	octave 3
-	D_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	G_ 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note G_, 1
 	octave 4
-	C_ 1
-	D_ 8
-	F_ 8
+	note C_, 1
+	note D_, 8
+	note F_, 8
 	octave 3
-	A# 8
+	note A#, 8
 	octave 4
-	C_ 8
-	D_ 8
-	E_ 8
-	F_ 8
-	G_ 8
-	E_ 2
+	note C_, 8
+	note D_, 8
+	note E_, 8
+	note F_, 8
+	note G_, 8
+	note E_, 2
 	rest 4
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	rest 4
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	rest 2
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	rest 4
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	rest 4
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	rest 2
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	rest 4
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	rest 4
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	rest 2
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	rest 4
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	rest 4
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	rest 2
 	octave 3
-	C_ 2
-	D_ 4
+	note C_, 2
+	note D_, 4
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	C# 4
+	note C#, 4
 	rest 2
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	E_ 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 9
-	D_ 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
-	F_ 1
-	F_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	D_ 1
-	C# 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 5
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	E_ 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
-	F_ 1
-	F# 1
-	F# 1
-	F_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 9
-	F# 2
-	E_ 4
-	D# 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G# 2
-	E_ 8
-	F# 8
-	G_ 8
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 4
+	note D#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 8
+	note F#, 8
+	note G_, 8
 	octave 4
-	C_ 4
+	note C_, 4
 	octave 3
-	G_ 1
-	G# 1
-	A_ 1
-	A# 1
-	loopchannel 0, Music_TrainerBattle_branch_22962
+	note G_, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note A#, 1
+	sound_loop 0, Music_TrainerBattle_branch_22962
-	duty 3
+	duty_cycle 3
 	vibrato 10, 2, 5
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
 	octave 4
-	A_ 1
-	G# 1
-	G_ 1
-	F# 1
-	A_ 1
-	F_ 1
-	F# 1
-	F_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	F_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	A_ 1
-	D_ 1
-	D# 1
-	D_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	C# 1
-	A_ 1
-	C_ 1
-	C# 1
-	C_ 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note C_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note C_, 1
+	note A_, 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 4
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
-	notetype 12, 14, 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note_type 12, 14, 1
 	octave 4
-	B_ 16
+	note B_, 16
 	rest 16
-	notetype 12, 13, 1
-	B_ 16
+	note_type 12, 13, 1
+	note B_, 16
 	rest 12
-	A_ 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
+	note A_, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 6
+	note B_, 6
 	octave 4
-	C# 6
-	D_ 4
+	note C#, 6
+	note D_, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 4
-	D_ 6
-	A_ 2
-	A# 2
-	B_ 6
+	note C#, 4
+	note D_, 6
+	note A_, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note B_, 6
 	octave 5
-	C# 6
-	D_ 4
+	note C#, 6
+	note D_, 4
 	octave 4
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 5
-	C# 4
-	D_ 6
+	note C#, 4
+	note D_, 6
 	octave 4
-	A_ 4
+	note A_, 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
 	octave 3
-	B_ 6
-	F# 14
-	B_ 4
-	F# 4
-	B_ 4
-	notetype 12, 5, 0
+	note B_, 6
+	note F#, 14
+	note B_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note_type 12, 5, 0
 	octave 4
-	C_ 8
-	notetype 12, 3, 0
-	C_ 8
-	notetype 12, 4, 14
-	C_ 8
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	C_ 8
+	note C_, 8
+	note_type 12, 3, 0
+	note C_, 8
+	note_type 12, 4, -6
+	note C_, 8
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	note C_, 8
 	octave 3
-	B_ 6
-	F# 14
-	B_ 4
-	F# 4
-	B_ 4
-	notetype 12, 9, 0
-	A_ 8
-	notetype 12, 5, 0
-	A_ 8
-	notetype 12, 4, 0
-	A_ 8
-	notetype 12, 3, 0
-	A_ 8
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	G_ 16
+	note B_, 6
+	note F#, 14
+	note B_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note_type 12, 9, 0
+	note A_, 8
+	note_type 12, 5, 0
+	note A_, 8
+	note_type 12, 4, 0
+	note A_, 8
+	note_type 12, 3, 0
+	note A_, 8
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	note G_, 16
 	octave 4
-	D_ 8
+	note D_, 8
 	octave 3
-	G_ 8
-	notetype 12, 8, 0
-	A_ 8
-	notetype 12, 5, 0
-	A_ 8
-	notetype 12, 4, 0
-	A_ 8
-	notetype 12, 6, 0
-	A_ 8
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	G_ 16
+	note G_, 8
+	note_type 12, 8, 0
+	note A_, 8
+	note_type 12, 5, 0
+	note A_, 8
+	note_type 12, 4, 0
+	note A_, 8
+	note_type 12, 6, 0
+	note A_, 8
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	note G_, 16
 	octave 4
-	E_ 8
-	F# 8
-	E_ 16
-	notetype 12, 12, 5
-	G_ 4
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
-	F# 8
-	notetype 12, 5, 0
-	F# 8
-	notetype 12, 6, 0
-	F# 8
-	notetype 12, 7, 0
-	F# 8
-	notetype 12, 10, 0
-	G_ 8
-	notetype 12, 10, 7
-	G_ 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
-	G_ 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 5
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	notetype 12, 10, 0
-	G# 8
-	notetype 12, 7, 0
-	G# 8
-	notetype 12, 8, 0
-	G# 8
-	notetype 12, 6, 0
-	G# 8
-	notetype 12, 10, 0
-	A_ 16
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
+	note E_, 8
+	note F#, 8
+	note E_, 16
+	note_type 12, 12, 5
+	note G_, 4
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
+	note F#, 8
+	note_type 12, 5, 0
+	note F#, 8
+	note_type 12, 6, 0
+	note F#, 8
+	note_type 12, 7, 0
+	note F#, 8
+	note_type 12, 10, 0
+	note G_, 8
+	note_type 12, 10, 7
+	note G_, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
+	note G_, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 5
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note_type 12, 10, 0
+	note G#, 8
+	note_type 12, 7, 0
+	note G#, 8
+	note_type 12, 8, 0
+	note G#, 8
+	note_type 12, 6, 0
+	note G#, 8
+	note_type 12, 10, 0
+	note A_, 16
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
 	octave 5
-	C# 8
-	E_ 8
-	notetype 12, 12, 0
-	D_ 4
+	note C#, 8
+	note E_, 8
+	note_type 12, 12, 0
+	note D_, 4
 	octave 4
-	A_ 4
+	note A_, 4
 	octave 5
-	C_ 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
+	note C_, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
 	octave 4
-	B_ 8
-	notetype 12, 6, 0
-	B_ 8
-	notetype 12, 6, 9
-	B_ 6
-	notetype 12, 9, 6
-	B_ 6
+	note B_, 8
+	note_type 12, 6, 0
+	note B_, 8
+	note_type 12, 6, -1
+	note B_, 6
+	note_type 12, 9, 6
+	note B_, 6
 	rest 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 0
+	note_type 12, 12, 0
 	octave 5
-	D_ 4
+	note D_, 4
 	octave 4
-	A_ 4
-	A# 2
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
+	note A_, 4
+	note A#, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
 	octave 5
-	F_ 14
-	notetype 12, 6, 0
-	G_ 16
-	notetype 12, 5, 0
-	E_ 16
-	notetype 12, 4, 0
-	E_ 16
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
+	note F_, 14
+	note_type 12, 6, 0
+	note G_, 16
+	note_type 12, 5, 0
+	note E_, 16
+	note_type 12, 4, 0
+	note E_, 16
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
 	octave 4
-	C_ 6
+	note C_, 6
 	octave 3
-	A_ 14
+	note A_, 14
 	octave 4
-	C_ 4
+	note C_, 4
 	octave 3
-	A_ 4
+	note A_, 4
 	octave 4
-	C_ 4
+	note C_, 4
 	octave 3
-	A# 6
+	note A#, 6
 	octave 4
-	F_ 14
+	note F_, 14
 	octave 3
-	A# 4
+	note A#, 4
 	octave 4
-	F_ 4
-	D_ 4
-	C_ 6
+	note F_, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note C_, 6
 	octave 3
-	A_ 14
+	note A_, 14
 	octave 4
-	C_ 4
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
+	note C_, 4
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 3
-	A# 4
+	note A#, 4
 	octave 4
-	F_ 10
-	G_ 6
-	F_ 6
-	D_ 4
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
-	F_ 16
-	E_ 16
-	D_ 16
-	E_ 16
-	notetype 12, 10, 0
+	note F_, 10
+	note G_, 6
+	note F_, 6
+	note D_, 4
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
+	note F_, 16
+	note E_, 16
+	note D_, 16
+	note E_, 16
+	note_type 12, 10, 0
 	octave 5
-	F_ 16
-	E_ 16
-	G_ 16
-	F_ 16
-	notetype 12, 13, 1
+	note F_, 16
+	note E_, 16
+	note G_, 16
+	note F_, 16
+	note_type 12, 13, 1
 	octave 3
-	A# 6
-	A# 6
-	A# 4
-	A_ 6
-	A_ 6
-	A_ 4
+	note A#, 6
+	note A#, 6
+	note A#, 4
+	note A_, 6
+	note A_, 6
+	note A_, 4
 	octave 4
-	C_ 6
-	C_ 6
-	C_ 4
+	note C_, 6
+	note C_, 6
+	note C_, 4
 	octave 3
-	A# 6
-	A# 6
-	A_ 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	A_ 4
-	B_ 4
-	G_ 2
-	A_ 10
-	B_ 2
+	note A#, 6
+	note A#, 6
+	note A_, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	note A_, 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note G_, 2
+	note A_, 10
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
-	A# 16
+	note B_, 2
+	note A#, 16
 	rest 2
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 3
-	A# 2
-	B_ 16
+	note A#, 2
+	note B_, 16
 	rest 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
-	G_ 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 16
-	E_ 8
-	G_ 8
-	loopchannel 0, Music_TrainerBattle_branch_22bfc
+	note C_, 16
+	note E_, 8
+	note G_, 8
+	sound_loop 0, Music_TrainerBattle_branch_22bfc
 	vibrato 0, 2, 0
-	notetype 12, 1, 4
+	note_type 12, 1, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
-	A# 1
-	A_ 1
-	G# 1
-	A_ 1
-	G# 1
-	G_ 1
-	F# 1
-	G_ 1
-	F# 1
-	F_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	F_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	D_ 1
-	D# 1
-	D_ 1
-	C# 1
-	C_ 1
-	C# 1
-	C_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note C_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
-	A# 1
-	B_ 1
-	A# 1
-	A_ 1
-	G# 1
-	A_ 2
-	A# 2
-	B_ 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note A_, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	F_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 3
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	F_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 3
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	F_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 3
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	F_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 3
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A# 1
-	B_ 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 3
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	C_ 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	F_ 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	C# 2
-	D_ 2
-	C# 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	G_ 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 3
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 2
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 3
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 2
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 3
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 2
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 3
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 2
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 3
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 2
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 3
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 2
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 3
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 2
-	G_ 2
-	G# 2
-	A_ 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 3
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 2
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 3
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 2
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 3
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 2
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 3
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 2
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 3
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 2
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 3
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 2
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 3
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 2
-	G_ 2
-	G# 2
-	A_ 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	C# 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	F# 2
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	F# 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	D# 2
-	F_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	D# 2
-	G_ 2
-	C# 2
-	G# 2
-	C# 2
-	G# 2
-	C# 2
-	G# 2
-	C# 2
-	G# 2
-	C# 2
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	D_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 4
+	note F#, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 4
 	octave 2
-	A_ 4
+	note A_, 4
 	octave 3
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	G_ 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	G_ 2
-	D_ 4
+	note G_, 2
+	note D_, 4
 	octave 2
-	A_ 4
-	A# 2
+	note A_, 4
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 3
-	F_ 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 3
-	F_ 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 3
-	F_ 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 3
-	F_ 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 3
-	F_ 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 3
-	F_ 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 3
-	F_ 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 3
-	F_ 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 3
-	F_ 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 3
-	F_ 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 3
-	F_ 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 3
-	F_ 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 3
-	F_ 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 3
-	F_ 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 3
-	F_ 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 3
-	F_ 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 3
-	F_ 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 3
-	F_ 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 3
-	F_ 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 3
-	F_ 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 3
-	F_ 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 3
-	F_ 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 3
-	F_ 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 3
-	F_ 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A# 4
+	note A#, 4
 	octave 3
-	F_ 4
+	note F_, 4
 	octave 2
-	A# 4
+	note A#, 4
 	octave 3
-	F_ 4
+	note F_, 4
 	octave 2
-	A# 4
+	note A#, 4
 	octave 3
-	E_ 4
+	note E_, 4
 	octave 2
-	A# 4
+	note A#, 4
 	octave 3
-	E_ 4
+	note E_, 4
 	octave 2
-	A# 4
+	note A#, 4
 	octave 3
-	D_ 4
+	note D_, 4
 	octave 2
-	A# 4
+	note A#, 4
 	octave 3
-	D_ 4
+	note D_, 4
 	octave 2
-	A# 4
+	note A#, 4
 	octave 3
-	E_ 4
+	note E_, 4
 	octave 2
-	A# 4
+	note A#, 4
 	octave 3
-	E_ 4
+	note E_, 4
 	octave 2
-	A# 4
+	note A#, 4
 	octave 3
-	F_ 4
+	note F_, 4
 	octave 2
-	A# 4
+	note A#, 4
 	octave 3
-	F_ 4
+	note F_, 4
 	octave 2
-	A# 4
+	note A#, 4
 	octave 3
-	E_ 4
+	note E_, 4
 	octave 2
-	A# 4
+	note A#, 4
 	octave 3
-	E_ 4
+	note E_, 4
 	octave 2
-	A# 4
+	note A#, 4
 	octave 3
-	D_ 4
+	note D_, 4
 	octave 2
-	A# 4
+	note A#, 4
 	octave 3
-	D_ 4
+	note D_, 4
 	octave 2
-	A# 4
+	note A#, 4
 	octave 3
-	E_ 4
+	note E_, 4
 	octave 2
-	A# 4
+	note A#, 4
 	octave 3
-	E_ 4
+	note E_, 4
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 3
-	F_ 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 3
-	F_ 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 3
-	F_ 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 3
-	F_ 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 3
-	F_ 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 3
-	F_ 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 3
-	F_ 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 3
-	F_ 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	octave 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 3
-	F# 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	loopchannel 0, Music_TrainerBattle_branch_22d9c
+	note F#, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	sound_loop 0, Music_TrainerBattle_branch_22d9c
--- a/audio/music/unusedsong.asm
+++ b/audio/music/unusedsong.asm
@@ -1,338 +1,338 @@
 	tempo 144
 	volume 7, 7
 	vibrato 5, 1, 6
-	notetype 12, 1, 0
+	note_type 12, 1, 0
 	octave 6
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 6
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 6
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 4
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	rest 2
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 6
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 6
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 8
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	octave 5
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 2
 	octave 6
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	octave 5
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 2
 	octave 6
-	D# 4
-	C# 4
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
+	note D#, 4
+	note C#, 4
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 1
 	octave 6
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 6
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 6
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 8
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 6
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 6
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 4
 	octave 5
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 2
 	octave 6
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	octave 5
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 2
 	octave 6
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
-	F# 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 2
-	F# 4
-	E_ 4
-	F# 1
-	G# 1
+	note F#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note F#, 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	D# 2
+	note D#, 2
 	rest 3
 	octave 5
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	rest 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 2
 	octave 6
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	rest 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 8
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 8
 	rest 2
-	E_ 2
-	D# 2
-	C# 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note C#, 2
 	rest 2
 	octave 5
-	G# 2
+	note G#, 2
 	rest 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	rest 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 2
 	octave 6
-	D# 2
-	E_ 8
+	note D#, 2
+	note E_, 8
 	rest 2
-	D# 2
-	C# 2
-	D# 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note D#, 2
 	octave 5
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	A_ 2
-	A# 1
-	B_ 1
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note A#, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 4
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	rest 2
-	B_ 2
-	A# 2
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 6
-	C_ 1
-	C# 1
+	note C_, 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 8
 	octave 5
-	F# 2
-	F_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G# 2
-	A_ 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 6
-	E_ 2
-	D# 2
-	C# 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 5
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 6
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 6
-	loopchannel 0, Music_UnusedSong_branch_a91b
-	endchannel
+	sound_loop 0, Music_UnusedSong_branch_a91b
+	sound_ret
 	tempo 144
 	volume 7, 7
-	toggleperfectpitch
+	toggle_perfect_pitch
 	vibrato 6, 1, 5
-	notetype 12, 1, 0
+	note_type 12, 1, 0
 	octave 6
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
-	G# 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 8
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G# 1
-	F# 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 4
 	octave 5
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 2
 	octave 6
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
-	F# 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 2
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
-	F# 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 2
-	F# 4
-	E_ 4
-	F# 1
-	G# 1
+	note F#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note F#, 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	D# 2
+	note D#, 2
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
-	G# 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 4
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	rest 2
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G# 1
-	F# 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 8
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
-	F# 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 2
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
-	F# 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 2
-	F# 4
-	E_ 4
-	F# 1
-	G# 1
+	note F#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note F#, 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	rest 1
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	rest 2
-	D# 2
+	note D#, 2
 	rest 2
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 2
 	rest 2
-	G# 2
+	note G#, 2
 	rest 2
-	D# 8
+	note D#, 8
 	rest 2
-	E_ 2
-	D# 2
-	C# 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 5
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 2
 	octave 6
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	rest 2
-	D# 2
+	note D#, 2
 	rest 2
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
 	rest 2
-	C# 8
+	note C#, 8
 	rest 2
-	D# 2
-	C# 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 5
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 1
-	F# 1
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 8
-	B_ 2
-	A# 2
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 1
-	G# 1
+	note B_, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 4
-	G# 2
+	note G#, 2
 	rest 2
-	F# 2
-	F_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G# 2
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	C# 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
 	rest 6
-	D# 2
+	note D#, 2
 	rest 6
-	loopchannel 0, Music_UnusedSong_branch_a9d8
-	endchannel
+	sound_loop 0, Music_UnusedSong_branch_a9d8
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/music/vermilion.asm
+++ b/audio/music/vermilion.asm
@@ -1,323 +1,323 @@
 	tempo 156
 	volume 7, 7
-	duty 3
+	duty_cycle 3
 	vibrato 12, 3, 4
-	toggleperfectpitch
+	toggle_perfect_pitch
-	notetype 12, 11, 5
+	note_type 12, 11, 5
 	octave 3
-	E_ 4
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 4
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	A_ 4
-	F# 1
-	G# 1
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 4
-	C# 2
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G# 2
-	C# 2
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 4
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 4
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	A_ 4
-	F# 1
-	G# 1
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 4
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G# 2
-	F# 4
-	E_ 4
-	F# 2
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
+	note E_, 4
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 4
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note A_, 4
+	note F#, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 4
+	note C#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 4
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 4
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note A_, 4
+	note F#, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 4
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note F#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
-	D_ 2
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 1
-	A_ 1
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
-	E_ 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note E_, 2
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 4
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 3
-	G# 2
+	note G#, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 3
-	F# 2
-	B_ 2
-	G# 2
-	A_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G# 2
-	B_ 2
-	loopchannel 0, Music_Vermilion_branch_b9f6
+	note F#, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	sound_loop 0, Music_Vermilion_branch_b9f6
-	duty 3
+	duty_cycle 3
 	vibrato 10, 2, 3
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
 	octave 3
-	A_ 8
+	note A_, 8
 	octave 4
-	D_ 4
-	C# 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note C#, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 6
-	A_ 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 6
+	note A_, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 4
-	C# 8
+	note C#, 8
 	octave 3
-	A_ 8
+	note A_, 8
 	octave 4
-	D_ 4
-	C# 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note C#, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 6
+	note B_, 6
 	octave 4
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 8
-	A_ 8
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 8
+	note A_, 8
 	octave 4
-	D_ 4
-	C# 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note C#, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 6
-	A_ 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 6
+	note A_, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 4
-	C# 8
+	note C#, 8
 	octave 3
-	A_ 8
+	note A_, 8
 	octave 4
-	D_ 4
-	C# 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note C#, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 6
+	note B_, 6
 	octave 4
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 8
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 8
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 4
-	C# 4
-	D_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	F# 8
-	B_ 8
-	A_ 4
-	G# 4
-	F# 4
-	E_ 4
-	F# 8
-	E_ 8
-	loopchannel 0, Music_Vermilion_branch_ba66
+	note C#, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note F#, 8
+	note B_, 8
+	note A_, 4
+	note G#, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note F#, 8
+	note E_, 8
+	sound_loop 0, Music_Vermilion_branch_ba66
-	notetype 12, 1, 0
+	note_type 12, 1, 0
 	octave 4
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
-	G# 2
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	B_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
-	loopchannel 0, Music_Vermilion_branch_baa8
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	sound_loop 0, Music_Vermilion_branch_baa8
-	dspeed 12
+	drum_speed 12
-	callchannel Music_Vermilion_branch_bb3f
-	triangle1 2
-	triangle1 1
-	triangle1 1
-	triangle1 2
-	triangle1 1
-	triangle1 1
-	triangle1 2
-	triangle1 1
-	triangle1 1
-	triangle1 1
-	triangle1 1
-	triangle1 1
-	triangle1 1
-	loopchannel 4, Music_Vermilion_branch_bb0e
-	callchannel Music_Vermilion_branch_bb3f
-	callchannel Music_Vermilion_branch_bb3f
-	callchannel Music_Vermilion_branch_bb3f
-	callchannel Music_Vermilion_branch_bb3f
-	loopchannel 0, Music_Vermilion_branch_bb0e
+	sound_call Music_Vermilion_branch_bb3f
+	drum_note 6, 2
+	drum_note 6, 1
+	drum_note 6, 1
+	drum_note 6, 2
+	drum_note 6, 1
+	drum_note 6, 1
+	drum_note 6, 2
+	drum_note 6, 1
+	drum_note 6, 1
+	drum_note 6, 1
+	drum_note 6, 1
+	drum_note 6, 1
+	drum_note 6, 1
+	sound_loop 4, Music_Vermilion_branch_bb0e
+	sound_call Music_Vermilion_branch_bb3f
+	sound_call Music_Vermilion_branch_bb3f
+	sound_call Music_Vermilion_branch_bb3f
+	sound_call Music_Vermilion_branch_bb3f
+	sound_loop 0, Music_Vermilion_branch_bb0e
-	triangle1 2
-	triangle1 1
-	triangle1 1
-	triangle1 2
-	triangle1 1
-	triangle1 1
-	triangle1 2
-	triangle1 1
-	triangle1 1
-	triangle1 2
-	triangle1 1
-	triangle1 1
-	endchannel
+	drum_note 6, 2
+	drum_note 6, 1
+	drum_note 6, 1
+	drum_note 6, 2
+	drum_note 6, 1
+	drum_note 6, 1
+	drum_note 6, 2
+	drum_note 6, 1
+	drum_note 6, 1
+	drum_note 6, 2
+	drum_note 6, 1
+	drum_note 6, 1
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/music/wildbattle.asm
+++ b/audio/music/wildbattle.asm
@@ -1,738 +1,738 @@
 	tempo 104
 	volume 7, 7
-	duty 3
+	duty_cycle 3
 	vibrato 6, 3, 4
-	toggleperfectpitch
-	notetype 12, 11, 3
+	toggle_perfect_pitch
+	note_type 12, 11, 3
 	octave 4
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
-	A# 1
-	A_ 1
-	A# 1
-	A_ 1
-	G# 1
-	G_ 1
-	G# 1
-	G_ 1
-	F# 1
-	F_ 1
-	F# 1
-	F_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	D_ 1
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	C# 1
-	C_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 3
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
-	A# 1
-	A_ 1
-	A# 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 3
-	C_ 1
-	C# 1
-	notetype 12, 11, 1
-	G_ 6
-	E_ 6
-	D# 12
-	C# 14
-	E_ 6
-	D# 10
-	notetype 12, 4, 15
-	C# 10
-	notetype 12, 11, 1
-	G_ 6
-	E_ 6
-	D# 12
-	C# 14
-	E_ 6
-	D# 10
-	C# 10
+	note C_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note_type 12, 11, 1
+	note G_, 6
+	note E_, 6
+	note D#, 12
+	note C#, 14
+	note E_, 6
+	note D#, 10
+	note_type 12, 4, -7
+	note C#, 10
+	note_type 12, 11, 1
+	note G_, 6
+	note E_, 6
+	note D#, 12
+	note C#, 14
+	note E_, 6
+	note D#, 10
+	note C#, 10
-	notetype 12, 11, 3
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	C# 1
-	C_ 1
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	C# 1
-	C_ 1
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	D# 1
-	D_ 1
-	C# 1
-	C_ 1
+	note_type 12, 11, 3
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note C_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note C_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 3
-	C_ 1
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	D# 1
-	D_ 1
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	D# 1
-	D_ 1
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
-	F_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	D_ 1
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
-	F_ 1
-	F# 1
-	G_ 1
-	G# 1
-	A_ 1
-	G# 1
-	G_ 1
-	F# 1
-	F_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	D_ 1
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
-	F_ 1
-	F# 1
-	G_ 1
-	F# 1
-	F_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
-	F_ 1
-	F# 1
-	G_ 1
-	G# 1
-	A_ 1
-	D_ 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	D_ 1
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	D_ 1
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	D_ 1
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	D_ 1
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
-	F_ 1
-	F# 1
-	F_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	D_ 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	D_ 1
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	D_ 1
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	D_ 1
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	D_ 1
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
-	F_ 1
-	F# 1
-	F_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
-	F_ 1
-	F# 1
-	G_ 1
-	G# 1
-	A_ 1
-	G# 1
-	G_ 1
-	F# 1
-	F_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	D_ 1
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
-	F_ 1
-	F# 1
-	G_ 1
-	G# 1
-	A_ 1
-	G# 1
-	G_ 1
-	F# 1
-	F_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	D_ 1
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
-	F_ 1
-	F# 1
-	G_ 1
-	G# 1
-	A_ 1
-	G# 1
-	G_ 1
-	F# 1
-	F_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	D_ 1
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
-	F_ 1
-	F# 1
-	G_ 1
-	F# 1
-	F_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
-	F_ 1
-	F# 1
-	G_ 1
-	G# 1
-	notetype 12, 11, 5
-	D_ 4
-	C_ 4
-	D_ 4
-	F_ 4
-	E_ 6
-	D_ 6
-	F_ 4
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
-	A_ 16
-	G_ 16
-	notetype 12, 11, 5
-	D_ 4
-	C_ 4
-	D_ 4
-	F_ 4
-	G_ 6
-	A_ 6
-	B_ 4
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
+	note C_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note_type 12, 11, 5
+	note D_, 4
+	note C_, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note F_, 4
+	note E_, 6
+	note D_, 6
+	note F_, 4
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
+	note A_, 16
+	note G_, 16
+	note_type 12, 11, 5
+	note D_, 4
+	note C_, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note F_, 4
+	note G_, 6
+	note A_, 6
+	note B_, 4
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
 	octave 4
-	C_ 16
-	notetype 12, 3, 15
-	G_ 16
-	notetype 12, 11, 5
+	note C_, 16
+	note_type 12, 3, -7
+	note G_, 16
+	note_type 12, 11, 5
 	octave 3
-	C_ 12
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 12
+	note C_, 2
 	rest 2
-	D_ 2
-	C_ 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C_, 2
 	rest 12
-	C# 12
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 12
+	note C#, 2
 	rest 2
-	F_ 2
-	notetype 12, 10, 3
-	D# 6
-	notetype 12, 10, 7
-	C# 8
-	loopchannel 0, Music_WildBattle_branch_230e0
+	note F_, 2
+	note_type 12, 10, 3
+	note D#, 6
+	note_type 12, 10, 7
+	note C#, 8
+	sound_loop 0, Music_WildBattle_branch_230e0
-	duty 3
+	duty_cycle 3
 	vibrato 8, 2, 5
-	notetype 12, 12, 3
+	note_type 12, 12, 3
 	octave 4
-	G_ 1
-	F# 1
-	F_ 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note F_, 1
 	octave 5
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	octave 4
-	G_ 1
-	F# 1
-	F_ 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note F_, 1
 	octave 5
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	octave 4
-	G_ 1
-	F# 1
-	F_ 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note F_, 1
 	octave 5
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	octave 4
-	G_ 1
-	F# 1
-	F_ 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note F_, 1
 	octave 5
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	octave 4
-	G_ 1
-	F# 1
-	F_ 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note F_, 1
 	octave 5
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	octave 4
-	G_ 1
-	F# 1
-	F_ 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note F_, 1
 	octave 5
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	octave 4
-	G_ 1
-	F# 1
-	F_ 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note F_, 1
 	octave 5
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	octave 4
-	G_ 1
-	F# 1
-	F_ 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note F_, 1
 	octave 5
-	G_ 1
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
+	note G_, 1
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
 	octave 4
-	G_ 6
+	note G_, 6
 	octave 3
-	G_ 6
-	G_ 12
-	G_ 14
-	G_ 6
-	G_ 10
-	notetype 12, 9, 0
-	F# 10
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
-	G_ 6
-	G_ 6
-	G_ 12
-	G_ 14
-	G_ 6
-	G_ 10
-	G_ 10
+	note G_, 6
+	note G_, 12
+	note G_, 14
+	note G_, 6
+	note G_, 10
+	note_type 12, 9, 0
+	note F#, 10
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
+	note G_, 6
+	note G_, 6
+	note G_, 12
+	note G_, 14
+	note G_, 6
+	note G_, 10
+	note G_, 10
-	notetype 12, 12, 5
-	G_ 6
-	F# 6
-	E_ 4
-	G_ 6
-	A_ 6
-	G_ 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 5
+	note G_, 6
+	note F#, 6
+	note E_, 4
+	note G_, 6
+	note A_, 6
+	note G_, 4
 	octave 4
-	G# 12
-	G_ 2
+	note G#, 12
+	note G_, 2
 	rest 2
-	G# 2
-	G_ 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note G_, 2
 	rest 4
-	notetype 12, 11, 7
+	note_type 12, 11, 7
 	octave 5
-	C# 8
-	notetype 12, 12, 5
+	note C#, 8
+	note_type 12, 12, 5
 	octave 4
-	C_ 6
+	note C_, 6
 	octave 3
-	A# 6
-	G# 4
+	note A#, 6
+	note G#, 4
 	octave 4
-	C# 6
-	C_ 6
+	note C#, 6
+	note C_, 6
 	octave 3
-	A# 4
+	note A#, 4
 	octave 4
-	F_ 6
-	E_ 6
-	D_ 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
+	note F_, 6
+	note E_, 6
+	note D_, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
 	octave 3
-	A# 4
+	note A#, 4
 	octave 4
-	C_ 4
-	D_ 4
-	F_ 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 0
-	G# 16
-	notetype 12, 11, 0
-	G# 16
-	notetype 12, 4, 14
-	G_ 16
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	G_ 16
+	note C_, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note F_, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 0
+	note G#, 16
+	note_type 12, 11, 0
+	note G#, 16
+	note_type 12, 4, -6
+	note G_, 16
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	note G_, 16
 	octave 3
-	F_ 8
-	A# 8
+	note F_, 8
+	note A#, 8
 	octave 4
-	D_ 8
-	F_ 8
-	notetype 12, 12, 0
-	E_ 16
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	E_ 16
+	note D_, 8
+	note F_, 8
+	note_type 12, 12, 0
+	note E_, 16
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	note E_, 16
 	octave 3
-	F_ 8
-	A# 8
+	note F_, 8
+	note A#, 8
 	octave 4
-	D_ 8
-	F_ 8
-	notetype 12, 12, 0
-	G_ 16
-	notetype 12, 3, 15
+	note D_, 8
+	note F_, 8
+	note_type 12, 12, 0
+	note G_, 16
+	note_type 12, 3, -7
 	octave 5
-	C_ 16
-	notetype 12, 12, 5
+	note C_, 16
+	note_type 12, 12, 5
 	octave 4
-	E_ 12
-	E_ 2
+	note E_, 12
+	note E_, 2
 	rest 2
-	F_ 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 1
-	E_ 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 5
+	note F_, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 1
+	note E_, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 5
 	rest 10
-	F_ 12
-	F_ 2
+	note F_, 12
+	note F_, 2
 	rest 2
-	G# 2
-	notetype 12, 10, 3
-	G_ 6
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	F_ 8
-	loopchannel 0, Music_WildBattle_branch_23225
+	note G#, 2
+	note_type 12, 10, 3
+	note G_, 6
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	note F_, 8
+	sound_loop 0, Music_WildBattle_branch_23225
 	vibrato 0, 2, 0
-	notetype 12, 1, 1
+	note_type 12, 1, 1
 	octave 4
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
-	C# 1
-	C_ 1
-	D_ 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note C_, 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
-	C_ 1
-	D# 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note C_, 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
-	D# 1
-	C_ 1
-	E_ 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note C_, 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
-	C_ 1
-	F_ 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note C_, 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F_ 1
-	C_ 1
-	F# 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note C_, 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
-	C_ 1
-	G_ 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note C_, 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
-	C_ 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note C_, 1
 	octave 3
-	A# 2
-	B_ 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C# 2
-	G# 2
-	C# 4
-	G# 2
-	A# 2
-	G# 2
-	G_ 2
-	C# 2
-	G# 2
-	C# 4
-	G# 2
-	A# 2
-	G# 2
-	F_ 2
-	loopchannel 2, Music_WildBattle_branch_232b5
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note C#, 4
+	note G#, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note C#, 4
+	note G#, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	sound_loop 2, Music_WildBattle_branch_232b5
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	G# 12
-	G_ 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note G#, 12
+	note G_, 2
 	rest 2
-	G# 2
-	G_ 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note G_, 2
 	rest 4
-	F_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	C# 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C# 2
-	G# 2
-	C# 2
-	G# 2
-	C# 2
-	G# 2
-	C# 2
-	G# 2
-	C# 2
-	G# 2
-	C# 2
-	G# 2
-	C# 2
-	G# 2
-	C# 2
-	G# 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 3
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 4
-	F_ 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 3
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 4
-	F_ 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 3
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 4
-	F_ 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 3
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 4
-	F_ 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 3
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 4
-	F_ 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 3
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 4
-	F_ 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 3
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 4
-	F_ 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 3
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 4
-	F_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	C# 2
-	G# 2
-	C# 2
-	G# 2
-	C# 2
-	G# 2
-	C# 2
-	G# 2
-	C# 2
-	G# 2
-	C# 2
-	G# 2
-	C# 2
-	G# 2
-	C# 2
-	G# 2
-	loopchannel 0, Music_WildBattle_branch_232d8
+	note F_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	sound_loop 0, Music_WildBattle_branch_232d8
--- a/audio/music/yellow/meetjessiejames.asm
+++ b/audio/music/yellow/meetjessiejames.asm
@@ -1,309 +1,308 @@
 	tempo 144
 	volume 7, 7
-	duty 3
+	duty_cycle 3
 	vibrato 8, 1, 4
-	notetype 12, 11, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 2
 	octave 3
-	G# 1
-	G_ 1
-	F# 2
-	F_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	D# 2
-	D_ 2
-	C# 2
-	C_ 2
-	notetype 12, 11, 6
-	D# 12
-	C_ 4
+	note G#, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note F#, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 6
+	note D#, 12
+	note C_, 4
-	notetype 12, 11, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 2
 	octave 4
-	D_ 16
+	note D_, 16
 	rest 12
-	notetype 12, 11, 4
+	note_type 12, 11, 4
 	octave 3
-	A# 4
+	note A#, 4
 	rest 16
 	rest 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 3
-	A# 2
-	A_ 4
-	D_ 1
-	D# 1
-	D# 2
-	D# 2
-	D_ 2
-	D# 2
-	D_ 2
-	D# 2
-	F_ 2
-	D_ 1
-	D# 1
-	D# 2
-	D# 2
-	D_ 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note A_, 4
+	note D_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note D#, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note D_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note D#, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A# 4
-	notetype 12, 11, 4
+	note A#, 4
+	note_type 12, 11, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 4
-	notetype 12, 11, 2
-	D_ 1
-	D# 1
-	D# 2
-	D# 2
-	D_ 2
-	D# 2
-	D_ 2
-	D# 2
-	F_ 2
-	D_ 1
-	D# 1
-	D# 2
-	D# 2
-	D_ 2
+	note B_, 4
+	note_type 12, 11, 2
+	note D_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note D#, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note D_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note D#, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 2
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
-	notetype 12, 11, 4
-	A# 4
-	loopchannel 0, Music_MeetJessieJames_branch_83187
+	note B_, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 4
+	note A#, 4
+	sound_loop 0, Music_MeetJessieJames_branch_83187
-	duty 3
+	duty_cycle 3
 	vibrato 6, 1, 5
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
 	octave 4
-	D_ 1
-	C# 1
-	C_ 2
+	note D_, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
-	A# 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	G_ 2
-	F# 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	A_ 12
+	note B_, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	note A_, 12
 	octave 4
-	C# 4
+	note C#, 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
 	octave 3
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	D_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	C# 2
-	D_ 2
-	C# 2
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	D_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 2
-	A_ 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 5
+	note A_, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 5
 	octave 4
-	C# 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
-	D_ 1
+	note C#, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
+	note D_, 1
 	octave 3
-	D_ 1
-	D_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	C# 2
-	D_ 2
-	C# 2
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	C# 1
-	D_ 1
-	D_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	C# 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 6
+	note D_, 1
+	note D_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note C#, 1
+	note D_, 1
+	note D_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 6
 	octave 4
-	D_ 8
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
-	D# 6
-	F_ 4
-	D# 4
+	note D_, 8
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
+	note D#, 6
+	note F_, 4
+	note D#, 4
 	octave 3
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 4
-	D# 6
-	F_ 4
-	D# 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 5
-	D_ 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
-	D# 6
-	F_ 4
-	D# 4
+	note D#, 6
+	note F_, 4
+	note D#, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 5
+	note D_, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
+	note D#, 6
+	note F_, 4
+	note D#, 4
 	octave 3
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 4
-	D# 4
-	F_ 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 5
-	D# 8
-	loopchannel 0, Music_MeetJessieJames_branch_831df
+	note D#, 4
+	note F_, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 5
+	note D#, 8
+	sound_loop 0, Music_MeetJessieJames_branch_831df
-	notetype 12, 1, 0
+	note_type 12, 1, 0
 	rest 16
 	rest 8
 	octave 4
-	D_ 2
+	note D_, 2
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
-	D# 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note D#, 2
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A# 2
-	A_ 2
-	D# 2
-	D_ 1
+	note A#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	D# 1
+	note C_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
-	A# 1
+	note A#, 1
 	rest 1
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
-	A# 1
+	note A#, 1
 	rest 1
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
-	A# 1
+	note A#, 1
 	rest 1
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
-	A# 1
+	note A#, 1
 	rest 1
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
-	A# 1
+	note A#, 1
 	rest 1
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
-	A# 1
+	note A#, 1
 	rest 1
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	A# 1
+	note A#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
-	A# 1
+	note A#, 1
 	rest 1
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
-	A# 1
+	note A#, 1
 	rest 1
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
-	A# 1
+	note A#, 1
 	rest 1
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
-	A# 1
+	note A#, 1
 	rest 1
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
-	A# 1
+	note A#, 1
 	rest 1
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
-	A# 1
+	note A#, 1
 	rest 1
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	A# 1
+	note A#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	loopchannel 0, Music_MeetJessieJames_branch_83235
-	endchannel
+	sound_loop 0, Music_MeetJessieJames_branch_83235
--- a/audio/music/yellow/surfingpikachu.asm
+++ b/audio/music/yellow/surfingpikachu.asm
@@ -1,690 +1,690 @@
 	tempo 117
 	volume 7, 7
-	duty 3
+	duty_cycle 3
 	vibrato 8, 1, 4
-	notetype 12, 11, 3
+	note_type 12, 11, 3
 	octave 3
-	E_ 6
-	notetype 12, 11, 2
-	F# 2
-	notetype 12, 11, 3
-	E_ 6
-	notetype 12, 11, 2
-	F# 16
+	note E_, 6
+	note_type 12, 11, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 3
+	note E_, 6
+	note_type 12, 11, 2
+	note F#, 16
 	rest 2
-	notetype 12, 11, 3
-	E_ 6
-	notetype 12, 11, 2
-	A_ 2
-	notetype 12, 11, 3
-	E_ 6
-	notetype 12, 11, 2
-	A_ 14
-	notetype 12, 11, 2
-	D# 2
-	C# 1
-	D# 1
+	note_type 12, 11, 3
+	note E_, 6
+	note_type 12, 11, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 3
+	note E_, 6
+	note_type 12, 11, 2
+	note A_, 14
+	note_type 12, 11, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note C#, 1
+	note D#, 1
 	octave 2
-	B_ 6
+	note B_, 6
 	octave 3
-	E_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	E_ 8
-	G# 4
-	G# 4
-	G# 2
+	note E_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note E_, 8
+	note G#, 4
+	note G#, 4
+	note G#, 2
-	notetype 12, 11, 3
+	note_type 12, 11, 3
 	octave 3
-	G# 4
-	E_ 4
-	F# 4
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	D# 2
-	E_ 2
-	D# 2
-	C# 6
-	F# 2
-	A_ 8
+	note G#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note C#, 6
+	note F#, 2
+	note A_, 8
 	octave 2
-	B_ 6
+	note B_, 6
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
-	G# 8
-	G# 4
-	E_ 4
-	F# 4
-	E_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
-	G# 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	F# 6
-	E_ 2
-	F# 1
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 8
+	note G#, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note E_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 6
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 3
-	A_ 4
-	duty 0
-	notetype 12, 11, 2
-	G# 1
-	F# 1
-	G# 2
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
-	E_ 2
-	D# 2
-	F# 2
-	F# 2
-	D# 2
-	F# 2
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
-	B_ 1
-	A# 1
-	B_ 2
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	G_ 2
-	G# 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 4
+	duty_cycle 0
+	note_type 12, 11, 2
+	note G#, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note G#, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note B_, 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note B_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
-	C_ 2
-	C# 3
+	note C#, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note C#, 3
 	octave 3
-	F# 1
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
-	A_ 2
-	E_ 3
-	E_ 1
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 6
-	E_ 1
-	F_ 1
-	F# 2
-	F# 2
-	D# 2
-	F# 2
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
-	B_ 1
-	A# 1
-	B_ 2
-	G# 2
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	G_ 2
-	G# 2
-	A_ 2
+	note F#, 1
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note E_, 3
+	note E_, 1
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 6
+	note E_, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note F#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note B_, 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note B_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
-	C_ 2
-	C# 3
+	note C#, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note C#, 3
 	octave 3
-	F# 1
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	A_ 2
+	note F#, 1
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 4
-	D# 2
-	E_ 2
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 8
-	duty 3
-	loopchannel 0, Music_SurfingPikachu_branch_82d1a
+	note D#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 8
+	duty_cycle 3
+	sound_loop 0, Music_SurfingPikachu_branch_82d1a
-	duty 3
+	duty_cycle 3
 	vibrato 6, 1, 5
-	notetype 12, 12, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 6
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
+	note B_, 6
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
 	octave 4
-	E_ 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 4
+	note E_, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 6
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
+	note B_, 6
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
 	octave 4
-	E_ 2
-	notetype 12, 11, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
-	D# 2
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 4
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 4
 	octave 4
-	C# 6
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
-	F# 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 4
-	C# 6
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
-	F# 2
-	notetype 12, 11, 2
-	C# 2
-	D# 2
-	E_ 2
-	D# 2
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 6
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 4
+	note C#, 6
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
-	E_ 6
-	B_ 4
-	B_ 4
-	B_ 8
-	B_ 4
-	B_ 4
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
+	note E_, 6
+	note B_, 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note B_, 8
+	note B_, 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note B_, 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 6
+	note_type 12, 12, 6
 	octave 4
-	E_ 4
+	note E_, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 4
-	A_ 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note A_, 4
 	octave 4
-	C# 4
+	note C#, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 6
-	A_ 2
-	G# 8
-	F# 6
-	A_ 2
+	note B_, 6
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 8
+	note F#, 6
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 8
+	note C#, 8
 	octave 3
-	E_ 6
-	G# 2
-	B_ 8
+	note E_, 6
+	note G#, 2
+	note B_, 8
 	octave 4
-	E_ 4
+	note E_, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 4
-	A_ 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note A_, 4
 	octave 4
-	C# 4
+	note C#, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 6
+	note B_, 6
 	octave 4
-	D# 2
-	E_ 8
-	D# 6
-	C# 2
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 2
+	note E_, 8
+	note D#, 6
+	note C#, 2
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 3
-	F# 4
-	E_ 10
-	notetype 12, 12, 6
-	duty 2
-	E_ 2
-	D# 2
-	C# 2
+	note F#, 4
+	note E_, 10
+	note_type 12, 12, 6
+	duty_cycle 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 6
+	note B_, 6
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
-	D# 4
+	note C#, 2
+	note D#, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 4
-	E_ 6
-	F# 2
-	G# 8
-	A_ 6
-	G# 2
-	A_ 4
-	F# 4
-	G# 10
-	E_ 2
-	D# 2
-	C# 2
+	note E_, 6
+	note F#, 2
+	note G#, 8
+	note A_, 6
+	note G#, 2
+	note A_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note G#, 10
+	note E_, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 6
+	note B_, 6
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
-	D# 4
+	note C#, 2
+	note D#, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 4
-	E_ 6
-	F# 2
-	G# 8
-	A_ 4
-	F# 4
-	D# 4
+	note E_, 6
+	note F#, 2
+	note G#, 8
+	note A_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note D#, 4
 	octave 5
-	C# 4
+	note C#, 4
 	octave 4
-	B_ 8
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
+	note B_, 8
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
 	octave 5
-	E_ 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 6
-	duty 3
+	note E_, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 6
+	duty_cycle 3
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
-	A# 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	octave 4
-	C# 1
-	loopchannel 0, Music_SurfingPikachu_branch_82de0
+	note C#, 1
+	sound_loop 0, Music_SurfingPikachu_branch_82de0
-	notetype 12, 1, 0
+	note_type 12, 1, 0
 	octave 4
-	B_ 6
+	note B_, 6
 	octave 5
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	B_ 6
+	note B_, 6
 	octave 5
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	A_ 6
+	note A_, 6
 	octave 5
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	A_ 6
+	note A_, 6
 	octave 5
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	C# 1
-	C_ 1
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note C_, 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
-	A# 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 1
+	note D_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
-	loopchannel 0, Music_SurfingPikachu_branch_82ea0
+	sound_loop 0, Music_SurfingPikachu_branch_82ea0
--- a/audio/music/yellow/yellowintro.asm
+++ b/audio/music/yellow/yellowintro.asm
@@ -1,484 +1,484 @@
 	tempo 116
 	volume 7, 7
-	duty 3
+	duty_cycle 3
 	vibrato 8, 1, 4
-	notetype 12, 11, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 2
 	octave 3
-	G# 2
-	B_ 4
-	B_ 4
-	B_ 4
-	B_ 4
-	B_ 4
-	B_ 3
-	A# 1
-	B_ 2
-	B_ 10
-	notetype 12, 11, 6
+	note G#, 2
+	note B_, 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note B_, 3
+	note A#, 1
+	note B_, 2
+	note B_, 10
+	note_type 12, 11, 6
 	octave 4
-	C# 1
-	C_ 1
-	C# 10
+	note C#, 1
+	note C_, 1
+	note C#, 10
 	octave 3
-	G# 1
-	G_ 1
-	G# 4
-	B_ 4
+	note G#, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note G#, 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 4
-	E_ 4
-	F# 8
-	E_ 8
+	note E_, 4
+	note F#, 8
+	note E_, 8
 	octave 3
-	A_ 4
-	B_ 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 4
-	C# 4
+	note C#, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 4
-	G# 6
-	notetype 12, 11, 2
-	B_ 2
-	notetype 12, 11, 6
-	G# 6
-	notetype 12, 11, 2
-	B_ 2
-	notetype 12, 11, 6
+	note B_, 4
+	note G#, 6
+	note_type 12, 11, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 6
+	note G#, 6
+	note_type 12, 11, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 6
 	octave 4
-	E_ 6
-	notetype 12, 11, 2
-	G# 2
-	notetype 12, 11, 6
-	E_ 6
-	notetype 12, 11, 2
-	G# 2
-	notetype 12, 11, 6
+	note E_, 6
+	note_type 12, 11, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 6
+	note E_, 6
+	note_type 12, 11, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 6
 	octave 3
-	A_ 4
-	F# 4
-	A_ 4
-	B_ 4
-	F# 4
-	G# 4
-	A_ 2
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
-	D# 2
-	notetype 12, 11, 3
-	B_ 2
+	note A_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note B_, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note G#, 4
+	note A_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 3
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	E_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	E_ 2
-	C# 2
-	F# 4
-	F# 3
-	D# 1
-	F# 2
-	F# 8
-	notetype 12, 11, 6
-	F# 1
-	F_ 1
-	F# 8
+	note E_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note E_, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note F#, 4
+	note F#, 3
+	note D#, 1
+	note F#, 2
+	note F#, 8
+	note_type 12, 11, 6
+	note F#, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note F#, 8
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
-	A# 1
-	B_ 8
+	note B_, 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note B_, 8
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
-	F_ 1
-	F# 2
-	notetype 12, 11, 3
-	F# 1
-	E_ 1
-	D# 1
-	C# 1
-	notetype 12, 11, 2
+	note F#, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note F#, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 3
+	note F#, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note_type 12, 11, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 16
-	endchannel
+	note B_, 16
+	sound_ret
-	duty 2
+	duty_cycle 2
 	vibrato 6, 1, 5
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	E_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	E_ 4
-	E_ 3
-	D# 1
-	E_ 2
-	E_ 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 5
-	G# 1
-	G_ 1
-	G# 10
+	note E_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note E_, 3
+	note D#, 1
+	note E_, 2
+	note E_, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 5
+	note G#, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note G#, 10
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
-	A# 1
-	B_ 6
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
+	note B_, 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note B_, 6
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
 	octave 4
-	E_ 4
-	G# 4
-	B_ 4
+	note E_, 4
+	note G#, 4
+	note B_, 4
 	octave 5
-	C# 16
+	note C#, 16
 	octave 4
-	A_ 4
-	G# 4
-	F# 4
-	E_ 4
+	note A_, 4
+	note G#, 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note E_, 4
 	octave 3
-	B_ 6
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
+	note B_, 6
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
 	octave 4
-	E_ 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
+	note E_, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
 	octave 3
-	B_ 6
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
+	note B_, 6
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
 	octave 4
-	E_ 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	G# 6
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
-	B_ 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	G# 6
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
-	B_ 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	C# 4
+	note E_, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	note G#, 6
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	note G#, 6
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
+	note B_, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	note C#, 4
 	octave 3
-	A_ 4
+	note A_, 4
 	octave 4
-	C# 4
-	D# 4
-	E_ 2
-	D# 2
-	C# 2
-	D# 4
-	D# 2
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note E_, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note C#, 2
+	note D#, 4
+	note D#, 2
+	note C#, 2
 	octave 3
-	B_ 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 3
+	note B_, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 3
 	octave 4
-	E_ 2
-	G# 4
-	G# 4
-	G# 4
-	G# 2
-	F# 2
-	A_ 4
-	A_ 3
-	F# 1
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 4
-	notetype 12, 12, 7
-	B_ 1
-	A# 1
-	B_ 8
-	B_ 1
-	A# 1
-	B_ 8
-	B_ 1
-	A# 1
-	B_ 6
-	notetype 12, 12, 3
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	G# 1
-	F# 1
-	notetype 12, 12, 2
-	E_ 16
-	endchannel
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 4
+	note G#, 4
+	note G#, 4
+	note G#, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note A_, 4
+	note A_, 3
+	note F#, 1
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 4
+	note_type 12, 12, 7
+	note B_, 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note B_, 8
+	note B_, 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note B_, 8
+	note B_, 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note B_, 6
+	note_type 12, 12, 3
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note_type 12, 12, 2
+	note E_, 16
+	sound_ret
-	notetype 12, 1, 0
+	note_type 12, 1, 0
 	octave 4
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 3
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G# 1
+	note G#, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	C# 1
+	note C#, 1
 	rest 3
-	F# 1
+	note F#, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F# 1
-	G# 1
-	A_ 1
+	note F#, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note A_, 1
 	octave 5
-	C# 1
-	E_ 1
+	note C#, 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 15
-	endchannel
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/music/yellow/yellowunusedsong.asm
+++ b/audio/music/yellow/yellowunusedsong.asm
@@ -1,51 +1,51 @@
 	tempo 140
 	volume 7, 7
-	duty 3
+	duty_cycle 3
 	vibrato 8, 1, 4
-	notetype 8, 11, 2
+	note_type 8, 11, 2
 	octave 3
-	A_ 6
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	A# 6
-	A# 6
-	G_ 6
-	G_ 6
-	A_ 6
-	E_ 6
-	A_ 6
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	A# 6
-	A# 6
-	A_ 6
-	G_ 6
-	A_ 12
+	note A_, 6
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note A#, 6
+	note A#, 6
+	note G_, 6
+	note G_, 6
+	note A_, 6
+	note E_, 6
+	note A_, 6
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note A#, 6
+	note A#, 6
+	note A_, 6
+	note G_, 6
+	note A_, 12
-	A_ 6
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	A# 6
-	A# 6
-	G_ 6
-	G_ 6
-	A_ 6
-	E_ 6
-	A_ 6
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	A# 6
-	A# 6
-	G_ 6
+	note A_, 6
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note A#, 6
+	note A#, 6
+	note G_, 6
+	note G_, 6
+	note A_, 6
+	note E_, 6
+	note A_, 6
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note A#, 6
+	note A#, 6
+	note G_, 6
 	octave 4
-	D# 6
-	D_ 12
+	note D#, 6
+	note D_, 12
 	rest 16
 	rest 16
 	rest 16
@@ -53,274 +53,274 @@
 	rest 16
 	rest 16
 	octave 3
-	A_ 6
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	A# 6
-	A# 6
-	G_ 6
-	G_ 6
-	A_ 6
-	E_ 6
-	A_ 6
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	A# 6
-	A# 6
-	A_ 6
-	G_ 6
-	A_ 12
-	loopchannel 0, Music_YellowUnusedSong_branch_82fde
+	note A_, 6
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note A#, 6
+	note A#, 6
+	note G_, 6
+	note G_, 6
+	note A_, 6
+	note E_, 6
+	note A_, 6
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note A#, 6
+	note A#, 6
+	note A_, 6
+	note G_, 6
+	note A_, 12
+	sound_loop 0, Music_YellowUnusedSong_branch_82fde
-	duty 2
-	notetype 8, 12, 2
+	duty_cycle 2
+	note_type 8, 12, 2
 	octave 4
-	D_ 6
-	D_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	D# 6
-	D# 6
-	C_ 6
-	C_ 6
-	D_ 6
+	note D_, 6
+	note D_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note D#, 6
+	note D#, 6
+	note C_, 6
+	note C_, 6
+	note D_, 6
 	octave 3
-	A_ 6
+	note A_, 6
 	octave 4
-	D_ 6
-	D_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	D# 6
-	D# 6
-	D_ 6
-	A# 6
-	A_ 12
+	note D_, 6
+	note D_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note D#, 6
+	note D#, 6
+	note D_, 6
+	note A#, 6
+	note A_, 12
-	D_ 6
-	D_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	D# 6
-	D# 6
-	C_ 6
-	C_ 6
-	D_ 6
+	note D_, 6
+	note D_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note D#, 6
+	note D#, 6
+	note C_, 6
+	note C_, 6
+	note D_, 6
 	octave 3
-	A_ 6
+	note A_, 6
 	octave 4
-	D_ 6
-	D_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	D# 6
-	D# 6
-	C_ 6
-	G# 6
-	G_ 12
-	notetype 8, 9, 0
+	note D_, 6
+	note D_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note D#, 6
+	note D#, 6
+	note C_, 6
+	note G#, 6
+	note G_, 12
+	note_type 8, 9, 0
 	octave 3
-	D# 16
-	D# 8
-	D# 16
-	D# 8
+	note D#, 16
+	note D#, 8
+	note D#, 16
+	note D#, 8
 	octave 2
-	A# 16
-	A# 8
+	note A#, 16
+	note A#, 8
 	octave 3
-	D# 12
-	F_ 12
-	notetype 8, 12, 2
+	note D#, 12
+	note F_, 12
+	note_type 8, 12, 2
 	octave 4
-	D_ 6
-	D_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	D# 6
-	D# 6
-	C_ 6
-	C_ 6
-	D_ 6
+	note D_, 6
+	note D_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note D#, 6
+	note D#, 6
+	note C_, 6
+	note C_, 6
+	note D_, 6
 	octave 3
-	A_ 6
+	note A_, 6
 	octave 4
-	D_ 6
-	D_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	D# 6
-	D# 6
-	D_ 6
-	A# 6
-	A_ 12
-	loopchannel 0, Music_YellowUnusedSong_branch_8302a
+	note D_, 6
+	note D_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note D#, 6
+	note D#, 6
+	note D_, 6
+	note A#, 6
+	note A_, 12
+	sound_loop 0, Music_YellowUnusedSong_branch_8302a
-	notetype 12, 1, 0
+	note_type 12, 1, 0
 	vibrato 2, 1, 5
 	rest 16
 	rest 12
 	octave 4
-	C_ 4
-	D_ 8
-	D# 8
-	G_ 8
-	A# 8
+	note C_, 4
+	note D_, 8
+	note D#, 8
+	note G_, 8
+	note A#, 8
-	A_ 8
-	A# 8
-	G_ 8
-	A_ 4
-	D_ 4
-	A_ 8
-	A# 8
+	note A_, 8
+	note A#, 8
+	note G_, 8
+	note A_, 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note A_, 8
+	note A#, 8
 	octave 5
-	C# 8
-	D_ 8
-	D# 16
-	D# 16
+	note C#, 8
+	note D_, 8
+	note D#, 16
+	note D#, 16
 	octave 4
-	A# 16
+	note A#, 16
 	octave 5
-	D# 8
-	F_ 8
+	note D#, 8
+	note F_, 8
 	octave 4
-	D_ 16
-	D_ 16
+	note D_, 16
+	note D_, 16
 	octave 4
-	D_ 8
-	D# 8
-	G_ 8
-	A# 8
-	loopchannel 0, Music_YellowUnusedSong_branch_83075
+	note D_, 8
+	note D#, 8
+	note G_, 8
+	note A#, 8
+	sound_loop 0, Music_YellowUnusedSong_branch_83075
-	dspeed 12
-	snare3 4
-	dspeed 8
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 2
-	dspeed 12
-	snare3 4
-	snare3 4
-	snare3 4
-	snare3 4
-	snare3 4
-	snare3 4
-	snare3 4
-	dspeed 8
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 2
-	dspeed 12
-	snare3 4
-	snare3 4
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 4
-	snare3 4
+	drum_speed 12
+	drum_note 3, 4
+	drum_speed 8
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_speed 12
+	drum_note 3, 4
+	drum_note 3, 4
+	drum_note 3, 4
+	drum_note 3, 4
+	drum_note 3, 4
+	drum_note 3, 4
+	drum_note 3, 4
+	drum_speed 8
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_speed 12
+	drum_note 3, 4
+	drum_note 3, 4
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 4
+	drum_note 3, 4
-	snare3 4
-	dspeed 8
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 2
-	dspeed 12
-	snare3 4
-	snare3 4
-	snare3 4
-	snare3 4
-	snare3 4
-	snare3 4
-	snare3 4
-	dspeed 8
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 2
-	dspeed 12
-	snare3 4
-	snare3 4
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 4
-	snare3 4
-	snare3 4
-	dspeed 8
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 2
-	dspeed 12
-	snare3 4
-	dspeed 8
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 2
-	dspeed 12
-	snare3 4
-	dspeed 8
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 2
-	dspeed 12
-	snare3 4
-	dspeed 8
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 2
-	dspeed 12
-	snare3 4
-	snare3 4
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 4
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 4
-	dspeed 8
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 2
-	dspeed 12
-	snare3 4
-	snare3 4
-	snare3 4
-	snare3 4
-	snare3 4
-	snare3 4
-	snare3 4
-	dspeed 8
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 2
-	dspeed 12
-	snare3 4
-	snare3 4
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 2
-	snare3 4
-	snare3 4
-	loopchannel 0, Music_YellowUnusedSong_branch_830c3
+	drum_note 3, 4
+	drum_speed 8
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_speed 12
+	drum_note 3, 4
+	drum_note 3, 4
+	drum_note 3, 4
+	drum_note 3, 4
+	drum_note 3, 4
+	drum_note 3, 4
+	drum_note 3, 4
+	drum_speed 8
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_speed 12
+	drum_note 3, 4
+	drum_note 3, 4
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 4
+	drum_note 3, 4
+	drum_note 3, 4
+	drum_speed 8
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_speed 12
+	drum_note 3, 4
+	drum_speed 8
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_speed 12
+	drum_note 3, 4
+	drum_speed 8
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_speed 12
+	drum_note 3, 4
+	drum_speed 8
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_speed 12
+	drum_note 3, 4
+	drum_note 3, 4
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 4
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 4
+	drum_speed 8
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_speed 12
+	drum_note 3, 4
+	drum_note 3, 4
+	drum_note 3, 4
+	drum_note 3, 4
+	drum_note 3, 4
+	drum_note 3, 4
+	drum_note 3, 4
+	drum_speed 8
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_speed 12
+	drum_note 3, 4
+	drum_note 3, 4
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 2
+	drum_note 3, 4
+	drum_note 3, 4
+	sound_loop 0, Music_YellowUnusedSong_branch_830c3
--- a/audio/sfx/59_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/59_1.asm
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-	duty 2
-	squarenote 4, 15, 1, 1920
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 2
+	square_note 4, 15, 1, 1920
+	sound_ret
-	duty 2
-	squarenote 1, 0, 8, 0
-	squarenote 4, 10, 1, 1889
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 2
+	square_note 1, 0, 8, 0
+	square_note 4, 10, 1, 1889
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/59_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/59_3.asm
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-	duty 2
-	squarenote 4, 15, 1, 1920
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 2
+	square_note 4, 15, 1, 1920
+	sound_ret
-	duty 2
-	squarenote 1, 0, 8, 0
-	squarenote 4, 10, 1, 1889
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 2
+	square_note 1, 0, 8, 0
+	square_note 4, 10, 1, 1889
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/arrow_tiles_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/arrow_tiles_1.asm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-	duty 0
-	pitchenvelope 1, 7
-	squarenote 15, 13, 2, 1792
-	pitchenvelope 0, 0
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 0
+	pitch_sweep 1, 7
+	square_note 15, 13, 2, 1792
+	pitch_sweep 0, 8
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/arrow_tiles_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/arrow_tiles_3.asm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-	duty 0
-	pitchenvelope 1, 7
-	squarenote 15, 13, 2, 1792
-	pitchenvelope 0, 0
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 0
+	pitch_sweep 1, 7
+	square_note 15, 13, 2, 1792
+	pitch_sweep 0, 8
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/ball_poof.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/ball_poof.asm
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-	duty 2
-	pitchenvelope 1, 6
-	squarenote 15, 15, 2, 1024
-	pitchenvelope 0, 0
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 2
+	pitch_sweep 1, 6
+	square_note 15, 15, 2, 1024
+	pitch_sweep 0, 8
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 15, 10, 2, 34
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 15, 10, 2, 34
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/ball_toss.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/ball_toss.asm
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-	duty 2
-	pitchenvelope 2, -7
-	squarenote 15, 15, 2, 1920
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 2
+	pitch_sweep 2, -7
+	square_note 15, 15, 2, 1920
+	sound_ret
-	duty 2
-	squarenote 15, 12, 2, 1922
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 2
+	square_note 15, 12, 2, 1922
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/battle_09.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/battle_09.asm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-	duty 1
-	pitchenvelope 9, 7
-	squarenote 15, 15, 2, 1280
-	pitchenvelope 0, 0
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 1
+	pitch_sweep 9, 7
+	square_note 15, 15, 2, 1280
+	pitch_sweep 0, 8
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/battle_0b.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/battle_0b.asm
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-	noisenote 8, 15, 1, 84
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 8, 15, 1, 84
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/battle_0c.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/battle_0c.asm
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-	noisenote 15, 8, -7, 17
-	noisenote 4, 15, -7, 18
-	noisenote 10, 15, 1, 85
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 15, 8, -7, 17
+	noise_note 4, 15, -7, 18
+	noise_note 10, 15, 1, 85
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/battle_0d.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/battle_0d.asm
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-	noisenote 15, 8, -7, 52
-	noisenote 8, 15, 2, 53
-	noisenote 10, 15, 1, 85
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 15, 8, -7, 52
+	noise_note 8, 15, 2, 53
+	noise_note 10, 15, 1, 85
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/battle_0e.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/battle_0e.asm
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-	noisenote 15, 9, -7, 35
-	noisenote 8, 15, 1, 33
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 15, 9, -7, 35
+	noise_note 8, 15, 1, 33
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/battle_0f.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/battle_0f.asm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-	noisenote 2, 14, 1, 75
-	noisenote 10, 15, 1, 68
-	noisenote 2, 14, 1, 58
-	noisenote 6, 15, 1, 52
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 2, 14, 1, 75
+	noise_note 10, 15, 1, 68
+	noise_note 2, 14, 1, 58
+	noise_note 6, 15, 1, 52
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/battle_12.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/battle_12.asm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-	noisenote 8, 4, -7, 35
-	noisenote 4, 12, 4, 34
-	noisenote 6, 15, 2, 35
-	loopchannel 4, SFX_Battle_12_Ch7
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 8, 4, -7, 35
+	noise_note 4, 12, 4, 34
+	noise_note 6, 15, 2, 35
+	sound_loop 4, SFX_Battle_12_Ch8
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/battle_13.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/battle_13.asm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-	noisenote 8, 4, -7, 51
-	noisenote 4, 12, 4, 34
-	noisenote 6, 15, 2, 35
-	noisenote 15, 15, 2, 34
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 8, 4, -7, 51
+	noise_note 4, 12, 4, 34
+	noise_note 6, 15, 2, 35
+	noise_note 15, 15, 2, 34
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/battle_14.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/battle_14.asm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-	noisenote 8, 15, -7, 50
-	noisenote 8, 15, 4, 67
-	noisenote 8, 15, 2, 84
-	noisenote 8, 15, 1, 101
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 8, 15, -7, 50
+	noise_note 8, 15, 4, 67
+	noise_note 8, 15, 2, 84
+	noise_note 8, 15, 1, 101
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/battle_16.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/battle_16.asm
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-	noisenote 1, 9, 4, 35
-	noisenote 1, 11, 4, 34
-	noisenote 8, 15, 1, 68
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 1, 9, 4, 35
+	noise_note 1, 11, 4, 34
+	noise_note 8, 15, 1, 68
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/battle_17.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/battle_17.asm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-	noisenote 2, 9, 4, 51
-	noisenote 4, 11, 4, 34
-	noisenote 4, 15, 1, 68
-	noisenote 8, 15, 1, 85
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 2, 9, 4, 51
+	noise_note 4, 11, 4, 34
+	noise_note 4, 15, 1, 68
+	noise_note 8, 15, 1, 85
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/battle_18.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/battle_18.asm
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-	noisenote 4, 15, -7, 85
-	noisenote 8, 15, 1, 101
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 4, 15, -7, 85
+	noise_note 8, 15, 1, 101
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/battle_19.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/battle_19.asm
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-	noisenote 2, 8, 4, 67
-	noisenote 2, 12, 4, 34
-	noisenote 8, 15, 2, 52
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 2, 8, 4, 67
+	noise_note 2, 12, 4, 34
+	noise_note 8, 15, 2, 52
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/battle_1b.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/battle_1b.asm
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-	noisenote 2, 15, 1, 34
-	noisenote 15, 15, 2, 18
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 2, 15, 1, 34
+	noise_note 15, 15, 2, 18
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/battle_1c.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/battle_1c.asm
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-	noisenote 2, 12, 2, 1
-	noisenote 15, 15, 4, 1
-	noisenote 15, 15, 2, 1
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 2, 12, 2, 1
+	noise_note 15, 15, 4, 1
+	noise_note 15, 15, 2, 1
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/battle_1e.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/battle_1e.asm
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-	duty 0
-	pitchenvelope 3, -2
-	squarenote 4, 15, 2, 512
-	pitchenvelope 2, 2
-	squarenote 8, 14, 2, 512
-	pitchenvelope 0, 0
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 0
+	pitch_sweep 3, -2
+	square_note 4, 15, 2, 512
+	pitch_sweep 2, 2
+	square_note 8, 14, 2, 512
+	pitch_sweep 0, 8
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 0, 13, 1, 66
-	noisenote 4, 10, 1, 50
-	noisenote 0, 13, 1, 34
-	noisenote 6, 10, 1, 50
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 0, 13, 1, 66
+	noise_note 4, 10, 1, 50
+	noise_note 0, 13, 1, 34
+	noise_note 6, 10, 1, 50
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/battle_20.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/battle_20.asm
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-	noisenote 12, 15, 1, 84
-	noisenote 8, 15, 1, 100
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 12, 15, 1, 84
+	noise_note 8, 15, 1, 100
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/battle_21.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/battle_21.asm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-	noisenote 2, 15, 1, 51
-	noisenote 2, 12, 1, 50
-	noisenote 2, 10, 1, 49
-	noisenote 15, 8, 2, 50
-	noisenote 8, 15, 1, 52
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 2, 15, 1, 51
+	noise_note 2, 12, 1, 50
+	noise_note 2, 10, 1, 49
+	noise_note 15, 8, 2, 50
+	noise_note 8, 15, 1, 52
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/battle_22.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/battle_22.asm
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-	noisenote 2, 13, 2, 50
-	noisenote 15, 15, 2, 67
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 2, 13, 2, 50
+	noise_note 15, 15, 2, 67
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/battle_23.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/battle_23.asm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-	noisenote 2, 15, 2, 67
-	noisenote 4, 11, 5, 50
-	noisenote 9, 8, 6, 49
-	noisenote 7, 6, 4, 0
-	noisenote 15, 15, 2, 85
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 2, 15, 2, 67
+	noise_note 4, 11, 5, 50
+	noise_note 9, 8, 6, 49
+	noise_note 7, 6, 4, 0
+	noise_note 15, 15, 2, 85
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/battle_24.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/battle_24.asm
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-	duty 1
-	pitchenvelope 9, 7
-	squarenote 15, 15, 2, 1792
-	pitchenvelope 0, 0
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 1
+	pitch_sweep 9, 7
+	square_note 15, 15, 2, 1792
+	pitch_sweep 0, 8
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 15, 3, -7, 34
-	noisenote 15, 15, 2, 33
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 15, 3, -7, 34
+	noise_note 15, 15, 2, 33
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/battle_25.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/battle_25.asm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-	noisenote 15, 4, -7, 65
-	noisenote 8, 8, -7, 65
-	noisenote 8, 12, -7, 65
-	noisenote 8, 15, 2, 66
-	noisenote 15, 15, 2, 65
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 15, 4, -7, 65
+	noise_note 8, 8, -7, 65
+	noise_note 8, 12, -7, 65
+	noise_note 8, 15, 2, 66
+	noise_note 15, 15, 2, 65
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/battle_26.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/battle_26.asm
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-	noisenote 10, 15, -7, 80
-	noisenote 15, 15, -7, 81
-	noisenote 8, 15, 2, 81
-	noisenote 6, 15, -7, 82
-	noisenote 6, 15, -7, 83
-	noisenote 8, 15, -7, 84
-	noisenote 15, 15, 2, 84
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 10, 15, -7, 80
+	noise_note 15, 15, -7, 81
+	noise_note 8, 15, 2, 81
+	noise_note 6, 15, -7, 82
+	noise_note 6, 15, -7, 83
+	noise_note 8, 15, -7, 84
+	noise_note 15, 15, 2, 84
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/battle_27.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/battle_27.asm
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
-	duty 2
-	squarenote 15, 3, -7, 1984
+	duty_cycle 2
+	square_note 15, 3, -7, 1984
-	squarenote 15, 13, -7, 1984
-	loopchannel 4, SFX_Battle_27_branch_2062a
-	squarenote 15, 13, 1, 1984
-	endchannel
+	square_note 15, 13, -7, 1984
+	sound_loop 4, SFX_Battle_27_branch_2062a
+	square_note 15, 13, 1, 1984
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 179
-	squarenote 15, 2, -7, 1992
+	duty_cycle_pattern 2, 3, 0, 3
+	square_note 15, 2, -7, 1992
-	squarenote 15, 12, -7, 1991
-	loopchannel 4, SFX_Battle_27_branch_2063d
-	squarenote 15, 12, 1, 1992
-	endchannel
+	square_note 15, 12, -7, 1991
+	sound_loop 4, SFX_Battle_27_branch_2063d
+	square_note 15, 12, 1, 1992
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 3, 9, 7, 18
-	noisenote 3, 10, 1, 17
-	loopchannel 10, SFX_Battle_27_Ch7
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 3, 9, 7, 18
+	noise_note 3, 10, 1, 17
+	sound_loop 10, SFX_Battle_27_Ch8
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/battle_28.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/battle_28.asm
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
-	duty 0
-	squarenote 0, 15, 1, 1984
-	squarenote 0, 15, 1, 1792
-	loopchannel 12, SFX_Battle_28_Ch4
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 0
+	square_note 0, 15, 1, 1984
+	square_note 0, 15, 1, 1792
+	sound_loop 12, SFX_Battle_28_Ch5
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 179
-	squarenote 0, 14, 1, 1985
-	squarenote 0, 14, 1, 1793
-	loopchannel 12, SFX_Battle_28_Ch5
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 2, 3, 0, 3
+	square_note 0, 14, 1, 1985
+	square_note 0, 14, 1, 1793
+	sound_loop 12, SFX_Battle_28_Ch6
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 1, 13, 1, 73
-	noisenote 1, 13, 1, 41
-	loopchannel 6, SFX_Battle_28_Ch7
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 1, 13, 1, 73
+	noise_note 1, 13, 1, 41
+	sound_loop 6, SFX_Battle_28_Ch8
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/battle_29.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/battle_29.asm
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
-	dutycycle 201
-	squarenote 11, 15, 3, 288
-	squarenote 9, 13, 3, 336
-	loopchannel 5, SFX_Battle_29_Ch4
-	squarenote 8, 14, 3, 304
-	squarenote 15, 12, 2, 272
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 0, 2, 1
+	square_note 11, 15, 3, 288
+	square_note 9, 13, 3, 336
+	sound_loop 5, SFX_Battle_29_Ch5
+	square_note 8, 14, 3, 304
+	square_note 15, 12, 2, 272
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 10, 15, 3, 53
-	noisenote 14, 15, 6, 69
-	loopchannel 4, SFX_Battle_29_Ch7
-	noisenote 12, 15, 4, 188
-	noisenote 12, 15, 5, 156
-	noisenote 15, 15, 4, 172
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 10, 15, 3, 53
+	noise_note 14, 15, 6, 69
+	sound_loop 4, SFX_Battle_29_Ch8
+	noise_note 12, 15, 4, 188
+	noise_note 12, 15, 5, 156
+	noise_note 15, 15, 4, 172
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/battle_2a.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/battle_2a.asm
@@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
-	dutycycle 57
-	squarenote 4, 15, 4, 1536
-	squarenote 3, 12, 4, 1280
-	squarenote 5, 11, 5, 1536
-	squarenote 13, 14, 2, 1728
-	loopchannel 3, SFX_Battle_2A_Ch4
-	squarenote 8, 13, 1, 1536
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 0, 3, 2, 1
+	square_note 4, 15, 4, 1536
+	square_note 3, 12, 4, 1280
+	square_note 5, 11, 5, 1536
+	square_note 13, 14, 2, 1728
+	sound_loop 3, SFX_Battle_2A_Ch5
+	square_note 8, 13, 1, 1536
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 141
-	squarenote 5, 14, 4, 1504
-	squarenote 4, 11, 4, 1248
-	squarenote 6, 10, 5, 1512
-	squarenote 14, 13, 1, 1696
-	loopchannel 3, SFX_Battle_2A_Ch5
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 2, 0, 3, 1
+	square_note 5, 14, 4, 1504
+	square_note 4, 11, 4, 1248
+	square_note 6, 10, 5, 1512
+	square_note 14, 13, 1, 1696
+	sound_loop 3, SFX_Battle_2A_Ch6
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 5, 12, 3, 51
-	noisenote 3, 9, 2, 67
-	noisenote 10, 11, 5, 51
-	noisenote 15, 12, 3, 50
-	loopchannel 2, SFX_Battle_2A_Ch7
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 5, 12, 3, 51
+	noise_note 3, 9, 2, 67
+	noise_note 10, 11, 5, 51
+	noise_note 15, 12, 3, 50
+	sound_loop 2, SFX_Battle_2A_Ch8
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/battle_2b.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/battle_2b.asm
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
-	dutycycle 210
-	squarenote 3, 8, 1, 768
-	squarenote 3, 12, 1, 1024
-	squarenote 3, 15, 1, 1280
-	squarenote 3, 11, 1, 1024
-	squarenote 3, 7, 1, 768
-	loopchannel 5, SFX_Battle_2B_Ch4
-	squarenote 8, 8, 1, 1024
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 1, 0, 2
+	square_note 3, 8, 1, 768
+	square_note 3, 12, 1, 1024
+	square_note 3, 15, 1, 1280
+	square_note 3, 11, 1, 1024
+	square_note 3, 7, 1, 768
+	sound_loop 5, SFX_Battle_2B_Ch5
+	square_note 8, 8, 1, 1024
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 3, 6, 2, 34
-	noisenote 3, 10, 2, 50
-	noisenote 3, 13, 2, 51
-	noisenote 3, 9, 2, 35
-	noisenote 3, 5, 2, 18
-	loopchannel 5, SFX_Battle_2B_Ch7
-	noisenote 8, 8, 1, 18
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 3, 6, 2, 34
+	noise_note 3, 10, 2, 50
+	noise_note 3, 13, 2, 51
+	noise_note 3, 9, 2, 35
+	noise_note 3, 5, 2, 18
+	sound_loop 5, SFX_Battle_2B_Ch8
+	noise_note 8, 8, 1, 18
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/battle_2c.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/battle_2c.asm
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
-	dutycycle 57
-	squarenote 15, 15, 4, 1280
-	squarenote 15, 12, 4, 1024
-	squarenote 15, 14, 2, 1472
-	loopchannel 3, SFX_Battle_2C_Ch4
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 0, 3, 2, 1
+	square_note 15, 15, 4, 1280
+	square_note 15, 12, 4, 1024
+	square_note 15, 14, 2, 1472
+	sound_loop 3, SFX_Battle_2C_Ch5
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 141
-	squarenote 7, 14, 4, 1072
-	squarenote 15, 11, 4, 816
-	squarenote 15, 10, 2, 1080
-	loopchannel 4, SFX_Battle_2C_Ch5
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 2, 0, 3, 1
+	square_note 7, 14, 4, 1072
+	square_note 15, 11, 4, 816
+	square_note 15, 10, 2, 1080
+	sound_loop 4, SFX_Battle_2C_Ch6
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 9, 15, 4, 68
-	noisenote 9, 15, 2, 67
-	noisenote 15, 15, 4, 66
-	noisenote 15, 15, 4, 65
-	loopchannel 3, SFX_Battle_2C_Ch7
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 9, 15, 4, 68
+	noise_note 9, 15, 2, 67
+	noise_note 15, 15, 4, 66
+	noise_note 15, 15, 4, 65
+	sound_loop 3, SFX_Battle_2C_Ch8
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/battle_2e.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/battle_2e.asm
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
-	duty 0
-	squarenote 2, 15, 1, 512
-	squarenote 3, 15, 1, 1792
-	squarenote 4, 15, 1, 1280
-	squarenote 5, 15, 1, 2032
-	loopchannel 8, SFX_Battle_2E_Ch4
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 0
+	square_note 2, 15, 1, 512
+	square_note 3, 15, 1, 1792
+	square_note 4, 15, 1, 1280
+	square_note 5, 15, 1, 2032
+	sound_loop 8, SFX_Battle_2E_Ch5
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 179
-	squarenote 2, 14, 1, 770
-	squarenote 3, 14, 1, 2034
-	squarenote 4, 14, 1, 1538
-	squarenote 5, 14, 1, 1794
-	loopchannel 8, SFX_Battle_2E_Ch5
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 2, 3, 0, 3
+	square_note 2, 14, 1, 770
+	square_note 3, 14, 1, 2034
+	square_note 4, 14, 1, 1538
+	square_note 5, 14, 1, 1794
+	sound_loop 8, SFX_Battle_2E_Ch6
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 2, 13, 3, 16
-	noisenote 3, 13, 3, 17
-	noisenote 2, 13, 2, 16
-	noisenote 5, 13, 2, 18
-	loopchannel 9, SFX_Battle_2E_Ch7
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 2, 13, 3, 16
+	noise_note 3, 13, 3, 17
+	noise_note 2, 13, 2, 16
+	noise_note 5, 13, 2, 18
+	sound_loop 9, SFX_Battle_2E_Ch8
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/battle_2f.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/battle_2f.asm
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
-	dutycycle 43
-	squarenote 3, 15, 1, 2032
-	squarenote 4, 15, 2, 512
-	loopchannel 8, SFX_Battle_2F_Ch4
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 0, 2, 2, 3
+	square_note 3, 15, 1, 2032
+	square_note 4, 15, 2, 512
+	sound_loop 8, SFX_Battle_2F_Ch5
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 179
-	squarenote 4, 14, 2, 514
-	squarenote 4, 14, 1, 2018
-	loopchannel 9, SFX_Battle_2F_Ch5
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 2, 3, 0, 3
+	square_note 4, 14, 2, 514
+	square_note 4, 14, 1, 2018
+	sound_loop 9, SFX_Battle_2F_Ch6
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 4, 15, -7, 67
-	noisenote 4, 15, 2, 68
-	loopchannel 9, SFX_Battle_2F_Ch7
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 4, 15, -7, 67
+	noise_note 4, 15, 2, 68
+	sound_loop 9, SFX_Battle_2F_Ch8
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/battle_31.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/battle_31.asm
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
-	duty 2
-	squarenote 15, 15, -7, 2016
-	squarenote 15, 15, -7, 2016
-	squarenote 15, 15, -7, 2016
-	squarenote 15, 15, -7, 2016
-	squarenote 15, 15, 2, 2016
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 2
+	square_note 15, 15, -7, 2016
+	square_note 15, 15, -7, 2016
+	square_note 15, 15, -7, 2016
+	square_note 15, 15, -7, 2016
+	square_note 15, 15, 2, 2016
+	sound_ret
-	duty 3
-	squarenote 15, 15, -7, 2018
-	squarenote 15, 15, -7, 2017
-	squarenote 15, 15, -7, 2018
-	squarenote 15, 15, -7, 2017
-	squarenote 15, 15, 2, 2018
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 3
+	square_note 15, 15, -7, 2018
+	square_note 15, 15, -7, 2017
+	square_note 15, 15, -7, 2018
+	square_note 15, 15, -7, 2017
+	square_note 15, 15, 2, 2018
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/battle_32.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/battle_32.asm
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-	duty 2
-	pitchenvelope 10, -7
-	squarenote 8, 15, 1, 1792
-	pitchenvelope 0, 0
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 2
+	pitch_sweep 10, -7
+	square_note 8, 15, 1, 1792
+	pitch_sweep 0, 8
+	sound_ret
-	duty 3
-	squarenote 8, 15, 1, 1793
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 3
+	square_note 8, 15, 1, 1793
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/battle_33.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/battle_33.asm
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
-	duty 2
-	squarenote 6, 15, 1, 1280
-	squarenote 6, 15, 1, 1408
-	squarenote 6, 15, 1, 1536
-	squarenote 6, 15, 1, 1664
-	squarenote 8, 15, 1, 1792
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 2
+	square_note 6, 15, 1, 1280
+	square_note 6, 15, 1, 1408
+	square_note 6, 15, 1, 1536
+	square_note 6, 15, 1, 1664
+	square_note 8, 15, 1, 1792
+	sound_ret
-	duty 3
-	squarenote 6, 14, 1, 1296
-	squarenote 6, 14, 1, 1424
-	squarenote 6, 14, 1, 1552
-	squarenote 6, 14, 1, 1680
-	squarenote 8, 14, 1, 1808
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 3
+	square_note 6, 14, 1, 1296
+	square_note 6, 14, 1, 1424
+	square_note 6, 14, 1, 1552
+	square_note 6, 14, 1, 1680
+	square_note 8, 14, 1, 1808
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/battle_34.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/battle_34.asm
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
-	dutycycle 237
-	squarenote 8, 15, -7, 1016
-	squarenote 15, 15, -7, 1024
-	squarenote 15, 15, 3, 1024
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 2, 3, 1
+	square_note 8, 15, -7, 1016
+	square_note 15, 15, -7, 1024
+	square_note 15, 15, 3, 1024
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 180
-	squarenote 8, 14, -7, 960
-	squarenote 15, 14, -7, 960
-	squarenote 15, 14, 3, 960
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 2, 3, 1, 0
+	square_note 8, 14, -7, 960
+	square_note 15, 14, -7, 960
+	square_note 15, 14, 3, 960
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 4, 15, -7, 81
-	noisenote 8, 15, -7, 84
-	noisenote 15, 15, -7, 85
-	noisenote 15, 15, 3, 86
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 4, 15, -7, 81
+	noise_note 8, 15, -7, 84
+	noise_note 15, 15, -7, 85
+	noise_note 15, 15, 3, 86
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/battle_35.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/battle_35.asm
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
-	executemusic
+	execute_music
 	vibrato 10, 2, 4
-	duty 2
-	notetype 10, 8, 7
+	duty_cycle 2
+	note_type 10, 8, 7
 	octave 5
-	G# 8
+	note G#, 8
 	octave 6
-	F# 4
-	E_ 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note E_, 4
 	octave 5
-	G# 8
-	endchannel
+	note G#, 8
+	sound_ret
-	executemusic
+	execute_music
 	vibrato 10, 2, 3
-	duty 2
-	notetype 11, 6, 7
+	duty_cycle 2
+	note_type 11, 6, 7
 	octave 5
-	G# 8
-	notetype 10, 6, 7
+	note G#, 8
+	note_type 10, 6, 7
 	octave 6
-	F# 4
-	E_ 4
+	note F#, 4
+	note E_, 4
 	octave 5
-	G# 8
-	endchannel
+	note G#, 8
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/battle_36.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/battle_36.asm
@@ -1,47 +1,47 @@
-	duty 0
-	squarenote 2, 15, 1, 1920
-	squarenote 2, 15, 1, 1792
-	squarenote 2, 15, 1, 1936
-	squarenote 2, 15, 1, 1792
-	squarenote 2, 15, 1, 1952
-	squarenote 2, 15, 1, 1792
-	squarenote 2, 15, 1, 1968
-	squarenote 2, 15, 1, 1792
-	squarenote 2, 15, 1, 1984
-	squarenote 2, 15, 1, 1792
-	squarenote 2, 15, 1, 2000
+	duty_cycle 0
+	square_note 2, 15, 1, 1920
+	square_note 2, 15, 1, 1792
+	square_note 2, 15, 1, 1936
+	square_note 2, 15, 1, 1792
+	square_note 2, 15, 1, 1952
+	square_note 2, 15, 1, 1792
+	square_note 2, 15, 1, 1968
+	square_note 2, 15, 1, 1792
+	square_note 2, 15, 1, 1984
+	square_note 2, 15, 1, 1792
+	square_note 2, 15, 1, 2000
-	squarenote 2, 15, 1, 1792
-	squarenote 2, 15, 1, 2016
-	loopchannel 12, SFX_Battle_36_branch_20930
-	squarenote 15, 15, 1, 1792
-	endchannel
+	square_note 2, 15, 1, 1792
+	square_note 2, 15, 1, 2016
+	sound_loop 12, SFX_Battle_36_branch_20930
+	square_note 15, 15, 1, 1792
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 179
-	squarenote 2, 15, 1, 1921
-	squarenote 2, 15, 1, 1793
-	squarenote 2, 15, 1, 1937
-	squarenote 2, 15, 1, 1793
-	squarenote 2, 15, 1, 1953
-	squarenote 2, 15, 1, 1793
-	squarenote 2, 15, 1, 1969
-	squarenote 2, 15, 1, 1793
-	squarenote 2, 15, 1, 1985
-	squarenote 2, 15, 1, 1793
-	squarenote 2, 15, 1, 2001
-	squarenote 2, 15, 1, 1793
-	squarenote 2, 15, 1, 2017
-	loopchannel 12, SFX_Battle_36_branch_20930
-	squarenote 15, 15, 1, 1793
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 2, 3, 0, 3
+	square_note 2, 15, 1, 1921
+	square_note 2, 15, 1, 1793
+	square_note 2, 15, 1, 1937
+	square_note 2, 15, 1, 1793
+	square_note 2, 15, 1, 1953
+	square_note 2, 15, 1, 1793
+	square_note 2, 15, 1, 1969
+	square_note 2, 15, 1, 1793
+	square_note 2, 15, 1, 1985
+	square_note 2, 15, 1, 1793
+	square_note 2, 15, 1, 2001
+	square_note 2, 15, 1, 1793
+	square_note 2, 15, 1, 2017
+	sound_loop 12, SFX_Battle_36_branch_20930
+	square_note 15, 15, 1, 1793
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 1, 13, 1, 73
-	noisenote 1, 13, 1, 41
-	loopchannel 26, SFX_Battle_36_Ch7
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 1, 13, 1, 73
+	noise_note 1, 13, 1, 41
+	sound_loop 26, SFX_Battle_36_Ch8
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/caught_mon.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/caught_mon.asm
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-	executemusic
+	execute_music
 	tempo 256
 	volume 7, 7
-	duty 3
-	toggleperfectpitch
-	notetype 6, 11, 2
+	duty_cycle 3
+	toggle_perfect_pitch
+	note_type 6, 11, 2
 	octave 3
-	E_ 2
-	F# 2
-	G# 2
-	G# 1
-	G# 1
-	B_ 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note G#, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C# 2
-	D# 2
-	D# 1
-	D# 1
-	notetype 6, 11, 5
-	E_ 8
-	endchannel
+	note C#, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note D#, 1
+	note D#, 1
+	note_type 6, 11, 5
+	note E_, 8
+	sound_ret
-	executemusic
-	duty 2
-	notetype 6, 12, 2
+	execute_music
+	duty_cycle 2
+	note_type 6, 12, 2
 	octave 4
-	G# 2
-	G# 1
-	G# 1
-	E_ 2
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	B_ 2
-	B_ 1
-	B_ 1
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 1
-	A_ 1
-	notetype 6, 12, 5
-	G# 8
-	endchannel
+	note G#, 2
+	note G#, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note E_, 2
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note B_, 2
+	note B_, 1
+	note B_, 1
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 1
+	note A_, 1
+	note_type 6, 12, 5
+	note G#, 8
+	sound_ret
-	executemusic
-	notetype 6, 1, 0
+	execute_music
+	note_type 6, 1, 0
 	octave 4
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 2
 	octave 5
-	C# 2
+	note C#, 2
 	rest 2
-	D# 2
+	note D#, 2
 	rest 2
-	F# 2
-	G_ 2
-	G# 4
-	endchannel
+	note F#, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note G#, 4
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/collision_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/collision_1.asm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-	duty 2
-	pitchenvelope 5, -2
-	squarenote 15, 15, 1, 768
-	pitchenvelope 0, 0
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 2
+	pitch_sweep 5, -2
+	square_note 15, 15, 1, 768
+	pitch_sweep 0, 8
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/collision_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/collision_3.asm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-	duty 2
-	pitchenvelope 5, -2
-	squarenote 15, 15, 1, 768
-	pitchenvelope 0, 0
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 2
+	pitch_sweep 5, -2
+	square_note 15, 15, 1, 768
+	pitch_sweep 0, 8
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry00_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry00_1.asm
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
-	dutycycle 245
-	squarenote 4, 15, 3, 1816
-	squarenote 15, 14, 5, 1944
-	squarenote 8, 9, 1, 1880
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 1, 1
+	square_note 4, 15, 3, 1816
+	square_note 15, 14, 5, 1944
+	square_note 8, 9, 1, 1880
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 160
-	squarenote 5, 11, 3, 1800
-	squarenote 15, 12, 5, 1928
-	squarenote 8, 7, 1, 1864
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 2, 2, 0, 0
+	square_note 5, 11, 3, 1800
+	square_note 15, 12, 5, 1928
+	square_note 8, 7, 1, 1864
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 3, 10, 1, 28
-	noisenote 14, 9, 4, 44
-	noisenote 8, 8, 1, 28
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 3, 10, 1, 28
+	noise_note 14, 9, 4, 44
+	noise_note 8, 8, 1, 28
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry00_2.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry00_2.asm
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
-	dutycycle 245
-	squarenote 4, 15, 3, 1816
-	squarenote 15, 14, 5, 1944
-	squarenote 8, 9, 1, 1880
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 1, 1
+	square_note 4, 15, 3, 1816
+	square_note 15, 14, 5, 1944
+	square_note 8, 9, 1, 1880
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 160
-	squarenote 5, 11, 3, 1800
-	squarenote 15, 12, 5, 1928
-	squarenote 8, 7, 1, 1864
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 2, 2, 0, 0
+	square_note 5, 11, 3, 1800
+	square_note 15, 12, 5, 1928
+	square_note 8, 7, 1, 1864
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 3, 10, 1, 28
-	noisenote 14, 9, 4, 44
-	noisenote 8, 8, 1, 28
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 3, 10, 1, 28
+	noise_note 14, 9, 4, 44
+	noise_note 8, 8, 1, 28
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry00_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry00_3.asm
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
-	dutycycle 245
-	squarenote 4, 15, 3, 1816
-	squarenote 15, 14, 5, 1944
-	squarenote 8, 9, 1, 1880
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 1, 1
+	square_note 4, 15, 3, 1816
+	square_note 15, 14, 5, 1944
+	square_note 8, 9, 1, 1880
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 160
-	squarenote 5, 11, 3, 1800
-	squarenote 15, 12, 5, 1928
-	squarenote 8, 7, 1, 1864
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 2, 2, 0, 0
+	square_note 5, 11, 3, 1800
+	square_note 15, 12, 5, 1928
+	square_note 8, 7, 1, 1864
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 3, 10, 1, 28
-	noisenote 14, 9, 4, 44
-	noisenote 8, 8, 1, 28
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 3, 10, 1, 28
+	noise_note 14, 9, 4, 44
+	noise_note 8, 8, 1, 28
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry01_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry01_1.asm
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
-	dutycycle 160
-	squarenote 4, 15, 3, 1536
-	squarenote 8, 13, 5, 1888
-	squarenote 3, 14, 2, 1824
-	squarenote 8, 13, 1, 1808
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 2, 2, 0, 0
+	square_note 4, 15, 3, 1536
+	square_note 8, 13, 5, 1888
+	square_note 3, 14, 2, 1824
+	square_note 8, 13, 1, 1808
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 90
-	squarenote 5, 11, 3, 1777
-	squarenote 7, 12, 5, 1874
-	squarenote 3, 10, 2, 1809
-	squarenote 8, 11, 1, 1537
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 1, 1, 2, 2
+	square_note 5, 11, 3, 1777
+	square_note 7, 12, 5, 1874
+	square_note 3, 10, 2, 1809
+	square_note 8, 11, 1, 1537
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 3, 10, 2, 60
-	noisenote 12, 9, 4, 44
-	noisenote 3, 8, 2, 28
-	noisenote 8, 7, 1, 44
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 3, 10, 2, 60
+	noise_note 12, 9, 4, 44
+	noise_note 3, 8, 2, 28
+	noise_note 8, 7, 1, 44
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry01_2.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry01_2.asm
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
-	dutycycle 160
-	squarenote 4, 15, 3, 1536
-	squarenote 8, 13, 5, 1888
-	squarenote 3, 14, 2, 1824
-	squarenote 8, 13, 1, 1808
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 2, 2, 0, 0
+	square_note 4, 15, 3, 1536
+	square_note 8, 13, 5, 1888
+	square_note 3, 14, 2, 1824
+	square_note 8, 13, 1, 1808
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 90
-	squarenote 5, 11, 3, 1777
-	squarenote 7, 12, 5, 1874
-	squarenote 3, 10, 2, 1809
-	squarenote 8, 11, 1, 1537
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 1, 1, 2, 2
+	square_note 5, 11, 3, 1777
+	square_note 7, 12, 5, 1874
+	square_note 3, 10, 2, 1809
+	square_note 8, 11, 1, 1537
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 3, 10, 2, 60
-	noisenote 12, 9, 4, 44
-	noisenote 3, 8, 2, 28
-	noisenote 8, 7, 1, 44
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 3, 10, 2, 60
+	noise_note 12, 9, 4, 44
+	noise_note 3, 8, 2, 28
+	noise_note 8, 7, 1, 44
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry01_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry01_3.asm
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
-	dutycycle 160
-	squarenote 4, 15, 3, 1536
-	squarenote 8, 13, 5, 1888
-	squarenote 3, 14, 2, 1824
-	squarenote 8, 13, 1, 1808
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 2, 2, 0, 0
+	square_note 4, 15, 3, 1536
+	square_note 8, 13, 5, 1888
+	square_note 3, 14, 2, 1824
+	square_note 8, 13, 1, 1808
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 90
-	squarenote 5, 11, 3, 1777
-	squarenote 7, 12, 5, 1874
-	squarenote 3, 10, 2, 1809
-	squarenote 8, 11, 1, 1537
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 1, 1, 2, 2
+	square_note 5, 11, 3, 1777
+	square_note 7, 12, 5, 1874
+	square_note 3, 10, 2, 1809
+	square_note 8, 11, 1, 1537
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 3, 10, 2, 60
-	noisenote 12, 9, 4, 44
-	noisenote 3, 8, 2, 28
-	noisenote 8, 7, 1, 44
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 3, 10, 2, 60
+	noise_note 12, 9, 4, 44
+	noise_note 3, 8, 2, 28
+	noise_note 8, 7, 1, 44
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry02_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry02_1.asm
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
-	duty 0
-	squarenote 8, 15, 5, 1152
-	squarenote 2, 14, 1, 1504
-	squarenote 8, 13, 1, 1500
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 0
+	square_note 8, 15, 5, 1152
+	square_note 2, 14, 1, 1504
+	square_note 8, 13, 1, 1500
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 165
-	squarenote 7, 9, 5, 1089
-	squarenote 2, 8, 1, 1313
-	squarenote 8, 6, 1, 1306
+	duty_cycle_pattern 2, 2, 1, 1
+	square_note 7, 9, 5, 1089
+	square_note 2, 8, 1, 1313
+	square_note 8, 6, 1, 1306
-	endchannel
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry02_2.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry02_2.asm
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
-	duty 0
-	squarenote 8, 15, 5, 1152
-	squarenote 2, 14, 1, 1504
-	squarenote 8, 13, 1, 1500
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 0
+	square_note 8, 15, 5, 1152
+	square_note 2, 14, 1, 1504
+	square_note 8, 13, 1, 1500
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 165
-	squarenote 7, 9, 5, 1089
-	squarenote 2, 8, 1, 1313
-	squarenote 8, 6, 1, 1306
+	duty_cycle_pattern 2, 2, 1, 1
+	square_note 7, 9, 5, 1089
+	square_note 2, 8, 1, 1313
+	square_note 8, 6, 1, 1306
-	endchannel
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry02_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry02_3.asm
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
-	duty 0
-	squarenote 8, 15, 5, 1152
-	squarenote 2, 14, 1, 1504
-	squarenote 8, 13, 1, 1500
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 0
+	square_note 8, 15, 5, 1152
+	square_note 2, 14, 1, 1504
+	square_note 8, 13, 1, 1500
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 165
-	squarenote 7, 9, 5, 1089
-	squarenote 2, 8, 1, 1313
-	squarenote 8, 6, 1, 1306
+	duty_cycle_pattern 2, 2, 1, 1
+	square_note 7, 9, 5, 1089
+	square_note 2, 8, 1, 1313
+	square_note 8, 6, 1, 1306
-	endchannel
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry03_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry03_1.asm
@@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
-	dutycycle 240
-	squarenote 4, 15, 7, 1544
-	squarenote 6, 14, 6, 1536
-	squarenote 6, 13, 7, 1520
-	squarenote 6, 12, 4, 1504
-	squarenote 5, 13, 3, 1472
-	squarenote 4, 13, 3, 1440
-	squarenote 8, 14, 1, 1408
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 0, 0
+	square_note 4, 15, 7, 1544
+	square_note 6, 14, 6, 1536
+	square_note 6, 13, 7, 1520
+	square_note 6, 12, 4, 1504
+	square_note 5, 13, 3, 1472
+	square_note 4, 13, 3, 1440
+	square_note 8, 14, 1, 1408
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 10
-	squarenote 4, 12, 7, 1284
-	squarenote 6, 10, 6, 1282
-	squarenote 6, 9, 7, 1265
-	squarenote 4, 11, 4, 1249
-	squarenote 5, 10, 3, 1218
-	squarenote 4, 11, 3, 1187
-	squarenote 8, 12, 1, 1154
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 0, 0, 2, 2
+	square_note 4, 12, 7, 1284
+	square_note 6, 10, 6, 1282
+	square_note 6, 9, 7, 1265
+	square_note 4, 11, 4, 1249
+	square_note 5, 10, 3, 1218
+	square_note 4, 11, 3, 1187
+	square_note 8, 12, 1, 1154
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 12, 14, 4, 76
-	noisenote 10, 12, 7, 92
-	noisenote 12, 11, 6, 76
-	noisenote 15, 10, 2, 92
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 12, 14, 4, 76
+	noise_note 10, 12, 7, 92
+	noise_note 12, 11, 6, 76
+	noise_note 15, 10, 2, 92
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry03_2.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry03_2.asm
@@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
-	dutycycle 240
-	squarenote 4, 15, 7, 1544
-	squarenote 6, 14, 6, 1536
-	squarenote 6, 13, 7, 1520
-	squarenote 6, 12, 4, 1504
-	squarenote 5, 13, 3, 1472
-	squarenote 4, 13, 3, 1440
-	squarenote 8, 14, 1, 1408
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 0, 0
+	square_note 4, 15, 7, 1544
+	square_note 6, 14, 6, 1536
+	square_note 6, 13, 7, 1520
+	square_note 6, 12, 4, 1504
+	square_note 5, 13, 3, 1472
+	square_note 4, 13, 3, 1440
+	square_note 8, 14, 1, 1408
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 10
-	squarenote 4, 12, 7, 1284
-	squarenote 6, 10, 6, 1282
-	squarenote 6, 9, 7, 1265
-	squarenote 4, 11, 4, 1249
-	squarenote 5, 10, 3, 1218
-	squarenote 4, 11, 3, 1187
-	squarenote 8, 12, 1, 1154
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 0, 0, 2, 2
+	square_note 4, 12, 7, 1284
+	square_note 6, 10, 6, 1282
+	square_note 6, 9, 7, 1265
+	square_note 4, 11, 4, 1249
+	square_note 5, 10, 3, 1218
+	square_note 4, 11, 3, 1187
+	square_note 8, 12, 1, 1154
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 12, 14, 4, 76
-	noisenote 10, 12, 7, 92
-	noisenote 12, 11, 6, 76
-	noisenote 15, 10, 2, 92
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 12, 14, 4, 76
+	noise_note 10, 12, 7, 92
+	noise_note 12, 11, 6, 76
+	noise_note 15, 10, 2, 92
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry03_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry03_3.asm
@@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
-	dutycycle 240
-	squarenote 4, 15, 7, 1544
-	squarenote 6, 14, 6, 1536
-	squarenote 6, 13, 7, 1520
-	squarenote 6, 12, 4, 1504
-	squarenote 5, 13, 3, 1472
-	squarenote 4, 13, 3, 1440
-	squarenote 8, 14, 1, 1408
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 0, 0
+	square_note 4, 15, 7, 1544
+	square_note 6, 14, 6, 1536
+	square_note 6, 13, 7, 1520
+	square_note 6, 12, 4, 1504
+	square_note 5, 13, 3, 1472
+	square_note 4, 13, 3, 1440
+	square_note 8, 14, 1, 1408
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 10
-	squarenote 4, 12, 7, 1284
-	squarenote 6, 10, 6, 1282
-	squarenote 6, 9, 7, 1265
-	squarenote 4, 11, 4, 1249
-	squarenote 5, 10, 3, 1218
-	squarenote 4, 11, 3, 1187
-	squarenote 8, 12, 1, 1154
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 0, 0, 2, 2
+	square_note 4, 12, 7, 1284
+	square_note 6, 10, 6, 1282
+	square_note 6, 9, 7, 1265
+	square_note 4, 11, 4, 1249
+	square_note 5, 10, 3, 1218
+	square_note 4, 11, 3, 1187
+	square_note 8, 12, 1, 1154
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 12, 14, 4, 76
-	noisenote 10, 12, 7, 92
-	noisenote 12, 11, 6, 76
-	noisenote 15, 10, 2, 92
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 12, 14, 4, 76
+	noise_note 10, 12, 7, 92
+	noise_note 12, 11, 6, 76
+	noise_note 15, 10, 2, 92
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry04_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry04_1.asm
@@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
-	dutycycle 240
-	squarenote 4, 15, 7, 1696
-	squarenote 8, 14, 6, 1700
-	squarenote 4, 13, 6, 1696
-	squarenote 12, 13, 3, 1568
-	squarenote 8, 12, 3, 1572
-	squarenote 4, 12, 2, 1568
-	squarenote 8, 11, 1, 1552
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 0, 0
+	square_note 4, 15, 7, 1696
+	square_note 8, 14, 6, 1700
+	square_note 4, 13, 6, 1696
+	square_note 12, 13, 3, 1568
+	square_note 8, 12, 3, 1572
+	square_note 4, 12, 2, 1568
+	square_note 8, 11, 1, 1552
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 90
-	squarenote 4, 14, 7, 1537
-	squarenote 8, 13, 6, 1539
-	squarenote 4, 12, 6, 1537
-	squarenote 12, 12, 3, 1409
-	squarenote 8, 11, 3, 1411
-	squarenote 4, 11, 2, 1410
-	squarenote 8, 10, 1, 1393
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 1, 1, 2, 2
+	square_note 4, 14, 7, 1537
+	square_note 8, 13, 6, 1539
+	square_note 4, 12, 6, 1537
+	square_note 12, 12, 3, 1409
+	square_note 8, 11, 3, 1411
+	square_note 4, 11, 2, 1410
+	square_note 8, 10, 1, 1393
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 7, 13, 6, 92
-	noisenote 8, 14, 6, 76
-	noisenote 4, 13, 4, 92
-	noisenote 4, 13, 4, 76
-	noisenote 7, 12, 3, 76
-	noisenote 8, 10, 1, 92
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 7, 13, 6, 92
+	noise_note 8, 14, 6, 76
+	noise_note 4, 13, 4, 92
+	noise_note 4, 13, 4, 76
+	noise_note 7, 12, 3, 76
+	noise_note 8, 10, 1, 92
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry04_2.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry04_2.asm
@@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
-	dutycycle 240
-	squarenote 4, 15, 7, 1696
-	squarenote 8, 14, 6, 1700
-	squarenote 4, 13, 6, 1696
-	squarenote 12, 13, 3, 1568
-	squarenote 8, 12, 3, 1572
-	squarenote 4, 12, 2, 1568
-	squarenote 8, 11, 1, 1552
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 0, 0
+	square_note 4, 15, 7, 1696
+	square_note 8, 14, 6, 1700
+	square_note 4, 13, 6, 1696
+	square_note 12, 13, 3, 1568
+	square_note 8, 12, 3, 1572
+	square_note 4, 12, 2, 1568
+	square_note 8, 11, 1, 1552
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 90
-	squarenote 4, 14, 7, 1537
-	squarenote 8, 13, 6, 1539
-	squarenote 4, 12, 6, 1537
-	squarenote 12, 12, 3, 1409
-	squarenote 8, 11, 3, 1411
-	squarenote 4, 11, 2, 1410
-	squarenote 8, 10, 1, 1393
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 1, 1, 2, 2
+	square_note 4, 14, 7, 1537
+	square_note 8, 13, 6, 1539
+	square_note 4, 12, 6, 1537
+	square_note 12, 12, 3, 1409
+	square_note 8, 11, 3, 1411
+	square_note 4, 11, 2, 1410
+	square_note 8, 10, 1, 1393
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 7, 13, 6, 92
-	noisenote 8, 14, 6, 76
-	noisenote 4, 13, 4, 92
-	noisenote 4, 13, 4, 76
-	noisenote 7, 12, 3, 76
-	noisenote 8, 10, 1, 92
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 7, 13, 6, 92
+	noise_note 8, 14, 6, 76
+	noise_note 4, 13, 4, 92
+	noise_note 4, 13, 4, 76
+	noise_note 7, 12, 3, 76
+	noise_note 8, 10, 1, 92
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry04_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry04_3.asm
@@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
-	dutycycle 240
-	squarenote 4, 15, 7, 1696
-	squarenote 8, 14, 6, 1700
-	squarenote 4, 13, 6, 1696
-	squarenote 12, 13, 3, 1568
-	squarenote 8, 12, 3, 1572
-	squarenote 4, 12, 2, 1568
-	squarenote 8, 11, 1, 1552
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 0, 0
+	square_note 4, 15, 7, 1696
+	square_note 8, 14, 6, 1700
+	square_note 4, 13, 6, 1696
+	square_note 12, 13, 3, 1568
+	square_note 8, 12, 3, 1572
+	square_note 4, 12, 2, 1568
+	square_note 8, 11, 1, 1552
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 90
-	squarenote 4, 14, 7, 1537
-	squarenote 8, 13, 6, 1539
-	squarenote 4, 12, 6, 1537
-	squarenote 12, 12, 3, 1409
-	squarenote 8, 11, 3, 1411
-	squarenote 4, 11, 2, 1410
-	squarenote 8, 10, 1, 1393
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 1, 1, 2, 2
+	square_note 4, 14, 7, 1537
+	square_note 8, 13, 6, 1539
+	square_note 4, 12, 6, 1537
+	square_note 12, 12, 3, 1409
+	square_note 8, 11, 3, 1411
+	square_note 4, 11, 2, 1410
+	square_note 8, 10, 1, 1393
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 7, 13, 6, 92
-	noisenote 8, 14, 6, 76
-	noisenote 4, 13, 4, 92
-	noisenote 4, 13, 4, 76
-	noisenote 7, 12, 3, 76
-	noisenote 8, 10, 1, 92
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 7, 13, 6, 92
+	noise_note 8, 14, 6, 76
+	noise_note 4, 13, 4, 92
+	noise_note 4, 13, 4, 76
+	noise_note 7, 12, 3, 76
+	noise_note 8, 10, 1, 92
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry05_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry05_1.asm
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-	dutycycle 10
-	squarenote 6, 14, 2, 1280
-	squarenote 6, 14, 3, 1408
-	squarenote 6, 13, 3, 1392
-	squarenote 8, 10, 1, 1376
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 0, 0, 2, 2
+	square_note 6, 14, 2, 1280
+	square_note 6, 14, 3, 1408
+	square_note 6, 13, 3, 1392
+	square_note 8, 10, 1, 1376
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 245
-	squarenote 6, 14, 2, 1154
-	squarenote 6, 13, 3, 1281
-	squarenote 6, 11, 2, 1250
-	squarenote 8, 8, 1, 1217
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 1, 1
+	square_note 6, 14, 2, 1154
+	square_note 6, 13, 3, 1281
+	square_note 6, 11, 2, 1250
+	square_note 8, 8, 1, 1217
-	endchannel
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry05_2.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry05_2.asm
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-	dutycycle 10
-	squarenote 6, 14, 2, 1280
-	squarenote 6, 14, 3, 1408
-	squarenote 6, 13, 3, 1392
-	squarenote 8, 10, 1, 1376
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 0, 0, 2, 2
+	square_note 6, 14, 2, 1280
+	square_note 6, 14, 3, 1408
+	square_note 6, 13, 3, 1392
+	square_note 8, 10, 1, 1376
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 245
-	squarenote 6, 14, 2, 1154
-	squarenote 6, 13, 3, 1281
-	squarenote 6, 11, 2, 1250
-	squarenote 8, 8, 1, 1217
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 1, 1
+	square_note 6, 14, 2, 1154
+	square_note 6, 13, 3, 1281
+	square_note 6, 11, 2, 1250
+	square_note 8, 8, 1, 1217
-	endchannel
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry05_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry05_3.asm
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-	dutycycle 10
-	squarenote 6, 14, 2, 1280
-	squarenote 6, 14, 3, 1408
-	squarenote 6, 13, 3, 1392
-	squarenote 8, 10, 1, 1376
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 0, 0, 2, 2
+	square_note 6, 14, 2, 1280
+	square_note 6, 14, 3, 1408
+	square_note 6, 13, 3, 1392
+	square_note 8, 10, 1, 1376
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 245
-	squarenote 6, 14, 2, 1154
-	squarenote 6, 13, 3, 1281
-	squarenote 6, 11, 2, 1250
-	squarenote 8, 8, 1, 1217
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 1, 1
+	square_note 6, 14, 2, 1154
+	square_note 6, 13, 3, 1281
+	square_note 6, 11, 2, 1250
+	square_note 8, 8, 1, 1217
-	endchannel
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry06_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry06_1.asm
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
-	dutycycle 250
-	squarenote 6, 8, 3, 583
-	squarenote 15, 6, 2, 550
-	squarenote 4, 5, 2, 581
-	squarenote 9, 6, 3, 518
-	squarenote 15, 8, 2, 549
-	squarenote 15, 4, 2, 519
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 2, 2
+	square_note 6, 8, 3, 583
+	square_note 15, 6, 2, 550
+	square_note 4, 5, 2, 581
+	square_note 9, 6, 3, 518
+	square_note 15, 8, 2, 549
+	square_note 15, 4, 2, 519
-	endchannel
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 8, 13, 4, 140
-	noisenote 4, 14, 2, 156
-	noisenote 15, 12, 6, 140
-	noisenote 8, 14, 4, 172
-	noisenote 15, 13, 7, 156
-	noisenote 15, 15, 2, 172
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 8, 13, 4, 140
+	noise_note 4, 14, 2, 156
+	noise_note 15, 12, 6, 140
+	noise_note 8, 14, 4, 172
+	noise_note 15, 13, 7, 156
+	noise_note 15, 15, 2, 172
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry06_2.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry06_2.asm
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
-	dutycycle 250
-	squarenote 6, 8, 3, 583
-	squarenote 15, 6, 2, 550
-	squarenote 4, 5, 2, 581
-	squarenote 9, 6, 3, 518
-	squarenote 15, 8, 2, 549
-	squarenote 15, 4, 2, 519
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 2, 2
+	square_note 6, 8, 3, 583
+	square_note 15, 6, 2, 550
+	square_note 4, 5, 2, 581
+	square_note 9, 6, 3, 518
+	square_note 15, 8, 2, 549
+	square_note 15, 4, 2, 519
-	endchannel
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 8, 13, 4, 140
-	noisenote 4, 14, 2, 156
-	noisenote 15, 12, 6, 140
-	noisenote 8, 14, 4, 172
-	noisenote 15, 13, 7, 156
-	noisenote 15, 15, 2, 172
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 8, 13, 4, 140
+	noise_note 4, 14, 2, 156
+	noise_note 15, 12, 6, 140
+	noise_note 8, 14, 4, 172
+	noise_note 15, 13, 7, 156
+	noise_note 15, 15, 2, 172
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry06_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry06_3.asm
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
-	dutycycle 250
-	squarenote 6, 8, 3, 583
-	squarenote 15, 6, 2, 550
-	squarenote 4, 5, 2, 581
-	squarenote 9, 6, 3, 518
-	squarenote 15, 8, 2, 549
-	squarenote 15, 4, 2, 519
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 2, 2
+	square_note 6, 8, 3, 583
+	square_note 15, 6, 2, 550
+	square_note 4, 5, 2, 581
+	square_note 9, 6, 3, 518
+	square_note 15, 8, 2, 549
+	square_note 15, 4, 2, 519
-	endchannel
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 8, 13, 4, 140
-	noisenote 4, 14, 2, 156
-	noisenote 15, 12, 6, 140
-	noisenote 8, 14, 4, 172
-	noisenote 15, 13, 7, 156
-	noisenote 15, 15, 2, 172
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 8, 13, 4, 140
+	noise_note 4, 14, 2, 156
+	noise_note 15, 12, 6, 140
+	noise_note 8, 14, 4, 172
+	noise_note 15, 13, 7, 156
+	noise_note 15, 15, 2, 172
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry07_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry07_1.asm
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
-	dutycycle 240
-	squarenote 4, 15, 3, 1760
-	squarenote 15, 14, 4, 1600
-	squarenote 8, 12, 1, 1568
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 0, 0
+	square_note 4, 15, 3, 1760
+	square_note 15, 14, 4, 1600
+	square_note 8, 12, 1, 1568
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 10
-	squarenote 3, 12, 3, 1667
-	squarenote 14, 11, 4, 1538
-	squarenote 8, 10, 1, 1537
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 0, 0, 2, 2
+	square_note 3, 12, 3, 1667
+	square_note 14, 11, 4, 1538
+	square_note 8, 10, 1, 1537
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 4, 13, 3, 92
-	noisenote 15, 14, 6, 76
-	noisenote 8, 11, 1, 92
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 4, 13, 3, 92
+	noise_note 15, 14, 6, 76
+	noise_note 8, 11, 1, 92
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry07_2.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry07_2.asm
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
-	dutycycle 240
-	squarenote 4, 15, 3, 1760
-	squarenote 15, 14, 4, 1600
-	squarenote 8, 12, 1, 1568
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 0, 0
+	square_note 4, 15, 3, 1760
+	square_note 15, 14, 4, 1600
+	square_note 8, 12, 1, 1568
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 10
-	squarenote 3, 12, 3, 1667
-	squarenote 14, 11, 4, 1538
-	squarenote 8, 10, 1, 1537
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 0, 0, 2, 2
+	square_note 3, 12, 3, 1667
+	square_note 14, 11, 4, 1538
+	square_note 8, 10, 1, 1537
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 4, 13, 3, 92
-	noisenote 15, 14, 6, 76
-	noisenote 8, 11, 1, 92
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 4, 13, 3, 92
+	noise_note 15, 14, 6, 76
+	noise_note 8, 11, 1, 92
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry07_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry07_3.asm
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
-	dutycycle 240
-	squarenote 4, 15, 3, 1760
-	squarenote 15, 14, 4, 1600
-	squarenote 8, 12, 1, 1568
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 0, 0
+	square_note 4, 15, 3, 1760
+	square_note 15, 14, 4, 1600
+	square_note 8, 12, 1, 1568
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 10
-	squarenote 3, 12, 3, 1667
-	squarenote 14, 11, 4, 1538
-	squarenote 8, 10, 1, 1537
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 0, 0, 2, 2
+	square_note 3, 12, 3, 1667
+	square_note 14, 11, 4, 1538
+	square_note 8, 10, 1, 1537
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 4, 13, 3, 92
-	noisenote 15, 14, 6, 76
-	noisenote 8, 11, 1, 92
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 4, 13, 3, 92
+	noise_note 15, 14, 6, 76
+	noise_note 8, 11, 1, 92
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry08_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry08_1.asm
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-	dutycycle 240
-	squarenote 15, 15, 6, 1381
-	squarenote 10, 14, 4, 1404
-	squarenote 3, 12, 2, 1372
-	squarenote 15, 11, 2, 1340
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 0, 0
+	square_note 15, 15, 6, 1381
+	square_note 10, 14, 4, 1404
+	square_note 3, 12, 2, 1372
+	square_note 15, 11, 2, 1340
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 90
-	squarenote 14, 13, 6, 1283
-	squarenote 9, 11, 4, 1307
-	squarenote 4, 9, 2, 1274
-	squarenote 15, 10, 2, 1243
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 1, 1, 2, 2
+	square_note 14, 13, 6, 1283
+	square_note 9, 11, 4, 1307
+	square_note 4, 9, 2, 1274
+	square_note 15, 10, 2, 1243
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 12, 14, 6, 76
-	noisenote 11, 13, 7, 92
-	noisenote 15, 12, 2, 76
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 12, 14, 6, 76
+	noise_note 11, 13, 7, 92
+	noise_note 15, 12, 2, 76
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry08_2.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry08_2.asm
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-	dutycycle 240
-	squarenote 15, 15, 6, 1381
-	squarenote 10, 14, 4, 1404
-	squarenote 3, 12, 2, 1372
-	squarenote 15, 11, 2, 1340
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 0, 0
+	square_note 15, 15, 6, 1381
+	square_note 10, 14, 4, 1404
+	square_note 3, 12, 2, 1372
+	square_note 15, 11, 2, 1340
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 90
-	squarenote 14, 13, 6, 1283
-	squarenote 9, 11, 4, 1307
-	squarenote 4, 9, 2, 1274
-	squarenote 15, 10, 2, 1243
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 1, 1, 2, 2
+	square_note 14, 13, 6, 1283
+	square_note 9, 11, 4, 1307
+	square_note 4, 9, 2, 1274
+	square_note 15, 10, 2, 1243
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 12, 14, 6, 76
-	noisenote 11, 13, 7, 92
-	noisenote 15, 12, 2, 76
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 12, 14, 6, 76
+	noise_note 11, 13, 7, 92
+	noise_note 15, 12, 2, 76
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry08_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry08_3.asm
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-	dutycycle 240
-	squarenote 15, 15, 6, 1381
-	squarenote 10, 14, 4, 1404
-	squarenote 3, 12, 2, 1372
-	squarenote 15, 11, 2, 1340
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 0, 0
+	square_note 15, 15, 6, 1381
+	square_note 10, 14, 4, 1404
+	square_note 3, 12, 2, 1372
+	square_note 15, 11, 2, 1340
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 90
-	squarenote 14, 13, 6, 1283
-	squarenote 9, 11, 4, 1307
-	squarenote 4, 9, 2, 1274
-	squarenote 15, 10, 2, 1243
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 1, 1, 2, 2
+	square_note 14, 13, 6, 1283
+	square_note 9, 11, 4, 1307
+	square_note 4, 9, 2, 1274
+	square_note 15, 10, 2, 1243
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 12, 14, 6, 76
-	noisenote 11, 13, 7, 92
-	noisenote 15, 12, 2, 76
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 12, 14, 6, 76
+	noise_note 11, 13, 7, 92
+	noise_note 15, 12, 2, 76
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry09_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry09_1.asm
@@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
-	dutycycle 240
-	squarenote 15, 15, 7, 1952
-	squarenote 6, 14, 6, 1955
-	squarenote 10, 15, 4, 1952
-	dutycycle 165
-	squarenote 10, 15, 6, 2008
-	squarenote 4, 14, 3, 2007
-	squarenote 15, 15, 2, 2008
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 0, 0
+	square_note 15, 15, 7, 1952
+	square_note 6, 14, 6, 1955
+	square_note 10, 15, 4, 1952
+	duty_cycle_pattern 2, 2, 1, 1
+	square_note 10, 15, 6, 2008
+	square_note 4, 14, 3, 2007
+	square_note 15, 15, 2, 2008
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 5
-	squarenote 2, 0, 8, 0
-	squarenote 15, 10, 7, 1697
-	squarenote 6, 8, 6, 1698
-	squarenote 10, 7, 4, 1697
-	dutycycle 95
-	squarenote 10, 7, 6, 1750
-	squarenote 4, 8, 3, 1753
-	squarenote 15, 10, 2, 1751
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 0, 0, 1, 1
+	square_note 2, 0, 8, 0
+	square_note 15, 10, 7, 1697
+	square_note 6, 8, 6, 1698
+	square_note 10, 7, 4, 1697
+	duty_cycle_pattern 1, 1, 3, 3
+	square_note 10, 7, 6, 1750
+	square_note 4, 8, 3, 1753
+	square_note 15, 10, 2, 1751
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 2, 15, 2, 60
-	noisenote 8, 14, 4, 62
-	noisenote 15, 13, 7, 60
-	noisenote 6, 12, 5, 59
-	noisenote 6, 14, 4, 61
-	noisenote 8, 11, 6, 60
-	noisenote 6, 13, 4, 61
-	noisenote 8, 12, 1, 59
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 2, 15, 2, 60
+	noise_note 8, 14, 4, 62
+	noise_note 15, 13, 7, 60
+	noise_note 6, 12, 5, 59
+	noise_note 6, 14, 4, 61
+	noise_note 8, 11, 6, 60
+	noise_note 6, 13, 4, 61
+	noise_note 8, 12, 1, 59
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry09_2.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry09_2.asm
@@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
-	dutycycle 240
-	squarenote 15, 15, 7, 1952
-	squarenote 6, 14, 6, 1955
-	squarenote 10, 15, 4, 1952
-	dutycycle 165
-	squarenote 10, 15, 6, 2008
-	squarenote 4, 14, 3, 2007
-	squarenote 15, 15, 2, 2008
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 0, 0
+	square_note 15, 15, 7, 1952
+	square_note 6, 14, 6, 1955
+	square_note 10, 15, 4, 1952
+	duty_cycle_pattern 2, 2, 1, 1
+	square_note 10, 15, 6, 2008
+	square_note 4, 14, 3, 2007
+	square_note 15, 15, 2, 2008
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 5
-	squarenote 2, 0, 8, 0
-	squarenote 15, 10, 7, 1697
-	squarenote 6, 8, 6, 1698
-	squarenote 10, 7, 4, 1697
-	dutycycle 95
-	squarenote 10, 7, 6, 1750
-	squarenote 4, 8, 3, 1753
-	squarenote 15, 10, 2, 1751
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 0, 0, 1, 1
+	square_note 2, 0, 8, 0
+	square_note 15, 10, 7, 1697
+	square_note 6, 8, 6, 1698
+	square_note 10, 7, 4, 1697
+	duty_cycle_pattern 1, 1, 3, 3
+	square_note 10, 7, 6, 1750
+	square_note 4, 8, 3, 1753
+	square_note 15, 10, 2, 1751
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 2, 15, 2, 60
-	noisenote 8, 14, 4, 62
-	noisenote 15, 13, 7, 60
-	noisenote 6, 12, 5, 59
-	noisenote 6, 14, 4, 61
-	noisenote 8, 11, 6, 60
-	noisenote 6, 13, 4, 61
-	noisenote 8, 12, 1, 59
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 2, 15, 2, 60
+	noise_note 8, 14, 4, 62
+	noise_note 15, 13, 7, 60
+	noise_note 6, 12, 5, 59
+	noise_note 6, 14, 4, 61
+	noise_note 8, 11, 6, 60
+	noise_note 6, 13, 4, 61
+	noise_note 8, 12, 1, 59
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry09_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry09_3.asm
@@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
-	dutycycle 240
-	squarenote 15, 15, 7, 1952
-	squarenote 6, 14, 6, 1955
-	squarenote 10, 15, 4, 1952
-	dutycycle 165
-	squarenote 10, 15, 6, 2008
-	squarenote 4, 14, 3, 2007
-	squarenote 15, 15, 2, 2008
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 0, 0
+	square_note 15, 15, 7, 1952
+	square_note 6, 14, 6, 1955
+	square_note 10, 15, 4, 1952
+	duty_cycle_pattern 2, 2, 1, 1
+	square_note 10, 15, 6, 2008
+	square_note 4, 14, 3, 2007
+	square_note 15, 15, 2, 2008
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 5
-	squarenote 2, 0, 8, 0
-	squarenote 15, 10, 7, 1697
-	squarenote 6, 8, 6, 1698
-	squarenote 10, 7, 4, 1697
-	dutycycle 95
-	squarenote 10, 7, 6, 1750
-	squarenote 4, 8, 3, 1753
-	squarenote 15, 10, 2, 1751
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 0, 0, 1, 1
+	square_note 2, 0, 8, 0
+	square_note 15, 10, 7, 1697
+	square_note 6, 8, 6, 1698
+	square_note 10, 7, 4, 1697
+	duty_cycle_pattern 1, 1, 3, 3
+	square_note 10, 7, 6, 1750
+	square_note 4, 8, 3, 1753
+	square_note 15, 10, 2, 1751
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 2, 15, 2, 60
-	noisenote 8, 14, 4, 62
-	noisenote 15, 13, 7, 60
-	noisenote 6, 12, 5, 59
-	noisenote 6, 14, 4, 61
-	noisenote 8, 11, 6, 60
-	noisenote 6, 13, 4, 61
-	noisenote 8, 12, 1, 59
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 2, 15, 2, 60
+	noise_note 8, 14, 4, 62
+	noise_note 15, 13, 7, 60
+	noise_note 6, 12, 5, 59
+	noise_note 6, 14, 4, 61
+	noise_note 8, 11, 6, 60
+	noise_note 6, 13, 4, 61
+	noise_note 8, 12, 1, 59
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry0a_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry0a_1.asm
@@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
-	dutycycle 240
-	squarenote 8, 15, 7, 1760
-	squarenote 6, 14, 6, 1765
-	squarenote 3, 15, 4, 1760
-	squarenote 3, 15, 6, 1744
-	squarenote 3, 14, 3, 1728
-	squarenote 4, 15, 2, 1712
-	squarenote 15, 10, 2, 1736
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 0, 0
+	square_note 8, 15, 7, 1760
+	square_note 6, 14, 6, 1765
+	square_note 3, 15, 4, 1760
+	square_note 3, 15, 6, 1744
+	square_note 3, 14, 3, 1728
+	square_note 4, 15, 2, 1712
+	square_note 15, 10, 2, 1736
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 5
-	squarenote 3, 0, 8, 0
-	squarenote 8, 10, 7, 1697
-	squarenote 6, 8, 6, 1699
-	squarenote 3, 7, 4, 1697
-	squarenote 3, 7, 6, 1681
-	squarenote 3, 8, 3, 1666
-	squarenote 4, 10, 2, 1649
-	squarenote 15, 7, 2, 1673
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 0, 0, 1, 1
+	square_note 3, 0, 8, 0
+	square_note 8, 10, 7, 1697
+	square_note 6, 8, 6, 1699
+	square_note 3, 7, 4, 1697
+	square_note 3, 7, 6, 1681
+	square_note 3, 8, 3, 1666
+	square_note 4, 10, 2, 1649
+	square_note 15, 7, 2, 1673
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 2, 15, 2, 60
-	noisenote 8, 14, 4, 62
-	noisenote 8, 13, 7, 60
-	noisenote 5, 12, 5, 59
-	noisenote 3, 13, 4, 44
-	noisenote 2, 11, 6, 60
-	noisenote 3, 10, 4, 44
-	noisenote 8, 9, 1, 60
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 2, 15, 2, 60
+	noise_note 8, 14, 4, 62
+	noise_note 8, 13, 7, 60
+	noise_note 5, 12, 5, 59
+	noise_note 3, 13, 4, 44
+	noise_note 2, 11, 6, 60
+	noise_note 3, 10, 4, 44
+	noise_note 8, 9, 1, 60
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry0a_2.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry0a_2.asm
@@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
-	dutycycle 240
-	squarenote 8, 15, 7, 1760
-	squarenote 6, 14, 6, 1765
-	squarenote 3, 15, 4, 1760
-	squarenote 3, 15, 6, 1744
-	squarenote 3, 14, 3, 1728
-	squarenote 4, 15, 2, 1712
-	squarenote 15, 10, 2, 1736
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 0, 0
+	square_note 8, 15, 7, 1760
+	square_note 6, 14, 6, 1765
+	square_note 3, 15, 4, 1760
+	square_note 3, 15, 6, 1744
+	square_note 3, 14, 3, 1728
+	square_note 4, 15, 2, 1712
+	square_note 15, 10, 2, 1736
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 5
-	squarenote 3, 0, 8, 0
-	squarenote 8, 10, 7, 1697
-	squarenote 6, 8, 6, 1699
-	squarenote 3, 7, 4, 1697
-	squarenote 3, 7, 6, 1681
-	squarenote 3, 8, 3, 1666
-	squarenote 4, 10, 2, 1649
-	squarenote 15, 7, 2, 1673
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 0, 0, 1, 1
+	square_note 3, 0, 8, 0
+	square_note 8, 10, 7, 1697
+	square_note 6, 8, 6, 1699
+	square_note 3, 7, 4, 1697
+	square_note 3, 7, 6, 1681
+	square_note 3, 8, 3, 1666
+	square_note 4, 10, 2, 1649
+	square_note 15, 7, 2, 1673
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 2, 15, 2, 60
-	noisenote 8, 14, 4, 62
-	noisenote 8, 13, 7, 60
-	noisenote 5, 12, 5, 59
-	noisenote 3, 13, 4, 44
-	noisenote 2, 11, 6, 60
-	noisenote 3, 10, 4, 44
-	noisenote 8, 9, 1, 60
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 2, 15, 2, 60
+	noise_note 8, 14, 4, 62
+	noise_note 8, 13, 7, 60
+	noise_note 5, 12, 5, 59
+	noise_note 3, 13, 4, 44
+	noise_note 2, 11, 6, 60
+	noise_note 3, 10, 4, 44
+	noise_note 8, 9, 1, 60
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry0a_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry0a_3.asm
@@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
-	dutycycle 240
-	squarenote 8, 15, 7, 1760
-	squarenote 6, 14, 6, 1765
-	squarenote 3, 15, 4, 1760
-	squarenote 3, 15, 6, 1744
-	squarenote 3, 14, 3, 1728
-	squarenote 4, 15, 2, 1712
-	squarenote 15, 10, 2, 1736
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 0, 0
+	square_note 8, 15, 7, 1760
+	square_note 6, 14, 6, 1765
+	square_note 3, 15, 4, 1760
+	square_note 3, 15, 6, 1744
+	square_note 3, 14, 3, 1728
+	square_note 4, 15, 2, 1712
+	square_note 15, 10, 2, 1736
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 5
-	squarenote 3, 0, 8, 0
-	squarenote 8, 10, 7, 1697
-	squarenote 6, 8, 6, 1699
-	squarenote 3, 7, 4, 1697
-	squarenote 3, 7, 6, 1681
-	squarenote 3, 8, 3, 1666
-	squarenote 4, 10, 2, 1649
-	squarenote 15, 7, 2, 1673
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 0, 0, 1, 1
+	square_note 3, 0, 8, 0
+	square_note 8, 10, 7, 1697
+	square_note 6, 8, 6, 1699
+	square_note 3, 7, 4, 1697
+	square_note 3, 7, 6, 1681
+	square_note 3, 8, 3, 1666
+	square_note 4, 10, 2, 1649
+	square_note 15, 7, 2, 1673
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 2, 15, 2, 60
-	noisenote 8, 14, 4, 62
-	noisenote 8, 13, 7, 60
-	noisenote 5, 12, 5, 59
-	noisenote 3, 13, 4, 44
-	noisenote 2, 11, 6, 60
-	noisenote 3, 10, 4, 44
-	noisenote 8, 9, 1, 60
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 2, 15, 2, 60
+	noise_note 8, 14, 4, 62
+	noise_note 8, 13, 7, 60
+	noise_note 5, 12, 5, 59
+	noise_note 3, 13, 4, 44
+	noise_note 2, 11, 6, 60
+	noise_note 3, 10, 4, 44
+	noise_note 8, 9, 1, 60
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry0b_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry0b_1.asm
@@ -1,37 +1,37 @@
-	dutycycle 204
-	squarenote 4, 15, 1, 1792
-	squarenote 4, 14, 1, 1920
-	squarenote 4, 13, 1, 1856
-	squarenote 4, 14, 1, 1856
-	squarenote 4, 15, 1, 1920
-	squarenote 4, 13, 1, 1792
-	squarenote 4, 15, 1, 1793
-	squarenote 4, 13, 1, 1922
-	squarenote 4, 12, 1, 1858
-	squarenote 8, 11, 1, 1857
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 0, 3, 0
+	square_note 4, 15, 1, 1792
+	square_note 4, 14, 1, 1920
+	square_note 4, 13, 1, 1856
+	square_note 4, 14, 1, 1856
+	square_note 4, 15, 1, 1920
+	square_note 4, 13, 1, 1792
+	square_note 4, 15, 1, 1793
+	square_note 4, 13, 1, 1922
+	square_note 4, 12, 1, 1858
+	square_note 8, 11, 1, 1857
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 68
-	squarenote 12, 0, 8, 0
-	squarenote 4, 15, 1, 1793
-	squarenote 4, 14, 1, 1922
-	squarenote 4, 13, 1, 1857
-	squarenote 4, 14, 1, 1857
-	squarenote 4, 15, 1, 1922
-	squarenote 8, 13, 1, 1793
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 1, 0, 1, 0
+	square_note 12, 0, 8, 0
+	square_note 4, 15, 1, 1793
+	square_note 4, 14, 1, 1922
+	square_note 4, 13, 1, 1857
+	square_note 4, 14, 1, 1857
+	square_note 4, 15, 1, 1922
+	square_note 8, 13, 1, 1793
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 15, 0, 8, 0
-	noisenote 4, 0, 8, 0
-	noisenote 4, 13, 1, 76
-	noisenote 4, 11, 1, 44
-	noisenote 4, 13, 1, 60
-	noisenote 4, 11, 1, 60
-	noisenote 4, 12, 1, 44
-	noisenote 8, 10, 1, 76
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 15, 0, 8, 0
+	noise_note 4, 0, 8, 0
+	noise_note 4, 13, 1, 76
+	noise_note 4, 11, 1, 44
+	noise_note 4, 13, 1, 60
+	noise_note 4, 11, 1, 60
+	noise_note 4, 12, 1, 44
+	noise_note 8, 10, 1, 76
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry0b_2.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry0b_2.asm
@@ -1,37 +1,37 @@
-	dutycycle 204
-	squarenote 4, 15, 1, 1792
-	squarenote 4, 14, 1, 1920
-	squarenote 4, 13, 1, 1856
-	squarenote 4, 14, 1, 1856
-	squarenote 4, 15, 1, 1920
-	squarenote 4, 13, 1, 1792
-	squarenote 4, 15, 1, 1793
-	squarenote 4, 13, 1, 1922
-	squarenote 4, 12, 1, 1858
-	squarenote 8, 11, 1, 1857
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 0, 3, 0
+	square_note 4, 15, 1, 1792
+	square_note 4, 14, 1, 1920
+	square_note 4, 13, 1, 1856
+	square_note 4, 14, 1, 1856
+	square_note 4, 15, 1, 1920
+	square_note 4, 13, 1, 1792
+	square_note 4, 15, 1, 1793
+	square_note 4, 13, 1, 1922
+	square_note 4, 12, 1, 1858
+	square_note 8, 11, 1, 1857
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 68
-	squarenote 12, 0, 8, 0
-	squarenote 4, 15, 1, 1793
-	squarenote 4, 14, 1, 1922
-	squarenote 4, 13, 1, 1857
-	squarenote 4, 14, 1, 1857
-	squarenote 4, 15, 1, 1922
-	squarenote 8, 13, 1, 1793
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 1, 0, 1, 0
+	square_note 12, 0, 8, 0
+	square_note 4, 15, 1, 1793
+	square_note 4, 14, 1, 1922
+	square_note 4, 13, 1, 1857
+	square_note 4, 14, 1, 1857
+	square_note 4, 15, 1, 1922
+	square_note 8, 13, 1, 1793
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 15, 0, 8, 0
-	noisenote 4, 0, 8, 0
-	noisenote 4, 13, 1, 76
-	noisenote 4, 11, 1, 44
-	noisenote 4, 13, 1, 60
-	noisenote 4, 11, 1, 60
-	noisenote 4, 12, 1, 44
-	noisenote 8, 10, 1, 76
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 15, 0, 8, 0
+	noise_note 4, 0, 8, 0
+	noise_note 4, 13, 1, 76
+	noise_note 4, 11, 1, 44
+	noise_note 4, 13, 1, 60
+	noise_note 4, 11, 1, 60
+	noise_note 4, 12, 1, 44
+	noise_note 8, 10, 1, 76
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry0b_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry0b_3.asm
@@ -1,37 +1,37 @@
-	dutycycle 204
-	squarenote 4, 15, 1, 1792
-	squarenote 4, 14, 1, 1920
-	squarenote 4, 13, 1, 1856
-	squarenote 4, 14, 1, 1856
-	squarenote 4, 15, 1, 1920
-	squarenote 4, 13, 1, 1792
-	squarenote 4, 15, 1, 1793
-	squarenote 4, 13, 1, 1922
-	squarenote 4, 12, 1, 1858
-	squarenote 8, 11, 1, 1857
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 0, 3, 0
+	square_note 4, 15, 1, 1792
+	square_note 4, 14, 1, 1920
+	square_note 4, 13, 1, 1856
+	square_note 4, 14, 1, 1856
+	square_note 4, 15, 1, 1920
+	square_note 4, 13, 1, 1792
+	square_note 4, 15, 1, 1793
+	square_note 4, 13, 1, 1922
+	square_note 4, 12, 1, 1858
+	square_note 8, 11, 1, 1857
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 68
-	squarenote 12, 0, 8, 0
-	squarenote 4, 15, 1, 1793
-	squarenote 4, 14, 1, 1922
-	squarenote 4, 13, 1, 1857
-	squarenote 4, 14, 1, 1857
-	squarenote 4, 15, 1, 1922
-	squarenote 8, 13, 1, 1793
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 1, 0, 1, 0
+	square_note 12, 0, 8, 0
+	square_note 4, 15, 1, 1793
+	square_note 4, 14, 1, 1922
+	square_note 4, 13, 1, 1857
+	square_note 4, 14, 1, 1857
+	square_note 4, 15, 1, 1922
+	square_note 8, 13, 1, 1793
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 15, 0, 8, 0
-	noisenote 4, 0, 8, 0
-	noisenote 4, 13, 1, 76
-	noisenote 4, 11, 1, 44
-	noisenote 4, 13, 1, 60
-	noisenote 4, 11, 1, 60
-	noisenote 4, 12, 1, 44
-	noisenote 8, 10, 1, 76
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 15, 0, 8, 0
+	noise_note 4, 0, 8, 0
+	noise_note 4, 13, 1, 76
+	noise_note 4, 11, 1, 44
+	noise_note 4, 13, 1, 60
+	noise_note 4, 11, 1, 60
+	noise_note 4, 12, 1, 44
+	noise_note 8, 10, 1, 76
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry0c_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry0c_1.asm
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
-	dutycycle 204
-	squarenote 8, 15, 5, 1536
-	squarenote 2, 13, 2, 1592
-	squarenote 2, 12, 2, 1584
-	squarenote 2, 12, 2, 1576
-	squarenote 2, 11, 2, 1568
-	squarenote 2, 11, 2, 1552
-	squarenote 2, 10, 2, 1560
-	squarenote 2, 11, 2, 1552
-	squarenote 8, 12, 1, 1568
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 0, 3, 0
+	square_note 8, 15, 5, 1536
+	square_note 2, 13, 2, 1592
+	square_note 2, 12, 2, 1584
+	square_note 2, 12, 2, 1576
+	square_note 2, 11, 2, 1568
+	square_note 2, 11, 2, 1552
+	square_note 2, 10, 2, 1560
+	square_note 2, 11, 2, 1552
+	square_note 8, 12, 1, 1568
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 68
-	squarenote 12, 12, 3, 1472
-	squarenote 3, 11, 1, 1529
-	squarenote 2, 10, 1, 1521
-	squarenote 2, 10, 1, 1513
-	squarenote 2, 9, 1, 1505
-	squarenote 2, 9, 1, 1497
-	squarenote 2, 8, 1, 1489
-	squarenote 2, 9, 1, 1497
-	squarenote 8, 9, 1, 1505
+	duty_cycle_pattern 1, 0, 1, 0
+	square_note 12, 12, 3, 1472
+	square_note 3, 11, 1, 1529
+	square_note 2, 10, 1, 1521
+	square_note 2, 10, 1, 1513
+	square_note 2, 9, 1, 1505
+	square_note 2, 9, 1, 1497
+	square_note 2, 8, 1, 1489
+	square_note 2, 9, 1, 1497
+	square_note 8, 9, 1, 1505
-	endchannel
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry0c_2.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry0c_2.asm
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
-	dutycycle 204
-	squarenote 8, 15, 5, 1536
-	squarenote 2, 13, 2, 1592
-	squarenote 2, 12, 2, 1584
-	squarenote 2, 12, 2, 1576
-	squarenote 2, 11, 2, 1568
-	squarenote 2, 11, 2, 1552
-	squarenote 2, 10, 2, 1560
-	squarenote 2, 11, 2, 1552
-	squarenote 8, 12, 1, 1568
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 0, 3, 0
+	square_note 8, 15, 5, 1536
+	square_note 2, 13, 2, 1592
+	square_note 2, 12, 2, 1584
+	square_note 2, 12, 2, 1576
+	square_note 2, 11, 2, 1568
+	square_note 2, 11, 2, 1552
+	square_note 2, 10, 2, 1560
+	square_note 2, 11, 2, 1552
+	square_note 8, 12, 1, 1568
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 68
-	squarenote 12, 12, 3, 1472
-	squarenote 3, 11, 1, 1529
-	squarenote 2, 10, 1, 1521
-	squarenote 2, 10, 1, 1513
-	squarenote 2, 9, 1, 1505
-	squarenote 2, 9, 1, 1497
-	squarenote 2, 8, 1, 1489
-	squarenote 2, 9, 1, 1497
-	squarenote 8, 9, 1, 1505
+	duty_cycle_pattern 1, 0, 1, 0
+	square_note 12, 12, 3, 1472
+	square_note 3, 11, 1, 1529
+	square_note 2, 10, 1, 1521
+	square_note 2, 10, 1, 1513
+	square_note 2, 9, 1, 1505
+	square_note 2, 9, 1, 1497
+	square_note 2, 8, 1, 1489
+	square_note 2, 9, 1, 1497
+	square_note 8, 9, 1, 1505
-	endchannel
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry0c_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry0c_3.asm
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
-	dutycycle 204
-	squarenote 8, 15, 5, 1536
-	squarenote 2, 13, 2, 1592
-	squarenote 2, 12, 2, 1584
-	squarenote 2, 12, 2, 1576
-	squarenote 2, 11, 2, 1568
-	squarenote 2, 11, 2, 1552
-	squarenote 2, 10, 2, 1560
-	squarenote 2, 11, 2, 1552
-	squarenote 8, 12, 1, 1568
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 0, 3, 0
+	square_note 8, 15, 5, 1536
+	square_note 2, 13, 2, 1592
+	square_note 2, 12, 2, 1584
+	square_note 2, 12, 2, 1576
+	square_note 2, 11, 2, 1568
+	square_note 2, 11, 2, 1552
+	square_note 2, 10, 2, 1560
+	square_note 2, 11, 2, 1552
+	square_note 8, 12, 1, 1568
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 68
-	squarenote 12, 12, 3, 1472
-	squarenote 3, 11, 1, 1529
-	squarenote 2, 10, 1, 1521
-	squarenote 2, 10, 1, 1513
-	squarenote 2, 9, 1, 1505
-	squarenote 2, 9, 1, 1497
-	squarenote 2, 8, 1, 1489
-	squarenote 2, 9, 1, 1497
-	squarenote 8, 9, 1, 1505
+	duty_cycle_pattern 1, 0, 1, 0
+	square_note 12, 12, 3, 1472
+	square_note 3, 11, 1, 1529
+	square_note 2, 10, 1, 1521
+	square_note 2, 10, 1, 1513
+	square_note 2, 9, 1, 1505
+	square_note 2, 9, 1, 1497
+	square_note 2, 8, 1, 1489
+	square_note 2, 9, 1, 1497
+	square_note 8, 9, 1, 1505
-	endchannel
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry0d_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry0d_1.asm
@@ -1,40 +1,40 @@
-	dutycycle 136
-	squarenote 5, 15, 2, 1616
-	squarenote 9, 13, 1, 1632
-	squarenote 5, 14, 2, 1554
-	squarenote 9, 12, 1, 1570
-	squarenote 5, 15, 2, 1552
-	squarenote 6, 13, 1, 1568
-	loopchannel 2, SFX_Cry0D_1_Ch4
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 2, 0, 2, 0
+	square_note 5, 15, 2, 1616
+	square_note 9, 13, 1, 1632
+	square_note 5, 14, 2, 1554
+	square_note 9, 12, 1, 1570
+	square_note 5, 15, 2, 1552
+	square_note 6, 13, 1, 1568
+	sound_loop 2, SFX_Cry0D_1_Ch5
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 64
-	squarenote 4, 0, 8, 0
-	squarenote 5, 15, 2, 1617
-	squarenote 9, 13, 1, 1633
-	squarenote 5, 14, 2, 1556
-	squarenote 8, 12, 1, 1572
-	squarenote 5, 15, 2, 1553
-	squarenote 12, 13, 1, 1569
-	squarenote 5, 14, 2, 1556
-	squarenote 8, 12, 1, 1572
-	squarenote 5, 15, 2, 1553
-	squarenote 4, 13, 1, 1569
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 1, 0, 0, 0
+	square_note 4, 0, 8, 0
+	square_note 5, 15, 2, 1617
+	square_note 9, 13, 1, 1633
+	square_note 5, 14, 2, 1556
+	square_note 8, 12, 1, 1572
+	square_note 5, 15, 2, 1553
+	square_note 12, 13, 1, 1569
+	square_note 5, 14, 2, 1556
+	square_note 8, 12, 1, 1572
+	square_note 5, 15, 2, 1553
+	square_note 4, 13, 1, 1569
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 6, 13, 2, 28
-	noisenote 9, 11, 1, 44
-	noisenote 8, 12, 2, 44
-	noisenote 9, 11, 1, 60
-	noisenote 6, 12, 2, 44
-	noisenote 9, 10, 2, 60
-	noisenote 7, 12, 2, 44
-	noisenote 5, 10, 1, 60
-	noisenote 9, 12, 2, 44
-	noisenote 4, 10, 1, 60
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 6, 13, 2, 28
+	noise_note 9, 11, 1, 44
+	noise_note 8, 12, 2, 44
+	noise_note 9, 11, 1, 60
+	noise_note 6, 12, 2, 44
+	noise_note 9, 10, 2, 60
+	noise_note 7, 12, 2, 44
+	noise_note 5, 10, 1, 60
+	noise_note 9, 12, 2, 44
+	noise_note 4, 10, 1, 60
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry0d_2.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry0d_2.asm
@@ -1,40 +1,40 @@
-	dutycycle 136
-	squarenote 5, 15, 2, 1616
-	squarenote 9, 13, 1, 1632
-	squarenote 5, 14, 2, 1554
-	squarenote 9, 12, 1, 1570
-	squarenote 5, 15, 2, 1552
-	squarenote 6, 13, 1, 1568
-	loopchannel 2, SFX_Cry0D_2_Ch4
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 2, 0, 2, 0
+	square_note 5, 15, 2, 1616
+	square_note 9, 13, 1, 1632
+	square_note 5, 14, 2, 1554
+	square_note 9, 12, 1, 1570
+	square_note 5, 15, 2, 1552
+	square_note 6, 13, 1, 1568
+	sound_loop 2, SFX_Cry0D_2_Ch5
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 64
-	squarenote 4, 0, 8, 0
-	squarenote 5, 15, 2, 1617
-	squarenote 9, 13, 1, 1633
-	squarenote 5, 14, 2, 1556
-	squarenote 8, 12, 1, 1572
-	squarenote 5, 15, 2, 1553
-	squarenote 12, 13, 1, 1569
-	squarenote 5, 14, 2, 1556
-	squarenote 8, 12, 1, 1572
-	squarenote 5, 15, 2, 1553
-	squarenote 4, 13, 1, 1569
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 1, 0, 0, 0
+	square_note 4, 0, 8, 0
+	square_note 5, 15, 2, 1617
+	square_note 9, 13, 1, 1633
+	square_note 5, 14, 2, 1556
+	square_note 8, 12, 1, 1572
+	square_note 5, 15, 2, 1553
+	square_note 12, 13, 1, 1569
+	square_note 5, 14, 2, 1556
+	square_note 8, 12, 1, 1572
+	square_note 5, 15, 2, 1553
+	square_note 4, 13, 1, 1569
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 6, 13, 2, 28
-	noisenote 9, 11, 1, 44
-	noisenote 8, 12, 2, 44
-	noisenote 9, 11, 1, 60
-	noisenote 6, 12, 2, 44
-	noisenote 9, 10, 2, 60
-	noisenote 7, 12, 2, 44
-	noisenote 5, 10, 1, 60
-	noisenote 9, 12, 2, 44
-	noisenote 4, 10, 1, 60
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 6, 13, 2, 28
+	noise_note 9, 11, 1, 44
+	noise_note 8, 12, 2, 44
+	noise_note 9, 11, 1, 60
+	noise_note 6, 12, 2, 44
+	noise_note 9, 10, 2, 60
+	noise_note 7, 12, 2, 44
+	noise_note 5, 10, 1, 60
+	noise_note 9, 12, 2, 44
+	noise_note 4, 10, 1, 60
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry0d_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry0d_3.asm
@@ -1,40 +1,40 @@
-	dutycycle 136
-	squarenote 5, 15, 2, 1616
-	squarenote 9, 13, 1, 1632
-	squarenote 5, 14, 2, 1554
-	squarenote 9, 12, 1, 1570
-	squarenote 5, 15, 2, 1552
-	squarenote 6, 13, 1, 1568
-	loopchannel 2, SFX_Cry0D_3_Ch4
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 2, 0, 2, 0
+	square_note 5, 15, 2, 1616
+	square_note 9, 13, 1, 1632
+	square_note 5, 14, 2, 1554
+	square_note 9, 12, 1, 1570
+	square_note 5, 15, 2, 1552
+	square_note 6, 13, 1, 1568
+	sound_loop 2, SFX_Cry0D_3_Ch5
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 64
-	squarenote 4, 0, 8, 0
-	squarenote 5, 15, 2, 1617
-	squarenote 9, 13, 1, 1633
-	squarenote 5, 14, 2, 1556
-	squarenote 8, 12, 1, 1572
-	squarenote 5, 15, 2, 1553
-	squarenote 12, 13, 1, 1569
-	squarenote 5, 14, 2, 1556
-	squarenote 8, 12, 1, 1572
-	squarenote 5, 15, 2, 1553
-	squarenote 4, 13, 1, 1569
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 1, 0, 0, 0
+	square_note 4, 0, 8, 0
+	square_note 5, 15, 2, 1617
+	square_note 9, 13, 1, 1633
+	square_note 5, 14, 2, 1556
+	square_note 8, 12, 1, 1572
+	square_note 5, 15, 2, 1553
+	square_note 12, 13, 1, 1569
+	square_note 5, 14, 2, 1556
+	square_note 8, 12, 1, 1572
+	square_note 5, 15, 2, 1553
+	square_note 4, 13, 1, 1569
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 6, 13, 2, 28
-	noisenote 9, 11, 1, 44
-	noisenote 8, 12, 2, 44
-	noisenote 9, 11, 1, 60
-	noisenote 6, 12, 2, 44
-	noisenote 9, 10, 2, 60
-	noisenote 7, 12, 2, 44
-	noisenote 5, 10, 1, 60
-	noisenote 9, 12, 2, 44
-	noisenote 4, 10, 1, 60
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 6, 13, 2, 28
+	noise_note 9, 11, 1, 44
+	noise_note 8, 12, 2, 44
+	noise_note 9, 11, 1, 60
+	noise_note 6, 12, 2, 44
+	noise_note 9, 10, 2, 60
+	noise_note 7, 12, 2, 44
+	noise_note 5, 10, 1, 60
+	noise_note 9, 12, 2, 44
+	noise_note 4, 10, 1, 60
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry0e_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry0e_1.asm
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-	dutycycle 165
-	squarenote 4, 14, 1, 1792
-	squarenote 4, 15, 2, 1920
-	squarenote 2, 9, 2, 1856
-	squarenote 8, 14, 1, 1536
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 2, 2, 1, 1
+	square_note 4, 14, 1, 1792
+	square_note 4, 15, 2, 1920
+	square_note 2, 9, 2, 1856
+	square_note 8, 14, 1, 1536
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 10
-	squarenote 4, 11, 1, 1761
-	squarenote 3, 12, 2, 1761
-	squarenote 3, 6, 2, 1665
-	squarenote 8, 11, 1, 1505
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 0, 0, 2, 2
+	square_note 4, 11, 1, 1761
+	square_note 3, 12, 2, 1761
+	square_note 3, 6, 2, 1665
+	square_note 8, 11, 1, 1505
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 2, 6, 1, 50
-	noisenote 2, 6, 1, 33
-	noisenote 8, 6, 1, 17
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 2, 6, 1, 50
+	noise_note 2, 6, 1, 33
+	noise_note 8, 6, 1, 17
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry0e_2.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry0e_2.asm
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-	dutycycle 165
-	squarenote 4, 14, 1, 1792
-	squarenote 4, 15, 2, 1920
-	squarenote 2, 9, 2, 1856
-	squarenote 8, 14, 1, 1536
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 2, 2, 1, 1
+	square_note 4, 14, 1, 1792
+	square_note 4, 15, 2, 1920
+	square_note 2, 9, 2, 1856
+	square_note 8, 14, 1, 1536
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 10
-	squarenote 4, 11, 1, 1761
-	squarenote 3, 12, 2, 1761
-	squarenote 3, 6, 2, 1665
-	squarenote 8, 11, 1, 1505
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 0, 0, 2, 2
+	square_note 4, 11, 1, 1761
+	square_note 3, 12, 2, 1761
+	square_note 3, 6, 2, 1665
+	square_note 8, 11, 1, 1505
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 2, 6, 1, 50
-	noisenote 2, 6, 1, 33
-	noisenote 8, 6, 1, 17
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 2, 6, 1, 50
+	noise_note 2, 6, 1, 33
+	noise_note 8, 6, 1, 17
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry0e_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry0e_3.asm
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-	dutycycle 165
-	squarenote 4, 14, 1, 1792
-	squarenote 4, 15, 2, 1920
-	squarenote 2, 9, 2, 1856
-	squarenote 8, 14, 1, 1536
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 2, 2, 1, 1
+	square_note 4, 14, 1, 1792
+	square_note 4, 15, 2, 1920
+	square_note 2, 9, 2, 1856
+	square_note 8, 14, 1, 1536
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 10
-	squarenote 4, 11, 1, 1761
-	squarenote 3, 12, 2, 1761
-	squarenote 3, 6, 2, 1665
-	squarenote 8, 11, 1, 1505
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 0, 0, 2, 2
+	square_note 4, 11, 1, 1761
+	square_note 3, 12, 2, 1761
+	square_note 3, 6, 2, 1665
+	square_note 8, 11, 1, 1505
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 2, 6, 1, 50
-	noisenote 2, 6, 1, 33
-	noisenote 8, 6, 1, 17
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 2, 6, 1, 50
+	noise_note 2, 6, 1, 33
+	noise_note 8, 6, 1, 17
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry0f_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry0f_1.asm
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
-	dutycycle 241
-	squarenote 4, 15, 7, 1984
-	squarenote 12, 14, 6, 1986
-	squarenote 6, 11, 5, 1664
-	squarenote 4, 12, 4, 1648
-	squarenote 4, 11, 5, 1632
-	squarenote 8, 12, 1, 1600
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 0, 1
+	square_note 4, 15, 7, 1984
+	square_note 12, 14, 6, 1986
+	square_note 6, 11, 5, 1664
+	square_note 4, 12, 4, 1648
+	square_note 4, 11, 5, 1632
+	square_note 8, 12, 1, 1600
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 204
-	squarenote 3, 12, 7, 1921
-	squarenote 12, 11, 6, 1920
-	squarenote 6, 10, 5, 1601
-	squarenote 4, 12, 4, 1586
-	squarenote 6, 11, 5, 1569
-	squarenote 8, 10, 1, 1538
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 0, 3, 0
+	square_note 3, 12, 7, 1921
+	square_note 12, 11, 6, 1920
+	square_note 6, 10, 5, 1601
+	square_note 4, 12, 4, 1586
+	square_note 6, 11, 5, 1569
+	square_note 8, 10, 1, 1538
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 3, 14, 4, 60
-	noisenote 12, 13, 6, 44
-	noisenote 4, 14, 4, 60
-	noisenote 8, 11, 7, 92
-	noisenote 15, 12, 2, 93
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 3, 14, 4, 60
+	noise_note 12, 13, 6, 44
+	noise_note 4, 14, 4, 60
+	noise_note 8, 11, 7, 92
+	noise_note 15, 12, 2, 93
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry0f_2.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry0f_2.asm
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
-	dutycycle 241
-	squarenote 4, 15, 7, 1984
-	squarenote 12, 14, 6, 1986
-	squarenote 6, 11, 5, 1664
-	squarenote 4, 12, 4, 1648
-	squarenote 4, 11, 5, 1632
-	squarenote 8, 12, 1, 1600
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 0, 1
+	square_note 4, 15, 7, 1984
+	square_note 12, 14, 6, 1986
+	square_note 6, 11, 5, 1664
+	square_note 4, 12, 4, 1648
+	square_note 4, 11, 5, 1632
+	square_note 8, 12, 1, 1600
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 204
-	squarenote 3, 12, 7, 1921
-	squarenote 12, 11, 6, 1920
-	squarenote 6, 10, 5, 1601
-	squarenote 4, 12, 4, 1586
-	squarenote 6, 11, 5, 1569
-	squarenote 8, 10, 1, 1538
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 0, 3, 0
+	square_note 3, 12, 7, 1921
+	square_note 12, 11, 6, 1920
+	square_note 6, 10, 5, 1601
+	square_note 4, 12, 4, 1586
+	square_note 6, 11, 5, 1569
+	square_note 8, 10, 1, 1538
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 3, 14, 4, 60
-	noisenote 12, 13, 6, 44
-	noisenote 4, 14, 4, 60
-	noisenote 8, 11, 7, 92
-	noisenote 15, 12, 2, 93
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 3, 14, 4, 60
+	noise_note 12, 13, 6, 44
+	noise_note 4, 14, 4, 60
+	noise_note 8, 11, 7, 92
+	noise_note 15, 12, 2, 93
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry0f_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry0f_3.asm
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
-	dutycycle 241
-	squarenote 4, 15, 7, 1984
-	squarenote 12, 14, 6, 1986
-	squarenote 6, 11, 5, 1664
-	squarenote 4, 12, 4, 1648
-	squarenote 4, 11, 5, 1632
-	squarenote 8, 12, 1, 1600
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 0, 1
+	square_note 4, 15, 7, 1984
+	square_note 12, 14, 6, 1986
+	square_note 6, 11, 5, 1664
+	square_note 4, 12, 4, 1648
+	square_note 4, 11, 5, 1632
+	square_note 8, 12, 1, 1600
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 204
-	squarenote 3, 12, 7, 1921
-	squarenote 12, 11, 6, 1920
-	squarenote 6, 10, 5, 1601
-	squarenote 4, 12, 4, 1586
-	squarenote 6, 11, 5, 1569
-	squarenote 8, 10, 1, 1538
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 0, 3, 0
+	square_note 3, 12, 7, 1921
+	square_note 12, 11, 6, 1920
+	square_note 6, 10, 5, 1601
+	square_note 4, 12, 4, 1586
+	square_note 6, 11, 5, 1569
+	square_note 8, 10, 1, 1538
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 3, 14, 4, 60
-	noisenote 12, 13, 6, 44
-	noisenote 4, 14, 4, 60
-	noisenote 8, 11, 7, 92
-	noisenote 15, 12, 2, 93
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 3, 14, 4, 60
+	noise_note 12, 13, 6, 44
+	noise_note 4, 14, 4, 60
+	noise_note 8, 11, 7, 92
+	noise_note 15, 12, 2, 93
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry10_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry10_1.asm
@@ -1,31 +1,31 @@
-	dutycycle 201
-	squarenote 8, 15, 7, 1664
-	squarenote 2, 15, 7, 1632
-	squarenote 1, 14, 7, 1600
-	squarenote 1, 14, 7, 1568
-	squarenote 15, 13, 1, 1536
-	squarenote 4, 12, 7, 1856
-	squarenote 4, 10, 7, 1840
-	squarenote 15, 9, 1, 1824
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 0, 2, 1
+	square_note 8, 15, 7, 1664
+	square_note 2, 15, 7, 1632
+	square_note 1, 14, 7, 1600
+	square_note 1, 14, 7, 1568
+	square_note 15, 13, 1, 1536
+	square_note 4, 12, 7, 1856
+	square_note 4, 10, 7, 1840
+	square_note 15, 9, 1, 1824
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 121
-	squarenote 10, 14, 7, 1666
-	squarenote 2, 14, 7, 1634
-	squarenote 1, 13, 7, 1602
-	squarenote 1, 13, 7, 1570
-	squarenote 15, 12, 1, 1538
-	squarenote 4, 11, 7, 1858
-	squarenote 2, 9, 7, 1842
-	squarenote 15, 8, 1, 1826
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 1, 3, 2, 1
+	square_note 10, 14, 7, 1666
+	square_note 2, 14, 7, 1634
+	square_note 1, 13, 7, 1602
+	square_note 1, 13, 7, 1570
+	square_note 15, 12, 1, 1538
+	square_note 4, 11, 7, 1858
+	square_note 2, 9, 7, 1842
+	square_note 15, 8, 1, 1826
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 4, 7, 4, 33
-	noisenote 4, 7, 4, 16
-	noisenote 4, 7, 1, 32
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 4, 7, 4, 33
+	noise_note 4, 7, 4, 16
+	noise_note 4, 7, 1, 32
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry10_2.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry10_2.asm
@@ -1,31 +1,31 @@
-	dutycycle 201
-	squarenote 8, 15, 7, 1664
-	squarenote 2, 15, 7, 1632
-	squarenote 1, 14, 7, 1600
-	squarenote 1, 14, 7, 1568
-	squarenote 15, 13, 1, 1536
-	squarenote 4, 12, 7, 1856
-	squarenote 4, 10, 7, 1840
-	squarenote 15, 9, 1, 1824
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 0, 2, 1
+	square_note 8, 15, 7, 1664
+	square_note 2, 15, 7, 1632
+	square_note 1, 14, 7, 1600
+	square_note 1, 14, 7, 1568
+	square_note 15, 13, 1, 1536
+	square_note 4, 12, 7, 1856
+	square_note 4, 10, 7, 1840
+	square_note 15, 9, 1, 1824
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 121
-	squarenote 10, 14, 7, 1666
-	squarenote 2, 14, 7, 1634
-	squarenote 1, 13, 7, 1602
-	squarenote 1, 13, 7, 1570
-	squarenote 15, 12, 1, 1538
-	squarenote 4, 11, 7, 1858
-	squarenote 2, 9, 7, 1842
-	squarenote 15, 8, 1, 1826
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 1, 3, 2, 1
+	square_note 10, 14, 7, 1666
+	square_note 2, 14, 7, 1634
+	square_note 1, 13, 7, 1602
+	square_note 1, 13, 7, 1570
+	square_note 15, 12, 1, 1538
+	square_note 4, 11, 7, 1858
+	square_note 2, 9, 7, 1842
+	square_note 15, 8, 1, 1826
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 4, 7, 4, 33
-	noisenote 4, 7, 4, 16
-	noisenote 4, 7, 1, 32
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 4, 7, 4, 33
+	noise_note 4, 7, 4, 16
+	noise_note 4, 7, 1, 32
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry10_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry10_3.asm
@@ -1,31 +1,31 @@
-	dutycycle 201
-	squarenote 8, 15, 7, 1664
-	squarenote 2, 15, 7, 1632
-	squarenote 1, 14, 7, 1600
-	squarenote 1, 14, 7, 1568
-	squarenote 15, 13, 1, 1536
-	squarenote 4, 12, 7, 1856
-	squarenote 4, 10, 7, 1840
-	squarenote 15, 9, 1, 1824
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 0, 2, 1
+	square_note 8, 15, 7, 1664
+	square_note 2, 15, 7, 1632
+	square_note 1, 14, 7, 1600
+	square_note 1, 14, 7, 1568
+	square_note 15, 13, 1, 1536
+	square_note 4, 12, 7, 1856
+	square_note 4, 10, 7, 1840
+	square_note 15, 9, 1, 1824
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 121
-	squarenote 10, 14, 7, 1666
-	squarenote 2, 14, 7, 1634
-	squarenote 1, 13, 7, 1602
-	squarenote 1, 13, 7, 1570
-	squarenote 15, 12, 1, 1538
-	squarenote 4, 11, 7, 1858
-	squarenote 2, 9, 7, 1842
-	squarenote 15, 8, 1, 1826
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 1, 3, 2, 1
+	square_note 10, 14, 7, 1666
+	square_note 2, 14, 7, 1634
+	square_note 1, 13, 7, 1602
+	square_note 1, 13, 7, 1570
+	square_note 15, 12, 1, 1538
+	square_note 4, 11, 7, 1858
+	square_note 2, 9, 7, 1842
+	square_note 15, 8, 1, 1826
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 4, 7, 4, 33
-	noisenote 4, 7, 4, 16
-	noisenote 4, 7, 1, 32
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 4, 7, 4, 33
+	noise_note 4, 7, 4, 16
+	noise_note 4, 7, 1, 32
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry11_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry11_1.asm
@@ -1,34 +1,34 @@
-	dutycycle 240
-	squarenote 6, 15, 7, 1952
-	squarenote 8, 14, 6, 1956
-	squarenote 4, 13, 6, 1952
-	squarenote 15, 13, 3, 1824
-	squarenote 8, 12, 3, 1827
-	squarenote 2, 12, 2, 1832
-	squarenote 8, 11, 1, 1840
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 0, 0
+	square_note 6, 15, 7, 1952
+	square_note 8, 14, 6, 1956
+	square_note 4, 13, 6, 1952
+	square_note 15, 13, 3, 1824
+	square_note 8, 12, 3, 1827
+	square_note 2, 12, 2, 1832
+	square_note 8, 11, 1, 1840
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 10
-	squarenote 4, 0, 8, 0
-	squarenote 6, 10, 7, 1857
-	squarenote 8, 8, 6, 1859
-	squarenote 4, 7, 6, 1857
-	squarenote 13, 8, 3, 1730
-	squarenote 7, 7, 3, 1729
-	squarenote 3, 8, 2, 1740
-	squarenote 8, 7, 1, 1752
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 0, 0, 2, 2
+	square_note 4, 0, 8, 0
+	square_note 6, 10, 7, 1857
+	square_note 8, 8, 6, 1859
+	square_note 4, 7, 6, 1857
+	square_note 13, 8, 3, 1730
+	square_note 7, 7, 3, 1729
+	square_note 3, 8, 2, 1740
+	square_note 8, 7, 1, 1752
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 2, 15, 2, 76
-	noisenote 6, 14, 6, 58
-	noisenote 4, 13, 7, 58
-	noisenote 6, 13, 6, 44
-	noisenote 8, 14, 5, 60
-	noisenote 12, 13, 2, 61
-	noisenote 8, 13, 1, 44
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 2, 15, 2, 76
+	noise_note 6, 14, 6, 58
+	noise_note 4, 13, 7, 58
+	noise_note 6, 13, 6, 44
+	noise_note 8, 14, 5, 60
+	noise_note 12, 13, 2, 61
+	noise_note 8, 13, 1, 44
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry11_2.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry11_2.asm
@@ -1,34 +1,34 @@
-	dutycycle 240
-	squarenote 6, 15, 7, 1952
-	squarenote 8, 14, 6, 1956
-	squarenote 4, 13, 6, 1952
-	squarenote 15, 13, 3, 1824
-	squarenote 8, 12, 3, 1827
-	squarenote 2, 12, 2, 1832
-	squarenote 8, 11, 1, 1840
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 0, 0
+	square_note 6, 15, 7, 1952
+	square_note 8, 14, 6, 1956
+	square_note 4, 13, 6, 1952
+	square_note 15, 13, 3, 1824
+	square_note 8, 12, 3, 1827
+	square_note 2, 12, 2, 1832
+	square_note 8, 11, 1, 1840
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 10
-	squarenote 4, 0, 8, 0
-	squarenote 6, 10, 7, 1857
-	squarenote 8, 8, 6, 1859
-	squarenote 4, 7, 6, 1857
-	squarenote 13, 8, 3, 1730
-	squarenote 7, 7, 3, 1729
-	squarenote 3, 8, 2, 1740
-	squarenote 8, 7, 1, 1752
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 0, 0, 2, 2
+	square_note 4, 0, 8, 0
+	square_note 6, 10, 7, 1857
+	square_note 8, 8, 6, 1859
+	square_note 4, 7, 6, 1857
+	square_note 13, 8, 3, 1730
+	square_note 7, 7, 3, 1729
+	square_note 3, 8, 2, 1740
+	square_note 8, 7, 1, 1752
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 2, 15, 2, 76
-	noisenote 6, 14, 6, 58
-	noisenote 4, 13, 7, 58
-	noisenote 6, 13, 6, 44
-	noisenote 8, 14, 5, 60
-	noisenote 12, 13, 2, 61
-	noisenote 8, 13, 1, 44
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 2, 15, 2, 76
+	noise_note 6, 14, 6, 58
+	noise_note 4, 13, 7, 58
+	noise_note 6, 13, 6, 44
+	noise_note 8, 14, 5, 60
+	noise_note 12, 13, 2, 61
+	noise_note 8, 13, 1, 44
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry11_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry11_3.asm
@@ -1,34 +1,34 @@
-	dutycycle 240
-	squarenote 6, 15, 7, 1952
-	squarenote 8, 14, 6, 1956
-	squarenote 4, 13, 6, 1952
-	squarenote 15, 13, 3, 1824
-	squarenote 8, 12, 3, 1827
-	squarenote 2, 12, 2, 1832
-	squarenote 8, 11, 1, 1840
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 0, 0
+	square_note 6, 15, 7, 1952
+	square_note 8, 14, 6, 1956
+	square_note 4, 13, 6, 1952
+	square_note 15, 13, 3, 1824
+	square_note 8, 12, 3, 1827
+	square_note 2, 12, 2, 1832
+	square_note 8, 11, 1, 1840
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 10
-	squarenote 4, 0, 8, 0
-	squarenote 6, 10, 7, 1857
-	squarenote 8, 8, 6, 1859
-	squarenote 4, 7, 6, 1857
-	squarenote 13, 8, 3, 1730
-	squarenote 7, 7, 3, 1729
-	squarenote 3, 8, 2, 1740
-	squarenote 8, 7, 1, 1752
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 0, 0, 2, 2
+	square_note 4, 0, 8, 0
+	square_note 6, 10, 7, 1857
+	square_note 8, 8, 6, 1859
+	square_note 4, 7, 6, 1857
+	square_note 13, 8, 3, 1730
+	square_note 7, 7, 3, 1729
+	square_note 3, 8, 2, 1740
+	square_note 8, 7, 1, 1752
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 2, 15, 2, 76
-	noisenote 6, 14, 6, 58
-	noisenote 4, 13, 7, 58
-	noisenote 6, 13, 6, 44
-	noisenote 8, 14, 5, 60
-	noisenote 12, 13, 2, 61
-	noisenote 8, 13, 1, 44
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 2, 15, 2, 76
+	noise_note 6, 14, 6, 58
+	noise_note 4, 13, 7, 58
+	noise_note 6, 13, 6, 44
+	noise_note 8, 14, 5, 60
+	noise_note 12, 13, 2, 61
+	noise_note 8, 13, 1, 44
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry12_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry12_1.asm
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
-	dutycycle 165
-	squarenote 12, 15, 2, 1088
-	squarenote 15, 14, 3, 1184
-	squarenote 4, 13, 2, 1168
-	squarenote 8, 13, 1, 1152
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 2, 2, 1, 1
+	square_note 12, 15, 2, 1088
+	square_note 15, 14, 3, 1184
+	square_note 4, 13, 2, 1168
+	square_note 8, 13, 1, 1152
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 238
-	squarenote 11, 13, 2, 1080
-	squarenote 14, 12, 6, 1176
-	squarenote 3, 11, 2, 1160
-	squarenote 8, 11, 1, 1144
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 2, 3, 2
+	square_note 11, 13, 2, 1080
+	square_note 14, 12, 6, 1176
+	square_note 3, 11, 2, 1160
+	square_note 8, 11, 1, 1144
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 10, 14, 6, 108
-	noisenote 15, 13, 2, 92
-	noisenote 3, 12, 2, 108
-	noisenote 8, 13, 1, 92
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 10, 14, 6, 108
+	noise_note 15, 13, 2, 92
+	noise_note 3, 12, 2, 108
+	noise_note 8, 13, 1, 92
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry12_2.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry12_2.asm
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
-	dutycycle 165
-	squarenote 12, 15, 2, 1088
-	squarenote 15, 14, 3, 1184
-	squarenote 4, 13, 2, 1168
-	squarenote 8, 13, 1, 1152
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 2, 2, 1, 1
+	square_note 12, 15, 2, 1088
+	square_note 15, 14, 3, 1184
+	square_note 4, 13, 2, 1168
+	square_note 8, 13, 1, 1152
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 238
-	squarenote 11, 13, 2, 1080
-	squarenote 14, 12, 6, 1176
-	squarenote 3, 11, 2, 1160
-	squarenote 8, 11, 1, 1144
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 2, 3, 2
+	square_note 11, 13, 2, 1080
+	square_note 14, 12, 6, 1176
+	square_note 3, 11, 2, 1160
+	square_note 8, 11, 1, 1144
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 10, 14, 6, 108
-	noisenote 15, 13, 2, 92
-	noisenote 3, 12, 2, 108
-	noisenote 8, 13, 1, 92
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 10, 14, 6, 108
+	noise_note 15, 13, 2, 92
+	noise_note 3, 12, 2, 108
+	noise_note 8, 13, 1, 92
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry12_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry12_3.asm
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
-	dutycycle 165
-	squarenote 12, 15, 2, 1088
-	squarenote 15, 14, 3, 1184
-	squarenote 4, 13, 2, 1168
-	squarenote 8, 13, 1, 1152
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 2, 2, 1, 1
+	square_note 12, 15, 2, 1088
+	square_note 15, 14, 3, 1184
+	square_note 4, 13, 2, 1168
+	square_note 8, 13, 1, 1152
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 238
-	squarenote 11, 13, 2, 1080
-	squarenote 14, 12, 6, 1176
-	squarenote 3, 11, 2, 1160
-	squarenote 8, 11, 1, 1144
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 2, 3, 2
+	square_note 11, 13, 2, 1080
+	square_note 14, 12, 6, 1176
+	square_note 3, 11, 2, 1160
+	square_note 8, 11, 1, 1144
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 10, 14, 6, 108
-	noisenote 15, 13, 2, 92
-	noisenote 3, 12, 2, 108
-	noisenote 8, 13, 1, 92
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 10, 14, 6, 108
+	noise_note 15, 13, 2, 92
+	noise_note 3, 12, 2, 108
+	noise_note 8, 13, 1, 92
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry13_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry13_1.asm
@@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
-	dutycycle 51
-	squarenote 15, 15, 6, 1472
-	squarenote 8, 14, 3, 1468
-	squarenote 6, 13, 2, 1488
-	squarenote 6, 11, 2, 1504
-	squarenote 6, 12, 2, 1520
-	squarenote 8, 11, 1, 1536
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 0, 3, 0, 3
+	square_note 15, 15, 6, 1472
+	square_note 8, 14, 3, 1468
+	square_note 6, 13, 2, 1488
+	square_note 6, 11, 2, 1504
+	square_note 6, 12, 2, 1520
+	square_note 8, 11, 1, 1536
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 153
-	squarenote 14, 12, 6, 1201
-	squarenote 7, 12, 3, 1197
-	squarenote 5, 11, 2, 1217
-	squarenote 8, 9, 2, 1233
-	squarenote 6, 10, 2, 1249
-	squarenote 8, 9, 1, 1265
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 2, 1, 2, 1
+	square_note 14, 12, 6, 1201
+	square_note 7, 12, 3, 1197
+	square_note 5, 11, 2, 1217
+	square_note 8, 9, 2, 1233
+	square_note 6, 10, 2, 1249
+	square_note 8, 9, 1, 1265
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 10, 14, 6, 92
-	noisenote 10, 13, 6, 108
-	noisenote 4, 12, 2, 76
-	noisenote 6, 13, 3, 92
-	noisenote 8, 11, 3, 76
-	noisenote 8, 10, 1, 92
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 10, 14, 6, 92
+	noise_note 10, 13, 6, 108
+	noise_note 4, 12, 2, 76
+	noise_note 6, 13, 3, 92
+	noise_note 8, 11, 3, 76
+	noise_note 8, 10, 1, 92
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry13_2.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry13_2.asm
@@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
-	dutycycle 51
-	squarenote 15, 15, 6, 1472
-	squarenote 8, 14, 3, 1468
-	squarenote 6, 13, 2, 1488
-	squarenote 6, 11, 2, 1504
-	squarenote 6, 12, 2, 1520
-	squarenote 8, 11, 1, 1536
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 0, 3, 0, 3
+	square_note 15, 15, 6, 1472
+	square_note 8, 14, 3, 1468
+	square_note 6, 13, 2, 1488
+	square_note 6, 11, 2, 1504
+	square_note 6, 12, 2, 1520
+	square_note 8, 11, 1, 1536
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 153
-	squarenote 14, 12, 6, 1201
-	squarenote 7, 12, 3, 1197
-	squarenote 5, 11, 2, 1217
-	squarenote 8, 9, 2, 1233
-	squarenote 6, 10, 2, 1249
-	squarenote 8, 9, 1, 1265
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 2, 1, 2, 1
+	square_note 14, 12, 6, 1201
+	square_note 7, 12, 3, 1197
+	square_note 5, 11, 2, 1217
+	square_note 8, 9, 2, 1233
+	square_note 6, 10, 2, 1249
+	square_note 8, 9, 1, 1265
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 10, 14, 6, 92
-	noisenote 10, 13, 6, 108
-	noisenote 4, 12, 2, 76
-	noisenote 6, 13, 3, 92
-	noisenote 8, 11, 3, 76
-	noisenote 8, 10, 1, 92
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 10, 14, 6, 92
+	noise_note 10, 13, 6, 108
+	noise_note 4, 12, 2, 76
+	noise_note 6, 13, 3, 92
+	noise_note 8, 11, 3, 76
+	noise_note 8, 10, 1, 92
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry13_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry13_3.asm
@@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
-	dutycycle 51
-	squarenote 15, 15, 6, 1472
-	squarenote 8, 14, 3, 1468
-	squarenote 6, 13, 2, 1488
-	squarenote 6, 11, 2, 1504
-	squarenote 6, 12, 2, 1520
-	squarenote 8, 11, 1, 1536
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 0, 3, 0, 3
+	square_note 15, 15, 6, 1472
+	square_note 8, 14, 3, 1468
+	square_note 6, 13, 2, 1488
+	square_note 6, 11, 2, 1504
+	square_note 6, 12, 2, 1520
+	square_note 8, 11, 1, 1536
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 153
-	squarenote 14, 12, 6, 1201
-	squarenote 7, 12, 3, 1197
-	squarenote 5, 11, 2, 1217
-	squarenote 8, 9, 2, 1233
-	squarenote 6, 10, 2, 1249
-	squarenote 8, 9, 1, 1265
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 2, 1, 2, 1
+	square_note 14, 12, 6, 1201
+	square_note 7, 12, 3, 1197
+	square_note 5, 11, 2, 1217
+	square_note 8, 9, 2, 1233
+	square_note 6, 10, 2, 1249
+	square_note 8, 9, 1, 1265
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 10, 14, 6, 92
-	noisenote 10, 13, 6, 108
-	noisenote 4, 12, 2, 76
-	noisenote 6, 13, 3, 92
-	noisenote 8, 11, 3, 76
-	noisenote 8, 10, 1, 92
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 10, 14, 6, 92
+	noise_note 10, 13, 6, 108
+	noise_note 4, 12, 2, 76
+	noise_note 6, 13, 3, 92
+	noise_note 8, 11, 3, 76
+	noise_note 8, 10, 1, 92
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry14_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry14_1.asm
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
-	dutycycle 240
-	squarenote 8, 14, 4, 1936
-	squarenote 15, 15, 5, 1984
-	squarenote 8, 13, 1, 2008
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 0, 0
+	square_note 8, 14, 4, 1936
+	square_note 15, 15, 5, 1984
+	square_note 8, 13, 1, 2008
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 165
-	squarenote 10, 12, 4, 1905
-	squarenote 15, 11, 6, 1954
-	squarenote 8, 10, 1, 1975
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 2, 2, 1, 1
+	square_note 10, 12, 4, 1905
+	square_note 15, 11, 6, 1954
+	square_note 8, 10, 1, 1975
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 8, 14, 4, 76
-	noisenote 14, 12, 4, 60
-	noisenote 8, 13, 1, 44
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 8, 14, 4, 76
+	noise_note 14, 12, 4, 60
+	noise_note 8, 13, 1, 44
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry14_2.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry14_2.asm
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
-	dutycycle 240
-	squarenote 8, 14, 4, 1936
-	squarenote 15, 15, 5, 1984
-	squarenote 8, 13, 1, 2008
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 0, 0
+	square_note 8, 14, 4, 1936
+	square_note 15, 15, 5, 1984
+	square_note 8, 13, 1, 2008
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 165
-	squarenote 10, 12, 4, 1905
-	squarenote 15, 11, 6, 1954
-	squarenote 8, 10, 1, 1975
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 2, 2, 1, 1
+	square_note 10, 12, 4, 1905
+	square_note 15, 11, 6, 1954
+	square_note 8, 10, 1, 1975
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 8, 14, 4, 76
-	noisenote 14, 12, 4, 60
-	noisenote 8, 13, 1, 44
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 8, 14, 4, 76
+	noise_note 14, 12, 4, 60
+	noise_note 8, 13, 1, 44
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry14_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry14_3.asm
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
-	dutycycle 240
-	squarenote 8, 14, 4, 1936
-	squarenote 15, 15, 5, 1984
-	squarenote 8, 13, 1, 2008
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 0, 0
+	square_note 8, 14, 4, 1936
+	square_note 15, 15, 5, 1984
+	square_note 8, 13, 1, 2008
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 165
-	squarenote 10, 12, 4, 1905
-	squarenote 15, 11, 6, 1954
-	squarenote 8, 10, 1, 1975
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 2, 2, 1, 1
+	square_note 10, 12, 4, 1905
+	square_note 15, 11, 6, 1954
+	square_note 8, 10, 1, 1975
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 8, 14, 4, 76
-	noisenote 14, 12, 4, 60
-	noisenote 8, 13, 1, 44
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 8, 14, 4, 76
+	noise_note 14, 12, 4, 60
+	noise_note 8, 13, 1, 44
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry15_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry15_1.asm
@@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
-	dutycycle 240
-	squarenote 4, 15, 3, 1920
-	squarenote 15, 14, 7, 1792
-	squarenote 8, 13, 3, 1808
-	squarenote 4, 12, 2, 1792
-	squarenote 4, 13, 2, 1776
-	squarenote 8, 12, 1, 1760
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 0, 0
+	square_note 4, 15, 3, 1920
+	square_note 15, 14, 7, 1792
+	square_note 8, 13, 3, 1808
+	square_note 4, 12, 2, 1792
+	square_note 4, 13, 2, 1776
+	square_note 8, 12, 1, 1760
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 90
-	squarenote 6, 12, 3, 1793
-	squarenote 14, 11, 7, 1665
-	squarenote 7, 11, 3, 1682
-	squarenote 3, 10, 2, 1665
-	squarenote 4, 11, 2, 1650
-	squarenote 8, 10, 1, 1633
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 1, 1, 2, 2
+	square_note 6, 12, 3, 1793
+	square_note 14, 11, 7, 1665
+	square_note 7, 11, 3, 1682
+	square_note 3, 10, 2, 1665
+	square_note 4, 11, 2, 1650
+	square_note 8, 10, 1, 1633
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 6, 14, 3, 92
-	noisenote 14, 13, 6, 76
-	noisenote 6, 12, 6, 60
-	noisenote 3, 11, 3, 76
-	noisenote 3, 10, 2, 92
-	noisenote 8, 11, 1, 108
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 6, 14, 3, 92
+	noise_note 14, 13, 6, 76
+	noise_note 6, 12, 6, 60
+	noise_note 3, 11, 3, 76
+	noise_note 3, 10, 2, 92
+	noise_note 8, 11, 1, 108
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry15_2.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry15_2.asm
@@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
-	dutycycle 240
-	squarenote 4, 15, 3, 1920
-	squarenote 15, 14, 7, 1792
-	squarenote 8, 13, 3, 1808
-	squarenote 4, 12, 2, 1792
-	squarenote 4, 13, 2, 1776
-	squarenote 8, 12, 1, 1760
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 0, 0
+	square_note 4, 15, 3, 1920
+	square_note 15, 14, 7, 1792
+	square_note 8, 13, 3, 1808
+	square_note 4, 12, 2, 1792
+	square_note 4, 13, 2, 1776
+	square_note 8, 12, 1, 1760
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 90
-	squarenote 6, 12, 3, 1793
-	squarenote 14, 11, 7, 1665
-	squarenote 7, 11, 3, 1682
-	squarenote 3, 10, 2, 1665
-	squarenote 4, 11, 2, 1650
-	squarenote 8, 10, 1, 1633
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 1, 1, 2, 2
+	square_note 6, 12, 3, 1793
+	square_note 14, 11, 7, 1665
+	square_note 7, 11, 3, 1682
+	square_note 3, 10, 2, 1665
+	square_note 4, 11, 2, 1650
+	square_note 8, 10, 1, 1633
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 6, 14, 3, 92
-	noisenote 14, 13, 6, 76
-	noisenote 6, 12, 6, 60
-	noisenote 3, 11, 3, 76
-	noisenote 3, 10, 2, 92
-	noisenote 8, 11, 1, 108
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 6, 14, 3, 92
+	noise_note 14, 13, 6, 76
+	noise_note 6, 12, 6, 60
+	noise_note 3, 11, 3, 76
+	noise_note 3, 10, 2, 92
+	noise_note 8, 11, 1, 108
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry15_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry15_3.asm
@@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
-	dutycycle 240
-	squarenote 4, 15, 3, 1920
-	squarenote 15, 14, 7, 1792
-	squarenote 8, 13, 3, 1808
-	squarenote 4, 12, 2, 1792
-	squarenote 4, 13, 2, 1776
-	squarenote 8, 12, 1, 1760
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 0, 0
+	square_note 4, 15, 3, 1920
+	square_note 15, 14, 7, 1792
+	square_note 8, 13, 3, 1808
+	square_note 4, 12, 2, 1792
+	square_note 4, 13, 2, 1776
+	square_note 8, 12, 1, 1760
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 90
-	squarenote 6, 12, 3, 1793
-	squarenote 14, 11, 7, 1665
-	squarenote 7, 11, 3, 1682
-	squarenote 3, 10, 2, 1665
-	squarenote 4, 11, 2, 1650
-	squarenote 8, 10, 1, 1633
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 1, 1, 2, 2
+	square_note 6, 12, 3, 1793
+	square_note 14, 11, 7, 1665
+	square_note 7, 11, 3, 1682
+	square_note 3, 10, 2, 1665
+	square_note 4, 11, 2, 1650
+	square_note 8, 10, 1, 1633
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 6, 14, 3, 92
-	noisenote 14, 13, 6, 76
-	noisenote 6, 12, 6, 60
-	noisenote 3, 11, 3, 76
-	noisenote 3, 10, 2, 92
-	noisenote 8, 11, 1, 108
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 6, 14, 3, 92
+	noise_note 14, 13, 6, 76
+	noise_note 6, 12, 6, 60
+	noise_note 3, 11, 3, 76
+	noise_note 3, 10, 2, 92
+	noise_note 8, 11, 1, 108
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry16_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry16_1.asm
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
-	dutycycle 240
-	squarenote 15, 13, 7, 1920
-	squarenote 4, 14, 6, 1952
-	squarenote 15, 13, 2, 1856
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 0, 0
+	square_note 15, 13, 7, 1920
+	square_note 4, 14, 6, 1952
+	square_note 15, 13, 2, 1856
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 90
-	squarenote 15, 12, 7, 1875
-	squarenote 5, 11, 6, 1906
-	squarenote 15, 12, 2, 1809
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 1, 1, 2, 2
+	square_note 15, 12, 7, 1875
+	square_note 5, 11, 6, 1906
+	square_note 15, 12, 2, 1809
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 13, 15, 6, 76
-	noisenote 4, 14, 6, 60
-	noisenote 15, 15, 2, 76
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 13, 15, 6, 76
+	noise_note 4, 14, 6, 60
+	noise_note 15, 15, 2, 76
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry16_2.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry16_2.asm
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
-	dutycycle 240
-	squarenote 15, 13, 7, 1920
-	squarenote 4, 14, 6, 1952
-	squarenote 15, 13, 2, 1856
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 0, 0
+	square_note 15, 13, 7, 1920
+	square_note 4, 14, 6, 1952
+	square_note 15, 13, 2, 1856
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 90
-	squarenote 15, 12, 7, 1875
-	squarenote 5, 11, 6, 1906
-	squarenote 15, 12, 2, 1809
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 1, 1, 2, 2
+	square_note 15, 12, 7, 1875
+	square_note 5, 11, 6, 1906
+	square_note 15, 12, 2, 1809
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 13, 15, 6, 76
-	noisenote 4, 14, 6, 60
-	noisenote 15, 15, 2, 76
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 13, 15, 6, 76
+	noise_note 4, 14, 6, 60
+	noise_note 15, 15, 2, 76
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry16_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry16_3.asm
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
-	dutycycle 240
-	squarenote 15, 13, 7, 1920
-	squarenote 4, 14, 6, 1952
-	squarenote 15, 13, 2, 1856
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 0, 0
+	square_note 15, 13, 7, 1920
+	square_note 4, 14, 6, 1952
+	square_note 15, 13, 2, 1856
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 90
-	squarenote 15, 12, 7, 1875
-	squarenote 5, 11, 6, 1906
-	squarenote 15, 12, 2, 1809
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 1, 1, 2, 2
+	square_note 15, 12, 7, 1875
+	square_note 5, 11, 6, 1906
+	square_note 15, 12, 2, 1809
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 13, 15, 6, 76
-	noisenote 4, 14, 6, 60
-	noisenote 15, 15, 2, 76
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 13, 15, 6, 76
+	noise_note 4, 14, 6, 60
+	noise_note 15, 15, 2, 76
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry17_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry17_1.asm
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
-	dutycycle 15
-	squarenote 15, 15, 7, 1280
-	squarenote 15, 14, 7, 1288
-	squarenote 8, 11, 4, 1152
-	squarenote 15, 10, 2, 1120
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 0, 0, 3, 3
+	square_note 15, 15, 7, 1280
+	square_note 15, 14, 7, 1288
+	square_note 8, 11, 4, 1152
+	square_note 15, 10, 2, 1120
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 68
-	squarenote 14, 13, 7, 1153
-	squarenote 14, 12, 7, 1161
-	squarenote 10, 11, 4, 1025
-	squarenote 15, 12, 2, 993
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 1, 0, 1, 0
+	square_note 14, 13, 7, 1153
+	square_note 14, 12, 7, 1161
+	square_note 10, 11, 4, 1025
+	square_note 15, 12, 2, 993
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 14, 15, 7, 124
-	noisenote 12, 15, 6, 108
-	noisenote 9, 14, 4, 124
-	noisenote 15, 14, 2, 108
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 14, 15, 7, 124
+	noise_note 12, 15, 6, 108
+	noise_note 9, 14, 4, 124
+	noise_note 15, 14, 2, 108
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry17_2.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry17_2.asm
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
-	dutycycle 15
-	squarenote 15, 15, 7, 1280
-	squarenote 15, 14, 7, 1288
-	squarenote 8, 11, 4, 1152
-	squarenote 15, 10, 2, 1120
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 0, 0, 3, 3
+	square_note 15, 15, 7, 1280
+	square_note 15, 14, 7, 1288
+	square_note 8, 11, 4, 1152
+	square_note 15, 10, 2, 1120
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 68
-	squarenote 14, 13, 7, 1153
-	squarenote 14, 12, 7, 1161
-	squarenote 10, 11, 4, 1025
-	squarenote 15, 12, 2, 993
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 1, 0, 1, 0
+	square_note 14, 13, 7, 1153
+	square_note 14, 12, 7, 1161
+	square_note 10, 11, 4, 1025
+	square_note 15, 12, 2, 993
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 14, 15, 7, 124
-	noisenote 12, 15, 6, 108
-	noisenote 9, 14, 4, 124
-	noisenote 15, 14, 2, 108
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 14, 15, 7, 124
+	noise_note 12, 15, 6, 108
+	noise_note 9, 14, 4, 124
+	noise_note 15, 14, 2, 108
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry17_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry17_3.asm
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
-	dutycycle 15
-	squarenote 15, 15, 7, 1280
-	squarenote 15, 14, 7, 1288
-	squarenote 8, 11, 4, 1152
-	squarenote 15, 10, 2, 1120
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 0, 0, 3, 3
+	square_note 15, 15, 7, 1280
+	square_note 15, 14, 7, 1288
+	square_note 8, 11, 4, 1152
+	square_note 15, 10, 2, 1120
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 68
-	squarenote 14, 13, 7, 1153
-	squarenote 14, 12, 7, 1161
-	squarenote 10, 11, 4, 1025
-	squarenote 15, 12, 2, 993
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 1, 0, 1, 0
+	square_note 14, 13, 7, 1153
+	square_note 14, 12, 7, 1161
+	square_note 10, 11, 4, 1025
+	square_note 15, 12, 2, 993
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 14, 15, 7, 124
-	noisenote 12, 15, 6, 108
-	noisenote 9, 14, 4, 124
-	noisenote 15, 14, 2, 108
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 14, 15, 7, 124
+	noise_note 12, 15, 6, 108
+	noise_note 9, 14, 4, 124
+	noise_note 15, 14, 2, 108
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry18_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry18_1.asm
@@ -1,34 +1,34 @@
-	dutycycle 80
-	squarenote 10, 15, 5, 1664
-	squarenote 3, 14, 2, 1696
-	squarenote 3, 15, 2, 1728
-	squarenote 3, 14, 2, 1760
-	squarenote 3, 13, 2, 1792
-	squarenote 3, 12, 2, 1760
-	squarenote 3, 13, 2, 1728
-	squarenote 8, 12, 1, 1696
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 1, 1, 0, 0
+	square_note 10, 15, 5, 1664
+	square_note 3, 14, 2, 1696
+	square_note 3, 15, 2, 1728
+	square_note 3, 14, 2, 1760
+	square_note 3, 13, 2, 1792
+	square_note 3, 12, 2, 1760
+	square_note 3, 13, 2, 1728
+	square_note 8, 12, 1, 1696
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 15
-	squarenote 9, 13, 5, 1585
-	squarenote 3, 13, 2, 1618
-	squarenote 3, 14, 2, 1649
-	squarenote 3, 11, 2, 1681
-	squarenote 3, 12, 2, 1714
-	squarenote 3, 11, 2, 1681
-	squarenote 3, 12, 2, 1649
-	squarenote 8, 11, 1, 1617
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 0, 0, 3, 3
+	square_note 9, 13, 5, 1585
+	square_note 3, 13, 2, 1618
+	square_note 3, 14, 2, 1649
+	square_note 3, 11, 2, 1681
+	square_note 3, 12, 2, 1714
+	square_note 3, 11, 2, 1681
+	square_note 3, 12, 2, 1649
+	square_note 8, 11, 1, 1617
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 6, 14, 3, 76
-	noisenote 4, 12, 3, 60
-	noisenote 5, 13, 4, 60
-	noisenote 4, 12, 4, 44
-	noisenote 6, 11, 4, 60
-	noisenote 8, 12, 1, 44
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 6, 14, 3, 76
+	noise_note 4, 12, 3, 60
+	noise_note 5, 13, 4, 60
+	noise_note 4, 12, 4, 44
+	noise_note 6, 11, 4, 60
+	noise_note 8, 12, 1, 44
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry18_2.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry18_2.asm
@@ -1,34 +1,34 @@
-	dutycycle 80
-	squarenote 10, 15, 5, 1664
-	squarenote 3, 14, 2, 1696
-	squarenote 3, 15, 2, 1728
-	squarenote 3, 14, 2, 1760
-	squarenote 3, 13, 2, 1792
-	squarenote 3, 12, 2, 1760
-	squarenote 3, 13, 2, 1728
-	squarenote 8, 12, 1, 1696
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 1, 1, 0, 0
+	square_note 10, 15, 5, 1664
+	square_note 3, 14, 2, 1696
+	square_note 3, 15, 2, 1728
+	square_note 3, 14, 2, 1760
+	square_note 3, 13, 2, 1792
+	square_note 3, 12, 2, 1760
+	square_note 3, 13, 2, 1728
+	square_note 8, 12, 1, 1696
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 15
-	squarenote 9, 13, 5, 1585
-	squarenote 3, 13, 2, 1618
-	squarenote 3, 14, 2, 1649
-	squarenote 3, 11, 2, 1681
-	squarenote 3, 12, 2, 1714
-	squarenote 3, 11, 2, 1681
-	squarenote 3, 12, 2, 1649
-	squarenote 8, 11, 1, 1617
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 0, 0, 3, 3
+	square_note 9, 13, 5, 1585
+	square_note 3, 13, 2, 1618
+	square_note 3, 14, 2, 1649
+	square_note 3, 11, 2, 1681
+	square_note 3, 12, 2, 1714
+	square_note 3, 11, 2, 1681
+	square_note 3, 12, 2, 1649
+	square_note 8, 11, 1, 1617
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 6, 14, 3, 76
-	noisenote 4, 12, 3, 60
-	noisenote 5, 13, 4, 60
-	noisenote 4, 12, 4, 44
-	noisenote 6, 11, 4, 60
-	noisenote 8, 12, 1, 44
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 6, 14, 3, 76
+	noise_note 4, 12, 3, 60
+	noise_note 5, 13, 4, 60
+	noise_note 4, 12, 4, 44
+	noise_note 6, 11, 4, 60
+	noise_note 8, 12, 1, 44
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry18_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry18_3.asm
@@ -1,34 +1,34 @@
-	dutycycle 80
-	squarenote 10, 15, 5, 1664
-	squarenote 3, 14, 2, 1696
-	squarenote 3, 15, 2, 1728
-	squarenote 3, 14, 2, 1760
-	squarenote 3, 13, 2, 1792
-	squarenote 3, 12, 2, 1760
-	squarenote 3, 13, 2, 1728
-	squarenote 8, 12, 1, 1696
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 1, 1, 0, 0
+	square_note 10, 15, 5, 1664
+	square_note 3, 14, 2, 1696
+	square_note 3, 15, 2, 1728
+	square_note 3, 14, 2, 1760
+	square_note 3, 13, 2, 1792
+	square_note 3, 12, 2, 1760
+	square_note 3, 13, 2, 1728
+	square_note 8, 12, 1, 1696
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 15
-	squarenote 9, 13, 5, 1585
-	squarenote 3, 13, 2, 1618
-	squarenote 3, 14, 2, 1649
-	squarenote 3, 11, 2, 1681
-	squarenote 3, 12, 2, 1714
-	squarenote 3, 11, 2, 1681
-	squarenote 3, 12, 2, 1649
-	squarenote 8, 11, 1, 1617
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 0, 0, 3, 3
+	square_note 9, 13, 5, 1585
+	square_note 3, 13, 2, 1618
+	square_note 3, 14, 2, 1649
+	square_note 3, 11, 2, 1681
+	square_note 3, 12, 2, 1714
+	square_note 3, 11, 2, 1681
+	square_note 3, 12, 2, 1649
+	square_note 8, 11, 1, 1617
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 6, 14, 3, 76
-	noisenote 4, 12, 3, 60
-	noisenote 5, 13, 4, 60
-	noisenote 4, 12, 4, 44
-	noisenote 6, 11, 4, 60
-	noisenote 8, 12, 1, 44
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 6, 14, 3, 76
+	noise_note 4, 12, 3, 60
+	noise_note 5, 13, 4, 60
+	noise_note 4, 12, 4, 44
+	noise_note 6, 11, 4, 60
+	noise_note 8, 12, 1, 44
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry19_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry19_1.asm
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
-	dutycycle 27
-	squarenote 7, 13, 2, 1856
-	squarenote 15, 14, 5, 1888
-	squarenote 15, 12, 1, 1840
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 0, 1, 2, 3
+	square_note 7, 13, 2, 1856
+	square_note 15, 14, 5, 1888
+	square_note 15, 12, 1, 1840
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 129
-	squarenote 2, 12, 2, 1793
-	squarenote 4, 12, 2, 1800
-	squarenote 15, 13, 7, 1857
-	squarenote 15, 10, 2, 1793
+	duty_cycle_pattern 2, 0, 0, 1
+	square_note 2, 12, 2, 1793
+	square_note 4, 12, 2, 1800
+	square_note 15, 13, 7, 1857
+	square_note 15, 10, 2, 1793
-	endchannel
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry19_2.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry19_2.asm
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
-	dutycycle 27
-	squarenote 7, 13, 2, 1856
-	squarenote 15, 14, 5, 1888
-	squarenote 15, 12, 1, 1840
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 0, 1, 2, 3
+	square_note 7, 13, 2, 1856
+	square_note 15, 14, 5, 1888
+	square_note 15, 12, 1, 1840
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 129
-	squarenote 2, 12, 2, 1793
-	squarenote 4, 12, 2, 1800
-	squarenote 15, 13, 7, 1857
-	squarenote 15, 10, 2, 1793
+	duty_cycle_pattern 2, 0, 0, 1
+	square_note 2, 12, 2, 1793
+	square_note 4, 12, 2, 1800
+	square_note 15, 13, 7, 1857
+	square_note 15, 10, 2, 1793
-	endchannel
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry19_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry19_3.asm
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
-	dutycycle 27
-	squarenote 7, 13, 2, 1856
-	squarenote 15, 14, 5, 1888
-	squarenote 15, 12, 1, 1840
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 0, 1, 2, 3
+	square_note 7, 13, 2, 1856
+	square_note 15, 14, 5, 1888
+	square_note 15, 12, 1, 1840
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 129
-	squarenote 2, 12, 2, 1793
-	squarenote 4, 12, 2, 1800
-	squarenote 15, 13, 7, 1857
-	squarenote 15, 10, 2, 1793
+	duty_cycle_pattern 2, 0, 0, 1
+	square_note 2, 12, 2, 1793
+	square_note 4, 12, 2, 1800
+	square_note 15, 13, 7, 1857
+	square_note 15, 10, 2, 1793
-	endchannel
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry1a_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry1a_1.asm
@@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
-	dutycycle 240
-	squarenote 6, 15, 7, 1856
-	squarenote 12, 14, 6, 1860
-	squarenote 6, 13, 5, 1872
-	squarenote 4, 12, 3, 1888
-	squarenote 3, 12, 3, 1920
-	squarenote 8, 13, 1, 1952
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 0, 0
+	square_note 6, 15, 7, 1856
+	square_note 12, 14, 6, 1860
+	square_note 6, 13, 5, 1872
+	square_note 4, 12, 3, 1888
+	square_note 3, 12, 3, 1920
+	square_note 8, 13, 1, 1952
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 10
-	squarenote 6, 12, 7, 1793
-	squarenote 11, 11, 6, 1794
-	squarenote 6, 10, 5, 1809
-	squarenote 4, 9, 3, 1825
-	squarenote 3, 10, 3, 1857
-	squarenote 8, 9, 1, 1890
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 0, 0, 2, 2
+	square_note 6, 12, 7, 1793
+	square_note 11, 11, 6, 1794
+	square_note 6, 10, 5, 1809
+	square_note 4, 9, 3, 1825
+	square_note 3, 10, 3, 1857
+	square_note 8, 9, 1, 1890
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 3, 14, 2, 60
-	noisenote 8, 13, 6, 76
-	noisenote 5, 13, 4, 60
-	noisenote 12, 12, 7, 76
-	noisenote 2, 14, 2, 60
-	noisenote 8, 13, 1, 44
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 3, 14, 2, 60
+	noise_note 8, 13, 6, 76
+	noise_note 5, 13, 4, 60
+	noise_note 12, 12, 7, 76
+	noise_note 2, 14, 2, 60
+	noise_note 8, 13, 1, 44
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry1a_2.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry1a_2.asm
@@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
-	dutycycle 240
-	squarenote 6, 15, 7, 1856
-	squarenote 12, 14, 6, 1860
-	squarenote 6, 13, 5, 1872
-	squarenote 4, 12, 3, 1888
-	squarenote 3, 12, 3, 1920
-	squarenote 8, 13, 1, 1952
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 0, 0
+	square_note 6, 15, 7, 1856
+	square_note 12, 14, 6, 1860
+	square_note 6, 13, 5, 1872
+	square_note 4, 12, 3, 1888
+	square_note 3, 12, 3, 1920
+	square_note 8, 13, 1, 1952
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 10
-	squarenote 6, 12, 7, 1793
-	squarenote 11, 11, 6, 1794
-	squarenote 6, 10, 5, 1809
-	squarenote 4, 9, 3, 1825
-	squarenote 3, 10, 3, 1857
-	squarenote 8, 9, 1, 1890
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 0, 0, 2, 2
+	square_note 6, 12, 7, 1793
+	square_note 11, 11, 6, 1794
+	square_note 6, 10, 5, 1809
+	square_note 4, 9, 3, 1825
+	square_note 3, 10, 3, 1857
+	square_note 8, 9, 1, 1890
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 3, 14, 2, 60
-	noisenote 8, 13, 6, 76
-	noisenote 5, 13, 4, 60
-	noisenote 12, 12, 7, 76
-	noisenote 2, 14, 2, 60
-	noisenote 8, 13, 1, 44
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 3, 14, 2, 60
+	noise_note 8, 13, 6, 76
+	noise_note 5, 13, 4, 60
+	noise_note 12, 12, 7, 76
+	noise_note 2, 14, 2, 60
+	noise_note 8, 13, 1, 44
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry1a_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry1a_3.asm
@@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
-	dutycycle 240
-	squarenote 6, 15, 7, 1856
-	squarenote 12, 14, 6, 1860
-	squarenote 6, 13, 5, 1872
-	squarenote 4, 12, 3, 1888
-	squarenote 3, 12, 3, 1920
-	squarenote 8, 13, 1, 1952
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 0, 0
+	square_note 6, 15, 7, 1856
+	square_note 12, 14, 6, 1860
+	square_note 6, 13, 5, 1872
+	square_note 4, 12, 3, 1888
+	square_note 3, 12, 3, 1920
+	square_note 8, 13, 1, 1952
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 10
-	squarenote 6, 12, 7, 1793
-	squarenote 11, 11, 6, 1794
-	squarenote 6, 10, 5, 1809
-	squarenote 4, 9, 3, 1825
-	squarenote 3, 10, 3, 1857
-	squarenote 8, 9, 1, 1890
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 0, 0, 2, 2
+	square_note 6, 12, 7, 1793
+	square_note 11, 11, 6, 1794
+	square_note 6, 10, 5, 1809
+	square_note 4, 9, 3, 1825
+	square_note 3, 10, 3, 1857
+	square_note 8, 9, 1, 1890
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 3, 14, 2, 60
-	noisenote 8, 13, 6, 76
-	noisenote 5, 13, 4, 60
-	noisenote 12, 12, 7, 76
-	noisenote 2, 14, 2, 60
-	noisenote 8, 13, 1, 44
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 3, 14, 2, 60
+	noise_note 8, 13, 6, 76
+	noise_note 5, 13, 4, 60
+	noise_note 12, 12, 7, 76
+	noise_note 2, 14, 2, 60
+	noise_note 8, 13, 1, 44
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry1b_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry1b_1.asm
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
-	dutycycle 240
-	squarenote 6, 15, 7, 1728
-	squarenote 15, 14, 7, 1792
-	squarenote 4, 15, 4, 1776
-	squarenote 4, 14, 4, 1760
-	squarenote 8, 13, 1, 1744
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 0, 0
+	square_note 6, 15, 7, 1728
+	square_note 15, 14, 7, 1792
+	square_note 4, 15, 4, 1776
+	square_note 4, 14, 4, 1760
+	square_note 8, 13, 1, 1744
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 10
-	squarenote 7, 14, 6, 1665
-	squarenote 14, 13, 5, 1729
-	squarenote 4, 12, 4, 1713
-	squarenote 4, 13, 4, 1697
-	squarenote 8, 12, 1, 1681
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 0, 0, 2, 2
+	square_note 7, 14, 6, 1665
+	square_note 14, 13, 5, 1729
+	square_note 4, 12, 4, 1713
+	square_note 4, 13, 4, 1697
+	square_note 8, 12, 1, 1681
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 10, 10, 6, 60
-	noisenote 14, 9, 4, 44
-	noisenote 5, 10, 3, 60
-	noisenote 8, 9, 1, 44
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 10, 10, 6, 60
+	noise_note 14, 9, 4, 44
+	noise_note 5, 10, 3, 60
+	noise_note 8, 9, 1, 44
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry1b_2.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry1b_2.asm
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
-	dutycycle 240
-	squarenote 6, 15, 7, 1728
-	squarenote 15, 14, 7, 1792
-	squarenote 4, 15, 4, 1776
-	squarenote 4, 14, 4, 1760
-	squarenote 8, 13, 1, 1744
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 0, 0
+	square_note 6, 15, 7, 1728
+	square_note 15, 14, 7, 1792
+	square_note 4, 15, 4, 1776
+	square_note 4, 14, 4, 1760
+	square_note 8, 13, 1, 1744
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 10
-	squarenote 7, 14, 6, 1665
-	squarenote 14, 13, 5, 1729
-	squarenote 4, 12, 4, 1713
-	squarenote 4, 13, 4, 1697
-	squarenote 8, 12, 1, 1681
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 0, 0, 2, 2
+	square_note 7, 14, 6, 1665
+	square_note 14, 13, 5, 1729
+	square_note 4, 12, 4, 1713
+	square_note 4, 13, 4, 1697
+	square_note 8, 12, 1, 1681
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 10, 10, 6, 60
-	noisenote 14, 9, 4, 44
-	noisenote 5, 10, 3, 60
-	noisenote 8, 9, 1, 44
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 10, 10, 6, 60
+	noise_note 14, 9, 4, 44
+	noise_note 5, 10, 3, 60
+	noise_note 8, 9, 1, 44
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry1b_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry1b_3.asm
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
-	dutycycle 240
-	squarenote 6, 15, 7, 1728
-	squarenote 15, 14, 7, 1792
-	squarenote 4, 15, 4, 1776
-	squarenote 4, 14, 4, 1760
-	squarenote 8, 13, 1, 1744
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 0, 0
+	square_note 6, 15, 7, 1728
+	square_note 15, 14, 7, 1792
+	square_note 4, 15, 4, 1776
+	square_note 4, 14, 4, 1760
+	square_note 8, 13, 1, 1744
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 10
-	squarenote 7, 14, 6, 1665
-	squarenote 14, 13, 5, 1729
-	squarenote 4, 12, 4, 1713
-	squarenote 4, 13, 4, 1697
-	squarenote 8, 12, 1, 1681
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 0, 0, 2, 2
+	square_note 7, 14, 6, 1665
+	square_note 14, 13, 5, 1729
+	square_note 4, 12, 4, 1713
+	square_note 4, 13, 4, 1697
+	square_note 8, 12, 1, 1681
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 10, 10, 6, 60
-	noisenote 14, 9, 4, 44
-	noisenote 5, 10, 3, 60
-	noisenote 8, 9, 1, 44
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 10, 10, 6, 60
+	noise_note 14, 9, 4, 44
+	noise_note 5, 10, 3, 60
+	noise_note 8, 9, 1, 44
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry1c_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry1c_1.asm
@@ -1,31 +1,31 @@
-	dutycycle 245
-	squarenote 7, 13, 6, 2017
-	squarenote 6, 12, 6, 2018
-	squarenote 9, 13, 6, 2017
-	squarenote 7, 12, 6, 2016
-	squarenote 5, 11, 6, 2018
-	squarenote 7, 12, 6, 2017
-	squarenote 6, 11, 6, 2016
-	squarenote 8, 10, 1, 2015
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 1, 1
+	square_note 7, 13, 6, 2017
+	square_note 6, 12, 6, 2018
+	square_note 9, 13, 6, 2017
+	square_note 7, 12, 6, 2016
+	square_note 5, 11, 6, 2018
+	square_note 7, 12, 6, 2017
+	square_note 6, 11, 6, 2016
+	square_note 8, 10, 1, 2015
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 68
-	squarenote 6, 12, 3, 1993
-	squarenote 6, 11, 3, 1991
-	squarenote 10, 12, 4, 1987
-	squarenote 8, 11, 4, 1991
-	squarenote 6, 12, 3, 1993
-	squarenote 15, 10, 2, 1989
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 1, 0, 1, 0
+	square_note 6, 12, 3, 1993
+	square_note 6, 11, 3, 1991
+	square_note 10, 12, 4, 1987
+	square_note 8, 11, 4, 1991
+	square_note 6, 12, 3, 1993
+	square_note 15, 10, 2, 1989
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 13, 1, -1, 124
-	noisenote 13, 15, 7, 140
-	noisenote 12, 13, 6, 124
-	noisenote 8, 12, 4, 108
-	noisenote 15, 11, 3, 92
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 13, 1, -1, 124
+	noise_note 13, 15, 7, 140
+	noise_note 12, 13, 6, 124
+	noise_note 8, 12, 4, 108
+	noise_note 15, 11, 3, 92
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry1c_2.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry1c_2.asm
@@ -1,31 +1,31 @@
-	dutycycle 245
-	squarenote 7, 13, 6, 2017
-	squarenote 6, 12, 6, 2018
-	squarenote 9, 13, 6, 2017
-	squarenote 7, 12, 6, 2016
-	squarenote 5, 11, 6, 2018
-	squarenote 7, 12, 6, 2017
-	squarenote 6, 11, 6, 2016
-	squarenote 8, 10, 1, 2015
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 1, 1
+	square_note 7, 13, 6, 2017
+	square_note 6, 12, 6, 2018
+	square_note 9, 13, 6, 2017
+	square_note 7, 12, 6, 2016
+	square_note 5, 11, 6, 2018
+	square_note 7, 12, 6, 2017
+	square_note 6, 11, 6, 2016
+	square_note 8, 10, 1, 2015
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 68
-	squarenote 6, 12, 3, 1993
-	squarenote 6, 11, 3, 1991
-	squarenote 10, 12, 4, 1987
-	squarenote 8, 11, 4, 1991
-	squarenote 6, 12, 3, 1993
-	squarenote 15, 10, 2, 1989
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 1, 0, 1, 0
+	square_note 6, 12, 3, 1993
+	square_note 6, 11, 3, 1991
+	square_note 10, 12, 4, 1987
+	square_note 8, 11, 4, 1991
+	square_note 6, 12, 3, 1993
+	square_note 15, 10, 2, 1989
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 13, 1, -1, 124
-	noisenote 13, 15, 7, 140
-	noisenote 12, 13, 6, 124
-	noisenote 8, 12, 4, 108
-	noisenote 15, 11, 3, 92
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 13, 1, -1, 124
+	noise_note 13, 15, 7, 140
+	noise_note 12, 13, 6, 124
+	noise_note 8, 12, 4, 108
+	noise_note 15, 11, 3, 92
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry1c_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry1c_3.asm
@@ -1,31 +1,31 @@
-	dutycycle 245
-	squarenote 7, 13, 6, 2017
-	squarenote 6, 12, 6, 2018
-	squarenote 9, 13, 6, 2017
-	squarenote 7, 12, 6, 2016
-	squarenote 5, 11, 6, 2018
-	squarenote 7, 12, 6, 2017
-	squarenote 6, 11, 6, 2016
-	squarenote 8, 10, 1, 2015
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 1, 1
+	square_note 7, 13, 6, 2017
+	square_note 6, 12, 6, 2018
+	square_note 9, 13, 6, 2017
+	square_note 7, 12, 6, 2016
+	square_note 5, 11, 6, 2018
+	square_note 7, 12, 6, 2017
+	square_note 6, 11, 6, 2016
+	square_note 8, 10, 1, 2015
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 68
-	squarenote 6, 12, 3, 1993
-	squarenote 6, 11, 3, 1991
-	squarenote 10, 12, 4, 1987
-	squarenote 8, 11, 4, 1991
-	squarenote 6, 12, 3, 1993
-	squarenote 15, 10, 2, 1989
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 1, 0, 1, 0
+	square_note 6, 12, 3, 1993
+	square_note 6, 11, 3, 1991
+	square_note 10, 12, 4, 1987
+	square_note 8, 11, 4, 1991
+	square_note 6, 12, 3, 1993
+	square_note 15, 10, 2, 1989
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 13, 1, -1, 124
-	noisenote 13, 15, 7, 140
-	noisenote 12, 13, 6, 124
-	noisenote 8, 12, 4, 108
-	noisenote 15, 11, 3, 92
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 13, 1, -1, 124
+	noise_note 13, 15, 7, 140
+	noise_note 12, 13, 6, 124
+	noise_note 8, 12, 4, 108
+	noise_note 15, 11, 3, 92
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry1d_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry1d_1.asm
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
-	dutycycle 244
-	squarenote 15, 15, 0, 1797
-	squarenote 10, 14, 0, 1792
-	squarenote 6, 11, 4, 1808
-	squarenote 4, 13, 3, 1792
-	squarenote 6, 11, 2, 1568
-	squarenote 8, 10, 1, 1572
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 1, 0
+	square_note 15, 15, 0, 1797
+	square_note 10, 14, 0, 1792
+	square_note 6, 11, 4, 1808
+	square_note 4, 13, 3, 1792
+	square_note 6, 11, 2, 1568
+	square_note 8, 10, 1, 1572
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 34
-	squarenote 15, 11, 0, 1731
-	squarenote 10, 10, 0, 1729
-	squarenote 6, 8, 4, 1746
-	squarenote 4, 9, 3, 1729
-	squarenote 6, 8, 2, 1505
-	squarenote 8, 6, 1, 1512
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 0, 2, 0, 2
+	square_note 15, 11, 0, 1731
+	square_note 10, 10, 0, 1729
+	square_note 6, 8, 4, 1746
+	square_note 4, 9, 3, 1729
+	square_note 6, 8, 2, 1505
+	square_note 8, 6, 1, 1512
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 6, 14, 6, 76
-	noisenote 15, 13, 6, 60
-	noisenote 10, 12, 5, 74
-	noisenote 1, 11, 2, 91
-	noisenote 15, 12, 2, 76
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 6, 14, 6, 76
+	noise_note 15, 13, 6, 60
+	noise_note 10, 12, 5, 74
+	noise_note 1, 11, 2, 91
+	noise_note 15, 12, 2, 76
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry1d_2.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry1d_2.asm
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
-	dutycycle 244
-	squarenote 15, 15, 0, 1797
-	squarenote 10, 14, 0, 1792
-	squarenote 6, 11, 4, 1808
-	squarenote 4, 13, 3, 1792
-	squarenote 6, 11, 2, 1568
-	squarenote 8, 10, 1, 1572
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 1, 0
+	square_note 15, 15, 0, 1797
+	square_note 10, 14, 0, 1792
+	square_note 6, 11, 4, 1808
+	square_note 4, 13, 3, 1792
+	square_note 6, 11, 2, 1568
+	square_note 8, 10, 1, 1572
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 34
-	squarenote 15, 11, 0, 1731
-	squarenote 10, 10, 0, 1729
-	squarenote 6, 8, 4, 1746
-	squarenote 4, 9, 3, 1729
-	squarenote 6, 8, 2, 1505
-	squarenote 8, 6, 1, 1512
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 0, 2, 0, 2
+	square_note 15, 11, 0, 1731
+	square_note 10, 10, 0, 1729
+	square_note 6, 8, 4, 1746
+	square_note 4, 9, 3, 1729
+	square_note 6, 8, 2, 1505
+	square_note 8, 6, 1, 1512
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 6, 14, 6, 76
-	noisenote 15, 13, 6, 60
-	noisenote 10, 12, 5, 74
-	noisenote 1, 11, 2, 91
-	noisenote 15, 12, 2, 76
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 6, 14, 6, 76
+	noise_note 15, 13, 6, 60
+	noise_note 10, 12, 5, 74
+	noise_note 1, 11, 2, 91
+	noise_note 15, 12, 2, 76
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry1d_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry1d_3.asm
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
-	dutycycle 244
-	squarenote 15, 15, 0, 1797
-	squarenote 10, 14, 0, 1792
-	squarenote 6, 11, 4, 1808
-	squarenote 4, 13, 3, 1792
-	squarenote 6, 11, 2, 1568
-	squarenote 8, 10, 1, 1572
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 1, 0
+	square_note 15, 15, 0, 1797
+	square_note 10, 14, 0, 1792
+	square_note 6, 11, 4, 1808
+	square_note 4, 13, 3, 1792
+	square_note 6, 11, 2, 1568
+	square_note 8, 10, 1, 1572
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 34
-	squarenote 15, 11, 0, 1731
-	squarenote 10, 10, 0, 1729
-	squarenote 6, 8, 4, 1746
-	squarenote 4, 9, 3, 1729
-	squarenote 6, 8, 2, 1505
-	squarenote 8, 6, 1, 1512
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 0, 2, 0, 2
+	square_note 15, 11, 0, 1731
+	square_note 10, 10, 0, 1729
+	square_note 6, 8, 4, 1746
+	square_note 4, 9, 3, 1729
+	square_note 6, 8, 2, 1505
+	square_note 8, 6, 1, 1512
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 6, 14, 6, 76
-	noisenote 15, 13, 6, 60
-	noisenote 10, 12, 5, 74
-	noisenote 1, 11, 2, 91
-	noisenote 15, 12, 2, 76
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 6, 14, 6, 76
+	noise_note 15, 13, 6, 60
+	noise_note 10, 12, 5, 74
+	noise_note 1, 11, 2, 91
+	noise_note 15, 12, 2, 76
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry1e_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry1e_1.asm
@@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
-	dutycycle 240
-	squarenote 6, 15, 2, 1536
-	squarenote 6, 14, 2, 1600
-	squarenote 6, 13, 2, 1664
-	squarenote 6, 14, 2, 1728
-	squarenote 6, 13, 2, 1792
-	squarenote 6, 12, 2, 1856
-	squarenote 6, 11, 2, 1920
-	squarenote 8, 10, 1, 1984
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 0, 0
+	square_note 6, 15, 2, 1536
+	square_note 6, 14, 2, 1600
+	square_note 6, 13, 2, 1664
+	square_note 6, 14, 2, 1728
+	square_note 6, 13, 2, 1792
+	square_note 6, 12, 2, 1856
+	square_note 6, 11, 2, 1920
+	square_note 8, 10, 1, 1984
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 17
-	squarenote 3, 0, 8, 1
-	squarenote 6, 12, 2, 1473
-	squarenote 6, 11, 2, 1538
-	squarenote 6, 10, 2, 1601
-	squarenote 6, 11, 2, 1666
-	squarenote 6, 10, 2, 1730
-	squarenote 6, 9, 2, 1793
-	squarenote 6, 10, 2, 1858
-	squarenote 8, 8, 1, 1921
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 0, 1, 0, 1
+	square_note 3, 0, 8, 1
+	square_note 6, 12, 2, 1473
+	square_note 6, 11, 2, 1538
+	square_note 6, 10, 2, 1601
+	square_note 6, 11, 2, 1666
+	square_note 6, 10, 2, 1730
+	square_note 6, 9, 2, 1793
+	square_note 6, 10, 2, 1858
+	square_note 8, 8, 1, 1921
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 6, 0, 8, 1
-	noisenote 5, 14, 2, 92
-	noisenote 5, 12, 2, 76
-	noisenote 5, 13, 2, 60
-	noisenote 5, 11, 2, 44
-	noisenote 5, 12, 2, 28
-	noisenote 5, 10, 2, 27
-	noisenote 5, 9, 2, 26
-	noisenote 8, 8, 1, 24
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 6, 0, 8, 1
+	noise_note 5, 14, 2, 92
+	noise_note 5, 12, 2, 76
+	noise_note 5, 13, 2, 60
+	noise_note 5, 11, 2, 44
+	noise_note 5, 12, 2, 28
+	noise_note 5, 10, 2, 27
+	noise_note 5, 9, 2, 26
+	noise_note 8, 8, 1, 24
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry1e_2.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry1e_2.asm
@@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
-	dutycycle 240
-	squarenote 6, 15, 2, 1536
-	squarenote 6, 14, 2, 1600
-	squarenote 6, 13, 2, 1664
-	squarenote 6, 14, 2, 1728
-	squarenote 6, 13, 2, 1792
-	squarenote 6, 12, 2, 1856
-	squarenote 6, 11, 2, 1920
-	squarenote 8, 10, 1, 1984
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 0, 0
+	square_note 6, 15, 2, 1536
+	square_note 6, 14, 2, 1600
+	square_note 6, 13, 2, 1664
+	square_note 6, 14, 2, 1728
+	square_note 6, 13, 2, 1792
+	square_note 6, 12, 2, 1856
+	square_note 6, 11, 2, 1920
+	square_note 8, 10, 1, 1984
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 17
-	squarenote 3, 0, 8, 1
-	squarenote 6, 12, 2, 1473
-	squarenote 6, 11, 2, 1538
-	squarenote 6, 10, 2, 1601
-	squarenote 6, 11, 2, 1666
-	squarenote 6, 10, 2, 1730
-	squarenote 6, 9, 2, 1793
-	squarenote 6, 10, 2, 1858
-	squarenote 8, 8, 1, 1921
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 0, 1, 0, 1
+	square_note 3, 0, 8, 1
+	square_note 6, 12, 2, 1473
+	square_note 6, 11, 2, 1538
+	square_note 6, 10, 2, 1601
+	square_note 6, 11, 2, 1666
+	square_note 6, 10, 2, 1730
+	square_note 6, 9, 2, 1793
+	square_note 6, 10, 2, 1858
+	square_note 8, 8, 1, 1921
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 6, 0, 8, 1
-	noisenote 5, 14, 2, 92
-	noisenote 5, 12, 2, 76
-	noisenote 5, 13, 2, 60
-	noisenote 5, 11, 2, 44
-	noisenote 5, 12, 2, 28
-	noisenote 5, 10, 2, 27
-	noisenote 5, 9, 2, 26
-	noisenote 8, 8, 1, 24
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 6, 0, 8, 1
+	noise_note 5, 14, 2, 92
+	noise_note 5, 12, 2, 76
+	noise_note 5, 13, 2, 60
+	noise_note 5, 11, 2, 44
+	noise_note 5, 12, 2, 28
+	noise_note 5, 10, 2, 27
+	noise_note 5, 9, 2, 26
+	noise_note 8, 8, 1, 24
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry1e_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry1e_3.asm
@@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
-	dutycycle 240
-	squarenote 6, 15, 2, 1536
-	squarenote 6, 14, 2, 1600
-	squarenote 6, 13, 2, 1664
-	squarenote 6, 14, 2, 1728
-	squarenote 6, 13, 2, 1792
-	squarenote 6, 12, 2, 1856
-	squarenote 6, 11, 2, 1920
-	squarenote 8, 10, 1, 1984
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 0, 0
+	square_note 6, 15, 2, 1536
+	square_note 6, 14, 2, 1600
+	square_note 6, 13, 2, 1664
+	square_note 6, 14, 2, 1728
+	square_note 6, 13, 2, 1792
+	square_note 6, 12, 2, 1856
+	square_note 6, 11, 2, 1920
+	square_note 8, 10, 1, 1984
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 17
-	squarenote 3, 0, 8, 1
-	squarenote 6, 12, 2, 1473
-	squarenote 6, 11, 2, 1538
-	squarenote 6, 10, 2, 1601
-	squarenote 6, 11, 2, 1666
-	squarenote 6, 10, 2, 1730
-	squarenote 6, 9, 2, 1793
-	squarenote 6, 10, 2, 1858
-	squarenote 8, 8, 1, 1921
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 0, 1, 0, 1
+	square_note 3, 0, 8, 1
+	square_note 6, 12, 2, 1473
+	square_note 6, 11, 2, 1538
+	square_note 6, 10, 2, 1601
+	square_note 6, 11, 2, 1666
+	square_note 6, 10, 2, 1730
+	square_note 6, 9, 2, 1793
+	square_note 6, 10, 2, 1858
+	square_note 8, 8, 1, 1921
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 6, 0, 8, 1
-	noisenote 5, 14, 2, 92
-	noisenote 5, 12, 2, 76
-	noisenote 5, 13, 2, 60
-	noisenote 5, 11, 2, 44
-	noisenote 5, 12, 2, 28
-	noisenote 5, 10, 2, 27
-	noisenote 5, 9, 2, 26
-	noisenote 8, 8, 1, 24
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 6, 0, 8, 1
+	noise_note 5, 14, 2, 92
+	noise_note 5, 12, 2, 76
+	noise_note 5, 13, 2, 60
+	noise_note 5, 11, 2, 44
+	noise_note 5, 12, 2, 28
+	noise_note 5, 10, 2, 27
+	noise_note 5, 9, 2, 26
+	noise_note 8, 8, 1, 24
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry1f_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry1f_1.asm
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
-	dutycycle 165
-	squarenote 3, 15, 4, 1601
-	squarenote 13, 13, 6, 1825
-	squarenote 8, 15, 4, 1817
-	squarenote 8, 12, 1, 1818
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 2, 2, 1, 1
+	square_note 3, 15, 4, 1601
+	square_note 13, 13, 6, 1825
+	square_note 8, 15, 4, 1817
+	square_note 8, 12, 1, 1818
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 204
-	squarenote 4, 15, 4, 1408
-	squarenote 14, 14, 6, 1760
-	squarenote 8, 13, 5, 1752
-	squarenote 8, 13, 1, 1756
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 0, 3, 0
+	square_note 4, 15, 4, 1408
+	square_note 14, 14, 6, 1760
+	square_note 8, 13, 5, 1752
+	square_note 8, 13, 1, 1756
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 5, 12, 4, 70
-	noisenote 13, 10, 5, 68
-	noisenote 8, 12, 4, 69
-	noisenote 8, 11, 1, 68
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 5, 12, 4, 70
+	noise_note 13, 10, 5, 68
+	noise_note 8, 12, 4, 69
+	noise_note 8, 11, 1, 68
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry1f_2.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry1f_2.asm
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
-	dutycycle 165
-	squarenote 3, 15, 4, 1601
-	squarenote 13, 13, 6, 1825
-	squarenote 8, 15, 4, 1817
-	squarenote 8, 12, 1, 1818
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 2, 2, 1, 1
+	square_note 3, 15, 4, 1601
+	square_note 13, 13, 6, 1825
+	square_note 8, 15, 4, 1817
+	square_note 8, 12, 1, 1818
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 204
-	squarenote 4, 15, 4, 1408
-	squarenote 14, 14, 6, 1760
-	squarenote 8, 13, 5, 1752
-	squarenote 8, 13, 1, 1756
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 0, 3, 0
+	square_note 4, 15, 4, 1408
+	square_note 14, 14, 6, 1760
+	square_note 8, 13, 5, 1752
+	square_note 8, 13, 1, 1756
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 5, 12, 4, 70
-	noisenote 13, 10, 5, 68
-	noisenote 8, 12, 4, 69
-	noisenote 8, 11, 1, 68
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 5, 12, 4, 70
+	noise_note 13, 10, 5, 68
+	noise_note 8, 12, 4, 69
+	noise_note 8, 11, 1, 68
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry1f_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry1f_3.asm
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
-	dutycycle 165
-	squarenote 3, 15, 4, 1601
-	squarenote 13, 13, 6, 1825
-	squarenote 8, 15, 4, 1817
-	squarenote 8, 12, 1, 1818
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 2, 2, 1, 1
+	square_note 3, 15, 4, 1601
+	square_note 13, 13, 6, 1825
+	square_note 8, 15, 4, 1817
+	square_note 8, 12, 1, 1818
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 204
-	squarenote 4, 15, 4, 1408
-	squarenote 14, 14, 6, 1760
-	squarenote 8, 13, 5, 1752
-	squarenote 8, 13, 1, 1756
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 0, 3, 0
+	square_note 4, 15, 4, 1408
+	square_note 14, 14, 6, 1760
+	square_note 8, 13, 5, 1752
+	square_note 8, 13, 1, 1756
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 5, 12, 4, 70
-	noisenote 13, 10, 5, 68
-	noisenote 8, 12, 4, 69
-	noisenote 8, 11, 1, 68
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 5, 12, 4, 70
+	noise_note 13, 10, 5, 68
+	noise_note 8, 12, 4, 69
+	noise_note 8, 11, 1, 68
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry20_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry20_1.asm
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
-	dutycycle 240
-	squarenote 13, 15, 1, 1297
-	squarenote 13, 14, 1, 1301
-	squarenote 13, 14, 1, 1297
-	squarenote 8, 13, 1, 1297
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 0, 0
+	square_note 13, 15, 1, 1297
+	square_note 13, 14, 1, 1301
+	square_note 13, 14, 1, 1297
+	square_note 8, 13, 1, 1297
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 21
-	squarenote 12, 14, 1, 1292
-	squarenote 12, 13, 1, 1296
-	squarenote 14, 12, 1, 1292
-	squarenote 8, 12, 1, 1290
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 0, 1, 1, 1
+	square_note 12, 14, 1, 1292
+	square_note 12, 13, 1, 1296
+	square_note 14, 12, 1, 1292
+	square_note 8, 12, 1, 1290
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 14, 15, 2, 101
-	noisenote 13, 14, 2, 85
-	noisenote 14, 13, 2, 86
-	noisenote 8, 13, 1, 102
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 14, 15, 2, 101
+	noise_note 13, 14, 2, 85
+	noise_note 14, 13, 2, 86
+	noise_note 8, 13, 1, 102
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry20_2.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry20_2.asm
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
-	dutycycle 240
-	squarenote 13, 15, 1, 1297
-	squarenote 13, 14, 1, 1301
-	squarenote 13, 14, 1, 1297
-	squarenote 8, 13, 1, 1297
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 0, 0
+	square_note 13, 15, 1, 1297
+	square_note 13, 14, 1, 1301
+	square_note 13, 14, 1, 1297
+	square_note 8, 13, 1, 1297
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 21
-	squarenote 12, 14, 1, 1292
-	squarenote 12, 13, 1, 1296
-	squarenote 14, 12, 1, 1292
-	squarenote 8, 12, 1, 1290
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 0, 1, 1, 1
+	square_note 12, 14, 1, 1292
+	square_note 12, 13, 1, 1296
+	square_note 14, 12, 1, 1292
+	square_note 8, 12, 1, 1290
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 14, 15, 2, 101
-	noisenote 13, 14, 2, 85
-	noisenote 14, 13, 2, 86
-	noisenote 8, 13, 1, 102
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 14, 15, 2, 101
+	noise_note 13, 14, 2, 85
+	noise_note 14, 13, 2, 86
+	noise_note 8, 13, 1, 102
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry20_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry20_3.asm
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
-	dutycycle 240
-	squarenote 13, 15, 1, 1297
-	squarenote 13, 14, 1, 1301
-	squarenote 13, 14, 1, 1297
-	squarenote 8, 13, 1, 1297
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 0, 0
+	square_note 13, 15, 1, 1297
+	square_note 13, 14, 1, 1301
+	square_note 13, 14, 1, 1297
+	square_note 8, 13, 1, 1297
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 21
-	squarenote 12, 14, 1, 1292
-	squarenote 12, 13, 1, 1296
-	squarenote 14, 12, 1, 1292
-	squarenote 8, 12, 1, 1290
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 0, 1, 1, 1
+	square_note 12, 14, 1, 1292
+	square_note 12, 13, 1, 1296
+	square_note 14, 12, 1, 1292
+	square_note 8, 12, 1, 1290
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 14, 15, 2, 101
-	noisenote 13, 14, 2, 85
-	noisenote 14, 13, 2, 86
-	noisenote 8, 13, 1, 102
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 14, 15, 2, 101
+	noise_note 13, 14, 2, 85
+	noise_note 14, 13, 2, 86
+	noise_note 8, 13, 1, 102
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry21_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry21_1.asm
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
-	dutycycle 27
-	squarenote 3, 15, 3, 1380
-	squarenote 2, 14, 2, 1348
-	squarenote 5, 13, 1, 1314
-	squarenote 2, 11, 2, 1156
-	squarenote 8, 13, 1, 1186
-	squarenote 3, 15, 3, 1316
-	squarenote 4, 14, 4, 1252
-	squarenote 8, 13, 1, 1282
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 0, 1, 2, 3
+	square_note 3, 15, 3, 1380
+	square_note 2, 14, 2, 1348
+	square_note 5, 13, 1, 1314
+	square_note 2, 11, 2, 1156
+	square_note 8, 13, 1, 1186
+	square_note 3, 15, 3, 1316
+	square_note 4, 14, 4, 1252
+	square_note 8, 13, 1, 1282
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 204
-	squarenote 3, 13, 3, 1376
-	squarenote 2, 12, 2, 1344
-	squarenote 5, 12, 1, 1312
-	squarenote 2, 9, 2, 1152
-	squarenote 8, 12, 1, 1184
-	squarenote 3, 13, 3, 1312
-	squarenote 3, 12, 4, 1248
-	squarenote 8, 12, 1, 1280
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 0, 3, 0
+	square_note 3, 13, 3, 1376
+	square_note 2, 12, 2, 1344
+	square_note 5, 12, 1, 1312
+	square_note 2, 9, 2, 1152
+	square_note 8, 12, 1, 1184
+	square_note 3, 13, 3, 1312
+	square_note 3, 12, 4, 1248
+	square_note 8, 12, 1, 1280
-	endchannel
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry21_2.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry21_2.asm
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
-	dutycycle 27
-	squarenote 3, 15, 3, 1380
-	squarenote 2, 14, 2, 1348
-	squarenote 5, 13, 1, 1314
-	squarenote 2, 11, 2, 1156
-	squarenote 8, 13, 1, 1186
-	squarenote 3, 15, 3, 1316
-	squarenote 4, 14, 4, 1252
-	squarenote 8, 13, 1, 1282
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 0, 1, 2, 3
+	square_note 3, 15, 3, 1380
+	square_note 2, 14, 2, 1348
+	square_note 5, 13, 1, 1314
+	square_note 2, 11, 2, 1156
+	square_note 8, 13, 1, 1186
+	square_note 3, 15, 3, 1316
+	square_note 4, 14, 4, 1252
+	square_note 8, 13, 1, 1282
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 204
-	squarenote 3, 13, 3, 1376
-	squarenote 2, 12, 2, 1344
-	squarenote 5, 12, 1, 1312
-	squarenote 2, 9, 2, 1152
-	squarenote 8, 12, 1, 1184
-	squarenote 3, 13, 3, 1312
-	squarenote 3, 12, 4, 1248
-	squarenote 8, 12, 1, 1280
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 0, 3, 0
+	square_note 3, 13, 3, 1376
+	square_note 2, 12, 2, 1344
+	square_note 5, 12, 1, 1312
+	square_note 2, 9, 2, 1152
+	square_note 8, 12, 1, 1184
+	square_note 3, 13, 3, 1312
+	square_note 3, 12, 4, 1248
+	square_note 8, 12, 1, 1280
-	endchannel
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry21_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry21_3.asm
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
-	dutycycle 27
-	squarenote 3, 15, 3, 1380
-	squarenote 2, 14, 2, 1348
-	squarenote 5, 13, 1, 1314
-	squarenote 2, 11, 2, 1156
-	squarenote 8, 13, 1, 1186
-	squarenote 3, 15, 3, 1316
-	squarenote 4, 14, 4, 1252
-	squarenote 8, 13, 1, 1282
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 0, 1, 2, 3
+	square_note 3, 15, 3, 1380
+	square_note 2, 14, 2, 1348
+	square_note 5, 13, 1, 1314
+	square_note 2, 11, 2, 1156
+	square_note 8, 13, 1, 1186
+	square_note 3, 15, 3, 1316
+	square_note 4, 14, 4, 1252
+	square_note 8, 13, 1, 1282
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 204
-	squarenote 3, 13, 3, 1376
-	squarenote 2, 12, 2, 1344
-	squarenote 5, 12, 1, 1312
-	squarenote 2, 9, 2, 1152
-	squarenote 8, 12, 1, 1184
-	squarenote 3, 13, 3, 1312
-	squarenote 3, 12, 4, 1248
-	squarenote 8, 12, 1, 1280
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 0, 3, 0
+	square_note 3, 13, 3, 1376
+	square_note 2, 12, 2, 1344
+	square_note 5, 12, 1, 1312
+	square_note 2, 9, 2, 1152
+	square_note 8, 12, 1, 1184
+	square_note 3, 13, 3, 1312
+	square_note 3, 12, 4, 1248
+	square_note 8, 12, 1, 1280
-	endchannel
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry22_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry22_1.asm
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
-	dutycycle 17
-	squarenote 2, 3, -5, 897
-	squarenote 7, 15, 5, 1537
-	squarenote 1, 12, 2, 1153
-	squarenote 8, 9, 1, 897
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 0, 1, 0, 1
+	square_note 2, 3, -5, 897
+	square_note 7, 15, 5, 1537
+	square_note 1, 12, 2, 1153
+	square_note 8, 9, 1, 897
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 238
-	squarenote 2, 3, -6, 1456
-	squarenote 7, 13, 5, 1885
-	squarenote 1, 11, 2, 1712
-	squarenote 8, 6, 1, 1456
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 2, 3, 2
+	square_note 2, 3, -6, 1456
+	square_note 7, 13, 5, 1885
+	square_note 1, 11, 2, 1712
+	square_note 8, 6, 1, 1456
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 2, 9, 2, 73
-	noisenote 7, 11, 5, 41
-	noisenote 1, 10, 2, 57
-	noisenote 8, 9, 1, 73
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 2, 9, 2, 73
+	noise_note 7, 11, 5, 41
+	noise_note 1, 10, 2, 57
+	noise_note 8, 9, 1, 73
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry22_2.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry22_2.asm
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
-	dutycycle 17
-	squarenote 2, 3, -5, 897
-	squarenote 7, 15, 5, 1537
-	squarenote 1, 12, 2, 1153
-	squarenote 8, 9, 1, 897
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 0, 1, 0, 1
+	square_note 2, 3, -5, 897
+	square_note 7, 15, 5, 1537
+	square_note 1, 12, 2, 1153
+	square_note 8, 9, 1, 897
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 238
-	squarenote 2, 3, -6, 1456
-	squarenote 7, 13, 5, 1885
-	squarenote 1, 11, 2, 1712
-	squarenote 8, 6, 1, 1456
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 2, 3, 2
+	square_note 2, 3, -6, 1456
+	square_note 7, 13, 5, 1885
+	square_note 1, 11, 2, 1712
+	square_note 8, 6, 1, 1456
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 2, 9, 2, 73
-	noisenote 7, 11, 5, 41
-	noisenote 1, 10, 2, 57
-	noisenote 8, 9, 1, 73
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 2, 9, 2, 73
+	noise_note 7, 11, 5, 41
+	noise_note 1, 10, 2, 57
+	noise_note 8, 9, 1, 73
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry22_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry22_3.asm
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
-	dutycycle 17
-	squarenote 2, 3, -5, 897
-	squarenote 7, 15, 5, 1537
-	squarenote 1, 12, 2, 1153
-	squarenote 8, 9, 1, 897
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 0, 1, 0, 1
+	square_note 2, 3, -5, 897
+	square_note 7, 15, 5, 1537
+	square_note 1, 12, 2, 1153
+	square_note 8, 9, 1, 897
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 238
-	squarenote 2, 3, -6, 1456
-	squarenote 7, 13, 5, 1885
-	squarenote 1, 11, 2, 1712
-	squarenote 8, 6, 1, 1456
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 2, 3, 2
+	square_note 2, 3, -6, 1456
+	square_note 7, 13, 5, 1885
+	square_note 1, 11, 2, 1712
+	square_note 8, 6, 1, 1456
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 2, 9, 2, 73
-	noisenote 7, 11, 5, 41
-	noisenote 1, 10, 2, 57
-	noisenote 8, 9, 1, 73
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 2, 9, 2, 73
+	noise_note 7, 11, 5, 41
+	noise_note 1, 10, 2, 57
+	noise_note 8, 9, 1, 73
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry23_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry23_1.asm
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
-	dutycycle 240
-	squarenote 15, 15, 7, 1984
-	squarenote 6, 14, 4, 1985
-	squarenote 10, 15, 6, 1984
-	squarenote 4, 13, 3, 1986
-	squarenote 8, 12, 1, 1984
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 0, 0
+	square_note 15, 15, 7, 1984
+	square_note 6, 14, 4, 1985
+	square_note 10, 15, 6, 1984
+	square_note 4, 13, 3, 1986
+	square_note 8, 12, 1, 1984
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 95
-	squarenote 15, 9, 7, 1921
-	squarenote 6, 8, 4, 1920
-	squarenote 10, 9, 6, 1921
-	squarenote 15, 8, 3, 1921
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 1, 1, 3, 3
+	square_note 15, 9, 7, 1921
+	square_note 6, 8, 4, 1920
+	square_note 10, 9, 6, 1921
+	square_note 15, 8, 3, 1921
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 3, 15, 2, 60
-	noisenote 13, 14, 6, 44
-	noisenote 15, 13, 7, 60
-	noisenote 8, 12, 1, 44
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 3, 15, 2, 60
+	noise_note 13, 14, 6, 44
+	noise_note 15, 13, 7, 60
+	noise_note 8, 12, 1, 44
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry23_2.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry23_2.asm
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
-	dutycycle 240
-	squarenote 15, 15, 7, 1984
-	squarenote 6, 14, 4, 1985
-	squarenote 10, 15, 6, 1984
-	squarenote 4, 13, 3, 1986
-	squarenote 8, 12, 1, 1984
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 0, 0
+	square_note 15, 15, 7, 1984
+	square_note 6, 14, 4, 1985
+	square_note 10, 15, 6, 1984
+	square_note 4, 13, 3, 1986
+	square_note 8, 12, 1, 1984
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 95
-	squarenote 15, 9, 7, 1921
-	squarenote 6, 8, 4, 1920
-	squarenote 10, 9, 6, 1921
-	squarenote 15, 8, 3, 1921
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 1, 1, 3, 3
+	square_note 15, 9, 7, 1921
+	square_note 6, 8, 4, 1920
+	square_note 10, 9, 6, 1921
+	square_note 15, 8, 3, 1921
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 3, 15, 2, 60
-	noisenote 13, 14, 6, 44
-	noisenote 15, 13, 7, 60
-	noisenote 8, 12, 1, 44
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 3, 15, 2, 60
+	noise_note 13, 14, 6, 44
+	noise_note 15, 13, 7, 60
+	noise_note 8, 12, 1, 44
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry23_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry23_3.asm
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
-	dutycycle 240
-	squarenote 15, 15, 7, 1984
-	squarenote 6, 14, 4, 1985
-	squarenote 10, 15, 6, 1984
-	squarenote 4, 13, 3, 1986
-	squarenote 8, 12, 1, 1984
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 0, 0
+	square_note 15, 15, 7, 1984
+	square_note 6, 14, 4, 1985
+	square_note 10, 15, 6, 1984
+	square_note 4, 13, 3, 1986
+	square_note 8, 12, 1, 1984
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 95
-	squarenote 15, 9, 7, 1921
-	squarenote 6, 8, 4, 1920
-	squarenote 10, 9, 6, 1921
-	squarenote 15, 8, 3, 1921
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 1, 1, 3, 3
+	square_note 15, 9, 7, 1921
+	square_note 6, 8, 4, 1920
+	square_note 10, 9, 6, 1921
+	square_note 15, 8, 3, 1921
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 3, 15, 2, 60
-	noisenote 13, 14, 6, 44
-	noisenote 15, 13, 7, 60
-	noisenote 8, 12, 1, 44
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 3, 15, 2, 60
+	noise_note 13, 14, 6, 44
+	noise_note 15, 13, 7, 60
+	noise_note 8, 12, 1, 44
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry24_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry24_1.asm
@@ -1,33 +1,33 @@
-	dutycycle 240
-	squarenote 15, 15, 7, 1664
-	squarenote 10, 14, 6, 1668
-	squarenote 15, 13, 7, 1680
-	squarenote 8, 13, 5, 1680
-	squarenote 6, 12, 4, 1672
-	squarenote 5, 13, 3, 1648
-	squarenote 4, 13, 3, 1632
-	squarenote 8, 12, 1, 1600
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 0, 0
+	square_note 15, 15, 7, 1664
+	square_note 10, 14, 6, 1668
+	square_note 15, 13, 7, 1680
+	square_note 8, 13, 5, 1680
+	square_note 6, 12, 4, 1672
+	square_note 5, 13, 3, 1648
+	square_note 4, 13, 3, 1632
+	square_note 8, 12, 1, 1600
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 5
-	squarenote 15, 11, 7, 1601
-	squarenote 10, 9, 6, 1602
-	squarenote 15, 10, 7, 1617
-	squarenote 8, 10, 5, 1617
-	squarenote 6, 9, 4, 1607
-	squarenote 5, 10, 3, 1585
-	squarenote 4, 9, 3, 1570
-	squarenote 8, 7, 1, 1537
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 0, 0, 1, 1
+	square_note 15, 11, 7, 1601
+	square_note 10, 9, 6, 1602
+	square_note 15, 10, 7, 1617
+	square_note 8, 10, 5, 1617
+	square_note 6, 9, 4, 1607
+	square_note 5, 10, 3, 1585
+	square_note 4, 9, 3, 1570
+	square_note 8, 7, 1, 1537
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 15, 14, 4, 60
-	noisenote 10, 12, 7, 76
-	noisenote 10, 12, 7, 60
-	noisenote 12, 11, 7, 76
-	noisenote 15, 10, 2, 92
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 15, 14, 4, 60
+	noise_note 10, 12, 7, 76
+	noise_note 10, 12, 7, 60
+	noise_note 12, 11, 7, 76
+	noise_note 15, 10, 2, 92
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry24_2.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry24_2.asm
@@ -1,33 +1,33 @@
-	dutycycle 240
-	squarenote 15, 15, 7, 1664
-	squarenote 10, 14, 6, 1668
-	squarenote 15, 13, 7, 1680
-	squarenote 8, 13, 5, 1680
-	squarenote 6, 12, 4, 1672
-	squarenote 5, 13, 3, 1648
-	squarenote 4, 13, 3, 1632
-	squarenote 8, 12, 1, 1600
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 0, 0
+	square_note 15, 15, 7, 1664
+	square_note 10, 14, 6, 1668
+	square_note 15, 13, 7, 1680
+	square_note 8, 13, 5, 1680
+	square_note 6, 12, 4, 1672
+	square_note 5, 13, 3, 1648
+	square_note 4, 13, 3, 1632
+	square_note 8, 12, 1, 1600
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 5
-	squarenote 15, 11, 7, 1601
-	squarenote 10, 9, 6, 1602
-	squarenote 15, 10, 7, 1617
-	squarenote 8, 10, 5, 1617
-	squarenote 6, 9, 4, 1607
-	squarenote 5, 10, 3, 1585
-	squarenote 4, 9, 3, 1570
-	squarenote 8, 7, 1, 1537
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 0, 0, 1, 1
+	square_note 15, 11, 7, 1601
+	square_note 10, 9, 6, 1602
+	square_note 15, 10, 7, 1617
+	square_note 8, 10, 5, 1617
+	square_note 6, 9, 4, 1607
+	square_note 5, 10, 3, 1585
+	square_note 4, 9, 3, 1570
+	square_note 8, 7, 1, 1537
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 15, 14, 4, 60
-	noisenote 10, 12, 7, 76
-	noisenote 10, 12, 7, 60
-	noisenote 12, 11, 7, 76
-	noisenote 15, 10, 2, 92
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 15, 14, 4, 60
+	noise_note 10, 12, 7, 76
+	noise_note 10, 12, 7, 60
+	noise_note 12, 11, 7, 76
+	noise_note 15, 10, 2, 92
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry24_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry24_3.asm
@@ -1,33 +1,33 @@
-	dutycycle 240
-	squarenote 15, 15, 7, 1664
-	squarenote 10, 14, 6, 1668
-	squarenote 15, 13, 7, 1680
-	squarenote 8, 13, 5, 1680
-	squarenote 6, 12, 4, 1672
-	squarenote 5, 13, 3, 1648
-	squarenote 4, 13, 3, 1632
-	squarenote 8, 12, 1, 1600
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 0, 0
+	square_note 15, 15, 7, 1664
+	square_note 10, 14, 6, 1668
+	square_note 15, 13, 7, 1680
+	square_note 8, 13, 5, 1680
+	square_note 6, 12, 4, 1672
+	square_note 5, 13, 3, 1648
+	square_note 4, 13, 3, 1632
+	square_note 8, 12, 1, 1600
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 5
-	squarenote 15, 11, 7, 1601
-	squarenote 10, 9, 6, 1602
-	squarenote 15, 10, 7, 1617
-	squarenote 8, 10, 5, 1617
-	squarenote 6, 9, 4, 1607
-	squarenote 5, 10, 3, 1585
-	squarenote 4, 9, 3, 1570
-	squarenote 8, 7, 1, 1537
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 0, 0, 1, 1
+	square_note 15, 11, 7, 1601
+	square_note 10, 9, 6, 1602
+	square_note 15, 10, 7, 1617
+	square_note 8, 10, 5, 1617
+	square_note 6, 9, 4, 1607
+	square_note 5, 10, 3, 1585
+	square_note 4, 9, 3, 1570
+	square_note 8, 7, 1, 1537
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 15, 14, 4, 60
-	noisenote 10, 12, 7, 76
-	noisenote 10, 12, 7, 60
-	noisenote 12, 11, 7, 76
-	noisenote 15, 10, 2, 92
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 15, 14, 4, 60
+	noise_note 10, 12, 7, 76
+	noise_note 10, 12, 7, 60
+	noise_note 12, 11, 7, 76
+	noise_note 15, 10, 2, 92
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry25_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry25_1.asm
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
-	dutycycle 165
-	squarenote 6, 15, 4, 1856
-	squarenote 15, 14, 3, 1840
-	squarenote 4, 15, 4, 1856
-	squarenote 5, 11, 3, 1864
-	squarenote 8, 13, 1, 1872
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 2, 2, 1, 1
+	square_note 6, 15, 4, 1856
+	square_note 15, 14, 3, 1840
+	square_note 4, 15, 4, 1856
+	square_note 5, 11, 3, 1864
+	square_note 8, 13, 1, 1872
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 119
-	squarenote 6, 12, 3, 1810
-	squarenote 15, 11, 3, 1796
-	squarenote 3, 12, 3, 1810
-	squarenote 4, 12, 3, 1825
-	squarenote 8, 11, 1, 1842
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 1, 3, 1, 3
+	square_note 6, 12, 3, 1810
+	square_note 15, 11, 3, 1796
+	square_note 3, 12, 3, 1810
+	square_note 4, 12, 3, 1825
+	square_note 8, 11, 1, 1842
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 8, 13, 6, 44
-	noisenote 12, 12, 6, 60
-	noisenote 10, 11, 6, 44
-	noisenote 8, 9, 1, 28
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 8, 13, 6, 44
+	noise_note 12, 12, 6, 60
+	noise_note 10, 11, 6, 44
+	noise_note 8, 9, 1, 28
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry25_2.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry25_2.asm
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
-	dutycycle 165
-	squarenote 6, 15, 4, 1856
-	squarenote 15, 14, 3, 1840
-	squarenote 4, 15, 4, 1856
-	squarenote 5, 11, 3, 1864
-	squarenote 8, 13, 1, 1872
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 2, 2, 1, 1
+	square_note 6, 15, 4, 1856
+	square_note 15, 14, 3, 1840
+	square_note 4, 15, 4, 1856
+	square_note 5, 11, 3, 1864
+	square_note 8, 13, 1, 1872
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 119
-	squarenote 6, 12, 3, 1810
-	squarenote 15, 11, 3, 1796
-	squarenote 3, 12, 3, 1810
-	squarenote 4, 12, 3, 1825
-	squarenote 8, 11, 1, 1842
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 1, 3, 1, 3
+	square_note 6, 12, 3, 1810
+	square_note 15, 11, 3, 1796
+	square_note 3, 12, 3, 1810
+	square_note 4, 12, 3, 1825
+	square_note 8, 11, 1, 1842
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 8, 13, 6, 44
-	noisenote 12, 12, 6, 60
-	noisenote 10, 11, 6, 44
-	noisenote 8, 9, 1, 28
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 8, 13, 6, 44
+	noise_note 12, 12, 6, 60
+	noise_note 10, 11, 6, 44
+	noise_note 8, 9, 1, 28
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cry25_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cry25_3.asm
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
-	dutycycle 165
-	squarenote 6, 15, 4, 1856
-	squarenote 15, 14, 3, 1840
-	squarenote 4, 15, 4, 1856
-	squarenote 5, 11, 3, 1864
-	squarenote 8, 13, 1, 1872
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 2, 2, 1, 1
+	square_note 6, 15, 4, 1856
+	square_note 15, 14, 3, 1840
+	square_note 4, 15, 4, 1856
+	square_note 5, 11, 3, 1864
+	square_note 8, 13, 1, 1872
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 119
-	squarenote 6, 12, 3, 1810
-	squarenote 15, 11, 3, 1796
-	squarenote 3, 12, 3, 1810
-	squarenote 4, 12, 3, 1825
-	squarenote 8, 11, 1, 1842
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 1, 3, 1, 3
+	square_note 6, 12, 3, 1810
+	square_note 15, 11, 3, 1796
+	square_note 3, 12, 3, 1810
+	square_note 4, 12, 3, 1825
+	square_note 8, 11, 1, 1842
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 8, 13, 6, 44
-	noisenote 12, 12, 6, 60
-	noisenote 10, 11, 6, 44
-	noisenote 8, 9, 1, 28
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 8, 13, 6, 44
+	noise_note 12, 12, 6, 60
+	noise_note 10, 11, 6, 44
+	noise_note 8, 9, 1, 28
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cut_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cut_1.asm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-	noisenote 2, 15, 7, 36
-	noisenote 2, 15, 7, 52
-	noisenote 4, 15, 7, 68
-	noisenote 8, 15, 4, 85
-	noisenote 8, 15, 1, 68
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 2, 15, 7, 36
+	noise_note 2, 15, 7, 52
+	noise_note 4, 15, 7, 68
+	noise_note 8, 15, 4, 85
+	noise_note 8, 15, 1, 68
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cut_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/cut_3.asm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-	noisenote 2, 15, 7, 36
-	noisenote 2, 15, 7, 52
-	noisenote 4, 15, 7, 68
-	noisenote 8, 15, 4, 85
-	noisenote 8, 15, 1, 68
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 2, 15, 7, 36
+	noise_note 2, 15, 7, 52
+	noise_note 4, 15, 7, 68
+	noise_note 8, 15, 4, 85
+	noise_note 8, 15, 1, 68
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/cymbal1_1.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,0 @@
-	noisenote 0, 10, 1, 16
-	endchannel
--- a/audio/sfx/cymbal1_2.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,0 @@
-	noisenote 0, 10, 1, 16
-	endchannel
--- a/audio/sfx/cymbal1_3.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,0 @@
-	noisenote 0, 10, 1, 16
-	endchannel
--- a/audio/sfx/cymbal2_1.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,0 @@
-	noisenote 0, 10, 2, 17
-	endchannel
--- a/audio/sfx/cymbal2_2.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,0 @@
-	noisenote 0, 10, 2, 17
-	endchannel
--- a/audio/sfx/cymbal2_3.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,0 @@
-	noisenote 0, 10, 2, 17
-	endchannel
--- a/audio/sfx/cymbal3_1.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,0 @@
-	noisenote 0, 10, 2, 80
-	endchannel
--- a/audio/sfx/cymbal3_2.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,0 @@
-	noisenote 0, 10, 2, 80
-	endchannel
--- a/audio/sfx/cymbal3_3.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,0 @@
-	noisenote 0, 10, 2, 80
-	endchannel
--- a/audio/sfx/damage.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/damage.asm
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-	noisenote 2, 15, 4, 68
-	noisenote 2, 15, 4, 20
-	noisenote 15, 15, 1, 50
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 2, 15, 4, 68
+	noise_note 2, 15, 4, 20
+	noise_note 15, 15, 1, 50
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/denied_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/denied_1.asm
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
-	duty 3
-	pitchenvelope 5, -2
-	squarenote 4, 15, 0, 1280
-	pitchenvelope 0, 0
-	squarenote 4, 0, 0, 0
-	squarenote 15, 15, 0, 1280
-	squarenote 1, 0, 0, 0
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 3
+	pitch_sweep 5, -2
+	square_note 4, 15, 0, 1280
+	pitch_sweep 0, 8
+	square_note 4, 0, 0, 0
+	square_note 15, 15, 0, 1280
+	square_note 1, 0, 0, 0
+	sound_ret
-	duty 3
-	squarenote 4, 15, 0, 1025
-	squarenote 4, 0, 0, 0
-	squarenote 15, 15, 0, 1025
-	squarenote 1, 0, 0, 0
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 3
+	square_note 4, 15, 0, 1025
+	square_note 4, 0, 0, 0
+	square_note 15, 15, 0, 1025
+	square_note 1, 0, 0, 0
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/denied_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/denied_3.asm
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
-	duty 3
-	pitchenvelope 5, -2
-	squarenote 4, 15, 0, 1280
-	pitchenvelope 0, 0
-	squarenote 4, 0, 0, 0
-	squarenote 15, 15, 0, 1280
-	squarenote 1, 0, 0, 0
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 3
+	pitch_sweep 5, -2
+	square_note 4, 15, 0, 1280
+	pitch_sweep 0, 8
+	square_note 4, 0, 0, 0
+	square_note 15, 15, 0, 1280
+	square_note 1, 0, 0, 0
+	sound_ret
-	duty 3
-	squarenote 4, 15, 0, 1025
-	squarenote 4, 0, 0, 0
-	squarenote 15, 15, 0, 1025
-	squarenote 1, 0, 0, 0
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 3
+	square_note 4, 15, 0, 1025
+	square_note 4, 0, 0, 0
+	square_note 15, 15, 0, 1025
+	square_note 1, 0, 0, 0
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/dex_page_added.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/dex_page_added.asm
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-	duty 2
-	pitchenvelope 4, 4
-	squarenote 15, 15, 0, 1264
-	pitchenvelope 1, 7
-	squarenote 15, 15, 2, 1616
-	pitchenvelope 0, 0
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 2
+	pitch_sweep 4, 4
+	square_note 15, 15, 0, 1264
+	pitch_sweep 1, 7
+	square_note 15, 15, 2, 1616
+	pitch_sweep 0, 8
+	sound_ret
-	duty 2
-	squarenote 15, 9, 2, 1536
-	squarenote 15, 9, 2, 1922
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 2
+	square_note 15, 9, 2, 1536
+	square_note 15, 9, 2, 1922
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/doubleslap.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/doubleslap.asm
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-	noisenote 8, 15, 1, 50
-	noisenote 8, 15, 1, 51
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 8, 15, 1, 50
+	noise_note 8, 15, 1, 51
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/enter_pc_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/enter_pc_1.asm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-	duty 2
-	squarenote 6, 15, 0, 1792
-	squarenote 4, 0, 0, 0
-	squarenote 6, 15, 0, 1792
-	squarenote 1, 0, 0, 0
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 2
+	square_note 6, 15, 0, 1792
+	square_note 4, 0, 0, 0
+	square_note 6, 15, 0, 1792
+	square_note 1, 0, 0, 0
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/enter_pc_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/enter_pc_3.asm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-	duty 2
-	squarenote 4, 15, 0, 1792
-	squarenote 4, 0, 0, 0
-	squarenote 4, 15, 0, 1792
-	squarenote 1, 0, 0, 0
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 2
+	square_note 4, 15, 0, 1792
+	square_note 4, 0, 0, 0
+	square_note 4, 15, 0, 1792
+	square_note 1, 0, 0, 0
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/faint_fall.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/faint_fall.asm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-	duty 1
-	pitchenvelope 10, -7
-	squarenote 15, 15, 2, 1920
-	pitchenvelope 0, 0
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 1
+	pitch_sweep 10, -7
+	square_note 15, 15, 2, 1920
+	pitch_sweep 0, 8
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/faint_thud.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/faint_thud.asm
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-	squarenote 15, 13, 1, 512
-	pitchenvelope 0, 0
-	endchannel
+	square_note 15, 13, 1, 512
+	pitch_sweep 0, 8
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 4, 15, 5, 51
-	noisenote 8, 15, 4, 34
-	noisenote 15, 15, 2, 33
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 4, 15, 5, 51
+	noise_note 8, 15, 4, 34
+	noise_note 15, 15, 2, 33
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/fly_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/fly_1.asm
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
-	noisenote 2, 15, 1, 18
-	noisenote 2, 0, 0, 0
-	noisenote 2, 10, 1, 18
-	noisenote 2, 0, 0, 0
-	noisenote 2, 13, 1, 18
-	noisenote 2, 0, 0, 0
-	noisenote 2, 8, 1, 18
-	noisenote 2, 0, 0, 0
-	noisenote 2, 11, 1, 18
-	noisenote 2, 0, 0, 0
-	noisenote 2, 6, 1, 18
-	noisenote 2, 0, 0, 0
-	noisenote 2, 9, 1, 18
-	noisenote 2, 0, 0, 0
-	noisenote 2, 4, 1, 18
-	noisenote 2, 0, 0, 0
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 2, 15, 1, 18
+	noise_note 2, 0, 0, 0
+	noise_note 2, 10, 1, 18
+	noise_note 2, 0, 0, 0
+	noise_note 2, 13, 1, 18
+	noise_note 2, 0, 0, 0
+	noise_note 2, 8, 1, 18
+	noise_note 2, 0, 0, 0
+	noise_note 2, 11, 1, 18
+	noise_note 2, 0, 0, 0
+	noise_note 2, 6, 1, 18
+	noise_note 2, 0, 0, 0
+	noise_note 2, 9, 1, 18
+	noise_note 2, 0, 0, 0
+	noise_note 2, 4, 1, 18
+	noise_note 2, 0, 0, 0
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/fly_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/fly_3.asm
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
-	noisenote 2, 15, 1, 18
-	noisenote 2, 0, 0, 0
-	noisenote 2, 10, 1, 18
-	noisenote 2, 0, 0, 0
-	noisenote 2, 13, 1, 18
-	noisenote 2, 0, 0, 0
-	noisenote 2, 8, 1, 18
-	noisenote 2, 0, 0, 0
-	noisenote 2, 11, 1, 18
-	noisenote 2, 0, 0, 0
-	noisenote 2, 6, 1, 18
-	noisenote 2, 0, 0, 0
-	noisenote 2, 9, 1, 18
-	noisenote 2, 0, 0, 0
-	noisenote 2, 4, 1, 18
-	noisenote 2, 0, 0, 0
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 2, 15, 1, 18
+	noise_note 2, 0, 0, 0
+	noise_note 2, 10, 1, 18
+	noise_note 2, 0, 0, 0
+	noise_note 2, 13, 1, 18
+	noise_note 2, 0, 0, 0
+	noise_note 2, 8, 1, 18
+	noise_note 2, 0, 0, 0
+	noise_note 2, 11, 1, 18
+	noise_note 2, 0, 0, 0
+	noise_note 2, 6, 1, 18
+	noise_note 2, 0, 0, 0
+	noise_note 2, 9, 1, 18
+	noise_note 2, 0, 0, 0
+	noise_note 2, 4, 1, 18
+	noise_note 2, 0, 0, 0
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/get_item1_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/get_item1_1.asm
@@ -1,47 +1,47 @@
-	executemusic
+	execute_music
 	tempo 256
 	volume 7, 7
 	vibrato 6, 2, 6
-	duty 2
-	toggleperfectpitch
-	notetype 4, 11, 1
+	duty_cycle 2
+	toggle_perfect_pitch
+	note_type 4, 11, 1
 	octave 3
-	G# 2
-	G# 2
-	G# 2
-	notetype 12, 11, 3
+	note G#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 3
 	octave 4
-	E_ 4
-	endchannel
+	note E_, 4
+	sound_ret
-	executemusic
+	execute_music
 	vibrato 8, 2, 7
-	duty 2
-	notetype 4, 12, 1
+	duty_cycle 2
+	note_type 4, 12, 1
 	octave 4
-	E_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 3
-	B_ 4
-	endchannel
+	note E_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 3
+	note B_, 4
+	sound_ret
-	executemusic
-	notetype 4, 1, 0
+	execute_music
+	note_type 4, 1, 0
 	octave 4
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	notetype 12, 1, 0
+	note_type 12, 1, 0
 	octave 4
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 2
-	endchannel
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/get_item1_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/get_item1_3.asm
@@ -1,47 +1,47 @@
-	executemusic
+	execute_music
 	tempo 256
 	volume 7, 7
 	vibrato 6, 2, 6
-	duty 2
-	toggleperfectpitch
-	notetype 4, 11, 1
+	duty_cycle 2
+	toggle_perfect_pitch
+	note_type 4, 11, 1
 	octave 3
-	G# 2
-	G# 2
-	G# 2
-	notetype 12, 11, 3
+	note G#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note_type 12, 11, 3
 	octave 4
-	E_ 4
-	endchannel
+	note E_, 4
+	sound_ret
-	executemusic
+	execute_music
 	vibrato 8, 2, 7
-	duty 2
-	notetype 4, 12, 1
+	duty_cycle 2
+	note_type 4, 12, 1
 	octave 4
-	E_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	notetype 12, 12, 3
-	B_ 4
-	endchannel
+	note E_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note_type 12, 12, 3
+	note B_, 4
+	sound_ret
-	executemusic
-	notetype 4, 1, 0
+	execute_music
+	note_type 4, 1, 0
 	octave 4
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	notetype 12, 1, 0
+	note_type 12, 1, 0
 	octave 4
-	B_ 2
+	note B_, 2
 	rest 2
-	endchannel
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/get_item2_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/get_item2_1.asm
@@ -1,69 +1,69 @@
-	executemusic
+	execute_music
 	tempo 256
 	volume 7, 7
-	duty 2
-	toggleperfectpitch
-	notetype 5, 11, 4
+	duty_cycle 2
+	toggle_perfect_pitch
+	note_type 5, 11, 4
 	octave 4
-	D_ 4
-	C_ 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note C_, 4
 	octave 3
-	A_ 8
-	notetype 5, 11, 2
+	note A_, 8
+	note_type 5, 11, 2
 	octave 4
-	D# 2
-	D# 2
-	D_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	C_ 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 3
-	A# 2
-	notetype 5, 11, 4
+	note A#, 2
+	note_type 5, 11, 4
 	octave 4
-	C_ 8
-	endchannel
+	note C_, 8
+	sound_ret
-	executemusic
+	execute_music
 	vibrato 8, 2, 7
-	duty 2
-	notetype 5, 12, 5
+	duty_cycle 2
+	note_type 5, 12, 5
 	octave 4
-	A_ 4
-	F_ 4
-	C_ 8
-	notetype 5, 12, 2
-	A# 2
-	A# 2
-	A# 2
-	G_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	A# 2
-	notetype 5, 12, 4
-	A_ 8
-	endchannel
+	note A_, 4
+	note F_, 4
+	note C_, 8
+	note_type 5, 12, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note_type 5, 12, 4
+	note A_, 8
+	sound_ret
-	executemusic
-	notetype 5, 1, 0
+	execute_music
+	note_type 5, 1, 0
 	octave 5
-	F_ 4
-	D# 4
-	C_ 8
-	D# 1
+	note F_, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note C_, 8
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 8
-	endchannel
+	note A_, 8
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/get_item2_2.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/get_item2_2.asm
@@ -1,69 +1,69 @@
-	executemusic
+	execute_music
 	tempo 256
 	volume 7, 7
-	duty 2
-	toggleperfectpitch
-	notetype 5, 11, 4
+	duty_cycle 2
+	toggle_perfect_pitch
+	note_type 5, 11, 4
 	octave 4
-	D_ 4
-	C_ 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note C_, 4
 	octave 3
-	A_ 8
-	notetype 5, 11, 2
+	note A_, 8
+	note_type 5, 11, 2
 	octave 4
-	D# 2
-	D# 2
-	D_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	C_ 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 3
-	A# 2
-	notetype 5, 11, 4
+	note A#, 2
+	note_type 5, 11, 4
 	octave 4
-	C_ 8
-	endchannel
+	note C_, 8
+	sound_ret
-	executemusic
+	execute_music
 	vibrato 8, 2, 7
-	duty 2
-	notetype 5, 12, 5
+	duty_cycle 2
+	note_type 5, 12, 5
 	octave 4
-	A_ 4
-	F_ 4
-	C_ 8
-	notetype 5, 12, 2
-	A# 2
-	A# 2
-	A# 2
-	G_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	A# 2
-	notetype 5, 12, 4
-	A_ 8
-	endchannel
+	note A_, 4
+	note F_, 4
+	note C_, 8
+	note_type 5, 12, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note_type 5, 12, 4
+	note A_, 8
+	sound_ret
-	executemusic
-	notetype 5, 1, 0
+	execute_music
+	note_type 5, 1, 0
 	octave 5
-	F_ 4
-	D# 4
-	C_ 8
-	D# 1
+	note F_, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note C_, 8
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 8
-	endchannel
+	note A_, 8
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/get_item2_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/get_item2_3.asm
@@ -1,69 +1,69 @@
-	executemusic
+	execute_music
 	tempo 256
 	volume 7, 7
-	duty 2
-	toggleperfectpitch
-	notetype 5, 11, 4
+	duty_cycle 2
+	toggle_perfect_pitch
+	note_type 5, 11, 4
 	octave 4
-	D_ 4
-	C_ 4
+	note D_, 4
+	note C_, 4
 	octave 3
-	A_ 8
-	notetype 5, 11, 2
+	note A_, 8
+	note_type 5, 11, 2
 	octave 4
-	D# 2
-	D# 2
-	D_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	C_ 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 3
-	A# 2
-	notetype 5, 11, 4
+	note A#, 2
+	note_type 5, 11, 4
 	octave 4
-	C_ 8
-	endchannel
+	note C_, 8
+	sound_ret
-	executemusic
+	execute_music
 	vibrato 8, 2, 7
-	duty 2
-	notetype 5, 12, 5
+	duty_cycle 2
+	note_type 5, 12, 5
 	octave 4
-	A_ 4
-	F_ 4
-	C_ 8
-	notetype 5, 12, 2
-	A# 2
-	A# 2
-	A# 2
-	G_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	A# 2
-	notetype 5, 12, 4
-	A_ 8
-	endchannel
+	note A_, 4
+	note F_, 4
+	note C_, 8
+	note_type 5, 12, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note_type 5, 12, 4
+	note A_, 8
+	sound_ret
-	executemusic
-	notetype 5, 1, 0
+	execute_music
+	note_type 5, 1, 0
 	octave 5
-	F_ 4
-	D# 4
-	C_ 8
-	D# 1
+	note F_, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note C_, 8
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 8
-	endchannel
+	note A_, 8
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/get_key_item_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/get_key_item_1.asm
@@ -1,59 +1,59 @@
-	executemusic
+	execute_music
 	tempo 256
 	volume 7, 7
-	duty 2
-	toggleperfectpitch
-	notetype 5, 10, 4
+	duty_cycle 2
+	toggle_perfect_pitch
+	note_type 5, 10, 4
 	octave 3
-	A# 4
-	notetype 5, 11, 1
+	note A#, 4
+	note_type 5, 11, 1
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
-	C_ 1
-	C_ 1
-	notetype 5, 10, 4
-	D# 4
-	notetype 5, 11, 1
-	F_ 2
-	F_ 1
-	F_ 1
-	notetype 5, 11, 4
-	A# 8
-	endchannel
+	note C_, 2
+	note C_, 1
+	note C_, 1
+	note_type 5, 10, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note_type 5, 11, 1
+	note F_, 2
+	note F_, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note_type 5, 11, 4
+	note A#, 8
+	sound_ret
-	executemusic
+	execute_music
 	vibrato 4, 2, 3
-	duty 2
-	notetype 5, 13, 1
+	duty_cycle 2
+	note_type 5, 13, 1
 	octave 4
-	G_ 2
-	G_ 1
-	G_ 1
-	notetype 5, 12, 4
-	D# 4
-	notetype 5, 13, 1
-	G# 2
-	G# 1
-	G# 1
-	A# 2
-	A# 1
-	A# 1
-	notetype 5, 12, 4
+	note G_, 2
+	note G_, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note_type 5, 12, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note_type 5, 13, 1
+	note G#, 2
+	note G#, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note A#, 2
+	note A#, 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note_type 5, 12, 4
 	octave 5
-	D# 8
-	endchannel
+	note D#, 8
+	sound_ret
-	executemusic
-	notetype 5, 1, 0
+	execute_music
+	note_type 5, 1, 0
 	octave 4
-	D# 4
-	G# 4
-	G_ 4
-	F_ 4
-	D# 8
-	endchannel
+	note D#, 4
+	note G#, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note F_, 4
+	note D#, 8
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/get_key_item_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/get_key_item_3.asm
@@ -1,59 +1,59 @@
-	executemusic
+	execute_music
 	tempo 256
 	volume 7, 7
-	duty 2
-	toggleperfectpitch
-	notetype 5, 10, 4
+	duty_cycle 2
+	toggle_perfect_pitch
+	note_type 5, 10, 4
 	octave 3
-	A# 4
-	notetype 5, 11, 1
+	note A#, 4
+	note_type 5, 11, 1
 	octave 4
-	C_ 2
-	C_ 1
-	C_ 1
-	notetype 5, 10, 4
-	D# 4
-	notetype 5, 11, 1
-	F_ 2
-	F_ 1
-	F_ 1
-	notetype 5, 11, 4
-	A# 8
-	endchannel
+	note C_, 2
+	note C_, 1
+	note C_, 1
+	note_type 5, 10, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note_type 5, 11, 1
+	note F_, 2
+	note F_, 1
+	note F_, 1
+	note_type 5, 11, 4
+	note A#, 8
+	sound_ret
-	executemusic
+	execute_music
 	vibrato 4, 2, 3
-	duty 2
-	notetype 5, 13, 1
+	duty_cycle 2
+	note_type 5, 13, 1
 	octave 4
-	G_ 2
-	G_ 1
-	G_ 1
-	notetype 5, 12, 4
-	D# 4
-	notetype 5, 13, 1
-	G# 2
-	G# 1
-	G# 1
-	A# 2
-	A# 1
-	A# 1
-	notetype 5, 12, 4
+	note G_, 2
+	note G_, 1
+	note G_, 1
+	note_type 5, 12, 4
+	note D#, 4
+	note_type 5, 13, 1
+	note G#, 2
+	note G#, 1
+	note G#, 1
+	note A#, 2
+	note A#, 1
+	note A#, 1
+	note_type 5, 12, 4
 	octave 5
-	D# 8
-	endchannel
+	note D#, 8
+	sound_ret
-	executemusic
-	notetype 5, 1, 0
+	execute_music
+	note_type 5, 1, 0
 	octave 4
-	D# 4
-	G# 4
-	G_ 4
-	F_ 4
-	D# 8
-	endchannel
+	note D#, 4
+	note G#, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note F_, 4
+	note D#, 8
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/go_inside_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/go_inside_1.asm
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-	noisenote 9, 15, 1, 68
-	noisenote 8, 13, 1, 67
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 9, 15, 1, 68
+	noise_note 8, 13, 1, 67
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/go_inside_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/go_inside_3.asm
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-	noisenote 9, 15, 1, 68
-	noisenote 8, 13, 1, 67
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 9, 15, 1, 68
+	noise_note 8, 13, 1, 67
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/go_outside_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/go_outside_1.asm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-	noisenote 2, 15, 1, 84
-	noisenote 12, 7, 1, 35
-	noisenote 2, 11, 1, 84
-	noisenote 12, 6, 1, 35
-	noisenote 6, 4, 1, 84
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 2, 15, 1, 84
+	noise_note 12, 7, 1, 35
+	noise_note 2, 11, 1, 84
+	noise_note 12, 6, 1, 35
+	noise_note 6, 4, 1, 84
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/go_outside_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/go_outside_3.asm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-	noisenote 2, 15, 1, 84
-	noisenote 12, 7, 1, 35
-	noisenote 2, 11, 1, 84
-	noisenote 12, 6, 1, 35
-	noisenote 6, 4, 1, 84
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 2, 15, 1, 84
+	noise_note 12, 7, 1, 35
+	noise_note 2, 11, 1, 84
+	noise_note 12, 6, 1, 35
+	noise_note 6, 4, 1, 84
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/heal_ailment_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/heal_ailment_1.asm
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-	duty 2
-	pitchenvelope 1, 4
-	squarenote 4, 15, 2, 1536
-	squarenote 4, 15, 2, 1536
-	pitchenvelope 1, 7
-	squarenote 15, 15, 2, 1536
-	pitchenvelope 0, 0
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 2
+	pitch_sweep 1, 4
+	square_note 4, 15, 2, 1536
+	square_note 4, 15, 2, 1536
+	pitch_sweep 1, 7
+	square_note 15, 15, 2, 1536
+	pitch_sweep 0, 8
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/heal_ailment_2.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/heal_ailment_2.asm
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-	duty 2
-	pitchenvelope 1, 4
-	squarenote 4, 15, 2, 1536
-	squarenote 4, 15, 2, 1536
-	pitchenvelope 1, 7
-	squarenote 15, 15, 2, 1536
-	pitchenvelope 0, 0
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 2
+	pitch_sweep 1, 4
+	square_note 4, 15, 2, 1536
+	square_note 4, 15, 2, 1536
+	pitch_sweep 1, 7
+	square_note 15, 15, 2, 1536
+	pitch_sweep 0, 8
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/heal_ailment_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/heal_ailment_3.asm
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-	duty 2
-	pitchenvelope 1, 4
-	squarenote 4, 15, 2, 1536
-	squarenote 4, 15, 2, 1536
-	pitchenvelope 1, 7
-	squarenote 15, 15, 2, 1536
-	pitchenvelope 0, 0
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 2
+	pitch_sweep 1, 4
+	square_note 4, 15, 2, 1536
+	square_note 4, 15, 2, 1536
+	pitch_sweep 1, 7
+	square_note 15, 15, 2, 1536
+	pitch_sweep 0, 8
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/heal_hp_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/heal_hp_1.asm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-	duty 2
-	pitchenvelope 1, 7
-	squarenote 15, 15, 0, 1264
-	squarenote 15, 15, 2, 1616
-	pitchenvelope 0, 0
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 2
+	pitch_sweep 1, 7
+	square_note 15, 15, 0, 1264
+	square_note 15, 15, 2, 1616
+	pitch_sweep 0, 8
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/heal_hp_2.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/heal_hp_2.asm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-	duty 2
-	pitchenvelope 1, 7
-	squarenote 15, 15, 0, 1264
-	squarenote 15, 15, 2, 1616
-	pitchenvelope 0, 0
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 2
+	pitch_sweep 1, 7
+	square_note 15, 15, 0, 1264
+	square_note 15, 15, 2, 1616
+	pitch_sweep 0, 8
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/heal_hp_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/heal_hp_3.asm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-	duty 2
-	pitchenvelope 1, 7
-	squarenote 15, 15, 0, 1264
-	squarenote 15, 15, 2, 1616
-	pitchenvelope 0, 0
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 2
+	pitch_sweep 1, 7
+	square_note 15, 15, 0, 1264
+	square_note 15, 15, 2, 1616
+	pitch_sweep 0, 8
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/healing_machine_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/healing_machine_1.asm
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-	duty 2
-	pitchenvelope 2, -4
-	squarenote 4, 15, 2, 1280
-	pitchenvelope 2, 2
-	squarenote 2, 15, 1, 1280
-	pitchenvelope 0, 0
-	squarenote 1, 0, 0, 0
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 2
+	pitch_sweep 2, -4
+	square_note 4, 15, 2, 1280
+	pitch_sweep 2, 2
+	square_note 2, 15, 1, 1280
+	pitch_sweep 0, 8
+	square_note 1, 0, 0, 0
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/healing_machine_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/healing_machine_3.asm
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-	duty 2
-	pitchenvelope 2, -4
-	squarenote 4, 15, 2, 1280
-	pitchenvelope 2, 2
-	squarenote 2, 15, 1, 1280
-	pitchenvelope 0, 0
-	squarenote 1, 0, 0, 0
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 2
+	pitch_sweep 2, -4
+	square_note 4, 15, 2, 1280
+	pitch_sweep 2, 2
+	square_note 2, 15, 1, 1280
+	pitch_sweep 0, 8
+	square_note 1, 0, 0, 0
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/horn_drill.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/horn_drill.asm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-	noisenote 3, 9, 2, 49
-	noisenote 3, 11, 2, 50
-	noisenote 3, 12, 2, 51
-	noisenote 8, 15, 1, 84
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 3, 9, 2, 49
+	noise_note 3, 11, 2, 50
+	noise_note 3, 12, 2, 51
+	noise_note 8, 15, 1, 84
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/intro_crash.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/intro_crash.asm
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-	noisenote 2, 13, 2, 50
-	noisenote 15, 15, 2, 67
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 2, 13, 2, 50
+	noise_note 15, 15, 2, 67
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/intro_hip.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/intro_hip.asm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-	duty 2
-	pitchenvelope 2, 6
-	squarenote 12, 12, 2, 1856
-	pitchenvelope 0, 0
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 2
+	pitch_sweep 2, 6
+	square_note 12, 12, 2, 1856
+	pitch_sweep 0, 8
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/intro_hop.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/intro_hop.asm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-	duty 2
-	pitchenvelope 2, 6
-	squarenote 12, 12, 2, 1664
-	pitchenvelope 0, 0
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 2
+	pitch_sweep 2, 6
+	square_note 12, 12, 2, 1664
+	pitch_sweep 0, 8
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/intro_lunge.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/intro_lunge.asm
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-	noisenote 6, 2, 0, 16
-	noisenote 6, 2, -7, 64
-	noisenote 6, 4, -7, 65
-	noisenote 6, 8, -7, 65
-	noisenote 6, 12, -7, 66
-	noisenote 8, 13, 7, 66
-	noisenote 15, 14, 7, 67
-	noisenote 15, 15, 2, 67
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 6, 2, 0, 16
+	noise_note 6, 2, -7, 64
+	noise_note 6, 4, -7, 65
+	noise_note 6, 8, -7, 65
+	noise_note 6, 12, -7, 66
+	noise_note 8, 13, 7, 66
+	noise_note 15, 14, 7, 67
+	noise_note 15, 15, 2, 67
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/intro_raise.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/intro_raise.asm
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-	noisenote 2, 6, -7, 33
-	noisenote 2, 10, -7, 49
-	noisenote 15, 15, 2, 65
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 2, 6, -7, 33
+	noise_note 2, 10, -7, 49
+	noise_note 15, 15, 2, 65
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/intro_whoosh.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/intro_whoosh.asm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-	noisenote 4, 2, -4, 32
-	noisenote 3, 10, 0, 32
-	noisenote 3, 11, 0, 33
-	noisenote 3, 12, 0, 34
-	noisenote 15, 13, 2, 36
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 4, 2, -4, 32
+	noise_note 3, 10, 0, 32
+	noise_note 3, 11, 0, 33
+	noise_note 3, 12, 0, 34
+	noise_note 15, 13, 2, 36
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/ledge_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/ledge_1.asm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-	duty 2
-	pitchenvelope 9, 5
-	squarenote 15, 15, 2, 1024
-	pitchenvelope 0, 0
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 2
+	pitch_sweep 9, 5
+	square_note 15, 15, 2, 1024
+	pitch_sweep 0, 8
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/ledge_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/ledge_3.asm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-	duty 2
-	pitchenvelope 9, 5
-	squarenote 15, 15, 2, 1024
-	pitchenvelope 0, 0
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 2
+	pitch_sweep 9, 5
+	square_note 15, 15, 2, 1024
+	pitch_sweep 0, 8
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/level_up.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/level_up.asm
@@ -1,63 +1,63 @@
-	executemusic
+	execute_music
 	tempo 256
 	volume 7, 7
-	duty 2
-	toggleperfectpitch
-	notetype 6, 11, 4
+	duty_cycle 2
+	toggle_perfect_pitch
+	note_type 6, 11, 4
 	octave 4
-	F_ 4
-	notetype 4, 11, 2
-	C_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	C_ 2
-	notetype 6, 11, 3
-	D# 2
-	D# 2
-	E_ 2
-	notetype 6, 11, 4
-	F_ 8
-	endchannel
+	note F_, 4
+	note_type 4, 11, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note C_, 2
+	note_type 6, 11, 3
+	note D#, 2
+	note D#, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note_type 6, 11, 4
+	note F_, 8
+	sound_ret
-	executemusic
+	execute_music
 	vibrato 4, 2, 2
-	duty 2
-	notetype 6, 12, 4
+	duty_cycle 2
+	note_type 6, 12, 4
 	octave 4
-	A_ 4
-	notetype 4, 12, 2
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	notetype 6, 12, 4
-	A# 2
-	A# 2
-	A# 2
-	notetype 6, 12, 4
-	A_ 8
-	endchannel
+	note A_, 4
+	note_type 4, 12, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note_type 6, 12, 4
+	note A#, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note A#, 2
+	note_type 6, 12, 4
+	note A_, 8
+	sound_ret
-	executemusic
-	notetype 6, 1, 0
+	execute_music
+	note_type 6, 1, 0
 	octave 5
-	A_ 4
-	notetype 4, 1, 0
-	F_ 1
+	note A_, 4
+	note_type 4, 1, 0
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
-	notetype 6, 1, 0
-	G_ 1
+	note_type 6, 1, 0
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D# 1
+	note D#, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 8
-	endchannel
+	note A_, 8
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/muted_snare1_1.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +1,0 @@
-	noisenote 0, 10, 1, 24
-	noisenote 0, 3, 1, 51
-	endchannel
--- a/audio/sfx/muted_snare1_2.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +1,0 @@
-	noisenote 0, 10, 1, 24
-	noisenote 0, 3, 1, 51
-	endchannel
--- a/audio/sfx/muted_snare1_3.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +1,0 @@
-	noisenote 0, 10, 1, 24
-	noisenote 0, 3, 1, 51
-	endchannel
--- a/audio/sfx/muted_snare2_1.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,0 @@
-	noisenote 0, 9, 1, 34
-	endchannel
--- a/audio/sfx/muted_snare2_2.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,0 @@
-	noisenote 0, 9, 1, 34
-	endchannel
--- a/audio/sfx/muted_snare2_3.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,0 @@
-	noisenote 0, 9, 1, 34
-	endchannel
--- a/audio/sfx/muted_snare3_1.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,0 @@
-	noisenote 0, 7, 1, 34
-	endchannel
--- a/audio/sfx/muted_snare3_2.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,0 @@
-	noisenote 0, 7, 1, 34
-	endchannel
--- a/audio/sfx/muted_snare3_3.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,0 @@
-	noisenote 0, 7, 1, 34
-	endchannel
--- a/audio/sfx/muted_snare4_1.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,0 @@
-	noisenote 0, 6, 1, 34
-	endchannel
--- a/audio/sfx/muted_snare4_2.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,0 @@
-	noisenote 0, 6, 1, 34
-	endchannel
--- a/audio/sfx/muted_snare4_3.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,0 @@
-	noisenote 0, 6, 1, 34
-	endchannel
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/sfx/noise_instrument01_1.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+	noise_note 0, 12, 1, 51
+	sound_ret
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/sfx/noise_instrument01_2.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+	noise_note 0, 12, 1, 51
+	sound_ret
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/sfx/noise_instrument01_3.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+	noise_note 0, 12, 1, 51
+	sound_ret
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/sfx/noise_instrument02_1.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+	noise_note 0, 11, 1, 51
+	sound_ret
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/sfx/noise_instrument02_2.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+	noise_note 0, 11, 1, 51
+	sound_ret
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/sfx/noise_instrument02_3.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+	noise_note 0, 11, 1, 51
+	sound_ret
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/sfx/noise_instrument03_1.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+	noise_note 0, 10, 1, 51
+	sound_ret
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/sfx/noise_instrument03_2.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+	noise_note 0, 10, 1, 51
+	sound_ret
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/sfx/noise_instrument03_3.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+	noise_note 0, 10, 1, 51
+	sound_ret
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/sfx/noise_instrument04_1.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+	noise_note 0, 8, 1, 51
+	sound_ret
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/sfx/noise_instrument04_2.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+	noise_note 0, 8, 1, 51
+	sound_ret
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/sfx/noise_instrument04_3.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+	noise_note 0, 8, 1, 51
+	sound_ret
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/sfx/noise_instrument05_1.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,8 @@
+	noise_note 7, 8, 4, 55
+	noise_note 6, 8, 4, 54
+	noise_note 5, 8, 3, 53
+	noise_note 4, 8, 3, 52
+	noise_note 3, 8, 2, 51
+	noise_note 2, 8, 1, 50
+	sound_ret
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/sfx/noise_instrument05_2.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,8 @@
+	noise_note 7, 8, 4, 55
+	noise_note 6, 8, 4, 54
+	noise_note 5, 8, 3, 53
+	noise_note 4, 8, 3, 52
+	noise_note 3, 8, 2, 51
+	noise_note 2, 8, 1, 50
+	sound_ret
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/sfx/noise_instrument05_3.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,8 @@
+	noise_note 7, 8, 4, 55
+	noise_note 6, 8, 4, 54
+	noise_note 5, 8, 3, 53
+	noise_note 4, 8, 3, 52
+	noise_note 3, 8, 2, 51
+	noise_note 2, 8, 1, 50
+	sound_ret
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/sfx/noise_instrument06_1.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+	noise_note 0, 5, 1, 42
+	sound_ret
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/sfx/noise_instrument06_2.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+	noise_note 0, 5, 1, 42
+	sound_ret
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/sfx/noise_instrument06_3.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+	noise_note 0, 5, 1, 42
+	sound_ret
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/sfx/noise_instrument07_1.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,4 @@
+	noise_note 1, 4, 1, 43
+	noise_note 0, 6, 1, 42
+	sound_ret
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/sfx/noise_instrument07_2.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,4 @@
+	noise_note 1, 4, 1, 43
+	noise_note 0, 6, 1, 42
+	sound_ret
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/sfx/noise_instrument07_3.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,4 @@
+	noise_note 1, 4, 1, 43
+	noise_note 0, 6, 1, 42
+	sound_ret
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/sfx/noise_instrument08_1.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+	noise_note 0, 8, 1, 16
+	sound_ret
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/sfx/noise_instrument08_2.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+	noise_note 0, 8, 1, 16
+	sound_ret
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/sfx/noise_instrument08_3.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+	noise_note 0, 8, 1, 16
+	sound_ret
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/sfx/noise_instrument09_1.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+	noise_note 0, 8, 2, 35
+	sound_ret
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/sfx/noise_instrument09_2.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+	noise_note 0, 8, 2, 35
+	sound_ret
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/sfx/noise_instrument09_3.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+	noise_note 0, 8, 2, 35
+	sound_ret
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/sfx/noise_instrument10_1.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+	noise_note 0, 8, 2, 37
+	sound_ret
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/sfx/noise_instrument10_2.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+	noise_note 0, 8, 2, 37
+	sound_ret
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/sfx/noise_instrument10_3.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+	noise_note 0, 8, 2, 37
+	sound_ret
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/sfx/noise_instrument11_1.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+	noise_note 0, 8, 2, 38
+	sound_ret
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/sfx/noise_instrument11_2.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+	noise_note 0, 8, 2, 38
+	sound_ret
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/sfx/noise_instrument11_3.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+	noise_note 0, 8, 2, 38
+	sound_ret
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/sfx/noise_instrument12_1.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+	noise_note 0, 10, 1, 16
+	sound_ret
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/sfx/noise_instrument12_2.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+	noise_note 0, 10, 1, 16
+	sound_ret
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/sfx/noise_instrument12_3.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+	noise_note 0, 10, 1, 16
+	sound_ret
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/sfx/noise_instrument13_1.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+	noise_note 0, 10, 2, 17
+	sound_ret
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/sfx/noise_instrument13_2.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+	noise_note 0, 10, 2, 17
+	sound_ret
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/sfx/noise_instrument13_3.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+	noise_note 0, 10, 2, 17
+	sound_ret
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/sfx/noise_instrument14_1.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+	noise_note 0, 10, 2, 80
+	sound_ret
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/sfx/noise_instrument14_2.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+	noise_note 0, 10, 2, 80
+	sound_ret
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/sfx/noise_instrument14_3.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+	noise_note 0, 10, 2, 80
+	sound_ret
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/sfx/noise_instrument15_1.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,4 @@
+	noise_note 0, 10, 1, 24
+	noise_note 0, 3, 1, 51
+	sound_ret
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/sfx/noise_instrument15_2.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,4 @@
+	noise_note 0, 10, 1, 24
+	noise_note 0, 3, 1, 51
+	sound_ret
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/sfx/noise_instrument15_3.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,4 @@
+	noise_note 0, 10, 1, 24
+	noise_note 0, 3, 1, 51
+	sound_ret
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/sfx/noise_instrument16_1.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,4 @@
+	noise_note 2, 9, 1, 40
+	noise_note 0, 7, 1, 24
+	sound_ret
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/sfx/noise_instrument16_2.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,4 @@
+	noise_note 2, 9, 1, 40
+	noise_note 0, 7, 1, 24
+	sound_ret
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/sfx/noise_instrument16_3.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,4 @@
+	noise_note 2, 9, 1, 40
+	noise_note 0, 7, 1, 24
+	sound_ret
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/sfx/noise_instrument17_1.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+	noise_note 0, 9, 1, 34
+	sound_ret
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/sfx/noise_instrument17_2.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+	noise_note 0, 9, 1, 34
+	sound_ret
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/sfx/noise_instrument17_3.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+	noise_note 0, 9, 1, 34
+	sound_ret
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/sfx/noise_instrument18_1.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+	noise_note 0, 7, 1, 34
+	sound_ret
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/sfx/noise_instrument18_2.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+	noise_note 0, 7, 1, 34
+	sound_ret
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/sfx/noise_instrument18_3.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+	noise_note 0, 7, 1, 34
+	sound_ret
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/sfx/noise_instrument19_1.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+	noise_note 0, 6, 1, 34
+	sound_ret
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/sfx/noise_instrument19_2.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+	noise_note 0, 6, 1, 34
+	sound_ret
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/sfx/noise_instrument19_3.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+	noise_note 0, 6, 1, 34
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/not_very_effective.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/not_very_effective.asm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-	noisenote 4, 8, -7, 85
-	noisenote 2, 15, 4, 68
-	noisenote 8, 15, 4, 34
-	noisenote 15, 15, 2, 33
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 4, 8, -7, 85
+	noise_note 2, 15, 4, 68
+	noise_note 8, 15, 4, 34
+	noise_note 15, 15, 2, 33
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/peck.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/peck.asm
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-	noisenote 2, 10, 1, 18
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 2, 10, 1, 18
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/poisoned_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/poisoned_1.asm
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-	duty 0
-	pitchenvelope 1, 4
-	squarenote 4, 15, 2, 1536
-	loopchannel 4, SFX_Poisoned_1_Ch4
-	squarenote 15, 15, 3, 1536
-	pitchenvelope 0, 0
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 0
+	pitch_sweep 1, 4
+	square_note 4, 15, 2, 1536
+	sound_loop 4, SFX_Poisoned_1_Ch5
+	square_note 15, 15, 3, 1536
+	pitch_sweep 0, 8
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/poisoned_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/poisoned_3.asm
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-	duty 0
-	pitchenvelope 1, 4
-	squarenote 4, 15, 2, 1536
-	loopchannel 4, SFX_Poisoned_3_Ch4
-	squarenote 15, 15, 3, 1536
-	pitchenvelope 0, 0
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 0
+	pitch_sweep 1, 4
+	square_note 4, 15, 2, 1536
+	sound_loop 4, SFX_Poisoned_3_Ch5
+	square_note 15, 15, 3, 1536
+	pitch_sweep 0, 8
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/pokedex_rating_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/pokedex_rating_1.asm
@@ -1,77 +1,77 @@
-	executemusic
+	execute_music
 	tempo 256
 	volume 7, 7
-	duty 2
-	notetype 5, 11, 1
+	duty_cycle 2
+	note_type 5, 11, 1
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 4
-	E_ 4
+	note C_, 4
+	note E_, 4
 	octave 3
-	F_ 4
-	endchannel
+	note F_, 4
+	sound_ret
-	executemusic
-	duty 2
-	notetype 5, 12, 2
+	execute_music
+	duty_cycle 2
+	note_type 5, 12, 2
 	octave 5
-	F_ 2
-	E_ 1
+	note F_, 2
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 2
-	C_ 1
+	note D_, 2
+	note C_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 5
-	C_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	F_ 4
-	G_ 4
-	F_ 4
-	endchannel
+	note C_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F_, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note F_, 4
+	sound_ret
-	executemusic
-	notetype 5, 1, 0
+	execute_music
+	note_type 5, 1, 0
 	octave 5
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F_ 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 5
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	A# 1
+	note A#, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 3
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	rest 3
 	octave 4
-	F_ 2
+	note F_, 2
 	rest 2
-	endchannel
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/pokedex_rating_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/pokedex_rating_3.asm
@@ -1,77 +1,77 @@
-	executemusic
+	execute_music
 	tempo 256
 	volume 7, 7
-	duty 2
-	notetype 5, 11, 1
+	duty_cycle 2
+	note_type 5, 11, 1
 	octave 3
-	A_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	G_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	A_ 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note G_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note A_, 2
 	octave 4
-	C_ 4
-	E_ 4
+	note C_, 4
+	note E_, 4
 	octave 3
-	F_ 4
-	endchannel
+	note F_, 4
+	sound_ret
-	executemusic
-	duty 2
-	notetype 5, 12, 2
+	execute_music
+	duty_cycle 2
+	note_type 5, 12, 2
 	octave 5
-	F_ 2
-	E_ 1
+	note F_, 2
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
-	D_ 2
-	C_ 1
+	note D_, 2
+	note C_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	A# 2
+	note A#, 2
 	octave 5
-	C_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	E_ 2
-	F_ 4
-	G_ 4
-	F_ 4
-	endchannel
+	note C_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F_, 4
+	note G_, 4
+	note F_, 4
+	sound_ret
-	executemusic
-	notetype 5, 1, 0
+	execute_music
+	note_type 5, 1, 0
 	octave 5
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	F_ 2
+	note F_, 2
 	octave 5
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	A# 1
+	note A#, 1
 	rest 1
-	A_ 1
+	note A_, 1
 	rest 1
-	G_ 1
+	note G_, 1
 	rest 1
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 1
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	F_ 1
+	note F_, 1
 	rest 3
-	C_ 1
+	note C_, 1
 	rest 3
 	octave 4
-	F_ 2
+	note F_, 2
 	rest 2
-	endchannel
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/pokeflute.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/pokeflute.asm
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
 	vibrato 16, 1, 4
-	notetype 12, 1, 0
+	note_type 12, 1, 0
 	octave 5
-	E_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	G_ 4
-	A_ 2
-	G_ 2
+	note E_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note G_, 4
+	note A_, 2
+	note G_, 2
 	octave 6
-	C_ 4
-	C_ 2
-	D_ 2
-	C_ 2
+	note C_, 4
+	note C_, 2
+	note D_, 2
+	note C_, 2
 	octave 5
-	G_ 2
-	A_ 2
-	F_ 2
-	G_ 8
+	note G_, 2
+	note A_, 2
+	note F_, 2
+	note G_, 8
 	rest 12
-	endchannel
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/pokeflute_ch4_ch5.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +1,0 @@
-	tempo 256
-	executemusic
-	notetype 8, 0, 0
-	rest 5
-	rest 7
-	rest 5
-	rest 5
-	rest 5
-	rest 5
-	endchannel
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/sfx/pokeflute_ch5_ch6.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,14 @@
+	tempo 256
+	execute_music
+	note_type 8, 0, 0
+	rest 5
+	rest 7
+	rest 5
+	rest 5
+	rest 5
+	rest 5
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/pokeflute_ch6.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +1,0 @@
-	executemusic
-	vibrato 16, 1, 4
-	notetype 8, 1, 0
-	octave 5
-	E_ 3
-	F_ 3
-	G_ 7
-	A_ 3
-	G_ 3
-	octave 6
-	C_ 13
-	endchannel
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/sfx/pokeflute_ch7.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,13 @@
+	execute_music
+	vibrato 16, 1, 4
+	note_type 8, 1, 0
+	octave 5
+	note E_, 3
+	note F_, 3
+	note G_, 7
+	note A_, 3
+	note G_, 3
+	octave 6
+	note C_, 13
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/pound.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/pound.asm
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-	noisenote 2, 10, 1, 34
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 2, 10, 1, 34
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/press_ab_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/press_ab_1.asm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-	duty 2
-	squarenote 0, 9, 1, 1984
-	squarenote 0, 8, 1, 2000
-	squarenote 0, 9, 1, 1984
-	squarenote 12, 10, 1, 2000
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 2
+	square_note 0, 9, 1, 1984
+	square_note 0, 8, 1, 2000
+	square_note 0, 9, 1, 1984
+	square_note 12, 10, 1, 2000
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/press_ab_2.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/press_ab_2.asm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-	duty 2
-	squarenote 0, 9, 1, 1984
-	squarenote 0, 8, 1, 2000
-	squarenote 0, 9, 1, 1984
-	squarenote 12, 10, 1, 2000
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 2
+	square_note 0, 9, 1, 1984
+	square_note 0, 8, 1, 2000
+	square_note 0, 9, 1, 1984
+	square_note 12, 10, 1, 2000
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/press_ab_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/press_ab_3.asm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-	duty 2
-	squarenote 0, 9, 1, 1984
-	squarenote 0, 8, 1, 2000
-	squarenote 0, 9, 1, 1984
-	squarenote 12, 10, 1, 2000
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 2
+	square_note 0, 9, 1, 1984
+	square_note 0, 8, 1, 2000
+	square_note 0, 9, 1, 1984
+	square_note 12, 10, 1, 2000
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/psybeam.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/psybeam.asm
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
-	dutycycle 161
-	squarenote 10, 15, 1, 1600
-	squarenote 10, 15, 3, 1664
-	squarenote 10, 15, 2, 1568
-	loopchannel 4, SFX_Psybeam_Ch4
-	squarenote 10, 15, 1, 1600
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 2, 2, 0, 1
+	square_note 10, 15, 1, 1600
+	square_note 10, 15, 3, 1664
+	square_note 10, 15, 2, 1568
+	sound_loop 4, SFX_Psybeam_Ch5
+	square_note 10, 15, 1, 1600
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 179
-	squarenote 10, 15, 3, 1393
-	squarenote 7, 14, 3, 1329
-	squarenote 10, 15, 1, 1361
-	loopchannel 4, SFX_Psybeam_Ch5
-	squarenote 10, 15, 1, 1393
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 2, 3, 0, 3
+	square_note 10, 15, 3, 1393
+	square_note 7, 14, 3, 1329
+	square_note 10, 15, 1, 1361
+	sound_loop 4, SFX_Psybeam_Ch6
+	square_note 10, 15, 1, 1393
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 2, 13, 1, 74
-	noisenote 2, 13, 2, 42
-	loopchannel 21, SFX_Psybeam_Ch7
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 2, 13, 1, 74
+	noise_note 2, 13, 2, 42
+	sound_loop 21, SFX_Psybeam_Ch8
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/psychic_m.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/psychic_m.asm
@@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
-	duty 2
-	pitchenvelope 15, 7
-	squarenote 8, 12, 4, 1981
-	squarenote 8, 12, 4, 1982
-	squarenote 8, 12, 4, 1983
-	squarenote 8, 12, 4, 1984
-	squarenote 15, 12, 4, 1985
-	squarenote 15, 15, 2, 1984
-	pitchenvelope 0, 0
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 2
+	pitch_sweep 15, 7
+	square_note 8, 12, 4, 1981
+	square_note 8, 12, 4, 1982
+	square_note 8, 12, 4, 1983
+	square_note 8, 12, 4, 1984
+	square_note 15, 12, 4, 1985
+	square_note 15, 15, 2, 1984
+	pitch_sweep 0, 8
+	sound_ret
-	duty 2
-	squarenote 8, 12, 4, 1904
-	squarenote 8, 12, 4, 1889
-	squarenote 8, 12, 4, 1890
-	squarenote 8, 12, 4, 1891
-	squarenote 15, 12, 4, 1892
-	squarenote 15, 15, 2, 1892
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 2
+	square_note 8, 12, 4, 1904
+	square_note 8, 12, 4, 1889
+	square_note 8, 12, 4, 1890
+	square_note 8, 12, 4, 1891
+	square_note 15, 12, 4, 1892
+	square_note 15, 15, 2, 1892
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 15, 3, -7, 20
-	noisenote 15, 12, -7, 19
-	noisenote 15, 12, -7, 18
-	noisenote 15, 12, -7, 17
-	noisenote 15, 12, -7, 16
-	noisenote 15, 12, 2, 16
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 15, 3, -7, 20
+	noise_note 15, 12, -7, 19
+	noise_note 15, 12, -7, 18
+	noise_note 15, 12, -7, 17
+	noise_note 15, 12, -7, 16
+	noise_note 15, 12, 2, 16
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/purchase_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/purchase_1.asm
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-	duty 2
-	squarenote 4, 14, 1, 1792
-	squarenote 8, 15, 2, 2016
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 2
+	square_note 4, 14, 1, 1792
+	square_note 8, 15, 2, 2016
+	sound_ret
-	duty 2
-	squarenote 1, 0, 8, 0
-	squarenote 4, 9, 1, 1729
-	squarenote 8, 10, 2, 1953
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 2
+	square_note 1, 0, 8, 0
+	square_note 4, 9, 1, 1729
+	square_note 8, 10, 2, 1953
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/purchase_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/purchase_3.asm
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-	duty 2
-	squarenote 4, 14, 1, 1792
-	squarenote 8, 15, 2, 2016
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 2
+	square_note 4, 14, 1, 1792
+	square_note 8, 15, 2, 2016
+	sound_ret
-	duty 2
-	squarenote 1, 0, 8, 0
-	squarenote 4, 9, 1, 1729
-	squarenote 8, 10, 2, 1953
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 2
+	square_note 1, 0, 8, 0
+	square_note 4, 9, 1, 1729
+	square_note 8, 10, 2, 1953
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/push_boulder_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/push_boulder_1.asm
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-	noisenote 4, 10, 2, 35
-	noisenote 8, 15, 1, 52
-	noisenote 15, 0, 0, 0
-	noisenote 2, 15, 7, 36
-	noisenote 2, 15, 7, 52
-	noisenote 4, 15, 7, 68
-	noisenote 8, 15, 4, 85
-	noisenote 8, 15, 1, 68
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 4, 10, 2, 35
+	noise_note 8, 15, 1, 52
+	noise_note 15, 0, 0, 0
+	noise_note 2, 15, 7, 36
+	noise_note 2, 15, 7, 52
+	noise_note 4, 15, 7, 68
+	noise_note 8, 15, 4, 85
+	noise_note 8, 15, 1, 68
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/push_boulder_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/push_boulder_3.asm
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-	noisenote 4, 10, 2, 35
-	noisenote 8, 15, 1, 52
-	noisenote 15, 0, 0, 0
-	noisenote 2, 15, 7, 36
-	noisenote 2, 15, 7, 52
-	noisenote 4, 15, 7, 68
-	noisenote 8, 15, 4, 85
-	noisenote 8, 15, 1, 68
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 4, 10, 2, 35
+	noise_note 8, 15, 1, 52
+	noise_note 15, 0, 0, 0
+	noise_note 2, 15, 7, 36
+	noise_note 2, 15, 7, 52
+	noise_note 4, 15, 7, 68
+	noise_note 8, 15, 4, 85
+	noise_note 8, 15, 1, 68
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/run.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/run.asm
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-	noisenote 2, 6, 1, 35
-	noisenote 2, 10, 1, 51
-	noisenote 2, 12, 1, 51
-	noisenote 2, 5, 1, 17
-	noisenote 2, 15, 1, 51
-	noisenote 2, 4, 1, 17
-	noisenote 2, 12, 1, 51
-	noisenote 2, 3, 1, 17
-	noisenote 2, 8, 1, 51
-	noisenote 2, 3, 1, 17
-	noisenote 8, 4, 1, 51
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 2, 6, 1, 35
+	noise_note 2, 10, 1, 51
+	noise_note 2, 12, 1, 51
+	noise_note 2, 5, 1, 17
+	noise_note 2, 15, 1, 51
+	noise_note 2, 4, 1, 17
+	noise_note 2, 12, 1, 51
+	noise_note 2, 3, 1, 17
+	noise_note 2, 8, 1, 51
+	noise_note 2, 3, 1, 17
+	noise_note 8, 4, 1, 51
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/safari_zone_pa.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/safari_zone_pa.asm
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-	duty 2
-	squarenote 15, 15, 3, 1840
-	squarenote 8, 6, 5, 1840
-	squarenote 15, 15, 4, 1792
-	squarenote 15, 7, 4, 1792
-	squarenote 15, 4, 4, 1792
-	squarenote 15, 2, 4, 1792
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 2
+	square_note 15, 15, 3, 1840
+	square_note 8, 6, 5, 1840
+	square_note 15, 15, 4, 1792
+	square_note 15, 7, 4, 1792
+	square_note 15, 4, 4, 1792
+	square_note 15, 2, 4, 1792
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/save_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/save_1.asm
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-	duty 2
-	squarenote 4, 15, 4, 1792
-	squarenote 2, 14, 4, 1536
-	squarenote 2, 14, 4, 1664
-	squarenote 2, 14, 4, 1728
-	squarenote 2, 14, 4, 1792
-	squarenote 2, 14, 4, 1952
-	squarenote 15, 15, 2, 2016
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 2
+	square_note 4, 15, 4, 1792
+	square_note 2, 14, 4, 1536
+	square_note 2, 14, 4, 1664
+	square_note 2, 14, 4, 1728
+	square_note 2, 14, 4, 1792
+	square_note 2, 14, 4, 1952
+	square_note 15, 15, 2, 2016
+	sound_ret
-	duty 2
-	squarenote 4, 0, 8, 0
-	squarenote 2, 13, 4, 1793
-	squarenote 2, 12, 4, 1537
-	squarenote 2, 12, 4, 1665
-	squarenote 2, 12, 4, 1729
-	squarenote 2, 12, 4, 1793
-	squarenote 2, 12, 4, 1953
-	squarenote 15, 13, 2, 2017
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 2
+	square_note 4, 0, 8, 0
+	square_note 2, 13, 4, 1793
+	square_note 2, 12, 4, 1537
+	square_note 2, 12, 4, 1665
+	square_note 2, 12, 4, 1729
+	square_note 2, 12, 4, 1793
+	square_note 2, 12, 4, 1953
+	square_note 15, 13, 2, 2017
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/save_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/save_3.asm
@@ -1,36 +1,36 @@
-	duty 2
+	duty_cycle 2
-	squarenote 4, 15, 4, 1792
-	squarenote 3, 14, 4, 1664
-	squarenote 3, 14, 4, 1728
-	squarenote 3, 14, 4, 1792
-	squarenote 2, 14, 4, 1952
+	square_note 4, 15, 4, 1792
+	square_note 3, 14, 4, 1664
+	square_note 3, 14, 4, 1728
+	square_note 3, 14, 4, 1792
+	square_note 2, 14, 4, 1952
-	squarenote 3, 14, 4, 1536
-	squarenote 3, 14, 4, 1664
-	squarenote 3, 14, 4, 1728
-	squarenote 3, 14, 4, 1792
-	squarenote 15, 15, 2, 2016
+	square_note 3, 14, 4, 1536
+	square_note 3, 14, 4, 1664
+	square_note 3, 14, 4, 1728
+	square_note 3, 14, 4, 1792
+	square_note 15, 15, 2, 2016
-	endchannel
+	sound_ret
-	duty 2
+	duty_cycle 2
-	squarenote 4, 0, 8, 0
-	squarenote 3, 13, 4, 1793
-	squarenote 3, 12, 4, 1665
-	squarenote 3, 12, 4, 1729
-	squarenote 3, 12, 4, 1793
-	squarenote 2, 12, 4, 1953
+	square_note 4, 0, 8, 0
+	square_note 3, 13, 4, 1793
+	square_note 3, 12, 4, 1665
+	square_note 3, 12, 4, 1729
+	square_note 3, 12, 4, 1793
+	square_note 2, 12, 4, 1953
-	squarenote 3, 0, 8, 0
-	squarenote 3, 12, 4, 1537
-	squarenote 3, 12, 4, 1665
-	squarenote 3, 12, 4, 1729
-	squarenote 3, 12, 4, 1793
-	squarenote 15, 13, 2, 2017
+	square_note 3, 0, 8, 0
+	square_note 3, 12, 4, 1537
+	square_note 3, 12, 4, 1665
+	square_note 3, 12, 4, 1729
+	square_note 3, 12, 4, 1793
+	square_note 15, 13, 2, 2017
-	endchannel
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/shooting_star.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/shooting_star.asm
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-	dutycycle 228
-	pitchenvelope 2, -7
-	squarenote 4, 4, 0, 2016
-	squarenote 4, 6, 0, 2016
-	squarenote 4, 8, 0, 2016
-	squarenote 8, 10, 0, 2016
-	squarenote 8, 10, 0, 2016
-	squarenote 8, 8, 0, 2016
-	squarenote 8, 6, 0, 2016
-	squarenote 8, 3, 0, 2016
-	squarenote 15, 1, 2, 2016
-	pitchenvelope 0, 0
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 2, 1, 0
+	pitch_sweep 2, -7
+	square_note 4, 4, 0, 2016
+	square_note 4, 6, 0, 2016
+	square_note 4, 8, 0, 2016
+	square_note 8, 10, 0, 2016
+	square_note 8, 10, 0, 2016
+	square_note 8, 8, 0, 2016
+	square_note 8, 6, 0, 2016
+	square_note 8, 3, 0, 2016
+	square_note 15, 1, 2, 2016
+	pitch_sweep 0, 8
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/shrink_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/shrink_1.asm
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-	duty 1
-	pitchenvelope 1, 7
-	squarenote 15, 13, 7, 1536
-	squarenote 15, 11, 7, 1408
-	squarenote 15, 8, 7, 1280
-	squarenote 15, 4, 7, 1152
-	squarenote 15, 1, 7, 1024
-	pitchenvelope 0, 0
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 1
+	pitch_sweep 1, 7
+	square_note 15, 13, 7, 1536
+	square_note 15, 11, 7, 1408
+	square_note 15, 8, 7, 1280
+	square_note 15, 4, 7, 1152
+	square_note 15, 1, 7, 1024
+	pitch_sweep 0, 8
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/shrink_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/shrink_3.asm
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-	duty 1
-	pitchenvelope 1, 7
-	squarenote 15, 13, 7, 1536
-	squarenote 15, 11, 7, 1408
-	squarenote 15, 8, 7, 1280
-	squarenote 15, 4, 7, 1152
-	squarenote 15, 1, 7, 1024
-	pitchenvelope 0, 0
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 1
+	pitch_sweep 1, 7
+	square_note 15, 13, 7, 1536
+	square_note 15, 11, 7, 1408
+	square_note 15, 8, 7, 1280
+	square_note 15, 4, 7, 1152
+	square_note 15, 1, 7, 1024
+	pitch_sweep 0, 8
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/silph_scope.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/silph_scope.asm
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-	duty 0
-	squarenote 0, 13, 2, 1792
-	squarenote 0, 13, 2, 1856
-	squarenote 0, 13, 2, 1920
-	squarenote 0, 13, 2, 1984
-	squarenote 10, 14, 1, 2016
-	squarenote 1, 0, 0, 0
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 0
+	square_note 0, 13, 2, 1792
+	square_note 0, 13, 2, 1856
+	square_note 0, 13, 2, 1920
+	square_note 0, 13, 2, 1984
+	square_note 10, 14, 1, 2016
+	square_note 1, 0, 0, 0
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/slots_new_spin.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/slots_new_spin.asm
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-	duty 3
-	squarenote 5, 14, 1, 1792
-	squarenote 2, 14, 1, 1920
-	squarenote 15, 15, 1, 1984
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 3
+	square_note 5, 14, 1, 1792
+	square_note 2, 14, 1, 1920
+	square_note 15, 15, 1, 1984
+	sound_ret
-	duty 2
-	squarenote 4, 12, 1, 1729
-	squarenote 2, 12, 1, 1857
-	squarenote 15, 13, 1, 1921
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 2
+	square_note 4, 12, 1, 1729
+	square_note 2, 12, 1, 1857
+	square_note 15, 13, 1, 1921
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/slots_reward.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/slots_reward.asm
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-	duty 2
-	squarenote 2, 15, 1, 1792
-	squarenote 8, 8, 1, 2016
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 2
+	square_note 2, 15, 1, 1792
+	square_note 8, 8, 1, 2016
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/slots_stop_wheel.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/slots_stop_wheel.asm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-	duty 2
-	squarenote 1, 15, 2, 1696
-	squarenote 1, 15, 2, 1760
-	squarenote 8, 15, 1, 1792
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 2
+	square_note 1, 15, 2, 1696
+	square_note 1, 15, 2, 1760
+	square_note 8, 15, 1, 1792
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/snare1_1.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,0 @@
-	noisenote 0, 12, 1, 51
-	endchannel
--- a/audio/sfx/snare1_2.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,0 @@
-	noisenote 0, 12, 1, 51
-	endchannel
--- a/audio/sfx/snare1_3.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,0 @@
-	noisenote 0, 12, 1, 51
-	endchannel
--- a/audio/sfx/snare2_1.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,0 @@
-	noisenote 0, 11, 1, 51
-	endchannel
--- a/audio/sfx/snare2_2.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,0 @@
-	noisenote 0, 11, 1, 51
-	endchannel
--- a/audio/sfx/snare2_3.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,0 @@
-	noisenote 0, 11, 1, 51
-	endchannel
--- a/audio/sfx/snare3_1.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,0 @@
-	noisenote 0, 10, 1, 51
-	endchannel
--- a/audio/sfx/snare3_2.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,0 @@
-	noisenote 0, 10, 1, 51
-	endchannel
--- a/audio/sfx/snare3_3.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,0 @@
-	noisenote 0, 10, 1, 51
-	endchannel
--- a/audio/sfx/snare4_1.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,0 @@
-	noisenote 0, 8, 1, 51
-	endchannel
--- a/audio/sfx/snare4_2.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,0 @@
-	noisenote 0, 8, 1, 51
-	endchannel
--- a/audio/sfx/snare4_3.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,0 @@
-	noisenote 0, 8, 1, 51
-	endchannel
--- a/audio/sfx/snare5_1.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +1,0 @@
-	noisenote 7, 8, 4, 55
-	noisenote 6, 8, 4, 54
-	noisenote 5, 8, 3, 53
-	noisenote 4, 8, 3, 52
-	noisenote 3, 8, 2, 51
-	noisenote 2, 8, 1, 50
-	endchannel
--- a/audio/sfx/snare5_2.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +1,0 @@
-	noisenote 7, 8, 4, 55
-	noisenote 6, 8, 4, 54
-	noisenote 5, 8, 3, 53
-	noisenote 4, 8, 3, 52
-	noisenote 3, 8, 2, 51
-	noisenote 2, 8, 1, 50
-	endchannel
--- a/audio/sfx/snare5_3.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +1,0 @@
-	noisenote 7, 8, 4, 55
-	noisenote 6, 8, 4, 54
-	noisenote 5, 8, 3, 53
-	noisenote 4, 8, 3, 52
-	noisenote 3, 8, 2, 51
-	noisenote 2, 8, 1, 50
-	endchannel
--- a/audio/sfx/snare6_1.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,0 @@
-	noisenote 0, 8, 1, 16
-	endchannel
--- a/audio/sfx/snare6_2.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,0 @@
-	noisenote 0, 8, 1, 16
-	endchannel
--- a/audio/sfx/snare6_3.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,0 @@
-	noisenote 0, 8, 1, 16
-	endchannel
--- a/audio/sfx/snare7_1.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,0 @@
-	noisenote 0, 8, 2, 35
-	endchannel
--- a/audio/sfx/snare7_2.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,0 @@
-	noisenote 0, 8, 2, 35
-	endchannel
--- a/audio/sfx/snare7_3.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,0 @@
-	noisenote 0, 8, 2, 35
-	endchannel
--- a/audio/sfx/snare8_1.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,0 @@
-	noisenote 0, 8, 2, 37
-	endchannel
--- a/audio/sfx/snare8_2.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,0 @@
-	noisenote 0, 8, 2, 37
-	endchannel
--- a/audio/sfx/snare8_3.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,0 @@
-	noisenote 0, 8, 2, 37
-	endchannel
--- a/audio/sfx/snare9_1.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,0 @@
-	noisenote 0, 8, 2, 38
-	endchannel
--- a/audio/sfx/snare9_2.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,0 @@
-	noisenote 0, 8, 2, 38
-	endchannel
--- a/audio/sfx/snare9_3.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,0 @@
-	noisenote 0, 8, 2, 38
-	endchannel
--- a/audio/sfx/ss_anne_horn_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/ss_anne_horn_1.asm
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
-	duty 2
-	squarenote 15, 15, 0, 1280
-	squarenote 4, 0, 0, 0
-	squarenote 15, 15, 0, 1280
-	squarenote 15, 15, 0, 1280
-	squarenote 15, 15, 0, 1280
-	squarenote 15, 15, 0, 1280
-	squarenote 15, 15, 2, 1280
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 2
+	square_note 15, 15, 0, 1280
+	square_note 4, 0, 0, 0
+	square_note 15, 15, 0, 1280
+	square_note 15, 15, 0, 1280
+	square_note 15, 15, 0, 1280
+	square_note 15, 15, 0, 1280
+	square_note 15, 15, 2, 1280
+	sound_ret
-	duty 3
-	squarenote 15, 15, 0, 1154
-	squarenote 4, 0, 0, 0
-	squarenote 15, 15, 0, 1154
-	squarenote 15, 15, 0, 1154
-	squarenote 15, 15, 0, 1154
-	squarenote 15, 15, 0, 1154
-	squarenote 15, 15, 2, 1154
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 3
+	square_note 15, 15, 0, 1154
+	square_note 4, 0, 0, 0
+	square_note 15, 15, 0, 1154
+	square_note 15, 15, 0, 1154
+	square_note 15, 15, 0, 1154
+	square_note 15, 15, 0, 1154
+	square_note 15, 15, 2, 1154
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/ss_anne_horn_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/ss_anne_horn_3.asm
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
-	duty 2
-	squarenote 15, 15, 0, 1280
-	squarenote 4, 0, 0, 0
-	squarenote 15, 15, 0, 1280
-	squarenote 15, 15, 0, 1280
-	squarenote 15, 15, 0, 1280
-	squarenote 15, 15, 0, 1280
-	squarenote 15, 15, 2, 1280
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 2
+	square_note 15, 15, 0, 1280
+	square_note 4, 0, 0, 0
+	square_note 15, 15, 0, 1280
+	square_note 15, 15, 0, 1280
+	square_note 15, 15, 0, 1280
+	square_note 15, 15, 0, 1280
+	square_note 15, 15, 2, 1280
+	sound_ret
-	duty 3
-	squarenote 15, 15, 0, 1154
-	squarenote 4, 0, 0, 0
-	squarenote 15, 15, 0, 1154
-	squarenote 15, 15, 0, 1154
-	squarenote 15, 15, 0, 1154
-	squarenote 15, 15, 0, 1154
-	squarenote 15, 15, 2, 1154
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 3
+	square_note 15, 15, 0, 1154
+	square_note 4, 0, 0, 0
+	square_note 15, 15, 0, 1154
+	square_note 15, 15, 0, 1154
+	square_note 15, 15, 0, 1154
+	square_note 15, 15, 0, 1154
+	square_note 15, 15, 2, 1154
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/start_menu_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/start_menu_1.asm
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-	noisenote 1, 14, 2, 51
-	noisenote 8, 14, 1, 34
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 1, 14, 2, 51
+	noise_note 8, 14, 1, 34
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/start_menu_2.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/start_menu_2.asm
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-	noisenote 1, 14, 2, 51
-	noisenote 8, 14, 1, 34
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 1, 14, 2, 51
+	noise_note 8, 14, 1, 34
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/start_menu_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/start_menu_3.asm
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-	noisenote 1, 14, 2, 51
-	noisenote 8, 14, 1, 34
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 1, 14, 2, 51
+	noise_note 8, 14, 1, 34
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/super_effective.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/super_effective.asm
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-	noisenote 4, 15, 1, 52
-	noisenote 15, 15, 2, 100
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 4, 15, 1, 52
+	noise_note 15, 15, 2, 100
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/swap_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/swap_1.asm
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-	duty 2
-	squarenote 8, 14, 1, 1856
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 2
+	square_note 8, 14, 1, 1856
+	sound_ret
-	duty 2
-	squarenote 2, 0, 8, 0
-	squarenote 8, 11, 1, 1857
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 2
+	square_note 2, 0, 8, 0
+	square_note 8, 11, 1, 1857
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/swap_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/swap_3.asm
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-	duty 2
-	squarenote 8, 14, 1, 1856
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 2
+	square_note 8, 14, 1, 1856
+	sound_ret
-	duty 2
-	squarenote 2, 0, 8, 0
-	squarenote 8, 11, 1, 1857
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 2
+	square_note 2, 0, 8, 0
+	square_note 8, 11, 1, 1857
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/switch_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/switch_1.asm
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-	duty 2
-	squarenote 4, 0, 0, 0
-	squarenote 2, 15, 1, 1664
-	squarenote 1, 0, 0, 0
-	squarenote 4, 15, 1, 1920
-	squarenote 4, 0, 0, 0
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 2
+	square_note 4, 0, 0, 0
+	square_note 2, 15, 1, 1664
+	square_note 1, 0, 0, 0
+	square_note 4, 15, 1, 1920
+	square_note 4, 0, 0, 0
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/switch_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/switch_3.asm
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-	duty 2
-	squarenote 4, 0, 0, 0
-	squarenote 2, 15, 1, 1664
-	squarenote 1, 0, 0, 0
-	squarenote 4, 15, 1, 1920
-	squarenote 4, 0, 0, 0
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 2
+	square_note 4, 0, 0, 0
+	square_note 2, 15, 1, 1664
+	square_note 1, 0, 0, 0
+	square_note 4, 15, 1, 1920
+	square_note 4, 0, 0, 0
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/teleport_enter1_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/teleport_enter1_1.asm
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-	duty 1
-	pitchenvelope 1, 7
-	squarenote 15, 13, 7, 1792
-	squarenote 15, 11, 7, 1664
-	squarenote 15, 8, 7, 1536
-	squarenote 15, 4, 7, 1408
-	squarenote 15, 1, 7, 1280
-	pitchenvelope 0, 0
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 1
+	pitch_sweep 1, 7
+	square_note 15, 13, 7, 1792
+	square_note 15, 11, 7, 1664
+	square_note 15, 8, 7, 1536
+	square_note 15, 4, 7, 1408
+	square_note 15, 1, 7, 1280
+	pitch_sweep 0, 8
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/teleport_enter1_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/teleport_enter1_3.asm
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-	duty 1
-	pitchenvelope 1, 7
-	squarenote 15, 13, 7, 1792
-	squarenote 15, 11, 7, 1664
-	squarenote 15, 8, 7, 1536
-	squarenote 15, 4, 7, 1408
-	squarenote 15, 1, 7, 1280
-	pitchenvelope 0, 0
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 1
+	pitch_sweep 1, 7
+	square_note 15, 13, 7, 1792
+	square_note 15, 11, 7, 1664
+	square_note 15, 8, 7, 1536
+	square_note 15, 4, 7, 1408
+	square_note 15, 1, 7, 1280
+	pitch_sweep 0, 8
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/teleport_enter2_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/teleport_enter2_1.asm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-	noisenote 2, 15, 1, 50
-	noisenote 2, 0, 0, 0
-	noisenote 2, 15, 1, 34
-	noisenote 1, 0, 0, 0
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 2, 15, 1, 50
+	noise_note 2, 0, 0, 0
+	noise_note 2, 15, 1, 34
+	noise_note 1, 0, 0, 0
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/teleport_enter2_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/teleport_enter2_3.asm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-	noisenote 2, 15, 1, 50
-	noisenote 2, 0, 0, 0
-	noisenote 2, 15, 1, 34
-	noisenote 1, 0, 0, 0
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 2, 15, 1, 50
+	noise_note 2, 0, 0, 0
+	noise_note 2, 15, 1, 34
+	noise_note 1, 0, 0, 0
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/teleport_exit1_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/teleport_exit1_1.asm
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-	duty 1
-	pitchenvelope 1, 7
-	squarenote 15, 13, 7, 1280
-	squarenote 15, 11, 7, 1408
-	squarenote 15, 8, 7, 1536
-	squarenote 15, 4, 7, 1664
-	squarenote 15, 1, 7, 1792
-	pitchenvelope 0, 0
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 1
+	pitch_sweep 1, 7
+	square_note 15, 13, 7, 1280
+	square_note 15, 11, 7, 1408
+	square_note 15, 8, 7, 1536
+	square_note 15, 4, 7, 1664
+	square_note 15, 1, 7, 1792
+	pitch_sweep 0, 8
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/teleport_exit1_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/teleport_exit1_3.asm
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-	duty 1
-	pitchenvelope 1, 7
-	squarenote 15, 13, 7, 1280
-	squarenote 15, 11, 7, 1408
-	squarenote 15, 8, 7, 1536
-	squarenote 15, 4, 7, 1664
-	squarenote 15, 1, 7, 1792
-	pitchenvelope 0, 0
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 1
+	pitch_sweep 1, 7
+	square_note 15, 13, 7, 1280
+	square_note 15, 11, 7, 1408
+	square_note 15, 8, 7, 1536
+	square_note 15, 4, 7, 1664
+	square_note 15, 1, 7, 1792
+	pitch_sweep 0, 8
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/teleport_exit2_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/teleport_exit2_1.asm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-	duty 1
-	pitchenvelope 1, 6
-	squarenote 15, 13, 2, 1280
-	pitchenvelope 0, 0
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 1
+	pitch_sweep 1, 6
+	square_note 15, 13, 2, 1280
+	pitch_sweep 0, 8
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/teleport_exit2_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/teleport_exit2_3.asm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-	duty 1
-	pitchenvelope 1, 6
-	squarenote 15, 13, 2, 1280
-	pitchenvelope 0, 0
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 1
+	pitch_sweep 1, 6
+	square_note 15, 13, 2, 1280
+	pitch_sweep 0, 8
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/tink_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/tink_1.asm
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-	duty 2
-	pitchenvelope 3, -2
-	squarenote 4, 15, 2, 512
-	pitchenvelope 2, 2
-	squarenote 8, 14, 2, 512
-	pitchenvelope 0, 0
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 2
+	pitch_sweep 3, -2
+	square_note 4, 15, 2, 512
+	pitch_sweep 2, 2
+	square_note 8, 14, 2, 512
+	pitch_sweep 0, 8
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/tink_2.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/tink_2.asm
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-	duty 2
-	pitchenvelope 3, -2
-	squarenote 4, 15, 2, 512
-	pitchenvelope 2, 2
-	squarenote 8, 14, 2, 512
-	pitchenvelope 0, 0
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 2
+	pitch_sweep 3, -2
+	square_note 4, 15, 2, 512
+	pitch_sweep 2, 2
+	square_note 8, 14, 2, 512
+	pitch_sweep 0, 8
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/tink_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/tink_3.asm
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-	duty 2
-	pitchenvelope 3, -2
-	squarenote 4, 15, 2, 512
-	pitchenvelope 2, 2
-	squarenote 8, 14, 2, 512
-	pitchenvelope 0, 0
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 2
+	pitch_sweep 3, -2
+	square_note 4, 15, 2, 512
+	pitch_sweep 2, 2
+	square_note 8, 14, 2, 512
+	pitch_sweep 0, 8
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/trade_machine_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/trade_machine_1.asm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-	duty 2
-	pitchenvelope 1, 5
-	squarenote 15, 15, 0, 1264
-	squarenote 15, 15, 2, 1616
-	pitchenvelope 0, 0
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 2
+	pitch_sweep 1, 5
+	square_note 15, 15, 0, 1264
+	square_note 15, 15, 2, 1616
+	pitch_sweep 0, 8
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/trade_machine_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/trade_machine_3.asm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-	duty 2
-	pitchenvelope 1, 5
-	squarenote 15, 15, 0, 1264
-	squarenote 15, 15, 2, 1616
-	pitchenvelope 0, 0
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 2
+	pitch_sweep 1, 5
+	square_note 15, 15, 0, 1264
+	square_note 15, 15, 2, 1616
+	pitch_sweep 0, 8
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/triangle1_1.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,0 @@
-	noisenote 0, 5, 1, 42
-	endchannel
--- a/audio/sfx/triangle1_2.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,0 @@
-	noisenote 0, 5, 1, 42
-	endchannel
--- a/audio/sfx/triangle1_3.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +1,0 @@
-	noisenote 0, 5, 1, 42
-	endchannel
--- a/audio/sfx/triangle2_1.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +1,0 @@
-	noisenote 1, 4, 1, 43
-	noisenote 0, 6, 1, 42
-	endchannel
--- a/audio/sfx/triangle2_2.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +1,0 @@
-	noisenote 1, 4, 1, 43
-	noisenote 0, 6, 1, 42
-	endchannel
--- a/audio/sfx/triangle2_3.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +1,0 @@
-	noisenote 1, 4, 1, 43
-	noisenote 0, 6, 1, 42
-	endchannel
--- a/audio/sfx/triangle3_1.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +1,0 @@
-	noisenote 2, 9, 1, 40
-	noisenote 0, 7, 1, 24
-	endchannel
--- a/audio/sfx/triangle3_2.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +1,0 @@
-	noisenote 2, 9, 1, 40
-	noisenote 0, 7, 1, 24
-	endchannel
--- a/audio/sfx/triangle3_3.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +1,0 @@
-	noisenote 2, 9, 1, 40
-	noisenote 0, 7, 1, 24
-	endchannel
--- a/audio/sfx/turn_off_pc_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/turn_off_pc_1.asm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-	duty 2
-	squarenote 4, 15, 0, 1536
-	squarenote 4, 15, 0, 1024
-	squarenote 4, 15, 0, 512
-	squarenote 1, 0, 0, 0
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 2
+	square_note 4, 15, 0, 1536
+	square_note 4, 15, 0, 1024
+	square_note 4, 15, 0, 512
+	square_note 1, 0, 0, 0
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/turn_off_pc_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/turn_off_pc_3.asm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-	duty 2
-	squarenote 4, 15, 0, 1536
-	squarenote 4, 15, 0, 1024
-	squarenote 4, 15, 0, 512
-	squarenote 1, 0, 0, 0
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 2
+	square_note 4, 15, 0, 1536
+	square_note 4, 15, 0, 1024
+	square_note 4, 15, 0, 512
+	square_note 1, 0, 0, 0
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/turn_on_pc_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/turn_on_pc_1.asm
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-	duty 2
-	squarenote 15, 15, 2, 1984
-	squarenote 15, 0, 0, 0
-	squarenote 3, 10, 1, 1920
-	squarenote 3, 10, 1, 1792
-	squarenote 3, 10, 1, 1856
-	squarenote 3, 10, 1, 1792
-	squarenote 3, 10, 1, 1920
-	squarenote 3, 10, 1, 1792
-	squarenote 3, 10, 1, 1984
-	squarenote 8, 10, 1, 1792
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 2
+	square_note 15, 15, 2, 1984
+	square_note 15, 0, 0, 0
+	square_note 3, 10, 1, 1920
+	square_note 3, 10, 1, 1792
+	square_note 3, 10, 1, 1856
+	square_note 3, 10, 1, 1792
+	square_note 3, 10, 1, 1920
+	square_note 3, 10, 1, 1792
+	square_note 3, 10, 1, 1984
+	square_note 8, 10, 1, 1792
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/turn_on_pc_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/turn_on_pc_3.asm
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-	duty 2
-	squarenote 15, 15, 2, 1984
-	squarenote 15, 0, 0, 0
-	squarenote 15, 0, 0, 0
-	squarenote 3, 8, 1, 1920
-	squarenote 3, 8, 1, 1792
-	squarenote 3, 8, 1, 1856
-	squarenote 3, 8, 1, 1792
-	squarenote 3, 8, 1, 1920
-	squarenote 3, 8, 1, 1792
-	squarenote 3, 8, 1, 1984
-	squarenote 3, 8, 1, 1792
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 2
+	square_note 15, 15, 2, 1984
+	square_note 15, 0, 0, 0
+	square_note 15, 0, 0, 0
+	square_note 3, 8, 1, 1920
+	square_note 3, 8, 1, 1792
+	square_note 3, 8, 1, 1856
+	square_note 3, 8, 1, 1792
+	square_note 3, 8, 1, 1920
+	square_note 3, 8, 1, 1792
+	square_note 3, 8, 1, 1984
+	square_note 3, 8, 1, 1792
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/unused2_2.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/unused2_2.asm
@@ -1,56 +1,56 @@
-	executemusic
+	execute_music
 	tempo 256
 	volume 7, 7
 	vibrato 6, 2, 6
-	duty 2
-	toggleperfectpitch
-	notetype 6, 11, 1
+	duty_cycle 2
+	toggle_perfect_pitch
+	note_type 6, 11, 1
 	octave 3
-	G# 2
-	G# 2
-	notetype 6, 11, 3
-	G# 2
-	B_ 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note_type 6, 11, 3
+	note G#, 2
+	note B_, 2
 	octave 4
-	E_ 8
-	endchannel
+	note E_, 8
+	sound_ret
-	executemusic
+	execute_music
 	vibrato 8, 2, 7
-	duty 2
-	notetype 6, 12, 1
+	duty_cycle 2
+	note_type 6, 12, 1
 	octave 4
-	E_ 2
-	E_ 1
-	E_ 1
-	notetype 6, 12, 3
-	E_ 2
-	G# 2
-	B_ 8
-	endchannel
+	note E_, 2
+	note E_, 1
+	note E_, 1
+	note_type 6, 12, 3
+	note E_, 2
+	note G#, 2
+	note B_, 8
+	sound_ret
-	executemusic
-	notetype 6, 1, 0
+	execute_music
+	note_type 6, 1, 0
 	octave 4
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	notetype 3, 1, 0
-	B_ 1
+	note_type 3, 1, 0
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	B_ 1
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
-	notetype 6, 1, 0
-	B_ 1
+	note_type 6, 1, 0
+	note B_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 5
-	E_ 1
+	note E_, 1
 	rest 1
 	octave 4
-	B_ 4
+	note B_, 4
 	rest 4
-	endchannel
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/unused_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/unused_1.asm
@@ -1,31 +1,31 @@
-	dutycycle 240
-	squarenote 15, 14, 0, 1920
-	squarenote 15, 15, 0, 1924
-	squarenote 15, 12, 3, 1504
-	squarenote 15, 12, 4, 1536
-	squarenote 10, 6, -4, 1920
-	squarenote 8, 7, 1, 1924
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 0, 0
+	square_note 15, 14, 0, 1920
+	square_note 15, 15, 0, 1924
+	square_note 15, 12, 3, 1504
+	square_note 15, 12, 4, 1536
+	square_note 10, 6, -4, 1920
+	square_note 8, 7, 1, 1924
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 5
-	squarenote 15, 10, 0, 1857
-	squarenote 15, 11, 0, 1859
-	squarenote 15, 9, 3, 1457
-	squarenote 15, 9, 4, 1473
-	squarenote 10, 4, -4, 1857
-	squarenote 8, 3, 1, 1862
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 0, 0, 1, 1
+	square_note 15, 10, 0, 1857
+	square_note 15, 11, 0, 1859
+	square_note 15, 9, 3, 1457
+	square_note 15, 9, 4, 1473
+	square_note 10, 4, -4, 1857
+	square_note 8, 3, 1, 1862
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 2, 15, 2, 76
-	noisenote 6, 14, 0, 58
-	noisenote 15, 13, 0, 58
-	noisenote 8, 13, 0, 44
-	noisenote 6, 14, 6, 76
-	noisenote 12, 7, -5, 76
-	noisenote 15, 13, 3, 76
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 2, 15, 2, 76
+	noise_note 6, 14, 0, 58
+	noise_note 15, 13, 0, 58
+	noise_note 8, 13, 0, 44
+	noise_note 6, 14, 6, 76
+	noise_note 12, 7, -5, 76
+	noise_note 15, 13, 3, 76
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/unused_2.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/unused_2.asm
@@ -1,31 +1,31 @@
-	dutycycle 240
-	squarenote 15, 14, 0, 1920
-	squarenote 15, 15, 0, 1924
-	squarenote 15, 12, 3, 1504
-	squarenote 15, 12, 4, 1536
-	squarenote 10, 6, -4, 1920
-	squarenote 8, 7, 1, 1924
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 0, 0
+	square_note 15, 14, 0, 1920
+	square_note 15, 15, 0, 1924
+	square_note 15, 12, 3, 1504
+	square_note 15, 12, 4, 1536
+	square_note 10, 6, -4, 1920
+	square_note 8, 7, 1, 1924
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 5
-	squarenote 15, 10, 0, 1857
-	squarenote 15, 11, 0, 1859
-	squarenote 15, 9, 3, 1457
-	squarenote 15, 9, 4, 1473
-	squarenote 10, 4, -4, 1857
-	squarenote 8, 3, 1, 1862
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 0, 0, 1, 1
+	square_note 15, 10, 0, 1857
+	square_note 15, 11, 0, 1859
+	square_note 15, 9, 3, 1457
+	square_note 15, 9, 4, 1473
+	square_note 10, 4, -4, 1857
+	square_note 8, 3, 1, 1862
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 2, 15, 2, 76
-	noisenote 6, 14, 0, 58
-	noisenote 15, 13, 0, 58
-	noisenote 8, 13, 0, 44
-	noisenote 6, 14, 6, 76
-	noisenote 12, 7, -5, 76
-	noisenote 15, 13, 3, 76
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 2, 15, 2, 76
+	noise_note 6, 14, 0, 58
+	noise_note 15, 13, 0, 58
+	noise_note 8, 13, 0, 44
+	noise_note 6, 14, 6, 76
+	noise_note 12, 7, -5, 76
+	noise_note 15, 13, 3, 76
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/unused_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/unused_3.asm
@@ -1,31 +1,31 @@
-	dutycycle 240
-	squarenote 15, 14, 0, 1920
-	squarenote 15, 15, 0, 1924
-	squarenote 15, 12, 3, 1504
-	squarenote 15, 12, 4, 1536
-	squarenote 10, 6, -4, 1920
-	squarenote 8, 7, 1, 1924
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 3, 3, 0, 0
+	square_note 15, 14, 0, 1920
+	square_note 15, 15, 0, 1924
+	square_note 15, 12, 3, 1504
+	square_note 15, 12, 4, 1536
+	square_note 10, 6, -4, 1920
+	square_note 8, 7, 1, 1924
+	sound_ret
-	dutycycle 5
-	squarenote 15, 10, 0, 1857
-	squarenote 15, 11, 0, 1859
-	squarenote 15, 9, 3, 1457
-	squarenote 15, 9, 4, 1473
-	squarenote 10, 4, -4, 1857
-	squarenote 8, 3, 1, 1862
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle_pattern 0, 0, 1, 1
+	square_note 15, 10, 0, 1857
+	square_note 15, 11, 0, 1859
+	square_note 15, 9, 3, 1457
+	square_note 15, 9, 4, 1473
+	square_note 10, 4, -4, 1857
+	square_note 8, 3, 1, 1862
+	sound_ret
-	noisenote 2, 15, 2, 76
-	noisenote 6, 14, 0, 58
-	noisenote 15, 13, 0, 58
-	noisenote 8, 13, 0, 44
-	noisenote 6, 14, 6, 76
-	noisenote 12, 7, -5, 76
-	noisenote 15, 13, 3, 76
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 2, 15, 2, 76
+	noise_note 6, 14, 0, 58
+	noise_note 15, 13, 0, 58
+	noise_note 8, 13, 0, 44
+	noise_note 6, 14, 6, 76
+	noise_note 12, 7, -5, 76
+	noise_note 15, 13, 3, 76
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/vine_whip.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/vine_whip.asm
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-	noisenote 1, 12, 2, 51
-	noisenote 2, 15, 2, 33
-	noisenote 1, 14, 2, 51
-	noisenote 1, 12, 2, 50
-	noisenote 1, 9, 2, 18
-	noisenote 1, 11, 2, 49
-	noisenote 12, 9, 1, 16
-	noisenote 8, 15, 2, 65
-	endchannel
+	noise_note 1, 12, 2, 51
+	noise_note 2, 15, 2, 33
+	noise_note 1, 14, 2, 51
+	noise_note 1, 12, 2, 50
+	noise_note 1, 9, 2, 18
+	noise_note 1, 11, 2, 49
+	noise_note 12, 9, 1, 16
+	noise_note 8, 15, 2, 65
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/withdraw_deposit_1.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/withdraw_deposit_1.asm
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-	duty 1
-	pitchenvelope 3, -2
-	squarenote 4, 15, 2, 1280
-	pitchenvelope 2, 2
-	squarenote 4, 14, 2, 1280
-	pitchenvelope 3, -2
-	squarenote 4, 15, 2, 1792
-	pitchenvelope 2, 2
-	squarenote 15, 14, 2, 1792
-	pitchenvelope 0, 0
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 1
+	pitch_sweep 3, -2
+	square_note 4, 15, 2, 1280
+	pitch_sweep 2, 2
+	square_note 4, 14, 2, 1280
+	pitch_sweep 3, -2
+	square_note 4, 15, 2, 1792
+	pitch_sweep 2, 2
+	square_note 15, 14, 2, 1792
+	pitch_sweep 0, 8
+	sound_ret
--- a/audio/sfx/withdraw_deposit_3.asm
+++ b/audio/sfx/withdraw_deposit_3.asm
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-	duty 1
-	pitchenvelope 3, -2
-	squarenote 4, 15, 2, 1280
-	pitchenvelope 2, 2
-	squarenote 4, 14, 2, 1280
-	pitchenvelope 3, -2
-	squarenote 4, 15, 2, 1792
-	pitchenvelope 2, 2
-	squarenote 15, 14, 2, 1792
-	pitchenvelope 0, 0
-	endchannel
+	duty_cycle 1
+	pitch_sweep 3, -2
+	square_note 4, 15, 2, 1280
+	pitch_sweep 2, 2
+	square_note 4, 14, 2, 1280
+	pitch_sweep 3, -2
+	square_note 4, 15, 2, 1792
+	pitch_sweep 2, 2
+	square_note 15, 14, 2, 1792
+	pitch_sweep 0, 8
+	sound_ret
--- a/constants/music_constants.asm
+++ b/constants/music_constants.asm
@@ -20,19 +20,27 @@
 ; wChannelFlags1 constants
-BIT_PERFECT_PITCH         EQU 0 ; controlled by toggleperfectpitch command
-BIT_CHANNEL_CALL          EQU 1 ; if in channel call
-BIT_NOISE_OR_SFX          EQU 2 ; if channel is the music noise channel or an SFX channel
-BIT_VIBRATO_DIRECTION     EQU 3 ; if the pitch is above or below normal (cycles)
-BIT_PITCH_BEND_ON         EQU 4 ; if pitch bend is active
-BIT_PITCH_BEND_DECREASING EQU 5 ; if the pitch bend frequency is decreasing (instead of increasing)
-BIT_ROTATE_DUTY           EQU 6 ; if rotating duty
+BIT_PERFECT_PITCH          EQU 0 ; controlled by toggle_perfect_pitch command
+BIT_SOUND_CALL             EQU 1 ; if in sound call
+BIT_NOISE_OR_SFX           EQU 2 ; if channel is the music noise channel or an SFX channel
+BIT_VIBRATO_DIRECTION      EQU 3 ; if the pitch is above or below normal (cycles)
+BIT_PITCH_SLIDE_ON         EQU 4 ; if pitch slide is active
+BIT_PITCH_SLIDE_DECREASING EQU 5 ; if the pitch slide frequency is decreasing (instead of increasing)
+BIT_ROTATE_DUTY_CYCLE      EQU 6 ; if rotating duty cycle
 ; wChannelFlags2 constant (only has one flag)
 BIT_EXECUTE_MUSIC EQU 0 ; if in execute music
@@ -95,25 +103,25 @@
 	music_const MUSIC_MEET_MALE_TRAINER,   Music_MeetMaleTrainer
-	music_const SFX_SNARE_1,            SFX_Snare1_1
-	music_const SFX_SNARE_2,            SFX_Snare2_1
-	music_const SFX_SNARE_3,            SFX_Snare3_1
-	music_const SFX_SNARE_4,            SFX_Snare4_1
-	music_const SFX_SNARE_5,            SFX_Snare5_1
-	music_const SFX_TRIANGLE_1,         SFX_Triangle1_1
-	music_const SFX_TRIANGLE_2,         SFX_Triangle2_1
-	music_const SFX_SNARE_6,            SFX_Snare6_1
-	music_const SFX_SNARE_7,            SFX_Snare7_1
-	music_const SFX_SNARE_8,            SFX_Snare8_1
-	music_const SFX_SNARE_9,            SFX_Snare9_1
-	music_const SFX_CYMBAL_1,           SFX_Cymbal1_1
-	music_const SFX_CYMBAL_2,           SFX_Cymbal2_1
-	music_const SFX_CYMBAL_3,           SFX_Cymbal3_1
-	music_const SFX_MUTED_SNARE_1,      SFX_Muted_Snare1_1
-	music_const SFX_TRIANGLE_3,         SFX_Triangle3_1
-	music_const SFX_MUTED_SNARE_2,      SFX_Muted_Snare2_1
-	music_const SFX_MUTED_SNARE_3,      SFX_Muted_Snare3_1
-	music_const SFX_MUTED_SNARE_4,      SFX_Muted_Snare4_1
+	music_const SFX_NOISE_INSTRUMENT01, SFX_Noise_Instrument01_1
+	music_const SFX_NOISE_INSTRUMENT02, SFX_Noise_Instrument02_1
+	music_const SFX_NOISE_INSTRUMENT03, SFX_Noise_Instrument03_1
+	music_const SFX_NOISE_INSTRUMENT04, SFX_Noise_Instrument04_1
+	music_const SFX_NOISE_INSTRUMENT05, SFX_Noise_Instrument05_1
+	music_const SFX_NOISE_INSTRUMENT06, SFX_Noise_Instrument06_1
+	music_const SFX_NOISE_INSTRUMENT07, SFX_Noise_Instrument07_1
+	music_const SFX_NOISE_INSTRUMENT08, SFX_Noise_Instrument08_1
+	music_const SFX_NOISE_INSTRUMENT09, SFX_Noise_Instrument09_1
+	music_const SFX_NOISE_INSTRUMENT10, SFX_Noise_Instrument10_1
+	music_const SFX_NOISE_INSTRUMENT11, SFX_Noise_Instrument11_1
+	music_const SFX_NOISE_INSTRUMENT12, SFX_Noise_Instrument12_1
+	music_const SFX_NOISE_INSTRUMENT13, SFX_Noise_Instrument13_1
+	music_const SFX_NOISE_INSTRUMENT14, SFX_Noise_Instrument14_1
+	music_const SFX_NOISE_INSTRUMENT15, SFX_Noise_Instrument15_1
+	music_const SFX_NOISE_INSTRUMENT16, SFX_Noise_Instrument16_1
+	music_const SFX_NOISE_INSTRUMENT17, SFX_Noise_Instrument17_1
+	music_const SFX_NOISE_INSTRUMENT18, SFX_Noise_Instrument18_1
+	music_const SFX_NOISE_INSTRUMENT19, SFX_Noise_Instrument19_1
 	music_const SFX_CRY_00,             SFX_Cry00_1
 	music_const SFX_CRY_01,             SFX_Cry01_1
 	music_const SFX_CRY_02,             SFX_Cry02_1
@@ -194,7 +202,7 @@
 	music_const SFX_SAVE,               SFX_Save_1
 	; AUDIO_1
-	music_const SFX_POKEFLUTE,           SFX_Pokeflute
+	music_const SFX_POKEFLUTE,          SFX_Pokeflute
 	music_const SFX_SAFARI_ZONE_PA,     SFX_Safari_Zone_PA
 	; AUDIO_2
--- a/engine/battle/core.asm
+++ b/engine/battle/core.asm
@@ -872,7 +872,7 @@
 	call PlaySoundWaitForCurrent
-	ld a, [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch4]
+	ld a, [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch5]
 	jr z, .sfxwait
@@ -956,7 +956,7 @@
 ; the low health alarm and prevents it from reactivating until the next battle.
 	xor a
 	ld [wLowHealthAlarm], a ; turn off low health alarm
-	ld [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch4], a
+	ld [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch5], a
 	inc a
 	ld [wLowHealthAlarmDisabled], a ; prevent it from reactivating
@@ -1954,7 +1954,7 @@
 	ld [hl], $0
 	ret z
 	xor a
-	ld [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch4], a
+	ld [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch5], a
 	ld hl, wLowHealthAlarm
--- a/engine/battle/end_of_battle.asm
+++ b/engine/battle/end_of_battle.asm
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
 	xor a
 	ld [wLowHealthAlarm], a ;disable low health alarm
-	ld [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch4], a
+	ld [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch5], a
 	ld [wIsInBattle], a
 	ld [wBattleType], a
 	ld [wMoveMissed], a
--- a/engine/evolution.asm
+++ b/engine/evolution.asm
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 	push af
 	xor a
 	ld [wLowHealthAlarm], a
-	ld [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch4], a
+	ld [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch5], a
 	dec a
 	ld [wNewSoundID], a
 	call PlaySound
--- a/engine/hidden_object_functions7.asm
+++ b/engine/hidden_object_functions7.asm
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
 	call PlayMusic
-	ld a, [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch4]
+	ld a, [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch5]
 	jr nz, .waitForMusicToPlay
--- a/engine/items/items.asm
+++ b/engine/items/items.asm
@@ -990,7 +990,7 @@
 .notFullHP ; if the pokemon's current HP doesn't equal its max HP
 	xor a
 	ld [wLowHealthAlarm], a ;disable low health alarm
-	ld [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch4], a
+	ld [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch5], a
 	push hl
 	push de
 	ld bc, wPartyMon1MaxHP - (wPartyMon1HP + 1)
@@ -1777,7 +1777,7 @@
 	call WaitForSoundToFinish ; wait for sound to end
 	callba Music_PokeFluteInBattle ; play in-battle pokeflute music
 .musicWaitLoop ; wait for music to finish playing
-	ld a, [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch6]
+	ld a, [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch7]
 	and a ; music off?
 	jr nz, .musicWaitLoop
@@ -1850,7 +1850,7 @@
 	ld c, BANK(SFX_Pokeflute)
 	call PlayMusic
 .musicWaitLoop ; wait for music to finish playing
-	ld a, [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch2]
+	ld a, [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch3]
 	jr z, .musicWaitLoop
 	call PlayDefaultMusic ; start playing normal music again
--- a/engine/overworld/elevator.asm
+++ b/engine/overworld/elevator.asm
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
 	call PlayMusic
-	ld a, [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch4]
+	ld a, [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch5]
 	jr z, .musicLoop
 	call UpdateSprites
--- a/home.asm
+++ b/home.asm
@@ -3211,7 +3211,7 @@
 	ret nz
 	push hl
-	ld hl, wChannelSoundIDs + Ch4
+	ld hl, wChannelSoundIDs + Ch5
 	xor a
 	or [hl]
 	inc hl
--- a/home/audio.asm
+++ b/home/audio.asm
@@ -148,10 +148,10 @@
 	and a
 	jr z, .next
 	xor a
-	ld [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch4], a
 	ld [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch5], a
 	ld [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch6], a
 	ld [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch7], a
+	ld [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch8], a
 	ld a, [wAudioFadeOutControl]
 	and a ; has a fade-out length been specified?
--- a/home/overworld.asm
+++ b/home/overworld.asm
@@ -1244,7 +1244,7 @@
 	call CheckTilePassable
 	jr nc, .noCollision
-	ld a, [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch4]
+	ld a, [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch5]
 	cp SFX_COLLISION ; check if collision sound is already playing
 	jr z, .setCarry
@@ -1948,7 +1948,7 @@
 	jr z, .stopSurfing ; stop surfing if the tile is passable
 	jr .loop
-	ld a, [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch4]
+	ld a, [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch5]
 	cp SFX_COLLISION ; check if collision sound is already playing
 	jr z, .setCarry
--- a/macros/audio_macros.asm
+++ b/macros/audio_macros.asm
@@ -4,16 +4,16 @@
 	call PlaySound
-Ch0    EQU 0
-Ch1    EQU 1
-Ch2    EQU 2
-Ch3    EQU 3
-Ch4    EQU 4
-Ch5    EQU 5
-Ch6    EQU 6
-Ch7    EQU 7
+Ch1    EQU 0
+Ch2    EQU 1
+Ch3    EQU 2
+Ch4    EQU 3
+Ch5    EQU 4
+Ch6    EQU 5
+Ch7    EQU 6
+Ch8    EQU 7
-audio: MACRO
+audio_header: MACRO
 	db (_NARG - 2) << 6 | \2
 	dw \1_\2
 	IF _NARG > 2
@@ -30,18 +30,26 @@
-;format: length [0, 7], pitch change [-7, 7]
-pitchenvelope: MACRO
+; arguments: length [0, 7], pitch change [-7, 7]
+; length: length of time between pitch shifts
+;         sometimes used with a value >7 in which case the MSB is ignored
+; pitch change: positive value means increase in pitch, negative value means decrease in pitch
+;               small magnitude means quick change, large magnitude means slow change
+;               in signed magnitude representation, so a value of 8 is the same as (negative) 0
+pitch_sweep: MACRO
 	db $10
-	IF \2 > 0
-		db (\1 << 4) | \2
+	IF \2 < 0
 		db (\1 << 4) | (%1000 | (\2 * -1))
+		db (\1 << 4) | \2
-;format: length [0, 15], volume [0, 15], volume change [-7, 7], pitch
-squarenote: MACRO
+; arguments: length [0, 15], volume [0, 15], fade [-7, 7], frequency
+; fade: positive value means decrease in volume, negative value means increase in volume
+;       small magnitude means quick change, large magnitude means slow change
+;       in signed magnitude representation, so a value of 8 is the same as (negative) 0
+square_note: MACRO
 	db $20 | \1
 	IF \3 < 0
 		db (\2 << 4) | (%1000 | (\3 * -1))
@@ -51,8 +59,11 @@
 	dw \4
-;format: length [0, 15], volume [0, 15], volume change [-7, 7], pitch
-noisenote: MACRO
+; arguments: length [0, 15], volume [0, 15], fade [-7, 7], frequency
+; fade: positive value means decrease in volume, negative value means increase in volume
+;       small magnitude means quick change, large magnitude means slow change
+;       in signed magnitude representation, so a value of 8 is the same as (negative) 0
+noise_note: MACRO
 	db $20 | \1
 	IF \3 < 0
 		db (\2 << 4) | (%1000 | (\3 * -1))
@@ -62,175 +73,75 @@
 	db \4
-;format: pitch length (in 16ths)
-	db $00 | (\1 - 1)
+C_ EQU $0
+C# EQU $1
+D_ EQU $2
+D# EQU $3
+E_ EQU $4
+F_ EQU $5
+F# EQU $6
+G_ EQU $7
+G# EQU $8
+A_ EQU $9
+A# EQU $A
+B_ EQU $B
-	db $10 | (\1 - 1)
+; arguments: pitch, length [1, 16]
+note: MACRO
+	db (\1 << 4) | (\2 - 1)
-	db $20 | (\1 - 1)
+; arguments: instrument [1, 19], length [1, 16]
+drum_note: MACRO
+	db $B0 | (\2 - 1)
+	db \1
-	db $30 | (\1 - 1)
+; arguments: instrument, length [1, 16]
+; like drum_note but one 1 byte instead of 2
+; can only be used with instruments 1-10, excluding 2
+; unused
+drum_note_short: MACRO
+	db (\1 << 4) | (\2 - 1)
-	db $40 | (\1 - 1)
-	db $50 | (\1 - 1)
-	db $60 | (\1 - 1)
-	db $70 | (\1 - 1)
-	db $80 | (\1 - 1)
-	db $90 | (\1 - 1)
-	db $A0 | (\1 - 1)
-	db $B0 | (\1 - 1)
-;format: instrument length (in 16ths)
-snare1: MACRO
-	db $B0 | (\1 - 1)
-	db $01
-snare2: MACRO
-	db $B0 | (\1 - 1)
-	db $02
-snare3: MACRO
-	db $B0 | (\1 - 1)
-	db $03
-snare4: MACRO
-	db $B0 | (\1 - 1)
-	db $04
-snare5: MACRO
-	db $B0 | (\1 - 1)
-	db $05
-triangle1: MACRO
-	db $B0 | (\1 - 1)
-	db $06
-triangle2: MACRO
-	db $B0 | (\1 - 1)
-	db $07
-snare6: MACRO
-	db $B0 | (\1 - 1)
-	db $08
-snare7: MACRO
-	db $B0 | (\1 - 1)
-	db $09
-snare8: MACRO
-	db $B0 | (\1 - 1)
-	db $0A
-snare9: MACRO
-	db $B0 | (\1 - 1)
-	db $0B
-cymbal1: MACRO
-	db $B0 | (\1 - 1)
-	db $0C
-cymbal2: MACRO
-	db $B0 | (\1 - 1)
-	db $0D
-cymbal3: MACRO
-	db $B0 | (\1 - 1)
-	db $0E
-mutedsnare1: MACRO
-	db $B0 | (\1 - 1)
-	db $0F
-triangle3: MACRO
-	db $B0 | (\1 - 1)
-	db $10
-mutedsnare2: MACRO
-	db $B0 | (\1 - 1)
-	db $11
-mutedsnare3: MACRO
-	db $B0 | (\1 - 1)
-	db $12
-mutedsnare4: MACRO
-	db $B0 | (\1 - 1)
-	db $13
-;format: rest length (in 16ths)
+; arguments: length [1, 16]
 rest: MACRO
 	db $C0 | (\1 - 1)
-; format: notetype speed, volume, fade
-notetype: MACRO
+; arguments: speed [0, 15], volume [0, 15], fade [-7, 7]
+; fade: positive value means decrease in volume, negative value means increase in volume
+;       small magnitude means quick change, large magnitude means slow change
+;       in signed magnitude representation, so a value of 8 is the same as (negative) 0
+note_type: MACRO
 	db $D0 | \1
-	db (\2 << 4) | \3
+	IF \3 < 0
+		db (\2 << 4) | (%1000 | (\3 * -1))
+		db (\2 << 4) | \3
-dspeed: MACRO
+; arguments: speed [0, 15]
+drum_speed: MACRO
 	db $D0 | \1
+; arguments: octave [1, 8]
 octave: MACRO
 	db $E8 - \1
-toggleperfectpitch: MACRO
+; when enabled, effective frequency used is incremented by 1
+toggle_perfect_pitch: MACRO
 	db $E8
-;format: vibrato delay, rate, depth
+; arguments: delay [0, 255], depth [0, 15], rate [0, 15]
+; delay: time delay until vibrato effect begins
+; depth: amplitude of vibrato wave
+; rate: frequency of vibrato wave
 vibrato: MACRO
 	db $EA
 	db \1
@@ -237,17 +148,25 @@
 	db (\2 << 4) | \3
-pitchbend: MACRO
+; arguments: length [1, 256], octave [1, 8], pitch
+pitch_slide: MACRO
 	db $EB
-	db \1
-	db \2
+	db \1 - 1
+	db ((8 - \2) << 4) | \3
-duty: MACRO
+; arguments: duty cycle [0, 3] (12.5%, 25%, 50%, 75%)
+duty_cycle: MACRO
 	db $EC
 	db \1
+; arguments: tempo [0, $ffff]
+; used to calculate note delay counters
+; so a smaller value means music plays faster
+; ideally should be set to $100 or less to guarantee no overflow
+; if larger than $100, large note speed or note length values might cause overflow
+; stored in big endian
 tempo: MACRO
 	db $ED
 	db \1 / $100
@@ -254,38 +173,42 @@
 	db \1 % $100
-stereopanning: MACRO
+; arguments: left output enable mask, right output enable mask
+stereo_panning: MACRO
 	db $EE
-	db \1
+	db (\1 << 4) | \2
+; arguments: left master volume [0, 7], right master volume [0, 7]
 volume: MACRO
 	db $F0
 	db (\1 << 4) | \2
-executemusic: MACRO
+; when enabled, the sfx data is interpreted as music data
+execute_music: MACRO
 	db $F8
-dutycycle: MACRO
+; arguments: duty cycle 1, duty cycle 2, duty cycle 3, duty cycle 4
+duty_cycle_pattern: MACRO
 	db $FC
-	db \1
+	db \1 << 6 | \2 << 4 | \3 << 2 | \4
-;format: callchannel address
-callchannel: MACRO
+; arguments: address
+sound_call: MACRO
 	db $FD
 	dw \1
-;format: loopchannel count, address
-loopchannel: MACRO
+; arguments: count, address
+sound_loop: MACRO
 	db $FE
 	db \1
 	dw \2
-endchannel: MACRO
+sound_ret: MACRO
 	db $FF
--- a/scripts/PewterPokecenter.asm
+++ b/scripts/PewterPokecenter.asm
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
 	ld a, [wChannelSoundIDs]
 	ld b, a
-	ld a, [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch1]
+	ld a, [wChannelSoundIDs + Ch2]
 	or b
 	jr nz, .loop
--- a/wram.asm
+++ b/wram.asm
@@ -101,10 +101,10 @@
 wChannelFlags2:: ; c036
 	ds 8
-wChannelDuties:: ; c03e
+wChannelDutyCycles:: ; c03e
 	ds 8
-wChannelDutyCycles:: ; c046
+wChannelDutyCyclePatterns:: ; c046
 	ds 8
 wChannelVibratoDelayCounters:: ; c04e
@@ -126,28 +126,28 @@
 ; delay of the beginning of the vibrato from the start of the note
 	ds 8
-wChannelPitchBendLengthModifiers:: ; c076
+wChannelPitchSlideLengthModifiers:: ; c076
 	ds 8
-wChannelPitchBendFrequencySteps:: ; c07e
+wChannelPitchSlideFrequencySteps:: ; c07e
 	ds 8
-wChannelPitchBendFrequencyStepsFractionalPart:: ; c086
+wChannelPitchSlideFrequencyStepsFractionalPart:: ; c086
 	ds 8
-wChannelPitchBendCurrentFrequencyFractionalPart:: ; c08e
+wChannelPitchSlideCurrentFrequencyFractionalPart:: ; c08e
 	ds 8
-wChannelPitchBendCurrentFrequencyHighBytes:: ; c096
+wChannelPitchSlideCurrentFrequencyHighBytes:: ; c096
 	ds 8
-wChannelPitchBendCurrentFrequencyLowBytes:: ; c09e
+wChannelPitchSlideCurrentFrequencyLowBytes:: ; c09e
 	ds 8
-wChannelPitchBendTargetFrequencyHighBytes:: ; c0a6
+wChannelPitchSlideTargetFrequencyHighBytes:: ; c0a6
 	ds 8
-wChannelPitchBendTargetFrequencyLowBytes:: ; c0ae
+wChannelPitchSlideTargetFrequencyLowBytes:: ; c0ae
 	ds 8
 wChannelNoteDelayCounters:: ; c0b6