shithub: cstory

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ref: f45a0adb299db30670203f0ca84933bfc9e1227b
parent: 22ccaf76b01138621863a485de1f18e5baff39f8
parent: 4bbc2fa7792300e3409bac4d010e528e42d27a24
author: Clownacy <[email protected]>
date: Sat Feb 9 15:38:35 EST 2019

Merge branch 'master' of

--- a/src/Back.cpp
+++ b/src/Back.cpp
@@ -89,39 +89,64 @@
 		case 6:
 		case 7:
+			//Sky = 0;
 			rect.bottom = 88;
 			rect.left = 0;
 			rect.right = 320;
-			PutBitmap4(&grcGame, 0, 0, &rect, SURFACE_ID_LEVEL_BACKGROUND);
+			PutBitmap4(&grcGame, (WINDOW_WIDTH - 320) / 2, 0, &rect, SURFACE_ID_LEVEL_BACKGROUND);
+			rect.left = 106;
+			rect.right = 255;
+			for (int i = 0; i < ((WINDOW_WIDTH + 329) / 320); i++)
+			{
+				PutBitmap4(&grcGame, (WINDOW_WIDTH - 320) / 2 - (149 * (i + 1)), 0, &rect, SURFACE_ID_LEVEL_BACKGROUND);
+				PutBitmap4(&grcGame, (WINDOW_WIDTH - 320) / 2 + 320 + (149 * i), 0, &rect, SURFACE_ID_LEVEL_BACKGROUND);
+			}
+			//Cloud layer 1 = 88;
 			rect.bottom = 123;
 			rect.left = gBack.fx / 2;
 			rect.right = 320;
 			PutBitmap4(&grcGame, 0, 88, &rect, SURFACE_ID_LEVEL_BACKGROUND);
 			rect.left = 0;
-			PutBitmap4(&grcGame, 320 - gBack.fx / 2 % 320, 88, &rect, SURFACE_ID_LEVEL_BACKGROUND);
+			for (int i = 0; i < ((WINDOW_WIDTH + 329) / 320) + 1; i++)
+				PutBitmap4(&grcGame, (320 * (i + 1)) - gBack.fx / 2 % 320, 88, &rect, SURFACE_ID_LEVEL_BACKGROUND);
+			//Cloud layer 2 = 123;
 			rect.bottom = 146;
 			rect.left = gBack.fx % 320;
 			rect.right = 320;
 			PutBitmap4(&grcGame, 0, 123, &rect, SURFACE_ID_LEVEL_BACKGROUND);
 			rect.left = 0;
-			PutBitmap4(&grcGame, 320 - gBack.fx % 320, 123, &rect, SURFACE_ID_LEVEL_BACKGROUND);
+			for (int i = 0; i < ((WINDOW_WIDTH + 329) / 320) + 1; i++)
+				PutBitmap4(&grcGame, (320 * (i + 1)) - gBack.fx % 320, 123, &rect, SURFACE_ID_LEVEL_BACKGROUND);
+			//Cloud layer 3 = 146;
 			rect.bottom = 176;
 			rect.left = 2 * gBack.fx % 320;
 			rect.right = 320;
 			PutBitmap4(&grcGame, 0, 146, &rect, SURFACE_ID_LEVEL_BACKGROUND);
 			rect.left = 0;
-			PutBitmap4(&grcGame, 320 - 2 * gBack.fx % 320, 146, &rect, SURFACE_ID_LEVEL_BACKGROUND);
+			for (int i = 0; i < ((WINDOW_WIDTH + 329) / 320) + 1; i++)
+				PutBitmap4(&grcGame, (320 * (i + 1)) - 2 * gBack.fx % 320, 146, &rect, SURFACE_ID_LEVEL_BACKGROUND);
+			//Cloud layer 4 = 176;
 			rect.bottom = 240;
 			rect.left = 4 * gBack.fx % 320;
 			rect.right = 320;
 			PutBitmap4(&grcGame, 0, 176, &rect, SURFACE_ID_LEVEL_BACKGROUND);
 			rect.left = 0;
-			PutBitmap4(&grcGame, 320 - 4 * gBack.fx % 320, 176, &rect, SURFACE_ID_LEVEL_BACKGROUND);
+			for (int i = 0; i < ((WINDOW_WIDTH + 329) / 320) + 1; i++)
+				PutBitmap4(&grcGame, (320 * (i + 1)) - 4 * gBack.fx % 320, 176, &rect, SURFACE_ID_LEVEL_BACKGROUND);
--- a/src/Ending.cpp
+++ b/src/Ending.cpp
@@ -8,7 +8,10 @@
 #include "Generic.h"
 #include "Ending.h"
 #include "Flags.h"
+#include "KeyControl.h"
+#include "Escape.h"
 #include "Organya.h"
+#include "Main.h"
 #include "Stage.h"
 #include "Draw.h"
 #include "TextScr.h"
@@ -368,4 +371,77 @@
 void CutCreditIllust()
 	Illust.act_no = 2;
+//Scene of the island falling
+int Scene_DownIsland(int mode)
+	RECT rc_sprite;
+	RECT rc_ground;
+	RECT rc_sky;
+	RECT rc_frame;
+	rc_frame = {(WINDOW_WIDTH - 160) / 2, (WINDOW_HEIGHT - 80) / 2, (WINDOW_WIDTH + 160) / 2, (WINDOW_HEIGHT + 80) / 2};
+	rc_sky = {0, 0, 160, 80};
+	rc_ground = {160, 48, 320, 80};
+	rc_sprite = {160, 0, 200, 24};
+	sprite.x = 0x15000;
+	sprite.y = 0x8000;
+	for (int wait = 0; wait < 900; wait++)
+	{
+		GetTrg();
+		if (gKey & 0x8000)
+		{
+			int escRet = Call_Escape();
+			if (escRet == 0)
+				return 0;
+			if (escRet == 2)
+				return 2;
+		}
+		switch (mode)
+		{
+			case 0:
+				sprite.y += 0x33;
+				break;
+			case 1:
+				if (wait >= 350)
+				{
+					if (wait >= 500)
+					{
+						if (wait >= 600)
+						{
+							if (wait == 750)
+								wait = 900;
+						}
+						else
+						{
+							sprite.y += 0xC;
+						}
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						sprite.y += 0x19;
+					}
+				}
+				break;
+		}
+		CortBox(&grcFull, 0);
+		PutBitmap3(&rc_frame, 80 + (WINDOW_WIDTH - 320) / 2, 80 + (WINDOW_HEIGHT - 240) / 2, &rc_sky, 21);
+		PutBitmap3(&rc_frame, sprite.x / 0x200 - 20 + (WINDOW_WIDTH - 320) / 2, sprite.y / 512 - 12 + (WINDOW_HEIGHT - 240) / 2, &rc_sprite, 21);
+		PutBitmap3(&rc_frame, 80 + (WINDOW_WIDTH - 320) / 2, 128 + (WINDOW_HEIGHT - 240) / 2, &rc_ground, 21);
+		//PutTimeCounter(16, 8);
+		PutFramePerSecound();
+		if (!Flip_SystemTask())
+			return 0;
+	}
+	return 1;
--- a/src/Ending.h
+++ b/src/Ending.h
@@ -26,6 +26,12 @@
 	int x;
+	int x;
+	int y;
 void ActionStripper();
 void PutStripper();
 void SetStripper(int x, int y, char *text, int cast);
@@ -39,3 +45,4 @@
 void ActionCredit();
 void SetCreditIllust(int a);
 void CutCreditIllust();
+int Scene_DownIsland(int mode);
--- a/src/NpcAct.h
+++ b/src/NpcAct.h
@@ -329,6 +329,11 @@
 void ActNpc324(NPCHAR *npc);
 void ActNpc325(NPCHAR *npc);
+void ActNpc326(NPCHAR *npc);
+void ActNpc327(NPCHAR *npc);
+void ActNpc328(NPCHAR *npc);
+void ActNpc329(NPCHAR *npc);
 void ActNpc334(NPCHAR *npc);
 void ActNpc335(NPCHAR *npc);
 void ActNpc336(NPCHAR *npc);
--- a/src/NpcAct320.cpp
+++ b/src/NpcAct320.cpp
@@ -426,6 +426,190 @@
 	npc->rect = rc[npc->ani_no];
+//Sue/Itoh becoming humans
+void ActNpc326(NPCHAR *npc)
+	switch (npc->act_no)
+	{
+		case 0:
+			npc->act_no = 1;
+			npc->y -= 0x1000;
+			npc->x += 0x2000;
+			npc->ani_no = 0;
+			//Fallthrough
+		case 1:
+			if (++npc->act_wait > 80)
+			{
+				npc->act_no = 10;
+				npc->act_wait = 0;
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				if (npc->direct)
+				{
+					if (npc->act_wait == 50)
+						npc->ani_no = 1;
+					if (npc->act_wait == 60)
+						npc->ani_no = 0;
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					if (npc->act_wait == 30)
+						npc->ani_no = 1;
+					if (npc->act_wait == 40)
+						npc->ani_no = 0;
+				}
+			}
+			break;
+		case 10:
+			if (++npc->act_wait > 50)
+			{
+				npc->act_no = 15;
+				npc->ani_no = 4;
+				if ( npc->direct )
+					npc->act_wait = -20;
+				else
+					npc->act_wait = 0;
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				if (npc->act_wait / 2 & 1)
+					npc->ani_no = 2;
+				else
+					npc->ani_no = 3;
+			}
+			break;
+		case 15:
+			if (++npc->act_wait > 40)
+			{
+				npc->act_wait = 0;
+				npc->act_no = 20;
+			}
+			break;
+		case 20:
+			npc->ym += 0x40;
+			if (npc->ym > 0x5FF)
+				npc->ym = 0x5FF;
+			npc->y += npc->ym;
+			if (++npc->act_wait > 50)
+			{
+				npc->act_no = 30;
+				npc->act_wait = 0;
+				npc->ani_no = 6;
+				if (npc->direct)
+					SetNpChar(327, npc->x, npc->y - 0x1000, 0, 0, 0, npc, 0x100);
+				else
+					SetNpChar(327, npc->x, npc->y - 0x2000, 0, 0, 0, npc, 0x100);
+			}
+			break;
+		case 30:
+			if (++npc->act_wait == 30)
+				npc->ani_no = 7;
+			if (npc->act_wait == 40)
+				npc->act_no = 40;
+			break;
+		case 40:
+			npc->act_no = 41;
+			npc->act_wait = 0;
+			npc->ani_no = 0;
+			//Fallthorugh
+		case 41:
+			if (++npc->act_wait == 30)
+				npc->ani_no = 1;
+			if (npc->act_wait == 40)
+				npc->ani_no = 0;
+			break;
+		default:
+			break;
+	}
+	RECT rcSu[8];
+	RECT rcItoh[8];
+	rcItoh[0] = {0, 128, 16, 152};
+	rcItoh[1] = {16, 128, 32, 152};
+	rcItoh[2] = {32, 128, 48, 152};
+	rcItoh[3] = {48, 128, 64, 152};
+	rcItoh[4] = {64, 128, 80, 152};
+	rcItoh[5] = {80, 128, 96, 152};
+	rcItoh[6] = {96, 128, 112, 152};
+	rcItoh[7] = {112, 128, 128, 152};
+	rcSu[0] = {128, 128, 144, 152};
+	rcSu[1] = {144, 128, 160, 152};
+	rcSu[2] = {160, 128, 176, 152};
+	rcSu[3] = {176, 128, 192, 152};
+	rcSu[4] = {192, 128, 208, 152};
+	rcSu[5] = {208, 128, 224, 152};
+	rcSu[6] = {224, 128, 240, 152};
+	rcSu[7] = {32, 152, 48, 176};
+	if (npc->direct)
+		npc->rect = rcSu[npc->ani_no];
+	else
+		npc->rect = rcItoh[npc->ani_no];
+void ActNpc327(NPCHAR *npc)
+	RECT rc[2];
+	rc[0] = {240, 80, 256, 96};
+	rc[1] = {256, 80, 272, 96};
+	++npc->act_wait;
+	switch (npc->act_no)
+	{
+		case 0:
+			if (npc->act_wait < 4)
+				npc->y -= 0x400;
+			if (npc->pNpc->ani_no == 7)
+			{
+				npc->ani_no = 1;
+				npc->act_no = 1;
+				npc->tgt_x = npc->x;
+				npc->tgt_y = npc->y;
+			}
+			break;
+		case 1:
+			if (npc->act_wait >= 48)
+			{
+				npc->x = npc->tgt_x;
+				npc->y = npc->tgt_y;
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				npc->x = npc->tgt_x + (Random(-1, 1) << 9);
+				npc->y = npc->tgt_y + (Random(-1, 1) << 9);
+			}
+			break;
+	}
+	if (npc->act_wait > 70)
+		npc->cond = 0;
+	npc->rect = rc[npc->ani_no];
+//Thingy that turns Sue and Itoh into humans for 4 seconds
+void ActNpc328(NPCHAR *npc)
+	npc->rect = {96, 0, 128, 48};
+//Laboratory fan
+void ActNpc329(NPCHAR *npc)
+	if (++npc->ani_wait / 2 & 1)
+		npc->rect = {48, 0, 64, 16};
+	else
+		npc->rect = {64, 0, 80, 16};
 void ActNpc334(NPCHAR *npc)
--- a/src/NpcTbl.cpp
+++ b/src/NpcTbl.cpp
@@ -382,10 +382,10 @@
-	nullptr,
-	nullptr,
-	nullptr,
-	nullptr,
+	ActNpc326,
+	ActNpc327,
+	ActNpc328,
+	ActNpc329,
--- a/src/TextScr.cpp
+++ b/src/TextScr.cpp
@@ -1227,6 +1227,17 @@
 						gTS.p_read += 4;
+					else if (IS_COMMAND('X','X','1'))
+					{
+						bExit = true;
+						z = GetTextScriptNo(gTS.p_read + 4);
+						int islRet = Scene_DownIsland(z);
+						if (islRet == 0)
+							return 0;
+						if (islRet == 2)
+							return 2;
+						gTS.p_read += 8;
+					}
 					else if (IS_COMMAND('E','S','C'))
 						return 2;