shithub: pokecrystal

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ref: 50fc9c3389ae8130d3670683f22f3e49555c57a3
parent: 43a1e5b5ba734b098098ede60898facc79a7753c
author: xCrystal <[email protected]>
date: Thu Dec 28 17:31:16 EST 2017

endm -> ENDM

--- a/constants/deco_constants.asm
+++ b/constants/deco_constants.asm
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
 deco: MACRO
 	const DECO_\1
 	enum DECOFLAG_\1
 ; decorations:
 ; - DecorationAttributes (see data/decorations/attributes.asm)
--- a/constants/map_constants.asm
+++ b/constants/map_constants.asm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 newgroup: MACRO
 const_value = const_value + 1
 	enum_start 1
 mapgroup: MACRO
 ;\1: map id
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 	enum MAP_\1
 \1_WIDTH EQU \3
 ; map group ids
 ; `newgroup` indexes are for:
--- a/data/battle_anims/objects.asm
+++ b/data/battle_anims/objects.asm
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 	db \4 ; callback
 	db \5 ; palette
 	db \6 ; tile offset
 BattleAnimObjects: ; ccb56
 ; entries correspond to ANIM_OBJ_* constants
--- a/data/map_objects.asm
+++ b/data/map_objects.asm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 sprite_movement_data: MACRO
 	db \1, \2, \3, \4, \5
 	dn \6, 0
 SpriteMovementData:: ; 4273
 ; entries correspond to SPRITEMOVEDATA_* constants
--- a/data/odd_eggs.asm
+++ b/data/odd_eggs.asm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 prob: MACRO
 prob_total = prob_total + (\1)
 	dw prob_total * $ffff / 100
 prob_total = 0
--- a/data/palettes/town_map.asm
+++ b/data/palettes/town_map.asm
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 ; gfx/pokegear/town_map.png
--- a/data/phone_contacts.asm
+++ b/data/phone_contacts.asm
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 	dba \5
 	db  \6
 	dba \7
 PhoneContacts: ; 9045f
 ; entries correspond to PHONE_* constants
--- a/data/phone_special.asm
+++ b/data/phone_special.asm
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 	dw \1
 	db \2
 	dba \3
 SpecialPhoneCallList: ; 90627
 ; entries correspond to SPECIALCALL_* constants
--- a/data/unown_words.asm
+++ b/data/unown_words.asm
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 x = x + 1
 	db -1
 UnownWords: ; fba5a
 ; entries correspond to Unown forms
--- a/data/wild/roammon_maps.asm
+++ b/data/wild/roammon_maps.asm
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 	db 0
 RoamMaps: ; 2a40f
 	roam_map ROUTE_29, 2, ROUTE_30, ROUTE_46
--- a/data/wild/treemon_maps.asm
+++ b/data/wild/treemon_maps.asm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 treemon_map: MACRO
 	map \1
 	db  \2 ; treemon set
 TreeMonMaps: ; b825e
 	treemon_map ROUTE_26, 4
--- a/engine/battle/battle_transition.asm
+++ b/engine/battle/battle_transition.asm
@@ -832,7 +832,7 @@
 ; width, height, start y, start x
 	db \1, \2
 	dwcoord \3, \4
 	zoombox  4,  2,  8, 8
 	zoombox  6,  4,  7, 7
 	zoombox  8,  6,  6, 6
--- a/engine/battle_anims/bg_effects.asm
+++ b/engine/battle_anims/bg_effects.asm
@@ -871,7 +871,7 @@
 bgsquare: MACRO
 	dn \1, \2
 	dw \3
 	bgsquare 6, 6, .SixBySix
 	bgsquare 4, 4, .FourByFour
--- a/engine/billspc.asm
+++ b/engine/billspc.asm
@@ -1450,7 +1450,7 @@
 	ld a, [wd004]
 	inc a
 	ld [wBillsPC_NumMonsInBox], a
 CopyBoxmonSpecies: ; e2d30 (38:6d30)
 	xor a
--- a/engine/card_flip.asm
+++ b/engine/card_flip.asm
@@ -1413,7 +1413,7 @@
 	dbpixel \1, \2
 	dw \3
 	cardflip_cursor 11,  2,       .Impossible
 	cardflip_cursor 12,  2,       .Impossible
--- a/engine/events/crystal_unown.asm
+++ b/engine/events/crystal_unown.asm
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@
 	db $ff
 	; db      $08, $44, $04, $00, $2e, $08, $ff
--- a/engine/events/print_unown_2.asm
+++ b/engine/events/print_unown_2.asm
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
 y = y + 1
 UnownPrinter_OverworldMapRectangle: ; e008b
 	overworldmaprect 7, 7
--- a/engine/pic_animation.asm
+++ b/engine/pic_animation.asm
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
 PokeAnim_SetupCommands: ; d00da
 setup_command: MACRO
 \1_: dw \1
 	setup_command PokeAnim_Finish
 	setup_command PokeAnim_BasePic
 	setup_command PokeAnim_SetWait
@@ -586,7 +586,7 @@
 y = y + 7
 PokeAnim_ConvertAndApplyBitmask: ; d036b
 	xor a
--- a/engine/unown_puzzle.asm
+++ b/engine/unown_puzzle.asm
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@
 	initpuzcoord 0,0, 0,1, 0,2, 0,3, 0,4, 0,5
 	initpuzcoord 1,0,                     1,5
 	initpuzcoord 2,0,                     2,5
@@ -603,7 +603,7 @@
 	dbpixel \1, \2, \3, \4
 	dwcoord \5, \6
 	db \7, \8
 ; OAM coords, tilemap coords, vacant tile, filler
 	puzzle_coords  3,  3, 4, 4,  1,  0, PUZZLE_BORDER, 0
 	puzzle_coords  6,  3, 4, 4,  4,  0, PUZZLE_BORDER, 0
--- a/home/text.asm
+++ b/home/text.asm
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@
 	cp \1
 	jp z, \2
 dict2: MACRO
 	cp \1
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@
 	jr nz, ._\@
 	ld a, \2
 	dict "<DAY>",     Char15
 	dict "<LINE>",    LineChar
@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@
 	push de
 	ld de, \1
 	jp PlaceCommandCharacter
 PrintMomsName:   print_name MomsName   ; 1186
 PrintPlayerName: print_name PlayerName ; 118d
--- a/macros/base_stats.asm
+++ b/macros/base_stats.asm
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 if !def(\1)
 \1 EQUS \2
 const_value = 0
--- a/macros/code.asm
+++ b/macros/code.asm
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
 lb: MACRO ; r, hi, lo
 	ld \1, (\2 & $ff) << 8 + (\3 & $ff)
 ln: MACRO ; r, hi, lo
 	ld \1, (\2 & $f) << 4 + (\3 & $f)
 ldpixel: MACRO
 if _NARG >= 5
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 	lb \1, \2 * 8, \3 * 8
 depixel EQUS "ldpixel de,"
 bcpixel EQUS "ldpixel bc,"
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
 	ld h, [hl]
 	ld l, a
 	jp hl
 ; Many mobile functions were dummied out in localization.
 mobile EQUS "ret"
@@ -52,4 +52,4 @@
 	and x
--- a/macros/coords.asm
+++ b/macros/coords.asm
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 	ld \1, \4 + SCREEN_WIDTH * (\3) + (\2)
 dwcoord: MACRO
 	rept _NARG / 2
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 ldcoord_a: MACRO
 	if _NARG < 3
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 	ld [\3 + SCREEN_WIDTH * (\2) + (\1)], a
 lda_coord: MACRO
 	if _NARG < 3
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
 	ld a, [\3 + SCREEN_WIDTH * (\2) + (\1)]
 bgrows EQUS "* $20" ; SCREEN_WIDTH
--- a/macros/data.asm
+++ b/macros/data.asm
@@ -3,27 +3,27 @@
 dwb: MACRO
 	dw \1
 	db \2
 dbw: MACRO
 	db \1
 	dw \2
 dbbw: MACRO
 	db \1, \2
 	dw \3
 dbww: MACRO
 	db \1
 	dw \2, \3
 dbwww: MACRO
 	db \1
 	dw \2, \3, \4
 dn: MACRO ; nybbles
 	rept _NARG / 2
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 dc: MACRO ; "crumbs"
 	rept _NARG / 4
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
 dx: MACRO
 x = 8 * ((\1) - 1)
@@ -49,19 +49,19 @@
 	db ((\2) >> x) & $ff
 x = x + -8
 dt: MACRO ; three-byte (big-endian)
 	dx 3, \1
 dd: MACRO ; four-byte (big-endian)
 	dx 4, \1
 bigdw: MACRO ; big-endian word
 	dx 2, \1
 dba: MACRO ; dbw bank, address
 	rept _NARG
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
 	dbw BANK(\1), \1
 dab: MACRO ; dwb address, bank
 	rept _NARG
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
 	dwb \1, BANK(\1)
 dba_pic: MACRO ; dbw bank, address
 	db BANK(\1) - PICS_FIX
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
 	db \1 * 8, \2 * 8
 dsprite: MACRO
 ; conditional segment is there because not every instance of
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
 	db (\1 * 8) % $100 + \2, (\3 * 8) % $100 + \4, \5, \6
 sine_wave: MACRO
--- a/macros/enum.asm
+++ b/macros/enum.asm
@@ -11,16 +11,16 @@
 __enumdir__ = +1
 enum: MACRO
 \1 = __enum__
 __enum__ = __enum__ + __enumdir__
 enum_set: MACRO
 __enum__ = \1
 ; Enumerate constants
--- a/macros/rst.asm
+++ b/macros/rst.asm
@@ -6,13 +6,13 @@
 	ld a, BANK(\1)
 	ld hl, \1
 	rst FarCall
 callfar: MACRO ; address, bank
 	ld hl, \1
 	ld a, BANK(\1)
 	rst FarCall
 ; legacy support for pre-2018 pokecrystal
 callba EQUS "farcall"
@@ -26,4 +26,4 @@
 	call \1
 	pop af
 	rst Bankswitch
--- a/macros/scripts/audio.asm
+++ b/macros/scripts/audio.asm
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
 musicheader: MACRO
 	; number of tracks, track idx, address
 	dbw ((\1 - 1) << 6) + (\2 - 1), \3
-	endm
 note: MACRO
 	dn (\1), (\2) - 1
 sound: MACRO
 	note \1, \2
 	db \3 ; intensity
 	dw \4 ; frequency
-	endm
 noise: MACRO
 	note \1, \2 ; duration
 	db \3 ; intensity
 	db \4 ; frequency
-	endm
 ; MusicCommands indexes (see audio/engine.asm)
 	enum_start $d8
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 	enum notetype_cmd ; $d8
 octave: MACRO
 	db notetype_cmd - (\1)
-	endm
 notetype: MACRO
 	db notetype_cmd
@@ -33,37 +33,37 @@
 	if _NARG >= 2
 	db \2 ; intensity
-	endm
 	enum pitchoffset_cmd ; $d9
 pitchoffset: MACRO
 	db pitchoffset_cmd
 	dn \1, \2 - 1 ; octave, key
-	endm
 	enum tempo_cmd ; $da
 tempo: MACRO
 	db tempo_cmd
 	bigdw \1 ; tempo
-	endm
 	enum dutycycle_cmd ; $db
 dutycycle: MACRO
 	db dutycycle_cmd
 	db \1 ; duty_cycle
-	endm
 	enum intensity_cmd ; $dc
 intensity: MACRO
 	db intensity_cmd
 	db \1 ; intensity
-	endm
 	enum soundinput_cmd ; $dd
 soundinput: MACRO
 	db soundinput_cmd
 	db \1 ; input
-	endm
 	enum sound_duty_cmd ; $de
 sound_duty: MACRO
@@ -73,12 +73,12 @@
 	db \1 ; one-byte duty value for legacy support
-	endm
 	enum togglesfx_cmd ; $df
 togglesfx: MACRO
 	db togglesfx_cmd
-	endm
 	enum slidepitchto_cmd ; $e0
 slidepitchto: MACRO
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
 	db slidepitchto_cmd
 	db \1 - 1 ; duration
 	dn \2, \3 ; octave, pitch
-	endm
 	enum vibrato_cmd ; $e1
 vibrato: MACRO
@@ -92,146 +92,146 @@
 	db vibrato_cmd
 	db \1 ; delay
 	db \2 ; extent
-	endm
 	enum unknownmusic0xe2_cmd ; $e2
 unknownmusic0xe2: MACRO
 	db unknownmusic0xe2_cmd
 	db \1 ; unknown
-	endm
 	enum togglenoise_cmd ; $e3
 togglenoise: MACRO
 	db togglenoise_cmd
 	db \1 ; id
-	endm
 	enum panning_cmd ; $e4
 panning: MACRO
 	db panning_cmd
 	db \1 ; tracks
-	endm
 	enum volume_cmd ; $e5
 volume: MACRO
 	db volume_cmd
 	db \1 ; volume
-	endm
 	enum tone_cmd ; $e6
 tone: MACRO
 	db tone_cmd
 	bigdw \1 ; tone
-	endm
 	enum unknownmusic0xe7_cmd ; $e7
 unknownmusic0xe7: MACRO
 	db unknownmusic0xe7_cmd
 	db \1 ; unknown
-	endm
 	enum unknownmusic0xe8_cmd ; $e8
 unknownmusic0xe8: MACRO
 	db unknownmusic0xe8_cmd
 	db \1 ; unknown
-	endm
 	enum tempo_relative_cmd ; $e9
 tempo_relative: MACRO
 	db tempo_relative_cmd
 	bigdw \1 ; value
-	endm
 	enum restartchannel_cmd ; $ea
 restartchannel: MACRO
 	db restartchannel_cmd
 	dw \1 ; address
-	endm
 	enum newsong_cmd ; $eb
 newsong: MACRO
 	db newsong_cmd
 	bigdw \1 ; id
-	endm
 	enum sfxpriorityon_cmd ; $ec
 sfxpriorityon: MACRO
 	db sfxpriorityon_cmd
-	endm
 	enum sfxpriorityoff_cmd ; $ed
 sfxpriorityoff: MACRO
 	db sfxpriorityoff_cmd
-	endm
 	enum unknownmusic0xee_cmd ; $ee
 unknownmusic0xee: MACRO
 	db unknownmusic0xee_cmd
 	dw \1 ; address
-	endm
 	enum stereopanning_cmd ; $ef
 stereopanning: MACRO
 	db stereopanning_cmd
 	db \1 ; tracks
-	endm
 	enum sfxtogglenoise_cmd ; $f0
 sfxtogglenoise: MACRO
 	db sfxtogglenoise_cmd
 	db \1 ; id
-	endm
 	enum music0xf1_cmd ; $f1
 music0xf1: MACRO
 	db music0xf1_cmd
-	endm
 	enum music0xf2_cmd ; $f2
 music0xf2: MACRO
 	db music0xf2_cmd
-	endm
 	enum music0xf3_cmd ; $f3
 music0xf3: MACRO
 	db music0xf3_cmd
-	endm
 	enum music0xf4_cmd ; $f4
 music0xf4: MACRO
 	db music0xf4_cmd
-	endm
 	enum music0xf5_cmd ; $f5
 music0xf5: MACRO
 	db music0xf5_cmd
-	endm
 	enum music0xf6_cmd ; $f6
 music0xf6: MACRO
 	db music0xf6_cmd
-	endm
 	enum music0xf7_cmd ; $f7
 music0xf7: MACRO
 	db music0xf7_cmd
-	endm
 	enum music0xf8_cmd ; $f8
 music0xf8: MACRO
 	db music0xf8_cmd
-	endm
 	enum unknownmusic0xf9_cmd ; $f9
 unknownmusic0xf9: MACRO
 	db unknownmusic0xf9_cmd
-	endm
 	enum setcondition_cmd ; $fa
 setcondition: MACRO
 	db setcondition_cmd
 	db \1 ; condition
-	endm
 	enum jumpif_cmd ; $fb
 jumpif: MACRO
@@ -238,13 +238,13 @@
 	db jumpif_cmd
 	db \1 ; condition
 	dw \2 ; address
-	endm
 	enum jumpchannel_cmd ; $fc
 jumpchannel: MACRO
 	db jumpchannel_cmd
 	dw \1 ; address
-	endm
 	enum loopchannel_cmd ; $fd
 loopchannel: MACRO
@@ -251,15 +251,15 @@
 	db loopchannel_cmd
 	db \1 ; count
 	dw \2 ; address
-	endm
 	enum callchannel_cmd ; $fe
 callchannel: MACRO
 	db callchannel_cmd
 	dw \1 ; address
-	endm
 	enum endchannel_cmd ; $ff
 endchannel: MACRO
 	db endchannel_cmd
-	endm
--- a/macros/scripts/battle_anims.asm
+++ b/macros/scripts/battle_anims.asm
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 	flip out
 	db \1
-	endm
 ; BattleAnimCommands indexes (see engine/battle_anims/anim_commands.asm)
 	enum_start $d0
@@ -15,13 +15,13 @@
 	db (\2 << 3) + \3 ; x
 	db (\4 << 3) + \5 ; y
 	db \6 ; param
-	endm
 	enum anim_1gfx_command ; $d1
 anim_1gfx: MACRO
 	db anim_1gfx_command
 	db \1 ; gfx1
-	endm
 	enum anim_2gfx_command ; $d2
 anim_2gfx: MACRO
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 	db anim_2gfx_command
 	db \1 ; gfx1
 	db \2 ; gfx2
-	endm
 	enum anim_3gfx_command ; $d3
 anim_3gfx: MACRO
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
 	db \1 ; gfx1
 	db \2 ; gfx2
 	db \3 ; gfx3
-	endm
 	enum anim_4gfx_command ; $d4
 anim_4gfx: MACRO
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
 	db \2 ; gfx2
 	db \3 ; gfx3
 	db \4 ; gfx4
-	endm
 	enum anim_5gfx_command ; $d5
 anim_5gfx: MACRO
@@ -55,13 +55,13 @@
 	db \3 ; gfx3
 	db \4 ; gfx4
 	db \5 ; gfx5
-	endm
 	enum anim_incobj_command ; $d6
 anim_incobj: MACRO
 	db anim_incobj_command
 	db \1 ; id
-	endm
 	enum anim_setobj_command ; $d7
 anim_setobj: MACRO
@@ -68,48 +68,48 @@
 	db anim_setobj_command
 	db \1 ; id
 	db \2 ; obj
-	endm
 	enum anim_incbgeffect_command ; $d8
 anim_incbgeffect: MACRO
 	db anim_incbgeffect_command
 	db \1 ; effect
-	endm
 	enum anim_enemyfeetobj_command ; $d9
 anim_enemyfeetobj: MACRO
 	db anim_enemyfeetobj_command
-	endm
 	enum anim_playerheadobj_command ; $da
 anim_playerheadobj: MACRO
 	db anim_playerheadobj_command
-	endm
 	enum anim_checkpokeball_command ; $db
 anim_checkpokeball: MACRO
 	db anim_checkpokeball_command
-	endm
 	enum anim_transform_command ; $dc
 anim_transform: MACRO
 	db anim_transform_command
-	endm
 	enum anim_raisesub_command ; $dd
 anim_raisesub: MACRO
 	db anim_raisesub_command
-	endm
 	enum anim_dropsub_command ; $de
 anim_dropsub: MACRO
 	db anim_dropsub_command
-	endm
 	enum anim_resetobp0_command ; $df
 anim_resetobp0: MACRO
 	db anim_resetobp0_command
-	endm
 	enum anim_sound_command ; $e0
 anim_sound: MACRO
@@ -116,73 +116,73 @@
 	db anim_sound_command
 	db (\1 << 2) | \2 ; duration, tracks
 	db \3 ; id
-	endm
 	enum anim_cry_command ; $e1
 anim_cry: MACRO
 	db anim_cry_command
 	db \1 ; pitch
-	endm
 	enum anim_minimizeopp_command ; $e2
 anim_minimizeopp: MACRO
 	db anim_minimizeopp_command
-	endm
 	enum anim_oamon_command ; $e3
 anim_oamon: MACRO
 	db anim_oamon_command
-	endm
 	enum anim_oamoff_command ; $e4
 anim_oamoff: MACRO
 	db anim_oamoff_command
-	endm
 	enum anim_clearobjs_command ; $e5
 anim_clearobjs: MACRO
 	db anim_clearobjs_command
-	endm
 	enum anim_beatup_command ; $e6
 anim_beatup: MACRO
 	db anim_beatup_command
-	endm
 	enum anim_0xe7_command ; $e7
 anim_0xe7: MACRO
 	db anim_0xe7_command
-	endm
 	enum anim_updateactorpic_command ; $e8
 anim_updateactorpic: MACRO
 	db anim_updateactorpic_command
-	endm
 	enum anim_minimize_command ; $e9
 anim_minimize: MACRO
 	db anim_minimize_command
-	endm
 	enum anim_0xea_command ; $ea
 anim_0xea: MACRO
 	db anim_0xea_command
-	endm
 	enum anim_0xeb_command ; $eb
 anim_0xeb: MACRO
 	db anim_0xeb_command
-	endm
 	enum anim_0xec_command ; $ec
 anim_0xec: MACRO
 	db anim_0xec_command
-	endm
 	enum anim_0xed_command ; $ed
 anim_0xed: MACRO
 	db anim_0xed_command
-	endm
 	enum anim_if_param_and_command ; $ee
 anim_if_param_and: MACRO
@@ -189,13 +189,13 @@
 	db anim_if_param_and_command
 	db \1 ; value
 	dw \2 ; address
-	endm
 	enum anim_jumpuntil_command ; $ef
 anim_jumpuntil: MACRO
 	db anim_jumpuntil_command
 	dw \1 ; address
-	endm
 	enum anim_bgeffect_command ; $f0
 anim_bgeffect: MACRO
@@ -204,45 +204,45 @@
 	db \2 ; unknown
 	db \3 ; unknown
 	db \4 ; unknown
-	endm
 	enum anim_bgp_command ; $f1
 anim_bgp: MACRO
 	db anim_bgp_command
 	db \1 ; colors
-	endm
 	enum anim_obp0_command ; $f2
 anim_obp0: MACRO
 	db anim_obp0_command
 	db \1 ; colors
-	endm
 	enum anim_obp1_command ; $f3
 anim_obp1: MACRO
 	db anim_obp1_command
 	db \1 ; colors
-	endm
 	enum anim_clearsprites_command ; $f4
 anim_clearsprites: MACRO
 	db anim_clearsprites_command
-	endm
 	enum anim_0xf5_command ; $f5
 anim_0xf5: MACRO
 	db anim_0xf5_command
-	endm
 	enum anim_0xf6_command ; $f6
 anim_0xf6: MACRO
 	db anim_0xf6_command
-	endm
 	enum anim_0xf7_command ; $f7
 anim_0xf7: MACRO
 	db anim_0xf7_command
-	endm
 	enum anim_if_param_equal_command ; $f8
 anim_if_param_equal: MACRO
@@ -249,18 +249,18 @@
 	db anim_if_param_equal_command
 	db \1 ; value
 	dw \2 ; address
-	endm
 	enum anim_setvar_command ; $f9
 anim_setvar: MACRO
 	db anim_setvar_command
 	db \1 ; value
-	endm
 	enum anim_incvar_command ; $fa
 anim_incvar: MACRO
 	db anim_incvar_command
-	endm
 	enum anim_if_var_equal_command ; $fb
 anim_if_var_equal: MACRO
@@ -267,13 +267,13 @@
 	db anim_if_var_equal_command
 	db \1 ; value
 	dw \2 ; address
-	endm
 	enum anim_jump_command ; $fc
 anim_jump: MACRO
 	db anim_jump_command
 	dw \1 ; address
-	endm
 	enum anim_loop_command ; $fd
 anim_loop: MACRO
@@ -280,15 +280,15 @@
 	db anim_loop_command
 	db \1 ; count
 	dw \2 ; address
-	endm
 	enum anim_call_command ; $fe
 anim_call: MACRO
 	db anim_call_command
 	dw \1 ; address
-	endm
 	enum anim_ret_command ; $ff
 anim_ret: MACRO
 	db anim_ret_command
-	endm
--- a/macros/scripts/battle_commands.asm
+++ b/macros/scripts/battle_commands.asm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 command: MACRO
 	enum \1_command
 \1 EQUS "db \1_command"
 ; BattleCommandPointers indexes (see data/battle_command_pointers.asm)
 	enum_start 1
--- a/macros/scripts/events.asm
+++ b/macros/scripts/events.asm
@@ -5,37 +5,37 @@
 scall: MACRO
 	db scall_command
 	dw \1 ; pointer
-	endm
 	enum farscall_command ; $01
 farscall: MACRO
 	db farscall_command
 	dba \1
-	endm
 	enum ptcall_command ; $02
 ptcall: MACRO
 	db ptcall_command
 	dw \1 ; pointer
-	endm
 	enum jump_command ; $03
 jump: MACRO
 	db jump_command
 	dw \1 ; pointer
-	endm
 	enum farjump_command ; $04
 farjump: MACRO
 	db farjump_command
 	dba \1
-	endm
 	enum ptjump_command ; $05
 ptjump: MACRO
 	db ptjump_command
 	dw \1 ; pointer
-	endm
 	enum if_equal_command ; $06
 if_equal: MACRO
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
 	db if_equal_command
 	db \1 ; byte
 	dw \2 ; pointer
-	endm
 	enum if_not_equal_command ; $07
 if_not_equal: MACRO
@@ -49,19 +49,19 @@
 	db if_not_equal_command
 	db \1 ; byte
 	dw \2 ; pointer
-	endm
 	enum iffalse_command ; $08
 iffalse: MACRO
 	db iffalse_command
 	dw \1 ; pointer
-	endm
 	enum iftrue_command ; $09
 iftrue: MACRO
 	db iftrue_command
 	dw \1 ; pointer
-	endm
 	enum if_greater_than_command ; $0a
 if_greater_than: MACRO
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
 	db if_greater_than_command
 	db \1 ; byte
 	dw \2 ; pointer
-	endm
 	enum if_less_than_command ; $0b
 if_less_than: MACRO
@@ -75,31 +75,31 @@
 	db if_less_than_command
 	db \1 ; byte
 	dw \2 ; pointer
-	endm
 	enum jumpstd_command ; $0c
 jumpstd: MACRO
 	db jumpstd_command
 	dw \1 ; predefined_script
-	endm
 	enum callstd_command ; $0d
 callstd: MACRO
 	db callstd_command
 	dw \1 ; predefined_script
-	endm
 	enum callasm_command ; $0e
 callasm: MACRO
 	db callasm_command
 	dba \1
-	endm
 	enum special_command ; $0f
 special: MACRO
 	db special_command
 	dw (\1Special - SpecialsPointers) / 3
-	endm
 add_special: MACRO
@@ -110,13 +110,13 @@
 ptcallasm: MACRO
 	db ptcallasm_command
 	dw \1 ; asm
-	endm
 	enum checkmapscene_command ; $11
 checkmapscene: MACRO
 	db checkmapscene_command
 	map \1 ; map
-	endm
 	enum setmapscene_command ; $12
 setmapscene: MACRO
@@ -123,53 +123,53 @@
 	db setmapscene_command
 	map \1 ; map
 	db \2 ; scene_id
-	endm
 	enum checkscene_command ; $13
 checkscene: MACRO
 	db checkscene_command
-	endm
 	enum setscene_command ; $14
 setscene: MACRO
 	db setscene_command
 	db \1 ; scene_id
-	endm
 	enum writebyte_command ; $15
 writebyte: MACRO
 	db writebyte_command
 	db \1 ; value
-	endm
 	enum addvar_command ; $16
 addvar: MACRO
 	db addvar_command
 	db \1 ; value
-	endm
 	enum random_command ; $17
 random: MACRO
 	db random_command
 	db \1 ; input
-	endm
 	enum checkver_command ; $18
 checkver: MACRO
 	db checkver_command
-	endm
 	enum copybytetovar_command ; $19
 copybytetovar: MACRO
 	db copybytetovar_command
 	dw \1 ; address
-	endm
 	enum copyvartobyte_command ; $1a
 copyvartobyte: MACRO
 	db copyvartobyte_command
 	dw \1 ; address
-	endm
 	enum loadvar_command ; $1b
 loadvar: MACRO
@@ -176,19 +176,19 @@
 	db loadvar_command
 	dw \1 ; address
 	db \2 ; value
-	endm
 	enum checkcode_command ; $1c
 checkcode: MACRO
 	db checkcode_command
 	db \1 ; variable_id
-	endm
 	enum writevarcode_command ; $1d
 writevarcode: MACRO
 	db writevarcode_command
 	db \1 ; variable_id
-	endm
 	enum writecode_command ; $1e
 writecode: MACRO
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@
 	db writecode_command
 	db \1 ; variable_id
 	db \2 ; value
-	endm
 	enum giveitem_command ; $1f
 giveitem: MACRO
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
 	db 1
-	endm
 	enum takeitem_command ; $20
 takeitem: MACRO
@@ -217,13 +217,13 @@
 	db 1
-	endm
 	enum checkitem_command ; $21
 checkitem: MACRO
 	db checkitem_command
 	db \1 ; item
-	endm
 	enum givemoney_command ; $22
 givemoney: MACRO
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@
 	db givemoney_command
 	db \1 ; account
 	dt \2 ; money
-	endm
 	enum takemoney_command ; $23
 takemoney: MACRO
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
 	db takemoney_command
 	db \1 ; account
 	dt \2 ; money
-	endm
 	enum checkmoney_command ; $24
 checkmoney: MACRO
@@ -244,49 +244,49 @@
 	db checkmoney_command
 	db \1 ; account
 	dt \2 ; money
-	endm
 	enum givecoins_command ; $25
 givecoins: MACRO
 	db givecoins_command
 	dw \1 ; coins
-	endm
 	enum takecoins_command ; $26
 takecoins: MACRO
 	db takecoins_command
 	dw \1 ; coins
-	endm
 	enum checkcoins_command ; $27
 checkcoins: MACRO
 	db checkcoins_command
 	dw \1 ; coins
-	endm
 	enum addcellnum_command ; $28
 addcellnum: MACRO
 	db addcellnum_command
 	db \1 ; person
-	endm
 	enum delcellnum_command ; $29
 delcellnum: MACRO
 	db delcellnum_command
 	db \1 ; person
-	endm
 	enum checkcellnum_command ; $2a
 checkcellnum: MACRO
 	db checkcellnum_command
 	db \1 ; person
-	endm
 	enum checktime_command ; $2b
 checktime: MACRO
 	db checktime_command
 	db \1 ; time
-	endm
 checkmorn EQUS "checktime MORN"
 checkday  EQUS "checktime DAY"
@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@
 checkpoke: MACRO
 	db checkpoke_command
 	db \1 ; pkmn
-	endm
 	enum givepoke_command ; $2d
 givepoke: MACRO
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@
 	db 0, 0
-	endm
 	enum giveegg_command ; $2e
 giveegg: MACRO
@@ -324,71 +324,71 @@
 	db giveegg_command
 	db \1 ; pkmn
 	db \2 ; level
-	endm
 	enum givepokeitem_command ; $2f
 givepokeitem: MACRO
 	db givepokeitem_command
 	dw \1 ; pointer
-	endm
 	enum checkpokeitem_command ; $30
 checkpokeitem: MACRO
 	db checkpokeitem_command
 	dw \1 ; pointer
-	endm
 	enum checkevent_command ; $31
 checkevent: MACRO
 	db checkevent_command
 	dw \1 ; event_flag
-	endm
 	enum clearevent_command ; $32
 clearevent: MACRO
 	db clearevent_command
 	dw \1 ; event_flag
-	endm
 	enum setevent_command ; $33
 setevent: MACRO
 	db setevent_command
 	dw \1 ; event_flag
-	endm
 	enum checkflag_command ; $34
 checkflag: MACRO
 	db checkflag_command
 	dw \1 ; engine_flag
-	endm
 	enum clearflag_command ; $35
 clearflag: MACRO
 	db clearflag_command
 	dw \1 ; engine_flag
-	endm
 	enum setflag_command ; $36
 setflag: MACRO
 	db setflag_command
 	dw \1 ; engine_flag
-	endm
 	enum wildon_command ; $37
 wildon: MACRO
 	db wildon_command
-	endm
 	enum wildoff_command ; $38
 wildoff: MACRO
 	db wildoff_command
-	endm
 	enum xycompare_command ; $39
 xycompare: MACRO
 	db xycompare_command
 	dw \1 ; pointer
-	endm
 	enum warpmod_command ; $3a
 warpmod: MACRO
@@ -395,13 +395,13 @@
 	db warpmod_command
 	db \1 ; warp_id
 	map \2 ; map
-	endm
 	enum blackoutmod_command ; $3b
 blackoutmod: MACRO
 	db blackoutmod_command
 	map \1 ; map
-	endm
 	enum warp_command ; $3c
 warp: MACRO
@@ -409,7 +409,7 @@
 	map \1 ; map
 	db \2 ; x
 	db \3 ; y
-	endm
 	enum readmoney_command ; $3d
 readmoney: MACRO
@@ -416,19 +416,19 @@
 	db readmoney_command
 	db \1 ; account
 	db \2 ; memory
-	endm
 	enum readcoins_command ; $3e
 readcoins: MACRO
 	db readcoins_command
 	db \1 ; memory
-	endm
 	enum RAM2MEM_command ; $3f
 	db RAM2MEM_command
 	db \1 ; memory
-	endm
 	enum pokenamemem_command ; $40
 pokenamemem: MACRO
@@ -435,7 +435,7 @@
 	db pokenamemem_command
 	db \1 ; pokemon
 	db \2 ; memory
-	endm
 	enum itemtotext_command ; $41
 itemtotext: MACRO
@@ -442,13 +442,13 @@
 	db itemtotext_command
 	db \1 ; item
 	db \2 ; memory
-	endm
 	enum mapnametotext_command ; $42
 mapnametotext: MACRO
 	db mapnametotext_command
 	db \1 ; memory
-	endm
 	enum trainertotext_command ; $43
 trainertotext: MACRO
@@ -456,7 +456,7 @@
 	db \1 ; trainer_id
 	db \2 ; trainer_group
 	db \3 ; memory
-	endm
 	enum stringtotext_command ; $44
 stringtotext: MACRO
@@ -463,51 +463,51 @@
 	db stringtotext_command
 	dw \1 ; text_pointer
 	db \2 ; memory
-	endm
 	enum itemnotify_command ; $45
 itemnotify: MACRO
 	db itemnotify_command
-	endm
 	enum pocketisfull_command ; $46
 pocketisfull: MACRO
 	db pocketisfull_command
-	endm
 	enum opentext_command ; $47
 opentext: MACRO
 	db opentext_command
-	endm
 	enum refreshscreen_command ; $48
 refreshscreen: MACRO
 	db refreshscreen_command
 	db \1 ; dummy
-	endm
 	enum closetext_command ; $49
 closetext: MACRO
 	db closetext_command
-	endm
 	enum loadbytec2cf_command ; $4a
 loadbytec2cf: MACRO
 	db loadbytec2cf_command
 	db \1 ; byte
-	endm
 	enum farwritetext_command ; $4b
 farwritetext: MACRO
 	db farwritetext_command
 	dba \1
-	endm
 	enum writetext_command ; $4c
 writetext: MACRO
 	db writetext_command
 	dw \1 ; text_pointer
-	endm
 	enum repeattext_command ; $4d
 repeattext: MACRO
@@ -514,29 +514,29 @@
 	db repeattext_command
 	db \1 ; byte
 	db \2 ; byte
-	endm
 	enum yesorno_command ; $4e
 yesorno: MACRO
 	db yesorno_command
-	endm
 	enum loadmenudata_command ; $4f
 loadmenudata: MACRO
 	db loadmenudata_command
 	dw \1 ; data
-	endm
 	enum closewindow_command ; $50
 closewindow: MACRO
 	db closewindow_command
-	endm
 	enum jumptextfaceplayer_command ; $51
 jumptextfaceplayer: MACRO
 	db jumptextfaceplayer_command
 	dw \1 ; text_pointer
-	endm
 	enum farjumptext_command ; $52
@@ -543,7 +543,7 @@
 farjumptext: MACRO
 	db farjumptext_command
 	dba \1
-	endm
 	enum jumptext_command ; $53
@@ -550,53 +550,53 @@
 jumptext: MACRO
 	db jumptext_command
 	dw \1 ; text_pointer
-	endm
 	enum waitbutton_command ; $54
 waitbutton: MACRO
 	db waitbutton_command
-	endm
 	enum buttonsound_command ; $55
 buttonsound: MACRO
 	db buttonsound_command
-	endm
 	enum pokepic_command ; $56
 pokepic: MACRO
 	db pokepic_command
 	db \1 ; pokemon
-	endm
 	enum closepokepic_command ; $57
 closepokepic: MACRO
 	db closepokepic_command
-	endm
 	enum _2dmenu_command ; $58
 _2dmenu: MACRO
 	db _2dmenu_command
-	endm
 	enum verticalmenu_command ; $59
 verticalmenu: MACRO
 	db verticalmenu_command
-	endm
 	enum loadpikachudata_command ; $5a
 loadpikachudata: MACRO
 	db loadpikachudata_command
-	endm
 	enum randomwildmon_command ; $5b
 randomwildmon: MACRO
 	db randomwildmon_command
-	endm
 	enum loadmemtrainer_command ; $5c
 loadmemtrainer: MACRO
 	db loadmemtrainer_command
-	endm
 	enum loadwildmon_command ; $5d
 loadwildmon: MACRO
@@ -603,7 +603,7 @@
 	db loadwildmon_command
 	db \1 ; pokemon
 	db \2 ; level
-	endm
 	enum loadtrainer_command ; $5e
 loadtrainer: MACRO
@@ -610,35 +610,35 @@
 	db loadtrainer_command
 	db \1 ; trainer_group
 	db \2 ; trainer_id
-	endm
 	enum startbattle_command ; $5f
 startbattle: MACRO
 	db startbattle_command
-	endm
 	enum reloadmapafterbattle_command ; $60
 reloadmapafterbattle: MACRO
 	db reloadmapafterbattle_command
-	endm
 	enum catchtutorial_command ; $61
 catchtutorial: MACRO
 	db catchtutorial_command
 	db \1 ; byte
-	endm
 	enum trainertext_command ; $62
 trainertext: MACRO
 	db trainertext_command
 	db \1 ; which_text
-	endm
 	enum trainerflagaction_command ; $63
 trainerflagaction: MACRO
 	db trainerflagaction_command
 	db \1 ; action
-	endm
 	enum winlosstext_command ; $64
 winlosstext: MACRO
@@ -645,28 +645,28 @@
 	db winlosstext_command
 	dw \1 ; win_text_pointer
 	dw \2 ; loss_text_pointer
-	endm
 	enum scripttalkafter_command ; $65
 scripttalkafter: MACRO
 	db scripttalkafter_command
-	endm
 	enum end_if_just_battled_command ; $66
 end_if_just_battled: MACRO
 	db end_if_just_battled_command
-	endm
 	enum check_just_battled_command ; $67
 check_just_battled: MACRO
 	db check_just_battled_command
-	endm
 	enum setlasttalked_command ; $68
 setlasttalked: MACRO
 	db setlasttalked_command
 	db \1 ; object id
-	endm
 	enum applymovement_command ; $69
 applymovement: MACRO
@@ -673,18 +673,18 @@
 	db applymovement_command
 	db \1 ; object id
 	dw \2 ; data
-	endm
 	enum applymovement2_command ; $6a
 applymovement2: MACRO
 	db applymovement2_command
 	dw \1 ; data
-	endm
 	enum faceplayer_command ; $6b
 faceplayer: MACRO
 	db faceplayer_command
-	endm
 	enum faceobject_command ; $6c
 faceobject: MACRO
@@ -691,7 +691,7 @@
 	db faceobject_command
 	db \1 ; object1
 	db \2 ; object2
-	endm
 	enum variablesprite_command ; $6d
 variablesprite: MACRO
@@ -698,19 +698,19 @@
 	db variablesprite_command
 	db \1 - SPRITE_VARS ; byte
 	db \2 ; sprite
-	endm
 	enum disappear_command ; $6e
 disappear: MACRO
 	db disappear_command
 	db \1 ; object id
-	endm
 	enum appear_command ; $6f
 appear: MACRO
 	db appear_command
 	db \1 ; object id
-	endm
 	enum follow_command ; $70
 follow: MACRO
@@ -717,12 +717,12 @@
 	db follow_command
 	db \1 ; object2
 	db \2 ; object1
-	endm
 	enum stopfollow_command ; $71
 stopfollow: MACRO
 	db stopfollow_command
-	endm
 	enum moveobject_command ; $72
 moveobject: MACRO
@@ -730,19 +730,19 @@
 	db \1 ; object id
 	db \2 ; x
 	db \3 ; y
-	endm
 	enum writeobjectxy_command ; $73
 writeobjectxy: MACRO
 	db writeobjectxy_command
 	db \1 ; object id
-	endm
 	enum loademote_command ; $74
 loademote: MACRO
 	db loademote_command
 	db \1 ; bubble
-	endm
 	enum showemote_command ; $75
 showemote: MACRO
@@ -750,7 +750,7 @@
 	db \1 ; bubble
 	db \2 ; object id
 	db \3 ; time
-	endm
 	enum spriteface_command ; $76
 spriteface: MACRO
@@ -757,7 +757,7 @@
 	db spriteface_command
 	db \1 ; object id
 	db \2 ; facing
-	endm
 	enum follownotexact_command ; $77
 follownotexact: MACRO
@@ -764,13 +764,13 @@
 	db follownotexact_command
 	db \1 ; object2
 	db \2 ; object1
-	endm
 	enum earthquake_command ; $78
 earthquake: MACRO
 	db earthquake_command
 	db \1 ; param
-	endm
 	enum changemap_command ; $79
 changemap: MACRO
@@ -777,7 +777,7 @@
 	db changemap_command
 	db \1 ; map_bank
 	dw \2 ; map_data_pointer
-	endm
 	enum changeblock_command ; $7a
 changeblock: MACRO
@@ -785,40 +785,40 @@
 	db \1 ; x
 	db \2 ; y
 	db \3 ; block
-	endm
 	enum reloadmap_command ; $7b
 reloadmap: MACRO
 	db reloadmap_command
-	endm
 	enum reloadmappart_command ; $7c
 reloadmappart: MACRO
 	db reloadmappart_command
-	endm
 	enum writecmdqueue_command ; $7d
 writecmdqueue: MACRO
 	db writecmdqueue_command
 	dw \1 ; queue_pointer
-	endm
 	enum delcmdqueue_command ; $7e
 delcmdqueue: MACRO
 	db delcmdqueue_command
 	db \1 ; byte
-	endm
 	enum playmusic_command ; $7f
 playmusic: MACRO
 	db playmusic_command
 	dw \1 ; music_pointer
-	endm
 	enum encountermusic_command ; $80
 encountermusic: MACRO
 	db encountermusic_command
-	endm
 	enum musicfadeout_command ; $81
 musicfadeout: MACRO
@@ -825,106 +825,106 @@
 	db musicfadeout_command
 	dw \1 ; music
 	db \2 ; fadetime
-	endm
 	enum playmapmusic_command ; $82
 playmapmusic: MACRO
 	db playmapmusic_command
-	endm
 	enum dontrestartmapmusic_command ; $83
 dontrestartmapmusic: MACRO
 	db dontrestartmapmusic_command
-	endm
 	enum cry_command ; $84
 cry: MACRO
 	db cry_command
 	dw \1 ; cry_id
-	endm
 	enum playsound_command ; $85
 playsound: MACRO
 	db playsound_command
 	dw \1 ; sound_pointer
-	endm
 	enum waitsfx_command ; $86
 waitsfx: MACRO
 	db waitsfx_command
-	endm
 	enum warpsound_command ; $87
 warpsound: MACRO
 	db warpsound_command
-	endm
 	enum specialsound_command ; $88
 specialsound: MACRO
 	db specialsound_command
-	endm
 	enum passtoengine_command ; $89
 passtoengine: MACRO
 	db passtoengine_command
 	db \1 ; data_pointer
-	endm
 	enum newloadmap_command ; $8a
 newloadmap: MACRO
 	db newloadmap_command
 	db \1 ; which_method
-	endm
 	enum pause_command ; $8b
 pause: MACRO
 	db pause_command
 	db \1 ; length
-	endm
 	enum deactivatefacing_command ; $8c
 deactivatefacing: MACRO
 	db deactivatefacing_command
 	db \1 ; time
-	endm
 	enum priorityjump_command ; $8d
 priorityjump: MACRO
 	db priorityjump_command
 	dw \1 ; pointer
-	endm
 	enum warpcheck_command ; $8e
 warpcheck: MACRO
 	db warpcheck_command
-	endm
 	enum ptpriorityjump_command ; $8f
 ptpriorityjump: MACRO
 	db ptpriorityjump_command
 	dw \1 ; pointer
-	endm
 	enum return_command ; $90
 return: MACRO
 	db return_command
-	endm
 	enum end_command ; $91
 end: MACRO
 	db end_command
-	endm
 	enum reloadandreturn_command ; $92
 reloadandreturn: MACRO
 	db reloadandreturn_command
 	db \1 ; which_method
-	endm
 	enum end_all_command ; $93
 end_all: MACRO
 	db end_all_command
-	endm
 	enum pokemart_command ; $94
 pokemart: MACRO
@@ -931,59 +931,59 @@
 	db pokemart_command
 	db \1 ; dialog_id
 	dw \2 ; mart_id
-	endm
 	enum elevator_command ; $95
 elevator: MACRO
 	db elevator_command
 	dw \1 ; floor_list_pointer
-	endm
 	enum trade_command ; $96
 trade: MACRO
 	db trade_command
 	db \1 ; trade_id
-	endm
 	enum askforphonenumber_command ; $97
 askforphonenumber: MACRO
 	db askforphonenumber_command
 	db \1 ; number
-	endm
 	enum phonecall_command ; $98
 phonecall: MACRO
 	db phonecall_command
 	dw \1 ; caller_name
-	endm
 	enum hangup_command ; $99
 hangup: MACRO
 	db hangup_command
-	endm
 	enum describedecoration_command ; $9a
 describedecoration: MACRO
 	db describedecoration_command
 	db \1 ; byte
-	endm
 	enum fruittree_command ; $9b
 fruittree: MACRO
 	db fruittree_command
 	db \1 ; tree_id
-	endm
 	enum specialphonecall_command ; $9c
 specialphonecall: MACRO
 	db specialphonecall_command
 	dw \1 ; call_id
-	endm
 	enum checkphonecall_command ; $9d
 checkphonecall: MACRO
 	db checkphonecall_command
-	endm
 	enum verbosegiveitem_command ; $9e
 verbosegiveitem: MACRO
@@ -994,7 +994,7 @@
 	db 1
-	endm
 	enum verbosegiveitem2_command ; $9f
 verbosegiveitem2: MACRO
@@ -1001,7 +1001,7 @@
 	db verbosegiveitem2_command
 	db \1 ; item
 	db \2 ; var
-	endm
 	enum swarm_command ; $a0
 swarm: MACRO
@@ -1008,17 +1008,17 @@
 	db swarm_command
 	db \1 ; flag
 	map \2 ; map
-	endm
 	enum halloffame_command ; $a1
 halloffame: MACRO
 	db halloffame_command
-	endm
 	enum credits_command ; $a2
 credits: MACRO
 	db credits_command
-	endm
 	enum warpfacing_command ; $a3
 warpfacing: MACRO
@@ -1027,13 +1027,13 @@
 	map \2 ; map
 	db \3 ; x
 	db \4 ; y
-	endm
 	enum battletowertext_command ; $a4
 battletowertext: MACRO
 	db battletowertext_command
 	db \1 ; memory
-	endm
 	enum landmarktotext_command ; $a5
 landmarktotext: MACRO
@@ -1040,7 +1040,7 @@
 	db landmarktotext_command
 	db \1 ; id
 	db \2 ; memory
-	endm
 	enum trainerclassname_command ; $a6
 trainerclassname: MACRO
@@ -1047,7 +1047,7 @@
 	db trainerclassname_command
 	db \1 ; id
 	db \2 ; memory
-	endm
 	enum name_command ; $a7
 name: MACRO
@@ -1055,15 +1055,15 @@
 	db \1 ; type
 	db \2 ; id
 	db \3 ; memory
-	endm
 	enum wait_command ; $a8
 wait: MACRO
 	db wait_command
 	db \1 ; duration
-	endm
 	enum check_save_command ; $a9
 check_save: MACRO
 	db check_save_command
-	endm
--- a/macros/scripts/gfx_anims.asm
+++ b/macros/scripts/gfx_anims.asm
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 	db x
-	endm
 	enum_start $fc
@@ -17,24 +17,24 @@
 	enum delanim_command ; $fc
 delanim: MACRO ; used for oam
 	db delanim_command
-	endm
 	enum dorepeat_command ; $fd
 dorepeat: MACRO
 	db dorepeat_command
 	db \1 ; #
-	endm
 	enum setrepeat_command ; $fe
 setrepeat: MACRO
 	db setrepeat_command
 	db \1 ; #
-	endm
 	enum endanim_command ; $ff
 endanim: MACRO
 	db endanim_command
-	endm
 __enum__ = $fe
@@ -41,4 +41,4 @@
 	enum dorestart_command ; $fe
 dorestart: MACRO ; used for oam
 	db dorestart_command
-	endm
--- a/macros/scripts/maps.asm
+++ b/macros/scripts/maps.asm
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 map: MACRO
 ;\1: map id
 	db GROUP_\1, MAP_\1
 scene_script: MACRO
 ;\1: script pointer
 	dw \1, 0
 warp_def: MACRO
 ;\1: y: top to bottom, starts at 0
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 ;\4: map id: from constants/map_constants.asm
 	db \1, \2, \3
 	map \4
 coord_event: MACRO
 ;\1: scene id: controlled by setscene/setmapscene
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 	db \1, \2, \3, $0
 	dw \4
 	db $0, $0
 bg_event: MACRO
 ;\1: y: top to bottom, starts at 0
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
 ;\4: script pointer
 	db \1, \2, \3
 	dw \4
 object_event: MACRO
 ;\1: sprite: a SPRITE_* constant
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
 	dw \9
 	dw \9
 trainer: MACRO
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
 	dw \1
 	db \2, \3
 	dw \4, \5, \6, \7
 itemball: MACRO
 ;\1: item: from constants/item_constants.asm
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
 	db \1, 1
 elevfloor: MACRO
 ;\1: floor: a FLOOR_* constant
@@ -105,4 +105,4 @@
 ;\3: script pointer
 	db \1, \2
 	dw \3
--- a/macros/scripts/movement.asm
+++ b/macros/scripts/movement.asm
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 	enum movement_turn_head ; $00
 turn_head: MACRO
 	db movement_turn_head | \1
-	endm
 __enum__ = __enum__ + 3
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 	enum movement_turn_step ; $04
 turn_step: MACRO
 	db movement_turn_step | \1
-	endm
 __enum__ = __enum__ + 3
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 	enum movement_slow_step ; $08
 slow_step: MACRO
 	db movement_slow_step | \1
-	endm
 __enum__ = __enum__ + 3
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 	enum movement_step ; $0c
 step: MACRO
 	db movement_step | \1
-	endm
 __enum__ = __enum__ + 3
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 	enum movement_big_step ; $10
 big_step: MACRO
 	db movement_big_step | \1
-	endm
 __enum__ = __enum__ + 3
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
 	enum movement_slow_slide_step ; $14
 slow_slide_step: MACRO
 	db movement_slow_slide_step | \1
-	endm
 __enum__ = __enum__ + 3
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
 	enum movement_slide_step ; $18
 slide_step: MACRO
 	db movement_slide_step | \1
-	endm
 __enum__ = __enum__ + 3
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
 	enum movement_fast_slide_step ; $1c
 fast_slide_step: MACRO
 	db movement_fast_slide_step | \1
-	endm
 __enum__ = __enum__ + 3
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
 	enum movement_turn_away ; $20
 turn_away: MACRO
 	db movement_turn_away | \1
-	endm
 __enum__ = __enum__ + 3
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
 	enum movement_turn_in ; $24
 turn_in: MACRO
 	db movement_turn_in | \1
-	endm
 __enum__ = __enum__ + 3
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
 	enum movement_turn_waterfall ; $28
 turn_waterfall: MACRO
 	db movement_turn_waterfall | \1
-	endm
 __enum__ = __enum__ + 3
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
 	enum movement_slow_jump_step ; $2c
 slow_jump_step: MACRO
 	db movement_slow_jump_step | \1
-	endm
 __enum__ = __enum__ + 3
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
 	enum movement_jump_step ; $30
 jump_step: MACRO
 	db movement_jump_step | \1
-	endm
 __enum__ = __enum__ + 3
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
 	enum movement_fast_jump_step ; $34
 fast_jump_step: MACRO
 	db movement_fast_jump_step | \1
-	endm
 __enum__ = __enum__ + 3
@@ -105,32 +105,32 @@
 	enum movement_remove_sliding ; $38
 remove_sliding: MACRO
 	db movement_remove_sliding
-	endm
 	enum movement_set_sliding ; $39
 set_sliding: MACRO
 	db movement_set_sliding
-	endm
 	enum movement_remove_fixed_facing ; $3a
 remove_fixed_facing: MACRO
 	db movement_remove_fixed_facing
-	endm
 	enum movement_fix_facing ; $3b
 fix_facing: MACRO
 	db movement_fix_facing
-	endm
 	enum movement_show_object ; $3c
 show_object: MACRO
 	db movement_show_object
-	endm
 	enum movement_hide_object ; $3d
 hide_object: MACRO
 	db movement_hide_object
-	endm
 ; Sleep
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@
 	db movement_step_sleep + 8, \1
 __enum__ = __enum__ + 8
@@ -148,99 +148,99 @@
 	enum movement_step_end ; $47
 step_end: MACRO
 	db movement_step_end
-	endm
 	enum movement_step_48 ; $48
 step_48: MACRO
 	db movement_step_48
 	db \1 ; ???
-	endm
 	enum movement_remove_object ; $49
 remove_object: MACRO
 	db movement_remove_object
-	endm
 	enum movement_step_loop ; $4a
 step_loop: MACRO
 	db movement_step_loop
-	endm
 	enum movement_step_4b ; $4b
 step_4b: MACRO
 	db movement_step_4b
-	endm
 	enum movement_teleport_from ; $4c
 teleport_from: MACRO
 	db movement_teleport_from
-	endm
 	enum movement_teleport_to ; $4d
 teleport_to: MACRO
 	db movement_teleport_to
-	endm
 	enum movement_skyfall ; $4e
 skyfall: MACRO
 	db movement_skyfall
-	endm
 	enum movement_step_dig ; $4f
 step_dig: MACRO
 	db movement_step_dig
 	db \1 ; length
-	endm
 	enum movement_step_bump ; $50
 step_bump: MACRO
 	db movement_step_bump
-	endm
 	enum movement_fish_got_bite ; $51
 fish_got_bite: MACRO
 	db movement_fish_got_bite
-	endm
 	enum movement_fish_cast_rod ; $52
 fish_cast_rod: MACRO
 	db movement_fish_cast_rod
-	endm
 	enum movement_hide_emote ; $53
 hide_emote: MACRO
 	db movement_hide_emote
-	endm
 	enum movement_show_emote ; $54
 show_emote: MACRO
 	db movement_show_emote
-	endm
 	enum movement_step_shake ; $55
 step_shake: MACRO
 	db movement_step_shake
 	db \1 ; displacement
-	endm
 	enum movement_tree_shake ; $56
 tree_shake: MACRO
 	db movement_tree_shake
-	endm
 	enum movement_rock_smash ; $57
 rock_smash: MACRO
 	db movement_rock_smash
 	db \1 ; length
-	endm
 	enum movement_return_dig ; $58
 return_dig: MACRO
 	db movement_return_dig
 	db \1 ; length
-	endm
 	enum movement_skyfall_top ; $59
 skyfall_top: MACRO
 	db movement_skyfall_top
-	endm
--- a/macros/scripts/text.asm
+++ b/macros/scripts/text.asm
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 text_from_ram: MACRO
 	db TX_RAM
 	dw \1
 	enum TX_BCD ; $02
 text_bcd: MACRO
@@ -21,13 +21,13 @@
 	db TX_BCD
 	dw \1
 	db \2
 	enum TX_MOVE ; $03
 text_move: MACRO
 	db TX_MOVE
 	dw \1
 	enum TX_BOX ; $04
 text_box: MACRO
@@ -34,27 +34,27 @@
 	db TX_BOX
 	dw \1
 	db \2, \3
 	enum TX_LOW ; $05
 text_low: MACRO
 	db TX_LOW
-	endm
 	enum WAIT_BUTTON ; $06
 text_waitbutton: MACRO
-	endm
 	enum TX_SCROLL ; $07
 text_scroll: MACRO
-	endm
 	enum START_ASM ; $08
 start_asm: MACRO
-	endm
 	enum TX_NUM ; $09
 deciram: MACRO
@@ -61,69 +61,69 @@
 	db TX_NUM
 	dw \1 ; address
 	dn \2, \3 ; bytes, digits
-	endm
 	enum TX_EXIT ; $0a
 interpret_data: MACRO
 	db TX_EXIT
-	endm
 	enum TX_SOUND_0B ; $0b
 sound_dex_fanfare_50_79: MACRO
 	db TX_SOUND_0B
-	endm
 	enum TX_DOTS ; $0c
 limited_interpret_data: MACRO
 	db TX_DOTS
 	db \1
-	endm
 	enum TX_LINK_WAIT_BUTTON ; $0d
 link_wait_button: MACRO
-	endm
 	enum TX_SOUND_0E ; $0e
 sound_dex_fanfare_20_49: MACRO
 	db TX_SOUND_0E
-	endm
 	enum TX_SOUND_0F ; $0f
 sound_item: MACRO
 	db TX_SOUND_0F
-	endm
 	enum TX_SOUND_10 ; $10
 sound_caught_mon: MACRO
 	db TX_SOUND_10
-	endm
 	enum TX_SOUND_11 ; $11
 sound_dex_fanfare_80_109: MACRO
 	db TX_SOUND_11
-	endm
 	enum TX_SOUND_12 ; $12
 sound_fanfare: MACRO
 	db TX_SOUND_12
-	endm
 	enum TX_SOUND_13 ; $13
 sound_slot_machine_start: MACRO
 	db TX_SOUND_13
-	endm
 	enum TX_STRINGBUFFER ; $14
 text_buffer: MACRO
 	db \1
-	endm
 	enum TX_DAY ; $15
 current_day: MACRO
 	db TX_DAY
-	endm
 	enum TX_FAR ; $16
 text_jump: MACRO
@@ -130,4 +130,4 @@
 	db TX_FAR
 	dw \1
 	db BANK(\1)
--- a/macros/scripts/trade_anims.asm
+++ b/macros/scripts/trade_anims.asm
@@ -4,22 +4,22 @@
 	enum tradeanim_next_command ; $00
 tradeanim_next: MACRO
 	db tradeanim_next_command
 	enum tradeanim_show_givemon_data_command ; $01
 tradeanim_show_givemon_data: MACRO
 	db tradeanim_show_givemon_data_command
 	enum tradeanim_show_getmon_data_command ; $02
 tradeanim_show_getmon_data: MACRO
 	db tradeanim_show_getmon_data_command
 	enum tradeanim_enter_link_tube_command ; $03
 tradeanim_enter_link_tube: MACRO
 	db tradeanim_enter_link_tube_command
 __enum__ set $5
@@ -26,12 +26,12 @@
 	enum tradeanim_exit_link_tube_command ; $05
 tradeanim_exit_link_tube: MACRO
 	db tradeanim_exit_link_tube_command
 	enum tradeanim_tube_to_ot_command ; $06
 tradeanim_tube_to_ot: MACRO
 	db tradeanim_tube_to_ot_command
 __enum__ set $0e
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
 	enum tradeanim_tube_to_player_command ; $0e
 tradeanim_tube_to_player: MACRO
 	db tradeanim_tube_to_player_command
 __enum__ set $16
@@ -45,52 +45,52 @@
 	enum tradeanim_sent_to_ot_text_command ; $16
 tradeanim_sent_to_ot_text: MACRO
 	db tradeanim_sent_to_ot_text_command
 	enum tradeanim_ot_bids_farewell_command ; $17
 tradeanim_ot_bids_farewell: MACRO
 	db tradeanim_ot_bids_farewell_command
 	enum tradeanim_take_care_of_text_command ; $18
 tradeanim_take_care_of_text: MACRO
 	db tradeanim_take_care_of_text_command
 	enum tradeanim_ot_sends_text_1_command ; $19
 tradeanim_ot_sends_text_1: MACRO
 	db tradeanim_ot_sends_text_1_command
 	enum tradeanim_ot_sends_text_2_command ; $1a
 tradeanim_ot_sends_text_2: MACRO
 	db tradeanim_ot_sends_text_2_command
 	enum tradeanim_setup_givemon_scroll_command ; $1b
 tradeanim_setup_givemon_scroll: MACRO
 	db tradeanim_setup_givemon_scroll_command
 	enum tradeanim_do_givemon_scroll_command ; $1c
 tradeanim_do_givemon_scroll: MACRO
 	db tradeanim_do_givemon_scroll_command
 	enum tradeanim_frontpic_scroll_command ; $1d
 tradeanim_frontpic_scroll: MACRO
 	db tradeanim_frontpic_scroll_command
 	enum tradeanim_textbox_scroll_command ; $1e
 tradeanim_textbox_scroll: MACRO
 	db tradeanim_textbox_scroll_command
 	enum tradeanim_scroll_out_right_command ; $1f
 tradeanim_scroll_out_right: MACRO
 	db tradeanim_scroll_out_right_command
 __enum__ set $21
@@ -97,27 +97,27 @@
 	enum tradeanim_wait_80_command ; $21
 tradeanim_wait_80: MACRO
 	db tradeanim_wait_80_command
 	enum tradeanim_wait_40_command ; $22
 tradeanim_wait_40: MACRO
 	db tradeanim_wait_40_command
 	enum tradeanim_rocking_ball_command ; $23
 tradeanim_rocking_ball: MACRO
 	db tradeanim_rocking_ball_command
 	enum tradeanim_drop_ball_command ; $24
 tradeanim_drop_ball: MACRO
 	db tradeanim_drop_ball_command
 	enum tradeanim_wait_anim_command ; $25
 tradeanim_wait_anim: MACRO
 	db tradeanim_wait_anim_command
 __enum__ set $27
@@ -124,47 +124,47 @@
 	enum tradeanim_poof_command ; $27
 tradeanim_poof: MACRO
 	db tradeanim_poof_command
 	enum tradeanim_bulge_through_tube_command ; $28
 tradeanim_bulge_through_tube: MACRO
 	db tradeanim_bulge_through_tube_command
 	enum tradeanim_give_trademon_sfx_command ; $29
 tradeanim_give_trademon_sfx: MACRO
 	db tradeanim_give_trademon_sfx_command
 	enum tradeanim_get_trademon_sfx_command ; $2a
 tradeanim_get_trademon_sfx: MACRO
 	db tradeanim_get_trademon_sfx_command
 	enum tradeanim_end_command ; $2b
 tradeanim_end: MACRO
 	db tradeanim_end_command
 	enum tradeanim_animate_frontpic_command ; $2c
 tradeanim_animate_frontpic: MACRO
 	db tradeanim_animate_frontpic_command
 	enum tradeanim_wait_96_command ; $2d
 tradeanim_wait_96: MACRO
 	db tradeanim_wait_96_command
 	enum tradeanim_wait_80_if_ot_egg_command ; $2e
 tradeanim_wait_80_if_ot_egg: MACRO
 	db tradeanim_wait_80_if_ot_egg_command
 	enum tradeanim_wait_180_if_ot_egg_command ; $2f
 tradeanim_wait_180_if_ot_egg: MACRO
 	db tradeanim_wait_180_if_ot_egg_command
 ; Mobile
@@ -173,17 +173,17 @@
 	enum mobiletradeanim_showgivemon_command ; $01
 mobiletradeanim_showgivemon: MACRO
 	db mobiletradeanim_showgivemon_command
 	enum mobiletradeanim_02_command ; $02
 mobiletradeanim_02: MACRO
 	db mobiletradeanim_02_command
 	enum mobiletradeanim_sendmon_command ; $03
 mobiletradeanim_sendmon: MACRO
 	db mobiletradeanim_sendmon_command
 __enum__ set $05
@@ -190,22 +190,22 @@
 	enum mobiletradeanim_05_command ; $05
 mobiletradeanim_05: MACRO
 	db mobiletradeanim_05_command
 	enum mobiletradeanim_06_command ; $06
 mobiletradeanim_06: MACRO
 	db mobiletradeanim_06_command
 	enum mobiletradeanim_07_command ; $07
 mobiletradeanim_07: MACRO
 	db mobiletradeanim_07_command
 	enum mobiletradeanim_receivemon_command ; $08
 mobiletradeanim_receivemon: MACRO
 	db mobiletradeanim_receivemon_command
 __enum__ set $0b
@@ -212,44 +212,44 @@
 	enum mobiletradeanim_showgetmon_command ; $0b
 mobiletradeanim_showgetmon: MACRO
 	db mobiletradeanim_showgetmon_command
 	enum mobiletradeanim_end_command ; $0c
 mobiletradeanim_end: MACRO
 	db mobiletradeanim_end_command
 	enum mobiletradeanim_showgtsgivemon_command ; $0d
 mobiletradeanim_showgtsgivemon: MACRO
 	db mobiletradeanim_showgtsgivemon_command
 	enum mobiletradeanim_showgtsgetmon_command ; $0e
 mobiletradeanim_showgtsgetmon: MACRO
 	db mobiletradeanim_showgtsgetmon_command
 	enum mobiletradeanim_0f_command ; $0f
 mobiletradeanim_0f: MACRO
 	db mobiletradeanim_0f_command
 	enum mobiletradeanim_10_command ; $10
 mobiletradeanim_10: MACRO
 	db mobiletradeanim_10_command
 	enum mobiletradeanim_11_command ; $11
 mobiletradeanim_11: MACRO
 	db mobiletradeanim_11_command
 	enum mobiletradeanim_12_command ; $12
 mobiletradeanim_12: MACRO
 	db mobiletradeanim_12_command
 	enum mobiletradeanim_showoddegg_command ; $13
 mobiletradeanim_showoddegg: MACRO
 	db mobiletradeanim_showoddegg_command
--- a/macros/tilesets.asm
+++ b/macros/tilesets.asm
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
 tilecoll: MACRO
 	db COLL_\1, COLL_\2, COLL_\3, COLL_\4
--- a/macros/wram.asm
+++ b/macros/wram.asm
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@
 mailmsg: MACRO
 \1Message::    ds MAIL_MSG_LENGTH
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@
 \1Species::    db
 \1Type::       db
 roam_struct: MACRO
 \1Species::   db
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@
 \1WinnerID:: db
 \1Mon::      db
 \1Score::    dw
 hof_mon: MACRO
 \1Species::  db
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@
 \1Level::    db
 \1Nickname:: ds PKMN_NAME_LENGTH +- 1
 hall_of_fame: MACRO
 \1WinCount:: db
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@
 \1Accuracy::     db
 \1PP::           db
 \1EffectChance:: db
 slot_reel: MACRO
 \1ReelAction::   db
@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@
 \1Slot0d::       ds 1
 \1Slot0e::       ds 1
 \1StopDelay::    db
 object_struct: MACRO
@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@
 \1ObjectScript::    dw
 \1ObjectEventFlag:: dw
 	ds 2
 sprite_anim_struct: MACRO
 \1Index::          db
@@ -384,7 +384,7 @@
 \1_Anim15::             ds 1
 \1_Anim16::             ds 1
 \1_Anim17::             ds 1
 battle_bg_effect: MACRO
 \1_Function:: db
@@ -391,4 +391,4 @@
 \1_01::       ds 1
 \1_02::       ds 1
 \1_03::       ds 1
--- a/maps/GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances.asm
+++ b/maps/GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances.asm
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 ugdoor: MACRO
 	ugdoor UGDOOR_1,  $10, $06
 	ugdoor UGDOOR_2,  $0a, $06
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 doorstate: MACRO
 const_value set 2
--- a/maps/map_headers.asm
+++ b/maps/map_headers.asm
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 	db \4, \5
 	dn \6, \7
 	db \8
 ; pointers to the first map header of each map group
--- a/maps/second_map_headers.asm
+++ b/maps/second_map_headers.asm
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 	dw \1_MapScriptHeader
 	dw \1_MapEventHeader
 	db \4
 connection: MACRO
 if "\1" == "north"
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
 	db 0
 	dw OverworldMap + \2_WIDTH + 7
 	map_header_2 NewBarkTown, NEW_BARK_TOWN, $5, WEST | EAST
--- a/mobile/fixed_words.asm
+++ b/mobile/fixed_words.asm
@@ -4218,7 +4218,7 @@
 x = x +- 1
 	db x
 	macro_11f220 18 ; 01: Types
 	macro_11f220 36 ; 02: Greetings
 	macro_11f220 69 ; 03: People
@@ -4243,7 +4243,7 @@
 macro_11f23c: MACRO
 	dw x - w3_d000, \1
 x = x + 2 * \1
 x = $d012
 	macro_11f23c $2f ; a
 	macro_11f23c $1e ; i
--- a/tilesets/tilesets.asm
+++ b/tilesets/tilesets.asm
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 	dw \1Anim
 	dw NULL
 	dw \1PalMap
 Tilesets:: ; 4d596
 ; entries correspond to TILESET_* constants