ref: cc0464e774b972e059732d464fac501f8779fc9a
parent: ca1ed4f642052ef66f39c4dbc6f819efcfa0a3d6
author: Clownacy <[email protected]>
date: Tue Jul 7 20:39:34 EDT 2020
Restore InitSoundObject Can be used to load SFX from .wav resource files (as long as they're mono unsigned 8-bit samples).
--- a/src/Sound.cpp
+++ b/src/Sound.cpp
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
#include "Backends/Audio.h"
//#include "Main.h" // Was for gModulePath, but this is unneeded in the portable branch since LoadSoundObject is commented-out
+#include "Resource.h"
#include "Organya.h"
#include "PixTone.h"
@@ -67,52 +68,42 @@
// サウンドの設定 (Sound settings)
-BOOL InitSoundObject(LPCSTR resname, int no)
+BOOL InitSoundObject(const char *resname, int no)
- HRSRC hrscr;
- DWORD *lpdword; // リソースのアドレス (Resource address)
+ const unsigned char *resource_pointer; // リソースのアドレス (Resource address)
- if (lpDS == NULL)
+ if (!audio_backend_initialised)
return TRUE;
// リソースの検索 (Search for resources)
- if ((hrscr = FindResourceA(NULL, resname, "WAVE")) == NULL)
+ resource_pointer = FindResource("WAVE100", "WAVE", NULL);
+ if (resource_pointer == NULL)
return FALSE;
- // リソースのアドレスを取得 (Get resource address)
- lpdword = (DWORD*)LockResource(LoadResource(NULL, hrscr));
+ // Get sound properties, and check if it's valid
+ unsigned long buffer_size = resource_pointer[0x36] | (resource_pointer[0x37] << 8) | (resource_pointer[0x38] << 16) | (resource_pointer[0x39] << 24);
+ unsigned short format = resource_pointer[5] | (resource_pointer[6] << 8);
+ unsigned short channels = resource_pointer[7] | (resource_pointer[8] << 8);
+ unsigned long sample_rate = resource_pointer[9] | (resource_pointer[0xA] << 8) | (resource_pointer[0xB] << 16) | (resource_pointer[0xC] << 24);
- // 二次バッファの生成 (Create secondary buffer)
- ZeroMemory(&dsbd, sizeof(dsbd));
- dsbd.dwSize = sizeof(dsbd);
- dsbd.dwBufferBytes = *(DWORD*)((BYTE*)lpdword+0x36); // WAVEデータのサイズ (WAVE data size)
- dsbd.lpwfxFormat = (LPWAVEFORMATEX)(lpdword+5);
+ if (format != 1) // 1 is WAVE_FORMAT_PCM
+ return FALSE;
- if (lpDS->CreateSoundBuffer(&dsbd, &lpSECONDARYBUFFER[no], NULL) != DS_OK)
+ if (channels != 1) // The mixer only supports mono right now
return FALSE;
- LPVOID lpbuf1, lpbuf2;
- DWORD dwbuf1, dwbuf2;
+ // 二次バッファの生成 (Create secondary buffer)
+ lpSECONDARYBUFFER[no] = AudioBackend_CreateSound(sample_rate, resource_pointer + 0x3A, buffer_size);
- // 二次バッファのロック (Secondary buffer lock)
- lpSECONDARYBUFFER[no]->Lock(0, *(DWORD*)((BYTE*)lpdword+0x36), &lpbuf1, &dwbuf1, &lpbuf2, &dwbuf2, 0);
+ return FALSE;
- // 音源データの設定 (Sound source data settings)
- CopyMemory(lpbuf1, (BYTE*)lpdword+0x3A, dwbuf1);
- if (dwbuf2 != 0)
- CopyMemory(lpbuf2, (BYTE*)lpdword+0x3A+dwbuf1, dwbuf2);
- // 二次バッファのロック解除 (Unlock secondary buffer)
- lpSECONDARYBUFFER[no]->Unlock(lpbuf1, dwbuf1, lpbuf2, dwbuf2);
return TRUE;
// Completely unused function for loading a .wav file as a sound effect.
// Some say that sounds heard in CS Beta footage don't sound like PixTone...
BOOL LoadSoundObject(LPCSTR file_name, int no)