Fix some movement macro/function names
Globally introduce PERSONTYPE constants
Backup prior to global introduction of PERSONTYPE constants
More map object, swap StandingTile and NextTile
Creation of constants for OBJECT_09 indices
Merge branch 'master' of
sprite engine; tileset constants
Merge pull request #326 from PikalaxALT/master
Map header labels, tileset constants
More splits; map setup labels
Added w3 and w5 labels for misc/mobile_40.asm
found the sliding animation at the start of battle
Resolve s1 addresses in battle/core.asm
enum macros/move_anim.asm, resolve battle/anims.asm function labels
Move some gfx files around, also clock reset fn
Cleaning up static HRAM labels; movement stuff, route 38 trainers
Add missing files in engine/ and battle/
Some work on battle animations
Attempting to decode AI switching
AI and player items, withdraw/deposit
More Battle Tower shenanigans
Move MON_* parentheses to the EQUS declaration
battle/ai/switch.asm and more battle/effect_commands.asm
Still more battle command labels
Sprite movement function labels
BattleCommand labels copied from macros
Restore with new version as
give/takeitem *, 1: the 1 is optional
home/copy.asm completely labeled
Corrected some mislabeled 1bpps
Replace party struct relative values with EQUS constants
Split up mobile_45.asm by bank
Reorganize BTTrainerClassGenders
Battle Tower text function and pointers
dbw BANK, addr replaced with dba
Experience and level calculations
sprite_header and emote_header
Merge pull request #324 from PikalaxALT/master
Fix errors in global substitution
Removed \2\@ from map_header_2
Fix NorthMapObjectIndexBuffer etc
Sweepthrough of ClearBox arg conversion to lb
No more -bash000; engine/movement.asm, SPRITEMOVEFN
Merge pull request #319 from JimB16/master
Merge pull request #317 from yenatch/pngs-kind-of
Commit the overworld sprite pngs.
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into pngs-kind-of
Merge pull request #322 from PikalaxALT/master
Merge branch 'master' of
About time I got to these functions
Plus 4 on person events; feeble attempt to annotate color functions
Move battle start animation functions to its own file
Add commented numbers to map/group constants
Battle intro animation function
Restructured functions in main.asm to resemble the home functions they clone
Split up bank 2; other relabelings
Replaced "ldtile" and "dwtile" with the "tile" equs macro