ref: d7890765b7b847f8856c3da07ead0de966b69b80
parent: 45c7260ce0fb41d8bf7eb57274af599e84904b06
author: Roberto E. Vargas Caballero <[email protected]>
date: Tue Apr 15 18:10:51 EDT 2014
Fix declaration of long variables The unsigned long and long cases were interchanged.
--- a/types.c
+++ b/types.c
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@
case INT: switch (size) {
case 0: return (sign) ? uinttype : inttype;
case SHORT: return (sign) ? ushortype : shortype;
- case LONG: return (sign) ? longtype : ulongtype;
+ case LONG: return (sign) ? ulongtype : longtype;
case LONG+LONG: return (sign) ? ullongtype : llongtype;
case FLOAT: switch (size) {