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ref: 2f250f769d0762b78f8753c5be028238a7f32d94
parent: 47ef09e20e7933491572e46cebc296db822205b8
author: Samuel Villareal <[email protected]>
date: Sun Aug 29 23:12:25 EDT 2010

+ Change to patch/maptexture data structure
+ Disabling all animdefs and switchdefs for now
+ Setting sky texture to use SKY03 as a placeholder

Subversion-branch: /branches/strife-branch
Subversion-revision: 1977

--- a/src/strife/g_game.c
+++ b/src/strife/g_game.c
@@ -1643,14 +1643,15 @@
     // source release, but this IS the way Vanilla DOS Doom behaves.
     // STRIFE-TODO: Strife skies (of which there are but two)
+    // villsa [STRIFE] setting all skies to SKY03 as a placeholder
     if (gamemode == commercial)
         if (gamemap < 12)
-            skytexturename = "SKY1";
+            skytexturename = "SKY03";
         else if (gamemap < 21)
-            skytexturename = "SKY2";
+            skytexturename = "SKY03";
-            skytexturename = "SKY3";
+            skytexturename = "SKY03";
@@ -1658,16 +1659,16 @@
           case 1: 
-            skytexturename = "SKY1"; 
+            skytexturename = "SKY03"; 
           case 2: 
-            skytexturename = "SKY2"; 
+            skytexturename = "SKY03"; 
           case 3: 
-            skytexturename = "SKY3"; 
+            skytexturename = "SKY03"; 
           case 4:        // Special Edition sky
-            skytexturename = "SKY4";
+            skytexturename = "SKY03";
--- a/src/strife/p_spec.c
+++ b/src/strife/p_spec.c
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
 animdef_t		animdefs[] =
-    {false,	"NUKAGE3",	"NUKAGE1",	8},
+/*    {false,	"NUKAGE3",	"NUKAGE1",	8},
     {false,	"FWATER4",	"FWATER1",	8},
     {false,	"SWATER4",	"SWATER1", 	8},
     {false,	"LAVA4",	"LAVA1",	8},
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
     {true,	"BFALL4",	"BFALL1",	8},
     {true,	"SFALL4",	"SFALL1",	8},
     {true,	"WFALL4",	"WFALL1",	8},
-    {true,	"DBRAIN4",	"DBRAIN1",	8},
+    {true,	"DBRAIN4",	"DBRAIN1",	8},*/
     {-1,        "",             "",             0},
--- a/src/strife/p_switch.c
+++ b/src/strife/p_switch.c
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
 switchlist_t alphSwitchList[] =
     // Doom shareware episode 1 switches
-    {"SW1BRCOM",	"SW2BRCOM",	1},
+/*    {"SW1BRCOM",	"SW2BRCOM",	1},
     {"SW1BRN1",	"SW2BRN1",	1},
     {"SW1BRN2",	"SW2BRN2",	1},
     {"SW1BRNGN",	"SW2BRNGN",	1},
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
     {"SW1STON6",	"SW2STON6",	3},
     {"SW1TEK",		"SW2TEK",	3},
     {"SW1MARB",	"SW2MARB",	3},
-    {"SW1SKULL",	"SW2SKULL",	3},
+    {"SW1SKULL",	"SW2SKULL",	3},*/
     {"\0",		"\0",		0}
--- a/src/strife/r_data.c
+++ b/src/strife/r_data.c
@@ -68,8 +68,8 @@
     short	originx;
     short	originy;
     short	patch;
-    short	stepdir;
-    short	colormap;
+    //short	stepdir;    // villsa [STRIFE] removed
+    //short	colormap;   // villsa [STRIFE] removed
 } PACKEDATTR mappatch_t;
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
     int			masked;	
     short		width;
     short		height;
-    int                 obsolete;
+    //int               obsolete;   // villsa [STRIFE] removed
     short		patchcount;
     mappatch_t	patches[1];
 } PACKEDATTR maptexture_t;
--- a/src/strife/r_sky.h
+++ b/src/strife/r_sky.h
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 // SKY, store the number for name.
-#define			SKYFLATNAME  "F_SKY1"
+#define			SKYFLATNAME  "F_SKY001" // villsa [STRIFE]
 // The sky map is 256*128*4 maps.