ref: 18ff8b8a94331d6d27a2daf7db61338a0523694e
parent: e69b19f1a9b2abb086d2c3e0483a77268689c638
author: Ali Gholami Rudi <[email protected]>
date: Wed May 1 15:19:32 EDT 2013
draw: rename from line.c to draw.c Also lchar() is replaced with vchar() and hchar().
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
all: xroff
%.o: %.c xroff.h
$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $<
-xroff: xroff.o dev.o font.o in.o cp.o tr.o ren.o out.o reg.o sbuf.o adj.o eval.o line.o wb.o
+xroff: xroff.o dev.o font.o in.o cp.o tr.o ren.o out.o reg.o sbuf.o adj.o eval.o draw.o wb.o
$(CC) -o $@ $^ $(LDFLAGS)
rm -f *.o xroff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/draw.c
@@ -1,0 +1,247 @@
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "xroff.h"
+static char *ln_s;
+static int ln_next(void)
+ return *ln_s ? (unsigned char) *ln_s++ : -1;
+static void ln_back(int c)
+ ln_s--;
+static char *ln_push(char *s)
+ char *old_s = ln_s;
+ ln_s = s;
+ return old_s;
+static void ln_pop(char *s)
+ ln_s = s;
+static int cwid(char *c)
+ struct glyph *g = dev_glyph(c, n_f);
+ return charwid(g ? g->wid : SC_DW, n_s);
+static int hchar(char *c)
+ if (c[0] != '\\')
+ return c[0] == '_';
+ if (c[1] != '(')
+ return c[1] == '_' || c[1] == '-';
+ return (c[2] == 'r' && c[3] == 'u') || (c[2] == 'u' && c[3] == 'l') ||
+ (c[2] == 'r' && c[3] == 'n');
+static int vchar(char *c)
+ if (c[0] != '\\' || c[1] != '(')
+ return c[0] == '_';
+ return (c[2] == 'b' && c[3] == 'v') || (c[2] == 'b' && c[3] == 'r');
+void ren_hline(struct wb *wb, char *arg)
+ char *lc = "\\(ru";
+ int w, l, n, i, rem;
+ l = eval_up(&arg, 'm');
+ if (!l)
+ return;
+ if (arg[0] == '\\' && arg[1] == '&') /* \& can be used as a separator */
+ arg += 2;
+ if (*arg)
+ lc = arg;
+ w = cwid(lc);
+ /* negative length; moving backwards */
+ if (l < 0) {
+ wb_hmov(wb, l);
+ l = -l;
+ }
+ n = l / w;
+ rem = l % w;
+ /* length less than character width */
+ if (l < w) {
+ n = 1;
+ rem = 0;
+ wb_hmov(wb, -(w - l) / 2);
+ }
+ /* the initial gap */
+ if (rem) {
+ if (hchar(lc)) {
+ wb_put(wb, lc);
+ wb_hmov(wb, rem - w);
+ } else {
+ wb_hmov(wb, rem);
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ wb_put(wb, lc);
+ /* moving back */
+ if (l < w)
+ wb_hmov(wb, -(w - l + 1) / 2);
+void ren_vline(struct wb *wb, char *arg)
+ char *lc = "\\(br";
+ int w, l, n, i, rem, hw, neg;
+ l = eval_up(&arg, 'm');
+ if (!l)
+ return;
+ neg = l < 0;
+ if (arg[0] == '\\' && arg[1] == '&') /* \& can be used as a separator */
+ arg += 2;
+ if (*arg)
+ lc = arg;
+ w = SC_HT; /* character height */
+ hw = cwid(lc); /* character width */
+ /* negative length; moving backwards */
+ if (l < 0) {
+ wb_vmov(wb, l);
+ l = -l;
+ }
+ n = l / w;
+ rem = l % w;
+ /* length less than character width */
+ if (l < w) {
+ n = 1;
+ rem = 0;
+ wb_vmov(wb, -w + l / 2);
+ }
+ /* the initial gap */
+ if (rem) {
+ if (vchar(lc)) {
+ wb_vmov(wb, w);
+ wb_put(wb, lc);
+ wb_hmov(wb, -hw);
+ wb_vmov(wb, rem - w);
+ } else {
+ wb_vmov(wb, rem);
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ wb_vmov(wb, w);
+ wb_put(wb, lc);
+ wb_hmov(wb, -hw);
+ }
+ /* moving back */
+ if (l < w)
+ wb_vmov(wb, l / 2);
+ if (neg)
+ wb_vmov(wb, -l);
+ wb_hmov(wb, hw);
+void ren_bracket(struct wb *wb, char *arg)
+ struct wb wb2;
+ int n = 0, w = 0;
+ int c, center;
+ char *ln_prev = ln_push(arg);
+ wb_init(&wb2);
+ c = ln_next();
+ while (c >= 0) {
+ ln_back(c);
+ ren_char(&wb2, ln_next, ln_back);
+ if (wb_wid(&wb2) > w)
+ w = wb_wid(&wb2);
+ wb_hmov(&wb2, -wb_wid(&wb2));
+ wb_vmov(&wb2, SC_HT);
+ n++;
+ c = ln_next();
+ }
+ ln_pop(ln_prev);
+ center = -(n * SC_HT + SC_EM) / 2;
+ wb_vmov(wb, center + SC_HT);
+ wb_cat(wb, &wb2);
+ wb_done(&wb2);
+ wb_vmov(wb, center);
+ wb_hmov(wb, w);
+void ren_over(struct wb *wb, char *arg)
+ struct wb wb2, wb3;
+ int w = 0, wc;
+ int c;
+ char *ln_prev = ln_push(arg);
+ wb_init(&wb2);
+ wb_init(&wb3);
+ c = ln_next();
+ while (c >= 0) {
+ ln_back(c);
+ ren_char(&wb3, ln_next, ln_back);
+ wc = wb_wid(&wb3);
+ if (wc > w)
+ w = wc;
+ wb_hmov(&wb2, -wc / 2);
+ wb_cat(&wb2, &wb3);
+ wb_hmov(&wb2, -wc / 2);
+ c = ln_next();
+ }
+ ln_pop(ln_prev);
+ wb_hmov(wb, w / 2);
+ wb_cat(wb, &wb2);
+ wb_hmov(wb, w / 2);
+ wb_done(&wb3);
+ wb_done(&wb2);
+static int tok_num(char **s, int scale)
+ char tok[ILNLEN];
+ char *d = tok;
+ while (isspace(**s))
+ (*s)++;
+ while (**s && !isspace(**s))
+ *d++ = *(*s)++;
+ *d = '\0';
+ return eval(tok, scale);
+void ren_draw(struct wb *wb, char *s)
+ int h1, h2, v1, v2;
+ int c = *s++;
+ switch (c) {
+ case 'l':
+ h1 = tok_num(&s, 'm');
+ v1 = tok_num(&s, 'v');
+ wb_drawl(wb, h1, v1);
+ break;
+ case 'c':
+ h1 = tok_num(&s, 'm');
+ wb_drawc(wb, h1);
+ break;
+ case 'e':
+ h1 = tok_num(&s, 'm');
+ v1 = tok_num(&s, 'v');
+ wb_drawe(wb, h1, v1);
+ break;
+ case 'a':
+ h1 = tok_num(&s, 'm');
+ v1 = tok_num(&s, 'v');
+ h2 = tok_num(&s, 'm');
+ v2 = tok_num(&s, 'v');
+ wb_drawa(wb, h1, v1, h2, v2);
+ break;
+ default:
+ wb_drawxbeg(wb, c);
+ while (*s) {
+ h1 = tok_num(&s, 'm');
+ v1 = tok_num(&s, 'v');
+ wb_drawxdot(wb, h1, v1);
+ }
+ wb_drawxend(wb);
+ }
--- a/line.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,242 +1,0 @@
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "xroff.h"
-static char *ln_s;
-static int ln_next(void)
- return *ln_s ? (unsigned char) *ln_s++ : -1;
-static void ln_back(int c)
- ln_s--;
-static char *ln_push(char *s)
- char *old_s = ln_s;
- ln_s = s;
- return old_s;
-static void ln_pop(char *s)
- ln_s = s;
-static int cwid(char *c)
- struct glyph *g = dev_glyph(c, n_f);
- return charwid(g ? g->wid : SC_DW, n_s);
-/* horizontal and vertical line characters */
-static char *hs[] = {"_", "\\_", "\\-", "\\(ru", "\\(ul", "\\(rn", NULL};
-static char *vs[] = {"\\(bv", "\\(br", "|", NULL};
-static int lchar(char *c, char **cs)
- while (*cs)
- if (!strcmp(*cs++, c))
- return 1;
- return 0;
-void ren_hline(struct wb *wb, char *arg)
- char *lc = "\\(ru";
- int w, l, n, i, rem;
- l = eval_up(&arg, 'm');
- if (!l)
- return;
- if (arg[0] == '\\' && arg[1] == '&') /* \& can be used as a separator */
- arg += 2;
- if (*arg)
- lc = arg;
- w = cwid(lc);
- /* negative length; moving backwards */
- if (l < 0) {
- wb_hmov(wb, l);
- l = -l;
- }
- n = l / w;
- rem = l % w;
- /* length less than character width */
- if (l < w) {
- n = 1;
- rem = 0;
- wb_hmov(wb, -(w - l) / 2);
- }
- /* the initial gap */
- if (rem) {
- if (lchar(lc, hs)) {
- wb_put(wb, lc);
- wb_hmov(wb, rem - w);
- } else {
- wb_hmov(wb, rem);
- }
- }
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
- wb_put(wb, lc);
- /* moving back */
- if (l < w)
- wb_hmov(wb, -(w - l + 1) / 2);
-void ren_vline(struct wb *wb, char *arg)
- char *lc = "\\(br";
- int w, l, n, i, rem, hw, neg;
- l = eval_up(&arg, 'm');
- if (!l)
- return;
- neg = l < 0;
- if (arg[0] == '\\' && arg[1] == '&') /* \& can be used as a separator */
- arg += 2;
- if (*arg)
- lc = arg;
- w = SC_HT; /* character height */
- hw = cwid(lc); /* character width */
- /* negative length; moving backwards */
- if (l < 0) {
- wb_vmov(wb, l);
- l = -l;
- }
- n = l / w;
- rem = l % w;
- /* length less than character width */
- if (l < w) {
- n = 1;
- rem = 0;
- wb_vmov(wb, -w + l / 2);
- }
- /* the initial gap */
- if (rem) {
- if (lchar(lc, vs)) {
- wb_vmov(wb, w);
- wb_put(wb, lc);
- wb_hmov(wb, -hw);
- wb_vmov(wb, rem - w);
- } else {
- wb_vmov(wb, rem);
- }
- }
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- wb_vmov(wb, w);
- wb_put(wb, lc);
- wb_hmov(wb, -hw);
- }
- /* moving back */
- if (l < w)
- wb_vmov(wb, l / 2);
- if (neg)
- wb_vmov(wb, -l);
- wb_hmov(wb, hw);
-void ren_bracket(struct wb *wb, char *arg)
- struct wb wb2;
- int n = 0, w = 0;
- int c, center;
- char *ln_prev = ln_push(arg);
- wb_init(&wb2);
- c = ln_next();
- while (c >= 0) {
- ln_back(c);
- ren_char(&wb2, ln_next, ln_back);
- if (wb_wid(&wb2) > w)
- w = wb_wid(&wb2);
- wb_hmov(&wb2, -wb_wid(&wb2));
- wb_vmov(&wb2, SC_HT);
- n++;
- c = ln_next();
- }
- ln_pop(ln_prev);
- center = -(n * SC_HT + SC_EM) / 2;
- wb_vmov(wb, center + SC_HT);
- wb_cat(wb, &wb2);
- wb_done(&wb2);
- wb_vmov(wb, center);
- wb_hmov(wb, w);
-void ren_over(struct wb *wb, char *arg)
- struct wb wb2, wb3;
- int w = 0, wc;
- int c;
- char *ln_prev = ln_push(arg);
- wb_init(&wb2);
- wb_init(&wb3);
- c = ln_next();
- while (c >= 0) {
- ln_back(c);
- ren_char(&wb3, ln_next, ln_back);
- wc = wb_wid(&wb3);
- if (wc > w)
- w = wc;
- wb_hmov(&wb2, -wc / 2);
- wb_cat(&wb2, &wb3);
- wb_hmov(&wb2, -wc / 2);
- c = ln_next();
- }
- ln_pop(ln_prev);
- wb_hmov(wb, w / 2);
- wb_cat(wb, &wb2);
- wb_hmov(wb, w / 2);
- wb_done(&wb3);
- wb_done(&wb2);
-static int tok_num(char **s, int scale)
- char tok[ILNLEN];
- char *d = tok;
- while (isspace(**s))
- (*s)++;
- while (**s && !isspace(**s))
- *d++ = *(*s)++;
- *d = '\0';
- return eval(tok, scale);
-void ren_draw(struct wb *wb, char *s)
- int h1, h2, v1, v2;
- int c = *s++;
- switch (c) {
- case 'l':
- h1 = tok_num(&s, 'm');
- v1 = tok_num(&s, 'v');
- wb_drawl(wb, h1, v1);
- break;
- case 'c':
- h1 = tok_num(&s, 'm');
- wb_drawc(wb, h1);
- break;
- case 'e':
- h1 = tok_num(&s, 'm');
- v1 = tok_num(&s, 'v');
- wb_drawe(wb, h1, v1);
- break;
- case 'a':
- h1 = tok_num(&s, 'm');
- v1 = tok_num(&s, 'v');
- h2 = tok_num(&s, 'm');
- v2 = tok_num(&s, 'v');
- wb_drawa(wb, h1, v1, h2, v2);
- break;
- default:
- wb_drawxbeg(wb, c);
- while (*s) {
- h1 = tok_num(&s, 'm');
- v1 = tok_num(&s, 'v');
- wb_drawxdot(wb, h1, v1);
- }
- wb_drawxend(wb);
- }