ref: fd43740b94137503a58bc4819a83c616ad660c0d
parent: d57be3f239cc500bb600c6b9f932ae742dc2b8c7
author: James Haley <[email protected]>
date: Thu Sep 23 22:12:18 EDT 2010
Implementation of teleflags for EV_Teleport. Fix to somewhat serious bug that let 0-damage tracers pass through walls. Other changes are only comments or formatting. Subversion-branch: /branches/strife-branch Subversion-revision: 2132
--- a/src/strife/p_map.c
+++ b/src/strife/p_map.c
@@ -1140,10 +1140,10 @@
P_SpawnPuff(x, y, z); // Spawn bullet puffs.
P_SpawnMobj(x, y, z, MT_STRIFEPUFF3);
- // don't go any farther
- return false;
+ // don't go any farther
+ return false;
// shoot a thing
--- a/src/strife/p_maputl.c
+++ b/src/strife/p_maputl.c
@@ -685,6 +685,8 @@
// P_TraverseIntercepts
// Returns true if the traverser function returns true
// for all lines.
+// [STRIFE] Verified unmodified.
--- a/src/strife/p_mobj.c
+++ b/src/strife/p_mobj.c
@@ -987,12 +987,13 @@
// P_SpawnSparkPuff
// villsa [STRIFE] new function
mobj_t* P_SpawnSparkPuff(fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z)
- return P_SpawnMobj(x, y, ((P_Random() - P_Random()) << 10) + z, MT_SPARKPUFF);
+ int t = P_Random();
+ return P_SpawnMobj(x, y, ((t - P_Random()) << 10) + z, MT_SPARKPUFF);
--- a/src/strife/p_spec.c
+++ b/src/strife/p_spec.c
@@ -788,8 +788,8 @@
case 39:
- // TELEPORT! - [STRIFE] Verified unmodified.
- EV_Teleport( line, side, thing );
+ // TELEPORT! - [STRIFE] Verified unmodified (except for 0 flags param)
+ EV_Teleport( line, side, thing, TF_NORMAL );
line->special = 0;
@@ -902,10 +902,11 @@
case 125:
- // TELEPORT MonsterONLY - [STRIFE] Verified unmodified.
+ // TELEPORT MonsterONLY - [STRIFE] Verified unmodified
+ // (except for 0 flags parameter)
if (!thing->player)
- EV_Teleport( line, side, thing );
+ EV_Teleport( line, side, thing, TF_NORMAL );
line->special = 0;
@@ -1220,8 +1221,8 @@
case 97:
- // TELEPORT! - [STRIFE] Verified unmodified.
- EV_Teleport( line, side, thing );
+ // TELEPORT! - [STRIFE] Verified unmodified (except for 0 flags param)
+ EV_Teleport( line, side, thing, TF_NORMAL );
case 98:
@@ -1250,9 +1251,9 @@
case 126:
- // TELEPORT MonsterONLY. - [STRIFE] Verified unmodified.
+ // TELEPORT MonsterONLY. - [STRIFE] Verified unmodified (except for 0 flags param)
if (!thing->player)
- EV_Teleport( line, side, thing );
+ EV_Teleport( line, side, thing, TF_NORMAL );
case 128:
@@ -1357,16 +1358,12 @@
case 185:
// haleyjd 09/21/10: [STRIFE] Silent Teleport (used for Converter)
- // STRIFE-TODO: Figure out the flags that have been added to EV_Teleport!
- // flag = 51;
- EV_Teleport(line, side, thing /*, flag*/);
+ EV_Teleport(line, side, thing, TF_FULLSILENCE);
case 195:
// haleyjd 09/21/10: [STRIFE] Silent Teleport and Change Zombie
- // STRIFE-TODO: Figure out the flags that have been added to EV_Teleport!
- // flag = 51;
- EV_Teleport(line, side, thing /*, flag*/);
+ EV_Teleport(line, side, thing, TF_FULLSILENCE);
P_SetMobjState(thing, S_AGRD_00); // 419
@@ -1378,9 +1375,8 @@
case 231:
- // haleyjd 09/21/10: [STRIFE] WR Teleport ???? - STRIFE-TODO: figure out flags
- // flag = 33;
- EV_Teleport(line, side, thing /*, flag*/);
+ // haleyjd 09/21/10: [STRIFE] WR Teleport (Silent at Source)
+ EV_Teleport(line, side, thing, TF_SRCSILENCE);
// haleyjd 09/21/10: Moved one-time-use lines up above with the others.
@@ -1406,9 +1402,8 @@
ok = 0;
- case 46:
+ case 46: // OPEN DOOR IMPACT
case 182: // villsa [STRIFE] for windows
ok = 1;
--- a/src/strife/p_spec.h
+++ b/src/strife/p_spec.h
@@ -655,10 +655,28 @@
+// [STRIFE] Teleportation flags - teleflags
+// Not to be conflated with telefrags, though they be tangentially related ;)
+typedef enum teleflags
+ TF_NOSRCSND = 0x01,
+ TF_NODSTSND = 0x02,
+ TF_NODSTFOG = 0x10,
+ TF_NOSRCFOG = 0x20,
+ TF_NORMAL = 0,
+ TF_DSTSILENCE = (TF_NODSTSND|TF_NODSTFOG), // 0x12 (18) (Not used)
+} teleflags_e;
-( line_t* line,
- int side,
- mobj_t* thing );
+( line_t* line,
+ int side,
+ mobj_t* thing,
+ teleflags_e flags);
--- a/src/strife/p_telept.c
+++ b/src/strife/p_telept.c
@@ -46,65 +46,69 @@
+// haleyjd 09/22/10: [STRIFE] Modified to take a flags parameter to control
+// silent teleportation.
-( line_t* line,
- int side,
- mobj_t* thing )
+( line_t* line,
+ int side,
+ mobj_t* thing,
+ teleflags_e flags)
- int i;
- int tag;
- mobj_t* m;
- mobj_t* fog;
- unsigned an;
- thinker_t* thinker;
- sector_t* sector;
- fixed_t oldx;
- fixed_t oldy;
- fixed_t oldz;
+ int i;
+ int tag;
+ mobj_t* m;
+ mobj_t* fog;
+ unsigned an;
+ thinker_t* thinker;
+ sector_t* sector;
+ fixed_t oldx;
+ fixed_t oldy;
+ fixed_t oldz;
// don't teleport missiles
if (thing->flags & MF_MISSILE)
- return 0;
+ return 0;
// Don't teleport if hit back of line,
// so you can get out of teleporter.
- if (side == 1)
- return 0;
+ if (side == 1)
+ return 0;
tag = line->tag;
for (i = 0; i < numsectors; i++)
- if (sectors[ i ].tag == tag )
- {
- thinker =;
- for (thinker =;
- thinker != &thinkercap;
- thinker = thinker->next)
- {
- // not a mobj
- if (thinker->function.acp1 != (actionf_p1)P_MobjThinker)
- continue;
+ if (sectors[ i ].tag == tag )
+ {
+ thinker =;
+ for (thinker =;
+ thinker != &thinkercap;
+ thinker = thinker->next)
+ {
+ // not a mobj
+ if (thinker->function.acp1 != (actionf_p1)P_MobjThinker)
+ continue;
- m = (mobj_t *)thinker;
- // not a teleportman
- if (m->type != MT_TELEPORTMAN )
- continue;
+ m = (mobj_t *)thinker;
- sector = m->subsector->sector;
- // wrong sector
- if (sector-sectors != i )
- continue;
+ // not a teleportman
+ if (m->type != MT_TELEPORTMAN )
+ continue;
- oldx = thing->x;
- oldy = thing->y;
- oldz = thing->z;
- if (!P_TeleportMove (thing, m->x, m->y))
- return 0;
+ sector = m->subsector->sector;
+ // wrong sector
+ if (sector-sectors != i )
+ continue;
+ oldx = thing->x;
+ oldy = thing->y;
+ oldz = thing->z;
+ if (!P_TeleportMove (thing, m->x, m->y))
+ return 0;
// fraggle: this was changed in final doom,
// problem between normal doom2 1.9 and final doom
@@ -112,30 +116,39 @@
// it does not have this quirk.
if (gameversion < exe_final || gameversion == exe_chex)
- thing->z = thing->floorz;
- if (thing->player)
- thing->player->viewz = thing->z+thing->player->viewheight;
- // spawn teleport fog at source and destination
- fog = P_SpawnMobj (oldx, oldy, oldz, MT_TFOG);
- S_StartSound (fog, sfx_telept);
- an = m->angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
- fog = P_SpawnMobj (m->x+20*finecosine[an], m->y+20*finesine[an]
- , thing->z, MT_TFOG);
+ thing->z = thing->floorz;
+ if (thing->player)
+ thing->player->viewz = thing->z+thing->player->viewheight;
- // emit sound, where?
- S_StartSound (fog, sfx_telept);
- // don't move for a bit
- if (thing->player)
- thing->reactiontime = 18;
- thing->angle = m->angle;
- thing->momx = thing->momy = thing->momz = 0;
- return 1;
- }
- }
+ // spawn teleport fog at source and destination
+ // haleyjd 09/22/10: [STRIFE] controlled by teleport flags
+ // BUG: Behavior would be undefined if this function were passed
+ // any combination of teleflags that has the NO*FOG but not the
+ // corresponding NO*SND flag - fortunately this is never done
+ // anywhere in the code.
+ if(!(flags & TF_NOSRCFOG))
+ fog = P_SpawnMobj (oldx, oldy, oldz, MT_TFOG);
+ if(!(flags & TF_NOSRCSND))
+ S_StartSound (fog, sfx_telept);
+ an = m->angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
+ if(!(flags & TF_NODSTFOG))
+ fog = P_SpawnMobj (m->x+20*finecosine[an], m->y+20*finesine[an],
+ thing->z, MT_TFOG);
+ if(!(flags & TF_NODSTSND))
+ S_StartSound (fog, sfx_telept);
+ // don't move for a bit
+ if (thing->player)
+ thing->reactiontime = 18;
+ thing->angle = m->angle;
+ thing->momx = thing->momy = thing->momz = 0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
return 0;