shithub: pokecrystal

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ref: e699992e6b727883c3b5d19efbac0c5302892396
parent: 0add51451cda9d4221af137f83e2429d3577310c
author: IIMarckus <[email protected]>
date: Wed Jan 6 06:01:20 EST 2016

Text labels for Places and People.

--- a/engine/radio.asm
+++ b/engine/radio.asm
@@ -1337,9 +1337,8 @@
 	ld a, PLACES_AND_PEOPLE_6 ; Places
 	jp NextRadioLine
-; b8d7d (2e:4d7d)
-.Descriptors: ; b8d7d
 	dw PnP_cute
 	dw PnP_lazy
 	dw PnP_happy
@@ -1348,111 +1347,94 @@
 	dw PnP_bold
 	dw PnP_picky
 	dw PnP_sortofok
-	dw PnP_justsoso
-	dw PnP_actuallygreat
-	dw PnP_justmytype
-	dw PnP_socool
+	dw PnP_soso
+	dw PnP_great
+	dw PnP_mytype
+	dw PnP_cool
 	dw PnP_inspiring
 	dw PnP_weird
 	dw PnP_rightforme
 	dw PnP_odd
-; b8d9d
-PnP_cute: ; 0xb8d9d
 	; is cute.
-	text_jump UnknownText_0x1bcc80
+	text_jump _PnP_cute
 	db "@"
-; 0xb8da2
-PnP_lazy: ; 0xb8da2
 	; is sort of lazy.
-	text_jump UnknownText_0x1bcc8b
+	text_jump _PnP_lazy
 	db "@"
-; 0xb8da7
-PnP_happy: ; 0xb8da7
 	; is always happy.
-	text_jump UnknownText_0x1bcc9e
+	text_jump _PnP_happy
 	db "@"
-; 0xb8dac
-PnP_noisy: ; 0xb8dac
 	; is quite noisy.
-	text_jump UnknownText_0x1bccb1
+	text_jump _PnP_noisy
 	db "@"
-; 0xb8db1
-PnP_precocious: ; 0xb8db1
 	; is precocious.
-	text_jump UnknownText_0x1bccc3
+	text_jump _PnP_precocious
 	db "@"
-; 0xb8db6
-PnP_bold: ; 0xb8db6
 	; is somewhat bold.
-	text_jump UnknownText_0x1bccd4
+	text_jump _PnP_bold
 	db "@"
-; 0xb8dbb
-PnP_picky: ; 0xb8dbb
 	; is too picky!
-	text_jump UnknownText_0x1bcce8
+	text_jump _PnP_picky
 	db "@"
-; 0xb8dc0
-PnP_sortofok: ; 0xb8dc0
 	; is sort of OK.
-	text_jump UnknownText_0x1bccf8
+	text_jump _PnP_sortofok
 	db "@"
-; 0xb8dc5
-PnP_justsoso: ; 0xb8dc5
 	; is just so-so.
-	text_jump UnknownText_0x1bcd09
+	text_jump _PnP_soso
 	db "@"
-; 0xb8dca
-PnP_actuallygreat: ; 0xb8dca
 	; is actually great.
-	text_jump UnknownText_0x1bcd1a
+	text_jump _PnP_great
 	db "@"
-; 0xb8dcf
-PnP_justmytype: ; 0xb8dcf
 	; is just my type.
-	text_jump UnknownText_0x1bcd2f
+	text_jump _PnP_mytype
 	db "@"
-; 0xb8dd4
-PnP_socool: ; 0xb8dd4
 	; is so cool, no?
-	text_jump UnknownText_0x1bcd42
+	text_jump _PnP_cool
 	db "@"
-; 0xb8dd9
-PnP_inspiring: ; 0xb8dd9
 	; is inspiring!
-	text_jump UnknownText_0x1bcd54
+	text_jump _PnP_inspiring
 	db "@"
-; 0xb8dde
-PnP_weird: ; 0xb8dde
 	; is kind of weird.
-	text_jump UnknownText_0x1bcd64
+	text_jump _PnP_weird
 	db "@"
-; 0xb8de3
-PnP_rightforme: ; 0xb8de3
 	; is right for me?
-	text_jump UnknownText_0x1bcd78
+	text_jump _PnP_rightforme
 	db "@"
-; 0xb8de8
-PnP_odd: ; 0xb8de8
 	; is definitely odd!
-	text_jump UnknownText_0x1bcd8b
+	text_jump _PnP_odd
 	db "@"
-; 0xb8ded
 PeoplePlaces6: ; Places
 	call Random
@@ -1519,7 +1501,7 @@
 	jp PrintRadioLine
 ; b8e52 (2e:4e52)
-.Descriptors: ; b8e52
 	dw PnP_cute
 	dw PnP_lazy
 	dw PnP_happy
@@ -1528,15 +1510,14 @@
 	dw PnP_bold
 	dw PnP_picky
 	dw PnP_sortofok
-	dw PnP_justsoso
-	dw PnP_actuallygreat
-	dw PnP_justmytype
-	dw PnP_socool
+	dw PnP_soso
+	dw PnP_great
+	dw PnP_mytype
+	dw PnP_cool
 	dw PnP_inspiring
 	dw PnP_weird
 	dw PnP_rightforme
 	dw PnP_odd
-; b8e72
 RocketRadio1: ; b8e72 (2e:4e72)
 	call StartRadioStation
--- a/text/common_1.asm
+++ b/text/common_1.asm
@@ -835,82 +835,82 @@
 	text_from_ram StringBuffer1
 	db "@@"
 	text ""
 	line "is cute."
 	text ""
 	line "is sort of lazy."
 	text ""
 	line "is always happy."
 	text ""
 	line "is quite noisy."
 	text ""
 	line "is precocious."
 	text ""
 	line "is somewhat bold."
 	text ""
 	line "is too picky!"
 	text ""
 	line "is sort of OK."
 	text ""
 	line "is just so-so."
 	text ""
 	line "is actually great."
 	text ""
 	line "is just my type."
 	text ""
 	line "is so cool, no?"
 	text ""
 	line "is inspiring!"
 	text ""
 	line "is kind of weird."
 	text ""
 	line "is right for me?"
 	text ""
 	line "is definitely odd!"