ref: 31f074542bd5da787d95001fefd6cd944153fed3
parent: b52bcd65975a21d0d101091259058f758b6ad8a0
author: yenatch <[email protected]>
date: Wed Jan 22 11:18:39 EST 2014
split out a bunch of map text
--- a/main.asm
+++ b/main.asm
@@ -115772,3078 +115772,75 @@
text "."
-_ViridianForestText1: ; 8031d (20:431d)
- text "I came here with"
- line "some friends!"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/viridian_forest.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/mt_moon_1f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/mt_moon_b1f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/mt_moon_b2f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/ss_anne_1.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/ss_anne_2.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/ss_anne_3.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/ss_anne_4.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/ss_anne_5.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/ss_anne_6.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/ss_anne_7.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/ss_anne_8.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/ss_anne_9.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/ss_anne_10.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/victory_road_3f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/rocket_hideout_b1f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/rocket_hideout_b2f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/rocket_hideout_b3f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/rocket_hideout_b4f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/rocket_hideout_elevator.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/silph_co_1f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/silph_co_2f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/silph_co_3f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/silph_co_4f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/silph_co_5f_1.asm"
- para "They're out for"
- line "#MON fights!"
- done
-_ViridianForestBattleText1: ; 80359 (20:4359)
- text "Hey! You have"
- line "#MON! Come on!"
- cont "Let's battle'em!"
- done
-_ViridianForestEndBattleText1: ; 80387 (20:4387)
- text "No!"
- line "CATERPIE can't"
- cont "cut it!"
- prompt
-_ViridianFrstAfterBattleText1: ; 803a2 (20:43a2)
- text "Ssh! You'll scare"
- line "the bugs away!"
- done
-_ViridianForestBattleText2: ; 803c3 (20:43c3)
- text "Yo! You can't jam"
- line "out if you're a"
- cont "#MON trainer!"
- done
-_ViridianForestEndBattleText2: ; 803f2 (20:43f2)
- text "Huh?"
- line "I ran out of"
- cont "#MON!"
- prompt
-_ViridianFrstAfterBattleText2: ; 8040b (20:440b)
- text "Darn! I'm going"
- line "to catch some"
- cont "stronger ones!"
- done
-_ViridianForestBattleText3: ; 80438 (20:4438)
- text "Hey, wait up!"
- line "What's the hurry?"
- done
-_ViridianForestEndBattleText3: ; 80458 (20:4458)
- text "I"
- line "give! You're good"
- cont "at this!"
- prompt
-_ViridianFrstAfterBattleText3: ; 80475 (20:4475)
- text "Sometimes, you"
- line "can find stuff on"
- cont "the ground!"
- para "I'm looking for"
- line "the stuff I"
- cont "dropped!"
- done
-_ViridianForestText8: ; 804c7 (20:44c7)
- text "I ran out of #"
- line "BALLs to catch"
- cont "#MON with!"
- para "You should carry"
- line "extras!"
- done
-_ViridianForestText9: ; 8050a (20:450a)
- para "If you want to"
- line "avoid battles,"
- cont "stay away from"
- cont "grassy areas!"
- done
-_ViridianForestText10: ; 80553 (20:4553)
- text "For poison, use"
- line "ANTIDOTE! Get it"
- cont "at #MON MARTs!"
- done
-_ViridianForestText11: ; 80584 (20:4584)
- para "Contact PROF.OAK"
- line "via PC to get"
- cont "your #DEX"
- cont "evaluated!"
- done
-_ViridianForestText12: ; 805c6 (20:45c6)
- para "No stealing of"
- line "#MON from"
- cont "other trainers!"
- cont "Catch only wild"
- cont "#MON!"
- done
-_ViridianForestText13: ; 80613 (20:4613)
- para "Weaken #MON"
- line "before attempting"
- cont "capture!"
- para "When healthy,"
- line "they may escape!"
- done
-_ViridianForestText14: ; 80667 (20:4667)
- text "LEAVING"
- done
-_MtMoon1BattleText2: ; 80692 (20:4692)
- text "WHOA! You shocked"
- line "me! Oh, you're"
- cont "just a kid!"
- done
-_MtMoon1EndBattleText2: ; 806bf (20:46bf)
- text "Wow!"
- line "Shocked again!"
- prompt
-_MtMoon1AfterBattleText2: ; 806d4 (20:46d4)
- text "Kids like you"
- line "shouldn't be"
- cont "here!"
- done
-_MtMoon1BattleText3: ; 806f5 (20:46f5)
- text "Did you come to"
- line "explore too?"
- done
-_MtMoon1EndBattleText3: ; 80713 (20:4713)
- text "Losing"
- line "stinks!"
- prompt
-_MtMoon1AfterBattleText3: ; 80723 (20:4723)
- text "I came down here"
- line "to show off to"
- cont "girls."
- done
-_MtMoon1BattleText4: ; 8074b (20:474b)
- text "Wow! It's way"
- line "bigger in here"
- cont "than I thought!"
- done
-_MtMoon1EndBattleText4: ; 80778 (20:4778)
- text "Oh!"
- line "I lost it!"
- prompt
-_MtMoon1AfterBattleText4: ; 80788 (20:4788)
- text "How do you get"
- line "out of here?"
- done
-_MtMoon1BattleText5: ; 807a5 (20:47a5)
- text "What! Don't sneak"
- line "up on me!"
- done
-_MtMoon1EndBattleText5: ; 807c1 (20:47c1)
- text "My"
- line "#MON won't do!"
- prompt
-_MtMoon1AfterBattleText5: ; 807d3 (20:47d3)
- text "I have to find"
- line "stronger #MON."
- done
-_MtMoon1BattleText6: ; 807f2 (20:47f2)
- text "What? I'm waiting"
- line "for my friends to"
- cont "find me here."
- done
-_MtMoon1EndBattleText6: ; 80824 (20:4824)
- text "I lost?"
- prompt
-_MtMoon1AfterBattleText6: ; 8082d (20:482d)
- text "I heard there are"
- line "some very rare"
- cont "fossils here."
- done
-_MtMoon1BattleText7: ; 8085d (20:485d)
- text "Suspicious men"
- line "are in the cave."
- cont "What about you?"
- done
-_MtMoon1EndBattleText7: ; 8088e (20:488e)
- text "You"
- line "got me!"
- prompt
-_MtMoon1AfterBattleText7: ; 8089b (20:489b)
- text "I saw them! I'm"
- line "sure they're from"
- cont "TEAM ROCKET!"
- done
-_MtMoon1BattleText8: ; 808c9 (20:48c9)
- text "Go through this"
- line "cave to get to"
- done
-_MtMoon1EndBattleText8: ; 808f8 (20:48f8)
- text "I"
- line "lost."
- prompt
-_MtMoon1AfterBattleText8: ; 80901 (20:4901)
- text "ZUBAT is tough!"
- line "But, it can be"
- cont "useful if you"
- cont "catch one."
- done
-_MtMoon1Text14: ; 8093a (20:493a)
- text "Beware! ZUBAT is"
- line "a blood sucker!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_51a48: ; 8095c (20:495c)
- db $0
- done
-_UnnamedText_49f24: ; 8095e (20:495e)
- text "You want the"
- line "DOME FOSSIL?"
- done
-_UnnamedText_49f64: ; 80979 (20:4979)
- text "You want the"
- line "HELIX FOSSIL?"
- done
-_UnnamedText_49f6f: ; 80995 (20:4995)
- text $52, " got the"
- line "@"
- TX_RAM $cf4b
- text "!@@"
-_UnnamedText_49f7f: ; 809a8 (20:49a8)
- text "Look, you've got"
- line "no room for this.@@"
-_UnnamedText_49f85: ; 809cc (20:49cc)
- text "Hey, stop!"
- para "I found these"
- line "fossils! They're"
- cont "both mine!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_49f8a: ; 80a01 (20:4a01)
- text "OK!"
- line "I'll share!"
- prompt
-_UnnamedText_49f8f: ; 80a11 (20:4a11)
- text "We'll each take"
- line "one!"
- cont "No being greedy!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_49f94: ; 80a37 (20:4a37)
- text "Far away, on"
- cont "there's a #MON"
- cont "LAB."
- para "They do research"
- line "on regenerating"
- cont "fossils."
- done
-_UnnamedText_49f99: ; 80a93 (20:4a93)
- text "All right. Then"
- line "this is mine!@@"
-_MtMoon3BattleText2: ; 80ab3 (20:4ab3)
- text "TEAM ROCKET will"
- line "find the fossils,"
- cont "revive and sell"
- cont "them for cash!"
- done
-_MtMoon3EndBattleText2: ; 80af6 (20:4af6)
- text "Urgh!"
- line "Now I'm mad!"
- prompt
-_MtMoon3AfterBattleText2: ; 80b09 (20:4b09)
- text "You made me mad!"
- line "TEAM ROCKET will"
- cont "blacklist you!"
- done
-_MtMoon3BattleText3: ; 80b3b (20:4b3b)
- text "We, TEAM ROCKET,"
- line "are #MON"
- cont "gangsters!"
- done
-_MtMoon3EndBattleText3: ; 80b61 (20:4b61)
- text "I blew"
- line "it!"
- prompt
-_MtMoon3AfterBattleText3: ; 80b6d (20:4b6d)
- text "Darn it all! My"
- line "associates won't"
- cont "stand for this!"
- done
-_MtMoon3BattleText4: ; 80b9e (20:4b9e)
- text "We're pulling a"
- line "big job here!"
- cont "Get lost, kid!"
- done
-_MtMoon3EndBattleText4: ; 80bcb (20:4bcb)
- text "So, you"
- line "are good."
- prompt
-_MtMoon3AfterBattleText4: ; 80bde (20:4bde)
- text "If you find a"
- line "fossil, give it"
- cont "to me and scram!"
- done
-_MtMoon3BattleText5: ; 80c0e (20:4c0e)
- text "Little kids"
- line "should leave"
- cont "grown-ups alone!"
- done
-_MtMoon3EndBattleText5: ; 80c39 (20:4c39)
- text "I'm"
- line "steamed!"
- prompt
-_MtMoon3AfterBattleText5: ; 80c46 (20:4c46)
- text "#MON lived"
- line "here long before"
- cont "people came."
- done
-_SSAnne1Text1: ; 80c70 (20:4c70)
- text "Bonjour!"
- line "I am le waiter on"
- cont "this ship!"
- para "I will be happy"
- line "to serve you any-"
- cont "thing you please!"
- para "Ah! Le strong"
- line "silent type!"
- done
-_SSAnne1Text2: ; 80ce6 (20:4ce6)
- text "The passengers"
- line "are restless!"
- para "You might be"
- line "challenged by the"
- cont "more bored ones!"
- done
-_SSAnne2Text1: ; 80d34 (20:4d34)
- text "This ship, she is"
- line "a luxury liner"
- cont "for trainers!"
- para "At every port, we"
- line "hold parties with"
- cont "invited trainers!"
- done
-_SSAnneRivalBeforeBattleText: ; 80d9a (20:4d9a)
- text $53, ": Bonjour!"
- line $52, "!"
- para "Imagine seeing"
- line "you here!"
- para $52, ", were you"
- line "really invited?"
- para "So how's your"
- line "#DEX coming?"
- para "I already caught"
- line "40 kinds, pal!"
- para "Different kinds"
- line "are everywhere!"
- para "Crawl around in"
- line "grassy areas!"
- done
-_SSAnneRivalDefeatedText: ; 80e57 (20:4e57)
- text "Humph!"
- para "At least you're"
- line "raising your"
- cont "#MON!"
- prompt
-_SSAnneRivalWonText: ; 80e81 (20:4e81)
- text $52, "! What are"
- line "you, seasick?"
- para "You should shape"
- line "up, pal!"
- prompt
-_SSAnneRivalCaptainText: ; 80eb6 (20:4eb6)
- text $53, ": I heard"
- line "there was a CUT"
- cont "master on board."
- para "But, he was just a"
- line "seasick, old man!"
- para "But, CUT itself is"
- line "really useful!"
- para "You should go see"
- line "him! Smell ya!"
- done
-_SSAnne3Text1: ; 80f4b (20:4f4b)
- text "Our CAPTAIN is a"
- line "sword master!"
- para "He even teaches"
- line "CUT to #MON!"
- done
-_SSAnne5Text1: ; 80f88 (20:4f88)
- text "The party's over."
- line "The ship will be"
- cont "departing soon."
- done
-_SSAnne5Text2: ; 80fbb (20:4fbb)
- text "Scrubbing decks"
- line "is hard work!"
- done
-_SSAnne5Text3: ; 80fda (20:4fda)
- text "Urf. I feel ill."
- para "I stepped out to"
- line "get some air."
- done
-_SSAnneBattleText1: ; 8100b (20:500b)
- text "Hey matey!"
- para "Let's do a little"
- line "jig!"
- done
-_SSAnneEndBattleText1: ; 8102d (20:502d)
- text "You're"
- line "impressive!"
- prompt
-_SSAnneAfterBattleText1: ; 81040 (20:5040)
- text "How many kinds of"
- line "#MON do you"
- cont "think there are?"
- done
-_SSAnneBattleText2: ; 81070 (20:5070)
- text "Ahoy there!"
- line "Are you seasick?"
- done
-_SSAnneEndBattleText2: ; 8108e (20:508e)
- text "I was"
- line "just careless!"
- prompt
-_SSAnneAfterBattleText2: ; 810a4 (20:50a4)
- text "My Pa said there"
- line "are 100 kinds of"
- cont "#MON. I think"
- cont "there are more."
- done
-_SSAnne6Text1: ; 810e5 (20:50e5)
- text "You, mon petit!"
- line "We're busy here!"
- cont "Out of the way!"
- done
-_SSAnne6Text2: ; 81116 (20:5116)
- text "I saw an odd ball"
- line "in the trash."
- done
-_SSAnne6Text3: ; 81137 (20:5137)
- text "I'm so busy I'm"
- line "getting dizzy!"
- done
-_SSAnne6Text4: ; 81155 (20:5155)
- text "Hum-de-hum-de-"
- line "ho..."
- para "I peel spuds"
- line "every day!"
- cont "Hum-hum..."
- done
-_SSAnne6Text5: ; 8118e (20:518e)
- text "Did you hear about"
- line "SNORLAX?"
- para "All it does is"
- line "eat and sleep!"
- done
-_SSAnne6Text6: ; 811c9 (20:51c9)
- text "Snivel...Sniff..."
- para "I only get to"
- line "peel onions..."
- cont "Snivel..."
- done
-_UnnamedText_61807: ; 81203 (20:5203)
- text "Er-hem! Indeed I"
- line "am le CHEF!"
- para "Le main course is"
- prompt
-_UnnamedText_6180c: ; 81233 (20:5233)
- text "Salmon du Salad!"
- para "Les guests may"
- line "gripe it's fish"
- cont "again, however!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_61811: ; 81273 (20:5273)
- text "Eels au Barbecue!"
- para "Les guests will"
- line "mutiny, I fear."
- done
-_UnnamedText_61816: ; 812a6 (20:52a6)
- text "Prime Beef Steak!"
- para "But, have I enough"
- line "fillets du beef?"
- done
-_SSAnne7RubText: ; 812dd (20:52dd)
- text "CAPTAIN: Ooargh..."
- line "I feel hideous..."
- cont "Urrp! Seasick..."
- para $52, " rubbed"
- line "the CAPTAIN's"
- cont "back!"
- para "Rub-rub..."
- line "Rub-rub...@@"
-_ReceivingHM01Text: ; 81347 (20:5347)
- text "CAPTAIN: Whew!"
- line "Thank you! I"
- cont "feel much better!"
- para "You want to see"
- line "my CUT technique?"
- para "I could show you"
- line "if I wasn't ill..."
- para "I know! You can"
- line "have this!"
- para "Teach it to your"
- line "#MON and you"
- cont "can see it CUT"
- cont "any time!"
- prompt
-_ReceivedHM01Text: ; 8140d (20:540d)
- text $52, " got"
- line "@"
- TX_RAM $cf4b
- text "!@@"
-_UnnamedText_61932: ; 8141c (20:541c)
- text "CAPTAIN: Whew!"
- para "Now that I'm not"
- line "sick any more, I"
- cont "guess it's time."
- done
-_HM01NoRoomText: ; 8145d (20:545d)
- text "Oh no! You have"
- line "no room for this!"
- done
-_SSAnne7Text2: ; 81480 (20:5480)
- text "Yuck! Shouldn't"
- line "have looked!"
- done
-_SSAnne7Text3: ; 8149d (20:549d)
- text "How to Conquer"
- line "Seasickness..."
- cont "The CAPTAIN's"
- cont "reading this!"
- done
-_SSAnne8Text8: ; 814d7 (20:54d7)
- text "WIGGLYTUFF: Puup"
- line "pupuu!@@"
-_SSAnne8BattleText1: ; 814f1 (20:54f1)
- text "I travel alone"
- line "on my journeys!"
- para "My #MON are my"
- line "only friends!"
- done
-_SSAnne8EndBattleText1: ; 8152e (20:552e)
- text "My, my"
- line "friends..."
- prompt
-_SSAnne8AfterBattleText1: ; 81541 (20:5541)
- text "You should be"
- line "nice to friends!"
- done
-_SSAnne8BattleText2: ; 81561 (20:5561)
- text "You pup! How dare"
- line "you barge in!"
- done
-_SSAnne8EndBattleText2: ; 81582 (20:5582)
- text "Humph!"
- line "You rude child!"
- prompt
-_UnnamedText_61a24: ; 8159a (20:559a)
- text "I wish to be left"
- line "alone! Get out!"
- done
-_SSAnne8BattleText3: ; 815bd (20:55bd)
- text "I love #MON!"
- line "Do you?"
- done
-_SSAnne8EndBattleText3: ; 815d3 (20:55d3)
- text "Wow! "
- line "You're great!"
- prompt
-_SSAnne8AfterBattleText3: ; 815e7 (20:55e7)
- text "Let me be your"
- line "friend, OK?"
- para "Then we can trade"
- line "#MON!"
- done
-_SSAnne8BattleText4: ; 8161b (20:561b)
- text "I collected these"
- line "#MON from all"
- cont "around the world!"
- done
-_SSAnne8EndBattleText4: ; 8164e (20:564e)
- text "Oh no!"
- line "I went around the"
- cont "world for these!"
- prompt
-_SSAnne8AfterBattleText4: ; 81679 (20:5679)
- text "You hurt my poor"
- line "worldly #MON!"
- para "I demand that you"
- line "heal them at a"
- cont "#MON CENTER!"
- done
-_SSAnne8Text5: ; 816c7 (20:56c7)
- text "Waiter, I would"
- line "like a cherry pie"
- cont "please!"
- done
-_SSAnne8Text6: ; 816f2 (20:56f2)
- text "A cruise is so"
- line "elegant yet cozy!"
- done
-_SSAnne8Text7: ; 81714 (20:5714)
- text "I always travel"
- line "with WIGGLYTUFF!"
- done
-_SSAnne8Text9: ; 81736 (20:5736)
- text "We are cruising"
- line "around the world."
- done
-_SSAnne8Text11: ; 81759 (20:5759)
- text "Ssh! I'm a GLOBAL"
- line "POLICE agent!"
- para "I'm on the trail"
- line "of TEAM ROCKET!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_61bf2: ; 81799 (20:5799)
- text "In all my travels"
- line "I've never seen"
- cont "any #MON sleep"
- cont "like this one!"
- para "It was something"
- line "like this!"
- prompt
-_UnnamedText_61c01: ; 817f5 (20:57f5)
- text "Ah yes, I have"
- line "seen some #MON"
- cont "ferry people"
- cont "across the water!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_61c10: ; 81833 (20:5833)
- text "#MON can CUT"
- line "down small bushes."
- done
-_UnnamedText_61c1f: ; 81854 (20:5854)
- text "Have you gone to"
- line "the SAFARI ZONE"
- cont "in FUCHSIA CITY?"
- para "It had many rare"
- line "kinds of #MON!!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_61c2e: ; 818a8 (20:58a8)
- text "Me and my Daddy"
- line "think the SAFARI"
- cont "ZONE is awesome!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_61c3d: ; 818db (20:58db)
- text "The CAPTAIN looked"
- line "really sick and"
- cont "pale!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_61c4c: ; 81905 (20:5905)
- text "I hear many people"
- line "get seasick!"
- done
-_SSAnne9BattleText1: ; 81926 (20:5926)
- text "Competing against"
- line "the young keeps"
- cont "me youthful."
- done
-_SSAnne9EndBattleText1: ; 81956 (20:5956)
- text "Good"
- line "fight! Ah, I feel"
- cont "young again!"
- prompt
-_SSAnne9AfterBattleText1: ; 8197b (20:597b)
- text "15 years ago, I"
- line "would have won!"
- done
-_SSAnne9BattleText2: ; 8199c (20:599c)
- text "Check out what I"
- line "fished up!"
- done
-_SSAnne9EndBattleText2: ; 819b9 (20:59b9)
- text "I'm"
- line "all out!"
- prompt
-_SSAnne9AfterBattleText2: ; 819c6 (20:59c6)
- text "Party?"
- para "The cruise ship's"
- line "party should be"
- cont "over by now."
- done
-_SSAnne9BattleText3: ; 819fc (20:59fc)
- text "Which do you like,"
- line "a strong or a"
- cont "rare #MON?"
- done
-_SSAnne9EndBattleText3: ; 81a29 (20:5a29)
- text "I must"
- line "salute you!"
- prompt
-_SSAnne9AfterBattleText3: ; 81a3d (20:5a3d)
- text "I prefer strong"
- line "and rare #MON."
- done
-_SSAnne9BattleText4: ; 81a5d (20:5a5d)
- text "I never saw you"
- line "at the party."
- done
-_SSAnne9EndBattleText4: ; 81a7c (20:5a7c)
- text "Take"
- line "it easy!"
- prompt
-_SSAnne9AfterBattleText4: ; 81a8b (20:5a8b)
- text "Oh, I adore your"
- line "strong #MON!"
- done
-_SSAnne10Text8: ; 81aaa (20:5aaa)
- text "MACHOKE: Gwoh!"
- line "Goggoh!@@"
-_SSAnne10BattleText1: ; 81ac3 (20:5ac3)
- text "You know what they"
- line "say about sailors"
- cont "and fighting!"
- done
-_SSAnne10EndBattleText1: ; 81af7 (20:5af7)
- text "Right!"
- line "Good fight, mate!"
- prompt
-_SSAnne10AfterBattleText1: ; 81b11 (20:5b11)
- text "Haha! Want to be"
- line "a sailor, mate?"
- done
-_SSAnne10BattleText2: ; 81b33 (20:5b33)
- text "My sailor's pride"
- line "is at stake!"
- done
-_SSAnne10EndBattleText2: ; 81b52 (20:5b52)
- text "Your"
- line "spirit sank me!"
- prompt
-_SSAnne10AfterBattleText2: ; 81b68 (20:5b68)
- text "Did you see the"
- line "FISHING GURU in"
- done
-_SSAnne10BattleText3: ; 81b99 (20:5b99)
- text "Us sailors have"
- line "#MON too!"
- done
-_SSAnne10EndBattleText3: ; 81bb4 (20:5bb4)
- text "OK, "
- line "you're not bad."
- prompt
-_SSAnne10AfterBattleText3: ; 81bc9 (20:5bc9)
- text "We caught all our"
- line "#MON while"
- cont "out at sea!"
- done
-_SSAnne10BattleText4: ; 81bf3 (20:5bf3)
- text "I like feisty"
- line "kids like you!@@"
-_SSAnne10EndBattleText4: ; 81c12 (20:5c12)
- text "Argh!"
- line "Lost it!"
- prompt
-_SSAnne10AfterBattleText4: ; 81c22 (20:5c22)
- text "Sea #MON live"
- line "in deep water."
- cont "You'll need a ROD!"
- done
-_SSAnne10BattleText5: ; 81c52 (20:5c52)
- text "Matey, you're"
- line "walking the plank"
- cont "if you lose!"
- done
-_SSAnne10EndBattleText5: ; 81c7f (20:5c7f)
- text "Argh!"
- line "Beaten by a kid!"
- prompt
-_SSAnne10AfterBattleText5: ; 81c97 (20:5c97)
- text "Jellyfish some-"
- line "times drift into"
- cont "the ship."
- done
-_SSAnne10BattleText6: ; 81cc3 (20:5cc3)
- text "Hello stranger!"
- line "Stop and chat!"
- para "All my #MON"
- line "are from the sea!"
- done
-_SSAnne10EndBattleText6: ; 81d01 (20:5d01)
- text "Darn!"
- line "I let that one"
- cont "get away!"
- prompt
-_SSAnne10AfterBattleText6: ; 81d21 (20:5d21)
- text "I was going to"
- line "make you my"
- cont "assistant too!"
- done
-_SSAnne10Text7: ; 81d4c (20:5d4c)
- text "My buddy, MACHOKE,"
- line "is super strong!"
- para "He has enough"
- line "STRENGTH to move"
- cont "big rocks!"
- done
-_VictoryRoad3BattleText2: ; 81d9b (20:5d9b)
- text "I heard rumors of"
- line "a child prodigy!"
- done
-_VictoryRoad3EndBattleText2: ; 81dbf (20:5dbf)
- text "The"
- line "rumors were true!"
- prompt
-_VictoryRoad3AfterBattleText2: ; 81dd6 (20:5dd6)
- text "You beat GIOVANNI"
- line "of TEAM ROCKET?"
- done
-_VictoryRoad3BattleText3: ; 81df9 (20:5df9)
- text "I'll show you just"
- line "how good you are!"
- done
-_VictoryRoad3EndBattleText3: ; 81e1e (20:5e1e)
- text "I'm"
- line "furious!"
- prompt
-_VictoryRoad3AfterBattleText3: ; 81e2b (20:5e2b)
- text "You showed me just"
- line "how good I was!"
- done
-_VictoryRoad3BattleText4: ; 81e4f (20:5e4f)
- text "Only the chosen"
- line "can pass here!"
- done
-_VictoryRoad3EndBattleText4: ; 81e6f (20:5e6f)
- text "I"
- line "don't believe it!"
- prompt
-_VictoryRoad3AfterBattleText4: ; 81e83 (20:5e83)
- text "All trainers here"
- line "are headed to the"
- cont "#MON LEAGUE!"
- cont "Be careful!"
- done
-_VictoryRoad3BattleText5: ; 81ec1 (20:5ec1)
- text "Trainers live to"
- line "seek stronger"
- cont "opponents!"
- done
-_VictoryRoad3EndBattleText5: ; 81eec (20:5eec)
- text "Oh!"
- line "So strong!"
- prompt
-_VictoryRoad3AfterBattleText5: ; 81efc (20:5efc)
- text "By fighting tough"
- line "battles, you get"
- cont "stronger!"
- done
-_RocketHideout1EndBattleText6: ; 81f2a (20:5f2a)
- text "Why...?@@"
-_RocketHideout1BattleText2: ; 81f34 (20:5f34)
- text "Who are you? How"
- line "did you get here?"
- done
-_RocketHideout1EndBattleText2: ; 81f58 (20:5f58)
- text "Oww!"
- line "Beaten!"
- prompt
-_RocketHideout1AfterBattleTxt2: ; 81f66 (20:5f66)
- text "Are you dissing"
- line "TEAM ROCKET?"
- done
-_RocketHideout1BattleText3: ; 81f84 (20:5f84)
- text "You broke into"
- line "our operation?"
- done
-_RocketHideout1EndBattleText3: ; 81fa3 (20:5fa3)
- text "Burnt!"
- prompt
-_RocketHideout1AfterBattleTxt3: ; 81fab (20:5fab)
- text "You're not going"
- line "to get away with"
- cont "this, brat!"
- done
-_RocketHideout1BattleText4: ; 81fd9 (20:5fd9)
- text "Intruder alert!"
- done
-_RocketHideout1EndBattleText4: ; 81fea (20:5fea)
- text "I"
- line "can't do it!"
- prompt
-_RocketHideout1AfterBattleTxt4: ; 81ff9 (20:5ff9)
- text "SILPH SCOPE?"
- line "I don't know"
- cont "where it is!"
- done
-_RocketHideout1BattleText5: ; 82020 (20:6020)
- text "Why did you come"
- line "here?"
- done
-_RocketHideout1EndBattleText5: ; 82038 (20:6038)
- text "This"
- line "won't do!"
- prompt
-_RocketHideout1AfterBattleTxt5: ; 82047 (20:6047)
- text "OK, I'll talk!"
- line "Take the elevator"
- cont "to see my BOSS!"
- done
-_RocketHideout1BattleText6: ; 82078 (20:6078)
- text "Are you lost, you"
- line "little rat?"
- done
-_RocketHideout1AfterBattleTxt6: ; 82097 (20:6097)
- text "Uh-oh, that fight"
- line "opened the door!"
- done
-_RocketHideout2BattleText2: ; 820bb (20:60bb)
- text "BOSS said you can"
- line "see GHOSTs with"
- cont "the SILPH SCOPE!"
- done
-_RocketHideout2EndBattleText2: ; 820ef (20:60ef)
- text "I"
- line "surrender!"
- prompt
-_RocketHideout2AfterBattleTxt2: ; 820fd (20:60fd)
- text "The TEAM ROCKET"
- line "HQ has 4 basement"
- cont "floors. Can you"
- cont "reach the BOSS?"
- done
-_RocketHideout3BattleText2: ; 82140 (20:6140)
- text "Stop meddling in"
- line "TEAM ROCKET's"
- cont "affairs!"
- done
-_RocketHideout3EndBattleText2: ; 82168 (20:6168)
- text "Oof!"
- line "Taken down!"
- prompt
-_RocketHideout3AfterBattleTxt2: ; 8217a (20:617a)
- text "SILPH SCOPE?"
- line "The machine the"
- cont "BOSS stole. It's"
- cont "here somewhere."
- done
-_RocketHideout3BattleTxt: ; 821b8 (20:61b8)
- text "We got word from"
- line "upstairs that you"
- cont "were coming!"
- done
-_RocketHideout3EndBattleText3: ; 821e9 (20:61e9)
- text "What?"
- line "I lost? No!"
- prompt
-_RocketHide3AfterBattleText3: ; 821fc (20:61fc)
- text "Go ahead and go!"
- line "But, you need the"
- cont "LIFT KEY to run"
- cont "the elevator!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_4557a: ; 8223e (20:623e)
- text "So! I must say, I"
- line "am impressed you"
- cont "got here!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_4557f: ; 8226c (20:626c)
- text "WHAT!"
- line "This cannot be!"
- prompt
-_UnnamedText_45584: ; 82283 (20:6283)
- text "I see that you"
- line "raise #MON"
- cont "with utmost care."
- para "A child like you"
- line "would never"
- cont "understand what I"
- cont "hope to achieve."
- para "I shall step"
- line "aside this time!"
- para "I hope we meet"
- line "again..."
- done
-_RocketHideout4BattleText2: ; 82326 (20:6326)
- text "I know you! You"
- line "ruined our plans"
- cont "at MT.MOON!"
- done
-_RocketHideout4EndBattleText2: ; 82354 (20:6354)
- text "Burned"
- line "again!"
- prompt
-_RocketHide4AfterBattleText2: ; 82363 (20:6363)
- text "Do you have"
- line "something against"
- cont "TEAM ROCKET?"
- done
-_RocketHideout4BattleText3: ; 8238f (20:638f)
- text "How can you not"
- line "see the beauty of"
- cont "our evil?"
- done
-_RocketHideout4EndBattleText3: ; 823bc (20:63bc)
- text "Ayaya!"
- prompt
-_RocketHide4AfterBattleText3: ; 823c4 (20:63c4)
- text "BOSS! I'm sorry I"
- line "failed you!"
- done
-_RocketHideout4BattleText4: ; 823e2 (20:63e2)
- text "The elevator"
- line "doesn't work? Who"
- cont "has the LIFT KEY?"
- done
-_RocketHideout4EndBattleText4: ; 82413 (20:6413)
- text "No!"
- prompt
-_UnnamedText_455ec: ; 82418 (20:6418)
- text "Oh no! I dropped"
- line "the LIFT KEY!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_4578b: ; 82438 (20:6438)
- text "It appears to"
- line "need a key.@@"
-_UnnamedText_59ded: ; 82454 (20:6454)
- text "Eeek!"
- line "No! Stop! Help!"
- para "Oh, you're not"
- line "with TEAM ROCKET."
- cont "I thought..."
- cont "I'm sorry. Here,"
- cont "please take this!"
- prompt
-_ReceivedTM36Text: ; 824ba (20:64ba)
- text $52, " got"
- line "@"
- TX_RAM $cf4b
- text "!@@"
-_TM36ExplanationText: ; 824c9 (20:64c9)
- text "TM36 is"
- para "It's powerful, but"
- line "the #MON that"
- cont "uses it faints!"
- cont "Be careful."
- done
-_TM36NoRoomText: ; 8251c (20:651c)
- text "You don't have any"
- line "room for this."
- done
-_SilphCo2BattleText1: ; 8253e (20:653e)
- text "Help! I'm a SILPH"
- line "employee."
- done
-_SilphCo2EndBattleText1: ; 8255a (20:655a)
- text "How"
- line "did you know I"
- cont "was a ROCKET?"
- prompt
-_SilphCo2AfterBattleText1: ; 8257c (20:657c)
- text "I work for both"
- line "SILPH and TEAM"
- cont "ROCKET!"
- done
-_SilphCo2BattleText2: ; 825a4 (20:65a4)
- text "It's off limits"
- line "here! Go home!"
- done
-_SilphCo2EndBattleText2: ; 825c3 (20:65c3)
- text "You're"
- line "good."
- prompt
-_SilphCo2AfterBattleText2: ; 825d0 (20:65d0)
- text "Can you solve the"
- line "maze in here?"
- done
-_SilphCo2BattleText3: ; 825f1 (20:65f1)
- text "No kids are"
- line "allowed in here!"
- done
-_SilphCo2EndBattleText3: ; 8260f (20:660f)
- text "Tough!"
- prompt
-_SilphCo2AfterBattleText3: ; 82617 (20:6617)
- text "Diamond shaped"
- line "tiles are"
- cont "teleport blocks!"
- para "They're hi-tech"
- line "transporters!"
- done
-_SilphCo2BattleText4: ; 8265f (20:665f)
- text "Hey kid! What are"
- line "you doing here?"
- done
-_SilphCo2EndBattleText4: ; 82682 (20:6682)
- text "I goofed!"
- prompt
-_SilphCo2AfterBattleText4: ; 8268d (20:668d)
- text "SILPH CO. will"
- line "be merged with"
- cont "TEAM ROCKET!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_59ff9: ; 826b9 (20:66b9)
- text "I work for SILPH."
- line "What should I do?"
- done
-_UnnamedText_59ffe: ; 826de (20:66de)
- text $52, "! You and"
- line "your #MON"
- cont "saved us!"
- done
-_SilphCo3BattleText1: ; 826fe (20:66fe)
- text "Quit messing with"
- line "us, kid!"
- done
-_SilphCo3EndBattleText1: ; 8271a (20:671a)
- text "I give"
- line "up!"
- prompt
-_SilphCo3AfterBattleText1: ; 82726 (20:6726)
- text "A hint? You can"
- line "open doors with a"
- cont "CARD KEY!"
- done
-_SilphCo3BattleText2: ; 82753 (20:6753)
- text "I support TEAM"
- line "ROCKET more than"
- cont "I support SILPH!"
- done
-_SilphCo3EndBattleText2: ; 82785 (20:6785)
- text "You"
- line "really got me!"
- prompt
-_SilphCo3AfterBattleText2: ; 82799 (20:6799)
- text "Humph..."
- para "TEAM ROCKET said"
- line "that if I helped"
- cont "them, they'd let"
- cont "me study #MON!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_19de0: ; 827e4 (20:67e4)
- text "Sssh! Can't you"
- line "see I'm hiding?"
- done
-_UnnamedText_19de5: ; 82803 (20:6803)
- text "Huh? TEAM ROCKET"
- line "is gone?"
- done
-_SilphCo4BattleText2: ; 8281e (20:681e)
- text "TEAM ROCKET has"
- line "taken command of"
- cont "SILPH CO.!"
- done
-_SilphCo4EndBattleText2: ; 8284b (20:684b)
- text "Arrgh!"
- prompt
-_SilphCo4AfterBattleText2: ; 82853 (20:6853)
- text "Fwahahaha!"
- line "My BOSS has been"
- cont "after this place!"
- done
-_SilphCo4BattleText3: ; 82882 (20:6882)
- text "My #MON are my"
- line "loyal soldiers!"
- done
-_SilphCo4EndBattleText3: ; 828a2 (20:68a2)
- text "Darn!"
- line "You weak #MON!"
- prompt
-_SilphCo4AfterBattleText3: ; 828b8 (20:68b8)
- text "The doors are"
- line "electronically"
- cont "locked! A CARD"
- cont "KEY opens them!"
- done
-_SilphCo4BattleText4: ; 828f5 (20:68f5)
- text "Intruder spotted!"
- done
-_SilphCo4EndBattleText4: ; 82908 (20:6908)
- text "Who"
- line "are you?"
- prompt
-_SilphCo4AfterBattleText4: ; 82916 (20:6916)
- text "I better tell the"
- line "BOSS on 11F!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_1a010: ; 82936 (20:6936)
- text "TEAM ROCKET is"
- line "in an uproar over"
- cont "some intruder."
- cont "That's you right?"
- done
-_UnnamedText_1a015: ; 82978 (20:6978)
- text "TEAM ROCKET took"
- line "off! You're our"
- cont "hero! Thank you!"
- done
-_SilphCo5BattleText2: ; 829aa (20:69aa)
- text "I heard a kid was"
- line "wandering around."
- done
-_SilphCo5EndBattleText2: ; 829cf (20:69cf)
- text "Boom!"
- prompt
-_SilphCo5AfterBattleText2: ; 829d6 (20:69d6)
- text "It's not smart"
- line "to pick a fight"
- cont "with TEAM ROCKET!"
- done
-_SilphCo5BattleText3: ; 82a07 (20:6a07)
- text "We study #"
- line "BALL technology"
- cont "on this floor!"
- done
-_SilphCo5EndBattleText3: ; 82a32 (20:6a32)
- text "Dang!"
- line "Blast it!"
- prompt
-_SilphCo5AfterBattleText3: ; 82a43 (20:6a43)
- text "We worked on the"
- line "ultimate #"
- cont "BALL which would"
- cont "catch anything!"
- done
-_SilphCo5BattleText4: ; 82a81 (20:6a81)
- text "Whaaat? There"
- line "shouldn't be any"
- cont "children here?"
- done
SECTION "bank21",ROMX,BANK[$21]
-_SilphCo5EndBattleText4: ; 84000 (21:4000)
- text "Oh"
- line "goodness!"
- prompt
-_SilphCo5AfterBattleText4: ; 8400e (21:400e)
- text "You're only on 5F."
- line "It's a long way"
- cont "to my BOSS!"
- done
-_SilphCo5BattleText5: ; 8403c (21:403c)
- text "Show TEAM ROCKET"
- line "a little respect!"
- done
-_SilphCo5EndBattleText5: ; 84060 (21:4060)
- text "Cough..."
- line "Cough..."
- prompt
-_SilphCo5AfterBattleText5: ; 84073 (21:4073)
- text "Which reminds me."
- para "KOFFING evolves"
- line "into WEEZING!"
- done
-_SilphCo5Text9: ; 840a4 (21:40a4)
- text "It's a #MON"
- line "REPORT!"
- para "#MON LAB"
- line "created PORYGON,"
- cont "the first virtual"
- cont "reality #MON."
- done
-_SilphCo5Text10: ; 840f2 (21:40f2)
- text "It's a #MON"
- line "REPORT!"
- para "Over 160 #MON"
- line "techniques have"
- cont "been confirmed."
- done
-_SilphCo5Text11: ; 84134 (21:4134)
- text "It's a #MON"
- line "REPORT!"
- para "4 #MON evolve"
- line "only when traded"
- cont "by link-cable."
- done
-_UnnamedText_1a24a: ; 84176 (21:4176)
- text "The ROCKETs came"
- line "and took over the"
- cont "building!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_1a24f: ; 841a4 (21:41a4)
- text "Well, better get"
- line "back to work!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_1a261: ; 841c4 (21:41c4)
- text "Oh dear, oh dear."
- line "Help me please!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_1a266: ; 841e7 (21:41e7)
- text "We got engaged!"
- line "Heheh!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_1a278: ; 841ff (21:41ff)
- text "Look at him! He's"
- line "such a coward!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_1a27d: ; 84220 (21:4220)
- text "I feel so sorry"
- line "for him, I have"
- cont "to marry him!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_1a28f: ; 8424f (21:424f)
- text "TEAM ROCKET is"
- line "trying to conquer"
- cont "the world with"
- cont "#MON!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_1a294: ; 84286 (21:4286)
- text "TEAM ROCKET ran"
- line "because of you!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_1a2a6: ; 842a7 (21:42a7)
- text "They must have"
- line "targeted SILPH"
- cont "for our #MON"
- cont "products."
- done
-_UnnamedText_1a2ab: ; 842dd (21:42dd)
- text "Come work for"
- line "SILPH when you"
- cont "get older!"
- done
-_SilphCo6BattleText2: ; 84306 (21:4306)
- text "I am one of the 4"
- done
-_SilphCo6EndBattleText2: ; 8432a (21:432a)
- text "Flame"
- line "out!"
- prompt
-_SilphCo6AfterBattleText2: ; 84336 (21:4336)
- text "No matter!"
- line "My brothers will"
- cont "avenge me!"
- done
-_SilphCo6BattleText3: ; 8435e (21:435e)
- text "That rotten"
- line "PRESIDENT!"
- para "He shouldn't have"
- line "sent me to the"
- cont "TIKSI BRANCH!"
- done
-_SilphCo6EndBattleText3: ; 843a4 (21:43a4)
- text "Shoot!"
- prompt
-_SilphCo6AfterBattleText3: ; 843ac (21:43ac)
- text "TIKSI BRANCH?"
- line "It's in Russian"
- cont "no man's land!"
- done
-_SilphCo6BattleText4: ; 843d8 (21:43d8)
- text "You dare betray"
- line "TEAM ROCKET?"
- done
-_SilphCo6EndBattleText4: ; 843f6 (21:43f6)
- text "You"
- line "traitor!"
- prompt
-_SilphCo6AfterBattleText4: ; 84404 (21:4404)
- text "If you stand for"
- line "justice, you"
- cont "betray evil!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_51dd3: ; 84430 (21:4430)
- text "Oh! Hi! You're"
- line "not a ROCKET! You"
- cont "came to save us?"
- cont "Why, thank you!"
- para "I want you to"
- line "have this #MON"
- cont "for saving us."
- prompt
-_UnnamedText_51dd8: ; 8449e (21:449e)
- text "It's LAPRAS. It's"
- line "very intelligent."
- para "We kept it in our"
- line "lab, but it will"
- cont "be much better"
- cont "off with you!"
- para "I think you will"
- line "be a good trainer"
- cont "for LAPRAS!"
- para "It's a good"
- line "swimmer. It'll"
- cont "give you a lift!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_51ddd: ; 8455a (21:455a)
- text "TEAM ROCKET's"
- line "BOSS went to the"
- cont "boardroom! Is our"
- cont "PRESIDENT OK?"
- done
-_UnnamedText_51de2: ; 84599 (21:4599)
- text "Saved at last!"
- line "Thank you!"
- done
+INCLUDE "text/maps/silph_co_5f_2.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/silph_co_6f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/silph_co_7f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/silph_co_8f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/silph_co_9f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/silph_co_10f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/silph_co_11f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/mansion_2f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/mansion_3f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/mansion_b1f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/safari_zone_east.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/safari_zone_north.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/safari_zone_west.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/safari_zone_center.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/safari_zone_rest_house_1.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/safari_zone_secret_house.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/safari_zone_rest_house_2.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/safari_zone_rest_house_3.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/safari_zone_rest_house_4.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/unknown_dungeon_1f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/unknown_dungeon_2f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/unknown_dungeon_b1f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/victory_road_1f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/lance.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/hall_of_fame.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/champion.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/lorelei.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/bruno.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/agatha.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/rock_tunnel_b2f_1.asm"
-_UnnamedText_51e00: ; 845b4 (21:45b4)
- text "TEAM ROCKET was"
- line "after the MASTER"
- cont "BALL which will"
- cont "catch any #MON!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_51e05: ; 845f6 (21:45f6)
- text "We canceled the"
- line "MASTER BALL"
- cont "project because"
- cont "of TEAM ROCKET."
- done
-_UnnamedText_51e23: ; 84633 (21:4633)
- text "It would be bad"
- line "if TEAM ROCKET"
- cont "took over SILPH"
- cont "or our #MON!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_51e28: ; 84670 (21:4670)
- text "Wow! You chased"
- line "off TEAM ROCKET"
- cont "all by yourself?"
- done
-_UnnamedText_51e46: ; 846a2 (21:46a2)
- text "You! It's really"
- line "dangerous here!"
- cont "You came to save"
- cont "me? You can't!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_51e4b: ; 846e2 (21:46e2)
- text "Safe at last!"
- line "Oh thank you!"
- done
-_SilphCo7BattleText1: ; 846ff (21:46ff)
- text "Oh ho! I smell a"
- line "little rat!"
- done
-_SilphCo7EndBattleText1: ; 8471d (21:471d)
- text "Lights"
- line "out!"
- prompt
-_SilphCo7AfterBattleText1: ; 8472a (21:472a)
- text "You won't find my"
- line "BOSS by just"
- cont "scurrying around!"
- done
-_SilphCo7BattleText2: ; 8475b (21:475b)
- text "Heheh!"
- para "You mistook me for"
- line "a SILPH worker?"
- done
-_SilphCo7EndBattleText2: ; 84786 (21:4786)
- text "I'm"
- line "done!"
- prompt
-_SilphCo7AfterBattleText2: ; 84790 (21:4790)
- text "Despite your age,"
- line "you are a skilled"
- cont "trainer!"
- done
-_SilphCo7BattleText3: ; 847be (21:47be)
- text "I am one of the 4"
- done
-_SilphCo7EndBattleText3: ; 847e2 (21:47e2)
- text "Aack!"
- line "Brothers, I lost!"
- prompt
-_SilphCo7AfterBattleText3: ; 847fb (21:47fb)
- text "Doesn't matter."
- line "My brothers will"
- cont "repay the favor!"
- done
-_SilphCo7BattleText4: ; 8482d (21:482d)
- text "A child intruder?"
- line "That must be you!"
- done
-_SilphCo7EndBattleText4: ; 84852 (21:4852)
- text "Fine!"
- line "I lost!"
- prompt
-_SilphCo7AfterBattleText4: ; 84861 (21:4861)
- text "Go on home"
- line "before my BOSS"
- cont "gets ticked off!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_51ebe: ; 8488d (21:488d)
- text $53, ": What"
- line "kept you ", $52, "?"
- done
-_UnnamedText_51ec3: ; 848a2 (21:48a2)
- text $53, ": Hahaha!"
- line "I thought you'd"
- cont "turn up if I"
- cont "waited here!"
- para "I guess TEAM"
- line "ROCKET slowed you"
- cont "down! Not that I"
- cont "care!"
- para "I saw you in"
- line "SAFFRON, so I"
- cont "decided to see if"
- cont "you got better!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_51ec8: ; 8494a (21:494a)
- text "Oh ho!"
- line "So, you are ready"
- cont "for BOSS ROCKET!"
- prompt
-_UnnamedText_51ecd: ; 84975 (21:4975)
- text $53, ": How can"
- line "I put this?"
- para "You're not good"
- line "enough to play"
- cont "with us big boys!"
- prompt
-_UnnamedText_51ed2: ; 849bd (21:49bd)
- text "Well, ", $52, "!"
- para "I'm moving on up"
- line "and ahead!"
- para "By checking my"
- line "#DEX, I'm"
- cont "starting to see"
- cont "what's strong and"
- cont "how they evolve!"
- para "I'm going to the"
- line "#MON LEAGUE"
- cont "to boot out the"
- cont "ELITE FOUR!"
- para "I'll become the"
- line "world's most"
- cont "powerful trainer!"
- para $52, ", well"
- line "good luck to you!"
- cont "Don't sweat it!"
- cont "Smell ya!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_565be: ; 84ac4 (21:4ac4)
- text "I wonder if SILPH"
- line "is finished..."
- done
-_UnnamedText_565c3: ; 84ae6 (21:4ae6)
- text "Thanks for saving"
- line "us!"
- done
-_SilphCo8BattleText1: ; 84afd (21:4afd)
- text "That's as far as"
- line "you'll go!"
- done
-_SilphCo8EndBattleText1: ; 84b18 (21:4b18)
- text "Not"
- line "enough grit!"
- prompt
-_SilphCo8AfterBattleText1: ; 84b2a (21:4b2a)
- text "If you don't turn"
- line "back, I'll call"
- cont "for backup!"
- done
-_SilphCo8BattleText2: ; 84b57 (21:4b57)
- text "You're causing us"
- line "problems!"
- done
-_SilphCo8EndBattleText2: ; 84b73 (21:4b73)
- text "Huh?"
- line "I lost?"
- prompt
-_SilphCo8AfterBattleText2: ; 84b81 (21:4b81)
- text "So, what do you"
- line "think of SILPH"
- cont "BUILDING's maze?"
- done
-_SilphCo8BattleText3: ; 84bb1 (21:4bb1)
- text "I am one of the 4"
- done
-_SilphCo8EndBattleText3: ; 84bd5 (21:4bd5)
- text "Whoo!"
- line "Oh brothers!"
- prompt
-_SilphCo8AfterBattleText3: ; 84be9 (21:4be9)
- text "I'll leave you up"
- line "to my brothers!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_5d8e5: ; 84c0b (21:4c0b)
- text "You look tired!"
- line "You should take a"
- cont "quick nap!"
- prompt
-_UnnamedText_5d8ea: ; 84c39 (21:4c39)
- text "Don't give up!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_5d8ef: ; 84c48 (21:4c48)
- text "Thank you so"
- line "much!"
- done
-_SilphCo9BattleText1: ; 84c5c (21:4c5c)
- text "Your #MON seem"
- line "to adore you, kid!"
- done
-_SilphCo9EndBattleText1: ; 84c7f (21:4c7f)
- text "Ghaaah!"
- prompt
-_SilphCo9AfterBattleText1: ; 84c88 (21:4c88)
- text "If I had started"
- line "as a trainer at"
- cont "your age..."
- done
-_SilphCo9BattleText2: ; 84cb6 (21:4cb6)
- text "Your #MON have"
- line "weak points! I"
- cont "can nail them!"
- done
-_SilphCo9EndBattleText2: ; 84ce4 (21:4ce4)
- text "You"
- line "hammered me!"
- prompt
-_SilphCo9AfterBattleText2: ; 84cf6 (21:4cf6)
- text "Exploiting weak"
- line "spots does work!"
- cont "Think about"
- cont "element types!"
- done
-_SilphCo9BattleText3: ; 84d33 (21:4d33)
- text "I am one of the 4"
- done
-_SilphCo9EndBattleText3: ; 84d57 (21:4d57)
- text "Warg!"
- line "Brothers, I lost!"
- prompt
-_SilphCo9AfterBattleText3: ; 84d70 (21:4d70)
- text "My brothers will"
- line "avenge me!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_5a1d3: ; 84d8d (21:4d8d)
- text "Waaaaa!"
- cont "I'm scared!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_5a1d8: ; 84da1 (21:4da1)
- text "Please keep quiet"
- line "about my crying!"
- done
-_SilphCo10BattleText1: ; 84dc5 (21:4dc5)
- text "Welcome to the"
- line "10F! So good of"
- cont "you to join me!"
- done
-_SilphCo10EndBattleText1: ; 84df5 (21:4df5)
- text "I'm"
- line "stunned!"
- prompt
-_SilphCo10AfterBattleText1: ; 84e02 (21:4e02)
- text "Nice try, but the"
- line "boardroom is up"
- cont "one more floor!"
- done
-_SilphCo10BattleText2: ; 84e35 (21:4e35)
- text "Enough of your"
- line "silly games!"
- done
-_SilphCo10EndBattleText2: ; 84e52 (21:4e52)
- text "No"
- line "continues left!"
- prompt
-_SilphCo10AfterBattleText2: ; 84e66 (21:4e66)
- text "Are you satisfied"
- line "with beating me?"
- cont "Then go on home!"
- done
-_SilphCoPresidentText: ; 84e9b (21:4e9b)
- text "PRESIDENT: Thank"
- line "you for saving"
- cont "SILPH!"
- para "I will never"
- line "forget you saved"
- cont "us in our moment"
- cont "of peril!"
- para "I have to thank"
- line "you in some way!"
- para "Because I am rich,"
- line "I can give you"
- cont "anything!"
- para "Here, maybe this"
- line "will do!"
- prompt
-_ReceivedSilphCoMasterBallText: ; 84f63 (21:4f63)
- text $52, " got a"
- line "@"
- TX_RAM $cf4b
- text "!@@"
-_UnnamedText_6231c: ; 84f74 (21:4f74)
- text "PRESIDENT: You"
- line "can't buy that"
- cont "anywhere!"
- para "It's our secret"
- line "prototype MASTER"
- cont "BALL!"
- para "It will catch any"
- line "#MON without"
- cont "fail!"
- para "You should be"
- line "quiet about using"
- cont "it, though."
- done
-_SilphCoMasterBallNoRoomText: ; 85013 (21:5013)
- text "You have no"
- line "room for this."
- done
-_SilphCo11Text2: ; 8502f (21:502f)
- text "SECRETARY: Thank"
- line "you for rescuing"
- cont "all of us!"
- para "We admire your"
- line "courage."
- done
-_SilphCo11Text3: ; 85075 (21:5075)
- text "Ah ", $52, "!"
- line "So we meet again!"
- para "The PRESIDENT and"
- line "I are discussing"
- cont "a vital business"
- cont "proposition."
- para "Keep your nose"
- line "out of grown-up"
- cont "matters..."
- para "Or, experience a"
- line "world of pain!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_62330: ; 85119 (21:5119)
- text "Arrgh!!"
- line "I lost again!?"
- prompt
-_UnnamedText_62335: ; 85131 (21:5131)
- text "Blast it all!"
- line "You ruined our"
- cont "plans for SILPH!"
- para "But, TEAM ROCKET"
- line "will never fall!"
- para $52, "! Never"
- line "forget that all"
- cont "#MON exist"
- cont "for TEAM ROCKET!"
- para "I must go, but I"
- line "shall return!"
- done
-_SilphCo11BattleText1: ; 851d6 (21:51d6)
- text "Stop right there!"
- line "Don't you move!"
- done
-_SilphCo11EndBattleText1: ; 851f8 (21:51f8)
- text "Don't..."
- line "Please!"
- prompt
-_SilphCo11AfterBattleText1: ; 85209 (21:5209)
- text "So, you want to"
- line "see my BOSS?"
- done
-_SilphCo11BattleText2: ; 85227 (21:5227)
- text "Halt! Do you have"
- line "an appointment"
- cont "with my BOSS?"
- done
-_SilphCo11EndBattleText2: ; 85257 (21:5257)
- text "Gaah!"
- line "Demolished!"
- prompt
-_SilphCo11AfterBattleText2: ; 8526a (21:526a)
- text "Watch your step,"
- line "my BOSS likes his"
- cont "#MON tough!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_6237b: ; 8529a (21:529a)
- text "The monitor has"
- line "#MON on it!"
- done
-_Mansion2BattleText1: ; 852b7 (21:52b7)
- text "I can't get out!"
- line "This old place is"
- cont "one big puzzle!"
- done
-_Mansion2EndBattleText1: ; 852ea (21:52ea)
- text "Oh no!"
- line "My bag of loot!"
- prompt
-_Mansion2AfterBattleText1: ; 85302 (21:5302)
- text "Switches open and"
- line "close alternating"
- cont "sets of doors!"
- done
-_Mansion2Text3: ; 85336 (21:5336)
- text "Diary: July 5"
- line "Guyana,"
- cont "South America"
- para "A new #MON was"
- line "discovered deep"
- cont "in the jungle."
- done
-_Mansion2Text4: ; 85389 (21:5389)
- text "Diary: July 10"
- line "We christened the"
- cont "newly discovered"
- cont "#MON, MEW."
- done
-_UnnamedText_520c2: ; 853c7 (21:53c7)
- text "A secret switch!"
- para "Press it?"
- done
-_UnnamedText_520c7: ; 853e3 (21:53e3)
- text "Who wouldn't?"
- prompt
-_UnnamedText_520cc: ; 853f1 (21:53f1)
- text "Not quite yet!"
- done
-_Mansion3BattleText1: ; 85401 (21:5401)
- text "This place is"
- line "like, huge!"
- done
-_Mansion3EndBattleText1: ; 8541c (21:541c)
- text "Ayah!"
- prompt
-_Mansion3AfterBattleText1: ; 85423 (21:5423)
- text "I wonder where"
- line "my partner went."
- done
-_Mansion3BattleText2: ; 85444 (21:5444)
- text "My mentor once"
- line "lived here."
- done
-_Mansion3EndBattleText2: ; 85460 (21:5460)
- text "Whew!"
- line "Overwhelming!"
- prompt
-_Mansion3AfterBattleText2: ; 85475 (21:5475)
- text "So, you're stuck?"
- line "Try jumping off"
- cont "over there!"
- done
-_Mansion3Text5: ; 854a3 (21:54a3)
- text "Diary: Feb. 6"
- line "MEW gave birth."
- para "We named the"
- line "newborn MEWTWO."
- done
-_Mansion4BattleText1: ; 854df (21:54df)
- text "Uh-oh. Where am"
- line "I now?"
- done
-_Mansion4EndBattleText1: ; 854f7 (21:54f7)
- text "Awooh!"
- prompt
-_Mansion4AfterBattleText1: ; 854ff (21:54ff)
- text "You can find stuff"
- line "lying around."
- done
-_Mansion4BattleText2: ; 85521 (21:5521)
- text "This place is"
- line "ideal for a lab."
- done
-_Mansion4EndBattleText2: ; 85541 (21:5541)
- text "What"
- line "was that for?"
- prompt
-_Mansion4AfterBattleText2: ; 85555 (21:5555)
- text "I like it here!"
- line "It's conducive to"
- cont "my studies!"
- done
-_Mansion4Text7: ; 85583 (21:5583)
- text "Diary; Sept. 1"
- line "MEWTWO is far too"
- cont "powerful."
- para "We have failed to"
- line "curb its vicious"
- cont "tendencies..."
- done
-_SafariZoneEastText5: ; 855e0 (21:55e0)
- text "REST HOUSE"
- done
-_SafariZoneEastText6: ; 855ec (21:55ec)
- para "The remaining time"
- line "declines only"
- cont "while you walk!"
- done
-_SafariZoneEastText7: ; 8562b (21:562b)
- text "CENTER AREA"
- line "NORTH: AREA 2"
- done
-_SafariZoneNorthText3: ; 85646 (21:5646)
- text "REST HOUSE"
- done
-_SafariZoneNorthText4: ; 85652 (21:5652)
- para "The SECRET HOUSE"
- line "is still ahead!"
- done
-_SafariZoneNorthText5: ; 85681 (21:5681)
- text "AREA 2"
- done
-_SafariZoneNorthText6: ; 85689 (21:5689)
- para "#MON hide in"
- line "tall grass!"
- para "Zigzag through"
- line "grassy areas to"
- cont "flush them out."
- done
-_SafariZoneNorthText7: ; 856df (21:56df)
- para "Win a free HM for"
- line "finding the"
- cont "SECRET HOUSE!"
- done
-_SafariZoneWestText5: ; 85719 (21:5719)
- text "REST HOUSE"
- done
-_SafariZoneWestText6: ; 85725 (21:5725)
- para "Please find the"
- line "SAFARI WARDEN's"
- cont "lost GOLD TEETH."
- cont "They're around"
- cont "here somewhere."
- para "Reward offered!"
- line "Contact: WARDEN"
- done
-_SafariZoneWestText7: ; 857a3 (21:57a3)
- para "Zone Exploration"
- line "Campaign!"
- para "The Search for"
- line "the SECRET HOUSE!"
- done
-_SafariZoneWestText8: ; 857ed (21:57ed)
- text "AREA 3"
- done
-_SafariZoneCenterText2: ; 85807 (21:5807)
- text "REST HOUSE"
- done
-_SafariZoneCenterText3: ; 85813 (21:5813)
- para "Press the START"
- line "Button to check"
- cont "remaining time!"
- done
-_SafariZoneRestHouse1Text1: ; 85851 (21:5851)
- text "SARA: Where did"
- line "my boy friend,"
- cont "ERIK, go?"
- done
-_SafariZoneRestHouse1Text2: ; 8587b (21:587b)
- text "I'm catching"
- line "#MON to take"
- cont "home as gifts!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_4a350: ; 858a4 (21:58a4)
- text "Ah! Finally!"
- para "You're the first"
- line "person to reach"
- cont "the SECRET HOUSE!"
- para "I was getting"
- line "worried that no"
- cont "one would win our"
- cont "campaign prize."
- para "Congratulations!"
- line "You have won!"
- prompt
-_ReceivedHM03Text: ; 85943 (21:5943)
- text $52, " received"
- line "@"
- TX_RAM $cf4b
- text "!@@"
-_HM03ExplanationText: ; 85957 (21:5957)
- text "HM03 is SURF!"
- para "#MON will be"
- line "able to ferry you"
- cont "across water!"
- para "And, this HM isn't"
- line "disposable! You"
- cont "can use it over"
- cont "and over!"
- para "You're super lucky"
- line "for winning this"
- cont "fabulous prize!"
- done
-_HM03NoRoomText: ; 85a02 (21:5a02)
- text "You don't have"
- line "room for this"
- cont "fabulous prize!"
- done
-_SafariZoneRestHouse2Text1: ; 85a2f (21:5a2f)
- text "Tossing ROCKs at"
- line "#MON might"
- cont "make them run,"
- cont "but they'll be"
- cont "easier to catch."
- done
-_SafariZoneRestHouse2Text2: ; 85a7a (21:5a7a)
- text "Using BAIT will"
- line "make #MON"
- cont "easier to catch."
- done
-_SafariZoneRestHouse2Text3: ; 85aa6 (21:5aa6)
- text "I hiked a lot, but"
- line "I didn't see any"
- cont "#MON I wanted."
- done
-_SafariZoneRestHouse3Text1: ; 85ad9 (21:5ad9)
- text "How many did you"
- line "catch? I'm bushed"
- cont "from the work!"
- done
-_SafariZoneRestHouse3Text2: ; 85b0b (21:5b0b)
- text "I caught a"
- line "CHANSEY!"
- para "That makes this"
- line "all worthwhile!"
- done
-_SafariZoneRestHouse3Text3: ; 85b40 (21:5b40)
- text "Whew! I'm tired"
- line "from all the fun!"
- done
-_SafariZoneRestHouse4Text1: ; 85b62 (21:5b62)
- text "You can keep any"
- line "item you find on"
- cont "the ground here."
- para "But, you'll run"
- line "out of time if"
- cont "you try for all"
- cont "of them at once!"
- done
-_SafariZoneRestHouse4Text2: ; 85bd5 (21:5bd5)
- text "Go to the deepest"
- line "part of the"
- cont "SAFARI ZONE. You"
- cont "will win a prize!"
- done
-_SafariZoneRestHouse4Text3: ; 85c17 (21:5c17)
- text "My EEVEE evolved"
- line "into FLAREON!"
- para "But, a friend's"
- line "EEVEE turned into"
- cont "a VAPOREON!"
- cont "I wonder why?"
- done
-_UnknownDungeon3MewtwoText: ; 85c72 (21:5c72)
- text "Mew!@@"
-_VictoryRoad1BattleText1: ; 85c79 (21:5c79)
- text "I wonder if you"
- line "are good enough"
- cont "for me!"
- done
-_VictoryRoad1EndBattleText1: ; 85ca2 (21:5ca2)
- text "I"
- line "lost out!"
- prompt
-_VictoryRoad1AfterBattleText1: ; 85caf (21:5caf)
- text "I never wanted to"
- line "lose to anybody!"
- done
-_VictoryRoad1BattleText2: ; 85cd3 (21:5cd3)
- text "I can see you're"
- line "good! Let me see"
- cont "exactly how good!"
- done
-_VictoryRoad1EndBattleText2: ; 85d07 (21:5d07)
- text "I"
- line "had a chance..."
- prompt
-_VictoryRoad1AfterBattleText2: ; 85d1a (21:5d1a)
- text "I concede, you're"
- line "better than me!"
- done
-_LanceBeforeBattleText: ; 85d3c (21:5d3c)
- text "Ah! I heard about"
- line "you ", $52, "!"
- para "I lead the ELITE"
- line "FOUR! You can"
- cont "call me LANCE the"
- cont "dragon trainer!"
- para "You know that"
- line "dragons are"
- cont "mythical #MON!"
- para "They're hard to"
- line "catch and raise,"
- cont "but their powers"
- cont "are superior!"
- para "They're virtually"
- line "indestructible!"
- para "Well, are you"
- line "ready to lose?"
- para "Your LEAGUE"
- line "challenge ends"
- cont "with me, ", $52, "!"
- done
-_LanceEndBattleText: ; 85e64 (21:5e64)
- text "That's it!"
- para "I hate to admit"
- line "it, but you are a"
- cont "#MON master!"
- prompt
-_LanceAfterBattleText: ; 85e9e (21:5e9e)
- text "I still can't"
- line "believe my"
- cont "dragons lost to"
- cont "you, ", $52, "!"
- para "You are now the"
- line "#MON LEAGUE"
- cont "champion!"
- para "...Or, you would"
- line "have been, but"
- cont "you have one more"
- cont "challenge ahead."
- para "You have to face"
- line "another trainer!"
- cont "His name is..."
- para $53, "!"
- line "He beat the ELITE"
- cont "FOUR before you!"
- para "He is the real"
- line "#MON LEAGUE"
- cont "champion!@@"
-_HallofFameRoomText1: ; 85fb5 (21:5fb5)
- text "OAK: Er-hem!"
- line "Congratulations"
- cont $52, "!"
- para "This floor is the"
- line "#MON HALL OF"
- cont "FAME!"
- para "#MON LEAGUE"
- line "champions are"
- cont "honored for their"
- cont "exploits here!"
- para "Their #MON are"
- line "also recorded in"
- cont "the HALL OF FAME!"
- para $52, "! You have"
- line "endeavored hard"
- cont "to become the new"
- cont "LEAGUE champion!"
- para "Congratulations,"
- line $52, ", you and"
- cont "your #MON are"
- cont "HALL OF FAMERs!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_760f4: ; 860e1 (21:60e1)
- text $53, ": Hey!"
- para "I was looking"
- line "forward to seeing"
- cont "you, ", $52, "!"
- para "My rival should"
- line "be strong to keep"
- cont "me sharp!"
- para "While working on"
- line "#DEX, I looked"
- cont "all over for"
- cont "powerful #MON!"
- para "Not only that, I"
- line "assembled teams"
- cont "that would beat"
- cont "any #MON type!"
- para "And now!"
- para "I'm the #MON"
- line "LEAGUE champion!"
- para $52, "! Do you"
- line "know what that"
- cont "means?"
- para "I'll tell you!"
- para "I am the most"
- line "powerful trainer"
- cont "in the world!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_760f9: ; 8623b (21:623b)
- text "NO!"
- line "That can't be!"
- cont "You beat my best!"
- para "After all that"
- line "work to become"
- cont "LEAGUE champ?"
- para "My reign is over"
- line "already?"
- cont "It's not fair!"
- prompt
-_UnnamedText_760fe: ; 862b4 (21:62b4)
- text "Hahaha!"
- line "I won, I won!"
- para "I'm too good for"
- line "you, ", $52, "!"
- para "You did well to"
- line "even reach me,"
- cont $53, ", the"
- cont "#MON genius!"
- para "Nice try, loser!"
- line "Hahaha!"
- prompt
-_UnnamedText_76103: ; 8632f (21:632f)
- text "Why?"
- line "Why did I lose?"
- para "I never made any"
- line "mistakes raising"
- cont "my #MON..."
- para "Darn it! You're"
- line "the new #MON"
- cont "LEAGUE champion!"
- para "Although I don't"
- line "like to admit it."
- done
-_GaryText2: ; 863c1 (21:63c1)
- text "OAK: ", $52, "!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_76120: ; 863ca (21:63ca)
- text "OAK: So, you won!"
- line "Congratulations!"
- cont "You're the new"
- cont "#MON LEAGUE"
- cont "champion!"
- para "You've grown up so"
- line "much since you"
- cont "first left with"
- cont "@"
- TX_RAM $cd6d
- text "!"
- para $52, ", you have"
- line "come of age!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_76125: ; 86463 (21:6463)
- text "OAK: ", $53, "! I'm"
- line "disappointed!"
- para "I came when I"
- line "heard you beat"
- cont "the ELITE FOUR!"
- para "But, when I got"
- line "here, you had"
- cont "already lost!"
- para $53, "! Do you"
- line "understand why"
- cont "you lost?"
- para "You have forgotten"
- line "to treat your"
- cont "#MON with"
- cont "trust and love!"
- para "Without them, you"
- line "will never become"
- cont "a champ again!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_7612a: ; 86567 (21:6567)
- text "OAK: ", $52, "!"
- para "You understand"
- line "that your victory"
- cont "was not just your"
- cont "own doing!"
- para "The bond you share"
- line "with your #MON"
- cont "is marvelous!"
- para $52, "!"
- line "Come with me!"
- done
-_LoreleiBeforeBattleText: ; 865ef (21:65ef)
- text "Welcome to"
- line "#MON LEAGUE!"
- para "I am LORELEI of"
- line "the ELITE FOUR!"
- para "No one can best"
- line "me when it comes"
- cont "to icy #MON!"
- para "Freezing moves"
- line "are powerful!"
- para "Your #MON will"
- line "be at my mercy"
- cont "when they are"
- cont "frozen solid!"
- para "Hahaha!"
- line "Are you ready?"
- done
-_LoreleiEndBattleText: ; 866c4 (21:66c4)
- text "How"
- line "dare you!"
- prompt
-_LoreleiAfterBattleText: ; 866d3 (21:66d3)
- text "You're better"
- line "than I thought!"
- cont "Go on ahead!"
- para "You only got a"
- line "taste of #MON"
- cont "LEAGUE power!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_7627b: ; 86729 (21:6729)
- text "Someone's voice:"
- line "Don't run away!"
- done
-_BrunoBeforeBattleText: ; 86749 (21:6749)
- text "I am BRUNO of"
- line "the ELITE FOUR!"
- para "Through rigorous"
- line "training, people"
- cont "and #MON can"
- cont "become stronger!"
- para "I've weight"
- line "trained with"
- cont "my #MON!"
- para $52, "!"
- para "We will grind you"
- line "down with our"
- cont "superior power!"
- para "Hoo hah!"
- done
-_BrunoEndBattleText: ; 86805 (21:6805)
- text "Why?"
- line "How could I lose?"
- prompt
-_BrunoAfterBattleText: ; 8681d (21:681d)
- text "My job is done!"
- line "Go face your next"
- cont "challenge!"
- done
-_UnnamedText_763d2: ; 8684b (21:684b)
- text "Someone's voice:"
- line "Don't run away!"
- done
-_AgathaBeforeBattleText: ; 8686b (21:686b)
- text "I am AGATHA of"
- line "the ELITE FOUR!"
- para "OAK's taken a lot"
- line "of interest in"
- cont "you, child!"
- para "That old duff was"
- line "once tough and"
- cont "handsome! That"
- cont "was decades ago!"
- para "Now he just wants"
- line "to fiddle with"
- cont "his #DEX! He's"
- cont "wrong! #MON"
- cont "are for fighting!"
- para $52, "! I'll show"
- line "you how a real"
- cont "trainer fights!"
- done
-_AgathaEndBattleText: ; 86970 (21:6970)
- text "Oh ho!"
- line "You're something"
- cont "special, child!"
- prompt
-_AgathaAfterBattleText: ; 86998 (21:6998)
- text "You win! I see"
- line "what the old duff"
- cont "sees in you now!"
- para "I have nothing"
- line "else to say! Run"
- cont "along now, child!"
- done
-_AgathaText2: ; 869fd (21:69fd)
- text "Someone's voice:"
- line "Don't run away!"
- done
-_RockTunnel2BattleText2: ; 86a1d (21:6a1d)
- text "Hikers leave twigs"
- line "as trail markers."
- done
-_RockTunnel2EndBattleText2: ; 86a43 (21:6a43)
- text "Ohhh!"
- line "I did my best!"
- prompt
-_RockTunnel2AfterBattleText2: ; 86a59 (21:6a59)
- text "I want to go "
- line "home!"
- done
-_RockTunnel2BattleText3: ; 86a6e (21:6a6e)
- text "Hahaha! Can you"
- line "beat my power?"
- done
-_RockTunnel2EndBattleText3: ; 86a8e (21:6a8e)
- text "Oops!"
- line "Out-muscled!"
- prompt
-_RockTunnel2AfterBattleText3: ; 86aa2 (21:6aa2)
- text "I go for power"
- line "because I hate"
- cont "thinking!"
- done
-_RockTunnel2BattleText4: ; 86acb (21:6acb)
- text "You have a"
- line "#DEX?"
- cont "I want one too!"
- done
-_RockTunnel2EndBattleText4: ; 86aed (21:6aed)
- text "Shoot!"
- line "I'm so jealous!"
- prompt
-_RockTunnel2AfterBattleText4: ; 86b04 (21:6b04)
- text "When you finish"
- line "your #DEX, can"
- cont "I have it?"
- done
-_RockTunnel2BattleText5: ; 86b2f (21:6b2f)
- text "Do you know about"
- line "costume players?"
- done
-_RockTunnel2EndBattleText5: ; 86b53 (21:6b53)
- text "Well,"
- line "that's that."
- prompt
-_RockTunnel2AfterBattleText5: ; 86b66 (21:6b66)
- text "Costume players"
- line "dress up as"
- cont "#MON for fun."
- done
-_RockTunnel2BattleText6: ; 86b91 (21:6b91)
- text "My #MON"
- line "techniques will"
- cont "leave you crying!"
- done
-_RockTunnel2EndBattleText6: ; 86bbc (21:6bbc)
- text "I give!"
- line "You're a better"
- cont "technician!"
- prompt
-_RockTunnel2AfterBattleText6: ; 86be0 (21:6be0)
- text "In mountains,"
- line "you'll often find"
- cont "rock-type #MON."
- done
-_RockTunnel2BattleText7: ; 86c10 (21:6c10)
- text "I don't often"
- line "come here, but I"
- cont "will fight you."
- done
-_RockTunnel2EndBattleText7: ; 86c3f (21:6c3f)
- text "Oh!"
- line "I lost!"
- prompt
-_RockTunnel2AfterBattleText7: ; 86c4c (21:6c4c)
- text "I like tiny"
- line "#MON, big ones"
- cont "are too scary!"
- done
-_RockTunnel2BattleText8: ; 86c77 (21:6c77)
- text "Hit me with your"
- line "best shot!"
- done
-_RockTunnel2EndBattleText8: ; 86c94 (21:6c94)
- text "Fired"
- line "away!"
- prompt
SECTION "bank22",ROMX,BANK[$22]
-_RockTunnel2AfterBattleText8: ; 88000 (22:4000)
- text "I'll raise my"
- line "#MON to beat"
- cont "yours, kid!"
- done
-_RockTunnel2BattleText9: ; 88027 (22:4027)
- text "I draw #MON"
- line "when I'm home."
- done
-_RockTunnel2EndBattleText9: ; 88042 (22:4042)
- text "Whew!"
- line "I'm exhausted!"
- prompt
-_RockTunnel2AfterBattleText9: ; 88057 (22:4057)
- text "I'm an artist,"
- line "not a fighter."
- done
-_SeafoamIslands5BattleText2: ; 88075 (22:4075)
- text "Gyaoo!@@"
-_SeafoamIslands5Text4: ; 8807e (22:407e)
- text "Boulders might"
- line "change the flow"
- cont "of water!"
- done
-_SeafoamIslands5Text5: ; 880a8 (22:40a8)
- text "DANGER"
- line "Fast current!"
- done
+INCLUDE "text/maps/rock_tunnel_b2f_2.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/seafoam_islands_1f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/seafoam_islands_b1f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/seafoam_islands_b2f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/seafoam_islands_b3f.asm"
+INCLUDE "text/maps/seafoam_islands_b4f.asm"
_AIBattleWithdrawText: ; 880be (22:40be)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/agatha.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,45 @@
+_AgathaBeforeBattleText: ; 8686b (21:686b)
+ text "I am AGATHA of"
+ line "the ELITE FOUR!"
+ para "OAK's taken a lot"
+ line "of interest in"
+ cont "you, child!"
+ para "That old duff was"
+ line "once tough and"
+ cont "handsome! That"
+ cont "was decades ago!"
+ para "Now he just wants"
+ line "to fiddle with"
+ cont "his #DEX! He's"
+ cont "wrong! #MON"
+ cont "are for fighting!"
+ para $52, "! I'll show"
+ line "you how a real"
+ cont "trainer fights!"
+ done
+_AgathaEndBattleText: ; 86970 (21:6970)
+ text "Oh ho!"
+ line "You're something"
+ cont "special, child!"
+ prompt
+_AgathaAfterBattleText: ; 86998 (21:6998)
+ text "You win! I see"
+ line "what the old duff"
+ cont "sees in you now!"
+ para "I have nothing"
+ line "else to say! Run"
+ cont "along now, child!"
+ done
+_AgathaText2: ; 869fd (21:69fd)
+ text "Someone's voice:"
+ line "Don't run away!"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/bruno.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,38 @@
+_BrunoBeforeBattleText: ; 86749 (21:6749)
+ text "I am BRUNO of"
+ line "the ELITE FOUR!"
+ para "Through rigorous"
+ line "training, people"
+ cont "and #MON can"
+ cont "become stronger!"
+ para "I've weight"
+ line "trained with"
+ cont "my #MON!"
+ para $52, "!"
+ para "We will grind you"
+ line "down with our"
+ cont "superior power!"
+ para "Hoo hah!"
+ done
+_BrunoEndBattleText: ; 86805 (21:6805)
+ text "Why?"
+ line "How could I lose?"
+ prompt
+_BrunoAfterBattleText: ; 8681d (21:681d)
+ text "My job is done!"
+ line "Go face your next"
+ cont "challenge!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_763d2: ; 8684b (21:684b)
+ text "Someone's voice:"
+ line "Don't run away!"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/champion.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,147 @@
+_UnnamedText_760f4: ; 860e1 (21:60e1)
+ text $53, ": Hey!"
+ para "I was looking"
+ line "forward to seeing"
+ cont "you, ", $52, "!"
+ para "My rival should"
+ line "be strong to keep"
+ cont "me sharp!"
+ para "While working on"
+ line "#DEX, I looked"
+ cont "all over for"
+ cont "powerful #MON!"
+ para "Not only that, I"
+ line "assembled teams"
+ cont "that would beat"
+ cont "any #MON type!"
+ para "And now!"
+ para "I'm the #MON"
+ line "LEAGUE champion!"
+ para $52, "! Do you"
+ line "know what that"
+ cont "means?"
+ para "I'll tell you!"
+ para "I am the most"
+ line "powerful trainer"
+ cont "in the world!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_760f9: ; 8623b (21:623b)
+ text "NO!"
+ line "That can't be!"
+ cont "You beat my best!"
+ para "After all that"
+ line "work to become"
+ cont "LEAGUE champ?"
+ para "My reign is over"
+ line "already?"
+ cont "It's not fair!"
+ prompt
+_UnnamedText_760fe: ; 862b4 (21:62b4)
+ text "Hahaha!"
+ line "I won, I won!"
+ para "I'm too good for"
+ line "you, ", $52, "!"
+ para "You did well to"
+ line "even reach me,"
+ cont $53, ", the"
+ cont "#MON genius!"
+ para "Nice try, loser!"
+ line "Hahaha!"
+ prompt
+_UnnamedText_76103: ; 8632f (21:632f)
+ text "Why?"
+ line "Why did I lose?"
+ para "I never made any"
+ line "mistakes raising"
+ cont "my #MON..."
+ para "Darn it! You're"
+ line "the new #MON"
+ cont "LEAGUE champion!"
+ para "Although I don't"
+ line "like to admit it."
+ done
+_GaryText2: ; 863c1 (21:63c1)
+ text "OAK: ", $52, "!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_76120: ; 863ca (21:63ca)
+ text "OAK: So, you won!"
+ line "Congratulations!"
+ cont "You're the new"
+ cont "#MON LEAGUE"
+ cont "champion!"
+ para "You've grown up so"
+ line "much since you"
+ cont "first left with"
+ cont "@"
+ TX_RAM $cd6d
+ text "!"
+ para $52, ", you have"
+ line "come of age!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_76125: ; 86463 (21:6463)
+ text "OAK: ", $53, "! I'm"
+ line "disappointed!"
+ para "I came when I"
+ line "heard you beat"
+ cont "the ELITE FOUR!"
+ para "But, when I got"
+ line "here, you had"
+ cont "already lost!"
+ para $53, "! Do you"
+ line "understand why"
+ cont "you lost?"
+ para "You have forgotten"
+ line "to treat your"
+ cont "#MON with"
+ cont "trust and love!"
+ para "Without them, you"
+ line "will never become"
+ cont "a champ again!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_7612a: ; 86567 (21:6567)
+ text "OAK: ", $52, "!"
+ para "You understand"
+ line "that your victory"
+ cont "was not just your"
+ cont "own doing!"
+ para "The bond you share"
+ line "with your #MON"
+ cont "is marvelous!"
+ para $52, "!"
+ line "Come with me!"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/hall_of_fame.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,29 @@
+_HallofFameRoomText1: ; 85fb5 (21:5fb5)
+ text "OAK: Er-hem!"
+ line "Congratulations"
+ cont $52, "!"
+ para "This floor is the"
+ line "#MON HALL OF"
+ cont "FAME!"
+ para "#MON LEAGUE"
+ line "champions are"
+ cont "honored for their"
+ cont "exploits here!"
+ para "Their #MON are"
+ line "also recorded in"
+ cont "the HALL OF FAME!"
+ para $52, "! You have"
+ line "endeavored hard"
+ cont "to become the new"
+ cont "LEAGUE champion!"
+ para "Congratulations,"
+ line $52, ", you and"
+ cont "your #MON are"
+ cont "HALL OF FAMERs!"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/lance.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,64 @@
+_LanceBeforeBattleText: ; 85d3c (21:5d3c)
+ text "Ah! I heard about"
+ line "you ", $52, "!"
+ para "I lead the ELITE"
+ line "FOUR! You can"
+ cont "call me LANCE the"
+ cont "dragon trainer!"
+ para "You know that"
+ line "dragons are"
+ cont "mythical #MON!"
+ para "They're hard to"
+ line "catch and raise,"
+ cont "but their powers"
+ cont "are superior!"
+ para "They're virtually"
+ line "indestructible!"
+ para "Well, are you"
+ line "ready to lose?"
+ para "Your LEAGUE"
+ line "challenge ends"
+ cont "with me, ", $52, "!"
+ done
+_LanceEndBattleText: ; 85e64 (21:5e64)
+ text "That's it!"
+ para "I hate to admit"
+ line "it, but you are a"
+ cont "#MON master!"
+ prompt
+_LanceAfterBattleText: ; 85e9e (21:5e9e)
+ text "I still can't"
+ line "believe my"
+ cont "dragons lost to"
+ cont "you, ", $52, "!"
+ para "You are now the"
+ line "#MON LEAGUE"
+ cont "champion!"
+ para "...Or, you would"
+ line "have been, but"
+ cont "you have one more"
+ cont "challenge ahead."
+ para "You have to face"
+ line "another trainer!"
+ cont "His name is..."
+ para $53, "!"
+ line "He beat the ELITE"
+ cont "FOUR before you!"
+ para "He is the real"
+ line "#MON LEAGUE"
+ cont "champion!@@"
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/lorelei.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,43 @@
+_LoreleiBeforeBattleText: ; 865ef (21:65ef)
+ text "Welcome to"
+ line "#MON LEAGUE!"
+ para "I am LORELEI of"
+ line "the ELITE FOUR!"
+ para "No one can best"
+ line "me when it comes"
+ cont "to icy #MON!"
+ para "Freezing moves"
+ line "are powerful!"
+ para "Your #MON will"
+ line "be at my mercy"
+ cont "when they are"
+ cont "frozen solid!"
+ para "Hahaha!"
+ line "Are you ready?"
+ done
+_LoreleiEndBattleText: ; 866c4 (21:66c4)
+ text "How"
+ line "dare you!"
+ prompt
+_LoreleiAfterBattleText: ; 866d3 (21:66d3)
+ text "You're better"
+ line "than I thought!"
+ cont "Go on ahead!"
+ para "You only got a"
+ line "taste of #MON"
+ cont "LEAGUE power!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_7627b: ; 86729 (21:6729)
+ text "Someone's voice:"
+ line "Don't run away!"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/mansion_2f.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,48 @@
+_Mansion2BattleText1: ; 852b7 (21:52b7)
+ text "I can't get out!"
+ line "This old place is"
+ cont "one big puzzle!"
+ done
+_Mansion2EndBattleText1: ; 852ea (21:52ea)
+ text "Oh no!"
+ line "My bag of loot!"
+ prompt
+_Mansion2AfterBattleText1: ; 85302 (21:5302)
+ text "Switches open and"
+ line "close alternating"
+ cont "sets of doors!"
+ done
+_Mansion2Text3: ; 85336 (21:5336)
+ text "Diary: July 5"
+ line "Guyana,"
+ cont "South America"
+ para "A new #MON was"
+ line "discovered deep"
+ cont "in the jungle."
+ done
+_Mansion2Text4: ; 85389 (21:5389)
+ text "Diary: July 10"
+ line "We christened the"
+ cont "newly discovered"
+ cont "#MON, MEW."
+ done
+_UnnamedText_520c2: ; 853c7 (21:53c7)
+ text "A secret switch!"
+ para "Press it?"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_520c7: ; 853e3 (21:53e3)
+ text "Who wouldn't?"
+ prompt
+_UnnamedText_520cc: ; 853f1 (21:53f1)
+ text "Not quite yet!"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/mansion_3f.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,38 @@
+_Mansion3BattleText1: ; 85401 (21:5401)
+ text "This place is"
+ line "like, huge!"
+ done
+_Mansion3EndBattleText1: ; 8541c (21:541c)
+ text "Ayah!"
+ prompt
+_Mansion3AfterBattleText1: ; 85423 (21:5423)
+ text "I wonder where"
+ line "my partner went."
+ done
+_Mansion3BattleText2: ; 85444 (21:5444)
+ text "My mentor once"
+ line "lived here."
+ done
+_Mansion3EndBattleText2: ; 85460 (21:5460)
+ text "Whew!"
+ line "Overwhelming!"
+ prompt
+_Mansion3AfterBattleText2: ; 85475 (21:5475)
+ text "So, you're stuck?"
+ line "Try jumping off"
+ cont "over there!"
+ done
+_Mansion3Text5: ; 854a3 (21:54a3)
+ text "Diary: Feb. 6"
+ line "MEW gave birth."
+ para "We named the"
+ line "newborn MEWTWO."
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/mansion_b1f.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,40 @@
+_Mansion4BattleText1: ; 854df (21:54df)
+ text "Uh-oh. Where am"
+ line "I now?"
+ done
+_Mansion4EndBattleText1: ; 854f7 (21:54f7)
+ text "Awooh!"
+ prompt
+_Mansion4AfterBattleText1: ; 854ff (21:54ff)
+ text "You can find stuff"
+ line "lying around."
+ done
+_Mansion4BattleText2: ; 85521 (21:5521)
+ text "This place is"
+ line "ideal for a lab."
+ done
+_Mansion4EndBattleText2: ; 85541 (21:5541)
+ text "What"
+ line "was that for?"
+ prompt
+_Mansion4AfterBattleText2: ; 85555 (21:5555)
+ text "I like it here!"
+ line "It's conducive to"
+ cont "my studies!"
+ done
+_Mansion4Text7: ; 85583 (21:5583)
+ text "Diary; Sept. 1"
+ line "MEWTWO is far too"
+ cont "powerful."
+ para "We have failed to"
+ line "curb its vicious"
+ cont "tendencies..."
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/mt_moon_1f.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,120 @@
+_MtMoon1BattleText2: ; 80692 (20:4692)
+ text "WHOA! You shocked"
+ line "me! Oh, you're"
+ cont "just a kid!"
+ done
+_MtMoon1EndBattleText2: ; 806bf (20:46bf)
+ text "Wow!"
+ line "Shocked again!"
+ prompt
+_MtMoon1AfterBattleText2: ; 806d4 (20:46d4)
+ text "Kids like you"
+ line "shouldn't be"
+ cont "here!"
+ done
+_MtMoon1BattleText3: ; 806f5 (20:46f5)
+ text "Did you come to"
+ line "explore too?"
+ done
+_MtMoon1EndBattleText3: ; 80713 (20:4713)
+ text "Losing"
+ line "stinks!"
+ prompt
+_MtMoon1AfterBattleText3: ; 80723 (20:4723)
+ text "I came down here"
+ line "to show off to"
+ cont "girls."
+ done
+_MtMoon1BattleText4: ; 8074b (20:474b)
+ text "Wow! It's way"
+ line "bigger in here"
+ cont "than I thought!"
+ done
+_MtMoon1EndBattleText4: ; 80778 (20:4778)
+ text "Oh!"
+ line "I lost it!"
+ prompt
+_MtMoon1AfterBattleText4: ; 80788 (20:4788)
+ text "How do you get"
+ line "out of here?"
+ done
+_MtMoon1BattleText5: ; 807a5 (20:47a5)
+ text "What! Don't sneak"
+ line "up on me!"
+ done
+_MtMoon1EndBattleText5: ; 807c1 (20:47c1)
+ text "My"
+ line "#MON won't do!"
+ prompt
+_MtMoon1AfterBattleText5: ; 807d3 (20:47d3)
+ text "I have to find"
+ line "stronger #MON."
+ done
+_MtMoon1BattleText6: ; 807f2 (20:47f2)
+ text "What? I'm waiting"
+ line "for my friends to"
+ cont "find me here."
+ done
+_MtMoon1EndBattleText6: ; 80824 (20:4824)
+ text "I lost?"
+ prompt
+_MtMoon1AfterBattleText6: ; 8082d (20:482d)
+ text "I heard there are"
+ line "some very rare"
+ cont "fossils here."
+ done
+_MtMoon1BattleText7: ; 8085d (20:485d)
+ text "Suspicious men"
+ line "are in the cave."
+ cont "What about you?"
+ done
+_MtMoon1EndBattleText7: ; 8088e (20:488e)
+ text "You"
+ line "got me!"
+ prompt
+_MtMoon1AfterBattleText7: ; 8089b (20:489b)
+ text "I saw them! I'm"
+ line "sure they're from"
+ cont "TEAM ROCKET!"
+ done
+_MtMoon1BattleText8: ; 808c9 (20:48c9)
+ text "Go through this"
+ line "cave to get to"
+ done
+_MtMoon1EndBattleText8: ; 808f8 (20:48f8)
+ text "I"
+ line "lost."
+ prompt
+_MtMoon1AfterBattleText8: ; 80901 (20:4901)
+ text "ZUBAT is tough!"
+ line "But, it can be"
+ cont "useful if you"
+ cont "catch one."
+ done
+_MtMoon1Text14: ; 8093a (20:493a)
+ text "Beware! ZUBAT is"
+ line "a blood sucker!"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/mt_moon_b1f.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,4 @@
+_UnnamedText_51a48: ; 8095c (20:495c)
+ db $0
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/mt_moon_b2f.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,123 @@
+_UnnamedText_49f24: ; 8095e (20:495e)
+ text "You want the"
+ line "DOME FOSSIL?"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_49f64: ; 80979 (20:4979)
+ text "You want the"
+ line "HELIX FOSSIL?"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_49f6f: ; 80995 (20:4995)
+ text $52, " got the"
+ line "@"
+ TX_RAM $cf4b
+ text "!@@"
+_UnnamedText_49f7f: ; 809a8 (20:49a8)
+ text "Look, you've got"
+ line "no room for this.@@"
+_UnnamedText_49f85: ; 809cc (20:49cc)
+ text "Hey, stop!"
+ para "I found these"
+ line "fossils! They're"
+ cont "both mine!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_49f8a: ; 80a01 (20:4a01)
+ text "OK!"
+ line "I'll share!"
+ prompt
+_UnnamedText_49f8f: ; 80a11 (20:4a11)
+ text "We'll each take"
+ line "one!"
+ cont "No being greedy!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_49f94: ; 80a37 (20:4a37)
+ text "Far away, on"
+ cont "there's a #MON"
+ cont "LAB."
+ para "They do research"
+ line "on regenerating"
+ cont "fossils."
+ done
+_UnnamedText_49f99: ; 80a93 (20:4a93)
+ text "All right. Then"
+ line "this is mine!@@"
+_MtMoon3BattleText2: ; 80ab3 (20:4ab3)
+ text "TEAM ROCKET will"
+ line "find the fossils,"
+ cont "revive and sell"
+ cont "them for cash!"
+ done
+_MtMoon3EndBattleText2: ; 80af6 (20:4af6)
+ text "Urgh!"
+ line "Now I'm mad!"
+ prompt
+_MtMoon3AfterBattleText2: ; 80b09 (20:4b09)
+ text "You made me mad!"
+ line "TEAM ROCKET will"
+ cont "blacklist you!"
+ done
+_MtMoon3BattleText3: ; 80b3b (20:4b3b)
+ text "We, TEAM ROCKET,"
+ line "are #MON"
+ cont "gangsters!"
+ done
+_MtMoon3EndBattleText3: ; 80b61 (20:4b61)
+ text "I blew"
+ line "it!"
+ prompt
+_MtMoon3AfterBattleText3: ; 80b6d (20:4b6d)
+ text "Darn it all! My"
+ line "associates won't"
+ cont "stand for this!"
+ done
+_MtMoon3BattleText4: ; 80b9e (20:4b9e)
+ text "We're pulling a"
+ line "big job here!"
+ cont "Get lost, kid!"
+ done
+_MtMoon3EndBattleText4: ; 80bcb (20:4bcb)
+ text "So, you"
+ line "are good."
+ prompt
+_MtMoon3AfterBattleText4: ; 80bde (20:4bde)
+ text "If you find a"
+ line "fossil, give it"
+ cont "to me and scram!"
+ done
+_MtMoon3BattleText5: ; 80c0e (20:4c0e)
+ text "Little kids"
+ line "should leave"
+ cont "grown-ups alone!"
+ done
+_MtMoon3EndBattleText5: ; 80c39 (20:4c39)
+ text "I'm"
+ line "steamed!"
+ prompt
+_MtMoon3AfterBattleText5: ; 80c46 (20:4c46)
+ text "#MON lived"
+ line "here long before"
+ cont "people came."
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/rock_tunnel_b2f_1.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,109 @@
+_RockTunnel2BattleText2: ; 86a1d (21:6a1d)
+ text "Hikers leave twigs"
+ line "as trail markers."
+ done
+_RockTunnel2EndBattleText2: ; 86a43 (21:6a43)
+ text "Ohhh!"
+ line "I did my best!"
+ prompt
+_RockTunnel2AfterBattleText2: ; 86a59 (21:6a59)
+ text "I want to go "
+ line "home!"
+ done
+_RockTunnel2BattleText3: ; 86a6e (21:6a6e)
+ text "Hahaha! Can you"
+ line "beat my power?"
+ done
+_RockTunnel2EndBattleText3: ; 86a8e (21:6a8e)
+ text "Oops!"
+ line "Out-muscled!"
+ prompt
+_RockTunnel2AfterBattleText3: ; 86aa2 (21:6aa2)
+ text "I go for power"
+ line "because I hate"
+ cont "thinking!"
+ done
+_RockTunnel2BattleText4: ; 86acb (21:6acb)
+ text "You have a"
+ line "#DEX?"
+ cont "I want one too!"
+ done
+_RockTunnel2EndBattleText4: ; 86aed (21:6aed)
+ text "Shoot!"
+ line "I'm so jealous!"
+ prompt
+_RockTunnel2AfterBattleText4: ; 86b04 (21:6b04)
+ text "When you finish"
+ line "your #DEX, can"
+ cont "I have it?"
+ done
+_RockTunnel2BattleText5: ; 86b2f (21:6b2f)
+ text "Do you know about"
+ line "costume players?"
+ done
+_RockTunnel2EndBattleText5: ; 86b53 (21:6b53)
+ text "Well,"
+ line "that's that."
+ prompt
+_RockTunnel2AfterBattleText5: ; 86b66 (21:6b66)
+ text "Costume players"
+ line "dress up as"
+ cont "#MON for fun."
+ done
+_RockTunnel2BattleText6: ; 86b91 (21:6b91)
+ text "My #MON"
+ line "techniques will"
+ cont "leave you crying!"
+ done
+_RockTunnel2EndBattleText6: ; 86bbc (21:6bbc)
+ text "I give!"
+ line "You're a better"
+ cont "technician!"
+ prompt
+_RockTunnel2AfterBattleText6: ; 86be0 (21:6be0)
+ text "In mountains,"
+ line "you'll often find"
+ cont "rock-type #MON."
+ done
+_RockTunnel2BattleText7: ; 86c10 (21:6c10)
+ text "I don't often"
+ line "come here, but I"
+ cont "will fight you."
+ done
+_RockTunnel2EndBattleText7: ; 86c3f (21:6c3f)
+ text "Oh!"
+ line "I lost!"
+ prompt
+_RockTunnel2AfterBattleText7: ; 86c4c (21:6c4c)
+ text "I like tiny"
+ line "#MON, big ones"
+ cont "are too scary!"
+ done
+_RockTunnel2BattleText8: ; 86c77 (21:6c77)
+ text "Hit me with your"
+ line "best shot!"
+ done
+_RockTunnel2EndBattleText8: ; 86c94 (21:6c94)
+ text "Fired"
+ line "away!"
+ prompt
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/rock_tunnel_b2f_2.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,21 @@
+_RockTunnel2AfterBattleText8: ; 88000 (22:4000)
+ text "I'll raise my"
+ line "#MON to beat"
+ cont "yours, kid!"
+ done
+_RockTunnel2BattleText9: ; 88027 (22:4027)
+ text "I draw #MON"
+ line "when I'm home."
+ done
+_RockTunnel2EndBattleText9: ; 88042 (22:4042)
+ text "Whew!"
+ line "I'm exhausted!"
+ prompt
+_RockTunnel2AfterBattleText9: ; 88057 (22:4057)
+ text "I'm an artist,"
+ line "not a fighter."
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/rocket_hideout_b1f.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,74 @@
+_RocketHideout1EndBattleText6: ; 81f2a (20:5f2a)
+ text "Why...?@@"
+_RocketHideout1BattleText2: ; 81f34 (20:5f34)
+ text "Who are you? How"
+ line "did you get here?"
+ done
+_RocketHideout1EndBattleText2: ; 81f58 (20:5f58)
+ text "Oww!"
+ line "Beaten!"
+ prompt
+_RocketHideout1AfterBattleTxt2: ; 81f66 (20:5f66)
+ text "Are you dissing"
+ line "TEAM ROCKET?"
+ done
+_RocketHideout1BattleText3: ; 81f84 (20:5f84)
+ text "You broke into"
+ line "our operation?"
+ done
+_RocketHideout1EndBattleText3: ; 81fa3 (20:5fa3)
+ text "Burnt!"
+ prompt
+_RocketHideout1AfterBattleTxt3: ; 81fab (20:5fab)
+ text "You're not going"
+ line "to get away with"
+ cont "this, brat!"
+ done
+_RocketHideout1BattleText4: ; 81fd9 (20:5fd9)
+ text "Intruder alert!"
+ done
+_RocketHideout1EndBattleText4: ; 81fea (20:5fea)
+ text "I"
+ line "can't do it!"
+ prompt
+_RocketHideout1AfterBattleTxt4: ; 81ff9 (20:5ff9)
+ text "SILPH SCOPE?"
+ line "I don't know"
+ cont "where it is!"
+ done
+_RocketHideout1BattleText5: ; 82020 (20:6020)
+ text "Why did you come"
+ line "here?"
+ done
+_RocketHideout1EndBattleText5: ; 82038 (20:6038)
+ text "This"
+ line "won't do!"
+ prompt
+_RocketHideout1AfterBattleTxt5: ; 82047 (20:6047)
+ text "OK, I'll talk!"
+ line "Take the elevator"
+ cont "to see my BOSS!"
+ done
+_RocketHideout1BattleText6: ; 82078 (20:6078)
+ text "Are you lost, you"
+ line "little rat?"
+ done
+_RocketHideout1AfterBattleTxt6: ; 82097 (20:6097)
+ text "Uh-oh, that fight"
+ line "opened the door!"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/rocket_hideout_b2f.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,18 @@
+_RocketHideout2BattleText2: ; 820bb (20:60bb)
+ text "BOSS said you can"
+ line "see GHOSTs with"
+ cont "the SILPH SCOPE!"
+ done
+_RocketHideout2EndBattleText2: ; 820ef (20:60ef)
+ text "I"
+ line "surrender!"
+ prompt
+_RocketHideout2AfterBattleTxt2: ; 820fd (20:60fd)
+ text "The TEAM ROCKET"
+ line "HQ has 4 basement"
+ cont "floors. Can you"
+ cont "reach the BOSS?"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/rocket_hideout_b3f.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,36 @@
+_RocketHideout3BattleText2: ; 82140 (20:6140)
+ text "Stop meddling in"
+ line "TEAM ROCKET's"
+ cont "affairs!"
+ done
+_RocketHideout3EndBattleText2: ; 82168 (20:6168)
+ text "Oof!"
+ line "Taken down!"
+ prompt
+_RocketHideout3AfterBattleTxt2: ; 8217a (20:617a)
+ text "SILPH SCOPE?"
+ line "The machine the"
+ cont "BOSS stole. It's"
+ cont "here somewhere."
+ done
+_RocketHideout3BattleTxt: ; 821b8 (20:61b8)
+ text "We got word from"
+ line "upstairs that you"
+ cont "were coming!"
+ done
+_RocketHideout3EndBattleText3: ; 821e9 (20:61e9)
+ text "What?"
+ line "I lost? No!"
+ prompt
+_RocketHide3AfterBattleText3: ; 821fc (20:61fc)
+ text "Go ahead and go!"
+ line "But, you need the"
+ cont "LIFT KEY to run"
+ cont "the elevator!"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/rocket_hideout_b4f.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,75 @@
+_UnnamedText_4557a: ; 8223e (20:623e)
+ text "So! I must say, I"
+ line "am impressed you"
+ cont "got here!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_4557f: ; 8226c (20:626c)
+ text "WHAT!"
+ line "This cannot be!"
+ prompt
+_UnnamedText_45584: ; 82283 (20:6283)
+ text "I see that you"
+ line "raise #MON"
+ cont "with utmost care."
+ para "A child like you"
+ line "would never"
+ cont "understand what I"
+ cont "hope to achieve."
+ para "I shall step"
+ line "aside this time!"
+ para "I hope we meet"
+ line "again..."
+ done
+_RocketHideout4BattleText2: ; 82326 (20:6326)
+ text "I know you! You"
+ line "ruined our plans"
+ cont "at MT.MOON!"
+ done
+_RocketHideout4EndBattleText2: ; 82354 (20:6354)
+ text "Burned"
+ line "again!"
+ prompt
+_RocketHide4AfterBattleText2: ; 82363 (20:6363)
+ text "Do you have"
+ line "something against"
+ cont "TEAM ROCKET?"
+ done
+_RocketHideout4BattleText3: ; 8238f (20:638f)
+ text "How can you not"
+ line "see the beauty of"
+ cont "our evil?"
+ done
+_RocketHideout4EndBattleText3: ; 823bc (20:63bc)
+ text "Ayaya!"
+ prompt
+_RocketHide4AfterBattleText3: ; 823c4 (20:63c4)
+ text "BOSS! I'm sorry I"
+ line "failed you!"
+ done
+_RocketHideout4BattleText4: ; 823e2 (20:63e2)
+ text "The elevator"
+ line "doesn't work? Who"
+ cont "has the LIFT KEY?"
+ done
+_RocketHideout4EndBattleText4: ; 82413 (20:6413)
+ text "No!"
+ prompt
+_UnnamedText_455ec: ; 82418 (20:6418)
+ text "Oh no! I dropped"
+ line "the LIFT KEY!"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/rocket_hideout_elevator.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,4 @@
+_UnnamedText_4578b: ; 82438 (20:6438)
+ text "It appears to"
+ line "need a key.@@"
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/safari_zone_center.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,12 @@
+_SafariZoneCenterText2: ; 85807 (21:5807)
+ text "REST HOUSE"
+ done
+_SafariZoneCenterText3: ; 85813 (21:5813)
+ para "Press the START"
+ line "Button to check"
+ cont "remaining time!"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/safari_zone_east.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,17 @@
+_SafariZoneEastText5: ; 855e0 (21:55e0)
+ text "REST HOUSE"
+ done
+_SafariZoneEastText6: ; 855ec (21:55ec)
+ para "The remaining time"
+ line "declines only"
+ cont "while you walk!"
+ done
+_SafariZoneEastText7: ; 8562b (21:562b)
+ text "CENTER AREA"
+ line "NORTH: AREA 2"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/safari_zone_north.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,34 @@
+_SafariZoneNorthText3: ; 85646 (21:5646)
+ text "REST HOUSE"
+ done
+_SafariZoneNorthText4: ; 85652 (21:5652)
+ para "The SECRET HOUSE"
+ line "is still ahead!"
+ done
+_SafariZoneNorthText5: ; 85681 (21:5681)
+ text "AREA 2"
+ done
+_SafariZoneNorthText6: ; 85689 (21:5689)
+ para "#MON hide in"
+ line "tall grass!"
+ para "Zigzag through"
+ line "grassy areas to"
+ cont "flush them out."
+ done
+_SafariZoneNorthText7: ; 856df (21:56df)
+ para "Win a free HM for"
+ line "finding the"
+ cont "SECRET HOUSE!"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/safari_zone_rest_house_1.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,12 @@
+_SafariZoneRestHouse1Text1: ; 85851 (21:5851)
+ text "SARA: Where did"
+ line "my boy friend,"
+ cont "ERIK, go?"
+ done
+_SafariZoneRestHouse1Text2: ; 8587b (21:587b)
+ text "I'm catching"
+ line "#MON to take"
+ cont "home as gifts!"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/safari_zone_rest_house_2.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,20 @@
+_SafariZoneRestHouse2Text1: ; 85a2f (21:5a2f)
+ text "Tossing ROCKs at"
+ line "#MON might"
+ cont "make them run,"
+ cont "but they'll be"
+ cont "easier to catch."
+ done
+_SafariZoneRestHouse2Text2: ; 85a7a (21:5a7a)
+ text "Using BAIT will"
+ line "make #MON"
+ cont "easier to catch."
+ done
+_SafariZoneRestHouse2Text3: ; 85aa6 (21:5aa6)
+ text "I hiked a lot, but"
+ line "I didn't see any"
+ cont "#MON I wanted."
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/safari_zone_rest_house_3.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,19 @@
+_SafariZoneRestHouse3Text1: ; 85ad9 (21:5ad9)
+ text "How many did you"
+ line "catch? I'm bushed"
+ cont "from the work!"
+ done
+_SafariZoneRestHouse3Text2: ; 85b0b (21:5b0b)
+ text "I caught a"
+ line "CHANSEY!"
+ para "That makes this"
+ line "all worthwhile!"
+ done
+_SafariZoneRestHouse3Text3: ; 85b40 (21:5b40)
+ text "Whew! I'm tired"
+ line "from all the fun!"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/safari_zone_rest_house_4.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,28 @@
+_SafariZoneRestHouse4Text1: ; 85b62 (21:5b62)
+ text "You can keep any"
+ line "item you find on"
+ cont "the ground here."
+ para "But, you'll run"
+ line "out of time if"
+ cont "you try for all"
+ cont "of them at once!"
+ done
+_SafariZoneRestHouse4Text2: ; 85bd5 (21:5bd5)
+ text "Go to the deepest"
+ line "part of the"
+ cont "SAFARI ZONE. You"
+ cont "will win a prize!"
+ done
+_SafariZoneRestHouse4Text3: ; 85c17 (21:5c17)
+ text "My EEVEE evolved"
+ line "into FLAREON!"
+ para "But, a friend's"
+ line "EEVEE turned into"
+ cont "a VAPOREON!"
+ cont "I wonder why?"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/safari_zone_secret_house.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,45 @@
+_UnnamedText_4a350: ; 858a4 (21:58a4)
+ text "Ah! Finally!"
+ para "You're the first"
+ line "person to reach"
+ cont "the SECRET HOUSE!"
+ para "I was getting"
+ line "worried that no"
+ cont "one would win our"
+ cont "campaign prize."
+ para "Congratulations!"
+ line "You have won!"
+ prompt
+_ReceivedHM03Text: ; 85943 (21:5943)
+ text $52, " received"
+ line "@"
+ TX_RAM $cf4b
+ text "!@@"
+_HM03ExplanationText: ; 85957 (21:5957)
+ text "HM03 is SURF!"
+ para "#MON will be"
+ line "able to ferry you"
+ cont "across water!"
+ para "And, this HM isn't"
+ line "disposable! You"
+ cont "can use it over"
+ cont "and over!"
+ para "You're super lucky"
+ line "for winning this"
+ cont "fabulous prize!"
+ done
+_HM03NoRoomText: ; 85a02 (21:5a02)
+ text "You don't have"
+ line "room for this"
+ cont "fabulous prize!"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/safari_zone_west.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,32 @@
+_SafariZoneWestText5: ; 85719 (21:5719)
+ text "REST HOUSE"
+ done
+_SafariZoneWestText6: ; 85725 (21:5725)
+ para "Please find the"
+ line "SAFARI WARDEN's"
+ cont "lost GOLD TEETH."
+ cont "They're around"
+ cont "here somewhere."
+ para "Reward offered!"
+ line "Contact: WARDEN"
+ done
+_SafariZoneWestText7: ; 857a3 (21:57a3)
+ para "Zone Exploration"
+ line "Campaign!"
+ para "The Search for"
+ line "the SECRET HOUSE!"
+ done
+_SafariZoneWestText8: ; 857ed (21:57ed)
+ text "AREA 3"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/seafoam_islands_1f.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,2 @@
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/seafoam_islands_b1f.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,2 @@
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/seafoam_islands_b2f.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,2 @@
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/seafoam_islands_b3f.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,2 @@
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/seafoam_islands_b4f.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,14 @@
+_SeafoamIslands5BattleText2: ; 88075 (22:4075)
+ text "Gyaoo!@@"
+_SeafoamIslands5Text4: ; 8807e (22:407e)
+ text "Boulders might"
+ line "change the flow"
+ cont "of water!"
+ done
+_SeafoamIslands5Text5: ; 880a8 (22:40a8)
+ text "DANGER"
+ line "Fast current!"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/silph_co_10f.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,43 @@
+_UnnamedText_5a1d3: ; 84d8d (21:4d8d)
+ text "Waaaaa!"
+ cont "I'm scared!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_5a1d8: ; 84da1 (21:4da1)
+ text "Please keep quiet"
+ line "about my crying!"
+ done
+_SilphCo10BattleText1: ; 84dc5 (21:4dc5)
+ text "Welcome to the"
+ line "10F! So good of"
+ cont "you to join me!"
+ done
+_SilphCo10EndBattleText1: ; 84df5 (21:4df5)
+ text "I'm"
+ line "stunned!"
+ prompt
+_SilphCo10AfterBattleText1: ; 84e02 (21:4e02)
+ text "Nice try, but the"
+ line "boardroom is up"
+ cont "one more floor!"
+ done
+_SilphCo10BattleText2: ; 84e35 (21:4e35)
+ text "Enough of your"
+ line "silly games!"
+ done
+_SilphCo10EndBattleText2: ; 84e52 (21:4e52)
+ text "No"
+ line "continues left!"
+ prompt
+_SilphCo10AfterBattleText2: ; 84e66 (21:4e66)
+ text "Are you satisfied"
+ line "with beating me?"
+ cont "Then go on home!"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/silph_co_11f.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,135 @@
+_SilphCoPresidentText: ; 84e9b (21:4e9b)
+ text "PRESIDENT: Thank"
+ line "you for saving"
+ cont "SILPH!"
+ para "I will never"
+ line "forget you saved"
+ cont "us in our moment"
+ cont "of peril!"
+ para "I have to thank"
+ line "you in some way!"
+ para "Because I am rich,"
+ line "I can give you"
+ cont "anything!"
+ para "Here, maybe this"
+ line "will do!"
+ prompt
+_ReceivedSilphCoMasterBallText: ; 84f63 (21:4f63)
+ text $52, " got a"
+ line "@"
+ TX_RAM $cf4b
+ text "!@@"
+_UnnamedText_6231c: ; 84f74 (21:4f74)
+ text "PRESIDENT: You"
+ line "can't buy that"
+ cont "anywhere!"
+ para "It's our secret"
+ line "prototype MASTER"
+ cont "BALL!"
+ para "It will catch any"
+ line "#MON without"
+ cont "fail!"
+ para "You should be"
+ line "quiet about using"
+ cont "it, though."
+ done
+_SilphCoMasterBallNoRoomText: ; 85013 (21:5013)
+ text "You have no"
+ line "room for this."
+ done
+_SilphCo11Text2: ; 8502f (21:502f)
+ text "SECRETARY: Thank"
+ line "you for rescuing"
+ cont "all of us!"
+ para "We admire your"
+ line "courage."
+ done
+_SilphCo11Text3: ; 85075 (21:5075)
+ text "Ah ", $52, "!"
+ line "So we meet again!"
+ para "The PRESIDENT and"
+ line "I are discussing"
+ cont "a vital business"
+ cont "proposition."
+ para "Keep your nose"
+ line "out of grown-up"
+ cont "matters..."
+ para "Or, experience a"
+ line "world of pain!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_62330: ; 85119 (21:5119)
+ text "Arrgh!!"
+ line "I lost again!?"
+ prompt
+_UnnamedText_62335: ; 85131 (21:5131)
+ text "Blast it all!"
+ line "You ruined our"
+ cont "plans for SILPH!"
+ para "But, TEAM ROCKET"
+ line "will never fall!"
+ para $52, "! Never"
+ line "forget that all"
+ cont "#MON exist"
+ cont "for TEAM ROCKET!"
+ para "I must go, but I"
+ line "shall return!"
+ done
+_SilphCo11BattleText1: ; 851d6 (21:51d6)
+ text "Stop right there!"
+ line "Don't you move!"
+ done
+_SilphCo11EndBattleText1: ; 851f8 (21:51f8)
+ text "Don't..."
+ line "Please!"
+ prompt
+_SilphCo11AfterBattleText1: ; 85209 (21:5209)
+ text "So, you want to"
+ line "see my BOSS?"
+ done
+_SilphCo11BattleText2: ; 85227 (21:5227)
+ text "Halt! Do you have"
+ line "an appointment"
+ cont "with my BOSS?"
+ done
+_SilphCo11EndBattleText2: ; 85257 (21:5257)
+ text "Gaah!"
+ line "Demolished!"
+ prompt
+_SilphCo11AfterBattleText2: ; 8526a (21:526a)
+ text "Watch your step,"
+ line "my BOSS likes his"
+ cont "#MON tough!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_6237b: ; 8529a (21:529a)
+ text "The monitor has"
+ line "#MON on it!"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/silph_co_1f.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,2 @@
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/silph_co_2f.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,97 @@
+_UnnamedText_59ded: ; 82454 (20:6454)
+ text "Eeek!"
+ line "No! Stop! Help!"
+ para "Oh, you're not"
+ line "with TEAM ROCKET."
+ cont "I thought..."
+ cont "I'm sorry. Here,"
+ cont "please take this!"
+ prompt
+_ReceivedTM36Text: ; 824ba (20:64ba)
+ text $52, " got"
+ line "@"
+ TX_RAM $cf4b
+ text "!@@"
+_TM36ExplanationText: ; 824c9 (20:64c9)
+ text "TM36 is"
+ para "It's powerful, but"
+ line "the #MON that"
+ cont "uses it faints!"
+ cont "Be careful."
+ done
+_TM36NoRoomText: ; 8251c (20:651c)
+ text "You don't have any"
+ line "room for this."
+ done
+_SilphCo2BattleText1: ; 8253e (20:653e)
+ text "Help! I'm a SILPH"
+ line "employee."
+ done
+_SilphCo2EndBattleText1: ; 8255a (20:655a)
+ text "How"
+ line "did you know I"
+ cont "was a ROCKET?"
+ prompt
+_SilphCo2AfterBattleText1: ; 8257c (20:657c)
+ text "I work for both"
+ line "SILPH and TEAM"
+ cont "ROCKET!"
+ done
+_SilphCo2BattleText2: ; 825a4 (20:65a4)
+ text "It's off limits"
+ line "here! Go home!"
+ done
+_SilphCo2EndBattleText2: ; 825c3 (20:65c3)
+ text "You're"
+ line "good."
+ prompt
+_SilphCo2AfterBattleText2: ; 825d0 (20:65d0)
+ text "Can you solve the"
+ line "maze in here?"
+ done
+_SilphCo2BattleText3: ; 825f1 (20:65f1)
+ text "No kids are"
+ line "allowed in here!"
+ done
+_SilphCo2EndBattleText3: ; 8260f (20:660f)
+ text "Tough!"
+ prompt
+_SilphCo2AfterBattleText3: ; 82617 (20:6617)
+ text "Diamond shaped"
+ line "tiles are"
+ cont "teleport blocks!"
+ para "They're hi-tech"
+ line "transporters!"
+ done
+_SilphCo2BattleText4: ; 8265f (20:665f)
+ text "Hey kid! What are"
+ line "you doing here?"
+ done
+_SilphCo2EndBattleText4: ; 82682 (20:6682)
+ text "I goofed!"
+ prompt
+_SilphCo2AfterBattleText4: ; 8268d (20:668d)
+ text "SILPH CO. will"
+ line "be merged with"
+ cont "TEAM ROCKET!"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/silph_co_3f.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,47 @@
+_UnnamedText_59ff9: ; 826b9 (20:66b9)
+ text "I work for SILPH."
+ line "What should I do?"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_59ffe: ; 826de (20:66de)
+ text $52, "! You and"
+ line "your #MON"
+ cont "saved us!"
+ done
+_SilphCo3BattleText1: ; 826fe (20:66fe)
+ text "Quit messing with"
+ line "us, kid!"
+ done
+_SilphCo3EndBattleText1: ; 8271a (20:671a)
+ text "I give"
+ line "up!"
+ prompt
+_SilphCo3AfterBattleText1: ; 82726 (20:6726)
+ text "A hint? You can"
+ line "open doors with a"
+ cont "CARD KEY!"
+ done
+_SilphCo3BattleText2: ; 82753 (20:6753)
+ text "I support TEAM"
+ line "ROCKET more than"
+ cont "I support SILPH!"
+ done
+_SilphCo3EndBattleText2: ; 82785 (20:6785)
+ text "You"
+ line "really got me!"
+ prompt
+_SilphCo3AfterBattleText2: ; 82799 (20:6799)
+ text "Humph..."
+ para "TEAM ROCKET said"
+ line "that if I helped"
+ cont "them, they'd let"
+ cont "me study #MON!"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/silph_co_4f.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,57 @@
+_UnnamedText_19de0: ; 827e4 (20:67e4)
+ text "Sssh! Can't you"
+ line "see I'm hiding?"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_19de5: ; 82803 (20:6803)
+ text "Huh? TEAM ROCKET"
+ line "is gone?"
+ done
+_SilphCo4BattleText2: ; 8281e (20:681e)
+ text "TEAM ROCKET has"
+ line "taken command of"
+ cont "SILPH CO.!"
+ done
+_SilphCo4EndBattleText2: ; 8284b (20:684b)
+ text "Arrgh!"
+ prompt
+_SilphCo4AfterBattleText2: ; 82853 (20:6853)
+ text "Fwahahaha!"
+ line "My BOSS has been"
+ cont "after this place!"
+ done
+_SilphCo4BattleText3: ; 82882 (20:6882)
+ text "My #MON are my"
+ line "loyal soldiers!"
+ done
+_SilphCo4EndBattleText3: ; 828a2 (20:68a2)
+ text "Darn!"
+ line "You weak #MON!"
+ prompt
+_SilphCo4AfterBattleText3: ; 828b8 (20:68b8)
+ text "The doors are"
+ line "electronically"
+ cont "locked! A CARD"
+ cont "KEY opens them!"
+ done
+_SilphCo4BattleText4: ; 828f5 (20:68f5)
+ text "Intruder spotted!"
+ done
+_SilphCo4EndBattleText4: ; 82908 (20:6908)
+ text "Who"
+ line "are you?"
+ prompt
+_SilphCo4AfterBattleText4: ; 82916 (20:6916)
+ text "I better tell the"
+ line "BOSS on 11F!"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/silph_co_5f_1.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,52 @@
+_UnnamedText_1a010: ; 82936 (20:6936)
+ text "TEAM ROCKET is"
+ line "in an uproar over"
+ cont "some intruder."
+ cont "That's you right?"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_1a015: ; 82978 (20:6978)
+ text "TEAM ROCKET took"
+ line "off! You're our"
+ cont "hero! Thank you!"
+ done
+_SilphCo5BattleText2: ; 829aa (20:69aa)
+ text "I heard a kid was"
+ line "wandering around."
+ done
+_SilphCo5EndBattleText2: ; 829cf (20:69cf)
+ text "Boom!"
+ prompt
+_SilphCo5AfterBattleText2: ; 829d6 (20:69d6)
+ text "It's not smart"
+ line "to pick a fight"
+ cont "with TEAM ROCKET!"
+ done
+_SilphCo5BattleText3: ; 82a07 (20:6a07)
+ text "We study #"
+ line "BALL technology"
+ cont "on this floor!"
+ done
+_SilphCo5EndBattleText3: ; 82a32 (20:6a32)
+ text "Dang!"
+ line "Blast it!"
+ prompt
+_SilphCo5AfterBattleText3: ; 82a43 (20:6a43)
+ text "We worked on the"
+ line "ultimate #"
+ cont "BALL which would"
+ cont "catch anything!"
+ done
+_SilphCo5BattleText4: ; 82a81 (20:6a81)
+ text "Whaaat? There"
+ line "shouldn't be any"
+ cont "children here?"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/silph_co_5f_2.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,56 @@
+_SilphCo5EndBattleText4: ; 84000 (21:4000)
+ text "Oh"
+ line "goodness!"
+ prompt
+_SilphCo5AfterBattleText4: ; 8400e (21:400e)
+ text "You're only on 5F."
+ line "It's a long way"
+ cont "to my BOSS!"
+ done
+_SilphCo5BattleText5: ; 8403c (21:403c)
+ text "Show TEAM ROCKET"
+ line "a little respect!"
+ done
+_SilphCo5EndBattleText5: ; 84060 (21:4060)
+ text "Cough..."
+ line "Cough..."
+ prompt
+_SilphCo5AfterBattleText5: ; 84073 (21:4073)
+ text "Which reminds me."
+ para "KOFFING evolves"
+ line "into WEEZING!"
+ done
+_SilphCo5Text9: ; 840a4 (21:40a4)
+ text "It's a #MON"
+ line "REPORT!"
+ para "#MON LAB"
+ line "created PORYGON,"
+ cont "the first virtual"
+ cont "reality #MON."
+ done
+_SilphCo5Text10: ; 840f2 (21:40f2)
+ text "It's a #MON"
+ line "REPORT!"
+ para "Over 160 #MON"
+ line "techniques have"
+ cont "been confirmed."
+ done
+_SilphCo5Text11: ; 84134 (21:4134)
+ text "It's a #MON"
+ line "REPORT!"
+ para "4 #MON evolve"
+ line "only when traded"
+ cont "by link-cable."
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/silph_co_6f.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,108 @@
+_UnnamedText_1a24a: ; 84176 (21:4176)
+ text "The ROCKETs came"
+ line "and took over the"
+ cont "building!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_1a24f: ; 841a4 (21:41a4)
+ text "Well, better get"
+ line "back to work!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_1a261: ; 841c4 (21:41c4)
+ text "Oh dear, oh dear."
+ line "Help me please!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_1a266: ; 841e7 (21:41e7)
+ text "We got engaged!"
+ line "Heheh!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_1a278: ; 841ff (21:41ff)
+ text "Look at him! He's"
+ line "such a coward!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_1a27d: ; 84220 (21:4220)
+ text "I feel so sorry"
+ line "for him, I have"
+ cont "to marry him!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_1a28f: ; 8424f (21:424f)
+ text "TEAM ROCKET is"
+ line "trying to conquer"
+ cont "the world with"
+ cont "#MON!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_1a294: ; 84286 (21:4286)
+ text "TEAM ROCKET ran"
+ line "because of you!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_1a2a6: ; 842a7 (21:42a7)
+ text "They must have"
+ line "targeted SILPH"
+ cont "for our #MON"
+ cont "products."
+ done
+_UnnamedText_1a2ab: ; 842dd (21:42dd)
+ text "Come work for"
+ line "SILPH when you"
+ cont "get older!"
+ done
+_SilphCo6BattleText2: ; 84306 (21:4306)
+ text "I am one of the 4"
+ done
+_SilphCo6EndBattleText2: ; 8432a (21:432a)
+ text "Flame"
+ line "out!"
+ prompt
+_SilphCo6AfterBattleText2: ; 84336 (21:4336)
+ text "No matter!"
+ line "My brothers will"
+ cont "avenge me!"
+ done
+_SilphCo6BattleText3: ; 8435e (21:435e)
+ text "That rotten"
+ line "PRESIDENT!"
+ para "He shouldn't have"
+ line "sent me to the"
+ cont "TIKSI BRANCH!"
+ done
+_SilphCo6EndBattleText3: ; 843a4 (21:43a4)
+ text "Shoot!"
+ prompt
+_SilphCo6AfterBattleText3: ; 843ac (21:43ac)
+ text "TIKSI BRANCH?"
+ line "It's in Russian"
+ cont "no man's land!"
+ done
+_SilphCo6BattleText4: ; 843d8 (21:43d8)
+ text "You dare betray"
+ line "TEAM ROCKET?"
+ done
+_SilphCo6EndBattleText4: ; 843f6 (21:43f6)
+ text "You"
+ line "traitor!"
+ prompt
+_SilphCo6AfterBattleText4: ; 84404 (21:4404)
+ text "If you stand for"
+ line "justice, you"
+ cont "betray evil!"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/silph_co_7f.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,146 @@
+_UnnamedText_51dd3: ; 84430 (21:4430)
+ text "Oh! Hi! You're"
+ line "not a ROCKET! You"
+ cont "came to save us?"
+ cont "Why, thank you!"
+ para "I want you to"
+ line "have this #MON"
+ cont "for saving us."
+ prompt
+_UnnamedText_51dd8: ; 8449e (21:449e)
+ text "It's LAPRAS. It's"
+ line "very intelligent."
+ para "We kept it in our"
+ line "lab, but it will"
+ cont "be much better"
+ cont "off with you!"
+ para "I think you will"
+ line "be a good trainer"
+ cont "for LAPRAS!"
+ para "It's a good"
+ line "swimmer. It'll"
+ cont "give you a lift!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_51ddd: ; 8455a (21:455a)
+ text "TEAM ROCKET's"
+ line "BOSS went to the"
+ cont "boardroom! Is our"
+ cont "PRESIDENT OK?"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_51de2: ; 84599 (21:4599)
+ text "Saved at last!"
+ line "Thank you!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_51e00: ; 845b4 (21:45b4)
+ text "TEAM ROCKET was"
+ line "after the MASTER"
+ cont "BALL which will"
+ cont "catch any #MON!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_51e05: ; 845f6 (21:45f6)
+ text "We canceled the"
+ line "MASTER BALL"
+ cont "project because"
+ cont "of TEAM ROCKET."
+ done
+_UnnamedText_51e23: ; 84633 (21:4633)
+ text "It would be bad"
+ line "if TEAM ROCKET"
+ cont "took over SILPH"
+ cont "or our #MON!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_51e28: ; 84670 (21:4670)
+ text "Wow! You chased"
+ line "off TEAM ROCKET"
+ cont "all by yourself?"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_51e46: ; 846a2 (21:46a2)
+ text "You! It's really"
+ line "dangerous here!"
+ cont "You came to save"
+ cont "me? You can't!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_51e4b: ; 846e2 (21:46e2)
+ text "Safe at last!"
+ line "Oh thank you!"
+ done
+_SilphCo7BattleText1: ; 846ff (21:46ff)
+ text "Oh ho! I smell a"
+ line "little rat!"
+ done
+_SilphCo7EndBattleText1: ; 8471d (21:471d)
+ text "Lights"
+ line "out!"
+ prompt
+_SilphCo7AfterBattleText1: ; 8472a (21:472a)
+ text "You won't find my"
+ line "BOSS by just"
+ cont "scurrying around!"
+ done
+_SilphCo7BattleText2: ; 8475b (21:475b)
+ text "Heheh!"
+ para "You mistook me for"
+ line "a SILPH worker?"
+ done
+_SilphCo7EndBattleText2: ; 84786 (21:4786)
+ text "I'm"
+ line "done!"
+ prompt
+_SilphCo7AfterBattleText2: ; 84790 (21:4790)
+ text "Despite your age,"
+ line "you are a skilled"
+ cont "trainer!"
+ done
+_SilphCo7BattleText3: ; 847be (21:47be)
+ text "I am one of the 4"
+ done
+_SilphCo7EndBattleText3: ; 847e2 (21:47e2)
+ text "Aack!"
+ line "Brothers, I lost!"
+ prompt
+_SilphCo7AfterBattleText3: ; 847fb (21:47fb)
+ text "Doesn't matter."
+ line "My brothers will"
+ cont "repay the favor!"
+ done
+_SilphCo7BattleText4: ; 8482d (21:482d)
+ text "A child intruder?"
+ line "That must be you!"
+ done
+_SilphCo7EndBattleText4: ; 84852 (21:4852)
+ text "Fine!"
+ line "I lost!"
+ prompt
+_SilphCo7AfterBattleText4: ; 84861 (21:4861)
+ text "Go on home"
+ line "before my BOSS"
+ cont "gets ticked off!"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/silph_co_8f.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,121 @@
+_UnnamedText_51ebe: ; 8488d (21:488d)
+ text $53, ": What"
+ line "kept you ", $52, "?"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_51ec3: ; 848a2 (21:48a2)
+ text $53, ": Hahaha!"
+ line "I thought you'd"
+ cont "turn up if I"
+ cont "waited here!"
+ para "I guess TEAM"
+ line "ROCKET slowed you"
+ cont "down! Not that I"
+ cont "care!"
+ para "I saw you in"
+ line "SAFFRON, so I"
+ cont "decided to see if"
+ cont "you got better!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_51ec8: ; 8494a (21:494a)
+ text "Oh ho!"
+ line "So, you are ready"
+ cont "for BOSS ROCKET!"
+ prompt
+_UnnamedText_51ecd: ; 84975 (21:4975)
+ text $53, ": How can"
+ line "I put this?"
+ para "You're not good"
+ line "enough to play"
+ cont "with us big boys!"
+ prompt
+_UnnamedText_51ed2: ; 849bd (21:49bd)
+ text "Well, ", $52, "!"
+ para "I'm moving on up"
+ line "and ahead!"
+ para "By checking my"
+ line "#DEX, I'm"
+ cont "starting to see"
+ cont "what's strong and"
+ cont "how they evolve!"
+ para "I'm going to the"
+ line "#MON LEAGUE"
+ cont "to boot out the"
+ cont "ELITE FOUR!"
+ para "I'll become the"
+ line "world's most"
+ cont "powerful trainer!"
+ para $52, ", well"
+ line "good luck to you!"
+ cont "Don't sweat it!"
+ cont "Smell ya!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_565be: ; 84ac4 (21:4ac4)
+ text "I wonder if SILPH"
+ line "is finished..."
+ done
+_UnnamedText_565c3: ; 84ae6 (21:4ae6)
+ text "Thanks for saving"
+ line "us!"
+ done
+_SilphCo8BattleText1: ; 84afd (21:4afd)
+ text "That's as far as"
+ line "you'll go!"
+ done
+_SilphCo8EndBattleText1: ; 84b18 (21:4b18)
+ text "Not"
+ line "enough grit!"
+ prompt
+_SilphCo8AfterBattleText1: ; 84b2a (21:4b2a)
+ text "If you don't turn"
+ line "back, I'll call"
+ cont "for backup!"
+ done
+_SilphCo8BattleText2: ; 84b57 (21:4b57)
+ text "You're causing us"
+ line "problems!"
+ done
+_SilphCo8EndBattleText2: ; 84b73 (21:4b73)
+ text "Huh?"
+ line "I lost?"
+ prompt
+_SilphCo8AfterBattleText2: ; 84b81 (21:4b81)
+ text "So, what do you"
+ line "think of SILPH"
+ cont "BUILDING's maze?"
+ done
+_SilphCo8BattleText3: ; 84bb1 (21:4bb1)
+ text "I am one of the 4"
+ done
+_SilphCo8EndBattleText3: ; 84bd5 (21:4bd5)
+ text "Whoo!"
+ line "Oh brothers!"
+ prompt
+_SilphCo8AfterBattleText3: ; 84be9 (21:4be9)
+ text "I'll leave you up"
+ line "to my brothers!"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/silph_co_9f.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,63 @@
+_UnnamedText_5d8e5: ; 84c0b (21:4c0b)
+ text "You look tired!"
+ line "You should take a"
+ cont "quick nap!"
+ prompt
+_UnnamedText_5d8ea: ; 84c39 (21:4c39)
+ text "Don't give up!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_5d8ef: ; 84c48 (21:4c48)
+ text "Thank you so"
+ line "much!"
+ done
+_SilphCo9BattleText1: ; 84c5c (21:4c5c)
+ text "Your #MON seem"
+ line "to adore you, kid!"
+ done
+_SilphCo9EndBattleText1: ; 84c7f (21:4c7f)
+ text "Ghaaah!"
+ prompt
+_SilphCo9AfterBattleText1: ; 84c88 (21:4c88)
+ text "If I had started"
+ line "as a trainer at"
+ cont "your age..."
+ done
+_SilphCo9BattleText2: ; 84cb6 (21:4cb6)
+ text "Your #MON have"
+ line "weak points! I"
+ cont "can nail them!"
+ done
+_SilphCo9EndBattleText2: ; 84ce4 (21:4ce4)
+ text "You"
+ line "hammered me!"
+ prompt
+_SilphCo9AfterBattleText2: ; 84cf6 (21:4cf6)
+ text "Exploiting weak"
+ line "spots does work!"
+ cont "Think about"
+ cont "element types!"
+ done
+_SilphCo9BattleText3: ; 84d33 (21:4d33)
+ text "I am one of the 4"
+ done
+_SilphCo9EndBattleText3: ; 84d57 (21:4d57)
+ text "Warg!"
+ line "Brothers, I lost!"
+ prompt
+_SilphCo9AfterBattleText3: ; 84d70 (21:4d70)
+ text "My brothers will"
+ line "avenge me!"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/ss_anne_1.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,22 @@
+_SSAnne1Text1: ; 80c70 (20:4c70)
+ text "Bonjour!"
+ line "I am le waiter on"
+ cont "this ship!"
+ para "I will be happy"
+ line "to serve you any-"
+ cont "thing you please!"
+ para "Ah! Le strong"
+ line "silent type!"
+ done
+_SSAnne1Text2: ; 80ce6 (20:4ce6)
+ text "The passengers"
+ line "are restless!"
+ para "You might be"
+ line "challenged by the"
+ cont "more bored ones!"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/ss_anne_10.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,113 @@
+_SSAnne10Text8: ; 81aaa (20:5aaa)
+ text "MACHOKE: Gwoh!"
+ line "Goggoh!@@"
+_SSAnne10BattleText1: ; 81ac3 (20:5ac3)
+ text "You know what they"
+ line "say about sailors"
+ cont "and fighting!"
+ done
+_SSAnne10EndBattleText1: ; 81af7 (20:5af7)
+ text "Right!"
+ line "Good fight, mate!"
+ prompt
+_SSAnne10AfterBattleText1: ; 81b11 (20:5b11)
+ text "Haha! Want to be"
+ line "a sailor, mate?"
+ done
+_SSAnne10BattleText2: ; 81b33 (20:5b33)
+ text "My sailor's pride"
+ line "is at stake!"
+ done
+_SSAnne10EndBattleText2: ; 81b52 (20:5b52)
+ text "Your"
+ line "spirit sank me!"
+ prompt
+_SSAnne10AfterBattleText2: ; 81b68 (20:5b68)
+ text "Did you see the"
+ line "FISHING GURU in"
+ done
+_SSAnne10BattleText3: ; 81b99 (20:5b99)
+ text "Us sailors have"
+ line "#MON too!"
+ done
+_SSAnne10EndBattleText3: ; 81bb4 (20:5bb4)
+ text "OK, "
+ line "you're not bad."
+ prompt
+_SSAnne10AfterBattleText3: ; 81bc9 (20:5bc9)
+ text "We caught all our"
+ line "#MON while"
+ cont "out at sea!"
+ done
+_SSAnne10BattleText4: ; 81bf3 (20:5bf3)
+ text "I like feisty"
+ line "kids like you!@@"
+_SSAnne10EndBattleText4: ; 81c12 (20:5c12)
+ text "Argh!"
+ line "Lost it!"
+ prompt
+_SSAnne10AfterBattleText4: ; 81c22 (20:5c22)
+ text "Sea #MON live"
+ line "in deep water."
+ cont "You'll need a ROD!"
+ done
+_SSAnne10BattleText5: ; 81c52 (20:5c52)
+ text "Matey, you're"
+ line "walking the plank"
+ cont "if you lose!"
+ done
+_SSAnne10EndBattleText5: ; 81c7f (20:5c7f)
+ text "Argh!"
+ line "Beaten by a kid!"
+ prompt
+_SSAnne10AfterBattleText5: ; 81c97 (20:5c97)
+ text "Jellyfish some-"
+ line "times drift into"
+ cont "the ship."
+ done
+_SSAnne10BattleText6: ; 81cc3 (20:5cc3)
+ text "Hello stranger!"
+ line "Stop and chat!"
+ para "All my #MON"
+ line "are from the sea!"
+ done
+_SSAnne10EndBattleText6: ; 81d01 (20:5d01)
+ text "Darn!"
+ line "I let that one"
+ cont "get away!"
+ prompt
+_SSAnne10AfterBattleText6: ; 81d21 (20:5d21)
+ text "I was going to"
+ line "make you my"
+ cont "assistant too!"
+ done
+_SSAnne10Text7: ; 81d4c (20:5d4c)
+ text "My buddy, MACHOKE,"
+ line "is super strong!"
+ para "He has enough"
+ line "STRENGTH to move"
+ cont "big rocks!"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/ss_anne_2.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,64 @@
+_SSAnne2Text1: ; 80d34 (20:4d34)
+ text "This ship, she is"
+ line "a luxury liner"
+ cont "for trainers!"
+ para "At every port, we"
+ line "hold parties with"
+ cont "invited trainers!"
+ done
+_SSAnneRivalBeforeBattleText: ; 80d9a (20:4d9a)
+ text $53, ": Bonjour!"
+ line $52, "!"
+ para "Imagine seeing"
+ line "you here!"
+ para $52, ", were you"
+ line "really invited?"
+ para "So how's your"
+ line "#DEX coming?"
+ para "I already caught"
+ line "40 kinds, pal!"
+ para "Different kinds"
+ line "are everywhere!"
+ para "Crawl around in"
+ line "grassy areas!"
+ done
+_SSAnneRivalDefeatedText: ; 80e57 (20:4e57)
+ text "Humph!"
+ para "At least you're"
+ line "raising your"
+ cont "#MON!"
+ prompt
+_SSAnneRivalWonText: ; 80e81 (20:4e81)
+ text $52, "! What are"
+ line "you, seasick?"
+ para "You should shape"
+ line "up, pal!"
+ prompt
+_SSAnneRivalCaptainText: ; 80eb6 (20:4eb6)
+ text $53, ": I heard"
+ line "there was a CUT"
+ cont "master on board."
+ para "But, he was just a"
+ line "seasick, old man!"
+ para "But, CUT itself is"
+ line "really useful!"
+ para "You should go see"
+ line "him! Smell ya!"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/ss_anne_3.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,8 @@
+_SSAnne3Text1: ; 80f4b (20:4f4b)
+ text "Our CAPTAIN is a"
+ line "sword master!"
+ para "He even teaches"
+ line "CUT to #MON!"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/ss_anne_4.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,2 @@
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/ss_anne_5.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,53 @@
+_SSAnne5Text1: ; 80f88 (20:4f88)
+ text "The party's over."
+ line "The ship will be"
+ cont "departing soon."
+ done
+_SSAnne5Text2: ; 80fbb (20:4fbb)
+ text "Scrubbing decks"
+ line "is hard work!"
+ done
+_SSAnne5Text3: ; 80fda (20:4fda)
+ text "Urf. I feel ill."
+ para "I stepped out to"
+ line "get some air."
+ done
+_SSAnneBattleText1: ; 8100b (20:500b)
+ text "Hey matey!"
+ para "Let's do a little"
+ line "jig!"
+ done
+_SSAnneEndBattleText1: ; 8102d (20:502d)
+ text "You're"
+ line "impressive!"
+ prompt
+_SSAnneAfterBattleText1: ; 81040 (20:5040)
+ text "How many kinds of"
+ line "#MON do you"
+ cont "think there are?"
+ done
+_SSAnneBattleText2: ; 81070 (20:5070)
+ text "Ahoy there!"
+ line "Are you seasick?"
+ done
+_SSAnneEndBattleText2: ; 8108e (20:508e)
+ text "I was"
+ line "just careless!"
+ prompt
+_SSAnneAfterBattleText2: ; 810a4 (20:50a4)
+ text "My Pa said there"
+ line "are 100 kinds of"
+ cont "#MON. I think"
+ cont "there are more."
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/ss_anne_6.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,70 @@
+_SSAnne6Text1: ; 810e5 (20:50e5)
+ text "You, mon petit!"
+ line "We're busy here!"
+ cont "Out of the way!"
+ done
+_SSAnne6Text2: ; 81116 (20:5116)
+ text "I saw an odd ball"
+ line "in the trash."
+ done
+_SSAnne6Text3: ; 81137 (20:5137)
+ text "I'm so busy I'm"
+ line "getting dizzy!"
+ done
+_SSAnne6Text4: ; 81155 (20:5155)
+ text "Hum-de-hum-de-"
+ line "ho..."
+ para "I peel spuds"
+ line "every day!"
+ cont "Hum-hum..."
+ done
+_SSAnne6Text5: ; 8118e (20:518e)
+ text "Did you hear about"
+ line "SNORLAX?"
+ para "All it does is"
+ line "eat and sleep!"
+ done
+_SSAnne6Text6: ; 811c9 (20:51c9)
+ text "Snivel...Sniff..."
+ para "I only get to"
+ line "peel onions..."
+ cont "Snivel..."
+ done
+_UnnamedText_61807: ; 81203 (20:5203)
+ text "Er-hem! Indeed I"
+ line "am le CHEF!"
+ para "Le main course is"
+ prompt
+_UnnamedText_6180c: ; 81233 (20:5233)
+ text "Salmon du Salad!"
+ para "Les guests may"
+ line "gripe it's fish"
+ cont "again, however!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_61811: ; 81273 (20:5273)
+ text "Eels au Barbecue!"
+ para "Les guests will"
+ line "mutiny, I fear."
+ done
+_UnnamedText_61816: ; 812a6 (20:52a6)
+ text "Prime Beef Steak!"
+ para "But, have I enough"
+ line "fillets du beef?"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/ss_anne_7.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,63 @@
+_SSAnne7RubText: ; 812dd (20:52dd)
+ text "CAPTAIN: Ooargh..."
+ line "I feel hideous..."
+ cont "Urrp! Seasick..."
+ para $52, " rubbed"
+ line "the CAPTAIN's"
+ cont "back!"
+ para "Rub-rub..."
+ line "Rub-rub...@@"
+_ReceivingHM01Text: ; 81347 (20:5347)
+ text "CAPTAIN: Whew!"
+ line "Thank you! I"
+ cont "feel much better!"
+ para "You want to see"
+ line "my CUT technique?"
+ para "I could show you"
+ line "if I wasn't ill..."
+ para "I know! You can"
+ line "have this!"
+ para "Teach it to your"
+ line "#MON and you"
+ cont "can see it CUT"
+ cont "any time!"
+ prompt
+_ReceivedHM01Text: ; 8140d (20:540d)
+ text $52, " got"
+ line "@"
+ TX_RAM $cf4b
+ text "!@@"
+_UnnamedText_61932: ; 8141c (20:541c)
+ text "CAPTAIN: Whew!"
+ para "Now that I'm not"
+ line "sick any more, I"
+ cont "guess it's time."
+ done
+_HM01NoRoomText: ; 8145d (20:545d)
+ text "Oh no! You have"
+ line "no room for this!"
+ done
+_SSAnne7Text2: ; 81480 (20:5480)
+ text "Yuck! Shouldn't"
+ line "have looked!"
+ done
+_SSAnne7Text3: ; 8149d (20:549d)
+ text "How to Conquer"
+ line "Seasickness..."
+ cont "The CAPTAIN's"
+ cont "reading this!"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/ss_anne_8.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,105 @@
+_SSAnne8Text8: ; 814d7 (20:54d7)
+ text "WIGGLYTUFF: Puup"
+ line "pupuu!@@"
+_SSAnne8BattleText1: ; 814f1 (20:54f1)
+ text "I travel alone"
+ line "on my journeys!"
+ para "My #MON are my"
+ line "only friends!"
+ done
+_SSAnne8EndBattleText1: ; 8152e (20:552e)
+ text "My, my"
+ line "friends..."
+ prompt
+_SSAnne8AfterBattleText1: ; 81541 (20:5541)
+ text "You should be"
+ line "nice to friends!"
+ done
+_SSAnne8BattleText2: ; 81561 (20:5561)
+ text "You pup! How dare"
+ line "you barge in!"
+ done
+_SSAnne8EndBattleText2: ; 81582 (20:5582)
+ text "Humph!"
+ line "You rude child!"
+ prompt
+_UnnamedText_61a24: ; 8159a (20:559a)
+ text "I wish to be left"
+ line "alone! Get out!"
+ done
+_SSAnne8BattleText3: ; 815bd (20:55bd)
+ text "I love #MON!"
+ line "Do you?"
+ done
+_SSAnne8EndBattleText3: ; 815d3 (20:55d3)
+ text "Wow! "
+ line "You're great!"
+ prompt
+_SSAnne8AfterBattleText3: ; 815e7 (20:55e7)
+ text "Let me be your"
+ line "friend, OK?"
+ para "Then we can trade"
+ line "#MON!"
+ done
+_SSAnne8BattleText4: ; 8161b (20:561b)
+ text "I collected these"
+ line "#MON from all"
+ cont "around the world!"
+ done
+_SSAnne8EndBattleText4: ; 8164e (20:564e)
+ text "Oh no!"
+ line "I went around the"
+ cont "world for these!"
+ prompt
+_SSAnne8AfterBattleText4: ; 81679 (20:5679)
+ text "You hurt my poor"
+ line "worldly #MON!"
+ para "I demand that you"
+ line "heal them at a"
+ cont "#MON CENTER!"
+ done
+_SSAnne8Text5: ; 816c7 (20:56c7)
+ text "Waiter, I would"
+ line "like a cherry pie"
+ cont "please!"
+ done
+_SSAnne8Text6: ; 816f2 (20:56f2)
+ text "A cruise is so"
+ line "elegant yet cozy!"
+ done
+_SSAnne8Text7: ; 81714 (20:5714)
+ text "I always travel"
+ line "with WIGGLYTUFF!"
+ done
+_SSAnne8Text9: ; 81736 (20:5736)
+ text "We are cruising"
+ line "around the world."
+ done
+_SSAnne8Text11: ; 81759 (20:5759)
+ text "Ssh! I'm a GLOBAL"
+ line "POLICE agent!"
+ para "I'm on the trail"
+ line "of TEAM ROCKET!"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/ss_anne_9.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,114 @@
+_UnnamedText_61bf2: ; 81799 (20:5799)
+ text "In all my travels"
+ line "I've never seen"
+ cont "any #MON sleep"
+ cont "like this one!"
+ para "It was something"
+ line "like this!"
+ prompt
+_UnnamedText_61c01: ; 817f5 (20:57f5)
+ text "Ah yes, I have"
+ line "seen some #MON"
+ cont "ferry people"
+ cont "across the water!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_61c10: ; 81833 (20:5833)
+ text "#MON can CUT"
+ line "down small bushes."
+ done
+_UnnamedText_61c1f: ; 81854 (20:5854)
+ text "Have you gone to"
+ line "the SAFARI ZONE"
+ cont "in FUCHSIA CITY?"
+ para "It had many rare"
+ line "kinds of #MON!!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_61c2e: ; 818a8 (20:58a8)
+ text "Me and my Daddy"
+ line "think the SAFARI"
+ cont "ZONE is awesome!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_61c3d: ; 818db (20:58db)
+ text "The CAPTAIN looked"
+ line "really sick and"
+ cont "pale!"
+ done
+_UnnamedText_61c4c: ; 81905 (20:5905)
+ text "I hear many people"
+ line "get seasick!"
+ done
+_SSAnne9BattleText1: ; 81926 (20:5926)
+ text "Competing against"
+ line "the young keeps"
+ cont "me youthful."
+ done
+_SSAnne9EndBattleText1: ; 81956 (20:5956)
+ text "Good"
+ line "fight! Ah, I feel"
+ cont "young again!"
+ prompt
+_SSAnne9AfterBattleText1: ; 8197b (20:597b)
+ text "15 years ago, I"
+ line "would have won!"
+ done
+_SSAnne9BattleText2: ; 8199c (20:599c)
+ text "Check out what I"
+ line "fished up!"
+ done
+_SSAnne9EndBattleText2: ; 819b9 (20:59b9)
+ text "I'm"
+ line "all out!"
+ prompt
+_SSAnne9AfterBattleText2: ; 819c6 (20:59c6)
+ text "Party?"
+ para "The cruise ship's"
+ line "party should be"
+ cont "over by now."
+ done
+_SSAnne9BattleText3: ; 819fc (20:59fc)
+ text "Which do you like,"
+ line "a strong or a"
+ cont "rare #MON?"
+ done
+_SSAnne9EndBattleText3: ; 81a29 (20:5a29)
+ text "I must"
+ line "salute you!"
+ prompt
+_SSAnne9AfterBattleText3: ; 81a3d (20:5a3d)
+ text "I prefer strong"
+ line "and rare #MON."
+ done
+_SSAnne9BattleText4: ; 81a5d (20:5a5d)
+ text "I never saw you"
+ line "at the party."
+ done
+_SSAnne9EndBattleText4: ; 81a7c (20:5a7c)
+ text "Take"
+ line "it easy!"
+ prompt
+_SSAnne9AfterBattleText4: ; 81a8b (20:5a8b)
+ text "Oh, I adore your"
+ line "strong #MON!"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/unknown_dungeon_1f.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,2 @@
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/unknown_dungeon_2f.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,2 @@
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/unknown_dungeon_b1f.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+_UnknownDungeon3MewtwoText: ; 85c72 (21:5c72)
+ text "Mew!@@"
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/victory_road_1f.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,32 @@
+_VictoryRoad1BattleText1: ; 85c79 (21:5c79)
+ text "I wonder if you"
+ line "are good enough"
+ cont "for me!"
+ done
+_VictoryRoad1EndBattleText1: ; 85ca2 (21:5ca2)
+ text "I"
+ line "lost out!"
+ prompt
+_VictoryRoad1AfterBattleText1: ; 85caf (21:5caf)
+ text "I never wanted to"
+ line "lose to anybody!"
+ done
+_VictoryRoad1BattleText2: ; 85cd3 (21:5cd3)
+ text "I can see you're"
+ line "good! Let me see"
+ cont "exactly how good!"
+ done
+_VictoryRoad1EndBattleText2: ; 85d07 (21:5d07)
+ text "I"
+ line "had a chance..."
+ prompt
+_VictoryRoad1AfterBattleText2: ; 85d1a (21:5d1a)
+ text "I concede, you're"
+ line "better than me!"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/victory_road_3f.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,64 @@
+_VictoryRoad3BattleText2: ; 81d9b (20:5d9b)
+ text "I heard rumors of"
+ line "a child prodigy!"
+ done
+_VictoryRoad3EndBattleText2: ; 81dbf (20:5dbf)
+ text "The"
+ line "rumors were true!"
+ prompt
+_VictoryRoad3AfterBattleText2: ; 81dd6 (20:5dd6)
+ text "You beat GIOVANNI"
+ line "of TEAM ROCKET?"
+ done
+_VictoryRoad3BattleText3: ; 81df9 (20:5df9)
+ text "I'll show you just"
+ line "how good you are!"
+ done
+_VictoryRoad3EndBattleText3: ; 81e1e (20:5e1e)
+ text "I'm"
+ line "furious!"
+ prompt
+_VictoryRoad3AfterBattleText3: ; 81e2b (20:5e2b)
+ text "You showed me just"
+ line "how good I was!"
+ done
+_VictoryRoad3BattleText4: ; 81e4f (20:5e4f)
+ text "Only the chosen"
+ line "can pass here!"
+ done
+_VictoryRoad3EndBattleText4: ; 81e6f (20:5e6f)
+ text "I"
+ line "don't believe it!"
+ prompt
+_VictoryRoad3AfterBattleText4: ; 81e83 (20:5e83)
+ text "All trainers here"
+ line "are headed to the"
+ cont "#MON LEAGUE!"
+ cont "Be careful!"
+ done
+_VictoryRoad3BattleText5: ; 81ec1 (20:5ec1)
+ text "Trainers live to"
+ line "seek stronger"
+ cont "opponents!"
+ done
+_VictoryRoad3EndBattleText5: ; 81eec (20:5eec)
+ text "Oh!"
+ line "So strong!"
+ prompt
+_VictoryRoad3AfterBattleText5: ; 81efc (20:5efc)
+ text "By fighting tough"
+ line "battles, you get"
+ cont "stronger!"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/maps/viridian_forest.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,124 @@
+_ViridianForestText1: ; 8031d (20:431d)
+ text "I came here with"
+ line "some friends!"
+ para "They're out for"
+ line "#MON fights!"
+ done
+_ViridianForestBattleText1: ; 80359 (20:4359)
+ text "Hey! You have"
+ line "#MON! Come on!"
+ cont "Let's battle'em!"
+ done
+_ViridianForestEndBattleText1: ; 80387 (20:4387)
+ text "No!"
+ line "CATERPIE can't"
+ cont "cut it!"
+ prompt
+_ViridianFrstAfterBattleText1: ; 803a2 (20:43a2)
+ text "Ssh! You'll scare"
+ line "the bugs away!"
+ done
+_ViridianForestBattleText2: ; 803c3 (20:43c3)
+ text "Yo! You can't jam"
+ line "out if you're a"
+ cont "#MON trainer!"
+ done
+_ViridianForestEndBattleText2: ; 803f2 (20:43f2)
+ text "Huh?"
+ line "I ran out of"
+ cont "#MON!"
+ prompt
+_ViridianFrstAfterBattleText2: ; 8040b (20:440b)
+ text "Darn! I'm going"
+ line "to catch some"
+ cont "stronger ones!"
+ done
+_ViridianForestBattleText3: ; 80438 (20:4438)
+ text "Hey, wait up!"
+ line "What's the hurry?"
+ done
+_ViridianForestEndBattleText3: ; 80458 (20:4458)
+ text "I"
+ line "give! You're good"
+ cont "at this!"
+ prompt
+_ViridianFrstAfterBattleText3: ; 80475 (20:4475)
+ text "Sometimes, you"
+ line "can find stuff on"
+ cont "the ground!"
+ para "I'm looking for"
+ line "the stuff I"
+ cont "dropped!"
+ done
+_ViridianForestText8: ; 804c7 (20:44c7)
+ text "I ran out of #"
+ line "BALLs to catch"
+ cont "#MON with!"
+ para "You should carry"
+ line "extras!"
+ done
+_ViridianForestText9: ; 8050a (20:450a)
+ para "If you want to"
+ line "avoid battles,"
+ cont "stay away from"
+ cont "grassy areas!"
+ done
+_ViridianForestText10: ; 80553 (20:4553)
+ text "For poison, use"
+ line "ANTIDOTE! Get it"
+ cont "at #MON MARTs!"
+ done
+_ViridianForestText11: ; 80584 (20:4584)
+ para "Contact PROF.OAK"
+ line "via PC to get"
+ cont "your #DEX"
+ cont "evaluated!"
+ done
+_ViridianForestText12: ; 805c6 (20:45c6)
+ para "No stealing of"
+ line "#MON from"
+ cont "other trainers!"
+ cont "Catch only wild"
+ cont "#MON!"
+ done
+_ViridianForestText13: ; 80613 (20:4613)
+ para "Weaken #MON"
+ line "before attempting"
+ cont "capture!"
+ para "When healthy,"
+ line "they may escape!"
+ done
+_ViridianForestText14: ; 80667 (20:4667)
+ text "LEAVING"
+ done