shithub: cstory

Download patch

ref: 5cf7c95dd74b0aa45e83e870db514f87e03dd330
parent: 3d3d6a2179f8c84fd01c8ae02e3e7161e2b39953
author: Clownacy <[email protected]>
date: Sat Apr 20 00:41:37 EDT 2019

Added DoConfig (clone, not a decompilation)

Right now only the CMake file builds it

--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -359,4 +359,65 @@
 	add_custom_command(TARGET CSE2 POST_BUILD
\ No newline at end of file
+# Now for DoConfig
+add_executable(DoConfig "DoConfig/DoConfig.cpp" "DoConfig/icon.rc")
+set_target_properties(DoConfig PROPERTIES WIN32_EXECUTABLE YES)	# Disable the console window
+# Find FLTK
+if (MSVC)
+	# Use local copy
+	target_include_directories(DoConfig PRIVATE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/msvc/fltk/include")
+	if (CMAKE_CL_64)
+		target_link_libraries(DoConfig "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/msvc/fltk/lib/x64/fltk.lib")
+	else()
+		target_link_libraries(DoConfig "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/msvc/fltk/lib/x86/fltk.lib")
+		# Since the x86 version was built with MSVC2003, we need to enable backwards compatibility on newer compilers
+			target_link_libraries(DoConfig "legacy_stdio_definitions.lib")
+		endif()
+	endif()
+	# Shut up those stupid warnings
+	target_compile_definitions(DoConfig PRIVATE _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS)
+elseif (MSYS)
+	target_link_libraries(DoConfig -static)
+	# Do crazy nonsense to link the static version
+	find_package(FLTK REQUIRED)
+	target_include_directories(DoConfig PRIVATE ${FLTK_INCLUDE_DIRS})
+		find_program(FLTK_CONFIG_SCRIPT fltk-config)
+	endif()
+	target_link_libraries(DoConfig ${FLTK_LDSTATICFLAGS})
+	find_package(FLTK REQUIRED)
+	target_include_directories(DoConfig PRIVATE ${FLTK_INCLUDE_DIRS})
+	target_link_libraries(DoConfig ${FLTK_LIBRARIES})
+set_target_properties(DoConfig PROPERTIES
+		# Enable link-time optimisation if available
+		include(CheckIPOSupported)
+		check_ipo_supported(RESULT result)
+		if (result)
+		endif()
+	endif()
binary files /dev/null b/DoConfig/1.ico differ
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DoConfig/DoConfig.cpp
@@ -1,0 +1,230 @@
+/* This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to
+ * the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it
+ * and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The F*** You Want
+ * To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See
+ * for more details. */
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <cstring>
+#include "FL/Fl.H"
+#include "FL/Fl_Window.H"
+#include "FL/Fl_Radio_Round_Button.H"
+#include "FL/Fl_Choice.H"
+#include "FL/Fl_Check_Button.H"
+#define HEADER "DOUKUTSU20041206"
+#define TEXT "Courier New"
+struct data{
+	char header[32];
+	char text[64];
+	int move;
+	int attack;
+	int okay;
+	int display;
+	int useJoy;
+	int buttons[8];
+class RadioRow{
+	public:
+		RadioRow(char offset);
+		int value();
+		void value(int input);
+	private:
+		Fl_Group *group;
+		Fl_Radio_Round_Button *buttons[6];
+		Fl_Group *label;
+RadioRow::RadioRow(char offset){
+	char *temp = new char[2];
+	*(temp) = (char)(49+offset); //Muhahahahahahah!
+	*(temp+1) = '\0';
+	this->group = new Fl_Group(140+offset*30, 150, 30, 180);
+	this->group->label(temp);
+	this->group->align(FL_ALIGN_TOP_LEFT);
+	for(char i=0;i<6;i++){
+		this->buttons[i] = new Fl_Radio_Round_Button(140+offset*30, 150+30*i, 30, 30);
+	}
+	this->group->end();
+int RadioRow::value(){
+	char i;
+	for(i=0;i<6;i++){
+		if(this->buttons[i]->value()){
+			return (int)i;
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;
+void RadioRow::value(int input){
+	this->buttons[input]->setonly();
+Fl_Round_Button *movear;
+Fl_Round_Button *movegt;
+Fl_Round_Button *buttonxz;
+Fl_Round_Button *buttonzx;
+Fl_Round_Button *okayjump;
+Fl_Round_Button *okayattack;
+Fl_Choice *displaychoice;
+Fl_Check_Button *joychoice;
+Fl_Group *joystuffcontainer;
+RadioRow *joyRows[8];
+void quit(Fl_Widget*, void*){
+	std::exit(0);
+void activatejoy(Fl_Widget*, void*){
+	if(joystuffcontainer->active()){
+		joystuffcontainer->deactivate();
+	} else {
+		joystuffcontainer->activate();
+	}
+void read_Config(){
+	std::fstream fd;
+	data config;
+"Config.dat", std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
+*)&config, 148);
+	if (config.move == 0){
+		movear->setonly();
+	} else {
+		movegt->setonly();
+	}
+	if (config.attack == 0){
+		buttonxz->setonly();
+	} else { 
+		buttonzx->setonly();
+	}
+	if (config.okay == 0){
+		okayjump->setonly();
+	}else{
+		okayattack->setonly();
+	}
+	displaychoice->value(config.display);
+	joychoice->value(config.useJoy);
+	if( !config.useJoy ){
+		joystuffcontainer->deactivate();
+	}
+	for(char i=0;i<8;i++){
+		if(config.buttons[i]<9 && config.buttons[i]>0){
+			joyRows[i]->value(config.buttons[i] -1);
+		}
+	}
+	fd.close();
+void write_Config(Fl_Widget*, void*){
+	std::fstream fd;
+	data config;
+	std::memset(config.header, '\0', 32);
+	std::memset(config.text, '\0', 64);
+	std::strcpy(config.header, HEADER);
+	std::strcpy(config.text, TEXT);
+"Config.dat", std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);
+	config.move = movegt->value();
+	config.attack = buttonzx->value();
+	config.okay = okayattack->value();
+	config.display = displaychoice->value();
+	config.useJoy = joychoice->value();
+	for(char i =0;i<8;i++){
+		config.buttons[i] = joyRows[i]->value();
+	}
+	fd.write((char*)&config, 148);
+	fd.close();
+	exit(0);
+int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
+	Fl_Window *mainw = new Fl_Window(400, 380, "DoConfigure - Doukutsu Monotagari Settings");
+	Fl_Group *movegroup = new Fl_Group(10, 10, 185, 50);
+		movegroup->box(FL_THIN_DOWN_BOX);
+		movear = new Fl_Radio_Round_Button(10, 10, 185, 20, "Arrows for Movement");
+		movear->setonly();
+		movegt = new Fl_Radio_Round_Button(10, 40, 185, 20, "<>? for Movement");
+	movegroup->end();
+	Fl_Group *buttongroup = new Fl_Group(10, 70, 185, 50);
+		buttongroup->box(FL_THIN_DOWN_BOX);
+		buttonxz = new Fl_Radio_Round_Button(10, 70, 185, 20, "Z=Jump; X=Attack");
+		buttonxz->setonly();
+		buttonzx = new Fl_Radio_Round_Button(10, 100, 185, 20, "X=Jump; Z=Attack");
+	buttongroup->end();
+	Fl_Group *okaygroup = new Fl_Group(205, 10, 185, 50);
+		okaygroup->box(FL_THIN_DOWN_BOX);
+		okayjump = new Fl_Radio_Round_Button(205, 10, 185, 20, "Jump=Okay");
+		okayjump->setonly();
+		okayattack = new Fl_Radio_Round_Button(205, 40, 185, 20, "Attack=Okay");
+	okaygroup->end();
+	displaychoice = new Fl_Choice(205, 70, 185, 20);
+	Fl_Menu_Item screens[] = {
+		{"Fullscreen 16-bit"},
+		{"Windowed 320x240"},
+ 		{"Windowed 640x480"},
+		{"Fullscreen 24-bit"},
+		{"Fullscreen 32-bit"},
+		{0}};
+	displaychoice->menu(screens);
+	joychoice = new Fl_Check_Button(205, 100, 185, 20, "Use Joypad");
+	joychoice->callback(&activatejoy);
+	joystuffcontainer = new Fl_Group(10, 130, 380, 200);
+		joystuffcontainer->box(FL_THIN_DOWN_BOX);
+		for(char i=0;i<8;i++){
+			joyRows[i] = new RadioRow(i);
+		}
+		//There's no Label class alright? I'll switch it as soon as one is introduced.
+		Fl_Group *labeljump = new Fl_Group(10, 150, 10, 20);
+		labeljump->label("Jump:");
+		labeljump->align(FL_ALIGN_RIGHT);
+		labeljump->end();
+		Fl_Group *labelattack = new Fl_Group(10, 180, 10, 20);
+		labelattack->label("Attack:");
+		labelattack->align(FL_ALIGN_RIGHT);
+		labelattack->end();
+		Fl_Group *labelweaponup = new Fl_Group(10, 210, 10, 20);
+		labelweaponup->label("Weapon+:");
+		labelweaponup->align(FL_ALIGN_RIGHT);
+		labelweaponup->end();
+		Fl_Group *labelweapondown = new Fl_Group(10, 240, 10, 20);
+		labelweapondown->label("Weapon-:");
+		labelweapondown->align(FL_ALIGN_RIGHT);
+		labelweapondown->end();
+		Fl_Group *labelitem = new Fl_Group(10, 270, 10, 20);
+		labelitem->label("Items:");
+		labelitem->align(FL_ALIGN_RIGHT);
+		labelitem->end();
+		Fl_Group *labelmap = new Fl_Group(10, 300, 10, 20);
+		labelmap->label("Map:");
+		labelmap->align(FL_ALIGN_RIGHT);
+		labelmap->end();
+	joystuffcontainer->end();
+	Fl_Button *okaybutton = new Fl_Button(10, 340, 185, 30, "Okay");
+	okaybutton->callback(&write_Config);
+	Fl_Button *cancelbutton = new Fl_Button(205, 340, 185, 30, "Cancel");
+	cancelbutton->callback(&quit);
+	mainw->end();
+	mainw->show(argc, argv);
+	read_Config();
+	Fl::option(Fl::OPTION_VISIBLE_FOCUS, false);
+	return Fl::run();
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DoConfig/icon.rc
@@ -1,0 +1,1 @@
+102 ICON "1.ico"
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Enumerations.H
@@ -1,0 +1,1127 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Enumerations for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2017 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/** \file
+    This file contains type definitions and general enumerations.
+ */
+#ifndef Fl_Enumerations_H
+#define Fl_Enumerations_H
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * Notes on FL_ABI_VERSION and deprecated (obsolete) FLTK_ABI_VERSION:
+ *
+ * (1)	FLTK_ABI_VERSION is deprecated, but still defined below.
+ *	Do NOT define FLTK_ABI_VERSION here - it would be overwritten later.
+ *
+ * (2)	FL_ABI_VERSION is now (as of FLTK 1.3.4) defined by configure
+ *	or CMake. Do NOT define it here. Its definition will be included
+ *	below by "#include <FL/abi-version.h>".
+ *
+ * (3)	If you use the provided IDE files (Windows VC++ or Xcode) you should
+ *	edit the definition in the provided file abi-version.ide. The correct
+ *	file is `/path/to/fltk/abi-version.ide' .
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * For more informations on FL_ABI_VERSION see README.abi-version.txt.
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
+#include <FL/abi-version.h>
+#  include "Fl_Export.H"
+#  include "fl_types.h"
+/** \name Version Numbers
+    FLTK defines some constants to help the programmer to
+    find out, for which FLTK version a program is compiled.
+    The following constants are defined:
+ */
+   The major release version of this FLTK library.
+   \sa FL_VERSION
+ */
+   The minor release version for this library.
+   FLTK remains mostly source-code compatible between minor version changes.
+ */
+   The patch version for this library.
+   FLTK remains binary compatible between patches.
+ */
+    The FLTK version number as a \em double.
+    FL_VERSION is a \em double that describes the major, minor, and patch
+    version numbers.
+    Version 1.2.3 is actually stored as 1.0203 to allow for more than 9
+    minor and patch releases.
+    \deprecated This \p double version number is retained for compatibility
+    with existing program code. New code should use \em int FL_API_VERSION
+    instead. FL_VERSION is deprecated because comparisons of floating point
+    values may fail due to rounding errors. However, there are currently no
+    plans to remove this deprecated constant.
+    FL_VERSION is equivalent to <em>(double)FL_API_VERSION / 10000</em>.
+    \see Fl::version() (deprecated as well)
+    \see FL_API_VERSION
+    \see Fl::api_version()
+ */
+#define FL_VERSION	( (double)FL_MAJOR_VERSION + \
+			  (double)FL_MINOR_VERSION * 0.01 + \
+			  (double)FL_PATCH_VERSION * 0.0001 )
+    The FLTK API version number as an \em int.
+    FL_API_VERSION is an \em int that describes the major, minor, and patch
+    version numbers.
+    Version 1.2.3 is actually stored as 10203 to allow for more than 9
+    minor and patch releases.
+    give the integral values for the major, minor, and patch releases
+    respectively.
+    \note FL_API_VERSION is intended to replace the deprecated
+    \em double FL_VERSION.
+    \see Fl::api_version()
+ */
+    The FLTK ABI (Application Binary Interface) version number as an \em int.
+    FL_ABI_VERSION is an \em int that describes the major, minor, and patch
+    ABI version numbers in the same format as FL_API_VERSION.
+    The ABI version number \p FL_ABI_VERSION is usually the same as the
+    API version \p FL_API_VERSION with the last two digits set to '00'.
+    FLTK retains the ABI (Application Binary Interface) during patch
+    releases of the same major and minor versions. Examples:
+    \verbatim
+      FLTK Version  FL_API_VERSION  FL_ABI_VERSION  FL_VERSION (deprecated)
+        1.3.0          10300           10300           1.0300
+	1.3.4          10304           10300           1.0304
+    \endverbatim
+    Version 1.2.3 is actually stored as 10203 to allow for more than 9
+    minor and patch releases.
+    give the integral values for the major, minor, and patch releases
+    respectively.
+    To enable new ABI-breaking features in patch releases you can configure
+    FLTK to use a higher FL_ABI_VERSION.
+    \see README.abi-version.txt
+ */
+  Check if FL_ABI_VERSION is out of allowed range; redefine if necessary.
+  This is done to prevent users from defining an illegal ABI version.
+  Rule: FL_MAJOR_VERSION * 10000 + FL_MINOR_VERSION * 100
+  Example (FLTK 1.3.4):
+    10300 <= FL_ABI_VERSION <= 10304
+  Note: configure + CMake can be used to define FL_ABI_VERSION, but they
+  do not check validity. This is done here.
+  FLTK_ABI_VERSION is deprecated (replaced by FL_ABI_VERSION).
+  This deprecated constant will be removed in FLTK 1.4.0 and later.
+  Please use FL_ABI_VERSION when FLTK 1.4.0 has been released.
+/*@}*/	// group: Version Numbers
+    Every time a user moves the mouse pointer, clicks a button,
+    or presses a key, an event is generated and sent to your
+    application. Events can also come from other programs like the
+    window manager.
+    Events are identified by the integer argument passed to the 
+    Fl_Widget::handle() virtual method. Other information about the 
+    most recent event is stored in static locations and acquired  by 
+    calling the Fl::event_*() methods. This static information remains 
+    valid until the next event is read from the window system, so it 
+    is ok to look at it outside of the handle() method.
+    Event numbers can be converted to their actual names using the
+    \ref fl_eventnames[] array defined in \#include &lt;FL/names.h&gt;
+    \sa Fl::event_text(), Fl::event_key(), class Fl::
+ */
+// DEV NOTE: Keep this list in sync with FL/names.H
+enum Fl_Event {	// events
+  /** No event. */
+  FL_NO_EVENT		= 0,
+  /** A mouse button has gone down with the mouse pointing at this
+      widget. You can find out what button by calling Fl::event_button(). 
+      You find out the mouse position by calling Fl::event_x() and
+      Fl::event_y().
+      A widget indicates that it "wants" the mouse click by returning non-zero 
+      from its Fl_Widget::handle() method. It will then become the 
+      Fl::pushed() widget and will get FL_DRAG and the matching FL_RELEASE events.  
+      If Fl_Widget::handle() returns zero then FLTK will try sending the FL_PUSH 
+      to another widget. 
+   */
+  FL_PUSH		= 1,
+  /** A mouse button has been released. You can find out what button by 
+      calling Fl::event_button().
+      In order to receive the FL_RELEASE event, the widget must return 
+      non-zero when handling FL_PUSH.
+   */
+  FL_RELEASE		= 2,
+  /** The mouse has been moved to point at this widget.  This can
+      be used for highlighting feedback.  If a widget wants to
+      highlight or otherwise track the mouse, it indicates this by
+      returning non-zero from its handle() method. It then
+      becomes the Fl::belowmouse() widget and will receive 
+      FL_MOVE and FL_LEAVE events.
+   */
+  FL_ENTER		= 3,
+  /** The mouse has moved out of the widget.
+      In order to receive the FL_LEAVE event, the widget must 
+      return non-zero when handling FL_ENTER.
+   */
+  FL_LEAVE		= 4,
+  /** The mouse has moved with a button held down. The current button state 
+      is in Fl::event_state(). The mouse position is in Fl::event_x() and 
+      Fl::event_y().
+      In order to receive FL_DRAG events, the widget must return non-zero 
+      when handling FL_PUSH.
+   */
+  FL_DRAG		= 5,
+  /** This indicates an <I>attempt</I> to give a widget the keyboard focus.
+      If a widget wants the focus, it should change itself to display the 
+      fact that it has the focus, and return non-zero from its handle() method.
+      It then becomes the Fl::focus() widget and gets FL_KEYDOWN, FL_KEYUP, 
+      and FL_UNFOCUS events.
+      The focus will change either because the window manager changed which 
+      window gets the focus, or because the user tried to navigate using tab, 
+      arrows, or other keys. You can check Fl::event_key() to figure out why 
+      it moved. For navigation it will be the key pressed and for interaction 
+      with the window manager it will be zero.
+   */
+  FL_FOCUS		= 6,
+  /** This event is sent to the previous Fl::focus() widget when another 
+      widget gets the focus or the window loses focus.
+   */
+  FL_UNFOCUS		= 7,
+  /** A key was pressed (FL_KEYDOWN) or released (FL_KEYUP). 
+      Fl_KEYBOARD is a synonym for FL_KEYDOWN.
+      The key can be found in Fl::event_key().
+      The text that the key should insert can be found with Fl::event_text() 
+      and its length is in Fl::event_length(). If you use the key handle()
+      should return 1. If you return zero then FLTK assumes you ignored the 
+      key and will then attempt to send it to a parent widget. If none of 
+      them want it, it will change the event into a FL_SHORTCUT event.
+      To receive FL_KEYBOARD events you must also respond to the FL_FOCUS
+      and FL_UNFOCUS events.
+      If you are writing a text-editing widget you may also want to call 
+      the Fl::compose() function to translate individual keystrokes into 
+      non-ASCII characters.
+      FL_KEYUP events are sent to the widget that currently has focus. This 
+      is not necessarily the same widget that received the corresponding 
+      FL_KEYDOWN event because focus may have changed between events.
+   */
+  FL_KEYDOWN		= 8,
+  /** Equivalent to FL_KEYDOWN.
+      \see FL_KEYDOWN
+   */
+  FL_KEYBOARD		= 8,
+  /** Key release event.
+      \see FL_KEYDOWN
+   */
+  FL_KEYUP		= 9,
+  /** The user clicked the close button of a window.
+      This event is used internally only to trigger the callback of
+      Fl_Window derived classed. The default callback closes the 
+      window calling Fl_Window::hide().
+   */
+  FL_CLOSE		= 10,
+  /** The mouse has moved without any mouse buttons held down. 
+      This event is sent to the Fl::belowmouse() widget.
+      In order to receive FL_MOVE events, the widget must return 
+      non-zero when handling FL_ENTER.
+   */
+  FL_MOVE		= 11,
+  /** If the Fl::focus() widget is zero or ignores an FL_KEYBOARD
+      event then FLTK tries sending this event to every widget it 
+      can, until one of them returns non-zero. FL_SHORTCUT is first 
+      sent to the Fl::belowmouse() widget, then its parents and siblings, 
+      and eventually to every widget in the window, trying to find an 
+      object that returns non-zero. FLTK tries really hard to not to ignore 
+      any keystrokes!
+      You can also make "global" shortcuts by using Fl::add_handler(). A 
+      global shortcut will work no matter what windows are displayed or 
+      which one has the focus.
+   */
+  FL_SHORTCUT		= 12,
+  /** This widget is no longer active, due to Fl_Widget::deactivate() 
+      being called on it or one of its parents. Fl_Widget::active() may 
+      still be true after this, the widget is only active if Fl_Widget::active()
+      is true on it and all its parents (use Fl_Widget::active_r() to check this).
+   */
+  /** This widget is now active, due to Fl_Widget::activate() being 
+      called on it or one of its parents.
+   */
+  FL_ACTIVATE		= 14,
+  /** This widget is no longer visible, due to Fl_Widget::hide() being 
+      called on it or one of its parents, or due to a parent window being 
+      minimized.  Fl_Widget::visible() may still be true after this, but the 
+      widget is visible only if visible() is true for it and all its 
+      parents (use Fl_Widget::visible_r() to check this).
+   */
+  FL_HIDE		= 15,
+  /** This widget is visible again, due to Fl_Widget::show() being called on 
+      it or one of its parents, or due to a parent window being restored. 
+      Child Fl_Windows respond to this by actually creating the window if not 
+      done already, so if you subclass a window, be sure to pass FL_SHOW 
+      to the base class Fl_Widget::handle() method!
+   */
+  FL_SHOW		= 16,
+  /** You should get this event some time after you call Fl::paste(). 
+      The contents of Fl::event_text() is the text to insert and the number 
+      of characters is in Fl::event_length().
+   */
+  FL_PASTE		= 17,
+  /** The Fl::selection_owner() will get this event before the selection is 
+      moved to another widget. This indicates that some other widget or program 
+      has claimed the selection. Motif programs used this to clear the selection 
+      indication. Most modern programs ignore this.
+   */
+  /** The user has moved the mouse wheel. The Fl::event_dx() and Fl::event_dy()
+      methods can be used to find the amount to scroll horizontally and vertically.
+   */
+  /** The mouse has been moved to point at this widget. A widget that is 
+      interested in receiving drag'n'drop data must return 1 to receive 
+   */
+  FL_DND_ENTER		= 20,
+  /** The mouse has been moved inside a widget while dragging data.  A 
+      widget that is interested in receiving drag'n'drop data should 
+      indicate the possible drop position.
+   */
+  FL_DND_DRAG		= 21,
+  /** The mouse has moved out of the widget.
+   */
+  FL_DND_LEAVE		= 22,
+  /** The user has released the mouse button dropping data into the widget. 
+      If the widget returns 1, it will receive the data in the immediately 
+      following FL_PASTE event.
+   */
+  /** The screen configuration (number, positions) was changed.
+   Use Fl::add_handler() to be notified of this event.
+   */
+  /** The fullscreen state of the window has changed
+   */
+  FL_FULLSCREEN         = 25,
+  /** The user has made a zoom/pinch/magnification gesture. 
+      The Fl::event_dy() method can be used to find magnification amount,
+      Fl::event_x() and Fl::event_y() are set as well.
+     */
+/** \name When Conditions */
+/** These constants determine when a callback is performed.
+    \sa Fl_Widget::when();
+    \todo doxygen comments for values are incomplete and maybe wrong or unclear
+ */
+enum Fl_When { // Fl_Widget::when():
+  FL_WHEN_NEVER		= 0,	///< Never call the callback
+  FL_WHEN_CHANGED	= 1,	///< Do the callback only when the widget value changes
+  FL_WHEN_NOT_CHANGED	= 2,	///< Do the callback whenever the user interacts with the widget
+  FL_WHEN_RELEASE	= 4,	///< Do the callback when the button or key is released and the value changes
+  FL_WHEN_RELEASE_ALWAYS= 6,	///< Do the callback when the button or key is released, even if the value doesn't change
+  FL_WHEN_ENTER_KEY	= 8,	///< Do the callback when the user presses the ENTER key and the value changes
+  FL_WHEN_ENTER_KEY_ALWAYS=10,	///< Do the callback when the user presses the ENTER key, even if the value doesn't change
+/*@}*/		// group: When Conditions
+/** \name Mouse and Keyboard Events
+	This and the following constants define the non-ASCII keys on the
+	keyboard for FL_KEYBOARD and FL_SHORTCUT events.
+	\todo	FL_Button and FL_key... constants could be structured better
+		(use an enum or some doxygen grouping ?)
+	\sa	Fl::event_key() and Fl::get_key(int) (use ascii letters for all other keys):
+ */
+// FIXME: These codes collide with valid Unicode keys
+#define FL_Button	0xfee8	///< A mouse button; use Fl_Button + n for mouse button n.
+#define FL_BackSpace	0xff08	///< The backspace key.
+#define FL_Tab		0xff09	///< The tab key.
+#define FL_Iso_Key	0xff0c  ///< The additional key of ISO keyboards.
+#define FL_Enter	0xff0d	///< The enter key. 
+#define FL_Pause	0xff13	///< The pause key.
+#define FL_Scroll_Lock	0xff14	///< The scroll lock key.
+#define FL_Escape	0xff1b	///< The escape key.
+#define FL_Kana         0xff2e  ///< The Kana key of JIS keyboards.
+#define FL_Eisu         0xff2f  ///< The Eisu key of JIS keyboards.
+#define FL_Yen          0xff30  ///< The Yen key of JIS keyboards.
+#define FL_JIS_Underscore 0xff31 ///< The underscore key of JIS keyboards.
+#define FL_Home		0xff50	///< The home key.
+#define FL_Left		0xff51	///< The left arrow key.
+#define FL_Up		0xff52	///< The up arrow key.
+#define FL_Right	0xff53	///< The right arrow key.
+#define FL_Down		0xff54	///< The down arrow key.
+#define FL_Page_Up	0xff55	///< The page-up key.
+#define FL_Page_Down	0xff56	///< The page-down key.
+#define FL_End		0xff57	///< The end key.
+#define FL_Print	0xff61	///< The print (or print-screen) key.
+#define FL_Insert	0xff63	///< The insert key. 
+#define FL_Menu		0xff67	///< The menu key.
+#define FL_Help		0xff68	///< The 'help' key on Mac keyboards
+#define FL_Num_Lock	0xff7f	///< The num lock key.
+#define FL_KP		0xff80	///< One of the keypad numbers; use FL_KP + 'n' for digit n.
+#define FL_KP_Enter	0xff8d	///< The enter key on the keypad, same as Fl_KP+'\\r'.
+#define FL_KP_Last	0xffbd	///< The last keypad key; use to range-check keypad.
+#define FL_F		0xffbd	///< One of the function keys; use FL_F + n for function key n.
+#define FL_F_Last	0xffe0	///< The last function key; use to range-check function keys.
+#define FL_Shift_L	0xffe1	///< The lefthand shift key.
+#define FL_Shift_R	0xffe2	///< The righthand shift key.
+#define FL_Control_L	0xffe3	///< The lefthand control key.
+#define FL_Control_R	0xffe4	///< The righthand control key.
+#define FL_Caps_Lock	0xffe5	///< The caps lock key.
+#define FL_Meta_L	0xffe7	///< The left meta/Windows key.
+#define FL_Meta_R	0xffe8	///< The right meta/Windows key.
+#define FL_Alt_L	0xffe9	///< The left alt key.
+#define FL_Alt_R	0xffea	///< The right alt key. 
+#define FL_Delete	0xffff	///< The delete key.
+// These use the Private Use Area (PUA) of the Basic Multilingual Plane
+// of Unicode. Guaranteed not to conflict with a proper Unicode character.
+// These primarily map to the XFree86 keysym range
+#define FL_Volume_Down  0xEF11   /* Volume control down        */
+#define FL_Volume_Mute  0xEF12   /* Mute sound from the system */
+#define FL_Volume_Up    0xEF13   /* Volume control up          */
+#define FL_Media_Play   0xEF14   /* Start playing of audio     */
+#define FL_Media_Stop   0xEF15   /* Stop playing audio         */
+#define FL_Media_Prev   0xEF16   /* Previous track             */
+#define FL_Media_Next   0xEF17   /* Next track                 */
+#define FL_Home_Page    0xEF18   /* Display user's home page   */
+#define FL_Mail         0xEF19   /* Invoke user's mail program */
+#define FL_Search       0xEF1B   /* Search                     */
+#define FL_Back         0xEF26   /* Like back on a browser     */
+#define FL_Forward      0xEF27   /* Like forward on a browser  */
+#define FL_Stop         0xEF28   /* Stop current operation     */
+#define FL_Refresh      0xEF29   /* Refresh the page           */
+#define FL_Sleep        0xEF2F   /* Put system to sleep        */
+#define FL_Favorites    0xEF30   /* Show favorite locations    */
+/*@}*/	// group: Mouse and Keyboard Events
+/** \name Mouse Buttons
+	These constants define the button numbers for FL_PUSH and FL_RELEASE events.
+	\sa Fl::event_button()
+#define FL_LEFT_MOUSE	1	///< The left mouse button
+#define FL_MIDDLE_MOUSE	2	///< The middle mouse button
+#define FL_RIGHT_MOUSE	3	///< The right mouse button
+/*@}*/		// group: Mouse Buttons
+/** \name	Event States
+	The following constants define bits in the Fl::event_state() value.
+/*@{*/		// group: Event States
+// FIXME: it would be nice to have the modifiers in the upper 8 bit so that
+//        a unicode ke (24bit) can be sent as an unsigned with the modifiers.
+#define FL_SHIFT	0x00010000	///< One of the shift keys is down
+#define FL_CAPS_LOCK	0x00020000	///< The caps lock is on
+#define FL_CTRL		0x00040000	///< One of the ctrl keys is down
+#define FL_ALT		0x00080000	///< One of the alt keys is down
+#define FL_NUM_LOCK	0x00100000	///< The num lock is on
+					// most X servers do this?
+#define FL_META		0x00400000	///< One of the meta/Windows keys is down
+					// correct for XFree86
+#define FL_SCROLL_LOCK	0x00800000	///< The scroll lock is on
+					// correct for XFree86
+#define FL_BUTTON1	0x01000000	///< Mouse button 1 is pushed
+#define FL_BUTTON2	0x02000000	///< Mouse button 2 is pushed
+#define FL_BUTTON3	0x04000000	///< Mouse button 3 is pushed
+#define FL_BUTTONS	0x7f000000	///< Any mouse button is pushed
+#define FL_BUTTON(n)	(0x00800000<<(n)) ///< Mouse button n (n > 0) is pushed
+#define FL_KEY_MASK 0x0000ffff		///< All keys are 16 bit for now 
+					//   FIXME: Unicode needs 24 bits!
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+#  define FL_COMMAND	FL_META		///< An alias for FL_CTRL on WIN32 and X11, or FL_META on MacOS X
+#  define FL_CONTROL 	FL_CTRL		///< An alias for FL_META on WIN32 and X11, or FL_CTRL on MacOS X
+#  define FL_COMMAND	FL_CTRL		///< An alias for FL_CTRL on WIN32 and X11, or FL_META on MacOS X
+#  define FL_CONTROL	FL_META		///< An alias for FL_META on WIN32 and X11, or FL_CTRL on MacOS X
+#endif // __APPLE__
+/*@}*/		// group: Event States
+/** \name Box Types
+    \brief FLTK standard box types
+    This enum defines the standard box types included with FLTK.
+    FL_NO_BOX means nothing is drawn at all, so whatever is already 
+    on the screen remains. The FL_..._FRAME types only draw their edges, 
+    leaving the interior unchanged. The blue color in Figure 1 
+    is the area that is not drawn by the frame types.
+    \image html boxtypes.png "Figure 1: FLTK standard box types"
+    \image latex boxtypes.png "FLTK standard box types" width=10cm
+    \todo	Description of boxtypes is incomplete.
+    		See below for the defined enum Fl_Boxtype.
+		\see src/Fl_get_system_colors.cxx
+enum Fl_Boxtype { // boxtypes (if you change these you must fix fl_boxtype.cxx):
+  FL_NO_BOX = 0,		///< nothing is drawn at all, this box is invisible
+  FL_FLAT_BOX,			///< a flat box
+  FL_UP_BOX,			///< see figure 1
+  FL_DOWN_BOX,			///< see figure 1
+  FL_UP_FRAME,			///< see figure 1
+  FL_DOWN_FRAME,		///< see figure 1
+  FL_THIN_UP_BOX,		///< see figure 1
+  FL_THIN_DOWN_BOX,		///< see figure 1
+  FL_THIN_UP_FRAME,		///< see figure 1
+  FL_THIN_DOWN_FRAME,		///< see figure 1
+  FL_ENGRAVED_BOX,		///< see figure 1
+  FL_EMBOSSED_BOX,		///< see figure 1
+  FL_ENGRAVED_FRAME,		///< see figure 1
+  FL_EMBOSSED_FRAME,		///< see figure 1
+  FL_BORDER_BOX,		///< see figure 1
+  _FL_SHADOW_BOX,		///< see figure 1
+  FL_BORDER_FRAME,		///< see figure 1
+  _FL_SHADOW_FRAME,		///< see figure 1
+  _FL_ROUNDED_BOX,		///< see figure 1
+  _FL_RSHADOW_BOX,		///< see figure 1
+  _FL_ROUNDED_FRAME,		///< see figure 1
+  _FL_RFLAT_BOX,		///< see figure 1
+  _FL_ROUND_UP_BOX,		///< see figure 1
+  _FL_ROUND_DOWN_BOX,		///< see figure 1
+  _FL_DIAMOND_UP_BOX,		///< see figure 1
+  _FL_DIAMOND_DOWN_BOX,		///< see figure 1
+  _FL_OVAL_BOX,			///< see figure 1
+  _FL_OSHADOW_BOX,		///< see figure 1
+  _FL_OVAL_FRAME,		///< see figure 1
+  _FL_OFLAT_BOX,		///< see figure 1
+  _FL_PLASTIC_UP_BOX,		///< plastic version of FL_UP_BOX
+  _FL_PLASTIC_DOWN_BOX,		///< plastic version of FL_DOWN_BOX
+  _FL_PLASTIC_UP_FRAME,		///< plastic version of FL_UP_FRAME
+  _FL_PLASTIC_DOWN_FRAME,	///< plastic version of FL_DOWN_FRAME
+  _FL_PLASTIC_THIN_UP_BOX,	///< plastic version of FL_THIN_UP_BOX
+  _FL_PLASTIC_THIN_DOWN_BOX,	///< plastic version of FL_THIN_DOWN_BOX
+  _FL_PLASTIC_ROUND_UP_BOX,	///< plastic version of FL_ROUND_UP_BOX
+  _FL_PLASTIC_ROUND_DOWN_BOX,	///< plastic version of FL_ROUND_DOWN_BOX
+  _FL_GTK_UP_BOX,		///< gtk+ version of FL_UP_BOX
+  _FL_GTK_DOWN_BOX,		///< gtk+ version of FL_DOWN_BOX
+  _FL_GTK_UP_FRAME,		///< gtk+ version of FL_UP_FRAME
+  _FL_GTK_DOWN_FRAME,		///< gtk+ version of FL_DOWN_FRAME
+  _FL_GTK_THIN_UP_BOX,		///< gtk+ version of FL_THIN_UP_BOX
+  _FL_GTK_THIN_DOWN_BOX,	///< gtk+ version of FL_THIN_DOWN_BOX
+  _FL_GTK_THIN_UP_FRAME,	///< gtk+ version of FL_THIN_UP_FRAME
+  _FL_GTK_THIN_DOWN_FRAME,	///< gtk+ version of FL_THIN_DOWN_FRAME
+  _FL_GTK_ROUND_UP_BOX,		///< gtk+ version of FL_ROUND_UP_BOX
+  _FL_GTK_ROUND_DOWN_BOX,	///< gtk+ version of FL_ROUND_DOWN_BOX
+  _FL_GLEAM_UP_BOX,		///< gleam version of FL_UP_BOX
+  _FL_GLEAM_DOWN_BOX,		///< gleam version of FL_DOWN_BOX
+  _FL_GLEAM_UP_FRAME,		///< gleam version of FL_UP_FRAME
+  _FL_GLEAM_DOWN_FRAME,		///< gleam version of FL_DOWN_FRAME
+  _FL_GLEAM_THIN_UP_BOX,	///< gleam version of FL_THIN_UP_BOX
+  _FL_GLEAM_THIN_DOWN_BOX,	///< gleam version of FL_THIN_DOWN_BOX
+  _FL_GLEAM_ROUND_UP_BOX,	///< gleam version of FL_ROUND_UP_BOX
+  _FL_GLEAM_ROUND_DOWN_BOX,	///< gleam version of FL_ROUND_DOWN_BOX
+  FL_FREE_BOXTYPE		///< the first free box type for creation of new box types
+extern FL_EXPORT Fl_Boxtype fl_define_FL_ROUND_UP_BOX();
+#define FL_ROUND_UP_BOX fl_define_FL_ROUND_UP_BOX()
+#define FL_ROUND_DOWN_BOX (Fl_Boxtype)(fl_define_FL_ROUND_UP_BOX()+1)
+extern FL_EXPORT Fl_Boxtype fl_define_FL_SHADOW_BOX();
+#define FL_SHADOW_BOX fl_define_FL_SHADOW_BOX()
+#define FL_SHADOW_FRAME (Fl_Boxtype)(fl_define_FL_SHADOW_BOX()+2)
+extern FL_EXPORT Fl_Boxtype fl_define_FL_ROUNDED_BOX();
+#define FL_ROUNDED_BOX fl_define_FL_ROUNDED_BOX()
+#define FL_ROUNDED_FRAME (Fl_Boxtype)(fl_define_FL_ROUNDED_BOX()+2)
+extern FL_EXPORT Fl_Boxtype fl_define_FL_RFLAT_BOX();
+#define FL_RFLAT_BOX fl_define_FL_RFLAT_BOX()
+extern FL_EXPORT Fl_Boxtype fl_define_FL_RSHADOW_BOX();
+#define FL_RSHADOW_BOX fl_define_FL_RSHADOW_BOX()
+extern FL_EXPORT Fl_Boxtype fl_define_FL_DIAMOND_BOX();
+#define FL_DIAMOND_UP_BOX fl_define_FL_DIAMOND_BOX()
+#define FL_DIAMOND_DOWN_BOX (Fl_Boxtype)(fl_define_FL_DIAMOND_BOX()+1)
+extern FL_EXPORT Fl_Boxtype fl_define_FL_OVAL_BOX();
+#define FL_OVAL_BOX fl_define_FL_OVAL_BOX()
+#define FL_OSHADOW_BOX (Fl_Boxtype)(fl_define_FL_OVAL_BOX()+1)
+#define FL_OVAL_FRAME (Fl_Boxtype)(fl_define_FL_OVAL_BOX()+2)
+#define FL_OFLAT_BOX (Fl_Boxtype)(fl_define_FL_OVAL_BOX()+3)
+extern FL_EXPORT Fl_Boxtype fl_define_FL_PLASTIC_UP_BOX();
+#define FL_PLASTIC_UP_BOX fl_define_FL_PLASTIC_UP_BOX()
+#define FL_PLASTIC_DOWN_BOX (Fl_Boxtype)(fl_define_FL_PLASTIC_UP_BOX()+1)
+#define FL_PLASTIC_UP_FRAME (Fl_Boxtype)(fl_define_FL_PLASTIC_UP_BOX()+2)
+#define FL_PLASTIC_DOWN_FRAME (Fl_Boxtype)(fl_define_FL_PLASTIC_UP_BOX()+3)
+#define FL_PLASTIC_THIN_UP_BOX (Fl_Boxtype)(fl_define_FL_PLASTIC_UP_BOX()+4)
+#define FL_PLASTIC_THIN_DOWN_BOX (Fl_Boxtype)(fl_define_FL_PLASTIC_UP_BOX()+5)
+#define FL_PLASTIC_ROUND_UP_BOX (Fl_Boxtype)(fl_define_FL_PLASTIC_UP_BOX()+6)
+#define FL_PLASTIC_ROUND_DOWN_BOX (Fl_Boxtype)(fl_define_FL_PLASTIC_UP_BOX()+7)
+extern FL_EXPORT Fl_Boxtype fl_define_FL_GTK_UP_BOX();
+#define FL_GTK_UP_BOX fl_define_FL_GTK_UP_BOX()
+#define FL_GTK_DOWN_BOX (Fl_Boxtype)(fl_define_FL_GTK_UP_BOX()+1)
+#define FL_GTK_UP_FRAME (Fl_Boxtype)(fl_define_FL_GTK_UP_BOX()+2)
+#define FL_GTK_DOWN_FRAME (Fl_Boxtype)(fl_define_FL_GTK_UP_BOX()+3)
+#define FL_GTK_THIN_UP_BOX (Fl_Boxtype)(fl_define_FL_GTK_UP_BOX()+4)
+#define FL_GTK_THIN_DOWN_BOX (Fl_Boxtype)(fl_define_FL_GTK_UP_BOX()+5)
+#define FL_GTK_THIN_UP_FRAME (Fl_Boxtype)(fl_define_FL_GTK_UP_BOX()+6)
+#define FL_GTK_THIN_DOWN_FRAME (Fl_Boxtype)(fl_define_FL_GTK_UP_BOX()+7)
+#define FL_GTK_ROUND_UP_BOX (Fl_Boxtype)(fl_define_FL_GTK_UP_BOX()+8)
+#define FL_GTK_ROUND_DOWN_BOX (Fl_Boxtype)(fl_define_FL_GTK_UP_BOX()+9)
+extern FL_EXPORT Fl_Boxtype fl_define_FL_GLEAM_UP_BOX();
+#define FL_GLEAM_UP_BOX fl_define_FL_GLEAM_UP_BOX()
+#define FL_GLEAM_DOWN_BOX (Fl_Boxtype)(fl_define_FL_GLEAM_UP_BOX()+1)
+#define FL_GLEAM_UP_FRAME (Fl_Boxtype)(fl_define_FL_GLEAM_UP_BOX()+2)
+#define FL_GLEAM_DOWN_FRAME (Fl_Boxtype)(fl_define_FL_GLEAM_UP_BOX()+3)
+#define FL_GLEAM_THIN_UP_BOX (Fl_Boxtype)(fl_define_FL_GLEAM_UP_BOX()+4)
+#define FL_GLEAM_THIN_DOWN_BOX (Fl_Boxtype)(fl_define_FL_GLEAM_UP_BOX()+5)
+#define FL_GLEAM_ROUND_UP_BOX (Fl_Boxtype)(fl_define_FL_GLEAM_UP_BOX()+6)
+#define FL_GLEAM_ROUND_DOWN_BOX (Fl_Boxtype)(fl_define_FL_GLEAM_UP_BOX()+7)
+// conversions of box types to other boxtypes:
+  Get the filled version of a frame.
+  If no filled version of a given frame exists, the behavior of this function
+  is undefined and some random box or frame is returned.
+ */
+inline Fl_Boxtype fl_box(Fl_Boxtype b) {
+  return (Fl_Boxtype)((b<FL_UP_BOX||b%4>1)?b:(b-2));
+  Get the "pressed" or "down" version of a box.
+  If no "down" version of a given box exists, the behavior of this function
+  is undefined and some random box or frame is returned.
+ */
+inline Fl_Boxtype fl_down(Fl_Boxtype b) {
+  return (Fl_Boxtype)((b<FL_UP_BOX)?b:(b|1));
+  Get the unfilled, frame only version of a box.
+  If no frame version of a given box exists, the behavior of this function
+  is undefined and some random box or frame is returned.
+ */
+inline Fl_Boxtype fl_frame(Fl_Boxtype b) {
+  return (Fl_Boxtype)((b%4<2)?b:(b+2));
+// back-compatibility box types:
+/*@}*/	// group: Box Types
+   The labeltype() method sets the type of the label.
+   The following standard label types are included:
+   \todo	The doxygen comments are incomplete, and some labeltypes
+   	start with an underscore. Also, there are three
+		external functions undocumented (yet):
+		  - fl_define_FL_SHADOW_LABEL()
+		  - fl_define_FL_ENGRAVED_LABEL()
+		  - fl_define_FL_EMBOSSED_LABEL()
+enum Fl_Labeltype {	// labeltypes:
+  FL_NORMAL_LABEL	= 0, ///< draws the text (0)
+  FL_NO_LABEL,         ///< does nothing
+  _FL_SHADOW_LABEL,    ///< draws a drop shadow under the text
+  _FL_ENGRAVED_LABEL,	 ///< draws edges as though the text is engraved
+  _FL_EMBOSSED_LABEL,  ///< draws edges as though the text is raised
+  _FL_MULTI_LABEL,     ///< draws a composite label \see Fl_Multi_Label
+  _FL_ICON_LABEL,      ///< draws the icon associated with the text
+  _FL_IMAGE_LABEL,     ///< the label displays an "icon" based on a Fl_Image
+  FL_FREE_LABELTYPE    ///< first free labeltype to use for creating own labeltypes
+  Sets the current label type and return its corresponding Fl_Labeltype value. 
+  @{
+extern Fl_Labeltype FL_EXPORT fl_define_FL_SHADOW_LABEL();
+#define FL_SHADOW_LABEL fl_define_FL_SHADOW_LABEL()
+extern Fl_Labeltype FL_EXPORT fl_define_FL_ENGRAVED_LABEL();
+extern Fl_Labeltype FL_EXPORT fl_define_FL_EMBOSSED_LABEL();
+/** @} */
+/** \name Alignment Flags 
+    Flags to control the label alignment. 
+    This controls how the label is displayed next to or inside the widget. 
+    The default value is FL_ALIGN_CENTER (0) for most widgets, which centers
+    the label inside the widget.
+    Flags can be or'd to achieve a combination of alignments, but there
+    are some "magic values" (e.g. combinations of TOP and BOTTOM and of
+    LEFT and RIGHT) that have special meanings (see below). For instance:<BR>
+    \code
+    Outside alignments (FL_ALIGN_INSIDE is not set):
+               TOP_LEFT        TOP       TOP_RIGHT
+               +---------------------------------+
+       LEFT_TOP|                                 |RIGHT_TOP
+               |                                 |
+           LEFT|             CENTER              |RIGHT
+               |                                 |
+    LEFT_BOTTOM|                                 |RIGHT_BOTTOM
+               +---------------------------------+
+    Inside alignments (FL_ALIGN_INSIDE is set):
+               +---------------------------------+
+               |TOP_LEFT       TOP      TOP_RIGHT|
+               |                                 |
+               |LEFT         CENTER         RIGHT|
+               |                                 |
+               +---------------------------------+
+    \endcode
+    \see #FL_ALIGN_CENTER, etc.
+ */
+/** FLTK type for alignment control */
+typedef unsigned Fl_Align;
+  /** Align the label horizontally in the middle. */
+const Fl_Align FL_ALIGN_CENTER		= (Fl_Align)0;
+  /** Align the label at the top of the widget. Inside labels appear below the top,
+      outside labels are drawn on top of the widget. */
+const Fl_Align FL_ALIGN_TOP		= (Fl_Align)1;
+  /** Align the label at the bottom of the widget. */
+const Fl_Align FL_ALIGN_BOTTOM		= (Fl_Align)2;
+  /** Align the label at the left of the widget. Inside labels appear left-justified
+      starting at the left side of the widget, outside labels are right-justified and
+      drawn to the left of the widget. */
+const Fl_Align FL_ALIGN_LEFT		= (Fl_Align)4;
+  /** Align the label to the right of the widget. */
+const Fl_Align FL_ALIGN_RIGHT		= (Fl_Align)8;
+  /** Draw the label inside of the widget. */
+const Fl_Align FL_ALIGN_INSIDE		= (Fl_Align)16;
+  /** If the label contains an image, draw the text on top of the image. */
+const Fl_Align FL_ALIGN_TEXT_OVER_IMAGE	= (Fl_Align)0x0020;
+  /** If the label contains an image, draw the text below the image. */
+const Fl_Align FL_ALIGN_IMAGE_OVER_TEXT	= (Fl_Align)0x0000;
+  /** All parts of the label that are lager than the widget will not be drawn . */
+const Fl_Align FL_ALIGN_CLIP		= (Fl_Align)64;
+  /** Wrap text that does not fit the width of the widget. */
+const Fl_Align FL_ALIGN_WRAP		= (Fl_Align)128;
+  /** If the label contains an image, draw the text to the right of the image. */
+const Fl_Align FL_ALIGN_IMAGE_NEXT_TO_TEXT = (Fl_Align)0x0100;
+  /** If the label contains an image, draw the text to the left of the image. */
+const Fl_Align FL_ALIGN_TEXT_NEXT_TO_IMAGE = (Fl_Align)0x0120;
+/** If the label contains an image, draw the image or deimage in the background. */
+const Fl_Align FL_ALIGN_IMAGE_BACKDROP  = (Fl_Align)0x0200;
+const Fl_Align FL_ALIGN_LEFT_TOP	= 0x0007; // magic value
+const Fl_Align FL_ALIGN_RIGHT_TOP	= 0x000b; // magic value
+const Fl_Align FL_ALIGN_LEFT_BOTTOM	= 0x000d; // magic value
+const Fl_Align FL_ALIGN_RIGHT_BOTTOM	= 0x000e; // magic value
+const Fl_Align FL_ALIGN_NOWRAP		= (Fl_Align)0; // for back compatibility
+const Fl_Align FL_ALIGN_POSITION_MASK   = 0x000f; // left, right, top, bottom
+const Fl_Align FL_ALIGN_IMAGE_MASK      = 0x0320; // l/r, t/b, backdrop
+/** \name Font Numbers
+    The following constants define the standard FLTK fonts:
+ */
+/** A font number is an index into the internal font table. */
+typedef int Fl_Font;
+const Fl_Font FL_HELVETICA              = 0;	///< Helvetica (or Arial) normal (0)
+const Fl_Font FL_HELVETICA_BOLD         = 1;	///< Helvetica (or Arial) bold
+const Fl_Font FL_HELVETICA_ITALIC       = 2;	///< Helvetica (or Arial) oblique
+const Fl_Font FL_HELVETICA_BOLD_ITALIC  = 3;	///< Helvetica (or Arial) bold-oblique
+const Fl_Font FL_COURIER                = 4;	///< Courier normal
+const Fl_Font FL_COURIER_BOLD           = 5;	///< Courier bold 
+const Fl_Font FL_COURIER_ITALIC         = 6;	///< Courier italic
+const Fl_Font FL_COURIER_BOLD_ITALIC    = 7;	///< Courier bold-italic
+const Fl_Font FL_TIMES                  = 8;	///< Times roman
+const Fl_Font FL_TIMES_BOLD             = 9;	///< Times roman bold
+const Fl_Font FL_TIMES_ITALIC           = 10;	///< Times roman italic
+const Fl_Font FL_TIMES_BOLD_ITALIC      = 11;	///< Times roman bold-italic
+const Fl_Font FL_SYMBOL                 = 12;	///< Standard symbol font
+const Fl_Font FL_SCREEN                 = 13;	///< Default monospaced screen font
+const Fl_Font FL_SCREEN_BOLD            = 14;	///< Default monospaced bold screen font
+const Fl_Font FL_ZAPF_DINGBATS          = 15;	///< Zapf-dingbats font
+const Fl_Font FL_FREE_FONT              = 16;	///< first one to allocate
+const Fl_Font FL_BOLD                   = 1;	///< add this to helvetica, courier, or times
+const Fl_Font FL_ITALIC                 = 2;	///< add this to helvetica, courier, or times
+const Fl_Font FL_BOLD_ITALIC            = 3;	///< add this to helvetica, courier, or times
+/** Size of a font in pixels.
+    This is the approximate height of a font in pixels.
+ */
+typedef int Fl_Fontsize;
+extern FL_EXPORT Fl_Fontsize FL_NORMAL_SIZE;	///< normal font size
+/** \name Colors 
+    The Fl_Color type holds an FLTK color value.
+    Colors are either 8-bit indexes into a <a href="fltk-colormap.png">virtual colormap</a>
+    or 24-bit RGB color values. (See \ref drawing_colors for the default FLTK colormap)
+    Color indices occupy the lower 8 bits of the value, while
+    RGB colors occupy the upper 24 bits, for a byte organization of RGBI.
+ Fl_Color => 0xrrggbbii
+                | | | |
+                | | | +--- \ref drawing_colors "index" between 0 and 255
+                | | +----- blue color component (8 bit)
+                | +------- green component (8 bit)
+                +--------- red component (8 bit)
+ </pre>
+    A color can have either an index or an rgb value. Colors with rgb set 
+    and an index >0 are reserved for special use.
+ */
+/** An FLTK color value; see also \ref drawing_colors  */
+typedef unsigned int Fl_Color;
+// Standard colors. These are used as default colors in widgets and altered as necessary
+const Fl_Color FL_FOREGROUND_COLOR  = 0;	///< the default foreground color (0) used for labels and text
+const Fl_Color FL_BACKGROUND2_COLOR = 7;	///< the default background color for text, list, and valuator widgets
+const Fl_Color FL_INACTIVE_COLOR    = 8;	///< the inactive foreground color
+const Fl_Color FL_SELECTION_COLOR   = 15;	///< the default selection/highlight color
+  // boxtypes generally limit themselves to these colors so
+  // the whole ramp is not allocated:
+const Fl_Color FL_GRAY0   = 32;			// 'A'
+const Fl_Color FL_DARK3   = 39;			// 'H'
+const Fl_Color FL_DARK2   = 45;			// 'N'
+const Fl_Color FL_DARK1   = 47;			// 'P'
+const Fl_Color FL_BACKGROUND_COLOR  = 49;	// 'R' default background color
+const Fl_Color FL_LIGHT1  = 50;			// 'S'
+const Fl_Color FL_LIGHT2  = 52;			// 'U'
+const Fl_Color FL_LIGHT3  = 54;			// 'W'
+  // FLTK provides a 5x8x5 color cube that is used with colormap visuals
+const Fl_Color FL_BLACK   = 56;
+const Fl_Color FL_RED     = 88;
+const Fl_Color FL_GREEN   = 63;
+const Fl_Color FL_YELLOW  = 95;
+const Fl_Color FL_BLUE    = 216;
+const Fl_Color FL_MAGENTA = 248;
+const Fl_Color FL_CYAN    = 223;
+const Fl_Color FL_DARK_RED = 72;
+const Fl_Color FL_DARK_GREEN    = 60;
+const Fl_Color FL_DARK_YELLOW   = 76;
+const Fl_Color FL_DARK_BLUE     = 136;
+const Fl_Color FL_DARK_MAGENTA  = 152;
+const Fl_Color FL_DARK_CYAN     = 140;
+const Fl_Color FL_WHITE         = 255;
+#define FL_FREE_COLOR     (Fl_Color)16
+#define FL_NUM_FREE_COLOR 16
+#define FL_GRAY_RAMP      (Fl_Color)32
+#define FL_NUM_GRAY       24
+#define FL_GRAY           FL_BACKGROUND_COLOR
+#define FL_COLOR_CUBE     (Fl_Color)56
+#define FL_NUM_RED        5
+#define FL_NUM_GREEN      8
+#define FL_NUM_BLUE       5
+FL_EXPORT Fl_Color fl_inactive(Fl_Color c);
+FL_EXPORT Fl_Color fl_contrast(Fl_Color fg, Fl_Color bg);
+FL_EXPORT Fl_Color fl_color_average(Fl_Color c1, Fl_Color c2, float weight);
+/** Returns a lighter version of the specified color. */
+inline Fl_Color fl_lighter(Fl_Color c) { return fl_color_average(c, FL_WHITE, .67f); }
+/** Returns a darker version of the specified color. */
+inline Fl_Color fl_darker(Fl_Color c) { return fl_color_average(c, FL_BLACK, .67f); }
+/** Returns the 24-bit color value closest to \p r, \p g, \p b. */
+inline Fl_Color fl_rgb_color(uchar r, uchar g, uchar b) {
+  if (!r && !g && !b) return FL_BLACK;
+  else return (Fl_Color)(((((r << 8) | g) << 8) | b) << 8);
+/** Returns the 24-bit color value closest to \p g (grayscale). */
+inline Fl_Color fl_rgb_color(uchar g) {
+  if (!g) return FL_BLACK;
+  else return (Fl_Color)(((((g << 8) | g) << 8) | g) << 8);
+/** Returns a gray color value from black (i == 0) to white (i == FL_NUM_GRAY - 1).
+    FL_NUM_GRAY is defined to be 24 in the current FLTK release.
+    To get the closest FLTK gray value to an 8-bit grayscale color 'I' use:
+ \code
+   fl_gray_ramp(I * (FL_NUM_GRAY - 1) / 255)
+ \endcode
+inline Fl_Color fl_gray_ramp(int i) {return (Fl_Color)(i+FL_GRAY_RAMP);}
+/** Returns a color out of the color cube.
+  \p r must be in the range 0 to FL_NUM_RED (5) minus 1,
+  \p g must be in the range 0 to FL_NUM_GREEN (8) minus 1,
+  \p b must be in the range 0 to FL_NUM_BLUE (5) minus 1.
+  To get the closest color to a 8-bit set of R,G,B values use:
+  \code
+    fl_color_cube(R * (FL_NUM_RED - 1) / 255,
+       G * (FL_NUM_GREEN - 1) / 255,
+       B * (FL_NUM_BLUE - 1) / 255);
+  \endcode
+ */
+inline Fl_Color fl_color_cube(int r, int g, int b) {
+  return (Fl_Color)((b*FL_NUM_RED + r) * FL_NUM_GREEN + g + FL_COLOR_CUBE);}
+/*@}*/		// group: Colors
+/** \name Cursors */
+/** The following constants define the mouse cursors that are available in FLTK.
+    Cursors are provided by the system when available, or bitmaps built into
+    FLTK as a fallback.
+    \todo enum Fl_Cursor needs maybe an image.
+/* FIXME: We should renumber these, but that will break the ABI */
+enum Fl_Cursor {
+  FL_CURSOR_DEFAULT    =  0, /**< the default cursor, usually an arrow. */
+  FL_CURSOR_ARROW      = 35, /**< an arrow pointer. */
+  FL_CURSOR_CROSS      = 66, /**< crosshair. */
+  FL_CURSOR_WAIT       = 76, /**< busy indicator (e.g. hourglass). */
+  FL_CURSOR_INSERT     = 77, /**< I-beam. */
+  FL_CURSOR_HAND       = 31, /**< pointing hand. */
+  FL_CURSOR_HELP       = 47, /**< question mark pointer. */
+  FL_CURSOR_MOVE       = 27, /**< 4-pointed arrow or hand. */
+  /* Resize indicators */
+  FL_CURSOR_NS         = 78, /**< up/down resize. */
+  FL_CURSOR_WE         = 79, /**< left/right resize. */
+  FL_CURSOR_NWSE       = 80, /**< diagonal resize. */
+  FL_CURSOR_NESW       = 81, /**< diagonal resize. */
+  FL_CURSOR_N          = 70, /**< upwards resize. */
+  FL_CURSOR_NE         = 69, /**< upwards, right resize. */
+  FL_CURSOR_E          = 49, /**< rightwards resize. */
+  FL_CURSOR_SE         =  8, /**< downwards, right resize. */
+  FL_CURSOR_S          =  9, /**< downwards resize. */
+  FL_CURSOR_SW         =  7, /**< downwards, left resize. */
+  FL_CURSOR_W          = 36, /**< leftwards resize. */
+  FL_CURSOR_NW         = 68, /**< upwards, left resize. */
+  FL_CURSOR_NONE       =255  /**< invisible. */
+/*@}*/		// group: Cursors  
+/** FD "when" conditions */
+enum { // values for "when" passed to Fl::add_fd()
+  FL_READ   = 1, /**< Call the callback when there is data to be read. */
+  FL_WRITE  = 4, /**< Call the callback when data can be written without blocking. */
+  FL_EXCEPT = 8  /**< Call the callback if an exception occurs on the file. */
+/** visual types and Fl_Gl_Window::mode() (values match Glut) */
+enum Fl_Mode { 
+  FL_RGB	= 0,
+  FL_INDEX	= 1,
+  FL_SINGLE	= 0,
+  FL_DOUBLE	= 2,
+  FL_ACCUM	= 4,
+  FL_ALPHA	= 8,
+  FL_DEPTH	= 16,
+  FL_STENCIL	= 32,
+  FL_RGB8	= 64,
+  FL_STEREO     = 256,
+  FL_FAKE_SINGLE = 512,	// Fake single buffered windows using double-buffer
+  FL_OPENGL3    = 1024
+// image alpha blending
+#define FL_IMAGE_WITH_ALPHA 0x40000000
+/** Damage masks */
+enum Fl_Damage {
+  FL_DAMAGE_CHILD    = 0x01, /**< A child needs to be redrawn. */
+  FL_DAMAGE_EXPOSE   = 0x02, /**< The window was exposed. */
+  FL_DAMAGE_SCROLL   = 0x04, /**< The Fl_Scroll widget was scrolled. */
+  FL_DAMAGE_OVERLAY  = 0x08, /**< The overlay planes need to be redrawn. */
+  FL_DAMAGE_USER1    = 0x10, /**< First user-defined damage bit. */
+  FL_DAMAGE_USER2    = 0x20, /**< Second user-defined damage bit. */
+  FL_DAMAGE_ALL      = 0x80  /**< Everything needs to be redrawn. */
+// FLTK 1.0.x compatibility definitions...
+#  ifdef FLTK_1_0_COMPAT
+#    define contrast	fl_contrast
+#    define down	fl_down
+#    define frame	fl_frame
+#    define inactive	fl_inactive
+#  endif // FLTK_1_0_COMPAT
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl.H
@@ -1,0 +1,1420 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Main header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2016 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/** \file
+    Fl static class.
+ */
+#ifndef Fl_H
+#  define Fl_H
+#include <FL/Fl_Export.H>
+# include <FL/Fl_Cairo.H>
+#  include "fl_utf8.h"
+#  include "Enumerations.H"
+#  ifndef Fl_Object
+#    define Fl_Object Fl_Widget	/**< for back compatibility - use Fl_Widget! */
+#  endif
+#  ifdef check
+#    undef check
+#  endif
+class Fl_Widget;
+class Fl_Window;
+class Fl_Image;
+struct Fl_Label;
+// Keep avoiding having the socket deps at that level but mke sure it will work in both 32 & 64 bit builds
+#if defined(WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
+# if defined(_WIN64)
+#  define FL_SOCKET unsigned __int64
+# else
+#  define FL_SOCKET int
+# endif
+# define FL_SOCKET int
+// Pointers you can use to change FLTK to a foreign language.
+// Note: Similar pointers are defined in FL/fl_ask.H and src/fl_ask.cxx
+extern FL_EXPORT const char* fl_local_ctrl;
+extern FL_EXPORT const char* fl_local_meta;
+extern FL_EXPORT const char* fl_local_alt;
+extern FL_EXPORT const char* fl_local_shift;
+/** \defgroup  callback_functions Callback function typedefs
+ \brief Typedefs defined in <FL/Fl.H> for callback or handler functions passed as function parameters.
+    FLTK uses callback functions as parameters for some function calls, e.g. to
+    set up global event handlers (Fl::add_handler()), to add a timeout handler
+    (Fl::add_timeout()), and many more.
+    The typedefs defined in this group describe the function parameters used to set
+    up or clear the callback functions and should also be referenced to define the
+    callback function to handle such events in the user's code.
+    \see Fl::add_handler(), Fl::add_timeout(), Fl::repeat_timeout(),
+	 Fl::remove_timeout() and others
+  @{ */
+/** Signature of some label drawing functions passed as parameters */
+typedef void (Fl_Label_Draw_F)(const Fl_Label *label, int x, int y, int w, int h, Fl_Align align);
+/** Signature of some label measurement functions passed as parameters */
+typedef void (Fl_Label_Measure_F)(const Fl_Label *label, int &width, int &height);
+/** Signature of some box drawing functions passed as parameters */
+typedef void (Fl_Box_Draw_F)(int x, int y, int w, int h, Fl_Color color);
+/** Signature of some timeout callback functions passed as parameters */
+typedef void (*Fl_Timeout_Handler)(void *data);
+/** Signature of some wakeup callback functions passed as parameters */
+typedef void (*Fl_Awake_Handler)(void *data);
+/** Signature of add_idle callback functions passed as parameters */
+typedef void (*Fl_Idle_Handler)(void *data);
+/** Signature of set_idle callback functions passed as parameters */
+typedef void (*Fl_Old_Idle_Handler)();
+/** Signature of add_fd functions passed as parameters */
+typedef void (*Fl_FD_Handler)(FL_SOCKET fd, void *data);
+/** Signature of add_handler functions passed as parameters */
+typedef int (*Fl_Event_Handler)(int event);
+/** Signature of add_system_handler functions passed as parameters */
+typedef int (*Fl_System_Handler)(void *event, void *data);
+/** Signature of set_abort functions passed as parameters */
+typedef void (*Fl_Abort_Handler)(const char *format,...);
+/** Signature of set_atclose functions passed as parameters */
+typedef void (*Fl_Atclose_Handler)(Fl_Window *window, void *data);
+/** Signature of args functions passed as parameters */
+typedef int (*Fl_Args_Handler)(int argc, char **argv, int &i);
+/** Signature of event_dispatch functions passed as parameters.
+    \see Fl::event_dispatch(Fl_Event_Dispatch) */
+typedef int (*Fl_Event_Dispatch)(int event, Fl_Window *w);
+/** Signature of add_clipboard_notify functions passed as parameters */
+typedef void (*Fl_Clipboard_Notify_Handler)(int source, void *data);
+/** @} */ /* group callback_functions */
+  The Fl is the FLTK global (static) class containing
+  state information and global methods for the current application.
+class FL_EXPORT Fl {
+  Fl() {}; // no constructor!
+  static int use_high_res_GL_;
+public: // should be private!
+#ifndef FL_DOXYGEN
+  static int e_number;
+  static int e_x;
+  static int e_y;
+  static int e_x_root;
+  static int e_y_root;
+  static int e_dx;
+  static int e_dy;
+  static int e_state;
+  static int e_clicks;
+  static int e_is_click;
+  static int e_keysym;
+  static char* e_text;
+  static int e_length;
+  static void *e_clipboard_data;
+  static const char *e_clipboard_type;
+  static Fl_Event_Dispatch e_dispatch;
+  static Fl_Widget* belowmouse_;
+  static Fl_Widget* pushed_;
+  static Fl_Widget* focus_;
+  static int damage_;
+  static Fl_Widget* selection_owner_;
+  static Fl_Window* modal_;
+  static Fl_Window* grab_;
+  static int compose_state; // used for dead keys (WIN32) or marked text (MacOS)
+  static void call_screen_init(); // recompute screen number and dimensions
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+  static void reset_marked_text(); // resets marked text
+  static void insertion_point_location(int x, int y, int height); // sets window coordinates & height of insertion point
+#endif // FL_DOXYGEN
+  /**
+    If true then flush() will do something.
+  */
+  static void damage(int d) {damage_ = d;}
+  /** Enumerator for global FLTK options.
+      These options can be set system wide, per user, or for the running
+      application only.
+      \see Fl::option(Fl_Option, bool)
+      \see Fl::option(Fl_Option)
+  */
+  typedef enum {
+      /// When switched on, moving the text cursor beyond the start or end of
+      /// a text in a text widget will change focus to the next text widget.
+      /// (This is considered 'old' behavior)
+      ///
+      /// When switched off (default), the cursor will stop at the end of the text.
+      /// Pressing Tab or Ctrl-Tab will advance the keyboard focus.
+      ///
+      /// See also: Fl_Input_::tab_nav()
+      ///
+      // When switched on, FLTK will use the file chooser dialog that comes 
+      // with your operating system whenever possible. When switched off, FLTK
+      // will present its own file chooser.
+      // \todo implement me
+      // When Filechooser Preview is enabled, the FLTK or native file chooser
+      // will show a preview of a selected file (if possible) before the user
+      // decides to choose the file.
+      // \todo implement me
+      /// If visible focus is switched on (default), FLTK will draw a dotted rectangle 
+      /// inside the widget that will receive the next keystroke. If switched
+      /// off, no such indicator will be drawn and keyboard navigation
+      /// is disabled.
+      /// If text drag-and-drop is enabled (default), the user can select and drag text
+      /// from any text widget. If disabled, no dragging is possible, however
+      /// dropping text from other applications still works.
+      /// If tooltips are enabled (default), hovering the mouse over a widget with a 
+      /// tooltip text will open a little tooltip window until the mouse leaves
+      /// the widget. If disabled, no tooltip is shown.
+     /// When switched on (default), Fl_Native_File_Chooser runs GTK file dialogs
+     /// if the GTK library is available on the platform (linux/unix only).
+     /// When switched off, GTK file dialogs aren't used even if the GTK library is available.
+      // don't change this, leave it always as the last element
+      /// For internal use only.
+  } Fl_Option;
+  static unsigned char options_[OPTION_LAST];
+  static unsigned char options_read_;
+  /*
+   Return a global setting for all FLTK applications, possibly overridden
+   by a setting specifically for this application.
+   */
+  static bool option(Fl_Option opt);
+  /*
+   Override an option while the application is running.
+   */
+  static void option(Fl_Option opt, bool val);
+  /**
+    The currently executing idle callback function: DO NOT USE THIS DIRECTLY!
+    This is now used as part of a higher level system allowing multiple
+    idle callback functions to be called.
+    \see add_idle(), remove_idle()
+  */
+  static void (*idle)();
+#ifndef FL_DOXYGEN
+  static Fl_Awake_Handler *awake_ring_;
+  static void **awake_data_;
+  static int awake_ring_size_;
+  static int awake_ring_head_;
+  static int awake_ring_tail_;
+  static const char* scheme_;
+  static Fl_Image* scheme_bg_;
+  static int e_original_keysym; // late addition
+  static int scrollbar_size_;
+  static int add_awake_handler_(Fl_Awake_Handler, void*);
+  static int get_awake_handler_(Fl_Awake_Handler&, void*&);
+  // API version number
+  static double version();
+  static int api_version();
+  // ABI version number
+  static int abi_version();
+  /**
+    Returns whether the runtime library ABI version is correct.
+    This enables you to check the ABI version of the linked FLTK
+    library at runtime.
+    Returns 1 (true) if the compiled ABI version (in the header files)
+    and the linked library ABI version (used at runtime) are the same,
+    0 (false) otherwise.
+    Argument \p val can be used to query a particular library ABI version.
+    Use for instance 10303 to query if the runtime library is compatible
+    with FLTK ABI version 1.3.3. This is rarely useful.
+    The default \p val argument is FL_ABI_VERSION, which checks the version
+    defined at configure time (i.e. in the header files at program
+    compilation time) against the linked library version used at runtime.
+    This is particularly useful if you linked with a shared object library,
+    but it also concerns static linking.
+    \see Fl::abi_version()
+  */
+  static inline int abi_check(const int val = FL_ABI_VERSION) {
+    return val == abi_version();
+  }
+  // argument parsers:
+  static int arg(int argc, char **argv, int& i);
+  static int args(int argc, char **argv, int& i, Fl_Args_Handler cb = 0);
+  static void args(int argc, char **argv);
+  /**
+    Usage string displayed if Fl::args() detects an invalid argument.
+    This may be changed to point to customized text at run-time.
+  */
+  static const char* const help;
+  // things called by initialization:
+  static void display(const char*);
+  static int visual(int);
+  /**
+    This does the same thing as Fl::visual(int) but also requires OpenGL
+    drawing to work. This <I>must</I> be done if you want to draw in
+    normal windows with OpenGL with gl_start() and gl_end().
+    It may be useful to call this so your X windows use the same visual
+    as an Fl_Gl_Window, which on some servers will reduce colormap flashing.
+    See Fl_Gl_Window for a list of additional values for the argument.
+  */
+  static int gl_visual(int, int *alist=0); // platform dependent
+  static void own_colormap();
+  static void get_system_colors();
+  static void foreground(uchar, uchar, uchar);
+  static void background(uchar, uchar, uchar);
+  static void background2(uchar, uchar, uchar);
+  // schemes:
+  static int scheme(const char *name);
+  /** See void scheme(const char *name) */
+  static const char* scheme() {return scheme_;}
+  /** Returns whether the current scheme is the given name.
+    This is a fast inline convenience function to support scheme-specific
+    code in widgets, e.g. in their draw() methods, if required.
+    Use a valid scheme name, not \p NULL (although \p NULL is allowed,
+    this is not a useful argument - see below).
+    If Fl::scheme() has not been set or has been set to the default
+    scheme ("none" or "base"), then this will always return 0 regardless
+    of the argument, because Fl::scheme() is \p NULL in this case.
+    \note The stored scheme name is always lowercase, and this method will
+    do a case-sensitive compare, so you \b must provide a lowercase string to
+    return the correct value. This is intentional for performance reasons.
+    Example:
+    \code
+      if (Fl::is_scheme("gtk+")) { your_code_here(); }
+    \endcode
+    \param[in] name \b lowercase string of requested scheme name.
+    \return 1 if the given scheme is active, 0 otherwise.
+    \see Fl::scheme(const char *name)
+  */
+  static int is_scheme(const char *name) {
+    return (scheme_ && name && !strcmp(name,scheme_));
+  }
+  /**
+    Called by scheme according to scheme name. 
+    Loads or reloads the current scheme selection. 
+    See void scheme(const char *name) 
+  */
+  static int reload_scheme(); // platform dependent
+  static int scrollbar_size();
+  static void scrollbar_size(int W);
+  // execution:
+  static int wait();
+  static double wait(double time);
+  static int check();
+  static int ready();
+  static int run();
+  static Fl_Widget* readqueue();
+  /**
+  Adds a one-shot timeout callback.  The function will be called by
+  Fl::wait() at <i>t</i> seconds after this function is called.
+  The optional void* argument is passed to the callback.
+  You can have multiple timeout callbacks. To remove a timeout
+  callback use Fl::remove_timeout().
+  If you need more accurate, repeated timeouts, use Fl::repeat_timeout() to
+  reschedule the subsequent timeouts.
+  The following code will print "TICK" each second on
+  stdout with a fair degree of accuracy:
+  \code
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <FL/Fl.H>
+#include <FL/Fl_Window.H>
+void callback(void*) {
+  printf("TICK\n");
+  Fl::repeat_timeout(1.0, callback);    // retrigger timeout
+int main() {
+  Fl_Window win(100,100);
+  Fl::add_timeout(1.0, callback);       // set up first timeout
+  return Fl::run();
+  \endcode
+  */
+  static void add_timeout(double t, Fl_Timeout_Handler,void* = 0); // platform dependent
+  /**
+  Repeats a timeout callback from the expiration of the
+  previous timeout, allowing for more accurate timing. You may only call
+  this method inside a timeout callback.
+  The following code will print "TICK" each second on
+  stdout with a fair degree of accuracy:
+  \code
+     void callback(void*) {
+       puts("TICK");
+       Fl::repeat_timeout(1.0, callback);
+     }
+     int main() {
+       Fl::add_timeout(1.0, callback);
+       return Fl::run();
+     }
+  \endcode
+  */
+  static void repeat_timeout(double t, Fl_Timeout_Handler, void* = 0); // platform dependent
+  static int  has_timeout(Fl_Timeout_Handler, void* = 0);
+  static void remove_timeout(Fl_Timeout_Handler, void* = 0);
+  static void add_check(Fl_Timeout_Handler, void* = 0);
+  static int  has_check(Fl_Timeout_Handler, void* = 0);
+  static void remove_check(Fl_Timeout_Handler, void* = 0);
+  /**
+    Adds file descriptor fd to listen to.
+    When the fd becomes ready for reading Fl::wait() will call the
+    callback and then return. The callback is passed the fd and the
+    arbitrary void* argument.
+    The second version takes a when bitfield, with the bits
+    FL_READ, FL_WRITE, and FL_EXCEPT defined,
+    to indicate when the callback should be done.
+    There can only be one callback of each type for a file descriptor. 
+    Fl::remove_fd() gets rid of <I>all</I> the callbacks for a given
+    file descriptor.
+    Under UNIX <I>any</I> file descriptor can be monitored (files,
+    devices, pipes, sockets, etc.). Due to limitations in Microsoft Windows,
+    WIN32 applications can only monitor sockets.
+  */
+  static void add_fd(int fd, int when, Fl_FD_Handler cb, void* = 0); // platform dependent
+  /** See void add_fd(int fd, int when, Fl_FD_Handler cb, void* = 0) */
+  static void add_fd(int fd, Fl_FD_Handler cb, void* = 0); // platform dependent
+  /** Removes a file descriptor handler. */
+  static void remove_fd(int, int when); // platform dependent
+  /** Removes a file descriptor handler. */
+  static void remove_fd(int); // platform dependent
+  static void add_idle(Fl_Idle_Handler cb, void* data = 0);
+  static int  has_idle(Fl_Idle_Handler cb, void* data = 0);
+  static void remove_idle(Fl_Idle_Handler cb, void* data = 0);
+  /** If true then flush() will do something. */
+  static int damage() {return damage_;}
+  static void redraw();
+  static void flush();
+  /** \addtogroup group_comdlg
+    @{ */
+  /**
+  FLTK calls Fl::warning() to output a warning message.
+  The default version on Windows returns \e without printing a warning
+  message, because Windows programs normally don't have stderr (a console
+  window) enabled.
+  The default version on all other platforms prints the warning message to stderr.
+  You can override the behavior by setting the function pointer to your
+  own routine.
+  Fl::warning() means that there was a recoverable problem, the display may
+  be messed up, but the user can probably keep working - all X protocol
+  errors call this, for example. The default implementation returns after
+  displaying the message.
+   \note \#include <FL/Fl.H>
+  */
+  static void (*warning)(const char*, ...);
+  /**
+  FLTK calls Fl::error() to output a normal error message.
+  The default version on Windows displays the error message in a MessageBox window.
+  The default version on all other platforms prints the error message to stderr.
+  You can override the behavior by setting the function pointer to your
+  own routine.
+  Fl::error() means there is a recoverable error such as the inability to read
+  an image file. The default implementation returns after displaying the message.
+   \note \#include <FL/Fl.H>
+  */
+  static void (*error)(const char*, ...);
+  /**
+  FLTK calls Fl::fatal() to output a fatal error message.
+  The default version on Windows displays the error message in a MessageBox window.
+  The default version on all other platforms prints the error message to stderr.
+  You can override the behavior by setting the function pointer to your
+  own routine.
+  Fl::fatal() must not return, as FLTK is in an unusable state, however your
+  version may be able to use longjmp or an exception to continue, as long as
+  it does not call FLTK again. The default implementation exits with status 1
+  after displaying the message.
+   \note \#include <FL/Fl.H>
+  */
+  static void (*fatal)(const char*, ...);
+  /** @} */
+  /** \defgroup  fl_windows Windows handling functions
+      \brief Windows and standard dialogs handling declared in <FL/Fl.H>
+    @{ */
+  static Fl_Window* first_window();
+  static void first_window(Fl_Window*);
+  static Fl_Window* next_window(const Fl_Window*);
+  /**
+    Returns the top-most modal() window currently shown.
+    This is the most recently shown() window with modal() true, or NULL
+    if there are no modal() windows shown().
+    The modal() window has its handle() method called
+    for all events, and no other windows will have handle()
+    called (grab() overrides this).
+  */
+  static Fl_Window* modal() {return modal_;}
+  /** Returns the window that currently receives all events.
+   \return The window that currently receives all events,
+   or NULL if event grabbing is currently OFF.
+  */
+  static Fl_Window* grab() {return grab_;}
+  /** Selects the window to grab.  
+   This is used when pop-up menu systems are active.
+   Send all events to the passed window no matter where the pointer or
+   focus is (including in other programs). The window <I>does not have
+   to be shown()</I> , this lets the handle() method of a
+   "dummy" window override all event handling and allows you to
+   map and unmap a complex set of windows (under both X and WIN32
+   <I>some</I> window must be mapped because the system interface needs a
+   window id).
+   If grab() is on it will also affect show() of windows by doing
+   system-specific operations (on X it turns on override-redirect).
+   These are designed to make menus popup reliably
+   and faster on the system.
+   To turn off grabbing do Fl::grab(0).
+   <I>Be careful that your program does not enter an infinite loop
+   while grab() is on.  On X this will lock up your screen!</I>
+   To avoid this potential lockup, all newer operating systems seem to 
+   limit mouse pointer grabbing to the time during which a mouse button 
+   is held down. Some OS's may not support grabbing at all.
+   */
+  static void grab(Fl_Window*); // platform dependent
+  /** @} */
+  /** \defgroup fl_events Events handling functions
+	Fl class events handling API declared in <FL/Fl.H>
+	@{
+  */
+  // event information:
+  /**
+    Returns the last event that was processed. This can be used
+    to determine if a callback is being done in response to a
+    keypress, mouse click, etc.
+  */
+  static int event()		{return e_number;}
+  /**
+    Returns the mouse position of the event relative to the Fl_Window
+    it was passed to.
+  */
+  static int event_x()	{return e_x;}
+  /**
+    Returns the mouse position of the event relative to the Fl_Window
+    it was passed to.
+  */
+  static int event_y()	{return e_y;}
+  /**
+    Returns the mouse position on the screen of the event.  To find the
+    absolute position of an Fl_Window on the screen, use the
+    difference between event_x_root(),event_y_root() and 
+    event_x(),event_y().
+  */
+  static int event_x_root()	{return e_x_root;}
+  /**
+    Returns the mouse position on the screen of the event.  To find the
+    absolute position of an Fl_Window on the screen, use the
+    difference between event_x_root(),event_y_root() and 
+    event_x(),event_y().
+  */
+  static int event_y_root()	{return e_y_root;}
+  /**
+    Returns the current horizontal mouse scrolling associated with the
+    FL_MOUSEWHEEL event. Right is positive.
+  */
+  static int event_dx()	{return e_dx;}
+  /**
+    Returns the current vertical mouse scrolling associated with the
+    FL_MOUSEWHEEL event. Down is positive.
+  */
+  static int event_dy()	{return e_dy;}
+  /**
+    Return where the mouse is on the screen by doing a round-trip query to
+    the server.  You should use Fl::event_x_root() and 
+    Fl::event_y_root() if possible, but this is necessary if you are
+    not sure if a mouse event has been processed recently (such as to
+    position your first window).  If the display is not open, this will
+    open it.
+  */
+  static void get_mouse(int &,int &); // platform dependent
+  /**
+    Returns non zero if we had a double click event.
+    \retval Non-zero if the most recent FL_PUSH or FL_KEYBOARD was a "double click".  
+    \retval  N-1 for  N clicks. 
+    A double click is counted if the same button is pressed
+    again while event_is_click() is true.
+   */
+  static int event_clicks()	{return e_clicks;}
+  /**
+    Manually sets the number returned by Fl::event_clicks().  
+    This can be used to set it to zero so that
+    later code does not think an item was double-clicked.
+    \param[in] i corresponds to no double-click if 0, i+1 mouse clicks otherwise
+    \see int event_clicks()
+  */
+  static void event_clicks(int i) {e_clicks = i;}
+  /**
+  Returns non-zero if the mouse has not moved far enough
+  and not enough time has passed since the last FL_PUSH or 
+  FL_KEYBOARD event for it to be considered a "drag" rather than a
+  "click".  You can test this on FL_DRAG, FL_RELEASE,
+  and FL_MOVE events.  
+  */
+  static int event_is_click()	{return e_is_click;}
+  /**
+   Clears the value returned by Fl::event_is_click().  
+   Useful to prevent the <I>next</I>
+   click from being counted as a double-click or to make a popup menu
+   pick an item with a single click.  Don't pass non-zero to this. 
+  */
+  static void event_is_click(int i) {e_is_click = i;}
+  /**
+    Gets which particular mouse button caused the current event.
+    This returns garbage if the most recent event was not a FL_PUSH or FL_RELEASE event.
+    \retval FL_LEFT_MOUSE
+    \retval FL_MIDDLE_MOUSE
+    \retval FL_RIGHT_MOUSE.
+    \see Fl::event_buttons()
+  */
+  static int event_button()	{return e_keysym-FL_Button;}
+  /**
+    Returns the keyboard and mouse button states of the last event.
+    This is a bitfield of what shift states were on and what mouse buttons
+    were held down during the most recent event.
+    The legal event state bits are:
+    - FL_SHIFT
+    - FL_CTRL
+    - FL_ALT
+    - FL_NUM_LOCK
+    - FL_META
+    - FL_BUTTON1
+    - FL_BUTTON2
+    - FL_BUTTON3
+    X servers do not agree on shift states, and FL_NUM_LOCK, FL_META, and
+    FL_SCROLL_LOCK may not work. The values were selected to match the
+    XFree86 server on Linux. In addition there is a bug in the way X works
+    so that the shift state is not correctly reported until the first event
+    <I>after</I> the shift key is pressed or released.
+  */
+  static int event_state()	{return e_state;}
+  /** Returns non-zero if any of the passed event state bits are turned on.
+    Use \p mask to pass the event states you're interested in.
+    The legal event state bits are defined in Fl::event_state().
+  */
+  static int event_state(int mask) {return e_state&mask;}
+  /**
+    Gets which key on the keyboard was last pushed.
+    The returned integer 'key code' is not necessarily a text
+    equivalent for the keystroke. For instance: if someone presses '5' on the 
+    numeric keypad with numlock on, Fl::event_key() may return the 'key code'
+    for this key, and NOT the character '5'. To always get the '5', use Fl::event_text() instead.
+    \returns an integer 'key code', or 0 if the last event was not a key press or release.
+    \see int event_key(int), event_text(), compose(int&).
+  */
+  static int event_key()	{return e_keysym;}
+  /**
+    Returns the keycode of the last key event, regardless of the NumLock state.
+    If NumLock is deactivated, FLTK translates events from the 
+    numeric keypad into the corresponding arrow key events. 
+    event_key() returns the translated key code, whereas
+    event_original_key() returns the keycode before NumLock translation.
+  */
+  static int event_original_key(){return e_original_keysym;}
+  /** 
+    Returns true if the given \p key was held
+    down (or pressed) <I>during</I> the last event.  This is constant until
+    the next event is read from the server.
+    Fl::get_key(int) returns true if the given key is held down <I>now</I>.
+    Under X this requires a round-trip to the server and is <I>much</I>
+    slower than Fl::event_key(int).
+    Keys are identified by the <I>unshifted</I> values. FLTK defines a
+    set of symbols that should work on most modern machines for every key
+    on the keyboard:
+    \li All keys on the main keyboard producing a printable ASCII
+	character use the value of that ASCII character (as though shift,
+	ctrl, and caps lock were not on). The space bar is 32.
+    \li All keys on the numeric keypad producing a printable ASCII
+	character use the value of that ASCII character plus FL_KP.
+	The highest possible value is FL_KP_Last so you can
+	range-check to see if something is  on the keypad.
+    \li All numbered function keys use the number on the function key plus 
+	FL_F.  The highest possible number is FL_F_Last, so you
+	can range-check a value.
+    \li Buttons on the mouse are considered keys, and use the button
+	number (where the left button is 1) plus FL_Button.
+    \li All other keys on the keypad have a symbol: FL_Escape,
+	FL_BackSpace, FL_Tab, FL_Enter, FL_Print, FL_Scroll_Lock, FL_Pause,
+	FL_Insert, FL_Home, FL_Page_Up, FL_Delete, FL_End, FL_Page_Down,
+	FL_Left, FL_Up, FL_Right, FL_Down, FL_Iso_Key, FL_Shift_L, FL_Shift_R,
+	FL_Control_L, FL_Control_R, FL_Caps_Lock, FL_Alt_L, FL_Alt_R,
+	FL_Meta_L, FL_Meta_R, FL_Menu, FL_Num_Lock, FL_KP_Enter.  Be
+	careful not to confuse these with the very similar, but all-caps,
+	symbols used by Fl::event_state().
+    On X Fl::get_key(FL_Button+n) does not work.
+    On WIN32 Fl::get_key(FL_KP_Enter) and Fl::event_key(FL_KP_Enter) do not work.
+  */
+  static int event_key(int key);
+  /** 
+    Returns true if the given \p key is held down <I>now</I>.  
+    Under X this requires a round-trip to the server and is <I>much</I>
+    slower than Fl::event_key(int). \see event_key(int)
+  */
+  static int get_key(int key); // platform dependent
+  /** 
+    Returns the text associated with the current event, including FL_PASTE or FL_DND_RELEASE events.
+    This can be used in response to FL_KEYUP, FL_KEYDOWN, FL_PASTE, and FL_DND_RELEASE.
+    When responding to FL_KEYUP/FL_KEYDOWN, use this function instead of Fl::event_key()
+    to get the text equivalent of keystrokes suitable for inserting into strings 
+    and text widgets.
+    The returned string is guaranteed to be NULL terminated.
+    However, see Fl::event_length() for the actual length of the string,
+    in case the string itself contains NULLs that are part of the text data.
+    \returns A NULL terminated text string equivalent of the last keystroke.
+   */
+  static const char* event_text() {return e_text;}
+  /**
+    Returns the length of the text in Fl::event_text(). There
+    will always be a nul at this position in the text. However there may
+    be a nul before that if the keystroke translates to a nul character or
+    you paste a nul character.
+  */
+  static int event_length() {return e_length;}
+  /** During an FL_PASTE event of non-textual data, returns a pointer to the pasted data.
+   The returned data is an Fl_Image * when the result of Fl::event_clipboard_type() is Fl::clipboard_image.
+   */
+  static void *event_clipboard() { return e_clipboard_data; }
+  /** Returns the type of the pasted data during an FL_PASTE event.
+   This type can be Fl::clipboard_plain_text or Fl::clipboard_image.
+   */
+  static const char *event_clipboard_type() {return e_clipboard_type; }
+  static int compose(int &del);
+  static void compose_reset();
+  static int event_inside(int,int,int,int);
+  static int event_inside(const Fl_Widget*);
+  static int test_shortcut(Fl_Shortcut);
+  /**
+    Enables the system input methods facilities. This is the default.
+    \see disable_im()
+  */
+  static void enable_im();
+  /**
+    Disables the system input methods facilities.
+    \see enable_im()
+  */
+  static void disable_im();
+  // event destinations:
+  static int handle(int, Fl_Window*);
+  static int handle_(int, Fl_Window*);
+  /**  Gets the widget that is below the mouse. 
+       \see  belowmouse(Fl_Widget*) */
+  static Fl_Widget* belowmouse() {return belowmouse_;}
+  static void belowmouse(Fl_Widget*);
+  /** Gets the widget that is being pushed.
+      \see void pushed(Fl_Widget*) */
+  static Fl_Widget* pushed()	{return pushed_;}
+  static void pushed(Fl_Widget*);
+  /** Gets the current Fl::focus() widget. \sa Fl::focus(Fl_Widget*) */
+  static Fl_Widget* focus()	{return focus_;}
+  static void focus(Fl_Widget*);
+  static void add_handler(Fl_Event_Handler h);
+  static void remove_handler(Fl_Event_Handler h);
+  static void add_system_handler(Fl_System_Handler h, void *data);
+  static void remove_system_handler(Fl_System_Handler h);
+  static void event_dispatch(Fl_Event_Dispatch d);
+  static Fl_Event_Dispatch event_dispatch();
+  /** @} */
+  /** \defgroup  fl_clipboard  Selection & Clipboard functions
+	FLTK global copy/cut/paste functions declared in <FL/Fl.H>
+   @{ */
+  // cut/paste:
+  /**
+  Copies the data pointed to by \p stuff to the selection buffer 
+  (\p destination is 0), the clipboard (\p destination is 1), or
+  both (\p destination is 2). Copying to both is only relevant on X11,
+  on other platforms it maps to the clipboard (1).
+  \p len is the number of relevant bytes in \p stuff.
+  \p type is always Fl::clipboard_plain_text.
+  The selection buffer is used for
+  middle-mouse pastes and for drag-and-drop selections. The 
+  clipboard is used for traditional copy/cut/paste operations.
+   \note This function is, at present, intended only to copy UTF-8 encoded textual data.
+   To copy graphical data, use the Fl_Copy_Surface class. The \p type argument may allow
+   in the future to copy other kinds of data.
+  */
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10303 || defined(FL_DOXYGEN)
+  static void copy(const char* stuff, int len, int destination = 0, const char *type = Fl::clipboard_plain_text); // platform dependent
+  static void copy(const char* stuff, int len, int destination, const char *type);
+  static void copy(const char* stuff, int len, int destination = 0);
+#if !(defined(__APPLE__) || defined(WIN32) || defined(FL_DOXYGEN))
+  static void copy_image(const unsigned char* data, int W, int H, int destination = 0); // platform dependent
+  /**
+  Pastes the data from the selection buffer (\p source is 0) or the clipboard 
+  (\p source is 1) into \p receiver.  
+  The selection buffer (\p source is 0) is used for middle-mouse pastes and for
+  drag-and-drop selections. The clipboard (\p source is 1) is used for
+  copy/cut/paste operations.
+  If \p source is 1, the optional \p type argument indicates what type of data is requested from the clipboard.
+  At present, Fl::clipboard_plain_text (requesting text data) and
+  Fl::clipboard_image (requesting image data) are possible.
+  Set things up so the handle function of the \p receiver widget will be called with an FL_PASTE event some
+  time in the future if the clipboard does contain data of the requested type. 
+  While processing the FL_PASTE event:
+  \li if \p type is Fl::clipboard_plain_text, the text string from the specified \p source is in Fl::event_text()
+   with UTF-8 encoding, and the number of bytes in Fl::event_length(). 
+   If Fl::paste() gets called during the drop step of a files-drag-and-drop operation,
+   Fl::event_text() contains a list of filenames (see \ref events_dnd).
+  \li if \p type is Fl::clipboard_image, the pointer returned by Fl::event_clipboard() can be safely cast to
+   type Fl_Image * to obtain a pointer to the pasted image. Furthermore, starting with FLTK 1.3.4, the image is
+   of type Fl_RGB_Image across all platforms. 
+   If \p receiver accepts the clipboard image, receiver.handle() should return 1 and the
+   application should take ownership of this image (that is, delete it after use). 
+   Conversely, if receiver.handle() returns 0, the application must not use the image.
+  The receiver should be prepared to be called \e directly by this, or for
+  it to happen \e later, or possibly <i>not at all</i>.  This
+  allows the window system to take as long as necessary to retrieve
+  the paste buffer (or even to screw up completely) without complex
+  and error-prone synchronization code in FLTK.
+   \par Platform details for image data:
+   \li Unix/Linux platform: Clipboard images in PNG or BMP formats are recognized. Requires linking with the fltk_images library.
+   \li MSWindows platform: Both bitmap and vectorial (Enhanced metafile) data from clipboard
+   can be pasted as image data.
+   \li Mac OS X platform: Both bitmap (TIFF) and vectorial (PDF) data from clipboard
+   can be pasted as image data.
+   */
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10303 || defined(FL_DOXYGEN)
+  static void paste(Fl_Widget &receiver, int source, const char *type = Fl::clipboard_plain_text); // platform dependent
+  static void paste(Fl_Widget &receiver, int source, const char *type);
+  static void paste(Fl_Widget &receiver, int source /*=0*/);
+  /**
+  FLTK will call the registered callback whenever there is a change to the
+  selection buffer or the clipboard. The source argument indicates which
+  of the two has changed. Only changes by other applications are reported.
+  Example:
+  \code
+    void clip_callback(int source, void *data) {
+        if ( source == 0 ) printf("CLIP CALLBACK: selection buffer changed\n");
+	if ( source == 1 ) printf("CLIP CALLBACK: clipboard changed\n");
+    }
+    [..]
+    int main() {
+        [..]
+	Fl::add_clipboard_notify(clip_callback);
+	[..]
+    }
+  \endcode
+  \note Some systems require polling to monitor the clipboard and may
+  therefore have some delay in detecting changes.
+  */
+  static void add_clipboard_notify(Fl_Clipboard_Notify_Handler h, void *data = 0);
+  /**
+  Stop calling the specified callback when there are changes to the selection
+  buffer or the clipboard.
+  */
+  static void remove_clipboard_notify(Fl_Clipboard_Notify_Handler h);
+  /** Returns non 0 if the clipboard contains data matching \p type.
+   \p type can be Fl::clipboard_plain_text or Fl::clipboard_image.
+   */
+  static int clipboard_contains(const char *type);
+  /**  Denotes plain textual data
+   */
+  static char const * const clipboard_plain_text;
+  /**  Denotes image data
+   */
+  static char const * const clipboard_image;
+  /**
+    Initiate a Drag And Drop operation. The selection buffer should be
+    filled with relevant data before calling this method. FLTK will
+    then initiate the system wide drag and drop handling. Dropped data
+    will be marked as <i>text</i>.
+    Create a selection first using:
+    Fl::copy(const char *stuff, int len, 0)
+  */
+  static int dnd(); // platform dependent
+  // These are for back-compatibility only:
+  /**  back-compatibility only: Gets the widget owning the current selection  
+       \see Fl_Widget* selection_owner(Fl_Widget*) */
+  static Fl_Widget* selection_owner() {return selection_owner_;}
+  static void selection_owner(Fl_Widget*);
+  static void selection(Fl_Widget &owner, const char*, int len);
+  static void paste(Fl_Widget &receiver);
+/** @} */
+/** \defgroup  fl_screen  Screen functions
+	fl global screen functions declared in <FL/Fl.H>
+     @{ */
+  // screen size:
+  /** Returns the leftmost x coordinate of the main screen work area. */
+  static int x(); // platform dependent
+  /** Returns the topmost y coordinate of the main screen work area. */
+  static int y(); // platform dependent
+  /** Returns the width in pixels of the main screen work area. */
+  static int w(); // platform dependent
+  /** Returns the height in pixels of the main screen work area. */
+  static int h(); // platform dependent
+  // multi-head support:
+  static int screen_count();
+  /** 
+      Gets the bounding box of a screen that contains the mouse pointer.
+      \param[out]  X,Y,W,H the corresponding screen bounding box
+      \see void screen_xywh(int &x, int &y, int &w, int &h, int mx, int my) 
+  */
+  static void screen_xywh(int &X, int &Y, int &W, int &H) {
+    int x, y;
+    Fl::get_mouse(x, y);
+    screen_xywh(X, Y, W, H, x, y);
+  }
+  static void screen_xywh(int &X, int &Y, int &W, int &H, int mx, int my);
+  static void screen_xywh(int &X, int &Y, int &W, int &H, int n); 
+  static void screen_xywh(int &X, int &Y, int &W, int &H, int mx, int my, int mw, int mh);
+  static int screen_num(int x, int y);
+  static int screen_num(int x, int y, int w, int h);
+  static void screen_dpi(float &h, float &v, int n=0);
+  static void screen_work_area(int &X, int &Y, int &W, int &H, int mx, int my);
+  static void screen_work_area(int &X, int &Y, int &W, int &H, int n);
+  /** 
+   Gets the bounding box of the work area of the screen that contains the mouse pointer.
+   \param[out]  X,Y,W,H the work area bounding box
+   \see void screen_work_area(int &x, int &y, int &w, int &h, int mx, int my) 
+   */
+  static void screen_work_area(int &X, int &Y, int &W, int &H) {
+    int x, y;
+    Fl::get_mouse(x, y);
+    screen_work_area(X, Y, W, H, x, y);
+  }
+  /**   @} */
+  /** \defgroup  fl_attributes  Color & Font functions
+	fl global color, font functions.
+   These functions are declared in <FL/Fl.H> or <FL/fl_draw.H>. 
+     @{ */
+  // color map:
+  static void	set_color(Fl_Color, uchar, uchar, uchar);
+  /**
+    Sets an entry in the fl_color index table. You can set it to any
+    8-bit RGB color. The color is not allocated until fl_color(i) is used.
+  */
+  static void	set_color(Fl_Color i, unsigned c); // platform dependent
+  static unsigned get_color(Fl_Color i);
+  static void	get_color(Fl_Color i, uchar &red, uchar &green, uchar &blue);
+  /**
+    Frees the specified color from the colormap, if applicable.
+    If overlay is non-zero then the color is freed from the
+    overlay colormap.
+  */
+  static void	free_color(Fl_Color i, int overlay = 0); // platform dependent
+  // fonts:
+  static const char* get_font(Fl_Font);
+  /**
+    Get a human-readable string describing the family of this face.  This
+    is useful if you are presenting a choice to the user.  There is no
+    guarantee that each face has a different name.  The return value points
+    to a static buffer that is overwritten each call.
+    The integer pointed to by \p attributes (if the pointer is not
+    zero) is set to zero, FL_BOLD or FL_ITALIC or 
+    FL_BOLD | FL_ITALIC.  To locate a "family" of fonts, search
+    forward and back for a set with non-zero attributes, these faces along
+    with the face with a zero attribute before them constitute a family.
+  */
+  static const char* get_font_name(Fl_Font, int* attributes = 0);
+  /**
+    Return an array of sizes in \p sizep.  The return value is the
+    length of this array.  The sizes are sorted from smallest to largest
+    and indicate what sizes can be given to fl_font() that will
+    be matched exactly (fl_font() will pick the closest size for
+    other sizes).  A zero in the first location of the array indicates a
+    scalable font, where any size works, although the array may list sizes
+    that work "better" than others.  Warning: the returned array
+    points at a static buffer that is overwritten each call.  Under X this
+    will open the display.
+  */
+  static int get_font_sizes(Fl_Font, int*& sizep);
+  static void set_font(Fl_Font, const char*);
+  static void set_font(Fl_Font, Fl_Font);
+  /**
+    FLTK will open the display, and add every fonts on the server to the
+    face table.  It will attempt to put "families" of faces together, so
+    that the normal one is first, followed by bold, italic, and bold
+    italic.
+    The optional argument is a string to describe the set of fonts to
+    add.  Passing NULL will select only fonts that have the
+    ISO8859-1 character set (and are thus usable by normal text).  Passing
+    "-*" will select all fonts with any encoding as long as they have
+    normal X font names with dashes in them.  Passing "*" will list every
+    font that exists (on X this may produce some strange output).  Other
+    values may be useful but are system dependent.  With WIN32 NULL
+    selects fonts with ISO8859-1 encoding and non-NULL selects
+    all fonts.
+    The return value is how many faces are in the table after this is done.
+  */
+  static Fl_Font set_fonts(const char* = 0); // platform dependent
+  /**   @} */
+ /** \defgroup  fl_drawings  Drawing functions
+  FLTK global graphics and GUI drawing functions.
+  These functions are declared in <FL/fl_draw.H>, 
+  and in <FL/x.H> for offscreen buffer-related ones.
+     @{ */
+  // <Hack to re-order the 'Drawing functions' group>
+ /** @} */
+  // labeltypes:
+  static void set_labeltype(Fl_Labeltype,Fl_Label_Draw_F*,Fl_Label_Measure_F*);
+  /** Sets the functions to call to draw and measure a specific labeltype. */
+  static void set_labeltype(Fl_Labeltype, Fl_Labeltype from); // is it defined ?
+  // boxtypes:
+  static Fl_Box_Draw_F *get_boxtype(Fl_Boxtype);
+  static void set_boxtype(Fl_Boxtype, Fl_Box_Draw_F*,uchar,uchar,uchar,uchar);
+  static void set_boxtype(Fl_Boxtype, Fl_Boxtype from);
+  static int box_dx(Fl_Boxtype);
+  static int box_dy(Fl_Boxtype);
+  static int box_dw(Fl_Boxtype);
+  static int box_dh(Fl_Boxtype);
+  static int draw_box_active();
+  static Fl_Color box_color(Fl_Color);
+  static void set_box_color(Fl_Color);
+  // back compatibility:
+  /** \addtogroup fl_windows 
+    @{ */
+  /** For back compatibility, sets the void Fl::fatal handler callback */
+  static void set_abort(Fl_Abort_Handler f) {fatal = f;}
+  static void (*atclose)(Fl_Window*,void*);
+  static void default_atclose(Fl_Window*,void*);
+  /** For back compatibility, sets the Fl::atclose handler callback. You
+      can now simply change the callback for the window instead.
+      \see Fl_Window::callback(Fl_Callback*) */
+  static void set_atclose(Fl_Atclose_Handler f) {atclose = f;}
+  /**   @} */
+  /** \addtogroup fl_events 
+    @{ */
+  /** Returns non-zero if the Shift key is pressed. */
+  static int event_shift() {return e_state&FL_SHIFT;}
+  /** Returns non-zero if the Control key is pressed. */
+  static int event_ctrl() {return e_state&FL_CTRL;}
+  /** Returns non-zero if the FL_COMMAND key is pressed, either FL_CTRL or on OSX FL_META. */
+  static int event_command() {return e_state&FL_COMMAND;}
+  /** Returns non-zero if the Alt key is pressed. */
+  static int event_alt() {return e_state&FL_ALT;}
+  /**
+    Returns the mouse buttons state bits; if non-zero, then at least one
+    button is pressed now.  This function returns the button state at the 
+    time of the event. During an FL_RELEASE event, the state 
+    of the released button will be 0. To find out, which button 
+    caused an FL_RELEASE event, you can use Fl::event_button() instead.
+    \return a bit mask value like { [FL_BUTTON1] | [FL_BUTTON2] | [FL_BUTTON3] }
+  */
+  static int event_buttons() {return e_state&0x7f000000;}
+  /**
+    Returns non-zero if mouse button 1 is currently held down.
+    For more details, see Fl::event_buttons().
+  */
+  static int event_button1() {return e_state&FL_BUTTON1;}
+  /**
+    Returns non-zero if button 2 is currently held down.
+    For more details, see Fl::event_buttons().
+  */
+  static int event_button2() {return e_state&FL_BUTTON2;}
+  /**
+    Returns non-zero if button 3 is currently held down.
+    For more details, see Fl::event_buttons().
+  */
+  static int event_button3() {return e_state&FL_BUTTON3;}
+  /**   @} */
+  /**
+    Sets an idle callback.
+    \deprecated This method is obsolete - use the add_idle() method instead.
+  */
+  static void set_idle(Fl_Old_Idle_Handler cb) {idle = cb;}
+  /** See grab(Fl_Window*) */
+  static void grab(Fl_Window& win) {grab(&win);}
+  /** Releases the current grabbed window, equals grab(0).
+  \deprecated Use Fl::grab(0) instead.
+  \see grab(Fl_Window*) */
+  static void release() {grab(0);}
+  // Visible focus methods...
+  /**
+    Gets or sets the visible keyboard focus on buttons and other
+    non-text widgets. The default mode is to enable keyboard focus
+    for all widgets.
+  */
+  static void visible_focus(int v) { option(OPTION_VISIBLE_FOCUS, (v!=0)); }
+  /**
+    Gets or sets the visible keyboard focus on buttons and other
+    non-text widgets. The default mode is to enable keyboard focus
+    for all widgets.
+  */
+  static int  visible_focus() { return option(OPTION_VISIBLE_FOCUS); }
+  // Drag-n-drop text operation methods...
+  /**
+    Gets or sets whether drag and drop text operations are supported.
+    This specifically affects whether selected text can
+    be dragged from text fields or dragged within a text field as a
+    cut/paste shortcut.
+  */
+  static void dnd_text_ops(int v) { option(OPTION_DND_TEXT, (v!=0)); }
+  /**
+    Gets or sets whether drag and drop text operations are
+    supported. This specifically affects whether selected text can
+    be dragged from text fields or dragged within a text field as a
+    cut/paste shortcut.
+  */
+  static int  dnd_text_ops() { return option(OPTION_DND_TEXT); }
+  /** \defgroup fl_multithread Multithreading support functions
+	fl multithreading support functions declared in <FL/Fl.H>
+   @{ */
+  // Multithreading support:
+  static int lock();
+  static void unlock();
+  static void awake(void* message = 0);
+  /** See void awake(void* message=0). */
+  static int awake(Fl_Awake_Handler cb, void* message = 0);
+  /**
+    The thread_message() method returns the last message
+    that was sent from a child by the awake() method.
+    See also: \ref advanced_multithreading
+  */
+  static void* thread_message(); // platform dependent
+  /** @} */
+  /** \defgroup fl_del_widget Safe widget deletion support functions
+    These functions, declared in <FL/Fl.H>, support deletion of widgets inside callbacks.
+    Fl::delete_widget() should be called when deleting widgets
+    or complete widget trees (Fl_Group, Fl_Window, ...) inside
+    callbacks.
+    The other functions are intended for internal use. The preferred
+    way to use them is by using the helper class Fl_Widget_Tracker.
+    The following is to show how it works ...
+    There are three groups of related methods:
+      -# scheduled widget deletion
+	- Fl::delete_widget() schedules widgets for deletion
+	- Fl::do_widget_deletion() deletes all scheduled widgets
+      -# widget watch list ("smart pointers")
+	- Fl::watch_widget_pointer() adds a widget pointer to the watch list
+	- Fl::release_widget_pointer() removes a widget pointer from the watch list
+	- Fl::clear_widget_pointer() clears a widget pointer \e in the watch list
+      -# the class Fl_Widget_Tracker:
+	- the constructor calls Fl::watch_widget_pointer()
+	- the destructor calls Fl::release_widget_pointer()
+	- the access methods can be used to test, if a widget has been deleted
+	  \see Fl_Widget_Tracker.
+   @{ */
+  // Widget deletion:
+  static void delete_widget(Fl_Widget *w);
+  static void do_widget_deletion();
+  static void watch_widget_pointer(Fl_Widget *&w);
+  static void release_widget_pointer(Fl_Widget *&w);
+  static void clear_widget_pointer(Fl_Widget const *w);
+  /** @} */
+  /**  sets whether GL windows should be drawn at high resolution on Apple
+   computers with retina displays
+   \version 1.3.4
+   */
+  static void use_high_res_GL(int val) { use_high_res_GL_ = val; }
+  /**  returns whether GL windows should be drawn at high resolution on Apple
+   computers with retina displays.
+   Default is no.
+   \version 1.3.4
+   */
+  static int use_high_res_GL() { return use_high_res_GL_; }
+  /** \defgroup group_cairo Cairo Support Functions and Classes
+      @{ 
+  */
+  // Cairo support API
+  static cairo_t * cairo_make_current(Fl_Window* w);
+   /** when FLTK_HAVE_CAIRO is defined and cairo_autolink_context() is true,
+      any current window dc is linked to a current cairo context.
+      This is not the default, because it may not be necessary
+      to add cairo support to all fltk supported windows.
+      When you wish to associate a cairo context in this mode,
+      you need to call explicitly in your draw() overridden method,
+      Fl::cairo_make_current(Fl_Window*). This will create a cairo context
+      but only for this Window. 
+      Still in custom cairo application it is possible to handle 
+      completely this process automatically by setting \p alink to true.
+      In this last case, you don't need anymore to call Fl::cairo_make_current().
+      You can use Fl::cairo_cc() to get the current cairo context anytime.
+     \note Only available when configure has the --enable-cairo option
+  */
+  static void cairo_autolink_context(bool alink) {cairo_state_.autolink(alink);}
+  /** 
+    Gets the current autolink mode for cairo support.
+    \retval false if no cairo context autolink is made for each window. 
+    \retval true if any fltk window is attached a cairo context when it 
+    is current. \see void cairo_autolink_context(bool alink) 
+    \note Only available when configure has the --enable-cairo option
+ */
+  static bool cairo_autolink_context() {return cairo_state_.autolink();}
+  /** Gets the current cairo context linked with a fltk window. */
+  static cairo_t * cairo_cc() { return; }
+  /** Sets the current cairo context to \p c.
+      Set \p own to true if you want fltk to handle this cc deletion.
+     \note Only available when configure has the --enable-cairo option
+  static void cairo_cc(cairo_t * c, bool own=false){, own); } 
+  static cairo_t * cairo_make_current(void* gc);
+  static cairo_t * cairo_make_current(void* gc, int W, int H);
+  static Fl_Cairo_State cairo_state_;
+  /** @} */ 
+#endif // FLTK_HAVE_CAIRO
+  This class should be used to control safe widget deletion.
+  You can use an Fl_Widget_Tracker object to watch another widget, if you
+  need to know, if this widget has been deleted during a callback.
+  This simplifies the use of the "safe widget deletion" methods
+  Fl::watch_widget_pointer() and Fl::release_widget_pointer() and
+  makes their use more reliable, because the destructor autmatically
+  releases the widget pointer from the widget watch list.
+  It is intended to be used as an automatic (local/stack) variable,
+  such that the automatic destructor is called when the object's
+  scope is left. This ensures that no stale widget pointers are
+  left in the widget watch list (see example below).
+  You can also create Fl_Widget_Tracker objects with \c new, but then it
+  is your responsibility to delete the object (and thus remove the
+  widget pointer from the watch list) when it is not needed any more.
+  Example:
+  \code
+    int MyClass::handle (int event) {
+      if (...) {
+	Fl_Widget_Tracker wp(this);	// watch myself
+	do_callback();			// call the callback
+	if (wp.deleted()) return 1;	// exit, if deleted
+	// Now we are sure that the widget has not been deleted.
+	// It is safe to access the widget
+	clear_changed();		// access the widget
+      }
+    }
+  \endcode
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Widget_Tracker {
+  Fl_Widget* wp_;
+  Fl_Widget_Tracker(Fl_Widget *wi);
+  ~Fl_Widget_Tracker();
+  /**
+    Returns a pointer to the watched widget.
+    This pointer is \c NULL, if the widget has been deleted.
+  */
+  Fl_Widget *widget() {return wp_;}
+  /**
+    Returns 1, if the watched widget has been deleted.
+    This is a convenience method. You can also use something like
+    <tt>  if (wp.widget() == 0) // ...</tt>
+    where \p wp is an Fl_Widget_Tracker object.
+  */
+  int deleted() {return wp_ == 0;}
+  /**
+    Returns 1, if the watched widget exists (has not been deleted).
+    This is a convenience method. You can also use something like
+    <tt>  if (wp.widget() != 0) // ...</tt>
+    where \p wp is an Fl_Widget_Tracker object.
+  */
+  int exists()  {return wp_ != 0;}
+ /** \defgroup  fl_unicode  Unicode and UTF-8 functions
+	fl global Unicode and UTF-8 handling functions declared in <FL/fl_utf8.h>
+     @{ */
+ /** @} */
+#endif // !Fl_H
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Adjuster.H
@@ -1,0 +1,73 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Adjuster widget header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Adjuster widget . */
+// 3-button "slider", made for Nuke
+#ifndef Fl_Adjuster_H
+#define Fl_Adjuster_H
+#ifndef Fl_Valuator_H
+#include "Fl_Valuator.H"
+  The Fl_Adjuster widget was stolen from Prisms, and has proven
+  to be very useful for values that need a large dynamic range.
+  \image html adjuster1.png 
+  \image latex adjuster1.png "Fl_Adjuster" width=4cm
+  <P>When you  press a button and drag to the right the value increases.
+  When you drag  to the left it decreases.  The largest button adjusts by
+  100 *  step(), the next by 10 * step() and that
+  smallest button  by step().  Clicking on the buttons
+  increments by 10 times the  amount dragging by a pixel does. Shift +
+  click decrements by 10 times  the amount.
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Adjuster : public Fl_Valuator {
+  int drag;
+  int ix;
+  int soft_;
+  void draw();
+  int handle(int);
+  void value_damage();
+  Fl_Adjuster(int X,int Y,int W,int H,const char *l=0);
+  /**
+    If "soft" is turned on, the user is allowed to drag the value outside
+    the range.  If they drag the value to one of the ends, let go, then
+    grab again and continue to drag, they can get to any value.  Default is
+    one.
+  */
+  void soft(int s) {soft_ = s;}
+  /**
+    If "soft" is turned on, the user is allowed to drag the value outside
+    the range.  If they drag the value to one of the ends, let go, then
+    grab again and continue to drag, they can get to any value.  Default is
+    one.
+  */
+  int soft() const {return soft_;}
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_BMP_Image.H
@@ -1,0 +1,41 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// BMP image header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_BMP_Image widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_BMP_Image_H
+#define Fl_BMP_Image_H
+#  include "Fl_Image.H"
+ The Fl_BMP_Image class supports loading, caching,
+ and drawing of Windows Bitmap (BMP) image files. 
+ */
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_BMP_Image : public Fl_RGB_Image {
+  public:
+  Fl_BMP_Image(const char* filename);
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Bitmap.H
@@ -1,0 +1,78 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Bitmap header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Bitmap widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_Bitmap_H
+#define Fl_Bitmap_H
+#  include "Fl_Image.H"
+class Fl_Widget;
+struct Fl_Menu_Item;
+  The Fl_Bitmap class supports caching and drawing of mono-color
+  (bitmap) images. Images are drawn using the current color.
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Bitmap : public Fl_Image {
+  friend class Fl_Quartz_Graphics_Driver;
+  friend class Fl_GDI_Graphics_Driver;
+  friend class Fl_GDI_Printer_Graphics_Driver;
+  friend class Fl_Xlib_Graphics_Driver;
+  /** pointer to raw bitmap data */
+  const uchar *array;
+  /** Non-zero if array points to bitmap data allocated internally */
+  int alloc_array;
+  private:
+  int start(int XP, int YP, int WP, int HP, int &cx, int &cy, 
+	    int &X, int &Y, int &W, int &H);
+#if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(WIN32)
+  /** for internal use */
+  void *id_;
+  /** for internal use */
+  unsigned id_;
+#endif // __APPLE__ || WIN32
+  public:
+  /** The constructors create a new bitmap from the specified bitmap data */
+  Fl_Bitmap(const uchar *bits, int W, int H) :
+    Fl_Image(W,H,0), array(bits), alloc_array(0), id_(0) {data((const char **)&array, 1);}
+  /** The constructors create a new bitmap from the specified bitmap data */
+  Fl_Bitmap(const char *bits, int W, int H) :
+    Fl_Image(W,H,0), array((const uchar *)bits), alloc_array(0), id_(0) {data((const char **)&array, 1);}
+  virtual ~Fl_Bitmap();
+  virtual Fl_Image *copy(int W, int H);
+  Fl_Image *copy() { return copy(w(), h()); }
+  virtual void draw(int X, int Y, int W, int H, int cx=0, int cy=0);
+  void draw(int X, int Y) {draw(X, Y, w(), h(), 0, 0);}
+  virtual void label(Fl_Widget*w);
+  virtual void label(Fl_Menu_Item*m);
+  virtual void uncache();
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Box.H
@@ -1,0 +1,59 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Box header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Box widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_Box_H
+#define Fl_Box_H
+#ifndef Fl_Widget_H
+#include "Fl_Widget.H"
+  This widget simply draws its box, and possibly its label.  Putting it
+  before some other widgets and making it big enough to surround them
+  will let you draw a frame around them.
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Box : public Fl_Widget {
+  void draw();
+  /**
+    - The first constructor sets box() to FL_NO_BOX, which
+    means it is invisible. However such widgets are useful as placeholders
+    or Fl_Group::resizable()
+    values.  To change the box to something visible, use box(n).
+    - The second form of the constructor sets the box to the specified box
+    type.
+    <P>The destructor removes the box.
+  */
+  Fl_Box(int X, int Y, int W, int H, const char *l=0);
+  /**    See Fl_Box::Fl_Box(int x, int y, int w, int h, const char * = 0)   */
+  Fl_Box(Fl_Boxtype b, int X, int Y, int W, int H, const char *l);
+  virtual int handle(int);
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Browser.H
@@ -1,0 +1,326 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Browser header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2016 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Browser widget . */
+// Forms-compatible browser.  Probably useful for other
+// lists of textual data.  Notice that the line numbers
+// start from 1, and 0 means "no line".
+#ifndef Fl_Browser_H
+#define Fl_Browser_H
+#include "Fl_Browser_.H"
+#include "Fl_Image.H"
+struct FL_BLINE;
+  The Fl_Browser widget displays a scrolling list of text
+  lines, and manages all the storage for the text.  This is not a text
+  editor or spreadsheet!  But it is useful for showing a vertical list of
+  named objects to the user.
+  Each line in the browser is identified by number. <I>The numbers
+  start at one</I> (this is so that zero can be reserved for "no line" in
+  the selective browsers). <I>Unless otherwise noted, the methods do not
+  check to see if the passed line number is in range and legal.  It must
+  always be greater than zero and &lt;= size().</I>
+  Each line contains a null-terminated string of text and a void *
+  data pointer.  The text string is displayed, the void *
+  pointer can be used by the callbacks to reference the object the text
+  describes.
+  The base class does nothing when the user clicks on it.  The
+  subclasses 
+  Fl_Select_Browser, 
+  Fl_Hold_Browser, and 
+  Fl_Multi_Browser react to user clicks to select lines in
+  the browser and do callbacks.
+  The base class
+  Fl_Browser_ provides the scrolling and selection mechanisms of
+  this and all the subclasses, but the dimensions and appearance of each
+  item are determined by the subclass. You can use Fl_Browser_
+  to display information other than text, or text that is dynamically
+  produced from your own data structures. If you find that loading the
+  browser is a lot of work or is inefficient, you may want to make a
+  subclass of Fl_Browser_.
+  Some common coding patterns used for working with Fl_Browser:
+  \code
+      // How to loop through all the items in the browser
+      for ( int t=1; t<=browser->size(); t++ ) {       // index 1 based..!
+	  printf("item #%d, label='%s'\n", t, browser->text(t));
+      }
+  \endcode
+  Note: If you are <I>subclassing</I> Fl_Browser, it's more efficient
+  to use the protected methods item_first() and item_next(), since
+  Fl_Browser internally uses linked lists to manage the browser's items.
+  For more info, see find_item(int).
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Browser : public Fl_Browser_ {
+  FL_BLINE *first;		// the array of lines
+  FL_BLINE *last;
+  FL_BLINE *cache;
+  int cacheline;		// line number of cache
+  int lines;                	// Number of lines
+  int full_height_;
+  const int* column_widths_;
+  char format_char_;		// alternative to @-sign
+  char column_char_;		// alternative to tab
+  // required routines for Fl_Browser_ subclass:
+  void* item_first() const ;
+  void* item_next(void* item) const ;
+  void* item_prev(void* item) const ;
+  void* item_last()const ;
+  int item_selected(void* item) const ;
+  void item_select(void* item, int val);
+  int item_height(void* item) const ;
+  int item_width(void* item) const ;
+  void item_draw(void* item, int X, int Y, int W, int H) const ;
+  int full_height() const ;
+  int incr_height() const ;
+  const char *item_text(void *item) const;
+  /** Swap the items \p a and \p b.
+      You must call redraw() to make any changes visible.
+      \param[in] a,b the items to be swapped.
+      \see swap(int,int), item_swap()
+   */
+  void item_swap(void *a, void *b) { swap((FL_BLINE*)a, (FL_BLINE*)b); }
+  /** Return the item at specified \p line.
+      \param[in] line The line of the item to return. (1 based)
+      \returns The item, or NULL if line out of range.
+      \see item_at(), find_line(), lineno()
+   */
+  void *item_at(int line) const { return (void*)find_line(line); }
+  FL_BLINE* find_line(int line) const ;
+  FL_BLINE* _remove(int line) ;
+  void insert(int line, FL_BLINE* item);
+  int lineno(void *item) const ;
+  void swap(FL_BLINE *a, FL_BLINE *b);
+  void remove(int line);
+  void add(const char* newtext, void* d = 0);
+  void insert(int line, const char* newtext, void* d = 0);
+  void move(int to, int from);
+  int  load(const char* filename);
+  void swap(int a, int b);
+  void clear();
+  /**
+    Returns how many lines are in the browser.
+    The last line number is equal to this.
+    Returns 0 if browser is empty.
+  */
+  int size() const { return lines; }
+  void size(int W, int H) { Fl_Widget::size(W, H); }
+  /**
+    Gets the default text size (in pixels) for the lines in the browser.
+  */
+  Fl_Fontsize textsize() const { return Fl_Browser_::textsize(); }
+  /*
+    Sets the default text size for the lines in the browser to newSize.
+    Defined and documented in Fl_Browser.cxx
+  */
+  void textsize(Fl_Fontsize newSize);
+  int topline() const ;
+  /** For internal use only? */
+  enum Fl_Line_Position { TOP, BOTTOM, MIDDLE };
+  void lineposition(int line, Fl_Line_Position pos);
+  /**
+    Scrolls the browser so the top item in the browser
+    is showing the specified \p line.
+    \param[in] line The line to be displayed at the top.
+    \see topline(), middleline(), bottomline(), displayed(), lineposition()
+   */
+  void topline(int line) { lineposition(line, TOP); }
+  /**
+    Scrolls the browser so the bottom item in the browser
+    is showing the specified \p line.
+    \param[in] line The line to be displayed at the bottom.
+    \see topline(), middleline(), bottomline(), displayed(), lineposition()
+   */
+  void bottomline(int line) { lineposition(line, BOTTOM); }
+  /**
+    Scrolls the browser so the middle item in the browser
+    is showing the specified \p line.
+    \param[in] line The line to be displayed in the middle.
+    \see topline(), middleline(), bottomline(), displayed(), lineposition()
+   */
+  void middleline(int line) { lineposition(line, MIDDLE); }
+  int select(int line, int val=1);
+  int selected(int line) const ;
+  void show(int line);
+  /** Shows the entire Fl_Browser widget -- opposite of hide(). */
+  void show() { Fl_Widget::show(); }
+  void hide(int line);
+  /** Hides the entire Fl_Browser widget -- opposite of show(). */
+  void hide() { Fl_Widget::hide(); }
+  int visible(int line) const ;
+  int value() const ;
+  /**
+    Sets the browser's value(), which selects the specified \p line.
+    This is the same as calling select(line).
+    \see select(), selected(), value(), item_select(), item_selected()
+   */
+  void value(int line) { select(line); }
+  const char* text(int line) const ;
+  void text(int line, const char* newtext);
+  void* data(int line) const ;
+  void data(int line, void* d);
+  Fl_Browser(int X, int Y, int W, int H, const char *L = 0);
+  /**
+    The destructor deletes all list items and destroys the browser.
+   */
+  ~Fl_Browser() { clear(); }
+  /**
+    Gets the current format code prefix character, which by default is '\@'.
+    A string of formatting codes at the start of each column are stripped off
+    and used to modify how the rest of the line is printed:
+    \li <tt>'\@.'</tt> Print rest of line, don't look for more '\@' signs
+    \li <tt>'\@\@'</tt> Print rest of line starting with '\@'
+    \li <tt>'\@l'</tt> Use a LARGE (24 point) font
+    \li <tt>'\@m'</tt> Use a medium large (18 point) font
+    \li <tt>'\@s'</tt> Use a <SMALL>small</SMALL> (11 point) font
+    \li <tt>'\@b'</tt> Use a <B>bold</B> font (adds FL_BOLD to font)
+    \li <tt>'\@i'</tt> Use an <I>italic</I> font (adds FL_ITALIC to font)
+    \li <tt>'\@f' or '\@t'</tt> Use a fixed-pitch
+    font (sets font to FL_COURIER)
+    \li <tt>'\@c'</tt> Center the line horizontally
+    \li <tt>'\@r'</tt> Right-justify the text
+    \li <tt>'\@B0', '\@B1', ... '\@B255'</tt> Fill the backgound with
+    fl_color(n)
+    \li <tt>'\@C0', '\@C1', ... '\@C255'</tt> Use fl_color(n) to draw the text
+    \li <tt>'\@F0', '\@F1', ...</tt> Use fl_font(n) to draw the text
+    \li <tt>'\@S1', '\@S2', ...</tt> Use point size n to draw the text
+    \li <tt>'\@u' or '\@_'</tt> Underline the text.
+    \li <tt>'\@-'</tt> draw an engraved line through the middle.
+    Notice that the '\@.' command can be used to reliably
+    terminate the parsing.  To print a random string in a random color, use 
+    <tt>sprintf("@C%d@.%s", color, string)</tt> and it will work even if the
+    string starts with a digit or has the format character in it.
+  */
+  char format_char() const { return format_char_; }
+  /**
+    Sets the current format code prefix character to \p c.
+    The default prefix is '\@'.  Set the prefix to 0 to disable formatting.
+    \see format_char() for list of '\@' codes
+  */
+  void format_char(char c) { format_char_ = c; }
+  /**
+    Gets the current column separator character.
+    The default is '\\t' (tab).
+    \see column_char(), column_widths()
+  */
+  char column_char() const { return column_char_; }
+  /**
+    Sets the column separator to c.
+    This will only have an effect if you also set column_widths().
+    The default is '\\t' (tab).
+    \see column_char(), column_widths()
+  */
+  void column_char(char c) { column_char_ = c; }
+  /**
+    Gets the current column width array.
+    This array is zero-terminated and specifies the widths in pixels of
+    each column. The text is split at each column_char() and each part is
+    formatted into it's own column.  After the last column any remaining
+    text is formatted into the space between the last column and the
+    right edge of the browser, even if the text contains instances of
+    column_char() .  The default value is a one-element array of just
+    a zero, which means there are no columns.
+    Example:
+    \code
+  Fl_Browser *b = new Fl_Browser(..);
+  static int widths[] = { 50, 50, 50, 70, 70, 40, 40, 70, 70, 50, 0 };  // widths for each column
+  b->column_widths(widths); // assign array to widget
+  b->column_char('\t');     // use tab as the column character
+  b->add("root\t2888\t0.0\t0.0\t1352\t0\ttty3\tSW\tAug15\t0:00\t@b@f/sbin/mingetty tty3");
+  b->add("root\t13115\t0.0\t0.0\t1352\t0\ttty2\tSW\tAug30\t0:00\t@b@f/sbin/mingetty tty2");
+  [..]
+    \endcode
+    \see column_char(), column_widths()
+  */
+  const int* column_widths() const { return column_widths_; }
+  /**
+    Sets the current array to \p arr.  Make sure the last entry is zero.
+    \see column_char(), column_widths()
+  */
+  void column_widths(const int* arr) { column_widths_ = arr; }
+  /**
+    Returns non-zero if \p line has been scrolled to a position where it is being displayed.
+    Checks to see if the item's vertical position is within the top and bottom
+    edges of the display window. This does NOT take into account the hide()/show()
+    status of the widget or item.
+    \param[in] line The line to be checked
+    \returns 1 if visible, 0 if not visible.
+    \see topline(), middleline(), bottomline(), displayed(), lineposition()
+  */
+  int displayed(int line) const { return Fl_Browser_::displayed(find_line(line)); }
+  /**
+    Make the item at the specified \p line visible().
+    Functionally similar to show(int line).
+    If \p line is out of range, redisplay top or bottom of list as appropriate.
+    \param[in] line The line to be made visible.
+    \see show(int), hide(int), display(), visible(), make_visible()
+  */
+  void make_visible(int line) {
+    if (line < 1) Fl_Browser_::display(find_line(1));
+    else if (line > lines) Fl_Browser_::display(find_line(lines));
+    else Fl_Browser_::display(find_line(line));
+  }
+  // icon support
+  void icon(int line, Fl_Image* icon);
+  Fl_Image* icon(int line) const;
+  void remove_icon(int line);
+  /** For back compatibility only. */
+  void replace(int a, const char* b) { text(a, b); }
+  void display(int line, int val=1);
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Browser_.H
@@ -1,0 +1,388 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Common browser header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2016 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Browser_ widget . */
+// Yes, I know this should be a template...
+#ifndef Fl_Browser__H
+#define Fl_Browser__H
+#ifndef Fl_Group_H
+#include "Fl_Group.H"
+#include "Fl_Scrollbar.H"
+#include <FL/Fl.H>		// Fl::scrollbar_size()
+#define FL_NORMAL_BROWSER	0	/**< type() of Fl_Browser */
+#define FL_SELECT_BROWSER	1	/**< type() of FL_Select_Browser */
+#define FL_HOLD_BROWSER		2	/**< type() of Fl_Hold_Browser */
+#define FL_MULTI_BROWSER	3	/**< type() of Fl_Multi_Browser */
+#define FL_SORT_ASCENDING	0	/**< sort browser items in ascending alphabetic order. */
+#define FL_SORT_DESCENDING	1	/**< sort in descending order */
+  This is the base class for browsers.  To be useful it must be
+  subclassed and several virtual functions defined.  The Forms-compatible
+  browser and the file chooser's browser are subclassed off of this.
+  This has been designed so that the subclass has complete control
+  over the storage of the data, although because next() and 
+  prev() functions are used to index, it works best as a linked list
+  or as a large block of characters in which the line breaks must be
+  searched for.
+  A great deal of work has been done so that the "height" of a data
+  object does not need to be determined until it is drawn.  This is
+  useful if actually figuring out the size of an object requires
+  accessing image data or doing stat() on a file or doing some
+  other slow operation.
+  Keyboard navigation of browser items
+  ------------------------------------
+  The keyboard navigation of browser items is only possible if
+  visible_focus() is enabled. If disabled, the widget rejects keyboard focus;
+  Tab and Shift-Tab focus navigation will skip the widget.
+  In 'Select' and 'Normal' mode, the widget rejects keyboard focus;
+  no navigation keys are supported (other than scrollbar positioning).
+  In 'Hold' mode, the widget accepts keyboard focus, and Up/Down arrow
+  keys can navigate the selected item.
+  In 'Multi' mode, the widget accepts keyboard focus, and Up/Down arrow
+  keys navigate the focus box; Space toggles the current item's selection,
+  Enter selects only the current item (deselects all others).  If Shift
+  (or Ctrl) is combined with Up/Down arrow keys, the current item's
+  selection state is extended to the next item. In this way one can
+  extend a selection or de-selection.
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Browser_ : public Fl_Group {
+  int position_;	// where user wants it scrolled to
+  int real_position_;	// the current vertical scrolling position
+  int hposition_;	// where user wants it panned to
+  int real_hposition_;	// the current horizontal scrolling position
+  int offset_;		// how far down top_ item the real_position is
+  int max_width;	// widest object seen so far
+  uchar has_scrollbar_;	// which scrollbars are enabled
+  Fl_Font textfont_;
+  Fl_Fontsize textsize_;
+  Fl_Color textcolor_;
+  void* top_;		// which item scrolling position is in
+  void* selection_;	// which is selected (except for FL_MULTI_BROWSER)
+  void *redraw1,*redraw2; // minimal update pointers
+  void* max_width_item;	// which item has max_width_
+  int scrollbar_size_;	// size of scrollbar trough
+  void update_top();
+  // All of the following must be supplied by the subclass:
+  /**
+    This method must be provided by the subclass 
+    to return the first item in the list.
+    \see item_first(), item_next(), item_last(), item_prev()
+   */
+  virtual void *item_first() const = 0;
+  /**
+    This method must be provided by the subclass
+    to return the item in the list after \p item.
+    \see item_first(), item_next(), item_last(), item_prev()
+   */
+  virtual void *item_next(void *item) const = 0;
+  /**
+    This method must be provided by the subclass
+    to return the item in the list before \p item.
+    \see item_first(), item_next(), item_last(), item_prev()
+   */
+  virtual void *item_prev(void *item) const = 0;
+  /**
+    This method must be provided by the subclass
+    to return the last item in the list.
+    \see item_first(), item_next(), item_last(), item_prev()
+   */
+  virtual void *item_last() const { return 0L; }
+  /** 
+    This method must be provided by the subclass to return 
+    the height of \p item in pixels.
+    Allow for two additional pixels for the list selection box.
+    \param[in] item The item whose height is returned.
+    \returns The height of the specified \p item in pixels.
+    \see item_height(), item_width(), item_quick_height()
+  */
+  virtual int item_height(void *item) const = 0;
+  /**
+    This method must be provided by the subclass to return the width of the
+    \p item in pixels.  Allow for two additional pixels for the list
+    selection box.
+    \param[in] item The item whose width is returned.
+    \returns The width of the item in pixels.
+  */
+  virtual int item_width(void *item) const = 0;
+  virtual int item_quick_height(void *item) const ;
+  /**
+    This method must be provided by the subclass to draw the \p item
+    in the area indicated by \p X, \p Y, \p W, \p H.
+  */
+  virtual void item_draw(void *item,int X,int Y,int W,int H) const = 0;
+  /**
+    This optional method returns a string (label) that may be used for sorting. 
+    \param[in] item The item whose label text is returned.
+    \returns The item's text label. (Can be NULL if blank)
+   */
+  virtual const char *item_text(void *item) const { (void)item; return 0L; }
+  /**
+    This optional method should be provided by the subclass 
+    to efficiently swap browser items \p a and \p b, such as for sorting.
+    \param[in] a,b The two items to be swapped.
+   */
+  virtual void item_swap(void *a,void *b) { (void)a; (void)b; }
+  /**
+    This method must be provided by the subclass 
+    to return the item for the specified \p index. 
+    \param[in] index The \p index of the item to be returned
+    \returns The item at the specified \p index.
+   */
+  virtual void *item_at(int index) const { (void)index; return 0L; }
+  // you don't have to provide these but it may help speed it up:
+  virtual int full_width() const ;	// current width of all items
+  virtual int full_height() const ;	// current height of all items
+  virtual int incr_height() const ;	// average height of an item
+  // These only need to be done by subclass if you want a multi-browser:
+  virtual void item_select(void *item,int val=1);
+  virtual int item_selected(void *item) const ;
+  // things the subclass may want to call:
+  /**
+    Returns the item that appears at the top of the list.
+   */
+  void *top() const { return top_; }
+  /**
+    Returns the item currently selected, or NULL if there is no selection.
+    For multiple selection browsers this call returns the currently focused item,
+    even if it is not selected. To find all selected items, call 
+    Fl_Multi_Browser::selected() for every item in question.
+  */
+  void *selection() const { return selection_; }
+  void new_list(); // completely clobber all data, as though list replaced
+  void deleting(void *item); // get rid of any pointers to item
+  void replacing(void *a,void *b); // change a pointers to b
+  void swapping(void *a,void *b); // exchange pointers a and b
+  void inserting(void *a,void *b); // insert b near a
+  int displayed(void *item) const ; // true if this item is visible
+  void redraw_line(void *item); // minimal update, no change in size
+  /**
+    This method will cause the entire list to be redrawn.
+    \see redraw_lines(), redraw_line()
+   */
+  void redraw_lines() { damage(FL_DAMAGE_SCROLL); } // redraw all of them
+  void bbox(int &X,int &Y,int &W,int &H) const;
+  int leftedge() const;	// x position after scrollbar & border
+  void *find_item(int ypos); // item under mouse
+  void draw();
+  Fl_Browser_(int X,int Y,int W,int H,const char *L=0);
+  /**
+    Vertical scrollbar. Public, so that it can be accessed directly.
+   */
+  Fl_Scrollbar scrollbar;
+  /**
+    Horizontal scrollbar. Public, so that it can be accessed directly.
+   */
+  Fl_Scrollbar hscrollbar;
+  int handle(int event);
+  void resize(int X,int Y,int W,int H);
+  int select(void *item,int val=1,int docallbacks=0);
+  int select_only(void *item,int docallbacks=0);
+  int deselect(int docallbacks=0);
+  /**
+    Gets the vertical scroll position of the list as a pixel position \p pos.
+    The position returned is how many pixels of the list are scrolled off the top edge
+    of the screen.  Example: A position of '3' indicates the top 3 pixels of 
+    the list are scrolled off the top edge of the screen.
+    \see position(), hposition()
+  */
+  int position() const { return position_; }
+  void position(int pos); // scroll to here
+  /**
+    Gets the horizontal scroll position of the list as a pixel position \p pos.
+    The position returned is how many pixels of the list are scrolled off the left edge
+    of the screen. Example: A position of '18' indicates the left 18 pixels of
+    the list are scrolled off the left edge of the screen.
+    \see position(), hposition()
+  */
+  int hposition() const { return hposition_; }
+  void hposition(int); // pan to here
+  void display(void *item); // scroll so this item is shown
+  /**
+    Values for has_scrollbar().
+   */
+  /** Anonymous enum bit flags for has_scrollbar().
+     -  bit 0: horizontal
+     -  bit 1: vertical
+     -  bit 2: 'always' (to be combined with bits 0 and 1)
+     -  bit 3-31: reserved for future use
+   */
+  enum { // values for has_scrollbar()
+    HORIZONTAL = 1,		///< Only show horizontal scrollbar.
+    VERTICAL = 2,		///< Only show vertical scrollbar.
+    BOTH = 3,			///< Show both scrollbars. (default)
+    ALWAYS_ON = 4,		///< Specified scrollbar(s) should 'always' be shown (to be used with HORIZONTAL/VERTICAL)
+    HORIZONTAL_ALWAYS = 5,	///< Horizontal scrollbar always on.
+    VERTICAL_ALWAYS = 6,	///< Vertical scrollbar always on.
+    BOTH_ALWAYS = 7		///< Both scrollbars always on.
+  };
+  /**
+    Returns the current scrollbar mode, see Fl_Browser_::has_scrollbar(uchar)
+   */
+  uchar has_scrollbar() const { return has_scrollbar_; }
+  /**
+    Sets whether the widget should have scrollbars or not (default Fl_Browser_::BOTH).
+    By default you can scroll in both directions, and the scrollbars
+    disappear if the data will fit in the widget.  
+    has_scrollbar() changes this based on the value of \p mode:
+    - 0 - No scrollbars.
+    - Fl_Browser_::HORIZONTAL - Only a horizontal scrollbar.
+    - Fl_Browser_::VERTICAL - Only a vertical scrollbar.
+    - Fl_Browser_::BOTH - The default is both scrollbars.
+    - Fl_Browser_::HORIZONTAL_ALWAYS - Horizontal scrollbar always on,
+      vertical always off.
+    - Fl_Browser_::VERTICAL_ALWAYS - Vertical scrollbar always on,
+      horizontal always off.
+    - Fl_Browser_::BOTH_ALWAYS - Both always on.
+  */
+  void has_scrollbar(uchar mode) { has_scrollbar_ = mode; }
+  /**
+    Gets the default text font for the lines in the browser.
+    \see textfont(), textsize(), textcolor()
+  */
+  Fl_Font textfont() const { return textfont_; }
+  /**
+    Sets the default text font for the lines in the browser to \p font.
+  */
+  void textfont(Fl_Font font) { textfont_ = font; }
+  /**
+    Gets the default text size (in pixels) for the lines in the browser.
+  */
+  Fl_Fontsize textsize() const { return textsize_; }
+  /**
+    Sets the default text size (in pixels) for the lines in the browser to \p size.
+  */
+  void textsize(Fl_Fontsize newSize) { textsize_ = newSize; }
+  /**
+    Gets the default text color for the lines in the browser.
+  */
+  Fl_Color textcolor() const { return textcolor_; }
+  /**
+    Sets the default text color for the lines in the browser to color \p col.
+  */
+  void textcolor(Fl_Color col) { textcolor_ = col; }
+  /**
+    Gets the current size of the scrollbars' troughs, in pixels.
+    If this value is zero (default), this widget will use the 
+    Fl::scrollbar_size() value as the scrollbar's width.
+    \returns Scrollbar size in pixels, or 0 if the global Fl::scrollbar_size() is being used.
+    \see Fl::scrollbar_size(int)
+  */
+  int scrollbar_size() const {
+      return(scrollbar_size_);
+  }
+  /**
+    Sets the pixel size of the scrollbars' troughs to \p newSize, in pixels.
+    Normally you should not need this method, and should use
+    Fl::scrollbar_size(int) instead to manage the size of ALL 
+    your widgets' scrollbars. This ensures your application 
+    has a consistent UI, is the default behavior, and is normally
+    what you want.
+    Only use THIS method if you really need to override the global
+    scrollbar size. The need for this should be rare.
+    Setting \p newSize to the special value of 0 causes the widget to
+    track the global Fl::scrollbar_size(), which is the default.
+    \param[in] newSize Sets the scrollbar size in pixels.\n
+                    If 0 (default), scrollbar size tracks the global Fl::scrollbar_size()
+    \see Fl::scrollbar_size()
+  */
+  void scrollbar_size(int newSize) {
+      scrollbar_size_ = newSize;
+  }   
+  /**
+    This method has been deprecated, existing for backwards compatibility only.
+    Use scrollbar_size() instead.
+    This method always returns the global value Fl::scrollbar_size().
+    \returns Always returns the global value Fl::scrollbar_size().
+    \todo This method should eventually be removed in 1.4+
+  */
+  int scrollbar_width() const {
+      return(Fl::scrollbar_size());
+  }
+  /**
+    This method has been deprecated, existing for backwards compatibility only.
+    Use scrollbar_size(int) instead.
+    This method sets the global Fl::scrollbar_size(), and forces this
+    instance of the widget to use it.
+    \todo This method should eventually be removed in 1.4+
+  */
+  void scrollbar_width(int width) {
+      Fl::scrollbar_size(width);
+      scrollbar_size_ = 0;
+  }
+  /**
+    Moves the vertical scrollbar to the righthand side of the list.
+    For back compatibility.
+  */
+  void scrollbar_right() { scrollbar.align(FL_ALIGN_RIGHT); }
+  /**
+    Moves the vertical scrollbar to the lefthand side of the list.
+    For back compatibility.
+  */
+  void scrollbar_left() { scrollbar.align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT); }
+  void sort(int flags=0);
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Button.H
@@ -1,0 +1,176 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Button header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2014 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file. If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Button widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_Button_H
+#define Fl_Button_H
+#ifndef Fl_Widget_H
+#include "Fl_Widget.H"
+// values for type()
+#define FL_NORMAL_BUTTON	0   /**< value() will be set to 1 during the press of the button and
+                                         reverts back to 0 when the button is released */
+#define FL_TOGGLE_BUTTON	1   ///< value() toggles between 0 and 1 at every click of the button
+#define FL_RADIO_BUTTON		(FL_RESERVED_TYPE+2) /**< is set to 1 at button press, and all other
+				         buttons in the same group with <tt>type() == FL_RADIO_BUTTON</tt>
+				         are set to zero.*/
+#define FL_HIDDEN_BUTTON	3   ///< for Forms compatibility
+extern FL_EXPORT Fl_Shortcut fl_old_shortcut(const char*);
+class Fl_Widget_Tracker;
+  \class Fl_Button
+  \brief Buttons generate callbacks when they are clicked by the user.
+  You control exactly when and how by changing the values for type() and
+  when().  Buttons can also generate callbacks in response to \c FL_SHORTCUT
+  events.  The button can either have an explicit shortcut(int s) value or a
+  letter shortcut can be indicated in the label() with an '\&' character
+  before it.  For the label shortcut it does not matter if \e Alt is held
+  down, but if you have an input field in the same window, the user will have
+  to hold down the \e Alt key so that the input field does not eat the event
+  first as an \c FL_KEYBOARD event.
+  \todo Refactor the doxygen comments for Fl_Button type() documentation.
+  For an Fl_Button object, the type() call returns one of:
+  \li \c FL_NORMAL_BUTTON (0): value() remains unchanged after button press.
+  \li \c FL_TOGGLE_BUTTON: value() is inverted after button press.
+  \li \c FL_RADIO_BUTTON: value() is set to 1 after button press, and all other
+         buttons in the current group with <tt>type() == FL_RADIO_BUTTON</tt>
+	 are set to zero.
+  \todo Refactor the doxygen comments for Fl_Button when() documentation.
+  For an Fl_Button object, the following when() values are useful, the default
+  being \c FL_WHEN_RELEASE:
+  \li \c 0: The callback is not done, instead changed() is turned on.
+  \li \c FL_WHEN_RELEASE: The callback is done after the user successfully
+         clicks the button, or when a shortcut is typed.
+  \li \c FL_WHEN_CHANGED: The callback is done each time the value() changes
+         (when the user pushes and releases the button, and as the mouse is
+	 dragged around in and out of the button).
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Button : public Fl_Widget {
+  int shortcut_;
+  char value_;
+  char oldval;
+  uchar down_box_;
+  static Fl_Widget_Tracker *key_release_tracker;
+  static void key_release_timeout(void*);
+  void simulate_key_action();
+  virtual void draw();
+  virtual int handle(int);
+  Fl_Button(int X, int Y, int W, int H, const char *L = 0);
+  int value(int v);
+  /**
+    Returns the current value of the button (0 or 1).
+   */
+  char value() const {return value_;}
+  /**
+    Same as \c value(1).
+    \see value(int v)
+   */
+  int set() {return value(1);}
+  /**
+    Same as \c value(0).
+    \see value(int v)
+   */
+  int clear() {return value(0);}
+  void setonly(); // this should only be called on FL_RADIO_BUTTONs
+  /**
+    Returns the current shortcut key for the button.
+    \retval int
+   */
+  int shortcut() const {return shortcut_;}
+  /**
+    Sets the shortcut key to \c s.
+    Setting this overrides the use of '\&' in the label().
+    The value is a bitwise OR of a key and a set of shift flags, for example:
+    <tt>FL_ALT | 'a'</tt>, or
+    <tt>FL_ALT | (FL_F + 10)</tt>, or just
+    <tt>'a'</tt>.
+    A value of 0 disables the shortcut.
+    The key can be any value returned by Fl::event_key(), but will usually be
+    an ASCII letter.  Use a lower-case letter unless you require the shift key
+    to be held down.
+    The shift flags can be any set of values accepted by Fl::event_state().
+    If the bit is on, that shift key must be pushed.  Meta, Alt, Ctrl, and
+    Shift must be off if they are not in the shift flags (zero for the other
+    bits indicates a "don't care" setting).
+    \param[in] s bitwise OR of key and shift flags
+   */
+  void shortcut(int s) {shortcut_ = s;}
+  /**
+    Returns the current down box type, which is drawn when value() is non-zero.
+    \retval Fl_Boxtype
+   */
+  Fl_Boxtype down_box() const {return (Fl_Boxtype)down_box_;}
+  /**
+    Sets the down box type. The default value of 0 causes FLTK to figure out
+    the correct matching down version of box().
+    Some derived classes (e.g. Fl_Round_Button and Fl_Light_Button use
+    down_box() for special purposes. See docs of these classes.
+    \param[in] b down box type
+   */
+  void down_box(Fl_Boxtype b) {down_box_ = b;}
+  /// (for backwards compatibility)
+  void shortcut(const char *s) {shortcut(fl_old_shortcut(s));}
+  /// (for backwards compatibility)
+  Fl_Color down_color() const {return selection_color();}
+  /// (for backwards compatibility)
+  void down_color(unsigned c) {selection_color(c);}
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Cairo.H
@@ -1,0 +1,88 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Main header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+    Handling transparently platform dependent cairo include files 
+#ifndef FL_CAIRO_H
+# define FL_CAIRO_H
+// Cairo is currently supported for the following platforms:
+// Win32, Apple Quartz, X11
+# include <FL/Fl_Export.H>
+# include <cairo.h>
+   \addtogroup group_cairo
+   @{
+   Contains all the necessary info on the current cairo context.
+   A private internal & unique corresponding object is created to
+   permit cairo context state handling while keeping it opaque.
+   For internal use only.
+   \note Only available when configure has the --enable-cairo option
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Cairo_State {
+  Fl_Cairo_State() : cc_(0), own_cc_(false), autolink_(false), window_(0), gc_(0) {}
+    // access attributes
+    cairo_t* cc() const {return cc_;}		 ///< Gets the current cairo context
+    bool autolink() const {return autolink_;}	 ///< Gets the autolink option. See Fl::cairo_autolink_context(bool)
+    /** Sets the current cairo context.
+	\p own == \e true (the default) indicates that the cairo context \p c
+	will be deleted by FLTK internally when another cc is set later.
+	\p own == \e false indicates cc deletion is handled externally
+	by the user program.
+    */
+    void cc(cairo_t* c, bool own=true)  {
+	if (cc_ && own_cc_) cairo_destroy(cc_);
+	cc_=c;
+	if (!cc_) window_=0;
+	own_cc_=own;
+    }
+    void  autolink(bool b);                     ///< Sets the autolink option, only available with --enable-cairoext
+    void  window(void* w)  {window_=w;}		///< Sets the window \p w to keep track on
+    void* window() const {return window_;}	///< Gets the last window attached to a cc
+    void  gc(void* c)  {gc_=c;}		        ///< Sets the gc \p c to keep track on
+    void* gc() const {return gc_;}		///< Gets the last gc attached to a cc
+    cairo_t * cc_;	 // contains the unique autoupdated cairo context
+    bool own_cc_;	 // indicates whether we must delete the cc, useful for internal cleanup
+    bool autolink_;	 // false by default, prevents the automatic cairo mapping on fltk windows
+			 // for custom cairo implementations.
+    void* window_, *gc_; // for keeping track internally of last win+gc treated
+/** @} */
+# endif // FLTK_HAVE_CAIRO
+#endif // FL_CAIRO_H
+// End of "$Id$" .
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Cairo_Window.H
@@ -1,0 +1,83 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Main header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+    Fl_Cairo_Window Handling transparently a fltk window incorporte a cairo draw callback.
+// Cairo is currently supported for the following platforms:
+// Win32, Apple Quartz, X11
+#  include <FL/Fl.H>
+#  include <FL/Fl_Double_Window.H>
+   \addtogroup group_cairo
+   @{
+   This defines a pre-configured cairo fltk window.
+   This class overloads the virtual draw() method for you,
+   so that the only thing you have to do is to provide your cairo code.
+   All cairo context handling is achieved transparently.
+   \note You can alternatively define your custom cairo fltk window,
+   and thus at least override the draw() method to provide custom cairo
+   support. In this case you will probably use Fl::cairo_make_current(Fl_Window*)
+   to attach a context to your window. You should do it only when your window is 
+   the current window. \see Fl_Window::current()
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Cairo_Window : public Fl_Double_Window {
+  Fl_Cairo_Window(int w, int h) : Fl_Double_Window(w,h),draw_cb_(0) {}
+  /** Overloaded to provide cairo callback support */
+  void draw() {
+    Fl_Double_Window::draw();
+    // manual method ? if yes explicitly get a cairo_context here
+    if (!Fl::cairo_autolink_context()) 
+      Fl::cairo_make_current(this); 
+    if (draw_cb_) draw_cb_(this, Fl::cairo_cc());
+  }
+  /** This defines the cairo draw callback prototype that you must further */
+  typedef void (*cairo_draw_cb) (Fl_Cairo_Window* self, cairo_t* def);
+  /** 
+    You must provide a draw callback which will implement your cairo rendering.
+    This method will permit you to set your cairo callback to \p cb.
+  */
+  void set_draw_cb(cairo_draw_cb  cb){draw_cb_=cb;}
+    cairo_draw_cb draw_cb_;
+/** @} */
+# endif // FLTK_HAVE_CAIRO
+#endif // FL_CAIRO_WINDOW_H
+// End of "$Id$" .
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Chart.H
@@ -1,0 +1,151 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Forms chart header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Chart widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_Chart_H
+#define Fl_Chart_H
+#ifndef Fl_Widget_H
+#include "Fl_Widget.H"
+// values for type()
+#define FL_BAR_CHART		0	/**< type() for Bar Chart variant */
+#define FL_HORBAR_CHART		1	/**< type() for Horizontal Bar Chart variant */
+#define FL_LINE_CHART		2	/**< type() for Line Chart variant */
+#define FL_FILL_CHART		3	/**< type() for Fill Line Chart variant */
+#define FL_SPIKE_CHART		4	/**< type() for Spike Chart variant */
+#define FL_PIE_CHART		5	/**< type() for Pie Chart variant */
+#define FL_SPECIALPIE_CHART	6	/**< type() for Special Pie Chart variant */
+#define FL_FILLED_CHART  FL_FILL_CHART	/**< for compatibility */
+#define FL_CHART_MAX		128	/**< max entries per chart */
+#define FL_CHART_LABEL_MAX	18	/**< max label length for entry */
+/** For internal use only */
+struct FL_CHART_ENTRY {
+   float val;				/**< For internal use only. */
+   unsigned col;			/**< For internal use only. */
+   char str[FL_CHART_LABEL_MAX+1];	/**< For internal use only. */
+  \class Fl_Chart
+  \brief Fl_Chart displays simple charts.
+  It is provided for Forms compatibility.
+  \image html charts.png  
+  \image latex charts.png  "Fl_Chart" width=10cm
+  \todo Refactor Fl_Chart::type() information.
+  The type of an Fl_Chart object can be set using type(uchar t) to:
+  \li \c FL_BAR_CHART: Each sample value is drawn as a vertical bar.
+  \li \c FL_FILLED_CHART: The chart is filled from the bottom of the graph
+         to the sample values.
+  \li \c FL_HORBAR_CHART: Each sample value is drawn as a horizontal bar.
+  \li \c FL_LINE_CHART: The chart is drawn as a polyline with vertices at
+         each sample value.
+  \li \c FL_PIE_CHART: A pie chart is drawn with each sample value being
+         drawn as a proportionate slice in the circle.
+  \li \c FL_SPECIALPIE_CHART: Like \c FL_PIE_CHART, but the first slice is
+         separated from the pie.
+  \li \c FL_SPIKE_CHART: Each sample value is drawn as a vertical line.
+ */
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Chart : public Fl_Widget {
+    int numb;
+    int maxnumb;
+    int sizenumb;
+    FL_CHART_ENTRY *entries;
+    double min,max;
+    uchar autosize_;
+    Fl_Font textfont_;
+    Fl_Fontsize textsize_;
+    Fl_Color textcolor_;
+    void draw();
+    Fl_Chart(int X, int Y, int W, int H, const char *L = 0);
+    ~Fl_Chart();
+    void clear();
+    void add(double val, const char *str = 0, unsigned col = 0);
+    void insert(int ind, double val, const char *str = 0, unsigned col = 0);
+    void replace(int ind, double val, const char *str = 0, unsigned col = 0);
+    /**
+      Gets the lower and upper bounds of the chart values.
+      \param[out] a, b are set to lower, upper
+     */
+    void bounds(double *a,double *b) const {*a = min; *b = max;}
+    void bounds(double a,double b);
+    /**
+      Returns the number of data values in the chart.
+     */
+    int size() const {return numb;}
+    void size(int W, int H) { Fl_Widget::size(W, H); }
+    /**
+      Gets the maximum number of data values for a chart.
+     */
+    int maxsize() const {return maxnumb;}
+    void maxsize(int m);
+    /** Gets the chart's text font */
+    Fl_Font textfont() const {return textfont_;}
+    /** Sets the chart's text font to \p s. */
+    void textfont(Fl_Font s) {textfont_ = s;}
+    /** Gets the chart's text size */
+    Fl_Fontsize textsize() const {return textsize_;}
+    /** gets the chart's text size to \p s. */
+    void textsize(Fl_Fontsize s) {textsize_ = s;}
+    /** Gets the chart's text color */
+    Fl_Color textcolor() const {return textcolor_;}
+    /** gets the chart's text color to \p n. */
+    void textcolor(Fl_Color n) {textcolor_ = n;}
+    /**
+      Get whether the chart will automatically adjust the bounds of the chart.
+      \returns non-zero if auto-sizing is enabled and zero if disabled.
+     */
+    uchar autosize() const {return autosize_;}
+    /**
+      Set whether the chart will automatically adjust the bounds of the chart.
+      \param[in] n non-zero to enable automatic resizing, zero to disable.
+     */
+    void autosize(uchar n) {autosize_ = n;}
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Check_Browser.H
@@ -1,0 +1,113 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Fl_Check_Browser header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Check_Browser widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_Check_Browser_H
+#define Fl_Check_Browser_H
+#include "Fl.H"
+#include "Fl_Browser_.H"
+  The Fl_Check_Browser widget displays a scrolling list of text
+  lines that may be selected and/or checked by the user.
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Check_Browser : public Fl_Browser_ {
+  /* required routines for Fl_Browser_ subclass: */
+  void *item_first() const;
+  void *item_next(void *) const;
+  void *item_prev(void *) const;
+  int item_height(void *) const;
+  int item_width(void *) const;
+  void item_draw(void *, int, int, int, int) const;
+  void item_select(void *, int);
+  int item_selected(void *) const;
+  /* private data */
+  public: // IRIX 5.3 C++ compiler doesn't support private structures...
+#ifndef FL_DOXYGEN
+  /** For internal use only. */
+  struct cb_item {
+	  cb_item *next;	/**< For internal use only. */
+	  cb_item *prev;	/**< For internal use only. */
+	  char checked;		/**< For internal use only. */
+	  char selected;	/**< For internal use only. */
+	  char *text;		/**< For internal use only. */
+  };
+#endif // !FL_DOXYGEN
+  private:
+  cb_item *first;
+  cb_item *last;
+  cb_item *cache;
+  int cached_item;
+  int nitems_;
+  int nchecked_;
+  cb_item *find_item(int) const;
+  int lineno(cb_item *) const;
+  public:
+  Fl_Check_Browser(int x, int y, int w, int h, const char *l = 0);
+   /** The destructor deletes all list items and destroys the browser. */
+  ~Fl_Check_Browser() { clear(); }
+  int add(char *s);               // add an (unchecked) item
+  int add(char *s, int b);        // add an item and set checked
+				  // both return the new nitems()
+  int remove(int item);           // delete an item. Returns nitems()
+  // inline const char * methods to avoid breaking binary compatibility...
+   /** See int Fl_Check_Browser::add(char *s) */
+  int add(const char *s) { return add((char *)s); }
+  /** See int Fl_Check_Browser::add(char *s) */
+  int add(const char *s, int b) { return add((char *)s, b); }
+  void clear();                   // delete all items
+  /**
+    Returns how many lines are in the browser.  The last line number is equal to
+    this.
+  */
+  int nitems() const { return nitems_; }
+  /**    Returns how many items are currently checked.  */
+  int nchecked() const { return nchecked_; }
+  int checked(int item) const;
+  void checked(int item, int b);
+  /**    Equivalent to Fl_Check_Browser::checked(item, 1).  */
+  void set_checked(int item) { checked(item, 1); }
+  void check_all();
+  void check_none();
+  int value() const;              // currently selected item
+  char *text(int item) const;     // returns pointer to internal buffer
+  protected:
+  int handle(int);
+#endif // Fl_Check_Browser_H
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Check_Button.H
@@ -1,0 +1,39 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Check button header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2014 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file. If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+#ifndef Fl_Check_Button_H
+#define Fl_Check_Button_H
+#include "Fl_Light_Button.H"
+  class: Fl_Check_Button.
+  A button with a "checkmark" to show its status.
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Check_Button : public Fl_Light_Button {
+  Fl_Check_Button(int X, int Y, int W, int H, const char *L = 0);
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Choice.H
@@ -1,0 +1,106 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Choice header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Choice widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_Choice_H
+#define Fl_Choice_H
+#include "Fl_Menu_.H"
+  \class Fl_Choice
+  \brief A button that is used to pop up a menu.
+  This is a button that, when pushed, pops up a menu (or hierarchy of menus)
+  defined by an array of Fl_Menu_Item objects.
+  Motif calls this an OptionButton.
+  The only difference between this and a Fl_Menu_Button is that the name of
+  the most recent chosen menu item is displayed inside the box, while the
+  label is displayed outside the box. However, since the use of this is most
+  often to control a single variable rather than do individual callbacks,
+  some of the Fl_Menu_Button methods are redescribed here in those terms.
+  When the user clicks a menu item, value() is set to that item
+  and then:
+      - The item's callback is done if one has been set; the
+        Fl_Choice is passed as the Fl_Widget* argument, 
+        along with any userdata configured for the callback.
+      - If the item does not have a callback, the Fl_Choice widget's
+        callback is done instead, along with any userdata configured
+        for it.  The callback can determine which item was picked using
+        value(), mvalue(), item_pathname(), etc.
+  All three mouse buttons pop up the menu. The Forms behavior of the first
+  two buttons to increment/decrement the choice is not implemented.  This
+  could be added with a subclass, however.
+  The menu will also pop up in response to shortcuts indicated by putting
+  a '\&' character in the label().  See Fl_Button::shortcut(int s) for a
+  description of this.
+  Typing the shortcut() of any of the items will do exactly the same as when
+  you pick the item with the mouse.  The '\&' character in item names are
+  only looked at when the menu is popped up, however.
+  \image html choice.png
+  \image latex choice.png  "Fl_Choice" width=4cm
+  \todo Refactor the doxygen comments for Fl_Choice changed() documentation.
+  \li <tt>int Fl_Widget::changed() const</tt>
+      This value is true the user picks a different value. <em>It is turned
+      off by value() and just before doing a callback (the callback can turn
+      it back on if desired).</em>
+  \li <tt>void Fl_Widget::set_changed()</tt>
+      This method sets the changed() flag.
+  \li <tt>void Fl_Widget::clear_changed()</tt>
+      This method clears the changed() flag.
+  \li <tt>Fl_Boxtype Fl_Choice::down_box() const</tt>
+      Gets the current down box, which is used when the menu is popped up.
+      The default down box type is \c FL_DOWN_BOX.
+  \li <tt>void Fl_Choice::down_box(Fl_Boxtype b)</tt>
+      Sets the current down box type to \p b.
+ */
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Choice : public Fl_Menu_ {
+  void draw();
+  int handle(int);
+  Fl_Choice(int X, int Y, int W, int H, const char *L = 0);
+  /**
+    Gets the index of the last item chosen by the user.
+    The index is zero initially.
+   */
+  int value() const {return Fl_Menu_::value();}
+  int value(int v);
+  int value(const Fl_Menu_Item* v);
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Clock.H
@@ -1,0 +1,128 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Clock header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Clock, Fl_Clock_Output widgets . */
+#ifndef Fl_Clock_H
+#define Fl_Clock_H
+#ifndef Fl_Widget_H
+#include "Fl_Widget.H"
+// values for type:
+#define FL_SQUARE_CLOCK		0	/**< type() of Square Clock variant */
+#define FL_ROUND_CLOCK		1	/**< type() of Round Clock variant */
+#define FL_ANALOG_CLOCK FL_SQUARE_CLOCK	/**< An analog clock is square */
+#define FL_DIGITAL_CLOCK FL_SQUARE_CLOCK /**< Not yet implemented */
+// fabien: Please keep the horizontal formatting of both images in class desc, 
+// don't lose vert. space for nothing!
+  \class Fl_Clock_Output
+  \brief This widget can be used to display a program-supplied time.
+  The time shown on the clock is not updated. To display the current time,
+  use Fl_Clock instead.
+  \htmlonly <BR>  <table align=CENTER border=1 cellpadding=5 >  
+  <caption align=bottom>type() FL_SQUARE_CLOCK and FL_ROUND_CLOCK </caption> <TR><TD> \endhtmlonly
+  \image html clock.png  
+  \htmlonly </TD> <TD> \endhtmlonly
+  \image html round_clock.png 
+  \htmlonly </TD> </TR> </table> \endhtmlonly
+  \image latex clock.png "FL_SQUARE_CLOCK type" width=4cm
+  \image latex round_clock.png "FL_ROUND_CLOCK type" width=4cm
+ */
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Clock_Output : public Fl_Widget {
+  int hour_, minute_, second_;
+  ulong value_;
+  void drawhands(Fl_Color,Fl_Color); // part of draw
+  void draw();
+  void draw(int X, int Y, int W, int H);
+  Fl_Clock_Output(int X, int Y, int W, int H, const char *L = 0);
+  void value(ulong v);	// set to this Unix time
+  void value(int H, int m, int s);
+  /**
+    Returns the displayed time.
+    Returns the time in seconds since the UNIX epoch (January 1, 1970).
+    \see value(ulong)
+   */
+  ulong value() const {return value_;}
+  /**
+    Returns the displayed hour (0 to 23).
+    \see value(), minute(), second()
+   */
+  int hour() const {return hour_;}
+  /**
+    Returns the displayed minute (0 to 59).
+    \see value(), hour(), second()
+   */
+  int minute() const {return minute_;}
+  /**
+    Returns the displayed second (0 to 60, 60=leap second).
+    \see value(), hour(), minute()
+   */
+  int second() const {return second_;}
+// a Fl_Clock displays the current time always by using a timeout:
+  \class Fl_Clock
+  \brief This widget provides a round analog clock display.
+  Fl_Clock is provided for Forms compatibility. 
+  It installs a 1-second timeout callback using Fl::add_timeout().
+  You can choose the rounded or square type of the clock with type(), see below.
+  \htmlonly <BR>  <table align=CENTER border=1 cellpadding=5 >  
+  <caption align=bottom>type() FL_SQUARE_CLOCK and FL_ROUND_CLOCK </caption> <TR><TD> \endhtmlonly
+  \image html clock.png  
+  \htmlonly </TD> <TD> \endhtmlonly
+  \image html round_clock.png 
+  \htmlonly </TD> </TR> </table> \endhtmlonly
+  \image latex clock.png "FL_SQUARE_CLOCK type" width=4cm  
+  \image latex round_clock.png "FL_ROUND_CLOCK type" width=4cm
+ */
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Clock : public Fl_Clock_Output {
+  int handle(int);
+  Fl_Clock(int X, int Y, int W, int H,  const char *L = 0);
+  Fl_Clock(uchar t, int X, int Y, int W, int H, const char *L);
+  ~Fl_Clock();
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Color_Chooser.H
@@ -1,0 +1,190 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Color chooser header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/** \file
+   Fl_Color_Chooser widget . */
+// The color chooser object and the color chooser popup.  The popup
+// is just a window containing a single color chooser and some boxes
+// to indicate the current and cancelled color.
+#ifndef Fl_Color_Chooser_H
+#define Fl_Color_Chooser_H
+#include <FL/Fl_Group.H>
+#include <FL/Fl_Box.H>
+#include <FL/Fl_Return_Button.H>
+#include <FL/Fl_Choice.H>
+#include <FL/Fl_Value_Input.H>
+#ifndef FL_DOXYGEN
+/** For internal use only */
+class FL_EXPORT Flcc_HueBox : public Fl_Widget {
+  int px, py;
+  void draw();
+  int handle_key(int);
+  int handle(int);
+  Flcc_HueBox(int X, int Y, int W, int H) : Fl_Widget(X,Y,W,H) {
+  px = py = 0;}
+/** For internal use only */
+class FL_EXPORT Flcc_ValueBox : public Fl_Widget {
+  int py;
+  void draw();
+  int handle_key(int);
+  int handle(int);
+  Flcc_ValueBox(int X, int Y, int W, int H) : Fl_Widget(X,Y,W,H) {
+  py = 0;}
+/** For internal use only */
+class FL_EXPORT Flcc_Value_Input : public Fl_Value_Input {
+  int format(char*);
+  Flcc_Value_Input(int X, int Y, int W, int H) : Fl_Value_Input(X,Y,W,H) {}
+#endif // !FL_DOXYGEN
+/** \addtogroup group_comdlg 
+    @{ */
+  \class Fl_Color_Chooser
+  \brief The Fl_Color_Chooser widget provides a standard RGB color chooser.
+  \image html fl_color_chooser.jpg
+  \image latex fl_color_chooser.jpg "fl_color_chooser()" width=5cm
+  You can place any number of the widgets into a panel of your own design.
+  The diagram shows the widget as part of a color chooser dialog created by
+  the fl_color_chooser() function. The Fl_Color_Chooser widget contains the
+  hue box, value slider, and rgb input fields from the above diagram (it
+  does not have the color chips or the Cancel or OK buttons).
+  The callback is done every time the user changes the rgb value. It is not
+  done if they move the hue control in a way that produces the \e same rgb
+  value, such as when saturation or value is zero.
+  The fl_color_chooser() function pops up a window to let the user pick an
+  arbitrary RGB color. They can pick the hue and saturation in the "hue box"
+  on the left (hold down CTRL to just change the saturation), and the
+  brightness using the vertical slider. Or they can type the 8-bit numbers
+  into the RGB Fl_Value_Input fields, or drag the mouse across them to adjust
+  them.  The pull-down menu lets the user set the input fields to show RGB,
+  HSV, or 8-bit RGB (0 to 255).
+  fl_color_chooser() returns non-zero if the user picks ok, and updates the
+  RGB values.  If the user picks cancel or closes the window this returns
+  zero and leaves RGB unchanged.
+  If you use the color chooser on an 8-bit screen, it will allocate all the
+  available colors, leaving you no space to exactly represent the color the
+  user picks! You can however use fl_rectf() to fill a region with a simulated
+  color using dithering.
+ */
+/** @} */
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Color_Chooser : public Fl_Group {
+  Flcc_HueBox huebox;
+  Flcc_ValueBox valuebox;
+  Fl_Choice choice;
+  Flcc_Value_Input rvalue;
+  Flcc_Value_Input gvalue;
+  Flcc_Value_Input bvalue;
+  Fl_Box resize_box;
+  double hue_, saturation_, value_;
+  double r_, g_, b_;
+  void set_valuators();
+  static void rgb_cb(Fl_Widget*, void*);
+  static void mode_cb(Fl_Widget*, void*);
+  /** 
+   Returns which Fl_Color_Chooser variant is currently active 
+   \return color modes are rgb(0), byte(1), hex(2), or hsv(3)   
+   */
+  int mode() {return choice.value();}
+  /** 
+   Set which Fl_Color_Chooser variant is currently active 
+   \param[in] newMode color modes are rgb(0), byte(1), hex(2), or hsv(3)   
+   */
+  void mode(int newMode);
+  /**
+    Returns the current hue.
+    0 <= hue < 6. Zero is red, one is yellow, two is green, etc.
+    <em>This value is convenient for the internal calculations - some other
+    systems consider hue to run from zero to one, or from 0 to 360.</em>
+   */
+  double hue() const {return hue_;}
+  /**
+    Returns the saturation.
+    0 <= saturation <= 1.
+   */
+  double saturation() const {return saturation_;}
+  /**
+    Returns the value/brightness.
+    0 <= value <= 1.
+   */
+  double value() const {return value_;}
+  /**
+    Returns the current red value.
+    0 <= r <= 1.
+   */
+  double r() const {return r_;}
+  /**
+    Returns the current green value.
+    0 <= g <= 1.
+   */
+  double g() const {return g_;}
+  /**
+    Returns the current blue value.
+    0 <= b <= 1.
+   */
+  double b() const {return b_;}
+  int hsv(double H, double S, double V);
+  int rgb(double R, double G, double B);
+  static void hsv2rgb(double H, double S, double V, double& R, double& G, double& B);
+  static void rgb2hsv(double R, double G, double B, double& H, double& S, double& V);
+  Fl_Color_Chooser(int X, int Y, int W, int H, const char *L = 0);
+FL_EXPORT int fl_color_chooser(const char* name, double& r, double& g, double& b, int m=-1);
+FL_EXPORT int fl_color_chooser(const char* name, uchar& r, uchar& g, uchar& b, int m=-1);
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Copy_Surface.H
@@ -1,0 +1,137 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Copy-to-clipboard code for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2014 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+#ifndef Fl_Copy_Surface_H
+#define Fl_Copy_Surface_H
+#include <FL/Fl_Paged_Device.H>
+#include <FL/Fl_Printer.H>
+#include <FL/x.H>
+/** Supports copying of graphical data to the clipboard.
+ <br> After creation of an Fl_Copy_Surface object, call set_current() on it, and all subsequent graphics requests
+ will be recorded in the clipboard. It's possible to draw widgets (using Fl_Copy_Surface::draw()
+ ) or to use any of the \ref fl_drawings or the \ref fl_attributes.
+ Finally, delete the Fl_Copy_Surface object to load the clipboard with the graphical data.
+ <br> Fl_GL_Window 's can be copied to the clipboard as well. 
+ <br> Usage example:
+ \code
+ Fl_Widget *g = ...; // a widget you want to copy to the clipboard
+ Fl_Copy_Surface *copy_surf = new Fl_Copy_Surface(g->w(), g->h()); // create an Fl_Copy_Surface object
+ copy_surf->set_current(); // direct graphics requests to the clipboard
+ fl_color(FL_WHITE); fl_rectf(0, 0, g->w(), g->h()); // draw a white background
+ copy_surf->draw(g); // draw the g widget in the clipboard
+ delete copy_surf; // after this, the clipboard is loaded
+ Fl_Display_Device::display_device()->set_current();  // direct graphics requests back to the display
+ \endcode
+ Platform details:
+ \li MSWindows: Transparent RGB images copy without transparency.
+ The graphical data are copied to the clipboard as an 'enhanced metafile'.
+ \li Mac OS: The graphical data are copied to the clipboard (a.k.a. pasteboard) in two 'flavors':
+ 1) in vectorial form as PDF data; 2) in bitmap form as a TIFF image. 
+ Applications to which the clipboard content is pasted can use the flavor that suits them best.
+ \li X11: the graphical data are copied to the clipboard as an image in BMP format.
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Copy_Surface : public Fl_Surface_Device {
+  int width;
+  int height;
+  Fl_Paged_Device *helper;
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+  CFMutableDataRef pdfdata;
+  CGContextRef oldgc;
+  CGContextRef gc;
+  void prepare_copy_pdf_and_tiff(int w, int h);
+  void complete_copy_pdf_and_tiff();
+  void init_PDF_context(int w, int h);
+  static size_t MyPutBytes(void* info, const void* buffer, size_t count);
+#elif defined(WIN32)
+  HDC oldgc;
+  HDC gc;
+#else // Xlib
+  Fl_Offscreen xid;
+  Window oldwindow;
+  Fl_Surface_Device *_ss;
+  static const char *class_id;
+  const char *class_name() {return class_id;};
+  Fl_Copy_Surface(int w, int h);
+  ~Fl_Copy_Surface();
+  void set_current();
+  void draw(Fl_Widget* widget, int delta_x = 0, int delta_y = 0);
+  void draw_decorated_window(Fl_Window* win, int delta_x = 0, int delta_y = 0);
+  /** Returns the pixel width of the copy surface */
+  int w() { return width; }
+  /** Returns the pixel height of the copy surface */
+  int h() { return height; }
+#if defined(__APPLE__)
+/* Mac class to reimplement Fl_Paged_Device::printable_rect() */
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Quartz_Surface_ : public Fl_System_Printer {
+  int width;
+  int height;
+  static const char *class_id;
+  const char *class_name() {return class_id;};
+  Fl_Quartz_Surface_(int w, int h);
+  virtual int printable_rect(int *w, int *h);
+  virtual ~Fl_Quartz_Surface_() {};
+#elif defined(WIN32)
+/* Win class to implement translate()/untranslate() */
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_GDI_Surface_ : public Fl_Paged_Device {
+  int width;
+  int height;
+  unsigned depth;
+  POINT origins[10];
+  static const char *class_id;
+  const char *class_name() {return class_id;};
+  Fl_GDI_Surface_();
+  virtual void translate(int x, int y);
+  virtual void untranslate();
+  virtual ~Fl_GDI_Surface_();
+#elif !defined(FL_DOXYGEN)
+/* Xlib class to implement translate()/untranslate() */
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Xlib_Surface_ : public Fl_Paged_Device {
+  static const char *class_id;
+  const char *class_name() {return class_id;};
+  Fl_Xlib_Surface_();
+  virtual void translate(int x, int y);
+  virtual void untranslate();
+  virtual ~Fl_Xlib_Surface_();
+#endif // Fl_Copy_Surface_H
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Counter.H
@@ -1,0 +1,115 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Counter header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Counter widget . */
+// A numerical value with up/down step buttons.  From Forms.
+#ifndef Fl_Counter_H
+#define Fl_Counter_H
+#ifndef Fl_Valuator_H
+#include "Fl_Valuator.H"
+// values for type():
+#define FL_NORMAL_COUNTER	0	/**< type() for counter with fast buttons */
+#define FL_SIMPLE_COUNTER	1	/**< type() for counter without fast buttons */
+  Controls a single floating point value with button (or keyboard) arrows.
+  Double arrows buttons achieve larger steps than simple arrows.
+  \see Fl_Spinner for value input with vertical step arrows.
+  <P align=center>\image html counter.png</P>
+  \image latex counter.png "Fl_Counter" width=4cm
+  \todo Refactor the doxygen comments for Fl_Counter type() documentation.
+  The type of an Fl_Counter object can be set using type(uchar t) to:
+  \li \c FL_NORMAL_COUNTER: Displays a counter with 4 arrow buttons.
+  \li \c FL_SIMPLE_COUNTER: Displays a counter with only 2 arrow buttons.
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Counter : public Fl_Valuator {
+  Fl_Font textfont_;
+  Fl_Fontsize textsize_;
+  Fl_Color textcolor_;
+  double lstep_;
+  uchar mouseobj;
+  static void repeat_callback(void *);
+  int calc_mouseobj();
+  void increment_cb();
+  void draw();
+  int handle(int);
+  Fl_Counter(int X, int Y, int W, int H, const char* L = 0);
+  ~Fl_Counter();
+  /**
+    Sets the increment for the large step buttons.
+    The default value is 1.0.
+    \param[in] a large step increment.
+  */
+  void lstep(double a) {lstep_ = a;}
+  /**
+    Sets the increments for the normal and large step buttons.
+    \param[in] a, b normal and large step increments.
+  */
+  void step(double a,double b) {Fl_Valuator::step(a); lstep_ = b;}
+  /**
+    Sets the increment for the normal step buttons.
+    \param[in] a normal step increment.
+  */
+  void step(double a) {Fl_Valuator::step(a);}
+  /**
+    Returns the increment for normal step buttons.
+   */
+  double step() const {return Fl_Valuator::step();}
+  /** Gets the text font */
+  Fl_Font textfont() const {return textfont_;}
+  /** Sets the text font to \p s */
+  void textfont(Fl_Font s) {textfont_ = s;}
+  /** Gets the font size */
+  Fl_Fontsize textsize() const {return textsize_;}
+  /** Sets the font size to \p s */
+  void textsize(Fl_Fontsize s) {textsize_ = s;}
+  /** Gets the font color */
+  Fl_Color textcolor() const {return textcolor_;}
+  /** Sets the font color to \p s */
+  void textcolor(Fl_Color s) {textcolor_ = s;}
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Device.H
@@ -1,0 +1,636 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Definition of classes Fl_Device, Fl_Graphics_Driver, Fl_Surface_Device, Fl_Display_Device
+// for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 2010-2014 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/** \file Fl_Device.H 
+ \brief declaration of classes Fl_Device, Fl_Graphics_Driver, Fl_Surface_Device, 
+ Fl_Display_Device, Fl_Device_Plugin.
+#ifndef Fl_Device_H
+#define Fl_Device_H
+#include <FL/x.H>
+#include <FL/Fl_Plugin.H>
+#include <FL/Fl_Image.H>
+#include <FL/Fl_Bitmap.H>
+#include <FL/Fl_Pixmap.H>
+#include <FL/Fl_RGB_Image.H>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+class Fl_Graphics_Driver;
+class Fl_Font_Descriptor;
+/** \brief Points to the driver that currently receives all graphics requests */
+FL_EXPORT extern Fl_Graphics_Driver *fl_graphics_driver;
+ signature of image generation callback function.
+ \param[in]  data  user data passed to function
+ \param[in]  x,y,w position and width of scan line in image
+ \param[out] buf   buffer for generated image data. You must copy \p w
+ pixels from scanline \p y, starting at pixel \p x
+ to this buffer.
+ */
+typedef void (*Fl_Draw_Image_Cb)(void* data,int x,int y,int w,uchar* buf);
+// typedef what the x,y fields in a point are:
+#ifdef WIN32
+typedef int COORD_T;
+#  define XPOINT XPoint
+#elif defined(__APPLE__)
+typedef float COORD_T;
+typedef struct { float x; float y; } QPoint;
+#  define XPOINT QPoint
+extern float fl_quartz_line_width_;
+typedef short COORD_T;
+#  define XPOINT XPoint
+ All graphical output devices and all graphics systems.
+ This class supports a rudimentary system of run-time type information.
+ */
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Device {
+  /** A string that identifies each subclass of Fl_Device.
+     Function class_name() applied to a device of this class returns this string.
+   */
+  static const char *class_id;
+  /** 
+   Returns the name of the class of this object. 
+   Use of the class_name() function is discouraged because it will be removed from future FLTK versions.
+   The class of an instance of an Fl_Device subclass can be checked with code such as:
+   \code
+   if ( instance->class_name() == Fl_Printer::class_id ) { ... }
+   \endcode
+   */
+  virtual const char *class_name() {return class_id;};
+  /** 
+   Virtual destructor.
+   The destructor of Fl_Device must be virtual to make the destructors of
+   derived classes being called correctly on destruction.
+   */
+  virtual ~Fl_Device() {};
+ \brief A virtual class subclassed for each graphics driver FLTK uses.
+ Typically, FLTK applications do not use directly objects from this class. Rather, they perform
+ drawing operations (e.g., fl_rectf()) that operate on the current drawing surface (see Fl_Surface_Device).
+ Drawing operations are functionally presented in \ref drawing and as function lists
+ in the \ref fl_drawings and \ref fl_attributes modules. The \ref fl_graphics_driver global variable
+ gives at any time the graphics driver used by all drawing operations. Its value changes when
+ drawing operations are directed to another drawing surface by Fl_Surface_Device::set_current().
+ \p The Fl_Graphics_Driver class is of interest if one wants to perform new kinds of drawing operations.
+ An example would be to draw to a PDF file. This would involve creating a new Fl_Graphics_Driver derived 
+ class. This new class should implement all virtual methods of the Fl_Graphics_Driver class
+ to support all FLTK drawing functions.
+  */
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Graphics_Driver : public Fl_Device {
+  /** A 2D coordinate transformation matrix
+   */
+  struct matrix {double a, b, c, d, x, y;};
+  static const matrix m0;
+  Fl_Font font_; // current font
+  Fl_Fontsize size_; // current font size
+  Fl_Color color_; // current color
+  int sptr;
+  static const int matrix_stack_size = FL_MATRIX_STACK_SIZE;
+  matrix stack[FL_MATRIX_STACK_SIZE];
+  matrix m;
+  int n, p_size, gap_;
+  XPOINT *p;
+  int what;
+  int fl_clip_state_number;
+  int rstackptr;
+  static const int region_stack_max = FL_REGION_STACK_SIZE - 1;
+  Fl_Region rstack[FL_REGION_STACK_SIZE];
+#ifdef WIN32
+  int numcount;
+  int counts[20];
+  Fl_Font_Descriptor *font_descriptor_;
+  void transformed_vertex0(COORD_T x, COORD_T y);
+  void fixloop();
+#ifndef FL_DOXYGEN
+  inline int vertex_no() { return n; }
+  inline XPOINT *vertices() {return p;}
+  inline int vertex_kind() {return what;}
+/*  ** \brief red color for background and/or mixing if device does not support masking or alpha *
+  uchar bg_r_; 
+  ** \brief green color for background and/or mixing if device does not support masking or alpha *
+  uchar bg_g_; 
+  ** \brief blue color for background and/or mixing if device does not support masking or alpha *
+  uchar bg_b_; */
+  friend class Fl_Pixmap;
+  friend class Fl_Bitmap;
+  friend class Fl_RGB_Image;
+  friend void fl_rect(int x, int y, int w, int h);
+  friend void fl_rectf(int x, int y, int w, int h);
+  friend void fl_line_style(int style, int width, char* dashes);
+  friend void fl_xyline(int x, int y, int x1);
+  friend void fl_xyline(int x, int y, int x1, int y2);
+  friend void fl_xyline(int x, int y, int x1, int y2, int x3);
+  friend void fl_yxline(int x, int y, int y1);
+  friend void fl_yxline(int x, int y, int y1, int x2);
+  friend void fl_yxline(int x, int y, int y1, int x2, int y3);
+  friend void fl_line(int x, int y, int x1, int y1);
+  friend void fl_line(int x, int y, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
+  friend void fl_draw(const char *str, int n, int x, int y);
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+  friend void fl_draw(const char *str, int n, float x, float y);
+  friend void fl_draw(int angle, const char *str, int n, int x, int y);
+  friend void fl_rtl_draw(const char *str, int n, int x, int y);
+  friend void fl_font(Fl_Font face, Fl_Fontsize size);
+  friend void fl_color(Fl_Color c);
+  friend void fl_color(uchar r, uchar g, uchar b);
+  friend void fl_point(int x, int y);
+  friend void fl_loop(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
+  friend void fl_loop(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3);
+  friend void fl_polygon(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
+  friend void fl_polygon(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3);
+  friend void fl_begin_points();
+  friend void fl_begin_line();
+  friend void fl_begin_loop();
+  friend void fl_begin_polygon();
+  friend void fl_vertex(double x, double y);
+  friend void fl_curve(double X0, double Y0, double X1, double Y1, double X2, double Y2, double X3, double Y3);
+  friend void fl_circle(double x, double y, double r);
+  friend void fl_arc(double x, double y, double r, double start, double end);
+  friend void fl_arc(int x, int y, int w, int h, double a1, double a2);
+  friend void fl_pie(int x, int y, int w, int h, double a1, double a2);
+  friend void fl_end_points();
+  friend void fl_end_line();
+  friend void fl_end_loop();
+  friend void fl_end_polygon();
+  friend void fl_transformed_vertex(double xf, double yf);
+  friend void fl_push_clip(int x, int y, int w, int h);
+  friend int fl_clip_box(int x, int y, int w, int h, int &X, int &Y, int &W, int &H);
+  friend int fl_not_clipped(int x, int y, int w, int h);
+  friend void fl_push_no_clip();
+  friend void fl_pop_clip();
+  friend void fl_begin_complex_polygon();
+  friend void fl_gap();
+  friend void fl_end_complex_polygon();
+  friend void fl_push_matrix();
+  friend void fl_pop_matrix();
+  friend void fl_mult_matrix(double a, double b, double c, double d, double x, double y);
+  friend void fl_scale(double x, double y);
+  friend void fl_scale(double x);
+  friend void fl_translate(double x, double y);
+  friend void fl_rotate(double d);
+  friend double fl_transform_x(double x, double y);
+  friend double fl_transform_y(double x, double y);
+  friend double fl_transform_dx(double x, double y);
+  friend double fl_transform_dy(double x, double y);
+  friend Fl_Region fl_clip_region();
+  friend void fl_clip_region(Fl_Region r);
+  friend void fl_restore_clip();
+  friend void fl_draw_image(const uchar* buf, int X,int Y,int W,int H, int D, int L);
+  friend void fl_draw_image_mono(const uchar* buf, int X,int Y,int W,int H, int D, int L);
+  friend void fl_draw_image(Fl_Draw_Image_Cb cb, void* data, int X,int Y,int W,int H, int D);
+  friend FL_EXPORT void fl_draw_image_mono(Fl_Draw_Image_Cb cb, void* data, int X,int Y,int W,int H, int D);
+  friend FL_EXPORT void gl_start();
+  friend FL_EXPORT void fl_copy_offscreen(int x, int y, int w, int h, Fl_Offscreen pixmap, int srcx, int srcy);
+  matrix *fl_matrix; /**< Points to the current coordinate transformation matrix */
+  /** \brief The constructor. */
+  Fl_Graphics_Driver();
+  /** \brief see fl_rect(int x, int y, int w, int h). */
+  virtual void rect(int x, int y, int w, int h);
+  /** \brief see fl_rectf(int x, int y, int w, int h). */
+  virtual void rectf(int x, int y, int w, int h);
+  /** \brief see fl_line_style(int style, int width, char* dashes). */
+  virtual void line_style(int style, int width=0, char* dashes=0);
+  /** \brief see fl_xyline(int x, int y, int x1). */
+  virtual void xyline(int x, int y, int x1);
+  /** \brief see fl_xyline(int x, int y, int x1, int y2). */
+  virtual void xyline(int x, int y, int x1, int y2);
+  /** \brief see fl_xyline(int x, int y, int x1, int y2, int x3). */
+  virtual void xyline(int x, int y, int x1, int y2, int x3);
+  /** \brief see fl_yxline(int x, int y, int y1). */
+  virtual void yxline(int x, int y, int y1);
+  /** \brief see fl_yxline(int x, int y, int y1, int x2). */
+  virtual void yxline(int x, int y, int y1, int x2);
+  /** \brief see fl_yxline(int x, int y, int y1, int x2, int y3). */
+  virtual void yxline(int x, int y, int y1, int x2, int y3);
+  /** \brief see fl_line(int x, int y, int x1, int y1). */
+  virtual void line(int x, int y, int x1, int y1);
+  /** \brief see fl_line(int x, int y, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2). */
+  virtual void line(int x, int y, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
+  /** \brief see fl_draw(const char *str, int n, int x, int y). */
+  virtual void draw(const char *str, int n, int x, int y) {}
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+  virtual void draw(const char *str, int n, float x, float y) { draw(str, n, (int)(x+0.5), (int)(y+0.5));}
+  /** \brief see fl_draw(int angle, const char *str, int n, int x, int y). */
+  virtual void draw(int angle, const char *str, int n, int x, int y) {}
+  /** \brief see fl_rtl_draw(const char *str, int n, int x, int y). */
+  virtual void rtl_draw(const char *str, int n, int x, int y) {};
+  /** \brief see fl_color(Fl_Color c). */
+  virtual void color(Fl_Color c) {color_ = c;}
+  /** \brief see fl_color(uchar r, uchar g, uchar b). */
+  virtual void color(uchar r, uchar g, uchar b) {}
+  /** \brief see fl_point(int x, int y). */
+  virtual void point(int x, int y);
+  /** \brief see fl_loop(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2). */
+  virtual void loop(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
+  /** \brief see fl_loop(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3). */
+  virtual void loop(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3);
+  /** \brief see fl_polygon(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2). */
+  virtual void polygon(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
+  /** \brief see fl_polygon(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3). */
+  virtual void polygon(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3);
+  /** \brief see fl_begin_points(). */
+  virtual void begin_points();
+  /** \brief see fl_begin_line(). */
+  virtual void begin_line();
+  /** \brief see fl_begin_loop(). */
+  virtual void begin_loop();
+  /** \brief see fl_begin_polygon(). */
+  virtual void begin_polygon();
+  /** \brief see fl_vertex(double x, double y). */
+  virtual void vertex(double x, double y);
+  /** \brief see fl_curve(double X0, double Y0, double X1, double Y1, double X2, double Y2, double X3, double Y3). */
+  virtual void curve(double X0, double Y0, double X1, double Y1, double X2, double Y2, double X3, double Y3);
+  /** \brief see fl_circle(double x, double y, double r). */
+  virtual void circle(double x, double y, double r);
+  /** \brief see fl_arc(double x, double y, double r, double start, double end). */
+  virtual void arc(double x, double y, double r, double start, double end);
+  /** \brief see fl_arc(int x, int y, int w, int h, double a1, double a2). */
+  virtual void arc(int x, int y, int w, int h, double a1, double a2);
+  /** \brief see fl_pie(int x, int y, int w, int h, double a1, double a2). */
+  virtual void pie(int x, int y, int w, int h, double a1, double a2);
+  /** \brief see fl_end_points(). */
+  virtual void end_points();
+  /** \brief see fl_end_line(). */
+  virtual void end_line();
+  /** \brief see fl_end_loop(). */
+  virtual void end_loop();
+  /** \brief see fl_end_polygon(). */
+  virtual void end_polygon();
+  /** \brief see fl_begin_complex_polygon(). */
+  virtual void begin_complex_polygon();
+  /** \brief see fl_gap(). */
+  virtual void gap();
+  /** \brief see fl_end_complex_polygon(). */
+  virtual void end_complex_polygon();
+  /** \brief see fl_transformed_vertex(double xf, double yf). */
+  virtual void transformed_vertex(double xf, double yf);
+  /** \brief see fl_push_clip(int x, int y, int w, int h). */
+  virtual void push_clip(int x, int y, int w, int h);
+  /** \brief see fl_clip_box(int x, int y, int w, int h, int &X, int &Y, int &W, int &H). */
+  virtual int clip_box(int x, int y, int w, int h, int &X, int &Y, int &W, int &H);
+  /** \brief see fl_not_clipped(int x, int y, int w, int h). */
+  virtual int not_clipped(int x, int y, int w, int h);
+  /** \brief see fl_push_no_clip(). */
+  virtual void push_no_clip();
+  /** \brief see fl_pop_clip(). */
+  virtual void pop_clip();
+  /** \brief see fl_push_matrix(). */
+  void push_matrix();
+  /** \brief see fl_pop_matrix(). */
+  void pop_matrix();
+  /** \brief see fl_mult_matrix(double a, double b, double c, double d, double x, double y). */
+  void mult_matrix(double a, double b, double c, double d, double x, double y);
+  /** \brief see fl_scale(double x, double y). */
+  inline void scale(double x, double y) { mult_matrix(x,0,0,y,0,0); }
+  /** \brief see fl_scale(double x). */
+  inline void scale(double x) { mult_matrix(x,0,0,x,0,0); }
+  /** \brief see fl_translate(double x, double y). */
+  inline void translate(double x,double y) { mult_matrix(1,0,0,1,x,y); }
+  /** \brief see fl_rotate(double d). */
+  void rotate(double d);
+  /** \brief see fl_transform_x(double x, double y). */
+  double transform_x(double x, double y);
+  /** \brief see fl_transform_y(double x, double y). */
+  double transform_y(double x, double y);
+  /** \brief see fl_transform_dx(double x, double y). */
+  double transform_dx(double x, double y);
+  /** \brief see fl_transform_dy(double x, double y). */
+  double transform_dy(double x, double y);
+  /** \brief see fl_clip_region(). */
+  Fl_Region clip_region();
+  /** \brief see fl_clip_region(Fl_Region r). */
+  void clip_region(Fl_Region r);
+  /** \brief see fl_restore_clip(). */
+  void restore_clip();
+  // Images
+  /** \brief see fl_draw_image(const uchar* buf, int X,int Y,int W,int H, int D, int L). */
+  virtual   void draw_image(const uchar* buf, int X,int Y,int W,int H, int D=3, int L=0) {}
+  /** \brief see fl_draw_image_mono(const uchar* buf, int X,int Y,int W,int H, int D, int L). */
+  virtual   void draw_image_mono(const uchar* buf, int X,int Y,int W,int H, int D=1, int L=0) {}
+  /** \brief see fl_draw_image(Fl_Draw_Image_Cb cb, void* data, int X,int Y,int W,int H, int D). */
+  virtual   void draw_image(Fl_Draw_Image_Cb cb, void* data, int X,int Y,int W,int H, int D=3) {}
+  /** \brief see fl_draw_image_mono(Fl_Draw_Image_Cb cb, void* data, int X,int Y,int W,int H, int D). */
+  virtual   void draw_image_mono(Fl_Draw_Image_Cb cb, void* data, int X,int Y,int W,int H, int D=1) {}
+  // Image classes
+  /** \brief Draws an Fl_RGB_Image object to the device. 
+   *
+   Specifies a bounding box for the image, with the origin (upper left-hand corner) of 
+   the image offset by the cx and cy arguments.
+   */
+  virtual   void draw(Fl_RGB_Image * rgb,int XP, int YP, int WP, int HP, int cx, int cy) {}
+  /** \brief Draws an Fl_Pixmap object to the device. 
+   *
+   Specifies a bounding box for the image, with the origin (upper left-hand corner) of 
+   the image offset by the cx and cy arguments.
+   */
+  virtual   void draw(Fl_Pixmap * pxm,int XP, int YP, int WP, int HP, int cx, int cy) {}
+  /** \brief Draws an Fl_Bitmap object to the device. 
+   *
+   Specifies a bounding box for the image, with the origin (upper left-hand corner) of 
+   the image offset by the cx and cy arguments.
+   */
+  virtual void draw(Fl_Bitmap *bm, int XP, int YP, int WP, int HP, int cx, int cy) {}
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10301
+  virtual
+  void copy_offscreen(int x, int y, int w, int h, Fl_Offscreen pixmap, int srcx, int srcy);
+  static const char *class_id;
+  virtual const char *class_name() {return class_id;};
+  /** \brief see fl_font(Fl_Font face, Fl_Fontsize size). */
+  virtual void font(Fl_Font face, Fl_Fontsize fsize) {font_ = face; size_ = fsize;}
+  /** \brief see fl_font(void). */
+  Fl_Font font() {return font_; }
+  /** \brief see fl_size(). */
+  Fl_Fontsize size() {return size_; }
+  /** \brief see fl_width(const char *str, int n). */
+  virtual double width(const char *str, int n) {return 0;}
+  /** \brief see fl_width(unsigned int n). */
+  virtual inline double width(unsigned int c) { char ch = (char)c; return width(&ch, 1); }
+  /** \brief see fl_text_extents(const char*, int n, int& dx, int& dy, int& w, int& h). */
+  virtual void text_extents(const char*, int n, int& dx, int& dy, int& w, int& h);
+  /** \brief see fl_height(). */
+  virtual int height() {return size();}
+  /** \brief see fl_descent(). */
+  virtual int descent() {return 0;}
+  /** \brief see fl_color(void). */
+  Fl_Color color() {return color_;}
+  /** Returns a pointer to the current Fl_Font_Descriptor for the graphics driver */
+  inline Fl_Font_Descriptor *font_descriptor() { return font_descriptor_;}
+  /** Sets the current Fl_Font_Descriptor for the graphics driver */
+  inline void font_descriptor(Fl_Font_Descriptor *d) { font_descriptor_ = d;}
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10304 || defined(FL_DOXYGEN)
+  virtual
+  int draw_scaled(Fl_Image *img, int X, int Y, int W, int H);
+  /** \brief The destructor */
+  virtual ~Fl_Graphics_Driver() { if (p) free(p); }
+#if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(FL_DOXYGEN)
+ \brief The Mac OS X-specific graphics class.
+ *
+ This class is implemented only on the Mac OS X platform.
+ */
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Quartz_Graphics_Driver : public Fl_Graphics_Driver {
+  static const char *class_id;
+  const char *class_name() {return class_id;};
+  void color(Fl_Color c);
+  void color(uchar r, uchar g, uchar b);
+  void draw(const char* str, int n, int x, int y);
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+  void draw(const char *str, int n, float x, float y);
+  void draw(int angle, const char *str, int n, int x, int y);
+  void rtl_draw(const char* str, int n, int x, int y);
+  void font(Fl_Font face, Fl_Fontsize size);
+  void draw(Fl_Pixmap *pxm, int XP, int YP, int WP, int HP, int cx, int cy);
+  void draw(Fl_Bitmap *pxm, int XP, int YP, int WP, int HP, int cx, int cy);
+  void draw(Fl_RGB_Image *img, int XP, int YP, int WP, int HP, int cx, int cy);
+  int draw_scaled(Fl_Image *img, int XP, int YP, int WP, int HP);
+  void draw_image(const uchar* buf, int X,int Y,int W,int H, int D=3, int L=0);
+  void draw_image(Fl_Draw_Image_Cb cb, void* data, int X,int Y,int W,int H, int D=3);
+  void draw_image_mono(const uchar* buf, int X,int Y,int W,int H, int D=1, int L=0);
+  void draw_image_mono(Fl_Draw_Image_Cb cb, void* data, int X,int Y,int W,int H, int D=1);
+  double width(const char *str, int n);
+  double width(unsigned int c);
+  void text_extents(const char*, int n, int& dx, int& dy, int& w, int& h);
+  int height();
+  int descent();
+#if ! defined(FL_DOXYGEN)
+  static Fl_Offscreen create_offscreen_with_alpha(int w, int h);
+  void copy_offscreen(int x, int y, int w, int h, Fl_Offscreen pixmap, int srcx, int srcy);
+#if defined(WIN32) || defined(FL_DOXYGEN)
+ \brief The MSWindows-specific graphics class.
+ *
+ This class is implemented only on the MSWindows platform.
+ */
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_GDI_Graphics_Driver : public Fl_Graphics_Driver {
+  static const char *class_id;
+  const char *class_name() {return class_id;};
+  void color(Fl_Color c);
+  void color(uchar r, uchar g, uchar b);
+  void draw(const char* str, int n, int x, int y);
+  void draw(int angle, const char *str, int n, int x, int y);
+  void rtl_draw(const char* str, int n, int x, int y);
+  void font(Fl_Font face, Fl_Fontsize size);
+  void draw(Fl_Pixmap *pxm, int XP, int YP, int WP, int HP, int cx, int cy);
+  void draw(Fl_Bitmap *pxm, int XP, int YP, int WP, int HP, int cx, int cy);
+  void draw(Fl_RGB_Image *img, int XP, int YP, int WP, int HP, int cx, int cy);
+  void draw_image(const uchar* buf, int X,int Y,int W,int H, int D=3, int L=0);
+  void draw_image(Fl_Draw_Image_Cb cb, void* data, int X,int Y,int W,int H, int D=3);
+  void draw_image_mono(const uchar* buf, int X,int Y,int W,int H, int D=1, int L=0);
+  void draw_image_mono(Fl_Draw_Image_Cb cb, void* data, int X,int Y,int W,int H, int D=1);
+  double width(const char *str, int n);
+  double width(unsigned int c);
+  void text_extents(const char*, int n, int& dx, int& dy, int& w, int& h);
+  int height();
+  int descent();
+#if ! defined(FL_DOXYGEN)
+  void copy_offscreen_with_alpha(int x,int y,int w,int h,HBITMAP bitmap,int srcx,int srcy);
+  void copy_offscreen(int x, int y, int w, int h, Fl_Offscreen pixmap, int srcx, int srcy);
+ The graphics driver used when printing on MSWindows.
+ *
+ This class is implemented only on the MSWindows platform. It 's extremely similar to Fl_GDI_Graphics_Driver.
+ */
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_GDI_Printer_Graphics_Driver : public Fl_GDI_Graphics_Driver {
+  static const char *class_id;
+  const char *class_name() {return class_id;};
+  void draw(Fl_Pixmap *pxm, int XP, int YP, int WP, int HP, int cx, int cy);
+  void draw(Fl_Bitmap *bm, int XP, int YP, int WP, int HP, int cx, int cy);
+  int draw_scaled(Fl_Image *img, int XP, int YP, int WP, int HP);
+#if !(defined(__APPLE__) || defined(WIN32))
+ \brief The Xlib-specific graphics class.
+ *
+ This class is implemented only on the Xlib platform.
+ */
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Xlib_Graphics_Driver : public Fl_Graphics_Driver {
+  static const char *class_id;
+  const char *class_name() {return class_id;};
+  void color(Fl_Color c);
+  void color(uchar r, uchar g, uchar b);
+  void draw(const char* str, int n, int x, int y);
+  void draw(int angle, const char *str, int n, int x, int y);
+  void rtl_draw(const char* str, int n, int x, int y);
+  void font(Fl_Font face, Fl_Fontsize size);
+  void draw(Fl_Pixmap *pxm, int XP, int YP, int WP, int HP, int cx, int cy);
+  void draw(Fl_Bitmap *pxm, int XP, int YP, int WP, int HP, int cx, int cy);
+  void draw(Fl_RGB_Image *img, int XP, int YP, int WP, int HP, int cx, int cy);
+  void draw_image(const uchar* buf, int X,int Y,int W,int H, int D=3, int L=0);
+  void draw_image(Fl_Draw_Image_Cb cb, void* data, int X,int Y,int W,int H, int D=3);
+  void draw_image_mono(const uchar* buf, int X,int Y,int W,int H, int D=1, int L=0);
+  void draw_image_mono(Fl_Draw_Image_Cb cb, void* data, int X,int Y,int W,int H, int D=1);
+  double width(const char *str, int n);
+  double width(unsigned int c);
+  void text_extents(const char*, int n, int& dx, int& dy, int& w, int& h);
+  int height();
+  int descent();
+  void copy_offscreen(int x, int y, int w, int h, Fl_Offscreen pixmap, int srcx, int srcy);
+#if ! defined(FL_DOXYGEN)
+  void copy_offscreen_with_alpha(int x, int y, int w, int h, Fl_Offscreen pixmap, int srcx, int srcy);
+ A drawing surface that's susceptible to receive graphical output.
+ Any FLTK application has at any time a current drawing surface to which all drawing requests are directed.
+ The current surface is given by Fl_Surface_Device::surface().
+ When main() begins running, the current drawing surface has been set to the computer's display, 
+ an instance of the Fl_Display_Device class.
+ A drawing surface other than the computer's display, is typically used as follows:
+ <ol><li> Create \c surface, an object from a particular Fl_Surface_Device derived class (e.g., Fl_Copy_Surface, Fl_Printer).
+ <li> Memorize what is the current drawing surface with <tt> Fl_Surface_Device *old_current = Fl_Surface_Device::surface();</tt>
+ <li> Call \c surface->set_current(); to redirect all graphics requests to \c surface which becomes the new
+ current drawing surface (not necessary with class Fl_Printer because it is done by Fl_Printer::start_job()).
+ <li> At this point any of the \ref fl_drawings (e.g., fl_rect()) or the \ref fl_attributes or \ref drawing_images functions
+ (e.g., fl_draw_image(), Fl_Image::draw()) operates on the new current drawing surface.
+ Certain drawing surfaces allow additional ways to draw to them (e.g., Fl_Printer::print_widget(), Fl_Image_Surface::draw()).
+ <li> After all drawing requests have been performed, redirect graphics requests back to their previous destination
+ with \c old_current->set_current();.
+ <li> Delete \c surface.
+ </ol>
+ */
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Surface_Device : public Fl_Device {
+  /** \brief The graphics driver in use by this surface. */
+  Fl_Graphics_Driver *_driver;
+  static Fl_Surface_Device *_surface; // the surface that currently receives graphics output
+  static Fl_Surface_Device *default_surface(); // create surface is none exists yet
+  /** \brief Constructor that sets the graphics driver to use for the created surface. */
+  Fl_Surface_Device(Fl_Graphics_Driver *graphics_driver) {_driver = graphics_driver; };
+  static const char *class_id;
+  const char *class_name() {return class_id;};
+  virtual void set_current(void);
+  /** \brief Sets the graphics driver of this drawing surface. */
+  inline void driver(Fl_Graphics_Driver *graphics_driver) {_driver = graphics_driver;};
+  /** \brief Returns the graphics driver of this drawing surface. */
+  inline Fl_Graphics_Driver *driver() {return _driver; };
+  /** The current drawing surface.
+   In other words, the Fl_Surface_Device object that currently receives all graphics output */
+  static inline Fl_Surface_Device *surface() {
+    return _surface ? _surface : default_surface();
+  };
+  /** \brief The destructor. */
+  virtual ~Fl_Surface_Device() {}
+ A display to which the computer can draw.
+ When the program begins running, an Fl_Display_Device instance has been created and made the current drawing surface.
+ There is no need to create any other object of this class.
+ */
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Display_Device : public Fl_Surface_Device {
+  static Fl_Display_Device *_display; // the platform display device
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+  friend class Fl_X;
+  friend class Fl_Graphics_Driver;
+  static bool high_res_window_; //< true when drawing to a window of a retina display (Mac OS X only)
+  static bool high_resolution() {return high_res_window_;}
+  static const char *class_id;
+  const char *class_name() {return class_id;};
+  Fl_Display_Device(Fl_Graphics_Driver *graphics_driver);
+  static Fl_Display_Device *display_device();
+ This plugin socket allows the integration of new device drivers for special
+ window or screen types. 
+ This class is not intended for use outside the FLTK library.
+ It is currently used to provide an automated printing
+ service and screen capture for OpenGL windows, if linked with fltk_gl.
+ */
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Device_Plugin : public Fl_Plugin {
+  /** \brief The constructor */
+  Fl_Device_Plugin(const char *pluginName)
+  : Fl_Plugin(klass(), pluginName) { }
+  /** \brief Returns the class name */
+  virtual const char *klass() { return "fltk:device"; }
+  /** \brief Returns the plugin name */
+  virtual const char *name() = 0;
+  /** \brief Prints a widget 
+   \param w the widget
+   \param x,y offsets where to print relatively to coordinates origin
+   \param height height of the current drawing area
+   */
+  virtual int print(Fl_Widget* w, int x, int y, int height) = 0;
+  /** captures a rectangle of a widget as an image
+   \return The captured pixels as an RGB image
+   */
+#ifdef FL_LIBRARY
+    virtual
+  Fl_RGB_Image* rectangle_capture(Fl_Widget *widget, int x, int y, int w, int h) {return NULL;}
+#endif // Fl_Device_H
+// End of "$Id$".
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+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Dial.H
@@ -1,0 +1,88 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Dial header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Dial widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_Dial_H
+#define Fl_Dial_H
+#ifndef Fl_Valuator_H
+#include "Fl_Valuator.H"
+// values for type():
+#define FL_NORMAL_DIAL	0	/**< type() for dial variant with dot */
+#define FL_LINE_DIAL	1	/**< type() for dial variant with line */
+#define FL_FILL_DIAL	2	/**< type() for dial variant with filled arc */
+  The Fl_Dial widget provides a circular dial to control a
+  single floating point value.
+  <P ALIGN=CENTER>\image html dial.png 
+  \image latex dial.png "Fl_Dial" width=4cm
+  Use type() to set the type of the dial to:
+  <UL>
+  <LI>FL_NORMAL_DIAL - Draws a normal dial with a knob. </LI>
+  <LI>FL_LINE_DIAL - Draws a dial with a line. </LI>
+  <LI>FL_FILL_DIAL - Draws a dial with a filled arc. </LI>
+  </UL>
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Dial : public Fl_Valuator {
+  short a1,a2;
+  // these allow subclasses to put the dial in a smaller area:
+  void draw(int X, int Y, int W, int H);
+  int handle(int event, int X, int Y, int W, int H);
+  void draw();
+  int handle(int);
+  /**
+    Creates a new Fl_Dial widget using the given position, size,
+    and label string. The default type is FL_NORMAL_DIAL.
+  */
+  Fl_Dial(int x,int y,int w,int h, const char *l = 0);
+  /** 
+     Sets Or gets the angles used for the minimum and maximum values.  The default
+     values are 45 and 315 (0 degrees is straight down and the angles
+     progress clockwise).  Normally angle1 is less than angle2, but if you
+     reverse them the dial moves counter-clockwise.
+  */
+  short angle1() const {return a1;}
+  /** See short angle1() const */
+  void angle1(short a) {a1 = a;}
+  /** See short angle1() const */
+  short angle2() const {return a2;}
+  /** See short angle1() const */
+  void angle2(short a) {a2 = a;}
+  /** See short angle1() const */
+  void angles(short a, short b) {a1 = a; a2 = b;}
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Double_Window.H
@@ -1,0 +1,73 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Double-buffered window header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Double_Window widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_Double_Window_H
+#define Fl_Double_Window_H
+#include "Fl_Window.H"
+  The Fl_Double_Window provides a double-buffered window.
+  If possible this will use the X double buffering extension (Xdbe).  If
+  not, it will draw the window data into an off-screen pixmap, and then
+  copy it to the on-screen window.
+  <P>It is highly recommended that you put the following code before the
+  first show() of <I>any</I> window in your program: </P>
+  \code
+  Fl::visual(FL_DOUBLE|FL_INDEX)
+  \endcode
+  This makes sure you can use Xdbe on servers where double buffering
+  does not exist for every visual.
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Double_Window : public Fl_Window {
+  void flush(int eraseoverlay);
+  /**
+    Force double buffering, even if the OS already buffers windows
+    (overlays need that on MacOS and Windows2000)
+  */
+  char force_doublebuffering_;
+  void show();
+  void show(int a, char **b) {Fl_Window::show(a,b);}
+  void flush();
+  void resize(int,int,int,int);
+  void hide();
+  ~Fl_Double_Window();
+  /**
+   Creates a new Fl_Double_Window widget using the given
+   position, size, and label (title) string.
+  */
+  Fl_Double_Window(int W, int H, const char *l = 0);
+  /**
+   See  Fl_Double_Window::Fl_Double_Window(int w, int h, const char *label = 0)
+  */
+  Fl_Double_Window(int X, int Y, int W, int H, const char *l = 0);
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Export.H
@@ -1,0 +1,42 @@
+ * "$Id$"
+ *
+ * WIN32 DLL export .
+ *
+ * Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+ *
+ * This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+ * the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+ * file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef Fl_Export_H
+#  define Fl_Export_H
+ * The following is only used when building DLLs under WIN32...
+ */
+#  if defined(FL_DLL)
+#    ifdef FL_LIBRARY
+#      define FL_EXPORT	__declspec(dllexport)
+#    else
+#      define FL_EXPORT	__declspec(dllimport)
+#    endif /* FL_LIBRARY */
+#  elif __GNUC__ >= 4
+#    define FL_EXPORT __attribute__ ((visibility ("default")))
+#  else
+#    define FL_EXPORT
+#  endif /* FL_DLL */
+#endif /* !Fl_Export_H */
+ * End of "$Id$".
+ */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_File_Browser.H
@@ -1,0 +1,111 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// FileBrowser definitions.
+// Copyright 1999-2010 by Michael Sweet.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_File_Browser widget . */
+// Include necessary header files...
+#ifndef _Fl_File_Browser_H_
+#  define _Fl_File_Browser_H_
+#  include "Fl_Browser.H"
+#  include "Fl_File_Icon.H"
+#  include "filename.H"
+// Fl_File_Browser class...
+/** The Fl_File_Browser widget displays a list of filenames, optionally with file-specific icons. */
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_File_Browser : public Fl_Browser {
+  int		filetype_;
+  const char	*directory_;
+  uchar		iconsize_;
+  const char	*pattern_;
+  int		full_height() const;
+  int		item_height(void *) const;
+  int		item_width(void *) const;
+  void		item_draw(void *, int, int, int, int) const;
+  int		incr_height() const { return (item_height(0)); }
+  /**
+    The constructor creates the Fl_File_Browser widget at the specified position and size.
+    The destructor destroys the widget and frees all memory that has been allocated.
+  */
+  Fl_File_Browser(int, int, int, int, const char * = 0);
+  /**    Sets or gets the size of the icons. The default size is 20 pixels.  */
+  uchar		iconsize() const { return (iconsize_); };
+  /**    Sets or gets the size of the icons. The default size is 20 pixels.  */
+  void		iconsize(uchar s) { iconsize_ = s; redraw(); };
+  /**
+    Sets or gets the filename filter. The pattern matching uses
+    the fl_filename_match()
+    function in FLTK.
+  */
+  void	filter(const char *pattern);
+  /**
+    Sets or gets the filename filter. The pattern matching uses
+    the fl_filename_match()
+    function in FLTK.
+  */
+  const char	*filter() const { return (pattern_); };
+  /**
+    Loads the specified directory into the browser. If icons have been
+    loaded then the correct icon is associated with each file in the list.
+    <P>The sort argument specifies a sort function to be used with
+    fl_filename_list().
+  */
+  int		load(const char *directory, Fl_File_Sort_F *sort = fl_numericsort);
+  Fl_Fontsize  textsize() const { return Fl_Browser::textsize(); };
+  void		textsize(Fl_Fontsize s) { Fl_Browser::textsize(s); iconsize_ = (uchar)(3 * s / 2); };
+  /**
+    Sets or gets the file browser type, FILES or
+    DIRECTORIES. When set to FILES, both
+    files and directories are shown. Otherwise only directories are
+    shown.
+  */
+  int		filetype() const { return (filetype_); };
+  /**
+    Sets or gets the file browser type, FILES or
+    DIRECTORIES. When set to FILES, both
+    files and directories are shown. Otherwise only directories are
+    shown.
+  */
+  void		filetype(int t) { filetype_ = t; };
+#endif // !_Fl_File_Browser_H_
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_File_Chooser.H
@@ -1,0 +1,245 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Fl_File_Chooser dialog for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2015 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+// =======================================================================
+//  DO NOT EDIT FL/Fl_File_Chooser.H and src/Fl_File_Chooser.cxx !!!
+// =======================================================================
+//  Please use fluid to change src/Fl_File_Chooser.fl interactively
+//  and then use fluid to "write code" or edit and use fluid -c .
+// =======================================================================
+// generated by Fast Light User Interface Designer (fluid) version 1.0305
+#ifndef Fl_File_Chooser_H
+#define Fl_File_Chooser_H
+#include <FL/Fl.H>
+#include <FL/Fl_Double_Window.H>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <FL/Fl_Group.H>
+#include <FL/Fl_Choice.H>
+#include <FL/Fl_Menu_Button.H>
+#include <FL/Fl_Button.H>
+#include <FL/Fl_Preferences.H>
+#include <FL/Fl_Tile.H>
+#include <FL/Fl_File_Browser.H>
+#include <FL/Fl_Box.H>
+#include <FL/Fl_Check_Button.H>
+#include <FL/Fl_File_Input.H>
+#include <FL/Fl_Return_Button.H>
+#include <FL/fl_ask.H>
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_File_Chooser {
+  enum { SINGLE = 0, MULTI = 1, CREATE = 2, DIRECTORY = 4 }; 
+  static Fl_Preferences *prefs_; 
+  void (*callback_)(Fl_File_Chooser*, void *); 
+  void *data_; 
+  char directory_[FL_PATH_MAX]; 
+  char pattern_[FL_PATH_MAX]; 
+  char preview_text_[2048]; 
+  int type_; 
+  void favoritesButtonCB(); 
+  void favoritesCB(Fl_Widget *w); 
+  void fileListCB(); 
+  void fileNameCB(); 
+  void newdir(); 
+  static void previewCB(Fl_File_Chooser *fc); 
+  void showChoiceCB(); 
+  void update_favorites(); 
+  void update_preview(); 
+  Fl_File_Chooser(const char *d, const char *p, int t, const char *title);
+  Fl_Double_Window *window;
+  inline void cb_window_i(Fl_Double_Window*, void*);
+  static void cb_window(Fl_Double_Window*, void*);
+  Fl_Choice *showChoice;
+  inline void cb_showChoice_i(Fl_Choice*, void*);
+  static void cb_showChoice(Fl_Choice*, void*);
+  Fl_Menu_Button *favoritesButton;
+  inline void cb_favoritesButton_i(Fl_Menu_Button*, void*);
+  static void cb_favoritesButton(Fl_Menu_Button*, void*);
+  Fl_Button *newButton;
+  inline void cb_newButton_i(Fl_Button*, void*);
+  static void cb_newButton(Fl_Button*, void*);
+  inline void cb__i(Fl_Tile*, void*);
+  static void cb_(Fl_Tile*, void*);
+  Fl_File_Browser *fileList;
+  inline void cb_fileList_i(Fl_File_Browser*, void*);
+  static void cb_fileList(Fl_File_Browser*, void*);
+  Fl_Box *previewBox;
+  Fl_Check_Button *previewButton;
+  inline void cb_previewButton_i(Fl_Check_Button*, void*);
+  static void cb_previewButton(Fl_Check_Button*, void*);
+  Fl_Check_Button *showHiddenButton;
+  inline void cb_showHiddenButton_i(Fl_Check_Button*, void*);
+  static void cb_showHiddenButton(Fl_Check_Button*, void*);
+  Fl_File_Input *fileName;
+  inline void cb_fileName_i(Fl_File_Input*, void*);
+  static void cb_fileName(Fl_File_Input*, void*);
+  Fl_Return_Button *okButton;
+  inline void cb_okButton_i(Fl_Return_Button*, void*);
+  static void cb_okButton(Fl_Return_Button*, void*);
+  Fl_Button *cancelButton;
+  inline void cb_cancelButton_i(Fl_Button*, void*);
+  static void cb_cancelButton(Fl_Button*, void*);
+  Fl_Double_Window *favWindow;
+  Fl_File_Browser *favList;
+  inline void cb_favList_i(Fl_File_Browser*, void*);
+  static void cb_favList(Fl_File_Browser*, void*);
+  Fl_Button *favUpButton;
+  inline void cb_favUpButton_i(Fl_Button*, void*);
+  static void cb_favUpButton(Fl_Button*, void*);
+  Fl_Button *favDeleteButton;
+  inline void cb_favDeleteButton_i(Fl_Button*, void*);
+  static void cb_favDeleteButton(Fl_Button*, void*);
+  Fl_Button *favDownButton;
+  inline void cb_favDownButton_i(Fl_Button*, void*);
+  static void cb_favDownButton(Fl_Button*, void*);
+  Fl_Button *favCancelButton;
+  inline void cb_favCancelButton_i(Fl_Button*, void*);
+  static void cb_favCancelButton(Fl_Button*, void*);
+  Fl_Return_Button *favOkButton;
+  inline void cb_favOkButton_i(Fl_Return_Button*, void*);
+  static void cb_favOkButton(Fl_Return_Button*, void*);
+  ~Fl_File_Chooser();
+  void callback(void (*cb)(Fl_File_Chooser *, void *), void *d = 0);
+  void color(Fl_Color c);
+  Fl_Color color();
+  int count(); 
+  void directory(const char *d); 
+  char * directory();
+  void filter(const char *p); 
+  const char * filter();
+  int filter_value();
+  void filter_value(int f);
+  void hide();
+  void iconsize(uchar s);
+  uchar iconsize();
+  void label(const char *l);
+  const char * label();
+  void ok_label(const char *l);
+  const char * ok_label();
+  void preview(int e); 
+  int preview() const { return previewButton->value(); }; 
+  void showHidden(int e); 
+  void remove_hidden_files(); 
+  void rescan(); 
+  void rescan_keep_filename(); 
+  void show(); 
+  int shown();
+  void textcolor(Fl_Color c);
+  Fl_Color textcolor();
+  void textfont(Fl_Font f);
+  Fl_Font textfont();
+  void textsize(Fl_Fontsize s);
+  Fl_Fontsize textsize();
+  void type(int t);
+  int type();
+  void * user_data() const;
+  void user_data(void *d);
+  const char *value(int f = 1); 
+  void value(const char *filename); 
+  int visible();
+  /**
+   [standard text may be customized at run-time]
+  */
+  static const char *add_favorites_label; 
+  /**
+   [standard text may be customized at run-time]
+  */
+  static const char *all_files_label; 
+  /**
+   [standard text may be customized at run-time]
+  */
+  static const char *custom_filter_label; 
+  /**
+   [standard text may be customized at run-time]
+  */
+  static const char *existing_file_label; 
+  /**
+   [standard text may be customized at run-time]
+  */
+  static const char *favorites_label; 
+  /**
+   [standard text may be customized at run-time]
+  */
+  static const char *filename_label; 
+  /**
+   [standard text may be customized at run-time]
+  */
+  static const char *filesystems_label; 
+  /**
+   [standard text may be customized at run-time]
+  */
+  static const char *manage_favorites_label; 
+  /**
+   [standard text may be customized at run-time]
+  */
+  static const char *new_directory_label; 
+  /**
+   [standard text may be customized at run-time]
+  */
+  static const char *new_directory_tooltip; 
+  /**
+   [standard text may be customized at run-time]
+  */
+  static const char *preview_label; 
+  /**
+   [standard text may be customized at run-time]
+  */
+  static const char *save_label; 
+  /**
+   [standard text may be customized at run-time]
+  */
+  static const char *show_label; 
+  /**
+   [standard text may be customized at run-time]
+  */
+  static const char *hidden_label; 
+  /**
+   the sort function that is used when loading
+   the contents of a directory.
+  */
+  static Fl_File_Sort_F *sort; 
+  Fl_Widget* ext_group; 
+  Fl_Widget* add_extra(Fl_Widget* gr);
+FL_EXPORT char *fl_dir_chooser(const char *message,const char *fname,int relative=0);
+FL_EXPORT char *fl_file_chooser(const char *message,const char *pat,const char *fname,int relative=0);
+FL_EXPORT void fl_file_chooser_callback(void (*cb)(const char*));
+FL_EXPORT void fl_file_chooser_ok_label(const char*l);
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_File_Icon.H
@@ -1,0 +1,159 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Fl_File_Icon definitions.
+// Copyright 1999-2010 by Michael Sweet.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_File_Icon widget . */
+// Include necessary header files...
+#ifndef _Fl_Fl_File_Icon_H_
+#  define _Fl_Fl_File_Icon_H_
+#  include "Fl.H"
+// Special color value for the icon color.
+#  define FL_ICON_COLOR (Fl_Color)0xffffffff	/**< icon color [background?]*/
+// Fl_File_Icon class...
+  The Fl_File_Icon class manages icon images that can be used 
+  as labels in other widgets and as icons in the FileBrowser widget.
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_File_Icon {			//// Icon data
+  static Fl_File_Icon *first_;	// Pointer to first icon/filetype
+  Fl_File_Icon	*next_;		// Pointer to next icon/filetype
+  const char	*pattern_;	// Pattern string
+  int		type_;		// Match only if directory or file?
+  int		num_data_;	// Number of data elements
+  int		alloc_data_;	// Number of allocated elements
+  short		*data_;		// Icon data
+  public:
+  enum				// File types
+  {
+    ANY,			// Any kind of file
+    PLAIN,			// Only plain files
+    FIFO,			// Only named pipes
+    DEVICE,			// Only character and block devices
+    LINK,			// Only symbolic links
+    DIRECTORY			// Only directories
+  };
+  enum				// Data opcodes
+  {
+    END,			// End of primitive/icon
+    COLOR,			// Followed by color value (2 shorts)
+    LINE,			// Start of line
+    CLOSEDLINE,			// Start of closed line
+    POLYGON,			// Start of polygon
+    OUTLINEPOLYGON,		// Followed by outline color (2 shorts)
+    VERTEX			// Followed by scaled X,Y
+  };
+  Fl_File_Icon(const char *p, int t, int nd = 0, short *d = 0);
+  ~Fl_File_Icon();
+  short		*add(short d);
+  /**
+    Adds a color value to the icon array, returning a pointer to it.
+    \param[in] c color value
+  */
+  short		*add_color(Fl_Color c)
+		{ short *d = add((short)COLOR); add((short)(c >> 16)); add((short)c); return (d); }
+  /**
+    Adds a vertex value to the icon array, returning a pointer to it.
+    The integer version accepts coordinates from 0 to 10000.
+    The origin (0.0) is in the lower-lefthand corner of the icon.
+    \param[in] x, y vertex coordinates
+  */
+  short		*add_vertex(int x, int y)
+		{ short *d = add((short)VERTEX); add((short)x); add((short)y); return (d); }
+  /**
+    Adds a vertex value to the icon array, returning a pointer to it.
+    The floating point version goes from 0.0 to 1.0.
+    The origin (0.0) is in the lower-lefthand corner of the icon.
+    \param[in] x, y vertex coordinates
+  */
+  short		*add_vertex(float x, float y)
+		{ short *d = add((short)VERTEX); add((short)(x * 10000.0));
+		  add((short)(y * 10000.0)); return (d); }
+  /** Clears all icon data from the icon.*/
+  void		clear() { num_data_ = 0; }
+  void		draw(int x, int y, int w, int h, Fl_Color ic, int active = 1);
+  void		label(Fl_Widget *w);
+  static void	labeltype(const Fl_Label *o, int x, int y, int w, int h, Fl_Align a);
+  void		load(const char *f);
+  int		load_fti(const char *fti);
+  int		load_image(const char *i);
+  /** Returns next file icon object. See Fl_File_Icon::first() */
+  Fl_File_Icon	*next() { return (next_); }
+  /** Returns the filename matching pattern for the icon.*/
+  const char	*pattern() { return (pattern_); }
+  /**  Returns the number of words of data used by the icon.*/
+  int		size() { return (num_data_); }
+  /**
+    Returns the filetype associated with the icon, which can be one of the
+    following:
+    \li Fl_File_Icon::ANY, any kind of file.
+    \li Fl_File_Icon::PLAIN, plain files.
+    \li Fl_File_Icon::FIFO, named pipes.
+    \li Fl_File_Icon::DEVICE, character and block devices.
+    \li Fl_File_Icon::LINK, symbolic links.
+    \li Fl_File_Icon::DIRECTORY, directories.
+  */
+  int		type() { return (type_); }
+  /**  Returns the data array for the icon.*/
+  short		*value() { return (data_); }
+  static Fl_File_Icon *find(const char *filename, int filetype = ANY);
+  /** Returns a pointer to the first icon in the list.*/
+  static Fl_File_Icon *first() { return (first_); }
+  static void	load_system_icons(void);
+#endif // !_Fl_Fl_File_Icon_H_
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_File_Input.H
@@ -1,0 +1,97 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// File_Input header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// Original version Copyright 1998 by Curtis Edwards.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_File_Input widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_File_Input_H
+#  define Fl_File_Input_H
+#  include <FL/Fl_Input.H>
+  \class Fl_File_Input
+  \brief This widget displays a pathname in a text input field.
+  A navigation bar located above the input field allows the user to
+  navigate upward in the directory tree.
+  You may want to handle FL_WHEN_CHANGED events for tracking text changes
+  and also FL_WHEN_RELEASE for button release when changing to parent dir.
+  FL_WHEN_RELEASE callback won't be called if the directory clicked
+  is the same as the current one.
+  <P align=CENTER> \image html Fl_File_Input.png </P> 
+  \image latex Fl_File_Input.png "Fl_File_Input"  width=6cm
+  \note As all Fl_Input derived objects, Fl_File_Input may call its callback
+  when losing focus (see FL_UNFOCUS) to update its state like its cursor shape.
+  One resulting side effect is that you should call clear_changed() early in your callback
+  to avoid reentrant calls if you plan to show another window or dialog box in the callback.
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_File_Input : public Fl_Input {
+  Fl_Color	errorcolor_;
+  char		ok_entry_;
+  uchar		down_box_;
+  short		buttons_[200];
+  short		pressed_;
+  void		draw_buttons();
+  int		handle_button(int event);
+  void		update_buttons();
+  Fl_File_Input(int X, int Y, int W, int H, const char *L=0);
+  virtual int handle(int event);
+  virtual void draw();
+  /** Gets the box type used for the navigation bar. */
+  Fl_Boxtype	down_box() const { return (Fl_Boxtype)down_box_; }
+  /** Sets the box type to use for the navigation bar.  */
+  void		down_box(Fl_Boxtype b) { down_box_ = b; }
+  /**
+    Gets the current error color.
+    \todo Better docs for Fl_File_Input::errorcolor() - is it even used?
+  */
+  Fl_Color	errorcolor() const { return errorcolor_; }
+  /** Sets the current error color to \p c */
+  void		errorcolor(Fl_Color c) { errorcolor_ = c; }
+  int	value(const char *str);
+  int	value(const char *str, int len);
+  /**
+    Returns the current value, which is a pointer to an internal buffer
+    and is valid only until the next event is handled.
+  */
+  const char	*value() { return Fl_Input_::value(); }
+#endif // !Fl_File_Input_H
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Fill_Dial.H
@@ -1,0 +1,38 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Filled dial header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Fill_Dial widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_Fill_Dial_H
+#define Fl_Fill_Dial_H
+#include "Fl_Dial.H"
+/** Draws a dial with a filled arc */
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Fill_Dial : public Fl_Dial {
+  /** Creates a filled dial, also setting its type to FL_FILL_DIAL. */
+  Fl_Fill_Dial(int X,int Y,int W,int H, const char *L);
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Fill_Slider.H
@@ -1,0 +1,37 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Filled slider header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Fill_Slider widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_Fill_Slider_H
+#define Fl_Fill_Slider_H
+#include "Fl_Slider.H"
+/** Widget that draws a filled horizontal  slider,  useful as a progress or value meter*/
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Fill_Slider : public Fl_Slider {
+  /** Creates the slider from its position,size and optional title. */
+  Fl_Fill_Slider(int X,int Y,int W,int H,const char *L=0);
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Float_Input.H
@@ -1,0 +1,47 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Floating point input header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2011 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Float_Input widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_Float_Input_H
+#define Fl_Float_Input_H
+#include "Fl_Input.H"
+  The Fl_Float_Input class is a subclass of Fl_Input
+  that only allows the user to type floating point numbers (sign,
+  digits, decimal point, more digits, 'E' or 'e', sign, digits).
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Float_Input : public Fl_Input {
+  /**
+    Creates a new Fl_Float_Input widget using the given position,
+    size, and label string. The default boxtype is FL_DOWN_BOX.
+    Inherited destructor destroys the widget and any value associated with it.
+  */
+  Fl_Float_Input(int X,int Y,int W,int H,const char *l = 0);
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_FormsBitmap.H
@@ -1,0 +1,47 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Forms bitmap header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_FormsBitmap widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_FormsBitmap_H
+#define Fl_FormsBitmap_H
+#include "Fl_Bitmap.H"
+    Forms compatibility Bitmap Image Widget
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_FormsBitmap : public Fl_Widget {
+    Fl_Bitmap *b;
+    void draw();
+    Fl_FormsBitmap(Fl_Boxtype, int, int, int, int, const char * = 0);
+    void set(int W, int H, const uchar *bits);
+    /** Sets a new bitmap. */
+    void bitmap(Fl_Bitmap *B) {b = B;}
+    /** Gets a the current associated Fl_Bitmap objects. */
+    Fl_Bitmap *bitmap() const {return b;}
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_FormsPixmap.H
@@ -1,0 +1,54 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Forms pixmap header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_FormsPixmap widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_FormsPixmap_H
+#define Fl_FormsPixmap_H
+#include "Fl_Pixmap.H"
+  \class Fl_FormsPixmap
+  \brief Forms pixmap drawing routines
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_FormsPixmap : public Fl_Widget {
+    Fl_Pixmap *b;
+    void draw();
+    Fl_FormsPixmap(Fl_Boxtype t, int X, int Y, int W, int H, const char *L= 0);
+    void set(/*const*/char * const * bits);
+    /**
+      Set the internal pixmap pointer to an existing pixmap.
+      \param[in] B existing pixmap
+    */
+    void Pixmap(Fl_Pixmap *B) {b = B;}
+    /** Get the internal pixmap pointer. */
+    Fl_Pixmap *Pixmap() const {return b;}
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Free.H
@@ -1,0 +1,80 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Forms free header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Free widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_Free_H
+#define Fl_Free_H
+#ifndef Fl_Widget_H
+#include "Fl_Widget.H"
+#define FL_NORMAL_FREE		1 /**< normal event handling */
+#define FL_SLEEPING_FREE	2 /**< deactivate event handling */
+#define FL_INPUT_FREE		3 /**< accepts FL_FOCUS events */
+#define FL_CONTINUOUS_FREE	4 /**< repeated timeout handling */
+/** appropriate signature for handle function */
+typedef int (*FL_HANDLEPTR)(Fl_Widget *, int , float, float, char);
+  Emulation of the Forms "free" widget.
+  This emulation allows the free demo to run, and appears to be useful for
+  porting programs written in Forms which use the free widget or make
+  subclasses of the Forms widgets.
+  There are five types of free, which determine when the handle function
+  is called:
+  \li \c FL_NORMAL_FREE      normal event handling.
+  \li \c FL_SLEEPING_FREE    deactivates event handling (widget is inactive).
+  \li \c FL_INPUT_FREE       accepts FL_FOCUS events.
+  \li \c FL_CONTINUOUS_FREE  sets a timeout callback 100 times a second and
+                             provides an FL_STEP event. This has obvious
+			     detrimental effects on machine performance.
+  \li \c FL_ALL_FREE         same as FL_INPUT_FREE and FL_CONTINUOUS_FREE.
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Free : public Fl_Widget {
+    FL_HANDLEPTR hfunc;
+    static void step(void *);
+    void draw();
+    int handle(int e);
+  Fl_Free(uchar t,int X,int Y,int W,int H,const char *L,FL_HANDLEPTR hdl);
+  ~Fl_Free();
+// old event names for compatibility:
+#define FL_MOUSE	FL_DRAG /**< for backward compatibility */
+#define FL_DRAW		100     /**< for backward compatibility [UNUSED]*/
+#define FL_STEP		101     /**< for backward compatibility */
+#define FL_FREEMEM	102     /**< for backward compatibility [UNUSED]*/
+#define FL_FREEZE	103     /**< for backward compatibility [UNUSED]*/
+#define FL_THAW		104     /**< for backward compatibility [UNUSED]*/
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_GIF_Image.H
@@ -1,0 +1,42 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// GIF image header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_GIF_Image widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_GIF_Image_H
+#define Fl_GIF_Image_H
+#  include "Fl_Pixmap.H"
+ The Fl_GIF_Image class supports loading, caching,
+ and drawing of Compuserve GIF<SUP>SM</SUP> images. The class
+ loads the first image and supports transparency.
+ */
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_GIF_Image : public Fl_Pixmap {
+  public:
+  Fl_GIF_Image(const char* filename);
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Gl_Window.H
@@ -1,0 +1,284 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// OpenGL header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2015 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Gl_Window widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_Gl_Window_H
+#define Fl_Gl_Window_H
+#include "Fl_Window.H"
+#ifndef GLContext
+  Opaque pointer type to hide system specific implementation.
+typedef void* GLContext; // actually a GLXContext or HGLDC
+class Fl_Gl_Choice; // structure to hold result of glXChooseVisual
+  The Fl_Gl_Window widget sets things up so OpenGL works.
+  It also keeps an OpenGL "context" for that window, so that changes to the
+  lighting and projection may be reused between redraws. Fl_Gl_Window
+  also flushes the OpenGL streams and swaps buffers after draw() returns.
+  OpenGL hardware typically provides some overlay bit planes, which
+  are very useful for drawing UI controls atop your 3D graphics.  If the
+  overlay hardware is not provided, FLTK tries to simulate the overlay.
+  This works pretty well if your graphics are double buffered, but not
+  very well for single-buffered.
+  Please note that the FLTK drawing and clipping functions
+  will not work inside an Fl_Gl_Window. All drawing
+  should be done using OpenGL calls exclusively.
+  Even though Fl_Gl_Window is derived from Fl_Group, 
+  it is not useful to add other FLTK Widgets as children,
+  unless those widgets are modified to draw using OpenGL calls.
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Gl_Window : public Fl_Window {
+  int mode_;
+  const int *alist;
+  Fl_Gl_Choice *g;
+  GLContext context_;
+  char valid_f_;
+  char damage1_; // damage() of back buffer
+  virtual void draw_overlay();
+  void init();
+  void *overlay;
+  void make_overlay();
+  friend class _Fl_Gl_Overlay;
+  static int can_do(int, const int *);
+  int mode(int, const int *);
+  static int gl_plugin_linkage();
+  void show();
+  void show(int a, char **b) {Fl_Window::show(a,b);}
+  void flush();
+  void hide();
+  void resize(int,int,int,int);
+  int handle(int);
+  /**
+    Is turned off when FLTK creates a new context for this window or 
+    when the window resizes, and is turned on \e after draw() is called.
+    You can use this inside your draw() method to avoid unnecessarily
+    initializing the OpenGL context. Just do this:
+    \code
+    void mywindow::draw() {
+     if (!valid()) {
+       glViewport(0,0,pixel_w(),pixel_h());
+       glFrustum(...);
+       ...other initialization...
+     }
+     if (!context_valid()) {
+       ...load textures, etc. ...
+     }
+     ... draw your geometry here ...
+    }
+    \endcode
+    You can turn valid() on by calling valid(1).  You
+    should only do this after fixing the transformation inside a draw()
+    or after make_current().  This is done automatically after 
+    draw() returns.
+  */
+  char valid() const {return valid_f_ & 1;}
+  /**
+    See char Fl_Gl_Window::valid() const 
+  */
+  void valid(char v) {if (v) valid_f_ |= 1; else valid_f_ &= 0xfe;}
+  void invalidate();
+  /**
+    Will only be set if the 
+    OpenGL context is created or recreated. It differs from
+    Fl_Gl_Window::valid() which is also set whenever the context
+    changes size.
+  */
+  char context_valid() const {return valid_f_ & 2;}
+  /**
+    See char Fl_Gl_Window::context_valid() const 
+  */
+  void context_valid(char v) {if (v) valid_f_ |= 2; else valid_f_ &= 0xfd;}
+  /**  Returns non-zero if the hardware supports the given OpenGL mode. */
+  static int can_do(int m) {return can_do(m,0);}
+  /**  Returns non-zero if the hardware supports the given OpenGL mode.
+   \see Fl_Gl_Window::mode(const int *a) */
+  static int can_do(const int *m) {return can_do(0, m);}
+  /**  Returns non-zero if the hardware supports the current OpenGL mode. */
+  int can_do() {return can_do(mode_,alist);}
+  /** Returns the current OpenGL capabilites of the window.
+   Don't use this if capabilities were set through Fl_Gl_Window::mode(const int *a).
+   */
+  Fl_Mode mode() const {return (Fl_Mode)mode_;}
+  /**
+   Set or change the OpenGL capabilites of the window.  The value can be
+   any of the following OR'd together:
+   - \c FL_RGB - RGB color (not indexed)
+   - \c FL_RGB8 - RGB color with at least 8 bits of each color
+   - \c FL_INDEX - Indexed mode
+   - \c FL_SINGLE - not double buffered
+   - \c FL_DOUBLE - double buffered
+   - \c FL_ACCUM - accumulation buffer
+   - \c FL_ALPHA - alpha channel in color
+   - \c FL_DEPTH - depth buffer
+   - \c FL_STENCIL - stencil buffer
+   - \c FL_MULTISAMPLE - multisample antialiasing
+   - \c FL_OPENGL3 - use OpenGL version 3.0 or more.
+   FL_RGB and FL_SINGLE have a value of zero, so they
+   are "on" unless you give FL_INDEX or FL_DOUBLE.
+   If the desired combination cannot be done, FLTK will try turning off
+   FL_MULTISAMPLE.  If this also fails the show() will call
+   Fl::error() and not show the window.
+   You can change the mode while the window is displayed.  This is most
+   useful for turning double-buffering on and off.  Under X this will
+   cause the old X window to be destroyed and a new one to be created.  If
+   this is a top-level window this will unfortunately also cause the
+   window to blink, raise to the top, and be de-iconized, and the xid()
+   will change, possibly breaking other code.  It is best to make the GL
+   window a child of another window if you wish to do this!
+   mode() must not be called within draw() since it
+   changes the current context.
+   The FL_OPENGL3 flag is required to access OpenGL version 3 or more
+   under the X11 and MacOS platforms; it's optional under Windows.
+   See more details in \ref opengl3.
+   \version the <tt>FL_OPENGL3</tt> flag appeared in version 1.3.4
+   */
+  int mode(int a) {return mode(a,0);}
+  /** Set the OpenGL capabilites of the window using platform-specific data.
+   \param a zero-ending array of platform-specific attributes and attribute values
+   <p><b>Unix/Linux platform</b>: attributes are GLX attributes adequate for the 3rd argument of
+   the <tt>glXChooseVisual()</tt> function (e.g., <tt>GLX_DOUBLEBUFFER</tt>, defined by including <GL/glx.h>).
+   \note What attributes are adequate here is subject to change.
+   The preferred, stable public API is Fl_Gl_Window::mode(int a).
+   <p><b>MSWindows platform</b>: this member function is of no use.
+   <p><b>Mac OS X platform</b>: attributes belong to the <tt>CGLPixelFormatAttribute</tt> enumeration
+   (defined by including <tt><OpenGL/OpenGL.h></tt>, e.g., <tt>kCGLPFADoubleBuffer</tt>)
+   and may be followed by adequate attribute values.
+   */
+  int mode(const int *a) {return mode(0, a);}
+  /** Returns a pointer to the GLContext that this window is using.
+   \see void context(void* v, int destroy_flag) */
+  void* context() const {return context_;}
+  void context(void*, int destroy_flag = 0);
+  void make_current();
+  void swap_buffers();
+  void ortho();
+  /**
+    Returns true if the hardware overlay is possible.  If this is false,
+    FLTK will try to simulate the overlay, with significant loss of update
+    speed.  Calling this will cause FLTK to open the display.
+  */
+  int can_do_overlay();
+  /**
+    This method causes draw_overlay() to be called at a later time.
+    Initially the overlay is clear. If you want the window to display
+    something in the overlay when it first appears, you must call this
+    immediately after you show() your window.
+  */
+  void redraw_overlay();
+  void hide_overlay();
+  /**
+    The make_overlay_current() method selects the OpenGL context
+    for the widget's overlay.  It is called automatically prior to the 
+    draw_overlay() method being called and can also be used to
+    implement feedback and/or selection within the handle()
+    method.
+  */
+  void make_overlay_current();
+  // Note: Doxygen docs in Fl_Widget.H to avoid redundancy.
+  virtual Fl_Gl_Window* as_gl_window() {return this;}
+  /** The number of pixels per FLTK unit of length for the window.
+   Returns 1, except for a window mapped to
+   an Apple 'retina' display, and if Fl::use_high_res_GL(bool) is set to true,
+   when it returns 2. This method dynamically adjusts its value when the window
+   is moved to/from a retina display. This method is useful, e.g., to convert,
+   in a window's handle() method, the FLTK units returned by Fl::event_x() and
+   Fl::event_y() to the pixel units used by the OpenGL source code.
+   \version 1.3.4
+   */
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+  float pixels_per_unit();
+  float pixels_per_unit() { return 1; }
+  /** Gives the window width in OpenGL pixels.
+   Generally identical with the result of the w() function, but for a window mapped to
+   an Apple 'retina' display, and if Fl::use_high_res_GL(bool) is set to true,
+   pixel_w() returns 2 * w(). This method detects when the window has been moved
+   between low and high resolution displays and automatically adjusts the returned value.
+   \version 1.3.4
+   */
+  int pixel_w() { return int(pixels_per_unit() * w() + 0.5); }
+  /** Gives the window height in OpenGL pixels.
+   Generally identical with the result of the h() function, but for a window mapped to
+   an Apple 'retina' display, and if Fl::use_high_res_GL(bool) is set to true,
+   pixel_h() returns 2 * h(). This method detects when the window has been moved
+   between low and high resolution displays and automatically adjusts the returned value.
+   \version 1.3.4
+   */
+  int pixel_h() { return int(pixels_per_unit() * h() + 0.5); }
+  ~Fl_Gl_Window();
+  /**
+    Creates a new Fl_Gl_Window widget using the given size, and label string. 
+    The default boxtype is FL_NO_BOX. The default mode is FL_RGB|FL_DOUBLE|FL_DEPTH.
+  */
+  Fl_Gl_Window(int W, int H, const char *l=0) : Fl_Window(W,H,l) {init();}
+  /**
+    Creates a new Fl_Gl_Window widget using the given position,
+    size, and label string. The default boxtype is FL_NO_BOX. The
+    default mode is FL_RGB|FL_DOUBLE|FL_DEPTH.
+  */
+  Fl_Gl_Window(int X, int Y, int W, int H, const char *l=0)
+    : Fl_Window(X,Y,W,H,l) {init();}
+  /**
+    Draws the Fl_Gl_Window.
+    You \e \b must override the draw() method.
+  */
+  virtual void draw();
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Group.H
@@ -1,0 +1,228 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Group header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Group, Fl_End classes . */
+#ifndef Fl_Group_H
+#define Fl_Group_H
+#ifndef Fl_Widget_H
+#include "Fl_Widget.H"
+  The Fl_Group class is the FLTK container widget. It maintains
+  an array of child widgets. These children can themselves be any widget
+  including Fl_Group. The most important subclass of Fl_Group
+  is Fl_Window, however groups can also be used to control radio buttons
+  or to enforce resize behavior.
+  The tab and arrow keys are used to move the focus between widgets of
+  this group, and to other groups. The only modifier grabbed is shift
+  (for shift-tab), so that ctrl-tab, alt-up, and such are free
+  for the app to use as shortcuts.
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Group : public Fl_Widget {
+  Fl_Widget** array_;
+  Fl_Widget* savedfocus_;
+  Fl_Widget* resizable_;
+  int children_;
+  int *sizes_; // remembered initial sizes of children
+  int navigation(int);
+  static Fl_Group *current_;
+  // unimplemented copy ctor and assignment operator
+  Fl_Group(const Fl_Group&);
+  Fl_Group& operator=(const Fl_Group&);
+  void draw();
+  void draw_child(Fl_Widget& widget) const;
+  void draw_children();
+  void draw_outside_label(const Fl_Widget& widget) const ;
+  void update_child(Fl_Widget& widget) const;
+  int  *sizes();
+  int handle(int);
+  void begin();
+  void end();
+  static Fl_Group *current();
+  static void current(Fl_Group *g);
+  /**
+    Returns how many child widgets the group has.
+  */
+  int children() const {return children_;}
+  /**
+    Returns array()[n].  <i>No range checking is done!</i>
+  */
+  Fl_Widget* child(int n) const {return array()[n];}
+  int find(const Fl_Widget*) const;
+  /**
+    See int Fl_Group::find(const Fl_Widget *w) const 
+  */
+  int find(const Fl_Widget& o) const {return find(&o);}
+  Fl_Widget* const* array() const;
+  void resize(int,int,int,int);
+  /**
+    Creates a new Fl_Group widget using the given position, size,
+    and label string. The default boxtype is FL_NO_BOX.
+  */
+  Fl_Group(int,int,int,int, const char * = 0);
+  virtual ~Fl_Group();
+  void add(Fl_Widget&);
+  /**
+    See void Fl_Group::add(Fl_Widget &w) 
+  */
+  void add(Fl_Widget* o) {add(*o);}
+  void insert(Fl_Widget&, int i);
+  /**
+    This does insert(w, find(before)).  This will append the
+    widget if \p before is not in the group.
+  */
+  void insert(Fl_Widget& o, Fl_Widget* before) {insert(o,find(before));}
+  void remove(int index);
+  void remove(Fl_Widget&);
+  /**
+    Removes the widget \p o from the group.
+    \sa void remove(Fl_Widget&)
+  */
+  void remove(Fl_Widget* o) {remove(*o);}
+  void clear();
+  /**
+    See void Fl_Group::resizable(Fl_Widget *box) 
+  */
+  void resizable(Fl_Widget& o) {resizable_ = &o;}
+  /**
+    The resizable widget defines the resizing box for the group. When the
+    group is resized it calculates a new size and position for all of its
+    children. Widgets that are horizontally or vertically inside the
+    dimensions of the box are scaled to the new size. Widgets outside the
+    box are moved.
+    In these examples the gray area is the resizable:
+    \image html resizebox1.png
+    <br>
+    \image html resizebox2.png
+    \image latex resizebox1.png "before resize"  width=4cm
+    \image latex resizebox2.png "after resize"   width=4.85cm
+    The resizable may be set to the group itself, in which case all the
+    contents are resized. This is the default value for Fl_Group,
+    although NULL is the default for Fl_Window and Fl_Pack.
+    If the resizable is NULL then all widgets remain a fixed size
+    and distance from the top-left corner.
+    It is possible to achieve any type of resize behavior by using an
+    invisible Fl_Box as the resizable and/or by using a hierarchy
+    of child Fl_Group's.
+  */
+  void resizable(Fl_Widget* o) {resizable_ = o;}
+  /**
+    See void Fl_Group::resizable(Fl_Widget *box) 
+  */
+  Fl_Widget* resizable() const {return resizable_;}
+  /**
+    Adds a widget to the group and makes it the resizable widget.
+  */
+  void add_resizable(Fl_Widget& o) {resizable_ = &o; add(o);}
+  void init_sizes();
+  /**
+    Controls whether the group widget clips the drawing of
+    child widgets to its bounding box.
+    Set \p c to 1 if you want to clip the child widgets to the
+    bounding box.
+    The default is to not clip (0) the drawing of child widgets.
+  */
+  void clip_children(int c) { if (c) set_flag(CLIP_CHILDREN); else clear_flag(CLIP_CHILDREN); }
+  /**
+    Returns the current clipping mode.
+    \return true, if clipping is enabled, false otherwise.
+    \see void Fl_Group::clip_children(int c)
+  */
+  unsigned int clip_children() { return (flags() & CLIP_CHILDREN) != 0; }
+  // Note: Doxygen docs in Fl_Widget.H to avoid redundancy.
+  virtual Fl_Group* as_group() { return this; }
+  // back compatibility functions:
+  /**
+    \deprecated This is for backwards compatibility only. You should use
+    \e W->%take_focus() instead.
+    \sa Fl_Widget::take_focus();
+  */
+  void focus(Fl_Widget* W) {W->take_focus();}
+  /** This is for forms compatibility only */
+  Fl_Widget* & _ddfdesign_kludge() {return resizable_;}
+  /** This is for forms compatibility only */
+  void forms_end();
+// dummy class used to end child groups in constructors for complex
+// subclasses of Fl_Group:
+  This is a dummy class that allows you to end a Fl_Group in a constructor list of a
+  class:
+  \code 
+   class MyClass {
+   Fl_Group group;
+   Fl_Button button_in_group;
+   Fl_End end;
+   Fl_Button button_outside_group;
+   MyClass();
+  };
+  MyClass::MyClass() :
+   group(10,10,100,100),
+   button_in_group(20,20,60,30),
+   end(),
+   button_outside_group(10,120,60,30)
+  {} 
+  \endcode
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_End {
+  /** All it does is calling Fl_Group::current()->end() */
+  Fl_End() {Fl_Group::current()->end();}
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Help_Dialog.H
@@ -1,0 +1,90 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Fl_Help_Dialog dialog for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2015 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+// ========================================================================
+//  DO NOT EDIT FL/Fl_Help_Dialog.H and src/Fl_Help_Dialog.cxx !!!
+// ========================================================================
+//  Please use fluid to change src/Fl_Help_Dialog.fl interactively
+//  and then use fluid to "write code" or edit and use fluid -c .
+// ========================================================================
+// generated by Fast Light User Interface Designer (fluid) version 1.0305
+#ifndef Fl_Help_Dialog_H
+#define Fl_Help_Dialog_H
+#include <FL/Fl.H>
+#include <FL/Fl_Double_Window.H>
+#include <FL/Fl_Group.H>
+#include <FL/Fl_Button.H>
+#include <FL/Fl_Input.H>
+#include <FL/Fl_Box.H>
+#include <FL/Fl_Help_View.H>
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Help_Dialog {
+  int index_; 
+  int max_; 
+  int line_[100]; // FIXME: we must remove those static numbers
+  char file_[100][FL_PATH_MAX]; // FIXME: we must remove those static numbers
+  int find_pos_; 
+  Fl_Help_Dialog();
+  Fl_Double_Window *window_;
+  Fl_Button *back_;
+  inline void cb_back__i(Fl_Button*, void*);
+  static void cb_back_(Fl_Button*, void*);
+  Fl_Button *forward_;
+  inline void cb_forward__i(Fl_Button*, void*);
+  static void cb_forward_(Fl_Button*, void*);
+  Fl_Button *smaller_;
+  inline void cb_smaller__i(Fl_Button*, void*);
+  static void cb_smaller_(Fl_Button*, void*);
+  Fl_Button *larger_;
+  inline void cb_larger__i(Fl_Button*, void*);
+  static void cb_larger_(Fl_Button*, void*);
+  Fl_Input *find_;
+  inline void cb_find__i(Fl_Input*, void*);
+  static void cb_find_(Fl_Input*, void*);
+  Fl_Help_View *view_;
+  inline void cb_view__i(Fl_Help_View*, void*);
+  static void cb_view_(Fl_Help_View*, void*);
+  ~Fl_Help_Dialog();
+  int h();
+  void hide();
+  void load(const char *f);
+  void position(int xx, int yy);
+  void resize(int xx, int yy, int ww, int hh);
+  void show();
+  void show(int argc, char **argv);
+  void textsize(Fl_Fontsize s);
+  Fl_Fontsize textsize();
+  void topline(const char *n);
+  void topline(int n);
+  void value(const char *f);
+  const char * value() const;
+  int visible();
+  int w();
+  int x();
+  int y();
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Help_View.H
@@ -1,0 +1,399 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Help Viewer widget definitions.
+// Copyright 1997-2010 by Easy Software Products.
+// Image support by Matthias Melcher, Copyright 2000-2009.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Help_View widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_Help_View_H
+#  define Fl_Help_View_H
+// Include necessary header files...
+#  include <stdio.h>
+#  include "Fl.H"
+#  include "Fl_Group.H"
+#  include "Fl_Scrollbar.H"
+#  include "fl_draw.H"
+#  include "Fl_Shared_Image.H"
+#  include "filename.H"
+// Fl_Help_Func type - link callback function for files...
+typedef const char *(Fl_Help_Func)(Fl_Widget *, const char *);
+// Fl_Help_Block structure...
+struct Fl_Help_Block {
+  const char	*start,		// Start of text
+		*end;		// End of text
+  uchar		border;		// Draw border?
+  Fl_Color	bgcolor;	// Background color
+  int		x,		// Indentation/starting X coordinate
+		y,		// Starting Y coordinate
+		w,		// Width
+		h;		// Height
+  int		line[32];	// Left starting position for each line
+// Fl_Help_Link structure...
+/** Definition of a link for the html viewer. */
+struct Fl_Help_Link {
+  char		filename[192],	///< Reference filename
+		name[32];	///< Link target (blank if none)
+  int		x,		///< X offset of link text
+		y,		///< Y offset of link text
+		w,		///< Width of link text
+		h;		///< Height of link text
+ * Fl_Help_View font stack opaque implementation
+ */
+/** Fl_Help_View font stack element definition. */
+struct FL_EXPORT Fl_Help_Font_Style {
+  Fl_Font      f;  ///< Font
+  Fl_Fontsize  s;  ///< Font Size
+  Fl_Color     c;  ///< Font Color
+  void get(Fl_Font &afont, Fl_Fontsize &asize, Fl_Color &acolor) {afont=f; asize=s; acolor=c;} ///< Gets current font attributes
+  void set(Fl_Font afont, Fl_Fontsize asize, Fl_Color acolor) {f=afont; s=asize; c=acolor;} ///< Sets current font attributes
+  Fl_Help_Font_Style(Fl_Font afont, Fl_Fontsize asize, Fl_Color acolor) {set(afont, asize, acolor);}
+  Fl_Help_Font_Style(){} // For in table use
+/** Fl_Help_View font stack definition. */
+const size_t MAX_FL_HELP_FS_ELTS = 100;
+struct FL_EXPORT Fl_Help_Font_Stack {
+  /** font stack construction, initialize attributes. */
+  Fl_Help_Font_Stack() {
+    nfonts_ = 0;
+  }
+  void init(Fl_Font f, Fl_Fontsize s, Fl_Color c) { 
+    nfonts_ = 0;
+    elts_[nfonts_].set(f, s, c);
+    fl_font(f, s); 
+    fl_color(c);
+  }
+  /** Gets the top (current) element on the stack. */
+  void top(Fl_Font &f, Fl_Fontsize &s, Fl_Color &c) { elts_[nfonts_].get(f, s, c); }
+  /** Pushes the font style triplet on the stack, also calls fl_font() & fl_color() adequately */
+  void push(Fl_Font f, Fl_Fontsize s, Fl_Color c) { 
+    if (nfonts_ <  MAX_FL_HELP_FS_ELTS-1) nfonts_ ++;
+    elts_[nfonts_].set(f, s, c);
+    fl_font(f, s); fl_color(c); 
+  }
+  /** Pops from the stack the font style triplet and calls fl_font() & fl_color() adequately */
+  void pop(Fl_Font &f, Fl_Fontsize &s, Fl_Color &c) { 
+    if (nfonts_ > 0) nfonts_ --;
+    top(f, s, c);
+    fl_font(f, s); fl_color(c);
+  }
+  /** Gets the current count of font style elements in the stack. */
+  size_t count() const {return nfonts_;} // Gets the current number of fonts in the stack
+  size_t nfonts_;		///< current number of fonts in stack
+  Fl_Help_Font_Style elts_[100]; ///< font elements
+/** Fl_Help_Target structure */
+struct Fl_Help_Target {
+  char		name[32];	///< Target name
+  int		y;		///< Y offset of target
+  The Fl_Help_View widget displays HTML text. Most HTML 2.0
+  elements are supported, as well as a primitive implementation of tables.
+  GIF, JPEG, and PNG images are displayed inline.
+  Supported HTML tags:
+     - A: HREF/NAME
+     - B
+     - BR
+     - CENTER
+     - CODE
+     - DD
+     - DL
+     - DT
+     - EM
+     - FONT: COLOR/SIZE/FACE=(helvetica/arial/sans/times/serif/symbol/courier)
+     - H1/H2/H3/H4/H5/H6
+     - HEAD
+     - HR
+     - I
+     - KBD
+     - LI
+     - OL
+     - P
+     - PRE
+     - STRONG
+     - TITLE
+     - TT
+     - U
+     - UL
+     - VAR
+  Supported color names:
+     - black,red,green,yellow,blue,magenta,fuchsia,cyan,aqua,white,gray,grey,lime,maroon,navy,olive,purple,silver,teal.
+  Supported urls:
+     - Internal: file:
+     - External: http: ftp: https: ipp: mailto: news:
+  Quoted char names:
+     - Aacute aacute Acirc acirc acute AElig aelig Agrave agrave amp Aring aring Atilde atilde Auml auml
+     - brvbar bull
+     - Ccedil ccedil cedil cent copy curren
+     - deg divide
+     - Eacute eacute Ecirc ecirc Egrave egrave ETH eth Euml euml euro
+     - frac12 frac14 frac34
+     - gt
+     - Iacute iacute Icirc icirc iexcl Igrave igrave iquest Iuml iuml
+     - laquo lt
+     - macr micro middot
+     - nbsp not Ntilde ntilde
+     - Oacute oacute Ocirc ocirc Ograve ograve ordf ordm Oslash oslash Otilde otilde Ouml ouml
+     - para permil plusmn pound
+     - quot
+     - raquo reg
+     - sect shy sup1 sup2 sup3 szlig
+     - THORN thorn times trade
+     - Uacute uacute Ucirc ucirc Ugrave ugrave uml Uuml uuml
+     - Yacute yacute
+     - yen Yuml yuml
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Help_View : public Fl_Group {	// Help viewer widget
+  enum { RIGHT = -1, CENTER, LEFT };	///< Alignments
+  char		title_[1024];		///< Title string
+  Fl_Color	defcolor_,		///< Default text color
+		bgcolor_,		///< Background color
+		textcolor_,		///< Text color
+		linkcolor_;		///< Link color
+  Fl_Font       textfont_;		///< Default font for text
+  Fl_Fontsize  textsize_;		///< Default font size
+  const char	*value_;		///< HTML text value
+  Fl_Help_Font_Stack fstack_;		///< font stack management
+  int		nblocks_,		///< Number of blocks/paragraphs
+		ablocks_;		///< Allocated blocks
+  Fl_Help_Block	*blocks_;		///< Blocks
+  Fl_Help_Func	*link_;			///< Link transform function
+  int		nlinks_,		///< Number of links
+		alinks_;		///< Allocated links
+  Fl_Help_Link	*links_;		///< Links
+  int		ntargets_,		///< Number of targets
+		atargets_;		///< Allocated targets
+  Fl_Help_Target *targets_;		///< Targets
+  char		directory_[FL_PATH_MAX];///< Directory for current file
+  char		filename_[FL_PATH_MAX];	///< Current filename
+  int		topline_,		///< Top line in document
+		leftline_,		///< Lefthand position
+		size_,			///< Total document length
+		hsize_,			///< Maximum document width
+  		scrollbar_size_;	///< Size for both scrollbars
+  Fl_Scrollbar	scrollbar_,		///< Vertical scrollbar for document
+		hscrollbar_;		///< Horizontal scrollbar
+  static int    selection_first;
+  static int    selection_last;
+  static int    selection_push_first;
+  static int    selection_push_last;
+  static int    selection_drag_first;
+  static int    selection_drag_last;
+  static int    selected;
+  static int    draw_mode;
+  static int    mouse_x;
+  static int    mouse_y;
+  static int    current_pos;
+  static Fl_Help_View *current_view;
+  static Fl_Color hv_selection_color;
+  static Fl_Color hv_selection_text_color;
+  void initfont(Fl_Font &f, Fl_Fontsize &s, Fl_Color &c) { f = textfont_; s = textsize_; c = textcolor_; fstack_.init(f, s, c); }
+  void pushfont(Fl_Font f, Fl_Fontsize s) {fstack_.push(f, s, textcolor_);}
+  void pushfont(Fl_Font f, Fl_Fontsize s, Fl_Color c) {fstack_.push(f, s, c);}
+  void popfont(Fl_Font &f, Fl_Fontsize &s, Fl_Color &c) {fstack_.pop(f, s, c);}
+  Fl_Help_Block	*add_block(const char *s, int xx, int yy, int ww, int hh, uchar border = 0);
+  void		add_link(const char *n, int xx, int yy, int ww, int hh);
+  void		add_target(const char *n, int yy);
+  static int	compare_targets(const Fl_Help_Target *t0, const Fl_Help_Target *t1);
+  int		do_align(Fl_Help_Block *block, int line, int xx, int a, int &l);
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10303
+  void		draw();
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10303
+  void		format();
+  void		format_table(int *table_width, int *columns, const char *table);
+  void		free_data();
+  int		get_align(const char *p, int a);
+  const char	*get_attr(const char *p, const char *n, char *buf, int bufsize);
+  Fl_Color	get_color(const char *n, Fl_Color c);
+  Fl_Shared_Image *get_image(const char *name, int W, int H);
+  int		get_length(const char *l);
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10303
+  int		handle(int);
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10303
+  void          hv_draw(const char *t, int x, int y, int entity_extra_length = 0);
+  char          begin_selection();
+  char          extend_selection();
+  void          end_selection(int c=0);
+  void          clear_global_selection();
+  Fl_Help_Link  *find_link(int, int);
+  void          follow_link(Fl_Help_Link*);
+  Fl_Help_View(int xx, int yy, int ww, int hh, const char *l = 0);
+  ~Fl_Help_View();
+  /** Returns the current directory for the text in the buffer. */
+  const char	*directory() const { if (directory_[0]) return (directory_);
+  					else return ((const char *)0); }
+  /** Returns the current filename for the text in the buffer. */
+  const char	*filename() const { if (filename_[0]) return (filename_);
+  					else return ((const char *)0); }
+  int		find(const char *s, int p = 0);
+  /**
+    This method assigns a callback function to use when a link is
+    followed or a file is loaded (via Fl_Help_View::load()) that
+    requires a different file or path.
+    The callback function receives a pointer to the Fl_Help_View
+    widget and the URI or full pathname for the file in question.
+    It must return a pathname that can be opened as a local file or NULL:
+    \code
+    const char *fn(Fl_Widget *w, const char *uri);
+    \endcode
+    The link function can be used to retrieve remote or virtual
+    documents, returning a temporary file that contains the actual
+    data. If the link function returns NULL, the value of
+    the Fl_Help_View widget will remain unchanged.
+    If the link callback cannot handle the URI scheme, it should
+    return the uri value unchanged or set the value() of the widget
+    before returning NULL.
+  */
+  void		link(Fl_Help_Func *fn) { link_ = fn; }
+  int		load(const char *f);
+  void		resize(int,int,int,int);
+  /** Gets the size of the help view. */
+  int		size() const { return (size_); }
+  void		size(int W, int H) { Fl_Widget::size(W, H); }
+  /** Sets the default text color. */
+  void		textcolor(Fl_Color c) { if (textcolor_ == defcolor_) textcolor_ = c; defcolor_ = c; }
+  /** Returns the current default text color. */
+  Fl_Color	textcolor() const { return (defcolor_); }
+  /** Sets the default text font. */
+  void		textfont(Fl_Font f) { textfont_ = f; format(); }
+  /** Returns the current default text font. */
+  Fl_Font       textfont() const { return (textfont_); }
+  /** Sets the default text size. */
+  void		textsize(Fl_Fontsize s) { textsize_ = s; format(); }
+  /** Gets the default text size. */
+  Fl_Fontsize  textsize() const { return (textsize_); }
+  /** Returns the current document title, or NULL if there is no title. */
+  const char	*title() { return (title_); }
+  void		topline(const char *n);
+  void		topline(int);
+  /** Returns the current top line in pixels. */
+  int		topline() const { return (topline_); }
+  void		leftline(int);
+  /** Gets the left position in pixels. */
+  int		leftline() const { return (leftline_); }
+  void		value(const char *val);
+  /** Returns the current buffer contents. */
+  const char	*value() const { return (value_); }
+  void          clear_selection();
+  void          select_all();
+  /**
+    Gets the current size of the scrollbars' troughs, in pixels.
+    If this value is zero (default), this widget will use the 
+    Fl::scrollbar_size() value as the scrollbar's width.
+    \returns Scrollbar size in pixels, or 0 if the global Fl::scrollbar_size() is being used.
+    \see Fl::scrollbar_size(int)
+  */
+  int scrollbar_size() const {
+      return(scrollbar_size_);
+  }
+  /**
+    Sets the pixel size of the scrollbars' troughs to \p newSize, in pixels.
+    Normally you should not need this method, and should use
+    Fl::scrollbar_size(int) instead to manage the size of ALL 
+    your widgets' scrollbars. This ensures your application 
+    has a consistent UI, is the default behavior, and is normally
+    what you want.
+    Only use THIS method if you really need to override the global
+    scrollbar size. The need for this should be rare.
+    Setting \p newSize to the special value of 0 causes the widget to
+    track the global Fl::scrollbar_size(), which is the default.
+    \param[in] newSize Sets the scrollbar size in pixels.\n
+                    If 0 (default), scrollbar size tracks the global Fl::scrollbar_size()
+    \see Fl::scrollbar_size()
+  */
+  void scrollbar_size(int newSize) {
+      scrollbar_size_ = newSize;
+  }   
+#endif // !Fl_Help_View_H
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Hold_Browser.H
@@ -1,0 +1,51 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Hold browser header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Hold_Browser widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_Hold_Browser_H
+#define Fl_Hold_Browser_H
+#include "Fl_Browser.H"
+  The Fl_Hold_Browser is a subclass of Fl_Browser
+  which lets the user select a single item, or no items by clicking on
+  the empty space.  As long as the mouse button is held down the item
+  pointed to by it is highlighted, and this highlighting remains on when
+  the mouse button is released. Normally the callback is done when the
+  user releases the mouse, but you can change this with when().
+  <P>See Fl_Browser for methods to add and remove lines from the browser.
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Hold_Browser : public Fl_Browser {
+  /**
+    Creates a new Fl_Hold_Browser widget using the given
+    position, size, and label string. The default boxtype is FL_DOWN_BOX.
+    The constructor specializes Fl_Browser() by setting the type to FL_HOLD_BROWSER.
+    The destructor destroys the widget and frees all memory that has been allocated.
+ */
+  Fl_Hold_Browser(int X,int Y,int W,int H,const char *L=0);
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Hor_Fill_Slider.H
@@ -1,0 +1,36 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Horizontal fill slider header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Hor_Fill_Slider widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_Hor_Fill_Slider_H
+#define Fl_Hor_Fill_Slider_H
+#include "Fl_Slider.H"
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Hor_Fill_Slider : public Fl_Slider {
+  Fl_Hor_Fill_Slider(int X,int Y,int W,int H,const char *L=0);
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Hor_Nice_Slider.H
@@ -1,0 +1,36 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Horizontal "nice" slider header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Hor_Nice_Slider widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_Hor_Nice_Slider_H
+#define Fl_Hor_Nice_Slider_H
+#include "Fl_Slider.H"
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Hor_Nice_Slider : public Fl_Slider {
+  Fl_Hor_Nice_Slider(int X,int Y,int W,int H,const char *L=0);
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Hor_Slider.H
@@ -1,0 +1,45 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Horizontal slider header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2011 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Hor_Slider widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_Hor_Slider_H
+#define Fl_Hor_Slider_H
+#include "Fl_Slider.H"
+/** Horizontal Slider class.
+  \see class Fl_Slider.
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Hor_Slider : public Fl_Slider {
+  /**
+    Creates a new Fl_Hor_Slider widget using the given position,
+    size, and label string.
+  */
+  Fl_Hor_Slider(int X,int Y,int W,int H,const char *l=0);
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Hor_Value_Slider.H
@@ -1,0 +1,36 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Horizontal value slider header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Hor_Value_Slider widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_Hor_Value_Slider_H
+#define Fl_Hor_Value_Slider_H
+#include "Fl_Value_Slider.H"
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Hor_Value_Slider : public Fl_Value_Slider {
+  Fl_Hor_Value_Slider(int X,int Y,int W,int H,const char *l=0);
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Image.H
@@ -1,0 +1,262 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Image header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2016 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/** \file
+   Fl_Image, Fl_RGB_Image classes. */
+#ifndef Fl_Image_H
+#  define Fl_Image_H
+#  include "Enumerations.H"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+class Fl_Widget;
+class Fl_Pixmap;
+struct Fl_Menu_Item;
+struct Fl_Label;
+/** \enum Fl_RGB_Scaling
+ The scaling algorithm to use for RGB images.
+enum Fl_RGB_Scaling {
+  FL_RGB_SCALING_NEAREST = 0, ///< default RGB image scaling algorithm
+  FL_RGB_SCALING_BILINEAR     ///< more accurate, but slower RGB image scaling algorithm
+ \brief Base class for image caching and drawing.
+ Fl_Image is the base class used for caching and drawing all kinds of images 
+ in FLTK. This class keeps track of common image data such as the pixels, 
+ colormap, width, height, and depth. Virtual methods are used to provide 
+ type-specific image handling.
+ Since the Fl_Image class does not support image
+ drawing by itself, calling the draw() method results in
+ a box with an X in it being drawn instead.
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Image {
+  static const int ERR_NO_IMAGE    = -1;
+  static const int ERR_FILE_ACCESS = -2;
+  static const int ERR_FORMAT      = -3;
+  int w_, h_, d_, ld_, count_;
+  const char * const *data_;
+  static Fl_RGB_Scaling RGB_scaling_;
+  // Forbid use of copy constructor and assign operator
+  Fl_Image & operator=(const Fl_Image &);
+  Fl_Image(const Fl_Image &);
+  /**
+   Sets the current image width in pixels.
+   */
+  void w(int W) {w_ = W;}
+  /**
+   Sets the current image height in pixels.
+   */
+  void h(int H) {h_ = H;}
+  /**
+   Sets the current image depth.
+   */
+  void d(int D) {d_ = D;}
+  /**
+   Sets the current line data size in bytes.
+   Color images may contain extra data that is included after every
+   line of color image data and is normally not present.
+   If \p LD is zero, then line data size is assumed to be w() * d() bytes.
+   If \p LD is non-zero, then it must be positive and larger than w() * d()
+   to account for the extra data per line.
+   */
+  void ld(int LD) {ld_ = LD;}
+  /** 
+   Sets the current array pointer and count of pointers in the array.
+   */
+  void data(const char * const *p, int c) {data_ = p; count_ = c;}
+  void draw_empty(int X, int Y);
+  static void labeltype(const Fl_Label *lo, int lx, int ly, int lw, int lh, Fl_Align la);
+  static void measure(const Fl_Label *lo, int &lw, int &lh);
+  /** 
+   Returns the current image width in pixels.
+   */
+  int w() const {return w_;}
+  /**
+   Returns the current image height in pixels.
+   */
+  int h() const {return h_;}
+  /**
+   Returns the current image depth.
+   The return value will be 0 for bitmaps, 1 for
+   pixmaps, and 1 to 4 for color images.</P>
+   */
+  int d() const {return d_;}
+  /**
+   Returns the current line data size in bytes.
+   \see ld(int)
+   */
+  int ld() const {return ld_;}
+  /**
+   The count() method returns the number of data values
+   associated with the image. The value will be 0 for images with
+   no associated data, 1 for bitmap and color images, and greater
+   than 2 for pixmap images.
+   */
+  int count() const {return count_;}
+  /**
+   Returns a pointer to the current image data array.
+   Use the count() method to find the size of the data array.
+   */
+  const char * const *data() const {return data_;}
+  int fail();
+  Fl_Image(int W, int H, int D);
+  virtual ~Fl_Image();
+  virtual Fl_Image *copy(int W, int H);
+  /**
+   The copy() method creates a copy of the specified
+   image. If the width and height are provided, the image is
+   resized to the specified size. The image should be deleted (or in
+   the case of Fl_Shared_Image, released) when you are done
+   with it.
+   */
+  Fl_Image *copy() { return copy(w(), h()); }
+  virtual void color_average(Fl_Color c, float i);
+  /**
+   The inactive() method calls
+   color_average(FL_BACKGROUND_COLOR, 0.33f) to produce
+   an image that appears grayed out.
+   An internal copy is made of the original image before
+   changes are applied, to avoid modifying the original image.
+   */
+  void inactive() { color_average(FL_GRAY, .33f); }
+  virtual void desaturate();
+  virtual void label(Fl_Widget*w);
+  virtual void label(Fl_Menu_Item*m);
+  /**
+   Draws the image with a bounding box.
+   Arguments <tt>X,Y,W,H</tt> specify
+   a bounding box for the image, with the origin        
+   (upper-left corner) of the image offset by the \c cx
+   and \c cy arguments.
+   In other words:  <tt>fl_push_clip(X,Y,W,H)</tt> is applied,
+   the image is drawn with its upper-left corner at <tt>X-cx,Y-cy</tt> and its own width and height,
+   <tt>fl_pop_clip</tt><tt>()</tt> is applied.
+   */
+  virtual void draw(int X, int Y, int W, int H, int cx=0, int cy=0); // platform dependent
+  /**
+   Draws the image.
+   This form specifies the upper-lefthand corner of the image.
+   */
+  void draw(int X, int Y) {draw(X, Y, w(), h(), 0, 0);} // platform dependent
+  virtual void uncache();
+  // set RGB image scaling method
+  static void RGB_scaling(Fl_RGB_Scaling);
+  // get RGB image scaling method
+  static Fl_RGB_Scaling RGB_scaling();
+  The Fl_RGB_Image class supports caching and drawing
+  of full-color images with 1 to 4 channels of color information.
+  Images with an even number of channels are assumed to contain
+  alpha information, which is used to blend the image with the
+  contents of the screen.
+  Fl_RGB_Image is defined in
+  &lt;FL/Fl_Image.H&gt;, however for compatibility reasons
+  &lt;FL/Fl_RGB_Image.H&gt; should be included.
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_RGB_Image : public Fl_Image {
+  friend class Fl_Quartz_Graphics_Driver;
+  friend class Fl_GDI_Graphics_Driver;
+  friend class Fl_GDI_Printer_Graphics_Driver;
+  friend class Fl_Xlib_Graphics_Driver;
+  static size_t max_size_;
+  /** Points to the start of the object's data array
+   */
+  const uchar *array;
+  /** If non-zero, the object's data array is delete[]'d when deleting the object.
+   */
+  int alloc_array;
+  private:
+#if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(WIN32)
+  void *id_; // for internal use
+  void *mask_; // for internal use (mask bitmap)
+  unsigned id_; // for internal use
+  unsigned mask_; // for internal use (mask bitmap)
+#endif // __APPLE__ || WIN32
+  Fl_RGB_Image(const uchar *bits, int W, int H, int D=3, int LD=0);
+  Fl_RGB_Image(const Fl_Pixmap *pxm, Fl_Color bg=FL_GRAY);
+  virtual ~Fl_RGB_Image();
+  virtual Fl_Image *copy(int W, int H);
+  Fl_Image *copy() { return copy(w(), h()); }
+  virtual void color_average(Fl_Color c, float i);
+  virtual void desaturate();
+  virtual void draw(int X, int Y, int W, int H, int cx=0, int cy=0);
+  void draw(int X, int Y) {draw(X, Y, w(), h(), 0, 0);}
+  virtual void label(Fl_Widget*w);
+  virtual void label(Fl_Menu_Item*m);
+  virtual void uncache();
+  /** Sets the maximum allowed image size in bytes when creating an Fl_RGB_Image object.
+   The image size in bytes of an Fl_RGB_Image object is the value of the product w() * h() * d().
+   If this product exceeds size, the created object of a derived class of Fl_RGB_Image 
+   won't be loaded with the image data.
+   This does not apply to direct RGB image creation with 
+   Fl_RGB_Image::Fl_RGB_Image(const uchar *bits, int W, int H, int D, int LD).
+   The default max_size() value is essentially infinite. 
+   */
+  static void max_size(size_t size) { max_size_ = size;}
+  /** Returns the maximum allowed image size in bytes when creating an Fl_RGB_Image object.
+   \sa  void Fl_RGB_Image::max_size(size_t)
+   */
+  static size_t max_size() {return max_size_;}
+#endif // !Fl_Image_H
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Image_Surface.H
@@ -1,0 +1,99 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Draw-to-image code for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2014 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+#ifndef Fl_Image_Surface_H
+#define Fl_Image_Surface_H
+#include <FL/Fl_Copy_Surface.H>
+#include <FL/Fl_Image.H>
+#include <FL/Fl_Shared_Image.H>
+/** Directs all graphics requests to an Fl_Image.
+ After creation of an Fl_Image_Surface object, call set_current() on it, and all subsequent graphics requests
+ will be recorded in the image. It's possible to draw widgets (using Fl_Image_Surface::draw()) 
+ or to use any of the \ref fl_drawings or the \ref fl_attributes.
+ Finally, call image() on the object to obtain a newly allocated Fl_RGB_Image object.
+ <br> Fl_GL_Window objects can be drawn in the image as well. 
+ <br> Usage example:
+ \code
+ Fl_Widget *g = ...; // a widget you want to draw in an image
+ Fl_Image_Surface *img_surf = new Fl_Image_Surface(g->w(), g->h()); // create an Fl_Image_Surface object
+ img_surf->set_current(); // direct graphics requests to the image
+ fl_color(FL_WHITE); fl_rectf(0, 0, g->w(), g->h()); // draw a white background
+ img_surf->draw(g); // draw the g widget in the image
+ Fl_RGB_Image* image = img_surf->image(); // get the resulting image
+ delete img_surf; // delete the img_surf object
+ Fl_Display_Device::display_device()->set_current();  // direct graphics requests back to the display
+ \endcode
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Image_Surface : public Fl_Surface_Device {
+  void prepare_(int w, int h, int highres);
+  Fl_Offscreen offscreen;
+  int width;
+  int height;
+  Fl_Paged_Device *helper;
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+#elif defined(WIN32)
+  HDC _sgc; 
+  Window _sw; 
+  Fl_Surface_Device *_ss;
+  int _savedc;
+  Fl_Surface_Device *previous;
+  Window pre_window;
+  GC gc;
+  static const char *class_id;
+  const char *class_name() {return class_id;};
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10304 || defined(FL_DOXYGEN)
+  Fl_Image_Surface(int w, int h, int highres = 0);
+  Fl_Image_Surface(int w, int h, int highres);
+  Fl_Image_Surface(int w, int h);
+  ~Fl_Image_Surface();
+  void set_current();
+  void draw(Fl_Widget*, int delta_x = 0, int delta_y = 0);
+  void draw_decorated_window(Fl_Window* win, int delta_x = 0, int delta_y = 0);
+  Fl_RGB_Image *image();
+  Fl_Shared_Image *highres_image();
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+/* Mac class to implement translate()/untranslate() for a flipped bitmap graphics context */
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Quartz_Flipped_Surface_ : public Fl_Quartz_Surface_ {
+  static const char *class_id;
+  const char *class_name() {return class_id;};
+  Fl_Quartz_Flipped_Surface_(int w, int h);
+  void translate(int x, int y);
+  void untranslate();
+  virtual ~Fl_Quartz_Flipped_Surface_() {};
+#endif // Fl_Image_Surface_H
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Input.H
@@ -1,0 +1,269 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Input header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Input widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_Input_H
+#define Fl_Input_H
+#include "Fl_Input_.H"
+  This is the FLTK text input widget. It displays a single line
+  of text and lets the user edit it. Normally it is drawn with an
+  inset box and a white background. The text may contain any
+  characters, and will correctly display any UTF text, using
+  ^X notation for unprintable control characters. It assumes the
+  font can draw any characters of the used scripts, which is true
+  for standard fonts under MSWindows and Mac OS X.
+  Characters can be input using the keyboard or the character palette/map.
+  Character composition is done using dead keys and/or a compose
+  key as defined by the operating system.
+  <P>
+ <!-- DON'T use the class name in the caption, or doxygen 1.8.x will fail. -->
+  <TABLE WIDTH="90%" BORDER="1" SUMMARY="Fl_Input keyboard and mouse bindings.">
+    <CAPTION ALIGN="TOP">Keyboard and mouse bindings.</CAPTION>
+      <B>Mouse button 1</B> 
+    </TD><TD>
+      Moves the cursor to this point. 
+      Drag selects characters. 
+      Double click selects words. 
+      Triple click selects all line.
+      Shift+click extends the selection.
+      When you select text it is automatically copied to the selection buffer.
+      <B>Mouse button 2</B> 
+    </TD><TD>
+      Insert the selection buffer at the point clicked.
+      You can also select a region and replace it with the selection buffer
+      by selecting the region with mouse button 2.
+      <B>Mouse button 3</B>
+    </TD><TD>
+      Currently acts like button 1.
+      <B>Backspace</B>
+    </TD><TD>
+      Deletes one character to the left, or deletes the selected region.
+      <B>Delete</B>
+    </TD><TD>
+      Deletes one character to the right, or deletes the selected region.
+      Combine with Shift for equivalent of ^X (copy+cut).
+      <B>Enter</b>
+    </TD><TD>
+      May cause the callback, see when().
+  </TD></TR></TABLE>
+  <P>
+  <TABLE WIDTH="90%" BORDER="1" SUMMARY="Fl_Input platform specific keyboard bindings.">
+    <CAPTION ALIGN="TOP">Platform specific keyboard bindings.</CAPTION>
+  <TR>
+    <TD NOWRAP="NOWRAP" WIDTH="1%"><B> Windows/Linux </B></TD>
+    <TD NOWRAP="NOWRAP" WIDTH="1%"><B> Mac </B></TD>
+    <TD NOWRAP="NOWRAP"           ><B> Function </B></TD>
+  </TR><TR>
+    <TD NOWRAP="NOWRAP"><B> ^A </B></TD>
+    <TD NOWRAP="NOWRAP"><B> Command-A </B></TD>
+    <TD>
+      <B>Selects all text in the widget.</B>
+  </TD></TR><TR>
+    <TD NOWRAP="NOWRAP"><B> ^C </B></TD>
+    <TD NOWRAP="NOWRAP"><B> Command-C </B></TD>
+    <TD>
+      <B>Copy the current selection to the clipboard.</B>
+  </TD></TR><TR>
+    <TD NOWRAP="NOWRAP"><B> ^I </B></TD>
+    <TD NOWRAP="NOWRAP"><B> ^I </B></TD>
+    <TD>
+      <B>Insert a tab.</B>
+  </TD></TR><TR>
+    <TD NOWRAP="NOWRAP"><B> ^J </B></TD>
+    <TD NOWRAP="NOWRAP"><B> ^J </B></TD>
+    <TD>
+      <B>Insert a Line Feed.</B> <BR>
+      (Similar to literal 'Enter' character)
+  </TD></TR><TR>
+    <TD NOWRAP="NOWRAP"><B> ^L </B></TD>
+    <TD NOWRAP="NOWRAP"><B> ^L </B></TD>
+    <TD>
+      <B>Insert a Form Feed.</B>
+  </TD></TR><TR>
+    <TD NOWRAP="NOWRAP"><B> ^M </B></TD>
+    <TD NOWRAP="NOWRAP"><B> ^M </B></TD>
+    <TD>
+      <B>Insert a Carriage Return.</B>
+  </TD></TR><TR>
+    <TD NOWRAP="NOWRAP"><B> ^V,<BR>Shift-Insert </B></TD>
+    <TD NOWRAP="NOWRAP"><B> Command-V </B></TD>
+    <TD>
+      <B>Paste the clipboard.</B> <BR>
+      (Macs keyboards don't have "Insert" keys, 
+      but if they did, Shift-Insert would work)
+  </TD></TR><TR>
+    <TD NOWRAP="NOWRAP"><B> ^X,<BR>Shift-Delete </B></TD>
+    <TD NOWRAP="NOWRAP"><B> Command-X,<BR>Shift-Delete </B></TD>
+    <TD>
+      <B>Cut.</B> <BR>
+      Copy the selection to the clipboard and delete it.
+      (If there's no selection, Shift-Delete acts like Delete)
+  </TD></TR><TR>
+    <TD NOWRAP="NOWRAP"><B> ^Z </B></TD>
+    <TD NOWRAP="NOWRAP"><B> Command-Z </B></TD>
+    <TD>
+      <B>Undo.</B> <BR>
+      This is a single-level undo mechanism, but all adjacent 
+      deletions and insertions are concatenated into a single "undo".
+      Often this will undo a lot more than you expected. 
+  </TD></TR><TR>
+    <TD NOWRAP="NOWRAP"><B> Shift-^Z </B></TD>
+    <TD NOWRAP="NOWRAP"><B> Shift-Command-Z </B></TD>
+    <TD>
+      <B>Redo.</B> <BR>
+      Currently same behavior as ^Z. 
+      Reserved for future multilevel undo/redo.
+  </TD></TR><TR>
+    <TD NOWRAP="NOWRAP"><B> Arrow Keys </B></TD>
+    <TD NOWRAP="NOWRAP"><B> Arrow Keys </B></TD>
+    <TD>
+      <B>Standard cursor movement.</B> <BR>
+      Can be combined with Shift to extend selection.
+  </TD></TR><TR>
+    <TD NOWRAP="NOWRAP"><B> Home </B></TD>
+    <TD NOWRAP="NOWRAP"><B> Command-Up,<BR>Command-Left </B></TD>
+    <TD>
+      <B>Move to start of line.</B> <BR>
+      Can be combined with Shift to extend selection.
+  </TD></TR><TR>
+    <TD NOWRAP="NOWRAP"><B> End </B></TD>
+    <TD NOWRAP="NOWRAP"><B> Command-Down,<BR>Command-Right </B></TD>
+    <TD>
+      <B>Move to end of line.</B> <BR>
+      Can be combined with Shift to extend selection.
+  </TD></TR><TR>
+    <TD NOWRAP="NOWRAP"><B>Ctrl-Home</B></TD>
+    <TD NOWRAP="NOWRAP"><B>Command-Up,<BR>Command-PgUp,<BR>Ctrl-Left</B></TD>
+    <TD>
+      <B>Move to top of document/field.</B> <BR>
+      In single line input, moves to start of line.
+      In multiline input, moves to start of top line.
+      Can be combined with Shift to extend selection.
+  </TD></TR><TR>
+    <TD NOWRAP="NOWRAP"><B> Ctrl-End </B></TD>
+    <TD NOWRAP="NOWRAP"><B> Command-End,<BR>Command-PgDn,<BR>Ctrl-Right</B></TD>
+    <TD>
+      <B>Move to bottom of document/field.</B> <BR>
+      In single line input, moves to end of line.
+      In multiline input, moves to end of last line.
+      Can be combined with Shift to extend selection.
+  </TD></TR><TR>
+    <TD NOWRAP="NOWRAP"><B> Ctrl-Left </B></TD>
+    <TD NOWRAP="NOWRAP"><B> Alt-Left </B></TD>
+    <TD>
+      <B>Word left.</B> <BR>
+      Can be combined with Shift to extend selection.
+  </TD></TR><TR>
+    <TD NOWRAP="NOWRAP"><B> Ctrl-Right </B></TD>
+    <TD NOWRAP="NOWRAP"><B> Alt-Right </B></TD>
+    <TD>
+      <B>Word right.</B> <BR>
+      Can be combined with Shift to extend selection.
+  </TD></TR><TR>
+    <TD NOWRAP="NOWRAP"><B> Ctrl-Backspace </B></TD>
+    <TD NOWRAP="NOWRAP"><B> Alt-Backspace </B></TD>
+    <TD>
+      <B>Delete word left.</B>
+  </TD></TR><TR>
+    <TD NOWRAP="NOWRAP"><B> Ctrl-Delete </B></TD>
+    <TD NOWRAP="NOWRAP"><B> Alt-Delete </B></TD>
+    <TD>
+      <B>Delete word right.</B>
+  </TD></TR></TABLE>
+  */
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Input : public Fl_Input_ {
+  int handle_key();
+  int shift_position(int p);
+  int shift_up_down_position(int p);
+  void handle_mouse(int keepmark=0);
+  // Private keyboard functions
+  int kf_lines_up(int repeat_num);
+  int kf_lines_down(int repeat_num);
+  int kf_page_up();
+  int kf_page_down();
+  int kf_insert_toggle();
+  int kf_delete_word_right();
+  int kf_delete_word_left();
+  int kf_delete_sol();
+  int kf_delete_eol();
+  int kf_delete_char_right();
+  int kf_delete_char_left();
+  int kf_move_sol();
+  int kf_move_eol();
+  int kf_clear_eol();
+  int kf_move_char_left();
+  int kf_move_char_right();
+  int kf_move_word_left();
+  int kf_move_word_right();
+  int kf_move_up_and_sol();
+  int kf_move_down_and_eol();
+  int kf_top();
+  int kf_bottom();
+  int kf_select_all();
+  int kf_undo();
+  int kf_redo();
+  int kf_copy();
+  int kf_paste();
+  int kf_copy_cut();
+  void draw();
+  int handle(int);
+  Fl_Input(int,int,int,int,const char * = 0);
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Input_.H
@@ -1,0 +1,499 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Input base class header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2015 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Input_ widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_Input__H
+#define Fl_Input__H
+#ifndef Fl_Widget_H
+#include "Fl_Widget.H"
+#define FL_NORMAL_INPUT		0
+#define FL_FLOAT_INPUT		1
+#define FL_INT_INPUT		2
+#define FL_HIDDEN_INPUT		3
+#define FL_SECRET_INPUT		5
+#define FL_INPUT_TYPE		7
+#define FL_INPUT_WRAP		16
+  This class provides a low-overhead text input field.
+  This is a virtual base class below Fl_Input. It has all
+  the same interfaces, but lacks the handle() and
+  draw() method. You may want to subclass it if you are
+  one of those people who likes to change how the editing keys
+  work. It may also be useful for adding scrollbars
+  to the input field.
+  This can act like any of the subclasses of Fl_Input, by
+  setting type() to one of the following values:
+  \code
+  #define FL_NORMAL_INPUT	   0
+  #define FL_FLOAT_INPUT	   1
+  #define FL_INT_INPUT		   2
+  #define FL_MULTILINE_INPUT	   4
+  #define FL_SECRET_INPUT	   5
+  #define FL_INPUT_TYPE		   7
+  #define FL_INPUT_READONLY	   8
+  #define FL_INPUT_WRAP		   16
+  \endcode
+  All variables that represent an index into a text buffer are byte-oriented,
+  not character oriented, counting from 0 (at or before the first character)
+  to size() (at the end of the buffer, after the last byte). Since UTF-8
+  characters can be up to six bytes long, simply incrementing such an index
+  will not reliably advance to the next character in the text buffer.
+  Indices and pointers into the text buffer should always point at a 7 bit ASCII
+  character or the beginning of a UTF-8 character sequence. Behavior for false
+  UTF-8 sequences and pointers into the middle of a sequence are undefined.
+  \see Fl_Text_Display, Fl_Text_Editor for more powerful text handling widgets
+  \internal
+  When porting this widget from ASCII to UTF-8, previously legal pointers into
+  the text of this widget can become illegal by pointing into the middle of
+  a UTF-8 sequence. This is not a big problem for Fl_Input_ because all code
+  in this module is quite tolerant. It could be problematic though when deriving
+  from this class because no feedback for illegal pointers is given. Additionally,
+  a careless "copy" call can put partial UTF-8 sequences into the clipboard.
+  None of these issues should be disastrous. Nevertheless, we should
+  discuss how FLTK should handle false UTF-8 sequences and pointers.
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Input_ : public Fl_Widget {
+  /** \internal Storage for the text field. */
+  const char* value_;
+  /** \internal Buffer memory for expanded text. \see expand() */
+  char* buffer;
+  /** \internal Size of text in bytes in the \p value_ field. */
+  int size_;
+  /** \internal Current size of internal value() buffer in bytes. */
+  int bufsize;
+  /** \internal Position of the cursor in the document. */
+  int position_;
+  /** \internal Position of the other end of the selected text.
+      If \p position_ equals \p mark_, no text is selected */
+  int mark_;
+  /** \internal Behavior of Tab key in multiline input widget. 
+      If enabled (default) Tab causes focus nav, otherwise Tab is inserted 
+      as a character. */
+  int tab_nav_;
+  /** \internal Offset to text origin within widget bounds */
+  int xscroll_, yscroll_;
+  /** \internal Minimal update pointer. Display requires redraw from here to the end
+      of the buffer. */
+  int mu_p;
+  /** \internal Maximum number of (UTF-8) characters a user can input. */
+  int maximum_size_;
+  /** \internal Shortcut key that will fetch focus for this widget. */
+  int shortcut_;
+  /** \internal This is set if no text but only the cursor needs updating. */
+  uchar erase_cursor_only;
+  /** \internal The font used for the entire text. */
+  Fl_Font textfont_;
+  /** \internal Height of the font used for the entire text. */
+  Fl_Fontsize textsize_;
+  /** \internal color of the entire text */
+  Fl_Color textcolor_;
+  /** \internal color of the text cursor */
+  Fl_Color cursor_color_;
+  /** \internal Horizontal cursor position in pixels while moving up or down. */
+  static double up_down_pos;
+  /** \internal Flag to remember last cursor move. */
+  static int was_up_down;
+  /* Convert a given text segment into the text that will be rendered on screen. */
+  const char* expand(const char*, char*) const;
+  /* Calculates the width in pixels of part of a text buffer. */
+  double expandpos(const char*, const char*, const char*, int*) const;
+  /* Mark a range of characters for update. */
+  void minimal_update(int, int);
+  /* Mark a range of characters for update. */
+  void minimal_update(int p);
+  /* Copy the value from a possibly static entry into the internal buffer. */
+  void put_in_buffer(int newsize);
+  /* Set the current font and font size. */
+  void setfont() const;
+  /* Find the start of a word. */
+  int word_start(int i) const;
+  /* Find the end of a word. */
+  int word_end(int i) const;
+  /* Find the start of a line. */
+  int line_start(int i) const;
+  /* Find the end of a line. */
+  int line_end(int i) const;
+  /* Draw the text in the passed bounding box. */
+  void drawtext(int, int, int, int);
+  /* Move the cursor to the column given by up_down_pos. */
+  int up_down_position(int, int keepmark=0);
+  /* Handle mouse clicks and mouse moves. */
+  void handle_mouse(int, int, int, int, int keepmark=0);
+  /* Handle all kinds of text field related events. */
+  int handletext(int e, int, int, int, int);
+  /* Check the when() field and do a callback if indicated. */
+  void maybe_do_callback();
+  /** \internal Horizontal offset of text to left edge of widget. */
+  int xscroll() const {return xscroll_;}
+  /** \internal Vertical offset of text to top edge of widget. */
+  int yscroll() const {return yscroll_;}
+  void yscroll(int yOffset) { yscroll_ = yOffset; damage(FL_DAMAGE_EXPOSE);}
+  /* Return the number of lines displayed on a single page.  */
+  int linesPerPage();
+  /* Change the size of the widget. */
+  void resize(int, int, int, int);
+  /* Constructor */
+  Fl_Input_(int, int, int, int, const char* = 0);
+  /* Destructor */
+  ~Fl_Input_();
+  /* Changes the widget text. */
+  int value(const char*);
+  /* Changes the widget text. */
+  int value(const char*, int);
+  /* Changes the widget text. */
+  int static_value(const char*);
+  /* Changes the widget text. */
+  int static_value(const char*, int);
+  /**
+      Returns the text displayed in the widget.
+      This function returns the current value, which is a pointer
+      to the internal buffer and is valid only until the next event is
+      handled.
+      \return pointer to an internal buffer - do not free() this    
+      \see Fl_Input_::value(const char*)
+  */
+  const char* value() const {return value_;}
+  /* Returns the character at index \p i. */
+  Fl_Char index(int i) const;
+  /**
+    Returns the number of bytes in value(). 
+    This may be greater than <tt>strlen(value())</tt> if there are 
+    \c nul characters in the text.
+    \return number of bytes in the text
+  */
+  int size() const {return size_;}
+  /** Sets the width and height of this widget.
+    \param [in] W, H new width and height
+    \see Fl_Widget::size(int, int) */
+  void size(int W, int H) { Fl_Widget::size(W, H); }
+  /** Gets the maximum length of the input field in characters.
+    \see maximum_size(int). */
+  int maximum_size() const {return maximum_size_;}
+  /** Sets the maximum length of the input field in characters.
+    This limits the number of <b>characters</b> that can be inserted
+    in the widget.
+    Since FLTK 1.3 this is different than the buffer size, since one
+    character can be more than one byte in UTF-8 encoding. In FLTK 1.1
+    this was the same (one byte = one character).
+  */
+  void maximum_size(int m) {maximum_size_ = m;}
+  /** Gets the position of the text cursor.
+    \return the cursor position as an index in the range 0..size()
+    \see position(int, int)
+  */
+  int position() const {return position_;}
+  /** Gets the current selection mark. 
+    \return index into the text */
+  int mark() const {return mark_;}
+  /* Sets the index for the cursor and mark. */
+  int position(int p, int m);
+  /** Sets the cursor position and mark.
+    position(n) is the same as <tt>position(n, n)</tt>.
+    \param p new index for cursor and mark
+    \return 0 if no positions changed
+    \see position(int, int), position(), mark(int)
+  */
+  int position(int p) {return position(p, p);}
+  /** Sets the current selection mark. 
+    mark(n) is the same as <tt>position(position(),n)</tt>.
+    \param m new index of the mark 
+    \return 0 if the mark did not change
+    \see position(), position(int, int) */
+  int mark(int m) {return position(position(), m);}
+  /* Deletes text from \p b to \p e and inserts the new string \p text. */
+  int replace(int b, int e, const char *text, int ilen=0);
+  /**
+    Deletes the current selection.
+    This function deletes the currently selected text
+    \e without storing it in the clipboard. To use the clipboard,
+    you may call copy() first or copy_cuts() after
+    this call.
+    \return 0 if no data was copied
+  */
+  int cut() {return replace(position(), mark(), 0);}
+  /**
+    Deletes the next \p n bytes rounded to characters before or after the cursor.
+    This function deletes the currently selected text
+    \e without storing it in the clipboard. To use the clipboard,
+    you may call copy() first or copy_cuts() after
+    this call.
+    \param n number of bytes rounded to full characters and clamped to the buffer.
+           A negative number will cut characters to the left of the cursor.
+    \return 0 if no data was copied
+  */
+  int cut(int n) {return replace(position(), position()+n, 0);}
+  /**
+    Deletes all characters between index \p a and \p b.
+    This function deletes the currently selected text
+    \e without storing it in the clipboard. To use the clipboard,
+    you may call copy() first or copy_cuts() after
+    this call.
+    \param a, b range of bytes rounded to full characters and clamped to the buffer
+    \return 0 if no data was copied
+  */
+  int cut(int a, int b) {return replace(a, b, 0);}
+  /**
+    Inserts text at the cursor position.
+    This function inserts the string in \p t at the cursor
+    position() and moves the new position and mark to
+    the end of the inserted text.
+    \param [in] t text that will be inserted
+    \param [in] l length of text, or 0 if the string is terminated by \c nul.
+    \return 0 if no text was inserted
+  */
+  int insert(const char* t, int l=0){return replace(position_, mark_, t, l);}
+  /* Put the current selection into the clipboard. */
+  int copy(int clipboard);
+  /* Undo previous changes to the text buffer. */
+  int undo();
+  /* Copy the yank buffer to the clipboard. */
+  int copy_cuts();
+  /** Return the shortcut key associated with this widget.
+    \return shortcut keystroke
+    \see Fl_Button::shortcut() */
+  int shortcut() const {return shortcut_;}
+  /** 
+    Sets the shortcut key associated with this widget.
+    Pressing the shortcut key gives text editing focus to this widget.
+    \param [in] s new shortcut keystroke 
+    \see Fl_Button::shortcut() 
+  */
+  void shortcut(int s) {shortcut_ = s;}
+  /** Gets the font of the text in the input field.
+    \return the current Fl_Font index */
+  Fl_Font textfont() const {return textfont_;}
+  /** Sets the font of the text in the input field.
+    The text font defaults to \c FL_HELVETICA.
+    \param [in] s the new text font */
+  void textfont(Fl_Font s) {textfont_ = s;}
+  /** Gets the size of the text in the input field.
+    \return the text height in pixels */
+  Fl_Fontsize textsize() const {return textsize_;}
+  /** Sets the size of the text in the input field.
+    The text height defaults to \c FL_NORMAL_SIZE.
+    \param [in] s the new font height in pixel units */
+  void textsize(Fl_Fontsize s) {textsize_ = s;}
+  /** Gets the color of the text in the input field.
+    \return the text color
+    \see textcolor(Fl_Color) */
+  Fl_Color textcolor() const {return textcolor_;}
+  /** Sets the color of the text in the input field.
+    The text color defaults to \c FL_FOREGROUND_COLOR.
+    \param [in] n new text color
+    \see textcolor() */
+  void textcolor(Fl_Color n) {textcolor_ = n;}
+  /** Gets the color of the cursor.  
+    \return the current cursor color */
+  Fl_Color cursor_color() const {return cursor_color_;}
+  /** Sets the color of the cursor.  
+    The default color for the cursor is \c FL_BLACK.
+    \param [in] n the new cursor color */
+  void cursor_color(Fl_Color n) {cursor_color_ = n;}
+  /** Gets the input field type. 
+    \return the current input type */
+  int input_type() const {return type() & FL_INPUT_TYPE; }
+  /** Sets the input field type. 
+    A redraw() is required to reformat the input field.
+    \param [in] t new input type */
+  void input_type(int t) { type((uchar)(t | readonly())); }
+  /** Gets the read-only state of the input field.  
+    \return non-zero if this widget is read-only */
+  int readonly() const { return type() & FL_INPUT_READONLY; }
+  /** Sets the read-only state of the input field.  
+    \param [in] b if \p b is 0, the text in this widget can be edited by the user */
+  void readonly(int b) { if (b) type((uchar)(type() | FL_INPUT_READONLY));
+                         else type((uchar)(type() & ~FL_INPUT_READONLY)); }
+  /**
+    Gets  the word wrapping state of the input field. 
+    Word wrap is only functional with multi-line input fields.
+  */
+  int wrap() const { return type() & FL_INPUT_WRAP; }
+  /**
+    Sets the word wrapping state of the input field. 
+    Word wrap is only functional with multi-line input fields.
+  */
+  void wrap(int b) { if (b) type((uchar)(type() | FL_INPUT_WRAP));
+                         else type((uchar)(type() & ~FL_INPUT_WRAP)); }
+  /**
+    Sets whether the Tab key does focus navigation, 
+    or inserts tab characters into Fl_Multiline_Input.
+    By default this flag is enabled to provide the 'normal' behavior 
+    most users expect; Tab navigates focus to the next widget. 
+    To inserting an actual Tab character, users can use Ctrl-I
+    or copy/paste.
+    Disabling this flag gives the old FLTK behavior where Tab
+    inserts a tab character into the text field, in which case
+    only the mouse can be used to navigate to the next field.
+    History: This flag was provided for backwards support of FLTK's old 1.1.x
+    behavior where Tab inserts a tab character instead of navigating 
+    focus to the next widget. This behavior was unique to Fl_Multiline_Input. 
+    With the advent of Fl_Text_Editor, this old behavior has been deprecated.
+    \param [in] val If \p val is 1, Tab advances focus (default).<BR>
+                    If \p val is 0, Tab inserts a tab character (old FLTK behavior).
+    \see tab_nav(), Fl::OPTION_ARROW_FOCUS.
+  */
+  void tab_nav(int val) {
+    tab_nav_ = val;
+  }
+  /**
+    Gets whether the Tab key causes focus navigation in multiline input fields or not.
+    If enabled (default), hitting Tab causes focus navigation to the next widget.
+    If disabled, hitting Tab inserts a tab character into the text field.
+    \returns 1 if Tab advances focus (default), 0 if Tab inserts tab characters.
+    \see tab_nav(int), Fl::OPTION_ARROW_FOCUS.
+  */
+  int tab_nav() const {
+    return tab_nav_;
+  }
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Input_Choice.H
@@ -1,0 +1,268 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// An input/chooser widget.
+//            ______________  ____
+//           |              || __ |
+//           | input area   || \/ |
+//           |______________||____|
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// Copyright 2004 by Greg Ercolano.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Input_Choice widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_Input_Choice_H
+#define Fl_Input_Choice_H
+#include <FL/Fl.H>
+#include <FL/Fl_Group.H>
+#include <FL/Fl_Input.H>
+#include <FL/Fl_Menu_Button.H>
+#include <FL/fl_draw.H>
+#include <string.h>
+  A combination of the input widget and a menu button.
+  \image html input_choice.jpg
+  \image latex input_choice.jpg "Fl_Input_Choice widget" width=6cm
+  The user can either type into the input area, or use the
+  menu button chooser on the right to choose an item which loads
+  the input area with the selected text.
+  The application can directly access both the internal Fl_Input 
+  and Fl_Menu_Button widgets respectively using the input() and menubutton()
+  accessor methods.
+  The default behavior is to invoke the Fl_Input_Choice::callback()
+  if the user changes the input field's contents, either by typing,
+  pasting, or clicking a different item in the choice menu.
+  The callback can determine if an item was picked vs. typing
+  into the input field by checking the value of menubutton()->changed(),
+  which will be:
+      - 1: the user picked a different item in the choice menu
+      - 0: the user typed or pasted directly into the input field
+  Example use:
+  \code
+  #include <stdio.h>
+  #include <FL/Fl.H>
+  #include <FL/Fl_Double_Window.H>
+  #include <FL/Fl_Input_Choice.H>
+  void choice_cb(Fl_Widget *w, void *userdata) {
+    // Show info about the picked item
+    Fl_Input_Choice *choice = (Fl_Input_Choice*)w;
+    const Fl_Menu_Item *item = choice->menubutton()->mvalue();
+    printf("*** Choice Callback:\n");
+    printf("    item label()='%s'\n", item ? item->label() : "(No item)");
+    printf("    item value()=%d\n", choice->menubutton()->value());
+    printf("    input value()='%s'\n", choice->input()->value());
+    printf("    The user %s\n", choice->menubutton()->changed()
+                                    ? "picked a menu item"
+                                    : "typed text");
+  }
+  int main() {
+    Fl_Double_Window win(200,100,"Input Choice");
+    win.begin();
+      Fl_Input_Choice choice(10,10,100,30);
+      choice.callback(choice_cb, 0);
+      choice.add("Red");
+      choice.add("Orange");
+      choice.add("Yellow");
+      //choice.value("Red");    // uncomment to make "Red" default
+    win.end();
+    return Fl::run();
+  }
+  \endcode
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Input_Choice : public Fl_Group {
+  // Private class to handle slightly 'special' behavior of menu button
+  class InputMenuButton : public Fl_Menu_Button {
+    void draw() {
+      draw_box(FL_UP_BOX, color());
+      fl_color(active_r() ? labelcolor() : fl_inactive(labelcolor()));
+      int xc = x()+w()/2, yc=y()+h()/2;
+      fl_polygon(xc-5,yc-3,xc+5,yc-3,xc,yc+3);
+      if (Fl::focus() == this) draw_focus();
+    }
+  public:
+    InputMenuButton(int X,int Y,int W,int H,const char*L=0) : 
+	Fl_Menu_Button(X, Y, W, H, L) { box(FL_UP_BOX); }
+  };
+  Fl_Input *inp_;
+  InputMenuButton *menu_;
+  // note: this is used by the Fl_Input_Choice ctor defined in Fl_Group.
+  static void menu_cb(Fl_Widget*, void *data) { 
+    Fl_Input_Choice *o=(Fl_Input_Choice *)data;
+    Fl_Widget_Tracker wp(o);
+    const Fl_Menu_Item *item = o->menubutton()->mvalue();
+    if (item && item->flags & (FL_SUBMENU|FL_SUBMENU_POINTER)) return;	// ignore submenus
+    if (!strcmp(o->inp_->value(), o->menu_->text()))
+    {
+      o->Fl_Widget::clear_changed();
+      if (o->when() & FL_WHEN_NOT_CHANGED)
+	o->do_callback();
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      o->inp_->value(o->menu_->text());
+      o->inp_->set_changed();
+      o->Fl_Widget::set_changed();
+      if (o->when() & (FL_WHEN_CHANGED|FL_WHEN_RELEASE))
+	o->do_callback();
+    }
+    if (wp.deleted()) return;
+    if (o->callback() != default_callback)
+    {
+      o->Fl_Widget::clear_changed();
+      o->inp_->clear_changed();
+    }
+  }
+  // note: this is used by the Fl_Input_Choice ctor defined in Fl_Group.
+  static void inp_cb(Fl_Widget*, void *data) { 
+    Fl_Input_Choice *o=(Fl_Input_Choice *)data;
+    Fl_Widget_Tracker wp(o);
+    if (o->inp_->changed()) {
+      o->Fl_Widget::set_changed();
+      if (o->when() & (FL_WHEN_CHANGED|FL_WHEN_RELEASE))
+	o->do_callback();
+    } else {
+      o->Fl_Widget::clear_changed();
+      if (o->when() & FL_WHEN_NOT_CHANGED)
+	o->do_callback();
+    }
+    if (wp.deleted()) return;
+    if (o->callback() != default_callback)
+      o->Fl_Widget::clear_changed();
+  }
+  // Custom resize behavior -- input stretches, menu button doesn't
+  inline int inp_x() { return(x() + Fl::box_dx(box())); }
+  inline int inp_y() { return(y() + Fl::box_dy(box())); }
+  inline int inp_w() { return(w() - Fl::box_dw(box()) - 20); }
+  inline int inp_h() { return(h() - Fl::box_dh(box())); }
+  inline int menu_x() { return(x() + w() - 20 - Fl::box_dx(box())); }
+  inline int menu_y() { return(y() + Fl::box_dy(box())); }
+  inline int menu_w() { return(20); }
+  inline int menu_h() { return(h() - Fl::box_dh(box())); }
+  /**
+    Creates a new Fl_Input_Choice widget using the given position, size,
+    and label string.
+    Inherited destructor destroys the widget and any values associated with it.
+  */
+  Fl_Input_Choice(int X,int Y,int W,int H,const char*L=0);
+  /** Adds an item to the menu.
+   You can access the more complex Fl_Menu_Button::add() methods 
+   (setting callbacks, userdata, etc), via menubutton(). Example:
+   \code
+   Fl_Input_Choice *choice = new Fl_Input_Choice(100,10,120,25,"Fonts");
+   Fl_Menu_Button *mb = choice->menubutton();             // use Fl_Input_Choice's Fl_Menu_Button
+   mb->add("Helvetica", 0, MyFont_CB,     (void*)mydata); // use Fl_Menu_Button's add() methods
+   mb->add("Courier",   0, MyFont_CB,     (void*)mydata);
+   mb->add("More..",    0, FontDialog_CB, (void*)mydata);
+   \endcode
+   */
+  void add(const char *s) { menu_->add(s);  }
+  /** Returns the combined changed() state of the input and menu button widget. */
+  int changed() const { return inp_->changed() | Fl_Widget::changed(); }
+  /** Clears the changed() state of both input and menu button widgets. */
+  void clear_changed() { 
+    inp_->clear_changed();
+    Fl_Widget::clear_changed();
+  }
+  /** Sets the changed() state of both input and menu button widgets
+   to the specfied value.*/
+  void set_changed() { 
+    inp_->set_changed();
+    // no need to call Fl_Widget::set_changed()
+  }
+  /** Removes all items from the menu. */
+  void clear() { menu_->clear(); }
+  /** Gets the box type of the menu button */
+  Fl_Boxtype down_box() const { return (menu_->down_box()); }
+  /** Sets the box type of the menu button */
+  void down_box(Fl_Boxtype b) { menu_->down_box(b); }
+  /** Gets the Fl_Menu_Item array used for the menu. */
+  const Fl_Menu_Item *menu() { return (menu_->menu()); }
+  /** Sets the Fl_Menu_Item array used for the menu. */
+  void menu(const Fl_Menu_Item *m) { menu_->menu(m); }
+  void resize(int X, int Y, int W, int H) {
+    Fl_Group::resize(X,Y,W,H);
+    inp_->resize(inp_x(), inp_y(), inp_w(), inp_h());
+    menu_->resize(menu_x(), menu_y(), menu_w(), menu_h());
+  }
+  /// Gets the Fl_Input text field's text color.
+  Fl_Color textcolor() const { return (inp_->textcolor());}
+  /// Sets the Fl_Input text field's text color to \p c.
+  void textcolor(Fl_Color c) { inp_->textcolor(c);}
+  /// Gets the Fl_Input text field's font style.
+  Fl_Font textfont() const { return (inp_->textfont());}
+  /// Sets the Fl_Input text field's font style to \p f.
+  void textfont(Fl_Font f) { inp_->textfont(f);}
+  /// Gets the Fl_Input text field's font size
+  Fl_Fontsize textsize() const { return (inp_->textsize()); }
+  /// Sets the Fl_Input text field's font size to \p s.
+  void textsize(Fl_Fontsize s) { inp_->textsize(s); }
+  /// Returns the Fl_Input text field's current contents.
+  const char* value() const { return (inp_->value()); }
+  /** Sets the Fl_Input text field's contents to \p val.
+   Does not affect the menu selection.*/
+  void value(const char *val) { inp_->value(val); }
+  /** Chooses item# \p val in the menu, and sets the Fl_Input text field
+   to that value. Any previous text is cleared.*/
+  void value(int val) {
+    menu_->value(val);
+    inp_->value(menu_->text(val));
+  }
+  /** Returns a pointer to the internal Fl_Menu_Button widget.
+   This can be used to access any of the methods of the menu button, e.g.
+   \code
+   Fl_Input_Choice *choice = new Fl_Input_Choice(100,10,120,25,"Choice:");
+   [..]
+   // Print all the items in the choice menu
+   for ( int t=0; t<choice->menubutton()->size(); t++ ) {
+       const Fl_Menu_Item &item = choice->menubutton()->menu()[t];
+       printf("item %d -- label=%s\n", t, item.label() ? item.label() : "(Null)");
+   }
+   \endcode
+  */
+  Fl_Menu_Button *menubutton() { return menu_; }
+  /** Returns a pointer to the internal Fl_Input widget.
+   This can be used to directly access all of the Fl_Input widget's
+   methods.*/
+  Fl_Input *input() { return inp_; }
+#endif // !Fl_Input_Choice_H
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Int_Input.H
@@ -1,0 +1,46 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Integer input header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Int_Input widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_Int_Input_H
+#define Fl_Int_Input_H
+#include "Fl_Input.H"
+  The Fl_Int_Input class is a subclass of Fl_Input that only allows
+  the user to type decimal digits (or hex numbers of the form 0xaef).
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Int_Input : public Fl_Input {
+  /**
+    Creates a new Fl_Int_Input widget using the given position,
+    size, and label string. The default boxtype is FL_DOWN_BOX.
+    Inherited destructor destroys the widget and any value associated with it.
+  */
+  Fl_Int_Input(int X,int Y,int W,int H,const char *l = 0);
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_JPEG_Image.H
@@ -1,0 +1,44 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// JPEG image header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_JPEG_Image class . */
+#ifndef Fl_JPEG_Image_H
+#define Fl_JPEG_Image_H
+#  include "Fl_Image.H"
+ The Fl_JPEG_Image class supports loading, caching,
+ and drawing of Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) File
+ Interchange Format (JFIF) images. The class supports grayscale
+ and color (RGB) JPEG image files.
+ */
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_JPEG_Image : public Fl_RGB_Image {
+  Fl_JPEG_Image(const char *filename);
+  Fl_JPEG_Image(const char *name, const unsigned char *data);
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Light_Button.H
@@ -1,0 +1,50 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Lighted button header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Light_Button widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_Light_Button_H
+#define Fl_Light_Button_H
+#include "Fl_Button.H"
+  This subclass displays the "on" state by turning on a light, 
+  rather than drawing pushed in.  The shape of the  "light" 
+  is initially set to FL_DOWN_BOX.  The color of the light when
+  on is controlled with selection_color(), which defaults to FL_YELLOW.
+  Buttons generate callbacks when they are clicked by the user.  You
+  control exactly when and how by changing the values for type() and when().
+  <P ALIGN=CENTER>\image html Fl_Light_Button.png</P> 
+  \image latex Fl_Light_Button.png "Fl_Light_Button" width=4cm
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Light_Button : public Fl_Button {
+    virtual void draw();
+    virtual int handle(int);
+    Fl_Light_Button(int x,int y,int w,int h,const char *l = 0);
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Line_Dial.H
@@ -1,0 +1,36 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Line dial header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Line_Dial widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_Line_Dial_H
+#define Fl_Line_Dial_H
+#include "Fl_Dial.H"
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Line_Dial : public Fl_Dial {
+  Fl_Line_Dial(int X,int Y,int W,int H, const char *L = 0);
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Menu.H
@@ -1,0 +1,24 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Old menu header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+// this include file is for back compatibility only
+#include "Fl_Menu_Item.H"
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Menu_.H
@@ -1,0 +1,188 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Menu base class header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2016 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Menu_ widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_Menu__H
+#define Fl_Menu__H
+#ifndef Fl_Widget_H
+#include "Fl_Widget.H"
+#include "Fl_Menu_Item.H"
+  Base class of all widgets that have a menu in FLTK.
+  Currently FLTK provides you with Fl_Menu_Button, Fl_Menu_Bar, and Fl_Choice.
+  The class contains a pointer to an array of structures of type Fl_Menu_Item.
+  The array may either be supplied directly by the user program, or it may
+  be "private": a dynamically allocated array managed by the Fl_Menu_.
+  When the user clicks a menu item, value() is set to that item
+  and then:
+    - If the Fl_Menu_Item has a callback set, that callback
+      is invoked with any userdata configured for it.
+      (The Fl_Menu_ widget's callback is NOT invoked.)
+    - For any Fl_Menu_Items that \b don't have a callback set,
+      the Fl_Menu_ widget's callback is invoked with any userdata
+      configured for it. The callback can determine which item
+      was picked using value(), mvalue(), item_pathname(), etc.
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Menu_ : public Fl_Widget {
+  Fl_Menu_Item *menu_;
+  const Fl_Menu_Item *value_;
+  uchar alloc;			// flag indicates if menu_ is a dynamic copy (=1) or not (=0)
+  uchar down_box_;
+  Fl_Font textfont_;
+  Fl_Fontsize textsize_;
+  Fl_Color textcolor_;
+  int item_pathname_(char *name, int namelen, const Fl_Menu_Item *finditem,
+                     const Fl_Menu_Item *menu=0) const;
+  Fl_Menu_(int,int,int,int,const char * =0);
+  ~Fl_Menu_();
+  int item_pathname(char *name, int namelen, const Fl_Menu_Item *finditem=0) const;
+  const Fl_Menu_Item* picked(const Fl_Menu_Item*);
+  const Fl_Menu_Item* find_item(const char *name);
+  const Fl_Menu_Item* find_item(Fl_Callback*);
+  int find_index(const char *name) const;
+  int find_index(const Fl_Menu_Item *item) const;
+  int find_index(Fl_Callback *cb) const;
+  /**
+    Returns the menu item with the entered shortcut (key value).
+    This searches the complete menu() for a shortcut that matches the
+    entered key value.  It must be called for a FL_KEYBOARD or FL_SHORTCUT
+    event.
+    If a match is found, the menu's callback will be called.
+    \return matched Fl_Menu_Item or NULL.
+  */
+  const Fl_Menu_Item* test_shortcut() {return picked(menu()->test_shortcut());}
+  void global();
+  /**
+    Returns a pointer to the array of Fl_Menu_Items.  This will either be
+    the value passed to menu(value) or the private copy.
+    \sa size() -- returns the size of the Fl_Menu_Item array.
+    \b Example: How to walk the array:
+    \code
+    for ( int t=0; t<menubar->size(); t++ ) {                // walk array of items
+        const Fl_Menu_Item &item = menubar->menu()[t];       // get each item
+        fprintf(stderr, "item #%d -- label=%s, value=%s type=%s\n",
+            t,
+            item.label() ? item.label() : "(Null)",          // menu terminators have NULL labels
+            (item.flags & FL_MENU_VALUE) ? "set" : "clear",  // value of toggle or radio items
+            (item.flags & FL_SUBMENU) ? "Submenu" : "Item"); // see if item is a submenu or actual item
+    }
+    \endcode
+  */
+  const Fl_Menu_Item *menu() const {return menu_;}
+  void menu(const Fl_Menu_Item *m);
+  void copy(const Fl_Menu_Item *m, void* user_data = 0);
+  int insert(int index, const char*, int shortcut, Fl_Callback*, void* = 0, int = 0);
+  int  add(const char*, int shortcut, Fl_Callback*, void* = 0, int = 0); // see src/Fl_Menu_add.cxx
+  /** See int Fl_Menu_::add(const char* label, int shortcut, Fl_Callback*, void *user_data=0, int flags=0) */
+  int  add(const char* a, const char* b, Fl_Callback* c, void* d = 0, int e = 0) {
+      return add(a,fl_old_shortcut(b),c,d,e);
+  }
+  /** See int Fl_Menu_::insert(const char* label, int shortcut, Fl_Callback*, void *user_data=0, int flags=0) */
+  int insert(int index, const char* a, const char* b, Fl_Callback* c, void* d = 0, int e = 0) {
+      return insert(index,a,fl_old_shortcut(b),c,d,e);
+  }
+  int  add(const char *);
+  int  size() const ;
+  void size(int W, int H) { Fl_Widget::size(W, H); }
+  void clear();
+  int clear_submenu(int index);
+  void replace(int,const char *);
+  void remove(int);
+  /** Changes the shortcut of item \p i to \p s. */
+  void shortcut(int i, int s) {menu_[i].shortcut(s);}
+  /** Sets the flags of item i.  For a list of the flags, see Fl_Menu_Item.  */
+  void mode(int i,int fl) {menu_[i].flags = fl;}
+  /** Gets the flags of item i.  For a list of the flags, see Fl_Menu_Item.  */
+  int  mode(int i) const {return menu_[i].flags;}
+  /** Returns a pointer to the last menu item that was picked.  */
+  const Fl_Menu_Item *mvalue() const {return value_;}
+  /** Returns the index into menu() of the last item chosen by the user.  It is zero initially. */
+  int value() const {return value_ ? (int)(value_-menu_) : -1;}
+  int value(const Fl_Menu_Item*);
+  /**
+    The value is the index into menu() of the last item chosen by
+    the user.  It is zero initially.  You can set it as an integer, or set
+    it with a pointer to a menu item.  The set routines return non-zero if
+    the new value is different than the old one.
+  */
+  int value(int i) {return value(menu_+i);}
+  /** Returns the title of the last item chosen.  */
+  const char *text() const {return value_ ? value_->text : 0;}
+  /** Returns the title of item i.  */
+  const char *text(int i) const {return menu_[i].text;}
+  /** Gets the current font of menu item labels.  */
+  Fl_Font textfont() const {return textfont_;}
+  /**  Sets the current font of menu item labels.  */
+  void textfont(Fl_Font c) {textfont_=c;}
+  /**  Gets the font size of menu item labels.  */
+  Fl_Fontsize textsize() const {return textsize_;}
+  /**  Sets the font size of menu item labels.  */
+  void textsize(Fl_Fontsize c) {textsize_=c;}
+  /** Get the current color of menu item labels.  */
+  Fl_Color textcolor() const {return textcolor_;}
+  /** Sets the current color of menu item labels. */
+  void textcolor(Fl_Color c) {textcolor_=c;}
+  /**
+    This box type is used to surround the currently-selected items in the
+    menus.  If this is FL_NO_BOX then it acts like
+    FL_THIN_UP_BOX and selection_color() acts like
+    FL_WHITE, for back compatibility.
+  */
+  Fl_Boxtype down_box() const {return (Fl_Boxtype)down_box_;}
+  /**    See Fl_Boxtype Fl_Menu_::down_box() const   */
+  void down_box(Fl_Boxtype b) {down_box_ = b;}
+  /** For back compatibility, same as selection_color() */
+  Fl_Color down_color() const {return selection_color();}
+  /** For back compatibility, same as selection_color() */
+  void down_color(unsigned c) {selection_color(c);}
+  void setonly(Fl_Menu_Item* item);
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Menu_Bar.H
@@ -1,0 +1,97 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Menu bar header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2016 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Menu_Bar widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_Menu_Bar_H
+#define Fl_Menu_Bar_H
+#include "Fl_Menu_.H"
+  This widget provides a standard menubar interface.  Usually you will
+  put this widget along the top edge of your window.  The height of the
+  widget should be 30 for the menu titles to draw correctly with the
+  default font.
+  The items on the bar and the menus they bring up are defined by a
+  single Fl_Menu_Item array.
+  Because a Fl_Menu_Item array defines a hierarchy, the
+  top level menu defines the items in the menubar, while the submenus
+  define the pull-down menus. Sub-sub menus and lower pop up to the right
+  of the submenus.
+  \image html  menubar.png
+  \image latex  menubar.png " menubar" width=12cm
+  If there is an item in the top menu that is not a title of a
+  submenu, then it acts like a "button" in the menubar.  Clicking on it
+  will pick it.
+  When the user clicks a menu item, value() is set to that item
+  and then:
+    - The item's callback is done if one has been set; the
+      Fl_Menu_Bar is passed as the Fl_Widget* argument,
+      along with any userdata configured for the callback.
+    - If the item does not have a callback, the Fl_Menu_Bar's callback
+      is done instead, along with any userdata configured for the callback.
+      The callback can determine which item was picked using
+      value(), mvalue(), item_pathname(), etc.
+  Submenus will also pop up in response to shortcuts indicated by
+  putting a '&' character in the name field of the menu item. If you put a
+  '&' character in a top-level "button" then the shortcut picks it.  The
+  '&' character in submenus is ignored until the menu is popped up.
+  Typing the shortcut() of any of the menu items will cause
+  callbacks exactly the same as when you pick the item with the mouse.
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Menu_Bar : public Fl_Menu_ {
+    void draw();
+    int handle(int);
+  /**
+    Creates a new Fl_Menu_Bar widget using the given position,
+    size, and label string. The default boxtype is FL_UP_BOX.
+    The constructor sets menu() to NULL.  See
+    Fl_Menu_ for the methods to set or change the menu.
+    labelsize(), labelfont(), and labelcolor()
+    are used to control how the menubar items are drawn.  They are
+    initialized from the Fl_Menu static variables, but you can
+    change them if desired.
+    label() is ignored unless you change align() to
+    put it outside the menubar.
+    The destructor removes the Fl_Menu_Bar widget and all of its
+    menu items.
+  */
+  Fl_Menu_Bar(int X, int Y, int W, int H, const char *l=0);
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Menu_Button.H
@@ -1,0 +1,85 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Menu button header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Menu_Button widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_Menu_Button_H
+#define Fl_Menu_Button_H
+#include "Fl_Menu_.H"
+  This is a button that when pushed pops up a menu (or hierarchy of
+  menus) defined by an array of 
+  Fl_Menu_Item objects.
+  <P ALIGN=CENTER>\image html  menu_button.png</P>
+  \image latex  menu_button.png " menu_button" width=5cm
+  <P>Normally any mouse button will pop up a menu and it is lined up
+  below the button as shown in the picture.  However an Fl_Menu_Button
+  may also control a pop-up menu.  This is done by setting the type().
+  If type() is zero a normal menu button is produced. 
+  If it is nonzero then this is a pop-up menu. The bits in type() indicate 
+  what mouse buttons pop up the menu (see Fl_Menu_Button::popup_buttons). </P>
+  <P>The menu will also pop up in response to shortcuts indicated by
+  putting a '&' character in the label(). </P>
+  <P>Typing the shortcut() of any of the menu items will cause
+  callbacks exactly the same as when you pick the item with the mouse.
+  The '&' character in menu item names are only looked at when the menu is
+  popped up, however. </P>
+  When the user clicks a menu item, value() is set to that item
+  and then:
+      - The item's callback is done if one has been set; the
+        Fl_Menu_Button is passed as the Fl_Widget* argument, 
+        along with any userdata configured for the callback.
+      - If the item does not have a callback, the Fl_Menu_Button's callback
+        is done instead, along with any userdata configured for it.
+        The callback can determine which item was picked using
+        value(), mvalue(), item_pathname(), etc.
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Menu_Button : public Fl_Menu_ {
+  void draw();
+  /**
+   \brief indicate what mouse buttons pop up the menu.
+   Values for type() used to indicate what mouse buttons pop up the menu. 
+   Fl_Menu_Button::POPUP3 is usually what you want.
+   */  
+  enum popup_buttons {POPUP1 = 1, /**< pops up with the mouse 1st button. */
+    POPUP2,  /**< pops up with the mouse 2nd button. */
+    POPUP12, /**< pops up with the mouse 1st or 2nd buttons. */
+    POPUP3,   /**< pops up with the mouse 3rd button. */
+    POPUP13,  /**< pops up with the mouse 1st or 3rd buttons. */
+    POPUP23,  /**< pops up with the mouse 2nd or 3rd buttons. */
+    POPUP123 /**< pops up with any mouse button. */
+  };
+  int handle(int);
+  const Fl_Menu_Item* popup();
+  Fl_Menu_Button(int,int,int,int,const char * =0);
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Menu_Item.H
@@ -1,0 +1,443 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Menu item header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+#ifndef Fl_Menu_Item_H
+#define Fl_Menu_Item_H
+#  include "Fl_Widget.H"
+#  include "Fl_Image.H"
+#  if defined(__APPLE__) && defined(check)
+#    undef check
+#  endif
+// doxygen needs the following line to enable e.g. ::FL_MENU_TOGGLE to link to the enums
+/// @file
+enum { // values for flags:
+  FL_MENU_INACTIVE = 1,		///< Deactivate menu item (gray out)
+  FL_MENU_TOGGLE= 2,		///< Item is a checkbox toggle (shows checkbox for on/off state)
+  FL_MENU_VALUE = 4,		///< The on/off state for checkbox/radio buttons (if set, state is 'on')
+  FL_MENU_RADIO = 8,		///< Item is a radio button (one checkbox of many can be on)
+  FL_MENU_INVISIBLE = 0x10,	///< Item will not show up (shortcut will work)
+  FL_SUBMENU_POINTER = 0x20,	///< Indicates user_data() is a pointer to another menu array
+  FL_SUBMENU = 0x40,		///< This item is a submenu to other items
+  FL_MENU_DIVIDER = 0x80,	///< Creates divider line below this item. Also ends a group of radio buttons.
+  FL_MENU_HORIZONTAL = 0x100	///< ??? -- reserved
+extern FL_EXPORT Fl_Shortcut fl_old_shortcut(const char*);
+class Fl_Menu_;
+  The Fl_Menu_Item structure defines a single menu item that
+  is used by the Fl_Menu_ class.  
+  \code
+  struct Fl_Menu_Item {
+   const char*   text;     // label()
+   ulong         shortcut_;
+   Fl_Callback*  callback_;
+   void*         user_data_;
+   int           flags;
+   uchar         labeltype_;
+   uchar         labelfont_;
+   uchar         labelsize_;
+   uchar         labelcolor_;
+  };
+  enum { // values for flags:
+   FL_MENU_INACTIVE   = 1,      // Deactivate menu item (gray out)
+   FL_MENU_TOGGLE     = 2,      // Item is a checkbox toggle (shows checkbox for on/off state)
+   FL_MENU_VALUE      = 4,      // The on/off state for checkbox/radio buttons (if set, state is 'on')
+   FL_MENU_RADIO      = 8,      // Item is a radio button (one checkbox of many can be on)
+   FL_MENU_INVISIBLE  = 0x10,   // Item will not show up (shortcut will work)
+   FL_SUBMENU_POINTER = 0x20,   // Indicates user_data() is a pointer to another menu array
+   FL_SUBMENU         = 0x40,   // This item is a submenu to other items
+   FL_MENU_DIVIDER    = 0x80,   // Creates divider line below this item. Also ends a group of radio buttons.
+   FL_MENU_HORIZONTAL = 0x100   // ??? -- reserved
+  };
+  \endcode
+  Typically menu items are statically defined; for example:
+  \code
+  Fl_Menu_Item popup[] = {
+   {"&alpha",    FL_ALT+'a', the_cb, (void*)1},
+   {"&beta",     FL_ALT+'b', the_cb, (void*)2},
+   {"gamma",     FL_ALT+'c', the_cb, (void*)3, FL_MENU_DIVIDER},
+   {"&strange",  0,          strange_cb},
+   {"&charm",    0,          charm_cb},
+   {"&truth",    0,          truth_cb},
+   {"b&eauty",   0,          beauty_cb},
+   {"sub&menu",  0,          0, 0, FL_SUBMENU},
+   {"one"},
+   {"two"},
+   {"three"},
+   {0},
+   {"inactive", FL_ALT+'i', 0, 0, FL_MENU_INACTIVE|FL_MENU_DIVIDER},
+   {"invisible",FL_ALT+'i', 0, 0, FL_MENU_INVISIBLE},
+   {"check",    FL_ALT+'i', 0, 0, FL_MENU_TOGGLE|FL_MENU_VALUE},
+   {"box",      FL_ALT+'i', 0, 0, FL_MENU_TOGGLE},
+   {0}};
+  \endcode
+  produces:
+  \image html   menu.png
+  \image latex  menu.png "menu" width=10cm
+  A submenu title is identified by the bit FL_SUBMENU in the 
+  flags field, and ends with a label() that is NULL.
+  You can nest menus to any depth.  A pointer to the first item in the
+  submenu can be treated as an Fl_Menu array itself.  It is also
+  possible to make separate submenu arrays with FL_SUBMENU_POINTER flags.
+  You should use the method functions to access structure members and
+  not access them directly to avoid compatibility problems with future
+  releases of FLTK.
+struct FL_EXPORT Fl_Menu_Item {
+  const char *text;	    ///< menu item text, returned by label()
+  int shortcut_;	    ///< menu item shortcut
+  Fl_Callback *callback_;   ///< menu item callback
+  void *user_data_;	    ///< menu item user_data for the menu's callback
+  int flags;		    ///< menu item flags like FL_MENU_TOGGLE, FL_MENU_RADIO
+  uchar labeltype_;	    ///< how the menu item text looks like
+  Fl_Font labelfont_;	    ///< which font for this menu item text
+  Fl_Fontsize labelsize_;   ///< size of menu item text
+  Fl_Color labelcolor_;	    ///< menu item text color
+  // advance N items, skipping submenus:
+  const Fl_Menu_Item *next(int=1) const;
+  /**
+    Advances a pointer by n items through a menu array, skipping
+    the contents of submenus and invisible items. There are two calls so
+    that you can advance through const and non-const data.
+  */
+  Fl_Menu_Item *next(int i=1) {
+    return (Fl_Menu_Item*)(((const Fl_Menu_Item*)this)->next(i));}
+  /** Returns the first menu item, same as next(0). */
+  const Fl_Menu_Item *first() const { return next(0); }
+  /** Returns the first menu item, same as next(0). */
+  Fl_Menu_Item *first() { return next(0); }
+  // methods on menu items:
+  /**
+    Returns the title of the item.
+    A NULL here indicates the end of the menu (or of a submenu).
+    A '&' in the item will print an underscore under the next letter,
+    and if the menu is popped up that letter will be a "shortcut" to pick
+    that item.  To get a real '&' put two in a row.
+  */
+  const char* label() const {return text;}
+  /**    See const char* Fl_Menu_Item::label() const   */
+  void label(const char* a) {text=a;}
+  /**    See const char* Fl_Menu_Item::label() const   */
+  void label(Fl_Labeltype a,const char* b) {labeltype_ = a; text = b;}
+  /**
+    Returns the menu item's labeltype.
+    A labeltype identifies a routine that draws the label of the
+    widget.  This can be used for special effects such as emboss, or to use
+    the label() pointer as another form of data such as a bitmap.
+    The value FL_NORMAL_LABEL prints the label as text.
+  */
+  Fl_Labeltype labeltype() const {return (Fl_Labeltype)labeltype_;}
+  /**
+    Sets the menu item's labeltype.
+    A labeltype identifies a routine that draws the label of the
+    widget.  This can be used for special effects such as emboss, or to use
+    the label() pointer as another form of data such as a bitmap.
+    The value FL_NORMAL_LABEL prints the label as text.
+  */
+  void labeltype(Fl_Labeltype a) {labeltype_ = a;}
+  /**
+    Gets the menu item's label color.
+    This color is passed to the labeltype routine, and is typically the
+    color of the label text.  This defaults to FL_BLACK.  If this
+    color is not black fltk will \b not use overlay bitplanes to draw
+    the menu - this is so that images put in the menu draw correctly.
+  */
+  Fl_Color labelcolor() const {return labelcolor_;}
+  /**
+    Sets the menu item's label color.
+    \see Fl_Color Fl_Menu_Item::labelcolor() const
+  */
+  void labelcolor(Fl_Color a) {labelcolor_ = a;}
+  /**
+    Gets the menu item's label font.
+    Fonts are identified by small 8-bit indexes into a table. See the
+    enumeration list for predefined fonts. The default value is a
+    Helvetica font. The function Fl::set_font() can define new fonts.
+  */
+  Fl_Font labelfont() const {return labelfont_;}
+  /**
+    Sets the menu item's label font.
+    Fonts are identified by small 8-bit indexes into a table. See the
+    enumeration list for predefined fonts. The default value is a
+    Helvetica font.  The function Fl::set_font() can define new fonts.
+  */
+  void labelfont(Fl_Font a) {labelfont_ = a;}
+  /** Gets the label font pixel size/height. */
+  Fl_Fontsize labelsize() const {return labelsize_;}
+  /** Sets the label font pixel size/height.*/
+  void labelsize(Fl_Fontsize a) {labelsize_ = a;}
+  /**
+    Returns the callback function that is set for the menu item.
+    Each item has space for a callback function and an argument for that
+    function. Due to back compatibility, the Fl_Menu_Item itself
+    is not passed to the callback, instead you have to get it by calling
+    ((Fl_Menu_*)w)->mvalue() where w is the widget argument.
+  */
+  Fl_Callback_p callback() const {return callback_;}
+  /**
+    Sets the menu item's callback function and userdata() argument.
+    \see Fl_Callback_p Fl_MenuItem::callback() const
+  */
+  void callback(Fl_Callback* c, void* p) {callback_=c; user_data_=p;}
+  /**
+    Sets the menu item's callback function.
+    This method does not set the userdata() argument.
+    \see Fl_Callback_p Fl_MenuItem::callback() const
+   */
+  void callback(Fl_Callback* c) {callback_=c;}
+  /**
+    Sets the menu item's callback function.
+    This method does not set the userdata() argument.
+    \see Fl_Callback_p Fl_MenuItem::callback() const
+   */
+  void callback(Fl_Callback0*c) {callback_=(Fl_Callback*)c;}
+  /**
+    Sets the menu item's callback function and userdata() argument.
+    This method does not set the userdata() argument.
+    The argument \p is cast to void* and stored as the userdata()
+    for the menu item's callback function.
+    \see Fl_Callback_p Fl_MenuItem::callback() const
+   */
+  void callback(Fl_Callback1*c, long p=0) {callback_=(Fl_Callback*)c; user_data_=(void*)(fl_intptr_t)p;}
+  /**
+    Gets the user_data() argument that is sent to the callback function.
+  */
+  void* user_data() const {return user_data_;}
+  /**
+    Sets the user_data() argument that is sent to the callback function.
+  */
+  void user_data(void* v) {user_data_ = v;}
+  /**
+    Gets the user_data() argument that is sent to the callback function.
+    For convenience you can also define the callback as taking a long
+    argument.  This method casts the stored userdata() argument to long
+    and returns it as a \e long value.
+  */
+  long argument() const {return (long)(fl_intptr_t)user_data_;}
+  /**
+    Sets the user_data() argument that is sent to the callback function.
+    For convenience you can also define the callback as taking a long
+    argument.  This method casts the given argument \p v to void*
+    and stores it in the menu item's userdata() member.
+    This may not be portable to some machines.
+  */
+  void argument(long v) {user_data_ = (void*)(fl_intptr_t)v;}
+  /** Gets what key combination shortcut will trigger the menu item. */
+  int shortcut() const {return shortcut_;}
+  /**
+    Sets exactly what key combination will trigger the menu item.  The
+    value is a logical 'or' of a key and a set of shift flags, for instance 
+    FL_ALT+'a' or FL_ALT+FL_F+10 or just 'a'.  A value of
+    zero disables the shortcut.
+    The key can be any value returned by Fl::event_key(), but will usually 
+    be an ASCII letter. Use a lower-case letter unless you require the shift 
+    key to be held down.
+    The shift flags can be any set of values accepted by Fl::event_state().
+    If the bit is on that shift key must be pushed.  Meta, Alt, Ctrl, 
+    and Shift must be off if they are not in the shift flags (zero for the 
+    other bits indicates a "don't care" setting).
+  */
+  void shortcut(int s) {shortcut_ = s;}
+  /**
+    Returns true if either FL_SUBMENU or FL_SUBMENU_POINTER
+    is on in the flags. FL_SUBMENU indicates an embedded submenu
+    that goes from the next item through the next one with a NULL
+    label(). FL_SUBMENU_POINTER indicates that user_data()
+    is a pointer to another menu array.
+  */
+  int submenu() const {return flags&(FL_SUBMENU|FL_SUBMENU_POINTER);}
+  /**
+    Returns true if a checkbox will be drawn next to this item.
+    This is true if FL_MENU_TOGGLE or FL_MENU_RADIO is set in the flags.
+  */
+  int checkbox() const {return flags&FL_MENU_TOGGLE;}
+  /**
+    Returns true if this item is a radio item.
+    When a radio button is selected all "adjacent" radio buttons are
+    turned off.  A set of radio items is delimited by an item that has
+    radio() false, or by an item with FL_MENU_DIVIDER turned on.
+  */
+  int radio() const {return flags&FL_MENU_RADIO;}
+  /** Returns the current value of the check or radio item.
+      This is zero (0) if the menu item is not checked and
+      non-zero otherwise. You should not rely on a particular value,
+      only zero or non-zero.
+      \note The returned value for a checked menu item as of FLTK 1.3.2
+      is FL_MENU_VALUE (4), but may be 1 in a future version.
+  */
+  int value() const {return flags&FL_MENU_VALUE;}
+  /**
+    Turns the check or radio item "on" for the menu item. Note that this
+    does not turn off any adjacent radio items like set_only() does.
+  */
+  void set() {flags |= FL_MENU_VALUE;}
+  /** Turns the check or radio item "off" for the menu item. */
+  void clear() {flags &= ~FL_MENU_VALUE;}
+  void setonly();
+  /** Gets the visibility of an item. */
+  int visible() const {return !(flags&FL_MENU_INVISIBLE);}
+  /** Makes an item visible in the menu. */
+  void show() {flags &= ~FL_MENU_INVISIBLE;}
+  /** Hides an item in the menu. */
+  void hide() {flags |= FL_MENU_INVISIBLE;}
+  /** Gets whether or not the item can be picked. */
+  int active() const {return !(flags&FL_MENU_INACTIVE);}
+  /** Allows a menu item to be picked. */
+  void activate() {flags &= ~FL_MENU_INACTIVE;}
+  /**
+    Prevents a menu item from being picked. Note that this will also cause
+    the menu item to appear grayed-out.
+  */
+  void deactivate() {flags |= FL_MENU_INACTIVE;}
+  /** Returns non 0 if FL_INACTIVE and FL_INVISIBLE are cleared, 0 otherwise. */
+  int activevisible() const {return !(flags & (FL_MENU_INACTIVE|FL_MENU_INVISIBLE));}
+  // compatibility for FLUID so it can set the image of a menu item...
+  /** compatibility api for FLUID, same as a->label(this) */
+  void image(Fl_Image* a) {a->label(this);}
+  /** compatibility api for FLUID, same as a.label(this) */
+  void image(Fl_Image& a) {a.label(this);}
+  // used by menubar:
+  int measure(int* h, const Fl_Menu_*) const;
+  void draw(int x, int y, int w, int h, const Fl_Menu_*, int t=0) const;
+  // popup menus without using an Fl_Menu_ widget:
+  const Fl_Menu_Item* popup(
+    int X, int Y,
+    const char *title = 0,
+    const Fl_Menu_Item* picked=0,
+    const Fl_Menu_* = 0) const;
+  const Fl_Menu_Item* pulldown(
+    int X, int Y, int W, int H,
+    const Fl_Menu_Item* picked = 0,
+    const Fl_Menu_* = 0,
+    const Fl_Menu_Item* title = 0,
+    int menubar=0) const;
+  const Fl_Menu_Item* test_shortcut() const;
+  const Fl_Menu_Item* find_shortcut(int *ip=0, const bool require_alt = false) const;
+  /**
+    Calls the Fl_Menu_Item item's callback, and provides the Fl_Widget argument.
+    The callback is called with the stored user_data() as its second argument.
+    You must first check that callback() is non-zero before calling this.
+  */
+  void do_callback(Fl_Widget* o) const {callback_(o, user_data_);}
+  /**
+    Calls the Fl_Menu_Item item's callback, and provides the Fl_Widget argument.
+    This call overrides the callback's second argument with the given value \p arg.
+    You must first check that callback() is non-zero before calling this.
+  */
+  void do_callback(Fl_Widget* o,void* arg) const {callback_(o, arg);}
+  /**
+    Calls the Fl_Menu_Item item's callback, and provides the Fl_Widget argument.
+    This call overrides the callback's second argument with the
+    given value \p arg. long \p arg is cast to void* when calling
+    the callback.
+    You must first check that callback() is non-zero before calling this.
+  */
+  void do_callback(Fl_Widget* o,long arg) const {callback_(o, (void*)(fl_intptr_t)arg);}
+  // back-compatibility, do not use:
+  /** back compatibility only \deprecated. */
+  int checked() const {return flags&FL_MENU_VALUE;}
+  /** back compatibility only \deprecated. */
+  void check() {flags |= FL_MENU_VALUE;}
+  /** back compatibility only \deprecated. */
+  void uncheck() {flags &= ~FL_MENU_VALUE;}
+  int insert(int,const char*,int,Fl_Callback*,void* =0, int =0);
+  int add(const char*, int shortcut, Fl_Callback*, void* =0, int = 0);
+  /** See int add(const char*, int shortcut, Fl_Callback*, void*, int) */
+  int add(const char*a, const char* b, Fl_Callback* c,
+	  void* d = 0, int e = 0) {
+    return add(a,fl_old_shortcut(b),c,d,e);}
+  int size() const ;
+typedef Fl_Menu_Item Fl_Menu; // back compatibility
+enum {	// back-compatibility enum:
+  FL_PUP_NONE	= 0,
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Menu_Window.H
@@ -1,0 +1,57 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Menu window header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Menu_Window widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_Menu_Window_H
+#define Fl_Menu_Window_H
+#include "Fl_Single_Window.H"
+  The Fl_Menu_Window widget is a window type used for menus. By
+  default the window is drawn in the hardware overlay planes if they are
+  available so that the menu don't force the rest of the window to
+  redraw.
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Menu_Window : public Fl_Single_Window {
+  void show();
+  void erase();
+  void flush();
+  void hide();
+  /** Tells if hardware overlay mode is set */
+  unsigned int overlay() {return !(flags()&NO_OVERLAY);}
+  /** Tells FLTK to use hardware overlay planes if they are available.  */
+  void set_overlay() {clear_flag(NO_OVERLAY);}
+  /** Tells FLTK to use normal drawing planes instead of overlay planes.
+      This is usually necessary if your menu contains multi-color pixmaps. */
+  void clear_overlay() {set_flag(NO_OVERLAY);}
+  ~Fl_Menu_Window();
+  /** Creates a new Fl_Menu_Window widget using the given size, and label string. */
+  Fl_Menu_Window(int W, int H, const char *l = 0);
+  /** Creates a new Fl_Menu_Window widget using the given position, size, and label string. */
+  Fl_Menu_Window(int X, int Y, int W, int H, const char *l = 0);
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Multi_Browser.H
@@ -1,0 +1,54 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Multi browser header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Multi_Browser widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_Multi_Browser_H
+#define Fl_Multi_Browser_H
+#include "Fl_Browser.H"
+  The Fl_Multi_Browser class is a subclass of Fl_Browser
+  which lets the user select any set of the lines.  The user interface
+  is Macintosh style: clicking an item turns off all the others and
+  selects that one, dragging selects all the items the mouse moves over,
+  and ctrl + click (Cmd+click on the Mac OS platform) toggles the items.  
+  Shift + click extends the selection until the clicked item.
+  This is different from how forms did it.  
+  Normally the callback is done when the user releases the
+  mouse, but you can change this with when().
+  <P>See Fl_Browser for methods to add and remove lines from the browser.
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Multi_Browser : public Fl_Browser {
+  /**
+      Creates a new Fl_Multi_Browser widget using the given
+    position, size, and label string. The default boxtype is FL_DOWN_BOX.
+    The constructor specializes Fl_Browser() by setting the type to FL_MULTI_BROWSER.
+    The destructor destroys the widget and frees all memory that has been allocated.
+  */
+    Fl_Multi_Browser(int X,int Y,int W,int H,const char *L=0);
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Multi_Label.H
@@ -1,0 +1,78 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Multi-label header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2015 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+#ifndef Fl_Multi_Label_H
+#define Fl_Multi_Label_H
+class Fl_Widget;
+struct Fl_Menu_Item;
+/** This struct allows multiple labels to be added to objects that might normally have only one label.
+    This struct allows a mixed text and/or graphics label to be applied to an object that
+    would normally only have a single (usually text only) label.
+    Most regular FLTK widgets now support the ability to associate both images and text
+    with a label but some special cases, notably the non-widget Fl_Menu_Item objects, do not.
+    Fl_Multi_Label may be used to create menu items that have an icon and text, which would
+    not normally be possible for an Fl_Menu_Item.
+    For example, Fl_Multi_Label is used in the New->Code submenu in fluid, and others.
+    Each Fl_Multi_Label holds two elements, labela and labelb; each may hold either a
+    text label (const char*) or an image (Fl_Image*). When displayed, labela is drawn first
+    and labelb is drawn immediately to its right.
+    More complex labels might be constructed by setting labelb as another Fl_Multi_Label and
+    thus chaining up a series of label elements.
+    When assigning a label element to one of labela or labelb, they should be explicitly cast
+    to (const char*) if they are not of that type already.
+    \see Fl_Label and Fl_Labeltype
+ */
+struct FL_EXPORT Fl_Multi_Label {
+  /** Holds the "leftmost" of the two elements in the composite label.
+      Typically this would be assigned either a text string (const char*),
+      a (Fl_Image*) or a (Fl_Multi_Label*). */
+  const char* labela;
+  /** Holds the "rightmost" of the two elements in the composite label.
+      Typically this would be assigned either a text string (const char*),
+      a (Fl_Image*) or a (Fl_Multi_Label*). */
+  const char* labelb;
+  /** Holds the "type" of labela.
+    Typically this is set to FL_NORMAL_LABEL for a text label,
+    _FL_IMAGE_LABEL for an image (based on Fl_image) or _FL_MULTI_LABEL
+    if "chaining" multiple Fl_Multi_Label elements together. */
+  uchar typea;
+  /** Holds the "type" of labelb.
+    Typically this is set to FL_NORMAL_LABEL for a text label,
+    _FL_IMAGE_LABEL for an image (based on Fl_image) or _FL_MULTI_LABEL
+    if "chaining" multiple Fl_Multi_Label elements together. */
+  uchar typeb;
+  /** This method is used to associate a Fl_Multi_Label with a Fl_Widget. */
+  void label(Fl_Widget*);
+  /** This method is used to associate a Fl_Multi_Label with a Fl_Menu_Item. */
+  void label(Fl_Menu_Item*);
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Multiline_Input.H
@@ -1,0 +1,60 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Multiline input header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2011 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Multiline_Input widget . */ 
+#ifndef Fl_Multiline_Input_H
+#define Fl_Multiline_Input_H
+#include "Fl_Input.H"
+  This input field displays '\\n' characters as new lines rather than ^J,
+  and accepts the Return, Tab, and up and down arrow keys.  This is for
+  editing multiline text.
+  This is far from the nirvana of text editors, and is probably only
+  good for small bits of text, 10 lines at most. Note that this widget
+  does not support scrollbars or per-character color control.
+  If you are presenting large amounts of text and need scrollbars
+  or full color control of characters, you probably want Fl_Text_Editor
+  instead.
+  In FLTK 1.3.x, the default behavior of the 'Tab' key was changed
+  to support consistent focus navigation. To get the older FLTK 1.1.x
+  behavior, set Fl_Input_::tab_nav() to 0. Newer programs should consider using
+  Fl_Text_Editor.
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Multiline_Input : public Fl_Input {
+  /**
+    Creates a new Fl_Multiline_Input widget using the given
+    position, size, and label string. The default boxtype is FL_DOWN_BOX.
+    Inherited destructor destroys the widget and any value associated with it.
+  */
+  Fl_Multiline_Input(int X,int Y,int W,int H,const char *l = 0);
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Multiline_Output.H
@@ -1,0 +1,56 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Multi line output header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2011 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Multiline_Output widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_Multiline_Output_H
+#define Fl_Multiline_Output_H
+#include "Fl_Output.H"
+  This widget is a subclass of Fl_Output that displays multiple
+  lines of text. It also displays tab characters as whitespace to the
+  next column.
+  Note that this widget does not support scrollbars, or per-character
+  color control.
+  If you are presenting large amounts of read-only text 
+  and need scrollbars, or full color control of characters,
+  then use Fl_Text_Display. If you want to display HTML text,
+  use Fl_Help_View.
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Multiline_Output : public Fl_Output {
+  /**
+    Creates a new Fl_Multiline_Output widget using the given position,
+    size, and label string. The default boxtype is FL_DOWN_BOX.
+    Inherited destructor destroys the widget and any value associated with it.
+  */
+  Fl_Multiline_Output(int X,int Y,int W,int H,const char *l = 0);
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Native_File_Chooser.H
@@ -1,0 +1,348 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// FLTK native OS file chooser widget
+// Copyright 1998-2014 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// Copyright 2004 Greg Ercolano.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/** \file
+   Fl_Native_File_Chooser widget. */
+// Use Windows' chooser
+#ifdef WIN32
+// #define _WIN32_WINNT	0x0501	// needed for OPENFILENAME's 'FlagsEx'
+#if defined(FL_LIBRARY) || FLTK_ABI_VERSION < 10304
+#  include <windows.h>
+#  include <commdlg.h>		// OPENFILENAMEW, GetOpenFileName()
+#  include <shlobj.h>		// BROWSEINFOW, SHBrowseForFolder()
+typedef void fl_OPENFILENAMEW;
+typedef void fl_BROWSEINFOW;
+// Use Apple's chooser
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+#  define MAXFILTERS	80
+// All else falls back to FLTK's own chooser
+#if ! defined(__APPLE__) && !defined(WIN32)
+#  include <FL/Fl_File_Chooser.H>
+#  include <FL/filename.H>	// FL_EXPORT
+class Fl_FLTK_File_Chooser;
+class Fl_GTK_File_Chooser;
+ This class lets an FLTK application easily and consistently access 
+ the operating system's native file chooser. Some operating systems 
+ have very complex and specific file choosers that many users want 
+ access to specifically, instead of FLTK's default file chooser(s). 
+ In cases where there is no native file browser, FLTK's own file browser
+ is used instead.
+ To use this widget, use the following include in your code:
+ \code
+ #include <FL/Fl_Native_File_Chooser.H>
+ \endcode
+ The following example shows how to pick a single file:
+ \code
+ // Create and post the local native file chooser
+ #include <FL/Fl_Native_File_Chooser.H>
+ [..]
+ Fl_Native_File_Chooser fnfc;
+ fnfc.title("Pick a file");
+ fnfc.type(Fl_Native_File_Chooser::BROWSE_FILE);
+ fnfc.filter("Text\t*.txt\n"
+             "C Files\t*.{cxx,h,c}");
+"/var/tmp");           // default directory to use
+ // Show native chooser
+ switch ( ) {
+   case -1: printf("ERROR: %s\n", fnfc.errmsg());    break;  // ERROR
+   case  1: printf("CANCEL\n");                      break;  // CANCEL
+   default: printf("PICKED: %s\n", fnfc.filename()); break;  // FILE CHOSEN
+ }
+ \endcode
+ The Fl_Native_File_Chooser widget transmits UTF-8 encoded filenames to its user. It is
+ recommended to open files that may have non-ASCII names with the fl_fopen() or
+ fl_open() utility functions that handle these names in a cross-platform way 
+ (whereas the standard fopen()/open() functions fail on the MSWindows platform 
+ to open files with a non-ASCII name).
+ <B>Platform Specific Caveats</B>
+ - Under X windows, and if Fl::OPTION_FNFC_USES_GTK has not been switched off,
+ the widget attempts to use standard GTK file chooser dialogs if they are
+ available at run-time on the platform, and falls back to use FLTK's Fl_File_Chooser if they are not.
+ In the latter case, it's best if you call Fl_File_Icon::load_system_icons()
+ at the start of main(), to enable the nicer looking file browser widgets.
+ Use the static public attributes of class Fl_File_Chooser to localize
+ the browser.
+ - Some operating systems support certain OS specific options; see 
+ Fl_Native_File_Chooser::options() for a list.
+ \image html Fl_Native_File_Chooser.png "The Fl_Native_File_Chooser on different platforms."
+ \image latex Fl_Native_File_Chooser.png "The Fl_Native_File_Chooser on different platforms" width=14cm
+ */
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Native_File_Chooser {
+  enum Type {
+    BROWSE_FILE = 0,			///< browse files (lets user choose one file)
+    BROWSE_DIRECTORY,			///< browse directories (lets user choose one directory)
+    BROWSE_MULTI_FILE,			///< browse files (lets user choose multiple files)
+    BROWSE_MULTI_DIRECTORY,		///< browse directories (lets user choose multiple directories)
+    BROWSE_SAVE_FILE,			///< browse to save a file
+    BROWSE_SAVE_DIRECTORY		///< browse to save a directory
+  };
+  enum Option {
+    NO_OPTIONS     = 0x0000,		///< no options enabled
+    SAVEAS_CONFIRM = 0x0001,		///< Show native 'Save As' overwrite confirm dialog
+    NEW_FOLDER     = 0x0002,		///< Show 'New Folder' icon (if supported)
+    PREVIEW        = 0x0004,		///< enable preview mode (if supported)
+    USE_FILTER_EXT = 0x0008		///< Chooser filter pilots the output file extension (if supported)
+  };
+  /** Localizable message */
+  static const char *file_exists_message;
+  Fl_Native_File_Chooser(int val=BROWSE_FILE);
+  ~Fl_Native_File_Chooser();
+  // Public methods
+  void type(int t);
+  int type() const ;
+  void options(int o);
+  int options() const;
+  int count() const;
+  const char *filename() const ;
+  const char *filename(int i) const ;
+  void directory(const char *val) ;
+  const char *directory() const;
+  void title(const char *t);
+  const char* title() const;
+  const char *filter() const ;
+  void filter(const char *f);
+  int filters() const ;
+  void filter_value(int i) ;
+  int filter_value() const ;
+  void preset_file(const char*f) ;
+  const char* preset_file() const;
+  const char *errmsg() const ;
+  int show() ;
+#ifdef WIN32
+  int  _btype;			// kind-of browser to show()
+  int  _options;		// general options
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10304
+  fl_OPENFILENAMEW *_ofn_ptr;	// GetOpenFileName() & GetSaveFileName() struct
+  fl_BROWSEINFOW   *_binf_ptr;	// SHBrowseForFolder() struct
+  WCHAR            *_wpattern;	// pattern buffer for filter
+  fl_BROWSEINFOW   _binf;
+  char  **_pathnames;		// array of pathnames
+  int     _tpathnames;		// total pathnames
+  char   *_directory;		// default pathname to use
+  char   *_title;		// title for window
+  char   *_filter;		// user-side search filter
+  char   *_parsedfilt;		// filter parsed for Windows dialog
+  int     _nfilters;		// number of filters parse_filter counted
+  char   *_preset_file;		// the file to preselect
+  char   *_errmsg;		// error message
+  // Private methods
+  void errmsg(const char *msg);
+  void clear_pathnames();
+  void set_single_pathname(const char *s);
+  void add_pathname(const char *s);
+  void ClearOFN();
+  void ClearBINF();
+  void Win2Unix(char *s);
+  void Unix2Win(char *s);
+  int showfile();
+  int showdir();
+  void parse_filter(const char *);
+  void clear_filters();
+  void add_filter(const char *, const char *);
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+  int             _btype;		// kind-of browser to show()
+  int             _options;		// general options
+  void 	         *_panel;
+  char          **_pathnames;		// array of pathnames
+  int             _tpathnames;	        // total pathnames
+  char           *_directory;		// default pathname to use
+  char           *_title;		// title for window
+  char           *_preset_file;	        // the 'save as' filename
+  char           *_filter;		// user-side search filter, eg:
+  // C Files\t*.[ch]\nText Files\t*.txt"
+  char           *_filt_names;		// filter names (tab delimited)
+  // eg. "C Files\tText Files"
+  char           *_filt_patt[MAXFILTERS];
+  // array of filter patterns, eg:
+  //     _filt_patt[0]="*.{cxx,h}"
+  //     _filt_patt[1]="*.txt"
+  int             _filt_total;		// parse_filter() # of filters loaded
+  int             _filt_value;		// index of the selected filter
+  char           *_errmsg;		// error message
+  // Private methods
+  void errmsg(const char *msg);
+  void clear_pathnames();
+  void set_single_pathname(const char *s);
+  int get_saveas_basename(void);
+  void clear_filters();
+  void add_filter(const char *, const char *);
+  void parse_filter(const char *from);
+  int post();
+  int runmodal();
+#if ! defined(__APPLE__) && !defined(WIN32)
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION <= 10302
+  int   _btype;			// kind-of browser to show()
+  int   _options;		// general options
+  int   _nfilters;
+  char *_filter;		// user supplied filter
+  char *_parsedfilt;		// parsed filter
+  int   _filtvalue;		// selected filter
+  char *_preset_file;
+  char *_prevvalue;		// Returned filename
+  char *_directory;
+  char *_errmsg;		// error message
+  static int have_looked_for_GTK_libs;
+  union {
+    Fl_FLTK_File_Chooser *_x11_file_chooser;
+    Fl_GTK_File_Chooser *_gtk_file_chooser;
+  };
+#if !defined(__APPLE__) && !defined(WIN32)
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_FLTK_File_Chooser {
+  friend class Fl_Native_File_Chooser;
+  int   _btype;			// kind-of browser to show()
+  int   _options;		// general options
+  int   _nfilters;
+  char *_filter;		// user supplied filter
+  char *_parsedfilt;		// parsed filter
+  int   _filtvalue;		// selected filter
+  char *_preset_file;
+  char *_prevvalue;		// Returned filename
+  char *_directory;
+  char *_errmsg;		// error message
+  Fl_FLTK_File_Chooser(int val);
+  virtual ~Fl_FLTK_File_Chooser();
+  void errmsg(const char *msg);
+  int type_fl_file(int);
+  void parse_filter();
+  int exist_dialog();
+  Fl_File_Chooser *_file_chooser;
+  virtual void type(int);
+  int type() const;
+  void options(int);
+  int options() const;
+  virtual int count() const;
+  virtual const char *filename() const;
+  virtual const char *filename(int i) const;
+  void directory(const char *val);
+  const char *directory() const;
+  virtual void title(const char *);
+  virtual const char* title() const;
+  const char *filter() const;
+  void filter(const char *);
+  int filters() const;
+  void filter_value(int i);
+  int filter_value() const;
+  void preset_file(const char*);
+  const char* preset_file() const;
+  const char *errmsg() const;
+  virtual int show();
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_GTK_File_Chooser : public Fl_FLTK_File_Chooser {
+  friend class Fl_Native_File_Chooser;
+  typedef struct _GtkWidget GtkWidget;
+  typedef struct _GtkFileFilterInfo GtkFileFilterInfo;
+  struct pair {
+    Fl_GTK_File_Chooser* running; // the running Fl_GTK_File_Chooser
+    const char *filter; // a filter string of the chooser
+    pair(Fl_GTK_File_Chooser* c, const char *f) {
+      running = c; 
+      filter = strdup(f);
+    };
+    ~pair() {
+      free((char*)filter);
+    };
+  };
+  GtkWidget *gtkw_ptr; // used to hold a GtkWidget* without pulling GTK into everything...
+  void *gtkw_slist; // used to hold a GLib GSList...
+  unsigned gtkw_count; // number of files read back - if any
+  mutable char *gtkw_filename; // last name we read back
+  char *gtkw_title; // the title to be applied to the dialog
+  const char *previous_filter;
+  int fl_gtk_chooser_wrapper(); // method that wraps the GTK widget
+  Fl_GTK_File_Chooser(int val);
+  virtual ~Fl_GTK_File_Chooser();
+  static int did_find_GTK_libs;
+  static void probe_for_GTK_libs(void);
+  virtual void type(int);
+  virtual int count() const;
+  virtual const char *filename() const;
+  virtual const char *filename(int i) const;
+  virtual void title(const char *);
+  virtual const char* title() const;
+  virtual int show();
+  void changed_output_type(const char *filter);
+  static int custom_gtk_filter_function(const GtkFileFilterInfo*, Fl_GTK_File_Chooser::pair*);
+  static void free_pair(pair *p);
+#endif // !defined(__APPLE__) && !defined(WIN32)
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Nice_Slider.H
@@ -1,0 +1,36 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// "Nice" slider header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Nice_Slider widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_Nice_Slider_H
+#define Fl_Nice_Slider_H
+#include "Fl_Slider.H"
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Nice_Slider : public Fl_Slider {
+  Fl_Nice_Slider(int X,int Y,int W,int H,const char *L=0);
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Object.H
@@ -1,0 +1,27 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Old Fl_Object header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+// This file is provided for back compatibility only.  Please use Fl_Widget
+#ifndef Fl_Object
+#define Fl_Object Fl_Widget
+#include "Fl_Widget.H"
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Output.H
@@ -1,0 +1,63 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Output header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2011 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Output widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_Output_H
+#define Fl_Output_H
+#include "Fl_Input.H"
+  This widget displays a piece of text.
+  When you set the value() , Fl_Output does a strcpy() to its own storage,
+  which is useful for program-generated values.  The user may select
+  portions of the text using the mouse and paste the contents into other
+  fields or programs.
+  <P align=CENTER>\image html text.png</P>
+  \image latex text.png "Fl_Output" width=8cm
+  There is a single subclass, Fl_Multiline_Output, which allows you to
+  display multiple lines of text. Fl_Multiline_Output does not provide
+  scroll bars. If a more complete text editing widget is needed, use
+  Fl_Text_Display instead.
+  The text may contain any characters except \\0, and will correctly
+  display anything, using ^X notation for unprintable control characters
+  and \\nnn notation for unprintable characters with the high bit set. It
+  assumes the font can draw any characters in the ISO-Latin1 character set.
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Output : public Fl_Input {
+  /**
+    Creates a new Fl_Output widget using the given position,
+    size, and label string. The default boxtype is FL_DOWN_BOX.
+    Inherited destructor destroys the widget and any value associated with it.
+  */
+    Fl_Output(int X,int Y,int W,int H, const char *l = 0);
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Overlay_Window.H
@@ -1,0 +1,81 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Overlay window header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Overlay_Window class . */
+#ifndef Fl_Overlay_Window_H
+#define Fl_Overlay_Window_H
+#include "Fl_Double_Window.H"
+  This window provides double buffering and also the ability to draw the
+  "overlay" which is another picture placed on top of the main image. The
+  overlay is designed to be a rapidly-changing but simple graphic such as
+  a mouse selection box. Fl_Overlay_Window uses the overlay
+  planes provided by your graphics hardware if they are available.
+  <P>If no hardware support is found the overlay is simulated by drawing
+  directly into the on-screen copy of the double-buffered window, and
+  "erased" by copying the backbuffer over it again.  This means the
+  overlay will blink if you change the image in the window.
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Overlay_Window : public Fl_Double_Window {
+#ifndef FL_DOXYGEN
+  friend class _Fl_Overlay;
+  /**
+   You must subclass Fl_Overlay_Window and provide this method.
+   It is just like a draw() method, except it draws the overlay.
+   The overlay will have already been "cleared" when this is called.  You
+   can use any of the routines described in &lt;FL/fl_draw.H&gt;.
+   */
+  virtual void draw_overlay() = 0;
+  Fl_Window *overlay_;
+  void show();
+  void flush();
+  void hide();
+  void resize(int,int,int,int);
+  ~Fl_Overlay_Window();
+  /** Returns non-zero if there's hardware overlay support */
+  int can_do_overlay();
+  void redraw_overlay();
+  /**
+   See Fl_Overlay_Window::Fl_Overlay_Window(int X, int Y, int W, int H, const char *l=0)
+   */
+  Fl_Overlay_Window(int W, int H, const char *l=0);
+  /**
+   Creates a new Fl_Overlay_Window widget using the given
+   position, size, and label (title) string. If the 
+   positions (x,y) are not given, then the window manager
+   will choose them.
+   */
+  Fl_Overlay_Window(int X, int Y, int W, int H, const char *l=0);
+  void show(int a, char **b) {Fl_Double_Window::show(a,b);}
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_PNG_Image.H
@@ -1,0 +1,46 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// PNG image header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_PNG_Image class . */
+#ifndef Fl_PNG_Image_H
+#define Fl_PNG_Image_H
+#  include "Fl_Image.H"
+  The Fl_PNG_Image class supports loading, caching,
+  and drawing of Portable Network Graphics (PNG) image files. The
+  class loads colormapped and full-color images and handles color-
+  and alpha-based transparency.
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_PNG_Image : public Fl_RGB_Image {
+  Fl_PNG_Image(const char* filename);
+  Fl_PNG_Image (const char *name_png, const unsigned char *buffer, int datasize);
+  void load_png_(const char *name_png, const unsigned char *buffer_png, int datasize);
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_PNM_Image.H
@@ -1,0 +1,43 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// PNM image header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_PNM_Image class . */
+#ifndef Fl_PNM_Image_H
+#define Fl_PNM_Image_H
+#  include "Fl_Image.H"
+  The Fl_PNM_Image class supports loading, caching,
+  and drawing of Portable Anymap (PNM, PBM, PGM, PPM) image files. The class
+  loads bitmap, grayscale, and full-color images in both ASCII and
+  binary formats.
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_PNM_Image : public Fl_RGB_Image {
+  public:
+  Fl_PNM_Image(const char* filename);
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Pack.H
@@ -1,0 +1,75 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Pack header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Pack widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_Pack_H
+#define Fl_Pack_H
+#include <FL/Fl_Group.H>
+  This widget was designed to add the functionality of compressing and
+  aligning widgets.
+  <P>If type() is Fl_Pack::HORIZONTAL all the children are
+  resized to the height of the Fl_Pack, and are moved next to
+  each other horizontally. If type() is not Fl_Pack::HORIZONTAL
+  then the children are resized to the width and are stacked below each
+  other.  Then the Fl_Pack resizes itself to surround the child
+  widgets.
+  <P>This widget is needed for the Fl_Tabs.
+  In addition you may want to put the Fl_Pack inside an 
+  Fl_Scroll.
+  <P>The resizable for Fl_Pack is set to NULL by default.</p>
+  <P>See also: Fl_Group::resizable()
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Pack : public Fl_Group {
+  int spacing_;
+  enum { // values for type(int)
+    VERTICAL = 0,
+  };
+  void draw();
+  Fl_Pack(int x,int y,int w ,int h,const char *l = 0);
+  /**
+    Gets the number of extra pixels of blank space that are added
+    between the children.
+  */
+  int spacing() const {return spacing_;}
+  /**
+    Sets the number of extra pixels of blank space that are added
+    between the children.
+  */
+  void spacing(int i) {spacing_ = i;}
+  /** Same as Fl_Group::type() */
+  uchar horizontal() const {return type();}
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Paged_Device.H
@@ -1,0 +1,155 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Printing support for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 2010-2016 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/** \file Fl_Paged_Device.H 
+ \brief declaration of class Fl_Paged_Device.
+ */
+#ifndef Fl_Paged_Device_H
+#define Fl_Paged_Device_H
+#include <FL/Fl_Device.H>
+#include <FL/Fl_Window.H>
+/** \brief Number of elements in enum Page_Format */
+#define NO_PAGE_FORMATS 30 /* MSVC6 compilation fix */
+ \brief Represents page-structured drawing surfaces.
+ *
+ This class has no public constructor: don't instantiate it; use Fl_Printer 
+ or Fl_PostScript_File_Device instead.
+ */
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Paged_Device : public Fl_Surface_Device {
+#ifndef __APPLE__
+  friend class Fl_Copy_Surface;
+  friend class Fl_Image_Surface;
+  void draw_decorated_window(Fl_Window *win, int x_offset, int y_offset, Fl_Surface_Device *toset);
+  /**
+   \brief Possible page formats.
+   All paper formats with pre-defined width and height.
+   */
+  enum Page_Format {
+    A0 = 0, /**<  A0 format */
+    A1,
+    A2,
+    A3,
+    A4, /**<  A4 format */
+    A5,
+    A6,
+    A7,
+    A8,
+    A9,
+    B0,
+    B1,
+    B2,
+    B3,
+    B4,
+    B5,
+    B6,
+    B7,
+    B8,
+    B9,
+    B10,
+    C5E,
+    DLE,
+    FOLIO,
+    LEDGER,
+    LEGAL,
+    LETTER, /**<  Letter format */
+    MEDIA = 0x1000
+  };
+  /**
+   \brief Possible page layouts.
+   */
+  enum Page_Layout {
+    PORTRAIT = 0,  /**< Portrait orientation */
+    LANDSCAPE = 0x100,   /**< Landscape orientation */
+    REVERSED = 0x200,  /**< Reversed orientation */
+    ORIENTATION = 0x300 /**<  orientation */
+  };
+  /** \brief width, height and name of a page format
+ */
+  typedef struct {
+    /** \brief width in points */
+    int width; 
+    /** \brief height in points */
+    int height; 
+    /** \brief format name */
+    const char *name; 
+  } page_format;
+  /** \brief width, height and name of all elements of the enum \ref Page_Format.
+   */
+  static const page_format page_formats[NO_PAGE_FORMATS];  
+  void traverse(Fl_Widget *widget); // finds subwindows of widget and prints them
+  /** \brief horizontal offset to the origin of graphics coordinates */
+  int x_offset;
+  /** \brief vertical offset to the origin of graphics coordinates */
+  int y_offset;
+  /** \brief The constructor */
+  Fl_Paged_Device() : Fl_Surface_Device(NULL), x_offset(0), y_offset(0) {};
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10301
+  /** \brief The destructor */
+  virtual ~Fl_Paged_Device() {};
+  /** \brief The destructor */
+  virtual ~Fl_Paged_Device() {};
+  static const char *class_id;
+  const char *class_name() {return class_id;};
+  virtual int start_job(int pagecount, int *frompage = NULL, int *topage = NULL);
+  virtual int start_page(void);
+  virtual int printable_rect(int *w, int *h);
+  virtual void margins(int *left, int *top, int *right, int *bottom);
+  virtual void origin(int x, int y);
+  virtual void origin(int *x, int *y);
+  virtual void scale(float scale_x, float scale_y = 0.);
+  virtual void rotate(float angle);
+  virtual void translate(int x, int y);
+  virtual void untranslate(void);
+  virtual void print_widget(Fl_Widget* widget, int delta_x = 0, int delta_y = 0);
+  /** Prints a window with its title bar and frame if any.
+   \p x_offset and \p y_offset are optional coordinates of where to position the window top left.
+   Equivalent to print_widget() if \p win is a subwindow or has no border.
+   Use Fl_Window::decorated_w() and Fl_Window::decorated_h() to get the size of the
+   printed window.
+   */
+  void print_window(Fl_Window *win, int x_offset = 0, int y_offset = 0);
+  virtual void print_window_part(Fl_Window *win, int x, int y, int w, int h, int delta_x = 0, int delta_y = 0);
+  virtual int end_page (void);
+  virtual void end_job (void);
+#endif // Fl_Paged_Device_H
+// End of "$Id$"
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Pixmap.H
@@ -1,0 +1,102 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Pixmap header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2012 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Pixmap widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_Pixmap_H
+#define Fl_Pixmap_H
+#  include "Fl_Image.H"
+#if defined(WIN32)
+#  include "x.H"
+class Fl_Widget;
+struct Fl_Menu_Item;
+// Older C++ compilers don't support the explicit keyword... :(
+#  if defined(__sgi) && !defined(_COMPILER_VERSION)
+#    define explicit
+#  endif // __sgi && !_COMPILER_VERSION
+  The Fl_Pixmap class supports caching and drawing of colormap
+  (pixmap) images, including transparency.
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Pixmap : public Fl_Image {
+  friend class Fl_Quartz_Graphics_Driver;
+  friend class Fl_GDI_Graphics_Driver;
+  friend class Fl_GDI_Printer_Graphics_Driver;
+  friend class Fl_Xlib_Graphics_Driver;
+  void copy_data();
+  void delete_data();
+  void set_data(const char * const *p);
+  int prepare(int XP, int YP, int WP, int HP, int &cx, int &cy,
+			 int &X, int &Y, int &W, int &H);
+  protected:
+  void measure();
+  public:
+  int alloc_data; // Non-zero if data was allocated
+  private:
+#if defined(WIN32)
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION < 10301
+  static // a static member is needed for ABI compatibility
+  UINT pixmap_bg_color; // RGB color used for pixmap background
+#endif // WIN32
+#if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(WIN32)
+  void *id_; // for internal use
+  void *mask_; // for internal use (mask bitmap)
+  unsigned id_; // for internal use
+  unsigned mask_; // for internal use (mask bitmap)
+#endif // __APPLE__ || WIN32
+  public:
+  /**    The constructors create a new pixmap from the specified XPM data.  */
+  explicit Fl_Pixmap(char * const * D) : Fl_Image(-1,0,1), alloc_data(0), id_(0), mask_(0) {set_data((const char*const*)D); measure();}
+  /**    The constructors create a new pixmap from the specified XPM data.  */
+  explicit Fl_Pixmap(uchar* const * D) : Fl_Image(-1,0,1), alloc_data(0), id_(0), mask_(0) {set_data((const char*const*)D); measure();}
+  /**    The constructors create a new pixmap from the specified XPM data.  */
+  explicit Fl_Pixmap(const char * const * D) : Fl_Image(-1,0,1), alloc_data(0), id_(0), mask_(0) {set_data((const char*const*)D); measure();}
+  /**    The constructors create a new pixmap from the specified XPM data.  */
+  explicit Fl_Pixmap(const uchar* const * D) : Fl_Image(-1,0,1), alloc_data(0), id_(0), mask_(0) {set_data((const char*const*)D); measure();}
+  virtual ~Fl_Pixmap();
+  virtual Fl_Image *copy(int W, int H);
+  Fl_Image *copy() { return copy(w(), h()); }
+  virtual void color_average(Fl_Color c, float i);
+  virtual void desaturate();
+  virtual void draw(int X, int Y, int W, int H, int cx=0, int cy=0);
+  void draw(int X, int Y) {draw(X, Y, w(), h(), 0, 0);}
+  virtual void label(Fl_Widget*w);
+  virtual void label(Fl_Menu_Item*m);
+  virtual void uncache();
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Plugin.H
@@ -1,0 +1,95 @@
+// "$Id: Fl_Plugin.H 6995 2010-01-12 08:48:55Z matt $"
+// A Plugin system for FLTK, implemented in Fl_Preferences.cxx.
+// Copyright 2002-2010 by Matthias Melcher.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Plugin class . */
+#ifndef Fl_Plugin_H
+#  define Fl_Plugin_H
+#  include "Fl_Preferences.H"
+ \brief Fl_Plugin allows link-time and run-time integration of binary modules.
+ Fl_Plugin and Fl_Plugin_Manager provide a small and simple solution for
+ linking C++ classes at run-time, or optionally linking modules at compile
+ time without the need to change the main application.
+ Fl_Plugin_Manager uses static initialisation to create the plugin interface
+ early during startup. Plugins are stored in a temporary database, organized
+ in classes.
+ Plugins should derive a new class from Fl_Plugin as a base:
+ \code
+ class My_Plugin : public Fl_Plugin {
+ public:
+   My_Plugin() : Fl_Plugin("effects", "blur") { }
+   void do_something(...);
+ };
+ My_Plugin blur_plugin();
+ \endcode
+ Plugins can be put into modules and either linked before distribution, or loaded
+ from dynamically linkable files. An Fl_Plugin_Manager is used to list and 
+ access all currently loaded plugins.
+ \code
+ Fl_Plugin_Manager mgr("effects");
+ int i, n = mgr.plugins();
+ for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
+   My_Plugin *pin = (My_Plugin*)mgr.plugin(i);
+   pin->do_something();
+ }
+ \endcode
+ */
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Plugin  {
+  Fl_Preferences::ID id;
+  Fl_Plugin(const char *klass, const char *name);
+  virtual ~Fl_Plugin();
+ \brief Fl_Plugin_Manager manages link-time and run-time plugin binaries.
+ \see Fl_Plugin
+ */
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Plugin_Manager : public Fl_Preferences {
+  Fl_Plugin_Manager(const char *klass);
+  ~Fl_Plugin_Manager();
+  /** \brief Return the number of plugins in the klass.
+   */
+  int plugins() { return groups(); }
+  Fl_Plugin *plugin(int index);
+  Fl_Plugin *plugin(const char *name);
+  Fl_Preferences::ID addPlugin(const char *name, Fl_Plugin *plugin);
+  static void removePlugin(Fl_Preferences::ID id);
+  static int load(const char *filename);
+  static int loadAll(const char *filepath, const char *pattern=0);
+#endif // !Fl_Preferences_H
+// End of "$Id: Fl_Preferences.H 6995 2010-01-12 08:48:55Z matt $".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Positioner.H
@@ -1,0 +1,94 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Positioner header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Positioner widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_Positioner_H
+#define Fl_Positioner_H
+#ifndef Fl_Widget_H
+#include "Fl_Widget.H"
+  This class is provided for Forms compatibility.  It provides 2D input.
+  It would be useful if this could be put atop another widget so that the
+  crosshairs are on top, but this is not implemented.  The color of the
+  crosshairs is selection_color().
+  <P ALIGN=CENTER>\image html  positioner.png </P> 
+  \image latex  positioner.png " Fl_Positioner" width=4cm
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Positioner : public Fl_Widget {
+  double xmin, ymin;
+  double xmax, ymax;
+  double xvalue_, yvalue_;
+  double xstep_, ystep_;
+  // these allow subclasses to put the dial in a smaller area:
+  void draw(int, int, int, int);
+  int handle(int, int, int, int, int);
+  void draw();
+  int handle(int);
+  /**
+    Creates a new Fl_Positioner widget using the given position,
+    size, and label string. The default boxtype is FL_NO_BOX.
+  */
+  Fl_Positioner(int x,int y,int w,int h, const char *l=0);
+  /** Gets the X axis coordinate.*/
+  double xvalue() const {return xvalue_;}
+  /** Gets the Y axis coordinate.*/
+  double yvalue() const {return yvalue_;}
+  int xvalue(double);
+  int yvalue(double);
+  int value(double,double);
+  void xbounds(double, double);
+  /** Gets the X axis minimum */
+  double xminimum() const {return xmin;}
+  /** Same as xbounds(a, xmaximum()) */
+  void xminimum(double a) {xbounds(a,xmax);}
+  /** Gets the X axis maximum */
+  double xmaximum() const {return xmax;}
+  /** Same as xbounds(xminimum(), a) */
+  void xmaximum(double a) {xbounds(xmin,a);}
+  void ybounds(double, double);
+  /** Gets the Y axis minimum */
+  double yminimum() const {return ymin;}
+  /** Same as ybounds(a, ymaximum()) */
+  void yminimum(double a) {ybounds(a, ymax);}
+  /** Gets the Y axis maximum */
+  double ymaximum() const {return ymax;}
+  /** Same as ybounds(ymininimum(), a) */
+  void ymaximum(double a) {ybounds(ymin, a);}
+  /** Sets the stepping value for the X axis.*/
+  void xstep(double a) {xstep_ = a;}
+  /** Sets the stepping value for the Y axis.*/
+  void ystep(double a) {ystep_ = a;}
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_PostScript.H
@@ -1,0 +1,264 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Support for graphics output to PostScript file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 2010-2011 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/** \file Fl_PostScript.H 
+ \brief declaration of classes Fl_PostScript_Graphics_Driver, Fl_PostScript_File_Device.
+ */
+#ifndef Fl_PostScript_H
+#define Fl_PostScript_H
+#include <FL/Fl_Paged_Device.H>
+#include <FL/fl_draw.H>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+/* Signature of Fl_PostScript::close_command() functions passed as parameters. */
+extern "C" {
+  typedef int (Fl_PostScript_Close_Command)(FILE *);
+ \brief PostScript graphical backend.
+ *
+ PostScript text uses vectorial fonts when using the FLTK standard fonts  
+ and the latin alphabet or a few other characters listed in the following table.
+ The latin alphabet means all unicode characters between U+0020 and U+017F, or, in other words, 
+ the ASCII, Latin-1 Supplement and Latin Extended-A charts.
+ <table>
+ <tr> <th>Char</th><th>Codepoint</th><th>Name</th>  <th>Char</th><th>Codepoint</th><th>Name</th> <th>Char</th><th>Codepoint</th><th>Name</th></tr>
+ <tr><td>ƒ</td><td>U+0192</td><td>florin</td><td>‚</td><td>U+201A</td><td>quotesinglbase</td><td>™</td><td>U+2122</td><td>trademark</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>ˆ</td><td>U+02C6</td><td>circumflex</td><td>“</td><td>U+201C</td><td>quotedblleft</td><td>∂</td><td>U+2202</td><td>partialdiff</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>ˇ</td><td>U+02C7</td><td>caron</td><td>”</td><td>U+201D</td><td>quotedblright</td><td>Δ</td><td>U+2206</td><td>Delta</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>˘</td><td>U+02D8</td><td>breve</td><td>„</td><td>U+201E</td><td>quotedblbase</td><td>∑</td><td>U+2211</td><td>summation</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>˙</td><td>U+02D9</td><td>dotaccent</td><td>†</td><td>U+2020</td><td>dagger</td><td>√</td><td>U+221A</td><td>radical</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>˚</td><td>U+02DA</td><td>ring</td><td>‡</td><td>U+2021</td><td>daggerdbl</td><td>∞</td><td>U+221E</td><td>infinity</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>˛</td><td>U+02DB</td><td>ogonek</td><td>•</td><td>U+2022</td><td>bullet</td><td>≠</td><td>U+2260</td><td>notequal</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>˜</td><td>U+02DC</td><td>tilde</td><td>…</td><td>U+2026</td><td>ellipsis</td><td>≤</td><td>U+2264</td><td>lessequal</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>˝</td><td>U+02DD</td><td>hungarumlaut</td><td>‰</td><td>U+2030</td><td>perthousand</td><td>≥</td><td>U+2265</td><td>greaterequal</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>–</td><td>U+2013</td><td>endash</td><td>‹</td><td>U+2039</td><td>guilsinglleft</td><td>◊</td><td>U+25CA</td><td>lozenge</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>—</td><td>U+2014</td><td>emdash</td><td>›</td><td>U+203A</td><td>guilsinglright</td><td>fi</td><td>U+FB01</td><td>fi</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>‘</td><td>U+2018</td><td>quoteleft</td><td>/</td><td>U+2044</td><td>fraction</td><td>fl</td><td>U+FB02</td><td>fl</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>’</td><td>U+2019</td><td>quoteright</td><td>€</td><td>U+20AC</td><td>Euro</td><td></td><td>U+F8FF</td><td>apple (Mac OS only)</td></tr>
+ </table>
+ <br> All other unicode characters or all other fonts (FL_FREE_FONT and above) are output as a bitmap.
+ <br> FLTK standard fonts are output using the corresponding PostScript standard fonts.
+ */
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_PostScript_Graphics_Driver : public Fl_Graphics_Driver {
+  void transformed_draw_extra(const char* str, int n, double x, double y, int w, bool rtl);
+  void *prepare_rle85();
+  void write_rle85(uchar b, void *data);
+  void close_rle85(void *data);
+  void *prepare85();
+  void write85(void *data, const uchar *p, int len);
+  void close85(void *data);
+  static const char *class_id;
+  const char *class_name() {return class_id;};
+  Fl_PostScript_Graphics_Driver();
+#ifndef FL_DOXYGEN
+class Clip {
+  public:
+    int x, y, w, h;
+    Clip *prev;
+  };
+  Clip * clip_;
+  int lang_level_;
+  int gap_;
+  int pages_;
+  double width_;
+  double height_;
+  int shape_;
+  int linewidth_;// need for clipping, lang level 1-2
+  int linestyle_;//
+  int interpolate_; //interpolation of images
+  unsigned char cr_,cg_,cb_;
+  char  linedash_[256];//should be enough
+  void concat();  // transform ror scalable dradings...
+  void reconcat(); //invert
+  void recover(); //recovers the state after grestore (such as line styles...)
+  void reset();
+  uchar * mask;
+  int mx; // width of mask;
+  int my; // mask lines
+  //Fl_Color bg_;
+  Fl_PostScript_Close_Command* close_cmd_;
+  int page_policy_;
+  int nPages;
+  int orientation_;
+  float scale_x;
+  float scale_y;
+  float angle;
+  int left_margin;
+  int top_margin;
+  FILE *output;
+  double pw_, ph_;
+  uchar bg_r, bg_g, bg_b;
+  int start_postscript (int pagecount, enum Fl_Paged_Device::Page_Format format, enum Fl_Paged_Device::Page_Layout layout);
+  /*  int alpha_mask(const uchar * data, int w, int h, int D, int LD=0);
+   */
+  void transformed_draw(const char* s, int n, double x, double y); //precise text placing
+  void transformed_draw(const char* s, double x, double y);
+  int alpha_mask(const uchar * data, int w, int h, int D, int LD=0);
+  enum Fl_Paged_Device::Page_Format page_format_;
+  char *ps_filename_;
+  void page_policy(int p);
+  int page_policy(){return page_policy_;};
+  void close_command(Fl_PostScript_Close_Command* cmd){close_cmd_=cmd;};
+  FILE * file() {return output;};
+  //void orientation (int o);
+  //Fl_PostScript_Graphics_Driver(FILE *o, int lang_level, int pages = 0); // ps (also multi-page) constructor
+  //Fl_PostScript_Graphics_Driver(FILE *o, int lang_level, int x, int y, int w, int h); //eps constructor
+  void interpolate(int i){interpolate_=i;};
+  int interpolate(){return interpolate_;}
+  void page(double pw, double ph, int media = 0);
+  void page(int format);
+#endif // FL_DOXYGEN
+  // implementation of drawing methods
+  void color(Fl_Color c);
+  void color(uchar r, uchar g, uchar b);
+  void push_clip(int x, int y, int w, int h);
+  int clip_box(int x, int y, int w, int h, int &X, int &Y, int &W, int &H);
+  int not_clipped(int x, int y, int w, int h);
+  void push_no_clip();
+  void pop_clip();
+  void line_style(int style, int width=0, char* dashes=0);
+  void rect(int x, int y, int w, int h);
+  void rectf(int x, int y, int w, int h);
+  void xyline(int x, int y, int x1);
+  void xyline(int x, int y, int x1, int y2);
+  void xyline(int x, int y, int x1, int y2, int x3);
+  void yxline(int x, int y, int y1);
+  void yxline(int x, int y, int y1, int x2);
+  void yxline(int x, int y, int y1, int x2, int y3);
+  void line(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
+  void line(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3);  
+  void loop(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
+  void loop(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3);
+  void polygon(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
+  void polygon(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3);
+  void point(int x, int y);
+  void begin_points();
+  void begin_line();
+  void begin_loop();
+  void begin_polygon();
+  void vertex(double x, double y);
+  void curve(double x, double y, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3);
+  void circle(double x, double y, double r);
+  void arc(double x, double y, double r, double start, double a);
+  void arc(int x, int y, int w, int h, double a1, double a2);
+  void pie(int x, int y, int w, int h, double a1, double a2);
+  void end_points();
+  void end_line();
+  void end_loop();
+  void end_polygon();
+  void begin_complex_polygon(){begin_polygon();};
+  void gap(){gap_=1;};
+  void end_complex_polygon(){end_polygon();};
+  void transformed_vertex(double x, double y);
+  void draw_image(const uchar* d, int x,int y,int w,int h, int delta=3, int ldelta=0);
+  void draw_image_mono(const uchar* d, int x,int y,int w,int h, int delta=1, int ld=0);
+  void draw_image(Fl_Draw_Image_Cb call, void* data, int x,int y, int w, int h, int delta=3);
+  void draw_image_mono(Fl_Draw_Image_Cb call, void* data, int x,int y, int w, int h, int delta=1);
+  void draw(const char* s, int nBytes, int x, int y) {transformed_draw(s,nBytes,x,y); };
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+  void draw(const char* s, int nBytes, float x, float y) {transformed_draw(s,nBytes,x,y); };
+  void draw(int angle, const char *str, int n, int x, int y);
+  void rtl_draw(const char* s, int n, int x, int y);
+  void font(int face, int size);
+  double width(const char *, int);
+  double width(unsigned int u);
+  void text_extents(const char *c, int n, int &dx, int &dy, int &w, int &h);
+  int height();
+  int descent();
+  void draw(Fl_Pixmap * pxm,int XP, int YP, int WP, int HP, int cx, int cy);
+  void draw(Fl_Bitmap * bitmap,int XP, int YP, int WP, int HP, int cx, int cy);
+  void draw(Fl_RGB_Image * rgb,int XP, int YP, int WP, int HP, int cx, int cy);
+  int draw_scaled(Fl_Image *img, int XP, int YP, int WP, int HP);
+  int clocale_printf(const char *format, ...);
+  ~Fl_PostScript_Graphics_Driver();
+ To send graphical output to a PostScript file.
+ This class is used exactly as the Fl_Printer class except for the start_job() call,
+ two variants of which are usable and allow to specify what page format and layout are desired.
+ */
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_PostScript_File_Device : public Fl_Paged_Device {
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+  CGContextRef gc;
+  Fl_PostScript_Graphics_Driver *driver();
+  static const char *class_id;
+  const char *class_name() {return class_id;};
+  Fl_PostScript_File_Device();
+  ~Fl_PostScript_File_Device();
+  int start_job(int pagecount, int* from, int* to);
+  int start_job(int pagecount, enum Fl_Paged_Device::Page_Format format = Fl_Paged_Device::A4,
+		enum Fl_Paged_Device::Page_Layout layout = Fl_Paged_Device::PORTRAIT);
+  int start_job(FILE *ps_output, int pagecount, enum Fl_Paged_Device::Page_Format format = Fl_Paged_Device::A4, 
+		enum Fl_Paged_Device::Page_Layout layout = Fl_Paged_Device::PORTRAIT);
+  int start_page (void);
+  int printable_rect(int *w, int *h);
+  void margins(int *left, int *top, int *right, int *bottom);
+  void origin(int *x, int *y);
+  void origin(int x, int y);
+  void scale (float scale_x, float scale_y = 0.);
+  void rotate(float angle);
+  void translate(int x, int y);
+  void untranslate(void);
+  int end_page (void);    
+  void end_job(void);
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+  void set_current() { fl_gc = gc; Fl_Paged_Device::set_current(); }
+  static const char *file_chooser_title; 
+#endif // Fl_PostScript_H
+// End of "$Id$"
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Preferences.H
@@ -1,0 +1,269 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Preferences .
+// Copyright 2002-2010 by Matthias Melcher.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Preferences class . */
+#ifndef Fl_Preferences_H
+#  define Fl_Preferences_H
+#  include <stdio.h>
+#  include "Fl_Export.H" 
+   \brief Fl_Preferences provides methods to store user
+   settings between application starts.
+   It is similar to the
+   Registry on WIN32 and Preferences on MacOS, and provides a
+   simple configuration mechanism for UNIX.
+   Fl_Preferences uses a hierarchy to store data. It
+   bundles similar data into groups and manages entries into those
+   groups as name/value pairs.
+   Preferences are stored in text files that can be edited
+   manually. The file format is easy to read and relatively
+   forgiving. Preferences files are the same on all platforms. User
+   comments in preference files are preserved. Filenames are unique
+   for each application by using a vendor/application naming
+   scheme. The user must provide default values for all entries to
+   ensure proper operation should preferences be corrupted or not
+   yet exist.
+   Entries can be of any length. However, the size of each
+   preferences file should be kept small for performance
+   reasons. One application can have multiple preferences files.
+   Extensive binary data however should be stored in separate
+   files: see getUserdataPath().
+   \note Starting with FLTK 1.3, preference databases are expected to
+   be in UTF-8 encoding. Previous databases were stored in the
+   current character set or code page which renders them incompatible
+   for text entries using international characters.
+ */
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Preferences {
+  /**
+     Define the scope of the preferences.
+   */
+  enum Root { 
+    SYSTEM=0,   ///< Preferences are used system-wide
+    USER        ///< Preferences apply only to the current user
+  };
+  /**
+   Every Fl_Preferences-Group has a uniqe ID.
+   ID's can be retrieved from an Fl_Preferences-Group and can then be used
+   to create more Fl_Preference references to the same data set, as long as the 
+   database remains open.
+   */
+  typedef void *ID;
+  static const char *newUUID();
+  Fl_Preferences( Root root, const char *vendor, const char *application );
+  Fl_Preferences( const char *path, const char *vendor, const char *application );
+  Fl_Preferences( Fl_Preferences &parent, const char *group );
+  Fl_Preferences( Fl_Preferences *parent, const char *group );
+  Fl_Preferences( Fl_Preferences &parent, int groupIndex );
+  Fl_Preferences( Fl_Preferences *parent, int groupIndex );
+  Fl_Preferences(const Fl_Preferences&);
+  Fl_Preferences( ID id );
+  virtual ~Fl_Preferences();
+  /** Return an ID that can later be reused to open more references to this dataset.
+   */
+  ID id() { return (ID)node; }
+  /** Remove the group with this ID from a database.
+   */
+  static char remove(ID id_) { return ((Node*)id_)->remove(); }
+  /** Return the name of this entry.
+   */
+  const char *name() { return node->name(); }
+  /** Return the full path to this entry.
+   */
+  const char *path() { return node->path(); }
+  int groups();
+  const char *group( int num_group );
+  char groupExists( const char *key );
+  char deleteGroup( const char *group );
+  char deleteAllGroups();
+  int entries();
+  const char *entry( int index );
+  char entryExists( const char *key );
+  char deleteEntry( const char *entry );
+  char deleteAllEntries();
+  char clear();
+  char set( const char *entry, int value );
+  char set( const char *entry, float value );
+  char set( const char *entry, float value, int precision );
+  char set( const char *entry, double value );
+  char set( const char *entry, double value, int precision );
+  char set( const char *entry, const char *value );
+  char set( const char *entry, const void *value, int size ); 
+  char get( const char *entry, int &value, int defaultValue );
+  char get( const char *entry, float &value,  float defaultValue );
+  char get( const char *entry, double &value, double defaultValue );
+  char get( const char *entry, char *&value,  const char *defaultValue );
+  char get( const char *entry, char *value,   const char *defaultValue, int maxSize );
+  char get( const char *entry, void *&value,  const void *defaultValue, int defaultSize );
+  char get( const char *entry, void *value,   const void *defaultValue, int defaultSize, int maxSize );
+  int size( const char *entry );
+  char getUserdataPath( char *path, int pathlen );
+  void flush();
+  // char export( const char *filename, Type fileFormat );
+  // char import( const char *filename );
+  /**
+     'Name' provides a simple method to create numerical or more complex
+     procedural names for entries and groups on the fly.
+     Example: prefs.set(Fl_Preferences::Name("File%d",i),file[i]);.
+     See test/preferences.cxx as a sample for writing arrays into preferences.
+     'Name' is actually implemented as a class inside Fl_Preferences. It casts
+     into const char* and gets automatically destroyed after the enclosing call
+     ends.
+   */
+  class FL_EXPORT Name {
+    char *data_;
+  public: 
+    Name( unsigned int n );
+    Name( const char *format, ... );
+    /**
+       Return the Name as a "C" string.
+       \internal
+     */
+    operator const char *() { return data_; }
+    ~Name();
+  };
+  /** \internal An entry associates a preference name to its corresponding value */
+  struct Entry {
+    char *name, *value;
+  };
+  Fl_Preferences() : node(0), rootNode(0) { }
+  Fl_Preferences &operator=(const Fl_Preferences&);
+  static char nameBuffer[128];
+  static char uuidBuffer[40];
+  static Fl_Preferences *runtimePrefs;
+public:  // older Sun compilers need this (public definition of the following classes)
+  class RootNode;
+  class FL_EXPORT Node {	// a node contains a list to all its entries 
+            			// and all means to manage the tree structure
+    Node *child_, *next_;
+    union { 			// these two are mutually exclusive
+      Node *parent_;   		// top_ bit clear
+      RootNode *root_; 		// top_ bit set
+    };
+    char *path_;
+    Entry *entry_;
+    int nEntry_, NEntry_;
+    unsigned char dirty_:1;
+    unsigned char top_:1;
+    unsigned char indexed_:1;
+    // indexing routines
+    Node **index_;
+    int nIndex_, NIndex_;
+    void createIndex();
+    void updateIndex();
+    void deleteIndex();
+  public:
+    static int lastEntrySet;
+  public:
+    Node( const char *path );
+    ~Node();
+    // node methods
+    int write( FILE *f );
+    const char *name();
+    const char *path() { return path_; }
+    Node *find( const char *path );
+    Node *search( const char *path, int offset=0 );
+    Node *childNode( int ix );
+    Node *addChild( const char *path );
+    void setParent( Node *parent );
+    Node *parent() { return top_?0L:parent_; }
+    void setRoot(RootNode *r) { root_ = r; top_ = 1; }
+    RootNode *findRoot();
+    char remove();
+    char dirty();
+    void deleteAllChildren();
+    // entry methods
+    int nChildren();
+    const char *child( int ix );
+    void set( const char *name, const char *value );
+    void set( const char *line );
+    void add( const char *line );
+    const char *get( const char *name );
+    int getEntry( const char *name );
+    char deleteEntry( const char *name );
+    void deleteAllEntries();
+    int nEntry() { return nEntry_; }
+    Entry &entry(int i) { return entry_[i]; }
+  };
+  friend class Node;
+  class FL_EXPORT RootNode {		// the root node manages file paths and basic reading and writing
+    Fl_Preferences *prefs_;
+    char *filename_;
+    char *vendor_, *application_;
+  public:
+    RootNode( Fl_Preferences *, Root root, const char *vendor, const char *application );
+    RootNode( Fl_Preferences *, const char *path, const char *vendor, const char *application );
+    RootNode( Fl_Preferences * );
+    ~RootNode();
+    int read();
+    int write();
+    char getPath( char *path, int pathlen );
+  };
+  friend class RootNode;
+  Node *node;
+  RootNode *rootNode;
+#endif // !Fl_Preferences_H
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Printer.H
@@ -1,0 +1,236 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Printing support for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 2010-2014 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/** \file Fl_Printer.H 
+ \brief declaration of classes Fl_Printer, Fl_System_Printer and Fl_PostScript_Printer.
+ */
+#ifndef Fl_Printer_H
+#define Fl_Printer_H
+#include <FL/x.H>
+#include <FL/Fl_Paged_Device.H>
+#include <FL/fl_draw.H>
+#include <FL/Fl_Pixmap.H>
+#include <FL/Fl_RGB_Image.H>
+#include <FL/Fl_Bitmap.H>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#if !(defined(__APPLE__) || defined(WIN32))
+#include <FL/Fl_PostScript.H>
+#elif defined(WIN32)
+#include <commdlg.h>
+#if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(WIN32) || defined(FL_DOXYGEN)
+ Print support under MSWindows and Mac OS.
+ Class Fl_System_Printer is implemented only on the MSWindows and Mac OS platforms.
+ It has no public constructor.
+ Use Fl_Printer instead that is cross-platform and has the same API.
+ */
+class Fl_System_Printer : public Fl_Paged_Device {
+  friend class Fl_Printer;
+  /** \brief the printer's graphics context, if there's one, NULL otherwise */
+  void *gc; 
+  void set_current(void);
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+  float scale_x;
+  float scale_y;
+  float angle; // rotation angle in radians
+  PMPrintSession  printSession;
+  PMPageFormat    pageFormat;
+  PMPrintSettings printSettings;
+#elif defined(WIN32)
+  int   abortPrint;
+  PRINTDLG      pd;
+  HDC           hPr;
+  int           prerr;
+  int left_margin;
+  int top_margin;
+  void absolute_printable_rect(int *x, int *y, int *w, int *h);
+  /** \brief The constructor */
+  Fl_System_Printer(void);
+  static const char *class_id;
+  const char *class_name() {return class_id;};
+  int start_job(int pagecount, int *frompage = NULL, int *topage = NULL);
+  int start_page (void);
+  int printable_rect(int *w, int *h);
+  void margins(int *left, int *top, int *right, int *bottom);
+  void origin(int *x, int *y);
+  void origin(int x, int y);
+  void scale (float scale_x, float scale_y = 0.);
+  void rotate(float angle);
+  void translate(int x, int y);
+  void untranslate(void);
+  int end_page (void);
+  void end_job (void);
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+  void print_window_part(Fl_Window *win, int x, int y, int w, int h, int delta_x, int delta_y);
+  /** \brief The destructor */
+  ~Fl_System_Printer(void);
+}; // class Fl_System_Printer
+#if !(defined(__APPLE__) || defined(WIN32) )
+ Print support under Unix/Linux.
+ Class Fl_PostScript_Printer is implemented only on the Unix/Linux platform.
+ It has no public constructor.
+ Use Fl_Printer instead that is cross-platform and has the same API.
+ */
+class Fl_PostScript_Printer : public Fl_PostScript_File_Device {
+  friend class Fl_Printer;
+  /** The constructor */
+  Fl_PostScript_Printer(void) {};
+  static const char *class_id;
+  const char *class_name() {return class_id;};
+  int start_job(int pages, int *firstpage = NULL, int *lastpage = NULL);
+ * \brief OS-independent print support.
+ *
+ Fl_Printer allows to use all drawing, color, text, image, and clip FLTK functions, and to have them operate
+ on printed page(s). There are two main, non exclusive, ways to use it.
+ <ul><li>Print any widget (standard, custom, Fl_Window, Fl_Gl_Window) as it appears 
+ on screen, with optional translation, scaling and rotation. This is done by calling print_widget(), 
+ print_window() or print_window_part().
+ <li>Use a series of FLTK graphics commands (e.g., font, text, lines, colors, clip, image) to
+ compose a page appropriately shaped for printing. 
+ </ul>
+ In both cases, begin by start_job(), start_page(), printable_rect() and origin() calls
+ and finish by end_page() and end_job() calls.
+ <p>Example of use: print a widget centered in a page
+ \code
+ #include <FL/Fl_Printer.H>
+ #include <FL/fl_draw.H>
+ int width, height;
+ Fl_Widget *widget = ...  // a widget we want printed
+ Fl_Printer *printer = new Fl_Printer();
+ if (printer->start_job(1) == 0) {
+  printer->start_page();
+  printer->printable_rect(&width, &height);
+  fl_color(FL_BLACK);
+  fl_line_style(FL_SOLID, 2);
+  fl_rect(0, 0, width, height);
+  fl_font(FL_COURIER, 12);
+  time_t now; time(&now); fl_draw(ctime(&now), 0, fl_height());
+  printer->origin(width/2, height/2);
+  printer->print_widget(widget, -widget->w()/2, -widget->h()/2);
+  printer->end_page();
+  printer->end_job();
+ }
+ delete printer;
+ \endcode
+ <b>Platform specifics</b>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Unix/Linux platforms:
+ Unless it has been previously changed, the default paper size is A4.
+ To change that, press the "Properties" button of the "Print" dialog window
+ opened by an Fl_Printer::start_job() call. This opens a "Printer Properties" window where it's
+ possible to select the adequate paper size. Finally press the "Save" button therein to assign
+ the chosen paper size to the chosen printer for this and all further print operations.
+ <br>Class Fl_RGB_Image prints but loses its transparency if it has one.
+ See class Fl_PostScript_Graphics_Driver for a description of how UTF-8 strings appear in print.
+ Use the static public attributes of this class to set the print dialog to other languages 
+ than English. For example, the "Printer:" dialog item Fl_Printer::dialog_printer can be set to French with:
+ \code
+ Fl_Printer::dialog_printer = "Imprimante:";
+ \endcode
+ before creation of the Fl_Printer object.
+ Use Fl_PostScript_File_Device::file_chooser_title to customize the title of the file chooser dialog that opens
+ when using the "Print To File" option of the print dialog. 
+ <li>MSWindows platform: Transparent Fl_RGB_Image 's don't print with exact transparency on most printers.
+ Fl_RGB_Image 's don't rotate() well.
+ A workaround is to use the print_window_part() call. 
+ <li>Mac OS X platform: all graphics requests print as on display.
+ </ul>
+ */
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Printer : public Fl_Paged_Device {
+  static const char *class_id;
+  const char *class_name() {return class_id;};
+  /** \brief The constructor */
+  Fl_Printer(void);
+  int start_job(int pagecount, int *frompage = NULL, int *topage = NULL);
+  int start_page(void);
+  int printable_rect(int *w, int *h);
+  void margins(int *left, int *top, int *right, int *bottom);
+  void origin(int *x, int *y);
+  void origin(int x, int y);
+  void scale(float scale_x, float scale_y = 0.);
+  void rotate(float angle);
+  void translate(int x, int y);
+  void untranslate(void);
+  int end_page (void);
+  void end_job (void);
+  void print_widget(Fl_Widget* widget, int delta_x=0, int delta_y=0);
+  void print_window_part(Fl_Window *win, int x, int y, int w, int h, int delta_x=0, int delta_y=0);
+  void set_current(void);
+  Fl_Graphics_Driver* driver(void);
+  /** \brief The destructor */
+  ~Fl_Printer(void);
+  /** \name These attributes are effective under the Xlib platform only.
+   \{
+   */  
+  static const char *dialog_title; 
+  static const char *dialog_printer; 
+  static const char *dialog_range; 
+  static const char *dialog_copies; 
+  static const char *dialog_all; 
+  static const char *dialog_pages;
+  static const char *dialog_from;
+  static const char *dialog_to;
+  static const char *dialog_properties;
+  static const char *dialog_copyNo;
+  static const char *dialog_print_button;
+  static const char *dialog_cancel_button;
+  static const char *dialog_print_to_file;
+  static const char *property_title;
+  static const char *property_pagesize;
+  static const char *property_mode;
+  static const char *property_use;
+  static const char *property_save;
+  static const char *property_cancel;
+  /** \} */ 
+#if defined(WIN32) || defined(__APPLE__)
+  Fl_System_Printer *printer;
+  Fl_PostScript_Printer *printer;
+#endif // Fl_Printer_H
+// End of "$Id$"
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Progress.H
@@ -1,0 +1,72 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Progress bar widget definitions.
+// Copyright 2000-2010 by Michael Sweet.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Progress widget . */
+#ifndef _Fl_Progress_H_
+#  define _Fl_Progress_H_
+// Include necessary headers.
+#include "Fl_Widget.H"
+// Progress class...
+    Displays a progress bar for the user.
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Progress : public Fl_Widget {
+  float	value_,
+	minimum_,
+	maximum_;
+  protected:
+  virtual void draw();
+  public:
+  Fl_Progress(int x, int y, int w, int h, const char *l = 0);
+  /** Sets the maximum value in the progress widget.  */
+  void	maximum(float v) { maximum_ = v; redraw(); }
+  /** Gets the maximum value in the progress widget.  */
+  float	maximum() const { return (maximum_); }
+  /** Sets the minimum value in the progress widget.  */
+  void	minimum(float v) { minimum_ = v; redraw(); }
+  /** Gets the minimum value in the progress widget.  */
+  float	minimum() const { return (minimum_); }
+  /** Sets the current value in the progress widget.  */
+  void	value(float v) { value_ = v; redraw(); }
+  /** Gets the current value in the progress widget.  */
+  float	value() const { return (value_); }
+#endif // !_Fl_Progress_H_
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_RGB_Image.H
@@ -1,0 +1,26 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// RGB Image header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+#ifndef Fl_RGB_Image_H
+# define Fl_RGB_Image_H
+# include "Fl_Image.H"
+#endif // !Fl_RGB_Image_H
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Radio_Button.H
@@ -1,0 +1,36 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Radio button header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2014 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file. If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Radio_Button widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_Radio_Button_H
+#define Fl_Radio_Button_H
+#include "Fl_Button.H"
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Radio_Button : public Fl_Button {
+  Fl_Radio_Button(int X,int Y,int W,int H,const char *L=0);
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Radio_Light_Button.H
@@ -1,0 +1,36 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Radio light button header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2014 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file. If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Radio_Light_Button widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_Radio_Light_Button_H
+#define Fl_Radio_Light_Button_H
+#include "Fl_Light_Button.H"
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Radio_Light_Button : public Fl_Light_Button {
+  Fl_Radio_Light_Button(int X,int Y,int W,int H,const char *l=0);
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Radio_Round_Button.H
@@ -1,0 +1,36 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Radio round button header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2014 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file. If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Radio_Round_Button widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_Radio_Round_Button_H
+#define Fl_Radio_Round_Button_H
+#include "Fl_Round_Button.H"
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Radio_Round_Button : public Fl_Round_Button {
+  Fl_Radio_Round_Button(int X,int Y,int W,int H,const char *L=0);
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Repeat_Button.H
@@ -1,0 +1,54 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Repeat button header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Repeat_Button widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_Repeat_Button_H
+#define Fl_Repeat_Button_H
+#include "Fl.H"
+#include "Fl_Button.H"
+  The Fl_Repeat_Button is a subclass of Fl_Button that
+  generates a callback when it is pressed and then repeatedly generates
+  callbacks as long as it is held down.  The speed of the repeat is fixed
+  and depends on the implementation.
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Repeat_Button : public Fl_Button {
+  static void repeat_callback(void *);
+  int handle(int);
+  /**
+    Creates a new Fl_Repeat_Button widget using the given
+    position, size, and label string. The default boxtype is FL_UP_BOX.
+    Deletes the button.
+  */
+  Fl_Repeat_Button(int X,int Y,int W,int H,const char *l=0);
+  void deactivate() {
+    Fl::remove_timeout(repeat_callback,this);
+    Fl_Button::deactivate();
+  }
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Return_Button.H
@@ -1,0 +1,50 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Return button header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Return_Button widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_Return_Button_H
+#define Fl_Return_Button_H
+#include "Fl_Button.H"
+  The Fl_Return_Button is a subclass of Fl_Button that
+  generates a callback when it is pressed or when the user presses the
+  Enter key.  A carriage-return symbol is drawn next to the button label.
+  <P ALIGN=CENTER>\image html Fl_Return_Button.png 
+  \image latex Fl_Return_Button.png "Fl_Return_Button" width=4cm
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Return_Button : public Fl_Button {
+  void draw();
+  int handle(int);
+  /**
+    Creates a new Fl_Return_Button widget using the given
+    position, size, and label string. The default boxtype is FL_UP_BOX.
+    <P> The inherited destructor deletes the button.
+  */
+  Fl_Return_Button(int X, int Y, int W, int H,const char *l=0);
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Roller.H
@@ -1,0 +1,47 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Roller header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Roller widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_Roller_H
+#define Fl_Roller_H
+#ifndef Fl_Valuator_H
+#include "Fl_Valuator.H"
+  The Fl_Roller widget is a "dolly" control commonly used to
+  move 3D objects.
+  <P ALIGN=CENTER>\image html Fl_Roller.png 
+  \image latex Fl_Roller.png "Fl_Roller" width=4cm
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Roller : public Fl_Valuator {
+  void draw();
+  int handle(int);
+  Fl_Roller(int X,int Y,int W,int H,const char* L=0);
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Round_Button.H
@@ -1,0 +1,45 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Round button header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2014 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file. If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+#ifndef Fl_Round_Button_H
+#define Fl_Round_Button_H
+#include "Fl_Light_Button.H"
+  Buttons generate callbacks when they are clicked by the user.  You
+  control exactly when and how by changing the values for type()
+  and when().
+  <P ALIGN=CENTER>\image html Fl_Round_Button.png</P>
+  \image latex  Fl_Round_Button.png " Fl_Round_Button" width=4cm
+  <P>The Fl_Round_Button subclass display the "on" state by
+  turning on a light, rather than drawing pushed in.  The shape of the
+  "light" is initially set to FL_ROUND_DOWN_BOX.  The color of the light
+  when on is controlled with selection_color(), which defaults to
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Round_Button : public Fl_Light_Button {
+  Fl_Round_Button(int x,int y,int w,int h,const char *l = 0);
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Round_Clock.H
@@ -1,0 +1,38 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Round clock header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Round_Clock widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_Round_Clock_H
+#define Fl_Round_Clock_H
+#include "Fl_Clock.H"
+/** A clock widget of type FL_ROUND_CLOCK. Has no box. */
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Round_Clock : public Fl_Clock {
+  /** Creates the clock widget, setting his type and box. */
+  Fl_Round_Clock(int X,int Y,int W,int H, const char *L = 0);
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Scroll.H
@@ -1,0 +1,209 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Scroll header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2015 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Scroll widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_Scroll_H
+#define Fl_Scroll_H
+#include "Fl_Group.H"
+#include "Fl_Scrollbar.H"
+  This container widget lets you maneuver around a set of widgets much
+  larger than your window.  If the child widgets are larger than the size
+  of this object then scrollbars will appear so that you can scroll over
+  to them:
+  \image html Fl_Scroll.png
+  \image latex  Fl_Scroll.png "Fl_Scroll" width=4cm
+  If all of the child widgets are packed together into a solid
+  rectangle then you want to set box() to FL_NO_BOX or
+  one of the _FRAME types. This will result in the best output.
+  However, if the child widgets are a sparse arrangement you must
+  set box() to a real _BOX type. This can result in some
+  blinking during redrawing, but that can be solved by using a
+  Fl_Double_Window.
+  By default you can scroll in both directions, and the scrollbars
+  disappear if the data will fit in the area of the scroll.
+  Use Fl_Scroll::type() to change this as follows :
+  - 0                            - No scrollbars
+  - Fl_Scroll::HORIZONTAL        - Only a horizontal scrollbar.
+  - Fl_Scroll::VERTICAL          - Only a vertical scrollbar.
+  - Fl_Scroll::BOTH              - The default is both scrollbars.
+  - Fl_Scroll::HORIZONTAL_ALWAYS - Horizontal scrollbar always on, vertical always off.
+  - Fl_Scroll::VERTICAL_ALWAYS   - Vertical scrollbar always on, horizontal always off.
+  - Fl_Scroll::BOTH_ALWAYS       - Both always on.
+  Use <B> scrollbar.align(int) ( see void Fl_Widget::align(Fl_Align) ) :</B>
+  to change what side the scrollbars are drawn on.
+  If the FL_ALIGN_LEFT bit is on, the vertical scrollbar is on the left.
+  If the FL_ALIGN_TOP bit is on, the horizontal scrollbar is on
+  the top. Note that only the alignment flags in scrollbar are
+  considered. The flags in hscrollbar however are ignored.
+  This widget can also be used to pan around a single child widget
+  "canvas".  This child widget should be of your own class, with a
+  draw() method that draws the contents.  The scrolling is done by
+  changing the x() and y() of the widget, so this child
+  must use the x() and y() to position its drawing.
+  To speed up drawing it should test fl_not_clipped(int x,int y,int w,int h)
+  to find out if a particular area of the widget must be drawn.
+  Another very useful child is a single Fl_Pack, which is itself a group
+  that packs its children together and changes size to surround them.
+  Filling the Fl_Pack with Fl_Tabs groups (and then putting
+  normal widgets inside those) gives you a very powerful scrolling list
+  of individually-openable panels.
+  Fluid lets you create these, but you can only lay out objects that
+  fit inside the Fl_Scroll without scrolling.  Be sure to leave
+  space for the scrollbars, as Fluid won't show these either.
+  <I>You cannot use Fl_Window as a child of this since the
+  clipping is not conveyed to it when drawn, and it will draw over the
+  scrollbars and neighboring objects.</I>
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Scroll : public Fl_Group {
+  int xposition_, yposition_;
+  int oldx, oldy;
+  int scrollbar_size_;
+  static void hscrollbar_cb(Fl_Widget*, void*);
+  static void scrollbar_cb(Fl_Widget*, void*);
+  void fix_scrollbar_order();
+  static void draw_clip(void*,int,int,int,int);
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10303
+protected:	// NEW (STR#1895)
+private:	// OLD
+  /**
+    Structure to manage scrollbar and widget interior sizes.
+    This is filled out by recalc_scrollbars() for use in calculations
+    that need to know the visible scroll area size, etc.
+    \note Availability in FLTK_ABI_VERSION 10303 or higher.
+  */
+  typedef struct {
+    /// A local struct to manage a region defined by xywh
+    typedef struct { int x,y,w,h; } Fl_Region_XYWH;
+    /// A local struct to manage a region defined by left/right/top/bottom
+    typedef struct {
+      int l;			///< (l)eft "x" position, aka x1
+      int r;			///< (r)ight "x" position, aka x2
+      int t;			///< (t)op "y" position, aka y1
+      int b;			///< (b)ottom "y" position, aka y2
+    } Fl_Region_LRTB;
+    /// A local struct to manage a scrollbar's xywh region and tab values
+    typedef struct {
+      int x,y,w,h;
+      int pos;			///< scrollbar tab's "position of first line displayed"
+      int size;			///< scrollbar tab's "size of window in lines"
+      int first;		///< scrollbar tab's "number of first line"
+      int total;		///< scrollbar tab's "total number of lines"
+    } Fl_Scrollbar_Data;
+    int scrollsize;		///< the effective scrollbar thickness (local or global)
+    Fl_Region_XYWH innerbox;	///< widget's inner box, excluding scrollbars
+    Fl_Region_XYWH innerchild;	///< widget's inner box, including scrollbars
+    Fl_Region_LRTB child;	///< child bounding box: left/right/top/bottom
+    int hneeded;		///< horizontal scrollbar visibility
+    int vneeded;		///< vertical scrollbar visibility
+    Fl_Scrollbar_Data hscroll;	///< horizontal scrollbar region + values
+    Fl_Scrollbar_Data vscroll;	///< vertical scrollbar region + values
+  } ScrollInfo;
+  void recalc_scrollbars(ScrollInfo &si);
+  void bbox(int&,int&,int&,int&);
+  void draw();
+  Fl_Scrollbar scrollbar;
+  Fl_Scrollbar hscrollbar;
+  void resize(int X, int Y, int W, int H);
+  int handle(int);
+  Fl_Scroll(int X,int Y,int W,int H,const char*l=0);
+  enum { // values for type()
+    HORIZONTAL = 1,
+    VERTICAL = 2,
+    BOTH = 3,
+    ALWAYS_ON = 4,
+    BOTH_ALWAYS = 7
+  };
+  /**    Gets the current horizontal scrolling position.  */
+  int xposition() const {return xposition_;}
+  /**    Gets the current vertical scrolling position.  */
+  int yposition() const {return yposition_;}
+  void scroll_to(int, int);
+  void clear();
+  /**
+    Gets the current size of the scrollbars' troughs, in pixels.
+    If this value is zero (default), this widget will use the
+    Fl::scrollbar_size() value as the scrollbar's width.
+    \returns Scrollbar size in pixels, or 0 if the global Fl::scrollbar_size() is being used.
+    \see Fl::scrollbar_size(int)
+  */
+  int scrollbar_size() const {
+      return(scrollbar_size_);
+  }
+  /**
+    Sets the pixel size of the scrollbars' troughs to \p newSize, in pixels.
+    Normally you should not need this method, and should use
+    Fl::scrollbar_size(int) instead to manage the size of ALL
+    your widgets' scrollbars. This ensures your application
+    has a consistent UI, is the default behavior, and is normally
+    what you want.
+    Only use THIS method if you really need to override the global
+    scrollbar size. The need for this should be rare.
+    Setting \p newSize to the special value of 0 causes the widget to
+    track the global Fl::scrollbar_size(), which is the default.
+    \param[in] newSize Sets the scrollbar size in pixels.\n
+                    If 0 (default), scrollbar size tracks the global Fl::scrollbar_size()
+    \see Fl::scrollbar_size()
+  */
+  void scrollbar_size(int newSize) {
+      if ( newSize != scrollbar_size_ ) redraw();
+      scrollbar_size_ = newSize;
+  }
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Scrollbar.H
@@ -1,0 +1,111 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Scroll bar header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Scrollbar widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_Scrollbar_H
+#define Fl_Scrollbar_H
+#include "Fl_Slider.H"
+  The Fl_Scrollbar widget displays a slider with arrow buttons at
+  the ends of the scrollbar. Clicking on the arrows move up/left and
+  down/right by linesize(). Scrollbars also accept FL_SHORTCUT events:
+  the arrows move by linesize(), and vertical scrollbars take Page
+  Up/Down (they move by the page size minus linesize()) and Home/End
+  (they jump to the top or bottom).
+  Scrollbars have step(1) preset (they always return integers). If
+  desired you can set the step() to non-integer values. You will then
+  have to use casts to get at the floating-point versions of value()
+  from Fl_Slider.
+  \image html  scrollbar.png 
+  \image latex scrollbar.png "Fl_Scrollbar" width=4cm
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Scrollbar : public Fl_Slider {
+  int linesize_;
+  int pushed_;
+  static void timeout_cb(void*);
+  void increment_cb();
+  void draw();
+  Fl_Scrollbar(int X,int Y,int W,int H, const char *L = 0);
+  ~Fl_Scrollbar();
+  int handle(int);
+  /**
+    Gets the integer value (position) of the slider in the scrollbar.
+    You can get the floating point value with Fl_Slider::value().
+    \see Fl_Scrollbar::value(int p)
+    \see Fl_Scrollbar::value(int pos, int size, int first, int total)
+  */
+  int value() const {return int(Fl_Slider::value());}
+  /**
+    Sets the value (position) of the slider in the scrollbar.
+    \see Fl_Scrollbar::value()
+    \see Fl_Scrollbar::value(int pos, int size, int first, int total)
+  */
+  int value(int p) {return int(Fl_Slider::value((double)p));}
+  /**
+    Sets the position, size and range of the slider in the scrollbar.
+    \param[in] pos   position, first line displayed
+    \param[in] windowSize  number of lines displayed
+    \param[in] first number of first line
+    \param[in] total total number of lines
+    You should call this every time your window changes size, your data
+    changes size, or your scroll position changes (even if in response
+    to a callback from this scrollbar).
+    All necessary calls to redraw() are done.
+    Calls Fl_Slider::scrollvalue(int pos, int size, int first, int total).
+  */
+  int value(int pos, int windowSize, int first, int total) {
+    return scrollvalue(pos, windowSize, first, total);
+  }
+  /**
+    Get the size of step, in lines, that the arror keys move.
+  */
+  int linesize() const {return linesize_;}
+  /**
+    This number controls how big the steps are that the arrow keys do.
+    In addition page up/down move by the size last sent to value()
+    minus one linesize().  The default is 16.
+  */
+  void linesize(int i) {linesize_ = i;}
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Secret_Input.H
@@ -1,0 +1,51 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Secret input header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2011 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Secret_Input widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_Secret_Input_H
+#define Fl_Secret_Input_H
+#include "Fl_Input.H"
+  The Fl_Secret_Input class is a subclass of Fl_Input that displays its
+  input as a string of placeholders. Depending on the platform this
+  placeholder is either the asterisk ('*') or the Unicode bullet
+  character (U+2022).
+  This subclass is usually used to receive passwords and other "secret" information.
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Secret_Input : public Fl_Input {
+  /**
+    Creates a new Fl_Secret_Input widget using the given
+    position, size, and label string. The default boxtype is FL_DOWN_BOX.
+    Inherited destructor destroys the widget and any value associated with it.
+  */
+  Fl_Secret_Input(int X,int Y,int W,int H,const char *l = 0);
+  int handle(int);
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Select_Browser.H
@@ -1,0 +1,50 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Select browser header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Select_Browser widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_Select_Browser_H
+#define Fl_Select_Browser_H
+#include "Fl_Browser.H"
+  The class is a subclass of Fl_Browser
+  which lets the user select a single item, or no items by clicking on
+  the empty space.  As long as the mouse button is held down on an
+  unselected item it is highlighted. Normally the callback is done when the
+  user presses the mouse, but you can change this with when().
+  <P>See Fl_Browser for  methods to add and remove lines from the browser.
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Select_Browser : public Fl_Browser {
+  /**
+    Creates a new Fl_Select_Browser widget using the given
+    position, size, and label string. The default boxtype is FL_DOWN_BOX.
+    The constructor specializes Fl_Browser() by setting the type to FL_SELECT_BROWSER.
+    The destructor destroys the widget and frees all memory that has been allocated.
+  */
+  Fl_Select_Browser(int X,int Y,int W,int H,const char *L=0);
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Shared_Image.H
@@ -1,0 +1,144 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Shared image header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2017 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/** \file
+   Fl_Shared_Image class. */
+#ifndef Fl_Shared_Image_H
+#  define Fl_Shared_Image_H
+#  include "Fl_Image.H"
+// Test function for adding new formats
+typedef Fl_Image *(*Fl_Shared_Handler)(const char *name, uchar *header,
+                                       int headerlen);
+// Shared images class.
+  This class supports caching, loading, scaling, and drawing of image files.
+  Most applications will also want to link against the fltk_images library
+  and call the fl_register_images() function to support standard image
+  formats such as BMP, GIF, JPEG, and PNG.
+  Images can be requested (loaded) with Fl_Shared_Image::get(), find(),
+  and some other methods. All images are cached in an internal list of
+  shared images and should be released when they are no longer needed.
+  A refcount is used to determine if a released image is to be destroyed
+  with delete.
+  \see Fl_Shared_Image::get()
+  \see Fl_Shared_Image::find()
+  \see Fl_Shared_Image::release()
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Shared_Image : public Fl_Image {
+  friend class Fl_JPEG_Image;
+  friend class Fl_PNG_Image;
+  static Fl_RGB_Scaling scaling_algorithm_; // method used to rescale RGB source images
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10304
+  Fl_Image *scaled_image_;
+  static Fl_Shared_Image **images_;	// Shared images
+  static int	num_images_;		// Number of shared images
+  static int	alloc_images_;		// Allocated shared images
+  static Fl_Shared_Handler *handlers_;	// Additional format handlers
+  static int	num_handlers_;		// Number of format handlers
+  static int	alloc_handlers_;	// Allocated format handlers
+  const char	*name_;			// Name of image file
+  int		original_;		// Original image?
+  int		refcount_;		// Number of times this image has been used
+  Fl_Image	*image_;		// The image that is shared
+  int		alloc_image_;		// Was the image allocated?
+  static int	compare(Fl_Shared_Image **i0, Fl_Shared_Image **i1);
+  // Use get() and release() to load/delete images in memory...
+  Fl_Shared_Image();
+  Fl_Shared_Image(const char *n, Fl_Image *img = 0);
+  virtual ~Fl_Shared_Image();
+  void add();
+  void update();
+  /** Returns the filename of the shared image */
+  const char	*name() { return name_; }
+  /** Returns the number of references of this shared image.
+    When reference is below 1, the image is deleted.
+  */
+  int		refcount() { return refcount_; }
+  /** Returns whether this is an original image.
+    Images loaded from a file or from memory are marked \p original as
+    opposed to images created as a copy of another image with different
+    size (width or height).
+    \note This is useful for debugging (rarely used in user code).
+    \since FLTK 1.4.0
+  */
+  int original() { return original_; }
+  void		release();
+  void		reload();
+  virtual Fl_Image *copy(int W, int H);
+  Fl_Image *copy() { return copy(w(), h()); }
+  virtual void color_average(Fl_Color c, float i);
+  virtual void desaturate();
+  virtual void draw(int X, int Y, int W, int H, int cx, int cy);
+  void draw(int X, int Y) { draw(X, Y, w(), h(), 0, 0); }
+  void scale(int width, int height, int proportional = 1, int can_expand = 0);
+  virtual void uncache();
+  static Fl_Shared_Image *find(const char *name, int W = 0, int H = 0);
+  static Fl_Shared_Image *get(const char *name, int W = 0, int H = 0);
+  static Fl_Shared_Image *get(Fl_RGB_Image *rgb, int own_it = 1);
+  static Fl_Shared_Image **images();
+  static int		num_images();
+  static void		add_handler(Fl_Shared_Handler f);
+  static void		remove_handler(Fl_Shared_Handler f);
+  /** Sets what algorithm is used when resizing a source image.
+   The default algorithm is FL_RGB_SCALING_BILINEAR.
+   Drawing an Fl_Shared_Image is sometimes performed by first resizing the source image
+   and then drawing the resized copy. This occurs, e.g., when drawing to screen under Linux or MSWindows
+   after having called Fl_Shared_Image::scale().
+   This function controls what method is used when the image to be resized is an Fl_RGB_Image.
+   \version 1.3.4 and requires compiling with FLTK_ABI_VERSION = 10304
+   */
+  static void scaling_algorithm(Fl_RGB_Scaling algorithm) {scaling_algorithm_ = algorithm; }
+// The following function is provided in the fltk_images library and
+// registers all of the "extra" image file formats that are not part
+// of the core FLTK library...
+FL_EXPORT extern void fl_register_images();
+#endif // !Fl_Shared_Image_H
+// End of "$Id$"
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Simple_Counter.H
@@ -1,0 +1,40 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Simple counter header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Simple_Counter widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_Simple_Counter_H
+#define Fl_Simple_Counter_H
+#include "Fl_Counter.H"
+  This widget creates a counter with only 2 arrow buttons 
+  <P align=center>\image html counter.png</P> 
+  \image latex  counter.png "Fl_Simple_Counter" width=4cm
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Simple_Counter : public Fl_Counter {
+  Fl_Simple_Counter(int X,int Y,int W,int H, const char *L = 0);
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Single_Window.H
@@ -1,0 +1,58 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Single-buffered window header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2015 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Single_Window class . */
+#ifndef Fl_Single_Window_H
+#define Fl_Single_Window_H
+#include "Fl_Window.H"
+  This is the same as Fl_Window.  However, it is possible that
+  some implementations will provide double-buffered windows by default.
+  This subclass can be used to force single-buffering.  This may be
+  useful for modifying existing programs that use incremental update, or
+  for some types of image data, such as a movie flipbook.
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Single_Window : public Fl_Window {
+  void show();
+  void show(int a, char **b) {Fl_Window::show(a,b);}
+  void flush();
+   /**
+    Creates a new Fl_Single_Window widget using the given
+    size, and label (title) string.
+  */
+  Fl_Single_Window(int W, int H, const char *l=0);
+  /**
+    Creates a new Fl_Single_Window widget using the given
+    position, size, and label (title) string.
+  */
+  Fl_Single_Window(int X, int Y, int W, int H, const char *l=0);
+  int make_current();
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Slider.H
@@ -1,0 +1,111 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Slider header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Slider widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_Slider_H
+#define Fl_Slider_H
+#ifndef Fl_Valuator_H
+#include "Fl_Valuator.H"
+// values for type(), lowest bit indicate horizontal:
+#define FL_VERT_SLIDER		0
+#define FL_HOR_SLIDER		1
+  The Fl_Slider widget contains a sliding knob inside a box. It is
+  often used as a scrollbar.  Moving the box all the way to the
+  top/left sets it to the minimum(), and to the bottom/right to the
+  maximum().  The minimum() may be greater than the maximum() to
+  reverse the slider direction.
+  Use void Fl_Widget::type(int) to set how the slider is drawn, 
+  which can be one of the following:
+  \li FL_VERTICAL - Draws a vertical slider (this is the default).
+  \li FL_HORIZONTAL - Draws a horizontal slider.
+  \li FL_VERT_FILL_SLIDER - Draws a filled vertical slider,
+      useful as a progress or value meter.
+  \li FL_HOR_FILL_SLIDER - Draws a filled horizontal  slider,
+      useful as a progress or value meter.
+  \li FL_VERT_NICE_SLIDER - Draws a vertical slider with  a nice
+      looking control knob.
+  \li FL_HOR_NICE_SLIDER - Draws a horizontal slider with  a
+      nice looking control knob.
+  \image html  slider.png 
+  \image latex slider.png "Fl_Slider" width=4cm
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Slider : public Fl_Valuator {
+  float slider_size_;
+  uchar slider_;
+  void _Fl_Slider();
+  void draw_bg(int, int, int, int);
+  // these allow subclasses to put the slider in a smaller area:
+  void draw(int, int, int, int);
+  int handle(int, int, int, int, int);
+  void draw();
+  int handle(int);
+  Fl_Slider(int X,int Y,int W,int H, const char *L = 0);
+  Fl_Slider(uchar t,int X,int Y,int W,int H, const char *L);
+  int scrollvalue(int pos,int size,int first,int total);
+  void bounds(double a, double b);
+  /**
+    Get the dimensions of the moving piece of slider.
+  */
+  float slider_size() const {return slider_size_;}
+  /**
+    Set the dimensions of the moving piece of slider. This is
+    the fraction of the size of the entire widget. If you set this
+    to 1 then the slider cannot move.  The default value is .08.
+    For the "fill" sliders this is the size of the area around the
+    end that causes a drag effect rather than causing the slider to
+    jump to the mouse.
+  */
+  void slider_size(double v);
+  /** Gets the slider box type. */
+  Fl_Boxtype slider() const {return (Fl_Boxtype)slider_;}
+  /** Sets the slider box type. */
+  void slider(Fl_Boxtype c) {slider_ = c;}
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Spinner.H
@@ -1,0 +1,259 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Spinner widget for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Spinner widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_Spinner_H
+#  define Fl_Spinner_H
+// Include necessary headers...
+#  include <FL/Enumerations.H>
+#  include <FL/Fl_Group.H>
+#  include <FL/Fl_Input.H>
+#  include <FL/Fl_Repeat_Button.H>
+#  include <stdio.h>
+#  include <stdlib.h>
+  This widget is a combination of the input
+  widget and repeat buttons. The user can either type into the
+  input area or use the buttons to change the value.
+  \image html Fl_Spinner.png "Fl_Spinner widget"
+  \image latex Fl_Spinner.png "Fl_Spinner widget" width=6cm
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Spinner : public Fl_Group {
+  double	value_;			// Current value
+  double	minimum_;		// Minimum value
+  double	maximum_;		// Maximum value
+  double	step_;			// Amount to add/subtract for up/down
+  const char	*format_;		// Format string
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10301
+// NEW
+  Fl_Input	input_;			// Input field for the value
+  Fl_Repeat_Button
+		up_button_,		// Up button
+		down_button_;		// Down button
+  static void	sb_cb(Fl_Widget *w, Fl_Spinner *sb) {
+		  double v;		// New value
+		  if (w == &(sb->input_)) {
+		    // Something changed in the input field...
+		    v = atof(sb->input_.value());
+		    if (v < sb->minimum_) {
+		      sb->value_ = sb->minimum_;
+		      sb->update();
+		    } else if (v > sb->maximum_) {
+		      sb->value_ = sb->maximum_;
+		      sb->update();
+		    } else sb->value_ = v;
+		  } else if (w == &(sb->up_button_)) {
+		    // Up button pressed...
+		    v = sb->value_ + sb->step_;
+		    if (v > sb->maximum_) sb->value_ = sb->minimum_;
+		    else sb->value_ = v;
+		    sb->update();
+		  } else if (w == &(sb->down_button_)) {
+		    // Down button pressed...
+		    v = sb->value_ - sb->step_;
+		    if (v < sb->minimum_) sb->value_ = sb->maximum_;
+		    else sb->value_ = v;
+		    sb->update();
+		  }
+		  sb->set_changed();
+		  sb->do_callback();
+		}
+  void		update() {
+		  char s[255];		// Value string
+		  if (format_[0]=='%'&&format_[1]=='.'&&format_[2]=='*') {  // precision argument
+		    // this code block is a simplified version of
+		    // Fl_Valuator::format() and works well (but looks ugly)
+		    int c = 0;
+		    char temp[64], *sp = temp;
+		    sprintf(temp, "%.12f", step_);
+		    while (*sp) sp++;
+		    sp--;
+		    while (sp>temp && *sp=='0') sp--;
+		    while (sp>temp && (*sp>='0' && *sp<='9')) { sp--; c++; }
+		    sprintf(s, format_, c, value_);
+		  } else {
+		    sprintf(s, format_, value_);
+		  }
+		  input_.value(s);
+		}
+  public:
+		/**
+		  Creates a new Fl_Spinner widget using the given position, size,
+		  and label string.
+		  <P>Inherited destructor Destroys the widget and any value associated with it.
+		*/
+  Fl_Spinner(int X, int Y, int W, int H, const char *L = 0);
+  /** Sets or returns the format string for the value. */
+  const char	*format() { return (format_); }
+  /** Sets or returns the format string for the value. */
+  void		format(const char *f) { format_ = f; update(); }
+  int		handle(int event) {
+		  switch (event) {
+		    case FL_KEYDOWN :
+		    case FL_SHORTCUT :
+		      if (Fl::event_key() == FL_Up) {
+			up_button_.do_callback();
+			return 1;
+		      } else if (Fl::event_key() == FL_Down) {
+			down_button_.do_callback();
+			return 1;
+		      } else return 0;
+		    case FL_FOCUS :
+		      if (input_.take_focus()) return 1;
+		      else return 0;
+		  }
+		  return Fl_Group::handle(event);
+		}
+  /** Speling mistakes retained for source compatibility \deprecated */
+  double	maxinum() const { return (maximum_); }
+  /** Gets the maximum value of the widget. */
+  double	maximum() const { return (maximum_); }
+  /** Sets the maximum value of the widget. */
+  void		maximum(double m) { maximum_ = m; }
+  /** Speling mistakes retained for source compatibility \deprecated */
+  double	mininum() const { return (minimum_); }
+  /** Gets the minimum value of the widget. */
+  double	minimum() const { return (minimum_); }
+  /** Sets the minimum value of the widget. */
+  void		minimum(double m) { minimum_ = m; }
+  /** Sets the minimum and maximum values for the widget. */
+  void		range(double a, double b) { minimum_ = a; maximum_ = b; }
+  void		resize(int X, int Y, int W, int H) {
+		  Fl_Group::resize(X,Y,W,H);
+		  input_.resize(X, Y, W - H / 2 - 2, H);
+		  up_button_.resize(X + W - H / 2 - 2, Y, H / 2 + 2, H / 2);
+		  down_button_.resize(X + W - H / 2 - 2, Y + H - H / 2,
+		                      H / 2 + 2, H / 2);
+		}
+  /**
+    Sets or returns the amount to change the value when the user clicks a button.
+    Before setting step to a non-integer value, the spinner
+    type() should be changed to floating point.
+  */
+  double	step() const { return (step_); }
+  /** See double Fl_Spinner::step() const */
+  void		step(double s) {
+		  step_ = s;
+		  if (step_ != (int)step_) input_.type(FL_FLOAT_INPUT);
+		  else input_.type(FL_INT_INPUT);
+		  update();
+		}
+  /** Gets the color of the text in the input field. */
+  Fl_Color	textcolor() const {
+		  return (input_.textcolor());
+		}
+  /** Sets the color of the text in the input field. */
+  void		textcolor(Fl_Color c) {
+		  input_.textcolor(c);
+		}
+  /** Gets the font of the text in the input field. */
+  Fl_Font       textfont() const {
+		  return (input_.textfont());
+		}
+  /** Sets the font of the text in the input field. */
+  void		textfont(Fl_Font f) {
+		  input_.textfont(f);
+		}
+  /** Gets the size of the text in the input field. */
+  Fl_Fontsize  textsize() const {
+		  return (input_.textsize());
+		}
+  /** Sets the size of the text in the input field. */
+  void		textsize(Fl_Fontsize s) {
+		  input_.textsize(s);
+		}
+  /** Gets the numeric representation in the input field.
+   \see Fl_Spinner::type(uchar)
+  */
+  uchar		type() const { return (input_.type()); }
+  /** Sets the numeric representation in the input field.
+   Valid values are FL_INT_INPUT and FL_FLOAT_INPUT.
+   Also changes the format() template.
+   Setting a new spinner type via a superclass pointer will not work.
+   \note  type is not a virtual function.
+   */
+  void		type(uchar v) {
+		  if (v==FL_FLOAT_INPUT) {
+		    format("%.*f");
+		  } else {
+		    format("%.0f");
+		  }
+		  input_.type(v);
+		}
+  /** Gets the current value of the widget. */
+  double	value() const { return (value_); }
+  /**
+    Sets the current value of the widget.
+    Before setting value to a non-integer value, the spinner
+    type() should be changed to floating point.
+  */
+  void		value(double v) { value_ = v; update(); }
+  /**
+    Change the background color of the spinner widget's input field.
+  */
+  void		color(Fl_Color v) { input_.color(v); }
+  /**
+    Return the background color of the spinner widget's input field.
+  */
+  Fl_Color	color() const { return(input_.color()); }
+  /**
+    Change the selection color of the spinner widget's input field.
+  */
+  void		selection_color(Fl_Color val) { input_.selection_color(val); }
+  /**
+    Return the selection color of the spinner widget's input field.
+  */
+  Fl_Color	selection_color() const { return input_.selection_color(); }
+#endif // !Fl_Spinner_H
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Sys_Menu_Bar.H
@@ -1,0 +1,134 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// MacOS system menu bar header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+#ifndef Fl_Sys_Menu_Bar_H
+#define Fl_Sys_Menu_Bar_H
+#include "Fl_Menu_Bar.H"
+#include "x.H"
+#if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(FL_DOXYGEN)
+  A class to create, modify and delete menus that appear on Mac OS X in the menu bar at the top of the screen.
+  On other than Mac OS X platforms, Fl_Sys_Menu_Bar is a synonym of class Fl_Menu_Bar.
+ \n To use this class, just replace Fl_Menu_Bar by Fl_Sys_Menu_Bar, and, on the Mac platform,
+ a system menu at the top of the screen will be available. This menu will match an array
+ of Fl_Menu_Item's exactly as with standard FLTK menus.
+  Changes to the menu state are immediately visible in the menubar when they are made
+  using member functions of the Fl_Sys_Menu_Bar class. Other changes (e.g., by a call to
+  Fl_Menu_Item::set()) should be followed by a call to Fl_Sys_Menu_Bar::update() to be
+  visible in the menubar across all platforms.
+  A few FLTK features are not supported by the Mac System menu:
+  \li no symbolic labels
+  \li no embossed labels
+  \li no font sizes
+  You can configure a callback for the 'About' menu item to invoke your own code with fl_mac_set_about().
+ */
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Sys_Menu_Bar : public Fl_Menu_Bar {
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10304
+  // NEW -- update() public (STR#3317)
+  void update();
+  void draw();
+  // OLD -- update() protected
+  void update();
+  void draw();
+  Fl_Sys_Menu_Bar(int x,int y,int w,int h,const char *l=0);
+  ~Fl_Sys_Menu_Bar();
+  /** Return the system menu's array of Fl_Menu_Item's 
+   */
+  const Fl_Menu_Item *menu() const {return Fl_Menu_::menu();}
+  void menu(const Fl_Menu_Item *m);
+  int add(const char* label, int shortcut, Fl_Callback*, void *user_data=0, int flags=0);
+  /** Adds a new menu item. 
+   \see Fl_Menu_::add(const char* label, int shortcut, Fl_Callback*, void *user_data=0, int flags=0)
+   */
+  int add(const char* label, const char* shortcut, Fl_Callback* cb, void *user_data=0, int flags=0) {
+    return add(label, fl_old_shortcut(shortcut), cb, user_data, flags);
+    }
+  int add(const char* str);
+  int insert(int index, const char* label, int shortcut, Fl_Callback *cb, void *user_data=0, int flags=0);
+  /** Insert a new menu item. 
+   \see Fl_Menu_::insert(int index, const char* label, const char* shortcut, Fl_Callback *cb, void *user_data=0, int flags=0)
+   */
+  int insert(int index, const char* label, const char* shortcut, Fl_Callback *cb, void *user_data=0, int flags=0) {
+    return insert(index, label, fl_old_shortcut(shortcut), cb, user_data, flags);
+    }
+  void remove(int n);
+  void replace(int index, const char *name);
+  /** Set the Fl_Menu_Item array pointer to null, indicating a zero-length menu. 
+   \see Fl_Menu_::clear()
+   */
+  void clear();
+  /** Clears the specified submenu pointed to by index of all menu items.
+   \see Fl_Menu_::clear_submenu(int index)
+   */
+  int clear_submenu(int index);
+  /** Make the shortcuts for this menu work no matter what window has the focus when you type it.
+   */
+  void global() {};
+  /** Sets the flags of item i
+   \see Fl_Menu_::mode(int i, int fl) */
+  void 	mode (int i, int fl) {
+    Fl_Menu_::mode(i, fl);
+    update();
+    }
+  /** Gets the flags of item i.
+   */
+  int mode(int i) const { return Fl_Menu_::mode(i); }
+  /** Changes the shortcut of item i to n.
+   */
+  void shortcut (int i, int s) { Fl_Menu_::shortcut(i, s); update(); }
+  /** Turns the radio item "on" for the menu item and turns "off" adjacent radio items of the same group.*/
+  void setonly (Fl_Menu_Item *item) { Fl_Menu_::setonly(item); update(); }
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10304
+// NEW -- small class for update()
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Sys_Menu_Bar : public Fl_Menu_Bar {
+  Fl_Sys_Menu_Bar(int x,int y,int w,int h,const char *l=0) : Fl_Menu_Bar(x,y,w,h,l) {}
+  inline void update() {}
+// OLD -- simple typedef
+typedef Fl_Menu_Bar Fl_Sys_Menu_Bar;
+#endif // defined(__APPLE__) || defined(FL_DOXYGEN)
+#endif // Fl_Sys_Menu_Bar_H
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Table.H
@@ -1,0 +1,1155 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Fl_Table -- A table widget
+// Copyright 2002 by Greg Ercolano.
+// Copyright (c) 2004 O'ksi'D
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+#ifndef _FL_TABLE_H
+#define _FL_TABLE_H
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <string.h>		// memcpy
+#ifdef WIN32
+#include <malloc.h>		// WINDOWS: malloc/realloc
+#else /*WIN32*/
+#include <stdlib.h>		// UNIX: malloc/realloc
+#endif /*WIN32*/
+#include <FL/Fl.H>
+#include <FL/Fl_Group.H>
+#include <FL/Fl_Scroll.H>
+#include <FL/Fl_Box.H>
+#include <FL/Fl_Scrollbar.H>
+ A table of widgets or other content.
+ This is the base class for table widgets.
+ To be useful it must be subclassed and several virtual functions defined.
+ Normally applications use widgets derived from this widget, and do not use this 
+ widget directly; this widget is usually too low level to be used directly by 
+ applications.
+ This widget does \em not handle the data in the table. The draw_cell()
+ method must be overridden by a subclass to manage drawing the contents of 
+ the cells.
+ This widget can be used in several ways:
+ - As a custom widget; see examples/table-simple.cxx and test/table.cxx.
+   Very optimal for even extremely large tables.
+ - As a table made up of a single FLTK widget instanced all over the table,
+   simulating a numeric spreadsheet. See examples/table-spreadsheet.cxx and
+   examples/table-spreadsheet-with-keyboard-nav.cxx. Optimal for large tables.
+ - As a regular container of FLTK widgets, one widget per cell.
+   See examples/table-as-container.cxx. \em Not recommended for large tables.
+ \image html table-simple.png
+ \image latex table-simple.png "table-simple example" width=6cm
+ \image html table-as-container.png
+ \image latex table-as-container.png "table-as-container example" width=6cm
+ When acting as part of a custom widget, events on the cells and/or headings
+ generate callbacks when they are clicked by the user. You control when events 
+ are generated based on the setting for Fl_Table::when().
+ When acting as a container for FLTK widgets, the FLTK widgets maintain 
+ themselves. Although the draw_cell() method must be overridden, its contents 
+ can be very simple. See the draw_cell() code in examples/table-simple.cxx.
+ The following variables are available to classes deriving from Fl_Table:
+ \image html table-dimensions.png
+ \image latex table-dimensions.png "Fl_Table Dimensions" width=6cm
+ <table border=0>
+ <tr><td>x()/y()/w()/h()</td>
+ <td>Fl_Table widget's outer dimension. The outer edge of the border of the 
+ Fl_Table. (Red in the diagram above)</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>wix/wiy/wiw/wih</td>
+ <td>Fl_Table widget's inner dimension. The inner edge of the border of the 
+ Fl_Table. eg. if the Fl_Table's box() is FL_NO_BOX, these values are the same 
+ as x()/y()/w()/h(). (Yellow in the diagram above)</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>tox/toy/tow/toh</td>
+ <td>The table's outer dimension. The outer edge of the border around the cells,
+ but inside the row/col headings and scrollbars. (Green in the diagram above)
+ </td></tr>
+ <tr><td>tix/tiy/tiw/tih</td>
+ <td>The table's inner dimension. The inner edge of the border around the cells,
+ but inside the row/col headings and scrollbars. AKA the table's clip region. 
+ eg. if the table_box() is FL_NO_BOX, these values are the same as
+ tox/toy/tow/toh. (Blue in the diagram above)
+ </td></tr></table>
+ - Greg Ercolano : 12/16/2002 - initial implementation 12/16/02. Fl_Table, Fl_Table_Row, docs.
+ - Jean-Marc Lienher : 02/22/2004 - added keyboard nav + mouse selection, and ported Fl_Table into fltk-utf8-1.1.4
+ - Inspired by the Feb 2000 version of FLVW's Flvw_Table widget. Mucho thanks to those folks.
+ - Mister Satan : 04/07/2003 - MinGW porting mods, and singleinput.cxx; a cool Fl_Input oriented spreadsheet example
+ - Marek Paliwoda : 01/08/2003 - Porting mods for Borland
+ - Ori Berger : 03/16/2006 - Optimizations for >500k rows/cols
+ Greg added the following license to the original distribution of Fl_Table. He 
+ kindly gave his permission to integrate Fl_Table and Fl_Table_Row into FLTK,
+ allowing FLTK license to apply while his widgets are part of the library.
+ If used on its own, this is the license that applies:
+ \verbatim 
+ Fl_Table License
+ December 16, 2002
+ The Fl_Table library and included programs are provided under the terms
+ of the GNU Library General Public License (LGPL) with the following
+ exceptions:
+ 1. Modifications to the Fl_Table configure script, config
+ header file, and makefiles by themselves to support
+ a specific platform do not constitute a modified or
+ derivative work.
+ The authors do request that such modifications be
+ contributed to the Fl_Table project - send all
+ contributions to "erco at seriss dot com".
+ 2. Widgets that are subclassed from Fl_Table widgets do not
+ constitute a derivative work.
+ 3. Static linking of applications and widgets to the
+ Fl_Table library does not constitute a derivative work
+ and does not require the author to provide source
+ code for the application or widget, use the shared
+ Fl_Table libraries, or link their applications or
+ widgets against a user-supplied version of Fl_Table.
+ If you link the application or widget to a modified
+ version of Fl_Table, then the changes to Fl_Table must be
+ provided under the terms of the LGPL in sections
+ 1, 2, and 4.
+ 4. You do not have to provide a copy of the Fl_Table license
+ with programs that are linked to the Fl_Table library, nor
+ do you have to identify the Fl_Table license in your
+ program or documentation as required by section 6
+ of the LGPL.
+ However, programs must still identify their use of Fl_Table.
+ The following example statement can be included in user
+ documentation to satisfy this requirement:
+ [program/widget] is based in part on the work of
+ the Fl_Table project
+ \endverbatim
+ */
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Table : public Fl_Group {
+  /**
+   The context bit flags for Fl_Table related callbacks.
+   Used in draw_cell(), callback(), etc.
+   */
+  enum TableContext {
+    CONTEXT_NONE       = 0,	///< no known context
+    CONTEXT_STARTPAGE  = 0x01,	///< before a page is redrawn
+    CONTEXT_ENDPAGE    = 0x02,	///< after a page is redrawn
+    CONTEXT_ROW_HEADER = 0x04,	///< in the row header
+    CONTEXT_COL_HEADER = 0x08,	///< in the col header
+    CONTEXT_CELL       = 0x10,	///< in one of the cells
+    CONTEXT_TABLE      = 0x20,	///< in a dead zone of table
+    CONTEXT_RC_RESIZE  = 0x40 	///< column or row being resized
+  };
+  int _rows, _cols;	// total rows/cols
+  int _row_header_w;	// width of row header
+  int _col_header_h;	// height of column header
+  int _row_position;	// last row_position set (not necessarily == toprow!)
+  int _col_position;	// last col_position set (not necessarily == leftcol!)
+  char _row_header;	// row header enabled?
+  char _col_header;	// col header enabled?
+  char _row_resize;	// row resizing enabled?
+  char _col_resize;	// col resizing enabled?
+  int _row_resize_min;	// row minimum resizing height (default=1)
+  int _col_resize_min;	// col minimum resizing width (default=1)
+  // OPTIMIZATION: partial row/column redraw variables
+  int _redraw_toprow;
+  int _redraw_botrow;
+  int _redraw_leftcol;
+  int _redraw_rightcol;
+  Fl_Color _row_header_color;
+  Fl_Color _col_header_color;
+  int _auto_drag;
+  int _selecting;
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10301
+  int _scrollbar_size;
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10303
+  enum {
+    TABCELLNAV = 1<<0,			///> tab cell navigation flag
+  };
+  unsigned int flags_;
+  // An STL-ish vector without templates
+  class FL_EXPORT IntVector {
+    int *arr;
+    unsigned int _size;
+    void init() {
+      arr = NULL;
+      _size = 0;
+    }
+    void copy(int *newarr, unsigned int newsize) {
+      size(newsize);
+      memcpy(arr, newarr, newsize * sizeof(int));
+    }
+  public:
+    IntVector() { init(); }					// CTOR
+    ~IntVector() { if ( arr ) free(arr); arr = NULL; }		// DTOR
+    IntVector(IntVector&o) { init(); copy(o.arr, o._size); }	// COPY CTOR
+    IntVector& operator=(IntVector&o) {				// ASSIGN
+      init();
+      copy(o.arr, o._size);
+      return(*this);
+    }
+    int operator[](int x) const { return(arr[x]); }
+    int& operator[](int x) { return(arr[x]); }
+    unsigned int size() { return(_size); }
+    void size(unsigned int count) {
+      if ( count != _size ) {
+        arr = (int*)realloc(arr, count * sizeof(int));
+        _size = count;
+      }
+    }
+    int pop_back() { int tmp = arr[_size-1]; _size--; return(tmp); }
+    void push_back(int val) { unsigned int x = _size; size(_size+1); arr[x] = val; }
+    int back() { return(arr[_size-1]); }
+  };
+  IntVector _colwidths;			// column widths in pixels
+  IntVector _rowheights;		// row heights in pixels
+  Fl_Cursor _last_cursor;		// last mouse cursor before changed to 'resize' cursor
+  TableContext _callback_context;	// event context
+  int _callback_row, _callback_col;	// event row/col
+  // handle() state variables.
+  //    Put here instead of local statics in handle(), so more
+  //    than one Fl_Table can exist without crosstalk between them.
+  //
+  int _resizing_col;			// column being dragged
+  int _resizing_row;			// row being dragged
+  int _dragging_x;			// starting x position for horiz drag
+  int _dragging_y;			// starting y position for vert drag
+  int _last_row;			// last row we FL_PUSH'ed
+  // Redraw single cell
+  void _redraw_cell(TableContext context, int R, int C);
+  void _start_auto_drag();
+  void _stop_auto_drag();
+  void _auto_drag_cb();
+  static void _auto_drag_cb2(void *d);
+  enum ResizeFlag {
+    RESIZE_NONE      = 0,
+    RESIZE_COL_LEFT  = 1,
+  };
+  int table_w, table_h;				// table's virtual size (in pixels)
+  int toprow, botrow, leftcol, rightcol;	// four corners of viewable table
+  // selection
+  int current_row, current_col;
+  int select_row, select_col;
+  // OPTIMIZATION: Precomputed scroll positions for the toprow/leftcol
+  int toprow_scrollpos;
+  int leftcol_scrollpos;
+  // Dimensions
+  int tix, tiy, tiw, tih;			// data table inner dimension xywh
+  int tox, toy, tow, toh;			// data table outer dimension xywh
+  int wix, wiy, wiw, wih;			// widget inner dimension xywh
+  Fl_Scroll *table;				// container for child fltk widgets (if any)
+  Fl_Scrollbar *vscrollbar; 			// vertical scrollbar
+  Fl_Scrollbar *hscrollbar;			// horizontal scrollbar
+  // Fltk
+  int handle(int e);				// fltk handle() override
+  // Class maintenance
+  void recalc_dimensions();
+  void table_resized();				// table resized; recalc
+  void table_scrolled();			// table scrolled; recalc
+  void get_bounds(TableContext context,		// return x/y/w/h bounds for context
+                  int &X, int &Y, int &W, int &H);
+  void change_cursor(Fl_Cursor newcursor);	// change mouse cursor to some other shape
+  TableContext cursor2rowcol(int &R, int &C, ResizeFlag &resizeflag);
+  // find r/c given current x/y event
+  int find_cell(TableContext context,		// find cell's x/y/w/h given r/c
+                int R, int C, int &X, int &Y, int &W, int &H);
+  int row_col_clamp(TableContext context, int &R, int &C);
+  // clamp r/c to known universe
+  /**
+   Subclass should override this method to handle drawing the cells.
+   This method will be called whenever the table is redrawn, once per cell.
+   Only cells that are completely (or partially) visible will be told to draw.
+   \p context will be one of the following:
+   <table border=1>
+   <tr>
+   <td>\p Fl_Table::CONTEXT_STARTPAGE</td>
+   <td>When table, or parts of the table, are about to be redrawn.<br>
+       Use to initialize static data, such as font selections.<p>
+       R/C will be zero,<br>
+       X/Y/W/H will be the dimensions of the table's entire data area.<br>
+       (Useful for locking a database before accessing; see
+       also visible_cells())</td>
+   </tr><tr>
+   <td>\p Fl_Table::CONTEXT_ENDPAGE</td>
+   <td>When table has completed being redrawn.<br>
+       R/C will be zero, X/Y/W/H dimensions of table's data area.<br>
+       (Useful for unlocking a database after accessing)</td>
+   </tr><tr>
+   <td>\p Fl_Table::CONTEXT_ROW_HEADER</td>
+   <td>Whenever a row header cell needs to be drawn.<br>
+       R will be the row number of the header being redrawn,<br>
+       C will be zero,<br>
+       X/Y/W/H will be the fltk drawing area of the row header in the window </td>
+   </tr><tr>
+   <td>\p Fl_Table::CONTEXT_COL_HEADER</td>
+   <td>Whenever a column header cell needs to be drawn.<br>
+       R will be zero, <br>
+       C will be the column number of the header being redrawn,<br>
+       X/Y/W/H will be the fltk drawing area of the column header in the window </td>
+   </tr><tr>
+   <td>\p Fl_Table::CONTEXT_CELL</td>
+   <td>Whenever a data cell in the table needs to be drawn.<br>
+       R/C will be the row/column of the cell to be drawn,<br>
+       X/Y/W/H will be the fltk drawing area of the cell in the window </td>
+   </tr><tr>
+   <td>\p Fl_Table::CONTEXT_RC_RESIZE</td>
+   <td>Whenever table or row/column is resized or scrolled,
+       either interactively or via col_width() or row_height().<br>
+       R/C/X/Y/W/H will all be zero.
+       <p> 
+       Useful for fltk containers that need to resize or move
+       the child fltk widgets.</td>
+   </tr>
+   </table>
+   \p row and \p col will be set to the row and column number
+   of the cell being drawn. In the case of row headers, \p col will be \a 0.
+   In the case of column headers, \p row will be \a 0.
+   <tt>x/y/w/h</tt> will be the position and dimensions of where the cell
+   should be drawn.
+   In the case of custom widgets, a minimal draw_cell() override might
+   look like the following. With custom widgets it is up to the caller to handle
+   drawing everything within the dimensions of the cell, including handling the
+   selection color.  Note all clipping must be handled as well; this allows drawing
+   outside the dimensions of the cell if so desired for 'custom effects'.
+   \code
+   // This is called whenever Fl_Table wants you to draw a cell
+   void MyTable::draw_cell(TableContext context, int R=0, int C=0, int X=0, int Y=0, int W=0, int H=0) {
+       static char s[40];
+       sprintf(s, "%d/%d", R, C);              // text for each cell
+       switch ( context ) {
+	   case CONTEXT_STARTPAGE:             // Fl_Table telling us it's starting to draw page
+	       fl_font(FL_HELVETICA, 16);
+	       return;
+	   case CONTEXT_ROW_HEADER:            // Fl_Table telling us to draw row/col headers
+	       fl_push_clip(X, Y, W, H);
+	       {
+		   fl_draw_box(FL_THIN_UP_BOX, X, Y, W, H, color());
+		   fl_color(FL_BLACK);
+		   fl_draw(s, X, Y, W, H, FL_ALIGN_CENTER);
+	       }
+	       fl_pop_clip();
+	       return;
+	   case CONTEXT_CELL:                  // Fl_Table telling us to draw cells
+	       fl_push_clip(X, Y, W, H);
+	       {
+		   // BG COLOR
+		   fl_color( row_selected(R) ? selection_color() : FL_WHITE);
+		   fl_rectf(X, Y, W, H);
+		   // TEXT
+		   fl_color(FL_BLACK);
+		   fl_draw(s, X, Y, W, H, FL_ALIGN_CENTER);
+		   // BORDER
+		   fl_color(FL_LIGHT2);
+		   fl_rect(X, Y, W, H);
+	       }
+	       fl_pop_clip();
+	       return;
+       default:
+	   return;
+       }
+       //NOTREACHED
+   }
+   \endcode
+   */
+  virtual void draw_cell(TableContext context, int R=0, int C=0, 
+                         int X=0, int Y=0, int W=0, int H=0)
+  { }						// overridden by deriving class
+  long row_scroll_position(int row);		// find scroll position of row (in pixels)
+  long col_scroll_position(int col);		// find scroll position of col (in pixels)
+  int is_fltk_container() { 			// does table contain fltk widgets?
+    return( Fl_Group::children() > 3 );		// (ie. more than box and 2 scrollbars?)
+  }
+  static void scroll_cb(Fl_Widget*,void*);	// h/v scrollbar callback
+  void damage_zone(int r1, int c1, int r2, int c2, int r3 = 0, int c3 = 0);
+  void redraw_range(int topRow, int botRow, int leftCol, int rightCol) {
+    if ( _redraw_toprow == -1 ) {
+      // Initialize redraw range
+      _redraw_toprow = topRow;
+      _redraw_botrow = botRow;
+      _redraw_leftcol = leftCol;
+      _redraw_rightcol = rightCol;
+    } else {
+      // Extend redraw range
+      if ( topRow < _redraw_toprow ) _redraw_toprow = topRow;
+      if ( botRow > _redraw_botrow ) _redraw_botrow = botRow;
+      if ( leftCol < _redraw_leftcol ) _redraw_leftcol = leftCol;
+      if ( rightCol > _redraw_rightcol ) _redraw_rightcol = rightCol;
+    }
+    // Indicate partial redraw needed of some cells
+    damage(FL_DAMAGE_CHILD);
+  }
+  /**
+   The constructor for the Fl_Table.
+   This creates an empty table with no rows or columns,
+   with headers and row/column resize behavior disabled.
+   */
+  Fl_Table(int X, int Y, int W, int H, const char *l=0);
+  /**
+   The destructor for the Fl_Table.
+   Destroys the table and its associated widgets.
+   */
+  ~Fl_Table();
+  /**
+   Clears the table to zero rows (rows(0)), zero columns (cols(0)), and clears
+   any widgets (table->clear()) that were added with begin()/end() or add()/insert()/etc.
+   \see rows(int), cols(int)
+   */
+  virtual void clear() { rows(0); cols(0); table->clear(); }
+  // \todo: add topline(), middleline(), bottomline()
+  /**
+   Sets the kind of box drawn around the data table,
+   the default being FL_NO_BOX. Changing this value will cause the table
+   to redraw.
+   */
+  inline void table_box(Fl_Boxtype val) {
+    table->box(val);
+    table_resized();
+  }
+  /**
+   Returns the current box type used for the data table.
+   */
+  inline Fl_Boxtype table_box( void ) {
+    return(table->box());
+  }
+  /**
+   Sets the number of rows in the table, and the table is redrawn.
+   */
+  virtual void rows(int val);			// set/get number of rows
+  /**
+   Returns the number of rows in the table.
+   */
+  inline int rows() {
+    return(_rows);
+  }
+  /**
+   Set the number of columns in the table and redraw.
+   */
+  virtual void cols(int val);			// set/get number of columns
+  /** 
+   Get the number of columns in the table.
+   */
+  inline int cols() {
+    return(_cols);
+  }
+  /**
+   Returns the range of row and column numbers for all visible 
+   and partially visible cells in the table.
+   These values can be used e.g. by your draw_cell() routine during
+   CONTEXT_STARTPAGE to figure out what cells are about to be redrawn
+   for the purposes of locking the data from a database before it's drawn.
+   \code
+          leftcol             rightcol
+             :                   :
+   toprow .. .-------------------.
+             |                   |
+             |  V I S I B L E    |
+             |                   |
+             |    T A B L E      |
+             |                   |
+   botrow .. '-------------------`
+   \endcode
+   e.g. in a table where the visible rows are 5-20, and the
+   visible columns are 100-120, then those variables would be:
+   - toprow = 5
+   - botrow = 20
+   - leftcol = 100
+   - rightcol = 120
+   */
+  inline void visible_cells(int& r1, int& r2, int& c1, int& c2) {
+    r1 = toprow;
+    r2 = botrow;
+    c1 = leftcol;
+    c2 = rightcol;
+  } 
+  /**
+   Returns 1 if someone is interactively resizing a row or column.
+   You can currently call this only from within your callback().
+   */
+  int is_interactive_resize() {
+    return(_resizing_row != -1 || _resizing_col != -1);
+  } 
+  /**
+   Returns if row resizing by the user is allowed.
+   */
+  inline int row_resize() {
+    return(_row_resize);
+  }
+  /**
+   Allows/disallows row resizing by the user.
+   1=allow interactive resizing, 0=disallow interactive resizing.
+   Since interactive resizing is done via the row headers,
+   row_header() must also be enabled to allow resizing.
+   */   
+  void row_resize(int flag) {			// enable row resizing
+    _row_resize = flag;
+  }
+  /**
+   Returns if column resizing by the user is allowed.
+   */
+  inline int col_resize() {
+    return(_col_resize);
+  }
+  /**
+   Allows/disallows column resizing by the user.
+   1=allow interactive resizing, 0=disallow interactive resizing.
+   Since interactive resizing is done via the column headers,
+   \p col_header() must also be enabled to allow resizing.
+   */
+  void col_resize(int flag) {			// enable col resizing
+    _col_resize = flag;
+  }
+  /**
+   Returns the current column minimum resize value.
+   */
+  inline int col_resize_min() {			// column minimum resizing width
+    return(_col_resize_min);
+  }
+  /**
+   Sets the current column minimum resize value.
+   This is used to prevent the user from interactively resizing
+   any column to be smaller than 'pixels'. Must be a value >=1.
+   */
+  void col_resize_min(int val) {
+    _col_resize_min = ( val < 1 ) ? 1 : val;
+  } 
+  /**
+   Returns the current row minimum resize value.
+   */
+  inline int row_resize_min() {			// column minimum resizing width
+    return(_row_resize_min);
+  }
+  /**
+   Sets the current row minimum resize value.
+   This is used to prevent the user from interactively resizing
+   any row to be smaller than 'pixels'. Must be a value >=1.
+   */
+  void row_resize_min(int val) {
+    _row_resize_min = ( val < 1 ) ? 1 : val;
+  }
+  /**
+   Returns if row headers are enabled or not.
+   */
+  inline int row_header() {			// set/get row header enable flag
+    return(_row_header);
+  }
+  /**
+   Enables/disables showing the row headers. 1=enabled, 0=disabled.
+   If changed, the table is redrawn.
+   */
+  void row_header(int flag) {
+    _row_header = flag;
+    table_resized();
+    redraw();
+  }
+  /**
+   Returns if column headers are enabled or not.
+   */
+  inline int col_header() {			// set/get col header enable flag
+    return(_col_header);
+  }
+  /**
+   Enable or disable column headers.
+   If changed, the table is redrawn.
+   */
+  void col_header(int flag) {
+    _col_header = flag;
+    table_resized();
+    redraw();
+  }
+  /**
+   Sets the height in pixels for column headers and redraws the table.
+   */
+  inline void col_header_height(int height) {	// set/get col header height
+    _col_header_h = height;
+    table_resized();
+    redraw();
+  }
+  /**
+   Gets the column header height.
+   */
+  inline int col_header_height() {
+    return(_col_header_h);
+  }
+  /**
+   Sets the row header width to n and causes the screen to redraw.
+   */
+  inline void row_header_width(int width) {	// set/get row header width
+    _row_header_w = width;
+    table_resized();
+    redraw();
+  }
+  /**
+   Returns the current row header width (in pixels).
+   */
+  inline int row_header_width() {
+    return(_row_header_w);
+  }
+  /**
+   Sets the row header color and causes the screen to redraw.
+   */
+  inline void row_header_color(Fl_Color val) {	// set/get row header color
+    _row_header_color = val;
+    redraw();
+  }
+  /**
+   Returns the current row header color.
+   */
+  inline Fl_Color row_header_color() {
+    return(_row_header_color);
+  } 
+  /**
+   Sets the color for column headers and redraws the table.
+   */
+  inline void col_header_color(Fl_Color val) {	// set/get col header color
+    _col_header_color = val;
+    redraw();
+  }
+  /**
+   Gets the color for column headers.
+   */
+  inline Fl_Color col_header_color() {
+    return(_col_header_color);
+  }
+  /**
+   Sets the height of the specified row in pixels,
+   and the table is redrawn.
+   callback() will be invoked with CONTEXT_RC_RESIZE
+   if the row's height was actually changed, and when() is FL_WHEN_CHANGED.
+   */
+  void row_height(int row, int height);		// set/get row height
+  /**
+   Returns the current height of the specified row as a value in pixels.
+   */
+  inline int row_height(int row) {
+    return((row<0 || row>=(int)_rowheights.size()) ? 0 : _rowheights[row]);
+  }
+  /**
+   Sets the width of the specified column in pixels, and the table is redrawn.
+   callback() will be invoked with CONTEXT_RC_RESIZE
+   if the column's width was actually changed, and when() is FL_WHEN_CHANGED.
+   */   
+  void col_width(int col, int width);		// set/get a column's width
+  /**
+   Returns the current width of the specified column in pixels.
+   */
+  inline int col_width(int col) {
+    return((col<0 || col>=(int)_colwidths.size()) ? 0 : _colwidths[col]);
+  }
+  /**
+   Convenience method to set the height of all rows to the
+   same value, in pixels. The screen is redrawn.
+   */
+  void row_height_all(int height) {		// set all row/col heights
+    for ( int r=0; r<rows(); r++ ) {
+      row_height(r, height);
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   Convenience method to set the width of all columns to the
+   same value, in pixels. The screen is redrawn.
+   */
+  void col_width_all(int width) {
+    for ( int c=0; c<cols(); c++ ) {
+      col_width(c, width);
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   Sets the row scroll position to 'row', and causes the screen to redraw.
+   */
+  void row_position(int row);			// set/get table's current scroll position
+  /** 
+   Sets the column scroll position to column 'col', and causes the screen to redraw.
+   */
+  void col_position(int col);
+  /**
+   Returns the current row scroll position as a row number.
+   */
+  int row_position() {				// current row position
+    return(_row_position);
+  }
+  /**
+   Returns the current column scroll position as a column number.
+   */
+  int col_position() {				// current col position
+    return(_col_position);
+  }
+  /**
+   Sets which row should be at the top of the table,
+   scrolling as necessary, and the table is redrawn. If the table
+   cannot be scrolled that far, it is scrolled as far as possible.
+   */
+  inline void top_row(int row) {		// set/get top row (deprecated)
+    row_position(row);
+  }
+  /**
+   Returns the current top row shown in the table.
+   This row may be partially obscured.
+   */
+  inline int top_row() {
+    return(row_position());
+  }
+  int is_selected(int r, int c);		// selected cell
+  void get_selection(int &row_top, int &col_left, int &row_bot, int &col_right);
+  void set_selection(int row_top, int col_left, int row_bot, int col_right);
+  int move_cursor(int R, int C, int shiftselect);
+  int move_cursor(int R, int C);
+  /**
+   Changes the size of the Fl_Table, causing it to redraw.
+   */
+  void resize(int X, int Y, int W, int H);	// fltk resize() override
+  void draw(void);				// fltk draw() override
+  // This crashes sortapp() during init.
+  //  void box(Fl_Boxtype val) {
+  //    Fl_Group::box(val);
+  //    if ( table ) {
+  //      resize(x(), y(), w(), h());
+  //    }
+  //  }
+  //  Fl_Boxtype box(void) const {
+  //    return(Fl_Group::box());
+  //  }
+  // Child group
+  void init_sizes() {
+    table->init_sizes();
+    table->redraw();
+  }
+  void add(Fl_Widget& wgt) {
+    table->add(wgt);
+    if ( table->children() > 2 ) {
+      table->show();
+    } else {
+      table->hide();
+    } 
+  }
+  void add(Fl_Widget* wgt) {
+    add(*wgt);
+  }
+  void insert(Fl_Widget& wgt, int n) {
+    table->insert(wgt,n);
+  }
+  void insert(Fl_Widget& wgt, Fl_Widget* w2) {
+    table->insert(wgt,w2);
+  }
+  void remove(Fl_Widget& wgt) {
+    table->remove(wgt);
+  }
+  void begin() {
+    table->begin();
+  }
+  void end() {
+    table->end();
+    // HACK: Avoid showing Fl_Scroll; seems to erase screen
+    //       causing unnecessary flicker, even if its box() is FL_NO_BOX.
+    //
+    if ( table->children() > 2 ) {
+      table->show();
+    } else {
+      table->hide();
+    } 
+    Fl_Group::current(Fl_Group::parent());
+  }
+  Fl_Widget * const *array() {
+    return(table->array());
+  }
+  /**
+   Returns the child widget by an index.
+   When using the Fl_Table as a container for FLTK widgets, this method returns 
+   the widget pointer from the internal array of widgets in the container.
+   Typically used in loops, eg:
+   \code
+   for ( int i=0; i<children(); i++ ) {
+     Fl_Widget *w = child(i);
+     [..]
+   }
+   \endcode
+   */
+  Fl_Widget *child(int n) const {
+    return(table->child(n));
+  }
+  /**
+   Returns the number of children in the table.
+   When using the Fl_Table as a container for FLTK widgets, this method returns 
+   how many child widgets the table has.
+   \see child(int)
+   */
+  int children() const {
+    return(table->children()-2);    // -2: skip Fl_Scroll's h/v scrollbar widgets
+  }
+  int find(const Fl_Widget *wgt) const {
+    return(table->find(wgt));
+  }
+  int find(const Fl_Widget &wgt) const {
+    return(table->find(wgt));
+  } 
+  /**
+   * Returns the current row the event occurred on.
+   *
+   * This function should only be used from within the user's callback function.
+   */
+  int callback_row() {
+    return(_callback_row);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Returns the current column the event occurred on.
+   *
+   * This function should only be used from within the user's callback function.
+   */
+  int callback_col() {
+    return(_callback_col);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Returns the current 'table context'.
+   *
+   * This function should only be used from within the user's callback function.
+   */
+  TableContext callback_context() {
+    return(_callback_context);
+  }
+  void do_callback(TableContext context, int row, int col) {
+    _callback_context = context;
+    _callback_row = row;
+    _callback_col = col;
+    Fl_Widget::do_callback();
+  }
+#ifdef FL_DOXYGEN
+  /**
+   The Fl_Widget::when() function is used to set a group of flags, determining
+   when the widget callback is called:
+   <table border=1>
+   <tr>
+   <td>\p FL_WHEN_CHANGED</td>
+   <td>
+   callback() will be called when rows or columns are resized (interactively or 
+   via col_width() or row_height()), passing CONTEXT_RC_RESIZE via 
+   callback_context().
+   </td>
+   </tr><tr>
+   <td>\p FL_WHEN_RELEASE</td>
+   <td>
+   callback() will be called during FL_RELEASE events, such as when someone 
+   releases a mouse button somewhere on the table.
+   </td>
+   </tr>
+   </table>
+   The callback() routine is sent a TableContext that indicates the context the
+   event occurred in, such as in a cell, in a header, or elsewhere on the table.
+   When an event occurs in a cell or header, callback_row() and
+   callback_col() can be used to determine the row and column. The callback
+   can also look at the regular fltk event values (ie. Fl::event() and
+   Fl::event_button()) to determine what kind of event is occurring.
+   */
+  void when(Fl_When flags);
+#ifdef FL_DOXYGEN
+  /**
+   Callbacks will be called depending on the setting of Fl_Widget::when().
+   Callback functions should use the following functions to determine the 
+   context/row/column:
+   - Fl_Table::callback_row() returns current row
+   - Fl_Table::callback_col() returns current column
+   - Fl_Table::callback_context() returns current table context
+   callback_row() and callback_col() will be set to the row and column number the 
+   event occurred on. If someone clicked on a row header, \p col will be \a 0.  
+   If someone clicked on a column header, \p row will be \a 0.
+   callback_context() will return one of the following:
+   <table border=1>
+   <tr><td><tt>Fl_Table::CONTEXT_ROW_HEADER</tt></td>
+   <td>Someone clicked on a row header. Excludes resizing.</td>
+   </tr><tr>
+   <td><tt>Fl_Table::CONTEXT_COL_HEADER</tt></td>
+   <td>Someone clicked on a column header. Excludes resizing.</td>
+   </tr><tr>
+   <td><tt>Fl_Table::CONTEXT_CELL</tt></td>
+   <td>
+   Someone clicked on a cell.
+   To receive callbacks for FL_RELEASE events, you must set
+   when(FL_WHEN_RELEASE).
+   </td>
+   </tr><tr>
+   <td><tt>Fl_Table::CONTEXT_RC_RESIZE</tt></td>
+   <td>
+   Someone is resizing rows/columns either interactively,
+   or via the col_width() or row_height() API.
+   Use is_interactive_resize()
+   to determine interactive resizing.
+   If resizing a column, R=0 and C=column being resized.
+   If resizing a row, C=0 and R=row being resized.
+   NOTE: To receive resize events, you must set when(FL_WHEN_CHANGED).
+   </td>
+   </tr>
+   </table>
+   \code
+   class MyTable : public Fl_Table {
+     [..]
+   private:
+     // Handle events that happen on the table
+     void event_callback2() {
+       int R = callback_row(),                         // row where event occurred
+       C = callback_col();                             // column where event occurred
+       TableContext context = callback_context();      // which part of table
+       fprintf(stderr, "callback: Row=%d Col=%d Context=%d Event=%d\n",
+               R, C, (int)context, (int)Fl::event());
+     }
+     // Actual static callback
+     static void event_callback(Fl_Widget*, void* data) {
+       MyTable *o = (MyTable*)data;
+       o->event_callback2();
+     }
+   public:
+     // Constructor
+     MyTable() {
+       [..]
+       table.callback(&event_callback, (void*)this);   // setup callback
+       table.when(FL_WHEN_CHANGED|FL_WHEN_RELEASE);    // when to call it
+     }
+   };
+   \endcode
+   */
+  void callback(Fl_Widget*, void*);
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10301
+  // NEW
+  /**
+    Gets the current size of the scrollbars' troughs, in pixels.
+    If this value is zero (default), this widget will use the 
+    Fl::scrollbar_size() value as the scrollbar's width.
+    \returns Scrollbar size in pixels, or 0 if the global Fl::scrollbar_size() is being used.
+    \see Fl::scrollbar_size(int)
+  */
+  int scrollbar_size() const {
+      return(_scrollbar_size);
+  }
+  /**
+    Sets the pixel size of the scrollbars' troughs to \p newSize, in pixels.
+    Normally you should not need this method, and should use
+    Fl::scrollbar_size(int) instead to manage the size of ALL your
+    widgets' scrollbars. This ensures your application has a consistent
+    UI, is the default behavior, and is normally what you want.
+    Only use THIS method if you really need to override the global
+    scrollbar size. The need for this should be rare.
+    Setting \p newSize to the special value of 0 causes the widget to
+    track the global Fl::scrollbar_size(), which is the default.
+    \param[in] newSize Sets the scrollbar size in pixels.\n
+                    If 0 (default), scrollbar size tracks the global Fl::scrollbar_size()
+    \see Fl::scrollbar_size()
+  */
+  void scrollbar_size(int newSize) {
+      if ( newSize != _scrollbar_size ) redraw();
+      _scrollbar_size = newSize;
+  }   
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10303
+  /**
+    Flag to control if Tab navigates table cells or not.
+    If on, Tab key navigates table cells.
+    If off, Tab key navigates fltk widget focus. (default)
+    As of fltk 1.3, the default behavior of the Tab key is to navigate focus off
+    of the current widget, and on to the next one.  But in some applications,
+    it's useful for Tab to be used to navigate cells in the Fl_Table.
+    \param [in] val If \p val is 1, Tab key navigates cells in table, not fltk widgets.<BR>
+                    If \p val is 0, Tab key will advance focus to the next fltk widget (default), and does not navigate cells in table.
+  */
+  void tab_cell_nav(int val) {
+    if ( val ) flags_ |=  TABCELLNAV;
+    else       flags_ &= ~TABCELLNAV;
+  }
+  /**
+    Get state of table's 'Tab' key cell navigation flag.
+    \returns 1 if Tab configured to navigate cells in table<br>0 to navigate widget focus (default)
+    \see tab_cell_nav(int)
+  */
+  int tab_cell_nav() const {
+    return(flags_ & TABCELLNAV ? 1 : 0);
+  }
+#endif /*_FL_TABLE_H*/
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Table_Row.H
@@ -1,0 +1,201 @@
+// "$Id$"
+#ifndef _FL_TABLE_ROW_H
+#define _FL_TABLE_ROW_H
+// Fl_Table_Row -- A row oriented table widget
+//    A class specializing in a table of rows.
+//    Handles row-specific selection behavior.
+// Copyright 2002 by Greg Ercolano.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems to "erco at seriss dot com".
+#include "Fl_Table.H"
+ A table with row selection capabilities.
+ This class implements a simple table with the ability to select
+ rows.  This widget is similar to an Fl_Browser with columns.  Most
+ methods of importance will be found in the Fl_Table widget, such
+ as Fl_Table::rows() and Fl_Table::cols().
+ To be useful it must be subclassed and at minimum the draw_cell()
+ method must be overridden to provide the content of the cells. This widget
+ does \em not manage the cell's data content; it is up to the parent
+ class's draw_cell() method override to provide this.
+ Events on the cells and/or headings generate callbacks when they are 
+ clicked by the user.  You control when events are generated based on
+ the values you supply for Fl_Table::when().
+ */
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Table_Row : public Fl_Table {
+  enum TableRowSelectMode {
+    SELECT_NONE,		// no selection allowed
+    SELECT_SINGLE,		// single row selection
+    SELECT_MULTI		// multiple row selection (default)
+  }; 
+  // An STL-ish vector without templates
+  class FL_EXPORT CharVector {
+    char *arr;
+    int _size;
+    void init() {
+      arr = NULL;
+      _size = 0;
+    }
+    void copy(char *newarr, int newsize) {
+      size(newsize);
+      memcpy(arr, newarr, newsize * sizeof(char));
+    }
+  public:
+    CharVector() {				// CTOR
+      init();
+    }
+    ~CharVector() {				// DTOR
+      if ( arr ) free(arr);
+      arr = NULL;
+    }
+    CharVector(CharVector&o) {			// COPY CTOR
+      init();
+      copy(o.arr, o._size);
+    }
+    CharVector& operator=(CharVector&o) {	// ASSIGN
+      init();
+      copy(o.arr, o._size);
+      return(*this);
+    }
+    char operator[](int x) const {
+      return(arr[x]);
+    }
+    char& operator[](int x) {
+      return(arr[x]);
+    }
+    int size() {
+      return(_size);
+    }
+    void size(int count) {
+      if ( count != _size ) {
+        arr = (char*)realloc(arr, count * sizeof(char));
+        _size = count;
+      }
+    }
+    char pop_back() {
+      char tmp = arr[_size-1];
+      _size--;
+      return(tmp);
+    }
+    void push_back(char val) {
+      int x = _size;
+      size(_size+1);
+      arr[x] = val;
+    }
+    char back() {
+      return(arr[_size-1]);
+    }
+  };
+  CharVector _rowselect;		// selection flag for each row
+  // handle() state variables.
+  //    Put here instead of local statics in handle(), so more
+  //    than one instance can exist without crosstalk between.
+  //
+  int _dragging_select;		// dragging out a selection?
+  int _last_row;
+  int _last_y;			// last event's Y position
+  int _last_push_x;		// last PUSH event's X position
+  int _last_push_y;		// last PUSH event's Y position
+  TableRowSelectMode _selectmode;
+  int handle(int event);
+  int find_cell(TableContext context,		// find cell's x/y/w/h given r/c
+                int R, int C, int &X, int &Y, int &W, int &H) {
+    return(Fl_Table::find_cell(context, R, C, X, Y, W, H));
+  }
+  /**
+   The constructor for the Fl_Table_Row.
+   This creates an empty table with no rows or columns,
+   with headers and row/column resize behavior disabled.
+   */   
+  Fl_Table_Row(int X, int Y, int W, int H, const char *l=0) : Fl_Table(X,Y,W,H,l) {
+    _dragging_select = 0;
+    _last_row        = -1;
+    _last_y          = -1;
+    _last_push_x     = -1;
+    _last_push_y     = -1;
+    _selectmode      = SELECT_MULTI;
+  }
+  /**
+   The destructor for the Fl_Table_Row.
+   Destroys the table and its associated widgets.
+   */
+  ~Fl_Table_Row() { }
+  void rows(int val);			// set number of rows
+  int rows() {				// get number of rows
+    return(Fl_Table::rows());
+  }
+  /**
+   Sets the table selection mode.
+   - \p Fl_Table_Row::SELECT_NONE - No selection allowed
+   - \p Fl_Table_Row::SELECT_SINGLE - Only single rows can be selected
+   - \p Fl_Table_Row::SELECT_MULTI - Multiple rows can be selected
+   */
+  void type(TableRowSelectMode val);	// set selection mode
+  TableRowSelectMode type() const {	// get selection mode
+    return(_selectmode);
+  }
+  /**
+   Checks to see if 'row' is selected. Returns 1 if selected, 0 if not. You can
+   change the selection of a row by clicking on it, or by using
+   select_row(row, flag)
+   */
+  int row_selected(int row);		// is row selected? (0=no, 1=yes, -1=range err)
+  /**
+   Changes the selection state for 'row', depending on the value
+   of 'flag'.  0=deselected, 1=select, 2=toggle existing state.
+   */
+  int select_row(int row, int flag=1);	// select state for row: flag:0=off, 1=on, 2=toggle
+  // returns: 0=no change, 1=changed, -1=range err
+  /**
+   This convenience function changes the selection state 
+   for \em all rows based on 'flag'. 0=deselect, 1=select, 2=toggle existing state.
+   */
+  void select_all_rows(int flag=1);	// all rows to a known state
+  void clear() {
+    rows(0);		// implies clearing selection
+    cols(0);
+    Fl_Table::clear();	// clear the table
+  }
+#endif /*_FL_TABLE_ROW_H*/
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Tabs.H
@@ -1,0 +1,246 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Tab header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Tabs widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_Tabs_H
+#define Fl_Tabs_H
+#include "Fl_Group.H"
+  The Fl_Tabs widget is the "file card tabs"
+  interface that allows you to put lots and lots of buttons and
+  switches in a panel, as popularized by many toolkits.
+  \image html  tabs.png
+  \image latex tabs.png "Fl_Tabs" width=8cm
+  Clicking the tab makes a child visible() by calling
+  show() on it, and all other children are made invisible
+  by calling hide() on them. Usually the children are Fl_Group widgets
+  containing several widgets themselves.
+  Each child makes a card, and its label() is printed
+  on the card tab, including the label font and style.  The
+  selection color of that child is used to color the tab, while
+  the color of the child determines the background color of the pane.
+  The size of the tabs is controlled by the bounding box of the
+  children (there should be some space between the children and
+  the edge of the Fl_Tabs), and the tabs may be placed
+  "inverted" on the bottom - this is determined by which
+  gap is larger. It is easiest to lay this out in fluid, using the
+  fluid browser to select each child group and resize them until
+  the tabs look the way you want them to.
+  The background area behind and to the right of the tabs is
+  "transparent", exposing the background detail of the parent. The
+  value of Fl_Tabs::box() does not affect this area. So if Fl_Tabs is
+  resized by itself without the parent, force the appropriate parent
+  (visible behind the tabs) to redraw() to prevent artifacts.
+  See "Resizing Caveats" below on how to keep tab heights constant.
+  See "Callback's Use Of when()" on how to control the details
+  of how clicks invoke the callback().
+  A typical use of the Fl_Tabs widget:
+  \par
+  \code
+      // Typical use of Fl_Tabs
+      Fl_Tabs *tabs = new Fl_Tabs(10,10,300,200);
+      {
+          Fl_Group *grp1 = new Fl_Group(20,30,280,170,"Tab1");
+	  {
+	      ..widgets that go in tab#1..
+          }
+	  grp1->end();
+          Fl_Group *grp2 = new Fl_Group(20,30,280,170,"Tab2");
+	  {
+	      ..widgets that go in tab#2..
+	  }
+	  grp2->end();
+      }
+      tabs->end();
+  \endcode
+  \b Default \b Appearance
+  The appearance of each "tab" is taken from the label() and color() of the
+  child group corresponding to that "tab" and panel. Where the "tabs" appear
+  depends on the position and size of the child groups that make up the
+  panels within the Fl_Tab, i.e. whether there is more space above or
+  below them. The height of the "tabs" depends on how much free space
+  is available.
+  \image html  tabs_default.png "Fl_Tabs Default Appearance"
+  \image latex tabs_default.png "Fl_Tabs Default Appearance" width=8cm
+  \b Highlighting \b The \b Selected \b Tab
+  The selected "tab" can be highlighted further by setting the
+  selection_color() of the Fl_Tab itself, e.g.
+  \par
+  \code
+  ..
+  tabs = new Fl_Tabs(..);
+  tabs->selection_color(FL_DARK3);
+  ..
+  \endcode
+  The result of the above looks like:
+  \image html  tabs_selection.png "Highlighting the selected tab"
+  \image latex tabs_selection.png "Highlighting the selected tab" width=8cm
+  \b Uniform \b Tab \b and \b Panel \b Appearance
+  In order to have uniform tab and panel appearance, not only must the color()
+  and selection_color() for each child group be set, but also the 
+  selection_color() of the Fl_Tab itself any time a new "tab" is selected.
+  This can be achieved within the Fl_Tab callback, e.g.
+  \par
+  \code
+  void MyTabCallback(Fl_Widget *w, void*) {
+    Fl_Tabs *tabs = (Fl_Tabs*)w;
+    // When tab changed, make sure it has same color as its group
+    tabs->selection_color( (tab->value())->color() );
+  }
+  ..
+  int main(..) {
+    // Define tabs widget
+    tabs = new Fl_Tabs(..);
+    tabs->callback(MyTabCallback);
+    // Create three tabs each colored differently
+    grp1 = new Fl_Group(.. "One");
+     grp1->color(9);
+     grp1->selection_color(9);
+    grp1->end();
+    grp2 = new Fl_Group(.. "Two");
+     grp2->color(10);
+     grp2->selection_color(10);
+    grp2->end();
+    grp3 = new Fl_Group(.. "Three");
+     grp3->color(14);
+     grp3->selection_color(14);
+    grp3->end();
+    ..
+    // Make sure default tab has same color as its group
+    tabs->selection_color( (tab->value())->color() );
+    ..
+    return Fl::run();
+  }
+  \endcode
+  The result of the above looks like:
+  \image html  tabs_uniform.png "Fl_Tabs with uniform colors"
+  \image latex tabs_uniform.png "Fl_Tabs with uniform colors" width=8cm
+  \b Resizing \b Caveats
+  When Fl_Tabs is resized vertically, the default behavior scales the
+  tab's height as well as its children.  To keep the tab height constant
+  during resizing, set the tab widget's resizable() to one of the tab's
+  child groups, i.e.
+  \par
+  \code
+    tabs = new Fl_Tabs(..);
+    grp1 = new Fl_Group(..);
+    ..
+    grp2 = new Fl_Group(..);
+    ..
+    tabs->end();
+    tabs->resizable(grp1);	// keeps tab height constant
+  \endcode
+  \par Callback's Use Of when()
+  As of FLTK 1.3.3, Fl_Tabs() supports the following flags for when():
+    - \ref FL_WHEN_NEVER       -- callback never invoked (all flags off)
+    - \ref FL_WHEN_CHANGED     -- if flag set, invokes callback when a tab has been changed (on click or keyboard navigation)
+    - \ref FL_WHEN_NOT_CHANGED -- if flag set, invokes callback when the tabs remain unchanged (on click or keyboard navigation)
+    - \ref FL_WHEN_RELEASE     -- if flag set, invokes callback on RELEASE of mouse button or keyboard navigation
+  Notes:
+    -#  The above flags can be logically OR-ed (|) or added (+) to combine behaviors.
+    -#  The default value for when() is \ref FL_WHEN_RELEASE (inherited from Fl_Widget).
+    -#  If \ref FL_WHEN_RELEASE is the \em only flag specified, 
+        the behavior will be as if (\ref FL_WHEN_RELEASE|\ref FL_WHEN_CHANGED) was specified.
+    -#  The value of changed() will be valid during the callback.
+    -#  If both \ref FL_WHEN_CHANGED and \ref FL_WHEN_NOT_CHANGED are specified, 
+        the callback is invoked whether the tab has been changed or not.
+	The changed() method can be used to determine the cause.
+    -#  \ref FL_WHEN_NOT_CHANGED can happen if someone clicks on an already selected tab,
+        or if a keyboard navigation attempt results in no change to the tabs,
+	such as using the arrow keys while at the left or right end of the tabs.
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Tabs : public Fl_Group {
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10304
+  // NEW (nothing)
+  // OLD (maintained for ABI compat)
+  Fl_Widget *value_;	// NOTE: this member no longer used -- STR #3169
+  Fl_Widget *push_;
+  int *tab_pos;		// array of x-offsets of tabs per child + 1
+  int *tab_width;	// array of widths of tabs per child + 1
+  int tab_count;	// array size
+  int tab_positions();	// allocate and calculate tab positions
+  void clear_tab_positions();
+  int tab_height();
+  void draw_tab(int x1, int x2, int W, int H, Fl_Widget* o, int sel=0);
+  void redraw_tabs();
+  void draw();
+  int handle(int);
+  Fl_Widget *value();
+  int value(Fl_Widget *);
+  /**
+    Returns the tab group for the tab the user has currently down-clicked on
+    and remains over until FL_RELEASE. Otherwise, returns NULL.
+    While the user is down-clicked on a tab, the return value is the tab group
+    for that tab. But as soon as the user releases, or drags off the tab with
+    the button still down, the return value will be NULL.
+    \see push(Fl_Widget*).
+  */
+  Fl_Widget *push() const {return push_;}
+  int push(Fl_Widget *);
+  Fl_Tabs(int,int,int,int,const char * = 0);
+  Fl_Widget *which(int event_x, int event_y);
+  ~Fl_Tabs();
+  void client_area(int &rx, int &ry, int &rw, int &rh, int tabh=0);
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Text_Buffer.H
@@ -1,0 +1,805 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Header file for Fl_Text_Buffer class.
+// Copyright 2001-2016 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// Original code Copyright Mark Edel.  Permission to distribute under
+// the LGPL for the FLTK library granted by Mark Edel.
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+ Fl_Text_Buffer, Fl_Text_Selection widget . */
+#undef ASSERT_UTF8
+#ifdef ASSERT_UTF8
+# include <assert.h>
+# define IS_UTF8_ALIGNED(a) if (a && *a) assert(fl_utf8len(*(a))>0);
+# define IS_UTF8_ALIGNED2(a, b) if (b>=0 && b<a->length()) assert(fl_utf8len(a->byte_at(b))>0);
+# define IS_UTF8_ALIGNED(a)
+# define IS_UTF8_ALIGNED2(a, b)
+ "character size" is the size of a UTF-8 character in bytes
+ "character width" is the width of a Unicode character in pixels
+ "column" was orginally defined as a character offset from the left margin.
+ It was identical to the byte offset. In UTF-8, we have neither a byte offset
+ nor truly fixed width fonts (*). Column could be a pixel value multiplied with
+ an average character width (which is a bearable approximation).
+ * in Unicode, there are no fixed width fonts! Even if the ASCII characters may
+   happen to be all the same width in pixels, Chinese characters surely are not.
+   There are plenty of exceptions, like ligatures, that make special handling of
+   "fixed" character widths a nightmare. I decided to remove all references to
+   fixed fonts and see "columns" as a multiple of the average width of a
+   character in the main font.
+     - Matthias
+ */
+/* Maximum length in characters of a tab or control character expansion
+   of a single buffer character */
+#include "Fl_Export.H"
+ \class Fl_Text_Selection
+ \brief This is an internal class for Fl_Text_Buffer to manage text selections.
+ This class works correctly with UTF-8 strings assuming that the parameters
+ for all calls are on character boundaries.
+ */
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Text_Selection {
+  friend class Fl_Text_Buffer;
+  /**
+   \brief Set the selection range.
+   \param start byte offset to first selected character
+   \param end byte offset pointing after last selected character
+   */
+  void set(int start, int end);
+  /**
+   \brief Updates a selection after text was modified.
+   Updates an individual selection for changes in the corresponding text
+   \param pos byte offset into text buffer at which the change occurred
+   \param nDeleted number of bytes deleted from the buffer
+   \param nInserted number of bytes inserted into the buffer
+   */
+  void update(int pos, int nDeleted, int nInserted);
+  /**
+   \brief Return the byte offset to the first selected character.
+   \return byte offset
+   */
+  int start() const { return mStart; }
+  /**
+   \brief Return the byte offset to the character after the last selected character.
+   \return byte offset
+   */
+  int end() const { return mEnd; }
+  /**
+   \brief Returns true if any text is selected.
+   \return a non-zero number if any text has been selected, or 0
+   if no text is selected.
+   */
+  bool selected() const { return mSelected; }
+  /**
+   \brief Modify the 'selected' flag.
+   \param b new flag
+   */
+  void selected(bool b) { mSelected = b; }
+  /**
+   Return true if position \p pos with indentation \p dispIndex is in
+   the Fl_Text_Selection.
+   */
+  int includes(int pos) const;
+  /**
+   \brief Return the positions of this selection.
+   \param start return byte offset to first selected character
+   \param end return byte offset pointing after last selected character
+   \return true if selected
+   */
+  int position(int* start, int* end) const;
+  int mStart;         ///< byte offset to the first selected character
+  int mEnd;           ///< byte offset to the character after the last selected character
+  bool mSelected;     ///< this flag is set if any text is selected
+typedef void (*Fl_Text_Modify_Cb)(int pos, int nInserted, int nDeleted,
+                                  int nRestyled, const char* deletedText,
+                                  void* cbArg);
+typedef void (*Fl_Text_Predelete_Cb)(int pos, int nDeleted, void* cbArg);
+ \brief This class manages Unicode text displayed in one or more Fl_Text_Display widgets.
+ All text in Fl_Text_Buffer must be encoded in UTF-8. All indices used in the
+ function calls must be aligned to the start of a UTF-8 sequence. All indices
+ and pointers returned will be aligned. All functions that return a single
+ character will return that in an unsiged int in UCS-4 encoding.
+ The Fl_Text_Buffer class is used by the Fl_Text_Display
+ and Fl_Text_Editor to manage complex text data and is based upon the
+ excellent NEdit text editor engine - see
+ */
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Text_Buffer {
+  /**
+   Create an empty text buffer of a pre-determined size.
+   \param requestedSize use this to avoid unnecessary re-allocation
+    if you know exactly how much the buffer will need to hold
+   \param preferredGapSize Initial size for the buffer gap (empty space
+    in the buffer where text might be inserted
+    if the user is typing sequential characters)
+   */
+  Fl_Text_Buffer(int requestedSize = 0, int preferredGapSize = 1024);
+  /**
+   Frees a text buffer
+   */
+  ~Fl_Text_Buffer();
+  /**
+   \brief Returns the number of bytes in the buffer.
+   \return size of text in bytes
+   */
+  int length() const { return mLength; }
+  /**
+   \brief Get a copy of the entire contents of the text buffer.
+   Memory is allocated to contain the returned string, which the caller
+   must free.
+   \return newly allocated text buffer - must be free'd, text is UTF-8
+   */
+  char* text() const;
+  /**
+   Replaces the entire contents of the text buffer.
+   \param text Text must be valid UTF-8. If null, an empty string is substituted.
+   */
+  void text(const char* text);
+  /**
+   \brief Get a copy of a part of the text buffer.
+   Return a copy of the text between \p start and \p end character positions
+   from text buffer \p buf. Positions start at 0, and the range does not
+   include the character pointed to by \p end.
+   When you are done with the text, free it using the free() function.
+   \param start byte offset to first character
+   \param end byte offset after last character in range
+   \return newly allocated text buffer - must be free'd, text is UTF-8
+   */
+  char* text_range(int start, int end) const;
+  /**
+   Returns the character at the specified position \p pos in the buffer.
+   Positions start at 0.
+   \param pos byte offset into buffer, \p pos must be at a UTF-8 character boundary
+   \return Unicode UCS-4 encoded character
+   */
+  unsigned int char_at(int pos) const;
+  /**
+   Returns the raw byte at the specified position pos in the buffer.
+   Positions start at 0.
+   \param pos byte offset into buffer
+   \return unencoded raw byte
+   */
+  char byte_at(int pos) const;
+  /**
+   Convert a byte offset in buffer into a memory address.
+   \param pos byte offset into buffer
+   \return byte offset converted to a memory address
+   */
+  const char *address(int pos) const
+  { return (pos < mGapStart) ? mBuf+pos : mBuf+pos+mGapEnd-mGapStart; }
+  /**
+   Convert a byte offset in buffer into a memory address.
+   \param pos byte offset into buffer
+   \return byte offset converted to a memory address
+   */
+  char *address(int pos)
+  { return (pos < mGapStart) ? mBuf+pos : mBuf+pos+mGapEnd-mGapStart; }
+  /**
+   Inserts null-terminated string \p text at position \p pos.
+   \param pos insertion position as byte offset (must be UTF-8 character aligned)
+   \param text UTF-8 encoded and nul terminated text
+   */
+  void insert(int pos, const char* text);
+  /**
+   Appends the text string to the end of the buffer.
+   \param t UTF-8 encoded and nul terminated text
+   */
+  void append(const char* t) { insert(length(), t); }
+  /**
+   Deletes a range of characters in the buffer.
+   \param start byte offset to first character to be removed
+   \param end byte offset to character after last character to be removed
+   */
+  void remove(int start, int end);
+  /**
+   Deletes the characters between \p start and \p end, and inserts the
+   null-terminated string \p text in their place in the buffer.
+   \param start byte offset to first character to be removed and new insert position
+   \param end byte offset to character after last character to be removed
+   \param text UTF-8 encoded and nul terminated text
+   */
+  void replace(int start, int end, const char *text);
+  /**
+   Copies text from another Fl_Text_Buffer to this one.
+   \param fromBuf source text buffer, may be the same as this
+   \param fromStart byte offset into buffer
+   \param fromEnd byte offset into buffer
+   \param toPos destination byte offset into buffer
+   */
+  void copy(Fl_Text_Buffer* fromBuf, int fromStart, int fromEnd, int toPos);
+  /**
+   Undo text modification according to the undo variables or insert text
+   from the undo buffer
+   */
+  int undo(int *cp=0);
+  /**
+   Lets the undo system know if we can undo changes
+   */
+  void canUndo(char flag=1);
+  /**
+   Inserts a file at the specified position.
+   Returns
+    - 0 on success
+    - non-zero on error (strerror() contains reason)
+    - 1 indicates open for read failed (no data loaded)
+    - 2 indicates error occurred while reading data (data was partially loaded)
+   File can be UTF-8 or CP1252 encoded.
+   If the input file is not UTF-8 encoded, the Fl_Text_Buffer widget will
+   contain data transcoded to UTF-8. By default, the message
+   Fl_Text_Buffer::file_encoding_warning_message
+   will warn the user about this.
+   \see input_file_was_transcoded and transcoding_warning_action.
+   */
+  int insertfile(const char *file, int pos, int buflen = 128*1024);
+  /**
+   Appends the named file to the end of the buffer. See also insertfile().
+   */
+  int appendfile(const char *file, int buflen = 128*1024)
+  { return insertfile(file, length(), buflen); }
+  /**
+   Loads a text file into the buffer. See also insertfile().
+   */
+  int loadfile(const char *file, int buflen = 128*1024)
+  { select(0, length()); remove_selection(); return appendfile(file, buflen); }
+  /**
+   Writes the specified portions of the text buffer to a file.
+   Returns
+    - 0 on success
+    - non-zero on error (strerror() contains reason)
+    - 1 indicates open for write failed (no data saved)
+    - 2 indicates error occurred while writing data (data was partially saved)
+   \see savefile(const char *file, int buflen)
+   */
+  int outputfile(const char *file, int start, int end, int buflen = 128*1024);
+  /**
+   Saves a text file from the current buffer.
+   Returns
+    - 0 on success
+    - non-zero on error (strerror() contains reason)
+    - 1 indicates open for write failed (no data saved)
+    - 2 indicates error occurred while writing data (data was partially saved)
+   \see outputfile(const char *file, int start, int end, int buflen)
+   */
+  int savefile(const char *file, int buflen = 128*1024)
+  { return outputfile(file, 0, length(), buflen); }
+  /**
+   Gets the tab width.
+   The tab width is measured in characters. The pixel position is
+   calculated using an average character width.
+   */
+  int tab_distance() const { return mTabDist; }
+  /**
+   Set the hardware tab distance (width) used by all displays for this buffer,
+   and used in computing offsets for rectangular selection operations.
+   */
+  void tab_distance(int tabDist);
+  /**
+   Selects a range of characters in the buffer.
+   */
+  void select(int start, int end);
+  /**
+   Returns a non-zero value if text has been selected, 0 otherwise.
+   */
+  int selected() const { return mPrimary.selected(); }
+  /**
+   Cancels any previous selection on the primary text selection object.
+   */
+  void unselect();
+  /**
+   Gets the selection position.
+   */
+  int selection_position(int* start, int* end);
+  /**
+   Returns the currently selected text.
+   When you are done with the text, free it using the free() function.
+   */
+  char* selection_text();
+  /**
+   Removes the text in the primary selection.
+   */
+  void remove_selection();
+  /**
+   Replaces the text in the primary selection.
+   */
+  void replace_selection(const char* text);
+  /**
+   Selects a range of characters in the secondary selection.
+   */
+  void secondary_select(int start, int end);
+  /**
+   Returns a non-zero value if text has been selected in the secondary
+   text selection, 0 otherwise.
+   */
+  int secondary_selected() { return mSecondary.selected(); }
+  /**
+   Clears any selection in the secondary text selection object.
+   */
+  void secondary_unselect();
+  /**
+   Returns the current selection in the secondary text selection object.
+   */
+  int secondary_selection_position(int* start, int* end);
+  /**
+   Returns the text in the secondary selection.
+   When you are done with the text, free it using the free() function.
+   */
+  char* secondary_selection_text();
+  /**
+   Removes the text from the buffer corresponding to the secondary text
+   selection object.
+   */
+  void remove_secondary_selection();
+  /**
+   Replaces the text from the buffer corresponding to the secondary
+   text selection object with the new string \p text.
+   */
+  void replace_secondary_selection(const char* text);
+  /**
+   Highlights the specified text within the buffer.
+   */
+  void highlight(int start, int end);
+  /**
+   Returns the highlighted text.
+   When you are done with the text, free it using the free() function.
+   */
+  int highlight() { return mHighlight.selected(); }
+  /**
+   Unhighlights text in the buffer.
+   */
+  void unhighlight();
+  /**
+   Highlights the specified text between \p start and \p end within the buffer.
+   */
+  int highlight_position(int* start, int* end);
+  /**
+   Returns the highlighted text.
+   When you are done with the text, free it using the free() function.
+   */
+  char* highlight_text();
+  /**
+   Adds a callback function that is called whenever the text buffer is modified.
+   The callback function is declared as follows:
+   \code
+   typedef void (*Fl_Text_Modify_Cb)(int pos, int nInserted, int nDeleted,
+      int nRestyled, const char* deletedText,
+      void* cbArg);
+   \endcode
+   */
+  void add_modify_callback(Fl_Text_Modify_Cb bufModifiedCB, void* cbArg);
+  /**
+   Removes a modify callback.
+   */
+  void remove_modify_callback(Fl_Text_Modify_Cb bufModifiedCB, void* cbArg);
+  /**
+   Calls all modify callbacks that have been registered using
+   the add_modify_callback() method.
+   */
+  void call_modify_callbacks() { call_modify_callbacks(0, 0, 0, 0, 0); }
+  /**
+   Adds a callback routine to be called before text is deleted from the buffer.
+   */
+  void add_predelete_callback(Fl_Text_Predelete_Cb bufPredelCB, void* cbArg);
+  /**
+   Removes a callback routine \p bufPreDeleteCB associated with argument \p cbArg
+   to be called before text is deleted from the buffer.
+   */
+  void remove_predelete_callback(Fl_Text_Predelete_Cb predelCB, void* cbArg);
+  /**
+   Calls the stored pre-delete callback procedure(s) for this buffer to update
+   the changed area(s) on the screen and any other listeners.
+   */
+  void call_predelete_callbacks() { call_predelete_callbacks(0, 0); }
+  /**
+   Returns the text from the entire line containing the specified
+   character position.
+   When you are done with the text, free it using the free() function.
+   \param pos byte index into buffer
+   \return copy of UTF-8 text, must be free'd
+   */
+  char* line_text(int pos) const;
+  /**
+   Returns the position of the start of the line containing position \p pos.
+   \param pos byte index into buffer
+   \return byte offset to line start
+   */
+  int line_start(int pos) const;
+  /**
+   Finds and returns the position of the end of the line containing position
+   \p pos (which is either a pointer to the newline character ending the line
+   or a pointer to one character beyond the end of the buffer).
+   \param pos byte index into buffer
+   \return byte offset to line end
+   */
+  int line_end(int pos) const;
+  /**
+   Returns the position corresponding to the start of the word.
+   \param pos byte index into buffer
+   \return byte offset to word start
+   */
+  int word_start(int pos) const;
+  /**
+   Returns the position corresponding to the end of the word.
+   \param pos byte index into buffer
+   \return byte offset to word end
+   */
+  int word_end(int pos) const;
+  /**
+   Count the number of displayed characters between buffer position
+   \p lineStartPos and \p targetPos.
+   Displayed characters are the characters shown on the screen to represent
+   characters in the buffer, where tabs and control characters are expanded.
+   */
+  int count_displayed_characters(int lineStartPos, int targetPos) const;
+  /**
+   Count forward from buffer position \p startPos in displayed characters.
+   Displayed characters are the characters shown on the screen to represent
+   characters in the buffer, where tabs and control characters are expanded.
+   \param lineStartPos byte offset into buffer
+   \param nChars number of bytes that are sent to the display
+   \return byte offset in input after all output bytes are sent
+   */
+  int skip_displayed_characters(int lineStartPos, int nChars);
+  /**
+   Counts the number of newlines between \p startPos and \p endPos in buffer.
+   The character at position \p endPos is not counted.
+   */
+  int count_lines(int startPos, int endPos) const;
+  /**
+   Finds the first character of the line \p nLines forward from \p startPos
+   in the buffer and returns its position.
+   */
+  int skip_lines(int startPos, int nLines);
+  /**
+   Finds and returns the position of the first character of the line \p nLines
+   backwards from \p startPos (not counting the character pointed to by
+   \p startpos if that is a newline) in the buffer.
+   \p nLines == 0 means find the beginning of the line.
+   */
+  int rewind_lines(int startPos, int nLines);
+  /**
+   Finds the next occurrence of the specified character.
+   Search forwards in buffer for character \p searchChar, starting
+   with the character \p startPos, and returning the result in \p foundPos.
+   Returns 1 if found, 0 if not.
+   The difference between this and search_forward() is that it's optimized
+   for single characters. The overall performance of the text widget is
+   dependent on its ability to count lines quickly, hence searching for a
+   single character: newline.
+   \param startPos byte offset to start position
+   \param searchChar UCS-4 character that we want to find
+   \param foundPos byte offset where the character was found
+   \return 1 if found, 0 if not
+   */
+  int findchar_forward(int startPos, unsigned searchChar, int* foundPos) const;
+  /**
+   Search backwards in buffer \p buf for character \p searchChar, starting
+   with the character \e before \p startPos, returning the result in \p foundPos.
+   Returns 1 if found, 0 if not.  The difference between this and
+   search_backward() is that it's optimized for single characters.  The
+   overall performance of the text widget is dependent on its ability to
+   count lines quickly, hence searching for a single character: newline.
+   \param startPos byte offset to start position
+   \param searchChar UCS-4 character that we want to find
+   \param foundPos byte offset where the character was found
+   \return 1 if found, 0 if not
+   */
+  int findchar_backward(int startPos, unsigned int searchChar, int* foundPos) const;
+  /**
+   Search forwards in buffer for string \p searchString, starting with the
+   character \p startPos, and returning the result in \p foundPos.
+   Returns 1 if found, 0 if not.
+   \param startPos byte offset to start position
+   \param searchString UTF-8 string that we want to find
+   \param foundPos byte offset where the string was found
+   \param matchCase if set, match character case
+   \return 1 if found, 0 if not
+   */
+  int search_forward(int startPos, const char* searchString, int* foundPos,
+                     int matchCase = 0) const;
+  /**
+   Search backwards in buffer for string \p searchString, starting with
+   the character \e at \p startPos, returning the result in \p foundPos.
+   Returns 1 if found, 0 if not.
+   \param startPos byte offset to start position
+   \param searchString UTF-8 string that we want to find
+   \param foundPos byte offset where the string was found
+   \param matchCase if set, match character case
+   \return 1 if found, 0 if not
+   */
+  int search_backward(int startPos, const char* searchString, int* foundPos,
+                      int matchCase = 0) const;
+  /**
+   Returns the primary selection.
+   */
+  const Fl_Text_Selection* primary_selection() const { return &mPrimary; }
+  /**
+   Returns the primary selection.
+   */
+  Fl_Text_Selection* primary_selection() { return &mPrimary; }
+  /**
+   Returns the secondary selection.
+   */
+  const Fl_Text_Selection* secondary_selection() const { return &mSecondary; }
+  /**
+   Returns the current highlight selection.
+   */
+  const Fl_Text_Selection* highlight_selection() const { return &mHighlight; }
+  /**
+   Returns the index of the previous character.
+   \param ix index to the current character
+   */
+  int prev_char(int ix) const;
+  int prev_char_clipped(int ix) const;
+  /**
+   Returns the index of the next character.
+   \param ix index to the current character
+   */
+  int next_char(int ix) const;
+  int next_char_clipped(int ix) const;
+  /**
+   Align an index into the buffer to the current or previous UTF-8 boundary.
+   */
+  int utf8_align(int) const;
+  /**
+   \brief true if the loaded file has been transcoded to UTF-8.
+   */
+  int input_file_was_transcoded;
+  /** This message may be displayed using the fl_alert() function when a file
+   which was not UTF-8 encoded is input.
+   */
+  static const char* file_encoding_warning_message;
+  /**
+   \brief Pointer to a function called after reading a non UTF-8 encoded file.
+   This function is called after reading a file if the file content
+   was transcoded to UTF-8. Its default implementation calls fl_alert()
+   with the text of \ref file_encoding_warning_message. No warning message is
+   displayed if this pointer is set to NULL. Use \ref input_file_was_transcoded
+   to be informed if file input required transcoding to UTF-8.
+   */
+  void (*transcoding_warning_action)(Fl_Text_Buffer*);
+  /**
+   Calls the stored modify callback procedure(s) for this buffer to update the
+   changed area(s) on the screen and any other listeners.
+   */
+  void call_modify_callbacks(int pos, int nDeleted, int nInserted,
+                             int nRestyled, const char* deletedText) const;
+  /**
+   Calls the stored pre-delete callback procedure(s) for this buffer to update
+   the changed area(s) on the screen and any other listeners.
+   */
+  void call_predelete_callbacks(int pos, int nDeleted) const;
+  /**
+   Internal (non-redisplaying) version of insert().
+   Returns the length of text inserted (this is just strlen(\p text), however
+   this calculation can be expensive and the length will be required by any
+   caller who will continue on to call redisplay). \p pos must be contiguous
+   with the existing text in the buffer (i.e. not past the end).
+   \return the number of bytes inserted
+   */
+  int insert_(int pos, const char* text);
+  /**
+   Internal (non-redisplaying) version of remove().
+   Removes the contents of the buffer between \p start and \p end (and moves
+   the gap to the site of the delete).
+   */
+  void remove_(int start, int end);
+  /**
+   Calls the stored redisplay procedure(s) for this buffer to update the
+   screen for a change in a selection.
+   */
+  void redisplay_selection(Fl_Text_Selection* oldSelection,
+                           Fl_Text_Selection* newSelection) const;
+  /**
+   Move the gap to start at a new position.
+   */
+  void move_gap(int pos);
+  /**
+   Reallocates the text storage in the buffer to have a gap starting at \p newGapStart
+   and a gap size of \p newGapLen, preserving the buffer's current contents.
+   */
+  void reallocate_with_gap(int newGapStart, int newGapLen);
+  char* selection_text_(Fl_Text_Selection* sel) const;
+  /**
+   Removes the text from the buffer corresponding to \p sel.
+   */
+  void remove_selection_(Fl_Text_Selection* sel);
+  /**
+   Replaces the \p text in selection \p sel.
+   */
+  void replace_selection_(Fl_Text_Selection* sel, const char* text);
+  /**
+   Updates all of the selections in the buffer for changes in the buffer's text
+   */
+  void update_selections(int pos, int nDeleted, int nInserted);
+  Fl_Text_Selection mPrimary;     /**< highlighted areas */
+  Fl_Text_Selection mSecondary;   /**< highlighted areas */
+  Fl_Text_Selection mHighlight;   /**< highlighted areas */
+  int mLength;                    /**< length of the text in the buffer (the length
+                                       of the buffer itself must be calculated:
+                                       gapEnd - gapStart + length) */
+  char* mBuf;                     /**< allocated memory where the text is stored */
+  int mGapStart;                  /**< points to the first character of the gap */
+  int mGapEnd;                    /**< points to the first character after the gap */
+  // The hardware tab distance used by all displays for this buffer,
+  // and used in computing offsets for rectangular selection operations.
+  int mTabDist;                   /**< equiv. number of characters in a tab */
+  int mNModifyProcs;              /**< number of modify-redisplay procs attached */
+  Fl_Text_Modify_Cb *mModifyProcs;/**< procedures to call when buffer is
+                                       modified to redisplay contents */
+  void** mCbArgs;                 /**< caller arguments for modifyProcs above */
+  int mNPredeleteProcs;           /**< number of pre-delete procs attached */
+  Fl_Text_Predelete_Cb *mPredeleteProcs; /**< procedure to call before text is deleted
+                                       from the buffer; at most one is supported. */
+  void **mPredeleteCbArgs;        /**< caller argument for pre-delete proc above */
+  int mCursorPosHint;             /**< hint for reasonable cursor position after
+                                       a buffer modification operation */
+  char mCanUndo;                  /**< if this buffer is used for attributes, it must
+                                       not do any undo calls */
+  int mPreferredGapSize;          /**< the default allocation for the text gap is 1024
+                                       bytes and should only be increased if frequent
+                                       and large changes in buffer size are expected */
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Text_Display.H
@@ -1,0 +1,543 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Header file for Fl_Text_Display class.
+// Copyright 2001-2016 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// Original code Copyright Mark Edel.  Permission to distribute under
+// the LGPL for the FLTK library granted by Mark Edel.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+ Fl_Text_Display widget . */
+#include "fl_draw.H"
+#include "Fl_Group.H"
+#include "Fl_Widget.H"
+#include "Fl_Scrollbar.H"
+#include "Fl_Text_Buffer.H"
+ \brief Rich text display widget.
+ This is the FLTK text display widget. It allows the user to view
+ multiple lines of text and supports highlighting, word wrap, mixes
+ of font faces and colors, line numbers and scrolling.  The buffer
+ that is displayed in the widget is managed by the Fl_Text_Buffer
+ class. A single Text Buffer can be displayed by multiple Text
+ Displays.
+ \image html editor.png "Fl_Text_Display widget"
+ \image latex editor.png "Fl_Text_Display widget" width=6cm
+ <BR><BR>
+ \image html editor-linenumbers.png "Fl_Text_Display widget with line numbers enabled"
+ \image latex editor-linenumbers.png "Fl_Text_Display widget with line numbers enabled" width=6cm
+ \b Example \b Use
+ \code
+     #include <FL/FL_Text_Display.H>
+     ..
+     int main() {
+         ..
+         Fl_Text_Buffer *buff = new Fl_Text_Buffer();
+         Fl_Text_Display *disp = new Fl_Text_Display(10, 10, 640, 480);
+         disp->buffer(buff);                 // attach text buffer to display widget
+         buff->text("line one\nline two");   // add some text to buffer
+	 ..
+     }
+ \endcode
+ \b Features
+ - Word wrap: wrap_mode(), wrapped_column(), wrapped_row()
+ - Font control: textfont(), textsize(), textcolor()
+ - Font styling: highlight_data()
+ - Cursor: cursor_style(), show_cursor(), hide_cursor(), cursor_color()
+ - Line numbers: linenumber_width(), linenumber_font(),
+   linenumber_size(), linenumber_fgcolor(), linenumber_bgcolor(),
+   linenumber_align(), linenumber_format()
+ Note that other features may be available via Fl_Text_Editor
+ and Fl_Text_Buffer classes.
+ \note Line numbers were added in 1.3.3. To avoid breaking ABI,
+       many of its options are read only. To adjust these features
+       in 1.3.x, you must build FLTK with FLTK_ABI_VERSION set to 10303
+       or higher.
+ */
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Text_Display: public Fl_Group {
+  /** 
+   text display cursor shapes enumeration 
+   */
+  enum {
+    NORMAL_CURSOR,    /**< I-beam */
+    CARET_CURSOR,     /**< caret under the text */
+    DIM_CURSOR,       /**< dim I-beam */
+    BLOCK_CURSOR,     /**< unfille box under the current character */
+    HEAVY_CURSOR,     /**< thick I-beam */
+    SIMPLE_CURSOR    /**< as cursor as Fl_Input cursor */
+  };
+  /**
+   the character position is the left edge of a character, whereas 
+   the cursor is thought to be between the centers of two consecutive
+   characters.
+   */
+  enum {
+  };
+  /** 
+   drag types - they match Fl::event_clicks() so that single clicking to
+   start a collection selects by character, double clicking selects by
+   word and triple clicking selects by line.
+   */
+  enum {
+    DRAG_NONE = -2,
+    DRAG_START_DND = -1,
+    DRAG_CHAR = 0, 
+    DRAG_WORD = 1, 
+    DRAG_LINE = 2
+  };
+  /**
+   wrap types - used in wrap_mode()
+   */
+  enum {
+    WRAP_NONE,      /**< don't wrap text at all */
+    WRAP_AT_COLUMN, /**< wrap text at the given text column */
+    WRAP_AT_PIXEL,  /**< wrap text at a pixel position */
+    WRAP_AT_BOUNDS  /**< wrap text so that it fits into the widget width */
+  };    
+  friend void fl_text_drag_me(int pos, Fl_Text_Display* d);
+  typedef void (*Unfinished_Style_Cb)(int, void *);
+  /** 
+   This structure associates the color, font, and font size of a string to draw
+   with an attribute mask matching attr.
+   There must be one entry for each style that can be used in an
+   Fl_Text_Display for displaying text. The style table is an array of
+   struct Style_Table_Entry.
+   The style table is associated with an Fl_Text_Display by using
+   Fl_Text_Display::highlight_data().
+   \see Fl_Text_Display::highlight_data()
+   */
+  struct Style_Table_Entry {
+    Fl_Color    color;	///< text color
+    Fl_Font     font;	///< text font
+    Fl_Fontsize size;	///< text font size
+    unsigned    attr;	///< currently unused (this may be change in the future)
+  };
+  Fl_Text_Display(int X, int Y, int W, int H, const char *l = 0);
+  ~Fl_Text_Display();
+  virtual int handle(int e);
+  void buffer(Fl_Text_Buffer* buf);
+  /**
+   Sets the current text buffer associated with the text widget.
+   Multiple text widgets can be associated with the same text buffer.
+   \param buf new text buffer
+   */
+  void buffer(Fl_Text_Buffer& buf) { buffer(&buf); }
+  /**
+   Gets the current text buffer associated with the text widget.
+   Multiple text widgets can be associated with the same text buffer.
+   \return current text buffer
+   */
+  Fl_Text_Buffer* buffer() const { return mBuffer; }
+  void redisplay_range(int start, int end);
+  void scroll(int topLineNum, int horizOffset);
+  void insert(const char* text);
+  void overstrike(const char* text);
+  void insert_position(int newPos);
+  /** 
+   Gets the position of the text insertion cursor for text display.
+   \return insert position index into text buffer 
+   */
+  int insert_position() const { return mCursorPos; }
+  int position_to_xy(int pos, int* x, int* y) const;
+  int in_selection(int x, int y) const;
+  void show_insert_position();
+  int move_right();
+  int move_left();
+  int move_up();  
+  int move_down();
+  int count_lines(int start, int end, bool start_pos_is_line_start) const;
+  int line_start(int pos) const;
+  int line_end(int startPos, bool startPosIsLineStart) const;
+  int skip_lines(int startPos, int nLines, bool startPosIsLineStart);
+  int rewind_lines(int startPos, int nLines);
+  void next_word(void);
+  void previous_word(void);
+  void show_cursor(int b = 1);
+  /**
+   Hides the text cursor.
+   */
+  void hide_cursor() { show_cursor(0); }
+  void cursor_style(int style);
+  /**
+   Gets the text cursor color.  
+   \return cursor color
+   */
+  Fl_Color cursor_color() const {return mCursor_color;}
+  /**    
+   Sets the text cursor color.
+   \param n new cursor color
+   */
+  void cursor_color(Fl_Color n) {mCursor_color = n;}
+  /**   
+   Gets the width/height of the scrollbars.
+   \return width of scrollbars
+   */
+  int scrollbar_width() const { return scrollbar_width_; }
+  /**
+   Sets the width/height of the scrollbars.
+   \param W width of scrollbars
+   */
+  void scrollbar_width(int W) { scrollbar_width_ = W; }
+  /**
+   Gets the scrollbar alignment type.
+   \return scrollbar alignment
+   */
+  Fl_Align scrollbar_align() const { return scrollbar_align_; }
+  /**
+   Sets the scrollbar alignment type.
+   \param a new scrollbar alignment
+   */
+  void scrollbar_align(Fl_Align a) { scrollbar_align_ = a; }
+  /**
+   Moves the insert position to the beginning of the current word.
+   \param pos start calculation at this index
+   \return beginning of the words
+   */
+  int word_start(int pos) const { return buffer()->word_start(pos); }
+  /** 
+   Moves the insert position to the end of the current word.
+   \param pos start calculation at this index
+   \return index of first character after the end of the word
+   */
+  int word_end(int pos) const { return buffer()->word_end(pos); }
+  void highlight_data(Fl_Text_Buffer *styleBuffer,
+                      const Style_Table_Entry *styleTable,
+                      int nStyles, char unfinishedStyle,
+                      Unfinished_Style_Cb unfinishedHighlightCB,
+                      void *cbArg);
+  int position_style(int lineStartPos, int lineLen, int lineIndex) const;
+  /** 
+   \todo FIXME : get set methods pointing on shortcut_ 
+   have no effects as shortcut_ is unused in this class and derived! 
+   \return the current shortcut key
+   */
+  int shortcut() const {return shortcut_;}
+  /**
+   \todo FIXME : get set methods pointing on shortcut_ 
+   have no effects as shortcut_ is unused in this class and derived! 
+   \param s the new shortcut key
+   */
+  void shortcut(int s) {shortcut_ = s;}
+  /**
+   Gets the default font used when drawing text in the widget.
+   \return current text font face unless overridden by a style
+   */
+  Fl_Font textfont() const {return textfont_;}
+  /**
+   Sets the default font used when drawing text in the widget.
+   \param s default text font face
+   */
+  void textfont(Fl_Font s) {textfont_ = s; mColumnScale = 0;}
+  /**
+   Gets the default size of text in the widget.
+   \return current text height unless overridden by a style
+   */
+  Fl_Fontsize textsize() const {return textsize_;}
+  /**
+   Sets the default size of text in the widget.
+   \param s new text size
+   */
+  void textsize(Fl_Fontsize s) {textsize_ = s; mColumnScale = 0;}
+  /**
+   Gets the default color of text in the widget.
+   \return text color unless overridden by a style
+   */
+  Fl_Color textcolor() const {return textcolor_;}
+  /**
+   Sets the default color of text in the widget.
+   \param n new text color
+   */
+  void textcolor(Fl_Color n) {textcolor_ = n;}
+  int wrapped_column(int row, int column) const;
+  int wrapped_row(int row) const;
+  void wrap_mode(int wrap, int wrap_margin);
+  virtual void resize(int X, int Y, int W, int H);
+  /**
+   Convert an x pixel position into a column number.
+   \param x number of pixels from the left margin
+   \return an approximate column number based on the main font
+   */
+  double x_to_col(double x) const;
+  /**
+   Convert a column number into an x pixel position.
+   \param col an approximate column number based on the main font
+   \return number of pixels from the left margin to the left of an
+	   average sized character
+   */
+  double col_to_x(double col) const;
+  void linenumber_width(int width);
+  int linenumber_width() const;
+  void linenumber_font(Fl_Font val);
+  Fl_Font linenumber_font() const;
+  void linenumber_size(Fl_Fontsize val);
+  Fl_Fontsize linenumber_size() const;
+  void linenumber_fgcolor(Fl_Color val);
+  Fl_Color linenumber_fgcolor() const;
+  void linenumber_bgcolor(Fl_Color val);
+  Fl_Color linenumber_bgcolor() const;
+  void linenumber_align(Fl_Align val);
+  Fl_Align linenumber_align() const;
+  void linenumber_format(const char* val);
+  const char* linenumber_format() const;
+  // Most (all?) of this stuff should only be called from resize() or
+  // draw().
+  // Anything with "vline" indicates thats it deals with currently
+  // visible lines.
+  virtual void draw();
+  void draw_text(int X, int Y, int W, int H);
+  void draw_range(int start, int end);
+  void draw_cursor(int, int);
+  void draw_string(int style, int x, int y, int toX, const char *string,
+                   int nChars) const;
+  void draw_vline(int visLineNum, int leftClip, int rightClip,
+                  int leftCharIndex, int rightCharIndex);
+  int find_x(const char *s, int len, int style, int x) const;
+  enum { 
+    DRAW_LINE, 
+  };
+  int handle_vline(int mode, 
+                   int lineStart, int lineLen, int leftChar, int rightChar,
+                   int topClip, int bottomClip,
+                   int leftClip, int rightClip) const;
+  void draw_line_numbers(bool clearAll);
+  void clear_rect(int style, int x, int y, int width, int height) const;
+  void display_insert();
+  void offset_line_starts(int newTopLineNum);
+  void calc_line_starts(int startLine, int endLine);
+  void update_line_starts(int pos, int charsInserted, int charsDeleted,
+                          int linesInserted, int linesDeleted, int *scrolled);
+  void calc_last_char();
+  int position_to_line( int pos, int* lineNum ) const;
+  double string_width(const char* string, int length, int style) const;
+  static void scroll_timer_cb(void*);
+  static void buffer_predelete_cb(int pos, int nDeleted, void* cbArg);
+  static void buffer_modified_cb(int pos, int nInserted, int nDeleted,
+                                 int nRestyled, const char* deletedText,
+                                 void* cbArg);
+  static void h_scrollbar_cb(Fl_Scrollbar* w, Fl_Text_Display* d);
+  static void v_scrollbar_cb( Fl_Scrollbar* w, Fl_Text_Display* d);
+  void update_v_scrollbar();
+  void update_h_scrollbar();
+  int measure_vline(int visLineNum) const;
+  int longest_vline() const;
+  int empty_vlines() const;
+  int vline_length(int visLineNum) const;
+  int xy_to_position(int x, int y, int PosType = CHARACTER_POS) const;
+  void xy_to_rowcol(int x, int y, int* row, int* column,
+                    int PosType = CHARACTER_POS) const;
+  void maintain_absolute_top_line_number(int state);
+  int get_absolute_top_line_number() const;
+  void absolute_top_line_number(int oldFirstChar);
+  int maintaining_absolute_top_line_number() const;
+  void reset_absolute_top_line_number();
+  int position_to_linecol(int pos, int* lineNum, int* column) const;
+  int scroll_(int topLineNum, int horizOffset);
+  void extend_range_for_styles(int* start, int* end);
+  void find_wrap_range(const char *deletedText, int pos, int nInserted,
+                       int nDeleted, int *modRangeStart, int *modRangeEnd,
+                       int *linesInserted, int *linesDeleted);
+  void measure_deleted_lines(int pos, int nDeleted);
+  void wrapped_line_counter(Fl_Text_Buffer *buf, int startPos, int maxPos,
+                            int maxLines, bool startPosIsLineStart,
+                            int styleBufOffset, int *retPos, int *retLines,
+                            int *retLineStart, int *retLineEnd,
+                            bool countLastLineMissingNewLine = true) const;
+  void find_line_end(int pos, bool start_pos_is_line_start, int *lineEnd,
+                     int *nextLineStart) const;
+  double measure_proportional_character(const char *s, int colNum, int pos) const;
+  int wrap_uses_character(int lineEndPos) const;
+  int damage_range1_start, damage_range1_end;
+  int damage_range2_start, damage_range2_end;
+  int mCursorPos;
+  int mCursorOn;
+  int mCursorOldY;              /* Y pos. of cursor for blanking */
+  int mCursorToHint;            /* Tells the buffer modified callback
+                                 where to move the cursor, to reduce
+                                 the number of redraw calls */
+  int mCursorStyle;             /* One of enum cursorStyles above */
+  int mCursorPreferredXPos;     /* Pixel position for vert. cursor movement */
+  int mNVisibleLines;           /* # of visible (displayed) lines */
+  int mNBufferLines;            /* # of newlines in the buffer */
+  Fl_Text_Buffer* mBuffer;      /* Contains text to be displayed */
+  Fl_Text_Buffer* mStyleBuffer; /* Optional parallel buffer containing
+                                 color and font information */
+  int mFirstChar, mLastChar;    /* Buffer positions of first and last
+                                 displayed character (lastChar points
+                                 either to a newline or one character
+                                 beyond the end of the buffer) */
+  int mContinuousWrap;          /* Wrap long lines when displaying */
+  int mWrapMarginPix; 	    	/* Margin in # of pixels for
+                                 wrapping in continuousWrap mode */
+  int* mLineStarts;
+  int mTopLineNum;              /* Line number of top displayed line
+                                 of file (first line of file is 1) */
+  int mAbsTopLineNum;           /* In continuous wrap mode, the line
+                                  number of the top line if the text
+                                  were not wrapped (note that this is
+                                  only maintained as needed). */
+  int mNeedAbsTopLineNum;       /* Externally settable flag to continue
+                                 maintaining absTopLineNum even if
+                                 it isn't needed for line # display */
+  int mHorizOffset;             /* Horizontal scroll pos. in pixels */
+  int mTopLineNumHint;          /* Line number of top displayed line
+                                 of file (first line of file is 1) */
+  int mHorizOffsetHint;         /* Horizontal scroll pos. in pixels */
+  int mNStyles;                 /* Number of entries in styleTable */
+  const Style_Table_Entry *mStyleTable; /* Table of fonts and colors for
+                                         coloring/syntax-highlighting */
+  char mUnfinishedStyle;        /* Style buffer entry which triggers
+                                 on-the-fly reparsing of region */
+  Unfinished_Style_Cb mUnfinishedHighlightCB; /* Callback to parse "unfinished" */
+  /* regions */
+  void* mHighlightCBArg;        /* Arg to unfinishedHighlightCB */
+  int mMaxsize;
+  int mSuppressResync;          /* Suppress resynchronization of line
+                                 starts during buffer updates */
+  int mNLinesDeleted;           /* Number of lines deleted during
+                                 buffer modification (only used
+                                 when resynchronization is suppressed) */
+  int mModifyingTabDistance;    /* Whether tab distance is being
+                                 modified */
+  mutable double mColumnScale; /* Width in pixels of an average character. This
+                                 value is calculated as needed (lazy eval); it 
+                                 needs to be mutable so that it can be calculated
+                                 within a method marked as "const" */
+  Fl_Color mCursor_color;
+  Fl_Scrollbar* mHScrollBar;
+  Fl_Scrollbar* mVScrollBar;
+  int scrollbar_width_;
+  Fl_Align scrollbar_align_;
+  int dragPos, dragType, dragging;
+  int display_insert_position_hint;
+  struct { int x, y, w, h; } text_area;
+  int shortcut_;
+  Fl_Font textfont_;
+  Fl_Fontsize textsize_;
+  Fl_Color textcolor_;
+  // Line number margin and width
+  int mLineNumLeft, mLineNumWidth;
+  // Line number font/colors
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10303
+  Fl_Font     linenumber_font_;
+  Fl_Fontsize linenumber_size_;
+  Fl_Color    linenumber_fgcolor_;
+  Fl_Color    linenumber_bgcolor_;
+  Fl_Align    linenumber_align_;
+  const char* linenumber_format_;
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Text_Editor.H
@@ -1,0 +1,157 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Header file for Fl_Text_Editor class.
+// Copyright 2001-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// Original code Copyright Mark Edel.  Permission to distribute under
+// the LGPL for the FLTK library granted by Mark Edel.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Text_Editor widget . */
+#include "Fl_Text_Display.H"
+// key will match in any state
+  This is the FLTK text editor widget.
+  It allows the user to edit multiple lines of text and supports highlighting
+  and scrolling. The buffer that is displayed in the widget is managed
+  by the Fl_Text_Buffer class.
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Text_Editor : public Fl_Text_Display {
+  public:
+    /** Key function binding callback type. */
+    typedef int (*Key_Func)(int key, Fl_Text_Editor* editor);
+    /** Simple linked list item associating a key/state to a function. */
+    struct Key_Binding {
+      int          key;		///< the key pressed
+      int          state;	///< the state of key modifiers
+      Key_Func     function;	///< associated function
+      Key_Binding* next;	///< next key binding in the list
+    };
+    Fl_Text_Editor(int X, int Y, int W, int H, const char* l = 0);
+    ~Fl_Text_Editor() { remove_all_key_bindings(); }
+    virtual int handle(int e);
+    /**
+	Sets the current insert mode; if non-zero, new text
+	is inserted before the current cursor position. Otherwise, new
+	text replaces text at the current cursor position.
+    */
+    void insert_mode(int b) { insert_mode_ = b; }
+    /**
+	Gets the current insert mode; if non-zero, new text
+	is inserted before the current cursor position. Otherwise, new
+	text replaces text at the current cursor position.
+    */
+    int insert_mode() { return insert_mode_; }
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10304
+    void tab_nav(int val);
+    int tab_nav() const;
+    void add_key_binding(int key, int state, Key_Func f, Key_Binding** list);
+    /** Adds a \p key of state \p state with the function \p f. */
+    void add_key_binding(int key, int state, Key_Func f)
+      { add_key_binding(key, state, f, &key_bindings); }
+    void remove_key_binding(int key, int state, Key_Binding** list);
+    /** Removes the key binding associated with the key "key" of state "state". */
+    void remove_key_binding(int key, int state)
+      { remove_key_binding(key, state, &key_bindings); }
+    void remove_all_key_bindings(Key_Binding** list);
+    /** Removes all of the key bindings associated with the text editor or list. */
+    void remove_all_key_bindings() { remove_all_key_bindings(&key_bindings); }
+    void add_default_key_bindings(Key_Binding** list);
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION < 10304
+    // OLD: non-const
+    Key_Func bound_key_function(int key, int state, Key_Binding* list);
+    /**  Returns the function associated with a key binding. */
+    Key_Func bound_key_function(int key, int state)
+      { return bound_key_function(key, state, key_bindings); }
+    // NEW: const (STR#3306)
+    Key_Func bound_key_function(int key, int state, Key_Binding* list) const;
+    /**  Returns the function associated with a key binding. */
+    Key_Func bound_key_function(int key, int state) const
+      { return bound_key_function(key, state, key_bindings); }
+    /**  Sets the default key function for unassigned keys. */
+    void default_key_function(Key_Func f) { default_key_function_ = f; }
+    // functions for the built in default bindings
+    static int kf_default(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e);
+    static int kf_ignore(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e);
+    static int kf_backspace(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e);
+    static int kf_enter(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e);
+    static int kf_move(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e);
+    static int kf_shift_move(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e);
+    static int kf_ctrl_move(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e);
+    static int kf_c_s_move(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e);
+    static int kf_meta_move(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e);
+    static int kf_m_s_move(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e);
+    static int kf_home(int, Fl_Text_Editor* e);
+    static int kf_end(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e);
+    static int kf_left(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e);
+    static int kf_up(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e);
+    static int kf_right(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e);
+    static int kf_down(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e);
+    static int kf_page_up(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e);
+    static int kf_page_down(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e);
+    static int kf_insert(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e);
+    static int kf_delete(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e);
+    static int kf_copy(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e);
+    static int kf_cut(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e);
+    static int kf_paste(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e);
+    static int kf_select_all(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e);
+    static int kf_undo(int c, Fl_Text_Editor* e);
+  protected:
+    int handle_key();
+    void maybe_do_callback();
+#ifndef FL_DOXYGEN
+    int insert_mode_;
+    Key_Binding* key_bindings;
+    /** Global key binding list.
+      Derived classes can add key bindings for all Fl_Text_Editor widgets
+      by adding a Key_Binding to this list.
+      \see add_key_binding(int key, int state, Key_Func f, Key_Binding** list);
+    */
+    static Key_Binding* global_key_bindings;
+#ifndef FL_DOXYGEN
+    Key_Func default_key_function_;
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Tile.H
@@ -1,0 +1,41 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Tile header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2016 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file. If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+#ifndef Fl_Tile_H
+#define Fl_Tile_H
+#include "Fl_Group.H"
+  The Fl_Tile class lets you resize its children by dragging
+  the border between them.
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Tile : public Fl_Group {
+  int handle(int event);
+  Fl_Tile(int X, int Y, int W, int H, const char *L=0);
+  void resize(int X, int Y, int W, int H);
+  void position(int oldx, int oldy, int newx, int newy);
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Tiled_Image.H
@@ -1,0 +1,59 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Tiled image header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2015 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Tiled_Image widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_Tiled_Image_H
+#  define Fl_Tiled_Image_H
+#  include "Fl_Image.H"
+  This class supports tiling of images over a specified area.
+  The source (tile) image is \b not copied unless you call the
+  color_average(), desaturate(), or inactive() methods.
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Tiled_Image : public Fl_Image {
+  protected:
+  Fl_Image	*image_;		// The image that is tiled
+  int		alloc_image_;		// Did we allocate this image?
+  public:
+  Fl_Tiled_Image(Fl_Image *i, int W = 0, int H = 0);
+  virtual ~Fl_Tiled_Image();
+  virtual Fl_Image *copy(int W, int H);
+  Fl_Image *copy() { return copy(w(), h()); }
+  virtual void color_average(Fl_Color c, float i);
+  virtual void desaturate();
+  virtual void draw(int X, int Y, int W, int H, int cx, int cy);
+  void draw(int X, int Y) { draw(X, Y, w(), h(), 0, 0); }
+  /** Gets The image that is tiled */
+  Fl_Image *image() { return image_; }
+#endif // !Fl_Tiled_Image_H
+// End of "$Id$"
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Timer.H
@@ -1,0 +1,78 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Timer header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Timer widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_Timer_H
+#define Fl_Timer_H
+#ifndef Fl_Widget_H
+#include "Fl_Widget.H"
+// values for type():
+#define FL_NORMAL_TIMER		0
+#define FL_VALUE_TIMER		1
+#define FL_HIDDEN_TIMER		2
+  This is provided only to emulate the Forms Timer widget.  It works by
+  making a timeout callback every 1/5 second.  This is wasteful and
+  inaccurate if you just want something to happen a fixed time in the
+  future.  You should directly call 
+  Fl::add_timeout() instead.
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Timer : public Fl_Widget {
+  static void stepcb(void *);
+  void step();
+  char on, direction_;
+  double delay, total;
+  long lastsec,lastusec;
+  void draw();
+  int handle(int);
+  Fl_Timer(uchar t,int x,int y,int w,int h, const char *l);
+  ~Fl_Timer();
+  void value(double);
+  /** See void Fl_Timer::value(double)  */
+  double value() const {return delay>0.0?delay:0.0;}
+  /**
+    Gets or sets the direction of the timer.  If the direction is zero
+    then the timer will count up, otherwise it will count down from the
+    initial value().
+  */
+  char direction() const {return direction_;}
+  /**
+    Gets or sets the direction of the timer.  If the direction is zero
+    then the timer will count up, otherwise it will count down from the
+    initial value().
+  */
+  void direction(char d) {direction_ = d;}
+  /**    Gets or sets whether the timer is suspended.  */
+  char suspended() const {return !on;}
+  void suspended(char d);
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Toggle_Button.H
@@ -1,0 +1,50 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Toggle button header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Toggle_Button widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_Toggle_Button_H
+#define Fl_Toggle_Button_H
+#include "Fl_Button.H"
+  The toggle button is a push button that needs to be clicked once 
+  to toggle on, and one more time to toggle off.
+  The Fl_Toggle_Button subclass displays the "on" state by
+  drawing a pushed-in button.</P>
+  <P>Buttons generate callbacks when they are clicked by the user.  You
+  control exactly when and how by changing the values for type()
+  and when().
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Toggle_Button : public Fl_Button {
+  /**
+    Creates a new Fl_Toggle_Button widget using the given
+    position, size, and label string.
+    <P>The inherited destructor deletes the toggle button.
+  */
+  Fl_Toggle_Button(int X,int Y,int W,int H,const char *l=0);
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Toggle_Light_Button.H
@@ -1,0 +1,28 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Toggle light button header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+// provided for back-compatibility only
+#ifndef Fl_Toggle_Light_Button
+#include "Fl_Light_Button.H"
+#define Fl_Toggle_Light_Button Fl_Light_Button
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Toggle_Round_Button.H
@@ -1,0 +1,28 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Toggle round button header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+// provided for back-compatibility only
+#ifndef Fl_Toggle_Round_Button
+#include "Fl_Round_Button.H"
+#define Fl_Toggle_Round_Button Fl_Round_Button
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Tooltip.H
@@ -1,0 +1,133 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Tooltip header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2011 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Tooltip widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_Tooltip_H
+#define Fl_Tooltip_H
+#include <FL/Fl.H>
+#include <FL/Fl_Widget.H>
+  The Fl_Tooltip class provides tooltip support for
+  all FLTK widgets. It contains only static methods.
+  \image html tooltip-options.png "Fl_Tooltip Options"
+  \image latex src/tooltip-options.png "Fl_Tooltip Options" width=6cm
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Tooltip {
+  /**    Gets the tooltip delay. The default delay is 1.0 seconds.  */
+  static float delay() { return delay_; }
+  /**    Sets the tooltip delay. The default delay is 1.0 seconds.  */
+  static void delay(float f) { delay_ = f; }
+  /**
+    Gets the tooltip hover delay, the delay between tooltips.
+    The default delay is 0.2 seconds.
+  */
+  static float hoverdelay() { return hoverdelay_; }
+  /**
+    Sets the tooltip hover delay, the delay between tooltips.
+    The default delay is 0.2 seconds.
+  */
+  static void hoverdelay(float f) { hoverdelay_ = f; }
+  /**    Returns non-zero if tooltips are enabled.  */
+  static int enabled() { return Fl::option(Fl::OPTION_SHOW_TOOLTIPS); }
+  /**    Enables tooltips on all widgets (or disables if <i>b</i> is false).  */
+  static void enable(int b = 1) { Fl::option(Fl::OPTION_SHOW_TOOLTIPS, (b!=0));}
+  /**    Same as enable(0), disables tooltips on all widgets.  */
+  static void disable() { enable(0); }
+  static void (*enter)(Fl_Widget* w);
+  static void enter_area(Fl_Widget* w, int X, int Y, int W, int H, const char* tip);
+  static void (*exit)(Fl_Widget *w);
+  /** Gets the current widget target */
+  static Fl_Widget* current() {return widget_;}
+  static void current(Fl_Widget*);
+  /**    Gets the typeface for the tooltip text.  */
+  static Fl_Font font() { return font_; }
+  /**    Sets the typeface for the tooltip text.  */
+  static void font(Fl_Font i) { font_ = i; }
+  /**    Gets the size of the tooltip text.  */
+  static Fl_Fontsize size() { return (size_ == -1 ? FL_NORMAL_SIZE : size_); }
+  /**    Sets the size of the tooltip text.  */
+  static void size(Fl_Fontsize s) { size_ = s; }
+  /** Gets the background color for tooltips. The default background color is a pale yellow.  */
+  static Fl_Color color() { return color_; }
+  /** Sets the background color for tooltips. The default background color is a pale yellow.  */
+  static void color(Fl_Color c) { color_ = c; }
+  /** Gets the color of the text in the tooltip. The default is  black. */
+  static Fl_Color textcolor() { return textcolor_; }
+  /** Sets the color of the text in the tooltip. The default is  black. */
+  static void textcolor(Fl_Color c) { textcolor_ = c; }
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10301
+  /** Gets the amount of extra space left/right of the tooltip's text. Default is 3. */
+  static int margin_width() { return margin_width_; }
+  /** Sets the amount of extra space left/right of the tooltip's text. Default is 3. */
+  static void margin_width(int v) { margin_width_ = v; }
+  /** Gets the amount of extra space above and below the tooltip's text. Default is 3. */
+  static int margin_height() { return margin_height_; }
+  /** Sets the amount of extra space above and below the tooltip's text. Default is 3. */
+  static void margin_height(int v) { margin_height_ = v; }
+  /** Gets the maximum width for tooltip's text before it word wraps. Default is 400. */
+  static int wrap_width() { return wrap_width_; }
+  /** Sets the maximum width for tooltip's text before it word wraps. Default is 400. */
+  static void wrap_width(int v) { wrap_width_ = v; }
+  static int margin_width() { return 3; }
+  static int margin_height() { return 3; }
+  static int wrap_width() { return 400; }
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+  // the unique tooltip window
+  static Fl_Window* current_window(void);
+  // These should not be public, but Fl_Widget::tooltip() needs them...
+  // fabien: made it private with only a friend function access
+  friend void Fl_Widget::tooltip(const char *);
+  friend void Fl_Widget::copy_tooltip(const char *);
+  static void enter_(Fl_Widget* w);
+  static void exit_(Fl_Widget *w);
+  static void set_enter_exit_once_();
+  static float delay_; //!< delay before a tooltip is shown
+  static float hoverdelay_; //!< delay between tooltips
+  static Fl_Color color_;
+  static Fl_Color textcolor_;
+  static Fl_Font font_;
+  static Fl_Fontsize size_;
+  static Fl_Widget* widget_; //!< Keeps track of the current target widget
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10301
+  static int margin_width_;	//!< distance around tooltip text left+right
+  static int margin_height_;	//!< distance around tooltip text top+bottom
+  static int wrap_width_;	//!< maximum width of tooltip text before it word wraps
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Tree.H
@@ -1,0 +1,578 @@
+// "$Id$"
+#ifndef FL_TREE_H
+#define FL_TREE_H
+#include <FL/Fl.H>
+#include <FL/Fl_Group.H>
+#include <FL/Fl_Scrollbar.H>
+#include <FL/fl_draw.H>
+#include <FL/Fl_Tree_Item.H>
+#include <FL/Fl_Tree_Prefs.H>
+// FL/Fl_Tree.H
+// Fl_Tree -- This file is part of the Fl_Tree widget for FLTK
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 by Greg Ercolano.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/// \file
+/// \brief This file contains the definitions of the Fl_Tree class
+/// \class Fl_Tree
+/// \brief Tree widget.
+///     \image html tree-simple.png "Fl_Tree example program"
+///     \image latex tree-simple.png "Fl_Tree example program" width=4cm
+/// \code
+///     Fl_Tree                                         // Top level widget
+///        |--- Fl_Tree_Item                            // Items in the tree
+///        |--- Fl_Tree_Prefs                           // Preferences for the tree
+///                  |--- Fl_Tree_Connector (enum)      // Connection modes
+///                  |--- Fl_Tree_Select (enum)         // Selection modes
+///                  |--- Fl_Tree_Sort (enum)           // Sort behavior
+/// \endcode
+///     Similar to Fl_Browser, Fl_Tree is a browser of Fl_Tree_Item's arranged
+///     in a parented hierarchy, or 'tree'. Subtrees can be expanded or closed.
+///     Items can be added, deleted, inserted, sorted and re-ordered.
+///     The tree items may also contain other FLTK widgets, like buttons, input fields,
+///     or even "custom" widgets.
+///     The callback() is invoked depending on the value of when():
+///         - FL_WHEN_RELEASE -- callback invoked when left mouse button is released on an item
+///         - FL_WHEN_CHANGED -- callback invoked when left mouse changes selection state
+///     The simple way to define a tree:
+/// \code
+///    #include <FL/Fl_Tree.H>
+///    [..]
+///    Fl_Tree tree(X,Y,W,H);
+///    tree.begin();
+///      tree.add("Flintstones/Fred");
+///      tree.add("Flintstones/Wilma");
+///      tree.add("Flintstones/Pebbles");
+///      tree.add("Simpsons/Homer");
+///      tree.add("Simpsons/Marge");
+///      tree.add("Simpsons/Bart");
+///      tree.add("Simpsons/Lisa");
+///    tree.end();
+/// \endcode
+/// \par FEATURES
+///     Items can be added with add(),<BR>
+///     removed with remove(),<BR>
+///     completely cleared with clear(),<BR>
+///     inserted with insert() and insert_above(),<BR>
+///     selected/deselected with select() and deselect(),<BR>
+///     open/closed with open() and close(),<BR>
+///     positioned on the screen with show_item_top(), show_item_middle() and
+///     show_item_bottom(),<BR>
+///     item children can be swapped around with Fl_Tree_Item::swap_children(),<BR>
+///     sorting can be controlled when items are add()ed via sortorder().<BR>
+///     You can walk the entire tree with first() and next().<BR>
+///     You can walk visible items with first_visible_item()
+///     and next_visible_item().<BR>
+///     You can walk selected items with first_selected_item() and
+///     next_selected_item().<BR>
+///     Items can be found by their pathname using find_item(const char*),
+///     and an item's pathname can be found with item_pathname().<BR>
+///     The selected items' colors are controlled by selection_color()
+///     (inherited from Fl_Widget).<BR>
+///     A hook is provided to allow you to redefine how item's labels are drawn
+///     via Fl_Tree::item_draw_callback().<BR>
+///     The tree can have different selection behaviors controlled by selectmode().
+///     The background color used for selected items is the Fl_Tree::selection_color().
+///     The foreground color for selected items is controlled internally with fl_contrast().
+///     FLTK widgets (including custom widgets) can be assigned to tree items via
+///     Fl_Tree_Item::widget().
+/// \par
+///     When an Fl_Tree_Item::widget() is defined, the default behavior is for the
+///     widget() to be shown in place of the item's label (if it has one).
+///     Only the widget()'s width will be used; the widget()'s x() and y() position
+///     will be managed by the tree, and the h() will track the item's height.
+///     This default behavior can be altered (ABI 1.3.1): 
+///     Setting Fl_Tree::item_draw_mode()'s FL_TREE_ITEM_DRAW_LABEL_AND_WIDGET flag
+///     causes the label + widget to be displayed together in that order, and
+///     adding the FL_TREE_ITEM_HEIGHT_FROM_WIDGET flag causes widget's height
+///     to define the widget()'s height.
+/// \par ICONS
+///     The tree's open/close icons can be redefined with
+///     Fl_Tree::openicon(), Fl_Tree::closeicon(). User icons
+///     can either be changed globally with Fl_Tree::usericon(),
+///     or on a per-item basis with Fl_Tree_Item::usericon().
+/// \par
+///     Various default preferences can be globally manipulated via Fl_Tree_Prefs, 
+///     including colors, margins, icons, connection lines, etc. 
+///     When adding new items to the tree, the new items get the
+///     defaults for fonts and colors from:
+/// \par
+///	- Fl_Tree::item_labelfont() -- The default item label font (default: FL_HELVETICA)
+///     - Fl_Tree::item_labelsize() -- The default item label size (default: FL_NORMAL_SIZE)
+///     - Fl_Tree::item_labelfgcolor() -- The default item label foreground color (default: FL_FOREGROUND_COLOR)
+///     - Fl_Tree::item_labelbgcolor() -- The default item label background color (default: 0xffffffff, which tree uses as 'transparent')
+/// \par
+///     Each item (Fl_Tree_Item) inherits a copy of these font/color attributes when created,
+///     and each item has its own methods to let the app change these values on a per-item basis
+///	using methods of the same name:
+/// \par
+///	- Fl_Tree_Item::labelfont() -- The item's label font (default: FL_HELVETICA)
+///     - Fl_Tree_Item::labelsize() -- The item's label size (default: FL_NORMAL_SIZE)
+///     - Fl_Tree_Item::labelfgcolor() -- The item's label foreground color (default: FL_FOREGROUND_COLOR)
+///     - Fl_Tree_Item::labelbgcolor() -- The item's label background color (default: 0xffffffff, which uses the tree's own bg color)
+/// \par CALLBACKS
+///     The tree's callback() will be invoked when items change state or are open/closed.
+///     when() controls when mouse/keyboard events invoke the callback.
+///     callback_item() and callback_reason() can be used to determine the cause of the callback. e.g.
+/// \par
+/// \code
+/// void MyTreeCallback(Fl_Widget *w, void *data) {
+///   Fl_Tree      *tree = (Fl_Tree*)w;
+///   Fl_Tree_Item *item = (Fl_Tree_Item*)tree->callback_item();	// get selected item
+///   switch ( tree->callback_reason() ) {
+///     case FL_TREE_REASON_SELECTED: [..]
+///     case FL_TREE_REASON_DESELECTED: [..]
+///     case FL_TREE_REASON_RESELECTED: [..]
+///     case FL_TREE_REASON_OPENED: [..]
+///     case FL_TREE_REASON_CLOSED: [..]
+///   }
+/// \endcode
+///     To find all the selected items:
+/// \code
+/// for ( Fl_Tree_Item *i=first_selected_item(); i; i=next_selected_item(i) )
+///   printf("Item %s is selected\n", i->label());
+/// \endcode
+///     To get an item's full menu pathname, use Fl_Tree::item_pathname(), e.g.
+/// \code
+///   char pathname[256] = "???";
+///   tree->item_pathname(pathname, sizeof(pathname), item);		// eg. "Parent/Child/Item"
+/// \endcode
+/// \par
+///     To walk all the items of the tree from top to bottom:
+/// \code
+/// // Walk all the items in the tree, and print their labels
+/// for ( Fl_Tree_Item *item = tree->first(); item; item = tree->next(item) ) {
+///     printf("Item: %s\n", item->label());
+/// }
+/// \endcode
+/// \par
+///     To recursively walk all the children of a particular item, 
+///     define a function that uses recursion:
+///     \code
+/// // Find all of the item's children and print an indented report of their labels
+/// void my_print_all_children(Fl_Tree_Item *item, int indent=0) {
+///     for ( int t=0; t<item->children(); t++ ) {
+///         printf("%*s Item: %s\n", indent, "", item->child(t)->label());
+///         my_print_all_children(item->child(t), indent+4);   // recurse
+///     }
+/// }
+///     \endcode
+/// \par
+///     To change the default label font and color when creating new items:
+/// \code
+///  tree = new Fl_Tree(..);
+///  tree->item_labelfont(FL_COURIER);	// Use Courier font for all new items
+///  tree->item_labelfgcolor(FL_RED);	// Use red color for labels of all new items
+///  [..]
+///  // Now create the items in the tree using the above defaults.
+///  tree->add("Aaa");
+///  tree->add("Bbb");
+///  [..]
+/// \endcode
+/// \par
+///     To change the font and color of all existing items in the tree:
+/// \code
+/// // Change the font and color of all items currently in the tree
+/// for ( Fl_Tree_Item *item = tree->first(); item; item = tree->next(item) ) {
+///     item->labelfont(FL_COURIER);
+///     item->labelcolor(FL_RED);
+/// }
+/// \endcode
+///     The following image shows the tree's various visual elements
+///     and the methods that control them:
+/// \par
+///     \image html tree-elements.png
+///     \image latex tree-elements.png "Fl_Tree elements" width=6cm
+/// \par
+///     The following shows the protected dimension variables 'tree inner' (tix..)
+///     and 'tree outer' (tox..):
+///     \image html tree-dimensions.png "Fl_Tree inner/outer dimensions" width=6cm
+///     \image latex tree-dimensions.png "Fl_Tree inner/outer dimensions" width=6cm
+///     The following table lists keyboard bindings for navigating the tree:
+///  <TABLE BORDER="1" SUMMARY="Fl_Tree keyboard bindings.">
+///    <CAPTION ALIGN=TOP>Keyboard bindings.</CAPTION>
+///  <TR>
+///    <TD WIDTH=25% ALIGN=CENTER><B>Keyboard</B></TD>
+///  </TR><TR>
+///    <TD ALIGN=CENTER><B>Ctrl-A</B> (Linux/Windows)<BR><B>Command-A</B> (Mac)</TD>
+///    <TD ALIGN=CENTER>Select all items.</TD>
+///  </TR><TR>
+///    <TD ALIGN=CENTER><B>Space </B></TD>
+///    <TD ALIGN=CENTER>Selects item.</TD>
+///    <TD ALIGN=CENTER>Selects item.</TD>
+///  </TR><TR>
+///    <TD ALIGN=CENTER><B>Ctrl-Space </B></TD>
+///    <TD ALIGN=CENTER>Toggle item.</TD>
+///    <TD ALIGN=CENTER>Toggle item.</TD>
+///  </TR><TR>
+///    <TD ALIGN=CENTER><B>Shift-Space </B></TD>
+///    <TD ALIGN=CENTER>Extends selection<BR>from last item.</TD>
+///    <TD ALIGN=CENTER>Selects item.</TD>
+///  </TR><TR>
+///    <TD ALIGN=CENTER><B>Enter,<BR>Ctrl-Enter,<BR>Shift-Enter </B></TD>
+///    <TD ALIGN=CENTER>Toggles open/close</TD>
+///    <TD ALIGN=CENTER>Toggles open/close</TD>
+///    <TD ALIGN=CENTER>Toggles open/close</TD>
+///  </TR><TR>
+///    <TD ALIGN=CENTER><B>Right / Left</B></TD>
+///    <TD ALIGN=CENTER>Open/Close item.</TD>
+///    <TD ALIGN=CENTER>Open/Close item.</TD>
+///    <TD ALIGN=CENTER>Open/Close item.</TD>
+///  </TR><TR>
+///    <TD ALIGN=CENTER><B>Up / Down</B></TD>
+///    <TD ALIGN=CENTER>Move focus box up/down.</TD>
+///    <TD ALIGN=CENTER>Move focus box up/down.</TD>
+///  </TR><TR>
+///    <TD ALIGN=CENTER><B>Shift-Up / Shift-Down</B></TD>
+///    <TD ALIGN=CENTER>Extend selection up/down.</TD>
+///    <TD ALIGN=CENTER>Move focus up/down.</TD>
+///  </TR><TR>
+///    <TD ALIGN=CENTER><B>Home / End</B></TD>
+///    <TD ALIGN=CENTER>Move to top/bottom of tree.</TD>
+///    <TD ALIGN=CENTER>Move to top/bottom of tree.</TD>
+///    <TD ALIGN=CENTER>Move to top/bottom of tree.</TD>
+///  </TR><TR>
+///    <TD ALIGN=CENTER><B>PageUp / PageDown</B></TD>
+///    <TD ALIGN=CENTER>Page up/down.</TD>
+///    <TD ALIGN=CENTER>Page up/down.</TD>
+///    <TD ALIGN=CENTER>Page up/down.</TD>
+///  </TD></TR></TABLE>
+/// \enum Fl_Tree_Reason
+/// The reason the callback was invoked.
+enum Fl_Tree_Reason {
+  FL_TREE_REASON_NONE=0,	///< unknown reason
+  FL_TREE_REASON_SELECTED,	///< an item was selected
+  FL_TREE_REASON_DESELECTED,	///< an item was de-selected
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10301
+  FL_TREE_REASON_RESELECTED,	///< an item was re-selected (e.g. double-clicked)
+#endif /*FLTK_ABI_VERSION*/
+  FL_TREE_REASON_OPENED,	///< an item was opened
+  FL_TREE_REASON_CLOSED,	///< an item was closed
+  FL_TREE_REASON_DRAGGED	///< an item was dragged into a new place
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Tree : public Fl_Group {
+  friend class Fl_Tree_Item;
+  Fl_Tree_Item  *_root;				// can be null!
+  Fl_Tree_Item  *_item_focus;			// item that has focus box
+  Fl_Tree_Item  *_callback_item;		// item invoked during callback (can be NULL)
+  Fl_Tree_Reason _callback_reason;		// reason for the callback
+  Fl_Tree_Prefs  _prefs;			// all the tree's settings
+  int            _scrollbar_size;		// size of scrollbar trough
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10301
+  // NEW: 
+  Fl_Tree_Item *_lastselect;			// used to extend selections
+  // OLD: static data inside handle() method
+#endif /*FLTK_ABI_VERSION*/
+  void fix_scrollbar_order();
+  Fl_Scrollbar *_vscroll;	///< Vertical scrollbar
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10303
+  Fl_Scrollbar *_hscroll;	///< Horizontal scrollbar
+  int _tox,_toy,_tow,_toh;	///< Tree widget outer xywh dimension: outside scrollbars, inside widget border
+  int _tix,_tiy,_tiw,_tih;	///< Tree widget inner xywh dimension: inside borders + scrollbars
+  /// the calculated width of the entire tree hierarchy. See calc_tree()
+  int _tree_w;
+  /// the calculated height of the entire tree hierarchy. See calc_tree()
+  int _tree_h;
+  void item_clicked(Fl_Tree_Item* val);
+  void do_callback_for_item(Fl_Tree_Item* item, Fl_Tree_Reason reason);
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10303
+// next_visible_item() and extend_selection() moved to 'public' in ABI 1.3.3
+// undocmented draw_tree() dropped -- draw() does all the work now
+  Fl_Tree_Item *next_visible_item(Fl_Tree_Item *start, int dir);
+  void extend_selection(Fl_Tree_Item *from, Fl_Tree_Item *to);
+  int draw_tree();
+  Fl_Tree(int X, int Y, int W, int H, const char *L=0);
+  ~Fl_Tree();
+  int handle(int e);
+  void draw();
+  void show_self();
+  void resize(int,int,int,int);
+  ///////////////////////
+  // root methods
+  ///////////////////////
+  void root_label(const char *new_label);
+  Fl_Tree_Item* root();
+  void root(Fl_Tree_Item *newitem);
+  const Fl_Tree_Prefs& prefs() const { return _prefs; }
+  ////////////////////////////////
+  // Item creation/removal methods
+  ////////////////////////////////
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10303
+  Fl_Tree_Item *add(const char *path, Fl_Tree_Item *newitem=0);
+  Fl_Tree_Item *add(const char *path);
+  Fl_Tree_Item *add(const char *path, Fl_Tree_Item *newitem);
+  Fl_Tree_Item* add(Fl_Tree_Item *parent_item, const char *name);
+  Fl_Tree_Item *insert_above(Fl_Tree_Item *above, const char *name);
+  Fl_Tree_Item* insert(Fl_Tree_Item *item, const char *name, int pos);
+  int remove(Fl_Tree_Item *item);
+  void clear();
+  void clear_children(Fl_Tree_Item *item);
+  ////////////////////////
+  // Item lookup methods
+  ////////////////////////
+  Fl_Tree_Item *find_item(const char *path);
+  const Fl_Tree_Item *find_item(const char *path) const;
+  int item_pathname(char *pathname, int pathnamelen, const Fl_Tree_Item *item) const;
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10303
+  const Fl_Tree_Item* find_clicked(int yonly=0) const;
+  Fl_Tree_Item* find_clicked(int yonly=0);
+  const Fl_Tree_Item *find_clicked() const;
+  Fl_Tree_Item *find_clicked();
+  Fl_Tree_Item *item_clicked();
+  Fl_Tree_Item *first();
+  Fl_Tree_Item *first_visible();		// deprecated in ABI 10303
+  Fl_Tree_Item *first_visible_item();
+  Fl_Tree_Item *next(Fl_Tree_Item *item=0);
+  Fl_Tree_Item *prev(Fl_Tree_Item *item=0);
+  Fl_Tree_Item *last();
+  Fl_Tree_Item *last_visible();			// deprecated in ABI 10303
+  Fl_Tree_Item *last_visible_item();
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10303
+  Fl_Tree_Item *next_visible_item(Fl_Tree_Item *start, int dir);	// made public in 1.3.3 ABI
+  Fl_Tree_Item *first_selected_item();
+  Fl_Tree_Item *last_selected_item();
+  Fl_Tree_Item *next_item(Fl_Tree_Item *item, int dir=FL_Down, bool visible=false);
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10303
+  Fl_Tree_Item *next_selected_item(Fl_Tree_Item *item=0, int dir=FL_Down);
+  int get_selected_items(Fl_Tree_Item_Array &ret_items);
+  Fl_Tree_Item *next_selected_item(Fl_Tree_Item *item=0);
+  Fl_Tree_Item *next_selected_item(Fl_Tree_Item *item, int dir);
+  //////////////////////////
+  // Item open/close methods
+  //////////////////////////
+  int open(Fl_Tree_Item *item, int docallback=1);
+  int open(const char *path, int docallback=1);
+  void open_toggle(Fl_Tree_Item *item, int docallback=1);
+  int close(Fl_Tree_Item *item, int docallback=1);
+  int close(const char *path, int docallback=1);
+  int is_open(Fl_Tree_Item *item) const;
+  int is_open(const char *path) const;
+  int is_close(Fl_Tree_Item *item) const;
+  int is_close(const char *path) const;
+  /////////////////////////
+  // Item selection methods
+  /////////////////////////
+  int select(Fl_Tree_Item *item, int docallback=1);
+  int select(const char *path, int docallback=1);
+  void select_toggle(Fl_Tree_Item *item, int docallback=1);
+  int deselect(Fl_Tree_Item *item, int docallback=1);
+  int deselect(const char *path, int docallback=1);
+  int deselect_all(Fl_Tree_Item *item=0, int docallback=1);
+  int select_only(Fl_Tree_Item *selitem, int docallback=1);
+  int select_all(Fl_Tree_Item *item=0, int docallback=1);
+  int extend_selection_dir(Fl_Tree_Item *from,
+                           Fl_Tree_Item *to,
+			   int dir,
+			   int val,
+			   bool visible);
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10303
+  int extend_selection(Fl_Tree_Item *from,
+  		       Fl_Tree_Item *to,
+		       int val=1,
+		       bool visible=false);
+  // Adding overload if not at least one overload breaks ABI, so avoid
+  // by keeping private until we can break ABI. ref:
+  int extend_selection__(Fl_Tree_Item *from,
+  			 Fl_Tree_Item *to,
+			 int val,
+			 bool visible);
+  void set_item_focus(Fl_Tree_Item *item);
+  Fl_Tree_Item *get_item_focus() const;
+  int is_selected(Fl_Tree_Item *item) const;
+  int is_selected(const char *path);
+  /////////////////////////////////
+  // Item attribute related methods
+  /////////////////////////////////
+  Fl_Font     item_labelfont() const;
+  void        item_labelfont(Fl_Font val);
+  Fl_Fontsize item_labelsize() const;
+  void        item_labelsize(Fl_Fontsize val);
+  Fl_Color    item_labelfgcolor(void) const;
+  void        item_labelfgcolor(Fl_Color val);
+  Fl_Color    item_labelbgcolor(void) const;
+  void        item_labelbgcolor(Fl_Color val);
+  Fl_Color connectorcolor() const;
+  void connectorcolor(Fl_Color val);
+  int marginleft() const;
+  void marginleft(int val);
+  int margintop() const;
+  void margintop(int val);
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10301
+  int marginbottom() const;
+  void marginbottom(int val);
+#endif /*FLTK_ABI_VERSION*/
+  int linespacing() const;
+  void linespacing(int val);
+  int openchild_marginbottom() const;
+  void openchild_marginbottom(int val);
+  int usericonmarginleft() const;
+  void usericonmarginleft(int val);
+  int labelmarginleft() const;
+  void labelmarginleft(int val);
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10301
+  int widgetmarginleft() const;
+  void widgetmarginleft(int val);
+#endif /*FLTK_ABI_VERSION*/
+  int connectorwidth() const;
+  void connectorwidth(int val);
+  Fl_Image* usericon() const;
+  void usericon(Fl_Image *val);
+  Fl_Image* openicon() const;
+  void openicon(Fl_Image *val);
+  Fl_Image* closeicon() const;
+  void closeicon(Fl_Image *val);
+  int showcollapse() const;
+  void showcollapse(int val);
+  int showroot() const;
+  void showroot(int val);
+  Fl_Tree_Connector connectorstyle() const;
+  void connectorstyle(Fl_Tree_Connector val);
+  Fl_Tree_Sort sortorder() const;
+  void sortorder(Fl_Tree_Sort val);
+  Fl_Boxtype selectbox() const;
+  void selectbox(Fl_Boxtype val);
+  Fl_Tree_Select selectmode() const;
+  void selectmode(Fl_Tree_Select val);
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10301
+  Fl_Tree_Item_Reselect_Mode item_reselect_mode() const;
+  void item_reselect_mode(Fl_Tree_Item_Reselect_Mode mode);
+  Fl_Tree_Item_Draw_Mode item_draw_mode() const;
+  void item_draw_mode(Fl_Tree_Item_Draw_Mode mode);
+  void item_draw_mode(int mode);
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10303
+  void calc_dimensions();
+  void calc_tree();
+  void recalc_tree();
+  int displayed(Fl_Tree_Item *item);
+  void show_item(Fl_Tree_Item *item, int yoff);
+  void show_item(Fl_Tree_Item *item);
+  void show_item_top(Fl_Tree_Item *item);
+  void show_item_middle(Fl_Tree_Item *item);
+  void show_item_bottom(Fl_Tree_Item *item);
+  void display(Fl_Tree_Item *item);
+  int  vposition() const;
+  void vposition(int pos);
+  int  hposition() const;
+  void hposition(int pos);
+  int is_scrollbar(Fl_Widget *w);
+  int scrollbar_size() const;
+  void scrollbar_size(int size);
+  int is_vscroll_visible() const;
+  int is_hscroll_visible() const;
+  ///////////////////////
+  // callback related
+  ///////////////////////
+  void callback_item(Fl_Tree_Item* item);
+  Fl_Tree_Item* callback_item();
+  void callback_reason(Fl_Tree_Reason reason);
+  Fl_Tree_Reason callback_reason() const;
+  /// Load FLTK preferences
+  void load(class Fl_Preferences&);
+#endif /*FL_TREE_H*/
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Tree_Item.H
@@ -1,0 +1,549 @@
+// "$Id$"
+#ifndef FL_TREE_ITEM_H
+#define FL_TREE_ITEM_H
+#include <FL/Fl.H>
+#include <FL/Fl_Widget.H>
+#include <FL/Fl_Image.H>
+#include <FL/fl_draw.H>
+#include <FL/Fl_Tree_Item_Array.H>
+#include <FL/Fl_Tree_Prefs.H>
+// FL/Fl_Tree_Item.H
+// Fl_Tree -- This file is part of the Fl_Tree widget for FLTK
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 by Greg Ercolano.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/// \file
+/// \brief This file contains the definitions for Fl_Tree_Item
+/// \class Fl_Tree_Item
+/// \brief Tree widget item.
+/// This class is a single tree item, and manages all of the item's attributes.
+/// Fl_Tree_Item is used by Fl_Tree, which is comprised of many instances of Fl_Tree_Item.
+/// Fl_Tree_Item is hierarchical; it dynamically manages an Fl_Tree_Item_Array of children
+/// that are themselves instances of Fl_Tree_Item. Each item can have zero or more children.
+/// When an item has children, close() and open() can be used to hide or show them.
+/// Items have their own attributes; font size, face, color.
+/// Items maintain their own hierarchy of children.
+/// When you make changes to items, you'll need to tell the tree to redraw()
+/// for the changes to show up.
+/// New 1.3.3 ABI feature:
+/// You can define custom items by either adding a custom widget to the item
+/// with Fl_Tree_Item::widget(), or override the draw_item_content() method
+/// if you want to just redefine how the label is drawn.
+/// The following shows the Fl_Tree_Item's dimensions, useful when overriding
+/// the draw_item_content() method:
+///   \image html  Fl_Tree_Item-dimensions.png "Fl_Tree_Item's internal dimensions." width=6cm
+///   \image latex Fl_Tree_Item-dimensions.png "Fl_Tree_Item's internal dimensions." width=6cm
+class Fl_Tree;
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Tree_Item {
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10303
+  Fl_Tree                *_tree;		// parent tree
+  const char             *_label;		// label (memory managed)
+  Fl_Font                 _labelfont;		// label's font face
+  Fl_Fontsize             _labelsize;		// label's font size
+  Fl_Color                _labelfgcolor;	// label's fg color
+  Fl_Color                _labelbgcolor;	// label's bg color (0xffffffff is 'transparent')
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10303
+  /// \enum Fl_Tree_Item_Flags
+  enum Fl_Tree_Item_Flags {
+  /// \enum
+  enum {
+    OPEN                = 1<<0,		///> item is open
+    VISIBLE             = 1<<1,		///> item is visible
+    ACTIVE              = 1<<2,		///> item is active
+    SELECTED            = 1<<3		///> item is selected
+  };
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10301
+  // NEW
+  unsigned short _flags;		// misc flags
+  // OLD: this will go away after 1.3.x
+  char                    _open;		// item is open?
+  char                    _visible;		// item is visible?
+  char                    _active;		// item activated?
+  char                    _selected;		// item selected?
+#endif /*FLTK_ABI_VERSION*/
+  int                     _xywh[4];		// xywh of this widget (if visible)
+  int                     _collapse_xywh[4];	// xywh of collapse icon (if visible)
+  int                     _label_xywh[4];	// xywh of label
+  Fl_Widget              *_widget;		// item's label widget (optional)
+  Fl_Image               *_usericon;		// item's user-specific icon (optional)
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10304
+  Fl_Image               *_userdeicon;		// deactivated usericon
+  Fl_Tree_Item_Array      _children;		// array of child items
+  Fl_Tree_Item           *_parent;		// parent item (=0 if root)
+  void                   *_userdata;    	// user data that can be associated with an item
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10301
+  Fl_Tree_Item           *_prev_sibling;	// previous sibling (same level)
+  Fl_Tree_Item           *_next_sibling;	// next sibling (same level)
+#endif /*FLTK_ABI_VERSION*/
+  // Protected methods
+  void _Init(const Fl_Tree_Prefs &prefs, Fl_Tree *tree);
+  void show_widgets();
+  void hide_widgets();
+  void draw_vertical_connector(int x, int y1, int y2, const Fl_Tree_Prefs &prefs);
+  void draw_horizontal_connector(int x1, int x2, int y, const Fl_Tree_Prefs &prefs);
+  void recalc_tree();
+  int calc_item_height(const Fl_Tree_Prefs &prefs) const;
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10303
+  Fl_Color drawfgcolor() const;
+  Fl_Color drawbgcolor() const;
+  Fl_Tree_Item(const Fl_Tree_Prefs &prefs);	// CTOR -- backwards compatible
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10303
+  Fl_Tree_Item(Fl_Tree *tree);			// CTOR -- ABI 1.3.3+
+  virtual ~Fl_Tree_Item();			// DTOR -- ABI 1.3.3+
+  ~Fl_Tree_Item();				// DTOR -- backwards compatible
+  Fl_Tree_Item(const Fl_Tree_Item *o);		// COPY CTOR
+  /// The item's x position relative to the window
+  int x() const { return(_xywh[0]); }
+  /// The item's y position relative to the window
+  int y() const { return(_xywh[1]); }
+  /// The entire item's width to right edge of Fl_Tree's inner width
+  /// within scrollbars.
+  int w() const { return(_xywh[2]); }
+  /// The item's height
+  int h() const { return(_xywh[3]); }
+  /// The item's label x position relative to the window
+  /// \version 1.3.3
+  int label_x() const { return(_label_xywh[0]); }
+  /// The item's label y position relative to the window
+  /// \version 1.3.3
+  int label_y() const { return(_label_xywh[1]); }
+  /// The item's maximum label width to right edge of Fl_Tree's inner width
+  /// within scrollbars.
+  /// \version 1.3.3
+  int label_w() const { return(_label_xywh[2]); }
+  /// The item's label height
+  /// \version 1.3.3
+  int label_h() const { return(_label_xywh[3]); }
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10303
+  virtual int draw_item_content(int render);
+  void draw(int X, int &Y, int W, Fl_Tree_Item *itemfocus, 
+	    int &tree_item_xmax, int lastchild=1, int render=1);
+  void draw(int X, int &Y, int W, Fl_Widget *tree, 
+            Fl_Tree_Item *itemfocus, const Fl_Tree_Prefs &prefs, int lastchild=1);
+  void show_self(const char *indent = "") const;
+  void label(const char *val);
+  const char *label() const;
+  /// Set a user-data value for the item.
+  inline void user_data( void* data ) { _userdata = data; }
+  /// Retrieve the user-data value that has been assigned to the item.
+  inline void* user_data() const { return _userdata; }
+  /// Set item's label font face.
+  void labelfont(Fl_Font val) {
+    _labelfont = val; 
+    recalc_tree();		// may change tree geometry
+  }
+  /// Get item's label font face.
+  Fl_Font labelfont() const {
+    return(_labelfont);
+  }
+  /// Set item's label font size.
+  void labelsize(Fl_Fontsize val) {
+    _labelsize = val; 
+    recalc_tree();		// may change tree geometry
+  }
+  /// Get item's label font size.
+  Fl_Fontsize labelsize() const {
+    return(_labelsize);
+  }
+  /// Set item's label foreground text color.
+  void labelfgcolor(Fl_Color val) {
+    _labelfgcolor = val; 
+  }
+  /// Return item's label foreground text color.
+  Fl_Color labelfgcolor() const {
+    return(_labelfgcolor); 
+  }
+  /// Set item's label text color. Alias for labelfgcolor(Fl_Color)).
+  void labelcolor(Fl_Color val) {
+     labelfgcolor(val);
+  }
+  /// Return item's label text color. Alias for labelfgcolor() const).
+  Fl_Color labelcolor() const {
+    return labelfgcolor(); 
+  }
+  /// Set item's label background color.
+  /// A special case is made for color 0xffffffff which uses the parent tree's bg color.
+  void labelbgcolor(Fl_Color val) {
+    _labelbgcolor = val; 
+  }
+  /// Return item's label background text color.
+  /// If the color is 0xffffffff, the default behavior is the parent tree's
+  /// bg color will be used. (An overloaded draw_item_content() can override
+  /// this behavior.)
+  Fl_Color labelbgcolor() const {
+    return(_labelbgcolor); 
+  }
+  /// Assign an FLTK widget to this item.
+  void widget(Fl_Widget *val) {
+    _widget = val; 
+    recalc_tree();		// may change tree geometry
+  }
+  /// Return FLTK widget assigned to this item.
+  Fl_Widget *widget() const {
+    return(_widget); 
+  }
+  /// Return the number of children this item has.
+  int children() const {
+    return(; 
+  }
+  /// Return the child item for the given 'index'.
+  Fl_Tree_Item *child(int index) {
+    return(_children[index]); 
+  }
+  /// Return the const child item for the given 'index'.
+  const Fl_Tree_Item *child(int t) const;
+  /// See if this item has children.
+  int has_children() const {
+    return(children()); 
+  }
+  int find_child(const char *name);
+  int find_child(Fl_Tree_Item *item);
+  int remove_child(Fl_Tree_Item *item);
+  int remove_child(const char *new_label);
+  void clear_children();
+  void swap_children(int ax, int bx);
+  int swap_children(Fl_Tree_Item *a, Fl_Tree_Item *b);
+  const Fl_Tree_Item *find_child_item(const char *name) const;
+        Fl_Tree_Item *find_child_item(const char *name);
+  const Fl_Tree_Item *find_child_item(char **arr) const;
+        Fl_Tree_Item *find_child_item(char **arr);
+  const Fl_Tree_Item *find_item(char **arr) const;
+        Fl_Tree_Item *find_item(char **arr);
+  //////////////////
+  // Adding items
+  //////////////////
+  Fl_Tree_Item *add(const Fl_Tree_Prefs &prefs,
+  		    const char *new_label,
+  		    Fl_Tree_Item *newitem);
+  Fl_Tree_Item *add(const Fl_Tree_Prefs &prefs,
+  		    const char *new_label);
+  Fl_Tree_Item *add(const Fl_Tree_Prefs &prefs,
+  		    char **arr,
+		    Fl_Tree_Item *newitem);
+  Fl_Tree_Item *add(const Fl_Tree_Prefs &prefs,
+  		    char **arr);
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10303
+  Fl_Tree_Item *replace(Fl_Tree_Item *new_item);
+  Fl_Tree_Item *replace_child(Fl_Tree_Item *olditem, Fl_Tree_Item *newitem);
+  Fl_Tree_Item *insert(const Fl_Tree_Prefs &prefs, const char *new_label, int pos=0);
+  Fl_Tree_Item *insert_above(const Fl_Tree_Prefs &prefs, const char *new_label);
+  Fl_Tree_Item* deparent(int index);
+  int reparent(Fl_Tree_Item *newchild, int index);
+  int move(int to, int from);
+  int move(Fl_Tree_Item *item, int op=0, int pos=0);
+  int move_above(Fl_Tree_Item *item);
+  int move_below(Fl_Tree_Item *item);
+  int move_into(Fl_Tree_Item *item, int pos=0);
+  int depth() const;
+  Fl_Tree_Item *prev();
+  Fl_Tree_Item *next();
+  Fl_Tree_Item *next_sibling();
+  Fl_Tree_Item *prev_sibling();
+  void update_prev_next(int index);
+  Fl_Tree_Item *next_displayed(Fl_Tree_Prefs &prefs);	// deprecated
+  Fl_Tree_Item *prev_displayed(Fl_Tree_Prefs &prefs);	// deprecated
+  Fl_Tree_Item *next_visible(Fl_Tree_Prefs &prefs);
+  Fl_Tree_Item *prev_visible(Fl_Tree_Prefs &prefs);
+  /// Return the parent for this item. Returns NULL if we are the root.
+  Fl_Tree_Item *parent() {
+    return(_parent);
+  }
+  /// Return the const parent for this item. Returns NULL if we are the root.
+  const Fl_Tree_Item *parent() const {
+    return(_parent);
+  }
+  /// Set the parent for this item.
+  /// Should only be used by Fl_Tree's internals.
+  ///
+  void parent(Fl_Tree_Item *val) {
+    _parent = val;
+  }
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10303
+  const Fl_Tree_Prefs& prefs() const;
+  /// Return the tree for this item.
+  /// \version 1.3.3 (ABI feature)
+  const Fl_Tree *tree() const {
+    return(_tree);
+  }
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10304
+  /// Return the tree for this item.
+  /// \version 1.3.4 (ABI feature)
+  Fl_Tree *tree() {
+    return(_tree);
+  }
+  //////////////////
+  // State
+  //////////////////
+  void open();
+  void close();
+  /// See if the item is 'open'.
+  int is_open() const {
+    return(is_flag(OPEN));
+  }
+  /// See if the item is 'closed'.
+  int is_close() const {
+    return(is_flag(OPEN)?0:1);
+  }
+  /// Toggle the item's open/closed state.
+  void open_toggle() {
+    is_open()?close():open();	// handles calling recalc_tree()
+  }
+  /// Change the item's selection state to the optionally specified 'val'.
+  /// If 'val' is not specified, the item will be selected.
+  ///
+  void select(int val=1) {
+    set_flag(SELECTED, val);
+  }
+  /// Toggle the item's selection state.
+  void select_toggle() {
+    if ( is_selected() ) {
+      deselect();	// deselect if selected
+    } else {
+      select();		// select if deselected
+    }
+  }
+  /// Select item and all its children.
+  ///     Returns count of how many items were in the 'deselected' state,
+  ///     ie. how many items were "changed".
+  ///
+  int select_all() {
+    int count = 0;
+    if ( ! is_selected() ) {
+      select();
+      ++count;
+    }
+    for ( int t=0; t<children(); t++ ) {
+      count += child(t)->select_all();
+    }
+    return(count);
+  }
+  /// Disable the item's selection state.
+  void deselect() {
+    set_flag(SELECTED, 0);
+  }
+  /// Deselect item and all its children.
+  ///     Returns count of how many items were in the 'selected' state,
+  ///     ie. how many items were "changed".
+  ///
+  int deselect_all() {
+    int count = 0;
+    if ( is_selected() ) {
+      deselect();
+      ++count;
+    }
+    for ( int t=0; t<children(); t++ ) {
+      count += child(t)->deselect_all();
+    }
+    return(count);
+  }
+  /// See if the item is selected.
+  char is_selected() const {
+    return(is_flag(SELECTED));
+  }
+  /// Change the item's activation state to the optionally specified 'val'.
+  ///
+  /// When deactivated, the item will be 'grayed out'; the callback() 
+  /// won't be invoked if the user clicks on the label. If a widget()
+  /// is associated with the item, its activation state will be changed as well.
+  ///
+  /// If 'val' is not specified, the item will be activated.
+  ///
+  void activate(int val=1) {
+    set_flag(ACTIVE,val);
+    if ( _widget && val != (int)_widget->active() ) {
+      if ( val ) {
+	_widget->activate();
+      } else {
+	_widget->deactivate();
+      }
+      _widget->redraw();
+    }
+  }
+  /// Deactivate the item; the callback() won't be invoked when clicked.
+  /// Same as activate(0)
+  ///
+  void deactivate() {
+    activate(0);
+  }
+  /// See if the item is activated.
+  char is_activated() const {
+    return(is_flag(ACTIVE));
+  }
+  /// See if the item is activated. Alias for is_activated().
+  char is_active() const {
+    return(is_activated());
+  }
+  /// See if the item is visible. Alias for is_visible().
+  int visible() const {
+    return(is_visible());
+  }
+  /// See if the item is visible.
+  int is_visible() const {
+    return(is_flag(VISIBLE));
+  }
+  int visible_r() const;
+  /// Set the item's user icon to an Fl_Image. Use '0' to disable.
+  /// No internal copy is made, caller must manage icon's memory.
+  ///
+  /// Note, if you expect your items to be deactivated(),
+  /// use userdeicon(Fl_Image*) to set up a 'grayed out' version of your icon
+  /// to be used for display.
+  ///
+  /// \see userdeicon(Fl_Image*)
+  ///
+  void usericon(Fl_Image *val) {
+    _usericon = val;
+    recalc_tree();		// may change tree geometry
+  }
+  /// Get the item's user icon as an Fl_Image. Returns '0' if disabled.
+  Fl_Image *usericon() const {
+    return(_usericon);
+  }
+  /// Set the usericon to draw when the item is deactivated. Use '0' to disable.
+  /// No internal copy is made; caller must manage icon's memory.
+  ///
+  /// To create a typical 'grayed out' version of your usericon image,
+  /// you can do the following:
+  ///
+  /// \code
+  ///      // Create tree + usericon for items
+  ///      Fl_Tree *tree = new Fl_Tree(..);
+  ///      Fl_Image *usr_icon = new Fl_Pixmap(..); // your usericon
+  ///      Fl_Image *de_icon  = usr_icon->copy();  // make a copy, and..
+  ///      de_icon->inactive();                    // make it 'grayed out'
+  ///      ...
+  ///      for ( .. ) {                 // item loop..
+  ///        item = tree->add("...");   // create new item
+  ///        item->usericon(usr_icon);  // assign usericon to items
+  ///        item->userdeicon(de_icon); // assign userdeicon to items
+  ///        ..
+  ///      }
+  /// \endcode
+  ///
+  /// In the above example, the app should 'delete' the two icons
+  /// when they're no longer needed (e.g. after the tree is destroyed)
+  ///
+  /// \version 1.3.4
+  ///
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10304
+  void userdeicon(Fl_Image* val) {
+    _userdeicon = val;
+  }
+  /// Return the deactivated version of the user icon, if any.
+  /// Returns 0 if none.
+  Fl_Image* userdeicon() const {
+    return _userdeicon;
+  }
+  //////////////////
+  // Events
+  //////////////////
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10303
+  const Fl_Tree_Item* find_clicked(const Fl_Tree_Prefs &prefs, int yonly=0) const;
+  Fl_Tree_Item* find_clicked(const Fl_Tree_Prefs &prefs, int yonly=0);
+  const Fl_Tree_Item* find_clicked(const Fl_Tree_Prefs &prefs) const;
+  Fl_Tree_Item* find_clicked(const Fl_Tree_Prefs &prefs);
+  int event_on_collapse_icon(const Fl_Tree_Prefs &prefs) const;
+  int event_on_label(const Fl_Tree_Prefs &prefs) const;
+  /// Is this item the root of the tree?
+  int is_root() const {
+    return(_parent==0?1:0);
+  }
+  // Protected methods
+  // TODO: move these to top 'protected:' section
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10301
+  /// Set a flag to an on or off value. val is 0 or 1.
+  inline void set_flag(unsigned short flag,int val) {
+    if ( flag==OPEN || flag==VISIBLE ) {
+      recalc_tree();		// may change tree geometry
+    }
+    if ( val ) _flags |= flag; else _flags &= ~flag;
+  }
+  /// See if flag set. Returns 0 or 1.
+  inline int is_flag(unsigned short val) const {
+    return(_flags & val ? 1 : 0);
+  }
+  /// Set a flag to an on or off value. val is 0 or 1.
+  void set_flag(unsigned short flag,int val) {
+    switch (flag) {
+      case     OPEN: _open     = val; break;
+      case  VISIBLE: _visible  = val; break;
+      case   ACTIVE: _active   = val; break;
+      case SELECTED: _selected = val; break;
+    }
+  }
+  /// See if flag set. Returns 0 or 1.
+  int is_flag(unsigned short flag) const {
+    switch (flag) {
+      case     OPEN: return(_open ? 1 : 0);
+      case  VISIBLE: return(_visible ? 1 : 0);
+      case   ACTIVE: return(_active ? 1 : 0);
+      case SELECTED: return(_selected ? 1 : 0);
+      default:       return(0);
+    }
+  }
+#endif /*FLTK_ABI_VERSION*/
+#endif /*FL_TREE_ITEM_H*/
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Tree_Item_Array.H
@@ -1,0 +1,113 @@
+// "$Id$"
+#include <FL/Fl.H>
+#include "Fl_Export.H"
+class Fl_Tree_Item;		// forward decl must *precede* first doxygen comment block
+				// or doxygen will not document our class..
+// FL/Fl_Tree_Item_Array.H
+// Fl_Tree -- This file is part of the Fl_Tree widget for FLTK
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 by Greg Ercolano.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/// \file
+/// \brief This file defines a class that manages an array of Fl_Tree_Item pointers.
+/// \brief Manages an array of Fl_Tree_Item pointers.
+/// Because FLTK 1.x.x. has mandated that templates and STL not be used,
+/// we use this class to dynamically manage the arrays.
+/// None of the methods do range checking on index values; the caller
+/// must be sure that index values are within the range 0<index<total()
+/// (unless otherwise noted).
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Tree_Item_Array {
+  Fl_Tree_Item **_items;	// items array
+  int _total;			// #items in array
+  int _size;			// #items *allocated* for array
+  int _chunksize;		// #items to enlarge mem allocation
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10303
+  enum {			
+    MANAGE_ITEM = 1,		///> manage the Fl_Tree_Item's internals (internal use only)
+  };
+  char _flags;			// flags to control behavior
+  void enlarge(int count);
+  Fl_Tree_Item_Array(int new_chunksize = 10);		// CTOR
+  ~Fl_Tree_Item_Array();				// DTOR
+  Fl_Tree_Item_Array(const Fl_Tree_Item_Array *o);	// COPY CTOR
+  /// Return the item and index \p i.
+  Fl_Tree_Item *operator[](int i) {
+    return(_items[i]);
+  }
+  /// Const version of operator[](int i)
+  const Fl_Tree_Item *operator[](int i) const {
+    return(_items[i]);
+  }
+  /// Return the total items in the array, or 0 if empty.
+  int total() const {
+    return(_total);
+  }
+  /// Swap the two items at index positions \p ax and \p bx.
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10301
+  // NEW -- code moved to .cxx
+  void swap(int ax, int bx);
+  // OLD
+  void swap(int ax, int bx) {
+    Fl_Tree_Item *asave = _items[ax];
+    _items[ax] = _items[bx];
+    _items[bx] = asave;
+  }
+#endif /*FLTK_ABI_VERSION*/
+  int move(int to, int from);
+  int deparent(int pos);
+  int reparent(Fl_Tree_Item *item, Fl_Tree_Item *newparent, int pos);
+  void clear();
+  void add(Fl_Tree_Item *val);
+  void insert(int pos, Fl_Tree_Item *new_item);
+  void replace(int pos, Fl_Tree_Item *new_item);
+  void remove(int index);
+  int  remove(Fl_Tree_Item *item);
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10303
+  /// Option to control if Fl_Tree_Item_Array's destructor will also destroy the Fl_Tree_Item's.
+  /// If set: items and item array is destroyed. 
+  /// If clear: only the item array is destroyed, not items themselves.
+  void manage_item_destroy(int val) {
+    if ( val ) _flags |= MANAGE_ITEM; else _flags &= ~MANAGE_ITEM;
+  }
+  int manage_item_destroy() const {
+    return _flags & MANAGE_ITEM ? 1 : 0;
+  }
+#endif /*_FL_TREE_ITEM_ARRAY_H*/
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Tree_Prefs.H
@@ -1,0 +1,484 @@
+// "$Id$"
+#ifndef FL_TREE_PREFS_H
+#define FL_TREE_PREFS_H
+#include <FL/Fl.H>	// needed for ABI version features (via Enumerations.H)
+// FL/Fl_Tree_Prefs.H
+// Fl_Tree_Prefs -- This file is part of the Fl_Tree widget for FLTK
+// Copyright (C) 2009-2010 by Greg Ercolano.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/// \file
+/// \brief This file contains the definitions for Fl_Tree's preferences.
+/// \code
+///                  Fl_Tree_Prefs
+///                       :
+///                  .....:.......
+///                  :           :
+///               Fl_Tree        :
+///                  |_____ Fl_Tree_Item
+/// \endcode
+/// \class Fl_Tree_Prefs
+/// \brief Tree widget's preferences.
+/// \enum Fl_Tree_Sort
+/// Sort order options for items added to the tree
+enum Fl_Tree_Sort {
+  FL_TREE_SORT_NONE=0,		///< No sorting; items are added in the order defined (default).
+  FL_TREE_SORT_ASCENDING=1,	///< Add items in ascending sort order.
+  FL_TREE_SORT_DESCENDING=2	///< Add items in descending sort order.
+/// \enum Fl_Tree_Connector
+/// Defines the style of connection lines between items.
+enum Fl_Tree_Connector {
+  FL_TREE_CONNECTOR_NONE=0,	///< Use no lines connecting items
+  FL_TREE_CONNECTOR_DOTTED=1,	///< Use dotted lines connecting items (default)
+  FL_TREE_CONNECTOR_SOLID=2	///< Use solid lines connecting items
+/// \enum Fl_Tree_Select
+/// Tree selection style.
+enum Fl_Tree_Select {
+  FL_TREE_SELECT_NONE=0,	///< Nothing selected when items are clicked
+  FL_TREE_SELECT_SINGLE=1,	///< Single item selected when item is clicked (default)
+  FL_TREE_SELECT_MULTI=2,	///< Multiple items can be selected by clicking
+  				///< with SHIFT, CTRL or mouse drags.
+  FL_TREE_SELECT_SINGLE_DRAGGABLE=3 ///< Single items may be selected, and they may be
+                                     ///< reordered by mouse drag.
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10301
+/// \enum Fl_Tree_Item_Reselect_Mode
+/// Defines the ways an item can be (re) selected
+/// via item_reselect_mode().
+enum Fl_Tree_Item_Reselect_Mode {
+  FL_TREE_SELECTABLE_ONCE=0,	///< Item can only be selected once (default)
+  FL_TREE_SELECTABLE_ALWAYS, 	///< Enables FL_TREE_REASON_RESELECTED events for callbacks
+/// \enum Fl_Tree_Item_Draw_Mode
+/// Bit flags that control how item's labels and widget()s are drawn in the tree
+/// via item_draw_mode().
+enum Fl_Tree_Item_Draw_Mode {
+  FL_TREE_ITEM_DRAW_DEFAULT=0,		///< If widget() defined, draw in place of label,
+                                        ///< and widget() tracks item height (default)
+  FL_TREE_ITEM_DRAW_LABEL_AND_WIDGET=1,	///< If widget() defined, include label to the left of the widget
+  FL_TREE_ITEM_HEIGHT_FROM_WIDGET=2	///< If widget() defined, widget()'s height controls item's height
+#endif /*FLTK_ABI_VERSION*/
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10303
+class Fl_Tree_Item;
+typedef void (Fl_Tree_Item_Draw_Callback)(Fl_Tree_Item*, void*);
+/// \class Fl_Tree_Prefs
+/// \brief Fl_Tree's Preferences class.
+/// This class manages the Fl_Tree's defaults.
+/// You should probably be using the methods in Fl_Tree
+/// instead of trying to accessing tree's preferences settings directly.
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Tree_Prefs {
+  Fl_Font _labelfont;			// label's font face
+  Fl_Fontsize _labelsize;		// label's font size
+  int _margintop;			// -- 
+  int _marginleft;			//   |- tree's controllable margins
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10301
+  int _marginbottom;			// --
+  int _openchild_marginbottom;		// extra space below an open child tree
+  int _usericonmarginleft;		// space to left of user icon (if any)
+  int _labelmarginleft;			// space to left of label
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10301
+  int _widgetmarginleft;		// space to left of widget
+  int _connectorwidth;			// connector width (right of open/close icon)
+  int _linespacing;			// vertical space between lines
+  // Colors
+  Fl_Color _labelfgcolor;		// label's foreground color
+  Fl_Color _labelbgcolor;		// label's background color
+  Fl_Color _connectorcolor;		// connector dotted line color
+  Fl_Tree_Connector _connectorstyle;	// connector line style
+  Fl_Image *_openimage;			// the 'open' icon [+]
+  Fl_Image *_closeimage;		// the 'close' icon [-]
+  Fl_Image *_userimage;			// user's own icon
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10304
+  Fl_Image *_opendeimage;		// deactivated 'open' icon
+  Fl_Image *_closedeimage;		// deactivated 'close' icon
+  Fl_Image *_userdeimage;		// deactivated user icon
+  char _showcollapse;			// 1=show collapse icons, 0=don't
+  char _showroot;			// show the root item as part of the tree
+  Fl_Tree_Sort   _sortorder;		// none, ascening, descending, etc.
+  Fl_Boxtype     _selectbox;		// selection box type
+  Fl_Tree_Select _selectmode;		// selection mode
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10301
+  Fl_Tree_Item_Reselect_Mode _itemreselectmode;	// controls item selection callback() behavior
+  Fl_Tree_Item_Draw_Mode     _itemdrawmode;	// controls how items draw label + widget()
+#endif /*FLTK_ABI_VERSION*/
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10303
+  Fl_Tree_Item_Draw_Callback *_itemdrawcallback;	// callback to handle drawing items (0=none)
+  void                       *_itemdrawuserdata;	// data for drawing items (0=none)
+  Fl_Tree_Prefs();
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10304
+  ~Fl_Tree_Prefs();
+  ////////////////////////////
+  // Labels
+  ////////////////////////////
+  /// Return the label's font.
+  inline Fl_Font item_labelfont() const { return(_labelfont); }
+  /// Set the label's font to \p val.
+  inline void item_labelfont(Fl_Font val) { _labelfont = val; }
+  /// Return the label's size in pixels.
+  inline Fl_Fontsize item_labelsize() const { return(_labelsize); }
+  /// Set the label's size in pixels to \p val.
+  inline void item_labelsize(Fl_Fontsize val) { _labelsize = val; }
+  /// Get the default label foreground color
+  inline Fl_Color item_labelfgcolor() const { return(_labelfgcolor); }
+  /// Set the default label foreground color
+  inline void item_labelfgcolor(Fl_Color val) { _labelfgcolor = val; }
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10301
+  /// Get the default label background color.
+  ///    This returns the Fl_Tree::color() unless item_labelbgcolor()
+  ///    has been set explicitly.
+  ///
+  inline Fl_Color item_labelbgcolor() const {
+    return _labelbgcolor;
+  }
+  /// Set the default label background color.
+  ///     Once set, overrides the default behavior of using Fl_Tree::color().
+  ///
+  inline void item_labelbgcolor(Fl_Color val) {
+    _labelbgcolor = val;
+  }
+  /// Get the default label background color
+  inline Fl_Color item_labelbgcolor() const {
+    return(_labelbgcolor);
+  }
+  /// Set the default label background color
+  inline void item_labelbgcolor(Fl_Color val) {
+    _labelbgcolor = val;
+  }
+#endif /*FLTK_ABI_VERSION*/
+  /////////////////
+  // Obsolete names - for 1.3.0 backwards compat
+  /////////////////
+  /// Obsolete: Return the label's font. Please use item_labelfont() instead.
+  inline Fl_Font labelfont() const { return(_labelfont); }
+  /// Obsolete: Set the label's font to \p val. Please use item_labelfont(Fl_Font) instead.
+  inline void labelfont(Fl_Font val) { _labelfont = val; }
+  /// Obsolete: Return the label's size in pixels. Please use item_labelsize() instead.
+  inline Fl_Fontsize labelsize() const { return(_labelsize); }
+  /// Obsolete: Set the label's size in pixels to \p val. Please use item_labelsize(Fl_Fontsize) instead.
+  inline void labelsize(Fl_Fontsize val) { _labelsize = val; }
+  /// Obsolete: Get the default label foreground color. Please use item_labelfgcolor() instead.
+  inline Fl_Color labelfgcolor() const { return(_labelfgcolor); }
+  /// Obsolete: Set the default label foreground color. Please use item_labelfgcolor(Fl_Color) instead.
+  inline void labelfgcolor(Fl_Color val) { _labelfgcolor = val; }
+  /// Obsolete: Get the default label background color. Please use item_labelbgcolor() instead.
+  inline Fl_Color labelbgcolor() const { return(item_labelbgcolor()); }
+  /// Obsolete: Set the default label background color. Please use item_labelbgcolor(Fl_Color) instead.
+  inline void labelbgcolor(Fl_Color val) { item_labelbgcolor(val); }
+  ////////////////////////////
+  // Margins
+  ////////////////////////////
+  /// Get the left margin's value in pixels
+  inline int marginleft() const {
+    return(_marginleft);
+  }
+  /// Set the left margin's value in pixels
+  inline void marginleft(int val) {
+    _marginleft = val;
+  }
+  /// Get the top margin's value in pixels
+  inline int margintop() const {
+    return(_margintop);
+  }
+  /// Set the top margin's value in pixels
+  inline void margintop(int val) {
+    _margintop = val;
+  }
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10301
+  /// Get the bottom margin's value in pixels.
+  /// This is the extra distance the vertical scroller lets you travel.
+  inline int marginbottom() const {
+    return(_marginbottom);
+  }
+  /// Set the bottom margin's value in pixels
+  /// This is the extra distance the vertical scroller lets you travel.
+  inline void marginbottom(int val) {
+    _marginbottom = val;
+  }
+#endif /*FLTK_ABI_VERSION*/
+  /// Get the margin below an open child in pixels
+  inline int openchild_marginbottom() const {
+    return(_openchild_marginbottom);
+  }
+  /// Set the margin below an open child in pixels
+  inline void openchild_marginbottom(int val) {
+    _openchild_marginbottom = val;
+  }
+  /// Get the user icon's left margin value in pixels
+  inline int usericonmarginleft() const {
+    return(_usericonmarginleft);
+  }
+  /// Set the user icon's left margin value in pixels
+  inline void usericonmarginleft(int val) {
+    _usericonmarginleft = val;
+  }
+  /// Get the label's left margin value in pixels
+  inline int labelmarginleft() const {
+    return(_labelmarginleft);
+  }
+  /// Set the label's left margin value in pixels
+  inline void labelmarginleft(int val) {
+    _labelmarginleft = val;
+  }
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10301
+  /// Get the widget()'s left margin value in pixels
+  inline int widgetmarginleft() const {
+    return(_widgetmarginleft);
+  }
+  /// Set the widget's left margin value in pixels
+  inline void widgetmarginleft(int val) {
+    _widgetmarginleft = val;
+  }
+#endif /*FLTK_ABI_VERSION*/
+  /// Get the line spacing value in pixels
+  inline int linespacing() const {
+    return(_linespacing);
+  }
+  /// Set the line spacing value in pixels
+  inline void linespacing(int val) {
+    _linespacing = val;
+  }
+  ////////////////////////////
+  // Colors and Styles
+  ////////////////////////////
+  /// Get the connector color used for tree connection lines.
+  inline Fl_Color connectorcolor() const {
+    return(_connectorcolor);
+  }
+  /// Set the connector color used for tree connection lines.
+  inline void connectorcolor(Fl_Color val) {
+    _connectorcolor = val;
+  }
+  /// Get the connector style.
+  inline Fl_Tree_Connector connectorstyle() const {
+    return(_connectorstyle);
+  }
+  /// Set the connector style.
+  inline void connectorstyle(Fl_Tree_Connector val) {
+    _connectorstyle = val;
+  }
+  /// Set the connector style [integer].
+  inline void connectorstyle(int val) {
+    _connectorstyle = Fl_Tree_Connector(val);
+  }
+  /// Get the tree connection line's width.
+  inline int connectorwidth() const {
+    return(_connectorwidth);
+  }
+  /// Set the tree connection line's width.
+  inline void connectorwidth(int val) {
+    _connectorwidth = val;
+  }
+  ////////////////////////////
+  // Icons
+  ////////////////////////////
+  /// Get the current default 'open' icon.
+  ///     Returns the Fl_Image* of the icon, or 0 if none.
+  ///
+  inline Fl_Image *openicon() const {
+    return(_openimage);
+  }
+  void openicon(Fl_Image *val);
+  /// Gets the default 'close' icon
+  ///     Returns the Fl_Image* of the icon, or 0 if none.
+  ///
+  inline Fl_Image *closeicon() const {
+    return(_closeimage);
+  }
+  void closeicon(Fl_Image *val);
+  /// Gets the default 'user icon' (default is 0)
+  inline Fl_Image *usericon() const {
+    return(_userimage);
+  }
+  /// Sets the default 'user icon'
+  ///     Returns the Fl_Image* of the icon, or 0 if none (default).
+  ///
+  inline void usericon(Fl_Image *val) {
+    _userimage = val;
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10304
+    // Update deactivated version of icon..
+    if ( _userdeimage ) delete _userdeimage;
+    if ( _userimage ) {
+      _userdeimage = _userimage->copy();
+      _userdeimage->inactive();
+    } else {
+      _userdeimage = 0;
+    }
+  }
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10304
+  /// Return the deactivated version of the open icon, if any.
+  /// Returns 0 if none.
+  inline Fl_Image *opendeicon() const {
+    return _opendeimage;
+  }
+  /// Return the deactivated version of the close icon, if any.
+  /// Returns 0 if none.
+  inline Fl_Image *closedeicon() const {
+    return _closedeimage;
+  }
+  /// Return the deactivated version of the user icon, if any.
+  /// Returns 0 if none.
+  inline Fl_Image *userdeicon() const {
+    return _userdeimage;
+  }
+  ////////////////////////////
+  // Options
+  ////////////////////////////
+  /// Returns 1 if the collapse icon is enabled, 0 if not.
+  inline char showcollapse() const {
+    return(_showcollapse);
+  }
+  /// Set if we should show the collapse icon or not.
+  /// If collapse icons are disabled, the user will not be able
+  /// to interactively collapse items in the tree, unless the application
+  /// provides some other means via open() and close().
+  ///
+  /// \param[in] val 1: shows collapse icons (default),\n
+  ///                0: hides collapse icons.
+  ///
+  inline void showcollapse(int val) {
+    _showcollapse = val;
+  }
+  /// Get the default sort order value
+  inline Fl_Tree_Sort sortorder() const {
+    return(_sortorder);
+  }
+  /// Set the default sort order value.
+  ///     Defines the order new items appear when add()ed to the tree.
+  ///     See Fl_Tree_Sort for possible values.
+  ///
+  inline void sortorder(Fl_Tree_Sort val) {
+    _sortorder = val;
+  }
+  /// Get the default selection box's box drawing style as an Fl_Boxtype.
+  inline Fl_Boxtype selectbox() const {
+    return(_selectbox);
+  }
+  /// Set the default selection box's box drawing style to \p val.
+  inline void selectbox(Fl_Boxtype val) {
+    _selectbox = val;
+  }
+  /// Returns 1 if the root item is to be shown, or 0 if not.
+  inline int showroot() const {
+    return(int(_showroot));
+  }
+  /// Set if the root item should be shown or not.
+  /// \param[in] val 1 -- show the root item (default)\n
+  ///                0 -- hide the root item.
+  ///
+  inline void showroot(int val) {
+    _showroot = char(val);
+  }
+  /// Get the selection mode used for the tree
+  inline Fl_Tree_Select selectmode() const {
+    return(_selectmode);
+  }
+  /// Set the selection mode used for the tree to \p val.
+  ///     This affects how items in the tree are selected
+  ///     when clicked on and dragged over by the mouse.
+  ///     See Fl_Tree_Select for possible values.
+  ///
+  inline void selectmode(Fl_Tree_Select val) {
+    _selectmode = val;
+  }
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10301
+  /// Returns the current item re/selection mode
+  Fl_Tree_Item_Reselect_Mode item_reselect_mode() const {
+    return _itemreselectmode;
+  }
+  /// Sets the item re/selection mode
+  void item_reselect_mode(Fl_Tree_Item_Reselect_Mode mode) {
+    _itemreselectmode = mode;
+  }
+  /// Get the 'item draw mode' used for the tree
+  inline Fl_Tree_Item_Draw_Mode item_draw_mode() const {
+    return(_itemdrawmode);
+  }
+  /// Set the 'item draw mode' used for the tree to \p val.
+  ///     This affects how items in the tree are drawn,
+  ///     such as when a widget() is defined. 
+  ///     See Fl_Tree_Item_Draw_Mode for possible values.
+  ///
+  inline void item_draw_mode(Fl_Tree_Item_Draw_Mode val) {
+    _itemdrawmode = val;
+  }
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10303
+  void item_draw_callback(Fl_Tree_Item_Draw_Callback *cb, void *data=0) {
+    _itemdrawcallback = cb;
+    _itemdrawuserdata = data;
+  }
+  Fl_Tree_Item_Draw_Callback* item_draw_callback() const {
+    return(_itemdrawcallback);
+  }
+  void* item_draw_user_data() const {
+    return(_itemdrawuserdata);
+  }
+  void do_item_draw_callback(Fl_Tree_Item *o) const {
+    _itemdrawcallback(o, _itemdrawuserdata);
+  }
+#endif /*FL_TREE_PREFS_H*/
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Valuator.H
@@ -1,0 +1,138 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Valuator header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2016 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Valuator widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_Valuator_H
+#define Fl_Valuator_H
+#ifndef Fl_Widget_H
+#include "Fl_Widget.H"
+// shared type() values for classes that work in both directions:
+#define FL_VERTICAL		0 ///< The valuator can work vertically
+#define FL_HORIZONTAL		1 ///< The valuator can work horizontally
+  The Fl_Valuator class controls a single floating-point value
+  and provides a consistent interface to set the value, range, and step,
+  and insures that callbacks are done the same for every object.
+  There are probably more of these classes in FLTK than any others:
+  <P ALIGN=CENTER>\image html valuators.png</P>
+  \image latex valuators.png "Valuators derived from Fl_Valuators" width=10cm
+  In the above diagram each box surrounds an actual subclass.  These
+  are further differentiated by setting the type() of the widget to
+  the symbolic value labeling the widget.
+  The ones labelled "0" are the default versions with a type(0).
+  For consistency the symbol FL_VERTICAL is defined as zero.
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Valuator : public Fl_Widget {
+  double value_;
+  double previous_value_;
+  double min, max; // truncates to this range *after* rounding
+  double A; int B; // rounds to multiples of A/B, or no rounding if A is zero
+  /** Tells if the valuator is an FL_HORIZONTAL one */
+  int horizontal() const {return type()& FL_HORIZONTAL;}
+  Fl_Valuator(int X, int Y, int W, int H, const char* L);
+  /** Gets the previous floating point value before an event changed it */
+  double previous_value() const {return previous_value_;}
+  /** Stores the current value in the previous value */
+  void handle_push() {previous_value_ = value_;}
+  double softclamp(double);
+  void handle_drag(double newvalue);
+  void handle_release(); // use drag() value
+  virtual void value_damage(); // cause damage() due to value() changing
+  /** Sets the current floating point value. */
+  void set_value(double v) {value_ = v;}
+    /**    Sets the minimum (a) and maximum (b) values for the valuator widget. */
+    void bounds(double a, double b) {min=a; max=b;}
+    /**    Gets the minimum value for the valuator.  */
+    double minimum() const {return min;}
+    /**    Sets the minimum value for the valuator.  */
+    void minimum(double a) {min = a;}
+    /**    Gets the maximum value for the valuator.  */
+    double maximum() const {return max;}
+    /**    Sets the maximum value for the valuator.  */
+    void maximum(double a) {max = a;}
+  /**
+    Sets the minimum and maximum values for the valuator. When
+    the user manipulates the widget, the value is limited to this
+    range. This clamping is done <I>after</I> rounding to the step
+    value (this makes a difference if the range is not a multiple of
+    the step).
+    The minimum may be greater than the maximum. This has the
+    effect of "reversing" the object so the larger values
+    are in the opposite direction. This also switches which end of
+    the filled sliders is filled.
+    Some widgets consider this a "soft" range.  This
+    means they will stop at the range, but if the user releases and
+    grabs the control again and tries to move it further, it is
+    allowed.
+    The range may affect the display. You must redraw()
+    the widget after changing the range.
+  */
+  void range(double a, double b) {min = a; max = b;}
+  /**    See double Fl_Valuator::step() const   */
+  void step(int a) {A = a; B = 1;}
+  /**    See double Fl_Valuator::step() const   */
+  void step(double a, int b) {A = a; B = b;}
+  void step(double s);
+  /**
+    Gets or sets the step value. As the user moves the mouse the
+    value is rounded to the nearest multiple of the step value. This
+    is done \e before clamping it to the range. For most widgets
+    the default step is zero.
+    For precision the step is stored as the ratio of a double \p A and
+    an integer \p B = A/B. You can set these values directly. Currently
+    setting a floating point value sets the nearest A/1 or 1/B value
+    possible.
+  */
+  double step() const {return A/B;}
+  void precision(int digits);
+  /** Gets the floating point(double) value. See int value(double) */
+  double value() const {return value_;}
+  int value(double);
+  virtual int format(char*);
+  double round(double); // round to nearest multiple of step
+  double clamp(double); // keep in range
+  double increment(double, int); // add n*step to value
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Value_Input.H
@@ -1,0 +1,130 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Value input header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Value_Input widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_Value_Input_H
+#define Fl_Value_Input_H
+#include "Fl_Valuator.H"
+#include "Fl_Input.H"
+  The Fl_Value_Input widget displays a numeric value.
+  The user can click in the text field and edit it - there is in
+  fact a hidden Fl_Input widget with
+  type(FL_FLOAT_INPUT) or type(FL_INT_INPUT) in
+  there - and when they hit return or tab the value updates to
+  what they typed and the callback is done.
+  <P>If step() is non-zero and integral, then the range of numbers
+  is limited to integers instead of floating point numbers. As
+  well as displaying the value as an integer, typed input is also
+  limited to integer values, even if the hidden Fl_Input widget
+  is of type(FL_FLOAT_INPUT).</P>
+  <P>If step() is non-zero, the user can also drag the
+  mouse across the object and thus slide the value. The left
+  button moves one step() per pixel, the middle by 10
+  * step(), and the right button by 100 * step(). It
+  is therefore impossible to select text by dragging across it,
+  although clicking can still move the insertion cursor.</P>
+  <P>If step() is non-zero and integral, then the range
+  of numbers are limited to integers instead of floating point
+  values.
+  <P ALIGN="CENTER">\image html Fl_Value_Input.png 
+  \image latex  Fl_Value_Input.png "Fl_Value_Input" width=4cm
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Value_Input : public Fl_Valuator {
+  /* This is the encapsulated Fl_input attribute to which 
+  this class delegates the value font, color and shortcut */
+  Fl_Input input;
+  char soft_;
+  static void input_cb(Fl_Widget*,void*);
+  virtual void value_damage(); // cause damage() due to value() changing
+  int handle(int);
+  void draw();
+  void resize(int,int,int,int);
+  Fl_Value_Input(int x,int y,int w,int h,const char *l=0);
+  ~Fl_Value_Input();
+  /** See void Fl_Value_Input::soft(char s) */
+  void soft(char s) {soft_ = s;}
+  /**
+    If "soft" is turned on, the user is allowed to drag
+    the value outside the range. If they drag the value to one of
+    the ends, let go, then grab again and continue to drag, they can
+    get to any value. The default is true.
+  */
+  char soft() const {return soft_;}
+  /**
+   Returns the current shortcut key for the Input.
+   \see Fl_Value_Input::shortcut(int) 
+  */
+  int shortcut() const {return input.shortcut();}
+  /** 
+   Sets the shortcut key to \p s. Setting this
+   overrides the use of '&' in the label().  The value is a bitwise
+   OR of a key and a set of shift flags, for example FL_ALT | 'a'
+   , FL_ALT | (FL_F + 10), or just 'a'.  A value
+   of 0 disables the shortcut.
+   The key can be any value returned by 
+   Fl::event_key(), but will usually be an ASCII letter.  Use
+   a lower-case letter unless you require the shift key to be held down.
+   The shift flags can be any set of values accepted by 
+   Fl::event_state().  If the bit is on that shift key must
+   be pushed.  Meta, Alt, Ctrl, and Shift must be off if they are not in
+   the shift flags (zero for the other bits indicates a "don't care"
+   setting).
+   */
+  void shortcut(int s) {input.shortcut(s);}
+  /** Gets the typeface of the text in the value box.  */
+  Fl_Font textfont() const {return input.textfont();}
+  /** Sets the typeface of the text in the value box.  */
+  void textfont(Fl_Font s) {input.textfont(s);}
+  /** Gets the size of the text in the value box.  */
+  Fl_Fontsize textsize() const {return input.textsize();}
+  /** Sets the size of the text in the value box.  */
+  void textsize(Fl_Fontsize s) {input.textsize(s);}
+  /** Gets the color of the text in the value box.  */
+  Fl_Color textcolor() const {return input.textcolor();}
+  /** Sets the color of the text in the value box.*/
+  void textcolor(Fl_Color n) {input.textcolor(n);}
+  /** Gets the color of the text cursor. The text cursor is black by default. */
+  Fl_Color cursor_color() const {return input.cursor_color();}
+  /** Sets the color of the text cursor. The text cursor is black by default. */
+  void cursor_color(Fl_Color n) {input.cursor_color(n);}
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Value_Output.H
@@ -1,0 +1,86 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Value output header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Value_Output widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_Value_Output_H
+#define Fl_Value_Output_H
+#ifndef Fl_Valuator_H
+#include "Fl_Valuator.H"
+  The Fl_Value_Output widget displays a floating point value.
+  If step() is not zero, the user can adjust the value by
+  dragging the mouse left and right.  The left button moves one step()
+  per pixel, the middle by 10 * step(), and the right button by 
+  100 * step().
+  <P>This is much lighter-weight than 
+  Fl_Value_Input because it contains no text editing code or
+  character buffer. </P>
+  <P ALIGN=CENTER>\image html Fl_Value_Output.png 
+  \image latex  Fl_Value_Output.png "Fl_Value_Output" width=4cm
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Value_Output : public Fl_Valuator {
+  Fl_Font textfont_;
+  Fl_Fontsize textsize_;
+  uchar soft_;
+  Fl_Color textcolor_;
+  void draw();
+  int handle(int);
+  Fl_Value_Output(int x,int y,int w,int h,const char *l=0);
+  /**
+    If "soft" is turned on, the user is allowed to drag the value outside
+    the range.  If they drag the value to one of the ends, let go, then
+    grab again and continue to drag, they can get to any value.  Default is
+    one.
+  */
+  void soft(uchar s) {soft_ = s;}
+  /**
+    If "soft" is turned on, the user is allowed to drag the value outside
+    the range.  If they drag the value to one of the ends, let go, then
+    grab again and continue to drag, they can get to any value.  Default is
+    one.
+  */
+  uchar soft() const {return soft_;}
+  /**    Gets the typeface of the text in the value box.  */
+  Fl_Font textfont() const {return textfont_;}
+  /**    Sets the typeface of the text in the value box.  */
+  void textfont(Fl_Font s) {textfont_ = s;}
+  /**    Gets the size of the text in the value box.  */
+  Fl_Fontsize textsize() const {return textsize_;}
+  void textsize(Fl_Fontsize s) {textsize_ = s;}
+  /**    Sets the color of the text in the value box.  */
+  Fl_Color textcolor() const {return textcolor_;}
+  /**    Gets the color of the text in the value box.  */
+  void textcolor(Fl_Color s) {textcolor_ = s;}
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Value_Slider.H
@@ -1,0 +1,60 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Value slider header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Value_Slider widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_Value_Slider_H
+#define Fl_Value_Slider_H
+#include "Fl_Slider.H"
+  The Fl_Value_Slider widget is a Fl_Slider widget
+  with a box displaying the current value.
+  <P ALIGN=CENTER>\image html value_slider.png 
+  \image latex  value_slider.png "Fl_Value_Slider" width=4cm
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Value_Slider : public Fl_Slider {
+    Fl_Font textfont_;
+    Fl_Fontsize textsize_;
+    Fl_Color textcolor_;
+    void draw();
+    int handle(int);
+    Fl_Value_Slider(int x,int y,int w,int h, const char *l = 0);
+    /**    Gets the typeface of the text in the value box.  */
+    Fl_Font textfont() const {return textfont_;}
+    /**    Sets the typeface of the text in the value box.  */
+    void textfont(Fl_Font s) {textfont_ = s;}
+    /**    Gets the size of the text in the value box.  */
+    Fl_Fontsize textsize() const {return textsize_;}
+    /**    Sets the size of the text in the value box.  */
+    void textsize(Fl_Fontsize s) {textsize_ = s;}
+    /**    Gets the color of the text in the value box.  */
+    Fl_Color textcolor() const {return textcolor_;}
+    /**    Sets the color of the text in the value box.  */
+    void textcolor(Fl_Color s) {textcolor_ = s;}
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Widget.H
@@ -1,0 +1,1040 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Widget header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2015 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/** \file
+   Fl_Widget, Fl_Label classes . */
+#ifndef Fl_Widget_H
+#define Fl_Widget_H
+#include "Enumerations.H"
+  \todo	typedef's fl_intptr_t and fl_uintptr_t should be documented.
+#ifdef _WIN64
+#if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__)
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stddef.h>  // M$VC
+typedef intptr_t fl_intptr_t;
+typedef uintptr_t fl_uintptr_t;
+typedef long fl_intptr_t;
+typedef unsigned long fl_uintptr_t;
+class Fl_Widget;
+class Fl_Window;
+class Fl_Group;
+class Fl_Image;
+/** Default callback type definition for all fltk widgets (by far the most used) */
+typedef void (Fl_Callback )(Fl_Widget*, void*);
+/** Default callback type pointer definition for all fltk widgets */
+typedef Fl_Callback* Fl_Callback_p; // needed for BORLAND
+/** One parameter callback type definition passing only the widget */
+typedef void (Fl_Callback0)(Fl_Widget*);
+/** Callback type definition passing the widget and a long data value */
+typedef void (Fl_Callback1)(Fl_Widget*, long);
+/** This struct stores all information for a text or mixed graphics label.
+    \todo There is an aspiration that the Fl_Label type will become a widget by itself.
+          That way we will be avoiding a lot of code duplication by handling labels in
+          a similar fashion to widgets containing text. We also provide an easy
+          interface for very complex labels, containing html or vector graphics.
+          However, this re-factoring is not in place in this release.
+ */
+struct FL_EXPORT Fl_Label {
+  /** label text */
+  const char* value;
+  /** optional image for an active label */
+  Fl_Image* image;
+  /** optional image for a deactivated label */
+  Fl_Image* deimage;
+  /** label font used in text */
+  Fl_Font font;
+  /** size of label font */
+  Fl_Fontsize size;
+  /** text color */
+  Fl_Color color;
+  /** alignment of label */
+  Fl_Align align_;
+  /** type of label. \see Fl_Labeltype */
+  uchar type;
+  /** Draws the label aligned to the given box */
+  void draw(int,int,int,int, Fl_Align) const ;
+  void measure(int &w, int &h) const ;
+/** Fl_Widget is the base class for all widgets in FLTK.  
+    You can't create one of these because the constructor is not public.
+    However you can subclass it.  
+    All "property" accessing methods, such as color(), parent(), or argument() 
+    are implemented as trivial inline functions and thus are as fast and small 
+    as accessing fields in a structure. Unless otherwise noted, the property 
+    setting methods such as color(n) or label(s) are also trivial inline 
+    functions, even if they change the widget's appearance. It is up to the 
+    user code to call redraw() after these.
+ */
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Widget {
+  friend class Fl_Group;
+  Fl_Group* parent_;
+  Fl_Callback* callback_;
+  void* user_data_;
+  int x_,y_,w_,h_;
+  Fl_Label label_;
+  unsigned int flags_;
+  Fl_Color color_;
+  Fl_Color color2_;
+  uchar type_;
+  uchar damage_;
+  uchar box_;
+  uchar when_;
+  const char *tooltip_;
+  /** unimplemented copy ctor */
+  Fl_Widget(const Fl_Widget &);
+  /** unimplemented assignment operator */
+  Fl_Widget& operator=(const Fl_Widget &);
+  /** Creates a widget at the given position and size.
+      The Fl_Widget is a protected constructor, but all derived widgets have a 
+      matching public constructor. It takes a value for x(), y(), w(), h(), and 
+      an optional value for label().
+      \param[in] x, y the position of the widget relative to the enclosing window
+      \param[in] w, h size of the widget in pixels
+      \param[in] label optional text for the widget label
+   */
+  Fl_Widget(int x, int y, int w, int h, const char *label=0L);
+  /** Internal use only. Use position(int,int), size(int,int) or resize(int,int,int,int) instead. */
+  void x(int v) {x_ = v;}
+  /** Internal use only. Use position(int,int), size(int,int) or resize(int,int,int,int) instead. */
+  void y(int v) {y_ = v;}
+  /** Internal use only. Use position(int,int), size(int,int) or resize(int,int,int,int) instead. */
+  void w(int v) {w_ = v;}
+  /** Internal use only. Use position(int,int), size(int,int) or resize(int,int,int,int) instead. */
+  void h(int v) {h_ = v;}
+  /** Gets the widget flags mask */
+  unsigned int flags() const {return flags_;}
+  /** Sets a flag in the flags mask */
+  void set_flag(unsigned int c) {flags_ |= c;}
+  /** Clears a flag in the flags mask */
+  void clear_flag(unsigned int c) {flags_ &= ~c;}
+  /** flags possible values enumeration.
+      See activate(), output(), visible(), changed(), set_visible_focus()
+  */
+  enum {
+        INACTIVE        = 1<<0,   ///< the widget can't receive focus, and is disabled but potentially visible
+        INVISIBLE       = 1<<1,   ///< the widget is not drawn, but can receive a few special events
+        OUTPUT          = 1<<2,   ///< for output only
+        NOBORDER        = 1<<3,   ///< don't draw a decoration (Fl_Window)
+        FORCE_POSITION  = 1<<4,   ///< don't let the window manager position the window (Fl_Window)
+        NON_MODAL       = 1<<5,   ///< this is a hovering toolbar window (Fl_Window)
+        SHORTCUT_LABEL  = 1<<6,   ///< the label contains a shortcut we need to draw
+        CHANGED         = 1<<7,   ///< the widget value changed
+        OVERRIDE        = 1<<8,   ///< position window on top (Fl_Window)
+        VISIBLE_FOCUS   = 1<<9,   ///< accepts keyboard focus navigation if the widget can have the focus
+        COPIED_LABEL    = 1<<10,  ///< the widget label is internally copied, its destruction is handled by the widget
+        CLIP_CHILDREN   = 1<<11,  ///< all drawing within this widget will be clipped (Fl_Group)
+        MENU_WINDOW     = 1<<12,  ///< a temporary popup window, dismissed by clicking outside (Fl_Window)
+        TOOLTIP_WINDOW  = 1<<13,  ///< a temporary popup, transparent to events, and dismissed easily (Fl_Window)
+        MODAL           = 1<<14,  ///< a window blocking input to all other winows (Fl_Window)
+        NO_OVERLAY      = 1<<15,  ///< window not using a hardware overlay plane (Fl_Menu_Window)
+        GROUP_RELATIVE  = 1<<16,  ///< Reserved, not implemented. DO NOT USE.
+        COPIED_TOOLTIP  = 1<<17,  ///< the widget tooltip is internally copied, its destruction is handled by the widget
+        FULLSCREEN      = 1<<18,  ///< a fullscreen window (Fl_Window)
+        MAC_USE_ACCENTS_MENU = 1<<19, ///< On the Mac OS platform, pressing and holding a key on the keyboard opens an accented-character menu window (Fl_Input_, Fl_Text_Editor)
+        // (space for more flags)
+        USERFLAG3       = 1<<29,  ///< reserved for 3rd party extensions
+        USERFLAG2       = 1<<30,  ///< reserved for 3rd party extensions
+        USERFLAG1       = 1<<31   ///< reserved for 3rd party extensions
+  };
+  void draw_box() const;
+  void draw_box(Fl_Boxtype t, Fl_Color c) const;
+  void draw_box(Fl_Boxtype t, int x,int y,int w,int h, Fl_Color c) const;
+  void draw_backdrop() const;
+  /** draws a focus rectangle around the widget */
+  void draw_focus() {draw_focus(box(),x(),y(),w(),h());}
+  void draw_focus(Fl_Boxtype t, int x,int y,int w,int h) const;
+  void draw_label() const;
+  void draw_label(int, int, int, int) const;
+  /** Destroys the widget.
+      Destroying single widgets is not very common. You almost always want to 
+      destroy the parent group instead, which will destroy all of the child widgets 
+      and groups in that group.
+      \since FLTK 1.3, the widget's destructor removes the widget from its parent
+      group, if it is member of a group.
+   */
+  virtual ~Fl_Widget();
+  /** Draws the widget.
+      Never call this function directly. FLTK will schedule redrawing whenever
+      needed. If your widget must be redrawn as soon as possible, call redraw()
+      instead.
+      Override this function to draw your own widgets.
+      If you ever need to call another widget's draw method <I>from within your
+      own draw() method</I>, e.g. for an embedded scrollbar, you can do it
+      (because draw() is virtual) like this:
+      \code
+        Fl_Widget *s = &scroll;		// scroll is an embedded Fl_Scrollbar
+	s->draw();			// calls Fl_Scrollbar::draw()
+      \endcode
+   */
+  virtual void draw() = 0;
+  /** Handles the specified event. 
+      You normally don't call this method directly, but instead let FLTK do 
+      it when the user interacts with the widget.
+      When implemented in a widget, this function must return 0 if the 
+      widget does not use the event or 1 otherwise.
+      Most of the time, you want to call the inherited handle() method in 
+      your overridden method so that you don't short-circuit events that you 
+      don't handle. In this last case you should return the callee retval.
+      \param[in] event the kind of event received
+      \retval 0 if the event was not used or understood
+      \retval 1 if the event was used and can be deleted
+      \see Fl_Event
+   */
+  virtual int handle(int event);
+  /** Returns whether the current label was assigned with copy_label().
+      This can be useful for temporarily overwriting the widget's label
+      and restoring it later.
+      \retval 0 current label was assigned with label().
+      \retval 1 current label was assigned with copy_label().
+  */
+  int is_label_copied() const {return ((flags_ & COPIED_LABEL) ? 1 : 0);}
+  /** Returns a pointer to the parent widget.  
+      Usually this is a Fl_Group or Fl_Window. 
+      \retval NULL if the widget has no parent
+      \see Fl_Group::add(Fl_Widget*)
+   */
+  Fl_Group* parent() const {return parent_;}
+  /** Internal use only - "for hacks only".
+      It is \em \b STRONGLY recommended not to use this method, because it
+      short-circuits Fl_Group's normal widget adding and removing methods,
+      if the widget is already a child widget of another Fl_Group.
+      Use Fl_Group::add(Fl_Widget*) and/or Fl_Group::remove(Fl_Widget*) instead.
+  */
+  void parent(Fl_Group* p) {parent_ = p;} // for hacks only, use Fl_Group::add()
+  /** Gets the widget type.
+      Returns the widget type value, which is used for Forms compatibility
+      and to simulate RTTI.
+      \todo Explain "simulate RTTI" (currently only used to decide if a widget
+      is a window, i.e. type()>=FL_WINDOW ?). Is type() really used in a way
+      that ensures "Forms compatibility" ?
+   */
+  uchar type() const {return type_;}
+  /** Sets the widget type.
+      This is used for Forms compatibility.
+   */
+  void type(uchar t) {type_ = t;}
+  /** Gets the widget position in its window.
+      \return the x position relative to the window
+   */
+  int x() const {return x_;}
+  /** Gets the widget position in its window.
+      \return the y position relative to the window
+   */
+  int y() const {return y_;}
+  /** Gets the widget width.
+      \return the width of the widget in pixels.
+   */
+  int w() const {return w_;}
+  /** Gets the widget height.
+      \return the height of the widget in pixels.
+   */
+  int h() const {return h_;}
+  /** Changes the size or position of the widget.
+      This is a virtual function so that the widget may implement its 
+      own handling of resizing. The default version does \e not
+      call the redraw() method, but instead relies on the parent widget 
+      to do so because the parent may know a faster way to update the 
+      display, such as scrolling from the old position.  
+      Some window managers under X11 call resize() a lot more often 
+      than needed. Please verify that the position or size of a widget 
+      did actually change before doing any extensive calculations.
+      position(X, Y) is a shortcut for resize(X, Y, w(), h()), 
+      and size(W, H) is a shortcut for resize(x(), y(), W, H).
+      \param[in] x, y new position relative to the parent window 
+      \param[in] w, h new size
+      \see position(int,int), size(int,int)
+   */
+  virtual void resize(int x, int y, int w, int h);
+  /** Internal use only. */
+  int damage_resize(int,int,int,int);
+  /** Repositions the window or widget.
+      position(X, Y) is a shortcut for resize(X, Y, w(), h()).
+      \param[in] X, Y new position relative to the parent window 
+      \see resize(int,int,int,int), size(int,int)
+   */
+  void position(int X,int Y) {resize(X,Y,w_,h_);}
+  /** Changes the size of the widget.
+      size(W, H) is a shortcut for resize(x(), y(), W, H).
+      \param[in] W, H new size
+      \see position(int,int), resize(int,int,int,int)
+   */
+  void size(int W,int H) {resize(x_,y_,W,H);}
+  /** Gets the label alignment.
+      \return label alignment
+      \see label(), align(Fl_Align), Fl_Align
+   */
+  Fl_Align align() const {return label_.align_;}
+  /** Sets the label alignment.
+      This controls how the label is displayed next to or inside the widget. 
+      The default value is FL_ALIGN_CENTER, which centers the label inside 
+      the widget.
+      \param[in] alignment new label alignment
+      \see align(), Fl_Align
+   */
+  void align(Fl_Align alignment) {label_.align_ = alignment;}
+  /** Gets the box type of the widget.
+      \return the current box type
+      \see box(Fl_Boxtype), Fl_Boxtype
+   */
+  Fl_Boxtype box() const {return (Fl_Boxtype)box_;}
+  /** Sets the box type for the widget. 
+      This identifies a routine that draws the background of the widget.
+      See Fl_Boxtype for the available types. The default depends on the 
+      widget, but is usually FL_NO_BOX or FL_UP_BOX.
+      \param[in] new_box the new box type
+      \see box(), Fl_Boxtype
+   */
+  void box(Fl_Boxtype new_box) {box_ = new_box;}
+  /** Gets the background color of the widget.
+      \return current background color
+      \see color(Fl_Color), color(Fl_Color, Fl_Color)
+   */
+  Fl_Color color() const {return color_;}
+  /** Sets the background color of the widget. 
+      The color is passed to the box routine. The color is either an index into 
+      an internal table of RGB colors or an RGB color value generated using 
+      fl_rgb_color().
+      The default for most widgets is FL_BACKGROUND_COLOR. Use Fl::set_color()
+      to redefine colors in the color map.
+      \param[in] bg background color
+      \see color(), color(Fl_Color, Fl_Color), selection_color(Fl_Color)
+   */
+  void color(Fl_Color bg) {color_ = bg;}
+  /** Gets the selection color.
+      \return the current selection color
+      \see selection_color(Fl_Color), color(Fl_Color, Fl_Color)
+   */
+  Fl_Color selection_color() const {return color2_;}
+  /** Sets the selection color.
+      The selection color is defined for Forms compatibility and is usually 
+      used to color the widget when it is selected, although some widgets 
+      use this color for other purposes. You can set both colors at once 
+      with color(Fl_Color bg, Fl_Color sel).
+      \param[in] a the new selection color
+      \see selection_color(), color(Fl_Color, Fl_Color)
+   */
+  void selection_color(Fl_Color a) {color2_ = a;}
+  /** Sets the background and selection color of the widget. 
+      The two color form sets both the background and selection colors. 
+      \param[in] bg background color
+      \param[in] sel selection color
+      \see color(unsigned), selection_color(unsigned)
+   */
+  void color(Fl_Color bg, Fl_Color sel) {color_=bg; color2_=sel;}
+  /** Gets the current label text.
+      \return a pointer to the current label text
+      \see label(const char *), copy_label(const char *)
+   */
+  const char* label() const {return label_.value;}
+  /** Sets the current label pointer.
+      The label is shown somewhere on or next to the widget. The passed pointer 
+      is stored unchanged in the widget (the string is \em not copied), so if 
+      you need to set the label to a formatted value, make sure the buffer is 
+      static, global, or allocated. The copy_label() method can be used 
+      to make a copy of the label string automatically.
+      \param[in] text pointer to new label text
+      \see copy_label()
+   */
+  void label(const char* text);
+  /** Sets the current label. 
+      Unlike label(), this method allocates a copy of the label 
+      string instead of using the original string pointer.
+      The internal copy will automatically be freed whenever you assign
+      a new label or when the widget is destroyed.
+      \param[in] new_label the new label text
+      \see label()
+   */
+  void copy_label(const char *new_label);
+  /** Shortcut to set the label text and type in one call.
+      \see label(const char *), labeltype(Fl_Labeltype)
+   */
+  void label(Fl_Labeltype a, const char* b) {label_.type = a; label_.value = b;}
+  /** Gets the label type.
+      \return the current label type.
+      \see Fl_Labeltype
+   */
+  Fl_Labeltype labeltype() const {return (Fl_Labeltype)label_.type;}
+  /** Sets the label type. 
+      The label type identifies the function that draws the label of the widget. 
+      This is generally used for special effects such as embossing or for using 
+      the label() pointer as another form of data such as an icon. The value 
+      FL_NORMAL_LABEL prints the label as plain text.
+      \param[in] a new label type
+      \see Fl_Labeltype
+   */
+  void labeltype(Fl_Labeltype a) {label_.type = a;}
+  /** Gets the label color. 
+      The default color is FL_FOREGROUND_COLOR. 
+      \return the current label color
+   */
+  Fl_Color labelcolor() const {return label_.color;}
+  /** Sets the label color. 
+      The default color is FL_FOREGROUND_COLOR. 
+      \param[in] c the new label color
+   */
+  void labelcolor(Fl_Color c) {label_.color=c;}
+  /** Gets the font to use. 
+      Fonts are identified by indexes into a table. The default value
+      uses a Helvetica typeface (Arial for Microsoft&reg; Windows&reg;).
+      The function Fl::set_font() can define new typefaces.
+      \return current font used by the label
+      \see Fl_Font
+   */
+  Fl_Font labelfont() const {return label_.font;}
+  /** Sets the font to use. 
+      Fonts are identified by indexes into a table. The default value
+      uses a Helvetica typeface (Arial for Microsoft&reg; Windows&reg;).
+      The function Fl::set_font() can define new typefaces.
+      \param[in] f the new font for the label
+      \see Fl_Font
+   */
+  void labelfont(Fl_Font f) {label_.font=f;}
+  /** Gets the font size in pixels. 
+      The default size is 14 pixels.
+      \return the current font size
+   */
+  Fl_Fontsize labelsize() const {return label_.size;}
+  /** Sets the font size in pixels.
+      \param[in] pix the new font size
+      \see Fl_Fontsize labelsize()
+   */
+  void labelsize(Fl_Fontsize pix) {label_.size=pix;}
+  /** Gets the image that is used as part of the widget label.
+      This image is used when drawing the widget in the active state.
+      \return the current image
+   */
+  Fl_Image* image() {return label_.image;}
+  const Fl_Image* image() const {return label_.image;}
+  /** Sets the image to use as part of the widget label.
+      This image is used when drawing the widget in the active state.
+      \param[in] img the new image for the label 
+   */
+  void image(Fl_Image* img) {label_.image=img;}
+  /** Sets the image to use as part of the widget label.
+      This image is used when drawing the widget in the active state.
+      \param[in] img the new image for the label 
+   */
+  void image(Fl_Image& img) {label_.image=&img;}
+  /** Gets the image that is used as part of the widget label.  
+      This image is used when drawing the widget in the inactive state.
+      \return the current image for the deactivated widget
+   */
+  Fl_Image* deimage() {return label_.deimage;}
+  const Fl_Image* deimage() const {return label_.deimage;}
+  /** Sets the image to use as part of the widget label.  
+      This image is used when drawing the widget in the inactive state.
+      \param[in] img the new image for the deactivated widget
+   */
+  void deimage(Fl_Image* img) {label_.deimage=img;}
+  /** Sets the image to use as part of the widget label.  
+      This image is used when drawing the widget in the inactive state.
+      \param[in] img the new image for the deactivated widget
+   */
+  void deimage(Fl_Image& img) {label_.deimage=&img;}
+  /** Gets the current tooltip text.
+      \return a pointer to the tooltip text or NULL
+      \see tooltip(const char*), copy_tooltip(const char*)
+   */
+  const char *tooltip() const {return tooltip_;}
+  void tooltip(const char *text);		// see Fl_Tooltip
+  void copy_tooltip(const char *text);		// see Fl_Tooltip
+  /** Gets the current callback function for the widget.
+      Each widget has a single callback.
+      \return current callback
+   */
+  Fl_Callback_p callback() const {return callback_;}
+  /** Sets the current callback function for the widget.
+      Each widget has a single callback.
+      \param[in] cb new callback
+      \param[in] p user data
+   */
+  void callback(Fl_Callback* cb, void* p) {callback_=cb; user_data_=p;}
+  /** Sets the current callback function for the widget.
+      Each widget has a single callback.
+      \param[in] cb new callback
+   */
+  void callback(Fl_Callback* cb) {callback_=cb;}
+  /** Sets the current callback function for the widget.
+      Each widget has a single callback.
+      \param[in] cb new callback
+   */
+  void callback(Fl_Callback0*cb) {callback_=(Fl_Callback*)cb;}
+  /** Sets the current callback function for the widget.
+      Each widget has a single callback.
+      \param[in] cb new callback
+      \param[in] p user data
+   */
+  void callback(Fl_Callback1*cb, long p=0) {callback_=(Fl_Callback*)cb; user_data_=(void*)(fl_intptr_t)p;}
+  /** Gets the user data for this widget.
+      Gets the current user data (void *) argument that is passed to the callback function.
+      \return user data as a pointer
+   */
+  void* user_data() const {return user_data_;}
+  /** Sets the user data for this widget.
+      Sets the new user data (void *) argument that is passed to the callback function.
+      \param[in] v new user data
+   */
+  void user_data(void* v) {user_data_ = v;}
+  /** Gets the current user data (long) argument that is passed to the callback function.
+      \todo The user data value must be implemented using \em intptr_t or similar
+      to avoid 64-bit machine incompatibilities.
+   */
+  long argument() const {return (long)(fl_intptr_t)user_data_;}
+  /** Sets the current user data (long) argument that is passed to the callback function.
+      \todo The user data value must be implemented using \em intptr_t or similar
+      to avoid 64-bit machine incompatibilities.
+   */
+  void argument(long v) {user_data_ = (void*)(fl_intptr_t)v;}
+  /** Returns the conditions under which the callback is called.
+      You can set the flags with when(uchar), the default value is
+      \return set of flags
+      \see when(uchar)
+   */
+  Fl_When when() const {return (Fl_When)when_;}
+  /** Sets the flags used to decide when a callback is called.
+     This controls when callbacks are done. The following values are useful,
+     the default value is FL_WHEN_RELEASE:
+     \li 0: The callback is not done, but changed() is turned on.
+     \li FL_WHEN_CHANGED: The callback is done each time the text is
+         changed by the user.
+     \li FL_WHEN_RELEASE: The callback will be done when this widget loses 
+         the focus, including when the window is unmapped. This is a useful 
+	 value for text fields in a panel where doing the callback on every
+  	 change is wasteful. However the callback will also happen if the 
+	 mouse is moved out of the window, which means it should not do 
+	 anything visible (like pop up an error message).
+	 You might do better setting this to zero, and scanning all the
+	 items for changed() when the OK button on a panel is pressed.
+     \li FL_WHEN_ENTER_KEY: If the user types the Enter key, the entire 
+         text is selected, and the callback is done if the text has changed. 
+	 Normally the Enter key will navigate to the next field (or insert 
+	 a newline for a Fl_Multiline_Input) - this changes the behavior.
+     \li FL_WHEN_ENTER_KEY|FL_WHEN_NOT_CHANGED: The Enter key will do the
+         callback even if the text has not changed. Useful for command fields.
+      Fl_Widget::when() is a set of bitflags used by subclasses of 
+      Fl_Widget to decide when to do the callback.
+      If the value is zero then the callback is never done. Other values 
+      are described  in the individual widgets. This field is in the base 
+      class so that you can scan a panel and do_callback() on all the ones
+      that don't do their own callbacks in response to an "OK" button.
+      \param[in] i set of flags
+   */
+  void when(uchar i) {when_ = i;}
+  /** Returns whether a widget is visible.
+      \retval 0 if the widget is not drawn and hence invisible.
+      \see show(), hide(), visible_r()
+   */
+  unsigned int visible() const {return !(flags_&INVISIBLE);}
+  /** Returns whether a widget and all its parents are visible.
+      \retval 0 if the widget or any of its parents are invisible.
+      \see show(), hide(), visible()
+   */
+  int visible_r() const;
+  /** Makes a widget visible.
+      An invisible widget never gets redrawn and does not get keyboard
+      or mouse events, but can receive a few other events like FL_SHOW.
+      The visible() method returns true if the widget is set to be
+      visible. The visible_r() method returns true if the widget and
+      all of its parents are visible. A widget is only visible if
+      visible() is true on it <I>and all of its parents</I>.
+      Changing it will send FL_SHOW or FL_HIDE events to the widget.
+      <I>Do not change it if the parent is not visible, as this
+      will send false FL_SHOW or FL_HIDE events to the widget</I>.
+      redraw() is called if necessary on this or the parent.
+      \see hide(), visible(), visible_r()
+   */
+  virtual void show();
+  /** Makes a widget invisible.
+      \see show(), visible(), visible_r()
+   */
+  virtual void hide();
+  /** Makes the widget visible. 
+      You must still redraw the parent widget to see a change in the 
+      window. Normally you want to use the show() method instead.
+   */
+  void set_visible() {flags_ &= ~INVISIBLE;}
+  /** Hides the widget. 
+      You must still redraw the parent to see a change in the window. 
+      Normally you want to use the hide() method instead.
+   */
+  void clear_visible() {flags_ |= INVISIBLE;}
+  /** Returns whether the widget is active.
+      \retval 0 if the widget is inactive
+      \see active_r(), activate(), deactivate()
+   */
+  unsigned int active() const {return !(flags_&INACTIVE);}
+  /** Returns whether the widget and all of its parents are active. 
+      \retval 0 if this or any of the parent widgets are inactive
+      \see active(), activate(), deactivate()
+   */
+  int active_r() const;
+  /** Activates the widget.
+      Changing this value will send FL_ACTIVATE to the widget if 
+      active_r() is true.
+      \see active(), active_r(), deactivate()
+   */
+  void activate();
+  /** Deactivates the widget.
+      Inactive widgets will be drawn "grayed out", e.g. with less contrast 
+      than the active widget. Inactive widgets will not receive any keyboard 
+      or mouse button events. Other events (including FL_ENTER, FL_MOVE, 
+      FL_LEAVE, FL_SHORTCUT, and others) will still be sent. A widget is 
+      only active if active() is true on it <I>and all of its parents</I>.  
+      Changing this value will send FL_DEACTIVATE to the widget if 
+      active_r() is true.
+      Currently you cannot deactivate Fl_Window widgets.
+      \see activate(), active(), active_r()
+   */
+  void deactivate();
+  /** Returns if a widget is used for output only.
+      output() means the same as !active() except it does not change how the 
+      widget is drawn. The widget will not receive any events. This is useful 
+      for making scrollbars or buttons that work as displays rather than input 
+      devices.
+      \retval 0 if the widget is used for input and output
+      \see set_output(), clear_output() 
+   */
+  unsigned int output() const {return (flags_&OUTPUT);}
+  /** Sets a widget to output only.
+      \see output(), clear_output() 
+   */
+  void set_output() {flags_ |= OUTPUT;}
+  /** Sets a widget to accept input.
+      \see set_output(), output() 
+   */
+  void clear_output() {flags_ &= ~OUTPUT;}
+  /** Returns if the widget is able to take events.
+      This is the same as (active() && !output() && visible())
+      but is faster.
+      \retval 0 if the widget takes no events
+   */
+  unsigned int takesevents() const {return !(flags_&(INACTIVE|INVISIBLE|OUTPUT));}
+  /** 
+      Checks if the widget value changed since the last callback.
+      "Changed" is a flag that is turned on when the user changes the value 
+      stored in the widget. This is only used by subclasses of Fl_Widget that 
+      store values, but is in the base class so it is easier to scan all the 
+      widgets in a panel and do_callback() on the changed ones in response 
+      to an "OK" button.
+      Most widgets turn this flag off when they do the callback, and when 
+      the program sets the stored value.
+     \retval 0 if the value did not change
+     \see set_changed(), clear_changed()
+   */
+  unsigned int changed() const {return flags_&CHANGED;}
+  /** Marks the value of the widget as changed.
+      \see changed(), clear_changed()
+   */
+  void set_changed() {flags_ |= CHANGED;}
+  /** Marks the value of the widget as unchanged.
+      \see changed(), set_changed()
+   */
+  void clear_changed() {flags_ &= ~CHANGED;}
+  /** Marks the widget as inactive without sending events or changing focus.
+      This is mainly for specialized use, for normal cases you want deactivate().
+      \see deactivate()
+   */
+  void clear_active() {flags_ |= INACTIVE;}
+  /** Marks the widget as active without sending events or changing focus.
+      This is mainly for specialized use, for normal cases you want activate().
+      \see activate()
+   */
+  void set_active() {flags_ &= ~INACTIVE;}
+  /** Gives the widget the keyboard focus.
+      Tries to make this widget be the Fl::focus() widget, by first sending 
+      it an FL_FOCUS event, and if it returns non-zero, setting 
+      Fl::focus() to this widget. You should use this method to 
+      assign the focus to a widget.  
+      \return true if the widget accepted the focus.
+   */
+  int take_focus();
+  /** Enables keyboard focus navigation with this widget. 
+      Note, however, that this will not necessarily mean that the widget
+      will accept focus, but for widgets that can accept focus, this method
+      enables it if it has been disabled.
+      \see visible_focus(), clear_visible_focus(), visible_focus(int) 
+   */
+  void set_visible_focus() { flags_ |= VISIBLE_FOCUS; }
+  /** Disables keyboard focus navigation with this widget. 
+      Normally, all widgets participate in keyboard focus navigation.
+      \see set_visible_focus(), visible_focus(), visible_focus(int) 
+   */
+  void clear_visible_focus() { flags_ &= ~VISIBLE_FOCUS; }
+  /** Modifies keyboard focus navigation. 
+      \param[in] v set or clear visible focus
+      \see set_visible_focus(), clear_visible_focus(), visible_focus() 
+   */
+  void visible_focus(int v) { if (v) set_visible_focus(); else clear_visible_focus(); }
+  /** Checks whether this widget has a visible focus.
+      \retval 0 if this widget has no visible focus.
+      \see visible_focus(int), set_visible_focus(), clear_visible_focus()
+   */
+  unsigned int  visible_focus() { return flags_ & VISIBLE_FOCUS; }
+  /** The default callback for all widgets that don't set a callback.
+    This callback function puts a pointer to the widget on the queue
+    returned by Fl::readqueue().
+    Relying on the default callback and reading the callback queue with
+    Fl::readqueue() is not recommended. If you need a callback, you should
+    set one with Fl_Widget::callback(Fl_Callback *cb, void *data)
+    or one of its variants.
+    \param[in] cb the widget given to the callback
+    \param[in] d user data associated with that callback
+    \see callback(), do_callback(), Fl::readqueue()
+   */
+  static void default_callback(Fl_Widget *cb, void *d);
+  /** Calls the widget callback.
+      Causes a widget to invoke its callback function with default arguments.
+      \see callback()
+   */
+  void do_callback() {do_callback(this,user_data_);}
+  /** Calls the widget callback.
+      Causes a widget to invoke its callback function with arbitrary arguments.
+      \param[in] o call the callback with \p o as the widget argument
+      \param[in] arg call the callback with \p arg as the user data argument
+      \see callback()
+   */
+  void do_callback(Fl_Widget* o,long arg) {do_callback(o,(void*)(fl_intptr_t)arg);}
+  // Causes a widget to invoke its callback function with arbitrary arguments.
+  // Documentation and implementation in Fl_Widget.cxx
+  void do_callback(Fl_Widget* o,void* arg=0);
+  /* Internal use only. */
+  int test_shortcut();
+  /* Internal use only. */
+  static unsigned int label_shortcut(const char *t);
+  /* Internal use only. */
+  static int test_shortcut(const char*, const bool require_alt = false);
+  /* Internal use only. */
+  void _set_fullscreen() {flags_ |= FULLSCREEN;}
+  void _clear_fullscreen() {flags_ &= ~FULLSCREEN;}
+  /** Checks if w is a child of this widget.
+      \param[in] w potential child widget
+      \return Returns 1 if \p w is a child of this widget, or is
+      equal to this widget. Returns 0 if \p w is NULL.
+   */
+  int contains(const Fl_Widget *w) const ;
+  /** Checks if this widget is a child of \p wgt.
+      Returns 1 if this widget is a child of \p wgt, or is
+      equal to \p wgt. Returns 0 if \p wgt is NULL.
+      \param[in] wgt the possible parent widget.
+      \see contains()
+   */
+  int inside(const Fl_Widget* wgt) const {return wgt ? wgt->contains(this) : 0;}
+  /** Schedules the drawing of the widget.
+      Marks the widget as needing its draw() routine called.
+   */
+  void redraw();
+  /** Schedules the drawing of the label.
+     Marks the widget or the parent as needing a redraw for the label area 
+     of a widget.
+   */
+  void redraw_label();
+  /** Returns non-zero if draw() needs to be called. 
+      The damage value is actually a bit field that the widget 
+      subclass can use to figure out what parts to draw.
+      \return a bitmap of flags describing the kind of damage to the widget
+      \see damage(uchar), clear_damage(uchar)
+   */
+  uchar damage() const {return damage_;}
+  /** Clears or sets the damage flags.
+      Damage flags are cleared when parts of the widget drawing is repaired.
+      The optional argument \p c specifies the bits that <b>are set</b>
+      after the call (default: 0) and \b not the bits that are cleared!
+      \note Therefore it is possible to set damage bits with this method, but
+      this should be avoided. Use damage(uchar) instead.
+      \param[in] c new bitmask of damage flags (default: 0)
+      \see damage(uchar), damage()
+   */
+  void clear_damage(uchar c = 0) {damage_ = c;}
+  /** Sets the damage bits for the widget.
+      Setting damage bits will schedule the widget for the next redraw.
+      \param[in] c bitmask of flags to set
+      \see damage(), clear_damage(uchar)
+   */
+  void damage(uchar c);
+  /** Sets the damage bits for an area inside the widget.
+      Setting damage bits will schedule the widget for the next redraw.
+      \param[in] c bitmask of flags to set
+      \param[in] x, y, w, h size of damaged area
+      \see damage(), clear_damage(uchar)
+   */
+  void damage(uchar c, int x, int y, int w, int h);
+  void draw_label(int, int, int, int, Fl_Align) const;
+  /** Sets width ww and height hh accordingly with the label size.
+      Labels with images will return w() and h() of the image.
+      This calls fl_measure() internally. For more information about
+      the arguments \p ww and \p hh and word wrapping
+      \see fl_measure(const char*, int&, int&, int)
+   */
+  void measure_label(int& ww, int& hh) const {label_.measure(ww, hh);}
+  Fl_Window* window() const ;
+  Fl_Window* top_window() const;
+  Fl_Window* top_window_offset(int& xoff, int& yoff) const;
+  /** Returns an Fl_Group pointer if this widget is an Fl_Group.
+      Use this method if you have a widget (pointer) and need to
+      know whether this widget is derived from Fl_Group. If it returns
+      non-NULL, then the widget in question is derived from Fl_Group,
+      and you can use the returned pointer to access its children
+      or other Fl_Group-specific methods.
+      Example:
+      \code
+      void my_callback (Fl_Widget *w, void *) {
+        Fl_Group *g = w->as_group();
+	if (g)
+	  printf ("This group has %d children\n",g->children());
+	else
+	  printf ("This widget is not a group!\n");
+      }
+      \endcode
+      \retval NULL if this widget is not derived from Fl_Group.
+      \note This method is provided to avoid dynamic_cast.
+      \see Fl_Widget::as_window(), Fl_Widget::as_gl_window()
+   */
+  virtual Fl_Group* as_group() {return 0;}
+  /** Returns an Fl_Window pointer if this widget is an Fl_Window.
+      Use this method if you have a widget (pointer) and need to
+      know whether this widget is derived from Fl_Window. If it returns
+      non-NULL, then the widget in question is derived from Fl_Window,
+      and you can use the returned pointer to access its children
+      or other Fl_Window-specific methods.
+      \retval NULL if this widget is not derived from Fl_Window.
+      \note This method is provided to avoid dynamic_cast.
+      \see Fl_Widget::as_group(), Fl_Widget::as_gl_window()
+   */
+  virtual Fl_Window* as_window() {return 0;}
+  /** Returns an Fl_Gl_Window pointer if this widget is an Fl_Gl_Window.
+      Use this method if you have a widget (pointer) and need to
+      know whether this widget is derived from Fl_Gl_Window. If it returns
+      non-NULL, then the widget in question is derived from Fl_Gl_Window.
+      \retval NULL if this widget is not derived from Fl_Gl_Window.
+      \note This method is provided to avoid dynamic_cast.
+      \see Fl_Widget::as_group(), Fl_Widget::as_window()
+   */
+  virtual class Fl_Gl_Window* as_gl_window() {return 0;}
+  /** Returns non zero if MAC_USE_ACCENTS_MENU flag is set, 0 otherwise. 
+   */
+  int use_accents_menu() { return flags() & MAC_USE_ACCENTS_MENU; }
+  /** For back compatibility only.
+      \deprecated Use selection_color() instead.
+  */
+  Fl_Color color2() const {return (Fl_Color)color2_;}
+  /** For back compatibility only.
+      \deprecated Use selection_color(unsigned) instead.
+  */
+  void color2(unsigned a) {color2_ = a;}
+    Reserved type numbers (necessary for my cheapo RTTI) start here.
+    Grep the header files for "RESERVED_TYPE" to find the next available
+    number.
+#define FL_RESERVED_TYPE 100
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Window.H
@@ -1,0 +1,652 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Window header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2012 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/** \file
+   Fl_Window widget . */
+#ifndef Fl_Window_H
+#define Fl_Window_H
+#ifdef WIN32
+#include <windows.h>
+#include "Fl_Group.H"
+#include "Fl_Bitmap.H"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#define FL_WINDOW 0xF0		///< window type id all subclasses have type() >= this
+#define FL_DOUBLE_WINDOW 0xF1   ///< double window type id
+class Fl_X;
+class Fl_RGB_Image;
+  This widget produces an actual window.  This can either be a main
+  window, with a border and title and all the window management controls,
+  or a "subwindow" inside a window.  This is controlled by whether or not
+  the window has a parent().
+  Once you create a window, you usually add children Fl_Widget
+  's to it by using window->add(child) for each new widget.
+  See Fl_Group for more information on how to add and remove children.
+  There are several subclasses of Fl_Window that provide
+  double-buffering, overlay, menu, and OpenGL support.
+  The window's callback is done if the user tries to close a window
+  using the window manager and Fl::modal() is zero or equal to the
+  window. Fl_Window has a default callback that calls Fl_Window::hide().
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Window : public Fl_Group {
+  static char *default_xclass_;
+  // Note: we must use separate statements for each of the following 8 variables,
+  // with the static attribute, otherwise MS VC++ 2008/2010 complains :-(
+  // AlbrechtS 04/2012
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION < 10301
+  static // when these members are static, ABI compatibility with 1.3.0 is respected
+  int no_fullscreen_x;
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION < 10301
+  static // when these members are static, ABI compatibility with 1.3.0 is respected
+  int no_fullscreen_y;
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION < 10301
+  static // when these members are static, ABI compatibility with 1.3.0 is respected
+  int no_fullscreen_w;
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION < 10301
+  static // when these members are static, ABI compatibility with 1.3.0 is respected
+  int no_fullscreen_h;
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION < 10303
+  static // when these members are static, ABI compatibility with 1.3.0 is respected
+  int fullscreen_screen_top;
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION < 10303
+  static // when these members are static, ABI compatibility with 1.3.0 is respected
+  int fullscreen_screen_bottom;
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION < 10303
+  static // when these members are static, ABI compatibility with 1.3.0 is respected
+  int fullscreen_screen_left;
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION < 10303
+  static // when these members are static, ABI compatibility with 1.3.0 is respected
+  int fullscreen_screen_right;
+  friend class Fl_X;
+  Fl_X *i; // points at the system-specific stuff
+  struct icon_data {
+    const void *legacy_icon;
+    Fl_RGB_Image **icons;
+    int count;
+#ifdef WIN32
+    HICON big_icon;
+    HICON small_icon;
+  };
+  const char* iconlabel_;
+  char* xclass_;
+  struct icon_data *icon_;
+  // size_range stuff:
+  int minw, minh, maxw, maxh;
+  int dw, dh, aspect;
+  uchar size_range_set;
+  // cursor stuff
+  Fl_Cursor cursor_default;
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION < 10303
+  // legacy, not used
+  Fl_Color cursor_fg, cursor_bg;
+  /** Data supporting a non-rectangular window shape */
+  struct shape_data_type {
+    int lw_; ///<  width of shape image
+    int lh_; ///<  height of shape image
+    Fl_Image* shape_; ///<  shape image
+#if defined(__APPLE__)
+    typedef struct CGImage* CGImageRef;
+    CGImageRef mask;
+    Fl_Bitmap *todelete_; ///<  auxiliary bitmap image
+  };
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION < 10303 && !defined(FL_DOXYGEN)
+  static
+  shape_data_type *shape_data_; ///< non-null means the window has a non-rectangular shape
+  void shape_bitmap_(Fl_Image* b);
+  void shape_alpha_(Fl_Image* img, int offset);
+  void shape_pixmap_(Fl_Image* pixmap);
+  void shape(const Fl_Image* img);
+  /** Set the window's shape with an Fl_Image.
+   \see void shape(const Fl_Image* img)
+   */
+  inline void shape(const Fl_Image& b) { shape(&b); }
+#if ! (defined(WIN32) || defined(__APPLE__) || defined(FL_DOXYGEN))
+  void combine_mask(void);
+  void size_range_();
+  void _Fl_Window(); // constructor innards
+  void fullscreen_x(); // platform-specific part of sending a window to full screen
+  void fullscreen_off_x(int X, int Y, int W, int H);// platform-specific part of leaving full screen
+  // unimplemented copy ctor and assignment operator
+  Fl_Window(const Fl_Window&);
+  Fl_Window& operator=(const Fl_Window&);
+  /** Stores the last window that was made current. See current() const */
+  static Fl_Window *current_;
+  virtual void draw();
+  /** Forces the window to be drawn, this window is also made current and calls draw(). */
+  virtual void flush();
+  /**
+    Sets an internal flag that tells FLTK and the window manager to
+    honor position requests.
+    This is used internally and should not be needed by user code.
+    \param[in] force 1 to set the FORCE_POSITION flag, 0 to clear it
+  */
+  void force_position(int force) {
+    if (force) set_flag(FORCE_POSITION);
+    else clear_flag(FORCE_POSITION);
+  }
+  /**
+    Returns the internal state of the window's FORCE_POSITION flag.
+    \retval 1 if flag is set
+    \retval 0 otherwise
+    \see force_position(int)
+  */
+  int force_position() const { return ((flags() & FORCE_POSITION)?1:0); }
+  void free_icons();
+  /**
+    Creates a window from the given size and title. 
+    If Fl_Group::current() is not NULL, the window is created as a 
+    subwindow of the parent window.
+    The (w,h) form of the constructor creates a top-level window
+    and asks the window manager to position the window. The (x,y,w,h)
+    form of the constructor either creates a subwindow or a
+    top-level window at the specified location (x,y) , subject to window
+    manager configuration. If you do not specify the position of the
+    window, the window manager will pick a place to show the window
+    or allow the user to pick a location. Use position(x,y)
+    or hotspot() before calling show() to request a
+    position on the screen. See Fl_Window::resize() 
+    for some more details on positioning windows.
+    Top-level windows initially have visible() set to 0
+    and parent() set to NULL. Subwindows initially
+    have visible() set to 1 and parent() set to
+    the parent window pointer.
+    Fl_Widget::box() defaults to FL_FLAT_BOX. If you plan to
+    completely fill the window with children widgets you should
+    change this to FL_NO_BOX. If you turn the window border off
+    you may want to change this to FL_UP_BOX.
+    \see Fl_Window(int x, int y, int w, int h, const char* title)
+  */
+    Fl_Window(int w, int h, const char* title= 0);
+  /** Creates a window from the given position, size and title.
+    \see Fl_Window(int w, int h, const char *title)
+  */
+    Fl_Window(int x, int y, int w, int h, const char* title = 0);
+  /**
+    The destructor <I>also deletes all the children</I>. This allows a
+    whole tree to be deleted at once, without having to keep a pointer to
+    all the children in the user code. A kludge has been done so the 
+    Fl_Window and all of its children can be automatic (local)
+    variables, but you must declare the Fl_Window <I>first</I> so
+    that it is destroyed last.
+  */
+    virtual ~Fl_Window();
+  virtual int handle(int);
+  /**
+    Changes the size and position of the window.  If shown() is true,
+    these changes are communicated to the window server (which may
+    refuse that size and cause a further resize).  If shown() is
+    false, the size and position are used when show() is called.
+    See Fl_Group for the effect of resizing on the child widgets.
+    You can also call the Fl_Widget methods size(x,y) and position(w,h),
+    which are inline wrappers for this virtual function.
+    A top-level window can not force, but merely suggest a position and 
+    size to the operating system. The window manager may not be willing or 
+    able to display a window at the desired position or with the given 
+    dimensions. It is up to the application developer to verify window 
+    parameters after the resize request.
+  */
+  virtual void resize(int X,int Y,int W,int H);
+  /**
+    Sets whether or not the window manager border is around the
+    window.  The default value is true. void border(int) can be
+    used to turn the border on and off. <I>Under most X window
+    managers this does not work after show() has been called,
+    although SGI's 4DWM does work.</I>
+  */
+  void border(int b);
+  /**
+    Fast inline function to turn the window manager border
+    off. It only works before show() is called.
+  */
+  void clear_border()	{set_flag(NOBORDER);}
+  /** See void Fl_Window::border(int) */
+  unsigned int border() const	{return !(flags() & NOBORDER);}
+  /** Activates the flags NOBORDER|FL_OVERRIDE */
+  void set_override()	{set_flag(NOBORDER|OVERRIDE);}
+  /** Returns non zero if FL_OVERRIDE flag is set, 0 otherwise. */
+  unsigned int override() const  { return flags()&OVERRIDE; }
+  /**
+    A "modal" window, when shown(), will prevent any events from
+    being delivered to other windows in the same program, and will also
+    remain on top of the other windows (if the X window manager supports
+    the "transient for" property).  Several modal windows may be shown at
+    once, in which case only the last one shown gets events.  You can see
+    which window (if any) is modal by calling Fl::modal().
+  */
+  void set_modal()	{set_flag(MODAL);}
+  /**  Returns true if this window is modal.  */
+  unsigned int modal() const	{return flags() & MODAL;}
+  /**
+    A "non-modal" window (terminology borrowed from Microsoft Windows)
+    acts like a modal() one in that it remains on top, but it has
+    no effect on event delivery.  There are <I>three</I> states for a
+    window: modal, non-modal, and normal.
+  */
+  void set_non_modal()	{set_flag(NON_MODAL);}
+  /**  Returns true if this window is modal or non-modal. */
+  unsigned int non_modal() const {return flags() & (NON_MODAL|MODAL);}
+  /**
+    Clears the "modal" flags and converts a "modal" or "non-modal"
+    window back into a "normal" window.
+    Note that there are <I>three</I> states for a window: modal,
+    non-modal, and normal.
+    You can not change the "modality" of a window whilst
+    it is shown, so it is necessary to first hide() the window,
+    change its "modality" as required, then re-show the window
+    for the new state to take effect.
+    This method can also be used to change a "modal" window into a
+    "non-modal" one. On several supported platforms, the "modal" state
+    over-rides the "non-modal" state, so the "modal" state must be
+    cleared before the window can be set into the "non-modal"
+    state.
+    In general, the following sequence should work:
+    \code
+    win->hide();
+    win->clear_modal_states();
+    //Set win to new state as desired, or leave "normal", e.g...
+    win->set_non_modal();
+    win->show();
+    \endcode
+    \note Under some window managers, the sequence of hiding the
+    window and changing its modality will often cause it to be
+    re-displayed at a different position when it is subsequently
+    shown. This is an irritating feature but appears to be
+    unavoidable at present.
+    As a result we would advise to use this method only when
+    absolutely necessary.
+    \see void set_modal(), void set_non_modal()
+  */
+  void clear_modal_states() {clear_flag(NON_MODAL | MODAL);}
+  /**
+    Marks the window as a menu window.
+    This is intended for internal use, but it can also be used if you
+    write your own menu handling. However, this is not recommended.
+    This flag is used for correct "parenting" of windows in communication
+    with the windowing system. Modern X window managers can use different
+    flags to distinguish menu and tooltip windows from normal windows.
+    This must be called before the window is shown and cannot be changed
+    later.
+  */
+  void set_menu_window()	{set_flag(MENU_WINDOW);}
+  /**  Returns true if this window is a menu window. */
+  unsigned int menu_window() const {return flags() & MENU_WINDOW;}
+  /**
+    Marks the window as a tooltip window.
+    This is intended for internal use, but it can also be used if you
+    write your own tooltip handling. However, this is not recommended.
+    This flag is used for correct "parenting" of windows in communication
+    with the windowing system. Modern X window managers can use different
+    flags to distinguish menu and tooltip windows from normal windows.
+    This must be called before the window is shown and cannot be changed
+    later.
+    \note Since Fl_Tooltip_Window is derived from Fl_Menu_Window, this
+    also \b clears the menu_window() state.
+  */
+  void set_tooltip_window()	{ set_flag(TOOLTIP_WINDOW);
+				  clear_flag(MENU_WINDOW); }
+  /**  Returns true if this window is a tooltip window. */
+  unsigned int tooltip_window() const {return flags() & TOOLTIP_WINDOW;}
+  /**
+    Positions the window so that the mouse is pointing at the given
+    position, or at the center of the given widget, which may be the
+    window itself.  If the optional offscreen parameter is
+    non-zero, then the window is allowed to extend off the screen (this
+    does not work with some X window managers). \see position()
+  */
+  void hotspot(int x, int y, int offscreen = 0);
+  /** See void Fl_Window::hotspot(int x, int y, int offscreen = 0) */
+  void hotspot(const Fl_Widget*, int offscreen = 0);
+  /** See void Fl_Window::hotspot(int x, int y, int offscreen = 0) */
+  void hotspot(const Fl_Widget& p, int offscreen = 0) {hotspot(&p,offscreen);}
+  /**
+    Undoes the effect of a previous resize() or show() so that the next time
+    show() is called the window manager is free to position the window.
+    This is for Forms compatibility only.
+    \deprecated please use force_position(0) instead
+  */
+  void free_position()	{clear_flag(FORCE_POSITION);}
+  /**
+    Sets the allowable range the user can resize this window to.
+    This only works for top-level windows.
+    <UL>
+    <LI>\p minw and \p minh are the smallest the window can be.
+	Either value must be greater than 0.</LI>
+    <LI>\p maxw and \p maxh are the largest the window can be. If either is
+	<I>equal</I> to the minimum then you cannot resize in that direction.
+	If either is zero  then FLTK picks a maximum size in that direction
+	such that the window will fill the screen.</LI>
+    <LI>\p dw and \p dh are size increments.  The  window will be constrained
+	to widths of minw + N * dw,  where N is any non-negative integer.
+	If these are less or equal to 1 they are ignored (this is ignored
+	on WIN32).</LI>
+    <LI>\p aspect is a flag that indicates that the window should preserve its
+	aspect ratio.  This only works if both the maximum and minimum have
+	the same aspect ratio (ignored on WIN32 and by many X window managers).
+	</LI>
+    </UL>
+    If this function is not called, FLTK tries to figure out the range
+    from the setting of resizable():
+    <UL>
+    <LI>If resizable() is NULL (this is the  default) then the window cannot
+	be resized and the resize border and max-size control will not be
+	displayed for the window.</LI>
+    <LI>If either dimension of resizable() is less than 100, then that is
+	considered the minimum size.  Otherwise the resizable() has a minimum
+	size of 100.</LI>
+    <LI>If either dimension of resizable() is zero, then that is also the
+	maximum size (so the window cannot resize in that direction).</LI>
+    </UL>
+    It is undefined what happens if the current size does not fit in the
+    constraints passed to size_range().
+  */
+  void size_range(int minw, int minh, int maxw=0, int maxh=0, int dw=0, int dh=0, int aspect=0) {
+    this->minw   = minw;
+    this->minh   = minh;
+    this->maxw   = maxw;
+    this->maxh   = maxh;
+    this->dw     = dw;
+    this->dh     = dh;
+    this->aspect = aspect;
+    size_range_();
+  }
+  /** See void Fl_Window::label(const char*)   */
+  const char* label() const	{return Fl_Widget::label();}
+  /**  See void Fl_Window::iconlabel(const char*)   */
+  const char* iconlabel() const	{return iconlabel_;}
+  /** Sets the window title bar label. */
+  void label(const char*);
+  /** Sets the icon label. */
+  void iconlabel(const char*);
+  /** Sets the icon label. */
+  void label(const char* label, const char* iconlabel); // platform dependent
+  void copy_label(const char* a);
+  static void default_xclass(const char*);
+  static const char *default_xclass();
+  const char* xclass() const;
+  void xclass(const char* c);
+  static void default_icon(const Fl_RGB_Image*);
+  static void default_icons(const Fl_RGB_Image*[], int);
+  void icon(const Fl_RGB_Image*);
+  void icons(const Fl_RGB_Image*[], int);
+#ifdef WIN32
+  static void default_icons(HICON big_icon, HICON small_icon);
+  void icons(HICON big_icon, HICON small_icon);
+  /* for legacy compatibility */
+  const void* icon() const;
+  void icon(const void * ic);
+  /**
+    Returns non-zero if show() has been called (but not hide()
+    ). You can tell if a window is iconified with (w->shown()
+    && !w->visible()).
+  */
+  int shown() {return i != 0;}
+  /**
+    Puts the window on the screen. Usually (on X) this has the side
+    effect of opening the display.
+    If the window is already shown then it is restored and raised to the
+    top.  This is really convenient because your program can call show()
+    at any time, even if the window is already up.  It also means that
+    show() serves the purpose of raise() in other toolkits.
+    Fl_Window::show(int argc, char **argv) is used for top-level
+    windows and allows standard arguments to be parsed from the
+    command-line.
+    \note For some obscure reasons Fl_Window::show() resets the current
+    group by calling Fl_Group::current(0). The comments in the code
+    say "get rid of very common user bug: forgot end()". Although
+    this is true it may have unwanted side effects if you show() an
+    unrelated window (maybe for an error message or warning) while
+    building a window or any other group widget.
+    \todo Check if we can remove resetting the current group in a later
+    FLTK version (after 1.3.x). This may break "already broken" programs
+    though if they rely on this "feature".
+    \see Fl_Window::show(int argc, char **argv)
+  */
+  virtual void show();
+  /**
+    Removes the window from the screen.  If the window is already hidden or
+    has not been shown then this does nothing and is harmless.
+  */
+  virtual void hide();
+  /**
+    Puts the window on the screen and parses command-line arguments.
+    Usually (on X) this has the side effect of opening the display.
+    This form should be used for top-level windows, at least for the
+    first (main) window. It allows standard arguments to be parsed
+    from the command-line. You can use \p argc and \p argv from
+    main(int argc, char **argv) for this call.
+    The first call also sets up some system-specific internal
+    variables like the system colors.
+    \todo explain which system parameters are set up.
+    \param argc command-line argument count, usually from main()
+    \param argv command-line argument vector, usually from main()
+    \see virtual void Fl_Window::show()
+  */
+  void show(int argc, char **argv);
+  // Enables synchronous show(), docs in Fl_Window.cxx
+  void wait_for_expose();
+  /**
+    Makes the window completely fill one or more screens, without any
+    window manager border visible.  You must use fullscreen_off() to
+    undo this. 
+    \note On some platforms, this can result in the keyboard being
+    grabbed. The window may also be recreated, meaning hide() and
+    show() will be called.
+    \see void Fl_Window::fullscreen_screens()
+  */
+  void fullscreen();
+  /**
+    Turns off any side effects of fullscreen()
+  */
+  void fullscreen_off();
+  /**
+    Turns off any side effects of fullscreen() and does 
+    resize(x,y,w,h).
+  */
+  void fullscreen_off(int X,int Y,int W,int H);
+  /**
+    Returns non zero if FULLSCREEN flag is set, 0 otherwise. 
+  */
+  unsigned int fullscreen_active() const { return flags() & FULLSCREEN; }
+  /**
+    Sets which screens should be used when this window is in fullscreen
+    mode. The window will be resized to the top of the screen with index
+    \p top, the bottom of the screen with index \p bottom, etc. 
+    If this method is never called, or if any argument is < 0, then the
+    window will be resized to fill the screen it is currently on.
+    \see void Fl_Window::fullscreen()
+    */
+  void fullscreen_screens(int top, int bottom, int left, int right);
+  /**
+    Iconifies the window.  If you call this when shown() is false
+    it will show() it as an icon.  If the window is already
+    iconified this does nothing.
+    Call show() to restore the window.
+    When a window is iconified/restored (either by these calls or by the
+    user) the handle() method is called with FL_HIDE and 
+    FL_SHOW events and visible() is turned on and off.
+    There is no way to control what is drawn in the icon except with the
+    string passed to Fl_Window::xclass().  You should not rely on
+    window managers displaying the icons.
+  */
+  void iconize();
+  int x_root() const ;
+  int y_root() const ;
+ static Fl_Window *current();
+  /**
+    Sets things up so that the drawing functions in <FL/fl_draw.H> will go
+    into this window. This is useful for incremental update of windows, such
+    as in an idle callback, which will make your program behave much better
+    if it draws a slow graphic. <B>Danger: incremental update is very hard to
+    debug and maintain!</B>
+    This method only works for the Fl_Window and Fl_Gl_Window derived classes.
+  */
+  void make_current();
+  // Note: Doxygen docs in Fl_Widget.H to avoid redundancy.
+  virtual Fl_Window* as_window() { return this; }
+  /**
+    Changes the cursor for this window.  This always calls the system, if
+    you are changing the cursor a lot you may want to keep track of how
+    you set it in a static variable and call this only if the new cursor
+    is different.
+    The type Fl_Cursor is an enumeration defined in <FL/Enumerations.H>.
+    \see cursor(const Fl_RGB_Image*, int, int), default_cursor()
+  */
+  void cursor(Fl_Cursor);
+  void cursor(const Fl_RGB_Image*, int, int);
+  void default_cursor(Fl_Cursor);
+  /* for legacy compatibility */
+  void cursor(Fl_Cursor c, Fl_Color, Fl_Color=FL_WHITE);
+  void default_cursor(Fl_Cursor c, Fl_Color, Fl_Color=FL_WHITE);
+  static void default_callback(Fl_Window*, void* v);
+  /** Returns the window width including any frame added by the window manager.
+   Same as w() if applied to a subwindow.
+   */
+  int decorated_w();
+  /** Returns the window height including any window title bar and any frame 
+   added by the window manager.
+   Same as h() if applied to a subwindow.
+   */
+  int decorated_h();
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_Wizard.H
@@ -1,0 +1,61 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Fl_Wizard widget definitions.
+// Copyright 1999-2010 by Easy Software Products.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_Wizard widget . */
+// Include necessary header files...
+#ifndef _Fl_Wizard_H_
+#  define _Fl_Wizard_H_
+#  include <FL/Fl_Group.H>
+    This widget is based off the Fl_Tabs
+    widget, but instead of displaying tabs it only changes "tabs" under
+    program control. Its primary purpose is to support "wizards" that
+    step a user through configuration or troubleshooting tasks.
+    <P>As with Fl_Tabs, wizard panes are composed of child (usually
+    Fl_Group) widgets. Navigation buttons must be added separately.
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Wizard : public Fl_Group {
+  Fl_Widget *value_;
+  void draw();
+  public:
+  Fl_Wizard(int, int, int, int, const char * = 0);
+  void		next();
+  void		prev();
+  Fl_Widget	*value();
+  void		value(Fl_Widget *);
+#endif // !_Fl_Wizard_H_
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_XBM_Image.H
@@ -1,0 +1,41 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// XBM image header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_XBM_Image class . */
+#ifndef Fl_XBM_Image_H
+#define Fl_XBM_Image_H
+#  include "Fl_Bitmap.H"
+  The Fl_XBM_Image class supports loading, caching,
+  and drawing of X Bitmap (XBM) bitmap files.
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_XBM_Image : public Fl_Bitmap {
+  public:
+  Fl_XBM_Image(const char* filename);
+#endif // !Fl_XBM_Image_H
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/Fl_XPM_Image.H
@@ -1,0 +1,42 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// XPM image header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/* \file
+   Fl_XPM_Image class . */
+#ifndef Fl_XPM_Image_H
+#define Fl_XPM_Image_H
+#  include "Fl_Pixmap.H"
+  The Fl_XPM_Image class supports loading, caching,
+  and drawing of X Pixmap (XPM) images, including transparency.
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_XPM_Image : public Fl_Pixmap {
+  public:
+  Fl_XPM_Image(const char* filename);
+#endif // !Fl_XPM_Image
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/abi-version.h
@@ -1,0 +1,28 @@
+  ABI Configuration file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+  ============================================================================
+    Edit with care!  This source file (abi-version.ide) is used to
+    generate FL/abi-version.h by your IDE (Visual C++) build system !
+  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    If you need to change the ABI configuration, edit abi-version.ide
+    in the FLTK source (root) directory and "Rebuild Solution".
+    This will copy abi-version.ide to FL/abi-version.h.
+	DO NOT edit FL/abi-version.h directly !
+  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    See below for instructions how to edit abi-version.ide.
+    The default ABI version (#undef FL_ABI_VERSION) is 1.x.0 (1xx00).
+  ============================================================================
+  Define FL_ABI_VERSION as 1xxyy for FLTK ABI version 1.x.y.
+  Use leading zeroes in xx and yy - don't use a leading zero for
+  the major version number (currently 1).
+  Replace the line below (#undef FL_ABI_VERSION) with your definition.
+  Example:
+  #define FL_ABI_VERSION 10302
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/dirent.h
@@ -1,0 +1,25 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Directory header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2011 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+// this file is for back-compatibility only
+#include "filename.H"
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/filename.H
@@ -1,0 +1,176 @@
+ * "$Id$"
+ *
+ * Filename header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+ *
+ * Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+ *
+ * This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+ * the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+ * file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+ *
+ *
+ */
+/** \file
+ File names and URI utility functions.
+ */
+/* Xcode on OS X includes files by recursing down into directories.
+ * This code catches the cycle and directly includes the required file.
+ */
+#ifdef fl_dirent_h_cyclic_include
+#  include "/usr/include/dirent.h"
+#ifndef FL_FILENAME_H
+#  define FL_FILENAME_H
+#  include "Fl_Export.H"
+/** \addtogroup filenames File names and URI utility functions
+ File names and URI functions defined in <FL/filename.H>
+    @{ */
+#  define FL_PATH_MAX 2048 /**< all path buffers should use this length */
+/** Gets the file name from a path.
+    Similar to basename(3), exceptions shown below.
+    \code
+    #include <FL/filename.H>
+    [..]
+    const char *out;
+    out = fl_filename_name("/usr/lib");     // out="lib"
+    out = fl_filename_name("/usr/");        // out=""      (basename(3) returns "usr" instead)
+    out = fl_filename_name("/usr");         // out="usr"
+    out = fl_filename_name("/");            // out=""      (basename(3) returns "/" instead)
+    out = fl_filename_name(".");            // out="."
+    out = fl_filename_name("..");           // out=".."
+    \endcode
+    \return a pointer to the char after the last slash, or to \p filename if there is none.
+ */
+FL_EXPORT const char *fl_filename_name(const char * filename);
+FL_EXPORT const char *fl_filename_ext(const char *buf);
+FL_EXPORT char *fl_filename_setext(char *to, int tolen, const char *ext);
+FL_EXPORT int fl_filename_expand(char *to, int tolen, const char *from);
+FL_EXPORT int fl_filename_absolute(char *to, int tolen, const char *from);
+FL_EXPORT int fl_filename_relative(char *to, int tolen, const char *from);
+FL_EXPORT int fl_filename_match(const char *name, const char *pattern);
+FL_EXPORT int fl_filename_isdir(const char *name);
+#  if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(FL_DOXYGEN)
+ * Under WIN32, we include filename.H from numericsort.c; this should probably change...
+ */
+inline char *fl_filename_setext(char *to, const char *ext) { return fl_filename_setext(to, FL_PATH_MAX, ext); }
+inline int fl_filename_expand(char *to, const char *from) { return fl_filename_expand(to, FL_PATH_MAX, from); }
+inline int fl_filename_absolute(char *to, const char *from) { return fl_filename_absolute(to, FL_PATH_MAX, from); }
+FL_EXPORT int fl_filename_relative(char *to, int tolen, const char *from, const char *cwd);
+inline int fl_filename_relative(char *to, const char *from) { return fl_filename_relative(to, FL_PATH_MAX, from); }
+#  endif /* __cplusplus */
+#  if defined(WIN32) && !defined(__MINGW32__) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) && !defined(__WATCOMC__)
+struct dirent {char d_name[1];};
+#  elif defined(__WATCOMC__)
+#    include <sys/types.h>
+#    include <direct.h>
+#  else
+ * WARNING: on some systems (very few nowadays?) <dirent.h> may not exist.
+ * The correct information is in one of these files:
+ *
+ *     #include <sys/ndir.h>
+ *     #include <sys/dir.h>
+ *     #include <ndir.h>
+ *
+ * plus you must do the following #define:
+ *
+ *     #define dirent direct
+ *
+ * It would be best to create a <dirent.h> file that does this...
+ */
+#    include <sys/types.h>
+#    define fl_dirent_h_cyclic_include
+#    include <dirent.h>
+#    undef fl_dirent_h_cyclic_include
+#  endif
+#  if defined (__cplusplus)
+extern "C" {
+#  endif /* __cplusplus */
+#  if !defined(FL_DOXYGEN)
+FL_EXPORT int fl_alphasort(struct dirent **, struct dirent **);
+FL_EXPORT int fl_casealphasort(struct dirent **, struct dirent **);
+FL_EXPORT int fl_casenumericsort(struct dirent **, struct dirent **);
+FL_EXPORT int fl_numericsort(struct dirent **, struct dirent **);
+#  endif
+  typedef int (Fl_File_Sort_F)(struct dirent **, struct dirent **); /**< File sorting function. \see fl_filename_list() */
+#  if defined(__cplusplus)
+ * Portable "scandir" function.  Ugly but necessary...
+ */
+FL_EXPORT int fl_filename_list(const char *d, struct dirent ***l,
+                               Fl_File_Sort_F *s = fl_numericsort);
+FL_EXPORT void fl_filename_free_list(struct dirent ***l, int n);
+ * Generic function to open a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) using a
+ * system-defined program (added in FLTK 1.1.8)
+ */
+FL_EXPORT int	fl_open_uri(const char *uri, char *msg = (char *)0,
+		            int msglen = 0);
+FL_EXPORT void fl_decode_uri(char *uri);
+#    ifndef FL_DOXYGEN
+ * _fl_filename_isdir_quick() is a private function that checks for a
+ * trailing slash and assumes that the passed name is a directory if
+ * it finds one.  This function is used by Fl_File_Browser and
+ * Fl_File_Chooser to avoid extra stat() calls, but is not supported
+ * outside of FLTK...
+ */
+int _fl_filename_isdir_quick(const char *name);
+#    endif
+#  endif /* __cplusplus */
+ * FLTK 1.0.x compatibility definitions...
+ */
+#  ifdef FLTK_1_0_COMPAT
+#    define filename_absolute	fl_filename_absolute
+#    define filename_expand	fl_filename_expand
+#    define filename_ext	fl_filename_ext
+#    define filename_isdir	fl_filename_isdir
+#    define filename_list	fl_filename_list
+#    define filename_match	fl_filename_match
+#    define filename_name	fl_filename_name
+#    define filename_relative	fl_filename_relative
+#    define filename_setext	fl_filename_setext
+#    define numericsort		fl_numericsort
+#  endif /* FLTK_1_0_COMPAT */
+#endif /* FL_FILENAME_H */
+/** @} */
+ * End of "$Id$".
+ */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/fl_ask.H
@@ -1,0 +1,82 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Standard dialog header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2011 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/** \file fl_ask.H
+ API for common dialogs.
+ */
+#ifndef fl_ask_H
+#  define fl_ask_H
+#  include "Enumerations.H"
+class Fl_Widget;
+/** Different system beeps available. 
+ \sa fl_beep(int) */
+enum Fl_Beep {
+  FL_BEEP_DEFAULT = 0,  ///< Default beep.
+  FL_BEEP_MESSAGE,  ///< Message beep.
+  FL_BEEP_ERROR,  ///< Error beep.
+  FL_BEEP_QUESTION,  ///< Question beep.
+  FL_BEEP_PASSWORD,  ///< Password beep.
+  FL_BEEP_NOTIFICATION  ///< Notification beep.
+#  ifdef __GNUC__
+/* the GNUC-specific attribute appearing below in prototypes with a variable list of arguments
+ helps detection of mismatches between format string and argument list at compilation time */
+#    define __fl_attr(x) __attribute__ (x)
+#  else
+#    define __fl_attr(x)
+#  endif // __GNUC__
+FL_EXPORT void fl_beep(int type = FL_BEEP_DEFAULT);
+FL_EXPORT void fl_message(const char *,...) __fl_attr((__format__ (__printf__, 1, 2)));
+FL_EXPORT void fl_alert(const char *,...) __fl_attr((__format__ (__printf__, 1, 2)));
+// fl_ask() is deprecated since it uses "Yes" and "No" for the buttons,
+// which does not conform to the current FLTK Human Interface Guidelines.
+// Use fl_choice() instead with the appropriate verbs instead.
+FL_EXPORT int fl_ask(const char *,...) __fl_attr((__format__ (__printf__, 1, 2), __deprecated__));
+FL_EXPORT int fl_choice(const char *q,const char *b0,const char *b1,const char *b2,...) __fl_attr((__format__ (__printf__, 1, 5)));
+FL_EXPORT const char *fl_input(const char *label, const char *deflt = 0, ...) __fl_attr((__format__ (__printf__, 1, 3)));
+FL_EXPORT const char *fl_password(const char *label, const char *deflt = 0, ...) __fl_attr((__format__ (__printf__, 1, 3)));
+FL_EXPORT Fl_Widget *fl_message_icon();
+extern FL_EXPORT Fl_Font fl_message_font_;
+extern FL_EXPORT Fl_Fontsize fl_message_size_;
+inline void fl_message_font(Fl_Font f, Fl_Fontsize s) {
+  fl_message_font_ = f; fl_message_size_ = s;}
+FL_EXPORT void fl_message_hotspot(int enable);
+FL_EXPORT int fl_message_hotspot(void);
+FL_EXPORT void fl_message_title(const char *title);
+FL_EXPORT void fl_message_title_default(const char *title);
+// pointers you can use to change FLTK to a foreign language:
+extern FL_EXPORT const char* fl_no;
+extern FL_EXPORT const char* fl_yes;
+extern FL_EXPORT const char* fl_ok;
+extern FL_EXPORT const char* fl_cancel;
+extern FL_EXPORT const char* fl_close;
+#endif // !fl_ask_H
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/fl_draw.H
@@ -1,0 +1,805 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Portable drawing function header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2016 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+  \file fl_draw.H
+  \brief utility header to pull drawing functions together
+#ifndef fl_draw_H
+#define fl_draw_H
+#include <FL/x.H>	      // for Fl_Region
+#include <FL/Enumerations.H>  // for the color names
+#include <FL/Fl_Window.H>     // for fl_set_spot()
+#include <FL/Fl_Device.H>     // for fl_graphics_driver
+// Image class...
+class Fl_Image;
+// Label flags...
+FL_EXPORT extern char fl_draw_shortcut;
+/** \addtogroup fl_attributes
+    @{
+// Colors:
+ Sets the color for all subsequent drawing operations.
+ For colormapped displays, a color cell will be allocated out of
+ \p fl_colormap the first time you use a color. If the colormap fills up
+ then a least-squares algorithm is used to find the closest color.
+ If no valid graphical context (fl_gc) is available,
+ the foreground is not set for the current window.
+ \param[in] c color 
+ */
+inline void	fl_color(Fl_Color c) {fl_graphics_driver->color(c); } // select indexed color
+/** for back compatibility - use fl_color(Fl_Color c) instead */
+inline void fl_color(int c) {fl_color((Fl_Color)c);}
+ Sets the color for all subsequent drawing operations.
+ The closest possible match to the RGB color is used.
+ The RGB color is used directly on TrueColor displays.
+ For colormap visuals the nearest index in the gray
+ ramp or color cube is used.
+ If no valid graphical context (fl_gc) is available,
+ the foreground is not set for the current window.
+ \param[in] r,g,b color components
+ */
+inline void	fl_color(uchar r, uchar g, uchar b) {fl_graphics_driver->color(r,g,b); } // select actual color
+  Returns the last fl_color() that was set.
+  This can be used for state save/restore.
+inline Fl_Color fl_color() {return fl_graphics_driver->color();}
+/** @} */
+/** \addtogroup fl_drawings
+    @{
+// clip:
+ Intersects the current clip region with a rectangle and pushes this
+ new region onto the stack.
+ \param[in] x,y,w,h position and size
+ */
+inline void fl_push_clip(int x, int y, int w, int h) {fl_graphics_driver->push_clip(x,y,w,h); }
+ Intersects the current clip region with a rectangle and pushes this
+ new region onto the stack (deprecated).
+ \param[in] x,y,w,h position and size
+ \deprecated
+   fl_clip(int, int, int, int) is deprecated and will be removed from future releases.
+   Please use fl_push_clip(int x, int y, int w, int h) instead.
+ */
+#define fl_clip fl_push_clip
+ Pushes an empty clip region onto the stack so nothing will be clipped.
+ */
+inline void fl_push_no_clip() {fl_graphics_driver->push_no_clip(); }
+ Restores the previous clip region.
+ You must call fl_pop_clip() once for every time you call fl_push_clip().
+ Unpredictable results may occur if the clip stack is not empty when
+ you return to FLTK.
+ */
+inline void fl_pop_clip() {fl_graphics_driver->pop_clip(); }
+ Does the rectangle intersect the current clip region?
+ \param[in] x,y,w,h position and size of rectangle
+ \returns non-zero if any of the rectangle intersects the current clip
+ region. If this returns 0 you don't have to draw the object.
+ \note
+ Under X this returns 2 if the rectangle is partially clipped, 
+ and 1 if it is entirely inside the clip region.
+ */
+inline int fl_not_clipped(int x, int y, int w, int h) {return fl_graphics_driver->not_clipped(x,y,w,h); }
+ Intersects the rectangle with the current clip region and returns the
+ bounding box of the result.
+ Returns non-zero if the resulting rectangle is different to the original.
+ This can be used to limit the necessary drawing to a rectangle.
+ \p W and \p H are set to zero if the rectangle is completely outside the region.
+ \param[in] x,y,w,h position and size of rectangle
+ \param[out] X,Y,W,H position and size of resulting bounding box.
+ \returns Non-zero if the resulting rectangle is different to the original.
+ */
+inline int fl_clip_box(int x , int y, int w, int h, int& X, int& Y, int& W, int& H) 
+  {return fl_graphics_driver->clip_box(x,y,w,h,X,Y,W,H); }
+/** Undoes any clobbering of clip done by your program */
+inline void fl_restore_clip() { fl_graphics_driver->restore_clip(); }
+ Replaces the top of the clipping stack with a clipping region of any shape.
+ Fl_Region is an operating system specific type.
+ \param[in] r clipping region
+ */
+inline void fl_clip_region(Fl_Region r) { fl_graphics_driver->clip_region(r); }
+ Returns the current clipping region.
+ */
+inline Fl_Region fl_clip_region() { return fl_graphics_driver->clip_region(); }
+// points:
+ Draws a single pixel at the given coordinates
+ */
+inline void fl_point(int x, int y) { fl_graphics_driver->point(x,y); }
+// line type:
+ Sets how to draw lines (the "pen").
+ If you change this it is your responsibility to set it back to the default
+ using \c fl_line_style(0).
+ \param[in] style A bitmask which is a bitwise-OR of a line style, a cap
+ style, and a join style. If you don't specify a dash type you
+ will get a solid line. If you don't specify a cap or join type
+ you will get a system-defined default of whatever value is
+ fastest.
+ \param[in] width The thickness of the lines in pixels. Zero results in the
+ system defined default, which on both X and Windows is somewhat
+ different and nicer than 1.
+ \param[in] dashes A pointer to an array of dash lengths, measured in pixels.
+ The first location is how long to draw a solid portion, the next
+ is how long to draw the gap, then the solid, etc. It is terminated
+ with a zero-length entry. A \c NULL pointer or a zero-length
+ array results in a solid line. Odd array sizes are not supported
+ and result in undefined behavior.
+ \note      Because of how line styles are implemented on Win32 systems,
+ you \e must set the line style \e after setting the drawing
+ color. If you set the color after the line style you will lose
+ the line style settings.
+ \note      The \p dashes array does not work under Windows 95, 98 or Me,
+ since those operating systems do not support complex line styles.
+ */
+inline void fl_line_style(int style, int width=0, char* dashes=0) {fl_graphics_driver->line_style(style,width,dashes); }
+enum {
+  FL_SOLID	= 0,		///< line style: <tt>___________</tt>
+  FL_DASH	= 1,		///< line style: <tt>_ _ _ _ _ _</tt>
+  FL_DOT	= 2,		///< line style: <tt>. . . . . .</tt>
+  FL_DASHDOT	= 3,		///< line style: <tt>_ . _ . _ .</tt>
+  FL_DASHDOTDOT	= 4,		///< line style: <tt>_ . . _ . .</tt>
+  FL_CAP_FLAT	= 0x100,	///< cap style: end is flat
+  FL_CAP_ROUND	= 0x200,	///< cap style: end is round
+  FL_CAP_SQUARE	= 0x300,	///< cap style: end wraps end point
+  FL_JOIN_MITER	= 0x1000,	///< join style: line join extends to a point
+  FL_JOIN_ROUND	= 0x2000,	///< join style: line join is rounded
+  FL_JOIN_BEVEL	= 0x3000	///< join style: line join is tidied
+// rectangles tweaked to exactly fill the pixel rectangle:
+ Draws a 1-pixel border \e inside the given bounding box.
+ This function is meant for quick drawing of simple boxes. The behavior is 
+ undefined for line widths that are not 1.
+ */
+inline void fl_rect(int x, int y, int w, int h) { fl_graphics_driver->rect(x,y,w,h); }
+/** Draws with passed color a 1-pixel border \e inside the given bounding box */
+inline void fl_rect(int x, int y, int w, int h, Fl_Color c) {fl_color(c); fl_rect(x,y,w,h);}
+/** Colors with current color a rectangle that exactly fills the given bounding box */
+inline void fl_rectf(int x, int y, int w, int h) { fl_graphics_driver->rectf(x,y,w,h); }
+/** Colors with passed color a rectangle that exactly fills the given bounding box */
+inline void fl_rectf(int x, int y, int w, int h, Fl_Color c) {fl_color(c); fl_rectf(x,y,w,h);}
+  Colors a rectangle with "exactly" the passed <tt>r,g,b</tt> color.
+  On screens with less than 24 bits of color this is done by drawing a
+  solid-colored block using fl_draw_image() so that the correct color
+  shade is produced.
+  */
+/* note: doxygen comment here to avoid triplication in os-speciic files */
+FL_EXPORT void fl_rectf(int x, int y, int w, int h, uchar r, uchar g, uchar b);
+// line segments:
+ Draws a line from (x,y) to (x1,y1)
+ */
+inline void fl_line(int x, int y, int x1, int y1) {fl_graphics_driver->line(x,y,x1,y1); }
+ Draws a line from (x,y) to (x1,y1) and another from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2)
+ */
+inline void fl_line(int x, int y, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {fl_graphics_driver->line(x,y,x1,y1,x2,y2); }
+// closed line segments:
+ Outlines a 3-sided polygon with lines
+ */
+inline void fl_loop(int x, int y, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {fl_graphics_driver->loop(x,y,x1,y1,x2,y2); }
+ Outlines a 4-sided polygon with lines
+ */
+inline void fl_loop(int x, int y, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3) 
+  {fl_graphics_driver->loop(x,y,x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3); }
+// filled polygons
+ Fills a 3-sided polygon. The polygon must be convex.
+ */
+inline void fl_polygon(int x, int y, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {fl_graphics_driver->polygon(x,y,x1,y1,x2,y2); }
+ Fills a 4-sided polygon. The polygon must be convex.
+ */
+inline void fl_polygon(int x, int y, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3) 
+  { fl_graphics_driver->polygon(x,y,x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3); }
+// draw rectilinear lines, horizontal segment first:
+ Draws a horizontal line from (x,y) to (x1,y)
+ */
+inline void fl_xyline(int x, int y, int x1) {fl_graphics_driver->xyline(x,y,x1);}
+ Draws a horizontal line from (x,y) to (x1,y), then vertical from (x1,y) to (x1,y2)
+ */
+inline void fl_xyline(int x, int y, int x1, int y2) {fl_graphics_driver->xyline(x,y,x1,y2);}
+ Draws a horizontal line from (x,y) to (x1,y), then a vertical from (x1,y) to (x1,y2)
+ and then another horizontal from (x1,y2) to (x3,y2)
+ */
+inline void fl_xyline(int x, int y, int x1, int y2, int x3) {fl_graphics_driver->xyline(x,y,x1,y2,x3);}
+// draw rectilinear lines, vertical segment first:
+ Draws a vertical line from (x,y) to (x,y1)
+ */
+inline void fl_yxline(int x, int y, int y1) {fl_graphics_driver->yxline(x,y,y1);}
+ Draws a vertical line from (x,y) to (x,y1), then a horizontal from (x,y1) to (x2,y1)
+ */
+inline void fl_yxline(int x, int y, int y1, int x2) {fl_graphics_driver->yxline(x,y,y1,x2);}
+ Draws a vertical line from (x,y) to (x,y1) then a horizontal from (x,y1)
+ to (x2,y1), then another vertical from (x2,y1) to (x2,y3)
+ */
+inline void fl_yxline(int x, int y, int y1, int x2, int y3) {fl_graphics_driver->yxline(x,y,y1,x2,y3);}
+// circular lines and pie slices (code in fl_arci.C):
+ Draw ellipse sections using integer coordinates.
+ These functions match the rather limited circle drawing code provided by X
+ and WIN32. The advantage over using fl_arc with floating point coordinates
+ is that they are faster because they often use the hardware, and they draw
+ much nicer small circles, since the small sizes are often hard-coded bitmaps.
+ If a complete circle is drawn it will fit inside the passed bounding box.
+ The two angles are measured in degrees counter-clockwise from 3 o'clock and
+ are the starting and ending angle of the arc, \p a2 must be greater or equal
+ to \p a1.
+ fl_arc() draws a series of lines to approximate the arc. Notice that the
+ integer version of fl_arc() has a different number of arguments than the
+ double version fl_arc(double x, double y, double r, double start, double end)
+ \param[in] x,y,w,h bounding box of complete circle
+ \param[in] a1,a2 start and end angles of arc measured in degrees
+ counter-clockwise from 3 o'clock. \p a2 must be greater
+ than or equal to \p a1.
+ */
+inline void fl_arc(int x, int y, int w, int h, double a1, double a2) {fl_graphics_driver->arc(x,y,w,h,a1,a2); }
+ Draw filled ellipse sections using integer coordinates.
+ Like fl_arc(), but fl_pie() draws a filled-in pie slice.
+ This slice may extend outside the line drawn by fl_arc();
+ to avoid this use w - 1 and h - 1.
+ \param[in] x,y,w,h bounding box of complete circle
+ \param[in] a1,a2 start and end angles of arc measured in degrees
+ counter-clockwise from 3 o'clock. \p a2 must be greater
+ than or equal to \p a1.
+ */
+inline void fl_pie(int x, int y, int w, int h, double a1, double a2) {fl_graphics_driver->pie(x,y,w,h,a1,a2); }
+/** fl_chord declaration is a place holder - the function does not yet exist */
+FL_EXPORT void fl_chord(int x, int y, int w, int h, double a1, double a2); // nyi
+// scalable drawing code (code in fl_vertex.C and fl_arc.C):
+ Saves the current transformation matrix on the stack. 
+ The maximum depth of the stack is 32.
+ */
+inline void fl_push_matrix() { fl_graphics_driver->push_matrix(); }
+ Restores the current transformation matrix from the stack.
+ */
+inline void fl_pop_matrix() { fl_graphics_driver->pop_matrix(); }
+ Concatenates scaling transformation onto the current one.
+ \param[in] x,y scale factors in x-direction and y-direction
+ */
+inline void fl_scale(double x, double y) { fl_graphics_driver->scale(x, y); }
+ Concatenates scaling transformation onto the current one.
+ \param[in] x scale factor in both x-direction and y-direction
+ */
+inline void fl_scale(double x) { fl_graphics_driver->scale(x, x); }
+ Concatenates translation transformation onto the current one.
+ \param[in] x,y translation factor in x-direction and y-direction
+ */
+inline void fl_translate(double x, double y) { fl_graphics_driver->translate(x, y); }
+ Concatenates rotation transformation onto the current one.
+ \param[in] d - rotation angle, counter-clockwise in degrees (not radians)
+ */
+inline void fl_rotate(double d) { fl_graphics_driver->rotate(d); }
+ Concatenates another transformation onto the current one.
+ \param[in] a,b,c,d,x,y transformation matrix elements such that
+ <tt> X' = aX + cY + x </tt> and <tt> Y' = bX +dY + y </tt>
+ */
+inline void fl_mult_matrix(double a, double b, double c, double d, double x,double y) 
+	{ fl_graphics_driver->mult_matrix(a, b, c, d, x, y); }
+ Starts drawing a list of points. Points are added to the list with fl_vertex()
+ */
+inline void fl_begin_points() {fl_graphics_driver->begin_points(); }
+ Starts drawing a list of lines.
+ */
+inline void fl_begin_line() {fl_graphics_driver->begin_line(); }
+ Starts drawing a closed sequence of lines.
+ */
+inline void fl_begin_loop() {fl_graphics_driver->begin_loop(); }
+ Starts drawing a convex filled polygon.
+ */
+inline void fl_begin_polygon() {fl_graphics_driver->begin_polygon(); }
+ Adds a single vertex to the current path.
+ \param[in] x,y coordinate
+ */
+inline void fl_vertex(double x, double y) {fl_graphics_driver->vertex(x,y); }
+ Adds a series of points on a Bezier curve to the path.
+ The curve ends (and two of the points) are at X0,Y0 and X3,Y3.
+ \param[in] X0,Y0 curve start point
+ \param[in] X1,Y1 curve control point
+ \param[in] X2,Y2 curve control point
+ \param[in] X3,Y3 curve end point
+ */
+inline void fl_curve(double X0, double Y0, double X1, double Y1, double X2, double Y2, double X3, double Y3)
+  {fl_graphics_driver->curve(X0,Y0,X1,Y1,X2,Y2,X3,Y3); }
+ Adds a series of points to the current path on the arc of a circle.
+ You can get elliptical paths by using scale and rotate before calling fl_arc().
+ \param[in] x,y,r center and radius of circular arc
+ \param[in] start,end angles of start and end of arc measured in degrees
+ counter-clockwise from 3 o'clock. If \p end is less than \p start
+ then it draws the arc in a clockwise direction.
+ Examples:
+ \code
+    // Draw an arc of points
+    fl_begin_points();
+    fl_arc(100.0, 100.0, 50.0, 0.0, 180.0);
+    fl_end_points();
+    // Draw arc with a line
+    fl_begin_line();
+    fl_arc(200.0, 100.0, 50.0, 0.0, 180.0);
+    fl_end_line();
+    // Draw filled arc
+    fl_begin_polygon();
+    fl_arc(300.0, 100.0, 50.0, 0.0, 180.0);
+    fl_end_polygon();
+ \endcode
+ */
+inline void fl_arc(double x, double y, double r, double start, double end) {fl_graphics_driver->arc(x,y,r,start,end); }
+ fl_circle() is equivalent to fl_arc(x,y,r,0,360), but may be faster.
+ It must be the \e only thing in the path: if you want a circle as part of
+ a complex polygon you must use fl_arc()
+ \param[in] x,y,r center and radius of circle
+ */
+inline void fl_circle(double x, double y, double r) {fl_graphics_driver->circle(x,y,r); }
+ Ends list of points, and draws.
+ */
+inline void fl_end_points() {fl_graphics_driver->end_points(); }
+ Ends list of lines, and draws.
+ */
+inline void fl_end_line() {fl_graphics_driver->end_line(); }
+ Ends closed sequence of lines, and draws.
+ */
+inline void fl_end_loop() {fl_graphics_driver->end_loop(); }
+ Ends convex filled polygon, and draws.
+ */
+inline void fl_end_polygon() {fl_graphics_driver->end_polygon(); }
+ Starts drawing a complex filled polygon.
+ The polygon may be concave, may have holes in it, or may be several
+ disconnected pieces. Call fl_gap() to separate loops of the path.
+ To outline the polygon, use fl_begin_loop() and replace each fl_gap()
+ with fl_end_loop();fl_begin_loop() pairs.
+ \note
+ For portability, you should only draw polygons that appear the same
+ whether "even/odd" or "non-zero" winding rules are used to fill them.
+ Holes should be drawn in the opposite direction to the outside loop.
+ */
+inline void fl_begin_complex_polygon() {fl_graphics_driver->begin_complex_polygon(); }
+ Call fl_gap() to separate loops of the path.
+ It is unnecessary but harmless to call fl_gap() before the first vertex,
+ after the last vertex, or several times in a row.
+ */
+inline void fl_gap() {fl_graphics_driver->gap(); }
+ Ends complex filled polygon, and draws.
+ */
+inline void fl_end_complex_polygon() {fl_graphics_driver->end_complex_polygon(); }
+// get and use transformed positions:
+ Transforms coordinate using the current transformation matrix.
+ \param[in] x,y coordinate
+ */
+inline double fl_transform_x(double x, double y) {return fl_graphics_driver->transform_x(x, y); }
+ Transforms coordinate using the current transformation matrix.
+ \param[in] x,y coordinate
+ */
+inline double fl_transform_y(double x, double y) {return fl_graphics_driver->transform_y(x, y); }
+ Transforms distance using current transformation matrix.
+ \param[in] x,y coordinate
+ */
+inline double fl_transform_dx(double x, double y) {return fl_graphics_driver->transform_dx(x, y); }
+ Transforms distance using current transformation matrix.
+ \param[in] x,y coordinate
+ */
+inline double fl_transform_dy(double x, double y) {return fl_graphics_driver->transform_dy(x, y); }
+ Adds coordinate pair to the vertex list without further transformations.
+ \param[in] xf,yf transformed coordinate
+ */
+inline void fl_transformed_vertex(double xf, double yf) {fl_graphics_driver->transformed_vertex(xf,yf); }
+/** @} */
+/** \addtogroup  fl_attributes
+    @{ */
+/* NOTE: doxygen comments here to avoid triplication in os-specific sources */
+// Fonts:
+  Sets the current font, which is then used in various drawing routines.
+  You may call this outside a draw context if necessary to call fl_width(),
+  but on X this will open the display.
+  The font is identified by a \p face and a \p size.
+  The size of the font is measured in pixels and not "points".
+  Lines should be spaced \p size pixels apart or more.
+inline void fl_font(Fl_Font face, Fl_Fontsize fsize) { fl_graphics_driver->font(face,fsize); }
+  Returns the \p face set by the most recent call to fl_font().
+  This can be used to save/restore the font.
+inline Fl_Font fl_font() {return fl_graphics_driver->font();}
+  Returns the \p size set by the most recent call to fl_font().
+  This can be used to save/restore the font.
+inline Fl_Fontsize fl_size() {return fl_graphics_driver->size();}
+// information you can get about the current font:
+  Returns the recommended minimum line spacing for the current font.
+  You can also use the value of \p size passed to fl_font()
+inline int fl_height() {return fl_graphics_driver->height();}
+FL_EXPORT int fl_height(int font, int size);
+  Returns the recommended distance above the bottom of a fl_height() tall box to
+  draw the text at so it looks centered vertically in that box.
+inline int  fl_descent() {return fl_graphics_driver->descent();}
+/** Returns the typographical width of a nul-terminated string
+    using the current font face and size. */
+FL_EXPORT double fl_width(const char* txt);
+/** Returns the typographical width of a sequence of \p n characters
+    using the current font face and size. */
+inline double fl_width(const char* txt, int n) {return fl_graphics_driver->width(txt, n);}
+/** Returns the typographical width of a single character
+    using the current font face and size.
+    \note if a valid fl_gc is NOT found then it uses the first window gc,
+    or the screen gc if no fltk window is available when called. */
+inline double fl_width(unsigned int c)  {return fl_graphics_driver->width(c);}
+/** Determines the minimum pixel dimensions of a nul-terminated string.
+  Usage: given a string "txt" drawn using fl_draw(txt, x, y) you would determine
+  its pixel extents on the display using fl_text_extents(txt, dx, dy, wo, ho)
+  such that a bounding box that exactly fits around the text could be drawn with
+  fl_rect(x+dx, y+dy, wo, ho). Note the dx, dy values hold the offset of the first
+  "colored in" pixel of the string, from the draw origin.
+  No FLTK symbol expansion will be performed.
+FL_EXPORT void fl_text_extents(const char*, int& dx, int& dy, int& w, int& h); // NO fltk symbol expansion will be performed
+/** Determines the minimum pixel dimensions of a sequence of \p n characters.
+\see fl_text_extents(const char*, int& dx, int& dy, int& w, int& h)
+inline void fl_text_extents(const char *t, int n, int& dx, int& dy, int& w, int& h)
+  {fl_graphics_driver->text_extents(t, n, dx, dy, w, h);}
+// font encoding:
+// Note: doxygen comments here to avoid duplication for os-sepecific cases
+  Converts text from Windows/X11 latin1 character set to local encoding.
+  \param[in] t character string (latin1 encoding)
+  \param[in] n optional number of characters to convert (default is all)
+  \returns pointer to internal buffer containing converted characters
+  */
+FL_EXPORT const char *fl_latin1_to_local(const char *t, int n=-1);
+  Converts text from local encoding to Windowx/X11 latin1 character set.
+  \param[in] t character string (local encoding)
+  \param[in] n optional number of characters to convert (default is all)
+  \returns pointer to internal buffer containing converted characters
+  */
+FL_EXPORT const char *fl_local_to_latin1(const char *t, int n=-1);
+  Converts text from Mac Roman character set to local encoding.
+  \param[in] t character string (Mac Roman encoding)
+  \param[in] n optional number of characters to convert (default is all)
+  \returns pointer to internal buffer containing converted characters
+  */
+FL_EXPORT const char *fl_mac_roman_to_local(const char *t, int n=-1);
+  Converts text from local encoding to Mac Roman character set.
+  \param[in] t character string (local encoding)
+  \param[in] n optional number of characters to convert (default is all)
+  \returns pointer to internal buffer containing converted characters
+  */
+FL_EXPORT const char *fl_local_to_mac_roman(const char *t, int n=-1);
+/** @} */
+/** \addtogroup  fl_drawings
+    @{ */
+  Draws a nul-terminated UTF-8 string starting at the given \p x, \p y location.
+  Text is aligned to the left and to the baseline of the font.
+  To align to the bottom, subtract fl_descent() from \p y.
+  To align to the top, subtract fl_descent() and add fl_height().
+  This version of fl_draw provides direct access to the text drawing
+  function of the underlying OS. It does not apply any special handling
+  to control characters.
+FL_EXPORT void fl_draw(const char* str, int x, int y);
+  Draws a nul-terminated UTF-8 string starting at the given \p x, \p y
+  location and rotating \p angle degrees counter-clockwise.
+  This version of fl_draw provides direct access to the text drawing
+  function of the underlying OS and is supported by Xft, Win32 and MacOS
+  fltk subsets.
+FL_EXPORT void fl_draw(int angle, const char* str, int x, int y);
+ Draws starting at the given \p x, \p y location a UTF-8 string of length \p n bytes.
+inline void fl_draw(const char* str, int n, int x, int y) {fl_graphics_driver->draw(str,n,x,y); }
+  Draws at the given \p x, \p y location a UTF-8 string of length \p n bytes
+  rotating \p angle degrees counter-clockwise.
+  \note When using X11 (Unix, Linux, Cygwin et al.) this needs Xft to work.
+	Under plain X11 (w/o Xft) rotated text is not supported by FLTK.
+	A warning will be issued to stderr at runtime (only once) if you
+	use this method with an angle other than 0.
+inline void fl_draw(int angle, const char* str, int n, int x, int y) {fl_graphics_driver->draw(angle,str,n,x,y); }
+  Draws a UTF-8 string of length \p n bytes right to left starting at the given \p x, \p y location.
+inline void fl_rtl_draw(const char* str, int n, int x, int y) {fl_graphics_driver->rtl_draw(str,n,x,y); }
+FL_EXPORT void fl_measure(const char* str, int& x, int& y,
+                          int draw_symbols = 1);
+FL_EXPORT void fl_draw(const char* str, int x, int y, int w, int h,
+                       Fl_Align align,
+                       Fl_Image* img=0, int draw_symbols = 1);
+FL_EXPORT void fl_draw(const char* str, int x, int y, int w, int h,
+                       Fl_Align align,
+                       void (*callthis)(const char *,int,int,int),
+                       Fl_Image* img=0, int draw_symbols = 1);
+// boxtypes:
+FL_EXPORT void fl_frame(const char* s, int x, int y, int w, int h);
+FL_EXPORT void fl_frame2(const char* s, int x, int y, int w, int h);
+FL_EXPORT void fl_draw_box(Fl_Boxtype, int x, int y, int w, int h, Fl_Color);
+// images:
+  Draws an 8-bit per color RGB or luminance image.
+  \param[in] buf points at the "r" data of the top-left pixel.
+                 Color data must be in <tt>r,g,b</tt> order.
+		 Luminance data is only one <tt>gray</tt> byte.
+  \param[in] X,Y position where to put top-left corner of image
+  \param[in] W,H size of the image
+  \param[in] D   delta to add to the pointer between pixels. It may be
+                 any value greater than or equal to 1, or it can be
+		 negative to flip the image horizontally
+  \param[in] L   delta to add to the pointer between lines (if 0 is
+                 passed it uses \p W * \p D), and may be larger than
+		 \p W * \p D to crop data, or negative to flip the
+		 image vertically
+  It is highly recommended that you put the following code before the
+  first <tt>show()</tt> of \e any window in your program to get rid of
+  the dithering if possible:
+  \code
+  Fl::visual(FL_RGB);
+  \endcode
+  Gray scale (1-channel) images may be drawn. This is done if
+  <tt>abs(D)</tt> is less than 3, or by calling fl_draw_image_mono().
+  Only one 8-bit sample is used for each pixel, and on screens with
+  different numbers of bits for red, green, and blue only gray colors
+  are used. Setting \p D greater than 1 will let you display one channel
+  of a color image.
+  \par Note:
+  The X version does not support all possible visuals. If FLTK cannot
+  draw the image in the current visual it will abort. FLTK supports
+  any visual of 8 bits or less, and all common TrueColor visuals up
+  to 32 bits.
+  */
+inline void fl_draw_image(const uchar* buf, int X,int Y,int W,int H, int D=3, int L=0)
+  { fl_graphics_driver->draw_image(buf, X, Y, W, H, D, L); }
+  Draws a gray-scale (1 channel) image.
+  \see fl_draw_image(const uchar* buf, int X,int Y,int W,int H, int D, int L)
+  */
+inline void fl_draw_image_mono(const uchar* buf, int X,int Y,int W,int H, int D=1, int L=0)
+  { fl_graphics_driver->draw_image_mono(buf, X, Y, W, H, D, L); }
+  Draws an image using a callback function to generate image data.
+  You can generate the image as it is being drawn, or do arbitrary
+  decompression of stored data, provided it can be decompressed to
+  individual scan lines easily.
+  \param[in] cb   callback function to generate scan line data
+  \param[in] data user data passed to callback function
+  \param[in] X,Y  screen position of top left pixel
+  \param[in] W,H  image width and height
+  \param[in] D    data size in bytes (must be greater than 0)
+  \see fl_draw_image(const uchar* buf, int X,int Y,int W,int H, int D, int L)
+  The callback function \p cb is called with the <tt>void*</tt> \p data
+  user data pointer to allow access to a structure of information about
+  the image, and the \p x, \p y, and \p w of the scan line desired from
+  the image. 0,0 is the upper-left corner of the image, not \p x, \p y.
+  A pointer to a buffer to put the data into is passed. You must copy
+  \p w pixels from scanline \p y, starting at pixel \p x, to this buffer.
+  Due to cropping, less than the whole image may be requested. So \p x
+  may be greater than zero, the first \p y may be greater than zero,
+  and \p w may be less than \p W. The buffer is long enough to store
+  the entire \p W * \p D pixels, this is for convenience with some
+  decompression schemes where you must decompress the entire line at
+  once: decompress it into the buffer, and then if \p x is not zero,
+  copy the data over so the \p x'th pixel is at the start of the buffer.
+  You can assume the \p y's will be consecutive, except the first one
+  may be greater than zero.
+  If \p D is 4 or more, you must fill in the unused bytes with zero.
+  */
+inline void fl_draw_image(Fl_Draw_Image_Cb cb, void* data, int X,int Y,int W,int H, int D=3)
+  { fl_graphics_driver->draw_image(cb, data, X, Y, W, H, D); }
+  Draws a gray-scale image using a callback function to generate image data.
+  \see fl_draw_image(Fl_Draw_Image_Cb cb, void* data, int X,int Y,int W,int H, int D)
+  */
+inline void fl_draw_image_mono(Fl_Draw_Image_Cb cb, void* data, int X,int Y,int W,int H, int D=1)
+  { fl_graphics_driver->draw_image_mono(cb, data, X, Y, W, H, D); }
+  Checks whether platform supports true alpha blending for RGBA images.
+  \returns 1 if true alpha blending supported by platform
+  \returns 0 not supported so FLTK will use screen door transparency
+  */
+/* note: doxygen comment here to avoid triplication in os-speciic files */
+FL_EXPORT char fl_can_do_alpha_blending();
+  Reads an RGB(A) image from the current window or off-screen buffer.
+  \param[in] p     pixel buffer, or NULL to allocate one
+  \param[in] X,Y   position of top-left of image to read
+  \param[in] W,H   width and height of image to read
+  \param[in] alpha alpha value for image (0 for none)
+  \returns pointer to pixel buffer, or NULL if allocation failed.
+  The \p p argument points to a buffer that can hold the image and must
+  be at least \p W*H*3 bytes when reading RGB images, or \p W*H*4 bytes
+  when reading RGBA images. If NULL, fl_read_image() will create an
+  array of the proper size which can be freed using <tt>delete[]</tt>.
+  The \p alpha parameter controls whether an alpha channel is created
+  and the value that is placed in the alpha channel. If 0, no alpha
+  channel is generated.
+  */
+/* note: doxygen comment here to avoid triplication in os-speciic files */
+FL_EXPORT uchar *fl_read_image(uchar *p,int X,int Y,int W,int H,int alpha=0);
+// pixmaps:
+FL_EXPORT int fl_draw_pixmap(/*const*/ char* const* data, int x,int y,Fl_Color=FL_GRAY);
+FL_EXPORT int fl_draw_pixmap(const char* const* cdata, int x,int y,Fl_Color=FL_GRAY);
+FL_EXPORT int fl_measure_pixmap(/*const*/ char* const* data, int &w, int &h);
+FL_EXPORT int fl_measure_pixmap(const char* const* cdata, int &w, int &h);
+// other:
+FL_EXPORT void fl_scroll(int X, int Y, int W, int H, int dx, int dy,
+                         void (*draw_area)(void*, int,int,int,int), void* data);
+FL_EXPORT const char* fl_shortcut_label(unsigned int shortcut);
+FL_EXPORT const char* fl_shortcut_label(unsigned int shortcut, const char **eom);
+FL_EXPORT unsigned int fl_old_shortcut(const char* s);
+FL_EXPORT void fl_overlay_rect(int x,int y,int w,int h);
+FL_EXPORT void fl_overlay_clear();
+FL_EXPORT void fl_cursor(Fl_Cursor);
+FL_EXPORT void fl_cursor(Fl_Cursor, Fl_Color fg, Fl_Color bg=FL_WHITE);
+FL_EXPORT const char* fl_expand_text(const char* from, char* buf, int maxbuf,
+                                     double maxw, int& n, double &width,
+                                     int wrap, int draw_symbols = 0);
+// XIM:
+/** \todo provide user documentation for fl_set_status function */
+FL_EXPORT void fl_set_status(int X, int Y, int W, int H);
+/** \todo provide user documentation for fl_set_spot function */
+FL_EXPORT void fl_set_spot(int font, int size, int X, int Y, int W, int H, Fl_Window *win=0);
+/** \todo provide user documentation for fl_reset_spot function*/
+FL_EXPORT void fl_reset_spot(void);
+// XForms symbols:
+FL_EXPORT int fl_draw_symbol(const char* label,int x,int y,int w,int h, Fl_Color);
+FL_EXPORT int fl_add_symbol(const char* name, void (*drawit)(Fl_Color), int scalable);
+/** @} */
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/fl_message.H
@@ -1,0 +1,23 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Standard message header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+#include "fl_ask.H"
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/fl_show_colormap.H
@@ -1,0 +1,49 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Colormap picker header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/** \file
+   The fl_show_colormap() function hides the implementation classes used
+   to provide the popup window and color selection mechanism.
+#ifndef fl_show_colormap_H
+#define fl_show_colormap_H
+/* doxygen comment here to avoid exposing ColorMenu in fl_show_colormap.cxx
+/** \addtogroup  fl_attributes
+    @{ */
+  \brief Pops up a window to let the user pick a colormap entry.
+  \image html fl_show_colormap.png
+  \image latex fl_show_colormap.png "fl_show_colormap" height=10cm
+  \param[in] oldcol color to be highlighted when grid is shown.
+  \retval Fl_Color value of the chosen colormap entry.
+  \see Fl_Color_Chooser
+FL_EXPORT Fl_Color fl_show_colormap(Fl_Color oldcol);
+/** @} */
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/fl_show_input.H
@@ -1,0 +1,23 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Standard input dialog header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+#include "fl_ask.H"
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/fl_types.h
@@ -1,0 +1,57 @@
+ * "$Id$"
+ *
+ * Simple "C"-style types for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+ *
+ * Copyright 1998-2015 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+ *
+ * This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+ * the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+ * file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+ *
+ *
+ */
+/** \file
+ *  This file contains simple "C"-style type definitions.
+ */
+#ifndef FL_TYPES_H
+#define FL_TYPES_H
+/** \name	Miscellaneous */
+/*@{*/	/* group: Miscellaneous */
+/** unsigned char */
+typedef unsigned char uchar;
+/** unsigned long */
+typedef unsigned long ulong;
+/** Flexible length UTF-8 Unicode text.
+ *
+ *  \todo FIXME: temporary (?) typedef to mark UTF-8 and Unicode conversions
+ */
+typedef char *Fl_String;
+/** Flexible length UTF-8 Unicode read-only string.
+ *  \sa Fl_String
+ */
+typedef const char *Fl_CString;
+/** 24-bit Unicode character + 8-bit indicator for keyboard flags */
+typedef unsigned int Fl_Shortcut;
+/** 24-bit Unicode character - upper 8 bits are unused */
+typedef unsigned int Fl_Char;
+/*@}*/	/* group: Miscellaneous */
+ * End of "$Id$".
+ */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/fl_utf8.h
@@ -1,0 +1,248 @@
+ * "$Id$"
+ *
+ * Author: Jean-Marc Lienher ( )
+ * Copyright 2000-2010 by O'ksi'D.
+ *
+ * This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+ * the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+ * file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+ *
+ *
+ */
+/* Merged in some functionality from the fltk-2 version. IMM.
+ * The following code is an attempt to merge the functions incorporated in FLTK2
+ * with the functions provided in OksiD's fltk-1.1.6-utf8 port
+ */
+  \file fl_utf8.h
+  \brief header for Unicode and UTF-8 character handling
+#ifndef _HAVE_FL_UTF8_HDR_
+#define _HAVE_FL_UTF8_HDR_
+#include "Fl_Export.H"
+#include "fl_types.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#ifdef WIN32
+#  include <sys/types.h>
+#  include <sys/stat.h>
+#  include <locale.h>
+#  include <ctype.h>
+#  define xchar wchar_t
+#  if !defined(FL_DLL) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
+#    undef strdup
+#    define strdup _strdup
+#    undef putenv
+#    define putenv _putenv
+#    undef stricmp
+#    define stricmp _stricmp
+#    undef strnicmp
+#    define strnicmp _strnicmp
+#    undef chdir
+#    define chdir _chdir
+#  endif
+#elif defined(__APPLE__)
+#  include <wchar.h>
+#  include <sys/stat.h>
+#  define xchar wchar_t
+#else /* X11 */
+#  include <sys/types.h>
+#  include <sys/stat.h>
+#  if defined(FL_LIBRARY) /* don't expose X11 headers in user space */
+#    include <X11/Xlocale.h>
+#    include <X11/Xlib.h>
+#  endif /* defined(FL_LIBRARY) -- don't expose X11 headers in user space */
+#  include <locale.h>
+#  define xchar unsigned short
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/** \addtogroup fl_unicode
+    @{
+/* F2: comes from FLTK2 */
+/* OD: comes from OksiD */
+  Return the number of bytes needed to encode the given UCS4 character in UTF-8.
+  \param [in] ucs UCS4 encoded character
+  \return number of bytes required
+ */
+FL_EXPORT int fl_utf8bytes(unsigned ucs);
+/* OD: returns the byte length of the first UTF-8 char sequence (returns -1 if not valid) */
+FL_EXPORT int fl_utf8len(char c);
+/* OD: returns the byte length of the first UTF-8 char sequence (returns +1 if not valid) */
+FL_EXPORT int fl_utf8len1(char c);
+/* OD: returns the number of Unicode chars in the UTF-8 string */
+FL_EXPORT int fl_utf_nb_char(const unsigned char *buf, int len);
+/* F2: Convert the next UTF-8 char-sequence into a Unicode value (and say how many bytes were used) */
+FL_EXPORT unsigned fl_utf8decode(const char* p, const char* end, int* len);
+/* F2: Encode a Unicode value into a UTF-8 sequence, return the number of bytes used */
+FL_EXPORT int fl_utf8encode(unsigned ucs, char* buf);
+/* F2: Move forward to the next valid UTF-8 sequence start betwen start and end */
+FL_EXPORT const char* fl_utf8fwd(const char* p, const char* start, const char* end);
+/* F2: Move backward to the previous valid UTF-8 sequence start */
+FL_EXPORT const char* fl_utf8back(const char* p, const char* start, const char* end);
+/* XX: Convert a single 32-bit Unicode value into UTF16 */
+FL_EXPORT unsigned fl_ucs_to_Utf16(const unsigned ucs, unsigned short *dst, const unsigned dstlen);
+/* F2: Convert a UTF-8 string into UTF16 */
+FL_EXPORT unsigned fl_utf8toUtf16(const char* src, unsigned srclen, unsigned short* dst, unsigned dstlen);
+/* F2: Convert a UTF-8 string into a wide character string - makes UTF16 on win32, "UCS4" elsewhere */
+FL_EXPORT unsigned fl_utf8towc(const char *src, unsigned srclen, wchar_t *dst, unsigned dstlen);
+/* F2: Convert a wide character string to UTF-8 - takes in UTF16 on win32, "UCS4" elsewhere */
+FL_EXPORT unsigned fl_utf8fromwc(char *dst, unsigned dstlen, const wchar_t *src, unsigned srclen);
+/* F2: Convert a UTF-8 string into ASCII, eliding untranslatable glyphs */
+FL_EXPORT unsigned fl_utf8toa (const char *src, unsigned srclen, char *dst, unsigned dstlen);
+/* F2: Convert 8859-1 string to UTF-8 */
+FL_EXPORT unsigned fl_utf8froma (char *dst, unsigned dstlen, const char *src, unsigned srclen);
+/* F2: Returns true if the current O/S locale is UTF-8 */
+FL_EXPORT int fl_utf8locale(void);
+/* F2: Examine the first len characters of src, to determine if the input text is UTF-8 or not
+ * NOTE: The value returned is not simply boolean - it contains information about the probable
+ * type of the src text. */
+FL_EXPORT int fl_utf8test(const char *src, unsigned len);
+/* XX: return width of "raw" ucs character in columns.
+ * for internal use only */
+FL_EXPORT int fl_wcwidth_(unsigned int ucs);
+/* XX: return width of utf-8 character string in columns.
+ * NOTE: this may also do C1 control character (0x80 to 0x9f) to CP1252 mapping,
+ * depending on original build options */
+FL_EXPORT int fl_wcwidth(const char *src);
+/* OD: Return true if the character is non-spacing */
+FL_EXPORT unsigned int fl_nonspacing(unsigned int ucs);
+/* F2: Convert UTF-8 to a local multi-byte encoding - mainly for win32? */
+FL_EXPORT unsigned fl_utf8to_mb(const char *src, unsigned srclen, char *dst, unsigned dstlen);
+/* OD: Convert UTF-8 to a local multi-byte encoding */
+FL_EXPORT char* fl_utf2mbcs(const char *src);
+/* F2: Convert a local multi-byte encoding to UTF-8 - mainly for win32? */
+FL_EXPORT unsigned fl_utf8from_mb(char *dst, unsigned dstlen, const char *src, unsigned srclen);
+#ifdef WIN32
+/* OD: Attempt to convert the UTF-8 string to the current locale */
+FL_EXPORT char *fl_utf8_to_locale(const char *s, int len, unsigned int codepage);
+/* OD: Attempt to convert a string in the current locale to UTF-8 */
+FL_EXPORT char *fl_locale_to_utf8(const char *s, int len, unsigned int codepage);
+ * The following functions are intended to provide portable, UTF-8 aware
+ * versions of standard functions
+ */
+/* OD: UTF-8 aware strncasecmp - converts to lower case Unicode and tests */
+FL_EXPORT int fl_utf_strncasecmp(const char *s1, const char *s2, int n);
+/* OD: UTF-8 aware strcasecmp - converts to Unicode and tests */
+FL_EXPORT int fl_utf_strcasecmp(const char *s1, const char *s2);
+/* OD: return the Unicode lower case value of ucs */
+FL_EXPORT int fl_tolower(unsigned int ucs);
+/* OD: return the Unicode upper case value of ucs */
+FL_EXPORT int fl_toupper(unsigned int ucs);
+/* OD: converts the UTF-8 string to the lower case equivalent */
+FL_EXPORT int fl_utf_tolower(const unsigned char *str, int len, char *buf);
+/* OD: converts the UTF-8 string to the upper case equivalent */
+FL_EXPORT int fl_utf_toupper(const unsigned char *str, int len, char *buf);
+/* OD: Portable UTF-8 aware chmod wrapper */
+FL_EXPORT int fl_chmod(const char* f, int mode);
+/* OD: Portable UTF-8 aware access wrapper */
+FL_EXPORT int fl_access(const char* f, int mode);
+/* OD: Portable UTF-8 aware stat wrapper */
+FL_EXPORT int fl_stat( const char *path, struct stat *buffer );
+/* OD: Portable UTF-8 aware getcwd wrapper */
+FL_EXPORT char* fl_getcwd( char *buf, int maxlen);
+/* OD: Portable UTF-8 aware fopen wrapper */
+FL_EXPORT FILE *fl_fopen(const char *f, const char *mode);
+/* OD: Portable UTF-8 aware system wrapper */
+FL_EXPORT int fl_system(const char* f);
+/* OD: Portable UTF-8 aware execvp wrapper */
+FL_EXPORT int fl_execvp(const char *file, char *const *argv);
+/* OD: Portable UTF-8 aware open wrapper */
+FL_EXPORT int fl_open(const char* f, int o, ...);
+/* OD: Portable UTF-8 aware unlink wrapper */
+FL_EXPORT int fl_unlink(const char *f);
+/* OD: Portable UTF-8 aware rmdir wrapper */
+FL_EXPORT int fl_rmdir(const char *f);
+/* OD: Portable UTF-8 aware getenv wrapper */
+FL_EXPORT char* fl_getenv(const char *name);
+/* OD: Portable UTF-8 aware execvp wrapper */
+FL_EXPORT int fl_mkdir(const char* f, int mode);
+/* OD: Portable UTF-8 aware rename wrapper */
+FL_EXPORT int fl_rename(const char* f, const char *t);
+/* OD: Given a full pathname, this will create the directory path needed to hold the file named */
+FL_EXPORT void fl_make_path_for_file( const char *path );
+/* OD: recursively create a path in the file system */
+FL_EXPORT char fl_make_path( const char *path );
+/** @} */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+#endif /* _HAVE_FL_UTF8_HDR_ */
+ * End of "$Id$".
+ */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/forms.H
@@ -1,0 +1,836 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Forms emulation header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2011 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+#ifndef __FORMS_H__
+#define __FORMS_H__
+#include "Fl.H"
+#include "Fl_Group.H"
+#include "Fl_Window.H"
+#include "fl_draw.H"
+typedef Fl_Widget FL_OBJECT;
+typedef Fl_Window FL_FORM;
+// Random constants & symbols defined by forms.h file:
+#ifndef NULL
+#define NULL 0
+#ifndef FALSE
+#define FALSE 0
+#define TRUE 1
+#define FL_ON		1
+#define FL_OK		1
+#define FL_VALID	1
+#define FL_PREEMPT	1
+#define FL_AUTO		2
+#define FL_OFF		0
+#define FL_NONE		0
+#define FL_CANCEL	0
+#define FL_INVALID	0
+#define FL_IGNORE	-1
+//#define FL_CLOSE	-2 // this variable is never used in FLTK Forms. It is removed becaus it conflicts with the window FL_CLOSE event
+#define FL_LCOL		FL_BLACK
+#define FL_COL1		FL_GRAY
+#define FL_MCOL		FL_LIGHT1
+#define FL_LEFT_BCOL	FL_LIGHT3 // 53 is better match
+#define FL_TOP_BCOL	FL_LIGHT2 // 51
+#define FL_BOTTOM_BCOL	FL_DARK2  // 40
+#define FL_RIGHT_BCOL	FL_DARK3  // 36
+#define FL_FREE_COL2	((Fl_Color)(FL_FREE_COLOR+1))
+#define FL_FREE_COL3	((Fl_Color)(FL_FREE_COLOR+2))
+#define FL_FREE_COL4	((Fl_Color)(FL_FREE_COLOR+3))
+#define FL_FREE_COL5	((Fl_Color)(FL_FREE_COLOR+4))
+#define FL_FREE_COL6	((Fl_Color)(FL_FREE_COLOR+5))
+#define FL_FREE_COL7	((Fl_Color)(FL_FREE_COLOR+6))
+#define FL_FREE_COL8	((Fl_Color)(FL_FREE_COLOR+7))
+#define FL_FREE_COL9	((Fl_Color)(FL_FREE_COLOR+8))
+#define FL_FREE_COL10	((Fl_Color)(FL_FREE_COLOR+9))
+#define FL_FREE_COL11	((Fl_Color)(FL_FREE_COLOR+10))
+#define FL_FREE_COL12	((Fl_Color)(FL_FREE_COLOR+11))
+#define FL_FREE_COL13	((Fl_Color)(FL_FREE_COLOR+12))
+#define FL_FREE_COL14	((Fl_Color)(FL_FREE_COLOR+13))
+#define FL_FREE_COL15	((Fl_Color)(FL_FREE_COLOR+14))
+#define FL_FREE_COL16	((Fl_Color)(FL_FREE_COLOR+15))
+#define FL_TOMATO	((Fl_Color)(131))
+#define FL_INDIANRED	((Fl_Color)(164))
+#define FL_SLATEBLUE	((Fl_Color)(195))
+#define FL_DARKGOLD	((Fl_Color)(84))
+#define FL_PALEGREEN	((Fl_Color)(157))
+#define FL_ORCHID	((Fl_Color)(203))
+#define FL_DARKCYAN	((Fl_Color)(189))
+#define FL_DARKTOMATO	((Fl_Color)(113))
+#define FL_WHEAT	((Fl_Color)(174))
+#define FL_MBUTTON1	1
+#define FL_LEFTMOUSE	1
+#define FL_MBUTTON2	2
+#define FL_MBUTTON3	3
+#define FL_RIGHTMOUSE	3
+#define FL_MBUTTON4	4
+#define FL_MBUTTON5	5
+#define FL_INVALID_STYLE 255
+// hacks to change the labeltype() when passed to fl_set_object_lstyle():
+// size values are different from XForms, match older Forms:
+#define FL_TINY_SIZE	8
+#define FL_SMALL_SIZE	11 // 10
+//#define FL_NORMAL_SIZE	14 // 12
+#define FL_MEDIUM_SIZE	18 // 14
+#define FL_LARGE_SIZE	24 // 18
+#define FL_HUGE_SIZE	32 // 24
+#define FL_BOUND_WIDTH	3
+typedef int FL_Coord;
+typedef int FL_COLOR;
+// fltk interaction:
+#define FL_CMD_OPT void
+extern FL_EXPORT void fl_initialize(int*, char*[], const char*, FL_CMD_OPT*, int);
+inline void fl_finish() {}
+typedef void (*FL_IO_CALLBACK) (FL_SOCKET, void*);
+inline void fl_add_io_callback(int fd, short w, FL_IO_CALLBACK cb, void* v) {
+  Fl::add_fd(fd, w, cb, v);}
+inline void fl_remove_io_callback(int fd, short, FL_IO_CALLBACK) {
+  Fl::remove_fd(fd);} // removes all the callbacks!
+// type of callback is different and no "id" number is returned:
+inline void fl_add_timeout(long msec, void (*cb)(void*), void* v) {
+  Fl::add_timeout(msec*.001, cb, v);}
+inline void fl_remove_timeout(int) {}
+// type of callback is different!
+inline void fl_set_idle_callback(void (*cb)()) {Fl::set_idle(cb);}
+FL_EXPORT Fl_Widget* fl_do_forms(void);
+FL_EXPORT Fl_Widget* fl_check_forms();
+inline Fl_Widget* fl_do_only_forms(void) {return fl_do_forms();}
+inline Fl_Widget* fl_check_only_forms(void) {return fl_check_forms();}
+// because of new redraw behavior, these are no-ops:
+inline void fl_freeze_object(Fl_Widget*) {}
+inline void fl_unfreeze_object(Fl_Widget*) {}
+inline void fl_freeze_form(Fl_Window*) {}
+inline void fl_unfreeze_form(Fl_Window*) {}
+inline void fl_freeze_all_forms() {}
+inline void fl_unfreeze_all_forms() {}
+inline void fl_set_focus_object(Fl_Window*, Fl_Widget* o) {Fl::focus(o);}
+inline void fl_reset_focus_object(Fl_Widget* o) {Fl::focus(o);}
+#define fl_set_object_focus fl_set_focus_object
+// void fl_set_form_atclose(Fl_Window*w,int (*cb)(Fl_Window*,void*),void* v)
+// void fl_set_atclose(int (*cb)(Fl_Window*,void*),void*)
+// fl_set_form_atactivate/atdeactivate not implemented!
+// Fl_Widget:
+inline void fl_set_object_boxtype(Fl_Widget* o, Fl_Boxtype a) {o->box(a);}
+inline void fl_set_object_lsize(Fl_Widget* o,int s) {o->labelsize(s);}
+/* forms lib font indexes must be byte sized - extract correct byte from style word */
+inline void fl_set_object_lstyle(Fl_Widget* o,int a) {
+  o->labelfont((Fl_Font)(a&0xff)); o->labeltype((Fl_Labeltype)(a>>8));}
+inline void fl_set_object_lcol(Fl_Widget* o, Fl_Color a) {o->labelcolor(a);}
+#define fl_set_object_lcolor  fl_set_object_lcol
+inline void fl_set_object_lalign(Fl_Widget* o, Fl_Align a) {o->align(a);}
+#define fl_set_object_align fl_set_object_lalign
+inline void fl_set_object_color(Fl_Widget* o,Fl_Color a,Fl_Color b) {o->color(a,b);}
+inline void fl_set_object_label(Fl_Widget* o, const char* a) {o->label(a); o->redraw();}
+inline void fl_set_object_position(Fl_Widget*o,int x,int y) {o->position(x,y);}
+inline void fl_set_object_size(Fl_Widget* o, int w, int h) {o->size(w,h);}
+inline void fl_set_object_geometry(Fl_Widget* o,int x,int y,int w,int h) {o->resize(x,y,w,h);}
+inline void fl_get_object_geometry(Fl_Widget* o,int*x,int*y,int*w,int*h) {
+  *x = o->x(); *y = o->y(); *w = o->w(); *h = o->h();}
+inline void fl_get_object_position(Fl_Widget* o,int*x,int*y) {
+  *x = o->x(); *y = o->y();}
+typedef void (*Forms_CB)(Fl_Widget*, long);
+inline void fl_set_object_callback(Fl_Widget*o,Forms_CB c,long a) {o->callback(c,a);}
+#define fl_set_call_back      fl_set_object_callback
+inline void fl_call_object_callback(Fl_Widget* o) {o->do_callback();}
+inline void fl_trigger_object(Fl_Widget* o) {o->do_callback();}
+inline void fl_set_object_return(Fl_Widget* o, int v) {
+  o->when((Fl_When)(v|FL_WHEN_RELEASE));}
+inline void fl_redraw_object(Fl_Widget* o) {o->redraw();}
+inline void fl_show_object(Fl_Widget* o) {o->show();}
+inline void fl_hide_object(Fl_Widget* o) {o->hide();}
+inline void fl_free_object(Fl_Widget* x) {delete x;}
+inline void fl_delete_object(Fl_Widget* o) {o->parent()->remove(*o);}
+inline void fl_activate_object(Fl_Widget* o) {o->activate();}
+inline void fl_deactivate_object(Fl_Widget* o) {o->deactivate();}
+inline void fl_add_object(Fl_Window* f, Fl_Widget* x) {f->add(x);}
+inline void fl_insert_object(Fl_Widget* o, Fl_Widget* b) {b->parent()->insert(*o,b);}
+inline Fl_Window* FL_ObjWin(Fl_Widget* o) {return o->window();}
+// things that appered in the demos a lot that I don't emulate, but
+// I did not want to edit out of all the demos...
+inline int fl_get_border_width() {return 3;}
+inline void fl_set_border_width(int) {}
+inline void fl_set_object_dblbuffer(Fl_Widget*, int) {}
+inline void fl_set_form_dblbuffer(Fl_Window*, int) {}
+// Fl_Window:
+inline void fl_free_form(Fl_Window* x) {delete x;}
+inline void fl_redraw_form(Fl_Window* f) {f->redraw();}
+inline Fl_Window* fl_bgn_form(Fl_Boxtype b,int w,int h) {
+  Fl_Window* g = new Fl_Window(w,h,0);
+  g->box(b);
+  return g;
+FL_EXPORT void fl_end_form();
+inline void fl_addto_form(Fl_Window* f) {f->begin();}
+inline Fl_Group* fl_bgn_group() {return new Fl_Group(0,0,0,0,0);}
+inline void fl_end_group() {Fl_Group::current()->forms_end();}
+inline void fl_addto_group(Fl_Widget* o) {((Fl_Group* )o)->begin();}
+#define resizebox _ddfdesign_kludge()
+inline void fl_scale_form(Fl_Window* f, double x, double y) {
+  f->resizable(f); f->size(int(f->w()*x),int(f->h()*y));}
+inline void fl_set_form_position(Fl_Window* f,int x,int y) {f->position(x,y);}
+inline void fl_set_form_size(Fl_Window* f, int w, int h) {f->size(w,h);}
+inline void fl_set_form_geometry(Fl_Window* f,int x,int y,int w,int h) {
+  f->resize(x,y,w,h);}
+#define fl_set_initial_placement fl_set_form_geometry
+inline void fl_adjust_form_size(Fl_Window*) {}
+FL_EXPORT void fl_show_form(Fl_Window* f,int p,int b,const char* n);
+enum {	// "p" argument values:
+  FL_PLACE_FREE = 0,	// make resizable
+  FL_PLACE_MOUSE = 1,	// mouse centered on form
+  FL_PLACE_CENTER = 2,	// center of the screen
+  FL_PLACE_POSITION = 4,// fixed position, resizable
+  FL_PLACE_SIZE = 8,	// fixed size, normal fltk behavior
+  FL_PLACE_GEOMETRY =16,// fixed size and position
+  FL_PLACE_ASPECT = 32,	// keep aspect ratio (ignored)
+  FL_PLACE_FULLSCREEN=64,// fill screen
+  FL_PLACE_HOTSPOT = 128,// enables hotspot
+  FL_PLACE_ICONIC = 256,// iconic (ignored)
+  FL_FREE_SIZE=(1<<14),	// force resizable
+  FL_FIX_SIZE =(1<<15)	// force off resizable
+enum {	// "b" arguement values:
+//FL_MODAL = (1<<8)	// not implemented yet in Forms
+inline void fl_set_form_hotspot(Fl_Window* w,int x,int y) {w->hotspot(x,y);}
+inline void fl_set_form_hotobject(Fl_Window* w, Fl_Widget* o) {w->hotspot(o);}
+extern FL_EXPORT char fl_flip;	// in forms.C
+inline void fl_flip_yorigin() {fl_flip = 1;}
+#define fl_prepare_form_window fl_show_form
+inline void fl_show_form_window(Fl_Window*) {}
+inline void fl_raise_form(Fl_Window* f) {f->show();}
+inline void fl_hide_form(Fl_Window* f) {f->hide();}
+inline void fl_pop_form(Fl_Window* f) {f->show();}
+extern FL_EXPORT char fl_modal_next; // in forms.C
+inline void fl_activate_all_forms() {}
+inline void fl_deactivate_all_forms() {fl_modal_next = 1;}
+inline void fl_deactivate_form(Fl_Window*w) {w->deactivate();}
+inline void fl_activate_form(Fl_Window*w) {w->activate();}
+inline void fl_set_form_title(Fl_Window* f, const char* s) {f->label(s);}
+inline void fl_title_form(Fl_Window* f, const char* s) {f->label(s);}
+typedef void (*Forms_FormCB)(Fl_Widget*);
+inline void fl_set_form_callback(Fl_Window* f,Forms_FormCB c) {f->callback(c);}
+#define fl_set_form_call_back fl_set_form_callback
+inline void fl_init() {}
+FL_EXPORT void fl_set_graphics_mode(int,int);
+inline int fl_form_is_visible(Fl_Window* f) {return f->visible();}
+inline int fl_mouse_button() {return Fl::event_button();}
+#define fl_mousebutton fl_mouse_button
+#define fl_free       free
+#define fl_malloc     malloc
+#define fl_calloc     calloc
+#define fl_realloc    realloc
+// Drawing functions.  Only usable inside an Fl_Free object?
+inline void fl_drw_box(Fl_Boxtype b,int x,int y,int w,int h,Fl_Color bgc,int=3) {
+    fl_draw_box(b,x,y,w,h,bgc);}
+inline void fl_drw_frame(Fl_Boxtype b,int x,int y,int w,int h,Fl_Color bgc,int=3) {
+    fl_draw_box(b,x,y,w,h,bgc);}
+inline void fl_drw_text(Fl_Align align, int x, int y, int w, int h,
+		  Fl_Color fgcolor, int size, Fl_Font style,
+		  const char* s) {
+  fl_font(style,size);
+  fl_color(fgcolor);
+  fl_draw(s,x,y,w,h,align);
+// this does not work except for CENTER...
+inline void fl_drw_text_beside(Fl_Align align, int x, int y, int w, int h,
+		  Fl_Color fgcolor, int size, Fl_Font style,
+		  const char* s) {
+  fl_font(style,size);
+  fl_color(fgcolor);
+  fl_draw(s,x,y,w,h,align);
+inline void fl_set_font_name(Fl_Font n,const char* s) {Fl::set_font(n,s);}
+inline void fl_mapcolor(Fl_Color c, uchar r, uchar g, uchar b) {Fl::set_color(c,r,g,b);}
+#define fl_set_clipping(x,y,w,h) fl_push_clip(x,y,w,h)
+#define fl_unset_clipping() fl_pop_clip()
+// Forms classes:
+inline Fl_Widget* fl_add_new(Fl_Widget* p) {return p;}
+inline Fl_Widget* fl_add_new(uchar t,Fl_Widget* p) {p->type(t); return p;}
+#define forms_constructor(type,name) \
+inline type* name(uchar t,int x,int y,int w,int h,const char* l) { \
+ return (type*)(fl_add_new(t, new type(x,y,w,h,l)));}
+#define forms_constructort(type,name) \
+inline type* name(uchar t,int x,int y,int w,int h,const char* l) { \
+ return (type*)(fl_add_new(new type(t,x,y,w,h,l)));}
+#define forms_constructorb(type,name) \
+inline type* name(Fl_Boxtype t,int x,int y,int w,int h,const char* l) { \
+ return (type*)(fl_add_new(new type(t,x,y,w,h,l)));}
+#include "Fl_FormsBitmap.H"
+forms_constructorb(Fl_FormsBitmap, fl_add_bitmap)
+inline void fl_set_bitmap_data(Fl_Widget* o, int w, int h, const uchar* b) {
+    ((Fl_FormsBitmap*)o)->set(w,h,b);
+#include "Fl_FormsPixmap.H"
+forms_constructorb(Fl_FormsPixmap, fl_add_pixmap)
+inline void fl_set_pixmap_data(Fl_Widget* o, char*const* b) {
+    ((Fl_FormsPixmap*)o)->set(b);
+//inline void fl_set_pixmap_file(Fl_Widget*, const char*);
+inline void fl_set_pixmap_align(Fl_Widget* o,Fl_Align a,int,int) {o->align(a);}
+//inline void fl_set_pixmap_colorcloseness(int, int, int);
+#include "Fl_Box.H"
+forms_constructorb(Fl_Box, fl_add_box)
+#include "Fl_Browser.H"
+forms_constructor(Fl_Browser, fl_add_browser)
+inline void fl_clear_browser(Fl_Widget* o) {
+    ((Fl_Browser*)o)->clear();}
+inline void fl_add_browser_line(Fl_Widget* o, const char* s) {
+    ((Fl_Browser*)o)->add(s);}
+inline void fl_addto_browser(Fl_Widget* o, const char* s) {
+    ((Fl_Browser*)o)->add(s);} /* should also scroll to bottom */
+//inline void fl_addto_browser_chars(Fl_Widget*, const char*)
+//#define fl_append_browser fl_addto_browser_chars
+inline void fl_insert_browser_line(Fl_Widget* o, int n, const char* s) {
+    ((Fl_Browser*)o)->insert(n,s);}
+inline void fl_delete_browser_line(Fl_Widget* o, int n) {
+    ((Fl_Browser*)o)->remove(n);}
+inline void fl_replace_browser_line(Fl_Widget* o, int n, const char* s) {
+    ((Fl_Browser*)o)->replace(n,s);}
+inline char* fl_get_browser_line(Fl_Widget* o, int n) {
+    return (char*)(((Fl_Browser*)o)->text(n));}
+inline int fl_load_browser(Fl_Widget* o, const char* f) {
+    return ((Fl_Browser*)o)->load(f);}
+inline void fl_select_browser_line(Fl_Widget* o, int n) {
+    ((Fl_Browser*)o)->select(n,1);}
+inline void fl_deselect_browser_line(Fl_Widget* o, int n) {
+    ((Fl_Browser*)o)->select(n,0);}
+inline void fl_deselect_browser(Fl_Widget* o) {
+    ((Fl_Browser*)o)->deselect();}
+inline int fl_isselected_browser_line(Fl_Widget* o, int n) {
+    return ((Fl_Browser*)o)->selected(n);}
+inline int fl_get_browser_topline(Fl_Widget* o) {
+    return ((Fl_Browser*)o)->topline();}
+inline int fl_get_browser(Fl_Widget* o) {
+    return ((Fl_Browser*)o)->value();}
+inline int fl_get_browser_maxline(Fl_Widget* o) {
+    return ((Fl_Browser*)o)->size();}
+//linline int fl_get_browser_screenlines(Fl_Widget*);
+inline void fl_set_browser_topline(Fl_Widget* o, int n) {
+    ((Fl_Browser*)o)->topline(n);}
+inline void fl_set_browser_fontsize(Fl_Widget* o, int s) {
+    ((Fl_Browser*)o)->textsize(s);}
+inline void fl_set_browser_fontstyle(Fl_Widget* o, Fl_Font s) {
+    ((Fl_Browser*)o)->textfont(s);}
+inline void fl_set_browser_specialkey(Fl_Widget* o, char c) {
+    ((Fl_Browser*)o)->format_char(c);}
+//inline void fl_set_browser_vscrollbar(Fl_Widget*, int);
+//inline void fl_set_browser_hscrollbar(Fl_Widget*, int);
+//inline void fl_set_browser_leftslider(Fl_Widget*, int);
+//#define fl_set_browser_leftscrollbar fl_set_browser_leftslider
+//inline void fl_set_browser_line_selectable(Fl_Widget*, int, int);
+//inline void fl_get_browser_dimension(Fl_Widget*,int*,int*,int*,int*);
+//inline void fl_set_browser_dblclick_callback(Fl_Widget*,FL_CALLBACKPTR,long);
+//inline void fl_set_browser_xoffset(Fl_Widget*, FL_Coord);
+//inline void fl_set_browser_scrollbarsize(Fl_Widget*, int, int);
+inline void fl_setdisplayed_browser_line(Fl_Widget* o, int n, int i) {
+    ((Fl_Browser*)o)->display(n,i);}
+inline int fl_isdisplayed_browser_line(Fl_Widget* o, int n) {
+    return ((Fl_Browser*)o)->displayed(n);}
+#include "Fl_Button.H"
+#define FL_TOUCH_BUTTON		4
+#define FL_INOUT_BUTTON		5
+#define FL_MENU_BUTTON		9
+FL_EXPORT Fl_Button* fl_add_button(uchar t,int x,int y,int w,int h,const char* l);
+inline int fl_get_button(Fl_Widget* b) {return ((Fl_Button*)b)->value();}
+inline void fl_set_button(Fl_Widget* b, int v) {((Fl_Button*)b)->value(v);}
+inline int fl_get_button_numb(Fl_Widget*) {return Fl::event_button();}
+inline void fl_set_button_shortcut(Fl_Widget* b, const char* s,int=0) {
+    ((Fl_Button*)b)->shortcut(s);}
+//#define fl_set_object_shortcut(b,s) fl_set_button_shortcut(b,s)
+#include "Fl_Light_Button.H"
+forms_constructor(Fl_Light_Button, fl_add_lightbutton)
+#include "Fl_Round_Button.H"
+forms_constructor(Fl_Round_Button, fl_add_roundbutton)
+forms_constructor(Fl_Round_Button, fl_add_round3dbutton)
+#include "Fl_Check_Button.H"
+forms_constructor(Fl_Check_Button, fl_add_checkbutton)
+inline Fl_Widget* fl_add_bitmapbutton(int t,int x,int y,int w,int h,const char* l) {Fl_Widget* o = fl_add_button(t,x,y,w,h,l); return o;}
+inline void fl_set_bitmapbutton_data(Fl_Widget* o,int a,int b,uchar* c) {
+  (new Fl_Bitmap(c,a,b))->label(o);}  // does not delete old Fl_Bitmap!
+inline Fl_Widget* fl_add_pixmapbutton(int t,int x,int y,int w,int h,const char* l) {Fl_Widget* o = fl_add_button(t,x,y,w,h,l); return o;}
+inline void fl_set_pixmapbutton_data(Fl_Widget* o, const char*const* c) {
+  (new Fl_Pixmap(c))->label(o);}  // does not delete old Fl_Pixmap!
+// Fl_Canvas object not yet implemented!
+#include "Fl_Chart.H"
+forms_constructor(Fl_Chart, fl_add_chart)
+inline void fl_clear_chart(Fl_Widget* o) {
+  ((Fl_Chart*)o)->clear();}
+inline void fl_add_chart_value(Fl_Widget* o,double v,const char* s,uchar c){
+  ((Fl_Chart*)o)->add(v,s,c);}
+inline void fl_insert_chart_value(Fl_Widget* o, int i, double v, const char* s, uchar c) {
+  ((Fl_Chart*)o)->insert(i,v,s,c);}
+inline void fl_replace_chart_value(Fl_Widget* o, int i, double v, const char* s, uchar c) {
+  ((Fl_Chart*)o)->replace(i,v,s,c);}
+inline void fl_set_chart_bounds(Fl_Widget* o, double a, double b) {
+  ((Fl_Chart*)o)->bounds(a,b);}
+inline void fl_set_chart_maxnumb(Fl_Widget* o, int v) {
+  ((Fl_Chart*)o)->maxsize(v);}
+inline void fl_set_chart_autosize(Fl_Widget* o, int v) {
+  ((Fl_Chart*)o)->autosize(v);}
+inline void fl_set_chart_lstyle(Fl_Widget* o, Fl_Font v) {
+  ((Fl_Chart*)o)->textfont(v);}
+inline void fl_set_chart_lsize(Fl_Widget* o, int v) {
+  ((Fl_Chart*)o)->textsize(v);}
+inline void fl_set_chart_lcolor(Fl_Widget* o, Fl_Color v) {
+  ((Fl_Chart*)o)->textcolor(v);}
+#define fl_set_chart_lcol   fl_set_chart_lcolor
+#include "Fl_Choice.H"
+#define FL_NORMAL_CHOICE2	0
+forms_constructor(Fl_Choice, fl_add_choice)
+inline void fl_clear_choice(Fl_Widget* o) {
+    ((Fl_Choice*)o)->clear();}
+inline void fl_addto_choice(Fl_Widget* o, const char* s) {
+    ((Fl_Choice*)o)->add(s);}
+inline void fl_replace_choice(Fl_Widget* o, int i, const char* s) {
+    ((Fl_Choice*)o)->replace(i-1,s);}
+inline void fl_delete_choice(Fl_Widget* o, int i) {
+    ((Fl_Choice*)o)->remove(i-1);}
+inline void fl_set_choice(Fl_Widget* o, int i) {
+    ((Fl_Choice*)o)->value(i-1);}
+// inline void fl_set_choice_text(Fl_Widget*, const char*);
+inline int fl_get_choice(Fl_Widget* o) {
+    return ((Fl_Choice*)o)->value()+1;}
+// inline const char* fl_get_choice_item_text(Fl_Widget*, int);
+// inline int fl_get_choice_maxitems(Fl_Widget*);
+inline const char* fl_get_choice_text(Fl_Widget* o) {
+    return ((Fl_Choice*)o)->text();}
+inline void fl_set_choice_fontsize(Fl_Widget* o, int x) {
+    ((Fl_Choice*)o)->textsize(x);}
+inline void fl_set_choice_fontstyle(Fl_Widget* o, Fl_Font x) {
+    ((Fl_Choice*)o)->textfont(x);}
+// inline void fl_set_choice_item_mode(Fl_Widget*, int, unsigned);
+// inline void fl_set_choice_item_shortcut(Fl_Widget*, int, const char*);
+#include "Fl_Clock.H"
+forms_constructort(Fl_Clock, fl_add_clock)
+inline void fl_get_clock(Fl_Widget* o, int* h, int* m, int* s) {
+    *h = ((Fl_Clock*)o)->hour();
+    *m = ((Fl_Clock*)o)->minute();
+    *s = ((Fl_Clock*)o)->second();
+#include "Fl_Counter.H"
+forms_constructor(Fl_Counter, fl_add_counter)
+inline void fl_set_counter_value(Fl_Widget* o, double v) {
+    ((Fl_Counter*)o)->value(v);}
+inline void fl_set_counter_bounds(Fl_Widget* o, double a, double b) {
+    ((Fl_Counter*)o)->bounds(a,b);}
+inline void fl_set_counter_step(Fl_Widget* o, double a, double b) {
+    ((Fl_Counter*)o)->step(a,b);}
+inline void fl_set_counter_precision(Fl_Widget* o, int v) {
+    ((Fl_Counter*)o)->precision(v);}
+inline void fl_set_counter_return(Fl_Widget* o, int v) {
+    ((Fl_Counter*)o)->when((Fl_When)(v|FL_WHEN_RELEASE));}
+inline double fl_get_counter_value(Fl_Widget* o) {
+    return ((Fl_Counter*)o)->value();}
+inline void fl_get_counter_bounds(Fl_Widget* o, float* a, float* b) {
+  *a = float(((Fl_Counter*)o)->minimum());
+  *b = float(((Fl_Counter*)o)->maximum());
+//inline void fl_set_counter_filter(Fl_Widget*,const char* (*)(Fl_Widget*,double,int));
+// Cursor stuff cannot be emulated because it uses X stuff
+inline void fl_set_cursor(Fl_Window* w, Fl_Cursor c) {w->cursor(c);}
+#include "Fl_Dial.H"
+#define FL_DIAL_COL2 37
+forms_constructor(Fl_Dial, fl_add_dial)
+inline void fl_set_dial_value(Fl_Widget* o, double v) {
+  ((Fl_Dial*)o)->value(v);}
+inline double fl_get_dial_value(Fl_Widget* o) {
+  return ((Fl_Dial*)o)->value();}
+inline void fl_set_dial_bounds(Fl_Widget* o, double a, double b) {
+  ((Fl_Dial*)o)->bounds(a, b);}
+inline void fl_get_dial_bounds(Fl_Widget* o, float* a, float* b) {
+  *a = float(((Fl_Dial*)o)->minimum());
+  *b = float(((Fl_Dial*)o)->maximum());
+inline void fl_set_dial_return(Fl_Widget* o, int i) {
+  ((Fl_Dial*)o)->when((Fl_When)(i|FL_WHEN_RELEASE));}
+inline void fl_set_dial_angles(Fl_Widget* o, int a, int b) {
+  ((Fl_Dial*)o)->angles((short)a, (short)b);}
+//inline void fl_set_dial_cross(Fl_Widget* o, int);
+// inline void fl_set_dial_direction(Fl_Widget* o, uchar d) {
+//   ((Fl_Dial*)o)->direction(d);}
+inline void fl_set_dial_step(Fl_Widget* o, double v) {
+  ((Fl_Dial*)o)->step(v);}
+// Frames:
+inline Fl_Widget* fl_add_frame(Fl_Boxtype i,int x,int y,int w,int h,const char* l) {
+  return fl_add_box(i,x-3,y-3,w+6,h+6,l);}
+// labelframe nyi
+inline Fl_Widget* fl_add_labelframe(Fl_Boxtype i,int x,int y,int w,int h,const char* l) {
+  Fl_Widget* o = fl_add_box(i,x-3,y-3,w+6,h+6,l);
+  o->align(FL_ALIGN_TOP_LEFT);
+  return o;
+#include "Fl_Free.H"
+inline Fl_Free*
+fl_add_free(int t,double x,double y,double w,double h,const char* l,
+	    FL_HANDLEPTR hdl) {
+ return (Fl_Free*)(fl_add_new(
+   new Fl_Free(t,int(x),int(y),int(w),int(h),l,hdl)));
+#include "fl_ask.H"
+#include "fl_show_colormap.H"
+inline int fl_show_question(const char* c, int = 0) {return fl_choice("%s",fl_no,fl_yes,0L,c);}
+FL_EXPORT void fl_show_message(const char *,const char *,const char *);
+FL_EXPORT void fl_show_alert(const char *,const char *,const char *,int=0);
+FL_EXPORT int fl_show_question(const char *,const char *,const char *);
+inline const char *fl_show_input(const char *l,const char*d=0) {return fl_input("%s",d,l);}
+FL_EXPORT /*const*/ char *fl_show_simple_input(const char *label, const char *deflt = 0);
+FL_EXPORT int fl_show_choice(
+    const char *m1,
+    const char *m2,
+    const char *m3,
+    int numb,
+    const char *b0,
+    const char *b1,
+    const char *b2);
+inline void fl_set_goodies_font(Fl_Font a, Fl_Fontsize b) {fl_message_font(a,b);}
+#define fl_show_messages fl_message
+inline int fl_show_choices(const char* c,int n,const char* b1,const char* b2,
+			   const char* b3, int) {
+  return fl_show_choice(0,c,0,n,b1,b2,b3);
+#include "filename.H"
+#include "Fl_File_Chooser.H"
+inline int do_matching(char* a, const char* b) {return fl_filename_match(a,b);}
+// Forms-compatible file chooser (implementation in fselect.C):
+FL_EXPORT char* fl_show_file_selector(const char* message,const char* dir,
+			    const char* pat,const char* fname);
+FL_EXPORT char*	fl_get_directory();
+FL_EXPORT char*	fl_get_pattern();
+FL_EXPORT char*	fl_get_filename();
+#include "Fl_Input.H"
+forms_constructor(Fl_Input, fl_add_input)
+inline void fl_set_input(Fl_Widget* o, const char* v) {
+    ((Fl_Input*)o)->value(v);}
+inline void fl_set_input_return(Fl_Widget* o, int x) {
+    ((Fl_Input*)o)->when((Fl_When)(x | FL_WHEN_RELEASE));}
+inline void fl_set_input_color(Fl_Widget* o, Fl_Color a, Fl_Color b) {
+    ((Fl_Input*)o)->textcolor(a);
+    ((Fl_Input*)o)->cursor_color(b);
+// inline void fl_set_input_scroll(Fl_Widget*, int);
+inline void fl_set_input_cursorpos(Fl_Widget* o, int x, int /*y*/) {
+  ((Fl_Input*)o)->position(x);}
+// inline void fl_set_input_selected(Fl_Widget*, int);
+// inline void fl_set_input_selected_range(Fl_Widget*, int, int);
+// inline void fl_set_input_maxchars(Fl_Widget*, int);
+// inline void fl_set_input_format(Fl_Widget*, int, int);
+// inline void fl_set_input_hscrollbar(Fl_Widget*, int);
+// inline void fl_set_input_vscrollbar(Fl_Widget*, int);
+// inline void fl_set_input_xoffset(Fl_Widget*, int);
+// inline void fl_set_input_topline(Fl_Widget*, int);
+// inline void fl_set_input_scrollbarsize(Fl_Widget*, int, int);
+// inline int fl_get_input_topline(Fl_Widget*);
+// inline int fl_get_input_screenlines(Fl_Widget*);
+inline int fl_get_input_cursorpos(Fl_Widget* o, int*x, int*y) {
+  *x = ((Fl_Input*)o)->position(); *y = 0; return *x;}
+// inline int fl_get_input_numberoflines(Fl_Widget*);
+// inline void fl_get_input_format(Fl_Widget*, int*, int*);
+inline const char* fl_get_input(Fl_Widget* o) {return ((Fl_Input*)o)->value();}
+#include "Fl_Menu_Button.H"
+// types are not implemented, they all act like FL_PUSH_MENU:
+#define FL_TOUCH_MENU		0
+#define FL_PUSH_MENU		1
+forms_constructor(Fl_Menu_Button, fl_add_menu)
+inline void fl_clear_menu(Fl_Widget* o) {
+    ((Fl_Menu_Button*)o)->clear();}
+inline void fl_set_menu(Fl_Widget* o, const char* s) {
+    ((Fl_Menu_Button*)o)->clear(); ((Fl_Menu_Button*)o)->add(s);}
+inline void fl_addto_menu(Fl_Widget* o, const char* s) {
+    ((Fl_Menu_Button*)o)->add(s);}
+inline void fl_replace_menu_item(Fl_Widget* o, int i, const char* s) {
+    ((Fl_Menu_Button*)o)->replace(i-1,s);}
+inline void fl_delete_menu_item(Fl_Widget* o, int i) {
+    ((Fl_Menu_Button*)o)->remove(i-1);}
+inline void fl_set_menu_item_shortcut(Fl_Widget* o, int i, const char* s) {
+    ((Fl_Menu_Button*)o)->shortcut(i-1,fl_old_shortcut(s));}
+inline void fl_set_menu_item_mode(Fl_Widget* o, int i, long x) {
+    ((Fl_Menu_Button*)o)->mode(i-1,x);}
+inline void fl_show_menu_symbol(Fl_Widget*, int ) {
+/*    ((Fl_Menu_Button*)o)->show_menu_symbol(i); */}
+// inline void fl_set_menu_popup(Fl_Widget*, int);
+inline int fl_get_menu(Fl_Widget* o) {
+    return ((Fl_Menu_Button*)o)->value()+1;}
+inline const char* fl_get_menu_item_text(Fl_Widget* o, int i) {
+    return ((Fl_Menu_Button*)o)->text(i);}
+inline int fl_get_menu_maxitems(Fl_Widget* o) {
+    return ((Fl_Menu_Button*)o)->size();}
+inline int fl_get_menu_item_mode(Fl_Widget* o, int i) {
+    return ((Fl_Menu_Button*)o)->mode(i);}
+inline const char* fl_get_menu_text(Fl_Widget* o) {
+    return ((Fl_Menu_Button*)o)->text();}
+#include "Fl_Positioner.H"
+forms_constructor(Fl_Positioner, fl_add_positioner)
+inline void fl_set_positioner_xvalue(Fl_Widget* o, double v) {
+    ((Fl_Positioner*)o)->xvalue(v);}
+inline double fl_get_positioner_xvalue(Fl_Widget* o) {
+    return ((Fl_Positioner*)o)->xvalue();}
+inline void fl_set_positioner_xbounds(Fl_Widget* o, double a, double b) {
+    ((Fl_Positioner*)o)->xbounds(a,b);}
+inline void fl_get_positioner_xbounds(Fl_Widget* o, float* a, float* b) {
+  *a = float(((Fl_Positioner*)o)->xminimum());
+  *b = float(((Fl_Positioner*)o)->xmaximum());
+inline void fl_set_positioner_yvalue(Fl_Widget* o, double v) {
+    ((Fl_Positioner*)o)->yvalue(v);}
+inline double fl_get_positioner_yvalue(Fl_Widget* o) {
+    return ((Fl_Positioner*)o)->yvalue();}
+inline void fl_set_positioner_ybounds(Fl_Widget* o, double a, double b) {
+    ((Fl_Positioner*)o)->ybounds(a,b);}
+inline void fl_get_positioner_ybounds(Fl_Widget* o, float* a, float* b) {
+  *a = float(((Fl_Positioner*)o)->yminimum());
+  *b = float(((Fl_Positioner*)o)->ymaximum());
+inline void fl_set_positioner_xstep(Fl_Widget* o, double v) {
+    ((Fl_Positioner*)o)->xstep(v);}
+inline void fl_set_positioner_ystep(Fl_Widget* o, double v) {
+    ((Fl_Positioner*)o)->ystep(v);}
+inline void fl_set_positioner_return(Fl_Widget* o, int v) {
+    ((Fl_Positioner*)o)->when((Fl_When)(v|FL_WHEN_RELEASE));}
+#include "Fl_Slider.H"
+forms_constructort(Fl_Slider, fl_add_slider)
+inline void fl_set_slider_value(Fl_Widget* o, double v) {
+    ((Fl_Slider*)o)->value(v);}
+inline double fl_get_slider_value(Fl_Widget* o) {
+    return ((Fl_Slider*)o)->value();}
+inline void fl_set_slider_bounds(Fl_Widget* o, double a, double b) {
+    ((Fl_Slider*)o)->bounds(a, b);}
+inline void fl_get_slider_bounds(Fl_Widget* o, float* a, float* b) {
+  *a = float(((Fl_Slider*)o)->minimum());
+  *b = float(((Fl_Slider*)o)->maximum());
+inline void fl_set_slider_return(Fl_Widget* o, int i) {
+    ((Fl_Slider*)o)->when((Fl_When)(i|FL_WHEN_RELEASE));}
+inline void fl_set_slider_step(Fl_Widget* o, double v) {
+    ((Fl_Slider*)o)->step(v);}
+// inline void fl_set_slider_increment(Fl_Widget* o, double v, double);
+inline void fl_set_slider_size(Fl_Widget* o, double v) {
+    ((Fl_Slider*)o)->slider_size(v);}
+#include "Fl_Value_Slider.H"
+forms_constructor(Fl_Value_Slider, fl_add_valslider)
+inline void fl_set_slider_precision(Fl_Widget* o, int i) {
+    ((Fl_Value_Slider*)o)->precision(i);}
+// filter function!
+// The forms text object was the same as an Fl_Box except it inverted the
+// meaning of FL_ALIGN_INSIDE.  Implementation in forms.cxx
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_FormsText : public Fl_Widget {
+    void draw();
+    Fl_FormsText(Fl_Boxtype b, int X, int Y, int W, int H, const char* l=0)
+	: Fl_Widget(X,Y,W,H,l) {box(b); align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT);}
+forms_constructorb(Fl_FormsText, fl_add_text)
+#include "Fl_Timer.H"
+forms_constructort(Fl_Timer, fl_add_timer)
+inline void fl_set_timer(Fl_Widget* o, double v) {((Fl_Timer*)o)->value(v);}
+inline double fl_get_timer(Fl_Widget* o) {return ((Fl_Timer*)o)->value();}
+inline void fl_suspend_timer(Fl_Widget* o) {((Fl_Timer*)o)->suspended(1);}
+inline void fl_resume_timer(Fl_Widget* o) {((Fl_Timer*)o)->suspended(0);}
+inline void fl_set_timer_countup(Fl_Widget* o,char d) {((Fl_Timer*)o)->direction(d);}
+void FL_EXPORT fl_gettime(long* sec, long* usec);
+// Fl_XYPlot nyi
+// stuff from DDForms:
+inline int fl_double_click() {return Fl::event_clicks();}
+inline void fl_draw() {Fl::flush();}
+#endif	/* define __FORMS_H__ */
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/gl.h
@@ -1,0 +1,103 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// OpenGL header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2011 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// You must include this instead of GL/gl.h to get the Microsoft
+// APIENTRY stuff included (from <windows.h>) prior to the OpenGL
+// header files.
+// This file also provides "missing" OpenGL functions, and
+// gl_start() and gl_finish() to allow OpenGL to be used in any window
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+/** \file gl.h
+ *  This file defines wrapper functions for OpenGL in FLTK
+ *
+ *  To use OpenGL from within an FLTK application you MUST use gl_visual()
+ *  to select the default visual before doing show() on any windows. Mesa
+ *  will crash if yoy try to use a visual not returned by glxChooseVidual.
+ *
+ *  This does not work with Fl_Double_Window's!  It will try to draw
+ *  into the front buffer.  Depending on the system this will either
+ *  crash or do nothing (when pixmaps are being used as back buffer
+ *  and GL is being done by hardware), work correctly (when GL is done
+ *  with software, such as Mesa), or draw into the front buffer and
+ *  be erased when the buffers are swapped (when double buffer hardware
+ *  is being used)
+ */
+#ifndef FL_gl_H
+#  define FL_gl_H
+#  include "Enumerations.H" // for color names
+#  ifdef WIN32
+#    include <windows.h>
+#  endif
+#  ifndef APIENTRY
+#    if defined(__CYGWIN__)
+#      define APIENTRY __attribute__ ((__stdcall__))
+#    else
+#      define APIENTRY
+#    endif
+#  endif
+#  ifdef __APPLE__
+#    include <OpenGL/gl.h>
+#  else
+#    include <GL/gl.h>
+#  endif  // __APPLE__
+FL_EXPORT void gl_start();
+FL_EXPORT void gl_finish();
+FL_EXPORT void gl_color(Fl_Color i);
+/** back compatibility */
+inline void gl_color(int c) {gl_color((Fl_Color)c);}
+FL_EXPORT void gl_rect(int x,int y,int w,int h);
+  Fills the given rectangle with the current color.
+  \see gl_rect(int x, int y, int w, int h)
+  */
+inline void gl_rectf(int x,int y,int w,int h) {glRecti(x,y,x+w,y+h);}
+FL_EXPORT void gl_font(int fontid, int size);
+FL_EXPORT int  gl_height();
+FL_EXPORT int  gl_descent();
+FL_EXPORT double gl_width(const char *);
+FL_EXPORT double gl_width(const char *, int n);
+FL_EXPORT double gl_width(uchar);
+FL_EXPORT void gl_draw(const char*);
+FL_EXPORT void gl_draw(const char*, int n);
+FL_EXPORT void gl_draw(const char*, int x, int y);
+FL_EXPORT void gl_draw(const char*, float x, float y);
+FL_EXPORT void gl_draw(const char*, int n, int x, int y);
+FL_EXPORT void gl_draw(const char*, int n, float x, float y);
+FL_EXPORT void gl_draw(const char*, int x, int y, int w, int h, Fl_Align);
+FL_EXPORT void gl_measure(const char*, int& x, int& y);
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+extern FL_EXPORT void gl_texture_pile_height(int max);
+extern FL_EXPORT int gl_texture_pile_height();
+FL_EXPORT void gl_draw_image(const uchar *, int x,int y,int w,int h, int d=3, int ld=0);
+#endif // !FL_gl_H
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/gl2opengl.h
@@ -1,0 +1,35 @@
+/*	gl.h
+	GL to OpenGL translator.
+	If you include this, you might be able to port old GL programs.
+	There are also much better emulators available on the net.
+#include <FL/gl.h>
+#include "gl_draw.H"
+inline void clear() {glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT|GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT);}
+#define RGBcolor(r,g,b) glColor3ub(r,g,b)
+#define bgnline() glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP)
+#define bgnpolygon() glBegin(GL_POLYGON)
+#define bgnclosedline() glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP)
+#define endline() glEnd()
+#define endpolygon() glEnd()
+#define endclosedline() glEnd()
+#define v2f(v) glVertex2fv(v)
+#define v2s(v) glVertex2sv(v)
+#define cmov(x,y,z) glRasterPos3f(x,y,z)
+#define charstr(s) gl_draw(s)
+#define fmprstr(s) gl_draw(s)
+typedef float Matrix[4][4];
+inline void pushmatrix() {glPushMatrix();}
+inline void popmatrix() {glPopMatrix();}
+inline void multmatrix(Matrix m) {glMultMatrixf((float *)m);}
+inline void color(int n) {glIndexi(n);}
+inline void rect(int x,int y,int r,int t) {gl_rect(x,y,r-x,t-y);}
+inline void rectf(int x,int y,int r,int t) {glRectf(x,y,r+1,t+1);}
+inline void recti(int x,int y,int r,int t) {gl_rect(x,y,r-x,t-y);}
+inline void rectfi(int x,int y,int r,int t) {glRecti(x,y,r+1,t+1);}
+inline void rects(int x,int y,int r,int t) {gl_rect(x,y,r-x,t-y);}
+inline void rectfs(int x,int y,int r,int t) {glRects(x,y,r+1,t+1);}
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/gl_draw.H
@@ -1,0 +1,26 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// OpenGL header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+#include "gl.h"
+extern FL_EXPORT void gl_remove_displaylist_fonts();
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/glu.h
@@ -1,0 +1,51 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// GLu header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// You must include this instead of GL/gl.h to get the Microsoft
+// APIENTRY stuff included (from <windows.h>) prior to the OpenGL
+// header files.
+// This file also provides "missing" OpenGL functions, and
+// gl_start() and gl_finish() to allow OpenGL to be used in any window
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+#ifndef FL_glu_H
+#  define FL_glu_H
+#  include "Enumerations.H" // for color names
+#  ifdef WIN32
+#    include <windows.h>
+#  endif
+#  ifndef APIENTRY
+#    if defined(__CYGWIN__)
+#      define APIENTRY __attribute__ ((__stdcall__))
+#    else
+#      define APIENTRY
+#    endif
+#  endif
+#  ifdef __APPLE__
+#    include <OpenGL/glu.h>
+#  else
+#    include <GL/glu.h>
+#  endif
+#endif // !FL_glu_H
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/glut.H
@@ -1,0 +1,481 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// GLUT emulation header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2015 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+// Emulation of GLUT using fltk.
+// GLUT is Copyright (c) Mark J. Kilgard, 1994, 1995, 1996:
+// "This program is freely distributable without licensing fees  and is
+// provided without guarantee or warrantee expressed or  implied. This
+// program is -not- in the public domain."
+// Although I have copied the GLUT API, none of my code is based on
+// any GLUT implementation details and is therefore covered by the LGPL.
+// Commented out lines indicate parts of GLUT that are not emulated.
+#ifndef Fl_glut_H
+#  define Fl_glut_H
+#  include "gl.h"
+#  include "Fl.H"
+#  include "Fl_Gl_Window.H"
+  GLUT is emulated using this window class and these static variables
+  (plus several more static variables hidden in glut_compatability.cxx):
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_Glut_Window : public Fl_Gl_Window {
+  void _init();
+  int mouse_down;
+  void draw();
+  void draw_overlay();
+  int handle(int);
+public: // so the inline functions work
+  int number;
+  int menu[3];
+  void make_current();
+  void (*display)();
+  void (*overlaydisplay)();
+  void (*reshape)(int w, int h);
+  void (*keyboard)(uchar, int x, int y);
+  void (*mouse)(int b, int state, int x, int y);
+  void (*motion)(int x, int y);
+  void (*passivemotion)(int x, int y);
+  void (*entry)(int);
+  void (*visibility)(int);
+  void (*special)(int, int x, int y);
+  Fl_Glut_Window(int w, int h, const char *);
+  Fl_Glut_Window(int x, int y, int w, int h, const char *);
+  ~Fl_Glut_Window();
+extern FL_EXPORT Fl_Glut_Window *glut_window;	// the current window
+extern FL_EXPORT int glut_menu;			// the current menu
+// function pointers that are not per-window:
+extern FL_EXPORT void (*glut_idle_function)();
+extern FL_EXPORT void (*glut_menustate_function)(int);
+extern FL_EXPORT void (*glut_menustatus_function)(int,int,int);
+//#  define GLUT_API_VERSION This does not match any version of GLUT exactly...
+FL_EXPORT void glutInit(int *argcp, char **argv); // creates first window
+FL_EXPORT void glutInitDisplayMode(unsigned int mode);
+// the FL_ symbols have the same value as the GLUT ones:
+#  define GLUT_RGB	FL_RGB
+#  define GLUT_RGBA	FL_RGB
+// #  define GLUT_LUMINANCE		512
+FL_EXPORT void glutInitWindowPosition(int x, int y);
+FL_EXPORT void glutInitWindowSize(int w, int h);
+FL_EXPORT void glutMainLoop();
+FL_EXPORT int glutCreateWindow(char *title);
+FL_EXPORT int glutCreateWindow(const char *title);
+FL_EXPORT int glutCreateSubWindow(int win, int x, int y, int width, int height);
+FL_EXPORT void glutDestroyWindow(int win);
+inline void glutPostRedisplay() {glut_window->redraw();}
+FL_EXPORT void glutPostWindowRedisplay(int win);
+FL_EXPORT void glutSwapBuffers();
+inline int glutGetWindow() {return glut_window->number;}
+FL_EXPORT void glutSetWindow(int win);
+inline void glutSetWindowTitle(char *t) {glut_window->label(t);}
+inline void glutSetIconTitle(char *t) {glut_window->iconlabel(t);}
+inline void glutPositionWindow(int x, int y) {glut_window->position(x,y);}
+inline void glutReshapeWindow(int w, int h) {glut_window->size(w,h);}
+inline void glutPopWindow() {glut_window->show();}
+inline void glutPushWindow() { /* do nothing */ }
+inline void glutIconifyWindow() {glut_window->iconize();}
+inline void glutShowWindow() {glut_window->show();}
+inline void glutHideWindow() {glut_window->hide();}
+inline void glutFullScreen() {glut_window->fullscreen();}
+inline void glutSetCursor(Fl_Cursor cursor) {glut_window->cursor(cursor);}
+// notice that the numeric values are different than glut:
+#  define GLUT_CURSOR_RIGHT_ARROW		((Fl_Cursor)2)
+#  define GLUT_CURSOR_LEFT_ARROW		((Fl_Cursor)67)
+#  define GLUT_CURSOR_DESTROY			((Fl_Cursor)45)
+#  define GLUT_CURSOR_CYCLE			((Fl_Cursor)26)
+#  define GLUT_CURSOR_SPRAY			((Fl_Cursor)63)
+inline void glutWarpPointer(int, int) { /* do nothing */ }
+inline void glutEstablishOverlay() {glut_window->make_overlay_current();}
+inline void glutRemoveOverlay() {glut_window->hide_overlay();}
+inline void glutUseLayer(GLenum layer) {
+  layer ? glut_window->make_overlay_current() : glut_window->make_current();}
+inline void glutPostOverlayRedisplay() {glut_window->redraw_overlay();}
+inline void glutShowOverlay() {glut_window->redraw_overlay();}
+inline void glutHideOverlay() {glut_window->hide_overlay();}
+FL_EXPORT int glutCreateMenu(void (*)(int));
+FL_EXPORT void glutDestroyMenu(int menu);
+inline int glutGetMenu() {return glut_menu;}
+inline void glutSetMenu(int m) {glut_menu = m;}
+FL_EXPORT void glutAddMenuEntry(char *label, int value);
+FL_EXPORT void glutAddSubMenu(char *label, int submenu);
+FL_EXPORT void glutChangeToMenuEntry(int item, char *labela, int value);
+FL_EXPORT void glutChangeToSubMenu(int item, char *label, int submenu);
+FL_EXPORT void glutRemoveMenuItem(int item);
+inline void glutAttachMenu(int b) {glut_window->menu[b] = glut_menu;}
+inline void glutDetachMenu(int b) {glut_window->menu[b] = 0;}
+inline void glutDisplayFunc(void (*f)()) {glut_window->display = f;}
+inline void glutReshapeFunc(void (*f)(int w, int h)) {glut_window->reshape=f;}
+inline void glutKeyboardFunc(void (*f)(uchar key, int x, int y)) {
+  glut_window->keyboard = f;}
+inline void glutMouseFunc(void (*f)(int b, int state, int x, int y)) {
+  glut_window->mouse = f;}
+#  define GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON		0
+#  define GLUT_MIDDLE_BUTTON		1
+#  define GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON		2
+#  define GLUT_DOWN			0
+#  define GLUT_UP			1
+inline void glutMotionFunc(void (*f)(int x, int y)) {glut_window->motion= f;}
+inline void glutPassiveMotionFunc(void (*f)(int x, int y)) {
+  glut_window->passivemotion= f;}
+inline void glutEntryFunc(void (*f)(int s)) {glut_window->entry = f;}
+inline void glutVisibilityFunc(void (*f)(int s)) {glut_window->visibility=f;}
+FL_EXPORT void glutIdleFunc(void (*f)());
+inline void glutTimerFunc(unsigned int msec, void (*f)(int), int value) {
+  Fl::add_timeout(msec*.001, (void (*)(void *))f, (void *)(fl_intptr_t)value);
+inline void glutMenuStateFunc(void (*f)(int state)) {
+  glut_menustate_function = f;}
+inline void glutMenuStatusFunc(void (*f)(int status, int x, int y)) {
+  glut_menustatus_function = f;}
+inline void glutSpecialFunc(void (*f)(int key, int x, int y)) {
+  glut_window->special = f;}
+#  define GLUT_KEY_F1			1
+#  define GLUT_KEY_F2			2
+#  define GLUT_KEY_F3			3
+#  define GLUT_KEY_F4			4
+#  define GLUT_KEY_F5			5
+#  define GLUT_KEY_F6			6
+#  define GLUT_KEY_F7			7
+#  define GLUT_KEY_F8			8
+#  define GLUT_KEY_F9			9
+#  define GLUT_KEY_F10			10
+#  define GLUT_KEY_F11			11
+#  define GLUT_KEY_F12			12
+// WARNING: Different values than GLUT uses:
+#  define GLUT_KEY_LEFT			FL_Left
+#  define GLUT_KEY_UP			FL_Up
+#  define GLUT_KEY_RIGHT		FL_Right
+#  define GLUT_KEY_DOWN			FL_Down
+#  define GLUT_KEY_PAGE_UP		FL_Page_Up
+#  define GLUT_KEY_PAGE_DOWN		FL_Page_Down
+#  define GLUT_KEY_HOME			FL_Home
+#  define GLUT_KEY_END			FL_End
+#  define GLUT_KEY_INSERT		FL_Insert
+//inline void glutSpaceballMotionFunc(void (*)(int x, int y, int z));
+//inline void glutSpaceballRotateFunc(void (*)(int x, int y, int z));
+//inline void glutSpaceballButtonFunc(void (*)(int button, int state));
+//inline void glutButtonBoxFunc(void (*)(int button, int state));
+//inline void glutDialsFunc(void (*)(int dial, int value));
+//inline void glutTabletMotionFunc(void (*)(int x, int y));
+//inline void glutTabletButtonFunc(void (*)(int button, int state, int x, int y));
+inline void glutOverlayDisplayFunc(void (*f)()) {
+  glut_window->overlaydisplay = f;}
+//inline void glutWindowStatusFunc(void (*)(int state));
+//inline void glutSetColor(int, GLfloat red, GLfloat green, GLfloat blue);
+//inline GLfloat glutGetColor(int ndx, int component);
+//#define GLUT_RED			0
+//#define GLUT_GREEN			1
+//#define GLUT_BLUE			2
+//inline void glutCopyColormap(int win);
+// Warning: values are changed from GLUT!
+// Also relies on the GL_ symbols having values greater than 100
+FL_EXPORT int glutGet(GLenum type);
+enum {
+#  else
+#  endif
+#  define GLUT_HAS_KEYBOARD		600
+#  define GLUT_HAS_MOUSE		601
+#  define GLUT_HAS_SPACEBALL		602
+#  define GLUT_HAS_TABLET		604
+#  define GLUT_NUM_DIALS		608
+FL_EXPORT int glutDeviceGet(GLenum type);
+// WARNING: these values are different than GLUT uses:
+#  define GLUT_ACTIVE_SHIFT               FL_SHIFT
+#  define GLUT_ACTIVE_CTRL                FL_CTRL
+#  define GLUT_ACTIVE_ALT                 FL_ALT
+inline int glutGetModifiers() {return Fl::event_state() & (GLUT_ACTIVE_SHIFT | GLUT_ACTIVE_CTRL | GLUT_ACTIVE_ALT);}
+FL_EXPORT int glutLayerGet(GLenum);
+//#define GLUT_LAYER_IN_USE		801
+//#define GLUT_HAS_OVERLAY		802
+#  define GLUT_NORMAL_DAMAGED		804
+#  define GLUT_OVERLAY_DAMAGED		805
+extern "C" {
+typedef void (*GLUTproc)();
+FL_EXPORT GLUTproc glutGetProcAddress(const char *procName);
+//inline int glutVideoResizeGet(GLenum param);
+//#define GLUT_VIDEO_RESIZE_X		906
+//#define GLUT_VIDEO_RESIZE_Y		907
+//inline void glutSetupVideoResizing();
+//inline void glutStopVideoResizing();
+//inline void glutVideoResize(int x, int y, int width, int height);
+//inline void glutVideoPan(int x, int y, int width, int height);
+// Font argument must be a void* for compatibility, so...
+/** fltk glut font/size attributes used in the glutXXX functions */
+struct Fl_Glut_Bitmap_Font {Fl_Font font; Fl_Fontsize size;};
+extern FL_EXPORT struct Fl_Glut_Bitmap_Font
+  glutBitmap9By15, glutBitmap8By13, glutBitmapTimesRoman10,
+  glutBitmapTimesRoman24, glutBitmapHelvetica10, glutBitmapHelvetica12,
+  glutBitmapHelvetica18;
+#  define GLUT_BITMAP_9_BY_15             (&glutBitmap9By15)
+#  define GLUT_BITMAP_8_BY_13             (&glutBitmap8By13)
+#  define GLUT_BITMAP_TIMES_ROMAN_10      (&glutBitmapTimesRoman10)
+#  define GLUT_BITMAP_TIMES_ROMAN_24      (&glutBitmapTimesRoman24)
+#  define GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_10        (&glutBitmapHelvetica10)
+#  define GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_12        (&glutBitmapHelvetica12)
+#  define GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_18        (&glutBitmapHelvetica18)
+FL_EXPORT void glutBitmapCharacter(void *font, int character);
+FL_EXPORT int glutBitmapHeight(void *font);
+FL_EXPORT int glutBitmapLength(void *font, const unsigned char *string);
+FL_EXPORT void glutBitmapString(void *font, const unsigned char *string);
+FL_EXPORT int glutBitmapWidth(void *font, int character);
+FL_EXPORT int glutExtensionSupported(char *name);
+/* GLUT stroked font sub-API */
+struct Fl_Glut_StrokeVertex {
+  GLfloat X, Y;
+struct Fl_Glut_StrokeStrip {
+  int Number;
+  const Fl_Glut_StrokeVertex* Vertices;
+struct Fl_Glut_StrokeChar {
+  GLfloat Right;
+  int Number;
+  const Fl_Glut_StrokeStrip* Strips;
+struct Fl_Glut_StrokeFont {
+  char* Name;				// The source font name
+  int Quantity;				// Number of chars in font
+  GLfloat Height;			// Height of the characters
+  const Fl_Glut_StrokeChar** Characters;// The characters mapping
+extern FL_EXPORT Fl_Glut_StrokeFont glutStrokeRoman;
+extern FL_EXPORT Fl_Glut_StrokeFont glutStrokeMonoRoman;
+#  define GLUT_STROKE_ROMAN		(&glutStrokeRoman)
+#  define GLUT_STROKE_MONO_ROMAN	(&glutStrokeMonoRoman)
+FL_EXPORT void glutStrokeCharacter(void *font, int character);
+FL_EXPORT GLfloat glutStrokeHeight(void *font);
+FL_EXPORT int glutStrokeLength(void *font, const unsigned char *string);
+FL_EXPORT void glutStrokeString(void *font, const unsigned char *string);
+FL_EXPORT int glutStrokeWidth(void *font, int character);
+/* GLUT pre-built models sub-API */
+FL_EXPORT void glutWireSphere(GLdouble radius, GLint slices, GLint stacks);
+FL_EXPORT void glutSolidSphere(GLdouble radius, GLint slices, GLint stacks);
+FL_EXPORT void glutWireCone(GLdouble base, GLdouble height, GLint slices, GLint stacks);
+FL_EXPORT void glutSolidCone(GLdouble base, GLdouble height, GLint slices, GLint stacks);
+FL_EXPORT void glutWireCube(GLdouble size);
+FL_EXPORT void glutSolidCube(GLdouble size);
+FL_EXPORT void glutWireTorus(GLdouble innerRadius, GLdouble outerRadius, GLint sides, GLint rings);
+FL_EXPORT void glutSolidTorus(GLdouble innerRadius, GLdouble outerRadius, GLint sides, GLint rings);
+FL_EXPORT void glutWireDodecahedron();
+FL_EXPORT void glutSolidDodecahedron();
+FL_EXPORT void glutWireTeapot(GLdouble size);
+FL_EXPORT void glutSolidTeapot(GLdouble size);
+FL_EXPORT void glutWireOctahedron();
+FL_EXPORT void glutSolidOctahedron();
+FL_EXPORT void glutWireTetrahedron();
+FL_EXPORT void glutSolidTetrahedron();
+FL_EXPORT void glutWireIcosahedron();
+FL_EXPORT void glutSolidIcosahedron();
+#endif // !Fl_glut_H
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/mac.H
@@ -1,0 +1,332 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Mac header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2016 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+// Do not directly include this file, instead use <FL/x.H>.  It will
+// include this file if "__APPLE__" is defined.  This is to encourage
+// portability of even the system-specific code...
+#ifndef FL_DOXYGEN
+#if !defined(Fl_X_H)
+#  error "Never use <FL/mac.H> directly; include <FL/x.H> instead."
+#endif // !Fl_X_H
+#ifdef __OBJC__
+@class FLWindow; // a subclass of the NSWindow Cocoa class
+typedef FLWindow *Window;
+typedef class FLWindow *Window; // pointer to the FLWindow objective-c class
+#endif // __OBJC__
+#if !(defined(FL_LIBRARY) || defined(FL_INTERNALS)) // this part is used when compiling an application program
+#  include <FL/Fl_Widget.H>
+typedef struct flCocoaRegion* Fl_Region;
+typedef struct CGContext* CGContextRef;
+typedef struct OpaquePMPrintSettings*   PMPrintSettings;
+typedef struct OpaquePMPageFormat*      PMPageFormat;
+typedef struct OpaquePMPrintSession*    PMPrintSession;
+typedef struct CGImage* CGImageRef;
+typedef struct __CFData* CFMutableDataRef; // used in Fl_Copy_Surface.H
+typedef CGContextRef Fl_Offscreen;
+#else // this part must be compiled when building the FLTK libraries
+// Standard MacOS C/C++ includes...
+#include <ApplicationServices/ApplicationServices.h>
+#undef check // because of Fl::check()
+#ifndef MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_4
+#define MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_4 1040
+#ifndef MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_5
+#define MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_5 1050
+#ifndef MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_6
+#define MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_6 1060
+#ifndef MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_7
+#define MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_7 1070
+#ifndef MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_8
+#define MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_8 1080
+#ifndef MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_9
+#define MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_9 1090
+#ifndef MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_10
+#define MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_10 101000
+#ifndef MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_11
+#define MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_11 101100
+#ifndef MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_12
+#define MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_12 101200
+#ifndef MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_13
+#define MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_13 101300
+#ifndef MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_14
+#define MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_14 101400
+#ifndef NSINTEGER_DEFINED // appears with 10.5 in NSObjCRuntime.h
+#if defined(__LP64__) && __LP64__
+typedef long NSInteger;
+typedef unsigned long NSUInteger;
+typedef int NSInteger;
+typedef unsigned int NSUInteger;
+#ifdef __OBJC__
+@class NSCursor;
+@class NSOpenGLPixelFormat;
+@class NSOpenGLContext;
+class NSCursor;
+class NSOpenGLPixelFormat;
+class NSOpenGLContext;
+#endif // __OBJC__
+typedef CGContextRef Fl_Offscreen;
+typedef CGImageAlphaInfo CGBitmapInfo;
+typedef struct flCocoaRegion {
+  int count;
+  CGRect *rects;
+} *Fl_Region;  // a region is the union of a series of rectangles
+#  include "Fl_Window.H"
+#  include "../src/Fl_Font.H"
+// Some random X equivalents
+struct XPoint { int x, y; };
+struct XRectangle {int x, y, width, height;};
+#ifndef CGFLOAT_DEFINED //appears with 10.5 in CGBase.h
+#if defined(__LP64__) && __LP64__
+typedef double CGFloat;
+typedef float CGFloat;
+extern CGRect fl_cgrectmake_cocoa(int x, int y, int w, int h);
+inline Fl_Region XRectangleRegion(int x, int y, int w, int h) {
+  Fl_Region R = (Fl_Region)malloc(sizeof(*R));
+  R->count = 1;
+  R->rects = (CGRect *)malloc(sizeof(CGRect));
+  *(R->rects) = fl_cgrectmake_cocoa(x, y, w, h);
+  return R;
+inline void XDestroyRegion(Fl_Region r) {
+  if(r) {
+    free(r->rects);
+    free(r);
+  }
+extern NSCursor *fl_default_cursor;
+// This object contains all mac-specific stuff about a window:
+// WARNING: this object is highly subject to change!
+class Fl_X {
+  Window xid;              // pointer to the Cocoa window object (FLWindow*)
+  Fl_Offscreen other_xid;  // pointer for offscreen bitmaps (overlay window)
+  Fl_Window *w;            // FLTK window for 
+  Fl_Region region;
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION < 10304
+  Fl_Region subRegion;     // for ABI compatibility, recycled to replace subRect_
+  Fl_X *next;              // chain of mapped windows
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION < 10304
+  Fl_X *xidChildren;       // useless with true subwindows, recycled to replace mapped_to_retina_
+  Fl_X *xidNext;           // useless with true subwindows
+  int wait_for_expose;
+  NSCursor *cursor;
+  static Fl_X* first;
+  static Fl_X* i(const Fl_Window* w) {return w->i;}
+  static int fake_X_wm(const Fl_Window*,int&,int&,int&,int&,int&);
+  static void make(Fl_Window*);
+  void flush();
+  static void set_high_resolution(bool);
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10304
+  CGRect* subRect() { return subRect_; } // getter
+  void subRect(CGRect *r) { subRect_ = r; } // setter
+  CGRect* subRect() { return (CGRect*)subRegion; } // getter
+  void subRect(CGRect *r) { subRegion = (Fl_Region)r; } // setter
+  bool mapped_to_retina();      // is window mapped to retina display?
+  void mapped_to_retina(bool);  // sets whether window is mapped to retina display
+  bool changed_resolution();      // did window just moved to display with another resolution?
+  void changed_resolution(bool);// sets whether window just moved to display with another resolution
+  bool in_windowDidResize();      // is window performing windowDidResize?
+  void in_windowDidResize(bool);  // sets whether window is performing windowDidResize
+  // Quartz additions:
+  CGContextRef gc;                 // graphics context (NULL when using QD)
+  static void q_fill_context();    // fill a Quartz context with current FLTK state
+  static void q_clear_clipping();  // remove all clipping from a Quartz context
+  static void q_release_context(Fl_X *x=0); // free all resources associated with fl_gc
+  static void q_begin_image(CGRect&, int x, int y, int w, int h);
+  static void q_end_image();
+  // Cocoa additions
+  static NSOpenGLPixelFormat *mode_to_NSOpenGLPixelFormat(int mode, const int*); // computes NSOpenGLPixelFormat from Gl window's mode
+  static NSOpenGLContext* create_GLcontext_for_window(NSOpenGLPixelFormat *pixelformat, NSOpenGLContext *shared_ctx, Fl_Window *window);
+  static void GLcontext_update(NSOpenGLContext*);
+  static void GLcontext_flushbuffer(NSOpenGLContext*);
+  static void GLcontext_release(NSOpenGLContext*);
+  static void GLcontext_makecurrent(NSOpenGLContext*);
+  static void GL_cleardrawable(void);
+  static void gl_start(NSOpenGLContext*);
+  void destroy(void);
+  void map(void);
+  void unmap(void);
+  void collapse(void);
+  WindowRef window_ref(void); // useless with cocoa GL windows
+  void set_key_window(void);
+  // OS X doesn't have per window icons
+  static void set_default_icons(const Fl_RGB_Image*[], int) {};
+  void set_icons() {};
+  int set_cursor(Fl_Cursor);
+  int set_cursor(const Fl_RGB_Image*, int, int);
+  static CGImageRef CGImage_from_window_rect(Fl_Window *win, int x, int y, int w, int h);
+  static unsigned char *bitmap_from_window_rect(Fl_Window *win, int x, int y, int w, int h, int *bytesPerPixel);
+  static Fl_Region intersect_region_and_rect(Fl_Region current, int x,int y,int w, int h);
+  static void *get_carbon_function(const char *name);
+  static void screen_work_area(int &X, int &Y, int &W, int &H, int n); // compute work area of a given screen
+  static int next_marked_length; // next length of marked text after current marked text will have been replaced
+  static int insertion_point_location(int *px, int *py, int *pheight); // computes window coordinates & height of insertion point
+  static const int CoreText_threshold;  // Mac OS version from which the Core Text API is used to display text
+  static Fl_Fontdesc* calc_fl_fonts(void); // computes the fl_fonts global variable
+  static int dnd(int use_selection); // call Fl_X::dnd(1) to support text dragging
+  static int calc_mac_os_version(void); // computes the fl_mac_os_version global variable
+  static void clip_to_rounded_corners(CGContextRef gc, int w, int h);
+  static void *get_titlebar_layer(Fl_Window *win);
+  static void draw_layer_to_context(void *layer, CGContextRef ctxt, int w, int h);
+#if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10304
+  CGRect* subRect_;           // makes sure subwindow remains inside its parent window
+  // stores 3 binary flags: whether window is mapped to retina display; whether resolution just changed;
+  // whether window is OpenGL and is currently being resized.
+  unsigned mapped_to_retina_;
+  bool subwindow;     // for ABI compatibility, useless with true subwindows
+extern Window fl_window;
+typedef CGImageRef Fl_Bitmask;
+extern CGContextRef fl_gc;
+extern Window fl_xid(const Fl_Window*);
+extern Fl_Window* fl_find(Window xid);
+void fl_clip_region(Fl_Region);
+extern Fl_Bitmask fl_create_bitmask(int w, int h, const uchar *data);
+extern Fl_Bitmask fl_create_alphamask(int w, int h, int d, int ld, const uchar *data);
+extern void fl_delete_bitmask(Fl_Bitmask bm);
+extern Fl_Offscreen fl_create_offscreen(int w, int h);
+extern void fl_copy_offscreen(int x,int y,int w,int h, Fl_Offscreen gWorld, int srcx,int srcy);
+extern void fl_delete_offscreen(Fl_Offscreen gWorld);
+extern void fl_begin_offscreen(Fl_Offscreen gWorld);
+extern void fl_end_offscreen();
+extern int fl_parse_color(const char* p, uchar& r, uchar& g, uchar& b);
+extern void fl_open_display();
+#endif // FL_DOXYGEN
+/** \file
+ Mac OS X-specific symbols.
+ */
+/** \defgroup group_macosx Mac OS X-specific symbols
+ Mac OS X-specific symbols declared in <FL/x.H> or <FL/gl.h>
+ \sa \ref osissues_macos
+ @{ */
+/** @brief Register a function called for each file dropped onto an application icon.
+ \e cb will be called with a single Unix-style file name and path.
+ If multiple files were dropped, \e cb will be called multiple times.
+ */
+extern void fl_open_callback(void (*cb)(const char *));
+ * \brief Attaches a callback to the "About myprog" item of the system application menu.
+ *
+ * \param cb   a callback that will be called by "About myprog" menu item
+ *		   with NULL 1st argument.
+ * \param user_data   a pointer transmitted as 2nd argument to the callback.
+ * \param shortcut    optional shortcut to attach to the "About myprog" menu item (e.g., FL_META+'a')
+ */
+extern void fl_mac_set_about( Fl_Callback *cb, void *user_data, int shortcut = 0);
+/** \brief The version number of the running Mac OS X (e.g., 100604 for 10.6.4)
+ */
+extern int fl_mac_os_version;
+/** Determines whether cmd-Q or the "Quit xxx" item of application menu terminates the app or only the event loop.
+ By default, fl_mac_quit_early = 1, and cmd-Q or "Quit xxx" terminate the app when all windows are closed
+ without Fl::run() returning. If fl_mac_quit_early is set to 0, cmd-Q or "Quit xxx" terminate only the event loop
+ when all windows are closed, and Fl::run() returns.
+ \note This OS-specific variable will not be part of the API of FLTK 1.4.
+ */
+extern int fl_mac_quit_early;
+/** The system menu bar.
+ */
+extern class Fl_Sys_Menu_Bar *fl_sys_menu_bar;
+struct Fl_Menu_Item;
+class Fl_Mac_App_Menu {
+  /** Localizable text for the "About xxx" application menu item */
+  static const char *about;
+  /** Localizable text for the "Print Front Window" application menu item.
+   This menu item won't be displayed if Fl_Mac_App_Menu::print 
+   is set to an empty string.
+   */
+  static const char *print;
+  /** Localizable text for the "Services" application menu item */
+  static const char *services;
+  /** Localizable text for the "Hide xxx" application menu item */
+  static const char *hide;
+  /** Localizable text for the "Hide Others" application menu item */
+  static const char *hide_others;
+  /** Localizable text for the "Show All" application menu item */
+  static const char *show;
+  /** Localizable text for the "Quit xxx" application menu item */
+  static const char *quit;
+  static void custom_application_menu_items(const Fl_Menu_Item *m);
+/** @} */
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/math.h
@@ -1,0 +1,62 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Math header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+// Xcode on OS X includes files by recursing down into directories.
+// This code catches the cycle and directly includes the required file.
+#ifdef fl_math_h_cyclic_include 
+#  include "/usr/include/math.h"
+#ifndef fl_math_h
+#  define fl_math_h
+#  define fl_math_h_cyclic_include 
+#  include <math.h>
+#  undef fl_math_h_cyclic_include 
+#  ifdef __EMX__
+#    include <float.h>
+#  endif
+#  ifndef M_PI
+#    define M_PI            3.14159265358979323846
+#    define M_PI_2          1.57079632679489661923
+#    define M_PI_4          0.78539816339744830962
+#    define M_1_PI          0.31830988618379067154
+#    define M_2_PI          0.63661977236758134308
+#  endif // !M_PI
+#  ifndef M_SQRT2
+#    define M_SQRT2         1.41421356237309504880
+#    define M_SQRT1_2       0.70710678118654752440
+#  endif // !M_SQRT2
+#  if (defined(WIN32) || defined(CRAY)) && !defined(__MINGW32__) && !defined(__MWERKS__)
+inline double rint(double v) {return floor(v+.5);}
+inline double copysign(double a, double b) {return b<0 ? -a : a;}
+#  endif // (WIN32 || CRAY) && !__MINGW32__ && !__MWERKS__
+#endif // !fl_math_h
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/names.h
@@ -1,0 +1,121 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Event names header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+// Thanks to Greg Ercolano for this addition.
+#ifndef FL_NAMES_H
+#define FL_NAMES_H
+/** \defgroup fl_events Events handling functions
+    @{
+ */
+  This is an array of event names you can use to convert event numbers into names.
+  The array gets defined inline wherever your '\#include <FL/names.h>' appears.
+  \b Example:
+  \code
+  #include <FL/names.h>		// array will be defined here
+  int MyClass::handle(int e) {
+      printf("Event was %s (%d)\n", fl_eventnames[e], e);
+      // ..resulting output might be e.g. "Event was FL_PUSH (1)"..
+      [..]
+  }
+  \endcode
+ */
+const char * const fl_eventnames[] =
+  "FL_PUSH",
+  "FL_ENTER",
+  "FL_LEAVE",
+  "FL_DRAG",
+  "FL_FOCUS",
+  "FL_KEYUP",
+  "FL_CLOSE",
+  "FL_MOVE",
+  "FL_HIDE",
+  "FL_SHOW",
+  "FL_PASTE",
+  "FL_EVENT_27",  // not yet defined, just in case they /will/ be defined ...
+  "FL_EVENT_28",
+  "FL_EVENT_29",
+  "FL_EVENT_30"
+  This is an array of font names you can use to convert font numbers into names.
+  The array gets defined inline wherever your '\#include <FL/names.h>' appears.
+  \b Example:
+  \code
+  #include <FL/names.h>		// array will be defined here
+  int MyClass::my_callback(Fl_Widget *w, void*) {
+      int fnum = w->labelfont();
+      // Resulting output might be e.g. "Label's font is FL_HELVETICA (0)"
+      printf("Label's font is %s (%d)\n", fl_fontnames[fnum], fnum);
+      // ..resulting output might be e.g. "Label's font is FL_HELVETICA (0)"..
+      [..]
+  }
+  \endcode
+ */
+const char * const fl_fontnames[] =
+  "FL_TIMES",
+/** @} */
+#endif /* FL_NAMES_H */
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/platform.H
@@ -1,0 +1,31 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// Platform abstraction header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2018 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+// This file is present for compatibility with FLTK 1.4 and later.
+// In FLTK 1.4 FL/platform.H replaces FL/x.H.  FLTK 1.4 code that
+// includes FL/platform.H instead of FL/x.H can now be compiled with
+// FLTK 1.3.5 and later versions.
+#if !defined(Fl_X_H)
+#include <FL/x.H>
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/win32.H
@@ -1,0 +1,163 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// WIN32 header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2012 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+// Do not directly include this file, instead use <FL/x.H>.  It will
+// include this file if WIN32 is defined.  This is to encourage
+// portability of even the system-specific code...
+#ifndef FL_DOXYGEN
+#ifndef Fl_X_H
+#  error "Never use <FL/win32.H> directly; include <FL/x.H> instead."
+#endif // !Fl_X_H
+#include <windows.h>
+typedef HRGN Fl_Region;
+typedef HWND Window;
+typedef POINT XPoint;
+#include <FL/Fl_Window.H>
+// this part is included only when compiling the FLTK library or if requested explicitly
+#if defined(FL_LIBRARY) || defined(FL_INTERNALS) 
+// In some of the distributions, the gcc header files are missing some stuff:
+#ifndef VK_LWIN
+#define VK_LWIN 0x5B
+#define VK_RWIN 0x5C
+#define VK_APPS 0x5D
+// some random X equivalents
+struct XRectangle {int x, y, width, height;};
+extern Fl_Region XRectangleRegion(int x, int y, int w, int h);
+inline void XDestroyRegion(Fl_Region r) {DeleteObject(r);}
+inline void XClipBox(Fl_Region r,XRectangle* rect) {
+    RECT win_rect; GetRgnBox(r,&win_rect);
+    rect->x=win_rect.left;
+    rect->;
+    rect->width=win_rect.right-win_rect.left;
+    rect->;
+#define XDestroyWindow(a,b) DestroyWindow(b)
+#define XMapWindow(a,b) ShowWindow(b, SW_RESTORE)
+#define XUnmapWindow(a,b) ShowWindow(b, SW_HIDE)
+// this object contains all win32-specific stuff about a window:
+// Warning: this object is highly subject to change!
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_X {
+  // member variables - add new variables only at the end of this block
+  Window xid;
+  HBITMAP other_xid; // for double-buffered windows
+  Fl_Window* w;
+  Fl_Region region;
+  Fl_X *next;
+  int wait_for_expose;
+  HDC private_dc; // used for OpenGL
+  HCURSOR cursor;
+  int custom_cursor;
+  HDC saved_hdc;  // saves the handle of the DC currently loaded
+  // static variables, static functions and member functions
+  static Fl_X* first;
+  static Fl_X* i(const Fl_Window* w) {return w->i;}
+  static int fake_X_wm(const Fl_Window* w,int &X, int &Y,
+		                 int &bt,int &bx,int &by);
+  void make_fullscreen(int X, int Y, int W, int H);
+  void setwindow(Fl_Window* wi) {w=wi; wi->i=this;}
+  void flush() {w->flush();}
+  void set_minmax(LPMINMAXINFO minmax);
+  void mapraise();
+  static void set_default_icons(const Fl_RGB_Image*[], int);
+  static void set_default_icons(HICON, HICON);
+  void set_icons();
+  int set_cursor(Fl_Cursor);
+  int set_cursor(const Fl_RGB_Image*, int, int);
+  static Fl_X* make(Fl_Window*);
+extern FL_EXPORT UINT fl_wake_msg;
+extern FL_EXPORT char fl_override_redirect; // hack into Fl_Window::make_xid()
+extern FL_EXPORT int fl_background_pixel;  // hack into Fl_Window::make_xid()
+extern FL_EXPORT HPALETTE fl_palette; // non-zero only on 8-bit displays!
+extern FL_EXPORT void fl_release_dc(HWND w, HDC dc);
+extern FL_EXPORT void fl_save_dc( HWND w, HDC dc);
+inline Window fl_xid(const Fl_Window* w) { Fl_X *temp = Fl_X::i(w); return temp ? temp->xid : 0; }
+extern FL_EXPORT void fl_open_display();
+FL_EXPORT Window fl_xid_(const Fl_Window* w);
+#define fl_xid(w) fl_xid_(w)
+FL_EXPORT Fl_Window* fl_find(Window xid);
+void fl_clip_region(Fl_Region);
+// most recent fl_color() or fl_rgbcolor() points at one of these:
+extern FL_EXPORT struct Fl_XMap {
+  COLORREF rgb;	// this should be the type the RGB() macro returns
+  HPEN pen;	// pen, 0 if none created yet
+  int brush;	// ref to solid brush, 0 if none created yet
+} *fl_current_xmap;
+inline COLORREF fl_RGB() {return fl_current_xmap->rgb;}
+inline HPEN fl_pen() {return fl_current_xmap->pen;}
+FL_EXPORT HBRUSH fl_brush(); // allocates a brush if necessary
+FL_EXPORT HBRUSH fl_brush_action(int); // now does the real work
+extern FL_EXPORT HINSTANCE fl_display;
+extern FL_EXPORT Window fl_window;
+extern FL_EXPORT HDC fl_gc;
+extern FL_EXPORT MSG fl_msg;
+extern FL_EXPORT HDC fl_GetDC(Window);
+extern FL_EXPORT HDC fl_makeDC(HBITMAP);
+// off-screen pixmaps: create, destroy, draw into, copy to window
+typedef HBITMAP Fl_Offscreen;
+#define fl_create_offscreen(w, h) \
+  CreateCompatibleBitmap( (fl_gc ? fl_gc : fl_GetDC(0) ) , w, h)
+# define fl_begin_offscreen(b) \
+   HDC _sgc=fl_gc; Window _sw=fl_window; \
+   Fl_Surface_Device *_ss = Fl_Surface_Device::surface(); Fl_Display_Device::display_device()->set_current(); \
+   fl_gc=fl_makeDC(b); int _savedc = SaveDC(fl_gc); fl_window=(HWND)b; fl_push_no_clip()
+# define fl_end_offscreen() \
+   fl_pop_clip(); RestoreDC(fl_gc, _savedc); DeleteDC(fl_gc); _ss->set_current(); fl_window=_sw; fl_gc = _sgc
+FL_EXPORT void fl_copy_offscreen(int x,int y,int w,int h,HBITMAP pixmap,int srcx,int srcy);
+#define fl_delete_offscreen(bitmap) DeleteObject(bitmap)
+// Bitmap masks
+typedef HBITMAP Fl_Bitmask;
+extern FL_EXPORT Fl_Bitmask fl_create_bitmask(int w, int h, const uchar *data);
+extern FL_EXPORT Fl_Bitmask fl_create_alphamask(int w, int h, int d, int ld, const uchar *data);
+extern FL_EXPORT void fl_delete_bitmask(Fl_Bitmask bm);
+// Dummy function to register a function for opening files via the window manager...
+inline void fl_open_callback(void (*)(const char *)) {}
+extern FL_EXPORT int fl_parse_color(const char* p, uchar& r, uchar& g, uchar& b);
+#endif // FL_DOXYGEN
+// End of "$Id$".
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msvc/fltk/include/FL/x.H
@@ -1,0 +1,183 @@
+// "$Id$"
+// X11 header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
+// Copyright 1998-2012 by Bill Spitzak and others.
+// This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
+// the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
+// file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
+// Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
+// These are internal fltk symbols that are necessary or useful for
+// calling Xlib.  You should include this file if (and ONLY if) you
+// need to call Xlib directly.  These symbols may not exist on non-X
+// systems.
+#if !defined(Fl_X_H) && !defined(FL_DOXYGEN) 
+#  define Fl_X_H
+#  include "Enumerations.H"
+#  ifdef WIN32
+#    include "win32.H"
+#  elif defined(__APPLE__)
+#    include "mac.H"
+#  else
+#    if defined(_ABIN32) || defined(_ABI64) // fix for broken SGI Irix X .h files
+#      pragma set woff 3322
+#    endif
+#    include <X11/Xlib.h>
+#    include <X11/Xutil.h>
+#    if defined(_ABIN32) || defined(_ABI64)
+#      pragma reset woff 3322
+#    endif
+#    include <X11/Xatom.h>
+#    include "Fl_Window.H"
+// Mirror X definition of Region to Fl_Region, for portability...
+typedef Region Fl_Region;
+FL_EXPORT void fl_open_display();
+FL_EXPORT void fl_open_display(Display*);
+FL_EXPORT void fl_close_display();
+// constant info about the X server connection:
+extern FL_EXPORT Display *fl_display;
+extern FL_EXPORT int fl_screen;
+extern FL_EXPORT XVisualInfo *fl_visual;
+extern FL_EXPORT Colormap fl_colormap;
+// drawing functions:
+extern FL_EXPORT GC fl_gc;
+extern FL_EXPORT Window fl_window;
+FL_EXPORT ulong fl_xpixel(Fl_Color i);
+FL_EXPORT ulong fl_xpixel(uchar r, uchar g, uchar b);
+FL_EXPORT void fl_clip_region(Fl_Region);
+FL_EXPORT Fl_Region fl_clip_region();
+// feed events into fltk:
+FL_EXPORT int fl_handle(const XEvent&);
+// you can use these in Fl::add_handler() to look at events:
+extern FL_EXPORT const XEvent* fl_xevent;
+extern FL_EXPORT ulong fl_event_time;
+// off-screen pixmaps: create, destroy, draw into, copy to window:
+typedef ulong Fl_Offscreen;
+#    define fl_create_offscreen(w,h) XCreatePixmap(fl_display, RootWindow(fl_display, fl_screen), w, h, fl_visual->depth)
+#    define fl_create_offscreen_with_alpha(w,h) XCreatePixmap(fl_display, RootWindow(fl_display, fl_screen), w, h, 32)
+// begin/end are macros that save the old state in local variables:
+#    define fl_begin_offscreen(pixmap) \
+  Window _sw=fl_window; fl_window=pixmap; \
+  Fl_Surface_Device *_ss = Fl_Surface_Device::surface(); Fl_Display_Device::display_device()->set_current(); \
+  fl_push_no_clip()
+#    define fl_end_offscreen() \
+  fl_pop_clip(); fl_window = _sw; _ss->set_current()
+extern FL_EXPORT void fl_copy_offscreen(int x, int y, int w, int h, Fl_Offscreen pixmap, int srcx, int srcy);
+#    define fl_delete_offscreen(pixmap) XFreePixmap(fl_display, pixmap)
+// Bitmap masks
+typedef ulong Fl_Bitmask;
+extern FL_EXPORT Fl_Bitmask fl_create_bitmask(int w, int h, const uchar *data);
+extern FL_EXPORT Fl_Bitmask fl_create_alphamask(int w, int h, int d, int ld, const uchar *data);
+extern FL_EXPORT void fl_delete_bitmask(Fl_Bitmask bm);
+#if defined(FL_LIBRARY) || defined(FL_INTERNALS)
+extern FL_EXPORT Window fl_message_window;
+extern FL_EXPORT void *fl_xftfont;
+FL_EXPORT Fl_Region XRectangleRegion(int x, int y, int w, int h); // in fl_rect.cxx
+// access to core fonts:
+// This class provides a "smart pointer" that returns a pointer to an XFontStruct.
+// The global variable fl_xfont can be called wherever a bitmap "core" font is
+// needed, e.g. when rendering to a GL context under X11.
+// With Xlib / X11 fonts, fl_xfont will return the current selected font.
+// With XFT / X11 fonts, fl_xfont will attempt to return the bitmap "core" font most
+// similar to (usually the same as) the current XFT font.
+class Fl_XFont_On_Demand
+  Fl_XFont_On_Demand(XFontStruct* p = NULL) : ptr(p) { }
+  Fl_XFont_On_Demand& operator=(const Fl_XFont_On_Demand& x)
+  { ptr = x.ptr;  return *this; }
+  Fl_XFont_On_Demand& operator=(XFontStruct* p)
+  { ptr = p;  return *this; }
+  XFontStruct* value();
+  operator XFontStruct*() { return value(); }
+  XFontStruct& operator*() { return *value(); }
+  XFontStruct* operator->() { return value(); }
+  bool operator==(const Fl_XFont_On_Demand& x) { return ptr == x.ptr; }
+  bool operator!=(const Fl_XFont_On_Demand& x) { return ptr != x.ptr; }
+  XFontStruct *ptr;
+extern FL_EXPORT Fl_XFont_On_Demand fl_xfont;
+extern FL_EXPORT XFontStruct* fl_X_core_font();
+// this object contains all X-specific stuff about a window:
+// Warning: this object is highly subject to change!  
+// FL_LIBRARY or FL_INTERNALS must be defined to access this class.
+class FL_EXPORT Fl_X {
+  Window xid;
+  Window other_xid;
+  Fl_Window *w;
+  Fl_Region region;
+  Fl_X *next;
+  char wait_for_expose;
+  char backbuffer_bad; // used for XDBE
+  static Fl_X* first;
+  static Fl_X* i(const Fl_Window* wi) {return wi->i;}
+  void setwindow(Fl_Window* wi) {w=wi; wi->i=this;}
+  void sendxjunk();
+  static void set_default_icons(const Fl_RGB_Image*[], int);
+  void set_icons();
+  int set_cursor(Fl_Cursor);
+  int set_cursor(const Fl_RGB_Image*, int, int);
+  static void make_xid(Fl_Window*,XVisualInfo* =fl_visual, Colormap=fl_colormap);
+  static Fl_X* set_xid(Fl_Window*, Window);
+  // kludges to get around protection:
+  void flush() {w->flush();}
+  static void x(Fl_Window* wi, int X) {wi->x(X);}
+  static void y(Fl_Window* wi, int Y) {wi->y(Y);}
+  static int ewmh_supported();
+  static int xrender_supported();
+  static void activate_window(Window w);
+extern FL_EXPORT char fl_override_redirect; // hack into Fl_X::make_xid()
+extern FL_EXPORT int fl_background_pixel;  // hack into Fl_X::make_xid()
+inline Window fl_xid(const Fl_Window* w) { Fl_X *xTemp = Fl_X::i(w); return xTemp ? xTemp->xid : 0; }
+extern FL_EXPORT Window fl_xid_(const Fl_Window* w);
+#define fl_xid(w) fl_xid_(w)
+FL_EXPORT Fl_Window* fl_find(Window xid);
+// Dummy function to register a function for opening files via the window manager...
+inline void fl_open_callback(void (*)(const char *)) {}
+extern FL_EXPORT int fl_parse_color(const char* p, uchar& r, uchar& g, uchar& b);
+#  endif
+// End of "$Id$".
binary files /dev/null b/msvc/fltk/lib/x64/fltk.lib differ
binary files /dev/null b/msvc/fltk/lib/x86/fltk.lib differ