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ref: d25739f069102b5394e2806fbe00dbfa8f65a1f9
parent: 1591773d45c41acb9e5ce1cf20bf2b1553af1fac
author: Simon Howard <[email protected]>
date: Sun May 11 20:12:07 EDT 2014

opl: Handle negative time division values.

A negative time division file indicates the MIDI file uses SMPTE time
rather than the normal time system. This is not supported yet, but for
the time being, return a sensible time division value that doesn't
cause the sound to stutter and the game to become unplayable.

This fixes #352, although the affected MIDIs do not yet play properly.

--- a/src/midifile.c
+++ b/src/midifile.c
@@ -699,7 +699,19 @@
 unsigned int MIDI_GetFileTimeDivision(midi_file_t *file)
-    return SHORT(file->header.time_division);
+    short result = SHORT(file->header.time_division);
+    // Negative time division indicates SMPTE time and must be handled
+    // differently.
+    if (result < 0)
+    {
+        // TODO: Figure this out.
+        return 96;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        return result;
+    }
 void MIDI_RestartIterator(midi_track_iter_t *iter)