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ref: 97b8a3b4a29998e3d991d09eab8f838fa3795e92
parent: 32dd3bef65cce8bb969944253cd5f01300e0697a
author: cuckydev <[email protected]>
date: Fri Feb 8 13:29:55 EST 2019


--- a/src/NpcAct.h
+++ b/src/NpcAct.h
@@ -284,12 +284,19 @@
 void ActNpc292(NPCHAR *npc);
+void ActNpc295(NPCHAR *npc);
+void ActNpc296(NPCHAR *npc);
+void ActNpc297(NPCHAR *npc);
 void ActNpc298(NPCHAR *npc);
 void ActNpc299(NPCHAR *npc);
 void ActNpc300(NPCHAR *npc);
 void ActNpc302(NPCHAR *npc);
+void ActNpc303(NPCHAR *npc);
+void ActNpc304(NPCHAR *npc);
+void ActNpc305(NPCHAR *npc);
+void ActNpc306(NPCHAR *npc);
+void ActNpc307(NPCHAR *npc);
 void ActNpc308(NPCHAR *npc);
 void ActNpc313(NPCHAR *npc);
@@ -306,7 +313,9 @@
 void ActNpc349(NPCHAR *npc);
 void ActNpc351(NPCHAR *npc);
+void ActNpc352(NPCHAR *npc);
 void ActNpc355(NPCHAR *npc);
 void ActNpc359(NPCHAR *npc);
+void ActNpc360(NPCHAR *npc);
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/src/NpcAct280.cpp
+++ b/src/NpcAct280.cpp
@@ -18,17 +18,150 @@
+void ActNpc295(NPCHAR *npc)
+	RECT rc[4];
+	rc[0] = {0, 0, 208, 64};
+	rc[1] = {32, 64, 144, 96};
+	rc[2] = {32, 96, 104, 0x80};
+	rc[3] = {104, 96, 144, 0x80};
+	switch (npc->act_no)
+	{
+		case 0:
+			npc->act_no = 1;
+			npc->ani_no = npc->direct % 4;
+			switch (npc->direct)
+			{
+				case 0:
+					npc->ym = -1000;
+					npc->view.back = 0xD000;
+					npc->view.front = 0xD000;
+					break;
+				case 1:
+					npc->ym = -0x800;
+					npc->view.back = 0x7000;
+					npc->view.front = 0x7000;
+					break;
+				case 2:
+					npc->ym = -0x400;
+					npc->view.back = 0x4000;
+					npc->view.front = 0x4000;
+					break;
+				case 3:
+					npc->ym = -0x200;
+					npc->view.back = 0x2800;
+					npc->view.front = 0x2800;
+					break;
+				case 4:
+					npc->xm = -0x400;
+					npc->view.back = 0xD000;
+					npc->view.front = 0xD000;
+					break;
+				case 5:
+					npc->xm = -0x200;
+					npc->view.back = 0x7000;
+					npc->view.front = 0x7000;
+					break;
+				case 6:
+					npc->xm = -0x100;
+					npc->view.back = 0x4000;
+					npc->view.front = 0x4000;
+					break;
+				case 7:
+					npc->xm = -0x80;
+					npc->view.back = 0x2800;
+					npc->view.front = 0x2800;
+					break;
+				default:
+					break;
+			}
+			//Fallthrough
+		case 1:
+			npc->x += npc->xm;
+			npc->y += npc->ym;
+			if (npc->x < -0x8000)
+				npc->cond = 0;
+			if (npc->y < -0x4000)
+				npc->cond = 0;
+			break;
+	}
+	npc->rect = rc[npc->ani_no];
+//Cloud generator
+void ActNpc296(NPCHAR *npc)
+	if (++npc->act_wait > 16)
+	{
+		npc->act_wait = Random(0, 16);
+		int dir = Random(0, 100) % 4;
+		int pri;
+		if (npc->direct)
+		{
+			switch (dir)
+			{
+				case 0:
+					pri = 0x80;
+					break;
+				case 1:
+					pri = 0x55;
+					break;
+				case 2:
+					pri = 0x40;
+					break;
+				case 3:
+					pri = 0x00;
+					break;
+			}
+			SetNpChar(295, npc->x, npc->y + (Random(-7, 7) << 13), 0, 0, dir + 4, 0, pri);
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			switch (dir)
+			{
+				case 0:
+					pri = 0x180;
+					break;
+				case 1:
+					pri = 0x80;
+					break;
+				case 2:
+					pri = 0x40;
+					break;
+				case 3:
+					pri = 0x00;
+					break;
+			}
+			SetNpChar(295, npc->x + (Random(-10, 10) << 13), npc->y, 0, 0, dir, 0, pri);
+		}
+	}
+//Sue in dragon's mouth
+void ActNpc297(NPCHAR *npc)
+	npc->x = npc->pNpc->x + 0x2000;
+	npc->y = npc->pNpc->y + 0x1000;
+	npc->rect = {112, 48, 0x80, 64};
 //Doctor (opening)
 void ActNpc298(NPCHAR *npc)
 	RECT rc[8];
-	rc[0] = {72, 128, 88, 160};
-	rc[1] = {88, 128, 104, 160};
-	rc[2] = {104, 128, 120, 160};
-	rc[3] = {72, 128, 88, 160};
-	rc[4] = {120, 128, 136, 160};
-	rc[5] = {72, 128, 88, 160};
+	rc[0] = {72, 0x80, 88, 160};
+	rc[1] = {88, 0x80, 104, 160};
+	rc[2] = {104, 0x80, 120, 160};
+	rc[3] = {72, 0x80, 88, 160};
+	rc[4] = {120, 0x80, 136, 160};
+	rc[5] = {72, 0x80, 88, 160};
 	rc[6] = {104, 160, 120, 192};
 	rc[7] = {120, 160, 136, 192};
--- a/src/NpcAct300.cpp
+++ b/src/NpcAct300.cpp
@@ -103,6 +103,212 @@
+//Curly's machine gun
+void ActNpc303(NPCHAR *npc)
+	RECT rcLeft[2];
+	RECT rcRight[2];
+	rcLeft[0] = {216, 152, 232, 168};
+	rcLeft[1] = {232, 152, 248, 168};
+	rcRight[0] = {216, 168, 232, 184};
+	rcRight[1] = {232, 168, 248, 184};
+	if (npc->pNpc)
+	{
+		//Set position
+		if (npc->pNpc->direct)
+		{
+			npc->direct = 2;
+			npc->x = npc->pNpc->x + 0x1000;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			npc->direct = 0;
+			npc->x = npc->pNpc->x - 0x1000;
+		}
+		npc->y = npc->pNpc->y;
+		//Animation
+		npc->ani_no = 0;
+		if (npc->pNpc->ani_no == 3 || npc->pNpc->ani_no == 5)
+			npc->y -= 0x200;
+		//Set framerect
+		if (npc->direct)
+			npc->rect = rcRight[npc->ani_no];
+		else
+			npc->rect = rcLeft[npc->ani_no];
+	}
+//Gaudi in hospital
+void ActNpc304(NPCHAR *npc)
+	RECT rc[4];
+	rc[0] = {0, 176, 24, 192};
+	rc[1] = {24, 176, 48, 192};
+	rc[2] = {48, 176, 72, 192};
+	rc[3] = {72, 176, 96, 192};
+	switch (npc->act_no)
+	{
+		case 0:
+			npc->act_no = 1;
+			npc->y += 5120;
+			//Fallthrough
+		case 1:
+			npc->ani_no = 0;
+			break;
+		case 10:
+			npc->ani_no = 1;
+			break;
+		case 20:
+			npc->act_no = 21;
+			npc->ani_no = 2;
+			//Fallthrough
+		case 21:
+			if (++npc->ani_wait > 10)
+			{
+				npc->ani_wait = 0;
+				++npc->ani_no;
+			}
+			if (npc->ani_no > 3)
+				npc->ani_no = 2;
+			break;
+		default:
+			break;
+	}
+	npc->rect = rc[npc->ani_no];
+//Small puppy
+void ActNpc305(NPCHAR *npc)
+	RECT rcLeft[2];
+	RECT rcRight[2];
+	rcLeft[0] = {160, 144, 176, 160};
+	rcLeft[1] = {176, 144, 192, 160};
+	rcRight[0] = {160, 160, 176, 176};
+	rcRight[1] = {176, 160, 192, 176};
+	switch (npc->act_no)
+	{
+		case 0:
+			npc->act_no = 1;
+			npc->y -= 0x2000;
+			npc->ani_wait = Random(0, 6);
+			//Fallthrough
+		case 1:
+			if (++npc->ani_wait > 6)
+			{
+				npc->ani_wait = 0;
+				++npc->ani_no;
+			}
+			if (npc->ani_no > 1)
+				npc->ani_no = 0;
+			break;
+	}
+	if (npc->direct)
+		npc->rect = rcRight[npc->ani_no];
+	else
+		npc->rect = rcLeft[npc->ani_no];
+//Balrog (nurse)
+void ActNpc306(NPCHAR *npc)
+	RECT rcLeft[2];
+	RECT rcRight[2];
+	rcLeft[0] = {240, 96, 280, 128};
+	rcLeft[1] = {280, 96, 320, 128};
+	rcRight[0] = {160, 152, 200, 184};
+	rcRight[1] = {200, 152, 240, 184};
+	switch (npc->act_no)
+	{
+		case 0:
+			npc->act_no = 1;
+			npc->ani_no = 0;
+			npc->ani_wait = 0;
+			npc->y += 0x800;
+			//Fallthrough
+		case 1:
+			if (Random(0, 120) == 10)
+			{
+				npc->act_no = 2;
+				npc->act_wait = 0;
+				npc->ani_no = 1;
+			}
+			break;
+		case 2:
+			if (++npc->act_wait > 8)
+			{
+				npc->act_no = 1;
+				npc->ani_no = 0;
+			}
+			break;
+	}
+	if (npc->direct)
+		npc->rect = rcRight[npc->ani_no];
+	else
+		npc->rect = rcLeft[npc->ani_no];
+//Caged Santa
+void ActNpc307(NPCHAR *npc)
+	RECT rcLeft[2];
+	RECT rcRight[2];
+	rcLeft[0] = {0, 32, 16, 48};
+	rcLeft[1] = {16, 32, 32, 48};
+	rcRight[0] = {0, 48, 16, 64};
+	rcRight[1] = {16, 48, 32, 64};
+	switch (npc->act_no)
+	{
+		case 0:
+			npc->x += 0x200;
+			npc->y -= 0x400;
+			npc->act_no = 1;
+			npc->ani_no = 0;
+			npc->ani_wait = 0;
+			//Fallthrough
+		case 1:
+			if (Random(0, 160) == 1)
+			{
+				npc->act_no = 2;
+				npc->act_wait = 0;
+				npc->ani_no = 1;
+			}
+			break;
+		case 2:
+			if (++npc->act_wait > 12)
+			{
+				npc->act_no = 1;
+				npc->ani_no = 0;
+			}
+			break;
+	}
+	if (gMC.x >= npc->x)
+		npc->direct = 2;
+	else
+		npc->direct = 0;
+	if (npc->direct)
+		npc->rect = rcRight[npc->ani_no];
+	else
+		npc->rect = rcLeft[npc->ani_no];
 void ActNpc308(NPCHAR *npc)
--- a/src/NpcAct340.cpp
+++ b/src/NpcAct340.cpp
@@ -168,6 +168,106 @@
 	npc->rect = rc[npc->ani_no];
+//Ending characters
+void ActNpc352(NPCHAR *npc)
+	switch (npc->act_no)
+	{
+		case 0:
+			//Set state
+			npc->act_no = 1;
+			npc->ani_no = 0;
+			npc->count1 = npc->direct / 100;
+			npc->direct %= 100;
+			//Set surfaces / offset
+			switch (npc->count1)
+			{
+				case 7:
+				case 8:
+				case 9:
+				case 12:
+				case 13:
+					npc->surf = 21;
+					break;
+				default:
+					break;
+			}
+			switch (npc->count1)
+			{
+				case 2:
+				case 4:
+				case 9:
+				case 12:
+					npc-> = 0x2000;
+					break;
+				default:
+					break;
+			}
+			//Balrog
+			if (npc->count1 == 9)
+			{
+				npc->view.back = 0x2800;
+				npc->view.front = 0x2800;
+				npc->x -= 0x200;
+			}
+			//Spawn King's sword
+			if (!npc->count1)
+				SetNpChar(145, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, npc, 0x100);
+			//Fallthrough
+		case 1:
+			npc->ym += 0x40;
+			if (npc->ym > 0x5FF)
+				npc->ym = 0x5FF;
+			if (npc->flag & 8)
+			{
+				npc->ym = 0;
+				npc->act_no = 2;
+				npc->ani_no = 1;
+			}
+			npc->y += npc->ym;
+			break;
+	}
+	static RECT rc[28] = {
+		{304, 48, 320, 64},
+		{224, 48, 240, 64},
+		{32, 80, 48, 96},
+		{0, 80, 16, 96},
+		{224, 216, 240, 240},
+		{192, 216, 208, 240},
+		{48, 16, 64, 32},
+		{0, 16, 16, 32},
+		{112, 192, 128, 216},
+		{80, 192, 96, 216},
+		{304, 0, 320, 16},
+		{224, 0, 240, 16},
+		{176, 32, 192, 48},
+		{176, 32, 192, 48},
+		{240, 16, 256, 32},
+		{224, 16, 240, 32},
+		{208, 16, 224, 32},
+		{192, 16, 208, 32},
+		{280, 128, 320, 152},
+		{280, 152, 320, 176},
+		{32, 112, 48, 128},
+		{0, 112, 16, 128},
+		{80, 0, 96, 16},
+		{112, 0, 128, 16},
+		{16, 152, 32, 176},
+		{0, 152, 16, 176},
+		{48, 16, 64, 32},
+		{48, 0, 64, 16}
+	};
+	npc->rect = rc[npc->ani_no + 2 * npc->count1];
 //Quote and Curly on Balrog's back
 void ActNpc355(NPCHAR *npc)
@@ -220,4 +320,17 @@
 	if (gMC.x < npc->x + (((WINDOW_WIDTH / 2) + 160) * 0x200) && gMC.x > npc->x - (((WINDOW_WIDTH / 2) + 160) * 0x200) && gMC.y < npc->y + (((WINDOW_HEIGHT / 2) + 200) * 0x200) && gMC.y > npc->y - (((WINDOW_HEIGHT / 2) + 40) * 0x200) && Random(0, 100) == 2)
 		SetNpChar(73, npc->x + (Random(-6, 6) * 0x200), npc->y - 0xE00, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+//Thank you
+void ActNpc360(NPCHAR *npc)
+	if (!npc->act_no)
+	{
+		++npc->act_no;
+		npc->x -= 0x1000;
+		npc->y -= 0x1000;
+	}
+	npc->rect = {0, 176, 48, 184};
--- a/src/NpcTbl.cpp
+++ b/src/NpcTbl.cpp
@@ -351,19 +351,19 @@
-	nullptr,
-	nullptr,
-	nullptr,
+	ActNpc295,
+	ActNpc296,
+	ActNpc297,
-	nullptr,
-	nullptr,
-	nullptr,
-	nullptr,
-	nullptr,
+	ActNpc303,
+	ActNpc304,
+	ActNpc305,
+	ActNpc306,
+	ActNpc307,
@@ -408,13 +408,13 @@
+	ActNpc352,
-	nullptr,
-	nullptr,
+	ActNpc360,