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ref: 20c54ccd583d2f847e6f264d7ced057f652dd095
parent: 53f6e08cfb0b5ce855b76870e94e66e90f6293b7
author: Bryan Bishop <[email protected]>
date: Sat Jan 7 07:11:12 EST 2012

add more text bytes for abbreviations

hg-commit-id: 95383d94746e

--- a/extras/
+++ b/extras/
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
     """split this text up into multiple lines
     based on subcommands ending each line"""
     lines = {}
-    subsection = extract_maps.rom[start_address:end_address]
+    subsection = extract_maps.rom[start_address:end_address+1]
     line_count = 0
     current_line = []
@@ -308,7 +308,8 @@
             #if len(commands) > 0:
             #   print "Unknown text command " + hex(command_byte) + " at " + hex(offset) + ", script began with " + hex(commands[0]["type"])
-            print "Unknown text command at " + hex(offset) + " - command: " + hex(ord(extract_maps.rom[offset])) + " on map_id=" + str(map_id) + " text_id=" + str(text_id)
+            if debug:
+                print "Unknown text command at " + hex(offset) + " - command: " + hex(ord(extract_maps.rom[offset])) + " on map_id=" + str(map_id) + " text_id=" + str(text_id)
             #end at the first unknown command
             end = True
--- a/extras/
+++ b/extras/
@@ -323,10 +323,15 @@
 ("y", 0xB8),
 ("z", 0xB9),
 ("é", 0xBA),
+("'d", 0xBB),
+("'l", 0xBC),
 ("'s", 0xBD),
 ("'t", 0xBE),
+("'v", 0xBF),
 ("'", 0xE0),
 ("-", 0xE3),
+("'r", 0xE4),
+("'m", 0xE5),
 ("?", 0xE6),
 ("!", 0xE7),
 (".", 0xE8),
@@ -652,6 +657,12 @@
     lines = text_far[0]["lines"]
     label = "_" + map_name_cleaner(map2["name"], None)[:-2] + "Text" + str(text_id)
+    #add the ending byte on the next line
+    #lines[len(lines.keys())+1] = [text_far[1]["type"]]
+    #add the ending byte to the last line- always seems $57
+    lines[len(lines.keys())-1].append(text_far[1]["type"])
     output  = ""
     output += label + ":\n"
     first = True
@@ -664,6 +675,7 @@
         quotes_open = False
         first_byte = True
+        was_byte = False
         byte_count = 0
         for byte in line:
             if byte in txt_bytes:
@@ -679,17 +691,26 @@
                 if quotes_open:
                     output += "\""
                     quotes_open = False
-                output += ", " + constant_abbreviation_bytes[byte]
+                if not first_byte:
+                    output += ", "
+                output += constant_abbreviation_bytes[byte]
                 if quotes_open:
                     output += "\""
                     quotes_open = False
-                output += ", $" + hex(byte)[2:]
-                #add a comma unless it's the end of the line
-                if byte_count+1 != len(line):
-                    output += ", "
+                #if you want the ending byte on the last line
+                #if not (byte == 0x57 or byte == 0x50 or byte == 0x58):
+                output += ", "
+                output += "$" + hex(byte)[2:]
+                was_byte = True
+                #add a comma unless it's the end of the line
+                #if byte_count+1 != len(line):
+                #    output += ", "
+            first_byte = False
             byte_count += 1
         #close final quotes
         if quotes_open:
--- a/textpre.awk
+++ b/textpre.awk
@@ -225,10 +225,15 @@
 char["y"] = "$B8"
 char["z"] = "$B9"
 char["é"] = "$BA"
+char["'d"] = "$BB"
+char["'l"] = "$BC"
 char["'s"] = "$BD"
 char["'t"] = "$BE"
+char["'v"] = "$BF"
 char["'"] = "$E0"
 char["-"] = "$E3"
+char["'r"] = "$E4"
+char["'m"] = "$E5"
 char["?"] = "$E6"
 char["!"] = "$E7"
 char["."] = "$E8"