ref: ead4a7a8bd40d4a5ff65e078956678da0d227f12
parent: c5defc73afb3cef52ab260c7f3e36ee3ac0d14e1
author: Simon Howard <[email protected]>
date: Sun Oct 20 16:37:48 EDT 2013
Oops. Subversion-branch: /branches/v2-branch Subversion-revision: 2717
--- a/textscreen/txt_fileselect.c
+++ b/textscreen/txt_fileselect.c
@@ -150,7 +150,19 @@
// TXT_UpdateScreen can be run in the background).
// * On Windows XP the program exits/crashes when the dialog is
// closed.
-#if defined(xxxdisabled_WIN32)
+#if defined(_WIN32)
+int TXT_CanSelectFiles(void)
+ return 0;
+char *TXT_SelectFile(char *window_title, char **extensions)
+ return NULL;
+#elif defined(xxxdisabled_WIN32)
// Windows code. Use comdlg32 to pop up a dialog box.