shithub: pokecrystal

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ref: 386a688eca4098723e6e8460257433064cdd86ee
parent: 3c8b381489f074b2223359bd0d11ea8644a35dc7
author: Bryan Bishop <[email protected]>
date: Thu Apr 26 10:37:09 EDT 2012

revert '_' prefix to some macro_names

--- a/extras/
+++ b/extras/
@@ -1501,8 +1501,8 @@
     def to_asm(self):
         #start with the rgbasm macro name for this command
         output = ""
-        if len(self.macro_name) > 0 and self.macro_name[0].isdigit():
-            output += "_"
+        #if len(self.macro_name) > 0 and self.macro_name[0].isdigit():
+        #    output += "_"
         output += self.macro_name
         #return if there are no params
         if len(self.param_types.keys()) == 0: return output
@@ -1835,8 +1835,8 @@
     output  = "; This file is generated by generate_macros.\n"
     for command in command_classes:
         output += "\n"
-        if command.macro_name[0].isdigit():
-            output += "_"
+        #if command.macro_name[0].isdigit():
+        #    output += "_"
         output += command.macro_name + ": MACRO\n"
         output += spacing + "db $%.2x\n"%(
         current_param = 1