ref: 70c90ad4256324d47edb944ef6228848d21ed9fa
dir: /maps/WarehouseEntrance.asm/
WarehouseEntrance_MapScriptHeader: ; 0x7c038 ; trigger count db 0 ; callback count db 3 ; callbacks dbw 5, UnknownScript_0x7c043 dbw 1, UnknownScript_0x7c076 dbw 2, UnknownScript_0x7c082 ; 0x7c043 UnknownScript_0x7c043: ; 0x7c043 clearevent EVENT_SWITCH_1 clearevent EVENT_SWITCH_2 clearevent EVENT_SWITCH_3 clearevent EVENT_EMERGENCY_SWITCH clearevent EVENT_SWITCH_4 clearevent EVENT_SWITCH_5 clearevent EVENT_SWITCH_6 clearevent EVENT_SWITCH_7 clearevent EVENT_SWITCH_8 clearevent EVENT_SWITCH_9 clearevent EVENT_SWITCH_10 clearevent EVENT_SWITCH_11 clearevent EVENT_SWITCH_12 clearevent EVENT_SWITCH_13 clearevent EVENT_SWITCH_14 writebyte $0 copyvartobyte UndergroundSwitchPositions return ; 0x7c076 UnknownScript_0x7c076: ; 0x7c076 checkevent EVENT_USED_BASEMENT_KEY iffalse UnknownScript_0x7c07d return ; 0x7c07d UnknownScript_0x7c07d: ; 0x7c07d changeblock $12, $6, $3d return ; 0x7c082 UnknownScript_0x7c082: ; 0x7c082 checkcode $b if_equal MONDAY, UnknownScript_0x7c0a5 if_equal TUESDAY, UnknownScript_0x7c0b5 if_equal WEDNESDAY, UnknownScript_0x7c0be if_equal THURSDAY, UnknownScript_0x7c0c7 if_equal FRIDAY, UnknownScript_0x7c0d0 if_equal SATURDAY, UnknownScript_0x7c0d9 disappear $7 disappear $8 appear $9 appear $a return ; 0x7c0a5 UnknownScript_0x7c0a5: ; 0x7c0a5 disappear $7 checktime $1 iffalse UnknownScript_0x7c0ae appear $7 UnknownScript_0x7c0ae: ; 0x7c0ae disappear $8 disappear $9 disappear $a return ; 0x7c0b5 UnknownScript_0x7c0b5: ; 0x7c0b5 disappear $7 appear $8 disappear $9 disappear $a return ; 0x7c0be UnknownScript_0x7c0be: ; 0x7c0be disappear $7 disappear $8 appear $9 disappear $a return ; 0x7c0c7 UnknownScript_0x7c0c7: ; 0x7c0c7 disappear $7 appear $8 disappear $9 disappear $a return ; 0x7c0d0 UnknownScript_0x7c0d0: ; 0x7c0d0 disappear $7 disappear $8 appear $9 disappear $a return ; 0x7c0d9 UnknownScript_0x7c0d9: ; 0x7c0d9 disappear $7 appear $8 disappear $9 appear $a return ; 0x7c0e2 TrainerSupernerdEric: ; 0x7c0e2 ; bit/flag number dw $582 ; trainer group && trainer id db SUPER_NERD, ERIC ; text when seen dw SupernerdEricSeenText ; text when trainer beaten dw SupernerdEricBeatenText ; script when lost dw $0000 ; script when talk again dw SupernerdEricScript ; 0x7c0ee SupernerdEricScript: ; 0x7c0ee talkaftercancel loadfont 2writetext UnknownText_0x7c36c closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x7c0f6 TrainerSupernerdTeru: ; 0x7c0f6 ; bit/flag number dw $58a ; trainer group && trainer id db SUPER_NERD, TERU ; text when seen dw SupernerdTeruSeenText ; text when trainer beaten dw SupernerdTeruBeatenText ; script when lost dw $0000 ; script when talk again dw SupernerdTeruScript ; 0x7c102 SupernerdTeruScript: ; 0x7c102 talkaftercancel loadfont 2writetext UnknownText_0x7c410 closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x7c10a TrainerPokemaniacIssac: ; 0x7c10a ; bit/flag number dw $4ee ; trainer group && trainer id db POKEMANIAC, ISSAC ; text when seen dw PokemaniacIssacSeenText ; text when trainer beaten dw PokemaniacIssacBeatenText ; script when lost dw $0000 ; script when talk again dw PokemaniacIssacScript ; 0x7c116 PokemaniacIssacScript: ; 0x7c116 talkaftercancel loadfont 2writetext UnknownText_0x7c498 closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x7c11e TrainerPokemaniacDonald: ; 0x7c11e ; bit/flag number dw $4ef ; trainer group && trainer id db POKEMANIAC, DONALD ; text when seen dw PokemaniacDonaldSeenText ; text when trainer beaten dw PokemaniacDonaldBeatenText ; script when lost dw $0000 ; script when talk again dw PokemaniacDonaldScript ; 0x7c12a PokemaniacDonaldScript: ; 0x7c12a talkaftercancel loadfont 2writetext UnknownText_0x7c52f closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x7c132 GrannyScript_0x7c132: ; 0x7c132 loadfont checkcode $b if_equal SUNDAY, UnknownScript_0x7c140 if_equal SATURDAY, UnknownScript_0x7c140 2jump UnknownScript_0x7c300 ; 0x7c140 UnknownScript_0x7c140: ; 0x7c140 pokemart $1, $0021 loadmovesprites end ; 0x7c146 GrampsScript_0x7c146: ; 0x7c146 loadfont checkflag $0056 iftrue UnknownScript_0x7c300 checkcode $b if_equal MONDAY, UnknownScript_0x7c156 2jump UnknownScript_0x7c300 ; 0x7c156 UnknownScript_0x7c156: ; 0x7c156 checktime $1 iffalse UnknownScript_0x7c300 pokemart $2, $0000 loadmovesprites end ; 0x7c161 SuperNerdScript_0x7c161: ; 0x7c161 loadfont checkcode $b if_equal TUESDAY, UnknownScript_0x7c173 if_equal THURSDAY, UnknownScript_0x7c173 if_equal SATURDAY, UnknownScript_0x7c173 2jump UnknownScript_0x7c300 ; 0x7c173 UnknownScript_0x7c173: ; 0x7c173 checkflag $005a iftrue UnknownScript_0x7c208 special $0051 2writetext UnknownText_0x7c5f9 yesorno iffalse UnknownScript_0x7c1fc checkmoney $0, 500 if_equal $2, UnknownScript_0x7c202 2writetext UnknownText_0x7c69a keeptextopen special $0061 if_equal $0, UnknownScript_0x7c1fc if_equal $1, UnknownScript_0x7c1fc setflag $005a if_equal $2, UnknownScript_0x7c1a9 if_equal $3, UnknownScript_0x7c1b5 2jump UnknownScript_0x7c1c1 ; 0x7c1a9 UnknownScript_0x7c1a9: ; 0x7c1a9 setevent $0000 clearevent $0001 clearevent $0002 2jump UnknownScript_0x7c1cd ; 0x7c1b5 UnknownScript_0x7c1b5: ; 0x7c1b5 clearevent $0000 setevent $0001 clearevent $0002 2jump UnknownScript_0x7c1cd ; 0x7c1c1 UnknownScript_0x7c1c1: ; 0x7c1c1 clearevent $0000 clearevent $0001 setevent $0002 2jump UnknownScript_0x7c1cd ; 0x7c1cd UnknownScript_0x7c1cd: ; 0x7c1cd takemoney $0, 500 special $0051 2writetext UnknownText_0x7c6b8 closetext loadmovesprites special $002e playmusic MUSIC_HEAL pause 60 special $0031 special $003d loadfont 2writetext UnknownText_0x7c6d8 closetext checkevent $0000 iftrue UnknownScript_0x7c2bb checkevent $0001 iftrue UnknownScript_0x7c2c4 2jump UnknownScript_0x7c2cd ; 0x7c1fc UnknownScript_0x7c1fc: ; 0x7c1fc 2writetext UnknownText_0x7c6ea closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x7c202 UnknownScript_0x7c202: ; 0x7c202 2writetext UnknownText_0x7c709 closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x7c208 UnknownScript_0x7c208: ; 0x7c208 2writetext UnknownText_0x7c72b closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x7c20e SuperNerdScript_0x7c20e: ; 0x7c20e loadfont checkcode $b if_equal SUNDAY, UnknownScript_0x7c220 if_equal WEDNESDAY, UnknownScript_0x7c220 if_equal FRIDAY, UnknownScript_0x7c220 2jump UnknownScript_0x7c300 ; 0x7c220 UnknownScript_0x7c220: ; 0x7c220 checkflag $005a iftrue UnknownScript_0x7c2b5 special $0051 2writetext UnknownText_0x7c75c yesorno iffalse UnknownScript_0x7c2a9 checkmoney $0, 300 if_equal $2, UnknownScript_0x7c2af 2writetext UnknownText_0x7c7f1 keeptextopen special $0062 if_equal $0, UnknownScript_0x7c2a9 if_equal $1, UnknownScript_0x7c2a9 setflag $005a if_equal $2, UnknownScript_0x7c256 if_equal $3, UnknownScript_0x7c262 2jump UnknownScript_0x7c26e ; 0x7c256 UnknownScript_0x7c256: ; 0x7c256 setevent $0000 clearevent $0001 clearevent $0002 2jump UnknownScript_0x7c27a ; 0x7c262 UnknownScript_0x7c262: ; 0x7c262 clearevent $0000 setevent $0001 clearevent $0002 2jump UnknownScript_0x7c27a ; 0x7c26e UnknownScript_0x7c26e: ; 0x7c26e clearevent $0000 clearevent $0001 setevent $0002 2jump UnknownScript_0x7c27a ; 0x7c27a UnknownScript_0x7c27a: ; 0x7c27a takemoney $0, 300 special $0051 2writetext UnknownText_0x7c80e closetext loadmovesprites special $002e playmusic MUSIC_HEAL pause 60 special $0031 special $003d loadfont 2writetext UnknownText_0x7c82a closetext checkevent $0000 iftrue UnknownScript_0x7c2bb checkevent $0001 iftrue UnknownScript_0x7c2c4 2jump UnknownScript_0x7c2cd ; 0x7c2a9 UnknownScript_0x7c2a9: ; 0x7c2a9 2writetext UnknownText_0x7c842 closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x7c2af UnknownScript_0x7c2af: ; 0x7c2af 2writetext UnknownText_0x7c85b closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x7c2b5 UnknownScript_0x7c2b5: ; 0x7c2b5 2writetext UnknownText_0x7c87b closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x7c2bb UnknownScript_0x7c2bb: ; 0x7c2bb 2writetext UnknownText_0x7c8bf special $0064 closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x7c2c4 UnknownScript_0x7c2c4: ; 0x7c2c4 2writetext UnknownText_0x7c8dc special $0064 closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x7c2cd UnknownScript_0x7c2cd: ; 0x7c2cd 2writetext UnknownText_0x7c8ee special $0064 closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x7c2d6 MapWarehouseEntranceSignpost0Script:: ; 0x7c2d6 loadfont checkevent EVENT_USED_BASEMENT_KEY iftrue UnknownScript_0x7c2fa checkitem BASEMENT_KEY iftrue UnknownScript_0x7c2e8 2writetext UnknownText_0x7c5b0 closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x7c2e8 UnknownScript_0x7c2e8: ; 0x7c2e8 playsound SFX_TRANSACTION 2writetext UnknownText_0x7c5d6 closetext loadmovesprites changeblock $12, $6, $2e reloadmappart loadmovesprites setevent EVENT_USED_BASEMENT_KEY end ; 0x7c2fa UnknownScript_0x7c2fa: ; 0x7c2fa 2writetext UnknownText_0x7c5c3 closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x7c300 UnknownScript_0x7c300: ; 0x7c300 2writetext UnknownText_0x7c904 closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x7c306 ItemFragment_0x7c306: ; 0x7c306 db COIN_CASE, 1 ; 0x7c308 MapWarehouseEntranceSignpost1Script: ; 0x7c308 jumptext UnknownText_0x7c91a ; 0x7c30b MapWarehouseEntranceSignpostItem2: ; 0x7c30b dw $008b db PARLYZ_HEAL ; 0x7c30e MapWarehouseEntranceSignpostItem3: ; 0x7c30e dw $008c db SUPER_POTION ; 0x7c311 MapWarehouseEntranceSignpostItem4: ; 0x7c311 dw $008d db ANTIDOTE ; 0x7c314 SupernerdEricSeenText: ; 0x7c314 text "I got booted out" line "of the GAME COR-" cont "NER." para "I was trying to" line "cheat using my" cont "#MON…" done ; 0x7c361 SupernerdEricBeatenText: ; 0x7c361 text "…Grumble…" done ; 0x7c36c UnknownText_0x7c36c: ; 0x7c36c text "I guess I have to" line "do things fair and" cont "square…" done ; 0x7c39a SupernerdTeruSeenText: ; 0x7c39a text "Do you consider" line "type alignments in" cont "battle?" para "If you know your" line "type advantages," para "you'll do better" line "in battle." done ; 0x7c403 SupernerdTeruBeatenText: ; 0x7c403 text "Ow, ow, ow!" done ; 0x7c410 UnknownText_0x7c410: ; 0x7c410 text "I know my #MON" line "type alignments." para "But I only use one" line "type of #MON." done ; 0x7c452 PokemaniacIssacSeenText: ; 0x7c452 text "My #MON just" line "got a haircut!" para "I'll show you how" line "strong it is!" done ; 0x7c48e PokemaniacIssacBeatenText: ; 0x7c48e text "Aiyeeee!" done ; 0x7c498 UnknownText_0x7c498: ; 0x7c498 text "Your #MON will" line "like you more if" para "you give them" line "haircuts." done ; 0x7c4d1 PokemaniacDonaldSeenText: ; 0x7c4d1 text "I think you have" line "some rare #MON" cont "with you." para "Let me see them!" done ; 0x7c50d PokemaniacDonaldBeatenText: ; 0x7c50d text "Gaah! I lost!" line "That makes me mad!" done ; 0x7c52f UnknownText_0x7c52f: ; 0x7c52f text "Are you making a" line "#DEX? Here's a" cont "hot tip." para "The HIKER on ROUTE" line "33, ANTHONY, is a" cont "good guy." para "He'll phone you if" line "he sees any rare" cont "#MON." done ; 0x7c5b0 UnknownText_0x7c5b0: ; 0x7c5b0 text "The door's locked…" done ; 0x7c5c3 UnknownText_0x7c5c3: ; 0x7c5c3 text "The door is open." done ; 0x7c5d6 UnknownText_0x7c5d6: ; 0x7c5d6 text "The BASEMENT KEY" line "opened the door." done ; 0x7c5f9 UnknownText_0x7c5f9: ; 0x7c5f9 text "Welcome!" para "I run the #MON" line "SALON!" para "I'm the older and" line "better of the two" cont "HAIRCUT BROTHERS." para "I can make your" line "#MON beautiful" cont "for just ¥500." para "Would you like me" line "to do that?" done ; 0x7c69a UnknownText_0x7c69a: ; 0x7c69a text "Which #MON" line "should I work on?" done ; 0x7c6b8 UnknownText_0x7c6b8: ; 0x7c6b8 text "OK! Watch it" line "become beautiful!" done ; 0x7c6d8 UnknownText_0x7c6d8: ; 0x7c6d8 text "There! All done!" done ; 0x7c6ea UnknownText_0x7c6ea: ; 0x7c6ea text "Is that right?" line "That's a shame!" done ; 0x7c709 UnknownText_0x7c709: ; 0x7c709 text "You'll need more" line "money than that." done ; 0x7c72b UnknownText_0x7c72b: ; 0x7c72b text "I do only one" line "haircut a day. I'm" cont "done for today." done ; 0x7c75c UnknownText_0x7c75c: ; 0x7c75c text "Welcome to the" line "#MON SALON!" para "I'm the younger" line "and less expen-" cont "sive of the two" cont "HAIRCUT BROTHERS." para "I'll spiff up your" line "#MON for just" cont "¥300." para "So? How about it?" done ; 0x7c7f1 UnknownText_0x7c7f1: ; 0x7c7f1 text "OK, which #MON" line "should I do?" done ; 0x7c80e UnknownText_0x7c80e: ; 0x7c80e text "OK! I'll make it" line "look cool!" done ; 0x7c82a UnknownText_0x7c82a: ; 0x7c82a text "There we go!" line "All done!" done ; 0x7c842 UnknownText_0x7c842: ; 0x7c842 text "No? " line "How disappointing!" done ; 0x7c85b UnknownText_0x7c85b: ; 0x7c85b text "You're a little" line "short on funds." done ; 0x7c87b UnknownText_0x7c87b: ; 0x7c87b text "I can do only one" line "haircut a day." para "Sorry, but I'm all" line "done for today." done ; 0x7c8bf UnknownText_0x7c8bf: ; 0x7c8bf text_from_ram $d099 text " looks a" line "little happier." done ; 0x7c8dc UnknownText_0x7c8dc: ; 0x7c8dc text_from_ram $d099 text " looks" line "happy." done ; 0x7c8ee UnknownText_0x7c8ee: ; 0x7c8ee text_from_ram $d099 text " looks" line "delighted!" done ; 0x7c904 UnknownText_0x7c904: ; 0x7c904 text "We're not open" line "today." done ; 0x7c91a UnknownText_0x7c91a: ; 0x7c91a text "NO ENTRY BEYOND" line "THIS POINT" done ; 0x7c936 WarehouseEntrance_MapEventHeader: ; 0x7c936 ; filler db 0, 0 ; warps db 6 warp_def $2, $3, 7, GROUP_UNDERGROUND_PATH_SWITCH_ROOM_ENTRANCES, MAP_UNDERGROUND_PATH_SWITCH_ROOM_ENTRANCES warp_def $22, $3, 4, GROUP_UNDERGROUND_PATH_SWITCH_ROOM_ENTRANCES, MAP_UNDERGROUND_PATH_SWITCH_ROOM_ENTRANCES warp_def $6, $12, 4, GROUP_WAREHOUSE_ENTRANCE, MAP_WAREHOUSE_ENTRANCE warp_def $1f, $15, 3, GROUP_WAREHOUSE_ENTRANCE, MAP_WAREHOUSE_ENTRANCE warp_def $1f, $16, 3, GROUP_WAREHOUSE_ENTRANCE, MAP_WAREHOUSE_ENTRANCE warp_def $1b, $16, 1, GROUP_UNDERGROUND_PATH_SWITCH_ROOM_ENTRANCES, MAP_UNDERGROUND_PATH_SWITCH_ROOM_ENTRANCES ; xy triggers db 0 ; signposts db 5 signpost 6, 18, $0, MapWarehouseEntranceSignpost0Script signpost 6, 19, $0, MapWarehouseEntranceSignpost1Script signpost 13, 6, $7, MapWarehouseEntranceSignpostItem2 signpost 18, 4, $7, MapWarehouseEntranceSignpostItem3 signpost 8, 17, $7, MapWarehouseEntranceSignpostItem4 ; people-events db 9 person_event SPRITE_SUPER_NERD, 35, 9, $8, $0, 255, 255, $b2, 3, TrainerSupernerdEric, $ffff person_event SPRITE_SUPER_NERD, 13, 10, $7, $0, 255, 255, $b2, 2, TrainerSupernerdTeru, $ffff person_event SPRITE_SUPER_NERD, 31, 7, $a, $0, 255, 255, $92, 2, TrainerPokemaniacIssac, $ffff person_event SPRITE_SUPER_NERD, 10, 6, $9, $0, 255, 255, $92, 3, TrainerPokemaniacDonald, $ffff person_event SPRITE_POKE_BALL, 29, 11, $1, $0, 255, 255, $1, 0, ItemFragment_0x7c306, $0672 person_event SPRITE_GRAMPS, 15, 11, $8, $0, 255, 255, $b0, 0, GrampsScript_0x7c146, $0753 person_event SPRITE_SUPER_NERD, 18, 11, $8, $0, 255, 255, $90, 0, SuperNerdScript_0x7c161, $0754 person_event SPRITE_SUPER_NERD, 19, 11, $8, $0, 255, 255, $a0, 0, SuperNerdScript_0x7c20e, $0755 person_event SPRITE_GRANNY, 25, 11, $8, $0, 255, 255, $b0, 0, GrannyScript_0x7c132, $0752 ; 0x7c9e8