shithub: pokecrystal

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ref: a7c260f4f4b843cfed1d8f39d3fca396cacc95c2
parent: cb1d7f812be0c392351a8ee7f1dd8b439d8d62bc
author: yenatch <[email protected]>
date: Fri Mar 1 11:22:35 EST 2013

Script commands 0xb2 and 0xcc don't exist

--- a/extras/
+++ b/extras/
@@ -2828,10 +2828,6 @@
     0xA8: ["unknown0xa8", ["unknown", SingleByteParam]],
     0xA9: ["unknown0xa9"],
     0xAA: ["unknown0xaa"],
-    # fix the scripts, then remove these.
-    0xB2: ["unknown0xb2", ["unknown", SingleByteParam]],
-    0xCC: ["unknown0xcc"],
 def create_command_classes(debug=False):
     """creates some classes for each command byte"""
--- a/maps/KrissHouse2F.asm
+++ b/maps/KrissHouse2F.asm
@@ -38,15 +38,64 @@
 UnknownScript_0x7abcc: ; 0x7abcc
 	describedecoration $1
+; 0x7abce
+UnknownScript_0x7abce: ; 0x7abce
 	describedecoration $2
+; 0x7abd0
+UnknownScript_0x7abd0: ; 0x7abd0
 	describedecoration $3
+; 0x7abd2
+UnknownScript_0x7abd2: ; 0x7abd2
 	describedecoration $4
-	unknown0xcc
-; 0x7abd5
+; 0x7abd4
-INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$7abd5,$3d
+MapKrissHouse2FSignpost4: ; 0x7abd4
+	dw $02cc ; bit1
+	dw MapKrissHouse2FSignpost4Script
+; 0x7abd8
-MapKrissHouse2FSignpost2Script: ; 0x7ac12
+MapKrissHouse2FSignpost4Script: ; 0x7abd8
+	describedecoration $0
+; 0x7abda
+MapKrissHouse2FSignpost2Script: ; 0x7abda
+	checkbit1 $001a
+	iftrue UnknownScript_0x7ac07
+	checkbit1 $0325
+	iftrue UnknownScript_0x7ac0a
+	playmusic $001d
+	loadfont
+	2writetext UnknownText_0x7ac24
+	pause 45
+	2writetext UnknownText_0x7ac55
+	pause 45
+	2writetext UnknownText_0x7ac64
+	pause 45
+	musicfadeout $003c, $10
+	2writetext UnknownText_0x7ac84
+	pause 45
+	loadmovesprites
+	setbit1 $0325
+	end
+; 0x7ac07
+UnknownScript_0x7ac07: ; 0x7ac07
+	jumpstd $000b
+; 0x7ac0a
+UnknownScript_0x7ac0a: ; 0x7ac0a
+	loadfont
+	2writetext UnknownText_0x7ac84
+	pause 45
+	loadmovesprites
+	end
+; 0x7ac12
+MapKrissHouse2FSignpost3Script: ; 0x7ac12
 	jumpstd $0002
 ; 0x7ac15
@@ -97,15 +146,15 @@
 	; signposts
 	db 4
 	signpost 1, 2, $1, MapKrissHouse2FSignpost0Script
-	signpost 1, 3, $0, $6bda
-	signpost 1, 5, $0, MapKrissHouse2FSignpost2Script
-	signpost 0, 6, $5, $6bd4
+	signpost 1, 3, $0, MapKrissHouse2FSignpost2Script
+	signpost 1, 5, $0, MapKrissHouse2FSignpost3Script
+	signpost 0, 6, $5, MapKrissHouse2FSignpost4 ; 6bd4
 	; people-events
 	db 4
-	person_event $f0, 6, 8, $1, $0, 255, 255, $0, 0, $6bd2, $0741
+	person_event $f0, 6, 8, $1, $0, 255, 255, $0, 0, UnknownScript_0x7abd2, $0741
 	person_event $f1, 8, 8, $1, $0, 255, 255, $0, 0, UnknownScript_0x7abcc, $0742
-	person_event $f2, 8, 9, $1, $0, 255, 255, $0, 0, $6bce, $0743
-	person_event $f3, 5, 4, $21, $0, 255, 255, $0, 0, $6bd0, $0744
+	person_event $f2, 8, 9, $1, $0, 255, 255, $0, 0, UnknownScript_0x7abce, $0743
+	person_event $f3, 5, 4, $21, $0, 255, 255, $0, 0, UnknownScript_0x7abd0, $0744
 ; 0x7acec
--- a/maps/KurtsHouse.asm
+++ b/maps/KurtsHouse.asm
@@ -208,9 +208,8 @@
 	iftrue UnknownScript_0x18e3c5
 	2writetext UnknownText_0x18e7fb
-	verbosegiveitem2 LEVEL_BALL
-	addvar $8
-	unknown0xb2 $62
+	verbosegiveitem2 LEVEL_BALL, $16
+	iffalse UnknownScript_0x18e2b2
 UnknownScript_0x18e2c4: ; 0x18e2c4
 	clearbit1 $0258
 	2jump UnknownScript_0x18e2ab
@@ -221,9 +220,8 @@
 	iftrue UnknownScript_0x18e3c5
 	2writetext UnknownText_0x18e7fb
-	verbosegiveitem2 LURE_BALL
-	addvar $8
-	unknown0xb2 $62
+	verbosegiveitem2 LURE_BALL, $16
+	iffalse UnknownScript_0x18e2b2
 UnknownScript_0x18e2da: ; 0x18e2da
 	clearbit1 $0259
 	2jump UnknownScript_0x18e2ab
@@ -234,9 +232,8 @@
 	iftrue UnknownScript_0x18e3c5
 	2writetext UnknownText_0x18e7fb
-	verbosegiveitem2 MOON_BALL
-	addvar $8
-	unknown0xb2 $62
+	verbosegiveitem2 MOON_BALL, $16
+	iffalse UnknownScript_0x18e2b2
 UnknownScript_0x18e2f0: ; 0x18e2f0
 	clearbit1 $025a
 	2jump UnknownScript_0x18e2ab
@@ -247,9 +244,8 @@
 	iftrue UnknownScript_0x18e3c5
 	2writetext UnknownText_0x18e7fb
-	verbosegiveitem2 FRIEND_BALL
-	addvar $8
-	unknown0xb2 $62
+	verbosegiveitem2 FRIEND_BALL, $16
+	iffalse UnknownScript_0x18e2b2
 UnknownScript_0x18e306: ; 0x18e306
 	clearbit1 $025b
 	2jump UnknownScript_0x18e2ab
@@ -260,9 +256,8 @@
 	iftrue UnknownScript_0x18e3c5
 	2writetext UnknownText_0x18e7fb
-	verbosegiveitem2 FAST_BALL
-	addvar $8
-	unknown0xb2 $62
+	verbosegiveitem2 FAST_BALL, $16
+	iffalse UnknownScript_0x18e2b2
 UnknownScript_0x18e31c: ; 0x18e31c
 	clearbit1 $025c
 	2jump UnknownScript_0x18e2ab
@@ -273,9 +268,8 @@
 	iftrue UnknownScript_0x18e3c5
 	2writetext UnknownText_0x18e7fb
-	verbosegiveitem2 HEAVY_BALL
-	addvar $8
-	unknown0xb2 $62
+	verbosegiveitem2 HEAVY_BALL, $16
+	iffalse UnknownScript_0x18e2b2
 UnknownScript_0x18e332: ; 0x18e332
 	clearbit1 $025d
 	2jump UnknownScript_0x18e2ab
@@ -286,9 +280,8 @@
 	iftrue UnknownScript_0x18e3c5
 	2writetext UnknownText_0x18e7fb
-	verbosegiveitem2 LOVE_BALL
-	addvar $8
-	unknown0xb2 $62
+	verbosegiveitem2 LOVE_BALL, $16
+	iffalse UnknownScript_0x18e2b2
 UnknownScript_0x18e348: ; 0x18e348
 	clearbit1 $025e
 	2jump UnknownScript_0x18e2ab