shithub: pokecrystal

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ref: 6393ecb7e5d1f105db65cb831964b925db2bb2e8
parent: 9e9f43bce776cfb92991bd601115c65baca07230
author: Rangi <[email protected]>
date: Sun Mar 3 14:55:28 EST 2019

More consistent formatting

--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -247,30 +247,37 @@
-**Fix:** Edit the end of [hram.asm](/hram.asm) to create a new temporary variable:
+First, edit [hram.asm](/hram.asm):
  hClockResetTrigger:: db ; ffeb
 +hIsConfusionDamage:: db ; ffec
-Then edit `HitSelfInConfusion` in [engine/battle/effect_commands.asm](/engine/battle/effect_commands.asm):
+Then edit four routines in [engine/battle/effect_commands.asm](/engine/battle/effect_commands.asm):
+ HitSelfInConfusion:
+ 	...
+ 	call TruncateHL_BC
+ 	ld d, 40
  	pop af
  	ld e, a
-+	ld a, 1
++	ld a, TRUE
 +	ldh [hIsConfusionDamage], a
-Then, in the same file, edit `BattleCommand_DamageCalc`:
+ BattleCommand_DamageCalc:
+ ; damagecalc
+ 	...
 +	xor a ; Not confusion damage
 +	ldh [hIsConfusionDamage], a
++	; fallthrough
  ; Minimum defense value is 1.
@@ -279,28 +286,44 @@
  	jr nz, .not_dividing_by_zero
  	ld c, 1
+ 	...
  ; Item boosts
++; Item boosts don't apply to confusion damage
 +	ldh a, [hIsConfusionDamage]
 +	and a
-+	jr nz, .DoneItem ; Item boosts don't apply to confusion damage
++	jr nz, .DoneItem
  	call GetUserItem
+ 	...
-Finally, replace the calls in `CheckEnemyTurn` and `HitConfusion`, still in the same file:
+ CheckEnemyTurn:
+ 	...
  	ld hl, HurtItselfText
  	call StdBattleTextBox
  	call HitSelfInConfusion
 -	call BattleCommand_DamageCalc
 +	call ConfusionDamageCalc
  	call BattleCommand_LowerSub
+ 	...
+ HitConfusion:
+ 	ld hl, HurtItselfText
+ 	call StdBattleTextBox
+ 	xor a
+ 	ld [wCriticalHit], a
  	call HitSelfInConfusion
 -	call BattleCommand_DamageCalc
 +	call ConfusionDamageCalc
--- a/engine/battle/effect_commands.asm
+++ b/engine/battle/effect_commands.asm
@@ -504,9 +504,11 @@
 	ld hl, HurtItselfText
 	call StdBattleTextBox
 	call HitSelfInConfusion
 	call BattleCommand_DamageCalc
 	call BattleCommand_LowerSub
 	xor a
 	ld [wNumHits], a