ref: 44377acb2ae9ffe42d9ac4876c30672739359e5b
dir: /maps/TinTower1F.asm/
TinTower1F_MapScriptHeader: ; 0x18501a ; trigger count db 2 ; triggers dw UnknownScript_0x18502a, $0000 dw UnknownScript_0x18502e, $0000 ; callback count db 2 ; callbacks dbw 2, UnknownScript_0x18502f dbw 1, UnknownScript_0x185084 ; 0x18502a UnknownScript_0x18502a: ; 0x18502a priorityjump UnknownScript_0x18508f end ; 0x18502e UnknownScript_0x18502e: ; 0x18502e end ; 0x18502f UnknownScript_0x18502f: ; 0x18502f checkevent EVENT_GOT_RAINBOW_WING iftrue UnknownScript_0x185047 checkevent $0044 iffalse UnknownScript_0x185050 special $0096 iffalse UnknownScript_0x185050 clearevent $07c5 setevent $07b6 UnknownScript_0x185047: ; 0x185047 checkevent EVENT_FOUGHT_HO_OH iffalse UnknownScript_0x18504f appear $5 UnknownScript_0x18504f: ; 0x18504f return ; 0x185050 UnknownScript_0x185050: ; 0x185050 checkevent EVENT_FOUGHT_SUICUNE iftrue UnknownScript_0x185077 appear $2 writebyte RAIKOU special $0097 iftrue UnknownScript_0x185065 appear $3 2jump UnknownScript_0x185067 ; 0x185065 UnknownScript_0x185065: ; 0x185065 disappear $3 UnknownScript_0x185067: ; 0x185067 writebyte ENTEI special $0097 iftrue UnknownScript_0x185074 appear $4 2jump UnknownScript_0x185076 ; 0x185074 UnknownScript_0x185074: ; 0x185074 disappear $4 UnknownScript_0x185076: ; 0x185076 return ; 0x185077 UnknownScript_0x185077: ; 0x185077 disappear $2 disappear $3 disappear $4 clearevent $07b6 setevent $07c5 return ; 0x185084 UnknownScript_0x185084: ; 0x185084 checkevent EVENT_GOT_RAINBOW_WING iftrue UnknownScript_0x18508e changeblock $a, $2, $9 UnknownScript_0x18508e: ; 0x18508e return ; 0x18508f UnknownScript_0x18508f: ; 0x18508f applymovement $0, MovementData_0x1851cb pause 15 writebyte RAIKOU special $0097 iftrue UnknownScript_0x1850b6 applymovement $3, MovementData_0x1851d0 spriteface $0, $2 cry RAIKOU pause 10 playsound SFX_WARP_FROM applymovement $3, MovementData_0x1851d4 disappear $3 playsound SFX_EXIT_BUILDING waitbutton UnknownScript_0x1850b6: ; 0x1850b6 writebyte ENTEI special $0097 iftrue UnknownScript_0x1850d7 applymovement $4, MovementData_0x1851da spriteface $0, $3 cry ENTEI pause 10 playsound SFX_WARP_FROM applymovement $4, MovementData_0x1851de disappear $4 playsound SFX_EXIT_BUILDING waitbutton UnknownScript_0x1850d7: ; 0x1850d7 spriteface $0, $1 pause 10 applymovement $0, MovementData_0x1851e8 applymovement $2, MovementData_0x1851e4 cry SUICUNE pause 20 loadpokedata SUICUNE, 40 writecode $3, BATTLETYPE_SUICUNE startbattle reloadmapmusic disappear $2 setevent EVENT_FOUGHT_SUICUNE setevent EVENT_SAW_SUICUNE_ON_ROUTE_42 domaptrigger GROUP_ROUTE_42, MAP_ROUTE_42, $0 setevent EVENT_SAW_SUICUNE_ON_ROUTE_36 domaptrigger GROUP_ROUTE_36, MAP_ROUTE_36, $0 setevent EVENT_SAW_SUICUNE_AT_CIANWOOD_CITY domaptrigger GROUP_CIANWOOD_CITY, MAP_CIANWOOD_CITY, $0 dotrigger $1 clearevent EVENT_SET_WHEN_FOUGHT_HO_OH returnafterbattle pause 20 spriteface $0, $0 playmusic MUSIC_MYSTICALMAN_ENCOUNTER playsound SFX_ENTER_DOOR moveperson $5, $a, $f appear $5 applymovement $5, MovementData_0x1851ec playsound SFX_ENTER_DOOR moveperson $6, $9, $f appear $6 applymovement $6, MovementData_0x1851f5 playsound SFX_ENTER_DOOR moveperson $7, $9, $f appear $7 applymovement $7, MovementData_0x1851fb playsound SFX_ENTER_DOOR moveperson $8, $9, $f appear $8 applymovement $8, MovementData_0x1851fe moveperson $6, $7, $d moveperson $7, $9, $d moveperson $8, $b, $d spriteface $0, $3 loadfont 2writetext UnknownText_0x185203 closetext loadmovesprites applymovement $5, MovementData_0x1851f1 playsound SFX_EXIT_BUILDING disappear $5 waitbutton special $006a pause 20 playmapmusic end ; 0x185173 SageScript_0x185173: ; 0x185173 jumptextfaceplayer UnknownText_0x185386 ; 0x185176 SageScript_0x185176: ; 0x185176 jumptextfaceplayer UnknownText_0x185433 ; 0x185179 SageScript_0x185179: ; 0x185179 jumptextfaceplayer UnknownText_0x185544 ; 0x18517c SageScript_0x18517c: ; 0x18517c checkevent EVENT_FOUGHT_HO_OH iftrue UnknownScript_0x185185 jumptextfaceplayer UnknownText_0x1855ee ; 0x185185 UnknownScript_0x185185: ; 0x185185 jumptextfaceplayer UnknownText_0x185765 ; 0x185188 SageScript_0x185188: ; 0x185188 faceplayer loadfont checkevent EVENT_FOUGHT_HO_OH iftrue UnknownScript_0x1851b6 checkevent EVENT_GOT_RAINBOW_WING iftrue UnknownScript_0x1851b0 2writetext UnknownText_0x185629 keeptextopen verbosegiveitem RAINBOW_WING, 1 loadmovesprites refreshscreen $0 earthquake 72 waitbutton playsound SFX_STRENGTH changeblock $a, $2, $20 reloadmappart setevent EVENT_GOT_RAINBOW_WING loadmovesprites loadfont UnknownScript_0x1851b0: ; 0x1851b0 2writetext UnknownText_0x18564a closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x1851b6 UnknownScript_0x1851b6: ; 0x1851b6 2writetext UnknownText_0x185803 closetext loadmovesprites end ; 0x1851bc SageScript_0x1851bc: ; 0x1851bc checkevent EVENT_FOUGHT_HO_OH iftrue UnknownScript_0x1851c5 jumptextfaceplayer UnknownText_0x185654 ; 0x1851c5 UnknownScript_0x1851c5: ; 0x1851c5 jumptextfaceplayer UnknownText_0x1858d0 ; 0x1851c8 SuperNerdScript_0x1851c8: ; 0x1851c8 jumptextfaceplayer UnknownText_0x1856a3 ; 0x1851cb MovementData_0x1851cb: ; 0x1851cb slow_step_up slow_step_up slow_step_up slow_step_up step_end ; 0x1851d0 MovementData_0x1851d0: ; 0x1851d0 db $39 ; movement fast_jump_step_down db $38 ; movement step_end ; 0x1851d4 MovementData_0x1851d4: ; 0x1851d4 db $39 ; movement fast_jump_step_down fast_jump_step_right fast_jump_step_down db $38 ; movement step_end ; 0x1851da MovementData_0x1851da: ; 0x1851da db $39 ; movement fast_jump_step_down db $38 ; movement step_end ; 0x1851de MovementData_0x1851de: ; 0x1851de db $39 ; movement fast_jump_step_down fast_jump_step_left fast_jump_step_down db $38 ; movement step_end ; 0x1851e4 MovementData_0x1851e4: ; 0x1851e4 db $39 ; movement fast_jump_step_down db $38 ; movement step_end ; 0x1851e8 MovementData_0x1851e8: ; 0x1851e8 fix_facing big_step_down remove_fixed_facing step_end ; 0x1851ec MovementData_0x1851ec: ; 0x1851ec step_up step_up step_up turn_head_left step_end ; 0x1851f1 MovementData_0x1851f1: ; 0x1851f1 step_down step_down step_down step_end ; 0x1851f5 MovementData_0x1851f5: ; 0x1851f5 step_up step_up step_left step_left turn_head_up step_end ; 0x1851fb MovementData_0x1851fb: ; 0x1851fb step_up step_up step_end ; 0x1851fe MovementData_0x1851fe: ; 0x1851fe step_up step_right step_right step_up step_end ; 0x185203 UnknownText_0x185203: ; 0x185203 text "EUSINE: Awesome!" line "Too awesome, even!" para "I've never seen a" line "battle that great." para "That was truly" line "inspiring to see." para "SUICUNE was tough," line "but you were even" para "more incredible," line $52, "." para "I heard SUICUNE's" line "mystic power" para "summons a rainbow-" line "colored #MON." para "Maybe, just maybe," line "what went on today" para "will cause that" line "#MON to appear." para "I'm going to study" line "the legends more." para "Thanks for showing" line "me that fantastic" cont "battle." para "Later, ", $52, "!" done ; 0x185386 UnknownText_0x185386: ; 0x185386 text "According to" line "legend…" para "When the souls of" line "#MON and humans" para "commune, from the" line "heavens descends a" para "#MON of rainbow" line "colors…" para "Could it mean the" line "legendary #MON" para "are testing us" line "humans?" done ; 0x185433 UnknownText_0x185433: ; 0x185433 text "When the BRASS" line "TOWER burned down," para "three nameless" line "#MON were said" para "to have perished." line "It was tragic." para "However…" para "A rainbow-colored" line "#MON…" para "In other words…" para "HO-OH descended" line "from the sky and" para "gave new life to" line "the three #MON." para "They are…" para "SUICUNE, ENTEI and" line "RAIKOU." para "That is what they" line "say." done ; 0x185544 UnknownText_0x185544: ; 0x185544 text "The two TOWERS are" line "said to have been" para "built to foster" line "friendship and" para "hope between #-" line "MON and people." para "That was 700 years" line "ago, but the ideal" para "still remains" line "important today." done ; 0x1855ee UnknownText_0x1855ee: ; 0x1855ee text "HO-OH appears to" line "have descended" para "upon this, the TIN" line "TOWER!" done ; 0x185629 UnknownText_0x185629: ; 0x185629 text "This will protect" line "you. Take it." done ; 0x18564a UnknownText_0x18564a: ; 0x18564a text "Now, go." done ; 0x185654 UnknownText_0x185654: ; 0x185654 text "I believe you are" line "being tested." para "Free your mind" line "from uncertainty," cont "and advance." done ; 0x1856a3 UnknownText_0x1856a3: ; 0x1856a3 text "I knew it." para "I knew you'd get" line "to see the #MON" para "of rainbow colors," line $52, "." para "It happened just" line "as I envisioned." para "My research isn't" line "bad, I might say." para "I'm going to keep" line "studying #MON" para "to become a famous" line "#MANIAC!" done ; 0x185765 UnknownText_0x185765: ; 0x185765 text "The legendary" line "#MON are said" para "to embody three" line "powers…" para "The lightning that" line "struck the TOWER." para "The fire that" line "burned the TOWER." para "And the rain that" line "put out the fire…" done ; 0x185803 UnknownText_0x185803: ; 0x185803 text "When the legendary" line "#MON appeared…" para "They struck terror" line "in those who saw" cont "their rise." para "And…" para "Some even took to" line "futile attacks." para "The legendary" line "#MON, knowing" para "their own power," line "fled, ignoring the" cont "frightened people." done ; 0x1858d0 UnknownText_0x1858d0: ; 0x1858d0 text "Of the legendary" line "#MON, SUICUNE" para "is said to be the" line "closest to HO-OH." para "I hear there may" line "also be a link to" para "#MON known as" line "UNOWN." para "The #MON UNOWN" line "must be sharing a" para "cooperative bond" line "with SUICUNE." done ; 0x18598c TinTower1F_MapEventHeader: ; 0x18598c ; filler db 0, 0 ; warps db 3 warp_def $f, $9, 12, GROUP_ECRUTEAK_CITY, MAP_ECRUTEAK_CITY warp_def $f, $a, 12, GROUP_ECRUTEAK_CITY, MAP_ECRUTEAK_CITY warp_def $2, $a, 2, GROUP_TIN_TOWER_2F, MAP_TIN_TOWER_2F ; xy triggers db 0 ; signposts db 0 ; people-events db 10 person_event SPRITE_SUICUNE, 13, 13, $1, $0, 255, 255, $90, 0, ObjectEvent, $07b2 person_event SPRITE_RAIKOU, 13, 11, $1, $0, 255, 255, $b0, 0, ObjectEvent, $07b4 person_event SPRITE_ENTEI, 13, 16, $1, $0, 255, 255, $80, 0, ObjectEvent, $07b3 person_event SPRITE_SUPER_NERD, 7, 12, $3, $0, 255, 255, $90, 0, SuperNerdScript_0x1851c8, $07b5 person_event SPRITE_SAGE, 13, 9, $3, $0, 255, 255, $0, 0, SageScript_0x185173, $07b6 person_event SPRITE_SAGE, 15, 15, $3, $0, 255, 255, $0, 0, SageScript_0x185176, $07b6 person_event SPRITE_SAGE, 10, 18, $3, $0, 255, 255, $0, 0, SageScript_0x185179, $07b6 person_event SPRITE_SAGE, 6, 8, $4, $10, 255, 255, $0, 0, SageScript_0x18517c, $07c5 person_event SPRITE_SAGE, 5, 13, $6, $0, 255, 255, $0, 0, SageScript_0x185188, $07c5 person_event SPRITE_SAGE, 6, 18, $5, $1, 255, 255, $0, 0, SageScript_0x1851bc, $07c5 ; 0x185a23