Compressed title screen graphics are padded too.
Label map trigger functions in home.asm.
Merge remote-tracking branch 'kanzure/master' into incbins
Egg hatching and more daycare text.
Map triggers and label some addresses in bank 0.
Merge pull request #236 from im420blaziken/pc_dev
Bills PC Deposit and Withdraw jumptable & function
Get rid of static rom addresses in home/text.asm.
Unown words and Magikarp measurement graphics
Red/Blue Pokemon constant order.
Mom (DST, money) and daycare text.
Merge pull request #235 from yenatch/incbins
Finish off SGB and CGB code and data.
Merge pull request #234 from yenatch/incbins
Split up pack graphics and point to them.
Split up emote images and dump emote pointers.
Merge pull request #233 from yenatch/incbins
A couple bank 5 incbins incl emote pointers
Unknown item lists and TM/HM text.
Battle hud party status graphics.
Decoration attributes and menus.
Decoration menus and a couple broken function calls.
Misc bank 9 and text command $14 data.
Assorted strings, tilemaps and menudata in bank 9.
Consumable items and trainer card badge oam data.
Restore byte padding to trainer backpics.
Get rid of the last bank A incbin.
Unused item mappings and roaming maps.
Map macros because maps are bananas
Fix a party menu action comment.
Trade tilemaps and an unreferenced function.
Disassemble a jump table related to trading.
Trainer card gym leader and badge graphics.
Dummy player object and incbinned data.
OTPartyMon1HP instead of PartyMon1HP - PartyMon1 + OtPartyMon1
Partymon structs for opponent and player parties.
wContestMon in Bug Catching Contest rankings.
Use a partymon struct macro in wram.asm.
Address comments for footprints.
gfx/misc/town_map.lz is actually padded
Some incbinned data related to Cut.
Whirlpool and fishing scripts and text.
More field move scripts and text.
Use labels in audio/sfx_pointers.asm
Use labels in audio/cry_pointers.asm
Include cries and sound effects in audio.asm
Empty cry headers (for slots 252-255).
Redump music for whitespace formatting changes
preprocessor: import commands `sound` and `noise`
Bump pokemontools for fixed audio dumps
Merge pull request #231 from yenatch/sfx-cries
Merge pull request #230 from yenatch/master
Move includes into object bases instead of their version wrappers.
Merge remote-tracking branch 'kanzure/master' into nuke-globals
Merge pull request #229 from yenatch/nuke-globals
Merge remote-tracking branch 'kanzure/master' into nuke-globals
Use globals to implicitly define labels before passing them into BANK().
Merge pull request #228 from yenatch/nuke-globals
Move remaining constants into constants/{misc,pokemon_data}_constants.asm
Move rst constants into macros.asm
Clean up variable usage in the makefile.
Use :: to export labels between objects.
Merge pull request #227 from yenatch/master
preprocessor: actually call update_globals()
Merge remote-tracking branch 'kanzure/master'
MBC3 constants in some RTC-related functions
Assorted text and labels in banks 5 and A