Let's not call things sprites when they aren't.
Add the function that moves pics left in Oak's speech
This function waits for a Vblank to go by.
add in a function from Oak's speech
$0 is a valid tile in maps, even though $00 is the terminating byte.
Add evolutions / learned attacks. Thx Sawakita
Split compressed town map into a separate include, and give it a label
Add a makefile rule for redrle
Add redrle, a program to compress and decompress Town Map tilemaps
Add town map locations. Thanks once again to Sawakita.
pokered.gbc should depend on constants.asm
Add tileset headers (thx Sawakita)
add some delay-related functions
add the conserve battery delay function
create a new macro to make byte–word pairs more readable
Minor address→label replacement
won't be getting to this for a while, so mark it with XXX
Mention the predefined pointers used in map scripts. thx Sawakita
split constants into their own file
Minor address→label replacement
Expand enemy withdraw routine. Needs cleanup!
Expand some bankswitch routines in the home bank
Replace a couple addresses with existing labels
Expand routine that gets item name given item id
More trainer AI: status healing items, stat-raising items
These trainers use potions of various kinds
Expand each trainer's AI function
Add mart data. Still need to find the pointer/routine for it.
It’s official: if something needs doing, mark it with XXX.
add map names to some pointers (incomplete)
Add an extra rgbds-linux URL to the readme
add individual monster palettes
slight correction to palette names
add banks for map header pointers
bank numbers for pokemon image pointers
replace WildMonsters__ with real location names
add code that gives enemies special moves
add the attacks leaders and the elite 4 use
add the data copying functions at 009D, 00B5
improve makefile dependencies a bit
use readable names instead of ram addresses
add wild pokemon data, with a little code that parses it
a lot of the rom is free space. don't bother including empty banks
list needed RGBDS version in readme
Fix flags to match current version of rgbds-linux
trainer data: the pokemon on each team
add pokemon names as constants
outsource the ROM header to rgbfix