ref: d5eae70ce997e86dbfe4aa22ab5e1437c1dd21f5
parent: 262d420a1f80bea6d9ac48c239a95421241f6faf
parent: 28485bdfa62dbbf805cea8bcf997c0f3e852ee24
author: Bryan Bishop <[email protected]>
date: Tue May 22 17:27:25 EDT 2012
Merge pull request #9 from iimarckus/unusedscripttext unused text for sweet honey
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
.SUFFIXES: .asm .tx .o .gbc
+TEXTFILES = text/sweethoney.tx
all: pokecrystal.gbc
--- a/main.asm
+++ b/main.asm
@@ -9957,7 +9957,7 @@
jumpstd $000c
; 0x5578a
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$5578a,$1c9
+INCLUDE "text/sweethoney.tx"
GoldenrodNameRatersHouse_MapEventHeader: ; 0x55953
; filler
@@ -23197,8 +23197,21 @@
db "win.", $57
; 0x6b7e7
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$6b7e7,$129
+; This text is unused and unreferenced in the final game.
+; The tree Pokémon is Sudowoodo.
+; The Silph Scope 2 was later reworked into the Squirtbottle.
+UnusedSudowoodoText: ; 0x6b7e7
+ db 0, "I hear there's a", $4f
+ db "#MON that looks", $55
+ db "just like a tree.", $51
+ db "You can reveal its", $4f
+ db "identity using a", $55
+ db "SILPHSCOPE 2.", $57
+INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$6b84c,$6b910 - $6b84c
UnknownText_0x6b910: ; 0x6b910
db $0, "Uh-oh… Your PACK", $4f
db "is full.", $51
@@ -91072,7 +91085,20 @@
; 0x1a4058
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$1a4058,$1a4105 - $1a4058
+UnusedMissingDaughterText: ; 0x1a4058
+; This text is neither used nor referenced in the final game.
+ db $0, "Oh, no. Oh, no…",$51
+ db "My daughter is", $4f
+ db "missing.", $51
+ db "No… She couldn't", $4f
+ db "have gone to the", $55
+ db "BURNED TOWER.", $51
+ db "I told her not to", $4f
+ db "go near it…", $51
+ db "People seem to", $4f
+ db "disappear there…", $51
+ db "Oh, what should I", $4f
+ db "do…?", $57
UnknownText_0x1a4105: ; 0x1a4105
db $0, "ECRUTEAK used to", $4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/text/sweethoney.asm
@@ -1,0 +1,54 @@
+; Sweet Honey is a feature that was scrapped before development.
+; It was later implemented in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl.
+; Sweet Honey was probably reworked into Sweet Scent.
+; A map in the final game has a Butterfree and a woman who gives
+; the Sweet Scent TM.
+; Most of these texts seem to be associated with a single NPC.
+; The last text is associated with a second NPC, probably a Butterfree.
+UnusedSweetHoneyText: ; 0x5578a
+ db 0, "My #MON is an", $4f
+ db "expert at collect-", $55
+ db "ing SWEET HONEY.", $51
+ db "I'll share some", $4f
+ db "with you.", $57
+UnusedSweetHoneyBagFullText: ; 0x557d6
+ db 0, "I want to give you", $4f
+ db "some SWEET HONEY,", $51
+ db "but you have no", $4f
+ db "room for it.", $57
+UnusedSweetHoneyGiveText: ; 0x55819
+ db 0, "Here you go! Have", $4f
+ db "some SWEET HONEY!", $57
+UnusedGotSweetHoneyText: ; 0x5583e
+ db 0, $52, " received", $4f
+ db "SWEET HONEY.", $57
+UnusedSweetHoneyAfterText1: ; 0x55856
+ db 0, "My little brother", $4f
+ db "takes SWEET HONEY", $51
+ db "and goes somewhere", $4f
+ db "with it.", $51
+ db "I wonder what he's", $4f
+ db "up to?", $57
+UnusedSweetHoneyAfterText2: ; 0x558b1
+ db 0, "Did you put SWEET", $4f
+ db "HONEY on a tree?", $51
+ db "What happened to", $4f
+ db "it?", $57
+UnusedSweetHoneyAfterText3: ; 0x558ea
+ db 0, "Did you put SWEET", $4f
+ db "HONEY on a tree?", $51
+ db "It takes about a", $4f
+ db "day for #MON to", $55
+ db "be drawn to it.", $57
+UnusedSweetHoneyButterfreeText: ; 0x5593f
+ db 0, "BUTTERFREE: Freeh!", $57