shithub: pokecrystal

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ref: 36eb6c726a73e5106dd2c2904f50a3ce134f1f32
parent: 099295bb3d9edd7c3f9e3d4ed688c97098df7c7c
author: Bryan Bishop <[email protected]>
date: Tue Jun 19 21:51:23 EDT 2012

use labels in the disassembler output

--- a/extras/
+++ b/extras/
@@ -296,6 +296,10 @@
                         if op_code in relative_jumps:
                             target_address = offset + 2 + c_int8(ord(rom[offset + 1])).value
                             insertion = "asm_" + hex(target_address)
+                            if str(target_address) in self.rom.labels.keys():
+                                insertion = self.rom.labels[str(target_address)]
                             opstr2 = base_opstr[:base_opstr.find("x")].lower() + insertion + base_opstr[base_opstr.find("x")+1:].lower()
                             asm_command["formatted_with_labels"] = opstr2
@@ -321,6 +325,10 @@
                         # straight out of the "main.asm" file.
                         target_address = number % 0x4000
                         insertion = "asm_" + hex(target_address)
+                        if str(target_address) in self.rom.labels.keys():
+                            insertion = self.rom.labels[str(target_address)]
                         opstr2 = base_opstr[:base_opstr.find("?")].lower() + insertion + base_opstr[base_opstr.find("?")+1:].lower()
                         asm_command["formatted_with_labels"] = opstr2