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ref: 9b81f453813dfcd78ef17c04243cf3e517416bfd
parent: 72a5f366547e12cab97eca00df1a09d4e178033e
author: Cameron Cawley <[email protected]>
date: Thu Jun 25 13:12:12 EDT 2020

Add an SDL 1.2 audio backend

--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 option(FREETYPE_FONTS "Use FreeType2 to render the DejaVu Mono (English) or Migu1M (Japanese) fonts, instead of using pre-rendered copies of Courier New (English) and MS Gothic (Japanese)" OFF)
 set(BACKEND_RENDERER "SDLTexture" CACHE STRING "Which renderer the game should use: 'OpenGL3' for an OpenGL 3.2 renderer, 'OpenGLES2' for an OpenGL ES 2.0 renderer, 'SDLTexture' for SDL2's hardware-accelerated Texture API, 'SDLSurface' for SDL2's software-rendered Surface API, 'Wii U' for the Wii U's hardware-accelerated GX2 API, '3DS' for the 3DS's hardware accelerated Citro2D/Citro3D API, or 'Software' for a handwritten software renderer")
-set(BACKEND_AUDIO "SDL2" CACHE STRING "Which audio backend the game should use: 'SDL2', 'miniaudio', 'WiiU-Hardware', 'WiiU-Software', '3DS-Hardware', '3DS-Software', or 'Null'")
+set(BACKEND_AUDIO "SDL2" CACHE STRING "Which audio backend the game should use: 'SDL2', 'SDL1', 'miniaudio', 'WiiU-Hardware', 'WiiU-Software', '3DS-Hardware', '3DS-Software', or 'Null'")
 set(BACKEND_PLATFORM "SDL2" CACHE STRING "Which platform backend the game should use: 'SDL2', 'SDL1', 'GLFW3', 'WiiU', '3DS', or 'Null'")
 option(LTO "Enable link-time optimisation" OFF)
@@ -336,6 +336,12 @@
+	target_sources(CSE2 PRIVATE
+		"src/Backends/Audio/SDL1.cpp"
+		"src/Backends/Audio/SoftwareMixer.cpp"
+		"src/Backends/Audio/SoftwareMixer.h"
+	)
 elseif(BACKEND_AUDIO MATCHES "miniaudio")
 	target_sources(CSE2 PRIVATE
@@ -607,7 +613,11 @@
+		message(FATAL_ERROR "SDL1 and SDL2 cannot be used simultaneously!")
+	endif()
 	find_package(SDL 1.2.15)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Backends/Audio/SDL1.cpp
@@ -1,0 +1,243 @@
+#include "../Audio.h"
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <string>
+#include "SDL.h"
+#include "../Misc.h"
+#include "SoftwareMixer.h"
+#define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
+static unsigned long output_frequency;
+static void (*organya_callback)(void);
+static unsigned int organya_callback_milliseconds;
+static void MixSoundsAndUpdateOrganya(long *stream, size_t frames_total)
+	if (organya_callback_milliseconds == 0)
+	{
+		Mixer_MixSounds(stream, frames_total);
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		// Synchronise audio generation with Organya.
+		// In the original game, Organya ran asynchronously in a separate thread,
+		// firing off commands to DirectSound in realtime. To match that, we'd
+		// need a very low-latency buffer, otherwise we'd get mistimed instruments.
+		// Instead, we can just do this.
+		unsigned int frames_done = 0;
+		while (frames_done != frames_total)
+		{
+			static unsigned long organya_countdown;
+			if (organya_countdown == 0)
+			{
+				organya_countdown = (organya_callback_milliseconds * output_frequency) / 1000;	// organya_timer is in milliseconds, so convert it to audio frames
+				organya_callback();
+			}
+			const unsigned int frames_to_do = MIN(organya_countdown, frames_total - frames_done);
+			Mixer_MixSounds(stream + frames_done * 2, frames_to_do);
+			frames_done += frames_to_do;
+			organya_countdown -= frames_to_do;
+		}
+	}
+static void Callback(void *user_data, Uint8 *stream_uint8, int len)
+	(void)user_data;
+	short *stream = (short*)stream_uint8;
+	const size_t frames_total = len / sizeof(short) / 2;
+	size_t frames_done = 0;
+	while (frames_done != frames_total)
+	{
+		long mix_buffer[0x800 * 2];	// 2 because stereo
+		size_t subframes = MIN(0x800, frames_total - frames_done);
+		memset(mix_buffer, 0, subframes * sizeof(long) * 2);
+		MixSoundsAndUpdateOrganya(mix_buffer, subframes);
+		for (size_t i = 0; i < subframes * 2; ++i)
+		{
+			if (mix_buffer[i] > 0x7FFF)
+				*stream++ = 0x7FFF;
+			else if (mix_buffer[i] < -0x7FFF)
+				*stream++ = -0x7FFF;
+			else
+				*stream++ = mix_buffer[i];
+		}
+		frames_done += subframes;
+	}
+bool AudioBackend_Init(void)
+	if (SDL_InitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_AUDIO) < 0)
+	{
+		std::string errorMessage = std::string("'SDL_InitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_AUDIO)' failed: ") + SDL_GetError();
+		Backend_ShowMessageBox("Fatal error (SDL1 audio backend)", errorMessage.c_str());
+		return false;
+	}
+	SDL_AudioSpec specification;
+	specification.freq = 48000;
+	specification.format = AUDIO_S16;
+	specification.channels = 2;
+	specification.samples = 0x400;	// Roughly 10 milliseconds for 48000Hz
+	specification.callback = Callback;
+	specification.userdata = NULL;
+	SDL_AudioSpec obtained_specification;
+	if (SDL_OpenAudio(&specification, &obtained_specification) != 0)
+	{
+		std::string error_message = std::string("'SDL_OpenAudio' failed: ") + SDL_GetError();
+		Backend_ShowMessageBox("Fatal error (SDL1 audio backend)", error_message.c_str());
+		return false;
+	}
+	output_frequency = obtained_specification.freq;
+	Mixer_Init(obtained_specification.freq);
+	SDL_PauseAudio(0);
+	char driver[20];
+	Backend_PrintInfo("Selected SDL audio driver: %s", SDL_AudioDriverName(driver, 20));
+	return true;
+void AudioBackend_Deinit(void)
+	SDL_CloseAudio();
+	SDL_QuitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_AUDIO);
+AudioBackend_Sound* AudioBackend_CreateSound(unsigned int frequency, const unsigned char *samples, size_t length)
+	SDL_LockAudio();
+	Mixer_Sound *sound = Mixer_CreateSound(frequency, samples, length);
+	SDL_UnlockAudio();
+	return (AudioBackend_Sound*)sound;
+void AudioBackend_DestroySound(AudioBackend_Sound *sound)
+	if (sound == NULL)
+		return;
+	SDL_LockAudio();
+	Mixer_DestroySound((Mixer_Sound*)sound);
+	SDL_UnlockAudio();
+void AudioBackend_PlaySound(AudioBackend_Sound *sound, bool looping)
+	if (sound == NULL)
+		return;
+	SDL_LockAudio();
+	Mixer_PlaySound((Mixer_Sound*)sound, looping);
+	SDL_UnlockAudio();
+void AudioBackend_StopSound(AudioBackend_Sound *sound)
+	if (sound == NULL)
+		return;
+	SDL_LockAudio();
+	Mixer_StopSound((Mixer_Sound*)sound);
+	SDL_UnlockAudio();
+void AudioBackend_RewindSound(AudioBackend_Sound *sound)
+	if (sound == NULL)
+		return;
+	SDL_LockAudio();
+	Mixer_RewindSound((Mixer_Sound*)sound);
+	SDL_UnlockAudio();
+void AudioBackend_SetSoundFrequency(AudioBackend_Sound *sound, unsigned int frequency)
+	if (sound == NULL)
+		return;
+	SDL_LockAudio();
+	Mixer_SetSoundFrequency((Mixer_Sound*)sound, frequency);
+	SDL_UnlockAudio();
+void AudioBackend_SetSoundVolume(AudioBackend_Sound *sound, long volume)
+	if (sound == NULL)
+		return;
+	SDL_LockAudio();
+	Mixer_SetSoundVolume((Mixer_Sound*)sound, volume);
+	SDL_UnlockAudio();
+void AudioBackend_SetSoundPan(AudioBackend_Sound *sound, long pan)
+	if (sound == NULL)
+		return;
+	SDL_LockAudio();
+	Mixer_SetSoundPan((Mixer_Sound*)sound, pan);
+	SDL_UnlockAudio();
+void AudioBackend_SetOrganyaCallback(void (*callback)(void))
+	SDL_LockAudio();
+	organya_callback = callback;
+	SDL_UnlockAudio();
+void AudioBackend_SetOrganyaTimer(unsigned int milliseconds)
+	SDL_LockAudio();
+	organya_callback_milliseconds = milliseconds;
+	SDL_UnlockAudio();