ref: 429275810394eab9a849b1cc3d640ad316e812c4
parent: 5ca3748f4cba85a4ba6a8abc994a20d73c0661e2
author: YamaArashi <[email protected]>
date: Thu Jan 26 07:01:09 EST 2012
more bank 0 functions hg-commit-id: 93b61834dcee
--- a/main.asm
+++ b/main.asm
@@ -4821,7 +4821,122 @@
ld [$ffd5],a ; frame counter
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$3865,$3927 - $3865
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$3865,$38AC - $3865
+; function to do multiplication
+; all values are big endian
+; FF96-FF98 = multiplicand
+; FF99 = multiplier
+; FF95-FF98 = product
+Multiply: ; 38AC
+ push hl
+ push bc
+ ld hl,$7d41
+ ld b,$0d
+ call Bankswitch
+ pop bc
+ pop hl
+ ret
+; function to do division
+; all values are big endian
+; FF95-FF98 = dividend
+; FF99 = divisor
+; b = number of signficant bytes in the dividend (starting from FF95)
+; all bytes considered "not signifcant" will be treated as 0
+; FF95-FF98 = quotient
+; FF99 = remainder
+Divide: ; 38B9
+ push hl
+ push de
+ push bc
+ ld a,[$ffb8]
+ push af
+ ld a,$0d
+ ld [$ffb8],a
+ ld [$2000],a
+ call $7da5
+ pop af
+ ld [$ffb8],a
+ ld [$2000],a
+ pop bc
+ pop de
+ pop hl
+ ret
+; This function is used to wait a short period after printing a letter to the
+; screen unless the player presses the A/B button or the delay is turned off
+; through the [$d730] or [$d358] flags.
+PrintLetterDelay: ; 38D3
+ ld a,[$d730]
+ bit 6,a
+ ret nz
+ ld a,[$d358]
+ bit 1,a
+ ret z
+ push hl
+ push de
+ push bc
+ ld a,[$d358]
+ bit 0,a
+ jr z,.waitOneFrame\@
+ ld a,[$d355]
+ and a,$0f
+ ld [$ffd5],a ; frame counter
+ jr .checkButtons\@
+ ld a,1
+ ld [$ffd5],a ; frame counter
+ call GetJoypadState
+ ld a,[$ffb4]
+ bit 0,a ; is the A button pressed?
+ jr z,.checkBButton\@
+ jr .endWait\@
+ bit 1,a ; is the B button pressed?
+ jr z,.buttonsNotPressed\@
+ call DelayFrame
+ jr .done\@
+.buttonsNotPressed\@ ; if neither A nor B is pressed
+ ld a,[$ffd5] ; frame counter
+ and a
+ jr nz,.checkButtons\@
+ pop bc
+ pop de
+ pop hl
+ ret
+; Copies [hl, bc) to [de, bc - hl).
+; In other words, the source data is from hl up to but not including bc,
+; and the destination is de.
+CopyDataUntil: ; 3913
+ ld a,[hli]
+ ld [de],a
+ inc de
+ ld a,h
+ cp b
+ jr nz,CopyDataUntil
+ ld a,l
+ cp c
+ jr nz,CopyDataUntil
+ ret
+; Function to remove a pokemon from the party or the current box.
+; W_WHICHPOKEMON determines the pokemon.
+; [$cf95] == 0 specifies the party.
+; [$cf95] != 0 specifies the current box.
+RemovePokemon: ; 391F
+ ld hl,$7b68
+ ld b,$01
+ jp Bankswitch
AddPokemonToParty: ; 0x3927
push hl