ref: 39abace5694abf22efcd3efe2feaa0e03ec56b4b
parent: c43c338a5f7d90494b7e6e67c6533288bd28117d
author: U-Daniel-PC\Daniel <[email protected]>
date: Thu Jun 11 13:41:33 EDT 2015
Clean up white space
--- a/constants/status_constants.asm
+++ b/constants/status_constants.asm
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-; non-volatile statuses
+; non-volatile statuses
SLP EQU %111 ; sleep counter
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
ChargingUp EQU 4 ; e.g. Solar Beam, Fly
UsingTrappingMove EQU 5 ; e.g. Wrap
Invulnerable EQU 6 ; charging up Fly/Dig
-Confused EQU 7
+Confused EQU 7
; volatile statuses 2
UsingXAccuracy EQU 0
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
Seeded EQU 7
; volatile statuses 3
-BadlyPoisoned EQU 0
+BadlyPoisoned EQU 0
HasLightScreenUp EQU 1
HasReflectUp EQU 2
Transformed EQU 3
--- a/engine/battle/core.asm
+++ b/engine/battle/core.asm
@@ -1023,7 +1023,7 @@
ld c, $28
call DelayFrames
call PrintEndBattleText
-; win money
+; win money
ld hl, MoneyForWinningText
call PrintText
ld de, wPlayerMoney + 2
@@ -1642,7 +1642,7 @@
ld b, a
ld a, [H_QUOTIENT + 3]
cp b
- jr nc, .canEscape ; if the random value was less than or equal to the quotient
+ jr nc, .canEscape ; if the random value was less than or equal to the quotient
; plus 30 times the number of attempts, the player can escape
; can't escape
ld a, $1
@@ -2930,8 +2930,8 @@
ld c, a
ld b, $0 ; which item in the menu is the cursor pointing to? (0-3)
add hl, bc ; point to the item (move) in memory
- ld a, [hl]
- ld [wPlayerSelectedMove], a ; update wPlayerSelectedMove even if the move
+ ld a, [hl]
+ ld [wPlayerSelectedMove], a ; update wPlayerSelectedMove even if the move
; isn't actually selected (just pointed to by the cursor)
ld a, [wPlayerMonNumber]
ld [wWhichPokemon], a
@@ -2947,7 +2947,7 @@
ld a, [hl]
and $3f
ld [wcd6d], a
-; print TYPE/<type> and <curPP>/<maxPP>
+; print TYPE/<type> and <curPP>/<maxPP>
hlCoord 1, 9
ld de, TypeText
call PlaceString
@@ -2963,7 +2963,7 @@
ld de, wd11e
ld bc, $102
call PrintNumber
- call GetCurrentMove
+ call GetCurrentMove
hlCoord 2, 10
predef PrintMoveType
@@ -3174,13 +3174,13 @@
ld hl,ResidualEffects1
ld de,1
call IsInArray
- jp c,JumpMoveEffect ; ResidualEffects1 moves skip damage calculation and accuracy tests
- ; unless executed as part of their exclusive effect functions
+ jp c,JumpMoveEffect ; ResidualEffects1 moves skip damage calculation and accuracy tests
+ ; unless executed as part of their exclusive effect functions
ld hl,SpecialEffectsCont
ld de,1
call IsInArray
- call c,JumpMoveEffect ; execute the effects of SpecialEffectsCont moves (e.g. Wrap, Thrash) but don't skip anything
+ call c,JumpMoveEffect ; execute the effects of SpecialEffectsCont moves (e.g. Wrap, Thrash) but don't skip anything
PlayerCalcMoveDamage: ; 3d6dc (f:56dc)
ld hl,SetDamageEffects
@@ -3203,7 +3203,7 @@
and a
jr z,getPlayerAnimationType
jr z,playPlayerMoveAnimation ; don't play any animation if the move missed, unless it was EXPLODE_EFFECT
jr playerCheckIfFlyOrChargeEffect
@@ -3298,7 +3298,7 @@
ld a,[wPlayerNumAttacksLeft]
dec a
ld [wPlayerNumAttacksLeft],a
- jp nz,getPlayerAnimationType ; for multi-hit moves, apply attack until PlayerNumAttacksLeft hits 0 or the enemy faints.
+ jp nz,getPlayerAnimationType ; for multi-hit moves, apply attack until PlayerNumAttacksLeft hits 0 or the enemy faints.
; damage calculation and accuracy tests only happen for the first hit
res AttackingMultipleTimes,[hl] ; clear attacking multiple times status when all attacks are over
ld hl,MultiHitText
@@ -3509,8 +3509,8 @@
ld a,[hl]
- ; clear bide, thrashing, charging up, and trapping moves such as warp (already cleared for confusion damage)
- and $ff ^ ((1 << StoringEnergy) | (1 << ThrashingAbout) | (1 << ChargingUp) | (1 << UsingTrappingMove))
+ ; clear bide, thrashing, charging up, and trapping moves such as warp (already cleared for confusion damage)
+ and $ff ^ ((1 << StoringEnergy) | (1 << ThrashingAbout) | (1 << ChargingUp) | (1 << UsingTrappingMove))
ld [hl],a
@@ -3588,7 +3588,7 @@
ld hl,wPlayerNumAttacksLeft
dec [hl] ; did Thrashing About counter hit 0?
ld hl,PlayerCalcMoveDamage ; skip DecrementPP
- jp nz,.returnToHL
+ jp nz,.returnToHL
push hl
res ThrashingAbout,[hl] ; no longer thrashing about
@@ -3609,7 +3609,7 @@
ld a,[wPlayerNumAttacksLeft]
dec a ; did multi-turn move end?
ld [wPlayerNumAttacksLeft],a
- ld hl,getPlayerAnimationType ; if it didn't, skip damage calculation (deal damage equal to last hit),
+ ld hl,getPlayerAnimationType ; if it didn't, skip damage calculation (deal damage equal to last hit),
; DecrementPP and MoveHitTest
jp nz,.returnToHL
jp .returnToHL
@@ -3706,7 +3706,7 @@
ld a, [de]
- res ChargingUp, a ; end the pokemon's
+ res ChargingUp, a ; end the pokemon's
ld [de], a
ld a, [hl]
ld [wd11e], a
@@ -3923,7 +3923,7 @@
; if you get here, the mon used jump kick or hi jump kick and missed
ld hl, W_DAMAGE ; since the move missed, W_DAMAGE will always contain 0 at this point.
- ; Thus, recoil damage will always be equal to 1
+ ; Thus, recoil damage will always be equal to 1
; even if it was intended to be potential damage/8.
ld a, [hli]
ld b, [hl]
@@ -4776,7 +4776,7 @@
ld a,[hli]
or [hl]
ret z ; If we made it here, Counter still misses if the last move used in battle did no damage to its target.
- ; W_DAMAGE is shared by both players, so Counter may strike back damage dealt by the Counter user itself
+ ; W_DAMAGE is shared by both players, so Counter may strike back damage dealt by the Counter user itself
; if the conditions meet, even though 99% of the times damage will come from the target.
; if it did damage, double it
ld a,[hl]
@@ -5037,9 +5037,9 @@
AttackSubstitute: ; 3e25e (f:625e)
; Unlike the two ApplyAttackToPokemon functions, Attack Substitute is shared by player and enemy.
; Self-confusion damage as well as Hi-Jump Kick and Jump Kick recoil cause a momentary turn swap before being applied.
-; If the user has a Substitute up and would take damage because of that,
+; If the user has a Substitute up and would take damage because of that,
; damage will be applied to the other player's Substitute.
-; Normal recoil such as from Double-Edge isn't affected by this glitch,
+; Normal recoil such as from Double-Edge isn't affected by this glitch,
; because this function is never called in that case.
ld hl,SubstituteTookDamageText
@@ -5064,7 +5064,7 @@
ld [de],a
ret nc
-; If the target's Substitute breaks, W_DAMAGE isn't updated with the amount of HP
+; If the target's Substitute breaks, W_DAMAGE isn't updated with the amount of HP
; the Substitute had before being attacked.
ld h,b
ld l,c
@@ -6023,7 +6023,7 @@
ld a, [hl]
- ; clear bide, thrashing about, charging up, and multi-turn moves such as warp
+ ; clear bide, thrashing about, charging up, and multi-turn moves such as warp
and $ff ^ ((1 << StoringEnergy) | (1 << ThrashingAbout) | (1 << ChargingUp) | (1 << UsingTrappingMove))
ld [hl], a
@@ -6119,7 +6119,7 @@
call PrintText
ld hl, wEnemyNumAttacksLeft
dec [hl] ; did multi-turn move end?
- ld hl, GetEnemyAnimationType ; if it didn't, skip damage calculation (deal damage equal to last hit),
+ ld hl, GetEnemyAnimationType ; if it didn't, skip damage calculation (deal damage equal to last hit),
; DecrementPP and MoveHitTest
jp nz, .enemyReturnToHL
jp .enemyReturnToHL
@@ -6753,8 +6753,8 @@
push hl
push bc
push af
-; point to seed 0 so we pick the first number the next time
+; point to seed 0 so we pick the first number the next time
xor a
ld [wLinkBattleRandomNumberListIndex], a
@@ -6763,11 +6763,11 @@
ld a, [hl]
ld c, a
-; multiply by 5
+; multiply by 5
add a
add a
add c
-; add 1
+; add 1
inc a
ld [hli], a
dec b
@@ -7052,7 +7052,7 @@
dec b
jr nz, .asm_3f0de
push bc
ld b, $0
@@ -7604,7 +7604,7 @@
add hl, bc
pop bc
xor a
ld a, [de]
ld [H_MULTIPLICAND + 1], a
inc de
@@ -7611,10 +7611,10 @@
ld a, [de]
ld [H_MULTIPLICAND + 2], a
ld a, [hli]
- ld [H_MULTIPLIER], a
+ ld [H_MULTIPLIER], a
call Multiply
ld a, [hl]
- ld [H_DIVISOR], a
+ ld [H_DIVISOR], a
ld b, $4
call Divide
pop hl
@@ -7822,7 +7822,7 @@
add hl, bc
pop bc
xor a
ld a, [de]
ld [H_MULTIPLICAND + 1], a
inc de
@@ -7829,10 +7829,10 @@
ld a, [de]
ld [H_MULTIPLICAND + 2], a
ld a, [hli]
- ld [H_MULTIPLIER], a
+ ld [H_MULTIPLIER], a
call Multiply
ld a, [hl]
- ld [H_DIVISOR], a
+ ld [H_DIVISOR], a
ld b, $4
call Divide
pop hl
@@ -8287,8 +8287,8 @@
bit UsingTrappingMove, [hl]
ret nz
- call ClearHyperBeam ; since this effect is called before testing whether the move will hit,
- ; the target won't need to recharge even if the trapping move missed
+ call ClearHyperBeam ; since this effect is called before testing whether the move will hit,
+ ; the target won't need to recharge even if the trapping move missed
set UsingTrappingMove, [hl] ; mon is now using a trapping move
call BattleRandom ; 3/8 chance for 2 and 3 attacks, and 1/8 chance for 4 and 5 attacks
and $3
@@ -8346,7 +8346,7 @@
set Confused, [hl] ; mon is now confused
push af
call BattleRandom
- and $3
+ and $3
inc a
inc a
ld [bc], a ; confusion status will last 2-5 turns
@@ -8527,12 +8527,12 @@
and a
ld hl, wBattleMonPP
- jr nz, .enemyTurn
+ jr nz, .enemyTurn
ld a, [wLinkState]
pop hl ; wEnemyMonMoves
jr nz, .playerTurnNotLinkBattle
-; .playerTurnLinkBattle
+; .playerTurnLinkBattle
push hl
ld hl, wEnemyMonPP
@@ -8557,7 +8557,7 @@
and $7
inc a ; 1-8 turns disabled
inc c ; move 1-4 will be disabled
- swap c
+ swap c
add c ; map disabled move to high nibble of W_ENEMYDISABLEDMOVE / W_PLAYERDISABLEDMOVE
ld [de], a
call PlayCurrentMoveAnimation2
@@ -8568,7 +8568,7 @@
inc hl ; wEnemyDisabledMoveNumber
ld a, [wd11e] ; move number
- ld [hl], a
+ ld [hl], a
call GetMoveName
ld hl, MoveWasDisabledText
jp PrintText
@@ -8659,12 +8659,12 @@
CheckTargetSubstitute: ; 3fb79 (f:7b79)
push hl
- ld a, [H_WHOSETURN]
+ ld a, [H_WHOSETURN]
and a
jr z, .next1
- bit HasSubstituteUp, [hl]
+ bit HasSubstituteUp, [hl]
pop hl
--- a/engine/battle/decrement_pp.asm
+++ b/engine/battle/decrement_pp.asm
@@ -9,15 +9,15 @@
; W_PLAYERBATTSTATUS2 status flags later
and a, (1 << StoringEnergy) | (1 << ThrashingAbout) | (1 << AttackingMultipleTimes)
ret nz ; if any of these statuses are true, don't decrement PP
- bit UsingRage, [hl]
+ bit UsingRage, [hl]
ret nz ; don't decrement PP either if Pokemon is using Rage
ld hl, wBattleMonPP ; PP of first move (in battle)
-; decrement PP in the battle struct
- call .DecrementPP
-; decrement PP in the party struct
+; decrement PP in the battle struct
+ call .DecrementPP
+; decrement PP in the party struct
bit Transformed, a
ret nz ; Return if transformed. Pokemon Red stores the "current pokemon's" PP
; separately from the "Pokemon in your party's" PP. This is
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
ld hl, wPartyMon1PP ; PP of first move (in party)
ld a, [wPlayerMonNumber] ; which mon in party is active
- ld bc, wPartyMon2 - wPartyMon1
+ ld bc, wPartyMon2 - wPartyMon1
call AddNTimes ; calculate address of the mon to modify
ld a, [wPlayerMoveListIndex] ; which move (0, 1, 2, 3) did we use?
--- a/engine/battle/init_battle_variables.asm
+++ b/engine/battle/init_battle_variables.asm
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
ld [wCriticalHitOrOHKO], a
ld [wBattleMonSpecies], a
ld [wPartyGainExpFlags], a
- ld [wPlayerMonNumber], a
+ ld [wPlayerMonNumber], a
ld [wEscapedFromBattle], a
ld [wMapPalOffset], a
ld hl, wcf1d
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
jr nz, .loop
inc a
ld [wccd9], a
- ld a, [W_CURMAP]
+ ld a, [W_CURMAP]
jr c, .notSafariBattle
--- a/engine/battle/moveEffects/conversion_effect.asm
+++ b/engine/battle/moveEffects/conversion_effect.asm
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
bit Invulnerable, a ; is mon immune to typical attacks (dig/fly)
jr nz, PrintButItFailedText
-; copy target's types to user
+; copy target's types to user
ld a, [hli]
ld [de], a
inc de
--- a/engine/battle/moveEffects/drain_hp_effect.asm
+++ b/engine/battle/moveEffects/drain_hp_effect.asm
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
DrainHPEffect_: ; 783f (1:783f)
- ld hl, W_DAMAGE
+ ld hl, W_DAMAGE
ld a, [hl]
srl a ; divide damage by 2
ld [hli], a
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@
and a
jp z, .addDamageToAttackerHP
- ld hl, wEnemyMonHP
- ld de, wEnemyMonMaxHP
+ ld hl, wEnemyMonHP
+ ld de, wEnemyMonMaxHP
ld bc, wHPBarOldHP+1
; copy current HP to wHPBarOldHP
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
add b
ld [hld], a
ld [wHPBarNewHP], a
- ld a, [W_DAMAGE]
+ ld a, [W_DAMAGE]
ld b, [hl]
adc b
ld [hli], a
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
and a
jr z, .next3
jr nz, .printText
--- a/engine/battle/moveEffects/haze_effect.asm
+++ b/engine/battle/moveEffects/haze_effect.asm
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
HazeEffect_: ; 139da (4:79da)
ld a, $7
-; store 7 on every stat mod
+; store 7 on every stat mod
ld hl, wPlayerMonAttackMod
call ResetStatMods
ld hl, wEnemyMonAttackMod
call ResetStatMods
-; copy unmodified stats to battle stats
+; copy unmodified stats to battle stats
ld hl, wPlayerMonUnmodifiedAttack
ld de, wBattleMonAttack
call ResetStats
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
ld [hl], $0
and SLP | (1 << FRZ)
jr z, .cureVolatileStatuses
-; prevent the Pokemon from executing a move if it was asleep or frozen
+; prevent the Pokemon from executing a move if it was asleep or frozen
ld a, $ff
ld [de], a
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
inc hl ; BATTSTATUS2
ld a, [hl]
; clear UsingXAccuracy, ProtectedByMist, GettingPumped, and Seeded statuses
- and $ff ^((1 << UsingXAccuracy) | (1 << ProtectedByMist) | (1 << GettingPumped) | (1 << Seeded))
+ and $ff ^((1 << UsingXAccuracy) | (1 << ProtectedByMist) | (1 << GettingPumped) | (1 << Seeded))
ld [hli], a ; BATTSTATUS3
ld a, [hl]
and %11110000 | (1 << Transformed) ; clear Bad Poison, Reflect and Light Screen statuses
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
ResetStatMods: ; 13a43 (4:7a43)
ld b, $8
- ld [hli], a
+ ld [hli], a
dec b
jr nz, .loop
--- a/engine/battle/moveEffects/heal_effect.asm
+++ b/engine/battle/moveEffects/heal_effect.asm
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
ld a, [de]
sbc [hl]
jr c, .playAnim
-; copy max HP to current HP if an overflow ocurred
+; copy max HP to current HP if an overflow ocurred
ld a, [hli]
ld [de], a
ld [wHPBarNewHP+1], a
--- a/engine/battle/moveEffects/leech_seed_effect.asm
+++ b/engine/battle/moveEffects/leech_seed_effect.asm
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
LeechSeedEffect_: ; 2bea9 (a:7ea9)
callab MoveHitTest
- ld a, [W_MOVEMISSED]
+ ld a, [W_MOVEMISSED]
and a
jr nz, .moveMissed
- ld de, wEnemyMonType1
- ld a, [H_WHOSETURN]
+ ld de, wEnemyMonType1
+ ld a, [H_WHOSETURN]
and a
jr z, .leechSeedEffect
- ld de, wBattleMonType1
+ ld de, wBattleMonType1
; miss if the target is grass-type or already seeded
ld a, [de]
- jr z, .moveMissed
+ jr z, .moveMissed
inc de
ld a, [de]
--- a/engine/battle/moveEffects/one_hit_ko_effect.asm
+++ b/engine/battle/moveEffects/one_hit_ko_effect.asm
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
OneHitKOEffect_: ; 33f57 (c:7f57)
- ld hl, W_DAMAGE
+ ld hl, W_DAMAGE
xor a
ld [hli], a
ld [hl], a ; set the damage output to zero
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
ld [wCriticalHitOrOHKO], a
ld hl, wBattleMonSpeed + 1
ld de, wEnemyMonSpeed + 1
- ld a, [H_WHOSETURN]
+ ld a, [H_WHOSETURN]
and a
jr z, .compareSpeed
ld hl, wEnemyMonSpeed + 1
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
ld a, [hl]
sbc b
jr c, .userIsSlower
- ld hl, W_DAMAGE
+ ld hl, W_DAMAGE
ld a, $ff
ld [hli], a
ld [hl], a
@@ -34,5 +34,5 @@
; keep damage at 0 and set move missed flag if target's current speed is higher instead
ld a, $1
- ld [W_MOVEMISSED], a
+ ld [W_MOVEMISSED], a
--- a/engine/battle/moveEffects/paralyze_effect.asm
+++ b/engine/battle/moveEffects/paralyze_effect.asm
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
and a
jp z, .next
- ld hl, wBattleMonStatus
+ ld hl, wBattleMonStatus
ld a, [hl]
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
push hl
callab MoveHitTest
pop hl
- ld a, [W_MOVEMISSED]
+ ld a, [W_MOVEMISSED]
and a
jr nz, .didntAffect
set PAR, [hl]
--- a/engine/battle/moveEffects/pay_day_effect.asm
+++ b/engine/battle/moveEffects/pay_day_effect.asm
@@ -9,19 +9,19 @@
ld a, [wEnemyMonLevel]
; level * 2
- add a
+ add a
ld [H_DIVIDEND + 3], a
xor a
ld [H_DIVIDEND], a
ld [H_DIVIDEND + 1], a
ld [H_DIVIDEND + 2], a
-; convert to BCD
+; convert to BCD
ld a, 100
ld [H_DIVISOR], a
ld b, $4
call Divide
ld a, [H_QUOTIENT + 3]
- ld [hli], a
+ ld [hli], a
ld [H_DIVIDEND + 3], a
ld a, 10
--- a/engine/battle/moveEffects/recoil_effect.asm
+++ b/engine/battle/moveEffects/recoil_effect.asm
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
ld [wHPBarNewHP+1], a
jr nc, .getHPBarCoords
; if recoil damage is higher than the Pokemon's HP, set its HP to 0
- xor a
+ xor a
ld [hli], a
ld [hl], a
ld hl, wHPBarNewHP
--- a/engine/battle/moveEffects/substitute_effect.asm
+++ b/engine/battle/moveEffects/substitute_effect.asm
@@ -11,15 +11,15 @@
ld de, wEnemySubstituteHP
- ld a, [bc]
+ ld a, [bc]
bit HasSubstituteUp, a ; user already has substitute?
- jr nz, .alreadyHasSubstitute
+ jr nz, .alreadyHasSubstitute
; quarter health to remove from user
-; assumes max HP is 1023 or lower
+; assumes max HP is 1023 or lower
push bc
ld a, [hli]
ld b, [hl]
- srl a
+ srl a
rr b
srl a
rr b ; max hp / 4
@@ -27,29 +27,29 @@
ld de, wBattleMonHP - wBattleMonMaxHP
add hl, de ; point hl to current HP low byte
pop de
- ld a, b
+ ld a, b
ld [de], a ; save copy of HP to subtract in ccd7/ccd8 [how much HP substitute has]
ld a, [hld]
-; subtract [max hp / 4] to current HP
- sub b
+; subtract [max hp / 4] to current HP
+ sub b
ld d, a
ld a, [hl]
- sbc 0
+ sbc 0
pop bc
jr c, .notEnoughHP ; underflow means user would be left with negative health
; bug: since it only brances on carry, it will possibly leave user with 0 HP
ldi [hl], a ; save resulting HP after substraction into current HP
- ld [hl], d
+ ld [hl], d
ld h, b
ld l, c
- set HasSubstituteUp, [hl]
- ld a, [W_OPTIONS]
+ set HasSubstituteUp, [hl]
+ ld a, [W_OPTIONS]
bit 7, a ; battle animation is enabled?
- ld hl, PlayCurrentMoveAnimation
+ ld hl, PlayCurrentMoveAnimation
ld b, BANK(PlayCurrentMoveAnimation)
jr z, .animationEnabled
- ld hl, AnimationSubstitute
+ ld hl, AnimationSubstitute
ld b, BANK(AnimationSubstitute)
call Bankswitch ; jump to routine depending on animation setting
--- a/engine/battle/moveEffects/transform_effect.asm
+++ b/engine/battle/moveEffects/transform_effect.asm
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
; animation(s) played are different if target has Substitute up
- bit HasSubstituteUp, [hl]
+ bit HasSubstituteUp, [hl]
push af
ld hl, Func_79747
ld b, BANK(Func_79747)
@@ -49,13 +49,13 @@
pop de
pop hl
push hl
-; transform user into opposing Pokemon
+; transform user into opposing Pokemon
; species
- ld a, [hl]
+ ld a, [hl]
ld [de], a
-; type 1, type 2, catch rate, and moves
+; type 1, type 2, catch rate, and moves
ld bc, $5
- add hl, bc
+ add hl, bc
inc de
inc de
inc de
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
ld a, [hli]
ld [de], a
inc de
-; Attack, Defense, Speed, and Special stats
+; Attack, Defense, Speed, and Special stats
inc hl
inc hl
inc hl
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
inc de
ld bc, $8
call CopyData
- ld bc, wBattleMonMoves - wBattleMonPP
+ ld bc, wBattleMonMoves - wBattleMonPP
add hl, bc ; ld hl, wBattleMonMoves
--- a/engine/battle/read_trainer_party.asm
+++ b/engine/battle/read_trainer_party.asm
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@
ld [wEnemyMon6Moves + 2],a
; clear wAmountMoneyWon addresses
- xor a
+ xor a
ld de,wAmountMoneyWon
ld [de],a
inc de
--- a/engine/battle/trainer_ai.asm
+++ b/engine/battle/trainer_ai.asm
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
; that fall in-bewteen
AIMoveChoiceModification2: ; 397e7 (e:57e7)
ld a, [wAILayer2Encouragement]
- cp $1
+ cp $1
ret nz
ld hl, wBuffer - 1 ; temp move selection array (-1 byte offset)
ld de, wEnemyMonMoves ; enemy moves
@@ -325,8 +325,8 @@
db 1,3,0 ; LANCE
INCLUDE "engine/battle/trainer_pic_money_pointers.asm"
-INCLUDE "text/trainer_names.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/trainer_names.asm"
INCLUDE "engine/battle/bank_e_misc.asm"
--- a/engine/battle/wild_encounters.asm
+++ b/engine/battle/wild_encounters.asm
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
jr z, .lastRepelStep
ld [wRepelRemainingSteps], a
-; determine if wild pokemon can appear in the half-block we're standing in
+; determine if wild pokemon can appear in the half-block we're standing in
; is the bottom right tile (9,9) of the half-block we're standing in a grass/water tile?
hlCoord 9, 9
ld c, [hl]
@@ -64,12 +64,12 @@
; determine which wild pokemon (grass or water) can appear in the half-block we're standing in
ld c, [hl]
- aCoord 8, 9
- cp $14 ; is the bottom left tile (8,9) of the half-block we're standing in a water tile?
+ aCoord 8, 9
+ cp $14 ; is the bottom left tile (8,9) of the half-block we're standing in a water tile?
jr nz, .gotWildEncounterType ; else, it's treated as a grass tile by default
; since the bottom right tile of a "left shore" half-block is $14 but the bottom left tile is not,
-; "left shore" half-blocks (such as the one in the east coast of Cinnabar) load grass encounters.
+; "left shore" half-blocks (such as the one in the east coast of Cinnabar) load grass encounters.
ld b, $0
add hl, bc
--- a/wram.asm
+++ b/wram.asm
@@ -468,7 +468,7 @@
wInGameTradeGiveMonSpecies:: ; cd0f
-wPlayerMonUnmodifiedLevel:: ; cd0f
+wPlayerMonUnmodifiedLevel:: ; cd0f
ds 1
wInGameTradeTextPointerTablePointer:: ; cd10