shithub: candycrisis

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ref: 7d5a28fd902385d1517de4ae47f73a8150dd02e3
parent: e646d6d829d50983ec2cba8e230a0b95341f6752
author: Iliyas Jorio <[email protected]>
date: Thu Jul 30 17:39:46 EDT 2020

Pause: remove "Hide Game" (only works on mac)

--- a/src/pause.cpp
+++ b/src/pause.cpp
@@ -518,10 +518,9 @@
 // main pause screen (kEndGame is reused in continue and register)
 	kMusic = 0,		kEndGame,
-	kSound,			kPauseGame,
-	kControls,		kResume,
-	kSecret,
-	kWarp,       	kSoundTest,
+	kSound,         kControls,
+	kResume,        kSecret,
+	kWarp,
 // continue screen
@@ -723,8 +722,9 @@
 	MPoint dPoint;
 	int index;
 	const char *line[]  = { "\x01 Music",           "\x03 End Game",
-                            "\x01 Sound",           "\x03 Hide Game",
-                            "\x03 Controls",        "\x03 Resume"       };
+                            "\x01 Sound",           "\x03 Controls",
+                            "\x03 Resume"
+	};
     const int itemCount = arrsize(line);
@@ -940,33 +940,7 @@
 				case kMusic:     PlayMono( kClick ); musicOn = !musicOn; EnableMusic( musicOn ); return false;
 				case kEndGame:   PlayMono( kClick );                                             return true;
 				case kResume:    PlayMono( kClick );                                             return true;
-				case kPauseGame:
-                {
-					PlayMono( kClick );
-                #if __APPLE__
-                    // Activate the Finder, as if the user pressed cmd-tab. SDL will automatically realize focus
-                    // was lost and will do the right thing.
-                    NSArray *apps = [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] runningApplications];
-                    for (NSRunningApplication *app in apps)
-                    {
-                        if ([app.bundleIdentifier.lowercaseString isEqualToString:@""])
-                        {
-                            [app activateWithOptions:NSApplicationActivateAllWindows | NSApplicationActivateIgnoringOtherApps];
-                            break;
-                        }
-                    }
-                #endif
-                    return false;
-                }
-				case kControls:  
-					PlayMono( kClick );
-					return true;
+				case kControls:  PlayMono( kClick );                                             return true;
 				case kSecret:
 					if( ControlKeyIsPressed( ) )